jaculum, Syrnola Melvill and Standen 1896: 304; pl. 11, fig. 58. Loyalty Islands.

Figured syntype EE.3748 {Hadfield}.

jaintiaca, Diplommatina Godwin-Austen 1870: 4. Figured in Blanford 1868: pl. 3, fig. 3. Locally plentiful in damp woods near Jawai, Jaintia hills, at about 4500 ft. elevation;- very rare in west Khasi Hills. Two syntypes [Jaintia, Jawai] EE.3511/42 {Collier}.

jaintiacus, Alycaeus Godwin-Austen 1871: 92; pl. 5, fig. 3. Nongjinghi Hills, Jaintia. Two syntypes [Jawai] EE.3511/42 {Collier}.

japvoensis, Diplommatina Godwin-Austen 1892: 516. Japvo Peak, Anghami Naga Hills, 10,000 ft. Three syntypes EE.3511/108 {Collier}.

jatingana, Diplommatina Godwin-Austen 1870: 1; pl. 1, figs. 1-1b. Hills at the junction of the Kayeng and Jatinga rivers, N. Cachar Hills. Three syntypes [Nr Asulu, N Cachar] EE.3511/144 {Collier}.

jonathani, Turbo Dekker, Moolenbeek and Dance 1992: 225; text figs. 1-6. Beach 7km E. of Marbat Dhofar, Oman. Two paratypes EE.7791 {Dance}.

joviana, Rissoia Melvill and Standen 1896: 309; pl. 11, fig. 69. Loyalty Islands. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.3749 {Hadfield}.

jugosa, Dahlakia Biggs 1971: 222; pl. 7, fig. 2. Entedebir Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea. One paratype EE.7792 {Biggs}.


kaokoensis, Conulinus Connolly 1929: 219, 231; pl. 14, fig. 24. Kaoko Veld, S.W.A. Hoarusib River, near Kaoko Otavi. One syntype EE.6075 {Spence ex Connolly, coll Barnard}.

karachiensis, Syrnola Melvill 1897: 12; pl. 6, fig. 9. Karachi. Two possible syntypes EE.7793 {Townsend}.

keniana, Ennea Preston 1911: 464; pl. 11, fig. 3. Mount Kenia, at an altitude of 6000-8000 feet, British East Africa; a single specimen was also taken in the low- er country between Rumruti and Mount Kenia. Three syntypes [Mount Kenia] EE.5119 {Spence ex Preston}.

kenianum, Pisidium Preston 1911: 475; pl. 12, fig. 36. Between Rumruti and Mount Kenia, British East Africa; a few specimens were also collected on Mount Kenia at an altitude of from 9000- 10,000 feet. Five syntypes (3 complete and 2 single valves) [Mount Kenia] EE.6324 {Spence ex Preston}.

khasiacus, Alycaeus Godwin-Austen 1871: 90; pl. 3, fig. 4. On the highest parts of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills, abundant. Three syntypes EE.3512/28 {Collier} and two syntypes EE.3907 {Spence}.

kolabana, Tellina Melvill 1893: 49, 64; pl. 1, fig. 23. Bombay. Six syntypes (single valves) EE.7794 {Abercrombie}.

konkanensis, Ricinula (Sistrum) Melvill 1893: 54; pl. 1, fig. 5. Nomen nudum in Melvill and Abercrombie 1893: 31. Bombay. Two syntypes EE.7795 {Abercrombie}.


lacrimosus, Gymnarion Connolly 1929: 219, 224; pl. 14, figs. 6-9 and text fig. 1. Kaoko Veld, S.W.A. Kaoko Otavi. Two syntypes EE.5158 {Spence ex Connolly}.

lactea, Vitrina Connolly 1925b: 461; text figs. 1, 2. Kenya, Mt. Kenya. Five possible syntypes EE.5147 {Spence ex Tomlin}.

lanceolata Melvill and Standen 1907a: 13; pl., fig. 5. New variety of Achatina rhodesiaca Melvill and Standen 1907. Kapopo [then Rhodesia, now Zambia]. Figured syntype EE.7796 and one syntype EE.7797 {Neave}.

lateritia, Marginella (Glabella) Melvill and Sykes 1903: 410; text fig. Ad insulas Andamanenses. Two possible syntypes EE.7798 {ex Melvill?}.

latirella, Mangilia (Glyphostoma) Melvill and Standen 1896: 287; pl. 9, fig. 27. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3750 {Hadfield}.

