Antherophagus convexulus LeConte, 1863

Antherophagus convexulus was reported from both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia by Bousquet (1991). There are a number of records from both the mainland of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island (Fig. 1), however, we have not been able to locate voucher specimens or published records of this species from New Brunswick. We provisionally retain this species for the New Brunswick fauna (subject to confirmation) since it is also known from the neighbouring jurisdictions of Québec and Maine ( Procter 1946; Laplante et al. 1991), and is to be expected in the province. Antherophagus species are phoretic on bumblebees ( Bombus spp.) and are often found in their nests or at flowers where their larvae apparently feed on organic detritus ( Bousquet 1989; Leschen and Skelley 2002).