Atheta ( Pseudota) klagesi Bernhauer, 1909

Fig 41, Map 41

Additional Records. CANADA, New Brunswick, Albert Co., Shepody NWA, Germantown Section, 45.7100°N, 64.7540°W, 12.IX.2004 (1 ♁, RWC). Carleton Co., Meduxnekeag River Valley Nature Preserve, 46.1883°N, 67.6745°W, 9.VIII.2005, 14.IX.2005, M.-A. Giguère and R.P. Webster (5 ♁, 5 ♀, LFC, RWC); “ Bell Forest ”,

Map 4Į. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Atheta klagesi.

46.2200°N, 67.7231°W, 16.IX.2006 (1 ♁, RWC). Restigouche Co., 9.0 km S of Saint Arthur, 47.8177°N, 66.7561°W, 14.VI.2006 ( 1 ♀, RWC); Jacquet River Gorge PNA, 47.7491°N, 66.1114°W, 24.VI.2008 ( 1 ♀, NBM). Saint John Co., Fundy Trail Parkway, 45.3972°N, 65.4523°W, 23.VIII.2006 (1 ♁, RWC). Sunbury Co., Acadia Research Forest, 45.9799°N, 66.3394°W, 18.VI.2007, 17.VIII.2007 (2 ♁, AFC); Acadia Research Forest, 46.0188°N, 66.3765°W, 17.VIII.2007 (1 ♁, AFC); Acadia Research Forest, 45.9816°N, 66.3374°W, 18.VI.2007 (1 ♁, 1 ♀, AFC). York Co., Charters Settlement, 45.8286°N, 66.7365°W, 6.IX.2005, 19.IX.2005 (2 ♁, RWC); same locality data, 6.VII.2006 ( 1 ♀, RWC); Charters Settlement, 45.8395°N, 66.7391°W, 22.VIII.2005, 19.V.2006 (5 ♁, 1 ♀, RWC); same locality data, 15.IV.2004, 27.VIII.2005, 27.IV.2008 ( 2 ♀, 1 sex undetermined, LFC, RWC); Fredericton, Odell Park, 45.9570°N, 66.6695°W, 7.IX.2005 ( 1 ♀, RWC).

Bionomic Notes. In New Brunswick, A. klagesi was found in a variety of fungi, including gilled mushrooms, fleshy polypore fungi, inside birch polypore ( Piptoporus betulinus (Bull.) Karst.), and in decaying coral fungi. Adults were also found in compost (decaying vegetables and moldy corncobs) and inside a well rotted fungus covered log. Th is species occurred in hardwood forests, eastern white cedar swamps, red spruce and yellow birch ( Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) forests, red spruce and red maple forests, hemlock forests and mixed forests. Th is species was reported from similar habitats in Majka and Klimaszewski (2008b). Adults were captured in April, June, July, August, and September. Collection method: sifting.

Distribution in Canada and Alaska. YT, QC, NB ( Gusarov 2003; Gouix and Klimaszewski 2007; Majka and Klimaszewski 2008b; Klimaszewski et al. 2008b). Atheta klagesi was first reported from New Brunswick by Majka and Klimaszewski (2008b) from specimens collected by C.G. Majka at Mary’s Point (Albert Co.) and R.P. Webster in New Maryland (presumably Charters Settlement) (York Co.). The records above show that A. klagesi is probably widely distributed in New Brunswick.