Checklist of Schistoglossa species recorded from the Nearctic region

(species listed in alphabetical order, synonym indented)

1. Schistoglossa approximata ( Bernhauer, 1909: 516), originally as Brundinia (described from Massachusetts). Moore and Legner 1975: 354. Not examined and status not confirmed.

Schistoglossa flavicornis ( Bernhauer, 1909: 527), originally as Atheta (described from Pennsylvania). Synonymized by Gusarov 2003b (as Atheta). Not examined and status not confirmed.

I. Schistoglossa ( Schistoglossa s. str.) Kraatz, 1856

2. Schistoglossa charlottae Klimaszewski, sp. n. ( Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands).

3. Schistoglossa campbelli Klimaszewski, sp. n. ( Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands).

4. Schistoglossa pseudocampbelli Klimaszewski and Webster, sp. n. ( Canada, New Brunswick).

5. Schistoglossa brunswickensis Klimaszewski and Webster, sp. n. ( Canada, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec).

6. Schistoglossa hampshirensis Klimaszewski, sp. n. ( Canada, New Brunswick, Quebec; United States of America, New Hampshire) .

II. Schistoglossa ( Boreomorpha) Klimaszewski & Webster, subgen. n.

7. Schistoglossa sphagnorum Klimaszewski and Webster, sp. n. ( Canada, New Brunswick).

8. Schistoglossa carexiana Klimaszewski, sp. n. ( Canada, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands).

9. Schistoglossa blatchleyi ( Bernhauer and Scheerpeltz, 1926: 639), replacement name for preoccupied Atheta (s. str.) caviceps Blatchley 1910: 354; Gusarov 2003: 76; Gouix and Klimaszewski 2007: 72. ( Canada, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, New Brunswick; United States of America: Alaska, Indiana). comb. n.

Boreophilia chillcotti Lohse, 1990 (in Lohse et al. 1990) 157 (= Schistoglossa). Synonymized by Gusarov 2003a: 76.

Erroneous records

10. Schistoglossa aubeiodes Brundin, 1943? Seevers 1978: 111 (reported from Massachusetts); Campbell and Davies 1991: 102 (reported from Alaska). No published description of this species in Brundin 1943. Nomen nudum.

11. Schistoglossa holmbergi Brundin, 1943? Seevers 1978: 111 (reported from Alaska); Campbell and Davies 1991: 102 (reported from Alaska). No published description of this species in Brundin 1943. Nomen nudum.

12. Schistoglossa viduata ( Erichson, 1837: 330), originally as Homalota. Moore and Legner 1975: 480 (America?). Unconfirmed from Nearctic region.