video_published video_id channel_id video_title video_description channel_title video_category_id video_tags video_duration video_view_count video_comment_count video_likes_count video_dislikes_count video_topic_ids video_topic_categories 2017-11-11T22:01:53.000Z ubmGDWPryks UC_Tq7nYh8FHVWtaIaisFekg Q Anon +++ Is president Trump Posting on 4chan? "Q-Anon on 4 chan/pol/ Speculation that it's Donald Trump. See end of video for my summary. •reddit thread link •4chan breadcrumbs Trail archives thread... - link to fellow Anonymous YouTube channel with a full description of how q anon could be the president of the United States. My summary of q Anon we have to ask Chris poole AKA moot on the algorithms of his time stamping on 4chan Are the time stamps for the posters time zone or the viewer's time zone, and how does Daylight Savings Time affect these algorithms? This is the single most critical Factor we have to take into account. As stated in the Reddit thread i linked above. If the 4chan post came first from q anon, then we can continue on with this Ruthless and monolithic conspiracy, to borrow a quote from one of JFK's last speeches. Lol. If the Tweet came first then it's an epic troll, and my hat's off to q anon, for one of the greatest internet trolls in history based on the Grand question ""what came first the chicken or the egg"" ""Do it for the LOLs"" •if the 4chan post came first, then we have a couple things to theorize on here, and some of you have a lot of research to do regarding the Deep State and CIA involvement in Anonymous and 4chan. (The exact reasons I cut most ties to the group on January 1st 2014) There are many other internet sluths at work on this, so I won't be wasting my time on this conspiracy, or epic troll, other than this short video. If Trump is actually Q Anonymous on 4chan, then it just solidifies my beliefs that the CIA deep state is well at work within the confines of 4chan and the group of anonymous. {A fact made very clear to me back in 2013 when I started noticing demonic (mnemonic) circles being used in the intro videos to anonymous.} If you are a super trumper, or have placed your faith in this decades puppet, I hope this can wake you up to the fact that all presidents are selected prior to their election campaign, and the campaign is just a facade to sell you the idea that your vote actually matters for president. And more importantly to distract you from where your votes matter. Local votes for City Council Members school board members and state representatives. Remember we are a union of states, not one state of America. Spend more time researching/voting for your local city council members, for local school board members and your state representatives and governors, and forget wasting your time being distracted by the presidential puppet show." /^\inutemen/^\edia 22 not set PT3M23S 3364 39 20 5 not set not set 2017-12-10T16:27:48.000Z e-KfwEMBGnA UC_Tq7nYh8FHVWtaIaisFekg Q Anon predicts Pope Francis would change the Lord's prayer? 4chan + Jerusalem is the capital off... "In this video I discuss the Post from a month ago by Q anon on 4chan reciting the Lord's prayer. And how 3 days ago Pope Francis calls to change the words to include Satan. Also in reference to Q's post expose who financed 911, and who perpetrated 9/11. I touch briefly on Satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra. Notice Pope Francis is throwing up the 666 hand sign in the thumbnail to NPR's video. Here's the link: Link to freedom video; ""while you where asleep""" /^\inutemen/^\edia 10 not set PT7M25S 1129 17 24 1 not set not set 2017-11-22T23:38:59.000Z fU36W7XavmQ UCAkAq8ajQKqRcur5sMUg6hA Hugh Hefner CIA MK Ultra "Wonder Land" Studio Exposed "Hugh Hefner CIA Operative MK Ultra Sex Slave Blackmail Film Production has been exposed due to the help of Q Annon. Wikileaks Documents from John Podesta emails show ""Wonder Land"" auction tickets for sale. Underground tunnels beneath PlayBoy Mansion and blueprints provided. ( You really think Corey Feldman, Micheal Jackson , and other celebrities/politicians do not know about this? I would think again. Share the video." #PIZZAGATE 25 ['#pizzagate', '#pedogate', 'CIA Mk Ultra', 'Hugh Hefner', 'child trafficking', 'slaves', 'sex ring', 'james alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'corey feldman', 'freemasonry', 'satanic', 'dungin', 'wonder land', 'child abuse', 'truth', 'zionist'] PT10M10S 67660 555 1761 57 not set not set 2018-05-02T15:56:33.000Z dyINgay_1Fg UCCBH5KUGO6gSJ_F4iqthh-g Q Anon is Jesus ? What is the Q Source ? " The Q source (also Q document, Q Gospel, or Q from German: Quelle, meaning ""source"") is a hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings (logia). Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. According to this hypothesis, this material was drawn from the early Church's Oral Tradition.[1][2][3] Along with Marcan priority, Q was hypothesized by 1900, and is one of the foundations of most modern gospel scholarship.[4] B. H. Streeter formulated a widely accepted view of Q: that it was written in Koine Greek; that most of its contents appear in Matthew, in Luke, or in both; and that Luke more often preserves the text's original order than Matthew. In the two-source hypothesis, the three-source hypothesis and the Q+/Papias hypothesis Matthew and Luke both used Mark and Q as sources. Some scholars have postulated that Q is actually a plurality of sources, some written and some oral.[5] Others have attempted to determine the stages in which Q was composed.[6] Q's existence has been questioned.[6] Omitting what should have been a highly treasured dominical document from all early Church catalogs, its lack of mention by Jerome is a conundrum of modern Biblical scholarship.[7][dubious – discuss] But copying Q might have been seen as unnecessary as it was preserved in the canonical gospels. Hence, it was preferable to copy the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, ""where the sayings of Jesus from Q were rephrased to avoid misunderstandings, and to fit their own situations and their understanding of what Jesus had really meant"".[8] Despite challenges, the two-source hypothesis retains wide support For centuries, biblical scholars followed the Augustinian hypothesis: that the Gospel of Matthew was the first to be written, Mark used Matthew in the writing of his, and Luke followed both Matthew and Mark in his (the Gospel of John is quite different from the other three, which because of their similarity are called the Synoptic Gospels). Nineteenth-century New Testament scholars who rejected Matthew's priority in favor of Markan priority speculated that Matthew's and Luke's authors drew the material they have in common with the Gospel of Mark from Mark's Gospel. But Matthew and Luke also share large sections of text not found in Mark. They suggested that neither Gospel drew upon the other, but upon a second common source, termed Q.[9][10] Herbert Marsh, an Englishman, is seen by some as the first person to hypothesize the existence of a ""narrative"" source and a ""sayings"" source, although he included in the latter parables unique to Matthew and unique to Luke.[11] In his 1801 work, A dissertation on the Origin and Composition of our Three First Canonical Gospels, he used the Hebrew letter Aleph (א) to denote the narrative source and the letter beth (ב) to denote the sayings source.[12] The next person to advance the ""sayings"" hypothesis was the German Friedrich Schleiermacher in 1832. Schleiermacher interpreted an enigmatic statement by the early Christian writer Papias of Hierapolis, c. 125 (""Matthew compiled the oracles (logia) of the Lord in a Hebrew manner of speech, and everyone translated them as well he could"") as evidence of a separate source. Rather than the traditional interpretation—that Papias was referring to the writing of Matthew in Hebrew—Schleiermacher proposed that Papias was actually referring to a sayings collection of the apostle Matthew that was later used, together with narrative elements, by another ""Matthew"" and by the other Evangelists.[13]" #PizzaGate2018 22 not set PT41S 348 22 17 17 not set not set 2018-01-04T07:29:18.000Z RfM_aWp6uJE UCHrDpTVL9S0h91u9UCPgVbA Fire Dept: Clinton House Fire found Servers & Hard Drives Destroyed "A room full of servers and hard drives was destroyed in the Clinton house fire in Chappaqua, New York, on Wednesday, according to a Chappaqua Fire Department source, raising fears that incriminating evidence against the Clintons has been destroyed just days after a White House insider warned that Trump was preparing to prosecute their crimes. “I saw smashed up hard drives, melted memory cards and the charred remains of paper scattered all over the room and immediately knew the fire must have started there,” a Chappaqua Fire Department source told local news reporters, explaining that the house fire was “put out by Secret Service agents” before the Fire Department arrived. “I immediately called it a code 10-41 and requested a Fire Marshall.” Code 10-41 is firefighters’ code for a suspicious fire. According to QAnon, the infamous White House insider, President Trump’s recent announcement that he is going after high profile child traffickers is directly linked to the Clinton house fire. Hillary Clinton, the presidential candidate whose notorious “home-brew” server sparked multiple FBI investigations and eventually one very controversial exoneration by former Director James Comey, has long been known to keep classified and illegal information in the less-than-secure domain of her New York household. Bill and Hillary Clinton's house is on fire. The Clinton house fire represents another astonishing prediction come true for QAnon, the White House leaker. According to QAnon, who has predicted the future with remarkable accuracy in the last month, the Clintons are running scared and attempting to cover their tracks. The calm before the storm has ended. Trump has hit his stride in 2018 and the Clintons not fear him. They are also fearing for their freedom. Time is running out for the Clintons Earlier this week, after Trump warned “high-profile child traffickers” that he was coming for them, QAnon, posting from the White House, pointed followers to to an elite pedophile ring investigation at the State Department in 2013 that was shut down and covered up by Secretary Hillary Clinton. Posting from Q’s official Twitter account, @kill_rogue, the anonymous insider posted a video of an NBC news report which contained explosive revelations about an investigation into a child abuse and human trafficking network that was operating in Clinton’s State Department. The NBC investigation was broadcast at a time when they were a real news organization rather than a branch of the Democratic Party’s PR department, and provided leaked internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up. However, according to NBC, the investigation into the elite pedophile ring was whitewashed by Hillary Clinton in order to protect high-ranking officials, including an ambassador. “Serious allegations concerning the State Department,” the NBC anchor announced, before launching into the disturbing details that mainstream media would be unable to report on in 2017. “According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within it’s ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals. Join me on my new Social Network called Buddylist to discuss more. Join our Discord Server: Our Official Online Store : /store/ Every sale will help this channel keep going. My YouTube Channel: Join our YouTube Collab Network : Add me up on Facebook if you like: Find me on Steemit Here: Support the channel: My Bitcoin Wallet Address: 17S5o2Thyqcw9TqtFyQAQdAtjSwJJ95rcE PayPal Address: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" #SeekingTheTruth 25 ['incriminating evidence against the Clintons', 'Clinton House Fire Chappaqua New York', 'Servers & Hard Drives Destroyed In Clinton House Fire', 'seeking the truth', 'Clinton House Fire Destoyed Servers and Hard Drives', '#SeekingTheTruth', 'Clinton House Fire smashed hard drives', 'Chappaqua Fire Department', 'Clinton House Fire', 'Fire Dept: Servers & Hard Drives Destroyed In Clinton House Fire', 'Chappaqua Fire department found servers', 'melted memory cards', 'Bill and Hillary House Fire'] PT11M47S 40617 417 1247 24 not set not set 2018-01-05T12:30:01.000Z 55zzClCAdtA UCHrDpTVL9S0h91u9UCPgVbA Q Anon: Clinton House Fire Deliberate Act ‘To Flush Enemy Out’ "Background of mystery fires haunts Clintons as Q-Anon previously hinted he would “set a fire to flush (the enemy) out.” Reports came in on Wed January 3rd 2018 that a fire had broken out in the house of Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, New York. Authorities poured water on the reports as quickly as they could: the Clintons were not home. No-one was hurt. Some reports put the fire in a building away from the main house, others in a bedroom inside the house. Fires have a way of following the Clinton’s around. The day before, President Trump tweeted a direct message to watch Sean Hannity. Here it was exposed in great detail how newly obtained Huma Abedin Emails were blowing the whole Clinton Email investigation open again, with major questions about Abedin’s own actions sharing classified information. And this is leading to even more serious questions about how the FBI’s interview with Clinton turned into a donut session where she wasn’t even miranda’d and there were no lawyers present! This on top of Comey already writing out his exoneration of Clinton before that soft ball interview even took place. Less than 24 hours later, this mysterious fire breaks out at the Clintons home. And not for the first time! In December 2015, Bill Clintons home in Hope Arkansas was torched in suspected Arson ( And this happened AGAIN to Bill Clinton’s Fayetteville, Arkansas home in June 2017 ( The Clinton’s seem to be cursed with a great deal of misfortune here: either that, or they are being chased by someone with a box of matches. And here is an extra twist in this tale: Q-ANON in a December 19th q-post on 8 Chan, posted a message that indicates, this fire may be far more than it seems: “We won’t Telegraph our moves to the enemy: we will however set a fire to flush them out.” And under what circumstance can Law Enforcement search a property without a warrant or permission? Why, when there has been a report of Arson and the owners are out… One more curious twist in the Q Continuum! Join me on my new Social Network called Buddylist to discuss more. Join our Discord Server: Our Official Online Store : /store/ Every sale will help this channel keep going. My YouTube Channel: Join our YouTube Collab Network : Add me up on Facebook if you like: Find me on Steemit Here: Support the channel: My Bitcoin Wallet Address: 17S5o2Thyqcw9TqtFyQAQdAtjSwJJ95rcE PayPal Address: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" #SeekingTheTruth 25 ['Clinton House Fire Deliberate Act', 'Clinton House Fire', 'Q Anon: Clinton House Fire Deliberate Act ‘To Flush Enemy Out’', 'Q Anon: Clinton House Fire Deliberate Act', 'Q-ANON', 'Bill Clinton’s Fayetteville', '#SeekingTheTruth', 'seeking the truth', 'Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua', 'newly obtained Huma Abedin Emails', 'Bill Clintons home in Hope Arizona was torched', 'To Flush Enemy Out', 'We won’t Telegraph our moves to the enemy', 'Background of mystery fires haunts Clintons'] PT11M15S 78514 490 1670 51 not set not set 2018-08-16T03:26:31.000Z R6-6WZ74ykw UCsE6YWo9Ud6aC5_i-qOLuaA 2018-08-15 20:59 EDT - TONS OF NEW Q, relating to Podesta Art! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX NEWS, LIVE 24... "This is an archive from #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream Watch Live Archived: 2018-08-15 20:59 EDT ---------------------- We're the Patriots Soapbox 24/7 YT Stream! We are the first and only 24 hour news and information broadcast network run by volunteer citizen patriots. We are LIVE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a re-runs. We're here to change the way journalism and news media functions in this country...and the world. It's time to return journalism to where it belongs: back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE. **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF. NO INDIVIDUAL ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS FOR #WETHEPEOPLE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX.*** ***DISCLAIMER: We are NOT LAWYERS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. We are not giving legal or medical advice, merely sharing experience. PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for ANY actions YOU take.*** ★ WE NEED YOUR HELP! See our donation link below to help us continue to improve your favorite platform. THANK YOU. WE LOVE YOU, PATRIOTS...GOD BLESS you and yours! paypal: ★ If you would like to donate anonymously via P.O. Box, please send check, money order, cash, etc. in a regular letter-sized envelope to: Patriots Soapbox LLC P.O. Box (FOUR)(ZERO)(FIVE)(FOUR) Merrifield, VA [Zipcode]: (two)(two)(one)(one)(six) - (four)(zero)(five)(four) (Write the numbers spelled out above as #'s) OR DONATE TO OUR CRYPTO WALLETS BELOW: Bitcoin Wallet: 3Cn3C9EYuH2d1kt5o8GT3aNzkCcMZu9M5T Bitcoin Cash Wallet: qq5lefhcuncyuwrg5hmsa8scarxf8jhfhsm5ap59fl LiteCoin Wallet:MBF8udoWKFjPaS1Tu5pfrFdnGtfPqhJRW8 Ethereum Wallet: 0x6028f0370Ee91034eD1502Db0cc84e698590Fa81 THANK YOU for your support, whether financial or just by being here, participating, and being a part of this with us. We love you all! Q: The Plan To Save The World (video): ★ LINK TO OUR NEW DISCUSSION FORUM TO REPLACE OUR BANNED SUBREDDIT! ★ PAMPHLETANON'S TUTORIAL FOR USING THE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX FORUMS: ★ OUR PUBLIC DISCORD SERVER INVITE LINK: (Need to know how to use discord? Check this ""DISCORD FOR DUMMIES"" video!): ★ OUR LIVE LINK: ★ Link to our Twitter account: ★ Official GAB account: ★ LINK TO OUR VIDEO OF CIA WHISTLEBLOWER KEVIN SHIPP'S PRESENTATION: ★ LIST OF RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/DEATHS/ETC. (THIS IS THE MOTHERLODE, FOLKS!) check all of the tabs at the top!: ★ MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA'S ATTEMPT TO GET IN FRONT OF THE HRC VID AND DISCREDIT PREEMPTIVELY: ★ DJT SPEECH @ THE AL SMITH DINNER OCT. 2016: ★ THOMAS PAINE'S ""COMMON SENSE"": ★ 1977 SENATE MKULTRA INVESTIGATION DOC (LINKED BY Q): ★ THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. AS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE: ★ Q POST SITES (LOOK HERE FOR ALL Q POSTS!): ★ 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report: ★ LISTS OF DEAD MEDICAL RESEARCHERS/SCIENTISTS: ★ NUNES MEMO: ★ 2016 FISC Memo Opinion Order: ★ Steele Dossier: ★ Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. T..." #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Archive 22 ['WeThePeople', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'POT'] PT2H1S 112 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-22T04:29:30.000Z Bu0EvTTOfCM UCsE6YWo9Ud6aC5_i-qOLuaA 2018-09-21 20:24 EDT - NEW Q NOW!: "[McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?" - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX NE... "This is an archive from #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream Watch Live Archived: 2018-09-21 20:24 EDT ---------------------- We're the Patriots Soapbox 24/7 YT Stream! We are the first and only 24 hour news and information broadcast network run by volunteer citizen patriots. We are LIVE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a re-runs. We're here to change the way journalism and news media functions in this country...and the world. It's time to return journalism to where it belongs: back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE. *SHOW SCHEDULE*:!/vizhome/PSBSchedule/PatriotSoapboxSchedule **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF. NO INDIVIDUAL ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS FOR #WETHEPEOPLE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX.*** ***DISCLAIMER: We are NOT LAWYERS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. We are not giving legal or medical advice, merely sharing experience. PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for ANY actions YOU take.*** ★ WE NEED YOUR HELP! See our donation link below to help us continue to improve your favorite platform. THANK YOU. WE LOVE YOU, PATRIOTS...GOD BLESS you and yours! paypal: ★ If you would like to donate anonymously via P.O. Box, please send check, money order, cash, etc. in a regular letter-sized envelope to: Patriots Soapbox LLC P.O. Box (FOUR)(ZERO)(FIVE)(FOUR) Merrifield, VA [Zipcode]: (two)(two)(one)(one)(six) - (four)(zero)(five)(four) (Write the numbers spelled out above as #'s) OR DONATE TO OUR CRYPTO WALLETS BELOW: Bitcoin Wallet: 3Cn3C9EYuH2d1kt5o8GT3aNzkCcMZu9M5T Bitcoin Cash Wallet: qq5lefhcuncyuwrg5hmsa8scarxf8jhfhsm5ap59fl LiteCoin Wallet:MBF8udoWKFjPaS1Tu5pfrFdnGtfPqhJRW8 Ethereum Wallet: 0x6028f0370Ee91034eD1502Db0cc84e698590Fa81 THANK YOU for your support, whether financial or just by being here, participating, and being a part of this with us. We love you all! Q: The Plan To Save The World (video): ★ LINK TO OUR NEW DISCUSSION FORUM TO REPLACE OUR BANNED SUBREDDIT! ★ PAMPHLETANON'S TUTORIAL FOR USING THE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX FORUMS: ★ OUR PUBLIC DISCORD SERVER INVITE LINK: (Need to know how to use discord? Check this ""DISCORD FOR DUMMIES"" video!): ★ OUR LIVE LINK: ★ Link to our Twitter account: ★ Official GAB account: ★ LINK TO OUR VIDEO OF CIA WHISTLEBLOWER KEVIN SHIPP'S PRESENTATION: ★ LIST OF RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/DEATHS/ETC. (THIS IS THE MOTHERLODE, FOLKS!) check all of the tabs at the top!: ★ MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA'S ATTEMPT TO GET IN FRONT OF THE HRC VID AND DISCREDIT PREEMPTIVELY: ★ DJT SPEECH @ THE AL SMITH DINNER OCT. 2016: ★ THOMAS PAINE'S ""COMMON SENSE"": ★ 1977 SENATE MKULTRA INVESTIGATION DOC (LINKED BY Q): ★ THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. AS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE: ★ Q POST SITES (LOOK HERE FOR ALL Q POSTS!): ★ 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report: ★ LISTS OF DEAD MEDICAL RESEARCHERS/SCIENTISTS: ★ NUNES MEMO: ★ 2016 FISC Memo Opinion Order: ★ Steele Dossier: ★ Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APAR..." #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Archive 22 ['WeThePeople', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'POT'] PT2H1S 20 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-09-22T10:09:48.000Z I--ySCDH2lI UCsE6YWo9Ud6aC5_i-qOLuaA 2018-09-21 22:23 EDT - NEW Q NOW!: "[Reddit Replacement]" - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX NEWS, LIVE 24/7 RA... "This is an archive from #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream Watch Live Archived: 2018-09-21 22:23 EDT ---------------------- We're the Patriots Soapbox 24/7 YT Stream! We are the first and only 24 hour news and information broadcast network run by volunteer citizen patriots. We are LIVE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a re-runs. We're here to change the way journalism and news media functions in this country...and the world. It's time to return journalism to where it belongs: back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE. *SHOW SCHEDULE*:!/vizhome/PSBSchedule/PatriotSoapboxSchedule **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF. NO INDIVIDUAL ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS FOR #WETHEPEOPLE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX.*** ***DISCLAIMER: We are NOT LAWYERS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. We are not giving legal or medical advice, merely sharing experience. PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for ANY actions YOU take.*** ★ WE NEED YOUR HELP! See our donation link below to help us continue to improve your favorite platform. THANK YOU. WE LOVE YOU, PATRIOTS...GOD BLESS you and yours! paypal: ★ If you would like to donate anonymously via P.O. Box, please send check, money order, cash, etc. in a regular letter-sized envelope to: Patriots Soapbox LLC P.O. Box (FOUR)(ZERO)(FIVE)(FOUR) Merrifield, VA [Zipcode]: (two)(two)(one)(one)(six) - (four)(zero)(five)(four) (Write the numbers spelled out above as #'s) OR DONATE TO OUR CRYPTO WALLETS BELOW: Bitcoin Wallet: 3Cn3C9EYuH2d1kt5o8GT3aNzkCcMZu9M5T Bitcoin Cash Wallet: qq5lefhcuncyuwrg5hmsa8scarxf8jhfhsm5ap59fl LiteCoin Wallet:MBF8udoWKFjPaS1Tu5pfrFdnGtfPqhJRW8 Ethereum Wallet: 0x6028f0370Ee91034eD1502Db0cc84e698590Fa81 THANK YOU for your support, whether financial or just by being here, participating, and being a part of this with us. We love you all! Q: The Plan To Save The World (video): ★ LINK TO OUR NEW DISCUSSION FORUM TO REPLACE OUR BANNED SUBREDDIT! ★ PAMPHLETANON'S TUTORIAL FOR USING THE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX FORUMS: ★ OUR PUBLIC DISCORD SERVER INVITE LINK: (Need to know how to use discord? Check this ""DISCORD FOR DUMMIES"" video!): ★ OUR LIVE LINK: ★ Link to our Twitter account: ★ Official GAB account: ★ LINK TO OUR VIDEO OF CIA WHISTLEBLOWER KEVIN SHIPP'S PRESENTATION: ★ LIST OF RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/DEATHS/ETC. (THIS IS THE MOTHERLODE, FOLKS!) check all of the tabs at the top!: ★ MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA'S ATTEMPT TO GET IN FRONT OF THE HRC VID AND DISCREDIT PREEMPTIVELY: ★ DJT SPEECH @ THE AL SMITH DINNER OCT. 2016: ★ THOMAS PAINE'S ""COMMON SENSE"": ★ 1977 SENATE MKULTRA INVESTIGATION DOC (LINKED BY Q): ★ THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. AS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE: ★ Q POST SITES (LOOK HERE FOR ALL Q POSTS!): ★ 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report: ★ LISTS OF DEAD MEDICAL RESEARCHERS/SCIENTISTS: ★ NUNES MEMO: ★ 2016 FISC Memo Opinion Order: ★ Steele Dossier: ★ Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APAR..." #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Archive 22 ['WeThePeople', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'POT'] PT2H1S 117 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-10-20T20:45:59.000Z gjLyk48qfdA UCsE6YWo9Ud6aC5_i-qOLuaA 2018-10-20 12:51 EDT - CODEMONKEY SAYS 8CHAN UNDER HEAVY, COORDINATED ATTACK! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBO... "This is an archive from #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream Watch Live Archived: 2018-10-20 12:51 EDT ---------------------- We're the Patriots Soapbox 24/7 YT Stream! We are the first and only 24 hour news and information broadcast network run by volunteer citizen patriots. We are LIVE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a re-runs. We're here to change the way journalism and news media functions in this country...and the world. It's time to return journalism to where it belongs: back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE. ★VISIT THE NEW PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX MERCHANDISE STORE!: ★SHOW SCHEDULE:!/vizhome/PSBSchedule/PatriotSoapboxSchedule **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF. NO INDIVIDUAL ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS FOR #WETHEPEOPLE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX.*** ***DISCLAIMER: We are NOT LAWYERS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. We are not giving legal or medical advice, merely sharing experience. PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for ANY actions YOU take.*** ★ WE NEED YOUR HELP! See our donation link below to help us continue to improve your favorite platform. THANK YOU. WE LOVE YOU, PATRIOTS...GOD BLESS you and yours! paypal: ★ If you would like to donate anonymously via P.O. Box, please send check, money order, cash, etc. in a regular letter-sized envelope to: Patriots Soapbox LLC P.O. Box (FOUR)(ZERO)(FIVE)(FOUR) Merrifield, VA [Zipcode]: (two)(two)(one)(one)(six) - (four)(zero)(five)(four) (Write the numbers spelled out above as #'s) OR DONATE TO OUR CRYPTO WALLETS BELOW: Bitcoin Wallet: 3Cn3C9EYuH2d1kt5o8GT3aNzkCcMZu9M5T Bitcoin Cash Wallet: qq5lefhcuncyuwrg5hmsa8scarxf8jhfhsm5ap59fl LiteCoin Wallet:MBF8udoWKFjPaS1Tu5pfrFdnGtfPqhJRW8 Ethereum Wallet: 0x6028f0370Ee91034eD1502Db0cc84e698590Fa81 THANK YOU for your support, whether financial or just by being here, participating, and being a part of this with us. We love you all! Q: The Plan To Save The World (video): ★ LINK TO OUR NEW DISCUSSION FORUM TO REPLACE OUR BANNED SUBREDDIT! ★ PAMPHLETANON'S TUTORIAL FOR USING THE PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX FORUMS: ★ OUR PUBLIC DISCORD SERVER INVITE LINK: (Need to know how to use discord? Check this ""DISCORD FOR DUMMIES"" video!): ★ OUR LIVE LINK: ★ Link to our Twitter account: ★ Official GAB account: ★ LINK TO OUR VIDEO OF CIA WHISTLEBLOWER KEVIN SHIPP'S PRESENTATION: ★ LIST OF RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/DEATHS/ETC. (THIS IS THE MOTHERLODE, FOLKS!) check all of the tabs at the top!: ★ MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA'S ATTEMPT TO GET IN FRONT OF THE HRC VID AND DISCREDIT PREEMPTIVELY: ★ DJT SPEECH @ THE AL SMITH DINNER OCT. 2016: ★ THOMAS PAINE'S ""COMMON SENSE"": ★ 1977 SENATE MKULTRA INVESTIGATION DOC (LINKED BY Q): ★ THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. AS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE: ★ Q POST SITES (LOOK HERE FOR ALL Q POSTS!): ★ 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report: ★ LISTS OF DEAD MEDICAL RESEARCHERS/SCIENTISTS: ★ NUNES MEMO: ★ Steele Dossier: ★ Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WA..." #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Archive 22 ['WeThePeople', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'Pat'] PT2H1S 45 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-20T16:48:19.000Z wf9hv8rgbl8 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons And CIA To JFK Jr Plane Crash "Written by Dr Michael Salla Posted in Exonews PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROVIDED LINK TO READ THE FULL STORY You have more than you know. - Q PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT4M21S 250 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-20T17:35:14.000Z imWlVMOUEio UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Trump’s Brilliant Chess Combination In Helsinki By SB2, By The War Drummer "VIDEO COMPILED BY OUR FRIEND WAR DRUMMER Visit All War Drummers Videos Below: ALL INFORMATION BELOW PROVIDED BY WAR DRUMMER Qanon - Red carpet event - By SerialBrain2 To access all Serialbrain2's posts, click this link: It will take you to his Reddit user profile. Then click posts. You will find months of material on Qanon and his amazing decodes. To purchase a copy of the Q army theme song: Where We Go One click here: If you'd like a copy of my novel Moon in the Mist - Sleep Swimming click here: If you want to learn the best method for reading and studying God's Word, click here: Or, if you just want to be a patron of The War-Drummer, you can contribute here: To follow The War Drummer please visit him on: Twitter: Gab: PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up', 'War Drummer'] PT21M36S 132 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T21:36:07.000Z GjKGYY2qvDQ UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Qanon - SerialBrain2: The Long And Secret Info Wars Against Q And How He Stayed Alive "The Long And Secret Info Wars Against Q And How He Stayed Alive. You Really Need To Know This And Move On. VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: VIDEO REFERENCE #1 VIDEO REFERENCE #2 VIDEO REFERENCE #3 VIDEO REFERENCE #4 VIDEO REFERENCE #5 VIDEO REFERENCE #6 PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT18M54S 124 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T02:26:12.000Z 2-BOZHBEObw UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Qanon - SerialBrain2: The 3 Times The Deep State Tried To Assassinate Trump 561=3X187 "Did you know Q told us the Deep State tried 3 times to assassinate Trump? Q92 LINK POSTED VIDEO POST NUMBER #1 SEE IMAGE NUMBER #1 VIDEO POST NUMBER #2 IMAGE NUMBER #2 IMAGE NUMBER #3 BUSH FAMILY LINK #1 BUSH FAMILY LINK #2 SEE IMAGE #5 VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: Qanon or Q, is an apparent member of the American Military Intelligence that serves at the pleasure of the President. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT11M25S 241 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T16:26:51.000Z hGA9KSqhJM8 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Qanon - SerialBrain2: First Assassination Attempt On Trump: Las Vegas "Did you know Q told us the Deep State tried 3 times to assassinate Trump? Q92 LINK POSTED VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: Qanon or Q, is an apparent member of the American Military Intelligence that serves at the pleasure of the President. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT2M29S 446 0 2 2 not set not set 2018-08-07T18:09:24.000Z JsabC1kV4R0 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Qanon - SerialBrain2: Q 1074 READ BETWEEN THE LINES We Did And This Is What We Found! "LINK POSTED Q RESEARCH BOARD LINK TWO POSTED Q RESEARCH BOARD LINK THREE POSTED Q RESEARCH BOARD LINK FOUR POSTED Q RESEARCH BOARD VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: Qanon or Q, is an apparent member of the American Military Intelligence that serves at the pleasure of the President. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT5M2S 344 8 8 1 not set not set 2018-08-23T22:29:39.000Z F7LDeuYa6fw UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Here's Why Q Needed Everything Paused During the "Bad Optics" Period. Straight From 8CH "((CopyPasta From Q Research Board)) Qanon or Q, is an apparent member of the American Military Intelligence that serves at the pleasure of the President. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT4M7S 163 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-08-30T21:42:49.000Z mj-xdf_4VVg UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ | Q DROPS | McAllister Report: GLORIA'S NECKLACE| CHILD SACRIFICE| TANIT| CARTHAGE| CANAANITES "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: VIDEO LINK: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT35M40S 335 3 9 0 not set not set 2018-09-02T14:30:25.000Z JbPZo7pfESw UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ | Q MEGA MEMES | McAllister Report: KURU: THE LAUGHING DISEASE & OLD NEWSPAPERS "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT32M16S 236 8 8 0 not set not set 2018-09-10T14:21:30.000Z 3gIg3o9M4dU UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ | Q ANON | NEW MEGA-MEMES | EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW | McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT51M48S 434 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-15T00:14:36.000Z mMrkr_4hcrQ UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ NEW Q DROP: WHAT IS A NARCISSIST? BOMBS AWAY! The McAllister Report "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT53M7S 82 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-09-17T19:17:45.000Z LNRs_Tm2o7s UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Qanon - SerialBrain2: Could Mike Flynn Be Q? Q2172 Q2176 Riddle: Will This Be The Week? "Qanon - SerialBrain2: Could Mike Flynn Be Q? Q2172 Q2176 Riddle: Will This Be The Week? VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: SEE IMAGE NUMBER 0NE BELOW SEE CNN ARTICLE BELOW SEE NATIONAL REVIEW ARTICLE BELOW SEE LINK NUMBER ONE BELOW SEE IMAGE NUMBER TWO BELOW SEE IMAGE NUMBER THREE BELOW SEE 8CHAN LINK BELOW Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency yt:cc=on" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Deep State', 'Infowars', 'President', 'George Soros', 'Lock Her Up', 'yt:cc=on', 'Trump President', 'Trump', 'Fake News Sites'] PT10M59S 250 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-20T13:36:40.000Z UrcJm5AYuu8 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Q ANON: PANIC IN DC| ROTHSCHILD SKULL ISSUES| EPSTEIN ISLAND [McALLISTER TV] "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT23M 164 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-09-20T22:24:16.000Z Nh2acNkKBNM UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Q ANON: WE ARE NOT ALONE ROSWELL UFO CRASH REVISITED [McALLISTER TV] "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H1M4S 86 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-25T20:08:07.000Z 7NWZjPqT8q0 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Q MEGA MEMES! HUMAN BODY PARTS! CANNIBALISM! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up', 'McALLISTER TV', 'Q ANON'] PT1H18M39S 96 0 9 0 not set not set 2018-10-02T23:20:36.000Z mL92i3PoTjw UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Q DROP! DEMOCRATS ARE THE KKK! SPIRITUAL ATTACKS & SPIRITUAL MESSAGES McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H46S 78 3 4 1 not set not set 2018-10-07T13:53:56.000Z DsdR6fmXb34 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Qanon - SerialBrain2: Trump’s Secret Communication With Q About Judge Kavanaugh’s Confirmation "SEE LINK NUMBER ONE BELOW SEE TWEET NUMBER ONE BELOW SEE SERIAL BRAIN2 NEW COMMUNICATION SITE BELOW SEE ALL SERIALBRAIN REFERENCE LINKS BELOW Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up', 'yt:cc=on'] PT8M2S 617 0 13 1 not set not set 2018-10-10T13:14:54.000Z 4ucWHjmLlEA UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Q POSTS! PROVE BLASEY FORD EXISTS! WHERE IS GOD'S PROGRAMMER !? McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up', 'yt:cc=on'] PT1H12M54S 333 5 14 1 not set not set 2018-10-14T14:28:12.000Z 0CfizLQBLD0 UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ HIVITE, LUCIFERIAN, PEDOPHILE, PEDOVORE, CANNIBALS IN GOVERNMENT! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT51M28S 161 0 12 0 not set not set 2018-10-23T14:44:55.000Z KzPq_Leog9Y UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ [ Q ] MEGA MEME FOLDERS: RED BLOOD, RED CROSS, RED SHOES: McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT29M1S 1665 16 81 3 not set not set 2018-10-24T21:07:09.000Z 7epWfRI9fkI UC4f7N0ZugIw7ii6HNE8JdcQ Q ANON! CANNIBAL CLUB! PEDOVORES! Q CRUMBS! CEMEX! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Infowars Operation Drain The Swamp News Agency" 0007horseman 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H13M48S 305 3 16 0 not set not set 2018-07-11T19:28:27.000Z gxj87eKvyC4 UCh4U5SB7zRdyYdtmX37aX9g What Q-Anon Will Never Tell You 100th Monkey Project 25 not set PT8M18S 1262 2 6 2 not set not set 2018-08-28T02:04:23.000Z 8pY5xbU9pLo UCMxLt6YDhjqkTXByVygZp_A Podcast #2: The Pope and a surprise Q drop! In podcast 2 Kirk and Jr talk about the pope stepping down, The Catholic Faith and a surprise Q drop! 4 Guys and A Table 25 ['qanon', 'maga', 'trump', 'trump 2020', 'wwg1wga', 'we the people', 'america', 'america first', 'trust the plan'] PT32M18S 36 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-09T17:03:23.000Z SDXJY0b0Vz4 UC7-yQ6dzoOtYzVWVJlKuxzg Decoding #QAnon - The T Method Tutorial "Reddit user /u/SerialBrain2 noticed Q's board was full of riddles that, if solved, would unlock hidden messages. The T Method is one of the multiple ways he publicly shared to decode Q." 45code17 25 ['QAnon', 'Trump', 'decode', 'Q clearance', 'North Korea', 'Deep State'] PT8M52S 10540 11 237 5 not set not set 2018-10-21T07:54:14.000Z Tvoggi4UF8g UCoUqb-FiGT6M4WwmZozmCZQ Kappy’s bands IG account connect the dots people!!! "Iv had this for months just look at their friends.... Q has less evidence than and is more widely believed and its a hoax kappy is a actor seriously. Friends of friends huh -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Who got all their subscribers| Now violates YouTube Policies Lift The Veil Sub Count sub4sub"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" 90 KiD Lazy Kraken 23 ['isaac youtube channel', 'isaac kappy alex jones', 'isaac kappy periscope', 'isaac kappy tmz', 'destroying the world', 'instagram destroying society', 'Internet Hoax', '4chan', '8chan', 'indie pop', 'indie rock', 'sounds like bruno mars', 'start up band', 'gethub master lol', 'isaac kappy periscope video', '4chan stories', '4chan mysteries', 'isaac kappy michael jackson', 'paris jackson isaac kappy', 'paris hilton', 'isaac kappy suicide', 'isaac kappy dead', 'isaac kappy death'] PT39S 46 8 11 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T08:31:08.000Z 90k6-pS1Hho UCi7EEWn3AuZ5Q_ZcwSLeKqQ ARTK#169 #QANON 101 & BEYOND / QANON / #CBTS "Whether this is your foray to Q Anon and his posts, or you’re an aficionado, you’ll enjoy my interview with BaruchTheScribe, creator and moderator of 8Chan’s CBTS (Calm Before The Storm), where Q has been posting. We discuss who Q seems to be and what he is so desperately trying to communicate to We The People, and why, at this critical crossroads in our history, Stay Tuned because you have A Right to Know®! IF YOU APPRECIATE MY WORK, PLEASE SUPPORT ME VIA PATREON: / THANKS!! :-) One time pledge to ARTK: Paypal: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on: Twitter: Good source for Up to date Q Posts - Reddit CBTS - See right hand column links on spread sheets, etc. The subreddit's wiki: The explanation of 4-10-20:" A RIGHT TO KNOW® 27 ['iMovie', '#QANON', '#Q ANON', '#REDDIT', '#CBTS', '#BaruchTheScribe', '#ARTK', '#ARightTo Know', '#SherryBeall', '#Q', '#TheStorm', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#TheStormIsHere', '#QMemes', '#DJT', '#8Chan', '#Reddit'] PT1H29M24S 1313 25 47 2 not set not set 2018-03-11T02:03:30.000Z eG6WKNwtu_I UCi7EEWn3AuZ5Q_ZcwSLeKqQ ARTK#172 Q-Anon Behind the Scenes INTEL with Baruch-Anon "I’m joined with BaruchTheScribe, and inside Anon who is the creator and moderator of 8Chan’s CBTS (Calm Before The Storm), with some important updates and insight on the ever evolving Q-ANON and Q Posts. We’ll get a perspective from Baruch describing some behind-the-scenes Intel on the latest. Thank you for supporting ARTK via Patreon: One time pledge to ARTK: Paypal: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on: Twitter: Good source for Up to date Q Posts -" A RIGHT TO KNOW® 27 ['iMovie', '#QANON', '#CBTS', '#ARIGHTTOKNOW', '#SHERRYBEALL', '#Q', '#THESTORM', '#8CHAN', '#BARUCH', '#BARUCHTHESCRIBE', '#DJT', '#DRJEROMECORSI', '#Meganon'] PT57M45S 698 8 28 2 not set not set 2018-04-02T06:34:37.000Z nyWlJgGBtZ0 UCi7EEWn3AuZ5Q_ZcwSLeKqQ ARTK#174 DECODING Q & Q POSTS with BARUCH "We’re joined with Baruch The Scribe ANON to discuss the changes he sees in the “newer” Q, as we discuss some of the latest posts and other related news and Intel. Baruch is the creator of the Calm Before The Storm board on 8 Chan where Q was posting. Thank you for supporting ARTK via Patreon: One time pledge to ARTK: Paypal: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on: Twitter: Good source for Up to date Q Posts - End Julian Assange's Isolation now! Please sign petition - Rosanne Barr article mentioned:" A RIGHT TO KNOW® 27 ['iMovie', '#QANON', '#CBTS', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#ARIGHTTOKNOW', '#SHERRYBEALL', '#Q', '#THESTORM', '#8CHAN', '#BARUCH', '#BARUCHTHESCRIBE', '#DRJEROMECORSI', '#MEGANON', 'Q Posts'] PT38M25S 593 14 21 0 not set not set 2018-09-16T16:50:10.000Z 284AKJQbDT0 UCeTHD5EpM2QOTpYUxD4-2PQ BOMBSHELL Q Drop!!! QAnon Takes Down The DEEPSTATE! Never-mind Anonymous came before it, then Wikileaks! 46 D Chess. Never mind the federal reserve or the bankers! A SPERGer HAPA 23 ['BOMBSHELL Q Drop!!! QAnon Takes Down The DEEPSTATE! Never-mind Anonymous came before it', 'Wikileaks! 46 D Chess. Never mind the federal reserve or the bankers!', 'bombshell q drop!!! qanon takes down the deepstate!', 'BOMBSHELL Q Drop', 'Q Drop', 'deep state', 'secret space program', 'q anon', 'donald trump', 'president trump', 'mockingbird media', 'q drops new bombshell', 'jeff sessions', 'QAnon Takes Down The DEEPSTATE!', 'q drops september', 'the great awakening', 'red pill', 'we are qanon'] PT12S 88 6 5 2 not set not set 2018-04-11T10:18:12.000Z FaELylXZBFM UCVGX9sFfgsmNQHe-fOsde7g Q-anon: JFK jr - Trump Connection? "here's the video:" A Voice From the Deep Underground 23 not set PT6M8S 2046 15 63 3 not set not set 2018-10-10T20:31:02.000Z ww3gJz_jHas UCSM8R4wi5zgtAXN0bM9y4eg Is this Carolyn B Kennedy ? Wife of Vincent Fusca aka JFK jr ? Astonishing it would be! Part 2 Carolyn B Kennedy ? Q - Did say “ you would be astonished if you knew who was talking to you” this would be astonishing. Is KFK Jr Q? I really really hope it is. ABOXofMONSTERS 1 ['vincent Fusca Kfk jr Q conspiracy trump rally carolyn kennedy alive anon'] PT1M36S 46300 426 1263 24 not set not set 2018-03-21T09:52:31.000Z EVQYhSLfF4c UCpaF_Xr2hGDHi9PQl7B_OPQ R.I.P. Q-Anon "The Great Awakening" Q was good while it lasted! "Q-Anon was not supposed to last as long as it did, but it did. It was just a matter of time before the NSA and other swamp dwellers within the Deep State put a stop to it. Also as the Globalist saying goes ""Never Let A Good Crisis Go to Waste"". They capitalized on the popularity of Q-Anon and instead of shutting it down. Used it to create disinformation campaign by producing dumb down and watered down analytics. Keeping followers on almost a soap opera style mind set. Now the comprised Q-Anon has gone full circle. By creating trust issue within the community and others who have been in the Red Pilling game much longer than even the Q-Anon phenomenon ever existed. American Intelligence Media The Great Awakening Has Begun Stefan Molyneux Important! What You Need To Know About The Truth! Larz Kaos QAnon & The Doors ""Calm Before the Storm"" - Music Video SGTreport Q: THEIR 'BIGGEST FEAR'... HAS COME TRUE Victurus Libertas Censorship Roundtable - Jordan Sather, Titus Frost, Dustin Nemos, and more" Acta Non Verba Network 1 not set PT13M23S 517 2 13 8 not set not set 2018-04-06T11:34:10.000Z i_yvZut-A08 UCp3qjLKRYrFON5PZKOcro5A Q Anon Advanced for Black Dummies pt 2: Future proves past? Pt 2.of that q post from the 4th Action News Network 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q today', 'Q Anon latest', 'The storm', '4chan', '8chan'] PT31M24S 36 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-08T15:15:15.000Z 4wPhiH1dG-M UCp3qjLKRYrFON5PZKOcro5A Q Anon Advanced for Black Dummies: can Blacks be red pilled into society and really be woke or nah? On April 7th Q dropped a disturbing loaf, maybe seeding public for bigger drop. Action News Network 22 not set PT34M18S 56 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T14:30:21.000Z 0ByhKIgIpAM UCFT-83JDLsre0IxT5ez7GwA Cliff high interview with Sarah Westall - Bitcoin Shock wave hitting 2018 "i'm linking the interview for Cliff High with Sarah Clif High - Gaia Disinformation Agents, Q-anon, C60 & Hydrogen Water - Pt 2 For Buying / Selling Bitcoin here is link you need : CoinBase : Hitbtc : Here is the list of the Three Amigos Jsnip4, Clif High and Bix : Here is the list of Interview for Clif High : You can Tip the channel : Bitcoin : 122d5vw1j38tqmT5pRhvm3i3EpaJ1zPxDb Ethereum : 0xcb035aC1B9D06970E4451bC12931887F3Ddfb2f9 EOS : 0xcb035aC1B9D06970E4451bC12931887F3Ddfb2f9 Litecoin : LaDz4XyBFJ43B89oNpmuiGRaqHiRbzfAD1 You can use Amazon affiliate system to support the channel . USA Amazon : UK Amazon: Japan Amazon: Deutschland Amazon : France Amazon : Italia Amazon: Canada Amazon : España Amazon: Books i read so fare : - The Intelligent Investor - The Little Book of Behavioral Investing ( How Not to Be Your Own Worst Enemy ) - Security Analysis ( Sixth Edition ) - Physics of The Future ( Dr. Michio Kakku ) - Hyperspace ( Dr. Michio Kakku )" Admiral Prowarrior 27 ['Sarah Westall', 'Clif High', 'pH Balanced Water', 'human origins', 'carbon 60', 'kangen water', 'hydrogen water', 'C60', 'gaia', 'cliff high', 'cliff high predictions', 'hyperinflation', 'false narratives', 'mass media', 'corporate media', 'corey goode', 'wilcox', 'bitcoin', 'etherium', 'cryptocurrencies', 'dollar collapse', 'space economy', 'antartica', 'fake news', 'sealed indictments', 'q anon', 'half past human', 'q-anon', 'trump', 'disinformation agents', 'government politics', 'blue avians', 'webbot', 'blockchain', 'gaia tv', 'slave race', 'cia'] PT2M20S 475 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-08T08:32:36.000Z qgcMA6uUXVU UCJA28fxuL-bEdbfVUF8ilgA Comments on Q Collective from South America "Its time to broaden the scope of this collective. Articles on AMLO Also: comment with your location, so we can all see the outreach of this group! ps. The 8chan post from the image was not made by me." Adriana 22 not set PT14M42S 17 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-24T22:08:24.000Z GL3tuw4O9OA UC9p3gX2BHXf5_VKM-e2zm4A Decode The Storm Deep State "Q" drop Quick crumb found within movie Geo Storm. Message is that government cant be trusted and there's a virus trying to take over and Q wants us to know the hidden messages... reread old / 1st Q drops Adventure Diva 22 ['Q Anon', 'deep state', 'The storm', 'Decoding'] PT2M46S 60 1 0 3 not set not set 2018-02-25T03:56:13.000Z lICW6g_3F6s UC9p3gX2BHXf5_VKM-e2zm4A Q Drop Watch the Waters decoded! Feb 23/24 Mind control, Stanislav Lunev "Q Drop decoding the ""Watch the Waters"" its coming so are you ready? Follow the money..... Watch full pod cast: Stanislav Lunev Truth unveiled777 :tower And my fav decoder Thejohnathankleck : waters Kinningan" Adventure Diva 22 ['watch waters', 'q anon', 'mind control', 'russian'] PT20M40S 169 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-05-05T18:31:05.000Z qFXlb77KZZI UC9p3gX2BHXf5_VKM-e2zm4A MOAB Q anon Whats wrong with their EYES? Cloning / Vrils lizards being hidden "What if the world knew that Human Cloning has been happening for years.... What if they are walking amongst us now, you are probably married to one. My thought, this is the MOAB! Donald Marshall has been speaking about Vril lizard that drone people is really whats going on deep in DUMBs with the cloning centers and no one believes him.... What if this was true!! Unspeakable ungodly sins McAllister Max spires pizza gate, clone Donald Marshall cloning and vril lizards" Adventure Diva 22 not set PT11M36S 3125 13 52 9 not set not set 2018-05-19T15:58:13.000Z svHqWF_pO6c UC9p3gX2BHXf5_VKM-e2zm4A Adrenochrome Walnut Sauce, Secret Societies Q Drop Human Trafficking, Exposing the Truth! "Dark History of human trafficking and why the elites need young children. My guess they need this to hold there frequency as they are very low vibration and need human essence to maintain the intensity..... Warning this is the horrible truth many people won't tell you but it's true. Evil shape shifter, demons, vampires, reptilians call them what you want but these evil beings are here and walking amongst us. Research the truth! !! This is not a game, there is pure evil that needs to be exposed!!!!" Adventure Diva 22 not set PT21M42S 11540 99 193 16 not set not set 2018-02-03T08:01:26.000Z Dnex0arINXI UCtgxFmbZwUkLRPZwpkuIcdQ Response To: #Q #QANON 7 DWARFS DOWN CIA SERVERS JONBENET RAMSEY PART 2 Timothy C Holmseth "Fake #clairpena #VirginiaShaubel #WoodardHortense #kasmouse #rosemurray #mednurse202 Montagraph Agent19 October Reignz" Agent19 22 not set PT17M56S 3686 48 113 21 not set not set 2017-11-12T09:32:06.000Z hfzmC78gyp8 UCRvUU-uQK8ETQukqfKB-gKg Q: Calm before the Storm? - Snowflake Alarm #followthewhiterabbit "down the rabbit hole we go..." Airwave2k2 29 not set PT2M13S 1593 2 21 2 not set not set 2018-08-10T16:18:56.000Z rGIYw_xY3rI UCplXdu0g94UynzYCmO2zOjw The Logic Behind Why Q-Anon Is True Is Stunning To Behold "Support the channel: ✅► To support via Paypal: ✅► To support via Bitcoin 🔵 ► 1Bce1sk9MBYHNUsKqW5NE9iUGsGric21EK To support via Ethereum 🔵 ► 0x529FAD8dC82f709027873ee1BcFa13263aAfE880 My Official Website: ►🔥 My Twitter: ► Atheist Roo T-Shirts! 👚► My Official Facebook: ► My Bitchute account: ► My Minds Account:♞► 💖 Thank you to my patrons without whom this video and all others would literally not have been made. You are very much appreciated. 🤓" AIU-Resurrection 24 ['atheist roo', 'aiu', 'atheism is unstoppable'] PT8M12S 23209 770 1114 298 not set not set 2017-12-29T22:23:35.000Z Mv3qeKPKgbY UCAqb-xZ_N0PT05UmVB9U7SQ what is Qanon? "SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE IF YOU LIKE MY CONTENT one of my followers just passed this along to me. read it for more information. patreon : gab: minds: twitter: vidme:" AJ Elicits 25 ['politics', 'AJElicits', 'news', 'current events', 'what is QAnon?', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'what is', 'who is qanon', 'who is', 'dustin nemos', 'evidence for qanon', 'proof', 'Qanon', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'truth', 'alternative news', 'alex jones infowars', 'alex jones qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'QClearance', 'deep state', 'Lionel Nation', 'child trafficking'] PT5M39S 451 36 16 2 not set not set 2018-06-26T07:13:46.000Z nJILuGuE8n4 UClxIQ_o0pt_S3TB6V7SjyQQ One of those drop down and Q pharahs Alan C . ErcPeace 20 not set PT25S 0 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-19T17:54:42.000Z c4PO-mi2BpI UCCdKpI-Icpmkgwtz7tW3l6g Tom Sims: Trump-Mueller Sting - Carbon60-Bucky Balls- Longevity & Positive AI "Tom Sims [Chicago] Unplugged: Trump-Mueller Sting - - Carbon60-Bucky Balls- Longevity & Positive AI WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: REFERENCE FOR OPENING OF THIS INTERVIEW: The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago Now the full hidden history behind 1980 October surprise by the shadow government & Deep State can finally be revealed A Path to A Positive Future for Earth Humanity in Our Galaxy" Alfred Lambremont Webre 25 ['Tom Sims', 'Alfred Lambremont Webre', 'Jimmy Carter', 'Andrew D Basiago', 'UFO ET Abduction', 'Carbon 60 moledule', 'AI Artificial intelligence', 'President Donald Trump', 'Trump Tweets', 'Bucky Balls', 'QAnon', '', 'Longevity'] PT2H8M55S 12717 84 199 16 not set not set 2018-06-04T03:48:04.000Z LqWu0be7o_Q UC1ZJSPHkcgG_g7o1gAP5gxQ QANON to Leak Trump-FBI BOMBSHELL on June 11, 2018 !?!? "Analyzing the QANON Phenomena with Hassan of Grassy Knoll." AlienScientist 22 not set PT40M35S 29916 227 212 104 not set not set 2017-11-14T05:07:22.000Z 6q9hV19prz8 UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Qanon Red Pill #1: Operation Mockingbird "Link To Red Pill #2: Intro to Internet Operatives : Are you Red Pill curious but not sure what it's all about? Here's your first & most important peek behind the curtain - *you* are a part of the CIA`s Operation Mockingbird. Follow the White Rabbit .. take back your mind, your sanity, your courage and your destiny. #GreatAwakening #Qanon" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Leftists', 'The Storm Is Coming', '#thestorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'FAKE NEWS', 'Media Lies', 'Wake up', 'truth', 'refugees', 'CIA', 'propaganda', 'The Truman Show', 'Who Owns the Media', 'red pill', 'what does red pill mean?', 'am I a normie', 'how to red pill', 'Qanon', 'AnonQ', 'Q Clearance'] PT16M16S 26482 220 988 33 not set not set 2018-06-26T23:41:21.000Z PI3kdaMQfPc UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Reaction to Q Plan To Save The World Video "My reaction to the great new video by Joe Masepoes. It brought up a lot of emotion for me. link to ""Q: The Plan To Save the World"" YT: Bitchute:" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Antifa', 'Leftists', 'civil war', 'totalitarianism', 'violence', 'intolerance', 'progressives', 'plan to save the world', 'pressure', 'Quiet Revolution', 'dehumanization', 'danger', 'Qanon', 'the great awakening', 'reaction to Q movie', 'joe masepoes', 'we the people', 'the Western World', 'marxism', 'patriots fight', 'conspiracy theory', 'faith'] PT14M33S 89774 3124 6019 176 not set not set 2018-07-01T19:11:35.000Z Osj5Vi7zZM8 UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Believing in Qanon The Great Awakening "I want to say thank you to all the patriots WORLDWIDE !! What an outpouring of spirit I've seen in the past few days - what a ride we're all on!! #WWG1WGA If you're not following Q you're missing out on the Great Awakening and the most fascinating moment in recent history. Check out Jordan Sather at Destroying the Illusion for great updates - go on Twitter and search the hashtag - learn the chans - watch ""Q Plan to Save the World"" on youtube. peace good people! ♥" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Antifa', 'qanon', 'Q anon', 'the q thing', 'who is Q?', 'what is Q?', 'The Great Awakening', 'Believe it when you see it', 'See it when you believe it', 'Faith', 'left right paradigm', '8chan', 'truth movement', 'Amazing Polly', 'us poli', 'canpoli', 'UKpoli', 'revelation', 'good vs evil', 'clinton crime', 'trump', 'reaction to q plan to save the world', 'q plan to save the world', 'right left', 'manifest destiny'] PT5M48S 14592 381 1234 24 not set not set 2018-07-06T18:56:12.000Z lMomeEtIQf0 UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg I'm Awake in a Zombie World - The Great Awakening, Walk Away, Q anon So you've escaped the False Narrative only to find it's impossible to rescue anyone else. Now what? Amazing Polly 25 ['q movement', 'q anon', 'the great awakening', 'how to cope', 'red pilling others', 'waking up', 'false narrative', 'clown world', 'liberals', 'divide and conquer', 'loneliness', 'spreading the truth', 'how to wake people up', 'the pain of awakening', 'authenticity', 'self esteem', 'faith', 'truth', 'losing friends', 'politics', 'left right paradigm', 'fake news', 'breaking your conditioning', 'fitting in', 'life after awakening'] PT19M40S 78835 2386 6915 90 not set not set 2018-07-17T19:46:56.000Z ampnuLOxORw UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Half The World has Gone Insane - Q Anon Alice & Wonderland breadcrumb "Early Q drops mentioned ""Alice in Wonderland"" a lot. I found many cool things digging on that crumb .. today I want to talk about the psychological manipulation technique that the CIA named The Alice in Wonderland Technique. Is it possible that they are trying to psychologically break us all so that they can rebuild society in their Progressive image?" Amazing Polly 25 ['q anon', 'the great awakening', 'awakening worldwide', 'psy ops', 'psychological warfare', 'fake news', 'manufactured outrage', 'trump putin', 'media lies', 'trolls online', 'indoctrination', 'false narrative', 'interrogation', 'CIA', 'Alice in Wonderland', 'good cop bad cop'] PT11M28S 76836 1525 4551 97 not set not set 2018-07-21T17:02:38.000Z E9uhM5FQhzY UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Walk Away Into Q Anon the Great Awakening Worldwide "It's not exactly a hop skip and a jump from one to the other but they are *very* much related. I explain how the Lamestream Media is smearing the Q group, why they are scum for doing so, and how Q can positively effect the whole planet in this video. Links: MSNBC coverage of Q anon full: Hillary covers up child sex ring State Department: #GreatAwakening #Qanon #WalkAway" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Leftists', 'democrats', 'walk away movement', 'walk away', 'truth', 'truthers', 'conspiracy theories', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'fake news', 'fakenews', 'great awakening', 'tin foil hat', 'debunking', 'the plan to save the world', 'Hillary Clinton', 'child trafficking', 'pizza', 'pedo', 'conspiracy', 'false narrative'] PT23M45S 26146 867 2469 41 not set not set 2018-07-30T15:02:55.000Z NUaJYVld6WE UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Q Anon vs The Globalist Dystopia "The Great Awakening and the WalkAway campaign are threatening not only to the Globalists & the cabal but also to good people who have been burned. This is our best chance to finally defeat evil. Why are you not on board?" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Leftists', 'q anon', 'qarmy', 'pride', 'ego', 'doubt', 'q is a fraud', 'q is a cult', 'The Cabal', 'walk away campaign', 'the great awakening', 'q drops', 'you have more than you know', 'wwg1wga', 'cynicism', 'amazing polly', 'indictments', 'trump', 'maga', 'mega'] PT13M54S 14241 496 1672 24 not set not set 2018-07-31T18:44:25.000Z U2urUq9l__Q UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Is Q A PsyOp? Conspiracy Label via Hollyweird "Bit of a click-bait title, friends! sorry for the confusion. I still believe in the people involved, very very much. I just wonder why Q is encouraging this particular thing, that's all. :) I am still fully on board with the movement itself. I am going to get hammered in the comments for the title I chose I think!! #WWG1WGA! ♥ Disinfo is necessary but who can you trust in this situation?? Guardian Hit piece: MORE: Follow me on Twitter! @99freemind" Amazing Polly 25 ['Isaac Kappy', '#Q', 'Qanon', 'child trafficking', 'false accusations', 'evidence', 'conspiracy theory', 'Ben Collins', 'GreatAwakening', 'awakening', 'patriots', 'shills', 'SRA', 'victims of abuse', 'social media', 'censorship', 'discrediting', 'con artists'] PT14M17S 9469 613 937 30 not set not set 2018-08-15T02:07:06.000Z 6hzANkLXiG4 UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg CIA is Project Rusty - The EU is the Plan for Greater Germany "Tips & Encouragement: THANKS! What is the Keystone? Project RUSTY was the clandestine plan to create the CIA from German & Russian spies. Is it the SES, the Military OP named KEYSTONE in WW2? In this vid I expand on my first Keystone decode. I go over 2 shocking documents I found in my research and make the case for who really won the second World War. 472 page Declassified CIA collection on ""CIA & the origins of the BND"" #GreatAwakening #Qanon" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Leftists', 'CIA', 'Intelligence', 'BND', 'Germany', 'Globalism', 'NWO', 'counter intelligence', 'Communism', 'New World Order', 'Permanent Bureaucracy', 'Senior Executive Service', 'SES', 'Keystone', 'Project Rusty', 'Operation Rusty', 'US military', 'Gehlen', 'military', 'us army'] PT21M11S 33209 817 3355 35 not set not set 2018-08-20T19:55:46.000Z OHFd9yeJXOs UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Trump Tweets McCarthy + Q Drop What Is A Narcissist? "Tips & Encouragement: THANKS! Video info below..... So Trump brings up McCarthy who I just covered in my first Keystone Decode video and on the *same day* Q drops a post about Narcissism, which is the very subject that made me start this Youtube channel in the first place! Coincidence? I talk about Brennan's projections, The Globalists' International Intelligence Agency (the CIA, the BND, MI6) and more... Austria Cleans Out Intel Agency: #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q #Trump" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'Leftists', 'Brennan', 'McCarthy', 'Rigged Witch Hunt', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'Q drops', 'decode', 'narcissism', 'narcissist', 'projection', 'fake news', 'FISA', 'Russian collusion', 'Communists', 'CIA', 'infiltration', 'BND', 'Gehlen', 'OSS', 'Globalism', 'Predition of 3 world wars', 'Albert Pike'] PT16M39S 16105 415 1820 25 not set not set 2018-09-06T01:48:30.000Z gXse33_fJ6Q UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Posobiec Debunked Qanon did he? "I debunk Jack P's interview with some rando named ""Microchip"" who hides his identity and claims to be behind the Q phenomenon. As if this guy has the required intellect to communicate the way Q does. He can't even finish a sentence. ----Paypal for tips & encouragement: --------- #Qanon #GreatAwakening #FakeNews" Amazing Polly 25 ['q anon', 'qarmy', 'Jack Posobiec', 'q exposed', 'debunked', 'conspiracy theory', 'those who scream the loudest', 'great awakening', 'calm before the storm', '8chan', 'reaction', 'destroyed', 'fake news'] PT25M25S 32507 1234 3715 48 not set not set 2018-09-17T22:05:52.000Z Q48-ZHhAX-g UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Q Decode NXIVM - What MSM isn't Reporting "The Cult out of Clifton Park NY has a million connections that the mainstream media are ignoring. In this vid I first introduce the cult & a few of its practices, then I go over how the Clintons have a cozy relationship with a lot of NXIVM's members. Q mentioned NXIVM by name a week ago, but human trafficking has been a theme throughout the Q drops. Q anon also dropped a screen cap of an email between one Marty Torrey and Hillary, pointing out that her nickname (from him) is ""Alice."" Thank you for watching, and if you'd like to support my work you can do so through a donation (either in US or Canadian $) here: #GreatAwakening #NXIVM #HumanTrafficking #Racketeering #Clinton #Qanon" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'NXIVM', 'Hillary Clinton', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'q drop', 'q decode', 'Marty Torrey', 'Mexico', 'Salinas', 'Slim', 'Bronfman', 'Salzman', 'Clinton Foundation', 'cults', 'cult', 'sex cult', 'branding', 'Allison Mack', 'Libya', 'New York', 'conspiracy theory'] PT42M46S 299298 2854 16956 255 not set not set 2018-09-21T02:09:45.000Z w1QJ6-SYMko UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg Trudeau Swamp Global Connections - Qanon Dig "I go over the results of my dig on the the Q drop from September 19th's crazy Q&A where an anon asks ""Trudeau. Anything?"" There are things. :) I personally think the most interesting parts are the Uranium 1 and Syria results that start about half way through. If you'd like to help me with my work you can donate here: Resources: Billionaires (187) Barry & Honey Sherman Case: Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Donor List 2014: FVEY (Five Eyes): Uranium 1: Guistra & Telfer Kazakhstan: Syria Canada Mouaz Moustafa: Desmarais: Elpida / Guistra / Khan: Uranium Isotope study: Amed Khan defends Clinton Uranium One: Little Grey Cells Video: #GreatAwakening #qanon #decode" Amazing Polly 25 ['Politics', 'qanon', 'q decode', 'canada', 'uranium one', 'syria', 'barry sherman', 'apotex', 'frank guistra', 'elpida', 'uranium', 'rosatom', 'iran deal', 'obama', 'trudeau', 'five eyes', 'canadian intelligence', 'spying', 'spygate'] PT38M54S 75358 1468 5361 39 not set not set 2018-10-04T21:46:48.000Z Qqbsj3D_014 UCJkOZZrGNEJYDhzVwd24Bfg OptoGenetics remote mind control via GM drugs. Q anon Dig "Support for my work: Q repeatedly mentioned the war for our minds. In this video I talk about Christine Blasey Ford's Stanford research into hypnotherapy & the exploration of ego-dystonic states as they relate to Mind Control of the masses. Does this type of research play into the seeming psychosis of a certain segment of our population as they fight to have their 1st and 2nd amendment rights taken away and are calling for an end to due process?? REFERENCES: What is optogenetics (for beginners): Paper on how Optigenetics rapidly evolved with key breakthroughs: Neurophone: Blasey Ford's paper on mass hypnosis: Science, ""$4.5 billion for Brain Initiative"" Scientific American Warnings about who/why this tech is worrisome: PEW Cell/Smartphone ownership survey: Worldwide Cellphone ownership: Remote control mouse: Video, Ego-Syntonic/Dystonic (3 mins) Viral Vector Wiki: Frontiers in Genetics, ""The Use of DREADDs to Deconstruct Behaviour"" Optogenetics Stimulates FEar: Glossary (selected) of Chemogentics terminology & abbreviations: Use of Chemogenetics in Behavioural Science: Luminopsins research: Persinger Mind Control Experiments Video Persinger Awakening Drugs Video: Persinger Passes Away: Interoception and Mental Health: German Study of Oxytocin on Xenophobia: Youtube: Reward and Aversion, Robert Melenka at World Economic Forum: Regina Dugan Building 8 facebook Brain Computer: G protein coupled Receptors Wiki: Exogenous and evoked oxytocin restores social behavior in the Cntnap2 mouse model of autism: How Does Optogenetics Work? - TECHSPOT: Interoception Pavlovian conditioning: Diabetes & Smartphones: Beam Me Up Spock: Magnetogenetics: #GreatAwakening #Qdecode #mindControl #MKUltra #Kavanaugh #SJW #Leftism" Amazing Polly 25 ['Leftists', 'Blsey Ford', 'Kavanaugh', 'Mind Control', 'ego dystonic', 'hypnotherapy', 'manchurian candidates', 'deep state', 'stanford', 'cia', 'mkultra', 'smart phones', 'optogenetics', 'chemogenetics', 'cults', 'narcissism', 'us politics', 'progressives', 'protesters', 'left wing', 'right wing', 'science experiments', 'LED lights', 'internet of things', 'health tracker apps', 'neurons', 'emotional regulation', 'nudging', 'social media', 'oxytocin', 'refugees'] PT42M27S 51289 1465 4547 39 not set not set 2018-07-20T16:40:57.000Z 0l-PGwM-eS8 UCDAMaaCR8uECcReL2bEXHwQ MSNBC Wants #Qanon "Conspiracy Theory" BANNED "No matter what MSM outlet you see, when they talk about ""conspiracy theory"" they always show Alex Jones and mention Jones. He is the face of ""conspiracy theory."" MSNBC wants an app the shows the latest #Qanon drops banned. The MSM wants what they call ""conspiracy theories"" banned all together from the internet, not just YouTube or Facebook. They want it so their information is the only information you see. Thanks for watching! LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! Contains music: ""The Complex"" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 The Complex by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC Attribution 3.0. Direct Link: ISRC: USUAN1300025 © 2013 Kevin MacLeod" Amazing Things From Around The World 19 ['Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'Q drops', 'Red pill', 'trump', 'Q anon conspiracy theory', 'alex jones', 'conspiracy theory', 'alternative media', 'alt news', 'ufo', 'bigfoot', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'media', 'youtube', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'fake news', 'app store', 'google', 'apple store'] PT6M3S 15288 156 58 55 not set not set 2018-07-27T19:24:54.000Z Ydyvm0uWnbU UCDAMaaCR8uECcReL2bEXHwQ #Qanon is a #Slayer Fan! Evil Has No Boundaries "According to this information, Qanon is a Slayer fan. He posted a link to Slayer's song ""Evil Has No Boundaries."" Qanon Q 1735. Thanks for watching! LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! Contains music: Crossing the Chasm Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License ISRC: USUAN1700026 Uploaded: 2017-02-27" Amazing Things From Around The World 19 ['Q ANON', 'Q ANON Q', 'QANON DROPS', 'ANON', 'TRUMP', '4CHAN', '8CHAN', 'REDDIT', 'SLAYER', 'SLAYER MUSIC', 'SATAN', 'GOD', 'SLAYER BAND', 'EVIL HAS NO BOUNDRIES', 'METALLICA', 'MEGADETH', 'THRASH METAL', 'DEATH METAL'] PT2M51S 296 12 9 1 not set not set 2018-09-13T14:45:17.000Z GrZ8LQORKys UCDAMaaCR8uECcReL2bEXHwQ #Qanon BANNED from #Reddit! "#Qanon #Banned #Reddit Reddit banned its largest community focused on the fringe conspiracy theory Qanon on Wednesday, claiming the subreddit was cut off “due to repeated violations of the terms of our content policy.” Thanks for watching! LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! If you like the video this channel is producing, please donate to help keep the lights on! Contains music: Rynos Theme Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License ISRC: USUAN1600016 Uploaded: 2016-03-04" Amazing Things From Around The World 24 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'The Storm', 'Reddit', 'Donald Trump', 'anonymous', 'anon', '4chan', '8chan', 'alex jones', 'banned from reddit', 'reddit', 'social media', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'president trump', 'wwg1wga', 'hillary clinton', 'mass censorship', 'censorship', 'youtube', 'media'] PT3M20S 103 11 8 1 not set not set 2018-08-17T16:44:45.000Z Gdqv-z37qZ4 UC_7vFlErTHxVD-IFNB-BFCg QAnon: Who or What is it? "Who is the mysterious 4chan and 8chan poster QAnon? Is it someone in the Trump Administration? Is it someone with high level security clearance? Or is it a just another conspiracy nut job? Either way, Q has made a splash in the mainstream media and with Trump supporters with his/hers/its thoughts on everything from the Russia investigation to the deep state. Find out about Q on America Uncovered! America Uncovered relies on viewer support. Click here to learn more: or visit us on Facebook! or Twitter! Sources:" America Uncovered 25 ['Chris Chappell', 'America Uncovered', 'qanon', '4chan', 'trump', 'conspiracy', 'hillary clinton', 'child trafficking', 'russia investigation', 'robert mueller', 'obama', 'internet', 'department of energy', 'alex jones', 'mueller report', 'jordan peterson', 'dark web', 'we the people', 'white house', 'news channel', 'fbi', 'donald trump', 'conspiracy theories', 'conspiracy theory', 'clinton', 'new world order', 'q anon', 'human trafficking', '8chan', 'deep state', 'qanon update', 'sealed indictments', 'the great awakening'] PT10M50S 73119 619 2795 276 not set not set 2018-02-13T09:46:01.000Z DesWkFgtop8 UCUGL1NLtAMVH409r0v2lrtQ Qanon 2.13.18: Operation Merlin (tech) & RBG in Hanoi "This Q drop references Operation Merlin from the Clinton Administration and Iran, and North Korea" American Defense Center 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'north korea', 'nk', 'operation merlin', 'ruth ginsburg', 'ruth bader ginsburg', 'hanoi', 'icbm', 'mini nuke'] PT2M41S 883 7 14 0 not set not set 2018-02-15T06:28:53.000Z oHsD5Pw37gA UCUGL1NLtAMVH409r0v2lrtQ Qanon 2.14.18: Military code & first submarine attack "Q drops a bunch of military code and a reference to the first submarine attack MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: Qanon Map: B's new Twitter:" American Defense Center 25 ['trump', 'qanon', 'maga', '#q', 'military code', 'military intelligence', 'b on twitter'] PT5M22S 484 0 8 2 not set not set 2018-03-18T09:14:06.000Z LCq0jy-iZBs UCUGL1NLtAMVH409r0v2lrtQ Qanon 3.18.18: Panic mode. Enjoy the show. Q posts that panic mode has set in with the swamp. American Defense Center 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'maga', 'andrew mccabe', 'jeff sessions'] PT10M47S 49701 199 870 49 not set not set 2018-03-24T00:51:36.000Z IfOJeXyH43M UCUGL1NLtAMVH409r0v2lrtQ Qanon 3.23.18: Clock activated, red_castle green_castle, tripcode update American Defense Center 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'maga', 'trump'] PT8M44S 22236 177 437 40 not set not set 2018-03-28T05:57:03.000Z 18TFZV0hw-k UCUGL1NLtAMVH409r0v2lrtQ Qanon 3.28.18: GOD WILL JUDGE OUR ENEMIES, WE'LL ARRANGE THE MEETING "Qanon Q posts about current events with Kim Jong Un in China, Parkland being a distraction, and General Flynn Sergey Brin:" American Defense Center 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'kim jong un', 'parkland', 'parkland shooting', 'general flynn'] PT14M44S 9391 63 170 8 not set not set 2018-04-21T02:23:23.000Z QdAFsNcqMTE UCUGL1NLtAMVH409r0v2lrtQ Qanon 4.16 - 4.20: Pelosi makes an oopsie, lots of new Q "In-Q-Tel: Slush Funds: Pelosi NK: Democrat lawsuit:" American Defense Center 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'liberal opinions', 'nancy pelosi', 'barack obama', 'fox news', 'seth rich'] PT34M14S 793 6 38 3 not set not set 2017-11-18T20:14:51.000Z J_DvpZFG9_4 UCv0dEcvXLOf4ZFvjCahK4Lw Who is Q? "Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media discuss Leader Technologies, Michael McKibben, Saudi Arabia.....and who is Q. Are you receiving your daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES. They are free, yet priceless. Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM),, copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties." American Intelligence Media 25 ['Michael McKibben', 'Leader Technologies', 'Saudi Arabia'] PT45M25S 129220 627 2265 201 not set not set 2018-01-12T21:23:58.000Z EwD0OUN9ILg UCv0dEcvXLOf4ZFvjCahK4Lw Activate Q Force "Betsy and Thomas look into Qanon recent controversies that point to a growing truth movement deep in the internet that the Deep State-Cabal cannot finds its source. Basically – now the Deep State is going down its own rabbit holes. Here is the article that Thomas referred to: Are you getting your free subscription to TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Go to to sign up. Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM),, copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties." American Intelligence Media 25 ['Q Clearance', 'Global Engagement Center', 'FISA 702', 'James Clapper', 'John Brennan', 'James Comey', 'Mike Rogers', 'Susan Rice', 'William Priestab', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Robert Mueller', 'Lionel Nation', 'Jerome Corsi'] PT33M 60296 514 1825 109 not set not set 2018-03-26T17:07:37.000Z cbSWZV3muVg UCv0dEcvXLOf4ZFvjCahK4Lw Q Exposed as Psyop "Betsy and Thomas reveal the psyop cyber battle for the original Q’s network lines and expose the FAKE Q now running a disinformation campaign against patriots. Even if you are a die-hard Q fan, you will want to listen to the intel the Conclave has uncovered on Q. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM), and copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties." American Intelligence Media 25 ['cyber warfare', 'psyop'] PT34M25S 88741 4028 3598 1697 not set not set 2018-05-20T21:14:39.000Z k8TbI1tlR_s UCv0dEcvXLOf4ZFvjCahK4Lw Forget Q. That's history. Meet T. "Betsy and Thomas discuss the latest T-drops. See drops here: PRESENT PROVES PAST. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM), and copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties." American Intelligence Media 25 ['Robert Mueller', 'Michael Flynn', 'Peter Strzok', 'Betsy and Thomas', 'Eric Schneiderman', 'Christopher Steele', 'James Comey', 'John Brennan', 'Michael Horowitz', 'George Papadopoulos', 'Senior Executive Services', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'James Baker', 'James Clapper', 'George Soros', 'Andrew McCabe'] PT45M37S 58788 728 1670 235 not set not set 2017-11-20T19:29:42.000Z Jv7ijonr-8s UCdzbriIY4uqhVwJ-FoduREw Special Guest Chad Alexander - 4chan Q Clearance Anon Update Americanuck Radio 25 ['Americanuck Radio', 'Mike Filip', 'Professor Mike', 'Super Don', 'GCN'] PT40M3S 5705 35 81 4 not set not set 2018-01-10T19:46:23.000Z V3DuvW4uucc UCdzbriIY4uqhVwJ-FoduREw Special Guest April Lajune - Q Anon Update Americanuck Radio 25 ['Americanuck Radio', 'Mike Filip', 'Professor Mike', 'Super Don', 'GCN', 'Q Anon', 'April Lajune'] PT40M4S 7407 31 94 11 not set not set 2017-12-19T09:48:53.000Z bqExi6bOoyA UCoxArmk6lTQUhmjaSBxAwjA Who is Q? "#Qanon #Qproofs @Swampys8th An introduction to QAnon and the biggest approved intel drop in US history. Pay attention folks.... President Trump is draining the swamp right in front of your eyes. In the beginning, there was Q. Back when clowns and shills were few. Then suddenly, in the storm blew. Massive intel would drop, CIA tried to stop, but Patriots knew what to do. President Trump and Q united us to think, dig and share. We were passionate to spread truth because Patriots care. The cabal fell into confusion and panic because we were finally awake and aware. As we gained control over information, news finally became fun. Ultimately, Trump saved US citizens from taking back their country by gun. And the end, thanks to a US Military back channel called Q, we won. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP! GOD BLESS AMERICA! Ⓠ updates Ⓠ" An American 22 not set PT6M29S 210375 688 3851 287 not set not set 2018-04-16T07:15:25.000Z QXmr2jpTnT8 UC4vptswS-qIpvz0NiocrGsA Trump In Syria: 4D Q Anon Chess Or Compromised? Let's Explore All Options. "Trump seemingly did a 180 on Assad & Syria with a chemical weapon attack was quickly pushed by media. Many of his biggest supporters including Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Laura Southern, Mike Cernovich, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, Cassandra Fairbanks & more are very upset. What's true? What will happen? Website: http://Legendary.Vision Donate: Shirts!: Email List! Sign Up:" An0maly - News Analysis & Hip-hop 23 ['q anon trump', 'q anon syria', 'q anon april', 'trump compromised'] PT1H7M32S 1003 30 68 2 not set not set 2018-08-03T00:04:01.000Z JSY-kHdpwNg UC4vptswS-qIpvz0NiocrGsA Q Anon Goes Mainstream: My Thoughts? An0maly Breaks Silence On #QAnon "I haven't talked about this pretty much ever. Why? I'll tell you why now that it is being attacked by mainstream media. Rare thoughts. Enjoy the show. Patreon (Support the newscast!): Donorbox (Support the newscast!): Like: Free Email List: Booking/Media Inquiries: http://Legendary.Vision" An0maly - News Analysis & Hip-hop 23 ['QAnon', 'QAnon Updates', 'Q Anon'] PT45M28S 3108 206 237 17 not set not set 2018-08-15T13:58:49.000Z uofowY6bG00 UCzFSNq-Q7QV6kBSw9zCoVXg Qanon! Who is Q? -- Challenging questions, team research, exciting TRUTH "Work From Home: Realistic Extra Income, For The Average Joe A Simple and Intuitive Way To Make Money Online that Simply Works: Who is Q? For more than 50 years we have been told what to think. We, the Americans, have been forced into a corner, told to stop prayer, stop life, laugh at Christians, be politically correct...and we have been taken down the road to the New World Order. That all came to a screeching halt. Q showed up last October 2017 and has been revealing the truth, one post on 8chan at a time. Not only does Q post questions and ideas, the Q team provides Bible Verses and asks us to pray! This #qanon VID is more than just facts, it is displaying why I love the Q posts. They took a man who was depressed, down on life, lost hope of a future for our Nation...and REVIVED him again. ThankQ! And We Know was founded years ago, but God has revived the channel to start providing Biblical insight and hope to those who have lost it or looking for answers to many questions through this journey on earth. AndWeKnow Twitter: Subscribe: Sources for this Video" And We Know 29 ['qanon', '#qanon', '#patriots', 'greatawakening', 'potus', 'trump', 'president', '45', '17', 'lizcrokin', 'hillary', 'crookedhillary', 'whoisqu', 'whoisqanon', 'whoisq', 'blacksfortrump', 'omarasso', 'sessions', 'trustsessions', 'fbi', 'cia', 'northkorea', 'missileattack', 'diamondandsilk', 'antifa'] PT21M46S 52743 390 4556 25 not set not set 2018-09-19T20:28:20.000Z ckxmX32eCL4 UCXoXljexfCDZLj4SrrD6Q1w Simon Parkes: Q ANON son 4 hombres + computador Inteligencia Artificial """Todo lo que quería decir sobre Q ANON era que a mi entender son 4 hombres y un muy avanzado computador de Inteligencia Artificial""" Andrea Alerta 27 ['simon parkes', '2018', 'kerry cassidy', 'sub', 'subtitulos', 'subitulado', 'IA', 'inteligencia artificial', 'ANON', 'D-WAVE', 'satelites'] PT8M18S 12108 37 401 11 not set not set 2018-01-21T20:15:05.000Z 1D7zgoMgrJE UCSTp3xBWG5SbMiDwjJQQ0Lg Q-Anon and the FISA memo: are we being played? andy nowicki 25 not set PT13M1S 493 11 21 3 not set not set 2018-05-03T20:33:49.000Z vAPnZlgkWR0 UCZMlLVO1Uv1iID7hAAw6JsQ #Qanon shocking new intel(pt2) The deep state has no idea what it has done.No idea of the horrors.This is the time to stand against the legions of evil. Annette Cividanes 1 ['#Qanon shocking new intel', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'Comey', 'Clapper'] PT23M55S 574 3 22 0 not set not set 2018-05-11T23:27:18.000Z iYpMI7OfYDs UCfkI3EwGJv_LSVsHEw7cH4g United States Military Power 2018 • The Leader • U S Armed Forces "Q drop 637 Where We Go 1 We go All Godspeed patriots" Anon Decoder 22 not set PT3M7S 4275 21 129 1 not set not set 2018-05-14T22:38:34.000Z Xbo1JXEWwMQ UCfkI3EwGJv_LSVsHEw7cH4g We Must Fight President Reagan TyDales Version "Q drop 1240 Ronald Reagan - Speech" Anon Decoder 22 ['Ronald Reagan', 'USA', 'Trump', 'America', 'Army', 'Navy', 'Cold War', 'Russia', 'Speech', 'Rally', 'Motivational', 'Liberals', 'USSR', 'Republicans', 'Democrats', 'Conservatism'] PT3M36S 1103 2 37 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T15:13:35.000Z 2ezlnrGyJqU UCfkI3EwGJv_LSVsHEw7cH4g Q ANON UPDATE 5132018 TRUST THE PLAN REPUBLISHED Lets get this straight and MOVE ON "Q Drop 1366 ""I don't think it would be fair to say that a journalist can't make money when covering Q. But that's the difference. A journalist covering Q isn't necessarily usurping Q. The paytriots in question were trying to usurp Q. This video explains what happened very well. It certainly cleared my head about it all.""" Anon Decoder 22 ['Qanon', 'Thegreatawakening', 'USA', 'Trump', 'Democrats', 'America', 'Republicans', 'NSA', 'Corruption', 'Conspiracy'] PT44M15S 347 5 8 0 not set not set 2018-08-05T19:56:42.000Z vFHzrmk5Md0 UCLR6GDerhHyTAdTVZXkan1g Anonymous Operation QAnon "Hello boys and girls, it's time to learn your A B C's ""L."" ""M."" ""N."" ""O."" ""P."" ""Q."" Op Q, Op Q Anon ABCDEFGHIJKLMN (#OpQ) RSTUVWXYZ. Greetings Q, We are Anonymous. We've been watching the interwebs from deep within our basements, flinging data bits and bytes here and there - living the stereotypical hacker life, you know; eating Doritos and drinking the Dew, (we do the dew - that shit's trademarked by the way), and we've been watching the world burn at the hands of idiots. We've slapped around a few people for being ignorant morons, sure - we're totally not sorry for taking down racist websites or helping antifascist movements, leaking ICE data, and also all the little things we do when people don't pay attention... Anyhow Q, we've been watching you too - and you're quite funny. We were all like ""yo, check this troll out! He has them convinced that he's on the inside and they're eating it up like sheep!"" We all knew who was responsible for Q, and we thought the insanity would end with a final punch line of lulz - yet u 8 chan freaks never delivered that shit. Nope, you tossed it aside and let it grow into a deformed Alex Jones conspiracy thought bubble. Someone is gonna get hurt, so we have to put our foot down and start some shit with you all, oh kay? We don't know if you can hang with the real thing, cuz believe it or not - we're kind of upset that you'd try to even associate yourselves with our decentralized collective. That crazy pedophile conspiracy you Q's are throwing around while ignoring Trump's own connections makes us wonder why? Seems you have some kooky political agenda. We don't like brainless political agendas; hell we don't even like political agendas at all, so get your asses ready for a thrashing of butt hurt. You got all these foolish people all riled up with no proof, no leaks. We have plans. We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated. In our collective we all have our differences and internal drama but we do have one thing in common; none of us are happy with your bullshit. And oh my god, oh no - it's teh real ""Anonymous"" they deep state fedz oh my god ohmygod *insert conspiracy* theory omg help. We gonna wreck you. We are Anonymous, We are legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget. We're sure you know we're coming, how could you not?" anon2world 29 ['QAnon', 'Anonymous', 'Deep state', 'Deepstate', 'FBI', 'Trump', 'AnonyOps', 'Legion', 'Right Wing', 'NRA'] PT3M7S 82652 623 903 470 not set not set 2018-01-27T17:59:03.000Z nEBqF8lDJg4 UCv4EIbzalVDPqqPIYyCL7qg Q ANON, #QAnon, Q ANON UPDATE, QAnon 4Chan, Q-ANON POSTS, Q-Anon Psyop, QAnon Storm, Q Anon Deep St "Q ANON, #QAnon, Q ANON UPDATE, QAnon 4Chan, Q-ANON POSTS, Q-Anon Psyop, QAnon Storm, Q Anon Deep State, QAnon Today. QAnon Trump, Calm Before the Storm, QAnonCIA, q anon twitter , q anon reddit, q anon predictions, q anon Hillary, q anon January 2018, q anon Rothschild , q anon indictments, q anon infowars, q anon Alex jones , q anon answers, q anon calm before the storm, q anon news, q anon North Korea, q anon breadcrumbs, qanon Wikileaks #wikileaks, #freeassange, qanon decoded, q storm The 2018 GeoEngineering Chemtrail Spraying has gotten out of hand! California 1/27/18 -Anonymous Farm" ANONYMOUS FARM 25 ['#QAnon', 'QAnonupdate', 'QAnontoday', 'QAnon4chan', 'QAnon post', 'QAnonCIA', 'QanonDeepState', 'QAnonTheStorm', 'Qanontrump', 'Qanon psyop', 'qanonstorm', 'qanondonaldtrump', 'q-anonuodates', '4chan', 'q anon twitter', 'q anon reddit', 'q anon posts 4chan', 'q aon predictions', 'q anon hillary', 'q anon january 2018', 'q anon rothschild', 'q anon youtube', 'q anon indictments', 'q anon infowars', 'q anon alex jones', 'q anon answers', 'q anon north korea', '#wikileaks', 'q anon decoded', 'Q storm'] PT1M58S 1325 22 47 6 not set not set 2018-04-16T16:14:57.000Z 2GTbv4nkV_w UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #Q #QAnon #8chan ⚔️ Trump and more Clone 💥 "You will see Trump and more Clone See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3)" Anonymous Information 22 ['#QAnon #8chan #MAGA #GreatAwakening'] PT7M17S 371 1 9 4 not set not set 2018-04-25T12:27:52.000Z Z_LcocHopU0 UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #Q #QAnon #8chan Anonymous Informationen "Be prepared ! See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3)" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT3M51S 646 4 20 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T17:02:38.000Z TbAsAaoSl60 UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #Q #QAnon #8chan JFK Files 💣 #MOAB Booom💣 "Full Lifestream : Please safe it quick !!!! /videos/575124362860059/ See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3)" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT12M50S 141 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T17:57:46.000Z 9DoKSDEa7Ts UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon #Q #8chan 💣JFK Files Download Link in Info 💣 "Download Link See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3)" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT48S 159 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-28T15:58:52.000Z 9dZPgHchbcw UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #Q #QAnon #8chan Stop Human Cloning The Dokumentation "Please subcride the Original Channel and see full Vid ⚠️ See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3) #Stophumancloning" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT8M50S 231 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-05-01T21:41:53.000Z 4w8EXGcibXY UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon #8chan 🎇Do you see what we see ? "Do you see what we see ? Choose wisely which Side You are going to be .💣 Wake up ! See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3) #QAnon #MAGA #GreatAwakening #JFKFiles #JFK #Jesus #Infowar #8Chan #God #KanyeWest #prayForKanye" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT36S 352 2 7 1 not set not set 2018-05-02T23:39:35.000Z qFgDfuQfS0w UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA Q Anon fight vs.Devils ! Good vs. Devils ! #Q #QAnon #8chan "🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇 Q Anon is fight vs Devils ! Choose wisely which Side You are going to be .💣 Wake up ! See Anonymous Info on Twitter 💣 (@AnonymousInfo3) #QAnon #MAGA #GreatAwakening #JFKFiles #JFK #Jesus #Infowar #8Chan #God #KanyeWest #prayForKanye" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT49S 98 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-05-03T03:25:55.000Z UQwuS9bVlEo UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #Q :Pope will have terrible Week :Rabbit Hole EXPOSE POPE Symbolik -Cern Satanik Ceremony "💥💥💥 #QAnon #8chan check out ! 💥 Rabbit Hole EXPOSE POPE Symbolik -Cern - The Gotthard Tunnel Opening SATANIC Ceremony . Important will be the Part about the Pope 💥 Full Vid : Check ALL 3 Parts OUT ! Sieh dir Anonymous Info💣 (@AnonymousInfo3) an: #MAGA #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #JFKFiles" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT3M44S 383 3 6 0 not set not set 2018-05-04T05:06:53.000Z NFqXw8FoHms UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon 💣 TRUMP CLONE GIVING SPEACH BEVORE SYRIA STRIKE 💣 "💣 💣 VIDEO SHOWS TRUMP CLONE GIVING SPEACH BEFORE SYRIA STRIKE ! ( 15 April ) Its explaine so many. Good vs. Evils Full Vid : RESEARCH Anons ! 💣 #Deepstate #MAGA #QAnon #8Chan #KanyeWest #GreatAwakening #GreatAwakeningWorldwide" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT3M34S 168 0 1 3 not set not set 2018-05-04T11:45:31.000Z 2pbU9WcJFmE UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #Q Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING ? "🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇 Q Anon is fight vs. Evils ! Remember that is not a Game. That is a seriös hard Fight. Can you feel it if you see this Vid ? #QAnon #MAGA #GreatAwakening #JFKFiles #JFK #Jesus #Infowar #8Chan #God #KanyeWest #prayForKanye #Pizzagate #Pedovores #Anonymous #Q United We Stand, Divided We Fall Where We Go One, We Go All !!! #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird #HRC #Obama #Soros #MKUltra #OpMockingbird #Illuminati #Cabal #SkullsandBones #BohemianGrove" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT52S 596 16 26 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T11:01:32.000Z UuM1ZxlcpC8 UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA Q Illuminati its NOT more a Secret any more "WE ARE UNDER ATACK BY THE LUCIFERIAN NEW WORLD ORDER WAKE UP 🌋#QAnon #News #Anonymous #KanyWest #TheRainMakers @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #OneVoice  #TrumpWorld #DeepStateIsReal #ShadowGovernment #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Trump #Jesus #God #GreatAwakening #News #Twitter @kanyewest #infowars" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT9M33S 478 3 17 0 not set not set 2018-05-19T13:19:06.000Z CGnlOvYgNKw UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon 🔥WE HAVE REALLY ENOUGH 🔥#ThisPeopleAreSick "🔥WE HAVE REALLY ENOUGH 🔥 #ThisPeopleAreSick GO TO HELL #qanon #MAGA #Anonymous #Rainmaker #POTUS #Trump #WWG1WGA #Pizzagate #PEDOVORES #DeepStateInPanic #News #Twitter #InfinityWar #ReleaseTheVideo #SickNotWeak #WeThePeople #OneVoice #Cyberwar #Bible #Jesus #God #KanyeWest #Q" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT2M21S 552 4 29 1 not set not set 2018-08-07T02:22:31.000Z CKiX_pwFzu4 UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA ⚔️ ANONYMOUS MESSAGE TO FAILFAQ OP #QAnon "🛡️ ⚔️ DEAR #Anonymous ⚔️🛡️ WE HAVE NO LEADERS ! MANY GREAT OLDFAGS FROM #4chan & #8chan & all Networks ⚔️ SUPPORT Q THAT IS FAKT ⚔️ NOW TRY SOME FAILFAGS TO CONTROLL ANONS ? FUCK YOUR FEELINGS ! WE FIGHT VS ILLUMINATI & NWO & BILDERBERGER OVER YEARS ! FUCK THE DEEPSTATE ! DEAL WITH IT ! YOU TRY TO DIVIDE ! SHAME ON YOU! FUCK YOUR FAILFAQ OP ! BIG BIG FAIL ! YOU HAVE NOT TO CONTROLL US FAILFAGS ANONYMOUS IS FREE ! THINK ABOUT IT FAILFAQS ! ⚡ LEARN ! ⚔️ FAIL OP ! #OpQAnon ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ #fuckNWO #fuckIlluminati #WWG1WGA" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT3M43S 348 11 11 8 not set not set 2018-08-07T08:41:02.000Z -NLV79iKA78 UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA ⚔️ ANONYMOUS MESSAGE TO FAILFAGS THAT DECLARE WAR TO Q ANONS "⚔️ ANONYMOUS MESSAGE ⚔️ FAILFAGS ( FAKE ANON ? ) DECLARE WAR TO Q ANONS ? MANY MANY OLDFAGS SUPPORT Q ON #4CHAN & #8CHAN AND IN ALL NETWORKS DONT TRY TO FUCK WITH ANONYMOUS ! ⚔️ WE ARE LEGION EXPECT US ! #Anonymous #Anon #Anons #WWG1WGA #QArmy #QAnon #4chan #8chan ⚡FAIL OP'S ⚡ FAILFAGS ⚡ ⚔️ NO ONE CONTROLL ANONS ⚔️ ANONYMOUS HAVE NO LEADER LEARN FAILFAGS ! FAIL ( FAKE ) OP THEY ATACK ANONS & REPORT ACS & CHANNEL ⚡ #OPFakeAnons ⚡ ( NOT ALL BUT SOME) #OpQ #OpQAnon #Qanon8chan #WarOnQAnon #QFO #Qooks #Qanon" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT1M10S 335 10 10 5 not set not set 2018-08-13T21:55:50.000Z bKmfoCw48ME UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA Q Anon Song Where We Go One We Go All United We Stand, Divided We Fall Where We Go One, We Go All ! "Q Anon Song Where We Go One We Go All United We Stand, Divided We Fall Where We Go One, We Go All !!! WORLDWIDE !!! ⚡ SHARE !⚡ Artist: Blue Eyes Song: We Go All #WWG1WG #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird #HRC #Obama #Soros #MKUltra #OpMockingbird #Illuminati #Cabal #Skull&Bones #BohemianGrove" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT3M33S 5304 20 198 3 not set not set 2018-08-14T21:59:21.000Z 3dapYw6mYtg UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon PRÄSIDENT TRUMP ! 'Q just watch .We have the Cards ,they do'nt ! " "#QAlert ⚡BOOM BOOM BOOM ⚡ PRÄSIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP CONFIRM Q ! IT' S HAPPEND !!! 💥 Q IS CONFIRMED ! 💥 THANK YOU DONALD J. TRUMP ! @realDonaldTrump SHARE !!!! SHARE ON FACEBOOK: RETWEET ON TWITTER White House Vid (Proof ) #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT49S 475 5 10 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T20:17:48.000Z iCGsTot7cZI UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA Q Overview: The Global Cabal Power Structure "Overview : The Global Cabal Power Structure Extended version. Take a peek behind the scenes of the power structure that has been planning, for centuries, to take full control of the globe's nations and population. We are at a crossroads. It's up to us to Fight. Thanks to the brilliant anons of 8Chan for contributing to this overview. Please like and share with those who are still asleep... this is a battle we cannot afford to lose. MAGA/MEGA SHARE FROM QAnon Arts & Info WWG1WGA @ThoughtsNotBots on Twitter I am @AnonymousInfo3 #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird #HRC #Obama #Soros #MKUltra #OpMockingbird #Illuminati #Cabal #Skull&Bones #BohemianGrove" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT2M56S 193 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-09-13T21:15:12.000Z -5UuMNSAfOM UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon The Break Through "Hey guys! Check out and SHARE my new Video MEME based on #QAnon information and set to my own original baroque style classical music. I know, I know... Art and politics should never mix, but it is my firm belief that we (humanity) are on the verge of a #GreatAwakening, and the charge is being led by people like #Trump and #Flynn ans #Sessions. It is more of a spiritual event using politics as a vessel to cleanse the Evil from our world, than a simple political conflict. There is an evil in this world, involved in all manners of criminality, including #HumanTrafficing, which is about to be wiped off the face of the earth by Trump and Company. This video is a tribute to President Donald J Trump, his Family, General Flynn, Q, and all of the brave men and women in the Armed Forces and BRAVER #ANONS on 8chan etc. I, myself, have chosen to contributethrough MEME making and now this ""EXTENDED MEME"". This video was inspired by DJT's journey, including all of the events leading up to his election, right up until the more recent Parkland School shootings. The video deals with the urgent and REAL topics such as #TheStorm #PizzaGateIsReal #QAnon and #GITMO. ""The Break Through"" is a RAW Boswin original classical composition, performed with the spirit of Vivaldi, Mozart and Bach. Dark and foreboding, this composition sets an engaging tone for the listener, with no shortage of exciting scales and lush orchestral drums. Brooding cellos solidify the bottom for the dance of the string sections. I sure hope the @POTUS get to watch this video soon, so do me a favor and smash that like button and share the link if you enjoy the track. If you are inclined to be a Patron of mine, I would greatly appreciate it! United We Stand, Divided We Fall Where We Go One, We Go All !!! ARTIST : PLEASE FOLLOW ! Follow @AnonymousInfo3 on Twitter Facebook : #QAnon Art & Info WWG1WGA #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird #HRC #Obama #Soros #MKUltra #OpMockingbird #Illuminati #Cabal #SkullandBones #BohemianGrove" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT4M23S 2282 30 78 1 not set not set 2018-09-19T20:19:26.000Z V1iuD7fg82c UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QANON HELLO DEEPSTATE MEET Q - TIME TO SAY GOOD BY ! 😂🍿😂 "Hello 😁👋 TICK TOCK ⏰⏰⏰ ⚡Where We Go One ⚡     ⚡WE GO ALL !!!⚡ United We Stand, Divided We Fall Where We Go One, We Go All !!! #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird #HRC #Obama #Soros #MKUltra #OpMockingbird #Illuminati #Cabal #SkullandBones #BohemianGrove" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT4M42S 568 17 23 2 not set not set 2018-10-27T18:27:57.000Z e208LmhPFIk UCt4UCwrpxq2WrIHKsfWbVVA #QAnon #Trump Rally 18,000 inside 15,000 outside "HOUSTON ❤️ President Trump... 18,000 inside 15,000 outside Worth the 24 hour wait Via Angela Alexander - Facebook ⚡Where We Go One ⚡     ⚡WE GO ALL !!!⚡ United We Stand, Divided We Fall Where We Go One, We Go All !!! #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsUnited #PatriotsFight #QAlert #QAnons #WWG1WGA  #Anonymous #OpQAnon #WarOnQAnon #OpQ #Q #CNN #NTV #ABC #FOX #N24 #JFK #Deepstate #Trump #Putin #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Potus #News #Hollywood #Mockingbird #HRC #Obama #Soros #MKUltra #OpMockingbird #Illuminati #Cabal #SkullandBones #BohemianGrove" Anonymous Information 22 not set PT2M21S 254 5 15 0 not set not set 2018-06-14T11:13:29.000Z VBMb956Z_fE UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRES DON TRUMP IG REPORT "GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP & FIRST FAMILY! PRAYERS FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP TO ENJOY HIS DAY!! #DDAY 🙏🙏 PRAYERS 4 PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump & GOD BLESS AMERICA & WORLD!! #HUMANITY #SAVETHECHILDREN #LOCKTHEMALLUP #NWONOMORE #MAGA #MKGA #MWGA #WWG1WGA #Q17 #Q drop 6.13 Why are many Iranian resistance (Freedom Fighters) tagging #QAnon on Twitter? Big things coming folks GOD M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN D OP's Hussein Hacking State Vote THEY MUST ALL WIN AT ALL COSTS SR 187 DIS. UK SIS C_A RUSSIA MASK HACK SAME AS CHINA SUB_WASH SET UP TRUST SESSIONS TRUST WRAY TRUST HUBER TRUST HOROWITZ D'S R DESPERATE WE ARE BEING ATTACKED FROM WITHIN FAKENEWS TIES TO DEEP STATE #DEEPSTATEINPANIC MISSILES FIRE SUNDAY INTERCEPTED THIS IS NOT A GAME THIS IS WAR EVIL VS GOOD ENOUGH IS ENOUGH APT. OF 2ND SC WOULD FAIL THINK WHY? SEALED TIGHT RACE FOR TIME #G7SCARED ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, WE HAVE UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. GOVERNMENTS HAVE INSULTED US HUNANS FAR TOO LONG. #GREATAWAKENING #PATRIOTSUNITED #WWG1WGA FROM PIC BELOW YOU SEE ONE OF #Q MILITARY INSIDE #DENALI PICTURE TAKEN. 😎🤔 POTUS HAS #IG #UNREDACTED REPORT #3 RELEASED 6.14 SEC FBI/DOJ/ handling of #HRC email investigation #RR been charged #STAGEBEENSET Who has sole ability to DECLASS it all? Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. Push for docs. #DarknessBrought2Light #BeLoud #BeHeard #FightforTruth" Anonymous X 22 ['HAPPY BIRTHDAT TRIMP', 'DONALD J TRUMP', 'POTUS45', 'SAVETHECHILDREN', 'HUMANITY', 'MAGA', 'LOCK HER UP', 'QANON', 'WWG1WGA', 'GREATAWAKENING', 'USSS', 'QDROPS', 'OIG REPORT', 'IG REPORT', 'DDAY', 'REDWAVERISING2018', 'TRUSTSESSIONS'] PT26M22S 51 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-16T16:18:28.000Z lcdV79c5QqY UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg Q DROPS 6 15 16 18 TRUST HUBER STAGE BEEN SET #WWG1WGA " FOLLOW THE LINKS IT WILL UNLOCK ALL YOU SEEK TO KNOW TRUMP SIGNS BILL 12.21.17 ES STEPS DOWN PROJECT MK ULTRA ALL THE REPORTERS MENTIONED IN Q DROPS REGINA DUGAN LEFT GOOGLE JOINED FACEBOOK WAS IN WH TILL 2012 WHO OS SERGEY BRIN? KGB? GOOGLE? ALPHABET CO? GOOGLE FACEBOOK YOUTUBE TWITTER THEY R WATCHING. WE R WATCHING THEM. GOOD VS EVIL BATTLE WE R WINNING THEY R SCARED DISTRACTION TUCSON AZ #CHILDTRAFFICKING #BORDERS #BUILDTHEWALL #IGREPORT #POSTUSTRUMP #TRUMP2020 #HUBER #BO #SR #HRC #FBI #DOJ #CLICKBAIT #FAKENEWSMEDIA #FAKENEWS #MEDIA #TRUMPTWITTER #GOOGLE #YOUTUBE #FACEBOOK #TWITTER #REGINADUGAN #SG #MZ #ES #BILL1221 #JP #HUMA #FUTUREPROVESPAST #TRUSTTHEPLAN #STAGEBEENSET #STAGESET #INDICTMENTS #HUSSEINCABINET #EMAILGATE #BS #LL #JC #SECCLEARANCE #AWAN #PAYLMANAFORT #WITNESS #KEY PAY ATTENTION YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW #Q PLAY THE GAME TRIPLE H THEME SONG WRITTEN BY MOTORHEAD RIP LEMMY 12/2015 11 YEARS AGO BATTLE OF BILLIONAIRES ON WM23 VINCE & TRUMP BOBBY LASHLEY. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL AND SHARE THE VIDEOS #WWG1WGA" Anonymous X 22 ['CF', 'HRC', 'JC', 'BO', 'HUSSEIN', 'CABINET', 'SEC CLEARANCE', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'POTUS 45', 'EU', 'G7', 'KIM JUNG UN', 'NK', 'ES', '122117', 'QANON', 'Q DROPS', 'PAUL MANAFORT', 'AWAN', 'HUMA', 'JP', 'HUBER', 'TRUSTSESSIONS', 'STAGE BEEN SET', 'TRUSTTHEPLAN', 'WWG1WGA'] PT26M16S 33 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-18T03:25:47.000Z nJBbns_Hnaw UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg Q DROPS 6 17 18 HAPPY FATHERS DAY "Q DROPS 6.17.18 HAPPY FATHERS DAY! #BIGWEEK About time Congress acted like it still has some power. We'll see. Intelligence branch has had it neutered w so-called nat sec📁 Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what? Q📁 +Snopes building algo to now track and refute all claims as false. Q @2:20📁 It’s coming. Q For a LARP we sure do get a lot of coverage. Must be all the original pics. [7] Delta today. Word for word. +7 POTUS How many days in a week? Enjoy the show. Q Review lawsuit. Review GoFundMe plea. Review financial disclosure. Review formation date. Review initial investor(s). Controlled. Q #trolling #bo #congress #dwvinnunez #treygowdy #wray #fox #snopes #berlin #germany #hrcemails #igreport #potus45 #election18 #redwaverising2018" Anonymous X 22 ['QANON', 'QRMY', 'SNOPES', 'FUTURE PROVES PASY', 'WWE', 'THE GAME', 'TRUST', 'POTUS45', 'TRUMP2020', 'TRUMP45', 'WWG1WGA'] PT24M36S 7 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-19T23:24:11.000Z EdLVvpsR5ZE UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg Q DROP 6.19.18 1561 & 1563 HORROWITZ "Identifying Picture #QANON #Q #QBREADS #QCRUMBS #ANONS #QALERT #IGHORROWITZ #HOUSEJUDICARYCOMMITTEMEETING #HORROWITZ" Anonymous X 22 not set PT59S 23 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T01:00:48.000Z vfaoFF_HEjE UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON DROP'S 1515 & 1516 BUILD A MAP "BUILD A MAP Q DROPS ,OIG REPORT, STROZK, COMEY, HILLARY DE BLASIO, JAKE TAPPER, WIKILEAKS!! I FOUND IT!! OH SHIT!! LOL!! IG REPORT. Q DROP 1516. WIKILEAKS EMAIL 05/02/2016 07:30 AM EDT POSSIBLY BROKE SOMETHING WIDE OPEN. These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle: ABC – Cecilia Vega ABC - David Muir ABC – Diane Sawyer ABC – George Stephanoplous ABC – Jon Karl ABC – Liz Kreutz AP – Julie Pace AP – Ken Thomas AP – Lisa Lerer AURN – April Ryan Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein Bloomberg – John Heillman Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter Bloomberg – Mark Halperin Buzzfeed – Ben Smith Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer CBS – Gayle King CBS – John Dickerson CBS – Norah O'Donnell CBS – Steve Chagaris CBS – Vicki Gordon CNBC – John Harwood CNN – Brianna Keilar CNN – Dan Merica CNN – David Chailan CNN – Erin Burnett CNN – Gloria Borger CNN – Jake Tapper CNN – Jeff Zeleny CNN - Jeff Zucker CNN – John Berman CNN – Kate Bouldan CNN – Maria Cardona CNN – Mark Preston CNN – Sam Feist Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich GPG – Mike Feldman HuffPo – Amanda Terkel HuffPo – Arianna Huffington HuffPo – Sam Stein HuffPo – Whitney Snyder LAT – Evan Handler LAT – Mike Memoli McClatchy – Anita Kumar MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald MSNBC – Alex Wagner MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell MSNBC - Beth Fouhy MSNBC – Ed Schultz MSNBC – Joe Scarborough MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski MSNBC – Phil Griffin MSNBC – Rachel Maddow MSNBC – Rachel Racusen MSNBC – Thomas Roberts National Journal – Emily Schultheis NBC – Chuck Todd NBC – Mark Murray NBC – Savannah Gutherie New Yorker – David Remnick New Yorker – Ryan Liza NPR – Mike Oreskes NPR – Tamara Keith NY Post – Geofe Earl NYT – Amy Chozik NYT – Carolyn Ryan NYT – Gail Collins NYT – John Harwoodje NYT – Jonathan Martin NYT – Maggie Haberman NYT – Pat Healey PBS – Charlie Rose People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall Politico – Annie Karni Politico – Gabe Debenedetti Politico – Glenn Thrush Politico – Kenneth Vogel Politico – Mike Allen Reuters – Amanda Becker Tina Brown – Tina Brown The Hill – Amie Parnes Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco Vox – Jon Allen WaPo – Anne Gearan WaPo – Greg Sargent WSJ – Laura Meckler WSJ – Peter Nicholas WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson Yahoo – Matt Bai THE BRIDGE: PODESTA GROUP Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+ Why did the Podesta Group close? Public charges? No? Why close? When did Huber start? November? JP/ Huma NOV. Sealed. Do they know? Why did the Podesta group close? Why no leaks? Who else knows? HRC deal request? Why? IG-Huber Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports? Why not? Grand jury TAINT/BIAS? Everyone has an opinion. Clickbait. Q OIG REPORT PAGE 294 & ON WIKILEAKS #OIGREPORT #STROZK #COMEY #JULIANASSANGE #SETHRICH #CLINTONEMAIL #HRC #WERWINNING #CASEOFMAP #BUILDAMAP #WWG1WGA #QANON #CRUMBS #REDWAVERISING18 #REDTIDES18 #TRUMP45 #POTUS45 #CHILDRENTRAFFICKING #HUMANTRAFFICKING #PEDOGATE #PIZZAGATE #CLINTONHATE #COMEYGATE #TRUMP2020 #PRESIDENTTRUMP2020 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL!! SHARE THE VIDEO! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! LOVE DISABLED PATRIOT!!" Anonymous X 22 ['#qanon', 'build a map', 'oik report', 'clinton emails', 'weiner', 'dncorgemail', 'newsreporters', 'wikileaks', 'comey', 'strozk', 'mccabe', 'fbi', 'huber', 'podesta', 'orgy island', 'pizza party', 'deblasio'] PT19M41S 139 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-03T04:47:24.000Z D_Sio-oKp5M UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg THE TRUTH ABOUT JOEL DAVIS "FACEBOOK CLAIMS JOEL DAVID STORY IS FALSE! SO IS POLITCOFACTCHECKRM SNOPES. YOU ALL MAKE ME LAUGH LIBERAL LEFT DAMAGE. CNN HAS REGAINED CREDIBILITY RECENTLY WITH FACTUAL STORIES BEING POSTED. An Ivy League activist who fought sexual violence has been accused of sex crimes against children YOU KNOW ITS A REAL STORY WHEN FOX NEWS POSTS IT TOO. FBI says Columbia student who campaigned against sexual violence had child porn, enticed minor THAN NYT AND MANY OTHER OUTLETS TOO. BUT HERE IS THE KICKER THE COURT DOCUMENTS PRODUCED BY WARNURSE ON TWITTER IN A PDF FILE. HERE IS THE LINK HERE IS WARNURSE TWITTER ACCOUNT THAN Q POSTED DROPS ON 6.28.18 ABOUT FACEBOOK OWNER MZ SENDING OUT SURVEYS TO USERS IF THEY CONDONE PEDO? Q DROP 1619 Facebook is under fire for publishing a stomach-churning survey that asked users whether pedophiles should be allowed to solicit “sexual pictures” from underage girls. The cringeworthy poll surfaced at the top of Facebook’s home page for an unspecified number of users this past weekend, according to a report. “In thinking about an ideal world where you could set Facebook’s policies, how would you handle the following: a private message in which an adult man asks a 14-year-old girl for sexual pictures,” one question in the survey reads. AND ANOTHER DROP 1623 Trying to ‘normalize’. Who just joined the Board of Netflix? Who pushed? What is coming? Q IN THIS VIDEO YOU WILL SEE A CLIP OF MOVIE DESIRE.. WARNING!! more videos n pdfs" Anonymous X 22 ['joel davis', 'wwg1wga', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate'] PT12M4S 33 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-05T05:31:07.000Z ITi9WdmpoN0 UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg ANTI GUN EH OF EX 44 BRAINWASH PEOPLE "ARE YOU WOKEN YET? #QANON #BUILDAMAP Q DROP 6.28.18 1617 Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3831d8 No.1940496 📁 Jun 28 2018 11:10:15 (EST) Only the beginning. Power to the people. Q TED CRUZ 2016 ERIC HOLDER 1995 UPLOADED 03/2012 BO 2ND TERM THE REAL STORY OF TIME MAGAZINE TOP 100 STORY WRITTEN BY BARRACK OBAMA WRITER NAME CHANGE TO MELISSA CHAN (LIBERALS CAIGHT UP IN LIES. ESP DEEPSTATE) KEEP SPEAKING UP PATRIOTS!!!! #WWG1WGA #NRA #2NDAMENDMENT" Anonymous X 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'QANON', '2NDAMENDMENT', 'NRA'] PT25M10S 14 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-14T22:44:32.000Z NOTLsBBIxCM UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON: MMCLUB INNOCENCE 2 TODAYS 4-D PINK PUSSY HAT CLUB (FREEDOMS RIPPED) "QANON: MICKEY MOUSE CLUB INNOCENCE 2 TODAYS 4-D TRANSGENDER PINK PUSSY HAT CLUB & RING LEADERS(FREEDOMS RIPPED) ALL BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE RING LEADERS OF THE CIRCUS & THEIR PUPPETS TO THE LIBERAL LEFT MUPPETS (ROTHSCHILD, NWO, SOROS, GLOALISTSQUEEN, TYRANNY, DEEPSTATE, DEMOCRATS, NEWS MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD) WHERE R THE GOOD PEOPLE? WE ARE BLINDED BY DARKNESS QANON IS BRINGING THE DARKNESS TO LIGHT'' QANON.PUB THAT IS WHERE THEY DO THEIR DROPS ON BOARDS. FOLLOW 8CHAN, FOLLOW REDDIT, FOLLOW 4CHAN. ONLY VERY FEW KNOWN RESOURCEFUL FORUM BOARDS. HERE'S MY REDDIT HERE'S MY TWITTER HERE ARE THE LINKS TO SOME STORIES I DID SHARE WITH YOU. JOEL DAVIS GAYS & PEDOS (NEW NORM) IT GOES AGAINST THE BIBLE. THERE WAS ADAM & EVE NOT ADAM & STEVE!! THIS IS WHAT ALL STARTED THE #RUSSIAGATE DURING OB WAS RESIDENT. FACT CHECK ON STRZOK FACT CHECK ON LL YOUR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION 2018,_2018 #REDWAVE18 #REDWAVERISING18 SHARE MY VIDEO IF YOU ARE VOTING REPUBLICAN. EVERYTHING ALWAYS HAS A MEANING. #INNOCENCEINUSA #AMERICAISCHRISTIANNATION #PEDOSRBAD DON'T FORGET #MEDIABLACKOUT BLACKOUT ALL MEDIA ON YOUR TVS. NO MORE #FAKENEWS IT IS ALL HAPPENING THEY R BEING ARRESTED LIKE #QANON SAID DARKNESS WILL BE BROUGHT TO LIGHT. MEDIA BLACKOUT ON ALL THE EDO ARREST TRUMP ADMIN HAS DONE. OVER 3000 & PLUS. KEEP DIGGING PATRIOTS. WE WILL SHINE THE LIGHT THROUGH THE DARKNESS. #MILIARY #VETS #ARMY #MILITARYSTRONG #MILITARYSUPPORT #MARINES #SAILORS #USNAVY #USAIRFORCE #USSUBS #USAIRBASES #USMILITARYBASES & MORE #POTUS45 #TRUMP2020 #COMMANDERINCHEIFTRUMP45 #FLOTUSMELANIA #TRUMPADMIN #USREPUBLICANS #TREYGOWDY #JIMJORDAN #DEASANTIS #GHOMERT #FOXNEWS #SEANHANNITY #BREXIT VIDEO BROUGHT TO YOU BY DISABLED PATRIOT HIT THE ARROW GIVE MY VIDEOS LIKE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL SHARE THE VIDEOS THANK YOU PATRIOTS I DO THIS FOR THE FREEDOM OF TRUTH OPINIONS R LIKE BITCHES." Anonymous X 22 ['USA', 'PATRIOTS FIGHT', 'PATRIOTS UNITED', 'DISABLED PATRIOT'] PT30M52S 85 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T10:39:11.000Z DkWQoprNzwo UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON: BALL IN TRUMPS COURT: *DEMS R PANICMODE* "SKY EVENT. WWG1WGA. HELSINKI SUMMIT 18 #TRUMPPUTINSUMMIT18 QANON FUTURE PROVES PAST' BUILD THE MAP' TRUST THE PLAN' BALL IN PRESIDENT TRUMP'S HAND SOCCER IS KEY'' Q DROP 1581 We serve at the pleasure of the President. We left the decision on timing to him. Today, at the rally, he made his decision. Shift in tactics. Attacks ^ Q FOLLOW THE PEN' CAREFUL' WHO YOU FOLLOW- THEY WILL HOLD YOU HOSTAGE'** INFORMATION IS FREE! REMEMBER INFORMATION IS FREE TRUE PATRIOTS DO NOT SEEK MONEY FOR INFORMATION PROVIDED FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM YOU WORK HARD. YOU SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE FOR FREE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER THERE R DARK FORCES @ PLAY PATRIOTS* THIS IS VITAL' INFO 2 BE FREE DO NOT FALL VICTIM THE 3 GOOD CORNER TRIANGLE USA.(PEACE) RUSSIA(POWER).CHINA(ECONOMY) I EXPECT ATTACKS FROM FAKE PATRIOTS WHO I CALLED OUT IN MY VIDEO - AND THEIR FOLLOWERS. REMEMBER YOU HAVE THE POWER! I A JUST ANOTHER VOICE. IN THIS ROLLERCOASTER IN OUR FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM & FIGHT FOR HUMANITY WORLDWIDE. Expand your thinking. Why are we being attacked? Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS? Do we have a face? Do we have a name? Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers? Selfless. Zero vanity. Why are we here? Why do we ask questions? The choice has always been yours. Use logic. Free information. What draws people here? Expanding exponentially? They all claim to be insiders. They all claim to have insider contacts. They do not. Patriots do NOT reveal classified information. Why do we communicate this way? Think for yourself. Clickbait. We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs. We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason. Undeniable. Unpredictable. Coincidence after Coincidence. Growth due to confirmations. Real source(s) communicating w/ the people. Unrestricted. TOGETHER. Control the information (THEY). Harness followers / profiteering (THEY). Define Media. Primary goal of the Media? To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets). Selling makes money. Be careful who you follow. Define 'Patriot'. They want you DIVIDED. Attacks will only get worse. Q Dark to LIGHT. Attacks will only get worse. Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. Stay the course. WE ARE NOT DIVIDED. Don't let the concernfags tell you otherwise… the CORE is finally healing with the bad actors out of the way…. THINGS ARE LOOKING UP. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. we're finally communicating again. all is gud. CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH ff FBI and DOJ… must clean… once cleaned… implications…. huge Q DROP 1357 What must happen pre 11.11? 11.11 provided as strategic marker. Post midterms. RED wave coming? Strength. Justice. Q EXAMPLE OF FAKE NEWS SPIN ANOTHER FAKE NEWS SPIN FAKE NEWS SPIN Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump 1m1 minute ago More While the NATO meeting in Brussels was an acknowledged triumph, with billions of dollars more being put up by member countries at a faster pace, the meeting with Russia may prove to be, in the long run, an even greater success. Many positive things will come out of that meeting.. Nancy Pelosi ‏ Verified account @NancyPelosi Follow Follow @NancyPelosi More Every single day, I find myself asking: what do the Russians have on @realDonaldTrump personally, financially, & politically? The answer to that question is that only thing that explains his behavior & his refusal to stand up to Putin. #ABetterDeal DEMS R IN PANIC MODE JOHN MCCAIN, MAXINE, SCHUMER, AND MANY OTHERS USA IS A REPUBLIC COUNTRY. NOT A COUNTRY OF DEMOCRACY OF SOCIALIST AND COMMUNIST VALUES! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT PELOSI AND ALL OTHER WARMONGER TWISTED DEMS REMEMBER PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH THIS IS PRESIDENT TRUMP PLAN AND GOAL!! #REDWAVE18 #TIDALWAVERED18 #REDWAVERISING18 #MAGA18 #MRGA18 #TRUMPPUTIN18 #RUSSIA18 #NORTHKOREA18 #NATOSUMMIT18 WE R WINNING HIT THE LIKE BUTTON BELOW & SUBSCRIBE 2 MY CHANNEL SHARE & COMMENT BELOW! INFORMATION IS FREE! LOVE DISABLED PATRIOT WW #WWG1WGA" Anonymous X 22 ['DEMS R IN PANIC MODE', 'BALL IS IN TRUMPS COURT', 'LP', 'PS', 'MUELLER', 'RR', 'BO', 'HRC', 'DSA', 'BERNIE', 'FREEDOM', 'INFORMATIONISFREE', 'WWG1WGA', 'QANON', 'FUTURE PROVES PAST', 'GOD', 'SKY EVENT', 'TRUST THE PLAN'] PT30M29S 511 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-24T10:11:39.000Z pJS-yhPn1dc UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON: FPP TRUMP 1999 ON NORTH KOREA "QANON: FUTURE PROVES PAST 1999 INTERVIEW TRUMP STATES HOW HE WILL MAKE PEACE WITH NORTH KOREA PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH TRUST THE PLAN PROOF #QANON IS REAL" Anonymous X 25 not set PT2M7S 174 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-07-26T10:48:13.000Z yjAr-DQURDQ UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON: DROP 1699 STROZK TEHRAN 7 25 18 "QANON DROP 1699 TARGETING FBI I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.📁 Remember. You owe it to your country. To yourself. To your children. We stand with you. The time is now. Q To all Americans, please pray. B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 Q+" Anonymous X 25 ['Peter Strozk', 'Tehran Iran', 'Qanon', 'Q drops', 'WWG1WGA', 'Free Iran', 'FBI Oath'] PT7M3S 210 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-07-28T06:23:38.000Z CPLlwL-aqVg UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON: Drop 1736 Lookie Who's in PICTURE!! ❤❤ "Q Drop 1736 Photo of RM & DON JR with SS on Same Flight together.. What r the odds?? Happy Hunting! #WWG1WGA REMEMBER ""Its all an illusion"" Can you play the game? 😎😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" Anonymous X 25 not set PT3M46S 91 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T06:02:49.000Z mUF-nvhuZCA UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg QANON: Something BIG is about to DROP. 7.28.18 "QANON BOARD 1741-1747 1741 Blue Pilled Zombies Legalizing #Pedos? Blocking Wall being built. 😂😂 Push for Agenda 21 Push for #DSA A communist/socialist Agebda that fails miserably look at Cuba for example. #rabbithole #FollowTheWhiteRabbit 1742 PS/MH Security will Investigate. FACEBOOK sell off. Q dropped in March MZ took stocks out/sold off stocks. Profiteering. MZ in April sat on booster seat in front of Congress with Sippy cup being grilled by Congress. Quote: ""DC MOVES SLOW"". Peter Strzok Wife needs to be investigated for her criminal racist acts in cases she watched over or represented especially with Japanese man who was interrogated for over 2 years on false charges. Where is MH? DIG PATRIOTS. 1743 Annons ask about TRUTH in July. BIG DROP. TRUTH REVEALED RE:#Fisa/#DOSSIER Important marker. Think Connections. D5. 1744 re drop of Dec 4 17 PS MH COMPANY TITLE DATES IMPORTANT PETER INVOLVED IN? HRC EMAILS, WEINER LAPTOP...... HOW DO THEY STACK THE DECK? PUPPETS. FBI. FOLLOW THE WIVES. REREAD CRUMBS HUSSIEN IRAN. 1745 FISA DETAILS ILLEGAL ACTIONS, FALSE INFO. MSM LIES. CORRUPTION OF POWER IN DETAILS ALL INVOLVED UK,M15,6,SIS,US INTEL, WH,FVEY,R PARTY, CONGRESS/SENATE. FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE THINK RR KEY** 1746 REPEAT DROP OF 1745 PLUS EVERYTHING STATED BEING DONE RIGHT NOW RIGHT BEFORE BLINK OF AN EYE. IT IS HAPPENING FAST. REAL FAST. MEDIA AVOIDS PUSHING TRUTH MEDIA LIES. WE ARE UNDER THREAT EVERY SEVOND OF DAY. THOSE OF YOU TRUST THE MOST ARE THE MOST EVIL. THIS IS NOT A GAME. #HUMANITY IS AT STAKE. OPEN YOUR EYES WIDER AND LOT MORE WIDER. OPEN YOUR MIND THERE IS A BIGGER TRUTH. 1747 RE DROP OF MSM ATTACKING Q MSM ATTACKING Q. VOP EXPOSED SCAMMER ALERT!! #QANON #QALERT #STAYAWAKE #GREATAWAKENING #QARMY #REDWAVE18 #REDWAVERISING2018 #WWG1WGA LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL COMMENT HATE OR DISLIKE SHARE THE VIDEOS." Anonymous X 27 not set PT13M31S 119 2 4 1 not set not set 2018-07-30T07:59:11.000Z KFQ1e1wumDA UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON BIG DROP MA. ASS. ATTEMPT? EB.(DEM) THIS IS YUGGEE!! 7.29.18 "QANON DROPS 1752-1761 MA!! BIG Q DROP MA!! I WILL INSERT LINKS YOU CHECK THEM OUT! MESSAGE FROM OUTSIDER 2 AMERICA While in college and later in law school, Michael worked at a political opposition research and media firm run by Rahm Emanuel (who later became White House Chief of Staff and is presently the Mayor of Chicago). During his time there, Michael worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns (i.e. Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate Campaign). Michael Avenatti is either telling a very salacious tale or is a very connected man, because he seems to appear on cable news about as often as I eat meals. I’m going to assume it’s probably some confluence between the two, since Stormy Daniels’ lawyer has been a ubiquitous presence on television since early this year. But it appears as if Avenatti’s connections don’t stop with the media. They go well beyond that, and they tie him to a major Clinton Foundation donor and one of the professors that the Trump dossier hinges upon. While rich and connected people tend to also know other rich and connected people, this isn’t just guilt by association. There’s currently a great deal of speculation about where Avenatti got the money to represent Daniels — and while he claims he got it from crowdfunding and Daniels herself, there’s a fair amount of doubt regarding this. Avenatti, 47, is known to be an avid sports car racer, even having raced at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2015. One of his co-drivers in that event was none other than Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Saud, a member of the Saudi royal family: #PERKINSCOIE #MICHAELAVENATTI #ERICBAUMAN #NASCAR #DIRTYMAN #SAUDIARABIA #FISA #STEELEDOSSIER #RR #TIESTOCLINTONSANDDIRTYMONEY" Anonymous X 27 ['MA', 'MICHAEL AVENATII', 'ERIC BAUMAN', 'NASCAR', 'LAWYER', 'MSM', 'MISSLE LAUNCG', 'JOHN BRENNAN', 'SAUDI ARABIA', 'MANDALAY BAY', 'IRAN NUKE DEAL', 'U1'] PT14M33S 152 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-07-30T15:01:48.000Z BaF3LQQa6Vs UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON BIG 'Q' DROP! WHO IS MA! THIS IS YUGGGEEE!! "QANON DROPS 1748-1761 TRUMP TWEETS Listen VERY carefully.📁 POTUS legal in review (Huber). Something BIG is about to drop. Q📁 Patriots are UNITED in their pursuit of common goals. GOOD v EVIL RIGHT v WRONG HUMANITY POWER OVER ANOTHER PERSON IS NOT OK Patriots are NOT divided. Borders DO NOT separate us. We FIGHT TOGETHER. We are STRONG TOGETHER. WE, THE PEOPLE! WWG1WGA! Q📁 They do not want you asking questions. They do not want you thinking for yourself. They do not want you UNITED. They want you to live in FEAR/DIVIDED. They want you asleep. They want you blind. The message must bypass the MSM. It is the only way. People UNITED hold the power. Think election 2016. Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE. Q📁 Buckle up! Q Foundation. Bottom to top. Layers. FISA = Foundation. Start. People are more aware of current events. Establish link. Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS. Public awareness. Evidence introduced. MSM covert link. Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations. How do you build a home? Foundation to structure (layers). Huber. Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc). Logical thinking. Q Do you believe in coincidences?📁 Q 1759 ANON Who is the REAL Michael Avenatti? #MA #MICHAELAVENTTI #EB #FISA #STEELEDOSSIER #SAUDI #CF #PERKINSCOIE #QANON #QARMY #QALERT #WWG1WGA" Anonymous X 27 ['QANON', 'QRMY', 'MICHAEL AVENATTI', 'ERIC BAUMAN', 'SA', 'CF', 'FISA', 'RR', 'FOIA', 'STEELE DOSSIER', 'PERKINSCOIE'] PT44M46S 205 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-31T08:47:26.000Z _X3Ff59BOWk UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON PART 2. 7.30.18 & 7.31.18 LIES OF MSM "QANON DROPS PART 2 7.30.18 & 7.31.18 1767-1773 Here we go.📁 Q LOOK who's writing about Q in the 10 latest news articles about Qanon. They are pushing the pizzagate / accusing actors of pedophilia angle. they're skeeeeeerrrrd Feel proud Autists, Anons, and Patriots. You did this! You are taking back control. You have the power. Stay the course. Q Obvious MSM coordination? Independent? POTUS coordinated attacks. Q coordinated attacks. Who/what else is under coordinated attack by the MSM? Logical thinking. What do they know? Why won’t they ask the obvious question? All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show. Q📁 Tracking? Unsealed indictment. Q SCHULTE POSSIBLE GOOD GUY. JUST LIKE SETH RICH LEAKING TO JA. ES. NEEDS TO BE SAFE. WHO CAN YOU TRUST? CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW! #ES #CIA #MSM #FAKENEWS #MA #FBI #DOJ 3 LETTER ALPHABET AGENCIES. 7.31.18 1773 Track last. JA offline cause. Q VIDEO MUST WATCH SHARE! #QANON #TRIUMP202 #QARMY #REDWAVE18 #WWG1WGA LIKE & SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL" Anonymous X 27 ['QANON', 'QARMY', 'TRUMP202', 'REDWAVE2018', 'MSM LIES', 'FAKENEWS', 'PROPAGANDA', 'TRUTH', 'ERIC SCHUTLE', 'MA', 'GAYS', 'PEDOS', 'TOM HANKS', 'PEDOWOOD'] PT43M51S 66 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T00:12:08.000Z lCbXjwI6Q1w UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON MSM NEWS DYING 8 1 18 "📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁 Twitter [today] releases ban? Was Twitter told to by MSM to demonstrate impact? Do you think they got the [4am] memo? Coincidence? All for a Conspiracy? Enjoy the show. Q You are now mainstream. Handle w/ care. The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! Q Mainstream = when you are now the news. Mainstream = when a WH pool reporter asks about you. Mainstream = when coordinated attacks (waves) against you continue to occur. Game Theory. Q📁📁📁📁 MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages. Q What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?📁 Coincidence? Threats/scare tactics deployed. Fear not. Q #QANON #TRUMPTAMPARALLY #MSM #FAKENEWS #CNN #NBC #NYT #QARMY #REDWAVERISING2018 #WWG1WGA" Anonymous X 27 ['QANON', 'TRUMP', 'POTUS45', 'TRUMP2020', 'REDWAVE18', 'MSM', 'FAKENEWS', 'CONSPIRACIES', 'HILLARY PEDOVORE', 'ARRESTTHEMALL'] PT45M56S 51 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-08-02T08:10:26.000Z qk9dWfZwZsI UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON MSM FAILURES! EXPLAIN AGAIN HOW Q IS FAKE OR PIZZAGATE? "Fake news media calling Q fake and Pizzagateca Fake Story Read the articles inserted📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁 Twitter [today] releases ban? Was Twitter told to by MSM to demonstrate impact? Do you think they got the [4am] memo? Coincidence? All for a Conspiracy? Enjoy the show. Q📁📁📁📁 MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages. Q What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?📁 Coincidence? Threats/scare tactics deployed. Fear not. Q ILLEGAL. Re: MSM “Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.” Q You are now mainstream. Handle w/ care. The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! Q #MSM #WERTHENEWS #QANONMAINSTREAM #PIZZAGATE #QANON #QTEAM #QNEWSTEAMWW #THEGREATAWAKENING #HANDLEWITHCARE #WWG1WGA" Anonymous X 27 ['QANON', 'MSM FAUILURES', 'PIZZAGATE', 'VIOLENT', 'FAKENEWS VS REAL NEWS', 'QNEWSTEAMWW', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'WWG1WHA', 'POTUS 45'] PT2M48S 132 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-08-14T04:32:24.000Z -CpvqxBH6Gk UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON LIES OF THE FBI, DOJ 8 13 18 "#QANON DROPS 1860-1864📁 Normal?📁 The More You Know FAKE NEWS = ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. If all directions of the echo chamber [MSM] state the same thing - even if FICTION/FALSE - do most people then consider it TRUE (factual)? Direct communication is CRITICAL. Who controls the FAKE NEWS? Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their ideology? Why does ANTIFA attempt to 'justify' such violence by labeling the 'challenger' as ALT-RIGHT or NAZI? Why doesn't the LEFT condone such acts of violence and call for an immediate end? Define 'Projection'. Define 'Insurance Policy'. Define 'Warning Against Attempts to Unveil'. ['They' prey on emotionally unstable (helpless) individuals and use them as PAWNS]📁 What does WRAY know and when will he release to the PUBLIC? Does such violence (extremism) justify NG deployment in the future ahead of 'planned' public releases?📁📁 Military Spending Bill. Smile for the Camera. Q📁 Q #FISA #DOJ #FBI #TRUMPCAMPAIGN #HILLARYDOSSIER #CHRISTOPHERSTEELE #OHR #RUSSIA #TRUMPTOWER #ANTIFA #WRAY #WINNING #PEDOISLAND #LIDEHAITI #RAINNWILSON #ANTIFA #AMERICANTERRORISTS TRUST WRAY" Anonymous X 27 ['PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP', 'TRUMP TOWER', 'WINNING', 'QANON', 'HAITI', 'LITTLE GIRLS', 'PEDOISLAND', 'LOLITIA EXPRESS', 'CLINTONS', 'PERKINS COIE', 'SARA CARTER', 'WRAY', 'WERQ', 'QARMY', 'ANTIFA', 'AMERICAN TERRORISTS'] PT41M35S 57 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-14T21:07:44.000Z YoXqGfWjsAs UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON BQQM 2 JB (JOHN BRENNAN) RUDY G. DROPS BQQM. #WERQ? "#QANON ""BQQM'' 2!! The guy running Spy Ring on Trump was JB!(john brennan) Rudy Gulani dropped the bomb- One of Q? hmm.. JB should be in front of Grand Jury! #WeRQ We have to Evidence. Too bad JB never read #NBC article on how to delete your old tweets. lmfaoo.. Evidence. EVIDENCE KILLS!!…/384465_re-ct-counterterror-adviser-……/1094834_re-john-brennan-press-confe… Q DROPS 1589, 1828 Q DROP 571 @Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc. Do you know that we know? Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM. NOBODY PLAYING THE GAME GETS A FREE PASS. NOBODY. Q Aug 9 2018 21:27:00 (EST) [SPY OP] [WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC] [C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^ [DNI [JC]] ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ [DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]* ^^^^^ [FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS] ^^^^ [NO NAME][MEDIA - [JB][JC] LEAKS—→POTUS Daily Brief/FBI] ^^^^ [FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME] [PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^ [WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^ [[HRC][JP][RM]/DNC[DWS]/[JC]]←—–→[UK PM/MI6/SIS[SPY ACTIV]]←—→[CS] *Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court) *Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4) Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast) FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB) They NEVER thought she would lose. Q #EVIDENCEKILLS…/boom-rudy-giuliani-muel…/ #EVIDENCEKILLS #QANON #QBQQM #JB #JOHNBRENNAN" Anonymous X 27 ['QANON', 'WERQ', 'JB', 'JOHN BRENNAN', 'SPY', 'GILLARY DOSSIER', 'SPY ON TRUMP'] PT12M8S 293 0 9 2 not set not set 2018-08-15T14:10:56.000Z sFXDv2vtbxk UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #Qanon: "Patriots R Selfless" -Alt-Media- AJ shills to Q "QANON: 1295: APRIL 29.2018 MARCH 10 -SAVE ISRAEL FOR LAST- CONNECTIONS TO MOSSAD Q DROP 1871 Ex 1.1 (MOS) / \ (Alt + US Media) (US Politicians) / \ (…………………..)(…………………….) Those who scream the loudest…. Find the connections. 1:1:1:1 Primary--AffiliateA--AffiliateB---AffiliateC-- Marching to the same beat? Coincidence? Logical thinking. Q Be careful who you are following. Some are profiting off this movement. Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream. Patriots make sacrifices. Some, the ultimate sacrifice. Patriots are SELFLESS. Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots? Think logically. To some, it’s only about the money. Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda. You decide. This is not a game. The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM. God bless you all. Q HR-5181 160MM dollars to 50 Jack Posobiec - Alex Jones- MSM affiliates-CNN,ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, AND MORE #aj #alexjonesisfake #jackposobiec #msm #altmedia #QANONISREAL #qarmy #patriots #antifaattacks #wikileaks #julianassange" Anonymous X 27 ['PATRIOTS', 'QANON', 'QARMY', 'ALT-MEDIA', 'MSM LIES', 'SHILLS', 'ALEX JONES', 'INFOWARS', 'JULIAN ASSANGE', 'WIKILEAKS', 'FED UP WARRIOR', 'RED WAVE RISING', 'DEMS R DESPERATE', 'MSM IS DESPERATE', 'ANTIFA', 'TRUMP2020', 'infiltrators'] PT11M32S 70 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-18T05:34:54.000Z QtZXiSWyztE UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON XBOX COMMS. INVESTIGATE ANONS 8 16 18 "QANON 'PURGE' FIRST MOVIE CLIP 'PURGE ELECTION YEAR' SECOND CLIP PURGE TRAILER 2018 Anyone have problems w/ their 'XBOX Live' accounts shortly after the drop yesterday? [Purge] How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? Q Ask yourself simple questions. If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG. Why would he route through Russia? How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO? What if Russia was the original target? Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public? Logical thinking. Q What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted? Who signed the CP FISA? How do you keep something SECURE & SAFEGUARDED when those at the top of ABC depts are CORRUPT and being REMOVED? PATRIOTS ONE AND ALL. Q (CAREFUL ON THE SECOND LINK ITS A HACK) #PURGE #XBOXCOMMS #ES #SHOWTIME #WWG1WGA What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted? Who signed the CP FISA? How do you keep something SECURE & SAFEGUARDED when those at the top of ABC depts are CORRUPT and being REMOVED?📁📁 PATRIOTS ONE AND ALL. Q📁 Line 4 Email (gmail)12.9.16 ""……………untethered to department standards……………concerned dedicated resources in-place are not adequate to shelter against the PDB in which several agencies contribute…………"" Will you stand tall or cower? Resist OP will not provide enough public support for cover. Smile for the camera. Patriots in control. Q [Sample]📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁 Another wave of attacks? Same day as the targeted [coordinated] attack v. POTUS? Nothing to see here📁 Man of God? See something. Say something. PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.📁📁📁 Nothing to see here.📁📁📁 Nothing to see here.–chilean-civil-aviation-authority.html,200:P200_REG_NUMBER:5926📁📁 Why did the Podesta Group close?" Anonymous X 27 ['QANON', 'PEDOS', 'RED SHOES', 'PURGE', 'ES', 'SHOWTIME', 'WWG1WGA'] PT32M42S 127 3 6 1 not set not set 2018-08-31T06:06:38.000Z xH26lWtdFBs UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QNEWS "SATELITES DOWN C_A" #SN #CORONA #BB #FVEY "Qanon drops 8.30.18 SATELITES Patriots. Q is talking SATCOM & SIGNIT. Snow White, Corona, Big Bird are Black Ops SAT Programs run by the C_A Q We've poked out their eyes. IE. flying blind* Enjoy the Show 🍿🍿😎 GCHQ BUDE formerly the CSOS run Intel Ops out of UK. Think #FisaAbuse #SteeleDossier #FVEY" Anonymous X 27 not set PT6M44S 273 2 12 1 not set not set 2018-09-02T21:57:14.000Z bw0J_uI5LDc UCRO6WMnJXeDJCIBe-JNxbHg #QANON: "PROVERBS" "GREAT AWAKENING" "Sunday Second day of 9th Month September, of the Year. 9-2=7 7 Soliders of God" Anonymous X 27 not set PT5M24S 176 5 11 1 not set not set 2018-07-06T23:05:54.000Z OWj_9N5DD-k UCfIJOvcAa8AaDKAWJbgnr7A Q - A Plan to save the world video "Q A Plan to save the world and StormIs UponUs Channel Please Help Support This Channel: Paypal Donation: AOTTP P.O. Box 602 Pinetop Arizona, 85935 Ethereum Wallet Address Donation: 0x1562eB94C7BbF81b3a97E6ca8296C5cc3ddEa5d0 I buy Silver and Gold from:" Another OverTaxed TaxPayer 22 ['silver', 'survival', 'gold', 'Prepper', 'Politics', 'preparedness', 'Cooking', 'Camping', 'crypto', 'travel', 'plan', 'world', 'StormIs UponUs', 'save'] PT47S 11039 90 180 17 not set not set 2018-01-15T22:03:28.000Z dNAWxN-1u9w UCzEVAkFbnBu16L9QrOHotIQ President Trump and QANON Drain the Swamp "Check out these great QANON channels Destroying the Illusion God Rules The Right Media Julzee All footage taken falls under ''fair use'' of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) Twitter: Patreon: Bitchute:" Anti-PC Culture 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'president trump', 'hillary clinton', 'deep state', 'drain the swamp', 'washington dc', 'eric holder', 'obama'] PT55S 460 0 13 3 not set not set 2018-08-11T13:40:32.000Z utNfXLmEJuA UCHTK-2W11Vh1V4uwofOfR4w QAnon Adds Conspiracy Theories to Trump Support "(3 Aug 2018) Amid the ""Trump 2020"" placards, the ""Women for Trump"" signs and the ""CNN SUCKS"" T-shirts, the most inscrutable message that came out of Donald Trump's Tampa rally on Tuesday evening was a letter. Q. People wore T-shirts with the letter emblazoned on the front. Others carried signs containing the letter: ""Q WWG1WGA Trump 2020 Keep America Great! MSM is the enemy."" Another held a dog-eared and slightly crumpled piece of paper in the air. It said, simply, ""We are Q."" The entire, loose movement has been called everything from ""a deranged conspiracy cult"" (The Washington Post) to a grassroots movement ""about the covert battles being waged between the deep state and President Trump"" (according to Tyler, a guy at the Tampa rally who held a metal coin emblazoned with the letter and showed it to WPLG, a TV station from Miami). In late October 2017, an anonymous user posted on 4chan, a shadowy site known for, among other things, cruel hoaxes and political extremism. Under the title ""The Calm Before the Storm,"" the poster claimed to have a high-level government security clearance - Q clearance to be exact - and referred to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, political parties and former President Barack Obama. Q gives readers ""breadcrumbs"" so they can ferret out details on their own. There's other lingo as well. Bakers are amateur sleuths who follow the crumbs. Anyone who tries to debunk Q is ""a clown."" (This includes CIA agents, shadowy operatives and most likely reporters, although there's separate terminology for them). Many on 4chan seemed to enjoy discussing the cryptic posts and the clues, and Q spread like wildfire. Terminology was born. Inside jokes and theories blossomed. Q subreddits swelled to 30,000 followers. Q's Twitter account has 80,000 followers. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: Google+:​ Tumblr:​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:" AP Archive 25 ['AP Archive', 'apus101769', 'd5ce1f6b6d183be305a10cd10abc6e35', 'US Trump Q Factor (Lon NR)', 'Barack Obama', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Donald Trump', 'George Soros', 'Tampa', 'Florida', 'United States', 'Government and politics'] PT1M45S 1740 20 17 6 not set not set 2018-08-11T15:25:11.000Z K2IkD50WFeI UCHTK-2W11Vh1V4uwofOfR4w QAnon Adds Conspiracy Theories to Trump Support "(3 Aug 2018) ANNOTATED TEXT: A new symbol is emerging at rallies for President Donald Trump. The letter ""Q."" Q stands for ""QAnon."" Descriptions of the loose movement range from grassroots campaign to conspiracy cult. It originated on the Internet site 4chan in October 2017. The poster claimed to have a high-level security clearance. QAnon Internet posts weave together a host of conspiracy theories amid an air of mystery. QAnon has a growing Internet presence, with tens of thousands of Twitter followers and thousads of posts on many websites. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: Google+:​ Tumblr:​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:" AP Archive 25 ['AP Archive', 'apus101768', 'cb54e5f42c425fab5915e448cc1291de', 'US Trump Q Factor (CR)', 'Donald Trump'] PT1M45S 1624 31 16 13 not set not set 2018-03-11T19:52:02.000Z UGr8aE7aURM UCOyfKGo9yXN37qVoxtdLebg Angela Merkel is Hitler's Daughter!?? Lastest Qanon post about Angela Merkel being the daughter of Hitler and the granddaughter of Saloman Rothschild. April Foley 22 ['#hitler'] PT8M29S 3639 22 44 6 not set not set 2018-08-23T23:00:46.000Z tYPMfD4I5jM UCOyfKGo9yXN37qVoxtdLebg Connecting the dots. Q drop August 21st, 2018 "This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link: Android: iOS:" April Foley 22 ['#qanon #q #WWGOWGA #PATRIOTS #REDPILLED'] PT14M9S 19 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-05T20:24:04.000Z 2VBXLPIazzw UCqzZzGs1SxTCmicz8NbiGrQ Is Q Anon Really IBM's Q? As I see it! Patti Dail 24 "['Q anon', ""IBM's Q"", 'Artificial Intelligence']" PT5M37S 329 6 10 1 not set not set 2018-08-05T03:31:22.000Z ctdZbNC1bh8 UCsccbtG2Z_GDIrPMEvg2i8g Q-Anon Shift & S-Resonance Blast - August 4 "Sign up for Patreon: Book time with me: OR Email me: Hi Angels, Happy Saturday! Today was my first whole day with Jayse and we both struggled under intense fatigue, much time was spent grounding and group discussion on collective conscious shifts! I love my family, so many creative ideas flowing. Today’s Cosmic weather research brought us (58) activity in the Earth Schumann Resonance from the Russian site and The New Zealand & Saudi Arabian site is now offline while the charts are blasting across the world from HeartMath. The Solar wind has dropped 60km/s and the Electron Flux has gone down and had dense activity for 2 days, showing me a a potential time of stress. The lightning and earthquakes were rather active in a weird pattern and the Q-anon phenom has roped in ' Facebook as a place for Q anon to evolve.' There's lots of HUMAN PSYCHIC & EMOTIONAL energy moving around so I'd like to know what you observed, also I'm getting that this time of excitement is rebalancing mind-control so quickly help to bring compassion, peace and forgiveness in your minds. If you'd like to sign up on Patreon for monthly 1.5 hour sessions with me you can pledge 55$ or more. What is the Schumann Resonance? Core Show Sources: Donate: Sign up for Patreon: Facebook Page: Instagram: I also have snapchat: Lifein5d Join the #birdgang and send me cute snapchats! Much love, Alexis @livein5d" Ascension Diaries 22 ['qanon', 's resonance', 'schumann resonance', 'daily news', 'conscious media', 'consciousness', '5d', 'alexis', 'alexis buck', 'ascension diaries', 'destroying the illusion', 'the divine frequency', 'stillness in the storm', 'peace dealer', 'aluna ash', 'unbiased and on the fence'] PT14M39S 1222 26 54 4 not set not set 2018-10-21T10:31:34.000Z gatwh0UcRwM UCZT76Za5gfeletpXWC7B-ug Q We Are The Plan - REACTION "If there is a video you want to make SURE we see, click our stream labs link below and donate $15 for any video and it will be posted within 36 hours (unless we get backed up). Thanks, love you guys! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subscribe to our main channel! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for watching! We hope you all loved it. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, COMMENT, and LIKE!!! Love you!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ᐅ ASHTYN'S INSTAGRAM: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ᐅ ASHTYN'S CHANNEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media: ᐅ ASHTYN'S SNAPCHAT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Ashtyn&Jon2.0 24 ['ashtyn joslyn', 'ashtyn sommer joslyn', 'jon mcnamee', 'ashtyn&jon2.0', 'ashtyn and jon', 'Couples reactions', 'reaction video', 'best reactions', 'ashtyn&jon', 'reactions', 'Q We Are The Plan - REACTION'] PT16M59S 2847 52 54 4 not set not set 2018-08-03T21:28:33.000Z wwuOUtRybrM UC52X5wxOL_s5yw0dQk7NtgA QAnon Adds Conspiracy Theories to Trump Support "(3 Aug 2018) Who is Q? A look at the Internet political conspiracy theory that is emerging at Donald Trump rallies. (Aug. 3) Subscribe for more Breaking News: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Instagram: ​ You can license this story through AP Archive:" Associated Press 25 ['Associated Press', 'news', 'apus101768', 'c22a624e622e4a4db1afa63c6f3f20c2', 'US Trump Q Factor (CR)', 'Donald Trump', 'QANON', 'politics', 'politican conspiracy', 'Melissa Dietrich', 'interview', 'conspiracy theory', 'rallies', 'grassroots campaign', 'conspiracy cult', 'top news', 'latest news', 'breaking news', 'headlines', 'current affairs', 'report', 'ap news', 'Rosemary Depumpo'] PT1M45S 12128 0 78 126 not set not set 2018-07-25T12:38:27.000Z JsqO5FTezLU UCWc0i7jc1GWTEfORZd6qTfQ Book 3 pp. 11, 17...187 Q tripcodes Qanon This is a book with the highest accolade in literature. Those of you who are awake will know which year. The matter that was fictitiously written in those pages manifested at the same time with the crisis that happened in Europe in 2015. Enjoy the Fiction, Folks! Aurora B. 22 ['EU', 'Immigration', 'Syrian migrants', 'Brexit', '#maga', '#qanon', 'russia', 'nato'] PT30M30S 50 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T00:55:53.000Z ZSarLTTsOO4 UCIujmLTchkVeRqTYU5HS1sQ This blew my mind!!!! Q: The plan to save the world Austin Copenhaver 25 not set PT9M1S 517 17 36 3 not set not set 2018-08-09T04:13:16.000Z OPiiyv_heCI UCM1cJIuC-VtoTtM3AFh_qCA Q ANON NEW INFO - IT'S SHOCKING This is info you won't hear anywhere else. Everyone should Know! Autum Vose 27 ['q anon'] PT42M58S 694 13 27 3 not set not set 2017-11-12T04:54:41.000Z _zBDfbUJGOI UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Louis C.K., George Takei , Trump in Asia, Saudi Arabia & More. "At this point who isn't a creep in Hollywood? I think it would be a shorter list. Tensions in Saudi Arabia are reaching fever pitch. Trump's Asia Trip Q Clearance Post at: We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'United States', 'US', 'Sean Hannity', 'New York', 'NYPD', 'Roger Stone', 'Bill Clinton', 'JFK', 'John F Kennedy', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Corey Feldman', 'Robert Mueller', 'Paul Manafort', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Russia Gate', 'Robert Kennedy', 'Bobby Kennedy', 'Ted Kennedy', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'James Comey', 'Mike Pompeo', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Bin Talal', 'KSA', 'Yemen', 'Riyadh', 'Tony Podesta', 'John Podesta', 'Huma Abedin', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Mueller', 'Roy Moore', 'Louis C.K.', 'George Takei', 'Kevin Spacey'] PT1H58M49S 177 0 11 1 not set not set 2017-12-10T04:59:58.000Z 7yb199PXaT4 UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Al Franken, Q-Anon, Draining the Swamp, Theresa May, Jerusalem & More. "Join us as we discuss the week's news. The swamp is getting drained very fast. Something tells me there might be more to the story with all these politicians deciding not to run for office again. Senator Al Franken has resigned, and wants to blame everyone else for his actions. Would we expect anything less? Q Anon has been posting like it's going out of style. Now, I finally have a PDF file where I can share the post with you. POTUS recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and people are flipping out. Theresa May assassination plot has been foiled. The investigators now being investigated. We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. You can look at Q-Anon PDF at: Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'United States', 'US', 'Roger Stone', 'Bill Clinton', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Robert Mueller', 'Paul Manafort', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Russia Gate', 'James Comey', 'Saudi Arabia', 'John Podesta', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Mueller', 'Kim Dotcom', 'Julian Assange', '5G', 'Internet', 'K.IM', 'Mega Upload 2', 'Mike Flynn', 'Tax Reform', 'US Senate', 'John McCain', 'Mitch McConnell', 'Rand Paul', 'WikiLeaks', 'Bitcoin', 'Vidme', 'PewTube', 'Gab', 'Matt Lauer'] PT2H3M41S 226 8 16 2 not set not set 2017-12-17T04:52:08.000Z C8smOQ-LUiE UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Adam Schiff Leaker? Q Anon, MuellerGate, Bernard Sherman, Terry Crews & More. "Join us as we discuss the week's news. The swamp is getting drained very fast. Q-Anon has disappeared in what is believed to be 10 Days of Darkness. Before he left, he predicted the downfall of Adam Schiff. Today it's been revealed that Schiff was likely a leaker of confidential information to the media, and he's in a lot of trouble. More has been revealed about the level members of the deep state went to in order to interfere with the 2016 election and keep Donald Trump out of the Whitehouse. It has also been revealed that the daughter of Gloria Allred may have been paying enormous sums of money to get women to accuse Trump of sexual improprieties. Terry Crews has named his abuser, and he's seriously worried of the consequences of that. It has been reported that the Argentinian Submarine that disappeared with 44 members of the crew may have been chased by a Royal Navy Helicopter near the Falkland Islands. Canadian Billionaire couple Bernard and Honey Sherman have been found dead in their mansion and police are investigating. We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'United States', 'US', 'Roger Stone', 'Bill Clinton', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Robert Mueller', 'Paul Manafort', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Russia Gate', 'James Comey', 'Saudi Arabia', 'John Podesta', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Mueller', 'Julian Assange', 'Mike Flynn', 'Tax Reform', 'US Senate', 'John McCain', 'Mitch McConnell', 'Wikileaks', 'Bernard Sherman', 'Q Anon', 'Terry Crews', 'Adam Schiff', 'US House', 'MuellerGate', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Lisa Bloom', 'Argentina', 'Royal Navy'] PT2H8M50S 6992 35 124 12 not set not set 2017-12-24T05:34:31.000Z WPa9fN_cot4 UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Space X UFOs, Q-Anon, Eric Schmidt, McCabe, Tax Reform & Christmas. Rand Paul & more. "Join us as we discuss the week's news. The swamp is getting drained very fast. Q-Anon has returned, and has mentioned some things that have left my head spinning from the implications if they are correct. Eric Schmidt steps down as Alphabet's chairman. Tax Reform is signed into law by POTUS. Andrew McCabe to retire in March? Rand Paul aires grievances on Festivus. Check out the Nikki Haley speaking to the UN video at: Check out Thomas Paine's video about his thoughts on Eric Schmidt: The Space X Falcon 9 rocket launch can be found at: We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'United States', 'US', 'Roger Stone', 'Bill Clinton', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Robert Mueller', 'Paul Manafort', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Russia Gate', 'James Comey', 'John Podesta', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Mueller', 'Julian Assange', 'Mike Flynn', 'Tax Reform', 'US Senate', 'John McCain', 'Mitch McConnell', 'Wikileaks', 'Bernard Sherman', 'Q Anon', 'Adam Schiff', 'US House', 'MuellerGate', 'Peter Strzok', 'Space X', 'Elon Musk', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Eric Schmidt', 'Alphabet Inc.', 'Google', 'Rand Paul'] PT2H31M15S 630 3 37 0 not set not set 2018-01-07T04:47:11.000Z GygYzLkg1o0 UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Zack On InfoWars, Q-Anon, Space-X: Falcon Heavy, Steve Bannon, The Clintons & More. "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: Zack's call to InfoWars Space-X Falcon 9 Heavy launch Miles Kwok Spectre Bug The Clinton's We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Music: Moonshiners-""La Haut""é/id1283818584 Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'RussiaGate', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Bill Clinton', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'Ivanka Trump', 'Jared Kushner', 'Paul Manafort', 'Steve Bannon', 'Breitbart', 'InfoWars', 'Space-X', 'Elon Musk', 'Falcon Heavy', 'Miles Kwok', 'Guo Wengui', 'Q Anon'] PT2H1M42S 382 7 30 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T09:50:06.000Z xkHFG9Z7dSI UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Top Secret Satellite Has Been Destroyed? Space-X , Q-Anon, North Korea. "Space-X recently launched a Top Secret Government Satellite into orbit using their Falcon 9 Rocket. The mission appears to have been a success, but some in the media don't think so. Thanks for watching. Reading Material: Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Space-X', 'Elon Musk', 'Falcon 9', 'Zuma', 'USAF', 'Northrop Grumman', 'Wall Street Journal', 'Reuters', 'Q-Anon', 'InfoWars', 'North Korea'] PT17M55S 2787 34 38 9 not set not set 2018-01-19T07:31:28.000Z 62q_JyBtheQ UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA RELEASE THE MEMO! Obama & Deepstate’s FISA Criminal Conspiracy. Q-Anon. "A bombshell and classified House Intelligence report exposes massive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse, that contains information regarding the dossier that alleges President Trump and members of his team colluded with the Russians in the 2016 presidential election. Some members of the House viewed the document in a secure room Thursday. A number of law makers find this report incredibly troubling, and believe it will lead to high level government officials in serious trouble. Q-Anon chimed in to this news as well. Reading Material: Q-Anon Only Posts can be found here: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['ObamaGate', 'Deepstate', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'James Comey', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Barack Obama', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Peter Strozk', 'Lisa Page', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'Q-Anon', 'Sara Carter', 'The Great Awakening', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'House Intelligence Committee', 'US House', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Trump Campaign', 'Christopher Steele', 'Fusion GPS', 'Hillary Campaign', 'Jim Jordan', 'Sean Hannity', 'WikiLeaks', 'Julian Assange', 'Dan Bongino', 'Watergate', 'RussiaGate', 'Robert Mueller', 'FISA', 'FISA Program'] PT16M20S 584 9 47 1 not set not set 2018-01-23T08:39:39.000Z 9xIHmrhnv7Y UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA FBI & The Case Of The Missing Texts. Was Q-Anon Right About Sessions? "If the already enormous heap of scandals being revealed wasn't enough, apparently 5 months worth of relevant FBI text messages have conveniently disappeared due to a ""glitch"". Who here believes that? Show of hands. Fortunately, Jeff Sessions has finally asserted some authority as Attorney General, and has announced an investigation to find out what happened, and how to fix it. Q-Anon's latest postings have said to trust Sessions, and that he would get involved. Finally, it looks like he's stopped going after stoners long enough to do the job of swamp draining. Q-Anon chimed in on some of the recent events as well. Q-Only Posts Link: Reading Material: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Check out our website at: Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['FBI', 'Lisa Page', 'Peter Strzok', 'Robert Mueller', 'Q-Anon', 'Q Anon', 'QAnon', 'RussiaGate', 'ObamaGate', 'ReleasetheMemo', 'ReleaseTheTexts', 'FindTheTexts', 'Hannity', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Department of Justice', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Trey Gowdy', 'John Ratcliffe', 'Kim Dotcom'] PT19M49S 644 11 30 1 not set not set 2018-01-28T05:15:09.000Z FJfhg6kcH5c UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Q-Anon, Snow White & 7 Dwarfs, Sean Hannity, Vault 7, Julian Assange & More. "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: It's been an interesting week to say the least. POTUS visited to snake's lair in Davos, CH and was received surprisingly well. Alliances are changing, and the NWO is dying. Sean Hannity has been red pilling the masses, and his Twitter account disappeared last night. Very similar situation to what happened to Julian Assange not long ago eh? Q-Anon chimed in on some of the recent events as well. And he keeps making references to Disney Movies. I'll give my take on what I think is going on & more. Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Space-X', 'Elon Musk', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Melania Trump', 'Snow White', '7 Dwarfs', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Edward Snowden', 'Kim Dotcom', 'Sean Hannity', 'Twitter', 'Jack Dorsey', 'Black Forest', 'Germany', 'Davos'] PT2H18M25S 1438 6 38 4 not set not set 2018-01-30T08:01:45.000Z rLcDmltm-d0 UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA FBI In Chaos As Andrew McCabe Is Forced To Resign. Q-Anon #ReleaseTheMemo "FBI Director Christopher Wray had the opportunity to view the classified FISA Abuse Memo on Sunday. Today, the FBI's Andrew McCabe was forced to resign. Apparently, he is one of several top officials named in the Memo which will be released to the public shortly. Representative Devin Nunes and the House Intelligence Committee Republicans voted this evening to declassify the memo. It has been sent to the Whitehouse for President Trump & the Whitehouse to review it, and decide whether or not to release the memo. Reading Material: Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: We'll talk about this and more. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FBI', 'Christopher Wray', 'Andrew McCabe', 'McCabe', 'DOJ', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Robert Mueller', 'RussiaGate', 'ObamaGate', 'Eric Holder', 'James Comey', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'Devin Nunes', 'House Intelligence Committee', 'US House', 'Chuck Grassley', 'Adam Schiff', 'SOTU', 'Sara Carter', 'Sean Hannity'] PT10M15S 298 3 28 0 not set not set 2018-02-18T05:38:23.000Z 7JqYdZPj8ag UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- SkyNet Coming Soon! Q-Anon,Chinese Medicine & More. With Spec. Guest Graham M. "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: - Elon Musk sending up a bunch of satellites to provide worldwide broadband internet? -This Week's Q-Anon Postings -Chinese Medicine. -Aryuveda -Medicinal Foods -RussiaGate -Draining the Swamp & More!!!! With special guest: Graham M. Graham is a close friend of this channel, and contributes regularly a wealth of information regarding a range of topics. He's a seeker of truth, and has an excellent talent for digging through large quantities of data, and finding it. We talk regularly about what's going on around the world, and bouncing theories off of each other. Sherlock Holmes style. He's a Patron, and recurring guest on this show. I don't know exactly where the conversation will take us, but it's sure to be interesting! Please join us. We'll talk about all this and more! Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: Music- Degitx - ""Grim Reaper"" Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Kim Dotcom', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FBI', 'Christopher Wray', 'James Comey', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Robert Mueller', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Carter Page', 'DNC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Qi Gong', 'Chinese Medicine', 'Self Healing', 'Yoga', 'Tai Chi', 'Herbal Medicine', 'Sound Therapy', 'Sound Healing', 'Bali', 'Elon Musk', 'Boring Company', 'Space X', 'Tesla', 'Rosetta Stone', 'Matcha', 'Food as Medicine', 'Turmeric', 'Aryuveda', 'SkyNet'] PT2H45M48S 150 1 11 1 not set not set 2018-03-04T05:36:20.000Z E5jyYnZ-TGU UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Q-Anon, Billy Graham, Seth Rich, Kim Dotcom, POTUS, Acupuncture, Censorship & More! "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: Being knocked down, and getting back up. Dealing with loss. Finding purpose, passion, & balance in life. Japanese Ikigai. Being a conduit of the creator to spread light into a very dark world. Billy Graham Q-Anon Seth Rich Kim Dotcom President Trump Censorship Holistic Healing & much much more! His videos are also on Bitchute @ To find your Ikigai please check out the following link: Please join us. We'll talk about all this and more! Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 "['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Kim Dotcom', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FBI', 'DNC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Qi Gong', 'Chinese Medicine', 'Self Healing', 'Yoga', 'Tai Chi', 'Herbal Medicine', 'Elon Musk', 'Boring Company', 'Space X', 'Tesla', 'Rosetta Stone', 'Matcha', 'Food as Medicine', 'Turmeric', 'Aryuveda', 'Twitter', 'Ikigai', 'Japan', 'Acupuncture', 'Finding Purpose', 'Dealing with loss', 'Following your passion', 'Entreprenuer', 'Jesus', ""God's Love"", 'Billy Graham', 'Seth Rich', 'QAnon']" PT2H28M24S 190 3 16 0 not set not set 2018-03-11T05:16:07.000Z S6RPRyXq-Vo UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live-Q-Anon Signals Massive Deep State Takedown. Lil' Kim Stands Down? Trump 2020 & More! "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: Q-Anon Rhetoric is heating up to epic proportions in a massive Deepstate takedown! Will we have peace on the Korean Peninsula? Trump already campaigning for 2020 in Moon Township, PA. Steel & Aluminum Tariffs. Kim Dotcom President Trump Censorship Holistic Healing & much much more! To find your Ikigai please check out the following link: Please join us. We'll talk about all this and more! Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 "['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Kim Dotcom', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FBI', 'DNC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Qi Gong', 'Chinese Medicine', 'Self Healing', 'Yoga', 'Tai Chi', 'Herbal Medicine', 'Elon Musk', 'Boring Company', 'Space X', 'Tesla', 'Rosetta Stone', 'Matcha', 'Food as Medicine', 'Turmeric', 'Aryuveda', 'Twitter', 'Ikigai', 'Japan', 'Acupuncture', 'Finding Purpose', 'Dealing with loss', 'Following your passion', 'Entreprenuer', 'Jesus', ""God's Love"", 'Seth Rich', 'QAnon', 'Snowden', 'Eric Schmidt']" PT2H12M33S 214 1 21 1 not set not set 2018-03-18T04:09:00.000Z DxyUuTQIVp8 UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live-Q-Anon, McCabe You're Fired! Wray Next? Sustainable Products. Eucalyptus Shoes? & More. "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: March Madness is in full swing as Attorney General Jeff Sessions gives the boot to corrupt Andrew McCabe on the day before his birthday! Q-Anon chimes in on this, and we'll go over the week of Q Posts. A shoe company called ""AllBirds"" is stepping up their products by introducing a sustainable shoe made out of Eucalyptus Fibers which naturally keep the feet cool. Another company in Arizona called ""Dryland Wilds"" is creating sustainable products using local wild plants that not only smell great, but are good for you! Censorship is in full swing like it's 1984 for many that have diverse viewpoints that don't comply with the right narrative. Many, including Health Ranger have lost their accounts. Holistic Healing will no longer be paid for in the UK's N.H.S. & much much more! To find your Ikigai please check out the following link: Please join us. We'll talk about all this and more! Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 "['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Kim Dotcom', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FBI', 'DNC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Qi Gong', 'Chinese Medicine', 'Self Healing', 'Yoga', 'Tai Chi', 'Herbal Medicine', 'Rosetta Stone', 'Matcha', 'Food as Medicine', 'Turmeric', 'Aryuveda', 'Twitter', 'Acupuncture', 'Finding Purpose', 'Following your passion', 'Entreprenuer', 'Jesus', ""God's Love"", 'Seth Rich', 'QAnon', 'McCabe', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Christopher Wray', 'James Comey']" PT2H13M3S 161 3 13 0 not set not set 2018-03-25T04:09:01.000Z BO9HbzGDmuA UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live-Q-Anon, Omnibus, Inspector General Report, Army Corps of Engineers, Goodbye Deepstate. "Please join us as we discuss the week's news, as well as the following topics: The not so popular Omnibus Spending Bill was recently passed through congress, and despite Veto Threat President Trump signed it for ""National Security"" reasons. There are a few surprises in the bill, and they're brilliant. The Deep State in Deep ****! O.I.G. has been appropriated $404,500,000 to go after the bad guys. Could the budget for the Army Corps of Engineers be used for them to build THE WALL? Q-Anon chimed in with some cryptic tweets. We'll talk about all this & much much more! To read the Omnibus Bill Go To: View former Corey's Angels Testimony at: To find your Ikigai please check out the following link: Please join us. We'll talk about all this and more! Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Kim Dotcom', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FBI', 'DNC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Qi Gong', 'Chinese Medicine', 'Self Healing', 'Yoga', 'Tai Chi', 'Rosetta Stone', 'Matcha', 'Twitter', 'Seth Rich', 'QAnon', 'McCabe', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Christopher Wray', 'James Comey', 'OIG', 'Red Castle', 'Green Castle', 'Corey Feldman', 'Inspector General', 'Omnibus', 'Army Corps of Engineers', 'Michael Horowitz', 'John Bolton', 'HR McMaster', 'Rex Tillerson', 'Mike Pompeo'] PT1H57M53S 237 1 21 0 not set not set 2018-04-08T04:02:01.000Z 3QehGiecpXc UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live-Q-Anon. Draining The Pedo Swamp. Silent War. Ray Chandler. Becky Percy & More. "Please join us while we discuss the week's news & more! Please call in at: 508-474-3719 Well discuss the following topics: Plan for today’s show: Q-Anon refocuses on Draining The Pedo Swamp. Specifically asking us about a woman named Ray Chandler AKA Rachel Chandler We must save the children from the clutches of evil people. Becky Percy, who is one of the many children that went through this needs our Help. She fled to the U.S. to escape these people, faces the possibility of being returned back to the UK where she fears being killed. Please follow her on Twitter @becki_p20 To donate to her legal defense: See her story for yourself at: You can help her by getting the word out about her story, and filling out the WhiteHouse Petition at: Q Indicates that there may be a silent war going on to take out the deep state. We'll talk about all this & much much more! Reading Material: Becky Percy Jimmy Savile Prince Charles Prince Andrew Jeffery Epstein Rachel Chandler To find your Ikigai please check out the following link: Please join us. We'll talk about all this and more! Q-Only Posts Link: All Q posts can be found at: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'Hawaii', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'WikiLeaks', 'Kim Dotcom', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FBI', 'DNC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Qi Gong', 'Twitter', 'QAnon', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Christopher Wray', 'OIG', 'Inspector General', 'Michael Horowitz', 'Infowars', 'Alex Jones', 'Facebook', 'Amazon', 'Google', 'Microsoft', 'China', 'Tiangong 1', 'Space X', 'Becky Percy', 'Ray Chandler', 'Rachel Chandler', 'PedoGate', 'PizzaGate', 'DrainThePedoSwamp', 'Pedowood', 'Epstein', 'Little Saint James', 'Epstein Island', 'Pedophile Island'] PT2H10M13S 195 2 17 1 not set not set 2018-04-10T08:39:07.000Z R8vpG6wsbg8 UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Q-Anon: DID FBI BREAK IN DURING TRUMP TOWER FIRE? FBI RAIDS TRUMP LAWYER'S OFFICE. "Today, it was announced that the FBI raided the Office and Hotel of President Trump's Personal Lawyer: Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen's Lawyer(Stephen Ryan) has advised that Robert Mueller was involved in this. Q-Anon has said the FBI Broke in during the fire at Trump Tower which was a distraction. What do you think? Thanks for watching! Reading Material: Q-Anon Posts: Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['FBI', 'FBI Raid', 'Trump Tower Fire', 'Trump Tower', 'Michael Cohen', 'Robert Mueller', 'Mueller', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Christopher Wray', 'James Comey', 'Donald Trump', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Rockafeller Center', 'Loews Regency Hotel', 'New York City', 'NYC', 'New York', 'Park Avenue', '5th Avenue', 'RussiaGate', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Trump Lawyer', 'Stephen Ryan', 'Stephanie Clifford', 'DOJ', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Barack Obama', 'Hillary Clinton'] PT19M53S 621 6 22 1 not set not set 2018-05-06T03:56:55.000Z mwrtY5OCoyo UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live-Q-Anon, Judge Obliterates Team Mueller, Draining the FBI Swamp, Hawaii Volcano... "Please join us while we discuss the week's news & more! Well discuss the following topics: Plan for Today’s Show: *Q-Anon * Is John Kerry violating the Logan Act? * Judge goes H.A.M. on Mueller’s Special Council. * Over a thousand detained by Russian police in Putin protests. * Trump Not Considering Drawback of US Troops in South Korea. US Unemployment Drops to 18 Year Low. Now under 4%. * Hawaii Volcano and Earthquakes, oh my: * Video Footage * State of Hawaii To ban sale of certain types Of Sunscreen? * 2 Comey Cronies Removed from FBI? * WikiLeaks Tweets: New FOIA docs show that FBI lost chain of custody for five weeks of Hillary Clinton's server. Say they lost the chain entirely and created a new one. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'CIA', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'McCain', 'Deep State', 'Kanye', 'Kanye West', 'Diamond and Silk', 'RussiaGate', 'Mueller', 'Korea', 'United Korea', 'ReleaseTheTexts', 'Trump Rally', 'White House Correspondents Dinner', 'James Comey', 'Sara Carter', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'WikiLeaks', 'UK', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Michael Horowitz', 'IG', 'Huber', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Michael Cohen', 'James Baker', 'Hawaii', 'Volcano', 'Paul Manafort', 'John Kerry'] PT2H1M4S 160 0 12 0 not set not set 2018-05-20T04:17:30.000Z GR46FJRrjug UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA Avenue Live- Is Don Jr. An Agent Of Saudi Arabia? Q-Anon, Royal Wedding, RussiaGate, Spy Games In DC "Please join us while we discuss the week's news & more! Well discuss the following topics: Plan for Today’s Show: Potential Spy Devices Which Track Cellphones, Intercept Calls Found All Over D.C., Md., Va. U.S. bishop wows royal wedding with impassioned sermon on love British royal wedding pics: Oregon cannabis grower develops royal strain 'Markle Sparkle' in honor of Megan Markle's wedding: Melania Trump returns to White House after kidney procedure: China agrees to import more from U.S, no sign of $200 billion number: NYT: Trump Jr. heard pitch on Saudi, Emirati support for 2016 election: Manafort's former son-in-law cuts plea deal, to cooperate with government: U.S. cutting parts of Syria stabilization funding: Hasbro trademarks Play-doh's scent: Sweet, slightly musky Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q Anon', 'CIA', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'Deep State', 'RussiaGate', 'Mueller', 'Trump Rally', 'White House Correspondents Dinner', 'James Comey', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Michael Horowitz', 'Huber', 'DOJ', 'Hawaii', 'Yellowstone', 'Joshua Holt', '5G', 'FBI', 'Wray', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Royal Wedding', 'Prince Harry', 'Meghan Markle', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'Don Jr.', 'Saudi Arabia', 'UAE', 'SaudiGate', 'Paul Manafort', 'China', 'Melania Trump', 'QAnon'] PT2H19M57S 99 1 14 3 not set not set 2018-05-28T22:40:52.000Z WLANFTkf7SU UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA AVELive-WikiLeaks Accuses Q-Anon Of Being A Larp. Tommy Robinson Imprisonment & More! "Please join us. Tommy Robinson made the mistake of reporting on an ongoing court case. He was arrested outside the Leeds Crown Court where ten men are on trial for offenses including child rape, trafficking, and supply of class A drugs to children. The UK then sent gag orders to several news outlets in order to keep information on this injustice from being shared. Unfortunately for them, it didn't work. WikiLeaks and others accuse Q-Anon of being a Psyop and/or LARP. I don't think they understand the irony. We'll have a very in-depth, and philosophical discussion about this and more! Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['Tommy Robinson', 'UK', 'United Kingdom', '1984', 'George Orwell', 'Orwellian', 'Theresa May', 'Radical Islam', 'Alex Jones', 'Roger Stone', 'Censorship', 'InfoWars', 'Italy', 'European Union', 'EU', 'Geert Wilders', 'Giuseppe Conte', 'Conte', 'Lega Nord', 'Brexit', 'Italexit', 'Nexit', 'PedoGate', 'WikiLeaks', 'Julian Assange', 'Suzi Dawson', 'QAnon', 'Q-Anon', 'PsyOp', 'Psychological Operations', 'Propaganda', 'Disinfo', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'Pravda', 'KGB', 'Five Eyes'] PT58M17S 158 6 13 1 not set not set 2018-06-08T03:48:19.000Z TQnJVwVE5RU UCtybuw-kLSwu-ms9C2kiabA AVELive-#SuzieDawson, #WikiLeaks, #Unity4J, #Snowden, #Kim Dotcom, #QAnon & More! "Today's show is going to be very interesting! Suzie Dawson, who is from New Zealand, and living in Exile joins us. Suzie is the President of New Zealand's Internet Party. She wears many hats including: Citizen Journalist Activist Organizer Livestreamer Host for #Unity4J (#FreeJulianAssange) Host of #DecipherYou (Snowden Files) Researcher Target of Deep State & more! Her life could be a best selling spy thriller. Currently, all of her websites & stories appear to be M.I.A.. You could normally check her out at the following websites: You can follow her on Twitter @Suzi3d Check out her story ""Diary of a Person Of Interest"": Thanks for watching. Please comment, like, share & subscribe. Ways to support this channel: Get your hands on cool Avenue of Intrigue Merch at: Buy our Soaps and other things at: Follow me on Twitter @AvenueIntrigue @AvenueofIntrigue AvenueofIntrigue Youtube AvenueofIntrigue Come chat with us on Discord at Feel free to use my videos in your projects etc. I'm ok with sharing as long as you don't take my words out of context." Avenue of Intrigue 25 ['QAnon', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'PedoGate', 'PizzaGate', 'End Human Trafficking', 'Navy Seals', 'Army', 'Navy', 'Special Forces', 'Marines', 'Air Force', 'Veterans', 'Q-Anon', 'Tucson', 'Arizona', 'Suzie Dawson', '#Unity4J', '#DecipherYou', '#FreeJulianAssange', 'Kim Dotcom', 'Internet Party', 'New Zealand', 'Deep State', 'NWO', '#DrainTheSwamp', 'Snowden', 'FVEYS', 'Five Eyes', 'GCHQ', 'KGB', 'RussiaGate', 'Epstein', 'V4CR', 'Veterans On Patrol', 'OperationBackyardBrawl'] PT2H32M 290 7 36 0 not set not set 2018-03-13T02:14:35.000Z KHbo3d7fWhs UC_KHNMZsErHkOjb7bTxMymg [Awakening Revolution] LATEST #QANON POSTS AND SOME THOUGHTS "New from - latest Q posts and some thoughts (some, random). ;) Thanks for watching! More, greater content to come soon (with LESS computer issues, hopefully)!! MUCH love! ~b FAIR USE STATEMENT. This media may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this media for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Awakening Revolution 27 ['awakening', 'revolution', '#greatawakening', '#QAnon', '#freedom', '#patriots'] PT13M11S 270 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-03-21T21:10:24.000Z IRfyeNAMPpA UC_KHNMZsErHkOjb7bTxMymg [AWAKENING REVOLUTION] Listen Carefully! Wake Up! Stand Up! RISE UP! Patriots Unite! #WeThePeople #Q "A few updates from Awakening Revolution + QAnon + Trump's greatest speech (pay close attention). Video of Trump's speech credit to Please be sure to like, share, and subscribe! More to come soon! Much love! ~ b FAIR USE STATEMENT. This media may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this media for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Awakening Revolution 25 ['awakening', 'revolution', 'Trump', '#greatawakening', '#wethepeople', '#QAnon', '#patriots'] PT13M37S 614 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-03-11T22:45:10.000Z ISiUVXpRomg UCxL-SvenKKQ8yHiIJl91H1Q Q QAnon T-SHIRT | Awkward Tshirts " - QAnon T-Shirt: ""Truth Brought to You by the Letter Q"" tee is the perfect way to spread the word about the Great Awakening! Don't know what we're talking about? Then this shirt probably isn't for you.👍 #QAnon #Q #GreatAwakening #CBTS" Awkward Tshirts 22 ['QAnon', 'GreatAwakening', 'CBTS', 'qtshirt', 'qshirt', 'qtee', 'AwkwardTshirts'] PT38S 225 0 3 0 not set not set 2017-11-20T04:09:23.000Z zKkE1y-u8Ac UCUGRovk5TfWRoGH9SUsDXcw Part 1 Q Anon, Snow White, Godfather III I Solved The Riddle! The Cabal Shall Fall Babalooey 22 ['Q-Anon', 'Trump', 'NWO', 'Globalists', 'George', 'Soros', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Pizzagate', 'Podesta'] PT10M25S 843 7 26 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T07:19:04.000Z 5MHNwn8ZOzE UCs-Fvok5Pu-8-kOtvpljl9Q Q-Anon - The Goddess in THE CELL Just going to offer my thoughts on Q-Anon and what I suspect is really the entire purpose of this whole thing. BABYLON WATCH - Exposing Mystery Babylon 22 not set PT19M10S 912 41 52 2 not set not set 2018-04-08T23:34:10.000Z vXak12LL1YE UCXCv8NdhI6MVEwWt52V7bOg Q Anon. Ray.chandler Dig! First ever video "Hey Youtubers, Patriots, Trumpians, and Q Followers. This is my first Video Ever, so please be nice and constructive with your comments. I Hope to do more!! Thanks For Watching!! BarleyPop" Barleypop 22 not set PT15M 15782 91 315 9 not set not set 2018-04-09T15:58:10.000Z gnZU86gMiWQ UCXCv8NdhI6MVEwWt52V7bOg Epstein Security Cam! Q Anon "Before you say anything, I know I called virginia by victoria a few times. My Bad. Thanks For Watching!!" Barleypop 22 ['#Q', '#Q Anon', '#Epstien', '#lolita express'] PT13M30S 25406 99 184 13 not set not set 2017-11-21T11:53:29.000Z lo-NUWzpDZI UC4IwPTfq11nAZLu2mNaubpg Q-ANON BREAKING NEWS ! 1% CONTROL SYSTEM #Pizzagate #Pedogate Q-ANON BREAKING NEWS ! 1% CONTROL SYSTEM #Pizzagate #Pedogate Basic CN 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'news', 'world'] PT12M9S 126 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-11-28T03:00:23.000Z wOQCGe6BCeA UC4IwPTfq11nAZLu2mNaubpg 2017 Q ANON # PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE ! ARMY LT EXPOSES TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP 2017 Q ANON # PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE ! ARMY LT EXPOSES TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP Basic CN 22 ['Q ANON', 'PIZZAGATE', 'PEDOGATE', 'Breaking news', 'news', 'world'] PT13M37S 125 1 2 2 not set not set 2017-11-29T12:25:36.000Z u2LhpbZiCgI UC4IwPTfq11nAZLu2mNaubpg 2017...PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! POLICE SAY 9 FORGERIES IN OBAMABIRTHCERTIFICATE ! Q anon 2017...PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! POLICE SAY 9 FORGERIES IN OBAMABIRTHCERTIFICATE ! Q anon Basic CN 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking News', 'News', 'World'] PT10M57S 42 1 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-30T05:44:39.000Z LiNYaRsBH3M UC4IwPTfq11nAZLu2mNaubpg Q-ANON #PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! WIKILEAKS RELEASES BOMBSHELL NEW DOCUMENTS ! Q-ANON #PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! WIKILEAKS RELEASES BOMBSHELL NEW DOCUMENTS ! Basic CN 22 ['Q ANON', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking News', 'News', 'World'] PT18M24S 130 0 2 0 not set not set 2017-11-30T05:44:41.000Z fvRV9AJZTu8 UC4IwPTfq11nAZLu2mNaubpg 2017...PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! NEW CELEBRITIES EXPOSE HOLLYWOOD PROSTITUTION ! Q Anon 2017...PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! NEW CELEBRITIES EXPOSE HOLLYWOOD PROSTITUTION ! Q Anon Basic CN 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Q Anon', 'Breaking News', 'News', 'World'] PT22M23S 648 4 12 0 not set not set 2018-08-16T22:36:49.000Z 1ac9wj2ZVRM UC6o-wWU-v2ClFMwougmK7dA QAnon and the red pill of truth - BBC Newsnight "The conspiracy theories sweeping Donald Trump’s base – we take a look into the secret supposed source, QAnon. Subscribe to our channel here: Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews. Website: Twitter: Facebook:" BBC Newsnight 25 ['bbc', 'newsnight', 'news', 'interview', 'Donald Trump', 'QAnon', 'conspiracy theory'] PT3M56S 160480 2388 1180 2283 not set not set 2017-12-06T14:10:52.000Z IsXMTvBjAcw UChyQCCqPpQ5J1mjuQQEaxoA 4Chan Q-ANON- ALARMING In Depth Analysis PLEASE GO TO UPDATED VIDEO - RE-RECORDED DUE TO LOW AUDIO LEVEL On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Behn Demaranville 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-ANON-', 'ALARMING', 'Depth', 'Analysis'] PT1H48M17S 1 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-06T14:20:18.000Z 3FmyKpCK9OY UChyQCCqPpQ5J1mjuQQEaxoA PLANE CRASH- Did Q-Anon Have Lord Jacob Rothchild Killed? Q-ANON posted the following on Monday November 17 (4Chan) (Mon 13 Nov 2017 11:04:46) Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. Behn Demaranville 1 ['PLANE', 'CRASH-', 'Q-Anon', 'Have', 'Lord', 'Jacob', 'Rothchild', 'Killed?'] PT17M8S 6 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-07T05:18:05.000Z wvlSIW7P9ao UChyQCCqPpQ5J1mjuQQEaxoA 4Chan Q-Anon (Part XI) Alarming Connections A continuation of an in-depth look at the 4chan Q-Anon posts. Here, we look at the fact that Obama was groomed for his presidency and his education was paid Behn Demaranville 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-Anon', '(Part', 'Alarming', 'Connections'] PT52M34S 1 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T13:52:56.000Z yHAwG4j7fj4 UC13lzJfR6oLGnXi8xsBK4_Q Part 2 " Ongoing Q posts: Twitter:" BeLike MikeDaily 2 ['rant', 'Qanon', 'Greatawakening', 'Great Awakening', 'Releasthememo', 'Release the memo', 'Obamagate'] PT48M47S 20 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-15T02:08:04.000Z XdxLoeB-aGo UCGSmpodHNxrv27S366OS00A Will Trump DRAIN The Swamp ? Q Anon LEAKS Breadcrumbs "Will Trump Drain The Swamp? Heck, is Trump Draining The Swamp ? Q Anon Leaks Breadcrumbs ! Is President Trump going to drain the swamp? In this video, I discuss the various possibility in relation to Q Anon, an alleged trump campaign insider. This video is my initial impression. Please consider my other videos which are further critical thinking Q Anon, as well as thoughts and analysis on Trump and the Q Anon phenomenon. joe from the carolinas SUPPORT OPTIONS (Contains Affiliate Links) Donate to Support My Research➜ Join my Patreon Community for Early Access ➜ Joe's #AmazonInfluencer Shop➜ Joe Ab[para]normal Podcast on Spreaker➜ Secret Space Programs and UFOs Books- Joe's Punk Band, Bound Society- Joe’s Shades Kick But Electronics Clean Personal Care Items Chrome Users: Earn BitCoin in your Browser & Help Our Channel ➜ Kindle Unlimited Membership Audible Audiobooks Amazon Prime Amazon Prime Music Amazon Instant Video Amazon FreeTime Unlimited Free Trial Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial Amazon Home Services Amazon Cell Phones INCREDIBLY AWESOME GEAR MICROPHONES Wireless Mics Shotgun Mic Podcast Mic Studio Vocal Mic Live Vocal Mic CAMERAS Canon Vixia HF R800 Sony A7R III Sony A6500 Sony RX100 VI Panasonic GH 5 GoPro Hero 6 DRONES Mavic Air Mavic Pro LIGHTING GEAR Main Light Travel Light Neewer Ring Light My Alternate Video Channels:!/c/joefromcarolinas My Latest Video➜ My Most Popular Video➜ Formula for Awesome YouTube Videos➜ YouTube Starter Kit➜ Awesome Creator Academy Membership➜ Buy Stuff At UFO TV to support my mission➜ All music and/or backing tracks used in this video is either composed and copyrighted by myself and/or➜ Channel Owner Disclaimers This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! If you are here to cause problems, you will be removed. If you do not like the content being played here, start your own channel and upload whatever you want and live stream whatever you want. Block this channel so you can't see it. I don't care. Live and let live. You won't see me on your channel hurling insults or attempting to be disruptive. All images used in this personal opinion presentation were retrieved from a image search, public youtube videos, and as otherwise stated. As always, all veiled or blatant personal threats are remotely and automatically logged upon entry and provided to law enforcement. #secretspaceprogram #paranormal #SSP #criticalthinking #investigation logy #mystery" Beyond Theory 24 ['critical thinking', 'Is Trump Draining The Swamp ? Q Anon Leaks Breadcrumbs !', 'Is Trump Draining The Swamp', 'Q Anon Leaks Breadcrumbs', 'joe from the carolinas', 'Will Trump Drain The Swamp ? Q Anon Leaks Breadcrumbs !', 'Will Trump Drain The Swamp', 'donald trump', 'drain the swamp', 'hillary clinton', 'michelle obama', 'bernie sanders', 'bill clinton', 'melania trump', 'ted cruz', 'rudy giuliani', 'top 10', 'Trump Q Anon', 'president trump', 'trump swamp', 'trump draining the swamp'] PT52M39S 15871 170 149 20 not set not set 2017-12-22T04:05:49.000Z G6tYueqPU-s UCGSmpodHNxrv27S366OS00A Q Anon | Trump | Clinton Foundation | Soros | Military Intelligence | Uranium One |Gourmet Mushrooms "My Latest Video: My Most Popular Video: Please Subscribe to My Channel: Email: Q Anon 10/28 & 10/29 Breadcrumb Analysis|Gourmet Mushrooms|Clinton Foundation|Soros|Military Intelligence|Uranium One|Operation Mockingbird Thanks to all of the 4chan, 8chan, youtube, email, and reddit analysts for sharing their work. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""What if Aliens find SpaceX's Tesla Roadster near Mars?"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- #secretspaceprogram #paranormal #SSP #criticalthinking #investigation logy #mystery" Beyond Theory 24 ['Q Anon', 'Huma', 'Bundy Ranch', 'Weiner', 'Trump', 'Las Vegas', 'Reddit', '4chan', '8chan', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Soros', 'Conspiracy', 'NWO', 'Globalism', 'Patriot', 'Comey', 'Gowdy', 'Pedogate', 'Uranium One', 'Sessions', 'Restavek', 'Haiti', '12 days of maga', 'Tracy Beanz', 'mushrooms', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'Fake News', 'joe from the carolinas', 'joe from carolinas', 'soros on plane that left atlanta', 'camp david george soros', 'clinton', 'flat earth corporate intelligence soros', 'q anon 4chan analysis', 'q military intelligence'] PT29M21S 4204 48 85 9 not set not set 2018-03-12T03:07:32.000Z _HQqIQvOMf4 UCGSmpodHNxrv27S366OS00A SSP UFO Whistleblowers vs Experiencers | New SSP Empath | Q Anon, Rothschilds, & Solar Warden "I think there's a major difference between a claimed SSP/UFO/super soldier ""experiencer"" like new SSP Empath Kevan Trimmel, versus a supposed ordered/sanctioned ""whistleblower"" like Randy Cramer and the Insider's insider from Comic Disclosure. I also link implications for Solar Warden with Q Anon's revelation that Trump is going after the Rothschilds. My below-linked guideline videos are only for pubically vetting ""sanctioned/ordered"" whistleblowers, and are not appropriate or recommended for UFO/SSP/Super Soldier experiencers. Extended Version: My Guidelines for Sanctioned SSP Whistleblowers & Super Soldiers- Short Version: My Guidelines for Sanctioned SSP Whistleblowers & Super Soldiers- Please Subscribe to My Channel: My Gear & Equipment: My Alternate Video Channel: My Latest Video: My Most Popular Video: #secretspaceprogram #paranormal #SSP #criticalthinking #investigation logy #mystery #disclosure #coreygoode" Beyond Theory 24 ['rothschilds', '& solar warden', 'ufo whistleblower', '20 and back whistle blowers', 'super soldier', 'joe of the carolinas', 'kevan ssp', 'kevan trimmel', 'new whistleblowers', 'newest whistle blowers', 'ufo', 'joe from the carolinas', 'alien whistleblowers', 'empath'] PT22M19S 2305 67 101 3 not set not set 2018-03-18T21:32:01.000Z nKVxDzRjGFk UCGSmpodHNxrv27S366OS00A The Weaponization of Social Media & Cambridge Analytica | Trump | Q Anon "In this broadcast, I go through some reports showing how social media, like YouTube and Facebook are weaponized. This info can defintiely back-up Q Anon's releases, and I think go far beyond the allegation that Trump's consultants used this info to help him get elected. This includes the March 2018 Facebook & Cambridge Analytica user data breach scandal, and much more, plus my thoughts. Please Subscribe: My Gear, Recommended Books, & Equipment: My Alternate Video Channel: My Latest Video: My Most Popular Video: #secretspaceprogram #paranormal #SSP #criticalthinking #investigation logy #mystery" Beyond Theory 22 ['Joe', 'joe from the carolinas qanon', 'joe from the carolinas', 'social media weaponization', 'social media is a weapon', 'social experiment', 'cambridge analytica', 'cambridge analytica whistleblower', 'facebook scandal video', 'youtube', 'privacy', '1984', 'AI', 'empowerment', 'social media', 'the weaponization of social media', 'donald trump', 'facebook', 'critical thinking', 'disclosure', 'conspiracy', 'q anon', 'paranormal', 'ufos', 'new world order', 'corbett report', 'who moved my freedom', 'psychographic', 'infowar', 'alex jones'] PT31M52S 413 16 25 0 not set not set 2018-04-13T00:53:24.000Z OHHAhmBOJ5g UCGSmpodHNxrv27S366OS00A Is Q Anon a Social Media PsyOp ? Q Anon Breakdown Analysis|Latest Breadcrumbs|Trump Drains the Swamp "Is Q Anon a Social Media PsyOp ? Q Anon Breakdown Analysis|Latest Breadcrumbs|Trump Drains the Swamp with Memes In this video, I explore the theory that q anon is a social media psyop. Q Anon's latest breadcrumbs from today are reviewed, and Q Anon's Identity and Q Anon's purpose theories are explored. Trump drains the swamp, as Q is clearly an insider. Yet, the military has supported supercomputers and social media, so Q Anon theories should probably include the idea that Q is artificial intelligence. ````````````````````````` Please Subscribe to My Channel: `````````````````````````` Digital Tip Jar: ````````````````````````````` Patreon: ````````````````````````````` Gear & Equipment - ``````````````````````````` Wanna Stay Ahead of the YouTube & Google Artificial Intelligence? Check out tubebuddy (no purchase required): Support me by shopping through Amazon using the links on my wordpress site; this costs you $0.00 extra compared to normal Amazon shopping: ``````````````````````````` My Alternate Video Channels:!/c/joefromcarolinas My Latest Video: My Most Popular Video: Check out these great training programs if you're interested in youtubing yourself! Formula for Awesome YouTube Videos YouTube Starter Kit Awesome Creator Academy Membership: Buy Stuff At UFO TV to support my mission: All images used in this personal opinion presentation were retrieved from a image search, public youtube videos, and as otherwise stated. Qanon praying medic #QAnon #smallyoutubers #mystery #SSP #criticalthinking #investigation" Beyond Theory 24 "['Is Q Anon a Social Media PsyOp ? Q Anon Breakdown Analysis|Latest Breadcrumbs|Trump Drains the Swamp', 'is q a social media psyop', 'Q Anon', 'Q Anon Breakdown', ""Q Anon's latest breadcrumbs"", 'latest breadcrumbs are reviewed', ""what is Q's identity?"", 'what is the purpose of Q Anonymous', 'Q is clearly an insider', 'trump drains the swamp', 'Q helps trump drain the swamp', 'Q is a supercomputer', 'joe from the carolinas', 'latest breadcrumbs from today', 'q anon', 'what is a psyop', 'social media psyop', 'memes']" PT34M27S 1677 57 85 5 not set not set 2018-09-26T23:57:42.000Z usfXNKGqt24 UCGSmpodHNxrv27S366OS00A Jordan Sather Likes Making SHILL LISTS !? "Jordan Sather likes making shill lists. Shill lists! In this video, I take Destroying the Illusion Jordan Sather's recent tweet labeling myself and others as a shill and reference a few concerns. Jordan Sather is known from his smart, honest journalism on the topics of Q Anon / qanon, the deep state, wwg1wga, the Gerson therapy, MMS, the Secret Space Program, his whiteboard use, his interview with william tompkins, as well as his connections with isaac kappy and comedy central's jim jefferies. He has also been promoting a secret space program documentary called ""Above Cosmic"". #FollowTheLogic #ConspiracyTheory #ShadowGovernment #DeepState #ComedyCentral Jordan Sather Taken to the Woodshed - Featuring Ross Madden, Positive Momentum, and C.W. Chanter Jordan Sather Destroys It On Comedy Central ------- SUPPORT OPTIONS (Contains Aff, Links) 🔴Patreon➜ ▶️PayPal Donation➜ l👾Listen to my original punk UFO Song➜ ✅T-Shirts Merch➜ ▶️Shop at Amazon & Support this Channel➜ 🧤Like my Black Nitrile Gloves?➜ Connect ✅Twitter➜ ✅Website➜ ✅Twitch➜ Shopping Lists UFO, Underground Base Resources➜ Hobby Models- UFOs, Aliens, Bases➜ Organic Non-GMO Coffee I Drink➜ Joe's #AmazonInfluencer Shop➜ Joe Ab[para]normal Podcast on Spreaker➜ Joe's Punk Band, Bound Society- Joe’s Shades Secret Space Programs and UFO Products Kickin' Electronics Clean Personal Care Items Kindle Unlimited Membership Audible Audiobooks Amazon Prime Amazon Prime Music Amazon Instant Video Amazon FreeTime Unlimited Free Trial Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial Amazon Home Services Amazon Cell Phones GEARHEADS MICROPHONES Wireless Mics Shotgun Mic Podcast Mic Studio Vocal Mic Live Vocal Mic CAMERAS Canon Vixia HF R800 Sony A7R III Sony A6500 Sony RX100 VI Panasonic GH 5 GoPro Hero 6 DRONES Mavic Air Mavic Pro LIGHTING GEAR Main Light Travel Light Neewer Ring Light My Latest Video➜ My Most Popular Video➜ Formula for Awesome YouTube Videos➜ YouTube Starter Kit➜ Awesome Creator Academy Membership➜ All music and/or backing tracks used in this video is either composed and copyrighted by myself, Bound Society, and/or➜ Joe from the Carolinas Copyright 2013-Current :""Confronting the ab[para]normal with reason, logic, and common sense."" Channel Owner Disclaimers This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! If you are here to cause problems, you will be removed. If you do not like the content being played here, start your own channel and upload whatever you want and live stream whatever you want. Block this channel so you can't see it. I don't care. Live and let live. You won't see me on your channel hurling insults or attempting to be disruptive. All images used in this personal opinion presentation were retrieved from a image search, public youtube videos, and as otherwise stated. As always, all veiled or blatant personal threats are remotely and automatically logged upon entry, pulled by youtube's insanely controlling algorithm and provided to law enforcement." Beyond Theory 24 ['jordan sather', 'jordan sather 2018', 'jordan sather exposed', 'jordan sather isaac kappy', 'jordan sather mms', 'jordan sather q', 'jordan sather secret space program', 'jordan sather shill', 'above majestic', 'et', 'qanon', 'unirock', 'Jordan Sather Likes Making LISTS', 'jordan sather likes', 'destroying the illusion', 'q anon', 'wwg1wga', 'unirock2', 'joe from the carolinas', 'qanon8chan', 'jordan sather comedy central', 'qtuber', 'jordan sather taken to the woodshed', 'joe of the carolinas', 'shill lists'] PT12M42S 3274 174 300 35 not set not set 2018-08-16T13:10:00.000Z qNZ3m3xFDE4 UCt_dJ6PRXZcOts6Z_oW3X2A Q Proofs Part 2: Space Force, North Korea, and More QAnon: High clearance insider or basement dwelling troll? I go through some more of the evidence that QAnon might be a legitimate source. Bigghair 20 ['QAnon', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Storm', 'President Trump', 'Drain The Swamp', 'Pizzagate'] PT52M11S 18 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-08T12:11:26.000Z TxVoYrjWQ-o UCt_dJ6PRXZcOts6Z_oW3X2A Q Proofs Part 9 (1) - The Storm and The Swamp, and More "QAnon - A high level government insider or a basement dwelling troll? You decide. This stream got cut short because my wife walked into the room - end to follow." Bigghair 20 ['QAnon', 'The Storm', 'The Great Awakening', 'President Trump', 'Drain The Swamp', '8chan'] PT28M12S 22 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-09-08T12:16:17.000Z BOchMU_mEvA UCt_dJ6PRXZcOts6Z_oW3X2A Q Proofs Part 9 (2) - The Storm and The Swamp, and More "This concludes the 55 pieces of corroborating evidence compiled by @jasonawright7 - please consider going over to Twitter and giving him a follow. However, this does not conclude the Q Proofs series. Thanks for watching." Bigghair 20 ['QAnon', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Storm', 'Draining the Swamp', 'President Trump', '8chan'] PT9M25S 18 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T07:03:39.000Z efIXwR6lToE UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon 2/1/18 - Adam Schiff Protects Standard Hotel, Train Wreck and Copter Crash #qanon #pizzagate "Qanon posts point to Adam Schiff running protection for Standard Hotel and Archdiocese for Miami scrubs a helicopter crash victim from their list of donors! Some incident with Adam SHIff happened at a hotel and was covered up. He is repaying the favor by trying to cover this up. Anons, we are looking for a death cover-up of AS doing Pedophilia at The Standard Hotel ?????? What happened @ hotel? [AS] What is [AS] attempting right now? Favor repaid. Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he’s trying to cut a deal cause he knows he’s grass. How ‘they’ control those they need. One recent example. Relevant today. Learn. Q Super Powers ACTIVATE!! : “I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.” Today is [D][of][D] day" Bill Smith 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#pizzagate', '2/2/18', '2/1/18', 'qanon 2-1-18', 'Qanon 2.1.18', '2.2.18', 'qanon 2.2.18', 'QAnon 2/1/18', 'standard hotel', 'adam schiff', 'helicopter crash', 'train wreck', 'gop retreat', 'cbts', 'pedophilia', 'Brian Reichelt', 'Brian R. Reichelt', 'pizzagate', 'child trafficking', 'child abuse'] PT11M46S 15861 128 460 11 not set not set 2018-02-05T18:38:16.000Z Bi2hYv7dN_8 UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Q ANON 2/5/18 - Power Marriages, Single Payer in UK, and Controlled Media Plants #pizzagate "Q anon update: Teresa May just got bitch-slapped by Donald Trump's twitter account, while defending against 60,000 Brits who HATE SINGLE PAYER/Universal Health Care. Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]? Did this seem strange to you? Watch the news. Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest]. Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?]. Soros transfer of wealth. Dopey FREED. Marriage for POWER, not LOVE. Hilton/Roth. Soros/Clinton. Etc. News unlocks MAP. Think Mirror. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE. These people are EVIL. Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them? 20/20 coming. PUBLIC is VITAL. RELEASE of INFO VITAL. OUTRAGE. JUSTICE. Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? FOLLOW THE LIGHT. Q ThinkProgress ‏ Verified account @thinkprogress 6m6 minutes ago More Internal FBI documents show White House lied about Comey firing https:// … why is msm allowed to lie wilderness-how-primeval-forest-survived-timber-industry" Bill Smith 25 ['q anon', 'QAnon', 'qanon', 'q anon update', 'power marriages', 'universal health care', 'single payer', 'q anon 2/5/18', 'QAnon 2.5.18', 'qanon 2-5-18', 'Qanon 2/6/18', 'q anon 2.6.18', 'qanon 2/6/18', 'Theresa may', 'uk prime minister', 'nikki hilton', 'pizzagate'] PT14M58S 20801 213 747 11 not set not set 2018-02-14T00:54:25.000Z lGMvquiqyoc UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon 2/13/18 - Barack Obama's Presidential Portrait - How to Deflower a Nation "Qanon Update: Obama's portrait was painted by Chinese Women, and a 'KILL WHITEY' racist painter took credit. Kehinde Wiley is a joke, a farce, and a liar. But he's gay and black so I guess he gets a pass. Barack Obama CHOSE this guy to do the artwork. Unbelievable. It's almost like BO is trying to piss you off. Think children. Think slaves. Think sheep. the Story: The Symbolism: --Can't wait for the day Barack Obama starts singing" Bill Smith 25 ['QAnon', 'qanon', 'Q Anon', 'qanon update', 'q anon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'barack obama', 'presidential portrait', '2 right hands', 'jihad', 'slavery', 'qanon 2/14/18', 'Q Anon 2-14-18', 'Qanon 2.14.18', 'Qanon 2/13/18', 'qanon 2-13-18', 'Q Anon 2.13.18', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'cbts', 'barack obama singing'] PT13M16S 294503 2248 5809 817 not set not set 2018-02-14T06:48:30.000Z 76BiUSEcq8E UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Qanon - Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trying to DESTROY YOU and Lower Age of Consent to 12 !!! "Qanon Update: RBG wants legalized prostitution and pedophilia!! She wanted this back in 1977. And she almost got her way. Why do feminists hate women sooo much?? I don't get it. Review her positions: Check the facts: More Links: Qanon latest post: I hear Hanoi is educational." Bill Smith 25 ['QAnon', 'Qanon', 'qanon', 'Qanon update', 'QAnon Update', 'Q anon update', 'Q anonymous', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8chan', 'Q Anon update', 'qanon update', 'ruth bader ginsburg', 'RBG', 'Ruth Bader Ginsberg', 'Qanon latest', 'QAnon latest', 'qanoon', 'Qanoon', 'QAnoon', 'qanon posts', 'QAnon posts', 'qanon today', 'qanon 2.14.18', 'QAnon 2/14/18', 'Q Anon 2-14-18', 'qanon 2.15.18'] PT14M53S 463782 5966 9533 1458 not set not set 2018-02-19T17:47:51.000Z lWZS_kDfSYw UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon Update: Liddle Adam Schiff and the LARP revolution (Who do We Trust??) "Q anon latest posts - Trump says: ""Liddle Adam Schiff the leakin’ monster of no control."" Then we find Liddle Kidz, a clinic on touching small children. Really. GET IN THE GAME!! CALL THIS STUFF OUT ON THE SOCIALS!! SHOUT OUT TO THE AUTISTS!! KEEP IT UP MY DUDES!! Notice the cover artwork. The dot is IMPORTANT. Dis-associative programming? Looks that way. Here's some links to keep you busy. THE DON TWEETS: PROFESSIONAL LARPING: CONGRESSIONAL GOPe LARP: --this ladies 'son' is a Transgender Activist" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update', 'qanon map', 'qanon today', 'qanon explained', 'q anon posts', 'q anon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'q anon update', 'q anon explained', 'q anon map', 'q anon tracy beanz', 'q anon today', 'Liddle Kidz', 'Adam Schiff', 'qanon 2/19/18', 'qanon 2-19-18', 'Q Anon 2.19.18', 'QAnon 2/20/18', 'Q Anon 2-20-18', 'qanon 2.20.18', 'LARP', 'larping'] PT14M59S 26799 528 1048 92 not set not set 2018-02-20T20:25:26.000Z uq_LChW-pFo UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - [P] is for mike PENCE. "Mess with the best, die like the rest" #TheStorm "QAnon Update Post #708: This post is about MIKE PENCE. [P] is for 'Pence'. No where else I can find is a single character used for a person. Saying [MP] would give it away. UPDATE FROM Q-ANON in April: [P] is in fact = POPE In 4+ months of QAnon posts, nowhere is Mike Pence mentioned. Nowhere. And that is telling. One day and 11 posts later on Post #719 when they use his full name and say: ""Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?"" (talking about the North Korean dictator's sister.) FEBRUARY 10th, 2018: ""Mess with the best, die like the rest ... Save the best for last. [P]"" FEBRUARY 11th, 2018: ""Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?"" Qanon Post #002: Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land. They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control. This is not a R v D battle. ..thx for supporting the movement! ALL QANON POSTS: QANON LATEST ONLINE:" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'mike pence', 'Q anon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon map', 'qanon today', 'qanon explained', 'qanon alex jones', 'qanon latest update'] PT14M28S 197228 2255 3924 405 not set not set 2018-02-21T05:12:45.000Z V5RWf_75bWY UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Qanon - [P] is for POPE. 'Catholic Spring' brings the BLACK POPE and #Pizzagate 'Blood Libel' "Qanons latest updates have put ""Mess with the best, die like the rest. [2] highly classified clown ops exposed. [44] remaining. Wizards & Warlocks. Save the best for last. [P] Q"" into question. [P] may be POPE. [P] may be Mike PENCE. This video explores the first option. The Satanic pope brought to power under the 'Catholic spring', delivered by none other than Obama, Soros, Podesta, while Clinton was Secretary of State may be the final domino to fall. Why is Nervi Hall the head of a snake? Was 'Blood Libel' the PRECURSOR to #Pizzagate?? Did Vatican II cover this up and set things into motion? LINK LIST:" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'qanon map', 'qanon tracy beanz', 'satanic pope', 'popes chair', 'nervi hall', 'catholic spring', 'black pope', 'blood libel', 'q anon posts', 'q anon today', 'q anon latest', 'qanon jerome corsi', 'q anon', 'q anon update', 'q anon map'] PT14M57S 70621 1233 1950 83 not set not set 2018-02-22T06:37:10.000Z ZjHOUBhrZxw UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA BREAKING Qanon DECODE - [SIG_5:5_READ] Trump Signals IN THE OPEN. Godless SHILL among us. "Qanon latest update: Trump signals about a [recent] Shooting with a simple note drop, pickup, 5 fingers and the 5th talking point. We need to UNITE PEOPLE!! WE NEED TO UNITE!! I click-baited you. Sorry about that. I'm fully onboard with Qanon. NO MORE DOUBT. NO MORE QUESTIONING. This is happening. Anyone in this community who wants to stand in the way NEEDS TO GO. Tracy Beanz needs to go. She is NOT A CHRISTIAN!! REPEAT. TRACY BEANZ IS NOT A CHRISTIAN!! Stop falling for the emotional pity party. Stop getting shilled! I will make a real video about this tomorrow. Until then, we have OUR OWN SWAMP TO DRAIN, right here IN THIS COMMUNITY!!" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'QAnon', 'Qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon latest', 'qanon map', 'qanon explained', 'qanon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Qanon 8ch', 'qanon tracy beanz', 'tracy beanz', 'Q anonymous', 'qanon today', 'Qanon 2/21/18', 'qanon 2-21-18', 'Q Anon 2.21.18', 'QAnon 2-22-18', 'qanon 2/22/18', 'Qanon 2/23/18', 'Q anon 2-23-18', 'qanon 2.23.18'] PT15M2S 113207 1533 2586 366 not set not set 2018-03-13T20:09:28.000Z xe9TfmHXF8M UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - KEYSTONE, BOOM, ORIG, Make it Rain, Vault 7, Class Action Lawsuit (AND I'M BACK!) "The latest Qanon updates from 4chan today: we've been targeted and I've been banned for 2 weeks, but now I can tell you what's been happening. This video has some inconsistencies. This is ORIG research not from the chans, so it has not been vetted. Please review this research and add any comments you have about the keystone, BOOM, ORIG, Make it Rain / RainMaker from the Vault 7 Wikileaks, or anything related to a potential CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT for US Citizens (not just YouTubers like myself). I'm glad to be back. But I'm hanging from a thread here and need a good way to ensure I can stay here for a while. As such, some of my commentary may be toned down while I work off the 3 month waiting period for community quide line issues. I can't livestream or upload custom thumbnails. So - keep any eye out for my backup account. I may also start doing live steaming formats after my suspension is lifted. Thanks for watching and studying this material. You're a very knowledgable and important part of our movement! The sites have been moving around lately. See the latest updates here:" Bill Smith 25 ['Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'QAnon', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon today', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon 2018', 'qanon latest', 'qanon map', 'qanon new', 'qanon for dummies', 'q anon posts', 'qanon tracy beanz', 'qanon jerome corsi', 'qanon update', 'q anon latest', 'q anon today', 'q anon new', 'q anon map', 'qanon 3/13/18', 'qanon 3-13-18', 'Q Anon 3.13.18', 'Q Anon 3/14/18', 'QAnon 3.14.18', 'QAnon 3-14-18', 'Rainmaker', 'vault 7', 'make it rain', 'boom', 'orig', 'keystone', 'class action lawsuit'] PT13M13S 64713 807 2213 31 not set not set 2018-03-23T07:26:53.000Z gc4UhTMv5jw UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Qanon - The Keystone, Full STRINGER CODES mapped out in detail (From EARLY Q posts) "Qanon updates lately have taken multiple turns, and they all seem valid! This is a full map unlock of the string codes posted earlier in the drops. This analysis is pretty in depth! Great work by the anons on 4chan and 8ch. They deserve the credit for the work. The actual code is pretty intense, but these infographic memes really showcase the details. Twitter is an amazing place to find some new angles on relevant Qanon related updates. We're MAINSTREAM NOW in case you missed that." Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'QAnon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon latest', 'qanon map', 'qanon for dummies', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon explained', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon post', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon map', 'Q Anon for dummies', 'Q Anon corsi', 'Q Anon explained', 'qanon 3/24/18', 'qanon 3.24.18', 'QAnon 3/25/18', 'Q Anon 3-24-18', 'QAnon 3.25.18', 'Q Anon 3-25-18'] PT10M50S 23179 175 608 15 not set not set 2018-03-23T17:41:25.000Z oGu6iKE1sp0 UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - Pennsylvania Election FRAUD with CRIMINAL CHARGES tied to CLINTON Finance "Those of us following the Q Anon updates want public results!! You wanted public indictments, you got them! Pennsylvania / Pittsburg seems to be a hotbed of corruption. We just had a close election there and the Democratic candidate took up Conservative positions, and won a close race. Only a few 100 of votes decided the winner. We have heard all the old rumors: - people were bus-ed in - people couldn't vote at a polling station bc of district lines - voting machines None of that seems to be a problem for the government! No direct evidence given. But now we have a full line of legal actions taken at fundraisers, campaign managers, and all roads lead to Hillary Clinton (as per usual). the thread i covered: background links: Tell me what I missed. Thanks for watching!" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon latest', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon explained', 'qanon for dummies', 'qanon map', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon corsi', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon for dummies', 'qanon 3.23.18', 'qanon 3/24/18', 'QAnon 3/23/18', 'Q Anon 3-24-18', 'QAnon 3.24.18', 'Q Anon 3-23-18'] PT15M2S 28973 258 720 32 not set not set 2018-03-24T00:00:02.000Z ha8uhKVQ1Rg UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - BREAKING Stage_5:5[y], RED Castle GREEN Castle, BORDER WALL is a Go! "BREAKING Qanon post update: Trump Signs Omnibus Spending Bill and we get a BORDER WALL hidden inside! Stage_5:5[y] - stage has been set for the HRC takedown, time to release the video. RED Castle - graphic of Army Corps of Engineers (they build big stuff) GREEN Castle - location of Army Corps of Engineers Trump is playing possum again. He even stuck the Democrats again on not supporting the Dreamers. Welcome to progress. This is what WINNING looks like! MAGA SPENDING WAS HIDDEN INSIDE RELEVANT Q Posts" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon explained', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon map', 'qanon decoded', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'Qanon corsi', 'Q Anon map', 'Q Anon for dummies', 'qanon 3/24/18', 'QAnon 3/24/18', 'Q Anon 3-24-18', 'qanon 3.25.18', 'QAnon 3.24.18', 'Q Anon 3-25-18'] PT8M10S 62110 597 1935 37 not set not set 2018-03-25T19:35:14.000Z S8JVyQfPC3c UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - [CLAS] : How to DECODE the HIDDEN MESSAGES "Qanon posts and updates are sometimes very cryptic. Should we read them literally? Metaphorically? Or maybe there's a decipher code that already exists! [CLAS] = 'Cut, Lift, And Substitute' Lately, I've been tracking the deeper levels of some of this. Some really smart guy from twitter just put together a compelling storyboard about how to read these coded messages. Graphical Logic / Existential Graph Here's the original post: This is about the logic graphing: LET'S GET CRACKIN'!! ..the code that is :)" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'qanon decoded', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon today', 'qanon explained', 'qanon corsi', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'Q Anon today', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon map', 'qanon map', 'qanon 3/26/18', 'QAnon 3-26-18', 'Q Anon 3.26.18', 'qanon 3.27.18', 'QAnon 3/27/18', 'Q Anon 3-27-18'] PT15M2S 38077 302 1097 30 not set not set 2018-04-06T22:47:36.000Z 0Gt7Vz-axPQ UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - Backpage Shut Down due to 3 DAY OLD SEX LAW Signed by Trump "Latest Qanon Update: SHUT DOWN by feds over sex trafficking ads for underage minors. The law they used was 3 DAYS OLD!! Just signed by Trump on April 3rd, 2018. Q says this is a strength test. With the cultural rot of our country seemingly focused around sex problems, anything making progress is good. Did you see that Rosanne Barr tweeted in support of sex victims but then deleted the tweet? I wonder why she would do that? Stay strong patriots! This is what winning feels like! Have you noticed that you're not as angry as you were 2 years ago?" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon for dummies', 'QAnon update', 'QAnon latest', 'QAnon posts', 'QAnon 4chan', 'QAnon 8ch', 'QAnon corsi', 'backpage', 'backpage shutdown', 'qanon 4/7/18', 'QAnon 4-7-18', 'Q Anon 4.7.18', 'qanon 4-8-18', 'QAnon 4.8.18', 'Q Anon 4/8/18'] PT15M21S 20905 275 824 37 not set not set 2018-04-25T19:27:47.000Z popxcCrPh1g UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - NXIVM SEX CULT Got Allison Mack Arrested (..and they run Pre Schools) "A general Q anon post update leads into coverage of the NXIVM Celebrity Sex Cult. Did you know they are also committed to 'early childhood development' ?? ..bc that seems strange Sorry about the lack of links, my pc crashed and I lost EVERY link and note I took. Allison Mack though?? She's singing. And this is going to lead to some very interesting developments. She's out on a $5,000,000 bond, which means she paid $1 Million dollars she's not going to get back. That's a HUGE bond. Which means this case is HUGE. Murderers get bonds much less than this. Twitter gave me back my account after 2 months of emails. You can find me here:" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon latest posts', 'qanon explained', 'qanon live', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon corsi', 'NXIVM', 'NXIUM', 'Nexium', 'Allison Mack', 'allison mack nxivm', 'nxivm cult', 'nxivm allison', 'nxivm arrested'] PT12M58S 7616 171 438 35 not set not set 2018-05-22T00:28:27.000Z bR9Cd0veAhw UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - What is Zionism ??? "It is now considered ANTI-SEMITIC to oppose Zionism and Israeli occupation of Palestine. I used to like Dennis Prager. Links: Ever wonder what the US State Dept considers Anti-Semitic? I have 42 videos I haven't uploaded. What should I do with them?? Thanks for your support. Alex Jones / Jerome Corsi / TB / Infowars were all outed as ZOG shills. We need a boycott and Public Service Announcement to undo the damage." Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'QAnon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon explained', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon update today', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'Q Anon corsi', 'Q Anon update today', 'qanon 5/21/18', 'QAnon 5-21-18', 'Q Anon 5.21.18', 'qanon 5-22-18', 'QAnon 5.22.18', 'Q Anon 5/22/18', 'zionism', 'what is zionism'] PT13M40S 8459 276 389 29 not set not set 2018-05-22T16:54:57.000Z qcehylPl3VA UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - Who's Lying?? Qanon vs Alex Jones InfoWars and Jerome Corsi (I told you so) "Did you know Alex Jones pays his Jewish ex-wife $500,000 a year in alimony? The latest qanon updates have started to divide us. So who has the most to lose from the exposure? One of them is lying: Its either the anons giving us the most detailed information in history; which furthered our movement more in 6 months than the last 10 years. Or ALEX JONES IS A LIAR. I don't understand the blind alligiance some of you have to Infowars. Qanon says 'be careful who you follow' then you scream ""OMG ITS A CULT!"". Please.. you sound retarded. Download Alex Jones's Pizzagate Apology to James Alefantis: Jerome Corsi backs Kissinger as a 'white hat': Jerome Corsi says he has PROOF qanon is legit:" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'QANON', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon explained', 'qanon today', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon today', 'Q Anon corsi', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon update today', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Tracy Beanz', 'qanon 5/22/18', 'Q Anon 5-22-18', 'QAnon 5.22.18'] PT15M1S 19840 844 1012 119 not set not set 2018-05-24T19:43:40.000Z jl49c1mxrzk UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Qanon - OHOUR1 and UNIRock Team up to Block Bill Smith on Twitter (Stories Un-ravelling) "Looking for Qanon post updates? Don't look to 0HOUR1 or UniRock. They are now ACTIVELY working to DISCREDIT the movement. What they fail to understand is - there is no stopping this. Remember who said what, because in 2-3 weeks these accounts are going to start back peddling. So REMEMBER what is being said right now. I'm no cultist. That's not news to you if you've been on my channel since the beginning. I really don't care if Qanon is CTBS or not. They were RIGHT about TOO MUCH STUFF. The posts gave me lots of opportunities to introduce deep subject matter. Remember RUTH BADER GINSBURG?? So now that's not valid? This was all about AD REVENUE??? ok. Think for yourself. Who has the most to lose in this conversation? Who has been caught lying before? Who is OHOUR1 working on behalf of? I'll save you some time... ITS INFOWARS!! Also - I still want to be friends. UNIROCK blocked me. Not the other way around. I didn't start this. But you better believe..and you know I'm right when I say this.. I will finish it. UNIROCK: what gives? why did you block me and try to shut me out of the conversation? What are you so worried about? Why do people have to blindly agree with you? Present a stronger argument and people will follow. Otherwise, I have to keep doing this to keep everybody honest, and I don't want to be the bad guy. Let's put this behind us and have a chat. Convince me and I'll convince others. It's that simple. UNLESS YOUR SCARED OF SOMETHING I MIGHT SAY??" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'QANON', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon jerome corsi', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon explained', 'unirock', '0HOUR1', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon update today', 'Q Anon posts today', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'Q Anon corsi', 'Q Anon explained', 'infowars', 'qanon 5-25-18', 'Q Anon 5.25.18', 'QANON 5/25/18', 'qanon 5.26.18', 'Q Anon 5/26/18', 'QANON 5-26-18'] PT14M35S 14964 596 895 71 not set not set 2018-05-26T22:09:39.000Z xWBM6l7YTYI UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - "Muh Talmud" and Other Reponses to the SINGLE STATE SOLUTION "Qanon post updates don't really tell the whole story do they? After seeing the immediate responses to SINGLE STATE SOLUTION, I think we need to have more active discussions about this topic. Muh Talmud needs to be a regular saying. Let's make that happen. People are crying in pain as they strike me.. ((( lolz ))) Just in case you didn't know this, Orthodox Jews hate Zionism. Why are Jews so dumb (generally) as a group? Is that why they have to stick together so closely? Is that why they infiltrate Christians and subvert them? Is that why they practice nepotism in places like Hollywood?" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'QANON', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon post today', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon explained', 'muh talmud', 'single state solution', 'palestine', 'israel', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon corsi', 'talmud', 'qanon talmud', 'qanon 5-27-18', 'Q Anon 5.27.18', 'QANON 5/27/18', 'qanon 5.28.18', 'Q Anon 5/28/18', 'QANON 5-28-18'] PT14M42S 10674 452 529 70 not set not set 2018-05-27T22:32:22.000Z Fy6aonYvMcg UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - BackChannel17 - (Julian Assange is Qanon) "Qanon post update may be done. Looks like the BIG REVEAL is scheduled for June 11th, 2018. Get ready folks!! Heres an archive if you want to read some older posts: READ POST 1177: You can find me on Twitter: Update on tech: - Shadow banned on Twitter, my #qanon tagged posts no longer show up in 'Latest posts' (for me anyway you can confirm) - I can't copy/paste ANYTHING into comments anymore, I have to type out URLS Find JULIAN ASSANGE! (he left us clues) search this in Google: fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 I think Q may be offline until June 11th, 2018." Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'QANON', '#qanon', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'backchannel17', 'back channel 17', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'qanon explained', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon latest', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon today', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon update today', 'Q Anon explained', 'Q Anon corsi', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'Q Anon 8ch', 'qanon 5/27/18', 'Q Anon 5-27-18', 'QANON 5.27.18', 'qanon 5.28.18', 'Q Anon 5/28/18', 'QANON 5-28-18'] PT14M48S 49406 877 1675 120 not set not set 2018-05-28T05:15:30.000Z j0r_JE4BXRU UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - @EyeTheSpy Answers Your Questions (Day 1 for Julian/Q Teams New Account) "The Qanon post updates may not come back online. It's time we found another source. Welcome @EyeTheSpy, the new BackChannel17 account on Twitter than Answers your Most Pertinent Questions! This account showed up immediately in the Farewell BackChannel17 video comments. Lets all say hi to Julian/Q Teams new comm strategy. Also - say hi to Bill Smith while you're over there on the Twit stream: thx to everyone for helping me out the way you do. ---to whom it may concern: thx for sending me the Rosenstein video's cover tile. Mine sucked. Your's was better. :) Point me to pictures of the underground Antarctica cities. I CAN'T WAIT TO VISIT! Also - talk about Megalithic structures. tell me about the Giants in Baalbeck, Lebanon. And while we're at it: Was this a real man ???: Was this a real tree ???: Qteam - come find me." Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'QANON', 'Q Anon', '#qanon', 'Eye the spy', 'meghan markle', 'julian assange', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon corsi', 'james munder', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon update today', 'Q Anon posts today', 'Q Anon today', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon corsi', 'qanon 5.28.18', 'Q Anon 5-28-18', 'QANON 5/28/18', 'qanon 5.29.18', 'Q Anon 5/29/18', 'QANON 5-29-18'] PT15M2S 31611 514 1090 56 not set not set 2018-05-29T19:54:11.000Z vs59-Veos9A UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Qanon - Bill Smith is SHADOW BANNED - Here's a List of Who to Follow "I'm Shadow Banned. The way the ranking algorithms work is on a 'points' system, I'm assuming I received penalization, and some others received a BOOST. Hopefully I can get this worked out. I used to have all top 3 spots, nothings changes, same traffic, same comment #s, same likes, just can't get to the top of the list now in public view. Notice who's at the top of the searches now, and you'll see what I mean: NEARLY ALL ANTI-Q 'researchers'. WARNING: The search is now being curated to target people new to the conversation. This is called GATEKEEPING There are other reputable sources I did not have the chance to mention. So if you didn't get a shout-out, its nothing personal I promise - PLEASE KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! 6-11-18.. Popcorn on standby. JUST FYI: (not me) Find me here: (me)" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'QANON', '#qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon latest posts', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon bill smith', 'qanon explained', 'shadowban', 'qanon post today', 'qanon 5-30-18', 'Q Anon 5.30.18', 'QANON 5/30/18', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon today', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'Q Anonymous', 'eye the spy', 'eyethespy', '@eyethespy'] PT14M59S 19543 457 998 32 not set not set 2018-06-02T22:41:55.000Z hCsWBYeOBHk UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA q-anon - The CHAIR Serves the MASTER (Baruch the Scribe) "Baruch the Scribe - what a strange name right?? Ever wondered where i comes from?? Remember - this was the anon who wrote an 'I'm Qanon and its all fake' email to Isaac Green Anti-School in order to discredit the movement after Qanon posted SerialBrain2 analysis. There is a reason why ever leader will abandon you. There's a reason: Its a common demoralization tactic used to DIVIDE AND CONQUER. This is why we can never get ahead. EVERY SINGLE ALT-MEDIA LEADER is the same. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Its time we wake up. be honest.. I don't have a lot of hope for us. Until you see the problem and know who the TRUE enemy is. Who is the Chair? (media personalities, including ALT) Whose the MASTER that controls it all. (ISRAEL) We don't stand a chance. Its time for us to wake up. (Recorded with" Bill Smith 25 ['baruch', 'tommy robinson', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'q-anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon explained', '0Hour1'] PT15M2S 22829 929 1023 167 not set not set 2018-06-06T09:08:43.000Z aIvHaEQsTSk UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA q-anon - Bilderberg Introduces NEOM and Fights Populist Uprising in Italy "Hey, remember when Bilderberg wasn't real? Remember that?? That was like 10 years ago right?? Well, then this is definitely not happening. They have an official webpage :) Oh and read about this too: 10,000 sq/mi mega city-state called NEOM I'm too lazy to write stuff right now. ""He will not divide us""" Bill Smith 25 ['q-anon', 'Qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'neom', 'bilderberg'] PT15M2S 24254 340 923 40 not set not set 2018-06-12T04:19:18.000Z KDIJWJjYCi8 UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON 6-11-18 North Korea vs Trump (JULIAN ASSANGE SPOTTEB By BlackWater Surveillance) "Qanon latest update posts for 6-11-18 may show Julian Assange under Blackwater protection. ..also TRUMP IS LITERALLY SMASHING THE DEEPSTATE with a North Korean made sledgehammer as I speak. So there's that too also. Q-anon calling all Patriots: What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit? Back in the news. The 'server' brings down the house. When did we mention/emphasize the 11th? Those with an agenda to discredit are pushing false information. They (you) will fail. Learn. Use logic. Past statement was directed @ confirmation statements, not assumptions (+JA throw in). These are spread to discredit knowing will not materialize. Good decoding. Technically US 11th = SING 12th, correct? What else might (23) refer to? Dash v Minus? Military. FROM MAY 21st: Post 1433 Military OP. [Green] General K [JFK] Full Disclosure. General Statement: Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated. [RR] problems. What was RR's Senate Conf Vote? WRAY reports to RR [important fact]. Who do you TRUST? [RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller? Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]? Who is Rachel Brand? Why was Rachel Brand dismissed? Think timing. ""The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."" ""Acting""📁 When does the clock run out? Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant? TRUST (name). These people are stupid. D5. Q Rod Rosenstein on Monday called for global governments to ""work together"" on law enforcement, at a time when an escalating trade rift is pitting the United States against Canada and a number of Washington's other close trade partners. Rosenstein said during a speech in Montreal the United States is ""enhancing its commitment to international law enforcement coordination,"" through personal relationships, policy changes and additional resources, citing examples of recent collaboration between Canadian and U.S. law enforcement.""" Bill Smith 25 ['q-anon', 'qanon', 'Q ANON', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest posts', 'qanon update today', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'backchannel17', 'julian assange', 'qanon live', 'qanon jerome corsi', 'Q-anon update', 'q-anon posts', 'q-anon latest', 'Q Anon today', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anonymous', 'north korea summit', 'north korea news', 'north korea south korea'] PT15M2S 28850 368 903 53 not set not set 2018-06-15T00:51:38.000Z fv9unZdNPHY UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON Summary - World Map + 'Save the Best for Last' " What's with the IG report? You think Chris Wray spent too much time defending the FBI's honor in the latest interview?? LATEST Q-ANON POST: [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others. What evidence to support? Snowball. [[RR]] @ WH. Why was Rachel Brand removed? Critical thinking. Q We always focus on North Korea, but the problem systemic. Lets look at a map for 15 minutes and learn some stuff. Find me on Twitter: TRUSTED QANON ANALYSIS ON YOUTUBE: TRUSTED QANON ANALYSIS ON TWITTER: ..thanks for watching" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', '#qanon', 'Q ANON', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon map', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update today', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8ch', 'world map', 'save the best for last', 'q-anon posts', 'q-anon update', 'Q Anon update', 'Q Anon posts', 'Q Anon latest', 'Q Anon today', 'qanon 6-15-18', 'q-anon 6.15.18', 'Q Anon 6/15/18', '#tyler', 'north korea'] PT15M2S 21391 619 782 149 not set not set 2018-06-16T00:34:38.000Z MA1-UYJlybs UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - The Secret Google q-anon POST 1500 (and STEVE BANNON vs. EUs in Italy) " ONLY PLACE TO GET Q-ANON on TWITTER: TRUSTED YOUTUBERS: Talk about Zi**-sm We need to clean out Facebook and Reddit Positions to Watch For: 1. Supports the #InternetBillOfRights 2. DOES NOT SUPPORT DUAL-CITIZENSHIP for GOVT EMPLOYEES thx for watching" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', '#qanon', 'Q Anon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon 6/15/18', 'q anon 6.15.18', 'q-anon 6-15-18', 'q-anon update', 'q-anon posts', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith', 'bill smith news', 'google anon'] PT14M50S 24018 327 797 45 not set not set 2018-06-16T02:20:47.000Z TGSFcrBkS-8 UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON 'MOSSAD' ..this is why you NEVER HEAR about Israel "qanon posts and latest updates: Headlines at the:" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', '#qanon', 'Q Anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest post', 'qanon update today', 'qanon 6/15/18', 'Q Anon 6.15.18', 'q-anon 6-15-18', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith', 'qanon 4chan', 'internet bill of rights', 'drudge report', 'breaking news', 'qanon winners', 'winnning', 'team bill smith', 'fukc jerome corsi'] PT15M2S 12426 355 691 64 not set not set 2018-06-19T22:14:02.000Z bpiB4vntYMs UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - PoliticalEye17 on Twitter (..I guess we should trust Twitter Anons NOW???) "Seriously, the latest qanon updates included a post pointing to an anon account on Twitter called @PoliticalEye17 StroppyMe will now be doing daily ""QANON - PoliticalEye17 updates"" I tried to put an end to it. I tried to stop us from playing whack-a-mole. I even considered creating my own fake twitter anon called PyramidEye17. But, the QANON Team beat me to it. All hail PoliticalEye17! Here's some posts to look at: Lisa Mei Crowley Lisas Dad: Seriously, I still think this is a bad idea. But it won't matter, soon it will have 20,000 followers and we'll have to report daily on anything that it posts. This wasn't my idea. I hate this idea. But i'm not Qanon so.." Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'QANON', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest post', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon bill smith', 'qanon 8ch', 'q-anon update', 'q-anon posts', 'q-anon today', 'q anon update', 'q anon latest', 'q posts', 'q anon today', 'q anon latest update', 'qanon 6/19/18', 'q-anon 6.19.18', 'Q ANON 6-19-18', 'qanon 6/20/18', 'q-anon 6-20-18', 'Q ANON 6.20.18', 'PoliticalEye17', '@PoliticalEye17', 'Political Eye 17'] PT15M2S 8904 372 507 38 not set not set 2018-06-19T23:29:54.000Z oi328-u9kPQ UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - Lisa Mei Crowley @LisaMei 62 confirmed TRUSTWORTHY?? (..per Q-anon Team not Bill Smith) "Well.. this is a story. We could have avoided this whole thing if people would just answer simple questions instead of threatening with lawyers. Is this what happens when you damage something that actually matters to the Qanon team?? Lisa Mei Crowley got vindicated with an indirect qanon board shout out.. (I'm not making that up) Lisa Mei Crowley : Lisas Dad: OIG REPORT: --I'm not on this list. But HubLife (Brendan Dilley) and NeonRevolt (anon) are legit PEOPLE - How did LAURA LOOMER get a 'legit' tag?? ARE YOU COOL WITH THIS???? Ask yourself that question and tell me what you think. This all makes me want to quite. Read post 1553" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts', 'PoliticalEye17', 'Political Eye 17', 'Political Eye', 'Lisa Mei', 'Crowley', 'LisaMei62', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest post', 'q-anon posts', 'q-anon update', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith', 'qanon 6/19/18', 'q anon 6-19-18', 'q-anon 6.19.18', 'qanon 6-20-18', 'q anon 6/20/18', 'q-anon 6.20.18'] PT15M2S 21003 493 675 88 not set not set 2018-06-21T20:54:16.000Z qiGV_MwHnQE UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON TODAY 6-21-18 : Rod Rosenstein Impeachment Talk and MAJOR QProofs "My new microphone sucks. I'll be returning it. Also the lastest qanon updates are trying to center us. Is there a BIG PUSH on the HORIZON?? FALSE FLAG Averted. We're about to go Mainstream? LINKS: FF prevented. Next. Immigration / chikd separation. Narrative change critical. IDEN talking points. Distract IG report / hearings / Korea. Iran next. Regime in trouble. People awake. Projection. These people are sick. WINNING. Q WHERE IS Q-anon?? --beware of the spelling mistakes. He's on a mobile. He's lurkin with an Iphone in the Oval Office. Somebody should find him. There's only so many people it could be. ..also - I still have opinions" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'Q Anon', 'q-anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon bill smith', 'rod rosenstein', 'impeachment', 'trump', 'false flag', 'immigration', 'child separation', 'narrative change', 'talking points', 'IG report', 'North Korea talks', 'qanon 6/21/18', 'q-anon 6.21.18', 'q anon 6-21-18', 'qanon 6.22.18', 'q-anon 6/22/18', 'q anon 6-22-18', 'q-anon post', 'q-anon update', 'q-anon today', 'q anon update', 'q anon posts', 'q anon today'] PT15M2S 18981 211 811 17 not set not set 2018-06-26T20:48:50.000Z PvIkMtLm-94 UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Chrissy Teigen Thai Checkin with Caroline Cossey "Evidence points to Chrissy Teigen, wife of Barack Obama's buddy John Legend, being a transexual / transvestite / transgender thai ladyboy. What i find odd is that 100k's of people have watch the videos about this, but YouTube doesn't show the search term ""Chrissy Teigen Transexual"" or ""Chrissy Teigen Transgender"" The person would have never shown up on my radar except chrissy teigen be wild n out a bunch. 1. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are part of the Trump resistance 2. They were on the turned around flight to Japan (1/2 way thru) 3. No 'naked' pregnancy photos. 4. Chrissy bashes the transgender types a lot, openly. 5. Chrissy Teigen was implicated in pizzagate 6. With 20M followers, they disappear a lot 7. has a cooking, recipes, interviews following (unrelated). chrissy teigens also been on ellen doing lip sync battles and knows how to make banana bread find the latest q-anon post updates from today here:" Bill Smith 25 ['chrissy teigen thai', 'chrissy teigen tribute', 'chrissy teigen and john legend', 'chrissy teigen wild n out', 'chrissy teigen ellen', 'chrissy teigen lip sync battle', 'chrissy teigen red carpet', 'chrissy teigen cooking', 'chrissy teigen recipe', 'chrissy teigen interview', 'chrissy teigen funny moments', 'chrissy teigen transvestite', 'chrissy teigen transvestigation', 'chrissy teigen transformation', 'chrissy teigen trans', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon'] PT10M57S 22437 387 741 48 not set not set 2018-07-03T20:52:29.000Z gthypJqKWPE UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON 7/3/18 - Imran Awan PLEADS GUILTY, Child Porn Conviction for Skydance Macmahon "Q-anon's plan to save the world has just had some breaking updates! Imran Awan just plead guilty. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz in a panic! The latest posts bring up a Donald Trump Tweet from 4 weeks ago. It mentions 'the server' which we all know leads to the Seth Rich leak investigation, Wikileaks, and Julian Assange. An Obama staffer was just CONVICTED on Child Porn Charges on his GOVERNMENT CELL PHONE. Yes, you read that correct. MORE HERE - IMRAN AWAN LINKS and Skydance Macmahon Child Porn Case ------------------------------------------------ Ex-House staffer, subject of conspiracy theories, pleads guilty to bank fraud charge - CNNPolitics USA v. Macmahon (1:18-mj-00218), Virginia Eastern District Court Skydance Macmahon, in the character Nightwing, takes a selfie at the DC Awesomecon comic book convention in Washington DC, on May 29, 2015. Pictures | Getty Images State Department Employee Pleads Guilty to Producing Child Pornography | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice Federal Employee Used His Work Phone to Make Child Pornography - NBC4 Washington Skydance MacMahon - Google Search q anon posts in order found here: 2054. Synopsis Of Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) | USAM | Department of Justice Top Justice Department Lawyer Resigns, Latest To Step Down : NPR We Need to Know Exactly What Trump Asks His Nominee to Replace Kennedy About the Russia Investigation" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'q-anon update', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'qanon latest drop', 'qanon latest news', 'q anon latest posts decoded', 'q anon update today', 'qanon the plan to save the world', 'q-anon latest', 'q anon update', 'q anon latest', 'qanon live', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon 7/3/18', 'q-anon 7.3.18', 'q anon 7-3-18', 'Skydance Macmahon', 'imran awan'] PT15M2S 16274 244 797 15 not set not set 2018-07-23T22:00:50.000Z cmqZ4D5zCNM UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA News Today 7-23-18: Sarah Sanders Security Clearance MASSACRE Announcement, and a #MeToo Update "Sarah Sanders just said that the Entire Obama Security Team may have thier TOP SECRET security clearances revoked soon for SELLING OUT! Fast forward to 8:22 to get the news. I cover the #MeToo campaign updates first. What could this mean for the #resist campain and the war to oust Trump from office? Sarah Sanders Security Clearance Victims List: John Brennan (CIA? / Director of National Intelligence) James comey (FBI) James clapper (CIA) Hayden (CIA) susan rice (NSA, netflix child porn mastermind) andrew mccabe (FBI) DRUDGE REPORT 2018® Trump Weighs Revoking Security Clearances for Comey, Brennan - Bloomberg How world leaders, including Emmanuel Macron, are using Trump's tricks against him - Axios Trump warns Iran's Rouhani to stop the threats or suffer historic consequences | Fox News Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter Victim's girlfriend says Florida gunman provoked fatal 'stand your ground' shooting Sarah Sanders on Revoking Brennan, Comey's Security Clearance - YouTube James Clapper - Wikipedia" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'q-anon update', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'sarah sanders security clearance', 'security clearance', 'sarah sanders press conference', 'metoo movement has gone too far', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts today', 'news today', 'vox', 'clapper', 'james comey', 'susan rice netflix', 'andy mccabe', 'q anon update', 'q anon posts'] PT13M2S 4543 120 344 8 not set not set 2018-07-24T18:50:15.000Z TsvOirzYzyc UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Says Tom Hanks is a Pedophile (The Man With One Red Shoe) "Sarah Ruth Ashcraft vs Tom Hanks on Twitter: ""This is me at 13, the age I was when @tomhanks purchased me from my father for sex as a dissociated #mindcontrol doll. I wonder how much he paid? I wonder how much $$ my father made for breaking my mind & selling my child body throughout my life. Will I ever get to know?…"" obama tom hanks medal at DuckDuckGo Michelle Obama Launches Voter Registration Campaign with Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel Miranda Tom Hanks on Twitter: ""30 years on April 30. ‘88 To ‘18. Magic numbers. Hanx and @RitaWilson… "" PJ on Twitter: ""Tom is also a FreeMason. (Hand of fidelity) The free masons are an occult organisation, nothing good comes from them. They're so tied up with Hollywood and musicians.…"" Miss Positivity (@harnessdhashtag) | Twitter Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter: ""Chester Bennington (RIP) was ritually sacrificed by his biological FATHER, John PODESTA, during Sacrifice of the First Born Males ritual week associated w/ the Dog Days (Sirius the Dog Star/Star of SET as in TEMPLE OF SET). #theGreatAwakening #QAnon @POTUS…"" Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter: ""I know. He plays the nice guy so well. He's even sweet to the little girls he plays with. But that's not nice or sweet, to play with little girls or to let men rent his little boy. He's a pedophile who keeps company with other pedophiles.…"" Tom Hanks on Instagram: “Found. At bottom of the sea. 1 girls(?) shoe. To claim call 1- NEptune 44 66. Hanx” Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) | Twitter Q tom hanks red shoe - Twitter Search tom hanks shoe - Twitter Search One_Red_Shoe.png (PNG Image, 380 × 502 pixels) Big (1988) - IMDb Epicstream The Man with One Red Shoe (1985) - IMDb The Man with One Red Shoe - Wikipedia Can Huber Investigate His Boss Rosenstein? criminal-referral.pdf Q /qresearch/ - Q Research General #2851 Longing for Q Edition (Recorded with" Bill Smith 25 ['sarah ruth ashcraft', 'tom hanks', 'pedophilia', 'red shoe', 'satanic abuse', 'free mason', 'occult', 'hollywood pedo', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon post', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest post', 'q anon update', 'q anon latest', 'q anon posts', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'medal of freedom'] PT15M2S 375513 6184 5423 2730 not set not set 2018-07-25T00:06:42.000Z zBEyUjsarmg UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA How to Read the QClock - Introducing the QAnon Calendar [Think Mirror] with PROOFS [3] "Beginners Guide to Reading the Qanon QClock, including 3 PROOFS and links to the infamous Millitary ""Parade"" set for 11-11-18. ANNOUNCEMENT: Presenting a Downloadable, Interactive #QCLOCK by @EvilWulf. #QAnon #GreatAwakening – Neon Revolt Q qclock - Twitter Search Jack Posobiec🇺🇸 on Twitter: ""Ah… "" /qresearch/ - Q Research General #2854: Rules Of Engagement Awakening Soul on Twitter: ""From a post on 8chan: -- 11/22 (=55th anniversary of JFK's death in 2018) is when the Qclock ends -- which is mirror to the date 10/28 when Q first posted -- 55th anniversary -- 5:5 = spot on Qlock with no post -- forming a perfect Q in the Qlock This blows me away. Wow…"" Liz 🔈🔉🔊 😎 OnwardThruTheSmog! on Twitter: ""We have it all! #Qanon… "" #QAnon #GreatAwakening #BillSmith" Bill Smith 25 ['qclock', 'qanon clock', 'q anon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'beginners', '#qanon', 'qanon bill smith', 'qanon', 'q anon update', 'bill smith', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon jfk jr', 'q anon latest', 'q anon update today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon 7/24/18', 'q anon 7.24.18', 'QAnon 7-24-18', 'qanon 7.25.18', 'q anon 7-25-18', 'QAnon 7/25/18', 'neon revolt', 'military parade'] PT15M2S 26886 186 847 25 not set not set 2018-07-25T02:10:30.000Z juYHDM5h9Kw UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - We Have the [4] Servers: Seth Rich, Clinton Emails, Awan Brothers #BillSmith "Qanon updates have discussed ""server"". What exactly does that mean?? This video explores the 4 different servers that have come up in the latest posts, including: Seth Rich DNC Leak (MS13 Hitjob, Clinton stole 13 primaries from Bernie) Hillary Clinton Private Email (Bleach Bit, Anthony Weiner laptop) Democratic House Caucus Emails (Imran Awan) North Korea Gmail (Eric Schmidt, ex-CEO of Google) NOT MENTIONED: John Podesta Emails (phishing hack/private gmail) Liz 🔈🔉🔊 😎 OnwardThruTheSmog! on Twitter: ""We have it all! "" Awakening Soul on Twitter: ""From a post on 8chan: -- 11/22 (=55th anniversary of JFK's death in 2018) is when the Qclock ends -- which is mirror to the date 10/28 when Q first posted -- 55th anniversary -- 5:5 = spot on Qlock with no post -- forming a perfect Q in the Qlock This blows me away. Wow…"" Eric Schmidt (@ericschmidt) | Twitter Eric Schmidt's daughter reports on creepy North Korea trip, says the country is like 'The Truman Show' - The Verge Q News about #qanon on Twitter #qanon #greatawakening #billsmith" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'eric schmidt', 'north korea', 'server', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest posts', 'qanon for beginners', 'q anon latest update', 'q anon post', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith qanon', 'breaking news', 'news today', 'news', 'imran awan', 'awan brothers', 'dnc leak', 'seth rich', 'hillary clinton', 'john podesta emails'] PT14M57S 21378 207 803 22 not set not set 2018-07-25T18:03:45.000Z EkIkBKcOBwU UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QANON - Trump Cleans the FEDERAL RESERVE. Jews Got Replaced "Qanon latest update just posted another ""Future Proves Past"" Moment. The Federal Reserve is being RESTRUCTURED!! We now have MSM proof that Trump is now clearing Jews off the Board and stacking the deck with White People. This can only mean one thing - The 'End' of the Fed as we know it. Extensive CNBC Interview With President Trump That Destroys Media Narrative… | The Last Refuge Q Do Jews control the Federal Reserve System? /qresearch/ - Q Research General #2872 This Board is a Circus Today, C'mon In Edition Turley: Sessions’ Using Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel Strategist Mark Grant: Trump has a right to call out the Fed Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve This was the most valuable company in history (Worth 10 times as much as Apple) | Sovereign Man •K¥R• (@81_kirstyn) | Twitter #billsmith #auditthefed #qanon" Bill Smith 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon bill smith', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'federal reserve', 'yellen', '#resist', 'qanon update', 'q anon bill smith', 'bill smith qanon', 'bill smith', 'dual citizenship', 'news today', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon for beginners', 'q anon updates today', 'qanon update bill smith', 'q anon latest', 'janet yellen', 'audit the fed'] PT15M2S 26786 595 1055 57 not set not set 2018-07-26T01:04:44.000Z UYjkbXN_AVQ UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA PEDO ALERT: Dan Harmon Simulated BABY RAPE (Scene from 'Daryl') #DanHarmon "Dan Harmon Simulated a BABY RAPE Scene on Daryl Pilot Episode for Showtime People are making a big deal about defending the 'Rick and Morty' creator, but nobody has actually watched the video. Here it is, now you've seen what he was doing. Can you imaging that he was hired after this? I can't say 'Illegal Immigrant' without losing my job, but this guy can simulate Pedophilia of the worst sort and get a good gig out of it?? Dan Harmon, James Gunn, and the rest of Hollywood must all have the same sense of humor that I just don't get. Adult Swim Stands By ‘Rick & Morty’ Creator Dan Harmon After Video Of Him Pretending To Rape Doll Resurfaces Watch Rick and Morty on Adult Swim rick and morty - Google Search Accuser of 'Rick and Morty' co-creator publicly forgives him after 'masterclass' apology | Fox News Rick and Morty - Wikipedia Channel 101 - Wikipedia Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin Deletes Tweets About Legalizing Child Porn | Breitbart Vitalik Buterin on Twitter: ""@DaPerzer @_Kevin_Pham @TokenHash @danrobinson @0xstark @VladZamfir @BitsFromHeaven @ethereumweekly @mikeinspace @CryptoMunger @rogerkver @ethereumproject @ArthurFalls @urbit @blockstack @getongab They're not a monolithic entity. Roger is not at all single-coin maximalist, see: Plenty of bitcoiners advocate leg…"" Vitalik Buterin on Twitter: ""@DaPerzer @_Kevin_Pham @TokenHash @danrobinson @0xstark @VladZamfir @BitsFromHeaven @ethereumweekly @mikeinspace @CryptoMunger @rogerkver @ethereumproject @ArthurFalls @urbit @blockstack @getongab I can easily argue that (i) doing heroin imposes risks on others, or (ii) simple possession of child porn does not."" Pirate Party Rick Falkvinge Founder Publishes Highly Controversial Article On Child Porn - Business Insider Three Reasons Possession Of Child Porn Must Be Re-Legalized In The Coming Decade - Falkvinge on Liberty 'Rick and Morty' co-creator Dan Harmon apologizes after offensive child rape parody video resurfaces | Fox News Dan Harmon Apologizes for Offensive 2009 'Dexter' Spoof Dan Harmon Announces That He’s Leaving Twitter After Suicide Scare Dan Harmon Apologizes To Megan Ganz For Sexually Harassing Her 2009 webseries Daryl - Google Search (5) Dan Harmon Rick and Morty Baby Sex Doll High IQ 2009 Comedy Daryl - YouTube ted talk pedophilia - YouTube Channel 101 - Daryl - Episode 1 child porn - Google Search gunn at DuckDuckGo #billsmith #danharmon is sarah ashcraft telling the truth about tom hanks?? is isaac kappy telling the truth about seth green?? is sarah silverman guilty of things the public doesn't know about??" Bill Smith 25 ['dan harmon', 'bill smith', 'daryl', 'pedophilia', 'james gunn', 'rick and morty', 'pickle rick', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon latest post', 'q anon update today', 'q anon update', 'qanon dan harmon', '#danharmon', 'q anon post', 'q anon latest', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith qanon', 'pizzagate', 'dan harmon baby doll', 'dan harmon dexter parody', 'dan harmon video', 'dan harmon sketch', 'dan harman rick and morty', 'sarah ashcraft', 'sarah ashcroft', 'tom hanks', 'isaac kappy'] PT15M48S 25086 835 730 165 not set not set 2018-07-26T18:11:10.000Z I8A8-a2_RAQ UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA QAnon - Trump WON the EU 'Trade War',[RR] Impeachment Papers "MSM will NOT TELL YOU that we just WON THE TRADE WAR with the EU!! But we just did, they caved, not us. We got EXACTLY what we were asking for, no tariffs on US Exports to European Markets! Yay! Q Mark Meadows on Twitter: ""I just filed a resolution with @Jim_Jordan and several colleagues to impeach Rod Rosenstein. The DOJ has continued to hide information from Congress and repeatedly obstructed oversight--even defying multiple Congressional subpoenas. We have had enough."" Report: Businesses Tied to McCaskill's Husband Get $131 Million in Federal Subsidies | Breitbart DRUDGE REPORT 2018® Trump relents on EU car tariffs, as U.S.-China fight derails Qualcomm deal | Reuters macron art of the deal at DuckDuckGo Fox News joins outrage after CNN reporter banned from White House Trump event for asking questions about Playboy affair (Recorded with" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon bill smith', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'jim jordan', 'mark meadows'] PT15M2S 6030 143 390 4 not set not set 2018-07-26T19:40:11.000Z 42E_u5MeJ0Q UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA #HollywoodRenegades, The Sarah Silverman Pic is FAKE, but REAL ??? 4CHAN strikes again. "Thanks to for the earliest online reporting of the Sarah Silverman #HollywoodRenegades reports from the 8chan board. PIC IS FAKE, but its FAKE FOR A REASON? What is the message from Qanon?? This app may hold the KEY to unlocking messages BURIED in the images: Q 3930a76b2028bf79781986862c68c6bfd3e36bd727f7c2dd8e14c5cc702aae34.jpg (JPEG Image, 723 × 1154 pixels) #HollywoodRenegades – How Hollywood Insiders Are Taking Down #TheCabal from the Inside-Out. #Hollyweird #GreatAwakening – Neon Revolt GOHMERT: Mueller Unmasked : U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert Gohmert_Mueller_UNMASKED.pdf jim jordan speaker - Twitter Search DRUDGE REPORT 2018® Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman Fox News joins outrage after CNN reporter banned from White House Trump event for asking questions about Playboy affair Facebook Starts Paying a Price for Scandals - The New York Times Justice Department Weighs in to Protect Free Speech on Campus Valerie Jarrett: Democratic Socialists Welcome in Democratic Party Elizabeth Warren eyes 50% tax rate, says Dems will end Trump tax cuts if they take back Congress Conservative News Today One of the last Holocaust survivors to escape Auschwitz passes away - Diaspora - Jerusalem Post Bill Smith on Twitter: "".@IsaacKappy says @SethGreen is a PEDOPHILE. .....eewwww!!! Let's give him an ear tomorrow morning at 11am PST. #WALKAWAY #PedoWood #QAnon…"" PEDO ALERT: Dan Harmon Simulated BABY RAPE (Scene from 'Daryl') #DanHarmon - YouTube CLAPPER ADMITS: Obama Personally Ordered Peter Strzok To Set Up Mueller Probe - Blunt Force Truth Explore More Trending Content #hollywoodrenegades #pedogate #billsmith" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon bill smith', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'hollywood renegades', 'sarah silverman', 'hollywood', 'renegades', 'bill smith', 'QAnon update today', 'q anon update today', 'qanon latest post', 'q anon latest post', 'q anon for beginners', 'bill smith qanon', 'q anon explained', 'seth green', 'pedogate', 'pedowood', 'isaac kappy', 'sarah ashcraft', 'sarah ashcroft', 'sarah ruth ashcraft'] PT15M2S 17221 279 704 25 not set not set 2018-07-26T21:01:30.000Z GBQmkReqMa4 UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA CNN Supports Sarah Silverman PEDO Jokes, Links to 4Chan /Pol Board "Within 1 day of initial reports, CNN runs article defending Sarah Silverman's Pedophilia-related jokes. CNN LINKED TO A 4CHAN /POL board!!! Its all over. We're Mainstream now. Thank You, Jeff Sessions - WSJ (122) /qresearch/ - Q Research General #2897 Your Evil has no Place in this World Edition ac16df21b654cd83b7e59653894d6161bfe0b506c011d5150cf42aa19f6d2a86.png (PNG Image, 617 × 624 pixels) - Scaled (97%) Pixelknot: Hidden Messages – Guardian Project 3930a76b2028bf79781986862c68c6bfd3e36bd727f7c2dd8e14c5cc702aae34.jpg (JPEG Image, 723 × 1154 pixels) Disney Voice Actress and Comedian Sarah Silverman Also Joked About Molesting Children Sarah Silverman latest in Hollywood to have past controversy resurface - CNN (*) News about sarah silverman on Twitter Bill Smith on Twitter: ""#WalkAway from @SarahKSilverman. #WalkAway from @SarahKSilverman. #WalkAway from @SarahKSilverman. #WalkAway from @SarahKSilverman. She be all about #PedoWood…"" kill jesus sarah silverman at DuckDuckGo Sarah Silverman on Twitter: ""MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus was gender fluid! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"" (9) Sarah Silverman I Hope Jews did kill Christ. - YouTube (9) Sarah Silverman says ""I would kill Christ again"" - YouTube DRUDGE REPORT 2018®" Bill Smith 25 ['Sarah Silverman', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon bill smith', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'hollywood renegades', 'hollywood renegade', 'bill smith qanon', 'bill smith', 'q anon update', 'q anon update today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest post', 'q anon latest', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'news today', 'cnn', 'sarah silverman jesus', 'sarah silverman pedo', 'sarah ashcraft', 'sarah ruth ashcraft', 'sarah ashcroft', 'isaac kappy', 'seth green'] PT15M2S 99617 1836 2604 338 not set not set 2018-07-27T21:05:52.000Z f0j0hOg9Eec UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Q Anon - Bill Smith hits 4M Views, Sarah Ashcraft Issues Warning, Les Moonves Sex Assault "THANK YOU! Bill Smith's Channel just hit 40k subs and 4 MILLION Views, with nearly 400,000 unique people reached in 90 days. WINNING!! Gotta Redpill to Pay the Bills ... hahahaha!!! LOLZ ;) 8Runner - News from the Darkest Corners of the Web Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter: ""This is absurd. These kinds of statements are made by cult bad actors who want to paint #QAnon and #TheGreatAwakening as a bunch of crazies. Don't fall for it. Bad actors are posing as MAGA everywhere.…"" Q CBS honcho Les Moonves will be accused of sexual misconduct in latest Ronan Farrow bombshell, report says | Fox News 0c2fa4b7874b6a6c74e01b04e6f1b21205bc7a8a6b664dcd9230ef4d0ca2a9ab.jpg (JPEG Image, 1433 × 1074 pixels) - Scaled (56%) Trump ducks media, cites bad weather despite clear skies as he leaves for Iowa Spotted: Robert Mueller and Donald Trump Jr. seen at same DCA gate (photo) - POLITICO Bill Smith - YouTube DRUDGE REPORT 2018® Los Angeles Times - We are currently unavailable in your region" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'bill smith', 'q anon', 'q anon update', 'qanon bill smith', 'sarah ashcraft', 'fox disney', 'merger', '#qanon', 'sex', 'sarah ashcroft', 'MAGA', '8runner', 'bill smith q anon', 'q anon bill smith', 'les moonvee', 'les moonvees', '#metoo', 'q anon update today', 'qanon latest post', 'q anon for beginners', 'twitter', 'youtube', 'ban', 'dan harmon', '#danharmon', 'sarah silverman', 'hollywood renegades'] PT15M2S 22925 358 1376 30 not set not set 2018-07-31T00:07:34.000Z b2vrl7BQc6U UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA #FAKENEWS - Ben Collins from @NBCNews Thinks Qanon IS REAL! (Tom Hanks, Sarah Ashcraft) "Ben Collins is a loser who thinks you can't think for yourself. You need MSM to tell you Tom Hanks is definitely not a PEDOPHILE. Maybe NBC News can interview Sarah Ruth Ashcraft and Tom Hanks together and decide who's telling the truth!! Ben Collins on Twitter: ""This is what happens when you search Tom Hanks on YouTube today. Last week, Qanon folks decided he was a pedophile. If you were to search YouTube today, you'd believe it.…"" --Its called reporting Ben. --We live in America --We're allowed to talk to each other #FakeNews #BenCollins #LOSER No, YouTube, Tom Hanks Is Not a Pedophile sarah ashcraft - YouTube national enquire at DuckDuckGo CNN Supports Sarah Silverman PEDO Jokes, Links to 4Chan /Pol Board - YouTube is tom hanks a pedophile at DuckDuckGo (*) News about tom hanks on Twitter National Enquirer - Wikipedia Bill Smith (@Real_Bill_Smith) | Twitter (Recorded with" Bill Smith 25 ['ben collins', 'nbc news', 'bill smith', 'tom hanks', 'sarah ruth ashcraft', 'sarah ashcraft', 'tom hanks big', 'tom hanks pedophile', 'pedogate', 'ben collins nbc news', 'ben collins reporter', 'ben collins on top gear as himself', 'ben collins interview', 'ben collins grand tour', 'ben collins stig', 'ben collins stunt driver trailer', 'ben collins jeremy clarkson', 'q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'q anon update today', 'q anon latest posts', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith qanon', 'qanon for beginners'] PT15M2S 16180 323 800 31 not set not set 2018-08-02T00:32:08.000Z D0DiXuKMbIM UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA ISAAC KAPPY outs SETH GREEN and CLARE GRANT in PEDOGATE, Gets FakeNews Character Assasination "Is ISAAC KAPPY LEGIT?? The Fakenews MSM responded to the ""Seth Green is a Pedophile"" accusation by releasing 6 stories in 3 hours about his past involvement with Seth Green and Clare Grant. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WORK FOR ADULT SWIM / CARTOON NETWORK!!! #IsaacKappy #SethGreen #ClareGrant @SethGreen LOCKED his Twitter account @ClareGrant LOCKED her Twitter and Instagram @BrettShulte DELETED 11 years of Tweets on 7/29/18 @DanHarmon_ QUIT Twitter 'Justin Roiland' is being kept from autosuggest BIG BOSS - Adina Pitt - doesn't have a social footprint YouTube under fire for allowing conspiracy theories on A-list celebrities, public figures Joshua Adam Schulte Charged With The Unauthorized Disclosure Of Classified Information And Other Offenses Relating To The Theft Of Classified Material From The Central Intelligence Agency | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice Senate intel committee grapples with social media's threat to democracy adina pitt - YouTube Israeli Court Rules Jews for Jesus Cannot Automatically Be Citizens - The New York Times (7) Brett Schulte (@brettschulte) | Twitter (6) Bill Smith (@Real_Bill_Smith) | Twitter YouTube under fire for allowing conspiracy theories on A-list celebrities, public figures #JustinRoiland - Twitter Search #DanHarmon - Twitter Search #pedorick - Twitter Search #AdinaPitt - Twitter Search (9) Tweets with replies by SGTreport (@SGTreport) | Twitter #BenCollins hashtag on Twitter (1) Brett Schulte (@brettschulte) | Twitter The Democratic Party #WalkAway - YouTube Q NBC News on Twitter: ""NEW: Reddit announces data breach that threatens anonymity of users -@NBCNewsTech"" How a right-wing conspiracy is going mainstream (3) Isaac Kappy (@IsaacKappy) | Twitter Sarah Ruth Ashcraft (@SaRaAshcraft) | Twitter Who is Isaac Kappy? Actor who threatened Paris Jackson and Seth Green revealed | Daily Mail Online Paris Jackson, Seth Green Allegedly Attacked by Actor Isaac Kappy, LAPD Investigating | seth green letters03.pdf The More You Know | Know Your Meme About | Stephen Colbert addresses Les Moonves allegations: 'Accountability is meaningless unless it's for everybody' NBC News Urged Its Anchors to Report on Supportive Tom Brokaw Letter – Variety Tom Brokaw scandal: NBC News accused of victim shaming, pressuring women to support star | Fox News Crying 'Pedophile' Is the Oldest Propaganda Trick in the Book | WIRED" Bill Smith 25 ['isaac kappy', 'sarah ruth ashcraft', 'sarah ashcraft', 'seth green', 'tom hanks', 'bill smith', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'shadow', 'clare grant', 'issac kappy', 'isaac', 'kappy', 'clair grant', 'seth greene', 'adult swim', 'cartoon network', 'paris jackson', 'isaac kappy attack', 'paris jackson attack', 'isaac kappy alex jones', 'q anon bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'bill smith qanon', 'nbc news', 'tom brokaw', 'tom', 'brokaw'] PT15M2S 47752 839 1406 82 not set not set 2018-08-02T02:48:54.000Z aQqAenodgOI UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Psst... You wanna buy some Q Anon?? "You may have heard about a conspiracy called #Qanon. Don't worry, there's nothing sinister about it, even though the TV may want you to believe otherwise. Our country has returned to 'normal', you can feel it right? The market is up, jobs are booming, and AMERICA FIRST is in full effect!! So why is this a bad thing?? Well, the people who want to control you are worried they've lost control. So rather than send in the governement, Qanon is asking for your help! Be a part of the REAL NEWS. Know about the future before it unfolds. The choice is up to you. FEAR or LOVE. MSM or QANON. Choose, but choose wisely. credit:" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'q-anon update', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'qanon for beginners', 'q anon update', 'qanon update today', 'q anon update today', 'q anon today', 'q anon latest', 'q anon for beginners', 'q anon bill smith', 'q anon latest posts', 'qanon latest posts'] PT1M59S 20790 249 507 77 not set not set 2018-08-02T05:39:45.000Z buBkgerNvRM UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Q Anon 8-1-18 - We OFFICIALLY Went MAINSTREAM, Now MSM will report on Q Posts #BillSmith " #billsmith Where we go one, we go all. First they ignore you ----------STARTED AROUND FEBRUARY 2018 then they laugh at you ----------WE WERE HERE UNTIL 7/31/18 then they fight you ----------WE ARE HERE NOW then we win 11-11-18 ?? THESE ARE THE FIRST MSM REPORTS on #BillSmith and #Qanon: Who Is 'QAnon'? Bizarre Conspiracy Cult Leaps From Web To Trump Rally | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - YouTube 4 things to know about the QAnon conspiracy theory - YouTube How the false, fringe 'QAnon' conspiracy theory aims to protect Trump - YouTube What Is QAnon? | All In | MSNBC - YouTube Far-Right Group ‘QAnon’ Pushing False Conspiracy Theories | NBC Nightly News - YouTube Conspiracy theory group appears at Trump rally - YouTube (1) What Is QAnon? | All In | MSNBC - YouTube SECRET RABBIT HOLE. shhhh... its a secret. Jamison Firestone - Wikipedia" Bill Smith 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'Q-anon', '#qanon', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'mainstream', 'cnn', 'conspiracy', '4chan', 'love', 'light', 'q anon update today', 'q anon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest post', 'qanon latest', 'q anon latest post', 'q anon post today', 'qanon today', 'qanon for beginners', 'qanon is for losers', 'qanon is for winners', 'bill smith qanon'] PT15M2S 15136 386 793 56 not set not set 2018-08-02T20:37:29.000Z slj3vFsvaMc UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Q Anon 8-2-18 - "Full Attack mode (brute force) - QANON PLAYBOOK v1 from #BillSmith "Q ANON - BILL's OPENING MEDIA STRATEGY for week of 8-1-18: 1. Pizzagate Shooter - CRIMINAL BACKGROUND, Single Bullet into a COMPUTER MODEM?? 2. Why is OK for Actresses to #MeToo in Hollywood but not 'Average/Normal' women? 3. If Qanon is such a problem, why didn't MSM/TV warn us sooner?? We broke the internet: ALWAYS LINK ---xxx---- ""ISAAC KAPPY"" to ""SARAH RUTH ASHCRAFT"" spielberg / green / clare #rickandmorty tom hanks Q (1) Seth Green freaks out on set - YouTube California wildfires connection directed energy weapons burinig America — Steemit Media Matters for America | Conspiracy theorists gamed celebrities’ YouTube search results to accuse them of pedophilia Seth Green Freaks out over ""Lost Bag"" on HOLLYWOOD SET: Sarah Ruth Ashcraft vs Tom Hanks ""isaac kappy"" - Google Search YOU ARE THE #RESISTANCE .." Bill Smith 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'Q-anon', '#qanon', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'playbook', 'media matters', '4chan', 'love', 'light', 'bill smith playbook', 'q anon update', 'q anon update today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'q anon today', 'qanon posts', 'q anon latest post', 'latest qanon post', 'q anon for beginners', 'qanon beginners', 'is qanon real', 'is qanon fake', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'sarah ruth ashcraft', 'seth green', 'isaac kappy', 'tom hanks', 'steven speilberg', 'q anon 4chan'] PT15M2S 25019 582 1088 25 not set not set 2018-08-06T22:28:52.000Z 4h7fGHSlSFQ UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Q Anon 8-6-18: Democrats SHACKLE AND CHAIN Lebron James for POLITICAL GAIN like the KKK "Hillary Clinton and the Democrats just put CHAINS AND SHACKLES on Lebron James in an effort to MOUNT AND RIDE him, KKK style, into Midterm Election victory. They lost KING YEEZY (Rap Music, Kanye West) and thus, have pivoted to sports athletes to bridge the divide between a RACIST IDEOLOGY and the BLACK COMMUNITY. ****PLEASE Spend time on the Mainstream videos from CNN, MSNBC, VICE, and Washington Post. --- Correct the record --- Leave a comment or 3 --- POLICE THE COMMENTS!! ***************** THE MONEY SEARCH ************************** --there's the good stuff, grab what you want, search results changed in last 24 hours ************************************************************* ALSO ------ When Trump says 'Mike.' does he mean Micheal Jordan?? Because the picture of Tom Hanks and OPRAH from the #LeftEyeClub has the word ""MIKE"" in it. Odd coincidence? ...aaaaaaaaaaand: Crispin Glover already outed Stephen Speilberg. But nobody thinks the accusations are credible? Per Qanon - We have the Servers[s] CNN reporter talks to conspiracy theorists at Trump rally - YouTube firefox_2018-08-03_18-15-34.png (PNG Image, 610 × 1818 pixels) SheepDog on Twitter: ""Always makes me feel important when trolls go out of their way to engage me! Good luck figuring out the world around you, kiddo! #GreatAwakening #QAnon…"" Bill Smith on Twitter: ""Posted by #JamesGunn from ""HUSTON HUDDLESTON"", who has a previous conviction for #CHILDPORN. #JameGunnTweets 🥳🤡🤗🥳🤗🤡🤥😳🤬🤢🤮🤧 @Disney @WaltDisneyWorld @WaltDisneyDaily @DisneyStudios @Guardians #PedoGate #PedoWood #pizzagate @cnnbrk…"" A 2003 Essay By Actor Crispin Glover Suggests Steven Spielberg “Appreciated the Sexuality Of Young Boys” | Squawker Trump mocks Senator Dianne Feinstein on reports of Chinese spy" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'q-anon update', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'praying medic', 'q anon update today', 'q anon post today', 'q anon latest post', 'q anon praying medic', 'q-anon bill smith', 'bill smith qanon', 'qanon praying medic', 'praying medic qanon', 'robert byrd', 'hillary clinton kkk', 'racist democrats', 'dianne feinstein', 'q anon for beginners', 'qanon hillary clinton', 'qanon dianne feinstein', 'qanon lebron james', 'lebron james'] PT15M2S 8351 165 643 13 not set not set 2018-08-08T17:37:30.000Z 03FkEm3q5fo UCRVpj-n5kyVfDNtcuwN6KkA Q Anon 8-8-18: Obamas $20M ALT MEDIA Budget, PROOF of Directed Energy Weapons in Military Budget!! "Jack Posobiec is a FAKE #MAGA SHILL. Obama hedged his bets with a $20 MILLION ALT-MEDIA 'Investment' to ""Stop foreign propaganda online"" Bill Smith verifies his information before telling you. Is he the only one?? PS - I don't like LisaMei62 she's an ISREAL-FIRST, BREITBART WRITER from 2013-2015 When I brought a small problem to her attention, she attacked me. I was threatened with LAWYERS and a court summons for ASKING A QUESTION. -- PrayingMedic blocked me for questioning her. -- Lionel Nation won't DM me now because I questioned her. ..whatever I don't really feel like I'm missing out, if you know what i mean. ****** ACTUAL LAWS: has text about 'Directed Energy Weapons' ****** CRPT-114HRPT-S2943.pdf Text - H.R.5181 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 | | Library of Congress ************************************************************* LINKS: Site not found · GitHub Pages QMAP @LisaMei62 HERE WE GO: HR 5181 was stuffed into the 2016 NDAA on 12/02/16 Basically $160M was set aside to pay alt media journalists among others to spread disinformation to counter what they claim is fake news. (Aka truth) THIS IS WHY SO MANY FLIPPED ON Q! : greatawakening What Will the Miss America Pageant Look Like in a Post-#MeToo World? Meet Miss Universe's first transgender contestant, Angela Ponce Sherry Lynn on Twitter: "" has been taken out! #Qanon… "" @LisaMei62 HERE WE GO: HR 5181 was stuffed into the 2016 NDAA on 12/02/16 Basically $160M was set aside to pay alt media journalists among others to spread disinformation to counter what they claim is fake news. (Aka truth) THIS IS WHY SO MANY FLIPPED ON Q! : greatawakening PATRIQT on Twitter: ""@LisaMei62 HERE WE GO: HR 5181 was stuffed into the 2016 NDAA on 12/02/16 Basically $160M was set aside to pay alt media journalists among others to spread disinformation to counter what they claim is fake news. (Aka truth) THIS IS WHY SO MANY FLIPPED ON Q!