ProQuest search – anywhere but full text 2014 to 2018,,,, "noft(""citizen science"") AND noft(""Ireland"")",,,, 15 June 2018,,,, ,,,, Title,Authors,DocumentURL,PublicationDate,Database Citizen science puts dots on Ireland's wildlife map,"Viney, Michael",,"Mar 1, 2014",European Newsstream Citizen science puts dots on Ireland's wildlife map,"Viney, Michael",,"Mar 1, 2014",ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Irish Times and The Weekly Irish Times Citizen science to help fight Ash Dieback woes [Edition 3],"Merivale, William",,"Apr 29, 2014",European Newsstream Locating species range frontiers: a cost and efficiency comparison of citizen science and hair-tube survey methods for use in tracking an invasive squirrel,"Goldstein, Emily A;Lawton, Colin;Sheehy, Emma;Butler, Fidelma",,May 2014,SciTech Premium Collection TCD goes global with 'citizen science' project to shed further light on sunspots and solar storms,,,"Jun 16, 2014",European Newsstream EPA to fund eco proposals with [euro]7m,"Ahlstrom, Dick",,"Jul 1, 2014",European Newsstream The role of citizen science in monitoring biodiversity in Ireland,"Donnelly, Alison;Crowe, Olivia;Regan, Eugenie;Begley, Sinead;Caffarra, Amelia",,Aug 2014,"Military Database,SciTech Premium Collection" The role of citizen science in monitoring biodiversity in Ireland.,"Donnelly, Alison;Crowe, Olivia;Regan, Eugenie;Begley, Sinead;Caffarra, Amelia",,August 2014,SciTech Premium Collection The role of citizen science in monitoring biodiversity in Ireland,"Donnelly, Alison;Crowe, Olivia;Regan, Eugenie;Begley, Sinead;Caffarra, Amelia",,August 2014,SciTech Premium Collection The role of citizen science in monitoring biodiversity in Ireland,"Donnelly, Alison;Crowe, Olivia;Regan, Eugenie;Begley, Sinead;Caffarra, Amelia",,Aug 2014,SciTech Premium Collection Using opportunistic photo-identifications to detect a population decline of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in British and Irish waters,"Beck, Suzanne;Foote, Andrew D;Kötter, Sandra;Harries, Olivia;Mandleberg, Laura;Stevick, Peter T;Whooley, Pádraig;Durban, John W",,Sep 2014,SciTech Premium Collection Bird trust recognised for monumental research project,"Warner, Tim",,"Oct 29, 2014",European Newsstream Ecological understanding through transdisciplinary art and participatory biology,"Ballengée, Brandon",,2015,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" The bee lab kit: activities engaging motivated lay users in the use of open technologies for citizen science activities,"Phillips, Robert",,2015,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" Smartphone-powered citizen science for bioacoustic monitoring,"Zilli, Davide",,2015,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" In search of environmental justice in malaysia: the cases of broga and bukit merah,"Poh, Li Kheng",,2015,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" "Online citizen science projects: an exploration of motivation, contribution and participation","Curtis, Vickie",,2015,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" Empowering citizen science: a generic data collection framework,"Duque Jaramillo, Sebastián",,2015,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I Exotic animals who are putting our native species in danger,"Melia, Paul",,"Jan 2, 2015",European Newsstream Where in the UK are New Zealand Flatworms and what are they up to?,,,"Jun 5, 2015","Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection,European Newsstream" Where in the UK are New Zealand Flatworms and what are they up to?,,,"Jun 9, 2015","Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection,European Newsstream" Ecological monitoring with citizen science: the design and implementation of schemes for recording plants in Britain and Ireland,"Pescott, Oliver L;Walker, Kevin J;Pocock, Michael J O;Jitlal, Mark;Outhwaite, Charlotte L;Cheffings, Christine M;Harris, Felicity;Roy, David B",,Jul 2015,SciTech Premium Collection Ecological monitoring with citizen science: the design and implementation of schemes for recording plants in Britain and Ireland,"Pescott, Oliver L;Walker, Kevin J;Pocock, Michael