Fig 2 : Projecting onto Fock states with different parity for different average photon numbers. (a) : alpha^2 = 0.35: file distillation_fig_2a.csv (b) : alpha^2 = 0.85: file distillation_fig_2b.csv (c) : alpha^2 = 1.48: file distillation_fig_2c.csv (d) : alpha^2 = 2.61: file distillation_fig_2d.csv Data structure: 1st column -> Fock number 2nd column -> projection onto that Fock state reconstructed from measurement, no postselection 3rd column -> error on this projection 4th column -> simulated projection onto this Fock state for our experimental parameters, no postselection 5th column -> projection onto that Fock state reconstructed from measurement, postselection on atom in up 6th column -> error on this projection 7th column -> simulated projection onto this Fock state for our experimental parameters, postselection on atom in up 8th column -> projection onto that Fock state reconstructed from measurement, postselection on atom in down 9th column -> error on this projection 10th column -> simulated projection onto this Fock state for our experimental parameters, postselection on atom in down