lechriogramma, Tellina (Maera) Melvill 1893: 65; pl. 1, fig. 22. Nomen nudum in Melvill and Abercrombie 1893: 50. Bombay. Four syntypes (single valves) EE.7799 {Abercrombie}.

leilae, Dahlakia Biggs 1971: 221; pl. 7, fig. 3. Entebedir Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea. One paratype EE.7800 {Biggs}.

leucalchyma Melvill and Standen 1903a: 309. New variety of Marginella (Glabella) alchymista Melvill and Standen 1903. Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Maskat, 10- 15 fathoms; also at 156 fathoms, lat 24°58’N., long. 56°54’E., and at 205 fathoms, lat. 24°5’N., long. 57°55’E.. Two possible syntypes [Gulf of Oman] EE.6529 { Spence? ex Shackleford, coll Townsend}.

leucocion, Gulella Connolly 1929: 219, 223; pl. 14, fig. 5. Zululand. Mfongosi District. Four syntypes EE.5121 {Spence ex Connolly}.

leucopasa Melvill and Standen 1907a: 13; pl., fig. 9. New variety of Achatina rhodesiaca Melvill and Standen 1907. Kapopo, Rhodesia [now Zambia]. Figured syntype ( holotype?) EE.7801 {Neave}.

levigatus, Diplommatina Godwin-Austen 1876: 179; pl. 7, fig. 7. The Dikrang Valley, Dafla Hills. Three syntypes EE.3511/25 {Collier}.

lifuensis, Melvill and Standen 1895: 115; pl. 3, fig. 33. New variety of Cerithium armatum Philippi 1848. Loyalty Islands. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.3704 {Hadfield}.

lifuensis, Alcyna Melvill and Standen 1896: 312; pl. 11, fig. 76. Loyalty Islands. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.3753 {Hadfield}.

limnophysa, Litiopa Melvill and Standen 1896: 305; pl. 11, fig. 72. Loyalty Islands. One syntype EE.3754 {Hadfield}.

lingua-viverrae, Phenacolepas Melvill and Standen 1899b: 179; pl. 10, fig. 11. Torres Straits [ vide p. 150]. One paratype EE.7802 {Haddon}.

liparozona, Marginella Tomlin and Shackleford 1913b: 43. Island of S. Thomé, Gulf of Guinea. Three paratypes EE.7803 {Shackleford}.

lita, Clathurella Melvill and Standen 1896: 294; pl. 10, fig. 39. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3755, 4 possible syntypes EE.7804, 2 possible syntypes EE.8104 and one possible syntype EE.8105 {Hadfield}. Figured syntype designated as lectotype in Kilburn 1994 and refigured as figs. 90-91.

longa, Clathurella Melvill and Standen 1896: 295; pl. 10, fig. 40. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3756, 69 syntypes EE.7805, 105 possible EE.7806 syntypes, 36 possible syntypes EE.8095 and 69 possible syntypes EE.8096 {Hadfield}.

longa, Urocoptis (Gonglyostoma) Pilsbry and Henderson 1913: 109; pl. 8, figs. 9, 10. A small rocky hill at Zaza del Medio, at the junction of the Sancti Spiritus branch with the Cuban Central R. R., Province of Santa Clara. Three syntypes EE.4483 {Spence ex Pilsbry}.

lucidum, Cyclostoma Lowe 1831: 66. In Maderae humidis sylvaticis. Two syntypes EE.1713 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.

ludens, Diala Melvill and Standen 1895: 118, 119; pl. 2, fig. 9. Uvea. Figured syntype EE.3757 and one syntype EE.8085.1 {Hadfield}.

lyonnetianum, Craspedopoma Lowe 1852: 279. In Madera. Two syntypes EE.1712 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.


macroura, Cerithiopsis Melvill and Standen 1912: 352; pl. 7, fig. 13. Station 346, Burdwood Bank, 56 fathoms [ Falkland Islands, lat. 54 o 25’S., long. 57 o 32’W., ‘Scotia’ station 346]. One syntype EE.7807 { SNAE}.

maderaspatana, Syrnola Melvill and Standen 1898a: 32; pl. 1, fig. 4. Madras. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.7925 {Henderson}.

