Dodia albertae Dyar

Figs. 1, 4, 6, 8

Dodia albertae Dyar, 1901: 85.

Hypocrita atra A. Bang-Haas, 1912: 109.

Hyperborea kozhantshikovi Sheljuzhko, 1918: 104.

Dodia albertae eudiopta Tshistjakov, 1988: 638, fig. 5; subspecies.

Type material. Dodia albertae – Type locality: “Calgary, Alberta, [ Canada], head of Pine Creek.” Male lectotype designated by Tshistjakov and Lafontaine (1984), USNM type No. 5747 [ USNM, photograph examined].

Hipocrita atra – Type locality: “Arasagun-gol (Sajan)” according to original description, label on lectotype reads “Arasagun-go / Sajan” [Sayan Mountain range, Mongolia]. Male lectotype designated by Tshistjakov and Lafontaine (1984) [ ZMHB, photograph examined]. Note – Hipocrita is an incorrect subsequent spelling of Hypocrita Hübner, [1807].

Figures I-2. Adult habitus of Dodia albertae ( I) (Ft. McMurray, AB) and D. tarandus holotype ( 2) (Caribou Mtns, AB).

Hyperborea kozhantshikovi – Type locality: “in montes Dzhugdzhuz [Dzhugdzhur], ad flum. Dzhelinda” [Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Dzhelinda River, eastern Siberia; near the head of the Aldan River according to Tschistjakov (1988)]. Described from 1 male and 1 female syntype; male lectotype (and four paralectotypes) designated by Tshistjakov and Lafontaine (1984) [ ZIN, genitalia slide no. 15,191; not examined]. Since only one male was included in the original type material, it is not clear which if any of the lectotype designations are valid. We follow Tschistjakov’s (1988) synonymy; he examined a genitalic preparation of the lectotype in his review of Figure 3. Dodia tarandus, live adult (Holmes Cross- Palaearctic specimens of D. albertae, and ing, AB). treated kozhantshikovi as a synonym of D. albertae albertae.

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