Philhygra botanicarum Muona, 1983

Fig. 54, Map 54

CANADA, New Brunswick, Carleton Co., Meduxnekeag River Valley Nature Preserve, 46.1976°N, 67.6850°W, 4.V.2006 (1 ♁, RWC). Charlotte Co., near New Riv- er, 45.2118°N, 66.6179°W, 2.VI.2006 (1 ♁, 4 ♀, NBM, RWC). Queens Co., Grand Lake near Scotchtown, 45.8762°N, 66.1817°W, 12.V.2004 ( 1 ♀, RWC). Restigouche Co., Little Tobique River near Red Brook, 47.4465°N, 67.0689°W, 13.VI.2006 ( 1 ♀, RWC); Jacquet River Gorge PNA, 47.7146°N, 67.1644°W, 24.VI.2008 (1 ♁, 1 ♀, RWC). Sunbury Co., Portobello Creek NWA, 45.8955°N, 66.2725°W, 17.VII.2004 (1 ♁, LFC). York Co., W of Canterbury near “ Browns Mt. Fen”, 45.9033°N, 67.6260°W, 2.V.2005, M.-A. Giguère and R.P. Webster (1 ♁, CNC).

Bionomic Notes. Philhygra botanicarum was typically found in moist leaves (often on muddy soil) near the margins of vernal ponds or small brooks in alder swamps or mixed forests. Some adults were found in drift material on a lake shore and in

Map 54. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Philhygra botanicarum.

moist leaves under a sap flow from a recently cut yellow birch. Nothing was previously known about the bionomics of this species. Adults were collected in May, June and July. Collection method: sifting, U.V. light trap.

Distribution in Canada and Alaska. BC, YT, ON, NB, NS, NF & LB ( Muona 1983; Gouix and Klimaszewski 2007; Majka and Klimaszewski 2008b; Klimaszewski et al. 2008b)

Tribe Lomechusini Fleming, 1821

Drusilla canaliculata ( Fabricius, 1787)

Fig 55, Map 55

New Records. CANADA, New Brunswick, Carleton Co., “ Bell Forest ”, 46.2146°N, 67.7206°W, 6.V.2007 (1 ♁, NBM). Queens Co., Bayard at Nerepis River, 45.4426°N, 66.3280°W, 25.V.2008 (1 ♁, 15+ observed, some under small cobblestones, NBM). Sunbury Co., Acadia Research Forest, 46.0188°N, 66.3765°W, 18.VI.2007 (1 ♁, AFC). York Co., Fredericton, at Saint John River, 45.9588°N, 66.6254°W, 4.VII.2004, 7.VI.2005 (4 ♁, 7 sex undetermined, NBM, RWC); Nashwaaksis River at Rt. 105, 45.9850°N, 66.6900°W, 6.V.2006 ( 1 ♀, RWC).

Bionomic Notes. Most records of D. canaliculata from New Brunswick suggest that this is a riparian species associated with river margin habitats. Most speci-

Map 55. Collection localities in New Brunswick, Canada of Drusilla canaliculata.

55 56 57

Figures 55–57. 55 Drusilla canaliculata 56 Xenodusa reflexa 57 Zyras obliquus. Scale = 1 mm

mens were collected from flood debris and drift material along river margins. Many adults were observed on the surface of gravel near the water’s edge on a gravel bar at the Nerepis River. Some individuals at this site were also found under small cobblestones. One individual was collected from moss near the margin of a brook in a mature red spruce and red maple forest. This species is considered to be adventive from Eurasia where it is common in natural habitats, although in North America most records of this species have been from disturbed habitats ( Gusarov 2003). In New Brunswick, this species was collected in May, June, and July. Collection method: sifting, hand collecting (turning cobblestones and pebbles on river margin).

Distribution in Canada and Alaska. AK, ON, QC, NB ( Gusarov 2003, Gouix and Klimaszewski 2007)