Summary raw wind data from the Southern Ocean collected on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) during the austral summer of 2016/2017. Data file(s): metdata_wind_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.csv date_time: date and time at which the measurement was measured, not corrected, in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss [UTC] COG: course over ground of the vessel [decimal degrees] HEADING: heading of the vessel [decimal degrees] WDR1: relative wind direction to the heading of the vessel measured by starboard sensor [decimal degrees] WSR1: relative wind speed to that of the vessel measured by starboard sensor [metres per second] WD1: true wind direction measured by the starboard sensor [decimal degrees] WS1: true wind speed measured by the starboard sensor [metres per second] WDR2: relative wind direction to the heading of the vessel measured by port sensor [decimal degrees] WSR2: relative wind speed to that of the vessel measured by port sensor [metres per second] WD2: true wind direction measured by the port sensor [decimal degrees] WS2: true wind speed measured by the port sensor [metres per second TIMEDIFF: Vaisala internal time difference. Number of seconds which should be added to the TIME column to convert it to correct UTC [seconds] CLOUDTEXT: unknown