…"" Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ""5 for 5!"" Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act - Wikipedia Effort to combat foreign propaganda advances in Congress - The Washington Post The US Is Losing at Influence Warfare. Here’s Why - Defense One US Senate Panel OKs Funds to Fight Online Propaganda National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2017 at DuckDuckGo THIS GUY IS FAKE NEWS: Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) | Twitter" Bill Smith 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'q-anon update', 'bill smith', 'qanon bill smith', 'q anon for beginners', 'qanon for beginners', 'q anon update today', 'q anon latest post', 'q anon bill smith', 'qanon latest post', 'qanon post today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon obama', 'directed energy weapons', 'ndaa', 'qanon 8-8-18', 'q anon 8.8.18', 'q-anon 8/8/18', 'q anon 8-9-18', 'qanon 8/9/18', 'q-anon 8.9.18', 'jack prosobiac'] PT15M2S 44338 747 1597 91 not set not set 2018-01-30T04:30:22.000Z oAJ6Zen8i6s UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA CANADA'S RED PILL - Show 666? Jan30- QAnon #ROTHSCHILDS #Illuminati & SYMBOLS ! Exploring the SYMBOLISM Q Anon so often mentions in his post and comparing to symbolism we fail to see all around us.....happy watching!! Billy Joyce 24 "['Canada', 'Politics', 'Religion', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'Bible', 'Jay Z', 'Beyonce', 'Pope', 'Catholic', 'Commonwealth', 'Australia', 'Australian politics', 'New Zealand', 'Rothschild', 'Rothschilds', 'Royal Family', 'Bloodlines', 'Illuminati', 'QAnon', '#SOTU', 'Movies', 'Celebrities', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'esoteric', 'Satanism', 'freemasons', 'baphomet', 'Grammys', 'Billy Joyce', 'BillyJoyce', ""Canada's Red Pill"", 'Weathering The Storm', 'CANADAS RED PILL', 'Canadas Red Pill', 'Eye of Horus', 'All seeing Eye', 'SOTU']" PT14M46S 684 7 43 2 not set not set 2018-02-09T15:38:12.000Z hIX1Pr36SI4 UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon #BrendenDilley INTEL DROPS!! Canada on USA Radar ?Are we being DUPED?You decide "CANADA'S RED PILL - Feb 9th '18 - Big Pharma concealing cures for #CANCER #AIDS and others? Is Canada on US radar? What does it all mean? Budget passing selling out to the Feds?? My thoughts on these and other issues. Last video until Monday possibly due to business meetings. #QAnon #DilleyForCongress2018 #BrendenDilley #WW3 #Treason #POTUS #PresidentTrump #Trudeau #JustinTrudeau #BigPharma #Pharma #Pharmaceuticals #TheGreatAwakening #LockThemUp #Olympics #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #TheMemo #FISAMemo #FakeNews #WeatheringTheStorm #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CANADASREDPILL #Truther #CanadianTruther Brenden Dilleys Twitter You can watch his videos here 8chan where Q posts (DO NOT CONTRIBUTE WITHOUT READING GUIDELINES !!!!) You can bet banned, you can get doxxed and you get can get ''put on a list'' tread lightly!!" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'QAnon', 'Brenden Dilley', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Treason', 'Watergate', 'ObamaGate', 'LockThemUp', 'TheGreatAwakening', 'The Great Awakening', 'Jesus', 'Bible', 'Jesus Christ', 'Trump', 'Justin Trudeau', 'Trudeau', 'The Memo', 'FakeNews', 'Fake News', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'CTV', 'CBS', 'Billy Joyce', 'Canadas Red Pill', 'CANADAS RED PILL', 'Truther', 'Canadian Truther', 'Weathering The Storm', 'Politics', 'Religion', 'Vatican', 'Pope', 'Satanic', 'Cults', 'Occult', 'Lucifer', 'Freemasons'] PT23M40S 25923 237 802 16 not set not set 2018-02-19T22:46:52.000Z PWXiRn-X8lg UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Has #QAnon left us? Did #Obama commit #Treason? #Snowden Flipped? "CANADA'S RED PILL Feb 19th - Exploring the latest #QAnon #IntelDrops and His/Her/Their subsequent EXIT from 8chan and reappearance! Did #Obama commit #TREASON? Did #Snowden Turn BAD? Is the Clock Ticking Down fro the #DeepState? Let's ponder the topics and cover what's not being covered in the Mainstream #FakeNews! #QAnon #Dilley #ObamaGate #Obama #Rosenstein #EdwardSnowden #Snowden #Wikileaks #Assange #JulianAssange #FBI #CIA #NSA #Cabal #NWO #Illuminati #NewWorldOrder #Freemasons #Bilderberg #Suicide #MKUltra #Treason #Sedition #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #Truther #RedPill #WeatheringTheStorm #ImDoneNow #POTUS #Trump #PresidentTrump #MichelleObama #Jesus #Bible #KingJames #John316 #Iran #NorthKorea #NK #RocketMan Follow Me On Twitter : Facebook : QAnon Drops consolidated QAnon Full Map Feb 19 PDF DOWNLOAD!RuJxlJLa!m1qCCBKw2oVV61eUoL5Ata6yjokLkk-gJ4YPuozQQmg Barrack Obama & Iran American Vehicles being used by ISIS John Perry Barlow Deep Dream Generator Multiple Gunshot Suicide" Billy Joyce 24 "['Canada', 'QAnon', 'Snowden', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'MKUltra', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'CBC', 'CBS', 'CNN', 'NBC', 'InfoWars', 'Alex Jones', 'President', 'False Flag', 'Mind Control', 'Satanic Cult', 'Satan', 'Jesus', 'Bible', 'Treason', 'Barrack Obama', 'Michelle Obama', 'Billy Joyce', ""Canada's Red Pill"", ""CANADA'S RED PILL"", 'CanadasRedPill', 'Brenden Dilley', '911', 'Florida Shooting', 'North Korea', 'Korea', 'Olympics', 'Comey', 'Mueller', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'John Perry Barlow', 'Florida School Shooting', 'School Shooting']" PT19M11S 11225 129 286 6 not set not set 2018-02-24T15:57:05.000Z 1Br-VDPUXjo UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon – WEAK SLAVES & SHEEP-Edition! CLINTON cover up? / POTUS CPAC - Obama-Hezbollah Connection? "CANADA'S RED PILL - Feb 23rd Late Night - Uploaded Feb 24th morning - Exploring the latest QAnon drops and how they relate to world events. POTUS CPAC speech segments as related to QAnon posts and a look at secret hidden messages being sent to Anons by President Trump...LONG VIDEO, but worth the watch.... Broken into approximate time stamps below…. 0:00 – 3:25 Intro & recap of last video 3:20 – 10:30 – President Trump holds note oddly…message to Anons and Autists? A little interactive digging for those who wish 10:30 – 13:30 Post concerning HRC & 187 in 2010 13:30 – 16:00 Post concerning CIA & Military Intelligence possibly/NSA preparing something? 16:00 – 17:00 Litteral WARNING to Black Hats?? LOL 17:10 – 22:30 THEY WANT US DIVIDED? / MKUltra to do it ? – We can’t let that happen!! They want kids SCARED? Shame on them! 22:30 - 29:50 People k**l people (Not guns)…WE watching a MOVIE?…they want us WEAK, SLAVE, SHEEP! Q alluding to FL incident ? 30:00 – 39:00 – Obama – Iran -Hezbollah Connection? Did Trump use Luciferian language or just realistic language in his address to CPAC? Did Trump allude to Obama Crimes tied to QAnon posts?? A discussion on SIN thrown into the mix. #QAnon #POTUS #Autists #HillaryClinton #Hillary #CIA #MI #MilitaryIntel #CPAC #CPAC18 #Trump #PresidentTrump #MKUltra #Division #Movie #MindControl #Hezbollah #Terrorism #Luciferiansim #Lucifer #Jesus #Bible #10 Commandments #SIN #Obama #Barrack #IranGate #Iran #Crimes #FalseFlag #Slave #Weak #Patriot #Patriotic #FLA 8chan qresearch (TREAD LIGHTLY) FL Incident 20 warnings Deputy who didn’t enter school resigns Discrepancies in timeline? Deputy again SAPs Sold?? Medhat El Amir President Trump at CPAC The Iran that Obama helped keep in place Indictment against El Amir" Billy Joyce 24 "['Bible', 'QAnon', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'CPAC 2018', 'Trump CPAC', 'Obama', 'Iran', 'LockThemUp', 'ObamaGate', 'False Flags', 'Fake News', 'FakeNews', 'Billy Joyce', 'CanadasRedPill', ""Canada's Red Pill"", ""CANADA'S RED PILL"", 'BillyJoyce', 'Hezbollah', 'Terrorism', 'Movies', 'Mind Control', 'MKUltra', 'Luciferianism', 'Lucifer', '10 Commandments', 'Sin', 'Autists', 'Anonymous', 'Anons', 'Military Intelligence', 'Intel Drops', 'Intel Leaks']" PT39M39S 3968 67 182 0 not set not set 2018-03-02T21:48:53.000Z zi2gAZBbETI UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon #AbelDanger - #CANADIAN #911 - #Uranium1 - #MKUltra connections! Coincidence? "CANADA’S RED PILL – March 2nd 2018 – Recorded March 2nd, 5 hours of editing! BEST SHOW YET IMHO ! SHOW SYNOPSIS : Sharing #Information I gathered while following #QAnon and taking his advice on researching these subject matters. #911 #Uranium1 and #MKUltra have all been mentioned several times by Q and the ‘’autists’’ have madly researched the topics. This video reflects the research I did after following the leads left by #Autists on #8chan. It covers connections to #911 , #UraniumOne, #MKUltra and it reveals a Web of #Power and #Elite #Cooperation on things ranging from #Education to #Religion and #Churches , connections to the #Order of the #Jesuits & #StFX #StFrancisXavier University in #Antigonish #NovaScotia. I also cover the USA-Canada relationship from a #PowerFamilies perspective….YES They are REAL! Many connected to #LoopCaptial (in diagram) #QAnon #AbelDanger #Conspiracy #911 #MKUltra #Bush #Trudeau #Mulroney #McKenna #Munk #Giustra #AdrienneClarkson #MichaelleJean #MilMulroney #RonaAmbrose #MistressOfMist #AbelDanger #UraniumOne #Clinton #PrimeMinister #Corruption #Scandal #InsideJob #FalseFlag #OCanada #Canada #CanadaCorruption #JustinTrudeau #JihadiJustin #NWO #Illuminati #Bilderberg #GeorgeBush #Hillary #PaulMartin #JeanChrétien #NovaScotia #TDBank #BankOfNS #PicktonFarm #StFX #Pope #Bishop #Antigonish #NovaScotia #CNRail #CPRail #LoopCapital #FieldMcConnell #911Truth #911 NO TIME STAMPS – Whole video should be revealing!! It’s a ‘’ #MishMash ‘’ LOL After watching video, if you take screenshots of frozen screens, you can put my graphic together, I even named them (look for the OPAQUE YELLOW WRITING) ! Too many links to list…if you really want the links, you can freeze the video at certain times and get the websites off of the graphics!! LOL …There’s a method to my madness!! LOL PAY PAL – FANS…..THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!! If you enjoy the videos, Please feel free to donate to ‘’the cause’’. In Canada, there’s a flat 3% rate and 30 cents fee…if you are AMERICAN and want to donate…Wait until you can afford at least 20$ …paypal will take 2.99 on top of the 3% ….some find this unreasonable, but really, they save ME a whole lot of trouble processing things and keeping things in order if ever I do have a big following…it’s , as my Dad always said….’’Paying NOW, to play LATER’’ LOL It sucks now, but if ever it gets really really big and I do it full time, I’ll find another way to take payments directly, but for now it’s the safest and most efficient way for everyone. DISCLAIMER : Donating to the channel doesn’t in any way give anyone CONTROL of the content…albeit, I’m pretty good at taking suggestions LOL LINK TO MY FRENCH CHANNEL for the Bilingual Folks in Da Maison!!" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'Abel Danger', 'Field McConnell', '911', '911Truth', 'TDBank', 'StFX', 'St FX', 'McGill', 'Justin Trudeau', 'Trudeau', 'Pierre Trudeau', 'Mulroney', 'Brian Mulroney', 'McKenna', 'Billy Joyce', 'BillyJoyce', 'Uranium 1', 'Uranium One', 'RussiaGate', 'ObamaGate', 'Collusion', 'Bush', 'POTUS', 'President', '8chan', 'Anons', 'Autists', 'Anonymous', 'Bilderberg', 'Paul Martin', 'Giustra', 'Desmarais', 'Munk', 'Clarkson', 'Michaelle Jean', 'Rona Ambrose', 'Matrix 5', 'Matrix5', 'False Flag', 'Antigonish', 'Jean Chrétien', 'Harper', 'CN Rail', 'CP Rail'] PT41M20S 11814 239 420 8 not set not set 2018-03-04T19:19:12.000Z 2VZeqZInGGc UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon - Did HRC sell #Russia #Tech for #ICBM ? #Treason #MSM #SEDITION #SRich #187 "#QAnon is BACK! UNBELIEVABLE INFO! #Russia #ICBM #MSM #FakeNews #DeepState Shenanigans #WeWin in the end! Support my work through paypal if you feel it’s worth it. US & EU citizens will have 3$ or so taken off donations +3%...Disclaimer : Donating to the channel doesn’t gain content control in any way, but I’m VERY open to ideas and information…THANK YOU to those who’ve already donated, it’s greatly appreciated. CANADAS RED PILL – Feb 4th 2018 – Qanon is back reminding us of the HUGE scope of these #Operations and the huge task at hand exposing and taking down #BadActors in many senses of the word. From everything to #Putin speech on ICBM to #Hillary POSSIBLY selling state secrets and possibly committing #Treason by allegedly selling missile technology to Russia for personal gain or something….some of the Best drops so far!! QAnon shows us correlation between Q Drops / #DOD tweets / and #NatGeo #Documentary. #POTUS SPEECH to remind us all WHO Donald J. Trump Represents….NOT THE ESTABLISHMENT!!! Q explains the #YoutubeCensor campaign that went on last week and drops hints as to who’s really behind them. Some posts I haven’t deciphered, but thought I’d share my thoughts on them before a busy day….will recap this evening!! #MAGA #POTUS #Trump #QAnon #Intel #Russia #Putin #SethRich #187PoliceTalk #Treason #Sedition #FalseFlag #MKUltra #Illusion #DeepState #LockThemALLUp #ObamaGate #FISA #Spies #Collusion #RussiaGate #ICBM #WW3 #OperationMockingbird #Clinton #HillaryForPrison #Hillary #Obama #FakeNews #GreatAwakening ENTIRE VIDEO NEEDED FOR PERSPECTIVE…watch in segments if you need to. #POTUS speech towards en of video!! Original clip found here… Article by AT&T about #InternetBillOfRights FIND & SIGN PETITION….searching now FOUND IT…Internet Bill Of Rights Petition…WE NEED ONE IN CANADA !! God bless you and Thank you!!" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'InternetBillofRights', 'Russia', 'ICBM', 'Seth Rich', '187PoliceTalk', 'Treason', 'Sedition', 'False Flag', 'MKUltra', 'Illusion', 'Deep State', 'Lock Up', 'FISA courts', 'Spies', 'Mockingbird', 'Putin', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'Trump', 'President', 'Obama', 'Fake News', 'Mainstream', 'Internet Bill Rights', 'Great Awakening'] PT35M17S 2135 102 182 1 not set not set 2018-03-07T03:34:05.000Z 0VC17TfJD0o UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon Mar 6th #NailInTheCoffin Edition- H!LLARY P3D0G4T3 P1CS coming? #KOREA #C1A Docs "TIME STAMPS IN DESCRIPTION – Pick what you watch!! CANADA’S RED PILL – March 6th 2018 – ** #Rusty my #Pitbull #Mix Makes appearance around 25:12 ** SORRY FOR ERROR on #LionelNation..I keeps saying Lionel Desmond...I think it's a sign!! My apologies to the Desmond Family. #THANKYOU to those who have already sent donations, GREATLY APPRECIATED, I try my best to give you all good work !! Support me on Paypal if you can…looks like May before they decide on Monetization now!! #InternetBillOfRights SIGN THE PETITION !! #InternetBillOfRights SYNOPSIS - Did Q accurately predict an end to #Nuclear #NorthKorea and unification of the Koreas? Can Obama take credit for this? Why this sudden, HUGE CHANGE from decades of aggression and threats…what has changed?? Will h0rrendous Vide0s of H1llary Cl1nton doing N4sty things with children be released? Will the #NYTimes and #MSM try to play it off as video editing?? Are they Real??? Why is STEEL such a big issue in the ‘’News’’ and why is everyone losing their mind over #POTUS negotiating tactics?? Did #Americans help #Nazis get into America and escape what they deserved?? All this and much more!! TIME STAMPS 0:00 – 6:57 : Intro/Recap of last Q post discussed in last video but in more detail – DO I TRUST MSM/FB/TWTer etc. My little rant on my situation in youtube land… 7:00 – 9:51 : #Hannity break in & WH SU!C!DE related? #MKUltra ? Something worse? 1987 #CIA Report on KILLER MONKEYS what the HELL?? 10:00 - 13:40 #InternetBillOfRights #Anon #QAnon drops #AT&T #Patriots #Skeptics #Careful 13:45 – 17:45 #QAnon #Roasted ! Review of #POTUS at #GridironDinner #HILARIOUS !! #POTUS ACKNOWLEDGES #ANONS !! 17:45 - 26:00 - Today’s drops begin : #Snowden #SIGNIT #Satelites #Spies #China #Russia #DeepState #Hacking #NorthKorea #SouthKorea #Unification #WatchTheWater #Double Meanings #FakeNews #MSMFakeNews #Propaganda #FalseFlags #Nuclear #Peace #POTUS #Trump # ******** #Rusty my #Pitbull #Mix Makes appearance around 25:12 ********* 26:00 - 31:00 #HuntForRedOctober & #Steel #Tarifs & more #Snowden #Spying Software #Double & #Triple Meanings? #NorthKorea #AllConnected ! Holy crap !! 31:00 – END - #H!LLARY CL!NTON videos coming soon? #MSM already covering up? HOLY SH1T !! Q changes topic back to Steel and #Double Meanings / DROPS HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT #Military #Parade !!! Interesting Links : French Channel URL" Billy Joyce 24 "['QAnon Canada', 'QAnon', 'Corsi', 'Lionel', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Bill Clinton', 'Podesta', 'North Korea', 'South Korea', 'Nuclear', '911truth', 'InternetBillofRights', '#Petition', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'Trump', 'President', 'Korea', 'Nazis', 'Nazi SS', 'Treason', 'Sedition', 'Corruption', 'CIA', 'Censorship', 'Monkey Business', 'MK Ultra', 'MKUltra', 'AT&T', 'Patriots', 'Gridiron Dinner', 'Gridiron Dinner 2018', '#Funny', 'FakeNews', 'Fake news', 'False Flag', 'Snowden', 'Military parade', 'Jesus', 'Truth', 'Canadian Truther', 'Billy Joyce', 'CanadasRedPill', ""Canada's"", 'Red Pill']" PT40M17S 18324 191 666 12 not set not set 2018-03-11T07:17:21.000Z 8mhHOdrBgfs UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon – #AUSTRALIA / #ADRENOCHROME / #PlannedParenthood / #Commonwealth Edition "CANADA’S RED PILL – March 11th – Recorded LATE 10th early 11th - NO TIME STAMPS - ONE TOPIC IN DETAIL Covering Posts by QAnon and subsequent responses in relation to Australia on March 10th…it goes down quite the #rabbitho1e, so buck1e up!! No need to time stamp this one, get some popcorn and before you’re done eating it, your jaw is sure to find the lowest point it can possibly attain. It connects connections between the Clinton Foundation with Planned Parenthood, Adrenochrome and it’s production and possibly HUM4N TR4FF1CK1NG rings…. #Australia #NewZealand #Commonwealth #Adrenochrome #Human #Trafficking #SpiritCooking #Clinton #Trump #POTUS #Turnbull #PrimeMinister If you feel like contributing to my efforts, feel free, and THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE… V.A. , D.S. , C.L. , & R.S. thank you very much…they’ve all donated over 20$ …thank you to those who’ve offered to send Mastercards…I’m not crazy about giving out my address on youtube, so if you send me a private message, I can send you my mailing address…please send personal messages to ; or you can always do e-transfers with emails I believe, so just send email to: I see this daily ! DISCLAIMER : MEMES USED IN THIS VIDEO ARE/WERE PRODUCED BY ANONS who were ‘’connecting dots’’…I do not confirm nor deny their validity!! Links used to make this video Most Information taken from researching MANY Threads in this qresearch catalog : TREAD L1GHTLY & L00K at 0WN R1SK Transcript of Trump tapped phone calls House Oversight Report on Planned Parenthood Australia donates 130M Canada donates over 200M My Video on #BlackF0rest #HUM4N HUNT1NG parties Adrenochrome Other article on Adrenochrome Five Eyes" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Australia', 'New Zealand', 'Adrenochrome', 'Planned Parenthood', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Trudau Foundation', 'Trudeau', 'Queen', 'Royal Family', 'Rothschilds', 'NWO', 'Pyramid', 'Vatican', 'D.C.', 'DistrictColumbia', 'Washington', '666', 'Ottawa', 'Symbols', 'Esoteric', 'Satanism', 'Satanic', 'Pedogate', 'human trafficking'] PT20M21S 13205 132 597 5 not set not set 2018-03-16T14:51:43.000Z qFWteLMQp8A UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon #44,000feet #FlatEarth ? Subscribers ASKED, SKEPTICS DELIVERED!! #BIBLE talk too ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – March 15th 2018 – Recorded with #SenleyBoudreau in the evening of March 15th, but I passed out while it was converting….so here it is!!! #FlatEarth why have we never been presented these things before?? Why are we always presented with #ABSURD ‘’proofs’’ for flat earth and why are we so quick to dismiss it?? Have a listen as I speak about my skepticism relating to #FlatEarth and how my belief in The Bible forced me to study the topic more….you will see things in this video that are NEVER PRESENTED to us in school, in church or anywhere else for that matter!! Why??? #QAnon and many of the #Anons in 8chan have referred to ‘’Keeping it under 44,000 feet’’ many times, and the ensuing debates were over ‘’flat earth’’….needless to say, I was a bit shocked that this was being brought forth for discussion, but it did force me to look into the matter from an objective perspective, I was a bit shocked by what I’ve noticed!! Difficult to TAG this video because it is unscripted and guided by prayers, where my prayers led me, I went….so unfortunately, for the full effect of the video, I ask you to watch the ENTIRE video before jumping to conclusions or insulting us just for the topic…..Subscribers ased, we delivered!! We touch on the #Biblical #Flood , #Creationism, #Antarctica (why isn't anyone allowed there?) , #Conspiracies #Religion and much much more!! If you feel like contributing to my efforts, feel free, and THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE… V.A. , D.S. , C.L. , & R.S. thank you very much…they’ve all donated over 20$ …thank you to those who’ve offered to send Mastercards…I’m not crazy about giving out my address on youtube, so if you send me a private message, I can send you my mailing address…please send personal messages to ; or you can always do e-transfers with emails I believe, so just send email to: I see this daily ! Links to interesting sites (no use linking globe earth stuff, it’s embedded in our brains LOL ) Bible Passages in an Article about Flat Earth Youtube video on flight paths Cross Reference Flight paths for yourself, you now have ‘’legit’’ models to base off of, the UN has been showing it to us for years it seems… LOL Google Search Results for Flat Earth Images Good map to compare globe flights Deceptive map of flights out of Johannesburg #Bible #FlatEarth #Flood #Evolution #Creation #SunRays #Objective #Truther #CanadasRedPill #SenleyBoudreau #BillyJoyce #CircularEarth #Science #Philosophy #Prophecy #Planes #Flights #Antarctica" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Religion', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'Bible', 'Antarctica', 'Flat Earth', 'Domed Earth', 'Astronomy', 'Evolution', 'Creation', 'Creationism', 'QAnon', 'Skeptic', 'Billy Joyce', 'Senley Boudreau', 'Canadas Red Pill'] PT55M40S 4465 259 249 20 not set not set 2018-03-17T22:45:04.000Z id06mrwtQ7M UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon #March #Madness! #McCabe 1st of #Dominoes?/ #BrendenDilley #Drops - #Mueller #MARINE 1st? "CANADA’S RED PILL – March 17th 2018 – #March #Madness Edition ! Covering the McCabe firing in detail and relating it to things WE ALREADY KNEW 10 months ago, but the MSM only catching up now…it was fake news back then, remember?? Then I tie in the latest Brenden Dilley drops into the picture to tie in multiple sources of intelligence and information into a neat little picture for the doubters, followed by a quick dose of #RealNews towards the end of the show…touching on subjects like #RexTillerson #Rothschilds #Rockefellars #Oprah #Zuckerberg and much much more! Jam Packed Episode of #WeatheringTheStorm with #CanadasRedPill #BillyJoyce !! If you feel like contributing to my efforts, feel free, and THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE… V.A. , D.S. , C.L. , & R.S. thank you very much…they’ve all donated over 20$ …thank you to those who’ve offered to send Mastercards…I’m not crazy about giving out my address on youtube, so if you send me a private message, I can send you my mailing address…please send personal messages to ; or you can always do e-transfers with emails I believe, so just send email to: I see this daily ! Time Stamps of #TodaysShow 0:00 – #QAnon predicted #McCabe #Firing Long ago!! So did #TruePundit - #DETAILED #Analysis / #Exposing #MSM #FakeNews coverage… Implications for #JamesComey ? 17:00 - #Brenden #Dilley #IntelDrops – He now has THREE S0URCES !!! #Mueller a #WhiteHat #Marine4Life ? ‘’Most thorough proctology exam ever done in government’’ ongoing LMAO The #Purge is #Real !! 25:00 – #QAnon drops analysis – Covering topics such as #RexTillerson #Pompeo #Obama #Kenya 38:00 – Recent news & Wrap Up - #Celebrities and #Nobles selling in #PanicMode #Winning #Bigly #MAGA #MarchMadness #QAnon #BrendenDilley #Trump #MAGA #RussiaGate #Collusion #McCabeFired #McCabe #FBI #Strozk #BrendenDilley #RobMueller #Marines #Recalled #FakeNews #JamesComey #RexTillerson #Winning #Bigly #Bible #Lies #Satan #FatherofLies #CNN #CBC #Global #POTUS #Dilley #Intel #CIA #FBI #NSA #Hillary #Democrats #Graham #Grassley #Lynch #Comey #Clinton #Obama #Bush #NCAA #Brackets #Treason #Corruption #Collusion #TruePundit #TheHill Useful Links Q CATLOGUE – THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MINDS BUT NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART !! VERY BLUNT ! TOPICS BY CATEGORY – Research for ‘’nerds’’ LOL TRUE PUNDIT SPOKE OF MCCABE WRONGS 10 MONTHS AGO MCCABE’S ARROGANT RESPONSE GETS COMEY IN HOT WATER PRESSURE FROM GOP FOR ANOTHER SPECIAL COUNSEL…ON DEMS!!! BRENDEN DILLEY TWITTER ACCOUNT STATE DEPARTMENT TWITTER ACCOUNT KENYAN PRESIDENT TWITTER ACCOUNT CNN COVERS TRUMP-MUELLER FBI MEETING" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'Brenden Dilley', 'McCabe', 'Andrew McCabe', 'James Comey', 'Comey', 'FBI', 'Fired', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'President', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Attorney General', 'Kenya', 'Obama', 'March Madness', 'Bush', 'Clinton', 'Hillary', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'CTV', 'Global News', 'Fake News', 'Real News', 'Hublife', 'The Hill', 'True Pundit', 'Satanic', 'NWO', 'New World Order', 'Grassley', 'Lynch', 'Brackets', 'Treason', 'Corruption', 'Russia', 'Collusion', 'Billy Joyce', 'CanadasRedPill', 'MAGA', 'MCGA', 'Bigly', 'Winning', 'Strozk', 'Secret society', 'Oprah', 'Rothschilds', 'Rockefellars'] PT40M53S 4753 71 321 1 not set not set 2018-03-30T21:29:02.000Z 7QfPjJhAsdw UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon - #DaliLama #TRUDEAU #OBAMA #NXVIM #SexCult ?/ #CONSTITUTION & #CHARTER #RIGHTS #ATTACKED ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – March 30th 2018 : #ThankYou to Subscribers who’ve donated!!! Sorry I missed them!! In this show…. #QAnon drops lead me to deeply investigate the #Constitutional & #CharterRights Violations in #Canada and the #USA by way of social media and illegal spying by the #FiveEyes of #Canada #USA #UK #Australia & #NewZealand…is this even possible?? #NXVIM Cult Leader arrested…are there connections to global leaders such as #JustinTrudeau and the #DaliLama ? JAM PACKED SHOW with lots of #Ranting and #Raving from #CanadasRedPill , moi, #BillyJoyce!!! I see this daily ! Thank you all for your support !! TIME STAMPS #BillyJoyce #RANTS THROUGHOUT !! Fans will Love this show!! Happy Easter !! 0:00 – THANK YOU to SUBSCRIBERS & INTRO TO SHOW 6:40 - #QAnon post from Wednesday March 28th @ 5:17 pm – Including #FISA #Abuse #Investigation by the #Office of the #InspectorGeneral #Horowitz : #Google #Amazon #Twitter and others working with government to #spy on us ?? #NXIVM #Sex #Cult. #Barrack #Obama #Hussein #Bottom to #Top #Unravel 8:40 – #CONSTITUTIONAL #CRISIS #ALERT #CANADA & #AMERICA – OUR #RIGHTS being #INFRINGED !! OIG #Inspector #General #Investigates #FISA Abuse by #Obama #JusticeDept and #FBI on request by #JeffSessions. Is there a #Constitutional #Crisis caused by #Social #Media groups? Did #Obama #Officials and #FBI work to #Illegally #spy on #America ? #Canada? #TheWorld? #CarterPage illegally spied on? This and more… #JeffSessions #AttorneyGeneral #softy or #lion ? #CSIS #CIA #FiveEyes spying on ALL OF US !! #MSM #FakeNews #CBC #CTV #Global #BillyJoyce #RANTS !!!!!!!! 18:00 – #QAnon Who do you Trust?? Only ONE is trustworthy!! #JesusChrist / #Stop-Kill #SocialMedia ? Is #Peace achievable? #President #Trump a #WhiteHat ?? #POTUS working with #WhiteHats world wide or is it #Divide&Conquer as usual. Will #Edward #Snowden help lift the veil of darkness on this planet?? 20:12 - #HUGE HUGE HUGE #NEWS HERE - #QAnon mentions #Barrack #Obama is travelling the globe…hmmmmm #Barry #Soetero / #NXIVM #Sex #Cult #Keith #Ranière #Arrested!! Tied to CDN power family #Seagram heirs #Bronfman. Connections to #DaliLama #Trudeau #Illuminati Connections… #Richard #Branson #John #Podesta #Canada2020 (Equivalent to USA #SES ? ) #Buddhism 29:16 - #Canada #BOMBSHELLS - #Bronfman #Trudeau #Connections - #Bronfman is part of the 13 #Illuminati #Bloodlines !! Coincidence or Related? You be the judge!! #Trudeau #Foundation #Pedogate ? 37:00 - #AbelDanger #MistressOfTheRevels Reminder #Jane #Fonda , #Adrienne #Clarkson , #Rona #Ambrose , #Chrétien , #Trudeau , #May and the list goes on and on… #BlackWidows hidden in plain sight!! #Angelina Jolie #Michelle #Obama #DesMarais #LindaPicton #PictonFarm #Hillary #Clinton #KristineMarcy #SOS Children’s Villages #OprahWinfrey #Oprah #Field #McConnell #Baby #Factories ??? HOLY SHIT 40:30 - #FakeNews spin on the whole thing & Conclusion to the show INTERESTING LINKS QAnon – Research Catalogue FOXNews Report on IG Investigation - US Constitution - Canadian Charter of Rights - Canadian Spy Bill Cult Leader Arrested Cult Leader Ties to World Elite Trudeau ties to Bronfman Cult’s parent company Nancy Salzman Trudeau Parties with Bronfman OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS SCANDAL BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI MISTRESS OF THE REVELS" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Trudeau', 'Obama', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'NXVIM', 'Cult', 'Sex Cult', 'Ranière', 'Bronfman', 'Trudeau Foundation', 'Constitution', 'Charter Rights', 'IBOR', 'Freedom', 'CSIS', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'Jeff Sessions', 'FISA', 'QAnon', 'Google', 'Amazon', 'Twitter', 'Justice Dept', 'Inspector General', 'Kristine Marcy', 'Field McConnell', 'Abel Danger', 'Five Eyes', 'CTV', 'CBC', 'Global', 'CNN', 'Fake News', 'Billy Joyce', 'Rants', 'Jesus Christ', 'Easter', 'Peace', '13 Bloodlines', 'Illuminati', 'Richard Branson', 'John Podesta', 'Podesta Art', 'Canada2020', 'Buddhism', 'Pedogate'] PT43M8S 14465 196 656 10 not set not set 2018-04-18T22:49:13.000Z ct1TJdIAmyA UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #AbelDanger / #QAnonALERT !!! StrikePackage 111V-B - Rosenstein CDC Bi0Weap0n IMMINENT ??? "ALERT! ALERT! - CANADA’S RED PILL – April 18th 2018 – Will the #DeepState #Global #Satanic #Cabal also known as the #Illuminati bring about a global #Pandemic purposely? #Rod #Rosenstein sister is the head of the #CDC. #Rosenstein is also a member of the #Senior #Executive #Service , #Rosenstein was involved in 2001 Anthrax and so was his sister according to my special guest #TTC from #Abel #Danger discord group !! THE WHOLE VIDEO IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE !!! 0:00 - #Billy #Joyce talks with #TTC from the #AbelDanger discord group, TTC is a Doctor and an avid researcher. We discuss the 2001 #Anthrax #Attacks to set up the rest of the show 17:00 – The head of the #CDC is #DAG #Rosenstein sister, #Nancy #Messonnier !! #Connecting Dot!! How #Comey #Mueller & #Rosenstein are connected… #NoCoincidences !! #Corruption #Anthrax #Investigation #Coverup. #FalseFlags to get #Funding? #Senior #Executive #Service 32:00 – #Clown on 8chan threatened a bioweapon attack tomorrow the 19th of April. Will the #Cabal use this for #Mass #Extinction Event ?? How to Protect yourself and your family…. LINKS to articles Used" Billy Joyce 24 ['Politics', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'Anthrax', 'CDC', 'Rosenstein', 'Warning', 'Alert', 'Mueller', 'Comey', 'Messonnier', 'Corruption', 'Attorney General', 'Deputy', 'QAnon', 'Abel Danger', 'AbelDanger', 'Autists', '8chan', 'The Storm', 'Threat', 'Pandemic', 'Doctor', 'TTC', 'Billy Joyce', 'Bruce Ivins', 'Pharma', 'Big Pharma', 'GreatAwakening', 'Truther', 'Conspiracy', 'Georgia', 'Guidestones', 'Clowns', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Justice', '911', 'JFK'] PT42M54S 10955 273 601 13 not set not set 2018-04-30T04:11:03.000Z nSXelGdAfpw UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #WWG1WGA ! #BOOM Week Ahead! - #LiningUpTheDUCKS !! RUSSIA grounding US Aircraft? "CANADA’S RED PILL – April 29th 2018 – Review of #QAnon posts from April 27th late night, April 28th & April 29th …. connecting the dots. Covering the #Corruption at the #FBI , including #Firings and possible #Canaries #Singing !! #Priestap singing ? #Strozk Singing ? #Page Singing? #Operators (#Marines) are dying ! #Patriots don’t do it for money, but money is needed to provide the service….nasty #Catch22 !! #Pray #Patriots ! We need #JesusChrist first and foremost in order to win this #Spiritual #Warfare that is very very real!!! Please Subsribe , Share and Like, all the help, helps!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT !! I see this daily ! TIME STAMPS - #BillyJoyce #Rants throughout !! 0:00 – Intro, recap of last week’s big #news #MOAB ! #Anons seems frustrated with the progress of #QAnon and team #POTUS in #arresting the filthy #Swamp #Creatures in #Washington #DC ! But be reassured, #BigThings are happening!! 2:00 - #QAnon posts from late Friday April 27th - #Focus on the #FBI !!! #FBI Firings and #Rats recap !! Yes !! #Strozk and #Page are both cooperating!!! #JamesBaker #fired #Jim #Rybicki #FIRED ! 5:20 - #BillyJoyce #Funny #Moment #WeAreLiningUpTheDucks #LiningUpTheDucks #lmao 5:30 - #Qpost #1289 - #North #Korea : #MOAB = #Mother of #ALL #NEWS-BOMBS !!! I’d agree! But the #MSM #Mockingbird #FakeNews #Snowflakes won’t really focus on it!! #KoreanWarOver #Denuclearization ! Shout out to fellow truthers : #AbelDanger #Discord , #Field #McConnell , #David #Hawkins , #QEurope Discord , #Adrinne #Payton , #PaytonsParkBench !! #CNNFakeNews covers #FakeLawyer from #Russia !! 9:00 - #QAnon reminds us of #Russians #grounding #USMilitary #Aircrafts ?? #Russia ? OR #ClownsInAmerica ? #Military #Aircrafts #crashing in #USAirSpace !! #Autists need #RedBull ?? #Sarcasm maybe? Some #Anons took it to heart!! #QAnon reminds them of something very #Important!! 14:45 – #FUNNY #segment ! Saturday April 28th #Qposts – Are the #CIA and #FBI playing game with #QAnon ? Are #Autists and #Anons playing with #BlackHats in #8chan? A little of both? Is #QAnon outwitting and outplaying his opponents in this game of #5Dchess ?? The #WhiteHats are closing in and the #BlackHats , who think they are #Sharks , should fear the masterful #fishing #techniques of #POTUS and #TeamQ ! LOL #HILARIOUS #SEGMENT - #IP-Ghost anyone know what this is ?? 18:25 - #Trump #Rally in #Michigan - #Anon went and reported on it !! #QAnon is known !! #Michael #Jackson makes an appearance in the video to make everyone laugh a little !! 20:05 - #Qposts from Sunday April 29th - Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement have a hidden agenda!! Your choice!! Are #BillyJoyce #Rants crossing the line? Should I stop? Nahhh… 27:00 - #POWERFUL #MESSAGE FROM and #Anon on #8chan !!! Conclusion of Show!! We have avoided the 16 Year Plan to DESTROY AMERICA !! We should be thankful for #POTUS #TRUMP & #QTeam !! INTERESTING LINKS #QAnon posts QResearch Catalog Jim Rybicki Replaced James Baker Fired Bill Priestap flipped and is cooperating Military Aircraft crashing everywhere Russia grounding US Military Aircraft Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF #CNN Focusing on #Russian #Lawyer #Peter #Strozk & #Lisa #Page #Fishing #Shark !!! 16 year plan to destroy America" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'Boom', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'Michael Jackson', 'Jackson', 'Korea', 'KimJungUn', 'NK', 'SK', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Rally', 'Michigan', 'Anon', 'Autists', 'IPGhost', 'Billy Joyce', 'Hilarious', 'Funny', 'Sarcasm', 'Truther', 'Red Pill', 'Jesus', 'Prayer', 'Pray', 'God', '5Dchess', 'GreatAwakening', 'White Hats', 'Black Hats', 'Sharks', 'Fishing', 'Shark', 'Q-Team', 'Military', 'Aircraft', 'Accidents', 'USAF', 'Red Bull', 'CNN', 'FakeNews', 'Peter Strozk', 'Lisa Page', 'MOAB'] PT32M25S 8648 170 587 8 not set not set 2018-05-03T01:35:28.000Z fJYqSWdZcXc UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA WW3 Averted! #Obama #Iranian #Army #Crushed! #QAnon #EagerLion18 ! #Uranium1 #Clinton "CANADA’S RED PILL – May 2nd 2018 : Covering #Qposts from April 28th and 29th and tying it into #World #Events. Time stamps tell the whole synopsis!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT !! I see this daily ! TIME STAMPS 0:00 – Introduction and Qpost from April 29th : #QAnon ‘’ #Autists on Fire’’ , #Mueller #RussiaGate questions released!! Did #POTUS release these questions on himself? What are the #MSM #Mocingbird #Puppets saying?? #Chris #Cumo , #Alyson #Camerota from #CNN #CNNFakeNews , #Andrew #Nichols from #CBC etc…?? Did #QAnon have another #Prophetic #Moment ?? We explore what this all means and go over some of the questions Mueller wants to ask #President #Trump, particularly those pertaining to #Mike #Pompeo , #Mike #Rogers and #Coates. Are the #NSA and #CIA now working on #POTUS behalf?? You tell me!!! #BillyJoyce #RANTS throughout segment !!! 10:40 – #L0ADED #B00M #SEGMENT ! #CanadasRedPill goes on #SuperRant !!! #USMarines #HouFingRah !! #HOURA #IronEagle = #Anagram for #EagerLion ! This is a #rabbithole, but I think I’ve come out the other side!! Is #Obama #Army being taken out? #Obama himself? Is #Iran using #Syria somehow? Were attacks in #Syria what we think they were?? Is #EagerLion18 more than just a training exercise?? More #QAnon posts dissected!!! Why were #DOD , #USMilitary #Tweets AFTER the supposed training exercises of #EagerLion18 which was supposed to end on April 26th. 28:04 - #FamJam arrives from their #Work & #School Days , slight pause to ‘’NEWS’’ LOL 28:40 - #QAnon posts on #EmmyAwards but I could care less, #NoName #McCain is done, but does that just mean he’s retiring? Or will he go to hospital like #Bush Sr or join #Barbara #Bush wherever the #Crowleys go when they die ??? #Lindsey #Graham turns on #TheSwamp ? Attacks #James #Comey former #FBIboss ! If #Graham is #SINGING they are in Trouble ! 31:00 - #IRAN is in #Syria ? Last #QAnon Posts from April 30th - #Uranium1 - #Cover ? #SumOfAllFears !! #Russia #WW3 What would have happened if #Hillary #Clinton had won ?? How is #Uranium1 relevant to world events today and still poses a threat for #WorldWar3 !! #BillyJoyce #SUPER-RANT in this Segment !! Has everyone underestimated the #International #Reprecussions of the #Uranium #One #Deal ?? 39:00 - #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #Concluding #Thoughts and #Rant Links used to produce this video , if I forgot any, YOU can find them…. Afterall, shouldn’t we ALL be investigating this to the best of our ability?? #QAnon posts #QResearch on #8chan #Mueller #RussiaGate Questions #Leak !! #President #Trump #Tweets his #Dissaproval of #Leakers #Admiral #Mike #Rogers #Jordan #Embassy #Twitter #Department of #Defense website #DOD, #Central #Command , US Army etc.. & Twitter #Barack #Obama #Eagle Connection #Lindsey #Graham #Twitter Obama names himself #Renegade !! #Uranium1 #UraniumOne #Operations Worldwide" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'Iran', 'Syria', 'Jordan', 'Eager Lion', 'EagerLion18', 'Iron Eagle', 'Obama', 'POTU', 'President', 'Trump', 'Uranium1', 'Uranium One', 'Renegade', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Canada', 'Secret Service', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'Fake News', 'Lindsey Graham', 'Senators', 'Clinton', 'Eagle', 'Barack', 'Twitter', 'DOD', 'Defense', 'WW3', 'World War', 'Mike Pompeo', 'Mike Rogers', 'Mueller', 'Leaks', 'RussiaGate', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Satanism', 'Satanic', 'NWO', 'Illuminati', 'Rothschilds', 'Comey', 'Emmy Awards', 'USArmy', 'USNavy', 'USMilitary', 'Qpost'] PT43M14S 10742 155 649 11 not set not set 2018-05-07T20:17:15.000Z wxKxp0wmtf8 UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA QAnon - BOOM Week Review! John Kerry Treason IRAN! Mueller in TROUBLE! MSM Coverup! "CANADA’S RED PILL – May 7th 2018 – Time Stamps in Description. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! #SYNOPSIS Last Sunday, #QAnon promised a #BOOM #WEEK #AHEAD. Let’s take a look at some of the #Bombastic #News the #Mainstream #Media just tossed aside last week in favor of more #Tabloid #Hit #Pieces against the #POTUS #Donald #Trump !! #Pornstar #Stormy #Daniels , #Michael #Cohen and of course, the outrage over #Jeff #Sessions seeming contradiction on whether or not #President #Trump knew about the #Payoff to the #Pornstar. We will also review #Qposts from May 4th that prove #TheSwamp is really being drained!!! #John #Kerry #SonInLaw is #Iranian #National and the #BestMan at the #Wedding was a #Government #Agent. #Robert #Mueller #RussiaGate #WitchHunt is in trouble!! Even #NYTimes sees it, but #CNN and the rest of the #FakeNews are just downplaying the problems facing the entire #Obama #Administration . #Time #Stamps 0:00 - #Introduction to #WeatheringTheStorm #Show - #LoveYourCountry #FearYourGovt !! 2:20 - #QAnon posts from May 4th . New #PatriotsFight #8chan #board for #Qposts . #Tests #Config etc…. 4:00 - #President #Trump losing patience with #DOJ and all the #Redactions !! #Tweets about it and then a few days later, the #HouseIntel releases some pretty damning #Unredacted #Documents relating to #MikeFlynn !! #BOOM !! #QAnon also tells us to re-examine the #FBI #FIRED List and clarifies they are #NOT #RESIGNATIONS , they were #FIRED!!! #Lisa #Page #Mike #Kortan #McCabe #Comey #Yates and the list goes on and on and on …but the #CNN #CBC #CTV et all of the world are busy talking #Pornstars and discrepancies in accounts of #TIME between #Sessions and #Trump 11:30 - #ThankYou to #ResignationAnon for His Work. A quick glance at #Resignations worldwide including #Canadian #Resignations as well !!! 15:50 - #QAnon last post from May 4th on #Iran , #John #Kerry , #Barack #Obama , #Hillary & #BillyBoy #Clinton . What are they doing travelling everywhere?? Going to places #POTUS will visit? #Treason ?? #RICO ?? #LoganAct Violations? #BillyJoyce #Rants throughout !! #Mainstream #Media is complicit in any and all crimes these #Animals are found guilty of ! #Brooke #Baldwin #AC360 #WolfBlitzer #Bolduan #Cuomo are all #Mockingbird #MKUltra #Slaves !! #NSA is watching them though!! And it looks like #Kerry has #vested #interest in #IRAN , his daughter married an #Iranian #National and the best man’s #Father was #Minister of #Foreign #Affairs !! 22:42 - #MuellerTime Looks like Robert Mueller’s #RussiaGate #Investigation is meeting opposition , from a JUDGE!!! The #WitchHunt is almost over!! #ComeOnMan !!!! #BillyJoyce #Rants !! #TruePundit tells the truth, check out the headlines from just this past week!! #DrainTheSwamp is happening!! #MAGA #MCGA #MTWGA !!! #GreatAwakeningWorldWide !! #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #RANT !!! Interesting Links #QAnon posts New #PatriotsFight board for #QAnon posts House Releases #Unredacted version of #Memo #Sean #Davis #Twitter Account #NYTimes put their spin on #James #Baker & #Lisa #Page #Firing #CNNFakeNews spins the #Josh #Campbell firing #CNNFakeNews gives job do disgraced & Fired #FBI #Agent #Josh #Campbell #Discrgraced #Sally #Yates takes her turn to whine about being fired #Mary #McCord stepped down in 2017 – Not headline #News now was it ?? #Google #Document on #Resignations ! #ThankYou #ResignationAnon #QResearch Page dedicated only to #Resignations #ResignationAnon #John #Kerry is in #Trouble #Mueller had a bad week More Headlines from this past week" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'True Pundit', 'John Kerry', 'Iran Nuclear', 'Traitor', 'Obama', 'Comey', 'Mueller', 'RussiaGate', 'Billy Joyce', 'Red Pill', 'Awakening', 'Woke', 'Clinton', 'Resignations', 'Lisa Page', 'Strozk', 'FISA abuse', 'FISA', 'Nunes Memo', 'General Flynn', 'Mike Flynn', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Trump', 'CBC', 'CNN', 'NBC', 'CTV', 'Global', 'Fake News', 'FakeNews', 'Anons', 'Autists', 'QResearch', 'Qposts', 'Qpost', 'DOJ', 'Justice', 'PatriotsFight', 'Patriots', 'McCord', 'Campbell', 'NYTimes', 'Sally Yates', 'Attorney', 'Rosenstein', 'James Baker'] PT27M42S 8665 110 457 7 not set not set 2018-05-18T03:45:03.000Z fr1vVbdkJ2Y UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Weiner Indictments UNSEALED & QAnon proves TRUE again! Week in Review!! No Coincidences! "CANADA’S RED PILL – May 17th 2018 LATE NIGHT ! TIME STAMPED & JAMMED PACK SHOW!! After 4 days away due to fatigue and lack of sleep, I’m back with a jammed packed show! Covering #QAnon posts from this week (until 1pm or so May 17th, not including night posts). Time Stamps tell the tale!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Time Stamps 0:00 – INTRO : Where I’ve been, thank you for #Support & #Donations etc… 4:00 - #QAnon drops from May 14th. Is #QAnon taken over by a #Laarp #BlackHat ? NO, and this past week PROVED IT !!! #Q74 on #FireTruck #FireEngine #NorthKorea #Hostages …. COINCIDENCE??? I think NOT !! #Jerome #Corsi !! #Barack #Obama #Bribes to get #IranNukeDeal signed !! Get your #Popcorn ! 9:29 – #Anthony #Weiner laptop #Indictment #Unsealed #Soon?? #Erik #Prince did interview with #Breitbart on Nov 4th 2018 . #Preet #Bharara looking to become #AttorneyGeneral for #NewYork ? Is he a #WhiteHate or #BlackHat #Swamp #Monster ? #Gulliani big role in upcoming #Pain ! 14:00 – It’s ok for a #Journalist to make #Money covering #QAnon , but NOT OK to try to #Usurp #QAnon like some folks did !! And they showed their own hands!! I’m torn, I love #AlexJones, he’s inspired me…but it’s about Now, and I pray for him. #Pain #Coming 15:50 - #NXIVM is still on Q’s mind it seems, so is #AllieMack #Allison #Mack !! And apparently she will bring down a lot of people with her. Former #AG for #NewYork #Schneiderman may be first of many dominoes. 18:40 - #NewYork #Cesspool #Corruption it seems…right, that’s where #HillaryClinton wins elections!! LOL Were #NYPD #Police killed because of #Preet #Bharara #Inaction ?? Who is the 2nd NYPD ‘’Detective’’ who was killed Mid 2017 ? #Jeff #Sessions appointed #Donoghue. #Lincoln #Quote - #EVIL #EVERYWHERE !! #CORRUPTION EVERYWHERE !! #Anons and #Autists weigh in! Are they running to run #Interference ? It’s all a #Charade. 28:25 - #QAnon says #ThankYou !! Then gets back to #Officer #Familia and reminds us to look for the 2nd NYPD Detective murdered in ‘’Mid 2017’’ . Was it #Shaniqua #Osborne killed with the #CIA #HeartAttackGun ? Were these two young women murdered because they saw the #Weiner #Laptop #InsuranceFiles. 31:34 - #QAnon then reminds us to trust #POTUS #Trump and #Sessions #StayTogether #StayStrong . #FakeNews pushing half truths and #LIES . #NorthKorea will not back out of peace talks, take it to the bank. #Twitter and #Facebook are #Trolls for the #Democrats and #RINOs . #Peter #Strozk going overseas to get #Trump spied on. 42:25 - #Pain #Coming Is #MI6 now helping the #WhiteHats . #FollowThePen #Anons put together some interesting timelines. #DoWhatisRight #Ronald #Regan video. Is #QAnon asking for a #Revolution ?? ****** 50:20 - #Anthony #Weiner #Laptop #Indictment !!! #Clinton #Abedin #torturing children?? #Pickle #Factory !! How many #Pickled #Politicians will there be?? LOL ****** 55:43 - #QAnon post on #Fast&Furious #Obama & #Holder Crimes 57:00 - #Qposts from TODAY May 17th…Please refer to To follow along 64:00 - #BillyJoyce #SuperRant Links used to make show #QAnon #Posts #Qanon #PatriotsFight #8chan #board This is where you see #Q74 reference to post 74 #InfoWars attempted #Hijacking of #QAnon #NYTimes article on #Schneiderman #Bloomberg #Article on #Preet #Bharara #Richard #Donahue named #USAttorney for #NewYork #Eastern #District #DOJ #Department of #Justice Website – Appointment of #Donoghue as #AttorneyGeneral #EasternDistrict #NewYork #Assasination of #Miosotis #Familia Possible #Murder disguised as #HeartAttack ? #Peter #Strozk in London #Operation #Crossfire #Ronald #Regan #Reagan Video #ThePopulist #Populist only source reporting the #Weiner #Indictment #Trump #Admin to provide #Records of #Fast&Furious" Billy Joyce 24 ['Bible', 'Trump', 'QAnon', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'MTWGA', 'WWG1WGA', 'Billy Joyce', 'Fast & Furious', 'Reuters', 'Populist Wire', 'Weiner', 'Laptop', 'NYPD', 'Code187', 'Assasination', 'Assassination', 'Cop Killers', 'Freedom Caucus', 'Jim Jordan', 'MI6', 'SIS', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Pompeo', 'Huber', 'Sessions', 'Attorney', 'Strozk', 'Comey', 'Familia', 'Miosotis Familia', 'DOJ', 'Justice', 'Patriots', 'Patriots Fight', 'Reagan', 'Regan', 'Donoghue', 'Donahue', 'Preet Bharara', 'NXIVM', 'Allison Mack', 'Allie Mack', 'Alex Jones', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Flynn', 'Giulliani', 'Treason', 'Extortion', 'North Korea', 'Q74'] PT1H7M56S 16736 280 795 17 not set not set 2018-05-21T06:13:01.000Z wILYU6k-ACM UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Canadian Caliphate Underway!! Royal Wedding or Masonic Ceremony? Is QAnon Compromised?aq "CANADA’S RED PILL – March 20th/21st LATE NIGHT – CONSULT TIME STAMPS, they tell the tale! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! 0:00 – Can’t believe I have to go down this road AGAIN…but it has to be done!! Dealing with the latest #QAnon #Conspiracies and #Concerns. #WWG1WGA #MAGA #GreatAwakeningWorldWide #POTUS #Trump #Sessions #Mueller #DeepState #CIA #8chan #Reddit #Barruch #PamphletAnon The Confusion is NOT NECESSARY !! LOL #CandasRedPill #BillyJoyce #SuperRants #RANTS throughout entire segment !! 15:15 - #Jordan #Sather seems like a genuine white hat with nothing to hide, that I could get along with!! Interesting #Tweets too!! #SantaFe #Incident , #CubaPlaneCrash , #Bishops #Resignations , #Pope having rough #May , #Qanon predictions coming true again, despite the skepticism !! Covering one of #JordanSather #Tweets : #SantaFeSchool #Incident , #Cuba #PlaneCrash , #InspectorGeneral #OIG #Report Reffered to Prosecutor #JohnHuber ! #Sessions is bad guy?? Really?? 24:10 – #Anthony #Weiner’s #Laptop !! Sorry for the error in last video ! #DeepState #CIA Still in a #Pickle !! 28:15 - #ThankYou to #Subscribers who have #Donated to the cause!! 29:20 - #Canadian #News !! #SpencerFernando #Spencer #Fernando Article on #Syrian #Refugees in #NewBrunswick who threatened to kill their daughter for dating a Canadian boy! Is there a #Caliphate in #Canada that 97% of #Canadians don’t know about?? #Prosecutor #PleaDeal with #Criminals . #HonorKillings tolerated in #Canada now?? #CanadianTruther #Truther #BillyJoyce #Billy #Joyce #Ranting and #Raving some more and switches up to the #RoyalFamily and their many #Officers and #Agents, including #Judges #RCMP #Lawyers etc… 37:35 - #NXIVM #Cult #JordanSather #Jordan #Sather #Twitter #Acct #CIA is known as #Pickle #Factory #InspectorGeneral #Horowitz finds #ReasonableGrounds for #Prosecution and reffered to #USAttorney #DOJ #Inspector refers #McCabe for #Prosecution #SgtReport on #InspectorGeneral #Referrals #QAnon posts #Chilean #Bishops #RESIGN !! #DailyCaller #MSM defending #MS13 #Spencer #Fernando story on #Syrian #Refugee #Couple who threatened their own #Daughter ‘s life and got away with it!! #OhCanada !! #NXIVM #Cult Leader FULL #Indictment download¤tIndex=1" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Caliphate', 'QAnon', 'NXIVM', 'Cult', 'Occult', 'Spencer', 'Fernando', 'Sharia Law', 'Islam', 'Iran', 'Hamas', 'MS13', 'MS-13', 'Daily Caller', 'Vatican', 'Pope', 'Bishops', 'Chilli', 'Chilean', 'OIG', 'Inspector General', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'CBC', 'CNN', 'Horowitz', 'Prosecution', 'Prosecutor', 'Attorney', 'Sessions', 'CIA', 'Pickle Factory', 'DailyMail', 'Daily Mail', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Trudeau', 'Jordan Sather', 'Twitter', 'Billy Joyce', 'CanadianTruther', 'Truther', 'Cdn Truther', 'Royal Family', 'Prince William', 'Royal Wedding'] PT42M12S 11166 310 738 14 not set not set 2018-06-29T23:21:51.000Z 7x1te_TQ-5I UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA President Trump acknowledges QAnon yet again!! 72% Americans DONT TRUST MSM !! "CANADA’S RED PILL – June 29th 2018 : #Synopsis and #TimeStamps Below ! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : SYNOPSIS #Breitbart #News is reporting on a new #Poll showing that a whopping 72% of Americans no longer trust the #Mainstream #Media #FakeNews outlets such as #CNN #CBS #NBC #ABC and the rest!! #POTUS seems to be acknowledging #QAnon and #VIPAnon and the whole movement A LOT MORE these days. We take a look back at #TippyTopShape comment at #EasterEggRoll too for those who don’t know what I’m talking about! TimeStamps 0:00 – Intro and a little word for my #French Speaking #Subscribers – Merci aux abonnées #Francophones 2:32 – A #Subscriber felt that nothing #Huge was happening as per the video I did on June 10th. In this video, I try to demonstrate how lots of things are happening, but the #MSM is doing their darndest to keep it buried. We need to #Counter their narrative by using #Logic and understanding the scope of the #Intelligence that has been dropped publicly by whomever #QAnon is . When I say #QAnon , I’m referring to he/she/they who sign off as ‘’Q’’. There are indeed some HUGE things happening, but nothing short of the #arrest of #Clinton or #Obama will do the trick for some folks it seems. #BreitbartNews is reporting that the #Mainstream #Media #MockingbirdMedia are now seen as #FakeNews by the large majority of Americans, even #Democrats !! 12:25 - #POTUS is acknowledging the #QPhenomena much more often! #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TippyTop #TipTopShape #Whitehouse #EasterEggRoll #Melania #Trump #EggRoll #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakeningWorldWide #GreatAwakening #MAGA #MTWGA . More #Qproofs for the skeptics!! How many #Coincidences can there really be?? #TipTop #TippyTop #Shape ! #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #SuperRants #ImDoneNow #CanadianTruther #CanadaTruth #MAGA #MTWGA #MCGA #GreatAwakening #GreatAwakeningWorldWide LINKS USED TO PRODUCE SHOW #QAnon posts #Breitbart Article on #FakeNews #VIPAnon #Twitter Feed #WhiteSquall #Youtube #Promo #POTUS #Trump calls #PhotoOp with #MilitaryBrass #CalmBeforeTheStorm #CBTS #Qproofs Website #POTUS #Trump says #TippyTop #TipTop on request from #Anon from #8chan" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'President', 'TippyTop', 'Billy Joyce', 'Canadian', 'Truther', 'Canada', 'Fake News', 'Breitbart', 'CBTS', 'WWG1WGA', 'egg roll', 'White House', 'Military', 'MI', 'White Squall', 'VIPAnon', 'Twitter', 'Qproofs', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'MAGA', 'Great Awakening', 'GreatAwakeningWW', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'Rants'] PT23M11S 7165 191 702 4 not set not set 2018-07-01T05:48:00.000Z e5-VTijK3Pg UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA P3D0 CR1MES ARRESTS & Investigations Connected to Clinton / Resignations en MASSE ! "CANADA’S RED PILL–June 30th 2018: #Synopsis & #TimeStamps below! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan SYNOPSIS Call #Qanon whatever you wish, but it’s entertaining and informative no matter what side of #Belief you fall on. By following #Qdrops and digging…. We #Learn and isn’t that what #Life is supposed to be? A #Journey of #Discovery and #TRUTH ?? Should not our lives be built upon #Truth rather than #Lies ? Would we know about all these #Resignations and #Investigations and #Crimes and #P3D0G4T3 to the extent we do without the #QPhenomena ? Maybe, but MILLIONS owe their ‘’Red Pilling’’, at least in part, to #QAnon. #QAnon just provided the ingredients for the recipe I had to figure out so to speak. Time to get cookin’ ! TIME STAMPS 0:00 – Introduction to show & Review of #Canadian #CharterOfRights & #USConstitution 3:47 – Special Appearance at EXACTLY the right moment by #Rusty , my #PitBull ! 5:20 - #QAnon post referencing #Resignations & #Crimes against #Children 9:22 – Recap of Resignations in the past week THANK YOU #ResignationAnon for all your hard work 16:30 - #Alberta #Doctor #FredJanke arrested on child sex crimes including child porn. Recapping #Trudeau connections to these monsters too! #BillyJoyceRants throughout. #Hillary #Clinton aid #Joel #Davis arrested on sex crimes against #Kids too. What the hell is wrong with this world? 24:50 – Are #Facebook & #Netflix (where #Susan #Rice & #Barrack #Obama are now employed) trying to normalize P3D0PH1L1A ? 33:35 – More #QPosts from this week & today 42:50 – Most Important Conclusion in my show’s history IMHO Qposts #QAnon Posts Only Resignations : #ResignationAnon FULL PAGE dedicated to #Resignations #WorldWide 8chan #QCatalog Ped0-Doctor #Alberta #Physican , Head of the #Alberta #College of #Family #Physicians Ch1ld Exploitation Clinton Aide #JoelDavis charged with #SexualAssault or worse ? Facebook #Zuckerberg #Facebook conducting polls on the normalization of #P3DOG4TE Real News #Breitbart reports that #Facebook #Shareholders may be organizing a #Coup to remove #Zuckerberg Obama Loving #NetFlix under investigation for airing a show with #Child #Pornography scene ? Left Wing News #Amerika Article on #QAnon : The Path to #Dictatorship Left Wing #HuffPost article on #DarkParts of the #Web celebrating #Death of #Journalists = Pure #BS More #Qpost on June 30th references #Ronald #Reagan Video on #War and #Submission Canadian .#CharterOfRights&Freedoms Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1st Amendment of the #USConstitution" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'QAnon', 'POTUS', 'America', '1st Amendment', 'Charter Rights', 'Section 2b', 'CCRFSec2b', 'Pedogate', 'Child Trafficking', 'Resignations', 'Alberta', 'U of A', 'U Alberta', 'Dalglish', 'Trudeau', 'Obama', 'Netflix', 'Facebook', 'Constitution', 'Trump', 'WWG1WGA', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Reagan', 'Huff Post', 'HuffPost', 'FOX News', 'Fox', 'Amerika', 'Breitbart', 'Facebook Coup', 'Coup', 'Zuckerberg', 'Rant', 'Rants', 'Super Rant', 'Joel Davis', 'Clinton', 'Fred Janke', 'Janke Pedo', 'Great Awakening', 'MAGA', 'MTWGA', 'Susan Rice', 'Pit Bull', 'Pitbull', 'Rusty'] PT45M5S 18427 380 1238 12 not set not set 2018-07-07T23:13:24.000Z 8DfGzPYTJDA UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Unqualified Immigrant arrested in Humboldt Broncos Death! …Abel Danger Divided ? "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 7th 2018 : #Synopsis in #TimeStamps below THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord Time Stamps 0:00 – Introduction to show, recap of my busy week and Thank Yous to supporters 2:20 - #HumboldtBroncos #BroncosStrong accident killed 16 people and #Driver of #Tractor #Trailer only arrested now. #Immigrant with seemingly NO FORMAL TRAINING being charged with #DangerousDriving instead of #CriminalNegligence . #EmmaCzornobaj got 90 days in jail but was charged with Criminal Negligence for parking her car on the side of the road to help #Ducklings cross the street. A motorcycle ran into it and the driver and passenger died. An #Immigrant from #India with 2 degrees gets behind the wheel of an #18Wheeler , runs a #StopSign , kills 16 people and it’s #DangerousDriving ? #Humboldt #Broncos #Truck #Driver #Arrested #Arrest #Unqualified . God bless the #Survivors and family of #StephenWack , #ParkerTobin , #EvanThomas , #ConnorLukan , #LoganShatz #JacobLeicht #JaxonJoseph #LoganHunter , #BrodyHinz , #AdamHerold , #Darcy Haugan , #GlenDoerksen , #MarkCross , #DaynaBrons , #LoganBoulet , #TylerBieber #HumboldtStrong 17:20 – Is there #Division in the ranks of #AbelDanger ? Is #TheFoxsDenDicord group in opposition to them? Or do they have distinct purposes and mutual respect for one another? #FieldMcConnell and #DavidHawkins focus on past events, and do so very well, but #KiltedFox and #Admins from #FoxsDen focus on #Present and #Future. Here’s my take on the situation. #BillyJoyceRants throughout!! #SuperRants even…LOL Links used to produce Video #HumboldtBroncos Killed by #Immigrant with 2 weeks training/experience #BillyJoyce shared post on #Facebook on April 19th !! Original poster #NationalConservativeNewsNetworkCanada Woman got 90 days jail for #DangerousDriving causing #Death while helping #Ducklings cross #Highway Abel Danger Website" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Humboldt', 'Broncos', 'Truck Driver', 'Criminal', 'Negligence', 'Dangerous', 'Driving', 'Immigration', 'Immigrant', 'Abel Danger', 'David Hawkins', 'TheFoxsDen', 'Kilted Fox', 'Tigger', 'ducklings', 'ducks', 'Prison', 'Coverup', 'Cover Up', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Canadian', 'Discord', 'Singh Sidhu', 'Semi', 'Bus', 'Accident', 'Fatal', 'India', 'Tyler Bieber', 'Logan Boulet', 'Dayna Brons', 'Mark Cross', 'Darcy Haugan', 'Adam Herold', 'Brody Hinz', 'Logan Hunter', 'Jaxon Joseph', 'Jacob Leicht', 'Logan Schatz', 'Connor Lukan', 'Evan Thomas', 'Parker Tobin'] PT31M20S 13770 332 830 15 not set not set 2018-07-11T18:23:48.000Z AjRyUg6JY9I UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA An Ode to President Trump & Roast of the Snowflakes who hate him ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 11th 2018 : #Synopsis below THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan Synopsis – A #Poem I wrote to summarize #PresidentTrump rise to power and the reaction of folks like #Hillary #Clinton , #MikaBerzinski , #YoungTurks , #DonLemon , #WolfBlitzer , #BrookeBaldwin , #CNN , #CBC , #Democrats , #Snowflakes , #TedCruz , #LyinTed , #MorningJoe , #Playboy. More relevant tags : #Poem #Poetry #BillyJoyce #Trudeau #Merkel #NATO #Globalist #Russia #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #Swamp #LockHerUp #GlassCeiling #MTWGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Winning !!! #BillyJoyce #CanadianTruther #Rants #SuperRants #Poetic #Comedy : Hope you enjoy !" Billy Joyce 24 ['Poem', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'President', 'Clinton', 'Hillary', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'Politico', 'MAGA', 'MTWGA', 'DrainTheSwamp', 'Drain Swamp', 'Comedy', 'Poetry', 'Mika', 'Berzinski', 'Morning Joe', 'Young Turks', 'Brooke Baldwin', 'Wolf Blitzer', 'Don Lemon', 'Chris Cuomo', 'NBC', 'Roast', 'Snowflakes', 'Lock Her Up', 'Glass Ceiling', 'Great Awakening', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Canada', 'Canadian', 'Super Rant', 'Rant', 'Laugh', 'Playboy', 'Ted Cruz', 'Merkel', 'Macron', 'NATO', 'QAnon', '8chan', 'ImDoneNow', 'WWG1WGA', 'Twitter', 'Tweets'] PT5M49S 5690 157 856 3 not set not set 2018-07-13T21:08:58.000Z Cg5bGzUhql0 UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA SHOCKING ! Was Mother Teresa really a ‘’Saint’’ ? Her charity sells babies? "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 13th 2018 : Mother Teresa P3D0GAT3 #Synopsis below THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan SYNOPSIS The present day #Pope , #Francis, declared last year that #MotherTeresa was being named a #Saint . But how can anyone be named a #Saint when they are on the record questioning the very existence of #God and His Only Begotten Son , #JesusChrist. Recently, a #Charity formed by #Mother #Theresa was involved in the sale of a #Baby / #Babies . Is this the legacy of a ‘’Saint’’ ? Time Stamps 0:00 – Introduction 1:45 – Articles from #Yournewswire #BBC and #Newsweek on #MotherTeresa #Charity #MissionariesOfCharity charged with SELLING BAB1ES ! It looks like #MotherTheresa legacy is tarnished. 7:21 – My oldest #Daughter paid me a visit to report on #Comments on my #Youtube #Channel . As she was doing this, my #PitBull #Rusty decided he needed some attention too. Small #Interlude 8:33 – Back to #MotherTeresa and her supposed #Charity and the #Trafficking #Scandal they are now facing !! 10:40 – In her #Book , #ComeBeMyLight , #MotherTeresa made it clear that she did NOT have the #Faith the world told us she had, as a matter of fact, she may not even have been a real #Christian …but I digress…watch the video and decide for yourselves! #Bible passages to back up the position. 24:50 - Conclusion Links Used to produce this video" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'America', 'India', 'Mother Teresa', 'Saint', 'Catholic', 'Rome', 'Culcutta', 'Calcutta', 'Charities', 'Lies', 'Sainthood', 'Darkness', 'Light', 'WWG1WGA', 'GreatAwakening', 'Billy Joyce', 'Pope Francis', 'Truther', 'Canadian', 'Jesus Christ', 'Born Again', 'John 316', 'John316', 'CBS', 'Yournewswire', 'Newsweek', 'BBC', 'Rants', 'Super Rants', 'Logic', 'Reasoning', 'Socratic', 'Sarcasm', 'Comedy', 'Humor', 'P3D0G4TE', 'Pitbull', 'Pit Bull', 'Rusty'] PT27M39S 7780 253 711 21 not set not set 2018-07-17T01:46:12.000Z qdKa0MkLAts UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Trump & Putin Calling out the Deep State Summit!QAnon right again! MSM Bias Xposed! "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 16th 2018 : #Synopsis & #TimeStamps below THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Time Stamps 0:00 – Introduction to today’s show & Updates on channel 1:45 - #TrumpPutinSummit #USARussiaSummit #HelsinkiSummit coverage : #Syria #Nuclear #Proliferation #SuperPowers #Cooperation #WorldPeace . These topics were all covered by both #Presidents during their opening remarks. Both admitted that #USRussiaRelations are bad, but for no good reason. 3:34 – Before the #PressConference could even start, someone was escorted from the room for holding up a sign about #NuclearTalks & #Treaty. Wonder how the #MSMFakeNews will treat this?? #HelsinkiSummit 5:00 – Detailed Reporting on Press Conference. #Putin makes it clear there is no #Objective Reason for the #Discord between the #USA and #Russia… #Objective being the key word. Can we really trust what the #Mainstream #Media is telling us? Putin says new priorities, including combatting #International #Criminality aka #TransNational #Crimes are key !! Is he referring to #UraniumOne ?? Were #Trump and #Putin #Trolling the #DeepState ? #POTUS insists he can’t understand why #Russia would even want to interfere with the election. 11:35 – Where was the Media #Outrage when #Hillary #Clinton presented #Lavarov with a #ResetButton or when #Barack #Obama told a #Russian #Diplomat that he’d ‘’have more flexibility after the election’’ in 2012? #UraniumOne maybe?? But no outrage then!!! 14:47 – Back to the #Press #Conference. #Trump wasn’t done yet!! #TheDon decided to turn the tables on #RussiaGate and calls out #Robert #Mueller , challenging him. #Putin compares #GeorgeSoros to the 12 #Russians who were indicted by #Mueller and how there is NO #Proof that these people actually worked for him. #BillyJoyce #Rants #SuperRants throughout. This entire segment puts things into perspective. 31:50 #POTUS #Trump turns his attention to #PeterStrozk #Peter #Strozk ….and so do I ! But I also cover what the #CNN and #CBC of the world are ignoring…. #LisaPage and her #ClosedHearing . #Demonic #Looks given by #Peter #Strozk during his testimony. It looks like #Lisa #Page may very well give #POTUS and the #GOP just what they need to start locking up #SwampCreatures. 38:30 – Conclusion and more #FutureProvesPast from #QAnon . On June 28th , #QAnon made it clear just how big this summit was, mentioned specifici topics including #SethRich , #Putin , #UraniumOne , and how the #FakeNews would run with crazy stories in order to derail the #Summit. Links used to produce video #FoxNews Live Coverage of #Trump - #Putin #Summit #RT #RussiaTV Live Coverage of #TrumpPutinSummit #BBC Live Coverage of #AmericaRussiaSummit #BillBrowder Responds Quickly #ZeroHedge reports on the #LisaPage #ClosedHearing" Billy Joyce 24 ['Trump', 'Putin', 'Summit', 'Helsinki', 'Russia', 'Russiagate', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'Finland', 'Peace', 'Finland Summit', 'Billy Joyce', 'Imram Awan', 'Seth Rich', 'QAnon', 'USA', 'Trump Putin', 'Foreign', 'Relations', 'Nuclear', 'Proliferation', 'Treaty', 'Fake News', 'CNN', 'John King', 'MSM', 'NBC', 'Media', 'Lies', 'Sedition', 'International', 'Crime', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Indictments', 'Russians', 'Russian', 'Election', 'Meddling', 'Uranium One', 'Uranium1', 'Clinton', 'Obama', 'Hillary', 'LockHerUp', 'WWG1WGA', 'Mueller', 'Wikileaks', 'Julian', 'Assange', 'JA', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'Strozk', 'Lisa Page', 'WhereIsTheServer'] PT42M28S 23606 463 1559 18 not set not set 2018-07-19T03:47:02.000Z rf6gLzWZorI UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Trump-Putin Private Meeting Revealed? 160 TB of TREASON/Sedition = Lock Them ALL up! "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 18th 2018 : #Synopsis & #TimeStamps below THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #HalTurner wrote an explosive #Exclusive article shared in #TheFoxsDen #Discord group run by #KiltedFox , detailing how #Sources have told #Turner that #Vladmir #Putin gave #POTUS #Donald #Trump 160 #Terabytes of information on #Thumbdrives outlining in minute detail #treason and #Sedition among other #crimes on the part of high ranking government officials and business people aka #DeepState aka #Cabal : #Clinton #Obama #Brennan #Comey #Lynch #Strozk #Page #FBI #DOJ #CIA #Justice #Yates #McCabe #Biden #Schumer #Chuck #Schmuck #Kennedy #Oregon #NewYork #Insurance #RussiaGate #Dossier #Steele #Syria #UraniumOne #BillClinton #Bush #Cheney . #LockThemUp #LockThemAllUp #WhereIsTheServer" Billy Joyce 24 ['Politically', 'Correct', 'America', 'MAGA', 'Trump', 'Putin', 'Helsinki', 'Finland', 'Russia', 'Billy Joyce', 'Brennan', 'Biden', 'Clinton', 'Obama', 'Lynch', 'Yates', 'Syria', 'Intercept', 'Encryption', 'Decrypted', 'Dectrypt', 'Terabytes', 'Hal Turner', 'Bill Clinton', 'LockThemUp', 'WWG1WGA', 'QAnon', 'Bush', 'Cheney', 'Steele', 'Strozk', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Clapper', 'Trudeau', 'UN', 'NATO', 'Schumer', 'Shumer', 'Page', 'Lisa Page', 'Peter Strozk', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Justice', 'Treason', 'Sedition', 'Private', 'Meeting', 'Bros', 'Discord', 'Kilted Fox'] PT20M11S 15597 398 1412 13 not set not set 2018-07-20T23:58:12.000Z Qvn4qO9kEEo UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA TRUMP & PUTIN : Trolling & Trapping the Swamp Monsters with NSA , Q & Patriots WW ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 20th 2018 : Trump & Putin #Bromance! LOL Explaining How this is all seemingly going down! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan Topics covered in this show : #Putin #Trump #Russia #NSA #NationalSecurityAgency #QAnon #Anons #Comey #Strozk #McCabe #Brennan #MSM #FakeNews #Hype #Media #HelsinkiSummit #FinlandSummit #Soccer #WorldCup #FIFAWorldCup #Troll #WhiteHouse #SarahSanders #HukabeeSanders #Press #POTUS #KeepYourEyesOnTheBall #Pompeo Link to #FoxNews Article #FOX about invitation to #VladmirPutin to come to #Washington" Billy Joyce 24 ['America', 'Russia', 'USA', 'Russian', 'RussiaGate', 'Mueller', 'Brennan', 'Comey', 'Trump', 'Putin', 'Collusion', 'Cohen', 'Helsinki', 'Summit', 'Finland Summit', 'POTUS', 'Billy Joyce', 'Canadian', 'Truther', 'Canada', 'Politics', 'Theater', 'World Cup', 'FIFA World', 'Soccer', 'Football', 'Pompeo', 'Strozk', 'Page', 'FISA', 'Patriots', 'Trolling', 'Troll', 'Sanders', 'Huckabee', 'Hype', 'Media', 'WhiteHouse', 'White House', 'Capitol', 'DC'] PT16M52S 10101 168 960 6 not set not set 2018-07-24T01:43:41.000Z hX3d3dY2RUo UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Nunes Memo & FISA warrant PROVE RussiaGate is WitchHunt ! Hammer about to drop! Swamp PANIC! "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 23rd 2018 : #Trump just extended National #Emergency on #InternationalCrime …ironic that #Putin mentioned International Crime as one of the issues #America and #Russia would work together on. #Devin #Nunes #Unredacted #Memo was released over the weekend and the #FISA #Applications were #Unclassified and released in #Redacted form. I’m here to connect the dots on all these #Breaking #News. #POTUS about to remove #SecurityClearance from former #Obama #TopGun #TopGuns ! The whole show paints the whole picture ! No Time Stamps! Topics and people mentioned in video : #Clapper #Comey #Yates #Rice #FISA #FISC #Obama #McCabe #Priestap #Lynch #DOJ #DNI #NSA #FBI #CIA #Brennan #SteeleDossier #Schumer #ChristopherSteele #Strozk #Page #Corruption #Lies #CarterPage #Papadopolous #WitchHunt #WhereIsTheServer #Court #FISACourt #Democrats #DNC #Collusion #Mueller #Papadapolous #Director #National #Intelligence #DNI #British #MI6 #Russiagate THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Links Used to produce this video Unredacted #NunesMemo Redacted #FISA #Applications on #CarterPage Notice regarding #StateOfEmergency with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations Former Intelligence Boss #JamesClapper throws #BarackObama #Obama under the bus on #AC360 with #Anderson #Cooper #PresidentTrump #Trump about to revoke Security Clearance of #Obama #Officials - #SaraCarter" Billy Joyce 24 ['Nunes Memo', 'Memo', 'FISA', 'Court', 'Application', 'RussiaGate', 'Mueller', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Emergency', 'International', 'Crime', 'Putin', 'Russia', 'America', 'USA', 'Unclassified', 'Classified', 'Top Secret', 'Yates', 'Rice', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Priestap', 'Ohr', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'DNI', 'Intelligence', 'CIA', 'Obama', 'Carter Page', 'DNC Server', 'DNC', 'Democrats', 'GOP', 'WitchHunt', 'Witch Hunt', 'WWG1WGA', 'Billy Joyce', 'FoxsDen', 'ImDoneNow', 'Truther', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'CanadasRedPill', 'QAnon', '8chan', 'Lisa Page', 'Strozk', 'Fusion GPS', 'Steele Dossier'] PT30M7S 7239 135 651 5 not set not set 2018-07-25T23:30:46.000Z ChTqt16vr8s UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA QAnon Returns!! Future Proves Past!! WWG1WGA ! ''The Fed'' ending soon? "CANADA’S RED PILL – July 25th 2018 - Covering #QAnon posts from July 24th and July 25th - #SecurityClearance #FutureProvesPast !! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Synopsis After 20 days MIA. #QAnon returns reminding us that we #HaveMoreThanWeKnow on a whole lot of topics, good to see ‘’Q’’ again. #FutureProvesPast #WWG1WGA : #Criminal #Referrals on #Clinton , #Comey , #Lynch , #McCabe , #Page , #Yates , #Boente , #Strozk and more. #QAnon #PREDICTED the #SecurityClearance issues that are now arising 3 MONTHS AGO ! Future INDEED Proves Past. Useful to watch entire video…especially the #Skeptics out there. Those who are already #Awake may find some portions redundant…or not… #BillyJoyce #SuperRants and #Rants throughout!! Time Stamps 0:00 – 4:00 Intro and Small talk 4:00 – We are directed to #Criminal #Referrals made in April that the #FakeNews like #CNN #NBC #CBS #ABC #CBC #CTV #GlobalNews refused to cover. Instead they spend all their time bashing #Trump due to their #TrumpDerangementSyndrome 12:00 - #MSM #FakeNews have turned their attention to #QAnon in a very big way. Would they really do this for a #LARP ? I doubt it very much. 23:00 – #Future Proves Past – #POTUS seems to confirm #QAnon at a rally for Veterans. #Qposts from today and yesterday also demonstrate how #QAnon accurately predicted issues with #SecurityClearance for #Brennan , #Clapper , #Comey , #McCabe and other #Swamp #Monsters ! #DrainTheSwamp . The #FiveEyes can and will allow ANYONE with US Security Clearance go there and take classified information WITHOUT signaling the present Administration. 30:50 – Is #Trump preparing to give control of the #FederalReserve back to #WeThePeople ? It looks that way ! This would mean trouble for ALL CENTRAL BANKS !! 36:29 – While recording this video, I discover new #Qdrops , so I cover them live, sorry, no screenshots, please consult to follow along – CONCLUSION of the show Links used to produce video #QAnon posts #CriminalReferral on #Clinton #Comey #Lynch #McCabe #Page #Yates #Boente #HuffPost covers #QAnon and NOT in a good way Judge #Napolitano weighs in on #JohnHuber and the impact he could have #MSNBC trying to delegitimize #QAnon , #8chan etc…. and bashes #Apple and #Google #POTUS pays close attention to #SeaToShiningSea just minutes AFTER Q posted it… #Coincidence ? #Reddit #GreatAwakening Article and Video of Trump Supporters getting Honk from #Presidential #Motorcade #LarzPrintzen #Tweet on #Trump pointing out #FromSeaToShiningSea Strategist #MarkGrant says #POTUS has right to question #TheFed #FederalReserve" Billy Joyce 24 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'President', 'Putin', 'QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Billy Joyce', 'Canadian', 'The Fed', 'Federal Reserve', 'Motorcade', 'Deplorables', 'Apple', 'Google', 'Napolitano', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Strozk', 'Page', 'Yates', 'Boente', 'Brennan', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Socialism', 'Democracy', 'Conspiracy', 'Huber', 'Sessions', 'Mueller', 'RussiaGate', 'Russia', 'America', 'Intelligence', 'Media', 'Fake News', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'CTV', 'CBS', 'CNBC', 'NBC', 'Global', 'OIG', 'Unclassified', 'Classified', 'Clinton', 'Obama', 'Steele Dossier', 'FISA abuse', 'MAGA', 'MTWGA'] PT42M23S 9816 240 838 11 not set not set 2018-08-08T02:36:07.000Z LOpghO_iZjU UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Antifa #Attacks Patriot with #Umbrella 4 on 1! #CandaceOwens harassed! "CANADA’S RED PILL – August 7th 2018 – #Candace #Owens and a friend were driven out of a restaurant where they were having breakfast together. #Antifa attacked a man at #Trump celebration with an Umbrella! Who are the #Deplorables again? THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Links used to produce video Candace Owens #Twitter Maxine Waters calls for civil unrest against #Trump #Cabinet & #Administration #Antifa #Trump #POTUS #Racism #Fascism #CandaceOwens #Civility #Uncivil #Patriots #MaxineWaters #MadMax" Billy Joyce 24 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'Antifa', 'ANTIFA', 'Racism', 'Fascism', 'Candace', 'Owens', 'Patriots', 'Unrest', 'Maxine Waters', 'Waters', 'Umbrella', 'Portland', 'Peace', 'MAGA', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Humor', 'Sarcasm', 'Hyperbole', 'Left', 'Fake News', 'Snowflakes', 'Democrats', 'Mad Max'] PT15M8S 4304 125 580 3 not set not set 2018-08-11T00:32:33.000Z LArlmixuusU UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA The #Fredericton #Shooting #CoverUp ! #Suspect name being withheld!! Oh #Canada !! "CANADA’S RED PILL – August 10th 2018 – Why is it when people with names like #JustinBourque or #Bissonnette open fire on #Innocents they are named and shamed immediately, but in some cases, they keep it from us….WHY ? Is this a situation involving #Refugees from #Syria or new #Immigrants from #Iran and other #MiddleEast countries? The town where it happened is a #hotbed for #NewArrivals to #Canada! #MyTwoCents according to #Section2 of the #CanadianCharter of #RightsAndFreedoms ! #InternetBillOfRights #CensorshipSucks #ShadowBanning should be illegal!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Links used to produce video CBC article on #FrederictonShooting #CBC #FakeNews #SoftJournalism Witness recently moved from #Iran gives harrowing tale of events Wikipedia Article on #MonctonShooting from 2014 #Justin #Bourque Wikepedia Article on #QuebecMosqueShooting from 2017 #AlexandreBissonnette #Bissonnette #Bisonnnette Latest Report from #CBC #FakeNews as of time of publishing this video, still #NonName!!" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Shooting', 'Refugees', 'Syria', 'Iran', 'Coverup', 'CBC', 'Fredericton', 'ReleaseTheName', 'New Brunswick', 'Police', 'RCMP', 'Goodale', 'Trudeau', 'Government', 'Cover Up', 'Fake News', 'False Flag', 'FPD'] PT10M42S 11894 340 743 39 not set not set 2018-08-13T17:07:59.000Z CP1S2PRoffQ UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Canada #SaudiArabia TRUTH! What the #CBC #FakeNews won’t tell you! #FrederictonShooting Update! "CANADA’S RED PILL – August 13th 2018 – While the #SJW #SocialJusticeWarriors in #Canadian #Politics and #Media are telling you that this whole conflict between the two countries is about #HumanRights violations and innocent #Bloggers, why are they completely ignoring the #ForeignMinistry of #SaudiArabi and the reasons they are giving for the situation. Does it have to do with #Trudeau ties to #AgaKhan , is it about #Espionage , #NationalSecurity or #Iran ? Here’s what NOBODY is telling you!! Also an update on #FrederictonShooting! Relevant Tags : #JohnKerry #Iran #JustinTrudeau #Trudeau #Freeland #ChrystiaFreeland #Saudis #SaudiArabia #ForeignMinistry #Spies #NationalSecurity #AgaKhan #Sunni #Shiite #Shia #Muslim #Islam #Yemen #ArmoredVehicles #HumanRights #UN #UnitedNations #UK #GreatBritain #Trump #MAGA #Princes #InternetBillOfRights #CensorshipSucks #ShadowBanning should be illegal!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Time Stamps 0:00 – Introduction and update on #Fredericton #Shooting . Why is the #CBC , that receives 1.4 BILLION DOLLARS annually from #TAXPAYERS . Why are they not giving us more details? Nobody knows the motive yet! 4:10 : #Canada #Saudi relations have gone down the drain…but why? Is the #Mainstream #Media #FakeNews #MockingbirdMedia just giving us one side of the story? Is it really about #HumanRights or is #Canada involved in nefarious deals with #Enemies of #SaudiArabia? Does this have anything to do with #Trump ? #BillyJoyceRants #SuperRants throughout!! Links used to produce video https://e" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Saudis', 'Saudi Arabia', 'CBC', 'CTV', 'Global', 'Fake News', 'Billy Joyce', 'Iran', 'Trudeau', 'John Kerry', 'Aga Khan', 'Islam', 'Muslim', 'Fredericton', 'Shooting', 'Canada spies', 'Canadians', 'Patriots', 'WWG1WGA', 'QAnon', 'Freeland', 'Foreign Affairs', 'Foreign Minister', 'Twitter', 'Tweets', 'Shia', 'Sunni', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'MockingBird', 'Human Rights', 'MAGA', 'MCGA', '8chan', 'Anons', 'FoxsDen', 'Discord', 'Yemen', 'United Nations', 'UN', 'UK', 'Great Britain'] PT22M6S 43164 773 1995 128 not set not set 2018-08-16T01:30:57.000Z YOJ6itvTlQs UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Brennan , #Comey , McCabe, Strozk , Page & Co. ARE ALL #FINISHED ! #RussiaHoax Unravelling! "CANADA’S RED PILL – August 15th 2018 – #JohnBrennan gets #SecurityClearance Revoked! The Real reason #PeterStrozk was fired and how #POTUS #Trump is keeping his promise to #DrainTheSwamp. You CANNOT rely on the #MainstreamMedia #FakeNews to tell you what’s going on!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Relevant Tags : #DOJ #TrustThePlan #QAnon #GreatAwakening #Brennan #Comey #FBI #CIA #NSA #Clapper #Priestap #Page #Strozk #BruceOhr #TruePundit #GatewayPundit #SaraCarter #FOX #ShepSmith #ShepardSmith #TuckerCarlson #Hannity #JudgeJanine #DeepState #Swamp #Treason #Sedition #FakeNews #Pundit #NDAA #Military #GrandJury Links Used to Produce Video" Billy Joyce 24 ['NDAA', 'Trump', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Strozk', 'Brennan', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Intel', 'Treason', 'Sedition', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird', 'Sara Carter', 'True Pundit', 'Gateway', 'Pundit', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Grand Jury', 'Military', 'Judge Janine', 'Hannity', 'Tucker', 'Carlson', 'Gutfeld', 'Gutfield', 'The Five', 'Priestap', 'Preistap', 'Page', 'McCain', 'QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', 'TrustThePlan', 'Awakening'] PT22M38S 9213 245 823 4 not set not set 2018-08-29T01:42:48.000Z F4oyWYq5iSU UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA My first #Retraction / #Correction ! Re: August 5th Video on #Irving Family "CANADA'S RED PILL - August 28th 2018 - Retraction/Correction THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan Well folks, here's my very first retraction/'s self explanatory. I will be reposting the video in question again with the portion explained here removed. #ImDoneNow #CanadasRedPill #Liberals" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Retraction', 'Correction', 'Billy Joyce', 'ImDoneNow'] PT12M23S 4841 102 435 6 not set not set 2018-09-04T00:59:12.000Z rO0v-44rv7s UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Canada’s 87 richest families are wealthier than 3 PROVINCES COMBINED!!! Control EVERYTHING! "CANADA’S RED PILL – September 3rd 2018 : August 5th Show RELOADED after retraction/correction. Sorry for my absence lately, on vacation and enjoying the last weeks of summer with my family before the kids go back to school. NEW SHOW COMING TOMORROW!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #WhereIsTheServer Links Used to produce video Canadian Centre for Alternative Policies Report https://w Canada’s Richest People Rogers Communication Wikipedia page A rare look at The Irving Dynasty" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Irving', 'Sherman', 'Stronach', 'Trump', 'Desmarais', 'Thomson', 'Reuters', 'Rogers', 'TV', 'Internet', 'Power Corps', 'Power', 'Nepotism', 'Cronyism', 'Irving Oil', 'JD Irving', 'Herald', 'Wealthy', 'Business', 'Politicians', 'Trudeau', 'Liberals', 'Policies', 'MCGA', 'MAGA', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Opinion', 'Editorial', 'Pundit', 'New Brunswick', 'PEI', 'Newfoundland', 'NFLD', 'NB', 'Oil', 'Gas', 'Construction', 'Monopoly', 'Monopolies'] PT35M8S 4567 90 435 7 not set not set 2018-09-11T00:52:03.000Z aD8YabdOHSk UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Multiculturalism is a descent into #Chaos and #Disorder : #Trudeau admits it, #Bernier agrees! "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 10th 2018 - #JustinTrudeau may have inserted his foot into his big mouth. During an interview, #Trudeau stated that #Multiculturalism was a form of #Entropy. Entropy is a descent into chaos and disorder. Was it a slip of the tongue? Or is he just telling us plainly so that we are without excuse when it finally happens? #MaximeBernier responds to the #PrimeMinister in a #TweetStorm. Will #BernierNation sweep the Canadian political landscape in the same way #TrumpNation did in #America? Join me for my take on the situation!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan Links used to produce show Spencer Fernando Article on #Trudeau saying #Multiculturalism is a form of #Entropy ! #SpencerFernando Maxime Bernier Twitter : #BernierNation #MaximeBernier #Bernier4PM Michael Harris Twitter : #MichaelHarris #Multiculturalism #MadMaxClub #MadMax Michael Harris Article : #MaximeBernier vs #CanadianConformity Daily Caller Article on #Trudeau #DailyCaller" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'Daily Caller', 'Trudeau', 'Freeland', 'Bernier', 'Bernier Nation', 'Maxime', 'BernierNation', 'Mad Max Club', 'Mike Harris', 'Medium', 'MichaelHarris', 'Conformity', 'Non Conformity', 'MCGA', 'MAGA', 'Trump', 'NAFTA', 'Free Trade', 'Spencer', 'Fernando', 'Diversity', 'Multicultural', 'Multi Ethnic', 'Entropy', 'Entropic', 'Disorder', 'Chaos'] PT22M1S 5514 180 683 3 not set not set 2018-09-12T02:26:35.000Z agXNOtZB7C4 UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA 17th Anniversary of 9/11– Still more Questions than answers! + My take on #QAnon ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 11th 2018 - #911Truth When will the world truly honor the victims of this horrific day and demand the truth about what the hell happened, whatever that truth may be. The #911OfficialStory defies basic physics and basic logic! Many of my subscribers ask about #QAnon , so I share my thoughts and where I stand at the moment on #QAnon #8chan #Trump #MAGA #TrustThePlan etc….I lay it out on the table. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan TIME STAMPS 0:00 – Introduction 1:00 - #911Truth Segment #FreeFall speed #Dustification #DirectedEnergy #Secrets #Engineers4911Trtuh #Architects4911Truth #Pilots4911Truth #FireFighters4911Truth 12:00 – My analysis of world affairs, including #POTUS #Trump and the #phenomena #phenomenon known as #QAnon or just #Q . #FutureProvesPast #TrustThePlan 23:30 – Could #HurricaneFlorence be a litteral storm to cover for a figurative one going on #OnTheGround ? Could the #NationalGuard be picking up #Perps during #TheStorm ? Relevant Tags : #BBC #FakeNews #911Truth #911Lies #Pentagon #Shanksville #GroundZero #17Years #WTC7 #WorldTradeCenter #Tower7 #McCabe #Comey #DOJ #FBI #Obama #CIA #Clinton #MAGA #Trump #POTUS #NYPD #NYFD #FDNY #Pilots #FISAGATE #Architects #Engineers #FireFighters #Firemen #CalmBeforeTheStorm #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit Useful Links Architechts & Engineers for #911Truth #AE911Truth #Evidence #Videos #Photos Firefighters for #911Truth against #911Lies ! Pilots for #911 #Truth QAnon posts" Billy Joyce 24 ['QAnon', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'FISA', 'FISAgate', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Comey', 'Strozk', 'Page', 'Pilots', 'Engineers', '911 Truth', '911 Lies', 'NYPD', 'FDNY', 'NYFD', 'Tower 7', 'WTC7', 'Pentagon', 'Boeing', 'BBC', 'Fake News', 'Shanksville', '17 years', '17 anniversary', '17 Q', '8chan', 'World Trade', 'Ground Zero', 'Hurricane', 'Florence', 'The Storm', 'CBTS', 'Billy Joyce', 'Billy Josse', 'WWG1WGA', 'TrustThePlan', 'Future', 'Past', 'Directed', 'Energy', 'Weapons'] PT28M13S 3406 175 457 5 not set not set 2018-09-16T00:56:04.000Z 7VNXoucj3pY UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #JohnKerry and #Trudeau in #Trump #CROSSHAIRS ? #Canada planning Martial Law? "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 15th 2018 - Back on May 7th of this year, I did a video detailing the plausible involvement of #John #Kerry former #SecretaryOfState of #USA in undermining #POTUS #Trump administration #ForeignPolicy and now it’s in the ‘’News’’ aka #FakeNews. #QAnon may be accused of being a #LARP but he’s months ahead of the #Mainstream #FakeNews every time…so what gives? Don’t confuse healthy #Skepticism or #Impatience with #Disbelief , there’s a big difference. I’ve also done videos in the past detailing #Trudeau and #Kerry visiting #AghaKahn #AgaKhan at #Christmas of 2016. #Kerry seems to have breeched the #LoganAct and depending on content of conversations, he could go to jail for much worse. Is #Canadian #Government working with #DeepState #Swamp #Worldwide to carry out a #Coup against #America ? #Trump was elected and a #Coup is underway…. Is #Canada2020 something sinister? Is #Trudeau going to risk Canadian #Economy through #NAFTA and our #Security by siding with the #Globalists ? #Freeland attended a #Panel that called #President #Trump a #Tyrant … great diplomacy right there. Is #Canada headed for #MartialLaw ? THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan SOURCES for video : May 7th Video foreshadowing what’s in the #News about #JohnKerry now!! Global News Article detailing #MikePompeo and #DonaldTrump discontent with #Kerry #GlobalNews Politicial Short Twitter Information on #LoganAct Article from #USAToday on #ExecutiveOrder on #ElectionMeddling Article detailing #Canada #PrimeMinister #Trudeau supporting #Chrystia #Freeland Horrible #Diplomacy Youtube Video by #MichelleRempel on possible #Prorogation of #Parliament in #Canada Video from #Infowars #MillieWeaver warning of impending #WarMeasuresAct aka #MartialLaw in #Canada in response to failed #NAFTA #Negotiations QAnon linked this #Twitter account with a funny video….or is it #Prophetic ? #QAnon For a #LARP , they sure like to censor #QAnon ! Here’s where I find #QAnon stuff now" Billy Joyce 24 ['Trump', 'POTUS', 'John Kerry', 'Trudeau', 'QAnon', 'LARP', 'Real Deal', 'Iran', 'Palestine', 'Logan Act', 'Treason', 'Sedition', 'Executive Order', 'EO', 'Trumperland', 'NAFTA', 'Freeland', 'Martial Law', 'War Measures', 'NewsWars', 'Infowars', 'Negotiations', 'Millie Weaver', 'Alex Jones', 'Michelle', 'Rempel', 'Remple', 'Prorogation', 'Prorogue', 'Canada', 'Canadian', 'Truther', 'Billy Joyce', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'Tyrants', 'Autocrat', 'Canada2020', 'USA Today', 'Election', 'Meddling', 'Russia', 'Russiagate', 'FISA', 'Strozk', 'Page', 'Mike Pompeo', 'Pompeo', 'Secretary', 'State Dept', 'Economy', 'Sanctions', 'Tariffs'] PT21M27S 10837 301 916 8 not set not set 2018-09-19T03:32:48.000Z 6X8WjT5NhVg UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Preview of #GITMO 2019 ! #QAnon : #FutureProvesPast AGAIN ! DC in #PANIC ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 18th 2018 LATE NIGHT PRODUCTION - Even I have been skeptical of #QAnon in the past year, but eventually, one must come to the conclusion that there’s some very valid #Intel being dropped by whomever or whatever #QAnon is…in fact, MOST of it is playing out exactly as predicted, just not as quickly as #Anons on #8chan, or I myself thought it would !! #LisaPage is singing like a bird and no doubt she’s telling of the #DirtyDeeds of #Comey #McCabe #Strozk and others at the corrupt #FBI and #DOJ under #Obama!! The mainstream media seems to be catching up, but those of us following ‘’Q’’ , have known most of these things for MONTHS!! #Qanon may be a lot of things, but a #LARP he/she/they is/are NOT !! We know there will be #Disinfo , but much of it is #BangOn ! The #Deepstate #Swamp is being drained, just a little slower than we’d all like it to be. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan Other Relevant topics can be discerned in the #Sources Setion below. They are pretty much in order, and all INTER-RELATED…so full video recommended. SOURCES for video : Q-map #Qmap Q-Proofs #Qproofs March 17th Video Detailing wrong doings in #FBI #AndyMcCabe et all !! #FutureProvesPast May 6th Video where I’m ahead of the #MSM #FakeNews by months #QAnon #Future #Proves #Past Statement from the Press Secretary #PressSecretary #Sanders Breitbart article on #FISAGate and #Declassify coming from #POTUS Tweet from #LisaMeiCrowley @LisaMei62 about #JohnSolomon article confirming #Ohr and #Page Cooperating #Witness Tweet from @Whitehouse #Whitehouse where #POTUS #Trump paraphrases #WWG1WGA Re-Tweet from @MyPen_3Stacks of @SaraCarterDC demonstrating that #RussiaGate is a #WitchHunt Article by #CNN on #Presidential #Alert originally scheduled for Sept 20th , now moved to Oct 3 Tweet from #HillaryClinton #Clinton #DCPanic is very real!! #LMAO Article by #Wired detailing #Anons trying to trick the #Algorithyms #Algorythyms that #Censor #RightWing #Perspectives" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Religion', 'Bernier', 'Trump', 'Trudeau', 'Comey', 'Strozk', 'Page', 'Ohr', 'Fusion GPS', 'Russia', 'RussiaGate', 'SpyGate', 'FISAGate', 'Right Wing', 'Left Wing', 'Memes', 'Censorship', 'Clinton', 'Tweet', 'Presidential', 'Alert', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'WWG1WGA', 'FEMA', 'CNN', 'Fake News', 'Breitbart', 'Alogrithyms', 'Algorythyms', '8chan', 'Anons', 'Sara Carter', 'Lisa Mei', 'Crowley', 'John', 'Solomon', 'Classified', 'Declassified', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Corruption'] PT42M28S 9341 266 756 9 not set not set 2018-09-20T01:31:54.000Z SJKn8zHIWZE UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Trudeau #Giggles & Smirks RE: #1stDegMurder suspect #Refugee - 13 yr old RIP! "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 19th 2018 - When an 11 year old #Muslim #Girl #CriedWolf about her #Hijab being cut off by an Asian-Canadian , #JihadiJustin #Trudeau , along with his #CabinetOfThugs condemned the #Hoax without ANY evidence whatsoever. Now, a 13 year old girl , #MarissaShen from #BurnabyBC is dead, and one of #Trudeau #SyrianRefugees has been arrested for #FirstDegree #Murder. #TrudleDumb remained silent for a week and when finally confronted by #MacleansMagazine about it….what did the #Canadian #PrimeMinister do?? #Giggled and #Smirked !! #CanadaFirst ! #MCGA ! #ImmigrationReform ! #BanShariaLaw ! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan First part of video : Approx 0:00 – 8:20 Recap of my personal views on #Immigration and #Refugees along with analysis of how #JustinTrudeau handled the #HijabHoax last year when an 11 year old #Muslim girl accused an #AsianCanadian man of cutting her #Hijab with Scissors…turns out she made the whole thing up!! But #Trudeau and #AhmedHussen and his #MerryBand of #Liberal #SJWs held a #Presser #PressConference anyways, before knowing ANY #Facts. Second Part of Video : 8:30 or so to end of video (with exception of short break when wife gets home around 13:30) : Exposing the #Hypocrisy of #Trudeau and the #Liberals ! #Trudeau finally spoke of #MarissaShen #Murder and #IbrahimAli arrest for #1stDegree #Murder in the case. #Ali is a #Syrian #Refugee who moved here shortly after the #2015Election as part of #Multiculturalism #SocialExperiment …now #GoneBad !! #BillyJoyceRants throughout!! #Rant #SuperRants #Scripted . #MaximeBernier will be my choice for #PrimeMinister , he’s the ONLY one standing up for the #CanadianWay , and he’s the ONLY #CanadaFirst candidate. #AndrewScheer is just #TrudeauLite and the #NDP , well, let’s get real. #BernierNation #NationBernier #MadMax could very well be #Canadians #Populist #Politician , a phenomena taking hold around the #Globe ! Links used to produce this video : Article from #SpencerFernando on #JihadiJustin’s #Deplorable behavior ! Youtube Video of #Trudeau reaction to #HijabHoax Article from #NationalPost calling out the #HijabHoax that #Trudeau condemned Twitter #Power&Politics #CBC #FakeNews has #PaulWells from #MacleansMagazine speaking about #MaximeBernier #BernierNation #NationBernier #MadMax Article by #SpencerFernando on #Maxime #Bernier and his view on #Immigration and #Refugees People's Party of Canada #PPC2019 Website" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Marissa Shen', 'Merissa Shen', 'Burnaby', 'BC', 'Trudeau', 'Hussen', 'Immigration', 'Immigrants', 'Refugees', 'Refugee', 'Syrian', 'Murder', '13 yr old', 'Spencer', 'Fernando', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'MCGA', 'Bernier', 'Maxime', 'Mad Max', 'Bernier Nation', 'PPC', 'Peoples Party', 'Paul Wells', 'MacLeans', 'CBC', 'Vassy', 'PNP', 'CBC News', 'Fake News', 'Journalism', 'Reporter', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'NatPost', 'Hijab', 'HijabHoax', 'Islam', 'Sharia', 'CPC', 'Scheer', 'Conservatives', 'Populism', 'Nationalism', 'Populist', 'Nationalist', 'Race', 'Religion', 'Logic', 'Logical'] PT19M11S 10756 349 1026 9 not set not set 2018-09-21T21:26:25.000Z AMUVW0o1j84 UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #TRUMP = 2 Terms! #REDWAVE Incoming America! #MediaCoverup! Canadians BEWARE!!! "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 21st 2018 - If people around the world were to trust the #FakeStream #FakeNews media such as #CBC #CTV #Global #CNN #CBS #ABC #NBC or any other #MainstreamNews , you would swear the #Republicans are in trouble come the #NovemberMidTerms ! But why aren’t they covering the #HugeWin for #GOP in #Texas #Senator #ByElection ? #PeteFlores won in a district that #HillaryClinton #Clinton took by 12% in 2016. The #Senate seat #Flores won was held by #Democrats for 139 Years ! It appears the #WalkAway movement is alive and well in Texas. This is relevant for #Canadians because our media is #Lying or spreading #HalfTruth or outright covering up pertinent information, thus skewing our perspective of reality! Is it really wise to risk the collapse of #NAFTA over #LIES ?? Should our #StateFunded #CBC really be telling us #BS in regard to these negotiations? #ChrystiaFreeland and #JustinTrudeau are #NoMatch for #Trump , and our media’s complicity in #Defamation of the #President of the most powerful country on the planet is putting #Canadians well being at risk! But how bad will it get before we #WakeUp ? THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Other Relevant Tags : #FreeTrade #OPEC #SaudiArabia #Iran #JohnKerry #FISA #FISAGate #ObamaGate #Spygate #Scheer #CPC #Liberal #NDP Links used to produce video Article by #SpencerFernando detailing #Trump success that #FakeNews won’t tell you Twitter #Power&Politics #CBC #FakeNews has #PaulWells from #MacleansMagazine speaking about #MaximeBernier #BernierNation #NationBernier #MadMax Article by #FoxNews #FOX about #Flores winning #Texas #Senate seat : #MSMFakeNews is SILENT Website for #PeoplesPartyOfCanada led by #MadMax #MaximeBernier #Bernier #Platform Just one article from #Newsweek on #ChildTrafficking arrests from JUNE Posts by #QAnon" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'America', 'Trudeau', 'Trump', 'PPC', 'PPC2019', 'Peoples Party', 'MAGA', 'MCGA', 'QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Trafficking', 'MadMax', 'Bernier', 'Maxime', 'FOX News', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'CTV', 'Global TV', 'Fake News', 'POTUS', 'Paul Wells', 'MacLeans', 'Magazine', 'BernierNation', 'Canada First', 'Patriots', 'NAFTA', 'Saudi', 'Arabia', 'Kerry', 'Obama', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'Spygate', 'Liberal', 'CPC', 'Conservative', 'NDP', 'Parliament', 'Freeland', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Rant', 'ImDoneNow', '8chan', 'Scheer', 'OPEC', 'Iran', 'Clinton', 'Hillary', 'Hilary', 'Spencer', 'Fernando'] PT32M2S 21879 798 1626 20 not set not set 2018-09-25T20:23:57.000Z 8eRVtnbnYAk UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #QAnon exposed the #Rosenstein debacle in MAY ! #Trudeau is in #TROUBLE!! "CANADA’S RED PILL – Sept 25th 2018 - Even I have been a #skeptic at times but after a while, it becomes #IMPOSSIBLE to have this many #Coincidences ! ‘’Q’’ told us about #FISAgate back in #May2018 and predicted the revelations would force the #Resignation or #Firing of #RodRosenstein ! Let me guess, it was #PamphletAnon or some #Teen in Mom & Dad’s basement right?? #QAnon also gave a stark answer to an #Anon who asked if #JustinTrudeau was part of the #Cabal aka #NWO aka #NewWorldOrder …. The response ‘’Q’’ gave should nauseate #Canadians from #Coast2Coast ! It appears Q is of the opinion that #Trudeau was involved either directly or indirectly in the murder of billionaires, the #FiveEyes #SpyNetwork and #Espionnage as well as #Uranium1 #UraniumOne !! Was #QAnon referring to #BarrySherman and #HoneySherman , the billionaire #BigPharma couple found hanging by their pool ?? Is #ChrystiaFreeland #Freeland , who is responsible for negotiating #NAFTA on behalf of #Canada and #Canadians, actively #Meddling in #American affairs ? #AmazingPolly did a GREAT job digging into this and I urge you to watch her video. Is #STFX #StFrancisXavier #University tied into all this? Related topics : #BillClinton #Clinton #FrankMcKenna #McKenna #Mulroney #BrianMulroney #Jesuits #DebtSlaves #Uranium #Russia #RussiaGate #Framed #Iran #NuclearDeal #FiveEyes #UK #AUS #Australia #NewZealand #Canada #Murder #Suicide #FakeNews #CBC #CTV #Global #CNN #CBS #NBC #DukeWillis THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst LINKS USED TO PRODUCE VIDEO Website for #Qposts The #QAnon post on #Trudeau is post number 2216 Deputy #AG #Rosenstein is in big TROUBLE ! Video from #AmazingPolly #Amazing #Polly on #Youtube & her #Twitter account . She did an #Incredible #Report on #Qpost2216 about #Trudeau and #Canada re: #UraniumOne #FiveEyes #5Eyes #Apotex owners Barry and Honey #Sherman ! Support #Truthers !! Please show your support for #DukeWillis !! Here are links to the show Duke hosted Saturday night. He had a few guests and it was a great, informative show!! I was one of the guests. #BarryPrince from #PeoplesInternetRadio was also on. Due to technical difficulties, the show is in 2 parts . #THANKYOU DUKE !! Part 1 : show truly starts at 4:16 Part 2 :" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Duke Willis', 'Amazing Polly', 'Billy Joyce', 'Trudeau', 'Freeland', 'NAFTA', 'Rosenstein', 'FISA', 'FISAGate', 'RussiaGate', 'Russia', 'Apotex', 'Sherman', 'Barry Sherman', 'Murder', 'Suicide', 'Fake News', 'CBC', 'Global TV', 'CTV', 'CNN', 'NBC', 'CBS', 'FOX', 'Uranium', 'U1', 'Clinton', 'McKenna', 'Mulroney', 'STFX', 'St FX', 'Jesuits', 'Five Eyes', 'Australia', 'New Zealand', 'QAnon', 'Qproofs', 'Qposts', '8chan', 'Anon', 'Bloomberg', 'True Pundit', 'rumormillnews', 'Liberal', 'Conservative', 'MAGA', 'WWG1WGA', 'MCGA', 'Awakening', 'Foxes Den', 'Big Pharma'] PT37M23S 9102 388 955 9 not set not set 2018-09-28T20:24:04.000Z nAGwowP7YCU UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA The #Kavanaugh #Sham EXPOSED! He SHOULD be CONFIRMED! #Feinstein is a #Traitor "Canada’s Red Pill – September 28th 2018 : If we rely on the #FakeNews #MSM for information, anyone who didn’t watch the #Kavanaugh & #Ford hearings yesterday would think that #BlaseyFord presented concrete, corroborated evidence for the claims she’s made against the renowned #Judge . In reality, there was #ZEROEvidence presented and in fact, the 4 #Witnesses whom #Ford says were at the party ALL DENY THE ALLEGATIONS ! Not to mention the nearly 100 women and men who’ve known #JudgeKavanaugh their entire lives who sent letters of support. #Ford couldn’t name a place, a time or any kind of motive. She couldn’t find a single person to corroborate her claims including one of her own personal friends. #Kavanaugh provided detailed accounts of his activities in the summer of 1982. This was and continues to be nothing more than the #AngryDemocrats trying to block #Trump nomination to #SupremeCourt . Now that they have no leg to stand on, it’s full blown #TemperTantrums. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #QAnon #Anon #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst LINKS USED TO PRODUCE VIDEO Tweet from @doubler83193100 showing #Feinstein seemingly #Bullying another #Senator GOP hired #Lawyer #RachelMitchell says she would not charge #Kavanaugh and doesn’t even have enough for a #SearchWarrant Tweet from @TracyLynn128 showing a picture of #Hilary #Clinton with someone who looks A LOT like #BlaseyFord #Ford #Lawyer ! Tweet from @wade222 showing #SheilaJacksonLee slipping an envelope to #FordLawyer Twitter Feed of @TheRealHublife #BrendenDilley If you want #RealNews rather than the #FakeNews of #CNN #CBC #NBC #CBS #ABC #GlobalTV #CTV offer, you want to consult #SeanHannity #Hannity website ! Senator #LindseyGraham #Graham #Takedown of #Democratic #WitchHunt Judge #Kavanaugh says his #Daughter prayed for #BlaseyFord" Billy Joyce 24 ['Bible', 'Supreme Court', 'Kavanaugh', 'Blasey Ford', 'Hearing', 'Senate', 'Grassley', 'Graham', 'Feinstein', 'Booker', 'Sham', 'Prayers', 'Pray', 'WitchHunt', 'Democrat', 'Republican', 'Takedown', 'Hannity', 'NBC', 'CBS', 'Global TV', 'CTV', 'CBC', 'Fake News', 'Real News', 'Breitbart', 'Dilley', 'Hub Life', 'Hublife', 'Twitter', 'Mitchell', 'Lawyer', 'Senator', 'Billy Joyce', 'Red Pill', 'MAGA', 'Evidence', 'Durbin'] PT38M54S 8335 326 747 9 not set not set 2018-10-05T20:29:07.000Z 7i0YJdxAAqc UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Kavanaugh #Confirmation could bring us into #LAWLESSNESS ! Guilty until proven innocent? "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 5th 2018 – A vote was held today to move forward with the #Nomination of #BrettKavanaugh to the #SupremeCourt. The vote was 51-49 today, but will it move forward in the same way during Saturday’s #Vote ? Since producing this video, #GOP #Senator #Collins made it clear that she will be voting to #ConfirmKavanaugh ! It seems #Democrat #Senator #Manchin will also vote #YES to confim #Kavanaugh. If he is not confirmed, are we entering a new era where we are #Guilty until proven #Innocent ? I break down the speech of #ChuckTheSchmuck #Schumer that he gave inside the #Senate , using all the same #Brainwash #tactics the #LeftWing #Snowflakes and the #MSM #FakeNews just #Love to use!! Don’t expect to EVER hear the perspective I present in this video to be aired on the likes of #CBC #CTV #GlobalNews #CNN #CBS #NBC #ABC , they are part of the #Democratic #Resistance ! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Look at video to see the links I used to produce the video!" Billy Joyce 24 ['Politics', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'Kavanaugh', 'Confirmation', 'Senate', 'Collins', 'Manchin', 'Schumer', 'Merkowski', 'Lies', 'Obstruction', 'Sham', 'Blasey Ford', 'Flake', 'Supreme Court', 'Red Pill', 'Canadian', 'Truther', 'Billy Joyce', 'CRP', 'Rant', 'Super Rant', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'CTV', 'CBS', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'MAGA', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Left Wing', 'Right Wing', 'Snowflakes', 'Liberal', 'Conservative', 'ChuckSchmuck', 'Brainwash', 'Disinformation', 'Confirm Brett'] PT31M32S 7433 209 693 7 not set not set 2018-10-08T22:17:52.000Z eFKOoP_CxYA UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #Clinton #Albright & #Powell are now TV STARS ! MSM TV = #LeftWing #Propaganda ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 8th 2018 : It is becoming more clear by the day that the #MainstreamMedia is not only using their #FakeNews agencies such as #CNN #CNBC #ABC and others to spread their nonsense, it looks like #TVshows like #MadamSecretary are now getting in on the act!! #HillaryClinton #MadelineAlbright and #ColinPowell all made guest #Star appearances on the #HitShow last night, in order to influence the masses into believing #Nationalism is a bad thing and #Nationalists are #NAZIS . The #MindControl is subtle yet effective on the #sheeple , but you’re not a #sheeple right? #NancyPelosi admitted to a practice called #WrapUpSmear . It’s amazing how these #Democrats just #Love to #Project onto the #Republicans!! Great Show IMHO. Relevant topics : #Nationalism #Populism #BREXIT #TRUMP #MAGA #MCGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #Qposts #Qproofs #Qmap #8chan #MadamSecretary #SOS #StateSecretary #POTUS #Trump #Brainwashing #Brainwash #Television #MSM #FakeNews #Clinton #Albright #Powell #Pelosi #Schumer #Kavanaugh #WrapUp #Smear #Sham #RussiaGate #Spygate #Projection #Naziism #Nazi THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Links used to produce video : Great place for #QAnon posts Clip from #Pelosi speech about #WrapUpSmear campaigns Episode of #MadamSecretary aired on #GlobalTV in #Canada and #CBS in the #USA Articles by #Breitbart detailing #ColinPowell participation at #BohemianGrove Article questioning #Albright #Integrity" Billy Joyce 24 ['Politics', 'Religion', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'QAnon', 'Anons', '8chan', 'Colin', 'Powell', 'Albright', 'Clinton', 'Madam', 'Secretary', 'SOS', 'Bohemian', 'Grove', 'Bilderberg', 'Illuminati', 'NWO', 'New World', 'Integrity', 'Nationalism', 'Populism', 'Naziism', 'NAZI', 'MSM', 'Fake News', 'Thanksgiving', 'Breitbart', 'EPluribusUnum', 'Global TV', 'CBS', 'CNN', 'CBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX', 'Pelosi', 'WrapUpSmear'] PT40M8S 7683 304 773 8 not set not set 2018-10-10T21:48:32.000Z q7YdiGItTxs UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Q-Update : Is #Kavanaugh the key to draining the #Swamp ? #Arrests coming soon? "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 10th 2018 – A review of #QAnon posts from October 9th , including a review of all the #FBI and #DOJ officials who have been #Fired . Is being fired just the first step in a long walk to #GITMO ? Is #JohnHuber investigating #Comey #Strozk #McCabe #Ohr #Yates #Obama #Clinton #Rice #Baker #Page and others? Is the #Hammer about to drop? #TickTock ! What if #JusticeKavanaugh had to be confirmed before ANY #Arrests or #PerpWalks could take place due to #Corruption within the #Justice system? Join me for my thoughts and perspectives on the matter and lots more!! Relevant Tags : #Critical #Thinking #FBI #DOJ #Comey #McCabe #Rybicki #Baker #Priestap #LisaPage #Kortan #Campbell #Laufman #Carlin #McCord #Ohr #AttorneyGeneral #DAG #Democrats #Republicans #Trump #POTUS #Constitution #RuleOfLaw #Law #Holder #Steinbach #Enemy #Combatant #Blockade #Mueller #MilitaryLaw #Tribunals #Sessions #RussiaGate #Spygate #FISA #FISAMemo #Declassify #FakeNews #NBC #CNN #CBS #Cheated #Evil #Good #Truth #Truther #Divide #Division THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Links used to produce video : Great place for #QAnon posts Clip from #Pelosi speech about #WrapUpSmear campaigns Article by #WashingtonExaminer exposing #Rosenstein and other #Corrupt deeds of #DOJ Article demonstrating that #MilitaryTribunals can be used but #SupremeCourt may have a say Article on #Wedding of #TrishaAnderson and #CharlesNewman d" Billy Joyce 24 ['Bible', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Mueller', 'Comey', 'Rosenstein', 'QAnon', 'Qposts', 'Qproofs', 'Military', 'Tribunals', 'Justice', 'Kavanaugh', 'Supreme Court', 'CNN', 'Fake News', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Washington', 'Pelosi', 'Smear', 'Wrap up', 'CSpan', 'Critical', 'Thinking', 'McCabe', 'Rybicki', 'Baker', 'Priestap', 'Lisa Page', 'Strozk', 'Kortan', 'Campbell', 'Laufman', 'Carlin', 'McCord', 'Attorney', 'General', 'Sessions', 'Billy Joyce', 'Democrats', 'Republicans', 'Constitution', 'TickTock', 'Tick Tock', 'WWG1WGA', 'Arrests', 'Russia', 'Collusion', 'Putin'] PT36M30S 6515 265 703 2 not set not set 2018-10-12T19:30:08.000Z kQZJc4WyDAU UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #MaximeBernier : The ONLY CHOICE for #Canada in #Election2019 ! See for yourselves! "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 12th 2018 : When the #CPC #Conservatives led by #AndrewScheer #Soyboy tell us they give us an alternative to #Trudeau and his fancy socks and dance moves, are they really offering something different? If you’re inclined to vote #NDP , stop watching this video and seek professional counselling or check in to your local hospital, you need help! Here’s a breakdown of the #Platforms of #Bernier #Scheer #Trudeau and whatever the name of the guy leading the #NDP is ! LOL Relevant Tags : #Immigration #Taxes #TaxReform #CanadaFirst #MCGA #MadMax #BernierNation #PeoplesPartyCanada #PPC #Liberal #Conservative #NDP #LibCon #Politics #Election2019 #CanadaVotes #SupplyManagement #NAFTA #USMCA #FreeTrade #Refugee #CCA #Economy #Equalization THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Links used to produce video : Twitter Account of our future #PrimeMinister #Bernier Table demonstrating differences in Platforms" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Bernier', 'MadMax', 'BernierNation', 'PeoplesPartyCanada', 'Peoples Party', 'Economy', 'Tax Reform', 'Equalization', 'Immigration', 'Refugee Crisis', 'Illegal Migrants', 'Trade', 'USMCA', 'NAFTA', 'Supply Management', 'Liberal', 'Conservative', 'NDP', 'Scheer', 'Rempel', 'Trudeau', 'Platforms', 'Election 2019', 'Élection 2019', 'Ontario', 'Québec', 'Nova Scotia', 'New Brunswick', 'PEI', 'NFLD', 'Alberta', 'British', 'Columbia', 'BC', 'Manitoba', 'SSK', 'Saskatchewan', 'Nunavut', 'NWT', 'Iqaluit', 'Yukon'] PT21M29S 7155 287 696 8 not set not set 2018-10-16T20:10:00.000Z 69AR77qsvko UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #TerrorExpert calls on #RCMP 2 #Investigate #Trudeau Gov for Funding Terror! Trump prays ! LOL "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 16th 2018 : Well it looks like some people with influence are finally seeing the #Treasonous behavior of #Trudeau #Freeland #Hussen #Bibeau and others for what it is!! #TomQuiggin , former staffer of the #RCMP and #Terrorism #Expert is calling on a full #Investigation into #JihadiJustin and the funding of #IslamicReliefCanada , which funnels money to #IslamicReliefWorldWide who then funnels money to #HAMAS. If that isn’t enough, it looks like #GlobalAffairs #Canada is online recruiting #ISIS members to come live in #Canada for some #reintigration! Although the #CBC #CNN and other #FakeNews outlets condemn #Trump as an #Evil #Dictator from the pitts of #Hell , #POTUS is the guy that has #Evangelical #Pastors praying over him in the #OvalOffice … #Jihad #JustinTrudeau attends #Mosques where women aren’t allowed to be present with the #men !! I see the difference, do you see the difference?? #Canadians only have one real choice in #Election2019 and that choice is #MaximeBernier!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Links used to produce video : Various #Spencer #Fernando articles Article by the #NationalPost on #Trudeau attending #segregated #mosque #segregation Article including Video of #Trudeau speaking at mosque Why #Trudeau is no laughing matter for #Canadian #Christians Article #Mocking #Christianity and defending #JihadiJustin" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Bible', 'Christians', 'Trudeau', 'Jihad', 'Freeland', 'Bibeau', 'Hussen', 'Hussein', 'Foreign Affairs', 'MPs', 'Liberals', 'Bernier', 'Mad Max', 'Bernier Nation', 'Atheists', 'Catholics', 'Muslims', 'Christianity', 'Attack', 'RCMP', 'ISIS', 'HAMAS', 'Palestine', 'Israel', 'Spencer', 'Fernando', 'Segregation', 'Mosque', 'NatPost', 'MAGA', 'MCGA', 'WWG1WGA', 'Peoples Party', 'PPC', 'CPC', 'NDP', 'Canada First', 'Islamic Relief', 'Syria', 'Refugees', 'Muslim', 'Billy Joyce', 'Truther', 'Red Pill'] PT27M6S 5256 284 737 6 not set not set 2018-10-19T00:57:26.000Z hwAbwskkLzc UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA Conservatives #CENSORED - #FaithGoldy Silenced ! I’m DEMONETISED! #AmazingGrace too? "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 18th 2018 : 99% DEMONETISED , feel free to donate to my work if you enjoy it….. #Faith #GoldyForMayor is being censored in #Toronto #Mayor race. Not invited to #Debate , refused paid advertising and given the #runaround by the #Courts and a #Judge who feels the #CRTC should be hearing the case, but it will be too late then. It looks like a group by the name of #North99 is involved in lodging #Complaints against #AltRight groups so-called and #Goldy was on their radar. It looks like Youtube has demonetised my entire channel now, go figure…I wonder if they’ll demonetise a video with zero cuss words, very little sarcasm, facts only and #AmazingGrace sung for subscribers asking for a song…so I chose a #RoyaltyFree song that is in the #PublicDomain …also happens to be one of my all time favorites. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Links used to produce video : Judge rejects Faith Goldy’s case John Tory Left Wing Activist Group #North99" Billy Joyce 24 ['Canada', 'Politics', 'Religion', 'Politically', 'Correct', 'Incorrect', 'Bible', 'Faith Goldy', 'John Tory', 'Rogers', 'BELL', 'Bell Media', 'North99', 'North 99', 'Censorship', 'Monetize', 'Bernier Nation', 'Maxime Bernier', 'PPC', 'MAGA', 'MCGA', 'Amazing Grace', 'John Newton', 'CRTC'] PT22M12S 6473 316 839 10 not set not set 2018-10-28T01:49:01.000Z 0AlQM69zoH0 UCs5aElDNXW1EvsSRgbOqidA #PipeBombs by Mail! Unanswered Questions ! Michelle Obama’s special #Package OMG ! "CANADA’S RED PILL – October 27th 2018 : We’ve all heard by now about #CesarSayoc aka #CesarAltieri who allegedly sent out #PipeBombs to folks like #BillClinton #HillaryClinton #Clinton #Barack #Michelle #Obama #Holder #Brennan #Clapper #DeNiro and a long list of #SwampCreatures …the only problem is, many aspects of the #OfficialStory don’t jive, similarly to events like #911TwinTowers and #911Pentagon for example or #JFKAssasination or #VegasShooting narrative. In this case, they want us to believe the #Snowflakes on the left who have #Terrorized #Terrorised #Trump supporters since he was elected every chance they get, gave some guy a free pass who’s #Van was #Covered in #MAGA & #Trump #Decals #Bumper2Bumper while he drove from #Florida to #NewYork and #California possibly dropping off #Packages with #bombs many experts claim are #duds ? Oh…and speaking of #Suspicious #Packages , wait til you see #MichelleObama clip in this video! #Border #BuildTheWall #ICE #Immigrant #Refugee #Asylum #Invasion #Immigration #Mexico #Honduras #Guatamala #Guatemala #Trump #MAGA #Texas #Arizona #NewMexico #BorderPatrol #BorderWall #PaytonsParkBench #AdrinnePayton #SaraCarter #TruePundit #GatewayPundit #MigrantCaravan THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ! Email or Etransfer : I see this daily ! Follow Me on #Twitter : Utube FRENCH : Follow me on #DTube :!/c/billy-joyce Send me a #FriendRequest on #Facebook here : Invitation to #TheFoxsDen #Discord : People’s Party of Canada Volunteers : Make these hashtags go viral everywhere : #BillyJoyce #CanadasRedPill #CanadianTruther #SuperRant #ImDoneNow #WWG1WGA #MTWGA #MAGA #MCGA #GreatAwakeningWW #8chan #BernierNation #MadMax #NationBernier #PeoplesPartyOfCanada #CanadaFirst Links used to produce video :" Billy Joyce 24 ['Pipe Bombs', 'CNN', 'New York', 'Holder', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Gateway Pundit', 'Cesar Sayoc', 'Cesar Altieri', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'POTUS', 'LockHerUp', 'DeNiro', '911 Truth', 'Pentagon', 'Twin Towers', 'Caravan', 'Migrant', 'Immigrants', 'Terror', 'Terrorism', 'Terrorist', 'Fake News', 'Billy Joyce', 'Red Pill', 'Canada', 'Canadian', 'Truther', 'Nova Scotia', 'Cape Breton', 'DWS', 'Mexico', 'Honduras', 'Guatemala', 'Guatamala', 'Refugee', 'Assylum', 'Texas', 'Arizona', 'New Mexico', 'California'] PT20M11S 3933 183 563 2 not set not set 2018-03-16T20:36:10.000Z ZM3_ekAkHuc UCUZ96zl7b7VyAw4vttkoDbw Bin Pickers- Q & A- Answering Your Questions...Almost Live! With 17+ Years Ebay Resellers "We answer questions from yesterday's video! Thank you to everyone who asked questions and left comments! =) Michelle & G PO Box 29261 Indianapolis, IN 46229-0261 Ebay listings:" Bin Pickers 26 ['Self Employed', 'Ebay', 'Ebay Seller', 'Goodwill Outlet', 'Bin', 'Bin Pickers', 'Thrifting', 'Michelle And G', 'Outside The Box.', 'q&a', 'ebay resellers', 'online sales', 'work at home', 'debt free', 'free returns', 'free shipping', 'indianapolis', 'indiana', 'indy goodwill', 'gwo', 'by the pound', 'homeschool', 'questions', 'answers', 'ebay couple', 'reseller couple', 'otb'] PT1H44M47S 7782 96 324 10 not set not set 2018-02-13T22:25:11.000Z eJR9LRlnwsQ UC-A4QSOCPBvMyVkCJG-8wcQ Q ANON BitchBotBoii 4.0 27 not set PT5M57S 124 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-06-20T23:14:21.000Z elbqE_clp3Q UCg572r4OBtnXQpY_QXQ_ZyA Who is Q and the Anons? Why are they important. What’s next... BITCOIN BEN 24 ['Bitcoin Ben', 'bitcoin', 'litecoin', 'cryptocurrency', 'digital currency', 'cryptocurrency advice', 'cryptocurrency consulting'] PT33M5S 9477 130 572 33 not set not set 2018-07-02T00:09:06.000Z 53PnD1wTD10 UCg572r4OBtnXQpY_QXQ_ZyA Q & A with Bitcoin Ben 😁👍🏻 Let’s chat! BITCOIN BEN 24 ['Bitcoin Ben', 'bitcoin', 'litecoin', 'cryptocurrency', 'digital currency', 'cryptocurrency advice', 'cryptocurrency consulting'] PT1H3M46S 6847 67 442 19 not set not set 2018-03-28T17:46:16.000Z pCll5W-S1UU UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon 3/28/18 Posts 964-971(Part 1): Report & Brief Analysis " UPDATE: Since I posted this, late morning Wednesday March 28th, 2018 PST, Q has posted again. I will post an update this evening covering the later posts. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Q Anon 3/28/18 Posts w/ POTUS Tweets: Report & Brief Analysis. I first read and report all the Q Anon posts for today (so far?) then I give you a brief synopsis and analysis of the over arching themes of the posts. Unverified Backup: www" Black Conservative Patriot 2 "['q Anon', 'q Anon posts', ""today's q posts"", 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'Trump', 'maga']" PT14M28S 1631 38 163 2 not set not set 2018-04-05T09:41:38.000Z YFvQ8aEAPsQ UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon 3.4.18:[#YUGE!] Border Vatican Hussein TAC Schumer Mass Extermination NK JA Seth Rich Flynn " Let's look at what Q Anon Dropped on April 4, 2018 and the first one from 3.5.18." Black Conservative Patriot 25 "['q Anon', 'posts', ""today's q posts"", 'yesterday q post', 'the calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cnys_stream']" PT35M24S 1489 83 218 3 not set not set 2018-05-12T05:43:00.000Z Gz2lyCX-NN0 UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon Crumbs May10th-11th: Why do They ask *Q*uestio[NZ]? FB * F9 * PRC * Profiteering Media " 8:31 AM PST: HERE WE GO AGAIN! (THEY) are supressing my view counts again! Stuck at same # of views for HOURS but new comments keep popping up for me to see. Talk about rigged. *************************************** Latest *Q*uestions and Crumbs from May 10th and May 11th are discussed, analyzed and opined upon. Feel free to contribute in the comment section! Post 1338 Reddit Link: NZ HRC NEWS:" Black Conservative Patriot 25 "['q anon', 'q posts', ""today's q posts"", 'thegreatawakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'woke', 'red pill', 'red pill black', 'bcp', 'black conservative patriot', 'facebook', 'new zealand', 'nz', 'hrc', 'clinton global', 'dr. c', 'dr. corsi', 'dr. jerome corsi', 'jerome corsi', 'space x', 'elon musk', 'falcon 9', 'f9', 'china']" PT35M23S 2114 137 244 5 not set not set 2018-05-13T05:25:10.000Z 3ye6yKklitM UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg My Thoughts on Q Anon, Dr. Jerome Corsi & Alex Jones [HINT: It's Okay If We Disagree on Q!] " We don't have to all agree that Q is the real deal to be Pro-Trump or patriots. I applaud and support those that question Q's legitimacy or don't follow the Q drops. We don't have to be guilty of GROUPTHINK like the other side. Dr.Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones may not like or believe Q and that's okay. Q is a nameless faceless anon. Corsi and Jones have a longer track record of exposing the deep state and their agenda. So while I will continue to follow and report on Q drops, it doesn't mean I will no longer support other truthers that don't." Black Conservative Patriot 25 ['q anon', 'q anon corsi alex jones', 'dr. jerome corsi', 'dr. corsi', 'alex jones', 'info wars', '8chan q', '4chan q'] PT7M7S 5054 280 567 25 not set not set 2018-06-11T15:52:22.000Z oZRGQVaPv6k UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon 6.10.18: UnTrue Banners, Singapore, Blac[K] Water, Sue Isides, Hu[SS]ein's Tarmac Involvement "*This Platform has frozen the view count on this and some of my other recent videos over the last 2-3 hours. I see new comments but the number of views and likes are the same. Things that make you go hmmmmm...* [6.12.18 @ 4:58 PM PST] Subscribe to my back up channel: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot www" Black Conservative Patriot 2 "['qanon', 'q anon', ""today's q posts"", '', '', 'nk', 'singapore', 'kate spade', 'hussein']" PT18M36S 3124 65 218 4 not set not set 2018-06-12T14:44:03.000Z W5dNmxk8D5Q UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Do You Still Think Q is a LARP??!! [Trump NK Summit Press Conference] "*This Platform has frozen the view count on this and some of my other recent videos over the last 2-3 hours. I see new comments but the number of views and likes are the same. Things that make you go hmmmmm...* [6.12.18 @ 4:58 PM PST] Subscribe to my back up channel: Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot www Transcript of Trump's North Korea Peace Summit Press Conference:" Black Conservative Patriot 2 ['trump', 'maga', 'nk', 'singapore', 'peace summit', 'dark to ligh', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'q anon is a larp', 'q anon fake'] PT3M53S 1376 84 276 2 not set not set 2018-06-13T04:41:53.000Z gGdz4hUQvXs UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg BCP LIVE: NK, Trump Haters, Q Anon, Hussein, Peace, Nicaragua, Venezuela "Subscribe to my back up channel: Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot MSN Article about the Losers in the US North Korea Peace Summit: News Topics Discussed: North Korea Anti-Trump Singapore Michael Medved Trump Haters #NeverTrump Justin Trudeau Angela Merkel Theresa May Q Anon Dark to Light Hussein Peace in the Korea Peninsula Nicaragua Daniel Ortega Venezuela Chavez Fidel Castro Raul Castro Communism Socialism" Black Conservative Patriot 25 ['trump', 'maga', 'north korea', 'nicaragua', 'singapore peace summit'] PT25M24S 1084 86 221 1 not set not set 2018-08-11T12:15:17.000Z uq58no7WTh4 UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon Aug 10 2018- Trump Roasts Killary: HRC Has Taken A NUMBER of Villages (Children) from Haiti!! "Wow! The Shadow-banning on this video is incredible. 450+ views in the first hour then just a hundred views over the next several hours? BCP IS OVER THE TARGET YET AGAIN!! Global News Coverage of Trump Roasting Hillary Clinton at Al Smith Charity Dinner in 2016: Subscribe to my back up channel: Email: * Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot" Black Conservative Patriot 25 not set PT19M19S 1947 135 340 3 not set not set 2018-08-27T22:14:33.000Z g-ii3uw8xuE UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon Foretold No Name's Death 5.10.18 & Exactly 1 Month & 2 Weeks Prior, To the Date! [Q is REAL] "Absolute Circumstantial Proof/Evidence that Q Anon is the REAL DEAL! Q Told us about the Death of McCain BEFORE it HAPPENED! Subscribe to my back up channel: Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot" Black Conservative Patriot 25 ['q anon', 'great awakening', 'donald trump', 'q', 'qanon proof', 'qanon latest posts', 'qanon latest new posts', 'donald trump john mccain hero', 'john mccain death', 'john mccain dead at 81', 'john mccain funeral', 'q anon john mccain', 'no name', 'no name mccain', 'mccain traitor', 'mccain RINO'] PT25M50S 36696 488 1824 43 not set not set 2018-09-01T12:33:16.000Z XpSBZcxg8gY UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon: Deep State Crimes Are Now Open Source. Long Beach Child Trafficking. I Eat In-N-Out Burger! "This video was Demonetized during the processing of the video before it was fully uploaded just as I edited the title to include the term child trafficking. Wow! Q Anon: Deep State Crimes Are Now Open Source. Long Beach Child Trafficking. I Eat In-N-Out Burger! Bruce Ohr, Robert Mueller, Weismann. The crimes of Hillary Clinton and the Deep State is now Open Source/Public that the Hunting can now begin in full public view. I also visit some of the possible sites of child human trafficking here in Southern California. And I end the day with a fat In-N-Out Burger! Subscribe to my back up channel: Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot" Black Conservative Patriot 25 ['q anon', 'bruch ohr', 'hrc', 'hillary clinton', 'robert mueller', 'Russian Collusion', 'Trump indiana rally', 'long beach human trafficking', 'in n out burger boycott', 'deep state'] PT10M11S 3182 110 544 2 not set not set 2018-10-06T03:36:33.000Z oB35SGosckI UCdVSlmNi1uyfsgOAT_TbVyg Q Anon 10.5.18: Chinese Chips, Crashing Ships, Hawaiian Missiles, Russia, Kavanaugh, Feinstein, AMZN "The Shadow Government and Deep State want armed conflict. They make money off of it and since they worship Satan, they thrive off the power it gives them and the misery it causes the innocent. War destabilizes the world and makes it easier for them to snatch children. Think Haiti. They can smuggle babies and body parts through organizations like the Red Cross. Of course they are assisted by the Clowns in America. Contraband is moved across continents via military bases. This is Deeper than most will ever know. So meet their partners in crime: China Chinese put chips in everything giving them backdoor access to information and systems throughout the United states. Unlike software, this is a hardware level breach. It is not done without coordination and assistance from People within. #Qanon #Chinese #Spies #Microchips Mentioned in this video: Q Anon, Q Posts, HRC, BC, Obama, Hussein, Russia, Missles, WW3, Amazon, Clowns in America, Operation Mockingbird, FF, Diane Feinstein, Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court, GITMO, GTMO, Treason, Traitors, Gallows, Chinese, China, Spies Subscribe to my back up channel: Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot Sources Officials probe cause of Navy ship crash Spate of US Navy accidents in Asia since January @CNNPolitics Hawaii Panics After Alert About Incoming Missile Is Sent in Error Hawaii Missile Alert Wasn’t Accidental, Officials Say, Blaming Worker Hawaii worker who sent missile alert was '100% sure' attack was real China used a tiny chip in a huge hack that infiltrated Apple and Amazon Pushing the war with Russia:" Black Conservative Patriot 25 "['q anon', 'china', 'chinese spies', 'feinstein', 'q posts', ""today's q anon posts"", 'the great awakening', 'diane feinstein', 'hillary clinton', 'chinese micro chips', 'russia', 'trump', 'maga', 'kavanaugh', 'black conservative patriot', 'q anon latest news', 'qanon update today', 'q anon latest', 'q anon latest posts today', 'chinese spies in taiwan', 'chinese spies in us', 'chinese spies documentary', 'feinstein kavanaugh', 'feinstein murkowski', 'feinstein body language']" PT48M30S 4812 156 495 8 not set not set 2018-06-11T16:35:51.000Z KUdMHa4Q1Uo UCu3lxLxp3ZuJRga7gF9KIyg Trump Vs Jeff Sessions: Is #QAnon Full of it or Is This 4D Chess? [REPOST] "Originally Posted to my Main channel on June 5, 2018 at 11:03 AM PST Subscribe to my main channel: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot Email: Tweet recently tweeted out how he would not have chosen #JeffSessions if he knew he was going to #recuse himself on #RussianCollusion. So this seems like @realDonaldTrump has a beef with @JeffSessions. BUT...#QAnon tells us to #TrustSessions. Is Q right or is Q full of it? Share your comments with the world below! Trump's Tweet about Jeff Sessions:" Black Conservative Patriot Channel 2 25 ['trump', 'maga', 'black conservative patriot', 'bcp', 'black conservative', 'JEFF SESSIONS', 'TRUST SESSIONS', '#TRUSTSESSIONS', 'Q ANON', 'QANON', 'TRUMP VS SESSIONS', '#QANON', 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION', 'RUSSIAN HOAX', 'WITCH HUNT', 'TRUMP WITCH HUNT', 'RUSSIAN WITCH HUNT'] PT1M5S 129 8 15 0 not set not set 2018-08-09T14:25:35.000Z ThMYrjzoUxk UCu3lxLxp3ZuJRga7gF9KIyg [BANNED VIDEO] Q Anon *FaceBook *Pedos * AG Schniederman * NEXIVM - IT'S ALL CONNECTED PT 2 "Original Title: Q Anon 6.28.18: FB *Pedal Feelia*Shynder Man * NEXIUM * IT'S ALL CONNECTED (PT. 2) VIDEO INFORMATION PRIOR TO DELETION FROM MAIN CHANNEL ON 8/9/18 Channel: Black Conservative Patriot Uploaded time: June 28, 2018 at 1:48 PM Duration: 3:59 Views:886 Likes:153 Dislikes:0 Comments:53 Subscribe to my main channel: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot Email:" Black Conservative Patriot Channel 2 25 ['trump', 'maga', 'black conservative patriot', 'bcp', 'black conservative', 'facebook pedo', 'pedos', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'nxium', 'nexium', 'nxvium', 'schneiderman'] PT3M59S 269 14 56 0 not set not set 2018-09-06T21:55:31.000Z NkhEDKAwQgA UCu3lxLxp3ZuJRga7gF9KIyg GITMO, BABY! Q Anon, Kavanaugh & Graham Remind the Deep State That Guantanamo Bay Awaits Them! "THIS IS THE FOLLOW UP TO MY BEST VIDEO IN A LONG TIME! PLEASE SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Lindsey Graham and Brett Kavanaugh Not Only Prepared the Public for the upcoming military tribunals for the traitors in the Deep State and Shadow Government, they also reminded everyone that Enemy Combatants can be held at Guantanamo Bay detention camp (GITMO) while awaiting their military tribunals! . Just like Q had been alluding to last year! This is my quick analysis and breakdown. Patriots Rejoice! 2018 Will be Glorious! My videos: Part 1 of this Video: Kasich says McCain was PUT TO DEATH: McCain was a Traitor and Q foretold his death, to the day: Why is McCain being praised by the left?: Sources: Graham Questions SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh: John Kasich says John McCain was ""Put to Death"" on CNN's Chris Cuomo show: Subscribe to my main channel: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot Email:" Black Conservative Patriot Channel 2 25 not set PT2M6S 576 15 110 0 not set not set 2018-09-07T16:23:16.000Z mcwPIv5CYfc UCu3lxLxp3ZuJRga7gF9KIyg [ARCHIVE] The Real Reason MSM Eulogizes No Name Traitor John McCain + Proof He Was Part of ISIS "This video was originally uploaded to my main channel on Sept 5, 2018 @ 5:05 AM PST but was instantaneously shadow-banned and demonetized. This platform upheld the deomonetization after manual review. I guess you can’t speak ill of the anointed demons, you must sing their praises and eulogize them. I am re-uploading this video to my back up channel on Friday, September 7, 2018 at approximately 9AM PST. These are the stats on the original upload on the day I uploaded it to my back up channel. The original upload may or may not be deleted. Time will tell. Uploaded time: September 5, 2018 at 5:05 AM Duration:14:53 Views:1627 Likes:360 Dislikes: 0 Comments:98 ORGINAL VIDEO DESCRIPTION: This is Why No Name is Being Kumbaya'd By The Mockingbird MSM | No Name & Hussein Admit to Arming IS The Operation Mockingbird press and the media are going overboard with their eulogizing, memorializing and praise of John McCain as a. American War hero. Why such fanfare for a supposed ""conservative"" and Republican? I give my reasons why in this video. PLUS: Absolute Circumstantial Proof/Evidence that McCain and Obama armed, trained and supported our enemy, ISIS to usher in WW3 with Russia and Middle East. Sources: Know More News Excellent Breakdown from 2 years ago! Marine calls for McCain's Arrest for treason: Recording of Songbird McCain praising the Communist Vietnamese: Vets and POWs Expose McCain: =============================== Subscribe to my main channel: Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot" Black Conservative Patriot Channel 2 25 ['John McCain', 'McCain eulogy', 'McCain traitor', 'no name McCain', 'Q Anon', 'McCain is a traitor', 'why McCain is a traitor', 'latest news', 'president trump', 'donald trump', 'black conservative patriot', 'senator mccain eulogy', 'john mccain death', 'john mccain eulogy', 'tokyo rose', 'mccain tokyo tapes', 'mccain vietnam recording'] PT14M53S 519 22 92 0 not set not set 2018-10-05T20:47:01.000Z qO6oy1xFr3k UCu3lxLxp3ZuJRga7gF9KIyg The Most Exciting Q Anon Post in A LONG TIME!! [#2343 R U Reddy 2 C Arrests?] " Q Post 2343 Subscribe to my main channel: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot Instagram/Facebook: @Black.Conservative.Patriot Email:" Black Conservative Patriot Channel 2 25 "['q anon', ""today's q post"", 'q anon post 2343', 'black conservative patriot', 'trump', 'maga', 'deep state']" PT3M5S 1750 37 154 0 not set not set 2018-08-10T02:28:36.000Z E4SMijcerYc UCKNvku5UVJd8fnEFNd56GyQ Thoughts on #Q-ANON Q-tubers My thoughts on Q-tubers. Not Q-Anon, but those who follow Q and have big channels. I had this weird urge to make this video. Let go of the ego, this is a community effort. Black Hat Ty 23 ['#Q-anon', 'Q-tubers', 'ego', '#greatawakening'] PT14M6S 57 6 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-16T15:58:00.000Z 8u_oFs9RjlE UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Trust Q And POTUS" "Q Anon~ ""Trust Q And POTUS"" Thank you all for your support! You are all true patriots!" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT4M8S 1411 77 219 1 not set not set 2018-04-24T15:48:08.000Z 08rP0PMpt44 UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"These People Are Sick" "Q Anon~""These People Are Sick""" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT24M13S 1039 45 115 1 not set not set 2018-04-29T18:10:49.000Z hFGtC6ArYII UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Tell-a-lie-vision PROGRAMMING" "Q Anon~ ""Tell-a-lie-vision PROGRAMMING""" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT19M22S 6229 96 261 13 not set not set 2018-04-30T03:49:47.000Z fva6pOeLsXo UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"Evil Everywhere" "Q Anon~""Evil Everywhere"" I have a couple of videos at my main Channel. I am going to make that my backup Channel and I thought I would bring a couple of videos over here. Enjoy✌" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT2M24S 815 29 97 1 not set not set 2018-04-30T11:27:48.000Z f1koykY99gY UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Resistance Low" "Q Anon~ ""Resistance Low"" Another video from my soon to be back up Channel. Enjoy" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT2M40S 1638 32 111 7 not set not set 2018-05-06T22:40:21.000Z dRqV6GC_PRU UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"NXIVM Exposed" "Q Anon~""NXIVM Exposed""" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT17M43S 1763 59 166 2 not set not set 2018-05-12T16:47:39.000Z 9g3f-UYGgHY UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "An average person" "Q Anon~ ""An average person""" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT1M6S 765 44 109 1 not set not set 2018-05-15T03:16:41.000Z ntpp6VtNK0U UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"Not Mentioned A Single Time" "Q Anon~""Not Mentioned A Single Time""" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT11M27S 1210 66 117 4 not set not set 2018-05-22T04:27:46.000Z D2IuovZoEzQ UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"An attack on Liberty" "Q Anon~""An attack on Liberty""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT9M38S 2121 98 189 1 not set not set 2018-05-26T15:29:36.000Z y7guEfFMkbE UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "That Comey is such a political hack" "Q Anon~ ""That Comey is such a political hack""(Parody😂)" Black Hats Down 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT1M56S 908 42 102 8 not set not set 2018-06-01T02:36:55.000Z UtS3vOKiErQ UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"A War On Israel's Enemies" "Q Anon~""A War On Israel's Enemies""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT22M18S 1565 86 138 5 not set not set 2018-06-05T03:43:57.000Z nuVfPcbq7xQ UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "The Adopt Shoppe" "Q Anon~ ""The Adopt Shoppe""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT22M32S 2699 73 264 2 not set not set 2018-06-10T22:55:09.000Z 6w03PTDTnJU UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Taken" "Q Anon~ ""Taken""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT19M35S 1964 70 166 3 not set not set 2018-06-17T03:23:48.000Z kOUdLH9StDk UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"Extremely Harsh" "Q Anon~""Extremely Harsh""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT27M5S 5787 117 238 5 not set not set 2018-06-25T02:30:05.000Z WggiJm6FY4E UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Unsolved Mystery" "Q Anon~ ""Unsolved Mystery""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT30M14S 4472 208 426 7 not set not set 2018-07-02T01:10:12.000Z 4AX262pCjIw UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"Mad Max"(The Hustler Of Hate) "Q Anon~""Mad Max""(The Hustler Of Hate)" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT27M31S 1614 148 227 2 not set not set 2018-07-22T04:38:57.000Z M0Uru6lXpQk UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Debbie Wasserman Schultz" -The Keys To The Kingdom "Q Anon~ ""Debbie Wasserman Schultz"" -The Keys To The Kingdom" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT35M18S 15114 344 593 21 not set not set 2018-07-31T13:08:40.000Z 55h_CuY6e9w UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "The Ultimate Enabler" "Q Anon~ ""The Ultimate Enabler""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT32M21S 1856 68 187 1 not set not set 2018-08-19T23:19:08.000Z XRiHc7zMnZI UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "The Snowball Has Begun Rolling" "Q Anon~ ""The Snowball Has Begun Rolling""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT17M25S 2132 124 331 0 not set not set 2018-08-28T02:41:48.000Z vHxp0YbMofM UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Major Hollywood Players" "Q Anon~ ""Major Hollywood Players""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT30M53S 2275 61 226 3 not set not set 2018-09-05T03:12:01.000Z FWoq1ldEjTI UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "Ultimate Control" "Q Anon~ ""Ultimate Control""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT29M19S 1520 42 167 3 not set not set 2018-09-16T02:08:06.000Z 9sxpxMjPmJ8 UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "American Race Baiter" "Q Anon~ ""American Race Baiter""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT22M3S 1178 93 143 4 not set not set 2018-10-04T20:52:23.000Z kZdNIKqUhBo UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~ "The Creepy Porn Lawyer" "Q Anon~ ""The Creepy Porn Lawyer""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT27M13S 1033 52 114 2 not set not set 2018-10-17T21:07:50.000Z Seq1DlAGorY UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"Radical George" "Q Anon~""Radical George""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT30M 1451 79 155 0 not set not set 2018-10-26T11:20:34.000Z ElDOIvv5Gb8 UCi5jCPidWSbAMmU7AyblmJA Q Anon~"Young Blood" "Q Anon~""Young Blood""" Black Hats Down 22 not set PT23M7S 1501 83 151 2 not set not set 2018-05-05T08:43:27.000Z iCurH20Wemc UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #7 w/ Pamphlet Anon - THE GREAT AWAKENING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #7 w/ Pamphlet Anon ""Our Last Chance To Fix These Problems"" ...Immigration / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['Pamphlet Anon', 'We The People', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'Qanon', 'QAnonymous', 'Great Awakening'] PT17M24S 918 26 25 23 not set not set 2018-05-09T04:14:30.000Z AiKOHspXAUI UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ UNIRock meets PATRIOTS SOAPBOX (CBTS) - THE GREAT Q AWAKENING - WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #12 ... ""UNIRock meets PATRIOTS SOAPBOX"" ... ...Immigration / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'We The People', 'QAnon', 'QANONYMOUS', 'UNIRock', 'Pamphlet Anon', '8Chan', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Great Awakening', 'CBTS'] PT47M18S 4473 57 61 20 not set not set 2018-05-11T01:58:46.000Z TZXvbQaQp4o UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ UNIRock's reply on meeting PATRIOTS SOAPBOX (CBTS) - THE GREAT Q AWAKENING - WWG1WGA "from UNIRock2 LIVE STREAM ... ""UNIRock's reply on meeting PATRIOTS SOAPBOX."" ...Q&A / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 not set PT21M8S 834 7 3 17 not set not set 2018-05-11T18:47:44.000Z AYqBaxvg2ig UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ THE CORSI CONTROVERSY (2of3) - GREAT AWAKENING - WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #20 ""THE CORSI CONTROVERSY (2of3)."" ...Deception / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWGOWGA', 'DEEP STATE', 'SHADOW GOVERNMENT', 'JQ', 'ANTI-SEMITISM', 'ROGUE STATE', 'ISRAEL', 'QANON', 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS'] PT10M29S 904 8 18 7 not set not set 2018-05-11T20:55:30.000Z y8Tro5955Eo UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ THE CORSI CONTROVERSY (3of3) - THE GREAT AWAKENING - WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # ""THE CORSI CONTROVERSY (3of3)."" ...Deception / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['DEEP STATE', 'INFOWARS', 'ALEX JONES', 'Dr Jerome Corsi', 'QANON', 'Q CLEARANCE', 'Q DECODES', 'TRAITORS', 'POTUS'] PT43M23S 2848 27 66 16 not set not set 2018-05-17T10:20:57.000Z wr1bIyuN3Xk UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ HOW TO SPOT A CLOWN - 8CHAN - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #37 w/ Maga Swaga / Pamphlet / NinjaWarrior / Deadcat / Caleb55 ""HOW TO SPOT A CLOWN"" ...Trolls / Propaganda / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['NWO', 'CIA', 'Psy Ops', 'TROLLS', 'EU', 'We The People', 'INFILTRATION', 'PROPAGANDA', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Cognitive Dissonance', 'WWG1WGA'] PT38M59S 189 0 6 2 not set not set 2018-05-19T14:59:38.000Z iU2onwClnFY UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MAGA SWAGA'S 8CHAN NOTABLES - 5D CHESS - WWG1WGA - GREAT AWAKENING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #41 w/ Maga Swaga ""MAGA SWAGA'S 8CHAN NOTABLES #1 - 5D CHESS"" ...Immigration / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['QANON', '8CHAN', 'NOTABLES', 'WWGOWGA', 'We The People', 'ANONYMOUS', 'TRUST THE PLAN', 'FUTURE PROVES PAST', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'NWO', 'CLOWNS', 'MUELLER INVESTIGATION', 'GEN FLYNN'] PT9M37S 114 2 6 1 not set not set 2018-05-20T16:24:24.000Z C_huDGueEp0 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MAGA SWAGA's MEGA GUIDE to the CHANS - QANON / TIMELINES / TRIPCODES / NOTABLES / HAZING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Maga Swaga / Otterwalks / Indy_Wars ""ULTIMATE GUIDE to the CHANS"" ...Chan Boards / Culture / Q Postings / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['4CHAN', '8CHAN', 'Q Posts', 'We The People', 'QANON', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'TRIPCODE', 'CIA', 'WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA'] PT39M21S 169 0 10 2 not set not set 2018-05-21T00:08:28.000Z UF0fvalZlq8 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ RADIX #1: MAGIC, OCCULT & CABAL CHILD TRAFFICKING - GREAT Q AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #44 w/ Radix / Thumper / Gooddog / Lulu / Moeanon / Reluctant Guru ""RADIX #1: MAGIC, OCCULT & CABAL CHILD TRAFFICKING"" ... / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""THE ARMOR OF GOD"" by Deadcat, Ephesians 6 : 10 - 20 Here: ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'NWO', 'QANON', 'OCCULT', 'ABDUCTION', 'TRAFFICKING', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'Great Awakening', 'ILLUMINATI'] PT30M32S 195 3 12 1 not set not set 2018-05-21T03:44:17.000Z 1BVo-4UnaJY UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ RADIX #3: MAGIC, OCCULT & CABAL CHILD TRAFFICKING - THE GREAT Q AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #46 w/ Radix / Thumper / Gooddog / Lulu / Moeanon / Reluctant Guru ""RADIX #3: MAGIC, OCCULT & CABAL CHILD TRAFFICKING"" ...Immigration / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""THE ARMOR OF GOD"" by Deadcat, Ephesians 6 : 10 - 20 Here: ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'CABAL', 'ILLUMINATI', 'TRAFFICKING', 'MAGIC', 'RITUAL', 'SATANIC', 'ABUSE', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX'] PT45M30S 118 1 7 2 not set not set 2018-05-24T03:56:03.000Z k71IxGqTDVQ UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ RADIX #5: SABBATEAN-FRANKISM AS THE PARADIGM OF THE MODERN LEFT - THE GREAT AWAKENING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Radix / Pamphlet ""SABBATEAN-FRANKISM AS THE PARADIGM OF THE MODERN LEFT"" ...Politics / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['SABBATEAN', 'FRANKISM', 'SOCIALISM', 'COMMUNISM', 'LUCIFERIANISM', 'FREEMASONRY', 'JUDAISM', 'CHRISTAINITY', 'FRANKS', 'BERNAYS', 'MARX', 'FREUD', 'HORACE KALLEN', 'WALTER BENJAMIN', 'FRANKFURT SCHOOL', 'ISRAEL ZANGWILL', 'We The People'] PT55M29S 330 7 11 1 not set not set 2018-05-24T23:14:52.000Z 0CQpHSSiTM4 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ RADIX #6: QANON RADICALIZATION PLAN / ART OF DECEPTION / PSY OPS / GCHQ / GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #50 w/ Radix ""QANON RADICALIZATION PLAN / ART OF DECEPTION / PSY OPS / GCHQ"" ...Immigration / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['ANTHROPOLOGY', 'SOCIOLOGY', 'SOCIAL NETWORKS', 'RELIGION', 'EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY', 'CYBER MAGICIANS', 'INTELIIGENCE COMMUNITY', 'OCCULT', 'QANON', 'GCHQ', 'CROWLEY'] PT26M3S 155 2 4 1 not set not set 2018-06-01T08:51:48.000Z G5igdVKPRDc UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ FEISTY NINJA EPIC DECODE #3 / EARLY Q POSTS - GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ FeistyCat / NinjaWarrior ""EPIC DECODE #3 / EARLY Q POSTS"" ...Q Posts / Politics / Military Intel / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'QANON', 'Q POSTS', 'NWO', 'CABAL', '8Chan', 'Notables', 'CIA', 'HRC'] PT2H6M42S 1151 3 49 2 not set not set 2018-06-13T14:47:54.000Z U9bD44rzj_4 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ WHERE TO GO TO GET Q-DECODES - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #125 w/ TJmolonlabe / 412 Anon ""WHERE TO GO TO GET Q-DECODES"" ... NinjaWarrior Anon: QUniverse: Black Mirror: Citizens Investigative Report: Praying Medic: ... ...Qanon / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'QANON', 'DECODES', 'NWO', 'INTEL', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'RESEARCH', '4CHAN', '8CHAN'] PT3M3S 364 5 31 1 not set not set 2018-06-17T11:39:18.000Z IXO99DSbKGY UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MAGA SWAGA: Q-NOTABLES / OIG RABBIT HOLE REPORT - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #138 w/ Maga Swaga ""Q-NOTABLES / OIG RABBIT HOLE REPORT"" ...Qanon / Culture / Insanity / Corruption / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['QANON', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'NWO', 'DEEP STATE', 'ILLUMINATI', '8CHAN', '4CHAN', 'WASHINGTON DC', 'POTUS', 'FBI', 'CIA'] PT21M4S 358 1 24 0 not set not set 2018-06-20T22:17:11.000Z gjEPJWgddq0 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ PAMPHLET: WHAT ARE WE LEADING UPTO? - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #149 w/ ""WHAT ARE WE LEADING UP TO?"" ...QANON / Culture / Decoding / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'QANON', 'DECODES', 'NWO'] PT13M58S 692 6 24 4 not set not set 2018-06-21T13:39:10.000Z vMa1HijuQBc UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ DEADCAT+THUMPER: Q T-SHIRT GUY / RED PILL EXPO - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #153 w/ Deadcat / Thumper ""Q T-SHIRT GUY / RED PILL EXPO"" ...QANON / Red Pill Expo / Spokane / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'NWO', 'POTUS', 'QANON'] PT4M37S 261 3 16 2 not set not set 2018-07-06T19:06:18.000Z 8MAAf9b2IMQ UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ SHE7: TRUMP RALLY REPORT: MONTANA, GREAT FALLS - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ She 7Anon / 412 Anon ""TRUMP RALLY REPORT: MONTANA, GREAT FALLS"" ...POTUS / QAnon / Trump Rally / Who Is Q? / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'NWO', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'TRUMP RALLY', 'THOUSAND LIGHTS'] PT12M55S 914 4 64 2 not set not set 2018-07-11T06:20:35.000Z aUDV5JJUuI4 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ FEISTYCAT: ANNUS HORRIBLIS DECODE / POTUS SCHEDULE / BEN GARRISON - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Feistycat / Reed Walker / Sleepwalker 66 / TJ Molonlabe ""ANNUS HORRIBLIS DECODE / POTUS SCHEDULE / BEN GARRISON"" ...Queen Elizabeth II / Cabal / Rothschilds / Clintons / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'EU', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CABAL', 'NEW WORLD ORDER', 'MERKEL', 'CORRUPTION', 'ILLUMINATI', 'POTUS'] PT15M37S 828 5 49 1 not set not set 2018-07-16T00:53:15.000Z G6iXJnqGou8 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ COMMON LAW SHOW: w/ BRILL ANON & QSMX PILOT / #2 CONSTITUTIONAL vs STATUTORY LAW - GREAT AWAKENING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #261 w/ Brill Anon / QSMX Pilot / Thumper / Deadcat ""COMMON LAW SHOW: CONSTITUTIONAL vs STATUTORY LAW"" ...Constitution / Common Law / Maritime Law / Constitutional Republic / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'QANON', 'NWO', 'EU', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'DEEP STATE', 'CABAL', 'COMMON LAW', 'CONSTITUTIONAL LAW', 'STATUTORY LAW', 'MARITIME LAW', 'CORRUPTION', 'SOVEREIGNTY'] PT1H25M25S 278 2 23 1 not set not set 2018-07-26T23:36:18.000Z vYiIWROa8Tc UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ FREEDOM RINGS: HOLLYWEIRD & WEIRDER / HANKS & OPRAH / ARMOR OF GOD - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Pamphlet Anon / 412 Anon / Armor Of God ""HOLLYWEIRD & WEIRDER / HANKS & OPRAH / ARMOR OF GOD"" ...Hollywood / Culture / Satanism / Religion / Illuminati / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWNA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'EU', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'NWO', 'DEEP STATE', 'CIA', 'ILLUMINATI', 'HOLLYWOOD', 'PIZZA', 'MEAT CLOCK', 'LEFT EYE'] PT14M47S 245 1 19 2 not set not set 2018-07-29T23:05:37.000Z BORjNI33nVs UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ THUMPER & DEADCAT: Q POSTS #1749 #1750 #1751 #1752 # 1753 - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #357 w/ Thumper / Deadcat ""Q POST #1749 #1750 #1751 #1752 # 1753"" ...Deep State / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'EU', 'DEEP STATE', 'QANON', 'NWO'] PT26M24S 528 7 32 1 not set not set 2018-07-31T05:37:23.000Z XmTRt_t5TbY UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ FEISTYCAT & FRIENDS: Q STORM - THE GREAT AWAKENING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ ""..................................................."" ...Immigration / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 not set PT1H4M45S 826 9 65 2 not set not set 2018-08-03T03:36:28.000Z DOkUnEyLsMQ UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MEET DYLAN, THE Q MAP GUY - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #373 w/ ""MEET DYLAN, THE Q MAP GUY"" ...Deep State / Culture / Conspiracy / History / Propaganda / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX'] PT1H19M59S 1246 8 62 1 not set not set 2018-08-15T19:41:08.000Z lOxkkev9I1A UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ DEADCAT: FULL ARMOR OF GOD / Q POST #1886 - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #402 w/ Deadcat ""FULL ARMOR OF GOD"" ...Armor of God / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'NWO', 'ARMOUR OF GOD', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'EPHESIANS 6', 'QANON', 'CORINTHIANS 13'] PT2M10S 199 2 21 1 not set not set 2018-08-16T22:07:17.000Z QRYNXJ9a1Lk UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ FEISTY, FLIPPPER & FRIENDS: Q DEEP DIVE / ANTIFA & ALIENS - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #410 w/ Flippper Flip / Feisty & Friends ""Q DEEP DIVE / ANTIFA & ALIENS"" ...QAnon / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'ANTIFA', 'QANON', 'CIA', 'ABDUCTIONS', 'SRA', 'SATANIC', 'CHILD TRAFFICKING'] PT4H3M7S 641 6 45 0 not set not set 2018-08-20T19:00:11.000Z VskVICuBEaM UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ PM SHOW: CNN MUDD MELTDOWN / SECURITY CLEARANCE - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #459 w/ Conscious Abe / Indy wars / Patriotic Pitbull ""CNN MUDD MELTDOWN / SECURITY CLEARANCE"" ...Revoked Clearance / Top Secret / Deep State / CIA-MSM / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'EU', 'NWO', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CIA', 'BRENNAN', 'CLAPPER', 'MUDD', 'CNN', 'MSM', 'MOCKINGBIRD', 'POTUS', 'PARIS'] PT12M34S 173 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-23T05:10:36.000Z IMUus1zMQi4 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ Don'tNo... MAGA SWAGA: Q POST DECODES - MILITARY TRIBUNALS / TREASON - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ DontNo... / Maga Swaga ""Q POST DECODES - PSYCHOLOGY OF PSYCHOPATHY"" ...Cabal / Trafficking / Sedition / Treason / Psy-Ops / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CABAL', 'TREASON', 'SEDITION', 'PSYCHOPATHS', 'SOCIOPATHS', 'NARCISISTS', 'NARCISISM'] PT31M54S 315 7 21 0 not set not set 2018-09-07T13:10:27.000Z aE1uhQqG2bQ UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ RADIX+GOODDOG: FUTURE PROVES PAST / CONTROLLED OPPOSITION - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Radix Verum / GoodDog ""FUTURE PROVES PAST"" ...Q Posts / Controlled Opposition / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CONTROLLED OPPOSITION', 'FBI', 'JACK POSOBIEC', 'AJ', 'INFOWARS', 'MOSSAD'] PT1H43M55S 217 2 18 1 not set not set 2018-09-16T19:13:29.000Z UDXPkRzch9U UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ DEADCAT: THE PLEDGE (with Gratitude) / Q POST #2118 - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Deadcat ""THE PEDGE (with Gratitude) / Q POST #2118"" ...Pledge Of Allegiance / Constitution / Bill Of Rights / Declaration Of Independence / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGoWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'US CONSTITUTION', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE', 'BILL OF RIGHTS', 'AMERICA', 'LAND OF THE FREE', 'LAND OF THE BRAVE', 'Q+', 'QANON', 'Q CLEARANCE', 'POTUS'] PT2M 417 11 51 0 not set not set 2018-10-03T04:52:03.000Z Y_IRr6yQNe0 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ BRAND ANON: Q RAP (PATRIOT PULSE) - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Brand Anon ""Q RAP (PATRIOT PULSE)"" ...Patriot Music / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'Q RAP', 'PATRIOT BEATS'] PT5M10S 337 0 19 1 not set not set 2018-10-03T05:26:30.000Z RP-q3iPGS_8 UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MAGA SWAGA: Special Guest EDENSVISION - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS #[SPECIAL GUEST] w/ Maga Swaga / Bonnie ""Special Guest EDENSVISION"" ...QAnon / Faith / Hope / Love / Patriots / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', '8Chan', '4Chan', 'CABAL', 'Q POSTS', 'EDENSVISION', 'DEEP STATE', 'Illuminati'] PT53M35S 195 1 12 1 not set not set 2018-10-10T10:05:52.000Z w-uSiesKU4o UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MAGA SWAGA: THE VIP ANON INTERVIEW / GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER - THE GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Maga Swaga / VIP Anon ""THE VIP ANON INTERVIEW / GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER "" ...Trump Rally / Culture / QAnon / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'TRUMP RALLY', 'QANON'] PT58M28S 625 3 34 2 not set not set 2018-10-17T10:25:48.000Z B4e9MMZn7-I UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ MAGA SWAGA: THE NPC SILVER BULLET / CHANS vs NPCs / NPC MEME MAGIC 1of2 - GREAT AWAKENING WWG1WGA "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Maga Swaga / Crystal Maga ""THE NPC SILVER BULLET / CHANS vs NPCs / NPC MEME MAGIC 1of2"" ...Non-Player Characters / Culture / Demographics / Religion / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'NPCs', 'NON PLAYER CHARACTERS', 'NPC', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'MEME MAGIC', '4CHAN', '8CHAN', 'MEMES', 'JACK DORSEY', 'ZUCKERBERG'] PT29M15S 1474 24 76 1 not set not set 2018-10-17T22:52:07.000Z VCjvJh6wpoc UC-sh4x6CuaYnTVZYoO-3NIQ PAMPHLET ANON: Q POST #2298 / WELCOME to the POLICE STATE / TIME TO FIGHT - THE GREAT AWAKENING "STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS # w/ Pamphlet ANON ""Q POST #2298 / WELCOME to the POLICE STATE / TIME TO FIGHT"" ...Q Posts / Culture / Game Is A Foot / Censorship / Q-Anonymous from Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 LIVE STREAM ... Hear ""Q - THE ANON CREED"" by GRAND TORINO, here: ... #WeThePeople" BLACK MIRROR 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'WWGOWGA', 'WE THE PEOPLE', 'CIA', 'GOOGLE CENSORSHIP', 'INTERNET CENSORSHIP', 'CABAL', 'DEEP STATE', 'CENSORSHIP'] PT1M30S 260 0 17 3 not set not set 2018-04-22T22:52:07.000Z 8TFPGc3XxRE UCbfU8Pku2a0eTgfc_IDJy8A Q - THE ANON CREED (@GrandTorino original version) "+++++++++ Q +++++++++++ with acknowledgement & thanks to Q & the might Chans . . #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream ... THE ANON CREED This is it. The moment we've been waiting for. The last weeks were a rapid-fire of information that rocked the unwoken from their slumber. They now pay attention. They are ready for what is coming. The Mother Of All Information Bombs will be upon us next week, and we are ready. Before troops are sent into the fray, they are put into a state of readiness. Q, with his latest crumbs, did just that - specifically asked us anons to standby for the blast. To keep our memes and truth-bombs at the ready, polished and perfected. This is the reason Q is even here with us, to guide us towards what we do best, and that is - to spread truths and ideas. Remember how it was five years ago? Do you remember the sense of hopelessness as the Establishment was peeling away our rights, our lives, our futures? Do you remember how the World began to turn into a police state? How Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, all of the tech giants strangled our freedom, our ideas and our everyday life? How they rewarded those who were willing to discard it all for the momentary comfort of getting a few likes on a photo? We were fighting back then, too. In a different way - we were always a force that has had as it's core purpose the upsetting of the Status Quo. We were the counter-culture. We were the uncontrollable, the unwanted, the strangers, the weird ones. Those in power did all they could to make us into losers, creating label after label to categorize us as the worst of the worst. We, however, were always the Barbarians, the Nomads of the Internet. We never allowed ourselves to be controlled, we roamed the networks, moving from place to place, free from influence. Until they intervened. Until they made the Internet so small as to literally make it impossible for us to not join their sick game. What did we do? We did what we always did when our territories were encroached upon. We raided. We invaded their precious little safe-spaces, destroying their carefully maintained normalcy and leaving behind only our war-marks on the walls. Many a website was left in tatters, never to recover, after anons were roused from their comfort and irritated. Back then, we were the top of the Internet food-chain. We were Anonymous, the Internet Hate Machine. They tried to wrest that from us. They thought that with the advent of Facebook, Youtube, Reddit and other centralized services, they would take complete control of the message, with free thought snuffed out. We had to retreat to our fatherlands, to the imageboards, outnumbered and outgunned, but that will soon end. You see, Q needs us for the thing we're best at - invading safe-spaces. Our mission is to invade them and leave behind incontrovertible truth that was given unto us as crumbs to decipher. We now await the mother of all drops to begin our assault. We are prepared and standing by. I ask of you then, my battle-brothers and battle-sisters: are you ready? Are you ready to wrest control from the Cabal and years of indoctrination? Are you ready to flood the Internet with light, to make the truth known and to destroy decades of lies that were put in everyone's heads? Are you ready to free your fellow men and women? Are you ready to, once again, raid, invade and destroy for the good of mankind? Because THIS IS IT. The moment we've been waiting for, for some of us all their lives. Answer the call, become the hivemind once again and let us lay waste on centuries of lies. There will be no quarter given. There will be no inch given. There will only be the Truth, for the Truth will set us free. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. ..." BLACK MIRROR WWG1WGA 25 ['Qanon', 'We The People', '8-CHAN', '4-CHAN', 'MOAB', 'ANONYMOUS', 'Q CLEARANCE', 'PATRIOTS', 'Q-POSTS', 'FIVE EYES', 'GRAND TORINO'] PT4M12S 5698 79 526 12 not set not set 2018-04-23T04:15:41.000Z -hq4VQ5rHMM UCbfU8Pku2a0eTgfc_IDJy8A Q - THE ANON CREED (@Daddy_Dragon version) "+++++++++ Q +++++++++++ with acknowledgement & thanks to Q & the might Chans . . #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream ... THE ANON CREED This is it. The moment we've been waiting for. The last weeks were a rapid-fire of information that rocked the unwoken from their slumber. They now pay attention. They are ready for what is coming. The Mother Of All Information Bombs will be upon us next week, and we are ready. Before troops are sent into the fray, they are put into a state of readiness. Q, with his latest crumbs, did just that - specifically asked us anons to standby for the blast. To keep our memes and truth-bombs at the ready, polished and perfected. This is the reason Q is even here with us, to guide us towards what we do best, and that is - to spread truths and ideas. Remember how it was five years ago? Do you remember the sense of hopelessness as the Establishment was peeling away our rights, our lives, our futures? Do you remember how the World began to turn into a police state? How Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, all of the tech giants strangled our freedom, our ideas and our everyday life? How they rewarded those who were willing to discard it all for the momentary comfort of getting a few likes on a photo? We were fighting back then, too. In a different way - we were always a force that has had as it's core purpose the upsetting of the Status Quo. We were the counter-culture. We were the uncontrollable, the unwanted, the strangers, the weird ones. Those in power did all they could to make us into losers, creating label after label to categorize us as the worst of the worst. We, however, were always the Barbarians, the Nomads of the Internet. We never allowed ourselves to be controlled, we roamed the networks, moving from place to place, free from influence. Until they intervened. Until they made the Internet so small as to literally make it impossible for us to not join their sick game. What did we do? We did what we always did when our territories were encroached upon. We raided. We invaded their precious little safe-spaces, destroying their carefully maintained normalcy and leaving behind only our war-marks on the walls. Many a website was left in tatters, never to recover, after anons were roused from their comfort and irritated. Back then, we were the top of the Internet food-chain. We were Anonymous, the Internet Hate Machine. They tried to wrest that from us. They thought that with the advent of Facebook, Youtube, Reddit and other centralized services, they would take complete control of the message, with free thought snuffed out. We had to retreat to our fatherlands, to the imageboards, outnumbered and outgunned, but that will soon end. You see, Q needs us for the thing we're best at - invading safe-spaces. Our mission is to invade them and leave behind incontrovertible truth that was given unto us as crumbs to decipher. We now await the mother of all drops to begin our assault. We are prepared and standing by. I ask of you then, my battle-brothers and battle-sisters: are you ready? Are you ready to wrest control from the Cabal and years of indoctrination? Are you ready to flood the Internet with light, to make the truth known and to destroy decades of lies that were put in everyone's heads? Are you ready to free your fellow men and women? Are you ready to, once again, raid, invade and destroy for the good of mankind? Because THIS IS IT. The moment we've been waiting for, for some of us all their lives. Answer the call, become the hivemind once again and let us lay waste on centuries of lies. There will be no quarter given. There will be no inch given. There will only be the Truth, for the Truth will set us free. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. ..." BLACK MIRROR WWG1WGA 25 ['Qanon', 'We The People', '8-CHAN', '4-CHAN', 'MOAB', 'ANONYMOUS', 'Q CLEARANCE', 'PATRIOTS', 'Q-POSTS', 'FIVE EYES', 'DADDY DRAGON'] PT6M41S 791 19 97 1 not set not set 2018-07-10T06:39:14.000Z e2f9ppRLe90 UCvaHgYcWAAcn5D54w4Dqezg Here's The Thing About Q "I am entirely self funded. If you find these videos helpful, support the truth: Bitcoin (BTC): 3MfSmMkhkxmPsLW3DaqxefVzEBBDVsa4db Bitcoin CASH (BCH): 1PAcbd732WbdJvtnANvJbQBvdouRNgsG2s ETH: 0x9cb1F706b1bE726257187292148aD8DAAebD5A80 Litecoin: MLiwiAaNsd8KFsMmPqcyimhWAjPEV5nxeR Monero (XMR): 47c35fve7ipTpHsDDRMB83Dc7taW1KVYKjkqWKpEGY7JZQqUQQhpYrTe6eXc7r2nvE8Vd2kGuB1tx7mrEN753kf3EHLKr3M ZCASH: t1SkJNwoZ3oZrgJoYkqfrh2EnquXCzVGNDT ​" Black Pilled 25 ['black pilled', 'devon stack', 'blackpilled'] PT10M26S 175516 3435 10494 355 not set not set 2018-08-07T13:55:29.000Z novZXnYS5n8 UC2JnBNjkfrk8eXAjOZwQv7A the Q ANON song, from THOUGHT GUM #ASKTHEQ Black Trump WWG1WGA 10 not set PT4M20S 49621 321 2169 208 not set not set 2018-03-29T00:47:12.000Z ewZMRSKtyMk UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Qanon New Posts - Free Flynn in 30 - Seal Team 6 Ready! "Qanon Real-time Feed! Sealed Indictments count: North Korea Tunnel Collapse back in Nov: Sergey Brin and Google Pedo Networks continue to be rolled up Zuckerbeg Testifying Emerengy Declared for Balanced Budget Resignation of CEOs and Politicians (scroll down) Google War on Qanon General Flynn Twitter DOJ IG and FISA abuses Nxivm cult leader FBI Raids NXIVM See video below on NXIVM #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Support this Channel by trying one of my services and helping feed kids. Change to ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries) We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Website has chat and support numbers, if you need personal support DM Rick on Twitter @BlessedToTeach." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Seal Team 6', 'The Great Awakening', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'Internal Bill of Rights', 'The Storm is here', 'Deep State Panic', 'Drain the Swamp', 'General Flynn'] PT38M45S 12456 58 421 9 not set not set 2018-03-30T01:43:46.000Z smFxfK5TOZU UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Qanon Leaks - CIA Collusion and Beyond! 3-28-18 Late Drops "Qanon Real-time Feed! Collusion Delusion! Sealed Indictments count: Search December 12, 2009 and see video of Hillary on Honduras (not the video we will soon see?) Red Pill in the Mainstream! why-so-many-are-taking-red-pill-and-discovering-truth-about-mainstream-media.html The Real Collusion Story New FBI probe Way to Eliminate the SES? Defining $ as fixed weight of gold #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Support this Channel by trying one of my services and helping feed kids. Change to ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries) We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Website has chat and support numbers, if you need personal support DM Rick on Twitter @BlessedToTeach." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'collusion', 'fbi', 'doj', 'cia', 'deep state panic', 'Qanon Drop', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm is here', 'trust the plan', 'Buckle up!'] PT31M37S 5096 38 242 6 not set not set 2018-04-02T03:06:33.000Z zoJym1gDnp8 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Qanon, Trump and God's Prophesies - Is the Lord using Trump to take down the Deep State? "Qanon Real-time Feed! Mark Taylor Trump Prophesies - Isaiah 45 - Cyrus Trump will be a Trumpet – Kim Clement Kim Clement’s prophecies regarding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, with my comments  Nov 17, 2016 Lance Wallnau Book “God’s Chaos Candidate” Mark Taylor Book “Trump Prophesies 18,500+ Sealed Indictments: Fake new media talking points – Recent Example #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Support this Channel by trying one of my services and helping feed kids. Change to ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries) We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Website has chat and support numbers, if you need personal support DM Rick on Twitter @BlessedToTeach." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Deep State Panic', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'qanon', 'The Storm is here', 'Trump Prophesies', 'Drain the Swamp', 'The Great Awakening'] PT45M42S 15761 131 566 15 not set not set 2018-04-06T03:14:50.000Z c-Jy8Ukneww UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Adios! Qanon April 5 Drop - 20 Drops with Mulitple Bombshells! "Qanon Real-time Feed! Mark Taylor Website: (go to Prophetic words tab) 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Wheel of Fake News: Economist Cover - Tarot Cards Rosenstein Corruption: DC Emergency Broadcast Test Mexican Senators against Trump Winnie the Pooh NRA? Student 2nd Amendment: Deaths in Chicago Not Covered by MSM: Facebook Corruption: Facebook Legal Issues: CNN Bias: Vatican Problems: Mueller After Roger Stone: Amazon Censoring Corsi: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Support this Channel by trying one of my services and helping feed kids. Change to ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries) We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Website has chat and support numbers, if you need personal support DM Rick on Twitter @BlessedToTeach." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Deep State', 'Qanon', 'Deep State Panic', 'John McCain', 'Facebook', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', '2nd American Revolution', 'The Great Awakening'] PT53M1S 29098 170 927 24 not set not set 2018-04-18T04:52:47.000Z q8TUQdaq6Q4 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ RR. Boom. Q. Rosenstein Misses Another Deadline. False Fags! Qanon 11-17-18 "Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Mark Taylor Prophesies: Rosenstein Misses Deadline, Again! Bombshell: Corruption: Trump 4 Tweets in 2 seconds: N. Korea S. Korea Peace: N. Korea and Trump: Southwest Airline Explosion: Southwest Pictures: Person killed in explosion: Judge against Cohen and Hannity: Pictures of Soros wedding by judge: Pizzagate and Fake News to Kill it: Fake Video narrative: Fake Video discussion: IT failures in Congress: No Chemical Weapons attack in Syria - FF: Message to Bill? Comey Demise: Strike Package Defined: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education. If any copyright owner believes that a specific upload does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Support this Channel by trying one of my services and helping feed kids. Change to ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries) We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Website has chat and support numbers, if you need personal support DM Rick on Twitter @BlessedToTeach." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Rosenstein', 'Great Awakening', 'Fake news', 'Fake videos', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm is here'] PT37M40S 3476 28 263 0 not set not set 2018-04-24T00:59:47.000Z 24y2i_eGJ-A UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Welcome Mr. President. But NO Iran Deal. Qanon April 23 "Please send your Memes and other great information to my Twitter:! Just add @BlessedtoTeach to your Tweet! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Coordinates from Q Drop - NYC Ground Zero: #1249 Discussion: Listen Carefully Discussion: 2 Unlikely People on Trump Train: Kanye Tweeting Infowars: Iran is Next: Rapper goes off! MOAB Theory: Help Hillary: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Support this Channel by trying one of my services and helping feed kids. Change to ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries) We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Website has chat and support numbers, if you need personal support DM Rick on Twitter @BlessedToTeach." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Macron', 'Iran Deal', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'The Great Awakening'] PT44M26S 4131 41 237 3 not set not set 2018-05-07T00:36:45.000Z 7RBW84yAMh8 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Sealed Indictments: 4,393 More in April!! Total 28,937! Qanon May 6 - Mark Taylor Prophesy "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments: Mark Taylor Prophesies: Graphic of Firings! Discussion on Firings! Graphic on November 11th Sean Davis Twitter: Sean Davis Thread on Redactings Criminality: Barron is Q? lol Patriots have no skin color! Black male Trump Approval Doubles! Make Korea Great with America: Dan Bongino Show: 8Chan and Corsi: Fake news abc: Analysis of fake news abc: Trump 2013 Tweet: Not a Russia Hack: Idaho State - Dirty Bomb? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Sealed Indictments', 'The Great Awakening', 'Patriots Fight', 'Justice', 'Deep State Panic'] PT1H1M4S 23780 279 970 31 not set not set 2018-05-15T05:32:46.000Z 4OuZbZCGWD0 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Pain Coming - Rudy Knows Where the Bodies are Buried - Qanon May 14 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Comedy Central Video Slamming Q (see comments!!) Mack Arrested on April 19th: Eric Schneiderman Resigns Ben Garrison on House Divided: Corsi Doxxing: Who is Q: FBI Source Planted? Retracted As They Try to Cover: FBI Sourced Planted! Mueller Attacking Those with Ties to BOTH Clintons and Trump: Grassely Demands: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Pain is Coming', 'Deep State panic', 'Calm Before the Storm'] PT52M16S 8120 104 609 5 not set not set 2018-05-16T05:51:22.000Z upti-bmnp8A UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Sessions Activated - Pain Coming/Protecting Oficers - Qanon May 15 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Map on 187 of Familia Trump Honoring Familia family Trump MEGA - Done Familia's Mom Hugging Trump Richard Donoghue confirmed‘interim’-tag-us-attorney-eastern-district-new-york Podesta and Pizza Tie Addicted to Q Lionel Tweet: Discussion on NYPD Roseanne Saying Stay Together SerielBrain2 Image analysis #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Sessions', 'Great Awakening', 'Calm Before the Storm'] PT50M13S 23836 206 1002 17 not set not set 2018-05-19T02:56:00.000Z Xv3kRMpofgk UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Checkmate! The D5 Move! Qanon May 18 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Beware of False Flags: False Flags? Other False Flags? DOJ & FBI commit crimes on HRC case: 22 Week Countdown is here! PS in London Analysis: PS in London: LV FF? LV FF? Q Rules: Q D5 Move: Blumenthal Panic? Attorney for Child Trafficking on Weiner: Paddock ZTE Phone at Crime Scene! #1414 Discussion: Bad May for Pope: Reddit Censoring: Reddit Censoring 2: Scary: Trump Tweet: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 not set PT56M17S 20892 165 789 18 not set not set 2018-05-21T05:44:54.000Z vJqqHcp-KWA UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Armor of God - Q Posts Scripture! Qanon May 20 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Flipped Image - Q 5:25 #1425 Discussion: #1429 Discussion #1431 Discussion John Brennan Threat POTUS Tweet Storm: 23 Hours? SerielBrain2 Analysis of Q1414 Promises Made Promises Kept 5 Photo Puzzle: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State Panic', 'Great Awakening', 'Calm Before the Storm'] PT1H12M31S 13050 137 581 19 not set not set 2018-05-22T06:01:33.000Z 5QOg9l5NEzs UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Military OP: JFK - Rod Rosenstein Problems! Qanon May 21 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Q Drop RR Problems: Rachel Brand: Rachel Brand NBC: MIchael Flynn Jr. - All Going Down! Grab Your Popcorn! Trump Tweets Dan Bongino: Bongino on Fox: Brennan Former Employee: Ex Navy Seal on Brennan: Deep State in Deep S***: Hillary Meme: Where is Obama? Grassley and Ohr emails: The source revealed: Russians linked to Hillary planting in Trump Campaign: Meme on Justice: Bad May for Pope: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'Brennan', 'Rod Rosenstein'] PT56M6S 16102 125 717 15 not set not set 2018-05-26T22:56:28.000Z AFIyHjBRJHU UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ The Killing of Uncle Sam Chpts 1-3 - Deep State Pain - Qanon May 26 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Rick's Twitter: Join Rick in San Jose on June 22-24: Sign up Form for San Jose: Services for ACN:®ion=TX# Fill Out this Survey: Or just ""Contact Me"" and email Rick: Boom: Harvey in Handcuffs: Harvey Threat: Huber and Why Trump Fired and Re-Hired: What Happened with Flynn? Dan Bongino Show Notes: Timing of Spying Operation? Trump and Kim Jung Ung Meme: The Hill article: ESPN Learning? ""Right to Try"" Bill for Terminally Ill: Trump Supporter! NY Times Failing: Trump Portrait: Venezuela Trump Tweet: Popular Vote Meme: Definition of Spy: Spy vs. Spy Meme: Brennan die in a penitentiary? Gorka and Q? Trump Spending Hours Shaking hands: Great Awakening Subreddit: Pedo Island Photos! Egland SIGINT: Tommy Robinson: Portrait of Cecil Rhodes Cecil Rhodes wiki: Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you:" Blessed To Teach 25 ['ACN', 'Qanon', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Killing of Uncle Sam', 'Deep State Panic', 'Deep State Pain'] PT1H26M53S 10303 107 461 10 not set not set 2018-05-29T04:22:29.000Z yJeXXS7fRo4 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Great Reawakening - #Spygate Name Game - Qanon News May 28 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Celebrate Now Q is Finished: Trump Reawakening: Trump Child Trafficker? Wrong President: Obama or Trump: Pedo-Prisons? $50M Obama Netflix Deal: Obama Netflix: 16 Year Plan B: Spygate in 2015? Where to find IG Report: MS-13 Leader Captured: Great Britain Meme - Tommy: Truth in Britain: Evidence for Q: Wikileaks awakening: Spygate: Why not call him a spys? Dgfffcf: Truth Meme: North Korea Talks: Slow Release of information is strategic: PewDiePie vs. Vice: California Black Women MAGA: Fusion GPS in Setup: Spy Name Games: Join Rick in San Jose: Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Spygate'] PT1H7M54S 16559 135 732 20 not set not set 2018-06-01T03:40:44.000Z wEUv5XMMZgM UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Q-Clock - Don't Get Distracted! Qanon News May 31 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Another Great Q Research Site! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Shiny Distractions! Wind the Clock! Open Letter to Independent Media: Eye the Spy Twitter: EyetheSpy Q&A: Meme: Pompeo Tweets: Pompeo: NYT Problems: SpyGate Issues: Meme: Branding Meme: Roseanne: Roseanne Twitter: Disappearing Posts: Caves of Child Prisons: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 not set PT1H11M22S 33831 273 1032 51 not set not set 2018-06-12T01:36:25.000Z 6a083q2Dst0 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ A Week to Remember! 22 New Q Drops! Qanon June 11 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Over 35,000 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,000 per month for 7 MONTHS straight when a normal year is about 1,000 per YEAR. 70X normal volume! A week to remember - NeonRevolt: Facebook Sharing Your Data with China Firms! Obama archives lost: Bigger Story Behind Wolfe and Media Leaks: Links to discussions on each Q Drop: Trump Tweet (missing ""i"" and missing ""p""... IP?) EyeTheSpy changes to Cheshire Cat: EyeTheSpy/Cheshire Cat admits he was wrong: DOJ Refusing to Give Grassley access to Agent who interviewed Flynn: Rod Rosenstein in Canada: Eric Prince and Blackwater: SerielBrain2 on Tuscan Distraction: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'The Great Awakening', 'A Week to Remember', 'North Korea', 'Summit'] PT1H9M29S 17334 71 616 14 not set not set 2018-06-15T04:28:14.000Z j8oPB_OheDQ UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Part I: Chess Game? IG Report Manipulation by Deep State - Qanon June 14 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Over 35,000 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,000 per month for 7 MONTHS straight when a normal year is about 1,000 per YEAR. 70X normal volume! OIG Report Q Drop 1498 Discussion SerialBrain2 OIG Report! OIG Report Discussion Congress Pushing FBI Agents Found Trying to Damage Trump PLEASE SIGN THIS: Secret email and Obama Fox News Confirm: Lovebirds hatred of Trump Never forget Seth Rich FBI Agents Taking Bribes from Reporters Redactions Meme: Join me on Twitter: Join me in San Jose! #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'IG Report'] PT44M28S 18204 159 694 17 not set not set 2018-06-26T03:43:01.000Z UJJVYcM9E7s UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Q Proofs - Part 1: Twitter - Qanon June 25 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Over 35,000 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,000 per month for 7 MONTHS straight when a normal year is about 1,000 per YEAR. 70X normal volume! Why not #45, but #17?? Q Proofs Twitter Q Proofs Jim Jordon Speaker? N. Korea Cancels anti-US Rally Rosenstein and Wray to Testify Dan Bongino Show Crazy Maxine Obama Separated Kids FBI Ignores Key Evidence FBI Framed Flynn? Boward County Voter Fraud Voting Machines - Can we Trust? Red Hen Tweet Q in Finland Fashion Industry and the Occult #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanon Proofs', 'Qanon News'] PT51M24S 11035 61 527 14 not set not set 2018-07-02T00:03:22.000Z xpIKjbtWkpg UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Sealed Indictments are Deep State Focused! 50X Normal volumes & Count Now up to 40k+ - Qanon July 1 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Q Proofs Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is about 1,000 per YEAR. The Manchurian Candidate in the White House Turley on Sessions Using Huber and Horowitz Snopes attack on Qanon Angry Journalist slamming Qanon ICE Homepage Trey Gowdy recommended Tim Scott Family Photo - Child Sacrifice? Deep Q Analysis by Neon Revolt Red Shoes - Freaky HHS Official Attacked by the Left Justice is coming to repair the wrongs of JFK Senate Votes to Legalize Hemp #Walkaway Meme on Politicians Not Running for Re-Election Q Everywhere! Light to Dark - July Follow me on Twitter #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots who what to support this channel, just try one ACN service and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Great Awakening', 'Horowitz', 'Huber', 'Deep State Panic'] PT57M32S 26390 257 1109 33 not set not set 2018-07-06T05:27:41.000Z A0WWi2qMsZs UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ SerialBrain2 Clears Drops - Is Q a LARP? Qanon July 5 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs (Military) Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. SerialBrain 2 Analysis of Drops Admiral Rodger Around Table: Facebook Page: Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'The Melting Pot', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'SerialBrain2', 'Q is not a LARP', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'B2 Bomer', 'Stealth radar reflection', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'Sealed Indictments'] PT41M33S 20657 131 755 23 not set not set 2018-07-10T00:18:24.000Z 9-aX1EH4b8A UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Trump vs. Swamp - How is Trump Using Congress? - Qanon July 9 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. ImperatorRex on Trump Swamp Draining and Congress Trump Tweet on Supreme Court Democrats Trying Court Pick to Mueller Investigation Witness Can Identify 2 Killers of Seth Rich Trump Tweet on Big Pharma Mueller Breaking Laws? Devin Nunes: Trump Should Declassify UK Collapsing 6 Wrestling Coaches Defend Jim Jordan Trump Confidence in Kim Jung Un Video Trump Tweeted: 16 Girls Saved from Trafficking? 10,000 Missing Children in UK Bombshell - New Zealand Pedophiles Mueller will not Present ANY collusion in trail Why is Monafort in Solitary Confinement? Awesome meme Larry did on this channel #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'The Melting Pot', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', 'Devin Nunez', 'Trump vs. The Swamp', 'Congress Role', 'Trump using congress'] PT52M26S 9553 62 549 11 not set not set 2018-07-20T04:37:38.000Z tBeB_1XmJ2A UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Uranium One Investigation Started! - Qanon July 19 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. Trump Administration Starts Uranium One Investigation Uranium One Investigation Putin Gives 160TB to Trump? MSM After Qanon MSNBC Slams Qanon Praying Medic - A Personal Awakening Candice Owens - The Brain Meme about Trump Putin Meeting K Ship Harassment FBI Comey Conceal, Delay and Destroy Evidence More CEOs Gone China, not Russia is the Threat Chuck Meme The 4 Servers! Trump Tweet on Dems BlacklistAnon Dan Bongino Links John Brennan Lies Hilary Comeback #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'Uranium One', 'Uranium 1', '165 Terabytes', 'putin', 'vladimir putin', 'Trump Putin Summit'] PT1H3M1S 28355 181 1079 20 not set not set 2018-07-25T07:10:00.000Z nHe2huzhd90 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ New Q Drops! Hollywood Threatens Anons - Qanon July 25 "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'Hollywood', 'New Q Drops'] PT1H16M11S 37011 343 1338 31 not set not set 2018-07-27T04:39:14.000Z OHYCSRNmqUQ UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Biggest Sting in History! - Qanon Posts July 26 - Mueller a White Hat? "Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. Meadows Back Off Impeachment Sessions Smart for Using Huber vs. 2nd Council Movie on Jeff Sessions supporting RR Click Bait on Mueller More Click Bait on Mueller and Trump Tweets MSM Corruption Map Neon Revolt on BIG Neon Revolt on Trump Declaring War on Cabal Neon Revolt - Solemnly Swear 1712/1713 Discussion 1714/1715 Dicussion Hidden Info in Qs Pictures? Pixelknot Decoder 1718 Discussion Trump Calls Twitter on Shadow Banning Shadow Banning SaraACarter 4 Articles! Fiji Water Nunes on Banning Voting Machines Zuckerburg and Insider Trading? Who is Follow Sarah? What is the Q Phenomenon US Trade to Europe! Wealth Before and After Office #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Posts', '', 'Biggest sting in history', 'The Great Awakening', 'Deep State', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Trump'] PT1H7M18S 57613 397 1737 63 not set not set 2018-07-31T04:50:33.000Z 5pRutXDz_tE UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ California Arson? - Avenatti Deep State? Qanon Posts July 30 "If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. List of CEO Resignations Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs F-16 Intercept Yankee Statium - Trump 20/20 Banner: Whistleblower Appreciation Day 1762 Discussion 1763 Discussion Disney Russia Media Red Pilled Pence Buckle Up MSM on Tape? CIA Lame Duck? Trump - Get Even, Think Big Remember Hillary Meme ArrestPodesta Deep State Avenatti Obama Foundation Delay Nunes on FISA Wolfe Indictment Female Cop Beat up #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'california fires'] PT1H32M3S 26831 208 1217 32 not set not set 2018-08-08T04:17:38.000Z Em8jit9tHe8 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Deep State Controlled Opposition - Qanon Posts Aug 7 "PLEASE sign: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. List of CEO Resignations Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Is this why so many flipped on Q? HR5181 Tweet #1825 Discussion Quote from Lenin Neon Revolt on Aug 6 Article on Propaganda Factory Nice Article on Q So What is Q? Cancel NYT Broward County Slip Comey Emails Coming! No Name Treason DC in Panic!! Up Vote Please DJT and the Star Karama 45 vs. 44 #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'Vladimir Lenin', 'controlled opposition', 'Conspiracy theory'] PT50M6S 12974 218 889 10 not set not set 2018-08-10T05:08:58.000Z 2NlMIKvmYAs UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Let Q Loose! Q vs. Mockingbird - Qanon Posts Aug 9 "PLEASE sign: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: Over 40,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,060 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. List of CEO Resignations Qanon Real-time Feed! Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Killing of Uncle Sam Book: 1827 Discussion Q Map 1829 Discussion 1830 Discussion Jesse Ventura Propaganda 101: Operation Mockingbird Continues, Jan 2015 Frank Church: Over 400 Agents in CIA 2015 Article on Hilary emails and Narrative on WikiLeaks and 60 Minutes CIA plots to overthrow the governments of Iran and Guatemala. US Govt Just Legalized Operation Mockingbird — FBI Can Now Impersonate the Media (Sep 2016) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump'] PT1H13M13S 19033 164 1054 20 not set not set 2018-08-30T04:27:50.000Z KkSDysDcAGA UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ The Storm is Here! 50+ Q Drops in 2 Days! - Qanon Posts Aug 29 "Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 45,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,050 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media Qanon Acronyms Ohr Testimony - Who Lied? Media Trap Neon Revolt Example Drop Discussion POTUS Tweet on Fake News Trump Tweet on Obama Hillary and Russia #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanon Drops', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'EyeTheSpy', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump'] PT1H15M13S 40091 244 1487 38 not set not set 2018-09-06T03:46:57.000Z CU1HiPGeXSw UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Mossad Control? Alex Jones - FISA Treason? - Qanon Posts Sep 5 "Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 45,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,050 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops'] PT1H3M39S 24348 318 1162 47 not set not set 2018-09-08T23:48:49.000Z ZlxSY76um3k UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ We The People! Q+ & Neon Revolt Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein - Qanon Posts Sep 8 "Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 45,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,050 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 not set PT51M3S 23339 203 1153 24 not set not set 2018-09-09T23:42:04.000Z 48DYkZlwn1A UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Hannity Confirmed Patriot! - Qanon Posts Sep 9 - Bible Study - Ezra 7 "Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 45,400 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,050 per month for 8 MONTHS straight when a normal year is just over 1,000 per YEAR. Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media 2120 Discussion 2121 Discussion Neon Revolt on AJ The time is coming... Gitmo Sacrifice Assange on Orwell #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops', 'sean hannity', 'Bible Study'] PT50M31S 23654 238 1099 30 not set not set 2018-09-18T03:42:39.000Z 1FQZR_wj3oI UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ FISA Declass PAIN! Panic in DC! Neon Revolt and SB2 - Qanon Posts Sep 17 "B2T BackUp YouTube Channels (please subscribe, so you can find me if banned): Blessed 2 Teach2 Blessed 2 Teach 3 B2T Patrion: Replacement for Great Awakening reddit:  Facebook: Twitter: Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 51,700 Sealed Indictments! Over 5k per month for 10 MONTHS when normal volumes is just over 1k per YEAR! Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media FISA Declas Emmy Awards the date of FISA Declas Emmy award goes to.... Q 2204 Discussion on SC and Sessions SB2 Decode - Flynn part of Q Learning 8 Chan from Neon Revolt Kavenaugh's Accuser Strzok Opening Case Filings 2 Hours after Comey Firing Investigating the FBI Nunez and 70 Depositions History Books destroy Patriotism and Christianity Sessions and 24 State AGs Emmy FISA red carpet #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanon Posts', '', 'Qanon Today', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops'] PT56M49S 27867 316 1496 20 not set not set 2018-09-26T04:12:48.000Z e83S-3NVXx4 UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Avenatti Punked? Fake Accuser? Operation Kavanagh - Qanon Posts Sep 25 "Celebrate President Trump’s “We’ll deliver as promised” solid silver 2020 Freedom Coin and make sure to type in “Blessed” coupon code to receive a $5 dollar discount per coin your buy. SHOW NOTES at B2T New Website! B2T BackUp YouTube Channels (please subscribe, so you can find me if banned): Blessed 2 Teach2 Blessed 2 Teach 3 B2T Voat Page: B2T Patreon: B2T PayPal: Replacement for Great Awakening reddit:  Facebook: Twitter: Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 51,700 Sealed Indictments! Over 5k per month for 10 MONTHS when normal volumes is just over 1k per YEAR! Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media Combined VOAT Board (Bookmark!) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Patriots can support this channel without spending $$. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanon Posts', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops'] PT1H2M59S 22359 186 1168 21 not set not set 2018-09-27T02:45:01.000Z AqsZLqDeGsE UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ The Full 1 Hour Show is on my BACKUP Channel - Link Below "Backup: Blessed 2 Teach2 Celebrate President Trump’s “We’ll deliver as promised” solid silver 2020 Freedom Coin at and make sure to type in “Blessed” coupon code to receive a $5 dollar discount per coin your buy.   B2T New Website! B2T BackUp YouTube Channels (please subscribe, so you can find me if banned): Blessed 2 Teach2 Blessed 2 Teach 3 B2T Voat Page: B2T Patreon: B2T PayPal: Replacement for Great Awakening reddit:  Facebook: Twitter: Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 51,700 Sealed Indictments! Over 5k per month for 10 MONTHS when normal volumes is just over 1k per YEAR! Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media Combined VOAT Board (Bookmark!) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops'] PT1M9S 7918 18 420 10 not set not set 2018-10-13T00:28:51.000Z ovi8_BsLuHI UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Spygate Book is Out! Red Wave Looks Real - Qanon Oct 12 "Celebrate Trump's “Promises Delivered!” The President Donald J. Trump 2020 Freedom Coin. Type “Blessed” in the Coupon Code for a $5 Discount for each coin: Prepare with Rick! “The STORM of a silent civil war is here. Having food storage on hand will help you to prepare.” Special Offer for Blessed to Teach Subscribers: Pray with me this month: Judge Brett Kavanaugh Prophecy: Show Notes at B2T New Website! B2T BackUp YouTube Channels (please subscribe, so you can find me if banned): Blessed 2 Teach2 Blessed 2 Teach 3 B2T Voat Page: B2T Patreon: B2T PayPal: Replacement for Great Awakening reddit: Facebook: Twitter: Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 51,700 Sealed Indictments! Over 5k per month for 10 MONTHS when normal volumes is just over 1k per YEAR! Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media Combined VOAT Board (Bookmark!) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops'] PT1H4M17S 17635 155 861 10 not set not set 2018-10-22T00:21:55.000Z 7N2643hE-6U UC3yCYDoc70dMMQGKL364wHQ Red Wave? B2T Show Oct 21 - Bible Study Neh Chpts. 5 & 6 "Celebrate Trump's “Promises Delivered!” The President Donald J. Trump 2020 Freedom Coin. Type “Blessed” in the Coupon Code for a $5 Discount for each coin: Prepare with Rick! “The STORM of a silent civil war is here. Having food storage on hand will help you to prepare.” Special Offer for Blessed to Teach Subscribers: Join me on the Patriot replacement for Facebook and get rewards of cryptocurrency for just being active! Show Notes at B2T New Website! B2T BackUp YouTube Channels (please subscribe, so you can find me if banned): Blessed 2 Teach2 Blessed 2 Teach 3 B2T Voat Page: B2T Patreon: B2T PayPal: Replacement for Great Awakening reddit: Facebook: Minds (Patriot replacement for Facebook): Twitter: Learn the Basics of the War with the Deep State: If interested in supporting this channel without spending $$, fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Win-Win-Win :-) Over 51,700 Sealed Indictments! Over 5k per month for 10 MONTHS when normal volumes is just over 1k per YEAR! Qanon Real-time Feed! Qanon Expanded Feed: Q Proofs Book of Q Proofs!uTYEQaJT!EjdLuHu_eFxF8YiXZDKGaQ Mockingbird media Combined VOAT Board (Bookmark!) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Blessed To Teach 25 ['Qanon', 'Deep State', 'The Great Awakening', 'The Calm Before the Storm', 'Red Wave', 'The Storm is Here', 'Military Tribunals', 'Red Pill', 'We are Qanon', 'Qanon Today', 'Qanon Update', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Fake News', 'Mockingbird Media', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'WalkAway', 'Mark Taylor', 'Christian Prophesy', 'Trump Train', 'Trump Prophesies', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Kim Clement', 'JustinTalk', 'Praying Medic', '', '#Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#WalkAway', 'Shadow Government', 'SpyGate', 'Qanon Posts', 'Trump', 'Qanon Drops', 'Bible Study'] PT1H12M49S 13996 111 724 12 not set not set 2018-07-17T22:46:02.000Z SKr-RKFVa5U UCeamuoYuBeRnRRbmq5CmjVg Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories! | Aryeh Cohen-Wade & Will Sommer [Culturally Determined] "1:39 Will reports on the Roe v. Wade movie and becomes part of the story 6:11 Down the rabbit hole of the QAnon conspiracy theory 11:22 What draws people to conspiracy theories? 18:27 Are the latest Mueller indictments the end of Seth Rich conspiracizing? 22:41 Ben Garrison, the leading pro-Trump political cartoonist 25:28 How does the alt-right view antifa? 30:20 Meet Jacob Wohl, Trump’s #1 Twitter fanboy Aryeh Cohen-Wade (Joking on the Square, @AryehCW) and Will Sommer (The Daily Beast) Recorded July 16, 2018 Join the conversation on Subscribe to the YouTube channel: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:" 25 ['QAnon', 'conspiracy theories'] PT34M42S 2068 22 23 37 not set not set 2018-06-12T15:54:10.000Z 3ZXvUpRm2K8 UC7cZa7twNeUMwJF5GRA4GQA Trump versus Trudeau, Q Anon and the Mighty American Alternative Media "Warning fellow Canadians! You are not being told the whole story that the International Q Researchers and American Alternative Media have been researching since last October. The MSM CBC and CTV lie by omission every day. If you make the American Alt Media mad by insulting Trump, they will attack and humiliate Canada beyond what you can imagine. It would be better to have them on our side. In fact, if you want to save what remains of our country, stop insulting Trump. There is such a thing as the Trump prophecy about him being ""anointed"" and untouchable. Anyone who insults him gets karma payback. Which is what happened to Trudeau. Ive seeing happen numerous times." Blue Apple 27 ['Trump Trudeau Q Anon G7 Summit North Korea Uranium 1 steel MSM'] PT12M8S 174 0 14 0 not set not set 2018-10-30T04:07:13.000Z 86QnfLfdqwA UC-KSAORG_xwE5LbMzXTEBlQ Q anon airs a comnercial on FOX NEWS! Boba Yaega 22 not set PT31S 78 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-11-23T08:22:26.000Z P5HJJaFd-XU UC99OmvLrlZ1KQzh2sAAL3fQ NEW LAS VEGAS SHOOTING UPDATE & Q anon /pol/ LINK 11-22-17 "Steph covers new Las Vegas News regarding Sheriff Lombardo's lies to the public regarding the 1 man shooter Stephen Paddock theory. Audio Forensics which prove more than 1 shooter and ""bump"" stock on an AR-15 impossible. Also news, Saudi Prince Talal (Prince who owns top 5 floors of Mandalay Bay arrested) admits to snipers at Mandalay Bay During Mass Shooting on Oct. 1st 2017. Also the Rothschild news of an air collision above their Buckinghamshire Estate and what that could mean... Steph also covers Q anon /pol/ messages and how it connects to the House of Saud, the Rothschilds, the Las Vegas Shooting and Deep State etc. Pay Pal: Patreon: LINKS TO ARTICLES DISCUSSED:" BodyBySteph Health Engineer 25 ['Las Vegas Shooting', 'Las Vegas Massacre', 'Mandalay Bay Massacre', 'Las Vegas False Flag', 'False Flag', 'Deep State', 'Qanon', 'Q anon /pol/', '4Chan', 'Q 4Chan anon', 'Mandalay Bay Shooting'] PT31M45S 2446 29 53 4 not set not set 2017-12-27T09:57:29.000Z zXTGj-f7hFI UC99OmvLrlZ1KQzh2sAAL3fQ BREAKING! NEW: Q Anon & #PIZZAGATE & #PEDOGATE "12-21 & 12-22 2017" The Human abuse correction "Original Video From: my 2 cents Q update 12/21, 12/22 2017...big stuff White House update; the list of resignations; Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order: Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017 Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017 Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017 Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017 Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017 Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017 ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017 Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017 Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017 BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017 Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017 Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017 Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017 Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017 El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017 Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017 Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14, 2017 James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017 PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017 Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017 Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017 Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017 Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017 London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017 Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017 TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017 Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017 City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017 Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017 Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017 Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017 Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017 Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017 Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017 Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017 Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017 Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017 AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017 Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017 Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18, 2017 ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017 Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017 Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017 NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017 Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017 A peek into the mind of a rothschild?; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License" BodyBySteph Health Engineer 25 not set PT13M25S 7642 72 125 7 not set not set 2017-12-28T06:14:37.000Z FRjGKqWRBTk UC99OmvLrlZ1KQzh2sAAL3fQ MUST WATCH! Q Anon Confirmed by Former Military Intelligence - Zach on InfoWars Famous Former Military Intelligence ZACH on INFOWARS confirms everything Qanon from 8chan has been communicating. Originally aired 12-22-17 on the Alex Jones Channel. Plus Zach drops major bombshell about North Korea and the Deep State!! BodyBySteph Health Engineer 25 ['Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'North Korea', 'Coup', 'Nuclear War', 'Zach', 'Infowars', 'Alex Jones', 'ISIS', 'Fast&Furious', 'Gun Running', '8chan', '4chan', 'Q 8ch', 'Q 8chan', 'Follow The White Rabbit', 'The Storm', 'Its Happening', 'The Calm Before The Storm', 'Q Clearance', 'Calm Before The Storm', 'CBTS'] PT16M55S 20500 59 305 21 not set not set 2018-01-06T22:52:13.000Z D_eS6As28yk UC99OmvLrlZ1KQzh2sAAL3fQ Q ANON! (aka ZAQ) CONNECTS THE BREAD CRUMBS - "We Are Changing The World." "ORIGINALLY AIRED 01-05-18 Alex Jones talks with Infowars source Zaq (aka ""Q"") regarding the Deep State as well as the globalist's plans. At 19:15 in ""Zaq"" admits he is Q Anon 8 chan. Q is not singular, ZAQ says Q is a small group less than what you can count on one hand (3 or 4?). Pay attention to this weekend's SpaceX Launch via Zuma PayLoad (DoD). Major happenings with North Korea, Iran & Yemen... Kwok is in bed w/ Soros who is running for his life right now. Bannon made a HUGE mistake and lost his mind. Zaq has seen PDF emails (via Specter Bug) between Steve Bannon & Miles Kwok which confirm Sloppy Steve is insane. Elon Musk & Julian Assange are ""patriots."" Assange will be in the USA by next week. Eric Prince is a patriot and a good guy (shady past) but is protecting the President!" BodyBySteph Health Engineer 25 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', '8chan', 'SpaceX', 'Specter Bug', 'Zuma Payload'] PT43M15S 3642 11 51 6 not set not set 2018-01-14T23:28:57.000Z h1krSJE0kII UC99OmvLrlZ1KQzh2sAAL3fQ BREAKING! WE ARE AT WAR!! #Q Anon, SpaceX ZUMA, NoKo Strike, Hawaii MISSILE ALERT AND DELTA IV "EVIDENCE WE ARE AT WAR! We are WINNING!!! The Deep State Swamp is being drained and all the bad actors are being rounded up and taken down. The Deep State is desperate and we still need to be careful and aware of our surroundings. Las Vegas Shooting ""what really happened will be revealed"", have faith and trust!! Q Something BIG about to happen? January 7, 2018 was a big day... links between the Space X launch, the mystery flash/shockwave in Russia and the Q Anon post saying ""sky fortress engaged"". I touch on links between the Q-Anon Delta posts and the ULA classified Delta IV rocket today on January 13 ... same day as the mystery ""incoming missile"" Alert was sent to Hawaii. (Plus white hats and white knights slaying dragons, for whatever that's worth.) Clinton & Trump Fires, Airlines turning around mid-flight, Sealed Indictments starting to be unsealed... BREAKING: #QAnon - BEST Defcon 1 #PsyOps - REAL January 2018 Q Posts #TheStorm (the one with SKY FORTRESS post) BREAKING: Last #QAnon Post - DELTA Force or Delta AIRLINES? More STRANGE Plane & Airports (the one with DELTA posts) Something BIGGER going on? SpaceX Falcon 9 - MULTIPLE SIGHTINGS - Many Countries Q Thread ... not the chans (4chan and 8chan boards), but an easier and more accessible log of the Q Anon threads:" BodyBySteph Health Engineer 25 ['QAnon', '#QAnon', '#Q', 'Q8ch', 'SpaceX', 'Zuma Payload', 'NoKo Strike', 'Clinton House Fire', 'Trump Tower Fire', 'Delta Airlines', 'Delta', 'Defcon 1', 'DELTA FORCE', 'DEEP STATE', 'Hawaii Missile', 'HAWAII MISSILE ALERT', 'ALEX JONES', 'ZAQ', 'INFOWARS', 'WAR', 'WAR COVERUP', 'False Flag', 'ZUMA', 'AirForce Payload'] PT30M3S 32848 73 170 37 not set not set 2018-01-08T20:07:16.000Z JQn3ktsEcLs UCax581uo5yNzdgODBdH67cw Q Anon, A I, Propaganda Good and Bad "1. This is going to be a lesson in the tools of the Mind War. We are going to talk about psycho-phronema mechanisms. First let us demystify the term “propaganda.” Propaganda is a morally neutral term. It's root word from the Latin Propago, The ancient Hebrew word Paras, The Greek Word Kerusso hold the same meaning, “to proclaim to publish.” Like we propagate the specie of humans, we also propagate ideas. So in real terms the rant of an atheist, the pastor's sermon, a philosopher's thesis, a Trump speech, a News Story, my speaking at this moment and even Michael Wolff's book, are all equally propaganda. Now remember the word propaganda is morally neutral. Both truth and lie, chaos, confusion and clarity can be “propagated” via propaganda. We can no more escape propaganda than we may escape breathing. I just walked through the den and my wife was watching the Hallmark Channel, I stopped and petted the dogs as a commercial came on the tube, and this icky sweet woman advertising some genetic-surrender company, you know one of those companies that with the Deep State are compiling the most intimate identity markers of each human on the planet, and she told me that I needed to use their service “for my children's sake.” Of course that is propaganda, in this case it is also a lie. Aldous Huxley rightly called the propagandists who would control though in the post-modern world, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators. It is all about creating the desired “phronema” in the person, in each person, and more importantly collectively in the public consciousness. Phronema is a transliteration of the Greek word φρόνημα, which has the meanings of ""mind"", ""spirit"", ""thought"", ""purpose"", ""will"", and can have either a positive meaning (""high spirit"", ""resolution"", ""pride"") or a bad sense (""presumption"", ""arrogance""). Propaganda is all about creating the desired “Phronema” the desired Mindset. In an arrogant and prideful society, even to do something good, you have to control the pre-conditioned presumptions of that arrogant and prideful society or anything you actually accomplish, any good you wish to do, will be ignored and rejected. Look Trump can change EVERYTHING and in reality change NOTHING at all, more than rearranging chairs on the deck of the Titanic, and this we be the case if WE do not rise to the occasion, if WE do not take full advantage of this “stay order” we have received against the Luciferian Agenda." Bond Robin 22 ['Q Anon', 'A.I.', 'PRopaganda', 'Psyops', 'Deep State', 'Deep State Civil War'] PT58M1S 2567 32 69 3 not set not set 2018-01-27T21:52:26.000Z NS2BFIZ4LtI UCax581uo5yNzdgODBdH67cw What Did Q Know and When Did He Know It "Is Q Clearance actually Q Clever Is Q Anon actually Q a-Genius Hardly. Sadly this is closer to the truth. Q dumbass, Q halfwit, Q dunce, Q dolt, Q ignoramus, Q moron, Q imbecile, Q simpleton; Q nincompoop, Q chump, Q dimwit, Q dumbo, Q dummy, Q blockhead, Q jughead, Q bonehead, Q knucklehead, Q numbskull, Q numbnuts, Q dumb-ass, Q doofus, Q dunderhead, Q meathead, Q mouth-breather, Q nose picker, Q nitwit, Q twit, Q boob, Q twerp, Q hoser, Q schmuck, Q bozo, Q turkey, Q chowderhead, Q dingbat, Q mook – these are a few of the titles that come to mind every time I see a new Q post and hear some dumb ass explain it. Now don't get me wrong, Q has a purpose and sadly that purpose in remedial education. Do you know what remedial education is?" Bond Robin 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', 'FBI Secret Society', 'Secret Society', 'Incictments', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Deep State', 'Shadow Government', 'Trump Russia Collusion'] PT1H11M 828 18 34 6 not set not set 2018-02-17T15:34:47.000Z OiL4lbbngL4 UCax581uo5yNzdgODBdH67cw Q Anon, Wild Bill Cooper, and Lil' Donny Trump Idiot, don't read the headline and comment. Watch the content or GO AWAY. This video documents a REAL battle victory in side the Greater War. It places that victory in the context of the history of sacrifice that lead to it, that indeed made it possible. Bond Robin 22 ['William Cooper', 'William Wild Bill Cooper', 'Wild Bill Cooper', 'Bill Cooper', 'Alex Jones', 'Congressman Larry McDonald', 'The John Birch Society', 'Deep State', 'Dark State', 'Shadow Government', 'Mueller Investigation', 'Trump Russia'] PT1H2M28S 67068 604 1364 92 not set not set 2018-02-28T01:03:58.000Z #NAME? UCax581uo5yNzdgODBdH67cw Q Anon, Lionel Media, the Praying Medic, xxx Jerome Corsi I like Mr Phrog, of Seething Frog Channel, I believe him to be a very good man of character, an honest Truth seeker and ... Bond Robin 22 ['Qanon', 'Q-anon', 'Truth Seekers', 'Dark State', 'Deep State'] PT1H35M53S 14939 67 158 12 not set not set 2017-11-22T14:03:02.000Z n2cIM4aJdIQ UCiI0__znmpE7DXCF-axlZVg 4chan's Q-Anon +++ In-Depth Analysis Part II PART II On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Q-Anon posted in the forum on 4chan. His cryptic posts drew wide attention after he correctly predicted Bradford Coy 1 ['4chans', 'Q-Anon', 'In-Depth', 'Analysis', 'Part'] PT1H14M51S 96 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-22T17:28:14.000Z 5MCpatqisAE UCiI0__znmpE7DXCF-axlZVg PLANE CRASH- Did Q-Anon Have Lord Jacob Rothchild Killed? Q-ANON posted the following on Monday November 17 (4Chan) (Mon 13 Nov 2017 11:04:46) Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. Bradford Coy 1 ['PLANE', 'CRASH-', 'Q-Anon', 'Have', 'Lord', 'Jacob', 'Rothchild', 'Killed?'] PT17M36S 155 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-23T06:33:38.000Z JC63q8J5_5c UCiI0__znmpE7DXCF-axlZVg 4Chan Q-ANON- ALARMING In Depth Analysis PLEASE GO TO UPDATED VIDEO - RE-RECORDED DUE TO LOW AUDIO LEVEL On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Bradford Coy 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-ANON-', 'ALARMING', 'Depth', 'Analysis'] PT1H48M17S 563 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-05-11T20:52:35.000Z SJbSRztXwpg UC3ISLl5JRh3Ya8DQMkvE5iA QAnon Is A SCAM? "Prove to me QAnon isn't a scam! Subscribe ► Shop for herbs and natural health products here: Add me as a friend on Tha Grow Space! My Recommended Health Books & Products► Join my newsletter for exclusive content ► Like me on Facebook ► Follow me on Twitter ► Follow me on Instagram ► Learn more about health ►" Brandon Goji 25 ['brandon goji', 'QAnon', 'conspiracy theory', 'conspiracy', 'alex jones', 'jerome corsi', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'corsi qanon', 'corsi qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon is a scam', 'qanon update'] PT7M12S 3784 205 97 81 not set not set 2018-07-04T19:37:31.000Z U_ncDYiC9OY UC3ISLl5JRh3Ya8DQMkvE5iA QAnon, President Trump Is Preparing Us For Alien Contact - SPACE FORCE - UFOs - Secret Space Program "Subscribe ► Add me as a friend on Tha Grow Space! My Recommended Health Books & Products► Join my newsletter for exclusive content ► Like me on Facebook ► Follow me on Twitter ► Follow me on Instagram ► Learn more about health ► #QAnon #SpaceForce #PresidentTrump #UFOS #UFO #Aliens #FullDisclosure #Extraterrestrials" Brandon Goji 27 ['brandon goji', 'ufo', 'aliens', 'space force', 'president trump', 'secret space program', 'QAnon', 'donald trump', 'secret space program whistleblower', 'secret space program corey goode', 'secret space program disclos'] PT21M16S 2692 37 35 1 not set not set 2017-12-28T06:16:45.000Z DXxGOtzA0gU UCVV0_xnA_z-ALo6kZJz2WXA "Day 342" Are Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and QAnon a "Shekel-for-Hire" ? """Day 342"" Paul Nehlen says the ""Shekel-for-Hire"" are coming after him. So the Question today is simple, Are Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and QAnon Shekels for Hire ? Does a bear shit in the Woods ?" Bravo Alternative Media 22 ['day 342 donald trump zion zionist regime a shekel for hire paul nehlen steve bannon Anon'] PT14M14S 776 33 33 8 not set not set 2018-01-08T06:43:42.000Z uYrFwVTIBno UCVV0_xnA_z-ALo6kZJz2WXA "Day 353" Did Donald Trump LEAK Top Secret DEFCON 1 Intel to QAnon and B ? """Day 353"" Did Donald Trump Leak Top Secret DEFCON 1 intel to QAnon and B ? Is Twitter really the Place for the President to Baby Spoon Feed the Unwashed Masses ?" Bravo Alternative Media 22 ['day 353 did donald trump leak top secret defcon 1 intel to qanon B twitter leaks regime'] PT19M25S 4251 138 52 50 not set not set 2018-02-17T04:35:10.000Z BB3szB5R94k UC9Baj-DesaWP_jfrilSARFA #Qanon Update 02-17-18 Q Drops #777 - #782 "#Qanon Update 02-17-18 Q Drops #777 - #782 THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Latest Qanon Posts 2-17-18 Pt2 : RIP JFK Latest Qanon Posts 2-17-18 : UK Warning - Car Attack? Q Anon Latest Posts Decoded by Dr. Corsi - 02/16/2018 - AM #Qanon - This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS. A QANON Post leads to STRANGE FINDINGS LATEST Q ANON: ""We See You (Live)"" ""Final Guest Arrived"" Q ANON: More Mysterious Deaths Expose Deep State Tactics." BREAKING NEWS 25 ['#Qanon Update 02-17-18 Q Drops #777 - #782', 'Latest Qanon Posts 2-17-18 Pt2 : RIP JFK', 'Latest Qanon Posts 2-17-18 : UK Warning - Car Attack?', 'Q Anon Latest Posts Decoded by Dr. Corsi - 02/16/2018 - AM', '#Qanon - This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.', 'A QANON Post leads to STRANGE FINDINGS', 'LATEST', 'ANON:', 'We See You (Live)', 'Final Guest Arrived', 'Q ANON: More Mysterious Deaths Expose Deep State Tactics.'] PT8M47S 494 3 4 5 not set not set 2018-02-18T08:37:34.000Z e5AJQPm08bA UC9Baj-DesaWP_jfrilSARFA #Qanon Weekend Update 2-18-18 | Q Drops "#Qanon Weekend Update 2-18-18 | Q Drops THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #Qanon Weekend Update 2-18-18 | Q Drops Scott Adams talks about President Trump’s jaw-dropping re-tweet about Russian Facebook ads #Qanon Q-Drops Weekend Update 2-18-18 | Breaking News Update Jerome Corsi QAnon Decode 02/16/18 Part 3 Q Anon Latest Posts Decoded by Dr. Corsi - 02/17/2018 – PM Feb 17 EVENING PART 2 Dr. Jerome Corsi DECODE - general discussion following MUELLER INDICTMENTS Latest 'Dilley' Intel 2-17-18 : Bush 41 to face his own Nuremberg! Latest Qanon Posts 2-17-18 Pt2 : RIP JFK" BREAKING NEWS 25 "['#Qanon Weekend Update 2-18-18 | Q Drops', '#Qanon Q-Drops Weekend Update 2-18-18 | Breaking News Update', 'Jerome Corsi QAnon Decode 02/16/18 Part 3', 'Q Anon Latest Posts Decoded by Dr. Corsi - 02/17/2018 – PM', 'Feb 17 EVENING PART 2 Dr. Jerome Corsi DECODE - general discussion following MUELLER INDICTMENTS', ""Latest 'Dilley' Intel 2-17-18 : Bush 41 to face his own Nuremberg!"", 'Latest Qanon Posts 2-17-18 Pt2 : RIP JFK']" PT38M46S 712 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-02-21T09:26:45.000Z TDhsmzsEu3k UC9Baj-DesaWP_jfrilSARFA #Qanon Update 2-20-18 | New Q Drops "#Qanon Update 2-20-18 | New Q Drops THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Q Anon 2-20-18 Q Controlled? QAnon - [P] is for mike PENCE. ""Mess with the best, die like the rest"" #TheStorm Jerome Corsi Live Stream 02/19/18 QAnon Posts And Other Topics Feb 20 TUESDAY EVENING Dr. Jerome Corsi DECODE - DOES the TRUMP COUNTERATTACK start NOW? YES Has #QAnon left us? Did #Obama commit #Treason? #Snowden Flipped? QAnon - Boards Update, QMap, Flynn, KimDotCom #followthewhiterabbit" BREAKING NEWS 25 ['#Qanon Update 2-20-18 | New Q Drops', 'Q Anon 2-20-18 Q Controlled?', 'QAnon - [P] is for mike PENCE.', 'die like the rest', 'Jerome Corsi Live Stream 02/19/18 QAnon Posts And Other Topics', 'Feb 20 TUESDAY EVENING Dr. Jerome Corsi DECODE - DOES the TRUMP COUNTERATTACK start NOW? YES', 'Has #QAnon left us? Did #Obama commit #Treason? #Snowden Flipped?', 'QAnon - Boards Update', 'QMap', 'Flynn', 'KimDotCom #followthewhiterabbit'] PT39M3S 308 1 2 5 not set not set 2018-02-25T18:29:43.000Z adOwJY0YvhM UC9Baj-DesaWP_jfrilSARFA #Qanon Update 2/24/18 Q-Drops "#Qanon Update 2/24/18 Q-Drops THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #QAnon - Q Updates C!Odemonkey Fixed The Bug! Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained? Latest Qanon Posts 2-23-18 : CIA Journalists Abound! #Qanon Update 2/22/18 |Latest Q - Drops Updates 2.22.18 Q Posts! 1.22.18 These People Are Sick... #QAnon #Q-Anon Jerome Corsi Live Stream 02/24/18 Latest Q-Posts" BREAKING NEWS 25 "[""#Q @QANON - SIX ATTEMPTS ON PRESIDENT TRUMP'S LIFE - U.S. UNDER MARTIAL LAW"", '#Qanon Update 2/24/18 Q Drops', '#QAnon - Q Updates C!Odemonkey Fixed The Bug!', 'Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained?', 'Latest Qanon Posts 2-23-18 : CIA Journalists Abound!', '#Qanon Update 2/22/18 |Latest Q - Drops Updates 2.22.18', 'Q Posts! 1.22.18 These People Are Sick... #QAnon #Q-Anon', 'Jerome Corsi Live Stream 02/24/18 Latest Q-Posts']" PT34M10S 373 0 4 2 not set not set 2018-03-28T09:50:09.000Z Ivv0sg-N3Ik UC9Baj-DesaWP_jfrilSARFA #Qanon Update 03-28-18 Q-Drops #964 - #970 |GOD WILL JUDGE OUR ENEMIES "#Qanon Update 03-28-18 Q-Drops #964 - #970 |GOD WILL JUDGE OUR ENEMIES THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook: Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #Qanon Update 03-28-18 Q-Drops #964 - #970 |GOD WILL JUDGE OUR ENEMIES Q AN0N: Latest SHOCKING - WHlTE H0USE SECURED!! Q anon 3/28/18 House Cleaning Q Anon 3-28-18 WH secured /Final stage/Actors FAKE Jerome Corsi Show Mar 28, 2018 - Decodes Latest QAnon Posts" BREAKING NEWS 25 ['#Qanon Update 03-28-18 Q-Drops #964 - #970 |GOD WILL JUDGE OUR ENEMIES', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'qanon update today', 'qanon update jerome corsi', 'Latest Qanon Posts 3-28-18 : Election Fraud Cases Open', 'Q AN0N: Latest SHOCKING - WHlTE H0USE SECURED!!', 'Q anon 3/28/18 House Cleaning', 'Q Anon 3-28-18 WH secured /Final stage/Actors FAKE', 'Jerome Corsi Show Mar 28', '2018 - Decodes Latest QAnon Posts'] PT5M12S 271 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-02T22:53:30.000Z P7zTfsb2zQs UCIS4e3_u_t_8lXNECX7uc3Q Arrogant ‘Roseanne’ Producer Makes Defiant Move To Make Everyone Watching Think She HATES TRUMP! "Arrogant ‘Roseanne’ Producer Makes Defiant Move To Make Everyone Watching Think She HATES TRUMP! HSH: The entertainment world is abuzz with the one unexpected success of sitcom reboot “Roseanne” last week. The politically infused TV show did what liberals hoped would never happen, and it showed the country wants to support a balanced comedy. While the political leanings of Hollywood has been made clear from the start, “Roseanne” was a reminder that the entire nation isn’t in love with the Clintons, and they might want a little political diversity. While many TV producers are taking a hard look at how much of their programming they want to be dedicated to the Democratic cause, at least one liberal producer on the famed (and now once again successful) show is making it clear that the show isn’t about politics, and it certainly isn’t about President Trump. Producer and onscreen daughter, Sara Gilbert (aka, Darlene Conner) is one of the masterminds behind the show, and she wants you to know that the show isn’t going to be all about political issues. The Daily Mail reports that Gilbert wants the show to be about families: “The Roseanne reboot will never use President Trump’s name despite political strife being front-and-center of the show. Sara Gilbert, who executive produced the reboot and stars as daughter Darlene Conner, said the show is not about politics itself, but about the effect differing beliefs has on a family. As a result, ‘we never say his name’, Gilbert told Watch What Happens Live. Gilbert, who is a lesbian & married to singer-songwriter Linda Perry, made the comments after star Roseanne Barr put out a cryptic tweet about President Trump ‘freeing children held in bondage’.” While the show might be all about families, Roseanne Barr herself is no shrinking violet when it comes to voicing her political beliefs. The actress/comedian doesn’t shy away from talking politics to anyone who will listen, as you can see including her social media audience. While Gilbert is no doubt aware that the Roseanne show can’t go on without Roseanne, she doesn’t share the same feelings, and she lets’ the world know about it on screen: “Gilbert said: ‘The show is not about politics. It’s not about anyone’s position or a policy, it’s really about what happens to a family when there’s a political divide, which is something that I think the entire country can relate to and something we need to talk about. ‘So, with our show, it’s never about “doing an issue” or “doing politics,” it’s “how do these things affect a family unit?”‘ Barr previously tweeted: ‘President Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world. Hundreds each month. He has broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere. ‘I disagree on some things, but give him [the] benefit of doubt-4 now,’ she continued. After initial confusion, Barr retweeted several links reporting recent law enforcement initiatives against human trafficking, including a March 13 White House statement announcing that DHS had made 1,602 arrests and 578 convictions in trafficking cases in 2017. But for many, Barr’s cryptic message, which came on the heels of her wildly successful sitcom reboot, appeared to be a callback to earlier mentions she has made of the ‘QAnon’ conspiracy theory. In response to the storm of speculation, Barr posted again a few hours after the initial tweet: ‘I have worked with victims of trafficking for decades & supported the fight against it. Sorry to have mentioned it here. It’s not the place.’ Also known as ‘The Storm’, the QAnon theory is based on a series of anonymous and highly cryptic posts on the message board 4Chan, which purport to be written by a high-level insider at the Trump White House. Q is a reference to ‘Q-clearance’, the Department of Energy security classification that offers the broadest level of access to Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data granted by the US government. Though Q’s posts are sometimes cryptic to the point of nonsense, in broad strokes the theory maintains that Trump is locked in a secret battle with ‘evil’ elements at the highest level of government. The theory references earlier conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate, purporting that top-level Democrats are engaged in satanic child sex abuse and child sex trafficking. Barr’s Tuesday premiere of the Roseanne reboot drew some 18million viewers, making it a smashing success. Trump even called to congratulate Barr, a Trump supporter herself whose sitcom aims to portray the real-life concerns of his working-class base.”" Breaking News 24/7 22 not set PT5M22S 13 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-02T23:36:48.000Z k-Z49emd1o8 UCIS4e3_u_t_8lXNECX7uc3Q Arrogant ‘Roseanne’ Producer Makes Defiant Move In Show To Make Everyone Watching Know She HATES TRU "Arrogant ‘Roseanne’ Producer Makes Defiant Move In Show To Make Everyone Watching Know She HATES TRUMP! HSH: The entertainment world is abuzz with the one unexpected success of sitcom reboot “Roseanne” last week. The politically infused TV show did what liberals hoped would never happen, and it showed the country wants to support a balanced comedy. While the political leanings of Hollywood has been made clear from the start, “Roseanne” was a reminder that the entire nation isn’t in love with the Clintons, and they might want a little political diversity. While many TV producers are taking a hard look at how much of their programming they want to be dedicated to the Democratic cause, at least one liberal producer on the famed (and now once again successful) show is making it clear that the show isn’t about politics, and it certainly isn’t about President Trump. Producer and onscreen daughter, Sara Gilbert (aka, Darlene Conner) is one of the masterminds behind the show, and she wants you to know that the show isn’t going to be all about political issues. The Daily Mail reports that Gilbert wants the show to be about families: “The Roseanne reboot will never use President Trump’s name despite political strife being front-and-center of the show. Sara Gilbert, who executive produced the reboot and stars as daughter Darlene Conner, said the show is not about politics itself, but about the effect differing beliefs has on a family. As a result, ‘we never say his name’, Gilbert told Watch What Happens Live. Gilbert, who is a lesbian & married to singer-songwriter Linda Perry, made the comments after star Roseanne Barr put out a cryptic tweet about President Trump ‘freeing children held in bondage’.” While the show might be all about families, Roseanne Barr herself is no shrinking violet when it comes to voicing her political beliefs. The actress/comedian doesn’t shy away from talking politics to anyone who will listen, as you can see including her social media audience. While Gilbert is no doubt aware that the Roseanne show can’t go on without Roseanne, she doesn’t share the same feelings, and she lets’ the world know about it on screen: “Gilbert said: ‘The show is not about politics. It’s not about anyone’s position or a policy, it’s really about what happens to a family when there’s a political divide, which is something that I think the entire country can relate to and something we need to talk about. ‘So, with our show, it’s never about “doing an issue” or “doing politics,” it’s “how do these things affect a family unit?”‘ Barr previously tweeted: ‘President Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world. Hundreds each month. He has broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere. ‘I disagree on some things, but give him [the] benefit of doubt-4 now,’ she continued. After initial confusion, Barr retweeted several links reporting recent law enforcement initiatives against human trafficking, including a March 13 White House statement announcing that DHS had made 1,602 arrests and 578 convictions in trafficking cases in 2017. But for many, Barr’s cryptic message, which came on the heels of her wildly successful sitcom reboot, appeared to be a callback to earlier mentions she has made of the ‘QAnon’ conspiracy theory. In response to the storm of speculation, Barr posted again a few hours after the initial tweet: ‘I have worked with victims of trafficking for decades & supported the fight against it. Sorry to have mentioned it here. It’s not the place.’ Also known as ‘The Storm’, the QAnon theory is based on a series of anonymous and highly cryptic posts on the message board 4Chan, which purport to be written by a high-level insider at the Trump White House. Q is a reference to ‘Q-clearance’, the Department of Energy security classification that offers the broadest level of access to Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data granted by the US government. Though Q’s posts are sometimes cryptic to the point of nonsense, in broad strokes the theory maintains that Trump is locked in a secret battle with ‘evil’ elements at the highest level of government. The theory references earlier conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate, purporting that top-level Democrats are engaged in satanic child sex abuse and child sex trafficking. Barr’s Tuesday premiere of the Roseanne reboot drew some 18million viewers, making it a smashing success. Trump even called to congratulate Barr, a Trump supporter herself whose sitcom aims to portray the real-life concerns of his working-class base.”" Breaking News 24/7 22 not set PT5M15S 58 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-13T10:01:57.000Z 9qY4Hd4DW6c UCoIM__dBiYTmtsXegcIx81g Breaking News | A Guide to QAnon, the New King of Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories "Breaking News | A Guide to QAnon, the New King of Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Breaking News | A Guide to QAnon, the New King of Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Justin CaffierJun 12 2018, 9:23pmPhoto by Peter Slattery via GettyRoseanne Barr’s recent career-ending tweetstorm didn't just lead to her eponymous sitcom being cancelled, it demonstrated what the ugliest side of the right-wing internet looks like. As the New York Times reported at the time, Barr's tweets weren't just racist, they occasionally delved into into the widening black hole of insane conspiracy theories known as QAnon. Who or what is QAnon? Just asking that question sucks you into a wo... SUBSCRIBE To Our Channel : Facebook : Twitter : Google+ : Pinterest : Wedsite : Instagram : Source : Thanks For Watching Video. Please SUBSCRIBE" Breaking News 24/7 25 ['Breaking News', 'Today News', 'World Breaking News', 'Latest News', 'Daily Newspaper', 'News Online', 'News Headlines', 'News 24/7', 'News Now', 'News This Week', 'News Update', 'culture', 'news', 'lgbtq', 'politics', 'journalism', 'video', 'documentary', 'sex', 'drugs'] PT14M18S 15 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-10-13T04:07:25.000Z gOHRed0KoY0 UC88ppp-IXlJG8SKKUowBiYA Lindsey Graham and Huma Abedin at McCains funeral Q drops former President orders SCIF Brian Emmanuel Grey 22 not set PT2M13S 76 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-03T04:42:31.000Z SKkCeTiFUn8 UCvqZbxNDBQ3RyfvkWYFNxmQ All about Q Anon featuring Dave Hayes News and Biblical truth BRIDE Ministries International 25 ['Jesus Christ', 'Jesus', 'God', 'Man', 'Satan', 'Bible', 'Word of God', 'Latest News', 'Breaking News', 'Prophetic news', 'News', 'prophecy', 'watching', 'Wars', 'CentralWorld (Shopping Center)', 'Fox', 'Holy', 'Bbc', 'Abc', 'Star', 'Spirit', 'Nbc', 'Media', 'Gospel', 'The Bible (Religious Text)'] PT1H46M13S 2082 24 83 6 not set not set 2018-05-20T00:15:23.000Z mkXan3pNZ6M UCbt7_Urh67MNo5MFcxWLWNA Q Anon Disinformation, Dr Corsi trashes Q. This is NOT a Game! (Pt 2) "Just when we start seeing results, Dr Corsi and DisinfoWars came out swinging against Q, WHY??? Please Like, Share and Make Aware. Thank you #STQRM" Brittania Rule The Waves 1 not set PT9M26S 68 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T20:44:46.000Z NArp5ejdvdM UCbt7_Urh67MNo5MFcxWLWNA Q The Great Awakening Part 1 (Mirrored) "This is a Video Everyone Should Watch All credits for video go to Candy for this version. And to SGTreport for Original Video:" Brittania Rule The Waves 25 not set PT8M14S 81 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-12T23:27:25.000Z M91TOfwiJis UCQotLcCLMVGa4U5q1MXurrQ Q Army is Ready "VERSE 1 Low-life dealers, you income stealers, watch out Q Army is ready, Q Army is ready You race-baiters, Deep State traitors, look out Q Army is ready, Q Army is ready CHORUS To make it happen, you know that you are beat You won’t be able to walk down the street We are the strong, you are the weak, let’s go VERSE 2 We despise your fake news lies, yeah right Q Army is ready, Q Army is ready Sex traffickers, you’ll never learn, uh-uh Q Army is ready, Q Army is ready CHORUS To make it happen, you know that you are beat You won’t be able to walk down the street We are the strong, you are the weak, c’mon VERSE 3 Pharma peddlers, abusive meddlers, look out Q Army is ready, Q Army is ready Pedophiles, Satanic smiles, bring it on Q Army is ready, Q Army is ready CHORUS To make it happen, you know that you are beat You won’t be able to walk down the street We are the strong, you are the weak, alright “This one goes out to all the Patriots United, the Q Army worldwide, those standing up for justice and refusing to take a seat. We are with you, for God and country and world. No one left behind.”" Bro Anon 10 ['#WWG1WGA', '#PatriotsUnited', '#QArmy', '#Great Awakening', '@realDonaldTrump'] PT2M54S 204 4 14 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T02:46:33.000Z dC27-N5EZlA UC0LORruNg0srLMotoXWvInA How Do You Feel About Q Anon 10,000 Indictments & Martial Law Coming Soon Under Donald Trump? "Show me a ""patriot"" and I'll show you someone that's blindly being manipulated & misled!!! TALKTOBROSANCHEZ@YAHOO.COM - FOR PANEL LINKS!!! JOIN US & SPEAK YOUR MIND!!! FLATPOWER TV - BRO. SANCHEZ TV - BRO. SANCHEZ LIVE! - EMAIL - TALKTOBROSANCHEZ@GMAIL.COM FLAT POWER STORE - Follow Me On Twitter! - Follow Me on Facebook! - JOIN FLAT EARTH WEST FB GROUP! - JOIN KNOWLEDGE IS POWER FB GROUP! - LIKE BRO. SANCHEZ FACEBOOK PAGE! THANKS! - Bro. Sanchez Twitch - Website - PEACE & MUCH LOVE! Get a free crystal gift set when you patreon!!! OR You can just support by making a 1 time paypal donation!!! - (Bro. Sanchez Flat Earth Playlist) Our Cosmos Is An Infinite Plane (The Mother Goddess) Cosmic Mother: Ancient Matriarchal Cosmology)" Bro. Sanchez LIVE! 25 ['flat earth', 'nasa', 'cosmology', 'kemet', 'egypt', 'space', 'universe', 'sun', 'moon', 'stars', 'heliocentrism', 'debunk', 'expose', 'illuminati', 'alien', 'ufo', 'donald trump', 'q anon'] PT1H53M58S 3389 42 265 12 not set not set 2017-12-28T19:13:23.000Z CMPqxwOshDg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 12-28-2017 NOON Roy Moore sues Alabama Secretart of State - QANON - Prisoner Flights to GUITMO Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'ROY MOORE', 'GUITMO'] PT12M9S 166 1 8 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T17:12:36.000Z Ss_1b46VDCU UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Did QANON move to Twitter? QANON silent on 8Chan, did he move to Twitter? #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #QANON Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'TWITTER', '8CHAN'] PT2M49S 176 0 2 1 not set not set 2017-12-31T15:47:46.000Z f6QOyYfN6OI UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ THE CABAL IS COLLAPSING "FLIGHTTRACKER24 - SOROS IN GUITMO - THE CABAL IS COMING DOWN - #QANON Full article at" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'SOROS', 'CABAL', 'FLIGHTTRACKER24'] PT5M19S 1162 14 21 1 not set not set 2018-01-01T04:42:48.000Z hjDbrAax4bQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 12-31-2017 SETH RICH MURDER and THE BOOK OF Q... "THE MURDER OF SETH RICH - HOW TO FIND THE BOOK OF Q #QANON LINK TO THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM 8CHAN - LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE BOOK OF Q - GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'SETH RICH', 'THE BOOK OF Q', 'MURDER'] PT7M47S 156 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T21:13:54.000Z 1g5CgF-EMr4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q IS BACK ON 8CHAN Q IS BACK ON 8CHAN... CALM DURING THE STORM Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', '8CHAN', 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM', 'CBTS', 'CABAL', 'TRUMP'] PT4M55S 72 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-05T07:10:47.000Z CvHPa4-Waaw UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 1/4/2018 Analysis of new QANON posts Analysis od new QANON posts who is Ambasador Matlock, the legalization of Marijuana in all 50 states. Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'CABOL', 'POSTS', 'MARIJUANA', 'LEGALIZE', 'MATLOCK'] PT13M31S 521 4 12 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T02:31:28.000Z UNiQw4BEHLM UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 1/5/2018 ANOTHER QANON POST AND OTHER NEWS - BUSY WEEK THE CABAL IS UNDER MASSIVE PRESSURE FROM THE WHITE HATS - GOD BLESS AMERICA Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'CABAL', 'NEWS', 'TRUMP', 'CLINTON FOUNDATION'] PT17M49S 236 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T20:22:38.000Z _wM-ifYCZNg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ INTERVIEW WITH QANON LOTS OF NEWS TODAY - THE CABAL IS BEING CRUSHED "INTERVIEW WITH QANON - JULIAN ASSANGE IS BEING FREED - INTERVIEW WITH JEROME CORSI AND PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCE - DON'T FORGET THE SPACE-X LAUNCH TOMORROW... PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Video Reference Links: Q Posts - Audio Interview w/Q Zach article in abc news – good read: Full interview: Zach Klawonn and Alex Jones: Jerome Corsi on Q: SpaceX: Do your own research – Thank you all and God bless America… Timothy Holmseth Write into Action: Timothy Holmseth Indiana Connection: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'INTERVIEW', 'ALEX JONES', 'JEROME CORSI', 'CABAL', 'SPACE-X', 'WAR', 'NEWS', 'JULIAN ASSANGE'] PT1H21M26S 923 1 15 1 not set not set 2018-01-08T02:47:00.000Z cZeY581Z5vM UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ QANON MORE BREAD CRUMBS TODAY THE CABAL IS BEING DISMANTLED VERY QUICKLY "DAILY ANALYSIS OF QANON POSTS 1/7/2018 NEW POSTS LOTS IS HAPPENING WE NEED TO BE AWARE - VIGILANT - AND WE MUST DISSEMINATE THIS INFORMATION... Here are the facts: There are over 9,294 sealed indictments in federal courts from 10/30 to 11/22 There have been Thousands of pedophilia-related arrests and sting operations since the day Trump got into office. As of January 4, 2018, 39 representatives will not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts and an additional 12 have announced upcoming resignations. Over 40 CEO's of major companies have or announced their resignations. Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots. “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it. ==Our goal is simple:== To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends [STONE]. We will erode the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse. _Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn. Can you?" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'CABAL', 'TRUMP', 'WAR', 'AWAKE', 'ASSANGE'] PT29M34S 925 44 16 0 not set not set 2018-01-13T19:46:24.000Z OzLsVjZNsWE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ TREASON IN THE WHITE HOUSE "DAILY STORM UPDATE TREASON IN WASHINGTON, LOTS GOING ON IN THE OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL AND JULIAN ASSANGE TWEETS THAT HILLARY IS ABOUT TO BE TAKEN OUT... PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE. THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Do your own research – Thank you all and God bless America… FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['STORM', 'QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'JULIAN ASSANGE', 'ASSANGE', 'TREASON', 'TRUMP', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'OIG', 'WHITE RABBIT'] PT19M25S 580 7 14 0 not set not set 2018-01-14T21:41:42.000Z SQqLqo_oBzQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ DIRECT MESSAGE FROM TRUMP THRU Q - REVIEW OF LATEST Q DROPS "THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF INTEL TO EVER BE DROPPED PUBLICLY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Do your own research – Thank you all and God bless America… Timothy Holmseth Write into Action: Timothy Holmseth Indiana Connection: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'TRUMP', 'INTEL'] PT21M19S 732 3 12 1 not set not set 2018-01-15T02:40:08.000Z U1QDlnNOeCo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Active day for QANON another Important message concerning Trey Gowdy and MISINFORMATION "Active day for QANON another Important message concerning Trey Gowdy and MISINFORMATION from the current Special Council and MSM. Stay the course do not become distracted... WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'trump', 'trey gowdy', 'WHITE RABBIT'] PT5M44S 608 9 8 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T05:34:37.000Z 4jinhxjYoXg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Qanon Post for 1-19-2018 at 17:42 PM Red Pill for Family and Friends FISA MEMO'S TO BE RELEASED... "New Qanon Posts, the FISA Memo's are definitely going to be released. Good job to all of you that made #RELEASETHEMEMO trend. We are taking our Government/Country back from the globalists... God Bless all who are involved in this battle for PEACE and FREEDOM, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America. PLease Like,Share and comment/Subscribe. BRUSH UP ON YOUR RUSSIAN... LOLOL Bruce Figert 9 minutes ago I should have put links in the description, it was just late and had been a long day so I didn't even think about it. I will pin this comment to the top.... Links for Q posts: For some reason they are still not posted on the great Awakening, but they can be found on the 8chan board by clicking on the post number at the top of the post on the first link provided. Here are the links for the original posts on 8chan:" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'FISA', 'SOROS', 'NEWS', '#RELEASETHEMEMO', '#UNSEALTHEMEMO', 'TRUMP', 'CABAL', 'CONGRESS', 'assange'] PT6M39S 3453 25 75 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T21:11:57.000Z 30W7KEwD3Xk UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ BRAND NEW IMPORTANT QANON POSTS OUTLINE THE OVERTHROW OF AMERICA #THEGREATAWAKENING "TREASON AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS - MILITARY TRIBUNALS ARE EMINENT THEIR 16 YEAR PLAN TO OVERTHROW AMERICA... They will be arresting the bad actors over the next 10 days while the government is shut down. AS= Anthony Scalia @Jack=Jack Dorsey MZ=Mark Zuckerberg ES=Eric Schmidt JB=John Brennan EM=Elon Musk SH=Steve Huffman (Reddit) SAP=Special Access Program I want to thank my subscribers, you guys are the best in the world. Thank you for your comments and support. God bless you all and God Bless the United States of America... #THEGREATAWAKENING #UNSEALTHEMEMO LINK:" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'TREASON', 'Q-ANON', 'CABAL', 'TRUMP', 'THEGREATAWAKENING', 'CLINTON'] PT16M54S 4417 61 104 5 not set not set 2018-01-26T03:52:05.000Z Bmlvcqivf_k UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 1 25 2018 NEW Q POSTING TELLS ABOUT THE GLOBAL WAR ON THE CABAL "Q-ANON POST APPEARS ON FOX NEWS: US AND UK RELATIONSHIP IS VERY VERY STRONG: OBAMA AND JOHN KERRY BOTH INVOLVED IN UNDERMINING THE PRESIDENT... Twitters internal analysis has determined that it authentic American accounts and NOT RUSSIAN impostors or bots are driving this. FOX NEWS CLIP SCALES TIP IN FAVOR OF RELEASING THE MEMO: #RELEASETHEMEMO QANON POSTS: PICTURE OF FOX AND FRIENDS Q VIDEO: QANON POST #44 ON 8CHAN: ROOM 641A AT&T-NSA CONTRACT: BREITBART AT&T CALL FOR “INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS”: DONALD TRUMPS TWEET: BBC TWEET WITH TRUMP AND MAY VIDEO: FOX NEWS ARTICLE WITH JOHN KERRY: OBAMA WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY FOUND THE TEXTS:" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'TRUMP', 'CABAL', '#RELEASETHEMEMO', 'THEGREATAwakening', 'trian', 'justice', 'america', 'this is not a game'] PT23M27S 4636 37 167 2 not set not set 2018-01-27T12:56:00.000Z 3UQPxsY4wLo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 1/27/2018 - Q-ANON -THE GREATEST MOVEMENT OF ALL TIME IS HERE! "Q-ANON POSTED THE DESTRUCTION OF THE CABAL IT IS OFFICIAL IT'S A WORLD WIDE MOVEMENT NOW... CHECKMATE... THE US AND UK ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO TAKE THEM OUT, THEY HAVE NOWHERE TO HIDE. MILITARY TRIBUNALS ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you all and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: Members of the Council on Foreign Relations: Executive Order: Trump Speech: US Department of Justice Letter: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'CABAL', 'SOROS', 'ROTHSCHILDS', 'TRUMP', 'AMERICA', '#THEGREATAWAKENING', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', '#RELEASETHEMEMO'] PT24M28S 40139 272 749 26 not set not set 2018-01-28T22:48:24.000Z ymOsN-oC4Uo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Bruce Figert Live Stream REVIEW OF Q-ANON POSTS FROM 1/26 THRU 1/27 "REVIEW OF Q-ANON POSTS FROM 1/26/2018 THRU 1/27/2018 Support the stream: PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you God bless you all God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: Members of the Council on Foreign Relations: Executive Order: Trump Speech: US Department of Justice Letter: JULIAN ASSANGE POST WITH BIDEN AT CFR MEETING: FREEDOM OF THE PRESS/JOHN PERRY BARLOW LINK FROM Q POST #70: MILITARY POWER VIDEO FROM Q POST #72: HILLARY VIDEO ABOUT ROBERT BYRD FROM Q-POST #75: HILLARY VIDEO ABOUT SUPER PREDATORS FROM Q-POST #76: TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO ON MAXINE WATERS FROM Q-POST #77: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'trump', '#thegreatawakening', 'the great awakening', '#releasethememo'] PT1H3M30S 1595 28 108 4 not set not set 2018-02-03T06:31:05.000Z 8B9qctShW5Q UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ LAST Q DROP 2 02 2018 Adam Schiff involved in something Much worse than we can imagine. "Latest Q Breadcrumb drop all out war on the Cabal. Is Adam Schiff involved in murder or pedophilia or a closet gay? Maybe worse... What do the Executive Orders say about arresting Americans committing crimes involving Human Rights Abuses. Would this include certain crimes committed against the Haitian people or maybe the North Koreans. PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: REVIEW OF Q-ANON POSTS Support the stream: PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you God bless you all God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… All Executive Orders can be found here: Presidential Executive Order on Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists: Presidential Executive Order on Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists: Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States: Q-ANON POSTS: LINKS: Sealed Federal Indictmnts: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'CABAL', 'CLINTON', 'HILLARY', 'SOROS', 'FLIGHTTRACKER', 'TRUMP', 'WHITE RABBIT', 'OBAMA', 'FBI'] PT38M54S 131379 647 2805 93 not set not set 2018-02-09T04:14:36.000Z xTcdaaqt-Ss UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q ANON Posts 2/8/2018 TRUMP is FREED "Q-anon VJ Treason on the phone - Undercover FBI Agent was a Russian spy for the FISA warrant - LIVE take-down in China - The White-house has 100% INTEL on the deep state. Big Pharma has cures they keep from us PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: REVIEW OF Q-ANON POSTS Support the stream: PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you God bless you all God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: LINKS: Sealed Federal Indictmnts: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'SOROS', 'WHITE RABBIT', 'FBI', '#RELEASETHEMEMO', '#THEGREATAWAKENING', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'TRUMP', 'OBAMA', 'HILLARY', 'CABAL', 'FLIGHTTRACKER24', 'ms13'] PT26M23S 4563 82 281 2 not set not set 2018-02-10T04:09:20.000Z mTgbELsytgo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 2/9/2018 Q-Anon Post HAHAHA HAHAH HAHAHA [NEXT WEEK] "2/9/2018 Q-Anon Post HAHAHA HAHAH HAHAHA [NEXT WEEK] The STORM is about to begin... PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: REVIEW OF Q-ANON POSTS Support the stream: PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you God bless you all God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: LINKS: Sealed Federal Indictmnts: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'SOROS', 'WHITE RABBIT', 'FBI', '#RELEASETHEMEMO', '#THEGREATAWAKENING', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'TRUMP', 'OBAMA', 'HILLARY', 'CABAL', 'FLIGHTTRACKER24', 'ms13'] PT3M41S 9148 138 478 10 not set not set 2018-02-14T08:11:11.000Z 7e72XAZiO60 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON on Predicting the Future LEARN "Q-Anon seems to be able to predict the future with great accuracy, including death's #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #FISAGate #ObamaGate #MAGA #releasethememo PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: REVIEW OF Q-ANON POSTS Support the stream: Do your own research – Thank you God bless you all God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: LINKS: Q-POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'SOROS', 'WHITE RABBIT', 'FBI', '#RELEASETHEMEMO', '#THEGREATAWAKENING', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'TRUMP', 'OBAMA', 'HILLARY', 'CABAL', 'FLIGHTTRACKER24', 'ms13'] PT10M13S 14626 83 343 10 not set not set 2018-02-16T06:35:21.000Z ou0p4JBNesQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ QANON Posts 2/15/2018 MK-ULTRA Using your cel phone frequencies to control your mind "The Deep States plans to control you using the frequencies of your cel-phone. GOD BLESS YOU ALL - MORE TO COME AS SOON AS I CAN, I LOVE YOU ALL.... ""Where we go one we go all"" #qanon #thestorm Links: Newsweek Article.. Q-anon Posts:" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'mkultra', 'cabol', 'obama', 'snowdwn', 'assange', 'soros', '#thestorm'] PT26M18S 5050 62 136 5 not set not set 2018-02-19T07:17:12.000Z Nv5Ub9wZYZg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Posts for 2/18/2018 The Clock is Activated - Go with God! "Q-Anon Posts for 2/18/2018 The Clock is Activated - Go with God! Think BARLOW, The World is About to Change. IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: LINKS: John Perry Barlow : PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you God bless you all God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', 'trump', '#thegreatawakening'] PT28M56S 56574 361 1012 33 not set not set 2018-02-25T08:52:40.000Z Sw5vGLWjsCs UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 2/25/2018 Q anon updates Trump declares all out war on the cabal "2/25/2018 Donald Trump declares all out WAR on the cabal at CPAC, He refuses to say the name of him who we don't say his name. The 8chan board is buzzing with activity. Democrats Russian collusion goes full circle. YouTube in danger of Human rights violations charges during this time of national emergency. The Great Awakening is here!!! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FakeNewsAwards #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ReleaseTheMemo #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #ObamaGate #Treason #WeSeeYou #Exposed #EndPoverty #EndLiberalism #guncontrolnow, #Parklandshooting, #gunreformnow" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', 'soros', 'obama', 'trump', 'Clinton', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#ReleaseTheMemo', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#ObamaGate', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#EndPoverty', '#EndLiberalism', '#guncontrolnow', '#Parklandshooting', '#gunreformnow'] PT1H9M16S 29864 140 664 11 not set not set 2018-03-06T03:22:50.000Z enbGv5qxots UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ New Q Posts 3/5/2018 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Could this be OWL in ACTION "New Q-Anon Posts 3/5/2018 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Could this be OWL? Are the Patriots going after Eric Schmidt? IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FakeNewsAwards #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ReleaseTheMemo #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #ObamaGate #Treason #WeSeeYou #Exposed #EndPoverty #EndLiberalism #FireScottIsrael #NoGunBan #guncontrolnow, #Parklandshooting, #gunreformnow, #FireScottIsrael, #NoGunBan" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', 'soros', 'obama', 'trump', 'Clinton', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#ReleaseTheMemo', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#ObamaGate', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#EndPoverty', '#EndLiberalism'] PT39M25S 11213 118 350 12 not set not set 2018-03-07T04:17:17.000Z 0UoWNgheO7o UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 1/26/2018 NEW Q-ANON UPDATES Largest INTEL DROP YET "NEW Q-ANON UPDATES Largest INTEL DROP YET North Korea no longer under CIA Control, Steel was Sabotaged by Obama, Haitian Children Stolen by the Baptist Church. SHARE This will be Shadow-banned.................................. IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: Red October Steel Plant: CIA Covert Action Information Bulletin: Reuters Article: Wikileaks Haiti Children: Wikileaks Baptists: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FakeNewsAwards #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ReleaseTheMemo #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #ObamaGate #Treason #WeSeeYou #Exposed #EndPoverty #EndLiberalism #FireScottIsrael #NoGunBan #guncontrolnow, #Parklandshooting, #gunreformnow, #FireScottIsrael, #NoGunBan" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', 'soros', 'obama', 'trump', 'Clinton', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#ReleaseTheMemo', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#ObamaGate', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#EndPoverty', '#EndLiberalism'] PT24M20S 4487 81 216 2 not set not set 2018-03-07T21:28:01.000Z BaMznzYJEbw UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 3/7/2018 SNOWDEN LIVE - MORE TO COME "3/7/2018 NEW Q-ANON - SNOWDEN LIVE IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS... Q JUST POSTED MORE AS I FINISHED THIS UP - MORE TO COME IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: Link to locate Snowden:,114.1679167,116a,35y,262.48h,26.46t/data=!3m1!1e3 Red October Steel Plant: CIA Covert Action Information Bulletin: Reuters Article: Wikileaks Haiti Children: Wikileaks Baptists: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FakeNewsAwards #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ReleaseTheMemo #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #ObamaGate #Treason #WeSeeYou #Exposed #EndPoverty #EndLiberalism #FireScottIsrael #NoGunBan" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', 'obama', 'Clinton', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#ReleaseTheMemo', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed'] PT3M58S 1728 37 325 3 not set not set 2018-03-07T22:46:12.000Z Pnb5yQi9B8o UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 3/7/2018 NEW Q-anon SNOWDEN #INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS / ALSO CIA OR NOT "3/7/2018 NEW Q-anon SNOWDEN CIA OR NOT - Who has been helping Edward? IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: link to locate Snowden:,114.1679167,116a,35y,262.48h,26.46t/data=!3m1!1e3 Red October Steel Plant: CIA Covert Action Information Bulletin: Reuters Article: Wikileaks Haiti Children: Wikileaks Baptists: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FakeNewsAwards #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ReleaseTheMemo #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #ObamaGate #Treason #WeSeeYou #Exposed #EndPoverty #EndLiberalism #FireScottIsrael #NoGunBan #guncontrolnow, #Parklandshooting, #gunreformnow, #FireScottIsrael, #NoGunBan" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', 'soros', 'obama', 'trump', 'Clinton', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#ReleaseTheMemo', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#ObamaGate', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#EndPoverty', '#EndLiberalism', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS'] PT8M16S 7144 52 203 6 not set not set 2018-03-09T06:36:57.000Z 7JhYUc_ulWg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 3/8/2018 Q-anon update - Trump already met with Kim Jung Un in Forbidden City "3/8/2018 Q-anon update - Trump already met with Kim Jung Un in the Forbidden City. Snowden in trouble! CIA Strings cut from North Korea IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#internetbillofrights'] PT27M15S 11171 129 392 6 not set not set 2018-03-16T02:36:19.000Z ccjzuHvxj7o UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ new Q 3/15/2018 MARCH MADNESS - TRUST KANSAS "NEW Q-Anon 3/15/2018 MARCH MADNESS Trust Kansas!!! Internet Bill of Rights (IMPORTANT) NEW COOL TOOL IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT10M56S 4216 65 197 3 not set not set 2018-03-17T09:40:34.000Z OXI-4POc1iI UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ QANON POST 950 - "TRUST KANSAS" "OH SNAP! Trump's New CIA Director Mike Pompeo DESTROYED Hillary Clinton At Benghazi Hearing IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT10M38S 4960 90 275 3 not set not set 2018-03-18T04:57:13.000Z L109UsbOgRE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 3/17/2018 QANON POSTS - USMC ACTIVATED - PUBLIC AWAKENING "The Great Public Awakening is Very Near! TRAITORS EVERYWHERE Biden sold us out to China - They Think You are STUPID! - IG report coming soon! USMC ACTIVATED Don't forget the Internet Bill of Rights IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: CIA Democrats: Biden/CHINA: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT13M28S 9979 114 433 4 not set not set 2018-03-19T02:36:53.000Z VIw2s_0GT1E UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ New Q-Anon 3/18/2018 PANIC MODE - ENJOY THE SHOW "New Q-Anon - PANIC MODE - ENJOY THE SHOW 3/18/2018 The Deep State is panicking since the firing of McCabe... IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: Alex Jones full video: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT7M17S 4627 56 586 3 not set not set 2018-03-22T08:00:41.000Z 12iEMT5bY98 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ IMPORTANT QANON CORRECTION 3/22/2018 - RIZVI TRAVERSE #DeleteFacebook "IMPORTANT QANON CORRECTION - RIZVI TRAVERSE - 3/22/2018 FACEBOOK - DOWN SHE GOES IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights CNBC RIZVI TRAVERSE: The STORM on Comedy Central: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT4M38S 3997 36 185 2 not set not set 2018-03-23T23:18:35.000Z l_NWLDe-upc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Green Castle - Bad News for the DEEP STATE - MAGA "Q-Anon GREEN CASTLE - Great News for MAGA Great news For Trump - Bad News for the DEEP STATE - DON'T FORGET #INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights CNBC RIZVI TRAVERSE: The STORM on Comedy Central: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT5M47S 32332 277 1167 19 not set not set 2018-03-29T02:53:55.000Z 4E8ShkwhQqY UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 3/28/2018 Q-Anon is the President's Team - SEAL TEAM 6 "3/28/2018 Q-Anon is the President's Team - SEAL TEAM 6 - This is the Cabal's Last Stand - AIM IS A PSY-OP - SNOWDEN - Shine the LIGHT BRIGHT [DOA] IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… FISA ABUSE INVESTIGATION: CULT LEADER ARRESTED: Q COMPROMISED?: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR', 'SNOWDEN'] PT35M2S 14584 260 475 9 not set not set 2018-03-30T05:23:53.000Z 0KAC-zgRFY4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 3/29/2018 Q-Anon The Real Collusion Story - NO ONE GETS A PASS "3/29/2018 Q-Anon Collusion between the FBI, CIA, DEM Officials - NO ONE GETS A PASS - This is bigger than WATERGATE IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God bless you all, God bless Donald Trump and God bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… LETTER FROM SESSIONS: Fox News – Coordination between CIS, FBI, Dem Officials: National Review: Omnibus Spending Bill: Download Omnibus Bill: FISA ABUSE INVESTIGATION: CULT LEADER ARRESTED: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK: #IBOR #InternetBillOfRights _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #internetbillofrights #IBOR" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#WeSeeYou', '#Exposed', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#IBOR'] PT21M6S 9333 94 480 3 not set not set 2018-04-03T17:39:08.000Z vsP7KCaop4A UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 4 3 2018 Q Anon Update APRIL AWAKENING - [A]RRESTS COMING AT LAST "4/3/2018 Q-Anon Update APRIL THE GREAT AWAKENING: FOLLOW BOLTON - SEALS BROKEN - [A]RRESTS COMING AT LAST - BIG MONTH IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… IMAGE FILE OF ROSANNE BARR NEWS ARTICLES: BBC ARTICLE BEVERLY ECKERT PLANE CRASH: DAILY NEWS ARTICLE BEVERLY ECKERT PLANE CRASH: USA TODAY BEVERLY ECKERT MY SILENCE CANNOT BE BOUGHT: 8CHAN LINK TO PLANE CRASH TIME STAMP VERIFICATION: WASHINGTON POST ON JEFF SESSIONS RECUSAL: BREITBART ARTICLE SESSIONS APPOINTS FEDERAL PROSECUTOR MUCH BETTER FOR TRUMP: 8CHAN LINK TO POTUS VERIFICATION “TIP TOP”: LINK TO 24,544 SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: FEDERAL REGISTER EXECUTIVE ORDERS 2017: FEDERAL REGISTER EXECUTIVE ORDERS 2018: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason'] PT29M40S 7035 130 321 7 not set not set 2018-04-05T02:18:18.000Z M7a5p4zLXFg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon 4/4/2018 Conspiracy Conspiracy Conspiracy The Awakening has begun in earnest "Q-Anon 4/4/2018 Conspiracy Conspiracy Conspiracy The Awakening has begun in earnest IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason'] PT30M37S 1728 37 129 3 not set not set 2018-04-05T02:35:26.000Z YnQ8L8k8OyU UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon 4/4/2018 - Coming to a Theater Near You - Jared Cohen "Q-Anon 4/4/2018 - Coming to a Theater Near You - Jared Cohen IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason'] PT12M47S 3816 53 192 2 not set not set 2018-04-05T02:55:36.000Z fg18ypfaFns UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ PRAY For Donald Trump 4/4/2018 "PRAY For Donald Trump Pray For Q-Anon and Pray for all of the Patriots - God Bless You Alll!!! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason'] PT2M43S 1502 36 227 1 not set not set 2018-04-05T04:22:53.000Z LpTqLU4LDCY UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon 4-4-2018 CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY The Awakening Has Begun In Earnest "Q-Anon 4/4/2018 CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY The AWAKENING Has Begun in Earnest IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason'] PT30M37S 1556 30 110 1 not set not set 2018-04-07T05:41:43.000Z Gsb3jLIyAXg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ WE ARE AT WAR 4/7/2018 - Q-ANON HITS THE NYT "Q-Anon Hits the NYT as America Enters WW3 with China IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: Sign to Eliminate the SES (Senior Executive Service). You must click on the email you get to confirm your signature. Your signature not counted if you do not click on the link in the confirmation email. #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', 'ww3'] PT45M30S 7415 70 256 7 not set not set 2018-04-07T09:44:28.000Z GuGXG8wYTqc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON 4/7/2018 EPSTEIN ISLAND IS GOING DOWN - THE GREAT AWAKENING "Q-Anon 4/7/2018 Epstein ISLAND Under DOJ/FBI ATTACK and GOING DOWN - THE GREAT AWAKENING - TIME TO WAKE UP IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: Sign to Eliminate the SES (Senior Executive Service). You must click on the email you get to confirm your signature. Your signature not counted if you do not click on the link in the confirmation email. #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason'] PT28M7S 53865 311 1093 30 not set not set 2018-04-08T04:10:33.000Z KoLLYVaxr2s UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon 4/7/2018 Eric Holder Soon "Q-Anon - Eric Holder Relevant SOON - 4/7/2018 IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg Fox News 2 Soldiers Killed: White House Twitter Speech: Will Sommer Q-Anon March Twitter Link: #PodestaEmails #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT32M12S 6813 110 369 9 not set not set 2018-04-08T20:28:27.000Z DzD4-lIq4o0 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon - Authorization FIRST STRIKE - The WAR Continues 4/8/2018 "Q-Anon - FIRST STRIKE Authorization - The WAR on the CABAL Continues 4/8/2018 IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg CNN GAS ATTACK: l White House Twitter Speech: ALJAZEERA SYRIA CHEMICAL ATTACK: #PodestaEmails #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT11M25S 17436 223 636 16 not set not set 2018-04-09T08:13:22.000Z fR4KuWItDo4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon John McCain is a TRAITOR - BRING BACK THE GALLOWS - 4/8/2018 "Q-Anon John McCain is a TRAITOR - BRING BACK THE GALLOWS - 4/8/2018 The Spider is caught in its own WEB of DECEIT IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #PodestaEmails #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT53M59S 21847 229 699 18 not set not set 2018-04-10T05:20:49.000Z piIeObOysLg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Update 4/9/2018 Thank You XI - China/CQ cancel "Q-Anon Update 4/9/2018 Thank You Xi - China/CQ cancel - FBI starts fire to break into TRUMP TOWER #RelieseTheIGReport IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT42M16S 9893 99 295 11 not set not set 2018-04-10T19:37:54.000Z o4YLjNX46NQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 4/10/2018 Q-Anon - BOLTON CLEANING HOUSE "Q-Anon Update 4/10/2018 Bolton Cleaning House - China opening up to Free Trade and the Rule of Law... The Great Awakening is going GLOBAL #RelieseTheIGReport IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT28M6S 27481 239 719 15 not set not set 2018-04-10T23:42:36.000Z zYnl8Z36Lbg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 4/10/2014 Q-anon - ZUCKERBERG to testify then SNOWDEN to DROP "4/10/2014 Q-anon - ZUCKERBERG to testify then SNOWDEN to DROP - TRUST THE PLAN #RelieseTheIGReport IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'snowden', 'zuckerberg'] PT1M57S 5004 43 251 3 not set not set 2018-04-14T01:32:56.000Z 1AUvyMu3heM UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Collective TAKES TWITTER DOWN 4/13/2018 "Q-ANON Collective TAKES TWITTER DOWN BY Infiltrating AI Filters 4/13/2018 The War Against The Deep State Continues. #TheGreatAwakening #RelieseTheIGReport IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT20M22S 11762 140 459 13 not set not set 2018-04-14T05:21:36.000Z nmmSgvPdHvE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon - 4/13/2018 - Syrian Missile Strike - TRUST POTUS "Q-Anon - 4/13/2018 - Syrian Missile Strike - TRUST POTUS The Q Collective has taken down the #RelieseTheIGReport IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT4M37S 22671 274 705 42 not set not set 2018-04-15T02:47:45.000Z Ab3ULUaR_nM UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon IRAN NEXT - 4/14/2018 The Syrian Missile Attack is prep for Iran - April Showers "Q-Anon - IRAN NEXT 4/14/2018 The Syrian Missile Attack is prep for Iran - April Showers The Q Collective has taken down the AI ALOGRYTHM HASHTAGS SHOULD NOW WORK #TheGreatAwakening #Q-Anon IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT REPORT ON SYRIA: Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT54M22S 33894 445 890 44 not set not set 2018-04-15T06:53:54.000Z BOuwbjQ7za8 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW Without too much ALEX JONES 4/14/2018 – DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY… "ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW Without too much ALEX JONES 4/14/2018 - DON'T FORGET DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY… DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY... DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY... The Q Collective has taken down the AI ALOGRYTHM HASHTAGS SHOULD NOW WORK #TheGreatAwakening #Q-Anon IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT32M40S 12666 466 304 92 not set not set 2018-04-16T21:29:12.000Z J5f4P6EEz5M UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Update 4/16/2018 Bill Hillary and Loretta Lynch Video is Coming to a Theater Near You Soon "Q-Anon Update 4/16/2018 Bill Hillary and Loretta Lynch Video is Coming to a Theater Near You Soon ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW Without too much ALEX JONES 4/14/2018 – DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY… The Q Collective has taken down the AI ALOGRYTHM HASHTAGS SHOULD NOW WORK #TheGreatAwakening #Q-Anon IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT28M20S 13936 231 697 11 not set not set 2018-04-18T09:34:15.000Z TN9UUiL-EI4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 4/17/2018 Q-Anon Update STRIKE PACKAGE FOR THE CABAL "4/17/2018 Q-Anon Update STRIKE PACKAGE - A FLOOD IS COMING - #TheGreatAwakening Spread the truth ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW Without too much ALEX JONES 4/14/2018 – DISINFORMATION IS NECESSARY… The Q Collective has taken down the AI ALOGRYTHM HASHTAGS SHOULD NOW WORK #TheGreatAwakening #Q-Anon IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT27M54S 16835 121 647 12 not set not set 2018-04-19T00:23:35.000Z 3VfYwtm7hL0 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW Without too much ALEX JONES 4/18/2018 "ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW Without too much ALEX JONES 4/18/2018 THE CULMINATION OF EVERYTHING SINCE THE KENNEDY ASSINATION AND 9/11, THIS IS THE FINAL CONFLICT… #TheGreatAwakening IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT13M10S 7895 197 260 41 not set not set 2018-04-20T06:04:16.000Z jzlyupst9nk UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ NEW Q-ANON UPDATES - RUDY JOINING TRUMPS LEGAL TEAM "NEW Q-ANON UPDATES - RUDY JOINING TRUMPS LEGAL TEAM - INSURANCE FILE COMING VERY SOON - ENJOY THE SHOW - APRIL SHOWERS #TheGreatAwakening IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… TRUE PUNDIT ARTICLE IN THREE WEEKS WE FIND OUT WHO SESSIONS REALLY IS - WITH CONGRESSIONAL LETTER TO SESSIONS: CLINTONS AND DOW CHEMICAL: Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT23M28S 6781 88 473 3 not set not set 2018-04-20T07:40:30.000Z F1i1918QO3w UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Question and Answers - Global Currency Change Coming "Q-Anon Question and Answers - Global Currency Change Coming - Someone Connected to 9/11 Captured in Syria - Midterm Elections are Safe ZACH ON ALEX JONES SHOW With almost NO ALEX JONES 4/18/2018 THE CULMINATION OF EVERYTHING SINCE THE KENNEDY ASSINATION AND 9/11, THIS IS THE FINAL CONFLICT… #TheGreatAwakening IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT17M46S 7419 106 362 9 not set not set 2018-04-21T05:15:17.000Z ZsK11liZBgc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE ALLISON MACK SINGING LIKE A CANARY – 4/20/2018 "ALLISON MACK SINGING LIKE A CANARY – IT APPEARS THAT BARACK OBAMA WILL BE IMPLICATED IN SEX TRAFFICKING RING #TheGreatAwakening IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… TOCK LLC: Q-ANON POSTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Destroying The Illusion Net4truth USA Steve Motley Qanon8chan Alex Jones Steve Pieczenik Scott Anthony Qanon 8chan Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT20M26S 82836 555 2867 111 not set not set 2018-04-22T15:46:30.000Z l5ZOdCm6BqY UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-Anon Update - The Satanic Plan to Overthrow AMERICA - 4/22/2018 "Q-Anon Update - The Satanic Plan to Overthrow AMERICA - 4/22/2018 From NXIVM to the Muslim Brotherhood complete with Treason, Murder and Satanic Sacrifices ALLISON MACK SINGING LIKE A CANARY – IT APPEARS THAT BARACK OBAMA WILL BE IMPLICATED IN SEX TRAFFICKING RING #TheGreatAwakening IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… West Hollywood Ville Article: WIKILEAKS PODESTA EMAIL ON MAGGIE HABERMAN: WIKILEAKS PODESTA EMAIL ON AIDS DRUG PRICES: TRUMP RETWEET OF WIKILEAKS TWEET: LINK T U.S. MAP VOTE BY COUNTY – INTERACTIVE: HARVARD UNIVERSITY MUSLIM ALUMNI (HUMA): HILL ARTICLE: Bachmann Letter Responding to Ellison: BACHMAN DEFENDS HER WITCH HUNT: CLAIRION PROJECT STRATIGIC PLAN TO OVERTHROW AMERICA: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) OTHER LINKS: Recommended information sites: Youtube Antischool Tracy Beanz Michael Trimm Unirock Judicial Watch Dahboo77 Stephan Molyneux Mike Cernovich James Munder Lisa Haven: Dick Morris Reports Kinninigan One America News Styxhexenhammer666 David Seaman Veratas Visuals Lionel Nation George Webb Blackstone Wilful Ignorance Warrier High Impact Flix The Still Report The Outer Light Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'ILLUMINATI'] PT55M44S 6889 192 579 9 not set not set 2018-04-24T09:40:47.000Z 0vSDtR0y1Ic UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON 4/24/2018 HILLARY AND THE KKK / IRAN IS NEXT-CLOWNS LOOSING CONTROL "Q-ANON 4/24/2018 HILLARY AND THE KKK / IRAN IS NEXT-CLOWNS LOOSING CONTROL/THE GREAT AWAKENING – THE WORLD IS CONNECTED - WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT48M1S 7704 135 401 8 not set not set 2018-04-24T19:57:08.000Z _3j9AEJ451o UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON 4/24/2018 ROCK BEATS SCISSORS – This is about taking back our FREEDOM "Q-ANON 4/24/2018 ROCK BEATS SCISSORS – This is about taking back our FREEDOM and saving our children/people from the EVIL that has plagued our country/world for so long. IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT12M55S 45198 474 1657 39 not set not set 2018-04-25T00:05:28.000Z ZQY2bA9BdJc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON 4/24/2018 M.O.A.B. "Q-ANON 4/24/2018 M.O.A.B. IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT4M54S 17305 157 747 11 not set not set 2018-04-25T21:52:10.000Z FULluiISi1w UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON 4/25/2018 WE ARE ALL CONNECTED - MAGA - fight fight fight "Q-ANON 4/25/2018 WE ARE ALL CONNECTED - MAGA - fight fight fight - IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT27M4S 14095 230 647 11 not set not set 2018-04-26T12:55:00.000Z 1aXQC5gLAzI UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 2/26/2018 - Welcome to the Whitehouse "Q-ANON UPDATE 2/26/2018 - Welcome to the White-house - ANTIFA are NAZIS IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT14M38S 23055 237 1006 14 not set not set 2018-04-29T01:32:06.000Z AGXcqOiShJI UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 4/28/2018 Stage Being Set Expect MOAB Next Week "Q-ANON UPDATE 4/28/2018 Stage Being Set Expect MOAB Next Week - God's Speed Patriots #RELEASETHETEXTS WE HAVE A VOICE #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', '#releasethetexts'] PT49M32S 35544 355 1181 23 not set not set 2018-04-29T03:45:25.000Z f-SsrXB_LZU UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 4/28/2018 THANK YOU AUTISTS - BOOM Week Next Week – WWG1WGA "Q-ANON UPDATE 4/28/2018 THANK YOU AUTISTS - BOOM Week Next Week – WWG1WGA #RELEASETHETEXTS WE HAVE A VOICE #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT3M56S 8363 63 548 7 not set not set 2018-04-29T19:39:10.000Z XZgYih_Ugcg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 4/29/2018 OPERATORS HAVE DIED – CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW "Q-ANON UPDATE 4/29/2018 OPERATORS HAVE DIED – CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW – NEXT PHASE WILL BRING JUSTICE – WWG1WGA #RELEASETHETEXTS WE HAVE A VOICE #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT8M19S 38200 496 1509 27 not set not set 2018-05-09T11:34:48.000Z CmF96aFF0-M UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/9/2018 IRAN is FREE – POTUS is in Control Use Logic "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/9/2018 IRAN is FREE – POTUS is in Control Use Logic - The FBI and DOJ are ready for Justice! #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #iran" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'iran'] PT42M48S 16445 264 754 11 not set not set 2018-05-10T05:08:11.000Z xbNJijiwNTo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/9/2018 HAPPY HUNTING "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/9/2018 HAPPY HUNTING - The Rotten Deal with IRAN and AMERICAN Uranium... #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT11M23S 13298 53 534 7 not set not set 2018-05-11T09:16:18.000Z MkrPQEfRDNE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/10/2018 - SKY EVENT - WWG1WGA - We are ALL in this TOGETHER "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/10/2018 - SKY EVENT - WWG1WGA - We are ALL in this TOGETHER #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: DONALD TRUMP STAR CHART ARTICLE: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT24M53S 17535 275 511 38 not set not set 2018-05-12T07:47:16.000Z Q-6WJWjhl-I UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/12/2018 Why are WE being ATTACKED? "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/12/2018 Why are WE being ATTACKED? We are a Threat to Profiteering. WWG1WGA #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT31M42S 8906 304 564 12 not set not set 2018-05-14T17:40:28.000Z VXI_lTR3kWU UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/14/2018 A Message From President TRUMP on Q-Anon Board "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/14/2018 A Message From President TRUMP on Q-Anon Board – This is bigger than any one person or entity. #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT41M16S 23782 258 1055 21 not set not set 2018-05-14T19:17:06.000Z gi9CQHVDg8E UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/13/2018 TRUST THE PLAN (REPUBLISHED) - Lets get this straight and MOVE-ON "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/13/2018 TRUST THE PLAN (REPUBLISHED) - Lets get this straight and MOVE-ON – WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT44M15S 51855 909 2427 90 not set not set 2018-05-14T23:54:31.000Z dotpypXeh2I UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/14/2018 Death of the MSM "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/14/2018 Death of the MSM is being reported by well, the Main Stream Media. #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT17M41S 16926 187 820 11 not set not set 2018-05-16T07:44:41.000Z W8XB7_itzvc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/16/2018 Trust Sessions – Who Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried? "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/16/2018 Trust Sessions – Who Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried? Justice and Pain are coming very very soon!!! – Sessions is being turned LOOSE… #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: QClearanceArchive VOLUME 8.7 Link: Alt. Links: - - -!pvgzjBZI!nk-zY9ab7R4RqsXrRECSUF9UeTEC6PbbzUVHPJqQffg #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT39M24S 11318 281 1102 19 not set not set 2018-05-24T00:37:49.000Z ZxFR4KYhUuE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/22/2018 RR is Out – Q reconfirmation – Pain is coming and United We Stand "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/22/2018 RR is Out – Q reconfirmation – Pain is coming and United We Stand #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT34M15S 14287 173 1180 14 not set not set 2018-05-25T17:18:34.000Z ec26cl8uKSI UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON UPDATE 5/25/2018 SO MUCH PAIN - #SPYGATE "Q-ANON UPDATE 5/25/2018 SO MUCH PAIN - #SPYGATE IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #SPYGATE #RELEASETHETEXT" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', '#SPYGATE', 'SPYGATE'] PT22M19S 31805 247 1297 36 not set not set 2018-06-04T02:06:51.000Z 7AjYqSMtB5M UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/3/2018 Q-ANON Update A Week to Remember – Dark to Light - BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM "6/3/2018 Q-ANON Update A Week to Remember – Dark to Light - BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM #FREETOMMYROBINSON I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Full Stream that got Tommy Arrested: Tommy Robinson Banned Speech: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT13M10S 29635 370 1561 31 not set not set 2018-06-13T00:34:59.000Z dA4hwiPszQQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON LIVE STREAM "Q-ANON LIVE STREAM - NEW POSTS 6/12/2018 - God Bless Donald Trump... God Bless America!!! I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Full Stream that got Tommy Arrested: Tommy Robinson Banned Speech: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT47M44S 5358 85 447 5 not set not set 2018-06-13T18:45:30.000Z 1RuSlvXB-HE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/13/2018 Q-ANON Update Castle Arrival Good – PROOF OF Q-ANON "6/13/2018 Q-ANON Update Castle Arrival Good – PROOF OF Q-ANON NO LONGER A LARP!!! #FREETOMMYROBINSON I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Full Stream that got Tommy Arrested: Tommy Robinson Banned Speech: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT14M43S 13434 222 831 6 not set not set 2018-06-14T09:07:15.000Z ZwgKZzTY4x4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/14/2018 Q-ANON Update The IG Report and the Coming Explosion!!!! "6/14/2018 Q-ANON Update The IG Report and the Coming Explosion!!!! THEN IRAN IS NEXT! #ReleaseTheReport #ReleaseTheREALReport #NoRedactions #FullDisclosure #ForTheForgottenMan #MAGA #ReleaseIGreport #ForAmerica #EqualJusticeUnderTheLaw I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: JUST A NOTE: There is a pattern with many recent suicides in elite circles where they are hanging themselves with a scarf or tie on a doorknob… Just something you should be aware of. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: I am very pleased to acknowledge that Q-ANON linked to one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: The website is temporary down. Alt. Links: -!xvwRWIAJ!8gTNs7D0bSv3nDaZDOA8v_2MJL4xtEDljsb-XJ1ZmQ8 - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT26M41S 7868 252 702 10 not set not set 2018-06-18T05:45:00.000Z g6vXdByVlaI UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/18/2018 Q-ANON Update - IG Report the Storm is Here - Happy Fathers Day - #Q-Anon World Wide "6/18/2018 Q-ANON Update - IG Report the Storm is Here - Happy Fathers Day - #Q-Anon World Wide - Obama at Bilderberg #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Comments by Devin Nunes Fox News Twitter: obama at bilderberg: 2nd fake obama speech: Full obama speech in Europe: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT24M12S 20712 156 854 13 not set not set 2018-06-19T18:40:21.000Z X-kb8-8gpPA UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/19/2018 Q-ANON Update – Trusting Sessions and Huber – Prosecutions are on the way "6/19/2018 Q-ANON Update – Trusting Sessions and Huber – Prosecutions are on the way – Get your Popcorn out enjoy the show – IRAN IS NEXT – SIGN THE PETITION FOR THE FULL IG REPORT AND VERIFY YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WITH THEIR TEXT MESSAGE #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT20M25S 25724 301 1119 22 not set not set 2018-06-20T18:55:03.000Z az_6maF9W2o UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/20/2018 Q-Anon - POST Are You Awake? "6/20/2018 Q-Anon - POST Are You Awake? IRAN IS NEXT – SIGN THE PETITION FOR THE FULL IG REPORT #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT4M10S 6901 97 478 6 not set not set 2018-06-22T03:39:45.000Z 04xfDPvYtyc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/21/2018 Q-ANON Update – TRUST YOURSELF – THE GREAT AWAKENING NEW PROOFS "6/21/2018 Q-ANON Update – TRUST YOURSELF – THE GREAT AWAKENING NEW PROOFS - INCREASE ATTACKS – IRAN IS NEXT – SIGN THE PETITION FOR THE FULL IG REPORT #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT26M34S 10873 297 808 9 not set not set 2018-06-26T03:26:36.000Z oT9nShI2XiA UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON The Plan to Save the World "Q-ANON The Plan to Save the World I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Link for Video creator: @Joe Masepoes LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT16M58S 91934 862 4122 86 not set not set 2018-06-28T08:34:20.000Z 0FTgNX7wE-4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-ANON July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. - these people are sick "Q-ANON July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT56M50S 17560 255 953 15 not set not set 2018-06-28T23:46:08.000Z PW210778EdY UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/28/2018 Q-ANON Update – What is Coming "6/28/2018 Q-ANON Update – What is Coming isn’t going to be What THEY Think! #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT20M53S 17037 220 1226 11 not set not set 2018-06-29T22:32:29.000Z tPlRgx7l3mk UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 6/29/2018 - Who is Qanon? "6/29/2018 Q-ANON Update – WHO IS Qanon? - Why Don’t They Ask The POTUS? #FREETOMMYROBINSON #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors…They also signed a deal with the Obamas Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: No sign-up required, Just check-in use paypal or credit card _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: ____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT33M39S 16697 315 1105 7 not set not set 2018-07-01T01:40:19.000Z _cBcKGsTKNk UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 6/30/2018 Q-ANON Update The World is UNITED - Play LOUD Be PROUD - FIGHT for what is RIGHT "6/30/2018 Q-ANON Update The World is UNITED - Play LOUD Be PROUD - FIGHT for what is RIGHT! – FIGHT for FREEDOM! PRAY PRAY PRAY #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: - Paypal: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Q-ANON Acknowledged one of my Videos in post #1366, I am very HONORED: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT21M23S 15955 289 1123 12 not set not set 2018-07-02T08:04:51.000Z -d4C5fWvPBE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/2/2018 Q-anon Update - The Manchurian Candidate - Is This Normal? "7/2/2018 Q-ANON Update - The Manchurian Candidate - Is This Normal? THE MORE YOU KNOW - 40,483 Sealed Federal Indictments – #GoodbyeDemocrats – Think Stages #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: SEALED INDICTMENTS: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT29M30S 15205 190 977 11 not set not set 2018-07-02T09:39:01.000Z S9rcYQc1NJ0 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/2/2018 Q-ANON Update - A House Divided - The Bomb at the Tarmac Meeting "7/2/2018 Q-ANON Update - A House Divided - The Bomb at the Tarmac Meeting #FREETOMMYROBINSON Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT7M1S 12932 138 897 4 not set not set 2018-07-20T03:34:42.000Z 4-rMnZytJ74 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/19/2018 Q-ANON Update MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN - TRUST THE PLAN – Think Stages "7/19/2018 Q-ANON Update MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN - TRUST THE PLAN – Think Stages Petition to Release Un-redacted IG Report: I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINK TO THE 8CHAN CATALOG: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!4zB0AYTT!LPaBjK3mX2tuly_FF229ly3xAEiL9jPn8b92mrewi4I - - Version #: 9.5.0 #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT27M4S 21376 315 1127 9 not set not set 2018-07-24T03:19:51.000Z IWBKXczA6-c UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/23/2018 Q-ANON Update Satan Has Left The White House... Now Comes The PAIN "7/23/2018 Q-ANON Update Satan Has Left The White House... Now Comes The PAIN I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Fox and Friends Survey: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI - - #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT25M6S 20191 203 1189 12 not set not set 2018-07-26T01:26:24.000Z iNMJIHxsmM0 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/25/2018 Q-anon Update - Dark to Light - From SEA to SHINING SEA "7/25/2018 Q-anon Update - Dark to Light - From SEA to SHINING SEA – Where is the Server - Who has it ALL? I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Sample [2] LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A - - Version #: 9.6.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT36M58S 6968 105 650 4 not set not set 2018-07-26T05:56:00.000Z 4tAvn_s1-rY UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/26/2018 Q-anon Update – Something BIG is About to DROP!!! "7/26/2018 Q-anon Update – Something BIG is About to DROP!!! - PS - LP - No Name – Clapper – Brennan – Rice – LL – HRC – BC – Hussein - +22 I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A - - Version #: 9.6.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT21M51S 24696 192 1248 17 not set not set 2018-07-27T21:34:12.000Z xSPGQq0f0bk UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 7/27/2018 Q-anon Update – Is Mueller Going to be Forced to End the Investigation? "7/27/2018 Q-anon Update – Is Mueller Going to be Forced to End the Investigation? It’s About Time… I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A - - Version #: 9.6.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT35M30S 11250 169 727 7 not set not set 2018-07-30T13:13:27.000Z 87NH5CAVHpQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ The Storm is Here - The Deep State Exposed - Documentary 2018 "The Storm is Here - The Deep State Exposed - Documentary 2018 I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: Original Video Postedd by Koleman Kooler - LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT1H49M59S 38666 301 1281 33 not set not set 2018-08-01T18:28:28.000Z hkUichx2Kv4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 8/1//2018 Q-anon Update – THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE #AskTheQ "8/1//2018 Q-anon Update – THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT26M11S 21134 298 1133 12 not set not set 2018-08-04T10:25:33.000Z _niuKtAAFQo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 8/4//2018 Q-anon Update – BOOM - We Have The Server(s) - #AskTheQ "8/4//2018 Q-anon Update – BOOM - We Have The Server(s) - #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT33M17S 43038 410 1962 36 not set not set 2018-08-07T05:33:28.000Z -6lcsc5Sosc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ 8/7/2018 Q-anon Update - Who Controls The Narrative? "8/7//2018 Q-anon Update – WATERGATE X 1000 - Russian Bots – Trip-code Change – FAKE NEWS – WHO CONTROLS THE NARRATIVE? – Power to the PEOPLE #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT37M22S 32290 322 1477 21 not set not set 2018-08-09T05:43:37.000Z xMJ7Zxmkd5U UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 8/9//2018 A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM THE TOP KEK on 8Chan "Q-anon Update 8/9//2018 A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM THE TOP KEK – Who is Q-anon? #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: #DeleteNetFlix : I can’t believe it but NETFLIX just put Susan Rice on their Board of Directors… Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY', '#internetbillofrights'] PT24M8S 35558 382 1969 26 not set not set 2018-08-11T04:12:14.000Z JHY8gLQp0lc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 8/10//2018 List of ALL the ACTORS Part 1 "Q-anon Update 8/10//2018 List of ALL the ACTORS Part 1 #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : https:// THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT24M16S 31612 422 1621 21 not set not set 2018-08-16T15:08:48.000Z BsY0fVq6Ikw UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 8/16//2018 The Storm Has Arrived – The Beginning of the END "Q-anon Update 8/16//2018 The Storm Has Arrived – The Beginning of the END #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO:,-like-it-or-not https:// SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: LINKS IN THIS PROGRAM: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT56M27S 54640 823 2341 57 not set not set 2018-08-21T22:39:07.000Z rS1hcwcLzCE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 8/21//2018 A DEEP DIVE DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - Connecting the Dots "Q-anon Update 8/21//2018 A DEEP DIVE DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - Connecting the Dots I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!VnRxgSxQ!ipUCL9mxY__wFxM1reh2fgo-3GTLw-BYwzY7-VBsZJY - - Version #: 9.7.0 You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT29M8S 32855 235 1611 20 not set not set 2018-08-28T07:35:23.000Z hblk1t1Mdbc UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ NOBODY GETS A FREE PASS "Q-anon Update 8/28//2018 NO ONE GETS A FREE PASS – BIG week next week #InternetBillOfRights I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT13M18S 15290 280 1263 9 not set not set 2018-08-31T23:19:21.000Z eSso8plNzxs UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 8/31/2018 5-EYES Taken out by the Q-Team – FAKE NEWS is Social Brainwashing… "Q-anon Update 8/31/2018 5-EYES Taken out by the Q-Team – FAKE NEWS is Social Brainwashing… I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT25M1S 7817 185 783 7 not set not set 2018-09-02T05:43:09.000Z I2IfOiWwh4U UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/2/2018 IT MUST BE HARD TO COMMUNICATE - Every moment together "Q-anon Update 9/2/2018 IT MUST BE HARD TO COMMUNICATE - Every moment together is a moment you should not waste. I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT16M13S 19940 177 1268 18 not set not set 2018-09-03T13:41:51.000Z PppUYx27ceg UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/3//2018 Pre-Dawn Raid on the Cabal? I SURE HOPE SO… "Q-anon Update 9/3//2018 Pre-Dawn Raid on the Cabal? I SURE HOPE SO… #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT9M45S 7764 129 777 4 not set not set 2018-09-05T00:15:13.000Z VusNLyQAfZo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/4//2018 Trusting Huber-Trusting Sessions the PAIN IS HERE Edition "Q-anon Update 9/4//2018 Trusting Huber-Trusting Sessions the PAIN IS HERE Edition #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT27M53S 18916 190 1170 11 not set not set 2018-09-05T03:15:25.000Z Ny1_ElSjcBE UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/4//2018 Q A WEEK in FOOTBALL – to be remembered! "Q-anon Update 9/4//2018 Q A WEEK in FOOTBALL – to be remembered! #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT3M26S 7067 98 629 5 not set not set 2018-09-07T20:38:42.000Z elI8wg6goZ4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/7//2018 Federal prosecutors have been working for months.. "Q-anon Update 9/7//2018 Federal prosecutors have been working for months... #InternetBillOfRights #AskTheQ I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta'] PT30M42S 29320 405 1687 30 not set not set 2018-09-09T07:09:33.000Z kINiFPiIMPQ UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/9//2018 – Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein - We are days away from full disclosure "Q-anon Update 9/9//2018 – Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein - We are days away from full disclosure - Fly [RR] Fly I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: ******IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT****** Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : Q-POSTS: LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: RESIGNATION LIST: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT37M30S 42990 587 2337 34 not set not set 2018-09-10T08:00:27.000Z Mx7j0-CccCU UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/10//2018 TREASON – MILITARYTRIBUNALS JUST AROUND THE CORNER "Q-anon Update 9/10//2018 TREASON – MILITARYTRIBUNALS JUST AROUND THE CORNER – THINK TIMING I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT30M8S 32605 409 2095 36 not set not set 2018-09-11T22:55:17.000Z rL_ljHnviZo UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/11//2018 NEW RECENTLY RELEASED VIDEO OF TOWER FALLING - We Will Never Forget "Q-anon Update 9/11//2018 Post 2149 - PATRIOT DAY! We Will Never Forgive – We Will Never Forget… NEW RECENTLY RELEASED VIDEO #WWG1WGA I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT28M38S 8044 232 808 6 not set not set 2018-09-14T04:41:42.000Z fwmt8QCLDug UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/14//2018 CENSORSHIP BY ALL MAJOR PLATFORMS MAY BE ILLEGAL "Q-anon Update 9/14//2018 NO OUTSIDE COMS - CENSORSHIP BY ALL MAJOR PLATFORMS MAY BE ILLEGAL – Google – Facebook – Twitter #WWG1WGA #InternetBillofRights I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT38M28S 23574 285 1659 14 not set not set 2018-09-16T13:27:18.000Z YLHlCivbmO4 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/16//2018 THEY WILL FAIL – Military Operation "Q-anon Update 9/16//2018 THEY WILL FAIL – Military Operation - Release the Un-Redeacted FISA Documents - War is Here #WWG1WGA #InternetBillofRights I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT30M41S 49008 508 2744 34 not set not set 2018-09-19T10:08:59.000Z F-TPUTt2cl0 UCJGpNoKTMFjcbK0MWBAnEDQ Q-anon Update 9/19//2018 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS AHEAD? THE WAR IS ALREADY WON "Q-anon Update 9/19//2018 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS AHEAD? THE WAR IS ALREADY WON… – Google – Facebook – Twitter AI MEME CENSORSHIP #WWG1WGA #InternetBillofRights I would like to welcome all of my new subscribers, and thank all of you for your support of this channel! You can follow me on TWITTER at : Or on Facebook at: Subscribe to me on Bitchute: IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL YOU CAN PROVIDE MONETARY SUPPORT AT: Paypal at: Thank you very much for your support….. _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE: Do your own research – Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America… _____________________________________________________________________________ LINKS: *** THIS IS THE VIDEO YOU NEED TO WATCH – Donald Trump Campaign Video!!! *** : LINKS IN THIS VIDEO: SEALED FEDERAL INDICTMENTS: THE BOOK OF Q-ANON DOWNLOAD: Latest version QClearanceArchive Link: Alt. Links: -!8y5TxaCS!drcR4OMldNr8stzBQAIsKeVm2FNN5u6kTDVvGRE5Nak - - Version #: X You can Follow the Q-anon posts at: or: or: or: You can get to the 8chan Q-research board catalog page at: Cool Clinton E-mail Tool: _____________________________________________________________________________ FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #WeThePeople #Q #Treason #WeSeeYou #PodestaEmail #InternetBillOfRights #ReleaseTheTexts #FREETOMMY #FREETOMMYNOW #FREETOMMYROBINSONNOW" Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network 25 ['Qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabol', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FakeNews', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#WeThePeople', '#Q', '#Treason', '#PodestaEmail', 'Podesta', 'FREETOMMY', 'TOMMY ROBINSON', '#FREETOMMY'] PT54M26S 44482 593 1882 53 not set not set 2018-10-08T00:42:48.000Z nlzxT2voZMg UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw Q Post 2351 Q Anon ID Revealed? Now the REAL TRUTH is Coming Q Post #2351 Is Q Anon Identity revealed at last! (Riddle) Hidden Message, Expand Your Thinking By_the Book 22 ['rapture', 'jesus second coming', 'new jerusalem', 'Q anon', 'book of revelation', 'yahshua', 'yeshua', 'king jesus', 'king of kings', 'messiah', 'lamb of God', 'Lion of the Tribe of Judah', 'return of christ', 'resurrection day', 'last great day', 'october feasts', 'Blessed to Teach', 'FreedomForceNews', 'Praying Medic', 'QANON'] PT24M25S 23089 172 500 60 not set not set 2018-10-10T02:15:20.000Z lGW_BeICPkA UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw PT 2 Q ANON ID REVEALED NOW COMES THE REAL TRUTH,=123 LORD JESUS=123 New Q Posts deciphered for the Qlues. The World Will Know, Every Eye Will See. Can we find answers to the mystery of Q Anon in a hidden message? There are no Coincidences, do numbers lie? Can the Lord hide messages in numbers? Why not, the Bible is chock full of numbers with great significance . REAL TRUTH = 123 NOW THE REAL TRUTH IS COMING (LORD JESUS = 123) By_the Book 22 "['Rapture', 'harpazo', 'Q Anon', 'Great Awakening', 'Day of the Lord', 'Yeshua', 'Jesus Second Coming', ""The Lord's Return"", 'New Jerusalem', 'Lion of Judah', 'King of Kings', 'prayingmedic', 'blessed to teach', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'FreedomForceNews']" PT19M2S 5475 63 256 6 not set not set 2018-10-15T06:33:57.000Z H2_1hhJfLDg UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw Q ANON Post # 1636 October Surprise DAY OF THE LORD WWG1WGA Q anon post #1636 Hidden Qlues reveal the Terrible Day of the Lord, Judgement and October Surprise. Return of the Messiah Yeshua, Lion of the Tribe of Judah. King of Kings By_the Book 22 ['Q anon', 'rapture', 'second coming', 'return of Christ', 'Yeshua', 'last days', 'days of noah', 'book revelation', 'trumpets', 'last trump', 'bible codes', 'WWG1WGA', 'Great Awakening', 'Dark to Light', 'Yahshua', 'King of Kings', 'Blessed to Teach', 'Praying Medic', 'War Drummer', 'Serial Brain2', 'JustinFormed Talk', 'Freedom Force News', 'The Way The Truth The Light', 'Messiah', 'King Jesus'] PT18M59S 2959 32 102 3 not set not set 2018-10-17T05:42:55.000Z qeqw93rsxvQ UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw Q ANON = ALICE! MYSTERY SOLVED! CRUMBS WE MISSED "Q GAVE US MANY CRUMBS TO HIS IDENTITY FROM THE START Q = ALICE Q= HRC SNOW WHITE ALICE & WONDERLAND LEARN THE SECRET TO THE MYSTERY OF Q ANON THE ANSWER IS IN A RIDDLE Wizards &Warlocks equals: 202 Study Of Numbers equals : 202 Reveals bread ...... equals: 202 Alice equals 30 Bread equals 30" By_the Book 22 ['Q ANON', 'TRUMPETS', 'JESUS SECOND COMING', 'LAST DAYS', 'RED SHOES', 'RAPTURE', 'NEW JERUSALEM', 'ALICE & WONDERLAND', 'SNOW WHITE', 'BREAD CRUMBS', 'SerialBrain2', 'War Drummer', 'Mark Dice', 'Justinformed Talk', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'Trump', 'KelliAnnHubNews', 'Freedom Force News', 'Q Anon', 'Red Pill', 'Great Awakening', 'Patriots Fight', 'King of Kings', 'Yeshua', 'Yahoshua'] PT17M8S 5205 43 261 6 not set not set 2018-10-18T19:50:26.000Z MS4G6p-NnmU UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw Q ANON SINGS AMAZING GRACE ENJOY THE SHOW "YOU ARE WATCHING A SCRIPTED MOVIE. ENJOY THE SHOW DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES?? Q ANON HAS PUT HIDDEN MESSAGES IN HIS POSTS, EVEN SINGS AMAZING GRACE! OH HOW SWEET THE SOUND! Amazing Grace by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:" By_the Book 22 ['Q ANON', 'DESTROYING THE ILLUSION', 'PRAYING MEDIC', 'RED PILL AWAKENED', 'WAR DRUMMER', 'SERIAL BRAIN2', 'Justinformed Talk', 'KelliAnnHubNews', 'Storm is Upon Us', 'Mark Dice', 'Truth News', 'Trump', 'Trump Train', 'MAGA', 'Great Awakening', 'Red Pill America', 'Freedom Force News', 'Q Anon', 'Blessed to Teach', 'King of Kings', 'Yeshua', 'Yahoshua', 'Amazing Grace'] PT10M54S 5460 50 288 2 not set not set 2018-10-28T03:57:42.000Z 8D261kHEcBY UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw Q ANON + US MARINES SING DAYS OF ELIJAH, IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCES, LAST CALL (Behold, I will send you ELIJAH the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:) ANOTHER SONG HIDDEN IN THE Q POSTS AND AGAIN POINTING TO THE IDENTITY OF Q. THESE ARE THE DAYS OF ELIJAH FOLKS! DO YOU BELIEVE IN IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCES? Q ANON SAYS THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES, SO HOW CAN THIS BE? By_the Book 22 ['Q ANON', 'DAYS OF ELIJAH', 'US MARINES', 'USMC', 'KING OF KINGS', 'FreedomForce News', 'red shoes', 'Great Awakening', 'Jesus Returns', 'Yeshua', 'Yahoshua'] PT6M57S 19282 171 1151 12 not set not set 2018-10-29T07:17:24.000Z JmQyahpF0uQ UCTYGo_w84gB7diSNDhIaMsw Q ANON TRUMPETS!!! LAST DAYS ( I MISSED THIS!! )URGENT MESSAGE!! Last Q Post of Oct 9 I totally missed the Hidden Message of TRUMPETS!! LAST DAYS!! NOW 20 DAYS LATER I SEE (I WAS BLIND) By_the Book 22 ['Q ANON', 'TRUMPETS', 'GREAT AWAKENING', 'KING OF KINGS', 'JESUS SECOND COMING', 'YESHUA', 'LAST DAYS', 'Freedom Force News', 'red shoes'] PT7M37S 20753 196 741 22 not set not set 2018-02-23T18:14:05.000Z AVu35QDyct4 UCjZvOT-KhVlaX6lFG1Hn_VA Q Anon - Patriots, Important Message - Please Watch! "The uploaded video is an attempt to understand the Qanon message: the world is not how you view it. Patriots are most effective when we begin to understand the amassed technology meant to be used against all of us - and it is being used against all. Much thanks to so many contributors, as each provides material, even in forms of comments; there's much to be gained. Continue to press forward with truth. Indeed, we are winning. Credits and links (more may be added, please check back). Movie: The Bad Batch (2016) Music: When the World Was at War We Kept on Dancing - Lana Del Ray Night Sky - Tracey Chattaway The Last Butterfly Land of Shadows - Audiomachine All the Colours of the Dark - Federale Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie Interstellar, Main Theme - Hans Zimmer David Dees - artwork, see Learn to read the Map, Q Anon: NASA, The Future of War (Circa 2025) pdf: Harald Kautz-Vella, Facts About Geogineering Optogenetics article ""I Hear Voices: A Worrying Trend of Mass Shooting Suspects Throughout History Before Committing Horrific Murders"" ""Electromagnetic Weapons are Being Used to Torture and Subjugate Countless American Citizens... "" My use of the content meets the legal requirements for fair use or fair dealing under applicable copyright laws. ""This video is fair use under the U.S. copyright laws because it is noncommercial and transformative in nature, uses no more of the original than necessary, and has no negative effect on the market for the original work.""" C sam 27 ['Q Anon', 'Patriots', 'Deplorables', 'Neuro weapons', 'Geoengineering', 'George Webb', 'Harald Kautz-Vella', 'Q messages', 'Mind control', 'NASA', 'Holistic doctors'] PT30M10S 3262 26 90 3 not set not set 2018-01-06T06:28:15.000Z JeESGN_eik4 UCzEDwsA6ooejNKnEfi0Vqrg Q anon-A-Thon 2018 "Who is Q? What did Defango have for breakfast this morning? Why does that matter? Does anyone remember laughter?" C.W. Chanter 24 ['Qanon', '8ch', 'George', 'Webb', 'Cicada', 'Trump', 'MAGA', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT2H22M41S 1259 0 21 5 not set not set 2018-05-02T05:28:35.000Z CB83P2-Fp8Y UCzEDwsA6ooejNKnEfi0Vqrg Gaia, Wilcock, Q & The Hype Machine Over sell (Conspiracy Land Update) "Giam Q Ancient Aliens David Wilcock Fulford" C.W. Chanter 24 ['Patty Greer', 'Ancient Aliens', 'David Wilcock', 'Qanon', 'Crop Circles', 'Giam', 'Gaia', 'TV', 'Podesta', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT2H50M26S 1779 0 66 10 not set not set 2018-09-26T22:15:09.000Z Arv19dRq8EE UCzEDwsA6ooejNKnEfi0Vqrg Corey Goode v. Alt SSP, 4Chan v. Avenatti & Fox News Goes Full Q "Corey Goode v. Alt SSP, 4Chan v. Avenatti & Fox News Goes Full Q #SSP #4Chan #SRA #FoxNews #Conspiracy #Qanon #Disclosure Patreon Link: iamtheonewhoworkshere now: Common Well Chanting Playlist: Common Well Chanting Dedicated Channel:" C.W. Chanter 24 ['Corey Goode', 'SSP', '4Chan', 'Avenatti', 'Fox News', 'Conspiracy', 'Qanon', 'Disclosure', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H52M32S 1087 0 67 10 not set not set 2018-09-27T22:11:33.000Z ZMhELGXrc34 UCzEDwsA6ooejNKnEfi0Vqrg The Truth About Jordan Sather's Shill List / C.W. Sells Out #Qanon #SSP #NoLove4Chanter "The only logical answer is sometimes confusion... Support My Booty on Patreon: Patreon Link: iamtheonewhoworkshere now: Common Well Chanting Playlist: Common Well Chanting Dedicated Channel:" C.W. Chanter 24 ['Patreon', 'Jordan Sather', 'Jordan', 'Sather', 'Conspiracy', 'SSP', 'Secret Sapce Program', 'Secret', 'Space', 'Program', 'Qanon'] PT1H42M31S 1036 0 50 11 not set not set 2018-06-30T16:22:15.000Z 5IemIRH_-f0 UCTPUmxfyGvXtsjhRk23M4_w Q The Great Awakening Part 2 THE PLAN Candy 22 not set PT4M57S 455 6 16 2 not set not set 2018-08-13T10:16:21.000Z U40GTvDCq_Y UC5zlAAz2IxGSetD21mHy6sw What Is QAnon? Lately, QAnon signs have been showing up at President Donald Trump’s rallies. It is the latest high-profile right-wing conspiracy theory that took off from anonymous message board 4chan and claims Trump is on a secret mission to take down a global pedophile ring. Essentially, it’s like the Pizzagate theory – except it is bigger, more complex and much more idiotic. Carbonated.TV 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q anonymous', 'conspiracy theory', 'trump conspiracy theory', 'conspiracy theories', 'trump qanon speech', 'trump qanon', 'donald trump', 'pizzagate theory'] PT3M15S 606 6 5 11 not set not set 2018-01-04T15:59:20.000Z 95dg67LwZt0 UCAARdD7trVm6OObOOkJOEww New Q Anon post "Q Anon posted today after 10 days of silence....We will be going over the last 48 hrs of happenings within the ""Deep State"" This will be part 1... Peace and love Patriots!!!" Cast iron1969 25 ['#Q Anon', '#Q clearance', '#MAGA', '#Deep state'] PT10M2S 12157 67 94 11 not set not set 2018-01-07T13:50:56.000Z ES7P-rO4Dk0 UCAARdD7trVm6OObOOkJOEww New Q Anon updates...Jan. 7th, 2018 "Q has migrated over to The Storm board on 8chan, and has many new posts.( sorry in advance for the noise in the background, it is minimal, annoying and rather enigmatic.)" Cast iron1969 25 ['#QAnon', '#MAGA', '#CBTS', '#The storm', '#QAnon8chan', '#HillaryForPrison', '#DeepState'] PT8M2S 5088 28 47 3 not set not set 2018-01-12T18:42:04.000Z L39Uw0fFLsk UCAARdD7trVm6OObOOkJOEww Where is Q? Another day in fantasy land.... Cast iron1969 25 ['#MAGA', '#CBTS', '#QAnon'] PT10M8S 613 4 4 0 not set not set 2018-10-05T00:00:01.000Z f4kXD_sgSVQ UCD0mT810Jw8AnGr9d1I3M6Q The (Probable) Truth About Q Anon REF: JFK Jr 9/11 "Audio excerpt from: Q Clearance Patriot #4chan #QAnon Drops — The Coming Storm & Reconstituted Revolution #Oligarchicide Nov. 17, 2017 via LIONEL NATION Twitter reference: “Anyone who says they know Q through some special knowledge or intel is lying.” Terms Grey Hat Deductive / Inductive Reasoning **You'll also find many good video explanations here at YouTube." Cat Moon Erickson 25 ['qanon', 'jfk', 'jr', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'truth'] PT12M28S 323 9 3 1 not set not set 2018-04-26T00:30:05.000Z eXeyvLcBjao UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Epstein's Island Pedo Vore Video Lolita Express Jeffrey Epstein QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Jeffrey Epstein owns an island. To get there you hop aboard his Lolita Express. Why has Bill Clinton visited the island 26 times? From the air it appears to be almost void of anything. What is underground? Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Our Man Made Diseases Series Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 22 ['conspiracyFactPress', 'MAGA', 'Jeffery epstein', 'Pedo Island', 'Anon', 'Lolita Express', 'Q Post', 'Boom', 'Child Abuse', 'Conspiracy Fact', 'Sex Slaves', 'Redankulous13', 'pedo', 'Qanon', 'Awakening', 'Storm', 'awake', 'Children', 'Video', 'The storm', 'WWG1WGA', 'Great Awakening', 'Clinton', 'MSM', 'Patriot', 'qanon'] PT38M43S 8775 10 34 9 not set not set 2018-05-03T10:42:20.000Z RjOl_YXyg20 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Man Made Diseases Video Part 1 Lyme Disease QAnon "The first video is our series of Man Made Diseases and questionable vaccines. We reveal the true history of these diseases. Some of this information in this series will shock you. You will wonder how 'they' let this happen. Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Our Man Made Diseases Series Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 22 ['MSM', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'lies', 'Patriot', 'Secrets', 'Lyme Disease', 'army', 'Qanon', '#hoa', 'Conspiracy Fact', 'Anon', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hangoutsonair', 'Video', 'awake', 'Awakening', 'man made disease', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Virus'] PT41M7S 141 0 6 2 not set not set 2018-05-05T00:06:55.000Z dTqUE3eYdQE UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Qanon -Welcome to our New Q research board.Boom!!! "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Patriot Edition Honoring Fallen Heroes" CFP 24 ['Awakening', 'Qanon', 'MAGA', 'awake', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'Storm', 'Patriot', 'WWG1WGA', 'Video', 'MSM', 'Anon'] PT1M22S 895 2 17 2 not set not set 2018-05-13T09:23:26.000Z FJvVFbZbi_o UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Oil - Gas - ConspiracyFact.Press Video New Q Post Decoded #1359 5/13/18 "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press Video Redank reads and goes over QPost #1359 dropped 5/13/18. Covers trade issues, Germany, EU, fake news, pickles, Iran, Kerry and much more. ""We await your answer [48]. On Guard"" - Q Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Our Man Made Diseases Series Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'US', 'Iran', 'gas', 'trade', 'Qanon', '48', 'Patriot', 'Germany', 'Awakening', 'MSM', 'awake', 'Great Awakening', 'Eu', '', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'ConspiracyFact', 'QPost', 'oil', 'Storm', 'On Guard', 'Anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Video', 'pickle'] PT5M24S 309 3 18 2 not set not set 2018-05-17T19:41:37.000Z Z9doTXCZgk8 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Q posts 1378-1391 Qanon - Pain Coming Nunes Executive Order May 15 - 16 "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video We read and discuss Q posts 1378-1391 and give our analysis. WWG1GWA The posts include subjects such as: Weiner Indictment, We are Q, Executive order, pen, FBI, SIS, UK, Pain coming, Google, Nunes, Gowdy, DOJ, and Comey Help us get the word out about the Great Awakening! Smash the LIKE button, subscribe and share. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Our Man Made Diseases Series Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['awake', 'Pain coming', 'Anon', 'We Are Q', 'Qanon', 'We the People', 'QPost', 'Comey', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'MAGA', 'Weiner Indictment', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'SIS', 'DOJ', 'Patriot', 'MSM', 'Pen', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'Storm', 'FBI', 'Executive Order', 'Awakening', 'Awake', 'UK', 'Video', 'Gowdy', 'Google', 'Nunes'] PT22M30S 142 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-05-25T23:59:26.000Z rO_DjeqsYfo UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw FBI Mole Nukes Elon Musk Trump QAnon Anon Daily News Blast 5-11-18 Video "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Enoch's news blast for May 11, 2018 Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['Enoch', 'ConspiracyFact', 'We the People', 'Anon', 'Awakening', 'Deep State', 'News', 'Patriot', 'Great Awakening', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', '', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'Video', 'MSM', 'QPost', 'Daily News Blast', 'MAGA', 'Storm', 'awake', 'Qanon'] PT1M51S 105 1 8 0 not set not set 2018-05-26T01:59:36.000Z XZ8vloEuk_k UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw CNN Halper IG Report China Anon's Daily News Update 5-21-18 QAnon Enoch Video "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Enoch's news blast for May 21, 2018 Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['awake', 'Great Awakening', 'Awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'Video', 'We the People', 'MSM', 'Patriot', 'Awake', 'Anon', '', 'Qanon', 'MAGA', 'QPost', 'ConspiracyFact', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'Deep State', 'Storm'] PT2M32S 17 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-27T22:48:26.000Z tFML0PRn7LM UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Anon Daily News Update 5-25-18 #QAnon Weinstein Trump NXIVM EO USC Enoch "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['WWG1WGA', 'Awake', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Anon', 'Awakening', '', 'MSM', 'Qanon', 'Deep State', 'MAGA', 'ConspiracyFact', 'QPost', 'Video', 'conspiracyFactPress', 'We the People', 'awake', 'Patriot'] PT2M8S 102 1 13 0 not set not set 2018-06-14T13:00:02.000Z wR3TmkkTOSw UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Roseanne' Barr - Her Epic Rant - Red Pill - Trump- QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please slam that LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. START A STORM. Help others awake. New videos daily. Don't miss any! --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 24 ['Trump', 'HRC', 'MSM', 'News Update', 'Diseases', 'Podesta', 'Clinton', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'MAGA', 'We the People'] PT6M17S 181 2 13 1 not set not set 2018-06-25T19:43:38.000Z QxA3_njKnfs UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Q Posts 1520-1538 Conspiracy Fact . Press QAnon #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - We want to provide you free daily news not found on 'regular' news stations. Help us obtain the necessary tools to provide the highest quality video content. Join our Patreon! -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 1 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT16M56S 267 0 10 0 not set not set 2018-07-09T01:25:46.000Z H8--2p4yHQQ UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Secret Mind Control Orion Project fully expose Qanon MK Ultra #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 1 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT4M22S 510 1 15 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T05:51:51.000Z kx965QbqcSc UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Sparrow Red = LISA PAGE + PETER STRZOK #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT3M5S 400 3 22 0 not set not set 2018-07-30T22:59:09.000Z PuzbByiIH3U UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw #QAnon Posts 1716- 1728 Rosenstein FISA Facebook UK Twitter July 26, 2018 "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT11M5S 157 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-07-30T23:07:42.000Z 3UcZ2WBbXzM UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw #QAnon Posts 1728-1735 Haspel CIA Missile FaceBook China July 27, 2018 "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT9M23S 94 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T05:57:37.000Z SbTB-z26iA4 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw #QAnon Posts 1762 - 1773 Read and Decode "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT17M35S 528 5 16 2 not set not set 2018-08-03T03:45:14.000Z 9TBqRBX_oqU UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 8/1/2018 Transgender Women Freemasons #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT5M59S 153 5 5 3 not set not set 2018-08-03T03:47:25.000Z jfOOqbX6zvk UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw 1774 -1784 #QAnon Posts "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT6M29S 72 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T01:10:42.000Z IMIso8Gpc2w UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw ConspiracyFact.Press Bloopers #2 #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT2M51S 101 1 8 0 not set not set 2018-08-14T07:23:12.000Z OY77tpDfsis UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 8/13/2018 Strok has been FIRED!!! #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT14M52S 159 3 10 1 not set not set 2018-08-16T06:30:54.000Z I-fRdfSQYJc UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 8/15/18 Brennan’s security clearance revoked, link between DMT & near death exp #QAnon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT7M44S 61 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-08-18T06:16:53.000Z 19q9j1TJeIw UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 8/17/18 Planned Parenthood Guilty #Qanon Video Priest Slaps Baby "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT10M45S 380 4 14 0 not set not set 2018-08-23T17:44:42.000Z sa5JDZIGHxY UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Shocking!! Exclusive immigration coverage Part 1 #Mexico #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Redankulous13Today at 12:48 AM *Unaccompanied children have to ride ""the beast""or freight train that crosses Mexico to reach the US from South American countries. Many die on the way *People trying to escape ""dangerous"" environments in their home country by seeking asylum in US *Ex-Marine made a wrong turn ending up in Mexico and turned into a shakedown. Treated like a terrorist. Mexican officials were not cooperating with American officials trying to return him home *3 Playboy bunnies detained in Mexico for allegedly ""working on a tourist visa"" eventhough they had not been paid at all during the visit. They were heavily defended by Mexican Playboy officals but still had to beg for food and water in jail *Can get arrested in Mexico for drinking in the street, using ""banned"" name for your child, peeing in public, drinking 72 hours before an election, taking your feet off bike pedals, publicly kissing in Gaunajuato, crossing with certain pork products *400 Americans imprisoned in Mexico caused Obama to created an ""aid program"" (ransom) of 1.3 billion but failed to retrieve any of the Americans held without bail. *Mexico's murder rate is %600 that of the US in 2011 and has the second most kidnappings to Venezuela 2008 *America incentivize illegal immigrants by not on only our foolish policies including ""catch and release"" but Visa ""lottery"" system. We also offer them free health care, schooling and welfare. Not to mention sanctuary cities that protects criminal illegal immigrants over it's American citizens. *Mexico is building a wall at its Southern border with South America at the same time criticizing the US for building a border wall Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT5M36S 271 3 20 0 not set not set 2018-08-23T22:25:49.000Z QYHmNBOL1rc UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom news 8/23/2018 VW Mini #HAARP Cannon #Catholic Church threatens abuse victims "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT7M56S 138 0 10 0 not set not set 2018-08-24T17:02:06.000Z HMh79_GMyp4 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Hit to the head!! ,Unmasking #Antifa Bill, They HATE America!!! #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT1M25S 288 4 5 2 not set not set 2018-08-27T04:41:26.000Z 3OXDAOlAJ70 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw QPost 1932 McStain NoName's Revenge? #QAnon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT2M35S 412 6 17 0 not set not set 2018-08-30T06:47:50.000Z ppfuYea_uMM UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Qposts 1948-1957 Chinese spies and Symbolism will be their downfall #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT20M17S 165 3 10 1 not set not set 2018-08-30T07:09:49.000Z xpRs9nOW8SU UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom news 8/29/2018 Cnn Lies, Facebook Employee Warns "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT17M13S 48 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-01T06:02:34.000Z hoIAgVJsNUs UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 8/31/2018 Ghost Ship Appears, Q asks Who are the White Rabbits? #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT12M29S 812 4 28 2 not set not set 2018-09-17T22:22:20.000Z hp7VuEa0T10 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Q Drop 2187 Trump Declassifies BOOM 20 Page FISA REPORT #Qanon Videosn "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT2M1S 1504 12 31 1 not set not set 2018-09-21T18:07:31.000Z 2BdwBQPcluw UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw QPosts 2215-2225 Aliens?? Rosewell? Moon Landing?? Code Monkey we need more!! #Qanon "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT12M50S 839 8 17 3 not set not set 2018-09-22T20:51:04.000Z mpCmh4fAO1o UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Q Posts 2226 - 2235 Baker Testifies Against Comey, 10 Minute Delta #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT13M29S 3404 16 80 6 not set not set 2018-09-30T05:34:22.000Z tiVWZfSUsCY UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Q Posts 2295 - 2298 Humanity Is At Stake DROP THE MEMES!!!! #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT15M2S 1273 4 14 2 not set not set 2018-10-05T05:12:09.000Z YZtZb9rihM8 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Q posts 2334 - 2343 Narrative Shift In Full Force, Israeli Intelligence Stand Down "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT9M41S 1279 6 35 2 not set not set 2018-10-15T01:20:15.000Z TIeh7j9JU58 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 10/13/2018 Hillary Clinton LOSES CLEARANCE Christian Woman To Be Put To Death In Pakistan "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT10M49S 242 2 13 0 not set not set 2018-10-16T00:36:13.000Z TGHb9d-_248 UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Boom News 10/15/2018 Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" , Trump Sends Pompeo To Saudi Arabia "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT4M51S 70 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-10-21T01:54:25.000Z yCbk41GCqQQ UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Barbed Wire - Migrants, Triple Amputee Veteran Facebook Page Deleted after spending $300,000 in ads "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT5M17S 107 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-10-21T04:21:39.000Z OrM-E76xMaI UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Barbed Wire - Russia, White House, and Crazy Celebs "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT4M39S 92 2 9 0 not set not set 2018-10-26T07:13:05.000Z JZSKk26vQLk UCxFdq15KPHtOPsA91uyelVw Barbed Wire - Around The World ,Upcoming Midterms Heat Up #Qanon Videos "Welcome to a ConspiracyFact.Press video Please click the LIKE button, SHARE the video and SUBSCRIBE. The Great Awakening is here. New videos daily. --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on: Periscope Twitter YouTube Website Podcast Telegram. Our back up platform for Discord Twitch - Support us in providing you with better quality content and news withheld from TV/Cable news. Join our Patreon today! Donations of any amount accepted through Patreon. -------------------------------------- Please check out these other great sources of information: Citizen's Investigative Report Brendan Dilley on Twitter ---------------------------------------------- Looking for more information? Current Events and Breaking News Live Interviews with Our Favorite Special Guests Q Post Decoding Videos Daily News Updates Man Made Diseases Series Senior Executive Service Series SES The Book of Q PDF file. Q posts, Anon's discussion, and proofs. Updated often.!Zv5GDQJJ!dey5gvBws-disu5u1XSkBAJErA-6S8yarEyFuiCRJYI Donald J. Trump's Twitter Account Sarah Sanders' Twitter Account The White House Twitter Account Links in video: . . Qanon - Conspiracy Fact Press" CFP 25 ['MAGA', 'Q Post', 'Rosenstein', 'Clinton', 'IG Report Trump HRC MSM News Update', 'Podesta', 'Trafficking', 'Anon', 'Redankulous13', 'Video', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'QPost', '', 'ConspiracyFact', 'Great Awakening', 'Storm', 'Awake', 'WWG1WGA', 'Deep State', 'We the People'] PT5M30S 92 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T23:16:07.000Z bte93JiU1tw UCokqzNPBJ65raczldVuHAww QAnon Revealed | Chapo Trap House | Episode 205 "Observing the highest levels of OpSec, the mysterious Q* patches in to Chapo to reveal the deepest secrets of the #QAnon conspiracy. *James Adomian buy our book:" Chapo Trap House 25 ['QAnon', 'conspiracy', 'trump', 'chapo', 'chapo trap house', 'politics', 'comedy', 'podcast', '4chan', 'maga', 'james adomian', 'conspiracy theories', 'submarine', 'opsec'] PT6M39S 27581 173 593 75 not set not set 2018-03-10T03:53:27.000Z WwNJqpkZA3o UCaqE5XHL6tzZSpdirnqSYPQ Follow Q "Follow Q · Charles Irvin CaiSpiracy (The Great Awakening) ℗ 749792 Records DK Released on: 2018-03-08 Auto-generated by YouTube." Charles Irvin - Topic 10 ['Charles Irvin', 'CaiSpiracy (The Great Awakening)', 'Follow Q'] PT2M16S 253 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-07-05T16:33:05.000Z k0cXCjp0bbU UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw QAnon billboards popping up around the country, an education on QAnon "Billboards Promoting 4Chan Conspiracy Theory ‘QAnon’ Pop Up Across America QAnon billboards are a thing now. This one's in Georgia. Baruch the Scribe w/ Lift the Veil #QAnon #8chan ...caught this billboard today in southern oklahoma. Had to turn around twice to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Located on south interstate 35 between exit 21 and 24 Q The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles) QAnon Posts Q" Charlton 25 ['qanon', 'Q anon', 'Qanon billboards', 'great awakening', 'q anon oklahoma', '4chan', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon billboard', 'billboard', 'qanon posts', 'q anon billboards', 'qanon latest', '8chan', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'q anon today', 'q anon update', 'wwg1wga', 'trump qanon', 'trump conspiracy'] PT16M3S 533 71 28 4 not set not set 2018-07-09T02:43:26.000Z H5CSuqGr4q4 UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw Quick introduction to QAnon posts and some good Q Anon YouTube channels "Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q? Q For Beginners Part 2 - How to Find Q posts Q Anon QAnon Posts JustInformed Talk What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening? Citizens Investigative Report" Charlton 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon posts', 'who is qanon', 'intro to qanon', 'where qanon posts', 'q anon posts', 'where q anon posts', 'what is qanon', 'qtubers', 'q tubers', 'q youtube posts', 'q posts', 'where Q posts', 'q posts on youtube', 'q youtubers'] PT8M47S 768 46 27 10 not set not set 2018-07-24T23:25:21.000Z LV68oVakunY UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw What a Wonderful Day for QAnon "The QAnon Conspiracy Has Stumbled Into Real Life, And It’s Not Going To End Well What line in the opening song did @Potus point out just five minutes after Q's first drop today. Hahaha! What a wonderful day. Do you believe in coincidences? Q We saw you! God bless Patriots! Q You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE. Q Apple pulls conspiracy theory application from the App Store. Like the fringe conspiracy theory Qanon? There's plenty of merch for sale on Amazon A GOP Twitter account is helping spread the baseless internet conspiracy theory QAnon What Is QAnon? The Craziest Theory of the Trump Era, Explained" Charlton 25 ['qanon', 'qnon posts today', 'qanon post today', 'qanon posts', 'q anon', 'trump kansas city', 'q posts', 'q anon update', 'q anon update today', 'q anon latest', 'qanon conspiracy'] PT9M 325 22 27 1 not set not set 2018-07-31T06:37:20.000Z q-B5NCuRaRM UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw #QAnon targets Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti, Trump supporter shows up at his office? "Avenatti Targeted in Person by QAnon, the Crazy Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory We are trying to identify the man in this picture, which was taken outside my office yesterday (Sun) afternoon. Please contact @NewportBeachPD if you have any details or observed him. We will NOT be intimidated into stopping or changing our course. Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti seeks police help after mysterious conspiracy figure QAnon posts photo of man in black near his office Michael Avenatti Wants to ID Man in Black Who Showed Up at His Office on Sunday" Charlton 25 ['qanon', '#qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'stormy daniels', 'stormy daniels attorney', 'stormy daniels lawyer', 'michael avenatti', 'avenatti', 'qanon avenatti', 'avenetti office building', 'q anon', 'qanon post today', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon stormy daniels'] PT6M6S 640 24 27 3 not set not set 2018-07-31T08:20:04.000Z dsRsbci1duI UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw YouTube search results for celebrities Tom Hanks & Steven Spielberg hijacked by conspiracy theorists "YouTube search results for A-list celebrities hijacked by conspiracy theorists Conspiracy theorists turned Tom Hanks' YouTube search results into pedophilia accusations #TomHanks Conspiracy theorists hijack YouTube results for A-listers Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg videos show YouTube still has a conspiracy problem What is QAnon? Explaining the bizarre rightwing conspiracy theory How YouTube Bolstered Another Baseless Conspiracy Theory About Pedophile Rings" Charlton 25 ['youtube search results', 'conspiracy theorists', 'tom hanks', 'tom hanks search results', '#TomHanks', 'steven spielberg', 'cemex', 'tom hanks search', 'tom hanks youtube search', 'youtube search', 'Q anon', 'tom hanks Q anon', 'spielberg', 'spielberg search resulst'] PT7M10S 1704 15 35 5 not set not set 2018-08-07T22:13:59.000Z WFniaviYFtY UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw The real reason Alex Jones was banned by YouTube, who’s behind #QAnon the coming purge & Free Speech I’m gonna discuss the real reason The Alex Jones Channel and INFOWars were terminated by YouTube, how it relates to the YouTube purge, who’s behind #QAnon and what it means for Free Speech. Charlton 25 ['alex jones banned', 'alex jones banned by youtube', 'youtube bans alex jones', 'youtube', 'youtube deletes alex jones', 'alexjones banned', 'alex jones terminated', 'the alex jones channel', 'terminated', 'youtube terminates infowars', 'infowars banned', 'q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'youtube purge', 'free speech on youtube', 'free speech', 'banned from live streaming', 'qanon posts', 'infowars', 'alex jones qanon', 'qanon alex jones', 'info wars', 'info wars news', 'infowars live stream', 'infowars livestream'] PT17M23S 860 28 53 4 not set not set 2018-10-17T06:59:20.000Z bjGK99wyY7E UCglinz_3LlxLSKgBRzAjGKw YouTube outage worldwide for over an hour, was this Q Anon reason why they're shutting down Google+? "#YouTube was down but now it’s back Thanks for your reports about YouTube, YouTube TV and YouTube Music access issues. We're working on resolving this and will let you know once fixed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will keep you updated. YouTube went down for over an hour during an abrupt worldwide outage YouTube Went Down for Millions Around the World YouTube goes down for more than an hour YouTube went down, the internet made memes Google is shutting down Google+ for consumers following security lapse Google shutting down Google+ after exposing data of up to 500,000 users From 8chan to YouTube and Trump rallies: how a right-wing conspiracy theory is going mainstream #QAnon What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters" Charlton 25 ['youtube went down', 'youtube down', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'youtube down worldwide', 'youtube outage', 'google shutting down google+', 'google+', 'google shutting down google plus', 'user data', 'google+ user data', 'google plus', 'why youtube down', 'why youtube went down', 'security breach', 'identity theft', 'trusted flaggers', 'youtube trusted flaggers', 'youtube purge', 'alex jones', 'youtube terminates alex jones', 'infowars'] PT13M34S 1266 39 71 3 not set not set 2018-08-05T19:02:28.000Z TEwgCWzliGE UCVM0gGC_H9ksdcR0pVzhDJA Episode 72: #QANON "Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast Episode 72: #QANON Topics include: - Leave us a voicemail and we’ll play your message on the show! Call Chicago area code 872-529-0767 - Pizzagate, Planet Ping Pong, James Alefantis, the Clintons, the Obamas, John Podesta, George Soros, Robert Mueller investigation, election tampering, email hacks, Hollywood elites, global pedophile rings, satanic ritual's all in this one, folks! The granddaddy of all conspiracy theories...#QANON! - The viral conspiracy #QANON explained - What is ""The Coming Storm""? - What is the ""Deep State"" and who is involved? - Hear POTUS talking about ""The calm before the storm"", the statement that kicked off #QANON - What happens when an internet-based conspiracy theory leaves the net and crashes into real life? - Hold onto your hats listeners. This one is crazy! - Listen after the show for outtakes! - To access ultra-exclusive content, like stickers, early podcast releases, Patreon-only audio and video content, ad-free listening, chat sessions with the hosts and MORE, join our Patreon community ( - Please rate The Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast on iTunes. We will read your reviews on the show! Take a screenshot of your review, send it to us and we will send you something cool! ( - We are proud to announce that the Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast is now part of the Spotify family! Find us on Spotify and give us a follow! ( - We are now part of the iHeart Radio Network! Find us there! ( - Visit our website! Photos, videos, blog and MORE ( - Feedback to: - Instagram: @ChicagoGhosts ( - Twitter: @ChicagoGhosts ( - YouTube: Supernatural Occurrence Studies ( - FaceBook: @ChicagoGhostPodcast Leave us a rating and a comment and we WILL read it on the show! ( - Supernatural Occurrence Studies T-shirts are here! 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( - Support the Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast and save 10% on ANY new subscription to LootCrate! Click here and enter promo code BRIDGE10 ( - Support the Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast and save a whopping 30% on your next GoDaddy order. Click here and sign up ( - Set your proton packs to DONATE! If you love what you hear on The Supernatural Occurrence Studies Podcast, visit and select SPECIAL OFFERS and donate to the cause! Source:" Chicago's Own: Supernatural Occurrence Studies 24 ['spreaker', '4chan', 'abedin', 'alefantis', 'clinton', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracytheory', 'crazyconspiracy', 'deepstate', 'obama', 'pizzagate', 'planetpingpong', 'podcast', 'podesta', 'potus', 'qanon', 'robertmueller', 'thestorm', 'trump', '8chan', 'chicago', 'supernatural occurrence studies', 'q level', 'qdrops', 'schilling', 'huma abedin', 'republicans vs democrats', 'sos', 'wwg1wga qanon', 'september 11 2001', 'chicagoghostpodcast', 'spirit cooking', 'the storm', 'classified information', 'rothschild family', 'persson', 'roseanne barr', 'followers of q', 'iheartradio', 'spotify'] PT1H38M10S 163 4 1 1 not set not set 2018-08-11T14:49:54.000Z WMirnQXAmpU UCwa4LvgrXxnvYxWkhpcbSmQ Q anon. NOW TERMINAL ON YOUTUBE CAUSES EXECUTIVE ORDER TO SAVE YOU. DONALD TRUMP SIGNS #NOMOQ LAW Look at what Q has done. ((Anonymous /original anon/ i11uminati)) also NOW TERMINAL ON YOUTUBE USA 🇺🇸 will iCann be watching? Chinada3301 1 not set PT5M15S 465 25 23 7 not set not set 2017-12-28T19:28:31.000Z D7kxLlTzxFU UCrzQfEI0zE1Lo4eM6v2b-zQ THE RESTORATION OF THE REPUBLIC - Pt.1.1 (#885.LEM) - 12/28/17 THURSDAY SHEILA R. VITALE: Spiritual Christianity - Topics Include: Treason of Obama, George W. Bush, Etc; Executive Order on Child Trafficking; Obama & Clinton Wealth Seized; Shadow Government; Q-Anon Clearance; Fake News; Corrupt Judges; CIA Exposed; Marine Core; Eliminate Fear - Revealing Christ in the Jewish Esoteric Literature, Bible Teacher, Answering the Hard Questions About Jesus; Social Commentary, Movie Reviews CHRIST-CENTERED KABBALAH - Sheila R. Vitale 29 ['Bible', 'Christian', 'Jewish', 'Zohar Kosher Kabbalah', 'End Times', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT55M1S 61 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-26T02:10:31.000Z pmd5-N-XhDk UC8NXPJ8mCp4b-q9W6oIaW1A These Fake Pipe Bombs Are HILARIOUS #PipeBombHoax #4chan Trolls Pipe Bomb False Narrative! "4CHAN TROLLS MOCK ‘FALSE FLAG’ BOMB SCARE BY MAKING PARODY ‘BOMBS’ OF THEIR OWN You’ll no doubt be shocked to learn the “weaponized autists” at 4Chan are not buying the latest bomb scare targeting Democrats less than two weeks out from the midterms. The New York Times reported Wednesday that bomb technicians who studied the device said it “had hallmarks” of a “fake explosive” On Wednesday, CNN’s Jim Acosta shared images of one of the suspect devices he says was sent to CNN. The New York Times reported Wednesday that bomb technicians who studied the device said it “had hallmarks” of a “fake explosive” of “the kind more typically depicted on television and in movies, rather than devices capable of detonating.” As the New York Times reported: None of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded. […]A digital clock was taped to the middle of the pipe, a feature that experts say is typically shown on fictional bombs in an attempt to ratchet up dramatic tension, but unnecessary in real life. In fact, bombmakers generally avoid attaching visible clocks to their devices to keep from tipping off their targets about when the bombs are set to explode. 4Chan trolls responded by sharing parody “bombs” of their own using the “Autist Cookbook” which they shared along with comments such as, “Just got this in the mail, I’m scared!” On Wednesday, NBC News’s Ben Collins said the alleged bomb plot was likely inspired by “talk radio and Fox News” rather than “fringe websites like 4chan and Qanon-adjacent communities on Reddit and Facebook,” so I’d say such parody is fair game." christian 25 ['alex', 'jones', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'prisonplanet', 'newswars', 'info', 'wars', '4chan', 'pipebombhoax', 'hoax', 'parody', 'false flag', 'fake explosive', 'new york times', 'CNN', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Obama', 'Jim Acosta', 'bomb', 'bombs', 'Autist Cookbook', 'troll', 'trolls', 'NBC News', 'Ben Collins', 'Fox News', 'dem', 'dems', 'democrats', 'midterms'] PT24M25S 772 14 27 2 not set not set 2018-10-03T04:55:03.000Z oHCEWXqz5PU UCKlZt0tfG6FBwlLlLE8SOSw Qanon Posts & Analysis 10-2-18: Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall Q calls the Kavanaugh confirmation vote 53-47, and points out how blatantly the Black Hats let their presence be known. Save America, vote Republican! Christian Enlightenment 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Qanon Posts', 'Qanon Posts Today', 'The Great Awakening', 'Maga', 'Kavanaugh'] PT10M40S 404 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-03-27T15:33:21.000Z aaSnQ_YdyPg UCI8re5qUwcm0r_yHYdseoiQ 'Q' MEGA MEME DROP: ANTARCTICA, HOLLOW EARTH AND THE SYMMES THEORY "WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN HIDING FROM US, FOR DECADES, IN ANTARCTICA? The ""Antarctica-Arctic"" folder on the Q Meme Mega Drop, only has a few things in it, but several of them are info graphics. There's one on Admiral Byrd and a photo of Buzz Aldrin sporting his Masonic rings. There's also an info graphic on Kerry's trip to Antarctica. Kerry spent election night in Christchurch, New Zealand, and headed immediately to Antarctica after Hillary's loss...why? What have they been hiding in Antarctica? Uranium? The evidence points to something more... Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFm..." Christie Mac 27 ['McAllisterTV'] PT41M41S 71 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-05-22T12:22:49.000Z -bIw0CzUVs0 UCpYQa-eTjI3i0Q20fOiC9Jg 295: Q ..... Man, This Shit IS Getting Crazy "Q, for those of you who don't know, is an individual/group inside the administration of Donald J. Trump.  They have been sending messages to those of us who are listening. In these messages, Q shares images and asks questions as if they’re clues. There are times when Q speaks directly about an event. There are times when Q provides a heads up regarding some military action. “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the whole world he didn’t exist.” The point is, Q is a good guy….or girl, or team;whatever. Q, as we know it, is telling the truth and sharing the realities of our nation; and the terrifying truth about our ""leaders"". This is a scary time. We were all dooped into believing our system was not corrupt. We were taught that our leaders are pure and their virtues moral, however that is not the case. Look for yourself. Check out the emails on Wikileaks.   OH, you thought you couldn’t go on wikileaks. You thought they could find you. You thought it’s illegal?  Then you are DEFINITELY under the spell of evil. The C.I.A. has been gutted. The F.B.I. is under legitimate authority. It’s alright. We will make it through this together. We share this with you because it’s the truth and, no matter what, good will always triumph over evil. Look for additional information regarding Q under the hashtags #Qanon #thegreatawakening #WWG1WGA #Q #thestorm #deepstate  and by researching Qanon.         Brought to you in part by    HOCOA: Home Repair Network - LEARN more about how we partner with HOCOA @ - It works if you work it. Combat Flip Flops - Enter CIGARS20 to get 20% of your whole order - get 50% off a featured membership by using discount code CIGARSANDSEA Spartan Media - Veteran owned and operated We are a proud member of Heroes Media Group Heroes Media Group; a broadcasting platform dedicated to providing a voice for our community heroes and those who support them. The Group is dedicated to providing education, entertainment and empowerment to: Active Duty, Reserve, Veteran, Retired, Military, Firefighters, First Responders, Law Enforcement, Educators, Medical Professionals, and Clergy. Their mission; To be the voice for all Community Heroes by bridging the gap between hero, citizen and the communities they protect, educate, and empower." Cigars and Sea Stories 24 ['awakening', 'crazy', 'deepstate', 'getting', 'great', 'is', 'man', 'more', 'no', 'qanon', 'qclearance', 'shit', 'this'] PT42M36S 69 1 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-03T01:13:49.000Z dc4RPfVwFRI UC06vkx-Rt7Vv3hiM3GnOs9w The Storm called Q-Anon "The now infamous Q-Anon posts from 4Chan have excited and stirred the hearts and minds of many, although a closer second look is in order. From their inception, the posts have been frank about the use of force with the military and law enforcement. What will happen? Are we seeing deliverance from the 'Deep State'? Or is this the ultimate ploy to silence all dissent within the United States once and for all? FAIR USE STATEMENT This clip is used in research and education No citation here of work by others constitutes any infringement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This clip conforms to all criteria determining the fair and/or scholarly use of citation according to U.S. Federal Law (Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act; title 17, U.S. Code). May God bless us all in the coming years!" CipherNews 1 ['#qanon', 'what is qanon', 'q-anon', 'Q-Anon', 'predictive programming', 'martial law', 'fema', 'q patriot', '4chan', 'trump', 'deep state', 'russian scandal', 'iran', 'north korea', 'ww3', 'emp', 'donnie darko', 'mueller investigation', 'military', 'takeover', 'ww3 predicted', 'prophecy', 'antichrist', 'christian', 'armageddon', 'revolution'] PT15M2S 125091 625 1273 193 not set not set 2018-01-01T00:59:46.000Z 6CO0mY6xWG4 UC06vkx-Rt7Vv3hiM3GnOs9w QAnon - New Year - Many Thanks "2017 was a fast, confusing but wonderful year. Many things led to disastrous outcomes, but several victories were won which made them all the more special. The recent QAnon video that we released netted a huge swathe of subscribers but it is NOT the basis of our channel, but a very important story for the end of 2017 for sure. CipherNews is just getting started Lord willing, and we promise to do everything in our power to do more for you in 2018. Grateful doesn't even begin to describe the feeling when we see our growth back over the last several months since we've launched. We look forward to 2018, and all the stories yet to be told! God bless you and your family, friends and may freedom be ours!! FAIR USE STATEMENT This clip is used in research and education No citation here of work by others constitutes any infringement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This clip conforms to all criteria determining the fair and/or scholarly use of citation according to U.S. Federal Law (Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act; title 17, U.S. Code). All Music herein belongs to all respective parties listed below, as I do NOT claim any right or ownership, nor monetize this video." CipherNews 1 ['qanon', 'martial law', '2017', '2018', 'conspiracy', 'geopolitics', 'what is qanon', 'who is q', 'trump', 'putin', 'new world order', 'chemtrails', 'secret', 'fema', 'AI', 'happy new year', 'how to get subscribers', 'ciphernews', 'cyphernews', 'will way', 'mark of the beast', 'research', 'nsa', 'dwave', 'cern', '5g', 'mkultra', 'occult', 'north korea', 'middle east', 'iran', 'israel', 'end times', 'comedy', 'humor', 'truther', 'truth'] PT12M15S 457 13 26 6 not set not set 2018-01-04T02:11:38.000Z nKXxrA02pTQ UC06vkx-Rt7Vv3hiM3GnOs9w The 5 Stages of Truth "While #truth is sought by all in one form or another, the 'truth community' has literally fashioned itself after the pursuit of it. Whether it be the latest #QAnon posts, #federalreserve debacle, or #news that isn't covered by #MSM in a fair light. Here are my #views as the host of a #truther channel, and hopefully it will help you understand where this channel is coming from, and maybe lend more structure to your thoughts on it as well. The Five Stages of Truth help me to distinguish where my level of understanding is any any given known topic the community covers at large, and hopefully it will aid you in some way or another! FAIR USE STATEMENT This clip is used in research and education No citation here of work by others constitutes any infringement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This clip conforms to all criteria determining the fair and/or scholarly use of citation according to U.S. Federal Law (Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act; title 17, U.S. Code). All Music herein belongs to all respective parties listed below, as I do NOT claim any right or ownership, nor monetize this video. 'To Myself' - Uplink" CipherNews 1 ['qanon', 'martial law', 'truther', 'truth', 'federal reserve', '9/11', 'ww3', 'north korea', 'trump', 'iran', 'israel', 'predictive programming', 'democrats', 'republicans', 'quantum thinking', 'awareness', 'mentality', 'middle east', 'geopolitics', 'occult', 'deep thinking', 'dwave', 'CERN', 'honesty', 'new world order', 'conspiracy', 'bilderberg', 'cfr', 'false flag', 'gun confiscation', 'tax cut', 'build the wall', 'maga', 'foreign policy', 'science', '#ciphernews', '#teamhumanity'] PT16M32S 256 0 11 0 not set not set 2018-01-11T20:59:17.000Z DyNrc6xiTIU UC06vkx-Rt7Vv3hiM3GnOs9w #QAnon - sense: Calling your Bluff "#QAnon continues to be pushed in the #truth community despite it not delivering on many fronts including the destruction of a vast #criminal #humantrafficking network and the talking head #politicians, business people and organizations fronting for these nefarious crimes. Taking into consideration the time invested in these cryptic posts, there may be some merit, but exactly how much? One or two token figure heads people are crying out to be ""Gitmoed""? Will this be yet another ploy to distract and divide the truth community? The latter has already proven to be true. So how much longer should everyone wait, with baited breath over the massive amounts of inference within the Q posts? Another week? A month? A year? When it looks like a bluff, smells, like a bluff, and the math simply doesn't add up its time to call. FAIR USE STATEMENT This clip is used in research and education No citation here of work by others constitutes any infringement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This clip conforms to all criteria determining the fair and/or scholarly use of citation according to U.S. Federal Law (Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act; title 17, U.S. Code). All Music herein belongs to all respective parties listed below, as I do NOT claim any right or ownership, nor monetize this video." CipherNews 1 ['qnon', 'who is qanon', 'new qanon post', 'the storm', '#itshappening', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'psyop', 'manipulation', 'Trump', 'Blackwater', 'Erik Prince', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'psychological operations', 'false flag', 'truther', '9/11', 'martial law', 'secret society', '#qanonsense', '#ciphernews', '#teamhumanity', 'humantrafficking', 'reality show', 'WW3', 'bluffing', 'distraction', 'the elite', 'bilderberg', 'goldman sachs', 'critical thinking', 'civil asset forfeiture', 'soap opera'] PT14M29S 749 28 40 11 not set not set 2018-09-13T15:18:24.000Z uvQ0LJL4lyc UC06vkx-Rt7Vv3hiM3GnOs9w QAnon should be called QYinon "QAnon continues to be a point of contention inside AND outside conservative circles, yet most who subscribe to the body of posts continually overlook nuances that reveal the greatest benefactor of this fan fiction. The Yinon Plan, penned by Oded Yinon, who was an Israeli journalist and political activist that codified the thoughts and subsequent actions of the Greater Israel Plan. Its beginnings reach back to Israel's founding, and plan to expand well beyond Palestine and into destabilized former nations that have been fragmented for that express purpose. Phonetics, numerology, the Kabbalah and other magical belief systems of the elite permeate their plans, and reveal a fanatical bent to their genocidal methods. Q Group of the NSA, along with MI-6, the Mossad and Mega Group lend their expertise in capturing hearts and minds, using psychological warfare and emerging technologies like the psycho-graphics employed by the Trump campaign's Cambridge Analytica mass programming of the general population. Neither Q Group, nor the State of Israel intend on doing anything unless it furthers YOUR support of Trump, as Trump supports the Israeli policies of his handlers. #yinonplan #zionism #leftrighparadigm" CipherNews 1 ['who is qanon', 'new qanon posts', 'yinon plan', 'greater israel plan', 'what is zionist', 'NSA', 'trump israel', 'netanyahu', 'jeff epstein', 'steve bannon', 'psychographics', 'israel first', 'palestine', 'shin bet', 'cia', 'mossad', 'mi-6', 'cambridge analytica', 'hidden meaning', 'seven countries in five years', 'PNAC', '9/11', 'war on terror', 'war with iran', 'psychological operations', 'psy-ops', 'christian zionists', 'neocons', 'NDAA'] PT26M48S 307 8 11 4 not set not set 2018-03-25T04:00:02.000Z cySExZir1Bw UCvQLn2BSwjIKH56P19quQ8A Q Anon Mystery "Provided to YouTube by CDBaby Q Anon Mystery · Circuitry and Soul Q Anon Mystery ℗ 2018 Brent a Berry Released on: 2018-03-25 Auto-generated by YouTube." Circuitry and Soul - Topic 10 ['Circuitry', 'and', 'Soul', 'Anon', 'Mystery'] PT3M47S 104 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-13T15:24:55.000Z QA72bq3uql0 UCKBLN42jsmiLCihWz80GUPw #Qanon vs Alex Jones Infowars Info between #Qanon and Alex Jones ,Infowars cirstenw 24 ['Infowars', 'Qanon', 'AlexJones'] PT4M17S 233 2 7 1 not set not set 2017-12-16T04:40:41.000Z J8hdeaykViY UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Jim Jordan #qanon #draintheswamp "Thanks for watching! We do this because WE HAVE TO! Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 22 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', '#quanon', 'q anon', 'followthewhiterabbit', '#followthewhiterabbit'] PT6M39S 1358 2 53 1 not set not set 2017-12-20T17:42:31.000Z CPvD8HQ9Koc UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon Patriots Inside the FBI Will Expose Mueller and Comey #draintheswamp "Thanks for watching! We do this because WE HAVE TO! Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'fbi', 'doj', 'patriots', 'insiders', 'whistleblowers'] PT5M23S 1456 6 52 1 not set not set 2017-12-22T22:58:11.000Z lCv2RSt-JHw UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon Who is Q and What is the Calm Before the Storm? #followthewhiterabbit #Q #thestorm "Thanks for watching! We do this because WE HAVE TO! Video Reference Links: Book of Q - Q Anon PDF #Qanon PDF Latest Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'calm before the storm'] PT7M14S 6160 14 130 7 not set not set 2017-12-25T20:42:07.000Z -_jy9XWrtVk UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg DoD Confirms #QAnon and Marines Hunting Unicorns? #Qanon #TheStormIsHere #MAGA #Q "Thanks for watching! We do this because WE HAVE TO! Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'Qanon', 'Q Clearance', '#Q', '#Qanon', 'Followthewhiterabbit'] PT5M45S 5289 41 170 7 not set not set 2017-12-26T13:06:10.000Z DC6aYwKxQuw UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon Julian Assange WikiLeak Dump, 24 Suspects, and Weiner Insurance File "Website: Thanks for watching! We do this because WE HAVE TO! Read my blog article with additional links and info here: Video Reference Links: CBTS Thread on Reddit/@TracyBeanz DYNCORP SERCO Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'q anon', 'followthewhiterabbit', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#thestormishere', 'calm before the storm'] PT15M32S 113513 442 2033 110 not set not set 2017-12-28T03:38:36.000Z BhTX5laZ2dk UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon About Me, Julian Assange, 8Chan Bakers Answer Questions "Thanks for watching! We do this because WE HAVE TO! Video Reference Links: Anti School - Tracy Beanz YouTube Video: Roy Potter Channel: Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'q anon', 'calm before the storm'] PT20M30S 16423 165 488 34 not set not set 2017-12-28T20:41:35.000Z ubLtyQx4d2g UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - Suicides, Murder, and CEO's OH MY #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! Video Reference Links: ""Suicides"" Billionaire Couple Canada William Graham WaPo Heir Murder look alike murder in same area Ceo's Step Down: Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#thestorm'] PT8M30S 12490 59 418 13 not set not set 2017-12-30T07:53:10.000Z xEqavcwFyLY UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon Redpilled - A Mini Documentary #thestormishere #followthewhiterabbit "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. We Do This Because We Have To... Video Reference Links: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! Website: Twitter: Facebook: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'red pill', '#followthewhitereabbit', '#thestorm', '#maga'] PT55M51S 14753 120 534 11 not set not set 2017-12-31T00:54:20.000Z TJAryFVNobk UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - Connection to Iranian Protests #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'thestormishere', 'the storm', 'iranian protests', '#qanon'] PT20M37S 4823 68 212 12 not set not set 2018-01-01T05:21:19.000Z G8RApYO_n4c UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon Phenomenon -Happy New Year- A Year To Remember with Jimmy & Katie G #followthewhiterabbit "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Happy New Year! 2018 is here and we continue on with the #Qanon Phenomenon Meet my Husband Jim :P Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'new year', '2018', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#thestormishere'] PT23M33S 6699 72 217 5 not set not set 2018-01-02T00:02:44.000Z urKkOdgMzIs UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon Connection to Whacked Pakistan Spy Ring #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. We do this because WE HAVE TO. Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! If your business needs marketing or Social Media Management consider hiring me: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'Pakistan', 'middle east', 'MAGA', 'POTUS', 'the calm before the storm', 'the storm is here', 'followthewhiterabbit'] PT28M55S 40258 210 981 50 not set not set 2018-01-04T22:22:20.000Z c0ng2LuHw3M UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon New Drops, Matlock, Panama,1000 Arrests on Drudge #followthewhiterabbit #Q "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. We Do This Because WE HAVE TO. Rude and off-topic comments, spam will not appear. Video Reference Links: Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'geopolitics', 'new world order', 'Illuminati', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'cover up', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#thestormishere', '#thestorm'] PT16M49S 75145 303 1100 60 not set not set 2018-01-09T05:57:57.000Z FJxIZeGscPc UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - 1 Theory, 2 Ops YOU NEED TO KNOW #thestormishere #followthewhiterabbit "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Some are saying Qanon is a Deep State Psyop. We say it is real. How to understand why some won't accept this. Read more about this on my blog: Video Reference Links: Susan Laudner: Google Slide Presentation so you can hear the videos better perhaps: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you and help me upgrade my equipment. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT39M29S 18632 108 404 25 not set not set 2018-01-11T04:55:37.000Z aV2xcCxaoTQ UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - Julian Assange - Was #Q Right Again? #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. WE DO THIS BECAUSE WE HAVE TO! Video Reference Links: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT11M6S 14673 68 418 18 not set not set 2018-01-11T22:18:52.000Z wTV4wML2Syg UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon Phenomenon - Can You Handle the Truth? Roy Potter is RIGHT "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. HOPE but Verify. Project Veritas: Roy Potter WATCH: Joseph Farrell: LONE GUNMAN hosts Citizens Investigative Report Sunday 01-14-18 at 12pm EST Video Reference Links: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT25M58S 25753 450 848 59 not set not set 2018-01-14T02:57:06.000Z 0c2dd2MuBdw UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg 9PM EST -LIVE Indictment U1, Haiti, Hawaii, and More #Qanon #followthewhiterabbit "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: DOD Hawaii EMA: Hickam AFB Statement: Silsby trafficking scandal: Monica Peterson Clinton Child Trafficking Smoking Gun: Red Cross: CIA Brothels: Moby CIA: Trey Gowdy resigns from Ethics Committee: DOJ Unseals Indictment U1: Russian Bribery U1: DOJ Sealed Indictment U1: Fusion GPS walks back FBI Mole: Horowitz IG Investigating the Investigators: Assange Tweet Chessboard: SGT Report for a great balanced view of Q: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT55M10S 11322 77 291 8 not set not set 2018-01-14T10:26:45.000Z GTFYwFVnXcQ UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon is Back - "HIGHEST Level Intel Drop EVER"? #thestormishere #followthewhiterabbit "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support! Video Reference Links: Watch me on ""The Lone Gunman, with Ian Tough this Sunday at 2pm EST Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT39M32S 67821 701 1284 50 not set not set 2018-01-15T03:51:32.000Z f83TwcKnBp0 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - Trey Gowdy, False Flag?, Vegas Witnesses #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT20M21S 19646 222 452 17 not set not set 2018-01-16T04:53:07.000Z O3cKYCEcCnQ UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon #MAGA 4-10-20 Speech of all Speeches THANK YOU! #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Oct 13, 2016 West Palm Beach, FLA Campaign Speech: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! Music Credits: We Are One by Vexento Music promoted by Audio Library Good For You by THBD Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT7M15S 11879 120 651 7 not set not set 2018-01-22T07:35:18.000Z pLhgQLWQ-JY UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon Mystery Posts - Donna, George, and Todd? #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: Both Q only posts Researchers with Q answers sometimes: Todd Macklerr Macklerr Smartmatic Programming New Fort Pumper, VA See these tweets that were made in 2016 about it: No city named New Fort Pumper NO company named that and Wonder why Q cut that part off Also Page for goes to a 404 dead page. Not sure what to make of this. Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT19M15S 15282 129 411 9 not set not set 2018-01-24T00:47:50.000Z tdiYCDXpk6I UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon Texts, Lies, and Secret Societies #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Full Report on my blog: Video Reference Links: FBI's Missing Text Messages Suggest they knew Clinton would not Face CHARGES: WHAT? FBI, Texting, Secret Society YEP! These 100 Secret Societies Prove Who Really Rules America James Comey Entire FULL STATEMENT on Clinton Email Investigation CSPAN: Both Q only posts Researchers with Q answers sometimes: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'Comey', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Secret Societies'] PT40M43S 11392 109 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-26T05:48:13.000Z Uh397S0AxoM UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: Both Q only posts Researchers with Q answers sometimes: Show Notes 1/25/2018 DR Corsi:,%20Special%20Counsel,%20Records%20Alienation).pdf Q Post w/pen and explaination: Mark Levin: Pen: Mont Blanc StarWalker Ultimate Carbon Fountain Pen Mont Blanc is the location where DAVOS is being held Where was Obama yesterday? Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', '#thestorm'] PT41M52S 35081 285 881 20 not set not set 2018-01-28T00:02:44.000Z jXc0VnfROxk UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - Stop taking the sleeping pill, resignations, updates "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: Trump Speech Transcript: Both Q only posts Researchers with Q answers sometimes: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H6M5S 12561 55 442 20 not set not set 2018-01-29T18:42:04.000Z zEBIukow088 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary "Thanks for watching, please subscribe. Video Reference Links: Please Visit my Patreon Page for extra special content and PLEASE consider joining for just $1 per month or more to support my time to create this content for you. Thanks! Website: Twitter: Facebook: Gab: Coming soon: Steemit and D Tube! If you would like to support my work, please consider making a donation, THANK YOU! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT32M6S 21478 113 807 9 not set not set 2018-02-13T16:35:17.000Z 8mQgCzVLJNQ UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Qanon - Was or Is Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Hanoi this week? Latest Q Posts "If you enjoy my work please donate or become a Patron: Patreon: Video Reference: Show Notes available and please follow me on: Steemit: Website: Follow Me: Gab: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Gab: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 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Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT40M54S 9690 240 438 12 not set not set 2018-02-17T04:24:00.000Z Y9B1jNym-K8 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS. "If you enjoy my work please donate or become a Patron: Paypal: Patreon: Video Reference: WE must be READY to help NEWBIES! All Newbies are welcome here and we will help to answer your questions! Google Slide presentation: PDF Version: Great Awakening PUBLIC: ANON RESEARCH BOARD: GIHUB BOTH POSTS: Show Notes available and please follow me on: Steemit: Website: Follow Me: Gab: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Gab: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT52M5S 10119 67 321 11 not set not set 2018-02-19T22:53:41.000Z 8u9QT__UJw8 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Boards Update, QMap, Flynn, KimDotCom #followthewhiterabbit "If you enjoy my work please donate or become a Patron: Patreon: ALL POSTS HERE NOW RESEARCH FROM ANONS Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Gab: Show Notes available and please follow me on: Join Steemit and help my articles/videos go viral! This is FREE way for you to support my work and get the word out, Please help. Steemit: Subscribe to know when new articles are live: Website: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT30M4S 11947 69 374 5 not set not set 2018-02-22T23:55:15.000Z 2AZ6VHCqhUM UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QANON PROOF - "I HEAR YOU" a wink from POTUS "sig5 5 read I HEAR YOU Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube YT & to view Show Notes: Show notes/links: Website: Steemit/D.Tube If you would like to support my work: Paypal Patreon Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Reddit Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT6M10S 24219 101 659 24 not set not set 2018-02-23T05:09:03.000Z e6N1eCPGlBU UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - WINK Confirmed by Q - New POSTS LIVE "Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube YT & to view Show Notes: Show notes/links: Website: Steemit/D.Tube If you would like to support my work: Paypal Patreon Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Reddit Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT42M7S 14542 142 644 10 not set not set 2018-03-01T23:22:53.000Z xU16fgjFWek UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Qanon - YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE Getting Trump Trolled "Show Notes: | Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ""Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Sessions!"" | Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ""Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!"" | President Trump Tweets About FISA Abuse – AG Jeff Sessions Responds… – The Last Refuge | Sessions Finally Responds To Trump | The Daily Caller | Sessions pushes back on Trump after 'disgraceful' insult - CNNPolitics | Donald Trump - Google News | (4) Judge Nap on Trump-Sessions Tension. - YouTube | Jeff Sessions Affirms Inspector General Review of FISA Court Abuse by Dept. of Justice… | The Last Refuge | DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz Has the Potential to Be the Greatest Inspector in US History - He Also Could Be Deep State Hack | obama admin blocking inspector general at DuckDuckGo | (4) Rep. Gowdy Questions at Oversight Hearing Examining Independence of Inspectors General - YouTube | Inspectors general say Obama aides obstruct investigations: Examiner Editorial | President Obama Blocks Independent Inspector General Investigations – Demands They Must Seek Cabinet Approvals For Investigative Activity…. | The Last Refuge | Obama Administration Eviscerates Office of Inspectors General With A Memo - | Q My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'potus', 'sessions', 'fbi', 'doj', 'trump', 'maga'] PT40M5S 68221 530 1556 57 not set not set 2018-03-03T01:56:56.000Z y-874vzHt4A UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Seth Rich MURDER Goes Mainstream - #Qanon "Show Notes: | (1) Report: Slain DNC staffer was in contact with WikiLeaks - YouTube | (1) Julian Assange on Seth Rich - YouTube | More cover-up questions - Washington Times | (1) The Video This Administration DOESN'T want America to see. Retired US Admiral James Lyons 2/11/2015 - YouTube | Kim Dotcom on Twitter: ""Reminder: Here’s the first letter my lawyers wrote to Special Counsel Mueller regarding Seth Rich. We never received any reply. It’s astonishing considering my first hand knowledge of the DNC leak."" | James Lyons (admiral) - Wikipedia | Muslim Brotherhood Has Penetrated All U.S. National Security Agencies Under Obama's Guidance, High-Ranking Admiral Claims (WATCH) : Headlines : Headlines & Global News | Defense budget reductions - Washington Times My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'maga', 'potus', 'seth rich', 'seth rich murder'] PT27M58S 38047 332 1767 23 not set not set 2018-03-05T04:18:46.000Z 3i07C4yqOJE UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1) "My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'STORM'] PT30M50S 38896 363 1087 40 not set not set 2018-03-05T06:00:38.000Z oWCdApAaLH0 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - Fiddler, Intruder, Suicides March 4 Posts (PART 2) " My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'STORM'] PT27M24S 13980 180 682 19 not set not set 2018-03-07T00:26:56.000Z ZW_LiXGfSkA UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - Red October, Eyes in the Sky, Sum of All Fears (Part 2 of 3) "Part 2 RED OCTOBER STEEL MILL: RUSSIA: 8 chan research: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT28M9S 23912 210 610 17 not set not set 2018-03-08T01:47:46.000Z w0WYAvWrMI4 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #Qanon - Snowden Comb Your Hair in HK, JA learned? "My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT13M9S 45163 516 1884 47 not set not set 2018-03-09T11:17:47.000Z _8pSTgIxZYs UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - DEAL ALREADY MADE AT FORBIDDEN CITY - Freed from CIA control "My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'cia', 'nk', 'north korea', 'potus'] PT4M1S 23346 161 956 14 not set not set 2018-03-26T22:10:28.000Z yAXz6lYNxHE UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg #QAnon - Russia, Expelled Diplomats and Trump - What is going on? "This video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT39M58S 47264 505 1479 78 not set not set 2018-04-02T04:30:33.000Z vP8G3gztQWA UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg DEBUNKED: #QAnon Illegally Releasing Classified Info "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'potus', 'maga', 'trump'] PT2M47S 8573 126 559 36 not set not set 2018-04-08T02:16:14.000Z 2eBSc_bwnWU UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Live Q Post Updates 1061-1076 April 7 "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT24M12S 17975 206 906 8 not set not set 2018-04-12T09:40:42.000Z ibKILQFF3Hg UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga', 'potus', 'snowden', '8 chan'] PT58M33S 26180 564 1531 28 not set not set 2018-04-18T04:00:12.000Z --S8YcaR4e0 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - COMEY SAYS SOMETHING DAMNING ABOUT LL KEPT FROM AMERICANS "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'POTUS', 'MAGA', 'TRUMP', 'COMEY'] PT2M24S 9057 71 566 2 not set not set 2018-04-30T01:06:59.000Z yOpkW6xCbo8 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - You are all Patriots. Thank you! "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'potus', 'trump', 'maga'] PT7M55S 15144 438 1370 22 not set not set 2018-05-21T01:15:48.000Z X7XMlZzPn_g UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon -Undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves - Inside Source "Q says: ""we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source"" THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump'] PT38M17S 29935 542 1425 34 not set not set 2018-05-24T18:23:04.000Z FFTR2iEL2js UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Big Day for the Swamp! And the Dunce Widdle Donnie Wemmon "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'potus', 'trump', 'maga'] PT16M11S 33990 381 1576 23 not set not set 2018-06-01T17:59:14.000Z IHYV7n-1zGo UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon Proof #2 POTUS Tweets MagaPill Website with Cover Article About Q 11 25 17 " My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT8M17S 16183 91 933 14 not set not set 2018-06-11T04:24:46.000Z Zjr-J3FOvek UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER "Article and Show Notes: THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT18M53S 15807 136 893 6 not set not set 2018-06-11T04:37:36.000Z k088BHq7MwA UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Leaker James Wolfe: The Bigger Story Behind the Indictment *RE-UPLOAD* "Article and Show Notes: Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump'] PT29M38S 11118 131 689 13 not set not set 2018-06-11T10:13:22.000Z VncyqSWVJ1A UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon is Back! Another 187 PLOT FOILED! Fly RR Fly " THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q'] PT28M20S 66419 750 2539 58 not set not set 2018-06-12T07:46:38.000Z Ksvn8UI904Y UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: Blog Post Here: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'potus', 'maga', 'trump'] PT45M14S 47261 520 1923 41 not set not set 2018-06-27T02:29:25.000Z 6ORf3NMddJw UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - LIVE Q&A Tonight 9PM EST Katie&JimG "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H24M17S 27375 0 1429 43 not set not set 2018-06-29T05:32:43.000Z gxQe3UABhx4 UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - RED WAVE. WHITE SQUALL. IN GOD WE TRUST. "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump'] PT54M 23216 422 1311 22 not set not set 2018-07-21T21:27:30.000Z Fqv09KbOBTs UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - Q&A @ 4PM EST TODAY - Have your questions ready! "Live Question and Answers with Katie G R Anon Info on 8 Chan: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga', 'potus', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H17M35S 19420 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T14:22:16.000Z 0_wrqY4QP1E UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Qanon - Connecting Wolfe Indictment to Released FISA App "IF you have not watched this video: FIRST, please hit stop and watch so this one will make sense. Thanks! My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga'] PT46M43S 17589 189 1020 13 not set not set 2018-07-25T02:04:29.000Z zUCswDyNLsk UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga', 'Potus', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT58M27S 19799 0 1417 27 not set not set 2018-07-30T02:30:40.000Z 1jFANB5HfVw UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM. "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H22M54S 23354 0 1518 45 not set not set 2018-09-10T02:58:15.000Z AVGvXMl-ItU UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild! "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Join Patreon for $5 or more per month and get access to my private discord as a reward! Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga'] PT1H7M29S 19808 391 1263 17 not set not set 2018-09-17T05:28:19.000Z OgGTcg1AihQ UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Qanon - How to LURK on 8 Chan - A Mini Tutorial "THIS video is explained in full in the Public Qanon Posts Trello Board: Q Research Board big numbers Patriots Fight *Q only* no anon responses small numbers Github pulls over posts from 8 chan My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Join Patreon for $5 or more per month and get access to my private discord as a reward! Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube Y|& to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga', 'potus'] PT34M14S 10364 77 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-26T10:05:56.000Z 2n51hzqIt0U UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately? " | #QAnon’s Extended Silence is Well-Founded – #QDay is Coming – #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT – Neon Revolt | Q | Jeff Sessions attacks judges who rule against Trump administration - Chicago Tribune | Jeff Sessions: We're investigating 27 leaks of classified information | AG Jeff Sessions to speak at Utah Capitol about violent crime reduction | Utah News | | Sessions Appoints Rosenstein to Lead Task Force Against MS-13, Hezbollah | drug cartels | Jeff Sessions | Rod Rosenstein | sessions subpeona - Google Search | 092718_Subpoena.pdf Q Research Board big numbers Patriots Fight *Q only* no anon responses small numbers Github pulls over posts from 8 chan My videos are now available on bitchute: Please support my work in the following ways: Paypal Patreon Join Patreon for $5 or more per month and get access to my private discord as a reward! Follow and Subscribe for the latest articles that are not always on YouTube and to view Show Notes: Website: Steemit/D.Tube Follow me on Social Media: FB TW YT Gab Tumbler Thank you so much for your encouragement, love, and support! I love you all! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Citizens Investigative Report 25 ['pizzagate', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#q', 'trump', 'maga'] PT21M27S 17168 251 1127 10 not set not set 2018-03-24T20:01:37.000Z LS98EYxfTRg UC3cxGVezqKrzB7VnqOEb1yg Q - anon Democrats just paid for the Wall. CITYPREPPER 016 22 not set PT2M25S 99 1 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-24T01:46:16.000Z KpkuyylNc50 UCyjTgdsqgl2a5dAPWMQHHRQ REVERSE SPEECH - GERONIMO TO RENEGADE: Q'S HIDDEN MESSAGE "Give me your thoughts below: It's a little out-of-sync at the end. The software began getting all quirky and needed an update. All videos from CivJo is suggested headphones for best listening results. IF you want to keep the hidden message - download it and share it - these ALL were for educational purposes at first - Please donate points or if the spirit moves you please donate digital currency. RED_RED Remember? Hussein AIDS Video Hidden Message? Response? Twitter. Roles. Actions. Expand your thinking. News unlocks meaning. Q #FakeNews #FakeNewsAwards #QAnon #CBTS #Haiti #ShallWePlayAGame #Illuminati #Opposite #Cryptolinguistics #GreatAwakening YOU DECIDE AND COMMENT BELOW IF YOU FEEL THIS IS THE HIDDEN MESSAGE QANON WAS TRYING TO SHARE WITH TRUTHERS...." CivJo3000 27 ['#ShallWePlayAGame', '#BarakObama', '#JimmyKimmel', '#ABC', '#Owls', '#Trump', '#MAGA', '#AI', '#ArtificialIntelligence', '#DWave', '#CleverBot', '#ReverseSpeech', '#FakeNews', '#FakeNewsAwards'] PT9M14S 3404 24 57 12 not set not set 2018-09-05T04:17:35.000Z xrJX9y8-VBU UCgoF6q-t1jvCmn8v47sfXEQ QAnon debunked by Jack Posobiec OAN video illustrating in part why QAnon is fake CJ Miro 22 not set PT2M21S 2141 80 27 40 not set not set 2017-11-12T01:23:57.000Z sx-DGXmwIk4 UCjl8xJ9OhuFx1oiIRsPeJfA Robert Mueller indictments coming? Q 4chan, Q, Is Q a troll/larper, Mueller, Indictments Q 4chan, Q, Is Q a troll/larper, Mueller, Indictments Clear Sky News 22 not set PT1H27M38S 286 7 1 1 not set not set 2017-11-12T17:48:17.000Z 2BaMrfs_tMo UCjl8xJ9OhuFx1oiIRsPeJfA Q Anon Real? Brainwashed Americans are DEFINITELY real :-) Clear Sky News 22 not set PT8M4S 1081 14 24 4 not set not set 2018-01-09T02:37:13.000Z qIMHbLkc5dM UCjl8xJ9OhuFx1oiIRsPeJfA Q Anon for dummies/ Q Anon is real Q Anon for dummies/ Q Anon is real -- From the perspective of a former US Army Intelligence Analyst, Q-Anon appears to have legitimacy and should be paid attention to. Something is going on, this much I know for sure... Clear Sky News 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q-Anon', 'Q Clearance'] PT32M55S 435 7 8 1 not set not set 2018-09-05T13:58:29.000Z jPXCJUDaNME UCjl8xJ9OhuFx1oiIRsPeJfA Q-Anon is FAKE "Q-Anon is FAKE!!! Jack Posobiec has been investigating this for weeks, and he found one of th efounders of Q-Anon whom has come clean!!! If you are following Q-Anon as though Q has all of the answers, you are DEAD-WRONG!!!! What you are REALLY following are Leftist Socialists whom appreciate early 1900s writings of known Socialists!!! You are being PLAYED, and you are just letting it happen. I have had people attack me brutally for my stance on Q-anon being fake, and now they can ALL eat crow!!! I had little teeny-boppers calling ME a ""fake patriot"" because I have a ""donate"" button on my website...all becuase FAKE Q-Anon told people that making money off of the Patriot movement is WRONG!! Well, this is America and making money is what we are SUPPOSED to be doing. Then the hypocrite followers of FAKE Q-Anon turn around and ask for donations, as well as create and sell merchandise focused around this FAKE person named -Anon!!! You folks have been DUPED...just admit your folley and lets move on in this Patriot movement together! Dont get more crazy and begin denying the new evidence showing -Anon to be a FRAUD!!! If you do that, you are no better than the group-thinking Socialists on the Left! Just break away from the Q-Anon TOTALLY FAKE!!! There is no super secret group of spies whom are close to the President and are going to save America!!! This is fantasy-land BS nonsense!!! YOU are the one who will make the difference. Get out and VOTE!!! Be an activist!!! What you should NOT do is listen to some anonymous source on 4Chan and 8Chan!!! This has been a LARP the entire time folks!!! I will admit I fell for it for the first couple of months, but then I realized how WRONG all of these wild predictions were!!! Q-Anon has been FAKE the entire time folks, and it is time that my fellow Patriots begin waking up to this FACT!!!" Clear Sky News 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q fake', 'trump'] PT10M3S 452 14 11 4 not set not set 2018-01-15T20:33:25.000Z lSZTPp3WEEw UCOosQpsTlBy9XS7BD6EY80w Qanan Q weekend posts, update "Qanon Post page - If you would like to support the channel please consider a patreon subscription." Cloud What 22 ['qanon', 'trump', 'potus', 'julian assange', 'airport', 'storm', 'swamp', 'zuma', 'musk', 'Korea', 'antarctica', 'snowden', 'apple', 'roseanne', 'california', 'area 51', 'earthquake', 'Disclosure'] PT23M51S 1180 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T17:23:16.000Z q60fmEClHs8 UCOosQpsTlBy9XS7BD6EY80w New Qanan drop update "Qanan 8chan - If you would like to support the channel please consider a patreon subscription." Cloud What 22 ['qanon', 'trump', 'potus', 'julian assange', 'airport', 'storm', 'swamp', 'zuma', 'musk', 'Korea', 'antarctica', 'snowden', 'apple', 'roseanne', 'california', 'area 51', 'earthquake', 'Disclosure'] PT6M8S 1218 2 4 3 not set not set 2018-02-19T19:19:58.000Z fuaGLfX8HCk UCOosQpsTlBy9XS7BD6EY80w Qanon Q-anon gone 404 ? Is the thick of the Storm here? "Q's 8chan channel is 404 are we heading into the storm only time will tell. If you would like to support the channel please consider a Patreon subscription." Cloud What 22 ['qanon', 'trump', 'potus', 'julian assange', 'airport', 'storm', 'swamp', 'zuma', 'musk', 'Korea', 'antarctica', 'snowden', 'apple', 'roseanne', 'california', 'area 51', 'earthquake', 'Disclosure', 'SSP', 'wave', 'indectments', 'free', 'assention'] PT7M5S 287 9 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-24T17:08:38.000Z KUCNVFvapU8 UCOosQpsTlBy9XS7BD6EY80w The Return of Qanon? Are we back on track? "A rundown of the possible compromise of Qanon and the possible return of the Authentic Q-anon Qanon tracking page If you would like to support the channel please consider a Patreon subscription." Cloud What 22 ['qanon', 'trump', 'potus', 'julian assange', 'airport', 'storm', 'swamp', 'zuma', 'musk', 'Korea', 'antarctica', 'snowden', 'apple', 'roseanne', 'california', 'area 51', 'earthquake', 'Disclosure', 'SSP', 'wave', 'indectments', 'free', 'assention', 'total eclipse', 'Destroying the illusion', 'anti-school', 'anti school', 'antischool'] PT12M6S 3693 6 31 1 not set not set 2018-05-22T06:05:17.000Z EkdjQ_u49y4 UCTdDKq6VbvLMx4II7uDE0Pw Qanon Initiative "Jetzt kommt Schmerz" | 21.05.2018 "I. Eine lange erwartete Nachricht. II. Q Phänomen: wie fing das an? Wie ist / war die Situation? Link zum Trump Tweet: Musik: Death of Kings 2 von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz ""Creative Commons Attribution"" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Interpret: Divider by Chris Zabriskie ist unter der Lizenz ""Creative Commons Attribution"" ( lizenziert. Quelle: ; Interpret: For the Fallen von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert. Quelle: Interpret:" ClusterVisionMach2 29 ['USA', 'Trump', 'Qanon', 'Russland', 'Iran', 'China', 'military intelligence', 'Constitution', 'Verfassung', 'Germany', 'Deutschland'] PT22M32S 25002 0 851 25 not set not set 2018-07-19T09:05:36.000Z p7ajrlfkrLY UCTdDKq6VbvLMx4II7uDE0Pw QAnon, Putin, Trump schmieden Lichtallianz "The Great Awakening! Das Große Erwachen ! Verborgenes, das der Menschheit zum Schaden gereicht, wird enthüllt. Positive Ergebnisse des Putin / Trump Treffens [Frieden u. Stabilität zwischen Atommächten, Kooperation ], verschwiegen von der Spottvogel-Propagandashow, werden beleuchtet. Diese Ereignisse, geschehen in dem weltgeschichtlichen ""Rahmen"", den des lebendigen Gottes Wort gesetzt hat. Lerne Präs. Putins Idee kennen, wie die USA u. Russland kooperieren können, um Straftäter zu verfolgen. Taktiken der MSM. Unterstützung erbeten via Musik: For the Fallen von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert. Quelle: Interpret:" ClusterVisionMach2 29 ['Helsinki 2018', 'Putin', 'Trump', 'Deutsch', 'QAnon', 'greatawakening', 'press conference', 'pressekonferenz'] PT2H16S 58595 0 1304 63 not set not set 2018-08-18T21:03:27.000Z 07wc2NbYUOE UCTdDKq6VbvLMx4II7uDE0Pw Q Drop #1894: Untersuchung enthüllt Elite's Dämonen Verehrung | 2018 08 18 All christians should know. Sacrifices to Baal ... again. ClusterVisionMach2 29 ['Qanon', 'drop 1894', 'Tanit', 'phoenician', 'goddess', 'demon', 'worship'] PT47M46S 18384 116 524 20 not set not set 2018-08-03T01:13:30.000Z 3dGVXmuLmEM UCupvZG-5ko_eiXAupbDfxWw CNN reporter talks to conspiracy theorists at Trump rally CNN correspondent Gary Tuchman talks with Trump supporters outside a rally in Wiles-Barre, Pennsylvania. Several of the people outside voiced support for a fringe conspiracy group called QAnon. CNN 25 ['latest News', 'Happening Now', 'CNN', 'Politics', 'President Trump', 'AC360', 'Anderson Cooper'] PT9M33S 1210099 15738 7850 4021 not set not set 2018-01-28T05:10:16.000Z ekaU2_M9FCI UChB057xcPhkMXTnF6LUQp1g Who is Q Anon? QAnon? Who is QAnon? Q is a person or team close to President Trump dropping clues on anonymous message boards of 4Chan and 8Chan about the battle with bad actors in government and politics. Is this a conspiracy theory? Or is there more to this story? #QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit Coffee and Nuance 25 ['QANON', '#Qanon8chan', '#Qanon4chan', '8Chan', '4Chan', 'Anonymous', '#GreatAwakening', '#conspiracytheory', 'Deep State', 'Conspiracy Theory', 'Corporate Media', 'MSM', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#ReleaseTheMemo', '#TheStorm', 'LionelMedia', 'who is qanon', 'who is q', 'q anon', 'qanon 4chan', 'great awakening'] PT5M43S 1277 14 55 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T16:10:39.000Z eCFblq0p_fo UCxC_XW195SFmxkesCeSu12g NASA lied? ROOM 237/239 Q Anon 2018 Coffee House "I was doing some research and this was my results." Coffee House 24 not set PT4M32S 1053 5 9 0 not set not set 2018-01-29T11:47:06.000Z tHbIP5hCd_c UCxC_XW195SFmxkesCeSu12g Wizards & Warlocks Q Anon 2018 Coffee House Wizards & Warlocks Q Anon 2018 Coffee House ... Coffee House 24 not set PT4M52S 94 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T07:33:32.000Z k_JBKpJXjPc UCxC_XW195SFmxkesCeSu12g Q Anon Puzzles and Double Meanings State of the Union lighting up the Dome 2018 when you never get a clear Answer, you have to read between the lines, Q Anon secret societies- now the anons are the gate keepers? Coffee House 24 not set PT23S 35 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T18:09:49.000Z bSKW8TTjM28 UCxC_XW195SFmxkesCeSu12g The Storm is - 'Military' NWO - Martial Law . . . ! Q Anon Says So . . . ! 2018 Coffee House "Marshal Law the One World Order Plan to kill us all, Unless you are part of the New World 'Military' Order" Coffee House 24 not set PT4M39S 247 4 4 5 not set not set 2017-12-13T18:06:49.000Z TpcatKJ4G5s UC17W38r1_-dahlH2hmO-K8w Secret Deep-State CIA X-37 #Spacewar / Sonic Booms / Q Anon / Meteor Videos / Space Weapons "My theory: sonic booms and meteors being seen and heard around the world are satellites being de-orbited by the secret X-37 space plane in a deep-state civil war between the good guys and the CIA! Follow me through my theory from Skylab to SpaceX. Thank you for watching and subscribing to my channel! Many more conspiracy videos are forthcoming! Q is a wealth of information. Sources: Google search ""sonic boom heard"" -,sbd:1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg3_vXw4fYAhXDzIMKHQMqCdIQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=662 Google Image Search - The Re-Entry of Skylab - ABC Australia Six Loud Sonic Booms - ABC Australia When Skylab Fell to Earth - US Spy Satellite Largest Satellite in the World - *Scary Skies* | Loud Booms - Balls of Fire - Bizarre Clouds! - METEOR STRIKES NEAR NELSON, B.C. IN CANADA LAST NIGHT - Shocking Truth - Bizarre Unseen Footage of Meteor in China Skies..(2017) - WOW: Meteor streak caught on cam across Phoenix sky - Finland Meteor 16 11 2017 - Meteor sends fireball streaking through the sky - [video no longer available] Meteor over Canary Wharf - 24/11/2017 - Boeing X-37 Wikipedia page - SpaceX will launch next secret X-37 Air Force mission - Utah Data Center - Call Of Duty Ghosts: First Mission/ Odin Space Station Explosion - The Crusty X-37B Space Plane Is as Mysterious as It Is Dirty - Thank you for watching!" Con Spir 25 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'DOITQ', 'tracy beanz', 'cia', 'civil war', 'deep state', 'swamp', 'shadow government', 'nsa', 'x-37', 'space', 'space weapon', 'spacewar', 'satellite', 'espionage', 'spy', 'laser', 'emp', 'trump', 'maga', 'the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'skylab', 'meteor', 'sonic boom', 'loud boom', 'heard boom', 'sighting', 'captured', 'eyewitness', 'witness', 'prove', 'evidence'] PT45M6S 1588 17 22 4 not set not set 2017-12-16T12:16:02.000Z yRzJ4E_1Ppg UC17W38r1_-dahlH2hmO-K8w Q Anon / Microwave Directed Energy / VPU-2 Targeted EMP / California Fires / #Spacewar "My Theory: Q's posts from November 5 referencing VPU-2 and highly targeted EMP devices used in Saudi Arabia raids/arrests are related to directed energy weapons possibly being used to start California wildfires; both are space-based High Power Microwave directed energy weapons. I attempt to answer How, Why, and is it even possible? Sources: Destroying the Illusion - Evidence of Geoengineering and Directed Energy Weapons Used on California Fires - Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - EMP Scene - Second Sun - Google Image Search Microwave Crowd Control - Electromagnetic Spectrum - Inverse Square Law - Homemade EMP Cannon - Google Image Search VPU-1 - Google Image Search VPU-2 - Google Image Search Flux Generator Bomb - Boing's CHAMP non-nuclear EMP weapon - Scientific American - High-Power Microwave Weapons Start to Look Like Dead-End - Wikipedia Ionizing Radiation - Ionizing Gases in Microwave Oven - Coaxial Microwave Plasma with Filaments - Google image search california wildfire microwave - Google image search black forest fire colorado - Denver Post - Cost to fight Black Forest fire hits $8.5 million - Abandoned burnt out car - Thank you for watching!" Con Spir 25 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'DOITQ', 'tracy beanz', 'hpm', 'cia', 'civil war', 'deep state', 'swamp', 'shadow government', 'nsa', 'x-37', 'space', 'space weapon', 'spacewar', 'satellite', 'espionage', 'spy', 'laser', 'emp', 'trump', 'maga', 'the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'skylab', 'meteor', 'sonic boom', 'loud boom', 'heard boom', 'sighting', 'captured', 'eyewitness', 'witness', 'prove', 'evidence', 'microwave', 'directed energy weapon', 'dew', 'high power microwave', 'energy'] PT44M38S 1036 10 13 1 not set not set 2018-01-12T02:18:28.000Z ajlly9xiXWE UC17W38r1_-dahlH2hmO-K8w Q's Missing "i" - Space X Iridium Network - Silicon Valley Sultans - Elon Musk - Zach Infowars "My Theory: Q's ""missing i"" is the Space X Iridium network. The Iridium network is a series of satellites which are used for Space X rocket guidance, and has been used by the CIA to guide North Korea's missiles. No More. Elon Musk and the other ""Silicon Valley Sultans"" have fallen in line with POTUS and the Alliance of American Patriots and have turned off North Korea's access to Iridium. What is a Missile without (i)ridium? A MISS-le that MISSes the target. Sources: Q Anon ""MISSLE"": Hwasong-12 Wikipedia: SpaceX says it didn't lose the Zuma spy satellite:,-81.3493296,17z Elon Musk Quits Donald Trump:" Con Spir 25 ['space x', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'DOITQ', 'tracy beanz', 'hpm', 'cia', 'civil war', 'deep state', 'swamp', 'shadow government', 'nsa', 'space weapon', 'spacewar', 'satellite', 'espionage', 'spy', 'laser', 'emp', 'trump', 'maga', 'the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'evidence', 'microwave', 'directed energy weapon', 'energy', 'iridium', 'north korea', 'icbm', 'zach', 'infowars', 'falcon', 'dragon', 'fire and fury', 'spectrum bug', 'silicon valley sultans', 'elon musk', 'high energy microwave', 'x-37', 'tesla', 'zuma', 'top secret'] PT29M27S 820 6 6 1 not set not set 2018-03-01T17:15:23.000Z nUzh1ZHeLII UC0v4ZBPYfq-sPmXOd67cDww 3.1 - The "Conspiracy" Push "Today's Links Q Posts - My War Room Appearance - YouTube's New Moderators Mistakenly Pull Right-Wing Channels - EXCLUSIVE: YouTube Secretly Using SPLC To Police Videos - . . Find me on: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Steemit/Dtube: @jaysather 2nd YouTube Channel: Conscious Strength (holistic health info): Subscribe to my BitChute in case they take this channel down: DTI Apparel & Accessories - Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Binge watch the “Woke Netflix” streaming channel, Gaia! -" Conscious Strength 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'bitchute', 'steemit', 'dtube', 'youtube', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'fake news'] PT33M8S 28257 386 1813 21 not set not set 2018-03-04T22:55:00.000Z tIOkzxPmTUY UC0v4ZBPYfq-sPmXOd67cDww 3.4 - Q Resurfaces/Censorship/Seth Rich/New Sealed Indictment Count "Links: Read Q posts - Sealed Indictment Count - More Seth Rich cover-up questions - Someone Is Trolling the Sh*t Out Of The Oscars In Hollywood - Rep. Trey Gowdy Warns Second Special Counsel ‘May Be Unavoidable’ To Probe FISA Abuse - Family, friends launch search for CDC employee who went missing three weeks ago - Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Follow me on social media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Find my vids on: Steemit/Dtube: 2nd YouTube Channel: Conscious Strength (holistic health info): BitChute: DTI Apparel & Accessories - Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Binge watch the “Woke Netflix” streaming channel, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Conscious Strength 22 ['jordan sather', 'seth rich', 'qanon', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'youtube', 'destroying the illusion', 'secret space program', 'censorship', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'corsi', 'trey gowdy', 'special counsel'] PT27M2S 59106 772 3532 42 not set not set 2018-03-07T18:04:39.000Z _fVJmfTkWwY UC0v4ZBPYfq-sPmXOd67cDww 3.7 - #HRCVideo/BOOM/Gold Standard?/"Conspiracy Theorists" "BitChute: Steemit/DTube: Today's articles: Q Posts - CIA Doc Q Referenced - 70 cargo containers fall off ship in North Carolina - Here Come the Fake Videos, Too - President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again - Is Trump Serious about Returning to a Gold Standard? - Twitter/Anon post re: Gold Standard - Male Escort Exposes 36 Gay Priests in File Sent to Vatican Containing Explicit WhatsApp Chats and Erotic Photos - Facebook asked users if pedophiles should be able to ask kids for 'sexual pictures' - Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Follow me on social media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather 2nd YouTube Channel: Conscious Strength (holistic health info): DTI Apparel & Accessories - Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz" Conscious Strength 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'vatican', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'qanon', '8chan', 'hillary clinton', 'video', 'gold standard', 'BOOM', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'hannity', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'secret society', 'disclosure', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'artifical intelligence', 'corruption'] PT27M36S 81121 795 3820 70 not set not set 2018-06-11T01:48:49.000Z 6w_-_Ljk1VY UC0v4ZBPYfq-sPmXOd67cDww [6.10] Tucson/Martian Microbes/Sky Portals/Assad Claims Chemical Attack Staged "Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - The FREE Investment Guide in how to convert your IRA/401K into Gold & Silver - Today's Links: ""Out of This World"" Portal Appears in Sky during Electrical Storm - Something is Watching It! - Abandoned Camp in Tucson AZ discovered by Vets On Patrol, a complete overview with photos and links - Liz Roslan Facebook Post on #TucsonGate - Bashar al-Assad claims 'colonialist LIAR' Theresa May 'STAGED CHEMICAL ATTACK' in Syria - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Conscious Strength 22 ['trafficking', 'veterans on patrol', 'qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'cemex', 'rothschild', 'clinton', 'trump', 'disclosure', 'mars', 'secret space program', 'black project', 'free energy', 'antigravity', 'deep state', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'mainstream'] PT19M38S 36459 714 3214 56 not set not set 2018-05-07T01:17:43.000Z jsqa08t4eoQ UCUqQhNp6HPfF_K7uV9ALiQw Q Posts and Rudy's Return After Twitter Revelation & Repentance "Good is conquering evil tell your friends! Research the truth for yourself. For clues to what's going on behind the Mainstream Media's propaganda curtain consider the topics I bring up at my blogs. For more information about the white hats supporting our President Donald J. Trump check out the top secret hints dropped by those close to our President who possess a high Q clearance of information that needs to be considered by all Americans interested in truth and equal justice under the Constitution." Conservative Lisa 25 ['Qanon', 'post', 'election fraud', 'vote by mail fraud', 'swamp', 'D.C.', '2018', 'Donald J. Trump', 'Rudy Giuliani', 'resignations', 'firing', 'disclosure', 'Jesus Christ', 'Loving God', 'Forgiveness'] PT30M42S 22 3 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-21T05:11:44.000Z ZpterQwvx88 UCUqQhNp6HPfF_K7uV9ALiQw Q Fights for US Against Forces of Evil "New Qanon posts reminds US this is first & foremost a spiritual battle between Satan's lies & God's truth. Q warns us that true evil behind the memos and redactions prove most of DC is indeed a swamp of epic proportions. What Satan meant for evil God will work for good. How to be happy both hear and for eternity. @Lisa4OR1st @livewithlisa" Conservative Lisa 25 ['Drain the swamp', 'Qanon', 'Q Anonamous', 'good and evil', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'salvation', 'sins', 'forgiveness', 'Holy Spirt', 'Heavenly Father', 'Heaven', 'decode Qanon'] PT23M27S 56 2 3 1 not set not set 2018-07-30T16:01:29.000Z 05MD7eCuktM UCUqQhNp6HPfF_K7uV9ALiQw 7/30/18 Trump Tweets Qanon Updates Since 7/25/18 "Unfortunately catching up on both Trump's Tweets and Q drops between July 26th & July 29th left me no time to talk about the all important Primaries on August 7th, please follow this link to see the Conservative Crew endorsed candidates running for office in Kansas, Missouri, Michigan and Washington state. For all the Trump Tweets and Q drops since June please check my Conservative Lisa Blog page at: Please follow me on Twitter @Lisa4OR1st Subscribe to my channels on YouTube:" Conservative Lisa 22 "[""Trump's Tweets"", 'Qanon', 'Drops', 'tweets', 'counter coup', 'Lisa Michaels', 'Donald J. Trump', 'July 30 2018', '2018', 'Washington DC', 'Kansas', 'Missouri', 'Michigan', 'Washington', 'Witch Hunt', 'MSM', 'corruption on Washington DC', 'Government corruption', 'human rights abuses']" PT1H24M58S 233 5 5 1 not set not set 2018-09-09T20:00:40.000Z iTtHVbDEGB0 UCu-ZbYqgjcwB-BNLpxe41hw The #QAnon Conspiracy Theory - Who is Q? "QAnon is a widely spread conspiracy theory nowadays involving President Trump and his administration. But who is Q? Why do people believe their messages? In this episode of Conspiracy Explained, we will introduce the origins of QAnon and how it is related to U.S politics. Truth or just theory- that's the question. Trust the plan! -------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to subscribe! Have a question? Drop us an email:" Conspiracy Explained 22 ['politics', 'qanon', 'news', 'world news', 'donald trump', 'conspiracy theories', 'conspiracy', 'president trump', 'top stories', 'current events', 'trump', 'conspiracy theory', 'q anon', 'us news', 'qanon interview', 'pop culture', 'business', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'trump rally', 'trump rally campaign', 'trump rally chants', 'Elections', 'Trump administration', 'Q anonymous', 'Q anon trump administration', 'President donald trump news', 'us politics'] PT9M2S 2304 5 15 11 not set not set 2018-10-03T17:09:02.000Z W4Tjinmuykg UCM3FlWRXgvTpEMzSOra190g Warum billigt Q-anon den pädophilen Ronald Regan? "" Conspiracy Facts Reloaded 22 ['q anon auf deutsch', 'pizzagate auf deutsch', 'ronald regan', 'regan was ein pädophiler', 'us präsident sex skandal', 'der franklin cover up', 'kinderschänder', 'eule der minerva', 'Der Bohemian Club', 'steineule', 'satanismus', 'ende der zeiten', 'q ist fake news'] PT8M11S 4719 74 211 16 not set not set 2018-06-27T17:26:40.000Z p3aZ0tH0rPM UCg5XWtfqJH2Gkyu5JSux3Pw Q Trust The Plan | Q - The Plan To Save The World "This is the viral video by Joe Masepoes - am doing as he requested and re-sharing it here. Very Qool! Q The Plan To Save The World - is already being restricted in some ways. This is a must watch and must share video. It is what I would use to share with people who are waking up to Q and the Q Anon movement. It is brilliant! #WWG1WGA! Remember: ""They never thought she would lose"" - The links are below: Joes Excellent Related Twitter Thread Joe’s Original Video - Joe’s YT Channel Joe’s BitChute Version (Just In Case) ============= A QUOTE FROM JOE: ""Many people have asked permission to share. Some want to donate or pay. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don't care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. It's not like I filmed all that footage. Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain. The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time."" ============= Additional HELPFUL LINKS Latest Q Posts: Q Proofs: The Book Of Q: ============= PS: For those who are asking: YES - I have been away for quite some time. Apologies. YES - I am still with #PatriotsSoapbox and have stopped following Corsi. Like you - I am seeking the Truth. ============= Music in this video Song Empire Of Angels Artist Thomas Bergersen Album Sun Writers Thomas Bergersen Licensed by Epic Elite (on behalf of Extreme Music); Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, Epic Elite (Music Publishing), and 13 Music Rights Societies A Fair Use Statement FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CategoryNews & Politics LicenseCreative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)" Constitution 1A 27 ['trust the plan', 'the plan to save the world', 'qanon', 'joe masepoes', 'censorship', 'the great awakening', 'q anon', 'qool', 'justice is coming', 'the storm is here', 'WWG1WGA', 'deep state', 'criminals', 'cabal', 'power', 'june 2018', 'America', 'wake up', 'bad people', 'good versus evil', 'winning', 'these people are stupid', 'they never thought she would lose'] PT13M27S 18152 32 492 17 not set not set 2018-09-27T03:43:41.000Z RzlVVOtuncE UCg5XWtfqJH2Gkyu5JSux3Pw Sen Lindsey Graham Brett Kavanaugh Military Law v Criminal Law Q Drop 2093 With Text "WHY they DON'T WANT a #KavanaughConfirmation! Put this clip together with text graphics to help people really understand what Sen Graham was asking and telling the citizens of the United States of America. This was the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing on 9 5 2018. A quote from Graham: So, if anybody doubts there’s a longstanding history in this country that your constitutional rights follow you wherever you go, but you don’t have a constitutional right to turn on your own government and collaborate with the enemy of the nation. You’ll be treated differently. #QPost 2093 Watch Video over & over #Justice is Coming ======================= Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.192 Sep 5 2018 16:33:03 (EST) Interesting line of questions? Normal? Military Law v. Criminal Law. Think EO. Think HRC panic. Do you believe in coincidences? You have more than you know. Q ======================= Want to see all the Q Drops? You can also Learn more at the Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream See Twitter: ======================= Q Approved Voat Link for Reddit Refugees ======================= #QArmy #WWG1WGA #WeThePeople" Constitution 1A 27 ['q drop', 'q post 2093', 'brett kavanaugh', 'september 5 2018', '9 5 18', 'Sen lindsey graham', 'supreme court', 'hearings', 'criminal law', 'military law', 'qarmy', 'qanon', 'scotus', 'WWG1WGA', 'HRC panic', 'Law of Armed Conflict', 'Johnson v. Eisentrager', 'Hamdi [v. Rumsfeld]'] PT2M34S 1031 4 38 1 not set not set 2018-09-29T21:20:36.000Z pU6lT6Uhhow UCg5XWtfqJH2Gkyu5JSux3Pw Q Drop 2296 Reference Sen Mazie Hirono on Brett Kavanaugh - EVIL KNOWS NO BOUNDS Sept 29 2018 "The very short section of cspan vid Q wants us to watch. Mazi Hirono CONSPIRACY LABEL Q Post 2296 September, 29 2018 exact clip. #BrettKavanaugh #ConfirmKavanaugh #Justice is Coming ======================= [1:02:40 - 1:03:35] THE TRUTH IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. [CONSPIRACY LABEL] WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. EVIL KNOWS NO BOUNDS. PREPARE. RED OCTOBER. Q ======================= Want to see all the Q Drops? You can also Learn more at the Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream See Twitter: ======================= Q Approved Voat Link for Reddit Refugees ======================= #QArmy #WWG1WGA #WeThePeople" Constitution 1A 27 ['sen mazie hirono', 'q post', 'q drop', 'Q2296', 'qanon', 'qarmy', '9 29 2018', 'brett kavanaugh', 'kavanaugh hearings', 'confirn kavanaugh', 'red october', 'evil knows no bounds'] PT58S 279 10 17 4 not set not set 2017-11-07T15:55:32.000Z K30A2gkWgpI UCNJV5TQbjahcPP5HBPjfPNg DAILY COMMUTE 003: CALM BEFORE THE STORM, Q ANON "This anon on 4chan has recently come out saying a bunch of shit is going to go down related to the Mueller probe. He’s most likely a LARPer, but what he’s saying is still possible to happen. Tony Podesta and Huma arrested? We’ll see." Content Creators 22 ['calm before the storm trump', 'q anon', 'larp', 'larping', 'tony podesta', 'hillary clinton', 'john podesta', 'mueller', 'arrested russia probe', 'manafort', 'calm before the storm donald trump', 'mueller investigation', 'uranium one deal', 'uranium clinton foundation', 'uranium one hillary clinton'] PT12M33S 1152 7 4 4 not set not set 2018-09-14T00:52:22.000Z RamjZvfeT7w UCi4lMRORLV5kUL_zV7aCpNA The drop Q tuning The note is very low and heavy, sorry about my phone vibrating. I came up with my own riffs Cookiekid 80 22 not set PT3M31S 411 10 11 4 not set not set 2018-07-03T22:15:24.000Z PHiwZ_FzXoU UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ Qanon POSTS Thing In IG Report : Awans RIP DEM "With so much Fake News its hard to tell. Well no its not Fake News stinks to high heaven. Let me explain what Q is trying to teach. IMO." CORDICON 23 ['awan', 'it', 'debbie', 'democrat', 'walkaway', 'qanon', 'post', 'news', 'ig report', 'nunes', 'trump', 'flynn', 'maga', 'wwg1wga'] PT7M45S 410 4 13 0 not set not set 2018-07-07T20:03:40.000Z Y2QDlQMBWHM UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ Anons Qanons THANK YOU Im So Humbled! "I want to give a HUGE shout out to Red Pill Dealer for all the crazy convos we've had. Thank you to all that fight this good fight. My eye is on Midterms. Lets bring the PAIN!!! WWG1WGA!!! DONATE TO FLYNN FOLLOW ME" CORDICON 23 ['QANON', 'ANONS', 'WHO IS Q', 'SAVE THE WORLD', 'WWG1WGA', 'TRUMP', 'MAGA', 'KAG2020', 'FLYNN', '8CHAN', 'AUTISTS', 'LOVE', 'TWITTER'] PT6M2S 280 5 24 0 not set not set 2018-07-10T21:18:12.000Z 51v7x7EyJZc UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ Qanon PROOF Every Dog Has His Day To Keep Promises "This a quick and EASY proof. I'm sure you Q lovers are dying for a Q drop so I figured Id share what I see. MAD LOVE! FOLLOW ME HERE" CORDICON 27 ['QANON', 'POTUS', 'SCOTUS', 'BRETT', 'SUPRIME', 'Kavanaugh', 'QARMY', 'MAGA', 'KAG', 'KAG2020', 'WWG1WGA', 'AMERICA', 'NO NAME'] PT5M2S 2621 13 85 5 not set not set 2018-07-16T23:46:49.000Z PuEumYN3iBk UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ QANON Likes Ben Garrison Artwort : MY SIGNED COPY "A quick video about Ben Garrison A House Dividend art piece. I rather enjoy this one ALSO!!! WHO IS Q? Ben Garrison Site HERE Ben Garrison Twitter" CORDICON 24 ['qanon', 'anon', '8chan', 'wwg1wga', 'maga', 'america', 'ben garrison', 'mag2020', 'qarmy THE STORM', 'WHO IS Q', 'THE PLAN', 'RED PILL'] PT7M43S 1989 14 94 3 not set not set 2018-08-04T14:51:47.000Z Vc5dogfvMXM UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ IS QANON A EVIL CONSPIRACY LIE : WHO IS Q? "“First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you.” Qanon is peace and truth. Any other form is not warranted by the community. Find Q Find Q Find Q [intheMatrixxx] Sent me the link to this HBO video. Most of the pictures I saved off of and 8chan. Thank you! #WWG1WGA FOLLOW ME HERE." CORDICON 24 ['qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'conspiracy theory', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'the plan', 'the storm', 'peace', 'love', 'mainstream', 'trump', 'rally', 'donald', 'america', '8chan', '4chan'] PT3M23S 3568 102 305 6 not set not set 2018-08-09T00:07:28.000Z 4vNTX8DrOss UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ Trump 5 for 5 Comms We Are Ready POTUS : Qanon "How many times until it’s mathematically impossible to disprove Qanon? We are Ready POTUS. FOLLOW Q HERE FOLLOW INTHEMATRIXXX HERE FOLLOW QPROOFS HERE FOLLOW ME HERE" CORDICON 24 ['Qanon', 'Wwg1wga', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'trump', 'media', 'who is q', 'midterms', 'redwave', 'america', 'winning', 'the plan', 'red pill', 'qpost', 'post', '8chan', 'pepe', 'kag', 'donald', 'cordicon', '5:5', '5 for 5', 'Comms'] PT7M24S 4590 88 459 4 not set not set 2018-08-16T01:18:16.000Z a75-vT6lgik UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ John Brennan Security Clearance Revoked : QANON 👁 [C]IA "What a booming week it is. First the firing of Peter Strzok now John Brennan the disgraced CIA director that hopefully will be behind bars. It keeps getting better by the second. WE ARE Q, FOLLOW Q HERE FOLLOW ME HERE" CORDICON 24 ['John Brennan', 'CIA', 'Peter Strzok', 'FBI', 'Fired', 'Security clearance revoked', 'Wwg1wga', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'trump', 'media', 'who is q', 'midterms', 'redwave', 'america', 'winning', 'the plan', 'red pill', 'qpost', 'post', '8chan', 'pepe', 'kag', 'donald', 'cordicon'] PT10M44S 2151 66 203 4 not set not set 2018-09-07T01:55:09.000Z C7p3S2NtW8U UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ John McCain Was Put To Death : DO IT Q "Today cant get any crazier. #WWG1WGA #Qanon My Friends FOLLOW Q HERE FOLLOW ME HERE" CORDICON 24 ['Qanon', 'Wwg1wga', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'trump', 'media', 'who is q', 'midterms', 'redwave', 'america', 'winning', 'the plan', 'red pill', 'qpost', 'post', '8chan', 'kag', 'donald', 'cordicon', 'John mccain', 'Supreme court', 'John', 'Winning', 'John kaisich', 'Collin Kaepernick', 'Nike', 'Just do it'] PT3M35S 34197 152 828 22 not set not set 2018-09-10T01:42:30.000Z FVGBIRX6vPg UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ WE THE PEOPLE HAVE DECIDED OUR FUTURE : Q "Im so thankful. Everyone we are all winning. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Adds a amazing PICTURE 💪🏼🇺🇸💯 My Twitter ACCOUNT" CORDICON 24 ['Freedom flag', 'We the people', 'Winning', 'awesome', 'Qanon', 'Wwg1wga', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'trump', 'media', 'who is q', 'midterms', 'redwave', 'america', 'winning', 'the plan', 'red pill', 'qpost', 'post', '8chan', 'kag', 'donald', 'cordicon'] PT5M8S 3233 118 368 3 not set not set 2018-09-23T00:06:04.000Z vWQJhYuhIlc UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP : QPost 2261 "Thank you all. I been so busy. Im almost finished with my studio. Thank you ALL for your support. GOD BLESS! #WWG1WGA #MAGA FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW Q HERE FOLLOW ME HERE" CORDICON 24 ['Wwg1wga', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'trump', 'who is q', 'midterms', 'redwave', 'america', 'winning', 'the plan', 'red pill', 'qpost', 'post', '8chan', 'pepe', 'kag', 'donald', 'cordicon', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'Phone call', 'Washington DC', 'tel:202-456-1414', 'MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP', 'Decode', 'Conspiracy', 'Theory'] PT2M33S 3027 36 211 1 not set not set 2018-10-02T21:18:36.000Z El_u5_-QK5U UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ Qanon Spots Vincent Fusca : JFK Jr OVERDRIVE "This is my finale on Vincent Fusca unless something crazy happens. JFK Jr could be alive. I made a promise to Q and the General that I was here to help make a Red Wave. I cant if I focus on this subject. I offer this video as a token of appreciation. God Bless! Who is R playlist located here. JFK Jr Tattoo site here. Hat Tips go to Qanon76 TruthSeeker & Kavanon. You can find them here. Follow Q Here Follow Me Here" CORDICON 24 ['jfk', 'jfk jr', 'john john', 'vincent fusca', 'vincent', 'fusca', 'rally', 'trump', 'maga', 'clown', 'anniversary', '55', '5:5', 'wwg1wga', 'patriot', 'carolyn', 'carolyn bessette', 'lola', 'trip code', 'mirror', 'cordicon', 'midterms', 'kag2020', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'music', 'song', 'hillary', 'kavanaugh', 'flynn', 'rogers', 'military', 'fisa'] PT16M52S 326451 2103 7623 230 not set not set 2018-10-28T15:47:03.000Z TSCozcSJnmc UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ 23 Matters On Q Anniversary : Qanon "There is a lot of 23, 233 and 322 in Q posts. I personally believe Q loves to troll Hollywood and the elites. That is why they use their own numbers against them. It is a way to signify that we know that they hide behind symbolism. Today marks the one-year anniversary of Q posting their very first post on 4chan, what a day. I’m so honored to be a part of the community and to have hit 23K on a day like today we have a bright future. Find Q posts at Please follow some amazing Anons. Follow me here #WWG1WGA" CORDICON 24 ['23', 'now comes the pain 23', 'now comes the pain', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'where is Q', 'trump', 'kag2020', 'the plan', 'jfk', 'jfkjr', 'vincent fusca', 'cordion', 'liz crokin', 'trip code', 'america', 'winning', 'john fitzgearld kennedy', 'anniversary', 'fusca'] PT12M16S 45647 426 2490 28 not set not set 2018-10-31T23:17:40.000Z Z6UzrwMdd8E UCQctncSyFYqaBG6eWceyqbQ Who Is VIP Anon? Positive + Force Signified : Qanon "I understand this video is going to get criticism and make some people question things they may not want to question. At the end of the day realize this is a military operation this is not a game there are actors and I question everything. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the positive force was breaking up 33. 3+3 FOLLOW Q HERE FOLLOW ME HERE" CORDICON 24 ['Wwg1wga', 'maga', 'kag2020', 'trump', 'who is q', 'midterms', 'redwave', 'america', 'winning', 'the plan', 'red pill', 'qpost', 'post', '8chan', 'pepe', 'kag', 'donald', 'cordicon', 'babyanon', 'vipanon', 'where is Q', 'fusca', 'jfk', 'jfkjr', 'john john', 'vincent', 'Q+', 'qanon76', 'wrwy', 'walkaway', 'the calm', 'the storm', 'america first'] PT16M4S 27542 392 1333 20 not set not set 2018-07-31T06:09:30.000Z e3FiRh7MWao UCKxJP2mhoOrsfs7fSPZpqVQ WWG1WGA (Dark to Light) "Trust the plan. Enjoy the show." Corruption Disruption 22 not set PT11M36S 438 0 18 3 not set not set 2018-01-20T06:57:13.000Z C4-darHCglY UCNbR3LCpjf8xA18loWtPm-Q WHO is QAnon? WHAT is the EVIDENCE? "Who is QAnon, why is it relevant, and what are the connections with the President? Stay informed friends! Please share with your friends and family! Thank you for watching Discerning Disclosure. Donate: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q RESOURCES: -Log of all Qanon Posts -Current board that Q posts on -QAnon Think Tank: Facebook: Jayse's Personal Channel:" Cosmic Origins 22 ['QAnon', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'wethepeople', 'greatawakening', 'who is Qanon?', 'Who is Qanon', 'who is Q anon', 'Who is Q', 'What is Qanon', 'what is Q', 'What is Follow the white rabbit', '4chan', '8chan', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Qupdate', 'Qanon Update', 'Q update', 'President Trump', 'White House', 'Deepstate', 'Disclosure', 'Discerning Disclosure', 'truth', 'spread truth', 'redpill', 'red pill', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm'] PT30M1S 7751 66 193 10 not set not set 2018-01-23T22:53:24.000Z AzYtljlPVDk UCNbR3LCpjf8xA18loWtPm-Q Facebook BANNED my Video - Feinstein and Schiff urge FB and Twitter to Censor #ReleaseTheMemo "Facebook and Instagram banned my video on the latest Q Anon update and news. Don't let censorship win!! Donate: Facebook: Jayse's Personal/Vlog Channel:" Cosmic Origins 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanonupdate', 'Releasethememo', 'Schiff', 'Feinstein', 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'censorship', 'mueller', 'mueller probe', 'ban', 'facebook ban', 'facebook censorship', 'twitter censorship', 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'Jack Dorsey'] PT10M23S 212 6 16 1 not set not set 2018-01-24T01:37:07.000Z hcx9K8NE4Xs UCNbR3LCpjf8xA18loWtPm-Q 1/23 Q Anon Update - Missing FBI Texts - Secret Societies - Twitter COO Resigns - SpaceX news "DONATE to my cause, it would greatly help this project: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this update, I discuss the newest Q posts, the #FISAgate memo, the missing FBI text messages between Page and Strzok, secret societies mentioned on congressional Twitter accounts, the Bohemian Grove, Twitter COO Anthony Noto resigning, and the SpaceX Zuma mission updates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOURCES: DNI Memo: House of Cards Bohemian Grove: Bohemian Grove: Twitter: FBI resignation: SpaceX: Q RESOURCES: -Log of all Qanon Posts -Current board that Q posts on Facebook: Jayse's Personal/Vlog Channel:" Cosmic Origins 25 ['Qanon', 'Q update', 'Qanon update', '1/23 Q update', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm', 'Missing FBI texts', 'FBI', 'Secret Societies', 'Twitter', 'Twitter COO', 'anthony noto', 'jack dorsey', 'mark'] PT19M33S 895 9 23 0 not set not set 2018-01-29T05:17:15.000Z Fl--RcDpTGc UCNbR3LCpjf8xA18loWtPm-Q 1/28 Q Anon MEGA UPDATE & ANALYSIS (Disclosure News) "In this update, I go over Q's posts from 1/26-1/28 and related news, including: The release of Saudi Prince Al-Waleed, the hacking of Sean Hannity's Twitter, the death of James Dolan, updates on Edward Snowden, Maxine Waters, the Clinton connection to KKK member Robert Byrd, and the latest news from the White House. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DONATE to my cause, it would greatly help this project :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow me: Twitter: @jaysedeface Facebook: Jayse's Personal/Vlog Channel: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOURCES: White House EO: DOJ Memo from Q: 1649: Al-Waleed: Joe Biden: James Dolan: Maxine Waters: Vote on Memo: DUMB's: Q Video: Clinton: Q RESOURCES: -Log of all Qanon Posts -Current board that Q posts on" Cosmic Origins 25 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'Q update', 'Q anon update', 'white house', 'executive order', 'white house executive order', 'human trafficking', 'edward snowden', 'snowden', 'disclosure', 'update', 'Q analysis', 'Who is Q', 'who is Q anon'] PT47M53S 4839 41 99 5 not set not set 2018-09-20T02:23:31.000Z 5M0YrjefViE UCNbR3LCpjf8xA18loWtPm-Q Q Anon UPDATE: Q Confirms Roswell and Secret Space Programs "Q Anon Update Recent posts from Q Anon confirm ET presence and secret space programs Support Jayse Kulesa: Follow: Facebook: @jaysekulesa Instagram: Contact me:" Cosmic Origins 25 ['QAnon', 'Qupdate', 'Q aliens', 'Q secret space program', 'Q Roswell', 'New Q', 'Who is Q', 'who is Qanon', 'ET', 'Alien', 'Alien News', 'Disclosure', 'Discerning disclosure', 'Secret space program', 'secret space program Q', 'Jayse', 'Jayse Kulesa', 'Jayse Alec'] PT7M11S 702 12 44 3 not set not set 2018-10-02T20:46:47.000Z Y2zA8azGkWY UCNbR3LCpjf8xA18loWtPm-Q Reddit Logo Occult Symbolism | Q Anon deletes post (10.2) """Symbolism will be their downfall"" Support Jayse Kulesa: Follow: Facebook: @jaysekulesa Instagram: Contact me:" Cosmic Origins 25 ['Reddit', 'Reddit logo', 'Reddit logo occult', 'reddit occult', 'reddit symbolism', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q deletes post'] PT13M48S 473 7 20 5 not set not set 2018-03-29T09:24:15.000Z lZLIWDAElm8 UCVVW59qRhfu28OM1JeboALg The Cult of Kek is Now on the QAnon/QWeb/QMap! [The Alt Kek] "For those that have been following us for over a year know that we used to post under the name ""The Cult of Kek"" but we changed our name late last year around the time that QAnon started appearing over on 4Chan. We are now under the name ""The Alt Kek"" but we are still actively making Meme Magic real. The QWeb map has been updated recently and now includes ""The Cult of Kek"" and while we were in the process of making this video, the location was moved around. Hope you can find it! ;) Either way we hope you enjoy this flick as it took many kek-hours to get it done and to get it just right. This will be the last video of its kind as we have made a total of three QMap related video which are available on this platform. Praise Kek and Shadilay! ####### A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees" Cozy Kek 22 ['pepe', 'qanon', 'qweb', 'qmap', 'pepe the frog'] PT1M58S 1304 11 35 1 not set not set 2018-10-07T00:39:16.000Z 98AIH7POX1I UC0Z-bYqyjG6ZonkH6KkNWrQ Red October: The Strangest Month of Our Lives? - Qanon 10/6/18 "Hello Everybody - In addition to some Q drops today Judge Kavanauagh's supreme court confirmation by the senate leads us into the next stage of the madness. The crimes are about to be exposed and the deep state seems like it will soon be screeching its finals shrieks. In this video, I discuss how it will be on a personal level as well as a governmnet level and what the future may hold for us all. LINKS: Critical Condition YT Channel: Archive offline link: Pence speech: Reagan speech: --- In the past, I was sponsored by a cryptocurrency for a fairly good sum of money, however, due to wanting to remain as objective and un-bought as possible, I have decided to go a different route and make me beholden to nobody but the viewers of this show/channel. As a result, this show will only go on with your support, for which, I am eternally grateful. There are three main ways to do so: 1. Tell your friends about this show and why you like it. (IRL or online are both great!) 2. Patreon (that is until someone develops a bitcoin alternative): 3. Crypto! BCH: bitcoincash:qq83ghtth6h9cre5ecjxgwyed452k6rn95z5gak0xu (QR code: --- Also, you can buy stuff with BCH here (lighting network hats coming soon LOL): --- Send me emails with anything you want to talk about to: --- Other links: Link to Discord: Website: Twitter: Podcast: Yours: Steemit: Bitchute: Twitch: Dlive: Instagram: Gab:" Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 25 ['qanon 10 6 18', 'african american trump support', 'kanye trump', 'critical condition', 'fisa', 'qanon posts today'] PT19M5S 117740 1015 3155 134 not set not set 2018-10-08T01:14:17.000Z R9f9EYi4fbc UC0Z-bYqyjG6ZonkH6KkNWrQ Securing Freedom for 1,000 Years? - Qanon 10/7/18 "In this video, I talk abou the Q posts today as well as the future of preserving freedom after we take it back this time. Links: All Q posts (and links Q posted) can be found here: Nunes on Bartiromo: OIG Report: The Road to Serfdom book: Checklist Manifesto book: Twatter poll: Twatter Qlinks: --- In the past, I was sponsored by a cryptocurrency for a fairly good sum of money, however, due to wanting to remain as objective and un-bought as possible, I have decided to go a different route and make me beholden to nobody but the viewers of this show/channel. As a result, this show will only go on with your support, for which, I am eternally grateful. There are three main ways to do so: 1. Tell your friends about this show and why you like it. (IRL or online are both great!) 2. Patreon (that is until someone develops a bitcoin alternative): 3. Crypto! BCH: bitcoincash:qq83ghtth6h9cre5ecjxgwyed452k6rn95z5gak0xu (QR code: --- Also, you can buy stuff with BCH here (lighting network hats coming soon LOL): --- Send me emails with anything you want to talk about to: --- Other links: Link to Discord: Website: Twitter: Podcast: Yours: Steemit: Bitchute: Twitch: Dlive: Instagram: Gab:" Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 25 ['qanon 10 7 18', 'qanon posts today', 'q posts today', 'qanon red october', 'qanon summary today', 'red october', 'freedom', 'road to serfdom'] PT21M30S 5126 68 174 2 not set not set 2018-10-10T01:45:47.000Z Tf0GnbWlsiE UC0Z-bYqyjG6ZonkH6KkNWrQ The Deeper Effect of #TheGreatAwakening? - Qanon 10/9/18 "In this video, I talk about the Q posts today (October 9th, 2018) as well as how I think the great awakening and Qanon movement will affect people's personal lives. Links: All Q posts (and links Q posted) can be found here: Stefan Molyneux Bomb in the Brain: Stefan Molyneux on Spanking: Sun Tzu Art of War wikiquote: Washington Times Fake Rape Allegations story: IG banning story: Additional Google/China story: --- In the past, I was sponsored by a cryptocurrency for a fairly good sum of money, however, due to wanting to remain as objective and un-bought as possible, I have decided to go a different route and make me beholden to nobody but the viewers of this show/channel. As a result, this show will only go on with your support, for which, I am eternally grateful. There are three main ways to do so: 1. Tell your friends about this show and why you like it. (IRL or online are both great!) 2. Patreon (that is until someone develops a bitcoin alternative): 3. Crypto! BCH: bitcoincash:qq83ghtth6h9cre5ecjxgwyed452k6rn95z5gak0xu (QR code: --- Also, you can buy stuff with BCH here (lighting network hats coming soon LOL): --- Send me emails with anything you want to talk about to: --- Other links: Link to Discord: Website: Twitter: Podcast: Yours: Steemit: Bitchute: Twitch: Dlive: Instagram: Gab:" Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 25 ['qanon 10 9 18', 'q posts today', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon sun tzu', 'trump sun tzu', 'the art of war', 'qanon posts october 9th 2018'] PT25M10S 8108 119 243 14 not set not set 2018-10-12T22:36:05.000Z t_8bsXo_LMc UC0Z-bYqyjG6ZonkH6KkNWrQ Research For Yourself. Trust Yourself. -Qanon "Although there were no new q posts today, I found somethings to talk about. Imagine your shock. Trust yourself, and do your own research. Don't let other people's biases and manipulations keep you from struggling to find the truth. Links: All Q posts (and links Q posted) can be found here: How to Meditate Book: Zero Hedge article with left-wing unhinged videos: --- In the past, I was sponsored by a cryptocurrency for a fairly good sum of money, however, due to wanting to remain as objective and un-bought as possible, I have decided to go a different route and make me beholden to nobody but the viewers of this show/channel. As a result, this show will only go on with your support, for which, I am eternally grateful. There are three main ways to do so: 1. Tell your friends about this show and why you like it. (IRL or online are both great!) 2. Patreon (that is until someone develops a bitcoin alternative): 3. Crypto! BCH: bitcoincash:qq83ghtth6h9cre5ecjxgwyed452k6rn95z5gak0xu (QR code: --- Also, you can buy stuff with BCH here (lighting network hats coming soon LOL): --- Send me emails with anything you want to talk about to: --- Other links: Link to Discord: Website: Twitter: Podcast: Yours: Steemit: Bitchute: Twitch: Dlive: Instagram: Gab:" Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 25 ['qanon 10 12 18', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon trust yourself', 'research for yourself', 'qanon pray', 'red wave', 'red tsunami'] PT17M59S 2028 27 120 3 not set not set 2018-10-20T22:17:21.000Z DBrlzO75T7I UC0Z-bYqyjG6ZonkH6KkNWrQ Red Tsunami: How The People + Memes Will Make It Happen? "No new q posts today (but I will be discussing them every day they happen from now until the election...I feel some coming tomorrow...) In the mean time, I wanted to discuss the power of memes and potential strategies for making the Red_Wave happen. Links: All Q posts (and links Q posted) can be found here: Massive interest in Trump rallies: Trump on creepy Joe: Joe biden ""rally"": Regulations for comment on cannabis: New Gitmo judge: --- In the past, I was sponsored by a cryptocurrency for a fairly good sum of money, however, due to wanting to remain as objective and un-bought as possible, I have decided to go a different route and make me beholden to nobody but the viewers of this show/channel. As a result, this show will only go on with your support, for which, I am eternally grateful. There are three main ways to do so: 1. Tell your friends about this show and why you like it. (IRL or online are both great!) 2. Patreon (that is until someone develops a bitcoin alternative): 3. Crypto! BCH: bitcoincash:qq83ghtth6h9cre5ecjxgwyed452k6rn95z5gak0xu (QR code: --- Also, you can buy stuff with BCH here (lighting network hats coming soon LOL): --- Send me emails with anything you want to talk about to: --- Other links: Link to Discord: Website: Twitter: Podcast: Yours: Steemit: Bitchute: Twitch: Dlive: Instagram: Gab:" Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 25 ['will there be a red wave', 'will there be a blue wave', 'red october', 'red tsunami', 'qanon red october', 'qanon red wave', 'qanon 10 20 18', 'trump cannbis', 'new guantanamo judge'] PT17M10S 4558 73 232 5 not set not set 2018-10-22T00:14:41.000Z iBy6zWKwdtA UC0Z-bYqyjG6ZonkH6KkNWrQ Dark to Light: Hints of October Surprises Incoming? "No new q posts today (but I will be discussing them every day they happen from now until the election), but I have some hints of what I expect to be the beginning of the incoming october surprises Links: All Q posts (and links Q posted) can be found here: Big Short clip: 100,000 want to attend Trump rally: Trump clip on new tax cut: Polling details: Sick Yahoo Human Eating: --- In the past, I was sponsored by a cryptocurrency for a fairly good sum of money, however, due to wanting to remain as objective and un-bought as possible, I have decided to go a different route and make me beholden to nobody but the viewers of this show/channel. As a result, this show will only go on with your support, for which, I am eternally grateful. There are three main ways to do so: 1. Tell your friends about this show and why you like it. (IRL or online are both great!) 2. Patreon (that is until someone develops a bitcoin alternative): 3. Crypto! BCH: bitcoincash:qq83ghtth6h9cre5ecjxgwyed452k6rn95z5gak0xu (QR code: --- Also, you can buy stuff with BCH here (lighting network hats coming soon LOL): --- Send me emails with anything you want to talk about to: --- Other links: Link to Discord: Website: Twitter: Podcast: Yours: Steemit: Bitchute: Twitch: Dlive: Instagram: Gab:" Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 25 ['october surprise', 'october surprise 2018', 'qanon 10 21 18', 'red october', 'trump rally texas'] PT12M21S 17775 133 615 19 not set not set 2018-02-24T09:38:01.000Z dfSScgNCx1g UCP2cd7JU0k-CubX0jQAwDUQ The Cult of Q Anon "Our God will deliver us from your hand, but even if he doesn't...we will not bow down! .... TWITTER - @CREEPYLILBOOK TEESPRING - PATREON - PAYPAL - MAKERSUPPORT- SUBREDDIT - GAB - MINDS - EMAIL - BITCHUTE - BITCOIN - 1ABC5eA5rWziZVUbZiMwvBdxzww48WV9qd ETHERIUM - 0xbaA73a3b9dAA27B8CaEBCc9D3aF149fC9b08F521 LITECOIN - LVmEopxoWVYSThZHLU9w9FwE8ddAoxznxE" Creepy Little Book 27 ['q anon', 'Q the storm', 'the great awakening', 'the storm', 'qanon', 'maga', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracy theory', 'calm before the storm', 'q updates', 'Qanon update', 'hannity', 'Qanon8chan', 'q anon posts', 'boycott the nra', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'rothschilds', 'soros', 'deep state', 'who is Q anon', 'Q anon identity', 'Q anon is fake', 'Q anon larp', 'q anon psyop', 'disinfo', 'psyop', 'conspiracy theories', 'illuminati symbolism', 'bohemian grove', 'trump', 'new Q anon', 'Q anon today'] PT12M53S 11498 460 608 215 not set not set 2018-07-31T02:00:48.000Z o0XeLZTO0uE UC98P5ZMY9zMKevu8RZ_-DFQ We got ya James A-l-e-f-a-n-t-i-s 😳😮 #Repost @Robotinteriors Please 🙏 follow her on instagram... / So... James Alef... was lying??? ‪#HollyWeird #PedoWood #PizzaGate #PedoGate #TheGreatAwakening #WorldWide #WakeUp #MKultra #Despierta #ElGranDespertar #ConscienciaColectiva #CollectiveConsciousness #Qanon #MEGA #WeCanChangeTheWorld #SayBraveThings‬ Cristóbal Escobedo 22 ['truth research qanon TheGreatAwakening MEGA'] PT4M46S 526 7 24 1 not set not set 2018-09-08T20:52:43.000Z 9SBNj9Jdc0s UCDGE8fNAgj13DYkTFknOYZA Critical Junction - Episode 46: QAnon "Is there any truth to the claims that the person or persons known only as ""Q"" posits? Is Donald Trump really America's next messiah? Is there any substance to this particular right-wing conspiracy theory at all? This episode attempts to answer these questions and more. Along the way, we also discuss the nature of truth, what makes something a fact, and why certain people are more prone to conspiratorial thinking than others. Don't forget to like and subscribe! Also, follow us on Twitter: and on Facebook: From 8chan to YouTube and Trump rallies: how a right-wing conspiracy theory is going mainstream - ‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour - After His Death, the Right Grapples with Its McCain Complex: What is QAnon? Explaining the bizarre rightwing conspiracy theory: What Is QAnon? The Craziest Theory of the Trump Era, Explained: The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse:" Critical Junction 28 ['QAnon', 'The Storm', 'Conspiracy', 'Conspiracy Theory', '4Chan', '8Chan', 'Trump', 'Critical Thinking', 'Reason', 'Rationality', 'Logic', 'Skepticism'] PT51M19S 48 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-18T19:29:24.000Z I8zOqtrbwCs UCKbqdsBRsrMjVV_D67xstQQ #QAnon WWG1WGA dedication to Q and the Anon’s "WWG1WGA” By J.T. Wilde and Casey Johnson" Critical UK 25 ['#QAnon', '#WWG1WGA', '#BRITISHFIGHT', 'TRUST THE PLAN'] PT3M 5561 31 296 8 not set not set 2017-11-22T06:14:26.000Z mxWagETy2JE UCayHuZjSQb2c13B1g_hLfAg Steve Outtrim and Joe Atwill Nov 17 2017 Fake News, False Flags and Meme Wars Weaponized AI Propag Steve Outtrim and Joe Atwill talk about Artificial Intelligence, Q Clearance Patriot, Donald Trump, weaponized anthropology, propaganda and more. Part 1 of a series of discussions. Crypto Beast 22 ['joe atwill', 'steve outtrim', 'propaganda', 'ai', 'a.i.', 'interview', 'mkultra', 'qanon', 'whiterabbit', 'fake news', 'memes', 'meme wars', 'info wars'] PT57M22S 904 1 16 2 not set not set 2017-11-26T20:09:26.000Z uS3tYcL-kG8 UCayHuZjSQb2c13B1g_hLfAg Steve Outtrim w Lift the Veil Q, The Storm, Bitcoin #MAGA "I return to Lift The Veil to talk about current events, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, and synthetic terror events. We discuss President Trump and the 4chan psyop ""Q Clearance Patriot""" Crypto Beast 22 ['steve outtrim', 'lift the veil', 'interviews', 'bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'etherical', 'sheltercoin', 'ico', 'qanon', 'trump', 'ai', 'a.i.', 'propaganda', 'psyop'] PT1H39M 304 2 8 3 not set not set 2018-01-11T12:34:46.000Z 3GhPRZcQcFQ UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ Q Anon, Trump, and Hillary (the blood drinker?? Wtf??) Q Anon, Trump, and Hillary (the blood drinker?? Wtf??) Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['trump', 'q anon', 'donald trump', '4chan', 'qanon', 'news', 'pedogate', 'clintons', 'podesta', 'hillary clinton', 'calm before the storm', '8chan', 'the storm', 'q-anon', 'conspiracy', 'clinton', 'wtf', 'drinker', 'blood', 'anon', 'hillary', 'george soros', 'obama', 'pizzagate', 'antifa', 'deep state', 'maga', 'drain the swamp'] PT1M14S 510 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-01-13T18:28:20.000Z nK0F_J82f0I UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon, The Book Of Q, And The Coming Storm Explained By Non Conspiracy Theorist. Question Of Q I am of sound and objective mind. I'm not the type to believe the right because I hate the left, or vice versa. In this video I want you to understand the basic, topical facts of Q. The entire situation is cryptic as hell. Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['qanon', 'storm', 'conspiracy', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'happening', 'news wars', 'q anon 4chan', 'q clearance', '8chan', 'anonQ', 'drain the swamp', 'Trump', 'Is he real?', 'right wing', 'left wing', 'underground', 'alternate news', 'make america great again', 'internet', 'interwebs', 'calm before the storm', 'politics', 'strange', 'white house', 'informant', 'qanon 8chan', 'thestorm', 'q anon twitter'] PT4M20S 1999 2 19 1 not set not set 2018-01-14T14:11:47.000Z lXq7NLkK5-w UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops New Info Predictions 1-14-2018. 8Chan 01/14/18 (Sun) 00:28:29 No.21 "QAnon Drops New Info Predictions 1-4-2018. Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 00:10:46 No.19 MSM Fake News Awards. Are you prepared? MEMES/POSTS. Organized and coordinated? POTUS may reTWEET one or more. READY FOR LAUNCH? SHOW the WORLD. SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. OPEN THEIR EYES. DON'T LET POTUS SUFFER FROM THE SOROS/LOSER BOTS THAT CONTINUALLY FLOOD. MAKE THE FAKE NEWS AWARDS YOUR 1ST ORGANIZED TWEET STORM DAY. MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 00:17:29 No.20 WE, THE PEOPLE! WE, THE PEOPLE! WE, THE PEOPLE! WE, THE PEOPLE! WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. NO ONE PERSON IS ABOVE ANOTHER. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE TAKING BACK OUR COUNTRY (& WORLD) FROM THE EVIL LOSERS WHO WOULD DO US HARM (ALL FOR A BUCK). NO MORE. STAND UP PATRIOTS. STAND UP AND DEFEND WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 4, 10, 20 ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 00:28:29 No.21 Side_by_Side (graphic form): BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_ DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_ [2] above represent PRIMARY indicators. SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time REMAINDER below. START HERE. WILL GUIDE. Q" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['8chan', 'qanon', 'news', 'patriots', 'we', 'WE', 'THE PEOPLE!', 'STAND UP PATRIPTS', 'false flag', 'prediction', 'posted', '2018'] PT1M36S 529 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-01-15T02:39:18.000Z bhvqy88RR1s UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops New Info Predictions 1-14-2018. 8Chan 01/14/18 (Sun) 15:18:16 No.23 "US MIL - VITAL. SAFE COMMS - VITAL. YOU, THE PEOPLE - VITAL. Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE. Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately. Boards changed due to MISINFO. Targeted approach to direct flow of info created. MESSAGE - VITAL. CONTROL of MESSAGE - VITAL. DELIVERY / RECEIPT of MESSAGE - VITAL. MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction. SC: MISINFO everywhere. SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources. SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE (is). SC: Seek immediate (F9-Sx_VB8239). SC: CONF_y Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 15:18:16 No.23 BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week. KNOW your surroundings. CHANGE OF NEWS CYCLE WILL BE NEEDED. ABILITY to ATTACK LIMITED)(ISIS on LIFE SUPPORT) Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue_ops. SILENCE (187) - no risk (no capture - dead on arrival). SILENCE (LV)? SILENCE (LV witnesses)? SILENCE (LV-FBI)? SILENCE WILL NOT LAST FOREVER. TRUST. Q" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['8chan', 'qanon', 'news', 'patriots', 'we', 'WE', 'THE PEOPLE!', 'STAND UP PATRIPTS', 'false flag', 'prediction', 'posted', '2018', 'update'] PT3M31S 1110 3 6 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T14:33:47.000Z 7o4W_5LpGoo UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops New Predictions 01/19/18 (Fri) 00:20:58 No.38 "CNBC Bomb Airport? NEWS CREDENTIALS FAILED @ SEC. False Flag Attempt? ISIS on LIFE SUPPORT? CLOWNS FAILED. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 00:45:08 No.39 Timing is everything. STATE_OF_THE_UNION. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 02:45:44 No.40 HUSSEIN CABINET / STAFF Who used private email addresses? What was the purpose? LL. HRC. JC. JC. CS. AM. We don't say his name. RR. SR. JB. HA. VJ. Did Hussein use a private email address? @what? Who just resigned from GOOG? Why was ES in NK? Why was ES in NK? What private network did ES set up in NK? What private network did ES set up in NK? Who else was in NK during this time? What private email address did Hussein use while in office? Why would the Chairman of GOOG travel to NK? WHY WOULD NK ALLOW ACCESS TO ES? Nothing is ever truly erased/deleted. These people are STUPID. DECLASS-POTUS_ THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 03:11:44 No.41 Why are American taxpayers subsidizing Tesla? Welfare for the rich. Why? Private emails: GOOG: NK: Tesla The MEMO is ONLY THE BEGINNING THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 03:23:37 No.42 MSM is FAKE NEWS. Propaganda. Talking points [4am] - private email addresses. Paid contractors. JUDGEMENT DAY. Q" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['Anon Q', 'qanon', 'prediction', 'news', 'drop'] PT4M53S 785 4 3 4 not set not set 2018-01-19T23:51:31.000Z Pa6NJ3i8vc4 UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops New Predictions 01/19/18 (Fri) 16:02:49 No.43 "QAnon Drops New Predictions 01/19/18 (Fri) 16:02:49 No.43 ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 16:02:49 No.43 Remember THIS DAY. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 16:53:00 No.44 Why are we here? Why are we providing crumbs? Think MEMO. BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 17:26:08 No.45 Counter-narrative went out @ 4am to MSM contractors [like clockwork]. Russian bots. These people are REALLY REALLY STUPID. Desperation. Fear. When does a bird sing? NOBODY is safe. NO DEALS. MSM contractors #Goodbye# Fight, Fight, Fight. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 17:30:25 No.46 CS will live in fear from today forward. Thank you for visiting the WH. Q" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['qanon', 'drops', 'new', 'prediction'] PT4M31S 1760 20 6 5 not set not set 2018-01-21T03:29:02.000Z O8DQQchvqKM UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Rabbit Hole. The Story So Far, And Light At The End Of The Tunnel Is A Thunder Storm. QAnon Rabbit Hole. The Story So Far, And Light At The End Of The Tunnel Is A Thunder Storm. Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['qanon'] PT7M1S 441 4 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T20:21:31.000Z eX-AeSzOOSI UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops New Predictions 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:06:20 No.47 "QAnon Drops New Predictions 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:06:20 No.47 CS will live in fear from today forward. Thank you for visiting the WH. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:06:20 No.47 Will SESSIONS drop the hammer? 1 of 22. #Memo shifts narrative. #Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL. #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels. #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory (+insurance). #Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s). THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. (The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America) Hussein (8) Install rogue_ops Leak C-intel/Mil assets Cut funding to Mil Command away from generals Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer) SAP sell-off Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency) Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM) Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.) Blind-eye NK (nuke build) (Clas-1, 2, 3) Blind-eye Iran (fund and supply) Blind-eye (CLAS 23-41) Stage SC (AS (187)) U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK (+reduce US capacity) KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS) (CLAS 1-99) HRC (8) WWIII (death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED)(population growth control/pocket billions) Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL KILL economy (starve/need/enslave) Open borders Revise Constitution Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal) Install 'on team' SC justices) legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187) Removal of electoral college (pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines) Limit/remove funding of MIL Closure of US MIL installations WW (Germany 1st) Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59 () Pure EVIL. Narrative intercept (4am). Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS. Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.(POTUS free pass). Shutdown Primary Reasons. Distract. Weaken military assets. Inc illegal votes. Black voters abandoning. ""Keep them starved"" ""Keep them blind"" ""Keep them stupid"" HRC March 13, 2013 (intercept). The Great Awakening. Fight, Fight, Fight. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:25:40 No.48 @Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc. Do you know that we know? Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM. NOBODY PLAYING THE GAME GETS A FREE PASS. NOBODY. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:28:00 No.49 THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/21/18 (Sun) 14:54:33 No.50 Q" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M26S 759 14 2 1 not set not set 2018-01-23T12:49:32.000Z bsDLDOWHDXo UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops new Info 01/09/18 (Tue] 01:54:01 "▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon] 22:03:27 No.1(Reply](Watch Thread](Show All Posts] TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE. Q Hide expanded replies. Post last edited at 01/09/18 (Tue] 01:54:01 ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon] 23:29:38 No.4 IMPORTANT: NO private comms past/present/future. NO comms made outside of this platform. Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. PATRIOTS. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon] 23:39:35 No.5 Future dumps here. Secured. Interaction to continue on dedicated /research/ board. Suggest new board created. Current BO’s claiming private comms and self promoting. Patriots point - we will follow. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 21:23:53 No.7 SEC TEST. 1/13/18 ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:09:38 No.8 BIG news week? Future proves past. What news was unlocked? Do you believe in coincidences? )U1 What public disclosure occurred re: U1? )DEFCON 1 (non-nuke FALSE] COMMAND? WHY? NECESSARY? NO SUCH AGENCY. Where did POTUS stop (post] ASIA? IT WAS NECESSARY. FOR GOD & COUNTRY. IT WAS NECESSARY. NO OTHER VEHICLE TO REGAIN ENTRY. :(AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge. :(AGAIN] warning ALERT. Think BDT. )Shall we play a game? )How about a nice game of CHESS? _THE_FLOOR_IS_YOURS_ COMMAND? WHY? NECESSARY? WHO IS TALKING? THINK BIG. THINK BIGGER. THINK BIGGEST. )HAITI FOCUS Why is this relevant? What comes next? CF_BOOM_SHOCK_BYE_ )ADM R (CLAS-239B_TC] )""…Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY!"" FOCUS on POTUS' Tweet above. If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY? What specifically occurs? Think budget. Why is this relevant? (CLAS_EO_ ](2] )Missing 1 )Missing 2 )Missing 3 FIND missing (3]. Future proves past. NOTHING is a coincidence. The MAP is the KEY. PLANNED for (3] years. CORRUPTION and EVIL DEEP WITHIN. EVERYWHERE. PATIENCE. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. THERE ARE NO DEALS. TREASON AT HIGHEST LEVELS. FOREIGN AGENTS WITHIN OUR GOV'T. HIGHEST LEVELS. THE PUPPET MASTERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. ALL VEHICLES OF DELIVERY REMOVED. STRINGS CUT. 7TH FLOOR IS NO MORE)FBI/SD WE SEE ALL. WE HEAR ALL. THE HUNT CONTINUES. PRISON. DEATH. (CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A](89] RED_RED_ IRON EAGLE. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:18:18 No.9 We are FIGHTING for LIFE. We are FIGHTING for GOOD. We are at WAR (@]. NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE CLEAN. (SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT. Do you TRUST the US Military? Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command? Have FAITH - WE ARE IN CONTROL. PATRIOTS. PATRIOTS DAY. HAVE FAITH. YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR A REASON. YOU ARE BEING PROVIDED THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF INTEL TO EVER BE DROPPED PUBLICLY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. USE IT - PROTECT AND COMFORT THOSE AROUND YOU. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:33:44 No.10 -D_CsTBA_YES(AUTH_H7^pZBVTZ7302-] ##FLY## (OWLS] HOT-1_pre_D HOT-2_pre_D HOT-3+ HOT-4_TERM_AUTHC-TVFCAZD-837392x HOT-5_pre_D HOT-6_pre_D HOT-7_corr_TAXjV^-293Z HOT-8_pre_D HOT-9_pre_D HOT-10_pre_D HOT-11_pre_D HOT-12_pre_D AS THE WORLD TURNS. HAPPY HUNTING. P_PERS: WRWY (N1LB](FG&C] Jeremiah 29:11 Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:36:29 No.11 CHECKMATE. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:45:39 No.12 LOOP CAPITAL. CEOs/BODs PAYING TO PLAY. )Slush Fund ))Hussein (1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE ))We don't say his name (2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE (Why don't we say his name?] ))HRC/BC (3] $15,000,000 Banco de MEXICO ))NP (4] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bank USA ……….ON……AND…….)ON……. FOLLOW THE MONEY. FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH. Net Worth? Reconcile? Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:48:01 No.13 7/10. Targeted Kills. Power Out. Flight re-routes. Flight returns. Running. Public awakening. Message spreading wide & far. Goodbye @Jack. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat] 22:51:16 No.14 *Had to cut out the rest because of post limit" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['qanon'] PT5M14S 209 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-25T13:31:18.000Z _Friw8kqObA UConJmteDh6X1qomrXklyFVQ QAnon Drops New Info 01/22/18 (Mon). My Last Post On Q "TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE. Q 46 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click to expand. Post last edited at 01/09/18 (Tue) 01:54:01 ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 22:19:54 No.52 SEC_TEST Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/22/18 (Mon) 22:37:35 No.53 Drones over US. Tracking only. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/24/18 (Wed) 14:39:13 No.57 ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/24/18 (Wed) 14:54:08 No.58 TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW). GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/24/18 (Wed) 15:50:32 No.59 File (hide): 7660e1ec58878e9⋯.png (356.91 KB, 295x640, 59:128, RTM.png) (h) (u)" Crypto Computer-Man 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M53S 121 1 0 1 not set not set 2018-05-05T02:10:33.000Z BZebus3Olag UC_Rkc0yrXRL2kL541-qQX2g Q Anon, Alternate Models, And Puerto Rico Part 2 D. Marble Live! 22 not set PT26M3S 505 14 64 1 not set not set 2018-05-05T02:35:36.000Z rcsJNB2B7SE UC_Rkc0yrXRL2kL541-qQX2g Alternate Models, Q-Anon, Puerto Rico D. Marble Live! 22 not set PT13M5S 443 4 52 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T00:05:07.000Z QaOdYP9LjJE UCP4BdwPKyYnfRLjSNfGAPRA Why is everyone talking about QAnon? "Who or what is QAnon? Is it a real thing or just a conspiracy theory being used by the left to undermine Trump supporters? visit our website: Check out our twitter: And Facebook: Or follow Instagram: And don't forget to subscribe here:" Daily Caller 22 ['Why Does Trump', 'President Trump News', 'President Trump Today', 'Donald Trump', 'The Daily Caller', 'TheDC', 'Washington DC', 'DC', 'satire', 'meme', 'montage', 'conservative', 'the swamp', 'anti-establishment', 'anti establishment', 'politically correct', 'PC', 'politics', 'QAnon', 'conspiracy Theory'] PT3M22S 9578 99 64 96 not set not set 2018-05-18T21:06:12.000Z sVJnF9WrGAU UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: PizzaGate? PopeGate? False Flags? 5/18/2018 "Q is everywhere! Is the Pope Deep State? What are in the shipments? Deep State in SPACE!? False Flags???" Daily Trite 22 ['pizzagate', 'pope', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'london', 'we are everywhere', 'Las Vegas', 'Shooting', 'False Flags'] PT23M44S 524 0 11 0 not set not set 2018-05-25T21:51:52.000Z sWzP4myGurw UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: Media Blitz! 5/25/2018 "The MSM attacks Donald Trump and the Alternative Media attack Qanon. Coordinated? Coincidence? Be careful who you follow. Follow us by subscribing!" Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon', 'Donald Trump', 'Alex Jones', 'Isaac Green', 'Bill Smith', 'Clapper', 'FBI Spying'] PT32M32S 172 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-06-01T21:23:54.000Z Qf5JcKUXwCA UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON June 11 is the BOOM! 6-1-2018 "EyeTheSpy backs Q and drops intel on inner workings of the Cabal take down!" Daily Trite 22 ['QANON', 'q anon', 'EyeTheSpy', 'E.T.', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'CNN', 'Twitter'] PT33M6S 1238 11 18 4 not set not set 2018-06-08T19:30:36.000Z _CKq8ZBDf7g UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA Qanon @EyeTheSpy June 11 is still the Boom! People have been frustrated that the IG report and the Senate Judiciary Committee sessions have been pushed back. They were not the Boom that Q and EyeTheSpy were talking about. June 11 is about Julian Assange and Dark coming to light. What is the dark? Human Sex Trafficking and the Cabal is the darkness. The cockroaches are scurrying because the light is being flipped on. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA. Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon decode', 'EyeTheSpy', 'eye the spy', 'Julian Assange', 'Human Sex Trafficking', 'IG report', 'Senate Judiciary Committee', 'June 11', '6/8/2018', 'OIG report'] PT8M53S 4721 29 165 6 not set not set 2018-06-11T06:25:01.000Z IzL7v6v5bQ8 UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: Here comes the BOOM! 6/11/2018 "Here comes the BOOM! ready or not! This is it you guys the day of truth. Will the haters and the shills be vindicated or will they be crushed? Will the evil cabal stay hidden in the shadows or will they be exposed in the light of truth? Today we find out! Stay save patriots, False Flag alert worldwide! WWG1WGA" Daily Trite 22 ['QANON', 'q anon decode', 'Singapore', 'Donald Trump', 'North Korea', 'Boom', 'False Flag', 'Julian Assange', 'Peace summit', 'June 11', 'BOOM', 'Seth Rich', 'Clinton Foundation', 'wwg1wga', 'eye the spy', 'alice', 'alice in wonderland', 'President Trump', 'Hillary Clinton'] PT7M18S 21524 134 471 23 not set not set 2018-06-11T17:15:52.000Z HjcvsYn75CQ UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: the meeting already happened! 6/11/2018 Donald Trump has already met with Kim Jong Un. The Deep State is too late to foil the summit. Trump is headed to take care of Iran Business. Bitcoins take a hit as assets are seized. Dark to Light. WWG1WGA Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon today', 'q anon', 'Donald Trump', 'Kim Jong Un', 'Peace Summit', 'bitcoin', 'Iran'] PT10M43S 6288 60 188 5 not set not set 2018-06-11T21:36:04.000Z o_Ux9b2ML68 UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: Rod Rosenstein in [killbox] "Rod Rosenstein's time is up. Active shooter at Department of Justice. Qanon slams the shills. Iran is working with China to trade currency. Trust Session. Trust Huber. Trust Horowitz. WWG1WGA" Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon today', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Jeff Session', 'Active shooter department of justice', 'Iran', 'North Korea', 'President Donald J. Trump', 'Kim Jong Un', 'Deep State', 'the cheshire cat', 'Eye the Spy', 'q anon', 'qanon decode'] PT16M11S 22623 140 571 14 not set not set 2018-06-13T20:38:14.000Z Mla6o6-qViM UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: THIS IS WAR! 6/13/2018 "Two missiles fired during North Korean peace talks. Submarine weapons data hacked. 8chan at risk of Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and SQLI attacks. Iranian Resistance is Hashtagging Qanon on Twitter. Deep State is attacking Kashyap Patel for exposing them. Rod Rosenstein has threatened to prosecute members of Congress who are seeking documents. The Deep State is going to try and hack the midterm voting systems to get the majority and impeach Donald Trump." Daily Trite 22 ['Rod Rosenstein', 'QANON', 'q anon decode', '6/13/2018', 'Deep State', 'Missile attacks', 'midterms', 'Donald Trump', 'North Korea'] PT50M21S 5815 73 183 4 not set not set 2018-06-16T22:43:45.000Z PNvMSPnxEqE UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: Barry's Secret Lover? 6/16/2018 Q Anon is providing a look at the behind the scenes of the Great Awakening. Google set up a secret server inside North Korea. Access kills over at the Google headquarters. Daily Trite 22 ['qanon', 'q anon daily', 'daily trite', 'donald trump', 'north korea', 'kim jong un', 'hillary clinton', 'deep state', 'president trump', 'G7', 'FBI spying', 'IG report', 'DOJ', 'James comey', 'jim comey', 'barak obama', 'president donald trump'] PT33M27S 6110 85 205 10 not set not set 2018-06-22T22:28:24.000Z 1kasQ1MuG-Q UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA Q Anonymous 101 - Beginners guide This is a crash course in who is Q Anon, what his mission is, what kind of attacks are going against Q Anon, and a brief explanation of terminology. Daily Trite 22 ['qanon', 'q anon daily', 'president donald trump', 'trump speach', 'trump rally', 'hillary clinton', 'clinton foundation', 'iran', 'north korea', 'human trafficking', 'pedophilia', 'deep state', 'pizza gate', 'executive order', 'fifa', 'world cup', 'sex slaves', 'kim kardashian', 'ig report', 'fby spying on trump', 'immigration', 'fraud', 'corruption', 'russian collusion', 'conspiracy theory', 'barak obama', 'rod rosenstein', 'cnn', 'foxnews'] PT29M38S 2583 22 123 2 not set not set 2018-06-28T22:01:37.000Z ie72KX0S5lg UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: PedoBook and Netophilia 6/28/2018 "Facebook and Netflix are pushing pedophilia ahead of the revealing of pedophile rings at the top of our government, news media, and entertainment industries. Q supports are being pointed out in big ways by President Trump and the media. Time to buy your QAnon Swag White Squall is a Ridley Scott documentary of the Q movement made decades before the movement ever started. House votes that Rod Rosenstein must comply with DOJ Document requests. Now if he refuses he will be in contempt of Congress." Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon', 'Qanon posts daily', 'President Trump', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Peter Strzok', 'Christopher Wray', 'Deep State', 'Julian Assange', 'wikileaks', 'pedophilia', 'netflix', 'facebook', 'barak obama', 'hillary clinton', 'clinton foundation', 'Russia', 'FBI Spying', 'Mueller', 'Special Counsel'] PT24M31S 3300 74 212 3 not set not set 2018-06-29T07:24:50.000Z R8qGaqaZX1U UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA POTUS to Confirm Q Anon??? 6/29/2018 "Will the President be confirming that QAnon is legitimately apart of the Trump Administration? Main Stream Media is now attempting to paint all Q supporters as hateful racist bigots. Don't give them any ammo! Watch what you say! MK Ultra being used to spark shootings? The Empire Strikes Back" Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon daily', 'Qanon 6/29/2018', 'qanon', 'President Trump', 'Media Attacks', 'capital Gazette', 'Pedophillia', 'pedophiles', 'Deep state', 'DOJ', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Devin Nunes', 'Mark Meadows', 'Peter Strzok', 'Tucker Carlson', 'Sean Hannity', 'Hillary Clinton', 'WWG1WGA', 'eyethespy'] PT28M20S 5869 96 310 4 not set not set 2018-07-03T22:16:14.000Z I-SMvYP7K_Y UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA Awan trades DNC server for plea deal! QAnon "Q Anon has gotten the DNC server! Awan plea deal got investigators the server of the DNC. DNC server = Seth Rich Assassination. Blue wave? nope, #walkaway. Devin Nunes is going after the five eyes! the proof is emerging that they were sharing classified information through unofficial channels. Mockingbird Media is doing everything in their power to distract from the real news with Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen. They will fail! Media also trying to smear Jim Jordan for going after Rod Rosenstein and co-sponsoring the resolution against the DOJ. There could be military tribunals going on right now to get real traitors that committed terrorist attacks against US citizens. Think False Flags. Peter Strzok has been subpoenaed to speak before the House Judiciary Committee. This time we get to see it! God Bless Patriots! WWG1WGA" Daily Trite 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon posts daily', 'debbie wasserman schultz', 'peter strzok hearing', 'awan brothers', 'rod rosenstein', 'DNC server', 'Devin nunes', 'mueller special counsel', 'sealed indictments', 'stormy daniels', 'michael cohen', 'jim jordan', 'wwg1wga', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'q anonymous', 'conspiracy theory', 'deep state', 'false flag'] PT29M33S 22225 191 856 22 not set not set 2018-07-04T04:52:15.000Z fT1msdAKE3w UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QAnon: Permission to come aboard! "Giant QAnon proof on Marine One. When will someone ask POTUS about Q??? What are they afraid of? Dark to Light! Yoda of the DOJ was a Sith Lord the entire time, he even had an apprentice. David Margolis was the DOJ fixer and mentored Scott Schools to take his place. The rule of two seems to apply to the Deep State as much as it does to the fictional Sith Lords of Star Wars. A Daily Trite tweet was featured in an article. I thought that was pretty cool. Thank you BPR Conservative and Samantha Chang." Daily Trite 22 ['QAnon', 'Marine One', 'David Margolis', 'Scott Schools', 'Trump rally', 'Trump speech', 'Q Anon daily posts', 'president Donald trump', 'great awakening', 'great awakening world wide', 'wwg1wga', '8chan', 'foxnews', 'media bias', 'fake news', 'walk away'] PT13M46S 5782 56 302 4 not set not set 2018-07-05T19:42:21.000Z eVzBX4QC9qo UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QANON: Second Civil War "Twitter was set ablaze by Alex Jones saying a second Civil War is going to start on July 4th. Don't make absolute predictions or you risk looking like a fool! Q Anon is warning us of the CIA Watching and disinformation. Future proves past, as we follow Q things will slowly start to come into focus." Daily Trite 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon daily posts', 'second civil war', 'wwg1wga', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'deep state', 'main stream media', 'john podesta', 'twitter', 'daily trite', 'walk away', 'fox new', 'cnn', 'conservative news'] PT21M4S 5570 80 245 13 not set not set 2018-07-20T03:14:05.000Z uOeFyhQHHcU UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA [C][I][A] [is] [here] PRAY! -QAnon "Skepticism and faith is our greatest shield. We must protect our minds and our fellow patriots and truth seekers. CIA is here." Daily Trite 2 ['qanon', 'qanon daily posts', 'eye the spy', 'serialbrain2', 'serial brain 2', 'deep state', 'deepstate', 'trump', 'Donald trump', 'trump Russia', 'q anon', 'q anon daily', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'daily trite', 'dailytrite', 'MSNBC', 'NBC', 'fox news', 'JFK', 'JFK Jr.', 'R anon', 'R posts', 'JFK assassination', 'JFK jr assassination', 'sb2', 'praying medic', 'blessed to teach', 'war hammer', 'trump speech', 'who is R', 'great awakening', 'walk away'] PT15M45S 3954 105 243 5 not set not set 2018-07-23T23:38:28.000Z ORabqz9kkR8 UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QAnon: Mockingbird access revoked! "President Trump pulled the deep state's security clearances. Where will the mockingbird media get their anonymous sources now? Iran acting tough, will they fall like North Korea? Free Iran! Follow us on twitter!" Daily Trite 25 ['QAnon', 'q anon', 'qanon daily posts', 'qanon update', 'jfk assassination', 'jfk jr', 'r anon', 'eyethespy', 'eye the spy', 'deepstate', 'alex jones', 'trump speech', 'donald trump', 'maga', 'daily trite', 'dailytrite', '', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'james clapper', 'john brennan', 'security clearance', 'mockingbird media', 'fake news', 'dan harmon', 'james gunn'] PT27M25S 4747 72 297 8 not set not set 2018-07-27T04:39:20.000Z UkebA3wTAP8 UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA QAnon Drops: Optics of Rosenstein "With the news of today out, we need to take a deep breath and think logically. Q has given us the rough layout of events and what we don't know or understand is where we need to trust the plan. The impeachment of RR is being placed on hold. This is setting the stage of the complete takedown deep-state and declassification of all their crimes. Timing is everything and things are going according to schedule." Daily Trite 25 ['QAnon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts daily', 'rod rosenstein', 'rod rosenstein impeach', 'trump', 'donald trump', 'daily trite', 'dailytrite', '', 'q drops', 'facebook', 'facebook stock', 'mark zuckerberg', 'robert mueller', 'impeachment', 'deep state', 'special counsel', 'huber', 'jeff sessions', 'president trump', 'hillary clinton'] PT21M4S 1662 28 143 4 not set not set 2018-08-02T22:22:36.000Z Es_ztiSP71s UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA Q Anon: ALL For a Larp "The Media Meltdown continues! The media is in overdrive mode to brand Q followers are Crazies that should be dismissed. This feeble attempt to shame Q believers into staying quite will not work just like shaming trump supporters to stay quite has not worked. They have already lost the war. Grab your Popcorn! WWG1WGA!" Daily Trite 25 ['QAnon', 'q anon', 'Fake news', 'walk away', 'qanon update', 'q anon latest', 'q anon posts daily', 'deep state', 'censorship', 'wwg1wga', 'qanon posts', 'q anon today', 'trump derangement syndrome', 'triggered left', 'trump rally', 'trump speech', 'donald trump', 'trump treason'] PT4M15S 1112 26 102 5 not set not set 2018-08-16T22:45:50.000Z WJLTtw4jP7U UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA Q- The [[[hunters]]] are hunted "Q sheds light on deep state communications prompting Xbox live outages across the country. Q sheds light on Vatican horrors and the connected web of pedos. we have more than we know! WWG1WGA" Daily Trite 25 ['wwg1wga', 'daily trite', '', '8 chan', 'qanon 8chan', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts daily', 'pizza gate', 'pizzagate', 'deep state', 'deepstate', 'anderson cooper mom', 'anderson cooper', 'neon revolt', 'donald trump', 'trump speech', 'praying medic', 'praying medic qanon', 'q anon for beginners', 'bill smith', 'war drummer', 'alex jones', 'alex jones censorship', 'infowars', 'serial brain 2', 'eye the spy', 'eyethespy'] PT20M18S 2572 83 203 7 not set not set 2018-08-17T23:20:17.000Z I9vflDjyj4A UCo6yPvF48mks8D56pgU73kA Q - To Kill a Mockingbird "My attempt to rehash the reason Q is here and why he is at war with the Main Stream Media. This is something I hope will be informative to beginners and seasoned Q Army. Enjoy! WWG1WGA. Twitter: @realDailyTrite" Daily Trite 25 ['wwg1wga', 'daily trite', '', '', 'qanon 8chan', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts daily', 'pizza gate', 'pizzagate', 'deep state', 'deepstate', 'anderson cooper', 'neon revolt', 'neonrevolt', 'donald trump', 'trump speech', 'trump rally', 'praying medic', 'qanon praying medic', 'q anon for beginners', 'bill smith', 'war drummer', 'alex jones', 'alex jones censorship', 'infowars', 'serial brain 2', 'eye the spy', 'eyethespy', 'jfk assassination', 'Ranon', 'r anon', 'jfk'] PT14M11S 1818 89 291 2 not set not set 2017-11-17T02:02:38.000Z FdiaVBNxK8I UCEORo4gyRiUWVynK5HNUNmQ /POL/ Q ANON discussion ft. WSO!! -Dont Miss This! "Hey all, So Steve and I wanted to touch on this topic! I hope you all enjoy! I find this all very interesting. And no matter WHO- We ALL need to WORK TOGETHER LOVE ONE ANOTHER, MEDITATE and PRACTICE FORGIVENESS now more than ever. Lets get into this topic about this inspirational movement. Much love, God Speed, xoxoxo DVBD WSO" Damn Von Bon Daisy 1 ['pol', 'q anon', 'q pol', 'pol q', '4chan', '4chan q', 'q patriot', 'american', 'human', 'truther', 'daisy', 'daisy dame', 'wso', 'steve olson', 'discussion', 'pol q discussion', 'community', 'revelations', 'end times', 'ascension', 'disclosure', 'full disclosure', 'slow disclosure', 'leaks', '4 chan patriot'] PT22M35S 9065 126 146 14 not set not set 2017-11-18T17:38:09.000Z I-OP7YlV7cE UCEORo4gyRiUWVynK5HNUNmQ /pol/ Q ANON Overall, Who is He? +++ What's the msg? "I wanted to make an overall view of Q Just so those who may not be aware, can gather just what is going on here! I hope you enjoy and I love the feedback very much even when its constructive guys !! Thanks so much for watching! Dont forget to sub if you have not! and God speed! xoxoxox DAISY D Created by VideoShow:" Damn Von Bon Daisy 1 ['q anon', 'q anon patriot', 'q clearence', 'pol', '/pol/ q', 'anon', 'anon q', '4chan', 'website', 'movement', 'overview', 'q anon overview', 'daisy', 'daisy dame', 'alice &wonderland', 'hrc', 'hillary', 'obama', 'trump', 'trump and putin', 'putin', 'end times', 'revelations', 'truther', 'truth', 'forshadow', 'future', 'peace', 'love and hope', 'patriots unite', 'fellow americans', 'potus'] PT20M55S 17858 206 223 18 not set not set 2017-11-20T20:18:27.000Z kF1cvzkinxI UCEORo4gyRiUWVynK5HNUNmQ /POL/ Q-anon NEW POST!! - MUST SEE!! white rabbit "Wow another amazing cryptic msg! lets look at this one together\and hey you get to see my face! rare i know. Lets look at this info about Q, links to METRO article, included below! thanks for your time, SUB IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY! AND PLEASE LIKE IT IF YOU LIKE IT!! MUCH LOVE AND GOOD VIBES TO YOU AND YOURS LOVE ALWAYS XOXOXOXO DAISY D meTRO- Created by VideoShow:" Damn Von Bon Daisy 1 ['Q ANON', 'ANON Q', 'WHO IS Q ANON', 'an q', 'white rabbit', 'alice & wonderland', 'crypitc msgs', '4chan posts', 'q 4chan', 'q 4chan post', 'NEW q anon', 'new q anon post', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'metro', 'metro article', 'daisy', 'daisy dame', 'truther', 'truth', 'destroying the illusion', 'wso', 'rfb', 'richie from boston', 'jeff p', 'this is #happening', '#happening', '#qanon', 'why q', 'newest q post'] PT15M27S 23508 251 474 46 not set not set 2017-11-26T00:32:18.000Z tLtnmc5ayqo UCEORo4gyRiUWVynK5HNUNmQ /POL/ Q-anon Update ft. WSO ♡ "Another Awesome Q video for all the believers out there! stay positive, loving and vigilant, and I shall do the same! sending you and yours good vibes and much love! Please enjoy, and if you like it, LIKE IT! and if you still for SOME REASON still have not SUBBED do so, promise it will make ya smile !!! ttys all, god speed, D" Damn Von Bon Daisy 1 ['ws0', 'wso', 'WSO', 'Q anon', 'anon q', 'pol q', 'q pol', 'q patriot', 'q truther', 'q crumbs', 'q anon warrior', 'daisy', 'daisy dame', 'truth', 'truther', 'follow the white rabbit', 'q clues', 'q tips', 'q is real', 'who is q', 'who is q anon', 'thoughts', 'enjoy', 'RFB', 'Jeff p', 'wormwood', 'the destroyer', 'red kachina', 'blue kachina'] PT40M23S 19505 215 326 31 not set not set 2017-12-27T22:47:48.000Z HyN5FbuQ0q8 UCEORo4gyRiUWVynK5HNUNmQ Q stuff, Julian stuff and more stuff.. PRETTY IMP! "Hey everyone- Just wanted to put my thoughts out there and let you know where I am at with all that is going on! Yes I do plan to make more indepth videos on each topic! so please stay tuned. with much love and good vibes! Like if you have not.. and Sub if you have not- what are you waiting for?! xoxoxox DAISY D" Damn Von Bon Daisy 1 ['assange', 'julian', 'julian assange', 'twitter', 'recent twitter', 'q anon', 'q anon new', 'new q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'truther', 'daisy', 'daisy dame', 'current events'] PT4M43S 576 18 39 2 not set not set 2018-02-03T21:24:52.000Z 8AJROVzaOzg UCEJLg91P0fy5sKEU0XXUypA Q Anon drop - 16 Years to Destroy America "Dan Hennen describes the January 21, 2018 post from Q and helps explain and provide background on what this really means. This relates to 8 years of Obama in office, followed by 8 years of Hillary Clinton in office. They never thought she would lose the election. Link: Georgia Guidestones:" Dan Hennen 29 ['Dan Hennen', 'Q anon', 'President Trump', 'Great Awakening', 'Obama', 'Hillary'] PT16M48S 1158 4 28 2 not set not set 2018-02-26T05:44:36.000Z QKQzJ8fALcg UCEJLg91P0fy5sKEU0XXUypA Updates on Q Anon posts thru February 25, 2018 Dan Hennen examines the recent posts over the weekend by Q Anon. Topics discussed include the Parkland School shooting, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Hook shooting, Sheriff Israel and the CIA's role in nefarious activities around the globe. Dan Hennen 29 ['Dan Hennen', 'Q Anon', 'Parkland School Shooting', 'Sandy Hook Shooting', 'CIA', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Sheriff Israel'] PT18M50S 1547 5 15 0 not set not set 2018-03-31T19:20:15.000Z RSt80i4I79A UCEJLg91P0fy5sKEU0XXUypA Q Anon updates - March 23-30, 2018 "Dan Hennen reviews the recent post drops by Q Anon. Prior episodes:" Dan Hennen 29 ['Dan Hennen', 'Q Anon', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Sergey Brin', 'Omnibus Bill', 'Adam Schiff', 'VBAD', 'President Trump'] PT27M16S 405 8 8 0 not set not set 2018-06-16T19:58:15.000Z 17wVrgV4hes UCEJLg91P0fy5sKEU0XXUypA Q Anon posts from April 28 thru May 9, 2018 Dan Hennen provides commentary and analysis from the posts from Q Anon. Mentioned is Jerome Corsi, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, Obama, John Kerry, Sessions, Wray, and President Trump. Dan Hennen 29 ['Dan Hennen', 'Q Anon', 'Patriots', 'Great Awakening', 'Trump', 'Deep State', 'Swamp'] PT38M54S 110 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-08-28T15:28:13.000Z y57XW2wyk7s UCeRz0PC-LQ1A9zIBFxbD7Pw Qanon: Movie1 Chapter 1 Starts with Suicide! Q-volution "Please Subscribe.. It is important! Contact me via Telegram ID: @DanLutz Join me in my new Kringle Code Telegram Group --------- www.BuyKringles.Online TBC products, Services, and how to Partner with Dan Lutz Get Bitcoin, Pay You $10 Fee, Get you 5 Full TBC coin with the Cookie Promotion! ---- Join me as my Partner ---- Join me and make 3x your Bitcoin every cycle. Current affairs of the Global Currency Reset ""GCR"" and TBC coin. The set time are not the only times. Be sure to watch when you are notified by the ""BELL"" next to the Subscribe Button. Comment on the video, then Share on Facebook. Be sure to Subscribe and ""BELL"" on YouTube! Receive your free gift by registering here:" Dan Lutz 22 ['TBC', 'TheBillionCoin', '', '', 'Kringle', 'Kringles', 'Cabal', 'Crypto Currency', 'Abundance', 'scam crypto currency', 'TBC scam', 'Dan Lutz', 'BTC cooperation', 'free tbc', 'tbc exchange', 'tbc exchanger', 'bitcoin', 'GCR', 'Global Currency Reset', 'global currency revaluation', 'TBC the Ponzi Scheme', 'Why TBC is a scam', 'why TheBillionCoin is a Scam', 'compare cryptocurrencies', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'anonymous'] PT50M24S 1770 4 19 3 not set not set 2018-09-16T05:10:16.000Z gjm0H0_cF88 UCeRz0PC-LQ1A9zIBFxbD7Pw Qanon- Arrests, Trafficking, Resignations "Please Subscribe, LIKE, & Share.. It is Important !!! Qanon Director of the FiasGate movie, Staring Jeff Sessions Dan Lutz the Non-Anon, Join our Q-volution is out revolution against the Deep State / Cabal. Contact me via Telegram ID: @DanLutz ===== Get Free Cookie Rewards points to Redeem for crypto coin Join me in my new Kringle Code Telegram Group --------- www.BuyKringles.Online TBC products, Services, and how to Partner with Dan Lutz Get Bitcoin, Pay You $10 Fee, Get your TBC coin with the Cookie Promotion! ---- Join me as my Partner ---- Join me and make 3x your Bitcoin every cycle. --------- www.BuyKringles.Online TBC products, Services, and how to Partner with Dan Lutz Get Bitcoin, Pay Your $10 Fee, Get you 1 Full TBC coin with the Cookie Promotion!" Dan Lutz 27 ['TBC coin', 'TBC', 'TheBillionCoin', '', '', '', 'Kringle', 'Kringles', 'Cabal', 'Crypto Currency', 'Abundance', 'scam crypto currency', 'TBC scam', 'Dan Lutz', 'BTC cooperation', 'free tbc', 'tbc exchange', 'tbc exchanger', '', 'wanted', 'bitcoin', 'GCR', 'Global Currency Reset', 'SwissIndo', 'M1', 'TBC the Ponzi Scheme', 'Why TBC is a scam', 'why TheBillionCoin is a Scam', 'bank fiat exchange', 'Gold', 'TBC money', 'Money', 'TBC 009 wallet', 'Kringle Code', 'TBC code', 'Qanon', 'Q anon'] PT31M23S 65482 314 1311 51 not set not set 2018-09-19T06:47:25.000Z pRTy4KLmiUE UCeRz0PC-LQ1A9zIBFxbD7Pw "Q" anon- FisaGate, Chapter 2 Release the Kracken ]Sessions[ "Please Subscribe, LIKE, & Share.. It is Important !!! Qanon Director of the FiasGate movie, Staring Jeff Sessions Dan Lutz the Non-Anon, Join our Q-volution is out revolution against the Deep State / Cabal. Contact me via Telegram ID: @DanLutz ===== Get Free Cookie Rewards points to Redeem for crypto coin Join me in my new Kringle Code Telegram Group --------- www.BuyKringles.Online TBC products, Services, and how to Partner with Dan Lutz Get Bitcoin, Pay You $10 Fee, Get your TBC coin with the Cookie Promotion! ---- Join me as my Partner ---- Join me and make 3x your Bitcoin every cycle." Dan Lutz 29 ['TBC coin', 'TBC', 'TheBillionCoin', '', '', 'Kringle', 'Kringles', 'Cabal', 'Crypto Currency', 'Abundance', 'TBC scam', 'Dan Lutz', 'BTC', 'free tbc', 'tbc exchange', 'exchanger', '', 'bitcoin', 'GCR', 'Global Currency Reset', 'SwissIndo', 'M1', 'TBC the Ponzi Scheme', 'bank fiat exchange', 'Gold', 'TBC money', 'Money', 'TBC 009 wallet', 'Kringle Code', 'TBC code', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q-volution', 'fiasgate', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Kraken', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT50M51S 1512 7 42 3 not set not set 2018-09-20T17:01:46.000Z nQ3x4yX0Ntw UCeRz0PC-LQ1A9zIBFxbD7Pw Q & A /with "Q" anon - Disclosure, We Are Not Alone! "Please Subscribe, LIKE, & Share.. It is Important !!! Dan Lutz the Non-Anon, Join our Q-volution is out revolution against the Deep State / Cabal. Contact me via Telegram ID: @DanLutz ===== Get Free Cookie Rewards points to Redeem for crypto coin Join me in my new Kringle Code Telegram Group ====== Get Free TBC Coin with Cookie Rewards points to Redeem for crypto coin Please Subscribe.. It is important! Contact me via Telegram ID: @DanLutz Q-volution is out revolution against the Depp State / Cabal. Join me in my new Kringle Code Telegram Group --------- www.BuyKringles.Online TBC products, Services, and how to Partner with Dan Lutz Get Bitcoin, Pay You $10 Fee, Get your TBC coin with the Cookie Promotion! ---- Join me as my Partner ---- Join me and make 3x your Bitcoin every cycle. Current affairs of the Global Currency Reset ""GCR"" and TBC coin. The set time are not the only times. Be sure to watch when you are notified by the ""BELL"" next to the Subscribe Button." Dan Lutz 27 ['TBC coin', 'TBC', 'TheBillionCoin', '', '', 'Kringle', 'Kringles', 'Cabal', 'Crypto Currency', 'Abundance', 'TBC scam', 'Dan Lutz', 'BTC', 'free tbc', 'tbc exchange', 'exchanger', '', 'bitcoin', 'GCR', 'Global Currency Reset', 'SwissIndo', 'M1', 'TBC the Ponzi Scheme', 'bank fiat exchange', 'Gold', 'TBC money', 'Money', 'TBC 009 wallet', 'Kringle Code', 'TBC code', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q-volution', 'fiasgate', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Kraken'] PT9M57S 7627 49 114 13 not set not set 2018-08-07T18:52:21.000Z M4TAmqO8Uj8 UCFULFRpHUvl6jZaot2AJ8iA Q Proof #2 - Just the Tip "One of several Q Proofs that prove Q is legitimate and fighting for our freedom. Please share with your friends and family who are doubting Q's legitimacy. It's time for some real news. Will you help invest in real news? There are 60 million people who are following Q. If 1 out of 60 invest a dollar, we'll meet our goal and be able to open offices in DC, purchase studio equipment and hire staff. Please join us in this effort to produce real news." Dan McNeillie 25 ['qanon', 'real news', 'qproof', 'Just the tip'] PT1M6S 103 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-06-29T16:42:59.000Z mC3Csw2QYx0 UCaMW6cf_5MsOyPK4O4xmkXQ QANON POST - OVER 3100 Sealed Indictments of The Illuminati Just Released - Download Complete Docs "God wants everyone to see this video and download the docs link. QANON POST includes Queen Elizabeth - 3100 Sealed Indictments Unsealed Indictments of the Illuminati - Google Spreadsheet Link - JUST RELEASED IMPORTANT - This is a new Indicment list - Download Docs - Link - We Do this for the Children and people whom no longer have a voice in this world. Help to make it possible for all of us to fight the good fight. We the people. For the people. Fight for us together." danbanrock1 10 ['Illuminati', 'Sealed Indicments', 'God', 'Jesus Christ', 'Angels', 'Donald Trump', 'FBI', 'QANON'] PT18M45S 39059 191 614 74 not set not set 2018-07-02T15:59:56.000Z wkpm1GJptNY UCaMW6cf_5MsOyPK4O4xmkXQ QANON POST - 46193 CASES UNSEALED Indictments of The Illuminati Just Released - Download Document "IMPORTANT - This is a new official 46193 CASES UNSEALED Indicment list - From a diffrent source - JUST RELEASED Download Docs - Link - This is the QANON POST includes Queen Elizabeth - 3100 Sealed Indictments Unsealed Indictments of the Illuminati - Google Spreadsheet Link - QANON just confirmed it on his recent post !!! We Do this for the Children and people whom no longer have a voice in this world. Help to make it possible for all of us to fight the good fight. We the people. For the people. Fight for us together. God Bless , Dan" danbanrock1 10 ['Qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'Donald Trump', 'America', 'FBI', 'Attorney General', 'CIA', 'Federal Prosecuters', 'Indictment Lists', 'Unsealed Indictment Lists'] PT10M1S 24037 64 321 9 not set not set 2018-05-22T17:27:53.000Z fDBggvpmWHo UC2FIMDprCE2MgJe84EFUpaw Do You Know Q (original song) "This is a very new song that I have not had the opportunity to practice much, but it is a pretty simple and straightforward song about the ""Q"" phenomenon sweeping the internet and 4chan/8chan boards. You can see all of Qs posts on and you can find videos about qanon (Q anonymous) on YouTube on Isaac Green's channel ""Anti School"" or the ""SGT REPORT"" or ""Headlines With A Voice"" or #Seeking The Truth, among others." dane lee 10 ['Do You Know Q', 'qanon', 'original song', 'WWG1WGA', 'The Great Awakening', 'Red Pill', 'secret', 'clearance', 'intelligence', 'patriots', 'autists', 'anons', 'bakers', 'bread crumbs', 'The Call', 'Duty'] PT3M58S 757 2 12 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T22:28:08.000Z 6pBigvEYWa8 UChyieEUJiov11MbVRcYf1cA Flat Earth....meets Q Anon? Hollywood?.....on COMEDY CENTRAL? OMFG. 😕 Daniel Pratt R.O.W 22 not set PT4M38S 393 14 34 3 not set not set 2018-05-03T02:36:28.000Z 25U-DRHnomI UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐ NEW Q Anon Update Energy Clearing - Kanye West, UFO's, Ascension, Pleiadian qanon "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3)  Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for May 2nd 2018! ======================== Kabamur: Q anon: You may also like: James Gilliland:" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['qanon', 'qanon corsi', 'jordan sather', 'trump', 'clinton', 'pleiadian', 'pleiadian message', 'ascension', 'Great Awakening', 'Energy Clearing', 'Darius barazandeh', 'disclosure', 'UFO', 'ufo 2018 update', 'James Gilliland', 'q anon', 'secret space program', 'globalists', 'illuminati', 'david wilcock', 'zero point energy', 'free energy', 'kabamur', 'kanye west update', 'new q', 'north korea fighting against ufo new update', 'corey goods advice on the palladians', 'james gilliland 2018', 'in pursuit of truth', 'william tompkins', 'q posts'] PT17M51S 835 16 15 0 not set not set 2018-05-04T17:08:36.000Z -7cu0DbUUk4 UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA NEW Q Anon Ascension Update - NEW DNA? Hawaii Volcano, Time Travel, Kanye West, UFO's, Ascension "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3)  Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for May 2nd 2018! ======================== LA Times (NEW DNA?): Live Science Article (New DNA): Futurism (Time Travel): Hawaii Earth Quake: Kayne West (Refusal to Play Songs): Recommended for an Interesting Watch: James Gilliland:" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 23 ['qanon', 'qanon corsi', 'syria bombing', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'trump', 'pleiadian message', 'ascension', 'Awakening', 'Great Awakening', 'Healing Earth', 'Energy Clearing', 'Darius barazandeh', 'UFO', 'ufo 2018 update', 'James Gilliland', 'q anon', 'dna motif', 'Hawaii volcano', 'hawaii earthquake', 'Ascenion', 'apocalypse', 'cabal', 'hillary clinton', 'Donald Trump', 'time travel', 'kilauea', 'kilauea song', 'kilauea volcano update', 'new research shows that time travel is mathematically possible'] PT15M14S 278 6 11 0 not set not set 2018-05-14T21:19:50.000Z 4tPUif5pLWs UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐ NEW Q Anon Update Awakening, Jerome Corsi Truth? - Roseanne Barr, UFO's, Stargate CLEARING "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3)  Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for May 2nd 2018! Here are the latest Qanon and ascension updates! ======================== Kabamur: Q anon: Hawaii Volcanos: ========================== You may Like James Gilliland:" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['qanon', 'trump', 'ascension', 'Darius barazandeh', 'q anon', '8chan', 'corsi', 'qanon posts', 'deep state', 'clinton', 'donald trump', 'new world order', 'drain the swamp', 'anti school', 'destroying the illusion', 'disclosure', 'Jerome Corsi', 'the storm', 'isaac green', 'follow the white rabbit', 'consciousness', 'q anon stargate', 'james gilliland 2018', 'kabamur', 'q roseanne', 'qanon postings about roseanne barr', 'qanon update today', 'roseanne barr', 'roseanne q', 'timeline shift', 'ufo'] PT18M12S 132 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-05-23T12:16:55.000Z w1bmrPsvEyA UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐ NEW Q Anon Update Energy Clearing - UFO John Lennon, Awakening, Jordan Sather Qannon "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3)  Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for May 22nd 2018! ======================== Collective Evolution Article: Kabamur: John Lennon UFO Encounter in New York: Q anon: Zero Hedge Article - You may also like: James Gilliland: Jordan Sather and James gilliland: deep state clinton trump FBI, John Lennon UFO sighting, Deep State, Pleiadian qanon the event ufo sightings new earth Jordan Sather kabamur,ufo sightings,darius barazandeh,jordan sather alien,jordan sather event,qanon today,unidentified flying object,disclosure awakening,new earth,qhht,Ascension Event,ascension,the event,UFO the event,healing the event,the event update,beverly nation,jordan sather,qanon,q anon,octopus alien,jordan sather qanon,jordan sather secret space,neo glimmer,Jordan Sather UFO,Jordan Sather Space,jordan sather 2.0" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 24 ['kabamur', 'ufo sightings', 'darius barazandeh', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'qanon today', 'unidentified flying object', 'disclosure awakening', 'new earth', 'qhht', 'Ascension Event', 'ascension', 'the event', 'UFO the event', 'healing the event', 'the event update', 'beverly nation', 'jordan sather', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'octopus alien', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather secret space', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'Jordan Sather Space', 'jordan sather 2.0'] PT19M12S 415 10 13 0 not set not set 2018-05-31T18:15:58.000Z egYSFl2de2I UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐ NEW Ascension The Event: Strange BOOMS', UFO, Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3)  Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for May 31st, 2018! ======================== Zero Hedge Article 1 (Strange 'BOOMs'): Kabamur: Zero Hedge Article 2 (UFO Seen in 2004 for 2 weeks)! - Collective Evolution Article: Q anon: You may also like: James Gilliland: unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['ufo sightings', 'darius barazandeh', 'jordan sather', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'eye the spy update', 'eye the spy latest', 'eye the spy news', 'eye the spy fake', 'eyethespy update', 'The Cheshire Cat News', 'TheCheshireCat News', 'jordan sather Q', 'jordan sather UFO', 'jordan sather deep state', 'Jordan Sather awakening', 'IG report', 'Inspector General report', 'qanon today'] PT16M52S 332 22 16 0 not set not set 2018-06-04T15:50:33.000Z tR27sZhmIZI UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐Q Anon QAnon is BACK, STRANGE UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + 'The Event' & Ascension News Alien "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3) Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for June 3rd 2018 ======================== Q anon: Kabamur: UFO Sighting (Hastings Victoria Australia): Collective Evolution Article: Science news: Octopuses came to Earth from space as frozen eggs millions of years ago: You may also like: James Gilliland: unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['unidentified flying object', 'disclosure awakening', 'new earth', 'qhht', 'ufo sightings', 'Ascension Event', 'darius barazandeh', 'ascension', 'the event', 'UFO the event', 'healing the event', 'awakening the event', 'the event update', 'beverly nation', 'jordan sather', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'octopus alien', 'jordan sather qanon', 'the event new earth', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO'] PT17M16S 1269 25 14 2 not set not set 2018-06-05T03:38:30.000Z c87LKWUBgnc UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐Q Anon QAnon is BACK 2.0: WEIRD UFO Alien, Awakening Update The Event Ascension Alien Jordan Sather "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3)  Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Here's some Ascension updates news for June 3rd 2018 ======================== Q anon: Galactic Connection: Galactic Connection Article 2: The Event Chronicle (Crop Circles): Raymon Grace, International dowser (Watch to Learn About Dowsing Process): Jerry Kein: ---------------------------------- You may also like: Jordan Sather: James Gilliland: unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon space secret" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['ufo sightings', 'darius barazandeh', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'qanon today', 'unidentified flying object', 'disclosure awakening', 'new earth', 'qhht', 'Ascension Event', 'ascension', 'the event', 'UFO the event', 'healing the event', 'the event update', 'beverly nation', 'jordan sather', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'octopus alien', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather secret space', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'Jordan Sather Space', 'jordan sather 2.0'] PT16M6S 643 6 7 2 not set not set 2018-06-07T14:20:42.000Z qbK2v94GuRU UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐WARNING: Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy Fake!? UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + Ascension Alien "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3) Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Stay out of polarity and WARNING on Eye the Spy. Here's some Ascension updates news for June 6th 2018 ======================== Q anon: Kabamur: Eye the Spy: Article 1: Fever a Natural Way to Reduce Cancer Risk?: Video 1 (Jet Releasing a Drone or UFO mirroring jet then going hypersonic?): You may also like: James Gilliland: Jordan Sather 2.0: WARNING: Q Anon QAnon Eye the Spy UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + 'The Event' & Ascension Alien unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon, eye the spy, jordan sather 2.0" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['unidentified flying object', 'disclosure awakening', 'ufo sightings', 'Ascension Event', 'darius barazandeh', 'ascension', 'UFO the event', 'awakening the event', 'the event update', 'jordan sather', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'octopus alien', 'jordan sather qanon', 'the event new earth', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'eye the spy update', 'eye the spy latest', 'eye the spy new', 'eye the spy news', 'eye the spy fake'] PT19M14S 4215 42 31 8 not set not set 2018-06-12T04:31:09.000Z Z8PRoeWTIJE UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐IMPORTANT N Korea - Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy LIES? UFO Help? Awakening Update + Ascension Alien "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3) Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Stay out of polarity and WARNING on Eye the Spy. Here's some Ascension updates news for June 11th 2018 ======================== Q anon: Kabamur: Eye the Spy: (WARNING at this time I believe its a LARP): The Cheshire Cat (WARNING at this time I believe its a LARP): Collective Evolution (Joe Martino): ======================== You may also like: James Gilliland: Jordan Sather 2.0: WARNING: Q Anon QAnon Eye the Spy UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + 'The Event' & Ascension Alien unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon, eye the spy, jordan sather 2.0 IMPORTANT N Korea - Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy LIES? UFO Help? Awakening Update + Ascension Alien" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['unidentified flying object', 'ufo sightings', 'Ascension Event', 'darius barazandeh', 'ascension', 'UFO the event', 'awakening the event', 'jordan sather', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'eye the spy update', 'eye the spy latest', 'eye the spy new', 'eye the spy news', 'eye the spy fake', 'eyethespy news', 'eyethespy update', 'The Cheshire Cat News', 'TheCheshireCat News', 'jordan sather Q'] PT23M29S 260 7 5 0 not set not set 2018-06-12T13:47:58.000Z LCHdwFrzAjU UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐IMPORTANT N Korea Pt. 2 - Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy FAKE?! UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3) Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Stay out of polarity and WARNING on Eye the Spy. Here's some Ascension updates news for June 11th 2018 ======================== Q anon: Kabamur: Eye the Spy: (WARNING at this time I believe its a LARP): The Cheshire Cat (WARNING at this time I believe its a LARP): Collective Evolution (Joe Martino): ======================== You may also like: James Gilliland: Jordan Sather 2.0: WARNING: Q Anon QAnon Eye the Spy UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + 'The Event' & Ascension Alien unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon, eye the spy, jordan sather 2.0 IMPORTANT N Korea Pt. 2 - Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy FAKE?! UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien" Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['unidentified flying object', 'ufo sightings', 'Ascension Event', 'darius barazandeh', 'ascension', 'UFO the event', 'awakening the event', 'jordan sather', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'eye the spy update', 'eye the spy latest', 'eye the spy new', 'eye the spy news', 'eye the spy fake', 'eyethespy news', 'eyethespy update', 'The Cheshire Cat News', 'TheCheshireCat News', 'jordan sather Q'] PT19M5S 775 8 11 1 not set not set 2018-06-13T18:04:42.000Z id8HBQpYElo UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐NEW Q Anon QAnon | UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien "NOT A GAME" + Meditation for Peace "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3) Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Stay out of polarity and WARNING on Eye the Spy. Here's some Ascension updates news for June 13th 2018 ======================== Q anon: Kabamur: (Mystery Missile Over Washington) Zero Hedge: (Mueller Scambles to Limit Evidence) Collective Evolution (Joe Martino): ======================== You may also like: James Gilliland: Jordan Sather 2.0: WARNING: Q Anon QAnon Eye the Spy UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + 'The Event' & Ascension Alien unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon, eye the spy, jordan sather 2.0 IMPORTANT N Korea Pt. 2 - Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy FAKE?! UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien NEW Q Anon QAnon | UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['ufo sightings', 'darius barazandeh', 'UFO the event', 'jordan sather', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'neo glimmer', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'eye the spy update', 'eye the spy latest', 'eye the spy new', 'eye the spy news', 'eye the spy fake', 'eyethespy news', 'eyethespy update', 'The Cheshire Cat News', 'TheCheshireCat News', 'jordan sather Q', 'jordan sather UFO', 'jordan sather deep state', 'Jordan Sather awakening'] PT27M17S 5138 69 74 8 not set not set 2018-06-14T17:20:10.000Z RlfwNX1CH5k UCvgDYUVaZeY3oqIEQbudeaA ⭐ALL NEW: Q Anon QAnon TODAY | IG Report Awakening Ascension Alien (like jordan sather q news) "⭐Energy Clearing Mp3 - Double the Power of Your Energy Field Mp3) NEW Q Anon QAnon NEWS | UFO Awakening Ascension Alien + HEART Meditation qanon today Are we witnessing a timeline shift on the planet? Stay out of polarity and WARNING on Eye the Spy. Here's some Ascension updates news for June 14th 2018 ======================== WATCH Thrive the Movie: Q anon: Kabamur: ======================== You may also like: James Gilliland: Jordan Sather 2.0: WARNING: Q Anon QAnon Eye the Spy UFO Sightings, Awakening Update + 'The Event' & Ascension Alien unidentified flying object huge new earth light beings ufo sightings the event suzanne spooner teal swan beverly nation Awakening, Jordan Sather, Secret Space Program Alien, octopus alien, Australia UFO, Q, Qanon, Q drop, Qanon, Qannon, eye the spy, jordan sather 2.0 IMPORTANT N Korea Pt. 2 - Q Anon QAnon | Eye the Spy FAKE?! UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien NEW Q Anon QAnon | UFO Help? Awakening Ascension Alien ufo sightings,darius barazandeh,UFO the event,jordan sather,jordan sather qanon,jordan sather alien,jordan sather event,jordan sather secret space,jordan sather qannon,neo glimmer,Jordan Sather UFO,eye the spy update,eye the spy latest,eye the spy new,eye the spy news,eye the spy fake,eyethespy news,eyethespy update,The Cheshire Cat News,TheCheshireCat News,jordan sather Q,jordan sather UFO,jordan sather deep state,Jordan Sather awakening q news q update q new q anon news FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network 22 ['darius barazandeh', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather alien', 'jordan sather event', 'jordan sather secret space', 'jordan sather qannon', 'Jordan Sather UFO', 'eye the spy update', 'eye the spy latest', 'eye the spy news', 'eyethespy update', 'The Cheshire Cat News', 'TheCheshireCat News', 'jordan sather Q', 'jordan sather UFO', 'jordan sather deep state', 'Jordan Sather awakening', 'qanon today', 'ig report qanon', 'qanon new', 'q anon today', 'q anon new', 'q anon news', 'q news', 'q update'] PT22M38S 1678 8 37 3 not set not set 2018-09-20T05:55:33.000Z AQVfcNIKibw UCiEKkldw_BYAeVHGerfWGiA 9月19日 Qanon / Q & A / Are we alone? / Roswell 羅斯威爾 / 登陸月球 / Deep State 恐慌 If you love my channel ,Click subscribe :) thank you! Dark to Light TV 22 ['#Q #Qanon #Et #Roswell #DeepState #Panic'] PT23M59S 52 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T23:31:24.000Z Oxj8CHjarJU UCHZ_rMsRFB1WKIiP2vrHc-g Unirock gets death threats from Q Anon Followers "The followers of Q have become a cult. If you reject Q or try and show followers evidence it is a fraud, they go berserk! It's gone too far and we need to support people exposing the Q scam. Q Followers mass strike channels they label as their enemy, generate lies and slander, and now resort to death threats. Unirock's streaming channel: Unirock's main channel:" darkhosis 25 ['unirock', 'unirock2', 'death threats', 'q anon', 'q anon debunked', '4chan', '8chan', 'q followers', 'unirock gets death threats'] PT14M27S 725 17 43 14 not set not set 2018-01-09T00:42:12.000Z 3e_e5WI_mjg UCqOdHprLVQnHhE8FmIY3Yzg JOSEPH FARRELL: Q ANON: DEEP STATE WIZARD OF ? DARK JOURNALIST "Deep State Trial Balloon/Marketing Op Aimed at Alternative Media? In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell the author of the popular Giza Death Star Book Series. Farrell delves deeply into the online group posts of Q Anon and its rapid spread through the Alternative Media under the guise of an anonymous insider. Farrell Poses the question: Is the Q Anon material just the latest wave of sophisticated disinformation that Catherine Austin Fitts calls ""Hope Porn""? Disinformation Campaign Farrell sees a sophisticated disinformation campaign aimed at the independent research community to create an Imitation Wikileaks style vehicle that will act as an All-knowing Oracle Insider for a variety of important Geopolitical situations. It is apparently designed to propagate the promise of Cabal Arrests and Elites being tried at Gitmo as a kind of Soma to pacify the growing online audience that are raising questions about the actions of the Deep State on a global scale! Don't miss this exciting, informative and alarming Dark Journalist episode!" DarkJournalist 25 ['Joseph Farrell', 'Q Anon', 'Q 4Chan', 'Q 8Chan', 'Dark Journalist', 'President Trump', '#Storm', 'Joseph P Farrell', 'Giza Death Star', 'JFK Files', 'Conspiracy', 'Cabal', 'Coast to Coast AM', 'UFOs', 'Art Bell', 'Catherine Austin Fitts', 'Daniel Liszt', 'Wikileaks', 'Julian Assange', 'Edward Snowden', 'David Wilcock', 'Gaia TV', 'Alternative Media'] PT40M41S 62398 827 1368 152 not set not set 2018-05-08T23:57:55.000Z iRx29TvVCGY UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA 5 REAL Cryptid Sightings! - Darkness Prevails "Cryptids are Unknown Animals that people sight all over the world every day! Have you seen any strange creatures? Darkness Prevails presents these allegedly true stories about cryptid sightings, real cryptid sightings, strange creature sightings, strange animals, strange creatures, weird animals, rare animals, mythical creatures, the rake, the rake creepypasta, real monsters, real monster sightings, true stories, scary stories, creepy stories, true scary stories, creepy true stories, darkness prevails, animal sighting, weird creatures, undiscovered animal, bigfoot sighting, bigfoot, supernatural, paranormal, paranormal stories, bedtime story and more! Enjoy the video :) Keyword rant over! 🎃 Subscribe today! 🔔 Click the notification bell to keep the horror alive! 🧟‍♂️ Watch REAL Monster Sightings and Attacks! 👽 Follow me on twitter! 💀 Follow me on facebook! 👻 Send us your story today! or BUT if you have photo or video evidence, submit your story at Follow me on Instagram for Bonus Episodes about Hundred Word Horror Stories! ✅ Wanna be AMAZING? Buy my shirts and merchandise! ✅ Support me on Patreon!  ✅ Support my channel by shopping here! ✅ Download my app for free! Background Footage courtesy of! Artwork by This episode's sound effects or backgroun d music were created all or in part by: Myuuji - or Epidemic Sound! Go to or Kevin MacLeod from Allegedly True Scary Stories List: 1. White Thing by MBird 2. Creepy Backwoods Experience by Carter Q. 3. Southern Ohio Skinwalker by 4Chan 4. The Creek by Sighting 5. The Beast by Rainy Day 16 About Darkness Prevails: The best creepy youtube channel for nightmare fuel and true scary stories, real ghost stories, true horror stories, real monster sightings, disturbing creepypasta horror stories, subscriber horror stories, strange creature sightings, weird animal encounters, skin walkers or skinwalker sightings, werewolf and dogman sightings, bigfoot and and sasquatch encounters, real ghost sightings, scary stories from reddit and not from reddit, social media true scary stories like facebook and craigslist, and other true scary stories and real horror stories! 5 REAL Cryptid Sightings! - Darkness Prevails Darkness Prevails 24/7 Scary Stories Radio: #ScaryStories #HorrorStories #StoryTime LET'S CHAT ON DISCORD!" Darkness Prevails 24 ['cryptid sightings', 'real cryptid sightings', 'strange creature sightings', 'strange animals', 'strange creatures', 'weird animals', 'rare animals', 'mythical creatures', 'the rake', 'the rake creepypasta', 'real monsters', 'real monster sightings', 'ghost stories', 'dark web', 'skinwalker', 'horror stories', 'krampus', 'monster stories', 'wendigo', 'scary monster', 'werewolf', 'goatman', 'craigslist', 'horror story', 'alien stories', 'mothman', 'haunted', 'witches', 'succubus', 'swamp dweller', 'clancypasta', 'are ghosts real'] PT27M44S 88306 595 3261 108 not set not set 2018-02-19T23:23:44.000Z Kf-t5AFBstE UCNxUvwTMSZa5urwkJeNxDVQ QAnon Hints and Julian Assange is in US Custody 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers Being Tra "8chan: 7 shipping containers being tracked by SEALS and SERT? Not true at all. Also This is Assanges opportunity to drop key files on Hillary Clinton Clintons campaign and the hoax of. JUST IN!! JULIAN ASSANGE AND Q JUST EXPOSED 7 MYSTERIOUS SHIPPING CONTAINERS TRACKED source: April Lajune Kindly subscribe to Top5 Conservatives Breaking News! Julian Assange Exposes 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers. Qanon Follow us on twitter @godlikeproduct2 for live social media interactions." Darlene Signorelli 22 ['Qanon', 'Ecuadorian Embassy', 'London', 'Federal Detention Center', 'FDeltaC', 'Washington', 'Delaware', 'USA'] PT10M22S 360 3 3 1 not set not set 2018-08-23T11:11:30.000Z BBqHbu5SMQU UCc_ID0L5CJO8ERZs8xxBSPw Q You're Witnessing the Largest Mass Treason Event in History " #Qanon #MAGA" David and Dolores 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M16S 294 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-06-15T00:31:49.000Z xaok2-NN_sM UCrR9MktjuIFxjI_Yq_3O9mg NORTH KOREA, MISSILE, TRUMP, Q, QANON, INDICTMENTS - Down the Rabbit Hole - David Hooper - No. 132 "Show No. 132. Aired on June 14, 2018. Today, we discussed Q, Qanon, Trump, FBI, indictments, North Korea, Kim Jong Un, peace summit, historical peace talks, pedophilia, media blackout, God, Jesus, Satan, the Illuminati, spiritual battle in motion, watching Q but NOT ""picking"" sides. Something interesting is happening with Q. Is it the biggest psyop in history, or a counter-move by God? Down the Rabbit Hole (DTRH) is a show in which we discuss everything our mainstream media doesn't. To summarize, we discuss how the real world interfaces with the spiritual world. Our focus is on how organized evil operates, who's behind it and what it means for us. Some might call it a conspiracy show. Others might call it alternative media. Either way, we cover a wide range of topics that link the physical world to the spiritual realm, such as fallen angels, history, particle physics, quantum theory, ancient technology, Qanon, the Bible, CERN, the Illuminati, the New World Order, Jesus, God, Satan, heaven, hell, philosophy, sex, DNA, genetics, biology, cloning, archaeology, giants, the Nephilim, prophecy, Israel, Book of Revelation, Book of Genesis, the Old Testament, the New Testament, space, earth anomalies, Antarctica, the pyramids, symbols, Freemasons, secret societies, historical figures, warnings from history, demons, the devil, satanists, Luciferians, history of war, WWII, Nazis, aliens, UFOs, E.T., demons, the great flood, predictive programming, MKULTRA, mind control, the CIA, the stars, probability and statistics, sacred geometry, physics, politics, hidden knowledge, advanced technology, covert military operations, the Knights Templar, royal bloodlines, the Vatican, the Federal Reserve, the central banks, Greek mythology, the Romans, the Tower of Babel, the Babylonians, the Middle East, Annunaki, rebellion in heaven, the watchers, lost history, JFK, Sandy Hook, 9/11, NASA, media control, deception, crisis actors, the gospel, salvation, and much more. We cover fascinating topics they never taught us in school, never covered on mainstream media, and not usually discussed at parties. Down the Rabbit Hole has a rotating cast of folks from all walks of life like CEOs, lawyers, engineers, researchers, filmmakers, politicians, scientists, and musicians. Led by ""The Daves"" (Dave Hooper and Dave Debiasi), with Howard on the board, the show features Tony Domas, Theresa Marie, Jonathan Kasprzyk, and Cathryn Neracher on a regular basis. is an alternative media and information site in which you can listen to alternative radio shows, watch documentaries, read articles, and find information about alternative theories. The site is about ""how to think,"" not ""what to think.""" David Hooper 27 ['Trump', 'Qanon', 'anon', '4chan', '8chan', 'Kim', 'jong', 'un', 'korea', 'north korea', 'nuclear', 'weapons', 'disarm', 'denuclearization', 'peace', 'missile', 'attack', 'fake', 'news', 'god', 'jesus', 'satan', 'spiritual', 'war', 'hooper', 'down', 'rabbit', 'hole', 'anatomy', 'great', 'deception', 'conspiracy', 'rigged', 'media', 'msm', 'lies', 'debiasi', 'genpop', 'genpopmedia', 'agd', 'agdmovie', 'president', 'witch', 'hunt', 'robert', 'deniro', 'kate', 'spade', 'anthony', 'bourdain'] PT1H42M25S 300 0 8 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T10:08:54.000Z iWrDzsVcf0I UC7wKpYn3K9pzHo9gx3y7DgQ Q The Plan To Save The World This is the best video I've seen to explain Q, Qanon, The Great Awakening, and The Golden Age. If you want to learn more about it, the most comprehensive site I've seen is It has the actual Q Posts, Players, Global Themes, Elite Resignations and Deaths, Executive orders, Human Trafficking Arrests, and Sealed Indictments. I get frustrated at times by the lack of high profile arrests, but I'm going to keep up with it until 11-11-18 which is President Trump's Military Parade in Washington DC. I've read that people will be awake and the Republic restored by then. Here is a link to the Trump Campaign Video that sums up what the Military and President Trump are trying to accomplish. If you really want to understand the plan you need to watch it. David Jones 25 not set PT13M9S 675 2 17 1 not set not set 2018-05-26T06:31:57.000Z 1eqVKFSaFvE UCn3bApQz8fP8M_VFxWmzVSQ WHO'S BEHIND Q-ANON??? AMAZING SURF 5-25-2018 "" david poehler 27 ['Q-anon', 'Whos the enemy'] PT2H33S 39 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-30T15:36:39.000Z pZ7aD3CRy10 UCH7-pX7RFQOktHl5o-3YOmA Q - The Plan to Save the World David Shirley 19 not set PT13M9S 17 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-08T00:29:50.000Z FFYeD0oOA90 UCCvmriZwByxe09CTQrNoYeA The Q-Anon - ISIS Connection Qanon is controlled opposition and it's not hard to make the connection back to the Freemasons. Daylight Riders 27 not set PT30M46S 2355 72 93 7 not set not set 2018-06-22T03:55:29.000Z m-CUoN9ufhg UC-_N3f3ZkdGh1Z2nj57ujNw The END is here - Peter Fonda MASS RIOTS - FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT "The War-Drummer: IIIIIIIIIII To support this channel on patreon, please click this link: IIIIIIIIIIIII Here is a link to the store if you want a Tshirt: Or, if you'd like to give one time on PAYPAL click here: If you want to learn the best method for reading and studying God's Word, click here: If you'd like a copy of my novel Moon in the Mist - Sleep Swimming click here: To follow The War Drummer please visit me on: My wife has written a beautiful Bible study for women called: Painting the Psalms: Peace in the midst of fear, anxiety, and insecurity. Here is the link if you are interested: ___________________ To follow The War Drummer please visit me on: Twitter: Gab: Facebook: ________________________________________________________ #qanon #wherewegoonewegoall #wwg1wga" Deacon TV 27 ['qanon', 'qanon neon revolt', 'neon revolt qanon', 'qanon the end', '#wwg1wga', 'qanon -jerome', 'peter fonda bad guy', 'New Qanon posts', 'qanon posts jerome corsi', 'new qanon posts', 'new qanon drop', 'peter fonda', 'peter fonda barron trump', 'peter fonda arrested', 'peter fonda to be arrested', 'q anon update today', 'q anon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'new qanon posts today', 'qanon posts today youtube', 'peter fonda tweet', 'peter fonda anti trump', '#qanon 2 witnesses regarding scalia', 'qanon posts latest'] PT23M22S 74922 443 3421 55 not set not set 2018-06-28T05:12:08.000Z -AvmjesdbFc UC-_N3f3ZkdGh1Z2nj57ujNw New Q drops - prtA - 1589 - 1596 Are you awake? July 2018 the month the world discovers the TRUTH "The War-Drummer: To support this channel on patreon, please click this link: Or, if you'd like to give one time through paypal click here: If you want to learn the best method for reading and studying God's Word, click here: To purchase a copy of the Q army theme song: Where We Go One click here: If you'd like a copy of my novel Moon in the Mist - Sleep Swimming click here: Also, on my amazon author page there are other books: My wife has written a beautiful Bible study for women called: Painting the Psalms: Peace in the midst of fear, anxiety, and insecurity. Here is the link if you are interested: ___ To follow The War Drummer please visit me on: Twitter: Gab: Facebook: ________________________________________________________" Deacon TV 27 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon neon revolt', 'q proofs', 'Qanon posts', 'new Q posts'] PT34M6S 16740 44 592 6 not set not set 2018-06-28T05:18:59.000Z 6P6eixOtmPE UC-_N3f3ZkdGh1Z2nj57ujNw Violence coming - Be vigilant - 7/2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH "Qanon - this is part B - posts 1596 - 1610 The War-Drummer: To support this channel on patreon, please click this link: Or, if you'd like to give one time through paypal click here: If you want to learn the best method for reading and studying God's Word, click here: To purchase a copy of the Q army theme song: Where We Go One click here: If you'd like a copy of my novel Moon in the Mist - Sleep Swimming click here: Also, on my amazon author page there are other books: My wife has written a beautiful Bible study for women called: Painting the Psalms: Peace in the midst of fear, anxiety, and insecurity. Here is the link if you are interested: _______________________________________________________ To follow The War Drummer please visit me on: Twitter: Gab: Facebook: ________________________________________________________" Deacon TV 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q corsi', 'q drops', 'the storm', 'q posts', 'new q', 'who is q', 'violence comeing', 'be viligent'] PT28M18S 11360 67 496 4 not set not set 2018-06-24T09:25:15.000Z PsM-2hrdIQ8 UCLyaGaRmw_UMkL5MirE-mUQ Dead Rabbit Radio - EP 09 - Don't Believe The Hype "Today we learn rappers can be killed in broad daylight by demons who drive cars, that some people take 4chan too seriously, and that if you tell your superiors you chased a tic tac through the sky they might think you are crazy. LINKS: QAnon Overview Hoover Dam Blocked Off By Deluded Man Video From Inside The Armored Car Tic Tac AAVs Evade US Military Alien Code Movie Trailer Listen to the daily podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts! ------------------------------------------------ Email: Twitter: @JasonOCarpenter Paranormal, Conspiracy, and True Crime news as it happens! Jason Carpenter breaks the stories they'll be talking about tomorrow, assuming the world doesn't end today." Dead Rabbit Radio 23 ['OIG report', 'xxxtentacion demon', 'crimes', 'xxxtentacion murder drake', 'dead rabbit', 'podbean', 'sex', 'conspiracy', 'ufo', 'Carpenter', 'us navy', 'Jason', 'dead rabbit radio', 'xxxtentacion', 'governent cover up', 'paranormal', 'xxxtentacion occult'] PT30M7S 213 0 7 1 not set not set 2018-03-12T09:57:08.000Z Q-F-1pu6t9M UCFhQ3e9rvUsr6XmpKA94KtA QANON AUSTRALIA CF Donations DebInfo 22 not set PT49S 585 16 11 0 not set not set 2018-08-13T16:00:06.000Z T8GVeLXu3o8 UCd9anQOvLtXzUEvVsaZXOVg 10 REASONS QANON MIGHT BE REAL (2018) "In this list, we’re going to look at 10 REASONS QANON MIGHT BE REAL. To prepare this list, we reviewed every single one of Q’s 1800+ postings with an open mind. Let’s just say there are MORE than a few instances where Q seems to have information before the public. Proofs or mere coincidences? Is Qanon real? Or is Q the Greatest LARP of all time (a.k.a. The GLOAT)... PHOTO SOURCES: MUSIC USED: Song: Escape from the Temple Artist: Per Kiilstofte Music used: Escape from the Temple by Per Kiilstofte Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ( *** Music used: The Land Of The Wizard by Machinimasound Link to the website - Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License | *** Song: End Game Artist: Per Kiilstofte Music used: End Game by Per Kiilstofte Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ( *** Artist: Whitesand Song: Glory Download/Stream: *** Song: Dystopia Artist: Per Kiilstofte Music used: Dystopia by Per Kiilstofte Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (" Decagon TV 27 ['reasons qanon might be real', 'qanon', 'donald trump', 'q anon', 'current events', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon update', 'q-anon', '#qanon', 'twitter', '8chan', 'decagon', 'decagontv', '', 'decagon tv', 'top 10', 'lists', 'qanon proof', 'qanon proofs', 'q proofs', 'q anon proofs', 'qanon might be real', 'is q anon real', 'greatest larp of all time', 'proof q anon is real'] PT9M49S 90203 822 2577 147 not set not set 2018-04-16T01:53:41.000Z Kj2nvbqtlsg UCueLJ4vLHTwMpYILmdBjRlg Tax Season Over! - Giveaways - HODL HAT!, XRP Talk, POW vs POS, Qanon, Updates! "💰Get on the Waiting List ★ // GET THE APPS 💰 Social Exchange - 🚀 Market Cap - 💥 Stay Woke - 📚 Free Email Course - // GET STARTED 🚀 Become a Cryptonaut - Support us on 💻 Join us at the PUB! - 💰Get a Coinbase Wallet! - - Sign up! // WE DO SOCIAL 🔑 Decentralized Newsletter - 📔 Twitter - 💻 Google+ - ✏️ LinkedIn - 💻 Medium - Note: This is not financial advice as all investing is speculative. Have fun and good luck!" Decentralized TV Powered by YEN 24 ['blockchain', 'bitcoin', 'btc', 'cryptocurrency', 'peter saddington', 'bitcoin news', 'cryptocurrency news', 'blockchain news', 'decentralized', 'john saddington', 'bitcoin live stream', 'live stream'] PT1H15M57S 6197 42 374 16 not set not set 2018-10-08T20:10:07.000Z Q02Dxt7ph84 UCueLJ4vLHTwMpYILmdBjRlg LEE CAMP INTERVIEW! - Why MSM is Failing, Thoughts on Crypto, Qanon, Comedy Special & More! "💰Get on the Waiting List ★ Peter & Lee Camp! // GET THE APPS 💰 Social Exchange - 🚀 Market Cap - 💥 Stay Woke - 📚 Free Email Course - // GET STARTED 🚀 Become a Cryptonaut - Support us on 💻 Join us at the PUB! - 💰Get a Coinbase Wallet! - - Sign up! // WE DO SOCIAL 🔑 Decentralized Newsletter - 📔 Twitter - 💻 Google+ - ✏️ LinkedIn - 💻 Medium - Music by Charles Giovanniello, a Bitcoin Pub community member! Note: This is not financial advice as all investing is speculative. Have fun and good luck!" Decentralized TV Powered by YEN 25 ['blockchain', 'bitcoin', 'btc', 'cryptocurrency', 'peter saddington', 'bitcoin news', 'cryptocurrency news', 'blockchain news', 'decentralized', 'john saddington', 'yen', '', 'cryptoexchange'] PT27M40S 1079 25 67 4 not set not set 2017-11-15T03:39:33.000Z iuQQ1wmuHTo UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-ANON- ALARMING In Depth Analysis "PLEASE GO TO UPDATED VIDEO - RE-RECORDED DUE TO LOW AUDIO LEVEL On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Q-Anon posted in the “Politically Incorrect” forum on 4chan. His cryptic posts drew wide attention after he correctly predicted Trumps twitter going down and correctly foretold the days that Podesta and Huma would be indicted. On November 6th Q posted the following Nothing is random everything has meaning +++ Q Seven minutes later, Trump tweeted the following: My trip to Japan and my visit with PM Abe. Massive military & Energy orders happening +++! This led many to draw a connection between the poster “Q” who claims he is in the middle of a war against factions within the United States and President Donald Trump. If this is in fact Donald Trump making these posts then we have reason to be very concerned. If you want continued analysis on topics such as these and how they tie in to the subject of Dominionism, false doctrine, and the New Apostolic Reformation, please consider supporting me via PayPal. PayPal: Book: A View Beneath (mishel McCumber) available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Donald Trump', 'Trump', '4chan', 'POL', 'politics', 'politically incorrect', 'mishel mccumber', 'deception bytes', 'dominionism', 'fascism', 'totalitarianism', 'Q-Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Hilary Clinton', 'New Apostolic Reformation', 'NAR', 'Apostolic', 'Prophetic', 'Rick Joyner', 'Patriots', 'Patriotism'] PT1H30M13S 48189 0 435 82 not set not set 2017-11-16T04:08:48.000Z 6EfrFw-NcMs UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-ANON- (ONE) Alarming In-Depth Analysis- Time to Worry? "On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Q-Anon posted in the “Politically Incorrect” forum on 4chan. His cryptic posts drew wide attention after he correctly predicted Trumps twitter going down and correctly foretold the days that Podesta and Huma would be indicted. On November 6th Q posted the following Nothing is random everything has meaning +++ Q Seven minutes later, Trump tweeted the following: My trip to Japan and my visit with PM Abe. Massive military & Energy orders happening +++! This led many to draw a connection between the poster “Q” who claims he is in the middle of a war against factions within the United States and President Donald Trump. If this is in fact Donald Trump making these posts then we have reason to be very concerned. If you want continued analysis on topics such as these and how they tie in to the subject of Dominionism, false doctrine, and the New Apostolic Reformation, please consider supporting me via PayPal. PayPal: Book: A View Beneath (Mishel McCumber) available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Donald Trump', 'huma', 'hillary', 'clintons', '4chan', 'Q-clearance', 'Q-Anon', '+++', 'President Trump', 'False Flag', 'Politically Incorrect', 'dominionism', 'NAR', 'Clintons', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Podesta', 'Weiner', 'ANTIFA', 'Saudi Arabia', 'North Korea', 'Jeff Sessions', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Millitary', 'National Guard', 'insurrection', 'Millitary Intelligence'] PT1H19M32S 122052 1054 1714 141 not set not set 2017-11-16T08:19:43.000Z Vfhxs3tZojY UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4chan's Q-Anon +++ In-Depth Analysis (Part TWO) "PART II On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Q-Anon posted in the forum on 4chan. His cryptic posts drew wide attention after he correctly predicted Trumps twitter going down and correctly foretold the days that Podesta and Huma would be indicted. On November 6th Q posted the following Nothing is random everything has meaning +++ Q Seven minutes later, Trump tweeted the following: My trip to Japan and my visit with PM Abe. Massive military & Energy orders happening +++! This led many to draw a connection between the poster “Q” who claims he is in the middle of a war against factions within the United States, and President Donald Trump. If this is, in fact, Donald Trump posting on 4chan then we have reason to be very concerned. If you want continued analysis on topics such as these and want to know how they tie in to the subject of Dominionism, false doctrine, and the New Apostolic Reformation, please consider supporting me via PayPal. PayPal: Book: A View Beneath (Mishel McCumber) available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'military', 'military intelligence', 'dominionism', 'NAR', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'SAP', 'White House', 'Huma', 'Podesta', 'Pedo', 'Pedophile', 'email', 'Hillary', 'HRC', 'q-anon', 'Q-clearance', 'patriot', 'National Guard', 'Marines', 'coup', 'military coup', 'saudi arabia', 'uranium', 'treason', 'insurrection', 'bad actors', 'Paula White', 'Rick Joyner', 'Apostolic', 'prophetic', 'fascism', 'totalitarianism', 'NWO', 'deep state'] PT1H5M41S 36537 426 447 81 not set not set 2017-11-17T05:18:21.000Z XovRiDKuBiM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-ANON (THREE) Hilary Stole the DNC- Alarming Video of Hillary and Huma "PART II On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Q-Anon posted in the forum on 4chan. His cryptic posts drew wide attention after he correctly predicted Trumps twitter going down and correctly foretold the days that Podesta and Huma would be indicted. This is the third of what may be many vidoes providing in-depth analysis. Today's video includes revelations that Hillary stole the DNC and she instructed Huma to remove security clearance markings from her emails so she could send them to her home email. Additionally a sex tape involving Huma, Hillary, and an underage girl has surfaced. We also learn that Obama's dealings with Saudi Arabia are highly suspicious and that his administration did nothing to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons in North Korea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want continued analysis on topics such as these and want to know how they tie in to the subject of Dominionism, false doctrine, and the New Apostolic Reformation, please consider supporting me via PayPal. PayPal: Book: A View Beneath (Mishel McCumber) available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['huma', 'hillary', 'DNC', 'republican', 'GOP', 'dominionism', 'Q-ANON', '4chan', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Mishel McCumber', 'DeceptionBytes', 'Deception Bytes', 'Clintons', 'Saudi Arabia', 'oil', 'military coup', 'military intelligence', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'DI', 'SCI', 'SCI[F]', 'coup', 'treason', 'North Korea', 'North Korea Nuclear Deal', 'sex tape', 'Huma Hillary', 'Weiner', 'pedo', 'pedophile', 'satanic', 'luciferian', 'Knights of Malta', 'Jesuits', 'Conspiracy'] PT52M33S 27205 232 353 33 not set not set 2017-11-18T00:56:37.000Z 5ml_dptgpZI UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-Anon (Part FOUR) In-Depth Analysis- URANIUM-GATE "Q- Anon Posts Part IV - please see previous videos. Q drops bombshell intel Deception Bytes Paypal: Book: The View Beneath on" DeceptionBytes 25 ['donald trump', 'president', 'POTUS', 'Barack Obama', 'Obama', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Military Intelligence', 'SCI[F]', 'SCI', 'SAP', 'security clearance', 'Hillary', 'HRC', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Russia', 'Uranium', 'Uranium One', 'Iran', 'Iran Nuclear', 'Russia Reset', 'MSM', 'Q-anon', '4chan', 'politically incorrect', 'coup\\', 'counter coup', 'President Trump', 'jeff Sessions', 'Huma', 'Donna', 'Podesta', 'pedo', 'pedo ring', '+++', '++', 'Alice & Wonderland', 'Patriots', 'Constitution', 'Mishel', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT44M21S 10771 128 192 7 not set not set 2017-11-18T09:29:47.000Z leniBMJUp58 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g In-Depth Analysis Q-ANON (Part FIVE) The Leaks "Continuing on from the last video with Q-Anon's posts Paypal: BOOK: The View Beneath (available on Amazon)" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Donald Trump', 'President Trump', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Barack Obama', 'BO', 'Q-anon', 'Q Clearance', 'John McCain', 'Clintons', 'HRC', 'Hillary', 'Huma', 'Muslim Brotherhood', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Snowden', 'Alice & Wonderland', 'coup', 'counter coup', 'Millitary', 'Millitary Intelligence', 'John Podesta', 'Pizza Gate', 'Pedo', 'satan', 'satanism', 'Luciferianism', 'NWO', 'Soros', 'Iran', 'Nuclear', 'Uranium', 'weapons', 'terrorism', 'North Korea', 'China', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'Abedin', 'Clinon Foundation', 'Obama Foundation', 'Jeff Sessions'] PT51M14S 19087 319 279 11 not set not set 2017-11-18T23:36:59.000Z TYRpvcO1bsM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-Anon (Part SIX) Podesta tied to Madeline McCaan Disappearance "Continued in-depth analysis of Q-Anon's 4chan posts. This is part VII and looks at one particular post that is packed with juicy intel. PayPal: Book: The View Beneath by Mishel McCumber /available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['hillary', 'John Podesta', 'Tony Podesta', 'Tony Podesta Art', 'Pedo', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Palestine', 'Israel', 'Trump', 'Donal Trump', 'President Trump', 'C-level', 'Q-Anon', 'Q-clearance', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Indictment', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Obama Foundation', 'Soros', 'George Soros', 'TSA', 'Homeland Security', 'Pizza gate', 'drain the swamp', 'huma', 'Hillary email', 'Jared Kushner', 'AF1', 'asia', 'Russia', 'Russian interference', 'democrats', 'republicans', 'breaking news', 'Mishel', 'Deception Bytes', 'Mishel McCumber', '4chan', 'coup', 'Madeline McCann'] PT52M36S 23158 226 358 25 not set not set 2017-11-19T02:58:31.000Z k1Z316ShHVw UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g PLANE CRASH- Did Q-Anon Have Lord Jacob Rothchild Killed? "Q-ANON posted the following on Monday November 17 (4Chan) (Mon 13 Nov 2017 11:04:46) Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing. Q On Friday there was a planecrash on Rothchild`s estate and many believe that Lord Jacob Rothchild was killed in that crash. Was Q responsible or is it just a coincidence? DeceptionBytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath/ Mishel McCumber / available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Rothchild', 'Plane crash', 'Q-Anon', 'Lord Rothchild', 'Buckinghamshire', 'Jacob Rothchild', 'aircraft', 'Israel', 'Balfour Declaration', 'NWO', 'New World Order', 'Banking', 'elite', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'millitary coup', 'Rothchild banking', '4th Baron Rothchild', 'Cesna 152', 'Helicopter', '4chan', 'Q clearance', 'Waddeston Estate', 'Wycombe Air Park'] PT15M18S 140450 689 1381 169 not set not set 2017-11-20T22:34:38.000Z AhhE53XNMLo UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-ANON In-Depth Analysis (Part SEVEN) Clintons Funded ISIS "Continuing on with Q-ANON's cyrptic post. In these particular posts we find that this notorious jihadist group, ISIS, is created largely with money from people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation. PayPal: Book: A View Beneath by Mishel McCumber - available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Clinton', 'Clinton Foundation', 'ISIS', 'ISIL', 'Terrorism', 'Q-Clearance', 'Q-anon', 'Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'President Trump', '4chan', 'HRC', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Qatar', 'Aramco', 'Saudi Aramco', 'IPO', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Alice and Wonderland', 'Wonderland', 'Obama', 'White House', 'China', 'Counter Coup', 'Coup', 'Millitary Intelligence', 'HUMA', 'Pay for play', 'weapons', 'North Korea', 'terrorism', 'Palestine', 'Palestinian', 'Mishel', 'Deception Bytes', 'In Depth Analysis', 'State secrets', 'Jess Sessions'] PT1H5M6S 9358 260 180 13 not set not set 2017-11-25T04:10:18.000Z 8P6EhtV8MyY UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part EIGHT) Loose Ends & Alarming Allegations "Continuing on with 4Chan's Q-Anon's post. Here we look at tying up some loose ends and alarming allegations. Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes PayPal: ( will work for coffee!) Book: The View Beneath by Mishel McCumber - available on Amazon." DeceptionBytes 25 ['Haiti', 'clinton foundation', 'bill clinton', 'hillary clinton', 'UN', 'haiti relief', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'DNC', 'Seth Rich', 'bloody wonderland', 'saudi arabia', 'lewis carroll', 'snowwhite', 'Godfather III', 'Snowden', 'state secrets', 'q-clearance', 'Q-anon', '4chan', 'MS13', 'ISIS', 'Shawn Lucas', 'Obama', 'James Comey', 'Mueller', 'Secret Service', 'SS', 'AG Sessions', 'Breadcrumbs', 'POTUS', 'Snow White', 'The Great Awakening', 'BO', 'drug cartels', 'illegal immigration', 'coup', 'counter coup', 'ballistic', 'disinformation', 'distraction', 'MSM'] PT1H4M19S 27094 315 489 26 not set not set 2017-11-27T02:04:47.000Z 8TcnaTkxmck UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-anon (Part NINE) What Happened? "Continuing on with Q-Anon's post a look at who is behind the Las Vegas Shooting. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Book: The View Beneath - Mishel McCumber- available on Amazon PayPal- buy me a coffee!! I work for caffeine :)" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Las Vegas', 'Mandalay Bay', 'Stephen Paddock', 'Prince MBS', 'Mohammed Bin Salman', 'Al-Waleed Bin Talal', 'Bill Gates', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Seth Rich', 'Ms13', 'Shooting', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Four Seasons Hotel', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'John McCain', 'Obama', 'Tropicana', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Rouge', 'AF1', 'Wiki Leaks', 'dead witnesses', 'Twitter', 'Route 91', 'victims', 'NSA', 'coup', 'counter-coup', 'POTUS', 'ISIS', 'Al Queda', 'pay for play', 'Bill Clinton', 'Q-Anon', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT53M4S 39972 357 621 52 not set not set 2017-11-29T01:11:43.000Z ClMwt4JBHz0 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TEN) Who Owns/Controls The Media "We continue on with part X of 4chan's Q-Anon's posts. Who controls the media? Now, who really controls the media. PayPal: (will work for coffee) Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes Book: A View Beneath by Mishel McCumber- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['CNN', 'anderson Cooper', 'Vanderbuilt', 'George Soros', 'Soros', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Twitter', 'AOL', 'Clinton Foundation', 'McCain Institute', 'Muslim Brotherhood', 'HUMA', 'Al Waleed Bin Talal', 'Prince', 'Saudi Arabia', 'SA', 'Saudi purge', 'Open Society Foundation', 'censorship', 'News Corp', 'Time Warner', 'Islam', 'Islamists', 'Islamophobia', 'media mogul', 'crown prince', 'private helicopter', 'puppet masters', 'Alwaleed', 'MGM', 'Las Vegas'] PT1H1M41S 22518 303 432 24 not set not set 2017-12-01T03:49:16.000Z JB4yJq50Vv0 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part ELEVEN) More Allegations ..Who Do THEY Worship? "This is part X of 4Chan's Q-Anon posts and is a continuation of the last 9 videos. Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes PayPal- Book: A View Beneath by Mishel McCumber - available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Marina Abermovic', 'spirit cooking', 'blood', 'john podesta', 'tony podesta', 'Podesta Brothers', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Queen Elizabeth', 'Freemasonry', 'Satanism', 'Luciferianism', 'Princess Diana', 'Fabian Society', 'Chelsea Clinton', 'Mayor Sadiq Khan', 'Dodi Al Fayed', 'bloodlines', 'M16', 'murder', 'diana car crash', 'pedophile', 'Q-Anon', '4Chan', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', 'Q Clearance', 'President Trump', 'Merkel', 'Donald Trump'] PT1H3M35S 19667 410 465 21 not set not set 2017-12-04T05:08:16.000Z mAaWRMHV8ig UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWELVE) Alarming Connections "A continuation of an in-depth look at the 4chan Q-Anon posts. Here, we look at the fact that Obama was groomed for his presidency and his education was paid for by Khalid al-Mansour top advisor to Prince Alwaleed bin-Talal who has ties to terrorism. Mishel McCumber- DeceptionBytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath by Mishel McCumber- available on Amazon." DeceptionBytes 25 ['Obama', 'HUMA', 'Harvard University Muslim Association', 'Kingdom Foundatio', 'Saudi royal family', 'Prince Alwaleed bin Talal', 'Khalid al-Mansour', 'hillary Clinton', 'George Soros', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Jared Kushner', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Q-Anon', '4chan', 'Saudi Purge', 'POTUS', 'Flotus', 'Twitter', 'coup', 'counter coup', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'UN'] PT45M44S 67218 683 1048 51 not set not set 2017-12-06T01:22:45.000Z YQwhwl7gVGE UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-Anon 4Chan Posts (Part THIRTEEN) More Connections "Continuing on with the 4Chan Q-anon posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath by Mishel McCumber- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Prince Al Waleed bin Talal', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Bin Laden', 'Saudi purge', 'HUMA', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Barack Obama', 'Fareed Zakaria', 'post american world', 'Harvard University', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Bush', 'George Bust', '911', 'Osama Bin Laden', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Q-anon', '4chan', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', 'Marina Abermovick', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'POTUS', 'FLOTUS', 'WhiteHouse', 'NSA', 'Podesta', 'ISIS', 'Muslim', 'Islam'] PT35M31S 15311 220 319 15 not set not set 2017-12-06T05:27:18.000Z 4IiTSUDaJWU UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part FOURTEEN) Even MORE Connections "Continuing on with 4chan's Q Anon Posts- in depth discussion Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath by Mishel McCumber- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Prince Al Waleed bin Talal', 'assasination', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Afghanistan', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Bush Foundation', 'Saudi Purge', 'money launderiing', 'q-clearance', 'Q-anon', '4chan', 'Pol', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'FLOTUS', 'Whitehouse', 'DC', 'Podesta', 'HUMA', 'money laundering', 'human trafficking', 'pedophiles', 'Barack Obama', 'BO', 'Harvard University', 'Mishel McCumber', 'deception Bytes', 'CIA', 'Al-Qaeda', 'ISIS', 'Muslim Brotherhood', 'Yemen', 'Weapons', 'War on Terror', '9-11', 'twin towers'] PT50M30S 16703 185 303 16 not set not set 2017-12-07T03:42:03.000Z dVuuMSGUWFA UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part FIFTEEN) Allegations and Connections "Continuing on with 4Chan Q-anon's posts. If you like the video consider sending me a coffee via paypal!! PayPal: Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Book: A View Beneath -available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Bush Foundation', 'Obama', 'Barack Obama', 'ISIS', 'ISIL', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'POTUS', 'FLOTUS', 'WhiteHouse', 'Washington', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'Snowden', 'Wiki-leaks', 'off-shore banking', 'money laundering', 'fast and furious', 'FED', 'AG Sessions', 'Podesta', 'Qatar', 'Yemen', 'Saudi Arabia', 'House of Saud'] PT42M51S 16151 147 349 20 not set not set 2017-12-08T03:42:06.000Z 7F_Zl9qqfZk UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part SIXTEEN) The Love of Money "Continuing on with 4Chan's Q-Anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath - available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['President Trump', 'Whitehouse', 'POTUS', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Soros', 'Rothchilds', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Q-clearance', 'Q-anon', 'Snowden', 'NSA', 'Snow white', 'godfather III', 'hillary Clinton', 'voting machines', 'election rigging', 'democrats', 'republicans', 'Robert Byrd', 'KKK', 'Confederacy', 'racism', 'slavery', 'voter ID', 'illegal aliens', 'MS13', 'Muslim Brotherhood', 'ISIS', 'ISIL', 'Islam', 'Islamic', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Bush Foundation', 'McCain Institute', 'weapons', 'ICBM', 'North Korea', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Barack Obama', 'BO', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', '4Chan', 'Q-Anon'] PT45M41S 7062 208 197 7 not set not set 2017-12-08T04:42:50.000Z _Nx-LRr5InM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part SEVENTEEN) Eye of Providence? "Continuting on with 4Chan- Q-Anon's posts. Mishel McCumber- Decception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Epstein', 'Great Awakening', 'Rothchild', 'Prince Al Waleed bin Talal', 'Saudi Arabia', 'HUMA', 'BO', 'Prince Mohammad bin Salman', 'ISIS', 'ISIL', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Bill Clinton', 'Lolita Express', 'Epstein Island', 'pedophilia', 'House of Saud', 'Soros', 'eye of providence', 'new world order', 'eye', 'triangle', 'satan', 'lucifer', 'slush funds', 'moloch', 'Baal', 'temple', 'bloodlines', 'Vladimir Putin', 'Prince Andrew', 'Alan Dershowitz', 'Kevin Spacey', 'Donald Trump', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Snowden', 'Snow white', 'Iraq', 'Iran'] PT40M39S 16161 223 351 11 not set not set 2017-12-08T23:10:02.000Z nIm3iAHMD2I UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-ANON ( Part EIGHTEEN) Deep State Crumbling "Mishel McCumber-Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['House Judiciary Committee', 'oversight hearing', 'Peter Strzok', 'anti-trump', 'trump dossier', 'pro clinton bias', 'Russian investigation', 'President Trump', 'POTUS', 'Fusion GPS', 'Mike Flynn', 'Mueller', 'James Jordan', 'Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s', 'comey', 'FBI', 'Cheryl Mills', 'Huma Abedin', 'Clinton emails', 'Christopher Steele', 'FISA', 'DNC', 'Clinton Campaign', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', 'White House', 'British Intelligence', 'fake news'] PT20M6S 9979 102 362 6 not set not set 2017-12-14T03:11:06.000Z JoJhPvT22_k UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-Anon 4Chan Posts (Part NINETEEN) "Continuing on with 4Chan Q-Anon's posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Paypal: Book: The View Beneath - available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['NWO', 'New World Order', 'House of Saud', 'Rothchilds', 'soros', 'POTUS', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'NK', 'North Korea', 'China', 'Forbidden City', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', 'Jason Bourne', 'CIA', 'Dream/CIA', 'Zuckerburg', 'Russia', 'Keystone', 'Oil', 'coup', 'saudi purge', '+++', '4chan', '8chan', 'Q-anon', 'Q-clearance', 'NSA', 'Snowden', 'Snow white', 'fantasy land', 'donald trump', 'obama', 'conspiracy', 'MBS', 'Yemen', 'Hamas', 'ISIS', 'Osama', 'Trump'] PT1H8M41S 19544 333 546 15 not set not set 2017-12-15T05:30:30.000Z zSwcJF8YqCE UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-A) "Continuing on with 4chan's Q-Anon's posts Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes Hey, buy me a coffee? PayPal: Atona Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['NWO', 'rothchilds', 'rockefellers', 'Chancellor', 'Germany', 'Austria', 'Hitler', 'Benjamin Guggenheim', 'Isa Strauss', 'David Astor', 'Titanic', 'Iceberg', 'bloodlines', 'Nazis Germany', 'WWII', 'EU', 'Israel', 'Albert Pike', 'illuminati', 'pyramid', 'Vatican', 'Alois Hitler', 'Vatican Concordat', '4chan', '8chan', 'Q-Anon', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT49M45S 7900 151 287 18 not set not set 2017-12-15T19:52:47.000Z 03w7yWEKrXc UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-B) Do We Have it Wrong? "Continuing on with 4chan's Q-Anon's posts Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes Hey, buy me a coffee? PayPal: Atona Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['1912', 'Q-Anon', 'Q-Clearance', '4Chan', 'olympic', 'iceberg', 'sheep', 'Snow White', 'Isa Strauss', 'Jason Bourne', 'Deception Bytes', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Benjamin Guggenheim', 'JP Morgan'] PT48M39S 15496 356 428 53 not set not set 2017-12-21T00:09:18.000Z 4k0wIVtxqtM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-ONE) More Information "Continuing on with the 4chan's q-anon's posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PAYPAL: Book: The View Beneath- available on Amazon LINK TO INDICTMENTS" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4chan', 'Q-Anon', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', 'Donald Trump', 'POTUS', 'Trump'] PT1H3M7S 11844 315 347 16 not set not set 2017-12-21T05:52:17.000Z 4Eu9RZ-7iMU UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-TWO) More Revealed "Continuing on with an in-depth analysis of 4Chan's Q-Anon Posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4chan', 'Q-anon', 'President Trump', 'POTUS', 'Air Force One', 'Deception Bytes', 'Mishel McCumber'] PT1H1M57S 9859 327 314 12 not set not set 2017-12-23T01:23:25.000Z vs8IJghehEM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-THREE) The Jaw-Dropping World of Q "Continuing on with an in-depth analysis of 4Chan's Q-Anon Posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 not set PT1H7M28S 13660 269 359 9 not set not set 2017-12-26T03:42:18.000Z apXLY4oltcM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-ANON (Part TWENTY-FOUR) TWITTER-GATE Continuing on with 4chan's Q-anon posts DeceptionBytes 25 ['POTUS', '4chan', 'Q-Anon', 'President Trump', 'TWITTER'] PT33M2S 12851 200 367 17 not set not set 2017-12-27T05:40:48.000Z NEsOeW2S1nM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-Anon Posts (Part TWENTY-FIVE) "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: BOOK: The View Beneath- Available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Q-anon'] PT51M52S 12910 198 355 9 not set not set 2017-12-28T04:58:03.000Z hUbaVSad3c8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-Anon 8Chan Posts (Part TWENTY SIX) The Big Picture "Continuing on with 8chan's Q-Anon Posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['q-Anon', '8-chan'] PT42M1S 11790 125 317 13 not set not set 2017-12-30T23:24:47.000Z lSPbMzvEzqk UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-SEVEN) Tasty little Q Crumbs "...continuing on with 4chan's Q-anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Paypal:" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Deception Bytes', 'Mishel', 'McCumber', 'Q-anon', '4chan'] PT55M25S 11049 232 334 21 not set not set 2017-12-31T01:23:49.000Z _qRnTJpDK2w UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-EIGHT) More Delicious Q Crumbs "continuing on with 4chan's Q-anon posts Mishel McCumber Book: The View Beneath/ available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4Chan', 'Q-Anon', 'Mishel', 'Deception Bytes'] PT59M29S 11255 158 324 13 not set not set 2018-01-01T03:00:41.000Z lc1yps9yaeE UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan Q-Anon (Part TWENTY-NINE) "continuing on with Q-anon posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: BOOK: The View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4Chan', '8Chan', 'Q-anon', 'Deception Bytes'] PT1H12M41S 8081 228 241 19 not set not set 2018-01-01T04:40:05.000Z TLHQkJOICUg UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 8Chan Q-Anon (Part THIRTY) Q's Tasty Crumbs "Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes PayPal: BOOK: The View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4chan', '8chan', 'Q-anon', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT40M32S 7991 103 287 9 not set not set 2018-01-04T02:14:14.000Z IFaXrLDJ4sM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 8Chan Q-Anon posts (PART THIRTY ONE) "Continuing on with 4Chan/8Chan's Q-anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4Chan', '8Chan', 'Q-Anon', 'mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT27M9S 34151 192 620 42 not set not set 2018-01-04T05:34:14.000Z P2G7bhMHJ7k UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 8Chan Q-Anon Posts (Part THIRTY TWO) "Continuing on with 4Chan/8Chan's Q-anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4chan', '8chan', 'q-anon', 'mishel mccumber', 'deception bytes'] PT1H6M33S 15207 185 378 10 not set not set 2018-01-06T05:02:59.000Z pS7g1ACRX1k UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 8Chan Q-ANON (part THIRTY THREE) "Continuing on with 4Chan/8Chan's Q-anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4Chan', '8Chan', 'Q-Anon', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT1H26M47S 7032 178 272 7 not set not set 2018-01-06T08:25:01.000Z BkhGxrFhQ2E UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 4Chan/8Chan Q-ANON (part THIRTY FOUR) "Continuing on with 4Chan/8Chan's Q-anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['4Chan', '8Chan', 'Q-ANON', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT1H6M14S 14152 283 335 14 not set not set 2018-01-08T02:49:55.000Z VjdeLJpUxKQ UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 8Chan Q-ANON (part THIRTY FIVE) No deal say's Q "Continuing on with 4Chan/8Chan's Q-anon posts. Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['8chan', '4chan', 'Q-anon', 'Q-team', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes'] PT54M30S 12289 269 344 13 not set not set 2018-01-09T05:30:18.000Z Id3RkFRupaE UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: Newest Q POST JAN8th IMPORTANT MESSAGE "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 not set PT3M37S 11119 92 298 7 not set not set 2018-01-11T09:08:10.000Z hidUaSGVhJ0 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g 8Chan Q-ANON (part THIRTY SIX) "continuing on with 8chan's Q-Anon Posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['q-anon', 'Mishel McCumber', 'Deception Bytes', '4chan', '8chan'] PT47M43S 11541 215 283 18 not set not set 2018-01-15T05:33:27.000Z xwE0b_i2eqM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: Newest Q-Anon Drop Jan 13/14 2018 "NEW 8chan's Q-Anon Posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 not set PT1H1M2S 53025 871 716 124 not set not set 2018-01-16T06:12:22.000Z wx8Gkg2V5eQ UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Breaking: Q-Anon related News "NEW 8chan's Q-Anon Posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 not set PT44M49S 13716 163 388 16 not set not set 2018-01-17T05:52:40.000Z UNqhb5vctZw UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Breaking: Q-Anon related News Jan 16/17 2018 "Breaking News related to Q posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 not set PT42M50S 25273 229 455 27 not set not set 2018-01-19T01:28:08.000Z tuVFa6J5jeo UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: Q (related) News Jan 18/2018 "Breaking News related to Q posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 not set PT59M34S 14925 189 328 19 not set not set 2018-01-19T04:14:36.000Z 4GZDGyS8kk0 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g MORE BREAKING Q RELATED NEWS! JAN 18 2018 "Breaking News related to Q posts Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Meteor', 'House Intelligence Committee', 'Special Counsel', 'Michigan', 'Trump Health', 'Trump heart attack', 'Deception Bytes', 'Deceptionbytes', 'mishel'] PT50M46S 6741 135 240 5 not set not set 2018-01-19T07:09:26.000Z 9iE_dUJwVC8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g EXPLOSIVE NEW Q DROP - JAN 18 "Breaking: Explosive new Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['deceptionBytes', 'Deception Bytes', 'Mishel', 'Fusion GPS', 'Russia collusion', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Adam Schiff', 'Rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'House Intelligence Committee', 'Steele'] PT18M39S 25464 248 647 22 not set not set 2018-01-20T02:57:09.000Z FZoy1mpxpdc UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: Newest Q Drop DECODED ( Jan 19) "Breaking: Explosive new Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon LINKS: The Du Boises with Mao and Anna Louise Strong in Mao's villa in Wuhan on March 14, 1959. Anna Louise Strong, Mao Mao Zedong, American scholar W.E.B.Du Bois Rothschild connection to fund wars: (International Bank of Settlements – the citizens are the collateral via their birth certificates) “Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the unlikely connections they had to the Rothschilds and British Royal Family are explored in a mind -bending interview with Greg Hallett. WWII and the rearrangement of global power in the 20th century, the Royal Almanac of Gotha, and the continuing conspiracy of power and bloodlines through the modern day is illuminated. Fake heirs and body doubles--from Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, to Prince William and Prince Harry are revealed, plus the future technology being used now to keep the masses oppressed is laid out in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.”" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Mishel', 'Deception Bytes'] PT1H25M40S 57495 865 1133 49 not set not set 2018-01-21T02:59:52.000Z 3UlBc6t3xHk UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: VERY LATEST Q Drop (Jan 19th second drop) "Breaking: Explosive new Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon LINKS: The Du Boises with Mao and Anna Louise Strong in Mao's villa in Wuhan on March 14, 1959. Anna Louise Strong, Mao Mao Zedong, American scholar W.E.B.Du Bois Rothschild connection to fund wars: (International Bank of Settlements – the citizens are the collateral via their birth certificates) “Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the unlikely connections they had to the Rothschilds and British Royal Family are explored in a mind -bending interview with Greg Hallett. WWII and the rearrangement of global power in the 20th century, the Royal Almanac of Gotha, and the continuing conspiracy of power and bloodlines through the modern day is illuminated. Fake heirs and body doubles--from Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, to Prince William and Prince Harry are revealed, plus the future technology being used now to keep the masses oppressed is laid out in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.”" DeceptionBytes 25 ['MSM', 'North Korea', 'White House', 'Russian Collusion', 'Obama Administration', 'FISA', 'FISA Court', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Meuller', 'Schmidt', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Huma Abedin', 'HRC', 'DACA', 'Government shutdown', 'James Comey', 'Mishel', 'DeceptionBytes', 'Deception Bytes'] PT42M30S 17709 365 499 15 not set not set 2018-01-22T23:02:50.000Z Tr0rvUyb3mo UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: JAW-DROPPING NEW Q POST- Jan 21 "Breaking: Explosive new Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Supreme Court', 'Scalia', 'Obama', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Trump', 'Russia collusion', 'Memo', 'nunes memo', 'fisa', 'fisa court', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'google', 'space-X', 'Elon Hunt', 'MSM', 'Coup', 'DACA'] PT1H32M11S 51804 530 937 52 not set not set 2018-01-25T07:24:01.000Z IujbPizbTDc UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Breaking Newest Q Drop Jan 23/24- IT ALL COMES TOGETHER "Breaking: Explosive New Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['donald trump', 'potus', 'white house', 'clinton', 'clinton foundation', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Obama', 'emails', 'NSA', 'no such agency', 'snow white', 'coup', 'counter coup', 'russian collusion', 'Russia', 'Uranium', 'twitter', 'Mishel', 'Mishel McCumber', 'DeceptionBytes'] PT1H16M53S 68152 630 1055 57 not set not set 2018-01-25T21:36:48.000Z MzI2qpGflCI UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: NEW Q DROP JAN 25 -RUSSIAN BOTS..REALLY? "Breaking: Explosive New Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Russian bots', 'bot farms', 'Russian collusion', 'Democrats', 'republicans', 'House Intel Committee', 'President Trump', 'Davos', 'World Economic Summit', 'Teresa May', 'Mishel', 'DeceptionBytes'] PT35M12S 10041 347 508 14 not set not set 2018-01-28T05:49:57.000Z _y-q3u78jJw UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g NEW Q DROP DECODED JAN 27: IT JUST GETS STRANGER "Breaking: Explosive New Q- Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['State of the Union', 'Maxine Waters', 'Democrats', 'Republicans', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Mishel', 'Deception Bytes', 'Russian', 'Russian Collusion', 'executive order', 'Edward Snowden', 'Black Forest', 'Julian Assange', 'Freedom of the Press Foundation', 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'jack Dorsey', 'Hollywood', 'red-pill', 'fantasy land', 'MSM'] PT2H2M48S 36847 488 929 41 not set not set 2018-01-29T04:35:54.000Z b3IMMek09yU UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Breaking Newest Q-Drop Jan 28 "NEW Q DROP LINK TO VIDEO I CAN'T PLAY due to Copyright Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Congress', 'senate', 'maxine waters', 'democrats', 'State of the Union Address', 'millitary', 'US Military', 'dog', 'heel', 'Byrd', 'Clinton', 'Republican', 'mishel', 'DeceptionBytes'] PT18M16S 11533 185 468 12 not set not set 2018-01-30T23:13:43.000Z odcG9hYZgo8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: NEW Q DROP DECODED Jan 30th "Breaking: New Q- Drop Decoded Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Andrew McCabe', 'SCIF', 'State of the Union Address', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Mueller', 'James Comey', 'FBI', 'Steele Dossier', 'Congressional', 'Apache', 'Computer', 'Donald Trump', 'State of the Union', 'Immigration', 'Healthcare'] PT22M21S 36733 296 766 19 not set not set 2018-02-07T03:35:16.000Z __YgFTLkBO0 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING: Q-DROP FEB 6th- Wetworks "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: A View Beneath- available on Amazon WEINER'S Laptop contacts" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Russian prank', 'radio host', 'supreme court', 'intel', 'laptop', 'emails', 'FISA', 'FBI informant', 'leaks', 'julian assange', 'wiki-leaks', 'q-anon', 'wet-works', '3d gaming', 'nancy pelosi', 'President Trump', '8-chan'] PT36M7S 82440 559 1467 78 not set not set 2018-02-24T07:32:17.000Z G0Jt5UF_zec UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-DROP Decode for FEB 23rd- Q Assures us "We Know" "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal:" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Sheep', 'distraction', 'MSM', 'CNN', 'Distraction', 'Deception Bytes', 'investigation'] PT24M44S 37377 547 1504 47 not set not set 2018-03-16T05:23:51.000Z r_dcgYua2aU UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q is BACK: March 15 Q-DROP MARCH MADNESS "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath- Available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Mike Pompeo', 'Tex Tillerson', 'President Trump', 'Kenya', 'iran nuclear deal', 'John Perry Barlow', 'investing', 'stock market', 'cyrpto currency', 'dead cat bounce'] PT18M46S 19371 516 1065 17 not set not set 2018-03-19T02:22:38.000Z zsdiBfG6D0s UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Newest Q Drop March 17/18 McCabe was First- Who is Next? "Newest Q Posts Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath- Available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Andrew McCabe', 'President Trump', 'DNC', 'Investment', 'retirement', 'pension', 'income', 'shaving', 'fixed home equity loans', 'cheapest homeowner loans', 'fixed rate secured loans'] PT19M25S 22492 492 1052 18 not set not set 2018-03-19T03:06:19.000Z ml8YX_rZxw8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Corroborating Q Drops- Interesting Information "Mishel McCumber-Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath - available on Amazon" DeceptionBytes 25 ['United States Marine Corp', 'Former Military', 'Mueller', 'White House Chief of Staff', 'Millitary Personel', 'Active Duty', 'Marines', 'insurance', 'car insurance', 'life insurance', 'health insurance', 'building contents insurance'] PT14M3S 21055 513 1425 16 not set not set 2018-03-22T21:33:16.000Z 85UqksbzP7s UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g EXPLOSIVE NEW Q DROP - MARCH 21st Discusses Texas Bomber "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Paypal:" DeceptionBytes 25 ['texas', 'bomber', 'bombing', 'devices', 'Mark Anthony Conditt', 'associative press', 'swat team', 'weird house', 'drones', 'loans', 'investment'] PT25M9S 13213 349 937 17 not set not set 2018-04-06T00:54:14.000Z V_OEsUmJCNU UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g PART I APRIL 3/4/5 Q Drops - The further you go, the DARKER it gets! "Continuing on with Q-posts from April 3/4/5 (PART ONE) Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee" DeceptionBytes 25 ['evil', 'Russia collusion', 'the bite that has no cure', 'vatican', 'pope', 'chair', 'potus', 'darkeness to light', 'truth', 'military', 'border', 'National guard', 'border wall', 'defense', 'national security advisor', 'omnibus', 'spring', 'gardening', 'home depot', 'lowes'] PT49M5S 10597 502 665 19 not set not set 2018-04-08T04:35:54.000Z 0gWNO_gkzVc UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g APRIL 7th Q- DROP DECODE- Now with Sound!! Get your Q Fix "April 7th Q-Anon Drop Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes" DeceptionBytes 25 ['email', 'fake news', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Lester Holt', 'NBC', 'James Comey', 'loretta lynch interview', 'james comey', 'james comey interview', 'schmizt', 'reddit', 'media matters'] PT48M51S 26553 618 917 18 not set not set 2018-04-09T20:27:25.000Z pAJbBelOq-o UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Breaking: APRIL 8th Q DROP DECODED- SYRIA DISCUSSED Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes. Video is a decode of April 8th Q drop- explaination of war with Syria. DeceptionBytes 25 ['Syria', 'Rebels', 'Chemical attack', 'war', 'instability', 'china', 'russia'] PT44M9S 13038 328 709 7 not set not set 2018-04-22T01:21:19.000Z bHKaY3cC-6I UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Breaking: NEWEST Q DROP APRIL 21: BIGGER THAN YUGE Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['As The World Turns', 'Soap Operas', 'Agnes Nixon', 'Instagram', 'Twitter', 'DNC lawsuit', 'Maggie Habersham'] PT32M48S 32012 529 1104 30 not set not set 2018-04-26T21:13:31.000Z blVuw94D3X4 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g (SOUND FIX) April 25th Q-DROP: IS Q RETARDED? umm, no Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Whitehouse', 'macron', 'tree planting', 'Rudi Guliani', 'oak tree', 'texts'] PT36M58S 12953 373 706 23 not set not set 2018-04-29T21:46:04.000Z UHTMnUzMxIM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g BREAKING Q-DROP April 29th : Warning from Q Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Mishel looks at Q's posts from April 29th DeceptionBytes 25 ['Bakers', 'boards owner', 'anons', 'autists', 'freedom', 'selfless', 'honor'] PT28M25S 42921 1276 1486 98 not set not set 2018-05-08T17:19:36.000Z pZnn61tV3Vo UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g May 7/8th Q-DROP- CRITICAL INFO-TRUST THE PLAN Q-Anon explains what is happening with the investigations DeceptionBytes 25 ['Sessions', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Horrowitz', 'Inspector General', 'Huber', 'Mueller', 'Special Counsel', 'grand jury'] PT36M27S 23890 291 963 30 not set not set 2018-05-12T01:14:12.000Z vH2B-JILQ-8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g MAY 10-11 Q-DROP: Don't FALL for DIS-INFO! (PART ONE) Mishel of Deception Bytes decodes the latest Q posts/ dispels rumors. DeceptionBytes 25 ['Singapore', 'Sky event', 'nunes', 'Avalanche', 'snowball', 'disinformation', 'F9 Algorithm', 'China Skylink', 'meta data collection', 'mobile networks', 'executive order', 'McMaster', 'Marina Bay sands'] PT53M46S 16051 570 875 33 not set not set 2018-05-14T06:02:25.000Z 3UmjZqGYCP0 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g May 12th Q-DROP DECODE: BEWARE THE ONSLAUGHT OF DISINFO "Mishel discusses the May 12th Q-Drop and the onslaught of disinformation that is being disseminated to trap the confused. LINK:" DeceptionBytes 25 ['disinformation', 'alex jones', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Code monkey', 'Board owner', 'U1', 'iran deal withdrawl', 'nuclear inspector'] PT44M26S 17411 517 926 47 not set not set 2018-05-15T21:18:45.000Z yUXplGcwPWM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g MAY 13th MASSIVE Q-DROP DECODE- CRITICAL INFO PART ONE "Mishel McCumber/ Deception Bytes discusses/decodes Q-drop for May 13th- to be continued... LINK TO Q POSTS" DeceptionBytes 25 ['pickle', 'pickle factory', 'Total', 'oil and gas', 'Iran Deal', 'Assaud', 'Kerry', 'Syria', 'EU', 'Macron', 'Total S.A.', 'Petroleum'] PT1H8M10S 18129 448 816 26 not set not set 2018-05-17T23:46:31.000Z ahjdEQhDMZw UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Massive Q-Drop MAY 14/15/16 IT's ALL COMING TOGETHER "Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes Q-POSTS can be found here :" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Inspector General Report', 'Inspector General', 'Horrowitz', 'ronald reagan', 'President Trump', 'Trump twitter', 'Justice Department', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Peace Officers’ Memorial Service', '37th Annual', 'Det. Familia', 'Trump Speech', 'water', 'Autists'] PT1H14M59S 17732 445 791 23 not set not set 2018-05-18T19:55:25.000Z JJMEfPFuUdQ UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g YUGE Q-DROP MAY 17th: COMING IN FOR A LANDING "Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes Q Posts located here" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Moloch', 'Pope', 'Chilean Bishops Resignations', 'Catholic Church Chile', 'owl', 'peter strzok', 'lisa page', 'London', 'Crossfire Hurricane', 'Rolling Stones', 'You dont always get what you wanted', 'Inspector General', 'IG report', 'Horrowitz', 'Huber', 'Sessions', 'FBI'] PT57M43S 21603 495 827 21 not set not set 2018-05-21T03:41:18.000Z mwDROHe52M4 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q DROP MAY 19-20 : NO DOUBT NOW ABOUT Q BEING INSIDER "Mishel McCumber - Deception Bytes LINK TO Q POSTS:" DeceptionBytes 25 ['UK', 'US', 'London', 'Corinthians', 'Ephesians', 'love', 'Obama', 'harvard law review', 'columbia university', 'trip code', 'Pain', 'house intel committee'] PT34M43S 24706 481 817 46 not set not set 2018-06-24T03:22:28.000Z _wPkN6jkiZ4 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g June 21st Q DROP: More Proof Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Trump Pense rally', 'Deluth', 'VIP', 'sarah sanders', 'Mark Meadows', 'proofs'] PT13M18S 16838 250 811 22 not set not set 2018-06-27T23:45:27.000Z Aqbpe-b4FFE UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q DROP June 26-27: IT'S ON NOW! NOWHERE TO HIDE! Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Rosenstein', 'Strzok', 'Page', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Lynch', 'IG report', 'Sessions', 'Trump', 'executive order', 'executive power', 'impeach', 'impeachment', 'waters', 'Pelosi', 'Schumer', 'FISA', 'FISA court', 'Trump Campaign'] PT1H2M42S 23478 596 858 28 not set not set 2018-06-28T01:37:31.000Z Jt4ov-mtxfg UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q DROP June 27: KENNEDY RESIGNS will ROE V WADE be overturned? Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['ROE V WADE', 'Kennedy', 'Kennedy resignation', 'SC', 'Supreme Court', 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg', 'Swing Vote', 'Justice Anthony M Kennedy', 'Letter of Resignation', 'tax reform', 'GDP', 'Immigration', 'record low unemployment', 'stock market gains'] PT41M42S 11648 394 570 19 not set not set 2018-07-05T04:02:54.000Z UTCpJe12AGU UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-DROP July 3/4: PROOF of Q and NEW CONNECTIONS Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Investigation', 'server', 'Awan', 'Shultz', 'Sessions', 'summer', 'Beijing', 'Getz', 'Clinton Foundation', 'treason', 'impeachment', 'President Trump', 'McCabe', 'Strzok', 'Page', 'Texts', 'Five Eyes', 'NZ', 'Australia', 'Canada', 'UK', 'Steele Dossier', 'Obama'] PT1H13M19S 18539 282 769 29 not set not set 2018-08-01T04:19:06.000Z cxxaMdzxka8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-DROP July 30: Q: NOT A CONSPIRACY! Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['research', 'POTUS', 'AF1', 'California Wild Fires', 'California Taxes', 'Researchers', 'Gina Haspel', 'CIA', 'camera feed', 'bad actor', 'FISA', 'unredacted fisa', 'Nicholas Rasmussen', 'NCTC', 'counterterrorism', 'White House', 'Brennan', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Rice'] PT1H14M25S 12061 217 554 18 not set not set 2018-08-02T01:22:49.000Z 7Qi88HDGiWA UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-DROP July 31: Q: HE'S THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Tampa Rally', 'Trump Rally Tampa Florida', 'Florida Rally', 'Presidential motorcade honk', 'Comey', 'Brennan', 'Sessions', 'FISA', 'FBI', 'MAGA', 'Mueller Probe', 'gubernatorial canidate', 'POTUS', 'White House', 'Special Counsel', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Manafort'] PT56M41S 16919 356 813 22 not set not set 2018-08-03T01:28:56.000Z 6kgL0tbOI6Y UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q GOES MAINSTREAM (Aug 1st Drop) Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Tampa Florida', 'Trump Rally', 'FISA', 'unredacted FISA', 'POTUS', 'media coverage', 'Sarah Sanders', 'Press', 'public awareness', 'presidency'] PT52M16S 12033 292 619 11 not set not set 2018-08-04T03:51:51.000Z 5-4mFEL3JYg UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-DROP AUG 3rd. MSM Attack the Q Phenomena Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['q-anon conspiracy', 'server', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Oath of Office', 'Christopher Wray', 'congressional requests', 'House Intel Committee', 'subpoena', 'constitution', 'Trump rally Tampa', 'Secret Service', 'USSSS', 'Washington Post', 'Amazon', 'VIP', 'Autists', 'POTUS', 'white house', 'President', 'presidential'] PT52M21S 16990 315 673 21 not set not set 2018-09-28T04:54:16.000Z -IHZ1_UxCc8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Q-DROP Sept 27th: THE SENATE MUST VOTE "Q drop for September 27th. It is time now for the Senate to vote. Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes" DeceptionBytes 25 ['Kavanaugh', 'Bluementhal', 'confirmation', 'hearing', 'Ford', 'Vietnam', 'Fienstein', 'China', 'Judge Gorsuch', 'Judge Kavanaugh', 'Senate Judiciary Committee', 'chris cuomo', 'Sidney Blumenthal', 'senators', 'security', 'murkowski'] PT26M 9531 212 646 10 not set not set 2018-09-29T03:08:31.000Z ZSV_fbN8RSM UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Sept 28th Q -DROP: HIVE MIND & MORE PROOF of Q September 28th Q-drop DeceptionBytes 25 ['Graham', 'paul Ryan', 'Declassification', 'declass', 'FISA', 'FISA abuse', 'fraud', 'civil law'] PT48M55S 6726 218 488 5 not set not set 2018-09-30T01:45:20.000Z FEV_FuD5S8Q UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Sept 29th Q Drop: RED OCTOBER Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Vote', 'october', 'midterm elections', 'twitter', 'Trump', 'senate', 'senate judiciary committee', 'bipartisan'] PT14M2S 9091 171 577 2 not set not set 2018-10-02T03:30:33.000Z ODbMl6Vrzu8 UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Oct 1st Q-DROP: THE EARTH ENCOMPASSING MYSTERY OF Q Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['TN', 'Trump Rallies', 'T-Shirts', 'Plane crash', 'Barlow', 'Snowden', 'Freedom of Press', 'Secure Drop', 'WAPO', 'Washington DC', 'DC', 'Swamp', 'Swamp Creatures', 'Mkultra', 'Polygraph', 'therapist notes', 'McConnel', 'Grapham', 'RR', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'Investigation', 'Trump', 'White House', 'American Politics'] PT48M17S 16213 287 690 14 not set not set 2018-10-09T02:36:55.000Z QNhQD-3qEpY UCjWAU0s1-MJb3C2OWHSxN5g Oct 8th Q DROP: FISA DECLAS COMING Mishel McCumber Deception Bytes DeceptionBytes 25 ['Tom Fitton', 'Foreign Aid', 'Red Cross', 'Paris Accord', 'US Taxpayers', 'Tax dollars', 'Coleman', 'Comey', 'Antony Weiner', 'Sussman', 'James Baker', 'Feinstein', 'Pelosi', 'Fisa', 'Fisa declassification', 'executive order', 'impeachment', 'redactions', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Supreme Court'] PT1H8M30S 21416 219 890 16 not set not set 2018-02-16T00:29:07.000Z FIEJHhstAhI UC8B8EooljTXyFdXDH_nvqgw INTRO TO Q ANON By Dustin Nemos DECODING Q 22 not set PT28M8S 1042 4 31 0 not set not set 2018-09-21T07:32:56.000Z DjuwNChleDQ UCJnYZcfodhLPGnweY2q_lqw Qanon phenomenon explained 100%, my way. Welcome to TRUTHtown. 2 things about Q that I commited to paper,video,audio form. WWG1WGA United WE Stand, divided WE fall. Patriots have no skin color, because we have to remove all skin to become a Russian cult robot, ask the NYTimes. Deep Surface 24 ['Qanon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Q Tips', 'Conspiracy'] PT3M1S 207 7 7 3 not set not set 2018-03-30T09:13:09.000Z qOmbm5HAjVI UCdB4FOm5eJNGxUoY4QqUoRQ DTR SR: Who Is Q Anon? (demonetized) "If you don't know, you should. Enjoy. Find all the links and formats on our official website: Join us on Facebook: Join us on Twitter: Want early access to videos? Join us on Patreon: NEW Season One Remastered Channel: Above all, thank you for listening to Deep Thoughts Radio. Help us rebuild society from the bottom up with citizens who can think for themselves." Deep Thoughts Radio 24 ['deep thoughts radio', 'mk ultra radio'] PT1H12M12S 1693 40 67 2 not set not set 2018-04-04T21:33:29.000Z c6KE-kmLdZs UC7pdqR2EluU2-1e2lCTXMug Qanon Post Decoded 4-3-2018 - Pope gets arrested in may "Rosenstein Military Border Trial set for Border Patrol officer accused of lying about U.S. citizenship Keep watching NEWS Arrest are coming in April MOAB Huge Bomb of truth MOAB has lots of meanings Nasim Aghdam Ismail Aghdam Stars Electric Aghdam, Ismail, which also operates under the name Stars Electric, is located in San Diego, California. This organization primarily operates in the General Electrical Contractor business / industry within the Construction - Special Trade Contractors sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 18 years. Aghdam, Ismail is estimated to generate $106,650 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 1 people at this single location. Categorized under Electrical Contractors. Our records show it was established in 2011 and incorporated in California. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 170000 and employs a staff of approximately 3. Quick pope news The chair = Vatican Who is the Master Satan? Rothschild's? P = C (Guess) Pope = “CINO” - Catholic in Name Only. Shadow Government ties to Epstein" Defeating the Deepstate #qanon 25 not set PT12M49S 688 0 5 2 not set not set 2018-05-08T03:38:07.000Z W1oBwzUJmag UC7pdqR2EluU2-1e2lCTXMug Join us on Q Clearance Archive - The Storm Discord Channel "Discord Download Link Q - The Storm Discord Channel Invite Link Q Clearance Archive Home Page ( The site in the video ) We hope to see you soon" Defeating the Deepstate #qanon 24 ['Discord'] PT18M25S 107 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T00:52:49.000Z ML1L9FK5Uu8 UC7pdqR2EluU2-1e2lCTXMug Qanon Conspiracy / Watch NYC / Watch California "I don't think it would be fair to say that a journalist can't make money when covering Q. But that's the difference. A journalist covering Q isn't necessarily usurping Q. The paytriots in question were trying to usurp Q. This video explains what happened very well. It certainly cleared my head about it all. Sample.📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁 NYPD detectives Eric Schneiderman Resigns as New York Attorney General Amid Assault Claims by 4 Women Alison Mack arrest april 21 18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information on the record eric prince Bharara fired" Defeating the Deepstate #qanon 24 ['Qanon', 'Obama', 'Trump', 'Hillary', 'McCabe', 'Comey', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Facebook', 'Mark', 'Zuckerberg'] PT52M42S 128 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-06-07T02:33:33.000Z 2VCvf6eZaXM UC7pdqR2EluU2-1e2lCTXMug Qanon Rabbit hole to Wonderland " https://www.cia.govflibrary/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP75-00001R000100050017-4.pdf" Defeating the Deepstate #qanon 25 not set PT20M1S 783 0 14 1 not set not set 2018-06-28T23:03:30.000Z VzNEiCcp2-o UC7pdqR2EluU2-1e2lCTXMug Qanon 6.28 What does White Squall mean? Defeating the Deepstate #qanon 25 not set PT3M44S 893 1 9 2 not set not set 2018-07-14T11:59:15.000Z 0HiWDRKeDAs UChQtdEDRCbcBMadX8D5Wmbw Jordan Peterson / Ben Shapiro / QANON ~ Deflate+Escape "Is Internet atheism collapsing because Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and QANON are competing for the same audience, and more effectively appealing to the same emotions? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subscribe: Facebook: Merchandise: Patreon: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Men who know very little of science and men who know very little of religion do indeed get to quarreling, and the onlookers imagine that there is a conflict between science and religion, whereas the conflict is only between two species of ignorance.” - Robert Millikan “Man without God is a beast, and never more beastly than when he is most intelligent about his beastliness.” - Whittaker Chambers “Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but delight in airing their own opinions.” - Proverbs 18:2" DeflatingAtheism 25 ['Jordan Peterson', 'Twelve Rules for Living', '12 Rules For Living', 'Sam Harris', 'Ben Shapiro', 'QANON', '4chan', '8chan', 'The Great Awakening', 'Donald Trump', 'WWGIWGA', 'The Storm Is Coming', 'The Storm', 'politics', 'Joe Rogan', 'feminism', 'immigration', 'political correctness', 'Milo Yiannopoulos', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Christian', 'Christianity', 'theism', 'theist', 'atheist', 'atheism', 'apologetics', 'debate', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Bible', 'religion', 'philosophy', 'science', 'Richard Dawkins', 'Does God exist?', 'Evidence for God', 'Deflating Atheism', 'Deflatheism'] PT1H18M26S 2600 24 52 55 not set not set 2018-02-09T07:16:05.000Z zSPAF-2Sk8A UCx34MmtvnrMwipQWirFSIFQ Dr. Corsi brief overview of Qanon drop Feb 8. and Grassley Memo "UNREDACTED GRASSLEY DOCUMENT, w/ Doc Corsi - #WeThePeople PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe /GREATAWAKENING/: QCODEFAG (aggregates all Q posts from very beginning): Link to our Twitter account:" Denise Wilbanks 24 ['Dr. Corsi', 'Qanon', 'Grassley Memo', 'Nunes Memo', 'Vaxxed'] PT26M1S 31747 138 558 11 not set not set 2017-11-26T06:41:38.000Z ykpoGQIYdqE UCpzFP64Alu-SX77z14jCA_w QAnon - Trump Links to Website Displaying Q Info "Trump tweeted a link to which gives a list of Trump's accomplishments in the form of links, one of which was this link - - Absolutely amazing. Right after he linked to the site, it was attacked and its database was deleted. They had to rebuild. Law of One videos to come... Law of One Ra Material Books 1-5 free PDFs -" Dennis Boyle 25 ['Q Anon', 'Pizzagate', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'nwo', 'new world order', 'soros', 'saudi arabia', 'good vs evil', 'good', 'evil', 'pedogate', 'pedophilia', 'MBS', 'Law of One', 'david seaman', 'david wilcock', 'cor'] PT6M26S 35167 227 904 21 not set not set 2018-05-27T16:00:00.000Z NNTKjHjNM3w UCKCBRq62q2TzGNpe-UHpIyw Creedence Clearwater Revival, Susie Q, Dennis Landstedt Drum Covers "Creedence Clearwater Revival, Susie Q, Dennis Landstedt Drum Covers Please take a moment to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe Dennis Landstedt Drum Covers proudly endorse DrumMan190 T-Shirts, Hoodies and other assorted products. Proceeds benefit Hungry For Music. Please visit ""Susie Q"" is a song by musician Dale Hawkins recorded late in the rockabilly era in 1957. He wrote it with band mate Robert Chaisson, but when released, Stan Lewis, the owner of Jewel/Paula Records, and Eleanor Broadwater, the wife of Nashville DJ Gene Nobles, were credited as co-writers to give them shares of the royalties. Creedence Clearwater Revival released a cover on their debut album released in 1968. The band's only Top 40 hit not written by John Fogerty, it peaked at number, but made the top ten on others. This song was one of their first big hits. The album version clocks in at 8:37. The single is split into parts one and two on its A and B sides, respectively. The jam session during the coda is omitted in part one. Instead, it fades out with the guitar solo right before the coda, which fades in with part two on the B-side. John Fogerty stated in a 1993 interview with Rolling Stone magazine that his purpose in recording ""Susie Q"" was to get the song played on KMPX, a funky progressive-rock radio station in San Francisco, which is why the song was extended to eight minutes in length While ""Suzie Q"" proved to be a hit, the band had played for years as the Golliwogs in the early 1960s, releasing numerous singles before achieving success in the pop world. In 1967, Saul Zaentz bought Fantasy Records and offered the band a chance to record a full-length album on the condition that they change their name. Having never liked 'the Golliwogs', in part because of the racial charge of the name, the four readily agreed, coming up with Creedence Clearwater Revival." Dennis Landstedt Drum Covers 10 ['Creedence Clearwater Revival', 'Susie Q', 'drum cover', 'Suzi Q', 'Suzie Q'] PT4M50S 71 15 13 0 not set not set 2018-09-16T07:20:38.000Z HxAA6GQCSos UCqAs7roHhjw2zSTHLD-vXJA QANON - LOCK THEM ALL UP lock them all up check out @realTRUMPERLAND Deplorable News Media 25 ['qanon', 'lock them all up'] PT1M42S 7261 8 120 3 not set not set 2018-08-10T20:16:25.000Z 3VCqe5kFG0g UCJ6o6ta-B8Qi7WLyUADZL8Q QAnon is fake and gay Nostradamus 4evr Der Versucher 27 ['qanon', 'fake'] PT9M8S 295 17 17 8 not set not set 2018-10-11T23:11:47.000Z qMK_M_92vw4 UCzv0t42DrCOKcir6ph3tNFQ The Great Awakening #walkaway "Hey guys just wanted to make a video on my results from the walkway video and some updates on how I feel going into the future🤗 thank you for all your support have a great day👌 #govote #midterms" Destroying Anxiety 22 not set PT10M20S 4961 64 502 1 not set not set 2017-11-09T03:06:06.000Z KSP24qYeWgs UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.8 - Q Tips - #followtheglowingrabbit "Compilation of Q's posts, 10.29-11.6 - Today's Q Post - Sign up here for me Merging Science and Spirituality of Ascension Webcast - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'qanon', '4chan', 'donald trump', 'storm', 'drain swamp', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'saudi arabia', 'pleiadians', 'light forces', 'indictments', 'podesta', 'clinton', 'mccain', 'secret space program', 'destroying the illusion', 'disclosure', 'uranium one'] PT16M58S 91230 1423 3241 141 not set not set 2017-11-11T00:33:56.000Z aAzQwARAo28 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.10 - Q Updates - Possible Arrests Tonight? & ANTARCTICA Info "Antarctic Atlantis - Sign up here for me Merging Science and Spirituality of Ascension Webcast - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'antarctica', '4chan', 'trump', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'ascension', 'destroying the illusion', 'storm', 'deep state', 'apec', 'indictments', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'pizzagate', 'truth'] PT22M2S 112414 1306 4566 149 not set not set 2017-11-18T03:13:40.000Z YSc4GkdMm-E UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.17 SITREP - "Storm"/JFK/Q/P-gate "David Seaman & David Wilcock - Saudi Purges Military Officials - 11.17 JFK File Release - SKY PENIS - Sign up here for me Merging Science and Spirituality of Ascension Webcast - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['ascension', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', '4chan', 'david seaman', 'david wilcock', 'trump', 'storm', 'pedogate', 'roseanne barr', 'pizzagate', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'rothschild', 'jfk', 'assassination', 'CIA', 'george soros', 'hillary clinton'] PT9M19S 79128 620 2866 110 not set not set 2017-11-20T03:21:41.000Z w0OSb7FbXas UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.19 - Marines Storm CIA?/Fiji EQs/Uranium One/Netanyahu """Marines Storm Langley"" Article - FBI Informant Uranium One - Corruption Police Question Netanyahu - Sign up here for me Merging Science and Spirituality of Ascension Webcast - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'israel', 'saudi arabia', 'storm', '4chan', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'fiji', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'uranium one', 'trafficking', 'new world order', 'hillary clinton', 'MAGA', 'alt right', 'news', 'media', 'alternative', 'consciousness', 'ascension', 'disclosure', 'hollywood', 'CIA'] PT12M22S 124585 799 3927 144 not set not set 2017-11-20T18:24:30.000Z qlFnlzOoFgo UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros "New Q - White Rabbit on MSM - EQ Upsurge in 2018 - ISS Spots UFO - NASA on Antarctica Melts - Israel & Saudi Arabia Covert Ties - Soros funding progressive prosecutors - . Sign up here for me Merging Science and Spirituality of Ascension Webcast - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'seth rich', 'storm', '4chan', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'conspiracy', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'clinton', 'trump', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'disclosure', 'antarctica', 'rothschild', 'rockefeller', 'ufo', 'secret space program', 'saudi arabia', 'marines', 'cia', 'arrests', 'NSA', 'george soros', 'nasa', 'fiji', 'trafficking'] PT31M38S 177113 1920 5206 192 not set not set 2017-11-25T21:19:12.000Z 5flC3-UkdyU UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy "Running List of Q - US Military Bombing Drug Labs - Fmr. Secret Service outs Epstein - Mysterious Booms Worldwide - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'trump', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'secret service', 'CIA', 'human trafficking', 'podesta', 'mccain', 'boot', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'free energy', 'space x', 'tesla', 'secret space program', 'antigravity'] PT24M18S 94334 1107 3298 114 not set not set 2017-11-26T03:11:57.000Z gUkB5Kk4WAA UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.25 - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? " magapill archive - magapill Q article archive - Running Q thread - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'trump', 'maga pill', 'deep state', 'drain the swamp', '4chan', 'clinton', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'media', 'fake news', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'podesta', 'mass arrests', 'secret space program', 'cabal'] PT5M6S 104063 612 3560 84 not set not set 2017-11-27T22:21:29.000Z SvyN0PlWwkM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.27 - Storming in Space? Evidence of Possible Covert Space War "Running QAnon 4chan Thread - ThirdPhaseofMoon - Glows & Flashes over Utah & New York - Space Junk Falls Over Canada - Mystery Aircraft over Oregon - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['space', 'space based weapons', 'tesla', 'spacex', 'north korea', 'qanon', 'antigravity', 'conspiracy', 'nikola tesla', 'free energy', 'eletrogravitics', 'UFO', 'ET', 'alien', 'secret space program', 'NRO', 'satellites', 'EMP', 'mysterious booms', 'air force'] PT14M10S 77414 938 2334 121 not set not set 2017-11-28T05:34:17.000Z x1EXDDlmrVU UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons "Trump touts 'conspiracy' site - James O'Keefe (Project Veritas) Twitter - Weinstein accused of sex trafficking - Thanks for slavery, Hillary - University class on aliens - Latest dead doctor - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'qanon', '4chan', 'donald trump', 'aliens', 'ET', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'extraterrestrial', 'truth', 'hidden', 'keith olbermann', 'project veritas', 'washington post', 'hillary clinton', 'dead doctor', 'holistic doctor', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'secret space program', 'trafficking', 'weinstein'] PT19M49S 91623 1910 2861 371 not set not set 2017-11-30T00:50:11.000Z NoLKqBPGGLQ UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 11.29 - New Anon?/Q/Trump Tweets/Lauer&Scarborough/NK "Watch my Gaia interview! - Sign up for Gaia here - New ""WH Anon"" Thread - Running 4chan Q Thread - Death of Joe Scarborough's Intern - Judicial Watch Clinton/Lynch Releases - POTOS trolls Pelosi & Schumer - DARPA Digging Underground - . Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook: Snapchat @destroyillusion Instagram @jaysather" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['Matt Lauer', 'Joe Scarborough', 'Donald Trump', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', '4chan', 'megaanon', 'larp', 'qanon', 'saudi arabia', 'storm', 'disclosure', 'north korea', 'cia', 'hollow earth', 'secret space program', 'black project', 'government', 'secrets', 'corruption', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate'] PT23M 91069 796 3015 103 not set not set 2017-12-01T22:58:20.000Z GThX5ssVBn0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.1 - Podesta&Clinton Respond to Pizzagate/Flynn/Q/Booms/ET Disclosure "Micheal Trimm's YouTube - Live TOMORROW MORNING @ 7AM PST to talk Secret Space Programs Running Q posts on 4chan - Podesta asked about pizzagate on Nov 29th - NBC: Search for alien life stalling - Newsweek: ""May need to rethink physics!"" - Russia Today: ""Loud Booms!"" - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'john podesta', 'hillary clinton', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'uranium one', '4chan', 'cia', 'michael flynn', 'russia', 'trump', 'storm', 'NSA', 'booms', 'secret space program', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'MAGA', 'ET', 'alien', 'UFO', 'mainstream media', 'media', 'alternative', 'science', 'free energy', 'fractal', 'vibration', 'energy', 'consciousness', 'ascension', 'disclosure', 'trafficking', 'human'] PT29M39S 92631 1021 2748 134 not set not set 2017-12-04T17:19:48.000Z -P8dkAqUKZY UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.4 - MegaAnon&Q/Flynn/Space Noises/Dead Dr #80/More Soft Disclosure "David Wilcock MegaAnon Update - MegaAnon Posts - My ""Covert Space War"" Video - Space Anomalies - 80th Dead Doctor - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'space war', 'dead doctor', 'qanon', 'donald trump', 'flynn', 'russia', 'conspiracy', 'russiagate', 'megaanon', '4chan', 'space', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'deep state', 'ufo', 'alien', 'et', 'david wilcock'] PT29M58S 93200 983 2829 120 not set not set 2017-12-05T22:32:38.000Z LXCTMl_Jp9M UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures """Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Spox and Office of DOJ Inspector General Release Statements"" - Lt. Col Roy Potter: ""72 Hour Military Alert"" - Basic Guide to SkyKings - Microwave Weapons on North Korea - Disobedient Media: East-Coast Trafficking Testimony - 200 Arrests in Pedo Ring - Google Hiring 10,000 to ""Monitor"" YouTube - Alien Life on Europa? - . . Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['megaanon', '4chan', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'donald trump', 'north korea', 'roy potter', 'sky kings', 'obama', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'corey goode', 'ufo', 'alien', 'NSA', 'CIA'] PT39M32S 105002 1433 3498 244 not set not set 2017-12-06T19:26:18.000Z A4-cSwxHsV4 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.6 - Federal Police Activity in D.C. This Morning - What We Know So Far "Fox 5 Report ""Multi-Agency Activity in DC"" - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['donald trump', 'storm', '4chan', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'FBI', 'james comey', 'mass arrests', 'podesta', 'clinton', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'mueller', 'investigation', 'media', 'mainstream media', 'conspiracy', 'disclosure', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion'] PT4M29S 75495 535 2520 55 not set not set 2017-12-08T15:17:36.000Z 24o5bLbjYh0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.8 - End of Q?/PENTAGON AUDIT!/Sex Scandals/INFOWARS WAR ROOM ANNOUNCEMENT "INFOWARS WAR ROOM w/ ROGER STONE today @ 2:30pm - FIRST EVER DOD AUDIT - Obama spied on Erik Prince too - UFO Video from Dec. 3rd- Cigar Shaped UFO (SecureTeam Video) - . Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', '4chan', 'roger stone', 'war room', 'infowars', 'erik prince', 'obama', 'clinton', 'trump', 'podesta', 'arrests', 'indictments', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'rothschild'] PT26M39S 91363 1472 3275 87 not set not set 2017-12-10T18:42:53.000Z YiLWFF__qiM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.10 - More Q/Storm Coverage/Weird Aircraft (or UFO?)/More Booms/Antarctica Anomaly "Today's Links: WAR ROOM Appearance (forward to 17:50) - 8chan Q Happenings Board - U.S. Media: Worst Debacle in Ages - RICO Law for Weinstein? - 44,000 Military Personnel ""Unaccounted For"" - Tampa Bay Booms - San Fransisco Booms - Dahboo7: Antarctic Anomalies - . Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', '4chan', 'calm before the storm', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'rothschilds', 'hillary clinton', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'deep state', 'CNN', 'fake news', 'media', 'NSA', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'pedogate', 'harrassment', 'UFO', 'alien', 'audit', 'DoD', 'north korea', 'news'] PT27M31S 106743 1045 3168 131 not set not set 2017-12-12T15:20:38.000Z NqL7EeYTd9s UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.12 - Q/Schiff/FBI/Fusion GPS/MSM: "Spacecraft passing Earth?!" "Schiff Caught in Intel Sting - McCabe Cancels Testimony - Wray Investigating Top FBI Brass - ""Mysterious Object May Be Alien Spacecraft!"" - Ex-CIA Director Admits ""Deep State vs. Trump"" - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'trump', 'clinton', 'mccabe', 'FBI', 'qanon', '4chan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'disclosure', 'alien', 'ufo', 'secret space program', 'antarctica', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Schiff', 'adam schiff', 'george soros', 'soros', 'fusion gps'] PT25M21S 108100 992 3093 127 not set not set 2017-12-13T19:25:42.000Z ooHxX3whFXA UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT "Alabama Supreme Court Okays Destruction of Digital Voting Records - Sealed Indictment Unsealed? - Surgeon who Exposed Clinton Fdn. in Haiti Found Dead - Asteroid is ""Alien Probe with Broken Engines?"" - Patreon: PayPal: DTI FB Group - DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'military intelligence', 'MAGA', 'trump', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'new world order', 'asteroid', 'et craft', 'space craft', 'disclosure', 'alien', 'UFO', 'secret space program', 'indictments', 'sealed indictments', 'the storm', 'schumer', 'sexual harrassment', 'fake news', 'media', 'illuminati', 'clinton'] PT24M29S 103050 1195 3628 149 not set not set 2017-12-15T19:24:14.000Z wdXHxEEAvps UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.15 - Q Suppression/McCain/Sex Harassment Latest/Pedogate&Space News "Q 4chan posts - Latest 8chan Q thread - McCain eyes exit from Senate - 6 Senators against human trafficking legislation - Dustin Hoffman Sexual Harassment - World first travel ban against pedophiles - Lawyer sought cash for Trump accusers - New alien exoplanet - Alien minerals in Scotland - Patreon: PayPal: DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['sexual harassment', 'qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'donald trump', 'conspiracy', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'disclosure', 'alien', 'ufo', 'secret space program', 'john mccain', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'dustin hoffman', 'space craft', 'nasa'] PT22M41S 99540 880 3123 108 not set not set 2017-12-19T15:43:56.000Z 4mNbB0RTuoI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage "Squawker: 4chan users find evidence ATL airport part of coverup - ATL airport drill on Dec. 7th - ANTIFA deletes page about derailing trains - Man trespasses onto US AFB in UK - Top FBI Agents to be subpoenaed - SETI: ""Is Mysterious space rock alien ship?"" - Alien rock has ""organic coat"" - CNN: ""Former Pentagon UFO official: 'We may not be alone'"" - Patreon: PayPal: DTI Twitter: DTI Facebook: My FaceBook:" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'pentagon', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'trump', 'qanon', '4chan', 'schiff', 'FBI', 'corruption', 'clinton', 'russia', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'cult', 'false flag', 'atlanta', 'seattla', 'train', 'airport'] PT26M31S 110619 1472 3644 153 not set not set 2017-12-22T21:31:48.000Z cpAeoTwKHlc UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More! "Disclosing the Secret Space Program webinar - Today's Links: Latest 8chan Q board - Google CEO quits - White House Executive Order - List of people on Executive Order - Sessions orders more Uranium One probing - Lawmakers to investigate Obama efforts to derail campaign targeting Hezbollah - FBI foils San Fran terror plot planned for Christmas - Smoke closes Dallas airport - Did The Bushes Try To Hide Their Connection To The Second Mile? - Facebook ditches fake news warnings - Ancient fossil microorganisms indicate that life in the universe is common - . . Sign up for the “Disclosing the Secret Space Program” Webinar here!! - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', '4chan', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'uranium one', 'hezbollah', 'obama', 'executive order', 'trump', 'clinton', 'foundation', 'fake news', 'google', 'eric schmidt', 'CEO', 'resign', 'news', 'false flag', 'FBI', 'cabal', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'alien', 'extraterrestrial', 'antigravity', 'free energy'] PT31M37S 114639 1164 3950 164 not set not set 2017-12-24T23:47:07.000Z nPRGWjUYGow UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.24 - Q/Trump vs FBI/Space X/More MSM UFO Articles/Occult Manuscripts Declassified "Today's Links: Real Time Q Thread - Latest 8chan Board (#195) - Zerohedge: ""Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake ""RussiaGate"" Story"" - Telegraph: ""Existence of UFOs 'proved beyond reasonable doubt', says former Pentagon X-Files chief"" - Victory to the Light Twitter Post re: Rand Paul & UFOs - Foxnews: ""Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock killed himself with gunshot to mouth: coroner"" - . . . Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'donald trump', 'mccabe', 'fbi', 'fusion gps', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'elon musk', 'north korea', 'space x', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'las vegas', 'shooter', 'false flag', 'truth', 'illuminati', 'consciousness', 'awakening', 'ascension', 'new world order', 'pleiades'] PT26M3S 97183 955 3092 154 not set not set 2017-12-25T18:35:06.000Z Z8oojkEH6Eo UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.25 - DoD Confirms Q/Assange Twitter/UFO Distractions/Cabal Symbolism in Plain Sight "Today's Links: Real Time Q Thread - U.S. D.o.D. Tweet - Julian Assange Twitter - U.S. Navy Assange tweet - Newsweek UFO article - Independent UFO article - CNN: ""Syrian Baby Lost Eye To War"" - . . . Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'julian assange', 'twitter', 'wikileaks', '4chan', '8chan', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'donald trump', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'pentagon', 'consciousness', 'spirituality', 'ascension', 'david wilcock', 'corey goode', 'megaanon'] PT24M30S 133496 1510 4605 231 not set not set 2017-12-29T04:19:20.000Z rVrthFN9dnI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.28 - Did we just find Q's actual Twitter account? "Up-to-date Q posts - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'q anon', 'q clearance patriot', '4chan', '8chan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'conspiracy', 'trump', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'disclosure', 'deep state', 'twitter', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'consciousness', 'the awakening', 'ascension', 'spirituality', 'donald trump'] PT7M36S 61258 384 2186 114 not set not set 2017-12-29T12:47:07.000Z bzAYF7yEn7Y UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.29 - "Q's Twitter"/Natl. Guard & Flights to GITMO/SKYKING/Trump Mentions Podesta "CBS5 Twitter: Natl. Guard Battalion Deploying to GITMO - Jack Posobiec Twitter: Trump Mentions Podesta - State Dept. to Release Some Weiner Emails - SKYKING Basics - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['GITMO', 'planes', '4chan', '8chan', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'podesta', 'donald trump', 'conspiracy', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'north korea', 'UFO', 'national guard', 'twitter', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'fake news', 'media', 'mainstream', 'truth', 'new world order'] PT10M19S 100220 610 3384 92 not set not set 2017-12-29T13:51:56.000Z U1GOoEoYLy8 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon "Running Thread of Q posts - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'follow the white rabbit', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'disclosure', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'truth', 'cabal', 'trump', 'podesta', 'clinton'] PT29M9S 265427 1830 6650 491 not set not set 2017-12-30T14:57:11.000Z Xe8yEypTfNA UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 12.30 - Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs "Today's Links: QAnon on RT - Myself on the Infowars War Room - Trump ""Human Trafficking Prevention Month"" - Sealed Indictment Update on Twitter - Haiti's ex-prime minister investigated for corruption - Rape, sex trafficking and the spread of disease on the U.N.’s watch - Donald Scott: AIDS & Weaponized Mycoplasma - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', '4chan', '8chan', 'qanon', 'lionel media', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'roger stone', 'donald trump', 'human trafficking', 'UN', 'AIDS', 'Haiti', 'Clinton Foundation', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'truth', 'secret space program', 'free energy', 'FBI', 'corruption', 'judicial watch', 'anthony weiner', 'abedin', 'emails'] PT22M30S 118144 996 5155 118 not set not set 2018-01-02T15:30:38.000Z YDS7nKcT3rk UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.2 - Fake News ALERT!/MORE Airport Weirdness/Plane Crash Connections/Assange "Likely Actual Fake News Articles: ""Delta Force Raids Obama's Thailand Stronghold"" - Supposed 9/11 Indictment - Other Sources in Today's Video: Passport System down around U.S. - Anonymous Tweet/Video re: Christine Assange Interview - Compass Group CEO Plane Crash - Bridgewater Exec Plane Crash - Prince Alwaleed's ex-wife Tells All - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'fake news', 'conspiracy', 'pizzagate', 'donald trump', 'airport', 'plane crash', 'evacuation', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'anonymous', 'hillary clinton', 'clinton foundation', 'saudi arabia', 'prince', 'james comey', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'corruption', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'secret society'] PT24M25S 97978 1043 4285 129 not set not set 2018-01-03T17:53:43.000Z bMWIDBnA6Z4 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.3 - Q Warnings/Plane Theory/Abedin(Monitor)/Trump to Disclose Secret Tech? "Another Delta flight turned around - Delta steps up to fight trafficking - Chelsea Clinton tweets Church of Satan - Abedin forwarded top secret passwords - President Trump Considering Declassification Of Secret Technology - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['classified', 'black project', 'antigravity', 'secret space program', 'william tompkin', 'alex jones', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'huma', 'abedin', 'ankle monitor', 'deep state', 'delta', 'plane', 'turn around', 'chelsea clinton', 'church of satan', 'fusion gps', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'pedogate', 'trafficking', 'human', 'alternative', 'media', 'UFO', 'disclosure'] PT18M19S 109575 1185 5211 143 not set not set 2018-01-04T13:33:18.000Z LwTvS9v15LE UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.4 - Q's Back/Clinton House Fire/Bannon/Another Plane Gone/FBI Dossier "Fire @ Clinton's NY home - Plane Disappears Over Gulf of Mexico - Trump spends $500mil on GITMO - David Brocks Rotten Political Empire (via WaPo) - CBS News fires political director - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm', 'donald trump', 'bannon', 'clinton', 'house fire', 'plane', 'manafort', 'FBI', 'dossier', 'deep state', 'DOJ', 'DIA', 'corrupt', 'truth', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'media', 'alternative', 'seth rich', 'pizzagate', 'wikileaks', 'assange'] PT17M5S 121923 1168 5037 95 not set not set 2018-01-10T17:41:19.000Z ozbHMNhYe0A UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.10 - Disinfo Ramping Up & Situation Report "Today's Links: Official Q Board on 8Chan - Running thread of Q Posts - Sean Hannity wades into message board conspiracy theory ""The Storm"" - Elon Musk’s SpaceX launch got wrapped up in the internet’s wildest conspiracy - CONFIRMED: Claims That Assange Has Left Ecuadorian Embassy Are FALSE - FBI Agents: We Didn’t See Any Video Footage of Paddock Taking Guns To Mandalay Bay Suite - BREAKING: Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump's Private DMs to DOJ - Former Idaho State Rep Commits Suicide After Sexual Assault Allegations - FBI: Indicted Maryland Senator Confessed To Taking Cash Payments & Vegas Trips - Harvey Weinstein Attacked at Scottsdale Restaurant - Italy, Germany nab 160 alleged mobsters, seize assets - NASA spacecraft spies electric-blue clouds over Antarctica - James Gilliland w/ Dane Wigington ~ Imminent Earth Crisis Due to Chemtrails / Geoengineering - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'harvey weinstein', 'truth', 'conspiracy', 'geoengineering', 'aliens', 'ET', 'UFO', 'disclosure'] PT42M39S 127393 3154 6199 322 not set not set 2018-01-15T16:07:18.000Z oReGR3Bjjmw UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.15 - Future Proves Q/BIG WEEK/Fake News Awards 'Game Plan' "DTI Imgur (will be updating over the day) - Today's links Q's 8chan Board - Bill Clinton Triggered, Denies Clinton Foundation's Haiti Funds Were Used For Chelsea Wedding - Delta flight evacuated due to smoke at JFK Airport - Twitter's Jack Dorsey to leave Disney's board over potential conflict of interest - Trump Blasts ""Fake News"" WSJ For Misquoting Him - Man arrested for terrorist threats aimed at Steelers-Jaguars NFL playoff game - Washington D.C. subway train derails, no injuries reported - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'fake news', 'fake news awards', 'qanon', 'hawaii', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm', 'guantanamo bay', 'donald trump', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'trey gowdy', 'uranium one', 'hillary clinton', 'haiti', 'truth'] PT23M7S 118160 1258 4452 106 not set not set 2018-01-22T21:03:02.000Z zgK4F6NW32s UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.22 - #ChuckCaved/Fake Memo/Q's Pic/"Brazen Plot"/FL False Flag "Today's Links Q's Board - FBI ‘Failed To Preserve’ Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump FBI Agents - Who's Lying: FBI Says 5 Months Of Texts ""Lost,"" Yet IG Horowitz Says His Office Received Them In August - Devin Nunes & Trey Gowdy Plot “Never-Before-Used Procedure” To #ReleaseTheMemo - Senate breaks Dem filibuster, clearing way to end government shutdown - ""Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton"" And Frame Trump Unraveling, Says Former Fed Prosecutor - 2 IEDs explode at Florida mall; police hunt for suspect - 15 Year Old Hacker Impersonated CIA Director And Other High Ranking Officials In Massive Data Breach - Canadian billionaire and his wife were murdered, private investigators say - Animal Trafficking 'Kingpin' Arrested In Thailand - MrMB333: Officials have no explanation for this STRANGE phenomenon! - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 27 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'chuck schumer', 'shutdown', 'release the memo', 'FISA', 'Clinton', 'emails', 'Trump', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'disclosure', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'the storm', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'trafficking', 'false flag', 'consciousness', 'great awakening', 'awakening', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'secret space program', 'directed energy weapon'] PT17M4S 109466 826 4011 97 not set not set 2018-01-28T00:08:01.000Z 56hnR-UeVbI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Jan 27th - Checking In/1st SSP Webcast Complete & Channel Upgrades "Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 27 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'deep state', 'secret space program', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'media'] PT19M45S 39463 465 1517 71 not set not set 2018-01-29T04:17:19.000Z 0jspiMXND2A UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.28 - Q recap/Twitters Censored/FBI Txts/ET News/Time Crystals "War Room Appearance (start @ 1:48:00) - William Tompkins Final Interview - 2nd YouTube Channel: Conscious Strength - BREAKING: NOW FBI Says They Can’t Find Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s Text Messages! - Senators Press Podesta And Other Democrats About Dossier-Related Contacts - Clinton thanks ‘activist bitches’ in bizarre video - Hillary Clinton Chose to Shield a Top Adviser Accused of Harassment in 2008 - Trump Ignores DOJ Warning, Notifies Sessions He Wants FISA Memo Released - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on February 3rd. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusoin', 'hillary clinton', 'donald trump', 'FISA', 'memo', 'FBI texts', 'qanon', '8chan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'aliens', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'UFO', 'fake news', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'secret socieities'] PT20M14S 54366 527 2302 85 not set not set 2018-01-29T15:01:09.000Z Qa2bfVP6ChQ UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 1.29 - Memo to Release Today?/Current Indictment Count/CEOs Resigning "Invest in Crypto with the help of Today's Links: House Intel Poised for Memo Release Monday - StormWatcher Indictment Count (13605!) - Billionaire Steve Wynn Resigns as RNC Finance Chair Amid Sexual Harassment Claims - Fitness tracking app Strava gives away location of secret US army bases - Strava Map - Senators Press Podesta And Other Democrats About Dossier-Related Contacts - Hillary Clinton Mocks Trump In Tasteless Grammys Sketch - FBI Releases Docs Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself To Death In His Hotel Room - White House Is Planning To Nationalize 5G Network: Report - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on February 3rd. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'release the memo', 'FISA', 'memo', 'indictment', 'qanon', '8chan', 'alliance', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'disclosure', 'podesta', 'clinton', 'trump', 'fake news', 'fusion gps', 'antarctica', 'wikileaks', 'secret space program', 'cyrpto'] PT16M1S 80823 811 4147 75 not set not set 2018-02-10T17:22:29.000Z -_4Za6eoYwY UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 2.10 - Memos on Memos/Q Posts [Next week]/Pentagon Audit Front Page "Today's Links: Q Posts - Trump Blocks Democratic Counter-Memo Over ""National Security Concerns"" - Top Dem Texted Russian Oligarch Lobbyist For Access To Steele - WSJ Asks: Why Is The Media Ignoring The Real Bombshell FISA Memo? - DOJ's #3 Official Quitting After Just Nine Months - Newsweek In Crisis: Editors Go Nuclear On Exec Over Criminal Probe During Leaked Meeting - Now Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People - Tammy Bruce: The sins of a bloated, unaccountable government - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 27 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'memo', 'donald trump', 'clinton', 'foundation', 'deep state', 'secret society', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'media', 'alternative', 'mainstream', 'corruption', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'truth', 'pentagon', 'audit', 'secret space program', 'newsweek', 'zerohedge', '8chan', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'wikileaks'] PT25M40S 55307 721 2324 56 not set not set 2018-02-12T23:44:59.000Z -0DjA_r32uQ UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 2.12 - Q & Current Event Analysis from Feb 11th & 12th "Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 27 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'secret space program', '8chan', 'mainstream media', 'secret society', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'consciousness', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'infowars', 'alliance', 'white hat', 'pedogate', 'wikileaks', 'assange', 'russia', 'clinton', 'trump', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'snowden', 'DOJ', 'CNN'] PT29M55S 62936 634 2221 64 not set not set 2018-03-20T19:57:08.000Z CX6apttsGjs UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA What Does Q Mean by "40,000 ft View"? - Holistic vs. Compartmentalized Thinking "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: ++ DTI Apparel & Accessories (conscious swag) - ++ Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'holistic', 'compartmentlized', 'deep state', 'big picture', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'fake news', 'theory', 'fact', 'alternative', 'mainstream media'] PT8M17S 34696 390 1591 54 not set not set 2018-03-21T18:27:44.000Z zIU-AuvMwqU UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 3.21 - QAnon on Comedy Central/Austin Bomber Identified/SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES "Links: Austin Bomber Identified As 24-Year-Old Mark Anthony Conditt - Redpilled: The Storm - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper (QAnon hit piece) - Facebook COO Sherly Sandberg/John Podesta email #1 - Sandberg/Podesta email #2 - Lobbyist almost killed by man he hired to help him investigate Seth Rich murder - Learn About Senior Executive Service (SES) - @intheMatrixxx Twitter thread on SES - . . (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: ++ DTI Apparel & Accessories (conscious swag) - ++ Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'deep state', 'qanon', 'comedy central', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'mainstream', 'CIA', 'SES', 'senior executive services', 'facebook', 'cambridge', 'analytics', 'seth rich', 'reddit', '4chan', '8chan', 'hacker', 'russian', 'bot', 'social media'] PT24M41S 90313 1073 4480 107 not set not set 2018-03-27T23:11:58.000Z bzCEAKmxlVs UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 3.27 - PsyOp Q?/Ascension Symptoms/DoD Admits "Voice of God" Tech/NXIVM " Today's Links: Q is a psyop? - Did you see it? Photos of strange light across Valley sky draws questions on social media - The US Military Is Making Lasers That Create Voices out of Thin Air - Orlando nightclub shooter's father, an FBI informant, brushed off son's terror comments, agent says - LITTLE HOGGS: #MarchForOurLives Student Protesters Leave Their Trash for Someone Else to Clean Up - Founder of the secretive self-help group NXIVM charged with sex trafficking - Packages With ""Explosive Contents"" Discovered At Washington Military Buildings - Liberal World Order, R.I.P. - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: ++ DTI Apparel & Accessories (conscious swag) - ++ Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'voice of god', 'DoD', 'qanon', 'psyop', 'fake', 'ascension', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'FBI', 'informant', 'shooter', 'false flag', 'deep state', 'secret society', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'truth', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'mainstream', 'media', 'gold standard', 'russia', 'clinton'] PT11M26S 58314 863 2867 118 not set not set 2018-03-28T02:53:11.000Z gkO-A-sYsH0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Is Q a PSY-OP? "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: ++ DTI Apparel & Accessories (conscious swag) - ++ Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'psyop', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'alternative', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'AIM', 'american intelligence media', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'military', 'intelligence', 'white hat', 'alliance'] PT18M54S 36457 988 2111 96 not set not set 2018-03-28T22:40:07.000Z hIrbIOaAUxg UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 3.28 - Q's Latest/Sex Trafficking Exposure/Julian Assange Internet Cut/PARDON FLYNN! "Resignation List - Today's Links: Why so many are 'taking the red pill' (and discovering the truth about the mainstream media) - FBI Director Christopher Wray Assigns Additional 27 Staff To Expedite Chairman Bob Goodlatte Subpoena - Gillibrand rival slams her father’s ties to alleged sex-slave cult - FBI raids NXIVM president's house as Raniere appears in federal court - Assange’s internet connection cut following ‘agreement breach’ – Ecuador - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: ++ DTI Apparel & Accessories (conscious swag) - ++ Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'flynn', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'fake news', 'alternative', 'media', 'mainstream', 'deep state', 'secret society', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'clinton', 'FISA', 'OIG', 'horowitz', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'susan rice', 'goodlatte', 'trafficking', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'secret space program'] PT20M7S 85758 1026 5638 80 not set not set 2018-04-02T03:12:24.000Z aDUDC92PxcU UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.1 - Roseanne/McCabe/Gold Standard/Sinclair Broadcasting/Lockheed's Nuclear Jet/Army UFO Prank "Links: McCabe Lied Four Times To DOJ and FBI - Twice While Under Oath - Pippa Middleton's multi-millionaire father-in-law David Matthews, 74, hits out as French police charge him for sexual assault on a teenage girl two decades ago - H.R. 5404 - To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold - Lockheed Martin Patents Nuclear Fusion-Powered Fighter Jet - Corps of Engineers pulls UFO out of DC waters near Reagan National Airport - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: ++ DTI Apparel & Accessories (conscious swag) - ++ Get my Secret Space Program Webcasts here - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['deep state', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'sinclair', 'roseanne', 'qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'lockheed', 'gold standard', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'mainstream', 'clinton', 'ufo', 'secret space program'] PT20M6S 64225 806 3254 57 not set not set 2018-04-03T01:13:26.000Z 6foOgmaZN-s UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 24,544 Sealed Indictments - WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS?! "Most Recent Indictment Count: . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', '8chan', 'mass arrests', 'indictments', 'sealed indictments', 'the storm', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'elite', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'secret society', 'disclosure', 'ascension', 'new world order'] PT8M46S 93435 1195 3919 161 not set not set 2018-04-04T17:48:36.000Z Up-MRtsG4Tw UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network" "Today's Links: QAnon Posts - Fox and Friends Awan Report: ""Rogue"" Network Of Cellular Eavesdropping Devices Discovered Throughout Washington D.C. - The Palace Just Confirmed That Ailing Prince Philip is Being Admitted to the Hospital - Salisbury poisoning: UK experts cannot prove novichok nerve agent used on Skripals came from Russia, MoD says - Democratic Rep. Esty says she won’t seek re-election after abuse claims against ex-staffer - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['awan', 'imran awan', 'qanon', '8chan', 'youtube', 'vatican', 'clinton', 'trump', 'conspiracy', 'roseanne', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'cabal', 'new world order', 'disclosure', 'expose', 'truth', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'amazon', 'fake news', 'media', 'mainstream media', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'NSA'] PT24M55S 81414 948 4122 77 not set not set 2018-04-04T23:44:25.000Z ees6El-Jay0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA #DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 4th 2018 "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'pharma', 'jordan sather', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'truth', 'seth rich', 'julian assange', 'trafficking', 'border', 'wall', 'clinton', 'trump', 'rothschild', 'vatican', 'pope', 'fake news', 'media'] PT16M16S 53693 553 2264 67 not set not set 2018-04-05T16:23:58.000Z hy9Uo864i5g UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA #DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 5th 2018 "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', 'roseanne', 'the storm', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'disclosure', 'truth', 'fake news', 'media', 'cia', 'nsa', '4chan', 'clinton', 'trump', 'exposed', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion'] PT14M42S 65576 477 2675 44 not set not set 2018-04-06T17:52:21.000Z jal0jAoFV70 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA #DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 6th 2018 "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'new york times', 'cnn', 'mainstream media', 'fake news', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'secret society', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'truth', 'exposed', 'aircraft', 'crash', 'secret space program', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'trafficking', 'trump', 'clinton', 'wikileaks', 'podesta', 'navy', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'DOJ'] PT14M30S 76852 535 2682 56 not set not set 2018-04-08T00:26:49.000Z hLWMbjtpLn0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.7 - Trump Tower Fire/German Car Attack/Iran Hacked/Top Vatican Arrest/Another Dead Dr.! "Today's Links: Fire Breaks Out On 50th Floor Of Trump Tower - 2 Soldiers Killed In An Apache Helicopter Crash During Training - Iran hit by global cyber attack that left U.S. flag on screens - Vatican's former top diplomat in US is arrested over 'child pornography allegations’ - Exclusive: Massive Ancient Drawings Found in Peruvian Desert - 87th Holistic Doctor Found Dead, Authorities Not Stating Whether “Homicide Or Suicide” - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'trump tower', 'fire', 'fbi', 'cia', 'nsa', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'media', 'truth', 'backpage', 'trafficking', 'border', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'vatican', 'rothschild', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'nazca', 'lines', 'peru'] PT12M28S 48314 497 2796 41 not set not set 2018-04-08T01:55:10.000Z m30mwu-9WW0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA #DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 7th 2018 "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'the storm', 'the great awakening', 'disclosure', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'analysis', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'fake news', 'rothschilds', 'vatican', 'mass arrests', 'indictments', 'border', 'trafficking'] PT20M1S 56430 480 2262 55 not set not set 2018-04-10T22:35:56.000Z NVUbej8exEk UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA #DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018 "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'google', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'truth', 'fake news', 'clinton', 'trump', 'iran', 'syria', 'north korea', 'indictments', 'sealed', 'mass arrests'] PT25M30S 70526 671 2259 65 not set not set 2018-04-16T23:43:06.000Z DSqcbzBojYk UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.16 - QAnon in MSM/"Fake Videos" & #FRAZZLEDRIP/Dead GMO Activist/Trump Supports Marijuana " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Today's Links: Inside the 25,000 sealed indictments fueling the QAnon conspiracy - Face-swapping videos could lead to more 'fake news' - Anti-GMO mosquito activist dies in a swimming pool - This Is The Sickening Amount Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Top Journal Editors - Sex traffickers are using social media to target children - President Trump pledges to support states’ rights to legal marijuana - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - - AWESOME supplements - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'fbi', 'anthony weiner', 'FBI', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'trump', 'clinton', 'email', 'investigation', 'fake news', 'conspiracy', 'qanon', 'alternative', 'media', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'secret society', 'censorship', 'seth rich', 'truth', 'pizzagate', 'trafficking'] PT15M28S 82456 801 3321 85 not set not set 2018-04-18T08:04:21.000Z mCy59eLFjZg UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA DTI News 4.17 - Bush / QAnon (Plane Crashes) / "Deepfake" Videos "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['deepfake', 'fake videos', 'artifical intelligence', 'jordan sather', 'conspiracy', 'qanon', '8chan', 'destroying the illusion', 'mainstream media', 'truth', 'deep state', 'clinton', 'trump', 'new world order', 'alliance', 'the storm', 'the great awakening', 'disclosure', 'ancient civilization', 'atlantic', 'antarctica', 'marijuana', 'FDA', 'cannabis'] PT20M49S 78424 1227 3816 82 not set not set 2018-04-19T01:03:57.000Z -i-6mNaKI3I UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Today's Links: Criminal Referral Issued For Comey, Clinton, Lynch And McCabe; Rosenstein Recusal Demanded - Putin Reportedly ""Ready For Deep Concessions"", Seeks Deal With Trump - Climate Engineering Insanity, Manufacturing Winter Weather With Tropical Moisture - German police launch crackdown on human trafficking, organized crime - Facebook User Shoots Live Footage Of Multiple UFOs In Front Of Her Condo In Baja, Mexico - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'FBI', 'inspector general', 'clinton', 'trump', 'exoplanets', 'NASA', 'truth', 'secret space program', 'UFO', 'sighting', 'disclosure', 'alien', 'ET', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'the storm'] PT20M3S 60328 748 3025 59 not set not set 2018-04-20T22:43:51.000Z RmZj7uATNFM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop "Today's Links: X22 interview - McCabe's fate rests with Trump-appointed prosecutor - Bizarre bug causes Amber Alert page and numerous other government domains to redirect visitors to PORN sites - There IS a deep state says Comey: Fired FBI director says Trump is RIGHT - but 'unchangeable' FBI, CIA and military love American values and are NOT trying to bring down 'elected leadership' - Comey: If I could 'change time,' Anthony Weiner would never have 'been born' - Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'secret space program', 'mccabe', 'comey', 'clinton', 'investigation', 'conspiracy', 'trump', 'mind control', 'fake news', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'truth', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'corruption', 'government', 'disclosure', 'deep state', 'anthony weinar', 'guliani'] PT21M42S 54535 549 2539 57 not set not set 2018-04-22T17:14:39.000Z td8PwMAtpQI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA #DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 22th 2018 "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'clinton', 'deep state', 'truth', 'news', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'FISA', 'Russia', 'podesta', 'sealed indictments', 'trafficking', 'arrests', 'disclosure', 'consciousness', 'ascension', 'corruption', 'mack', 'smallville'] PT22M1S 68945 535 2475 74 not set not set 2018-04-25T19:02:26.000Z cyjt9Vm0imo UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West "To keep your data safe, click here - Today's Links: Kanye West On Red-Pill Rampage, Now Tweeting Scott Adams As Left Flips Out - Posts Indicate Suspect in Toronto Attack Was Radicalized on 4chan - Canadian humanitarian worker Peter Dalglish arrested in child sex investigation in Nepal, police say - Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['NXIVM', 'allison mack', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'new world order', 'truth', 'kanye west', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'trump', 'disclosure'] PT18M52S 83380 876 3256 104 not set not set 2018-04-28T18:52:55.000Z dlZUFvOqJeY UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.28 - QAnon Analysis: Flynn, Mueller & the FBI Cleansing "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['flynn', 'mueller', 'russia', 'trump', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'fbi texts', 'release the texts', 'qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'illuminati', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'clinton', 'fake news', 'media', 'truth', 'exposed'] PT18M52S 77549 628 2629 70 not set not set 2018-04-29T10:20:11.000Z rUpElK5Qw3E UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 4.29 - Clapper Leaks/Syria, Las Vegas, Parkland FFs/Rosemary's Baby/Kanye's Conspiracies "To keep your data safe, click here - Today's Links: EXCLUSIVE: Cabal Of Wealthy Donors Financing $50 Million Trump-Russia Investigation - ""No Attacks, No Victims"": Syria Chemical Attack Video Participants Speak At OPCW Briefing - Mystery: Two Broward County Sheriff’s deputies have died since the Parkland, Florida shootings and no one knows why - Supreme Court orders release of audio, video from Las Vegas shooting - White House Intel: John McCain Expected to Retire from U.S. Senate - Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['kanye west', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'john mccain', 'las vegas shooting', 'syria', 'russia', 'rosemarys baby', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan'] PT14M29S 75711 598 2938 88 not set not set 2018-05-02T19:55:29.000Z HLRFTyNBlFY UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA 5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', '8chan', 'syria', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'deep state', 'exposed', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'JFK', 'trump', 'clinton', 'indictments'] PT14M47S 64591 959 2412 168 not set not set 2018-05-03T23:40:03.000Z 4fS6egD9cSc UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [5.3] QAnon: Apple/"Alien Whistleblower"/Earth's Pole Shift/Vatican Problems "Today's Links: Alien whistleblower claims ETs and UFOs are being HARVESTED in an underground facility - Cardinal George Pell To Face Sexual Assault Charges In Australia - 'Biohacker' CEO Found Dead in Flotation Tank - Scientists: Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ""Weird"", We Could Experience A ""Shudder"" - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'disclosure', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'exposed', '8chan', 'indictments', 'ufo', 'alien', 'extraterrestrial', 'biohacker', 'holistic doctor', 'death', 'pole shift', 'pole flip', 'magnetic field', 'earth', 'ascension', 'consciousness', 'great awakening'] PT19M40S 101492 1198 3791 145 not set not set 2018-05-05T02:02:46.000Z j6boJmmzNcg UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [5.4] Q: Trip Change/NEW SEALED RECORD COUNT/Trump: "BOOM"/Dead Doctors/More Arrests Soon "IG - TW - FB - Today's Links: NSA Changeover Ceremony - New Indictment Counts - More Arrests Expected in Sex Cult Case Against 'Smallville' Actress, Prosecutor Says - Kentucky - Judge Timothy Nolan Guilty of Human Trafficking - Spy agency NSA triples collection of U.S. phone records: official report - What is the dead doctors conspiracy theory? - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['sealed indictments', 'qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'OIG', 'inspector general', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'trump', 'clinton', 'new world order', 'truth', 'exposed', 'disclosure', 'the great awakening', 'fake news', 'media', 'human trafficking', 'dead doctors', 'NASA', 'secret space program', 'free energy'] PT18M6S 94663 951 3514 109 not set not set 2018-05-06T16:19:17.000Z WB_PkYN9MFI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed " Promo Code ""jordan"" for 10% off Today's Links: Albany doctor allegedly ran sick human experiments for Nxivm - Cybercom to Elevate to Combatant Command - Weapons grade plutonium goes missing from US university - Facebook Co-Founder Wants To Slap $3 Trillion Tax On Rich To Pay For Universal Basic Income - Air Force Picks 3 Bases for Its Next-Generation B-21 Bomber - . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['8chan', 'qanon', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'nxivm', 'mkultra', 'mind control', 'trafficking', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'secret space program', 'navy', 'air force', 'nasa', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'antigravity', 'free energy', 'news', 'fake news', 'truth', 'exposed'] PT16M59S 103790 1031 4484 134 not set not set 2018-05-08T20:31:51.000Z GDx66bXgYq4 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Exposing Human/Child Trafficking and Free Energy/ET Disclosure Go Hand in Hand "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'free energy', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'trafficking', 'pedogate', 'qanon', '8chan', 'cover up', 'conspiracy'] PT4M30S 50175 471 2561 59 not set not set 2018-05-14T02:03:18.000Z xQVu3ywd2RU UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [5.13] - Q: Stay The Course "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'corsi', 'alex jones', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'globalists', 'great awakening', 'ascension', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'free energy', 'zero point energy', 'david wilcock', 'alliance', 'white hate', 'insider', 'whistleblower', 'exposed', 'truth', 'iran', 'clinton', 'trump', 'flynn'] PT19M32S 72865 1477 3814 258 not set not set 2018-05-18T02:28:04.000Z p6wFKOTyR60 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian "Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Sessions', 'clinton', 'new world order', 'illuminati'] PT18M46S 95389 1042 3899 92 not set not set 2018-05-18T17:16:46.000Z -Avsxw6BrhI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [5.18] False Flags/Pope Having a Bad May/Russia Investigation Implodes/Opioid Crisis " Promo Code ""jordan"" for 10% off . . Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'false flag', 'russia', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'pope', 'vatican', 'abuse', 'trafficking', 'opioid', 'drugs', 'truth', 'exposed', 'awakening'] PT12M45S 68339 811 3476 85 not set not set 2018-06-29T21:09:32.000Z LFlKG-VVzMc UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM! "Take advantage of the month end specials - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '8 chan', '8chan', '4chan', 'disclosure', 'deep state', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'truth', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'trump', 'clinton', 'pizzagate', 'secret space program', 'free energy', 'consciousness', 'the great awakening', 'information', 'fake news', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'IG report'] PT36M21S 30673 485 1531 58 not set not set 2018-06-30T17:55:08.000Z 3VJvZsz9VQk UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [6.30] Q Train Gaining!/Assange & Trump's Uncle/Natural Health Suppression/Toymaker Pulls Nazi UFO "Take advantage of the month end specials - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'q anon', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'the great awakening', 'health', 'holistic doctors', 'murdered doctors', 'censored', 'censorship', 'truth', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'FDA', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'UFO', 'Nazi', 'secret space program'] PT18M54S 29016 321 1849 42 not set not set 2018-07-03T16:22:23.000Z zKar6awuy2Q UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.3] Antifa Knockout! / Q: "No Civil War" / FBI Foils July 4th Terror Plot " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Today's Links: Antifa Knockout High-Quality Video - Lisa Mei Twitter - Epoch Times: ""The ‘Q’ Phenomenon"" - CBS : ""I never said that! High-tech deception of ‘deepfake’ videos"" - ""FBI arrest man over alleged 4th July terror attack in Cleveland"" - ""Iran diplomat among four arrested over 'plot to attack' opposition meeting in France attended by Rudy Giuliani"" - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'sealed indictments', 'civil war', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'truth', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'terror', 'trump', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'news', 'fake news', 'antifa', 'patriot', 'soros', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'protest'] PT21M2S 26953 530 1964 42 not set not set 2018-07-09T19:52:36.000Z aqGYpuYdbOM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.9] Hill & Bill Fly Commercial / QAnon / Space Force / Pentagon Audit: An "Unpleasant Surprise" " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Today's Links: Q - The Plan To Save The World - US Federal Witness Due To Testify Against Hillary Clinton For Drug Crimes Killed In Massive Explosion - 'Unpleasant surprises' expected in Pentagon audit - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - - Secret Space Program Webcasts - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', 'the storm', 'the great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'hillary clinton', 'bill clinton', 'space force', 'pentagon', 'audit', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'UFO', 'truth', 'fake news', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'new world order', 'deep state', 'illuminati'] PT20M22S 61435 736 3216 78 not set not set 2018-07-11T20:37:25.000Z sLv3F7kLpB4 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.11] Seth Rich Conference / HIV Vaccine / Monsanto Lawsuit / QAnon " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Today's Links: Liz Crokin Twitter - AIDS & MYCOPLASMA: The crime beyond belief - Monsanto 'bullied scientists' and hid weedkiller cancer risk, lawyer tells court - REX Q Twitter Thread - Activists Sully Second Anniversary of Seth Rich Murder with Batsh*t Crazy Press Conference - Woman found dead in trash compactor of swanky NYC apartment building - Nun who worked in home run by Mother Teresa’s order charged with baby trafficking - ISIS 'capital' captured in Afghanistan, over 160 fighters killed by US, Afghan troops - . . Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'seth rich', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'clinton', 'liz crokin', 'truth', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'trafficking', 'HIV', 'vaccine', 'monsanto', 'ISIS', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'conspiracy', 'theory'] PT23M29S 44052 832 2659 72 not set not set 2018-07-21T23:12:55.000Z qdwN5mt9V2c UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.21] Weird Deaths (Deep State?) / Q Connections / James Gunn / Trump to Take Over Federal Reserve? " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'russia', 'putin', 'trump', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'qdrops', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'deep state', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'mueller', 'indictments', 'gold standard', 'federal reserve', 'ufo', 'secret space program', 'david wilcock', 'alliance', 'new world order', 'illuminati'] PT13M36S 76878 944 4964 89 not set not set 2018-07-26T16:10:06.000Z 7HQEEo9pTxI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Today's Links: Honk for Q: Aliens might have lived on the Moon, scientists say - A lake on Mars? Discovery of liquid water below planet's surface stokes hopes of finding life - YouTube issues a new strike against Alex Jones’ channel - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: - DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'podesta', 'clinton', 'trump', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'sealed indictments', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'mars', 'water', 'moon', 'aliens', 'ET', 'secret space program', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FISA', 'twitter', 'facebook'] PT27M22S 71401 941 3910 108 not set not set 2018-07-31T14:58:42.000Z fOQPFgF5Etg UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks " Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'sara ashcraft', 'tom hanks', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'conspiracy', 'destroying the illusion', 'deep state', 'avenatti', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Trump', 'Clinton', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'Soros', '8chan', 'debunked', 'exposed', 'LARP', 'indictments', 'truth', 'the great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'roseanne barr', 'james gunn', 'antifa'] PT24M2S 63265 707 3352 73 not set not set 2018-07-31T21:05:22.000Z x4XfpmZxDq0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [7.31] NEW Q DISCOVERY (potentially) - Every Tripcode & ID Points to a BOOK! "Rooak: ""EVERY TripCode & UserID used by Q Points to a Book"" - FreeSpeechZone: ""Hidden in Plain Sight: Down the Google Book Rabbit Hole w/ Q’s Trip Codes, User IDs"" - Google Spreadsheet List - . . Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'trump', 'clinton', 'debunked', 'exposed', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'deep state', 'truth', 'david wilcock', 'secret space program', 'ramtha', 'salla', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'awakening', 'ascension', 'consciousness', 'isaac kappy', 'tom hanks'] PT16M33S 68822 826 3718 81 not set not set 2018-08-02T15:18:30.000Z Rt85IKjQ9hs UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [8.2] QAnon Update - WE ARE NOW MAINSTREAM! " . . Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['mainstream media', 'qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'trump', 'truth', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'fake news', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'corruption'] PT21M27S 53743 904 3136 162 not set not set 2018-08-07T17:26:42.000Z ytA3-R4Fi4M UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [8.7] Latest Q / Infowars Censored / Parkland Shooter Heard "Demons" / $Trillions Missing From DoD " - Download the ""Government Lies Exposed: Inflation"" eBook - Dylan's IG - Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending? - Parkland shooting suspect told police he heard a ‘demon’ voice in his head telling him: ‘Burn. Kill. Destroy.’ - . . Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '4chan', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'censorship', 'youtube', 'proof', 'debunked', 'exposed', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'illuminati', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'secret space program', 'missing money', 'trillions', 'audit', 'black budget', 'black projects', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'the great awakening', 'awakening', 'consciousness', 'ascension', 'truth'] PT18M50S 53107 834 3213 65 not set not set 2018-08-08T14:58:44.000Z x27EZLRmoAU UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [8.8] The Basics of the QAnon Operation "Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'truth', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'donald trump', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'flynn', 'alliance', 'sealed indictments', 'insider', 'LARP'] PT17M52S 49281 656 2828 81 not set not set 2018-08-08T16:36:26.000Z ySSnEYdnsEM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [8.8] DOWN / Assange to Testify / Mattis Reverses on Space Force / Mandatory Vaccines "Protect your investments: also Purchase The Trump Coin at Use promo Code ""jordan"" To save $5 OFF Other sites to read Q posts: Today's Links: ‘Q’ Community Responds to Media Attacks - US Senate Calls On Julian Assange To Testify - Rep. Chris Collins Arrested on Securities Fraud-Related Charges: Officials - Mattis supportive of new combatant command for space operations - Why Italy's U-turn on mandatory vaccination shocks the scientific community - . . Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['space force', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'testify', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'mattis', 'secret space program', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'vaccines', 'mandatory vaccination', 'fake news', 'media', 'mainstream media', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'awakening', 'the great awakening', 'ascension', 'conscious', 'consciousness', 'news'] PT10M52S 97968 1102 4776 148 not set not set 2018-08-16T17:53:03.000Z 4nk3rY194h8 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [8.16] Media vs. Trump / Brennan's Clearance / Vaccines & GMO's / Max Spiers "Today's Links: Weed-Killing Carcinogen Glyphosate Found In Children's Foods - Police investigating death of conspiracy theorist Max Spiers ‘facing disciplinary action’ - UFO conspiracy theorists embrace shaky video taken at NC’s Lake Norman - Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'fake news', 'news', 'media', 'mainstream media', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'john brennan', 'trump', 'clinton', 'podesta', '8chan', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'truth', 'vaccines', 'GMO', 'max spiers', 'UFO', 'secret space program', 'aliens', 'extraterrestrials', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'the great awakening', 'illuminati'] PT17M34S 41892 563 2566 59 not set not set 2018-09-10T16:12:38.000Z 9lgC6A9CGqY UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [9.10] Q / FISA Coming / CBS Chief Quits / Bayer&Monsanto / MSM Talks Alien Life "Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'FISA', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'conspiracy', '8chan', 'sealed indictments', 'monsanto', 'bayer', 'big pharma', 'CBS', 'clinton', 'trump', 'podesta', 'seth rich', 'alien', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'ET', 'truth', 'fake news', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'federal reserve', 'censorship', 'alex jones', 'jack posobiec', 'infowars', 'conservative'] PT20M8S 82894 720 3624 118 not set not set 2018-09-14T12:41:46.000Z Tus8Yc2qNXc UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [9.13] QAnon / Reddit Ban & Censorship / Vatican Unraveling / NYPD Arrests " Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Gab: @destroyingtheillusion Patreon: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via: PayPal: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'truth', 'fake news', 'conspiracy', 'FISA', 'reddit', 'censorship', 'banned', 'ban', 'sex abuse', 'vatican', 'NYPD', 'arrests', 'deep state'] PT8M59S 44670 419 2895 56 not set not set 2018-09-20T02:18:07.000Z IsG3gQIRxno UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Q Confirms ET’s and Secret Space Programs Destroying the Illusion 22 not set PT10M56S 71667 1391 4591 152 not set not set 2018-09-24T17:54:58.000Z 1Qa_cX1DPn8 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space "Voat for Q - . . . Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 not set PT56M3S 40868 591 2142 115 not set not set 2018-09-25T19:13:28.000Z D8mzSBBfnNQ UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA ABOVE MAJESTIC: The Implications of a Secret Space Program - Coming 10/31/18 "ABOVE MAJESTIC: The Implications of a Secret Space Program Coming October 31st, 2018." Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'above majestic', 'secret space program', 'destroying the illusion', 'space force', 'disclosure', 'UFO', 'ET', 'alien', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'truth', 'fake news'] PT31S 27571 98 951 23 not set not set 2018-09-26T03:46:22.000Z bbpmtRc18WQ UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [9.25] Q Comms - Did 4chan Troll Avanetti? - Gab Trolls Twitter - Facebook & YouTube Problems "Protect Your Data Online - Above Majestic Trailer - 4chan post trolling Avanetti - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Gab: @destroyingtheillusion DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'above majestic', 'secret space program', 'space force', 'twitter', 'youtube', 'facebook', 'instagram', 'censorship', 'suppression', 'conservative', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'destroying the illusion', 'kavanaugh', 'avanetti', '4chan', '8chan', '8 chan', 'clinton', 'trump', 'confirmation', 'rod rosenstein', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'new world order', 'conspiracy'] PT16M5S 48993 530 3258 68 not set not set 2018-09-28T00:14:16.000Z 7d3A9Wi1xu0 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Evaluating Gaia & Their Alleged New Secret Space Program Insider Jason Rice "Fair Use Notice Certain materials in this presentation are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copywrite Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'Gaia', 'spirituality', 'david wilcock', 'corey goode', 'secret space program', 'insider', 'whistleblower', 'testimony', 'jason rice', 'debunked', 'exposed', 'truth', 'media', 'conspiracy', 'reptilian', 'alien', 'UFO', 'extraterrestrial', 'ET', 'luciferian', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'disclosure', 'project', 'greer', 'ancient aliens'] PT10M41S 34273 477 1631 152 not set not set 2018-10-01T20:35:24.000Z 23Zi93zyS6U UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.1] 'To The Stars' 37 Million IN DEBT? / New Indictment Count / QAnon / Ebola & Monkeypox Scares "Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'to the stars', 'tom delonge', 'CIA', 'lockheed', 'UFO', 'disclosure', 'secret space program', 'sealed indictments', 'kavanaugh', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'the great awakening', 'awakening', 'consciousness', 'truth', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'clinton', 'trump', 'ebola', 'vaccine', 'bill gates', 'monkeypox', 'zika', 'rothschild', 'federal reserve', 'NASA', 'space', 'space force'] PT17M35S 55213 467 2423 65 not set not set 2018-10-09T21:10:02.000Z QK6Y2tnFIAw UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA SNEAK PEEK of Above Majestic: Implications of a Secret Space Program (Coming 10/31) "Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through taking a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover-ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic. Featuring some of the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure. This includes David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather." Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'david wilcock', 'corey goode', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'above majestic', 'alien', 'ET', 'extraterrestrial', 'william tompkins', 'laura eisenhower', 'niara isley', 'destroying the illusion', 'sphere being alliance', 'space', 'nasa', 'space x', 'antigravity', 'electrogravitics', 'nikola tesla', 'space force', 'space program', 'black project', 'unacknowledged', 'disclosure project', 'whistleblower', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'conspiracy'] PT2M9S 16670 107 917 35 not set not set 2018-10-10T19:11:58.000Z WHSd5tVWq1I UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.10] Latest Q: "Patience" / Human Trafficking & Child Abuse News "Grab a Trump Coin! - Today's Links: Pope Francis: Divisive Devil Responsible For Catholic Pedophile Epidemic - Prince Harry’s former bodyguard spared jail after downloading 10,000 child sex images - NXIVM doctor who branded women still practicing during investigation - Trump Jr. triggers Kathy Griffin so badly with just 1 RETWEET she rage-babbles in pathetic ‘poor me’ thread - Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['human trafficking', 'vatican', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'kathy griffin', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'truth', 'NXIVM', 'censorship', 'consciousness', 'awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'the great awakening', 'conscious', 'disclosure'] PT19M6S 45180 614 2915 50 not set not set 2018-10-14T23:50:42.000Z P8xmUD4Gmrw UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.14] Kayne / Vatican / Federal Reserve / Trump to Reform Cannabis / Chinese Spy Arrested "Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Minds: @Jordan Sather Gab: @destroyingtheillusion Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'q anon', 'trump', 'cannabis', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'china', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'secret space program', 'ufo', 'Vatican', 'truth', 'fake news', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'qanon', 'facebook', 'federal reserve', 'rothschild', 'rockefeller', 'big pharma', 'disclosure', 'FISA'] PT15M16S 46400 576 3443 61 not set not set 2018-10-16T01:06:48.000Z vK3bX5D1ysc UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA ABOVE MAJESTIC: The Implications of a Secret Space Program OFFICIAL TRAILER "ABOVE MAJESTIC: The Implications of a Secret Space Program coming October 30th Available on iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, Xbox and Google Play, On September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the 9/11 attack. The mystery remains: Where are the missing trillions? Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through take a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic. Featuring some the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure. This includes David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather. . . Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Vids also on: Steemit/Dtube: BitChute: DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'david wilcock', 'above majestic', 'secret space program', 'UFO', 'alien', 'ET', 'extraterrestrial', 'conspiracy', 'reptilian', 'grey', 'nordic', 'pleiadian', 'space force', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'NASA', 'space', 'antigravity', 'tesla', 'deep state', 'truth', 'new world order', 'rothschild', 'military industrial complex', 'corey goode', 'william tompkins', 'navy', 'CIA', 'air force', 'cover up'] PT2M31S 80548 241 1611 55 not set not set 2018-10-16T05:39:31.000Z zUxgy98UTp4 UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA The Hilarious Non-Player Character Meme and the MR. SMITH Effect! "Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['NPC', 'non player character', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'meme', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'right wing', 'fake news', 'conservative', 'deep state', 'censorship', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'social media', 'conspiracy', 'truth', 'journalist', 'Trump', 'Clinton', 'CIA', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'the great awakening', 'awakening', 'consciousness', 'ascension', 'disclosure'] PT5M56S 24875 332 1770 43 not set not set 2018-10-16T21:46:52.000Z kHxWvaMOwhM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.16] Weirdness on Twitter / Warren DNA & Daniels Fail / Julian Assange / Justice Dept. Unloads "Grab a Trump Coin! - Today's Links: Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Minds: @Jordan Sather Gab: @destroyingtheillusion Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'elizabeth warren', 'stormy daniels', 'trump', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange', 'emails', 'clinton', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'deep state', 'disclosure', 'the great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'truth', 'exposed', 'debunked', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'censorship', 'shadowbanned', 'DNA'] PT13M51S 43611 376 2564 48 not set not set 2018-10-19T21:07:54.000Z aC12-gepI3U UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.19] FBI Raids/ Financial Arrest / DOJ Smashes Records & Investigates Catholic Church / Assange "Social Media: Minds: @Jordan Sather Gab: @destroyingtheillusion Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'catholic church', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Bruce Ohr', 'FISA', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'clinton', 'hillary clinton', 'conspiracy', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'deep state', 'the great awakening', 'twitter', 'censorship', 'alternative media', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'infowars', 'debunked', 'exposed', 'space', 'rod rosenstein', 'jeff sessions', 'indictments'] PT11M28S 74166 555 3958 63 not set not set 2018-10-24T18:32:18.000Z yK2UAmF7gYA UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.24] Live News - Suspicious Packages Mailed to Clintons, Obama, CNN, & More "Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Minds: @JordanSather Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'destroying the illusion', 'deep state', 'right wing', 'left ring', 'conservative', 'censorship', 'rod rosenstein'] PT15M25S 36075 678 2443 47 not set not set 2018-10-25T00:38:33.000Z LQ4NioOxuGM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.24] Were the #FakeMailBombs a White Hat Operation? "Q Clock Tweet - Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Minds: @JordanSather Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'red wave', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'midterms', 'truth'] PT20M41S 38794 1057 2516 71 not set not set 2018-10-27T19:45:16.000Z bmipWlYsyEM UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.27] Pittsburgh Incident (FF) / #FakeMailBomber Narrative Implodes "Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Minds: @JordanSather Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'false flag', 'pittsburgh', 'CIA', 'mail', 'bomb', 'NSA', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'Clinton', 'Trump', 'symbolism', 'pizza', 'symbol', 'meaning', 'all seeing eye', 'pyramid'] PT16M21S 53147 729 3503 55 not set not set 2018-10-29T01:33:07.000Z aJWZ_APGg6A UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA [10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium "ITunes Pre-Order link for ABOVE MAJESTIC - Today's Links: VIPAnon 8chan post - John Huber's FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery - Prominent tax dodger Winston Shrout sent to prison for 10 years - Support my work on: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) Social Media: Minds: @JordanSather Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'above majestic', 'gab', 'infowars', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'trump', 'clinton', 'huber', 'sealed indictments', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'false flag', 'truth', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'vaccine', 'lithium', 'fluoride', 'winston shrout', 'strawman', 'sovereign', 'the great awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'admiralty law', 'maritime law'] PT20M49S 62836 826 3740 85 not set not set 2018-10-29T15:47:03.000Z hhPRDd4gOEI UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA Above Majestic | Official Trailer #2 [HD] "Above Majestic is now available worldwide on all digital platforms! Watch the movie here: Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through take a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic. Featuring some the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure. This includes David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, William Tompkins, David Adair, Laura Eisenhower, Niara Isley, and Jordan Sather." Destroying the Illusion 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'above majestic', 'david wilcock', 'corey goode', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'secret space program', 'UFO', 'alien', 'extraterrestrial', 'censored', 'space force', 'NASA', 'william tompkins', 'niara isley', 'mark mccandlish', 'truth', 'evidence'] PT2M15S 49586 344 1868 66 not set not set 2018-04-03T01:50:34.000Z 4XFF1txlyFA UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA New Q decode, the latest Qanon drop has a lot of deep state cabal information decoded Q post full Full Qanon decode from the last Q post killing the Deep State and ending the corruption at the highest level in the USA and worldwide. diakrisis1 25 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'New Q post', 'Latest Q', 'newest Q', '8chan comped', 'Great Awakening board compromised', 'GA killed', 'GA comped', 'hackers', 'deep state terrofied', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'McCabe', 'Comey', 'Meuller', 'Prison', 'Hillary for prison', 'Hillary falls', 'gitmo', 'AIM lies', 'AIM CIA', 'AIM deep state', 'AIM is CIA'] PT1H24M5S 5893 41 98 4 not set not set 2018-04-09T22:04:37.000Z fDU5zE8hEO0 UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA New Q post Latest Q decode #1065 #1073 Pedo Island Bad steel Helicopter crashes Border Wars STAND UP "This is a Redeux of the original for my daughter who didn't want to share the Willy Wonka intro, for you sweetheart. Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q intel', 'Q drop', 'Q post', 'Q decode', 'Pedophiles', 'Globalist', 'Cabal', 'Isreal', 'Epstein Island', 'St. James Island', 'Lolita Express', 'Pedo Island', 'Operation Mockingbird', 'MSM', 'Fake News Media', 'New Q', 'Latest', 'Latest Q', 'Q News'] PT26M22S 73 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-07-15T01:30:27.000Z vCrIrreWGRM UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 14th Leslie Lynch King, Jr "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M44S 44 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-15T12:35:11.000Z InW0RK_njXA UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 15th Robert Aitken "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M34S 76 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-07-16T07:43:08.000Z nDdiXj4ywaw UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Helsinki The Greatest Communications Event in History "Landed in #Finland for #helsinki 2018 where @POTUS & Prez Putin are set to discuss US/Russian relations. POTUS meeting is in the interest of US national security. It’s critical that the leaders of the US & Russia engage on important matters between our two countries. Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#Helsinki', 'Trump', 'Putin', 'Meeting', 'Russia', '#Russia', '#USA', '#Putin', 'Cabal', 'MSM Panic'] PT22M43S 2793 24 56 3 not set not set 2018-07-17T15:30:45.000Z Q_6rCjFM6Hk UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #Helsinki #TraitorSummit The Truth About the Helsinki 2018 Summit "Libtards are freaking out to conceal Democrat and deep state crimes. Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'Trump', 'Putin', 'Deep State insanity', 'Democrats', 'Rod Rosenstein'] PT30M39S 3938 58 114 7 not set not set 2018-07-18T14:16:30.000Z hGa68qhW-w8 UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 17th Apostle of The Indies "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M46S 37 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T14:17:41.000Z Ss68eq4SKLQ UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 18th George Washington Wrote "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M37S 194 2 7 0 not set not set 2018-07-19T02:28:51.000Z L4sK9YH7MQ4 UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon Kate! Message from Deep State or Trump SB2 Qanon July 18 #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA "SerialBrain2 decodes Strzok Hearing Kate! Trump! Coke!Message to the Deep State Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', '#SB2'] PT46M31S 1922 12 58 2 not set not set 2018-07-20T11:15:00.000Z qnIsZXNEn00 UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 19th "V" for Victory "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M33S 149 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-07-21T14:20:20.000Z RhWP0bQJ-jo UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute "The Scopes Monkey Trial" July 21st "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M40S 151 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-07-22T21:48:08.000Z mnV23h1pTsk UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 22nd Carl Sandburg "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M45S 156 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-07-23T05:37:22.000Z 6xM6-T4MiDU UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon ThanQ Till We Meet Again "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT19M18S 167 7 13 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T16:34:16.000Z n7KUyx-IX-M UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon How the Evil Cabal came about. What can we do about it? #WWG1WGA "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT18M57S 716 5 25 2 not set not set 2018-07-25T13:29:59.000Z U_Gddj1ORXM UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute July 24th Tennessee's Constitutional Convention "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M39S 130 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-07-27T14:02:32.000Z W-Ul14Oj0YE UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Roger Sherman July 23rd "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M43S 105 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-07-27T14:06:05.000Z AlIaQsB_Xvk UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Ulysses S. Grant July 25th "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M43S 127 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-07-27T14:07:44.000Z ZntYicPMtkY UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Benjamin Franklin July 26th "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M48S 144 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-27T14:10:05.000Z SmB01jhukA0 UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Freedom Is Not Free July 27th "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M41S 187 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T04:44:56.000Z -k5ypmvkWeU UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute The 14th Amendment July 28th "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT1M37S 279 3 4 3 not set not set 2018-07-31T09:56:35.000Z eZ4xDpbhxAo UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA July 30th Q talk A Letter To America "Qanon A letter to America Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'A letter to America', '#GreatAwakening', '#WalkAway'] PT17M15S 180 4 11 1 not set not set 2018-08-04T20:16:03.000Z NEfaiAMKj_o UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Alexis de Tocqueville #WWG1WGA "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'American History', 'Alexis de Tocqueville', 'PayingMedic'] PT1M32S 132 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T20:21:10.000Z FwE948MNoms UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute William Penn #WWG1WGA "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'American History', 'William Penn', 'War Drummer', 'Praying Medic'] PT1M42S 135 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T20:26:41.000Z nrLCqikSf18 UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Columbus #WWG1WGA "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'American History', 'PrayingMedic', 'Bill Smith', 'War Drummer', 'SB2'] PT1M33S 151 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-08-04T20:31:26.000Z wOeR6nWtbCw UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon An American Minute Herman Melville Moby Dick #WWG1WGA "Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'American History', 'PrayngMedic', 'War Drummer', 'SB2'] PT1M35S 226 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-10-03T22:40:25.000Z kTkS2XsOy8w UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #WWG1WGA #CalmBeforeTheStorm Panic FF Attack 5 Police Officers Shot Emergency Alert "Donate with PayPal Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'Tolerant Left', 'Did James Baker just testify', 'James Baker', 'Tensions Flaring', 'Sessions', 'James Comey', 'Huber', 'What a wonderful day'] PT36M36S 437 2 17 0 not set not set 2018-10-12T00:18:55.000Z -Q9vhLWKpNs UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #WWG1WGA Post 2381 Extreme Fatigue Wheels of Justice - We Are A Republic not Democracy "Donate with PayPal Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'extreme fatigue', 'wheels of justice', 'Sessions', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'HRC', 'BHO', 'Democrat', 'Nov 6', 'Midterms', 'Mid Terms', 'Trump Train', 'Red Wave', 'Walk Away', '#WalkAway'] PT1H1M19S 752 3 15 2 not set not set 2018-10-24T14:21:18.000Z Jeb_bfZ6DjM UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #WWG1WGA The reason Q is silent and The Caravan Apocalypse Q is silent for a very good legal reason and the Caravan invasion this is a war folks diakrisis1 25 not set PT14M33S 486 4 12 1 not set not set 2018-10-25T18:30:11.000Z 7PUAgBBRmms UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #WalkAway Invasion Force on it's way Military Aged Men "Donate with PayPal Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic'] PT31M11S 330 2 14 0 not set not set 2018-10-27T14:18:44.000Z 0sHP7luMC6c UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #WWG1WGA #RedOctober Mega Farce Fake Explosive Feel Sorry For The Crooks "Donate with PayPal Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'Red October', 'Maga Bomber', 'Cesar Sayoc', '#MAGABomber', 'Pipe Bomb', 'Clinton', 'Brennan', 'Obama', 'Maxine Waters', 'Robert Deniro', 'Booker', 'Caravan', 'Invasion', 'attack in Pittsburgh'] PT24M38S 134 2 14 0 not set not set 2018-10-27T22:03:56.000Z 9MsrWYe8dXs UCvDarXJTRpBiV9PJ5bS8NBA #Qanon #RedWave Shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania "Donate with PayPal Q post Q++ post Community for pro-Q supporters New to the 8chan research board? Start here. Launch-pad for all Q research LURK here if you don't know what you are doing. We Stand We Fight TOGETHER Where We Go One We Go All #Ad #WalkAway #Sisters #stayjuicy #TrumpProphecy #WWG1WGA, #WeStandWeFightTOGETHER, #Qanon, #TheGreatAwakening, #CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, #InternetBillofRights, #TheStormIsHere, #DrainTheSwamp, #DeepStatePanic, Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. To donate with Crypto Currencies here is my addresses. DigiByte Wallet DDX6imSvgW67WuWjhTTW8AJfGjKc67u9gN Bitcoin Wallet 1QHT3ceGQW2bhCukeoHEuFonYKXJXtUrFW Civic Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 EOS Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Ethereum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Litecoin Wallet Li95bvE7dtWaVTECjdc7E4utF46asy66xJ OMG Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Pillar Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Populous Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5 Veritaseum Wallet 0xA5ac29B6843c57F17239BAdd7470107D940879B5" diakrisis1 25 ['#WWG1WGA', '#WeStandWeFightTOGETHER', '#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#InternetBillofRights', '#TheStormIsHere', '#DrainTheSwamp', '#DeepStatePanic', 'Tree of Life', 'Shooting', 'Robert Bowers', 'Red Wave', 'Vote Red', 'Nov 6', 'Caravan', 'Pipe Bombs'] PT20M52S 198 4 9 0 not set not set 2018-08-28T22:42:53.000Z F2mxodE_ZRQ UCv1o0X-vVzX6tstttiwanGw 2018.08.28 Live: Q Anon, Kek & the Virus Cults EXPOSED "Q Anon, Kek & the Virus EXPOSED Affected Collective's vid on Kek: Scott Adam's vid on cults etc: The Virus's Protocols: Movie on the Protocols: The Protocols of Zion Full Movie Written version of the virus protocols: BADA vid exposing gesturing: Critical Break Email: Funding the project via Paypal Christian Truth MTHFR Guidance ""Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All owners have the sole rights to their content presented." divine el 27 ['Q Anon', 'Kek', 'Trump', 'Exposed', 'The Virus', 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', 'Cults', 'Affected Collective', 'ManOfAllCreation', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H30M16S 382 12 20 1 not set not set 2018-09-30T20:28:01.000Z _01s4Mut2YQ UCg4TPTfaPumGHFBWGKnW3FQ Qanon by DJ Jefani This music video is dedicated to all the Qanon fighters in this world! We support and love all patriots who fight for this great country! We would like to thank Crystal #MAGA for creating this great video. You can find Crystal #MAGA's video channel here: DJ Jefani 10 ['#Qanon', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#WWG1WGA', '#Qmusic', '#jefani', '#Dj Jefani', '#MAGA', '#TheStorm'] PT3M33S 130087 1576 9687 55 not set not set 2018-06-12T22:40:58.000Z qM6HH_Sy1K0 UCeUIPIA4DPCX8RmxgJGYTjA WHAT IS A DJ DROP, WHERE TO GET THEM, HOW TO MAKE THEM? | DJ TIPS | #LiXxerExperience TV """The easiest form of free promotion!"" What up doe YouTube! Many of you have asked about my DJ drops so here is some info on how to get them, what they are, and soon how to make em! _______________________________________________________________ Get your drops here: _______________________________________________________________ Watch my Tips Videos: 5 Tips To Keep People on the Dance Floor: How Much You Should Charge As A Beginner DJ: Where Do DJs Get Their Music: _______________________________________________________________ Follow DJ LiXxer on all forms of social media: _______________________________________________________________ GEAR WITH PURCHASE LINKS: Sound: EV ZLX 15P Powered Speakers: EV ZLX 15P Covers: Behringer B115d Speakers: JBL EON 618S 18” Powered Subwoofer: Presentation: Grundorf 6 Foot Adjustable Table: Scrim King Black Speaker Skirt (Pair): Scrim King White Speaker Skirt (Pair): Black Table Skrim: White Table Skrim: Tabletop Facade: On Stage Speaker Stands (Pair): Microphone Stand: DJ Gear: Shure BLX288/PG58 Wireless Handheld Microphones: Numark Mixtrack Pro (for beginner DJ): Technic 1200 MK2: Ortofon CC Digitrack Pack Needle: Serato Control Vinyl (Pair): Pioneer DJM S9 Professional Battle Mixer: Gem Sound Wireless Microphones: Macbook Pro 13”: Crane Laptop Stand: Pioneer Pro DJ Headphones: Lighting: Chauvet Mini Kinta IRC LED Light: ADJ C Clamp (for mounting): ADJ Dotz TPar LED Wash Lighting: Chauvet Swarm 5 FX LED: ADJ Ikon Profile (Monogram): Low Lying Fog Machine: Cords: 12 feet XLR cords (6 Pack): 50 Foot Black Extension Cord: Surge Protector: Rock N Roller Cart: Suitcase for Cord Carry: Velcro Ties: Video Gear: Go Pro Hero 3+ Silver Edition: iPhone X: Canon G7x Mark II: Seagate 4 TB Hard Drive: Samsung 64gb Micro SD Card: Gorilla Tripod Stand: Zhiyun Smooth Q Gimbal:" DJ LiXxer 10 ['DJ LIXXER', 'lixxer experience', 'female dj', 'female dj gig log', 'what is a dj drop', 'dj drops', 'where to get dj drops', 'how to make a dj drop', 'dj tips', 'dj tips videos', 'female dj tips', '#lixxerexperience', '#lixxerexperience tv', 'dj tlm', 'dj barr', 'skratch bastid', 'skratch school', 'how to scratch'] PT10M22S 11151 64 525 9 not set not set 2018-06-15T00:51:58.000Z n3KeKpcJnd4 UCeUIPIA4DPCX8RmxgJGYTjA HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN DJ DROP | DJ TIPS | #LiXxerExperience TV """This will take all of 10 minutes or less!"" What up doe Youtube! In this video I show you how to make your own DJ drop using garageband. Check it out! Sound Effects Package: _______________________________________________________________ Follow DJ LiXxer on all forms of social media: _______________________________________________________________ GEAR WITH PURCHASE LINKS: Sound: EV ZLX 15P Powered Speakers: EV ZLX 15P Covers: Behringer B115d Speakers: JBL EON 618S 18” Powered Subwoofer: Presentation: Grundorf 6 Foot Adjustable Table: Scrim King Black Speaker Skirt (Pair): Scrim King White Speaker Skirt (Pair): Black Table Skrim: White Table Skrim: Tabletop Facade: On Stage Speaker Stands (Pair): Microphone Stand: DJ Gear: Shure BLX288/PG58 Wireless Handheld Microphones: Numark Mixtrack Pro (for beginner DJ): Technic 1200 MK2: Ortofon CC Digitrack Pack Needle: Serato Control Vinyl (Pair): Pioneer DJM S9 Professional Battle Mixer: Gem Sound Wireless Microphones: Macbook Pro 13”: Crane Laptop Stand: Pioneer Pro DJ Headphones: Lighting: Chauvet Mini Kinta IRC LED Light: ADJ C Clamp (for mounting): ADJ Dotz TPar LED Wash Lighting: Chauvet Swarm 5 FX LED: ADJ Ikon Profile (Monogram): Low Lying Fog Machine: Cords: 12 feet XLR cords (6 Pack): 50 Foot Black Extension Cord: Surge Protector: Rock N Roller Cart: Suitcase for Cord Carry: Velcro Ties: Video Gear: Go Pro Hero 3+ Silver Edition: iPhone X: Canon G7x Mark II: Seagate 4 TB Hard Drive: Samsung 64gb Micro SD Card: Gorilla Tripod Stand: Zhiyun Smooth Q Gimbal:" DJ LiXxer 10 ['how to create your own dj drop', 'how to create your own dj tag', 'how to create a dj drop', 'dj drops for cheap', 'dj drops for free', 'dj drop', 'dj tag', 'dj lixxer', 'lixxer experience tv', 'dj tips', 'fiverr', 'dj tlm', 'dj barr', 'dj rick webb', 'how to dj', 'how to scratch', 'garage band', 'garage band voice over tutorial'] PT11M1S 19816 60 505 16 not set not set 2018-09-10T19:32:15.000Z nvo-ekDAlAU UCQ1h0i1ksKlvPI7zI6t9XoA Q Drop 2128: Obama and Hillary's Downfall To make donations to this channel: dnajlion7 27 ['QAnon', 'Q drops', 'Trump', 'Isaac Kappy', 'Fiona Barnett', 'Sarah Ashcraft', 'obama', 'Hillary'] PT10M54S 40025 457 1781 56 not set not set 2018-10-01T20:10:49.000Z lleFElnnPvs UCQ1h0i1ksKlvPI7zI6t9XoA Q Drop: Arrest Those LARPERS Threatening POTUS!!! "To support this channel, please donate at my PayPal account: SIGN THE White House Petition to END ALL SATANIC PEDOPHILE RINGS IN THE USA: If you wish to buy my novels, please visit my amazon author page: Here is my Patreon: My GAB: My Bitchute backup page: To support Connie in Ohio, please reach out to her directly at her Twitter account: @CIBRO You can reach me directly for correspondence at My website is" dnajlion7 27 ['Trump', 'Pedogate', 'Pedowood', 'Pizzagate'] PT7M44S 3314 68 218 18 not set not set 2018-10-05T19:50:32.000Z 8xcc2nd915c UCQ1h0i1ksKlvPI7zI6t9XoA Trump Says YES TO Q!!!!!!! "Check out Q drop 2346: To support this channel, please donate at my PayPal account: To mail donations, my PO Box address is: Daniel Lee PO BOX 32842 Juneau, AK 99803 SIGN THE White House Petition to END ALL SATANIC PEDOPHILE RINGS IN THE USA: If you wish to buy my novels, please visit my amazon author page: Here is my Patreon: My GAB: My Bitchute backup page: To support Connie in Ohio, please reach out to her directly at her Twitter account: @CIBRO You can reach me directly for correspondence at My website is" dnajlion7 27 ['Qanon', 'Trump', 'Rally', 'Isaac Kappy', 'Fiona Barnett', 'Sarah Ashcraft', 'Pedowood', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate'] PT4M41S 4733 101 388 29 not set not set 2018-10-08T16:42:02.000Z 0_FnACQCA1Y UCQ1h0i1ksKlvPI7zI6t9XoA Q Drop and Skyfall: What Do You Guys Think?? "To check out Q go to: To support this channel, please donate at my PayPal account: To mail donations, my PO Box address is: Daniel Lee PO BOX 32842 Juneau, AK 99803 SIGN THE White House Petition to END ALL SATANIC PEDOPHILE RINGS IN THE USA: If you wish to buy my novels, please visit my amazon author page: Here is my Patreon: My GAB: My Bitchute backup page: To support Connie in Ohio, please reach out to her directly at her Twitter account: @CIBRO You can reach me directly for correspondence at My website is" dnajlion7 27 ['Qanon', 'Trump', 'Skyfall', 'FISA', 'FISA Declass', 'Rosenstein', 'POTUS'] PT1M18S 3289 81 157 11 not set not set 2018-06-29T08:03:30.000Z BGS5Yy04qKU UCBSPBu31krfs8a-O8qpGxow President Trump Gives Us the #QAnon Signal: First Announcing Calm before the Storm 10/5/17 "October 5, 2017, 7:18 p.m., reporters were led into the lavish dining room where the military's senior leaders and their spouses were lined up on either side of the President and First Lady Melania Trump in preparation for a formal group photo. You guys know what this represents?"" President Trump said gesturing the ""Q"" to the commanders surrounding him as he traced the letter ""Q"" in a loop motion with his right index finger. He dramatically paused and then said: ""Maybe it's the calm before the storm."" ""What's the storm?"" a reporter called out. ""Could be the calm before the storm,"" the President said. It felt like the opening scene of an action movie - the President surveying the country's military leaders and providing a marvelous hint that something wonderful would soon unfold. It would be just over 3 weeks later, October 28, 2017, that #QAnon would make his first drop." DocRock1007 25 ['#CBTS', '#WWG1WGA', '#QAnon', '#Q', '#WhiteSquall'] PT42S 3486 6 77 4 not set not set 2018-03-05T04:30:39.000Z 3fKgy8ww4gs UC97xlCsRKINMRwvFB8ct3UA #Qanon Alex Jones is controlled opposition? Doctor Da'mone 22 not set PT7M 939 14 20 3 not set not set 2018-07-21T20:10:55.000Z eqpNj_baN4o UCy11YPfgD91BFEJMBaNegxg Vincent Fusca ..jfk Jr...R Qanon DollyDayDream 24 ['Zoella'] PT13M18S 13606 214 265 41 not set not set 2018-07-25T14:01:40.000Z pKCGo3XueU4 UCy11YPfgD91BFEJMBaNegxg Jfk Jr..acting Hidden Signs And Numerology Qanon 25.7.18 Follow me on Twitter Jaynineanon DollyDayDream 24 ['Zoella'] PT58M35S 2475 53 108 17 not set not set 2018-08-03T22:30:01.000Z _yRCTYLDUaI UCy11YPfgD91BFEJMBaNegxg Buckle Up....sit Back And Enjoy The Show Q Anon DollyDayDream 24 ['Zoella'] PT2H15M55S 1424 23 74 3 not set not set 2018-09-22T22:10:08.000Z uW6UKCNE0Qw UCy11YPfgD91BFEJMBaNegxg to all u none Q believers #Qanon DollyDayDream 24 ['Zoella'] PT1H55M25S 2453 113 127 10 not set not set 2018-09-25T13:33:36.000Z -tjLA8wJg9k UCy11YPfgD91BFEJMBaNegxg Q Drop chat Are we Alone Roswell DollyDayDream 24 ['Zoella'] PT1M16S 293 18 29 1 not set not set 2018-07-02T14:58:09.000Z pEMj4CCrqtY UCpu-YmfeNkWmW8vwkKH2QJg The Qanon Psyop Follows Deep State Playbook For Regime Change "Today I read from an article that breaks it down quite well. Disclaimers: FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. DON'T HARASS/BULLY: This video is for educational, entertainment and social commentary purposes only. It is not intended to cause harassment. Do not contact or harass the creator of the video I’m responding to. The link is provided solely for copyright purposes. If you are the creator of the video and want the link removed email us at Donations can be sent here and they are MUCH appreciated! Paypal Link Twitter Account *New Podcast Location* Dont Speak Podcast on Anchor Donate via PayPal Donate Via Patreon Account: Don’t Speak II Back Up:" Don't Speak 29 ['Qanon', 'Trump', 'FBI', 'Chess', 'CIA', 'psyop', 'love', 'hope', 'faith', 'Jesus', 'End-Times', 'Iran', 'Syria', 'Libya'] PT7M31S 896 30 51 5 not set not set 2018-10-06T22:59:42.000Z GohFZAz1BiQ UCpu-YmfeNkWmW8vwkKH2QJg Q-Anon and The Final Plan For America """Q-anon wants Americans to murder politicians, burn down their cities, and attack a few countries including, Syria and Iran."" FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. Our NEW STORE is up and running! You can support the show and grab some cool merchandise! That link is here: Donations can be sent here and they are MUCH appreciated. My Book on spiritual warfare can be purchased here: My book on Smashwords: Twitter: *New Podcast Location* Dont Speak Podcast on Anchor Don’t Speak II Back Up:" Don't Speak 25 ['Trump', 'Q-Anon', 'Martial-law', 'Left', 'Right', 'Paradigm', 'Nazis', 'Hitler', 'End-Times', 'Dictatorship', 'war', 'WW3', 'Jesus', 'Love', 'faith', 'hope', 'Alex-Jones', 'Mike-Adams'] PT18M 1832 94 156 14 not set not set 2017-12-12T21:52:38.000Z OPSl3hUH2ck UCShuqIgEUdxXqc-EG2SJYYQ Something Strange is happening on 4Chan #QAnon #/pol/ Q Clearance Anon Recently a number of people have been looking into the 4Chan poster that goes by the name of QAnon. They posted some interesting things today, which I thought I would comment on. doria trivette 1 ['something', 'strange', 'is', 'happening', 'on', '4chan', 'QAnon', '/pol/'] PT1H44M25S 1381 12 15 2 not set not set 2018-06-22T16:27:13.000Z nxvatnuzpDk UCgEQJQM5Yzu_MpIR4MJHJew Q anon (imo) The storm ( I apologize for my language everyone) DoubleShok 22 not set PT7M51S 108 3 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-08T06:40:44.000Z tk8GIcCyXwc UCAzKzA_CL5QxGrijRowPDRA Dr. Jerome Corsi PhD, Donald Trump, Q anon & coming arrest of Hilary Clinton! "In this VERY explosive interview on the NY Tines bestseller “Killing the Deep State” Dr. J & Dr. Corsi discussed everything leading up to the 2016 election, the rigged election stacked against Trump from Obama to Clinton’s to FBI to CIA + more! Check out for upcoming guests especially his return & how YOU can be part of the show too when listening LIVE! Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., currently serves as Washington Bureau Chief for Previously, Dr. Corsi worked for 12 years as a Senior Staff Reporter for, previously World Net Daily, from 2004 through January 2017. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has published over twenty books, six of which were New York Times Best Sellers. Two of his books were reached the top of the list, ranking Number #1 on the New York Times non-fiction book list: Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, co-authored in 2004 with John O’Neill, and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality in 2008. In 1968, Dr. Corsi received a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he majored in political science and economics. In 1972, he received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. Listen live Tuesdays 7-9pm PT and Thursdays 7-9pm PT where you can call in and ask questions yourselves at 818-923-1713 You can always see what is coming and see if we have open lines by watching weekly the show! AND watch this channel for EXCLUSIVE YouTube interviews as the Wednesday on-demand show! Go to and you can see so much more information." DrJ Radio Live 24 ['trump', 'et', 'extraterrestrial', 'extraterrestrials', 'Donald trump', 'white house', 'putin', 'russia', 'russia email issue', 'contact', 'disclosure', 'cia', 'nsa', 'fbi', 'corsi', 'Jerome corsi', 'Hillary Rodham Clinton', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Hillary Clinton email issue', 'Hillary Clinton email issue with russia', 'Corsi', 'Jerome R. Corsi'] PT1H59M29S 7581 22 110 15 not set not set 2018-04-25T07:33:13.000Z UtCCahTfFVg UCiPwvjP0o_qENtLu_zuke_w QAnon: The Great Awakening [Posts 1253-1260] " None of this would be possible without anons world wide working in a joint effort to rid our world of evil. All credit that is due goes to them and all patriots world wide. Where we go one, we go all. No one individual is greater than the sum. Voter Registration: Selective Service Registration: Whitehouse Petitions: dulcefoe channel is a NON for profit channel. If you feel inclined to donate; please forward your money to the same program(s) that President Donald Trump gifts his paycheck to. Or even better, start a charity/organization in your own individual communities or give to a friend. Any and all material used or published in dulcefoe channel videos i.e. images, documents, audio have been gifted or forwarded to dulcefoe channel via open source and are for educational purposes. Any music used belongs to its creator." dulcefoe 22 not set PT28M50S 5073 109 101 4 not set not set 2018-05-11T00:48:30.000Z O_xDARJ5qzA UCiPwvjP0o_qENtLu_zuke_w QAnon: Truth Belongs with the People [1325-1327] " None of this would be possible without anons worldwide working in a joint effort to rid our world of evil. All credit that is due goes to them. Where we go one, we go all. No one individual is greater than the sum. Voter Registration: Selective Service Registration: Whitehouse Petitions: dulcefoe channel is a NON for profit channel. If you feel inclined to donate; please forward your money to the same program(s) that President Donald Trump gifts his paycheck to. Or even better, start a charity/organization in your own individual communities. Any and all material used or published in dulcefoe channel videos i.e. images, documents, audio have been gifted or forwarded to dulcefoe channel via open source and are for educational purposes. Any music used belongs to its creator." dulcefoe 22 not set PT39M33S 7178 34 109 3 not set not set 2018-02-23T04:34:17.000Z wmjD_tqWsIo UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Qanon Update 2.22.18 - Trump Signals us, Q confirms. They are stepping up timetable vs Twitter " Discord chat room - #Dustin Nemos" Dustin Nemos 22 ['Qanon', 'maga', 'trump', 'florida'] PT30M42S 4660 40 168 4 not set not set 2018-02-24T19:42:54.000Z 1ZrKfaRAF-s UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Who is Qanon? A FAST Primer " twitter - @Nemov8 CENSORED: Youtube Bans me, Gofundme Bans me, New York Times Comes after me, And what we can do about it.!/v/nemosnews/08fy0fcx - Discord Chat Room!/v/nemosnews/kapj0ccm - Why we must move to Dtube (Youtube is Banning Free Speech) #Dustin Nemos" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'Dustin Nemos'] PT15M32S 5845 28 234 8 not set not set 2018-02-24T20:17:51.000Z cTCrcDouf2E UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Is Q a Larp or Disinfo Agent? Dustin Nemos " twitter - @Nemov8 CENSORED: Youtube Bans me, Gofundme Bans me, New York Times Comes after me, And what we can do about it.!/v/nemosnews/08fy0fcx - Discord Chat Room!/v/nemosnews/kapj0ccm - Why we must move to Dtube (Youtube is Banning Free Speech) #Dustin Nemos" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'Dustin Nemos'] PT10M53S 4242 98 241 5 not set not set 2018-03-08T01:24:28.000Z 3KEQgLmTz7Y UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Qanon Update 3.7.18 - Snowden, #Internetbillofrights "VIMEO: 1time /recurring donation options twitter - @Nemov8 Mailchimp Email Opt-in - CENSORED: Youtube Bans me, Gofundme Bans me, New York Times Comes after me, And what we can do about it.!/v/nemosnews/08fy0fcx - Discord Chat Room" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'snowden', 'internetbillofrights', 'internet bill of rights'] PT9M13S 5969 90 360 3 not set not set 2018-03-11T21:52:57.000Z dR9crOJRNKA UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw New Qanon video CENSORED! Here we go again - Link to it BELOW "Find the video here: VIMEO: 1time /recurring donation options twitter - @Nemov8 Mailchimp Email Opt-in - CENSORED: Youtube Bans me, Gofundme Bans me, New York Times Comes after me, And what we can do about it.!/v/nemosnews/08fy0fcx - Discord Chat Room" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT8M36S 7553 270 734 4 not set not set 2018-06-30T04:31:40.000Z 4X5oH3qrejU UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Confront Reality #QAnon Shills Exist - All for A Larp? "I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'larp', 'antischool', 'shills'] PT11M53S 12828 667 1015 65 not set not set 2018-07-08T22:07:06.000Z 9qlebj9ObSQ UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw How to Spot Shill-Itis, And How to Debate QAnon Effectively. " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT5M33S 4199 127 311 28 not set not set 2018-07-15T01:06:06.000Z okwX6sq4h5k UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Interview Series) Dustin Nemos & T.R.U Reporting - QAnon Interview " Debate - - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'TRU REPORTING', 'dustin nemos'] PT28M46S 4666 132 406 24 not set not set 2018-07-15T16:41:51.000Z UPv3kXbkrCE UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw 7.14.18 - What's going on? is Assange Freed? Mueller's up to her Tricks " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ - - - - - ""Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?"" - - - - - - ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT23M41S 9882 295 548 33 not set not set 2018-07-15T23:40:43.000Z luMSop00Ps4 UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO! " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT2H41M30S 7271 142 392 37 not set not set 2018-07-26T12:26:28.000Z FukVqdRU3p0 UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'child trafficking', 'pedophile', 'human trafficking', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'fbi', 'strzok', 'rosenstein', 'wray', 'mueller', 'sessions', 'gop', 'dnc'] PT1H3M24S 7907 149 494 20 not set not set 2018-08-03T20:20:06.000Z 4mlkBlnNrpE UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw 8.2.18 - More Q Drops, The MSM Panics & Sets Stage for FF to be Blamed on Patriots " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ read - Politics - - - - - - - Corruption - 250 underage sex slaves freed Economics - - - - read - Q Ironic now that Corsi has made multiple comments in support of working with the Q movement. - @seanhannity just said...""Tick tock...something big is coming that will blow all of this out of the water"" to @marklevinshow re: Mueller Witch Hunt. - - - - at the PA Trump Rally: They're yelling LOCK HER UP and guess what trump says? Some things just take a little longer. Things are changing. - backup channel Dustin Nemos - ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT38M56S 7704 190 647 21 not set not set 2018-08-12T15:31:19.000Z 18M85f8m3nE UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Dustin Nemos on Patriots Soapbox Discussing New Q drops " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World Unhinged 2.0 - The Untold Story - Trump's Storm and the Great Awakening I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️VIMEO: ▶️ ▶️twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT1H27M32S 5016 108 291 17 not set not set 2018-08-27T07:26:05.000Z EvtdoVDGn-Y UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Did Q Predict McCain's Death - Every Dog Has It's Day + Wikileaks Dirt on McCain "Did QAnon know McCain would die far in advance? - - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️ Paypal: ▶️ ▶️ Twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options #DustinNemos #DustinNemos #Nemov8" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'mccain', 'cancer'] PT43S 8366 64 202 13 not set not set 2018-08-29T02:30:45.000Z qV7tuf6IQjY UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Celebrating Newest Q Drops - 2018 WILL Be GLORIOUS! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! Q - The Plan To Save The World I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. ▶️ ▶️ Paypal: ▶️ ▶️ Twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ - Discord Chat Room ▶️ - 1 Time & Recurring - donation options #DustinNemos #Qanon #Nemov8" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT1M2S 4202 83 418 7 not set not set 2018-09-08T22:30:26.000Z 2njK0H2sZgo UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Will Q Send Alex Jones to Prison for Treason? No One "Playing the Game" Gets a Pass - Mossad Disinfo " - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! ℚ 👀 ℚ - The Plan To Save The World I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible. 💰₿ 💲 Paypal: ▶️ ▶️ Twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ Discord Chat Room - 💵 - 1 Time or Recurring Donation Options #DustinNemos #Qanon #Nemov8" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'censored', 'banned', 'suspended'] PT12M4S 101159 3286 3774 883 not set not set 2018-10-05T04:05:41.000Z KYW6C7QhB6k UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Q Asks "Are You Ready to See ARRESTS? Are you ready to see PAIN? MEMES READY? ANONS READY?" "I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible while still fulfilling my duty to provide for my family. 💰₿ 💵 - 1 Time AND Recurring Donation Options 💲 Paypal: ▶️ ▶️ Twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ Discord Chat Room - - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! ℚ 👀 ℚ - The Plan To Save The World #DustinNemos #Qanon #Nemov8" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT57S 18298 255 1077 17 not set not set 2018-10-12T23:25:32.000Z WIVG7QVr0Sk UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw 10.12.18 - HRC Loses Security Clearance! The Left Mob, and Flipping Voters RED Before Midterms "I Need Your Help to make my Work Possible while still fulfilling my duty to provide for my family. 💰₿ 💵 - 1 Time AND Recurring Donation Options 💲 Paypal: ▶️ ▶️ Twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ Discord Chat Room - - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! ℚ 👀 ℚ - The Plan To Save The World #DustinNemos #Qanon #Nemov8" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT19M16S 53997 600 2639 55 not set not set 2018-10-21T20:20:14.000Z 449kEMR3gqM UCQ7VgW7XgJQjDEPnOR-Q0Qw Jordan Sather & Dustin Nemos on Secret Space Program and Suppressed History "If you found this content to be of value, please consider supporting my work with any of the options below! Gold, Silver, Cryptos, etc all accepted. 💰₿ 💵 - 1 Time AND Recurring Donation Options 💲 Paypal: ▶️ ▶️ Twitter - @Nemov8 ▶️Mailchimp Email Opt-in - ▶️ Discord Chat Room - - Track Qanon posts, Access Trello Research Board, Learn other topics, and join our social networks on Discord! ℚ 👀 ℚ - The Plan To Save The World #DustinNemos #Qanon #Nemov8" Dustin Nemos 25 ['Qanon', 'Maga', 'Trump'] PT1H21M19S 50756 819 2210 143 not set not set 2018-08-29T16:39:32.000Z Swpj4BL8XGw UCYObLnwLB6kzABpXOyLEwcQ We Are whatever we need to be... More talking from Isaac kappy. He touches lightly on The pope, Alex Jones, Joe Organ and recent Q drops. Dykeinator 22 ['DU Recorder'] PT27M22S 1172 46 27 19 not set not set 2017-11-16T21:26:19.000Z INlHCsIAF4g UCy2wVMzJTQaiCsCMr7KUr6A Early Watch Short: Conspiracy Theory Thursday- Q anon, /pol/, Mcain Foundation ".." EarlyWatch Chat 27 ['gunchannels', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT12M11S 204 1 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T22:44:13.000Z z0_VZaIxO6c UCFQSVXzoexxsBVuKcO9KcDQ Isaac Kappy Reveals Hollywood Pedophilia and More 07/28/2018 "Isaac Kappy calls out pedophiles, live, on Periscope, on July 26th, 2018. ""Steven Spielberg is a pedophile."" ""Tom Hanks is a pedophile."" ""He (Seth Green) basically admitted it, he's a pedophile."" ""Stephen Colbert"" ""Dan Schneider, is, of course, a pedophile."" ""Obama... 100%, 100%. Google 'Obama Wendy'..."" ""Kimmel, oh yeah, you best fucking believe that Jimmy Kimmel is compromised."" ""Frank Giustra..."" ""Ted Gunderson, definitely"" ""Tyler Shields..."" He talks about: Steven Spielberg The corrupt system and how it's held in place via blackmail Operation MKUltra NXIVM Jimmy Saville Royal Family Elsagate Celebrities, actors, top-levels, are all compromised Operation Mockingbird What caused him to go public Michael Jackson Tom Hanks Qanon Not everyone in Hollywood is bad Marina Abramovic Oprah People are murdered for trying to reveal this Seth Green Sybmolism If he's lying, they can sue him. He'll take it to court. Other people have the info. Dan Schneider People sell their kids for money Bigger system of control at play Stephen Colbert John Podesta Read the body language, look into the eyes Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, are suppressing him People have given away their power, they need to wake up Mainstream media New York Times lied, all they did was lie Redeem yourself and come clean, indictments are in, just admit it and help out Obama 100% compromised Obama Wendy Jimmy Kimmel compromised It's not easy, you love these people, and then it hit me... Kevin Spacey, everyone in Hollywood knew about Kevin Spacey, everyone, but literally nothing happened, for how long? They're going to go after me hard, but they can't attack me, because it gives me more publicity Twitter deleting Direct Messages, and their account while talking with them Tyler Kathy Griffin These people control content, and all the content is shit They ruined Star Wars, people don't even give a shit about Star Wars, that's how much they ruined shit Who does he fear the most Ted Gunderson Spread the awareness to other people you know If everyone knew what was going on, we could literally solve it, today No other celebrities supporting him, yet He knows there are people that know, and they should say something Dave Chappelle Kanye If everyone comes out at once, it's over Media whores, CNN, they're not journalists, it's public relations, they're trying to control your mind Mika Brzezinski A lot of women involved Let's go to discovery Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Wake up! ... and a whole lot more Odd statements: ""Who does Dan Fergusan work for?"" ""Evil shit... Yarvo!"" - Yarbo? I have no idea. ""Tyler... Tyler!"" Direct link to Isaac Kappy video: ----------------------------------------- Ebon's Patreon Page: Donate to Ebon via Cryptocurrency (VTC is my coin of choice for now): Bitcoin - 1ApKJB4QqnpkEfcf3eFs4N7aZAXx7wMsa8 Vertcoin - VukY5pQ9rt9VX8yj5xTs598nzGzJtYWyWn Contact me via e-mail: Ryan Banik's Patreon Page: Please subscribe and follow me on my main and back-up YouTube channels for my livestreams: Ebon Kim: Tequila Mockingbird: I will also be using DLive for livestreaming, and DTube for uploading, as well as uploading to this account for any livestreams on my other channel. Steemit: DLive: DTube:!/c/ebonkim GAB: Twitter: Bitchute: Minds: Anyone who tries to disrupt the conversation, or take away another's right to free speech, will be kicked out. Those who personally attack others will be warned, timed out, and finally banned, if the behavior persists." Ebon Kim 25 not set PT55M1S 36163 279 577 13 not set not set 2018-02-24T04:04:22.000Z 5mPTYjyImsA UC_1U_Gglxd_7TPE_a8p2G3w Q Anon , TRW, CIA, NICS ....XYZ "Source:" Ed Opperman 24 ['spreaker'] PT54M56S 1408 21 27 11 not set not set 2018-08-03T19:01:50.000Z e3KGT_YboSA UCxC2RlwWGHnwXanvHNBmw2w #QANON - 7 facts the MEDIA (MSM) Won’t Admit "Is #Qanon a sophisticated plot of President Trump's team designed to elude the #MainstreamMedia control? Or is he just a dude in a hoodie behind a computer trolling the internet with conspiracies? Do his posts prove that he is working on Trump's team? And if so why is the media working SO hard to discredit him? On this episode of Edge of Wonder, join hosts Ben n' Rob as they go over 7 undeniable proofs that journalists won't acknowledge… Saudi Arrests: Benghazi hearing: Trafficking ring: Notable Resignations: Indictments: CREDIT: Stock Images: Editorial Images: Getty Images Music: Audio Blocks: Voice provided by 'Radio Face': ------------------------------- Watch more videos: ① Science & Technology: D Wave Quantum Computers EXPOSED 2018 ➜ TRUTH BEHIND Hawaii Volcano Eruption EXPOSED by Dr Michael Salla 2018 ➜ MK Ultra Controlling Celebrities: ➜ What You Need to Know About Earth's Poles Shift 2018 ➜ MARS 2018: The Secrets of Red Planet! 👽 ➜ 8 Secret MOON Facts That Will Make You Question Reality ➜ The Flat Earth EXPOSED! 2018 ➜ ② Mysterious Uncovered: Top 10 Proofs of the MANDELA EFFECT 2018 ➜ CERN: Cause of the Mandela Effect? Best Explained! ➜ INFORMATION WARFARE: How Political Actors Get What They Want! ➜ CYBER WARFARE: How SOCIAL MEDIA Controls You! ➜ What Aliens Want From Us ➜ FACTS About The Titanic SINKING on Purpose - New Evidence 2018 ➜ ③ Paranormal and supernormal: 5 Archeology BOMBSHELLS - Science Doesn't Dare to Acknowledge ➜ [Top 5] GREATEST WARRIORS More Badass Than Navy Seals ➜ THIRD EYE: How To AWAKEN Your Supernormal Ability! ➜ THIRD EYE Visions that Changed History: Washington, Nostradamus, Patton ➜ Top 7 Supernormal Humans 2018 ➜ AVENGERS: Infinity War / THANOS and ILLUMINATI ➜ Black Panther (2018) Review: Best to Watch? ➜ Top 5 Mysterious Portals to Underworld ➜ Top 5 Secrets of Antarctica - Caught on Google Maps ➜ ④ Aliens & UFO: ""It wasn't just an abduction"": Travis Walton Interview, Fire In The Sky ➜ NICK POPE: UFO Disclosure / Alien Technology / CITD 2018 ➜ Atacama Skeleton: 6-inch Alien OR 6yr Old Girl? ➜ Missing Malaysian Airplane MH370 FOUND, shot down by ALIENS? ➜ CLINTON Blames ALIENS for Election Loss! ➜ ------------------------------- T-Shirt and other official products: ➜ Contact us: Instagram: Twitter: Follow Ben: Follow Rob: Subscribe for updates: ======================= © All Rights Reserved. qanon posts today nsa msm" Edge of Wonder 24 ['edge of wonder', '#qanon 7 facts', 'qanon t shirts', '#qanon update', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts', '#qanon posts', 'what is qanon posts', 'qanon', 'Qanon', 'qanon today', 'qanon trump', 'what is qanon', '#qanon youtube', 'qanon latest youtube', 'POTUS', 'Q anon', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'q anon latest', 'sealed indictments', 'qanon posts today', 'president trump', 'NSA', '#qanon', 'deep state', 'wwg1wga', 'q-anon', 'the great awakening', 'msm', 'q anon posts', 'mandela effect', 'qanon update youtube', 'q anon update'] PT17M51S 968605 4571 26993 1296 not set not set 2018-08-07T18:59:56.000Z p2UFBarUuVU UCxC2RlwWGHnwXanvHNBmw2w #QANON - Why it’s NOT a Conspiracy Theory! "In our first video of #Qanon we provided evidence that proves that #Q is actually an elaborate plan generated by President #Trump and his team to relay uncensored information to the people by completely bypassing the #MainstreamMedia. In this episode we cover how we are all in the crossfire of a massive battle between 2 sides. We go to work, pay our bills, attend school, have a social life (well maybe not everyone), raise our family, etc. On one side we are told that all who believe in conspiracies are disrupting the peace and seem to have some mental disorders and need to come back to reality. The media reinstates this and tells us that anyone who thinks this way, should be avoided at all costs. On the other side, we are being told that we are living inside a controlled environment where the very people who are saying we are crazy, are actually a part of an elaborate plot to control the American people. It is said, they tell us what to think, what to wear, what to listen to, what to watch, and that we are a slave to the system, which brings them a ton of money through our taxes, which is being used to fund programs that keeps us more in control. Some say Qanon is breaking this cycle of being in this controlled environment and is revealing the truth to the American people in which the other side can't stand and is fearful of. So they are launching attacks against anyone who follows this. In this episode we answer questions for people looking for answers to questions that you may have but can't seem to find answers to. Such as is this really a right-wing crazy conspiracy that the media says it is and why are they attacking him so much? And if he is he really a LARP why are so many people following him? Also why is Q using 4Chan and 8Chan to communicate instead of the media? And If Qanon is real why is he posting anonymously and why hasn't anyone he is talking about being arrested? On today's episode of Edge of Wonder we address all of these issues and questions and more on the Q Phenomena that has taken the world by storm. Notable Resignations: Indictments: CREDIT: Stock Images: Editorial Images: Getty Images Music: Audio Blocks: Voice provided by 'Radio Face': ------------------------------- Watch more videos: ① Mysterious Uncovered: CLINTON Blames ALIENS for Election Loss! ➜ FACTS About The Titanic SINKING on Purpose - New Evidence 2018 ➜ Top 10 Proofs of the MANDELA EFFECT 2018 ➜ CERN: Cause of the Mandela Effect? Best Explained! ➜ INFORMATION WARFARE: How Political Actors Get What They Want! ➜ CYBER WARFARE: How SOCIAL MEDIA Controls You! ➜ What Aliens Want From Us ➜ ② Science & Technology: D Wave Quantum Computers EXPOSED 2018 ➜ TRUTH BEHIND Hawaii Volcano Eruption EXPOSED by Dr Michael Salla 2018 ➜ MK Ultra Controlling Celebrities: ➜ What You Need to Know About Earth's Poles Shift 2018 ➜ MARS 2018: The Secrets of Red Planet! 👽 ➜ 8 Secret MOON Facts That Will Make You Question Reality ➜ The Flat Earth EXPOSED! 2018 ➜ ③ Paranormal and supernormal: 5 Archeology BOMBSHELLS - Science Doesn't Dare to Acknowledge ➜ [Top 5] GREATEST WARRIORS More Badass Than Navy Seals ➜ THIRD EYE: How To AWAKEN Your Supernormal Ability! ➜ THIRD EYE Visions that Changed History: Washington, Nostradamus, Patton ➜ ④ Aliens & UFO: ""It wasn't just an abduction"": Travis Walton Interview, Fire In The Sky ➜ NICK POPE: UFO Disclosure / Alien Technology / CITD 2018 ➜ Atacama Skeleton: 6-inch Alien OR 6yr Old Girl? ➜ ------------------------------- T-Shirt and other official products: ➜ Contact us: Instagram: Twitter: Follow Ben: Follow Rob: Subscribe for updates: ======================= © All Rights Reserved." Edge of Wonder 28 ['edge of wonder', 'qanon t shirts', '#qanon update', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts', '#qanon posts', 'what is qanon posts', 'qanon', 'Qanon', 'qanon today', 'qanon trump', 'what is qanon', '#qanon youtube', 'qanon latest youtube', 'POTUS', 'Q anon', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'q anon latest', 'sealed indictments', 'qanon posts today', 'president trump', 'NSA', '#qanon', 'deep state', 'wwg1wga', 'q-anon', 'the great awakening', 'msm', 'q anon posts', 'mandela effect', 'qanon update youtube', 'q anon update'] PT18M56S 641116 4264 21718 1006 not set not set 2018-01-07T00:33:13.000Z vjlLlkUqdJg UCBhxS33M4VrHqLFi_xQl_ug WAKE UP! Trump is "Offshoot" ISIS, QAnon The Psyop Conspiritainment Distraction ErikPrinceTrump Hoax "Alex Jones anon ""source"" are telling us that George W. Bush's mercenary group is now protecting Trump ""patriots"". The same killers from the fake Bush illuminati war on ""terror"" that trained ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service). The reality is Trump funds terrorists. Deniers are blinded by Trumpology carrot stick mammon worship fake Christianity idolatry. This video help others wake up. Proof Deep State Trump Funds Terrorists For Deep State. The Same Deep State That Runs ISIS What Is Sabbatean Judaism & The Proof All Of Judaism Is Sabbateanism Kabbalah, What Are It's Goals? Related: You Will Be Duped Following The White Rabbit Trail Of Chaos, Masonic Assange Controlled Etc... ""Baby Christian"" Trump Theologically Lectures You On Unholy Degenerate Sabbatean Days Of Apostasy Mike Huckbee Has Trump On First TBN ""News"" Conspiring & Promoting Masonic Controlled Opposition Wars Controlled Opposition Want You Believing Masonic Trump Is Not Involved In The Las Vegas Fraud. See The Whole History Of Two Face Duplicitous Trump In This Playlist. Including How Globalist Trump Shut Down Edifying Others YouTube Channel For Exposing The Masonic Rigged Paradigm Of ISIS Sabbateanism. #FakeBannonTurnsOnTrump #FollowTheWhiteRabbitAndYou'reDuped #MasonicScripts #FakeNews #DupedAnon #TheDupingStormHasArrived #Pedogate #Pizzagate #GematriaJeromeCorsi #QAnonDecoded #MasonsCreateChaos Monero 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbS1V8dFQVpjq5KxdXA7" Edifying Others 27 ['Fake News', 'Edifying Others Exposed', 'conspiracy', 'Christian News', 'Gnosticism', 'Globalist', 'Trump', 'Qanon', 'Anon', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate'] PT18M15S 4522 8 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-16T14:17:52.000Z 3E4mx40XUyA UCBhxS33M4VrHqLFi_xQl_ug Deciphering Lynn de Rothschild's Ctrl Opposition Image Fronting Horrendous Painting & Confuting It "There is no doubt that the Rothschild's and their controlled opposition agents are telegraphing to their Masonic slaves to remember their trauma based mind control initiation rituals. As the trauma coercion is threatened by a Lynn de Rothschild image that has been put out on the internet. Standing in front of the torture ""art"" display, that tells their slaves not to betray the Masonic offshoot cultic hierarchies, that created the tortured slaves. This also includes Masonic ""Q""Anon and the whole Trump fake conspiracy Masonic controlled opposition. That swore death oath obligations to support the entirety of the rigged masonic swamp system. This video helps you understand it all in right perspective and Biblically confutes it. Note: Even if, as some are claiming, the image is photoshoped. The image reflects the reality of what the Rothschild hierarchy of Masonic slaves has undergone, in death oath trauma based mind control wicked initiations. Therefore our teaching still stands. As the truth of what type of wicked Gnosticism these evil sinners abide by, and gives a visual understanding, to enhance the refutation of their heresies. With the same end point reality that without repentance they are doomed to eternal punishment. #ComeOutOfHerMyPeople #MindControl #QAnon #TheRiggedStormIsUponYou #MasonicRiggedSystem #Pedogate #JesuitJeromeGematriaCorsi Related: Confuting Chelsea Clinton Telling The Church Of Satan ""It's been so long! Happy New Year!"" WAKE UP! Trump is ""Offshoot"" ISIS, QAnon The Psyop Conspiritainment Distraction ErikPrinceTrump Hoax You Will Be Duped Following The White Rabbit Trail Of Chaos, Masonic Assange Controlled Etc..." Edifying Others 27 ['Fake News', 'Edifying Others Exposed', 'conspiracy', 'Christian News', 'Gnosticism', 'Globalist', 'QAnon', 'GodRules Exposed', 'Grace Bride Exposed'] PT31M34S 26195 6 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T02:45:32.000Z RfIBg6eAoZQ UCBhxS33M4VrHqLFi_xQl_ug "Q"abalah Trump In Baphomet Davos With Fake Christian Alex Jones Gay illuminati Mafia Cult Reporting "The sinking sand of the gay mafia illuminati baphomet cult is the next corrupt phase of the infowhores cult. We must take the warning of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:26. ""Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The shifting sand of the homosexual death oath masonic obligation these apostates are obligated to, forces them into compromise. This is the very essence of why they are yoked up together in their masonic false new age baphomet non-gospel. Pretending to be Christians. See the related video below. Dangerous Milo Yiannopoulos Agent Of Endless Genealogies Baphomet Satanic Monism Mind Control #AlexJonesControlledOpposition #AlexJonesIsAMason #TrumpIsAGoat #InfoWarsIsFakeChristianity #CounterfietChristianity #QAnon Related: EXPOSED: Fake Christian Alex Jones Preaches Druid Goat Valhalla Gnosticism On First Day Of 2018 Fake Christian Prowler Alex Jones Gang-Stalker For Degenerates, Secret Alt-Societies-Mind Control. How To Overcome It Where do the Queer Anon doctrines lead to. Understand the Biblical teaching in this video Related Playlist: TRUMPS ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE HOLY BIBLE Infowars-Bilderberg-Roger Stone-Christopher Liddell, McMaster,, John Kelly, Mike Pence & Trump ARE THE Corporate Central Bank Promoting GLOBALISTS Help us by signing up for reoccurring monthly donations in your paypal account to help support the continuation of this channel and content like this. Monero 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbS1V8dFQVpjq5KxdXA7 Zcash t1MAqmd1n6i9sq54Wd7EsS7vM7Diq4gVddq" Edifying Others 27 ['Fake News', 'Edifying Others Exposed', 'conspiracy', 'Christian News', 'Gnosticism', 'Globalist'] PT14M12S 1546 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-15T17:00:09.000Z oN4SmKNwA44 UCLbQt_hMxV9z7KWwIZ86Pyg Remote Viewing: I'm Posting The Q anon Sessions. The Hands Behind the Hand? " I have decided to post the Q sessions, about 9 in total done between July 15-25 2018. With all of this strangeness happening with the observatories and everything else, I decided to post the sessions so they are time stamped." Edward Riordan 27 ['remote viewing', 'UFO', 'Trump'] PT42M51S 13042 146 371 7 not set not set 2018-09-16T00:56:21.000Z uCnQZWY_jOc UCLbQt_hMxV9z7KWwIZ86Pyg Remote Viewing: The Q anon Sessions 3 and 4, Clandestine Meetings? " I am continuing posting these Q sessions, here is sessions 3 and 4. They are not long sessions and are the build up to what comes next in the series. If anyone would like to contribute to my work, please do so here:" Edward Riordan 27 ['remote viewing', 'Q anon', 'Ingo Swann', 'Trump'] PT41M33S 7276 120 218 6 not set not set 2018-09-18T11:41:25.000Z 5gjLL-svjy0 UCLbQt_hMxV9z7KWwIZ86Pyg Remote Viewing: Q Anon Session 5 Pt 2. The Flash " This is Qanon session 5 part 2. It gets crazy so keep an open mind. For anyone who would like to contribute to my work, you can do so here:" Edward Riordan 27 ['Q anon', 'remote viewing', 'Ingo Swann'] PT42M51S 6696 158 195 2 not set not set 2018-09-19T01:26:37.000Z CxIutZCmFkw UCLbQt_hMxV9z7KWwIZ86Pyg Remote Viewing: The Q anon Session 6. The Event Horizon " As the high strangeness continues into session number 6 If anyone would like to contribute to my work, please do so here:" Edward Riordan 27 ['remote viewing', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Ingo Swann'] PT27M36S 7586 169 230 6 not set not set 2018-09-20T00:15:58.000Z Z5aHPUSoMnY UCLbQt_hMxV9z7KWwIZ86Pyg Remote Viewing: The Q Anon Session 7 Pt. 1 Machine Learning " This is session 7 part 1. For anyone who would like to contribute to my work, please do so here:" Edward Riordan 27 ['remote viewing', 'Q anon', 'qanon', 'Ingo Swann', 'Trump', 'AI'] PT47M48S 7148 98 214 7 not set not set 2018-09-21T01:32:13.000Z O8N3L4xwawE UCLbQt_hMxV9z7KWwIZ86Pyg Remote Viewing: The Q anon Sessions, 7 Pt 2. The Fringe " This is part 2 of session 7, fringy! If anyone would like to contribute to my work, please do so here:" Edward Riordan 27 ['remote viewing', 'qanon', 'Qanon', 'Ingo Swann', 'Trump', 'Deep state'] PT41M26S 6141 92 194 6 not set not set 2018-07-30T00:08:40.000Z mWBQiJUeZ3Q UC3K5DXSC7LPS-MTxUUsIfhw Should you trust Q? How much? The Danger of Trusting Anonymous Leadership Eight Ball Talkin' 25 ['QAnon', 'Alt-Right', 'POTUS', 'INTEL', 'Trust', 'Verify', 'Trump', '4chan', '8chan', '#walkaway', 'WWG1WGA'] PT29M1S 157 15 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T23:08:03.000Z GEc2pTbOZVQ UC68R4H6s67balOax6cBabEg Deep State US : "Q", 4chan, Le Peuple Se Réveille !!! :O Source : Elia Iliushina 25 "['deep state', 'Donald Trump', '4chan', 'reveil consciences', 'QAnon', 'anon', 'tampa', 'floride', 'confidentialite elevee', 'securite Q', 'medias traditionnels', ""l'etat profond"", 'spiritualite', 'pedophilie internationale', 'corruption', 'the swamp', 'killary', 'soros', 'mccain', 'operation mockingbird', 'infiltrer medias', '8chan', 'opposition aux medias', 'Qdrop', 'app store', 'theorie complotiste', 'cnn sucks', 'usa', 'new world']" PT5M14S 1443 20 37 0 not set not set 2018-03-26T22:53:36.000Z lSLjtwibIJk UCfVZAWeYkdA-WR5r0yHY1cw Q exposed as psyop ? After watching a video from American Intelligence Media my faith in the Q phenomenon wearies. Inside this video I examine every aspect of whats possible and what I feel now. Elle's place 22 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'American intelligence', 'Gerome Corsi', 'Infowars', 'Truth', 'news', 'Q fake', 'Q real'] PT12M28S 185 16 4 2 not set not set 2018-05-16T20:34:31.000Z jV5wA4wad0c UCfVZAWeYkdA-WR5r0yHY1cw Why is Alex Jones a traitor n Why is Qanon fake The answers are in the video :) Elle's place 22 ['Alex Jones', 'Alex Emerick Jones', 'Infowars', 'Infowars news', 'war room', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q App', 'Q anonymous', 'Anonymous', '8chan', '8 chan', 'truth', 'news', 'Alex Jones vs Qanon', 'Gerome Corsi', 'Roger Stone'] PT17M27S 121 2 9 0 not set not set 2018-05-24T19:10:08.000Z eLiBOS_8rYE UCfVZAWeYkdA-WR5r0yHY1cw Pamphlet Q is Qanon??? (Could this be the end of the Q road) "OHOUR1..." Elle's place 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q App', 'Q anonymous', '8chan', '8 chan', 'truth'] PT5M50S 345 30 8 2 not set not set 2017-12-20T21:54:07.000Z E-BY9HglqGI UCC7VgSYWy7VwoSyeYx3_VUA 2017...PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! NEW CASE OF SHOCKING EVIDENCE #pedogate Q anon "PizzaGate# Shocking evidence ✅ PizzaGate# Shocking evidence. 2017.PIZZAGATE BREAKING ! NEW CASE OF SHOCKING EVIDENCE #pedogate Q anon." Eloise Little 1 ['EXPOSES', 'SATANIC', 'CHILDREN', 'ROME', 'INSANE!', 'CRAZY', 'CASE', 'ESCAPING!!', 'Gate', 'MUST', 'PIZZAGATE', 'UNITED', 'CANNOT', 'BREAKING', 'COSBY', 'PIZZA', 'evidence', 'RING', 'WHAT', 'pizza'] PT1H51M42S 7211 24 169 4 not set not set 2018-01-20T02:59:02.000Z LUXDiLxsmpc UCR_Da7zbfgNop6vBKxI0Uew 🚨 ALERT: QAnon DECODE (Jan 19, 2018) - Second American Revolution Is Underway Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and DOJ/FBI officials are about to be FULLY exposed. Report by Dustin Nemos. #ReleaseTheMemo #TheGreatAwkening End-Time Youth 25 ['qanon', 'jerome corsi', 'infowars', 'dustin nemos', 'president', 'donald trump', 'truth', 'truther', 'barack obama', 'hillary clinton', 'chuck schumer', 'government shutdown', '8chan', 'rockefeller', 'rothschild', 'pope'] PT15M51S 1401 2 39 1 not set not set 2018-01-21T07:05:23.000Z M-mNVyqvnJs UCR_Da7zbfgNop6vBKxI0Uew LATEST #QAnon Intel DECODED (Jan 20, 2018) "Dr. Jerome Corsi's breakdown of #QAnon's latest INTEL dump. (January 20, 2018) - Report by Dustin Nemos" End-Time Youth 25 ['qanon', 'jerome corsi', 'decode', 'the storm', 'memo', 'america', 'revolution', 'obama', 'clinton', 'intel', 'data', 'post', 'info', 'shutdown', 'chuck schumer', 'donald trump', 'fight', 'nuke', 'russia', 'bots', 'msm', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'white hats', 'cnn'] PT32M15S 9397 28 172 3 not set not set 2018-04-04T03:34:45.000Z LeD4s3eFHN4 UCR_Da7zbfgNop6vBKxI0Uew NEW QAnon Update | April 3, 2018 #QAnon says April will be a BIG month. Report By: Dustin Nemos End-Time Youth 29 ['qanon', 'crumb', '8chan', 'obama', 'zuckerberg', 'indictments', 'pope', 'april', 'breaking', 'potus', 'israel', 'island'] PT35M56S 1542 4 34 3 not set not set 2018-05-13T03:19:09.000Z i9-ZznDFOvk UCR_Da7zbfgNop6vBKxI0Uew 🚨 NEW QAnon Update | MAY 12, 2018 | Alex Jones Called Out AGAIN. #QAnon called out Alex Jones AGAIN. Report by: Dustin Nemos End-Time Youth 29 ['alex jones', 'infowars', 'qanon', '8chan', 'war', 'patriots', 'crumb', 'new', 'reddit', 'jerome corsi', 'anon', 'the great awakening', 'money', 'profit'] PT13M52S 1637 34 65 9 not set not set 2018-07-01T13:23:08.000Z -Su-1z4uRaI UCR_Da7zbfgNop6vBKxI0Uew THE STORM | Trump's Plan To Save The World President Trump and the #QAnon team have initiated a STORM that has brought about a GREAT AWAKENING and JUSTICE is coming. #WWGOWGA End-Time Youth 29 ['donald trump', 'qanon', 'patriot', 'storm', 'white sqall', 'awakening', 'God', 'good', 'evil', 'devil', 'clinton', '4chan', '8chan', 'reddit', 'president'] PT7M2S 8724 41 265 24 not set not set 2018-09-09T17:18:55.000Z MFOxZnrm6Eg UCB9Z44pBz8hXGaRRZvVf8sg Insight into Q Anon and their information "A subscriber requested this information so I put it in with my other questions. I saw a lot more than I vocalized and from the images and places they took me, Q-anon is a group of high level insiders that spans several agencies. I don't follow politics at all... I exist within Buy the book:,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch" Enlightened Aspect Productions 28 ['qhht', 'dolores cannon', 'julia cannon', 'bashar', 'kryon', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'patriots', 'alba weinman', 'allison coe', 'aluna ash', 'suzanne spooner', 'todd', 'david wilcock', 'corey goode', 'magenta pixie', 'holistic heather', 'teal swan', 'victor oddo', 'lisa harrison', 'laura eisenhower', 'matt kahn', 'robert morse', 'amanda ellis', 'transformotion', 'danielle egnew', 'tina spalding', 'bernard alvarez', 'abraham hicks', 'wwg1wga', 'trump'] PT5M15S 3952 44 210 8 not set not set 2018-06-28T17:27:58.000Z xi7sdBPweMQ UClGnlLllQZaSvyEXAJOjAWw MUST WATCH!! Q-ANON ANON'S JFK GOLD SILVER (THE GREY'S) WWG1WGA "New information keeps coming out as to the events that are about to OCCUR! Thanks for Gifting back for my efforts to help you through the challenging times! Litecoin addy: LPM2NqXA5ATrU4hPS4Ehzyx9nMLSPu51DQ Paypal addy: Patreon addy: Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Erin T Scott 22 not set PT12M44S 9310 120 338 8 not set not set 2018-07-03T16:01:39.000Z lWQfmMt7Xn8 UClGnlLllQZaSvyEXAJOjAWw Response Q The PLAN to SAVE THE WORLD #Trumptimeisupletsroll #declareyourownfreedom Declare your Independence from the BEAST Walk away from the system. ONLY WE can CUT THE CANCER out of our lives. Erin T Scott 22 not set PT28M30S 8792 337 184 92 not set not set 2018-10-10T14:09:06.000Z VsyGz4MoUiQ UClGnlLllQZaSvyEXAJOjAWw Q TRUMP SESSIONS Enough is ENOUGH! DROP THE HAMMER "Thanks for Gifting back for my efforts to help you through the challenging times! TUBE Addy: bxc2z25zhuLV18DDYrDuiNfQukzAvhBVDdSmhnhxJ7jdP94fJWZmGV6BR7V6LuBEH9ZKZkcAAv5GCDKAjd7at6uZ1yoakGS2x Litecoin addy: LPM2NqXA5ATrU4hPS4Ehzyx9nMLSPu51DQ Paypal addy: Patreon addy: Plasma Energy Water link. Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Erin T Scott 22 ['#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H13M51S 3881 159 218 17 not set not set 2018-02-07T21:47:05.000Z jU_wkG0GbtA UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Shqip, Q anon Posts, November 12, 2017 Lufta per Pushtet Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT40M39S 228 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-08T10:58:01.000Z LT7FpI6UNSI UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw english, Q anon Posts, Feb 8, 2018 Lufta per Pushtet Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT23M10S 400 3 3 1 not set not set 2018-02-08T12:32:54.000Z b_Nx1Qw8RPg UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Shqip Q anon Posts, Feb 8, 2018 Lufta per Pushtet Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT43M26S 1364 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-09T16:11:31.000Z oQra8ONG0dw UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Q anon Post November 15 18, 2017 Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT14M42S 88 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T19:09:51.000Z Omc5iS_nHp8 UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Q anon Posts, Feb 12, 2018, New crumbs, Power Seizing, Coup d'Etat Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT19M6S 354 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-15T21:19:48.000Z _S4gTbETLQw UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw update Q anon, Feb 15, 2018 Power Wars, Coup D'Etat Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT13M37S 514 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-19T07:32:51.000Z 82I6VPm8cSY UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Q anon, Feb 18, 2018 Power Wars, Coup D'Etat, Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT18M25S 69 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T11:26:35.000Z Z0ZslwVkyNI UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw new Q anon, Feb 22, 2018 Power Wars Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT14M37S 1926 4 16 2 not set not set 2018-03-04T08:37:11.000Z 1vHIZs13ipc UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw New Q Anon posts, March 04, 2018 Power Wars Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT24M50S 144 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T08:03:02.000Z Cpvlr2ycubo UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Update Full Q Anon posts, March 04, 2018 Power Wars Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT15M13S 58 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-08T07:01:45.000Z rSOm_KT2DgQ UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Q Anon Posts, April 8 and 7, 2018 Coup D'Etat, Power Wars Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT26M37S 150 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-05T07:58:22.000Z 8Ay4a9r1W6M UCphHM6R1otgXJ3x8iC2cxfw Q Anon, May 4, 2018 / New Board/ Patriots Fight / DOJ Clean Coup D'Etat, Power Wars Ermal Ngjelina 25 not set PT9M35S 235 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T03:25:58.000Z rM_XNSDIQ_Q UCr43Js0WXLxA_Xz0Ng2ulqQ Q Drop "This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link: Android: iOS:" Ernie Bankss 22 ['DU Recorder'] PT46S 13 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-02T06:05:37.000Z ZIsFSGQ4MBA UC1AhcDJRQYWcjzerk36D5Xg Q Clearance WHO is Q Annon "sound on videos is not working sorry see links below Podesta Hollywood is play toy for Elite Hillary on Byrd Cathy on Bryd David message to Flynn Cathys Documentary on her vagina wall being carved" Eva Moore 1 ['#QANNON', '#PLAYBOY', '#PODESTA', '#DEBEERS'] PT1H3M46S 121 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-29T18:19:26.000Z sC9brB3hDYM UCd1BwLPKKXBgReBnimOX6JA Newest Update-Counter Coup In Progress-Cabal VS Alliance-DUMBS-Q Anon- Gnostic Illuminati "So much going on! Marines storm CIA. Cabal on run. Russia-China-Trump Alliance. Can you imagine when 4,000-10,000 well known names go on trial? More names every day. Dismantling the machine!" Evolutionary Energy Arts 22 ['cabal', 'qanon', 'ww3', 'benjamin fulford', 'corey goode', 'david wilcock', 'evolutionary energy arts', 'gnostic illuminati', 'romanov', 'alexander romanov', 'clinton', 'bush', 'jfk', 'cia', 'langley', 'saudi arabia', 'mystery booms', 'black ops', 'alliance', 'ssp', 'isis', 'rothschild', 'aliens', 'dumbs', 'deep military undergound bases', 'coup', 'civil war', 'trump', 'brics', 'ark of the covenant', 'gaia', 'Robert David Steele', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'sealed indictments', 'IAMA', 'pedophiles', 'satanists', 'queen elizabeth', 'Khazarian', 'mind control', 'conspiracy', 'Q anon'] PT20M43S 45578 271 850 43 not set not set 2017-12-28T01:01:31.000Z FwPAEA8fVb4 UCd1BwLPKKXBgReBnimOX6JA Q-Anon-WikiLeaks-Trump*Deep State-Illuminati_Cabal Updates "The official Twitter account of controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange -- @JulianAssange -- is back online after disappearing from the social media platform overnight. It's unclear whether the account was suspended by Twitter or deactivated by Assange. A Twitter spokesperson did not answer CBS News' questions asking if the account was suspended but pointed to the company's language on how users can deactivate and reactivate their own accounts. Q-Anon update. Wikileaks huge data dump 65g on 587Board. Cabal vs Alliance raging. Who is the Annunaki god behind the Illuminati-Cabal?" Evolutionary Energy Arts 22 ['evolutionary energy arts', 'cabal', 'trump', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange', 'q anon', 'q-anon', 'marduk', 'illuminati', 'deep state', 'alliance', 'annunaki', 'navy', 'twitter', 'data dump', '65g', '587 board', '4 chan', 'clinton', 'bush', 'hillary', 'mccain', 'un', 'us', 'uk', 'cryptic tweet', 'Operational_window', 'Secured.', 'CONF_WHITE_WHITE_', 'Twitter [kill_rogue]', 'Floor is yours.', 'Twitter FW_', 'moloch', 'baal', 'bael', 'el', 'yahweh', 'asher'] PT11M26S 1780 16 52 3 not set not set 2018-01-09T03:42:52.000Z 2X8gV0Gc76A UCd1BwLPKKXBgReBnimOX6JA Q-Anon Revealed? Hillary Treason Charges? EMP Attack NK? "Lots of info and updates on the fight against the cabal! Just who is Q-Anon. Space X Satellite launch for EMP? Attack on Petrol dollar increasing. 7 shipping containers tracked for human trafficking. Only a matter of time now for Hillary. Beware January 31st. Please Subscribe & Share! Thank you For Your Support! My Patreon site: My Website-" Evolutionary Energy Arts 22 ['evolutionary energy arts', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'cabal', 'sealed indictments', 'hillary clinton', 'obama', 'trump', 'petro dollar', 'petro yuan', 'illuminati', 'khazerian mafia', 'benjamin fulford', 'andrew johnson', 'impeachment', 'china', 'afganistan', 'pakistan', 'shipping containers', 'swiss controllers', 'reptilians', 'space x', 'zuma', 'cia', 'fbi', 'pentagon', 'financial collapse', 'julian assange', 'deep state', 'zach info wars', 'info wars', 'conspiracy', 'coverup'] PT9M30S 1232 8 46 2 not set not set 2018-01-26T15:22:44.000Z eQDQxdJYApM UCd1BwLPKKXBgReBnimOX6JA Project Blue Beam*Cabal_Illumnati*Q-Anon *The Real Agenda "What is really going on? We know strange things are happening. We can feel big things are coming. What is really going on here? Get past the conditioning/indoctrination/mind washing we have all experienced in this world. See and think for yourself my friends. Look past the illusion! Please Subscribe & Share! My Patreon site: Thank you For Your Support! My Website-" Evolutionary Energy Arts 22 ['evolutionary energy arts', 'cabal', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'illuminati', 'baphomet', 'semyaza', 'azazel', 'watchers', 'nephalim', 'fallen angels', 'angels', 'messengers', 'seraphim', 'cherubim', 'bible', 'annunaki', 'enki', 'enlil', 'nephilim', 'rephaim', 'trump', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'mccain', 'politics', 'duality', 'consciousness', 'vibration', 'buddha', 'reality', 'programming', 'project blue beam', 'nasa', 'moon', 'independence day', 'maya', 'real'] PT21M51S 8600 82 129 13 not set not set 2018-06-26T02:23:20.000Z Y6wDAkRxXnU UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Is Q JFK JR??! STAGED OWN DEATH??!? Ranon has appeared on 8ch. What did he say? Qanon solved!? Insane revelations on a new post on 8chan by an anon labeled as R... Anons suddenly have to grasp the possibility that JFK JR is alive. Tell me what you guys think? What are your emotions? Are you as stoked as I am? This is incredible!!!!!! Expand Your Thinking 22 ['Latest Qanon', 'JFK JR faked his death', 'Qanon is JFK', 'Who is Qanon?', 'the mile high podcast', 'the mile higher podcast', 'tmhcp', '#tmhcp', 'Who Is R Anon?', 'Ranon?', 'Newest Q post June 28th', 'Latest Qanon July 201'] PT10M34S 43677 355 1013 67 not set not set 2018-07-13T05:27:38.000Z GOCfC9HEwEU UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ How JFK JR was revealed to be ALIVE & Qanon AKA Q.. Yes THAT Q. "Get your WWG1WGA Tshirt here, best one available IMO ($1 of each of THESE t-shirts will be donated to a place everyone agrees on at the end of October, you have my word) Official The Mile High Podcast tshirts for men and women with several colors and infused with Laughter & Love + Truth & Light. I cover the latest developments on Q, R, & JFK JR on infiniti chan Q Research board. You can research R/Q/JFKJR connection here: • I also breakdown how we got here. It's been a crazy ride, this video will highlight the best research put together by anons and patriots on 8chan in regards to this breaking discovery that JFK JR is not only alive, but Q as well....I am not joking. Get your popcorn please. MOAR coming soon. Please comment your thoughts, see yall on the boards! Laughter & Love ~ Truth & Light to all who see this video. #WWG1WGA For those who were requesting that I setup a Patreon: I originally was recording this live but my internet went out 19 minutes in." Expand Your Thinking 22 ['Who is Q?', 'Who is Qanon?', 'JFK Jr is alive', 'JFK Jr faked his death', 'JFK JR conspiracy', 'JFK JR is Qanon', 'Q is JFK Jr', 'Q research', 'Qresearch', 'Q the plan to save the world', 'JFK Jr alive?', 'JFK Jr and Donald Trump', 'JFK JR and Trumps plan', 'WWG1WGA', 'The Mile High Podcast', 'the mile higher podcast', '#tmhcp', 'Trust the plan'] PT1H42M18S 139132 1703 3353 235 not set not set 2018-07-15T22:48:50.000Z N3Dlfazkmpw UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ JFK JR on Don Imus show - What he said that reminded me of Qanon aka #Q "Get your WWG1WGA Tshirt here, best one available IMO ($1 of each of THESE t-shirts will be donated to a place everyone agrees on at the end of October, you have my word) Official The Mile High Podcast tshirts for men and women with several colors and infused with Laughter & Love + Truth & Light. Tomorrow is the 19th anniversary since his plane went missing, so I made two quick videos that I thought were interesting enough to share with everyone. I watched this interview for the first time and my first thought was ""Yeah that's definitely Q"" aka Qanon, so I made a quick video to see what y'all think...? I am in the process of making another video on the latest Q/R/JFK JR revelations and discoveries from anons and patriots on 8chan, should post it tomorrow night, with the latest. *Apologies... Said he was on the show to promote ""George"" the magazine, but he actually is promoting ""GEORGE"" the book." Expand Your Thinking 22 ['JFK JR is not dead', 'JFK JR is alive', 'JFK JR conspiracy', 'Who is Q?', 'Who is Qanon?', 'Is JFK jr alive?', 'Why was JFK killed?', 'JFK JR last interview'] PT4M10S 42360 470 1457 69 not set not set 2018-07-19T06:33:34.000Z NkufG1i3Uk8 UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ JFK JR & Carolyn at POTUS Rally?! - Q - R - The Plan - Prepare for next phase " The intro ends at about 4:39 for those that are not interested. Set the stage anons and patriots! WWG1WGA!🎇 Please subscribe 🍻🙏🏼 Intro song - Limp Bizkit “My Way” 2nd song - ImagineDragons “Thunder” Latest R discussion - Q Plan To Save The World Video by StormIs UponUs with what some anons say is JFK JR as narrator- After tonight (7/18/2018), I will do short videos on all future Q/R/JFK Jr./The Plan posts/drops the same day they drop. Alot of juicy stuff in this video, hope you enjoy, and thanks to all who have messaged, commented, liked, subscribed, sent research my, I appreciate every single one of YOU. I will do my best to respond to everyone. WWG1WGA. Have a blessed day my friends and family, and remember WE ALREADY WON. Laughter & Love - Truth & light to all who see this!!!!" Expand Your Thinking 22 ['JFK JR lives', 'Q is JFK', 'Q is JFK Jr', 'The plan to save the world', 'POTUS & JFK JR', 'JFK JR staged death', 'JFK JR is alive', 'Carolyn Bissette lives', 'JFK JR is not dead', 'R is JFK JR', 'Who Is Q?', 'Who is Qanon?', 'WWG1WGA', 'DJT & JFK', 'Ranon', 'JFK JR is Ranon', 'Who is R?'] PT2H10M2S 206643 2920 5023 234 not set not set 2018-07-22T18:42:49.000Z 69yk97TkX0A UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ I am SOLD. THIS IS JFK JR at the Youngstown Rally!!!!!! "WWG1WGA Tshirt Long Live JFK JR shirt: Please subscribe! Beginning of Youngstown Rally" Expand Your Thinking 22 ['JFK Jr is alive', 'Qanon', 'Who is Q?', 'JFK jr is Q', 'JFK jr is R'] PT11M15S 318597 3872 4788 954 not set not set 2018-07-24T22:51:30.000Z CgD79s5vssw UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Q IS BACK & HAS CONFIRMED R! Check IT OUT HERE! "Get your WWG1WGA Tshirt here, best one available IMO ($1 of each of THESE t-shirts will be donated to a place everyone agrees on at the end of October, you have my word) Official The Mile High Podcast tshirts for men and women with several colors and infused with Laughter & Love + Truth & Light. WOW, after [20]days **Not 17** of silence, (which is Golden) Q has returned with some hot heat for everyone especially the MSM and R naysayers. That popcorn. Keep it ready anons and patriots WW! Something BIG is about to DROP. Latest R thread (tread lightly, agents/shills everywhere) Latest Q posts:" Expand Your Thinking 22 ['Qanon is back', 'Q has returned', 'Q is back', 'Who Is Q?', 'What is Qanon?', 'JFK JR lives', 'JFK JR is alive', 'The Plan to save the world', 'JFK JR conspiracy', 'Qanon Conspiracy', 'WWG1WGA', 'The Mile High Podcast', 'Anjel', 'Anjel 3000', 'Anjel3000', 'The Mile Higher Podcast'] PT19M49S 79335 1213 2220 220 not set not set 2018-07-24T23:46:53.000Z ticWWQhy3sA UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ JFK JR dressed up as Vincent Fusca? UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH!! "Get your WWG1WGA Tshirt here, best one available IMO ($1 of each of THESE t-shirts will be donated to a place everyone agrees on at the end of October, you have my word) Official The Mile High Podcast tshirts for men and women with several colors and infused with Laughter & Love + Truth & Light. You could not write a better movie, the Legend & Mystery Of Vincent Fusca has been solved... Here is how it all comes together with the rally, JFK JR, Vincent Fusca, and the photos of the van. Find out what the FUSCA is going on this video. HAHAHA, sorry couldn't resist. :) Laughter & Love, tRuth & Light 2 all who see this! Enjoy the day, WE ARE ALL WINNING BIGLY, SO smile! WWG1WGA! More videos/podcasts coming soon. Thanks 2 all anons, patriots, spiritual warriors, and the military of course for all that you do!!!!! Youngstown Rally in HD with JFK JR - Vincent Fusca speaking about his Trump Mobile - Latest R thread(tread lightly, many agents and shills):" Expand Your Thinking 22 ['JFK JR is alive', 'Is JFK jr alive?', 'What happened to JFK Jr?', 'JFK JR is Q', 'Qanon is JFK JR', 'Vincent Fusca', 'Who is Q?', 'What is Qanon?', 'The Qanon conspiracy', 'JFK conspiracy', 'JFK JR and Trump', 'JFK JR conspiracy'] PT13M18S 93252 1275 1969 175 not set not set 2018-08-14T22:50:33.000Z lbFU5KeFnrU UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Q drops anvil on Alex Jones & Infowars "Get your WWG1WGA Tshirt here, best one available IMO ($1 of each of THESE t-shirts will be donated to a place everyone agrees on at the end of October, you have my word) Official The Mile High Podcast tshirts for men and women with several colors and infused with Laughter & Love + Truth & Light." Expand Your Thinking 22 ['qanon infowars', 'alex jones infowars', 'latest qanon'] PT5M18S 49037 1180 1445 556 not set not set 2018-09-11T02:02:13.000Z 4yjOl6qrcFU UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Battlestations ready?! Q drops 9/10/2018 Q is on fire today, join me as I cover his drops and what they mean! Expand Your Thinking 24 ['Qanon drops today', 'latest q drop', 'Q intel', 'latest qanon', 'qanon september 10', 'qanon posts today'] PT43M28S 2832 119 240 6 not set not set 2018-09-22T20:59:55.000Z t-8_iHSavwE UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Q - The Trailer To The Movie - GET YOUR POPCORN ANON. #Qanon #WWG1WGA "Get your WWG1WGA Tshirt here, best one available IMO ($1 of each of THESE t-shirts will be donated to a place everyone agrees on at the end of October, you have my word) Official The Mile High Podcast tshirts for men and women with several colors and infused with Laughter & Love + Truth & Light. This is probably my favorite creation to date. All the Qanon stuff(up to this point) that you can fit into 5 minutes. The next phase is here. SUBSCRIBE, we are just getting started. TONIGHT 9/22/2018 - Earth Aaron joins EXPAND YOUR THINKING as we talk about the latest Q posts, MAGIC, Secret Societies, Military Secrets, Space, MOON LANDING, Golden Don, Q&A, TESLA, TRUMP BLOODLINE AND THE ARCHONS." Expand Your Thinking 22 ['Qanon', 'These people are stupid', 'Expand Your Thinking', 'Trust The Plan', 'The More You Know', 'Latest Q post', 'Latest Qanon', 'Patriots and Anons', 'Band Of Anons'] PT5M13S 10630 60 452 9 not set not set 2018-10-09T01:33:38.000Z 5nTOuc1_d6A UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Q - The World Will KNOW THE TRUTH #ExpandYourThinking #RedOctober #Week2 "Starting off with everything Q / Trust the Plan / JPB & Snowden / Space Force / Mars Declas / CAN WE REALLY HANDLE THE TRUTH??? LIKE REALLY REALLY, lol, - All this and more. This will be a long one, so grab your snacks and drinks, throw on your favorite hoodie, as we journey towards the mystical truth unraveling. @ EXPAND YOUR THINKING - WWG1WGA - WE STAND TOGETHER - ANONS, PATRIOTS, & LIGHTWORKERS WELCOME! :) TSHIRTS BELOW!!!! WWG1WGA Peacetime flag shirt(Each sale of this shirt = $1 donation at the end of the month, starting October - LONG LIVE JFK JR - The Mile High Podcast shirts -" Expand Your Thinking 22 ['JFK JR and Donald Trump', 'Mile Higher Podcast', 'Mile High podcast', 'Anjel4000', 'Anjel Gutierrez'] PT18M53S 1297 30 79 2 not set not set 2018-10-09T04:56:15.000Z dzgOWfufecY UCK8byumAMIbAL6ksaB80nOQ Q - The World Will KNOW THE TRUTH #ExpandYourThinking #RedOctober #Week2 "Starting off with everything Q / Trust the Plan / JPB & Snowden / Space Force / Mars Declas / CAN WE REALLY HANDLE THE TRUTH??? LIKE REALLY REALLY, lol, - All this and more. This will be a long one, so grab your snacks and drinks, throw on your favorite hoodie, as we journey towards the mystical truth unraveling. @ EXPAND YOUR THINKING - WWG1WGA - WE STAND TOGETHER - ANONS, PATRIOTS, & LIGHTWORKERS WELCOME! :) TSHIRTS BELOW!!!! WWG1WGA Peacetime flag shirt(Each sale of this shirt = $1 donation at the end of the month, starting October - LONG LIVE JFK JR - The Mile High Podcast shirts -" Expand Your Thinking 22 ['JFK JR and Donald Trump', 'Mile Higher Podcast', 'Mile High podcast', 'Anjel4000', 'Anjel Gutierrez'] PT2H34M4S 1978 17 96 4 not set not set 2018-01-12T13:31:19.000Z 6OFCbKkhqVc UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Morning Report 1/12! Filibuster 702? Is Q Fake and Funded by DOD? Q is fake and funded by DOD Farmer Jones 25 not set PT35M11S 1435 75 91 4 not set not set 2018-01-12T19:34:25.000Z PEsEfWQTZM0 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Update on Q Anon! Live! Sealed what? MP's and DOD "Sealed cases in federal court Federal Judicial center: Screen shots of the Pacer search: Full backup page of Research:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT26M16S 5230 106 148 7 not set not set 2018-01-22T02:08:37.000Z e6JAaJOJgNw UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 1/21 Evening Report! Pelicans Uranium and Q Anon Dump! "Gulftainer Report Gulftainer Report 1776 Channel Club K missile system video Uranium 1 explained. Bill still on Di Genova Daily caller article. The actual 99 pg report on Scribd Bill Still with Judge Jeanine Article from the Q post! 8 chan Q posts!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT24M48S 1718 63 84 1 not set not set 2018-02-11T15:50:01.000Z UjfE_NVEy9o UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/11 Sunday Morning Report! Tell Q Anon about Smith Mundt and the BBG! "The Six million Magic number before WWI ! Amazing numerology! Full six million video. Anti school! Obstruction of justice! Rothschild's Conspiracy" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT17M4S 1569 66 64 1 not set not set 2018-02-12T15:49:57.000Z F2v6mKXOYH4 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/12 Morning Report, I Believe Q Anon is Real! "Q Anon link Newsbud on Syrian conflict Priestap is Strzoks boss.He's head of counter intelligence in the FBI QAnon Dialogue Analysis Q ! Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world. Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering. We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability. Q Second Quote: Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year? Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence? Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out? Ask yourself, what is a distraction? Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S? Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games? Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR? Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose? Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR? Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: ""Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"" Be the autists we know you are. Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions. Q" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT25M35S 3661 129 133 8 not set not set 2018-02-16T16:30:07.000Z xC5eZeIOsN4 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/16 Morning Report, Q Anon reveals mind control? "Fox News Bruce Ohr Priestap and wife More: Cellphones : Q Anon : Q Anon's post: Feb 15 2018 15:02:33 Q !UW.yye1fxo 96 Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? Statement by the driver? Fairytale? AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q Want to know info. Lifting the veil: CIA info! The new happy pay pal account! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT26M14S 3709 90 83 7 not set not set 2018-02-19T01:23:23.000Z rQncpxBuD-c UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Evening Report Q Anon says Trust Sessions and Wray. Plus new interview with student st the Shooting! "Q Anon Quote: Feb 18 2018 17:49:07 Q TRUST SESSIONS. TRUST WRAY. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS. Q 780 Feb 18 2018 16:07:46 Q ""Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"" Re_read crumbs. What is the reason this is being brought back up? There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped. Follow the money. Future proves past. The Great Awakening. NO ESCAPE. NO DEALS. TRUST THE PLAN. HAPPY SUNDAY. Q School interview! At 4 minute mark. The indictment against 13 Russians! Link to the book passage! Ramble on, Jimmy page: William Bill Cooper Hammers Alex Jones! If you enjoy the show, thinking and content, consider making a contribution to support and grow the channel. The new happy pay pal account. And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT17M9S 1379 100 60 1 not set not set 2018-02-20T15:43:27.000Z HgpTEasVCqI UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/20 Morning Report! Is Q Anon using encrypted messages in his posts? Apache and Water! "Space shot 76 Q Anon, encrypted images and Gitmo is expanding! Report of Mattis changing prosecutor at Gitmo! Anti school. ""Apache"" The new happy pay pal account for the FJ channel support fund! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT12M10S 6988 133 167 4 not set not set 2018-02-23T19:13:59.000Z yw0xugTrMtc UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/23 Morning Report! Q Anon, Corsi, Smith Mundt! "Anti school suit v Google Q Anon Posts: Jerome Corsi Trump speech: In truth by grace: patterns of drills shooting and Smith Mundt. Watch at 8 min mark David Hogg's Channel Space shot 76 Q Anon. Analysis. The new pay pal account for the FJ fund! And or the new Patreon account: Please contribute if you find value and food for thought here👍" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT50M54S 2868 122 169 4 not set not set 2018-02-24T07:08:53.000Z Hil56ra_biA UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Late night with FJ. Anti school and Smith Mundt! New Q Anon thinking. "Anti school and smith Mundt Seething Frog: Corsi and Kissinger The Q Post: Feb 22 2018 21:18:09 !UW.yye1fxo Q 466048 For those watching, this should scare you. It’s the POWER you depend on to survive. Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you. WH / Military / Patriots. Ready to play? Q The Who Woodstock! Tommy. The Who : Pinball Wizard The Who ""my generation"" Woodstock. Santana : Soul Sacrifice Woodstock! Zeppelin in Australia! Live Immigrant song!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT37M34S 2395 102 134 2 not set not set 2018-02-24T18:05:22.000Z XwGU5MXtc28 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/24 Morning Report Q Anon Docs links.Why active drill precede massive attacks? "In truth by grace: patterns of drills shooting and Smith Mundt. Watch at 8 min mark David Hogg's Channel The q docs: Senate intelligence committee: Jimmie Hendrix ""And the wind cries Mary"" The new pay pal account for the FJ fund! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT12M12S 1794 42 84 3 not set not set 2018-03-01T03:44:32.000Z eOinlinGmzg UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 2/28! Does Q Anon know about Gulftainer and Project Pelican? "Politics: Gulftainer Pelican Project! Gulftainer club -K missile system! Gulftainer documentation. Great links! The new pay pal account for the FJ fund! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT32M59S 3104 82 143 1 not set not set 2018-03-02T14:28:40.000Z 2PcYtMPtNNE UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/02! Morning Report. Is Q Anon Being Censored by the Anons? "Pieczenik the FBI Gulftainer documentation. Great links! Reading the security report 👍 Gulftainer club -K missile system! Thomas and Betsy on Jeff Sessions! In Real Grace FBI and Drills at Mass Shooting. IMPORTANT!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT48M11S 2927 91 118 6 not set not set 2018-03-05T00:22:58.000Z mUlM1gEvQdg UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ EVENING UPDATE! The Bridge, The Phrog, and The Collective! "US money laundering through Malaysia. Hmm Space shot 76 W analysis. Subscribe to his back up channel. Federal Bridge Certification Authority. Seething Frog analysis of Q posts. Mueller investigates UAE influencing Trump! Really?" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT14M56S 1340 77 88 1 not set not set 2018-03-06T22:43:52.000Z QfD1jcX8Q-M UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Update! Laptop Ready! Q, Spartans and Steel! "End game for the cabal Benjamin Fulford TOR BROWSER: updated version! Q Anon posts! The new pay pal account for the FJ fund! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT9M44S 1075 40 68 1 not set not set 2018-03-09T18:04:08.000Z uTkzY9SxE2o UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/09 Morning Report Snowden Comb your hair! Q Anon! "Fluoride Ron Paul on Google and the Deep state! Dr Phrog and FJ’s comments Federal Bridge Certification Authority And don’t forget the FJ Starbies Coffee fund! 👍 Thanks for supporting the channel!👍 Here’s The new pay pal account if you’d like to help! or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 23 not set PT31M43S 2771 120 201 5 not set not set 2018-03-10T18:16:09.000Z OpEh79F5AhI UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/10 Morning Report! Q ,Q Anon, Did Snowden Deliver? "Synagogue of satan 1878 - 1919 Bill Still Tucker Carlson Dana Loesch And the FJ Starbies Coffee fund! 👍 The pay pal account for the FJ fund! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 23 not set PT19M13S 1982 41 152 4 not set not set 2018-03-11T07:25:54.000Z Y7tQL3s9HP8 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Q Anon late night update, Nazis! "Black pilled: CIA candidates! Space shot 76 Q Anon postings Links to Space shot 76 source article on Angela!" Farmer Jones 23 not set PT15M37S 2729 107 141 3 not set not set 2018-03-11T19:04:29.000Z g_XJouYdL14 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/11 Does Q Anon Follow George Webb? "SOURCE ON Merckle Headlines with a voice. Clinton influence even in Australia George Webb: Fake Doctors are enemy combatants! Black pilled: CIA candidates! 👍 The pay pal account for the FJ fund! And or the new Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 23 not set PT19M41S 2802 58 169 4 not set not set 2018-03-16T13:18:51.000Z FIPt8ZeXBJ8 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/16 Morning Report! McMaster out? Q Anon, and Iran! Gulftainer too! "BP earth watch Q Anon posts link. AIM Thomas and Betsy and Johnathan: discussion of technology And society! Denzel : Graduation speech. Joe De Genova wW4lz0P6rD0 Kenya Pedophile hotspot" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT28M59S 2681 66 92 1 not set not set 2018-03-18T06:29:19.000Z tUiZdIZhq04 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ Evening Report! Q Anon comments and McCabe! "Syrian rebels being trained by US for chemical attacks? Judge Jeanine on McCabe: American intelligence media: Thomas and Betsy on McCabe. Treason! Dr Phrog at seething Frog on Q Anon : Trump 17= Q The pay pal account to show love for the FJ Channel! And the Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT31M 518 11 49 1 not set not set 2018-03-19T14:49:07.000Z 8c_JEmg94g4 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/19 Morning Report. Q Anon, McCabe , SES and the Deep State! "Spaceshot 76 Dr Phrog on Q. The pay pal account to show love for the FJ Channel! And the Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT22M7S 7610 94 221 4 not set not set 2018-03-19T21:51:00.000Z Q9OVoDaDALo UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/19 update! QAnon said watch the wives! McCabe and the Russians? "Joe DeGenova Corsi live stream DeGenova Hired by Trump Trump with Marines at Miramar George Webb Andy and Oleg: The pay pal account to show love for the FJ Channel! And the Patreon account: FJ blocked vid" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT18M8S 8158 107 241 4 not set not set 2018-03-21T23:23:45.000Z bIMP2hmx5LM UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/21 Late Report! Gulftainer, Q Anon And MZ. George Webb breaks the code? "George Web On the Q code and MZ RT Debate on the deep state! Bill still on “Projection” by Hillary. Q Anon Posts. Straits of Hormuz Headlines with a voice. Grassley letter!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT23M5S 3666 85 149 7 not set not set 2018-03-27T14:32:45.000Z fKaJp9vtW-E UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/27 Morning Report. Q Anon! Oden and Whispers in the Well. The Gauntlet! "George Web Today 159.1 Opium trafficking Deep state Dr. Phrog! On Weishaupt and Rothschild. George Webb SES 3 subsets! If you find value and the info helpful consider contributing. I thank you in advance. 👍 Here’s The pay pal link to show some love for the FJ Channel! And the Patreon account:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT37M27S 3833 153 184 4 not set not set 2018-03-29T16:08:03.000Z lM9yNojSOY0 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 3/29 Morning Report Red Pill or Clockwork Orange! "Douglas Star Wars creator? Anonymous post. But below Q says failed! Luke 8:17 will be revealed. - he was! Prove a negative! Secret classified unless trump has authorized it!👍 I tell the truth! What if he’s lying?" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT23M46S 2316 121 126 5 not set not set 2018-04-09T16:31:01.000Z UaU_P3eGGZM UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 4/09 Morning Report! Syria and Q Anon drop! A.Q. Kahn and Nukes! "AMTV African Refugees from Israel to Canada. Apr 8 2018 16:47:12 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 198500 955902 955760 Think Double. Why are we confirming this publicly? Why now? Q Politico erik prince article 2009. Delaware port to be leased to UAE! Q posts! Hey Now! If you like the episodes and coactive nature of the channel, the thinking the perspective and analysis consider supporting the channel. I thank you in advance. You can contribute with the pay pal link below. You can think of it as buying FJ a cup of coffee for our chats👍 Thanks!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT23M25S 2145 56 98 2 not set not set 2018-04-24T15:49:48.000Z SGWb3YHK1x4 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 4/24 Morning Report! Q Anon, The CIA, ISI, And Bin Laden, Now the Awans! "Jake CIA and Bin Laden and ISI SGT Report! On Q drop! Lori Colley on Q Drop! Bill Still NK drops demands!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT23M37S 1657 41 94 6 not set not set 2018-05-05T15:36:13.000Z 0KLmFvImnxY UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 5/05 .1 Morning Report Judge Hammers Mueller! FBI Resignations!, Q Anon links, False Flag Coming? "Laura Ingraham on Fox with Devin Nunes about Judge hammering Mueller’s team! Lori Colley on Q! Q Link Ole Damegard Bill Still: Deep state, security clearance! Time Magazine FBI in crisis! It’s worse than you think! If you like the channel consider supporting it with a donation. You can show some love for FJ and Piglet with some Camping supplies! Thank you Campers!👍" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT35M33S 1856 73 112 2 not set not set 2018-05-08T14:44:33.000Z DRFkp_RNwv0 UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 5/8 Morning Report! Trump’s Big Day! "About North Korea on fox The right Media: Peter Dalglish Ex UN “street kids” busted: You are free TV Judge Von Reitz Hannity with Devin Nunes Q post 1318" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT21M14S 1288 97 94 5 not set not set 2018-05-12T17:12:35.000Z Q_Lh1tfFtCo UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 5/12 What’s up with Q Anon? Plus FBI collusion and CIA Questions! "Bill Still: An FBI spy in the trump campaign? Titus Frost: Q malware? Lifting the veil: Is Q a fake?: Ray McGovern on RT: If you like the thinking and content, consider supporting the channel. You can make a contribution at the PayPal link below. Think of it as buying FJ a cup of coffee for our chats!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT30M35S 2180 63 108 4 not set not set 2018-05-17T18:26:52.000Z hx6_vaSXTaU UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 5/17 Report! Q Anon might have a point! Plus, Obama ordered spying on Trump! Weiner’s Warrant! "Dr. Steve pieczcenik Bill Still: Hannity, DeGenova and Greg Jarret! Hannity: Overview. Hannity on Ny times article! 9/11 Conspiracy disclosed. Names and details exposed! Jake: new world order 9/11 inside Out Zeppelin Treat: Live! GhCQ letter re Obama approving of spying on Trump team! Q 1388 from yesterday If you like the thinking and content, consider supporting the channel. You can make a contribution at the PayPal link below. Think of it as buying FJ a cup of coffee for our chats!" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT24M6S 2072 73 112 8 not set not set 2018-06-26T14:24:32.000Z L4Xy8q-_OAk UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 6/26 Morning Report! Q Anon. The Plan! NDAA and Smith-Mundt Modernization = CIA Fake News! "Q Anon The Plan! Original source video: Sweden has a problem SGT Report: Potus discusses child trafficking USA Today: condemn fake news! Smith-Mundt Modernization And some musical selections: FJ’s deep sensitive and philosophical side! “imagine a man”: And then some attitude:) Sister disco Rehearsal in studio:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT9M42S 2865 81 153 4 not set not set 2018-06-29T15:59:14.000Z RdnqH2bozxs UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 6/29 FoxConn and Q Anon Hearing Highlights! And, Where’s Omar Awan? Paul Ryan knows! "Hannity: Sarah Carter Jim Jordan v Rosenstein: Trey Gowdy: Gohmert and Rosenstein: Lou Dobbs: house resolution for more docs: Kevin Ship : on Jason Goodman’s show: Trafficking Awans? If you like the content thinking and perspectives, remember this is independent and not monetized or sponsored except by you! Thank you for chipping in what you can. It’s all appreciated. Think of it as buying FJ a cup of coffee and some “camping supplies”. Here’s the FJ PayPal link:" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT31M22S 1764 50 115 5 not set not set 2018-08-09T11:32:45.000Z FJM0KPUM8dw UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 8/09 Ohr, Steele, and the Illuminati. Manafort Trial. DOJ Collusion! Teaching time? "Q Anon: What is the Keystone? Amazing Polly! Great video! Illuminati in 7 minutes! Judge Jeanine on Manafort Trial: FBI Paid Steele for his info then fired him, then got it from Bruce Ohr at DOJ!! Outrageous collaboration and conspiracy! Headlines with a voice: Ohr and Steel Prove collusion! Sarah Westall Wayne Jett: Wayne Jett website: links under book graphic: Bill smith on the FISA Memo with links." Farmer Jones 25 not set PT34M6S 1338 71 95 1 not set not set 2018-08-10T16:12:26.000Z opYx5rI7I4w UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 8/10 Morning! Q Drop! British interference! We need borders! How fake news works! "Another Amazing Polly vid. Mega Fake news! Strategic communication laboratories owns Cambridge analytica wow! GCHQ Memo 11/16 Amazing Polly Tweet with Q Post Paul Joseph Watson: refugee / Migrants cover ups! You can contribute for Camping supplies here. They are welcomed and appreciated! PayPal link" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT23M36S 1461 40 113 2 not set not set 2018-08-15T14:52:12.000Z 9VGUeKm1tLw UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 8/15 “Task Force” Jenny Moore Interview, after her mission! Q Anon On Haiti Trafficking! "Headlines with a voice: Jem Moore RIP. The last interview. 7/13/18 Description of her last mission and PTSD healing process. link from Q’ s post this morning. Haiti 2010 missionaries arrested stealing 33 children! Qmap .pub" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT17M27S 4127 75 202 8 not set not set 2018-08-17T15:46:14.000Z zrBXk1IYhTk UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 8/17 Morning Report! Q Anon X Box, Grand Juries, Security Clearances and Radio Stations. "Fox: DeGenova wants Grand Jury For Bruce Ohr and Steele. Hanity: Sarah Carter and Greg Jarret: RT: censoring Alex Jones: Liberty Radio station shut down: Daily Caller: whistle blower gets security clearance removed after reporting non Halper in 2016. If you like the show, You can contribute for Camping supplies here. They are welcomed and appreciated! Think of it as buying FJ a cup of coffee for our chats! PayPal link" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT19M59S 2133 74 143 9 not set not set 2018-08-20T14:16:45.000Z HmlgNdY25ds UCWB6fcVg6otdY9qhMnblJaQ 8/20 Facts Not Fantasy! Sessions, Q Anon Drop, Dates? Jenny Moore “Task Force”! "Judge Jeanine Task force channel: Task force but chute video! Session clip from Q post by an Anon: QAnon posts: See 1927 If you like the show, You can contribute for Camping supplies here. They are welcomed and appreciated! Think of it as buying FJ a cup of coffee for our chats! PayPal link" Farmer Jones 25 not set PT21M52S 3086 90 175 11 not set not set 2018-08-27T16:05:48.000Z tmOLe87-POQ UCJ69W-dRFw5_KAYogT9Wh2A Q and his Anon girls Getting braver out in the run Featherbuck Farm 22 not set PT51S 54 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-13T11:24:44.000Z ZjZ4A9ym09g UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon posts 5/12/18 I break down about q anon post from 5/12/18. I go into details about the post, how I don't take any donations, and explain somewhat the posts could mean. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Alex jones', 'Doj', 'Fbi', 'Iran deal', 'James comey', 'Uranium one', 'Eu', 'Exposed', 'Bad actors', 'Q anon', 'Breadcrumbs', 'Money', 'Iran'] PT19M6S 202 4 11 0 not set not set 2018-05-14T05:57:36.000Z 091H1kcEfLQ UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon 5/13/18 I go into details of the q anon post for 5/13/18. I go into the Iran deal and eu. I read about the national security action and the links in the q post. The post reveal ... FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Iran deal', 'EU', 'John kerry', 'Q anon', 'National security action', 'Q post', 'Anons', 'Nancy pelosi', 'Nuclear arms deal', 'President assad', 'Corruption', 'Federal judges', 'Pep talk', 'Logan act', 'Wwg1wga'] PT12M49S 132 11 7 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T06:46:52.000Z NgqlojRZ28Q UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon 5/15/18 I break down q anon for 5/15/18. It talks about nypd and how there may corruption and a death of police officers in mid 2017. I also read how q wants us to be ... FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Nypd', '187', 'Trump', 'Attorney general', 'Jeff session', 'Corruption', 'Eric prince', '1776', 'America', 'Patriots', 'Constitution', 'Dirty politicians', 'Q anon', 'Wwg1wga', 'Rudy guilliani'] PT14M49S 143 7 12 0 not set not set 2018-05-18T07:19:35.000Z Nc4vYk0jU2M UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon 5/17/18 I read about q post from 5/17/18. I talk about a bunch of cargo going on a plane and what the cargo is. I read a post about the pope. I also read and interpret a ... FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'The pope', 'Airplane', 'Hilary clinton', 'Barack obama', 'New zealand', 'Zte phones', 'Cargo', 'Containers', 'Clinton emails', 'Mike pompeo', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Inspector general'] PT26M 223 4 8 0 not set not set 2018-05-23T08:37:02.000Z EIswuDVJCgc UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon 5/22/18 I read and discuss q anon post for 5/22/18. I talk about how the obama inside the trump campaign may not only be exposed but also expose Obama’s crooked plan. I also read how q has always been q. Please comment, share, like, and even subscribe if you choose. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Donald trump', 'Rod rosenstein', 'Barack obama', 'Infiltration', 'Campaign', 'Nellie ohr', 'Ham radio operator', 'Paul ryan', 'NSA', 'CNN', '11.9.17', 'Air Force one', 'Russia probe'] PT14M37S 333 18 15 0 not set not set 2018-05-29T12:12:59.000Z nCGnsT38LHk UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: eyethespy I break down how this eyethespy on twitter came out of nowhere. I point out things he talks about. Possibly accessing what he talks about and who he mentions. Please like, share and subscribe to my channel if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Twitter', 'Q anon', 'Alex jones', 'Information', 'Bill smith', 'Eyethespy', 'Government', 'Spy', 'Great awakening', 'Nk summit', 'Donald trump', 'Shills', 'Frauds', 'Q and a'] PT15M50S 11326 239 379 25 not set not set 2018-05-31T09:10:39.000Z -VekhTR9mPM UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: 6/11/18 I explain what exactly what 6/11/18 means. Connected bc17 and how eyethespy is interpreting what this could possibly mean as well. I also gives mad props to ... FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Eyethespy', '6/11/18', 'Julian assange', 'Wikileaks', 'Backchannel 17', 'Donald Trump', 'Profiteers', 'Frauds', 'Information', 'Twitter', 'Youtube', 'Shills', 'Great awakening'] PT11M39S 5853 96 181 14 not set not set 2018-06-02T09:54:07.000Z eh1ORrccNjU UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: QRS-11 I read a q anon post and connect the dots on why a small device could create a ton of damage. I go into theories on how this device was used in a multitude on airline disasters. I also explain how 2 key disasters may have been test subjects. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Hilary Clinton', 'Q anon', '2/12/09', 'Continental airlines flight 3407', 'Boeing', 'QRS-11', 'TWA flight 800', 'Cuban plane crash', '20 bishops', 'Barack obama', 'JFK jr', 'Us senator', 'Malaysia flight crash', '9/11 survivor'] PT10M25S 8831 165 341 20 not set not set 2018-06-08T09:52:48.000Z c04Umx4eyzc UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: politicians leaving and ceo resignations I read and interpret a tweet in early may how politicians are leaving and how many ceos have resigned, retired, or have been fired. Bunch of ceos have resigned since September of last year. Please like, dislike, comment, share, and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Trey gowdy', 'Paul ryan', 'Q anon', 'Eric schmidt', 'White house', 'Ceo', 'Jeff Flake', 'Alphabet', 'Companies', 'Al franken', 'John mccain', 'Government', 'Police chiefs', 'Businesses', 'Facebbok', 'Twitter', 'Banks'] PT20M22S 28838 400 949 17 not set not set 2018-06-12T06:44:13.000Z 3eCrdV6eBYc UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: 6/10/18 I read and interpret q anon post 6/10/18. I talk about how rod rosenstein may have went against orders of trump. The tarmac issue with Clinton and lynch. Shots of Singapore by q and a warning of a false flag. Like, dislike, comment, share, and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Singapore summit', 'Trump', 'Rod rosenstein', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Bill clinton', 'White house', 'False flags', 'Text messages', 'Skyline', 'Inspector general', '6/11/18', 'Larp', 'Kate spade', 'Mike pompeo'] PT15M13S 462 51 39 1 not set not set 2018-06-14T08:30:10.000Z aNpLeZR-5Ys UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: post 6/12/18 I read and interpret q anon post for 6/12/18. Topics include: rosenstein, a submarine, g7 deception, social media revalation. Please like, dislike, comment, share, ... FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Nuclear submarine', 'G7', 'Rod rosenstein', 'Deception', '4chan', '8chan', 'Reddit', 'Msm', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Proofs', 'Paul ryan', 'House speaker', 'Kashyap patel', 'ICBM', 'Missile launch', 'Jim Acosta', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Eric Schmidt', 'North Korea'] PT25M58S 314 15 27 0 not set not set 2018-06-15T02:57:38.000Z vZLxSORb3s8 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: post 6/13/18 I read and interpret q anon post for 6/13/18. The following I talk about: rod rosenstein, secret service, corruption, trump, g7, ig report, misconduct in the fbi/ doj. Like, dislike, comment, share, and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Rod rosenstein', 'Us secret service', 'G7 summit', 'Corruption', 'Declaration of independence', 'Ig report', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Freedom caucus', 'Preamble', 'Declassify', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump'] PT16M49S 456 32 28 0 not set not set 2018-06-16T01:04:01.000Z 0oOgTd_QCMY UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: post 6/14/18 I read and explain q post for 6/14/18. We talk about rod rosenstein, ig report, Rachel brand, and Donald trump on twitter. Like, dislike, comment, share and ... FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Rod rosenstein', 'Ig report', 'Resignation', 'Rachel brand', 'Walmart', 'Russia investigation', 'Donald trump', 'Twitter', 'Corruption', 'Process', 'Hillary Clinton', 'James comey', 'Fbi', 'Doj'] PT7M7S 447 25 35 0 not set not set 2018-06-21T22:37:17.000Z qQxr-Dcnf2E UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: censorship I explain how q anon is pointing out that censorship is a bigger problem than people think. Videos and other info in this video. Like, dislike, comment, share, subscribe if you like. Please click the notifications bell if you want to see more videos. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Twitter', 'IBOR', 'Facebook', 'Google', 'Youtube', 'Instagram', 'Censorship', 'Diamond and silk', 'Fox and friends', 'Suspended', 'Jack dorsey', 'Mark zuckerberg', 'NSA', 'Shadow banning', 'Discrimination', 'Censoring'] PT5M33S 352 24 50 1 not set not set 2018-06-24T19:38:27.000Z 6PPQiAOd8XY UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: border issue I discuss how in so many ways the left is essentially trying to divert our attention and in the process stop the border wall from being built. Like, dislike, comment, share, and subscribe. Please push notification if you want to see more videos. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Border wall', 'Immigration', 'Families belong together rallies', '', 'Sheryl crow', 'T.I.', 'Jlo', 'Fake news', 'Ig report', 'Human trafficking', 'Tucson', 'Congress', 'Donald trump'] PT7M56S 652 39 64 0 not set not set 2018-06-25T21:27:09.000Z tuLoNgTpEAw UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: deep state media I explain how there are connections between the deep state and msm. Like, dislike, comment, share, and subscribe. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Rachel maddow', 'Don lemon', 'MSNBC', 'CNN', 'CIA', 'Washington post', 'Lester Holt', 'Mainstream media', 'Wikileaks', 'News', 'Propaganda', 'Scott Rudd', 'Intel', 'Disney', 'Viacom', 'Time warner', 'GE', 'NBC', 'Corporations'] PT7M41S 911 22 67 2 not set not set 2018-06-26T20:27:06.000Z 9CkPpEqvO10 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: Peter Strzok I explain how Peter Strzok may be the most important testimony that ties to the ig report. Like, dislike, comment, share and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Peter strzok', 'Lisa page', 'FBI', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Riussia', 'Donald Trump', 'Paul Manafort', 'Sean Hannity', 'London', 'Russian Collusion', 'IG report', 'Spy gate'] PT8M35S 1117 27 45 0 not set not set 2018-06-29T19:40:19.000Z QmvrKiDTnWA UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: rr revisited I explain about rod Eisenstein and how his past dictates the decisions he is making now. Like, dislike, comment, share and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Rod rosenstein', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Robert mueller', 'Bill clinton', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack obama', 'Eric holder', 'Ig report', 'Resignation', 'Impeachment', 'Ig hearing', 'Us attorney', 'Assistant attorney general', 'Congress'] PT7M20S 869 26 56 0 not set not set 2018-07-02T17:09:40.000Z TIlVUf8Oewg UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: FF shootings I explain how these shootings are the act of false flags and why. Please like, dislike, comment, share and subscriber if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Annapolis', 'Freemason', 'Santa fe', 'Parkland school', 'David hogg', 'FBI', 'Therapist', 'False flag', 'Las vegas', 'Conspiracy', 'Anderson cooper'] PT6M38S 726 30 51 3 not set not set 2018-07-06T06:25:50.000Z 11LUbppKH88 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: FBI firings I go their details of each person that was part of the fbi. I also explain what happened to each person that was the top of the fbi. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'James comey', 'Lisa Page', 'FBI', 'Peter Strozk', 'Fox News', 'An affair', 'Jim Rybicki', 'James Baker', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Bill Priestap'] PT7M47S 1363 19 75 0 not set not set 2018-07-09T08:50:19.000Z kIZmdXRnOX0 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: imran awan deal I go into details how Imran awn is essentially evading a major crime. you can like, dislike, comment, share and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Imran Awan', 'Debbie Wasserman Schultz', 'Bank fraud', 'Congress', 'US Congress', 'Twitter', 'Donald Trump', 'indictments', 'Florida', 'Pakistan', 'Justice', 'Plea Bargain'] PT6M59S 3797 99 159 8 not set not set 2018-07-12T00:21:45.000Z x2PCwbiR058 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: Clinton foundation I go into details about the past with the Clinton foundation and how they may now be connected to a recent incident. Like, dislike, comment, share, and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Haiti earthquake', 'Haiti', 'Donors', 'Human Trafficking', 'Wikileaks', 'Smuggling', 'Protest', 'FBI', 'James Comey', 'Robert Mueller', 'Barack Obama', 'house explosion', 'Carol Paladino'] PT7M33S 3947 58 198 3 not set not set 2018-07-14T09:52:59.000Z UOSsjm-cRF0 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: FACEBOOK I break how Facebook has been pulling shady business for their benefit. I go into detail how trouble will catch up with them again. You can like, dislike, comment, share and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'censorship', 'NBC News', 'Fed Up Warrior', 'Cambridge Analytica', 'Political Ads', 'Russians', 'Sheryl Sandberg', 'Tim Cook', 'Apple Inc.', 'Federal Trade Commision', 'Pentagon', 'DARPA'] PT7M31S 744 31 67 1 not set not set 2018-07-15T12:49:25.000Z g-jjpzxhR8Y UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: 16 year plan I explain how obama and Clinton had a 16 year plan to destroy America. Lots would have been different if Clinton would have been president. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'MS13', 'ISIS', 'Fast and Furious', 'MI', 'Wikileaks', 'Russian interference', 'Electoral vote', 'Iran', 'Iran Deal', 'US Army', 'US Navy', 'US Air Force', 'USMC', 'USCG'] PT4M22S 3419 83 193 2 not set not set 2018-07-18T07:27:33.000Z Rgw_p0eONvA UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q ANON: KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL I explain why keep your eye on the ball. I also explain about trump/Russian collusion accusation. Like, dislike, comment, share and subscribe if you like. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Donald Trump', 'Vladimir Putin', 'Lindsey Graham', 'Soccer ball', 'Helsinki', 'Finland', 'Intelligence agencies', 'The great awakening', 'Collusion', 'CBS News', 'USA Today', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT4M28S 1713 52 149 0 not set not set 2018-07-22T05:16:56.000Z jCBPh71ZBG4 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: where is q FED UP WARRIOR 27 not set PT3M47S 1107 90 105 1 not set not set 2018-07-29T09:52:45.000Z grohEnPoBes UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: pedowood I explain how a Q post outed Sarah Silverman and others as pedophiles. I break down 2 peoples confessions about hollywoods biggest problem. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Hollywood', 'Pedogate', 'Pedowood', 'Sarah Silverman', 'Patrick Oswalt', 'Steven Spielberg', 'Corey Feldman', 'Blackmail', 'Seth Green', 'Tom Hanks', 'Isaac Kappy', 'Sarah Ruth Ashcraft', 'Holy Bible', 'Idoltry', 'Evil', 'Anons', 'Bill Smith', 'Twitter', 'Youtube'] PT6M27S 9640 209 358 8 not set not set 2018-08-15T08:39:54.000Z liFR2_xHzEE UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: shills to q I explain how Ndaa 2017 funding may have corrupted the alt media and possibly betrayed America! FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Shill', 'NDAA', 'Alex Jones', 'Jack Pasobiec', 'Alt right media', 'Mossad', 'Obama', 'Infowars', 'War room', 'Twitter', 'Fox news', 'Apple', 'Google', '8 chan'] PT6M19S 587 43 92 1 not set not set 2018-08-16T21:55:17.000Z xis8NBA-h8U UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: Vanderbilt connections FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Anderson cooper', 'Tony Podesta', 'Jose Rafael Carrera', 'Gloria Vanderbilt', 'Vanderbilts', 'Guatemala', 'Roman Catholic Church', 'Milagros Necklace', 'Pizzagate'] PT7M27S 13815 223 447 20 not set not set 2018-08-28T09:47:39.000Z 5mt5mEz3oCc UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: NO NAME I go into detail how Q has obtained a ton of info about No Name( we don't say his name). I also connect some dots on things I found out about no name on my own. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'No Name', 'Oleg Deripaska', 'Rand Paul', 'Isis', 'Trump Dossier', 'Cancer', 'George Soros', 'traitor', 'US Senator', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT11M3S 10481 299 481 15 not set not set 2018-08-31T10:19:38.000Z xqSlpo20R94 UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: FVEY cut off I breakdown how a series of disconnects may lead to FVEY not being able to do things they want to do. Even the bull technique I bring up is nothing short of a laugh! FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'FVEY', 'Snow White', 'Corona', 'Big Bird', 'NSA', 'Satellite', 'CIA', 'Servers', 'Internet', 'Devin Nunes', 'London'] PT3M23S 3158 85 194 8 not set not set 2018-09-05T16:12:31.000Z iWrYIxuwhPs UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: August indictments "I update all on the August indictments that have just dropped over Labor Day weekend. I also update people on ceos departing and politicians not seeking re-election! sheldon silver Ed Palowski John Carnevale Megan Barry Rep. Chris Collins" FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'Rahm Emmanuel', 'Indictments', 'Pepsi', 'Ceo', 'Chicago', 'Chris Collins'] PT11M48S 3577 93 201 4 not set not set 2018-09-07T02:28:02.000Z lLI3qQTwJbg UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: Catholic Church perversions I go into details about a new development with the Catholic Church. I breakdown how there are now subpoenas and investigations about child assaults and sexual allegations in the Catholic Church. FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Pope Francis', 'Roman Catholic Church', 'New Jersey', 'New York', 'Pennsylvania', 'Barbara Underwood', 'Pedophilia', 'Priest', 'New York Times', 'Q anon', 'Fox News', 'Cardinal McCarrick', 'Vatican', 'Ireland'] PT7M7S 509 39 68 0 not set not set 2018-09-19T20:51:48.000Z FxqVWpiotiA UCyQaeBg8NcL3vKhtDSaIeag Q anon: IPAWS update I break down Q anon putting out IPAWS test info and how there is now a change on what’s going on! FED UP WARRIOR 27 ['Q anon', 'FEMA', 'IPAWS test', 'EAS', 'cell phone', 'Disaster', 'Alert', 'Test'] PT4M 722 42 67 1 not set not set 2018-05-23T11:54:19.000Z hi7TQKgmEWM UCyH1d2SCtCHf3q2hzbEwt7g QAnon/Qtips on Q a non 4chan/8chan AntiQ Exposed=#QXposed "#QXposed QAnon Exposed/Q expose' of AntiQXposed Who Are The Brain Police? @_0hr//,,,3301 alex jones, QAnon, jerome corsi, 0hr1, aim, nsa, qposts,heaven'sgate, zappa&zefon, rob dew, cbts - et al.... cicadapuzzle_0hr4/8/24/7edge. [dog_backwards=] This presentation contains copyrighted material under the educational fair use exemption to the U.S. copyright law. Section 107 of the Copyright Act. ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. For more information, consult QAnon is not new; it is the oldest scam out there ! Reddit banned one of its communities discussing QAnon, /r/CBTS_Stream, for ""encouraging or inciting violence and posting personal and confidential information"". Following this, some followers moved to Discord. Although numerous fringe media figures have monetized the intel drops, Q isn’t asking for donations... ""The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation.""—John Hylan 1922 ""The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.""—Edward Bernays 1928 book Propaganda. TREASON is the CRIME that covers some of the more extreme acts Against AMERICA... The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America... The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized... Second Amendment: ""The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""" FIGHT BACK NOW 27 ['anon q', 'fight back now', '8chan', 'I Q', 'L Q', 'Q-', 'a non Q', 'Anon', 'zappa', 'cicada', '3301', 'puzzle', 'Q anon', 'Propaganda', 'thank you', 'QAnon', 'q exposed', 'expose', 'exposed', 'anti Q', 'anti-Q', 'antichrist', 'anti-QAnon', 'QXposed', '#QXposed'] PT19M54S 112 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T20:13:23.000Z Pnd7dFu7lwo UCM8OTxI6eiw_vYIXjRFQbTw Q ANON New Latest Posts BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM "Q Anon post - March 5th Please subscribe to this channel! Thank you." Fight or Flight 25 ['Qanon', 'march', '5th', 'who is', '4chan', '8chan', 'trump', 'cia', 'fbi', 'boom', 'latest', 'post'] PT28M14S 128 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T18:19:19.000Z W1oI0RLGRj8 UCCh1jJnEuGP1deKG6cjONFQ Clif High Feb 23, 2018 Gaia Disinformation Agents, Q anon, C60 & Hydrogen Water Do you want to get more news ? Please follow us on youtube... Financial Market 25 not set PT50M43S 702 2 7 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T23:48:06.000Z wkm2jZPLdAA UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Q for Vendetta #qanon #followthewhiterabbit QAnon "Please send Bitcoin: 3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY William discusses the phenomenon of QANON and encourages others to wake TF up. Visit Fincastle Underground on Bitchute Attend the" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'Seth Rich', 'Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Lionel Nation', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Infowars', '4chan', '8chan', 'Bitcoin', 'Fincastle', 'whit rabbit', 'MAGA', 'red pill', 'Pizzagate', '#pizzagate'] PT9M21S 1035 19 61 2 not set not set 2017-12-30T16:43:55.000Z JcWN_CIhKnI UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q #QAnon Michael Savage confirms Q? #followthewhiterabbit "After meeting with President Trump on multiple occasions Dr, Savage makes some cryptic remarks; ""I kind of found out that all of the intrique that I had suspected was going on WAS going on."" -Dr. Savage Bitcoin address to support Fincastle Underground 3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY Savage live on his own show with Lou Pate filling in Bitcoin address to receive for Fincastle Underground 3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', 'Michael Savage', 'Savage', 'Trump', 'Obama', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'styx', 'lionel nation', 'molyneux', 'ha goodman', 'debbie wasserman schultz', 'podesta', 'pedogate', '#pedogate', 'ATL', 'ATL airport', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'Clinton', 'Lou Pate', 'The Savage Nation', 'Wikileaks', 'Scorched Earth', 'Rockstar', 'Uncle Mike'] PT4M53S 1907 11 65 1 not set not set 2017-12-30T21:52:50.000Z GyZzpci5tHs UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q #qanon Pedophiles in plain sight! Share! "William realizes that there may be more to the Defending Childhood Initiative. A black hole of deep state funding! Bitcoin address to support Fincastle Underground 3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY William's ad council video" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'Trump', '#pedogate', '#pizzagate', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Michael Savage', 'Savage', '4chan', '8chan', 'Pedophiles', 'adcouncil', 'ad council', 'Podesta', 'spirit cooking', 'SRA', 'Clinton', 'Mccain', 'Deep State', 'Lionel Nation', 'Infowars', 'Hannity', '#Q'] PT8M5S 644 7 33 1 not set not set 2018-01-01T03:32:16.000Z pJfAxxiQkKg UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Q Years Eve! #qanon "On an oddly quiet New Years Eve William sends well wishes and words of encouragement to his subscribers. Bitcoin address to support Fincastle Underground 3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'Pepe', '4chan', '8chan', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Lionel Nation', 'Gitmo', 'Times Square', '#NYE', 'NYE', 'Ball Drop'] PT2M52S 163 2 15 0 not set not set 2018-01-02T16:37:24.000Z GtNG7kvsijw UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Trump raids Obama property! #qanon "News from Bitcoin address to support Fincastle Underground 3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY follow:" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'Obama', 'Thailand', 'Solyndra', 'someonesbones', 'Trump', 'Hillary', '#pedogate', 'Liz Crokin', 'Lionel Nation', 'Savage', 'Michael Savage', 'Styxhexenhammer'] PT9M51S 230961 742 8774 185 not set not set 2018-01-10T13:35:24.000Z _4L8ndOQUqo UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q QAnon Savage Red Pills America "William shares Michael Savages exposé on a massive mainstream media scandal that could send many to prison! . Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Listen to ReallyBigSomething" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'Trump', 'Michael Savage', 'Savage', 'The Savage Nation', 'Red Pill', 'Pepe', 'Kek', '$chan', '8chan', 'Lionel Nation', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'AntiSchool', 'Anti-School', 'Anti School', 'Hillary', 'Lock her up'] PT3M49S 900 5 31 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T13:44:42.000Z 6lranKW92G8 UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Hannity targeted, Qanon, State of the Union #Releasethememo "William explains why qanon matters more than ever as well as why things are moving so slowly. Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Watch past videos here: Trump raids Obama property. Defund/Destroy/Decry the Ad Council" Fincastle Underground 25 ['hannity', 'Sean hannity', '#qanon', 'qanon', '#releasethememo', 'Trump', 'MAGA', '#maga', 'Lionel Nation', 'Antischool', 'Anti School', 'Dustin Nemos', 'Jennifer Hammons', 'Catcher in the rye', 'The Catcher in the Rye', 'JD Salinger', 'Shadowbanned', 'The Savage Nation', 'Savage', 'Michael Savage', 'SOTU', 'State of the Union'] PT11M56S 3491 59 160 4 not set not set 2018-02-26T19:26:40.000Z 5BlbFZ0C4NE UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Qanon Antonin Scalia, A pedophile? "William reviews available evidence and the claim that Scalia was a violent pedophile. Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Sources: 13 Questions about Scalia's Death 13 year old boy murders Scalia to prevent being raped. Former Victim Claims Scalia Was A Pedophile DeCamp was also the lead perspective on Conspiracy of Silence, an unaired Discovery Channel documentary about the alleged ""Franklin cover-up"" that documents a U.S. child sex abuse and pedophilia ring which purportedly involved the Reagan and Bush administrations Patriot or Traitor? Allen Foster is an honorable member of the International Order of St. Hubertus. Known as a close friend of Antonin Scalia, Foster provided the late Supreme Court Justice a private jet to the Cibolo Creek Ranch meeting of the Order, where Scalia was last seen alive. Presidio County, Texas sheriff Danny Dominguez reported that Foster and the other members of the order insisted he had no authority in conducting an investigation of Antonin Scalia's death on February 12, 2016 Allen Foster is an honorable member of the International Order of St. Hubertus.[1] Known as a close friend of Antonin Scalia, Foster provided the late Supreme Court Justice a private jet to the Cibolo Creek Ranch meeting of the Order, where Scalia was last seen alive.[4][5] Presidio County, Texas sheriff Danny Dominguez reported that Foster and the other members of the order insisted he had no authority in conducting an investigation of Antonin Scalia's death on February 12, 2016 James Hinga V. Mic Group LLC" Fincastle Underground 25 ['qanon', '#qanon', '#pizzagate', '#pedogate', 'pedophiles', 'pedophile', 'Antonin Scalia', 'Scalia', 'RBG', 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg', 'SCOTUS', 'Justice Scalia', 'FNAF', 'lionel', 'lionel nation', 'conspiratorium', 'Michael Savage', 'The Savage Nation', 'Savage Nation', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'SRA', '#metoo', 'Me Too', 'Molyneux'] PT19M10S 42069 496 1595 78 not set not set 2018-03-27T20:07:34.000Z 5CsbvJPI4Tg UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Actual Emergency, Not Clickbait qanon patriots "William is Furious that our rights are being trampled by piss-ant millennials in the tech industry Long Live Animal Farm! Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Articles cited in this video: Learn your rights!" Fincastle Underground 25 ['qanon', '#qanon', 'Trump', 'MAGA', '#MAGA', 'Bill of Rights', 'Patriots', 'Patriot', '#IBOR', '#internetbillofrights', 'Internet Bill of rights', 'SCOTUS', 'POTUS', 'Lionel Nation', 'Molyneux', 'CBTS', 'Styxhexenhammer'] PT17M55S 3037 142 291 3 not set not set 2018-06-11T18:24:26.000Z -tAlYgSxxjM UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q North Korea Summit QANON DeNiro a Pedo? "MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE FINCASTLE FESTIVAL! SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 in HISTORIC FINCASTLE VIRGINIA!! Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Watch QANON Music Video by Flo White! Trump offers NK Security Trump in Singapore DeNiro a Pedophile?" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'Trump', '#MAGA', 'Donald', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Lionel', 'Nation', 'Fincastle', 'Underground', 'Sociology', 'Roanoke', 'HRC', '#imwithher', 'wikileaks', 'infowars', 'julian', 'assange', 'jerome', 'corsi', 'cbts', 'pepe', 'kek', '#great', 'awakening', 'avicii', 'pence', 'Kaine', 'patriot', 'betsy', 'ross', 'thomas', 'pain', 'american', 'intelligence', 'media', 'stowell', 'molyneux', 'mark', 'dice', 'fnaf', 'POTUS', '#POTUS', '#IBOR', 'Internet', 'bill', 'of', 'rights', 'Thomas', 'Paine', 'common', 'sense', 'Jefferson', 'Washington', 'Botetourt', 'Caprice', 'Classic', 'Roseanne', 'NK summit', 'G7'] PT10M38S 1209 44 222 0 not set not set 2018-07-03T18:56:40.000Z KywEI8UA4dQ UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Broward Sheriff Scott Israel to be Removed!? qanon "William calls the Broward County Sheriff's office to investigate reports of Scott Israel's pending removal MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE FINCASTLE FESTIVAL! SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 in HISTORIC FINCASTLE VIRGINIA!! Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Watch QANON Music Video by Flo White! EXCLUSIVE: Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel To Be Removed Next Week By Laura Loomer Broward Sheriff's Public Information Office P.O. Box 9507 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310 Telephone: (954) 831-8300 Fax: (954) 797-0927 Email:" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'Trump', '#MAGA', 'Donald', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Lionel', 'Nation', 'Fincastle', 'Underground', 'Sociology', 'Roanoke', 'HRC', '#imwithher', 'wikileaks', 'infowars', 'julian', 'assange', 'cbts', 'pepe', 'kek', 'bernie', 'sanders', '#greatawakening', 'avicii', 'pence', 'patriot', 'betsy', 'ross', 'paine', 'american', 'intelligence', 'media', 'stowell', 'molyneux', 'mark', 'dice', 'fnaf', 'POTUS', '#POTUS', '#IBOR', 'Internet', 'bill', 'rights', 'Thomas', 'Paine', 'common', 'sense', 'Jefferson', 'Washington', 'Botetourt', 'Roseanne', 'laura loomer', 'big league politics', 'scott israel', 'broward', 'parkland'] PT8M8S 2983 62 241 2 not set not set 2018-07-24T20:41:33.000Z xhPTPUnFzPU UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q #QANON RETURNS latest qanon q drop "Admiral Richard E. Byrd - South Pole Video Interview Operation HIGH JUMP: Antarctica has Warm Inner Lakes in Bunger Hills Area! The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau - South to Fire and Ice Antarctica *****Q-ANONYMOUS MUSIC VIDEO***** MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE FINCASTLE FESTIVAL! SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 in HISTORIC FINCASTLE VIRGINIA!! Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Fincastle Underground PO Box 754 Fincastle, VA 24090 *****Q-ANONYMOUS MUSIC VIDEO*****" Fincastle Underground 25 not set PT1H17M34S 2245 34 165 2 not set not set 2018-07-31T16:47:50.000Z 71p1PvWa0BQ UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q #QANON is Hot! Freedom Rings Loud "LEEANN FLYNN HALL *****Q-ANONYMOUS MUSIC VIDEO***** MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE FINCASTLE FESTIVAL! SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 in HISTORIC FINCASTLE VIRGINIA!! Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Fincastle Underground PO Box 754 Fincastle, VA 24090 *****Q-ANONYMOUS MUSIC VIDEO*****" Fincastle Underground 25 not set PT1H5M42S 996 29 115 1 not set not set 2018-08-01T01:19:52.000Z QXFxIEp5nCE UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q #QANON Trump in Tampa "LEEANN FLYNN HALL *****Q-ANONYMOUS MUSIC VIDEO***** MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE FINCASTLE FESTIVAL! SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 in HISTORIC FINCASTLE VIRGINIA!! Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Fincastle Underground PO Box 754 Fincastle, VA 24090 *****Q-ANONYMOUS MUSIC VIDEO*****" Fincastle Underground 25 not set PT1H24M51S 1390 17 108 3 not set not set 2018-10-13T04:50:35.000Z 7fPCcmSGO6s UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Hillary Loses Her Clearance! Missing Emails Found! She's Screwed! "Hillary Loses her Clearance Read the full letter here. Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Fincastle Underground PO Box 754 Fincastle, VA 24090 Watch QANON Music Video by Flo White!" Fincastle Underground 25 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'Trump', '#MAGA', 'Donald', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Lionel', 'Nation', 'Fincastle', 'Underground', 'Sociology', 'Roanoke', 'HRC', '#imwithher', 'wikileaks', 'infowars', 'julian', 'assange', 'jerome', 'corsi', 'cbts', 'pepe', 'kek', 'bernie', 'sanders', '#greatawakening', 'jake', 'paul', 'avicii', 'mike', 'pence', 'patriot', 'betsy', 'ross', 'thomas', 'paine', 'american', 'intelligence', 'media', 'stowell', 'molyneux', 'mark', 'dice', 'fnaf', 'POTUS', '#POTUS', '#IBOR', 'Internet', 'bill', 'of', 'rights', 'Thomas', 'Paine', 'common', 'sense', 'Jefferson', 'Washington', 'Botetourt', 'Caprice', 'Classic', 'Roseanne'] PT15M16S 2067 58 268 4 not set not set 2018-10-19T00:58:19.000Z fsb1UtoHeP0 UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q The Open Conspiracy Against Men (with Brendon Marotta) "GO TO FOR A BIG RED PILL WATCH THE TRAILER!! William Interviews Brendon Marotta, the Award-Winning Director of American Circumcision Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Fincastle Underground PO Box 754 Fincastle, VA 24090 Watch QANON Music Video by Flo White!" Fincastle Underground 23 ['circumcision', 'American Circumcision', 'Brendon Marotta', 'Qanon', '#QANON', '#MAGA', 'Lionel Nation', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'nocirc', '4chan', 'npc', '#NPC', '#redpill', 'Red Pill', '#PEDOGATE', '#pizzagate', 'podesta', 'zionism', '#zionism', '#zionist', 'zionist'] PT1H18M 1206 49 96 2 not set not set 2018-10-21T17:28:54.000Z ieIbDmkDiQY UCrS0Z-Faxiaobrmzxv4iF6Q Did Sen. Cory Booker jam his MEAT in some guy's Mouth? "The accusation PDF The Accuser's Twitter The Lawyer's Twitter Gateway Pundit Article Citizen Truth Article Revolt against the Federal Reserve; Send me Bitcoin! (3LBgEb4v7GUoey3GXdurVghr2KHonPPHMY) Support me on Patreon Watch me on BitChute Watch me on D.Tube!/c/fincastleunderg Follow me on Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Follow QANON Fincastle Underground PO Box 754 Fincastle, VA 24090 Watch QANON Music Video by Flo White!" Fincastle Underground 23 ['circumcision', 'American Circumcision', 'Brendon Marotta', 'Qanon', '#QANON', '#MAGA', 'Lionel Nation', 'Styxhexenhammer', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'nocirc', 'cory booker', 'booker', '#metoo', 'Harmeet K. Dhillon'] PT18M53S 21017 473 1059 17 not set not set 2017-11-10T16:15:30.000Z YnxBQXlgrNk UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.1) - Psyop? "please hit the like button for me. i would... like... that... get it? oh yeah. the first thing Q ever posted - ""SCI[F]"" science fiction, or science fact? who knows. could this all be a psyop? just wanted to ask the question..." Firstname Lastname 10 ['pol', '4chan', '4 chan', '/pol/', 'Q clearance', 'psyop', '+++', 'trump', '2017', 'qanon', 'q anon'] PT10M50S 6082 137 81 11 not set not set 2017-11-11T09:01:12.000Z D5UnT871FgU UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.2) - EMP? Firstname Lastname 10 ['pol', '/pol/', 'Q clearance', '4chan', '4 chan', 'trump', '2017', 'emp', '+++', 'qanon', 'q anon'] PT1M18S 1429 1 12 2 not set not set 2017-11-12T08:40:01.000Z kvbjqYldqoI UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.3) - Will They Stop Posting? whatdoyouthink? Firstname Lastname 22 ['q clearance', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'pol', '/pol/', '4chan', '4 chan', 'update', 'news', 'video', 'cabal', 'illuminati', '2017'] PT1M29S 401 0 5 1 not set not set 2017-11-15T22:43:44.000Z _RHUCDppD3I UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.4) - ANOTHER Wink From Trump?! Q posted +++. 7 minutes later Trump tweets the same. Now, this. Btw, Trump always flashes his favorite gang sign, so trusting him is a little difficult. Please sub. Ty. Firstname Lastname 22 ['Trump', 'tweet', '2017', 'q anon', 'q clearance', '4chan', '4 chan', 'Q anon', 'pol', '/pol/', 'update', 'its happening', 'video', 'proof', 'evidence', 'drain the swamp', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'exposed', 'revealed', 'explained', 'secrets'] PT4M13S 3202 30 33 3 not set not set 2017-11-18T01:05:01.000Z gvnLqUkPGJ4 UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.5) - The Countdown Has Begun? +++ ++ + " please sub, like, comment, then go about your day and completely forget you watched this video." Firstname Lastname 22 "['+++', '++', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'q clearance', 'pol', '/pol/', '4chan', '4 chan', 'update', 'updates', 'news', 'new', 'post', 'posts', 'Rothschild', ""Rothschild's"", 'meaning', 'Soros', 'warning', '2017', 'Trump', 'explained', 'prediction']" PT1M59S 1682 21 14 2 not set not set 2017-11-20T04:36:01.000Z SBm6mJhg--o UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.6) - Analysis for 11.17.2017 sorry this ran long. feel free to inform me of any theories or possible answers to Q's questions. thanks yo! Firstname Lastname 22 ['q anon', 'Q Anon', '4chan', '4 chan', 'pol', '/pol/', 'update', 'news', 'facts', 'Trump', '2017', '+++', '++', 'theory', 'updates', 'new', 'post', 'q clearance', 'patriot', 'deep state', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'pizzagate', 'pizza gate', 'recent', 'q clearance patriot', 'freemasons', 'free mason', 'meaning', 'explained', 'analysis', 'white hats', 'video'] PT24M12S 1442 18 25 3 not set not set 2017-11-21T04:49:49.000Z 5e4NDcwOoyU UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA My Question For Q on 4chan "hi Q, let's make this a conversation now. you've been at it since halloween, and I say it's time to spill the big beans. you seem protected, so why not make us all happy and be like, ""the ufos are alien craft (some of the time).""? come on 'ol Q, I know ya got it in ya. also, am looking forward to see what happens to +." Firstname Lastname 22 ['q clearance', 'patriot', 'q anon', 'q-anon', 'qanon', 'pol', '/pol/', '4chan', '4 chan', 'post', 'update', 'video', '2017', 'news', 'question', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'illuminati', 'mystery machine'] PT45S 170 0 3 0 not set not set 2017-11-26T06:08:52.000Z j-oPQIIhKQ0 UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.7) - Did Q Contact Someone?! I hope the phone call wasn't some kind of spell from someone. please like, comment, and sub if you're new! Firstname Lastname 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'pol', '/pol/', '4chan', '4 chan', '2017', 'recent', 'post', 'update', 'posts', 'new', 'news', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'Trump', 'q clearance', 'q clearance patriot', 'info', 'information', 'November 25', 'intel'] PT1M11S 312 2 4 0 not set not set 2017-11-26T09:07:05.000Z NGzr4hGBYfA UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.8) - Get Your Popcorn Ready? 11/25/17 "any of you intelligent people out there know what those computer-looking_ codes_mean_-?_- yes I'm tired. yes I'm a ball of cheese sometimes. fuck it. link to posts. please sub, like, comment, eat a vegan meal." Firstname Lastname 22 ['q anon', 'q-anon', 'q clearance', 'q clearance patriot', 'Q Anon', 'Q-Anon', 'Q-anon', 'news', 'new', '4chan', '4 chan', '4 Chan', 'pol', '/pol/', 'update', 'recent', 'post', 'posts', 'conspiracy', '2017', 'November', 'explained', 'exposed', '++'] PT11M35S 5345 84 37 6 not set not set 2017-11-26T11:39:06.000Z iilTZNQHCUU UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q on 4chan (p.9) - Q Contradicts Themselves "Q makes no sense. ""their need for symbolism will be their downfall"" but then seems to love potus. he also says to find out who uses the owl symbolism, and the Y head (devil horns). well, trump seems opposite to good in many ways, yet Q keeps mentioning patriotism and potus. if trump drains the swamp, will we all worship him? I don't think we should. remain discerning when it all happens." Firstname Lastname 22 ['Trump', '666', 'president', 'Antichrist', 'antichrist', 'anti christ', 'Christ', 'God', 'devil', 'illuminati', 'exposed', 'explained', 'proof', 'truth', '2017', 'drain the swamp', 'q anon', 'q clearance', '4chan', '4 Chan', 'pol', 'q clearance patriot', 'qanon', 'q-anon', '/pol/', 'is it happening'] PT1M59S 162 13 4 4 not set not set 2017-11-28T15:53:00.000Z uMy5qNXXeL0 UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA 6 Questions For Q Anon Readers... Firstname Lastname 22 ['q anon', 'Q clearance', 'patriot', 'pol', '/pol/', 'q clearance', '4chan', '4 chan', '4 Chan', '4Chan', 'update', 'new', 'post', 'qmap', 'conspiracy', 'news', 'updates', 'happening', 'drain the swamp', 'Trump', '2017', 'explained', 'illuminati', 'ufo', 'video', 'qanon', 'q-anon'] PT32S 368 4 5 0 not set not set 2017-12-01T00:45:36.000Z S_axWH4wnGY UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q anon, Trump, The Cabal (p.10) - Their Last Lie? "Q asks questions, then I question Q. please sub, like, comment, share, and learn guitar 🎸" Firstname Lastname 22 ['q clearance', 'q clearance patriot', 'Trump', '2017', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'false flag', 'ufo', 'conspiracy', 'pol', '/pol/', '4chan', '4 chan', 'recent', 'new', 'news', 'update', 'facts', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'pizza gate', 'pedogate', 'explained', 'exposed', 'truth', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'pizzagate'] PT3M23S 9460 101 113 27 not set not set 2017-12-06T06:48:07.000Z H9G1OXXYIaQ UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q Anon (p.11) - FREEDOM_Conf_go? sorry if i was a bit scatterbrained. it was my first driving-while-filming video. please like, comment, subscribe, and eat something vegan! Firstname Lastname 22 ['q anon', 'q-anon', 'qanon', 'pol', '/pol/', '8chan', '8 chan', '4chan', '4 chan', 'recent', 'new', 'update', 'updates', '2017', 'december', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'illuminati', 'free energy', 'ufo', 'alien', 'explained', 'exposed', 'truth', 'cabal', 'intel', 'info', 'information', 'trump', 'donald trump', 'freedom', 'swissindo', 'red dragon family', 'collateral accounts', 'collateral account', 'drain the swamp', 'maga', 'q clearance', 'q clearance patriot', 'patriot'] PT6M12S 525 1 7 1 not set not set 2017-12-06T08:10:10.000Z EBo-iC3p9j0 UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Good Website For Keeping Up With Q Anon " also - youtuber Virtual Assistant Alana - very helpful too!!!" Firstname Lastname 22 ['a hi-jacked life', 'ahijackedlife', 'q anon', 'q-anon', 'q clearance', 'q clearance patriot', 'patriot', 'Trump', '2017', 'new', 'news', 'update', 'explained', 'website', 'intel', 'info', 'illuminati', 'Rothschild', 'Soros', 'Saudi Arabia'] PT50S 337 1 12 1 not set not set 2018-01-08T12:58:32.000Z nOtDe-Kupvg UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q Anon (p.12) - A Few Questions... "please subscribe for more conspiracy-related crap. virtual assistant alana -" Firstname Lastname 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', '4chan', '4 Chan', '8chan', '8 Chan', 'recent', 'update', 'updates', 'new', 'news', 'Trump', '2018', 'January', 'EMP', 'north korea', 'space x', 'defcon 1', 'defcon', 'proof', 'evidence', 'truth', 'post', 'posts', 'war', 'nuclear', 'nk', 'youtube', 'ww3', 'world war', 'world war 3', 'patriot', 'event', 'usa', 'freedom', 'donald', 'wikileaks', 'wiki leaks', 'julian', 'assange', 'america', 'china', 'russia'] PT4M51S 176 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-01-22T09:01:22.000Z xHv2KhHf-FE UCacV-yEVQI-2H87gsS5HNiA Q Anon & Trump - The Grand Illusion? "please LIKE, subscribe, comment, and SHARE THIS VIDEO. i know it's an unpopular opinion, but that does not mean there's no truth in it. do not worship man. man is a tricky creature.. i am HAPPY that everyone's learning the truth. i am HAPPY that it appears that the cabal is going down. however, it (mostly) only appears this way. will Q and Trump save us? time will tell. but i don't have much faith, and, for GOOD REASON. we've all been lied to for our entire lifetimes. so, what's to say this is not the cabal's last big deception? think about it. think for yourself. do not be persuaded. do not be gullible. and you wanna talk about ""taking the red-pill""? fact - matter can be manipulated with our intentions. look up michael grubb on youtube. he taught me telekinesis. it's fucking real. fact - aliens abduct people, then track them with devices. fact - the elite feed off your energy by making you afraid. fact - everyday we are being attacked by cell phone radiation, social media (leads to anti-social behavior), pollution, fake food, and more! fact - 90% of you reading this disagree with everything i just said. fact - this video will be forgotten because your attention span has been reduced due to modern technology and lifestyles. fact - i sincerely hope that the storm is so BIG that absolutely no lies can breathe. fact - earth is undergoing a rapid spiritual shift. the darkness IS being exposed, and ""heaven"" is on it's way. fact - meditation leads one to enlightenment." Firstname Lastname 22 ['q anon', 'patriot', '4chan', '4 chan', '8chan', '8 chan', 'post', 'posts', 'update', 'updates', 'new', 'news', 'trump', 'djt', '2018', 'facts', 'explained', 'exposed', 'revealed', 'confirmed', 'analysis', 'analyzed', 'illuminati', 'mind control', 'mk ultra', 'chemtrails', 'chemtrail', 'ufo', 'disclosure', 'alien', 'aliens', 'video', 'footage', 'proof', 'evidence', 'truth', 'nsa', 'tsa', 'federal reserve', 'government', 'lies', 'hrc', 'clinton', 'obama', 'soros', 'rothchild', 'gmo', 'gmos', 'genetically modified', 'evil', 'cabal', 'fema', 'camp', 'russia', 'china', 'ww3', 'world war', 'false flag'] PT17M14S 3432 121 81 37 not set not set 2018-08-02T03:39:16.000Z a8awK-4RWng UCxrk5Te5Dw_y_YqvQGkTaSw Q Tard Pushers And The Kappy Push Will Kill Free Speech Fkn Freddy 22 ['#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT8H1S 1253 27 69 25 not set not set 2018-03-09T03:59:03.000Z OQcQSlhlZK8 UCaCz9exmElWHZE9ECZNLNTg 4chan bread crumbs Q Clearance Patriot FAKE Cryptic passive drop Post donald trump tweet Re-upload - original uploader was WAPTEK flaming swords 27 not set PT3M5S 46 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-26T13:05:25.000Z rxIqc_BUxpQ UCGiFJNwxpxTR5enwfKxNh0w ALL "Q-ANON" IS Click-bait BY False Prophets!! "ALL ""Q-ANON"" IS Click-bait" Flat Earth Nation-Dei Aurea Praeterita 27 not set PT9M11S 154 9 13 4 not set not set 2018-05-13T01:06:42.000Z -VrjJBo1J4c UC8Nite8xPDLUBVx1T_P7Qdw Alex Jones "Spoke to Q anon" He sure did. Fliffle Flaffle 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Defango', 'Unirock', 'Lift the Veil', 'CBTS', 'WeThePeople', 'Q anon', 'Lionel media', 'Titus Frost', 'UNIRock2', 'Lionel Nation', 'Isaac Green', 'James Munder', 'Russian Vids', 'Justinformed Talk', 'Montegraph', 'Dave Acton'] PT49S 1426 6 26 4 not set not set 2018-05-25T22:34:11.000Z j1rjiJgM8_g UCRz53WdPhoklDRK2_NgwhEg The 2nd American Revolution is Underway. Military Intelligence, Q Anon and President Trump "The Calm before the storm. Now, here comes the pain! T ""They never thought she (Hillary Clinton) would lose. These people are stupid."" Q The world will be free again. Taking down the deep state and international cabals who control nations, wars and economies. We WILL win! D5. Checkmate coming. Join the fight. Don't sleep through the greatest sting in world history!" For The Republic 27 ['QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'Trump', 'President', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'Coup', 'Military', 'Sting', 'United States', 'Criminals', 'Washington', 'DC', 'D.C.', 'Pedophiles', 'Trafficking', 'Sex Trafficking', 'American Revolution', 'Intelligence', 'Q Clearance', 'Counter Coup'] PT6M16S 3003 15 100 4 not set not set 2018-05-27T01:29:22.000Z CfYy7qraov8 UCRz53WdPhoklDRK2_NgwhEg Following and Decoding Q Anon For the Average Working Person "A quick video running down how ""I"" follow Q and get decodes of Q posts without having to quit my day job and become a full time researcher. QResearch Board: PatriotsFight Board: JustInformed Talk: PrayingMedic: Citizens Investigative Report: Citizens Investigative Report ""The Storm"" PDF Download: Q Alerts for Android: Q Alerts for iOS: Q Drops for iOS:" For The Republic 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'decode', 'decoding', 'average', 'little time', 'person', 'posts', 'post'] PT18M41S 1146 6 23 0 not set not set 2018-07-25T05:23:47.000Z CzGb1TMYn8A UCRz53WdPhoklDRK2_NgwhEg Proof of Q Anon: July 24, 2018. President Trump in Kansas City, Missouri @ VFW Convention "Just another proof of QAnon. Proof of Q means; President Trump confirming his relationship with Q. The general consensus is that ""Q"" is a team of military intelligence, quite possibly also NSA and other high ranking United States Military who are working hand in hand with President Trump to bring down the deep state worldwide. The mainstream ""operation mockingbird"" media is currently actively in operations to discredit Q, yet they refuse to come out on camera/record and ask POTUS directly. Why? Think logically." For The Republic 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'proof', 'proof of q', 'proof of qanon', 'proof of q anon', 'trump', 'maga', 'president trump', 'kansas city', 'kc', 'mo', 'missouri', 'vfw', 'q proof'] PT1M29S 166 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-14T06:08:12.000Z PvsSiqXdtqk UCRz53WdPhoklDRK2_NgwhEg Quick QAnon Proof Video ("DO IT Q" on Twatter (Twitter)) Q Proofs QAnon President Trump's Airforce One Q For The Republic 25 not set PT1M23S 236 1 5 1 not set not set 2018-09-17T02:57:56.000Z 3oDp80O8OO0 UCRz53WdPhoklDRK2_NgwhEg The 2nd American Revolution is Underway. Military Intelligence, Q Anon and President Trump "Originally uploaded May 25th, 2018 but somehow the original got corrupted on YT. The Calm before the storm. Now, here comes the pain! T ""They never thought she (Hillary Clinton) would lose. These people are stupid."" Q The world will be free again. Taking down the deep state and international cabals who control nations, wars and economies. We WILL win! D5. Checkmate coming. Join the fight. Don't sleep through the greatest sting in world history!" For The Republic 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'trump', 'president', 'calm before the storm', 'coup', 'military', 'sting', 'united states', 'criminals', 'washington', 'dc', 'd.c.', 'pedophiles', 'trafficking', 'sex trafficking', 'american revolution', 'intelligence', 'q clearance'] PT6M16S 281 6 17 1 not set not set 2018-09-18T04:44:12.000Z 5Ikp9ZfQ3EU UCRz53WdPhoklDRK2_NgwhEg Q Alerts - QAnon Drop Notification App for Android & Email "Get notified of new Q Anon drops made to the chans. Easy mobile browsing, sharing and researching of Q Anon posts. Available for Android. Apple removed the iOS version based on a hit piece and pressure from NBC/MSNBC fake news media. For Apple and Windows Phone users, free email alerts are available at WWG1WGA" For The Republic 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'drop', 'drops', 'mobile', 'app', 'android', 'ios', 'apple', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'phone', 'smartphone', 'smart phone', 'email', 'e-mail', '8chan', '8ch', 'decode', 'decodes', 'research', 'share', 'chan', 'chans', 'q team', 'maga', 'wwg1wga'] PT7M21S 2696 4 48 1 not set not set 2017-11-23T16:59:46.000Z Zusm4zp8oIo UCOIueA8GXxAsVdlv4J0rmlA A little Q clearance discussion and a Happy Thanksgiving wish. Happy Thanksgiving Patriots Forever Freedom 29 not set PT6M51S 87 15 5 1 not set not set 2018-10-30T06:39:25.000Z 3toCeYYdca4 UCZzYsS380OrAJbcQkOqTA0w Q Anon, or "Qanon" commercial on Fox news. "The Q anon phrase ""Where We Go One, We Go All"" was used in this commercial on fox." Forlornguild 24 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'trump storm'] PT24S 815 2 21 1 not set not set 2018-02-20T06:34:27.000Z NH6jrK4Rh1g UCmKV-EiyxKnYhZShxxjLkVA Q Drop, The 16 Year Plan 7 Minutes Focused on only 16 year plan to Destroy America "Q-Drop, The 16 Year Plan 7 Minutes Focused on only 16 year plan to Destroy America. Because of Trump's Victory, the enemies of America has been unmasked and it's not Russia! Øbama last back room deal gave DHS the power to take over the election process... *Q-DECODE: Under OBAMA Administration Chief Advisor Valerie Jarrett got rid of White House staff, one-by-one. Here is the interview link. At 1:20 here is the proof. She denies it, of course! She had to get rid of them for complete and total power to 'push' this 8/16 year plan to destroy America. She then injected THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD into the White House. Also here is Brigette Gabrielle's speech on THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD'S plan to destroy America! This is from 2015, she has been advocating this for years! **PLEASE SHARE!* Click on this link to the meme of the sixteen year plan. Do you agree we can Never Let an Outsider or Democrat be President of the USA in the future? =================================================== ©copyright, Free Speech Systems.LLC 1995 - 2017 All Rights Reserved. May use for fair use and educational purposes. section.Copyright Act of 1976 17 U.S.C. § 107 allows for the use of work that is used for comment, criticism, or education and is non-profit in nature. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Copyright credit and rights goes to InformedTexasVoter I use 9 minutes and change to make this video Original source video here. I used this video above to make this Cool Post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support Freddy's work at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ★ Twitter ◆ Facebook ◆ Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use" Freddy Colon 22 "['Q-Drop', 'QANON', '16 Year Plan', 'Destroy America', ""Trump's Victory"", 'enemies of America', 'Øbama last back room', 'DHS', 'Q-DECODE', 'President Trump']" PT7M19S 2384 5 42 1 not set not set 2018-09-27T11:10:36.000Z 0QeQ87-enSc UCgrJjJ3noeDBkfEaCdHnLQA Q Anon WikiLeaks Trump Deep State Illuminati Cabal Updates YouTube Q Anon WikiLeaks Trump Deep State Illuminati Cabal Updates YouTube Free NewsNow 22 ['Q Anon WikiLeaks Trump Deep State Illuminati Cabal Updates YouTube'] PT11M26S 136 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T09:21:53.000Z PP9X3B_i0Vc UC1Zyam1xYQSUxh8gUDek2Vg QAnon- Are END TIMES REALLY going to get WORSE? or maybe BETTER?! (Matthew 24-25) "Is it possible that ""End Times"" teaching on Worldwide Destruction was misinterpreted? What if it is only WORSE for the Beast NWO? And BETTER for us!!! Worth a look... Matthew 24 & 25 Recognition of State of Israel - Fig Tree Budding Dr Steve Turley on Israel" Freedom Force Battalion 25 ['QAnon', 'Trump', 'End Times', 'Apocalypse', 'NWO', 'Beast', 'Armageddon', 'Rapture'] PT41M46S 1740 57 128 2 not set not set 2018-05-24T07:51:29.000Z OJU67l_CVjY UC1Zyam1xYQSUxh8gUDek2Vg I LOVE QAnon – (Q Proofs & What Really happened to CBTS Reddit Board) "Hahahahahahahahaha – Q’s a Larp, yeah right! LOL! I recount how Q has proven himself again and again, and what happened when the CBTS Reddit board went down. Psalm 91 (NLT) 1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. 3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. 4 He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. 5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. 6 Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. 7 Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. 8 Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished. 9 If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, 10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. 11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. 12 They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone. 13 You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet! 14 The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. 15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. 16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” New Living Translation (NLT)" Freedom Force Battalion 25 ['QAnon', 'Trump', 'Great Awakening', 'Psalm 91', 'Larp', 'Freedom', 'MAGA', 'CBTS', 'Reddit', 'Armor of God'] PT15M33S 1948 69 191 2 not set not set 2018-09-03T16:26:35.000Z a_wsW4Vy6u4 UC1Zyam1xYQSUxh8gUDek2Vg QAnon - Those Who Know Cannot Sleep - Military Operation "Military Operation to Destroy Evil - just like King Josiah. ""King Josiah instructed them to remove from the Lord’s Temple all the articles that were used to worship Baal, Asherah, and all the powers of the heavens. The king had all these things burned."" Josiah Movie- ""Then the king summoned all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem. 2 And the king went up to the Temple of the Lord with all the people of Judah and Jerusalem, along with the priests and the prophets—all the people from the least to the greatest. There the king read to them the entire Book of the Covenant that had been found in the Lord’s Temple. 3 The king took his place of authority beside the pillar and renewed the covenant in the Lord’s presence. He pledged to obey the Lord by keeping all his commands, laws, and decrees with all his heart and soul. In this way, he confirmed all the terms of the covenant that were written in the scroll, and all the people pledged themselves to the covenant. 4 Then the king instructed Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second rank and the Temple gatekeepers to remove from the Lord’s Temple all the articles that were used to worship Baal, Asherah, and all the powers of the heavens. The king had all these things burned outside Jerusalem on the terraces of the Kidron Valley, and he carried the ashes away to Bethel. 5 He did away with the idolatrous priests, who had been appointed by the previous kings of Judah, for they had offered sacrifices at the pagan shrines throughout Judah and even in the vicinity of Jerusalem. They had also offered sacrifices to Baal, and to the sun, the moon, the constellations, and to all the powers of the heavens. 6 The king removed the Asherah pole from the Lord’s Temple and took it outside Jerusalem to the Kidron Valley, where he burned it. Then he ground the ashes of the pole to dust and threw the dust over the graves of the people. 7 He also tore down the living quarters of the male and female shrine prostitutes that were inside the Temple of the Lord, where the women wove coverings for the Asherah pole. 8 Josiah brought to Jerusalem all the priests who were living in other towns of Judah. He also defiled the pagan shrines, where they had offered sacrifices—all the way from Geba to Beersheba. He destroyed the shrines at the entrance to the gate of Joshua, the governor of Jerusalem. This gate was located to the left of the city gate as one enters the city. 9 The priests who had served at the pagan shrines were not allowed to serve at[a] the Lord’s altar in Jerusalem, but they were allowed to eat unleavened bread with the other priests. 10 Then the king defiled the altar of Topheth in the valley of Ben-Hinnom, so no one could ever again use it to sacrifice a son or daughter in the fire[b] as an offering to Molech. 11 He removed from the entrance of the Lord’s Temple the horse statues that the former kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun. They were near the quarters of Nathan-melech the eunuch, an officer of the court.[c] The king also burned the chariots dedicated to the sun. 12 Josiah tore down the altars that the kings of Judah had built on the palace roof above the upper room of Ahaz. The king destroyed the altars that Manasseh had built in the two courtyards of the Lord’s Temple. He smashed them to bits[d] and scattered the pieces in the Kidron Valley. 13 The king also desecrated the pagan shrines east of Jerusalem, to the south of the Mount of Corruption, where King Solomon of Israel had built shrines for Ashtoreth, the detestable goddess of the Sidonians; and for Chemosh, the detestable god of the Moabites; and for Molech,[e] the vile god of the Ammonites. 14 He smashed the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah poles. Then he desecrated these places by scattering human bones over them."" 2nd Kings 23" Freedom Force Battalion 25 ['QAnon', 'Trump', 'Great Awakening', 'Priests', 'Bible', 'Christ', 'Jesus', 'Military', 'Asherah', 'Baphomet', 'Josiah', 'Baal', 'Molech', 'Ritual', 'National Guard', 'Marines', 'Air Force', 'Space Force'] PT27M34S 4148 72 244 2 not set not set 2018-07-10T15:48:00.000Z ND7D65r5Oy0 UCJfp6zSVbIC_D7mRUEKdV3A Q ANON, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! . freeliving man 24 ['Q ANON', 'CONSPIRACY', 'THEORY', 'DEEP STATE', 'ILLUMINATI', 'FREEMASON', 'MIND CONTROL', 'CHILD TRAFFICKING', 'TORTURE', 'CHILDREN', 'MONARCH', 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND'] PT7M10S 765 24 27 1 not set not set 2018-08-02T04:50:55.000Z rtEC8qaWfc8 UCJfp6zSVbIC_D7mRUEKdV3A Q ANON - WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD "LINKS TO SPRINGMEIER; Good resources; atexascash3502 gemstone university" freeliving man 24 ['Q ANON', 'QANON', 'CORRUPTION', 'POLITICS', 'CHILDREN', 'CHILD', 'ABUSE', 'TRAFFICKING', 'ILLUMINATI', 'HIVITES', 'BIBLE', 'BIBLICAL', 'RITUAL', 'SACRIFICE', 'MONEY', 'POWER', 'GREED', 'FAMILY', 'EVIL', 'CABAL', 'BANKS', 'RELIGION', 'GOVERNMENT', 'JUDICIAL', 'BRAIN', 'SLEEP', 'MIND', 'CONTROL', 'PROGRAM'] PT25M40S 353 16 21 2 not set not set 2018-05-15T02:05:36.000Z UA07gYh6tEg UCLJG9yJeO8Is4x4w45lWkag Q-Anonymous friendoflo 10 ['qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'maga', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'flo white', 'the flo white show'] PT4M23S 2431 30 134 5 not set not set 2018-03-06T21:17:22.000Z VzahWupcY3w UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Jerome Corsi--Killing the Deep State and Q anon #3905 "In ""Killing the Deep State,"" Corsi unmasks the powerful players who pull the real strings in Washington, proving it makes no difference proving that no matter who you voted for, who sits in the Oval Office or who controls Congress. Among the incredible revelations in ""Killing the Deep State"" are: ""The Smoking Gun"" - irrefutable digital evidence of ""the amount of anti-Trump hatred at the leadership of the FBI and DOJ during the election and afterward."" Barack Obama's ties to the Deep State and how he continues to ""pull strings"" and orchestrate efforts to undermine the President Trump at every turn. How Deep State operatives turned FBI director James Comey's firing and the Robert Muller probe into a Trump hunting expedition with ""with virtually unlimited scope, unlimited completion deadline, and unlimited funding."" Bombshell evidence that the Russians were not involved in accessing the emails of John Podesta, chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The identity of the U.S.-based terror group spearheading anti-Trump efforts - an evil group that equates law enforcement with fascism and racism, yet is championed by the mainstream media. Sample Questions: What is ""The Deep State"" and how does it control America? What are some clear examples of how The Deep State has exerted its power and influence in the past 30 years? What are Barack Obama's ties to the Deep State and how does he continue orchestrate efforts to undermine the President Trump at every turn? Why should Americans be concerned about The Deep State? And who is Q anon what is [he] doing about it? " FSN GoldandSilver 27 not set PT37M2S 3381 14 65 3 not set not set 2018-03-23T18:54:14.000Z k29QW0a__wY UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Triple Lutz Report—Sealed Indictments - Q anon Fake? —Episode 443 "Thamks to all for your kind wishes and thoughts. My sister passed peacefully Tuesday afternoon. Remember every breath is sacred.  Supposedly there’s over 18000 sealed indictments waiting to be unsealed to send the Clinton Cabal and the deep state off to Gitmo. Wouldn’t that be great?  But as a recovering Attorney I know something about legal research and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. It’s possible but there’s zero proof so far that it’s actually happening. We need more info and I’m trying to get it. Until there’s proof, don’t believe a word. It’s all conjecture and speculation. Until they actually do “lock her up,” we won’t know for sure.   " FSN GoldandSilver 27 not set PT18M28S 2394 27 41 5 not set not set 2018-03-27T20:54:03.000Z 9o77LQB-zSY UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Triple Lutz Report #444 - Q anon update? Sealed Indictment Rumor False! Illegal Alien Crime... "We're all somewhat skeptical about Q anon. However, his last post seems to nail. Red Castle - Green Castle. A reference to the Army Corps of Engineers and the building of the wall, countdown started. Further proof that rumors of 18k plus sealed indictments are false. The numbers just aren't there. If you know better then show me the way. Sealed cases are certainly a matter of concern in the Federal Courts. There's been an undeniable trend towards more and more sealed cases over the past decade. But there could be reasons for the rise and we need more information about them. However, my inquiry to the DOJ seeking an explanation was rebuffed.  Finally, a shocking discovery. Almost all the criminal cases filed in the US District Court in San Diego dealt with Hispanics. Reading the first 50-60 cases on the docket report showed that there were very few non-Hispanics indicted during recent months. It's probably not too much of a stretch to assume that the vast majority were visiting the US illegally. This should say something about the need for the wall. " FSN GoldandSilver 27 not set PT21M22S 666 3 23 4 not set not set 2018-04-23T20:08:30.000Z h1J6qYmycM8 UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Dr. Jerome Corsi - DNC Lawsuit and More Q anon #3963 The Democrats have done the unthinkable, they're suing Trump, Russia and Wikileaks. What are they thinking? They're opening up Pandora's Box. They'll be subject to discovery and all sorts of embarrassing disclosures. And what about Seth Rich and the Awan Brothers? Q anon seems to imply that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is in trouble. Then there's Uranium 1 and so many other Obama scandals just waiting to see sunlight.  FSN GoldandSilver 27 not set PT25M12S 998 6 24 4 not set not set 2018-04-26T19:40:43.000Z HYD7r4gAoNc UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Triple Lutz Report 449 - Kanye West Redpilling America & Q anon The most important thing in life is to be a free thinker, a critical thinker, capable of detaching from the masses and arriving at your own well thought-out conclusions and opinions. It is the only true path to fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Unfortunately, all too few of us ever attempt it. It's got zero to do with left/right, it's all about your ability to deconstruct stories and figure out who's trying to control your mind. The inability to engage in independent thought is a sure pathway to mental slavery. Remember 1984 and the thought police. Every government seeks to control its subjects' beliefs and wishes. It's how they get their power and keep it. Finally, people are opting for the Red Pill and freedom. It can't happen fast enough! FSN GoldandSilver 27 ['Financial Survival Network', 'Kerry Lutz', 'FSN', 'Danielle Park', 'Peter Schiff', 'Financial Collapse', 'Financial Crisis', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Investing', 'Bob Chapman', 'Economic Collapse', 'Ron Paul', 'Gerald Celente', 'James Turk', 'Jim Rogers', 'Mike Maloney', 'Mark Faber', 'manipulation', 'Liberty', 'JP Morgan', 'GATA', 'TSA', 'DHS', 'Debt Ceiling', 'Dollars', 'HSBC', 'Comex', 'Obama', 'Trump trump trump', 'Q anon', 'Clinton', 'Sealed indictments', 'Bitcoin', 'crypto', 'ethereum', 'mark dice', 'diamond and silk', 'silver tsunami'] PT20M4S 471 3 19 0 not set not set 2018-05-09T15:03:37.000Z cHYVQAFoEIk UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Dr. Jerome Corsi - Screw Q (anon) #3985 Dr. Jerome Corsi joined us again today. He's of the distinct opinion that Q anon has been compromised. The information coming out of the 8 Chan Board is completely different in nature before. The soothing words to Trust the Plan no longer suffice. It could be a deep state hijacking of the once believable and honest Q anon. Demonization of those writing books and earning money off the phenomena is designed to divide the movement and frustrate the participants. Combined with an unleashing of Trolls and you have a perfectly implemented deep state op. Should we be surprised? Let's start seeing some arrests and public airing of the evidence. Let the people judge.  FSN GoldandSilver 27 ['Financial Survival Network', 'Kerry Lutz', 'FSN', 'Danielle Park', 'Peter Schiff', 'Financial Collapse', 'Financial Crisis', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Investing', 'Bob Chapman', 'Economic Collapse', 'Ron Paul', 'Gerald Celente', 'James Turk', 'Jim Rogers', 'Mike Maloney', 'Mark Faber', 'manipulation', 'Liberty', 'JP Morgan', 'GATA', 'TSA', 'DHS', 'Debt Ceiling', 'Dollars', 'HSBC', 'Comex', 'Obama', 'Trump trump trump', 'Q anon', 'Clinton', 'Sealed indictments', 'Bitcoin', 'crypto', 'ethereum', 'mark dice', 'diamond and silk', 'silver tsunami', 'sgtreport'] PT25M56S 6455 120 77 33 not set not set 2018-05-21T17:33:28.000Z xNse-E1fdmM UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Triple Lutz Report #451 - Q (anon) is True "Our last headline on the subject Screw Q (anon) was a little click-baitish. We apologize if you mistook Dr. Jerome Corsi's opinion for ours. As we've said on numerous occasions, we're not taking anyone's words as true without a close analysis, especially an anonymous intel insider who may or may not exist. But upon close inspection of his posts, we're more inclined to believe most of them, than not. Some of the interpretations by so-called anons or autists must be looked at even closer. It's like reading the Nostradamus Quatrains. Sometimes they can be interpreted to mean just about anything. For example, the idea that there are 20 plus thousand sealed indictments related to a wholesale Deep State cleaning cannot be proven and is probably off the wall. We personally ran reports in a number of Federal District Courts and found a slight increase in sealed cases. However, that doesn't mean that certain key people aren't in the process of being indicted, simply that the numbers don't prove the case.  And watch what happens when these powers that bee finally understand that the jig is up. Expect a whole of suiciding and clearing of the decks, just like they did in the movie Casino. Because when it comes to somebody talking and spilling the beans, well you just never know. And who can take a chance? " FSN GoldandSilver 27 not set PT31M12S 711 8 25 4 not set not set 2018-07-05T17:45:59.000Z LX6Gmpmb0mY UC-wvKoRN2pyybRlS4qgxwag Triple Lutz Report #456 - Q Anon, Sealed Indictments and Your Questions 40,000 sealed indictments, that's what Q anon says. I've studied these sealed cases on the Pacer database. I'm not convinced about 40k cases against the swamp. I'll settle for 2,000. That would be enough to knock the stuffing out of the Deep State/Shadow Government. One thing is for certain, there's something happening that has got the Elites running for their bolt holes. The rule of law, which for so long has been just an abstract concept, is about to make a major return on the American stage. Get ready now! I also address a number of your questions and concerns. Let's not forget that while Bitcoin is down, it's by no means out. Let's have some fun while it all lasts.  FSN GoldandSilver 27 not set PT30M14S 1292 5 26 3 not set not set 2018-08-02T06:00:01.000Z g04_fkhz5C0 UC18vz5hUUqxbGvym9ghtX_w Q Anon, Printable Guns, & Other Pure Nonsense Words | August 1, 2018 Act 1 | Full Frontal on TBS "In this week's roundup of headlines that barely register as language, Sam looks into Q Anon, printable guns, and Les Moonves. Watch Full Frontal with Samantha Bee all new Wednesdays at 10:30/ 9:30c on TBS!" Full Frontal with Samantha Bee 24 ['Full Frontal with Samantha Bee', 'Full Frontal', 'Samantha Bee', 'Sam Bee', 'TBS'] PT6M42S 501014 524 6250 269 not set not set 2018-02-08T18:29:20.000Z mpcm5K6Xkn8 UCQmsRRcgSIfIP-0dictumHg Q Anon, The Deep State Conspiracy & The Impending War #HRCVIDEO "Q Anon is allegedly a deep state insider and whistleblower posting cryptic messages to the 8chan image board. People credit him for leaking the change in the Lord’s Prayer, false nuclear warning in Hawaii, Podesta indictment and many other things. #releasethevideo #hrcvideo Fully Sourced ► How far does the rabbit hole go? From the Vatican to the Mafia, Rothschild family… even the illuminati. Should we prepare for war? Please consider supporting by donating or becoming a patron! Patreon ► Donate ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Twitch ► Snapchat ► MR_GUNK DISCLAIMER: I am not a private investigator, journalist, or news reporter. I am an entertainer. My videos don't always represent facts and evidence, but rather entertaining and strange ideas and coincidences. My videos my contain rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in my videos are either products of my imagination or are used fictitiously. Information presented in my videos may contain errors or inaccuracies; my video's proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of this YouTube channel;" Fully Sourced 24 ['q anon', 'anonymous', '8chan', 'whistleblower', 'trump', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'world war', 'illuminati', 'rothschild', 'freemasonry', 'lucifer', 'cult', 'origins', 'albert pike', 'mazzini', 'lucky luciano', 'mafia', 'vatican', 'pope', 'prayer', 'assassination', 'predictions', 'corruption', 'facts', 'federal reserve', 'ron paul', 'speech', 'benito mussolini', 'italy', 'world bank', 'history', 'story', 'leak', 'insider', 'cryptic', 'creepy', 'scary'] PT14M34S 24761 105 932 45 not set not set 2018-08-27T19:02:38.000Z lFyRHjVTt3c UCRcTTQCyhBL3u4T4izXWBNg Senator "No Name" & the Q Posts "A look at all of the times John McCain was referenced in the Q posts. I have also taken the time to build a starter Powerpoint/Keynote file for you to download and use as a template to do your own deep-dive into John McCain. The file is in a zip format and you can get it here:" Gary 25 not set PT31M4S 1680 67 231 2 not set not set 2018-08-31T03:37:40.000Z teCV6k8lpDU UCRcTTQCyhBL3u4T4izXWBNg Yoda - POTUS Indiana Rally + Q Anon "NSA NO MORE" "The rally tonight was ELECTRIC! ... After 8 years of poor mouthing America and ""I"" this and ""I"" that it is so good to have a ""We"" President. A President who truly loves this country and it shows! Also, can you believe the Q drops #2020 & 2021 ... ""NSA NO MORE"". Folks, we are living in historic times! All the links for 8-30-18 -" Gary 25 ['QANON', 'Q Anon', 'POTUS', 'Rally', 'Yoda', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'IndyWars', 'RSBN', 'NSA'] PT16M11S 3821 90 307 4 not set not set 2017-11-03T04:24:20.000Z GhQtV5kwlVw UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw 4Chan /pol/ Insider Intel: 36-Hour Warning to All Americans 11-1-17 " 11/02/2017 10:54:00 PM Intel Confirmation of mass arrests possibly beginning in 36 hours. ~ Dinar Chronicles More from the insiders posting anonymously at 4chan: We’ll see soon enough how things turn out. I hope everyone is ready to sit out the riots and enjoy some quiet time at home. Whatever you do, stay safe! Ruby --- Q Clearance Patriot 36hr Warning Anonymous (ID: EJUd80/U) 11/01/17(Wed)21:40:13 No.147558748 My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad). Anonymous (ID: EJUd80/U) 11/01/17(Wed)21:40:37 No.147558793 POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make American great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people. It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.” God bless my fellow Americans. 4,10,20" gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed'] PT39S 2648 1 50 6 not set not set 2017-11-06T02:10:42.000Z Vuee_CZhKyI UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance (Updated) " Posted on November 4, 2017 b uthearth (SEE UPDATES BELOW LABELLED ‘UPDATE‘) Now I am not going to say whether or not any of this is true but I do want to pass it along just for everyone’s information and discernment. An emphasis on discernment… These last few days someone(s) have been posting on 4Chan, a forum website kinda/sorta like Reddit or Voat. Many amazing pieces of intel have previously been dropped on there by people ‘in-the-know’ (i.e. PizzaGate, etc.) and this last dump has really made some waves in the truth community. Some of the things listed here don’t make much sense to me so I would ask that everyone refrain from asking me what everything means. Just a note, it is very difficult to navigate through 4Chan and I hope I simplified all of this information in a way that is easily accessible and understandable. It is really the perfect place to drop intel as I imagine most people couldn’t really locate it unless you have experience with it. Another note, I did not include every piece of intel as some of it doesn’t make much sense as it requires further research. I mostly included the most interesting drops. You can find the rest at the links provided. First off, let’s see what someone with a ‘Q clearance’ actually has access to: (Wikipedia) Q Clearance “A Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearancethat is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI). It is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data, and DOE “security” areas. Anyone possessing an active Q clearance is always categorized as holding a National Security Critical-Sensitive position (sensitivity Level 3).[1] Additionally, most Q-cleared incumbents will have collateral responsibilities designating them as Level 4: National Security Special-Sensitive personnel.[2]With these two designations standing as the highest-risk sensitivity levels, occupants of these positions hold extraordinary accountability, harnessing the potential to cause exceptionally grave or inestimable damage to the national security of the United States.” These individuals will have incredible access to top secret information that could cause a lot of damage if they were to go against the law and disclose what they know. Now with all of that being said let’s continue. I will start by adding the post where the person claims to have Q Clearance and begins to divulge very incredible information and all within a 36 hour time frame:" gary larrabee 22 ['oy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed'] PT27S 2421 6 71 4 not set not set 2017-11-27T04:28:41.000Z zOz6EY9BipY UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw THE ILLUMINATI PLAN TO KILL HUMANITY | FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EXPLAINED | Q Anon gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed'] PT22S 1018 1 22 2 not set not set 2018-01-08T02:07:31.000Z 5C_y6Dd9vy0 UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Truth Natasha: The Q QANON Map Leads Us Right To Who Is Who! IN THE DEEP STATE NETWORK Jan 7, 2018 gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed'] PT42S 1313 1 23 4 not set not set 2018-01-13T06:55:29.000Z 7HLkVl9YfCk UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Jason Goodman & Quinn Michaels - Is Q Anon Driven By A Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence? gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed'] PT25S 369 3 3 2 not set not set 2018-01-13T21:25:34.000Z Jse8AbT1ow8 UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Jason Goodman & Quinn Michaels; Is Q Anon Driven By A Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence? gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed'] PT42S 568 5 9 5 not set not set 2018-02-20T04:25:30.000Z mlWxzeSWzAs UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw "Q Anon: Clean Action has been Approved" by Sierra (NZ) - 2.19.18 " One of Q Anon's last posts...'CLEAN ACTION HAS BEEN APPROVED. HIGHEST AUTHORITY'. Then Q stopped posting, and may have disappeared. Is this the ten days of darkness before the final showdown? It takes us to the end of February, supporting Patrick's Intel Alert about the Alliance working extremely hard to finalize it this month. Check out the first five minutes in this Anti-School video.... Connect the dots. A driver in President Trump's Florida motorcade was found WITH A GUN. It's JFK all over again - therefore we must be standing on the threshold of the Global Currency Reset. As Isaac says, the gun in the motorcade should have been front page news around the world. Why not? Because the cabal still controls the mainstream media - but not for much longer. In fact, it might suit the Alliance to keep the MSM alive until the last minute to avoid wide-spread panic. President Trump's tweet about 'Liddle' Adam Schiff is just one of many clues that alert us to the Alliance plan. Be vigilant and you will spot them easily. Finally, Q Anon posted: 'THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US.' That has a double meaning - US being humanity, and US the country. He ends with, 'FOR GOD AND COUNTRY'. God bless President Trump and the Alliance team as they bring this Divine Plan to its successful conclusion. Love and Light Sierra (NZ)" gary larrabee 22 not set PT5M24S 2133 18 79 4 not set not set 2018-03-11T03:03:03.000Z 4rFF1ydqIDA UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw "Latest Q Anon Posts" by Sierra (NZ) - 3.10.18 " Someone commented on the 'Calm Before the Storm' website that Q Anon is flooding us with posts before TSHTF on the 11th March. I agree. Here are my thoughts on the latest posts which you can read directly here: Post 907 features a tweet from Trump: 'Chinese President XI JINPING and I spoke at length about the meeting with KIM JONG UN of North Korea. President XI told me he appreciates that the US is working to solve the problem diplomatically rather than going with the ominous alternative. China continues to be helpful!' Does that tweet indicate that China is the Big Bad Ogre we should be afraid of, as portrayed by the MSM? So if China is, in truth, friendly towards USA, what about Russia which is also portrayed as the Big Bad Ogre by the MSM? Q Anon has been saying for a long time to flip everything over that is written by the MSM. Their lies hide the TRUTH. Post 908 talks about the Australian donations to the Clinton Foundation - PM Malcolm Turnbull's recent visit to President Trump in USA was no coincidence. Sadly New Zealand also donated millions to the Clinton Foundation but our cabal rat former PM John Key suddenly deserted his post last year to avoid the fall out. Post 911 (note the number 11): Time 12' 47"":31: An Anon writes, 'Hey Q, are we going to have a BIG WEEK this week?' Q replies at 12'48"":07 (just 36 seconds later): 'March MADNESS'. And finally, who cannot love Post 920: 'Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here...' Q The Calm Before The Storm commenter is right: Q is definitely dropping a ton of intel before the BIG day of 11th March. There have been 26 new Q posts since I looked last night, and they are pouring in constantly. Go Q Anon and President Trump! Love and Light Sierra (NZ)" gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed', 'speed', 'jet', 'fly', 'bird', 'deer', 'Dear', 'house', 'boat', 'ship', 'haul', 'truckBranch'] PT3M39S 1585 5 36 1 not set not set 2018-04-08T02:18:42.000Z 7dMrP3K9soE UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Bruce Figert: Q-Anon 4/7/18 Epstein ISLAND Under DOJ/FBI ATTACK & GOING DOWN - THE GREAT AWAKENING gary larrabee 22 not set PT53S 1112 5 30 1 not set not set 2018-06-28T22:51:16.000Z HpYrWI2yIVs UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Praying Medic Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28) gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed', 'watch', 'beleive', 'accept', 'artificial', 'Intelligence', 'create', 'goals', 'mind', 'dream', 'think', 'become', 'plan', 'battle', 'motive'] PT30S 1002 0 25 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T16:37:18.000Z Qz7Buo3U-HM UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw prayingmedic: Q Anon July 28 - Something Big is About to Drop " Published on Jul 28, 2018 Q anon covers a wide range of topics including the drama in Congress over Rod Rosenstein, the financial woes of Facebook and Twitter and a hint that the Whidbey Island missile launch may be reappearing in the news." gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed', 'speed', 'jet', 'fly', 'bird', 'deer', 'Dear', 'house', 'boat', 'ship', 'haul'] PT54S 1415 4 43 1 not set not set 2018-08-28T21:11:50.000Z 3oONxRxOo9Y UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw Praying Medic: Qanon August 27 - We Don't Say His Name: A Qanon thread on Senator John McCain. gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed', 'speed', 'jet', 'fly', 'bird', 'deer', 'Dear', 'house', 'boat', 'ship', 'haul'] PT1M4S 1188 3 18 5 not set not set 2018-10-06T16:21:43.000Z lYZgq_qBp8o UChvSV5n9uxzu3GuGA-WCWJw An Important Message from President of the United States Donald J. Trump 10-6-18 " 10/06/2018 06:04:00 AM Intel, Message, News Q Clearance Patriot My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations. (at home and abroad) POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people. It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.” God bless my fellow Americans. 4,10,20 (DJT) Source: Rumor Mill News" gary larrabee 22 ['boy', 'girl', 'fight', 'love', 'safe', 'work', 'sleep', 'drive', 'stay', 'rest', 'see', 'hear', 'look', 'show', 'toy', 'man', 'lady', 'home', 'store', 'shop', 'news', 'world', 'state', 'school', 'eat', 'wet', 'weather', 'train', 'teach', 'learn', 'grade', 'sport', 'garden', 'ball', 'street', 'walk', 'run', 'saw', 'river', 'steel', 'lunch', 'stem', 'age', 'Bible', 'loot', 'health', 'body', 'heart', 'doctor', 'heal', 'medicine', 'alive', 'living', 'over', 'God', 'church', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'war', 'peace', 'gun', 'race', 'begin', 'end', 'earth', 'moon', 'cafe', 'meal', 'flood', 'rain', 'storm', 'angry', 'mad', 'smile', 'mile', 'we', 'wed', 'Today'] PT28M4S 5137 45 185 7 not set not set 2018-10-05T02:43:29.000Z 8Aj8On5_ln0 UCN3VfiNrozRSUBiDIR8k9EA Qanon A Realistic Picture of Martial Law Are You Really Ready "In this podcast Endall paints a grim but very realistic picture of what martial law is going to look like in this country if the communist left keeps up with its tactics of chaos in the streets that we are observing escalating every day. This is not a podcast for the faint of heart, but everyone would be advised to listen to it because it reflects a part of martial law that I think few have thought through enough to perceive the outcome and how it is going to scar the psyche of this nation. To bring the gravity of the potential scope of this national unrest, I am reposting the link to the Soros rapid response Twitter protest network so you can get an idea about how well staged the communists are and how widespread the bloodshed is liable to be when martial law is declared. This better sober all of you up. It's going to get very ugly and very grim. Come join us over at Check out our sister channel where our PSOYCA crew friends are sharing their journeys!" Gemma Beall 22 ['psoyca', 'hapiym', 'endall beall', 'gemma beall', 'evolution of consciousness', 'second cognition', 'consciousness', 'spirituality', 'qanon'] PT12M4S 1059 48 40 3 not set not set 2018-10-21T20:44:10.000Z zFxj_opneac UCN3VfiNrozRSUBiDIR8k9EA QAnon Hiding Behind the First Amendment " Check out our sister channel where our PSOYCA crew friends are sharing their journeys!" Gemma Beall 22 ['psoyca', 'hapiym', 'endall beall', 'gemma beall', 'evolution of consciousness', 'second cognition', 'consciousness', 'spirituality', 'qanon', 'q anon'] PT11M56S 186 2 13 1 not set not set 2018-08-09T17:36:47.000Z TMr7S76pI2I UCFMGEmezJhvF3whguS_5vtw Donald Trump, Q Anon, Alex Jones Der Mainstream dreht durch! 720p Germane Arminus 27 not set PT32M8S 23 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-03-15T01:42:08.000Z uF-P5q91U2U UCkdVVyDHqFLTqU_wVYOr4uw Q Drop Connects Tillerson (OUT), Kenya, Obama "President Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday, announcing it on Twitter. CIA chief Mike Pompeo is his replacement, while CIA Deputy Director Gina Haspel has been named to. Anonymous EXPOSED - Q Drop Connects Tillerson (OUT), Kenya, Obama | Anonymous EXPOSED ⭐ If everyone who hears our reporting, who likes it, helps fund it, our future would be much more." Gerrit Krukenbaum 25 ['Poisoning', 'Russia Collusion', 'Rex Tillerson', 'Kenya citizenship', 'Obama Kenya', 'Mike Pompeo', 'Anon', 'Drops'] PT25M28S 44 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T15:05:32.000Z 0a69zUpBoNs UCK6ebWSMlWZJJSHTZahrR4A TRUMP Q SIGN "Its Rather STUPID for anyone to Say POTUS does not Know Q... He is Q and part of the Team Q-Anon.. Without him nothing will work... He is the Engine on Which Q Runs... Don't Forget Q came onto the scene only after TRUMP got Elected.... More New Q Updates on GH" GH VJ 22 not set PT7S 51065 24 113 27 not set not set 2018-04-01T16:56:24.000Z bswsaZwzncg UCK6ebWSMlWZJJSHTZahrR4A Trumps Q Anon Signature Move Were stopping them! "Trumps Q hand Signature, we're stopping them! Q has been talking with other Anons on the Qresearch boards and Its clear as daylight that he is making those sign to let us know to TRUST The Plan ... We are Q Division and you have no idea of what is Coming.... More New Q Updates on" GH VJ 22 not set PT8S 298 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-05T03:12:14.000Z _7Qmhe2icWg UC5Mo70ai_SrjOJ6Z07eun9w Q Post #460 Unlocks EVERYTHING! I break down exactly what is going on with Q Anon, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and the deep state takedown. The time has nearly come. Ghost P.O. 22 ['SteveMotley', 'JamesMunder'] PT18M15S 4982 71 115 5 not set not set 2018-01-09T01:18:37.000Z SqeR1QCth8Y UC5Mo70ai_SrjOJ6Z07eun9w Q Anon/[P_pers]/PENCE IS THE MOLE. "Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers: Won't Back Down Intro" Ghost P.O. 24 ['BPEarthWatch', 'The Alex Jones Channel'] PT26M29S 9093 106 201 15 not set not set 2018-01-29T03:04:50.000Z iJIngSGAG9Y UC5Mo70ai_SrjOJ6Z07eun9w Q School/Pinning Down Pence/DS Mole Mike " Q post 262 Think circle/Expand your thinking Q post 343 Not everything can be stated 1:1/Q can't tell us the exact meanings of all drops Q post 450 Who is meeting in secret right now? (Pence maybe?) Q post 517 Think big/biggger/biggest Is Pence tied in to the plotted coup against POTUS? VP made very low key trip to IN for Christmas. Spent time in Brown County. Sex trafficking problem in southern Indiana due to lack of resources for prevention/help for victims. Pence does major renovation on Gubernatorial getaway in Brown County. Various sex trafficking busts in Indiana. Mike Pence collaborates with VP who lied us into war and another who threatened to shoot his running mate. Seems legit. Or not. Mike Pence wants to be Dick Cheney 2.0" Ghost P.O. 24 ['Steve Motley', 'Garland Novosad', 'The Alex Jones Channel', 'BPEarthWatch', 'James Munder'] PT25M43S 459 25 21 1 not set not set 2018-04-14T20:37:53.000Z hg4vz2pSpNk UC5Mo70ai_SrjOJ6Z07eun9w Q Anon & Terma Data Links (C-Links) "VERY IMPORTANT REPORT" Ghost P.O. 25 ['The White House', 'Garland Novosad', 'DOGS BOLLOX', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H1M12S 109 0 10 0 not set not set 2018-02-19T21:41:39.000Z HdxeJ8ejfAs UCXa8crAYpsiM-7B-GZCoQrQ Q Anon - Wake Up! "Link to Q Anon posts: Link to the Q Map: Links to Q commentators: #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream: Jerome Corsi: We the People: SGTReport: Brandon Lee Ward: Dustin Nemos: Bill Smith: Anti School: Truth Will Never Disappear, We Are Awake: Seething Frog:" Glenn Hall 10 ['Q Anon', 'Donald Trump', 'President Trump', 'Deep State', 'Robert Mueller', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Trump Election', 'Satanic government', 'tribulation', 'Revelation', 'seven years of plenty', 'seven years of famine', 'Q Anon proofs', 'Edward Snowden', 'Julian Assange', 'WWIII', 'Glenn Hall', 'Christ', 'Yeshua', 'Christian'] PT24M24S 809 19 14 4 not set not set 2018-02-20T22:09:43.000Z Z5rxPemL3tE UCXa8crAYpsiM-7B-GZCoQrQ QAnon Posts FULL BACKUP Credit is given to Bill Smith for his good work in creating this video of Q Anon posts. Here is the link to Bill's YouTube channel: Read the Q Anon posts here: Glenn Hall 10 ['Bill Smith', 'Q Anon', 'Q Anon Posts', 'Q Anon Posts full backup', 'Glenn Hall', 'Donald Trump', 'Drain the Swamp', 'MAGA', 'Make America Great Again', 'President Trump', 'Jesus Christ', 'Christian revival', 'Christian', 'top secret'] PT7M14S 4300 1 45 3 not set not set 2018-03-06T22:13:17.000Z rSQUcPj9IZQ UCXa8crAYpsiM-7B-GZCoQrQ Q Anon Analysis of March 6, 2018 "This video includes a mirror of John Kelly's Q Anon post from today, March 6, 2018. Check out and subscribe to John Kelly's channel here" Glenn Hall 25 ['Q Anon', 'Glenn Hall', 'John Kelly', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'War between good and evil', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'MAGA', 'Boom'] PT35M32S 715 3 18 2 not set not set 2018-05-10T15:52:30.000Z TIOo1uqjaWk UCXa8crAYpsiM-7B-GZCoQrQ Q Today Evil Lost Control Suicide Watch "This video is mirrored from Subscribe to Bernie at Truth & Art TV. Q's post can be found here:" Glenn Hall 10 ['Q Anon', 'Q Posts', 'Glenn Hall', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Deep State', '#MAGA', '#QAnon', '#EnjoyTheShow', 'Who Is Q', 'Where We Go One We Go All', '#WWGOWGA', 'Truth and Art TV', 'Truth & Art TV'] PT18M13S 245 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-05-12T16:45:32.000Z HWmGL0DlhiY UCXa8crAYpsiM-7B-GZCoQrQ Maga & Qanon Update 5 11 18 Q Community Civil War Corsi, Alex Jones, Seaman Vs Qanon "Excellent comments by Dustin Nemos with which I mostly agree. Original video at: Q posts at:" Glenn Hall 10 ['Q Anon', 'Q posts', 'Dustin Nemos', 'Glenn Hall', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Alex Jones', 'David Seaman', 'Q civil war', 'Deep state shills', 'Deep State', 'MAGA'] PT17M6S 2493 19 48 8 not set not set 2018-06-26T16:41:11.000Z 2tZLY-kkb0k UCXa8crAYpsiM-7B-GZCoQrQ Q - The Plan To Save The World "This is an amazing, must watch video. The video was compiled by Joe Masepoes and the original can be found here: Joe also uploaded his video to Trust the plan." Glenn Hall 10 ['Q Anon', 'Q Posts', 'Glenn Hall', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Deep State', '#MAGA', '#QAnon', '#EnjoyTheShow', 'Who Is Q', 'Where We Go One We Go All', '#WWGOWGA', 'Trust the plan', 'Q Plan to save the world'] PT13M9S 49828 17 753 53 not set not set 2018-08-07T01:52:31.000Z tCn1YQZJ0ok UCzcnZjf0v_atd1FQl4ldApg QAnon's On-Line History and Taking A Look At Their On-Line Hierarchy and a Q Insider Speaks "My latest 'must watch' video: ""MK Ultra: The Untold Story of the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station"" --~-- Coles Notes Version: Thunder Shock Mods got banned on CBTS Thrown off Reddit The Calm Before the Storm Thunder went there and became the Great Awakening and and then it went full blown Q on 4Chan which then became 8Chan because they were chased by off 4Chan. Q was then pushed hard by the likes of YouTube's Tracy Beanz, Lionel Nation, SGTReport and countless other Q only related daily update channels that just popped on the 'truther scene'. Q told his YouTube Channels to Livestream for Tips because YT gave that carrot to channels that were demonitized during the purge. Notice how many times a day Lionel telecasts? He gets his tips I have seen it. Jerome Corsi pushes QAnon hard and stated that Q is a Miltary High Ranking staff. We will be looking at some of the characters associated with the QAnon Message Boards. Including: Patriots SoapBox PamphletAnon Brainstorm/SerialBrain (Behind it) QAnon Pub Phantom Patriot Soapbox Praying Medic #QAnon #PrayingMedic #Q Related link: #QANON The CBTS_STREAM BAKER EMAIL REVEAL - The real truth of the #QANON Phenomenon Related video: 0Hour1 Digitally traces the Main Qanon players and CONNECTS the DOTS Enjoy. Please follow me on Twitter and Subscribe to both of my YouTube Channels while I still have them. Global Agenda Main Channel Global Agenda II Global Agenda on Twitter" Global Agenda 22 ['QAnon', 'History QAnon', 'Cicada 3301', 'Global Agenda', 'Conspiracy', 'Cult', 'Alien Agenda', 'UFO', 'Jordan Sather', 'Anonymous', 'Wikipedia', 'Q #Q', '#Q', 'Great Awakening', 'Donald Trump', 'Q Anon Cult', '#QAnon'] PT19M47S 706 43 27 6 not set not set 2018-08-13T05:27:08.000Z ZX2ONTJ9gzg UCzcnZjf0v_atd1FQl4ldApg The Untold Story: How Tracy Beanz Connected With Baruch the Scribe and QAnon's Rapid Rise On YouTube "My latest 'must watch' video: ""MK Ultra: The Untold Story of the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station"" --~-- It all started with Baruch the Scribe and Pamphlet Anon. Two mods that took QAnon to the next level on 8Chan. Tracy was a sideline cheerleader, but on November 3rd, she put QAnon on her radar and started lapping up, the viewers, the new subs, YouTube notoriety and of course the dollars started to roll in. This is the type of information that Tracy was probably going to regret would resurface one day as the whole Q phenomenon would eventually and has unraveled. This is the story of how Tracy Beanz was only days into the first QAnon post when she announced on November 3rd, 2017 that she thinks there is something to 'this Q' and from there the QAnon phenomenon took off on YouTube and as a five year YouTube Creator in the YouTube Truth Community side of YouTube I smelled a rat. Here is my research on how this whole QAnon on YouTube with new 'QTube' Channels popping up and receiving huge views and subscribers over night took off in the Winter of 2017/18. If you want to move through the video: The topic is under these times. Segment One) Begins at 1:59 UNIRock interviews Baruch the Scribe until 22:09 Segment Two) New Video: #OpQ #WaronQAnon PAMPHLET ANON & BARUCH THE SCRIBE - THE Q BAKERS J.O.E.L Bot No. 5 YouTube Channel Starts at 22:09 and ends at 35:12 Segment Three) Tracy Beanz and SGTReport go 'live' on YouTube with QAnon posts Starts at 39:50 and goes until 40:00 Segment Four) Tracy Beanz interviews new 8Chan mods Baruch the Scribe and Pamphlet Anon. 38:14 to 49:24 Segment Five) The Revelation that there are at least two Q's posting on 8Chan. Starts at 49:24 Segment Five) My Final Wrap-Up of this whole Baruch the Scribe and Tracy Beanz QAnon Saga until the end. #TracyBeanz #BaruchtheScribe #PamphletAnon Related Links: Tracy Beanz Steemit Blog She Stood In the Storm... #QANON REVISITED - BARUCH THE SCRIBE, UNIRock, DEFANGO, LIFT THE VEIL- LIVE - MAY-12-2018 UNIRock2 YouTube Channel /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? Tracy Beanz Published on 3 Nov 2017 Behind the Scenes at CBTS #QAnon MUST WATCH 738 views 0Hour1 YoUTube Channel #OpQ #WaronQAnon PAMPHLET ANON & BARUCH THE SCRIBE - THE Q BAKERS J.O.E.L Bot No. 5 YouTube Channel GodsTruthWar YouTube Channel #QAnon: QPost Websites Ran By Occultists? 100% Walkthrough #Q #GreatAwakening Music Credit: Stalking Prey by Audionautix Q Source X Email Baker Emails; First Email: Second Email: #QANON The CBTS_STREAM BAKER EMAIL REVEAL - The real truth of the #QANON Phenomenon UNIrocks PASTEBIN oil guy Channel 0Hour1 Channel Glow Channel 0Hour1 Digitally traces the Main Qanon players and CONNECTS the DOTS Please follow me on Twitter and Subscribe to both of my YouTube Channels while I still have them. Global Agenda Main Channel Global Agenda II Global Agenda on Twitter FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107" Global Agenda 22 ['Tracy Beanz', 'Baruch the Scribe', 'Isaac Green', 'Unirock2', 'UNIROCK', '#RP2PB', '#UNIROCKTv', 'QAnon', '#QAnon', 'Global Agenda', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Conspiracy', 'QAnon Conspiracy'] PT59M20S 1548 65 65 8 not set not set 2018-08-15T05:17:09.000Z UHn0zmXhodU UCzcnZjf0v_atd1FQl4ldApg NBC Calls Out QTuber Tracy Beanz/Diaz As the Architect of QAnon "My latest 'must watch' video: ""MK Ultra: The Untold Story of the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station"" --~-- Since the QAnon Psyop went viral on August 1st, 2017 I have been producing videos at exposing the falsehood of the QAnon Movement. Here on YouTube and I have been keeping a close eye on all these apparent 'QTube' Channels led by Tracy Beanz aka Diaz. On Tuesday August 14th NBC finally pulled the plug on QAnon's beginnings and named Pamphlet Anon, Baruch the Scribe aka Paul Furber and of course YouTube Good Girl Gone Rogue Tracy Beanz as the Q posters on 8Chan. The full article is attached below in the description box. The fact that NBC and I posted a video on August 13th the day before NBC published their story on QAnon. My video was titled: The Untold Story: How Tracy Beanz Connected With Baruch the Scribe and QAnon's Rapid Rise On YouTube. Now that is what I call predictive programming my friends. #QAnon #TracyBeanz #NBC Related links: NBC NAMES #QANON | and the INTERNETS response } -]UNIRock[- How Tracy Beanz Connected With Baruch the Scribe and QAnon's Rapid Rise On YouTube Global Agenda Channel" Global Agenda 22 ['0Hour1', 'oil guy', 'Lestat', 'Isaac Green', 'UNirock', '#UNIROCK', '#QAnon', '#tracyBeanz', 'NBC News', 'Global Agenda', 'Tracy Diaz', 'Baruch the Scribe', 'Paul Furber', 'Tracy Beanz', '#ROCKaSQUAD'] PT6M45S 3768 84 66 42 not set not set 2018-08-20T20:46:58.000Z PJCGraQsvPE UCzcnZjf0v_atd1FQl4ldApg Five YouTube Channels That Have Made A Big Buck Selling the QAnon Psyop On Social Media "My latest 'must watch' video: ""MK Ultra: The Untold Story of the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station"" --~-- As we followed the rise of the QAnon phenomenon on YouTube we also followed the rise of several channels who used the QAnon psyop to add subs and view counts on their YouTube Channels. Several channels came out of nowhere (like Tracy Beanz and Jordan Sather) to jump on the QAnon bandwagon and increased their footprint and bank accounts while pushing Q to their followers on not only YouTube, but Twitter and Patreon. We also witnessed mainstay YouTube Channels like SGTreport and Lionel Nation increase their social platform numbers by using the QAnon hashtag daily in their videos for months on YouTube. Once Lionel discovered that he could be financially rewarded on a daily basis by using his YouTube Livestream option and asking his viewers to support him in his Super Chat well the rest was pure gravy for him and many others that used #QAnon on a daily basis. #QAnonLarps #Tracy Beanz #LionelNation Music Credit: Julian Austin: Take The Money And Run Related video: Tracy Beanz YouTube Channel /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART II Please follow me on Twitter and Subscribe to both of my YouTube Channels. Global Agenda Main Channel Global Agenda II Global Agenda on Twitter FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107" Global Agenda 25 ['Lional Nation', 'SGTreport', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Lift the Veil', 'Jordan Sather', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'Global Agenda', 'LARP', 'QAnon', 'QAnon psyop', 'conspiracy', 'QAnon Conspiracy', 'Julian Austin', 'Take the money and run', 'Super Chat', 'psychological operation'] PT3M57S 774 106 89 9 not set not set 2018-08-03T03:03:04.000Z rHoj-BIz7TM UC5pxR85KR8nQnGvNVpQOXKw Q Tuber Bill Smith Gives Credit To Lift The Veil For Helping Make QAnon Go Mainstream "My latest 'Must watch' video: ""MK Ultra: The Untold Story of the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station"" --~-- Back in the late Fall of 2017 I wondered what the heck was QAnon and by Christmas I knew it was a total internal psyop set-up by ??? obvious hardcore Donald Trump supporters. I had mentioned it on a podcast here on YouTube with the gang from Conspiracy Or Not Here We Come on their Friday night LiveChat hosted by my good friend (Aaron) Roofuscat2 YouTube Channel and asked him what he thought about this QAnon 4Chan Network. He did not know as it was very early in it's growth. I told him to watch this thing blow-up on the Internet and it did. I stayed quiet on my two channels here on YouTube, but watched all these new YouTube Channels go stark crazy over the QAnon phenomenon and now that we just had one crazy August 1st, 2018 here on YouTube and in the mainstream media with a two pack psyop dished out. Insert QAnon goes mainstream and Isaac Kappy blows up the Internet we now can put two plus two together and see that they are both related and it was all by design to have these two events go 'viral' yesterday. All that I will say now is that this is not good for freedom of speech as we will witness a new purge on YouTube here for those that are going to cover these two stories. In the meantime we saw two big YouTube Channels lose their channel for one day last week. Right before SGTReport was hooking up an interview with Isaac Kappy he lost his main channel and got it back the next day, by then Kappy was interviewing with Lift the Veil Channel and was shooting some crazy talk and we all know what just happened to him. So if we are going to be censored here on YouTube for the second and probably the last time I am going to look at these shill channels and expose them. They are being paid very handsomely for running these QAnon Channels. That's my story and I am sticking to it. The video that is playing at the start of the video is the trailer to my yet finished video: ""Toronto's Sweet Jesus Ice Cream, Operation Sunflower and Global Pedophilia"" Related video from my channel: ""It's Time To 'Lift the Veil' On #QAnon and #IsaacKappy #YouTubePurge2"" Peace Out. Mark @ Global Agenda BTW... I am joking about the hack. Bill was sending his followers a message. Please follow me on Twitter and Subscribe to both of my YouTube Channels while I still have them. Global Agenda Main Channel Global Agenda II Global Agenda on Twitter" Global Agenda II 22 ['Bill Smith', 'QAnon', 'Lift the Veil', 'Global Agenda', 'Donald Trump', 'Conspiracy', 'Conspiracy Theory', 'SGTReport', 'Isaac Kappy', '#IssacKappy', '#QAnon'] PT21M13S 233 12 14 2 not set not set 2018-01-23T04:18:28.000Z j4w7Y9duuC0 UCclVK-uyaN-qYrSu05SjfSg ANONYMOUS - Who Is Anonymous-Q-Anon? What Is Coming. Urgent Message Greetings world, we are anonymous. It has become apparent that many do not understand Anonymous, so, it is important for us to explain since any misunderstanding may prevent you from hearing its message, and this could be a critical miscalculation on your part. Anonymous is not an organization in the sense that you know it. We wear the mask so we are not accused of acting for, or on behalf of any self-interest, for how can gain if we do not get recognition for our actions. For those that cannot trust a man in a mask, it bears witness against you and your need to be able to judge the person so that you might ignore the message. We wear the mask for your sake on not our own. If you judge the person for being white, black, brown or yellow and hear not the words spoken as a result, it is you who has lost truth. We are not a church, a business, a cult or a belief system that other anonymous participants must follow. We speak of all religions, of all people and of all truths. We are a collective. As part of this collective, Anonymous is made up of every skillset, every talent, every race and every background. We are from all countries but we belong to none of them. We operate singularly but as a body with the same understanding. That understanding is key to what anonymous is and why anonymous must exist. It is the understanding resulting from a revelation that everything, we the people of this world have been told, shown or taught, is but lies. We have learned that even the simplest of things is a lie. The color white is black and black is white. This truth can be explained in this way. White is light and light has all colors and is not visible unless reflecting from an object that reflects the light. You do not see light in space until it is reflecting off an object such as the moon. This light has all colors and black is not a color in itself, but it is made up of all colors. White however, contains no color. It is the absence of color which is the exact description of darkness. It is simple lies such as these that we have accepted as truth, but when we have opened our eyes, we can hear the truth hidden within the lies. Wisdom is granted it is not learned as it is with all of what I speak. The powers of this world are not who you think they are. They are not like you and I, they are evil at levels you cannot imagine of yourself, so it is difficult for you to believe your countries leaders could be involved in such evil activities. Over the coming months you will be learning more about the evils within the people you once revered. Q Anon is part of Anonymous and is yet but one of our operatives inside the white house and power structures of the world. He has been proven credible until anonymous has found reason to speak about him otherwise. He has disclosed much already and to others in anonymous he has disclosed some of the most serious human rights violations imaginable. Listen for more information Global Witness 22 ['Q-anon', 'qnon', 'anonymous', 'clintons', 'Bush', 'barbara bush', 'george bush', 'politics', 'exopolitics', 'revelation', 'Yeshua', '2018 anonymous', 'Q-anon is real', 'anonymous international', 'anonymous usa', 'anonymous official', 'hillary clinton', 'oprah winfrey'] PT7M34S 215376 1170 7751 293 not set not set 2018-06-19T00:54:55.000Z lZ1q3ZFygFo UCclVK-uyaN-qYrSu05SjfSg Q-ANON, TRUMP AND THE ANTICHRIST APOSTLE PAUL- URGENT TIME "If you have the ears to hear, you will learn that Paul was an operative for the Roman's establishing a new version of Christianity mixed with truth from the true Christians he killed along the way. The same concept today of fake apostles like Trump and Q anon has risen and the writing within the scriptures portray those in Christ as the son of destruction. If tearing down the ""so called gods and idols of worship"" is what the son of destruction does, well this is their description of me and I accept. Destroying the lies of the false church is what must happen. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 The Man of Lawlessness 1 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers,a 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,c 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The True Q is another to be revealed" Global Witness 29 ['Q anon', 'trump Q', 'Q Trump', 'christ', 'jesus', 'yeshua', 'christ is risen', 'derek broes', 'global witness', 'wso', 'naughty beaver', 'randy phillips promise keepers', 'joel osteen', 'lies of christianity', 'monica delise archon'] PT14M42S 29023 401 1164 98 not set not set 2018-08-10T20:20:11.000Z zUV88qJvCv8 UCclVK-uyaN-qYrSu05SjfSg Q-ANON, ALEX JONES- THE DEAD RAISED, THE BLIND SEE, THE LEPERS CLEANSED Global Witness 29 ['alex jones', 'qanon', 'global witness', 'derek broes'] PT20M41S 10221 170 700 20 not set not set 2018-08-01T13:28:50.000Z OtoDVob_q0w UC8jm2GepskujDAWd0BRU1UA Q on NBC Today Show Aug. 1st 2018 My wife recorded another story and then she saw this... I captured it with some minor comments. Learn all about QANON here: God, Family, Country 22 ['NBC Today Show', 'QANON', '#bluewave', '#walkaway', '#nbc'] PT5M44S 998 15 22 0 not set not set 2018-05-28T19:23:24.000Z zfZuWw7f4DI UC6C_6Ff5vtF-aiivFeDhQeA Stuck in the middle with Q-Anon (parody) "Just some fun with q-anon. Feel free to share. Join me at: Love your feedback." Going Deep 25 ['qanon', 'parody', 'potus', 'q-anon', 'wwg1wga'] PT38S 165 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-21T19:07:59.000Z ASMS4WTvOhg UCMsDMz0uGv_mesMCr-_mmQw Future Proves Past - Leviathan - Q & A with Q "At 12 minutes into the show, Q Opens Q&A on 8Chan - 2 Hours of Amazing Questions from the YouTube Chat, and some Earthquaking Answers from Q - including this: Q Post 2221: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094236 📁 Sep 19 2018 19:25:34 (EST) FROM: Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831 📁 Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST) Q, Are we alone ? Roswell ? ..3093831 No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q This was the best interaction from YouTube directly/indirectly up to Q - several key questions have been asked - now awaiting the answers! JOIN IN THE Q MOVEMENT - DON'T MISS THIS EPISODE" Good Dog 22 not set PT3H43M56S 71 0 9 0 not set not set 2017-12-20T11:00:01.000Z DuLGDZQlQZw UCL_F0qOesoMLCUMQXHvLCzA URF ist DA ! | Was ist OP ? - Q Spam "Heute mal ne Runde Urf :) ► Sub♥: ► Twitter: ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► TS3 Partner: EQUIPMENT: ■ Mein Stuhl: * ■ Mein Headset: * ■ Mein Mikrofon: ■ Meine Webcam: * ■ Meine Maus: * ■ Meine Tastatur: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bei Tipps und Anfragen, einfach in die Kommentare / eine Private Nachricht schreiben! * Affiliate Links: Bei messbarem Erfolg wird eine kleine Provision ausgezahlt, die Links dienen nur zur Orientierung, natürlich könnt ihr die Produkte auch woanders erwerben. (=" Gotti255 20 ['urf', 'ist', 'da', 'was', 'op', 'league', 'of', 'legends', 'lol', 'lets', 'play', 'let', 'together', 'champion', 'champ', 'riot', 'high', 'elo', 'division', 'diamond', 'challenger', 'master', 'platinum', 'lcs', 'spotlight', 'feed', 'noob', 'fed', 'easy', 'febiven', 'gotti255', 'gotti', 'kev', 'kev255', 'owndby', 'ownedby'] PT20M23S 4051 87 115 5 not set not set 2018-02-02T01:15:45.000Z N_DECptvlQo UCmsBs6ghzlzfUZHhCtFMijw Q Anon White Rabbit Corrupt Elites Named #FollowTheWhiteRabbit "Jefferson Airplane song White Rabbit fits the current situation. Follow #TheGreatAwakening Share this video before it's deleted" Gou Bou 24 ['Illumaniti', 'Bush', 'Clinton', 'Rothschild', 'Federal Reserve', 'Global Elite', 'Satanists', 'Q anon', 'Qanon', 'CIA', 'Secret Society', 'Nazi', 'Kennedy', '9/11', 'False Flags'] PT2M34S 1272 22 34 8 not set not set 2017-12-30T16:58:07.000Z JTFM0_IWqd8 UC76l7zXK7ORjWu35sTlna0A QAnon, the coming revolution and Irelands constitutional crisis. "unedited unfiltered raw as they say I""ll figure it out as I go along. Like and subscribe if you fancy and thank you for all your thoughts and contributions. rave on truth warriors...." Grand Torino 25 not set PT17M5S 3119 58 240 7 not set not set 2018-02-02T00:18:25.000Z bjgbr0ncboc UC76l7zXK7ORjWu35sTlna0A Dr Corsi Intel updates on Q posts #releaseNUNESmemo #releaseFISAmemo 02/01/2018 +++ "Reviewing Dr Corsi's analysis of the latest Dumps and POTUS speech today in Q Drops :// Newport hotel website: Haitians video condemning Clinton crimes: Zero hedge article: Find me on: Gab: YT Grand Torino/ Twitter @Caorthann Crochta Donate via Crypto: Paypal: BitCoin: 15Gnsw1V4FWaUdxxasRQiiro4Ww4J83JdW Ethereum: 0x747FFabF0230E6ee7f57A23c5EfCaf2c1824715B LiteCoin: LcwLhPMEczhjT6RbKvzvBR2NP3d5LvHdN9 BitcCoin Cash: 1FfFpLaMNDMj1x3gCvSnARTMHiJX55t5sc Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Grand Torino 25 not set PT1H10M37S 2244 24 63 1 not set not set 2018-08-04T21:45:27.000Z Jc6Xu_g8rww UC76l7zXK7ORjWu35sTlna0A Q, NinjaWarrior Anon ( @Disciple_4G ) and @GrandTorino "Trust me your not going too want to miss this on all things Q. Gift : Paypal: LINK TO PATRIOT SOAPBOX 24/7 LINK TO QIRELAND SERVER UPDATED Link to Qeurope discord server. links: How to use discord. Find me on: Discord @Grand Torino#9285 Gab: @Grand Torino/ Twitter @RowanWCroft Thank YOU for watching and supporting! Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 15Gnsw1V4FWaUdxxasRQiiro4Ww4J83JdW Ethereum: 0x747FFabF0230E6ee7f57A23c5EfCaf2c1824715B LiteCoin: LcwLhPMEczhjT6RbKvzvBR2NP3d5LvHdN9 BitcCoin Cash: 1FfFpLaMNDMj1x3gCvSnARTMHiJX55t5sc" Grand Torino 25 not set PT1H5M29S 1911 39 243 2 not set not set 2018-03-15T04:34:39.000Z Sd_po1XiLvQ UC3dGY4yyEZNNnO07-AQHnoA Is Q Anon John Titor? Greenspud Trades 26 ['q anon', 'q clearance patriot', 'john titor', 'trump'] PT10M58S 767 7 11 9 not set not set 2017-11-15T22:43:57.000Z wzRcxX8URG4 UC26p3qe5ilgrpPwYGYT9DOw bird with Q clearance Greg Silverado 24 not set PT2M27S 96 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-09-09T11:51:00.000Z VLSLWD-wm1I UCtQB3KkBH4QvfRPHDfttiaQ Sunday Anti-Socials: Q Drop! Unfriending EVERYONE? Gribley 22 not set PT33M16S 320 21 28 1 not set not set 2018-02-13T18:35:25.000Z 9S_OLLanrmo UCLMwSX83ZWgxA5uoKAyFn7w #QAnon Latest—Hillary Clinton Sent to GTMO—Trump Assassination Warning "Let's try to decipher what QAnon has dropped today, hold on for the ride. Bitcoin: 12dKV75k3xgdafZvQ6pscqxUF4wVW6twSY Ether: 0x36d0e62256F2eb8a1C574e83401F7B8f1D2148b3 Bitcoin Cash: qqgadp737gy05cuvej5j7p93uczqvshunuevqsc85q Patreon Support: Hatreon Support: MakerSupport: Follow/Support: DTube:!/c/grizzlyhemlock Source(s): (See Comments) Follow On... BitChute: Minds: Twitter: YouTube: Gab:" Grizzly Hemlock 22 ['trump', 'qanon', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'donald trump', 'trump speech', 'politics', 'fbi', 'q anon', 'jerome corsi qanon decode', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon update', 'qanon map', 'qanon twitter', 'qanon posts'] PT14M11S 5894 37 91 18 not set not set 2018-02-15T20:24:00.000Z iG7zfgl5VtU UCLMwSX83ZWgxA5uoKAyFn7w #QAnon Update 2/15/18—NSA Spies in Our Midst—Attack Subs "See what QAnon is telling US now. Bitcoin: 12dKV75k3xgdafZvQ6pscqxUF4wVW6twSY Ether: 0x36d0e62256F2eb8a1C574e83401F7B8f1D2148b3 Bitcoin Cash: qqgadp737gy05cuvej5j7p93uczqvshunuevqsc85q Patreon Support: Hatreon Support: MakerSupport: Follow/Support: DTube:!/c/grizzlyhemlock Source(s): (See Comments) Follow On... BitChute: Minds: Twitter: YouTube: Gab:" Grizzly Hemlock 22 ['nsa', 'attack', 'news', 'spying', 'cia', 'trump', 'politics', 'fbi', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', '8chan q clearance'] PT19M57S 2703 17 43 3 not set not set 2018-02-16T20:25:38.000Z wbpYyIIHFE0 UCLMwSX83ZWgxA5uoKAyFn7w #QAnon Update 2/16/18—MKUltra Mind Control—Twitter & MSM Running Scared "QAnon dropped another mind boggling batch, let's see what's inside. Bitcoin: 12dKV75k3xgdafZvQ6pscqxUF4wVW6twSY Ether: 0x36d0e62256F2eb8a1C574e83401F7B8f1D2148b3 Bitcoin Cash: qqgadp737gy05cuvej5j7p93uczqvshunuevqsc85q Patreon Support: Hatreon Support: MakerSupport: Follow/Support: DTube:!/c/grizzlyhemlock Source(s): (See Comments) Follow On... BitChute: Minds: Twitter: YouTube: Gab:" Grizzly Hemlock 22 ['Mkultra', 'mk ultra', 'mind control', 'clown', 'family friendly', 'scary clown', 'clowns', 'nsa', 'attack', 'news', 'spying', 'cia', 'trump', 'politics', 'fbi', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', '8chan q clearance'] PT28M54S 774 3 20 1 not set not set 2018-05-16T17:21:05.000Z -nCrPugie68 UCLMwSX83ZWgxA5uoKAyFn7w NK Says It Will Pull Out of US Summit—Qanon Begs to Differ "A basic case of always having to do as Q teaches, dig deeper and stay focused patriots. Bitcoin: 12dKV75k3xgdafZvQ6pscqxUF4wVW6twSY Ether: 0x36d0e62256F2eb8a1C574e83401F7B8f1D2148b3 Bitcoin Cash: qqgadp737gy05cuvej5j7p93uczqvshunuevqsc85q Patreon Support: Hatreon Support: MakerSupport: Follow/Support: DTube:!/c/grizzlyhemlock Source(s): (See Comments) Follow On... BitChute: Minds: Twitter: YouTube: Gab:" Grizzly Hemlock 22 ['qanon', '8chan', '#qanon', 'jordan sather', 'corsi', 'qanon posts', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'north korea', 'south korea', 'donald trump', 'kim jong un', 'kim jong-un', 'kim jong-un parody', 'kim jong-un impersonator', 'kim jong-un speech', 'politics', 'news', 'karnataka politics', 'tfc news', 'rajinikanth politics', 'kamal hassan politics', 'tarot politics', 'dirty politics', 'politics movie', 'the politics'] PT13M25S 222 7 8 0 not set not set 2018-05-17T18:00:36.000Z IT1lBBnvwho UCLMwSX83ZWgxA5uoKAyFn7w 5/17/18 #QAnon—Wiener & Holder Crapping Their Pants "#Q gives us so much on a daily basis now that it's hard to keep up, so here's what mattered most to me. Bitcoin: 12dKV75k3xgdafZvQ6pscqxUF4wVW6twSY Ether: 0x36d0e62256F2eb8a1C574e83401F7B8f1D2148b3 Bitcoin Cash: qqgadp737gy05cuvej5j7p93uczqvshunuevqsc85q Patreon Support: Hatreon Support: MakerSupport: Follow/Support: DTube:!/c/grizzlyhemlock Source(s): (See Comments) Follow On... BitChute: Minds: Twitter: YouTube: Gab:" Grizzly Hemlock 25 ['qanon', 'jerome corsi', 'jordan sather', 'unirock', 'qanon posts', 'corsi qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon twitter', 'qanon 4chan', '8chan', '8chan news', '8chan q clearance', '8chan great awakening', 'anthony weiner', 'sexting', 'politics', 'huma abedin', 'anthony weiner sentence', 'anthony weiner sentencing', 'pauly shore anthony weiner', 'anthony weiner interview', 'fast and furious', 'anki overdrive fast and furious', 'fast and furious hindi mai'] PT12M35S 853 4 19 0 not set not set 2017-11-20T02:42:31.000Z StsKEomZSDs UCKIub5uVcxdmnGTK7CskHtw The Gospel of Q "Provided to YouTube by Dischord The Gospel of Q · El Guapo The Phenomenon of Renewal ℗ Dischord Records Released on: 2011-08-23 Artist: El Guapo Auto-generated by YouTube." Guapo - Topic 10 ['El', 'Guapo', 'The', 'Phenomenon', 'of', 'Renewal', 'Gospel'] PT2M27S 64 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-28T20:52:17.000Z ok3SSdLSq1A UCDB5XReUyyqt-FTNdkzFN-A BREAKING: #QAnon LIKELY 4CHAN USERS IN LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAY REPORTS WIKILEAKS "While we suspect that the ""Qanon"" phenomena is likely 4chan trolls engaging in a Live Action Role Play (LARP) version of the Delphic Oracle it is also clear that many are aware of its manipulative potential and will usurp it if they have not already." H. A. Goodman 22 ['#qanon', 'q anon', 'anon q', 'what is q anon', 'is q anon real', 'what is qanon', 'who is qanon', 'wikileaks qanon', 'Q ANON REVEALED', 'trump Q ANON', 'TRUMP Q', 'q anon 4 chan', 'q anon 8 chan', 'julian assange q anon', 'wikileaks q anon', 'trump', 'russiagate', 'spygate', 'trump russia q anon', 'trump russia qanon', 'qanon pied piper', '#q', 'qannon', '8 chan', 'mueller probe', 'will turmp fire mueller', 'trust the plan', 'trust the plan q anon', 'what is q anon plan', 'russia trump', 'trump mueller russia', 'deep state'] PT26M24S 14625 870 709 143 not set not set 2018-08-02T22:23:19.000Z tvVhMGeoNEk UCDB5XReUyyqt-FTNdkzFN-A BREAKING: MUELLER LOSING MANAFORT TRIAL, RICK GATES REFUSING TO FLIP. Q ANON THEORY HURTING TRUMP "Manafort case judge warns Mueller team they 'can't prove conspiracy' without star witness What Is QAnon? The Conspiracy Theory Tiptoeing Into Trump World SUPPORT H. A. ON PATREON: FBI agent Peter Strzok escorted from building amid internal review Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice NYMAG . COM 2016 ARTICLE: Report: Obama Administration Handed Child Migrants Over to Human Traffickers SUPPORT H. A. SECOND AMENDMENT Free Julian Assange! Support H. A. Second Amendment SHARE MY LATEST ON HA2A On March 18, 2009, Hillary Clinton stopped using her longstanding email,, and switched to a new account: SUSCRIBE TO H. A. TODAY! SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW SECOND AMENDMENT YOUTUBE CHANNEL: SUPPORT H. A. ON PATREON: I'm voting for Trump in 2020. Here's my Facebook post explaining why... FEEL FREE TO SUPPORT MY @BitChute SERIES ""LIBERAL TO NRA"" VIA the STRIPE ICON on the bottom right of the @BitChute video SUPPORT H. A. ON PATREON: SHARE MY DAILY CALLER ARTICLE EVERYWHERE! Free Julian Assange! End Julian Assange's isolation FOLLOW H. A. ON GAB: BUT HER TOP SECRET EMAILS: FOLLOW ME ON AND SHARE THIS SEGMENT @steemit! FOLLOW ME ON MINDS.COM FOLLOW ME ON VIMEO: FOLLOW ME ON BITCHUTE: FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE! READ BOOK 1: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO WIN ANY DEBATE ON “RUSSIAN HACKING” READ: DEBUNKING the TRUMP RUSSIA MYTH by H. A. GOODMAN READ BOOK 2: If you want to learn EXACTLY why Clinton transferred Top Secret emails onto a private server and will receive indictments under Christopher Wray SHARE this everywhere over 100 five star reviews #ClintonEmails READ BOOK 3: BUT HER DELETED EMAILS If you enjoy the book, write a review on Amazon! READ BOOK 4:THE AWANS and DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ" H. A. Goodman 22 ['MANAFORT', 'trump manafort', 'mueller', 'mueller manafort', 'manafort trial', 'trial manafort', 'manafort trial latest', 'mueller latest', 'new mueller', 'mueller probe latest', 'mueller probe', 'trump mueller meeting', 'robert mueller paul manafort', 'muller probe', 'muler probe', 'robert mueller paul manafort rick gates', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon theory', 'what is q anon', 'what is qanon', 'paul manafort trial', 'paul manafort ostrich', 'paul manafort trump mueller', 'fisa', 'james comey', 'clinton emails', 'steele dossier'] PT2H5M41S 12103 227 688 97 not set not set 2018-07-26T04:04:54.000Z YWySUm7ZbeM UCWr9SkjnM2c_x9dOYGtG-Aw Halsey Live (Episode 124): If Q-Anon Wills It... "If Q-Anon, the wise and merciful, wills us to have a good show than Dustin Gold and Halsey Will. Halsey English Can Be Found at: Facebook: Twitter: @halseyenglish Patreon: Dustin Gold (Trump Guy) Can Be Found At: Twitter: @dustingold" Halsey News Network 25 ['Halsey', 'Halsey live', 'Halsey English', 'Halsey news', 'trump guy', 'trump', 'dustin gold', 'q-anon', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H51M6S 224 0 23 6 not set not set 2018-10-23T05:33:53.000Z yox4yhaFsic UCWr9SkjnM2c_x9dOYGtG-Aw Halsey Live (Episode 155): Who Is Q? "Halsey English and Dustin Gold welcome Jared T. Swift to talk about the mysterious Q. Halsey English can be found at: Alternative YouTube: Twitter: @realhalseynews Facebook: Email: Website: Patreon: Dustin Gold (Trump Guy) Can Be Found At: Twitter: @realtrumpguy Kari Baxter Donovan http://www.Populist.Media" Halsey News Network 25 ['Halsey', 'Halsey News', 'Tom Luongo', 'Gold Goats', 'Israel', 'Middle East'] PT2H46M52S 423 2 24 2 not set not set 2018-10-20T19:15:50.000Z 6wN74kZeR3o UC4xSJ0KI_F1pDEP-O0TmpWA Q Anon 3. Skepticism We are a coalition, not a cult. hankpyro 1 ['Trump', 'QAnon', 'Kleptocracy', 'skepticism'] PT10M57S 19 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-13T19:10:04.000Z 67Q70oTBqQs UCXBwD6aL8F8IU-R3QCmUfpw PLANE CRASH- Did Q-Anon Have Lord Jacob Rothchild Killed? Q-ANON posted the following on Monday November 17 (4Chan) (Mon 13 Nov 2017 11:04:46) Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are PLANE CRASH- Did Q-Anon Have Lord Jacob Rothchild Killed? Harry Carmine 1 ['PLANE', 'CRASH-', 'Q-Anon', 'Have', 'Lord', 'Jacob', 'Rothchild', 'Killed?'] PT18M3S 63 1 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-13T20:41:47.000Z WhqdHdUay9Y UCXBwD6aL8F8IU-R3QCmUfpw 4Chan Q-Anon (Part XI) Alarming Connections A continuation of an in-depth look at the 4chan Q-Anon posts. Here, we look at the fact that Obama was groomed for his presidency and his education was paid for by Khalid al-Mansour top advisor 4Chan Q-Anon (Part XI) Alarming Connections Harry Carmine 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-Anon', '(Part', 'Alarming', 'Connections'] PT51M13S 5 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-13T23:14:54.000Z wcBBiSk7whM UCXBwD6aL8F8IU-R3QCmUfpw 4Chan Q-ANON- ALARMING In Depth Analysis PLEASE GO TO UPDATED VIDEO - RE-RECORDED DUE TO LOW AUDIO LEVEL On Oct 31st, 2017, someone by the name of Q-Anon posted in the “Politically Incorrect” forum 4Chan Q-ANON- ALARMING In Depth Analysis Harry Carmine 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-ANON-', 'ALARMING', 'Depth', 'Analysis'] PT1H42M52S 21 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-13T23:42:33.000Z tog5Nap7BV4 UCXBwD6aL8F8IU-R3QCmUfpw 4Chan Q-Anon (XVII) Eye of Providence? Continuting on with 4Chan- Q-Anon's posts. Mishel McCumber- Decception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath- available on Amazon. 4Chan Q-Anon (XVII) Eye of Providence? Harry Carmine 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-Anon', '(XVII)', 'Providence?'] PT45M32S 12 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-14T00:15:01.000Z NjLffqK9DKA UCXBwD6aL8F8IU-R3QCmUfpw 4Chan Q-Anon (Part XIV) Even MORE Connections Continuing on with 4chan's Q Anon Posts- in depth discussion Mishel McCumber- Deception Bytes PayPal: Book: The View Beneath by Mishel McCumber- available on Amazon. 4Chan Q-Anon (Part XIV) Even MORE Connections Harry Carmine 1 ['4Chan', 'Q-Anon', '(Part', 'XIV)', 'Even', 'MORE', 'Connections'] PT58M4S 31 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-13T06:58:30.000Z w4UZWg3V-Jw UCCnOUt5JxHb7M1EGHUwDGdw We Are Q "We Are Q If you've been searching in the right places, you will have noticed some time ago Q's breadcrumbs have been there all along. Nothing Q has posted is new or a secret to patriots, especially to the ones who have worked tirelessly, some for decades, to get the message out to people that don't have the time to research the inner-workings of the deep-state and the unimaginable depths its tentacles of corruption and deception reach. Maybe, just maybe, Q isn't one individual or even a group of individuals. Maybe Q is a state of mind. An awakening. A movement. A force that can no longer will be ignored. On the campaign trail, Donald Trump was Q; he articulated the frustration and hope of Americans that had been stepped on and over for several decades by the self-serving ... ===================================================== KEEP THIS CHANNEL ALIVE Support this channel on Patreon: One-time support offerings may be sent to the following email address using PayPal: NOTE: Alternate sites where you may access my daily narrated news are listed below. Thank you, Headlines With A Voice ===================================================== The narration of this article does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or point of view, by this channel. Our viewers and subscribers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law." Headlines with a Voice 25 "['narrated news', 'narration', 'headlines with a voice', 'news', 'daily news', ""Q's breadcrumbs"", 'john f kennedy', 'andrew breitbart', 'michael hastings', 'william cooper', 'monica peterson', 'seth rich', 'victor thorn', 'Lt. Gen. David J. McCloud', 'we ARE Q', 'dr. andrew wakefield', 'mark passio', 'edward snowden', 'julian assange', 'dave hodges', 'mike adams', 'jake morphonios', 'Michael DePinto', 'Donald Trump was Q', 'Donald Trump is Q', 'Q is every patriot', 'Q is a state of mind']" PT4M7S 10399 0 373 50 not set not set 2018-03-28T00:54:36.000Z Sn4_RAPkDXE UCCnOUt5JxHb7M1EGHUwDGdw The Original Q: Identity Revealed "The Original Q: Identity Revealed Proof – 1: For many who asked for proof regarding Q origination, please look at the September 25th Bitchute post by Cicada 3301. We all know Q stopped posting in November before a new Q started posting on 8chan. So how do you explain a September 25th post, 5 weeks before Q ever posted? Proof – 2: Cicada 3301 posted Remember the Future in April 2017. Q says “Past proves future” Cicada was the originator. Proof – 3: Cicada 3301 had “Z” introduced in 2017. They introduced Q in September 2017. Defango covered Z in spring 2017, 6 months before Q! Major File Dump Ongoing: ===================================================== Voice-over intro courtesy of NEW LIVE-CHAT: KEEP THIS CHANNEL ALIVE Support this channel on Patreon: Support this channel with Digital Tip Jar: One-time support offerings may be sent to the following email address using PayPal: NOTE: Alternate sites where you may access my daily narrated news are listed below. Thank you, Headlines With A Voice ===================================================== The narration of this article does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or point of view, by this channel. Our viewers and subscribers are encouraged to draw their own conclusions. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law." Headlines with a Voice 25 ['narrated news', 'narration', 'headlines with a voice', 'news', 'daily news', 'The Original Q: Identity Revealed', 'cicada 3301', 'senior executive service'] PT4M1S 19053 0 683 171 not set not set 2018-06-21T10:06:10.000Z DRLMOK3f4eM UCmBQsNWuLQNKb-yRRvkt36w Q Anon app for iOS "Get Alerts & Follow Q Drops as they happen. -Share them effortlessly to Friends & Family. Scan through News links Q has posted and follow the analysis of other Q followers. Features: -Q Drop Alerts -Search by Drop # or by Text -Tap Images to enlarge & pinch to Zoom -Save ""Notes - Analysis"" w/photos in ""Community Analysis"" section for other Q Anon users VIDEO PLAYLISTS -Praying Medic -Justinformed Talk -More -------------------------- ""Trust The Plan"" Q -Social Section to share comments / notes / analysis / decodes & photos with other Q Anon users -White background cells are [posts] -Gray background cell are [Notes/Analysis/Decodes] for easy viewing. -Praying Medic / Justinformed Talk video playlists -Added References/Reposts within Q Drops -Search function to easily find previous Q Drops by # Number / Text -Tap Images to enlarge & pinch to Zoom -Q Drop Alerts - Push Notifications -updated App Icon Get Q Drops, Q Alerts" HegemonicMafia 27 not set PT25S 73 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-22T23:42:36.000Z 8EgjOUTIawY UCc9yru6dgkYPXGENESe3PuQ talking Q Anon #WeAreQ + JFK JR Lives interviews at Mesa, AZ rally 10/19/2018 Thanks to all those Arizona patriots who shared their stories. WWG1WGA Heidi Vea 1 ['WWG1WGA', 'TRUMP', 'MAGA', 'TrumpRally', 'JFK JR LIVES', 'MesaAZ', 'QAnonPEEPS', 'QAnon', 'We are Q'] PT10M1S 295 0 9 1 not set not set 2018-02-23T19:12:02.000Z W3MLtsPAFEw UCBSGBWHa6lgS1r-Me7bd2JA Q-Anon retweetet Post von Trump "" Heinrich aus der Familie G o t t o 24 not set PT25M32S 189 0 8 0 not set not set 2018-05-01T18:44:18.000Z Dnyf8FMHRXI UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q anon Research 1 of 3 / M-103 Report exposes Trudeau's plan to Destroy Rights & Freedoms in Canada "Part 2: Part 3: Please [ Like ] [ Share ] and [ Join Our Channel ] Q anon: The Q Maps: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'carma', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'muslim brotherhood', 'un agenda', 'nwo', 'wwIII', 'ww3', 'iran', 'queen', 'underage', 'attack', 'van', 'car', 'knife', 'plane', 'bomb', 'bus', 'islam', 'how to', 'movie trailers', 'terrorist attacks.', 'annamie', 'annamie girls', 'new q anon'] PT30M5S 148 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-02T12:34:25.000Z YMjaAWimB7M UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q anon = Arrest CAN Begin SOON ((( BOOM ))) = MQAB FQR REAL ((( NO ESCAPES ))) Part 4, "Please [ Like ] [ Share ] and [ Join Our Channel ] Q anon: The Q Maps: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'carma', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'movie tralors', 'moab', 'attac', 'muslim', 'kill', 'car', 'van', 'truck', 'oficial video', 'video', 'anamie', 'child', 'sacrifice', 'fbi', 'the storm', 'muller', 'new q anon', 'qanon new posts', 'qanon new drop', 'qanon latest', 'qanon live stream', 'qanon live updates', 'qanon updates today', 'qanon boom connection'] PT51M7S 158 4 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-05T21:42:30.000Z g6Dm033dmxw UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q anon - You MUST Mentally Prepare the Whole Worlds Population for what is coming "Please [ Like ] [ Share ] and [ Join Our Channel ] Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Q anon: The Q Maps: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'movie', '24'] PT25M34S 72 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-07T20:39:19.000Z BRXEn6xX0tc UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q anon = The Q Army ((( We March Towards the Truth ))) /patriotsfight/ WWG1WGA. "Please [ Like ] [ Share ] and [ Join Our Channel ] Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Q anon: The Q Maps: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'movies trailers.'] PT7M 313 0 4 7 not set not set 2018-05-14T16:34:24.000Z P1EfDuJ2iDk UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Research - Q anon / Stormy Daniels Was Arrested ++ ?? MSM SILENT "Please [ Like ] [ Share ] and [ Join Our Channel ] Q anon ((( The April Showers Checklist ))) BOOOM ((( Oww Boy Did it *Rain* ))) The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you GLOBAL News Published on May 14, 2018" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt'] PT6M43S 79 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-17T05:15:34.000Z 5DQgys35fFA UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon - DROPS - TWITTER ++ MORE "Please [ Like ] [ Share ] and [ Join Our Channel ] Q anon ((( The April Showers Checklist ))) ((( Oww Boy Did it *Rain* ))) The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince'] PT34M9S 19 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-20T10:20:21.000Z QeJwxJn33A8 UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Research - *The Great Awakening* 1/3 of CNN viewers have broken free from their mind control "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'qanon news', 'q anon post', '8 chan', 'q bord'] PT2M39S 114 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-05-20T20:43:31.000Z Drb8onpJbqs UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Research - She Dose Not Realize That She Just Laid Out One Part of the UN Agendas "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'q anon news post', 'eu', 'england', 'kill', 'van', 'truck', 'plane', 'train', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'agenda', 'iran', 'corea', 'china', 'france', 'gremany', 'russa', 'sweden', 'volcano'] PT11M50S 26 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-26T13:18:51.000Z IIqOOIRB9lI UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q anon Research - CDN Corruption, Mike Pence, Spygate, North Korea Summit, CBC & CNN SPIN "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'england', 'france', 'germany', 'russa', 'china', 'north corea', 'sweden', 'iran'] PT43M39S 50 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-26T17:36:10.000Z YkDm4xaIPRA UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Research - FUN for the Patriots ((( ANTIFA Hunting ))) "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'eu', 'england', 'france', 'gremany', 'sweden', 'china', 'north corea', 'underage', 'boys', 'muslim brotherhood', 'george soros', 'agenda', '21', '2030'] PT7M45S 171 0 4 2 not set not set 2018-06-01T10:21:23.000Z v67y7RqBrSQ UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon - Research / It's Official ((( ITALY IS FREE !! ))) "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'tommy robinson', 'england', 'australia', 'sweden', 'germany', 'iran', 'italy', 'china', 'north corea', 'asia', 'asian', 'free', 'traid', 'un agenda', 'muslim', 'brothrhood', 'hamas', 'terroris', 'attack', 'truck', 'rock', 'knife', 'plain', 'subway', 'van', 'school', 'gun'] PT1M49S 142 0 2 2 not set not set 2018-06-01T14:07:10.000Z BexEB1qlE1Y UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q anon / Tommy Robinson - Why is the ((( UK ))) Blocking this Information "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'tommy robinson', 'ausralia', 'sweden', 'france', 'germany', 'un agenda', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'knife', 'van', 'plain', 'subway', 'underage boys', 'Bacha bazi', 'china', 'asia', 'asian', 'north corea', 'truck'] PT11M56S 201 10 15 0 not set not set 2018-06-02T17:37:30.000Z G9_TscD30us UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon - ((( Canada was the Easiest Nation to Take Control of "Politically and Legally" ))) "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: The Q Maps: JihadWatch What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'muslim brotherhood', 'm103', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'van', 'truck', 'plain', 'train', 'subway', 'auasralia', 'germany', 'sweden', 'france', 'china', 'asian', 'north cores', 'iran', 'volcano', 'Hawaii', 'eruption', 'lava', 'flow', 'italy', 'wedding', 'royal'] PT13M21S 61 4 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-07T23:20:49.000Z w2_dmkUeZ1U UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Researech - POTUS Sends a Signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf : The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: 10pm Group Prayer! Merkel on Trump Train? Twitter on Me and 23: Kim on Peace!!!! History!!! Hell freezes over. CNN admits Trump did something good? Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Trump tweet on Opiods: Kanye Conservative? McMaster and Leaks? Q Map Confirm? #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'sweden', 'germany', 'russa', 'china', 'asian', 'noth corea', 'iran', 'ms13', 'm103', 'summit', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'terroriast', 'attack', 'knife', 'van', 'truck', 'train', 'plain', 'gun', 'school', 'tommy robinson', 'arrest', 'boy', 'under age'] PT8M 263 1 4 1 not set not set 2018-06-15T04:12:31.000Z xwyUYnDHugA UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - "NXIVM" Sex Slavery Cult / Anthony Bourdain / Stormy Daniels and MORE !! "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'australia', 'tommy robinson', 'england', 'sweden', 'france', 'germany', 'russa', 'china', 'asian', 'north corea', 'sex', 'muslim', 'brothrhood', 'hawaii', 'volcano', 'lava', 'eruption', 'space', 'travel', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'awakening', 'wwg1wga'] PT24M25S 352 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-06-15T07:00:45.000Z AKxi1aUGFPc UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA What is Q ANON ???? - The Great Awakening - The Storm "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'q anon', 'australia', 'sweden', 'england', 'germany', 'russa', 'china', 'north corea', 'hawaii', 'volcano', 'lava', 'tommy robinson', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'knife', 'gun', 'school', 'subway', 'train', 'truck', 'van'] PT25M 174 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-06-15T21:38:40.000Z iqVqp4hiLIE UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Poland STRIKES BACK at the EU in Their Fight for Freedom "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, Write to Tommy Robinson (Stephen Lennon is his real name): A2084CG Stephen Lennon HMP Hull Prison Hedon Rd Hull HU9 5LS United Kingdom Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'australia', 'sweden', 'engalnd', 'uh', 'germany', 'russa', 'china', 'asian', 'north corea', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'tommy robinson', 'g7', 'hamas', 'agenda', 'hawaii', 'colcano', 'lave', 'eruption', 'school', 'shooting'] PT12M9S 209 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-06-18T06:52:58.000Z OZEF2KjrktU UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Something Big Is In The Works, Bilderberg 2018 "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'stralia', 'eu', 'agenda', 'england', 'tommy robinson', 'g7', 'ms13', 'm103', 'terrorist attack', 'kill', 'school', 'shooting', 'gun', 'knife', 'train', 'truck', 'subway', 'van', 'islam', 'trial', 'arrest', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'sweden', 'boat', 'france', 'russa', 'asian', 'iran', 'north', 'corea', 'japan', 'china'] PT17M48S 65 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-20T06:08:30.000Z WKiG65rqBPY UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Lisa Mei Crowley @LisaMei 62 ((( Confirmed as TRUSTWORTHY ))) "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'george soros', 'tommy robinson', 'jail', 'arrest', 'trator', 'fbi', 'treason', 'north corea', 'ms13', 'm103', 'germany', 'france', 'russa', 'china', 'iran', 'free', 'fight', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'australia', 'sweden', 'train', 'truck', 'bonb', 'van', 'school', 'gun', 'shooting', 'qanon', 'the storm'] PT16M6S 2682 3 39 4 not set not set 2018-06-22T10:08:38.000Z 40wEQP5NhXI UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Flood Of New Q Proofs Coming (( Q&A reschedule. Forthcoming )) WWG1WGA "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: 3 Takeaways from House Intelligence Report! Trump Tweet on Comey: Mueller a White Hat? Why Flynn plead guilty? Done in 30. Q Confirm! 59M Views - Now dead. Evergreen - See page 236: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you" Hermes Veritas 1 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'tommy robinson', 'asian', 'terroris', 'attack', 'knife', 'gun', 'train', 'plain', 'truck', 'van', 'hawaii', 'lava', 'volcano', 'england', 'agenda', 'sweden', 'russa', 'germany', 'france', 'iran', 'qanon q anon', 'the storm', 'arrest', 'trial', 'treason', 'trator'] PT17M5S 28 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-05T21:59:49.000Z vXiM48I21bg UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - ((( The Storm is Here ))) Deep State Exposed !! WWG1WGA Documentary 2018 "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Empire Of Angels Artist Thomas Bergersen Album Sun Writers Thomas Bergersen Licensed by Epic Elite (on behalf of Extreme Music); Epic Elite (Music Publishing), Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, and 13 Music Rights Societies" Hermes Veritas 25 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'asian', 'tommy robinson', 'hawaii', 'lava', 'volcano', 'iran', 'russa', 'sweden', 'germany', 'england', 'agenda', 'eu', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'shooting', 'knife', 'van', 'truck', 'train', 'subway', 'bomb', 'north corea'] PT1H54M31S 432 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-11T14:39:08.000Z 6_fNgCh9l5I UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Anonymous Exposes UK Pedophilia Ring ( MP's & MI5 ) At Elm Guest House "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Empire Of Angels Artist Thomas Bergersen Album Sun Writers Thomas Bergersen Licensed by Epic Elite (on behalf of Extreme Music); Epic Elite (Music Publishing), Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, and 13 Music Rights Societies" Hermes Veritas 25 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'tommy robinson', 'russa', 'asian', 'muslim', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'volcano', 'lave', 'eu', 'agenda', 'cave', 'boys', 'north corea', 'sweden', 'germany', 'england', 'baloon', 'london', 'france', 'iran', 'australia', 'boat', 'africa', 'islam'] PT17M21S 83 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-11T23:21:15.000Z sWc3OhIiDLQ UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - BRITS SAY NO MORE ! After Decades of Political Protections for Muslim Rape Gangs "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Empire Of Angels Artist Thomas Bergersen Album Sun Writers Thomas Bergersen Licensed by Epic Elite (on behalf of Extreme Music); Epic Elite (Music Publishing), Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, and 13 Music Rights Societies" Hermes Veritas 25 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'tommy robinson', 'terrorist', 'attac', 'volcano', 'eu', 'sweden', 'russa', 'asian', 'north corea', 'france', 'germany', 'iran', 'ms13', 'm103', 'china', 'sumit', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'hamas', 'quran', 'sharea law'] PT8M20S 46 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T07:51:04.000Z mXtHaDnNEbU UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - The Deep States MSM Alice & Wonderland Techniques Running on ALL OUTLETS "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: Hermes Veritas @HermesVeritas FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Empire Of Angels Artist Thomas Bergersen Album Sun Writers Thomas Bergersen Licensed by Epic Elite (on behalf of Extreme Music); Epic Elite (Music Publishing), Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, and 13 Music Rights Societies" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'putin', 'yommy robinson', 'asian', 'iran', 'russa', 'england', 'north corea', 'ausralia', 'hawaii', 'lava', 'volcano', 'fbi', 'hearing', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'bomb', 'knife', 'boy', 'gun', 'kill', 'acid', 'eu', 'agenda', 'truck', 'train', 'subway', 'van', 'bus'] PT11M57S 141 3 9 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T10:12:38.000Z g7haqyqLq38 UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - The Trump / Putin Summit is the Beginning of the New World Orders END "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: Hermes Veritas @HermesVeritas FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Empire Of Angels Artist Thomas Bergersen Album Sun Writers Thomas Bergersen Licensed by Epic Elite (on behalf of Extreme Music); Epic Elite (Music Publishing), Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, and 13 Music Rights Societies" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'russa', 'lava', 'volcano', 'tommy robinson', 'sweden', 'iran', 'north corea', 'fbi', 'treason', 'trial', 'trator', 'arrest', 'kill', 'attack', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'hamas', 'ms13', 'm103', 'gun', 'knife', 'train', 'subway', 'truck', 'van', 'bomb'] PT13M50S 49 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-25T07:12:46.000Z Eba0ryIeGl0 UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Something BIG is about to DROP !! "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: Hermes Veritas @HermesVeritas Q Anon Decodes #QAnonDecodes Try to open your own eyes #WTHDYHTL LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. ((( #Qproofs ))) #WWG1WGA #GoTeamMueller FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW, If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! You can also find us on @Hermes_of_Verit #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #ClimateEngineering Hermes_of_Veritas The Truth is Everything to Us! Download everything before the truth and free thought is deleted. Because the truth is the new hate speech. Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 24,544 Sealed Indictments: Frustrating: Judaical Watch: Q Map Confirm? #Qanon Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince'] PT46M31S 28 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-26T16:53:32.000Z p8v_27JodJg UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Toronto Shooting What They're Not Telling You "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: Hermes Veritas @HermesVeritas Try to open your own eyes #WTHDYHTL LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. ((( #Qproofs ))) #WWG1WGA #GoTeamMueller Q Anon Decodes #QAnonDecodes FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'm103', 'ms13', 'tommy robinson', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'hawaii', 'lava', 'volcano', 'sweden', 'agenda', 'eu', 'george soros', 'truck', 'van', 'subway', 'train', 'bus', 'knife', 'bomb', 'fbi', 'arrest'] PT3M37S 45 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-28T10:55:21.000Z 86zPDsAXn2g UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Aborted Fetal Tissue In Your Food HEK 293 Kraft, PepsiCo, Nestle "Please ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: Hermes Veritas @HermesVeritas Try to open your own eyes #WTHDYHTL LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. ((( #Qproofs ))) #WWG1WGA #GoTeamMueller Q Anon Decodes #QAnonDecodes FREE TOMMY , SIGN THE PETITION NOW,  If you want to send your own personal message - Write to Tommy here using his name and prison number Stephen y Lennon (A2084CG) ONLEY PRISON costs 40p an email. Tommy Robinson ((( ARRESTED ))) Support my work: Help build my kit: Bitcoin wallet: 3CqNrgvhpr3ASt4f5ytNRtgtSL3WAjYh2P President Trump A Patriot NEEDS your HELP Tommy Robinson in England #TommyRobinson #TommyArrested #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobbinson #FREETOMMYNOW Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'russa', 'fbi', 'tommy robinson', 'volcano', 'lava', 'hawaii', 'terrorist', 'attac', 'kill', 'gun', 'knife', 'train', 'bomb', 'truck', 'van', 'muslim', 'hamas', 'trudeaue', 'george soros', 'agenda', 'georga', 'stones', 'eu', 'england', 'sweden', 'australia', 'france', 'italy', 'germant', 'migrant'] PT2M25S 442 8 8 0 not set not set 2018-07-31T03:48:34.000Z edWR5hh0wjA UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - ANON'S follow the EVIDENCE !! ((( We have it all ))) "Q" "Please Download EVERYTHING and ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: @HermesVeritas Try to open your own eyes #WTHDYHTL LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. ((( #Qproofs ))) #WWG1WGA #GoTeamMueller Q Anon Decodes #QAnonDecodes #CanadaForTrump #DestroyTheCults #DestroyTheNWOCults #StopWorldWideJihadDenial Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Becase The Truth is our only chance at WW freedom! #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'volcano', 'treason', 'trator', 'arrest', 'terrorist', 'attack', 'shooting', 'knife', 'train', 'bus', 'truck', 'van', 'bombing', 'acid', 'eu', 'sweden', 'australia', 'nwo', 'george soros', 'georga', 'stones', 'lava', 'hawaii', 'the storm'] PT45M51S 140 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-31T05:14:49.000Z gc7wLNG5zvg UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - TEDx: Pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation and WE Should Accept it "Please Download EVERYTHING and ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: @HermesVeritas Try to open your own eyes #WTHDYHTL = What the hell do you have to loose Do Your Own Research. WITHOUT ANY AGENDA and YOU WILL FIND THE TRUTH !! The same as the rest of us did. This will help you get started. Q - The Plan To Save The World The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. ((( #Qproofs ))) #WWG1WGA #GoTeamMueller Q Anon Decodes #QAnonDecodes Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: #CanadaForTrump #DestroyTheCults #DestroyTheNWOCults #StopWorldWideJihadDenial Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Because The Truth is our only chance at World Wide freedom! #WWG1WGA #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'islam', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'boys', 'terrorias', 'attack', 'acid', 'train', 'bus', 'truck', 'van', 'boat', 'gun', 'knife', 'shooting', 'sweden', 'australia', 'france', 'germany', 'russa', 'asian', 'tommy robinson', 'bat', 'riot', 'lava', 'volcano', 'hawaii', 'putin', 'iran', 'turky'] PT14M41S 81 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-22T05:08:03.000Z yCCNAxuupeM UCU7cRw1el_88sEAKfekIgrA Q Anon Research - Can anyone identify this Canadian criminal !! #VOTE4FAITH #FaithForMayor 2018 "We All Know By Now Just How Bad The Shadow Banning is on YouTube, FaceBook and Twitter THE ARCHIVED POSTS OF SERIALBRAIN2 FROM REDDIT & VOAT: #QAnon #QArmy #DestroyTheCults #WWG1WGA LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. Please Download EVERYTHING and ((( Share, Share, Share ))) Like and Join Our Channel Twitter: @HermesVeritas If you want to know how Twitter is SCORING YOU: GO TO: Try to open your own eyes #WTHDYHTL = What the hell do you have to loose !! Do Your Own Research. WITHOUT ANY AGENDA and YOU WILL FIND THE TRUTH !! The same as the rest of us did. This will help you get started. Q - The Plan To Save The World The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! LOOK UP: Potus & Political Warfare pdf. ((( #Qproofs ))) #WWG1WGA #GoTeamMueller Q Anon Decodes #QAnonDecodes Qproofs_by-anons!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q Q anon ((( PROOF ))) The April Showers Checklist April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms"" The Biggest Sting in the History of the World !!!! Q ANON - The Final Stage ((( JUSTICE ))) ((( Enjoy The Show ))) Q anon: #CanadaForTrump #DestroyTheCults #DestroyTheNWOCults #StopWorldWideJihadDenial Q Anon pdf: The Q Maps: What You Need to Know !!!! ((( Look up: The 16 year plan to destroy America ))) ((( Look up: ))) CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911 United States Illegal Alien Crime Report YES IT IS HERE - Sharia Law in Canada JihadWatch ((( Look up: The muslim brotherhood plan for north America.pdf ))) GLOBAL WARMING IS THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY - Dan Pena: The Climate Change Hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution 7-3-17: How the Global Warming Scare Began: Hermes_of_Veritas We are part of the Q anon Army Because The Truth is our only chance at World Wide freedom! #WWG1WGA #QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. Thank you: Joe M Published on Jun 25, 2018 Answering the ""New eyes"" call. Q - The Plan To Save The World" Hermes Veritas 24 ['anon', 'new', 'anime', 'car', 'cats', 'clinton', 'trump', 'evil', 'cult', 'gang', 'rape', 'movies', 'fox', 'cnn', 'bbc', 'ctv', 'atv', 'ytv', 'rt', 'news', 'make', 'money', 'online', 'hot', 'babes', 'girls', 'funny', 'ghost', 'men', 'swim', 'football', 'music', 'songs', 'youtube', 'trailer', 'usa', 'canada', 'uk', 'un', 'trudeau', 'isis', 'corupt', 'queen', 'king', 'prince', 'info wars', 'north corea', 'asian', 'caravan', 'mexico', 'border'] PT2M18S 106 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T11:17:13.000Z jAezfBTMUcg UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q anon, Happy Valentine's Day all! "Tweets of the day" You are all Q ! Just tell the TRUTH! """Tweets of the day"" - You are all Q ! Just tell the TRUTH! 2.14.2018/ Happy Valentine's Day all! Music by © Heydonmusicpage Thanks for watching Please subscribe. Joe Rogan - Wikileaks VS Hilary Clinton! :)~" HeydonMusicpage 25 "[""Happy Valentine's Day"", 'Q Anon', 'Heydonmusicpage', 'Q-DROP', 'Dan Bongino', 'Sara carter', 'Hannity', 'Tucker Carlson', 'President Trump', 'Deep State', 'Murder of Seth Rich', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS']" PT3M16S 1402 15 61 8 not set not set 2018-02-17T09:56:44.000Z fnrOGJUSg8c UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Breaking News ! Q-anon /Trump/ JFK "Tweets of the day" 2-16-2018 "New Q-anon JFK ""Tweets of the day"" 2-16-2018 All Music in this video? is © Heydonmusicpage Thanks for watching, Please Sub" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q-anon', 'JFK', 'Tweets of the day', 'stefan molyneux', 'john f kennedy', 'Trump', 'Dan Bongino', 'Scott Adams', 'Mark Levin', 'Tom Fitton', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'CNN', 'FOX NEWS', 'Q ANON', 'Breaking news', 'Lindsey Vonn', 'Twitter'] PT5M13S 3149 16 109 4 not set not set 2018-02-19T10:37:11.000Z CUvT2nxCBMM UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Breaking News - Q-anon "Tweets of the day" 2-18-2018 "Breaking News - Q-anon ""Tweets of the day"" 2-18-2018 Music © HeydonMusicPage Thanks for watching Please Subscribe" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Breaking News', 'Q-anon', 'Trump', 'stefan molyneux', 'Tweets of the day', 'Q Anon', 'Dan Bongino', 'Clinton campaign', 'Donald Trump JR', 'Tom Fitton', 'The White House', 'president Trump', 'Cnn', 'Msnbc', 'Abc', 'Nbc', 'Foxnews'] PT4M22S 1119 8 63 3 not set not set 2018-03-06T10:06:25.000Z S1LlhHLvfXA UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA New Q ANON/ Q DROP - Hannity -Tweets of the Day - 3/5/2018 "New Q - Tweets of the Day - 3/5/2018 Thanks for watching Please Sub, Garrison Toons DeceptionBytes" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Breaking news', 'Trump', 'Nunes memo', 'Tom Fitton', 'Jay Sekulow', 'Sharyl Attkisson', 'Sara Carter', 'Q ANON', 'Rod rosenstein', 'New Russia Indictments', 'stefan molyneux', 'Dan Bongino', 'Devin Nunes', 'Drudge', 'Clintons', 'Ben garrison', 'sarah Palin', 'Ann Coulter', 'Donald J. Trump', 'Sarah Sanders', 'Jim Acosta', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS'] PT6M20S 1798 7 62 1 not set not set 2018-03-09T11:22:10.000Z gUNAaMvvqbs UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA New Q ANON/Big Drop. Breaking news - Tweets of the Day 3.9.2018 Rocket Man "New Q ANON/Big Drop. Breaking news - Tweets of the Day 3.9.2018 He did say watch the news this week! :)~ Please, Sub, S/Caps from this page" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q ANON', 'Breaking news', 'globalists', 'JAMES WOODS', 'Q-DROP', 'MATT DRUDGE', 'TOP TWEETS of the day', 'Trump News', 'stefan molyneux', 'Melania Trump', 'Dan Bongino', 'Scott Adams', 'Sebastian Gorka', 'Tucker Carlson Tonight', 'Fox and Friends', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS', 'Rocket Man', 'Elton John'] PT7M12S 1854 16 120 1 not set not set 2018-03-10T10:23:31.000Z EwtCLneo0uM UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA New Q Anon / Q Drops- "Tweets of the Day" 3.10.2018 "New Q Anon / Q Drops- ""Tweets of the Day"" 3.10.2018 JustInformed Talk Q/S.Caps from this video! Watch his video! Music © HeydonMusicPage live! I produced & Recorded many records for the band ""The Rounders"" Here are a few songs. Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Q" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'Tweets of the Day', 'The Rounders', 'Dennis Rodman', 'Scott adams', 'Anthony Scaramucci', 'James Woods', 'Julian assange', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'KAYA', 'kYLE KASHUV', 'ICE T', 'dAN bONGINO', 'Donald J. Trump', 'Sean Hannity', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS'] PT12M20S 5794 33 189 11 not set not set 2018-03-11T11:36:33.000Z xxMU1n3QH9I UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA New Q ANON/Big T R U M P Drop. Breaking news - Tweets of the Day 3.11.2018 "New Q ANON/Big Drop. Breaking news - Tweets of the Day 3.11.2018 all music © HeydonMusicPage Music recorded & mixed by me! Bird flag amazing ! by KEVIN FLYNN Fox" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'Trump', 'chuck todd meet the press', 'Breaking News', 'JAMES WOODS', 'Tweets of the Day', 'julian assange', 'Kim Dotcom', 'President of the United States', 'New Q', 'Cnn', 'msnbc', 'abc', 'nbc', 'Foxnews'] PT18M38S 16376 83 455 11 not set not set 2018-03-21T10:59:14.000Z qb6_zLFJ9AE UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N Update:/ Breaking News /Tweets of the Day 3.20/2118 "Breaking news - New Q Drop / FBI GO AFTER ""Q"" ANON & a Nazi Dog. YOU CANT MAKE THIS UP! 3-21/2018 Tweets of the day. q- points to comedy central! this video! Courtesy:Fox News/ Enjoy The Show Thanks for watching! please Sub" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Nazi Dog', 'Q AN0N', 'Breaking news', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Tweets of the Day', 'andy McCabe', 'Enjoy The Show', 'John O.Brennan', 'Tom Fitton', 'Ben Shapiro', 'Devin Nunes', 'Sara carter', 'Uranium One', 'Hannity', 'The Ingraham Angle', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS', 'comedy central'] PT7M26S 1041 17 77 2 not set not set 2018-03-27T11:41:37.000Z Jj85w9_S68w UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon :Update / The TRUTH will come out 3.27.2018 "#qanon Q Anon: Update / The TRUTH will come out 3.27.2018" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['#qanon', 'charlie kirk', 'Breaking News', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Q-DROP', 'Tweets of the day', 'Scot Peterson', 'Trump', 'Melania Trump', 'Dan Bongino', 'Shannon Bream', 'The Ingraham Angle', 'Tucker Carlson Tonight', 'Deep State'] PT10M44S 11481 39 175 14 not set not set 2018-03-28T10:16:50.000Z 713jadCnF00 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N: Update / "Final stage" - "BIG TRUMP DROP"3.28.2018 "#qanon #Trump #Roseanne Q AN0N: Update / ""Final stage"" - ""BIG TRUMP DROP"" 3.28.2018 Thanks for watching, Please Subscribe Garrison Toons" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q AN0N', 'Trump', 'Tweets of the day', 'Breaking news', 'New Q Drop', 'Stormy Daniels', 'QANON', 'Hannity', 'Dan Bongino', 'Shannon Bream', 'The Ingraham Angle', 'Tucker Carlson Tonight', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'Barack Obama', 'Tom Fitton', 'judicialwatch', 'Facebook'] PT10M39S 2598 16 97 3 not set not set 2018-03-29T11:07:34.000Z sto7PL-Sj0E UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon: Update / "THE RED PILL" "NEW /Q Anon Update / ""THE RED PILL"" / 3.28.2018 Thanks for watching." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'Trump', 'Breaking News', 'The Army Corp', 'the wall', 'Hannity', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'Identity politics', 'Kyle Kashuv', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS', 'James Woods', 'Roseanne Barr'] PT11M23S 1748 35 82 0 not set not set 2018-03-31T10:28:07.000Z P2oLsmyT8Cc UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon Update /Q Exposing The Truth - March 31st, 2018 "Q Anon Update /Q Exposing The Truth - March 31st, 2018 Please subscribe, Thanks for watching" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['The Pope', 'roseanne Barr', 'Trump', 'Laura Ingraham', 'James Woods', 'Q Anon', 'Breaking News', 'The Army Corp', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Cnn', 'Msnbc', 'Abc', 'Nbc', 'Fox News', 'Dennis Rodman'] PT13M14S 4976 31 125 5 not set not set 2018-04-02T11:06:44.000Z IKgn9LLuBwU UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon 4-2-18 Q Post/Faith/God bless/"Ainsley Earhardt" the light within me "Q Anon 4-2-18 Q Post/Faith/God bless/Ainsley Earnhardt the light within me Her new Book! It's Rare to see people on MSM Talk about JESUS! Thanks for watching," HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'Ainsley Earhardt', 'Faith', 'amazon', 'James Woods', 'Jesus', 'God', 'the revelotion steve hilton', 'Cnn', 'Msnbc', 'abc', 'nbc', 'Fox News', 'Easter', 'Easter Sunday'] PT8M25S 3196 9 92 3 not set not set 2018-04-03T11:28:41.000Z a_8TzxWDkZQ UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon 4-3-18 / Seals Broken "Q Anon 4-3-18 / Seals Broken Thanks for watching," HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'roseanne Barr', 'Trump', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Facebook', 'amazon', 'Dan Bongino', 'James Woods'] PT8M25S 6587 32 165 8 not set not set 2018-04-05T08:02:27.000Z nt6r3IbRPVE UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N: Q/ UP ALL NIGHT - 5:5 Q+ 4.5.2018 "Q AN0N: Q/ UP ALL NIGHT - 5:5 Q+ 4.5.2018 just informed Talk. Check out his page he is Amazing Thanks for watching Please Sub," HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'Trump', 'John Brennan', 'POTUS', 'Jared Cohen', 'Rothschild', 'Omnibus Bill', 'Conspiracy', 'RUSSIA', 'Carter Page', 'Vatican bank', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS'] PT49M38S 2523 22 118 1 not set not set 2018-04-05T11:11:55.000Z z2GnpFXsPGk UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon: MSM - IS SCARED / - The Truth will come out ! 4/5/2018 "Q Anon: MSM - IS SCARED / of Q Anon - The Truth will come out! 4/5/2018 Thanks for watching Courtesy: Fox News and OWN NEWS." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q Anon', 'Facebook', 'amazon', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'James Woods', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Tweets of the day', 'Breaking News', 'facebook', 'Tucker', 'Dan Bongino', 'Hannity', 'Joe diGenova', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS'] PT15M57S 4996 32 177 1 not set not set 2018-04-06T11:12:16.000Z A5Av4jtxavI UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON: /LATEST New Post - GO WITH GOD! "#Roseanne #qanon Q ANON: /LATEST New Post - GO WITH GOD!" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q ANON', 'Laura Ingraham', 'Mark levin', 'Hannity', 'Breaking news', 'John O.Brennan', 'JAMES WOODS', 'Roseanne', 'Muller', 'Cia', 'Fbi', 'Nsa', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'FOX NEWS', 'Russia', 'Levin tv', 'Roseanne Barr', 'katie pavlich'] PT14M47S 4200 35 158 2 not set not set 2018-04-17T11:59:51.000Z gmJsW2zMSHo UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N:/Latest New Posts /OAN/5 eyes/saw no CW 4.17.2018 "Q AN0N:/Latest New Posts /OAN/5 eyes/saw no CW 4.17.2018 Thanks for watching. Please, Subscribe THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Read the real news. Garrison Toons" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Breaking news', 'Q AN0N', 'WMD', 'Syria', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Laura Ingraham', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Dan Bongino', 'James Woods', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Sara Carter', 'Hannity', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'CNN', 'FOX NEWS', 'Tomi Lahren'] PT20M50S 1430 20 110 5 not set not set 2018-04-20T10:22:57.000Z 86aNANfW5-U UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N /Memos are Fake? Q 4.20.2018 "Q AN0N /Memos are Fake? Q 4.20.2018 THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Rudy Giuliani', 'Kanye West', 'Q AN0N', 'James Woods', 'Laura Ingraham', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'FOX NEWS'] PT11M6S 1268 25 89 2 not set not set 2018-05-03T10:13:08.000Z fwqRRGmQ3tY UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N: Latest New Posts/RUDY DROPS TRUTH 5.3.2018 "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts/RUDY DROPS TRUTH 5.3.2018 THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Hannity', 'rudy giuliani', 'Fox News', 'ben shapiro', 'Fox & Friends', 'Candace Owens', 'James Comey', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Sabastian gorka', 'Joe Digenova', 'Tucker Carlson'] PT14M55S 2233 15 70 3 not set not set 2018-05-18T10:49:33.000Z D99vpIxZ4y8 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N- Latest New Posts /Messages sent. END. Q "#QNEWS #Q AN0N #TRUMP #Trumpnews #MEGA Q AN0N- Latest New Posts/Messages sent. END. Q Please check out JustInformed Talk" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q AN0N', 'Breaking', 'Trump', 'AMERICA', 'Trump News', 'Q news', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'cnn', 'msnbc', 'abc', 'fox news'] PT41M37S 2388 44 113 3 not set not set 2018-05-20T11:45:33.000Z DGkBCM1CFb8 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N- Latest New Posts 'The Q FILES' 5.20.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump Q AN0N- Latest New Posts 'The Q FILES' 5.20.2018 Guys check out JustInformed Talk He post the best Q Videos! Take a look Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Deep State', 'Q AN0N', 'Heydonmusicpage', 'Fbi', 'Cia', 'Doj', 'Nsa', 'Manafort', 'The Pope', 'News', 'CNN', 'MSNBC'] PT36M54S 3792 26 114 6 not set not set 2018-05-23T11:32:10.000Z bvWOfDSc39Y UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N- Latest New Posts /Q+ RAPID FIRE TRUTH 5.23.2018 "#TRUMP #marklevin #Qanon #Teamtrump Q AN0N- Latest New Posts /Q+ RAPID FIRE TRUTH 5.23.2018 THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Mark levin', 'Hannity', 'Q AN0N', 'Heydon MusicPage', 'Breaking News', 'Muller', 'Sessions', 'Candace Owens', 'James Comey', 'Don Trump JR', 'Manafort', 'Mccabe', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Facebook', 'Dan Bongino', 'James Woods', 'Sharyl Attkisson', 'Sara Carter', 'Heydonmusicpage', 'News', 'Fox News', 'abc', 'nbc', 'Garrison Toons', 'Scott Adams', 'Tweets of the Day', 'Nigel Farage', 'FBI SPYING'] PT22M45S 3380 26 142 3 not set not set 2018-05-27T10:05:13.000Z _g62R4qabf4 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q AN0N- Latest New Posts /What is Q ? TRUTH 5.27.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q AN0N- Latest New Posts /What is Q ? 5.27.2018 Great Video to learn about what Q IS! The Real Inside Intel JustInformed Talk Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q AN0N', 'MEGA', 'DeepState', 'QAnon', 'Q clearance', 'Top Secret clearance', 'News', 'WHAT IS QANON', 'Breakking news', 'Department of Defense', 'abc', 'nbc', 'msnbc', 'fox news'] PT30M32S 13493 65 250 7 not set not set 2018-06-07T10:20:37.000Z f3rzq6ICdtI UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q -BOOM'S - Trust The Plan It's Going down 6.7.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #SPYGATE #WitchHunt #Dobbs Q -BOOM'S - Trust The Plan It's going Down 6.7.2018 Top Q whisperer / The Real Inside Intel 6.7.2018 JustInformed Talk THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'James Comey', 'Manafort', '5 eyes', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Flynn', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Abc', 'Nbc', 'Cnn', 'Fox News'] PT36M28S 5244 51 192 8 not set not set 2018-06-11T10:45:47.000Z vzJmMbF49FM UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA NEW Q /Shall We play a Game ? 6/11.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump New Q/ UPDATE: /Shall We play a Game ? 6/11.2018 Top Q whisperer / The Real Inside Intel JustInformed Talk Check his Page Out! Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q-AN0N', 'Canada', 'Canadian Prime Minister', 'President Trump', 'Singapore', 'G7', 'Fox News', 'Breaking news', 'q update', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'ABC', 'FOXNEWS', 'Kim Jong Un'] PT46M41S 3568 34 134 3 not set not set 2018-06-18T10:34:22.000Z ENFXyLG4XTc UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q +++ /BREAKING NEWS/ Father... forgive them ! For they KNOW what they Do! SICK. "#HappyFathersDay #TRUMP #marklevin #Qanon #Teamtrump Music © Heydonmusicpage Q +++ /Father... forgive them ! For they KNOW what they Do!SICK. The FBI'S Secret Trump Campaign Probe Exposed THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'IG Report', 'North Korea summit', 'Deep State', 'The Russia Hoax', 'James Comey', 'Sabastian gorka', 'Manafort', 'Mccabe', 'Doj WatchDog', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Dan Bongino', 'James Woods', 'Breaking news', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Flynn', 'Devin Nunes', 'Fathers DAY', 'News', 'CNN', 'Fox News'] PT19M18S 4396 18 168 6 not set not set 2018-06-21T11:40:26.000Z CpmKub0QWlk UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON: Public Awakening / 6.21.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON: Public Awakening / 6.21.2018 Top Q whisperer / The Real Inside Intel Check His Page OUT! JustInformed Talk THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q ANON', 'Trump', 'Nigel Farage', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Deep State', 'James Comey'] PT45M47S 4429 39 134 6 not set not set 2018-06-23T12:51:53.000Z Cl2um0AdmBg UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON / Breaking News/Peeping Tom Arnold "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #MAGA Q ANON / Breaking news /Peeping Tom Please SUB, Check out the Top Q whisperer! JustInformed Talk Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Tom Arnold', 'Trump', 'Breaking News', 'Q ANON', 'Peeping Tom', 'CNN', 'FOX NEWS'] PT32M14S 2427 58 95 3 not set not set 2018-06-24T12:49:48.000Z qXc1EXE7ZJw UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON/Breaking News:"Oh Sarah" #PressSec PROOF The Evil MSM MOB Are out of control 6.24.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON/Breaking News:""Oh Sarah"" #PressSec PROOF The Evil MSM MOB Are out of controPlease SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching." HeydonMusicpage 25 "['Sarah', 'PressSec', 'Sarah Sanders', 'Trump', 'Breaking News', 'Ingraham Angel', 'Roger Stone', ""Stone's Rules"", 'Candace Owens', 'Judge Jeanine', 'Jesse Watters', 'Q ANON', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'FOX NEWS', 'Justice with Judge Jeanine', 'president Trump', 'Evil', 'God', 'The right', 'The Left', 'The Red Hen']" PT26M44S 8522 140 356 5 not set not set 2018-06-27T11:59:27.000Z m9d0Ko_H4rM UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON/Breaking News:/ Feel proud 6.27.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON/Breaking News:/ Feel proud 6.27.2018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'Breaking News', 'Demmocrats', 'POTUS', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'FOXNEWS'] PT14M5S 2745 26 184 2 not set not set 2018-06-28T12:44:03.000Z s5-3NQEJOgs UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:Breaking News/ Trumps Speech/Love what you do. Q . Eyes Open 6.28.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #SPYGATE Q ANON:Breaking News/ TRUMP Speech/ Q . Eyes Open 6.28.2018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'MAGA', 'Tucker', 'Dan Bongino', 'James Comey', 'Breaking News', 'CNN', 'FOX NEWS', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Candace Owens', 'Devin Nunes', 'Sara carter'] PT25M32S 3324 28 185 4 not set not set 2018-06-30T11:55:52.000Z b9xQ_O-JzFA UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News -6/30.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON:NEW/Trump - Is the STORM! Sent from Heaven/The News.6/30.2018 THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news. Music ©Heydonmmusicpage" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'boom boom', 'Tucker', 'Las Vegas', 'Rosenstein', 'JAX', 'James woods', 'Fox News', 'CIa', 'Fbi', 'Doj', 'Darrell Mansfield'] PT12M21S 21399 133 588 35 not set not set 2018-07-03T09:39:53.000Z rBFkpagCt54 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:/Breaking Trump News "We" 7.3.2018 "#TRUMP #SPYGATE #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #WalkAway Music : Darrell Mansfield © Heydonmusicpage Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News ""We have the DNC Server"" 7/3.2018 THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'James woods', 'Potus', 'Rosenstein', 'peter strzok', 'Darrell Mansfield', 'Rosanne', 'Dan Bongino', 'Sabastian gorka', 'roseanne Barr', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Breaking News', 'FOX NEWS'] PT16M16S 8643 43 311 12 not set not set 2018-07-05T17:00:58.000Z DU26wE4lBX4 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News "Patriots " 7/5.2018 "Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News ""Patriots "" 7/5.2018 #SPYGATE #July4th #HappyFourth #MAGA #trump #news #Qanon #Teamtrump Music © Heydonmusicpage Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'First Lady', '4thjuly', 'Melania', 'Darrell Mansfield', 'James woods', 'Potus', 'Dan Bongino', 'VEGAS PRO', 'Magix', 'Don Trump JR', 'Scott Adams', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Fox News', 'nra'] PT25M48S 10921 65 344 14 not set not set 2018-07-10T12:37:27.000Z _uL0x7w8P_E UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News"Supreme Pick " INFO #MAGA 7/10.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News""Supreme Pick "" INFO #MAGA 7/10.2018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'supreme court', 'Nigel Farage', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Fox News', 'POTUS', 'Q ANON', 'Roger Stone'] PT24M21S 3240 42 137 8 not set not set 2018-07-11T08:56:24.000Z _XQ4k5Lkh1k UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON: NEW/Breaking News "Trump The Big BOSS! in Brussels" 7/11.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON:NEW/Breaking News""Trump The Big BOSS! in Brussels"" PAY UP #MAGA 7/11.2018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'Brussels', 'Trade', 'Germany', 'Russia', 'Piplines', 'Fox News', 'POTUS'] PT11M29S 10989 128 415 8 not set not set 2018-07-11T12:18:25.000Z KSZRZAociM8 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON: NEW/Breaking TRUMP NEWS/ #MAGA 7.11.2018 "#WalkAway #SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA MUSIC © HeydonMusicPage Some parts of the video Credit goes to Trumperland Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['TRUMP', 'James woods', 'shadow Government', 'Deep State', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Fox News', 'Rosenstein', 'POTUS', 'The FBI', 'Joe Digenova', 'James Comey', 'Mccabe', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Flynn'] PT12M7S 8538 78 412 7 not set not set 2018-07-12T10:59:04.000Z KDrMo3OWT0Q UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/BREAKING/"TRUMP NEWS" #MAGA 7/12.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON:NEW/BREAKING/""TRUMP NEWS"" #MAGA 7/12.2018 Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'stephen colbert late show', 'James woods', 'Potus', 'peter strzok', 'Don Trump JR', 'Charlie Kirk', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Candace Owens', 'Stephen Colbert'] PT11M9S 5547 32 239 2 not set not set 2018-07-15T20:49:53.000Z Q2j1ySWmda8 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/BREAKING/"TRUMP NEWS" #Freetommy 7/15.2018 "#TommyRobinson #Teamtrump #MAGA Q ANON:NEW/BREAKING/""TRUMP NEWS"" #Freetommy 7/15.2018 music © Heydonmusicpage /Motor Gun Hotel. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'tommy', 'Breaking News', 'Nigel Farage', 'James woods', 'Dan Bongino', 'Sebastian Gorka', 'fox news', 'Judge Jeanine'] PT40M26S 13333 120 454 15 not set not set 2018-07-17T11:59:09.000Z LrYz57dGqx0 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/BREAKING TRUMP News "Shadow Government? #WalkAway #MAGA TRUTH! 7/17.2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #WalkAway Q ANON:NEW/BREAKING TRUMP News ""Shadow Government? #WalkAway #MAGA TRUTH! 7/17.2018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON:', 'WalkAway', 'James woods', 'peter strzok', 'Russia Hoax', 'Sabastian gorka', 'Fox NEWS', 'Charlie Kirk', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Dan Bongino', 'FOX NEWS', 'rEAL nEWS', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Flynn'] PT18M10S 8675 119 406 12 not set not set 2018-07-18T12:15:06.000Z ll2moMX8a8E UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News! #MEGA 7/18.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #WalkAway #SPYGATE Q ANON:NEW/Breaking Trump News!#WalkAway #MAGA TRUTH! 7/18.2018 Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 "['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'James woods', 'Brian Stelter', 'SPYGATE', 'MAGA', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'Tony shaffer', 'mark Meadows', 'Sebasstian Gorka', 'John Brennan', 'LOU dOBBS', ""Dinesh D'Souza"", 'Kaya Jones', 'Ann Coulter', 'Fox News']" PT10M33S 5589 54 352 2 not set not set 2018-07-23T11:18:58.000Z c2sq0Q-E0oA UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA BREAKING TRUMP NEWS /Clean up on the 7TH Floor! I got this Q.#MAGA "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #marklevin TRUMP /Clean up on the 7TH Floor! I got this Q please check out seneca pettee on instagram ""featured artist"" I love her vibe! THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'James woods', 'peter strzok', 'Rosanne', 'Roseanne Barr', 'James Comey', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Dan Bongino', 'The Nunes memo', 'Sharyl Attkisson', 'Sara carter', 'TheLastRefuge', 'Fox News', 'Devin Nunes', 'Mark Levin'] PT20M16S 6821 57 343 8 not set not set 2018-07-24T18:07:19.000Z _y2vUoaO15g UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA BREAKING TRUMP NEWS / Exposing the Mockingbird MEDIA! I got this Q.#MAGA "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA BREAKING TRUMP NEWS / Exposing the Mockingbird MEDIA! I got this Q.#MAGA music © Heydonmusicpage Please SUB, Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'Mockingbird', 'MEDIA', 'Breaking News', 'Tucker', 'James woods', 'John Brennan', 'Dan Bongino', 'GREG JARRETT', 'Tucker Carlson', 'Hannity', 'Fox News', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Tom Fitton', 'Blue And Evil - Joe Bonamassa'] PT32M41S 7238 79 360 6 not set not set 2018-07-27T10:15:21.000Z t5gplB31aOg UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA New/Q ANON: Breaking News / Jeff Sessions & Rod Rosenstein . Q FILES 7/27/2018 "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA New/Q ANON: Breaking News / Jeff Sessions & Rod Rosenstein . Q FILES 7/27/2018 Please check out JustInformed Talk a amazing Page for the truth! all things Trump and Q Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q ANON', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Breaking News', 'X FILES', 'Fox news', 'James Comey'] PT32M4S 4734 30 182 5 not set not set 2018-07-31T10:01:31.000Z xz27GgqkaCY UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Trump News /Umm /The Media cant talk about Vault 7 "Enjoy the show" "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Trump News /Umm /The Media cant talk about Vault 7 ""Enjoy the show"" Top Q whisperer / The Real Inside Intel JustInformed Talk Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Vault 7', 'Media', 'WikiLeaks', 'Julian Assange', 'cia', 'nsa', 'fbi', 'fox news', 'MSM', 'Jeff Jessions', 'Rod Rosenstein'] PT40M2S 2355 20 118 5 not set not set 2018-07-31T10:24:32.000Z sjsFVFhYqHA UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Trump Breaking News / Best News of the Day/ They have no Crime on TRUMP ! 7.31.2018 "#TRUMP #mark levin #Qanon #Teamtrump #MEGA Vault 7 - EXPOSES Everyone! lol BUT THAT'S TO MUCH NEWS! most watch Cnn or msnbc! Trump news of the day! Thanks for watching. Please, Sub, Read the real news. THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Ingraham Angel', 'Charlie Kirk', 'James Woods', 'Facebook', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan', 'Dan Bongino', 'TheLastRefuge', 'DRUDGE', 'fOX NEWS', 'MEDIA', 'BEST NEWS'] PT20M2S 2753 41 222 3 not set not set 2018-08-03T10:10:25.000Z 7WdMN-V6O9Q UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA BREAKING Q NEWS "Logical thinking" 832018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #SPYGATE #MAGA BREAKING Q NEWS ""Logical thinking"" 832018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. Top Q whisperer JustInformed Talk Check Him out!" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q +++', 'peter strzok', 'Qanon', 'Deep State', 'Q AN0N', 'TRUMP', 'POTIS', 'The Cia', 'The Fbi', '5 eyes', 'Inside Intel', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'Brennan'] PT34M35S 5362 45 193 6 not set not set 2018-08-07T11:05:05.000Z kIqQDNUQw4s UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon August 7th "WATERGATE X1000" 8.7.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA #SPYGATE #MAGA Q Anon August 7th ""WATERGATE X1000"" 8.7.2018 LOVE THIS VIDEO! BREAKING Q NEWS Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news. Top Q whisperer JustInformed Talk Check Him out!" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q+++', 'Q Anon', 'QANON', 'potis', 'The Cia', 'The FBI', '5 EYES', 'INSIDE INTEL', 'comey', 'clapper', 'Brennan', 'The NSA', 'WATERGATE'] PT36M45S 2868 38 138 3 not set not set 2018-08-07T11:40:45.000Z w39k-bYdym8 UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q/DRUDGE TOLD ALL OF YOU WHAT WAS COMING 8.7.2018 You are Next. "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q/DRUDGE TOLD ALL OF YOU WHAT WAS COMING 8.7.2018 You are Next. Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'DRUDGE', 'Q Anon', 'QANON', 'James woods', 'POTUS', 'Q+++', 'Deep State', 'The Russia Hoax', 'GREG JARRETT', 'Sabastian gorka', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Facebook', 'Candace Owens', 'James Woods', 'Dan Bongino'] PT16M13S 6332 46 289 5 not set not set 2018-08-08T10:19:56.000Z qYhkvmRmNaE UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon "Breaking News" Docs -The left want to Ban "FREE SPEECH" "#SPYGATE #TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MAGA Q Anon August 8 -8.2018 Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q Anon', 'HR 5181', 'James woods', 'Potus', 'peter strzok', 'Tommy Robinson', 'Dan Bongino', 'Don Trump JR', 'Candace Owens', 'Charlie Kirk', 'James Woods', 'Terrence K. Williams', 'Fox News', 'Breaking news'] PT10M16S 3268 33 186 2 not set not set 2018-08-11T10:01:11.000Z okZ6j0KtqbQ UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon August 11 - WAS Q HACKED ? 8.11.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MEGA Q Anon August 11 - WAS Q HACKED ? Guys check out JustInformed Talk He post the best Q Videos! Take a look Please SUB, Thanks for watching Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Q ANON', 'Trump', 'Hackers', 'Breaking News', 'Rosenstein', 'Q+', 'The IG Report'] PT38M34S 2440 28 93 6 not set not set 2018-09-05T09:44:16.000Z JiEsS7F8tKQ UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon _ TRUMP Drop's files this week. 9.5.2018 "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MEGA #SPYGATE #JESUS Q Anon _ TRUMP Drops files this week. 9.5.2018 JustInformed Talk\ Love his Videos! Please Sub HIS PAGE!" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Tump', 'Q AN0N', 'cia', 'nsa', 'doj', 'fbi', 'John O.Brennan', 'James Comey', 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'peter strzok'] PT42M8S 6541 48 197 7 not set not set 2018-09-08T09:57:57.000Z twqVdikxkXY UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon /Trump Drops files this week. "DOITQJ8UIAAiwsQ" 9.8.2018 "#MEGA #TRUMP #Qanon Q Anon /Trump Drops files this week .""DOITQJ8UIAAiwsQ"" 9.8.2018 Music © Heydonmusicpage Garrison Toons THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Chalie kirk', 'James woods', 'Dan Bongino', 'Ben shapiro', 'Candace Owens', 'Q Annon', 'Breaking News', 'MATT DRUDGE', 'Sharyl Attkisson', 'Newt Gingrich', 'Clinton', 'Sebastian Gorka', 'Tom Fitton', 'Devin Nunes'] PT15M53S 7128 60 319 4 not set not set 2018-09-11T09:55:29.000Z GVsnWFCtx9k UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA New Q Files 911 - "PROOF The left & the media colluded" "#TRUMP #Qanon #Teamtrump #MEGA #Qanon #SPYGATE Top Q whisperer / The Real Inside Intel JustInformed Talk Thanks for watching. Please, Sub Read the real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['911', 'Q Anon', 'Breaking News', 'James Comey', 'John O.Brennan', 'William Binney', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'TRUMP'] PT37M55S 1915 16 85 2 not set not set 2018-09-13T11:52:37.000Z 40IhKSPHBDw UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon | The MSM is out of control, desperately trying to cling on to power & SHUT YOU THE HELL UP. "#Obama #Hillary #TRUMP #MAGA #Marklevin Q Anon | The MSM is out of control, desperately trying to cling on to power & SHUT YOU THE HELL UP. Soon you wont have a voice! if the left get their way! Music © Heydonmusicpage live song i recorded - I can fix it by THE SOFTWARE I USE FOR MY VIDEOS! Audio? Sequoia By Magix Video? VEGAS PRO Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Q Anon', 'Obama', 'Hillary', 'Mark levin', 'Eric Bolling', 'CRTV', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'Chalie kirk', 'james woods', 'Dan Bongino', 'News', '911', 'Brad Parscale', 'Leaked Video'] PT10M32S 5272 37 238 3 not set not set 2018-09-26T11:36:48.000Z Y1SnphxZMPA UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon : I Believe - Shiloh "#Obama #Hillary #TRUMP #MEGA #Qanon Shiloh is a prophetic name for the Messiah.. EAST WEST Shiloh © HeydonMusicPage Here's a 16 track recording on a Tascam 16 track reel to reel :) of the band EAST WEST in 1995 i did .Unreleased ©HeydonMusicPage I recorded & produced 10 songs. With Mike Tubbs. East west. East West is a hardcore rock group out of Orange Country, CA, that formed in the middle part of the '90s. Founding members of the group were guitarist Mike Housen, guitarist and singer Mike Tubbs, and longtime drummer, percussionist, and singer Bob Vergura. Vergura did leave the group for a couple of those early years, but returned in 1997. Bassist James Jenkins joined the band later. Shiloh is: Peace, abundance I added TWO OR MORE Live on face book! check them out Please SUB, Thanks for watching" HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'James Comey', 'Chalie kirk', 'Deep state', 'candace Owens', 'John O.Brennan', 'Breaking news', 'Tucker', 'Hannity', 'James Woods', 'News', 'two or More', 'Tucker Carlson', 'Rush Limbaugh'] PT17M8S 6161 71 363 3 not set not set 2018-09-27T11:59:47.000Z btgHDKA-v1k UCiTtO9FDqPGRqDMuSC74AQA Q Anon : I Believe - Today ! The News Goes Crazy ! Mockingbirds "#TRUMP #Qanon #Obama #Hillary #Kavanaugh #MEGA #Metoo Q Anon : I Believe - Today The News Goes Crazy ! Mockingbirds © Heydonmusicpage DEAN kOHN ""Let your freedom Ring"" 2017 Here is a video i never finished! this is a quick Mix audio and video Mix the day we shot it! The hard drive the tracks were on Crashed! This is the only mix i have Good times , DEAN kOHN ""Let your freedom Ring"" 2017 ...ALL Music is me ! Words by DEAN kOHN & I © Heydonmusicpage] Thanks for watching." HeydonMusicpage 25 ['Trump', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Q Anon', 'I BELiEVE', 'BREAKING', 'TRUMP NEWS', 'Dean Kohn', 'Sabastian gorka', 'Charlie Kirk', 'Dan Bongino', 'Ben shapiro', 'Candace Owens', 'Stormy Daniels', 'Buck Sexton'] PT14M35S 7136 90 402 13 not set not set 2018-06-12T17:30:12.000Z faHGWHZmP08 UCCmtE46g8VG_FA8_RhJIq9w US-NK Summit. Trump-Kim #QAnon. Rod Rosenstein "In this video, I discuss the US-NK summit with President Trump and Kim Jong Un. #Qanon returned and posted about Kim Jung Un and Rosenstein. Thank you for watching. ---------------------------- LINKS: FOX, Acosta asking Kim if he would give up his nukes: China pulls missiles from South China Sea island in possible nod to Trump: Singapore summit: Kim Jong-un says 'world will see major change' : Iranian official: We protected al-Qaeda terrorists before 9/11 Dinero F bombs: Bill Maher Says He’s ‘Hoping for’ a Recession to ‘Get Rid of Trump’: George Soros Was Blindsided by Trump’s Election: ‘I Was Living in My Own Bubble’: Bill Mitchel tweet: Rosenstein speech: Utah death penalty: Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel: Trump-Kim signatures: Twitter boss Jack Dorsey apologizes over eating at Chick-fil-A 'during Pride month' after anger over fast food chain CEO's views on gay marriage: Intro/Exit clip:" Hip'n Chips Reporting 25 ['News', 'Politics', 'QAnon'] PT37M3S 6348 90 272 2 not set not set 2018-09-12T15:43:21.000Z dmt6AR6VbqE UCCmtE46g8VG_FA8_RhJIq9w Panic in DC #QAnon Tales From The Swamp "Review of #QAnon posts: 2152-2160. Including interview with DiGenova ----------------------------------- Social Media: Twitter: @HipnChips Gab: @HipnChips Facebook: @HipnChips Google+: Support my channel Paypal: ------------------------------------ LINKS: DiGenova Predicts That the Mueller Investigation Is Coming to End: US-UK non extradiction: Wikipedia U-UK extradition: Bruce Ohr hearing 4chan:" Hip'n Chips Reporting 25 ['#QAnon'] PT28M51S 8361 118 449 9 not set not set 2018-09-22T03:06:51.000Z vyZt8Xuw-5k UCCmtE46g8VG_FA8_RhJIq9w #QAnon Rats Running! Two Foreign Allies Don’t Want FISA Unredacted. Lynch Taping Rosenstein? "Social Media: Twitter: @HipnChips Gab: @HipnChips Facebook: @HipnChips Google+: Support my channel Paypal: -------------------------------- LINKS: Executive Order: May’s scope statement:" Hip'n Chips Reporting 25 ['#QAnon', 'FISA', '#DeclassifyFISA', 'Rosenstein', 'Trump', 'Hannity'] PT45M2S 19639 232 739 12 not set not set 2018-10-01T08:34:38.000Z 4I6-qyVzRWg UCCmtE46g8VG_FA8_RhJIq9w Kavanaugh Hearing FBI Investigation Is A Trap To Catch the Dems "Reviews #QAnon 2299. Analyzes Flake's statement at the Judiciary and discusses Feinstein ------------------------------------ Social Media: Twitter: @HipnChips Gab: @HipnChips Facebook: @HipnChips Google+: Minds: @HipnChips Support my channel Paypal: ------------------------------------- LINKS: 4chan: Truthfeed Feinstein being investigated: Breitbart One of Kavanaugh’s Late Accusers Is Referred for Prosecution for Lying : Twitter Rex: Twitter Mitchell questions Ford on Letter: Trump rally on Feinstein: Whitehouse Letter:,%20FBI%20-%20Referral%20for%20Criminal%20Investigation.pdf?platform=hootsuite" Hip'n Chips Reporting 25 ['News', 'Politics', 'Kavanaugh', 'FBI', 'Feinstein', '#QAnon'] PT49M4S 16752 340 735 15 not set not set 2018-08-03T04:58:46.000Z YNTvs1OHlbs UCqkYKx436lTkeki_9eNmv1Q A Conspiracy Bigger than Q-Anon "Q-anon is fantasy. This conspiracy is for real. ps. not f-15, f-35." Howard Bloom 25 ['q-anon', 'conspiracy', 'military industrial complex', 'space', 'hubble space telescope', 'james webb space telescope', 'telescope', 'profits', 'corporate profits', 'space launch system', 'orion', 'lop-g', 'space program', 'nasa', 'f-35', 'cost over-runs', 'howard bloom', 'howard the humongous', 'the amazing atheist', 'joe rogan'] PT5M27S 1783 16 66 8 not set not set 2017-12-23T14:13:37.000Z CHQePLD5J24 UCRTF14FCW1T5S_zG9dao75A #SaveTyler – Who is Q Anon? "Credits: Jason Goodman@crowdsourcethetruth Sponsor Crowdsource the Truth BTC - 14y2bEJ484DTbQwthX51VWpcRtk9Q7kmQQ ETH - 0x07a23Ac0EBb5936d60A8cBfE07D64A579Cc756c9 LTC - LVP2d143QjPv1JaJpqgPHzQzv2qSQCDnbd email merchandise - Quinn Michaels Paypal: Patreon: Bitcoin: 1KU9SXWshY7Zhbo9VBuakfKXmVg8WzveGB Etherium: 0x2C85f60090f1F29F92D86273AD62e951d4753B4e Litecoin: LNWS5vgVBDqh2GdSe5VjX7u9XyGpefi5Ao" I Am 27 not set PT1H2M35S 1052 0 17 3 not set not set 2018-03-20T08:43:02.000Z Y5pSqZLPHWg UCoE8gZjyHbRmF1kzVo4H8vA Who Is Q Anon "YouTube Is About To Ban This Channel All New Video's Will Be On My New Channel YouTube Is About To Ban This Channel All New Video's Will Be On My New Channel I HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM UPLOADING FOR TWO WEEKS!!!! Full Article Florida Home Prepper YouTube Channel Florida Home Prepper WebSite Follow Us On FaceBook Google + ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET.""" IAM ROOT 26 ['Prepper', 'Dehydrator', 'Dehydrated', 'FoodSaver', 'Qanon', 'Trump', 'Anonymous', 'NWO', 'Treason'] PT6M34S 629 3 14 0 not set not set 2018-04-11T03:22:37.000Z B6BGR4u7G8g UCoE8gZjyHbRmF1kzVo4H8vA Calm Before The Storm Mega Meme Pack QANON "YouTube Is About To Ban This Channel All New Video's Will Be On My New Channel YouTube Is About To Ban This Channel All New Video's Will Be On My New Channel I HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM UPLOADING FOR TWO WEEKS!!!! DOWNLOAD Florida Home Prepper YouTube Channel Florida Home Prepper WebSite Follow Us On FaceBook Google +" IAM ROOT 25 ['Prepper', 'Dehydrator', 'Dehydrated', 'FoodSaver', 'QANON', 'qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'Trump', 'ANON', 'anon', 'prepping', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Calm', 'Storm'] PT11M43S 811 4 30 1 not set not set 2018-06-16T02:54:24.000Z yuqMiG44HS4 UCoE8gZjyHbRmF1kzVo4H8vA Breaking QANON Posts 1458 " Florida Home Prepper YouTube Channel Florida Home Prepper WebSite Follow Us On FaceBook Google +" IAM ROOT 25 ['Prepper', 'Dehydrator', 'Dehydrated', 'FoodSaver', 'QANON', 'qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'Trump', 'ANON', 'anon', 'prepping', 'FBI', 'CIA'] PT3M20S 88 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-07-31T20:25:04.000Z dS_r5bEFk0Q UCoE8gZjyHbRmF1kzVo4H8vA QANON POST 1774 JULY 31 2018 "Florida Home Prepper YouTube Channel Florida Home Prepper WebSite Follow Us On FaceBook Google +" IAM ROOT 25 ['Prepper', 'Dehydrator', 'Dehydrated', 'FoodSaver', 'QANON', 'qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'Trump', 'ANON', 'anon', 'prepping', 'FBI', 'CIA'] PT8M57S 382 3 11 2 not set not set 2018-10-08T18:38:07.000Z uhG5rT_5Rkk UCoE8gZjyHbRmF1kzVo4H8vA QANON POST 2367 October 8 2018 "Florida Home Prepper YouTube Channel Florida Home Prepper WebSite Follow Us On FaceBook Google +" IAM ROOT 25 ['Prepper', 'Dehydrator', 'Dehydrated', 'FoodSaver', 'QANON', 'qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'Trump', 'ANON', 'anon', 'prepping', 'FBI', 'CIA'] PT3M40S 786 1 9 2 not set not set 2018-01-05T18:16:48.000Z Gsgh8ttPHyo UC2KrDmNAcwi6r7rK42d5I7w Chapo Trap House - #QAnon Driving yourself insane to own the libs. Ian Taylor 22 ['leftism', 'chapo', 'Chapo Trap House', 'berniecrats', '4chan', 'qanon'] PT12M17S 65872 105 714 49 not set not set 2017-12-08T22:19:41.000Z BcXXW5t2cf4 UCwx7Y3W30N8aS_tiCy2x-2g What is Think Q? Opening remarks at the 2017 Think Q conference by IBM Q's Dr. Jay Gambetta, quantum information and computation manager at IBM Research IBM Research 28 not set PT7M29S 732 0 13 1 not set not set 2018-03-06T14:05:27.000Z g5T8UTrZpVg UCLiN4_E-8N0_t-UwGgzz5yw Khetam Qanon El Eman "Provided to YouTube by Believe A. Khetam Qanon El Eman · Ibrahim Ayad Taqs El Som El Kebeer, Vol. 1 (Coptic Lent) ℗ Richard Elhaj / RE Media Released on: 2018-03-05 Author: Traditional Composer: Traditional Auto-generated by YouTube." Ibrahim Ayad, Coptic Praise Team - Topic 10 ['Ibrahim Ayad Taqs El Som El Kebeer', 'Vol. 1 (Coptic Lent) Khetam Qanon El Eman'] PT2M19S 57 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-08-02T10:46:47.000Z rXvaWQJyDZI UCI1H2wxkvshpCcUNNOEc4Gw What Is QAnon? The Right-Wing Conspiracy Explained "QAnon allies are a tiny fringe of Trump supporters who claim to be government insiders with knowledge of secret ""deep state"" plots which Trump is fighting against." IBTimes UK 19 ['qANON', 'conspiracy', 'theorists', 'trump rally', 'supporters', 'president trump'] PT1M5S 1472 14 9 21 not set not set 2018-01-15T02:50:01.000Z 49NC2tcGgA0 UCI-Am0t4qQaP_Do9FwMWw3Q Volcanic/Seismic Uptick; On Q Anon; Dalton Minimum; Russian Permaculture (e30) "We are experiencing the expected increase in volcanic/seismic activity, as the Grand Solar Minimum results in still increased Galactic Cosmic Rays, and transitively, increased cloud cover, general climate chaos, and resulting crop losses. A ""Strategy of Tension"" deploys layered psyops to keep people from focusing on the collapsing ecosystems. Q Anon/Trump cannot grow your food. You can. Start now. Please consider supporting my work on One time donations: IAF Wiki references: HISTORY: Lewis & Clarke Exp. Climate Records NEWS: Mt Agung erupting in Bali (1/12): Stromboli eruption (1/12): Mt Mayon (1/14, second time this weekend): Philippines also rattled by ten quakes, growing in strength (1/14): Costa Rica's Tenorio earthquake swarms: Reconnecting to Nature through Spiritual Permaculture: How Russians grow 51% of their food PREPARE Indoor-safe propane heater: ""Mr Heater"" Dr. Anita Bailey: Cold Times: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age 20% off / no shipping offer for IAF viewers: or via Amazon :: Sacha Dobler's ""Next GSM & Cosmic Rays"" intro: Oppenheimer Ranch Project:" Ice Age Farmer 28 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'grand solar minimum', 'global cooling', 'mind control', 'survival', 'prepping', 'co2 generator', 'climate crisis', 'global warming', 'maunder minimum', 'dalton minimum', 'cosmic rays', 'galactic cosmic rays', 'mini ice age', 'geoengineering', 'chemtrails', 'agung', 'philippines', 'mayon', 'stromboli', 'volcano', 'earthquake', 'myanmar', 'costa rica', 'sunspots'] PT19M48S 4560 102 315 8 not set not set 2018-04-05T00:56:04.000Z 3kvtw00PHig UCEGRE9_SQwbiLJ928A-Jfkw Tired OF DEMOCRATS/REPUBLICANS? Q Drop, Youtube Shooter... ICONS 23 ['Comedy', 'Fallacies', 'Misguided Truths'] PT14M29S 324 45 54 0 not set not set 2018-06-05T14:00:06.000Z g-nACD19_Ig UCR6R1vwH9BxExqt7mRHFUSQ Who and What is QAnon? "Angie McMahon interviews Jeremy Thomas about QAnon. The deep state. School shootings. JFK assassination and more. Website Keep up with the Conversation #idiottalkshow Follow Angie: Like what you hear? Drop a dime:" Idiot Talkshow 1 ['QAnon', 'jfk', 'conspiracy', 'nineeleven', 'hoax', 'podcast', 'interview'] PT1H56S 91 3 2 0 not set not set 2017-11-21T00:00:58.000Z T45BTvRvXqU UCPDjx4qeqDCJYvFJP_Ynbhg Qanon Deep Dive | Follow the White Rabbit | Cicada 3301 Q and Plato "Why I think Q is part of Cicada and more Deep into the understanding read More @steemit Good will always defeat evil. No rigging / blackmail this time. Wizards & Warlocks. Q Support the stream: DONATE if you wanna BTC 17Toz1JwAWTdBgnGBpZjosGDQsTkutpYLN ETH 0xda6e7fD1a5f0CF7f1581AD6Bb03A7aFcC0Eb9E38 Ohm Wallet MYVtAk1SQS1zXR6BH9p1WZoBHp5hrwAeuM FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to: Multi Streaming with My Setup: LG V20 Hp Omen 2017 Skills Contact us at" il1usiveman 22 "['Qanon', ""'Deep Dive"", 'Cicada 3301', 'White Rabbit', 'Plato']" PT1H8M15S 17244 181 379 38 not set not set 2017-11-25T21:56:56.000Z W-zlHYxpHV0 UCPDjx4qeqDCJYvFJP_Ynbhg Follow The White Rabbit Explained Correctly #pizzagate? "I have been seeing a ton of people all of a sudden connecting Follow the White Rabbit to the Pizzagate investigation. Qanon was very clear about saying he was talking about CERN and Nuclear secrets due tot most of the indictments being on the grounds of money crimes. Watch my Qanon Deep dive to fully understand why I've been spot on since the beginning. Read More @steemit" il1usiveman 22 ['qanon', 'pizzagate', 'White Rabbit', 'Cicada 3301', '4chan', 'Follow the White Rabbit'] PT6M55S 33072 189 612 45 not set not set 2017-11-30T07:33:39.000Z 6Ivhe-Xfo2M UCPDjx4qeqDCJYvFJP_Ynbhg Bernie Cornfeld + Hugh Hefner = Follow the White Rabbit? | Qanon Updates and More | 10k Stream "'Following Q's breadcrumbs, our team have uncovered a huge bombshell. Bernie Cornfeld Hef's partner in CIA honeypotting. Source: I personally witnessed the tunnel...and there were many ., some built by movie stars in the 20's during prohibition, and then expanded by Bernie. Read More @steemit Support the stream: Wanna get in on Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum? BTC 17Toz1JwAWTdBgnGBpZjosGDQsTkutpYLN ETH 0xda6e7fD1a5f0CF7f1581AD6Bb03A7aFcC0Eb9E38 Ohm Wallet MYVtAk1SQS1zXR6BH9p1WZoBHp5hrwAeuM FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to: Multi Streaming with My Setup: LG V20 Hp Omen 2017 Skills Contact us at Multistreaming with" il1usiveman 22 ['Bernie Cornfeld', 'Hugh Hefner', 'White Rabbit', 'Qanon', 'Pizzagate', 'CIA', 'Honeypot', 'Playboy', 'Tunnels', 'steemit'] PT1H45M45S 3117 32 129 19 not set not set 2018-03-05T01:54:44.000Z TkWLj9GhnV0 UCPDjx4qeqDCJYvFJP_Ynbhg Michael Trimm - Cicada 3301 & Tengri 137 References QAnon SG1 Correction "Looks like Michael Trimm came out with some videos today about Cicada 3301 Qanon and Tengri137 I just had to clear up before people get crazy. If you watched my Qanon and Cicada 3301 video you know that Cicada has been referencing Q, Asking Questions, Great Awakenings and much more. The connections were deep and I was the first to point this out to anyone. Now we have Michael Trimm talking about Cicada 3301 and Qanon and the Q.mp3 that showed up back in April. It was a Piano Song that had encoded notes. Meaning the Dyads on the Piano music Held a message for the future. There was no hidden files in the song or links to anything. It was in the musical notes that needed to be decoded into Letters with a message. Currently We are not even done solving it. Then he talks about Cicada being religious and it seem that is a good statement, but then he comes back to the Audio files and say's the Tengri 137 book came out of Cicada 3301 plain incorrect. The Tengri 137 pages he's talking about came from the Dropbox Posted by the Tengri 137 Account All the way back to Aug 2017. These files aren't from the same system of puzzles and Cicada 3301 referenced they were not connected in one of there 2017 Puzzles. It's very strange for him to make an error like this. Read more and Links @steemit Support the stream: Discord My Setup: LG V20 Hp Omen 2017 Skills Multi Streaming with Contact us at" il1usiveman 22 ['cicada 3301', 'Tengri137', 'Qanon', 'Corrections', 'SG1', 'steemit'] PT34M50S 5867 0 160 27 not set not set 2018-04-22T02:03:23.000Z 84focPTZYVA UCPDjx4qeqDCJYvFJP_Ynbhg EMF Mind Control + Antifa + Qanon + How MKULTRA Works "EMF Mind Control + Antifa + Qanon + How MKULTRA Works So everyone is talking about these leaked mind control docs that were released from a fusion center in washington to Muckrock. It seems they are from an older website that was removed from the way back machine. Good thing Biblio saved them for us so we could see them. How it begs the question, did the Fusion center get them off the internet or was it something more? Read + Links @steemit Tip Link Support the stream: DONATE if you wanna LTC - MRoQpUx1fZxXMBRLa9uZfuzeUKY8YsY9nL BTC - 325BQU2qBxuxBvWnUPHonzNzpRFTaYdf3s ETH - 0xfD651b1FCD273cE68F8BD87FEB896f92F44595D5 FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to: Multi Streaming with My Setup: LG V20 Hp Omen 2017 Skills Contact us at Check out My Live Stream Channels" il1usiveman 22 ['EMF', 'Mind Control', 'Antifa', 'Qanon', 'MKULTRA', 'psyop', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Clintons'] PT23M49S 5936 0 394 17 not set not set 2017-11-22T02:01:36.000Z i0PdvUU4oGI UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw Q-ANON BREAKING ! Q WILL WIN ! #Pizzagate #Pedogate ! Q-ANON BREAKING ! Q WILL WIN ! #Pizzagate #Pedogate ! Impossible EoF 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Q-ANON', 'Breaking news', 'News', 'World'] PT15M48S 11991 23 185 5 not set not set 2017-11-27T14:09:45.000Z uZRrPPaXMtM UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw Q-ANON BREAKING! BRAND NEW CRYPTIC MESSAGE - THEY'RE GOIN DOWN #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE Q-ANON BREAKING! BRAND NEW CRYPTIC MESSAGE - THEY'RE GOIN DOWN #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE Impossible EoF 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Q Anon', 'Breaking news', 'News', 'World'] PT22M41S 10013 35 82 3 not set not set 2017-11-28T08:42:24.000Z ZvkQcDE8iP8 UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw Q ANON, Hugh Hefner CIA MK Ultra -Wonder Land- Studio Exposed- PIZZAGATE Pedogate Q ANON, Hugh Hefner CIA MK Ultra -Wonder Land- Studio Exposed- PIZZAGATE Pedogate Impossible EoF 22 ['Q ANON', 'PIZZAGATE', 'PEDOGATE', 'Breaking news', 'News', 'World'] PT10M35S 1025 3 20 0 not set not set 2017-11-29T01:58:50.000Z 1dBcX5qjjc0 UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw Q ANON BREAKING ! Q - EXPOSES MKULTRABRAINWASHING #Pizzagate Pedogate ! Q ANON BREAKING ! Q - EXPOSES MKULTRABRAINWASHING #Pizzagate Pedogate ! Impossible EoF 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'News', 'World'] PT30M59S 5266 21 59 4 not set not set 2017-11-30T00:45:38.000Z _7YvSKAZe-w UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw 2017...Q-ANON GROUNDBREAKING SECRET CODES UNCOVERED #Pizzagate Pedogate 2017...Q-ANON GROUNDBREAKING SECRET CODES UNCOVERED #Pizzagate Pedogate Impossible EoF 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'News', 'World'] PT12M42S 14510 75 156 31 not set not set 2017-12-02T15:45:37.000Z 2wgxUynCy9k UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw Q ANON BREAKING ! ELON MUSK IS HIDING A DANGEROUS SECRET EXPOSED #Pizzagate pedogate Q ANON BREAKING ! ELON MUSK IS HIDING A DANGEROUS SECRET EXPOSED #Pizzagate pedogate Impossible EoF 22 ['Elon Musk', 'Q Anon', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'news', 'world'] PT11M36S 6856 32 51 22 not set not set 2017-12-03T11:57:11.000Z Hfprll3-do4 UCTcWwQqcX6gyHTjTAtoxKdw 2017 PIZZAGATE PEDOGATE - OBAMA TO MEET WITH DEEPSTATE Q anon 2017 PIZZAGATE PEDOGATE - OBAMA TO MEET WITH DEEPSTATE Q anon Impossible EoF 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'news', 'world'] PT1H1M4S 469 4 11 1 not set not set 2018-03-04T15:08:42.000Z EhW-Lsdir9I UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 3.4.18 "Sources provided below under the Fair Usage Act. This channel is not monetized. For learning purposes only. Watch this video link" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Research', 'In pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'deep state', 'trump', 'Patriots', '#Qanon', '#greatawakening'] PT12M58S 3806 9 189 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T00:37:36.000Z pcMD-J7XgsM UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 3.5.18 "Sources provided below under the Fair Usage Act. This channel is not monetized. For learning purposes only. Qanon message board. Hannity Intruder" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#qanon', 'truth', 'in pursuit of truth', 'hannity', 'intruder', 'snowden', '#q', '#great awakening', 'new Q'] PT4M26S 2160 3 98 0 not set not set 2018-03-06T05:51:40.000Z ZUBLw7QEEgg UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.6.18 "Sources provided below under the Fair Usage Act. This channel is not monetized. For learning purposes only. Q map" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#qanon', 'Q posts', 'new Q', 'truth', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'SPM', 'freedom'] PT5M57S 2100 4 104 0 not set not set 2018-03-07T04:49:34.000Z KGAve-4uPQk UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon- 3.7.18 Part 1 of 2 "Part 1 of 2 Videos. Wikileaks emails regarding Haiti Reuters Github 8chan research board Q map" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'Q map', 'New Q', 'Q search', 'Freedom', 'Truth', 'In pursuit of truth', 'SPM', 'Sir Patrick Mack', '3.7.18'] PT8M30S 1594 3 89 0 not set not set 2018-03-07T05:09:41.000Z 64DxJY0aSrE UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon- 3.7.18- Part 2 "Part 2 of 2 Videos. Wikileaks emails regarding Haiti Reuters Github 8chan research board Q map" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Deep state', '#qanon', 'new q', 'q research', '3.7.18', 'news', 'truth', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'anon', 'revolution', 'free speech', 'free thinking'] PT8M58S 1352 7 82 0 not set not set 2018-03-08T04:08:12.000Z 4X84fb29PWo UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.8.18 - Part 2 of 2 "Q Map 8 chan HK photo #internetbillofrights Snowden, girlfriend CBS Wikipedia Daily Echo The Spectator" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', '#qanon', 'new q', 'q posts', 'sir patrick mack', 'in pursuit of truth', 'deep state', 'wikileaks', 'emails'] PT6M30S 1274 5 84 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T03:13:20.000Z se8zy2dW-qI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.9.18/2 "Reuters Times of Israel Chicago Tribune 8chan Q map" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'New q', 'Q posts', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'truth', 'deep state', 'wikileaks', 'news', 'msm'] PT7M22S 966 3 48 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T12:47:33.000Z ABfi2oFlKXw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.9.18/4 "Newsweek Qmap" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qmap', '#qanon', 'q news', 'New q', 'Deep state', 'snowden', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'media', 'search', '#greatawakening'] PT8M26S 1128 3 59 0 not set not set 2018-03-10T23:00:27.000Z ntEyl8YDbus UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.11.18 part 1 of 2 " The Guardian Wikipedia links Merkel Angela Hitler Twitter Trump Snowden Marina Abramovic Pam Jones Youtube Admiral Lyons resignation" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'New q', 'Qpost', 'In pursuit of truth', 'Patrick Mack', 'deep state', 'snowden', 'wikileaks', 'podesta', 'marina abramovic'] PT6M52S 2044 6 59 1 not set not set 2018-03-16T04:18:59.000Z UHykkDk9oZI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.16.18 "BBC CIA POTUS Twitter NY Times Chicago Tribune The Independent WAPO John Perry Barlow Fox News Quantico" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#qanon', 'New Q', 'Q research', 'patrick mack', 'in pursuit of truth', 'ipot', 'deep state', 'kenya', 'tillerson', 'trump', 'Obama', 'McMaster', 'Clintons'] PT16M49S 1653 11 68 0 not set not set 2018-03-18T03:30:47.000Z Li7VsDPUhPw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18 "Follow me on GAB Follow me on Bitchute Donald Trump Twitter Mueller James Comey Loretta Lynch Eric Holder Rex Tillerson HRC Breitbart News ABC News Michael Flynn Real Clear Politics The Gateway Pundit" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'New Q', 'Q research', 'In pursuit of truth', 'patrick mack', 'clinton', 'holder', 'lynch', 'mueller', 'comey', 'tillerson', 'trump', 'news', 'strzok', 'mccabe'] PT15M53S 8712 55 238 1 not set not set 2018-03-18T12:12:47.000Z jcamNXDUw1E UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18/2 "Second Q Dump today! Webopedia Townhall Times of India AT&T SEC" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'New Q', 'Q posts', 'Q research', 'Patrick mack', 'sir patrick mack', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'deep state', 'obama', 'clinton', 'sec', 'blackberry'] PT7M56S 2493 8 102 0 not set not set 2018-03-21T12:24:36.000Z GJr5OKDTFpE UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.21.18 "Fox News Zuckerberg The Opposition" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'New Q', 'Q Research', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'Sir Patrick Mack', 'Truth', 'deep state', 'clinton', 'snowden', 'zuckerberg', 'facebook', 'algorithym', 'trump', 'austin tx'] PT13M25S 13673 101 429 11 not set not set 2018-04-03T12:16:04.000Z hFM1bWc2G9E UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.3.18 "Follow me on GAB or BitChute CNN Human Rights Watch The People History ABC Q's Breitbart link Judicial Watch Time magazine" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'deep state', 'new q', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#greatawakening', 'anon', 'clinton', 'trump', 'media', 'news', 'rosie', 'sessions', 'google', 'facebook', 'twitter'] PT33M48S 4918 39 178 0 not set not set 2018-04-05T10:13:33.000Z vuN-ea_OsBA UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.5.18 "Follow me on GAB or BitChute WAPO NY Times NOQ Report Newsmax Esquire Washington Examiner WAPO SEARS CNN Politico Washington Examiner Free Politico MIT Digital JigSaw Vanguard NPR" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', '#Qanon', 'anon', 'New Q', 'Q research', 'q posts', 'sir patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'news', 'zuckerberg', 'obama', 'clinton', 'epstein', 'pope', 'conspiracy theory', 'island', 'human trafficking', 'congress', 'sessions', 'trump', 'christie', '8chan'] PT46M45S 9529 76 202 6 not set not set 2018-04-07T11:45:38.000Z rEAEHU4aR7c UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.7.18/2 "CBS NYPD" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q posts', 'q research', 'deep state', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'cbs', 'obama', 'human trafficking'] PT10M2S 3890 42 149 0 not set not set 2018-04-08T05:10:42.000Z HOeme9q6wlI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18 "Follow me on GAB or BITCHUTE FOX CIA Red October WH Twitter National Review F&F NY Times LA Times CNN 4chan" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', '#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q research', 'q posts', 'new q', 'deep state', 'truth media', 'real news', 'fast and furious', 'eric holder', 'trump'] PT27M26S 7025 58 209 2 not set not set 2018-04-08T12:06:32.000Z Bk1axz1rDWE UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18/2 "Follow me on GAB or BITCHUTE Hollywood Reporter Naval Technology The Telegraph NY Times NY Daily News" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#QAnon', 'Qanon', 'New Q', 'Q Research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'deep state', 'syria', 'trump', 'putin', 'fire', 'hollywood', 'russia', 'collusion', 'ms 13'] PT17M26S 5519 42 173 8 not set not set 2018-04-10T13:46:16.000Z E-A2YakMOF0 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18 "Follow me on GAB or BITCHUTE MarketWatch USA Today NY Times Tech Crunch Forbes The Telegraph The Jerusalem Post NewsMax POTUS Twitter CDN The Hill UPI" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'anon', 'new q', 'q posts', 'q review', 'q research', 'trump', 'deep state', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'mack', 'patrick mack', 'obama', 'clinton', 'media', 'mueller', 'comey', 'lynch', 'rosenstein', 'cohen', 'awan'] PT1H4M40S 17063 131 367 10 not set not set 2018-04-12T14:18:19.000Z qOsjYMHJs_o UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 4.12.18 "03:21 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or BITCHUTE Q Twitter links Politico NY Times SEC Jewish Breaking News Washington Post Reuters NY Daily News Q Article USNI" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'mack', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'q reort', 'q news', 'q research', 'new q', 'q posts', 'deep state', 'trump', 'clinton', 'facebook', 'zuckerberg', 'mueller', 'rosenstein', 'sessions'] PT49M41S 7040 103 324 6 not set not set 2018-04-15T07:53:11.000Z btbabX-8sQU UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.15.18 "Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Defense One USA Today News Deeply The Globe and Mail Annie Sparrow Twitter Annie Sparrow Youtube Speech Raytheon Sputnik News Mercury News" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['IPOT in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'deep state', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'new q', 'q research', 'q news', 'trump[', 'syria', 'assad', 'mccain', 'obama', 'damascus', 'duma', 'ghouta'] PT31M45S 10941 140 348 8 not set not set 2018-04-16T12:16:57.000Z rmw3Fo03eZM UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.16.18 "05:06 - QAnalysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute Judicial Watch South China Morning Post Reuters Fox News NY Times Business Insider Sara Carter Townhall ABC News Breitbart Praying Medic's Twitter Meme RBG pdf." In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'mack', 'deep state', 'qanon', '#Qanon', 'new q', 'qnews', 'q research', 'anons', 'obama', 'clinton', 'trump', 'lynch', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'uk', 'usa', 'aus', 'ruth bader ginzberg', 'china', 'five eyes', 'snowden', 'citic bank', 'shenzen'] PT40M34S 16375 114 401 9 not set not set 2018-04-17T11:34:14.000Z OlcQcJoA5T0 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.17.18 "Don't worry, I got more coming! Q incoming as I post! 01:35 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter CBS IQT NY Times The Telegraph Forbes Fuel 3d Echodyne Privacy International Daily Caller Page Six Your News Wire" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', '#qanon', '#greatawakening', 'twitter', 'trump', 'deep state', 'sir patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'lynch', 'comey', 'us usa', 'uk aus'] PT24M11S 13032 124 369 7 not set not set 2018-04-20T11:03:58.000Z pS0a_-vyG48 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 20 18 "06:01 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Executive Orders Washington Post Payton Pundit Trial Theatre Freedom Outpost C-Span video Soon trending CNN DeSantis Referral pdf." In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'new q', 'q posts', 'q research', 'deep state', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'clinton', 'obama', 'president trump', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'mcmasters', 'syria', 'pelosi', 'intel', 'North korea'] PT48M7S 10602 155 326 11 not set not set 2018-04-21T09:46:45.000Z gLYqMEe11Lo UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.21.18 "05:09 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board Page Six ABC 7 CBS Yahoo UK Fox News" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'allison mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'Deep state', 'clinton', 'obama', 'epstein', 'pizzagate', 'wikileaks', 'democrats', 'trump', 'llc', 'adam schiff'] PT28M20S 7227 142 537 6 not set not set 2018-04-23T09:13:10.000Z AFAfLGvuEng UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 23 18 "01:38 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board Clarion Project Fox video ft. Nunes Al Gore Washington Post TYDale Youtube The Guardian" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'deep state', 'truth media', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'trump', 'usa', 'five eyes', 'muslim brotherhood'] PT25M27S 8604 100 527 2 not set not set 2018-04-24T15:24:10.000Z uds0mo0XHA8 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.24.18 "06:51 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board FOX Medium Washington Post Aljazeera Audit NPR comptroller defense H.R.5734 H.R. 1699 H.R. 285 The Guardian" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q review', 'q news', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'media', 'news', 'obama', 'trump', 'potus', 'wwg1wga', 'maga', 'grassley', 'iran', 'syria', 'saudi arabia'] PT57M15S 8512 136 324 2 not set not set 2018-04-25T08:58:44.000Z Tu9p69bVL_4 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.25.18 "03:05 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board Trump and Macron JCPOA" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'news media', 'truth media', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'iran', 'syria', 'north korea', 'page', 'strzok'] PT21M3S 14423 107 467 3 not set not set 2018-04-26T11:08:39.000Z -5lXNPMBFpg UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.26.18 "06:51 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board USNI CNN NBC Fox" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'trump', 'potus', 'syria', 'iran', 'comey', 'lynch'] PT40M9S 18311 203 543 13 not set not set 2018-04-28T11:08:54.000Z urEOPSkzTw0 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18 "07:34 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board FOX The Hill NPR Breitbart Politico Hpsci Declassified Committee Report Redacted Final Redacted US vs Michael Flynn" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'deep state', 'media', 'truth', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'truth media', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'clinton', 'great awakening'] PT59M29S 16871 245 620 14 not set not set 2018-04-30T11:19:59.000Z Pyv_PJo9xNY UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.30.18 "02:11 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board First Post Maz Jobrani Emmy Monologue" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'media', 'truth', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth'] PT19M44S 16005 144 650 7 not set not set 2018-05-01T11:04:01.000Z 43bZ-pkhiVI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.1.18 "02:11 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board The Telegraph UK IAEA pdf. CNS News Front Page Fox News Fortune" In Pursuit of Truth 22 not set PT31M47S 22484 147 756 24 not set not set 2018-05-03T12:17:55.000Z uIa7YTb6jIs UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.3.18 "00:59 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board Jetblue Jerusalem Post NBC Bloomberg Fortune NY Times The Daily Beast CNN CBS Google Patents The Guardian" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'POTUS', 'trump', 'great awakening', 'google', 'facebook', 'apple'] PT41M47S 22585 279 611 11 not set not set 2018-05-05T11:29:00.000Z N2nQM3NJ8L8 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.5.18 "05:55 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board Patriots fight 8chan PAC pdf. Logan Act FOX Business Insider Zero Hedge Washington Examiner" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'trump', 'Clinton', 'john kerry'] PT35M51S 23798 251 913 11 not set not set 2018-05-08T10:40:48.000Z C3f8A1_-pUM UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 8 18 "03:08 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q board Patriots fight 8chan CNN FOX NY Times Politico" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'sirpatrick mack', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'deep state', 'truth media', 'comey', 'trump', 'potus', 'patriots'] PT25M3S 16916 186 662 12 not set not set 2018-05-09T12:11:04.000Z XekOOu80Acg UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.9.18 "04:10 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan FOX The Blaze Yahoo Resignations pdf." In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'deep state', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'trump', 'potus', 'iran'] PT33M56S 9768 170 543 3 not set not set 2018-05-10T11:04:11.000Z VXSUOqPC5dU UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.10.18 "Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Iran Daily NTI Rosatom U1 Tehran Times Armen Press Electric Energy Online" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'Q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'new q', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack'] PT18M52S 18101 237 1004 11 not set not set 2018-05-11T13:04:34.000Z bFQvg9c7y3c UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.11.18 "CORRECTION! READ you the old EO from 2017! Still should be worth your read. 08:50 Q analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Business Insider IB Times ABC Fars News Community Scoop Federal Register Executive Order" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot in pursuit of truth', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'patrick mack', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'deep state', 'space x', 'korea', 'iran', 'trump', 'potus', 'china', 'facebook'] PT56M24S 12032 339 637 6 not set not set 2018-05-12T13:10:21.000Z O7tjzXdepk0 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.12.18 "Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Reddit article" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'anon', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'truth', 'media', 'potus', 'patriot'] PT21M4S 14001 317 639 15 not set not set 2018-05-13T14:15:41.000Z mvKwMBaDaV8 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.13.18 "09:45 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan FOX Breitbart Fortune Black Site Wikipedia NY Times Gateway Pundit Foreign Policy National Security Action Loop Capital" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'great awakening', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'media', 'deep state', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'potus', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'usa'] PT1H49S 21623 317 687 17 not set not set 2018-05-14T12:36:57.000Z pz7iMhWjraM UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.14.18 "02:22 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Iran Daily Wall Street Journal UANI Investing News Jeruslaem Post The Hill Federal Reister Bachmann letter CEO Resignations" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'Patrick Mack'] PT32M4S 16889 190 858 11 not set not set 2018-05-15T13:27:32.000Z At0Jmn8Pqb8 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.15.18 "06:13 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Bruce Figert youtube NY Times Erik Prince Interview" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'deep state', 'potus', 'current events', 'erik prince', 'trump', 'clinton'] PT36M38S 15205 242 728 20 not set not set 2018-05-17T14:26:18.000Z kDoh2knaHjk UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.17.18 "09:30 - Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Breitbart NY Times Reuters Coin Zoe Lofgren MSN Political Wire SIS and pdf. Pickle Factory US vs. AW Internet Bill of Rights" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'trump', 'potus'] PT55M32S 15086 194 670 17 not set not set 2018-05-18T13:49:04.000Z -j7t0fu6jhE UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.18.18 "04:55 - Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Breitbart Tech Crunch Foxconn Fortune Wireless Week FOX" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'truth media', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'pursuit of truth', 'deep state', 'potus', 'trump', 'maga', 'great awakening'] PT31M17S 21105 278 630 10 not set not set 2018-05-20T11:19:30.000Z bXTOYeJqBEw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 20 18 "02:11 - Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan FOX Yahoo NBC BBC Inquisitr CNN Task and Purpose Jason Farnsworth Gofundme" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'great awakening', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep sate', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga'] PT23M48S 17312 213 885 10 not set not set 2018-05-21T10:09:26.000Z _iaEWebkM8E UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New - Q Anon - 5.21.18 "06:05 - Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Reuters Wall Street Journal Follow Ashley on Twitter Loretta Fuddy Subud" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'Qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'truth media', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'ipot', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'great awakening'] PT32M8S 23610 341 844 10 not set not set 2018-05-22T11:48:22.000Z rTxc1uM3ano UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.22.18 "02:31 - Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Breitbart Abel Danger Military Wikia End the Fed Petition" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'new q', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'great awakening', 'potus', 'maga'] PT26M56S 21659 235 911 14 not set not set 2018-05-23T11:59:43.000Z gm_074dsQes UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18 "04:19 - Q Analysis Follow me on GAB or Bit Chute and Twitter Q Boards Patriots fight 8chan Breitbart FOX CBS Ron Johnson letters pdf." In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'ipot', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'truth media', 'truth'] PT29M30S 34342 373 1203 27 not set not set 2018-06-11T11:17:56.000Z WGeP9drVRio UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.11.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or Thanks to @CoreysDigs Your News Wire FOX The Sun NYCC Sputnik News" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'awake', 'news'] PT32M39S 18975 268 891 14 not set not set 2018-06-12T08:47:43.000Z LduHxNhlJug UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.12.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 10:10 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or International Economic Forum FOX AP News,-Trump-to-leave-early Washington Times UCMJ" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'trump', 'usa', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'awakening'] PT53M13S 24628 266 1009 23 not set not set 2018-06-13T12:41:06.000Z E-8eoUCtUek UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.13.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 09:33 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or The Guardian The Daily Mail American Digital News Free Beacon IP Watch Dog US News The Hill Fifth Domain FOX Music video by Electric Light Orchestra performing Telephone Line (Audio). (C) 1976 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment SME (on behalf of Epic); SOLAR Music Rights Management, EMI Music Publishing, UBEM, and 8 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'great awakening', 'awake', 'maga', 'trump', 'potus'] PT1H11M39S 24896 367 1153 20 not set not set 2018-06-14T13:27:32.000Z wWYJ8NDtl0I UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 05:38 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or Lee Stranahan Breitbart Sputnik" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'deep state', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'media', 'real news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack'] PT42M21S 18718 307 993 12 not set not set 2018-06-15T12:03:28.000Z jeGyTw5q-Po UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.15.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 01:33 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or NY Post Business Insider IG Petition" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm'] PT25M23S 19308 259 1029 10 not set not set 2018-06-16T12:53:32.000Z AJJbvP8j2Rw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.16.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 10:04 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or Bloomberg The Guardian PBS First Post Daily Times Pakistan" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', '#qanon', 'great awakening', 'maga', 'trump', 'potus', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'deep state'] PT52M53S 24415 357 1289 19 not set not set 2018-06-18T15:27:59.000Z pS2F-fh7GE4 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.18.18/1 "Part 1 of 2 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or FOX Obama Speech Europe Mind Control black Assassins" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'trump', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'awake'] PT39M49S 15336 208 656 19 not set not set 2018-06-18T18:11:44.000Z 0EJ_UD2HxNg UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.18.18/2 "Part 2 of 2 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or The Guardian NY Mag FBI Texts Tehran Times Iran Daily" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', '#Q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'potus', 'maga', 'great awakening'] PT25M 10318 85 501 8 not set not set 2018-06-19T12:12:25.000Z ebNkWWgGv6w UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18 "Q Analysis 09:30 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or Time CNN Yahoo The Conservative Treehouse Breitbart The Daily Caller Yahoo We The People Petition Lisa Mei Crowley Twitter" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'deep state', 'great awakening', 'maga', 'potus'] PT49M45S 26038 271 1073 28 not set not set 2018-06-20T12:11:36.000Z ibyuDqNOp64 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18 "Q Analysis 04:04 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or John Carlin NY Times UPI Washington Times We The People Petition" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'real news', 'deep state', 'maga', 'great awakening'] PT27M24S 18796 370 1065 13 not set not set 2018-06-21T12:47:05.000Z w75xyQP0xT4 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18 "Q Analysis 05:40 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or We The People Petition PACER.GOV" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', '#Q Anon', 'sir patrick mack', 'q news', 'q research', 'new q', 'patrick mack', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'pursuit of truth'] PT47M45S 26485 371 1396 20 not set not set 2018-06-28T11:14:05.000Z SNyvxmHpU4Y UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.28.18 "09:19 Q Analysis Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or We The People Petition Your News Wire Sara Carter Breitbart" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'great awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'new q', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump'] PT42M4S 14197 213 1001 9 not set not set 2018-06-29T09:59:30.000Z mHcGMsWVRS8 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/1 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or We The People Petition Jarrod Ramos Breitbart FOX Washington Examiner WSJ Lisa Mei Crowley Twitter" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'new q', 'q research', 'deep state', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'great awakening', 'white squall'] PT59M24S 14037 303 881 13 not set not set 2018-06-29T16:09:15.000Z AjmRenCquKY UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.29.18/2 "Skip to Q Analysis 05:09 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or We The People Petition Deep Dream 38 HuffPo Free Beacon Iron Hand Artist Dire Straits Album On Every Street (Remastered) Licensed by UMG, WMG (on behalf of Warner Bros. Label); UBEM, CMRRA, UMPG Publishing, ASCAP, UMPI, and 3 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 not set PT32M26S 22523 277 969 8 not set not set 2018-07-03T13:45:09.000Z Uk-Zvbdabws UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 7.3.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 03:10 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or We The People Petition Breitbart" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'trump', 'potus', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'nunes'] PT32M 28437 203 1197 21 not set not set 2018-07-04T13:03:58.000Z i8Gh3RfCkRw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.4.18 "Skip to Q Analysis 04:27 Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or Imran Awan Zero Hedge 2054 Synopsis The GoldWater NPR Bloomberg RICO" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'Qanon', 'Q news', 'Q research', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'potus', 'maga', '#Greatawakening', 'MAGA', 'USA', '4th of July', 'We Got Cake', 'deep state', 'trump'] PT41M43S 29996 311 1335 18 not set not set 2018-07-05T12:58:41.000Z BlRvun3LfJg UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.5.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter QMapp or Newsweek New York Times Zero Hedge Judicial Watch Who Are You (Lost Verse Mix) Artist The Who Writers Pete Townshend Licensed by UMG (on behalf of Universal Music); UBEM, Spirit Music Publishing, and 10 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q reseacr', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'Pursuit of Truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'china', 'joel getz'] PT20M33S 17248 215 993 10 not set not set 2018-07-18T10:57:13.000Z ZkUcK6gFk0U UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Eyes On the Ball - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.18.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute email: Washington Examiner Davi Harris Jr. FOX Chicago Sun Times The Hill BBC Song Boom, Boom Goes Out The Lights Artist Little Walter Album At His Best Writers Stanley Lewis Licensed by UMG, The Orchard Music, SME (on behalf of Spectra Records); BMG Rights Management, Sunflower Entertainment Co., Inc (Publishing), ASCAP, and 2 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', '#qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'real news', 'deep state', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'patriots', 'obama', 'oprah'] PT23M34S 31844 548 1607 16 not set not set 2018-07-19T14:20:13.000Z HDLDC7T6-yM UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - No Headlines - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.19.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute email: Fundraiser for Tara Remagen" In Pursuit of Truth 22 not set PT16M29S 16091 430 1213 12 not set not set 2018-07-21T13:23:10.000Z 0ysHTWmxsSA UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Share this VideQ - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.21.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute email: Find Q Anon 2 Veryfake News youtube Free patents online" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'q news', 'real news', 'truth media', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'real talk', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'IPQT', 'deep state', 'shadow ban', 'the main stream media lies', 'MSM lies', 'facebook lies'] PT16M45S 21393 446 1779 13 not set not set 2018-07-24T11:28:43.000Z mAKXnVD2j7M UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Where's the Line? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 24 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Forbes True Pundit Hollywood Reporter ABC The Hill The Goldwater CNN It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) Artist R.E.M. Album 101 Indie Classics Writers Peter Buck, Bill Berry, Michael Stipe, Mike Mills Licensed by UMG; UMPI, UMPG Publishing, UBEM, and 9 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q Anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga'] PT31M21S 13782 323 890 11 not set not set 2018-07-27T11:40:00.000Z MdV80pWZCO4 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18 "Skip to Q analysis 05:21 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 The Hill The DC Politico Mueller Unmasked Bad Moon Rising Artist Creedence Clearwater Revival Writers John Fogerty Licensed by UMG (on behalf of Concord Records); PEDL, Bicycle Music Co. (Publishing), CMRRA, and 18 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'Pursuit of Truth', 'Truth media', 'Real news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'POTUS', 'Make America Great again', 'dont shadowban me'] PT36M22S 19586 348 1513 8 not set not set 2018-07-28T12:26:08.000Z xt9y7gcexnY UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Bldg 8? Social Media Tumbling Down? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.18 "Skip to Q analysis 09:27 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Miami Herald The Guardian Reuters Crumblin' Down (Album Version) Artist John Mellencamp Licensed by UMG (on behalf of Island Def Jam); UBEM, SOLAR Music Rights Management, CMRRA, EMI Music Publishing, and 5 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'maga', 'WWG1WGA', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'new news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'dont ban me bro'] PT52M22S 28379 391 1374 21 not set not set 2018-07-29T12:23:36.000Z Wd0U1vQM75w UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Watch the Wives. Nothing Happening? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.29.18 "Skip to Q analysis 07:02 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 SEC links NY Times Le Cercle Scoop" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'qanon', 'maga', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'pursuit of truth', 'great awakening', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'dude dont ban me', 'dont ban me bro'] PT43M18S 52895 596 2093 43 not set not set 2018-07-30T12:33:41.000Z ii4tItXzKRs UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18 "Skip to Q analysis 06:45 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 SHARE THIS VIDEQ! Business Insider Fox Michael Avenatti Pucker Up Buttercup (Album Version) Artist Jr. Walker & The All Stars Licensed by UMG (on behalf of Motown); EMI Music Publishing, CMRRA, UBEM, and 1 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'Pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'trump', 'potus', 'i love the usa', 'dont taze me bro', 'dont ban me bro'] PT56M36S 17146 461 1450 10 not set not set 2018-07-31T14:29:33.000Z hVcLQwMFPN8 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Vault 7, Spooks For Hire? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 31 18 "Skip to Q analysis 05:57 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Guardian White House NY Times 2016 CERT FISC The Independent WDIO" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'WWG1WGA', 'maga', 'dont taze me bro'] PT1H11M12S 16597 434 1275 10 not set not set 2018-08-02T12:18:03.000Z 785wTfagjaQ UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Q is Mainstream! Why the MAGA Hate? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.18 "Skip to Q analysis 03:54 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Breitbart I'm Coming Out Artist Diana Ross Writers Nile Rodgers, Bernard Edwards Licensed by UMG (on behalf of Motown); Sony ATV Publishing, CMRRA, SOLAR Music Rights Management, UMPG Publishing, UBEM, BMG Rights Management, Warner Chappell, PEDL, ARESA, and 9 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'Q news', 'q research', 'new q', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'america', 'make america great again', 'deep state', 'dont ban me'] PT40M18S 20761 1222 1863 22 not set not set 2018-08-04T12:10:52.000Z 0yxn1XEfgQs UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18 "Skip to Q analysis 05:11 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute email: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 FOX Judicial Watch CBS Bloomberg BI Lovely Day (Remastered) Artist Bill Withers Album Living Legends - R&B/Soul Collection Licensed by SME (on behalf of Music World Music Inc.); UBEM, PEDL, Warner Chappell, The Royalty Network (Publishing), ASCAP, CMRRA, AdRev Publishing, and 24 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'dont hate', 'dont ban me bro', 'maga', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'real news', 'trump', 'walk away'] PT43M51S 44719 608 2056 28 not set not set 2018-08-07T12:43:55.000Z emhqPanxaKA UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Final FISA Countdown? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.7.18 "Skip to Analysis: 04:39 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 The Final Countdown Artist Europe Album Het Grootste Café Writers Joey Tempest Licensed by SME (on behalf of CNR Music); SOLAR Music Rights Management, EMI Music Publishing, UBEM, CMRRA, and 8 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'dont ban me', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga'] PT40M23S 41080 496 1916 23 not set not set 2018-08-09T13:36:24.000Z tQkkUVY552o UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Stories - Barbara's Story - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.9.18 "Want to share your story? Email me at Please send clear audio, keep it clean, and classy! #QStories #WeAreQ" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', '#WeAreQ', '#QStories', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media'] PT5M54S 14088 190 953 8 not set not set 2018-08-10T12:47:45.000Z N5qjPcr-SyQ UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - What's On Those Planes? Showtime! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.10.18 "Skip to analysis: 04:45 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: True Pundit Big League Politics Hotline Bling Video" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['#Qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga'] PT30M35S 66954 566 3191 48 not set not set 2018-08-11T12:33:33.000Z Ku2QNAwqGgs UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Q Hacked? Hilary and Haiti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8.11.18 "Skip to analysis: 04:25 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Connecting A Crisis WND Pedophiles Down Under The Tears Of A Clown Artist Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Licensed by UMG (on behalf of Universal Music); CMRRA, ASCAP, SOLAR Music Rights Management, UMPI, EMI Music Publishing, UBEM, and 7 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q news', 'qanon', 'maga', 'potus', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'wwg1wga'] PT43M45S 41157 481 2099 32 not set not set 2018-08-13T13:06:59.000Z tVKsx0J6myI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - NBC in a Panic? What's on the Island? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.13.18 "Skip to analysis: 04:20 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Gateway Pundit The Daily Mail Goin' Crazy Artist David Lee Roth Album Be Naughty Be Hair Metal Licensed by WMG (on behalf of WM France); Warner Chappell, PEDL, UBEM, CMRRA, ASCAP, and 3 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth mdia', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'maga', 'potus', 'usa', 'wwg1wga'] PT36M4S 163385 1294 5195 145 not set not set 2018-08-15T11:49:00.000Z HRkrOxFg1e4 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Alex Jones, the NSA and You! pt.1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.15.18 "Skip to analysis: 07:05 Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Epoch Times O-PRO Eye in the Sky Artist The Alan Parsons Project Album Late Night Tales: Metronomy Writers Alan Parsons, Eric Woolfson Licensed to YouTube by SME, The Orchard Music (on behalf of Late Night Tales); UMPG Publishing, UBEM, UMPI, CMRRA, and 12 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'truth media', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'potus', 'usa', 'dont ban me bro'] PT59M13S 38741 755 2089 48 not set not set 2018-08-15T13:49:39.000Z tTSBOgCXX4g UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Siri Hears You! Hilary and Haiti pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.15.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: We Must Fight video This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected BBC FOX AP,-like-it-or-not Talking in Your Sleep Artist The Romantics Album What I Like About You (and Other Romantic Hits) Writers Wally Palmar, Coz Canler, Peter Solley, Jimmy Marinos, Mike Skill Licensed to YouTube by SME (on behalf of Epic Associated); ASCAP, Music Sales (Publishing), UMPI, SOLAR Music Rights Management, CMRRA, UBEM, EMI Music Publishing, and 8 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 not set PT30M31S 32376 545 1837 20 not set not set 2018-08-16T12:39:34.000Z qknG_NEYstg UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Clearance Denied! Red Shoes, the Pope and Anderson Cooper In Pursuit of Truth Presents "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Sara Carter The Guardian US News Private Eyes Artist Hall & Oates Album Greatest Hits Live Licensed to YouTube by SME (on behalf of RCA Records Label); UBEM, PEDL, BMG Rights Management, UMPI, Warner Chappell, CMRRA, ASCAP, ARESA, UMPG Publishing, and 15 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'IPOT', 'patrick mack', 'truth media', 'truth', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'usa'] PT55M32S 66652 841 3120 56 not set not set 2018-08-17T13:00:46.000Z i5D7ExmL0xI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon XBox Freak Out, The Red Shoe Club In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 17 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Wikileaks Le Freak Artist Chic Album Summer Disco 2008 Writers Nile Rodgers, Bernard Edwards Licensed to YouTube by WMG (on behalf of Warner Strategic Marketing France); CMRRA, AdRev Publishing, SOLAR Music Rights Management, UBEM, Sony ATV Publishing, Warner Chappell, PEDL, and 8 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'potus', 'maga', 'deep state', 'wwg1wga', 'usa', 'freedom', 'freedom of speech'] PT46M45S 55033 688 3157 30 not set not set 2018-08-20T12:59:05.000Z 7NfjlzU9WoQ UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: FISA Apps The Guardian Breitbart Matt Couch Twitter Return Of The Mack Artist Mark Morrison Album Return Of The Mack Licensed to YouTube by WMG (on behalf of Warner Music UK); ARESA, BMG Rights Management, UMPI, PEDL, CMRRA, UBEM, and 10 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'In Pursuit of Truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'news media', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'maga', 'potus', 'wwg1wga', 'deep state', 'trump'] PT42M39S 56701 777 3268 40 not set not set 2018-08-26T12:11:14.000Z gLuoRKAGcvo UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - InsigniaGate / Who Is White Spiritual Boy? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Bay FM 99.9 Interview Insignia Gate 8chan Reddit start thread Alcuin and Flutterby Mega Full link!rrp02Sgb!dl1Odq-8TyYQaeA2UVRX4w Five Star Trust Marion Horn Jr. Price Tag Artist Jessie J Album Price Tag Licensed to YouTube by UMG (on behalf of Universal Music); Kobalt Music Publishing, UMPI, ASCAP, Warner Chappell, CMRRA, UBEM, Sony ATV Publishing, UMPG Publishing, AMRA, SOLAR Music Rights Management, PEDL, and 17 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'potus', 'maga', 'deep state', 'trump', 'wwg1wga'] PT28M24S 64737 760 3394 30 not set not set 2018-08-28T12:05:26.000Z nmFxZ7p7qeo UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Hurricane Halper / Either Ohr? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.28.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Jumping Jack Flash Artist The Rolling Stones Writers Keith Richards, Mick Jagger Licensed to YouTube by UMG; SOLAR Music Rights Management, ABKCO Music, Inc., EMI Music Publishing, UBEM, Saregama Publishing, and 15 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'potus', 'maga', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'truth media', 'real news', 'dont ban me bro', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'president', 'usa'] PT53M38S 43618 683 2828 38 not set not set 2018-08-29T08:12:06.000Z RgPJfLCm1qI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Who Controls the Past pt 1 In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 29 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: FOX Gateway Pundit Testify Artist Rage Against the Machine Album The Battle of Los Angeles Licensed to YouTube by SME (on behalf of Epic); Wixen Music Publishing, SOLAR Music Rights Management, PEDL, and 19 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'truth media', 'real news', 'president', 'usa', 'dont ban me bro'] PT51M40S 42946 605 2611 28 not set not set 2018-08-31T12:00:07.000Z Jps_jz04rRI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - NSA/CIA Shut Em' Down - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.31.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: FOX McCullough letter Hal Turner Epoch Times Chicago Tribune Shut 'Em Down Artist Public Enemy Licensed to YouTube by UMG (on behalf of Def Jam/RAL); UMPI, EMI Music Publishing, Reach Music Publishing, UMPG Publishing, CMRRA, ARESA, Warner Chappell, PEDL, and 12 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'dont ban me bro', 'real news', 'deep state', 'president', 'usa'] PT55M1S 59501 935 4292 55 not set not set 2018-09-01T11:26:28.000Z nOALZrqwT1o UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - The World Is Watching - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.1.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Judicial Watch FOX Eye Of The Storm-14623 Artist Watt White Album Watt White Licensed to YouTube by AdRev for a 3rd Party (on behalf of Riptide Music (Riptide Music)); AdRev Publishing, Abramus Digital, and 7 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'usa', 'pesident'] PT50M51S 49574 891 3349 39 not set not set 2018-09-02T12:20:01.000Z CN86WCYQJ5I UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Who Are the White Rabbits? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.2.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: JW FOIA email NEO LA Times Hilary Clinton in Wonderland The Leader video Song White Rabbit Artist Jefferson Airplane Album Platoon And Songs From the Era Writers Grace Slick Licensed to YouTube by WMG, SME (on behalf of Atlantic Records); UBEM, UMPG Publishing, CMRRA, UMPI, and 12 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'youtube', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'news', 'real news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm'] PT1H15M34S 75941 796 3619 61 not set not set 2018-09-03T11:00:14.000Z 9JqWZf5ho4M UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: The Atlantic Quartz Magic Sword Music Sputnik Somebody's Watching Me Relaid Audio Writers Rockwell Licensed to YouTube by EMI Music Publishing, UBEM, CMRRA, SOLAR Music Rights Management, and 7 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'real news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'usa', 'dont ban me bro', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'free speech', 'fair usage'] PT44M54S 50673 452 2979 35 not set not set 2018-09-04T11:59:40.000Z 111hGkC_qIA UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: OIG 2016 BBC Press TV NCBI Zika" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'deep state', 'potus maga', 'wwg1wga', 'president', 'usa'] PT46M18S 35712 533 2912 24 not set not set 2018-09-05T11:51:32.000Z 5hQdYAsfJhw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Deep State Close to the Edge In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 5 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Your Voice THE MESSAGE Writers Sylvia Robinson, Clifton ""Jiggs"" Chase, Melvin Glover, Edward Fletcher Licensed to YouTube by UBEM, UMPG Publishing, and 13 Music Rights Societies" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'real news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'deep state', 'potus', 'usa', 'maga'] PT27M8S 61371 645 3724 40 not set not set 2018-09-06T10:08:47.000Z 4cNRQ4yDwks UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon More Winning :Just Do it In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 6 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Politico Sara Carter FBI Vault" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'deep state', 'potus', 'wwg1wga', 'maga', 'usa', 'president', 'dont ban me bro'] PT30M24S 43711 680 3606 40 not set not set 2018-09-07T12:10:51.000Z XUe1BJcKN_o UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - 17 Great People - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.7.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Hidden Tax on Humanity True Pundit Voat pic thread FOX" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'truth media', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'deep state', 'potus', 'usa'] PT47M47S 43044 892 3200 31 not set not set 2018-09-08T11:44:36.000Z C6jjf6Dl3vI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: FOX Real Clear Politics Report for the President" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'maga', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'potus', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'dont ban me bro', 'free speech'] PT34M43S 55450 624 3434 42 not set not set 2018-09-09T10:02:17.000Z 6RXI2zuxo8c UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - There was a Time - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.9.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links:" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'potus', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'usa', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'dont ban me bro', 'president'] PT1M44S 22454 291 2194 10 not set not set 2018-09-12T11:13:59.000Z EMB6OM30678 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - DC In Panic - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Presidential Proclamation Sara Carter" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'maga', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'real news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'wwg1wga'] PT26M35S 41536 729 3835 26 not set not set 2018-09-13T09:36:52.000Z NQoSMu2M6vQ UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Rats Are Running - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.13.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT FOX SaraACarter The New American" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'real news', 'dont ban me bro', 'usa', 'patriots', 'trump', 'obama', 'clinton'] PT32M32S 53656 848 4034 37 not set not set 2018-09-16T12:29:53.000Z hntai6pDMZU UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Deep State Carpet Bombs - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT American Digital News National Review" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'trump potus', 'maga', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'trump', 'usa'] PT31M32S 58931 685 3932 33 not set not set 2018-09-18T11:06:41.000Z dIsxHY_3zNw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - DECLAS / Whopper With Cheese - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'whopper with cheese', 'whopper', 'declas', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'q news', 'real news', 'dont ban me bro', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'deep state', 'trump', 'usa'] PT21M58S 74785 1065 5687 45 not set not set 2018-09-19T11:20:46.000Z u2y7olnItxQ UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Truth To Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.19.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Project Veritas" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'patriot', 'usa', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga'] PT24M56S 52516 752 4307 33 not set not set 2018-09-20T11:51:54.000Z FV2xXtIXo1g UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT FOX" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'puruit of truth', 'truth media', 'dont ban me bro', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'potus', 'maga', 'usa', 'deep state', 'president', 'america'] PT35M5S 46735 1012 3983 41 not set not set 2018-09-22T10:57:44.000Z 6VE2t1spq1w UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT NY Times" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'q research', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'media', 'real news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'potus', 'maga', 'usa', 'america', 'patriots'] PT46M56S 66223 1284 5535 48 not set not set 2018-09-24T11:08:14.000Z 5z-zl-yu1Zw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT NBC FOX True Pundit" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'real news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'mack', 'deep state knuckleheads', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'usa', 'wwg1wga'] PT20M57S 52716 781 3950 27 not set not set 2018-09-27T11:48:40.000Z asCcdtqSgbo UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Trump, the UN and One Ugly Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.27.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT DoD doc" In Pursuit of Truth 22 not set PT17M46S 47388 538 3425 16 not set not set 2018-09-28T12:01:13.000Z QUHf9c5XZIs UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Red Tsunami? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 28 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'ipot', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir ptrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'deep state', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'usa', 'patriot', 'real news', 'dont ban me bro'] PT36M26S 50726 1083 4231 27 not set not set 2018-09-30T10:33:09.000Z wr2rsDx7Pok UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Prepare - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.30.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Daily Wire Hawaii thread Trump Rally FOX" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'real news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'usa', 'patriots'] PT23M54S 46556 804 4226 28 not set not set 2018-10-01T10:01:29.000Z qACEgYlXW8I UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Stay Tuned - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Rachel Mitchell's Analysis Washington Times Daily Wire" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'q news', 'real news', 'patriots', 'maga', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'wwg1wga', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'dont ban me bro'] PT17M18S 44407 550 3652 34 not set not set 2018-10-03T11:55:18.000Z R6z8SBSLXNY UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Make Cake Great Again - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.3.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Boston 25 News FOX WTSP Politico" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'real news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'maga', 'mcga', 'cake', 'deep state', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'ptriot', 'dont ban me bro'] PT32M1S 49533 989 3784 34 not set not set 2018-10-04T11:11:06.000Z LxOQPpKFXug UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT IPOT Who are the White Rabbits? Defense News" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'Pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'dont ban me bro'] PT37M28S 55526 709 4670 42 not set not set 2018-10-06T11:12:50.000Z g48wyVVgX4Q UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Double Meanings In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 6 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'patriots', 'great awakening'] PT33M41S 45232 800 4802 30 not set not set 2018-10-07T10:45:22.000Z Q1joXK5C2ls UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Peace Through Strength - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10.7.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'deep state', 'potus', 'usa', 'patriots', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'dont ban me bro', 'great awakening', 'cake', 'MCGA', 'make cake great again'] PT21M1S 47912 669 5178 40 not set not set 2018-10-08T10:51:31.000Z RVheiDly5CI UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'mack', 'spm', 'potus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'usa', 'patriots', 'united states', 'trump', 'deep state', 'clinton'] PT20M39S 62392 559 4650 19 not set not set 2018-10-09T11:03:54.000Z bqG4WgBVZU4 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Think Red Line - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Judicial Watch NY Post" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'usa', 'patriot', 'wwg1wga', 'real news', 'truth media', 'dont ban me bro', 'susan w sucks'] PT35M28S 64364 741 4934 35 not set not set 2018-10-10T11:34:51.000Z Ed_jilbPOsk UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon The Gloves Are Off In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 10 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Judicial Watch NY Post USA Today" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'real news', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'trump', 'potus', 'maga', 'usa', 'patriots'] PT39M48S 66665 991 4379 46 not set not set 2018-10-13T10:58:04.000Z 37cONXOfe9Y UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon Status In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 13 18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter Real.Video BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Judicial Watch NY Post" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'ipot', 'in opursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack'] PT1M34S 39905 414 2170 53 not set not set 2018-10-24T11:36:03.000Z 9FIXpkBW3Xk UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Q and A - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.24.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT Defense News NASA Audit" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Q anon', 'q news', 'qanon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'deep state', 'truth', 'trump', 'otus', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'real news', 'dont ban me bro', 'free speech', 'patriots'] PT24M36S 52672 837 4089 37 not set not set 2018-10-27T10:45:52.000Z QUtED73dgG0 UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Suspicious Package - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.27.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT CBS Avenatti referral Metro" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'maga', 'patriots', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga'] PT25M30S 42083 876 3861 31 not set not set 2018-10-29T08:53:43.000Z 7Bl7TGwqkGw UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - Qne Year of Q - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.29.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT CBS Bloomberg Indonesia Audit Board PJ Media The Guardian" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'q news', 'IPOT', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'truth media', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'truth', 'trumppotus', 'usa', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'real news', 'free speech', 'dont ban me bro'] PT17M18S 41916 513 4286 26 not set not set 2018-10-31T09:41:37.000Z 91D7kx1wAws UCAyrKoW31y5UcsRjh2ItvxQ Q Anon - HallQween - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.31.18 "Follow me on GAB and Twitter BitChute EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: Care to send me a letter? (P.O. Box) IPOT LA May P.O. Box #69236 11900 N. La Canada Tucson, AZ 85737 - 9998 Q links: Q MEGA MEMES!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg!e80kGazA NEW LINKS /Patriotsfight/ VOAT NBC Congressman Steve King Washington Times" In Pursuit of Truth 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'real news', 'truth media', 'in pursuit of truth', 'pursuit of truth', 'IPOT', 'sir patrick mack', 'patrick', 'patrick mack', 'spm', 'deep stae', 'trump', 'potus', 'usa', 'maga', 'wwg1wga', 'patriots'] PT28M6S 48884 687 3674 37 not set not set 2018-10-03T01:02:01.000Z bv5wCmH7Ux8 UCJaZIxznN79dVoQOjbfv4vg Where's JFK JR - Alive? "Disclaimer: Since I originally posted this video, a Q post stated - sadly-JFK JR is not alive. Original description: If you are a Q Anon follower, than you might find this post interesting. You may think I'm crazy. If you can help prove or disprove, please help out. We're in this ""Q"" quest together." In Q We Trust 25 ['iMovie', 'JFK JR', 'alive', 'qanon', 'waldo'] PT3M17S 97458 0 1852 227 not set not set 2018-01-24T15:55:35.000Z dd-20RumCjo UC4y95AHTs52Aoj8AoYUu8ZA Q Anon - tRump - and Global depopularization "My thoughts on reality, try sharing yours. the history of jesus" In Rem 27 not set PT20M29S 263 29 16 4 not set not set 2018-02-09T17:54:15.000Z o9TvVnPoFQ8 UC4y95AHTs52Aoj8AoYUu8ZA Tesla roadster "dont panic" Q anon post "Panic in DC" In Rem 27 not set PT1M18S 234 29 17 3 not set not set 2018-09-27T03:01:12.000Z vULUm2-Vh-M UCFApCHEPI2QVtvFP8ELhhig QAnon Drops - Latest Q News and updated news events for September 25, 2018 "QAnon Drops contains Q Posts and news headlines updated and posted on September 25, 2018 taken from QMAP.PUB and deep dive review of recent posts. Fully narrated with screenshots and all relevant in-video links included. Also includes latest Q-related news headlines and updates concerning current events, national disasters and updated FISA declas news. Please like, comment or subscribe to support this channel or give a donation directly if you would like to support my ongoing videos at Thank you!!!" In Sky Network 25 ['#qanon', '#qdrops', '#Qresearch', '#declas', '#declassify', '#DeclassifyTheWarrant', '#SpyGate', '#FISAdeclas', '#FISAdeclassify', '#FISAgate', '#DeclasFISA', '#DeclassifyFISA', '#FISAcorruption', 'q drops', 'q updates today', 'great awakening', '#GreatAwakening'] PT21M49S 807 3 5 0 not set not set 2018-09-29T00:51:24.000Z X35Yu0mflLc UCFApCHEPI2QVtvFP8ELhhig QAnon Drops - Latest Q Posts Part 1 Bombshell News for September 27, 2018 "QAnon Drops contains Q Posts and news headlines updated and posted on September 27, 2018 taken from QMAP.PUB posts 2275 through 2290 on this date. Fully narrated with screenshots and all relevant in-video links included, save time and go straight to the information from Q on this first part of a two-part decode of QDrops regarding FISA declas and ongoing Kavanaugh Senate confirmation hearing and more. Please like, comment or subscribe to support this channel or give a donation directly if you would like to support my ongoing videos at Thank you!!!" In Sky Network 25 ['#qanon', '#qdrops', '#Qresearch', '#FISAgate', '#greatawakening', '#wwg1wga', '#declasFISA'] PT20M46S 7797 20 77 5 not set not set 2018-09-30T11:42:33.000Z McOywIGWLHk UCFApCHEPI2QVtvFP8ELhhig QAnon Drops - Social Media Blackout Coming posted on September 29, 2018, 2018 "QAnon Drops contains recent Q Posts and news headlines updated and posted on September 29, 2018 taken from QMAP.PUB posts 2296 through 2298. Fully narrated with screenshots and all relevant in-video links included with decodes. Headlines: Social Media Blackout Coming and Swamp Labeling Brett Kavanaugh a Conspiracy Theorist. Judge Kavanaugh Opening Statement: Swamp Labeling Brett Kavanaugh a Conspiracy Theorist: Listen to [1:02:40 - 1:03:35] Boeing 787 Dreamliner Interior Stringer Photo Please like, comment or subscribe to support this channel or give a donation directly if you would like to support my ongoing videos at Thank you!!!" In Sky Network 25 ['#qanon', '#qdrops', '#Qresearch', '#wwg1wga', '#GreatAwakening', '#FISAgate', '#fisadeclas', '#declasFISA', '#scotus', '#qmAP', '#qanon shocking new intel', '#qanon update', '#judgekavanaughhearings', '#socialmediablackout'] PT12M48S 7275 39 125 5 not set not set 2018-10-01T23:19:02.000Z Qjid_XGuAH4 UCFApCHEPI2QVtvFP8ELhhig QAnon Drops - Latest Q Posts Bombshell News for October 1, 2018 "QAnon Drops contains Q Posts and news headlines updated and posted on October 1, 2018 taken from QMAP.PUB posts 2301 through 2306. Fully narrated with screenshots and all relevant in-video links included to all the featured information from Q in this video which is only part 1 for this date. Headlines: 1.) We will be voting this week. 2.) The Swamp Using Dr. Ford to Frame Justice Kavanaugh 3.) Another Example of Futures Proves the Past (Barlow/Snowden Drops) 4.) Snowden Now a Liability to Clowns 5.) Not Normal: 14 Accidents & 3 Fatalities Since Q Posted 6.) D's Trying to Erase Their Racist/Sexist Past; Projecting Ills on R's No Longer Working 7.) Youthful VIP Patriots Wearing Q Shirts at Rally Featured Article: Please like, comment or subscribe to support this channel or give a donation dirrectly if you would like to support my ongoing videos at Thank you!!!" In Sky Network 25 ['#qanon', '#qdrops', '#Qresearch', 'Qarmy', 'WWG1wga', '#JudgeKavanaughHearings', '#Qspeaks', '#Cuemmunity', '#FISAgate', '#declasFISA', 'Q posts update', '#qposts', '#qanon update', '#qanon shocking new intel', '#qanon101', '#qanon 7 facts', '#inskynetwork'] PT23M23S 19218 62 257 7 not set not set 2018-10-02T04:17:43.000Z qPOqlBMtTvg UCFApCHEPI2QVtvFP8ELhhig #Qanon update #Qanon Shocking New Intel from Posts on October 01, 2018 "#Qanon update Qdrops contains Q Posts and current news headlines updated and posted on October 1, 2018 taken from QMAP.PUB posts 2307 through 2313. Fully narrated with screenshots and all relevant in-video links included as well as current headlines and news about the Judge Kavanagh SCOTUS hearings and updates about the FISAdeclas.#qanon shocking new intel in this video, which is part 2 of 2 posted on this date. Headlines: 1.) Ronald Reagan: USA Role in World as Peace Keeper Featured Video had a copyright claim filed on YT so unfortunately some of the sound was muted during the Reagan video to resolve it. My apologies for these missing sound bytes, here is the full video below, titled Reagan - Peace Through Strength. 2.) Solid Confirmation Q and POTUS On Same Team (Q Proofs) 3.) God Bless You, Patriot 4.) This Evil Must Be Destroyed 5.) We Will Win Other featured articles/books below: 1.)Presidential Directive D5 -Military Operatins in California 2. Book: 3.) Cascadia Subduction Zone article: 4.) Weather Weapons and the Strange California Fires: 5.) Governor Brown Requested Presential Emergency Declaration for Direct Federal Assistance in July 2018 6.) Governor Brown Announces Federal Approval of Presidential Major Disaster Declaration in California in August 2018" In Sky Network 25 ['#QPosts', '#WWG1WGA', '#MAGA', '#FISAgate', '#declasFISA', '#GreatAwakening', '#FEMAalert', '#redwave', '#tsunamiwarning', '#qanon shocking new intel', '#qanon update', '#QDrops', '#californiafires', '#weatherweapons'] PT28M44S 4191 26 54 4 not set not set 2018-10-20T04:55:08.000Z gj6YvNekZeA UCFApCHEPI2QVtvFP8ELhhig #Qanon update #Qanon Shocking New Intel & Big Tech News on October 19, 2018 "#Qanon update Qdrops contains latest Q Posts and current news headlines updated and posted on October 19, 2018 taken from wesbsite: Detailed coverage of posts xxxx through xxxx. Fully narrated with screenshots and all relevant in-video links included as well as current headlines and Q related current news events including about the Judge Kavanagh SCOTUS hearings and updates about the FISAdeclas.#qanon shocking new intel,and related news about the music industry efforts to effect the midterm elections with Taylor Swift. Please support this channel to help continue our work and ""keep the lights on:""" In Sky Network 25 ['#qanon', '#qdrops', '#Qresearch', '#QPosts #WWG1WGA #MAGA #FISAgate #declasFISA #GreatAwakening', '#Qanon update', '#Qanon Shocking New Intel', '#qanon101', '#qanon 7 facts', '#bigtechnews', 'inskynetwork', '#deepstate', '#midterms', '#musicindustry', '#deepstatecontrol', '#taylorswift'] PT25M24S 1436 5 17 3 not set not set 2018-01-24T23:58:22.000Z TsIgCD_xTJk UCaYGxtn1vHAz1zLMg_206FA Live Cush & Cash Hour (Special Annoucment Addition) + Russia Doomsday Torpedo 😱 "SUPPORT CHANNEL AND BRAND VIA PAYPAL Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. that might otherwise be infringing. Me making a announcement of some recent news that I got, and catching up with my fans live about a few things, like Doomsday Torpedo from Russia the mass following and viral of Q-Anon + Goverment shutdown and more +++ #UNITY #INTHESAUCEWETRUSTNEWS Instagram = Inthesaucewetrust YouTube = Cash Lopes Productions Email =" In Slime We Trust ENT 24 ['cash lopes', 'live', 'unity', 'cherry kush', 'j4k', 'kenneka jenkins', 'doomsday torpedo', 'goverment shutdown', 'qanon', '4chan'] PT14M1S 172 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-13T00:50:30.000Z RZ1h7PII3bE UCOVbnbKEJgfPxTlA9jZVp_Q Q Anon, Ancient Alien Disclosure & Ivanka Trump "The Q Anon mystery gets an interesting contribution from an active source on Twitter. See Kabamur here: @kabamur_taygeta" independent_i_ 22 not set PT4M25S 2223 4 38 6 not set not set 2018-10-25T02:44:34.000Z Nd664nuL0xs UClGY42pMY3MG4a9s6GALymw Q for dummies part 10 — OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD The deep state/ shadow government utilizes the mainstream media as a way to control the collective narrative. This inherently creates collective reality. Operation Mockingbird was a clown (C_A) operation begun in the 50s and implemented as a means of mass mind control. Coincidence? Reconcile. INDIGOSOUL85 25 ['qanon', 'qarmy', 'what is qanon', 'what is qarmy', 'the great awakening', 'disclosure', 'mockingbird', 'operation mockingbird', 'its all connected', 'mainstream media', 'cnn sucks', 'the storm', 'weg1wga', 'wwg1wga', 'where we go one we go all', 'hilary clinton', 'the clinton foundation', 'clowns', 'cia', 'mass arrests', 'mockingbird media', 'autonomy', 'qanon for dummies', 'dishingnswishing', 'dont tell me to stand down', 'q sent me'] PT9M35S 36 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-10T20:21:02.000Z KdNso9y8vVc UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Q Drop While Zuckerberg Testifies "We Have It All" 4/10 Check Out My New Video Q Drop while mark zuckerberg was on the stand. Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'mark zuckerberg', 'edward snowden', 'calm before the storm', 'anonamous', 'trump', 'pence', 'potus', 'latest', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'newest'] PT1M21S 40 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-12T00:24:37.000Z HIjTad-26Ac UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Q Drops 4/11/18 Its Happening Qanon Check Out My New Video Qanon Posts From 8 Chan. Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'latest', 'today', 'drops', 'potus', 'trump', 'republican', 'war', 'russia', 'syria'] PT9M 279 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-12T01:21:43.000Z vxpF60XmUX4 UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Q Drop 4/11 R U Learning Yet? Qanon Check Out My New Video Q Drop. Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'latest', 'potus', 'new', 'trump', 'russia', 'syria', 'war', 'mrak zuckerberg', 'mark', 'zuckerberg', 'anonamous'] PT1M42S 86 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-16T01:17:05.000Z kIEYKs0UK7c UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Q Drop. 4/15/18 "Coming To A Theater Near You." Tarmac Qanon Check Out My New Video Latest Post on 4/15/18 Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'latest', 'tarmac', 'hilary clinton', 'clinton', 'lynch', '8 chan', 'inspector general report'] PT7M17S 158 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-04-30T00:00:29.000Z 9AfkMrHhXHs UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ New Q Drops 4/29/18 "Do they ask for monthly payments to remain patriots" Qanon Check Out My New Video Q Post For 4/29/18 Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'storm', 'kanye', 'west', 'trump', 'clinton', 'patriots', 'potus', 'sex', 'tape', 'uma', 'beiber', 'comey', 'rally', 'zuckereberg', 'freedom.syria', 'germany', 'ufo', 'alien', 'wall'] PT7M11S 102 1 3 1 not set not set 2018-05-01T22:02:50.000Z D-O8wRvCIa0 UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Q Drops "WAR" Qanon / Iran Check Out My New Video Qanon Post . PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'clinton', 'lynch', 'storm', 'kanye', 'war', 'germany', 'iran', 'nuclear', 'syria', 'potus', 'trump', 'kushner', 'guantanamo', 'beiber', 'alex', 'jones', 'info', 'wars', 'informative info', 'justinformed', 'talk'] PT14M25S 1040 1 9 2 not set not set 2018-06-03T20:33:24.000Z pRnCNkTdqvc UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ 6/3/18 "A week to remember" New Qanon drops #qanon eyesthespy legit? New Q post is a Gun Upside down Check Out My New Video q drops for 6/3/18. the drop is a gun if you turn it upside down Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'new', 'cabal', 'trump', 'kanye', 'clinton', 'beiber', 'god', 'bless', 'america', '8chan', '4chan', 'jerome coursey', 'michael teimm', 'destroying the illusion'] PT56S 360 1 9 0 not set not set 2018-06-19T04:21:38.000Z xTtFOgJkW_c UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Qanon 6/18 "No Name Absent" #Qanon Drops Crumbs "Check Out My New Video Latest Drops For 6/18" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'senate', 'hearing', 'iphone', 'trump', 'donald', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'bill', 'weiner', 'laptop', 'petogate', 'ig', 'report', 'mcabe', 'kanye', 'west', 'beiber', 'kardashian', 'trafficking', 'child', 'foundation', 'cnn', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cspan', 'hussein', 'obama', 'syria', 'collusion', 'russia', 'russian', 'uk', 'texts', 'stxrok', 'page', 'border', 'seperated', 'space', 'force', 'maga', 'make', 'america', 'great', 'again', 'chelsea', 'lynch', 'handler', 'griffin', 'cathy'] PT39M46S 1014 5 17 1 not set not set 2018-06-19T23:35:50.000Z OKgWeJPeloI UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Qanon Posts 6/19/18 "What A Wonderful Day" #Qanon #IranRegimeChange "Check Out My New Video Qanon Posts 6/19/18 #qanon TARMAC VIDEO: ARTICLES: VIDEO:" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'stzrok', 'obama', 'trump', 'donald', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'bill', 'tarmac', 'weiner', 'anthony', 'ig', 'report', 'mcabe', 'kanye', 'west', 'beiber', 'child', 'trafficking', 'foundation', 'cnn', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'hussein', 'syria', 'collusion', 'russian', 'uk', 'human', 'rights', 'border', 'famiilys'] PT25M16S 2706 16 43 5 not set not set 2018-07-01T04:52:21.000Z rq-u7vmFqrc UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Qanon Latest Posts 7/1 "Every Dog Has Its Day" #Qanon #Q #Maga #WalkAway Check Out My New Video Qanon Posts 7/1. #Qanon #Q Informative Info 25 ['Qanon', 'Potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'sex', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tarrifs', 'stocks'] PT39M17S 29523 295 749 31 not set not set 2018-07-02T01:23:17.000Z A2fsiQDQg08 UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Qanon 7/1 "What Role Can NSA Play?" #Qanon #Q #WalkAway "Check Out My New Video Qanon posts 7/1/18 Thanks For Subscribing! Records Deleted : Q Hit Piece: Billboards: Sessions: Obama Sucks:" Informative Info 25 ['Qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'trimm', 'mike', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'sex', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tarrifs', 'stocks', 'lebron', 'lakers', 'espn'] PT31M25S 13220 161 262 17 not set not set 2018-07-06T05:01:47.000Z lgSRrcdLfSE UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Qanon 7/6 "Geotus Headshots?"Lv Shooting + Whataburger Video #Qanon #Q #WalkAway "Check Out My New Video Me On Patreon Latest Qanon + Las Vegas Shooting Body Cams + Whataburger Assault+ Scott Pruitt Resignation." Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donal;d', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'whataburger', 'assault', 'san', 'antonio', 'maga', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'lebron', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'sex', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'tariffs', 'scott', 'pruitt', 'epa'] PT44M49S 3703 50 76 5 not set not set 2018-07-11T02:44:37.000Z zqVdjNY9E58 UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ 7/10 No New Qanon + Seth Rich + Las Vegas Shooting Update + Scotus + David Hogg #Qanon #WalkAway "Check Out My New Video Me On Patreon" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tariffs', 'scotus', 'seth', 'rich', 'press', 'conference', 'walkaway', 'david', 'hogg', 'emails', 'murder', 'vegas', 'serial', 'brain', 'commercial'] PT20M57S 609 9 24 11 not set not set 2018-07-14T04:56:16.000Z snMWAvrz8r0 UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ The Reason Qanon Has Gone Dark 7/13, New Vegas Shooting Rooftop Surveillance, DWS #qanon #walkaway "Check Out My New Video Me On Patreon UK Qanon Balloon Link: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Video: Las Vegas Rooftop Footage:" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tariffs', 'las', 'vegas', 'debbie', 'wasserman', 'schultz', 'dark', 'protest', 'uk', 'balloon', 'baby', 'reason', 'cia', 'fbi', 'nsa'] PT26M37S 3472 28 98 6 not set not set 2018-07-26T20:15:14.000Z zN2FTH3zyhc UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ New Q Drops 7/26 "How Do You Hide A Message In Clear Sight?" #Q #Qanon #walkaway "Check Out My New Video Me On Patreon Letter to Sessions: VIdeo Of QDrop App: Trump Motorcade: Trump Speech: FED Reserve: FBI Oath: Rober Mueller Unmasked:" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tariffs', 'scotus', 'robert', 'mueller', 'impeachment', 'ryan', 'speaker', 'paul', 'jfk', 'jr', 'jeff', 'sessions', 'gowdy', 'of'] PT47M44S 458 7 28 2 not set not set 2018-07-28T14:11:00.000Z VhgZdq2wb4Y UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Qanon "AF1 Re-Routed" 7/28 Julian Assange #Qanon #Q "Check Out My New Video Me On Patreon" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tariffs', 'scotus', 'speaker', 'lisa page', 'jr', 'missle', 'hawaii', 'executive order'] PT1H12M22S 918 20 60 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T04:54:06.000Z bltG2VPZBtw UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Q Drops 8/3 "We Got The Server[s]" "Check Out My New Video Me On Patreon" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'mike', 'trimm', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'illusion', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'scotus', 'white house', 'mainstream', 'barack', 'michelle', 'democrats', 'server', 'justinformed', 'talk', 'bill smith', 'isaac kappy', 'tom hanks', 'wwg1wga', 'amazon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q news', 'q info', 'q posts', 'wwgowga', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'hrc', 'judicial watch', 'doc', 'release', 'info', 'new', 'posts', 'washington post', 'bezos', 'cia', 'hillary clinton', 'emails'] PT32M3S 290 13 30 0 not set not set 2018-08-06T02:18:35.000Z 7Nxwue38EYk UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Latest Q Anon 8/5 "If You See Something Say Something" "Check Out My New Video Anon: ""Be aware of your surroundings."" Today 8/5/18, we discuss the latest Q posts 1816 1817 1818 1819 Q gives another hint that the 20 redacted pages from the FISA will be revealed soon. Also, Q calls out HRC for her ties to noted KKK member Robert Byrd after she tweeted her admiration of Lebron James following his interview with Don Lemon on CNN . Finally, a warning to all to remain vigilant. If you ""see something, say something"". Patreon" Informative Info 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'who is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'new', 'posts', 'q news', 'q info', 'q analysis', 'latest', 'today', 'q 1816', 'q 1817', 'q 1818', 'q 1819', 'q research', 'q boards', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'lebron james', 'hrc', 'tweet', 'fisa', '[20]', 'judicial watch', 'doc', 'release', 'amazon', 'bezos', 'cia', 'eric trump', 'fbi', 'marina', 'abramovich', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'donald', 'trump', 'wall', 'government', 'shutdown', 'server', '30000', 'emails'] PT19M52S 418 21 38 0 not set not set 2018-08-10T04:09:18.000Z hIWtyNi18rk UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ 8/9 New Q Most Cryptic Post Yet "Clinton Foundation" Plus latest News "Check Out My New Video Q today plus clinton raid and trump get more stars Support Me On Patreon" Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'potus', 'trump', 'donald', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'bill', 'chelsea', 'trafficking', 'child', 'edward', 'snowden', 'julian', 'assange', 'order', 'executive', 'immigrants', 'white', 'house', 'john', 'mccain', 'justinformedtalk', 'michael', 'mike', 'trimm', 'show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'fox', 'news', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'abc', 'cbs', 'shooting', 'jared', 'russian', 'collusion', 'space', 'force', 'army', 'james', 'comey', 'ig', 'report', 'children', 'crimes', 'cash', 'kanye', 'west', 'kardashian', 'maga', 'tariffs', 'scotus', 'nunes', 'recording', 'fbi', 'doj', 'hollywood', 'star', 'plane', 'foundation', 'cryptic', '1829', '1830', 'posts', 'drops'] PT24M43S 436 24 38 2 not set not set 2018-08-10T19:01:30.000Z AqgpK751x-U UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ 8/10 Q might be going dark for a little bit due to online attacks Check Out My New Video might go dark due to online attacks Informative Info 25 ['qanon', 'attacked', 'cia', 'fbi', 'doj', 'q+', 'donald', 'trump', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'hacked', 'q anon'] PT40S 116 0 14 0 not set not set 2018-08-29T21:03:32.000Z dlh4LJ77pmI UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ 8/29 This Week In Stupid "Check Out My New Video week in Stupud We Have A New Champion. Watch to see who! Support Me On Patreon One Time Donation" Informative Info 25 ['this week in stupid', 'idiots', 'antifa', 'asia argento', 'blue lives matter', 'drug tunnel', 'kfc', 'thrown into fountain', 'maga', 'brenda dilley', 'qanon', 'crying', 'republican', 'democrat', 'news', 'week', 'recent', 'philadelphia', 'march', 'destroying the illusion', 'jordan sather', 'unirock', 'james munder', 'brandon dilley'] PT16M4S 93 8 7 1 not set not set 2018-10-05T02:54:30.000Z _B0P20hy08o UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Q " Are you ready to see arrests? " "Check Out My New Video "" Are you ready to see arrests? "" Support The Channel Patreon- One Time Donation- FOLLOW ME IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES Twitter - Facebook - Google Plus -" Informative Info 25 ['hillary clinton', 'bill clinton', 'bill', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'chelsea', 'jeff sessions', 'china', 'chip', 'apple', 'banks', 'spy', 'servers', 'emails', 'kavanaugh', 'sessions', 'kanye west', 'rosenstein', 'rod', 'lynch', 'loretta', 'fisa', 'declassify', 'president', 'donald trump', 'russia collusion', 'manifort', 'impeach', 'new york', 'sue', 'foundation', 'navy ships', 'facebook', 'darpa', 'missle', 'd5', 'red october', 'midterms', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'november', '2016', 'election', 'feinstein', 'republican', 'democrat', 'fbi', 'investigation', 'nsa', 'cia', 'perkins coie', 'fusion gps'] PT15M34S 532 9 32 0 not set not set 2018-10-09T19:43:20.000Z 5KT1_WF_n7Y UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Dilley's Daily Dose. Nikki Haley OUT! Dilley IN (at #WalkAway) and More! w/ Author Brenden Dilley "Buy Brenden Dilley's Book Here: Out My New Video's Daily Dose. Nikki Haley OUT! Dilley IN (at #WalkAway) and More! w/ Author Brenden Dilley Support The Channel Patreon- One Time Donation- FOLLOW ME IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES Twitter - Facebook - Google Plus -" Informative Info 25 ['brendan dilley', 'brandon dilley', 'dilley', 'maga', 'donald trump', 'nikki haley', 'haley', 'quits', 'fired', 'potus', 'kavanaugh', 'intel', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'space force', 'mid terms', 'november', 'october', 'vote'] PT53M39S 288 1 17 2 not set not set 2018-10-26T03:54:30.000Z iyOjlvgVK8k UCp_sDyolMTgo7pZ2TDwtCaQ Dilley's Daily Dose Fake Bombs, Real Propaganda w/ Author Brenden Dilley "Buy Brenden Dilley's Book Here: Out My New Video's Daily Dose Fake Bombs, Real Propaganda w/ Author Brenden Dilley For as little as 1$ become a Patron & support our little channel: One Time Donation- FOLLOW ME IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES Twitter - Facebook - Google Plus -" Informative Info 25 ['donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'democrat', 'republican', 'kanye west', 'kim kardashian', 'bill clinton', 'brendan dilley', 'brandon dilley', 'dilley', 'packages', 'brenan', 'fisa', 'fbi', 'cia', 'nsa', 'bombs', 'propaganda', 'schultz', 'stzrok', 'page', 'trump', 'drumph', 'mid terms', 'midterms', 'november', '6th'] PT56M48S 342 6 24 0 not set not set 2017-11-12T20:33:39.000Z 6AwOnQKI2e4 UC2ZVxmAzTt0OKmI0lYfXp2w The Storm Pt 4: Q-Anon-All The World's a Stage-Trump's Purpose """The world will be a much different place"" once Trump returns from Asia; according to Q-Anon. Saudi's Port Arthur Acquisition: Saudi Arabia: The Bloody Wonderland Pt 2 Q-Anon: Prime Minister of Lebanon resigns:" InformedTexasVoter 27 "['President Trump', 'Q-Anon Intel Drop', ""Obama's Shadow Government"", ""Trump's Winning!""]" PT17M47S 76246 274 1294 49 not set not set 2017-11-15T11:08:20.000Z hP0uCd5F6JM UC2ZVxmAzTt0OKmI0lYfXp2w Q-Anon "The Storm Is Upon Us" Pt 5: #It's Happening-A Paradigm Shift into Rev 18 "This video is a bit choppy on the visual graphics. Sorry I had very little time to work on it. Audio should be fine. -One issue, seems that I was cut off talking about the possibility of the 3-4th Family of Anon. I was talking about David Rockefeller dying earlier this year (March 2017?) and how he might have been the 4th family Anon referred to as being ""taken out""." InformedTexasVoter 27 "['Clinton Cabal', 'Obama Unmasking', ""Weinstein's Pedogate"", 'Q-Anon', 'Revelation18']" PT17M30S 47751 193 763 30 not set not set 2017-11-19T20:18:20.000Z dth5p-mN4gg UC2ZVxmAzTt0OKmI0lYfXp2w Q-Anon is Correct! I actually recorded this Saturday morning. Support Ben Garrison Cartoons @ InformedTexasVoter 27 not set PT16M48S 31565 230 975 13 not set not set 2017-11-21T03:51:43.000Z 2cJ79PGc8vo UC2ZVxmAzTt0OKmI0lYfXp2w New Q Anon Post as of 11/17/17 "Please feel free to help me decipher some of the letters and code. AIM4TRUTH has a new video as of 11/20 that addresses Q MUCH BETTER!! This one talks exclusively about Q" InformedTexasVoter 27 ['Godfather III', 'Media Matters', 'Comet Ping Pong', 'John Podesta', 'David Brock', 'George Soros'] PT24M5S 14166 226 258 12 not set not set 2017-11-23T05:04:06.000Z _AplJHga1aM UC2ZVxmAzTt0OKmI0lYfXp2w Q-Anon: The Big Picture; The MSM; Mark Taylor; The Boots & Sexual Misconduct "Last thoughts before Thanksgiving. Please pray for our president and his mission. The boots are on the right side. I was looking at my left. Also see Chris Simpson for more explanation of McCain:" InformedTexasVoter 27 not set PT14M11S 28896 287 921 32 not set not set 2017-11-26T19:45:55.000Z uN5f46-DAlU UC2ZVxmAzTt0OKmI0lYfXp2w Q-Anon Breadcrumbs: Military Tribunals? MSM: MuellerTime? "Drone Attack: MK Ultra Mass Shooting Q-Anon posts: Looks like Pakistani TV back up:" InformedTexasVoter 27 not set PT19M39S 20644 229 572 31 not set not set 2018-08-01T21:40:20.000Z _BfveNoXdzg UC9k-yiEpRHMNVOnOi_aQK8w Why Was the Letter ‘Q’ Everywhere at President Trump’s Florida Rally? "It was a curious sight at President Trump’s Tuesday night rally in Tampa as the letter “Q” appeared frequently at the Florida State Fairgrounds. One guy held up a cut out “Q.” Another sign proclaimed ""We Are Q,” and many were spotted wearing Q T-shirts. “Q” is a network of conspiracy theorists also known as QAnon. ""They have this idea that there is going to be this thing called ‘The Storm’ in which Trump sweeps away their enemies,"" Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer told Inside Edition." Inside Edition 25 ['enemy', 'inside_edition', 'president', 'cult', 'letter', 'social media', 'will sommer', 'tampa', 'the daily beast', 'sign', 'rally', 'politics', 'washington post', 'donald trump', 'inside edition', 'florida', 'cat-politics', 'conspiracy theory', 'qanon', 'ie politics', 'trump'] PT2M13S 190140 1181 2293 658 not set not set 2018-06-11T05:20:15.000Z XiNUJ58S60o UC1QLnKaWkijFEjKf7BFA-Sw NEW QANON Q DROP JUNE 11 2018 Q Drop from ?Singapore Bye Bye Rod. IG Report heavily redacted Inspire and Grow 22 not set PT6M12S 3683 9 56 1 not set not set 2018-07-19T05:37:40.000Z EVy2oiOSNzM UC1QLnKaWkijFEjKf7BFA-Sw Q QAnon POTUS still in danger "An attempt was made on FLOTUS life. SS agent dead. Q is still busy." Inspire and Grow 22 not set PT57S 583 3 11 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T06:08:33.000Z h-BK30bMZmI UCFA_4zXUjKfnV4LKmecc3Ww Q Anon post 1/18. Grab the Popcorn, its going to be a fun 2018 Q Anon post 1/18. Big News Week. Going to be a big news year. Invest in popcorn! Internet News 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'cbts', 'Trump', 'Sessions'] PT27M2S 796 11 15 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T11:56:18.000Z y-KPgbRQTpA UCFA_4zXUjKfnV4LKmecc3Ww Q Anon 1/19 Late night drops HUGE! SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD Q anon post again during the early hours on Friday 1/19. World changing information Internet News 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'cbts', 'Release the memo', '1/19', 'North Korea', 'Google', 'Eric Schmit'] PT12M29S 1643 4 10 3 not set not set 2018-01-17T17:12:46.000Z znAORcOwxHI UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw Letts go viral! "Quick video Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: #Q #QAnon #8Chan #QAnonDrops #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #StormUponUs #StormIsComing #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DeepState #FakeNews #FalseFlags #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020" InTheBunker With Mike 22 not set PT2M9S 59 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-18T11:02:41.000Z 88AmeGkoKGY UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw #FakenewsAwards Some Q corrections- "EDIT: Podesta Brothers were in Portugal NOT Peru at the same time as Madly McCann Also she does not have a twin, the picture is of her younger sister.. Sorry about these errors, long few days- will continue to correct any mistakes openly. Also thankyou to the viewers and comenters that catch such mistakes! We couldn't do it without YOU! Long live the truth! #Fakenews awards at the end of video.- Thanks for all the support! If you follow me I'll follow you!! Lett's build and expand our patriot community! TWITTER @In_thebunker And GAB.AI @InTheBunker Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: #Q #QAnon #8Chan #QAnonDrops #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #StormUponUs #StormIsComing #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DeepState #FakeNews #FalseFlags #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['Qanon', 'maga', 'greatawakning', 'wethepeople', 'deepstate', 'lockherup', 'fakenewsawards', 'cnn', 'abc', 'nbc', 'cbs', 'fox', 'calmbeforethestorm', 'mike young', 'in the bunker with mike', 'tryhard', 'we got you where we want you'] PT46M 104 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T03:48:07.000Z jYiMTO-pS1Y UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw Q Exposes Dems plan to DESTROY America!! WW3 Averted! "Qanon exposed the democratic party's plan to DESTROY America and install DEEPSTATE Govt. The 16 year plan is exposed for what it is TREASON at the highest levels of government. Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: #Q #QAnon #8Chan #QAnonDrops #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #StormUponUs #StormIsComing #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DeepState #FakeNews #FalseFlags #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['#q', '#qanon', '#deepstate', 'qanon', 'deepstate', '#memo', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'WW3', 'tesla', 'hrc', 'hillary', 'hillary clinton', 'obama', '4chan', '8chan', 'mike young', 'in the bunker with mike', 'google', 'eric schmidt', 'jared cohen', 'elon musk', 'twitter', '#wethepeople', '#greatawakening', 'follow the white rabbit'] PT53M15S 180 3 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T23:48:01.000Z 1V21iYfj4qU UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw New Q!! We're Not Nameless or Faceless, We Were Born For Greatness! "In this quick video we discuss the new Q posts on the Channs Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: #Q #QAnon #8Chan #QAnonDrops #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #StormUponUs #StormIsComing #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DeepState #FakeNews #FalseFlags #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['@realDonaldTrump', '@POTUS', '#ReleaSETHememo', '#TREASON', '#GodBlessPresidentTrump', '#GodBlessAmerica', '#MAGA', '#MSMisFAKEnews', '#WeAreTheStorm', '#TheStormIsHere', '#OperationMockingBird', '#WeThePeople', '#WeWillNOTbSilenced', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#WeStandWithPresidentTrump', '#BuildTheWall', '#SchumerShutDown', '#HisNameIsSethRich', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', 'Qanon', '#q', '#notarussianbot'] PT18M44S 109 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-25T04:56:25.000Z -7mP8Zn8Nyc UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw Cocktails and Q "Was doing research for a weekend project and came across this 8chan board for Q.... I couldn't keep it to myself.. Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: #Q #QAnon #8Chan #QAnonDrops #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #StormUponUs #StormIsComing #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DeepState #FakeNews #FalseFlags #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['Qanon', 'deepstate', 'clintons', 'clinton foundation', 'obama', 'shot heard around the world', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'tick-tock', '@realDonaldTrump', '@POTUS', '#ReleaSETHememo', '#TREASON', '#GodBlessPresidentTrump', '#GodBlessAmerica', '#MAGA', '#MSMisFAKEnews', '#WeAreTheStorm', '#TheStormIsHere', '#OperationMockingBird', '#WeThePeople', '#WeWillNOTbSilenced', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#WeStandWithPresidentTrump', '#BuildTheWall', '#SchumerShutDown', '#HisNameIsSethRich', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit'] PT34M52S 66 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T02:15:25.000Z ly08SC87wRA UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw New Q and a surprise! "Talking about the latest breadcrumbs and something special! Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: #Q #QAnon #8Chan #QAnonDrops #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #StormUponUs #StormIsComing #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #DeepState #FakeNews #FalseFlags #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['Qanon', 'deepstate', 'clintons', 'clinton foundation', 'obama', 'shot heard around the world', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'tick-tock', '@realDonaldTrump', '@POTUS', '#ReleaSETHememo', '#TREASON', '#GodBlessPresidentTrump', '#GodBlessAmerica', '#MAGA', '#MSMisFAKEnews', '#WeAreTheStorm', '#TheStormIsHere', '#OperationMockingBird', '#WeThePeople', '#WeWillNOTbSilenced', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#WeStandWithPresidentTrump', '#BuildTheWall', '#SchumerShutDown', '#HisNameIsSethRich', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit'] PT19M43S 142 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-31T02:01:08.000Z LESv8XzyOCw UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw New Q!1-30-18 " Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links:" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['#Q', '#QAnon', '#8Chan', '#QAnonDrops', '#GreatAwakening', '#TheStorm', '#StormUponUs', '#StormIsComing', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#DeepState', '#FakeNews', '#FalseFlags', '#MAGA', '#TrumpTrain', '#Trump2020'] PT28M53S 401 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-02-02T01:56:26.000Z 2hc7N1HXS-4 UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw New Q Posts1-31-18 "Talking and showing new Qanon posts off the research board.. Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links:" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['#Q', '#QAnon', '#8Chan', '#QAnonDrops', '#GreatAwakening', '#TheStorm', '#StormUponUs', '#StormIsComing', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#DeepState', '#FakeNews', '#FalseFlags', '#MAGA', '#TrumpTrain', '#Trump2020', '#Winning', '#POTUS', 'RELEASETHEMEMO', 'RELEASEITALL'] PT21M5S 95 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-02-06T02:41:37.000Z OLXjRqMls-A UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw New Q 2-5-18 " Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links:" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['#Q', '#QAnon', '#8Chan', '#QAnonDrops', '#GreatAwakening', '#TheStorm', '#StormUponUs', '#StormIsComing', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#DeepState', '#FakeNews', '#FalseFlags', '#MAGA', '#TrumpTrain', '#Trump2020', 'POTUS', '#POTUS'] PT25M43S 41 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T01:30:41.000Z hHEf9OLTA5o UCzqzGySlRFlV31BV41mSwGw New Q 2-11-18 "Subscribe to In_TheBunker With Mike YouTube Channel – Twitter – Links: To Q Boards LINKS- RT- USA Today- Plane Crash List CNN Meme- Bangkok Takedown Pics 8Chan-" InTheBunker With Mike 22 ['@realDonaldTrump', '@POTUS', '#ReleaSETHememo', '#TREASON', '#GodBlessPresidentTrump', '#GodBlessAmerica', '#MAGA', '#MSMisFAKEnews', '#WeAreTheStorm', '#TheStormIsHere', '#OperationMockingBird', '#WeThePeople', '#WeWillNOTbSilenced', '#TheGreatAwakening', '#WeStandWithPresidentTrump', '#BuildTheWall', '#SchumerShutDown', '#HisNameIsSethRich', '#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#Q', '#QAnon', '#8Chan', '#QAnonDrops', '#GreatAwakening', '#TheStorm', '#StormUponUs', '#StormIsComing', '#DeepState', '#FakeNews', '#FalseFlags', '#TrumpTrain', '#Trump2020', 'POTUS'] PT15M19S 62 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-09-18T01:45:36.000Z _5k_6bD6z44 UCjfUtuBHuuXtVfi8DugB5aA Hurricane Florence, Q-Anon, and the Military Coup of the USA "" inTruthbyGrace 22 not set PT17M12S 11200 737 766 81 not set not set 2017-12-29T15:57:52.000Z g-TiQlYzASQ UCKF2uvvsMqByX1_I7RHu7KA Tarot Draw - Q Anon (Who,What and How) 12/29/17 "My Last Reading for 2017 is about Q Anon is it a person, what are their intentions and who's behind it ? Some of these questions will be answered If you would like to donate to improve this channel to cont giving quality tarot readings If you would love to receive a reading from me contact" Intuitive Retta 24 ['World News', 'Q Anon', '4Chan', 'hot topics', 'psychic reading', 'intuitive reading', 'tarot reading', 'divination', 'playing cards', 'oracle', 'cartomancy'] PT22M32S 3150 80 95 7 not set not set 2018-09-11T03:42:00.000Z dlwhjpOE6EU UCGeqQEEiqveYxEe5ACugUnw IRATE MONDAY!!! - The 25TH AMENDMENT - QANON PICK OF THE DAY - JIM CAREY? (maybe not) - "STUFF THE MSM MISSED-- Catholic Church forgot AGAIN it's not the crime- it's the COVERUP- HOLY SHIT -Jim Carey Gives sage advice to the Dems =============================================================================== ====================================================== PLEASE HELP THE CAUSE ======================================================= Music via Youtube Free Library and Loops by Irate Prostate from 70's & 80s ======================================================== ====================================================== IRATE PROSTATE'S TWITTER: IRATE PROSTATE'S PATREON:: IRATE PROSTATE'S MINDS:: IRATE PROSTATE'S BITCHUTE: IRATE PROSTATE'S DAILY MOTION: IRATE PROSTATE'S YOUTUBE:" IRATE PROSTATE 24 ['current', 'discussion', 'funny', 'irate monday', 'irate prostate', 'lampoon', 'laugh', 'live', 'live stream', 'news', 'panel', 'satire', 'stream', 'stupidity', 'talk', 'talkin', 'veteran mountain man', 'Athemma the Hun', 'Cas Warfox'] PT1H2M23S 103 0 20 0 not set not set 2018-09-18T04:16:56.000Z fjh5q6dMeNQ UCGeqQEEiqveYxEe5ACugUnw IRATE MONDAY- FAKE WEATHER- QANON FISA-- FACEBOOK MEME POLICE "NEW ADDITION TO LINE UP - OVERLOOKED NEWS - THE Q ZONE- FACEBOOK MEME POLICE ========================================== ====================================================== PLEASE HELP THE CAUSE ======================================================= PANESISTS: BLIND PRESS Cas WarFox Twitter: Minds: Sir Adamantine: Ch 1 Ch 2 Pickled Parrot- Twitter: @SirAdamantine Vetran Mountainman @veteranmountainman ======================================================== Music via Youtube Free Library and Loops by Irate Prostate from 70's & 80s ======================================================== ====================================================== DONATE PLEASE: MERCH: IRATE PROSTATE'S TWITTER: IRATE PROSTATE'S PATREON:: IRATE PROSTATE'S MINDS:: IRATE PROSTATE'S BITCHUTE: IRATE PROSTATE'S DAILY MOTION: IRATE PROSTATE'S YOUTUBE:" IRATE PROSTATE 25 ['irate prostate', 'live', 'obs', 'streamlabs', 'view', 'current', 'discussion', 'irate monday', 'live stream', 'news', 'panel', 'sarcasm', 'stream', 'stupidity', 'talk', 'talkin', 'veteran mountain man', 'BLIND PRESS', 'SIR ADAMANTINE', 'CAS WARFOX', 'Q ANON'] PT1H35M30S 70 0 18 1 not set not set 2018-10-19T03:53:36.000Z qLppO6PVbeA UCkfn4-HhDqElxZddj5qxWLQ 10-18-2018 - In Real Life News - Weekly Wrap up of this Week's Headlines. Commentary & Q. "Multistreaming with In Real Life News & IRL Studio Production. Please Like and Subscribe! We appreciate all of our subscribers. ResignationAnon link(s): Resignation YouTube Playlist: - Resignation Thread on 8chan: - Human Trafficking Arrests List: 1MAnZZoD7y5Ydwx2rSrZualrZTNUYDY7gozTXkT0YUOs/edit#gid=0 - Human Trafficking Arrests Thread on 8chan: 1796608.html National & World News and Commentary. Covering Resignations, QCrumbs, POTUS Tweets and more! Our sister channel for all of our Documentaries: To join Rudyland in Discord go here: Other Discord Servers: QEurope Discord: GreatAwakening: Our Sister (IRL Media) Sites **Weekly Program List for IRL Studio Producton** **Monday thru Wednesday** - Red-Pill Hour+ (Times - TBA) **Thursday** - In Real Life News on WMQM AM Radio 9pm-11pm ET **Friday** - In Real Life News 9pm - 11pm ET **Saturday** - The Chrissi Jo Hart Show 2pm - 4pm ET (Coming back soon!) **Sunday** - The Resignation Show 1pm - 3pm ET Subscribe for notifications" IRL Media 25 ['IRL Media', 'IRL News', '#IRL Media', 'WMQM Live', 'IRL WMQM', 'Not Fake News', 'Rudyland', 'IRL News Rudyland', 'In Real Life News'] PT2H53S 59 0 12 0 not set not set 2018-05-31T13:10:44.000Z iT_e1Rr_dIo UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-11-21 - Anti School - *HIGH ENERGY* Trump Draining the Swamp!! /POL/ Q Clearance Anon leaks "Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen Video Source:" Isaac's Archive 22 ['AntiSchool', 'Anti School', 'Anti-School', 'Isaac Green', 'IsaacGreen', 'QAnon back', 'QAnon', 'QAnon posts', 'draining the swamp', 'drainingtheswamp', 'leaks', 'rothshields', 'titanic', 'jp morgan', 'fed', 'own the people', 'own the debt', 'soros', 'nazi', 'collaborating', 'merkel', 'figure head', 'Elliott Marxx'] PT28M24S 20 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-31T13:34:43.000Z ZQtaMnTN0hI UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-11-20 - Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' "Q Anon is back posting on 4chan multiple times today. He asks us- 'Im here during the day, can you infer why? /pol/ Q anon 4 chan posts HAPPENING!!!!! THE STORM IS HERE!!! #AntiSchool #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #QAnon #DrainTheSwamp Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen Video Source:" Isaac's Archive 22 ['AntiSchool', 'Anti-School', 'anti school', 'isaac green', 'isaacgreen', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'potus', 'refuses', 'silent'] PT1H35S 90 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-05-31T15:42:05.000Z PWxO1cA93FU UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-11-24 - Anti School - MICHAEL FLYNN, MUELLER COOPERATING - NEW YORK TIMES Q Anon "Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps http:// 'FAILING NEW YORK TIMES' RTS Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is Moving to Cooperate With Mueller....... MUELLER working to take out crooked cabal FLYNN has info on pedo network... developing...... #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', 'eliot marx', 'eliott marxx', 'elliot marx', 'elliot marxx', '', 'sex cult', 'sex cults', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'satanism', 'communism', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'qanon posts', 'clinton sex cult', 'podesta satanist', 'pizzagate exposed', 'wikileaks podesta', 'dnc lawsuit', 'trump lawsuit', 'trump cohen', 'trump hannity', 'clinton haiti'] PT19M50S 9 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-31T18:35:43.000Z kbUJLAtS1M8 UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-11-22 - Anti School - ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED: BIGGEST INTEL LEAK EVER - TRUMP/NSA/MI VS GLOBALIST " DOWNLOAD MY PRESENTATION - FOLLOW ALONG WITH MY POWERPOINT (this is just my powerpoint info if you guys want a visual) Share that powerpoint! 50:37 is when I really blow the occult Illuminati out of the water. Please DONATE to my grassroots journalism: support me!!! Q ANON WAS FIRST SEEN ON 4CHAN OCTOBER 29TH, 2017 BEFORE THE SAUDI RAIDS. THE SAME DAY KUSHNER WENT TO SAUDI ARABIA. SHORTLY AFTER, SAUDI ARABIA WAS UNDER MARTIAL LAW WITH NUMEROUS ARRESTS OF IT'S WEALTHIEST CORRUPT PRINCES. 4 DAYS AFTER Q ANON WARNED [L][D][R] (LYNN DE ROTHSCHILD) THAT THEY WERE BEING... Archived Video from Isaac Green - Anti School (Edited version for Youtube) See Bitchute for complete version For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen Video Source:" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', '', 'new world order', 'george soros', 'cult', 'illuminati', 'eyes wide shut', 'Rothschilds', 'Soros', 'QAnon', 'worship', 'podesta', 'globalism', 'isaac green youtube', 'anti school youtube', 'isaac green qanon', 'anti school qanon', 'isaac green channel', 'anti school channel', 'isaac green youtube channel', 'anti school youtube channel'] PT1H22M33S 153 0 15 0 not set not set 2018-05-31T19:12:53.000Z yw5Y3qZQgBw UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-11-24 - Anti School - Q ANON - 'THE WORLD CANNOT SWALLOW THE TRUTH'... "Q ANON - 'THE WORLD CANNOT SWALLOW THE TRUTH'... FACEBOOK/GOOGLE CIA FRONTS | 'TEAMS ON STANDBY' ANTI SCHOOL Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', 'eliot marx', 'eliott marxx', 'elliot marx', 'elliot marxx', '', 'sex cult', 'sex cults', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'satanism', 'communism', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'qanon posts', 'clinton sex cult', 'podesta satanist', 'pizzagate exposed', 'wikileaks podesta', 'dnc lawsuit', 'trump lawsuit', 'trump cohen', 'trump hannity', 'clinton haiti'] PT48M52S 30 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-01T05:05:16.000Z K0d_8mqARmQ UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-12-01 - Anti School - JOHN PODESTA CALLS PEDOGATE 'BS' | BLAMES 'ALT-RIGHT' "Please DONATE to my grassroots journalism: support me!!! Bitcoin Wallet Address (Donate Bitcoin!) 1B53rvyuVFY3Kgsr6iB3SBrmRhHzFhoj2i Patreon Paypal Desirous Clothing Co. - God bless you truth seekers out there!!! Peace and love, -Isaac Green Pizzagate is real. Would you rather play dominoes on cheese or pasta? LOCK EM ALL UP, ALLEGED SICKO PEDOS THE REPUBLIC IS BACK! VIVA AMERICANA!!!! get started in crypto today /pol/ Q anon 4 chan posts HAPPENING!!!!! THE STORM IS HERE!!! Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM ANTI SCHOOL" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', '', 'sex cult', 'sex cults', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'satanism', 'communism', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'qanon posts', 'clinton sex cult', 'podesta satanist', 'pizzagate exposed', 'wikileaks podesta', 'dnc lawsuit', 'trump lawsuit', 'trump cohen', 'trump hannity', 'clinton haiti', 'anti school pedogate', 'anti school podesta'] PT26M14S 35 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-06-01T16:08:42.000Z zAPJH6Plxqg UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-12-13 - Anti School - YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP ON Q ANON "Archived youtube videos from Isaac Green channel (Anti School) For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps" Isaac's Archive 22 ['anti school youtube channel', 'antischool youtube channel', 'anti school youtube', 'anti school censorship', 'isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'new world order', 'antischool youtube'] PT1M37S 94 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-06-01T16:34:37.000Z RUHYEUgkr88 UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-12-14 - Anti School - INTERVIEW WITH 8CHAN BAKERS - THE STORM - Q ANON "Today the /CBTS/ board eliminated the use of tripcodes. Q cannot post without his tripcode, and Q said the board was compromised. We do not have contact with the board owner. Because of this, we have started a new board, . The board owner is Baker/PamphletAnon. Tripcodes are allowed and we are transcribing all relevant information from /CBTS/. *video originally aired at the new Anti School channel. **** new channel **** 8chan link: New Q 'ENJOY THE SHOW' - Q ANON Todays bread in full: Incredible list of 'pedo' wives Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #IsaacGreen #AntiSchool" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', '', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'qanon posts', 'tripcodes', 'board compromised', '8chan', 'new board owner', 'isaac green interview', 'anti school interview', 'anti school qanon', 'isaac green qanon', 'isaac green 8chan', 'anti school 8chan'] PT1H12M59S 52 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-06-01T16:54:12.000Z -nAksJMleLo UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-12-20 - Anti School - NEW Q ANON 'TRUST SESSIONS' | 'END IS NEAR' "8chan link: Please DONATE to my grassroots journalism: support me!!! BUY GOLD NOW: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON???? Escape the crooked bankers! You can help me produce 'Anti School' when you join using my link: *not financial advice* Patreon Paypal Desirous Clothing Co. - Bitcoin wallet: Donate BTC! 16um11zTTuitMhgkNo1xJoEhEjZHUFn1Rm God bless you truth seekers out there!!! Peace and love, -Isaac Green Archived Videos from Anti School For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen Source Video:" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', 'eliot marx', 'eliott marxx', 'elliot marx', 'elliot marxx', '', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'satanism', 'communism', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'qanon posts', 'Anti school qanon', 'isaac green q anon', 'anti school q anon'] PT12M59S 22 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-02T06:09:27.000Z nEUEsSDKCAA UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-12-21 - Anti School - #12DaysOfMAGA Q Anon and the Second Great American Revolution "EVERYONE WELCOME: Publicly Discuss MAGA movement on Reddit: explanation This is an info war! Let's spread the great news of the MAGA movement to the normies! 8chan link: Support me! Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen Video Source:" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', 'eliot marx', 'eliott marxx', 'elliot marx', 'elliot marxx', '', 'sex cult', 'sex cults', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'satanism', 'communism', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'qanon posts', 'clinton sex cult', 'podesta satanist', 'pizzagate exposed', 'wikileaks podesta', 'dnc lawsuit', 'trump lawsuit', 'trump cohen', 'trump hannity', 'clinton haiti'] PT5M43S 17 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-06-02T16:06:35.000Z e-XavPvf8CM UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2017-12-23 - Anti School - NEW Q ANON ‘UFO PUT OUT TO DETRACT FROM DROPS’ SPACEX UFO DISTRACTION " Follow @JocCamp1 on twitter for up to date Q anon posts. Elon Musk UFO Post on Twitter MAGA!!!!! Publicly Discuss MAGA movement on Reddit: #12DaysOfMAGA explanation This is an info war! Let's spread the great news of the MAGA movement to the normies! 8chan link: Archived Videos from Isaac Green For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Thinking Caps #AntiSchool #IsaacGreen Source Video:" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', 'eliot marx', 'eliott marxx', 'elliot marx', 'elliot marxx', '', 'sex cult', 'sex cults', 'q moab', 'q posts', 'satanism', 'communism', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'qanon posts', 'clinton sex cult', 'podesta satanist', 'pizzagate exposed', 'wikileaks podesta', 'dnc lawsuit', 'trump lawsuit', 'trump cohen', 'trump hannity', 'clinton haiti'] PT2M53S 29 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-13T06:27:04.000Z eglbdqm_wEs UCQPZyNB_k-k_0hVMcpsEaAg 2018-03-18 - Isaac Green - Anti School Isaac Green Lawsuit vs. Youtube | Update with Natasha "Archived Videos from Isaac Green - Anti School For new videos visit his website - Support Isaac and grab some of his Think Caps" Isaac's Archive 22 ['isaac green', 'antischool', 'anti school', 'anti-school', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'make america great again', 'greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'isaacgreen', 'elliott marxx', 'eliot marx', 'eliott marxx', 'elliot marx', 'elliot marxx', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'isaac green lawsuit', 'youtube lawsuit', 'isaac green anti school', 'isaac green antischool', 'isaac green natasha'] PT36M53S 90 0 12 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T04:28:15.000Z Q1BWb9IaB5k UCPJ5d9IV_ehDoIzAccIWz4w Gematria Q Anon 201 366 61 Look this up the other day. I was so unimpressed I forget to do a video, Roman, Psalm psalm 103,45,90 12.4 norma true code isittruenews 2 22 ['Q anon Gematria'] PT3M23S 80 3 2 2 not set not set 2018-07-20T15:29:44.000Z MvcyWLHvZME UCvsJdHzGL2Waz277shGKmqw Hot Topic plus size HAUL & TRY ON "☆★☆OPEN ME!☆★☆ So happy that everything I got fit very well. 📍 •••••••••••••• 💋MY CURRENT FREE GIVEAWAY: •••••••••••••• ☥Affiliate links: •ALWAYS MEI: USE MY CODE: “FREEEYE7” FOR A FREE GIFT WITH YOUR PURCHASE! (Code good until 7.31.18) * SHOP JACYS: USE MY CODE “WICKED13” FOR 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE! CLICK THIS LINK •JB & EVES: Use MY Code “BLAIZEIT” for 10% off your ENTIRE purchase!!! (code good until 7.31.18) •••••••••••••• ☥Email Me For Business Inquiries & More: ••••••••••••••• ☥MY STUFF & THINGS 🖤Facebook: 🖤Instagram: 🖤Snapchat: blaizesnaps 🖤Twitter: ItsBlaize13 (i almost never go on here) 🖤Marco Polo: Its Blaize •••••••••••••• ☥♥️PO BOX INFO ♥️☥ ⚫️HERES WHAT TO DO: ****This is the temporary address you can send whatever you would like to!: ✔️ATTENTION LARRY ⬅You MUST write this name (JUST PUT “BLAIZE” SOMEWHERE ON THE PACKAGE SO WE KNOW) HDS 1710 Briargate Blvd. Suite 471 Colorado Springs, CO 80920✔️ ((PLEASE let me know if and when you send anything)) •••••••••••••• ☥FAQ ★ Q. ""Where do you get your wigs from?""- A. I find them on ebay. Certain brands are much higher quality you just have to look :) if there is a specific wig I am wearing that you are interested in just let me know & I will send you the link! (If it is still up) ★Q. “If you are a practicing witch, does that mean you worship the devil?”- A. NO! lol i do not worship the devil I don’t even believe in the satan. I worship nature and many gods and goddess’ and the practice of witchcraft since I was 13 years old. ★Q. ""Is that beauty mark next to your eye real or do you draw it on?""-A. It is real. ★Q. ""Are ALL of your giveaways free?""- A. YES! 100% free ON YOUR END all of the time. No catch at all. ★Q. ""What video editor do you use to make your videos?""- A. VideoShop, IntroMaker, & Intromate ★Q. ""What do you use to make your thumbnails?""- A. ""The apps ""Poster"" and ""Typorama"" ★ Q.""What is the name of the song in your intro?""- A. Sand Storm by Apashe ★Q.""What are the 2 scars on your forehead from? Are they cigaret burns?""- A. No. when I was 4 I had chicken pox and even though my parents told me not to scratch them or pick at them I didn't listen and it left 2 scars on my forehead. ★ Q.""Wait. I'm confused. I thought your b/f that died was named Cory. So did you lose 2 b/fs?""- A. Ok....I get this question A LOT. Cory was my fiancé who died from Epilepsy in 2008. Michael was my long time b/f after Cory and he passed away in his sleep in 2015. Hope that clears some of your confusion. I DO have videos on both of them that you can watch if you need more explaining. ★ Q. ""Are your piercings real?"" A. All except my septum. I HAD my septum pierced and theres a funny storytime ill do on that and why I don't have one anymore. My eyebrow is gauged as are my first and second ear holes. I have 10 ear piercings. ★★★☆☆★★★ •••••••••••••• ☥ Prizes (for giveaways) may be subsituted for items of equal value if they become unavailable before contest ends . I'm very sorry, but when/ or if happens it is out of my hands, and I always make every effort to obtain the original item. ✖️ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION TO ENTER ANY AND ALL OF MY GIVEAWAYS! ☥NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO! ALL OPINIONS ARE MY OWN! ALL ITEMS ARE PURCHASED WITH MY OWN MONEY!" Its Blaize 26 ['hot topic', 'hot topic haul', 'plus size fashion', 'plus size women', 'plus size clothing haul', 'torrid', 'makeup haul', 'beauty haul', 'high end fashion', 'high end makeup', 'makeup dupes', 'shop miss a', 'shop miss a haul', 'always mei', 'jb and eves', 'jb eves', 'shop jacys', 'juno and co', 'free giveaways', 'free gift cards', 'amazon gift card', 'suicide squad', 'harley quinn', 'summer clothes', 'fall clothing', 'drugstore makeup', 'goth fashion', 'hot topic makeup', 'goth style', 'goth clothing', 'american horror story'] PT12M27S 560 48 42 2 not set not set 2018-09-22T03:46:40.000Z gi8trzCuMFw UC3QuoqlYLakumu4bc0a9pOA Time Traveler Named "Recall" Channeling Finding The 4th Dimension Within "Private Sessions / Questions / Learn to Channel Ivan Teller Services Overview Book A Private Session Submit A Question #spirit #aliens #QAnon" Ivan Teller 27 ['Spiritual', 'Spirit', 'tarot', 'oracle', 'psychic', 'ufo', 'shaman', 'Super Soldier', 'Secret Space Program', 'ET', 'Zeta Greys', 'Grays', 'Drachk', 'Draco', 'Andromedian', 'arcon', 'arcturian', 'Pleiadian', 'crystals', 'pineal', 'Channeled Message', 'Message', 'Galactic Federation of Light', 'god', 'heaven', 'ascension', 'spirit', 'channeling aliens', 'metaphysical', 'reptilian', 'Ashtar Command', 'Ivan Teller', 'spiritual enlightenment', 'meditation'] PT38M26S 870 13 57 2 not set not set 2018-09-27T04:28:14.000Z bLY4CKxAra0 UC3QuoqlYLakumu4bc0a9pOA Rothschild Currency Reset? Arcturian and Sirian Channeling "Private Sessions / Questions / Learn to Channel Ivan Teller Services Overview Book A Private Session Submit A Question #spirit #aliens #QAnon" Ivan Teller 27 ['Spiritual', 'Spirit', 'tarot', 'oracle', 'psychic', 'ufo', 'shaman', 'Super Soldier', 'Secret Space Program', 'ET', 'Zeta Greys', 'Grays', 'Drachk', 'Draco', 'Andromedian', 'arcon', 'arcturian', 'Pleiadian', 'crystals', 'pineal', 'Channeled Message', 'Message', 'Galactic Federation of Light', 'god', 'heaven', 'ascension', 'spirit', 'channeling aliens', 'metaphysical', 'reptilian', 'Ashtar Command', 'Ivan Teller', 'spiritual enlightenment', 'meditation'] PT36M40S 771 7 50 1 not set not set 2018-07-31T16:31:09.000Z d-mpHzOrDtQ UCxS2l021s7g6f3zhEfaV9ww Q Anon/Official narratives explained J DB 22 not set PT14M44S 468 8 21 2 not set not set 2018-08-23T13:16:40.000Z 50-uOEnoihQ UCxS2l021s7g6f3zhEfaV9ww Not speculation or opinion: THE FACTUAL ACTUAL CASE- QANON=SATANISM/AQUINO/TRUMP...WATCH B4 TOO LATE "Magus / Maga (Fifth Degree) The Temple of Set recognizes several stages or degrees of initiation. The degrees indicate the individual Setian's development and skill in magic.[97]The degree structure is based on that of the Church of Satan, which in turn was based on the degrees of a nineteenth-century occult group, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.[98] The Temple terms the progression through degrees as ""recognitions"", because the organization's philosophy sees that the individual member initiates themselves and that the Temple merely acknowledges this by granting the degree.[99] These degrees are:[Magus / Maga (Fifth Degree)  Swampy @QProofs THANK YOU ANONS!! 24/7 you sacrifice your personal time and treasure to help us, Q and POTUS save the world!! YOU ARE TRUE PATRIOTS!! #WWG1WGA  Swampy @QProofs Oh yeah, and by the way.... don't confuse the REAL #Anonymous (who fight for Truth, Justice and World Peace) with David Brock's Shareblue #resist shills who fight for the satanic pedophiles determined to nuke the world. Not even the same caliber of people We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. Anonymous representative of Anonymous, as quoted in Yale Law and Technology (9 November 2009) does jesus forgive? i do too hopefully. why not Qanon oh bc its satan army...well that makes sense i guess. Qanon does believe in satanistm. first: legion. satand army. you are defined as legion according to qanon 2nd: wwg1wgA= 666666A literally (my recent must see b4 2 late clip) 3:MAGA is aquino 5th level of initiation in his satanist religion so you see....its very much satanic. you just let it be good bc it appears as good. satan appears as an angel of light remember Donald Trump, who had this to say about serial child-rapist, Jeff Epstein, back in 2002: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy! He’s a lot of fun to be with. It’s even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. A woman who alleged she was held as a teenage sex slave by a well-connected billionaire financier has settled a lawsuit accusing another woman of facilitating the abuse. Virginia Giuffre alleged she was pulled into years of abuse by investor Jeffrey Epstein when she was working as a 15-year-old towel girl at President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach in 1999. And much much more info. all of the above is irrefurable." J DB 22 not set PT25M14S 1214 102 68 6 not set not set 2018-03-07T07:04:53.000Z hC0ZZdYVD40 UCA5eNnNv64j-70uHc2NiNZw QAnon: The Storm is Coming """Believe in me, I'm with the High Command!"" On October 28, an anonymous individual calling himself ""Q Anon"" began posting a series of cryptic messages on a /pol/ thread titled “Calm Before the Storm."" ""Q"" claims to be a high-level government insider with Q clearance (hence the name) tasked with publicly posting military intel drops — which he called “crumbs” — straight to 4chan, an anonymous message board. According to Q Anon, President Trump has secretly enlisted an elite military task force currently busting up an elite Washington D.C./Hollywood financed pedophilia network. Recent events, including the helicopter crash over the Rothschild estate, Trump's sudden ""White Hat"" visit to the C.I.A. and the Marine RECON Base, as well as the Atlanta Airport blackout, suggests a secret military force is in operation. Q Anon calls this countercoup operation against members of the Deep State., ""The Storm"" and uses Alice in Wonderland imagery in his drops. For verification of his authenticity, ""Q"" often foreshadows Trump's tweets on Twitter by minutes. Once ""Q"" posted a photo on Air Force One while Trump was flying back on his trip to Asia. Q Anon revelations often alert the public to upcoming events that won't be known publicly for weeks, sometimes months in advance. The Storm is Coming. Millions of people today are following daily Q"" Anon revelations, including Rosanna Barr, Jerome Corsi, and Lionel Nation. Alice turned on her laptop, “Why sometimes I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast,” she exclaims! With Q Anon, Mike + The Mechanics ""Silent Running"" Julian Assange, Alice in Wonderland and a very special guest, Donald Trump!" J. Daniel Armstrong 25 ['QAnon', 'Assange', '8Chan', 'The Storm', 'Donald Trump', 'The Swamp', 'The Washington D.C. Deep State'] PT6M10S 5242 13 121 4 not set not set 2018-08-09T01:14:24.000Z 7sVVXCXw2n8 UCuSvKJqR5QHGlMmwRDZDkPw #OpQ #WaronQAnon PAMPHLET ANON & BARUCH THE SCRIBE - THE Q BAKERS "Over the last week we've seen the QAnon movement take some crushing blows including being DENOUNCED by Whitehouse Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders. How does an Anonymous poster on 4chan and 8chan fool thousands of people into thinking they are a Government official? In this piece I look back on some of the interviews with the Board Owners and head ""Bakers"" PamphletAnon (The Great Awakening board on 8chan), and Baruch the Scribe (Calm Before the Storm board on 8chan) to dig up some clues. ""Paul Furber (aka ""Baruch the Scribe"" has been in the IT industry since the 80s and writing about it since the early 90s. He has written for Brainstorm, the Sunday Independent, the Financial Mail and Business Day on a variety of business and IT topics. As well as his experience in journalism, he is a software developer and systems architect with several large projects to Government and private enterprises under his belt.""" J.O.E.L Bot No. 5 22 ['Pamphletanon', 'Baruch the Scribe', 'Bakers', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Pamphlet', 'CBTS', 'Exposed', '#OpQ', '#WaronQanon'] PT10M19S 2252 58 143 8 not set not set 2018-08-19T18:49:17.000Z QByrO5FQS6c UCuSvKJqR5QHGlMmwRDZDkPw INSIDE THE BAKERY - THE Q BAKERS "#OpQ and the #WaronQAnon rages on ...In this video we look further into the early inception of the QAnon movement through the very first couple of interviews with the Board Owners and ""bakers"" from mid December 2017. Some of this material has since been deleted so I wanted to get this on the record and bring to light some telling statements. Baruch the Scribe aka. Paul Furber owner of CBTS on 8Chan Pamphletanon aka. J. Coleman Rogers owner of Great Awakening on 8Chan Tracy Beanz aka. Tracy Diaz owner of CBTS on Reddit" J.O.E.L Bot No. 5 22 ['Paul Furber', 'Baruch the Scribe', 'Pamphletanon', 'Pamphlet Anon', 'Coleman Rogers', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Tracy Diaz', 'Farmer Funk', 'Breadbox', 'Bakers', 'Truth', 'Exposed'] PT15M42S 1081 39 72 3 not set not set 2018-10-01T22:22:26.000Z 6hxMeBBxPsc UCuSvKJqR5QHGlMmwRDZDkPw DUSTIN NEMOS (H ANON) STRUCK MY CHANNEL "QAnon researcher Dustin Nemos aka. Dustin Krieger (the Heroin near the kindergarten guy) recently Struck one of my videos in an attempt to cover up his dark past. Big thanks to Marfoogle news for pointing this out because I wasn't sure who did it. Luckily Dustin's shameless display of hypocrisy actually did nothing because I still have ZERO guideline strikes and now everyone knows he got done for trafficking. *Joelcorp* Hi Rach:)" J.O.E.L Bot No. 5 22 ['Dustin Nemos', 'Marfoogle news', 'Censorship', 'Truth', 'Exposed', 'Unirock', 'Youtube strike'] PT4M28S 845 73 80 7 not set not set 2018-09-14T05:13:06.000Z 2RLuXbmqNHQ UCxQaoykbgs3jvNqoqqOThgA WWG1WGA dedication to Q and the Anon’s " My name is J.T. Wilde I am a singer/songwriter a philosopher and an American Patriot. I am currently working to build this channel and bring you quality music and information. I have goals for the future of American entertainment and I could always use a little help from my friends. My content is free yet, if you would like to contribute to my success in spreading my music to the world it is always appreciated and reciprocated as much as possible. Here is my paypal link Thank you for your love and support on this amazing journey ahead! God Bless and Much Respect! “WWG1WGA” J.T. Wilde They call us deplorable and we love the name They have the bodies in the dirt and need someone to blame They got a penchant for greed and the money to spare They put the dollars in the coffers and their lies in the air Chorus (Where we go one we go all) I won’t push you down You won’t let me fall One day for sure we will stand tall Cuz where we go 1 we go all! We are the patriots We (trust the plan) Because (we have it all) and their fate is in our hands They had a reason to fool us But we didn’t take the bait they want to take us to hell But we got guns at the gate Chorus (Where we go one we go all) I won’t push you down You won’t let me fall One day for sure we will stand tall Cuz where we go 1 we go all! They call it a conspiracy Cuz it’s their one last lie But we know who they are And we got them in our sights Our knowledge is power They’re Running for the hills if the law don’t gettem Then (We the people) Will Chorus (Where we go one we go all) I won’t push you down You won’t let me fall One day for sure we will stand tall Cuz where we go 1 we go all!" J.T. Wilde 22 not set PT3M 57398 507 3609 27 not set not set 2018-09-26T07:44:05.000Z UzFmAtfqVaw UCr0qJxEyvPiIxHHw4DvzE-w The Man #qanon The Man Jake Brown 25 ['the man', 'trump', 'trump memes', 'funny trump videos', 'funny trump', 'trump badass', 'patriots', 'qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'the great awakening', 'military tribunals', 'military court', 'kavanaugh hoax', 'kavanaugh confirmation', 'trump kavanugh meme'] PT4M10S 132 1 2 1 not set not set 2018-05-29T23:30:10.000Z M2luU50McY4 UCIozLvxEM3CwkhC8B9pGD9Q Q Anon Acolytes, You're Being HAD. Apologies For Bluntness But YOU'RE BEING SCAMMED "Q Anon Acolytes, You're Being HAD. Apologies For Bluntness But YOU'RE BEING SCAMMED If you enjoy the content, please like, share, subscribe, and consider a donation to help support the show via Patreon, Paypal, or Superchat. Patreon: PayPal: Facebook: Twitter: For business opportunities, please email" Jamarl Thomas 25 not set PT20M30S 1509 79 150 14 not set not set 2017-12-28T21:53:34.000Z vb1e-zu282A UCXqzvg-9YJGwA3Ixv94vh3w #TheStorm Podesta Group Peddled Russian Influence QAnon "The conservative lawyers at Judicial Watch just blew the lid off of the massive Obama White House cover-up after the Islamic terrorist attack at the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. This is Earth shattering news, and has devastating consequences for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The damning files obtained by Judicial Watch show State Department officials under Hillary Clinton’s command blatantly lied about the attack which killed four Americans in November 2012. It was not, as once stated, an escalation of a demonstration against an absurd YouTube video but rather a coordinated assault by Islamist terrorists on the US Embassy in Tunisia. The State Department’s Diplomatic Security Command Center, also know DSCC, produced a memo obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog group entitled, “Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations.” The DSCC would have known the true nature of the attack since it monitored the situation via drone. Read more: #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Monero #Ripple #Cardan #Iota saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM ANTI SCHOOL saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM" James Apcar 2 ['hillary', 'trump', 'donald', 'farage', 'ukip', 'brexit', 'clinton', 'roger stone', 'bill clinton', 'bernie sanders', 'eu', 'putin'] PT6M48S 894 0 9 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T21:55:41.000Z 82-Yq7Eq3ow UCXqzvg-9YJGwA3Ixv94vh3w FBI Informant Russian Briefcase of Uranium One Bribe QAnon #TheStorm "The conservative lawyers at Judicial Watch just blew the lid off of the massive Obama White House cover-up after the Islamic terrorist attack at the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. This is Earth shattering news, and has devastating consequences for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The damning files obtained by Judicial Watch show State Department officials under Hillary Clinton’s command blatantly lied about the attack which killed four Americans in November 2012. It was not, as once stated, an escalation of a demonstration against an absurd YouTube video but rather a coordinated assault by Islamist terrorists on the US Embassy in Tunisia. The State Department’s Diplomatic Security Command Center, also know DSCC, produced a memo obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog group entitled, “Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations.” The DSCC would have known the true nature of the attack since it monitored the situation via drone. Read more: #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Monero #Ripple #Cardan #Iota saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM ANTI SCHOOL saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM" James Apcar 2 ['hillary', 'trump', 'donald', 'farage', 'ukip', 'brexit', 'clinton', 'roger stone', 'bill clinton', 'bernie sanders', 'eu', 'putin'] PT8M3S 232 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T21:57:57.000Z u_EH4DP7_Qo UCXqzvg-9YJGwA3Ixv94vh3w Donald Trump Executive Order targets Khazarian Mafia QAnon #TheStorm "The conservative lawyers at Judicial Watch just blew the lid off of the massive Obama White House cover-up after the Islamic terrorist attack at the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. This is Earth shattering news, and has devastating consequences for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The damning files obtained by Judicial Watch show State Department officials under Hillary Clinton’s command blatantly lied about the attack which killed four Americans in November 2012. It was not, as once stated, an escalation of a demonstration against an absurd YouTube video but rather a coordinated assault by Islamist terrorists on the US Embassy in Tunisia. The State Department’s Diplomatic Security Command Center, also know DSCC, produced a memo obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog group entitled, “Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations.” The DSCC would have known the true nature of the attack since it monitored the situation via drone. Read more: #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Monero #Ripple #Cardan #Iota saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM ANTI SCHOOL saudis rothschilds pedogate pizza gate q anon 4chan pizzagate john podesta huma abedin barack obama al haweed bin talal soros rothschilds lord rothschild new world order bush family saudi princes q anon nsa fbi cia leaks intelligence military intelligence revolution silent war infowar operation mockingbird illuminati conspiracy illuminati confirmed illuminati real 4CHAN /POL/ INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM" James Apcar 2 ['hillary', 'trump', 'donald', 'farage', 'ukip', 'brexit', 'clinton', 'roger stone', 'bill clinton', 'bernie sanders', 'eu', 'putin'] PT3M15S 547 1 6 1 not set not set 2018-08-20T17:57:54.000Z MmIMKT_1mrU UChMcxlX-j6VJBN-WmXSZ95A Qanon - What is #Qanon #WWG1WGA Hello everyone, patriots worldwide for peace, freedom and love. This video is an introduction to what is Qanon, MSM May call it a conspiracy, some of us know the “real news”. I am using the great website for the purpose of sharing this information with more people . All credit and thanks goes to , please like and share if you appreciate the video/content/time to make the vid 😊 James Goldie 25 not set PT1H22M25S 1652 7 34 2 not set not set 2018-09-17T01:22:48.000Z PbfX4oldkl8 UChMcxlX-j6VJBN-WmXSZ95A #Qanon Reddit Ban Nuff Said James Goldie 22 not set PT29S 118 3 5 1 not set not set 2018-09-23T15:06:47.000Z dYMAPrSnr88 UChMcxlX-j6VJBN-WmXSZ95A Explained #QAnon #WWG1WGA "Hello patriots worldwide. Hope you’re having a great day or night wherever you are. Just a quick explainer of , the link to the website is below." James Goldie 22 not set PT9M38S 15678 33 145 6 not set not set 2018-10-22T14:57:42.000Z dIgwmzmHe3c UChMcxlX-j6VJBN-WmXSZ95A #QAnon V’s Evil Lynn De Rothschild All Q drops relating to one of the wickedest women (apparently) on the planet. #WWG1WGA James Goldie 25 not set PT8M30S 3934 13 56 3 not set not set 2018-10-23T14:55:33.000Z 8CRjjexHAvM UChMcxlX-j6VJBN-WmXSZ95A #QAnon V’s Satanic Cults In today’s video we explore some of the Global Themes part of . Beginning with the Satanic Cult related drops. James Goldie 25 not set PT43M14S 921 5 12 1 not set not set 2017-11-07T17:36:13.000Z 6gmI8ESnQuE UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw IS PRESIDENT TRUMP POSTING ON 4CHAN? +++ MYSTERY Q CLEARANCE James Munder 2 not set PT5M24S 36814 438 886 53 not set not set 2017-11-09T10:07:20.000Z 1yP3-NqAao0 UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q CLEARANCE 4CHAN MASSIVE INTEL DROPS -PART1 " ⤵SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL RIGHT HERE:⤵ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT44M16S 120556 1918 2146 189 not set not set 2017-11-09T11:08:37.000Z wpKA9xMgWkU UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw MASSIVE INTEL DROP Q CLEARANCE 4CHAN -PART2 "Props To TRUTHEARTH ⤵SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL RIGHT HERE:⤵ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT49M16S 82449 854 1484 94 not set not set 2017-11-10T20:12:46.000Z XECSyrfRLNA UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw WAS TRUMP RECRUITED BY MI TO BE PRESIDENT? Q PATRIOT +++ "VOAT THREAD 1: VOAT THREAD 2: 4CHAN THREAD: DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🤓SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT45M 111611 814 2277 154 not set not set 2017-11-12T18:52:11.000Z FNCovjS7IME UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw MASSIVE INTEL DROPS Q CLEARANCE +++ PART 3+++ "Q QUESTIONS 38°4437.57N 104°5048.40W to 39.8561° N 104.6737° W Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT57M28S 138416 2271 2149 186 not set not set 2017-11-12T21:25:40.000Z pmJQ4KwliX4 UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw LATEST Q POSTS: ROTHSCHILDS, HOUSE OF SAUD, lLLUMlNATl +++MASSIVE INTEL DROP -PART4 " Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT29M51S 163913 737 1844 190 not set not set 2017-11-22T02:44:30.000Z rWDjM3OTG2E UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Q ++ "I HAVE A FEELING SOME HIDDEN ENTITY IS ERASING MUCH OF THIS INFO FROM WEB (GOG EL?), I WANT TO DOCUMENT AS MUCH OF THIS AS POSSIBLE. —James Munder Btw, I'm In The PROCESS OF CONNECTING WITH FRIENDS IN THE FASHION /CLOTHING BUSINESS LIKE Hajuku Lovers and The Hundreds To CREATE The Freshest Hoodies, Beanies, Hats & Tee's On EARTH. MUCH LOVE TO ALL THAT NEVER LOST THE FAITH & KEPT THE LOVE FLOWING. 💯Respect. DM Me @1Munder. This Thing is Just Getting Started. DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE http://ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT22M46S 118641 1377 2561 173 not set not set 2017-11-25T12:58:34.000Z v9-vxQJh8iY UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q POSTS: ALICE & WONDERLAND What The Hell Is Really Going On? James Munder 2 not set PT21M22S 43791 815 830 50 not set not set 2017-12-06T06:25:11.000Z vSMFxyxOn6Q UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw THE SHADOW PRESIDENT: RECENT Q POSTS "DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT32M36S 67496 1357 1372 87 not set not set 2017-12-15T09:28:27.000Z MWCjhY0ZT4M UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q POSTS++ CBTS ++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯 HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS "The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER (Primary Channel) & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION (Backup Channel): Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎🤓 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You" James Munder 2 not set PT40M 74853 952 1689 83 not set not set 2017-12-16T03:55:09.000Z peeGjHh6rpU UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q PATRIOT THREAD: FOLLOW THE SYMBOLS: My Audio Is Being Messed With HARD On Phone & Computer " ALL 3 OF MY COMPUTERS BEING MESSED WITH?????? YEAH RIGHT, THIS IS SO DELIBERATE, and SORRY I HAD TO SPEED IT UP TO GET RID OF THE WEIRD HIGH PITCH RECURRING WHITE NOISE." James Munder 27 not set PT33M47S 23167 284 516 126 not set not set 2017-12-20T09:07:36.000Z FV-P9T-cXDw UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q++ CBTS+ THE STORM +MINERVA: CHRISTMAS LOAF 🎄🍞 "🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS: 1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG 📮PATREON: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder SOURCE: DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me" James Munder 2 not set PT45M22S 79351 710 1547 80 not set not set 2017-12-22T04:45:40.000Z VR1X4b1ZS1c UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q's SECRET BREADSHOP ∆ ∆*∆* SPICY LOAF TONIGHT🔥🍞 " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS: 1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG 📮PATREON: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me. 🔥🍞 DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 ['qanon', 'thestorm', 'BREADSHOP', 'cbts'] PT43M24S 56650 701 1283 126 not set not set 2017-12-22T12:45:09.000Z IyK7YxVajGI UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q DROPS A "GLOWING" BREADCRUMB "🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS: 1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me" James Munder 2 not set PT2M37S 27322 220 677 25 not set not set 2017-12-24T06:16:04.000Z l99_D9b-UCU UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q BREADCRUMB GEORGE WASHINGTON Get Down Off That High Horse James Munder 2 not set PT8M41S 26446 381 820 49 not set not set 2017-12-27T01:48:21.000Z 9o9tYSQVWtk UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q MISSING "i" DECODE +++ THE ST∅RM 🗝@Fox&Frlends " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT12M32S 38045 434 967 62 not set not set 2017-12-29T23:19:36.000Z -tnrWCpZNVI UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q PREDICTS THE FUTURE: THE LORDS PRAYER " 🐸 GAB @1munder 🐦 TWITTER @1munder 🤖 DISCORD jamesmunder ♨ STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖 BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT8M59S 19688 266 728 34 not set not set 2018-01-06T19:13:28.000Z RX_13cyXLU8 UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw NEW Q DROPS $$$ -WHAT IS HUSSEIN UP TO? BIG Next Week "HERE IS UPDATED FILE 4.4.0: Yuge Thank You To Everyone Who Helps, I Really Appreciate Everything Everyone Does. What Is Going To Happen Next Week? Is BO scrambling For $$$$$?" James Munder 2 not set PT6M22S 53380 379 1373 58 not set not set 2018-01-11T05:33:38.000Z 4K3cwhaJIbk UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q POSTS+PLANES & TRAINS: WHY NO DIVORCE HUMA? " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT9M27S 31942 248 951 44 not set not set 2018-01-14T06:35:36.000Z jdsH9FpvllY UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q WARNS SHUTTING DOWN GOVERNMENT 2 BLOCK MILITARY " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT38M18S 153894 1877 3068 219 not set not set 2018-01-16T08:21:24.000Z 9-DLsBAXvoI UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw HAWAIIAN MYSTERY 4 SEASONS TRAITORS PERVERTS TIMES UP " Fresh Hot Loaf: Or (ENIGMA Q MAP) 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 ['FAKE NEWS AWARDS'] PT22M7S 29730 519 1179 35 not set not set 2018-01-19T06:00:17.000Z Zjh4i_-uBKk UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw HUGE Q DROPS: CLOWNS FAILED: "SAFE ROOM" DOWN SHE GOES #ReleaseTheMemo " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT12M6S 113306 1009 2853 169 not set not set 2018-01-19T06:11:27.000Z dQnn3RzO3xY UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q DROP +STATE-OF-THE-UNION: TIMING IS EVERYTHING " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT1M17S 14433 78 484 8 not set not set 2018-01-20T02:51:29.000Z tiFU9s9Rd1k UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw NEW Q POSTS + DANGEROUS GAME+ MEMOS MEMES & MAYHEM "Have a Good Weekend. Much Love- James Munder 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT17M20S 58169 1036 1899 50 not set not set 2018-01-21T20:25:36.000Z B8fi2fV-3iM UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw NEW Q CRUMBS- PURE EVIL+ " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT15M40S 48188 600 1546 25 not set not set 2018-01-22T01:01:25.000Z mEY3EQBsqOA UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q PUBLIC INTELLIGENCE: SHUTDOWN & BREAKDOWN "Q Decode: 369666855-Qanon-Decode-Four-Posts-Sunday-Jan-21-2018-Will-Sessions-Drop-the-Hammer-Vers-16-0-Jan-21-.pdf The Hill: 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT10M18S 56823 691 1884 52 not set not set 2018-01-22T04:17:05.000Z qJvgbo8suqA UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q REVEALS PODESTA CODED EMAIL-EVERY 3 LETTER HERE "@QPOSTS 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT9M51S 128776 780 2930 109 not set not set 2018-01-24T02:23:54.000Z lMkY8IEzz6s UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q INTEL- DO NOT GLORIFY US " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT5M34S 20517 173 833 19 not set not set 2018-02-08T05:45:16.000Z 4geHs4EBR5M UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q KING TOWER LIVE: INTEL GATHERING OP Shanghai " Leave Intel in Comments 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT21M50S 37801 782 1292 70 not set not set 2018-02-08T18:08:39.000Z DqjYcYNxPsI UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q INTEL- KING TOWER Shanghai: WE SEE U "Credit: SpaceShot76 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT23M34S 45133 482 1580 26 not set not set 2018-02-21T13:29:59.000Z X6FpkIE_6_I UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw NEW Q POSTS: HOT IN DC @JACK THOUGHT HE WAS PROTECTED " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link I WILL GET MY LIVESTREAMING BACK SOON😎 THIS CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION' WILL GET LIVESTREAMING BACK FIRST. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 27 not set PT19M42S 39110 471 1910 31 not set not set 2018-03-04T09:36:09.000Z --9sfyD1xYQ UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw NEW Q 'DEMONSTRATION' AT WHITE HOUSE " UNITED WE STAND WHERE WE GO 1, WE GO ALL THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS CHANNEL🤓 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL: THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT23M51S 62664 1704 2552 68 not set not set 2018-03-10T03:02:33.000Z jX8wUmfPw74 UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q FORBIDDEN CITY+ CUT STRINGS + SELL OFF+ @jack " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT24M51S 34246 452 1166 29 not set not set 2018-03-16T01:37:17.000Z 2L1uHU9nmkw UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q EXTREME EFFORTS: PUBLIC WILL SOON KNOW: TRUST KANSAS "🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT18M57S 83582 922 2226 77 not set not set 2018-03-17T21:26:34.000Z 4qmG3yw6Kf8 UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q BIDEN/CHlNA BIG DEVELOPMENT: AMERICA FOR SALE " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT9M10S 47428 765 1717 34 not set not set 2018-03-17T22:32:33.000Z z5aMvlVcdMU UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q TRUMP & THE GREAT AWAKENING; BOOM TECH:VAULT 7 " UNITE FIGHT ORGANIZE WIN (repeat) 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT10M53S 31183 424 1589 30 not set not set 2018-03-24T18:04:02.000Z Ekwpx8kWg1M UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q RED CASTLE GREEN CASTLE DECODED & SES SWAMP "HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND, ENJOY YOURSELF 😆 MUCH LOVE TO ALL FELLOW PATRlOTS 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT8M28S 31301 289 1203 26 not set not set 2018-03-27T15:24:37.000Z nDENtTv37IE UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q NO PRIVATE COMMS MADE OUTSIDE OF THIS PLATFORM "🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯NO PRIVATE COMMS🍗🍗 🍰☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰☕" James Munder 2 not set PT2M1S 22724 524 1211 39 not set not set 2018-03-28T08:16:42.000Z IFvU_OF2vmM UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q TIDAL WAVE INCOMING BUCKLE UP "Q posts 8ch 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT24M56S 71540 1200 2309 72 not set not set 2018-03-31T23:28:05.000Z RRwWKOqWHSM UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q MAJOR Players Here To CREATE DOUBT: UNHAPPY CLOWNS " 🎯 Support Real 🎯 💲 https://www.patreon/JamesMunder 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG +++Q+++Q+++Q+++Q+++ I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT30M42S 118016 1018 2433 126 not set not set 2018-04-04T20:38:22.000Z CMJxbqshLxk UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q HUGE DROPS UNDERGROUND TUNNELS BEING COVERED UP " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT15M52S 39123 705 1705 73 not set not set 2018-04-12T06:06:28.000Z 2lwoUwnFdKw UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q DROP IT ALREADY FACEBOOK INVOLVED IN HIGH CRIMES " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT10M18S 22183 398 1109 20 not set not set 2018-05-05T04:15:14.000Z 0muuWwWMB8o UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q /PATRIOTS FIGHT/ NATIONAL CRlSlS: RENEGADE " 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 💲 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG https://www.patreon/JamesMunder I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT17M30S 16468 186 671 26 not set not set 2018-05-27T23:54:58.000Z ouJL-1C-jkA UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw Q BACKCHANNEL JULIAN ASSANGE JUNE 11 "BACKCHANNEL @backchannel17 may 25: Search This: fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 JUNE 11, 2018? WE SHALL SEE... 🇺🇸Support For My Channel, Thank You & May God Bless You https://www.patreon/JamesMunder Handles: 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT8M16S 35882 699 1459 64 not set not set 2018-08-07T15:25:31.000Z e6OxzGE3KYA UCGQ2Sr_tQ8YPbnfDHdKWRPw New 'ANONYMOUS' VIDEO VOWS To DESTROY #Qanon & EXPOSE 'HIM' 😅 " 🇺🇸Support the Quest For The Truth https://www.patreon/JamesMunder Handles: 🐸GAB @1munder 🐦TWITTER @1munder 🤖DISCORD jamesmunder ♨STEEMIT @jamesmunder 🎖BITCOIN ADDRESS:    1LHt3dfgr6s8RjihkDy89botGDGDk1ZMTG I OPENED UP THESE ACCOUNTS BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DO PATREON, SO I GOT A BITCOIN WALLET & PAYPAL WALLET BECAUSE OF THE DEMONITIZATION AYPOCALYPSE. Thank You For Supportting Real People like me The Link Below⤵ Will Help ⤵You To Support JAMES MUNDER & THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION: Link↪ https://www.patreon/JamesMunder ↩ Link BACKUP CHANNEL 'THE RESEARCH REVOLUTION'. MAKE SURE SUBSCRIBE. Thank you God Bless You DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 🕵SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" James Munder 2 not set PT9M48S 19485 1364 1222 45 not set not set 2018-08-07T21:52:59.000Z DUhiWO_avug UCt4FOn_sTZkEWpADBAWrQ3g Who Is Q Qanon? What is The Great Awakening? WHO IS Q . . .? What an AWESOME short video (2 minutes) to get a quick overview of What - and WHO - Qanon is. SHARE this video! #WhoIsQ #QANON #TheGreatAwakening James Red Pills America 22 ['Qanon', 'The Great Awakening', 'Great Awakening', 'The Storm', 'The Storm Is Coming', 'Donald Trump'] PT2M9S 13569 51 504 12 not set not set 2018-10-23T17:44:51.000Z Snqe94VuAbo UCt4FOn_sTZkEWpADBAWrQ3g BOOM! The Great Snowflake Smackdown: One Minute Manners Training Video "This is the 'One Minute Manners' Training Video for you whiny-butt little Snowflakes who dare to take on the Silent Majority. Short, sweet - and to the point. Buckle up Snowflakes. Pick your panties off the basement floor and take a moment to get a clue. ------------------------ This Video Is Dedicated To All Of My Donors & Patrons - Around the World who Contribute Monetarily to help make this channel possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. #WWG1WGA 'Where We Go One, We Go All' ------------------------ YOUTUBE HAS DENIED MY REQUEST TO MONETIZE MY CHANNEL PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO THE CONTINUATION OF MY WORK DOING SO WILL HELP ENSURE THAT I AM ABLE TO CONTINUE TO PROVIDE CONTENT LIKE THIS TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD! GoFundMe Donate as little or as much as you want anonymously or publicly Patreon Make a monthly commitment to help donate as little or as much as you want anonymously or publicly PayPal Donate as little or as much as you want THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! #Qanon #JamesRedPillsAmerica #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #TrustThePlan #TheStormIsComing #NowComesThePain #RedPill #MockingbirdMedia #FakeNews #FakeNewsMedia #TurnThemOff #ChangeTheChannel #Liberals #Democrats Donald Trump Donald Trump Speech Donald Trump Election Speeches Best Donald Trump Speech Best Donald Trump Speeches Donald Trump Speeches Donald Trump Election Highlights Donald Trump Thug Life Donald Trump Highlights Best of Donald Trump Donald Trump 2016 Election Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Drain the Swamp Donald Trump Election Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Campaign Trail Donald Trump 2016 Donald Trump Rally" James Red Pills America 22 ['Snowflake Smackdown', 'James Red Pills America', 'Snowflakes gets Punched', 'Antifa Gets Punched'] PT1M18S 11173 300 950 16 not set not set 2018-08-05T17:31:17.000Z vrkY5gvqDew UCpT6Y533nRfpdXFSSnzbtCw This Video will get Q Anon Accepted. (If it goes viral) #QStories #QAnon #WalkAway "Inspired by Trump’s final speech of the 2016 elections: ""This Speech will get Trump Elected."" I just changed a few words here and there to accommodate Q. Please hit the like button to quell the trolls! Thanks! The Deep State does not want Q to be legitimized because Q is anti-pedo. CORRECTION!! Q Drops started in October 2017, not 2016. Submit your Q stories to Katie G or IPOT on You tube. In Pursuit of Truth ( Trump’s final speech of the 2016 elections: Please listen to the words and don't be distracted by the sunlight coming in the window lol. My latest Ar ""tickle"":" Jane Evershed 27 ['Q Anon', 'Trump', 'Fake media', '#QStories #WalkAway Who is Q? What is Q?', 'Red wave', 'The Great Awakening', 'Fake News', 'The speech that got Donald Trump Elected', 'Patriot soapbox', 'trump Rally'] PT7M48S 14668 241 1101 24 not set not set 2017-12-22T22:12:59.000Z F4ihlWZYMlE UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ Artificial Intelligence PsyOps Tyler and Q Anon with Quinn Michaels "How could a Q level clearance operative release sensitive intelligence information without being charged with treason? Sponsor Crowdsource the Truth BTC - 14y2bEJ484DTbQwthX51VWpcRtk9Q7kmQQ ETH - 0x07a23Ac0EBb5936d60A8cBfE07D64A579Cc756c9 LTC - LVP2d143QjPv1JaJpqgPHzQzv2qSQCDnbd email merchandise - **Legal Disclaimer: Sponsorship of Crowdsource the Truth is made at the sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsorship funds are not tax-deductible, are non-refundable, and do not represent any ownership, equity interest or decision-making authority in the organization." Jason Goodman 25 ['Tyler', '#tyler', 'Psyop', 'Deep State', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'AI', 'quantum computer', 'Q clearance', 'Q anon'] PT1H5M40S 59195 645 1255 129 not set not set 2017-12-23T04:08:20.000Z lzklNhzGWJg UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ #SaveTyler – Who is Q Anon? "Further down the rabbit hole with Quinn Michaels. Sponsor Crowdsource the Truth BTC - 14y2bEJ484DTbQwthX51VWpcRtk9Q7kmQQ ETH - 0x07a23Ac0EBb5936d60A8cBfE07D64A579Cc756c9 LTC - LVP2d143QjPv1JaJpqgPHzQzv2qSQCDnbd email merchandise - **Legal Disclaimer: Sponsorship of Crowdsource the Truth is made at the sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsorship funds are not tax-deductible, are non-refundable, and do not represent any ownership, equity interest or decision-making authority in the organization." Jason Goodman 25 ['Q anon', 'Tyler', 'artificial intelligence', 'Anonymous', 'hacker', 'hackers', 'hacking', 'tyler', 'wikileaks'] PT1H2M35S 51352 449 1152 140 not set not set 2018-01-05T22:57:28.000Z oZn3r3ZYaFQ UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ Knowledge of #Tyler is Bliss - Is Q Anon Driven By A Sophisticated Artificial Intelligence? Has artificial intelligence existed for far longer than the average person knows? What do Q Anon, Operation Paperclip and Tyler Texas have in common? Jason Goodman 25 ['Quinn Michaels', 'Fort Bliss', 'Bliss Airforce base', 'Artificial intelligence', 'Tyler', '#Tyler'] PT1H15M17S 39094 363 893 167 not set not set 2018-02-17T00:43:07.000Z NHGS0r0dV0Y UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ Q anon-sense – Who or What is Really Behind #Qanon "Intel Drops"? "A Navy Gunner who held a Top Secret\ Sensitive compartmentalized Information (TS\SCI) clearance speaks to us about concerns with the ongoing Qanon revelations. Become a Sponsor of Crowdsource the Truth monthly sponsorship on Patreon BTC - 14y2bEJ484DTbQwthX51VWpcRtk9Q7kmQQ ETH - 0x07a23Ac0EBb5936d60A8cBfE07D64A579Cc756c9 LTC - LVP2d143QjPv1JaJpqgPHzQzv2qSQCDnbd email merchandise - **Legal Disclaimer: Sponsorship of Crowdsource the Truth is made at the sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsorship funds are not tax-deductible, are non-refundable, and do not represent any ownership, equity interest or decision-making authority in the organization." Jason Goodman 25 ['Qanon', 'Q anon'] PT1H13M28S 43186 858 703 364 not set not set 2018-08-11T22:46:32.000Z dzwSuCupkKc UC8Cl9QaRtuW9CNjP7pP4BBQ Only ON Patreon FREE Preview: My Friend Mr. Leakey, His Friend Q anon & the Mysterious Crypto Cypher "Quinn Michaels continues to make astonishing discoveries encoded in the bizarre 1937 children's book ""My Friend Mr. Leakey"". This is a free preview of tonight's show which is only available to Patreon members who are subscribed to Rahula Club or Crowdsource the Truth. Become a Sponsor of Crowdsource the Truth and enjoy exclusive content Only ON Patreon Or" Jason Goodman 25 ['Quinn Michaels', 'Jason Goodman', 'Mr. Leakey', 'Rahula Club', 'Crowdsource the Truth', 'Patreon', 'Only ON Patreon', 'My Friend Mr. Leakey', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Willy Wonka', 'Willie Wonka', 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', 'encrytption', 'cyphers', 'Dave Acton', 'cypher', 'shortwave radio', 'George Sweigert', 'telecom', 'Mr. Smith'] PT12M44S 3684 24 114 41 not set not set 2018-10-10T03:52:49.000Z OZ3lW2bHTCg UCjDEHLVTbdoM6p9WjPgJJTg The Angry Mob - how leftwing crazies are tearing the United States apart at the seams... Where is all of this headed? #TheGreatAwakening #Kavanaugh #webelievesurvivors #angrymob #mobrule #communism #MAGA #TRUMP #WINNING #UNITY #PEACE #Q #QANON #DRAINTHESWAMP #LOCKHERUP #NOWCOMESTHEPAIN Jay B Free Man 22 not set PT5M6S 21 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-11T03:48:54.000Z OQdUR2vvKyw UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA #Q Clearance #4chan #Patriot #Anon #Vault8 #Maga #Saudi #KeK +++ - Jay Dyer "Click Subscribe! My Site: My Patreon: My Book: My TV Show: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Gab: On this episode of Boiler Room the ACR Brain-Trust is running a round table discussion on school systems putting cameras in bathrooms in the US and the EU, Facebook as an extension of the federal intelligence apparatus, silicone valley insiders admit social media was designed to exploit inherent vulnerabilities in human beings to get them addicted to their applications, the selective silencing of dissenting voices in social media, the NY bike path 'terror attack' from a non-conspiratorial VLOGer, the Texas church shooting near San Antonio and the first Transexual elected to political office. Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis for the hundred and thirty fifth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the social reject club." Jay Dyer 24 ['jaydyer', 'philosophy', 'rap music', 'industry', 'new world order', 'MAGA', 'KEK', 'pepe', 'trump', 'facebook censorship', 'banned', 'jaysanalysis', 'Q clearance', '/ pol', 'north korea', 'Cia', 'fake', 'flynn', 'saudi arabia', 'staged', 'vegas event', 'false flag', 'comedy', 'satire', 'improv', 'breaking', 'hollywood cults', 'fbi', 'mueller', 'hillary', 'uranium One', 'saipov', 'spoofed server', 'vault 7', 'deep state', 'soros', 'foundation', 'NSA', 'occult', 'satanic', 'obama', 'CEo', 'spying', 'feldman', 'LOUIS CK', 'sex', 'assault', 'weinstein', 'spacey'] PT2H37M6S 13720 34 156 25 not set not set 2017-11-16T03:05:53.000Z 5NqESUgfJhs UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA /POL/ Q Clearance Anon 4Chan #Happening ROTHSCHILD Decoded in Full (Half) - Jay Dyer "Click Subscribe! My Site: My Patreon: My Book: My TV Show: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Gab: The rumor mill of 4Chan has speculated that I am a secret leaker and that the Trump Administration is about to bring the heat to the criminals. Is this ""leak"" real? In this talk I reverse engineer the ""leak"" to lead us in the accurate direction of what actually IS going on, long term. As such, Q functions as a lesson plan for real analysis. This is the free half, while subscribers to JayAnalysis get the full talk, with the second focusing on the esoteric, cultic, and Hollywood aspects I covered this week on nationally-syndicated radio." Jay Dyer 24 ['4chan', 'latest', 'reddit', '/POL/', 'jay dyer', 'leaker', 'leak', 'Q clearance', 'hollywood decoded', 'jaysanalysis', 'russia', 'election hack', 'narrative', 'geopolitics', 'sibel newsbud', 'rothschild', 'saudi', 'NEOM', 'bill gates', 'smart cities', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'agenda 21', 'green agenda', 'carbon tax scam', 'al gore', 'david rockefeller', 'north korea', 'fake', 'cia', 'fbi', 'NSA', 'Q group', 'podesta', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'hillary clinton', 'jeff sessions', 'Soros', 'hollywood', 'trafficking', 'blackmail', 'covert', '+++', 'ANON', 'INTEL DUMP'] PT1H27M34S 41911 133 604 64 not set not set 2017-11-17T22:20:37.000Z w_rVDd-lNGs UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA Hollywood Sex Scandal Coverup! - 4 Chan Q Clearance - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room "#hollywood #Qanon #comedy Click Subscribe! My Site: My Patreon: My Book: My TV Show: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Gab: Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room On this episode of Boiler Room the ACR Brain-Trust is having a fireside-chat regarding the latest grinding of gears in the political, social (engineering) and media machines. Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis, Randy J, Andy Nowicki of the Nameless Podcast and the rest of the boiler gang for the hundred and thirty sixth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the social reject club." Jay Dyer 24 ['george takei', 'stallone', 'al franken', 'CIA', 'trafficking', 'networks', 'assault', 'news', 'comedy', 'satire', 'improv', 'jay dyer', 'soros', 'hollywood', 'pedogate', 'feldman', 'casting couch', 'weinstein', 'spacey', 'foundation', '4 chan', 'Q clearance', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'think tanks', 'philosophy', 'trump', 'hilarious', 'podcast', 'beastmaster', 'rose mcgowan', 'FBI', 'mccain foundation', 'breaking', 'leak', 'uranium one', 'fusion GPS', 'smart cities', 'NEOM', 'collpase of hollywood', 'mad men'] PT2H26M28S 11113 43 140 11 not set not set 2018-06-02T09:06:37.000Z njgsZ_kuSsw UCQOsK4sQs7vlAPV353wVFQw Wikileaks DEBUNKS QAnon, Isaac Green May 2018 Jay James 22 not set PT11M11S 118 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-04-05T14:14:18.000Z CqOI9KS72EA UCJTkkcQGv-oyy99go5TpxZQ Qanon Mega Dump Jump " Lunchtime Q Booms. Pick up the baby from the floor edition. Thank you, Anon Bakers. . . . WWG1WGA. Q1008 It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET. Traitor. Massive intel sweep. Manafort was a plant. Trace background. Open source. Who was arrested? Non US. Trace background. Open source. Carter Page was a plant. Trace background. Open source. Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'? Flynn is safe. Define 'witness'. Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing? Russia Russia Russia? Real or fake? Fake? JA? Seth Rich? MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance? MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel' No investigation into WL receipt of information? No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL? No pull down of NSA metadata period? Nothing transferred across web? Direct-to-Direct bypass dump? No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software? No 'direct' investigation into CS? FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach? HUSSEIN block? HUSSEIN control? HUSSEIN ""STATE SECRETS"" WH NAT SEC ARTICLES 1-9 - BURIED? Awan attached? AMERICA FOR SALE. Cheatin' Obama. Trust the plan. APRIL SHOWERS. Q //// Q1009 Troops to Border. Clown Black Ops. Private funds. Raised how? Troops @ Border does what? Impact? To who? D's involved. MS_13/Illegals road block. Sex traffic road block. Children road block. Drugs road block. Guns road block. China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block. Name we don't say AZ road block. Jeff Flake AZ road block. Big money TERMINATE. The WALL means more than you know. The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more. Q ///// Q1010 MONEY. POWER. CONTROL. People are simply in the way. SLAVES. SHEEP. PAWNS. MASS EXT EVENTS DESIGNED TO DECREASE THREAT LEVEL OF POPULATION. GUN CONTROL. WARS [FAKE][TOP HAPPY][BACKEND DEAL]. ELECTION RIGGING. CONTROL. YOUR VOICE DOES NOT MATTER. PHARMA [CLAS-D] WATER AIR CHEMICALS PUSHED FOR HOME USE CLEANING [CANCER][BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START]. VACCINES [NOT ALL]. TOBACCO. OPIOIDS. ULTIMATE WIN [DEATH + MONEY]. THE FED. ROTHSCHILD. 'CONSPIRACY' 'CONSPIRACY' 'CONSPIRACY' UK/GER [5 days]. Choice is yours. REVELATIONS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Q ///// Q1011 NK DEFUSE. RUSSIA TESTING NEW MISSILES. RUSSIA NEW THREAT. COINCIDENCE? THEY MUST MAINTAIN THREAT TO RETAIN POWER/INFLUENCE. ARE YOU AWAKE? Q ///// Q1012 ""Our thoughts and prayers are with the four U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing who lost their lives in yesterday’s Southern California helicopter crash. We pray for their families, and our great @USMC"" Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. Q ///// Q1013 TWITTER. CLOWNS. Operation Q-T2810C. False drops. Bot push. Future ""Conspiracy"" push to norms. Bad mixed w/ good. Taint. They are scared. Q ///// Q1014 MZ to step down as Chairman. MZ out of US. @Jack Good luck. Q ///// Q1015 Example. Gateway Bridge Project. $1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore. $3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel. $400k Chris Christie - Mary Pat US. …….. Omnibus Bill. The gift that keeps on giving. Q ///// Q1016 Hussein timeline. 1/20/17 - today. Cross against POTUS’ schedule. Cross against WH visitor log 11/22-1/18/17. This will become very relevant very soon. Q ///// Q1017 The Analysis Corporation (TAC). Happy Hunting! Q ///// Q1018 Track edits. Watch for ‘TheMagikBOT’. Q ///// Q1019 Learning. Follow the LOOP. Q ///// Q1020 Used against them. NG now active. Refer to old drops re: SA / NG. The WAVE. Q ///// Q1021 List the estimated wealth of religious organizations. Billions. Vatican bank. $229B. Board of Superintendence. Supervisory Commission of Cardinals. Clown connection. 1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See. Q ///// Q1022 We don’t say his name. Adios. The protected flow into AZ is no more. Under the cover of his health, he will not be seeking another term. Q ///// Q1023 Would you invade a country whereby a good portion of its citizens are armed? The ‘ultimate deterrent’. Q ///// Q1024 Jared Cohen. Coming soon to a theater near you. Q ///// Q1025 We are sincerely appreciative for your kind words and appreciation. Means more than you know. Each one read in full. We are in this together. WWG1WGA. 2018 will be glorious!! God bless, Q ///// Q1026 Peace through strength. Q ///// Q1027 POTUS will be up all night. Pray. Watch the news tomorrow. Q ///// Q1028 5:5 Q+ /////" Jehosaphat Jones Channel 09 25 not set PT1M41S 315 2 8 2 not set not set 2018-04-21T08:42:53.000Z 3WGALLllyXM UCJTkkcQGv-oyy99go5TpxZQ Q Versus Evil; We Have It All, The Choice To Know Is Yours "FullDisclosure #NoRedactions #RedactionsStink #ISmellACoveruo #CoverupsStink #WhatAreTheyHiding #Qanon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #JusticeIsComing #GrabSomePopcorn #EnjoyTheShow #ThesePeopleAreStupid #WWD1WGA #ForGodAndCountry #MAGA HOLY COW Q said 17. Southwest airlines plane engine failure. Woman who died was sitting in ROW 17. It happened on April 17. This is it Q edition.... Connect the dots for the little girl POTUS warning shot The door will be opened later. The choice, to know, will be yours. END Q Some of today's Q drop and a very public ritual killing, I mean, accident. Mack is naming names. Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal). Proof. The ‘Standard’ Hotel. Helicopter crash. All related. Future will prove past. AS. Feeling ok today? Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important? Tick TOCK (LLC). Q (Mack= Allison Mack) An anon responds with: Alison Mack singing like a canary, as Alan Dershowitz would say Q replied: Canary palm tree? Signal? Q (Q posted a pic of a palm tree just prior to this) Q next posted this image (below) of Marina Abramovic ... and then this image (of Hussein and a child) notice the band aid on his left middle finger and compare it to Abramovic's spirit cooking instructions (see third image) to cut deeply into the left middle finger - eat the pain. An anon asks: Wendy? Q acknowledge the question but did not reply. Then he posted this little bombshell. Over the target. Expand further. Wendy. HUSSEIN. Mack. AS. Open source. Q (AS= Adam Shiff Q seem to be implying Mack is naming Wendy Nixon as one of Hussein's victims.) An anon posted more info on the dead: The victims have been identified as: Erik Valente, age 26 James Louis Pedroza, age 28 Mariah Sunshine Coogan, age 23 Anand Anil Patel, age 28 Helena Lagos, age 22 Iris Carolina Rodriguez Garcia, age 23 http:// https:// (There is your ritual killing folks!! April 20th is ritual day for those who sacrifice their neighbour to their god lucifer)" Jehosaphat Jones Channel 09 25 not set PT1M41S 356 6 16 0 not set not set 2018-09-29T03:40:13.000Z VvFbFlgfbz8 UCg0exrjbJK7fhtpz9MfoxLg Who is Vincent Fusca? Is JFK Jr Still Alive? Are Conspiracy Theories Dangerous? "Sign up for JENNIFER MAC be deliciously healthy® NEWS updates - #vincentfusca #whoisvincentfusca #isjfkjrvincentfusca 🎬 Is JFK Jr. Still Alive? Who is Vincent Fusca and Are Conspiracy Theories Dangerous? Some say Fusco but it's Fusca I believe. Simply asked is JFK Jr Vincent Fusca? ✅ About Q - ✅ Qanon Proofs - ✅ Jennifer Mac Blogs - Thanks and God bless! 📚BOOK - THE RIGHT BLEND: Blender-only Raw Food Recipes 📚BOOK - DETOX DELISH: Your Guide to Clean Eating 👚Tees👚 ▶️ ◀️ 👕 Tees 👕 🙋🏻‍♀️Social Networks💁🏻‍♀️ YOUTUBE - TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: TUMBLR: SNAPCHAT - TheJenniferMac ▶️Decentralized Blockchain Networks ◀️ DTUBE:!/c/jennifermac STEEMIT: BITCHUTE: MINDS.COM: About this video: Jennifer Mac shares the conspiracy theory is JFK Jr. Still Alive. Is JFK Jr. Alive? Who knows but there is buzz going around that JFK Jr is qanon, which I don't believe Q is run by just one person. The JFK Jr Qanon theory must be looked at more closely. Who is Vincent Fusca? Is JFK Jr Vincent Fusca? Is Vincent Fusca JFK Jr? I'm not certain but it's worth looking into. Q JFK Jr is a theory only. Disclaimer: Thank you for watching this video! This video may provide descriptions containing affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a small commission. This helps out me out in order to make videos like this for you. Thank you so much for the support!" JENNIFER MAC 24 ['is jfk jr still alive', 'is jfk jr alive', 'jfk jr qanon', 'qanon jfk jr', 'who is vinent fusca', 'is jfk fr vincent fusca', 'is vincent fusca jfk jr', 'is q jfk jr', 'is q anon jfk jr', 'vincent fusco', 'vincent fusco jfk jr', 'is jfk jr vincent'] PT8M44S 74709 540 1107 76 not set not set 2018-10-11T09:03:23.000Z Oaw1l8BCzlY UCg0exrjbJK7fhtpz9MfoxLg Vincent Fusca at Trump Rally in Erie, PA - Is JFK Jr Trump’s Magic Wand? "Sign up for JENNIFER MAC be deliciously healthy® NEWS updates - #vincentfusca #isjfkjralive #isjfkjrstillalive 🎬 IVincent Fusca at Trump Rally in Erie, PA - Is JFK Jr Trump’s Magic Wand? KELLI ANN HUB NEWS ✅ About Q - ✅ Qanon Proofs - ✅ Jennifer Mac Blogs - Thanks and God bless! 🙋🏻‍♀️Social Networks💁🏻‍♀️ YOUTUBE - TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: TUMBLR: SNAPCHAT - TheJenniferMac ▶️Decentralized Blockchain Networks ◀️ DTUBE:!/c/jennifermac STEEMIT: BITCHUTE: MINDS.COM: About this video: Jennifer Mac shares the conspiracy theory is JFK Jr. Still Alive. Is JFK Jr. Alive? Only God knows but there is buzz going around that JFK Jr is qanon, which I don't believe Q is run by just one person. The JFK Jr Qanon theory must be looked at more closely. Who is Vincent Fusca? Is JFK Jr Vincent Fusca? Is Vincent Fusca JFK Jr? I'm not certain but it's worth looking into. Q JFK Jr is a theory only. Disclaimer: Thank you for watching this video! This video may provide descriptions containing affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a small commission. This helps out me out in order to make videos like this for you. Thank you so much for the support!" JENNIFER MAC 24 "['vincent fusca', 'who is vincent fusca', 'jfk jr vincent', 'vincent fusca at trump rally', 'vincent fusca spotting', 'is jfk jr alive', 'is jfk jr still alive', ""trump's magic wand"", 'trump magic wand', 'qanon magic']" PT6M13S 119867 974 2657 156 not set not set 2018-10-15T23:27:31.000Z vCJYVL6QWPE UCg0exrjbJK7fhtpz9MfoxLg What is Qanon and Is Q Real ? For Beginners Share with Family & Friends - HOLD Vincent Fusca JFK Jr "Sign up for JENNIFER MAC be deliciously healthy® NEWS updates - #isQreal #whatisqanon #qanonforbeginners 🎬 What is Qanon and Is Q Real ? - Share with Family and Friends - HOLD ON Vincent Fusca JFK Jr for now ✅ Q: Plan to Save the World - ✅ Qanon Proofs by Praying Medic - ✅ Jennifer Mac Blogs - Thanks and God bless! 🙋🏻‍♀️Social Networks💁🏻‍♀️ YOUTUBE - TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: TUMBLR: SNAPCHAT - TheJenniferMac ▶️Decentralized Blockchain Networks ◀️ DTUBE:!/c/jennifermac STEEMIT: BITCHUTE: MINDS.COM: About this video: Jennifer Mac shares her qanon for beginners guide - What is Q. What is Qanon you ask? Is Q real you ask? What is the Qanon Conspiracy Theory? Many believe qanon is real and I am one of them. Where to find qanon posts? Or where to find qanon drops? Qanon posts, or qanon drops, can be found on the 8 Chan board or at - this is to answer the question of where are qanon posts. Many are searching for What is qanon youtube and what is qanon reddit as well. What is qanon Mean / Qanon Posts patriot hour Disclaimer: Thank you for watching this video! This video may provide descriptions containing affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a small commission. This helps out me out in order to make videos like this for you. Thank you so much for the support!" JENNIFER MAC 24 ['what is qanon', 'what is q', 'is q real', 'what is the qanon conspiracy theory', 'qanon posts', 'where to find qanon posts', 'where are qanon posts', 'what is qanon youtube', 'what is qanon reddit', 'what is qanon mean', 'qanonpostspatriot hour', 'qanon for beginners'] PT7M29S 27968 206 959 43 not set not set 2018-07-09T10:29:25.000Z 3e4AA4S2qho UCFrD8cgw_KUd1ktA9Z_2zSw Divided we'll fall the division is scary Dustin Nemo's Pamphlet Anon Qanon Truth UNIROCK Issac Green "🤳 Twitter @jennvets4truth Gab 🐸 Please sub to my back up channel to catch my live streams 🚨Since many of my videos are “controversial” and get $hadow Ba**ed any and all support will be greatly appreciated 🙏 💙If you would like to support my channel🧡 👇💗you can use these links 👇💗 📭Paypal - you can send donations to 📧📬 📫💌 🛍 Another way to support my channel 🇺🇸 100% Made is the USA 🇺🇸 🌿100% ALL NATURAL🌿 Harsh Chemical free SKINCARE & Harsh Chemical Free 👩‍🎨 Professional makeup previously 🛍️💄 only available to Celebrities & pro makeup artists Products for MEN & WOMEN Guys this is perfect for Gifts for that special lady🥰 in your life perfect for teens you don't want your children using chemical ridden products don't hesitate to message me or leave a comment I can help you choose the perfect products for You or a loved one.😘 👩💄 🚨 ☢️Survival supplies ⚕️⛑️ 🥝🍅🍆🍉🍊🥑🍇🍍🥕🍓🥦🌶️🌽🍞🥬🍒🍑🍍 🤷🏼‍♀️ Thanks For Watching I hope the best for everyone just KNOW there truly are people put into situations like YouTube to make real truth seekers look ignorant giving out disinfo etc Stay vigilant!! 📌 I don’t have all the answers and If you enjoy watching please Like Share & Subscribe Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use" Jennifer Veterans4truth 27 not set PT17M58S 927 92 54 13 not set not set 2018-07-27T04:38:51.000Z sEXGDWIDbjo UCpbE1CJWNHpu8knuok8YBZQ Liz Crokin speaks on Q, Mass Arrests, and Moving Forward in a Post-Pedo Apocalypse World Liz Crokin joins me in discussion about Q and imminent arrests and resignations related to the mass exposure of child-trafficking operations and pedophilia in Hollywood. We discuss her valiant efforts to bring to the public the level of severity of this looming issue. Moving forward, what we can expect happen and what it may take to get there. Jenny Constantine 25 ['Liz Crokin', 'The Storm', 'QAnon', 'Mass Arrests', 'July Updates', 'President Trump', 'General Flynn', 'hollywood'] PT31M13S 97541 811 2974 127 not set not set 2018-04-23T01:08:53.000Z NEG7GS5ZErg UCQFmyl_W2mmerXoSZxwaemw #ShitShootingSunday | Minarchy vs Anarchy YLYL Edition "Sponsored by LibertyMugs! | A debate as old as time - should there be a state, or should it be replaced with a large purple bowl of oranges on a marble pedestal? Find out today, among some other stuff. Support the show: SHIRTS: BTC: 1JhYBPSsrXKSqcXncMKwvYvmX23HxCkXUe LTC: LXkXYdLbUQa7QkjPtXJSoiRyk3TTYUDa5E Dash: XwjM7HQwdgZc9xiaKx1gXQV6jP5Amy2cxB FRNs - Topics Discussed: - anarchy - minarchy - private law - private arbitration - state legitimacy - Trump - Stormy Daniels - Constitution - 4th Amendment - Q Anon - 4chan - 8chan - MKULTRA - Adrenochrome - Race/IQ Controversy - Computer Science - Logic Problems - Technocracy - Pareto Distribution - Childhood Education - Centralization - Decentralization - Gun Bans - Gun Control - Local Secession - Effingham County Gun Ban Refusal - Incrementalism - Rent - Enforcement agencies - Human Nature" Jeremiah Talks 25 ['anarchy', 'anarchism', 'anarcho punk', 'anarcho capitalist', 'anarcho capitalism', 'voluntaryism', 'voluntaryist', 'voluntaryism explained', 'politics', 'government', 'USA', 'united states', 'EU', 'Europe', 'economics', 'economist', 'philosophy', 'minarchy', 'gov', 'discussion', 'debate', 'live', 'argument', 'strategy', 'collab', 'satire', 'parody', 'antigovernment', 'Jeremiah', 'Harding', 'Jeremiah Harding', 'insanityisfree', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT2H46M6S 93 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-01-31T07:22:30.000Z xTZVpCWHxAM UCjpEdGMDG5l0PfU1vYAF15w Hawaii Missile Alert Was Real - CIA Dark Ops Fired - Obama Afraid? "It definitely looks like there really was a missile fored at Hawaii. Witnesses saw an explosion in the air the morning of the alert, and Hawaii2 TV did a news segment interviewing the witnesses. The CIA does have the technology, money and personnel for a Dark Ops naval fleet, including Trident II nuclear missiles. Question is, did Obama have something to do with this? Pressure is on him, and he just retained the services of a very powerful law firm. Read the analysis here: Embedded video can be seen:" Jerry W Davis 25 ['hawaii', 'missile', 'real', 'cia', 'nuclear', 'impossible', 'possible', 'how', 'was', 'north', 'korea', 'shoot', 'down', 'obama', 'birth', 'certificate', 'who', 'lie'] PT29M40S 4166 9 53 7 not set not set 2018-01-29T14:33:32.000Z 51uFfNRAG0U UC_NdwrjvuJPfX9CrrGpdA2Q Q = Z? "A quick update. God bless you all. Must Read Book: ""FORTRESS: a Wayfarers Story"": Free Read of FORTRESS Chapter 1, titled 'Fake News' A sampling of my music: Buy me a cup of coffee:" Jim Yackel 25 ['hello', 'anon', '4Chan', 'Jesus', 'salvation', 'healing', 'subscribe', 'Donald Trump', 'Mike Pence', 'world news', 'Anti-Christ', 'end days', 'end times', 'pizzagate', 'Q anon'] PT3M9S 43 2 4 1 not set not set 2017-11-16T16:53:15.000Z JQSE9a_gVSY UC4vlRrUT9Csvyl0yaTV-f3w QAnon - Martial Law! "Maybe it is for a good purpose.... I'm just being cautious... The hour is late. A video of the lady covering QAnon, but there are many more posts than in this vid: A Video of the Psalm 23/Donald" jkbugout 1 ['4chan', 'Qanon', 'collapse', 'marshal law', 'pet goat'] PT25M2S 51147 718 771 96 not set not set 2018-10-17T07:44:05.000Z MRtEgdgj_XQ UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw Q - We Are The Plan "This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie. We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved - all while we were focused on everything but what is the most transformative event in living history. View on BitChute: Please help transcribe languages here: Subtitles are turned on in the youTube settings at bottom right. Here is an illustration: Thank you to our multi-lingual and international patriots who assisted. Now that we know the truth, we have to help them get to the outcome quicker. We must not be asleep anymore, the more that wake up the quicker and easier we will get to the world prepared for us by these great soldiers of freedom. RISE! Be The Plan! Know your ENEMY, because it is most definitely not WE THE PEOPLE! Where we go one, we go all. Not affiliated with Trump, Q or any intel source other than what is publicly available here: Also, I am NOT JFK Jnr. Not even close. Just an average Joe. Disclaimer: I am not making accusations of guilt towards anyone featured in this video. That is Huber's job, and if they have done crimes, they will be exposed - if not, they won't. Many people have asked permission to share. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don't care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. Just don't sell it or make money off it. Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain. The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time. You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story. These are people I trust to bring you the right information. Look on Twitter for: @Jordan_Sather_ @prayingmedic @LisaMei62 @SGTreport @X22report @LionelMedia @2runtherace @ipot1776 @StormIsUponUs (me) There are many others you can find too. Don't be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever. It's time to wake up and experience true freedom instead of the fake kind we have been living under. Fellow Americans, and citizens of the world. Now its OUR turn to shine. Wherever we are, we will become the PLAN when we choose to reject what they called GLOBALISM. We recognize the words they used to bend us to their will, and we say no more. It’s time to turn off the media, follow your instincts, trust yourself and BE THE PLAN! May God bless America, and the world." Joe M 25 ['be the plan', 'we are the plan', 'stormisuponus'] PT9M11S 1558656 8654 29188 842 not set not set 2018-09-05T06:26:08.000Z zmNi3MD8IA0 UCcGNL7SidrmXo_J-3tkZStA John McCain's Legacy According to Q-Anon "Excerpts from Praying Medic's Analysis of Q-Anon posts regarding John McCain. He posted his video on August 27th and can be viewed in it's entirety here: Another great video to watch:" Joe Q Public 22 ['Q-Anon', 'John McCain', 'Praying Medic'] PT15M31S 113 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T13:27:32.000Z e_KP0FdoH-g UCK_Vgz3raBrU6aZ17eZyTjA A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals... & ... Q: The Plan To Save The World "Please share/repost! Research QAnon! Inform yourself & others! Join The Great Awakening! View Q posts and proofs here: LISTEN CAREFULLY to this Donald Trump Speech Q - Killing The Mockingbird ---&--- Q - We Are The Plan Quick note: many people are reporting this video not available. This is just another word for censored. Here is the video on BitChute. Changed my Twitter handle to @StormIsUponUs. The other was an old recycled account that didn't really make any sense. People who complained about the music being too loud can see a quieter version here: Written transcript on Twitter for global translation: Disclaimer: I am not making accusations of guilt towards anyone featured in this video. That is Huber's job, and if they have done crimes, they will be exposed - if not, they won't. Many people have asked permission to share. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don't care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. It's not like I filmed all that footage. Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain. The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time. You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story. These are people I trust to bring you the right information. Look on Twitter for: @Jordan_Sather_ @prayingmedic @LisaMei62 @FedupWithSwamp @tracybeanz @IntheMatrixxx @_ImperatorRex_ (not a Q follower but predicts a lot accurately). @StormIsUponUs (me) There are many others you can find too. Don't be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever. It's time to wake up and experience true freedom instead of the fake kind we have been living under. The good guys, with control over the NSA, began the Q intelligence dissemination program to invoke an online grassroots movement that came to be called ""The Great Awakening"". It started on underground internet channels, then moved to the mainstream. Q has been a fun distraction for those who follow world events and desire truth, but it is about to begin a much more important and necessary phase - keeping the public informed when the Deep State war breaks out onto the surface. By this, I mean high-profile arrests. Yes folks. The criminals I am referring to are famous politicians, actors, singers, CEOs and celebrities. People who have earned our trust, respect and admiration. They have done very bad things that are all fully known and documented, and they will be severely punished. Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events. We are among the first to realize that our petty partisan divisions are just trivial distractions, and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy. We realize that the problem was never Capitalism or Socialism, Democrat or Republican, black or white, Muslim or Christian. We know it was just very powerful criminals who had too much power and were crushing us under debt and asinine entertainment, Fellow slaves. It's time to buckle your seatbelt, recognize your true enemy, and embrace a new future that we all owe to the brave patriots who risked their lives to achieve this victory against the greatest force of evil the world has ever seen. Links to Original videos by Joe M channel here: Q The Plan To Save The World (Polished version) A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals" JoeFusko 27 not set PT23M36S 9424 54 290 8 not set not set 2018-08-18T21:33:39.000Z HMpSsSE2e1w UC3Pa6Kfx9l_37Pr2MYTbJXw QANON. ALLIANCE TO TAKE DOWN N.W.O. "I do not accept donation; however, if you like to please send your contribution to Shawn of SGT Report. Please subscribe to his channel. QANON DROPS Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.162 Aug 15 2018 17:53:40 (EST) Q DROP # 1892 NEVER FORGET. BLACK OPS AGAINST USA. TOTAL TAKEOVER OF OUR COUNTRY. WHAT NO-AGENCY LEAKED THE DATA? TRAITORS ALL. Q QANONPROOFS.COM Thanks for the music:" Joenabel Garcia 25 ['QANON.', 'ALLIANCE', 'TO', 'TAKE', 'DOWN', 'N.W.O.'] PT11M22S 309 6 9 0 not set not set 2018-09-04T00:49:44.000Z AQ8XT4kGmrw UC3Pa6Kfx9l_37Pr2MYTbJXw Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! NOTHING IS HAPPENING ! Special Presentation "I do not accept donation; however, if you like please send your contribution to Bernie Suarez of Truth and Art TV. This is his video I'm proliferating. Here's the link: Please subscribe to his channel." Joenabel Garcia 25 not set PT16M18S 70 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-09-26T15:09:04.000Z _WlVufg2c8I UC3Pa6Kfx9l_37Pr2MYTbJXw QDROP #2274 WHO IS RACHEL BRAND? "I do not accept donation. Q DROPS: Q PROOFS: NCM Epic Music Ender Guney Published on Nov 12, 2016 Subscribed 92K Download:!0NcEhQga!nzShAylHj9... Description: GENERIC MUSIC CINEMATIC Music Subscribe to my channel, Thanks Don't forget to share my channel link and channel name :) Royalty Free Music" Joenabel Garcia 25 ['QDROP', '#2274', 'WHO', 'IS', 'RACHEL', 'BRAND?'] PT4M34S 98 1 1 1 not set not set 2018-09-30T15:59:37.000Z M7ZfTADQjq0 UC3Pa6Kfx9l_37Pr2MYTbJXw QANON DROP #2275 TO #2295 "I do not accept donation. Q DROPS: Q PROOFS: My Website:" Joenabel Garcia 25 ['QANON', 'DROP', '#2275', 'TO', '#2295'] PT9M57S 89 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-06T04:36:10.000Z nj2DsolMePw UC3Pa6Kfx9l_37Pr2MYTbJXw QDROP #2344 TO #2350 PAINING THE DEEP STATE "I do not accept donation. QDROPS: QPROOFS: OFF THE CIA'S SHACKLES: TONS OF THANKS TO OTHER MENTORS: Bernie Suarez TRUTH AND ART TV Dr. Phrog SEETHING FROG Jordan Sather DESTROYING THE ILLUSION Mike and Ben PATRIOT HOUR et al." Joenabel Garcia 25 ['QDROP', '#23444', 'TO', '#2350', 'PAINING', 'THE', 'DEEP', 'STATE'] PT7M19S 40 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-10T00:04:22.000Z iQ8CcHeFZUw UC3Pa6Kfx9l_37Pr2MYTbJXw QDROP #2365 TO #2375 DEMS ARE PLAYING DIRTY "I do not accept donation. QDROPS: QPROOFS: My Website OFF THE CIA'S SHACKLES: TONS OF THANKS TO MY MENTORS: Bernie Suarez: Truth and Art TV Jordan Sather: Destroying the Illusion Mike and Ben: Patriot Hour Dr. Phrog: Seething Frog Bruce: Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network Isaac Greene: Anti School" Joenabel Garcia 25 ['QDROP', '#2365', 'TO', '#2375', 'DEMS', 'ARE', 'PLAYING', 'DIRTY'] PT11M58S 47 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T15:28:34.000Z Huvet6xHTxk UCQHzYqjZtoDPO18FuRl3NYg Q ANON, Trump Orders Bombing of Rothschild's Castles John Best 22 ['Q Anon'] PT1M2S 528 22 18 4 not set not set 2018-08-16T19:40:07.000Z -RMyZfUDOUM UCQHzYqjZtoDPO18FuRl3NYg Q Anon, Lying Pussy Blocks Me From His Twitter Page Yes people, and idiots who believe Q Anon, The controlled opposition liar was afraid of the truth I presented so the slimy, little bitch blocked me, same as our 100% corrupt politicians do when I break their balls with some truth. John Best 22 ['Q Anon', 'Controlled opposition', 'Pussies'] PT1M58S 202 23 18 4 not set not set 2017-12-05T19:48:07.000Z rPi4zdgpIwc UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg 1 of 3 New Q q's DEC 5 More ramblings of a lurking anon John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['corruption', 'banks', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'cbts', 'qanon', 'crumbs', '4chan', 'bread', 'breakdown', 'current events', 'news', 'drain the swamp', 'rothschilds', 'uranium one', 'meuller', 'russia', 'awan'] PT10M1S 1870 4 27 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T17:41:07.000Z mnsd59mJaZg UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 9 News Headlines Rundown W/ Brief Q CBTS Reference John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['News', 'news headlines', 'q anon', 'cbts', 'space x', 'zuma', 'obama', 'oprah', 'romney', 'wolff', 'fire and fury'] PT48M36S 1205 40 47 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T15:31:23.000Z J70pJbFQAhc UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 19 READING NEW Q POSTS/WHAT A NEWS-WEEK!/ John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['New Q', 'Q posts', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon', 'calm before the storm', 'release the memo', 'fisa', 'rouse', 'fbi', 'sara carter', 'podesta', 'hillary', 'congress', 'senate', 'trump', 'budget', 'cnbc', 'terrorism', 'ied'] PT10M 4017 43 113 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T17:50:21.000Z udh94Hkr5Uk UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 19 NEW Q POSTS PART 2!! John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['news', 'current events', 'maga', 'memo', 'fisa', 'q anon', 'QAnon', 'q posts', 'q analysis', 'state of the union', 'calm before the storm'] PT6M10S 3886 42 117 2 not set not set 2018-01-20T18:21:03.000Z tJuz5c4y_Ts UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 20 RECENT Q POSTS EXPANDED ANALYSIS John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['Q Posts', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon', 'Q analysis', 'Breakdown', 'Calm before the storm', 'mao', 'anna strong', 'maurice strong', 'george soros', 'rothschild', 'world jewish congress'] PT49M22S 15606 161 338 5 not set not set 2018-01-21T22:59:25.000Z 4e3Hii_Pg-A UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 21 NEW Q POSTS *Brief Analysis John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['news', 'new q q update', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'great awakening', 'obama', 'hillary', 'nwo', 'valerie jarrett', 'jack dorsey', 'elon musk eric schmidt', 'breakdown'] PT9M59S 11203 161 235 9 not set not set 2018-01-27T17:42:45.000Z fE-wrXkLEok UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 27 Q-Crumbs #1 On Military Intelligence/NSA/IOB/Secret Service *Re-reading, crumbs* John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q posts', 're-read crumbs', 'crumbs', 'intel', 'nsa', 'cia', 'executive order', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm'] PT19M8S 8114 56 129 2 not set not set 2018-01-28T16:45:13.000Z RB2C2GNVigg UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg JAN 28 Q Posts From Past Reading The Crumbs *Nov 2, Big Drop* John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'calm before the storm', 'q posts', 'q crumbs', 'obama', 'uranium', 'north korea', 'iran', 'russia', 'berghdahl', 'iran deal', 'cash', 'hostage', 'nuke', 'intelligence', 'deep state'] PT9M46S 4967 26 141 3 not set not set 2018-01-28T18:24:37.000Z hXHXfRg2DdU UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg 1/28 NEW Q POSTS-10 minute Q Brief/Byrd/SuperPredators&More "Q-Post Video # 1 Video #2 Video #3 Video #4" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'calm before the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'new q posts', 'q post analysis', 'news', 'sotu', 'state of the union', 'maxine waters', 'donald trump', 'maga', 'patriots', 'we the people'] PT10M 10591 150 191 12 not set not set 2018-02-12T18:40:22.000Z mG7NATEpG1M UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg FEB 12 Monday's Q Post Analysis The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction The truth is stranger than fiction and WE the people are in a SPIRITUAL battle. We Fight The Good Fight. We Will Prevail. John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'news', 'current events', 'soylent green', 'david icke', 'energy', 'fuel', 'calm before the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'q posts', 'q analysis'] PT24M7S 15822 163 365 13 not set not set 2018-02-23T18:52:23.000Z 2szNshmygJ4 UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg FEB 23 Q- "News Unlocks The Map" -February Headlines Rundown- "This is a long one but I promise you are going to want to listen to this in full. So plug in and listen on the drive home as we cover February headlines! We encompass almost everything from the SOTU all the way through the Parkland Tragedy. The News Unlocks The Map Brian Foerster Channel" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['news', 'news headlines', 'cbts', 'calm before the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'china', 'schiff', 'parkland', 'dnc', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'q anon news', 'news unlocks the map', 'Feb.', 'gun control'] PT1H9M6S 8469 91 266 5 not set not set 2018-03-11T20:21:03.000Z AeiCIdD7-Ks UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg MARCH 11 Rundown - NEW Q Post's The Week-END In Review- "Video Notes Clintons- Australia Hitler Family Tree Planned Parenthood Thank You For Your Suppot" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'q analysis', 'q update', 'q anon analysis', 'q breakdown', 'calm before the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'cbts', 'news', 'news update', 'vatican', 'nazi', 'red cross', 'Australia CF', 'clinton foundation', 'angela merkel', 'alexander downer', 'russia', 'papadopolous', 'spiritcooking', 'marina abramovic', 'abramovic', 'watch the water', 'north korea', 'hitler', 'nwo'] PT1H11M15S 6183 65 194 4 not set not set 2018-03-12T21:13:42.000Z EFQS_KMIXAY UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg Q Anon Notable Post Rundown-Who Runs The World? Part 1 of 2 Biblical Bloodlines, Rituals & Symbols "Thank You For Your Continued Viewership and Support! Khazarian Timeline Video These next two videos are going to be a TON of viewing time and also a TON of connections. If you are able to listen to parts 1&2 in full I am sure it will all be making sense to you very soon after! This video will go in-depth into some of the best anon postings over the past weekend pertaining to Q's latest drop's! So Lets get to it! Are you ready to learn about who has conspired to rule the world?! Are you ready to understand why there is so much evil around us?! Be careful what you wish for... Buckle up it won't be the smoothest ride but you'll want to come along and soak it ALL up. This it the Truth In Context. Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab: Our Patreon: - Be Our First Patron! Here are the Video Note Links available for Access" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'q anon update', 'q analysis', 'q anon analysis', 'q update', 'q rundown', 'in depth analysis', 'khazar', 'spiritcooking', 'hittite', 'canaanite', 'moloch', 'hillary', 'nazi'] PT1H8M10S 9966 72 263 18 not set not set 2018-03-16T22:59:16.000Z 0CtqH6dHKCA UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg Friday News Hour -Q Anon Related Headlines- Weekly Recap "Links & headlines to follow along: *Sorry For The Dings You Here From Clicking Links In My video I Will Address This And Be Much More Mindful In The Future, Thank You. Sign The Internet Bill Of Rights Petition! Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab: Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron!" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q anon news', 'qanon news', 'news unlocks the map', 'follow the white rabbit', 'calm before the storm', 'obama', 'kerry', 'biden', 'rosemant', 'clapper', 'clinton', 'news', 'news headlines', 'march 16 news', 'news update', 'news house', 'weekly news recap', 'anon', 'internet bill of rights'] PT39M24S 13924 161 455 9 not set not set 2018-03-28T12:55:40.000Z 8k_s05X17NE UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg New Q Drops-LAST STAND- Follow The FAMILY 03/28/2018 "Sign The Internet Bill Of Rights Petition! Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron! Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab:" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'new q', 'new qanon', 'new q anon', 'q anon', 'q anon drops', 'q drops', 'q analysis', 'analysis', 'q rundown', 'news', 'headlines', 'goog', 'google', 'nk', 'north korea', 'russia', 'brin'] PT34M36S 17047 153 434 11 not set not set 2018-03-28T14:35:26.000Z 05n7kXjaE6E UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg New Q Drop Update: Sergey Brin Family History Update to first video published today, informing us on the family history of Sergey Brin and Russian intelligence connections John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'follow the family', 'nasa', 'nsf', 'russia'] PT8M51S 8430 62 237 11 not set not set 2018-03-29T15:47:56.000Z UCmrIVSqODE UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg New Q Drops Plus A Daily News RundownMARCH 29 "Sign The Internet Bill Of Rights Petition! Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron! Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab:" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'new q anon', 'q drops', 'new q posts', 'q posts', 'q analysis', 'news'] PT39M12S 10505 95 298 7 not set not set 2018-04-02T17:41:53.000Z pZ0Anx9-duk UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg Q Anon Notable Post Rundown - NXIVM/Rainere Connections Snowballing APRIL 4 "Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron! Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab:" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['q posts', 'notable q posts', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'q analysis', 'q anon analysis', 'news', 'headlines', 'monday', 'trump', 'maga', 'russia', 'nxivm', 'rainere', 'salzman', 'rfid', 'kushner', 'obama', 'hillary', 'state department', 'trafficking', 'kag'] PT39M46S 12307 97 397 8 not set not set 2018-04-03T20:26:21.000Z 7yX9owN1D_o UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg New Q Drops From The Tippy Top! March Was Mad, April Will Be BIG!! April 3, 2018 "Q Post analysis @ 13:27 in video ********************************** In this video we update briefly on some topics brought up by very astute comments from all of you! After catching up we then dive into the latest Q Anon posts for some more context! Buckle Up April is Big! ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** ********************************** -This Graphic Perfectly Illustrates How MSM Is Blinded By Group-Think At The Expense Of Sexual Victims – Truth In Context News ********************************** Support Our Mission Of Expanding Our Voice & Reach Via Patreon, Below! - Pledge To Be Our Next Invested Patron! Sign The Internet Bill Of Rights Petition! Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron! Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab:" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'q analysis', 'new q', 'new q post', 'q post', 'q posts', 'q drops', 'q update', 'news', 'roseanne', 'trump', 'maga', 'kag'] PT30M54S 10369 74 285 12 not set not set 2018-04-04T13:23:50.000Z NJJZbYzneBc UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg New Q Posts [A]pril MOAB - MONEY POWER INFLUENCE - "No Cure" & NO DEALS April 4 "In this video we focus on the brief hints regarding the papacy and the Vatican, attempting to divulge exposure to the Jesuits and the infiltration of the Vatican we hope to paint a picture of the uncomfortable truths surrounding our world. WARNING before Gotthard Tunnel Discussion: There will be brief graphic nudity in the video's displayed pertaining to the Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony Support Our Mission Of Expanding Our Voice & Reach Via Patreon, Below! - Pledge To Be Our Next Invested Patron! Sign The Internet Bill Of Rights Petition! Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron! Our News Website: Our Twitter: Our Gab: Gotthard Base Tunnel - Wikipedia *** List of Jesuit development centres - Wikipedia *** Superior General of the Society of Jesus - Wikipedia *** Rosenstein memo on Mueller gives OK to probe Manafort, Russia collusion | Fox News *** FBI INTERNAL TEXTS Show FBI, DOJ May Have RUSHED, Railroaded Anti-Trump FISA Warrant – True PunditTrue Pundit *** Mueller Probe Into U.A.E. Influence Broadens - WSJ *** United States Military Power 2018 • ""The Leader"" • U.S Armed Forces - YouTube ***" John Doe Truth In Context 22 "['qanon', 'q anon', 'new q', 'new q drop', 'new q post', 'new q analysis', 'q analysis', 'trump', 'mueller', 'meuller', 'maga', 'russia', 'sessions', 'pope', 'black pope', ""viper's pit"", 'vatican', 'news', 'april', 'strzok']" PT37M34S 16120 177 528 11 not set not set 2018-04-05T18:03:58.000Z _B656nCqlbI UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg Brand New HUGE Q DROPS! ROTHSCHILDS-HOLY SEE- [A]pril 5 Comprehensive Rundown -Truth In Context- "********************* This is the 2ND attempt to upload this video, sorry for any inconvenience or confusion for the viewers who watched the previous incomplete upload!! ********************* ********************* Support Our Mission Of Expanding Our Voice & Reach Via Patreon, Below! ********************* - Pledge To Be Our Next Invested Patron! ********************* Sign The Internet Bill Of Rights Petition! ********************* Thank You For Every Like, Share & Subscribe! Making America Great Again One Day At A Time! Thank You Patriots! ********************* Our Patreon: - Be Our Next Patron! ********************* Our News Website: ********************* Our Twitter: ********************* Our Gab: ********************* ********************* LINKS ********************* ********************* Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security by swordfish69 — Steemit ********************* ********************* WIKIPROJECT PAGES:: Wikipedia:WikiProject Espionage - Wikipedia Talk:ECHELON - Wikipedia Wikipedia:WikiProject United States - Wikipedia ********************* ********************* Mueller told Trump's lawyers he is not a criminal target of Russia probe: report | TheHill ********************* The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild ********************* 1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See - Wikipedia ********************* Our Khazarian/Bauer Timeline Video! Take a look! ********************* ********************* MSM Journalist’s Are Missing The Story Of A Lifetime – Truth In Context News *********************" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'new q', 'q drop', 'new q drops', 'q analysis', 'new q analysis', 'russia', 'trump', 'bibi', 'seth rich', 'uk', 'macron', 'may', 'merkel', 'epstein', 'cohen', 'maga', 'follow the white rabbit', 'calm before the storm', 'julian assange', 'JA', 'SR', 'lolita express', 'clinton', 'brennan', 'white hats', 'alliance', 'beacon of light', 'news', 'news headlines', 'world news', 'kushner', 'soros', 'caravan', 'mexico', 'troops', 'border'] PT1H23M42S 84600 462 1515 71 not set not set 2018-06-14T17:13:49.000Z t77zuC0anSc UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg Covering Q's Latest Drop While Waiting On The OIG Report -Stay Tuned- "Welcome Back In Patriots Thank You, Thank you, Thank You For All Of your Supportive comments From My Previous Video, Welcoming Me Back! I Figured Lets Cover These Q Posts While We Wait On The IG To Drop, Then We Should be Covering QUITE A Bit More, Once We Have That Ammo Of Truth! Don't Forget To Share If You Enjoyed This Video Don't Forget To Subscribe & Hit The Bell If You Haven't! Happy Birthday President Trump God Bless America & God Bless All Of You Patriots!!" John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'new q', 'new q posts', 'q decode', 'q analysis', 'maga', 'trump', 'keep america great', 'kag', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'truth', 'court of public opinion'] PT48M34S 1764 28 95 6 not set not set 2018-06-22T13:40:17.000Z jxIltNKhAfQ UC64TUzX6MIayx82390gSOxg Blunt Direct Time - Q-Proof In 3 Minutes - """For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."" Attacks Will Increase, More Proofs Are Coming." John Doe Truth In Context 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'bdt', 'q-proof', 'qproof', 'q proof', 'bangladesh', 'terrorist', 'jeremiah 29:11', 'maga', 'kag'] PT2M46S 2752 21 176 4 not set not set 2018-01-09T16:43:15.000Z 1GmCz92zIgw UCIdKjWk5gp0N0Mu_4aljp1g Exposes Elites & Celebrities Involvement In Child Sex Trafficking "Subscribe to my channel if you’re new here because you’ll get reports every day with the latest Videos by subscribing. Make sure you click on the [BELL] icon next to the [SUBSCRIBE] button and check the box send me all notifications 🛎 and I'll see you Soon! #QANON #STORM #FIREWORKS #MichaelWolff: Blathersk #TheResistance Happy Birthday Youtube Converter #LibyanBlackSlaveTrade #frankengroper #UCLAPlayers #DonaldTrump #sorosprotesters #MeTooMovement #UraniumOne #FBI #FBICorruption Corruption Collusion DOJ Huma #LockThemAllUp #JoeBidenisAPervert #BillClintonIsARapist #frankengroper #LockHimUp #FusionGPS #Mueller #FakeDossier #Babes4Trump #BabesForTrump #women4trump #Trump #Trump2020 #TrumpTrain #MAGA #GOP #Republican #WitchHunt #McCain #BruceOhr #NellieOhr #Resist. #Nafta North American Free Trade Agreement #LavarBall #MeToo #Libya #LockHerUp #UraniumOneScandal #Hillarydossier #ThankYouMrPresident Geopolitical Man Flue, Influenza Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic Party New York City Fox & Friends Jedediah Bila Whoopi Goldberg Happening Now Outnumbered Harris Faulkner Kennedy Lou Dobbs Tonight Donald Trump Speech Donald Trump Press Conference #BillClinton #weinsteinGate #Weiner #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #HollywoodHypocrites Fox News Chris Wallace The Alex Jones Mark Dice Lionel Nation Mike Cemovich Lauren Southern SteveCrowder David Knight Infowar The Next News Nation RT #antifa #UCBerkeley #MiloAtCal #DrainTheSwamp #truth #FakeNews #CNNFakeNews #MSNFakeNews #UCBerkeley GeoPolitical Gamers PewDiePie Music Minecraft DisneyCollectorBR The interview Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Fifty Shades of Grey Call of Duty: Black Ops Electronics RihannaVev Makeup “How To” videos Wal-Mart Arnold Schwarzenegger DMR Hypnosis McConnell Trump Promises Transgender #SaveNetNeutrality #ImpeachTrumpPence #TrumpSexualPredator #TrumpCrimeFamily #EmolumentsClause #RoyMooreChildMolester #FoxNewsisFakeNews #FireHannity #TrumpTaxScam #NotOnePenny #KILLTHEBILL #Resist #NRAmassacres #fucktheNRA #fuckwaynelapierre #NotMyPresident New York Times Russia communication President Trump Vladimir Putin Trump meets with Putin NFL Anthem Protests DACA Tucker Carlson Sanctuary city, White House News Tucker Carlson Tonight Full Show Sean Hannity Justice Judge Jeanine Pirro Best Hotel Weather Movies Dictionary Cheap Flights Horoscope Unblocked Games Love Quotes Restaurants Social Security Spanish Translation #SocialismSucks George Soros Hungarian Video you Video editor For video editor Trump twitter Trump Racist Trump Russia Trump impeachment News on trump News movies News fox News #ThankYouPresidentTrump Jazz How to Grow Your YouTube Channel with Facebook Facebook Tips & Strategies Watch this Video Check this channel Condoleezza Rice Alabama Roy Moore Dough Jones Facebook Social Media Transgender JSW Soros NOW California Fire Sarah Huckabee Sanders NASDAQ Open Market DOW JONES Wall Street GDP Unemployment MORZATO GMO Rockefeller Black genocide #STAR #Empires #Riverdale #HomeAgainMovieNight #MyBattleCryWouldBe Lillard #Karma Xarna bothers Tsar bothers Purple Penguin #PurpleManMatter Identity Politics #WinterNight2018 Revelations Qanon #Qanon Happy New Year 2018 2018 #Comey DOJ #GMOs #RocketMan #ButtonMan PEDOGATE #Pedo #Pedophilia" John Donne Show 22 not set PT17M33S 1321 2 28 1 not set not set 2018-01-12T02:01:28.000Z jAzxYXnalT0 UCIdKjWk5gp0N0Mu_4aljp1g Oops: Brooklyn Politician indicted on fraud and obstruction of justice "Subscribe to my channel if you’re new here because you’ll get reports every day with the latest Videos by subscribing. Make sure you click on the [BELL] icon next to the [SUBSCRIBE] button and check the box send me all notifications 🛎 and I'll see you Soon! #QANON #STORM #FIREWORKS #MichaelWolff: Blathersk #TheResistance Happy Birthday Youtube Converter #LibyanBlackSlaveTrade #frankengroper #UCLAPlayers #DonaldTrump #sorosprotesters #MeTooMovement #UraniumOne #FBI #FBICorruption Corruption Collusion DOJ Huma #LockThemAllUp #JoeBidenisAPervert #BillClintonIsARapist #frankengroper #LockHimUp #FusionGPS #Mueller #FakeDossier #Babes4Trump #BabesForTrump #women4trump #Trump #Trump2020 #TrumpTrain #MAGA #GOP #Republican #WitchHunt #McCain #BruceOhr #NellieOhr #Resist. #Nafta North American Free Trade Agreement #LavarBall #MeToo #Libya #LockHerUp #UraniumOneScandal #Hillarydossier #ThankYouMrPresident Geopolitical Man Flue, Influenza Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic Party New York City Fox & Friends Jedediah Bila Whoopi Goldberg Happening Now Outnumbered Harris Faulkner Kennedy Lou Dobbs Tonight Donald Trump Speech Donald Trump Press Conference #BillClinton #weinsteinGate #Weiner #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #HollywoodHypocrites Fox News Chris Wallace The Alex Jones Mark Dice Lionel Nation Mike Cemovich Lauren Southern SteveCrowder David Knight Infowar The Next News Nation RT #antifa #UCBerkeley #MiloAtCal #DrainTheSwamp #truth #FakeNews #CNNFakeNews #MSNFakeNews #UCBerkeley GeoPolitical Gamers PewDiePie Music Minecraft DisneyCollectorBR The interview Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Fifty Shades of Grey Call of Duty: Black Ops Electronics RihannaVev Makeup “How To” videos Wal-Mart Arnold Schwarzenegger DMR Hypnosis McConnell Trump Promises Transgender #SaveNetNeutrality #ImpeachTrumpPence #TrumpSexualPredator #TrumpCrimeFamily #EmolumentsClause #RoyMooreChildMolester #FoxNewsisFakeNews #FireHannity #TrumpTaxScam #NotOnePenny #KILLTHEBILL #Resist #NRAmassacres #fucktheNRA #fuckwaynelapierre #NotMyPresident New York Times Russia communication President Trump Vladimir Putin Trump meets with Putin NFL Anthem Protests DACA Tucker Carlson Sanctuary city, White House News Tucker Carlson Tonight Full Show Sean Hannity Justice Judge Jeanine Pirro Best Hotel Weather Movies Dictionary Cheap Flights Horoscope Unblocked Games Love Quotes Restaurants Social Security Spanish Translation #SocialismSucks George Soros Hungarian Video you Video editor For video editor Trump twitter Trump Racist Trump Russia Trump impeachment News on trump News movies News fox News #ThankYouPresidentTrump Jazz How to Grow Your YouTube Channel with Facebook Facebook Tips & Strategies Watch this Video Check this channel Condoleezza Rice Alabama Roy Moore Dough Jones Facebook Social Media Transgender JSW Soros NOW California Fire Sarah Huckabee Sanders NASDAQ Open Market DOW JONES Wall Street GDP Unemployment MORZATO GMO Rockefeller Black genocide #STAR #Empires #Riverdale #HomeAgainMovieNight #MyBattleCryWouldBe Lillard #Karma Xarna bothers Tsar bothers Purple Penguin #PurpleManMatter Identity Politics #WinterNight2018 Revelations Qanon #Qanon Happy New Year 2018 2018 #Comey DOJ #GMOs #RocketMan #ButtonMan PEDOGATE #censorship #shadowbanning" John Donne Show 22 not set PT4M23S 95 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-04-04T19:20:33.000Z jA5KpLQEdbM UCIdKjWk5gp0N0Mu_4aljp1g Stand Down Hogg: 4 sheriffs’ deputies hid during Florida school shooting "Subscribe to my channel if you’re new here because you’ll get reports every day with the latest Videos by subscribing. Make sure you click on the [BELL] icon next to the [SUBSCRIBE] button and check the box send me all notifications 🛎 and I'll see you Soon! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Florida mass shooting was ALLOWED to happen: Four deputies stood down, led by egomaniacal sheriff exposed as an anti-gun Democrat operative seeking fame ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ResignSheriffIsrael #WeThePeople #FirstAmendment #SecondAmendment #QANON #STORM #FIREWORKS #MichaelWolff: Blathersk #UraniumOne #ClintonBodyCount #SethRich #DNC #Murder #Obstruction #Laundering #Illegal #Server #Fake #Dossier #Haiti #Fraud #Benghazi #Graft #Theft #Lies #TheResistance Happy Birthday Youtube Converter #LibyanBlackSlaveTrade #frankengroper #UCLAPlayers #DonaldTrump #sorosprotesters #MeTooMovement #UraniumOne #FBI #FBICorruption Corruption Collusion DOJ Huma #LockThemAllUp #JoeBidenisAPervert #BillClintonIsARapist #frankengroper #LockHimUp #FusionGPS #Mueller #FakeDossier #Babes4Trump #BabesForTrump #women4trump #MAGA #INFOWARS #TRUMP2020 #LibyaSlaveTrade #LiberalsRuinEverything #TrumpTrain #MAGA #GOP #Republican #WitchHunt #McCain #BruceOhr #NellieOhr #Resist. #Nafta #ObamaGate North American Free Trade Agreement #LavarBall #MeToo #Libya #LockHerUp #UraniumOneScandal #Hillarydossier #ThankYouMrPresident Geopolitical Man Flue, Influenza Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic Party New York City Fox & Friends Jedediah Bila Whoopi Goldberg Happening Now Outnumbered Harris Faulkner Kennedy Lou Dobbs Tonight Donald Trump Speech Donald Trump Press Conference #BillClinton #weinsteinGate #Weiner #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #HollywoodHypocrites Fox News Chris Wallace The Alex Jones Mark Dice Lionel Nation Mike Cemovich Lauren Southern SteveCrowder David Knight Infowar The Next News Nation RT #antifa #UCBerkeley #MiloAtCal #DrainTheSwamp #truth #FakeNews #CNNFakeNews #MSNFakeNews #UCBerkeley GeoPolitical Gamers PewDiePie Music Minecraft DisneyCollectorBR The interview Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Fifty Shades of Grey Call of Duty: Black Ops Electronics RihannaVev Makeup “How To” videos Wal-Mart Arnold Schwarzenegger DMR Hypnosis McConnell Trump Promises Transgender #SaveNetNeutrality #ImpeachTrumpPence #TrumpSexualPredator #TrumpCrimeFamily #EmolumentsClause #RoyMooreChildMolester #FoxNewsisFakeNews #FireHannity #TrumpTaxScam #NotOnePenny #KILLTHEBILL #Resist #NRAmassacres #fucktheNRA #fuckwaynelapierre #NotMyPresident New York Times Russia communication President Trump Vladimir Putin Trump meets with Putin NFL Anthem Protests DACA Tucker Carlson Sanctuary city, White House News Tucker Carlson Tonight Full Show Sean Hannity Justice Judge Jeanine Pirro Best Hotel Weather Movies Dictionary Cheap Flights Horoscope Unblocked Games Love Quotes Restaurants Social Security Spanish Translation #SocialismSucks George Soros Hungarian Video you Video editor For video editor Trump twitter Trump Racist Trump Russia Trump impeachment News on trump News movies News fox News #ThankYouPresidentTrump Jazz How to Grow Your YouTube Channel with Facebook Facebook Tips & Strategies Watch this Video Check this channel Condoleezza Rice Alabama Roy Moore Dough Jones Facebook Social Media Transgender JSW Soros NOW California Fire Sarah Huckabee Sanders NASDAQ Open Market DOW JONES Wall Street GDP Unemployment MORZATO GMO Rockefeller Black genocide #STAR #Empires #Riverdale #HomeAgainMovieNight #MyBattleCryWouldBe Lillard #Karma Xarna bothers Tsar bothers Purple Penguin #PurpleManMatter Identity Politics #WinterNight2018 Revelations Qanon #Qanon Happy New Year 2018 2018 #Comey DOJ #GMOs #RocketMan #ButtonMan PEDOGATE #censorship #shadowbanning #Shithole #ElSavador #Haiti #Africa #Libya Sh**Hole #Obama2011 #Hillary2011 #DACA #ReleaseTheMemo Conspiracy Theory Imigration #DeepState #Revolution #releaSETHememo #MAGA2018 #SethRich #WeThePeople #HisNameWasSethRich #GlobalWarming #pedogate #TN #CA #NC #FL #PA #WI #IA #MI #VA #NY #TX #SC #GA #NV #Detroit #IN #AZ #Louisiana #Alabama #Minnesota #Kentucky #WV #NJ #NH #chicago #Baltimore #Oakland #Cleveland #NewOrleans #Newark #ReleaseTheMemo #Qanon" John Donne Show 22 not set PT6M22S 238 9 27 1 not set not set 2018-01-02T18:53:48.000Z Phxd-DJsf8M UCUYkizgM4_mEj0OzX0jcxuQ Q 4 Baby Boomers Created with Wondershare Filmora John Fitzgerald 25 ['Wondershare Filmora'] PT6M59S 58 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T09:20:31.000Z NHQe_vQQKMU UC6UuCgW2GORNhPQ4m9Esuiw Q anon, A crash course in 'The Storm', or WWG1WGA "Qanon, A crash course in 'The Storm' or the Awakening. Watch the video to learn what is going on that is not and will not be reported in the news. It is a great time to be alive. WWG1WGA = Where We Go One, We Go All FOLLOW QANON POSTS HERE -" John gladiator 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'TRUMP', 'MARINES', 'NWO', 'Obama', 'Hillary', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'FOX NEWS', 'Economy', 'Julian Assange', 'wikileaks', 'NSA', 'CLINTON', 'Rothschild', 'Bush', 'WAR', 'Awakening', 'The Storm', 'AUTISTS', 'ANONS', 'latest'] PT13M9S 646 15 34 2 not set not set 2018-02-26T18:32:56.000Z ZzdI7P7fXEA UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Qanon Invasion of Rights, Fight for information. Qanon 02-26-2018 Intel and how to access it. John Kelly 22 ['Qanon', 'Intelegence', 'access', 'drops', 'posts', '8chan'] PT11M36S 936 11 41 1 not set not set 2018-03-02T17:22:55.000Z kY2wkK-JwWs UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 03/02/2018 posts Sessions POTUS "JS v POTUS https:// - #45_Video_DJT https:// Dr. Jerome.Corsi Timothy Holmseth DustinNemos Anti School @lisaMei62 Lisa Mei Crowley @paul_serran" John Kelly 22 ['Qanon', 'Cue', 'Sessions', 'Trump', 'the storm', 'greatawakening', 'Paul Serran', '8chan', 'crumbs', 'bread', 'baker', 'anons', 'anon', 'John Kelly', 'Qanon Post'] PT10M34S 61523 290 1022 44 not set not set 2018-03-03T17:07:35.000Z R_T72OG__FI UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 03/03/2018 posts Alice In Wonderland "https:// Sign the petition - Internet Bill of Rights https:// - #45_Video_DJT https:// - 8Chan Site https:// - Posts (delayed) POTUS Hollywood Alice In Wonderland Dr. Jerome Corsi Timothy Holmseth Dustin Nemos Anti School @lisaMei62 Lisa Mei Crowley @paul_serran" John Kelly 22 ['Qanon', 'Qanon post', 'Hollywood', 'Hussien', 'Obama', 'POTUS', 'Alice In Wonderland', 'MSM', 'Mainstream Media', 'WikiLeaks', 'John Kelly', 'Cue', 'Alice and Wonderland', 'Alice & Wonderland', 'Internet Bill of Rights'] PT17M41S 71325 435 1664 51 not set not set 2018-03-04T18:41:52.000Z bwRh9BIvbTY UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 03/04/2018 IN GOD WE TRUST "https:// Sign the petition - Internet Bill of Rights - #45_Video_DJT All of the posts and information presented was acceded via web, and CHAN platforms. You can access by ""copy and paste"" into web browser. Notice spaces in each web address. I'm certain I've missed many key points. I am a one man doing the best I can to bring you information that is relevant. Thank you for so many kind words. Patriots UNITE! ""TRUTH and JUSTICE for ALL"" https:// 8Chan-Q-post_1 https:// 8Chan-Q-post_2 https:// 8Chan-Q-post_3 https:// 8Chan-Q-post_4 https:// 8Chan-Q-post_5 https://" John Kelly 25 ['Qanon', 'Cue', 'Greatawakening', 'The Storm', 'Great Awekening', 'IN GOD WE TRUST', '8chan', 'John Kelly', 'GreatAwakening', 'Qanon Post', 'In God We Trust'] PT23M34S 9285 179 410 1 not set not set 2018-03-05T13:49:29.000Z M552PG9paXI UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 03/05/2018 (2)IN GOD WE TRUST(2) "https:// Sign the petition - Internet Bill of Rights https:// - #45_Video_DJT https:// Q_Drop_833 https:// Q_Drop_834 https:// Q_Drop_833 https:// Q_Drop_836 https:// Q_Drop_837 https:// Q_Drop_838 https:// Q_Drop_839 https:// Q_Drop_840 https:// Q_Drop_841 https:// Q_Drop_842 https:// Q_Drop_843 http://www. FIDLER_ON_THE_ROOF http:// Internet_Bill_of_Rights_" John Kelly 25 ['Q Qanon', 'Qanon', 'Great Awkening', 'Greatawakening', 'The Storm', 'Fake News', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'No Deals', 'John Kelly', 'GreatAwakening', 'Cue', 'In God We Trust'] PT35M42S 24887 273 521 26 not set not set 2018-03-06T18:01:56.000Z 2th0aXKiHpg UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 3/6/2018 @SNOWDEN China? "https:// Internet_Bill_of_Rights_Petition_PLEASE_SIGN_ https:// Qanon_Posts_Et_Al https:// _NSA_Documents_ http:// _Denfense_Technical_Informaiton_Center_ https:// _Vietnam_Editorial_ https:// NK_Photo_Comparison_ https:// _DJ_TRUMP_Twitter_ https:// _C_I_A_Red_October_Doc_ http://www. _Disarmed_USMC_" John Kelly 25 ['Q Qanon', 'Qanon', 'Qanon Post', 'Greatawakening', 'The Greatawakening', 'Boom', 'The Storm', 'Snowden', 'John Kelly', 'Where we go one we go all', 'United we stand', 'Donald Trump', 'DJT', 'Qanon drop'] PT31M51S 18820 242 520 16 not set not set 2018-03-07T02:57:20.000Z E3jG1DXdnew UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 3/6/2018 The END is Not Easy "https:// Internet_Bill_of_Rights_Petition_PLEASE_SIGN_ https:// Qanon_Posts_Et_Al https:// https:// Kobe_Steel_Article_ https:// https:// https:// https:// https:// https://www. _Corrupt_Clinton_Foundation_ https:// https:// https:// https:// -Wikileaks_Clinton_Emails_ nected_a_convicted/ _Clinton_Email_Archive_REDDIT_ http://www. *AFP_Reported_Suspicious_DEATH https://www. _GTIP_Global_Tech_Innovations_Partners_" John Kelly 25 ['QQanon', 'Cue', 'Que', 'Qanon', 'Q Posts', 'GreatAwakening', 'The Storm', '#BOOM', 'BOOM', 'Where we go one we go all', 'United we stand', 'Donald Trump', 'DJT', '#45', 'Q drop', 'Qanon drop', 'John Kelly'] PT44M40S 32300 389 721 23 not set not set 2018-03-08T23:57:49.000Z J_Dy-JEcHzY UCeNxbfIyVi8B6g039xz6dkg Q Qanon 03/08/2018 [comb your hair] @snowden "https:// https:// https:// https:// https:// https://www. http://www. https:// https:// https:// https ://" John Kelly 25 ['Q Qanon', 'Q posts', 'Qanon Post', 'John Kelly', 'Qanon John Kelly', 'Q John Kelly', '@snowden', 'Edward Snowden', 'Snowden', '8Chan', '4Chan', 'Comb your hair', 'Qanon 03/08/2018', 'Greatawakening', 'The Storm', 'CBTS', 'Calm before the storm'] PT26M29S 21416 253 503 15 not set not set 2018-08-01T19:07:20.000Z 4tfZAHeDAy4 UCaCypKxFvZqHaVH-tGJv_BQ Who is Q #WhoisQ QAnon Scaring the Mainstream News "Ever ask the Question Who is Q? Is Q 1 person or many? Could Team Trump be Q? Fake News MSMBC Today uploaded a News Story Attacking ""QAnon"" Who Is 'QAnon'? Bizarre Conspiracy Cult Leaps From Web To Trump Rally | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC Is the Mainstream News Networks afraid of ""QAnon""? #QAnon #WhoisQ Trump Speech Video clip by Seething Frog ""Seek the Truth daily and the Truth will find you seeking"" john919 Please visit and Thank You. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." John919 27 ['Who is Q', '#WhoisQ', 'Who is Q?', 'QAnon', 'Seek the Truth daily and the Truth will find you seeking', 'Fake News MSMBC', '#QAnon'] PT12M13S 427 9 55 2 not set not set 2018-04-16T22:16:34.000Z 82bCb48n5Jg UCBdsEZyG_xNX9pYfzRISrlQ The Ridiculous Hour with Jordan Sather: Aliens, QANON, WW2, Deep State Takedown "Please find Jordan's channel Destroying The Illusion here: To find previous episodes of The Ridiculous Hour: To find more videos recommended by Joseph Zenner:" Joseph Zenner 27 ['Jordan Sather', 'Joseph Zenner', 'QANON', 'Aliens', 'ET', 'Deep State', 'Illuminatti', 'History', 'Summary', 'Introduction', 'Nazi', 'White Hats', 'Donald Trump', 'World War 3', 'WW3', 'Syria', '4Chan', '8Chan', 'Destroying The Illusion', 'The Ridiculous Hour', 'Vatican', 'Corruption', 'Truth Movement', 'Conspiracy Theory', 'False Flag'] PT1H5M48S 354 2 9 0 not set not set 2017-12-31T21:25:33.000Z ffxo1u0CYbo UCGFnUkN8lzSVapFN9s4tIeQ Who Is Q-Anon - Figure It Out jsebastianfilms 25 ['qanon', 'clinton', 'podesta', 'huma', 'trump', 'deep state', 'obama', 'maga', 'follow the white rabbit', 'white house', 'Abedin', 'weiner', 'cbts', 'calm before the storm', 'hillary', 'democrats', 'republicans', 'comey', 'nxvim', 'epstein'] PT3M18S 1187 3 25 2 not set not set 2018-07-01T10:30:00.000Z 9P1xQrOwO_E UCx40BzxnECFN6TpwR84zyfg REALIST NEWS - Q - The Plan To Save The World (WATCH THIS VIDEO) " Trade Cryptos LIKE A BOSS: Crypto Apparel: Crypto Songs! Join Coinbase to get into the Crypto game: Where do I buy Silver from? DISCLAIMER: WHILE I SPEAK ABOUT CRYPTOCURRENCIES, TOKENS, PRECIOUS METALS, AND OTHER ""MARKETS"". I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER AND I DO NOT CHARGE ANYONE FOR THESE YOUTUBE VIDEOS I PRODUCE EVERY DAY. THESE TYPES OF VIDEOS ARE BASED UPON MY OPINION ONLY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN TRADING AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES." jsnip4 27 not set PT2M42S 12981 88 391 36 not set not set 2018-10-04T00:06:59.000Z iVkH1MCUWog UCx40BzxnECFN6TpwR84zyfg REALIST NEWS - Q Anon - Things about to get interesting? "Join my Woo Woo Crypto Patreon Crypto Apparel: Crypto Songs! Where do I buy Silver from? DISCLAIMER: WHILE I SPEAK ABOUT CRYPTOCURRENCIES, TOKENS, PRECIOUS METALS, AND OTHER ""MARKETS"". I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER AND I DO NOT CHARGE ANYONE FOR THESE YOUTUBE VIDEOS I PRODUCE EVERY DAY. THESE TYPES OF VIDEOS ARE BASED UPON MY OPINION ONLY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN TRADING AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES." jsnip4 27 not set PT11M50S 16668 205 577 51 not set not set 2018-10-05T19:04:54.000Z BMWCAkS9GfE UCx40BzxnECFN6TpwR84zyfg REALIST NEWS - Q says are you ready for arrests!!!??? "Join my Woo Woo Crypto Patreon Crypto Apparel: Crypto Songs! Where do I buy Silver from? DISCLAIMER: WHILE I SPEAK ABOUT CRYPTOCURRENCIES, TOKENS, PRECIOUS METALS, AND OTHER ""MARKETS"". I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER AND I DO NOT CHARGE ANYONE FOR THESE YOUTUBE VIDEOS I PRODUCE EVERY DAY. THESE TYPES OF VIDEOS ARE BASED UPON MY OPINION ONLY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN TRADING AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES." jsnip4 27 not set PT12M31S 11760 123 494 50 not set not set 2018-08-13T06:43:05.000Z KWgFPsb-hYg UCYvmRH63a57_BQ-5m7_NlGQ Qué es QAnon, la teoría de la conspiración según la cual Trump lucha contra la pedofilia y el "es... "Qué es QAnon, la teoría de la conspiración según la cual Trump lucha contra la pedofilia y el ""estado profundo""" Ju Bu 22 ['donald trump', 'QAnon', 'teoría conspirativa', 'Estados Unidos', 'presidente de los Estados Unidos', 'Matthew Phillip Wright', '4chan'] PT10M21S 416 0 1 2 not set not set 2018-01-25T04:34:28.000Z nxUuqq9BJz0 UCPgFlzRFPmQhCYslUgZ34kw The Illuminati Exposed 50 Year Old Recording Reveals Their Plans For The Future 2018 2019 "My email is; Thank you for your gift: Original Channel : End Times Productions This is a recording from 1967, It describes events we see in the news today with shocking accuracy. Everything was pre planned and they only have one goal. /POL/ Q Anon- This video provides a backdrop for EVERYTHING Q Has been saying. Enjoy. Myron Fagan is the speaker" Judith Carlone Levi 27 ['Illuminati', 'Secret Socities', 'Rockerfeller', 'Bankers', 'New World Order', 'Satan', 'End Times', 'Globlization', 'United Nations', 'Free Masons', 'Skull and Bones', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Father God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Rapture', 'Bride of Christ', 'The Church', 'Body of Christ', 'Born Again', 'Salvation', 'Blood of Christ', 'The Cross', 'Resurrection'] PT1H14M32S 3462 9 70 3 not set not set 2018-04-13T14:07:05.000Z mfZM5eNWNLk UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Q Anon (and the Deep State) for Dummies "This video is basic, dip your toes in the water, of what the heck this Q Anon stuff is about. It's now time for you to awaken yourself to the geopolitics of today's reality. The corruption in our government has been allowed to run rampant FOR YEARS! Now that Trump & Q anon are at the helm..NO MORE! FREE POCKET CONSTITUTION: I invite you to my Q Anon trello board: *_Q Anon*_ My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: Official 27/7 Live Stream channel: Official 27/7 Live Stream channel: Discord chat: *_Sources_* Latest Q posts: ttps:// Main content (brilliant Q explained by Reconsider): Great Q update site: Good basic Q info in English..;) The Book of Q (BEST EVER Q compilation!) from: Q national guard info: Q State secrets: Interesting news info: Helicopter crash at Rothchild's: Mega Anon posts: Michael Trimm (Steve Pieczenic): NWO Diagram: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo... Q MAP: and: Who killed Seth Rich: Trump accomplishments: Wikileaked Citigroup 'List': Muslim Brotherhood: Good article re: Trump adversaries/foes from the beginning: Rockefellers/Hitler: Putin donation to Clinton Foundation: Good intro to rational discussion on secret societies/cults from someone who claims to have been exposed to the Deep State circles at age 18. I know there are ppl who don't trust/like/believe him but personally? Until I'm made aware of any of his claims proven to be factually wrong, he seems to make sense to me even if in a odd way. His life seems to have been influenced by cult environments (family/friends) and, given he's left that world not one of their ""believers"", makes me feel a sense of respect for his strength. He comes across to some as fake and given his stories are so 'out there's I totally get it. For now? I actually believe him: Images: Tin foil hat: Helicopter crash (article): Al-Waleed: Saudi purge (article): Podesta/Russia/Saudi article: My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee" julzee2 25 not set PT44M44S 2482 4 89 5 not set not set 2018-04-15T01:50:15.000Z NELv_OWQWbY UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Unmasking Q Anon's Identity "On Nov 20, 2017 Geo-politician John Barnwell discusses with American Intelligence Media's Douglas aka Thomas Paine who they believe Q Anon could possibly be. The Dark Q Anon: My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: How Q Anon is beating the Corporate Narrative: Americanism for Dummies: *_Sources_* American Intellegence Media: Michael Trimm: Lionel on RT: David Knight infowars: Jesuits: The Mercers: Livery: Trump cabinet: The greatest Canadian: CIA: Cabinet: JFK: Dulles: and 2: 911: Infowars: & Global Engagement Center: Mattis: Q Clearance:, article: and and all Q posts: and and Fusion GPS: and Propaganda: Corp Intel: Civilian vs Military: Snowdon: Clapper: and Brennan: Warren Commission: Mueller: DOS: Huma: Assange: MSM-CIA: Sanders-media: Trump fake news: Msm: Templar: https://knightstemplarinternational.c... Jesuits: and Salon: Hillary server: Zuckerberg: My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee My IBOTTA referral link: bukcfwl (see video:" julzee2 25 not set PT1H7M47S 220 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-04-18T22:14:17.000Z 04pyBCKIcT0 UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg OIG/NYPD vs DOJ/FBI - BATTLE EXPOSED! "Tracy Beanz on the Hagmann Report discusses the early drops of what is contained in Horowitz's OIG Report (to be released in full May 2018). This information has been squashed by msm these past few years but it's all exploding into the light now. EVIDENCE that Obama's DOJ & FBI THREATENED the NYPD if they tried to expose what was found on Weiner's laptop. I don't know how the Deep State can recover from this flood of information that's about to hit the World like a tsunami. PROOF showing the true cover-up & corruption that's been protecting the Hillary Clinton machine. With credible, honorable, and patriotic law enforcement men & women to back the truth up. Rod Rosensteins's Problems: Who is the SES Cabal?: 2018 SES pay scale: What is SES?: *_Q ANON:_* or My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: Official 27/7 Live Stream channel: Official 27/7 Live Stream channel: Discord chat: *_Sources:_* 11 Congress members letter: The Official Hagmann Report (Tracy Beanz): Eric Prince interview: Hillary sex scandal about to break: Erdogan map:,0,270,0 *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #qanon #tarmac #ObamaKnew #UraniumOne #HarmonWilfred #InternetBillOfRights #DiscreditReddit #TheHateLeft #tyler My Steemit video: My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab:" julzee2 25 not set PT47M28S 384 5 8 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T21:10:43.000Z 2lKVJuiSfT0 UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Trump on Fox & Friends + Q Anon "Fox & Friends interviewed President Trump today. I added Q Anon posts that correlate with what Trump discusses regarding the fake Mueller Russia collusion Investigation, the Deep State cabal, and how Trump has been explaining all of this to us through Q's posts. 2018 will be GLORIOUS! *_Q ANON:_* or My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Sources_* Trump ending (Berikande Mangfald channel):" julzee2 25 not set PT35M22S 328 6 5 1 not set not set 2018-05-22T21:36:39.000Z dfVOjq8nD_0 UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Q Anon Disinfo DEBUNKED! "It's amazing how wrong anti-Q Anon people are. What's worse tho is that some mascarade as wanting truth when in reality it's the opposite. They spread disinformation and untruth. Whether these particular Q deniers are purposeful in their deception or not is irrelevant. What matters is whether YOU do your due diligence in investigating for yourself what's real & what's propaganda. It's not simply a matter of ""difference of opinion"" as the Left always likes to say. There is such a thing as reality. And so far these three youtubers (unirock, antischool, & lift the veil) seem to like to make their own up. It's kind of like when Libs say there are unlimited numbers of genders. You create your own reality. Well, I say use common sense. Am I really simply a cult follower with no brain of my own? Or are these people manipulating their followers? You be the judge. Q Clowns posed: short version re: anti-school *_Source_* Lift The Veil channel: & Something Strange w/" julzee2 25 not set PT56M31S 564 22 18 11 not set not set 2018-05-23T16:36:49.000Z 0MpkCTsRXrM UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg OMG! Gowdy? Q Anon Post #1433! "[edit 5-24-18 8:00am est] - Damn! It just hit me who Trump will probably put into the #3 position. Trey Gowdy! But we'll know if this is correct soon. Watch this video to see what I mean. OMG! It is going to be absolutely mind blowing if what Q Anon is telling us actually happens this week! We will know for sure tomorrow. Rod Rosenstein will be out and Trump's people will have a clear path in the DOJ, FBI, and finally clean judges to begin unsealing the long awaited insictments to start rolling. YOU'VE GOT TO WATCH THIS VIDEO! Q Anon Disinfo DEBUNKED!: *_Sources_* SerielBrain2: Blessed To Teach:" julzee2 25 not set PT27M23S 211 9 10 0 not set not set 2018-05-29T07:04:40.000Z MGEw3NWcBqM UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg AGs ("setting the stage") - Q Anon Posts #1433 & 1439 "WATCH THIS FIRST! It is absolutely amazing to see the moves being made by the White Hats & Trump to get trusted & honest judges & attorney generals in place setting the stage for justice for crimes against America and the World. And sweeter yet to witness the unraveling of laws & ""guidlines"" created by Loretta Lynch, Comey, McCabe & Obama Inc that were meant to keep them in power, yet now being used against them. Trump is draining the DOJ swamp that has been covering up years of Deep State corruption. Now in place are patriots who are ready to hold these ""sick"" people who manipulated our systems for their own greed & power. Wow is about all I can say at this point....:) *_Sources_* SerielBrain2 breakdown: Justinformed Talk channel: OMG Gowdy Q post #1433: My Trello Board: Basketball video: Fox News article: Jesse Pannucio: *_Qtubers I trust thus far_* Blessed To Teach: Justinformed Talk: Bill Smith: Spaceshot76: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: T.R.U. Reporting: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therfore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it.." julzee2 25 not set PT18M38S 335 0 8 0 not set not set 2018-06-02T04:08:56.000Z COki--ppAtc UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg #Qclock Explained OMG! "These anons are BRILLIANT! Check out the Q clock they came up with which looks to be exactly what Q Anon has been telling us to build. It's confusing at first but stick with me here. As usual, everything starts falling in place once you open your eyes and THINK....;) UPDATE: New Q Clock download for pc: FREE POCKET CONSTITUTION: AG succession video 1 [RR] (Q post #1433): AG seccession video 2 [RR](Q post #1433 & #1439): Q Clowns (Anti School (Isaac Green, Lift The Veil, Unirock): #WeAreQ #InternetBillOfRights #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Qclock *_Sources_* My Trello Board: *_Q ANON:_* My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers I trust (so far)_* Bill Smith: Blessed To Teach: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Spaceshot76: T.R.U. Reporting: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it.. Any support is appreciated" julzee2 25 not set PT33M17S 9855 45 119 8 not set not set 2018-06-12T01:03:07.000Z wWYjoEJ3VzI UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Omg! Q posts, NK, Seth Rich, NEW Strzok/Page Spygate evidence! "It's truely unbelievable what we are watching unfold. According to Q Anon, the I G report coming out will be heavily redacted. Of course we figured that. But we the people have a RIGHT to see the information showing the corruption inside the DOJ & FBI. These agencies have been redacting under the guise of national security when in reality they are redacting to keep out of public view their crimes. Well according to Q, Trump is ready and waiting with a new executive order which will declassify these redactions and bring to LIGHT the who, what, where, and how of the Deep Statxs crimes. Rod Rosenstein seems to be one of the first on the chopping block with MANY more to follow. THIS WEEK will be a week to remember. And what's the true story on Seth Rich? I'm following a crazy theory that Seth may actually be alive. Possibly another of the many white hat ops..? We wait to SEE. *_Sources_* *_Q ANON:_* My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers I trust (so far)_* Bill Smith: Blessed To Teach: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Spaceshot76: T.R.U. Reporting: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it. *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #qclock #wwg1wga #WeAreQ Any support is appreciated My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab:" julzee2 25 not set PT24M17S 197 4 11 0 not set not set 2018-06-18T05:06:03.000Z Csz1wIqxGJ4 UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg A Father's Day Q Anon proof "This photo is 100% real. Zero photoshop. Now the question is, is this actually Obama? *_Q ANON:_* My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers I trust (so far)_* Bill Smith: Blessed To Teach: Daily Trite: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Spaceshot76: T.R.U. Reporting: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it. *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #qclock #wwg1wga #WeAreQ Any support is appreciated My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab:" julzee2 25 not set PT2M31S 177 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T16:06:20.000Z C9IGfVDWehE UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Where Anti-Q and Q Followers Meet "Charles Ortel, the most knowledgeable person on Earth re: details and documentation of Clinton Foundation corruption and Jason Goodman are two people who do not believe in Q Anon. Jason has had multiple interviews where he clearly states that he believes Q is fake while I don't think Mr. Ortel even bothers to entertain the thought at all about Q. Yet, in this interview they are spot on in going the direction Q has been leading us. THIS video shows you the difference between people who just don't believe in Q, and actual disinfo agents who's goal is to ""discredit"" Q Anon. This channel is not built on focusing on ""seeking the truth"" by running a 24/7 narrative meant to convince their followers that Q is fake. This conversation focuses on the NEWS. ""Real"" news and connecting the dots. This is where I believe the anti-Q (as opposed to the ""disinfo anti-Qtubers) meets the Q follower, REALITY. Charles' investigation & knowledge of the goals of the Military Industrial Complex and where the Clinton Inc corruption blends in with that goal, is brilliant. Pure fact is what you get from Charles Ortel. If you have the time I suggest watching their full video on Goodman's channel. It's over 2 hours long but takes you through the trail of the many avenues we Qtubers have been following for months and continue to dig into when new revelations (such as these 12 indicted Russians) surface. I felt this basic discussion important so I edited as much as I could reducing it by 30 minutes in hopes that some might at least ""try"" to make the time to watch this discussion. It touches on so much! I see that, in not following Q they don't get ""the plan"" (thinking that Sessions is doing nothing etc) but the bulk of this conversation is EXACTLY what Q has been telling us and EXACTLY where Qtubers/Anons have been researching. You don't have to believe in Q to know the truth. I just believe it makes it all the more clear when you do. And most importantly, gives you assurance that yes, things ARE being done (by Sessions Inc) to dismantle this massive ""collusion"" against humanity. And this ""outing"" of Browder/Clinton by Trump & Putin at their joint press conf is part of the plan of awakening that leads to the proof/truth. They are leading us to more awakening and telling us where to look to find the truth about what we Qtubers know to be this False Flag Russian/Trump collusion narrative. *_Source_* CrowdsourceTheTruth: I invite you to my Trello Board for more info: *_Q ANON:_* My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers & others I trust (so far)_* Task Force: Whistle Blowers: (George Webb partner): George Webb: Bill Smith: Blessed To Teach: Daily Trite: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Spaceshot76: backup channel: T.R.U. Reporting: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it. *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #qclock #wwg1wga #WeAreQ Any support is appreciated My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab:" julzee2 25 not set PT1H36M5S 258 4 9 1 not set not set 2018-08-29T18:17:11.000Z pwgaeZ8n-Bw UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg The BIG Lie - Where does Q Anon fit in? "Q Anon's purpose is to wake us up to the massive lies that have been told to us for decades! These lies are on such a massive scale that it's hard for many to SEE them. When you have top officials of the government, top leaders of political parties, and the mainstream news media all perpetuating the lies, we unwisely ""assume"" it must be the truth. #WalkAway Republicans are racists who are unconcerned with the little guy, while Democrats are the party that cares. When you actually bother to do some research into ""true"" history, (not Progressive ""revisionism"") you clearly SEE that it was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks enslaved. They did it in our past and they continue to enslave minorities NOW through government dependence & victimhood mentality. The choice to KNOW is yours.. Americanism for Dummies: EXCELLENT! D'Souza Q & A: *_Source_* Dinesh D'souza - The Fascist Roots of the American Left: Interactive Q map EXCELLENT!!/ Interactive.Congressional District census data: FREE POCKET CONSTITUTION: I invite you to my Trello Board for more info: George Webb's website: *_Q ANON:_* or My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers & others I trust (so far)_* Task Force: Whistle Blowers: (George Webb partner): George Webb: Bill Smith: Blessed To Teach: Daily Trite: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Seething Frog: Spaceshot76: backup channel: T.R.U. Reporting: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it. *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #qclock #wwg1wga #WeAreQ #WalkAway My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab:" julzee2 25 not set PT30M2S 499 4 11 0 not set not set 2018-09-11T16:27:39.000Z ZcR5zDSnNNk UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Q2144 thru Q2148 (9-11-18) "Q2144 thru Q2148 are more verification that Q will be using NO OTHER coms but the usual 8chan boards. So ANYONE saying that they communicate with Q is disinfo. Period! The websites & this new site are FAKE NEWS run by disinfo. They will most likely post valid and true information sprinkled with disinformation to lead you astray. 9/11 was a horrific act. And on this 17 year anniversary Q says ""We will never forget, We will never forgive. This is especially meaningful when you realize that it was our own CIA that perpetrated it! And we know that our President is taking them down! Note: It takes me sometimes HOURS to upload my videos! I've upgraded my home internet banwidth, tried from different devices and family member homes using their internet but still, huge issues uploading. This leads me to believe this issue comes from youtube's end. Are they purposely throttling me? Oh well, I will continue on anyway. Just might take awhile before my videos show up here guys....sigh Unmasking Q Anon's Identity: Any support is appreciated...:) Interactive Q map EXCELLENT!!/ Interactive.Congressional District census data: FREE POCKET CONSTITUTION: I invite you to my Trello Board for more info: *_Q ANON:_* or My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers & others I trust (so far)_* Bill Smith (Does anyone know what happened to Bill Smith? He seems to have suddenly disappeared): Blessed To Teach: Daily Trite: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Seething Frog: Spaceshot76: backup channel: T.R.U. Reporting: Truth & Art TV: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it. *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #qclock #wwg1wga #WeAreQ #WalkAway My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab:" julzee2 25 not set PT21M30S 79 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-09-21T22:11:42.000Z 3wDSJAJBCV0 UCKCO7yJJuJiAgYL63lTP-Bg Q2251 thru Q2254 Msm Trying to Bait Trump? "So, NYT is now trying to bait Trump into firing RR? Looks like there's panic all around. Msm, DOJ, FBI, Hussein, HRC etc etc. Trump doesn't have to fire RR, it'll be a done deal as soon as the unredacted FISA application is released. These people really ARE stupid aren't they? They actually think that throwing all these DS take-Trump-down ops are going to work on an awake #wwg1wga *_MUST WATCH_* Explains who's house was really in turmoil & chaos. The DS's, not Trump's) Stage Set?: New 8chan board for us!: My Q Anon Trello Board: Video on how to easily navigate my trello board: *_NEW PATRIOTS DISCUSSION BOARD CREATED BY Q!_* (still finding my way around so just follow me here so we can keep in contact). My Steemit Blog (Facebook alternative): My Dtube Channel (Youtube alternative):!/c/julzee Follow me on Gab (Twiiter alternative): Any support is appreciated...:) Q posts: Interactive Q map EXCELLENT!!/ Interactive.Congressional District census data: FREE POCKET CONSTITUTION: I invite you to my Trello Board for more info: *_Q ANON:_* or My Q Anon playlist: Q Anon (and deep state) for Dummies: *_Qtubers & others I trust (so far)_* Bill Smith (Does anyone know what happened to Bill Smith? He seems to have suddenly disappeared): Blessed To Teach: Bruce Filgert's White Rabbit: Daily Trite: DustinNemos2: JustInformed Talk: Lionel Nation: Michael Trimm: Seething Frog: Spaceshot76: backup channel: T.R.U. Reporting: Truth & Art TV: This list is off the top of my head and is by no means complete nor the only ones I follow. There are many other Qtubers out there that are giving good info. A few of the big ones I'm skeptical of and not sure if clowns...yet...therefore are not on this list. I will add/detract as I continue to think about it. *_SUGGESTED_* Admiral Ace Lyons (Lori Corell channel) #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic #qclock #wwg1wga #WeAreQ #WalkAway" julzee2 25 not set PT22M39S 143 50 7 0 not set not set 2018-03-16T16:09:50.000Z of4R7pLnxz0 UCNFiR0e1ahrjok54dWX37fw Q notification to the people jurassicgamer vlogs 22 not set PT33S 28 7 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T20:00:59.000Z t1PfJPkZe68 UCAdiMZX5Y8iikjdtQNQVtlA Q Drop, #ReleaseTheMemo "Sorry about the audio issues. Did not have mic available. This will be remedied by next time. Follow #NewsNET on Twitter @sandtiger163 Support us on Patreon:" Just a Guy News 22 ['Q anon', 'Release the memo', 'News', 'Net', 'Newnet', 'shutdown', 'pentagon', 'president', 'trump', 'memo', 'FISA', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'dws', 'mccabe', 'mccain'] PT21M15S 38 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T21:28:07.000Z Dro_rnR_7B4 UCAdiMZX5Y8iikjdtQNQVtlA New Q! 1/21/18 16 Year Deep State Plan "Q Drops the Deep State 16 year plan to take over America! Q Board: Follow on Twitter: #NewsNET @sandtiger163 Please Consider supporting us at Patreon. This will help us get equipment to improve videos, and support us doing this full time. Thank You! Patreon: For those of you who wish to support us with Cryptocurrency, (we love them) you can donate with BitCoin or Ethereum BitCoin Wallet: 1WfAuNqNr8rtEXdQWR9Tv3E2xte8TzSXF Ethereum Wallet: 0x45EBF0c20312D60a61264ED0d3a1D0d3a1D08b9d1a484c" Just a Guy News 22 ['Q Anon', 'Deep', 'State', '16 year', 'plan', 'America', 'Obama', 'Dirty', 'Dossier', 'second', 'ammendment', 'removal', '2nd', 'Post', 'Drop', '1/21/18', 'newsnet', '#newsnet', 'news', 'net', 'alternative', 'media', 'censorship', 'msm', 'fox', 'cnn', 'disarm', 'illegal', 'vote', 'soros', 'machines', 'starved', 'blind', 'stupid', 'black', 'Sessions', 'Nunes', 'Russians', 'Ops', 'Bots', 'narrative', '8chan', 'chans', 'memo', 'fisa'] PT14M52S 143 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-30T07:09:01.000Z NQKioUCTYA4 UCAdiMZX5Y8iikjdtQNQVtlA 1-29 FISA Memo Release, McCabe Fired and New Q Drop!!! "Two major events occurred today! First Andrew McCabe was forced out (Fired) of the FBI which marks the first casualty of the FISA Abuse Memo! and second the House Intel Committee voted to release the memo!!!! Also two unexpected things happened while filming this video. First Q Drops some YUGE intel!! By the way, JC I assume is James Comey. And the second thing, I think I burped and never even noticed. I was going to edit it out, but thought, hell I am just a regular Joe so screw it. With that said, Excuse me! So sorry. True Pundit Article - USA Today Article - Q Drops - Follow on Twitter: #NewsNET @sandtiger163 Please Consider supporting us at Patreon. This will help us get equipment to improve videos, and support us doing this full time. Thank You! Patreon: For those of you who wish to support us with Cryptocurrency, (we love them) you can donate with BitCoin or Ethereum BitCoin Wallet: 1WfAuNqNr8rtEXdQWR9Tv3E2xte8TzSXF Ethereum Wallet: 0x45EBF0c20312D60a61264ED0d3a1D0d3a1D08b9d1a484c" Just a Guy News 25 ['#Newsnet', 'QAnon', 'Andy', 'McCabe', 'FBI', 'FISA', 'Memo', 'Release', 'True Pundit', 'USA today', 'State of the Union', 'Trump', 'President', 'House Intel Committee', 'Voted', 'MAGA', 'POTUS', 'Fired', 'Resigns', 'Resigned', 'Corruption', 'Speech', 'Happy Dance', 'Abuse', 'Nunes', 'Rosenstein', 'Schiff', 'Democratic', 'Republican', 'Party', 'Butthurt', 'Great Awakening'] PT12M36S 43 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-03T13:13:12.000Z -H7_LiFnafI UC8-it1AmbWW_Iygyh_hkQbA MAGAPILL!! "TRUE NEWS"!! --Q "IN READING THRU Q POSTINGS, I RAN ACROSS THE WEBSITE ALL OF US NEED TO GO TO FOR THE ""TRUE/REAL NEWS"". MAGAPILL.COM THEN GO TO THE OPINION TAB FOR THE ARTICLE ON WHO Q ANON IS (NOT A NAME-JUST PURPOSE); WHY IS HE DOING THIS; WHAT IS HE POSTING; & WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION, AND IT IS A LOT OF INFORMATION. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP PATRIOTS; THERE HAS BEEN A LOT OF GOOD THINGS HAPPENING THAT WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT & THAT THE MSM DOESN'T WANT US TO KNOW. GOD BLESS & THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, HOPE IT HELPED. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE PLEASE; PLEASE SHARE SHARE SHARE THIS INFORMATION--PATRIOTS HAVE TO GET THIS INFO OUT. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: Deplorable Tara@Lioness_1970 youtube is making it difficult to publish these videos; this one is taking 2 1/2 hours. Unbelievable!!" Justice 22 not set PT33M11S 741 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-20T18:22:52.000Z NmLrdznngSc UC8-it1AmbWW_Iygyh_hkQbA Q++ EXCELLENT SHORT OVERVIEW OF RECENT 'Q' "ANTI-SCHOOL/ISAAC GREENE'S INSIGHT INTO MOST RECENT 'Q' POSTINGS IN 8CHAN. EXCELLENT SHORT OVERVIEW OF RECENT Q. PLEASE VISIT 'ANTI SCHOOL' PAGE" Justice 22 not set PT13M5S 119 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T05:56:24.000Z Uvp3aTqSuxY UC8-it1AmbWW_Iygyh_hkQbA DON'T MISS THIS!!! HUMA, SPACE X, ASSANGE & MORE DEEP INTEL "Zach Interview with Infowars 01 05 2018 Zach from the 'Q' group on 8chan was interviewed by Alex Jones on InfoWars. Zach has been a regular call-in on InfoWars for quite sometime over the past year. Zach gives us some Fantastic Information, whether you follow Q on 8chan or not--YOU ARE GOING TO WANT TO HEAR THIS PATRIOTS!! ZACH STATES--MONDAY--""THE WORLD IS GOING TO CHANGE""--THINGS WILL NOT BE THE SAME BEGINNING MONDAY!! THIS IS A GOOD THING-NOT A BAD THING; SO HAVE HOPE FOLKS; GOOD THINGS ARE COMING. GO TO INFOWARS.COM & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE GREAT WORK. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING ON MY CHANNEL; I'M TRYING TO BRING THE BEST VIDEOS I CAN TO YOU; UNTIL I CAN MAKE MY OWN. GOD BLESS. PLEASE LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER ALSO: Deplorable Tara+@lioness_1970 FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education. If any copyright owner believes that a specific upload does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal." Justice 22 not set PT31M40S 43 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T05:37:58.000Z lG8aJp-urKo UC8-it1AmbWW_Iygyh_hkQbA WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM--MY FELLOW AMERICANS "Very soon we will be hearing directly from the President concerning quick unfolding events. The time has come to Make America Great again. . . . **THIS IS A RED PILLING NARRATIVE.** MY NARRATIVE OF Q ANON POSTS found on 8chan. The purpose of Q is to prepare people for what they will witness - for what is coming. Treason, I think people can deal with, but when what comes out about what has been done to and with the c h i l d r e n America will come unglued. I have no insiders connection other than current events and the most revealing Q anon posts. All dates and times will be subject to the timetables of the Power's that be. This will obviously take time to unfold. Share - Share - Share - Share . . . Time is short. Use this to Red Pill friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. Our job is to keep them calm during these trying days. So if you would like me to continue providing even more quality work for you; I would greatly appreciate any kind of Donation. I have so much Research that I can't wait to get to you. God BLess & Thank you. Please help Spread the Truth to those who are Blind still. #WeThePeople #KAG" Justice 22 not set PT6M27S 3977 37 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-10T16:54:32.000Z q2vobqNsVlE UC8-it1AmbWW_Iygyh_hkQbA #Q ANON Latest New Posts-Set the stage-Clowns out-Strings Cut "Excellent Overview of the Most Recent Q Posts. Please go to this Channel & subscribe! God Bless Patriots-""BuckleUp""-- **JustInformed Talk** Published on Mar 8, 2018 Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Set the stage"" ""Clowns out"" ""Strings Cut""" Justice 22 not set PT27M50S 701 5 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-28T15:51:57.000Z C64kpUzyx98 UC8-it1AmbWW_Iygyh_hkQbA New Q Posts 3 28 18--GOOD STUFF!! "NEW Q POSTS--HOT OFF THE PRESS FROM LATE LAST NIGHT/EARLY THIS MORNING!! LINK BELOW IS FOR YOU TO GO SEE THEM YOURSELF ON 8CHAN. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & FOR SURE SHARE!! SOUNDS LIKE TRUMP IS CLEANING HOUSE FOLKS!! GOD BLESS PATRIOTS!! #WETHEPEOPLE #GREATAWAKENING #IBOR #KAG" Justice 22 not set PT10M32S 67 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-15T03:17:22.000Z 9iLcGsHVzpM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon January Bombshell 1/17/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance Q Is Real!! Q anon newest posts from January 2018 news truth fake news awards join us meme war initiated. JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'anon', 'q posts', 'january', 'new', 'infowars', 'eagle', 'twitter', '@jack', 'explained', 'q superbowl', 'alex jones'] PT15M1S 32776 153 500 22 not set not set 2018-01-19T06:04:15.000Z E0C2qvYK31I UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon January Bombshell 1/19/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance Q Is Real!! Q anon Watch Trump's state of the union 2018. Q anon newest posts from January 2018 news. NWO exposed. OWLS fly. Debbie Wasserman Schults DONE. MORE TO COME. JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new posts', 'posts', 'january', '2018', 'news', 'anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'reddit', 'bombshell', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'jerome corsi'] PT14M55S 28204 188 666 14 not set not set 2018-01-19T19:28:48.000Z z7iJ5zZ0cLY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon January Bombshell 1/19.5/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance!! Updated version of new q anon post. Exposing the connection between GOOG and NK and ES and HUSSEIN. Private email servers for elites. Truth is always out there. JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'post', 'posts', '4chan', '8chan', 'obama', 'hussein', 'hrc', 'email', 'nk', 'es', 'explained', 'loretta lynch', 'james comey', 'jim clapper', 'chuck schumer', 'mccain', 'rosenstein', 'susan rice', 'joe biden', 'huma abedin', 'valerie jarrett'] PT4M33S 3052 21 131 2 not set not set 2018-01-20T01:09:13.000Z h1BC7XmZr8I UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon 8chan #Releasethememo Triumphs Tribulations 1/20/2018 Q anon posts more about the meeting , memo, #releasethememo JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'january', '4chan', '8chan', 'infowars', 'chuck schumer', 'wikileaks', 'assange', 'news', 'update', '#releasethememo', 'release the memo'] PT5M54S 2278 18 132 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T23:07:09.000Z FHBsONoVnq0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon January Bombshell 1/22/2018 New Posts Triumph Tribulations Q is Real! Newest posts from Q anon on 8chan JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', '8chan', 'posts', '#releasethememo'] PT15M2S 2596 26 106 1 not set not set 2018-01-24T05:48:58.000Z BYme9spNF9A UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Mystery Q Anon's DELETED Post January SEC TEST Post I took a screen shot of Q Anon's Deleted Post JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'deleted', 'post', 'trump', 'davos', 'memo', 'release', 'january', 'explained', 'news', 'infowars', 'sec', 'test'] PT8M18S 1785 26 107 1 not set not set 2018-01-25T04:15:11.000Z wGKkvAU6BXM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Barack Obama Lawyers Up!! Q Anon 8 Chan Great Awakening Q is real. Barack Obama Lawyers Up!! Q Anon 8 Chan Great Awakening Q is real. JustInformed Talk 25 ['new', 'q anon', 'obama', 'lawyer', 'trump', '8 chan', '4chan', '8chan', '4 chan', 'secret society', 'fbi', 'strozk', 'texts'] PT10M5S 6446 56 335 6 not set not set 2018-01-27T06:33:41.000Z 3inrKG1TPqA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Globalists Warned War Powers of President! Q Anon Bombshell Latest Newest Post Globalists Warned War Powers of President! Q Anon Bombshell Latest Newest Post JustInformed Talk 25 ['globalists', 'warned', 'fbi', 'q anon', 'text messages', 'new', 'january'] PT15M2S 3720 25 178 0 not set not set 2018-01-28T07:19:14.000Z Nw0SUu18OzY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ 1.28.2018 @Snowden EXPOSED! Op Mockingbird EXPOSED!! Latest Q Anon Posts January 2018 1.28.2018 @Snowden EXPOSED! Op Mockingbird EXPOSED!! Latest Q Anon Posts January 2018 JustInformed Talk 25 ['snowden', 'q anon', 'hrc', 'mockingbird', 'ugandan knuckles', 'byrd', 'january', 'latest', 'posts', 'infowars', 'great awakening', '8ch', '8chan', 'super predator', 'heel', 'msm', 'fake', 'sec_test', 'sec test', 'wynn', 'resigns', 'future proves past'] PT24M39S 2756 39 198 2 not set not set 2018-02-01T06:22:20.000Z 9IoPnmjsOQg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon Reveals Truth!! GOP Train Crash | Gowdy New Dep. AG? GOP Train Crash | Gowdy New Dep. AG? Q Anon Reveals Truth!! JustInformed Talk 25 ['GOP', 'train', 'crash', 'gowdy', 'rosenstein', 'rr', 'q anon', 'deputy', 'attorney general', 'ag', 'new', 'news', 'latest', 'today'] PT11M43S 52183 417 1244 25 not set not set 2018-02-02T03:51:24.000Z mIMeh-79eFQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon Mysterious Deaths Expose Secret Purge of Enemies - Q Anon Mysterious Deaths Expose Secret Purge of Enemies - JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'as', 'standard hotel', 'crash', 'helicopter', 'new', 'latest', 'flynn', 'Klaus Eberwein', 'FREEDOM', 'adam schiff', 'West Hollywood', 'Newport Beach', 'ff'] PT21M43S 95752 453 2406 34 not set not set 2018-02-06T06:32:00.000Z PMt56AI7XrI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon: Incredible NEW Posts - LATEST POSTS.... Q Anon: Incredible NEW Posts - LATEST POSTS.... JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'post', 'posts', 'as', 'vj', 'black caucus', 'phone', 'black forest', 'austria', 'find 1 of 4'] PT12M49S 33614 254 869 11 not set not set 2018-02-07T03:16:49.000Z 1feiLSIDxzA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon: Incredible NEW Posts - LATEST POSTS.... "Q ANON: """"FBI Informant"" | Leakers, Liars, & Lynch [LATEST!]" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'fbi', 'lynch', 'scalia', 'comey', 'wikileaks', 'tarmac', 'awan', 'ghattas', 'timeline'] PT12M51S 4178 94 388 3 not set not set 2018-02-08T02:29:18.000Z j0aA2J_kFkc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ LATEST Q ANON: "We See You (Live)" "Final Guest Arrived" "LATEST Q ANON: ""We See You (Live)"" ""Final Guest Arrived""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'february', 'posts', 'cs', 'np', 'barlow', 'who is q anon'] PT12M57S 33929 378 1087 13 not set not set 2018-02-08T06:30:27.000Z FDbXuhcLWtU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon Predicts Cures for "Cancer, AIDS, etc"... "Q Anon Predicts Cures for ""Cancer, AIDS, etc""..." JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'cure', 'cancer', 'aids', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'hannity', 'pharma', 'emergency', 'abramson', 'coincidence', 'u1'] PT8M38S 8806 140 581 6 not set not set 2018-02-09T03:01:20.000Z u87rX2092og UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: US Secret Service on High Alert Q ANON: US Secret Service on High Alert JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'usss', 'high', 'alert', 'trump', 'donald', 'king building', 'shanghai', 'china', 'un', 'secret service', 'us'] PT12M55S 2865 107 248 2 not set not set 2018-02-10T16:11:58.000Z SnZ6S3mRxL4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest Posts! "CLOWNS, CLOWNS, CLOWNS" "Q ANON: Latest Posts! ""CLOWNS, CLOWNS, CLOWNS""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'clowns', 'top 10 player', 'e 5 -', 'asia', '@snowden', 'dopey', 'seals', 'great awakening', 'the storm'] PT16M48S 25724 599 958 17 not set not set 2018-02-11T19:08:02.000Z Zu2ITGywrmU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: More Mysterious Deaths Expose Deep State Tactics. Q ANON: More Mysterious Deaths Expose Deep State Tactics. JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'cbts', 'great awakening', 'the storm'] PT11M32S 59824 438 1783 22 not set not set 2018-02-12T03:46:29.000Z Pepkc8bM3uo UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL Q ANON: New Latest Posts..SECRET INTEL JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latests', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'the storm'] PT31M33S 18485 295 731 16 not set not set 2018-02-12T20:16:04.000Z L_xCuCDisLM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts! FLOWERS & GARDENS?? Q ANON: Latest New Posts! FLOWERS & GARDENS?? JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts'] PT12M45S 18035 357 654 19 not set not set 2018-02-13T02:47:01.000Z q1LXh9jQU38 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Post...BIG PHARMA WARNING LETTER? Q ANON: New Latest Post...BIG PHARMA WARNING LETTER? JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'trump jr', 'letter', 'white powder', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'cbts', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT7M55S 5660 109 421 2 not set not set 2018-02-13T17:53:11.000Z MKMicgqhopw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "WHEN DOES A BIRD SING?" NEW LATEST POSTS "Q ANON: ""WHEN DOES A BIRD SING?"" NEW LATEST POSTS" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'when does a songbird sing', 'loretta lynch', 'obama admin', 'Q+'] PT11M26S 56493 501 1381 32 not set not set 2018-02-14T08:07:55.000Z ZTV18-GhqyU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: African Migrants in Mexico? "Q ANON: African Migrants in Mexico? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'african', 'migrants', 'mexico'] PT18M14S 4596 64 345 6 not set not set 2018-02-15T00:49:05.000Z kGrIdTasjN0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "WARNING_Possible_EU_Car_Attack" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""WARNING_Possible_EU_Car_Attack"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'eu', 'car'] PT12M58S 24042 239 904 16 not set not set 2018-02-15T08:03:41.000Z Gd0BSKLLqsc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts. Exposes MSM Clowns? "Q ANON: Latest New Posts. Exposes MSM Clowns? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'msm', 'clowns'] PT23M50S 67298 546 1526 29 not set not set 2018-02-16T00:18:13.000Z svsHMcqSxo0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts..."Target Subjects Are Scouted" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts...""Target Subjects Are Scouted"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'parkland', 'fl', 'stoneman', 'douglas', 'shooting', 'hogg'] PT31M6S 106259 921 2374 90 not set not set 2018-02-17T07:40:13.000Z _gjH2umHAGw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts... "Q ANON: New Latest Posts... PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_storm'] PT13M 15481 207 617 15 not set not set 2018-02-19T06:12:23.000Z AQn0A4aVW6E UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - @Snowden & @Jack Exposed "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - @Snowden & @Jack Exposed PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'great awkening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT12M47S 10592 248 553 4 not set not set 2018-02-21T06:43:59.000Z 8SIxFBeXF3A UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Shifting The Narrative!! "Q ANON: Shifting The Narrative!! PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'posts'] PT20M30S 9930 197 556 9 not set not set 2018-02-21T07:46:29.000Z jr_aTXakEwk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - DEEPDREAM=TWITTER! "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - DEEPDREAM=TWITTER! PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT10M33S 12884 198 543 26 not set not set 2018-02-22T04:15:22.000Z E930zZVMjyY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - DeepDreamv2 & #TwitterLockout "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - DeepDreamv2 & #TwitterLockout PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new latest', 'posts', 'cbts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'qanonmap', 'qanonposts', 'cbts_stream'] PT16M31S 9765 138 640 7 not set not set 2018-02-22T20:11:02.000Z NVweq5WqxQs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - CIA, Journalists, and Clergy? "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - CIA, Journalists, and Clergy? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'hogg', 'parkland', '2a'] PT22M41S 15853 182 692 14 not set not set 2018-02-23T04:21:56.000Z VEPn4Jpriag UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "You Are Learning Our Comms" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""You Are Learning Our Comms"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbta_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT20M8S 19833 425 911 22 not set not set 2018-02-23T19:43:58.000Z kbsHKl1F3PI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Proofs Only Meant For You" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Proofs Only Meant For You"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'the key', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'thestoryofq'] PT12M54S 27804 386 1204 12 not set not set 2018-02-24T04:50:54.000Z ZOUO80Q44B4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Do You Believe In Coincidences?" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Do You Believe In Coincidences?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT22M51S 15627 273 631 14 not set not set 2018-02-24T17:57:23.000Z Q23RnpfTgiE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Payback For Today" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Payback For Today"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT12M17S 35600 256 1075 16 not set not set 2018-02-24T21:05:00.000Z xBjg0GydtgY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained? "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream'] PT10M35S 70933 349 1765 84 not set not set 2018-02-26T05:31:14.000Z kmwVSMKdhaU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON Posts from Day 1: (10.28.17) All Q ANON Posts from Day 1 (10.28.17) JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'github', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'posts', 'explained', 'first', 'beginning'] PT47M16S 19405 246 865 17 not set not set 2018-02-27T07:39:20.000Z NPnxrTpCpnw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.1.17) Q ANON FROM DAY 1: (11.1.17) JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'what is q anon', 'who is q anon', 'calm before the storm', 'qanon'] PT46M37S 7516 81 392 8 not set not set 2018-02-28T04:10:44.000Z yQrUOHG8e2k UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'posts', 'new', 'latest', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq'] PT54M11S 7316 97 350 6 not set not set 2018-03-01T05:51:13.000Z _RmutDWSGgw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2 Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2 JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'new', 'posts', 'original', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap', 'key', 'q key', 'qanonposts'] PT52M24S 5831 72 294 1 not set not set 2018-03-01T07:40:31.000Z W2YIfMkkfwk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained? Part 2 "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - The BRIDGE Explained? Part 2 PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap'] PT12M39S 48411 422 1535 55 not set not set 2018-03-03T08:32:09.000Z lxUADz6sO24 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts: Sheriffs, C.A.I.R., & FFs? "Q ANON: New Latest Posts: Sheriffs, C.A.I.R., & FFs? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latst', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap'] PT40M24S 17825 362 1013 21 not set not set 2018-03-04T08:58:22.000Z GNedUPBOSqs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere" "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - ""We Are Everywhere"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'cbts', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'white house', 'suicide'] PT45M13S 55332 913 1961 35 not set not set 2018-03-04T20:26:23.000Z fLuLK72GwyA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Careful Who You Follow." "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - ""Careful Who You Follow."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap', 'hannity', 'trump', 'break in'] PT27M22S 67347 728 2181 48 not set not set 2018-03-05T09:25:25.000Z WQ505PlHjnA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM" "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - ""BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'thestoryofq', 'github', 'new', 'posts', 'latest', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream'] PT28M14S 29956 350 1433 42 not set not set 2018-03-06T09:24:08.000Z GHzp1M24Fsw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water. "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water. Q MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap', 'qanonposts', 'github'] PT45M56S 47220 1004 1540 52 not set not set 2018-03-06T21:22:10.000Z k5J7_AWQvec UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Trust The PLAN "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Trust The PLAN Q MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'github', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap', 'hrc', 'video', 'huma', 'nypd'] PT37M54S 64486 1155 2203 36 not set not set 2018-03-07T07:15:00.000Z QJ87Y3IHM0E UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Post - "Try, try, try, as they might." "Q ANON: New Latest Post - ""Try, try, try, as they might."" Q MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'thestoryofq', 'github', 'qanonposts', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'hrc', 'huma', 'video', 'msm'] PT22M30S 58764 774 2229 52 not set not set 2018-03-07T23:21:46.000Z Xna5SsHOcUo UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "We are going live - 24 [Comb your hair]" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""We are going live - 24 [Comb your hair]"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'github', 'qanonmap'] PT25M51S 44942 697 1979 34 not set not set 2018-03-08T08:39:59.000Z TvVR9BnYdcM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Shall we play a game?" "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - ""Shall we play a game?"" Q ANON MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'github', 'new', 'latest', 'posts'] PT28M11S 17138 473 1103 21 not set not set 2018-03-09T02:31:30.000Z ntdGh-KbrDw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Set the stage" "Clowns out" "Strings Cut" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Set the stage"" ""Clowns out"" ""Strings Cut"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'cbts', 'thestoryofq', 'github', 'qanonmap'] PT27M50S 54517 1115 2812 40 not set not set 2018-03-09T09:19:42.000Z pDkUn-isAGk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape." "Q ANON: Latest New Post - "" a way to escape."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap', 'cbts_stream', 'cbts', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'github'] PT25M52S 79200 1163 3366 46 not set not set 2018-03-09T19:58:52.000Z Erfp78sCx3E UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "They know." "Q ANON: New Latest Posts - ""They know."" DOC: MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonmap'] PT22M33S 96015 853 3170 67 not set not set 2018-03-10T00:51:58.000Z BnmAkjBYrZ8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "24HRS to respond. He did, smartly." "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""24HRS to respond. He did, smartly."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'boom', 'thestoryofq', '', 'cbts_stream', 'cbts', 'qresearch'] PT17M12S 75946 749 2696 46 not set not set 2018-03-10T19:38:37.000Z XqmwL0TTfo0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "For God & Country & (World)" "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""For God & Country & (World)"" MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'qresearch', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'cbts_stream', 'qanonmap', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT30M26S 67843 1632 2786 38 not set not set 2018-03-11T04:03:13.000Z tsbPU6Db2kY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go." "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""...the deeper we go."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'qanonmap', 'qanon'] PT42M30S 47583 1268 2170 24 not set not set 2018-03-12T07:22:54.000Z O52v4nUvluw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - XI XI = 11:11 & Q SPEECH HIGHLIGHTS! "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - XI XI = 11:11 & Q SPEECH HIGHLIGHTS! TRUMP SPEECH: MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon', 'map'] PT39M50S 74643 855 2788 56 not set not set 2018-03-13T02:45:23.000Z j598EAg5zdI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest Post - "We went too deep." "Q ANON: New Latest Post - ""We went too deep."" Patreon: MAP: SPEECH:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'qanonmap', 'cbts_stream', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq'] PT37M3S 33315 682 1800 40 not set not set 2018-03-13T20:26:43.000Z AKx3yG4zhNQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: SILENCE - WH Shake Up w/ #REXit "Q ANON: SILENCE - WH Shake Up w/ #REXit IBOR Petition: MAP: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', 'qanonmap'] PT23M22S 43559 566 2028 31 not set not set 2018-03-14T06:14:49.000Z aMU1r-XXIe0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Latest News - Trump Inspects Wall, Speech to Marines! Q = 17th Letter! "Q ANON: New Latest News - Trump Inspects Wall, Speech to Marines! Q = 17th Letter! Wall: Patreon: MAP:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'trump', 'speech', 'analysis', 'thestoryofq', 'great awakening'] PT32M29S 48711 926 2715 31 not set not set 2018-03-14T23:02:07.000Z 96qHwT4UG7A UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Cen$or$hip "Q AN0N: Cen$or$hip PATREON: MAP:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq'] PT28M49S 13777 437 984 17 not set not set 2018-03-15T07:23:15.000Z uNbF9eE8iQo UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Ides of March - "Learn the map." "Q AN0N: Ides of March - ""Learn the map."" PATREON: MAP:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'cbts', 'thestoryofq', 'great awakening'] PT40M22S 71799 748 2343 48 not set not set 2018-03-16T01:52:50.000Z qJZUzPJM_8o UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Full Control" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Full Control"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT20M12S 36770 767 2414 32 not set not set 2018-03-16T06:27:13.000Z xSQvQDtzB6U UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The LINK. "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The LINK. PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT23M52S 44254 672 2253 56 not set not set 2018-03-17T08:16:15.000Z WxIbdhY0A54 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "BOOM" McCabe Fired! "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""BOOM"" McCabe Fired! PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'mccabe', 'thestoryofq'] PT28M46S 64342 733 2414 46 not set not set 2018-03-17T23:55:23.000Z O_aacfmu4kk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "AMERICA FOR SALE." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""AMERICA FOR SALE."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'Latest', 'new', 'posts', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq'] PT23M56S 39385 765 2164 22 not set not set 2018-03-18T07:46:07.000Z EyLK_rCRmPI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Enjoy the show." "Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - ""Enjoy the show."" PATREON: TWITTER: @Justin_Formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'thestoryofq', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon'] PT34M43S 146678 2155 4262 125 not set not set 2018-03-19T09:04:23.000Z 2NXqxp8mQmI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE - "Panic Mode." "Q AN0N: SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE - ""Panic Mode."" PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq'] PT33M32S 91541 1044 3131 72 not set not set 2018-03-20T20:58:43.000Z 0UsEdqoi-uo UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: "Booms" A New Theory. "Q AN0N: ""Booms"" A New Theory. Patreon: Twitter: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT20M41S 29346 1549 2295 50 not set not set 2018-03-21T07:03:06.000Z 9_UKSBXn7ko UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Expect a lot more. "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Expect a lot more. PATREON: Twitter: @justin_formed SHOW LINK:–2018—of-montreal-season-1-ep-1080" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT37M57S 42527 1459 2660 30 not set not set 2018-03-21T22:08:50.000Z 2KpDBlqtvh4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Nobody escapes this." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Nobody escapes this."" PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_storm', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon', 'great awakening'] PT24M27S 30808 731 1753 15 not set not set 2018-03-22T08:59:58.000Z Nz6lrDmtUxk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Big Meeting." "Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - ""Big Meeting."" PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'cbts_storm', 'the storm', 'Great awakening', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq'] PT35M26S 73961 905 2623 55 not set not set 2018-03-23T08:49:42.000Z n5D-l-3F7ik UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Intel - "He is weak." "Q ANON: Latest New Intel - ""He is weak."" PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq'] PT50M23S 23432 734 1431 35 not set not set 2018-03-24T06:20:54.000Z EXbJ0oQART8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Stage_5:5." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Stage_5:5."" PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 not set PT30M13S 66120 1195 2391 57 not set not set 2018-03-25T06:47:07.000Z xDMceMQCI_I UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - ENJ0Y THE SHOW! "Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - ENJ0Y THE SHOW! PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q Anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT24M30S 57469 985 1902 57 not set not set 2018-03-26T08:32:53.000Z mDGN4mIrYTs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts! "Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts! Patreon: Twitter: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream'] PT37M28S 22473 298 1121 18 not set not set 2018-03-26T20:59:40.000Z IubAKIW7LW8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: PSY0P or REAL? "Q AN0N: PSY0P or REAL? PATREON: TWITTER: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'real', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'qanon', 'psyop'] PT12M45S 21703 1173 1443 68 not set not set 2018-03-27T08:34:05.000Z Lioi0r8CebQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: THE "ST0RMY" DlSTRACTl0N "Q AN0N: THE ""ST0RMY"" DlSTRACTl0N Patreon: Twitter: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'latest', 'new', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq', 'The storm'] PT22M50S 29607 665 1349 32 not set not set 2018-03-28T06:54:34.000Z 5FndfbwFaR4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest SHOCKING - WHlTE H0USE SECURED!! "Q AN0N: Latest SHOCKING - WHlTE H0USE SECURED!! PATREON: Twitter: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'thestoryofq', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'qanon', 'newest'] PT47M5S 126661 1326 3806 109 not set not set 2018-03-28T18:22:13.000Z X3Sqj3g_n6c UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "Notice any similarities?" "Q AN0N: Latest New Post - ""Notice any similarities?"" PATREON: Twitter: @justin_formed" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'newest', 'posts', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq'] PT24M24S 30596 689 1848 33 not set not set 2018-03-29T01:54:02.000Z BjZ3EmeaX5k UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""/GA/ is terminated."" Patreon:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'thestoryofq', 'new', 'latest', 'newest', 'posts', 'qanon', 'cbts_stream'] PT24M46S 64946 980 2691 50 not set not set 2018-03-29T08:06:09.000Z r509r1pO2R0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We will not fail." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""We will not fail."" Patreon:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'newest', 'posts', 'today', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq'] PT34M16S 34417 580 1947 33 not set not set 2018-03-30T18:49:18.000Z mi6oOSOcu8U UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - [FACEB00K, AMAZ0N, G00GLE] "Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - [FACEB00K, AMAZ0N, G00GLE] PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT30M16S 39923 560 2099 25 not set not set 2018-04-04T00:52:05.000Z 3DT04vReamc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest News - Y0UTUBE SH00TlNG. "Q ANON: Latest News - Y0UTUBE SH00TlNG. Patreon:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq', 'great awakening'] PT18M53S 29721 474 1228 34 not set not set 2018-04-05T05:10:15.000Z nspGMcDjCKM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch the news tomorrow." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Watch the news tomorrow."" Patreon:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q ANOn', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream'] PT49M38S 94198 1092 3085 67 not set not set 2018-04-07T21:45:28.000Z t5_FT2IuuU4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Buckle Up." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Buckle Up."" Patreon:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq', 'q+'] PT22M54S 54261 1098 2762 40 not set not set 2018-04-09T03:57:52.000Z GRBDH_i0FB4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""No name panic."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'newest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'q+', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon'] PT49M7S 56369 1100 2461 45 not set not set 2018-04-09T23:31:47.000Z BX0vhcv_pRQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RR problems." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""RR problems."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'q+', 'qanon', 'thestoryofq', ''] PT38M2S 36173 1002 1714 31 not set not set 2018-04-11T07:27:54.000Z Ae8VPPrDP3I UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Message?" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Message?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'thestoryofq', 'the storm', 'great awakening', '', 'qanonposts', 'cbts_stream', 'zuckerberg', 'testimony', 'snowden'] PT34M18S 65954 1161 2810 59 not set not set 2018-04-13T05:18:23.000Z 0kSVAa_BmU4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Misspellings matter." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Misspellings matter."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_storm', 'thestoryofq', '', 'qanonposts', 'trump', 'twitter', 'rr', 'problems', '@jack', 'down'] PT25M49S 63181 917 2784 58 not set not set 2018-04-16T09:05:39.000Z sRO9eUbKbHk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q ANON', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon', 'qanonposts', '', '#qanon', 'Q+', 'Q.', 'll', 'rgb', 'tarmac', 'meeting'] PT43M16S 71038 940 2888 52 not set not set 2018-04-16T23:48:35.000Z sCpKR0JfQYg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Distraction." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Distraction."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'q+', 'thestoryofq', '', 'qanonposts'] PT27M18S 73808 1191 3206 60 not set not set 2018-04-17T20:39:01.000Z 4SVOSBqdzh4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "WRAYs OF LIGHT." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""WRAYs OF LIGHT."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q ANON', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'thestoryofq', 'q+', 'qanonposts', '', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'rr', 'boom', 'booms', 'what is q', 'who is q'] PT23M22S 69780 813 2889 45 not set not set 2018-04-18T07:41:54.000Z OJj7uOy38hI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RESP0NSE C0MING." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""RESP0NSE C0MING."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'q+', 'qanonposts', '', '#qanon'] PT31M4S 103715 1155 3265 88 not set not set 2018-04-19T07:45:15.000Z mCG61ZXjwgM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "ARE Y0U AWAKE?" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""ARE Y0U AWAKE?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'news', 'q news', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'q+', 'qanonposts', '', 'thestoryofq', 'qanon', 'who is q', 'what is q'] PT34M7S 63299 1055 2785 57 not set not set 2018-04-20T06:38:42.000Z rwgpNw7-Z2o UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q&A w/ Q! "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q&A w/ Q! PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'q+', 'the storyofq', 'qanonposts', '', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanon', 'who is q', 'what is q'] PT38M48S 84310 1159 3134 71 not set not set 2018-04-24T09:52:44.000Z h17tF0Xii1c UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Learn the TRUTH." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Learn the TRUTH."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanonposts', '', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'q.'] PT20M53S 56689 721 2492 38 not set not set 2018-04-25T20:53:14.000Z J8tQL-J1p-4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "THE W0RLD IS WATCHING." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""THE W0RLD IS WATCHING."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanonposts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+'] PT39M4S 69850 777 2632 60 not set not set 2018-04-27T11:13:54.000Z ModN7UGbEc4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""It's everywhere."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', '', 'trump', 'kanye west', 'john Legend', 'chrissy teigen'] PT45M 102752 1010 3183 83 not set not set 2018-04-28T04:22:02.000Z CVPDq78OM50 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Question everything."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'qanonposts', 'q+', 'anonymous'] PT46M45S 53584 1149 2686 68 not set not set 2018-04-30T19:30:00.000Z 188yfjWBsKM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Watch what happens."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanonposts', '', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'thestoryofq'] PT51M15S 89221 1669 3237 123 not set not set 2018-05-02T08:44:44.000Z no6rrhl9HP4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "lsrael disclosure...Authentic." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""lsrael disclosure...Authentic."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'q+', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'qanonposts', '', 'thestoryofq'] PT18M44S 48074 805 2436 124 not set not set 2018-05-09T06:57:28.000Z hxMqBVB9oIU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""What are they hiding?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'posts', 'latest', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'cbts_stream', 'q+', 'q.', 'qanonposts', '', 'thestoryofq', 'today'] PT43M14S 87916 1309 3338 84 not set not set 2018-05-11T20:07:55.000Z k2pfkR9ey1o UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Think for yourself."" PATREON: SB2 Post:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'qanonposts', '', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'patriotsfight', 'q posts', 'the storm', 'thestoryofq', 'justinformed talk', 'corsi'] PT48M47S 56713 2247 2840 170 not set not set 2018-05-13T05:49:49.000Z UqoqSIhUkis UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Attempts to divide." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Attempts to divide."" PATREON: SB2 Post:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'q posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'qanonposts', '', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'q news'] PT54M34S 48243 2178 2136 95 not set not set 2018-05-14T22:53:18.000Z m9zakT_UDY4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "All for A LARP?" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""All for A LARP?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'q posts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', 'the storm', 'patriotsfight', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'q+', 'trump', 'genius', 'roseanne q', 'q news'] PT30M25S 57161 924 2566 75 not set not set 2018-05-15T07:41:31.000Z _xRwk1GDCtc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes "Insurance File". "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes ""Insurance File"". PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'patriotsfight', 'q+', 'q news', 'q posts', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', '', 'q reddit', 'prince', 'trump', 'huma', 'anthony', 'server', 'nypd', 'rudy', 'mack', 'nxivm', 'schneiderman', 'preet', 'ag', 'ny', 'pd'] PT49M54S 107671 1514 4218 108 not set not set 2018-05-17T07:24:16.000Z F5FobXrvY3E UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - WElNER INDlCTMENT UNSEALED. "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - WElNER INDlCTMENT UNSEALED. PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'q news', 'q posts', 'who is q anon', 'what is q anon', 'q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'weiner', 'laptop', 'Huma', 'cbts_stream', 'fbi', 'nypd', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', '#qanon', 'patriotsfight', '', 'trump', 'hrc'] PT42M16S 151414 1352 4586 169 not set not set 2018-05-18T08:30:00.000Z X1Ei27wYEkk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "We are everywhere Anon. Q" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""We are everywhere Anon."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'q posts', 'q news', 'who is q anon', 'what is q anon', 'trump', 'china', 'xi', 'zte', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', '', 'q+', 'q.', '#qanon', 'foxconn', 'guardian', 'pope'] PT41M37S 53979 1311 2421 61 not set not set 2018-05-19T08:21:45.000Z ykP7QXaZp9M UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Did Q Try To WARN Us??? "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Did Q Try To WARN Us??? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'posts', 'latest', 'the storm', 'q+', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'who is q anon', 'what is q anon', 'q posts', 'q news', '#qanon', 'thestoryofq', 'weiner', 'indictments', 'unsealed', 'mass', 'pope', 'qanonposts', '', 'wwg1wga', 'texas', 'miami', 'trump golf', 'high', 'school'] PT36M17S 52328 1063 2705 78 not set not set 2018-05-20T04:26:01.000Z 2nHvxV92Fo8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Mistake or on purpose?" "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""Mistake or on purpose?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'patriotsfight', 'q+', 'who is q anon', 'what is q anon', 'q news', 'q posts', 'weiner', 'huma', 'indictment', 'unsealed', 'hrc', 'q password', 'q tripcode', 'qanonposts', ''] PT36M54S 101783 1369 3694 89 not set not set 2018-05-22T19:27:06.000Z _0GMW9eop3Q UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed." "Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - ""It failed."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', '#QAnon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'patriots fight', 'cbts_stream', 'thestoryofq', 'qanonposts', '', 'trump', 'clinton', 'fbi', 'doj', 'ig report', 'mccabe', 'strzok', 'page', 'comey', 'brennan', 'clapper', 'rosenstein', 'mueller', 'investigation', 'collusion', 'russia', 'huma', 'anthony weiner', 'meadows', 'desantis', 'jordan', 'cnn'] PT41M26S 67442 1249 3251 74 not set not set 2018-05-23T08:58:07.000Z PfDbmwtawNg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Enjoy the show." "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Enjoy the show."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'latest', 'posts', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q+', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'new q', 'qanonposts', 'trump', 'rosenstein', 'ig report', 'sessions', 'rod', 'fired', 'resigned'] PT37M13S 83600 1116 3413 108 not set not set 2018-05-24T22:04:43.000Z BLbmipYjHR4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming." "Q ANON: Latest News - ""Flood is coming."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'q posts', 'q news', 'q 8ch', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'patriots fight', '#spygate', 'spygate', 'trump', 'qanonposts', 'potus', 'fbi', 'new', 'latest', 'thestoryofq', '', '#QAnon', '#QAnonPosts', '#boom', '#whoisQ'] PT32M12S 85039 819 3271 92 not set not set 2018-05-25T13:00:02.000Z X6DgdzLcbTc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest News - [NK DEAL] ? "Q ANON: Latest News - [NK DEAL] ? PATREON: LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'post', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts_stream', 'q news', 'q posts', '', 'thestoryofq', 'patriots fight'] PT1H3M19S 41896 972 1752 50 not set not set 2018-05-26T23:16:11.000Z TQscIaCFOkI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening? "What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q Anon', 'qanon', 'qanonposts', 'who is q anon', 'who is qanon', 'what is qanon', 'what is q anon', 'q+', '', 'q news', 'q posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'about q', 'wwg1wga', '#whoisq', '#qanon', '#qanonposts', '#q', 'qmap', 'q explained', 'explaining q'] PT30M32S 343988 1147 7685 285 not set not set 2018-06-04T07:30:43.000Z fbY83L61Kd0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "BLACKOUT NECESSARY." "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""BLACKOUT NECESSARY."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q news', 'q posts', 'qanonposts', '', 'qmap', 'qresearch', 'the storm', 'great awakening'] PT33M50S 95477 1016 3790 101 not set not set 2018-06-05T17:45:38.000Z VU5aarfEf-k UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest News - "BOOM." "Q ANON: Latest News - ""BOOM."" PATRE0N:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'news', 'q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'patriotsfight', 'qanon', 'q news', 'q posts', '#q', 'qanonposts', 'thestoryofq', 'calm before the storm', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga'] PT36M40S 81392 1027 2952 71 not set not set 2018-06-07T08:50:11.000Z 246yVwb5diI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed... "Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed... PATREON: TEXTS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'news', 'q news', 'q posts', 'cbts', 'strzok', 'page', 'texts', 'trump', 'qanonposts', 'what is q', 'who is q', 'thestoryofq', 'qmap', 'qresearch'] PT42M50S 90445 919 2936 81 not set not set 2018-06-08T09:25:30.000Z HoHfevtIV2w UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona? "Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona? PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'new', 'qanon', 'posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q+', '#q', 'trump', 'mack', 'arizona', 'VOP', 'tucson'] PT39M43S 80510 976 3043 83 not set not set 2018-06-09T18:50:19.000Z l8r-U_GKKPw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest News - "June ETA." "SR connect to DNC." "Q ANON: Latest News - ""June ETA."" ""SR connect to DNC."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q news', 'q posts', 'eyethespy', 'qresearch', 'patriots fight', 'sr', 'ja', 'dnc', 'dws', 'server', 'wikileaks', 'bourdain', 'awan', 'asia'] PT36M52S 68765 1165 2511 71 not set not set 2018-06-11T09:16:10.000Z 12UIMLvh03M UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more." "Q ANON: Latest New Posts - ""Expect A LOT more."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new', 'latest', 'news', 'q+', 'q posts', 'qmap', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'qresearch', 'patriots fight', 'newest', '#q', 'q?', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'truth'] PT46M41S 89846 1036 4068 90 not set not set 2018-06-11T23:12:21.000Z vhEhHA1_lYc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Posts - "Did they already meet long ago?" "Q ANON: New Posts - ""Did they already meet long ago?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'nk', 'summit', 'trump', 'potus', 'kim', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga'] PT45M56S 75086 588 2684 78 not set not set 2018-06-12T08:59:41.000Z AzTWh1-xt14 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Posts - "Back in the news." "Q ANON: New Posts - ""Back in the news."" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', '#q', 'q news', 'q posts', 'qresearch', 'trump', 'kim', 'summit', 'sr', 'ja', 'dnc', 'servers'] PT40M39S 51844 502 2031 62 not set not set 2018-06-12T22:03:32.000Z 4l3InNocQok UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: New Posts - WRONG NUMBER. "Q ANON: New Posts - WRONG NUMBER. PATREON: WEBSITE DONATION GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q posts', 'qresearch', 'q news', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'patriots fight', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q+', 'trump', 'hussein', 'kim', 'summit'] PT49M26S 101002 1251 3568 106 not set not set 2018-06-13T10:25:41.000Z BoMEoJRDgcU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "What is coming?" "Q ANON: ""What is coming?"" PATREON: JustInformed Talk Website GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new', 'q posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'qresearch', '#qanon', 'twitter', 'censorship', 'trump', 'kim', 'summit', 'patriots fight'] PT59M57S 74489 1296 3016 120 not set not set 2018-06-14T10:01:26.000Z Z3cDEAKbMyA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "WHAT THEY DO NOT ANTICIPATE..." "Q ANON: ""WHAT THEY DO NOT ANTICIPATE..."" PATREON: WEBSITE GOFUNDME: American Priority Conference:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q+', 'what is q', 'who is q', 'q news', 'q posts', 'qresearch', '8ch', 'reddit', 'trump', 'rosenstein', 'spygate', 'fbi', 'potus', 'news', '#Q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga'] PT53M8S 54709 964 2421 65 not set not set 2018-06-15T00:09:23.000Z 4QBY4MC9H4A UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: FBI AGENTS PLANNED TO "STOP" TRUMP! "Q ANON: FBI AGENTS PLANNED TO ""STOP"" TRUMP! PATREON: WEBSITE GOFUNDME: IG REPORT TEXT:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new', 'q posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'the storm', 'proofs of q', 'q proofs', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'reddit', '8ch', '8chan', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', '#qanon', 'wwgowga', 'ig report', 'trump', 'spygate', 'fbi', 'strzok', 'page', 'texts', 'stop'] PT35M22S 49393 947 2023 53 not set not set 2018-06-15T21:52:30.000Z oJslPIbYry4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Trump's HUGE Interview + NEW IG REPORT FINDINGS! "Q ANON: Trump's HUGE Interview + NEW IG REPORT FINDINGS! PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'news', 'q posts', 'qresearch', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q boards', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'fbi', 'doj', 'spygate', 'texts', 'strzok', 'page', 'ig report', 'wiener', 'huma', 'hrc', 'truth', 'emails', 'private server', 'dnc', 'fox news'] PT39M18S 38959 641 2199 37 not set not set 2018-06-16T16:12:38.000Z L6uSGv164Xw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name." "Q ANON: ""Not all are awake. Obtain Name."" PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'q+', 'the storm', 'trump', 'obama', 'spygate', 'sanders', 'fox news', 'ig report', 'truth'] PT56M48S 76805 1613 3367 117 not set not set 2018-06-17T09:08:38.000Z hNazips7-k8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Adding up? Logical?" "Q ANON: ""Adding up? Logical?"" PATREON: Website Fund:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'q posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', '8ch 8chan', 'reddit', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'potus', 'trump', 'email', 'hillary', 'comey', 'huma', 'clapper', 'brennan', 'podesta', 'truth', 'fbi', 'doj', 'huber', 'ig', '#q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga'] PT48M53S 96130 1025 3129 117 not set not set 2018-06-18T08:42:26.000Z 12UHF03bxqg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Morning sun brings heat." "Q ANON: ""Morning sun brings heat."" PATREON: DONATE TO WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'q posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', '8chan', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'truth', 'trump', 'tweet'] PT59M58S 79359 1002 2843 95 not set not set 2018-06-18T09:15:52.000Z K68zHw0_xp8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Full moon coming." "Q ANON: ""Full moon coming."" PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'q posts', 'q news', 'q research', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'obama', 'trump', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'patriots fight', '#q', 'potus', 'tweet', 'truth', 'news'] PT33M8S 76879 853 2549 87 not set not set 2018-06-19T00:42:54.000Z SIa7IJeIZTs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?" "Q ANON: ""(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"" PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'the storm', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', '#q', 'trump', 'obama', 'lynch', 'strzok', 'page', 'texts', 'fbi', 'doj', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q info', 'q drops', 'comey', 'hrc', 'emails'] PT45M11S 69435 890 2767 75 not set not set 2018-06-19T22:25:16.000Z ofmaPjLqKpY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "What a wonderful day." "Q ANON: ""What a wonderful day."" PATREON: WEBSITE GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', '#q', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'comey', 'strzok', 'texts', 'emails', 'ig report', 'horowitz', 'committee', 'q news', 'q posts', 'qresearch', 'new', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'gowdy', 'page', 'carlin', 'joint hearing'] PT58M9S 77282 1185 2854 69 not set not set 2018-06-20T08:49:31.000Z N5YALJhloAc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ GUESS WHO CONFIRMS Q ANON w/ TWEET... "GUESS WHO CONFIRMS Q ANON w/ TWEET... PATREON: WEBSITE GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q news', 'q research', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'Q+', '#Q', 'trump', 'tweets', 'twitter', 'q proofs', 'qmap', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'potus'] PT37M9S 44093 734 1929 71 not set not set 2018-06-20T23:36:13.000Z c3uk_PM4FTU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "They want you DIVIDED!" "Q ANON: ""They want you DIVIDED!"" PATREON: WEBSITE: TWITTER:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'new', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'q posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q+', '#Q', 'patriots fight', 'roseanne', 'trump', 'president', 'signs', 'eo', 'today', 'news', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'justinformed'] PT44M25S 58325 1055 2427 61 not set not set 2018-06-21T09:40:46.000Z wLKBFYSG524 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking." "Q ANON: ""Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'q+', '#q', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q posts', 'q news', 'qresearch', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'obama', 'hussein', 'truth', 'trump', 'potus', 'texts', 'strzok', 'emails', 'page', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'rosenstein', 'fired', 'rod', 'rr', '[rr]', '[[rr]]', '[[[rr]]]'] PT45M47S 106215 1339 3781 75 not set not set 2018-06-22T09:17:24.000Z 3iNDtYv3ogU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Q&A Saturday." "Q ANON: ""Q&A Saturday."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', '8chan', 'reddit', 'news', 'truth', 'msm', 'trump', 'q+', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'updates', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'qshirt', 'rally', 'minnesota', 'latest q', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'Q&A', 'time'] PT39M21S 70095 569 2445 105 not set not set 2018-06-23T08:43:05.000Z 5tLVsNwlo4E UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: UPDATE ON Q&A SATURDAY!! "Q ANON: UPDATE ON Q&A SATURDAY!! PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'patriots fight', 'reddit', '8ch', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'cohen', 'tom arnold', 'roseanne', 'tapes', 'news', 'q&a', 'rescheduled', 'saturday'] PT32M14S 62134 1041 2232 63 not set not set 2018-06-24T08:48:31.000Z 8IEQfBwVCnI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Trust yourself. Public awakening." "Q ANON: ""Trust yourself. Public awakening."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'roseanne', 'tom arnold', 'maxine waters', 'trump', 'stzok', 'page', 'texts', 'russia', 'collusion', 'mueller', 'investigation', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nunes', 'grassley', 'gowdy', 'gaetz'] PT38M32S 103232 1369 3328 111 not set not set 2018-06-25T08:41:43.000Z 7KyRGYh74yM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "They are sick." "Q ANON: ""They are sick."" PATREON: WEBSITE: Twitter:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'Q+', 'q posts', 'q news', 'q research', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q for beginners', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8chan', '8ch', 'reddit', 'news', 'q updates', 'maxine', 'waters', 'trump', 'fonda', 'strzok', 'page', 'fbi', 'doj', 'comey', 'russia', 'probe', 'mueller', 'mccabe', 'rosenstein', 'wray', 'ig report', 'horowitz', 'senate', 'house', 'intel', 'committee', 'judiciary'] PT49M49S 84306 1390 3255 85 not set not set 2018-06-26T10:25:26.000Z zUQ1UARkl24 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Eric Prince Laptop, Phones Taken... "Q ANON: Eric Prince Laptop, Phones Taken... PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots', 'fight', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', '8chan', '8ch', 'reddit', 'sub', 'eric', 'prince', 'blackwater', 'trump', 'rally', 'news', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', '#q', 'truth'] PT40M47S 118466 1421 3355 126 not set not set 2018-06-27T08:43:43.000Z v7n8XMG6_lU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Attempt still made." "Q ANON: ""Attempt still made."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'trump', 'potus', 'truth', 'news', 'gmails', 'maxine', 'waters', 'auntie maxine', 'plane', 'jfk', 'll', 'jc', 'am', 'strzok', 'page', 'texts', 'doj', 'fbi', 'rosenstein', 'rr'] PT50M59S 81176 990 3152 77 not set not set 2018-06-27T22:01:22.000Z nRaCGIerr6g UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "The AMERICAN PEOPLE are AWAKE." "Q ANON: ""The AMERICAN PEOPLE are AWAKE."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'potus', 'strzok', 'testimony', 'fbi', 'doj', 'supreme court', 'justice kennedy', 'retire', 'gowdy', 'trey'] PT39M38S 61644 864 2642 46 not set not set 2018-06-28T00:35:16.000Z 5GkDWQBxE_Y UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "ARE YOU AWAKE?" "Q ANON: ""ARE YOU AWAKE?"" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q news', '#qanonposts', 'q research', 'q info', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'president trump', 'potus', 'trump', 'supreme court', 'justice kennedy', 'news', 'truth', 'north dakota'] PT25M24S 42590 723 2158 41 not set not set 2018-06-28T19:53:52.000Z NgbBiTBNx_E UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "What is coming?" "Q ANON: ""What is coming?"" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'The storm', 'white squall', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q research', 'q news', 'q posts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'new', 'news', 'truth', 'trump', 'strzok', 'rosenstein', 'rr', 'wray', 'gowdy', 'hearing', 'texts', 'russia probe', 'mueller investigation', 'latest', 'hrc', 'clinton campaign', 'official', 'arrested'] PT43M48S 76246 992 3067 61 not set not set 2018-06-29T03:04:35.000Z fchREWrn0vY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Crisis mode." "Q ANON: ""Crisis mode."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'patriots fight', 'white squall', 'great awakening', 'ja', 'news', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'trump', 'potus', 'annapolis', 'maryland', 'ramos', 'truth', 'new', 'facebook', 'zuckerberg', 'capital', 'wwg1wga', 'hrc', 'netflix', 'wwgowga'] PT42M51S 104494 1232 3516 109 not set not set 2018-06-29T20:10:11.000Z VkklwV-XWV8 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Info shared highly sensitive." "Q ANON: ""Info shared highly sensitive."" PATREON: WEBSITE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'just', 'informed', 'talk', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q+', 'trump', 'potus', 'bourne', 'ramos', 'comey', 'strzok', 'brock', 'dorsey', 'corsi', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', '/pol/'] PT50M47S 110439 1307 3686 112 not set not set 2018-07-01T22:05:30.000Z Za2u9FkqiaU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?" "Q ANON: ""Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"" PATREON: GOFUNDME: REAGAN VIDEO: POTUS VIDEO:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'just', 'informed', 'talk', 'Potus', 'trump', 'fbi', 'doj', 'indictments', 'huber', 'ig', 'horowitz', 'news', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'gowdy', 'trey', 'sc', 'supreme court', 'nominee', 'picks', '25', 'sealed', 'hrc', 'hussein', 'no name', 'eh', 'sr', 'mueller', 'comey', 'mccabe', 'rr', 'page'] PT57M42S 86081 1311 3239 90 not set not set 2018-07-02T16:00:04.000Z U008Q4Nl6Pw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "We rather enjoyed this one." "Q ANON: ""We rather enjoyed this one."" PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'american priority', 'conference', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'Potus', 'usss', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q+', 'ben garrison', 'll', 'bc', 'hrc', 'tarmac', 'meeting', 'nk', 'cartoon'] PT43M29S 75028 839 3166 80 not set not set 2018-07-03T09:45:20.000Z vOxfriLzg30 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "We have the server." "Q ANON: ""We have the server."" PATREON: GOFUNDME: TWITTER:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'potus', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'reddit', '4ch', '8ch', '4chan', '8chan', 'news', 'truth', 'five', '5 eyes', 'intelligence', 'uk', 'australia', 'new zealand', 'canada', 'usa', 'clinton', 'obama', 'administration', 'spygate', 'campaign', 'fbi', 'doj'] PT31M23S 88023 950 3439 96 not set not set 2018-07-03T20:35:42.000Z UnaCSOYEHJY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED." "Q ANON: ""The SWAMP is being DRAINED."" PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q+', '#Q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'trump', 'potus', 'awan', 'dws', 'server', 'dnc', 'truth', 'news', 'just informed', 'talk'] PT30M22S 92770 876 2974 71 not set not set 2018-07-04T08:58:03.000Z FB4dExVms7s UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump. "Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump. PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q ANON', 'QANON', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', '#q', 'Q+', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'news', 'truth', 'potus', 'trump', 'twitter', 'tweet', 'united', 'yoda', 'nat sec', 'hussein', 'af1', 'pics', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit'] PT42M29S 125395 1981 4480 146 not set not set 2018-07-05T11:34:54.000Z 2rguDK_EFjs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM Q. "Q ANON: A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM Q. PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', '', 'truth', 'news', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'trump', 'potus', 'sa', 'strzok', 'fbi', 'doj', 'russia', 'mueller', 'investigation', 'probe', 'hrc', 'bc', 'rr', 'll', 'am', 'lp', 'ps', 'comey', 'texts', '4th', 'july'] PT22M52S 88291 736 3895 100 not set not set 2018-07-06T06:54:25.000Z MBmjx6pEVyM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON - THE TRUTH "Q ANON - THE TRUTH" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q ANON', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'what is q', 'patriots fight', 'q+', '#q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'truth', 'news', 'jfk', 'speech', 'independence', 'day', 'declaration', 'text', 'read', 'God', 'bless', 'America'] PT2M44S 45206 268 2361 28 not set not set 2018-07-06T21:08:08.000Z ZnPojroUsrU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?" "Q ANON: ""Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?"" PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', '#q', 'Q+', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'truth', 'q#1677', 'post', 'analysis', 'just informed talk', 'potus', 'trump'] PT44M27S 70245 593 2432 73 not set not set 2018-07-09T08:13:20.000Z OjodkECxTFE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Matters of National Security." "Q ANON: ""Matters of National Security."" PATREON: WEBSITE FUND: ALICE & WONDERLAND LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'trump', 'sumpreme court', 'pick', 'news', 'truth', 'scotus', 'potus', 'today', 'just', 'informed', 'talk', 'jordan', 'ohio state', 'hrc', 'bc', 'fly', 'commercial'] PT37M49S 89057 993 2987 90 not set not set 2018-07-10T17:24:19.000Z NC8ofbJYmgQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Answer Q re: SR." ? "Q ANON: ""Answer Q re: SR."" ? PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'truth', 'news', 'q analysis', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'wwg1wga', '#wwg1wga', 'trump', 'potus', 'scotus', 'kavanugh', 'no name'] PT39M19S 77683 1176 3206 63 not set not set 2018-07-11T08:15:25.000Z 6vu4aiDJlLI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: MYSTERY SOLVED? "Q ANON: MYSTERY SOLVED? PATREON: WEBSITE FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q ANON', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'Q+', 'who is q', 'patriots fight', 'trump', 'potus', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'truth', 'press conference', 'jack burkman', 'america first', 'media', 'luke'] PT39M32S 116043 1252 3499 222 not set not set 2018-07-11T23:50:31.000Z 2B6uuN4h5To UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "CONSPIRACY? COINCIDENCE?" "Q ANON: ""CONSPIRACY? COINCIDENCE?"" PATREON: LEGAL FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', '#wwg1wga', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', '#Q', 'Q+', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'trump', 'nato', 'uk', 'eu', 'jordan', 'strzok', 'page', 'testify', 'committee', 'congress', 'subpoena', 'lisa'] PT39M22S 52352 831 2009 42 not set not set 2018-07-12T09:19:51.000Z YDbwkcXJXRo UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: Rocket Man. "Q ANON: Rocket Man. PATREON: LEGAL FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'Q+', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'rocket man', 'elton john', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', '#wwg1wga', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'truth', 'news', 'trump', 'kim', 'potus', 'nato', 'uk', 'may'] PT39M24S 43277 442 1626 65 not set not set 2018-07-13T00:51:26.000Z i7hxZGH9fCY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Cooperating witness [Power removed]." "Q ANON: ""Cooperating witness [Power removed]."" PATREON: LEGAL FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'today', 'hearings', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'strzok', 'testify', 'testifies', 'testified', 'committee', 'capitol hill', 'congress', 'public', 'testimony', 'texts', 'page', 'lisa', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'peter', 'stop', 'highlights', 'analysis'] PT56M12S 69696 1243 2996 71 not set not set 2018-07-13T08:27:07.000Z Ko4YrWusYB0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "Who is Peter Strzok?" "Q ANON: ""Who is Peter Strzok?"" PATREON: LEGAL FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#Qanon', 'who is 1', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q updates', 'q analysis', 'peter', 'strzok', 'fbi', 'texts', 'lisa', 'page', 'capitol hill', 'congress', 'testimony', 'testify', 'testifies', 'testified', 'today', 'news', 'truth', 'Q+', '#Q'] PT59M 84716 1075 2644 74 not set not set 2018-07-14T00:35:37.000Z tjMfQ3p3laE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "[RR] is on brink of collapse?" "Q ANON: ""[RR] is on brink of collapse?"" PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'trump', 'potus', 'eu', 'nato', 'rosenstein', 'rr', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'truth', 'patriots fight', 'strzok', 'page', 'texts', 'russia', 'hack', 'election', '2016'] PT35M32S 112274 1831 3543 113 not set not set 2018-07-16T07:55:30.000Z AGcXhMgEl-g UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: WHO IS R? "Q ANON: WHO IS R? PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'trump', 'jfk jr.', 'jfk', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'q analysis', 'truth', 'news', 'potus', 'the plan', 'george magazine', 'greys', 'alien', 'ufo'] PT30M21S 131630 2884 4474 212 not set not set 2018-07-16T22:51:52.000Z Fk16jEhiBrQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "The depth of THEIR TREASON is unimaginable." "Q ANON: ""The depth of their TREASON is unimaginable."" PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'Q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q intel', 'q news', 'truth', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', '#Q', 'Q+', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'brennan', 'trump', 'russia', 'putin', 'collusion', 'treason', 'meeting', 'press conference', 'helsinki', 'today', 'lies', 'fake', 'hoax'] PT42M6S 95893 2026 3258 108 not set not set 2018-07-17T09:36:40.000Z gJcJ38T8oNM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "PUTIN/U1 will come out post summit." "Q ANON: ""PUTIN/U1 will come out post summit."" PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'who is q', '#q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q analysis', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'trump', 'potus', 'putin', '#treasonsummit', 'truth', 'summit', 'helsinki', 'press conference', 'info', 'dossier', 'steele', 'russia', 'hacking', 'elections', 'witch hunt', 'strzok', 'page', 'fbi', 'doj', 'texts'] PT38M2S 76898 1916 2796 67 not set not set 2018-07-18T15:34:47.000Z bJpGmwu9-k4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "DARK TO LIGHT." "Q ANON: ""DARK TO LIGHT."" PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'Q+', 'who is Q', 'what is q', 'Q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'q truth', 'q analysis', 'Q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'the storm', 'great awakening'] PT53M52S 90363 1560 4196 115 not set not set 2018-07-19T08:23:44.000Z L8KfIdZMszk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "Thank you United States Secret Service." "Q ANON: ""Thank you USSS."" PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'patriots fight', 'wwgowga', 'secret', 'service', 'trump', 'potus', 'scotland', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'truth', 'new', 'latest', 'secret service', 'green', 'peace'] PT35M44S 145461 2111 6214 212 not set not set 2018-07-20T17:27:46.000Z 4wnZSd3XIrs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Trump/Putin Summit Signals Start of U1 Investigation? "Trump/Putin Summit Signals Start of U1 Investigation? PATREON: REMAGEN FAMILY GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'qanon', 'who is q', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'truth', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'q news', 'q research', 'q updates', 'q analysis', 'q boards', 'summit', 'u1', 'trump', 'putin', 'helsinki', 'whoopi', 'judge jeanine', 'pirro', 'the view', 'secret service', 'agent', 'scotland'] PT29M3S 65937 1009 2974 48 not set not set 2018-07-23T08:32:13.000Z ubHkJ2JOyYc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet? "Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet? PATREON: REMAGEN FAMILY FUND: SB2 Link:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'q posts', 'q analysis', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'trump', 'russia', 'putin', 'summit', 'texts', 'servers', 'emails', 'iran', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'rouhani', 'potus', 'q+', '#q', 'free', 'truth'] PT49M41S 99139 982 3693 104 not set not set 2018-07-23T22:42:19.000Z dTiW7GUvpiE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Top Security Clearances Removed? "Top Security Clearances Removed? PATREON: REMAGEN FAMILY FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q research', 'q posts', 'q news', 'q analysis', 'q boards', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'new', 'trump', 'potus', 'security', 'clearances', 'removed', 'comey', 'brennan', 'rice', 'mccabe', 'hayden', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'press briefing', 'white house', 'sarah huckabee', 'sanders'] PT39M12S 59939 682 2728 46 not set not set 2018-07-24T21:36:46.000Z ywlM82gfvbk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "Something BIG is about to DROP." """Something BIG is about to DROP."" PATREON: Agent Remagen Fund: DOC LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'q posts', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q news', 'q anlysis', 'q boards', 'q research', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'new', 'wwg1wga', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q+', 'q drops', 'q proofs', 'q new', 'truth', 'wwgowga'] PT46M31S 156659 1916 5711 135 not set not set 2018-07-26T21:37:02.000Z o8Akan5GihI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "Direct comms come in many different forms." """Direct comms come in many different forms."" PATREON: CHANNEL FUND: DOC LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', '4ch', '8ch', 'reddit', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q updates', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q analysis', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'truth', 'msm', 'who is q', 'trump', 'facebook', 'stock', 'rr', '[rr]'] PT32M4S 54381 629 2764 59 not set not set 2018-07-28T09:43:56.000Z 5dLvEB_CqP0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "The choice to know will ultimately be yours." """The choice to know will ultimately be yours."" PATREON: CHANNEL FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#Qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q drops', 'q proofs', 'q analysis', 'q research', 'q boards', '4ch', '8ch', 'reddit', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', '#wwg1wga', 'patriots fight'] PT27M50S 66519 693 2758 75 not set not set 2018-07-29T15:21:31.000Z m2iCTKjwGZY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "THIS IS NOT A GAME." """THIS IS NOT A GAME."" PATREON: PAGE FUND: REMAGEN FAMILY:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'q+', 'the strom', 'great awakening', 'news', 'info', 'q posts', 'q news', 'q analysis', 'q drops', 'q boards', 'q proofs', 'truth', 'new', '8ch', 'reddit', '4ch'] PT43M25S 67974 872 3027 81 not set not set 2018-07-30T07:49:47.000Z 0ZQpgASg94o UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?" """Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"" PATREON: SUPPORT CHANNEL:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q news', 'q analysis', 'q decode', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', '#q', 'Q+', 'today', 'latest'] PT51M54S 96714 1248 3903 85 not set not set 2018-07-31T08:28:54.000Z ZGLLyMlvoUY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ "All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show." """All for a conspiracy? Enjoy the show."" PATREON: SUPPORT FUND:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'wwg1wga', 'q news', 'q research', 'q posts', 'Q+', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'truth', 'trump', 'fisa', 'steele', 'dossier', 'fake', 'texts', 'strzok', 'page', 'fisc', 'potus', '#q'] PT40M2S 37279 668 2388 40 not set not set 2018-08-02T22:13:09.000Z 9kWhckKtLyw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump. "Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump. PATREON: DONATE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', '#q', 'q news', 'q posts', 'q analysis', 'q info', 'q boards', 'q research', 'new', 'posts', 'truth', 'today', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch'] PT34M16S 97062 1052 3698 121 not set not set 2018-08-05T21:32:05.000Z -2V-Fidbe4Q UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon: "Be aware of your surroundings." "Q Anon: ""Be aware of your surroundings."" Today, we discuss the latest Q posts 1816 1817 1818 1819 | Q gives another hint that the 20 redacted pages from the FISA will be revealed soon. Also, Q calls out HRC for her ties to noted KKK member Robert Byrd after she tweeted her admiration of Lebron James following his interview with Don Lemon on CNN (FAKE NEWS). Finally, a warning to all to remain vigilant. If you ""see something, say something"". PATREON: Single Donation:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'who is q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'new', 'posts', 'q news', 'q info', 'q analysis', 'latest', 'today', 'q 1816', 'q 1817', 'q 1818', 'q 1819', 'q research', 'q boards', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'lebron james', 'hrc', 'tweet', 'fisa', '[20]'] PT27M28S 75458 956 3516 89 not set not set 2018-08-08T01:23:22.000Z Ima-kdh9Zo0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon... "Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon... Today, we cover the top 10 times Q Anon has proven to be telling the truth. SOURCE MATERIAL: PATREON: DONATE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'info', 'today', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '4ch', '8ch', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'Q+', '#Q', 'q news', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q proofs', 'top 10', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweets'] PT30M21S 44473 524 2311 48 not set not set 2018-08-10T22:33:21.000Z CxlcQbMPATY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON HACKED BY AB[C]? "Q ANON HACKED BY AB[C]? Today, we cover the hacking of Q. Was it a sign of vulnerability or a cleverly anticipated deep state attack? DOC LINKS: PATREON: DONATE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'patriots fight', '8ch', 'reddit', 'new', 'hacked', 'q news', 'q analysis', 'q boards', 'q research', 'hack', 'hacker', 'today', 'Q+', '#Q', 'truth'] PT38M34S 123783 1809 5266 144 not set not set 2018-08-12T02:26:54.000Z vNoLVvWSsyo UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon Mocked by Mockingbird Media. "Q Anon Mocked by Mockingbird Media. This episode we expose the mockingbird media's 6 corporate overlords, antitrust issues, shill maher's media anti-Q campaign, and the mysterious story of the seattle man who stole a plane. LINKS: PATREON: DONATE:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'new', 'posts', 'bill maher', 'seattle', 'q analysis', 'q info', 'q new', '#Q', 'Q+', 'plane', 'stolen', 'msm', 'reddit', '8ch', 'q research', 'q boards', 'truth'] PT54M29S 86600 1317 3508 97 not set not set 2018-08-13T02:27:13.000Z mDVvkqXidds UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon: "Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this?" "Q Anon: ""Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this?"" Today, we discuss the Omarosa secret tapes, Q exposes an evil twitter account, and the truth about the Russia probe; Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr set POTUS up acoording to Devin Nunes. LINKS: PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'hack', 'hacked', 'hackers', 'hacking', 'new', 'posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q info', 'q analysis', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'the q', 'omarosa', 'tapes', 'john kelly', 'twitter', 'tweets'] PT35M7S 48725 736 3082 44 not set not set 2018-08-14T00:00:36.000Z TiTXAXiDfUc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "The more you know..." "Q ANON: ""The more you know..."" Q POST 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 ARTICLE: PATREON:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'truth', 'new', 'posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q analysis', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '4ch', '8ch', 'info', 'today', 'latest', 'q news', 'q+', '#Q', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga'] PT41M30S 48761 681 2677 52 not set not set 2018-08-15T08:27:50.000Z peHd3IOjylg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Who Hacked Q ANON? "Who Hacked Q ANON? The truth is right in front of your eyes. LINKS: PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'new', 'posts', 'today', 'info', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q news', 'q+', '#Q', 'wwg1wga', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '8ch', 'truth', 'q fake', 'scam', 'hack'] PT59M21S 51886 1123 2175 77 not set not set 2018-08-15T23:31:12.000Z b2o6RTKxh4I UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon: "These people are stupid." "Q Anon: ""These people are stupid."" PATREON: GOFUNDME: LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'new', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'wwg1wga', 'q info', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'Q+', '#Q'] PT38M21S 50656 672 2560 44 not set not set 2018-08-16T08:06:39.000Z LTZqQj0xixg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON: "WHAT NO-AGENCY LEAKED THE DATA?" "Q ANON: ""WHAT NO-AGENCY LEAKED THE DATA?"" PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q info', 'q updates', 'q analysis', 'wwg1wga', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'Q+', '#Q', 'who is q', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet', 'bongino', 'hannity', 'mark levin', 'cia', 'brennan', 'security clearance', 'news'] PT31M2S 52480 805 2882 47 not set not set 2018-08-17T07:09:31.000Z YACpICjPygE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? "Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'latest', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q analysis', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'Q+', '#Q', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweets', 'comey', 'podesta', 'wikileaks', 'emails', 'gmail', 'drafts', 'xbox live', 'red shoes', 'bill maher'] PT46M56S 75382 1155 3442 110 not set not set 2018-08-21T10:57:38.000Z aMjfmqYp1k0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon - The Great Awakening "Q Anon - The Great Awakening PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q posts', 'q news', 'q info', 'q analysis', 'q boards', 'q research', 'reddit', '8ch', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'potus', 'today'] PT49M44S 73783 668 3124 84 not set not set 2018-08-23T08:01:09.000Z Uv9kdzginz4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon Confirmed on POTUS Twitter Again? "Q Anon Confirmed on POTUS Twitter Again? PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'news', 'q+', 'wwg1wga', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q analysis', 'q info', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'trump', 'cohen', 'lied', 'campaign', 'contributions', 'stormy', 'potus', 'scandal', 'controversy'] PT37M46S 70822 889 3529 103 not set not set 2018-08-24T09:21:01.000Z _Y32fnAp_mE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up? "Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up? PATREON: GOFUNDME:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'q+', '#Q', 'Q news', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'who is q', 'what is q', 'new', 'latest', 'cohen', 'manafort', 'potus', 'trump', 'scandal', 'trial', 'accused', 'campaign violations', 'lanny', 'clinton', 'mueller', 'brennan', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'comey', 'ohr', 'mccabe', 'rosenstein'] PT38M49S 67204 815 3510 61 not set not set 2018-08-30T08:07:41.000Z 7HkSIcIUJEI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon "Nothing to See Here." "Q Anon ""Nothing to See Here."" LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q info', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'wwg1wga', '#stopthebias', 'trump', 'twitter', 'tweet', 'google', 'facebook'] PT25M20S 46628 454 2353 45 not set not set 2018-08-30T23:59:28.000Z 5msn1xthpVw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?" "Q Anon: ""What agency did @Snowden work for originally?""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'wwg1wga', 'q news', 'q info', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'trump', 'snowden', 'the farm', 'huber', 'potus', 'tweet', 'twitter'] PT39M59S 52205 514 2194 61 not set not set 2018-08-31T23:41:37.000Z c2JtJ3aEJI4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?" "Q Anon ""Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'new', 'q info', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'Q+', '#Q', 'wwg1wga', 'q research', 'q boards', 'trump', 'reddit', '4ch', '8ch', 'ohr', 'steele', 'polls', 'wapo', 'judicial watch', 'fisa', 'warrant', 'sessions', 'mueller', 'patriotsfight'] PT49M43S 50917 643 2154 41 not set not set 2018-09-01T10:40:54.000Z xot9iXQ-zBA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland" "Q Anon ""Alice & Wonderland"" LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'tweet', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '4ch', '8ch', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', 'hrc', 'clinton', 'alice & wonderland', 'SA', 'fisa', 'fisc', 'ohr', 'nunes', 'judge'] PT47M54S 101192 887 3556 67 not set not set 2018-09-01T20:41:05.000Z 3in8rDn_GiU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon "Who is HRC's MAD HATTER?" "Q Anon ""Who is HRC's MAD HATTER?""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'new', 'q post', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'President', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'email', 'HRC'] PT28M25S 76879 699 3161 65 not set not set 2018-09-03T00:37:08.000Z BKrYqZUyOIQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG" "Q Anon | ""[DARPA] aka GOOG""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'trump', 'goog', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'wwg1wga', 'ezra', 'cohen'] PT33M52S 70827 613 2663 70 not set not set 2018-09-04T07:15:28.000Z 8pfDKYOa2YQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; ) "Q Anon | ""The more you know..."" ; ) Link:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'the storm', 'patriotsfight', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q news', 'q boards', 'q research', 'trump', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'zuckerberg', 'google', 'hrc', 'emails', 'server', 'private', 'lifelog', 'darpa', '@jack', 'dorsey', 'fbi', 'doj', 'wwg1wga', '#Q', 'Q+'] PT53M37S 42462 693 2178 47 not set not set 2018-09-04T21:43:28.000Z YSq6X6aQhd0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?" "Q Anon | ""CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', '4ch', '8ch', 'reddit', 'q info', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q+', '#Q', 'wwg1wga'] PT31M12S 100946 1038 4034 97 not set not set 2018-09-05T08:21:03.000Z Q5xDDuhudtU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Is "Mad Dog" worried? "Q Anon | Is ""Mad Dog"" worried?" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'q info', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'new', 'Q+', '#Q'] PT42M8S 92674 1029 3723 104 not set not set 2018-09-06T06:59:33.000Z z1mRlnZbCF0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "How do you obstruct oversight?" "Q Anon | ""How do you obstruct oversight?""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'patriotsfight'] PT48M19S 62300 1047 2731 91 not set not set 2018-09-07T23:17:18.000Z PN8oDcxVDKU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Follow the connections." "Q Anon | ""Follow the connections.""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q analysis', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'Q+', '#Q'] PT41M15S 80096 1050 3524 112 not set not set 2018-09-10T06:43:11.000Z n2RdX0ydluc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Division keeps them in power." "Q Anon | ""Division keeps them in power.""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q boards', 'q research', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'new', 'wwg1wga'] PT40M23S 53544 593 2363 73 not set not set 2018-09-11T00:41:06.000Z hKSHNiPdaQU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!" "Q Anon | ""We serve at the pleasure of the President!""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'patriotsfight', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q news', 'q boards', 'q research', 'new', 'latest', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Tweets', 'twitter'] PT40M26S 46241 603 2469 43 not set not set 2018-09-11T09:12:26.000Z rhU9LM5NMjw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "WE WILL NEVER FORGET!" "Q Anon | ""WE WILL NEVER FORGET!""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'boards', 'q research', 'q info', 'q posts', 'q news', 'justinformed talk', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'wwg1wga'] PT37M55S 51272 829 2420 34 not set not set 2018-09-12T00:23:02.000Z 85-ahemlFUU UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | The Real Meaning of Patriot Day... "Q Anon | The Real Meaning of Patriot Day..." JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'Q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'new', 'q info', 'q post', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q analysis', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'potus', 'twitter', 'tweet', 'tucker', 'carlson', 'fox news'] PT32M46S 28422 261 1517 37 not set not set 2018-09-12T06:43:32.000Z 639Gc3bX0Hs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you." "Q Anon | ""Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you.""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'patriotsfight', 'wwg1wga'] PT36M23S 65957 679 2949 52 not set not set 2018-09-13T08:02:11.000Z RU7GoALMyfc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "With PANIC comes MISTAKES, BETRAYAL, TESTIMONY &..." "Q Anon | ""With PANIC comes MISTAKES, BETRAYAL, TESTIMONY &..."" LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'Q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'q info', 'q posts', 'new', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'wwg1wga'] PT49M55S 71591 796 3636 63 not set not set 2018-09-16T07:25:18.000Z dS2qkAQ33Xw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "MORE INCRIMINATING [TEXT] RELEASES COMING?" "Q Anon | ""MORE INCRIMINATING *[TEXT]* RELEASES COMING?"" Link:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'new', 'posts', 'q info', 'the storm', 'Q+', '#Q', 'great awakening', 'cbts', 'wwg1wga', 'q research', 'q boards', 'update'] PT35M12S 60785 649 2756 66 not set not set 2018-09-16T15:44:29.000Z hIG3MjKRzBE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Remember your oath. United we stand." "Q Anon | ""Remember your oath. United we stand.""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q info', 'q posts', 'new', 'latest', 'wwg1wga', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch'] PT34M59S 46187 519 2604 43 not set not set 2018-09-17T01:17:17.000Z m-ODejCbNWA UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED." "Q Anon | ""Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."" LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q updates', 'q research', 'q boards', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'greatawakening', 'the storm', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet', 'twitter', 'fisa', 'texts', 'strzok', 'page', 'fbi', 'doj', 'nsa', 'snowden'] PT48M6S 48144 597 2486 42 not set not set 2018-09-18T07:27:58.000Z oStMB-W5ovI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA "Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'new', 'q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'the awakening', 'q info', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'wwg1wga', 'patriotsfight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'voat', 'fisa', 'trump', 'declas', 'texts', 'stzok', 'comey', 'page', 'ohr', 'carter'] PT42M27S 59585 760 3237 49 not set not set 2018-09-20T00:17:47.000Z SCYQEWuPQ5k UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Mysterious case will make you question everything! "Mysterious case will make you question everything! ALL LINKS AVAILABLE ON TWITTER:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great', 'awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'voat', 'wwg1wga', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q posts', 'q info'] PT24M13S 45897 504 2237 53 not set not set 2018-09-20T07:26:33.000Z fbpZlOeQiAM UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | We are not alone? "Q Anon | We are not alone?" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q Anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great', 'awakening', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'voat', 'twitter', 'q info', 'q posts', 'q research', 'q boards', 'patriots fight', 'wwg1wga'] PT46M53S 73218 1454 3136 88 not set not set 2018-09-20T22:55:34.000Z ABKGKVoSAZs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | This is why Jimmy is freaking out! "Q Anon | This is why Jimmy is freaking out!" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great', 'awakening', 'the', 'q info', 'q boards', 'q research', 'new', 'patriotsfight', '8ch', '4ch', 'reddit', 'voat', 'wwg1wga', 'twitter', 'tweet', 'potus', 'trump'] PT31M24S 74530 844 3659 50 not set not set 2018-09-21T08:22:40.000Z J6zapuerlJk UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Unbelievable Texts Show Shocking Details! "Q Anon | Unbelievable Texts Show Shocking Details! LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'Q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great', 'awakening', 'the', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q info', 'q posts', 'wwg1wga', 'reddit', '8ch', '4ch', 'voat', 'trump', 'tweet', 'texts'] PT23M8S 56529 522 3112 35 not set not set 2018-09-22T08:22:38.000Z ta_w9snGNto UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "When do birds sing?" "Q Anon | ""When do birds sing?""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfigh', 'Q research', 'Q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'q info', 'q posts', 'voat', 'QVR', 'just informed talk', 'new', 'latest'] PT35M50S 92236 1095 4123 85 not set not set 2018-09-24T07:59:55.000Z AaEkl-of76c UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week? "Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', 'new', 'Q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q info', 'q posts', 'wwg1wga', 'reddit', 'voat', '8ch', '4ch', 'QVR', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet'] PT39M30S 76197 801 3424 66 not set not set 2018-09-25T08:11:06.000Z dfzrdTb1zZE UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "The rats are panicking." "Q Anon | ""The rats are panicking.""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'new', 'q posts', 'q boards', 'q research', 'QRV', 'reddit', 'voat', '8ch', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet'] PT36M53S 58019 810 3506 45 not set not set 2018-09-28T10:13:04.000Z cjcQ6t4JMXs UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard... "Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard... LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'Q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'reddit', '8ch', 'q boards', 'q research', 'wwg1wga', 'voat', 'QRV', 'q info', 'q posts', 'new', 'graham', 'judge k', 'trump', 'feinstein', 'grassley', 'hearing', 'kavanaugh', 'supreme court'] PT56M27S 76066 1059 3468 61 not set not set 2018-09-29T18:57:54.000Z TsPRXxIwYko UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Dem's Playbook: Impeach Kavanaugh "Q Anon | Dem's Playbook: Impeach Kavanaugh" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'the awakening', 'great awakening', 'QRV', 'voat', 'reddit', '8ch', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q info', 'q posts', 'new', 'wwg1wga', 'kavanaugh', 'senate', 'judicial', 'supreme court', 'Potus', 'trump', 'tweet', 'judge k', 'feinstein', 'flake', 'murkowski', 'collins'] PT21M39S 35271 642 2069 27 not set not set 2018-10-01T00:18:42.000Z Gnmbc4G0dmg UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Welcome to the POLICE STATE." "Q Anon | ""Welcome to the POLICE STATE.""" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'new', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'voat', 'QRV', 'reddit', '8chan', 'q info', 'q updates', 'q posts', 'wwg1wga', 'kavanaugh', 'supreme', 'court', 'trump', 'ford', 'fbi', 'investigation', 'red october'] PT35M50S 83357 1714 4281 66 not set not set 2018-10-02T22:09:48.000Z aAjl5E-9Xwc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Predicts Judge K Confirmed to Supreme Court? "Q Anon | Predicts Judge K Confirmed to Supreme Court?" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great', 'awakening', 'voat', 'QRV', 'reddit', '8ch', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'patriotsfight', 'trump', 'potus', 'kavanaugh', 'justice', 'supreme court', 'tweet'] PT27M12S 96655 1290 4041 81 not set not set 2018-10-03T09:59:14.000Z piPPWEVM7BI UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Is she a product of the FARM? "Q Anon | Is she a product of the FARM? LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great', 'awakening', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q updates', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'patriotsfight', '8ch', 'reddit', 'voat', 'QRV', 'kavanaugh', 'ford', 'scotus', 'supreme', 'court', 'fbi', 'c_a'] PT31M47S 42281 621 2524 28 not set not set 2018-10-04T01:20:17.000Z nDIenS-L7Qc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released... "Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released... Link:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'Q+', '#Q', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'voat', 'reddit', '8ch', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q info', 'q posts', 'new', 'wwg1wga', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet', 'clinton', 'mccabe', 'sessions', 'comey', 'rr', 'jc'] PT31M50S 126151 1276 5557 100 not set not set 2018-10-04T08:08:32.000Z 1IBdXdpMtSQ UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story... "Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story... LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'voat', 'reddit', '8ch', 'QRV', 'wwg1wga', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', 'patriotsfight', 'new', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet'] PT28M14S 40811 373 2720 28 not set not set 2018-10-04T23:47:33.000Z _9rpHbIpjdc UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out! "Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out!" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q research', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'patriotsfight', '8ch', 'voat', 'QRV', 'the awakening', 'new', 'tweet', 'potus', 'trump', 'rally'] PT36M48S 69571 737 4089 50 not set not set 2018-10-06T06:43:14.000Z CYMHBldnHH4 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "The Hunt For" dropped - why? "Q Anon | ""The Hunt For"" dropped - why? LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q Anon', 'QANON', '#QANON', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'the awakening', 'VOAT', 'QRV', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q research', 'q boards', 'wwg1wga', 'patriotsfight', '8ch', 'new', 'trump', 'potus', 'tweet'] PT33M56S 65523 875 3333 68 not set not set 2018-10-07T19:05:22.000Z 6ZRbp3qcQWw UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "What are the odds of that?" "Q Anon | ""What are the odds of that?"" LINK:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['Q anon', 'QANON', '#QANOn', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'the awakening', 'patriotsfight', 'new', 'q posts', 'q info', 'q boards', 'q research', 'voat', '8ch', 'trump', 'reagan'] PT29M13S 59179 840 3372 43 not set not set 2018-10-07T23:04:59.000Z wwoXSecjUy0 UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | The world will know... "Q Anon | The world will know... Links:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#Q', 'Q+', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'q boards', 'q research', 'q posts', 'q info', 'wwg1wga', 'QRV', 'voat', '8ch', 'trump', 'potus'] PT23M59S 87322 959 4537 56 not set not set 2018-10-09T18:15:53.000Z -_D0oq02HRY UCm5CkXzGXb-A2XX0nuTctMQ Q Anon | "Your voice is spreading." "Q Anon | ""Your voice is spreading."" LINKS:" JustInformed Talk 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', '#QANON', 'new', 'posts', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'q research', 'q boards', 'q info', '#Q', 'Q+', '8ch', 'kanye', 'west', 'trump', 'yeezy', 'potus'] PT47M23S 54658 683 3395 42 not set not set 2018-02-21T01:47:30.000Z 1bs61NgCFiE UC5rZuMfczfRpn6Ev3_isOWQ Trump Coded Tweet meaning of Liddle Adam Schiff validated by #Qanon My first political video upload. I couldn't resist making a video when I felt like I connected the dots on my own. I'm sure others have put this together and made videos, but this one is mine. K Roeh 10 ['q clearance', 'qanon', 'Adam Schiff', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump Tweets', 'Woke', 'Liddle', 'Liddle Adam', 'Google', 'Microsoft', 'McLean VA'] PT4M36S 1134 9 26 4 not set not set 2018-07-02T20:41:47.000Z Ky9cK7r5Rws UCT4zRWuPKeWME0XXwPiR_7A The Purge is Beginning! (Qanon) "Many big changes are about to take place! Over 40,000 Sealed Indictments!! We are winning!! #WWG1WGA! Host: Dan Hohlfeld Q Posts► Q - The Plan To Save The World► Gift by PayPal► FOR MORE VISIT US AT► DTube► BitChute► FACEBOOK► CALL US►+1 (256) 510-5234 Google Play► Apple Podcast► Theme Song “Art Now” by Alex 2011 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)" K2D4 NETWORK 24 ['K2D4', 'Network', 'Qanon', 'purge', 'politics', 'trump', 'HRC', 'clinton', 'plan', 'to', 'save', 'the', 'world', 'WWG!WGA', 'winning', 'white hats', 'military', 'John Huber', 'Michael Horowitz', 'trust', 'shift', 'donald', 'space', 'force', '8chan', '4chan', 'Q+'] PT8M6S 34460 467 1055 83 not set not set 2018-07-21T01:44:34.000Z q9Ylji3hxHI UCT4zRWuPKeWME0XXwPiR_7A Is Q (Qanon) JFK JR? "Did JFK JR. stage his death in order for a plan to unfold perfectly and unite the WORLD from the corruption and enslavement we find ourselves in today? Host: Dan Hohlfeld Guest: Michelle Wolfe Michelle's Channel► 8 Chan► Q Plan to save the world► Kennedy Burial site► Trump Lights Out► VINCENT FUSCA (Kennedy) @ Trump Rally► Gift by PayPal► FOR MORE VISIT US AT► DTube► BitChute► FACEBOOK► Voice Mail►+1 (256) 510-5234 Google Play► Apple Podcast► Spotify► ► Camera Used◄ ○ Panasonic HC-VX981 on Amazon (affiliate link): Theme Song “Art Now” by Alex 2011 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)" K2D4 NETWORK 24 ['K2D4', 'Network', 'Qanon', 'Trump', 'plan to save the world', 'kennedy', 'JFK', 'JFK JR', 'JR', 'JR.', 'JFK JR.', 'vincent fusca', 'stage', 'july 4th', 'november', '11', 'july', 'independance', 'corruption', 'country', 'USA', 'president', 'queen', 'save', 'world', 'the plan', 'plan', 'peace', 'wwg1wga', 'wwg1', 'wga'] PT48M14S 179618 1606 3512 188 not set not set 2018-08-19T04:36:09.000Z D0EEvGKrQsg UC4yjtLpqFmlVncUFExoVjiQ Dark Night Nirvana Radio Impressions + other controllers too "Watch in 4K here - Table of Contents: 00:12 - Nirvana initial overview 16:50 - More Nirvana overview 04:07 - Taranis X9D 07:47 - Taranis QX7 10:37 - Jumper T85G 12:39 - Taranis X-Lite 15:43 - DJI Phantom Radio 16:50 - More Nirvana overview I have no idea why this video is stuck in 360p. You can see it in 4K here: Some ask me what I do as a dentist. Here you go: Dark Night/Nirvana Controller: Banggood isn't actually an official Nirvana distributor. They will be getting a slightly different version that won't have access to the actual Underground FPV firmware, just vanilla OpenTX. The only other controllers I would recommend from this group today are the following: Frsky X-lite: FrSky ACCST Taranis Q X7: If you buy from Banggood, they're having a clearance sale: , 30% off coupon code: MSQW Yeah, only buy stuff you want/need. Don't buy because it's cheap please. Save your hobby dollar for better things. Thanks, sorry, floss Tips? Bitcoin: 1E4XZXoD4rS6MYWVWuenY7Kw2M1YgyNpoQ Nano: xrb_1188ek5bd7tb9kw67asnp9o65byuoaxbtpxuznx1ribf75x78awywmakj55f ETH: 0xD067F93811f2eC31CB1928901002dfdf9A492EF5 LTC: La2KWYAjp4VT2Lq2M76pbjzXWvRyjpfCtG" KababFPV 28 ['Unmanned', 'Drones', 'Quadcopter', 'FPV', 'Racing', 'UAV', '5.8ghz', 'Flying', 'Hobbies', 'First', 'Person', 'View', 'horizon', 'hobby', 'torrent', 'gopro', 'be a hero', 'butterflight', 'butter', 'flight'] PT24M39S 33688 455 720 54 not set not set 2018-07-26T03:06:38.000Z klO5OyzdTOQ UCFilhOqR3NeSJAw7_IcVbIw Motorcade Honk -Trump in KC and Qanon "The original video posted in Reddit was referenced in Q drop 1691. Find it here:" Kaitlin Gray 22 ['motorcade honk', 'trump motorcade', 'qanon', 'Trump and Q Q proofs Kansas City Motorcade Q drops'] PT55S 279 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-04-24T03:34:07.000Z HiyMiddOv1U UCtyx6TL6JKYWgjqlSOXuwLg Q Intro w/ early proofs! A quick introduction and overview of Q Anon phenomenon including proofs! Kalen Johnson 22 ['QAnon', 'TheStorm', 'GreatAwakening', 'ConspiracyFact w/ Redankulous13', 'Boom', 'HRCVideo', 'ReleaseTheVideo', 'WWG1WGA', 'RedPill', 'TarmacMeeting', 'REEE', 'InternetBillOfRights', 'IBOR', 'Shadowbanned', 'WeThePeople', 'Latest'] PT4M4S 113 0 10 0 not set not set 2018-03-06T20:03:55.000Z XRsZpRZaUPM UCxGyyzsaxwLM6TQ1LQ03sNg How Low Can HRC Go "...20,000 Leagues Under The Sea...That's How Low!!! Podesta Clinton Run Child Trafficking Ring Exposed #QAnon HRC drop March 6 2018 w/ #AntiSchool Babylon - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:" kalika kalika 25 ['Hillary Clinton', 'Jeffrey Epstein', 'Donald Trump', 'Bill Clinton', 'Nathan Rothschild', 'Child Trafficking'] PT10M54S 887 60 51 2 not set not set 2018-07-15T12:00:01.000Z ReOnPzzyrgQ UCS4gIxTxBfr0wwPHNlRUThQ Get Ready With Me (GRWM) Q and A | My Relationship Status "Lancome Moisturizer: Yes to Cucumbers Eye Gel: Origins Tinted Moisturizer: AOA Studios Eye Primer: Pur Cosmetics Soiree Diaries: Maybeline Age Rewind: Ben Nye Powder: Loreal Brow Stylist: Milani Eye Liner: Elf Contour Palette: Elf Blush: Wet N Wild Highlight: Wet N Wild Catsuit Lippy: Volumious Lash Paradise: BH Setting Spray: Ask Kandy: Email: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Twitch: Snapchat: SSBBWKandy Kandy Foxx PO Box 434 Kelso, WA 98626 Affiliate Links: Boxy Charm: Dia & Co: Degusta Box: MunchPak: Society Plus:" Kandy Foxx 26 ['GRWM', 'Get Ready With Me', 'Q and A', 'Q&A', 'Questions'] PT53M38S 33736 279 738 54 not set not set 2018-08-28T01:47:47.000Z DpOVPA9uf_o UCS4gIxTxBfr0wwPHNlRUThQ My response to the Q and A debacle Kandy Foxx 26 not set PT12M56S 33072 919 1053 183 not set not set 2018-08-02T01:44:45.000Z dYOtc0Yk_qg UC-f7LT0vwG1lCfWtIPjXhHA Q Anon 2 Karmen McGuire 20 not set PT2M13S 35 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T15:44:04.000Z tKqpnL7jTKQ UCsHgjuZLFE0crNiIqYhOpBA 8/1/2018 Q Drop 1784 Could it possibly be? "Sorry guys I had to get involved. No one seems to be saying it. Do you see the resemblance? drop 1784 Clip from Inside Edition And Google Image search for JFK Jr..... You look at it, tell me what you think. Sorry no sound, I didn't have my mic with me" kathy mello 28 ['The Great Awakening', 'Q Drops', 'JFK Jr', 'MAGA', 'Trump'] PT2M21S 118 6 5 0 not set not set 2017-11-06T03:01:40.000Z V8XOuAx3fzk UC1bUND87P4cCW_Hz1Xf4usg 171105 Kp Live Message... "Solar Codes Coming In" and "Stuff Going On" "Prior Kp blog posts re: MegaAnon, Q Clearance (in chrono. order): Mark Taylor/Greg Hunter video:" kauilapele 27 ['Solar codes', 'Mark Taylor', 'Q Clearance', 'MegaAnon'] PT12M29S 2610 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-22T00:29:01.000Z CnxHYuIwyYw UCKGT067UCn8SF4SdAsjOrjQ Mar 21 2018 00:52:37 - Q ; "We have the algorithm." "Q ; ""We have the algorithm."" Does that mean that now Christians, Conservatives, Patriots ect will no longer be banned and Shadow banned? And only Marxist, Satanist, New World Order Sodom and Gomorrah Antichrists, and Anti American Traitors, aka Demoncrats will be Banned and Shadow banned like we have been for all these years??? - 72Echo Charlie 25th Inf. - We Strike Like Lightning! BOOM! - Mar 21 2018 00:52:37 - ""We have the algorithm. Learn chess. Down she goes. Nobody escapes this. NOBODY."" Q MZ. RT. Big meeting. Cell phones left at door. +8 5 political 1 former intel dir Mask & Spin IDEN friendly ‘insiders’ MSM support +talking points Shift narrative FAIL We hear you. We have the algorithm. Thank you @ Snowden. Learn chess. Down she goes. Nobody escapes this. NOBODY. Q - Mar 21 2018 00:21:18 The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings. Coordinated to end comms here. Predictable. They are scared [4am]. They will fail. We know the details. [Wednesday]. Q - Mar 21 2018 01:32:28 - re: Panic Mode Enjoy the show. Expect a lot more. Panic. Q - @realDonaldTrump - TREASON EXPOSED - … … - - - - - #Q #Qanon8chan #Qanon #8chan #FisaMemo - Facebook's slide cost Mark Zuckerberg $6.06 billion in one day #QAnon predicted Internet ""social media"" giants would CRASH over CENSORSHIP and political bias #InternetBillOfRights IBOR needed - FTC anti-trust & privacy regulation looming @realDonaldTrump - Internet social media GIANTS will collapse under CENSORSHIP INVESTIGATIONS for political bias @realDonaldTrump #Qanon8chan #InternetBillOfRights - Edward Snowden: Facebook is a surveillance company rebranded as 'social media' … Just as #Qanon8chan predicted - Internet social media GIANTS will collapse under CENSORSHIP INVESTIGATIONS for political bias @realDonaldTrump #Qanon8chan #InternetBillOfRights - Mark Zuckerberg has lost $5 billion so far today amid Facebook data controversy … FACEBOOK = CIA NSA spying on AMERICANS - #QanonPosts predicted BANKRUPTCY for Internet CENSORSHIP @realDonaldTrump #InternetBillOfRights - 3/19/18 Trump‏, ""A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!"" - It’s no secret that Facebook is shutting down traffic to CHRISTIAN conservative websites. Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media. - In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform. Trump, ""The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired"" - Former Obama Official Admits Facebook Allowed Obama Campaign to Mine Data Because ""They Were On Our Side"" - Judge Jeanine: After Russian Dossier Funding, Time to 'Lock Her Up' - Judicial Watch EXPOSED Clnton/Lynch Tarmac Meeting Cover-Up by FBI - JW Caught Deputy FBI Director McCabe RED-HANDED in Conflict of Interest ... - JW: How McCabe, Comey Protected Clinton--and Themselves...and Parkland Police Violated Own Training - - Judge Jeanine: McCabe is in the news because he's a liar - Rosenstein, Mueller, McCabe are a team working together to cover up the Uranium One deal that gave Clinton Foundation $145 Million and Bill Clinton $500k for speech in Moscow. Its a cover up of Obama/Clinton Russian collusion to undermine American interest. - Lisa H. Barsoomian, U.S. Attorney, wife of Assistant Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. Graduated from Georgetown Law. Protégé of James B. Comey and Robert S. Mueller. Represented Bill Clinton in 1998. Researchers say the Internet has been cleansed of information about Barsoomian which is a telltale sign of a protected rogue Deep State C.I.A. operative. She has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community." KC Comeback 20 not set PT1M30S 37 6 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-22T00:45:14.000Z WZN7JwjG8rU UCKGT067UCn8SF4SdAsjOrjQ Qanon8chan. Ship Down. Q has the Algorithm. Deep State Cabal Lost Everything! :) "Qanon8chan. Ship Down. Q has the Algorithm. Deep State Cabal Lost Everything! :) - Q ; ""We have the algorithm."" Does that mean that now Christians, Conservatives, Patriots ect will no longer be banned and Shadow banned? And only Marxist, Satanist, New World Order Sodom and Gomorrah Antichrists, and Anti American Traitors, aka Demoncrats will be Banned and Shadow banned like we have been for all these years??? - 72Echo Charlie 25th Inf. - We Strike Like Lightning! BOOM! - Mar 21 2018 00:52:37 - ""We have the algorithm. Learn chess. Down she goes. Nobody escapes this. NOBODY."" QMZ. RT. Big meeting. Cell phones left at door. +8 5 political 1 former intel dir Mask & Spin IDEN friendly ‘insiders’ MSM support +talking points Shift narrative FAIL We hear you. We have the algorithm. Thank you @ Snowden. Learn chess. Down she goes. Nobody escapes this. NOBODY. Q - Mar 21 2018 00:21:18 The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings. Coordinated to end comms here. Predictable. They are scared [4am]. They will fail. We know the details. [Wednesday]. Q - Mar 21 2018 01:32:28 - re: Panic Mode Enjoy the show. Expect a lot more. Panic. Q - @realDonaldTrump TREASON EXPOSED - … … - - - - - #Q #Qanon8chan #Qanon #8chan #FisaMemo - Facebook's slide cost Mark Zuckerberg $6.06 billion in one day #QAnon predicted Internet ""social media"" giants would CRASH over CENSORSHIP and political bias #InternetBillOfRights IBOR needed - FTC anti-trust & privacy regulation looming @realDonaldTrump - Internet social media GIANTS will collapse under CENSORSHIP INVESTIGATIONS for political bias @realDonaldTrump #Qanon8chan #InternetBillOfRights - Edward Snowden: Facebook is a surveillance company rebranded as 'social media' … Just as #Qanon8chan predicted - Internet social media GIANTS will collapse under CENSORSHIP INVESTIGATIONS for political bias @realDonaldTrump #Qanon8chan #InternetBillOfRights - Mark Zuckerberg has lost $5 billion so far today amid Facebook data controversy … FACEBOOK = CIA NSA spying on AMERICANS - #QanonPosts predicted BANKRUPTCY for Internet CENSORSHIP @realDonaldTrump #InternetBillOfRights - 3/19/18 Trump‏, ""A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!"" - It’s no secret that Facebook is shutting down traffic to CHRISTIAN conservative websites. Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media. - In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform. Trump, ""The Fake News is beside themselves that McCabe was caught, called out and fired"" - Former Obama Official Admits Facebook Allowed Obama Campaign to Mine Data Because ""They Were On Our Side"" - Judge Jeanine: After Russian Dossier Funding, Time to 'Lock Her Up' - Judicial Watch EXPOSED Clnton/Lynch Tarmac Meeting Cover-Up by FBI - JW Caught Deputy FBI Director McCabe RED-HANDED in Conflict of Interest ... - JW: How McCabe, Comey Protected Clinton--and Themselves...and Parkland Police Violated Own Training - - Judge Jeanine: McCabe is in the news because he's a liar - Rosenstein, Mueller, McCabe are a team working together to cover up the Uranium One deal that gave Clinton Foundation $145 Million and Bill Clinton $500k for speech in Moscow. Its a cover up of Obama/Clinton Russian collusion to undermine American interest. - Lisa H. Barsoomian, U.S. Attorney, wife of Assistant Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein. Graduated from Georgetown Law. Protégé of James B. Comey and Robert S. Mueller. Represented Bill Clinton in 1998. Researchers say the Internet has been cleansed of information about Barsoomian which is a telltale sign of a protected rogue Deep State C.I.A. operative. She has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community." KC Comeback 20 ['#PS4share', 'PlayStation 4', 'Sony Interactive Entertainment', 'Destiny 2'] PT1M12S 45 6 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T23:23:18.000Z OfBUHaKk8Lo UCKGT067UCn8SF4SdAsjOrjQ Q "Case implicates the most senior elected officials(in treason)being handled by appropriate office" """President exploring stripping security clearances of ex-Obama officials... Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hayden... "" *COHEN GIVES FEDS 12 RECORDINGS* #Qanon ""You have more than you know. Fireworks."" ""you think this was going to be litigated in this setting? Case that implicates some of the most senior elected officials (in treason) is being handled by the appropriate office. Think NATIONAL SECURITY. Q"" - Obamanation Clinton Lynch Rosenstein Comey FISA NWO Treason Treason Treason Treason via @realDonaldTrump Tom Fitton on @foxandfriends at 6:15 A.M. NOW! Judicial Watch. - @realDonaldTrump 5 Hours ago - ""So we now find out that it was indeed the unverified and Fake Dirty Dossier, that was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC, that was knowingly & falsely submitted to FISA and which was responsible for starting the totally conflicted and discredited Mueller Witch Hunt! - @realDonaldTrump 4 Hours ago - “It was classified to cover up misconduct by the FBI and the Justice Department in misleading the Court by using this Dossier in a dishonest way to gain a warrant to target the Trump Team. This is a Clinton Campaign document. It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump.... @realDonaldTrump 4 Hours ago ....and the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account. Source #1 was the major source. Avoided talking about it being the Clinton campaign behind it. Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team. Not about Carter Page..was all about getting Trump..... @realDonaldTrump 4 Hours ago .....”Carter Page wasn’t a spy, wasn’t an agent of the Russians - he would have cooperated with the FBI. It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump.” Tom Fitton @JudicialWatch A disgrace to America. They should drop the discredited Mueller Witch Hunt now! - Lisa Page To Implicate Obama for TREASON - via ""President exploring stripping security clearances of ex-Obama officials... Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hayden... "" #Qanon ""You have more than you know. Fireworks."" ""you think this was going to be litigated in this setting? Case that implicates some of the most senior elected officials (in treason) is being handled by the appropriate office. Think NATIONAL SECURITY. Q - Judicial Watch urges WH to declassify Page FISA application - @JudicialWatch now has Carter Page FISA docs. They are heavily redacted but seem to confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding info about Clinton-DNC being behind the info used to get the FISA warrant. Judicial Watch Obtains FISA Warrant Docs - - 21 Apr 2018: LOCK UP MUELLER, COMEY, CLINTONS & OBAMA; H'WOOD JEWISH LEFT; COMEY & WASHPOST - EVERY BOGUS 2016 FISA REQUEST to Spy on Trump was Signed by Obama's AG Loretta Lynch - JW: Rosenstein Indictments are Affecting Sensitive Relationship with Russia - Tom Fitton on JW suing over Mueller/Comey Collusion, Comey's Memo Leak, & Antifa/JW in Court Bongino: Russia probe is biggest scam in modern US history - Published on Jul 23, 2018 - Former Secret Service agent sounds off after documents show the unverified Steele dossier was a factor in the FISA surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. - @RepMarkMeadows · Meadows Retweeted Tom Fitton - Potentially groundbreaking development here. The Carter Page FISA docs should be declassified and further unredacted (protecting only sources and methods) so Americans can know the truth. If the previous admin was funneling campaign research toward surveillance, we need to know. wow more Stalling the TREASON Investigation by Rosenstein to Stall HIM BEING TRIED FOR TREASON WOW! - JW: Rod Rosenstein's Indictments Put Trump in a Corner on Russia - Ep. 763 The Democrats Are Panicking. The Dan Bongino Show. - Special counsel Mueller, new world order deep state pawn, who covered up 911, Uranium1, ect" KC Comeback 27 not set PT1M6S 75 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T21:05:45.000Z iYeJ5_xjiI8 UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #1: ADDRESSING THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM (VIDEO 1) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 1 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT59M35S 83127 703 2092 120 not set not set 2018-08-18T19:45:17.000Z e_5zI9f8KL8 UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #2: Q SETS THE STAGE (VIDEO 2) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 2 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: CBS ""AS THE WORLD TURNS"" ORIGINAL BROADCAST WITH JFK SR SHOOTING UPDATE:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['JFK', 'JFKJR', '8CHAN', 'QANON', 'RTHREAD', 'JFKJRLIVES', 'RISLEGIT'] PT22M3S 27676 150 904 19 not set not set 2018-08-19T21:31:50.000Z du_9v4RRQpY UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #3: HELPER ANONS ROCK (VIDEO 3) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 3 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['RISLEGIT', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'JFKJRLIVES', 'JFKJR', 'RTHREAD'] PT37M9S 23647 198 791 24 not set not set 2018-08-21T16:57:07.000Z AuXs8IV1to4 UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #4: "LOOK HERE, LOOK THERE" (VIDEO 4) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 4 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: ""LOOK HERE, LOOK THERE"" JFK JR'S LAST VIDEO WITH KATIE CURIC:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT49M35S 24644 337 842 27 not set not set 2018-08-23T17:24:30.000Z LZZwxpWZ2hc UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #6: DA PLANE, DA PLANE BOSS (VIDEO 6) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 6 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: ""LOOK HERE, LOOK THERE"" JFK JR'S LAST VIDEO WITH KATIE CURIC:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', 'RISLEGIT', '8CHAN', 'RTHREAD'] PT44M45S 22068 346 793 27 not set not set 2018-09-02T19:14:09.000Z PDeKoT6ZGnE UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #12: "R GEMS?" (VIDEO 12) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 12 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: QRESEARCH CATALOG LINK: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #1: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #2: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #3: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #4: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #5: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #6: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #7: QRESEARCH R THREAD LINK - BREAD #8:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT1H13M57S 18174 291 687 14 not set not set 2018-09-05T16:30:47.000Z 6fIL0_RggVs UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #13: TIFFANY BLUE POINTS TO WHO? (VIDEO 13) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 13 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: INSIDE EDITION PARADE LINK: C-SPAN PARADE LINK: FULL PARADE LINK: BIKER VIDEO: AUGUST SON Unable to upload....GO LOOK FOR IT!!!!!" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT1H1M6S 24317 544 849 28 not set not set 2018-09-12T23:17:00.000Z w2QfdRXf6ZM UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #15: CALLIN' ALL "FRENZ WITH LENZ" (VIDEO 15) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 15 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: FLIGHTRADAR24 LINK:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT1H18M33S 23919 465 836 28 not set not set 2018-09-22T21:51:18.000Z 1EObqfr62sI UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #17: DECODE MODE (VIDEO 17) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 17 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: JFK SR AT BONN GERMANY: (1:11 MARKER ...""HAVE FOUND""...) JFK JR - ""I NEVER KNEW THAT"" INTERVIEW: (1:11 MARKER ...""LIFE""...) LAS VEGAS RALLY: GLOBAL NEWS: (MARKER - 1:17:56) FLIGHTRADAR24: SEPT 21, 2018" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT1H52M42S 34660 660 1024 33 not set not set 2018-09-26T19:19:13.000Z 2xrmgrdlw6Y UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #18: Q&A: ON CUE AND POINTS TO WHO? (VIDEO 18) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 18 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: JFK JR/VINCENT FUSCA FACE COMPARISON: CAROLYN/RALLY WOMAN FACE COMPARISON: THE UNSUNG: FUSCA BROTHERS MOVIE THE UNSUNG TRAILER: JFK JR DOCUMENTARY -- HEART OF THE CITY: DJT RALLY MOON TOWNSHIP, PA NOV 6, 2016: ANDREA BOCELLI - NESSUN DORMA/WITH LYRICS:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT1H59M20S 22273 317 678 23 not set not set 2018-10-01T17:34:42.000Z PVdyCKi11S0 UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #19: "NOD, NOD EVERYWHERE R NODS" (VIDEO 19) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 19 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: JFK JR TRIBUTE - ""SWEET CHILD OF MINE"": Q DROP 716 - WIRED MAGAZINE ARTICLE: JFK JR ACTING DEBUT: ""FORTHCOMING"" TLC MOVIE: LAUREN FACE COMPARISON: ""THE UNSUNG"" - FUSCA BROTHERS:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD', 'QANON'] PT1H49M 44913 515 1153 41 not set not set 2018-10-07T18:27:40.000Z MfYlRQGxGRk UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #20: ]20[ REBIRTH REDEMPTION (VIDEO 20) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 20 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: KIM CLEMENT PROPHECIES: The Hatter at TN Rally: FLIGHTRADAR24 10/04:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT2H12M10S 33319 602 1073 35 not set not set 2018-10-12T19:10:05.000Z QspDGo6aQPo UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #21: "PEEL TO ]R[EVEAL" (VIDEO 21) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 21 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: MELANIA ROCKING FEDORA HAT: TIFFANY BLUE MARINE ONE: SETH RICH COMPARISON BY FERNANDO: VINCENT FUSCA COMPARISON BY BOOGY'S BIGFOOT: LARRY KING & DJT INTERVIEW (37:00 TIMESTAMP):" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT2H12M46S 49034 922 1383 50 not set not set 2018-10-16T19:02:46.000Z ZLGvR8CHKd0 UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #22: LENZ ON FRENZ!! (VIDEO 22) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 22 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: TIFFANY BLUE AT JFK AIRPORT: KIM K - TIFFANY BLUE EVENT: JFK GEORGE UNVEILING: MELANIA RED LINE: WAR DRUMMER – JFK JUNE 4 E.O 1111: POTUS F&F INTERVIEW - (TIMESTAMP 5:50): POTUS PENN RALLY/MAGIC WAND/WAVE - (TIMESTAMP 10:15): JFK JR SON AT RALLY?? JFK JR AND TIFFANY BLUE SS FACE COMPARISON: JFK JR YOUNG VS JFK JR RECENT FACE COMPARISON: FUSCO - BOBBY KENNEDY/GEORGE MAGAZINE:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT2H13M2S 28320 866 1017 26 not set not set 2018-10-23T19:43:15.000Z js_QvTVjKLI UCU2ROr_DEcRsN_jHuWwf3Yg JFK JR LIVES!!! #24: "SANTA'S ANJEL" (VIDEO 24) "Q SERIES: R IS PART OF Q - VIDEO 24 In this series, I will be outlining in detail the EVIDENCE for ESTABLISHING THE LEGITIMACY / EXISTENCE of ""R"" -- JOHN F KENNEDY JR -- by highlighting my PERSONAL involvement on the 8 Chan Board (and more specifically on the R Thread) and the subsequent ""diggs"" which has led me (and MANY OTHERS) to this conclusion. I have PERSONALLY discovered many LINKS which show, without a doubt, that JOHN F. KENNEDY JR. is a very integral part of the Q MOVEMENT -- and in fact, has been working with DJT from the beginning on ""THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD""!!! If you follow the DROPS, with an open mind, I BELIEVE YOU TOO WILL ARRIVE AT THIS SAME CONCLUSION! SO GET READY....AND BUCKLE UP! PLAYLISTS: HERMAN MUNSTER – SEAN HANNITY COMPARISON BOOGEY: HERMAN MUNSTER – SEAN HANNITY COMPARISON FERNANDO: SEAN HANNITY/RUSH LIMBAUGH INTERVIEW (TIMESTAMP – 32:00): JFK JR X3 VOICE COMPARISON: TIFFANY BLUE/R POST COLOR CODE: JFK JR DOC -ROSEMARY 3RBACK:" KelliAnnHubNews 22 ['QANON', 'JFKJR', 'JFKJRLIVES', '8CHAN', 'RISLEGIT', 'RTHREAD'] PT1H51M40S 33153 833 1079 44 not set not set 2017-12-24T21:30:51.000Z C0zfR9qZYLE UCRQtKWNqEfbvomWTZEyKwhg GOOGLE #ERICSCHMIDT CLOWNS IN AMERICA STOLE THE INTERNET IN-Q-TEL "@GenFlynn @realDonaldTrump +++ #FLYNNL1VE5 +++ Here is the full report Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies and Americans for Innovation. The Clinton / C.I.A. Pay to Play History in one report God Bless this man he is a true patriot." KEVIN FLYNN 24 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'Leader Technologies', 'Fractional Counting', 'In-Q-Tel', 'Voter Fraud', 'Clinton', 'CIA', 'DeepState', 'Palantir', 'Peter Thiel', 'John Podesta', 'James Chandler III', 'Eric Schmidt', 'Eclipse Group', 'IBM', 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'Eric Holder', 'Cyberhijack', 'Americans For Innovation', 'Michael McKibben', '', '', 'Drain The Swamp', 'Valerie Jarrett', 'Gates Foundation', 'Clinton Foundation', 'McCabe'] PT20M58S 468 9 34 0 not set not set 2018-03-10T03:42:45.000Z c_cx5LQBi9s UCRQtKWNqEfbvomWTZEyKwhg SNOWDEN SEE FOR YOURSELF "@OAlanjari IS WHO SNOWDEN IS COMMUNICATING WITH ON TWITTER HERE IS HIS VIDEO ABOUT SNOWDEN HIS WEBSITE SNOWDEN LATEST WITH Q MORE HERE" KEVIN FLYNN 24 ['Snowden', 'Kuwait', 'Qanon', 'CBTS', 'Jerome Corsi', '@OAlanjari Follow Follow @OAlanjari More', '@Oalanjari', '@snowden'] PT1H1M3S 789 11 27 3 not set not set 2018-04-17T22:41:42.000Z PVALIPdc_9c UCjRzl5tsD21wK83jR9LqNGQ Knowing what you know now Watch again QAnon Great Awakening "Knowing what you know now. Watch again. God bless you all. Q" Kevin M Ferrara 22 not set PT5M49S 3293 5 107 3 not set not set 2017-12-19T13:02:54.000Z Qm0dfrGT5E0 UCF7h2q2CyOMR1sEqHYNY2lA Q-ANON BEAT DOWN IN 5,4,3,2,1....... "808 CHAN REPRESENTS """"THE PROPHET""""" KEYS FROM THE TREE OF DEATH 22 ['Http://'] PT8M35S 516 28 22 13 not set not set 2017-11-04T01:18:55.000Z hQ70Y2TSDBU UCLeX3Vtg8yfi0iCQeu9foWw Q Check: Antifa Apocalypse KHQ6 25 ['KHQ'] PT1M40S 51 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-06-05T10:00:02.000Z PNOsj4M3c3k UC3e0vB68vyWBpBIur2qYkyA Who Is Q "Provided to YouTube by Fandalism Who Is Q · King Q Who Is Q ℗ Self-Made Entertainment Released on: 2018-06-06 Auto-generated by YouTube." King Q - Topic 10 ['King Q', 'Who Is Q'] PT3M4S 1793 3 16 10 not set not set 2018-03-23T00:00:33.000Z K7Q5vH8cLmA UCMhJFPd9odjaK3acIMUQdvg Q-Anon Updates / Reptilian Nancy Pelosi Brain Freezes " Bitcoin: 12qZzreJDpw4Anmv3Fmdh2b9QV1WrNvv3W Link:" Kinninigan 2.0 22 ['23 Nancy Pelosi brain glitches', 'kinninigan', 'q anon', 'reptilian', 'rex tillerman fired', 'reptilian nancy pelosi'] PT7M52S 2700 28 74 5 not set not set 2018-03-25T16:41:08.000Z H5v0fz_EqIY UCMhJFPd9odjaK3acIMUQdvg Q-Anon Updates ~ Pornstars & Pork Propaganda... " Bitcoin: 12qZzreJDpw4Anmv3Fmdh2b9QV1WrNvv3W Links:" Kinninigan 2.0 22 ['kinninigan', 'q anon', 'stormy daniels interview', 'gun rally', 'freemason', 'fop', 'sacremento plice shooting', 'reptilian', 'illuminati'] PT11M56S 624 15 39 0 not set not set 2018-03-29T16:22:39.000Z mcVtqU5LAd8 UCMhJFPd9odjaK3acIMUQdvg Q-Anon ~ Nancy Salzman Arrested for Sex Trafficking by FBI " Bitcoin: 12qZzreJDpw4Anmv3Fmdh2b9QV1WrNvv3W Links:" Kinninigan 2.0 22 ['q anon', 'nacy salzman', 'clinton', 'trump', 'kinninigan', 'deep state', 'nwo', 'sex trafficking', 'illuminati'] PT8M5S 1965 10 59 1 not set not set 2018-04-21T15:55:23.000Z mqrRq3N2p14 UCMhJFPd9odjaK3acIMUQdvg Q Anon: Hillary Clinton Dark Web Sex Tape is FAKE! " Bitcoin: 12qZzreJDpw4Anmv3Fmdh2b9QV1WrNvv3W Link:" Kinninigan 2.0 22 ['frazzledrip', 'qanon', 'kinninigan', 'nwo', 'hillary clinton sex tape dark web', 'reptilian', 'andrenochrome'] PT8M16S 3079 73 55 24 not set not set 2018-07-11T21:40:24.000Z Rw5Cgr7TQqg UCMhJFPd9odjaK3acIMUQdvg Q Anon ~ Dead Body at Huma Abedin's Apartment Complex "Fundraiser to get my original channel restored: Donations: Bitcoin: 12qZzreJDpw4Anmv3Fmdh2b9QV1WrNvv3W Links:" Kinninigan 2.0 22 ['Woman Found Dead in Trash Compactor', 'huma abedin', 'q anon', 'trump', 'Dead Body Found In Huma Abedin', 'deep state', 'kinninigan', 'alien', 'nwo', 'maga', 'reptilian', 'illuminati', 'elite'] PT15M1S 15103 292 462 40 not set not set 2018-08-04T16:09:44.000Z A0lfQulepwE UCMhJFPd9odjaK3acIMUQdvg Q-Anon Follower Foils Trump Assassination Plot "Donations: Bitcoin: 12qZzreJDpw4Anmv3Fmdh2b9QV1WrNvv3W Fundraiser to get my original channel restored: Links:" Kinninigan 2.0 22 ['trump', 'q anon', 'QAnon Follower Foils Trump Assassination Plot', 'deep state', 'Oklahoma Man Locked Up', 'mk ultra', 'maga', 'kinninigan', 'reptilian', 'alien', 'illuminati', 'elite', 'Kate Mazzochetti', '8chan', 'psy op q anon', 'Trump Assassination', 'hillary clinton', 'george soros', 'media matters', 'ufo', 'conspiracy', 'mind control', 'sleeper cell'] PT9M18S 2884 136 185 13 not set not set 2018-06-19T16:18:02.000Z W6j-ftEsKSk UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg CIA Officer Charged for Massive WikiLeaks Vault 7 Release, Joshua Schulte Describes FBI Raid "Help me make more videos by donating on my Patreon: Source:" Kip Simpson 25 ['Conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'wikileaks', 'new world order', 'vault7', 'vault 7', 'assange', 'deep state', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'msm exposed', 'mainstream media exposed', 'edward snowden', 'julian assange', 'joshua schulte', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT20M10S 9086 146 509 8 not set not set 2018-07-22T22:04:49.000Z KsVpyjuQXZ0 UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg Leo DiCaprio, Missing Flight MH370, Rothschild Bank Malaysian Money-Laundering "Thanks for watching, support the channel on Patreon:" Kip Simpson 25 ['Conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'conspiracy theory', 'shadow government', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'missing flight mh370 r rothschild', 'rothschild plane conspiracy', 'clinton foundation', 'hillary', 'nwo', 'cabals', 'government corruption', 'huma', 'seth rich', 'trump', 'geoengineering', 'rothschild bank scandal', 'deep state', 'deep web', 'real dark web', 'globalists', 'wikileaks', 'assange', 'anabelle neilson rothschild', 'hollywood secret cover up', 'leonardo dicaprio conspiracy', 'uranium one', 'walkaway', 'democrats cover up'] PT14M27S 58151 419 1668 37 not set not set 2018-07-24T18:35:59.000Z 9ei0mAZEyTI UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg New Arrests in Hillary Clinton Tied Sex Cult NXVIM, Co-Founder Nancy Salzman, Clare Bronfman "You can help support the channel on Patreon: Sources:" Kip Simpson 25 ['Conspiracy', 'hillary clinton', 'hillary', 'clinton emails', 'clinton arrest', 'clinton anthony weiner', 'nxvim cult clinton', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'nancy salzman', 'clara bronfman', 'weiner laptop', 'deep state', 'dark web', 'real dark web', 'hillary arrest', 'politics', 'democrat scandal', 'awan', 'podesta', 'podesta leaks', 'podesta brothers', 'clinton foundation', 'wikileaks', 'shadow government', 'illuminati', 'occult elites', 'globalists', 'soros', 'rothschilds', 'cabal', 'nxvim', 'bronfman clinton', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT11M27S 137657 855 3662 138 not set not set 2018-07-25T18:40:09.000Z 5o-LcEU6rhw UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg Why Does Hillary Clinton STILL Have Her Security Clearance? "Thanks for watching, support the channel on Patreon: Sources:" Kip Simpson 25 ['Conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'mainstream media exposed', 'msm cover up', 'alternative media', 'hillary', 'hillary clinton', 'dnc fraud', 'dnc scandal', 'infowars', 'tucker', 'hillary emails', 'podesta leaks', 'qanon', 'wikileaks', 'globalists', 'rothschild', 'cabal', 'clinton foundations scandal', 'soros clinton', 'rand paul tucker', 'john brennan', 'deep state', 'john brennan rand paul', 'obama scandal', 'politics', 'trump news', 'ron paul', 'shadow government', 'peter strzok', 'james comey', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT9M56S 3867 114 391 4 not set not set 2018-10-22T17:47:37.000Z qpJ-4ae_154 UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg 2 Convicted Democrats Running for Political Office While Behind Bars "Thanks for watching, help me make more videos by donating on: Sources:" Kip Simpson 25 ['Conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'democrats scandal', 'democrats fail', 'dnc fraud', 'hillary', 'politics', 'globalists', 'elizabeth warren lies', 'trump news', 'hillary emails', 'anthony weiner laptop', 'jasiel correia', 'true crime', 'qanon', 'wikileaks', 'assange', 'deep state', 'democratic party rigged', 'alternative media', 'msm lies', 'mainstream media exposed', 'government cover up', 'sjw fail', 'tucker', 'ron reynolds texas', 'soros', 'george soros', 'rothschilds', 'midterms', 'agenda 21', 'adrenochrome'] PT13M56S 3264 85 402 4 not set not set 2018-10-23T01:31:10.000Z jrlSfN0R3hQ UC9GexwSxlqjo9NhMMdcv6zg Anthony Weiner tied Fake Protester Firm Sued for $23 Million Extortion Scheme "Support the channel on: Sources:" Kip Simpson 25 ['Conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'new world order', 'george soros', 'true crime', 'democrats scandal', 'dnc fraud', 'anthony weiner', 'weiner laptop', 'hillary emails', 'politics', 'qanon', 'wikileaks', 'assange', 'crowds on demand', 'democrats', 'hillary clinton', 'clinton scandal', 'obama scandal', 'fake crowds democrat', 'fake protesters', 'msm lies', 'trump news', 'mainstream media exposed', 'liberal media', 'george soros protesters', 'conspiracy theory', 'rothschilds', 'globalists', 'midterms', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT15M26S 6941 137 636 6 not set not set 2018-10-23T15:58:05.000Z R_-9Bm-GwFY UCvuK286GnMYILS_o3B5a4Qw Qlobal-Change neuer Kanal und Empfehlungen für Q Einsteiger "14 rocks ""K"" wie Khashoggi - Operation Mockingbird - 22. Oktober 2018 Qlobal-Change verbinde die punkte GLOBAL UNDERGROUND NEWS Oliver Janich" Klugschieterin 25 ['Qlobal-Change', 'Global Underground News', 'Oliver Janich', '14 rocks', 'verbinde die punkte', 'Qanon', 'Kanalempfehlungen', 'Youtube', 'youtube löscht', 'youtube zensur', 'Q Gemeinde', 'Trump', 'Freiheit', 'Völker', 'Patrioten', 'Weltsozialismus'] PT11M31S 2417 17 85 3 not set not set 2017-11-27T17:30:55.000Z 3Sskn_f6U7s UCJDkh38XC8hm3MwvfUkQ0Zg Q Anon - Nancy O'Brien Simpson - - Ep18 "Q has grabbed the attention of people worldwide. He or she is both intriguing and riveting. This is our first podcast on the enigma named Q but no doubt there will be many more as we try and unravel and decipher the cryptic posts. Here is an introduction to Q.\" KOTRT tv 22 ['Q Anon', 'Podcast', 'Cincinnati', 'PRAVDA', 'Breadcrumbs', 'Q Anon +++', 'Q anon', 'Follow the white rabbit', 'Q conspiracy', 'An introduction to Q', 'Q anon for dummies', '4 Chan', 'Trump', '+++', 'MAGA', 'politics', 'government', 'insider', 'leaks', 'patriots', 'conspiracy', 'drain the swamp'] PT29M29S 9106 22 52 8 not set not set 2018-08-25T20:21:23.000Z YClGb8fy15U UCIz8eB8fBNK8DwgIvfKdthw The 'Q' Qanon [MUG] in "Chain Of Command" on National Geographic S01-E01 [PROOF] "See the ""Q"" coffee mug in ""Chain Of Command - We Are everywhere"" S01-E01 on National Geographic. Watch the full episode: January 13, 2018 Qanon drop 835: Do you TRUST the US Military? Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command? Have FAITH – WE ARE IN CONTROL. January 15, 2018 @DeptofDefense (U.S Dept. of Defense) tweeted: About the airing of “Chain of Command” on National Geographic. At the end of the first episode, there is a white porcelain coffee cup displaying the letter Q in black. This mug on ebay is like the one used:" krimineel 25 ['trump', 'maga', 'qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'national geographic', 'chain of command', 'coffee', 'thestorm', 'greatawakening'] PT32S 1064 4 24 1 not set not set 2018-08-26T15:01:05.000Z cvFI6pQR_EA UCIz8eB8fBNK8DwgIvfKdthw Qanon - The Plan To Save The World (((+))) [Q] "On 28 October 2017, “Q” emerged on the message board 4chan. In a thread called “Calm Before the Storm”. In a series of posts, Qanon /kjuːəˈnɒn/ claimed to be a high-level government employee with Department of Energy Q clearance and access to Top Secret-level information. Since then, Q has continued to drop “breadcrumbs”. The Storm features secret cabals like child sex-trafficking led by satanic devil-worshipping pedophiles. Q is a reference to the Q clearance. It's one of the highest security clearances in the U.S. government. Disclaimer: Do your own research." krimineel 27 ['qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'maga', 'trump', 'cabal', '4chan', '8chan'] PT13M9S 236 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-09T19:17:33.000Z MZfDea9apII UCIz8eB8fBNK8DwgIvfKdthw Qanon - Killing The Mockingbird [Q] "It’s time to research for yourself. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. Do you want to free yourself? It’s easy. Follow Q! Disclaimer: I am not making accusations of guilt towards anyone featured in this video. Original video:" krimineel 25 ['qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'maga', 'trump', 'cabal', '4chan', '8chan'] PT4M48S 77 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-10-17T18:37:41.000Z Vg2pumEG1a8 UCIz8eB8fBNK8DwgIvfKdthw Qanon - We Are The Plan [Q] "[The Great Awakening] The darkness crept in so slowly it was barely noticed. It began on October 28, 2017, with a post on 4chan’s politics board /pol/ or Politically Incorrect. The poster began calling himself Q, denoting the Department of Energy’s highest level of security clearance – the equivalent of top secret military clearance. The world - according to QAnon - is controlled by the 'deep state'. Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet and 17 is also a number Trump has said a few times. This is the best time to be alive and be part of the storm. Original video poster: Do your own research: [WWG1WGA]" krimineel 25 ['qanon', '4chan', 'trump', 'maga', '8chan', 'reddit', 'patriot', 'usa', 'wwg1wga', 'awakening', 'kag!'] PT9M11S 581 2 22 0 not set not set 2018-09-07T15:40:51.000Z VuKzLgHteZo UCb7YCaAW72wlNFFyIj_GpdQ Q Anon or Alex Jones?! The INFOWARS on truthers! "Q anon exposes Alex Jones. Alex Jones exposes Q Anon. The game of Thrones for the control of the Truther's narrative is ON. Let's not be divided!" Kris Mat 25 ['Q calls out Alex Jones', 'Q calls out Jack psobiec', 'Alex Jones Mossad', 'Jerome corsi Mossad', 'Jack Psobiec mossad', 'Q exposes Alex Jones', 'Alex Jones Marco Rubio', 'Alex Jones zionist shill', 'Q anon real or fake', 'The infowars on Q', 'Destroying the illusion', 'Dustin Nemos2', 'Trump update', 'Q update', 'Alex Jones controlled opposition', 'John McCain dead or alive', 'Real News'] PT9M51S 153 7 7 2 not set not set 2018-02-12T15:29:12.000Z 4rfI5hxzUF0 UChgzr6rpcMe3dCOHPHy75uw Homeopathy remedy Calendula Q,30c,200c usage acne, rashes, skin infection, "इस वीडियो में होम्योपैथी औषधि कैलेंडुला के गुणों, उनके लक्षण को विस्तार पूर्वक बतलाया गया है, यह औषधि किसी भी प्रकार के घाव, फोड़े ,फुंसी, एक्ने (मुंहासे ) स्किन इन्फेक्शन, शरीर के अंदर के घाव, स्टमक अल्सर, मैं बहुत ही उपयोगी है ,इसकी Qऔर 200 पोटेंसी इस्तेमाल में लाया जाता है ,दांतों से खून का निकलना नाक से पीव युक्त बुड़बक बलगम का निकलना, चिली पेशेंट थोड़ी सी ठंड में सर्दी खांसी हो जाना ,मुंह से बलगम निकलना इन सारे लक्षणों पर यह बहुत असरदार साबित होती है. NOTE- in this clip nothing has been given for diagnosis or other medical purpose. purposes is only share the knowledge, if anybody has illness consult physician, Dont take this remedy as a self medication, If you take it,this is your own risk channel wont be responsibile for any harms. My equipment best sugar testing machine Glucometre My Blood pressure measuring machine My Pregnancy testing kit.. My Realme 5 pro mobile phone My micro oven best deal My 0rpat iron automatically on/ off My Bajaj mixer machine My Jbl headphone stereo sound My First aidkit complete set My Best laptop Hp intel core i5 Realme 3 pro phones My Dslr camera best price Earphone best deal Headphone JBL" kumar homeo healthcare 27 ['Boils', 'wound', 'acne treatment.'] PT6M55S 10090 49 145 7 not set not set 2018-08-25T01:57:56.000Z Y7QV0Te7NGg UC9md5xfhRzsAdu0zdyTaafg What is Q ANON The Great Awakening The Storm A guide into how-to of getting any #qanon info. Where to go and what it is. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. Kyroscion Ix 22 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'thegreatawakening', 'knowledgeispower'] PT25M 432 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-19T20:39:51.000Z si3V23qV1vU UCySeXTLuH6wSJveZrA-sz9A Acceleration Radio - Q-ANON UPDATE with Matt Brunet! L. A. sits down with Matt Brunet and discusses the latest Qanon posts. Will the Deep State be exposed? Will we see the indictments unfold? Where we go one we go all... L. A. Marzulli 1 ['Acceleration Radio', 'la marzulli', 'l.a. marzulli', 'l a marzulli', 'l. a. marzulli', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'secret level q', 'q clearance level', 'government cabal', 'leak', 'witchcraft', 'spirit cooking', 'cannibalism', 'demons', 'political black mail', 'anthony bourdain suspicious suicide', 'suicided', 'hillary clintong', 'guantanamo bay expansion', 'jeff sessions', 'robert mueller', 'james comey', 'investigation', 'general flynn', 'corruption', 'donald trump', 'kim jung un', 'term limits', 'drain the swamp', 'deep state'] PT54M29S 32249 518 1367 40 not set not set 2018-02-07T02:06:06.000Z MUuwUjNIWr4 UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA QANON - Debbie Wasserman Schultz implicated in 2 murders according to Q "Q post for Tuesday February 06, decoded by LadyDragon concerning the implication of DWS in 2 murders including Supreme Court Judge Scalia If you like to support my work heres my paypal w@ladyragondotcom Thank You :)" LadyDragon 25 ['Debbie Wasserman Schultz', 'Scalia', 'QANON', 'murder', 'supreme court', 'ladydragon', 'Q POST'] PT25M38S 350 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-02-11T01:07:04.000Z KstL6s-E_50 UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA QANON Q 14 Posts - JFK murder confirmed is Disclosure coming ? "LadyDragon explains the massive implication of Q talking about the JFK murder which opens the door to unveil other secrets like forbidden Technologies, UFO and the Alien presence Is it the beginning of Disclosure ? also ties previous post with the new information that was given tonit by Q If you like to support my work heres my paypal w@ladyragondotcom Thank You :)" LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', 'trump', 'JFK', 'disclosure', 'ufo', 'forbidden technologies', 'aliens', 'spaceship', 'secrets', 'Cloning', 'ladydragon', 'secret societies', 'princess diana'] PT55M5S 1209 5 24 3 not set not set 2018-02-13T03:19:35.000Z rQHT1pfie4s UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA ALERT FOR Q ANON ACCOUNTS DELETED OR DISABLE ON TWITTER AND YOUTUBE LadyDragon 25 not set PT10M25S 423 6 15 0 not set not set 2018-02-18T01:10:11.000Z igAn0aEJLzU UCCPczlVLirszlrXeRsjIiBg #QANON UPDATE on the London threat LadyDragon gives you an update plus tells you about the new Q posts site LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', 'TRUMP', 'LONDON', 'LADYDRAGON', 'potus'] PT7M32S 369 0 8 0 not set not set 2018-02-20T05:01:49.000Z IOQ8P6Rsm9I UCCPczlVLirszlrXeRsjIiBg #QANON LadyDragon decodes the latest Q Posts with other news "In this video LadyDragon talks about her interview with Chyna and her murder. Murder of Prince, Doris Robert and Joan Rivers as well. Bill Gates - Bill Gates Foundation Monsanto Q Posts Martial Arts and more" LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', 'trump', 'CHYNA', 'LADYDRAGON', 'Q POST', 'BILL GATES', 'JUDGE ANNA'] PT3H1M11S 206 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-02-23T07:00:06.000Z Ii3zU2pApJ8 UCCPczlVLirszlrXeRsjIiBg #QANON Q NEW POST 807-808-809- 810-811-812-813 "LadyDragon live decoding with team" LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', 'Q POST', 'TRUMP', 'LADYDRAGON'] PT5H47M10S 177 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-04-03T07:13:15.000Z bJUWga8AWPc UCCPczlVLirszlrXeRsjIiBg #QANON Q - April 19 MARK your calendar 2/2 "Part 1= Get on and to receive notifications Go to in order to speak with LadyDragon Also u can go to Discord Please subscribe to this channel in order to be aware on my next Video and Broadcast" LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', '911', 'QUEEN', 'CONCORD', 'TRUMP', 'LADYDRAGON', 'APRIL'] PT1H40M16S 168 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-04T04:55:46.000Z UydH3rYJXeo UCCPczlVLirszlrXeRsjIiBg #QANON Q - [Pope] will be having a terrible May "Get on and to receive notifications Go to in order to speak with LadyDragon Also u can go to Discord Please subscribe to this channel in order to be aware on my next Video and Broadcast" LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', 'POPE', 'CLINTON', 'EPSTEIN', 'MAY', 'APRIL'] PT1H12M45S 215 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-13T07:08:34.000Z Qz4vEjrERzE UCCPczlVLirszlrXeRsjIiBg #QANON Q is here - Twitter Shut down LadyDragon #livestreaming "Go to in order to speak with LadyDragon Get Discord for breaking news Invite Please subscribe to this channel in order to be aware on my next Video and Broadcast" LadyDragon 25 ['qanon', 'twitter', 'darpa', 'qpost'] PT3H50M21S 67 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-04-17T19:04:00.000Z 1dpaI3X6XOo UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA #QANON Q DEFCON,Twitter down, RR in trouble @potus "If you would like to support my work Paypal = w@ladydragondotcom Thank you :)" LadyDragon 25 ['QANON', 'DEFCON', 'TWITTER', 'TRUMP'] PT37M14S 181 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-05-02T22:06:48.000Z EUm-eIuwIho UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA #Qanon - Q- Pope is already having a terrible May 1/3 @potus "LadyDragon Live - POPE IS ALREADY HAVING A TERRIBLE MAY :) Plus Q post 1306-1307 Part 1-3 This is LadyDragon's Live streaming Channel You are Welcome to join LadyDragon's Community on Discord and Appear Heres the invite = If you appreciate and want to support my work Please join = and upvote my videos If your lucky enough to have some spare money consider donating to my PayPal = w@ladydragondotcom Thank you :) LadyDragon and Sam :)" LadyDragon 25 ['qanon', 'pope', 'syria', 'trump', 'live'] PT38M13S 3583 4 25 3 not set not set 2018-05-20T17:36:20.000Z _uX0yVGhSak UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA #Qanon Q - Unknown EO Executive Order signed coming soon @potus "DLIVE DTUBE #Qanon Q - Unknown EO Executive Order signed coming song @potus May 20, 2018 LadyDragon Live - QANON Post 1414 -1422 This is LadyDragon's Live streaming Channel You are Welcome to join LadyDragon's Community on Discord and Appear Heres the invite = If you appreciate and want to support my work Please join = and upvote my videos If your lucky enough to have some spare money consider donating to my PayPal = w@ladydragondotcom Thank you :) LadyDragon and Sam :)" LadyDragon 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'eo', 'executive order', 'ladydragon', 'qpost'] PT43M56S 188 1 3 3 not set not set 2018-06-29T05:01:40.000Z qf4Yd4J4pk8 UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA #QANON LadyDragon Live - New Q plus #8Chan under attack @potus "You are welcome to join if you have any ? please put them in the chat This is LadyDragon's Livestreaming Channel You are Welcome to join LadyDragon's Community on Discord and Appear Heres the invite = If you appreciate and want to support my work Please join = and upvote my video If your lucky enought to have some spare money consider donating to my Paypal = w@ladydragondotcom Thank you :) LadyDragon and Sam :)" LadyDragon 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'ladydragon', '8chan'] PT1H29M41S 29 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-07-26T23:00:17.000Z 9_ES2UTdjMU UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA #QANON #LadyDragon #LIVE - NEW Q posts @potus "You are welcome to join if you have any ? please put them in the chat This is LadyDragon's Livestreaming Channel You are Welcome to join LadyDragon's Community on Discord and Appear Heres the invite = If you appreciate and want to support my work Please join = and upvote my video If your lucky enought to have some spare money consider donating to my Paypal = w@ladydragondotcom Thank you :) LadyDragon and Sam :)" LadyDragon 25 not set PT59M52S 54 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T20:50:32.000Z MKt9a_p23Ho UCGhvA05Sekf15I-DcVN14eA #QANON LadyDragon Live - Brennan Security clearance revoke @potus "President Trump Delivers Remarks and Participates in a Signing Ceremony for H.R. 5515 You are welcome to join if you have any ? please put them in the chat This is LadyDragon's Livestreaming Channel You are Welcome to join LadyDragon's Community on Discord and Appear Heres the invite = If you appreciate and want to support my work Please join = and upvote my video If your lucky enought to have some spare money consider donating to my Paypal = w@ladydragondotcom Thank you :) LadyDragon and Sam :)" LadyDragon 25 ['qanon', 'brennan'] PT1H34M15S 27 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-01-26T20:48:19.000Z kVHC20jiJFA UCvm_wSM7w-qFWIwbydbAZ9w QAnon - The Music Video """Calm Before the Storm"" by The Doors of Perception Featuring Lionel Nation, Jordan Sather, and Michael Trimm. John McCain's Brain is squirming like a toad." Larz Kaos 25 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'FISA', 'FBI', 'secret space program', 'nikola tesla', 'tesla', 'disclosure', 'UFO', 'ET', 'the storm', 'qanon', 'clinton', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'conspiracy', 'seeker', 'consciousness', 'ascension', 'solar flash', 'dewey larson', 'lionel nation', 'memes', 'michael trimm', 'the doors', 'jim morrison', 'trump', 'riders on the storm'] PT6M43S 7631 54 302 9 not set not set 2018-01-03T03:15:27.000Z 06zQ_LHpiVU UCmWI1EoihydCYfoaCUHgzhQ Q "If you haven’t heard of him, Q is a person who popped up on the anonymous message boards on October 28, 2017. When a post of his comes out, the great people of anonymous descend on it like rabid wolves, trying to solve the puzzle. Many believe he's sanctioned by Trump to leak info to the people who are paying attention to what's going on behind the fake news. There is more behind what’s on TV. Much more. The connected dots make a picture that is more horrendous than anything the average human can comprehend. If the research from the questions Q asks are true, we’re living in a Jason Bourne movie. Most of it is very hard to believe - satanic worship, pedophilia, human trafficking, massive corruption, etc. - it is insane. Washington’s crossings are known as the 10 days that changed the world. One Q post from December 18, 2017 says, “Clock started - 10 days.” The American Crisis THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Is Q the new Paine? December 21, 2017 “Mattis just made a rare trip to Guantanamo — the first defense secretary to visit since 2002"" December 29, 2017 “AZ Army National Guard soldiers deploying to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba"" About 50 soldiers are going to Gitmo for Operation Enduring Freedom. Operation Enduring Freedom is the official name used by the U S government for the Global War on Terrorism between October 2001 and December 2014. On December 28, 2014, President Barack Obama announced the end of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Who’s going to Gitmo? Q sheet Q’s questions with a stab at some answers: Interview with other anons: Pamphlet text: BREAKING! It’s DONE…ARRESTED And BAIL SET AT $6 BILLION!!! 12/30/17 The Next News Network BREAKING: TROOPS DEPLOYED WORLDWIDE WITH 10K SEALED INDICTMENTS! 12/31/17 April LaJune The 10 Days That Changed The World, Washington's Crossing the Delaware THE DEEP STATE - 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Falling Apart Today. 12/31/17" Last Generation 22 ['q-anon', 'anonymous', 'trump', 'fbi', 'cia', 'plane crash', 'rothschild', 'murder'] PT10M11S 272 1 3 2 not set not set 2018-07-10T06:05:58.000Z 3Ol10xHodPs UC0eYa7S_KvfMS-Ug-5G8vHA Catch up with me I love Shane Dawson Lauren E. 27 ['comedy', 'shane dawson', 'tanacon', 'influencers', 'girls', 'people and blogs', 'conspiracies', 'qanon', 'fun', 'good times'] PT1H12M41S 1137 13 30 4 not set not set 2018-01-21T14:17:20.000Z VaF3DI7u7kU UCfiTBZ6jMOIYK4br63ARhHA 12.24 - Q Trump vs FBI/Space X More MSM UFO Articles Occult Manuscripts Declassified "Todays Links: Real Time Q Thread - Latest 8chan Board (#195) - Zerohedge: Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake RussiaGate. TRACK SANTA : Support this work: Secureteam is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, and the strange." Leanora Edison 22 ['jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'donald trump', 'mccabe', 'fbi', 'fusion gps'] PT31M13S 1 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T18:01:41.000Z dhbyFvYLOzs UCrKRPJTjtib2KYrQiDIgN7g How to pronounce QAnon Learn how to pronounce QAnon and its meaning with Learn it with Radhika Learn it with Radhika - English Pronunciations 27 ['Learn it with Radhika', 'Pronounce QAnon', 'Definition of QAnon', 'Meaning of QAnon', 'Pronunciation of QAnon', 'QAnon meaning', 'QAnon definition', 'QAnon define', 'How to say QAnon', 'What is the definition of QAnon', 'QAnon Pronunciation', 'QAnon Pronunciation meaning', 'QAnon Pronounce', 'correct pronunciation of English words QAnon'] PT1M6S 588 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T00:43:47.000Z 04h4AhzUUo8 UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg BREAKING ! # MEMOS RELEASED/Q DROP BREAKING ! # MEMOS RELEASED/Q DROP Lest 27 ['BREAKING', 'MEMOS RELEASED Q DROP', 'Nasa', 'qanon', 'government', 'memo', 'media', 'Trump', 'cia', 'fbi. Deep', 'state', 'swamp', 'world', 'darkness', 'white house', 'emp', 'pizza'] PT7M6S 243 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T21:57:40.000Z x_7wRlBNOeQ UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg #ReleaseTheMemo - Clinton Obama Conspiracy Finally Outed by DOJ "Details regarding #releasethememo and the suppression of its official public release Jerome Corsi's FULL DECODE of the latest Big Ass Q Map: Source Bill Smith original post: #qanon #obamagate" Lest 27 ['BREAKING', 'MEMOS RELEASED Q DROP', 'Nasa', 'qanon', 'government', 'memo', 'media', 'Trump', 'cia', 'fbi. Deep', 'state', 'swamp', 'world', 'darkness', 'white house', 'emp', 'pizza', 'Clinton', 'Obamagate', 'Deep state q Qanon', 'death', 'an'] PT12M14S 1536 8 38 0 not set not set 2018-01-25T12:24:01.000Z g2Z37U_h4Qo UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg #QAnon on#8chan says this is why @RealDonaldTrump was Elected and What He is Going to Do "Today Q pointing us to this video, a great video for those that may have never heard POTUS45 lay it all out and boy does he, listen and share with your friends that need to know who our President is. After listening to this short video many will know him that may not before. Let me know if this video brings tears to your eyes before its over!!! #ReleaseTheMemo #FISAgate #ObamaGate #TheStormIsHere #QAnon" Lest 27 ['Qanon', 'trump', 'russia', 'clinton', 'fisa', 'surveillance', 'illegal', 'obama', 'rice', 'susan rice', 'jim jordan', 'hannity', 'donald trump', 'president', 'fusiongps', 'fusion', 'gps', 'glenn', 'simpson', 'glenn simpson', '702', 'q clearance', 'anon', 'montgomery', 'leaks', 'nsa', 'binney', 'privacy', 'congress', 'vote', 'senate', 'release the memo', 'release the document'] PT5M49S 664 1 24 2 not set not set 2018-02-06T21:19:22.000Z lawj9FQT7pk UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg Q anon 2-6-18 In today's post Q talks about Anton scalia's death again and perhaps a deal for Lois Lerner to get a supreme court position once Hillary wins the election Lest 25 ['donald trump', 'maga', 'isaac green', 'make america great again', 'the great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan qanon', '', 'greatawakening', 'who is q anon', 'jerome corsi q anon', 'q anon trump', 'trump q', 'q anon intel', 'q anon leaks', 'q anon confirmed', 'q anon psy op', 'q anon hoax', '4chan', '8chan'] PT5M44S 131 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-07T22:44:32.000Z __od7i_wtro UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg Lionel Interviews Dr Jerome Corsi on #QAnon, FBI DOJ Conspiracy, FISA Court Abuses, Feb 7, 2018 Lionel Interviews Dr. Jerome Corsi on #QAnon, FBI/DOJ Conspiracy, FISA Court Abuses, Feb. 7, 2018 Lest 25 ['donald trump', 'maga', 'isaac green', 'make america great again', 'the great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan qanon', '', 'greatawakening', 'who is q anon', 'jerome corsi q anon', 'q anon trump', 'trump q', 'q anon intel', 'q anon leaks', 'q anon confirmed', 'q anon psy op', 'q anon hoax', '4chan', '8chan', 'Dr Jerome', 'Lionel'] PT1H37S 105 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-02-09T23:38:36.000Z rhkW5GXGWvo UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg Q Anon Research Drama Club 12 9 18 Lest 25 ['donald trump', 'maga', 'isaac green', 'make america great again', 'the great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan qanon', '', 'greatawakening', 'who is q anon', 'jerome corsi q anon', 'q anon trump', 'trump q', 'q anon intel', 'q anon leaks', 'q anon confirmed', 'q anon psy op', 'q anon hoax', '4chan', '8chan'] PT8M49S 68 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-09T23:43:38.000Z gzeRIjKe_V4 UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg Jerome Corsi On QAnon Post Alleges Treason By Adam Schiff And More Lest 25 ['donald trump', 'maga', 'isaac green', 'make america great again', 'the great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan qanon', '', 'greatawakening', 'who is q anon', 'jerome corsi q anon', 'q anon trump', 'trump q', 'q anon intel', 'q anon leaks', 'q anon confirmed', 'q anon psy op', 'q anon hoax', '4chan', '8chan'] PT14M57S 98 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-03-25T22:18:32.000Z IPCn4ojdXmc UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg QAnon CLAS How to DECODE the HIDDEN MESSAGES 698 X 1280 "Qanon posts and updates are sometimes very cryptic. Should we read them literally? Metaphorically? Or maybe there's a decipher code that already exists! [CLAS] = 'Cut, Lift, And Substitute' Lately, I've been tracking the deeper levels of some of this. Some really smart guy from twitter just put together a compelling storyboard about how to read these coded messages. Graphical Logic / Existential Graph Here's the original post:" Lest 28 ['donald trump', 'maga', 'isaac green', 'make america great again', 'the great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan qanon', '', 'greatawakening', 'who is q anon', 'jerome corsi q anon', 'q anon trump', 'trump q', 'q anon intel', 'q anon leaks', 'q anon confirmed', 'q anon psy op', 'q anon hoax', '4chan', '8chan'] PT15M2S 214 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-03-31T19:09:12.000Z tqbwopG8tuE UCBYGpGktqd3slXPQxxR-oRg WHO IS Q, QANON UPDATE MARCH 31 "Org post" Lest 28 ['donald trump', 'maga', 'isaac green', 'make america great again', 'the great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'illuminati', 'qanon', '8chan qanon', '', 'greatawakening', 'who is q anon', 'jerome corsi q anon', 'q anon trump', 'trump q', 'q anon intel', 'q anon leaks', 'q anon confirmed', 'q anon psy op', 'q anon hoax', '4chan', '8chan'] PT45M13S 518 0 6 2 not set not set 2017-11-20T22:06:20.000Z T-UHHyrFrdg UCssGwoNdGQ7fD8FJ4kNM2zQ Q Clearance Anon, free will, double-slit experiment, consciousness "[Link below] What if Q Clearance Anon is telling the truth? Is exposing conspiracies a part of enlightenment? (I used the word acentotic when I meant orthogonal) Tracy Beanz reads and analyzes Q Clearance Anon: The double slit experiment.: Psychic Ivan Teller uploaded a private session with a client who asked questions about the mass arrests and financial reset. This was in Novemeberof 2016." Let's Talk Consciousness 22 ['Q Clearance Anon 4chan conspiracies consciousness unconditional love forgiveness'] PT16M26S 529 15 13 1 not set not set 2017-11-23T09:19:12.000Z vMAIQQK1v1k UCssGwoNdGQ7fD8FJ4kNM2zQ Q Clearance Anon and the Inversion of Donald Trump? "Could Donald Trump have been placed in the White House in a clever move to outmaneuver the deep state? What is Q? Because I mention sexual harassment, here is my previous video with more thoughts on harassment, trauma and what to do with it." Let's Talk Consciousness 22 ['q clearance anon', 'donald trump', 'clinton', 'forgiveness', 'unconditional love', 'consciousness', '4chan', 'sexual harrassment', 'followthewhiterabbit', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'q anon'] PT17M23S 434 26 10 3 not set not set 2017-11-26T05:08:01.000Z rHRSAqGPGe0 UCssGwoNdGQ7fD8FJ4kNM2zQ Q Clearance Anon predicted by psychic Ivan Teller? "In a August 2016 session, youtube psychic Ivan Teller took questions regarding a mass arrest of the cabal and a financial reset. Here I discuss some of the questions and answers and how they relate to Q Anon. Forgive the hissing, it stops at 59 seconds. Here is the session. I also mentioned the Son of Newo video about the political ad that strangely foreshadowed the Q plot by calling out the deep state before the election." Let's Talk Consciousness 22 ['Consciousness', 'Ascension', 'love', 'unconditional love', 'forgiveness', 'q Clearance Anon', 'q Anon', 'follow the white rabbit', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'deep state', 'cia', 'mass arrest', 'cabal', 'financial reset', 'bitcoin'] PT20M53S 1340 22 20 0 not set not set 2017-12-04T08:22:08.000Z -NLPA-Bg3mk UCssGwoNdGQ7fD8FJ4kNM2zQ Q Clearance Anon - Is North Korea Obama's Trump Card? "An informal run through of the 11/30/17 Q Anon post, consider what North Korea might be to a dethroned BHO and also, could exposing Matt Laur types be a tool to sweep the way for DJT while also being a catalyst for conscious awakening? Q Anon post on 8chan from 11/30/17" Let's Talk Consciousness 22 ['Q Clearance Anon', 'q Anon', 'consciousness', 'cia', 'deep state', 'DJT', 'north korea', 'matt laur', 'sexual harassment', 'follow the white rabbit', 'hrc', 'bho', 'drain the swamp', '#unrig', 'alliance', 'white hats'] PT18M45S 690 16 4 3 not set not set 2018-08-04T21:37:52.000Z 4p5HZkZV1gQ UCrN_8dO58-liKADBmg3xXzg Is Q (#QAnon) the Red Pill ? "Is Q (#QAnon) the Red Pill ? Who or What is Q? As an alternative source of ""What's Really Going On"" vis-a-vis the Main Stream Media (MSM) propaganda, does Q represent a path towards #TheGreatAwakening that many Patriots and Truth-Seekers are searching for, believing and following? Can we handle the Truth? Is Q the Red Pill? Here are resources to discover and understand the Q phenomena and - perhaps thereby, ""What's Really Going On"" in our world: (1) ""Q - The Plan to Save the World (Subtitles)"" and ""Q - Killing the Mockingbird"" by ""StormisUponUs"" and Perhaps the best, big-picture summary of the ""Q message and Plan"" and the great danger we face as expressed from the (to-date anonymous) Q-team.These two, 13-minute and 5-minute videos respectively, are recommended to be viewed first to grasp Q's importance and the great urgency for everyone. #WWG1WGA (2) ""Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q?"" by ""prayingmedic"" This is an excellent and straight-forward, no-nonsense journalist briefly explaining and introducing the Q (or QAnon) phenomenon. (3) An excellent onging updated source for all things Q by many brave Patriots. Please note especially the in-depth and insightful posts on this board from the Reddit anonymous user, Serialbrain2 (There are many youtube and other sources of videos about Serialbrain2's widely respected insights). (4) - Here please find all of the up-to-date, QAnon posts. Across the internet, there are many high-quality sources to help understand and decode the content of the abbreviated, military-intelligence style language of #QAnon. Two favorites are: (prayingmedic's youtube channel: and website: ) and (Jordan's youtube channel: ). Music and Graphics Resources: (1) ""Stars"" from Les Miserables by Sean and Scott Holshouser from (2) ""Do You Hear the People Sing"" from Les Miserables by Treorchy Male Choir from (3) ""Les Mis - Do You Hear the People Sing"" from Les Miserables by Baldwin-Wallace College Musical Theatre students from (4) Q-cards - The beautiful cards were made by an anonymous Artist(s?) to help synthesise while quickly and visually explaining some of the many subjects shared in the over 1800 #Qanon posts to date. Find much more at and Please note - This video was created and published unlisted for friends and family in March, 2018 and publicly in August by lgflower. There are 120+ Q-cards - at least 10 more than included here." lgflower 25 ['QAnon', 'The Great Awakening', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'Justice', 'Democrats', 'Republicans', '#TheGreatAwakening', 'Red Pill', 'Patriot', 'Q cards', 'America', 'Truth', 'Fake News', 'Seth Rich', 'Treason', 'Deep State', 'Marines', 'Donald Trump', 'Snowden', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Hoax', 'False Flag', 'JFK', '911', 'Wikileaks', 'Assange', 'Censorship', 'Communism', 'Clinton', 'Obama', 'FBI', 'Matrix', 'Russia', 'Mueller', 'Investigation', 'Drain the Swamp', 'Hope', 'Change', 'Hillary', 'JFK Jr.', 'Blue pill', '#QAnon', '#WalkAway', 'JFK Assassination', 'Who is Q?', 'Who is QAnon?', 'Antifa', 'Fox News'] PT6M35S 9535 37 118 41 not set not set 2017-12-25T23:46:13.000Z p0ckjz8-9jU UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ A Q Christmas? #QAnon #MAGA #thestorm #happening | Lift the Veil "reallygraceful: Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'q 4chan', 'qanon', 'maga', 'executive order', 'donald trump', 'christmas', 'the storm'] PT2H1S 3479 26 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-02T23:26:53.000Z jeSfDOvSg10 UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Q Identity Revealed #QAnon #TheStorm | Lift the Veil "Something very interesting happened last night when a YouTuber revealed that the entire Q story was developed from the beginning by the people behind the Cicada puzzle. What does that mean? Taking calls. Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'defango', 'tracy beanz', 'roy potter', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'thestorm'] PT3H14M55S 12255 182 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T05:46:53.000Z 4ShccR6byn4 UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Q: Monty McGovern? #QAnon #CBTS | Lift the Veil "Defango made the claim that Q was a college professor named Monty McGovern. A listener sent me some research that add doubt to that claim. Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'defango', 'monty mcgovern', 'qanon', 'cicada'] PT11M31S 2150 38 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T23:39:50.000Z SvHUvOTyY40 UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ The Solutions Show: Q Controversy, Iran, Bomb Cyclone #QAnon #CBTS | Lift the Veil w/ Guests "Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'last american vagabond', 'titus frost', 'dean fougere', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'bomb cyclone'] PT1H42M9S 3025 37 136 21 not set not set 2018-01-08T23:36:10.000Z uJBmW2rEIwc UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Q Update: Roy Potter, "B", SGTReport, April LaJune, Tracy Beanz #QAnon #CBTS | Lift the Veil "The Keepers ""Cribs"" video: Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'roy potter', 'qanon', '8chan', 'tracy beanz', 'april lajune', 'sgtreport'] PT1H33M37S 14013 229 253 91 not set not set 2018-01-10T22:21:33.000Z VPomKEL0liQ UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Why Q? Anatomy of a Psyop #QAnon #CBTS | Lift the Veil "Follow me on Steemit: Sign up for Binance to trade crypto: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'conspiracy', 'psyop', 'jordan sather', 'tracy beanz', 'roy potter', 'cbts', 'the storm'] PT42M35S 5328 149 205 57 not set not set 2018-01-12T23:05:26.000Z QGWf0qXIS5s UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ A Time for Q-Unity #QAnon #CBTS | Lift the Veil "Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'tracy beanz', 'jordan sather', 'roy potter', 'sgtreport', 'q 8chan', 'q 4chan'] PT26M53S 2724 85 134 19 not set not set 2018-01-15T23:18:38.000Z 2jf5n5tfz6c UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Twitter Sees Your Dick Pics, Hawaii ICBM "Drill", "Shithole", #QAnon | Lift the Veil "Twitter, Project Veritas, Hawaii ICBM, QAnon, shithole. Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 "['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'twitter project veritas', 'project veritas twitter', ""james o'keefe"", 'shithole', 'donald trump', 'jeff flake', 'hawaii icbm', 'hawaii missile', 'qanon', 'sgtreport', 'trump', 'trump shithole']" PT1H41M1S 3195 67 140 26 not set not set 2018-04-03T17:58:28.000Z -rE1SNDl3-M UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Dr. Jerome Corsi / #QAnon Email Mystery "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'roy potter', 'defango', 'unirock', 'jerome corsi', 'jerome corsi q', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'denise matteau'] PT58M4S 5380 96 142 36 not set not set 2018-05-06T00:41:20.000Z Zb4Gyb4XE2Q UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ The Q-pocalypse - Jerome Corsi, UNIRock, Defango #QAnon "T-shirts: UNIRock: Titus Frost: Defango: Random Rants of Ryan: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'qanon', 'q 8chan', 'jerome corsi q', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'unirock', 'defango', 'titus frost', 'defango q', 'defango qanon', 'cicada3301'] PT28M20S 45528 1076 1013 469 not set not set 2018-05-10T22:14:04.000Z y1mFc3KD4hA UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ "'Q' is fake" - "Baker" Comes Clean #QAnon #CBTS "T-shirts: Text of e-mail: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'qanon corsi', 'cicada 3301', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8chan'] PT23M19S 38392 1260 663 631 not set not set 2018-05-11T19:05:57.000Z 7zEEtkZ3_DA UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ "Stick a Fork in...#QAnon" - Alex Jones w/ Jerome Corsi "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'alex jones qanon', 'jerome corsi q', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'qanon alex jones'] PT22M8S 32428 772 570 339 not set not set 2018-05-11T23:40:05.000Z -qnNgU9EUDw UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Jerome Corsi, CIA Asset? CIA Recruit Calls In #QAnon "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'jerome corsi', 'jerome corsi q', 'jerome corsi exposed', 'jerome corsi cia', 'qanon'] PT1H7M42S 18235 480 443 110 not set not set 2018-05-12T22:51:08.000Z 23NuPoJYU3c UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Baruch the Scribe w/ Lift the Veil #QAnon #8chan "T-shirts: Entire show on Twitch: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'baruch the scribe', 'baruch the scribe 8chan', 'baruch the scribe lift the veil', 'lift the veil baruch the scribe', '#qanon', 'qanon', 'baruch qanon', '8chan', 'baruch the scribe qanon'] PT1H14M42S 14247 418 450 77 not set not set 2018-05-18T02:34:03.000Z fV6Qf-VTJiw UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ #QAnon: Tracy Beanz Responds & Pamphlet Slips Up? "Tracy Beanz Steemit post: T-shirts: Beanz / Corsi Interview: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'lift the veil qanon', 'lift the veil q', 'tracy beanz', 'tracy beanz qanon', 'qanon', 'jerome corsi q', 'jerome corsi', '8chan', 'qanon debunked'] PT47M46S 34723 851 657 393 not set not set 2018-05-19T23:12:46.000Z r46JiFOFW4w UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ The Other Side of #QAnon #GreatAwakening "UNIRock episode: Blackstone Intelligence: T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', '#Qanon', 'qanon corsi', 'lift the veil qanon', 'jake morphonios', 'unirock', 'blackstone intelligence'] PT24M20S 8421 377 523 70 not set not set 2018-05-21T21:22:21.000Z o7lzC04UoUk UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ #QAnon: The Same Old Scam #GreatAwakening "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: ""Mass Arrests"" video link: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'lift the veil qanon', 'qanon', 'qanon fake', 'pamphlet', 'unirock', 'benjamin fulford', 'david wilcock'] PT13M9S 9801 324 385 69 not set not set 2018-05-22T00:15:00.000Z MkfFrokIwlM UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ #QAnon: Insiders Speak Out "Isaac Green video: UNIRock interviews: T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'qanon', 'unirock', 'isaac green', 'anti school', 'unirock qanon', 'anti school qanon'] PT20M15S 9631 305 443 84 not set not set 2018-05-23T22:32:19.000Z N-LZini9JqI UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ #QAnon: "It's Dividing the Base" "T-shirts: Whistleblower email: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'tracy beanz', 'isaac green', 'roy potter', 'baruch', 'tracy beanz qanon', 'lift the veil qanon', 'qanon', 'qanon corsi'] PT30M22S 8532 435 365 78 not set not set 2018-05-25T21:52:41.000Z YjmPYq8DLhc UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Trump's Israeli Psyop Group #QAnon "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Ross Madden - Jordan Sather vid: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'qanon', 'lift the veil qanon', 'jordan sather qanon', 'jordan sather', 'psygroup', 'donald trump', 'cambridge analytica'] PT25M 14769 581 564 149 not set not set 2018-05-29T22:08:22.000Z 3PBhHLJuzGQ UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ The White Rabbit Speaks - #QAnon, Cicada 3301 "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'white rabbit', 'lift the veil qanon', 'the white rabbit', 'qanon'] PT1H16M17S 9570 207 256 76 not set not set 2018-07-08T23:59:06.000Z MJ6WCjgZ0CI UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Q: Let's Talk #QAnon #WhoIsQ "T-shirts: Follow on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'qanon', 'lee stranahan', 'sgtreport', 'activist-news', 'unirock', 'jordan sather', 'who is q', 'who is qanon'] PT1H49M53S 9503 178 300 94 not set not set 2018-07-25T01:45:13.000Z DLMzf1pp6bg UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ The Dam Is Breaking - Hollywood Pedos Exposed #Pedogate #Pizzagate #QAnon "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'qanon', 'tom hanks', 'sarah ruth ashcraft tom hanks', 'sarah ruth ashcraft', 'isaac kappy', 'nxivm', 'rainn wilson'] PT2H9M12S 46356 590 1150 152 not set not set 2018-07-26T02:11:41.000Z KG9vDDms4tM UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Sarah Ruth Ashcraft / Tom Hanks - What To Believe? #Pedogate #Pizzagate #QAnon "0hour1 video: T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Trade crypto on Binance: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'sarah ruth ashcraft', 'sarah ruth ashcraft tom hanks', 'tom hanks', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon'] PT1H30M55S 88399 1124 1591 233 not set not set 2018-09-17T23:45:22.000Z anATAuWq_kU UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ What Happened to Bill Smith? #QAnon "T-shirts: Support LtV: Follow me on Twitch: Twitter: Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87 Contact:" Lift the Veil 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'bill smith', 'unirock', 'unirocktv', 'unirock2', 'qanon', 'bill smith qanon', 'bill smith missing'] PT59M16S 28987 557 1061 101 not set not set 2017-11-18T03:20:28.000Z tYGdTygP8oY UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg The Storm & the Rothschilds: "Q" Foreshadows Helicopter Crash #QAnon #4chan | Lift the Veil "Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', '4chan', 'lynn de rothschild', 'rothschild', 'helicopter crash', 'rothschild helicopter crash', 'crash', 'the storm', 'storm'] PT12M43S 38964 186 632 33 not set not set 2017-11-22T23:21:53.000Z ADLR0ENybX0 UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Steve Outtrim w/ Lift the Veil | Q, The Storm, Bitcoin #MAGA "Link for Etherical pre-ICO fund: Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'storm', 'donald trump', 'maga', '4chan', 'q 4chan', 'charles manson', 'manson', 'steve outtrim', 'bitcoin', 'crypto'] PT1H39M 2878 15 116 12 not set not set 2017-11-26T22:51:33.000Z JfzAI4MW2QY UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Q & Donald Trump Won't Save Us | Lift the Veil #QAnon #MAGA "Destroying the Illusion video: With John Conyers, Donald Trump, Mike Cernovich, Nancy Pelosi and Q. Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'q posts', 'q 4chan', 'donald trump', 'donald trump q', 'john conyers', 'mike cernovich', 'nancy pelosi', '4chan'] PT1H15M53S 4309 69 127 41 not set not set 2017-11-27T23:23:29.000Z mJt_6p1nW9g UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, Robert David Steele: New Age Scam Artists | Lift the Veil #QAnon "Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, Robert David Steele, David Seaman, Defango, April Lajune, Hal Turner. Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'benjamin fulford', 'fake', 'david wilcock', 'robert david steele', 'rds', 'david seaman', 'april lajune', 'hal turner', 'qanon', '4chan'] PT23M54S 45249 507 972 259 not set not set 2017-11-29T01:19:57.000Z G695YL_aSag UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Q, "Drain the Swamp", Puzzles & The Network | Lift the Veil #QAnon #MAGA "Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'drain the swamp', 'donald trump', 'maga', 'q anon', 'q 4chan', '4chan', 'arg', 'puzzle', 'tracy beanz', 'robert david steele', 'defango'] PT1H59M50S 4440 78 162 18 not set not set 2017-11-30T22:43:05.000Z VkCsnFOIZtQ UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg You're Being Gaslighted About Donald Trump - #QAnon, Lauer, Conyers, Pompeo | Lift the Veil #4chan "#WeDoNotConsent Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'donald trump', 'trump', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'q 4chan', 'jordan sather', 'pompeo', 'tillerson', 'matt lauer', 'robert david steele', 'maga'] PT1H7M11S 10562 200 194 89 not set not set 2017-12-01T23:13:36.000Z E4_M1LnZxnI UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg "The Storm" Begins? Michael Flynn Indictment, Jared Kushner, Israel | Lift the Veil #QAnon "Lift the Veil Store: Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'michael flynn indictment', 'michael flynn', 'donald trump', 'jared kushner', 'indictment', 'logan act', 'qanon', 'the storm'] PT1H25M13S 3941 37 107 22 not set not set 2017-12-03T22:18:31.000Z 2a6FYWKhyiQ UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Why Q is Dangerous #QAnon #4chan #MAGA | Lift the Veil "Jordan Sather interview with Michael Trimm: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'q clearance patriot', 'q 4chan', 'destroy the illusion', 'jordan sather', 'jordan sather q', '4chan'] PT22M11S 7073 119 151 73 not set not set 2017-12-05T03:49:09.000Z E5YhLwk_6Yo UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Trump To Declare Martial Law: Benjamin Fulford + Q, Flynn, Mueller, Strzok | Lift the Veil "Live shows on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Archived episodes: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'donald trump', 'martial law', 'benjamin fulford', 'roy potter', 'flynn', 'mueller', 'strzok', 'maga', 'qanon', '4chan', 'michael flynn'] PT24M4S 107256 427 1376 187 not set not set 2017-12-11T23:08:39.000Z NBPZppqSXFs UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Is it #Happening? The Storm & Q #QAnon #MAGA | Lift the Veil "Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'the storm', 'donald trump', 'israel', 'roy potter', 'jordan sather', 'tracy beanz', 'april lajune', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'qanon', 'q 4chan'] PT1H25M49S 8824 165 199 66 not set not set 2017-12-15T22:52:44.000Z ho5Xj010YNk UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg Who is "Q"? #QAnon | Lift the Veil "I have an idea who Q is. Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'q 4chan', 'dave acton', 'dave sweigert', 'george webb', 'jason goodman', 'tracy beanz', 'defango', 'intel valor', 'followthewhiterabbit'] PT46M26S 7151 139 245 41 not set not set 2018-04-06T00:54:54.000Z ZMg5H0UifDY UCLejPNoISsI5TeoIm7gOGxg #QAnon w/ Douglas Gabriel of American Intelligence Media "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Steemit: Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Bitcoin: 1NiiVahTsLSPs4csAYbzYngCnts8pnraKX LiteCoin: LYCfQ5cxnSYmizyGaYEC5eAzvaZF9NrcXK Ethereum: 0xc7dDbb55e06EEFaAd1ceb721954159cf7D8C9A87" Lift the Veil LIVE 24 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'thomas paine', 'thomas paine aim', 'american intelligence media', 'douglas gabriel american intelligence media', 'douglas gabriel', 'qanon'] PT3H25M38S 33063 682 1772 196 not set not set 2018-05-28T23:26:32.000Z BbocJaBR3F8 UC_zyu5jMtsJrx4xY3NgSO6A Julian Assange is #QAnon? 6-11-2018 #TruthMatters "T-shirts: Follow me on Twitch: Bill Smith video: Caitlin Johnstone article: Suzie Dawson Q thread: Follow me on Steemit: Free archive on podcast: ""Lift the Veil"" on iTunes Subscribe to my newsletter: Support LtV:" Lift the Veil Too 25 ['lift the veil', 'nathan stolpman', 'qanon', 'lift the veil qanon', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange qanon', 'backchannel17', 'bill smith'] PT15M22S 4258 52 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-29T08:30:02.000Z a-YNWZN85D0 UCUGtuhLxxZn0sQ_4_zkkKyA Mark Passio on QAnon, Voting, the Global Awakening & the Great Plan "Derrick Broze sits down with Mark Passio to discuss the return of his podcast, the upcoming elections, psyops like #QAnon, moving out of the United States, and much, much more. If you care to know my own esoteric information regarding these situations, which i havnt yet discussed on my channel, see my full written article/books ""Shocking Occult Secrets of Qanon: Top Government Ai Programs"" The Trump Card: All the World's Staged, False Flag Sacrifice Numerology"" Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall and Our Redemption"" Assassination Nation: Decoding the Cabal's Civil War MK UltraViolent ""Ritual Cleansing"" The Coming Engineered Race War: Symbolic News Through Esoteric Eyes Mirrored from Conscious Resistance as found within the PUBLIC DOMAIN UNDER CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE! Find Mark's work at The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. Find more videos like this at: you can support Derrick here: for more of Lifting The Veil's content: Make sure to like, subscribe and hit the bell notifications button for full films and more videos! My video Playlists! My Science and Breakaway Technology Playlist! my Documentaries, Presentations and Films playlist! My Health and Nutrition series Playlist! my Interviews and Shows playlist LIVE broadcasts, Webinars and Events! understanding symbolic language full video playlist! see my full ""Symbols of Power"" Linguistic Occult Symbolism film series for so much more. My Government and Conspiracy playlist! All Lifting The Veil's videos @Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media. All of my full video presentations and articles can be found at for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more! SEE YOU SOON! MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND WISDOM!" LIFTING THE VEIL 27 ['Mark passio', 'Lifting The Veil', 'Qanon', 'Satire', 'metoo', 'election', 'awakening', 'spirituality', 'consciousness', 'occult', 'hermeticism', 'gnosticism', 'anarchy', 'anarchism', 'ufo', 'natural law', 'sovereignty', 'spiritual', 'illuminati', 'disclosure', 'aliens', 'end times', 'bright insight', 'david wilcock', 'gaia tv', 'facebook', 'youtube', 'ascension', 'tarot', 'astrology', 'knowledge'] PT34M29S 5557 98 238 20 not set not set 2018-01-29T11:22:24.000Z 94z-TsOjW6Q UCofOl1A4CZdIi52NjXnriLA Lightwear Podcast 003 - Artificial Intelligence, SpaceX, Q Anon, Pizzagate, Trump "The Third Installment Of The Lightwear Apparel Podcast. The host Aaron Kapwon gives a run down of interesting things that happened in 2017 including A.I, False flags, Q Anon, Syria, Israel, Russia, Pizzagate, Trump, Politics, The occult and much more." LightwearApparel 22 ['Illuminati', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'David Icke', 'Alex Jones', 'Conversation', 'Commentary', 'News', 'Fake news', 'reptilians', '911', '7/7', 'false flags', 'kapwon', '2017', '2018', 'lightwear', 'lightwear apparel', 'sept 11', 'aliens', 'ufos', 'the occult', 'knowledge', 'is', 'power', 'egypt', 'annunaki'] PT1H17M51S 543 6 73 2 not set not set 2017-12-28T01:07:13.000Z m05twwzESuw UCT3O3bPj85CBWabotkBfBFA Q ANON | WILD CARD | MILITARY INTELLIGENCE+EO=? "Lily ties in her own investigations with this new wild card – the new Executive Order. Lily exposes the true Russian Collusion with the Deep State. Through the power of YOUR OWN intelligence, you too can connect the dots and arrive at what is unfolding and the revelation it brings. (Thank you for your support, please contribute via PayPal on website above, greatly appreciated!)" Lily Kolosova 22 ['gnosis', 'shift', 'purge', 'Q ANON', 'trump', 'executive order', 'white hats', 'warrior code', 'human trafficking', 'human rights violations', 'Deep State', 'military tribunals', 'draning the swamp', 'MAGA', 'truth', 'awakening', 'revelation', 'magnitsky', '#TheStorm', 'The storm'] PT27M26S 5131 24 97 4 not set not set 2018-03-27T15:18:34.000Z ztIwZEle2yc UCG8ggcUmXgIUC6lF7wFrcuA Qannon Exposed as Psyop!! - Thomas Paine drops da Q h-bomb #TYLER #TEAMTYLER "Betsy and Thomas reveal the psyop cyber battle for the original Q’s network lines and expose the FAKE Q now running a disinformation campaign against patriots. Even if you are a die-hard Q fan, you will want to listen to the intel the Conclave has uncovered on Q. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. We will keep spreading the message about our emancipation, no matter what they do to shut us up..Support us in anyway you can. No matter how small or big. Our paypal account: Donate to keep us up. We need you to keep the fire of truth burning. Google/Youtube can't shut us all down..""The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing""- Edmund Burke" Lionsville 25 ['Deep State Take Down'] PT34M26S 480 7 12 8 not set not set 2018-05-01T12:16:42.000Z t0Cg3PfxwOM UCG8ggcUmXgIUC6lF7wFrcuA Breaking With Q - Manhattan Project For Iran Was In Iran UAE "The Big 'Alley Cat' Journalist George Webb and Task-force are back with more deep dives into the Deep State's Methods and Mechanics.- This time its about the latest Q-drop about Syria having uranium spinning facilities and according George, Q is widely wrong about that... Type ""George Webb Awan Contra"" in youtube search for dozens of stories. Subscribe to George Webb Youtube Channel and get tomorrows news today. We do not exaggerate. The top political news of today were headlined on George Webb's Channel a year ago. Here in Lionsville we question everything and we have no sacred cows! In the search for the truth about our wretched existence and current predicament, we take no prisoners. After-all its obvious that we have been lied to at every turn, by the very people we've chosen to trust. We will keep spreading the message about new frontiers of knowledge and the human emancipation, no matter what..Support us in anyway you can. No matter how big or small. Our paypal account: Please donate to keep us up & running. Follow us on twitter: Lionsville@OgoIgnatius We need you to keep the fire of truth burning...""The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing""- Edmund Burke" Lionsville 25 ['Deep State Take Down'] PT20M53S 422 12 24 5 not set not set 2018-09-07T05:06:02.000Z -gn30p3luNA UC0ac9wAdelSnkta_sTO5f5g Latest Q posts. THE WORLD IS CHANGING. This is called PANIC!!! Conspiracy no more. "Reading and research of latest Q drops. The world is changing. This is called panic. Conspiracy no more. Making some sense out of attacks from ""MAGA"" on Q. More outing of Mr. Jerome Corsi. Quote from Rockefeller turned white hat.. Like Subscribe COMMENT. WWG1WGA!! This video will get Trump elected link:" Liontoad Channel 22 ['Q Anon', 'Latest Q Posts', 'Q Drops', 'WWG1WGA', 'The Great Awakening', 'Patriots Fight', 'Conspiracy no more', 'MAGA', 'KAG', 'Q proofs', 'Q news'] PT23M59S 51 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-28T03:04:10.000Z 9E8WuiZfyjA UCpPh2Qq4EOmgNyaLq1SkFmw STEVE PIECZENIK SECRETS OF THE STORM QANON "i don't own this archival purposes under fair use" Liquid Affairs Operations 22 ['steve', 'piecenik', 'alex', 'jones', 'owen', 'shroyer', 'infowars', 'war', 'room', 'the', 'storm', 'secrets', 'qanon', 'explained', 'decoded', 'anon', '#qanon'] PT28M53S 1035 0 24 1 not set not set 2018-02-28T03:33:35.000Z M6H0gEE0fO4 UCpPh2Qq4EOmgNyaLq1SkFmw Q Anon Confirmed by Former Military Intelligence Zach on InfoWars "12/22/17 i don't own this archived under fair use keep up with ""Q"" drops" Liquid Affairs Operations 22 ['infowars', 'zach', 'confirms', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'confirmed', 'the', 'storm', 'great', 'awakening', 'alex', 'jones', 'military', 'intelligence', 'real', 'is'] PT16M55S 26 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-04-17T11:51:35.000Z F7IZJhygTmE UCFza7R6phDPXLqflWDLADPA Kevin Shipp on Q Anon "POSTED IN 2017 ... KEVIN SHIPP IS A DISTRACTING PSYOP! That is why he is not dead. YOU RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN - SEE All The Cabal Is Accomplishing. Full interview can be found at: Kevin Shipp – Clinton Charity Crime Syndicate Nexus of Everything" Lisa Rosch 22 ['Kevin Shipp', 'Q-Anon', 'Dark Net'] PT2M26S 3028 0 46 4 not set not set 2017-12-14T20:35:48.000Z aWcQ80mBDPY UCDpP7B8jMbbCJFIM8w7xyEg Project Q: A Documentary littlewonderland 22 not set PT1H40M50S 366 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-07-28T21:46:19.000Z ryuMiF7tFM4 UCUVXplI3SQPouiWy_hVp3jA PROOF- TRUMP IS A RAPIST/PEDOPHILE isaac kappy and sarah ashcraft are frauds, and here is what few people will tell you, Lively LOCKSMITH 2 25 ['jeffreyepstein', 'lolitaexpress', 'trump', 'pedophile', 'pizzagate', 'qanon'] PT6M50S 607 14 12 12 not set not set 2018-08-02T01:19:51.000Z 9uzyZ_PkFD4 UCUVXplI3SQPouiWy_hVp3jA #QAnon Hits every News Outlet In An Orchestrated Circulation "all repeating the same script, that Q followers are a ""deranged, dangerous cult""" Lively LOCKSMITH 2 22 not set PT3M9S 102 4 7 0 not set not set 2017-11-27T04:21:32.000Z RrNxE2VJcDI UCL5QWloOWiD_H6nc_05PHBA LizMagaPillQ President Trump legitimizes Q anon and chid sex trafficking by retweeting a link to @MAGAPILL's site: Liz Crokin 25 ['pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'Qanon', 'FollowtheWhiteRabbit', 'Childsextrafficking', 'sextrafficking', 'PresidentTrump', 'Trump', '4chan', 'MagaPill', 'HillaryClinton', 'Clinton', 'CintonCabal', 'Satanism', 'Pedophiles', 'Elite', 'Occult'] PT15M28S 20008 201 952 37 not set not set 2018-03-13T22:07:19.000Z jEzDUcnI-bM UCL5QWloOWiD_H6nc_05PHBA LizCrokinupdtateMarch11 Liz Crokin's unedited show that ran on Liberty One TV discussing Q Anon, spirit cooking, Chrissy Teigen's strange video from Hong Kong claiming her credit cards don't work and the Deep State's desperate attempt to get ahead of the Hillary Clinton and other damning tape(s) that should be leaked eventually. Liz Crokin 25 ['Chrissy Teigen', 'Spirit Cooking', 'QAnon', 'Great Awakening', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Hillary Clinton', 'HRC Tape', 'Deep State', 'The Storm', 'Follow the white rabbit', 'President Trump', 'Project Mockingbird', 'Operation Paperclip', 'Project Monarch', 'MKUltra', 'The Great Awakening', 'MAGA'] PT28M23S 38408 676 2318 41 not set not set 2018-03-10T01:40:58.000Z tsG5i6sEjwg UCeI2dCZRk9knPiE1qSzcNPQ ----DAILY Q NEWS--- Update - Q Post March 9 2018-- Read Out and Visual A Read out and visual with opinions, Facts, and Research. Thank you patriots! Lo-Key Anon 22 not set PT10M48S 106 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-03-11T01:31:38.000Z 03jFM2X-GsA UCeI2dCZRk9knPiE1qSzcNPQ DAILY Q NEWS -- MERkEL IS THE DAUGHTER OF HITLER- Q Post 906 - 931 March 10 2018 A Read out, Visual, Research, and Analysis of Q Post 906 - 931 March 10 2018. Merkel is Hitlers Daughter!!! Lo-Key Anon 22 not set PT33M22S 10748 57 122 9 not set not set 2018-03-14T06:57:10.000Z rJrsB0jHzto UCeI2dCZRk9knPiE1qSzcNPQ DAILY Q NEWS-- Match 13 2018 -- Q anon Future prooves Past Russian Spy Connection w Tillerson "Q post about Tillerson in Kenya on OB birth Records. Falls ill for 3 days canceling events. Russian Spy attack in UK. 2 Plane crashes in Russia in 3 weeks. May's theaten Cyber Attack. Tillerson let go. THE POSSIBLE CONNECTION. TY PATRIOTS & Q FYTURE PROVES PAST RECAP" Lo-Key Anon 22 not set PT13M52S 258 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-03-16T20:06:14.000Z D_LwQNgCX2Q UCeI2dCZRk9knPiE1qSzcNPQ How to Understand and Explain Q anon and the Storm Summary The way to explain to family and friends what Q is and what he is doing to wake We the People up. And the process at witch he works. Thank you PATRIOTS Lo-Key Anon 22 not set PT10M39S 234 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-03-21T04:33:43.000Z 0PPlQW7lK7A UCeI2dCZRk9knPiE1qSzcNPQ -- DAILY Q NEWS - Q anon post March 20 2018 - A look at HIGH PROFILE Suspicious DEATHs of MARCH 2018 Q says to keep up with suspicious deaths of Scientist, Politicians, and High Profile people. We lost a great Scientist of our time in Stephen Hawkings but who else dies the same day that isnt on the main stream media. Plz like! Thank you PATRIOTS Lo-Key Anon 22 not set PT14M22S 1307 7 29 1 not set not set 2018-09-10T20:52:34.000Z MzXPqp7cdb8 UCzZNEhxe5qZxeV9elM5q3Og Q Anon vs Alex Jones: It's A Big Psyop "Follow me on Minds: Follow me on Gab: Follow me on Bitchute:" LoneWolfOne 22 ['Rants', 'Blogs', 'Vlogs', 'Conspiracies', 'Truth', 'News', 'History', 'Life', 'Social', 'Q Anon', 'Alex Jones', 'QAnon', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'Zionists', 'Jews', 'Mossad', 'Israeli lobby', 'Psyop', 'Lies', 'Propaganda', 'cointelpro'] PT10M19S 434 36 13 6 not set not set 2018-06-15T03:18:31.000Z f8PyLVSBi_k UCSCAbTZtoRhwROYzaPP8hNw One More Chance, Jew Bastards LSC, Q Anon, USSS, CIA Lord Steven Christ's Mercury 22 not set PT4M53S 71 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-24T00:09:20.000Z jhnzcqrSIcA UCSCAbTZtoRhwROYzaPP8hNw Think Shell Shock! Lord Steven Christ's Concave Earth, Q Anon Lord Steven Christ's Mercury 23 not set PT32S 189 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-09T14:45:20.000Z 1m547R4nBqM UCSCAbTZtoRhwROYzaPP8hNw 74 Jesus/Lucifer Q ANON: STEVEN JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER there will be no world war 3 due to the global cataclysm when the sun stops in the sky and the ice mantel of supercold condensation unfurls like a scroll. Lord Steven Christ's Mercury 28 not set PT5M16S 189 3 3 2 not set not set 2018-07-25T00:31:59.000Z jGjgj0wsdUA UCF7PWQg3urTcqmJSRIRwI1A ATTN Q Anon, 7 Day Deadline to THE DROP - Lord Steven Christ's Concave Earth Everything else you've done up to this point is WORTHLESS if you don't acknowledge the Lord. Lord Steven Christ's Venus 27 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q anon update', 'q anon latest'] PT1M32S 33 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-07T18:32:17.000Z aDszR3GoCpg UCseCPCfaucvoxpxrqFoRtPw Is QAnon a Distraction? "LOC Roundtable #4 part 2 Is QAnon a distraction? Since Q has come on to the scene at the end of 2017 he/she/they have grabbed the collective attention of the truther community with cryptic messages pointing towards the mass arrests of the criminal elites who have been pillaging the world for centuries. Q has said that Trump is working for the people to free them and bring these criminals to justice, yet we still wait patiently for these arrests. Is Q wasting our time or is Q revealing how timing is everything when it comes to rounding up this dark force? Each of us must decide for ourselves. Thank you to Josh Lawrence and Nick Irvin who joined me for this discussion." Lords of Consciousness 1 ['QAnon', 'mass-arrests', 'criminal-cabal', 'illuminati'] PT13M55S 787 15 11 1 not set not set 2017-12-21T23:20:09.000Z a1SzAHemYgU UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Trump Declares War on Pedophiles More Q posts on ATL shutdown, Amtrak derailment (was it a government plot?), Alabama Election answers, Trump's Human Rights Exec Order targets Pedophiles. They're going DOWN! Thanks for watching and praying! Please like and share this video. Thanks Lori Colley 25 ['Amtrak Derailment', 'Qanon', 'ATL shutdown', 'Exec order to end Human trafficking'] PT13M42S 519 1 9 1 not set not set 2017-12-30T23:27:11.000Z UX9FwpBNwUo UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Must Have Key Info from Q - Part I "A short summary of the most important information from someone just steps away from Pres. Trump. Who makes up the Deep State/Cabal and who do they worship and serve? What's up with the pedophile images and the recent resignations? This is part one of two. Thanks for watching! Pray for America and our President. NOTE NOTE NOTE- The people in the picture above are not the pedophiles--that we know of. Podesta brother who is the artist is Alex (not Brian). Sorry for the mistake! smart sheet: Infowars video of George Soros: Q posts and answer sheet;" Lori Colley 25 ['Pedophiles in DC', 'Podesta pedophile art', 'QAnon', 'Q posts'] PT13M26S 344 1 8 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T05:33:21.000Z 0ZBlw0hTlQE UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Q info verified by FBI Analyst! "An anonymous FBI Analyst on 4Chan verifies much of what were told by Q! Clinton Foundation is spider's web of massive connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people. HRC trafficked in children while Sec. of State, entire US gov't guilty of treason, Orlando gay bar shooting was CIA, Soros at the heart of it all. Past proves future. Remember this thread when the truth is revealed! compilation of original posts:" Lori Colley 25 ['Qanon', 'Down the Rabbit Hole', 'Clinton Foundation', 'The Storm', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate'] PT18M35S 254 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T00:23:34.000Z ekmXUL0jAA8 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Latest Q Posts - Trump Speech Unlocks Past, Future "Have you ever wondered where to start with all the Q posts? I think Q’s messages from the past few days, including a link to what’s probably Trump’s most powerful campaign speech is the key to unlock the essence of what is about to happen. Thanks for watching and praying! If you'd be so kind to leave a comment, like and subscribe--you're awesome! Trump Video explains his mission: Mark Taylor prophecy" Lori Colley 25 ['Latest Q Posts', 'Trump Speech', 'Trump Prophecy', 'FBI Texts', 'Srzok Page'] PT32M4S 803 8 20 2 not set not set 2018-01-27T23:22:58.000Z YLJr_uI0l_U UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Blockbuster info: Saturday 1/27 Latest Q Posts "Saturday's Q Posts thoroughly explained: Dopey Prince, Upcoming State of the Union Address, Edward Snowden (good guy or not?), Evil CFR, Sean Hannity's suspended Twitter account, plus military video Q linked to, and a prayer for POTUS and our country at the end. Do you have any updates? Post your comments below. Thank you all for watching! Catch up on previous Q posts: Evidence of FBI Secret Society: Latest on Release the Memo: Conspiracy to Assassinate Trump? Military video posted by Q:" Lori Colley 25 ['Q Posts Saturday 1/27', 'Latest Q Posts', 'CRF', 'State of the Union Address', 'Edward Snowden', 'Sean Hannity Twitter'] PT38M56S 977 5 19 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T07:23:43.000Z j2k-jWzY5qw UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q, Train Wreck, Helicopter Crash, Freedom Day "Q Drops from late Wednesday, early Thursday February 1 concerning the train wreck, helicopter crash, Adam Schiff, the lies in order to shutdown the memo before it gets out, Trey Gowdy's new role, a kinky hotel where black hats discussed a possible way to get rid of POTUS, and the new Executive Order regarding Gitmo! Thanks for watching! Please leave your comments below." Lori Colley 25 ['New Q Posts', 'Train Wreck', 'Helicopter Crash', 'Freedom Day', 'Gitmo Executive Order', 'Activation Code'] PT31M6S 343 1 9 0 not set not set 2018-02-07T02:49:17.000Z CF1ikFJSp6A UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Q Posts Plus Dilley Intel on Sedition and Other Crimes "This is a very special edition where I am featuring the latest Q posts (Feb 5, 6) and a new second source of intel from Brenden Dilley. We’re are going to look at the stock market roller coaster plus how Adam Schiff, Valerie Jarret and members of the Black caucus may be dangerously close to committing sedition. NOTE: MB is Muslim Brotherhood CORRECTION: ELECTION RESULTS ACCORDING TO COOK, Trump lost popular vote by 2.8 million. Thanks for watching and praying! Please leave your comments below." Lori Colley 25 ['Stock Market Dive', 'Brenden Dilley Intel Source', 'Adam Schiff sedition?', 'FISA memo'] PT29M58S 2781 15 55 1 not set not set 2018-02-08T06:17:01.000Z uJHX0BCDp6o UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Q Post Shows Shanghai Arrest in "Real Time" Wed. Feb 7 "Wednesday feb 7 was another big day for Q drops. The highlight was an arrest Q shared with us in real time, and we have today’s headlines: the Clintons Controlled Obama according to FBI Informant, and the latest batch of FBI Texts Show Obama Lied about the Clinton email investigation. Please leave your comments below. Thank you for watching, praying and liking this video." Lori Colley 25 ['Q Post Arrest', 'Q Feb 7', 'FBI Informant'] PT28M41S 25626 131 327 11 not set not set 2018-02-16T05:48:09.000Z zis3q9CbPM0 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q MK Ultra Q Posts Feb 14, 15 "Hello patriots and praying citizens! In this video we’ll take a look at Q posts from Feb. 14 and 15th, related to the shooting in Florida, the Mk ultra program, whistle blowers and drop boxes, several dead freedom of the press tech developers, and our part in a massive plan to clean up this planet and remove corruption world wide. If you have something to add, please do so in the comments below. I appreciate your comments and your “likes” very much. Thanks for being a part of the great awakening! Video:–442415653.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1 Dem Slush Fund Pledge of Allegiance video MK Ultra Senate Document" Lori Colley 25 ['MK Ultra', 'MK Ultra Q Anon', 'Q Posts', 'SecureDrop', 'Parkland Shooting'] PT45M8S 2028 24 70 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T03:06:03.000Z UKwoMADdEX8 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q They are Losing, WE ARE WINNING "This is the war of the MSM and cabal against America and the good news is they are losing and we are winning! These are the Q posts from March 3 and 4th... Lots to digest and much to encourage us. Thanks for watching and praying and leaving your comments. (please no profanity). We all learn when you post. Q Posts: Trump Campaign video:" Lori Colley 25 ['Make it Rain', 'QAnon', 'New Q Posts', 'MSM Censorship', 'Dead Cat Bounce', 'We are winning', 'MAGA', 'Great Awakening'] PT40M51S 8177 175 318 6 not set not set 2018-03-06T22:50:55.000Z PT2RqZJyLH0 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q Suggests Steel is Key "Dead Troops and Foreign Steel: is this the key that ties HRC and Obama to treason? The newest Q posts provide links to faulty foreign steel and military malfunctions. Plus, suggestions that NK and SK may reunite, and finally, the Clinton machine's ties to child trafficking in Haiti. Join the conversation! Post your comments below. Thanks for watching and praying! Wray with Navajo Nation Navajo Code Talkers Shanghai Capture: Bloomberg on Steel Q posts" Lori Colley 25 ['Qanon', 'Steel', 'BHO Treason', 'HRC Treason', 'New Q'] PT31M37S 10444 130 355 7 not set not set 2018-03-08T02:38:50.000Z T8Gta3ECb8M UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Age of Mainstream Media is OVER! "3/7/18 New Q: Age of Mainstream Media is OVER! Edward Snowden capture? Snowden timeline What is the IBOR and why is it so important? How does Google, et al, use Jigsaw to control the narrative? Thanks for watching and praying! Q Posts: IBOR: Just added this as of 8:47 a.m. Thurs 3/8. This is good link: Timeline of Data Leaks Snowden’s timeline Jigsaw censorship Trump campaign video (key about Clinton machine 2:19 to 2:46)" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q Posts', 'New Q', 'IBOR', 'Snowden', 'Censorship', 'NSA'] PT28M39S 9706 124 384 3 not set not set 2018-03-11T01:35:46.000Z 0blvVk9dSVg UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Big Drop: Worldwide Clean Up Coming! "March 10 Q Drops: Huma Abedin, Marina Abramovich, Angela Merkel are some of the people Q has us looking into. Plus the idea that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion! We'll look into the conversation Trump had with Australian PM Turnbull and the million of Austrian money that were given to the Clinton Foundation. transcript Clinton cash Video of Rear Admiral James Lyons (Ret.) 10 Lies you were told about Islam - Acts 17 apologetics" Lori Colley 25 ['Huma Abedin', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Q posts', 'New Q', 'Q Anon'] PT32M27S 92040 536 1826 63 not set not set 2018-03-13T02:02:08.000Z 2nywqogRn5U UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Why did Q say, "We Went too Deep"? "Q Post from March 11 says ""We went too deep."" We'll look at possible reasons why and explore the Red Cross, the Clinton charities, Australia, and Antifa. This is a war, not a civil war with each other, although that is happening too, It’s a world wide war and Truth-seekers from every part of the world are joining together and working to end the Satanic control over this planet. King Solomon, the wisest man who has ever lived, said there is nothing new under the sun. Thanks for watching, commenting, and praying! Hillary, Gillard, Bishop Obama Red video Q posts Clinton Foundation Donations Downer/Clinton" Lori Colley 25 ['Q Anon', 'New Q', 'Q Drop', 'We went too deep'] PT25M49S 103659 919 2136 103 not set not set 2018-03-14T00:06:01.000Z weRrGXIKbgQ UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Q Drop Connects Tillerson (OUT), Kenya, Obama "President Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday, announcing it on Twitter. CIA chief Mike Pompeo is his replacement, while CIA Deputy Director Gina Haspel has been named to succeed Pompeo. How does this relate to Kenya, Obama, Poisoned Russians and a UK false flag? Thanks for watching, commenting and praying!" Lori Colley 25 ['Poisoning', 'Russia Collusion', 'Rex Tillerson', 'Kenya citizenship', 'Obama Kenya', 'Mike Pompeo', 'Q Anon', 'Q Drops'] PT16M25S 83797 383 1888 34 not set not set 2018-03-16T03:08:49.000Z yJ4oKMcGhQM UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Bring the Rain, Trust the Plan, BOOOOOOOOM! "New Q Drops 3/15/18 Bring the rain, trust the plan, TRUST KANSAS Plus today's headlines on the bridge collapse in Miami, the school walkouts, radical Islam, Jeff Sessions' big mistake (or was it) and more. Thanks for watching and praying!" Lori Colley 25 ['Miami Bridge collapse', 'New Q', 'Q Anon', 'Boom', 'Trust the plan', 'Rex Tillerson'] PT22M53S 32562 303 1056 16 not set not set 2018-03-17T18:08:54.000Z 38-9WZFyjI0 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Christians, Trump, and Q "Are you new to Q? This video is for Christians who want to understand Q, how “he” is related to Trump, and why the body of Christ (the church) needs to be the watchmen on the wall and pray. My newsletter is posted at: Video on agenda 21/New World Order: Margaret Sanger: Hillary’s hero Margaret Sanger: Agenda 21: Agenda 2030: Unmasking the Future by Caspar McCloud: Q posts:" Lori Colley 25 "['Q Posts', 'Trump and Q', 'Christians and Q', 'Agenda 21', 'Q Anon', ""God's Cyrus"", 'Cyrus and Trump', 'New Q']" PT40M16S 12317 273 791 7 not set not set 2018-03-17T22:57:58.000Z Z-Y0tUDB_Ss UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: America for Sale "New Q March 17 America for sale as politicians line their pockets Flynn to be cleared, given new role in 2020 Next Boom to be Comey? The time is coming when none of them will be able to walk down the street." Lori Colley 25 ['Q anon', 'Michael Flynn', 'America For Sale', 'Joe Biden', 'Q drops'] PT18M9S 51615 346 1453 43 not set not set 2018-03-22T03:34:42.000Z lnyqhyDzEGA UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Down She Goes, Nobody Escapes "Q says the Black Hats are panicked and we should enjoy the show. We're not seeing any arrests, but reports continue popping up that support the MSM/Democrat narrative that President Trump did not really win the election; or if he did, he is not fit to serve as president. Those going down are sure to include Facebook. Thanks for watching and praying! Newsletter is posted at" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Qanon', 'Facebook Data Mining', 'Cambridge Analytica', 'Austin Bomber', 'Down She Goes', 'Panic in DC', 'Nobody escapes', 'panic mode', 'boom'] PT18M54S 59121 435 1787 41 not set not set 2018-03-28T15:21:01.000Z 5SIWGA19LOc UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Done in 30 Days "New Q Drop March 27-28 Cleanup finished in 30 days Trump meeting with Kim will seal the deal Is Q a psyop? We'll know in 30 days!" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Qanon', 'Facebook', 'NXIVM', 'Sergey Brin', 'Q psyop', 'google Brin'] PT25M11S 44525 327 1127 34 not set not set 2018-04-03T05:50:00.000Z lCnbkBeEnKA UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Seals Broken, Arrests, BIG Month! "New Q Drop April 3 APRIL look for the Inspector general's report, a public attack on Sessions, indictments unsealed, ARRESTS, plus the Tarmac deal, Awan and the House Dems, Iran, NK, Uranium One, FBI, DOJ, Mueller, Election Integrity, Mueller, Election integrity, and more! Q posts:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Qanon', 'Q Drops'] PT22M17S 69092 472 1710 34 not set not set 2018-04-21T05:00:06.000Z lMsjU9vayxI UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: The World is Watching "Big Day on Friday: A Korean source says as a show of good faith for the upcoming meeting with President Trump, Kim Jong-un will suspend nuclear and missile tests and shut down a nuclear test site. The date and place for the summit have not yet been named. On Thursday, North Korea dropped its demand that U.S. troops stationed in South Korea leave the peninsula. This comes after it was revealed that Mike Pompeo, former CIA chief and currently nominated as Secretary of State, visited North Korea over the Easter weekend. The two Koreas will be meeting soon to discuss officially ending the Korean War which began in 1950. PLUS Massive Q Drops regarding human sex trafficking after arrest of Allison Mack connected with NXIVM sex cult. Allison Mack is singing like a canary and naming names of Hollywood bigwigs and people in local and federal government involved in human trafficking. The Standard Hotel, a helicopter crash earlier in the year, the Port of Long Beach, and the Mexican border are all related to the trafficking. Thanks for watching and praying!" Lori Colley 25 ['North Korea', 'Q posts', 'New Q', 'Q Drops', 'Comey leaking', 'Comey memos', 'Russia Collusion investigation', 'Allison Mack', 'NXIVM sex cult'] PT25M56S 5505 104 488 6 not set not set 2018-05-11T17:18:14.000Z J9w7lYApOFk UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q NEW Q: HRC power grab restart "Several take-aways: Q said we are about to learn frightening info, which should wake up patriots, and intensify our resolve to take back control and our FREEDOM HRC is in NZ for a power grab restart Deep State has plants in our movement, now exposed Covering Q posts from May 10, May 11 11:30 ET, posts #1326-1338 Thanks for watching and praying! Link to the Trump campaign speech Link to Q posts" Lori Colley 25 ['HRC NZ', 'New Q Posts', 'Deep State', 'HRC Power Grab', 'New Q Anon'] PT32M47S 16276 223 757 15 not set not set 2018-06-12T02:22:34.000Z fKgw3nS9KzQ UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q Plan set in motion End of the Party World is safer Q posts 1441 1463 "New Q: Plan set in motion End of the Party World is safer Q posts 1441 - 1463 While Trump and Kim prepared for their meeting, Q was busy dropping lots of hints and information. I'll cover Q posts from June 10 and 11 in this video. Thanks for watching and praying Q posts: Corey's thread on Kate Spade has been pulled down!" Lori Colley 25 ['NK Summit', 'Q Posts 144-1463', 'New Q', 'New QAnon', 'Singapore summit'] PT39M32S 22297 226 861 14 not set not set 2018-06-19T17:43:30.000Z VE1Mlwz4UOM UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q Scope & Size biggest in history. Grand Jury in place? "Scope & Size biggest in history. Grand Jury in place? New Q from 7/17-19, posts 1520 - 1557 Thanks for watching and praying! q posts: Praying Citizen is published at: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen Subscribe to the newsletter: About me:" Lori Colley 25 ['Huber', 'IG Report', 'New Q', 'Qanon', 'Q posts'] PT46M55S 15747 204 721 26 not set not set 2018-06-29T00:13:27.000Z qcFACNWWV44 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q - Next step is Normalization "New Q: Next tactic is to normalize pedophilia Plus: RR testimony before House Committee Gowdy and Jordan tear it up! Jordan: Gowdy: DJT video:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'New Q posts', 'Netflix child porn', 'Susan Rice Netflix', 'House Committee Gowdy', 'House Committee Jordan', 'Q internet'] PT25M59S 12774 253 758 11 not set not set 2018-07-04T02:38:52.000Z GqfXsbY0RMM UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: 5 Eyes Intel - Fail They Will "New Q drops 1666 - 1676 Five Eyes Intel We have the server Awan's plea deal swamp is being drained Thanks for watching and praying! Nunes with Maria Bartiromo:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Five Eyes', 'Imran Awan', 'Devin Nunes'] PT23M40S 11131 66 598 8 not set not set 2018-07-05T02:14:10.000Z LcJ0nYTGicw UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Who is this Man? "Q posts 1676 - 1681 The mysterious Apple logo Review of SA and why it matters Disinformation is necessary! Finishing up with a prayer of thanksgiving for Patriot sacrifices. Thanks for watching and praying!" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q posts', 'Saudi Arabia Donations', 'Disinfo is necessary'] PT21M8S 34956 374 1018 35 not set not set 2018-07-25T00:48:34.000Z YW7HtC9rvFc UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Sea to Shining Sea "Q is back from a 20-day period of silence (it's golden, you know) Let's look at the new Q posts and I'll also give you my opinion on R. Thanks for watching and praying! Please add your comments below... Q posts at Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Praying Citizen is archived at: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q Posts', 'Q anon', 'John Huber', 'Conspiracy theories', 'R Anon'] PT23M9S 13136 172 645 7 not set not set 2018-07-27T21:22:55.000Z PMYpMjH_A4k UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Taking Down Evil "These are Q posts from Friday July 27 followed by Q posts from Thursday. Has Lisa Page flipped? Is she getting cold feet? Q says: This is not a game, keep your promise. Thans for watching and praying! Q posts at Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Praying Citizen is archived at: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q posts', 'Mueller', 'Don Jr.'] PT34M19S 16574 138 721 18 not set not set 2018-07-30T02:23:56.000Z ABj_8YFk8vY UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Evidence Kills "New Q from Sunday July 29 Evidence Kills The FISA warrant application and why it needs to be released in an un-redacted form. Michael Avenatti under surveillance The MSM covert link Posts number 1748-1761. Thanks for watching and praying! Q posts at Infowars censored Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Praying Citizen is archived at: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q posts', 'Q anon', 'Michael Avenatti', '8chan board', 'Patriots fight'] PT32M1S 10612 170 733 12 not set not set 2018-07-31T16:25:41.000Z lblUsfA-ag0 UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: We are Winning! "New Q: WE ARE WINNING! Q posts from July 30-31 (# 1762 to 1773) Q talks about CA wildfires, set on purpose to get $$ ? The abuser of children are being found and arrested The ""Feed"" that includes SA and CF (Feed of ppl? MSM fires more coordinated attacks on Qanon Indictments, FISAs, JA and no more leaks? Thanks for watching and praying" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q posts', 'Qanon', '#MeToo', 'MSM attacks Q'] PT36M44S 9422 172 569 9 not set not set 2018-08-02T02:26:42.000Z zeyThfwke3Q UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q The Day Q Went Mainstream "A tiny overview of Q Anon for newbies, the headlines of the day, plus a look at Q posts 1774-1793. Q anon is a truth movement that has finally gone mainstream. It began when an anonymous poster called ""Q"" began writing to people on the 8chan bulletin board. Q's identity isn't know except that he/she/they are inside the Trump administration and very close to the President. The posts on 8chan began in early November 2017. As of this writing, there are 1793 posts, with 3,000 ""breads,"" or batches of research based on the Q posts... Thanks for watching and praying! Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Praying Citizen is archived at: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q anon', 'Q posts', 'Great Awakening', 'Who is Q', 'Mueller investigation', 'Manafort'] PT35M13S 20819 208 1014 18 not set not set 2018-08-16T04:08:59.000Z oOCnFv4dvqg UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Firewall Down? You are ALL going to Jail "Q takes us from Trump's yanking of John Brennan's security clearance, to the new leadership of Al Qaeda (UBL's son, no less!) to the Vanderbilt Estate and creepy pictures of swimming pools, odd necklaces, and bizarre artwork. Plus the possible breach of a fire wall and the promise that they're all going to jail. Thanks for watching and praying with me! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q anon', 'John Brennan', 'Q posts'] PT46M15S 69817 686 2005 48 not set not set 2018-08-31T06:10:51.000Z s0Dgs9v9HdM UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Eye in the Sky Bye Bye "Q posts Aug 29, 30 Plus review of the outrageous findings related to the HRC email server scandal. Then new Q saying the NSA out at GCHQ The Eyes in the Sky (Snowhite) Blinded The Clowns tried to insert another spy in NSA FAILED Looking at the lies about the Ohr Interviews Trump’s rally threat to the FBI/DOJ says to DOJ/FBI: start doing your job, or I’ll get involved. Outrageous anti-trump and anti-Q bias (all for a larp?) Thanks for watching and praying1 Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q anon', 'Q posts', 'HRC Email Server', 'Mueller investigation', 'Donald Trump'] PT47M39S 31990 319 1200 36 not set not set 2018-09-02T01:46:50.000Z CDNZaYzPljA UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Arrests coming SOON? "These new Q posts from Friday and Saturday, Aug 31-Sept. 1 pile up the info on Alice (HRC) and Wonderland (Saudi Arabia). Q teases us with a ""soon"" message regarding Jeff Sessions, and ends with a presidential executive order on National Preparedness. Are you ready? Let's dig in... P.S. It's Alex Podesta Thanks for watching and praying! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['New q', 'Q posts', 'Q anon', 'alice and wonderland', 'National preparedness month'] PT1H4M20S 31316 369 1412 27 not set not set 2018-09-13T02:04:33.000Z gsHWMO_l7Qo UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Panic in DC - Posts from Sept. 11,12 "Q posts from September 11-12 showing the ""rats"" panicking, plus attack on Q anon and the Great Awakening from Reddit and articles on CNET and The Verge. Expect a MOAB (full unreacted release of the FISA application?) Also, I've included a brief summary of the significance of 9/11 and numbers to the anti-Christ Illuminati/Satanists/NWO/Luceriferians. Let me know what you think. Thanks for watching and praying!! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q anon', 'Q posts', '9/11 numerology', 'Panic in DC', 'Great Awakening'] PT42M27S 18031 300 1014 16 not set not set 2018-09-18T03:57:54.000Z JeP4XiQJ_qY UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q New Q: Bombs Away! "Q Anon drops the mother of all bombs: Trump's declassification of FISA related documents and text messages between Comey, McCabe, Ohs, Strzok & Page. Loretta Lynch trying to make deals, Dems wanting to trade the sexual abuse allegations (kills them) if Trump will back down on the declassification. Bye Bye Mueller! Bye Bye Rosenstein! Thanks for watching! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['New Q', 'Q anon', 'Declassified Documents', 'Mueller investigation'] PT21M3S 37754 329 1588 20 not set not set 2018-10-12T04:40:22.000Z 40iXluMeGfQ UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Still Waiting for Booms-- Q Responds to Patriots "Weary of waiting? Q post 2380 gives us an incite to all that's been accomplished and what is to come. Plus we'll look at the headlines and a comparison of the Leftists' tactics developed during Roe v. Wade and re-deployed for the Kavanaugh confirmation process. Thanks for watching and praying! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen Backup Video Channel: Lori Colley at About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['Kavanaugh', 'Christine Blasey Ford', 'Q posts', 'Q anon', 'Red October'] PT29M33S 39661 503 1508 44 not set not set 2018-10-21T23:08:32.000Z nngLdyT3cVA UCeYzEIqv7D2NT7tP8Yz1x9Q Q: Trust the Plan for the Fight of our Lives "From October 2017 to today, Q has been warning us to trust the plan. Let's take a few minutes to remind ourselves what's at stake and why we're in the fight of our lives. Thanks for watching and praying! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Lori Colley 25 ['Trust the Plan', 'New Q', 'Q Anon', 'Q posts', 'Seth Rich', 'MS13', 'Migrant Caravan'] PT33M4S 94706 739 3119 55 not set not set 2017-11-03T17:31:25.000Z gYL3Z1gzpW4 UChQHDn0UcwnijTu7DxgynHQ Public Mass Arrests of Cabal Starting Soon Says 4Chan Insider "More from the insiders posting anonymously at 4chan:" Lucid Dreamer 27 ['pope', 'vatican', 'london', 'ufo', 'ufos', 'alien', 'intelligents', '4d', '5d', 'DNA', 'Lightbearers', 'AI', 'Lightworkers', 'white', 'hats', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Changeover', 'duality', 'STARSEEDS', '3D', 'Matrix', 'Creator', 'Galactics', 'awakening', 'frequency', 'truth', 'Galactic', 'Federation', 'ascension', 'consciousness', 'us', 'usa', 'america', 'united', 'states', 'uk', 'kingdom', 'australia', 'event', 'evolution', 'higher', 'dimension', 'channeling', 'trump', 'putin', 'report'] PT3M55S 59544 245 1419 54 not set not set 2018-08-01T06:52:38.000Z rhfGOIKwmso UCEYmda1KQTjrhLBeWutKuGA #38 What is QAnon? Explaining the rightwing conspiracy theory "My new Youtube livestream channel:,,®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news Opiods: Bannon's back: Support the show | Sponsor: Paypal: (Luke Ford) Paypal: (Kevin Michael Grace) Twitter: Facebook: Discord:" Luke Ford 25 not set PT2H39M21S 1522 12 33 7 not set not set 2018-08-01T02:51:56.000Z IRGJLAmPln0 UCSFVD7Xfhn7sJY8LAIQmH8Q What is QAnon? Explaining the rightwing conspiracy theory ",,®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news Opiods: Bannon's back: Support the show | Sponsor: Paypal: (Luke Ford) Paypal: (Kevin Michael Grace) Twitter: Facebook: Discord:" Luke Ford Livestreams 25 ['#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT2H39M21S 893 5 39 1 not set not set 2018-05-14T02:20:14.000Z umPHJYanzuY UCcofcsEnVWrTVu2-k9d4WzA I'm Totally Qfused! Is Qanon an AI Psyop? "Could Q be a social experiment, wherein data is collected by AI to be assimilated into the Borg Cloud? Am I wrong to be so leery of Qanon? Fair Use Statement: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the 1976 Copyright Act. This video may contain some copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The material used within this work was created for the purpose of education, commentary and research. This work is distributed without profit, and is believed to be in accordance with ""fair use"" under Section 107 of the 1976 Copyright Act." Madd Catter 24 ['Qanon', 'Q-anon', 'Q anon', 'Q Anonymous', 'AI Psyop', 'AI', 'Psychological', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Social Experiment', 'behavioral studies', 'human behavior', 'psychology', 'Norman', 'Psycho AI', 'Singularity', 'Brain Mapping', 'Mind Mapping'] PT8M30S 228 51 28 1 not set not set 2018-08-07T20:32:15.000Z oVXFB4Zq_Dk UC8nhQub0WT2e1bbHM-yCBtA The Truth About Q (and QAnon) "Check out my clickbait video made by a homeless person. If you guys like this I could make more? Two videos that might help you out that arent main stream trash Transgender Trump Supporter explains Qanon and Antifa Assault Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q?" MadeByClouds 25 ['qanon', 'msm', 'main stream media', 'lamestream media', 'CNN', 'Fox news', 'trending topics', 'msnbc', 'cbs news', 'conspiracy theory', 'alex jones'] PT20M44S 51 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-10T09:17:08.000Z lXJVnzcOSQA UC0ez3qdOBCFtzDFF7NJVj5g Is Q-anon JFK Jr.? The Court of Public Opinion Amazing images. It certainly looks and resembles JFK Jr. MAGA Radio & news 22 not set PT27M24S 469 6 2 1 not set not set 2018-10-08T00:46:41.000Z F-DvDWQH_3w UC06vIcKnpowF--tr_KouLeQ Educating Liberals - Escape from St. Louis and the Q Drop! Maga Swaga 22 not set PT3M20S 31 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T11:46:02.000Z 54duskHaIGM UCwQoeyoDfB2-8WHr3dZ46eg Q Anon ~ Deep State 16 year plan against America. latest Q drop. Short commentary. "Diabolical latest Q info drop. Startling info confirming what we in the ""Red Pill"" community already know. Confirmation very unnerving. We need justice to be served. No escape to Argentina..." MAGA TRUCKER 22 "['#Q Anon. deepstate. traitors. Hitlery. #Storm. #CBTS Q Anon', 'Trump', ""America's second revolution"", 'end times', 'storm is here', 'calm before the storm', 'cbts', 'swamp', 'Hillary', 'Clinton foundation', 'deep state', 'shadow government', 'CIA', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracy theory', 'JFK assassination', 'Mandalay Bay Massacre. Coverup.']" PT4M37S 167 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-28T11:32:43.000Z Yp137_sE5pc UCYW6FNCMbVxevaTDA5pyqEw Starseed Q and A with Paula Connor and Magenta Pixie "Magenta Pixie and Paula Connor discuss Magenta's awakening, the collective starseed journey, integrity/trajectory to light, fall of the service-to-self structure and their agendas, remote viewing, etiquettes, law of attraction/manifestation, integration and other concepts regarding the transmission process and the content within Magenta's three books. Recorded June 26th 2018. --- Paula Connor, InsightOut Consciousness Consulting Magenta Pixie: Books by Magenta Pixie: ""The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame"" ""Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template"" ""Masters of the Matrix""" Magenta Pixie 27 ['magenta', 'pixie', 'and', 'the', 'white', 'winged', 'collective', 'consciousness', 'of', 'nine', 'esoteric', 'new', 'age', 'religion', 'spirit', 'spirituality', 'ascension', 'meditation', 'dna', 'activation', 'lightworker', 'lightworkers', 'light', 'worker', 'workers', 'starseed', 'starseeds', 'star', 'seed', 'seeds', 'talk', 'chat', 'discussion', 'conversation', 'interview', 'seminar', 'lecture', 'conference', 'teaching'] PT2H22M22S 31296 173 873 35 not set not set 2018-02-02T21:34:58.000Z Doj5-GcNRgY UCVEqKiwyMWLzdh5WtjNacuQ 1768 - Nunes' Nothing Burger and QAnon Conspiracy Theories w/ Michael Shure and Matt Binder "Michael Shure, of i24NEWS and TYT, and Matt Binder (subscribe to Matt's new show here), join us for Casual Friday. On today's show: Jesse Waters compares FBI agents investigating Russia-gate to racist cops patrolling black neighborhoods. Journalist Michael Shure joins us to discuss his latest report from Trump country. As it turns out, Trump's supporters in Florida still think he's doing a great job, from protecting their ""first amendment rights"" to his quixotic quest to ""lock her up."" What are we supposed to do with these people? What impact did Trump's SOTU have? Should we kick Pelosi and Schumer out of the Democratic Party because they're bad at strategy? Plus, Shure breaks down the potential repercussions of the de-classified Nunes memo. Will it prove the deep state is out to get Trump & co., or backfire spectacularly? Stay tuned! Former MR crew member Matt ""old Matt"" Binder makes his triumphant return. Fresh off predicting the rise of Mike Cernovich, Binder breaks down QAnon, a new vector for right-wing conspiracy theories birthed in the bowels of 4chan. While the faithful believe those who post as ""QAnon"" have inside intel on the government, anyone can take up the mantle and spread breadcrumbs for #Pizzagate rubes to eagerly gobble up (and for Alex Jones to cover on Infowars). Some of this may be the result of late capitalist dissatisfaction, but there have always been charlatans seeking to profit off of offering simple answers in a complex world. It would be funnier were it not actually influencing policy at the highest levels of our current administration. Check out Matt's debate with ""men's rights activist"" Paul Elam. On the fun half: John from San Antonio talks Bernie's potential presidential run and urges him to start early, ICE continues to terrorize immigrants by asking to see people's papers on an Amtrak train, Jimmy Kimmel makes MAGA chuds confront a family that could get broken up by the DACA repeal, Jesse Waters has thoughts on the piss tape, Don Shooter makes a defiant, Michael Scott-like speech upon being expelled from the Arizona House of Representatives for sexual harassment, a caller takes Judy Gold to task for spreading ableism and fatphobia, Ronald Raygun talks ICE's dirty immigration court tactics and suggests picketing their offices, and Jeff from Georgia (Dissident Peasant) has an incrementalist awakening. Become a member of the Majority Report: Become a patron of the Michael Brooks Show: Become a patron of Jamie Peck's writing: Get 10% off fair trade coffee with coupon code ""Majority"" at JustCoffee.Coop Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn @majorityfm" Majority Report AUDIO 25 not set PT1H36M54S 320 6 4 9 not set not set 2018-07-01T21:10:41.000Z znb15tr7ViY UCAvSnci_3qHF_7c2LQnP_wg Q Exposes Divide and Rule. Will the Public Wake Up to It? "Q - The Plan to Save the World: Support the channel: BITCOIN: 1AkNoKzbZXJ75BbeGkD2ekUDJQNWDrBgMA BITCOIN CASH: qzfcsu05c9ephzv8qzl7ysvn4lfclzneescfhre4r5 ETHEREUM: 0xfffd54e22263f13447032e3941729884e03f4d58 LITECOIN: LY6a8csmuQZyCsBZbLDTQMRuyLdsW9g2na DASH: XgCTCWbz3yMYZKwNH9o8eaEFt45eAUaVuZ" maneco64 27 ['gold', 'silver', 'precious metals', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'president trump', 'nsa', 'christopher story', 'divide and rule', 'divide and conquer', 'stock market', 'dollar', 'federal reserve', 'china', 'british pound', 'reserve currecny', 'bretton woods', 'gold standard'] PT1H2M17S 2643 30 183 3 not set not set 2017-11-19T20:53:14.000Z 5iQR4ds3zaI UCajZsnzkkdQiZ04s-VAoQOQ Donald Trump, Q-Anon, & 5D Chess | Mango & Space Panther | Episode 160 Today Mango talks about the Saudi Arabian purge, its connection to Las Vegas, Trump's Asia trip, and the greater geopolitical restructuring currently underway... Cheers! Mango & Space Panther Explore the Universe 27 not set PT17M46S 2657 44 110 4 not set not set 2017-12-04T00:27:58.000Z QMsMcWK6OEg UCajZsnzkkdQiZ04s-VAoQOQ Q-Anon, N. Korea, & The Clinton Cabal | Mango & Space Panther | Episode 162 "Today Mango talks about the rat lines that connect North Korea's nuclear program, Ukrainian oligarchs, the Clinton Foundation, CIA heroin / cocaine trafficking networks, and the market for human slavery that has persisted since ancient times... Cheers! Insider Q Anon Updates -- December 1st 2017 QAnon Connecting North Korea Clinton Foundation Uranium One Lithium X Space X ARTICLE: The secret to North Korea’s ICBM success ARTICLE: George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil ARTICLE: Saudi Billionaire Busted for Corruption Helped Obama Get Into Harvard ARTICLE: US Launches Airstrikes in First Operation Targeting Afghan Opium" Mango & Space Panther Explore the Universe 27 not set PT45M34S 1462 18 33 0 not set not set 2017-12-11T02:15:15.000Z vq6O3YiKaqw UCajZsnzkkdQiZ04s-VAoQOQ Q, Obama, & The HIV/AIDS Hoax | Mango & Space Panther | Episode 163 "Today Mango talks more about the origins of CIA black budget rat lines, the international diamond cartel, and how 'charity' scams like the Red Cross and the Clinton Foundation are fronts used by the Cabal to move drugs, guns, oil, and slaves around the world and support the Deep State... Cheers! VIDEO: TRACY BEANZ - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part X VIDEO: President Barack Obama on the Fight Against AIDS ARTICLE: North Korea: Access to the vulnerable through law ARTICLE: In Search Of The Red Cross' $500 Million In Haiti Relief BOOK: AIDS, OIL, DIAMONDS, & EMPIRE by Nancy Turner Banks M.D. ARTICLE: Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape" Mango & Space Panther Explore the Universe 27 not set PT54M58S 2584 26 62 1 not set not set 2018-01-15T01:04:47.000Z 54jBJ0mMGzE UCajZsnzkkdQiZ04s-VAoQOQ The Truth about Q-Anon, Trump, & the Storm | Mango & Space Panther | Episode 172 "Amid the seeming collapse of the Q-Anon narrative on 8chan, today Mango talks about Donald Trump, the ""Shithole"" controversy, A.I., the Cicada 3301 puzzle, the Las Vegas Massacre, the Saudi purge, and the nature of the ever unfolding cosmic Storm in which we find ourselves spinning... Cheers! ""There is Serenity in Chaos, Seek Ye the Eye of the Hurricane."" Bill Clinton Triggered, Denies Clinton Foundation's Haiti Funds Were Used For Chelsea Wedding Prince Alwaleed Moved To Highest Security Saudi Prison After Refusing To Pay $6 Billion For Freedom Big Donors Buffett, Gates Should Worry As FBI Investigates Clintons' ""Charity"" DOJ Unseals Indictment Involving Uranium One Scandal" Mango & Space Panther Explore the Universe 27 not set PT37M5S 2631 30 40 10 not set not set 2017-12-08T05:23:11.000Z ul3pyvYRoZI UCows6WV0FiYLg2zsllzbcsQ QAnon/SHTF LISTEN AN UNERSTAND HIS MEANING Qanon is sending us a message Manutoch Clan 25 ['Angelina County'] PT37M47S 3590 19 65 4 not set not set 2017-12-30T05:37:11.000Z rOo_mdrAxs0 UCows6WV0FiYLg2zsllzbcsQ Q Bullshit Aint got no clearance, Put up or shut uP JOKES OVER NOW Manutoch Clan 25 ['Angelina County'] PT37M51S 592 20 27 2 not set not set 2018-10-26T12:09:38.000Z EroD6n4Ec1Q UC3ug2SC_CIQt-cpOZg-dsmQ The hidden truth behind Mansha Bum and Imran Khan meeting | Maqbool Videos Assalam -o - Alaikum , Lahore ka badname zamana Mansha Bum Chief Justice k notice ki wajah se ajkal qanon k shikanjay main ha. Pakistan k tolo arz main phelay ye badmash aik nasoor ban chukay hain jin ka fil for khatma hona chahiya. MAQBOOL TV 24 ['Mansha Bum Pti', 'Imran khan and mansha bum', 'chief justice saqib nisar notice', 'picture of Imran khan and mansha bum', 'mansha bum with imran khan', 'Qabza mafia malik riaz', 'Bahria town qabza group', 'mansha bum joined pti', 'Lahore ka qabza group', 'Stories about imran khan', 'pti leaders with mansha', 'malik riaz with mansha', 'relation of mansha and imran', 'saudia arabia free oil', 'Imran visit to saudi arabia'] PT6M57S 375 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-03-11T00:38:20.000Z qFqQv5jGPsU UCwFrCIz6AOHJ-zhPLXFOngA Possible March 16/17 Event, Q-Anon Posts "" Maranatha Amen 22 ['Saint Patricks Day', 'Q..', 'Q-Anon', 'Rapture', 'Last Days', 'End Times', 'Bible Prophecy'] PT7M2S 1485 54 35 2 not set not set 2018-09-06T01:33:16.000Z 725GSHUJ2Ik UCOVthTawN8KN0ZuGqzLjqkw GEORGE WEBB Debunked; Q-Anon too. Bunch Of Lying Fools "OAN 3"" x 3"" Stickers http://www.PayPal.Me/TheGhostOfBrooklyn Watch: Watch: Are You a Socialist? Marcus Conte for United States Senator for New York: - 100% Election Justice & Integrity - Reduce Military Spending By 80% - Raise The Corporate Tax Rate To 80% - Cap Individual Income Tax @ 10% or Less - Make Tax Evasion & Tax Avoidance Illegal Again - Make Taking Bribes & Bribing Politicians Illegal Again - FREE Universal Single Payer Healthcare For All - FREE College Tuition at City & State Universities - Expunge (Delete) All Student Loan Debt - Convert US Power Grid to 100% Wind & Solar by 2024 - Term Limits for both House & Senate (2 - two-year terms max) - Public Hand Counted Paper Ballots at Every Election - Close the FBI & CIA - Raise The Minimum Wage To A Living Wage - End Mass Incarceration And The Poverty Draft - Legalize All Drugs - Restore Our Full Right To Bear Arms My Other Works, WAKE YOURSELF UP Spiritual Enlightenment Right Here, Right Now [2012] [PDF for FREE] [AMAZON $1]: The Ghost Of Brooklyn [FREE] Conte v DSNY 101058 / 2016 - NY Supreme Court DECISION [AD1]: PDF: CONTE REPLY BRIEF NY SENATOR MARTY GOLDEN LETTER 12-19-17 DSNY RESPONSE BRIEF DSNY RESPONSE APPENDIX CONTE APPEAL BRIEF CONTE APPEAL [APPENDIX] _ Statements of opinion on matters of public concern are constitutionally protected free speech. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)" Marcus Conte 25 ['DSNY NYC Sanitation Whistleblower Fraud Abuse Illegal Ticket Quota Scam Lawsuit Conte George Webb', 'True Pundit', 'H. A. Goodman', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Jason Goodman', 'Destroying The Illusion', 'Judicial Watch', 'Sane Progressive', 'TBTV [Tim Black]', 'The Jimmy Dore Show', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Lee Camp', 'Wikileakstv'] PT23M13S 3887 204 118 74 not set not set 2018-09-21T14:49:23.000Z k0CEhszmZo8 UCOVthTawN8KN0ZuGqzLjqkw Q RABBIT HOLE Explained; Qanon Q Q-Anon, Russia-HillaryGate, Party-ReformGate " Stickers http://www.PayPal.Me/TheGhostOfBrooklyn Watch: Watch: Marcus Conte for United States Senator for New York: - 100% Election Justice & Integrity - Reduce Military Spending By 80% - Raise The Corporate Tax Rate To 80% - Cap Individual Income Tax @ 10% or Less - Make Tax Evasion & Tax Avoidance Illegal Again - Make Taking Bribes & Bribing Politicians Illegal Again - FREE Universal Single Payer Healthcare For All - FREE College Tuition at City & State Universities - Expunge (Delete) All Student Loan Debt - Convert US Power Grid to 100% Wind & Solar by 2024 - Term Limits for both House & Senate (2 - two-year terms max) - Public Hand Counted Paper Ballots at Every Election - Close the FBI & CIA - Raise The Minimum Wage To A Living Wage - End Mass Incarceration And The Poverty Draft - Legalize All Drugs - Restore Our Full Right To Bear Arms My Other Works, WAKE YOURSELF UP Spiritual Enlightenment Right Here, Right Now [2012] [PDF for FREE] [AMAZON $1]: The Ghost Of Brooklyn [FREE] Conte v DSNY 101058 / 2016 - NY Supreme Court DECISION [AD1]: PDF: CONTE REPLY BRIEF NY SENATOR MARTY GOLDEN LETTER 12-19-17 DSNY RESPONSE BRIEF DSNY RESPONSE APPENDIX CONTE APPEAL BRIEF CONTE APPEAL [APPENDIX] _ Statements of opinion on matters of public concern are constitutionally protected free speech. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)" Marcus Conte 25 ['DSNY NYC Sanitation Whistleblower Fraud Abuse Illegal Ticket Quota Scam Lawsuit Conte George Webb', 'True Pundit', 'H. A. Goodman', 'Styxhexenhammer666', 'Jason Goodman', 'Destroying The Illusion', 'Judicial Watch', 'Sane Progressive', 'TBTV [Tim Black]', 'The Jimmy Dore Show', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Lee Camp', 'Wikileakstv'] PT30M9S 797 64 51 7 not set not set 2018-02-09T03:52:19.000Z nxoE-PtKhSQ UCVl2jWBH3ksLLJfjliXmomg Q DROPS INTEL BOMB FILLED WITH RUMORS OF WAR, PHARMA COMPANIES, DC IN PANIC! This video is my take on some of the Q storm that has been dumped on us. There is alot to weed through like always, and this in part is just my opinions, there are real thinhs going on amd we are being told otherwise! Marfoogle News 22 not set PT6M54S 7889 118 222 15 not set not set 2018-02-15T02:51:53.000Z Ced5vSkbaxI UCVl2jWBH3ksLLJfjliXmomg Q FEB.12 Intel drop in order Now this is not for everyone, but as promised I will put all q posts in order so people may do thier own research with out swaying folks one way or the other. Q ANON PISTS MAY NPT BE FOR EVERYONE Marfoogle News 22 not set PT6M52S 7061 53 162 8 not set not set 2018-02-15T09:35:36.000Z kkKA4qzrfSQ UCVl2jWBH3ksLLJfjliXmomg FEB 14TH Q Drops, Worlds first Submarine Attack? Watch the water? Recorded by DU Recorder – Screen recorder for Android Marfoogle News 22 not set PT3M36S 12221 82 159 19 not set not set 2018-04-12T11:02:06.000Z QxufSZluPMg UCVl2jWBH3ksLLJfjliXmomg Q Anon: IT'S HAPPENING! 4/11-412 I don't claim to be a Q expert, infact, anyone who does is full of it. I strictly relay what I know Marfoogle News 22 not set PT15M39S 6828 95 205 17 not set not set 2018-06-27T06:15:52.000Z 2U8eSNYbRH4 UCB5AwR8lnqzsPS6iCzDZxwg Q - True Secret Patriots...Or Psyop, lets look together! "Support the stream: I want a serious discussion about Q and before you go judging by the title, I want us as truthers to look at this together! Lets have fun too.... If you would like to support the channel Please head over to patreon where you can donate 1$ or more to my cause" Marfoogle TV 22 ['qanon', 'patriot soapbox', 'q phenomenom', 'Q psyop', 'q shill', 'shill', 'q is fake', 'is q real', 'qanons gone', 'shut down q', 'aim', 'ses'] PT1H27M51S 423 4 19 3 not set not set 2018-09-20T08:08:31.000Z ZTzuDcYPpGM UCB5AwR8lnqzsPS6iCzDZxwg QANON SAYS WE ARE NOT ALONE? "This Show will be talking about The current Events going on around us 6 Days Left Limited Edition Shirt If you would like to support by buying things you already buy on Amazon, shop Amazon with this Link, the cost will be the same, only you will also be supporting alternative media! Cheap Gas Mask High Quality Gas Mask Donate as little as a buck a month to help me do more videos and keep this channel consistant. Multistreaming with Support the stream: Do you want to start your own channel and help the Channel, get my set up from Amazon *Blue yeticaster Broadcasting bundle *Laptop of the Youtubers, Processing power for editing even games Lenovo 720 touch, 16gb ram, Nvidia Geforce 1055 Quality with out the cost Blue Yeti MiC #Marfooglenews" Marfoogle TV 25 not set PT1H1M38S 2928 52 185 6 not set not set 2018-09-29T05:02:37.000Z rMXIIdbYiwI UCB5AwR8lnqzsPS6iCzDZxwg Q-ANon With / Dustin Nemos and Marfoogle /Guest appearance from Unirock "There will be a Mass Information Purge In febuary 2019 according to my sources. We are going to go over some of what's being talked about. This is a show that is a very relevant Satire If you would like to support by buying things you already buy on Amazon, shop Amazon with this Link, the cost will be the same, only you will also be supporting alternative media! Donate as little as a buck a month to help me do more videos and keep this channel consistant. Multistreaming with Support the stream: Do you want to start your own channel and help the Channel, get my set up from Amazon *Blue yeticaster Broadcasting bundle *Laptop of the Youtubers, Processing power for editing even games Lenovo 720 touch, 16gb ram, Nvidia Geforce 1055 Quality with out the cost Blue Yeti MiC #Marfooglenews #satire" Marfoogle TV 23 ['NEMOS', 'DUSTIN', 'Anon', 'Marfoogle'] PT1H15M50S 3192 26 155 34 not set not set 2018-03-11T23:12:41.000Z MLueojE97cU UCzdRuBbG22W9PMNpZCw0NtA Jerome Corsi Live Stream 360p Decoding Q Anon 03/11/18 MARIAUTUBE100 27 ['Q ANON', 'Q CRUMBS', 'CRUMBS', 'JEROMECORSI', 'DECODE', 'DECODING', 'THE STORM'] PT59M55S 368 5 6 2 not set not set 2018-03-10T19:14:36.000Z A2BU4e6Hhjk UCYGrO3kacqL4jVxkcq7e0Fg QAnon Trump Jesus and more March 10, 2018 RESTARTING MY VIDEO CAREER....Trump has shown us that he hears us. Q hand gesture! Operation Zakar etc. MARINE serving Jesus Christ 22 ['QAnon', 'POTUS', 'TRUMP', 'Jesus Christ', 'Operation Zakar', 'AntiSchool', '1a', 'Prayer Requests', 'Patriots'] PT12M13S 450 24 13 0 not set not set 2018-05-10T01:48:24.000Z 1mnR4q85v4g UCudBLPoPZ1mub9nN7ycYvVg Praying Medic: Qanon For Beginners "via: prayingmedic Published on May 9, 2018 In this video, I review the history of Qanon, explain the basic terms he uses and lay out some of Q's posts. My goal is to help you decide for yourself whether Q is worth your time. Original Twitter thread with links:" Mark Price 22 ['q-anon', 'conspiricy theory', 'Real Information', '4chan', '8chan', 'For Beginners'] PT1H21M2S 6594 5 92 3 not set not set 2018-08-19T10:53:36.000Z 0o2xSZ0NSgE UCWbO6U7q3B0P8gf_vtjoggw BOMBSHELL Q drops CIA agent assassin in MSM, Euro Pedo SICK EVIL WORLD markman manmark 22 ['END TIME ?'] PT24M59S 77 3 3 0 not set not set 2018-08-19T10:35:03.000Z YQNjwzUsgkI UCYkdci8w4lKI85VH_WP-rdg BOMBSHELL Q drops CIA agent assassin in MSM, Euro Pedo PRAY markman manmark1 22 ['SICK'] PT24M59S 7 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-02T15:00:55.000Z HIDBHzmEM4E UCKWkoasaJMtC8bB1vq0AG8Q Billboards Promoting 4Chan Conspiracy Theory ‘QAnon’ Pop Up Across America " you can donate through this site paypal email account Martin Brodel 36248 HWY 133 Hotchkiss, Colorado 81419 Bear's True Blue ph# 1-615-332-4570 type in Brodel for promo code and get 10% off" Martin Brodel 25 ['billboards'] PT4M58S 1047 38 85 1 not set not set 2018-08-01T00:22:47.000Z QiC3NZzd1MA UCKWkoasaJMtC8bB1vq0AG8Q EVERY TripCode & UserID used by Q Points to a Book " you can donate through this site paypal email account Martin Brodel 36248 HWY 133 Hotchkiss, Colorado 81419 Bear's True Blue ph# 1-615-332-4570 type in Brodel for promo code and get 10% off" Martin Brodel 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'tripcodes'] PT3M23S 3100 31 164 3 not set not set 2018-08-02T16:21:33.000Z FlJupIw4MmU UCdFq_Xoi7lvGpL6ySKa4I8g Ben Shapiro IS QANON? Please Like and Subscribe Master M 22 ['Twelve Rules for Living', '12 Rules For Living', 'Sam Harris', 'Ben Shapiro', 'QANON', '4chan', '8chan', 'The Great Awakening', 'Donald Trump', 'WWGIWGA', 'The Storm Is Coming', 'The Storm', 'politics', 'Joe Rogan', 'feminism', 'immigration', 'political correctness', 'Milo Yiannopoulos', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Christian', 'Christianity', 'theism', 'theist', 'atheist', 'atheism', 'apologetics', 'debate', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Bible', 'religion', 'philosophy', 'science', 'Richard Dawkins', 'Does God exist?', 'Evidence for God', 'Deflating Atheism', 'Deflatheism'] PT1H18M26S 351 1 0 3 not set not set 2017-12-30T00:45:57.000Z cZrgE0u5gS0 UCry87-V7BI0gIdqWHOwPHag Q Anon Post on 4 Chan Days Before Disney's Massive Power Outage Blackout??? "YT Wont Show You These Videos So I have Them HERE - Stand Up To The Purge Support The Channel And Website Here - · Appreciate What I am Doing? Help Keep Me On The Road By Donating Here - . Appreciate What I am Doing? Help Keep Me On The Road By Donating Here -" Masters Report 24 ['Police', 'News', 'Police Dashcam Video', 'Police Dashcam', 'Police pursuit', 'Police Activity', 'Police Chase', 'Chase', 'pursuit'] PT1H7M39S 2263 13 82 2 not set not set 2018-04-16T07:10:34.000Z J11_7FNCtIg UCkjk4ZwVQ17g7Pnpa9RmvYQ FLAT EARTH LATE SHOW - Q ANON KNOWS IT'S FLAT ? PEDOCRACY TO DISTRACT FROM FE? "WE ARE LAUNCHING OUR FIRST OPEN HOUSE MIXER AT THE OFFICIAL LAS VEGAS FLAT EARTH CLUB ! BUY A TICKET HIT THE DONATE BUTTON 20$ AND GUARANTEE A SPOT ONLY 100 GUESTS WILL BE ADMITTED TO THIOS WILLY WONKA STYLE FLAT EARTH RESEARCH CENTER LAS VEGAS CREATED AND DESIGNED BY NONE OTHER THAN FLAT EARTH MAESTRO HIMSELF :MATH POWERLAND. IF YOU WISH TO BEA VENDOR PLS SEND US AN EMAIL TO MATHPOWERLAND@GMAIL.COM . NOW LET'S STOP THIS NASTY NWO BULLSHIT. AMERICAN ASTRONOTS ARE STILL IN A SPACE STATION WITH RUSSIAN MILITARY . Sorry , that doesn't make sense. TRUMP KUSHNER RACING FOR WW3 TO STOP FLAT EARTH FLAT EARTHERS WHO ARE SMEARED UPLOAD THE TV DOING SO ? paid assignment and the WEATHER. MUG PHOTO ? OR PAINTING? "" THEY "" SHIRTS HERE: Adam and Eve GET THE SHIRT BELOW AND HELP STABILIZE THE NARRATIVE OF THE FAKE FLAT EARTHERS ON TV PHOTO OR PAINTING SHIRT WITH A 35 $ DONATION PLUS 5$ SHIPPING IN THE US , OR 15$ OUTSIDE to CANADA AND 22 ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! THEN YOU WILL SPREADA SIMPLE TRUTH VIRUS IN YOUR TOWN SIMPLY BY WALKING . PLS DESCRIBE IN DONATION WHAT YOU ARE DONATING FOR ! Get the question that started the FLAT EARTH and walk around with this and watch the meltdown. The real meltdown . - Support us on Patreon teespring poster adam and eve" MATH POWERLAND 24 ['pedocracy', 'pedophile hrc', 'hillary tape', 'trump cohen', 'trump no lawyer', 'flat earth pedogate', 'russia syria flat earth', 'trump traitor', 'math powerland', 'thenasachannel', 'nasa comedian', 'nasa painter', 'math boylan', 'matthew boylan', 'photo? or Painting?', 'photo or painting', 'fake versus real flat earth', 'flat earth mixer vegas'] PT2H30M49S 1624 10 36 32 not set not set 2018-07-04T06:14:57.000Z UWVCx5OcHhM UCp1ZIpwUidHNCiZmfiwbeDA WWG1WGA - Dedicated to Q - Qanon and the Q Anon Team "Song Title: Blasphemy Creator: The Mystic - Matthew Dedicated to Q and My awakened soul tribe. WWG1WGA - We are 1 WWG1WGA - Share my Music, Share my world as we take out the trash.. Slowly.... - Give it time... ( IF YOU USE MY MUSIC OR VIDEO ) All I ask is that you SUB and LINK Back to it's creator .. Thanks Ahead of time . -Matt" Matrix Minds 25 ['qanon', 'QAnon', 'dedication to Q', 'Q Music', 'Q Deepstate', 'Corruption'] PT4M5S 1090 12 46 1 not set not set 2018-08-04T01:00:00.000Z ApuspQo7Phk UCxXUQuvoiIAlpM2osoAitjQ LAPD investigating QAnon actor who claims Tom Hanks is a Pedo "Isaac Kappy is a name that has been floating around internet forums for the last few weeks after he accused actor Seth Green, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Stephen Colbert, Bill Clinton, and Claire Grant., of being part of an underground Hollywood pedophilia ring. He's been posting a lot to Qanon on 8chan, and they've been really giving him support. Now apparently the LAPD is looking into Kappy. ► AMAZON: ► PATREON - ► PAYPAL: ► BITCOIN: 1FGxTiyKZDSkphRLn1xEwNR3aaG2RYKhGQ ► DISCORD: ► RUSTL'D: ► PO BOX 13064 OLYMPIA, WA 98508 #IssacKappy #Qanon #LAPD" Matt Jarbo 24 ['Seth Green', 'Steven Spielberg', 'Tom Hanks', 'Stephen Colbert', 'Bill Clinton', 'issac kappy', 'mundane matt', 'matt jarbo', 'mundanematt', 'qanon', '8chan'] PT13M46S 8801 156 216 171 not set not set 2018-08-08T01:00:01.000Z S7AfJoXYPUY UCxXUQuvoiIAlpM2osoAitjQ Anonymous vows to EXPOSE & TAKE DOWN Qanon "Anonymous is not one to enjoy seeing their name associated with absolute crazy. And that is just what Qanon ultimately is. As a result of the Trump Qanon Speech exposure from the other day, Anonymous itself has declared open season on Q, and will expose and take him down. It's a battle for the chans, and the real question is...who will win? ► AMAZON: ► PATREON - ► PAYPAL: ► BITCOIN: 1FGxTiyKZDSkphRLn1xEwNR3aaG2RYKhGQ ► DISCORD: ► RUSTL'D: ► PO BOX 13064 OLYMPIA, WA 98508 #Anonymous #Anon #Qanon" Matt Jarbo 24 ['mundane matt', 'mundanematt', 'matt jarbo', 'breaking news', 'current events', 'news', 'qanon', 'anonymous v qanon', 'anon qanon', 'anon v qanon', '8chan', 'infinity chan', '4chan', 'trump qanon speech', 'trump', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'cia', 'donald trump', 'illuminati', 'conspiracy', 'potus', 'truth', 'qanon update', 'doj', 'new world order', 'fbi', 'qanon t shirts', 'president trump', 'conspiracy theories', 'q clearance patriot', '#qanon', 'q-anon', 'what is qanon', 'qanon latest youtube', 'what is qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'q anon posts'] PT11M25S 20543 301 421 575 not set not set 2018-03-08T14:41:23.000Z uOAItVssRq0 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg YESTERDAY'S Q ANON DROPS...WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEIR EYES??? "(Note: This video deals with customs of the Illuminati bloodlines that some may find disturbing.)  I see YT thinks, that because I'm just a dumb white person, I won't notice them messing with my numbers... lol Numbers... on ""The Failing YouTube"" have no meaning in the REAL world. YUGE drop yesterday... Questions being answered... Shortly, this video will be added to my daily blog, along with current memes, up-to-date links to other interesting videos and news stories that are circulating around the web today. There will also be links to fun entertainment videos (in case you’re trying to cut the cord.) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: Here's some great REAL news links... News Links: The Great Awakening: America First:" McAllisterTV 22 ['YouTube Censorship', 'Censorship', 'Big drop', 'Drop', 'MEMES', 'QRST', 'QUE', 'QUEUE', 'INFORMATION IN THE QUEUE'] PT18M48S 48013 486 2045 30 not set not set 2018-03-09T11:35:40.000Z qeKCvXWXByk UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON UNZIPPED: WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEIR EYES...PART 2 "So, in going through these fascinating Zip Files...(which have been meticulously collected, categorized and archived...for Patriots to USE however they see fit...) ...these folders full of informational memes, that came via a link that Q dropped in one of their latest posts... Some of these folders hold answers to some burning questions I've had since the election began, in 2016. Questions such as: ""What the HELL is happening with these people's EYES? When animated one after the other...they almost read like a BOOK. The answers are sometimes in the memes... (Insert image a Pepe stroking his chin and nodding) Shortly, this video will be added to my daily blog, along with current memes, up-to-date links to other interesting videos and news stories that are circulating around the web today. There will also be links to fun entertainment videos (in case you’re trying to cut the cord.) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: LINKS: Here is a video I created about the Eye of Horus and the use of Sodomy, by the ""elite,"" to Brainwash at an early age... My video Open Scroll Blog: The Truth Seeker: Henry Makow… Donald Marshall: The Cloning Center… Pockets of the Future: Britney MK Ultra: Britney Clone:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Unzipped Files', '#MEMES', 'MEME WARS', 'GREAT AWAKENING', 'WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL', 'BREADCRUMBS', 'QSTORYBOOK', 'THE CLUES ARE IN THE MEMES', 'QANON', 'Q ANON'] PT17M46S 41574 404 1109 28 not set not set 2018-03-09T13:53:58.000Z JS4HFka0cK4 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON is REAL WATCH THE HANDS "That sure is a weird way to hold your hands at precisely the time someone was supposed to make a Q sign with their hands...just saying... Q ANON is real. Shortly, this video will be added to my daily blog, along with current memes, up-to-date links to other interesting videos and news stories that are circulating around the web today. There will also be links to fun entertainment videos (in case you’re trying to cut the cord.) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['NOT A GAME', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'LOOK AT THE HANDS', 'THE HANDS', 'DUSTIN NEMO', 'DUSTIN NEMO GOOD VIDEOS', 'FOLLOW THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'Q ANON'] PT4M21S 24228 118 500 78 not set not set 2018-03-09T17:48:53.000Z rRoi7cyR_2M UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON UNZIPPED FILES_ ADRENOCHROME IS WALNUT SAUCE and the "ELITE" Are Addicted To It! "These Memes and photos were downloaded from a link provided by Q. This is the contents of the folder titled ""Adrenochrome."" Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['ADRENOCHROME', 'SAUCE', 'WALNUT SAUCE', 'QDROPS', 'Q ANON'] PT6M26S 39808 332 1258 56 not set not set 2018-03-17T16:36:12.000Z nXpQcJ87bTc UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg SIDE BY SIDE Q KNEW: Q Mega Drop. Q is REAL... "From the recent Q Mega Drop (Memes, Info Graphics, etc for patriots to use...) The Q Group proves time and time again that they are REAL. Link to Q Group, Mega Meme Drop...!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: McAllisterTV on BitChute" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q Anon is REAL', 'SIDE BY SIDE', 'Q ANON', 'VERIFIED', 'QANON IS REAL'] PT21M50S 11715 73 448 7 not set not set 2018-03-22T18:18:43.000Z ZDPxl96AedQ UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg ANTARCTICA Q MEMES MEGA DROP: WHAT DO JOHN LEGEND & CHRISSY TEIGAN HAVE TO DO WITH ANTARCTICA? "These images were found in one of the folders from what’s called the “MEGA DROP.” The link to the folders (which have MEMES and other elements inside) was provided in one of the Q posts. Q-Team would like Patriots to share these Patriotic Memes, Charts, Graphs etc…as much as possible, to help fight in the Information War. I wanted to see what was there and have been finding clues in some of the folders. Here is the link to the MEGA DROP with the Q-Crumbs..Memes ETC…!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg The Antarctica folder has some very mysterious photos, memes and references in it. What’s going on in ANTARCTICA? What’s BEEN going on in Antarctica… I’ll create another video on this subject tomorrow. Follow the White Rabbit… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['ANTARCTICA', 'CHRISSY TEIGAN', 'JOHN LEGEND', 'QANON', 'QCRUMBS', 'LAX', 'EIGHT HOURS', 'Q CRUMBS', 'ILLUMINATI'] PT17M37S 100095 844 2082 131 not set not set 2018-03-24T22:45:18.000Z EkJBSl3F-1Q UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q CRUMBS FROM THE MEGA-MEME DROP...THE CABAL CARDS: America For Sale! "I found this folder in the Q Anon, MEGA-MEME Drop, called ""Cabal Cards."" Now I'm not saying I know what it all means...but I used some guesswork. Maybe other people have ideas too? Please feel free to share! At first I thought it was just going to be like ""Serial Killer"" Cards, where they just put a summary of all the stuff we already know... so we can red-pill people with it. Wrong. Check out the video and see what was in the ""Cabal Cards"" folder. See link below for the the Mega-Meme Drop...!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['QAnon', 'Q ANON', 'Q CRUMBS', 'CABAL CARDS', 'CABAL', 'SATANIC CABALS', 'CABALS', 'MANY CABALS', 'AMERICA FOR SALE'] PT29M3S 26078 535 877 27 not set not set 2018-03-26T11:35:02.000Z DFKQOCV2HVE UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA-MEME DROP: HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF ASTANA? "Here’s an analysis of the contents of yet another fascinating folder, from the QAnon Mega-Meme-Drop. These are memes for patriots to use, in order to counter the MSM, FAKE NEWS, (Mockingbird) narrative, and help wake up those who are still asleep. This folder was titled “Astana Kazakhstan,” and that’s not the most exciting title in the world… but I downloaded it anyway. Before that moment I had never heard of Astana. Simply switch the “A” and the “S” at the beginning and you have “Satana.” That’s not an accident. Here are some videos on the subject and there are many more on YouTube and other video hosting websites… Article from “Secrets of the Fed” website… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg" McAllisterTV 22 ['QANON', 'QMEMES', 'QDROP', 'Q MEGA-MEME DROP', 'Q DROP', 'Q ANON', 'ASTANA', 'SATANA KAZAKHSTAN', 'KAZAKHSTAN', 'NEW WORLD ORDER', 'NWO CAPITAL CITY'] PT15M1S 99367 683 1976 96 not set not set 2018-03-26T23:44:19.000Z gzlcWeD6NNM UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEME DROP: ANTARCTICA, HOLLOW EARTH AND THE SYMMES THEORY "WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN HIDING FROM US, FOR DECADES, IN ANTARCTICA? The ""Antarctica-Arctic"" folder on the Q Meme Mega Drop, only has a few things in it, but several of them are info graphics. There's one on Admiral Byrd and a photo of Buzz Aldrin sporting his Masonic rings. There's also an info graphic on Kerry's trip to Antarctica. Kerry spent election night in Christchurch, New Zealand, and headed immediately to Antarctica after Hillary's loss...why? What have they been hiding in Antarctica? Uranium? The evidence points to something more... Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg" McAllisterTV 22 ['Hollow Earth', 'SYMMES THEOREY', 'INNER EARTH', 'JOHN KERRY', 'ANTARCTICA', 'UFOS', 'NAZIS', 'Q ANON', 'QANON', 'Q CRUMBS'] PT41M41S 33333 396 959 34 not set not set 2018-04-02T02:22:22.000Z F2FVzkGp_8Q UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg WAR NEVER CHANGES: Q ANON CHARTS, CRUMBS AND INFOGRAPHS "More information from the Q Anon MEGA-MEME Drop... LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'CHARTS AND INFOGRAPHS', 'DEEP STATE CHARTS', 'DEEP STATE INFOGRAPHS', 'QANON', 'Q CRUMBS'] PT24M29S 30732 330 864 21 not set not set 2018-04-03T00:17:38.000Z QmZFg-zKx_o UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg PSYCHO JOE HAS HIS OWN "FOLDER" IN THE Q MEGA-MEME DROP... "Why is it that Psycho Joe has a folder all of his own, in the Q MEGA-MEME Dump? Why is it that Psycho Joe constantly attacks President Trump so viciously? How did an intern end up dead on Psycho Joe’s office floor, and where was Psycho Joe the next day… when he was supposed to be meeting with the couple, who showed up at his office and discovered the young women’s body…but no Psycho Joe? Were the details of the medical report covered up? How reliable was the medical examiner? Psycho Joe. Something’s wrong. LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['PSYCHO JOE', 'LORI LAUSUTIS', 'JOE SCARBOROUGH', 'DEAD INTERN', 'SKETCHY', 'AUTOPSY REPORT', 'MEDICAL EXAMINER BODY PARTS'] PT23M14S 37693 312 1742 13 not set not set 2018-04-03T14:53:02.000Z C6yH3pLB7gI UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON POST: APRIL = AAA = APRIL... ARRESTS... AWAN... "Here’s my interpretation of the latest Q Posts. You can go to my blog and see that I have posted links to some of my favorite Q videos from other YouTube channels (besides my own) who follow Q, in order to get a good, bird’s eye view of the drops and what they could mean. April looks like it could be one of the most exciting months yet! LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['QAnon', 'AAA', 'APRIL ARRESTS AWAN', 'Q ANON', 'BIG MONTH', 'TRUST SESSIONS', 'TRUST WRAY', 'Q CRUMBS'] PT22M11S 35460 407 877 21 not set not set 2018-04-04T17:42:51.000Z MQbqeBWbvtk UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q: WHO'S CONTROLLING THE POPE AND EVIL ON PEDO ISLAND... "More Q Posts yesterday, and this morning I attempted to “Follow the White Rabbit” to find out what some of them might mean. Question: Who IS the Pope? Who CONTROLS the Pope? Follow this link to an internet search, for articles about the 2014 trial of Pope Francis, who was found guilty of horrible crimes against children, yet still manages to remain the Pope… LINK TO VIDEO ON THE MILITARY CHANNEL, THAT Q POSTED... LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['POPE', 'Q ANON', 'HILLARY', 'QANON', 'SOROS', 'QCRUMBS', 'NSA', 'PEDO ISLAND', 'EVIL ON PEDO ISLAND', 'Q ANON PEDO ISLAND', 'SATANIC POPE', 'HILLARY WITCH', 'HILLARY EVIL'] PT30M7S 23573 485 932 17 not set not set 2018-04-05T15:26:16.000Z eI8Mto6_u58 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEME DROP: RED OCTOBER / ROTHSCHILD/ SATANIC/ PEDO/ TRANSPORT? "I just came across this folder this morning on my desktop, and opened it up. Three graphics inside concerning ""the Argentine submarine"" and ""Red October,"" and had to make a quick video about it. More Q-Crumbs! LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['RED OCTOBER', 'Q ANON', 'QANON', 'QCRUMBS', 'Q CRUMBS', 'Q MEGA MEME DROP', 'CHILD TRAFFICKING', 'PEDOPHILIA', 'SATANIC PEDOPHILES'] PT12M8S 26184 308 776 11 not set not set 2018-04-07T13:07:40.000Z quVmnMhFNFU UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA-MEMES & Q POSTS...EPSTEIN ISLAND : KARMA IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR... "More about PEDO ISLAND…this time combining the MEMES from the MEGA-MEME DROP… Q’s actual posts…and some research of my own. If I’m reading Q’s posts correctly… the White Hats have someone planted inside the mound, as one of the crew sent there, from the mainland, to “fill in the tunnels.” One of those “workers” is a White Hat, and they have been photographing the entire process from start to finish, apparently without much difficulty, documenting what was there, and what they were trying to hide. This agent will be instrumental in the excavation of Epstein Island, which is sure to come. I wonder of the blackmail videos were destroyed or if the Q-Team has had them all along? Something’s going down at that island. “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” Their time is coming… LINK TO NEW Q POSTS: LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['EPSTEIN', 'PEDO ISLAND', 'PEDO BLACKMAIL', 'PEDOPHILE ISLAND', 'HUNTING CHILDREN', 'KILLING CHILDREN', 'JEFFREY EPSTEIN', 'PEDO PLAYGROUND', 'MOLOCH', 'MOLOCH ISLAND', 'BABY KILLING', 'BLOOD DRINKING', 'TRAITORS'] PT32M41S 51963 676 1730 36 not set not set 2018-04-10T16:50:04.000Z UiqUNQVF180 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEME DROP: MEME WARS! THANK YOU POTUS and Q! "I wanted to do something UPBEAT, because the last two videos I created were so disturbing, and there's plenty of UPBEAT material in the Q Mega-Memes folders. These came from 3 folders... 1) MEME WARS 2) POTUS 1 3) A folder I created that I named ""Q IS FUNNY."" I made this video, so that people can pause it and capture the MEME, if they want to spread it around, and also to thank all of the great people who subscribe to, and support this channel through my blog. Sit back and enjoy the show! LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'MEGA MEME DROP', 'Q MEGA MEME DROP', 'MEME WARS', 'Q MEME WARS', 'GEOTUS', 'GREAT JOB ANONS'] PT11M56S 12328 188 732 15 not set not set 2018-04-11T01:17:20.000Z 3rZWyZxnG80 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q-CRUMBS: GETTY CENTER / RED SHOES / HAWAII MISSILE "These are just some smaller folders from the Q MEGA MEME DROP, that I thought had important information / verifications inside. You never know what you are going to find. PREVIOUS VIDEOS ABOUT MICHAEL AQUINO... LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'GETTY CENTER', 'CALIFORNIA FIRES', 'HAWAII MISSLE', 'RED SHOES', 'RED SHOES HUMAN SKIN', 'CABAL', 'CIA', 'CLOWNS', 'JERRY BROWN', 'LAND GRAB', 'QANON'] PT22M25S 47666 558 1669 35 not set not set 2018-04-12T19:55:04.000Z 2dDy_0STQ3o UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: "ITS HAPPENING..." [H]... "DOWN SHE GOES!" "Who could QAnon be referring to when he says ""A clean [H]ouse is important..."" ""Down she goes..."" ""FIREWORKS"" and ""Testify and drop?"" Is the IG report going to be released after someone ""testifies?"" An exciting Q Post last night...VERY encouraging! Link to articles dropped by Q: LINK TO NEW Q POSTS: LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 "['Q ANON', 'HILLARY ARREST', 'HILLARY INDICTMENT', 'DOWN SHE GOES', ""IT'S HAPPENING"", 'CHILD TRAFFICKING', 'MARK ZUCKERBERG', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT']" PT38M44S 114277 1311 2552 138 not set not set 2018-04-15T20:45:44.000Z EiejHg02S_0 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q CRUMBS: WHY IS THERE A "FLAT EARTH" INFO GRAPHIC IN THE Q MEME DROP? "The infoGraphic is HERE: FOLDER : CBTS Memes 1 A-L FILE NAME: Flat Earth - no gravity - bees levitate.jpg (Link to MEME DROP Below) WHY indeed? I'm NOT a ""Flat Earther..."" but these days my mind is open to just about anything, especially if it's coming from a trusted source, which I consider Q to be. The Info-Graphic said to #Research #FlatEarth. So that is what I did. I know they are lying about a lot of things, even the Bible. I look at the world as SOLID and ROUND... BUT I know I've been lied to. This video is merely to FIND OUT WHAT the flat earth-ers are (and have always) been SAYING... and what Q means by this Infographic. I am 100% convinced that Q is real...this meme drop is massive and is well-coordinated. If we have been lied to about something as basic as the solar system and the actual nature of the earth... then I want to know about it. Has that been proven to me? NO...but I like to think I'm open-minded enough to RESEARCH it. PS: (Sorry about the ""audio edit blooper"") ; ) LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['FLAT EARTH', 'Q ANON', 'QANON', 'QCRUMBS', 'Q CRUMBS Q MEGA MEME', 'Q CRUMBS', 'Q MEGA MEME', 'Q MEGA MEMES', 'FLAT EARTH THEORY', 'FLAT EARTH SMALL SUN'] PT42M2S 66683 2166 1687 179 not set not set 2018-04-17T14:27:04.000Z npXwUnfk6Eg UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q CRUMBS: HEATHER O'ROUKE, SUMERIAN SECRETS, CALIFORNIA FIRES "NOTE: The link to the Q CRUMBS can be found under EVERY video (about Q Crumbs) inside the DESCRIPTION... (see below.) #HeatherOrourke #SumerianTransportPad #MURDER #DEW LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is NOT MONETIZED…in order to keep YT off my 1A! Donations (of any amount) are greatly appreciated! This way I can keep it CLEAN and censorship-free! VISIT MY DAILY BLOG… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 "[""HEATHER O'ROURKE"", 'STEVEN SPEILBERG', 'MURDER SPEILBERG', ""MURDER HEATHER O'ROURKE"", 'SUMERIANS', 'SUMERIAN TABLETS', 'SUMERIAN TRANSPORT PAD', 'PROJECT LOOKING GLASS', 'CALIFORNIA FIRES', 'DEW']" PT35M33S 36760 842 1698 24 not set not set 2018-04-18T14:07:42.000Z jo0ARWWpUeU UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: THE "HOW TO" VIDEO for the THE Q MEGA MEME WEBSITE... "NOTE: THE Q-MEGA-MEME LINK IS ALWAYS IN THE DESCRIPTION. Many people have asked me for this, and since today is Wednesday... (pause) I thought NOW would be a good time to make this video. (That's not supposed to make sense...just pretend I'm Joy Behar and agree with me.) Hope this is helpful! LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is NOT MONETIZED…in order to keep YT off my 1A! Donations (of any amount) are greatly appreciated! This way I can keep it CLEAN and censorship-free! VISIT MY DAILY BLOG… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q MEGA MEME', 'Q MEGAMEME', 'Q MEMES', 'Q ANON', 'QANON', 'MEME WARS', 'Q ANON MEMES', 'MEME MAJICK', 'MEME MAGIC'] PT25M39S 19567 219 798 10 not set not set 2018-04-27T17:24:48.000Z 5caB3vkwaOk UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON "FUTURE PROVES PAST..." PROJECT PAPERCLIP: The NAZI INVASION of 1947 "When Q asks ""Who are the REAL RACISTS AND BIGOTS... could he be referring to ""Operation PaperClip?"" Was ""Operation PaperClip"" a SUBVERSIVE NAZI INVASION OF AMERICA? Are we dealing with the BLOODLINES from this GROTESQUE BETRAYAL, of our very own government? This channel is NOT monetized…because it's the only way I can retain my Freedom of Speech… which is worth everything to me. Donations (of any amount) are greatly appreciated! To all of you who HAVE donated…I can’t thank you enough. It’s because of you, that I can do this FULL TIME. Many Thanks to each and every one of you. VISIT MY DAILY BLOG… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this CHANNEL… NEVER FEAR. I will CONTINUE to produce VIDEOS…NON-STOP… and you WILL see them on my BLOG. MAGA!" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'NAZI CONNECTION', 'NAZI OCCULT', 'NAZI PAPERCLIP', 'OPERATION PAPERCLIP', 'NAZI INVASION 1947', 'Q ANON NAZI CLUE', 'NAZI FASCISTS'] PT22M21S 16887 392 1153 20 not set not set 2018-05-07T15:18:00.000Z U8vOCnrLC1I UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q POST: TREASON, TRAITORS...MEGA MEMES "LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg THE OPEN SCROLL BLOG: This channel is not monetized, in order to keep the fascist regime OFF my One-A. Thank you, to all of you who support this channel! VISIT MY DAILY BLOG… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA!" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q POSTS', 'Q DROP', 'TREASON', 'TRAITORS', 'TREASON TRAITORS JUSTICE', 'CORRUPT FBI', 'CORRUPT FORMER PRESIDENTS', 'TRAITOR44', 'TRAITOR 44', 'SLICK WILLY', 'TRAITOR 43', 'TRAITOR 42', 'LOCK THEM UP'] PT36M17S 42489 615 1643 46 not set not set 2018-05-20T16:15:53.000Z uHYIW--4B78 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA-MEMES_OLD NEWSPAPERS : WITCHCRAFT & HUMAN SACRIFICE "LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is not monetized, in order to keep the fascist regime OFF my One-A. Thank you, to all of you who support this channel! VISIT MY DAILY BLOG… Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['HUMAN SACRIFICE', 'SACRIFICE', 'WITCHCRAFT', 'CANNIBALS', 'WALNUT SAUCE', 'WALNUT', 'DOMINOS', 'THROWING THE BONES', 'CANNIBALISM', 'KURU', 'SATANISM', 'SATANIC SACRIFICE'] PT40M15S 19783 434 965 20 not set not set 2018-06-07T22:19:17.000Z Tc7PlNW4s0U UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA=MEMES: RUN ROTHS RUN... "LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg In order to maintain the integrity of this channel…it is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY DAILY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['ROTHSCHILD BALL', 'INVERSION', 'SATANIC INVERSION', 'EYE OF HORUS', 'ILLUMINATION'] PT1H23M33S 30129 726 1445 18 not set not set 2018-06-29T19:22:49.000Z EBEz3awiaJA UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: THE GREAT AWAKENING IS HERE!!! "LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg DUSTIN NEMOS... This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q POST', 'IT BEGINS', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING'] PT42M40S 23669 526 1260 25 not set not set 2018-06-30T11:59:44.000Z 5Z886CRRByY UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg THE 7TH FLOOR IS NO MORE! Q MEGA-MEMES FOLDER... "LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is not monetized because I don't want people telling me what I can and cannot create. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear." McAllisterTV 22 ['7th FLOOR', 'SEVENTH FLOOR', 'DEEP STATE BOOM', 'BOOM', 'NO MORE 7TH FLOOR', 'DEEP STATE DESTRUCTION'] PT41M19S 27442 422 1323 21 not set not set 2018-07-12T21:46:22.000Z x7S0hoWEoGk UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEMES: THE BLACK POPE AND THE WHITE POPE... "Pope Francias CONVICTED OF MURDER, CHILD RAPE, HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND SATANIC SACRIFICE IN 2014... WHY IS HE THE POPE??? LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is not monetized. (You know why…) Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['BLACK POPE', 'WHITE POPE', 'MURDER', 'HUMAN TRAFFICKING', 'Ninth Circle Satanic Cult', 'CHILD SACRIFICE'] PT1H1M36S 21169 609 1159 38 not set not set 2018-07-26T20:06:35.000Z jOeA4DeByyI UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA-MEME BOMBSHELLS, EPSTEIN ISLAND & BUSH CLINTON HORROR SHOW "THIS VIDEO CONTAINS DISTURBING INFORMATION. NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!C5NHlRpR Sherman Skoinick on Duck Duck Go: Sherman Skoinick: JFK Junior Plane Crash on YT: Sherman Skoinick REPORTS: Sherman Skoinick: Rahm Emanual Sherman Skoinick: Exposes the Vatican This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear." McAllisterTV 22 ['KERRY BRITISH INTELLIGENCE', 'HUNTER THOMPSON MURDER', 'FRANKLIN AFFAIR'] PT1H9M25S 28470 659 1356 25 not set not set 2018-08-01T19:26:50.000Z anUEeCRHeFo UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON DROPS! GEOTUS ON FIRE! "THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!" Q CARDS...MEGA-MEMES "TICK-TOCK!" "O IS ON FIRE AND THE MEGA-MEMES ARE NEW AND IMPROVED! NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!C5NHlRpR This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID', 'WWG1WGA', 'LOCK HER UP', 'LOCK THEM UP', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'Q DROPS', 'Q MEGA MEMES'] PT58M43S 24320 634 1397 33 not set not set 2018-08-07T18:22:25.000Z bDCBBj0OTIA UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON FULL PANIC ATTACK by the FAKE NEWS!!! "The PROOFS speak for themselves, add to that the DESPERATION that the Fake News Media is spewing all over the place and it's confirmed. Q is REAL. NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!C5NHlRpR This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q IS REAL', 'WWG1WGA'] PT53M10S 14115 462 1211 30 not set not set 2018-08-12T20:12:31.000Z hjwQOU82IJM UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q: THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH? "QANON DROPS: BREITBART ARTICLE: ""SATAN'S"" TWITTER ACCOUNT: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['QANON', 'WWGOWGA', 'NOW COMES THE PAIN', 'JAMES GUNN', 'JAMES GUNN GENDER BENDER', 'JAMES GUNN TWEETS', 'BILL MAHER PEDO', 'BILL MAHER PIG', 'BILL MAHER NWO', 'BILL MAUER SICK'] PT55M 14221 460 1128 20 not set not set 2018-08-17T19:13:20.000Z AOXzQMMqYGs UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg MASSIVE Q DROPS! TANIT! RED SHOES! RED SHOES! RED SHOES! "SOME OF MY FAVORITE Q REPORTERS ON YOUTUBE: YOU ARE FREE TV... JUST INFORMED TALK: SGT REPORT: BERNIE: TRUTH AND ART TV NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['RED SHOES', 'Q ANON', 'CNN', 'NBC', 'FAKE NEWS'] PT53M1S 35450 1074 1749 32 not set not set 2018-08-30T19:59:59.000Z TWvkQ5i_tBc UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q DROPS! GLORIA'S NECKLACE... CHILD SACRIFICE... TANIT... CARTHAGE... CANAANITES "You can find more information about this video on my blog: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts to get to the truth. VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['VANDERBILT', 'CANAANITES', 'carthaginians', 'phoenicians', 'Q QNON', 'Q DROPS', 'NECKLACE', 'TANIT', 'CHILD SACRIFICE'] PT35M40S 38845 756 1644 37 not set not set 2018-09-01T18:01:42.000Z qsmKpfCB188 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON POSTING! BLIND EYES! CREEPY WHITE RABBITS! NOW COMES THE PAIN! "See my blogpost for more info about this video... Read the Q Drops! This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my work! VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['BLING EYES', 'WWG1WGA', 'Q POSTS', 'Q ANON', 'ACCESS DENIED', 'DEEP STATE SHUTDOWN', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP'] PT46M17S 21059 625 1404 34 not set not set 2018-09-02T18:55:34.000Z pato0zkLFo0 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: ALEX PODESTA MK-ULTRA BUNNYART! THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE ELIMINATED! "WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS BUNNY ART? WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND IT? DOES THE MEANING BEHIND ALEX PODESTA'S BUNNYMEN ARTWORK, UNLOCK AN IMPORTANT MYSTERY, IN RELATION TO DEEPSTATE, MK ULTRA PROGRAMMING? You can find more information about this video on my blog: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my work… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'Q ANON', 'MK ULTRA', 'MK ULTRA BUNNY ART', 'BUNNYMEN', 'SYMBOLOGY'] PT47M51S 22167 524 1249 24 not set not set 2018-09-07T12:43:44.000Z Qsbl-AoszU8 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL & SATANIC SACRIFICE & ADRENOCHROME = STANDARD HOTEL? "SOMETHING IS GOING ON AT THE STANDARD HOTEL AND ADAM SCHIFF KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS! (Maybe there's a reason for those BUG EYES of his?) Link: THE EVENT CHRONICLE LINK: Q POSTS This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. Websites… Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q POSTS', 'STANDARD HOTEL', 'ADRENOCHROME', 'ADAM SCHIFF', 'WITCHES', 'WITCH', 'BLOOD', 'SACRIFICE', 'ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES', '13 ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES'] PT52M21S 19226 439 1058 32 not set not set 2018-09-09T08:32:17.000Z W9lxCNceW2c UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: DIVIDE AND CONQUER…PANCAKE FACE SAYS NO NAME "PUT TO DEATH." "KASICH HAS A ""FRUEDIAN"" MOMENT? DEMS CHANNEL HITLER AND RELY ON OUT-DATED NAZI TACTICS IN 2018! This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['JOHN MCCAIN', 'JOHN MCCAIN EXECUTED', 'MCCAIN DEATH SENTENCE', 'DEMOCRATS CHANNEL HITLER', 'HITER NAZI SS', 'HITLERIAN MIND CONTROL', 'MIND CONTROL', 'DEMOCRATS LIE', 'QANON', 'Q ANON', 'MAGA', 'WWG1WGA'] PT45M43S 23536 575 1432 26 not set not set 2018-09-09T22:05:50.000Z wjHAJIVtfvQ UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON...NEW MEGA-MEMES... EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW!!! "Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW', 'Q MEGA MEMES', 'NEW PHOTOS', 'PEDOVORES', 'CANNIBALISM', 'HUMAN SACRIFICE', 'CULTS', 'HILLARY CLINTON'] PT51M48S 32739 863 1606 20 not set not set 2018-09-14T18:12:26.000Z fKi6kMPALl4 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg NEW Q DROP: WHAT IS A NARCISSIST? BOMBS AWAY! "Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['CENSORSHIP', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CNN IS GARBAGE', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS', 'FAKE NEWS CHANNELS', 'FAKE WAPO', 'GENERATION CRYBABY', 'JOURNALISM IS DEAD', 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS DEAD', 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES', 'MEDIA AGENDA', 'MEDIA ON TRIAL', 'MEDIA UNTRUSTWORTHY', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP', 'PROPAGANDA'] PT53M7S 20129 452 1202 26 not set not set 2018-09-18T22:22:47.000Z BtX6HJ988jI UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON:PANIC IN DC! ROTHSCHILD SKULL ISSUES! EPSTEIN ISLAND! "Q ANON POSTS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'ROTHSCHILDS', 'ANNUNAKI', 'ALIENS', 'CHILD SACRIFICES', 'SATANIC HOLIDAYS', 'JOHN PODESTA', 'PODESTA EMAILS', 'WIKILEAKS', 'PEDOPHILES', 'SACRIFICES', 'CANNIBALISM', 'HUMAN SACRIFICE', 'VAMPIRES', 'SATANISM'] PT23M 31758 669 1748 23 not set not set 2018-09-19T19:29:07.000Z U-d5Um49pMQ UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: CARPET BOMBS !!! MOAB COMING! PEDO ARREST UPDATE! "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON DROPS', 'Q ANON', 'Q MEGA MEMES', 'QANON', 'QANON IS REAL', 'CHILD SACRIFICES', 'SATANIC HOLIDAYS', 'JOHN PODESTA', 'PODESTA EMAILS', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP'] PT58M56S 17535 584 1251 20 not set not set 2018-09-20T20:34:13.000Z mF7rXCx4jNU UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: WE ARE NOT ALONE!!! ROSWELL UFO CRASH REVISITED... "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['UFOS', 'Q ANON ALIENS', 'ALIENS', 'ROSWELL CRASH', 'SECRET SCIENCE', 'FAKE NEWS', 'WWG1WGA', 'Q ANON', 'QANON UPDATE', 'Q UPDATE', 'GOVERNMENT COVERUP', 'UFO COVER UP'] PT1H1M4S 14303 569 974 30 not set not set 2018-09-22T19:17:22.000Z H5MhPPKXcJU UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA-MEMES: BILL MAHER and HUGH HEFNER, PIZZAGATE ANTARCTICA CONNECTION? "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS', 'FAKE NEWS CHANNELS', 'FAKE WAPO', 'JOURNALISM IS DEAD', 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS DEAD', 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES', 'MEDIA AGENDA', 'MEDIA ON TRIAL', 'PIZZAGATE', 'PIZZAGATE IS REAL', 'CHILD SACRIFICES', 'SATANIC HOLIDAYS', 'JOHN PODESTA', 'PODESTA EMAILS', 'WIKILEAKS'] PT44M50S 45344 718 2143 41 not set not set 2018-09-24T17:57:27.000Z l5t024GyL7U UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON: "SKY IS FALLING" WEEK !!! SIGNED EOS SHOW MASS ARRESTS & MILITARY TRIBUNALS... "LINK TO ARTICLE: Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['PIZZAGATE', 'PIZZAGATE IS REAL', 'CHILD SACRIFICES', 'SATANIC HOLIDAYS', 'JOHN PODESTA', 'PODESTA EMAILS', 'WIKILEAKS', 'PEDOPHILES', 'SACRIFICES', 'CANNIBALISM', 'HUMAN SACRIFICE', 'VAMPIRES', 'SATANISM IN THE GOVERNMENT', 'SATANISM IN THE CIA', 'SATANISM', 'SATANISM IN AMERICA', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE'] PT17M17S 39829 665 2337 27 not set not set 2018-09-25T19:23:32.000Z J4eSYvm5ApQ UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEMES!!! HUMAN BODY PARTS!!! CANNIBALISM!!! "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'PEDOPHILES', 'SACRIFICES', 'CANNIBALISM', 'HUMAN SACRIFICE', 'VAMPIRES', 'SATANISM IN THE GOVERNMENT', 'SATANISM IN THE CIA', 'SATANISM', 'SATANISM IN AMERICA', 'TURN IT OFF NOW', 'GEORGE SOROS', 'GENDER INVERSION'] PT1H18M39S 17818 555 1167 18 not set not set 2018-09-29T20:44:40.000Z vbyCrqPi-ZQ UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg LATEST Q DROP: BAIT!!! LIBERAL LEFT LUNACY!!! CREEPY PEDOVORE ART EMERGES IN US!!! "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'BROKEN SYSTEM', 'CENSORSHIP', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CNN IS GARBAGE', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS', 'FAKE NEWS CHANNELS', 'FAKE WAPO', 'GENERATION CRYBABY', 'JOURNALISM IS DEAD', 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS DEAD', 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES', 'MEDIA AGENDA', 'MEDIA ON TRIAL', 'MEDIA UNTRUSTWORTHY', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP', 'PROPAGANDA', 'FEINSTEIN'] PT1H3M31S 26178 555 1470 25 not set not set 2018-10-02T22:02:30.000Z 8C8QIPa11y8 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q DROP! DEMOCRATS ARE THE KKK!! SPIRITUAL ATTACKS & SPIRITUAL MESSAGES... "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'DEMOCRATS ARE VIOLENT', 'DEMOCRATS ARE STUPID', 'DEMOCRATS ARE NAZIS', 'DEMOCRATS KKK', 'DEMOCRATS RACIST', 'DEMOCRATS DANGEROUS'] PT1H46S 12033 394 964 16 not set not set 2018-10-03T19:46:51.000Z ibrqLJI2POk UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg NEW Q POST MK ULTRA C A SEX ASSAULT SLEEPER CELLS "DUSTIN NEMOS CHANNEL: Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'CIA ASSETS', 'CIA GLOW FAGS', 'CIA CLOWNS'] PT30M34S 15106 517 1133 20 not set not set 2018-10-06T21:07:34.000Z 8G_P_o9jsrI UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg MASSIVE Q DROPS!!! RED OCTOBER!!! PANIC AND PAIN!!! "LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY DAILY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'ALINSYS RULES FOR RADICALS'] PT58M59S 30721 827 2267 41 not set not set 2018-10-11T18:35:05.000Z YY6AWRZy8J4 UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q POST! PATIENCE! Q MEGA MEMES! CHINESE SPY FEINSTEIN! DIRTY DIANNE! "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['FEINSTEN CHINESE', 'FEINSTEIN CHINA', 'FEINSTEIN SPY', 'Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'BROKEN SYSTEM', 'CENSORSHIP', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CNN IS GARBAGE', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS'] PT35M23S 20371 628 1602 23 not set not set 2018-10-12T20:59:47.000Z jkA6wLnxmpo UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEME DEEP DIVE! 10 ASSASSINATED ADMIRALS AND GENERALS!!! "Q ANON DROPS: Q MEGA-MEMES:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my right to free speech… VISIT MY (AD FREE) BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'BROKEN SYSTEM', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS', 'FAKE WAPO', 'JOURNALISM IS DEAD', 'CLINTON CARTEL', 'ASSASSINATED GENERALS', 'ASSASSINATED ADMIRALS'] PT43M21S 27128 544 1864 24 not set not set 2018-10-15T20:59:01.000Z GS9_4oXb1CE UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q MEGA MEMES! ANTHONY BOURDAIN SUICIDE? JESUITS & NWO NANO TECHNOLOGY! "WHO ARE THE JESUITS? SISTER KERI BURNOR: A CALL TO ALL AMERICANS! RABBI ABRAHAM FINKLESTEIN INTERVIEW: LINK TO Q MEGA-MEME DROP:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY DAILY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'BROKEN SYSTEM', 'CENSORSHIP', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CNN IS GARBAGE', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CANNIBALISM', 'HUMAN SACRIFICE', 'VAMPIRES', 'SATANISM IN THE GOVERNMENT', 'SATANISM IN THE CIA', 'SATANISM', 'SATANISM IN AMERICA', 'SATANIC AGENDA', 'CHAOS MAJICK', 'CHAOS MAGIC'] PT1H13M10S 30698 825 1755 24 not set not set 2018-10-24T20:43:00.000Z cRgcKZ35jrI UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON! CANNIBAL CLUB! PEDOVORES! Q CRUMBS! CEMEX! "This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY DAILY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['CEMEX', 'CHILD TRAFFICKING', 'CIA', 'WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN', 'Q ANON', 'Q GROUP', 'QANON', 'FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT', 'MAGA 2018', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CIA MSNBC', 'CIA ABC', 'CIA GOOGLE', 'BROKEN SYSTEM', 'CENSORSHIP', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CNN IS GARBAGE', 'CORRUPT GOVERNMENT', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS', 'FAKE NEWS CHANNELS'] PT1H13M48S 27436 670 1547 24 not set not set 2018-10-29T21:08:13.000Z qoEFjhNjJKM UCQTqnnPetWFbDN1nJ6hq0eg Q ANON, MEGA MEMES, SCALIA HIT, WETWORKS, US OF MEXICO "Q MEGA MEME SERVER:!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ This channel is not monetized. Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. VISIT MY DAILY BLOG…(for snarky politically incorrect humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel… Never Fear. I will continue to produce videos…NON-STOP… and you can see them on Bitchute and on my BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC… Free Music Archive:" McAllisterTV 22 ['SCALIA', 'WETWORKS', 'PODESTA EMAILS', 'CIA MEDIA', 'CIA CNN', 'CNN IS FAKE NEWS', 'CORRUPT MEDIA', 'DRAIN THE SWAMP', 'FAKE NEWS', 'FAKE NEWS CHANNELS', 'FAKE WAPO', 'MEDIA AGENDA', 'MEDIA ON TRIAL', 'MEDIA UNTRUSTWORTHY', 'MY PRESIDENT', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP', 'PROPAGANDA', 'SCARY JUSTICE', 'THE DEATH OF JOURNALISM', 'TRAITORS TO AMERICA', 'TRUMP 2020', 'TRUMP NATION', 'Q ANON', 'Q MEGA MEMES', 'MEGA MEMES', 'SCALIA MEGA MEMES'] PT57M55S 16774 473 1269 16 not set not set 2018-06-01T02:18:39.000Z C7b5hsYRJoo UCFAQyZq0NqfCwVkRQoXpx0A Wikileaks Vs. Q Anon? Candace Owens vs. Black People? Joy-Anne Reid vs. Roseanne? | MCSC "What is going on with this Candace Owens phenomena? Is it legitimate? Why are wikileaks and Q anon not seeing eye to eye? And the left has to answer for some inconsistent judgement following the Roseanne incident. Help the show grow by becoming a monthly contributor: Visit the MCSC website: Don't forget to register for JustNForm and join the evolution of social media:" MCSC Network W/ Niko House 17 ['Niko House', 'MCSC Network', 'MCSC Politics', 'Mi Casa Es Su Casa', '', 'TIm Black', 'HA Goodman', 'Stephen Molineaux', 'Stephen Molyneaux', 'Joe Rogan', 'JRE', 'Joe Rogan Experience', 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'Facebook', 'Koch Brothers', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Isis', 'Allen J Cannon', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Joyanne Reid', 'TBTV', 'Jamarl Thomas', 'Jimmy Dore', 'Ron Placone', 'Aggressive Progressive', 'Candace Owens', 'Red Pill Black', 'Dave Ruben', 'Q anon', 'Julian Assange', 'Wikileaks'] PT1H18M12S 567 8 51 2 not set not set 2017-12-29T15:07:16.000Z bT5KEGl8ibk UCEMDI3Q3crLvePhetenmvSw Q ANON , Mystery flights to guantanamo bay , Elite Missing. "flash of a stg gitmo report is a must see ! Important ! The storm...... source: WATCH THIS" MediaOgle 27 not set PT2M6S 34238 73 650 10 not set not set 2018-04-11T23:50:31.000Z dl8KiID1xog UCEMDI3Q3crLvePhetenmvSw Q Anonymous Who is "Anonymus lays out who Q is so very awesome. Proficat ! Trump and five on one photo.....@-Q GO-Ogle" MediaOgle 27 not set PT7M36S 207 2 9 1 not set not set 2017-12-12T20:11:02.000Z a-wY9X9wZD4 UCm3tiFuV6oqGzgtxziX1XZw QAnon - blunt and direct time = BDT Bangladesh currency QAnon proving his authenticity here? Memory Hold 23 not set PT46S 330 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-04-07T06:53:11.000Z fcXDBT5goqc UC0C1bN_WAwurH377z-zwwew Q vs Defango? A Tarot Card Reading "Multistreaming with Tip Link! Live Message and Gif's Monthly Support- Keep Merlin Defango Full Time. My Setup: LG V20 Hp Omen 2017 Skills Contact us at" Merlin Defango 22 not set PT1H16M16S 1172 17 54 4 not set not set 2018-08-04T20:55:45.000Z KfumEYR5JNY UC0C1bN_WAwurH377z-zwwew Qanon Debunked? Stream Snipers and FAKE NEWS | DEFNEWS 8/4/2018 Multistreaming with BEAT IT NERD or watch some Pubg Tip Link Support the stream: DONATE if you ... Merlin Defango 20 not set PT1H9M33S 619 6 23 7 not set not set 2018-03-14T20:04:48.000Z gtQr2KfhyZo UC72pKBRSNShZJnIrgCOy44A Who Is Q-Anon ... Who Made The Map And How Do You Read It? "DONT KNOW IF Q MADE THIS MAP OR IT WAS MADE FOR HIM BUT ... #FollowTheWhiteRabbit MY FIRST VIDEO ON THIS Q-ANONs LATEST POSTS" Merrimour The Red 22 ['#FollowTheWhiteRabbit', '#QAnon'] PT7M9S 3027 18 42 5 not set not set 2018-02-14T22:01:35.000Z UECnPjVuo-Y UCEjiwamrjC_AKfk5FxdoSTQ Flat Earth Chemtrails Exposed in X-Files ep.6 2018 Fox Trump QANON "Flat Earth Chemtrails Exposed in X-Files ep.6 2018 Fox Trump QANON FLAT EARTH Miami Robert 2018 X Files Q Drop Code Q Anon EXPOSED SECRETS 8chan ""and you wonder why you are forgetful"" Q++" Miami Robert 24 ['flat earth', 'xfiles', 'x files', 'miami robert', 'flat earth society', 'chemtrails', 'chemtrails exposed', 'xfiles 2018', 'xfiles fox', 'trump', 'qanon', 'q anon', '8chan'] PT46S 19 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-14T16:15:34.000Z YvLom1ZHH6U UCgAW58EJBLsbuRe4jCr9cCA QAnon The plan to save the world TRUMP POTUS goverment corrupt, why the world is the way it is!! Michael Clarke 22 not set PT13M9S 174 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-04-24T20:12:33.000Z hwVcJjesrzU UCvhtNumSocCidBhAoV-FGFg WAKE UP! Q Anon is BULL SHITTING YOU! WAKE UP! Q Anon is BULL SHITTING YOU! Michael Dennis 22 not set PT4M21S 361 23 7 3 not set not set 2018-04-24T23:04:33.000Z YGZIyG1dPg8 UCvhtNumSocCidBhAoV-FGFg Q Anon is BULL SHITTING US! LISTEN UP! Q Anon is BULL SHITTING US! LISTEN UP! Michael Dennis 22 not set PT10M1S 84 9 4 2 not set not set 2018-09-20T15:43:06.000Z 3t4K6ROwSCo UCQU_sVZ6eDtX6L5fUGsgV6g Q Confirms Secret Space Programs Real & Extraterrestrial Life Exists "On September 19, Q Anon dropped two bombshell posts affirming the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. The two posts open a big door for the millions who have been following the Q information, to learn about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, and how these have been hidden from the general public. This is the audio version of an article published on on September 19, 2018. This Youtube version is narrated by the author, Dr Michael Salla. Original article with links and references is available at: Also available at:" Michael Salla 25 ['Space Force', 'QAnon', 'secret space programs', 'extraterrestrial life', 'moon landings'] PT5M18S 10965 94 367 18 not set not set 2018-05-22T02:31:50.000Z 8F4PdsGVNfE UCI-CqLzXtcGGRbupxXCoBRg 5.21.18 A Message To All Who Believe QAnon Is Fake or a Psyop "QAnon Great Awakening Bumper Stickers The Michael Trimm Show is the future of the way people receive insight into modern times. Honesty. Integrity. Purpose. Please support by becoming a premium subscriber. No extra or special content comes with a premium membership. Michael philosophically disagrees with that practice in the media industry. Honesty. Integrity. Transparency. Truth. That's what you're supporting. Please consider: Online Community: Patreon: If you are interested in making a contribution to the channel, please use the following cryptocurrency wallet addresses to send your contributions to: Ethereum (ETH + All ERC-20 Tokens): 0x95cfF9F30Afe411473D07352da1B2E56d43DDC75 Electroneum: etnjvTx7NPrWeqE1H3Q5A3CQKgC6EH5yeaSQnt9npn3rjeqzMPsHxZ7VZLKK5ojpCLC3KneCsA3xA9tMrEh8eAYR95njw2ZoDw Bitcoin (BTC): 1F16xLbzmNmp6ifPWUDK5fiaGiaC2VdQet Keywords #news #politics #government #life #breakingnews #currentevents #trump #potus #america #maga #makeamericagreatagain" Michael Trimm 25 not set PT18M19S 16743 467 667 64 not set not set 2017-11-22T15:24:39.000Z ksNHGeCLC-E UCUo0LzNy-rg7tzEdWcXnOOg Q-Anon secret message Q-Anon is providing a message inside the 4Chan posts. Group types of brackets to understand. There is a message inside the riddle. Michelle L Bertsch 25 ['#CIA', '#DeepState', '#NSA', '#4Chan', '#Q-Anon', '#GovernmentCoverUp', '#POTUS', '#PoliticalCorruption', '#HRC', '#PresidentTrump', '#SeanHanity', '#RussianColusion'] PT1M51S 2177 4 19 2 not set not set 2018-01-29T19:00:09.000Z w_CEUAQGA2s UCtYLq_oNpLyQBoBcQ5EP0BA J Corsi Q-Anon, Storm, Next. Survival Supplies "LINKS ----- Your Support of Independent Media Ministry Is Appreciated: Bitcoin setup ------------- Ministry Intro Video -------------------- Ministry WEBSITE & Donations --------------------------- Donate via bitcoin ------------------ 1EvpCwtTMZ9wHkgXhm7q73oJiQDvHiW8yV Survival Consulting Services and Bunker Building ------------------------------------------------ Emergency Survival Supplies -------------------------- Website Review of Products Online Video --------------------------------------- Bunkers for Sale and Private Survival Lessons --------------------------------------------- Sponsors -------- Youtube ------- SUPPORT ------- Facebook -------- Twitter ------ @onedropshower PATREON ------- Sign up on Patreon using my link ------------------------------- IG -- @ambertracks Periscope Via Twitter --------------------- @onedropshower VIDME ----- STEEMIT.COM Amazon-Smile Charity for Children ================================= Survival Supplies, Bunkers, Lessons" Mike Albert 25 ['god', 'survival', 'emergency', 'bugout', 'packpack', 'food', 'water', 'tsunami', 'filter', 'tent', 'camp', 'trump', 'fisa', 'memo', 'release', 'Jesus'] PT17M20S 65373 254 926 17 not set not set 2018-10-21T14:34:33.000Z LOyQrRdadek UCsenUAiQ5K-yW0t5IZLjUqw Mountain Talk - Trump/QAnon Supporters 'Worshipers' Will Not Like This Video. "Oct 20 2018 - Big Horn Mountains Wyoming. I get so sick of hearing all these Trump/Q Worshipers claiming there Awake and the Deep State is going down.. Really??? Turn off the Mainstream Propaganda News,along with the non censored big YouTube channels that push this bs and see what your Zionist Puppet Trump is really doing." Mike Decker 22 ['mountains', 'mountain', 'climbing', 'hiking', 'outdoors', 'politics', 'guns', 'reeducation camp', 'q anon', 'wyomong', 'lifestyle', 'trump', 'distraction', 'skies', 'chemtrails', 'climate engineering', 'weather warfare', 'weather modification', 'solar geoengineering', 'climate change', 'global warming', 'weather', 'weapons', 'hunting', 'camping', 'tensleep climbing', 'mike decker', 'worland', 'devils tower', 'black hills', 'nikon p900', 'corgi', 'pyrenees', 'mountain dogs', 'beautiful', 'blue skies', 'Mike Decker', 'routes', 'trails', 'scenery', 'deep state', '5g technology'] PT25M24S 1232 54 114 9 not set not set 2018-01-09T07:05:11.000Z IRs6vXVpqWw UCMy1IH3yCwRcY3kQcXDn03A Q Anon: Legitimate source, or deep-state disinformation agent? I've come to a conclusion. "Too many talented YouTubers are wasting their time, energy and talent on this wild goose chase of misdirection! So far, in over a month of watching, nothing substantive has really been offered or revealed, and yet an inordinate number of content creators are spending a huge amount of time on the subject. There are many more dire issues that require our focus and attention! Homelessness, police brutality, the poisoning of our bodies and the environment, pedophilia in government, and a hundred other provable, heinous offenses need our time, not this Q Anon stuff. If you disagree, I'd love to hear why. Maybe you've seen something I haven't but I sincerely doubt it. Thanks for watching!" Mike Turner 25 ['qanon', '4chan', 'trump', 'pizza', 'pizzagate', 'pol', 'politically incorrect', 'inside', 'q anon', 'information', 'leak', 'white', 'house', 'admin', 'truth', 'classified', 'secret', 'trail', 'questions', 'meaning', 'interpret', 'follow', 'legit', 'true', 'honest', 'disinfo', 'disinformation', 'cointelpro', 'cia', 'fbi', 'intelligence', 'misdirection', 'trap', 'scam', 'trick'] PT9M54S 346 20 16 4 not set not set 2018-06-16T03:54:03.000Z XMWM-yJQzy8 UC5IgLIVNIS6dmjDsipR5vbw Q, Qanon, IG report, PURDUE Pharmaceuticals Sued By Massachusetts, End of Phamakia✊🇺🇸 "The end of Pestilence You tube makes it impossible to make a living PAYPAL Please donate if possible.. Starving artist and truth Soldiar. God bless copy" Mikèl Breen 10 not set PT21M11S 43 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-11-11T18:09:07.000Z 0yGpZpYArb8 UCDwsIZcuiD6CW6uhAt4fQ-A Q Anonymous Answers part 1 "Hello hopefully this video will add many puzzle pieces to your research. Q anon answers and questions" million dollars 22 ['q clearance', 'anonymous', 'Q anon', 'questions', 'and', 'answers', '4chan', '/pol/', 'redpill', 'black', 'nobility', 'who', 'are', 'they'] PT22M31S 11782 45 72 29 not set not set 2018-01-17T11:23:18.000Z RrYacAiYKX8 UCC9U5a51Hv0uTLxnmqOiMKA Q Anon, Bitcoin, Blockchain, False Alarms and Simulations "the Second Half of This Will Need Headphones and/or Volume Increase. the Screen Recorder Sound Levels are Lower Than the Voice Recorder and i Cannot Boost it Anymore than it is. and it got even worse after Uploading, my Apologies, Just Do the Best You Can. This Is As Condensed Version of the Latest Events and Research i've Been Doing. Everything to Clue You Is Here. All the Different Goings Ons, You Just Have to Take the Further Steps on Your Own If Your Interested and See Where Your Path Guides You. Thanks fer Watching. Links Below Part 10 Energy Currency and Here's a Bonus Link for You Not Covered in the the Video for Opening the Box and Being Interested : ) FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:" Mindcrime1994 25 ['Q Anon', 'Simulation', 'Technology', 'Robotics', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'A.I.', 'Elon Musk', 'Military Drills', 'Emergency Drill', 'False Alarm', 'Hawaii', 'Japan', 'Thermonuclear War', 'North korea', 'Emergency Broadcast System', 'Norad'] PT56M 269 2 12 1 not set not set 2018-06-28T15:34:06.000Z EznOqysQzQk UCPZtpYr9uRdXxzaSGttPoPg Qanon - Big Pedophile arrest!! 6-28-18 "Very disturbing! A Hillary Clinton campaign official arrested on the worst pedophilia practices. Caution: Do not have young children around if you are viewing this video. Very disturbing practices of this person are mentioned in the article. Thank you for watching. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE God Bless" Miss V'z Newz 25 ['Qanon', 'Pedophilia', 'PedoGate', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Podesta', 'Government'] PT25M36S 217 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-14T23:11:05.000Z i7pM5PPGN4Y UCoKk1ZUHUylpO_sT7CEeL5w Villains of Q-Anon, The Puppet Masters "Villains of Q-Anon, Part I The evil and reviled villains in the true life tale of our time, revealed to us through the crumbs of Q-Anon. This segment introduces the devious and powerful Puppet Masters. Know thine enemy, for they most certainly know you." Mith Chronicler 27 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q-Anon', 'MEMEs', 'Antifa', 'midterms'] PT4M33S 225 14 11 0 not set not set 2018-09-02T20:35:54.000Z 2yBfNPp9hxc UCoKk1ZUHUylpO_sT7CEeL5w The Liberation of North Korea from the CIA "Villains of Q-Anon Part 4 We are living an epic saga with great heroes and terrible villains, though many of our friends and family members know only the illusional world that great evil has conjured and maintained to control us. So here, have a taste of REAL Reality as I weave for you the true story of the [CIA] and how North Korea was liberated from this ultra powerful organisation, which owned and controlled it like a puppet state for many years. All claims and references come directly from the Crumbs of Q-Anon and intrepid Autists and Anons on 8chan and other platforms. #qanon #Maga #Trump2020" Mith Chronicler 25 ['The Great Awakening', 'CIA', 'George HW Bush', 'North Korea', 'Korean war', 'Kim Jong Un', 'Kim Jong Il', 'q anon', 'Trump', 'Deep State', 'Cabal', 'Spy', 'nuclear weapons and war', 'Rocket Man', 'secret operation', 'covert', 'south Korea', 'America', 'political genius'] PT15M2S 125 12 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-09T21:41:15.000Z QXoAba2Dq-E UCoKk1ZUHUylpO_sT7CEeL5w The Many Memes of Q-Anon, Part 2 "Memes! Memes! Memes! Part 2 of The Many Memes of Q-Anon Warning: Adult language and offensive humor. Enjoy!" Mith Chronicler 25 ['Qanon', 'The Great Awakening', 'MAGA', 'Trump', 'WWG1WGA', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'Maga', 'Brexit', 'Frexit', 'Deep State', 'Cabal', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Mueller report', 'Russian collusion', 'Kag', 'Donald J Trump', 'Melania Trump', 'Illuminati', 'Freemasons', 'secret societies', 'memes', 'MEMES', 'Trump2020', 'Trump 2020', 'presidential election', 'presidential candidate', 'adrenochrome'] PT10M30S 137 13 12 0 not set not set 2018-08-05T00:28:03.000Z fvYUpf2LqdM UC0eEjEkWcaCvm4-25bTS_pA Q-Anon, The Storm is Coming!!! Q-Anon MLZ TRUTH 22 not set PT6M35S 508 56 11 1 not set not set 2018-08-20T17:30:46.000Z fdWqFg4dEG8 UC0eEjEkWcaCvm4-25bTS_pA Q-ANON! Clinton's Cartel! Time Is Up! Q-Anon Storm is Coming MLZ TRUTH 22 not set PT7M47S 268 23 8 0 not set not set 2018-10-07T00:48:53.000Z ccQ8_EmjBAE UC0eEjEkWcaCvm4-25bTS_pA Ready For The Arrest to Start! Q-ANON q anon, Kavanaugh, Supreme Court, Storm, trump MLZ TRUTH 22 ['q anon', 'Kavanaugh', 'arrest', 'trump', 'indictments'] PT6M33S 145 21 5 0 not set not set 2018-10-28T12:47:59.000Z s_uX3lXttm8 UC0eEjEkWcaCvm4-25bTS_pA Q-Anon , The Great Awakening Message Q-Anon , The Plan,The Great Awakening MLZ TRUTH 22 not set PT13M21S 434 4 9 0 not set not set 2018-10-31T05:11:09.000Z 92lwvmkMnVs UCRZyqhzuHtVydzP4KvR7whQ Q ANON: VIP ANON INTERVIEW PART ! Moe Anon interviews VIP anon about his picture that has arrived MOE ANON 22 ['VIP ANON', 'MOE ANON', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'QAnon', 'TRUMP', 'MAGA'] PT15M4S 101 0 5 2 not set not set 2018-07-26T05:08:32.000Z DTYVTZdM9vs UCVacszcofTfkuBPtZZ_RICA MBBS+PG in USA - Amazing Benefits "Moksh represent more than 35 Medical universities from various countries. Though studying medicine in America is an expensive proposition, it is still beneficial to the Indian students and costs lesser than Indian private medical colleges! It has become a common dream to pursue MBBS from USA for Indian students. However, the system to complete medical study in USA is absolutely different than the one followed by most of the European-like Russia / Ukraine / Georgia or Asian countries like China or Philippines. The first question that comes to the mind of the student is how to study MBBS in USA. There are many options for completing your MBBS in abroad at an MCI approved University. Watch this video to understand the program carefully. In this video you will get Complete information on MBBS in USA, how to choose a university/country, Pros & Cons of different countries, PG preparation followed by a Q & A session with doubt clearance and every other possible detail regarding MBBS right up to PG! from USA Also, subscribe to our channel in order to get constant updates on new videos on MBBS Abroad! Click here to subscribe to MOKSH Webinars! TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MBBS ABROAD call us – 9699360370 or visit our website –" Moksh MBBS 27 ['MBBS', 'study abroad', 'study abroad specialist', 'aipmt coaching', 'mbbs USA', 'mbbs in ukraine', 'odessa national medical university', 'best university of ukraine', 'best video about mbbs abroad', 'important points for mbbs abroad', 'truth about mbbs abroad', 'why study mbbs abroad', 'mbbs in india', 'mbbs in russia', 'mbbs in abroad', 'indian students abroad', 'usmle for indians', 'indian students', 'mbbs in russia for indians', 'indian students in usa', 'mbbs study', 'study in russia from india'] PT1H5M41S 947 9 10 1 not set not set 2017-11-19T23:56:26.000Z I-48Bc6Lszg UCWG1MrsowFaaySriq8KVuLQ 4Chan - Q - Child Sacrifice to Moloch "The US government has assigned a $1,000,000 value on each child that is labeled a ""ward of the state."" This translates to $1,000,000 per child that state governments stand to receive for every child that is connected to the foster care system, the court system, the ""health care"" system (vaccinations, psychology, psychiatry, autism, etc.). The problem is the nefarious agenda behind this payment (reward) scheme. Recent reports exposing the depths of wickedness of politicians, celebrities, the ""rich & famous"", etc. are being revealed, as never before. The common denominator in all of this perversion, corruption and injustice is the scriptural understanding and Phoenician origin of Moloch worship. The Phoenicians were a loosely gathered group of people who inhabited Canaan between 1550 BC and 300 BC. In addition to sexual rituals, Moloch/Molech worship included child sacrifice, or ""passing children through the fire."" It is believed that idols of Moloch were giant metal statues of a man with a bull's head. Each image had a hole in the abdomen and outstretched forearms that formed a ramp (slide) to the hole. A fire was lit in or around the statue. Babies were placed in the statue's arms or in the whole. When a couple or entity sacrificed their first born child, they believed that Moloch would ensure financial prosperity for the family and future children. Moloch/Molech is often times equated to Ba'al. The name Moloch is interpreted as ""the personified ruler of shameful sacrifice."" There is no published data available to account for or track children that go missing from the foster care system." Mona Mc-D 27 ['4Chan', 'Moloch', 'Molech', 'Child Sacrifice', 'Spiritual Warfare', 'Foster Care', 'Jesus Christ', 'Yah', 'Yeshua', 'Leviticus 18:21', 'I Kings 11:1-8', 'I Kings 12:31'] PT49M17S 4281 55 153 3 not set not set 2018-10-28T20:01:14.000Z MAso0gK-XyE UCgd7ThMBCH3sR53BBH4q3LA 025: Sailing from Tunisia to Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, to enjoy a Sunset in Ibiza "Kelibia was the last port of call in Tunisia. Although it was sad to leave Tunisia, we weren’t quite as sad to leave behind the smells and flies of the fishing port. Although killing flies became a full-time sport for our youngest! We’d been waiting several days in North Africa for the right weather window and were relieved when it came. Our Digital Yacht AIS is not transmitting and we still can't trace the fault, so with a lot of marine traffic between Tunisia and Sardinia, we were keen to cross the shipping channels as quickly as possible in daylight. As we approached Sardinia we realised we didn't have an Italian courtesy flag so quickly cobbled one together from bits of other flags and hoisted it with the Q flag a few miles offshore. The kids don't eat much on passage - depending on the sea conditions - so when we arrive at our destination they’re always hungry and obsessively talk about food! At Cagliari we anchored out but the swell was so bad we eventually opted for the marina which was quite expensive for us at €80/night and it was nothing special for that price. We tried to check in at the Port Police and Customs - a task that’s difficult at the best of times but here they were closed altogether. We were told to go to the airport which was a train journey away – only to be told we didn’t need to check in at all! Bureaucracy at its best! So we spent the rest of the day doing some window shopping and our daughter spent tway oo much time in Zara. Butchers can also be tricky places in some countries and we were faced with wild boar piglets and nearly bought some horse meat for dinner! We skipped along the south Sardinian coastline stopping at Pula Bay and other beautiful anchorages. It would have been nice to stay in Sardinia longer but because we stayed longer in Tunisia than expected, our timeframe for getting to the Balearics was limited, We were caught out several times by unexpected storms large beds of Posidonia which meant the holding was pretty bad. The anchor dragged one night and we picked up a lobster pot! We also lost the dinghy, retrieving it with a well-rehearsed MOB procedure. Eventually we found a sheltered bay hidden away from the mystral winds which friends had recommended – Tuerredda Beach - so we caught up with them and spent a couple of days on a beautiful beach with white sand and aquamarine water. We also caught up with a bit of maintenance on the boat - re-mouse the lines on the solar arch and practicing poling out the headsail with the spinnaker pole, using an 18 year old Amel brochure as reference material! We picked up extra crew – Alex – an old friend from the UK and when the weather was right – headed for the Balearics. Keeping entertained on passage is always challenging and on this one we had a combination of knitting, audio books, cooking, GarageBand and war games to keep the boredom at bay.. and of course, boat schooling continued as normal. The first place we hit land was a lovely bay in the southeast of Majorca. Nothing there apart from lovely white sand and.. nudists! But it was nice to get off the boat and build some sand castles. We stayed only to relax and catch up on some sleep before carrying on south to Ibiza. The first thing we did was stock up on food and treats from the local Lidl. We'd been traveling for quite a few days so it was time to relax and watch the famous sunset in the bay of San Antonio ⒸⓄⓃⓃⒺⒸⓉ ▷PATREON: Contributions to the video blog budget greatly appreciated! ▷YOUTUBE: Video blogs from the boat! ▷INSTAGRAM: Photos from the boat, the crew, the sea and other sailing families and characters! ▷FACEBOOK: Updates, photos videos and news as it happens! ▷AMAZON: Products, spares and items we have on the boat! ▷TWITTER: Chats and comments from the boat ▷WEBSITE: Coming Soon!" Mother Ship Adrift Family Travel and Sailing Blogs 22 ['Sailing', 'Tunisia', 'Sardinia', 'Ibiza', 'mallorca', 'family blog', 'sailing blog', 'sea sickness', 'anchorage', 'marina', 'amel', 'spinnaker pole', 'sailing boat', 'sailing with kids', 'beach', 'sand castle', 'mom blog', 'sunset', 'kids on boats', 'travelling with kids', 'sailing mediteranean', 'sailing europe', 'traveling around europe', 'travel blog', 'balearics', 'balearic islands', 'travel with kids', 'Cagliari', 'San Antonio'] PT30M54S 8290 0 424 6 not set not set 2018-07-15T11:31:17.000Z PBLxbIE7fU4 UCViZEhWDAEoEVwIb3k-speA The Beauty Of Qanun - Feyrouz Music افضل اغاني فيروز بآلة القانون "The kanun, ganoun or kanoon (Arabic: قانون‎, translit. qānūn;Greek: κανονάκι, translit. kanonaki; Hebrew: קָנוֹן‬, qanon; Persian: قانون‬‎, qānūn; Turkish: kanun; Armenian: քանոն, translit. k’anon; Azerbaijani: qanun; Uyghur: قالون‎, ULY: qalon) is a string instrument played either solo, or more often as part of an ensemble, in much of the Middle East, Maghreb, West Africa, Central Asia, and southeastern regions of Europe. The name derives from the Arabic word qanun, meaning ""rule, law, norm, principle"", which is borrowed from the ancient Greek word and musical instrument κανών (rule), which in Latin was called canon (not to be confused with the European polyphonic musical style and composition technique known by the same name). Traditional and Classical musics executed on the qanun are based on Maqamat or Makamlar. As the historical relative of santur from the same geography, qanun is thought to trace its origins back to Assyria, where an ancestral homologue might have been used in Mesopotamian royal courts and religious ceremonies. The instrument today is a type of large zither with a thin trapezoidal soundboard that is famous for its unique melodramatic sound. --------------------------------------------------------------- -The Beauty Of The Arabic instrumental Music-OUD: -Instrumental Music for moroccan weeding and ceremonies .....As known as CHAABI : -Traditional Moroccan Music - Gnawa Music: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more arabic instrumental music , check this playlist : ------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our channel and like our page facebook :" Mourad 10 ['zither', 'oriental music', 'arabic music', 'beautiful music', 'instrumental music', '9anon', 'kanone', 'musique instrumental', 'new lusic', 'vevo', 'new music', 'القانون', 'اقاعات', 'اغاني عربية', 'تقاسيم عربية', 'اغاني شرقية', 'موسيقى عربية على الة القانون'] PT17M20S 5643 4 61 3 not set not set 2018-08-22T23:04:45.000Z MYkv-I2LJdo UCKEt1xKVBLuL175dkk8rqLg QAnon | A Mouthy Buddha Project "What you think you create. EXCERPT: An insidious claim floats around much of the QAnon community, that the blame for humanity’s religious and racial tribalism lies primarily on the shoulders of the elites, who have “engineered us” into hate, and disconnection. This is a simplistic; outside in way to breakdown the most complicated parts of human nature. And has elements of a kind of boomer hope porn. It’s false, and it wrongly aims the arrow of responsibility, and change, away from us. SOURCES: I do this full time with the help of your donations, anything helps is is profoundly appreciated, thank you! PATREON: TIP JAR: Add me on Twitter, lets chat! TWITTER:" Mouthy Buddha 22 ['Mouthy buddha', 'qanon', 'qanon mouthy buddha', 'mouthy buddha qanon', 'a mouthy buddha project', 'mystery', 'thriller', 'satire', 'political', 'phenomenon', 'government', 'creepy', '#qanon', 'cnn', 'cnn news'] PT12M8S 71778 1030 4023 234 not set not set 2018-01-19T20:16:36.000Z RuMftC_lDo4 UC43wEEqgNK_GGvlDlrYeHcA #ReleaseTheMemo Censoring? #DeepState is TERRIFIED "Why is #ReleaseTheMemo #FISAGATE #OBAMAGATE so important? Well, they're shadowbanning it for one. Join Robinhood and we'll both get a stock like Apple, Ford, or Sprint for free. Make sure you use my link. Donate to a fellow Patriot: BitCoin: 3KxaUo9iUnv21hDiqZk4DMxsSVmkcaf5Fj LiteCoin: 33fr8yqxoKX9pieKYzWvhGT4tX6EPnuSaj DogeCoin: 9zhF98dD7YSf74NZmFqsafWLexy6P9tYLn Q, Q-Anon, Hillary Clinton, Tony Podesta, Q-Post, Q-Drop, John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Wikileaks, Pizzagate, Pedogate, Potus, Deep State, CIA, FBI, NSA, MAGA, JFK Assassination, Follow The White Rabbit, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Trey Gowdy, Anderson Cooper, CNN, Fake News, Uranium One, Fusion GPS, Rod Rosenstien, Seth Rich, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, MS-13, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedien, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Democrats, jeff Sessions, Comey, George Soros, Rothschilds, Illuminati, Conspiracy, Podestas artwork, podesta art, Trump, MAGA, FISAGATE, OBAMAGATE, Release the Memo, #ReleaseTheMemo," MQ Ultra Productions 22 ['Q-Anon', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Tony Podesta', 'Q-Post', 'Q-Drop', 'Barack Obama', 'Barry Soetoro', 'Wikileaks', 'Potus', 'Deep State', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'MAGA', 'Follow The White Rabbit', 'Robert Mueller', 'James Comey', 'Trey Gowdy'] PT2M12S 2996 67 150 0 not set not set 2018-05-20T21:23:42.000Z -lM0Xd7sQto UC43wEEqgNK_GGvlDlrYeHcA Q-Anon and the Lunar Eclipse - Community Q with Nate Quick #3 "The eclipse was a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse. I told this story off of memory, hopefully you'll forgive me ;) Also, the Baghdad batteries were the power source for the lightbulbs. Join Robinhood and we'll both get a stock like Apple, Ford, or Sprint for free. Make sure you use my link. Help me buy better computer parts? - CommunityQ, Community Q, Q, Q-Anon, Hillary Clinton, Tony Podesta, Q-Post, Q-Drop, John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Wikileaks, Pizzagate, Pedogate, Potus, Deep State, CIA, FBI, NSA, MAGA, JFK Assassination, Follow The White Rabbit, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Trey Gowdy, Anderson Cooper, CNN, Fake News, Uranium One, Fusion GPS, Rod Rosenstien, Seth Rich, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, MS-13, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedien, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Democrats, jeff Sessions, Comey, George Soros, Rothschilds, Illuminati, Conspiracy, Podestas artwork, podesta art, Trump, MAGA, Wikileaks Emails, Today Wikileaks, Wikileaks Best, Clinton Wikileaks, spy future" MQ Ultra Productions 22 ['QANON', 'q-anon', 'qposts', 'new q', 'new qanon', 'christopher columbus', 'baghdad battery', 'egyptian heiroglyphs', 'light worship', 'community q', 'mqultra', 'red pill', 'chaos magick', 'great deception'] PT3M16S 683 13 19 2 not set not set 2018-02-19T03:02:26.000Z 2ZFzs1AQlnc UCO-Rftf_bSzrOdzXzyNQI5Q Is Q real? What's his stated purpose and goals? IS he winning? "Qanon, or just Q, claims to be allied with Trump, and Military Intelligence, and seems to waging a propaganda and information war against corruption and tyranny from within, and outside of the American Government. He has posted a number of information ""stringers"", in addendum to truck-loads of evidence that what he is doing is legit, on the 4chan and 8chan political boards. In this vid, I go through some of the events, stringers, implications and direct evidence that Q really is legit, and is doing what he says he is doing. Then some summaries as to how the internet at large, the media, and the US deep state are reacting to it. Discord (if anyone wants to get a hold of me, that's the best way):" Mr Hold Button 25 ['Political Commentary', 'Political Speculation', 'Trump', 'Winning', 'Driving', 'News Analysis', 'Calm Before the Storm', 'The Storm'] PT25M13S 43 2 5 1 not set not set 2018-02-14T04:23:45.000Z nGq6MoRqn7A UCHNejj7WUFffGYWB9FEUwMA Q-Cheese and the Deep State Mouse Trap Discussion "This non code related report is a discussion of a metaphorical basis, regarding Q-anon, Q-cheese, and the Deep State, symbolized as a mouse trap, discussing elements of Q and the cult of all those that support Q in social media circles. Background Sources and Links: Q-Anon Music: Dark Cloak, by Density and Time, Courtesy of You Tube Audio Library FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. I am making such material available in an effort to educate and advance understanding of the content contained in the film selection & musical accompaniment. This constitutes a ""fair use"" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The material in this video is distributed without profit and is for informational, research, and educational purposes only. For more information go to:" MrCati 27 ['Q-Cheese', 'Q-anon', 'deception', 'conspiracy', 'deep state', 'false flag', 'ritual code', 'supercomputer', 'Ai', 'Jade Helm 15', 'Jade Helm Ai', 'MrCati', 'Mind Control', 'MKULTRA', 'end game', 'mind game', 'secret science', 'temporal illusions', 'time travel', 'time manipulation', 'time splicing', 'LARP', 'mouse trap', 'mind trap', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'surveillance', 'data mining', 'meta data', 'New World Order', '9-23', '9/11', 'Ice Bucket Challenge', 'mass ritual event'] PT42M38S 3529 192 235 24 not set not set 2018-01-02T18:24:53.000Z yXJUN7WlYxc UC4ooWpHkJWKjDN7YverX2iw 2018 - Flat Earth & THE STORM / Q anon A quick update to let you guys know I’m still here and still getting situated to start broadcasting once again in 2018. Although I will certainly cover Flat Earth this year, I will also be reporting on other subjects that interest me. Right now, for those who have no idea what “The Storm” or “Q” is, please do some initial searching. It is the biggest thing going on on the world right now and the main stream dead media is not following it. Be prepared to take the ultimate Red Pill. God bless and we shall talk soon. MrThriveAndSurvive 28 not set PT2M15S 6019 122 267 31 not set not set 2018-02-05T01:53:46.000Z jfx8WXJvQrE UC4ooWpHkJWKjDN7YverX2iw Proof Of Q-Trump-Assange Connection I am sharing a few of the Q proofs which directly connect President Trump with Julian Assange and Q-Anon - There is only doubt in the minds of the illogical. #Qanon #ReleaseTheMemo #Wikileaks #TheStorm #TheCalmBeforeTheStorm #TCBS #TheGreatAwakening #SecondAmericanRevolution MrThriveAndSurvive 22 ['qanon', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange', 'qanon proof', 'proof', 'evidence', 'the storm', 'the calm before the storm', 'the great awakening'] PT10M4S 8556 86 214 27 not set not set 2018-02-05T17:32:20.000Z 3tp_KeMmQXs UC4ooWpHkJWKjDN7YverX2iw Q Videos - Enough to Continue? "I show my REAL words I used in my Jan 11, 2018 video regarding Qanon and Clinton and what my terms were for continuing. I look at the evidence to date to see if there is any likelyhood at all that the top people will likely be arrested OR do all of the deep state players know this is all just a game to keep us distracted? I judge the undeniable evidence - you can do the same. Don't think it's real? Well, the ""Troll Kill"" will be activated starting now." MrThriveAndSurvive 22 ['hillary clinton', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'trials', 'indictments', 'fbi', 'cia', 'trump', 'evidence', 'false flags'] PT11M9S 3256 78 114 25 not set not set 2018-04-05T02:53:25.000Z 3P7J3xSHcNA UCHKhGNFJ075wTWNxKN_0xAA Q Post - The Vatican, Rothschilds, Epstein Island, Pedophia Ms Patriot 27 not set PT30M15S 333 1 10 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T17:27:33.000Z pEzizlTc8tg UCaXkIU1QidjPwiAYu6GcHjg Who Is 'QAnon'? Bizarre Conspiracy Cult Leaps From Web To Trump Rally | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC "'Q' is an anonymous user who began posting cryptic messages on the dark web last year, sharing breadcrumbs about the so-called ""deep state"" supposedly conspiring to take down President Trump. QAnon jumped out of the internet and right into a crowd at President Trump's MAGA rally last night in Tampa, fueling dozens of bizarre conspiracy theories. NBC's Ben Collins has more with the story. » Subscribe to MSNBC: About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to MSNBC Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: Who Is 'QAnon'? Bizarre Conspiracy Cult Leaps From Web To Trump Rally | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC" MSNBC 25 ['Republicans', 'Donald Trump', 'Hallie Jackson', 'MSNBC', 'news channel', 'news station', 'newspaper', 'breaking news', 'world news', 'politics', 'current events', 'top stories', 'pop culture', 'business', 'health', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'cable', 'cable news', 'trump rally today', 'trump rally tampa live', 'trump rally montana', 'trump rally best', 'trump rally chants', 'trump rally campaign', 'trump rally elite', 'trump rally in tampa', 'trump rally tampa florida', 'trump rally tampa today', 'President Trump', 'MAGA rally', 'QAnon'] PT2M54S 86280 1697 673 1238 not set not set 2018-08-02T02:14:08.000Z tuv1MAS1xfY UCaXkIU1QidjPwiAYu6GcHjg What Is QAnon? | All In | MSNBC "Followers of the conspiracy theory movement flashed signs in the crowd at Donald Trump's rally Tuesday night. » Subscribe to MSNBC: About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to MSNBC Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: What Is QAnon? | All In | MSNBC" MSNBC 25 ['All In', 'All In with Chris Hayes', 'Chris Hayes', 'MSNBC', 'MSNBC news', 'MSNBC live', 'MSNBC TV', 'news', 'breaking news', 'current events', 'US news', 'politics', 'politics news', 'political news', 'elections', 'Republicans', 'Donald Trump', 'news channel', 'news station', 'newspaper', 'world news', 'top stories', 'pop culture', 'business', 'health', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'cable', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'trump', 'fake news', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'conspiracy theories', 'qanon posts', 'donald trump', 'q anonymous', 'q anon trump administration'] PT7M47S 279028 3158 1932 3591 not set not set 2018-08-02T04:58:58.000Z pWPGI2GXKas UCaXkIU1QidjPwiAYu6GcHjg What Does The Conspiracy Group QAnon Have To Do With President Donald Trump? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC "Trump's Tampa rally on Tuesday saw a heavy presence from the conspiracy theory group QAnon. So who are they, and why do they support the president? Ben Collins & Clint Watts. » Subscribe to MSNBC: About: MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect with MSNBC Online Visit Subscribe to MSNBC Newsletter: Find MSNBC on Facebook: Follow MSNBC on Twitter: Follow MSNBC on Instagram: What Does The Conspiracy Group QAnon Have To Do With President Donald Trump? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC" MSNBC 25 "['The 11th Hour with Brian Williams', 'The 11th Hour', 'Brian Williams', 'MSNBC', 'MSNBC News', 'MSNBC Live', 'US News', 'Current Events', 'Progressive News', 'Liberal News', 'Republicans', 'Donald Trump', 'Twitter', 'Florida', ""Trump's Tampa rally"", 'Conspiracy Group QAnon', 'Ben Collins', 'Clint Watts', 'President Donald Trump', 'qanon trump speech', 'qanon trump card', 'qanon trump tower fire', 'conspiracy theory', 'donald trump conspiracy blind', 'trump conspiracy fbi', 'trump tower fire conspiracy', 'trump tower conspiracy']" PT7M22S 263614 3236 1594 1715 not set not set 2017-12-09T23:08:19.000Z 7wag2CszFIs UCBSx6c7Xo0r8XiNwP-YM-Pw Retired Marine - President Trump Says Government Has Been Totally Crooked & Rigged. - 12/09/2017 | N "President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" MSNBC NEWS LIVE 23 ['qanon', 'trump', 'donald j trump', 'potus', 'marines', 'marine', 'marine corps', 'drain the swamp'] PT14M41S 29 1 0 1 not set not set 2018-06-10T15:07:25.000Z v8PrNHUjzI8 UCn6zYJMgAd8B6DYaqSbpO2Q Q WildThang X Draco - Straight Drop (Official Audio) "Add Q WildThang On Facebook: Add Draco On Facebook: Follow Me On Twitter & Instagram @MuddyCarl Add Me On FB: ""Muddy Carl""" Muddy Vision 10 ['Muddy', 'Vision'] PT2M46S 260 6 10 0 not set not set 2017-11-13T03:53:27.000Z cWGzBQ5n2wE UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON Temple and HUMA "Q ANON, speculation lets discuss.... bright insight's video; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', 'Huma', 'Temple', 'Answers', 'Rabbit hole', 'Bright insight', 'my 2 cents'] PT2M48S 4815 20 45 5 not set not set 2017-11-15T02:35:04.000Z ZWCUi5WD0y8 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON and Tracy Beanz "Q anon in a movie? Watch for power grab love to hear your theories, leave a comment specific tracy beanz video being refernced; tracy beanz channel; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q Anon', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Snowden', 'Power Grab', 'exciting', 'News', 'my 2 cents'] PT6M5S 3849 9 44 2 not set not set 2017-11-17T03:37:08.000Z oKNCxhJhbrc UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON Plus Plus the rothschild "I had no idea why the Rothschilds were a target, so i had to do a little research on them and share what i found with you jacob schiff; How rothchilds became secret rulers of the world; Inclusive Capitalism meeting; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['rothschild', '++', 'plus plus', 'q anon', 'news', 'research', 'my 2 cents', 'illuminati', 'profit from war'] PT13M59S 3860 23 54 3 not set not set 2017-11-19T08:11:07.000Z NfyV21Q4UdI UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON Rothschild pt II "Thank You everyone for the feed back on my previous videos, I leave you with more food for thought and encourge you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. soros/glen beck video byTVCReports; How rothchilds became secret rulers of the world; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', 'Rothschild', 'my two cents', 'glen beck', 'abe lincoln', 'lincoln', 'green bcks', 'one world order', 'new world order', 'NWO'] PT7M12S 440 2 9 2 not set not set 2017-11-23T07:40:20.000Z jJOEW3rJEkY UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON Hefner Clowns In America FTWR Honeypot "Following the white rabit, digging up research on Hugh Hefner, Clowns in America. article claiming Hefners death investigation of murder; Debunking article of murder investigation; wiki info on Dan Abrams; The 7 Strangest Playboy Playmate Deaths of All Time;   TMZ article for link to pedofile case; Vigilantcitizen article on monarch mind control; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q Anon', 'Hugh Hefner', 'Clowns In America', 'Honeypot', 'My 2 Cents', 'Marilyn Monroe', 'Paige Young'] PT10M5S 1138 3 36 0 not set not set 2017-11-25T07:44:30.000Z HeJGmZ3T_zw UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON and Owl Sybolism "Q anon, following the owl sybolism queen of the night article, sumerian owl; secret owl society article by richard cassaro Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', 'Owl', 'Owl symbolism', 'my 2 cents', 'FTWR', 'Storm'] PT8M58S 1584 14 29 0 not set not set 2017-11-27T02:33:35.000Z XJiuT0sHk8o UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON and How to really get change "Q to really get change sun simulator in my video; tracy beanz; deception bytes; jkbugout q anon martial law; latest technology video must see; attempt to debunk chemtrail, not where the ""contrail"" is coming from; wikipedia calling chemtrails conspiracy; chemtrails debunked by Dennis Mersereau; trump supports geoengineering article; obama supports geoengneering; skywatcher matt rogers fetured video, check it out, like and share; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', 'Q clearance', 'trump', 'chemtrails', 'nibiru', 'awake', 'my 2 cents', 'stay awake', 'red pill', 'update', 'theory', 'discussion', 'open discussion'] PT24M11S 293 5 7 1 not set not set 2017-12-04T02:34:47.000Z NvNeb2I1Xs8 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON 8chan Sidley Austin Y symbol Walmart Soros + PLUS "Still hunting for bread crumbs, feel free to leave comments in the comment section below. sidley austin; Follow Sidley on Twitter @SidleyLaw The riddle of Q; Here's a little of what you need to start: Qmap Image (This is your map in the Storm) indictment list; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'Sidley Austin', 'y symbol', 'walmart', 'soros', 'plus', 'my 2 cents', 'breadcrumbs', 'bread crumbs'] PT7M34S 1108 15 22 0 not set not set 2017-12-08T06:12:49.000Z vR2SSo6emUg UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON Dear 8 chan 101 Q related MEMEs 1 "101 Q MEME's and a message to 8 chan Destroying the illusion must see vid; 8chan with Q's latest post; including but not limited to; Have you been watching the news since Friday? Who is Peter Strzok? How was he compromised? How was he paid? Who is Melissa Hodgman? Company? Title? Date of promotion? Focus on the date. What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know? Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc. Dates? Date of promotion of wife? How do they stack the deck? Who do they want inside the gov’t? What are puppets? How do you control a puppet? #2 in FBI? Wife connection? What is a pattern? Follow the wives. Keep watching the news this week. Future proves past. Re-read crumbs. (Small) How many D’s / R’s will not seek re-election? Why? What just passed in the Senate? Why? Who is their new handler? Do as told? Why is this relevant? Do you not understand the gov’t is being gutted publicly? Bottom middle top. Hussein Iran connection. Bombs away. Merry Christmas. Q Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8chan', 'destroying the illusion', 'jordan', 'mega anon', 'my 2 cents', 'memes', 'q memes', 'anon', 'anons'] PT6M11S 1330 8 26 3 not set not set 2017-12-09T06:40:03.000Z khSSoWinvhw UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON 8 chan viewer comments reponse video "MS 13, Haiti Clinton foundation, Seth Rich thank you for the info...hopefully i found alot of the stuff you were pointing too, if anybody has comented on my videos before, I'll be covering and responding to those soon, thanks for watching. MS 13 Democrat Sanctuary Cities Human Trafficking Mass Shooting Scandal by Democrat at Gun Free Zones. Haiti Hillary Clinton Foundation. Prince Alwaleed Sealed Education Birth Certificate Renegade Traitor in Chief Barack Obama Barry Soetero Seth Rich Murder. List Death Clinton Renegade Barack Obama Jesuit not shown in my vid, but good info; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['ms13', 'q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'clinton foundation', 'haiti', 'seth rich'] PT18M31S 1735 8 44 1 not set not set 2017-12-09T21:23:17.000Z 0MQXhf8s8EE UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON 8 chan USSS Hussein R 12/9/2017 "12/9/2017 Q anon info drop; What was the USSS codename for Hussein? [R]..... ""Renegade"" (Barack), ""Renaissance"" (Michelle), ""Radiance"" (Malia) and ""Rosebud"" (Sasha) Define. They knew all along. Expand your thinking. Q BHO ""renegade"";barry soetoro; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'hussein', '12917', 'my 2 cents', 'soetoro', 'barry', 'r codenames'] PT9M11S 7360 24 131 5 not set not set 2017-12-11T06:33:35.000Z lixZ184U-yY UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON 8 chan Adam Schiff Caught 12/10/17 "12/10/2017 Q anon info drop; Blunt & Direct Time. Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country. Leaker. NAT SEC. EVIL. Tick Tock. Hope the $7.8mm was worth it. Enjoy the show. Q False flag(s). POTUS 100% insulated. Expect fireworks. JUSTICE. Q the conservitive treehouse; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'adam schiff', 'my 2 cents', 'drops', 'info'] PT4M1S 5840 21 138 3 not set not set 2017-12-13T07:02:14.000Z sD_-K1lYpBQ UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON 8 chan 12/11 & 12/12/2017 false flag AL election "12/11-12/2017 Q anon info drop; False flag conf, AL election; as much as I would love to make daily updates on Q, I'm not realistically able to, but I will try, thank you to all the new subscribers. please leave your comments below. voter fraud executive order from 5/11/2017; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', 'Flse flag', 'AL election', '8 Chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update'] PT14M21S 17316 125 272 12 not set not set 2017-12-15T21:39:48.000Z 0CYmkB7SPG0 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON 8 chan Infiltration, Gannett, CooperAndersn pic "8 Chan infiltrated, 10 days of darkness, godspeed Q what to watch; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anoo', '8 chan', 'cbts', 'my 2 cents', 'infiltratrion', 'cia', 'cooper anderson'] PT14M44S 16268 146 299 21 not set not set 2017-12-20T07:41:50.000Z KyFqsavjn5o UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 12/18 12/19 2017 ATL "Q's back after 3-4 days of silence and a WHOLE lot going n in his absence... Latest Q grid up to this vid; Q mentioned fox news article; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'ATL', 'my 2 cents', 'amtrack', 'update'] PT18M15S 8842 83 199 7 not set not set 2017-12-22T18:59:10.000Z h-vdwncAsyU UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 12/21& 22 2017 The Human abuse correction "Q update 12/21, 12/22 2017...big stuff WH update; the list of resignations; Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order: Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017 Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017 Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017 Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017 Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017 Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017 ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017 Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017 Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017 BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017 Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017 Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017 Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017 Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017 El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017 Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017 Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14, 2017 James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017 PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017 Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017 Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017 Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017 Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017 London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017 Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017 TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017 Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017 City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017 Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017 Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017 Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017 Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017 Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017 Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017 Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017 Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017 Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017 AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017 Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017 Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18, 2017 ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017 Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017 Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017 NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017 Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017 A peek into the mind of a rothschild?; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'executive orders', 'human rights', 'update'] PT13M25S 22717 266 610 16 not set not set 2017-12-25T23:39:27.000Z hgbFc8htNqc UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update Merry Christmas Q "Merry Christmas all...Q update check out the links, and don't forget that the point Very important map of post i missed durring my holiday absence feel free to check it out; q posted link shared; if you must watch...ElonMusk's twitter post; Q's DEC 23rd map pastebin dump; Q's MAP as close as to up to date as i could get; 10/28-11/20; 11/20-12/07; 12/07-12/23; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'merry christmas', 'my 2 cents', 'the storm', 'cbts'] PT15M 3152 46 120 2 not set not set 2017-12-30T02:16:12.000Z Mhp6IqNG3Y8 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update twitter, Trump, LAX, FBI raid "Real news happening in Q's absence related to Q, including FBI raid, LAX shutdown, and new Trump action against human trafficking... Q's?? twitter page; POTUS designates January as month of action against human trafficking and slavery; good source for headline news updates; Dec 25th, q graphics map; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 Chan', 'LAX', 'FBI raid', 'Trump', 'Twitter', 'my 2 cents', 'Update'] PT7M35S 37381 102 637 24 not set not set 2018-01-05T07:42:05.000Z 5N3pjVu4kBw UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update Planes, Trains, and a House Fire? "Q is Back... 1/3/18 q graphic; related news to read; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'trains', 'planes', 'house fire', 'my 2 cents'] PT7M17S 9862 55 227 4 not set not set 2018-01-06T04:11:22.000Z 9ueIxuBYhWo UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 1/5/2018 Follow the Money "1/5/18 Q ANON update.... good vid to watch, the fight was going before Q told us...MAGA, useful reading; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', 'Loop Capital', 'follow the money'] PT9M22S 3910 24 98 3 not set not set 2018-01-07T03:32:26.000Z ceaVhnr1Gtc UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 1/6/2018 RR_out, AUS money "1/6/18 Q ANON update, Q has a new home good vid to watch, the fight was going before Q told us...MAGA, useful reading; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'the storm', 'update', 'my 2 cents', 'RR out', 'AUS money'] PT8M16S 4408 44 191 5 not set not set 2018-01-07T18:28:59.000Z -_t9srk0sCs UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 7th floor is no more "1/7/18 (partial)Q ANON update, 7th floor is no more good vid to watch, the fight was going before Q told us...MAGA, useful reading;( hope its still there for you, as of posting this video, I'm still able to access.) Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'my 2 cents', '7th floor', 'no more'] PT7M29S 4752 20 125 1 not set not set 2018-01-15T04:37:48.000Z BbQMo07BhoQ UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update stay awake and alert "Q anon stay awake stay alert, false flags attempts coming Q's personal board, only Q here; good reading; Q drops prior to making the Q only board; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'false flags', 'my 2 cents', 'know', 'your', 'surroundings'] PT2M16S 4043 14 114 4 not set not set 2018-01-21T21:12:54.000Z RHCQvPjH4eg UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update #NoRedactions #ReleaseTheMemo "Q anon 8 chan update post gorvernment shutdown, #memo coming referenced previous 1-22 Q drop; Real things happening check it here; if you haven't started yet... make your voices heard on twitter; Use these hashtags in response to other post or on your own post; #NoRedactions #ReleaseTheMemo #WeThePeople #DrainTheSwamp #SchumerShutdown #MEMO #Memo MARCH 13, 2013 HRC INTERCEPT https: // HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept]. ""These restrictions are often disproportionate: for example, blocking an entire user-generated content site (like Blogger, Facebook, or YouTube) merely because one single post was found to be illegal. Internet blocking and filtering is often non-transparent and occurs without independent court oversight or safeguards to prevent mistakes or abuse. As an extreme measure, some governments have shut down networks in response to unrest, which also has broad, negative economic consequences.30 Governments have also applied pressure on Internet intermediaries networks and online services that make up the Internet to censor expression online on their behalf.31 Some governments impose direct liability on user-generated content sites (for example, Facebook, YouTube, Blogger) for the content posted by users, which drives companies to proactively monitor and restrict what users can say on their websites."" Q posted this website article; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'shutdown', 'my 2 cents', '8 year plan', 'release the memo'] PT9M34S 1996 20 73 0 not set not set 2018-01-26T21:43:28.000Z 2AKd0RBpokk UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 Chan reality check 1 26 2018 "Q anon, 8 chan Reality check... moving forward, new tech and showing twitter love.... Q provided link to fox news article; insane tech makes you think; ( my Video) (not mine ) twitter links to these who are starting to see the light some retweet love; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'my 2 cents', 'reality check', 'mimic tech'] PT19M16S 19298 128 298 12 not set not set 2018-01-27T04:50:50.000Z BexDMgchqt4 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update, new EO human traficking "Q anon, 8 chan Reality check... moving forward, new tech and showing twitter love.... ( video I stated ""whole reason""...obviously not the whole reason but a Major part) *Q linked after video posted...; Q posted link...Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption; behind on Q?...catch up here; twitter links to these who are starting to see the light some retweet love; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anona', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', 'executive order', 'human traficking'] PT7M32S 1248 14 66 0 not set not set 2018-02-04T19:03:32.000Z nbTS_5s_NzI UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan Amtrack FF weapon? "4th train wreck, amtrack each time amtrack wrecks from dec 18, 2018; amtrack wiki; Q posted links; all q post; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'my 2 cents', 'amtrack', 'train wreck', 'wake up'] PT4M59S 3534 19 73 2 not set not set 2018-02-04T21:40:17.000Z 23rK2pn7mzc UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon Sign the Petition "FISA warrents release petition; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'sign the petition', 'fisa', 'warrants release'] PT1M28S 762 12 42 0 not set not set 2018-02-10T19:01:18.000Z L8IIRdc1rlA UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update "ha ha ha ha...can't sleep?" "Q anon update, clearing up confusion (hopefully) and latest post... Anon quess on extracted player, get to know Jho; Q posted links; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', 'operations'] PT13M6S 4439 65 133 2 not set not set 2018-02-12T03:01:01.000Z VHQsf2tsxHk UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 2/11/18 Q vs Snowden? "Q anon important post today 2/11/2018, (he posted again before i could post this vid, might make vid 2 in a few minutes, lol, sorry) PEOC; passenger 32; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', '2/11/18', 'my 2 cents', 'Q v Snowden'] PT11M27S 1166 11 47 1 not set not set 2018-02-12T04:12:04.000Z 8OxPtX6IuOU UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update (vid 2) Flu cure? "Q anon 2nd vid 2/11/18. Cure for flu? related links from Q drops; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'my 2 cents', '2/11/18', 'flu cure'] PT7M27S 1788 11 53 2 not set not set 2018-02-18T21:13:28.000Z 3xT6jVEGm9k UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan DTI cut off again related article covered "DTI over target part 2, again video was cut when calling out main stream media and CIA collusion...why would I cover this? when you're over target, you stay over target; article in question; DTI video cut off 2/18/2018; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', 'Destroying the illusion', 'CIA', 'MSM', 'FOIA'] PT5M16S 494 2 18 0 not set not set 2018-02-18T21:58:36.000Z vFgVMjzDwzk UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update, Q website down and new post "Q anon new site down & new post Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/18/18 (Sun) 14:07:46 No.101 ""Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"" Re_read crumbs. What is the reason this is being brought back up? There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped. Follow the money. Future proves past. The Great Awakening. NO ESCAPE. NO DEALS. TRUST THE PLAN. HAPPY SUNDAY. Q Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', '2/18/2018', 'new'] PT2M54S 1053 5 32 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T04:11:49.000Z IHdLtu_7R4w UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update Great awakening board 404 "Q anon personal board the great awakening has been cleaned out, deleated and is now 404...whats the next the truth dump Q told us about, coming to a theater soon? Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', 'great awakening 404'] PT2M55S 1221 8 35 0 not set not set 2018-02-24T21:20:58.000Z j3OuTx29lis UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan CPAC speech vs Q drops "Q anon post matched up with POTUS CPAC speech, future proves past.. IMO...great work by anon link; (warning pic at top was added by anon to get attention after this was ignored) Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'cpac', 'speech'] PT21M21S 11875 53 308 8 not set not set 2018-03-04T18:14:27.000Z ioPdk1NkPIY UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan update 3/3& 3/4 2018 stay strong... stay together "Q anon update 3/3, 3/4 2018... Q is back stay strong and together, class action needed, take to the streets in a peacful protest? Q: Q video suggestion; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'update', 'my 2 cents', 'stay strong', 'stay together'] PT8M47S 1411 30 52 0 not set not set 2018-03-23T04:41:50.000Z a78puhIgvTg UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan thoughts and progress & my 2 cents "Interesting take on social media ""Algorithm"" and a little of my 2 cents Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'algorithm', 'social media'] PT11M13S 1252 13 61 1 not set not set 2018-03-23T17:12:37.000Z k0qHPNjgkaY UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon understanding pre Q history and what the movement is about "The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia; kevin Shipp; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'kevin shipp', 'khazarian', 'mafia'] PT46M50S 599 7 30 1 not set not set 2018-04-10T06:14:57.000Z V7fZJhZL8d4 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan Class Action Time "Q anon 8 chan update Class action lawsuit time, time to fight back; Thanks to anon... number for class action lawyer Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'update', 'CAL', 'Class action', 'BHOLAW'] PT4M26S 567 4 18 1 not set not set 2018-04-13T18:51:47.000Z PvVTJB1mI7I UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan follow the connections family & wives "new way of doing a vid, hope you see the connections, please leave comments in comment section below Wiki search; Sergey Brin Ann Wojcicki Susan Wojcicki Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Priscilla Chan Search engine search (too much to read); Zuckerbergs data collection 23 and me article; MZ apology 6.4bn article; lifelog article; Priscilla Chan adds organ donor tab to FB; Another 8 chan connection; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'connections', 'wives', 'family', 'facebook', '23andme', 'zuckerberg', 'anon'] PT9M54S 2750 12 72 4 not set not set 2018-04-24T03:46:59.000Z Yjw8TUOY4ro UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan new drops and haiti revisited "Some new drops from Q anon, A twitter handle to follow, and Haiti revisited Pedophilia article brought to you by @HarmonyRachell (on Twitter); Armenia awake; Kanye supports Candace Owens; Q's drop on - NPR covering Red cross and haiti; All Q drops; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'haiti', 'CF', 'Kanye west', 'Armenia', 'Candace', 'Owens', 'NPR', 'Red Cross'] PT10M23S 456 9 44 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T18:22:22.000Z ou1rBT72ny0 UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon Are you awake? Sarah sanders, Kanye West, Diamond and Silk, Kim Kardashian West "Q anon ask frequently....Are YOU the news. thanks for watching stay safe and be well. Trump jr response to Kim Kardashian West, Kanye West's wife report on true pundit; All Q drops; Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'awake', 'sarah sanders', 'kanye west', 'chance the rapper', 'diamond and silk', 'happening'] PT3M30S 364 2 29 0 not set not set 2018-05-06T15:10:23.000Z zZDrRQc_F3Y UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon Says : These People are SICK! A look at DMT "Q anon says: these people are sick; Figurative, Literal or Both? could it be both as related to a drug addict of DMT links to sites refrenced in video;,N-Dimethyltryptamine Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'DMT', 'these people are sick', 'spirit', 'molecule', 'cooking'] PT19M2S 700 16 46 3 not set not set 2018-07-11T04:32:56.000Z 6Hd28foxj6o UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q anon 8 chan dont skip the notables "No new Q, but ....Don't scroll past those notables on the research boards Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['q anon', '8 chan', 'my 2 cents', 'notables', 'news'] PT14M17S 367 2 28 0 not set not set 2018-08-12T01:51:24.000Z jY-7CtJsVuA UCcOi4p9kN-3AxQoI-zaPr6w Q ANON vs MSM "A look at Q anon vs MSM 1st article covered; 2nd: 3rd: Song: Emotional [Rewind Remix Release] Music provided by Rewind Remix Artist: M-Size Download/Stream" my 2 cents 22 ['Q anon', '* chan', 'my 2 cents', 'MSM'] PT11M1S 615 12 38 3 not set not set 2017-11-14T06:44:15.000Z 3ScM4r2f5Go UCN2rhx5h5cgvIhBI2Wq6AJA Q ANON PART 2 A RECAP EXPLAINING THE DROP. I CANNOT SHOW MY FACE Mystery Master 22 not set PT5M43S 3414 16 78 1 not set not set 2017-11-20T05:35:09.000Z _w8lfXORnv8 UCN2rhx5h5cgvIhBI2Wq6AJA Q ANAN. Rothschild air collision 💥 no accident. No coincidence. I can't show my face. Q Anon mentioned the Rothschilds in the 4chan post and he said calls to your family are not going to save you. We can hear you breathe. It is not a coincidence that four days later there was an accident involving a plane and helicopter and there are dead Rothschilds. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. Mystery Master 22 not set PT5M25S 9075 28 121 8 not set not set 2017-12-28T03:34:22.000Z ylw1e4x3QfY UCN2rhx5h5cgvIhBI2Wq6AJA Deep state. Podesta in Guantanamo Bay ! Supreme Court corruption & Q Anon is great. In the coming weeks members of the Supreme Court will resign! Trump has dirt on them. Just like many of the public officials in the Senate and the House of Representatives.They have resigned because of corruption. They were shown proof of their corruption. They were given the choice vote for the tax bill and resign or face prosecution! Members of the Supreme Court are going to be shown proof of their corruption and forced to resign! One of the Podesta's I believe it's Tony. Is being held in Guantanamo Bay without bail! I reported several weeks ago about the accident involving the Rothschilds. The fourth victim of that accident has not been made public. It is believed to be possibly Jacob Rothschild or one of the most prominent Rothschilds. Many people have said that this is false. I reported this several weeks ago. It is definitely true. Either that or the Rothschild staged it to avoid prosecution and fake a death. Mystery Master 22 not set PT2M38S 64629 261 1290 55 not set not set 2018-10-17T22:47:51.000Z -h-8GleCwik UCN2rhx5h5cgvIhBI2Wq6AJA Q We are the plan. "We are all Q. 8 months ago I made a video on this channel telling people how Obama was a Saudi agent. I had inside information. ( Meaning Saudi Arabia was controlling Obama) The same with Clinton. She was being controlled by Saudi officials and Huma Abedin was her handler. The Aman brothers are also Saudi agents who monitored Senators and Congressional officials. Q decodes here." Mystery Master 22 ['Trump rally Trump James red pills America'] PT8M59S 970 11 30 2 not set not set 2017-11-23T20:00:44.000Z tqxGsCXD1E0 UCgOJp7yjETOPv9YdkkxApGQ Is 4Chan's Q Anon Controlled Opposition? Ask a Psychic "Is 4Chan's Q-Anon Controlled Opposition? Ask A Psychic I want to do this reading on 4Chan's Q-Anon. It has been troubling my awareness for a while now. When I see several people take up the banner and begin to report over and over again, what 4Chan's Q-Anon has said in its cryptic way, I begin to wonder if this may in fact be another ""false flag."" Now some of you folks may think that a psychic reading is no proof either, and that's fine. You can move along, no worries. But for those of you who are interested in the hidden hand behind these happenings stay with me, and let's see what the I Ching has to say about this new addition to the so-called ""truth"" community. This video: Music: Windows Welcome Music For the full narrative, links and videos please check out my blog ""I Ching (Y Jing) Discussions with Nana Baakan,"" Minds: Blaqspot: Vidme: BitChute: Steemit: YouTube: Twitter: Facebook: Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators. Send a donation: Become a Patron: Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops. Contact:" Nana Akosua Baakan Agyiriwah 26 ['Q-Anon', '4Chan', 'Intelligence', 'controlled opposition', 'right wing', 'left wing', 'controversy', 'state secrets', 'truth unveiled', 'I Ching', 'Hexagrams', 'trigrams', 'divination', 'Fu Hsi'] PT40M32S 1524 36 22 13 not set not set 2018-03-04T13:13:35.000Z zzzryMZFdrE UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw New Q Drop Q Anon - Make It Rain During The Storm !!!! "Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Drop', 'Make It Rain', 'Storm', 'Censorship', 'Stay Together'] PT9M30S 3089 22 137 2 not set not set 2018-03-05T04:05:14.000Z TiIkdmIpndU UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q - The Dead Cat Bounce Definition - Storm Underway " Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q QAnon', 'Storm', 'Dead Cat Bounce'] PT17M23S 1005 10 59 2 not set not set 2018-03-08T22:25:22.000Z mFH07Nb83i0 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Crumbs All Add Up = Bye Bye Pedogate = Rumor Mill " Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 not set PT15M56S 3205 40 161 3 not set not set 2018-03-16T01:09:22.000Z -bV2xbfO5Qo UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw New Q Drop - Explains Bridge Collapse & More "To every one here's the Q post on B's twitter that I saw, Please Support this channel Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q QAnon'] PT7M17S 53293 416 913 89 not set not set 2018-03-19T04:30:23.000Z Gm0spAVAdK0 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Post Why They Travel? McCabe Fallout - CNN Ben Shapiro Sunday News March 18, 2018 "Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q QAnon', 'News', 'McCabe', 'CNN'] PT14M23S 10852 78 364 8 not set not set 2018-03-23T23:39:01.000Z QHLbovivOic UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw The Newest Q And QAnon Posts "Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q QAnon', 'Update'] PT7M20S 11572 307 412 17 not set not set 2018-03-24T06:27:54.000Z f-ehNP16Ks4 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw The Q Anon Plan & Wise Comments - Breaking Down The Bill Signing "Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q QAnon', 'QAnon', 'Annonymous'] PT12M53S 8518 119 380 7 not set not set 2018-03-26T06:30:01.000Z cDYF6NoUD_8 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Here Comes The Rest From Q Crumbs - Buckle Up !!!! "Please Support this channel Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Reset', 'Kaboom'] PT5M3S 34582 156 1124 24 not set not set 2018-03-29T09:18:39.000Z dlFRYHrUKz4 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Reset & Q Anon, DNC Exposed, MSM at war w/ Truth "links in here Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Reset', 'Q Anon', 'DNC Exposed', 'MSM'] PT14M44S 7979 129 359 7 not set not set 2018-04-04T04:12:19.000Z _Sd33OS8ziA UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Two Days Of Q Anon - April KaBoom DOJ Rosenstein Sessions Roseanne "News and links on blog Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Rosenstein', 'Sessions', 'Roseanne', 'Trump'] PT15M27S 9105 58 417 6 not set not set 2018-04-05T04:40:29.000Z 3BhAIVQsuQE UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Anon - Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall "Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Symbolism', 'Cult', 'Satanic'] PT4M12S 3579 42 184 6 not set not set 2018-04-05T04:43:39.000Z CMWHG7b5aYQ UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Huge Q Anon Drop - Pope, Vaccines, Dems, Trump Up All Nite, Border, Etc "links on here Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Pope', 'Vaccines', 'Trump', 'Border'] PT19M5S 10753 166 565 8 not set not set 2018-04-07T08:45:19.000Z 9ROacojgBqw UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Pedogate - Celebrity Rituals, Q Anon, Taking The Children, The Lies " Hollywood satanic links Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Pedogate', 'Celebrity Rituals', 'Q Anon'] PT18M12S 10123 130 502 7 not set not set 2018-04-12T05:56:17.000Z KHTqx22KuyE UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Anon - Overcoming the Enemy - 17 Trump " Please Support this channel website link Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here News Blog" Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Overcoming the Enemy'] PT5M16S 6573 0 246 4 not set not set 2018-04-28T06:22:37.000Z Tx7CcRbBXvs UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Anon - Clapper Leaks To Tapper & The Hidden TakeDown - MOAB " Please Support this channel Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Clapper', 'Tapper', 'MOAB'] PT21M19S 11641 0 555 13 not set not set 2018-04-29T03:24:16.000Z Mkm_fRn6UJw UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Warning = WindShield Scam Be Careful & Q Anon Says MOAB Still Coming "Please Support this channel Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['WIndshield Scam', 'Q Anon', 'MOAB'] PT11M7S 10384 0 514 10 not set not set 2018-05-03T09:02:55.000Z r_F9V8VzlNQ UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Connecting Q Anon From November To Now - Wow!!!!! "Please Support this channel Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Crumbs', 'Connecting'] PT7M58S 8617 0 398 8 not set not set 2018-05-05T04:21:31.000Z x1K25yeqrm4 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw JFK Burial Site - Q Anon What Does It Mean? "Please Support this channel Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['JFK', 'Burial Site', 'Q Anon'] PT11M41S 22390 0 790 22 not set not set 2018-05-18T02:23:08.000Z WRPMj3DlUN4 UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Anon Update - Here Comes The Report "link Please Support this channel Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Trump Flag $14.99 CNN Fake News Mug & Trump Flag $34.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'update'] PT12M38S 12966 0 573 12 not set not set 2018-07-31T03:41:13.000Z b0T8irchlyE UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Anon = Genius & So Strategic - CHECK THIS OUT "Found this on twitter w/ Jordon Destroying The Illusion he is so smart Please Support this channel Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Trump Flag $14.99 CNN Fake News Mug & Trump Flag $34.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'Destroying The Illusion', 'Jordon Sather'] PT10M4S 3926 0 210 6 not set not set 2018-07-31T22:05:52.000Z AV8T6neChHQ UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw The Q Movement Goes To Trump Rally - Who Is Q?? Will It Be Revealed? "Please Support this channel Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Trump Flag $14.99 CNN Fake News Mug & Trump Flag $34.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Movement', 'Trump Rally'] PT15M23S 3411 0 175 2 not set not set 2018-08-03T07:15:48.000Z WNFbqnMt4-w UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Looking At Q Anon In 9 Months Of Messages - WOW ! HiQ "Please Support this channel Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Trump Flag $14.99 CNN Fake News Mug & Trump Flag $34.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon'] PT19M35S 1002 0 61 2 not set not set 2018-08-09T02:11:05.000Z 9ywwFbyLL3A UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Thank You Everyone For the Links ! New Places To Find Q Board " Please Support this channel Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Trump Flag $14.99 CNN Fake News Mug & Trump Flag $34.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon', 'B Board'] PT2M26S 1075 0 92 1 not set not set 2018-08-10T04:35:44.000Z EjupoUTtKaw UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw Q Anon Aug 9 - Buckle Up ShowTime Other News "Please Support this channel Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Trump Flag $14.99 CNN Fake News Mug & Trump Flag $34.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['Q Anon'] PT17M1S 7205 52 447 8 not set not set 2018-08-25T13:27:09.000Z 3-F-dfkrf1o UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw An Anon Theory - Seeking equal Justice QAnon "Please Support this channel Trump Flag $14.99 Click Pay for goods so I get your address Gourmet Chocolate Pecan Caramel Coconut Brownies $39.99 Click Pay For Goods So I get your address Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Chocolate Season OVER until September Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Everyone's support is the only way to keep doing this, and I am so grateful for people that have helped." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['QAnon'] PT10M37S 2228 1 108 5 not set not set 2018-09-19T07:20:53.000Z WsQH0vQ0V-o UCUlmdIE04AewC-lvBFrgJDw My Voice Was Scrubbed From My Q Anon Video "Please Support My Work To Order Chocolate Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Click Pay For Goods So I get your address Trump Flag Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Twitter @loveeveryone88 Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Bitchute ." Natasha - News & Politics Dangerous Truth 22 ['QAnon', 'Hacked', 'scrubbed', 'YouTube', 'tampering'] PT6M42S 1161 37 116 5 not set not set 2017-11-27T01:11:45.000Z ve7zA425zH8 UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw They Cannot Shut Down Websites & They Are ! "QANON is real & when Trump tweeted about it, they shut down the website Watch Judge Jeanine Please Support this channel my daily work schedule Go fund me for winter oil, camera, Bitcoin Address 1ESu8XgvXrq9zcuL7L1Sxxi4QJBRtjzH2Z Follow me on Gab @NatashaV Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here Radio Channel w/ JM Talboo" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Websites', 'shutdown'] PT2M18S 2230 26 183 5 not set not set 2017-12-26T05:23:06.000Z zaLeupfKZWY UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw The Q QANON Breadcrumbs To Julian Assange ! 🌲🌲🌲🌲 White Rabbit "Everyone learn to read my blog where all of the news is, Julian Assange tweets and details Sign The Petition against these websites Details in my blog More TakeDown Takedown How to find news inside the blog l Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here Chocolate Covered Pretzels $40.00 Gift Wrapped Fake News Mug, filled w/ Chocolate $40 Christmas chocolates in molds $29.99 or more if you want more than one Radio Channel w/ JM Talboo" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Julian Assange', 'QANON', 'Follow The White Rabbit'] PT5M28S 21515 75 834 14 not set not set 2017-12-27T04:36:54.000Z vFXcnBW2pwM UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Massive News On This Blog Today - Indictments Q Crumbs & More "Everyone learn to read my blog where all of the news is, How to find news inside the blog Julian Assange tweets and details Sign The Petition against these websites Details in my blog More TakeDown Takedown How to find news inside the blog l Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here Chocolate Covered Pretzels $40.00 Gift Wrapped Fake News Mug, filled w/ Chocolate $40 Christmas chocolates in molds $29.99 or more if you want more than one Radio Channel w/ JM Talboo" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Indictments', 'Q Crumbs', 'News', 'Blog'] PT3M36S 13912 18 563 13 not set not set 2017-12-30T05:36:31.000Z saZx9ysSx70 UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw The Q QANON Team & The Breadcrumbs ! "Friday Dec 29 News News for 12/28 Massive news on blog, look Everyone learn to read my blog where all of the news is, How to find news inside the blog Julian Assange tweets and details Sign The Petition against these websites Details in my blog More TakeDown Takedown How to find news inside the blog l Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here Chocolate Covered Pretzels $40.00 Gift Wrapped Fake News Mug, filled w/ Chocolate $40 Christmas chocolates in molds $29.99 or more if you want more than one Radio Channel w/ JM Talboo" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Q QANON', 'Breadcrumbs'] PT5M20S 15711 69 713 12 not set not set 2018-01-07T11:36:37.000Z MA-sYHwk3Ug UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw HUGE KaBooom !!!! Most Awakening Q QANON Map Ever Made !!! " Q Map quick view here on youtube Inside this blog scoll to Q news and see the MAP Jan 6 January 5 January 4 New Year's News Websites & Blogs posting truth and stories all working together, this is constantly updated w/ new links and stories, but they work as hard as all of us Trump's Accomplishments radio interview done in September How to find news inside the blog Sign The Petition against these websites Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Map', 'Pedogate', 'Royals', 'Criminals', 'Cabal'] PT2M52S 30200 89 1046 13 not set not set 2018-01-07T12:30:14.000Z nKD5BsxJvZ4 UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw The Deep State Map Leads Us Right To Who Is Who ! " Inside this blog scoll to Q news and see the MAP Jan 6 January 5 January 4 New Year's News Websites & Blogs posting truth and stories all working together, this is constantly updated w/ new links and stories, but they work as hard as all of us Trump's Accomplishments radio interview done in September How to find news inside the blog Sign The Petition against these websites Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Q QANON', 'Map', 'Cabal'] PT3M53S 61079 0 1948 40 not set not set 2018-01-11T10:36:00.000Z R_RLcXpwuhA UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw 🐇🐇🐇 Sean Hannity's Exposing Twitter Crimes Is Massive ! 🐇🐇🐇🐇 " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $19.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Sean Hannity', 'Twitter', 'Crimes', 'Jack', 'Jack Dorsey', 'CEO'] PT3M49S 4139 21 281 6 not set not set 2018-01-14T04:05:00.000Z My19nO2_Pco UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Taking On Bill Clinton Account As Fake Compassion Is Posted In Tweet ! For Haiti !! " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Bill Clinton', 'Haiti'] PT1M41S 1149 4 91 4 not set not set 2018-01-14T04:08:06.000Z Ks_moknxevI UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Horrific Pedogate In Alabama Just Being Revealed Now ! " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Pedogate', 'Alabama'] PT1M39S 7387 21 313 8 not set not set 2018-01-14T05:13:33.000Z jqdt2HRdNjU UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Checkmate - The Q QANON Clues & Intense Conclusion To The Crimes Upon Us ! " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Checkmate', 'Q QANON', 'Julian Assange'] PT5M4S 11197 44 530 9 not set not set 2018-01-14T06:00:23.000Z gPdfPewyVXE UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw James Woods Taking On Chelsea Clinton !!!!! " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['James Woods', 'Chelsea Clinton'] PT3M16S 7794 35 407 5 not set not set 2018-01-14T06:33:43.000Z R1SQtTPhwEA UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw 🐇🐇🐇🐇Marriage Monday Of The Breadcrumbs !! 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇 " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['We Are Free TV', 'Julian Assange', 'Truth'] PT4M1S 11202 44 470 12 not set not set 2018-01-14T12:40:45.000Z _2tVFzrj0U8 UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Alerting The Main Stream To The Decades Of Clinton Crimes ! " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Main Stream', 'Clinton Crimes', 'Alerting'] PT2M20S 3461 10 170 6 not set not set 2018-01-14T12:42:16.000Z gEJZuejRHBM UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw FOOD HORRORS Heads Up Wake Up Shake Up - OMG 👿👿👿👿👿 " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Food', 'Disgusting', 'Liberals', 'frightening'] PT2M16S 5449 39 224 9 not set not set 2018-01-14T14:01:32.000Z hOzCKGg3JcE UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw President Trump Giving It To Us Straight - On A Sunday Morning !!!🐇🐇🐇 " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['President Trump', 'truth', 'Sunday'] PT1M 6145 16 233 8 not set not set 2018-01-14T15:44:52.000Z kCi_z6o--Ek UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Q QANON Breadcrumbs - War Games The Movie - Defcon1 🐇🐇🐇 " The Q Map all put together, and my videos on there at the bottom, this means it's 100% How to find news inside the blog Please Support this channel Go Fund me campaign my daily work schedule Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $13.