major Dall 1919: 325. New variety of Buccinium pemphigus Dall 1919. U.S. Fish Commission station 3643, in the western part of Bering Sea, in 100 fathoms, gravel; bottom temperature 31.7 oF. One paratype [E of Kamchatka, Bering Sea, ‘Albatross’ station 3643] EE.3682 {Smithsonian Institution}.

major Connolly 1923a: 348; pl. 1, fig. 7. New variety of Pseudoglessula batesi Connolly 1923a. Camerun, Bitze. One syntype EE.5431 {Spence ex Connolly}.

malcolmensis, Mitra (Costellaria) Melvill and Standen 1901: 421; pl. 23, fig. 18. Persian Gulf: Linjah, 3½ fathoms, mud. Elphinstone Inlet, Mussandam. 15 fathoms, mud. Gulf of Oman: Malcolm Inlet (Kubbatt Ghazira), near Maskat. 24 fathoms, mud. Lat 24°55’N., long. 57°59’E. 37 fathoms, sand and mud; abundant. Lat. 24°5’N., long. 57°35’E., 205 fathoms, mud. Five possible paratypes [lat 24°55’N, long. 57°59’E.] EE.7808 {Townsend}.

malleatus, Homorus Connolly 1931: 315; pl. 12, fig. 4. Uganda: North Bugishu District, Mt. Elgon, 7000-9000 feet. One possible paratype EE.5436 {Spence ex Hale Carpenter}.

manueli, Homorus Preston 1910b: 54; text fig. Two hundred miles due east of Loanda, Angola. Seven syntypes EE.5458 {Spence ex Tomlin ex Preston}.

marileutes, Bittium Melvill and Standen 1896: 299; pl. 10, fig. 48. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3758 {Hadfield}.

mars, Limnaea Jones and Preston 1904: 141; text fig. 2. Liu Shi Tao, north-east promontory of Shantung, in a large fresh-water lagoon. One syntype EE.7809 {Jones}.

mazagonica, Marginella (Gibberula) Melvill 1893: 57; pl. 1, fig. 10. Nomen nudum in Melvill and Abercrombie 1893: 28. Bombay. Seven syntypes EE.7810 {Abercrombie}.

media, Vitrina Lowe 1855: 164. In Madera (Rib. Frio) rarior, et in Port Sto. Two syntypes [Porto Santo] EE.1729 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.

melitoma, Columbella (Seminella) Melvill and Standen 1901: 405; pl. 23, fig. 5. Karachi. Four possible syntypes EE.7818 {Townsend}.

melvilli, Marginella Tomlin and Shackleford 1913a: 11; pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. S. Thomé. One paratype EE.3247 {Shackleford}.

melvilli, Tugalia Thiele 1912: 97; pl. 12, fig. 6. New name for Tugalia antarctica Melvill and Standen 1907b: 128; pl., fig. 1 ( q.v.). Trawl, Burdwood Bank, south of the Falkland Islands, at 56 fathoms [lat. 54 o 25’S., long. 57 o 32’W, ‘Scotia’ station 346]. One syntype EE.7648 { SNAE}.

meneleki, Subulina (Itiopiana) Preston 1910c: 169; text fig. Harar, Southern Abyssinia [ vide p.163]. Four possible syntypes EE.5373 {Spence}.

meridaensis, Pomacea (Limnopomus) Pain 1950: 109. Merida, Venezuela. One paratype EE.3638 {Alderson ex Pain}.

meridionale, Cyclostrema Melvill and Standen 1912: 346; pl. 7, figs. 6, 6a, 22, 22a. Gregariously, on various Algae ( Fucus and Macrocystis), Station 325, Scotia Bay, South Orkneys, 9-10 fathoms [lat. 60 o 43’42”S., long. 44 o 38’33”W., ‘Scotia’ station 325]. Seventeen syntypes EE.7811 { SNAE}.

mfongosiensis, Gulella Burnup 1925: 146; pl. 9, figs. 52-54. Mfongosi, Zululand; Bushman’s River Falls, Weenen. Six possible paratypes [Mfongosi] EE.5779 {Spence ex Connolly}.

minor Godwin-Austen 1892: 515. New variety of Diplommatina khunhoensis Godwin- Austen 1892. Sikamih, in the Lapuha Naga Hills. Three syntypes [Gaziphima] EE.3511/28 {Collier}.

