Caenoscelis basalis Casey, 1900

NEWFOUNDLAND: Corner Brook, Loggers Sch Rd, July 29-August 21, 1992, 60 year old fir forest, pitfall (2, MUN). NOVA SCOTIA: Colchester Co.: Debert, June 19, 1993, J. Ogden (1, NSNR); Cumberland Co.: Oxford, May 25, 1995, J. Ogden (1, NSNR); Westchester-Londonderry, July 20, 1992, S. & J. Peck, forest

road, car netting (2, JCC); Guysborough Co.: Malay Lake, 1–16 July, 1997, D.J. Bishop, red spruce, FIT (1, NSMC); Trafalgar, July 19, 1992, S. & J. Peck, car netting (1, JCC); Halifax Co.: Point Pleasant Park, June 22, 1990, R. Ballard, red spruce forest, pipe trap (2, NSMC); Pictou Co.: Marshy Hope, August 10, 1995, M. LeBlanc, FIT (1, NSNR).

Caenoscelis basalis is newly recorded in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Atlantic Canada ( Fig. 4). Previous records of this Holarctic species are from Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Québec ( Bousquet 1991; Downie and Arnett 1996; Chandler 2001). Specimens in Nova Scotia were collected in red spruce forests, and in Newfoundland it was found in a balsam fir ( Abies balsamaea (L.) Mill, Pinaceae) forest. Members of this genus are found in leaf litter, organic matter, nests of small mammals, and beneath the bark of logs ( Bousquet 1989).