3. Gnypeta atrolucens Casey

( Figs 5, 23 a, b, 57-65, 192)

Casey 1894: 346, 1906: 197; Moore and Legner 1975: 421.

LECTOTYPE (male): UNITED STATES: New York [in original description], Gnypeta atrolucens Casey [Casey’s handwriting]; Type USNM 38867; Casey bequest 1925; Gnypeta atrolucens Lectotypus Lohse des. 1989 [designation not published]; present lectotype designation label by Klimaszewski 2008 (USNM). Examined.

Material examined

Specimens are listed in Appendix A.


This species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: body length 3.2-3.4 mm ( Fig. 5); elytra (at suture) about 1/5 longer and 1/3 wider than maximum width of pronotum ( Fig. 5); abdomen at base distinctly narrower than elytra ( Fig. 5); antennal articles 4-7 strongly elongate (Fig. 23 a, b); median lobe of aedeagus with triangular and constricted subapically in lateral view ( Fig. 57); spermatheca with capsule longer than wide and funnel-shaped ( Fig. 63), stem approximately straight or slightly curved and slightly swollen basally ( Fig. 63).


Body length 3.2-3.4 mm; dark brown to black, central part of elytra and tarsi or entire legs reddish brown ( Fig. 5); integument strongly glossy; pubescence yellowish grey and moderately long and dense; antennal article 4 slightly shorter than preceding article, 5-7 elongate, 8-9 subquadrate or slightly elongate (Figs 23 a, b); head, pronotum and abdomen of about the same width, elytra large and distinctly broad- er than remainder of body ( Fig. 5); head rounded posteriorly; pronotum broadest in apical third, pubescence directed anterad along midline and laterad elsewhere; elytra (at suture) about 1/5 longer and 1/3 broader than maximum width of pronotum ( Fig. 5), pubescence directed obliquely postero-laterad; abdomen subparal-

lel; metatarsus with two basal articles of about the same length and the third one slightly shorter. Male. Tergite 8 transverse and truncate apically ( Fig. 61). Sternite 8 elongate and pointing medially ( Fig. 62). Median lobe of aedeagus with triangular and produced apical part of tubus in lateral view ( Fig. 57); bulbus enlarged and bearing two angular anterior projections in dorsal view ( Fig. 58); internal sac with structures as illustrated ( Figs 58, 59). Female. Tergite 8 similar to that of male ( Fig. 64). Sternite 8 broadly rounded apically ( Fig. 65). Spermatheca with capsule longer than wide and funnel-shaped ( Fig. 63), stem slightly curved and slightly swollen basally ( Fig. 63).

Distribution (Fig. 192)

Gnypeta atrolucens was described from New York ( Casey 1894), and it was later reported from the Catskill Mts., New York ( Casey 1906: 197). We report this species for the first time from Canada in Quebec and southeastern Labrador.

Collection and habitat data

Adults were captured from July through August at altitudes from 61 m to 853 m.


In the original description, Casey (1894) did not specify the number of specimens on which the description was based and therefore we have designated the only male in Casey’s type collection as the lectotype.