Lasionycta taigata Lafontaine

Figs 4, 5, 137, 195. Map 1

Lasionycta taigata Lafontaine, 1988: 905.

Type material. Holotype ♁ [ CNC, examined]. Type locality: L’Anse-au-loup, Labrador, [ Canada].

Diagnosis. Yukon specimens of L. taigata can be distinguished from L. skraelingia by the irregular antemedial line (undulating and gently curved in L. skraelingia). The genital features distinguishing these species are given under L. skraelingia. Six similar CO1 sequence haplotypes of L. taigata exist ( Fig. 247), one of which is identical to that of L. skraelingia.

Distribution and biology. Lasionycta taigata occurs in open peatlands and fens in the taiga zone from Labrador, Churchill, Manitoba, and central Yukon southward to northern Maine, northern Minnesota, and southwestern Alberta. In contrast to L. skraelingia adults are nocturnal and come readily to light, and occur annually. Adults have been collected from late June through July.