4. Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst)

CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, Stanley Park, Vancouver Aquarium, CWH (49°18΄02˝N, 123°07΄04˝W), Pitfall trap 4, 31.VII-21.VIII.2007, J.A. McLean, A. Li, J. Derhousoff ( UBC) 1 female; Vancouver Aquarium, Pitfall trap 2, 29.IV-10.V.2007, J.A. McLean, A. Li, J. Derhousoff ( UBC) 1 female.

Mocyta fungi is a cosmopolitan species, which most likely arrived in North America from Europe where it is represented by both sexes or by females only. In most other locations including Canada, it is represented only by females. Smetana (2004) recorded it from Europe, North Africa, Asia and North America. Gusarov ( 2001 – 2003) reported it from New Brunswick and Majka and Klimaszewski (2008) reported it from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Most specimens from these locations were collected from agricultural fields with a few from coastal habitats (Majka et al. 2008). Gouix and Klimaszewski (2007) recorded it from Labrador, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario, Klimaszewski et al. (2008) provided new records from Yukon and Alaska, and Majka and Klimaszewski (2008) provided new records from the interior of British Columbia. Mocyta fungi is here newly recorded from coastal British Columbia.

Tribe Homalotini Heer

(For literature review and diagnosis, see Klimaszewski et al. 2004).

Subtribe Bolitocharina Thomson