Raw meteorological dataset from the Southern Ocean collected on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) during the austral summer of 2016/2017. Data files: MAWS__SMSAWS__YYYYMMDD.txt File header: TIME: date and time at which the measurement was recorded, not corrected, in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss [UTC] LAT: latitude at which the measurement was recorded in the format dddmm.ffff [degrees and decimal minute] LAT_NS: hemisphere of latitude measurement, N for Northern and S for Southern LONG: longitude at which the measurement was recorded in the format ddd.ffff [decimal degrees] LONG_EW: direction of the longitude with respect to the Meridian, E for easterly and W for westerly WD2MA1: two-minute average wind direction measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WD2MM1: two-minute minimum wind direction measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WD2MX1: two-minute maximum wind direction measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WS2MA1: two-minute average wind speed measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WS2MM1: two-minute minimum wind speed measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WS2MX1: two-minute maximum wind speed measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WD10MA1: ten-minute average wind direction measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WD10MM1: ten-minute minimum wind direction measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WD10MX1: ten-minute maximum wind direction measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WS10MA1: ten-minute average wind speed measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WS10MM: ten-minute minimum wind speed measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WS10MX1: ten-minute maximum wind speed measured by starboard sensor [degrees] WD2MA2: two-minute average wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WD2MM2: two-minute minimum wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WD2MX2: two-minute maximum wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WS2MA2: two-minute average wind speed measured by port sensor [degrees] WS2MM2: two-minute minimum wind speed measured by port sensor [degrees] WS2MX2: two-minute maximum wind speed measured by port sensor [degrees] WD10MA2: ten-minute average wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WD10MX2: ten-minute maximum wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WD10MM2: ten-minute minimum wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WS10MA2: ten-minute average wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WS10MX2: ten-minute maximum wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] WS10MM2: ten-minute minimum wind direction measured by port sensor [degrees] VIS: horizontal visibility [metres] Wawa: weather code CL1: height of first cloud level (if SC1==9: CL1 provides the vertical visibility) [metres] CL2: height of second cloud level [metres] CL3: height of third cloud level [metres] SC1: sky cover at first cloud level (If SC1=9 CL1 provides the vertical visibility) [octants, 9] SC2: sky cover at second cloud level [octants] SC3: sky cover at third cloud level [octants] RH1: relative humidity measured by the port sensor [%] TA1: air temperature measured by the port sensor [degrees Celsius] DP1: dew point provided by the port sensor [degrees Celsius] RH2: relative humidity measured by the starboard sensor [%] TA2: air temperature measured by the starboard sensor [degrees Celsius] DP2: dew point provided by the starboard sensor [degrees Celsius] PA1: atmospheric pressure measured by the port sensor [millibar] PA2: atmospheric pressure measured by the starboard sensor [millibar] SR1: solar radiation measured by the port sensor [Watts per square metre] SR2: solar radiation (not working) SR3: solar radiation measured by the starboard sensor [Watts per square metre] UV1: ultraviolet radiation measured by the port sensor [Watts per square metre] UV2: ultraviolet radiation measured by the starboard sensor [Watts per square metre] Cond: conductivity of seawater (not working) Salinity: salinity of seawater (not working) TwTwTw: temperature, conductivity and salinity of seawater (not working) TIMEDIFF: Vaisala internal time difference. Number of seconds which should be added to the TIME column to convert it to correct UTC Year: year of measurement [UTC] Month: month of measurement [UTC] DAY: day of the month of measurement [UTC] CLOUDTEXT: unknown VISCODE: horizontal visibility to the nearest hundred metres, to a maximum of 9999 m, above which all measurements are recorded as 9999 [metres] Null values are recorded as ///, // or /