Philonthus carbonarius (Gravenhorst, 1802)

NOVA SCOTIA: Digby Co.: Brier Island, Pond Cove, 8.VII.2003, J. Ogden and K. Goodwin, sand dunes, (1, JOC); Halifax Co.: Sable Island, B. Wright, (2, NSMC); Cow Bay, 21.V.1953, 29.IX.1954, 23.VIII.1955, C.J.S. Fox, (4, ACNS); Shelburne Co.: Bon Portage Island, 28.VIII.2002, D.B. McCorquodale, (1, CBU); Yarmouth Co.: Chebogue, 1.VIII.1952, 4.VI.1953, 2.V.1954, 24.IX.1954, C.J.S. Fox, (6, ACNS).

Philonthus carbonarius is widely distributed throughout Atlantic Canada ( Smetana 1995, Majka and Klimaszewski 2008). Its distribution in North America is shown in Smetana (1995). This introduced Palearctic species was first recorded in Newfoundland in 1905 and Nova Scotia in 1909 ( Smetana 1995). It is a common species occurring in a wide variety of synanthropic habitats, but also on sea beaches under decaying seaweed ( Smetana 1995) as is evident from the records cited above.