Haliplus (Paraliaphlus) borealis LeConte, 1850

Haliplus borealis was reported from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia by Brigham (1996). We have not found specimens of this species in any reference collection, nor published records of the species from either province. It is not listed from either province in any of the published references provided by Brigham (1996) for this species, however, Brigham (1996) did include records from unpublished material in his checklist. Brigham passed away in 1996 and consequently there is no way of checking the source of this report. Consequently we provisionally retain this species in the faunal lists of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Its presence in the region should be further investigated and confirmed. Kenner (2008) suggests that this species should be re-assigned to the subgenus Haliplus (s. str.) based on the asymmetry of the sutural margin.

Québec Newfoundland Gaspe Prince Edward Cape Breton Island Island New Brunswick Njaine Haliplus immaculicolis Haliplus canadensis Haliplus fulvus Nova Scotia

Figure |. Distribution of Haliplus immaculicollis, Haliplus canadensis, and Haliplus fulvus in Atlantic Canada. Most Labrador records of H. immaculicollis are shown in Figure 5.

Vondel et al. (2006) state that with respect to all character states, except the pronotal plicae, H. borealis belongs to Haliplus (s. str.).