minutus, Trophon (Strebel MS) Melvill and Standen 1907b: 137; pl., figs. 7, 7a. Station 325, Scotia Bay, South Orkneys, 9-15 fathoms [lat. 60 o 43’42”S., long. 44 o 38’33”W, ‘Scotia’ station 325]. One syntype E.4778 { SNAE}.

mirabilis, Rictocyma Dall 1871: 151; pl. 14, fig. 6. North Harbour, Unga Island of the Shumagin group [ Alaska], in 8 fathoms, muddy bottom. Six syntypes (single valves) EE.3686 {Smithsonian Institution}.

monaense, Cerion Clench 1951: 274; pl., figs. 7-11. Isabella Anchorage [Mona Island, off west Puerto Rico]. Six paratypes EE.3673 {Smithsonian Institution}.

monclovana, Holospira (Holospira) Bartsch 1925b: 2; pl. 1, figs. 1-2. SE Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico. Two syntypes EE.5126 {Spence ex Bartsch}.

monizianum, Craspedopoma Lowe 1860b: 116. In Promontorio “Garajão” vel “Brazen Head” dicto Maderae in scaturigine v. rupe madida”. Two syntypes EE.1711 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.

montereyensis, Yoldia Dall 1893: 29. US Fish Commission station 3202, in 382 fathoms, green mud, Monterey Bay, California, bottom temperature 41 o Fahrenheit [‘Albatross’ station 3202]. Three syntypes EE.3676 {Smithsonian Institution}.

mossiana, Syrnola Melvill and Standen 1895: 122; pl. 2, fig. 16. Lifu. Figured syntype EE.3759, 48 possible syntypes EE.8062 and 11 possible syntypes EE.8063 {Hadfield}.

mterizensis, Cleopatra Melvill and Standen 1907a: 5; pl., fig. 2. Bed of Mterize River, a tributary of the Loangwa River. Figured syntype ( holotype?) EE.7812 {Neave}.

multicolor, Pecten Melvill and Standen 1907b: 146; pl., figs. 21, 21a. Gough Island. Two syntypes EE.7813 { SNAE}.

mundula, Engina Melvill and Standen 1895: 105; pl. 2, fig. 6. Lifu. Figured syntype EE.3760 and 26 possible syntypes EE.7814 {Hadfield}.

munipurensis, Diplommatina Godwin-Austen 1892: 518. South of the Barak River, between the Mao villages and Munipur. Two syntypes EE.3511/87 {Collier}.

munita, Ennea Melvill and Ponsonby 1892b: 86; pl. 6, fig. 5. Griqualand East. Two possible syntypes EE.6155 {Spence}.

mustelina, H [ elix]. ( Hystricella) Lowe 1855: 186. In Portu Sto, T. V. Wollaston, 1849. Two syntypes EE.1701 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.


nagaensis, Alycaeus Godwin-Austen 1871: 92. New variety of Alycaeus ingrami Blanford. Neighbourhood of Asálú, rather local in its distribution [East Burrail]. Three syntypes EE.3911{Spence} and 2 syntypes EE.3512/6 {Collier}.

neavei, Lanistes Melvill and Standen 1907a: 6; pl., fig. 1. Kapopo [then Rhodesia, now Zambia]. Figured syntype EE.7815 and 7 syntypes EE.7816 {Neave}.

necopium, Chondropoma (Chondropoma) Bartsch 1946: 203, 207; pl. 34, fig. 6. Lightborn Creek, Grand Caicos, Bahamas. Five paratypes EE.3680 {Smithsonian Institution}.

neritoides, Craspedopoma Lowe 1860b: 115. In Maderae sylvaticus humidis ad alt. 2000 fere ped. Loco “Lombo da Vaca” dicto ad S. Vincente orae Septentr. Maderae. Two syntypes EE.1709 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.

nesiotes, Rissoina Melvill and Standen 1896: 307; pl. 11, fig. 64. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3761, 127 possible syntypes EE.7817, 27 possible syntypes EE.8116 and 100 possible syntypes EE.8117 {Hadfield}

niahensis, Diplommatina Godwin-Austen 1889: 349; pl. 38, figs. 6, 6a. Niah Hills. Two syntypes EE.3511/63 {Collier}.

nidicostata, Brachypodella Spence 1920: 86; pl. 2, figs. 1-3. Chichirivichi, Venezuela. Holotype (author’s ‘type’, original of figs. 1 and 2) EE.6345 and 2 paratypes (one of which is original of fig. 3) EE.7819 {Spence}.

