Cryptophagus mainensis Casey, 1924

NEWFOUNDLAND: Steady Brook, July 10, 1949, E. Palmen (2, MZHF). NOVA SCOTIA: Cumberland Co.: Westchester-Londonderry, August 22, 1992, S. & J. Peck, forest road, car netting (1, JCC); Hants Co.: Panuke Lake, 16–29 July, 1997, D.J. Bishop, red spruce/eastern hemlock (old growth), FIT (1, NSMC); Panuke Lake, 29 July-13 Aug, 1997, D.J. Bishop, red spruce (45 years), FIT (1, NSMC); Panuke Lake, 29 July-13 Aug, 1997, D.J. Bishop, red spruce (45 years), FIT (1, NSMC).

Cryptophagus mainensis is newly recorded in insular Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Canada as a whole ( Fig. 3). This is a Nearctic species previously known only from Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Ohio ( Woodroffe and Coombs 1961; Chandler 2001). In Nova Scotia specimens were collected in red spruce ( Picea rubens Sarg., Pinaceae) and mixed eastern hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr., Pinaceae) and red spruce forests varying in age from old growth (120+ years) to 45 years. This is the first habitat information about this species. It is a very distinctive species on account of its small size (1.5–1.7 mm.) and very large pronotal callosities which subtend 1/3 of the lateral margin of the pronotum.