Philonthus politus (Linnaeus, 1758)

NOVA SCOTIA: Cape Breton Co.: Scatarie Island, Northwest Cove, 8.VIII.2005, A. MacDonald, under wrack on beach, (1, CBU); Scatarie Island, Northwest Cove, 11.VIII.2005, K.R. Aikens and A. MacDonald, under wrack on beach, (1, CBU); Digby Co.: Brier Island, Pond Cove, 15.IX.2005, J. Ogden and K. Goodwin, rocky shore, pitfall trap, (1, JOC); Halifax Co.: Sable Island, 10.VI.1977, 15.VI.1977, B. Wright, (4, NSMC).

Philonthus politus is found in all kinds of decaying organic matter ( Smetana 1995). It is not particularly associated with coastal habitats. There are scattered records in New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia ( Smetana 1995) including a few (above) from coastal habitats. Its distribution in North America is shown in Smetana (1995).