JO;Jitlal, Mark;Outhwaite, Charlotte L;Cheffings, Christine M;Harris, Felicity;Roy, David B",,Jul 2015,SciTech Premium Collection Ecological monitoring with citizen science: the design and implementation of schemes for recording plants in Britain and Ireland,"Pescott, Oliver L;Walker, Kevin J;Pocock, Michael J O;Jitlal, Mark;Outhwaite, Charlotte L;Cheffings, Christine M;Harris, Felicity;Roy, David B",,Jul 2015,SciTech Premium Collection Climate association with fluctuation in annual abundance of fifty widely distributed moths in England and Wales: a citizen-science study,"Wilson, John Fawcett;Baker, David;Cook, Mike;Davis, George;Freestone, Roger;Gardner, David;Grundy, Dave;Lowe, Norman;Orridge, Steve;Young, Heather",,Oct 2015,SciTech Premium Collection Climate association with fluctuation in annual abundance of fifty widely distributed moths in England and Wales: a citizen-science study,"Wilson, John Fawcett;Baker, David;Cook, Mike;Davis, George;Freestone, Roger;Gardner, David;Grundy, Dave;Lowe, Norman;Orridge, Steve;Young, Heather",,October 2015,SciTech Premium Collection Climate association with fluctuation in annual abundance of fifty widely distributed moths in England and Wales: a citizen-science study,"Wilson, John Fawcett;Baker, David;Cook, Mike;Davis, George;Freestone, Roger;Gardner, David;Grundy, Dave;Lowe, Norman;Orridge, Steve;Young, Heather",,Oct 2015,SciTech Premium Collection Tagging programme to keep tabs on migration patterns of adult bass,"Evans, Derek",,"Dec 14, 2015",European Newsstream Plastic fragmentation in the environment,"Biber, Nicolas Francis Alexandre",,2016,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" Citizen inquiry: engaging citizens in online communities of scientific inquiries,"Aristeidou, Maria",,2016,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" Estimating population densities and testing for pathogens in deer,"Hogg, Kayleigh Grace",,2016,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" "Recreational fisheries in the UK: natural capital, ecosystem services, threats, and management","Winfield, Ian J",,Mar 2016,"ABI/INFORM Global,SciTech Premium Collection" Charity asks for help as cold spring delays NI blackberry harvest,,,"Aug 2, 2016",European Newsstream Using citizen science to monitor bumblebee populations,"Casey, Leanne Maura",,2017,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" Designing task workflows to ensure the best scientific outcomes in citizen science,"Sprinks, James C.",,2017,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" Developing tools for improved population and range estimation in support of extinction risk assessments for neotropical birds,"Devenish, Christian",,2017,"ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland,ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I" DNA science can help you get at your roots,,,"Mar 10, 2017",European Newsstream Puffin project given lottery cash boost,,,"Mar 15, 2017",European Newsstream Puffin project given lottery cash boost,,,"Mar 15, 2017",European Newsstream Robin bobs into top 10 in RSPB's garden bird survey,"Bowern, Philip",,"Mar 30, 2017",European Newsstream Over EUR6m spent tackling gorse fires,,,"May 15, 2017",European Newsstream Cork most environmentally engaged county on the island,,,"Jun 3, 2017",European Newsstream Calling all citizen scientists,"O'Sullivan, Kevin",,"Dec 7, 2017",European Newsstream A role for artificial night-time lighting in long-term changes in populations of 100 widespread macro-moths in UK and Ireland: a citizen-science study,"John Fawcett Wilson;Baker, David;Cheney, Janet;Cook, Mike;Ellis, Martin;Freestone, Roger;Gardner, David;Geen, Graham;Hemming, Robin;Hodgers, Don;Howarth, Stephen;Jupp, Ade;Lowe, Norman;Orridge, Steve;Shaw, Mark;Smith, Bob;Turner, Audrey;Young, Heather",,Apr 2018,SciTech Premium Collection WHAT DO WE WANT? RIGHTS FOR RIVERS,"Thompson, Sylvia",,"Apr 14, 2018",European Newsstream Epistemology beyond the brain,"Weissenberger, Lynnsey K;Budd, John M;Herold, Ken R",,May 2018,"ABI/INFORM Global,SciTech Premium Collection,Social Science Premium Collection" Citizen science has arrived,"Thompson, Sylvia",,"May 3, 2018",European Newsstream