nitidissima, Mitra Melvill and Standen 1896: 102; pl. 3, fig. 19. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3762 and 11 possible syntypes EE.8097 {Hadfield}.

nitidum, Cyathopoma (Jerdonia) Beddome 1875: 445; pl. 52, fig. 12. Annamallay mountains, 6000 feet elevation. South-Canara ghats, 4000 feet. One syntype EE.4358 {Spence}.

notopyrrha, Mangilia (Glyphostoma) Melvill and Standen 1896: 288; pl. 9, fig. 28. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3763 and 3 possible syntypes EE.8114 {Hadfield}.

notorcadensis, Lacuna Melvill and Standen 1907b: 131; pl., figs. 3, 3a. Station 325, Scotia Bay, South Orkneys, 9-10 fathoms [lat. 60 o 43’42”S., long. 44 o 38’33”W., ‘Scotia’ station 325]. Two syntypes EE.7820 { SNAE}.

notorcadensis, Lissarca Melvill and Standen 1907b: 144; pl., figs. 14, 14a. Off weed, and attached to Bryozoa, etc., Station 325, Scotia Bay, South Orkneys, 9-15 fathoms [lat. 60 o 43’42”S., long. 44 o 38’33”W., ‘Scotia’ station 325]. Eight syntypes EE.7821 { SNAE}.

nyiroensis Connolly 1923b: 635; pl. 19, fig. 30. New subspecies of Euonyma fulgens Connolly 1923. Kenya, Mt. Nyiro, S. of L. Rudolph, 8300 ft. Two possible syntypes EE.5612 {Spence ex Preston}.

nyiroensis, Ennea Preston 1913b: 211; pl. 35, figs. 1, 1a. Mount Nyiro, to the south of Lake Rudolph, 8300 feet. Three syntypes EE.5898 {Spence ex Preston}.

nyongensis, Potadoma Spence 1928: 215; pl. 2, figs. 1-3. Nyong River [ Cameroons, lat. 10 ° 10’E, long. 3 ° 35’N]. Holotype (author’s ‘type’, original of fig. 1) EE.6346.1 and one paratype (original of fig. 3) EE.6346.2 {Spence}.


obserata, Helix Lowe 1852: 118. In Madera. Two syntypes EE.1722 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.

omanensis, Drillia Melvill and Standen 1901: 438; pl. 24, fig. 1. Gulf of Oman, lat. 24°55’N., long. 57°59’E., 37 fathoms. Three possible syntypes EE.7822 {Townsend}.

oodes, Marginella (Persicula) Melvill 1898: 16; pl. 1, fig. 16. Bushire (Persian Gulf). Three syntypes EE.6385 {Shackleford ex Townsend} and 5 possible syntypes EE.7823 {Townsend}.

opephora, Miralda Melvill 1898: 21; pl. 1, fig. 7. Karachi. One possible syntype EE.7824 {Townsend}.

opoboense, Pseudopeas Spence 1928: 214; pl. 2, fig. 6. Opobo. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.6347 {Spence}.

orcutti, Holospira (Holospira) Bartsch 1925b: 1; pl. 1, figs. 5, 6. Coahuila, Mexico. One possible syntype EE.5125 {Spence ex Bartsch}.

ordinarius, Homorus Preston 1910a: 534; pl. 9, fig. 25. Shimbi Hills, British East Africa. Five possible syntypes EE.5593 {Spence ex Tomlin}.

orestias, Africarion Preston 1914: 788; pl. 2, fig. 15. Slopes of Mount Kenia, British East Africa. Three syntypes EE.6105 {Spence}.

orestias, Opeas Preston 1911: 474; pl. 12, fig. 30. Mount Kenia, at an altitude of 9,000- 10,000 feet, British East Africa. Twelve syntypes EE.5537 {Spence ex Preston}.

orientalis, Gulella Connolly 1929: 219, 222; pl. 14, fig. 3. Zululand, Mfongosi. One syntype EE.5113 {Spence ex Connolly}.

orophoma, Mangilia Melvill and Standen 1896: 282; pl. 9, fig. 18. Loyalty Islands. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.3764 {Hadfield}.

oropouchensis, Brachypodella Spence 1919a: 42; pl. 1, figs. 2-4. Forest on banks of Oropouche River, Trinidad. Holotype (author’s ‘type’, original of figs. 2 and 3) EE.3629, one paratype (author’s ‘cotype’) EE.3412 and 4 paratypes EE.6348 {Spence}.

