
1722 * R Nycteola frigidana (Walker, 1863) L Apr – E May; L M B g T: McDunnough (1943b), Fletcher (1959) Jul – M Sep (H)

L: McDunnough (1943b), Bowman (1951), Crumb

(1956), Prentice (1962), Ives and Wong (1988),

Pohl et al. (2004b) C: CNC, NFRC, UASM

1723 * R Nycteola cinereana Neumoegen and Dyar, 1893 L Aug – L Oct – B g T: McDunnough (1943b), Fletcher (1959)

L: Ives and Wong (1988) C: CNC, NFRC, OLDS,


62.3 Risobinae

The genus Baileya is the sole representative of this subfamily in North America, with seven species. Although superficially quite different in appearance from the type-genus Risoba of the Asian tropics ( Holloway 2003), unique genitalic structures, and to some extent wing pattern, unify this group. Baileya are moderately-sized moths of mesic forest and woodland habitats, and the larvae feed on deciduous trees and shrubs. Forbes (1954) diagnosed the species known at that time, and two additional species were described recently from the southeastern United States ( Brou 2004).

1723.1 * P Baileya doubledayi Guenée, 1852? – B – T: Forbes (1954), Brou (2004)

1724 * R Baileya ophthalmica (Guenée, 1852) L May – M Jun – B g T: Forbes (1954), Brou (2004)

L: None C: CNC, UASM