oxytropis, Helix Lowe 1831: 57. In collibus maritimis Portûs Sti. Two syntypes EE.1719 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}.


pacei, Columbella (Seminella) Melvill and Standen 1896: 275; pl. 9, fig. 5. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3765 {Hadfield}. Name preoccupied, new name stepheni ( q.v.) given by Melvill and Standen 1897b: 407.

palatha Melvill 1888: 43; pl. 1; fig. 14. New variety of Cypraea ocellata Linnaeus 1758. No locality data. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.7825 {Cholmondeley}.

palmeri, Hendersonia Dall 1905: 187; pl. 43, figs. 1-4 and text figs. 22-25. Alvarez Mountains, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Four syntypes EE.4454 {Smithsonian Institution}.

papilio, Helix Lowe 1852: 116. In insula Baxto juxta Portum Sm. One syntype EE.1720 {Preston 1907, ex Wollaston}. New name for Helix polymorpha calcigena Lowe 1831: 56 ( q.v.).

pelidna Melvill 1888: 120. New variety of Cypraea ocellata Linnaeus 1758. Karachi. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.7826 {Townsend}.

penestes, Achatina Melvill and Ponsonby 1893b: 104; pl. 3, fig. 3. Pretoria. Two possible syntypes EE.5504 {Spence}.

percivali, Streptaxis Preston 1913b: 94; pl. 32, fig. 4. Slopes of Mt. Marsabit. One syntype EE.5141 {Spence}.

pergrandis, Volvarina Clover 1974: 214; pl. 8, figs. 3, 4. Muscat, Gulf of Oman; sand and coral rubble. One paratype EE.3751 {Clover}.

pericalles Melvill and Standen 1904: 121. Figured in Kiener 1845; pl. 23, fig. 2a. New variety of Cypraea pulchella (Swainson 1823). Four miles north of Barkha Island, at 40 fathoms. Gulf of Oman. Telegraph cable, from fifty fathoms, mud. Off Mussandam, on the cable, fifty-seven fathoms; also from Fao, on the cable, fifteen fathoms. One syntype [Persian Gulf] EE.7827 {Townsend}.

perlucida, Homorus Preston 1910c: 168; text fig. Harar, Southern Abyssinia [ vide p.163]. Five syntypes (one juvenile) EE.5164 {Spence ex Tomlin ex Preston}.

persimilis, Plectopylis Gude 1901: 209; pl. 6, figs. 7a-c. Environs de That-Khé. One syntype EE.4787 {Spence}.

pervitreum, Opeas Connolly 1923b: 652; pl. 19, fig. 34. Kenya, Gazi. Three possible syntypes EE.5535 {Spence}.

pettiti, Limnaea Jones and Preston 1904: 142; text fig. 3. Near Chefoo, Shantung. Five syntypes EE.8054 {Jones}.

picsingense, Opisthostoma Smith 1905: 190; text fig. 1. Picsing, Upper Sadong, Sarawak. One syntype EE.3514/3 {Collier ex Tomlin}.

pigafettae, Nucula Dall 1908: 369. Off Valvidia, Chile, 38º08’S., 81º00’W., ‘Albatross’ station 2791, 677 fathoms. One syntype EE.3693 {Smithsonian Institution}.

pilsbryana, Urocoptis (Idiostemma) Ramsden 1914: 4; pl. 1, figs. 3, 4. “La Hembrita”, Monte Toro, Guantanamo [ Cuba]. One syntype EE.4037 {Spence ex Ramsden}.

pilula, Ennea Preston 1911: 465; pl. 11, fig. 5. Mount Kenia, at an altitude of 6000- 8000 feet, British East Africa. One syntype EE.5955 {Spence ex Peile ex Preston}.

pineria, Cerion (Maynardia) Dall 1896: 6. Isle of Pines, Cuba. Seven syntypes EE.3669 {Smithsonian Institution}.

pirenelloides, Dahlakia Biggs 1971: 222; pl. 7, fig. 4. Entedebir Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea. One paratype EE.7828 {Biggs}.

pisinna, Alvania Melvill and Standen 1896: 305; pl. 11, fig. 60. Loyalty Islands. Holotype (the only specimen described) EE.3766 {Hadfield}.

pithus, Odostomia Tomlin and Shackleford 1915: 308; pl. 5, fig. 4. S. Thomé Island, Gulf of Guinea. Two paratypes [‘type’ in British Museum (Natural History), vide p.309] EE.7829 {Shackleford}.

pitmani, Helicarion (Granularion) Connolly 1925b: 465; text figs. 6, 7. Kenya, Cherangani Hills. Four paratypes EE.5157 {Spence ex Connolly}.

polystephes, Peltatus Tomlin 1915: 319; 2 text figs. Teita Hills, British East Africa, between 4,500 and 6,000 feet. Four syntypes EE.6111 {Spence ex Tomlin}.

ponsonbyi, Palaina Sykes 1903: 66. Waigiou. One syntype EE.3846 {Spence}.

powelli, Spondylus Smith 1892: 70. Madeira, at a depth of four fathoms; Porto Grande, San Vincent, Cape Verde Islands. One possible syntype [Madeira at 4 fms] EE.2715 {Shackleford}.

praeclara, Pleurotoma (Clavus) Melvill 1893: 52; pl. 1, fig. 2. Nomen nudum, as C. praeclara, in Melvill and Abercrombie 1893: 26. Bombay. Two syntypes EE.7834 {Abercrombie}.

praelonga Connolly 1939: 444; text fig. 39. New variety of Succinea badia Morel 1868. Bechuanaland: Thaungs. Seven paratypes EE.5154 {Spence ex Connolly}.

prestoni, Pseudoglessula Smith 1904: 68; text fig. 2. Ukami, German East Africa, about 100 miles south-west of Zanzibar. One syntype EE.5468 {Spence ex Fulton}.

pribiloffensis, Chrysodomus Dall 1919: 323. Off the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, in 50 to 100 fathoms. One paratype [West of Pribiloff Island, Bering Sea, Alaska, ‘Albatross’ station 3554; 62 fathoms, mud, 39°F] EE.3668 { Smithsonian Institution}.

princei, Ennea Preston 1911: 466; pl. 11, fig. 7. Mount Kenia, at an altitude of 9,000- 10,000 feet, British East Africa. One syntype [ 8,000 feet] EE.5871 {Spence}.

pruizenensis, Euonyma Connolly 1910: 261; pl. 6, fig. 11. Northern Transvaal, Pruizen [locality of author’s ‘type’ according to Connolly 1939: 341]. Five possible syntypes (juvenile shells) [Pruizen] EE.5143 {Spence ex Connolly}.

psalterium, Mangilia (Cythara) Melvill and Standen 1896: 285; pl. 9, fig. 23. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3767 and 2 syntypes EE.7830 {Hadfield}. Figured syntype designated as lectotype in Kilburn 1992: 492, figured as fig. 45.

psammophora, Helix Lowe 1852: 113. Semifoss. in Ptu Sto. Two syntypes EE.1740.

pteriola, Pecten Melvill and Standen 1907b: 147; pl., figs. 16, 16a. Station 325. Dredged in Scotia Bay, South Orkneys, at 9-10½ fathoms [lat. 60 o 32’42”S., long. 44 o 38’33”W., ‘Scotia’ station 325]. Twenty-three syntypes (21 complete and two single valves) EE.7831 { SNAE}.

pulchella, Pseudoglessula (Ischnoglessula) Spence 1923: 20; pl. 1, fig. 5. Leverville. Holotype (the only specimen described) and egg obtained from holotype (cited in original description) EE.6349 {Spence}.

pusillus, Alycaeus Godwin-Austen 1871: 89; pl. 3, fig. 3. Near Jawai, it is an abundant form in some localities, especially on the banks of the Kopili river on the road from Jawai to Asálú, viâ Súfai. Two syntypes [Banks of the Kapili] EE.3512/65 {Collier}.

puzeyi, Gulella Connolly 1939: 91; pl. 1, fig. 8. Cape Province: Port St. John’s. One paratype EE.5112 {Spence ex Connolly}.

pyrgidium, Turbonilla Tomlin and Shackleford 1915: 309; pl. 5, fig. 3. S. Thomé. Two paratypes [‘type’ in British Museum (Natural History), vide p.309] EE.7832 {Shackleford}.

pyrrhacme, Rissoia Melvill and Standen 1896: 310; pl. 11, fig. 70. Loyalty Islands. Figured syntype EE.3768, 2 syntypes EE.7832, 8 possible syntypes EE.8108 and 8 possible syntypes EE.8109 {Hadfield}.