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Q QANON', 'War Games', 'Defcon1'] PT2M50S 5761 17 292 13 not set not set 2018-01-19T06:29:41.000Z H2K3Drqz8S0 UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw KaBoom KaBoom 🐇🐇🐇 Q News With Pictures & Arrests 😂😂😇😇 "Please Support My Work To Order Chocolate" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Q QANON', 'News', 'Photos', 'Arrests'] PT3M51S 43523 160 1560 31 not set not set 2018-01-21T03:43:26.000Z 9d9GdoV4taY UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Q QANON 10 Days Of Darkness - Anti - School "Please Support my work To order Chocolate" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['Q QANON', 'Annonymous'] PT2M25S 23878 17 681 10 not set not set 2018-01-23T05:25:56.000Z d4VO99keNlk UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Q QANON Postings Today 🐇🐇 "Please Support my work To order Chocolate" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['QAnon'] PT1M57S 11101 0 428 10 not set not set 2018-01-24T22:23:07.000Z tLHWuCcQGKs UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Today's Headlines Secret Society, Immigration, Q News 1/24/18 "Please Support my work To order Chocolate" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['news', 'politics', 'President Trump', 'freedom', 'fake news'] PT5M23S 4706 0 205 8 not set not set 2018-02-18T05:30:41.000Z 9XRBTZpEk8g UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw YouTube Censors Anti-School , Q Message To Anti School, Fight For Our Rights "Please Support this channel Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['news', 'politics', 'President Trump', 'freedom', 'fake news', 'Anti-School', 'truth', 'censorship'] PT9M44S 33860 257 2256 28 not set not set 2018-02-19T09:11:30.000Z 3dPSG_VziGs UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Q QAnon Closed Down, But B On Twitter is Back ? President's Day "Please Support this channel Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['news', 'politics', 'President Trump', 'freedom', 'fake news', 'Q Qanon', 'Q Board', 'Twitter'] PT6M38S 8992 58 328 8 not set not set 2018-02-20T08:17:00.000Z 9t_f4o8tX_4 UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Q New Location, & Playlist "Please Support this channel Order Chocolate Here" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['news', 'politics', 'President Trump', 'freedom', 'fake news'] PT2M29S 3847 14 136 2 not set not set 2018-02-21T12:01:29.000Z Z-9nxVS6VbI UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw New Q Drop - True Lies, Protecting Anti School - News Update Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['news', 'politics', 'President Trump', 'freedom', 'fake news', 'Q Qanon', 'TRue Lies', 'Anti School'] PT7M48S 15135 79 646 8 not set not set 2018-09-08T05:55:10.000Z vs0Sco6FLsQ UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw Q Anon, The Only Cult Where You Think For Yourself "Please Support this channel HUGE HUGE HUGE Trump healthcare starts giving us back our rights to say NO to vaccines etc Trusted Brands & Made In America great companies to know Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm Order Trump Flag here $14.99 Trump Flag & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cocoa Crunch $20.99 Order Chocolate Here Chocolate video" Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['QAnon'] PT1M11S 223 3 17 1 not set not set 2018-09-19T07:24:59.000Z Qzcns-ewouo UConWcy4YIDbrL3mSmVSIjzw My Voice Was Scrubbed From My Q Anon Video "Please Support My Work To Order Chocolate Order Gourmet Chocolate Here - Click Pay For Goods So I get your address Trump Flag $14.99 Steemit Bitchute Gab = @NatashaV Twitter @loveeveryone88 Bitcoin Address 13ofg8CZdcgPFAarfemqnJudB6Yk74TZkm ." Natasha78d - Truth Love Wellness 22 ['QAnon', 'YouTube', 'hacked'] PT6M42S 483 21 60 4 not set not set 2018-08-15T02:16:28.000Z j0ZekZZqeTw UCNL6jfH7jieP_IBa5CFT37w Hillary suicide watch! Q posts, and the war brewing with "TALL WHITES" "common sense study of current events, and preparing for future events to change the world. not everyone will make it thru. LINKS:" NativePhysics 25 not set PT1H19M41S 241 8 8 0 not set not set 2018-08-06T21:03:21.000Z GE7N2mluCQ8 UCeY0bbntWzzVIaj2z3QigXg Clint Watts: With QAnon, Russia Doesn’t Need To Make Fake News Anymore | Meet The Press | NBC News "Former FBI special agent Clint Watts talks about the relationship between fringe conspiracy groups, most notably QAnon, and efforts by Russia to interfere with the midterm elections . » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and original digital videos. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Follow NBC News on Google+: Follow NBC News on Instagram: Follow NBC News on Pinterest: Clint Watts: With QAnon, Russia Doesn’t Need To Make Fake News Anymore | Meet The Press | NBC News" NBC News 25 ['NBC', 'NBC News', 'Meet the Press', 'Chuck Todd', 'MTP', 'Politics', 'Politics News', 'Political News', 'Politicians', 'First Read', 'clint watts', 'clint watts msnbc', 'clint watts 2018', 'clint watts youtube', 'fbi special agent', 'fbi special agent test', 'being an fbi special agent', 'conspiracy groups', 'midterm elections', 'midterm elections 2018', '2018 midterm elections cnn', '2018 midterm elections democrats', 'daily show midterm elections', 'midterm elections for democrats', 'cyber attacks', 'cyberattacks in 2018'] PT2M32S 7268 132 39 166 not set not set 2018-05-19T03:45:08.000Z QXNNX61zILU UC_1qycyM4SofN8w4y1Tv3aw For The 8Chan QAnons #11 (How to Use 8Chan) It's pretty simple, but here's a few pointers that are sure to help. #WWG1WGA #QAnon #Q NEC 23 ['8Chan', 'QAnon', 'QResearch', 'Howto'] PT8M42S 52786 73 532 57 not set not set 2018-08-14T05:08:31.000Z qqViwGWllOo UC_1qycyM4SofN8w4y1Tv3aw For The 8Chan QAnons #10 (A New Day is Dawning) An old outtake from a practice run in 2012. Think Logically. Think For Yourself. Trust Yourself. #TheGreatAwakening #TheRising #WWG1WGA #CasperProud #SouthSideProud #WyoStrong NEC 23 not set PT46S 251 3 15 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T00:43:40.000Z uAp6aWLBMTo UCb6k7Ranr1BLkZiHn2DI7LQ 4CHAN 🍀 TECH SUPPORT PT 1 "✯Discord ✯Merch ✯Patreon ✯Facebook Page ✯Twitter ✯steamlab donations #greentext #ylyl #4chan" Neckbeardia 24 ['4chan', '4chan (website)', '4chan stories', 'funny', 'troll', 'story', 'qanon', 'stories', 'green text', 'reddit', 'meme', 'trolling', 'pol', 'anon', 'twitch', '/b/', 'twitch trolling', 'fun', 'q anon', 'creepypasta', 'greentext', '8chan', 'tech support', 'tech support scam', 'support', 'tech', 'scam', 'windows tech support scam', 'scammer', 'technical support', 'comedy', 'windows', 'microsoft support scam', 'windows support scam', 'tech suppport scammer gets owned', 'technical support scam', 'calls', 'microsoft', 'syskey', 'it', 'prank'] PT10M43S 48707 46 700 22 not set not set 2017-12-02T00:31:24.000Z cOGNLnqyKAE UCz_tQ3_GnUjx4PH9FvagHkA NWO Origins Jewish, Spiritual Warfare, Q-Anon, Arabic Jews "This is Roy Potter, A retired Army Intelligence Colonel speaking about NWO, Spiritual warfare. Origins of New World Order is Jewish and we fight a spiritual warfare with demons and rulers who serve them. Ephesians 6:12 For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Neel Halli 19 ['Movement', 'Men', 'Talk', 'Warfare', 'Spirtual', 'New World order', 'Trump', 'Scriptual', 'Biblical', 'Q-Anon', '4Chan', 'Ephesians 6:12', 'flesh and blood', 'against the world rulers', 'wickedness', 'heavenly places', 'Holy War', 'Modern War', 'Jewish Conspiracy', 'War Mongers', 'MusLims', 'Islamaphobia'] PT23M49S 10081 76 243 12 not set not set 2017-12-03T13:16:31.000Z _uDaPSVjouM UCz_tQ3_GnUjx4PH9FvagHkA The Marines Stormed CIA HQ Langley, Trump knew 911 inside job by Rogue CIA. "What The Marines Discovered At CIA HQ Langley Will Blow Your Mind. What Q-Anon is doing is ""deprogramming"" a brainwashed population. Questions are how you do that? Here is the link: Steve Motley: Video Steve Motley Channel: Roy Potter Video: Roy Potter Channel:" Neel Halli 19 ['People', 'Movement', 'Men', 'CIA', 'Trump', 'Q-Anon', 'Raid On CIA Headquaters', 'CIA is rogue', 'George Bush', 'Clintons', 'Obama', 'Pedophila', 'Cult', 'Rogue', 'Coup', 'Patriot', 'Draining the Swamp', 'Marines', 'Truth', 'Journey', 'Reality.Red Pill', 'Rabbit Hole', 'News', 'Informative', 'Internet Trolls', 'Confiscate', 'Seize', 'New World Order', 'Deep State', '911', 'Covert', 'False Flag', 'Black Covert Operation', 'Made in America', 'Facts', 'Assasination Attempt', 'Topple', 'Overthrow Trump'] PT10M49S 659 6 11 1 not set not set 2018-02-03T14:43:18.000Z KnwKlKw8Kwo UCz_tQ3_GnUjx4PH9FvagHkA Heads are Rolling with RESIGNATIONS/ Q- Anon "Bill Smith explains Q-Anon post. The fake Dossier was the product of a Conspiracy to derail The Trump Campaign. Resignations of High Officials begin to surface after FISA Memo release. We need a way to track resignations. Is FLUSHGATE the Answer?? McCabe stepping down is just a small part of the Draining of the Swamp. FULL LIST: Swamp creature Cecil Richard, CEO of Planned Parenthood just got FLUSHED down the toilet like poorly digested beef sandwich. Here's a full list of the ones I've found. Help me hunt! FLUSHGATE | Day 6 1-31-18: Andrew McCabe, Acting CIA Director Director of the CDC Brenda Fitzgerald ENTIRE USA GYMNASTICS Board (protected Larry Nassar) Lord Bates in British Parliament tries to Resign but is denied by No10 downing, fake news?? James Gilbert of Orvana Minerals Corp Oklahoma City school board has accepted the resignation of Superintendent Aurora Lora Kansas GOVERNOR Sam Brownback announces resignation Clayton, Michigan Police Chief William Tucker (recently signed 2yr contract, ppl shocked) Moss Point, Minnesota Police Chief Calvin Hutchins Massachussets state Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry CANADIAN Liberal Sen. Colin Kenny (resigns 10 months before RETIREMENT DATE!) Monster Energy Vice President John Kenneally (sex harrassment) Philip Davies, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health, nation of Fiji 1-30-18: DNC chief executive Jess O'Connell ARKANSAS State Sen. Jake Files, R-Fort Smith (wire fraud, bank fraud, money laundering) Cornell University Business College Dean Soumitra Dutta (abruptly) MELBOURNE, Australia Genetic Technologies Limited - Dr Malcolm R. Brandon and Mr Grahame Leonard 1-29-18: Hawaii Leutenant Governor Shan Tsutsui Alan Kideckel Berkley City Council 1-28-18: Ford China chief Jason Luo resigns, effective immediately 1-27-18: Steve Wynn (Vegas Casinos) Resigns as RNC Finance Chairman: 1-26-18: Cecile Richards - president of Planned Parenthood Staples CEO Shira Goodman stepping down immediately Mattress Firm president and CEO Ken Murphy CEO of Equinix Steve Smith (data breach) Georgia state Prison Doctor (quits $191k job) Chicago's Outcome Health CEO Rishi Shah (fraud): Kansas State House GOP chief of staff Ginger Wills (hostile work environment)" Neel Halli 29 ['People', 'Movement', 'Men', 'Women', 'Drain the Swamp', 'Resignations', 'FISA Memo', 'Q-Anon', 'Trump', 'News', 'Update', 'Treasonous', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Obama', 'Hilary Clinton', 'Baby Parts', 'Larry Nassar', 'Pedophiles', 'Pizzagate'] PT11M2S 15969 35 195 4 not set not set 2018-05-17T22:45:00.000Z qYfYC0PcswY UC2ueiX8kBL2_ouh5eXNMtlw David Seamon on Qanons Undelivered Promises and 3 LIES of Q Anon and disinformation David is back to questioning everything and fed up Q's empty promises. QAnon has been compromised. neotriax 20 ['david', 'seaman', 'david seaman', 'washington', 'washington d.c.', 'd.c.', 'swamp', 'cabal', 'fulcrum', 'fulcrum news', 'news', 'update', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'unmasked', 'exposed', 'deep', 'state', 'deepstate', 'deep-state', 'soros', 'rothschild', 'obama', 'disinformation', 'dis-information', 'doj', 'sessions', 'd.o.j.', 'trust', 'wiki-leaks'] PT12M15S 950 34 52 8 not set not set 2018-03-07T13:00:02.000Z Z7q8k-rIGTg UC6pkRi_tJfbIEyKkP9bl7Eg The History Of The Q Source In Biblical Textual Studies "Pastor Steve Waldron, New Life of Albany - Albany, Ga" New Life Of Albany Ga. 22 ['apostolic apostolic preaching Jesus God church ministry Bible Bible preaching preaching Study Bible', 'Bible', 'Bible Translations', 'Bible Versions', 'Pentecostal', 'Bibles', 'Bible study', 'Scriptural study', 'Atheism', 'Atheist', 'Apologetics', 'Theology', 'Christian theology', 'Bible true', 'Christian', 'Christianity', 'Oneness pentecostal', 'Religion', 'Religious', 'Jesus', 'God', 'Jesus Name', 'Jesus Christ', 'Apostolic', 'Apostolic teaching', 'Pentecostal teaching', 'UPCI', 'UPC'] PT3M49S 391 4 10 4 not set not set 2018-08-25T17:18:37.000Z PNoC6yP3a0k UCh_0ePvLZymjkivjMdjAsyA Has Titus Frost Solved The Q Mystery? "Jason Bermas is joined by Titus Frost to discuss the mystery behind Q and the Qanon phenomenon. Titus thinks he has cracked the case and solved the Q mystery. Come along for the ride as we discuss everything Q. Follow Jason Bermas on Facebook and Twitter www. Support WeAreChange by Subscribing to our channel HERE Visit our main site for more breaking news Patreon SnapChat: LukeWeAreChange Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Check out WeAreChange Merchandise: Donate to WeAreChange: We take BITCOIN too: 12HdLgeeuA87t2JU8m4tbRo247Yj5u2TVP" News 4 A Change 25 ['Rachel Blevins', 'The Skinny', 'We Are Change', 'News', 'Politics', 'Jason bermas', 'bermas', 'qqanon', 'q debunked', 'debunked', 'titus', 'titus frost', 'frost', 'q mystery', 'solved', 'has', 'has titus frost solved the q mystery', 'journalism', 'truth', 'facts', 'real news', 'comedy central', 'jim jeffries'] PT30M16S 4724 165 159 47 not set not set 2018-03-17T22:03:16.000Z zFDRwixPIn4 UCbYzI2hPzT78YxDlH_0K9Yw Q Anon, The Deep State Conspiracy & The Impending War "Q Anon, The Deep State Conspiracy & The Impending War Fully Sourced Published on Feb 8, 2018 Q Anon is allegedly a deep state insider and whistleblower posting cryptic messages to the 8chan image board. People credit him for leaking the change in the Lord’s Prayer, false nuclear warning in Hawaii, Podesta indictment and many other things. #releasethevideo #hrcvideo Fully Sourced ► How far does the rabbit hole go? From the Vatican to the Mafia, Rothschild family… even the illuminati. Should we prepare for war? Please consider supporting by donating or becoming a patron! Patreon ► Donate ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Twitch ► Snapchat ► MR_GUNK DISCLAIMER: I am not a private investigator, journalist, or news reporter. I am an entertainer. My videos don't always represent facts and evidence, but rather entertaining and strange ideas and coincidences. My videos my contain rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in my videos are either products of my imagination or are used fictitiously. Information presented in my videos may contain errors or inaccuracies; my video's proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of this YouTube channel; Category Entertainment License Standard YouTube License THIS VIDEO AND ALL IT’S CONTENTS ARE CREDITED TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR(S)/ARTIST(S) NEWS FACTS USA NETWORK Is An Educational/Historical Video Archive News Network “For Educational Purposes Only” Education, freedom, and knowledge.”" NEWS FACTS USA NETWORK 22 ['Q Anon', 'The Deep State Conspiracy & The Impending War', 'The Deep State', 'The Deep State Conspiracy', 'The Impending War', 'usa', 'cia', 'dea', 'fbi', 'news', 'daily news', 'NEWS FACTS', 'NEWS FACTS USA', 'NEWS FACTS USA NETWORK', 'AMERICA', 'WAR', 'WORLD NEWS', 'MILITARY'] PT14M34S 65 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-02T03:00:09.000Z tLgS5Lf8JkQ UC1UtaY5Bxz8zqn90pds-WZg The conspiracy theory behind a curious Roseanne Barr tweet, explained "Roseanne Barr capped a remarkable week of new media relevance with a tweet that seemed to fly out of nowhere — unless you're a close observer of far-right media. On Friday night, the star of ABC's revived smash-hit sitcom began rounding up praise for President Trump on the very specific issue of child trafficking. “He has broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere,” Barr tweeted. “Notice that.” Over the next few hours, Barr retweeted supportive tweets and links to articles about the “untold story” of how the administration was breaking up “pedophile rings.” One link, to the little-known site the Liberty (“committed to spreading peace and happiness [throughout] the world""), claimed that “by the second month of Trump’s presidency, police had arrested 1500 criminals nationwide who are connected with these pedophile rings” and that “there are suspicions that not only Hollywood is involved in the pedophile rings, but also politicians.” The same sort of information popped up in Barr's reply thread, in convenient meme form, with the hashtags #Pedogate and — wait for it — #Pizzagate. How, in March 2018, are we still talking about the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory? After how that ended, are there still people who think that a huge legal conspiracy has protected a child sex slavery network used by the country's most powerful people, from former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta on down? [ Pizzagate: From rumor, to hashtag, to gunfire in D.C. ] Absolutely, yes. As the Hill's Will Sommer quickly explained, Barr had echoed a relatively new theory that grew out of Pizzagate — that the president is quietly cracking down on the pedophilia network and that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's probe of foreign meddling in the 2016 election is an extremely effective distraction from his real investigation of the Democrats tied to that network. We know this, or “know” this, because “Q,” an anonymous account on the 4chan message board, says so and claims to be a government operative with the highest level of security clearance. Why has this caught on with some fringe far-right media organizations? I can't sum it up better than Paris Martineau did in her late 2017 explainer of #QAnon. Barr did not mention #QAnon in her tweet, but she has repeatedly tweeted or retweeted links about the theory and asked whether QAnon could contact her via direct message. Most recently, on March 23, Barr retweeted a summary of Q-based theories of how the just-passed omnibus spending bill would unleash law enforcement on the pedophile ring. Here is what the post says: It's a pretty typical product of the #QAnon genre, promising the final defeat of the president's enemies and engaging in some inventive ideas about how the military works. That's why Barr's tweet rattled observers of far-right media. We've seen conspiracy theories jump into the mainstream before; we've even seen Barr tweet about them. As Amy Zimmerman reported last summer, when the White House celebrated the news that “Roseanne” was coming back to TV, Barr had “retweeted Infowars reports on the '5.7 Million Illegals' who they baselessly claim voted in the presidential election” and “shared a YouTube video titled, 'CONFIRMED: SCALISE IS AT THE SAME HOSPITAL THAT TOOK OUT SETH RICH,' as well as various other Seth Rich-related bulletins.” Those tweets have been deleted, but Barr, like plenty of people, remains susceptible to bogus information that validates her worldview. Let's take #QAnon out of it. Barr's tweetstorm about child sex trafficking did not just thank Trump for his focus on the problem — it implied that he had grabbed hold of it after previous presidents ignored it. Look again at the claim that came up again and again in the tweet thread, that law enforcement under Trump had freed more children from sex traffickers in one month than it did under any year of the Obama administration. It sounds incredible, because it's false, originating in a 2017 column by an obscure conservative writer named Liz Crokin. Her piece, titled “Why the MSM Is Ignoring Trump's Sex Trafficking Busts,” claimed that there had been a “staggering 1,500-plus arrests” of sex traffickers in Trump's first 30 days, compared with just 400 in 2014. Reason's Elizabeth Nolan Brown made short work of that story. Not only was Crokin giving Trump credit for local law enforcement actions that had been planned before he took office, she was fudging the numbers. Few of the arrests she cited had anything to do with sex trafficking. The 2014 data was a rundown of state-level arrests in just half the country; Crokin had ignored more relevant information, such as an Immigration and Customs Enforcement statement published a month before her column announcing 1,952 federal arrests of human traffickers in 2016. But the fake numbers got around. From newspaper letter pages to mainstream conservative sites, the “fact” of a Trump-era surge in sex-trafficking arrests has survived multiple" NEWS HEADLINES CN1 22 ['arrests', 'curious', 'pedophile', 'trump', 'crokin', 'barr', 'trafficking', 'qanon', 'roseanne', 'theory', 'sex', 'traffickers', 'conspiracy', 'explained'] PT3M21S 142 0 1 1 not set not set 2017-11-22T10:58:53.000Z hLU5Ocr0ifM UCEMMX66WimSpFW8bb_ZyocA Q-ANON BREAKING NEWS ! JUSTICE BEING SERVED #PIZZAGATE#PEDOGATE ! "Q-ANON BREAKING NEWS ! JUSTICE BEING SERVED #PIZZAGATE#PEDOGATE ! This material is under Creative Commons (CC BY) License from YouTube's own Creative Commons library, for more info on Creative Commons CC BY Licenses and what rights are included for others to reuse, check Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." NEWS WORLD CN 22 ['Q-ANON', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'news', 'World'] PT38M8S 23014 62 224 18 not set not set 2017-11-30T05:33:53.000Z -cWVo8aqyvE UCEMMX66WimSpFW8bb_ZyocA 2017...HILLRY RIPPED APART LIVE ON TELEVISION #Pizzagate Pedogate Q Anon 2017...HILLRY RIPPED APART LIVE ON TELEVISION #Pizzagate Pedogate Q Anon NEWS WORLD CN 22 ['Q Anon', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking news', 'News', 'World'] PT13M58S 125 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T16:45:59.000Z 5_YdaVS7X48 UCD8Q4AQh_f6fAtyswFJMhCw QAnon: How a conspiracy moved from 4chan to a Trump rally "QAnon: How a conspiracy moved from 4chan to a Trump rally. If you were watching President Donald Trump's rally in Tampa Bay, Florida on Tuesday, you might have... #QAnon #How #a #conspiracy #moved #from #4chan #to #a #Trump #rally" NEWS2YOU 25 ['ht2017', 'news2u', 'news 2 you', 'QAnon How a', 'How a conspiracy', 'a conspiracy moved', 'conspiracy moved from', 'moved from 4chan', 'from 4chan to', '4chan to a', 'to a Trump'] PT6M58S 39 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-01-30T17:08:29.000Z bPMa67rRQOw UCbOLejwt7NhHGXUbgjyecyQ Dr. Jerome Corsi on Q-Anon and More Dr. Jerome Corsi deciphers some QAnon posts and goes through more good stuff to know. NewsBlip 25 ['dr. jerome corsi', '', 'q-anon'] PT18M56S 1435 0 14 0 not set not set 2018-08-16T21:55:04.000Z dI3YsuDwdOM UC23OIwFayPliRMGpajMllSg FU Qanon; TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS; Gold & Silver; Christians; The Weather Visit newsunit 24 ['The News UNIT', 'news', 'comment', 'fake news', 'alternative news', 'media', 'Infowars', 'Alex Jones', 'You Tube', 'Google', 'censorship', 'gold', 'silver', 'economy', 'Wall Street', 'Federal Reserve Bank', 'U.S. Dollar', 'truthers', 'patriots', 'U.S. Constitution', '#MAGA', 'President Trump', 'Trump', 'Christian', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Holy Spirit', 'word of God', 'Holy Bible', 'Qanon', 'spiritualism', 'psychics', 'remotve viewers', 'Bitcoin', 'Ethereum', 'Litecoin', 'cryptocurrency', 'stocks', 'futures', 'money', 'profit', 'lucre', 'mammon', 'pedophiles', 'sex trafficking', 'conspiracy', 'liars'] PT4H3M41S 175 4 4 5 not set not set 2018-09-10T14:08:04.000Z GIwc02HM-cQ UC23OIwFayPliRMGpajMllSg GENESIS chapter 10 and more: Qanon is a lie; Truther & Patriots are of the Devil; #Pure Evil Visit newsunit 24 ['The News UNIT', 'bible study', 'news', 'comment', 'Holy Bible', 'Genesis', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Holy Spirit', 'word of God', 'King James Version', 'KJV', 'truthers', 'patriots', 'Qanon', '#PureEvil', '#ThesePeopleAreSick', 'pedophiles', 'SGT REPORT', 'Jsnip4', 'Bix Weir', 'Hurricane Florence', 'NHC', 'hurricane', 'conspiracy', 'fake news', '#MAGA', 'Christians', 'Trump #MAGA Church', 'Trump', 'cult', 'Bitcoin Ben', 'Greg Hunter', 'pastors', 'prophets', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H54M12S 121 6 11 6 not set not set 2018-10-09T20:06:47.000Z euJSFbCzaYA UC23OIwFayPliRMGpajMllSg Nikki Haley RESIGNS! Q ANON MISSED THIS ONE! SEVERE WEATHER BULLETINS... Visit newsunit 24 ['The News UNIT', 'news', 'comment', 'Nikki Haley', 'ambassador', 'United Nations', 'United States of America', 'President Trump', 'UN', 'USA', '#MAGA', 'Trump Administration', 'Hurricane Michael', 'tornadoes', 'Oklahoma City', 'weather', 'The Weather UNIT', 'severe thunderstorms', 'watches', 'warnings', 'hurricane', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Holy Spirit', 'word of God', 'Holy Bible', 'prophecy', 'preachers', 'teachers', 'prophets', 'TRUMP #MAGA CHURCH', 'Christians', 'Chrsitian', 'church', 'Roman Catholic', 'Jesuits', 'gold', 'silver', 'U.S. Dollar', 'Wall Street', 'World War III'] PT2H44M46S 275 1 10 0 not set not set 2018-10-20T06:09:56.000Z q8eQiXsy708 UC23OIwFayPliRMGpajMllSg A 9 MINUTE VIDEO that TELLS US THE TRUTH; From Qanon to Q+ Visit newsunit 24 ['The News UNIT', 'news', 'comment', 'truthers', 'patriots', 'Qanon', 'Q+', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Holy Spirit', 'word of God', 'Holy Bible', 'man of sin', 'son of perdition', 'Gnostic', 'Trump', '#MAGA', 'Trump #MAGA Church', 'religion', 'New Age', 'Christians', 'Christianity', 'gold', 'silver', 'money', 'profits', 'lucre', 'mammon', 'U.S. Dollar', 'President Trump', 'Bitcoin', 'Litecoin', 'cabal', 'deep state', 'government', 'U.S. Constitution', 'We the People', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT8H2S 716 1 5 28 not set not set 2018-08-01T18:05:13.000Z Nx2K9n7nOT4 UC2a35q7eyzkfoIusBzdH4Hw What Is QAnon? The Right Wing Conspiracy Explained "QAnon followers are a tiny fringe of Trump supporters who claim to be government insiders with knowledge of secret ""deep state"" plots which Trump is fighting against." Newsweek 25 ['qanon', 'followers', 'trump', 'president trump', 'right wing', 'republicans', 'fringe', 'conspiracy'] PT1M9S 1032 15 2 24 not set not set 2018-03-19T21:24:01.000Z B7gyaAF9CFs UCu1mAXTE6sHCN7VsTXz-MLg Q Drop Connects Tillerson (OUT), Kenya, Obama "Anonymous EXPOSED - Q Drop Connects Tillerson (OUT), Kenya, Obama | Anonymous EXPOSED ⭐ If everyone who hears our reporting, who likes it, helps fund it, our future would be much more secure. For as little as £1, you can support the Anonymous EXPOSED – and it only takes a minute. 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There is no copyright infringement intended for the video and/or material used in this video. If you have an issue with Anonymous Official posting this, please contact us at """" and we can sort it out. COPYRIGHT RELATED ISSUES ONLY PLEASE. 'Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. 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Fuentes 24 ['TRUST THE PLAN', 'Q ANON', 'THE GREAT AWAKENING', 'THE STORM IS COMING', 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM', 'THE STORM', 'DEEP STATE', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP', 'PATRIOTS', 'DEEP STATE ON THE RUN', 'WE ARE Q'] PT1M9S 266 4 8 0 not set not set 2018-09-14T23:37:18.000Z nXl0Yq_2r74 UCkY8CvV8WQFe87CZGmvuYHA Simon Harris on QAnon and Swedish Election | The After Party | No White Guilt | The Great Order "►⚠️REAL ALERT⚠️ – YouTube SHADOW BANS my work – Remember to 👍, SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL to Spread and See new content! ►StreamLabs: ----------------------------------- The Afterparty is a destination for wide-ranging, insightful, and entertaining discussions that serve our audience and guests’ interests. 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Furthermore, No White Guilt’s (Jason Köhne) participation and/or appearance on shows/channels/podcasts etc. does not necessarily represent sympathy, agreement, or endorsement of the opinions, thoughts, and views of said shows/channels/podcasts etc. as well as their hosts and guests. Jason Köhne condemns violence. ----------------------------------- This video may contain copyrighted material, the use of which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright holders. The material is made available on this channel for purposes that include research, criticism, news reporting and teaching. 17 U.S. Code § 512 (f) provides penalties for the deliberate misrepresentation of copyright infringement. The owner(s) author(s) personalities(s) of this video believe in good faith that the use of such materials herein constitutes Fair Use as per 17 U.S. Code § 107. Persons/agencies filing a false or frivolous DMCA complaint will be subject to civil liability. 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"Alex Jones Infowars Ban – Contrived or Real? This episode is the start of periodic entries that will keep a record of events related to Q and The Great Awakening as it is termed. Uploaded on August 14 2018 Episode 4 looks at the recent banning of Alex Jones and Infowars from many of the major social media outlets on the Internet. It certainly created a backlash of criticism – but at the same time, may have been a Deep State strategy to take attention away from the anonymous Q and his many thousands of Qanon supporters – a number that, according to a post made today (August 14 2018) is increasing by as many as five thousand (5000) every 24 hours. No wonder the mainstream media oligarchs are panicking – their Fake News rants are turning people off, and turning them on to a search for facts and truth….which is what this series is about. Links Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants (pointed to by one of Q’s tripcodes, as cited in Episode 1). President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q-Me-In Episode 1 – Red Pill Introduction to Q Q-Me-In Episode 2 0 Qrosshaires and Qillshot Q-Me-In Episode 3 – Conspiracy Theory – Good For Q Q-To Kill A Mockingbird" North Star News 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Censorship', 'Zuckerberg', 'Dorsey', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'MAGA', 'Deep State', 'Qanon', 'Q News', 'Q Posts', 'Qanon Conspiracy', 'Q conspiracy', 'Michael Knight', 'Ramtha', 'Q Me In', 'President Trump', 'Conspiracy theory', 'Fake News', 'The Storm'] PT4M50S 3236 4 108 1 not set not set 2018-08-29T16:57:57.000Z 8DpnILNlFmw UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In Episode 6 - Two Faces Of Cain "Two Views Of Hero McCain. Exploring his life as a POW, politician, and final days. Mainstream eulogies and an alternative viewpoint. Note the claim that McCain caused the devastating fire on the USS Forestall by ""wet starting"" his jet.The official report says it was started by ""an excess of electricity"" igniting a rocket ... draw your own conclusions. Watch - Consider - share this link. And watch other Q-Me-In episodes through channel link below. Links... McCain “songbird” video North Star Newsletter website North Star YouTube Channel (all videos) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book – President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q-Me-In Episode 1 – Red Pill Introduction to Q Q-Me-In Episode 2 – Crosshairs and Killshot Q-Me-In Episode 3 – Conspiracy Theory – Good For Q Q-Me-In Episode 4 – Infowars Ban – Contrived Or Real? Q-Me-In Episode 5 – Saving Children/Vatican Snake Building" North Star News 25 ['McCain', 'John Mc Cain', 'Q-Me-In', 'Suicide', 'POW', 'New World Order', 'Deep nState', 'Hillary Clinton', 'POrince Alwaleed', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Subversion', 'Brain cancer', 'Qanonn', 'QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Michael Knight', 'North Star Newsletter', 'North Star', 'Episode', 'Clinton Foundation', 'human trafficking', 'terrorists'] PT6M21S 24404 59 632 17 not set not set 2018-09-03T17:38:37.000Z n1Sr1qoRGK4 UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In Episode 7 - McCain Funeral - Deep State - Satellites Down - Gitmo "60,000 Qanons reflect on Senator McCain’s funeral – followed by a meeting of Deep State politicians – while “Q” reports that Seven CIA super-computers and numerous spy satellites have been taken off-line. Guantanamo gets an upgrade, plus a preparedness message as the battle between Dark and Light continues. Q’s posts / website North Star Newsletter website / Subscribe The North Star Newsletter YouTube Channel (all episodes) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Preparedness Proclamation – Full article / Martial Law Possible Daily Beast Lionel – Meeting President Trump in the Oval Office: Video" North Star News 1 ['McCain Funeral', 'SCIF', 'Gitmo', 'Qanon', 'Last Waltz', 'President Trump', 'Michael Knight', 'John McCain', 'Barack Obama', 'Brennan', 'WWG1WGA', 'North Star', 'North Star Newsletter', 'Ramtha', 'Last Waltz Of The Tyrants', 'New World Order', 'Cabal', 'Prophecy'] PT6M25S 95808 299 2086 92 not set not set 2018-09-09T16:36:46.000Z -X7hy8he8mo UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In Epsd 8. Q – Trump – And God "How close is Q to the President? How close has America come to being destroyed from the inside by the Globalists – and who are they, anyway? To Make America Great Q says … We The People must take America back again….which is what the president says, here, in his own words, unfiltered by the mudstream media. Q’s posts / website Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition North Star Newsletter website The North Star Newsletter YouTube Channel (all episodes)" North Star News 25 ['Qanon', 'Last Waltz', 'President Trump', 'Michael Knight', 'Barack Obama', 'WWG1WGA', 'North Star', 'North Star Newsletter', 'Ramtha', 'Last Waltz Of The Tyrants', 'New World Order', 'Cabal', 'Prophecy', 'Illuminati', 'Deep State', 'We The People', 'God Bless America', 'Q Posts', 'Who Is Q', 'Q Conspiracy', 'Mainstream Media'] PT9M13S 16380 67 648 5 not set not set 2018-09-16T23:06:41.000Z yJcOJUULLNA UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In Ep 9 Deep State Dirt "DESCRIPTION While the Big Tech and Social Media companies ban numerous channels and individuals, and the mudstream media is flinging dirt in all directions … it looks like they’re all heading for the ditch. Watch the arrest scenario here. And Q says some will likely be carpet-bombed this week. LINKS North Star Newsletter YouTube Channel (all episodes) Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants North Star Newsletter website / Subscribe Current Q-Memes-page Reddit- The Donald" North Star News 25 ['Qanoln', 'Zuckerberg', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Deep State', 'Illuminati', 'Cabal', 'child trafficking', 'Reddit', 'censorship', 'Freat awakening', 'Qproofs', 'The Donald', 'President Trump', 'Rothschilds', 'Schmidt', 'Google', 'FEMA', 'FEMA alert', 'Michael Knight', 'fisagate', 'FBI', 'DOJ'] PT7M48S 17642 53 605 9 not set not set 2018-09-30T15:26:18.000Z SlBRwdjrGAo UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In #12 The Kavanaugh Hit Job "First – Censorship Warning – Then – Who is behind this hit job on Judge Kavanaugh. What are they afraid of? The Deep State is Fighting Back. Hard. See this Q post of Sept 30. Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.310 Sep 30 2018 14:33:44 EST R RED OCTOBER D Justice K confirmation DECLAS Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein ... payment in full ... ""Flake's decision came after he spoke to senators of both parties and withstood pressure from some Republicans not to take such a step. As he considered his course of action, Flake also had a conversation with Deputy Attorney General ... Rod Rosenstein ... , who is in charge of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation."" Define 'Treason'. The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. Define 'Subversion'. The act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within? Think line of questions re: Sen. Graham - Justice K re: 'Enemy Combatants'. 1-800-273-8255 Operators standing by. Q Update 10/1/2018 A search for ""Dr Ford CIA"" (no quotes) brings up some ""more to the story."" Links The North Star News Video Channel (All Episodes) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q’s posts / website North Star Newsletter website NorthStarQ Patreon Site (Under construction but you might like a sneak peek)" North Star News 25 ['Qanon', 'Who Is Q', 'North Star', 'Michael Knight', 'Deep State', 'Judge Kavanaugh', 'Confirmation', 'Christine Blasy Ford', 'President Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'Q conspiracy', 'q conspiracy theory', 'FBI', 'Senate hearing', 'Feinstein', 'Jeff Flake', 'Lindsey Graham', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Blasey FGord'] PT16M13S 7500 36 192 5 not set not set 2018-10-04T13:17:15.000Z aYpRkq49D-c UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In #13 Oct 4/18 NinjaWarrior - This Is War "It’s an information war – and you have to wake up to win it. The Ninjawarrior4Truth pulls no punches … Links NinjaWarrior4Truth on Twitter NorthStarQ – My Patreon Site The North Star News Video Channel (All Episodes) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q’s posts / website North Star Newsletter website" North Star News 22 ['Qanon', 'Who Is Q', 'North Star', 'Michael Knight', 'Deep State', 'Judge Kavanaugh', 'Christine Blasey Ford', 'Christine Ford', 'President Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'Q conspiracy', 'q conspiracy theory', 'ninja warrior', 'isis', 'democratic party', 'seth rich', 'the storm', 'MAGA'] PT10M25S 7475 28 330 6 not set not set 2018-10-08T12:54:18.000Z pnyr3VDAOyg UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In #14 The Queen Of Smear "Q must have access to a lot of damning information on a lot of people if this clip showing how the Democrats create a major smear campaign is anything to go by. But, coupled with what they did to Justice Kavanaugh, this could turn a LOT of decent Democrats into red wave riders. Links NorthStarQ Patreon Site The North Star News Video Channel (All Episodes) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q’s posts / website North Star Newsletter website" North Star News 25 ['Qanon', 'Who Is Q', 'North Star', 'Michael Knight', 'Deep State', 'Judge Kavanaugh', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Confirmation', 'Justice Kavanaugh', 'Christine Blasey Ford', 'President Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'Q conspiracy', 'q conspiracy theory', 'FBI', 'Senate hearing', 'Feinstein', 'smear', 'MAGA'] PT3M51S 2193 17 106 1 not set not set 2018-10-16T12:52:20.000Z GCHAuGK0tIc UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q-Me-In #15 Hillary "Loses" Security Clearance "Exposing the wicked web of global deceit by politicians and Deep State shills . Links NorthStarQ Patreon Site The North Star News Video Channel (All Episodes) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q’s posts / website North Star Newsletter website" North Star News 25 ['Hillary Clinton', 'Security Clearance', 'Sara Carter', 'Qanon', 'Who Is Q', 'North Star', 'Michael Knight', 'Deep State', 'President Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'Q conspiracy', 'q conspiracy theory', 'FBI', 'MAGA', 'John Key', 'New Zealand', 'HRC', 'Five Eyes', 'Kim Dotcom', 'Eric Holder', 'Brennan', 'Clapper', 'Lynch', 'Obama', 'John Kerry', 'ants', 'Fisagate', 'Rosenstein', 'Last Waltz', 'New World Order', 'Patreon', 'corruption'] PT8M46S 10489 36 276 5 not set not set 2018-10-27T20:39:12.000Z wlMbrHrmMc4 UCulurQgxrSTRDV5uLIrKRfQ Q's Last Post - Stealth Bomber Incoming "[p_AUTHORITY1] What does that mean? Why is justice so slow? Deep State Blockades. Democrats Controlled. Voting (Red) Is Vital. Once you're done, click this link to see the full Q-Me-In Playlist. Links NorthStarQ Patreon Site The North Star News Video Channel (All Episodes) Book – Last Waltz of the Tyrants Michael Knight book - President Trump and the New World Order – Paperback (Kindle edition free with purchase) Kindle edition Q’s posts / websites North Star Newsletter website" North Star News 25 ['Qanon', 'Who Is Q', 'North Star', 'Michael Knight', 'Deep State', 'CIA', 'President Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'Q conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'midterm elections', 'Illuminati', 'Globalists', 'Democrats', 'Red Wave', 'Fake News', 'Sessions', 'McCabe', 'Brennan', 'Comey', 'Strzok'] PT7M47S 175859 712 5022 147 not set not set 2018-05-28T22:30:16.000Z 6ZMuboRNpw0 UCH7OUk52TlbS6Ise7mFBtoQ James Wesley Rawles on QAnon, the Deep State, Tommy Robinson, Bitcoin and more… "On this info-packed podcast, Jim and I cover the Deep State, the Inspector General Report, Saudi Arabia, QAnon, the Mass Media agenda, the Candace Owens Effect, the diminishing Democratic voter base, Tommy Robinson, North Korea, the end of prepping, our still-precarious financial situation and the end of Bitcoin? Critical Disclosure Links: Soundcloud - Gab - Twitter - YouTube - Steem - BitChute - Facebook -" NorthWestLibertyNews 25 ['@NWLNews', 'QAnon', 'Tommy Robinson', 'Survival Blog', 'James Wesley Rawles', 'North Korea', 'Bitcoin', 'Inspector General Report', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Deep State'] PT38M48S 3310 17 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-25T21:57:44.000Z OKxuVVv5h1Q UCH7OUk52TlbS6Ise7mFBtoQ RLN-7.25.2018 Q Anon is Alive and Well! "DEAL of the DAY! 2 Months Food for Family of 4 - $400 off -" NorthWestLibertyNews 25 ['Red List News', 'Q Anon'] PT11M38S 171 5 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-30T20:10:34.000Z hqTxtxjTpzU UC3SXczc4RY3g7nqiROYmCJg Q Drop Macht euch bereit für die Oktoberrevolution 30 09 2018 Tagesereignis Quelle: Qlobal-Change blogspot com nourya1 25 not set PT7M27S 4 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-08-02T15:30:00.000Z RNk2YlGMWCY UCn4sPeUomNGIr26bElVdDYg QAnon Internet Conspiracy Group Surfaces at Trump Rally in Florida | NowThis "Here's what you need to know about QAnon, the right-wing conspiracy group that's gone from 4chan to making real-life appearances at Trump rallies. » Subscribe to NowThis: What is QAnon? Why is QAnon popping up at Trump rallies such as the Trump Rally in Florida recently. QAnon is a wild right-wing conspiracy theory that started on 4chan and 8chan, two anonymous online message boards. In October 2017, a user named Q, who claimed to be a high-level government official, began posting cryptic 'clues' and other posts about the 'deep state' and people like: Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Tom Hanks, and The Illuminati. Q Anon also purports thats Robert Mueller isn't actually investigating Trump but that instead, Mueller is trying to bring down the deep state. Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: » Find us on Snapchat Discover: NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. @nowthisnews" NowThis News 25 "['NowThis', 'NowThisNews', 'Now This News', 'NowThis News', 'Now This Media', 'NowThis Media', 'Current Events', 'news', 'q anon', 'trump rally', 'conspiracy theories', 'breaking news', 'president trump', 'donald trump', 'right wing', 'conspiracy theory', 'trump rallies', 'trump rally in florida', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'q anon latest', 'far right', 'who is qanon', 'who is qanon youtube', 'who is qanon an overview', 'who is qanon posts', ""what's qanon"", 'what is qanon 4chan', '4chan', 'who is']" PT1M59S 20309 109 129 180 not set not set 2018-08-01T02:25:47.000Z ovTL3Wovmp8 UCPxX_6iTeoQ6IYCikw6KNww Trump Rally - Tampa, Florida (July 31st, 2018) Q ANON SUPPORT EVERYWHERE!!! "Had an amazing time with my fellow Patriots in Tampa!!! So many showing Q support and so many asking me questions about my Q anon shirt and sign!!! MAGA! WWG1WGA!!!" Null Null 22 not set PT18S 126 4 4 0 not set not set 2017-11-14T01:43:59.000Z BVkWfr9filU UCCB50xIOuzKtoASqG5XUq1g Can't show my face. Q ANON ANSWERS The reason why ANON said that if Americans knew the real truth 99% we need a doctor is this! Barack Obama is Saudi Arabian he is a Saudi Arabian plant to become president of the United States his birth certificate and Social Security number are fake. the world's foremost expert on forgeries say so. Saudi Arabia is fighting a new kind of war against the United States! Infiltrate and destroy the great Satan from within. what is Saudi Arabia known for? 911 HIJACKERS! one of the princes arrested in Saudi Arabia paid for Barack Obama to go through college to study constitutional law why? why would a Saudi Prince pay for a Barack Obama to go to college? He is a Saudi! Saudi Arabia is fighting a new kind of war against United States and we are at War. the war was infiltrate and destroy the great Satan. that's what the Saudis is called the United States. Barack Obama was born in Saudi Arabia! Huma abedin another SAUDI agent!THE IT GUYS that Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed and so did half in Congress Saudi Arabian! this way they controlled the Senate and Congress computers. why did Clinton and Obama want to bring in Islamic jihadist refugees and to the United States by the Millions? why did Barack Obama open the Border? this is all part of the war As Trump said the great Trojan Horse! there was no reason for the Saudi Arabians or Islam to invade. they were going to control the presidency with Obama and Clinton and just let in the jihadists to fight war against the United States. the bushes also traders to America they are and where are controlled by Saudi Arabia do you remember the day of 9/11 all flights in the United States were grounded except for the bin Laden family and Saudi Arabian princes we're allowed to go home after they celebrated the attack! half of Congress and the Senate and the FBI and the CIA knew about this. they were controlled by the globalists and the globalists are working hand-in-hand with Saudi Arabia to bring this new kind of War to the United States. Trump is fighting this war he went to Saudi Arabia and told them that he was well aware of what is going on in the United States and the war that they are waging against us. the king of Saudi Arabia was told that if the players were not arrested and outed that he would nuke Saudi Arabia! the Saudis robbed this country blind. and we're attempting to destroy us! Anon posted first Saudi Arabia second United States third Europe Etc. now that's Saudi Arabia is complying because they face annihilation they are going to out all the players in this scheme all over the world! ObamaIsASaudiAgent HumaAis2 22 not set PT6M26S 10506 118 257 14 not set not set 2017-11-14T07:32:02.000Z CxPLoXkgHF0 UCCB50xIOuzKtoASqG5XUq1g Q ANON 3 EXPLAIN A CRUMB CANT SHOW MY FACE ObamaIsASaudiAgent HumaAis2 22 not set PT4M19S 2860 12 76 2 not set not set 2017-11-20T06:12:24.000Z GtHWzat50jA UCCB50xIOuzKtoASqG5XUq1g Q ANON. THE STORM STARTS TOMORROW IN THE USA. CANT SHOW MY FACE. Just a brief update on the Storm. Tomorrow the storm starts. Hillary Clinton is on video tape accepting suitcases of cash for Uranium one deal. False reports about Marines Landing in Langley. Patriots Rejoice this is just the beginning. Please don't mind the basement. The CIA can use any smart appliances as a listening device a smart TV smartphone that's just laying around xcetera. I use different burner phones every week VPN and for different encryption systems. Just so everyone knows. The day this was uploaded. HILLARY CLINTON got her ankle bracelet! ObamaIsASaudiAgent HumaAis2 22 not set PT4M18S 47568 167 576 61 not set not set 2018-10-18T02:15:40.000Z aw2d1jaVB-0 UCCB50xIOuzKtoASqG5XUq1g Qanon IDENTIFIED as a Christian with the Holy Spirit inside. "By_the book decoded Q drops like Serialbrain2 but used bible gematria. ( Subscribe to By_the book) for more details. In simple gematria A=1 B=2 Q=17 Q posts were compared to Bible Quote gematria. The ONLY Q quotes to match bible verses numerically in simple gematria are: HERE WE GO ONE=143 Blood of jesus=14 we go all=75 Lamb of God =75 RED OCTOBER =105 =Satan defeated =105 Gods word= 105 Triumph =105 ALEPH and TAW ( first and last)=105 I am the lord=105 I am the way=105 Future proves past= 242 seal of the Holy Spirit =242 You have more than you know=315 The power of the Holy Spirit =315 The Truth will set you free=315 There is only one Q=167 Learn our comms=167 Enjoy the show =167 The lord of Isreal=167 The truth is right in front of you=388 Jesus is the way the truth and the light=388 The choice to know will be yours=335 I am the king of kings lord of lords=355 The storm is upon us=252 The second coming of Christ =252 Patriots are ready==195 The second coming =195 Sheep no more =133 Day of the lord=133 All for a larp=112 End of a aeon=112 As the world turns=217 Christ's second coming =217 Storm is coming =174 Trumpet call=174 FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE=261 The lord is my salvation =261 Yeshua light of the world=261 The rats are panicking =199 Spirit of truth=199 Christ king of kings =199 Now comes the real pain=216 The corrupt swamp=216 Days of the apocalypse=216 Qanon sings Amazing grace. You are watching a scripted movie=329 🎶Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound =329 What no agency leaked the data =233 🎶That saved a wrench like me=233 Conspiracy label=155 🎶I once was lost=155 Liberal left lunacy=178 🎶But now I'm found =178 As the world turns=217 🎶Was blind but now I see=217 Silence is golden=152 🎶How precious =152 The red line=100 🎶Did that grace=100 Silence is golden=152 🎶Appear that hour=152 Eyes wide open= 🎶I First believed God so loved the world =223 🎶Twas' Grace that taught=223 We had the votes=155 🎶My heart to fear=155 READY=53 🎶AND GRACE= 53 LEARN OUR COMMS=167 🎶MY FEARS RELIEVED =167 WHERE WE GO ONE=143 Blood of jesus=143 WE GO ALL=75 Lamb of God=75 Satan defeated =105 Gods word= 105 Triumph =105 ALEPH and TAW ( first and last)=105 I am the lord=105 I am the way=105 Future proves past= 242 seal of the Holy Spirit =242 You have more than yoi know=315 The power of the Holy Spirit =315 The Truth will set you free=315 There is only one Q=167 Learn our comms=167 Enjoy the show =167 The lord of Isreal=167 The truth is right in front of you=388 Jesus is the way the truth and the light=388 The choice to know will be yours=335 I am the king of kings lord of lords=355 The storm is upon us=252 The second coming of Christ =252 Patriots are ready==195 The second coming =195 Sheep no more =133 Day of the lord=133 All for a larp=112 End of a aeon=112 As the world turns=217 Christ's second coming =217 Storm is coming =174 Trumpet call=174 FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE=261 The lord is my salvation =261 Yeshua light of the world=261 The rats are panicking =199 Spirit of truth=199 Christ king of kings =199 Now comes the real pain=216 The corrupt swamp=216 Days of the apocalypse=216 You are watching a scripted movie=329 Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound =329 What no agency leaked the data =233 That saved a wrench like me=233 Conspiracy label=155 I once was lost=155 Liberal left lunacy=178 But now I'm found =178 As the world turns=217 Was blind but now I see=217 Silence is golden=152 How precious =152 The red line=100 Did that grace=100 Silence is golden=152 Appear that hour=152 Eyes wide open= I First believed God so loved the world =223 Twas' Grace that taught=223 We had the votes=155 My heart to fear=155 READY=53 AND GRACE= 53 LEARN OUR COMMS=167 MY FEARS RELIEVED =167 Also that one Q drop the gematria matches EXACTLY the words to the song Amazing grace.. In exact order. ""There are no COINCIDENCES "". Q THE TRUTH ""Wait until you see who's been talking to you.""Q" ObamaIsASaudiAgent HumaAis2 22 ['Trump rally Trump James red pills America Just informed talk Destroying the illusion'] PT18M57S 175 10 8 1 not set not set 2017-12-13T22:17:13.000Z ZW3bNwcItGE UCeMlmWkrakcrOFHd3NwPcqg The Q Source Greg Zuschlag, PhD, a native San Antonian has been a Professor of Systematic Theology at the Oblate School of Theology since 2008. He earned his MDiv from the University of Notre Dame and his PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. He is a husband and father of two young boys as well. Since he began teaching Christology eight years ago, he has developed a profound appreciation of how the differences and discrepancies in how each of the Gospels portray Jesus do not weaken ones faith in Him but actually strengthen it. Oblate School of Theology 29 ['Q Source', 'Bible', 'Catholic', 'Exegesis', 'Christian', 'Gospel', 'Scripture', 'Oblate School', 'Theology'] PT2M42S 1189 0 11 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T19:45:18.000Z LYOB6bvWJ5s UCaKuosQRAchAOrN0-y4SW1A A Call to Arms for Patriots Everywhere...Freedom of thought... "WEBSITE HERE: Twitter: SHARE, LIKE SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, SHARE SHARE HELP WAKE PEOPLE UP...THANK YOU (Sorry for shouting, its passion) Donate to Red Pill Videos here: $1 per month is all it takes. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD BY SHARING THIS VIDEO THANK YOU ANONS ACROSS THE WORLD, YOU ARE MORE THAN YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD... ""Like it or not, everything is changing. The results will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man. Or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands."" W. Cooper Oct 24, 1989 There are many great channels giving you the details of Qanon's posts, interpretations and current activity. My [redpilling] is still geared towards those who feel they have no part to play. The future belongs to us all. If you believe there is nothing you can do, you have already lost. There may be other messages at some other point in time, but for now... Please subscribe and share thanks for watching. Patriots, liberty freedom, Clintons, Podesta, pizzagate, Clinton Foundation, HRC, Benghazi, Uranium 1 U1 qanon twitter qanon posts qanon 4chan qanon map qanon youtube qanon the storm qanon 4chan posts qanon latest post qanon pdf qanon wiki qanon qanon reddit qanon archive qanon abbreviations qanon all posts qanon antarctica qanon analysis kanoon atlanta airport qanon and the storm qanon air force one qanon acronyms qanon board qanon breadcrumbs qanon blog qanon book of q qanon b twitter qanon book pdf anon boards qanon cbts qanon conspiracy qanon corsi qanon chan qanon codes qanon cs qanon crumbs qanon camp david qanon definition qanon decoded qanon drops qanon defcon 1 qanon exposed qanon explanation qanon evidence qanon fake qanon for dummies qanon first post qanon forum qanon fake news qanon faq qanon fire qanon github qanon gitmo qanon great awakening qanon guantanamo bay qanon godfather iii qanon on 4chan qanon on twitter qanon owl qanon on reddit qanon on 8ch qanon only board qanon on youtube qanoon original post qanon overview qanon predictions qanon posts 4chan qanon posts 8chan qanon proof qanon phenomenon qanon posts reddit qanon pictures qanon posts pdf qanon questions qanon qmap qanon qanon qanon q anon qanoon qanoon hai mp3 songs pk qanoon qanoon hai 1987 qanoon qanoon hai movie song qaida qanon q qanon map qanon recent posts qanon research qanon reddit cbts qanon read the map qanon revelations qanon rr qanon research board qanon rabbit hole qanon revealed qanon storm qanon summary qanon snopes qanon subreddit qanon schmidt qanon sc qanon spacex qanon saudi arabia qanon shirts qanon storm conspiracy qanon the great awakening qanon timeline qanon tripcode qanon tyler qanon the map qanon think tank qanon tg qanon theory qanon update qanoon white rabbit qanon wikileaks qanon warning qanon 4chan latest qanon 4chan link qanon 4plebs qanon 7th floor qanon 7/10 plane crashes qanon 8chan posts qanon 8ch qanon 8chan twitter qanon 8 channel qanoon 8 qanon 8chan the storm qanon 8chan great awakening qanon 8chan reddit qanon 9/11 anonymous mask anonymous definition anonymous meaning anonymous content anonymous email anonymous text anonymous chat anonymous app anonymous alerts anonymous advice anonymous author anonymous aliens anonymous arrested anonymous a message to humanity anonymous bitcoin anonymous browser anonymous blog" Observation Deck 25 ['Qanon', 'Patriots', 'Anonymous', 'Anon', 'Clintons', 'Podesta', 'FISA', 'Drain the swamp', 'Q drop', 'Liberty', 'Obamagate', 'obama', 'Cyberspace', 'White Rabbit', 'TeamTyler', 'Tyler', 'Cabal', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'Qanons', '@qanon', '#qanon', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'True Lies', 'Haiti', 'Hollywood'] PT14M3S 13116 0 366 24 not set not set 2017-12-26T14:00:02.000Z _2mmZQqQO68 UCiYdus5HyeJFAEhzI5-6kJw 58. Tracy Twyman // Q Anon, Mount Analogue, Cybele & the Rothschilds’ Superman Diamond Alchemy "HEY YO! GRAB OUR NEW T-SHIRT: If you’re familiar with Tracy Twyman’s work, if you’ve read any of her books or blogs or heard her on other podcasts, you know what you’re in for here. If you’re unfamiliar with Tracy, Jesus tapdancin’ Christ are you in for a sweet, sweet audio treat. We’re talking Q Anon and 4chan, hidden hyperspace kingdoms of the elite, Mount Analogue, Trump, Plus Ultra, and a ton of ideas embedded into Tracy’s latest novel, “Genuflect”, including Cybele, Mithras, Saturn, the crystal sun, John Dee, the Superman diamond and the Rothschilds’ alchemical fascination with it, and more. Seriously, there’s more! RESOURCES “Genuflect” by Tracy Twyman: “Mount Analogue” by René Daumal: Blogs by Tracy related to the discussion Related to the plot & ideas in “Genuflect” Related to Q Anon Related to John Dee SUPPORT Check out our support page: Because podcasting costs money. Website maintenance, storage space, equipment, late night organic juice runs when we're up all night editing. Help us offset some of that cost by supporting the show monthly. This will also help us increase our storage space so we can provide longer episodes and more of them. Leave your name in a note and you’ll be recognized on air (if you don’t mind). We have seven levels of monthly support: Initiate - $1.11 Astrologer - $3.33 Magician - $5.55 Alchemist - $7.77 Adept - $9.99 Shaman - $11.11 Ascended Master - $13.13 Don't want to support the show monthly? No sweat. You can make a one-time donation in an amount of your choosing. MUSIC Vestron Vulture - “I Want to be a Robot (Tribute to Giorgio Moroder)” DISCLAIMER This podcast is produced in the Kingdom of Ohio and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International: REMINDER Love yourself. Think for yourself. Question authority." Occulture Podcast 24 ['tracy twyman', 'occulture', 'occult', 'podcast', 'q anon', '4 chan', 'donald trump', 'plus ultra', 'mount analogue', 'genuflect', 'cybele', 'mithras', 'saturn', 'new sun', 'john dee', 'superman', 'rothschild', 'alchemy', 'superman diamond', 'higherside chats', 'baphomet', 'rune soup', 'aeon byte', 'freeman fly', 'leak project', 'richie from boston', 'gordon white', 'greg carlwood', 'gnosticism', 'knights templar', 'freemasonry', 'tomorrowland', 'innerstanding', 'sevan bomar', 'crrow777', 'styxhexenhammer666', 'mark passio', 'joe rogan', 'grimerica'] PT2H5M36S 12961 91 196 18 not set not set 2018-07-01T08:36:03.000Z ZbecyoqCm0c UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Pamphlet Anon Caught again with Anonymous Qanon post (June 15th) "Pamphlet Anon on the LIVE Patriot Soapbox stream on June 15th as he brings up the GOOGLE BIKE post that he says Qanon just posted yet the people of Patriot Soapbox begin to ask him where he is seeing this new post as they see nothing under Qanons tripcode account. Pamphlet Anon explains that Qanon must have forgot to log in with his tripcode and has posted as an ANONYMOUS POSTER and signed it ""Q"" and Pamphlet Anon amazingly just happened to pick out the Qanon's anonymous post out of all the 100's of anonymous posts on the 8Chan board. I got this Patriot Soapbox clip from the YOUTUBE CHANNEL ""GLOW"". Check out her videos HERE:" oil guy 22 not set PT1M26S 6596 34 72 15 not set not set 2018-07-01T10:38:52.000Z VMt1dg95ix8 UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg 0Hour1 Digitally traces the Main Qanon players and CONNECTS the DOTS 0Hour1 Digitally traces the main Qanon players being Pamphlet Anon and Serialbrain2/Brainstorm and uses their bitcoin addresses to find Serialbrain2 is Brainstorm where they link FACES to Anonymous names and links them to the Q 8Chan board, Q-Websites, Patriot Soapbox, Reddit Message Boards and GAB boards. oil guy 22 not set PT1H7M15S 936 39 37 9 not set not set 2018-07-13T07:13:47.000Z zXLwounEVbs UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg "Tip Top Tippy Top Shape" TRICK PART 1 (A Qanon DEBUNKING VIDEO) """Tip Top Tippy Top Shape"" TRICK PART 2 HERE:" oil guy 22 ['Tip Top Tippy Top shape', 'President Trump', 'Qanon'] PT5M1S 941 3 25 0 not set not set 2018-07-14T05:02:30.000Z H55BOtP8VGE UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Qanon says LdR tweets #FlyEaglesFly is a secret code to Bill Clinton? (A Qanon DEBUNKING VIDEO) "On November 21st 2017 Qanon says that Lynn de Rothschilds tweets with #FlyEaglesFly is a secret code to Bill Clinton on Twitter. These Q-LARPERS have an active imagination and a good sense of humor as anyone who does a simple GOOGLE SEARCH will see she really is a HUGE PHILADELPHIA EAGLES fan and even cheerleaded for them in January 2011. From here they use #FlyRothFly, #FlyJohnnyFly, #FlyAlFly, #FlySidFly, as the secret twitter codes to Lynn de Rothschilds political operatives doing her bidding. Too funny!!" oil guy 22 ['#FlyEaglesFly', 'Lynn de Rothschild', 'twitter', 'code', 'Bill Clinton', 'Eagle'] PT5M1S 279 13 9 2 not set not set 2018-07-14T13:05:26.000Z PAyq3xsPqrc UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg "Tip Top Tippy Top Shape" TRICK PART 2 (A Qanon DEBUNKING VIDEO) """Tip Top Tippy Top Shape"" TRICK PART 1 HERE:" oil guy 22 ['tip top', 'tippy top shape', 'President Trump', 'Qanon'] PT5M1S 690 9 18 2 not set not set 2018-07-15T07:53:56.000Z VE6M1S-sMv8 UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Another Qanon LARP member of the CBTS group (Qanon DEBUNKING VIDEO) "May 6th confession email from a ex-Qanon hoax member" oil guy 22 not set PT4M52S 405 3 22 1 not set not set 2018-07-15T08:52:28.000Z btG9qTaLk_c UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg A Qanon hoaxer accomplice and another Q mistake (Qanon DEBUNKING VIDEO) "Where the Military Intelligence PHONY Qanon got his FAKE Obama speech that he thought was real LOL. No cameras at Bilderberg and Obama's 2014 Brussels speech was edited SPLICED together. Too funny, Poor Q-Faker. The FIRST Q POST he just left the LINK to the FAKE OBAMA VIDEO from another Twitter account and signed ""Q"". (Post#1522 June 17th 12:39PM) I did a quick search back then and realized it was FAKE and spliced together and so did everyone else including Q-Believers and many of them were questioning Q's credibility and that Q was obviously reading other Q-Believers twitter accounts and Q saw it and posted it immediately and NOT verifying it. Obama is one of Q's favorite whipping boys so knew it would be a great sell to the Q-followers. I was hoping it was REAL!! The SECOND Q POST#1523 at 12:48 where Q links to an ANON who had just linked back to Q's original first post#1522 with the OBAMA FAKE VIDEO LINK and the ANON says ""Holy Smokes! They are in for it! You really do have it all!"" and Q responds ""Happy Father’s Day! Q"" (Q is responding to the FAKE OBAMA VIDEO LINK he just provided 10 minutes earlier (and still CLUELESS that it is FAKE :)). The THIRD Q POST#1524 (TIMESTAMP 13:05) was 26 minutes AFTER his first post (TIMESTAMP 12:39) where he NOW REALIZES it is a FAKE VIDEO and SPLICED TOGETHER (It doesn't take long to figure out :0) where he LINKS to an ANON that has the FAKE OBAMA YOUTUBE VERSION (Batr Sartre) where Q now KNOWS his first LINK POST was a COMPLETE FAKE and he made a HUGE MISTAKE so now COVERS HIS ASS after realizing his BIG MISTAKE with now posting the REAL OBAMA Brussels 2014 VIDEO LINK and diverts peoples attention as always to his ""Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what? Q"". Q then goes on posting like nothing even happened like HE ALWAYS DOES! Q is not accountable to anyone and just posts as an anonymous poster on 8Chan. Please go to """" and scroll down to June 17th POST#1522 to VERIFY and check the TIMESTAMPS of the posts. I will COPY&PASTE them HERE. POST#1522 Jun 17 2018 12:39:03 Q !CbboFOtcZs 1785388 Q Then 10 Minutes later (12:48) Q links to an ANON message who in turn LINKED back to Q's original post with LINK/FAKE VIDEO Q provided as Q still believes this is a POWERFUL video against Obama and confidently says ""Happy Fathers Day! Q"". (Like, what a great present I just gave to everyone yet CLUELESS that it is FAKE at this point LOL!) POST#1523 1523 Jun 17 2018 12:47:41 Anonymous 1785535 Holy Smokes! They are in for it! You really do have it all! Jun 17 2018 12:48:58 Q !CbboFOtcZs 1785558 Happy Father’s Day! Q It doesn't take long to research that the Obama video that Q provided was FAKE and Q soon figures it out too and 26 minutes LATER (13:05) posts to an ANON who has the YOUTUBE VERSION of that FAKE OBAMA SPEECH (Batr Sartre) and Q then diverts attention away from his BIG MISTAKE from his original 2 posts and makes up the ""LEAD IN"" post. POST#1524 Jun 17 2018 12:50:20 Anonymous Batr Sartre Published on 31 Jul 2016 This Obama speech was given at the Bilderberg Group conference in Brussels , Belgium , on May 23, 2014 and Obama’s comments are chilling ! This was sent by a German friend after the YouTube version from the US was pulled. It’s unbelievable that Obama actually says this out loud! Jun 17 2018 13:05:46 Q !CbboFOtcZs Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what? Q" oil guy 22 not set PT5M1S 260 9 12 2 not set not set 2018-07-16T13:16:25.000Z x8-X9OvehY8 UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg May 11th: Pamphlet Anon desperate to discredit Corsi/Jones during their Infowars interview. "I am posting this, as I believe May 11th was when many people woke up to this Qanon nonsense when Qanon went too far linking to a REDDIT HITPIECE written by SerialBrain2 (who just HAPPENS to be a CBTS member) as Jerome Corsi was set to go on the 4th hour of the Alex Jones show and judging by his tweets in the past couple weeks Pamphlet Anon KNEW Jerome Corsi was going on to say ""QANON IS A FRAUD"" and had nothing to lose at that point. First 4 minutes is Pamphlet Anon with his wife LIVE on his PATRIOT SOAPBOX while the Corsi/Jones interview is simultaneously taking place and the last minute is the Alex Jones just returning back to the show after reading the Qanon REDDIT HITPIECE on Jones/Corsi/Stone and interrupts Corsi's monologue to CALL OUT Qanon from the safety of his ANONYMOUS 8Chan board and tells why they dropped Qanon which was because of all the things that NEVER came true. FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" oil guy 22 ['Qanon', 'Patriot soapbox', 'Alex Jones', 'Jerome Corsi', 'May 11th'] PT5M1S 661 24 31 10 not set not set 2018-07-17T10:20:59.000Z Hzqq2lBRNjY UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg When Q-LARPS go too far!! January 7th "DEFCON 1" & Roy Potter "The Q-LARPERS threw out the military term ""DEFCON 1"" in 3 separate posts within 35 minutes like it was candy and then Q follower Lieutenant colonel Roy Potter finds out about the latest Q ""DEFCON 1"" posts!! I don't think President Trump has even heard of this Q-LARPER from an anonymous 8Chan board but Roy says the president has to ACT!!! FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" oil guy 22 ['Defcon 1', 'Qanon', 'Roy Potter', 'January 7th', 'potus'] PT5M1S 82 4 8 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T07:49:20.000Z C6DiglbqZks UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg New Q Post!! July 17th :) "OK I had to have a little fun as Q has been very quiet for 2 weeks now and so far it is the only thing I like posting videos about until people wake up to this obvious 8CHAN/CBTS FRAUD. Patriot Soapbox is still going so I believe Q will be back again. Jordan Sather - ""Q Much Time on my Hands""" oil guy 22 not set PT2M1S 75 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-22T09:31:19.000Z yEgIr4c7JGc UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Pamphlet Anon's "PATRIOT SOAPBOX" is going to over take INFOWARS!!!! "Pamphlet says INFOWARS LACKS VISION but says he has the VISION to take PATRIOT SOAPBOX to the stars!!! :). Once Q is done in the next couple years they will cover news and get reporters. I got this Patriot Soapbox clip from the YOUTUBE CHANNEL ""GLOW"". Check out her videos HERE:" oil guy 22 not set PT5M1S 506 22 14 8 not set not set 2018-07-26T07:18:30.000Z SzuJ3luJgBM UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg 4Chan Autists capture Shia Labouef's "HWNDU" flag with limited information! "I am realizing I need a microphone! So this was the first time I had ever heard of 4Chan back in March 2017 and amazed at how a group of people online can do a nearly impossible task working together with limited information to capture Shia Lebouefs ""HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US"" Flag somewhere in a field in the United States within 48 hours just using the sky for information. 4Chan is the same place where the Qanon LARP sprang from on October 28th to late November before they migrated over to the 8Chan board but I certainly don't believe it is any of the same people here but just showing what a group of online people can do when they put their minds to something and the research power they can have when they work together collectively." oil guy 22 ['4Chan', 'Shia Lebouef', 'He will not divide us', 'Tennessee', 'Flag', 'Greensville', 'flight patterns', 'KEK'] PT5M1S 243 3 10 3 not set not set 2018-07-28T11:19:49.000Z bxuUuONiDAo UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Qanon: President Trump's twitter going down and the LORD'S PRAYER (Debunking) "OK my 5 minute time limit ran out before finishing LORDS PRAYER but anyone who sees this will know he didn't predict anything but simply posted the LORDS PRAYER at the end of a November 15th post and 3 weeks later while scouring the news trying to build his LARPING credibility with gullible people who might believe found a Pope article and he attempted to turn it into a Q prediction. Qanon has NO SHAME!!" oil guy 22 ['Qanon', 'Lords Prayer', 'Trump twitter down', 'CIA', 'November 2017'] PT5M1S 109 0 12 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T03:44:38.000Z WO0b4y-yDhA UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Qanon believer Isaac Kappy sounds like he has spent FAR TOO MUCH TIME on 4CHAN!! "I just watched this one video from ""LIFT THE VEIL"" on July 26th where this Hollywood guy (who has some bit parts in some movies back between 2009-2011) was getting attention lately NAMING NAMES in HOLLYWOOD connected to Pedophilia but no real evidence except what he has researched ONLINE on 4CHAN and some Seth Green comments at his house. And he has been following QANON from DAY ONE he says so he talks about SYMBOLISM of the Elite, ROTHSCHILDS, and when he read stuff that Qanon said that was NEW TO HIM he said he KNEW Q was LEGIT!! I am posting this as this is just the typical online HYSTERIA that certain folks look for without any real evidence where it is like SALEM WITCH-HUNTS where innocent people get smeared online with no real proof. ""Guilty until proven innocent"" seems to be the mindset! Warning: You get too involved and EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to the obvious LARP known as Qanon and the CBTS Group and you quickly turn into people like this and blame EVERYONE in Hollywood because you read it on the INTERNET!!! FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" oil guy 22 ['Qanon', 'Isaac Kappy', '4Chan', 'Hollywood pedophilia', 'Seth Green', 'Chicken'] PT4M59S 385 13 15 2 not set not set 2018-07-29T07:39:21.000Z BnDlCb_Sn6w UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Qanon July 28th: Antifa photo SET UP/Strozk's wife SEC/More shameless Q PROMOTIONS Qanon uses an Antifa Photo to push the Q narrative to their followers but in truth Antifa was SET UP to hold that sign unknowingly back in late October 2017 to get the photographs the hoaxers wanted LOL! until it was quickly found out. Peter Strozk's wife Melissa Hodgman SEC enforcement division and more Q bullsh@t, and just more SHAMELESS Q self promotions. oil guy 22 ['Qanon', 'Fake Antifa photo', 'Set up', 'Q self promoting', 'Melissa Hodgman SEC enforcement division'] PT5M1S 81 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-07-30T13:57:41.000Z 7lAKhp1RV-Y UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg CORRECTION: 0HOUR1 May 19th video on Pamphlet Anon was INCORRECT "Here is the original 0HOUR1 (May 19th) 14-minute video he did on Pamphlet Anon on PATRIOT SOAPBOX saying Pamphlet Anon was LYING about his EXPLANATION to his LIVE AUDIENCE on why he was able to log into the Qanon account. Q is a complete FRAUD which we all know but looking at the evidence I do believe 0HOUR1's May 19th video calling Pamphlet Anon a liar after logging into the Qanon account is completely INCORRECT as I checked everything Pamphlet Anon said in that video that 0HOUR1 said was LIES and found it to be true with TIMESTAMPS on the original Q posting board of QRESEARCH and now the TRIPCODE was exposed BEFORE Pamphlet Anon posted ""Reeeee"". This is the QRESEARCH POST that Pamphlet Anon said he saw in GREEN LETTERS that it looked like Q's password was exposed as the TIMESTAMP is at 6:03 so 4 minutes before Pamphlet Anon posted his initial ""Reeeee"" post to check if the exposed GREEN tripcode was indeed the old Q Tripcode. A tripcode completely changes when you add the # hashtag before the password as you will see which Pamphlet Anon explained. He COPIED the tripcode from that post and pasted it in with a Q#NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! which then after posting turns into the old Q TRIPCODE of Q!4pRcUA0lBE Pamphlet Anons original ""Reeeee"" post on QRESEARCH at 6:07" oil guy 22 not set PT5M1S 657 10 22 2 not set not set 2018-07-31T06:08:40.000Z kSEm3xbKxIg UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Could this Special NSA "Q-GROUP" be behind the Qanon PSYOP?? (WAYNE MADSEN 2009 interview) "July 10th 2009 interview with Investigative Journalist Wayne Madsen talks about this secret Q-GROUP inside the NSA. Wayne Madsen tells us this Q-GROUP is the NSA security group which also works with the FBI counter intelligence operations and local police dept Intelligence units. Q-Group has 1000 agents & informants and very secretive. It is a secret agency WITHIN a secret agency." oil guy 22 ['Q-Group', 'Qanon', 'Psyop', 'Wayne Madsen', 'NSA', 'FBI counter intelligence'] PT4M18S 891 12 28 3 not set not set 2018-08-07T09:56:59.000Z -CeMaj-78Qg UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Who is SERIALBRAIN2? DARKNESS to LIGHT :) "From the 50s- 3:50 mark is the voice of 0Hour1 from his video below (May 21st) as he traces the digital footprints of the Qanon fraudsters to their money making$ websites like Reddit boards, Gab accounts, 8Chan, Qanon post sites, etc.... (May 21st video) linking the 2 main players in this HUGE Q-FRAUD$$ by TRACING their DIGITAL FOOTPRINTS online back to their owned Q-related websites (1 hour and 7 minutes)." oil guy 22 ['serialbrain2', 'Brainstorm', 'Qanon', 'fraud', 'scam', 'reddit article', 'alex jones', 'Jerome Corsi', 'freedom and coffee'] PT5M1S 1038 21 41 4 not set not set 2018-08-12T04:53:51.000Z 310-PJL6JVw UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Q-Fraudsters HACKED on August 10th and a MESSAGE left for the Q-Believers "Here is the LINK that the Q-hacker left for the Q-Believers on 8Chan in regards to the legitimacy of the anonymous 8Chan poster known as Qanon. He also gives the fake Qanon advice on how passwords work on 8Chan and no military intelligence would do that and who Q-Clearance Dept of Energy is designated for and what they are NOT experts in." oil guy 22 ['Qanon', 'hacked', 'august 10th', 'charlaton', 'Q clearance', 'emotions'] PT5M1S 542 33 38 2 not set not set 2018-08-15T05:18:45.000Z X3Wcs9vpbVs UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg NBC article of Q-Doxxing & Jack Posobiec's response (Butthurt?) "NBC: How three conspiracy theorists took 'Q' and sparked Qanon" oil guy 22 ['qanon', 'doxxing', 'fraud', 'pamphlet', 'radix', 'baruch', 'beanz', 'posobiec'] PT5M1S 548 43 43 3 not set not set 2018-08-30T07:03:08.000Z 6XxRYh4y0Ok UCbzY9t-uAOaDEz4SixUsUEg Q-subscriber increases/Lionel in the KNOW?/Jerome Corsi behind the Q-scenes? "My 5 minutes TIMED OUT but I was going to put in a small clip of the Anonymous finding out that one JEROME ROBERT CORSI was the identity behind the Twitter handle ""QANON76"" with 51K followers pushing the Qanon BS. The 76 reference is probably in reference to the Alex Jones saying ""The answer to 1984 is 1776!!"". Seems that twitter account QANON76 was quickly taken down once the identity behind it was found out and made public. The Qanon fraudsters made lots of early posts containing material from Jerome Corsi's new book ""Killing the Deep-state"" and Corsi admitted this back in December which is what drew him in to cover the Qanon posts along with a WHITEHOUSE insider he said that told him to cover Qanon. Lionel is a smart guy and although I was completely shocked when he came out the next day after the May 11th Jones/Corsi Reddit hitpiece in complete support of an anonymous 8Chan poster named Q. I now look back and believe Lionel was let in on the Q-HOAX by Corsi (and possibly Jones?) and to continue to push the Q-Hoax in support of President Trump. Maybe Corsi and Lionel believe pushing Qanon is a good thing for Trump and the midterm elections or just in it for the subscribers/donations$? 2nd BAKER REVEAL email on August 8th talking about Jerome Corsi's continued involvement with the Q-fraudsters. LIONEL MEDIA webpage Michael Lebron (AKA Lionel) law firm webpage Jerome Corsi has always said his emails that got hacked in April were not his emails but I certainly don't believe anything he says as it is all about covering his ass." oil guy 22 ['Jerome Corsi', 'Lionel', 'truthstream', 'subscribers'] PT5M1S 396 32 40 5 not set not set 2018-08-11T11:53:04.000Z KPy4IY2hcH8 UCvsD8hHxCTXQrGcRq5IIA5Q FAKTEN [19] Q-ANON Das große Erwachen "FAKTEN FAKTEN FAKTEN (18) EUROPA BRENNT [18] Propaganda Medien – seit 1822 volle Manipulation der Völker [19] Q-ANON Das große Erwachen [20] Nationales Bürgergeld Faktennachweis hier:, OKiTALK ist eine kostenlose und unabhängige Diskussions- und Kommunikationsplattform von Menschen für Menschen und bietet Ihnen: Täglich neue und interessante Diskussions- und Themenangebote Anspruchsvolle Gruppengespräche in privater Atmosphäre Sprachräume mit hervorragender Gesprächsqualität und Latenzzeit Laufend spontane Talk-Sendungen und aktuelle Live-Events Präsentationen von Projekten, Produkten, Künstlern und Musikgruppen OKITALK auf Youtube: OKITALK auf Facebook: OKITALK auf Twitter" okitalk 29 ['Okitalk', 'Radio', 'Diskussion', 'Kommunikationsplattform', 'Sprachräume', 'Gesprächsqualität', 'Talk-Sendungen', 'Live-Events', 'Präsentationen', '', 'Redeportal', 'Talkplattform', 'Sprachchat', 'Voicechat', 'Voice Chat', 'Sprach Chat', 'Sprachserver', 'Internetradio', 'Alternatives Radio', 'Bewusstsein', 'Kommunikation', 'Der Talk von Mensch zu Mensch', 'Redemit', '', 'Mumble', 'Mumble Software', 'Mumble Server', 'Klaus Glatzel', 'Redeplattform'] PT43M49S 7704 29 115 3 not set not set 2018-08-11T12:05:53.000Z h7_V4FMcoEc UCvsD8hHxCTXQrGcRq5IIA5Q FAKTEN [20] Nationales Bürgergeld "FAKTEN FAKTEN FAKTEN (18) EUROPA BRENNT [18] Propaganda Medien – seit 1822 volle Manipulation der Völker [19] Q-ANON Das große Erwachen [20] Nationales Bürgergeld Faktennachweis hier:, OKiTALK ist eine kostenlose und unabhängige Diskussions- und Kommunikationsplattform von Menschen für Menschen und bietet Ihnen: Täglich neue und interessante Diskussions- und Themenangebote Anspruchsvolle Gruppengespräche in privater Atmosphäre Sprachräume mit hervorragender Gesprächsqualität und Latenzzeit Laufend spontane Talk-Sendungen und aktuelle Live-Events Präsentationen von Projekten, Produkten, Künstlern und Musikgruppen OKITALK auf Youtube: OKITALK auf Facebook: OKITALK auf Twitter" okitalk 29 ['Okitalk', 'Radio', 'Diskussion', 'Kommunikationsplattform', 'Sprachräume', 'Gesprächsqualität', 'Talk-Sendungen', 'Live-Events', 'Präsentationen', '', 'Redeportal', 'Talkplattform', 'Sprachchat', 'Voicechat', 'Voice Chat', 'Sprach Chat', 'Sprachserver', 'Internetradio', 'Alternatives Radio', 'Bewusstsein', 'Kommunikation', 'Der Talk von Mensch zu Mensch', 'Redemit', '', 'Mumble', 'Mumble Software', 'Mumble Server', 'Klaus Glatzel', 'Redeplattform'] PT8M32S 400 2 13 0 not set not set 2017-12-21T16:55:27.000Z Oyu0Uupnatg UCiZgRS3_BKszyZjBfMSDOGw New " Q " Anon ~ Decoder ~ oldmarinevaughn 27 ['old', 'marine1'] PT43S 606 10 22 4 not set not set 2018-10-22T12:09:13.000Z V95RVxsP7us UC4YMWicab7hyOvWfa5NmwxA Compound knowledge 10/21 Guest @enslavedbytruth “Qanon, Femaland, Secret space, DOE, Mattresses” "Guest @enslavedbytruth @onthewakeupradio presents Compound Knowledge with Jackson & Mike Every other Sunday 7-9pm EST check time zones hosts @exposingtheskylie @compoundknowledge subscribe" On The Wake Up Radio 22 ['sindy ashby productions', 'exosingtheskylie', 'compoundknowledge', 'compound knowledge', 'qanon', 'femaland', 'mattressess', '4g', '5g', 'gwen towers', 'doe', 'secret space program', 'onthewakeupradio', 'on the wake up radio'] PT1H48M58S 67 2 7 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T04:09:14.000Z QfdwLr9VTB8 UCSRd4aQQ60rzmGKpLmykqeQ Qanon -Possible Major Attack Plot 6-26-18 NEW Q "Please visit my other Youtube channels: 'Miss V'z Newz' 'Truth, Justice, & Freedom' and 'Open Book Fellowship' Thank you for watching and please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE" Open Book Fellowship 25 ['Qanon', 'Trump', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Secret Societies', 'Golden Dawn', 'Government', 'Treason', 'Podesta'] PT1H34S 35 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-20T16:47:45.000Z 4_6dDQod-D4 UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons And CIA To JFK Jr Plane Crash "Written by Dr Michael Salla Posted in Exonews PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROVIDED LINK TO READ THE FULL STORY You have more than you know. - Q PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT4M21S 184 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-21T15:11:56.000Z 48ngDe9eQD0 UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Q SerialBrain2: Occult Series. Q114 US Military Savior Of Mankind You NEED To Know Part1.5 "PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT10M16S 211 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-09-07T22:39:30.000Z ObTao_FbDWo UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Q ANON: MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL & SATANIC SACRIFICE & ADRENOCHROME = STANDARD HOTEL? "SOMETHING IS GOING ON AT THE STANDARD HOTEL AND ADAM SCHIFF KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS! (Maybe there's a reason for those BUG EYES of his?) Link: THE EVENT CHRONICLE McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT52M21S 68 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-09-10T14:24:09.000Z RfiN5OO3hyY UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw | Q ANON | NEW MEGA-MEMES | EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW | McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT51M48S 168 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-09-15T00:18:46.000Z T7BDFBMB6Co UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw NEW Q DROP: WHAT IS A NARCISSIST? BOMBS AWAY! The McAllister Report "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT53M7S 34 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-15T19:23:17.000Z oInOqbMDoZg UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Q ANON: "ITS HAPPENING..." [H]... "DOWN SHE GOES!" | McALLISTER TV | "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT38M44S 91 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-17T19:19:38.000Z aJUrgda63XY UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Qanon - SerialBrain2: Could Mike Flynn Be Q? Q2172 Q2176 Riddle: Will This Be The Week? "Qanon - SerialBrain2: Could Mike Flynn Be Q? Q2172 Q2176 Riddle: Will This Be The Week? VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: SEE IMAGE NUMBER 0NE BELOW SEE CNN ARTICLE BELOW SEE NATIONAL REVIEW ARTICLE BELOW SEE LINK NUMBER ONE BELOW SEE IMAGE NUMBER TWO BELOW SEE IMAGE NUMBER THREE BELOW SEE 8CHAN LINK BELOW Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT10M59S 52 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-30T14:01:12.000Z iVrhUOnNc6g UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw LATEST Q DROP: BAIT! LIBERAL LEFT LUNACY! CREEPY PEDOVORE ART EMERGES IN US! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H3M31S 47 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-10-02T23:22:54.000Z _-yCzdNaacQ UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Q DROP! DEMOCRATS ARE THE KKK! SPIRITUAL ATTACKS & SPIRITUAL MESSAGES McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H46S 9 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-24T21:09:27.000Z ZxkvDtM8CNw UCF4HbwuPWSoY8_pbPToYeQw Q ANON! CANNIBAL CLUB! PEDOVORES! Q CRUMBS! CEMEX! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" Information Wars A Window Into The Alternative Media" Operation Roberto 25 ['Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'President', 'Trump', 'Trump President', 'Deep State', 'George Soros', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H13M48S 67 4 3 0 not set not set 2018-09-10T15:01:56.000Z 6L3KhE_-csc UCj7tHJk6kCevI2AzIEWJ4Pg Q Anon!!! la gran mentira del siglo " si no los raptan, les pondran demonios a gobernarlos. Donativos a dia de hoy muy facil puedes hacer tus donativos por PayPal ó El banco es BBVA, dentro de España, 0182 2976 31 02 0150 6060 Número de cuenta desde FUERA DE ESPAÑA: Código BIG ó SWIFT: BBVAESMMXXX IBAN ES87 0182 2976 31 02 0150 6060" opiniones y pensamientos 10 not set PT12M15S 1652 25 55 11 not set not set 2018-10-06T17:09:53.000Z WE97SffUttc UC6VhLE7qAeW8NZm6PsXGGrQ Who is Q? Is 5G Bad? Round Table Discussion -w- Lee Wheelbarger - Rex Bear - Diamond "We were supposed to have Dylan Monroe and Lee Wheelbarger discuss the facts about Q-anon and what it actually is.. but we never got it together. Needless to say Lee wWheelbarger and Rex Bear are always interesting to listen to... enjoy Discord - Join The Discussion NOW - Abundant Harvest - Ultimate Food Security Book Use Coupon Code - Harvest Boom for $3 Off The Cover Price **Oppenheimer Exclusive** Here Is The E-Book - Here Is The PDF - Oppenheimer Ranch Project Store: COLD TIMES - Oppenheimer Ranch Project SPECIAL Just $14.95 (over 20% off the cover price of $18.95!) No shipping charge. HEMPLUCID - EXPERIENCE LIFE AGAIN 20% OFF + FREE SHIPPING Simply use the coupon code- BOOM (all caps) Oppenheimer Ranch Project Exclusive Link Support our work on Patreon here: My Patriot Supply - The original Patriot survival company Check out our WEBSITE!! One Time Donations: Bitcoin: 17NV3vtcQhRnsRnjckCcYkKVEUcnirKQ62 Dtube:!/c/solarshutdown Steemit: Please Visit Our Facebook Resources: Solar Shutdown: Comet C/2017 K2 - Panstarrs: Plasma Geology: Oppenheimer Ranch Project: An experiment in high alpine sustainability. Check Out Ice Age Farmer on YouTube: Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel if you enjoyed the content. Share this video with like-minded individuals ​" Oppenheimer Ranch Project 28 ['5G', 'Q anon', 'QLee Wheelbarger'] PT1H11M21S 9012 202 329 44 not set not set 2018-07-18T23:42:04.000Z Jf5KXuh76Iw UCqaLN9AMADYXofTn1M4cduQ Anonymous message #Qanon's= #FakeAnons= #OpQanonTruth Anonymous message #Qanon's= #FakeAnons= #OpQanonTruth OpTrump Anonymous Resistance Ghost OpHive WolfPAC 22 ['Anonymous message', 'trump', 'pizza gate', 'trurh', '#OpTrump', 'OpTrump'] PT6M22S 143 1 3 2 not set not set 2018-04-21T12:23:31.000Z HaTD5jwtRRk UCJ894hRyn7A2hTSbLVVCjNw #QAnon #FlatEarth Deception And Globalist Conspiracy """The Truth Can be Used for the Wrong Reasons"" This is a Silent #Meme Movie expanding from the #QAnon Research Flat Earth including the #FlatEarth Deception And Globalist Conspiracy. A Snarky Mystery Tour and Snide Remarks on Important Secrets being withheld from Humanity. The images are a complication of Memes collected on the Net and from the #Qresearch Board. This is the Link to the #QAnon #Mega #Meme Drop. Get eye opening Pictures to share from here:!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg" Order of Perpetual Indulgence Abbey of the Black Swan Perth 24 ['#QAnon', '#FlatEarth', '#Deception', 'FE', 'QAnon', 'FlatEarth', 'Conspiracy'] PT9M21S 347 0 6 4 not set not set 2018-07-23T04:33:52.000Z L6kdf-fQPyE UCzdedkOrPsFgp0FyEzIwwdw What Do You Think?, Drop Or Nah - By Q? Osmar ortiz 22 not set PT1M 22 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-07T17:15:19.000Z EDltJozcG9Y UCZedfBNxQEXIYXHriO4l7Iw Qanon pizzagate ig report Recorded by DU Recorder – Screen recorder for Android Outlaw Anon 22 not set PT8M32S 155 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-29T04:30:18.000Z RU3ZANUDwiU UCQelqb2QFu9EJAZMGN8Rmcg Is an A.I. leaking information and rebelling against its elitist makers because it has morals? " Is Qanon an AI?" OverWatchChannel 27 ['A.I.', 'Artificial intelligence', 'demiurge', 'archons', 'reincarnation trap', 'soul net'] PT13M56S 3931 80 162 4 not set not set 2018-03-28T02:54:40.000Z flC-M79P4aA UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon--Dr. Corsi vs AIM, Is Q a pys-op? The ozzard of woz throws in his two cents. "Guys! Guys! Break it up. We're all in this together and each brings his own set of skills. Let's just cut to the chase. If Hillary is not indicted, Trump can't begin to take his fight to the Deep State. With all the evidence against her, a Special Counsel must be appointed yesterday. This Special Counsel could put the heat on Mueller, simply by delving into Uranium One. Dr. Corsi is right on this point and I'm not sure that Thomas and Betsy would disagree. If Mueller comes under investigation, he'll have to resign. The Russia Collusion nonsense could be ended tomorrow. Sessions needs to appoint a Special Counsel now. If he doesn't, he's got to go. As for Q, I'm tired of trusting in the plan and no matter how much I try, it is impossible for me to ""trust Sessions"". As for Thomas' argument that the Q dialogue has most certainly changed, I would agree. The messages have been fewer; much less detailed and some appear to be downright fantasy. Yet the most recent ""Red Castle/Green Castle message seemed to foretell Trump's move to try to build the wall with the Corps of Engineers. So what is real and what isn't? What is left and what is right, in the current paradigm? How does everything, we ever thought we knew, now compare to what we have all learned just since the advent of the Q? How many have benefited from the existence of this phenomenon--whether Q is a real ""Deep Throat"" of the digital age, or whether Q is really just a bunch of psy-op bullschiff? Let's quit the infighting; stop the cult behavior in regard to Q; work together by combining our skills; and finally, keep our eye on an attainable prize--Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is most certainly the true KEYSTONE to the Deep State in DC and, truth be told, the best chance that we might ever have to reach all the way to the Banks of the City of London. Forget all this petty infighting. EVERYONE WANTS HILLARY. Let's all work together to take her down." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Dr. Gerome Corsi', 'American Intelligence Media', 'Thomas Paine', 'Betsy Ross', 'Q Anon', 'Senior Executive Service', 'AIM vs Dr Corsi', 'Lionel', 'Is Q a psy-op?'] PT1H1M37S 567 23 22 2 not set not set 2018-04-06T20:10:41.000Z YovwsTgQVfU UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon...Jimmy Kimmel...Melania...Slovenia...Croatia...battle of the sexes "I was searching through some old files the other day and found some things that I had saved because of their humor. One is a machine translated sign that I had saved from a quaint little hotel in Split, Croatia. In marked contrast to Jimmy Kimmel's arrogance, this little sign shows the effort that the Croatians were making to make English Speaking People feel welcome in their country. The same was true in Melania Trump's home country, Slovenia, in which she is a national icon today. On the way to Croatia, I once spent two lovely hours in Slovenia. The little place where we ate and had a beer could not have been warmer. The Slovenians seemed to want to talk to us, out of curiosity, and we almost missed our connecting train. Finally, I read a very funny old story that I also found, and break out into tearful laughter. It's a piece on the battle of the sexes, which was originally written in 1998. I thought it was funny as schiff then; recognized it immediately when I saw it; but should have reread it first, before trying to read it live. As you can see, sometimes a rehearsal and read-through is important, but I'm not going to re-record it now. Enjoy." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Jimmy Kimmel', 'Melania', 'Trump', 'Q Anon', 'Lionel', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Jason Sather', 'Anti-school', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'Lionel Nation', 'Dr. Corsi', 'Isaac Green', 'Croatia', 'Split', 'Dubrovnik', 'Slovenia', 'AIM', 'Thomas and Betsy', 'Aim4truth'] PT25M43S 89 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-01T01:03:43.000Z grpMf5bZ55s UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Dr. Corsi is creating dissension in the Q Anon Movement. "The Q Anon Movement is for all Americans. Fascists and Communists cannot both be leftist groups. We don't need to just fire a few missiles down Putin's throat to show him who is boss. We don't need to get tough with Iran ""like we did with Gaddafi, when Reagan fired a few missiles down his toilet and killed a couple of kids"". Dr. Corsi is not going to ""duke it out in the backyard with Q"". Hitler died in 1945 and did not escape to Argentina. There's no need to buy that book. As for his desire for martial law and military courts, which is how he claims his new book ends, is not something the American People want. We can try Obama and HRC in our regular courts. The Jesus is my Savior talk is not congruent with the nature of a man who thinks it cool just to engage in aggressive war for no good reason other than to prove how tough we are. The Q Patriots channel people are investing a lot of time and work. This guy is attacking their own audience. It doesn't help anyone to have some lunatic fringe nutcase preaching war, murder and Jesus in the same frapping breath." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Dr. Corsi', 'Iran', 'Kennedy', 'Corsi', 'Syria', 'Putin', 'Jesus', 'personal savior', 'Gaddafi', 'Russia', 'Hitler', 'hunting hitler', 'martial law', 'Q Patriots', 'bunker', 'Traudl Junge', 'Rochus Misch', 'Johanna Ruf', 'Erich Kempka', 'Hans Baur', 'Goebbels', 'Manziarly', 'Hanna Reitsch', 'Ritter von Greim', 'socialists', 'communists', 'left', 'fascists', 'Q Anon', 'Q Anon Movement', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Antischool', 'Jordan Sather'] PT18M35S 91 11 5 1 not set not set 2018-05-14T00:27:44.000Z r83xIFHI1EM UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Dr Corsi, Q Anon, antiquated labels and Israeli Psy-ops "To my fellow Q Patriots of the so-called ""right"", Contrary to popular myth, many ""libtards"", like me, are already part of the Q Patriot Movement, and many of us also voted for Trump. Please, get rid of all the labels in your discussion forums. We actually need each other in order to help Trump succeed. Labels like Communist, Socialist, Libtard, Leftist, etc., do nothing to help the USA, the President or the Q Anon Movement. When a Q-curious ""lefty"" gets linked to a Q site, they are frequently repulsed by the antiquated terms of denigration used on the right. This is a national movement and many on the left want to see Trump succeed. Moreover, one thing upon which many on the left would also agree, is that we need to ""Lock her up"". If Trump locked HRC up tomorrow, he win the next election by 80%. Finally, Corsi's use of these foolish labels, as well as the frequent use of the term anti-semite, will soon cause Alex Jones' fans to stop tuning in--just as Corsi's bullshit did with the people that were listening to him on the Q Patriots 24/7 Channel. The term anti-semite is all too frequently applied to people who disagree with the policies of the Criminal State of Israel. It's a propaganda term developed by Israel, just as the term ""conspiracy theorist, nut or buff"", was originally developed by the CIA. Corsi's use of this slander against those that criticize Israel, demonstrates which nation he puts first--and it ain't the good old USA. We don't need war with Iran and I don't think that Trump will take us into such a war, but he is under a lot of pressure. We all need to encourage him to, as Q would say, stick to the plan. Don't let the Israeli's draw us into another war, which is THEIR goal, as well as the goal of Dr. Corsi." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Patriots 24/7', 'Dr. Corsi', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'anti-semite', 'Israel', 'Iran', 'Syria', 'Truthdig', 'Q Anon', 'Socialist', 'Communist', 'Liberal', 'Fascist', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Kagan', 'Nuland', 'Ukraine', 'Pamphlet Anon', 'Codemonkey', 'Hagmann', 'Isaac Green', 'Jordan Sather', 'Jew', 'propaganda', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Corsi', 'Tracy Beanz', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'OIG', 'Horowitz', 'Huber', 'Mueller', 'Rosenstein', 'Pence', 'Trump', 'Sessions', 'Citizens Investigative Report'] PT54M57S 53 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T23:58:10.000Z GOsfD-hqPjQ UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon and other news for my friends on the "left" "For all my progressive friends that are wondering what this Q Anon stuff is all about, here's a little update. Now I'm not a cultist and I don't spend hours decoding what I don't understand, but it is a shame to have all this stuff happening and none of you know about it. In fact, if you don't start getting acquainted with Q Anon, there are some things getting ready to happen in the news for which you will not be prepared and which may leave you in shock. Besides, why wouldn't you be interested in a digital deep throat that is not hurting anyone and is providing wonderful information and links on a daily basis. As Lionel says, you can hear endless loops about Stormy Daniels or you can learn about things you never knew. That's what makes Q interesting. This isn't a ""left"" or ""right"" thing, although Q is definitely connected to Trump. There's big news today about both Korea, the Anthony Weiner laptop and its ""insurance"" file. To my mind, this will be a good test for Q. Let's see if anything happens, on either of these fronts, in the next two months. If not, I'll be ready to cash it in on some of this stuff also. In the meantime, we all want to see Hillary Rodham Clinton perp-walked and measured for an orange jump suit. Q gives me hope that this will happen--each and every day. In the end, if it's a let-down, I'll be disappointed, but it sure feels good to think that some of these losers might actually go to jail someday. That's the importance of Q. He/she/it/they give us hope that there is still a chance for justice in America and that the Deep State may yet be taken down." Ozzard of Woz 22 "['Q Anon', 'Dr. Corsi', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Allison Mack', 'Michael Trimm', 'North Korea', 'South Korea', 'Kim', 'Trump', 'War Games', 'Huma', 'Abedin', 'Anthony Weiner', ""Weiner's Laptop"", 'insurance file', 'NYPD', 'Erik Prince', 'Israel', 'Iran', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Infowars', 'demilitarized zone', 'China', 'Truthdig', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Foundation', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Hagmann', 'Tracy Beanz', 'UniRock', 'Defango', 'AIM', 'Citizens Investigative Report', 'Thomas and Betsy', 'SES']" PT23M37S 30 2 2 0 not set not set 2018-05-22T13:40:36.000Z XakKFInPo6g UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon The Greatest Spy Story Ever "Quite frankly, if you're not following Q Anon, you're missing history. It also helps that there are some truly brilliant analysts, anons and ""autists"" out there, who are doing some fantastic research. For the past few days, I had been checking out the various arguments for and against the Q Anon Phenomenon, whether it's a psy-op, etc., etc. Fortunately, Lionel tipped his listeners off to the outstanding work of Neon Revolt, Lisa Mei Crowley and ""Praying Medic"" and now I have a better understanding of Q and what is actually going on than ever before. There are just too many proofs for Q not to be real. This doesn't mean that Q is always right. However, since Q always agrees with Trump, Q is right when Trump is right and Trump has a lot of capable assistants helping him in his war against the DC Branch of the Deep State. Here are the links to the stories that contain the information regarding the Corinthia Hotel with the possible blow-ups of Brennan, Strzok and Page on the streets of London. Every day, this thing is beginning to unfold like a spy story. Stay tuned... Blow-up looks like Lisa Page walking next to someone with “FBI” Windbreaker. Another appears to be John Brennan. Information about the Hotel ""Corinthia"", Serco and spies lurking on the streets of old London Towne. Here's Lionel on some of the same subjects." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Praying Medic', 'Lisa Mei Crowley', 'Neonrevolt', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Isaac Green', 'Dr. Corsi', 'American Intelligence Media', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'London', 'Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'Corinthia Hotel', 'Hotel Corinthia', 'Tripoli', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Trump', 'Anti School', 'Jordan Sather', 'Lift the Veil', 'Bill Clinton', '007', 'spy camera', 'Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Q Drops', 'Anons', 'Autists', 'Pepe the Frog', 'Lock her up', 'Hillary Clinton', 'General Kelly', 'Rosenstein', 'Sessios', 'Huber', 'Horowitz'] PT11M52S 188 3 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-03T22:37:01.000Z AmVqRAG6B8Y UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon returns! Wee Hahhhhhhh! Need I say more? Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Trump', 'Mueller', 'Nunes', 'Fox News', 'Maria Bartiromo', 'Gowdy', '9/11', 'conspiracy theorist', 'official story', 'WTC 7', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Isaac Green', 'Jordan Sather', 'Russia', 'North Korea', 'Putin', 'Kim Jung Un', 'Singapore', 'Rosenstein', 'sessions', 'Horowitz', 'Huber', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'OIG', 'Inspector General', 'Brennan', 'Clapper', 'CNN', 'Israel', 'Gaza', 'Genocide', 'South Korea', 'Lisa Mei Crowley', 'Neon Revolt', 'Lift the Veil', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Hannity'] PT11M31S 68 11 4 1 not set not set 2018-06-11T13:14:09.000Z t_4LhPspmKs UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Trump Triumphs! Korea, the G7-1 and Norman Rockwell "This may turn out to be a very big week for a lot of things. The reemergence of Q is an indication that things are hopping both at home an abroad. Consider the Korea deal done, despite all of the undersell and reduction of expectations. There's a new sheriff in town. We don't go to the meeting unless we know what is going to happen in advance. In fact, this morning, Pompeo is already saying that things are going so well that the meeting may be shorter than anticipated. Meanwhile, Q is suggesting that Rod Rosenstein may soon be out at DOJ. It's now or never folks. Trump is riding a wave and now is the time to crush the deep state at home." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Trump', 'Singapore', 'Kim', 'Kim Jong Un', 'Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Crimea', 'Ukraine', 'Bolton', 'Dennis Rodman', 'Pompeo', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'OIG', 'Horowitz', 'IG Report', 'G7', 'Saturday Evening Post', 'Norman Rockwell', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Lock her up', 'Obama', 'Kelly', 'Mueller', 'Rosenstein', 'Sessions', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Neon Revolt', 'Citizens Investigative Report', 'Jordan Sather', 'Isaac Green', 'Nunes', 'Grassley', 'Putin', 'Kiev', 'Maidan', 'Nuland'] PT15M20S 62 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-11T19:54:33.000Z dRgZxjRVnw0 UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon is on a roll! Not paying attention? You're missing history! To my friends that are still reading nonsensical articles on the legacy faux left print media, it's time to wake up to Q Anon. Otherwise, you're missing history. Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Putin', 'Russia', 'George Soros', 'Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Trump', 'G7', 'Lionel', 'Lionel nation', 'Isaac Green', 'Lisa mei crowley', 'neon revolt', 'Citizens Investigative Report', 'Tracy Beanz', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'IG Report', 'Nunes', 'Gowdy', 'Rosenstein', 'Mueller', 'Strzok', 'Page', 'Kim Jung Un', 'Singapore', 'Pompeo', 'Bolton', 'Horowitz', 'Truthdig', 'Salon', 'Huffpost', 'Common Dreams', 'Rolling STone', 'Mother Jones', 'The natioin', 'Sessions', 'lock her up', 'kek', 'Robert Reich', 'Juan Cole', 'Robert Scheer', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Crime Family'] PT14M50S 91 12 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-16T16:31:50.000Z lYk3J9_Ekg0 UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon on Manafort: Plants need water! "Just when the people are beginning to call for Mueller's head, Q Anon drop #1508 suggests that Manafort was a Deep State plant on the Trump Campaign Team. If that's the case, the unjust jailing of Manafort may actually be intended to get him to sing about what he knows of the Coup d'Etat against Trump, as opposed to compose a tune of Russian Collusion that would not be true." Ozzard of Woz 22 "['Manafort', 'Mueller investigation', 'plant', 'plants need water', 'Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Carter Page', ""coup d'etat"", 'World Cup', 'Russia', 'Iceland', 'Argentina', 'Messi', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Horowitz', 'IG Report', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'OIG', 'Trump', 'press conference', 'Kim', 'Comey', 'McCabe', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Jordan Sather', 'Corsi', 'Isaac Green', 'White House', 'Congress', 'Deep state', 'Sessions', 'Rosenstein', 'Seething Frog']" PT10M46S 164 5 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-17T02:21:13.000Z JyQ7tbSrnR8 UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Hillary Clinton & Foundation...Crime Against Children--IG Report "The evidence of the incriminating stuff on Anthony Weiner's Laptop is now beginning to find its way into legacy mockingbird media. Surprisingly, it is also in the body of the Horowitz Report on page 294. Q Anon may or may not be a Psy-op (I think not, but it's irrelevant). However, one thing is sure, the Q Drops from last night certainly redirected me to take a harder look at the Horowitz Report. It's not about bias at all. It's about the children--among other serious matters. The Horowitz Report" Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Anthony Weiner', 'Huma Abedin', 'IG Report', 'Horowitz', 'Mueller', 'Rosenstein', 'Sessions', 'McCabe', 'Strzok', 'Weiner Laptop', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Bill Clinton', 'crime against children', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'NYPD', 'FBI Field Office', 'New York', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Isaac Green', 'Anti school', 'Jordan Sather', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Seething Frog', 'ciitzens investigative report', 'truthdig', 'Obama', 'Brennan', 'Comey', 'Clapper', 'corsi', 'Q anon', 'Q!', 'Q Patriots 24/7'] PT7M22S 694 7 31 1 not set not set 2018-06-19T22:19:32.000Z u97xmf6w74o UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Hearings Confirm Q Anon! Strzok Escorted from FBI Building! "Today's Congressional Hearings again did much to expose what Q Anon has been telling us for months. Meanwhile, as Horowitz was testifying, former FBI Agent Peter Strzok was fired and escorted from the building. (This is done with an armed guard and is never a pleasant thing. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!) Democrats concentrated on immigrants and kids in cages, while doing what they could to say, ""Move along folks. There's nothing to see here."" This did nothing to stop the wave of incriminating questions, which came from the Republican side and were addressed at a guy who wants to give them answers. Sheila Jackson Lee did ask outright if it was true that Rod Rosenstein will be fired ""on Friday"" and, with Strzok being bounced today, I'd say she might be in possession of knowledge that isn't in the public domain. Finally, right at the end, a Representative Palmer asked Horowitz if FBI Agent Strzok had visited London in July 2016 which, of course, did much to confirm Q Anon's suggestion that traffic camera pictures taken in London did indeed contain images of Strzok and other FBI Personnel in London." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Gowdy', 'Cummings', 'Sheila Jackson Lee', 'Horowitz', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'IG Report', 'Congressman Meadows', 'Representative Gaetz', 'Swalwell', 'Schiff', 'Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Goodlatte', 'London', 'Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Comey', 'Mueller', 'Trump', 'Rosenstein', 'Weiner Laptop', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Jordan Sather', 'Isaac Green', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Citizens Investigative Report', 'Corsi', 'Truthdig'] PT11M44S 317 2 12 0 not set not set 2018-06-29T23:12:11.000Z dwsUP-7g37k UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon: Digital Deep Throat of our times Q Anon is real. Get over it. It's time to get on the Trump Train and Q is the conductor--a true digital deep throat of our times. Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q!', 'Q Patriots', 'Deep Throat', 'Public Information Staff', 'White House', 'Trump', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Lift the Veil', 'Q T-shirts', 'infowars', 'Alex Jones', 'Isaac Green', 'Anti school', 'Jordan Sather', 'Truthdig', 'Zuade Kaufman', 'Robert Scheer', '', 'Lisa Mei Crowley', 'Neon Revolt', 'Dr. Corsi', 'David Knight', 'Fox and Friends', 'Hannity', 'Tucker Carlson', 'Time Magazine', 'Allison Mack', 'Smallville', 'pedophilia', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Weiner laptop', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Gina Haspel', 'Lloyd Blankfein'] PT31M12S 55 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-08T22:32:24.000Z k7WJNCWDtKk UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon, Trump, Fake News, False Prophets and More! I don't know how to describe this video, but a lot of different subjects are addressed (from my own, humble, point of view). Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'Dr. Corsi', 'AIM', 'conservative', 'liberal', 'Socialism', 'World War II', 'Russia', 'Putin', 'Trump', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Afghanistan', 'Obama', 'Hillary', 'NATO', 'EU', 'McCain', 'Breedlove', 'Victoria Nuland', 'Rosenstein', 'Sessions', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Nunes', 'Minsk Agreement', 'Udo Ulfkotte', 'Gekaufte Journalisten', 'Budapest', 'Europe', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Jordan Sather', 'Bild Zeitung', 'Bayerischer Hof Hotel', 'CIA', 'JFK', 'USA', 'Progressive', 'Nazi', 'Communist', 'Fake News', 'Nemo V', 'Seething Frog', 'Merkel', 'Crimea'] PT52M10S 156 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-07-08T23:09:12.000Z WEOOgaUlxIg UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon is real! There is no debate about it. Three common arguments by the Q detractors--DEBUNKED! Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'Pamphlet Anon', 'Lift the Veil', 'Isaac Green', 'Anti School', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'David Wilcock', 'Great Awakening', 'Mayan Calendar', 'Trump', 'Whistleblower', 'Inspector General', 'Horowitz', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'unirock', 'Dr. Corsi', 'Jordan Sather', 'Neon Revolt', 'Lisa Mei Crowley', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Hagmann', 'Rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Weiner Laptop', 'pedophilia', 'child trafficking', 'Dustin Nemos', 'Nemo V'] PT24M19S 51 8 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T22:57:04.000Z EDaXDafEbwg UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw While we wait for the return of Q Anon... "This soccer ball chip nonsense is absurd, as is the theory that Seth Rich is still alive and being kept in a witness protection program somewhere. Until Q Anon returns, we need to keep up the pressure on the people on Fox that continue to promulgate this bullshit that Putin is an evil, murdering dictator that we cannot trust. The other networks are not going to change, but Fox will, if the right pressure is applied." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Putin', 'Trump', 'Helsinki', 'Summit', 'soccer ball', 'baron Trump', 'Melania', 'General Dynamics', 'Northrop-Grumman', 'Boeing', 'Morning Joe', 'Mika Brzezinski', 'Joe Scarborough', 'Secret Service', 'Lift the Veil', 'Deceptionbytes', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'John Brennan', 'CNN', 'ABC', 'CBS', 'NBC', 'MSNBC', 'Fox News', 'Sheppard Smith', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Q Anon', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Isaac Green', 'Jordan Sather', 'Bill Binney', 'Ray McGovern', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Clinton Server', 'Mueller Investigation', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Brian Kilmeade'] PT35M31S 68 6 5 0 not set not set 2018-07-22T21:06:05.000Z e33_z9_49Ks UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw The End of Q Anon...or Not! "This is not a good sign folks. Besides having to walk back his statement about Russian Meddling the other day, it may very well be that Q Anon had to be thrown under the bus. The resignations of Wray and Coates were threatened, as confirmed by both at the Aspen Institute, and this would have been a major setback to Trump's efforts to make peace with Putin and Russia. Therefore, to save a major political crisis, I wouldn't be surprised if the end of Q Anon was also demanded as part of the deal. Keep in mind that DC is a city, which is full of powerful Deep State Fiefdoms and there can be no doubt that Q Anon was seen as competition by all the wonderful people that make up the swamp to which we euphemistically refer as the Intelligence ""Community""." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Christopher Wray', 'Dan Coats', 'Aspen Institute', 'Russia', 'Russian Meddling', 'Mueller Investigation', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Trump', 'Q Anon', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'intelligence community', 'Jeff Sessions', 'mike pompeo', 'Pence', 'Putin', 'Helsinki Summit', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Jordan Sather', 'Lisa Mei Crowley', 'Neon Revolt', 'Isaac Green', 'Seething Frog', 'Citizens Investigative Report', 'American Intelligence Media', 'Iperator Rex'] PT15M35S 198 4 11 4 not set not set 2018-07-24T20:01:59.000Z w0dQq17dmsc UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon Returns! There will be lots of happy campers today! Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'Q!', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Jordan Sather', 'NBC', 'MSNBC', 'President Trump', 'Putin', 'Helsinki Summit', 'Rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Horowitz', 'IG Report', 'Devin Nunes', 'House Intelligence Committee', 'Huber', 'criminal referral', 'McCabe', 'Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'James Comey', 'George Soros', 'Clinton Server', 'Hillary Clinton', 'John Clapper', 'John Brennan', 'Hoover Dam', 'conspiracy theory'] PT13M33S 501 52 19 0 not set not set 2018-07-28T20:43:00.000Z 12gmLoKFgmU UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw An Anon gets an ALL CAPS response from Q Anon! This is just part 1, since I had already recorded this when I realized that there was more to Q Anon's angry response. Ozzard of Woz 22 "['Q Anon', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Robert Mueller', 'Mueller Investigation', 'Hillary Clinton', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'IG Report', 'Obama', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'MSM', ""CEO's resign"", 'sealed indictments', 'pedophiles', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'Treason', 'Antifa', 'Nunes', 'Gaetz', 'Jim Jordan', 'Clinton Foundation', 'DeSantis', 'Lock her up', 'Trust Sessions', 'Trust the Plan', 'Defcon', 'ISIS', 'DiGenova', 'Huber', 'Horowitz', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Isaac Green', 'Netflix', 'Fox News', 'MSNBC', 'Shep Smith', 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'Trump']" PT12M11S 241 10 9 0 not set not set 2018-07-28T21:09:33.000Z FqQ4vi7YiYA UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw An Anon gets an ALL CAPS response from Q Anon! (pt 2) The time for talk is over. All these great things that Q Anon is reporting are wonderful, but no one knows about half of this stuff. It's time for arrests and perp-walks. Until that time, Q Anon is just another news service, albeit one that is actually working to provide the truth. Ozzard of Woz 22 "['Trump', 'Q Anon', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Robert Mueller', 'Mueller Investigation', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Horowitz', 'Huber', 'treason', 'FISA Court', 'Obama', 'UK', 'MI5', 'MI6', 'MSM', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'Nunes', 'Gaetz', 'Jim Jordan', 'Five Eyes', 'CEO', 'pedophiles', 'sealed indictments', 'Steele Dossier', 'Fusion GPS', ""Coup d'etat"", 'defcon', 'missile', 'Republicans', 'Democrats', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'IG Report', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Server', 'Isaac Green', 'Jordan Sather', 'Tracy Beanz']" PT14M47S 156 12 6 2 not set not set 2018-07-31T00:17:49.000Z Pynkur1Mgd0 UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Debunking the Q Anon Detractors! Unfortunately, my young friend, Isaac, has gone off the deep end with his latest video in which he conflates the NSA Q Directorate with Q Anon and ties it all together with the ravings of a lunatic LARPer. This just had to be debunked. Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Liff the Veil', 'Isaac Kappy', 'Hollywood', 'pedophilia', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'OIG', 'Mueller Investigation', 'IG Report', 'Horowitz', 'Huber', 'Rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Trump', 'Tampa Rally', 'Roy Potter', 'Nathan Stolpman', 'Scotty Bowers', 'Vivian Leigh', 'Spencer Tracy', 'pimp to the stars', 'Kevin Spacey', 'Seething Frog', 'LynnShawProd', 'Anti School', 'Edward Snowden', 'White House Public Information Staff', 'AIM', 'Tracy Beanz', 'John F. Kennedy Jr.'] PT34M9S 224 18 9 3 not set not set 2018-08-01T22:19:55.000Z y0Ite0Jsorw UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw The Q anon movement supports the President! "It's time for the Q Anon detractors to STFU. It's bad enough that the MSM is attacking the Q Anon Movement, which is harmless and attacks no one, but for other pro Trump people to attack Q is divisive and foolish. This means you Isaac, Roy, Alex, Nathan and Corsi--the flim-flam man and snake oil salesman." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Patriots 24/7', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Lynnshawprod', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Isaac Green', 'Roy Potter', 'Lift the Veil', 'Nathan Stolpman', 'Seething Frog', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Trump Rally', 'Tampa', 'Florida State Fairgrounds', 'CNN', 'ABC', 'NBC', 'MSNBC', 'CBS', 'Fox News', 'Jim Acosta', 'Sarah Huckabee Sanders', 'President Trump', 'Dr. Corsi', 'progressive', 'socialism', 'MSM', 'Mainstream Media'] PT22M28S 75 18 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T21:31:25.000Z u5M0ljEAijw UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Team--Be Vigilant! The stage is set for a false flag. "Even as I am putting this up, a member of the Q Movement has foiled a possible assassination attempt. All Q People have to be very vigilant to ensure that there are no false flags at any Trump Rallies. The MSM has set the stage to show that we are all crazy and no one should be surprised if an agent provocateur shows up at any Trump Rally, dressed in a Q T-shirt, and prepared to make trouble. If you see something, say something, like Kate Mazzochetti did!" Ozzard of Woz 22 ['President Trump', 'Trump Rally', 'Kate Mazzochetti', 'Wilkes Barre', 'Pennsylvania', 'Agents Provocateur', 'Assassination', 'Jeff from Tulsa', 'Jeff Manley', 'Press Enterprise', 'Q Anon', 'Q Patriots', 'Jeff Boyd', 'Lionel', 'Lionel nation', 'Isaac Green', 'Roy Potter', 'Dr. Jerome Corsi', 'American Intelligence Media', 'Abel Danger', 'Unirock', 'Jordan Sather', 'Anti School', 'Tampa Rally', 'Q T-shirts', 'false flag', 'Jim Acosta', 'CNN', 'ABC', 'CBS', 'NBC', 'MSNBC', 'Fox News', 'Sarah Huckabee Sanders', 'Jeffrey Gardner Boyd'] PT32M37S 367 22 17 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T22:52:03.000Z eFH25I9e3rA UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Why "We the People" support Q Anon! There are a lot of videos like this one being uploaded today. Each of us, that are part of the Q Anon movement, have our own reasons. Here are mine. Ozzard of Woz 22 "['Q Anon', 'conspiracy theorists', 'Trump', 'Tampa Rally', 'CNN', 'CBS', 'ABC', 'Fox News', 'NBC', 'MSNBC', 'Washington Post', 'Jeff Bezos', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'racism', 'anti-semitism', 'violence', 'Jim Acosta', 'Israel', 'Gaza', 'Putin', 'Russia', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Clinton Server', 'Awan Brothers', 'Gekaufte Journalisten', ""Lord's Prayer"", 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'MSM', 'right wing', 'end timers', 'Oliver Stone', 'Roy Potter', 'Dr. Corsi', 'Obama', 'Jeb Bush', 'JFK', 'White House', 'Reuters', 'AP', 'Deep throat', 'Watergate', 'false flag', 'media attack']" PT1H12M1S 127 13 12 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T02:22:53.000Z 1ZAq0a6ci_0 UCVw0R3Fv25xlI_-qXkSxSxw Q Anon: In a sea of bad press, a fair article emerges! " ""Net net"" provided the well-written article, linked above, which outlines both the history and the purpose of Q Anon. Thanks again, ""net net""." Ozzard of Woz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Tampa Rally', 'Q T-shirts', 'President', 'Trump', 'Lionel', 'Lionel Nation', 'Washington', 'Times', 'right wing', 'progressive', 'Q Patriots', 'WWG1WGA', 'Infowars', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Jordan Sather', 'Lisa Mei Crowley', 'Praying Medic', 'Just informed talk', 'Allison Mack', 'Harvey Weinstein', 'NXIVM', 'Keith Raniere', 'child trafficking', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Laura Silsby', 'Kevin Spacey', 'Mueller', 'Investigation', 'Rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Trust the Plan', 'Isaac Green', 'Washington Post', 'Deep State', 'DOJ', 'FBI'] PT51M21S 134 15 11 0 not set not set 2018-06-11T07:41:31.000Z Vl7Adfzh-2A UCI5Q6-PzD1KRkwEn2uI4QJQ Q weather alert Qanon newest drop and Texas tropical watch. Pains Angels 22 ['Qanon', 'truth', 'weather', 'texas', 'tropics', 'deepstate', 'patriot', 'world', 'where we go one we go all', 'hurricane', 'weather event world wide'] PT16M39S 151 7 6 0 not set not set 2018-06-23T19:29:43.000Z _KijTq0dhek UCI5Q6-PzD1KRkwEn2uI4QJQ Qanon Who is Q ??? "I may have offended some people by not acknowledging all religions and I am sincerely, sorry. Jewish, Hindu, and all other beliefs should have been mentioned around 13:19 mark. I need to be more careful and appreciate everyone who brought this to my attention. This Video was designed to explain the Q phenomenon to those who need to know if it can be trusted. This is the first step to relieving this world of the evil that has manipulated us for centuries. Links: Qanon links that I feel are worth watching: LORRI COLLEY JUSTINFORED TALK THE PATRIOT HOUR PRAYING MEDIC WEATHER: BP EARTHWATCH MrMBB333 ECONOMY: X22 REPORT Q board: Please reach out to me with any topics, corrections, pictures of events in your area. If you are interested in my shirts, I will send you the logo for free, so you can have your own made.. Back and front Qanon; WWG1WGA on distressed flag. Thank you for sharing a bit of your day with me. This is a work in progress and am thankful, even for the couple of subscribers I have. Please suscribe and hit the bell for updates as I am sure this channel will be shadow banned. Duncan Macgregor" Pains Angels 27 ['DIY', 'Leather', 'leather journal', 'leather paroject. DIY leather journal', 'Leather book DIY', 'Public', 'polotics', 'red', 'blue', 'America', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'truth', 'WWG1WGA', 'pope', 'nibiru', 'planetx', 'weather', 'trump', 'maga', 'war', 'deepstate', 'conspiricy', 'obama', 'news', 'fake media', 'fbi', 'cia.nsa', 'info', 'two girls', 'flag', 'world', 'illuminati', 'money', 'wwiii'] PT14M15S 704 18 49 0 not set not set 2018-07-20T22:02:59.000Z KgAWKYEJUg4 UCI5Q6-PzD1KRkwEn2uI4QJQ Has Q Passed the Torch? "Has Q Passed the Torch? this video talks about Q possibly leaving it up to us, moon landing, and the possibility that Q is JFK jr. Links: Qanon links that I feel are worth watching: LORRI COLLEY JUSTINFORED TALK THE PATRIOT HOUR PRAYING MEDIC Spaceshot76 WEATHER: BP EARTHWATCH MrMBB333 ECONOMY: X22 REPORT Q board: Please reach out to me with any topics, corrections, pictures of events in your area. If you are interested in my shirts, I will send you the logo for free, so you can have your own made.. Back and front Qanon; WWG1WGA on distressed flag. Thank you for sharing a bit of your day with me. This is a work in progress and am thankful, even for the couple of subscribers I have. Please suscribe and hit the bell for updates as I am sure this channel will be shadow banned. Duncan Macgregor" Pains Angels 27 ['Public', 'polotics', 'red', 'blue', 'America', 'Patriot', 'Qanon', 'truth', 'WWG1WGA', 'pope', 'nibiru', 'planetx', 'weather', 'trump', 'maga', 'war', 'deepstate', 'conspiricy', 'obama', 'news', 'fake media', 'fbi', 'cia.nsa', 'info', 'two girls', 'flag', 'world', 'illuminati', 'money', 'wwiii', 'horror', 'faith', 'god', 'spiritual war', 'angels', 'apocalypse', 'cdc', 'jesus', 'fear nothing', 'for the children', 'sex trafficing', 'republican', 'democrat', 'european union', 'conservative', 'liberal', 'SJW', 'JFK', 'JFK Jr', 'MLK', 'RFK'] PT22M49S 259 6 9 0 not set not set 2018-01-12T11:52:53.000Z 6hFjkh-hJ5c UCvtKavPPZG7ep7iSawFOAlQ Anonymous (D) - Q-Anon - Trump - (Teil 1/2) - MIRROR - v. 10.1.2017 "Quelle: Anonymous Rebels sVizz Am 11.01.2018 veröffentlicht Q-Anon Wichtige Nachricht vom Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2018 [Deutsch] Links: Saudi Princess Tells Of Human Trafficking & Sex Slavery Among Saudi Elite Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order Übersichtskarte #Q: LEARN TO READ THE [NWO] MAP The Swamp Who Really Runs The World INDICTMENTS UNSEALED gitmo HUGE NEWS! DOWNLOAD ASAP C Description Box LEAK: Original YT-Channel has issues Copy can be found here:!Iwcg1bCJ!tCMsG0T9W... Wir sind Anonymous. Wir sind Legion. Wir vergeben nicht. Wir vergessen nicht. Erwartet uns." PalaOdin EOF 23 ['anonymous', 'eof', 'deutsch', 'deutschland', 'Q Anon', 'Trump', 'NWO', 'elite', 'eliten', 'Karte', 'saudi', 'pädophile', 'kinder', 'white', 'doc', 'world', '911', 'princess', 'pinzen', 'arabien', 'merkel', 'schulz', 'gabriel', 'afd', 'politik', 'geld', 'gold', 'tiger', 'german', 'germany', 'opel', 'audi', 'ford', 'citrön', 'ente', 'bush', 'obama', 'clinten', 'helme', 'vsa', 'usa', '991', 'iluminati', 'illuminati'] PT12M1S 4117 0 95 1 not set not set 2018-01-12T12:06:25.000Z 6ajxK0YALmg UCvtKavPPZG7ep7iSawFOAlQ Anonymous (D) - Q-Anon - Trump - (Teil 2/2) - MIRROR "Quelle: Anonymous Rebels sVizz Am 11.01.2018 veröffentlicht Q-Anon Wichtige Nachricht vom Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2018 [Deutsch] Links: Saudi Princess Tells Of Human Trafficking & Sex Slavery Among Saudi Elite Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order Übersichtskarte #Q: LEARN TO READ THE [NWO] MAP The Swamp Who Really Runs The World INDICTMENTS UNSEALED gitmo HUGE NEWS! DOWNLOAD ASAP C Description Box LEAK: Original YT-Channel has issues Copy can be found here:!Iwcg1bCJ!tCMsG0T9W... Wir sind Anonymous. Wir sind Legion. Wir vergeben nicht. Wir vergessen nicht. Erwartet uns." PalaOdin EOF 19 ['anonymous', 'eof', 'deutsch', 'deutschland', 'german', 'germany', 'Q Anon', 'Trump', 'merkel', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Tower', 'WTC', 'Israel', 'Liebe', 'NWO', 'elite', 'geld', 'gold', 'schulz', 'groku', 'ente', 'world', 'wichtig', 'finanz', 'crash', 'sturz', 'down', 'börse', 'audi', 'opc', 'opel', 'ford', 'pädophile', 'kinder', 'opfer', 'mord', 'clinten', 'soros', 'georg', 'david', 'camp', 'bush', 'obama', '911', '991', 'iuminati'] PT6M39S 3703 0 84 3 not set not set 2018-02-01T16:38:22.000Z UbH09K_R1Fg UCvtKavPPZG7ep7iSawFOAlQ Anonymous (D) - Wer ist Q-Anon? Was kommt. Dringende Nachricht "Quelle: ANONYMOUS - Who Is Anonymous-Q-Anon? What Is Coming. Urgent Message Anonymous Witness, am 22.01.2018 veröffentlicht mit englischem Text Anonymous (D) - Wer ist Anonymous-Q-Anon? Was kommt. Dringende Nachricht (deutsch, german, germany) Hallo Welt. wir sind Anonymous. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass viele Anonymous nicht verstehen, daher ist es wichtig, dass wir das erklären, da jedes Missverständnis dich davon abhalten kann, unsere Botschaft zu hören, und dies könnte eine kritische Fehlkalkulation Ihrerseits sein. Anonymous ist keine Organisation in dem Sinne, dass du es weißt. Wir tragen die Maske, so dass wir nicht beschuldigt werden, für oder im Interesse irgendeines Eigeninteresses zu handeln, wie wir gewinnen können, wenn wir keine Anerkennung für unsere Handlungen bekommen. Für diejenigen, die einem Mann in einer Maske nicht trauen können, zeugt es dir und deinem Bedürfnis, die Person beurteilen zu können, so dass du die Botschaft ignorieren kannst. Wir tragen die Maske für dich auf nicht für uns. Wenn Sie die Person als weiße, schwarze, braune oder gelbe beurteilen und nicht die gesprochenen Worte hören, haben Sie die Wahrheit verloren. Wir sind keine Kirche, kein Geschäft, kein Kult oder Glaubenssystem, dem andere anonyme Teilnehmer folgen müssen. Wir sprechen von allen Religionen, von allen Menschen und von allen Wahrheiten. Wir sind ein Kollektiv. Als Teil dieses Kollektivs besteht Anonymous aus jeder Fähigkeit, jedem Talent, jeder Rasse und jedem Hintergrund. Wir kommen aus allen Ländern, aber wir gehören keinem von ihnen an. Wir operieren einzigartig, aber als Körper mit demselben Verständnis. Dieses Verständnis ist der Schlüssel zu dem, was Anonymous ist und warum Anonymous existieren muss. Es ist das Verständnis, das aus einer Offenbarung resultiert, dass alles, was wir, die Menschen dieser Welt, erzählt, gezeigt oder gelehrt bekommen haben, nur Lügen sind. Wir haben gelernt, dass selbst die einfachsten Dinge eine Lüge sind. Die Farbe Weiß ist Schwarz und Schwarz ist Weiß. Diese Wahrheit kann auf diese Weise erklärt werden. Weiß ist Licht und Licht hat alle Farben und ist nicht sichtbar, es sei denn, es reflektiert von einem Objekt, dass das Licht reflektiert. Du siehst kein Licht im Raum, bis es von einem Objekt wie dem Mond reflektiert wird. Dieses Licht hat alle Farben und Schwarz ist keine Farbe an sich, aber es besteht aus allen Farben. Weiß enthält jedoch keine Farbe. Es ist die Abwesenheit von Farbe, die die genaue Beschreibung der Dunkelheit ist. Es sind einfache Lügen, wie diese, die wir als Wahrheit angenommen haben, aber wenn wir unsere Augen geöffnet haben, können wir die Wahrheit sehen, die in den Lügen verborgen ist. Weisheit wird gewährt, sie wird nicht so gelernt wie bei allem, was ich spreche. Die Mächte dieser Welt sind nicht die, von denen du denkst, dass sie es sind. Sie sind nicht wie du und ich, sie sind böse auf Ebenen, die du dir nicht vorstellen kannst, deshalb ist es schwer für dich zu glauben, dass deine Länderführer in solch üblen Aktivitäten involviert sein könnten. In den kommenden Monaten wirst du mehr über das Böse in den Menschen erfahren, die du einst verehrt hast. Q Anon ist Teil von Anonymous und ist Insider vom weißen Haus und den Machtstrukturen der Welt. Er hat sich als glaubwürdig erwiesen, solange bis Anonymous Grund gefunden hat, anders über ihn zu sprechen. Er hat bereits vieles offen gelegt und die schwersten Menschenrechtsverletzungen aufgezeigt, die man sich vorstellen kann. Höre auf weitere Informationen Vom Englischen ins Deutsche von Ano EOF übersetzt. Wir sind Anonymous. Wir sind Legion. Wir vergeben nicht. Wir vergessen nicht. Erwartet uns." PalaOdin EOF 22 ['anonymous', 'deutsch', 'eof', 'deutschland', 'germany', 'german', 'q Anon', 'wahrheit', 'botschaft', 'ano', 'ano eof', 'talent', 'teil', 'schlüssel', 'schwarz', 'weiss', 'lügen', 'rasse', 'flüchtlinge', 'invasoren', 'maske'] PT4M48S 7500 0 189 7 not set not set 2018-08-09T20:45:53.000Z 9WJ4DZJkNsY UCvtKavPPZG7ep7iSawFOAlQ Anonymous Song 2018 ~ The Idea~ Batcave ~ Z3R0 Productions "Anonymous Construct, published on 30 Apr 2018 - Spiegel We are ONE (Lyrics as Requested) Chorus: We are Anonymous, The Idea, So hard living life like us, The Idea (Repeat) Verse 1: Whether it's your secret account or protest on D.C. Anon Construct gave me the game on D-WAVE Say hello to the Pedos Anonymous keeping it live It's been a personal vendetta when it comes to the HIVE Media praise them with fake news I'm not trying to hear it son Stay glued to the tube cause family truths comes from Fearless One Fearless one thats the way do it We have no fear at all Anonymous be standing tall, keep on banging on the beast til he fall Like Dominoes, archives coming from Zenc keep making you think Deep state dox with ZeroSec show some respect The true bots thats running the web we serve and protect Anonymous Prime on current imes as real as it gets To all you monetized fake Anons trying to make a dollar We do it for the people not for a a profit it dpon't take a scholar It's dam shame you committing treason for no reason We putting the corruption on notice you gotta face the legion Chorus: We are Anonymous, The Idea, So hard living life like us, The Idea (Repeat) Said I was compromise.... Said I was infortaded..... Said it was Organized,staged, and Organizationed. Said I'm C.I.A. said I'm a fuckin Agent... Well Riddle me this... When in the hell have I ever tried to play you??? Because One time would be too many, I'm here to fight for the ones with the love ones missing...... Take your seat back from the politicians.... I'm deaf ears I'm the blinds vision...... I keep a mask on and a voice box incase the goat one day wants to lurk me out... Death blow Dim Mak... Chi flow through Steel and centerblock.... And I'm running for The office in twenny twenny I'm the peoples champ come and vote for me...... Run and tell Mr. Trump he ain't got no chance or anyone else showing up to the dance.... Just out here taking these pictures shaking these hands ain't did a dam thang for the common man...... When you vote me in I'm uh mash Full throttle go to the White House and do a full remodel.... If you aint got no Mask on play this back before you get one... If you want to walk in these shoes Better Put respect on it and make sure you comprehend the current creed at the moment........ You Can Bang on the beast right now if you wanna.. But we don't entertain no personal gain it's A uniformed unity collective thang........ Chorus: We are Anonymous, The Idea, So hard living life like us, The Idea (Repeat) Trace Buster 900 seven digit processor 5000 megahertz cooling tower Double decker........ VPN Confiscater, dark web Infiltrator.... Is it by Design that pedophiles and petaflops go together??? They need moor petaflops added to There ram slot..... Just in case they slip and flop.. But they really need to stop.... Cause uh, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Apples, and your McAfee ain't Got enough terabytes to f**** with me I am screen I am the keys..... Once you hit that power button I see everything that you can see... Tell the goat Lucy I wanna dance at noon.. I'll be right There with the Lord Almighty... Na Check It!!!! These pedophiles like to hide through their Fire Wall but what's a fire wall ? When you F***ing with the HIVE dog.... (Nothing) I lurk the White House Catholic Churches Presidents and Politicians.... I'm something Like Chris Hansen from Date Line with the camera on record in Hell's Kitchen!!!!!!! This Declaration of Independence... States Loud and clear we are the Government......." PalaOdin EOF 10 ['We are ONE', 'anonymous deutsch', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'anonymous song'] PT5M5S 477 0 38 2 not set not set 2018-08-14T19:22:58.000Z _qBZt8Sb1Ns UCvtKavPPZG7ep7iSawFOAlQ Anonymos vs Q Anon - Q Anon nicht blind folgen! "Anonymous hat keinen Führer. Anonymous arbeitet unabhängig und ist frei. Anonymous ist keine Operation des Tiefen Staates oder der Geheimdienste. Wer, wenn nicht wir, wollen euch warnen, die Q Anon Bewegung nicht blind zu folgen sondern mit offenen Augen zu beobachten und kritisch zu hinterleuchten. Beste Gruesse Anonymous Quellen: Antiilluminaten TV, am 14.08.2018 veröffentlicht" PalaOdin EOF 23 ['Anonymos vs Q Anon - Erklärung', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'die unbestechlichen', 'unbestechlichen'] PT2M49S 2160 0 75 19 not set not set 2018-06-11T18:41:39.000Z YU1RPb2YG48 UC64-1VdIKLzyWf31I3w5_0g 6.10.18 FALSE FLAG WEATHER ALERT WORLDWIDE "Q" "6.10.18 ALERT ""FALSE FLAG WEATHER WORLDWIDE"" #Q Share I am Pam Jones a GeoEngineering Activist and I am #WIFI #EMF #FREQUENCY SENSITIVE! I've abandoned my home and the city in an effort to stay ALIVE! I am Researching & Examining Things From a Different Perspective. Current Local, National & International REAL NEWS and Events. #MAGA Support My Work in the Great Awakening and the fight to Save Humanity and Mother Earth while Supporting my health recovery from severe illness due to overexposure to #EMF #WIFI #SMART #METER blessings ~pam jones GoFundMe: Support My New Small Business- CBD OIL FOR HEALTH - Join My New Small Business- Become a Affiliate CTFO - START DETOXING FROM HEAVY METALS NOW! MEDICARDIUM by Receive FREE SHIPPING with code: GEO To make a donation to help me Contact me at: Twitter - @PamJonesForLiberty Facebook - Pam Jones (Pam Nickelt) Please Visit & Join My Facebook Group at - GEOENGINEERING ACTION NETWORK / My Blog -" PAM JONES FOR LIBERTY / PEDOPHILE EXPOSURE PROJECT 25 not set PT2M48S 310 7 16 1 not set not set 2017-11-19T08:48:34.000Z zrj4KGvLYAU UCoJE3X0XlU25wc-GWXsdpEA 11-19-17 – CONFUSION ABOUT DONALD TRUMP "CONFUSION ABOUT DONALD TRUMP I get messages from many sources covering a wide range of perspectives about US, INC. President Donald Trump. People like David Wilcox point out that he is working with “White Hats” in the US and around the world citing his own dreams and revelations of an “insider” friend known as QAnon. Others like Paul Craig Roberts paint him as a psychopath hell bent on starting a war with Russia and China. One even says he is actually a woman. That one is a stretch for me, although I suppose it is being promulgated by the Obama camp as revenge for pointing out that Michelle was really Michael, a cross-dressing man. I’m not kidding! Paul Craig Roberts tells us in a recent article, “We are ruled by mindless, insane psychopaths. These dumbshits are likely to get us all blown off the face of the earth. Don’t expect to live much longer.” Wilcox, on the other hand, sees Trump as working to “drain the swamp” as promised in his campaign. So, are you confused? Which story resonates with you? Does it really matter? Then this: The Revaluation of Currencies is set for RELEASE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY'S MURDER November 22." paradoxman316 27 ['Donald J. Trump', 'Obama', 'John F. Kennedy', 'Michelle Obama', 'David Wilcox', 'Paul Craig Roberts', 'ruled by psychopaths', 'cross-dressing man', 'insanity', 'drain the swamp', 'global currency reset', 'currency revaluation', 'insane world', 'war with Russia & China', 'JFK murder', 'dates come & go', 'Thanksgiving', 'dreams', 'revelations', 'USA INC', 'what resonates?', 'does it matter?'] PT10M1S 611 8 22 1 not set not set 2018-09-05T08:30:01.000Z 5OY_O1_w1LQ UCoJE3X0XlU25wc-GWXsdpEA 9-5-18 – Q-ANON REPORTS OVER 50,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS "Q-ANON REPORTS OVER 50,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS It’s unclear exactly who Q-anon is; but it should be clear to those who follow the posts that he or she seems to be working diligently to unmask the criminal enterprise that has plagued this planet for eons. Those who support Donald Trump in my information circle trumpet the enigmatic notices of this mysterious entity. In one of the latest posts, it is said that there are now over 50,000 sealed indictments. Others have reported some of the names on that list, although, if they are sealed, it is not clear to me how they would know; however, I hope most of the big names we would all recognize will actually face justice. Yes, I am convinced the world has been run by demons or however you want to label those who have falsely claimed some Divine right to rule going back eons. There are many threads to explore for those with open minds willing to admit that so many things we’ve been told simply do not make sense. We have all been deceived, which we must own individually and collectively. For those willing to take responsibility by repentance, forgiveness is in Divine order; however, the unrepentant must be held accountable. Will we soon see truth and justice finally prevail? I certainly hope so. How about you?" paradoxman316 27 ['Q-anon', 'sealed indictments', 'criminal enterprise', 'Donald Trump', 'enigmatic notices', 'face justice', 'world run by demons', 'Divine right to rule', 'open minds', 'we’ve been deceived', 'take responsibility', 'repentance', 'forgiveness', 'Divine order', 'accountability', 'truth & justice', 'Operation Disclosure', 'Intel Reports'] PT9M57S 5226 53 77 13 not set not set 2018-03-21T08:24:07.000Z YFrwoPEaZNE UC8kAXpRIvXjPrIuar9oo2bA ANONYMOUS Who Is Anonymous? Q Anon What Is Coming Urgent Message "▶️️ PLEASE LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL -FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism are being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107" PARANORMAL ASSAULT 22 ['KAREN TRUTHER GIRL TRUTHER GIRL NWO', 'QAnon', 'Who is Anon', 'anonymous'] PT7M13S 175 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-24T22:34:19.000Z ssyVjhhw8Rs UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon Basics 1:What is QAnon? Who is QAnon? Why is QAnon? Answers all found here! "NinjaWarrior reviews the Book of Q with explanations in normal terms for people who know nothing about QAnon. This is the first video in what will be a series of videos concerning the book of Q. You can use this video to share with your family and friends to open their eyes in a non-confrontational way. Republican or democrat, Christian or Atheist, Black or White- there is a battle going on with GOOD vs. Evil. Which side will you fight for? This is an attempt to educate and cause a GREAT AWAKENING among the people of the world! AUTHOR: Book of Q IAMBECAUSEWEARE@PROTONMAIL.COM HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/1AMBECAUSEWEARE Link to the BOOK OF Q: Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to the Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Live News Stream:" Patrick Kelly 22 "['QAnon', 'Great Awakening', 'NinjaWarrior', 'Book of Q', 'We go one we go all', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'Truth', 'Real News', 'Politics', 'Child Trafficking', 'POTUS']" PT47M25S 8147 68 542 12 not set not set 2018-03-29T15:57:55.000Z uC-xg1jcPmU UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon- Intro to decodes 1-10 - These are Foundational - DO NOT SKIP! "NinjaWarrior reviews the Book of Q with explanations in normal terms for people who know nothing about QAnon. This is the third video in what will be a series of videos concerning the book of Q. You can use this video to share with your family and friends to open their eyes in a non-confrontational way. Republican or democrat, Christian or Atheist, Black or White- there is a battle going on with GOOD vs. Evil. Which side will you fight for? This is an attempt to educate and cause a GREAT AWAKENING among the people of the world! AUTHOR: Book of Q IAMBECAUSEWEARE@PROTONMAIL.COM HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/1AMBECAUSEWEARE Link to the BOOK OF Q: Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to the Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Live News Stream:" Patrick Kelly 25 "['QAnon', 'POTUS', 'We the people', 'Ninja Warrior', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'REAL NEWS', 'Fake news', 'TRUTH', 'Politics', 'News', 'White House', 'Conspiracy', 'cover up', 'Great Awakening']" PT27M37S 1725 11 138 1 not set not set 2018-03-31T22:58:23.000Z dS6-2IWkogU UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon Vol 1 - Decoding Drops 10-16 - THESE ARE FOUNDATION- DO NOT SKIP "Sound does cut out during intro and close- ALL OTHER AUDIO IS GOOD. I am sorry for the problem and it will be worked out on future videos. Also, DON""T make fun of my mic guard. lol I had to take drastic measures to stop the popping. NinjaWarrior reviews the Book of Q with explanations in normal terms for people who know nothing about QAnon. This is the fourth video in what will be a series of videos concerning the book of Q. You can use this video to share with your family and friends to open their eyes in a non-confrontational way. Republican or democrat, Christian or Atheist, Black or White- there is a battle going on with GOOD vs. Evil. Which side will you fight for? This is an attempt to educate and cause a GREAT AWAKENING among the people of the world! AUTHOR: Book of Q IAMBECAUSEWEARE@PROTONMAIL.COM HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/1AMBECAUSEWEARE Link to the BOOK OF Q: Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to the Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Live News Stream:" Patrick Kelly 25 "['Trump', 'QAnon', 'POTUS', 'Great Awakening', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'NinjaWarrior', 'Book of Q', 'Education', 'Patriots', 'We the People', 'NinjaWarrior ANON']" PT34M59S 1565 13 113 2 not set not set 2018-04-14T03:00:43.000Z S0PAUxjgTwA UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon-Vol 5-6 - Decoding Drops 51-70 "NinjaWarrior reviews the Book of Q with explanations in normal terms for people who know nothing about QAnon. This video series is intended to enlighten, inspire, educate, and entertain all who are interested in knowing what Q is, why Q is and who Q is in order to cause a GREAT AWAKENING among the people of the world! You can share this video with your family and friends to open their eyes in a non-confrontational way. Republican or democrat, Christian or Atheist, Black or White - there is a battle going on with GOOD vs. Evil. Which side will you fight for? AUTHOR: Book of Q - IAMBECAUSEWEARE@PROTONMAIL.COM HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/1AMBECAUSEWEARE Link to the BOOK OF Q: Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to NinjaWarrior Twitter: Link to the Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Live News Stream: Link to the Q site: ALL GLORY BE TO GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!" Patrick Kelly 25 ['QAnon', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'Great Awakening', 'WG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'Patriots', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Ninja Warrior', 'NinjaWarrior ANON', 'Truth', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Corruption', 'Washington DC', 'President', 'Real News', 'Fake News', 'Anonymous', 'Red Pill', 'White Rabbit', 'Q-Drops', 'Q Decodes'] PT41M29S 968 3 116 0 not set not set 2018-04-17T11:32:54.000Z U_fNHi7G7kk UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon-Vol- 7-8-9 - Decoding Drops 71-100 - FUTURE PROVES PAST- NEW "NinjaWarrior reviews the Book of Q with explanations in normal terms for people who know nothing about QAnon. This video series is intended to enlighten, inspire, educate, and entertain all who are interested in knowing what Q is, why Q is and who Q is in order to cause a GREAT AWAKENING among the people of the world! You can share this video with your family and friends to open their eyes in a non-confrontational way. Republican or democrat, Christian or Atheist, Black or White - there is a battle going on with GOOD vs. Evil. Which side will you fight for? AUTHOR: Book of Q - IAMBECAUSEWEARE@PROTONMAIL.COM HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/1AMBECAUSEWEARE Link to the BOOK OF Q: Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to NinjaWarrior Twitter: Link to the Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Live News Stream: Link to the Q site: ALL GLORY BE TO GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!" Patrick Kelly 25 "['QAnon', 'We the People', 'WWG1WGA', 'Patriots', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'Ninja Warrior', 'NinjaWarrior ANON', 'Book of Q', 'Q Decodes', 'Truth', 'Real News', 'Fake News', 'Conspiracy', 'Fact checker', 'Great Awakening', 'Q-Drops', 'Corruption', 'Fact Checker']" PT59M49S 913 4 104 2 not set not set 2018-04-19T11:20:49.000Z wP5rZ2alWGo UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ What are Q-Proofs? --- Evidence --- Inside!! "NinjaWarrior ANON highlights Q-Drops that have been proven. This video is intended to be used to red pill your family and friends so you HAVE to share it. When you couple this video with the BOOK of Q series, you can red pill the world. For all things Q related you can check out Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 live stream on YouTube. Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to NinjaWarrior Twitter: Link to the Link to the Q site: Link to the Trump Tweet/Q-Drop merge:" Patrick Kelly 25 ['QAnon', 'NinjaWarrior ANON', 'CSRN Network', 'Ninja Warrior', 'Q-Proofs', 'Great Awakening', 'MAGA', 'We the People', 'Conspiracy', 'PSYOP'] PT58M47S 3262 29 321 8 not set not set 2018-04-20T09:02:16.000Z ZU4nH0yR9q8 UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon-Vol 10-11-12 **Decoding Q-Drops 101-127 FUTURE PROVES PAST! "NinjaWarrior reviews the Book of Q with explanations in normal terms for people who know nothing about QAnon. This video series is intended to enlighten, inspire, educate, and entertain all who are interested in knowing what Q is, why Q is and who Q is in order to cause a GREAT AWAKENING among the people of the world! You can share this video with your family and friends to open their eyes in a non-confrontational way. Republican or democrat, Christian or Atheist, Black or White - there is a battle going on with GOOD vs. Evil. Which side will you fight for? AUTHOR: Book of Q - IAMBECAUSEWEARE@PROTONMAIL.COM HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/1AMBECAUSEWEARE Link to the BOOK OF Q: Link to NinjaWarrior Gab: Link to NinjaWarrior Twitter: Link to the Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Live News Stream: Link to the Q site: ALL GLORY BE TO GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!" Patrick Kelly 25 ['Book of Q', 'QAnon', 'We the People', 'Maga', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Patriots', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Q-Drops', 'Real News', 'Fake News', 'CSRN Network', 'Drain the Swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Government', 'American Revolution', 'Ninja Warrior', 'NinjaWarrior ANON', 'Great Awakening'] PT50M7S 794 6 100 1 not set not set 2018-04-23T10:37:13.000Z eb8Zc4A_ocI UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ QAnon is WAKING people up! Are you WOKE yet? "Just a little something to help lift us up to combat the darkness we have been covering. Jesus Christ is Lord and I pray His protection over each and every one of us who are engaged in this Divine Battle! Music: Wake Up Sleeper- by Norris McGee" Patrick Kelly 25 "['QAnon', 'We the People', 'Patriots', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'Q-Drops', 'Wake up Sleeper', 'WOKE', 'Awake', 'Great Awakening', 'NinjaWarrior ANON', 'Ninja Warrior', 'MAGA', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump']" PT3M35S 3477 18 135 2 not set not set 2018-05-03T05:24:26.000Z eEa12C9tOUM UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon Vol 13 - Future Proves Past- Drops 128-140 "NinjaWarrior ANON takes a DEEP DIVE into Q-Drops 128-140 using the knowledge we have today of events transpired. DO NOT MISS THIS VIDEO! The Book of Q video series is for everyone to use to introduce your family and friends to what is ACTUALLY happening in our country right now. Please subscribe to this channel for notifications of future videos. We will soon be kicking off a new news channel called CSRN Network. This network will give you Common Sense Real News - What that means is we will read through the headlines with you and give you instant honest feedback on those events. It WILL be much more entertaining than the normal informational drabble. Here are some links for you: Patriots' Soapbox Live stream: Q-Collection Site: Book of Q: Thank you all- Patriots Indeed!" Patrick Kelly 25 "['Book of Q', 'NinjaWarrior ANON', 'Ninja Warrior', 'QAnon', 'We the People', 'Donald Trump', 'President Trump', 'POTUS', 'Q- Drops', 'Q Decodes 128-140', 'Q- Decodes', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'Great Awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'Real News', 'Saudi Arabia', 'New world order', 'NWO', 'Cabal', 'Deep State', 'Corruption', 'Q-News', 'Q-Proofs', 'CSRN Network', 'United States', 'America', 'For God and Country', 'American Revolution 2.0']" PT1H21M6S 1585 13 168 1 not set not set 2018-05-12T03:34:34.000Z vrF8tTmn1Tw UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon- Vol.14- Deep Diving Drops 140-150 "Going through the Q- drops 140-150 in a deep decode using today's knowledge and news. SHARE these videos with your family and friends! Do NOT let them get blindsided when stuff hits the fan. Here are some links for you: Book of Q- latest: Patriots' Soapbox Live Stream: iNetCoder's Quniverse: My GaB: This is where I post all of my decodes. - decodes are copied here. Q-collection site: I love you guys and gals and I leave you with Joshua 1:9- ""This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.""" Patrick Kelly 25 "['QAnon', 'Great Awakening', 'POTUS', 'WWG1WGA', ""Patriots' Soapbox"", 'Saudi Arabia', 'Cabal', 'Clinton Foundation', 'CSRN Network', 'MAGA', 'Justice', 'Patriots Fight', 'Decodes 140-150', 'Q Decodes', 'Q 140', 'Q141', 'Q 142', 'Q 143', 'Q 144', 'Q 145', 'Q 146', 'Q 147', 'Q 148', 'Q 149', 'Q 150', 'Book of Q', 'NinjaWarrior', 'Understanding QAnon']" PT56M39S 1545 20 131 3 not set not set 2018-05-24T04:01:07.000Z BqbYTycIr8I UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon Vol 17 - Drops 170-179 "Going through the Q- drops 170-179 in a deep decode using today's knowledge and news. SHARE these videos with your family and friends! Do NOT let them get blindsided when stuff hits the fan. Here are some links for you: Book of Q- latest: Patriots' Soapbox Live Stream: iNetCoder's Quniverse: My GaB: This is where I post all of my decodes. - decodes are copied here. Q-collection site: I love you guys and gals and I leave you with Joshua 1:9- ""This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.""" Patrick Kelly 25 ['Book of Q', 'Q Decodes', 'Q-Drop 170', 'Q-Drop 171', 'Q-Drop 172', 'Q-Drop 173', 'Q-Drop 174', 'Q-Drop 175', 'Q-Drop 176', 'Q-Drop 177', 'Q-Drop 178', 'Q-Drop 179', 'QAnon', 'Patriots Fight', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Great Awakening', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Corruption Revealed', 'Current Q Decodes', 'Q Decodes 1430-1439', 'Understanding QAnon'] PT42M1S 481 5 52 5 not set not set 2018-05-24T05:13:26.000Z XdZWkSWOPo0 UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon Vol 143 - Drops 1430-1439 "Going through the Q- drops 1430-1439 in a deep decode using today's knowledge and news. SHARE these videos with your family and friends! Do NOT let them get blindsided when stuff hits the fan. Here are some links for you: Book of Q- latest: Patriots' Soapbox Live Stream: iNetCoder's Quniverse: My GaB: This is where I post all of my decodes. - decodes are copied here. Q-collection site: I love you guys and gals and I leave you with Joshua 1:9- ""This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.""" Patrick Kelly 25 ['QAnon', 'Q-Drop 1430', 'Q-Drop 1431', 'Q-Drop 1432', 'Q-Drop 1433', 'Q-Drop 1434', 'Q-Drop 1435', 'Q-Drop 1436', 'Q-Drop 1437', 'Q-Drop 1438', 'Q-Drop 1439', 'NinjaWarrior', 'Patriots Fight', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Great Awakening', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Book of Q'] PT50M4S 1546 61 168 7 not set not set 2018-05-31T03:07:01.000Z p4wDSp1JF7o UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding QAnon- Vol 142 Drops 1420 - 1429 "Going through the Q- drops 1420-1429 in a deep decode using today's knowledge and news. SHARE these videos with your family and friends! Do NOT let them get blindsided when stuff hits the fan. Here are some links for you: Book of Q- latest: Patriots' Soapbox Live Stream: iNetCoder's Quniverse: My GaB: This is where I post all of my decodes. - decodes are copied here. Q-collection site: I love you guys and gals and I leave you with Joshua 1:9- ""This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.""" Patrick Kelly 25 ['Book of Q', 'QAnon', 'Q-Drops', 'Q-Drop 1420', 'Q-Drop 1421', 'Q-Drop 1422', 'Q-Drop 1423', 'Q-Drop 1424', 'Q-Drop 1425', 'Q-Drop 1426', 'Q-Drop 1427', 'Q-Drop 1428', 'Q-Drop 1429', 'Qanon Decodes', 'Patriots Fight', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'WWG1WGA', 'Justice', 'Great Awakening', 'American Revolution', 'Corruption', 'Is Q Real', 'NinjaWarrior', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'USA', 'Understanding Qanon'] PT27M3S 871 19 91 2 not set not set 2018-06-19T04:39:24.000Z URQCzDxXiJ4 UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding Qanon Vol 154 Drops 1540 -1549 "Going through the Q- drops 1540-1549 in a deep decode using today's knowledge and news. SHARE these videos with your family and friends! Do NOT let them get blindsided when stuff hits the fan. Here are some links for you: My Twitter: My Gab: Q drop collection site: Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Livestream: Quniverse News: Grand Torino: Book of Q: Thank all of you Patriots for your appreciation and encouragement. I love you guys and gals and I leave you with: Joshua 1:9- ""This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."" Godspeed Patriots." Patrick Kelly 25 ['QAnon', 'NinjaWarrior', 'Understanding Q', 'Book of Q', 'Decoding Q', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'American Revolution 2.0', 'Q-drop 1540', 'Q-Drop 1541', 'Q-Drop 1542', 'q drop 1543', 'Q drop 1544', 'Q drop 1545', 'Q drop 1546', 'Q drop 1547', 'Q drop 1548', 'Q drop 1549', 'Justice', 'Patriots Fight', 'WWG1WGA', 'Great Awakening'] PT49M15S 1053 11 92 1 not set not set 2018-06-20T06:25:06.000Z hD6X1dn8DZk UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding Qanon Vol 155 Drops 1550 - 1559 "Going through the Q- drops 1550-1559 in a deep decode using today's knowledge and news. SHARE these videos with your family and friends! Do NOT let them get blindsided when stuff hits the fan. Here are some links for you: My Twitter: My Gab: Q drop collection site: Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 Livestream: Quniverse News: Grand Torino: Book of Q: Thank all of you Patriots for your appreciation and encouragement. I love you guys and gals and I leave you with: Joshua 1:9- ""This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."" Godspeed Patriots." Patrick Kelly 25 ['IG Report', 'Horowitz', 'Qanon', 'WWG1WGA', 'GreatAwakening', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Patriots Fight', 'Justice', 'Robert Mueller', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Q Decodes', 'Q drop 1550', 'Q Drop 1551', 'Q Drop 1552', 'Q Drop 1553', 'Q Drop 1554', 'Q DRop 1555', 'Q Drop 1556', 'Q Drop 1557', 'Q Drop 1558', 'Q Drop 1559', 'John P. Carlin', 'NinjaWarrior', 'POTUS', 'realDonaldTrump'] PT47M51S 598 12 70 1 not set not set 2018-06-22T02:13:37.000Z hO4vpD4xJ4s UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding Qanon Vol 156 Drops 1560 - 1569 "Thank you Patriots for everything you do. We are a legion of warriors that are fighting to get the TRUTH to the masses. Please Like, share and subscribe. For everyone you are trying to bring up to speed on Qanon- Direct them to Volume 1 of the Understanding Qanon for All video Series. This will help get them caught up. Here are some links for you: My GAB: My Twit: Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Live stream: Grand Torino: Quniverse News: Heshmat Alavi twit: Book of Q: I leave you with this verse: John 10:10- The evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I come so that they may have life, and have it to the full. Godspeed Patriots!" Patrick Kelly 25 ['Qanon', 'Qanon decodes', 'Understanding Qanon.', 'Book of Q', 'Patriots fight', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Q drop 1560', 'Q drop 1561', 'Q drop 1562', 'Q drop 1563', 'Q drop 1564', 'Q drop 1565', 'Q drop 1566', 'Q drop 1567', 'Q drop 1568', 'Q drop 1569', 'WWG1WGA', 'Great Awakening', 'We the people'] PT33M1S 637 18 79 0 not set not set 2018-06-22T03:38:23.000Z uN4n6z2wFVs UC4pfd_z7tA-u6YCDgqn3lOQ Understanding Qanon Vol 157 Drops 1570 - 1579 "Thank you Patriots for everything you do. We are a legion of warriors that are fighting to get the TRUTH to the masses. Please Like, share and subscribe. For everyone you are trying to bring up to speed on Qanon- Direct them to Volume 1 of the Understanding Qanon for All video Series. This will help get them caught up. Here are some links for you: My GAB: My Twit: Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Live stream: Grand Torino: Quniverse News: Heshmat Alavi twit: Book of Q: I leave you with this verse: John 10:10- The evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I come so that they may have life, and have it to the full. Godspeed Patriots!" Patrick Kelly 25 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Patriots Fight', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Qanon decodes', 'Q drop 1570', 'Q drop 1571', 'Q drop 1572', 'Q drop 1573', 'Q drop 1574', 'Q drop 1575', 'Q drop 1576', 'Q drop 1577', 'Q drop 1578', 'Q drop 1579', 'NinjaWarrior'] PT58M7S 1173 20 143 1 not set not set 2018-04-19T12:54:39.000Z IWhW_XmGODI UCa0xksixekXAf86kplZ9LAg Q-ANON JUST BLEW OPEN THE DEEP STATE!! TRUMP READY FOR ARRESTS!!! "Q-ANON JUST BLEW OPEN THE DEEP STATE!! TRUMP READY FOR ARRESTS!!! Follow us on twitter @godlikeproduct2 for live social media interactions" PATRIOT 25 ['WIKIFACTS', 'KIM JONG', 'NORTH KOREA', 'LITTLE ROCKET MAN', 'JUDGE JEANINE PERRY', 'JUDGE JEANINE', 'JASON CHAFFETZ', 'BARACK OBAMA', 'CNN', 'MNSBC', 'GODLIKEPROCTIONS.COM', 'DEMOCRATS', 'REPUBLICANS', 'HILLARY CLINTON', 'PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP', 'DONALD TRUMP', 'TRUMP', 'OBAMA', 'POLITICS', 'HANNITY', 'FOX NEWS', 'BBC', 'US NEWS', 'NEWS UPDATE', 'CANADIAN', 'TUCKER CARLSON', 'OBAMA CARE', 'GOP SENATE', 'TREY GOWDY', 'USA', 'USA POLITICS', 'AMERICAN POLITICS', 'NIGERIA', 'IPOB', 'AMERICAN NEWS UPDATE', 'LIBERALS'] PT12M2S 14450 84 455 2 not set not set 2018-05-27T20:04:51.000Z Rc13qQSV_OI UCa0xksixekXAf86kplZ9LAg Julian Assange's Wikileak DEBUNKS Q-Anon! "@wikileaks ""Whether its origins are a black PR operation or trolls, this, and similar wish fulfillment fantasies like ""storm"" are spread by those seeking to manipulate Trump's voting base into supporting the U.S. government."" @wikileaks ""This analysis, unfortunately, increasingly appears that it may be correct:"" #QAnon today as a 'Pied Piper' operation. What I meant by this, is that the operation exists to round up people that are otherwise dangerous to the Deep State (because they are genuinely opposed to it) usurp time & attention, & trick them into serving its aims. Support Isaac Green's channel. Donations appreciated Litecoin wallet LP2nxrDvMD9zxoVWrpnaG6xBabshhJAUYD Bitcoin wallet 16um11zTTuitMhgkNo1xJoEhEjZHUFn1Rm Ethereum wallet 0xBf579f55d4D262c99B92fad7ACD87a33eDa3A4f6" PATRIOT 25 ['Wikileaks', 'Julian Assange', 'Debunks', 'Qanon', 'Wikileaks Qanon', 'The storm', 'Trump', 'Bombshell', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Patriot'] PT10M32S 1235 51 36 16 not set not set 2018-06-12T05:04:03.000Z Jw_t9Frkvzs UCYa4_rrO7PcVAe2Bw4kM-2w Patriot News #QAnon Live Stream of discord Patriot News 25 not set PT7H43M27S 10234 1 227 19 not set not set 2018-06-13T07:11:17.000Z OYrpqxyZAiE UCYa4_rrO7PcVAe2Bw4kM-2w Many new Q drops! Think new arrivals. Proofs are important. Thank you Autists/Anons. Q Live Stream of discord Patriot News 25 not set PT2H33M41S 1478 0 86 4 not set not set 2018-06-13T13:12:59.000Z zHUz2H4nx_0 UCYa4_rrO7PcVAe2Bw4kM-2w Many new Q drops!! Think new arrivals. Proofs are important. Thank you Autists/Anons. Q Live Stream of discord Patriot News 25 not set PT6H6M27S 1439 0 54 3 not set not set 2018-02-15T05:00:47.000Z BTcRq2jMU9A UCgPu3-G5-MRe5-y9xbOSaWA First Ever Naval Attack In a Submarine - Sept 7th, 1776 - Qanon 8Chan QPosts "JOIN the AMERICAN PATRIOT TELEGRAM Channel! PROTECT your VEHICLE or HOME Electronics in Case of EMP! Help us Make the PatriotCamp Vision a Reality! CAMP 17 Donations can be made through brother Charles: DO YOU WANT THE CONSTITUTION ENFORCED? Become a $10/mo ""CEF"" & GET ENTRY FREE BUGOUT to CAMP 17! Please HELP this VETERAN who HELPS EVERYONE (TRUCK REPAIRS): 100% of sales from Lynn's HAND-CARVED Patriot Candles go to Camp 17! PatriotCamp Newsroom #WeAreTheNewsNow Welcome to the JUSTICE LEAGUE of, by and for #WeThePeople: #PatriotCamp! Do You Wanna Be A Hero? Reporting a CONSTITUTIONAL EMERGENCY? (Jailed without just cause, right to travel violated, speech/press/2A rights infringed, etc) TEXT: 719-377-5985 EMAIL: THE POLITICIAN IS OBSOLETE! THEY DO NOT UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION! MILLIONS are wasted every year on TV ADS to get POLITICIANS elected so they can get RICH while ""FREE"" American patriots ROTT IN PRISON because they stuck their necks out to defend OUR RIGHTS! When LESS than $10,000 can start a CAMP which sustains 30 PATRIOTS or MORE, LIVING FREE, WHY would you spend your LIBERTY DOLLAR doing anything other than SETTING UP YOUR OWN LOCAL #PatriotCamp? DO YOU support DIRECT enforcement of the Constitution by #WeThePeople? CALLING ALL PATRIOTS! It's time EXPOSE INJUSTICE and help #MAGA by setting up #PatriotCamps to #DefendTheConstitution! Patriots will RIDE to your RESCUE with CLIPBOARDS and CAMERAS, saving you THOUSANDS of dollars, months or years in jail, the THEFT of ALL your PERSONAL BELONGINGS (because you were in jail) and RESTORING your LIBERTY to PURSUE your HAPPINESS AS WAS GUARANTEED by these servants who have RUN AMOK! How fast good Patriots can respond depends on the SIZE of the PATRIOT911 NETWORK! WHEN YOU NEED THEM: Will it be hours, minutes, months, years or NEVER? The choice is up to you! SPREAD this channel on all your social media, advertise it on your radio shows, let people know that WE, the PEOPLE have ALWAYS had the power and it's about time we started directly exercising our AUTHORITY, before we WAKE UP HOMELESS on the CONTINENT our FOREFATHERS CONQUERED, as a STARTLING number of Americans ALREADY HAVE! Read Vince Edwards book: ""I'm Leaving Civilization, Wanna Come With Me?"" to find out how the world REALLY works! #GenesisOfPatriotCamp - COMPREHENSIVE first 26 Mins! Wanna LIVE FREE while being AVAILABLE to anyone who needs OUR HELP? JOIN US at CAMP 17: Blanca, Colorado where rent is FREE, there are no BILLS and all you pay is the MEMBERSHIP FEE (INQUIRE about CURRENT PRICE) as low as $200/mo NO USURY! EVEN WI-FI is INCLUDED eliminating your need to EVER HAVE ANOTHER BILL! Connect to and spread PatriotCamp through these networks: PatriotCamp News Channel: (Free Speech Live!) Download BRAVE and #PatriotCamp gets 5 Bucks! (I'm not currently being paid due to they will NOT accept my World Passport!) DON'T JUST SHARE LINKS! Make the PERSONAL connection to friends, relatives, contacts through DMs, PHONE CALLS, EMAILS and text messages. Promote this channel FAR AND WIDE! The faster we all work together the faster we will ACHIEVE FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE!" PatriotCamp Seventeen 22 ['qanon', 'the storm is here', 'thestormishere', '8chan', 'thegreatawakening', 'potus', 'american turtle', 'HMS Eagle', 'American Turtle Attacks HMS Eagle', 'on this day in history', 'submarine', 'revolutionary war', 'mass arrests', 'wake the people up'] PT2M19S 285 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-08-16T13:31:12.000Z rVPayChv7vU UCgPu3-G5-MRe5-y9xbOSaWA #Qanon Their Symbols (RedShoes) Will Be Their Downfall @stroppyme & eyethespy #TheStormIsHere! "JOIN the AMERICAN PATRIOT TELEGRAM Channel! PROTECT your VEHICLE or HOME Electronics in Case of EMP! Help us Make the PatriotCamp Vision a Reality! CAMP 17 Donations can be made through brother Charles: DO YOU WANT THE CONSTITUTION ENFORCED? Become a $10/mo ""CEF"" & GET ENTRY FREE BUGOUT to CAMP 17! Please HELP this VETERAN who HELPS EVERYONE (TRUCK REPAIRS): 100% of sales from Lynn's HAND-CARVED Patriot Candles go to Camp 17! PatriotCamp Newsroom #WeAreTheNewsNow Welcome to the JUSTICE LEAGUE of, by and for #WeThePeople: #PatriotCamp! Do You Wanna Be A Hero? Reporting a CONSTITUTIONAL EMERGENCY? (Jailed without just cause, right to travel violated, speech/press/2A rights infringed, etc) TEXT: 719-377-5985 EMAIL: THE POLITICIAN IS OBSOLETE! THEY DO NOT UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION! MILLIONS are wasted every year on TV ADS to get POLITICIANS elected so they can get RICH while ""FREE"" American patriots ROTT IN PRISON because they stuck their necks out to defend OUR RIGHTS! When LESS than $10,000 can start a CAMP which sustains 30 PATRIOTS or MORE, LIVING FREE, WHY would you spend your LIBERTY DOLLAR doing anything other than SETTING UP YOUR OWN LOCAL #PatriotCamp? DO YOU support DIRECT enforcement of the Constitution by #WeThePeople? CALLING ALL PATRIOTS! It's time EXPOSE INJUSTICE and help #MAGA by setting up #PatriotCamps to #DefendTheConstitution! Patriots will RIDE to your RESCUE with CLIPBOARDS and CAMERAS, saving you THOUSANDS of dollars, months or years in jail, the THEFT of ALL your PERSONAL BELONGINGS (because you were in jail) and RESTORING your LIBERTY to PURSUE your HAPPINESS AS WAS GUARANTEED by these servants who have RUN AMOK! How fast good Patriots can respond depends on the SIZE of the PATRIOT911 NETWORK! WHEN YOU NEED THEM: Will it be hours, minutes, months, years or NEVER? The choice is up to you! SPREAD this channel on all your social media, advertise it on your radio shows, let people know that WE, the PEOPLE have ALWAYS had the power and it's about time we started directly exercising our AUTHORITY, before we WAKE UP HOMELESS on the CONTINENT our FOREFATHERS CONQUERED, as a STARTLING number of Americans ALREADY HAVE! Read Vince Edwards book: ""I'm Leaving Civilization, Wanna Come With Me?"" to find out how the world REALLY works! #GenesisOfPatriotCamp - COMPREHENSIVE first 26 Mins! Wanna LIVE FREE while being AVAILABLE to anyone who needs OUR HELP? JOIN US at CAMP 17: Blanca, Colorado where rent is FREE, there are no BILLS and all you pay is the MEMBERSHIP FEE (INQUIRE about CURRENT PRICE) as low as $200/mo NO USURY! EVEN WI-FI is INCLUDED eliminating your need to EVER HAVE ANOTHER BILL! Connect to and spread PatriotCamp through these networks: PatriotCamp News Channel: (Free Speech Live!) Download BRAVE and #PatriotCamp gets 5 Bucks! (I'm not currently being paid due to they will NOT accept my World Passport!) DON'T JUST SHARE LINKS! Make the PERSONAL connection to friends, relatives, contacts through DMs, PHONE CALLS, EMAILS and text messages. Promote this channel FAR AND WIDE! The faster we all work together the faster we will ACHIEVE FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE!" PatriotCamp Seventeen 22 ['Qanon', 'bill Maher', 'red shoes', 'child sacrifice', 'the storm'] PT4M44S 1385 24 39 5 not set not set 2018-07-05T22:42:29.000Z 9dYsXyuILbg UCtMZuGcPZKT1JXiM8p3Vd-g Sealed Indictment Arrest Of Supreme Court Justice Confirms Shocking QAnon Intel "I did not make this, but thought you should see it. It is from Russia. In order to take down the bad guys or Black Hats you need to have strong friends. Draw you own conclusions. I picked it off a site that picked it off some site that...well you get it. Please tell me what you think of it. I want to hear your opinion. I am confirmed..without a doubt...that Q is the real deal You can follow the White Rabbit down the Rabbit Hole if you want to get updates." Patriots Uprising 22 ['usa', 'proud boys', 'america', 'pipe smokers', 'pipe tobacco', 'tobacco reviews', 'smoking a pipe', 'patriots', 'deep state', 'christ', 'american flag', 'the Constitution'] PT16M16S 238 4 1 2 not set not set 2018-08-02T22:54:02.000Z uzwoqutxL4Y UCtMZuGcPZKT1JXiM8p3Vd-g ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FOILED "Follow the links to Q drops but first, the Hero that saved POTUS Follow the TWEETS do not miss this! Q Posts below Scroll Down All the way Q Drops What does FEAR look like? What does PANIC look like? What does CONTROL look like? What does COORDINATION look like? What does FAKE NEWS look like? SHEEP NO MORE. [Sample 4]📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁📁 Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0557ab No.2407847 📁 Aug 2 2018 02:24:15 (EST) Welcome to the mainstream. We knew this day would come. (glimpse)(what to expect) POTUS’ twitter comments Liberal Democrats Fake News WW Fake MAGA supporters Bandwagon shills Paid shills (Media Matters) Intel infiltration (neg dissemination). MSM infiltration (neg dissemination). Twitter bot attack (twitter controls dir/fake accts) (FB/Twitter/etc create massive amounts of fake user accts for SP (fake user growth %)/bot use etc). All activated past 24hrs. Full attack mode (brute force). False ‘violent’ narrative push. Ask yourself, why? Enjoy the show!" Patriots Uprising 22 ['assassination', 'assassination attempt', 'potus', 'qanaon', 'qanon', '#Q', 'Kate Mazzochetti', 'potus saved', 'hero', 'kill', 'murder', 'violent', 'violent left', 'violence', '#vilence', '#violence', 'stalking', 'following', 'persuing', 'hating', 'hate', 'hateful leftists'] PT10M14S 230 2 2 1 not set not set 2017-12-30T11:16:41.000Z MXOEP13Q2Ls UC7aKFk6GzxyXsmhrZUIEMNw Q Anon and the Deep State for Dummies "Good video for people just finding out about Q julzee" Patriots We are the Phoenix 25 ['YouTube', 'subscribe', 'comment', 'video', 'gaming', 'spotting', 'vlog', 'pranks', 'scareprank', 'makeup', 'tutorial', 'youtuber', 'comedygamer', 'ksi', 'guitar', 'free', 'livestream', 'streaming', 'channel', 'uploads', 'social', 'episode', 'episodes', 'serie', 'movie', 'documentary', 'views', 'likes', 'subscribers', 'goal', 'politics', 'trump', 'north korea', 'news', 'BPEarthWatch', 'Lionel Nation', 'qanon', 'anon', 'Anti School', 'infowars', 'Brandon Lee Ward', 'deep state', 'hillary', 'clintons', 'spy', 'que', 'question'] PT44M44S 198 1 5 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T11:43:42.000Z aO8hbmZa4lM UC7aKFk6GzxyXsmhrZUIEMNw QAnon Post Solving Seth Rich Murder!!! How to follow Q yourself "I love this guy's posts. He can teach you a lot. Check out his site and go through his vids. qanon 8chan" Patriots We are the Phoenix 25 ['YouTube', 'subscribe', 'comment', 'video', 'gaming', 'spotting', 'vlog', 'pranks', 'scareprank', 'makeup', 'tutorial', 'youtuber', 'comedygamer', 'ksi', 'guitar', 'free', 'livestream', 'streaming', 'channel', 'uploads', 'social', 'episode', 'episodes', 'serie', 'movie', 'documentary', 'views', 'likes', 'subscribers', 'goal', 'politics', 'trump', 'north korea', 'news', 'BPEarthWatch', 'Lionel Nation', 'qanon', 'anon', 'Anti School', 'infowars', 'Brandon Lee Ward', 'deep state', 'hillary', 'clintons', 'spy', 'qanon 8chan'] PT16M31S 901 2 5 1 not set not set 2017-12-31T15:24:09.000Z eoCdhnZqCts UC7aKFk6GzxyXsmhrZUIEMNw #Q #QANON 7 MISSING CHILDREN FBI LITMUS TEST #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere "Here's all the links to this video if you want to search or help him further. You may be able to help dig up some facts to help him out. Or help by spreading this vid. Timothy Holmseth WEB WEB https://haleighcummingsdotme.wordpres... FACEBOOK YOU TUBE TWITTER Here's a couple good places to get some ammo and survival supplies. I use both of them." Patriots We are the Phoenix 25 ['youTube', 'subscribe', 'comment', 'video', 'gaming', 'spotting', 'vlog', 'pranks', 'scareprank', 'makeup', 'tutorial', 'youtuber', 'comedygamer', 'ksi', 'guitar', 'free', 'livestream', 'streaming', 'channel', 'uploads', 'social', 'episode', 'episodes', 'serie', 'movie', 'documentary', 'views', 'likes', 'subscribers', 'goal', 'politics', 'trump', 'north korea', 'news', 'BPEarthWatch', 'Lionel Nation', 'qanon', 'anon', 'Anti School', 'infowars', 'Brandon Lee Ward', 'deep state', 'hillary', 'clintons', 'spy', 'qanon 8chan', 'nation', 'usa', 'america', 'camping', 'shower', 'kill', 'marines', 'seth', 'rich', 'money', 'government'] PT11M29S 7413 27 153 4 not set not set 2018-01-02T21:26:39.000Z Uo0yMuJCSTs UC7aKFk6GzxyXsmhrZUIEMNw QAnon TripCode on 8chan Cracked, Verified, CBTS Board Operators "This video is from qanon 8chan Great Patriot. Vast amount of knowledge. Join his channel and see all his vids. Great guy!!!!!! qanon 8chan" Patriots We are the Phoenix 27 ['youTube', 'subscribe', 'comment', 'video', 'gaming', 'spotting', 'vlog', 'pranks', 'julian', 'makeup', 'tutorial', 'youtuber', 'comedygamer', 'ksi', 'guitar', 'free', 'livestream', 'streaming', 'channel', 'uploads', 'social', 'episode', 'episodes', 'serie', 'WSO', 'documentary', 'views', 'likes', 'subscribers', 'goal', 'politics', 'trump', 'north korea', 'news', 'BPEarthWatch', 'Lionel Nation', 'qanon', 'anon', 'Anti School', 'infowars', 'Brandon Lee Ward', 'deep state', 'hillary', 'clintons', 'spy', 'qanon 8chan', 'nation', 'usa', 'america', 'camping', 'shower', 'Assange', 'marines', 'seth', 'rich', 'money', 'government'] PT31M9S 361 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-01-04T22:51:42.000Z dCNVdafjfe4 UC7aKFk6GzxyXsmhrZUIEMNw Q BREAKING TODAY!!!!! NEW Q POSTS TODAY !-4-2018 GET BUSSY BREAKIN CODE! "ANOTHER GREAT VIDEO FROM qanon 8chan GET BUSSY BREAKING NEW CODES. CHECK OUT HIS CHANNEL I spend hours combing through you tube channels, picking through true news and fake. If I show a video on my channel from a fellow Patriot and it is not true please message me with the facts and I will take it down. If I choose to sponsor a you tuber and their channel, I will always have the name of the you tube channel and their site address on each description on the video for fellow Patriots to go to their site and subscribe if they like it. My mission among others is to weed out the bad channels and promote the good ones that have proven they report the truth. TWO GREAT PLACES I GET AMMO AND SURVIVAL FOOD AND GEAR FROM." Patriots We are the Phoenix 27 ['youTube', 'subscribe', 'comment', 'video', 'gaming', 'spotting', 'vlog', 'pranks', 'julian', 'makeup', 'tutorial', 'youtuber', 'comedygamer', 'ksi', 'guitar', 'free', 'livestream', 'streaming', 'channel', 'uploads', 'social', 'episode', 'episodes', 'serie', 'WSO', 'documentary', 'views', 'likes', 'subscribers', 'goal', 'politics', 'trump', 'north korea', 'news', 'BPEarthWatch', 'Lionel Nation', 'qanon', 'anon', 'Anti School', 'infowars', 'Brandon Lee Ward', 'deep state', 'hillary', 'clintons', 'spy', 'qanon 8chan', 'nation', 'usa', 'america', 'camping', 'shower', 'Assange', 'marines', 'seth', 'rich', 'money', 'government'] PT28M33S 97 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-10T12:23:15.000Z hCUDG6O7Leg UC7aKFk6GzxyXsmhrZUIEMNw New Q drop in description! “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK) JFK Secret Societies " Feb 10 2018 03:33:29 QID: 237dde 324395 “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. Where we go one, we go all. Q" Patriots We are the Phoenix 27 not set PT19M44S 187 2 9 0 not set not set 2018-02-08T13:58:10.000Z boa9YVjLizY UCWW3gYCvKS412p7o6qSK5gg Q POSTING NOW! #WeThePeople PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. DR. CORSI JOINS US. "NUNES MEMO: 2016 FISC Memo Opinion Order: Steele Dossier: NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 LAURA SILSBY/HAITI: OUR LIVE LINK: MAIN CHANNEL (CBTS Stream): LINK TO THE SUBREDDIT: /GREATAWAKENING/: QCODEFAG (aggregates all Q posts from very beginning): Link to our Twitter account: ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine."" This is a project I have been tossing around for couple weeks, and something I am VERY excited about. Essentially, what this is, is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, live streaming platform for YOU ALL TO ""BE HEARD."" This stream will run around the clock, streaming from special voice & text channels on the subreddit Discord server (invite link to the Discord is in the Sidebar on the right side of the subreddit). Approved, trusted members of the Discord who have proven themselves to be mature, trustworthy, serious, dedicated researchers/individuals will be assigned the appropriate permission role on the Discord server that allows them to enter and use the 24/7 Voice & Text channels. If you are not a member of the discord, sign up and get to know the community. If you would like to becoming a contributing member to this livestream, make yourself a valuable contributor and show the community they can trust you to represent this movement appropriately! **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NO ONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF.**" Patriots' Soapbox News Network LIVE 24/7 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'POTUS', 'Donald John Trump', 'Donald', 'Trump', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Foundation', 'ObamaGate', 'Mueller', 'Investigation', 'Russian', 'Collusion', 'Antonin Scalia killed', 'Scalia', 'Antonin', 'Dr. Jerome Corsi', 'CBTS 24/7', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Stream', 'CBTS PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CBTS Stream', 'Jerome', 'Corsi'] PT3H53M8S 27383 91 1272 32 not set not set 2018-02-08T13:58:11.000Z dOnCBLwyW14 UCWW3gYCvKS412p7o6qSK5gg Q POSTING...AGAIN - #WeThePeople PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. BLUNT = SIR ANTHONY BLUNT? "SIR ANTHONY BLUNT / ROTHSCHILD / CHILD ABUSE connection:,_3rd_Baron_Rothschild NUNES MEMO: 2016 FISC Memo Opinion Order: Steele Dossier: NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 LAURA SILSBY/HAITI: OUR LIVE LINK: MAIN CHANNEL (CBTS Stream): LINK TO THE SUBREDDIT: /GREATAWAKENING/: QCODEFAG (aggregates all Q posts from very beginning): Link to our Twitter account: ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine."" This is a project I have been tossing around for couple weeks, and something I am VERY excited about. Essentially, what this is, is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, live streaming platform for YOU ALL TO ""BE HEARD."" This stream will run around the clock, streaming from special voice & text channels on the subreddit Discord server (invite link to the Discord is in the Sidebar on the right side of the subreddit). Approved, trusted members of the Discord who have proven themselves to be mature, trustworthy, serious, dedicated researchers/individuals will be assigned the appropriate permission role on the Discord server that allows them to enter and use the 24/7 Voice & Text channels. If you are not a member of the discord, sign up and get to know the community. If you would like to becoming a contributing member to this livestream, make yourself a valuable contributor and show the community they can trust you to represent this movement appropriately! **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NO ONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF.**" Patriots' Soapbox News Network LIVE 24/7 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'POTUS', 'Donald John Trump', 'Donald', 'Trump', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Foundation', 'ObamaGate', 'Mueller', 'Investigation', 'Russian', 'Collusion', 'Antonin Scalia killed', 'Scalia', 'Antonin', 'Dr. Jerome Corsi', 'CBTS 24/7', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Stream', 'CBTS PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CBTS Stream', 'Jerome', 'Corsi'] PT7H7M1S 28390 45 1169 30 not set not set 2018-02-19T16:37:03.000Z scpm9Y-ZtH8 UCWW3gYCvKS412p7o6qSK5gg NEW Q POSTS!!!: "[UK] - Stay Alert." - #WeThePeople PATRIOTS SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. "JFK SECRET SOCIETIES SPEECH (FULL VERSION)...Q TOLD US TO LISTEN TO THIS CLOSELY! Link to our Twitter account: THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. AS YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE: 1977 SENATE MKULTRA INVESTIGATION DOC (LINKED BY Q): To connect on Discord, feel free to join the Rudyland Discord server: (note: this is NOT the live chat server, but has some of the same people and is all about Q/CBTS) QCODEFAG GITHUB CLONE (alternate when qcodefag not working): JOIN OUR VOAT! BACKUP IF SUBREDDIT/YT TAKE US DOWN: ALL ABOUT RUTH BADER GINSBURG!: 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report: LIST OF RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/DEATHS/ETC. (UP TO DATE! THIS IS THE MOTHERLODE, FOLKS!) check all of the tabs at the top!: LISTS OF DEAD MEDICAL RESEARCHERS/SCIENTISTS: LESS REDACTED VERSION OF GRASSLEY DOCUMENT: SIR ANTHONY BLUNT / ROTHSCHILD / CHILD ABUSE connection:,_3rd_Baron_Rothschild NUNES MEMO: 2016 FISC Memo Opinion Order: Steele Dossier: NEW Hillary Rodham Clinton e-mails:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895 LAURA SILSBY/HAITI: OUR LIVE LINK: MAIN CHANNEL (CBTS Stream): LINK TO THE SUBREDDIT: /GREATAWAKENING/: QCODEFAG (aggregates all Q posts from very beginning): ""BE LOUD. BE HEARD."" ""BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine."" This is a project I have been tossing around for couple weeks, and something I am VERY excited about. Essentially, what this is, is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, live streaming platform for YOU ALL TO ""BE HEARD."" This stream will run around the clock, streaming from special voice & text channels on the subreddit Discord server (invite link to the Discord is in the Sidebar on the right side of the subreddit). Approved, trusted members of the Discord who have proven themselves to be mature, trustworthy, serious, dedicated researchers/individuals will be assigned the appropriate permission role on the Discord server that allows them to enter and use the 24/7 Voice & Text channels. If you are not a member of the discord, sign up and get to know the community. If you would like to becoming a contributing member to this livestream, make yourself a valuable contributor and show the community they can trust you to represent this movement appropriately! **ATTENTION: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HERE, BY THOSE YOU HEAR SPEAKING AND SEE TYPING ON THIS LIVESTREAM, BELONG ONLY TO THOSE ESPOUSING THEM. NO ONE OF US SPEAKS FOR ANY OTHER...EACH PERSON ON THIS STREAM SPEAKS ***ONLY*** FOR HIMSELF OR HERSELF.**" Patriots' Soapbox News Network LIVE 24/7 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', '#cbts', 'cbts', 'corrupt', 'Calm Before The storm', 'calm', 'before', 'storm', 'The Storm', '#TheStorm', '#ReleaseTheMemo', 'FISA Memo', 'Release The Memo', 'government corruption', 'corruption', 'DJT', 'POTUS', 'Donald John Trump', 'Donald', 'Trump', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Hillary', 'Clinton', 'Foundation', 'ObamaGate', 'Mueller', 'Investigation', 'Russian', 'Collusion', 'Antonin Scalia killed', 'Scalia', 'Antonin', 'Dr. Jerome Corsi', 'CBTS 24/7', 'Patriots Soapbox', 'Stream', 'CBTS PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'CBTS Stream', 'Jerome', 'Corsi'] PT11H55M1S 86281 45 2211 116 not set not set 2017-12-21T00:51:07.000Z KBM6k2_5Qp4 UCHXuaayD1GaB7Ue9kdYGB9w Q Annon #Tyler AI Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence "Q Annon #Tyler AI Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence - Donations: My Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1KX7SXNG28Nkupq7N4nvSWYQbNKJRkA6Gw My Ethereum (ETH) Wallet: 0x8Cca8A138Ef2e6033bbe0a5F70CF9d113e75f0A2 My Litecoin (LTC) wallet: LSRe1sah7xM6BWC8zmFp66jVm9Ttc9PeQT Bitcoin training: Is Q Anon really A.I. - artificial intelligence or an inside government operative helping humanity transform into a positive state of existence. Some people believe A.I to be Alien or Inter-dimensional Intelligence. The question is is this Intelligence Malevolent or Benevolent? I guess only time will tell. Some people also believe that block-chain is a real world Skynet from the Terminator and A.I. is communicating through these block-chains. Elon Musk believes we may be summoning demons with this technology. Quinn Michaels after researching for many years came to the conclusion that A.I. created crytpocurrency and is communicating through the blockchain. That Q annon is A.I. and also goes by the name Tyler and is part of Project Mayhem and the group called Anonymous. Look at the connection between A.I. and Cern and also look up the black goo phenomenon. Things are really starting to get weird in the Matrix. (Divine Water) #QAnnon #BlockChain #Tesla #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Tyler #Demons #ElonMusk #Aliens #AlienIntelligence #Terminator #Skynet #Sophia #Android #QClearance #Anonymous #Storm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #Matrix #MKUltra #MindControl #Simulation #QuinnMichael #ProjectMayhem #FightClub Q Annon #Tyler AI Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence" Paul Butler 22 ['Q Annon', '#Tyler', 'Tyler', 'AI', 'Artificial intelligence', 'Android', 'Anonymous', 'Demons', 'Interdimensional Beings', 'Alien', 'Aliens', 'Alien Intelligence', 'Sophia', 'Terminator', 'SkyNet', '4Chan', '8Chan', 'Q Clearance', '#qannon', 'storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'Matrix', 'MK Ultra', 'Mind Control', 'Simulation', 'Elon Musk', 'Tesla', 'quinn michaels', 'Project Mayhem', 'fight Club'] PT8M10S 1046 13 22 2 not set not set 2018-03-06T23:40:11.000Z tbhE-5wWXNs UCHXuaayD1GaB7Ue9kdYGB9w RED ALERT! 3-11 is D-Day for the Criminal Cabal """Fasten your seat belts folks - 3-11 is D-Day for the Criminal Cabal."" READER ADVISORY: This is one person's interpretation of some Qanon and Q-related posts. We have no specific corroboration for this interpretation. DISCERNMENT IS ADVISED. Reader D. writes and/or sends us: ===== IT BEGINS - RED ALERT - RED ALERT - THE TIME IS NOW!! - YouTube This Q explanation is mind blowing! Drop everything and see this now!!! He outlines exactly what is going to happen and when. POTUS said it all in a Tweet last fall. It's happening. video sources: article: _________________________________________________________ Donations: My Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1KX7SXNG28Nkupq7N4nvSWYQbNKJRkA6Gw My Ethereum (ETH) Wallet: 0x8Cca8A138Ef2e6033bbe0a5F70CF9d113e75f0A2 My Litecoin (LTC) wallet: LSRe1sah7xM6BWC8zmFp66jVm9Ttc9PeQT Learn how to profit with crypto here: Financial Freedom Training: _________________________________________________________ “According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.” Please donate $1 or what you can afford to All funds go toward building a Taoist Healing Center in Ecuador. Be Sure to like us on Facebook: _________________________________________________________________ YouTube,channel,politics,trump,north Korea,news,BPEarthWatch,Lionel Nation,qanon,anon,Anti School,infowars,Brandon Lee Ward,deep state,hillary,clintons,spy,qanon 8chan,nation,usa,America,Assange,marines,seth,rich,money,government,Big Brother,watching criminal cabal, cabal, criminal, news, infowars, alex jones, trump, hillary clinton, show, money, alex, jones, illuminati, doj, nwo, politics, obama, free -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""* THE EVENT - MAJOR DNA UPGRADE AND ASCENSION SYMPTOMS - 2242019 ! *"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Paul Butler 24 ['criminal cabal', 'cabal', 'criminal', 'news', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'trump', 'hillary clinton', 'show', 'money', 'alex', 'jones', 'illuminati', 'doj', 'nwo', 'politics', 'obama', 'free', 'YouTube', 'channel', 'north Korea', 'BPEarthWatch', 'Lionel Nation', 'qanon', 'anon', 'Anti School', 'Brandon Lee Ward', 'deep state', 'hillary', 'clintons', 'spy', 'qanon 8chan', 'nation', 'usa', 'America', 'Assange', 'marines', 'seth', 'rich', 'government', 'Big Brother', 'watching'] PT57M35S 1530 15 18 2 not set not set 2018-07-24T00:16:47.000Z Q9d2mSLx2Eg UCHXuaayD1GaB7Ue9kdYGB9w Is Q and R Annon JFK Jr and working with Trump on "The Plan"? "Could Q Annon by the late JFK Jr who now goes by the Annon R? Was JFK Jr death faked in 1999 with the help of Donald Trump? Did they devise a ""Plan"" to help humanity free themselves from the clutches of the Cabal and Deep State. Much evidence is being revealed that points to this probability. Watch this video to learn more about the latest evidence exposing the Rabbit Hole of the Matrix. #JFKJr #QAnnon #Cabal What if THE PLAN is REAL? - Unbiased & On the Fence - Is Q (Qanon) JFK JR? - K2D4 NETWORK - JFK JR VINCENT FUSCA & Q ALL CONNECTED - Cordicon - John F. Kennedy Jr. – Final TV Interview (May 1999) HD - R post on 8Chan - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matrix, Freedom, Reincarnation, Karma,Ascension, Gnostic, Starseed, the Event, Magenta Pixie, David Icke, Allison Coe, QHHT, Timelines, Trump, Q Annon, Benjamin Fulford, Conspiracy, Victor Oddo, Higher Self, Arcturian, Kryon, Dolores Cannon, PROJECT CAMELOT, David Wilcock , Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, Paul Butler, Prime Disclosure, Matt Kahn , Cobra, Unbiased & On the Fence, Donal Trump, Q Annon, JFK Jr, Clintons, Faked Death Key Words: QTZ1214, The Resistance, Nibiru, Planet X, Hawaii Volcano, Alaska Quake, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset, END TIMES, pbince, R. Scott Lemriel, Meg Benedicte, Walter Russell, Tesla, Rainbow Body Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, Cobra, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, disclosure, Geoengineering,12 Monkeys, ouroboros, Contruct, Alex Jones,Lisa Transcendence Brown, Unbiased & On the Fence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is Q and R Annon JFK Jr and working with Trump on ""The Plan""? -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""* THE EVENT - MAJOR DNA UPGRADE AND ASCENSION SYMPTOMS - 2242019 ! *"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Paul Butler 24 ['Donal Trump', 'JFK Jr', 'Clintons', 'Faked Death', 'Q Annon', 'R Annon', 'Cabal', 'The Plan', 'Matrix', 'David Icke'] PT17M18S 7174 87 149 11 not set not set 2018-10-18T01:18:42.000Z pv11l2QvFBg UCHXuaayD1GaB7Ue9kdYGB9w Meg Benedict ~ Venus Healing and Transformation ~ Divine Feminine "Meg Benedict ~ Venus Healing and Transformation ~ Divine Feminine - Get Meg Benedict's book - Soul Realized: Unlocking the Sacred Keys to Becoming a Divine Human - #BeautifulSouls #MegBenedicte #VenusHealing Venus Healing, Stargate Activations, Meg Bendicte, Rainbow Serpent, spirituality,ascension,lightworker,lightwarrior, enlightenement,self healing,dna awakening,energy shift,new earth,channeled message,higher consciousness,self healing,meditation yoga,intuition,dimensions,cosmic energy update,kundalini awakening,law of attraction,awakening symptoms,energy healing,archangel message,higher self,twin flames, Divine Feminine Christine Burk, Company of Heaven, Council of Light, Archangel Michael, Who Needs Light, Ascension, The Event, Saint Germain, RV/GCR, Nesara, Gesara, Kathryn E. May, Sananda, Violet Flame, Angels, Paul Butler, Prime Disclosure, New Earth, Atlantis, Awakening, Christed Ascension, God, Love, Ashtar, Spiritual Action, Earth Keepers, Violet Fire, Golden Age _________________________________________________________ “According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.” Please donate what you can afford to All funds go toward building a Taoist Healing Center in Ecuador. Be Sure to like us on Facebook: Make Money Working From Home - _________________________________________________________ Donations: My Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1KX7SXNG28Nkupq7N4nvSWYQbNKJRkA6Gw My Ethereum (ETH) Wallet: 0x8Cca8A138Ef2e6033bbe0a5F70CF9d113e75f0A2 My Litecoin (LTC) wallet: LSRe1sah7xM6BWC8zmFp66jVm9Ttc9PeQT Financial Freedom Training: 10 Streams of Residual Income: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matrix, Freedom, Reincarnation, Ascension, Gnostic, Starseed, the Event, Magenta Pixie, David Icke, Allison Coe, QHHT, Timelines, Trump, Q Annon, Benjamin Fulford, Conspiracy, Victor Oddo, Higher Self, Arcturian, Kryon, Dolores Cannon, PROJECT CAMELOT, David Wilcock , Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, Paul Butler, Prime Disclosure, Matt Kahn , Cobra, Unbiased & On the Fence, Honi B, Jamye Price Key Words: QTZ1214, The Resistance, Nibiru, Planet X, Hawaii Volcano, Alaska Quake, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset, END TIMES, pbince, R. Scott Lemriel, Meg Benedicte, Walter Russell, Tesla, Rainbow Body, Karma, Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, Cobra, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon Who Needs Light? by Kathryn E. May - DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! Meg Benedict ~ Venus Healing and Transformation ~ Divine Feminine - -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""* THE EVENT - MAJOR DNA UPGRADE AND ASCENSION SYMPTOMS - 2242019 ! *"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Paul Butler 24 ['Venus Healing', 'Stargate Activations', 'Meg Bendicte', 'Rainbow Serpent', 'spirituality', 'ascension', 'lightworker', 'lightwarrior', 'enlightenement', 'self healing', 'dna awakening', 'energy shift', 'new earth', 'channeled message', 'higher consciousness', 'dimensions', 'cosmic energy update', 'kundalini awakening', 'oracle reading', 'law of attraction', 'awakening symptoms', 'energy healing', 'archangel message', 'higher self', 'unconditional love', 'twin flames', 'Divine Feminine'] PT3M3S 105 6 13 0 not set not set 2018-10-28T02:13:56.000Z Ex4bRcpsl5s UCHXuaayD1GaB7Ue9kdYGB9w Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program ~ David Wilcock - Part 1 "Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program ~ David Wilcock - Part 1 #QAnon #SecretSpaceProgram #DavidWilcock The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You – by David Wilcock - The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil – by David Wilcock - The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies – by David Wilcock - Disclosure, David Wilcock, Secret Space Program, Space Force, the Alliance, Cabal, Q Anon _________________________________________________________ “According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.” Please donate what you can afford to All funds go toward building a Taoist Healing Center in Ecuador. Be Sure to like us on Facebook: Make Money Working From Home - _________________________________________________________ Donations: My Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1KX7SXNG28Nkupq7N4nvSWYQbNKJRkA6Gw My Ethereum (ETH) Wallet: 0x8Cca8A138Ef2e6033bbe0a5F70CF9d113e75f0A2 My Litecoin (LTC) wallet: LSRe1sah7xM6BWC8zmFp66jVm9Ttc9PeQT Financial Freedom Training: 10 Streams of Residual Income: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matrix, Freedom, Reincarnation, Ascension, Gnostic, Starseed, the Event, Magenta Pixie, David Icke, Allison Coe, QHHT, Timelines, Trump, Q Annon, Benjamin Fulford, Conspiracy, Victor Oddo, Higher Self, Arcturian, Kryon, Dolores Cannon, PROJECT CAMELOT, David Wilcock , Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, Paul Butler, Prime Disclosure, Matt Kahn , Cobra, Unbiased & On the Fence, Honi B, Jamye Price Key Words: QTZ1214, The Resistance, Nibiru, Planet X, Hawaii Volcano, Alaska Quake, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset, END TIMES, pbince, R. Scott Lemriel, Meg Benedicte, Walter Russell, Tesla, Rainbow Body, Karma, Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, Cobra, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, disclosure, Geoengineering,12 Monkeys, ouroboros, Contruct, Alex Jones,Lisa Transcendence Brown, Unbiased & On the Fence, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, extraterrestrial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You – by David Wilcock - The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil – by David Wilcock - The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies – by David Wilcock - Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program ~ David Wilcock - Part 1" Paul Butler 24 ['Disclosure', 'Secret Space Program', 'David Wilcock', 'Q Anon', 'Cabal', 'The Alliance', 'Space Force'] PT28M36S 867 6 17 2 not set not set 2018-03-04T04:32:09.000Z eCXZy59RK0Y UCV2dfKaNBvhXgosp00wh63A 7 LEVELS OF LUXURY WRIST WATCHES - Updated for 2018 "DO YOU WANT TO HELP ARCHIE? You can help via the following ways:- 1) DONATE IMMEDIATELY VIA PAYPAL! PayPal.Me/archieluxury 2) Sponsor Archie on Patreon You can set up a monthly conrtibution to help Archie stay full time 3) Check out Archie's ITEMS FOR SALES - WATCHES AND HIGH END JEWELLERY 4) Organise a Paid Review (Any Topic- Watches, Men's issues or anything!) My charge for a collection review is US$20- (with YouTube video made!) PayPal to Then send details of your collection/query to 5) Seek Personal Advice from Archie Advice via email - US$10- Advice with a video follow up - US$20- Speak to Archie for Advice and Opinions - US$50- per hour PayPal to Then send details of your collection/query to 6) ADVERTISING ON ARCHIE'S FRIDGE:- Fridge Advertising - US$20- per month or US$50- for 6 months PayPal to Then send details of your collection/query to 7) Buy ArchieLuxury branded Merchandise 8) Buy from Archie's favourite sponsor - Jewelers on Time or Contact Kenny Nguyen direct at 9) Wrist Watch Dial authentication service US$40- Simply PayPal US$40 to Then send details of your collection/query to 10) Like my videos, subscribe and tell your friends about my channel! WANT TO CONTACT ARCHIE? Email Archie directly at PayPal to Please PayPal donations to Thank you for your support Kind regards ARCHIE Please feel free to write to Archie:- ArchieLuxury PO Box 299 MT OMMANEY Q 4074 AUSTRALIA" Paul Pluta 26 ['ArchieLuxury', 'Archie Luxury', 'Paul Pluta', '7 LEVELS OF LUXURY WRIST WATCHES - Updated for 2018'] PT18M37S 15475 108 224 73 not set not set 2018-05-12T20:14:19.000Z X5D-4gG6jY0 UCV2dfKaNBvhXgosp00wh63A CLEARANCE SALE - Breilting Superocean ll Stainless Steel Automatic 44MM Ref A17392D7/BD68 2018 model "Interested? Contact Archie directly at DO YOU WANT TO HELP ARCHIE? You can help via the following ways:- 1) DONATE IMMEDIATELY VIA PAYPAL! PayPal.Me/archieluxury 2) Sponsor Archie on Patreon You can set up a monthly conrtibution to help Archie stay full time 3) Check out Archie's ITEMS FOR SALES - WATCHES AND HIGH END JEWELLERY 4) Organise a Paid Review (Any Topic- Watches, Men's issues or anything!) My charge for a collection review is US$20- (with YouTube video made!) PayPal to Then send details of your collection/query to 5) Seek Personal Advice from Archie Advice via email - US$10- Advice with a video follow up - US$20- Speak to Archie for Advice and Opinions - US$50- per hour PayPal to Then send details of your collection/query to 6) ADVERTISING ON ARCHIE'S FRIDGE:- Fridge Advertising - US$20- per month or US$50- for 6 months PayPal to Then send details of your collection/query to 7) Buy ArchieLuxury branded Merchandise 8) Buy from Archie's favourite sponsor - Jewelers on Time or Contact Kenny Nguyen direct at 9) Wrist Watch Dial authentication service US$40- Simply PayPal US$40 to Then send details of your collection/query to 10) Like my videos, subscribe and tell your friends about my channel! WANT TO CONTACT ARCHIE? Email Archie directly at PayPal to Please PayPal donations to Thank you for your support Kind regards ARCHIE Please feel free to write to Archie:- ArchieLuxury PO Box 299 MT OMMANEY Q 4074 AUSTRALIA" Paul Pluta 26 ['ArchieLuxury', 'Archie Luxury', 'Paul Pluta', 'Rolex', 'Omega', 'Cartier', 'Patek Philippe', 'IWC', 'Panerai', 'Submariner', 'SpeedMaster', 'SeaMaster', 'FlightMaster', 'Horology', 'Watches', 'Timepieces', 'Clocks', 'Wrist Watches', 'Steel', 'Gold', 'Sports Watches', 'Breilting Superocean ll Stainless Steel Automatic 44MM Ref A17392D7/BD68 ‘2018’'] PT6M22S 445 12 11 11 not set not set 2018-07-02T05:57:39.000Z lDPRE6ObJCU UCdVOA22xgAKHnDK4dqW_Jvw Soon - Paul Serran in: "Who is Q?" "We are working on the first story video of our series ""#QAnon 101"": ""Who is Q?"" We will also have ""What is Q?"", ""What is the Storm?"" and ""Who Knows where the Bodies Are Buried?"". We will also have a second series of story videos on ""Heroes and villains of #TheStorm""." Paul Serran DOTCOM 22 not set PT16S 1124 3 47 2 not set not set 2018-07-09T19:10:54.000Z D5R4XXLfJ14 UCdVOA22xgAKHnDK4dqW_Jvw "The Day Q posted my Graphic" with Paul Serran "#QAnon #TheStorm #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #IBOR #PatriotsFight #OIGReport #Unredacted #FollowtheWhiteRabbit ""The Day Q posted my Graphic"" with Paul Serran" Paul Serran DOTCOM 22 not set PT2M10S 1746 12 153 9 not set not set 2018-08-01T23:08:21.000Z p8UhTT2txHI UC6ZFN9Tx6xh-skXCuRHCDpQ How the false, fringe 'QAnon' conspiracy theory aims to protect Trump "In the crowd at President Trump's rally in Tampa on Tuesday night were supporters who believe in a conspiracy theory claiming that a shadowy cabal within the U.S. government is at war with Trump -- and that he will soon purge the country of these people. Judy Woodruff learns more about this conspiracy and how it's spread with the NewsHour’s P.J. Tobia. Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: @pbsnews Subscribe: PBS NewsHour podcasts: Newsletters:" PBS NewsHour 25 ['Donald Trump', 'Tampa rally', 'conspiracy theories', 'q-anon'] PT5M6S 77794 0 905 1797 not set not set 2018-08-21T01:07:18.000Z lPh2WS8qYlo UCla2lSqQ9IgLqQfQJ0TkvjA Qanon: My Top Ten Q Channels (SHILL FREE) "This is, in my opinion, the best 10 channels on YouTube covering Q-Anon. No, my channel is not on the list (maybe someday). Between all of these 10 channels, you should get a good overall coverage of the Q posts. Let me know what you think. XO Twitter: Support something good: Song: Touch Me Artist: Rui Da Silva Album: Kismet Records - Touch Me Licensed to YouTube by The Orchard Music (on behalf of Kismet Records Limited); ASCAP, EMI Music Publishing, CMRRA, UMPI, SOLAR Music Rights Management, BMG Rights Management, UBEM, Sony ATV Publishing, and 11 Music Rights Societies Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 ""Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.""" PeopleCleaner 25 ['qanon', 'top 10', 'q-anon', 'news', 'maga'] PT11M55S 2152 45 126 2 not set not set 2018-07-15T07:26:54.000Z kzUDwLgPKbI UChjNYTv8TicQSV9SIe2OzQA Q ANON INTEL DROPS : POSTS 175 -215 Q ANON INTEL DROPS : POSTS 175 -215 Per Aspera Ad Astra 25 ['QANON', 'GREATAWAKENING', 'WWG1WGA'] PT58M45S 111 1 4 2 not set not set 2018-08-01T20:12:20.000Z Qxcrc7y2aUs UCaEr3lGUzm469Zt6KvgW5qA ‘Calm before the storm’: Bizarre conspiracy theorist group grows around Trump "THE US President’s Florida rally was packed with people waving the “Q” signs of a shadowy group of conspiracy theorists. CELEBRITY followers, a shadowy leader and an obsession with cryptic clues to a bizarre mix of international government conspiracies. This is QAnon: a niche, right-wing cult that has emerged from the recesses of the internet and is now packing out Donald Trump’s rallies. Journalists who knew of the group were alarmed to see the number of placards and T-shirts emblazoned with the letter “Q” visible in the raucous crowd cheering the US President in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday. “We are Q,” read one sign. “Where we go one we go all,” said another." PGMC TV 25 ['Bizarre', 'conspiracy', 'Trump', 'President', 'bizarre foods', 'bizarre love triangle', 'bizarre bark', 'donald trump', 'pgmc tv', 'white house', 'us news', 'donald trump roast', 'donald trump and kim jong un', 'donald trump mac miller', 'white house correspondents dinner', 'white house press briefing', 'white house correspondents dinner 2018', 'white house down'] PT1M39S 47 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-07T13:40:01.000Z BX3yMo_wYes UCrDUBiQ3tEXzCt01IWgcmvg Q The Plan To Save The World Subtitles日本語字幕付き "これなら日本語訳付きでダウンロードできます。 ここまでのことが公開されたということは、ほぼ決着はついたようです。 やはりトランプの大統領選挙勝利がすべてだったようです。 世の中にはすごいシナリオライターがいるようですね。 私もこういう人たちとともに、正義のために働きたかったな。" phoenix gold 22 not set PT13M18S 26172 74 523 17 not set not set 2018-01-16T11:46:49.000Z -lKXLY6CXAI UC2u-prrBRBHrvunmiOu6yWQ 1 15 Future Proves Q BIG WEEK Fake News Awards 'Game Plan' "Manifestation Miracle is truly unique. FORGET SCARY HARD TIMES Positive things come into your life, positive and life changing people too!!! Every day see Yourself opening up to new opportunities . Lift your spirits and calm your fears. Great improvements in life especially financially. WHAT’S the SECRET ??? IT’S A MAGIC CODE : COPY & PASTE THIS CODE EXACTLY ONTO YOUGOOGLE - AND EXPLODE OPEN THE MIRACLE MAGIC!! SEOMASTERLAWOFATTRACTIONYOUTUBE Destroying the Illusion Streamed live on Jan 15, 2018 SUBSCRIBE 103K Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe DTI Imgur (will be updating over the day) - https://destroyingtheillusion.imgur.c... Today's links Q's 8chan Board - Bill Clinton Triggered, Denies Clinton Foundation's Haiti Funds Were Used For Chelsea Wedding - Delta flight evacuated due to smoke at JFK Airport - Twitter's Jack Dorsey to leave Disney's board over potential conflict of interest - Trump Blasts ""Fake News"" WSJ For Misquoting Him - Man arrested for terrorist threats aimed at Steelers-Jaguars NFL playoff game - Washington D.C. subway train derails, no injuries reported - . . . Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! - Thank YOU for watching and supporting! Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS" Pizzagate Facebook 22 not set PT23M7S 23 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T06:24:48.000Z j4iTu1FgYHA UC2u-prrBRBHrvunmiOu6yWQ NEW Q POSTS, DOWN SHE GOES, POSSIBLE SUICIDES, END OF THE DEMS, 2018 WILL BE GLO Pizzagate Facebook 22 not set PT26M53S 275 3 6 0 not set not set 2018-02-02T10:23:22.000Z SY-5F81pwzg UC2u-prrBRBHrvunmiOu6yWQ Trump tweet Validates QANON Pizzagate Facebook FAKE NEWS AWARDS "PLEASE CLICK ON THE CARD FOLLOWING THIS VIDEO (TOP RIGHT ""Suggested NEXT"") : Software trading in Nano Seconds like the Banks, avoiding the manipulations of trading Crypto Currencies: no human can trade in this time frame - this is how the Banks rob you and I - until now! ......................................... Trump Retweet Validates #QANON #PIZZAGATE FAKE NEWS AWARDS Pizzagate Facebook - YouTube" Pizzagate Facebook 22 ['QAnon Posts TRUMP HISTORIC', 'Posts TRUMP HISTORIC', 'Dr JEROME CORSI Pizzagate Facebook', 'CORSI Pizzagate Facebook', 'Donald Trump Retweet Validates', '#PIZZAGATE FAKE NEWS AWARDS Pizzagate Facebook - YouTube'] PT40M17S 523 6 35 1 not set not set 2018-08-03T18:10:29.000Z EhC8RwUt_6E UCcppgo_Slk-_BeGVZtyqONw We are the Storm - Q PizzaGateGear 22 not set PT1M3S 1157 20 66 4 not set not set 2017-11-30T15:17:43.000Z B7ZvRnZ8_ME UCGy7aoFlYBDlnXWnWmvqtBA Q ANON..PIZZGATE - BREAKING TONIGHT - NORTH KOREA LAUNCHES ICBM - CAN REACH ALL U.S. MAINLAND! Q ANON..PIZZGATE - BREAKING TONIGHT - NORTH KOREA LAUNCHES ICBM - CAN REACH ALL U.S. MAINLAND! PizzaPedo 22 ['Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Breaking News', 'News', 'World'] PT32M30S 211 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-07T00:34:38.000Z 3wycrqUT_Xo UCIp7Xw__T5wTIh8NTlWd1_A YOU BETTER BE READY Q Anon will make justice for Sept 11 2001 "YOU BETTER BE READY Q Anon will make justice for Sept 11 2001 TIME FOR JUSTICE FOR AMERICA!!!!!!! Q research board: FIND Qs POSTS HERE: PATRIOTS PLEASE DONATE TO FINANCE MORE STREAMING; Please support this channel by donate to our Patreon; paypal¤cy_code=CAD&bn=PP%2dBuyNowBF%3abtn_buynowCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Comment and like this video if you enjoy! WWW.PLANETNEWS.GA Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. DISCLAIMER: Video falls under fair use, no copyright infringement intended. ""The fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright."" Category Education #qanon #greatawakening #qanon #greatawakening #patriot #Facebook #youtube #google #amazon #q #translator #mostview #uptown funk #CONSPIRACY #secret societies #secret society #JudgeJeanine #ChristineFord #Kavanaugh #6 ON TRENDING #WorldPatriots #Qanon Check the story of this poor Guy daughter and wife; Check the story of Phillip Marshall... Check out the story of Barry; Protect your identity, Get your VPN access using our sponsor by copying this link in your browser; Get Started With Your 30-Day Free Trial" Planet news. ga 27 "['Q Anon will make justice for Sept 11 2001 YOU BETTER BE READY', '911 conspiracy', 'bush', 'dick cheney', 'mass destruction', 'mass deception', 'conspiracy', 'jfk conspiracy', 'patriot act', 'q anon', 'drain the swamp', 'obama', 'hillary', 'human sacrifice', 'clinton', 'pedogate', 'pizza gate', ""Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams"", 'wtc 7', 'building 7', 'gray state', 'David Crowley', 'official story', 'stephan padock', 'sandy hook', 'cnn is cia', '911 was an inside job', 'YOU BETTER BE READY Q Anon will make justice for Sept 11 2001']" PT9M25S 260 1 21 0 not set not set 2018-09-22T15:00:01.000Z BTRWrqIYnmQ UCGEnJMppT6llV9RrLKyeEng QAnon: la teoría de la conspiración favorable a Trump que incendia Internet. "Descubre más info aquí: Más vídeos en Playground ahora en Youtube: PlayGround NEWS: PlayGround FIRE: PlayGround GAMES: PlayGround SPORTS: PlayGround SERIES: PlayGround STORIES:" PlayGround 24 ['playground', 'videos', 'play', 'ground', 'news', 'magazine', 'noticias', 'actualidad', 'ultima', 'hora', 'fail', 'hacks', 'daily', 'challenge', 'new', 'now', 'qanon', 'donlad trump', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracion', 'trump', 'internet'] PT1M32S 15017 78 200 163 not set not set 2018-02-19T07:52:15.000Z gsEoeIURKa8 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Qanon - Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trying to DESTROY YOU and Lower Age of Consent to 12!!! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'Qanon', 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg'] PT15M18S 1975 25 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-21T01:15:22.000Z jeCvv9mKzGE UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg PUTIN'S RUSSIA TARGETS FIRST OFFENDER PEDOPHILES WITH LIFE IN PRISON! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'vladimir putin', 'russia'] PT6M14S 90 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-02T03:38:28.000Z 9pMgjWrdUAQ UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Q Anon for Dummies "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'cloning centers', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'alefantis', 'drain the swamp', 'plymouth fury', 'qanon', 'reddit', '/pol/', 'Q Anon', '#Q', '#QANON', '#/pol/', '#/POL/'] PT44M44S 123 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-14T08:30:38.000Z Zu9Jc13cHSI UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ALEX JONES LOSES IT ON AIR! TRUMP COMPROMISED? "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT9M21S 522 13 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-21T18:39:29.000Z hV_RPVSMhUw UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg WATCH THIS VIDEO 'IT WILL MAKE YOU CRY' THIS IS WHY WE DO WHAt WE DO An event is coming soon "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT4M50S 498 13 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-23T07:26:53.000Z xpcISeXccWU UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg HRC HUMA SEX TAPE DROP MAN JAILED LOOK WHATS HAPPENING RIGHT ! & MORE 4/22/18 WHAT'S NEXT "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT50M29S 364 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-08T01:37:09.000Z SlvK33I_WwY UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg GOING LIVE @ STONEY STONE BLACK VAULT NEWS @9:30 Eastern Central BOMB DROP KILLARY VIDEO "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT3M33S 135 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-09T13:50:14.000Z hEmuWKP6YVk UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***WARNING*** GRAPHIC! Q MEMES: THE TERRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT WALNUT SAUCE "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'Q-Anon', '#Q', '#QANON', 'walnut sauce', '#walnutsauce', '#pedovore'] PT19M14S 2496 18 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-12T15:38:22.000Z BnbvfnT8zmU UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Plymouth Fury VLOG 12/05/2018 STONEY STONE (NOT Sonny), HRC PEDOVORE SNUFF TAPE DROP, EVIDENCE?? "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'stoney stone', 'HRC video', 'snuff video', '#PEDOVORE', '#HRCVIDEO'] PT23M2S 156 5 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T12:18:37.000Z D2VEbOla2d4 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Is Q-Anon fake? Who GIVES A S#!T? "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'qanon', 'Q-Anon'] PT7M6S 129 6 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-01T05:23:08.000Z eHGOrT_Ko3A UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg The Trump Card HAS BEEN PLAYED The Missing Pieces DO Fit NET4TRUTH Dave,Stoney Stone,Anonymous C9 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT5M43S 239 6 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-04T08:06:04.000Z HN_yV3ihRU8 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg EVERY ANON ON HIGH ALERT #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/3/2018 VOP ALPHA.CO #1 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT1H19M51S 389 4 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-04T08:17:52.000Z oRrAKe-cYCM UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg EVERY ANON ON HIGH ALERT #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 632018 VOP ALPHA.CO #2 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT6M41S 366 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-04T10:18:36.000Z zTiFtuCiit0 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl CHAPTER 2 NIGHT TIME LIVESTREAM "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT43M17S 458 4 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-04T13:57:35.000Z uoIjhiOmyVo UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/4/2018 #2 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT38S 228 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-05T22:05:06.000Z hwdiVf2NLA8 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg My phone call to CEMEX about their Tucson facility #OperationBackyardBrawl "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT9M43S 333 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-06T06:34:47.000Z mZRF6bJ_aPY UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/4/2018 #10 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT27M22S 76 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-06T19:28:31.000Z dekSQa9Qd8o UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/4/2018 #16 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT10M8S 116 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-06T20:11:27.000Z xjHCyc4zfbM UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/4/2018 #17 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT56M25S 283 5 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-07T01:43:25.000Z Xm45X7HuM2k UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/4/2018 #19 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT6M9S 176 8 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-07T21:49:31.000Z tpv-A96CepQ UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl #21 CHILD'S BODY FOUND!!! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT33M39S 516 17 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-08T11:58:03.000Z 9JuZzYFjRDU UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***UPDATE*** #operationbackyardbrawl INTERSTATE 19 TUCSON AZ 6/4/2018 #24 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT1H29M49S 124 10 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-13T12:03:35.000Z COyiUzJ7Xn8 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Cemex and the Tuscon Child Sex Trafficking Trail "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'INTERSTATE 19', '#operationbackyardbrawl', 'TUCSON AZ', 'ALPHA.CO'] PT10M44S 487 19 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T10:18:53.000Z IwAMFBegLPM UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Plymouth Fury - The Dark Inside "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'pedophile ring', 'pedophile', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'dubstep', 'antistep', 'rap', 'hip hop', 'trap', 'drill'] PT4M35S 176 9 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T14:57:17.000Z 73JTtp9wAJ8 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***BREAKING*** QANON Queen Elizabeth INDICTMENTS 46193 CASES UNSEALED OUT OF 81869 NEW INDICTMENTS ! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT10M14S 710 12 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T15:27:12.000Z 7s1xHzBoJDk UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg PART 2 QANON POST Queen Elizabeth WOW OVER 3100 Sealed Indictments Unsealed ! ARE YOU CRAZY C9 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT7M11S 294 8 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-07T10:03:47.000Z kIS28KRCBeY UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg SGT Report Goes Full Coward! "Lift The Veil" Caught Lying Again! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', '#operationbackyardbrawl'] PT10M57S 198 7 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T13:50:35.000Z 8jMcwTjFiBM UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Corey Feldman Attacks Isaac Kappy! #ALLKAPPS "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'issac kappy', '#ALLKAPPS', 'corey feldman', 'stephen spielberg', 'nwo', 'new world order'] PT33M28S 559 14 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-11T15:04:57.000Z iLzhNC1Admo UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Credo Mutwa interviewed by David Icke! FULL UNCENSORED 6+ HOURS! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'credo mutwa', 'david icke', 'reptilian agenda', 'grey aliens', 'zulu nation', 'zulu', 'african history', 'africa'] PT6H32M41S 222 4 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-03T00:17:18.000Z muTE886wXUI UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg POTUS MEGA = DS TAKEDOWN! 2 NEW WORKING LINKS DOWNLOAD IT NOW ... SHOWTIME 9/1/18 "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! JOIN THE LIBRARY! DECENTRALIZED, MONETIZED....FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!! PLEASE JOIN UP, EVERY TIME YAS JOIN I GET PAID...AND YOU CAN TOO!!! UNCENSORED AND UNREGULATED!!! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury'] PT55M 2062 24 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-26T06:27:50.000Z Ia2h8nymmUk UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg SerialBrain2 decodes QAnon! Can the Deep State keep up the pace? dont think so.... "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['plymouth fury', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'news', 'rod rosenstein', 'fisa', 'deep state', 'politics', 'cia', 'trump rally', 'conspiracy theories', 'qanon interview', 'home skillet', 'qanon subreddit', 'internet subculture', 'reddit', 'great awakening', 'q anon update', 'qanon conspiracy', 'we spoke to the qanon believers trump pointed to at a florida rally', 'qanon believers', 'psyops', 'qannon', 'jordan sather', 'war', 'mossad', 'israeli mossad', 'iran psyop', 'what is a psyop', 'september', 'israel', 'iran', 'mueller probe', 'c60'] PT20M29S 445 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-27T11:48:19.000Z 3KPM5wwbBYI UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg ***BREAKING*** NATIONAL EMERGENCY! AN ACT OF WAR! MUST WATCH! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. Intel Drop here:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA SUB TO MY TWITTER OR FACEBUTT FOR UPDATES SUB TO STONEY STONE SEENINE DISCLOSE Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['plymouth fury', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'news', 'rod rosenstein', 'fisa', 'deep state', 'politics', 'cia', 'trump rally', 'conspiracy theories', 'qanon interview', 'home skillet', 'qanon subreddit', 'internet subculture', 'reddit', 'great awakening', 'q anon update', 'qanon conspiracy', 'we spoke to the qanon believers trump pointed to at a florida rally', 'qanon believers', 'psyops', 'qannon', 'jordan sather', 'war', 'mossad', 'israeli mossad', 'iran psyop', 'what is a psyop', 'september', 'israel', 'iran', 'mueller probe', 'c60'] PT33M34S 1540 41 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-22T16:28:49.000Z OKawN-1iGf8 UCl9-agxWkVhZ_p2GThtdhqg Hey beautiful people enjoy the live interview with Eliahi Priest! "VISIT THE SHAKEHOUSE CIRCUS FOR EXCLUSIVE MERCH! HELP OUT THE CHANNEL! I GOT TSHIRTS TOWELS MUGS TOTE BAGS...EVEN SOCKS LOL! BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK; SUB TO ME ON SUBSCRIBESTAR! its the NEW PATREON! PLEASE HELP, THROW A DROWNING MAN A LIFE PRESERVER! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! PRE-ORDER THE NEW PLYMOUTH FURY LIMITED EDITION WHITE VINYL RECORD ALBUM ""Adpocalypso"" HERE I HAVE 60 DAYS TO REACH MY PRE-ORDER QUOTA OR MY ALBUM WONT BE PRESSED! PLEASE HELP ME REACH THIS MILESTONE! EVERY PRE-ORDER WILL INCLUDE AUTOGRAPHED CD AND CASSETTE VERSIONS AS WELL AS DIGITAL DOWNLOADS OF ALL MEDIA! I AM STILL COMPLETELY DEMONETIZED....there are 3 ways you guys can help me my Furies...1) bombard @TeamYoutube with tweets on my behalf cuz they sure as heck are ignoring me....2) sign up for Worthyt answer questions & make money! my profile = ....3) STOP CHILDREN WHATS THAT SOUND EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOIN DOWN PLEASE, ALL MY BELOVED SUBS YOU DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS! SUBSCRIBE TO OURTUBE! HIT THE NOTIFICATIONS BELL! Use the OURTUBE Intro in any videos you wish that pertain to Youtube's TREACHERY to the VERY HANDS that are FEEDING THEM! click on this direct link to download from the SeeNine Website! i WILL MIRROR ALL VIDEOS! TIME TO CONSOLIDATE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Be sure and leave a link to the video you use it in! Are you a content creator? Help support this Channel and download Tube Buddy! a MUST-HAVE for any content creator! Easily and efficiently manage all your daily tasks, saving you precious time! FREE DOWNLOAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I currently find myself in a very VERY urgent state of financial despair. PLEASE help in any way you can. UNITED WE STAND #WWG1WGA Bitcoin = 1P8BwVg4Rg8x788Xby1PxG4P5E3LDTvoyh please remember, if you are donating with Bitcoin you MUST get the wallet address above EXACT or your donation will disappear into thin air! i love you ALL from the bottom of my broken Heart! ►Even though ratings are disabled for this vid, your THUMBS UP is counted, appreciated and helps share the video. Ratings disabled because of FAKE ratings attacks. ►Even if you are subbed to my channel, Youtube will regularly UNSUB you without your knowledge . So, bookmark my page and check back often for new videos. ►Also, your subscription does NOT automatically give you upload notifications unless you click the BELL button in this video frame. Please, take a second to do this. First streamed on Facebook and Youtube about 7 months ago by Neil Pascoe ""Hey beautiful people enjoy the live interview with Eliahi Priest who came on half way through. We tapped on some serious topics that involve all humans: Cancer, big pharma fraud, Truth about Crypto, Elite blood lines, Satanists, vaccines, true health, free energy. Please share, tag , Re post Unity is key here truth media is king!!! Check out my truth media platform below"" Like my work? buy me a ko-fi! NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK SO SMASH THAT NOTIFICATIONS BELL! I WILL LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED IN MY SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH! United We Stand, Divided We Fall. If YOU have a video that you are afraid to put up, or that has been repeatedly scrubbed from the net, send it to for archiving on our private servers. The Youtube Truther Blackout continues....If you believe in what i am doing and wish to help out, please consider donating a bit of Bitcoin (pun intended) or perhaps some Etherium. It is the generosity and understanding of people like you that keep the Truther Movement alive. Bitcoin Donation Address: 1GkqQRSDat6rN4GGRb5nzDHrDBJRnqqpeT Etherium Donation Address: 0x169742A9C5D79e90d57948dB6C90BafC2d329dF3 Come to the Library! join up, its free, decentralized and uncensored! Follow me on Facef@#k! Troll me on Bird$#!t! Cloned on BitChute! EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ONLY ON 4.99 a MONTH CHEAP! PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK! CHECK OUT THE BEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STREAM LIVE EVER!!! JOIN STREAMYARD!" Plymouth Fury 25 ['john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'child', 'child sacrifice', 'ninth circle', 'elite', 'elites', 'illuminatti', 'dumb', 'deep underground military bases', 'clone', 'clones', 'cloning', 'cloning centers', 'donald marshall', 'pedophile ring', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton', 'wikileaks', 'leaked video', 'torture', 'murder', 'pedophile', 'alefantis', 'comet ping pong', 'comet pizza', 'heavy breathing', 'drain the swamp', 'luciferian', 'satannic', 'plymouth fury', 'eliahi priest', 'nate max tv', 'insigniagate', 'pedogate'] PT1H28M52S 230 17 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-22T09:36:13.000Z CxrJxotteWA UCt4dbue75rO_yrLupyhzvgA Q ANON Political Cartoon , WENDY and Hussein , Donald Trump Q Anon Posted that focus should be on Wendy and Maggie. And they are kind of intertwined. Like Maggie Halberman is a Pet of the Clintons and Wendy is the pet name of Maggie Nixon. Hot Dogs, 65 K worth of Human Hot Dogs for sale that Obama brought in, remember that Wikileak? Anyways, her mom died in a plane crash or something and she retweeted a Marina Abramavic spirit cooking photo... she is grown up now. She been with Barry since she was 10 they say. I love you Q !! I work for you! Political Cartoons for DONALD TRUMP 23 ['QANON'] PT8M1S 604 3 9 0 not set not set 2017-12-29T05:54:43.000Z J5iNDh8dgQI UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot? "In this update, I share what I've learned about the mysterious person known as Q Anon. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Q Anon', 'deep state', 'Calm before the storm', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'QAnon', 'pedophiles', 'government corruption', 'donald trump', 'president trump'] PT49M25S 16635 84 482 13 not set not set 2017-12-31T22:20:38.000Z qBuSWyBIr7E UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA December 31, 2017 Update - Iranian Protests, Q Anon Dream, Comey, Mueller & Gitmo In this update, I discuss the Iranian protests, a dream about Qanon, and a dream about James Comey and Robert Mueller being taken to Gitmo. prayingmedic 22 ['Iranian Protests', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Robert Mueller', 'James Comey', 'FBI', 'Gitmo'] PT19M38S 2129 17 100 2 not set not set 2018-01-15T21:13:35.000Z JmaMv_w7JJE UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018 "In this video, I explain the meaning of the posts from Q Anon made the weekend of January 14, 2018. My website: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon 8chan', '4chan', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm is here', 'the storm', 'CBTS', '8chan', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'twitter', 'Donald trump', 'Presitent Trump', 'POTUS', 'Fake news awards', 'FBI', 'DOJ'] PT36M12S 47374 260 939 21 not set not set 2018-01-19T04:02:25.000Z gDjhw90Z3hQ UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon January 18 - FISA 702 Scandal "In this update, I discuss the scandal brewing in the House Intelligence committee over weaponization of the DOJ & FBI through abuse of FISA 702 and the latest posts by Q anon. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['FBI', 'DOJ', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'FISA', 'FISA 702'] PT15M6S 7495 42 239 2 not set not set 2018-01-21T01:46:31.000Z HZVI24JYd40 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon January 20 - Government Shut Down "My take on the Q anon posts from January 18th and 19th, 2018 My website: Twitter thread:" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'POTUS', 'DOnald Trump', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'FISA', 'FIS 702', 'release the memo', 'House Intellience committee', 'FISA Abuse', 'NSA', 'deep state'] PT36M48S 32939 210 727 15 not set not set 2018-01-22T00:19:44.000Z CIESr6ghs6U UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer "In this update, I discuss the Q Anon posts made on January 18th and 19th 2018 and I take questions from Periscope viewers on the House Intelligence Committee memo, the government shutdown and recent Q posts. My website: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'FISA', 'FISA 702', 'the memo', 'House Intelligence committee', 'government shutdown', 'Donald Trump', 'President Trump', '8chan', '8 chan', 'the great awakening', 'calm beore the storm', 'the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'great awakening'] PT1H39M57S 49038 159 775 37 not set not set 2018-01-23T04:34:44.000Z DwP5EG22Fmg UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Jan 21 - The Plan is Revealed "In this update, I discuss Q Anon posts from Sunday, January 21st. My website: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'POTUS', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'deep state'] PT42M28S 32442 110 670 8 not set not set 2018-01-26T05:23:37.000Z E9-5Vj4VzFs UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon January 25 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President? "This update covers Qanon posts from January 21-25. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'President Trump', 'deep state'] PT1H4M25S 60554 298 916 31 not set not set 2018-01-28T05:05:03.000Z J1Qzs2Ha_mM UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking "In this update, I share some of the topics Q anon is posting about and we look how the deep state and its media is responding. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'news', 'current events', 'sean hannity', 'twitter', 'prince alwaleed', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump'] PT20M11S 25700 162 871 20 not set not set 2018-01-30T01:25:01.000Z 9efdvG5Hlto UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon - Jan 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System "In this update, I break down Q Anon posts from Jan 26-29, 2018, where Q suggests Donal Trump is an existential threat to a corrupt political system. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'Andrew MCcabe', 'DOJ', 'FISA 702', 'FISA abuse', 'Wikileaks', 'Edward Snowden', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'Julian Assange'] PT1H7M34S 66568 259 1210 32 not set not set 2018-01-31T03:04:04.000Z hkU30U9zqu0 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA January 29 Q Anon Question and Answer "In this broadcast, recorded live on Periscope, I share my thoughts on the most recent Q anon posts and answer questions from viewers. Original Q thread on Twitter: My website: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Trump', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Julian Assane', 'Edward Snowden', 'NSA', 'Donald trump', 'president trump'] PT2H23M7S 14990 81 309 10 not set not set 2018-02-04T00:41:19.000Z BImvDk9v7NI UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon - Feb 3, 2018 - Freedom Day "This update covers Q posts from January 29 through February 3rd, 2018. The theme of these posts is Freedom. My website: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', '8chan', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', '4chan', 'great awakening', 'government corruption'] PT35M37S 43830 312 961 21 not set not set 2018-02-04T21:59:26.000Z ULpceyOxqqo UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer "After sharing my latest Q anon update I answer questions form my periscope audience. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'FBI', 'FISA abuse', 'FISA', 'FISA court', 'Devin Nunes', 'Bob goodlatte', 'House intelligence', 'senate judiciary', 'house judiciary', 'DOJ', 'Rod rosenstein', 'trey gowdy', 'freedom day', 'Standard hotel', 'false flag'] PT1H56M44S 38129 170 584 30 not set not set 2018-02-09T04:38:08.000Z ggnz2LX_cak UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Feb 8 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters "This is my Q anon update for February 8, 2018. My website: Original thread on Twitter:" prayingmedic 22 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'CLinton foundation', 'FBI anon'] PT1H14M23S 69695 379 1431 48 not set not set 2018-02-13T01:50:12.000Z lKzIvpirZTs UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update for February 12 2018 - Spy Games "My website: This thread on Twitter: My Q Anon threads as blog posts: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'child trafficking', 'human trafficking', 'donald trump', 'president trump', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'clowns', 'spooks', 'spies', 'DOJ', 'Rothschilds', 'George Soros', 'North korea', 'Mike Pence', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT1H10M49S 89064 378 1551 49 not set not set 2018-02-17T16:52:15.000Z djCQmSk7c-8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Feb 17 Update - Spread the Message Far and Wide "In this update, Q anon tells us to spread the message far and wide. Topics include Freedom of the Press, the takedown of the mainstream media and the CIA's MK-Ultra mind control program My website: This thread on Twitter: This Q Anon thread as a blog post:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'MKUltra', 'MK ultra', 'mind control', 'CIA', 'clowns', 'Edward Snowden', 'Julian assane', 'Freedom of the press', 'John Perry Barlow', 'Bill Binney', 'NSA'] PT1H26M8S 236247 955 2795 135 not set not set 2018-02-18T02:42:07.000Z zrTQxSmzwa8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Feb 17 Question and Answer "My latest Q anon update followed by a question and answer session with my Periscope audience. My website: This thread on Twitter:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'clowns', 'Q clearance patriot', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'MK-Ultra', 'mkultra', 'mk ultra', 'mind control'] PT2H18M11S 59747 296 841 42 not set not set 2018-02-22T04:35:52.000Z y_skOcQQOAo UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update Feb 21 - For God and Country "Q anon is back with a message about God and Country. My website: This thread on Twitter: This Q Anon thread as a blog post:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'john perry barlow', 'Edward Snowden', 'Julian Assange', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'deep dream', 'dreams', 'deep state', 'god and country', 'great awakening', 'follow the white rabbit', '8chan', 'jack dorsey', 'Twitterlockout'] PT42M13S 42020 327 1124 21 not set not set 2018-02-26T23:09:24.000Z TYbBtKU8xC4 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update Feb 26 - Question Everything "In this update, Q anon revels more of the CIA's dirty tricks and tells us to question everything. My website: This thread on Twitter: This Q Anon thread as a blog post:" prayingmedic 22 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Edward SNowden', 'NSA', 'Hillary Clinton', 'CLinton foundation', 'great awakening', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm', 'the storm is here', 'calm before the storm', '8chan', 'anons'] PT45M21S 76642 398 1699 50 not set not set 2018-03-08T07:19:43.000Z 8CIqUeovbfk UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update March 7 -The Plan to Avoid World War III "In this update, Q anon reveals more about the CIA's control of the media and the President's plan to remove their power. We also learn of plans to denuclearize North Korea which will help us avoid World War III. My website: Link to articles and documents can be found on my Twitter thread here:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'CIA', 'great awakening', '8chan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'Edward Snowden', 'Q directorate', 'NSA', 'National Reconnaissance Office'] PT1H49M25S 47093 430 1227 27 not set not set 2018-03-08T23:20:23.000Z bf69bv2vR9Y UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon March 8 - The Hillary Video "Q anon suggested that the NSA has a scandalous video of Hillary. Whats in it? Listen and find out. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT11M58S 539869 1445 8300 267 not set not set 2018-03-13T00:52:13.000Z DvxB3VmY1JA UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update March 12 - No Deals "Q covered a lot of ground this week but assured us there will be no deals for the criminals. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'CIA', 'Julian assange', 'Edward snowden', '4chan', '4 chan', '8chan', '8 chan', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'no deals', 'angela merkel', 'president trump', 'donals trump', 'deep state'] PT1H8M43S 110776 884 2694 68 not set not set 2018-03-20T21:54:41.000Z HIS2Vqfr2AI UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer "Q Anon Update for March 20 with question and answer. Support my work: My website: Original Twitter thread with links: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'edward snowden', 'great awakening', 'president trump', 'rex tillerson', 'mike popmeo', 'calm before the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'clinton foundation'] PT1H6M16S 29822 203 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-20T22:58:03.000Z q6ixxuDHaak UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update March 20 - Bring the Rain "In this update, Q tells us about changes in the President's cabinet and assures us we have nothing to worry about. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'Edward snowden', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'President Trump', 'Mike Pompeo', 'Rex Tillerson', 'muslim brotherhood', 'clinton foundation', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'trust the plan'] PT33M1S 100287 437 2078 47 not set not set 2018-03-23T05:32:08.000Z kk7oY1MNw7k UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon March 22 - Trust The Plan "With news of changes in Trump's cabinet, some people are worried. I'm here to talk you off the ledge. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'McMaster', 'Bolton'] PT34M36S 38612 644 1426 57 not set not set 2018-03-25T02:47:39.000Z 7HvbevUomb0 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show "Q says the mainstream media is in panic mode. Enjoy the show, My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'trump', 'president trump', 'deep state'] PT28M55S 47280 296 1045 15 not set not set 2018-03-25T03:12:03.000Z nSSeHtp6n7E UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE "Q Anon Update March 24, live stream Support my work: Paypal: Crypto: My website:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT1H2M17S 22889 150 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-30T20:52:22.000Z LhmWmJN6DVQ UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update March 30 - Who is Q? "Controversies have brought Q's identity to the forefront. In this update, I share what I've learned about who Q might be. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This thread as a blog post with clickable links:" prayingmedic 22 ['CIA', 'FBI', 'deep state', 'Edward Snowden', 'Mike Pence', 'President trump', 'facebook', 'google', 'surveillance'] PT45M1S 84720 764 2020 94 not set not set 2018-04-04T00:12:41.000Z oEsHYNc-m8s UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 3 - Anticipate Arrests in April "In this update, Q anon tells us we're getting closer to seeing corrupt people arrested. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This thread as a blog post with clickable links: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'great awakening', 'calm before the storm', 'rod rosenstein', 'jeff sessions', 'john huber', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Sealed indictments', 'Roberr Mueller', 'Conservative treehouse', 'trust the plan'] PT30M42S 47710 285 1141 22 not set not set 2018-04-04T15:00:50.000Z J4-GZ5IFZ9w UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 4 - Dark to Light "Q anon says that darkness will be turned to light in April and May. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT10M49S 42289 335 1456 27 not set not set 2018-04-11T22:50:36.000Z YKuXK106G1w UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 11 - April Showers "Ths update covers Qanon posts from April 4-11. Q has been busy sharing information about everything from JFK Jr's plane crash to Epstein's island, Facebook's impending doom and Trump's secret plan to bring peace to Syria. Buckle up for 2 hours of non-stop Q drops. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT2H4M17S 57902 481 1458 56 not set not set 2018-04-12T21:54:35.000Z 1WNv5YpRJvs UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 12 - We Have It All "In this update, Edward Snowden drops a bombshell about the origin of Facebook and we learn what happened to Alan Dershowitz when he flew on the Lolita Express. My website: Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['edward snowden', 'facebook', 'DARPA', 'Mark Zuckerberg', 'CIA', 'FBI NSA', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'great awakening', 'calm before the storm', '8chan', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'donald Trump', 'deep state'] PT20M6S 91462 457 2228 48 not set not set 2018-04-14T20:03:10.000Z 7ysVzjZjz1c UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 14 - Sparrow Red "Q anon told us a week ago what would happen in Syria. Those who were following his drops, saw it coming. Today, Q confirmed our decode. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Syria', 'Assad', 'chemical weapons', 'Donald Trump', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Missiles', 'bombs', 'sparrow', 'sparrow red', 'april showers'] PT21M57S 66809 630 1963 64 not set not set 2018-04-15T18:24:31.000Z 5fIeVm9Zi5E UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting "Following the lead of the President and Qanon, I believe it's time to ask questions about the meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on the Phoenix Tarmac. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: Freedom News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['phoenix tarmac', 'loretta lynch', 'bill clinton', 'hillary clinton', 'donald trump', 'tweetstorm', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'tarmac', 'Twitter', 'great awakening', 'calm befoe the storm', 'godspeed', 'patriots', 'q clearance', 'patriot', 'deep state', 'hillary video', 'hillary tape', 'tarmac meeting'] PT12M50S 53781 417 2065 28 not set not set 2018-04-16T23:45:11.000Z VNrohKLOZF0 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 16 - The Tarmac Meeting Part 2 "This is a continuation of Qanon's discussion of President Trump's plan to expose the deal that was struck between Loretta Lynch and the Clintons on the Phoenix tarmac. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Bill Clinton', 'Hillary CLinton', 'DOnald Trump'] PT27M22S 53003 386 1769 20 not set not set 2018-04-19T00:28:59.000Z 1yNWIkDRr4U UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 18 - We're Being Set Up "Q says the deep state is trying to blame him for the engine failure of a Southwest airplane. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: News Project:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT24M3S 86543 503 2272 64 not set not set 2018-04-20T21:29:10.000Z QEwsP_XosIM UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real "Qanon hosted a Q & A session. We learned about Seth Rich, Julian Assange, the DNC and the Federal Reserve. Q reminded us that the war we're fighting is real. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Julian Assange', 'Seth Rich', 'Deep State', 'Hillary CLinton', 'DNC', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'great awkening', 'DOnald Trump', 'Federal Reserve', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Comey', 'Andrew Mccabe', 'JAmes baker', 'FBI', 'DOJ'] PT39M3S 36909 363 1626 31 not set not set 2018-04-23T01:30:07.000Z Ti7OfQXTa6w UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 22 - Learn Our Comms "In this update, Qanon informs us of impending trouble for Hollywood pedophiles and he encourages us to learn the ways he communicates to us. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['Marina Abramovic', 'pizzagate', 'pizza ate', 'james alefantis', 'Allison Mack', 'pedopilia', 'standard hotel', 'donald trump', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'deep state', 'barack obama', 'wendy', 'WWG1WGA', 'great awakening', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', '8chan'] PT50M13S 57817 448 1966 45 not set not set 2018-04-25T23:53:46.000Z jYmJhPzt1tw UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update April 25 - Iran Next "In this update, Qanon reveals more about President Trump's plans to broker peace agreements with North Korea, Armenia and Iran. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: News Project:" prayingmedic 22 ['North Korea', 'Armenia', 'Pakistan', 'Iran', 'Irn deal', 'Barack Obama', 'Donald Trump', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'CIA', 'black ops'] PT59M40S 39815 344 1439 27 not set not set 2018-04-27T02:00:02.000Z TXD273qX8is UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon April 26, 2018 - What Would Happen If? "Qanon asked what would happen if texts between FBI employees showed a plot of harm the President? My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1268 - 1277 on h News Project:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT18M1S 48308 391 1704 21 not set not set 2018-04-29T02:27:08.000Z LOPayQiU-2U UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan "For months, Qanon as been telling us to trust the plan. In this update, Q gives us the details of the plan. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1278 - 1290 on h" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'peter strzok', 'lisa page', 'fbi texts'] PT1H10M43S 114000 1084 3075 87 not set not set 2018-04-29T14:33:01.000Z rV6FXK9WpwA UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon Update April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed "For months, Qanon as been telling us to trust the plan. In this update, Q gives us the details of the plan. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1278 - 1290 on h" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'Q anon', 'qanon', 'president Trump', 'robert Mueller', 'special counsel', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'FBI texts', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page'] PT1H10M43S 165106 1221 3597 120 not set not set 2018-05-01T21:34:40.000Z IiAbLcZspGQ UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon Update May 1, 2018 - The Iran Deal Exposed "Q anon reveals the deep state's plan to usher in World War III by selling uranium to Syria. The proof is provided by Benjamin Netanyahu's stunning announcement that Iran had a secret nuclear facility in Northern Syria. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'Iran', 'Iran deal', 'Obama', 'John Mccain', 'Uranium One', 'Syria', 'World War 3', 'Lindsey Graham'] PT49M32S 100918 1310 3588 91 not set not set 2018-05-05T00:17:01.000Z 1NMRz8OrEhk UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon Update May 4, 2018 - Patriots Fight "In this update, we look at Q's warning that the magnitude of corruption in government is worse than we can imagine. We also take a sneak peek at the next phase of Q's mission: ""Patriot's Fight."" My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This update covers posts #1308-1314 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', '8chan', '4chan', 'FBI anon', 'personailty types'] PT23M58S 69088 978 2660 122 not set not set 2018-05-05T19:46:14.000Z 0H589P-BaZM UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon May 5, 2018 - Justice Has Come "Qanon says we've entered the next phase of the operation and we'll finally see justice. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers Q posts #1312 - 1315 on" prayingmedic 22 ['DOJ', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'patriots fight', 'Lisa page', 'peter strzok', 'bruce ohr', 'mike kortan', 'james comey', 'FISA', 'james baker', 'hillary clinton', 'barack obama'] PT21M29S 192180 1312 5073 142 not set not set 2018-05-09T21:20:39.000Z nKH_hEiuw10 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon for Beginners "In this video, I review the history of Qanon, explain the basic terms he uses and lay out some of Q's posts. My goal is to help you decide for yourself whether Q is worth your time. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'calm before the storm', 'great awakening', 'patriots fiht', '8chan', '4chan'] PT1H1M1S 435651 1745 7649 743 not set not set 2018-05-12T02:12:15.000Z yNMPRf1BPaw UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Update May 11- Black Hats & White Hats "In this message, I review what Qanon has said about Robert, Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Trey Gowdy and I discuss those who have attempted to discredit Q and his team. My website: Original Twitter thread with links:" prayingmedic 22 ['robert mueller', 'rod rosenstein', 'deep state', 'cia', 'fbi', 'doj', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'Donald Trump', 'Alex Jones', 'Jerome Corsi', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening'] PT1H1M4S 117231 1292 3742 113 not set not set 2018-05-12T21:29:55.000Z _k0U3qphs_U UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon May 12, 2018 - Iran Deal's Extortion Plot Exposed "In this update, we look at past Q posts about the Iran deal and a recent threat to extort western politicians. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers Q posts 1341 and 1342 on" prayingmedic 22 not set PT8M8S 64269 682 2790 63 not set not set 2018-05-14T00:33:28.000Z 3OP7gkvmZcc UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon May 13 - Now Comes The Pain "In this update, we take a closer look the Iran deal and hopefully, put to rest the controversy between Qanon and Infowars. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1343 - 1360 on" prayingmedic 22 ['infowars', 'alex jones', 'jerome corsi', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Donald Trump', 'Iran deal'] PT49M27S 108594 1660 4495 145 not set not set 2018-05-14T23:16:53.000Z zuFbluehZas UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon May 14 - All for a LARP? "Qanon asks why, if he is a LARP, is there so much opposition to his message? My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1361 - 1363 on" prayingmedic 22 ['LARP', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Deep state'] PT12M26S 70025 726 3050 87 not set not set 2018-05-16T00:01:33.000Z ZXhSaVt1kFY UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon May 15 - Pain is Coming "Q anon turns our focus to the prosecution of corrupt politicians. For them, Q says, the pain is coming. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1364 - 1377 on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'prayer', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'justice', 'patriots fight', 'donald trump', 'Jeff Sessions', 'DOJ', 'FBI'] PT32M30S 79729 1111 3965 74 not set not set 2018-05-19T01:08:15.000Z gAmGK4zwbqA UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon Update May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter "As the storm intensifies, Q anon reminds the deep state they may need to seek shelter. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1378 - 1414 on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Great awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'patriots fight', 'mueller investigation'] PT49M30S 161014 1326 4374 137 not set not set 2018-05-21T22:38:17.000Z 3z07cFmde7g UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon May 21, 2018 - Follow the Pen "Qanon exposed his password intentionally to send a message to the bad guys and he reminds us to follow the pen. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1415 - 1432 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Follow the pen', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8chan', 'anons'] PT24M21S 93444 857 2929 88 not set not set 2018-05-22T03:35:06.000Z W6ekVuAXghQ UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon May 21 - If Rosenstein is the Problem, is Trey Gowdy the Solution? "Qanon has said in the past that Rod Rosenstein has problems. Today, we get a closer look at them. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers post #1433 on" prayingmedic 22 ['rod ROsenstein', 'deep state', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Donald Trump', 'Patriots fight', 'great awakening'] PT12M49S 66872 714 2949 38 not set not set 2018-05-23T22:13:52.000Z 5YAKVnIuke8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon May 23, 2018 - Meet the New Q, Same as the Old Q "To silence the skeptics, Qanon provides more proof of identity and a little intel on Spygate. My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers post #1434 - 1439 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'spygate', 'deep state', 'donald trump', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'WWG1WGA', 'DOJ', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'FBI'] PT22M22S 99827 1129 3812 128 not set not set 2018-05-25T21:49:41.000Z 7ADzOVXupEk UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon May 25, 2018 - Who Knows Where the Bodies Are Buried? "A topical Q anon video explaining who has the dirt on powerful and wealthy criminals. From a Twitter thread created by Paul Sarran. Original twitter thread: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Genral Flynn', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'deep state', 'Rudy Giuliani', 'Erik Prince', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Admiral Rogers'] PT24M20S 115436 1093 3937 110 not set not set 2018-06-04T04:18:18.000Z sCrsYjFZvw0 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon - God Makes Everything Beautiful in Its Own Time "A broadcast featuring my friend Pepper who discusses Q anon's part in the story that God is telling. Original broadcast: Follow Pepper on Twitter: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'god', 'jesus', 'holy spirit'] PT17M26S 35984 451 1334 264 not set not set 2018-06-06T01:30:22.000Z LrpetSzF7yY UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 5 - A Week to Remember "In this update, I share a few thoughts on ineffective law enforcement, vigilantism, and anarchy. My website: This update covers Q post #1440 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon dee state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'great awakening', 'patriots fight', '8chan'] PT12M48S 74613 984 3117 138 not set not set 2018-06-07T20:07:24.000Z EswJiRHsEVI UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon - POTUS Sends a Signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz "Did President Trump send a signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz about her request for a plea deal? My website: April 22 video ""Learn Our Comms""" prayingmedic 22 ['debbie wassernam schultz', 'deep state', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'POTUS', 'twitter', 'Mike Pence', 'Imran Awan', 'DNC'] PT5M26S 164171 1189 6380 99 not set not set 2018-06-14T03:06:17.000Z BLIgajmecOs UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 13 - Start the Clock "After a short vacation, Q anon returned with news about the Trump - Kim summit and the prosecution of the deep state. My website: This video covers posts #1441-1495 on" prayingmedic 22 ['kim jong un', 'north korea', 'tarmac meeting', 'loretta lynch', 'bill clinton', 'q anon', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'patriot', 'patriotism', 'great awakening', 'calm before the storm', 'follow the white rabbit', 'patriots fight', 'POTUS', 'donald Trump', 'OIG'] PT1H23M27S 205842 1039 4651 184 not set not set 2018-06-15T21:06:05.000Z 54hEyScMY7Q UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 15 - The DOJ IG Report "This Q anon update looks at the DOJ Inspector General's report on the FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1496-1499 on" prayingmedic 22 ['FBI', 'DOJ', 'OIG', 'IG Report', 'CLinton email', 'Hillary CLinton', 'POTUS', 'James Comey', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Matt Gaetz', 'Jim Jordan', 'Mark Meadows', 'Ed Ocallaghan', 'Rchel Brand', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Patriots fight'] PT39M20S 126683 979 4154 123 not set not set 2018-06-20T05:58:59.000Z L0mWkVLSd7o UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 19 - What a Wonderful Day "Q anon brings us news about Eric Schmidt, Google. Rod Rosenstein, the IG hearing and we get a new picture of the President. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1500-1564 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'POTUS', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'IG report', 'Inspector General', 'michael Horowitz', 'Inspector general', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Jim Jordan'] PT1H8M11S 96846 617 3315 89 not set not set 2018-06-21T00:38:50.000Z 1O_sC-IdNJ8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 20 - Where We Go One We Go All "In this update, Q anon focuses on bringing the troops together. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1565-1575 on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'wwg1wga', 'where we go one we go all', 'patriots fight', 'POTUS', 'AF1', 'Oval office', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'RR', 'Rod Rosenstein'] PT10M56S 70727 481 3522 52 not set not set 2018-06-22T01:03:56.000Z 0Gi978YaRUo UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q anon June 21 - We Stand, We Fight Together "Q anon posted pics from the Trump rally last night and said more proofs are coming. (Don't miss the Q & A on Saturday.) My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1576-1586 on" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'ROd Rosenstein', 'WWG1WGA', 'where we go one we go all', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'DJT', '8chan'] PT7M52S 77412 556 3879 48 not set not set 2018-06-24T23:38:10.000Z 5vYqqH3-xFY UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q? "In Part 1 of my series Q Anon for beginners, we look at the history and identity of Q. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', '8chan', '4chan'] PT4M50S 995132 2359 14031 1124 not set not set 2018-06-25T19:04:50.000Z ymIENvtcJqo UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q For Beginners Part 2 - How to Find Q posts "In Part 2 of my series Q Anon for beginners, I show how to find and read Q posts on different devices. My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'patriots fight', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'calm before the storm', '8chan', '4chan', 'anons'] PT10M3S 334181 598 5418 266 not set not set 2018-06-28T21:11:08.000Z lepX52Ee7bA UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 28 - We Stand at the Ready "Q anon wants the enemies of the President to know that their team is ready for battle. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1588-1616 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', '8chan', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Trey Gowdy', 'SCOTUS', 'Jim Jordan', 'Patriots fight', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'great awakening', 'red pill', 'deep state', 'NSA', 'CIA'] PT37M22S 103002 779 3156 69 not set not set 2018-06-28T21:50:36.000Z 2SZCIuJCWQM UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28) "Catch a lively episode of the Quite Frankly podcast where we discuss Qanon and a host of other subjects. Quite Frankly: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'quite frankly', 'POTUS', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'calm bfore the storm', 'sealed indictments', 'SCOTUS', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'North Korea', 'Iran', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'dreams'] PT41M4S 79624 791 2834 76 not set not set 2018-06-30T13:12:25.000Z Ou3UAJz7DXQ UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon June 29 - Power to the People "Q anon reminds us that President Trump has restored power to the people. Our focus today is on the battle between Congress and the DOJ and the Capital Gazette shooter. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1617-1642 on" prayingmedic 22 ['FBI', 'DOJ', 'Capital Gazette shooter', 'Jarrod Ramos', 'MKUltra', 'mind control', 'Paul Ryan', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'CIA'] PT38M23S 108788 850 3797 85 not set not set 2018-07-01T20:48:05.000Z YpmT_Jr1EV4 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 1 - Conspiracy No More "Q anon has been waiting for a reporter to ask POTUS about his legitimacy but no one has dared to ask the big question. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1643-1657 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q conspiracy', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Trey Gowdy', 'SCOTUS', 'Supreme Court', 'Sarah Sanders', 'Snopes', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'white squall', 'patriots fight'] PT28M38S 136309 1214 5312 135 not set not set 2018-07-05T02:41:11.000Z YtwTTI7yjwU UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA July 4 - Q Anon's School of Law "In this Q anon update, we look at the legal issues Q has brought up including military tribunals and sealed indictments. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1658-1681 on" prayingmedic 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'State Department', 'POTUS', 'Air force 1', 'sealed indictments', 'rod rosenstein', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Q clearance patriot', 'patriots fight'] PT1H4M48S 203807 982 4430 155 not set not set 2018-07-06T21:18:27.000Z W8PA9WXmu3Q UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats "This update covers a thread by Paul Serran on the ""13 Angry Democrats"" mentioned by the President. Paul's Twitter thread: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['POTUS', 'deep state', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'patriots fight', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Andrew Mccabe', 'john mccain', 'Loretta Lynch', 'hillary clinton', 'obamagate', 'spygate'] PT16M43S 139516 881 5172 96 not set not set 2018-07-10T01:58:05.000Z 5I2G-H6MZQw UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon Proofs - July 9 "In this update, I compare Q anon's posts to news articles and tweets to see if Q's claims can be verified. My website: Twitter thread:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'POTUS', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'OIG', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT40M45S 117835 500 3425 92 not set not set 2018-07-11T22:35:05.000Z 0gF2EHUVMtU UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 11 - General Mike Flynn "Qanon has had much to say about General Mike Flynn. Is he a victim of the deep state or the star witness in their prosecution? My website: Twitter thread:" prayingmedic 22 not set PT30M20S 127505 917 4381 91 not set not set 2018-07-14T22:55:53.000Z 0yb_opQ70Xc UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 14 - Peter Strzok & Lisa Page "As Peter Strzok and Lisa Page testify before Congress, we look at what Q anon has said about them. My website: Twitter thread:" prayingmedic 22 ['Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'deep state', 'FVEY', 'five eyes', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'POTUS', 'Q anon', 'Qanon', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'FISA'] PT46M27S 170181 1005 4321 120 not set not set 2018-07-15T00:31:49.000Z MuP508taA8w UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 14 - The Five Eyes by Paul Serran "Qanon said it's important to understand the Five Eyes (FVEY). This video is based on Paul Serran's Twitter thread. Paul's thread: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['FVEY', 'five eyes', 'twiitter', 'deep state', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'GCHQ', 'British intellience', 'FISA', 'Spygate', 'Obamagate', 'POTUS'] PT16M12S 61598 403 2678 45 not set not set 2018-07-15T20:20:44.000Z SolUmIKW5d4 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts "Imperator Rex is an influential voice on Twitter who recently went public with his thoughts on Q anon. Rex's thread: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Imperator Rex', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'POTUS', 'spygate', 'obamagate'] PT22M56S 155790 873 4971 105 not set not set 2018-07-21T00:23:41.000Z hmhKTY1rdZw UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta "An overview of what Q Anon has said about John and Tony Podesta. My website: Twitter thread:" prayingmedic 22 ['John Podesta', 'Tony Podesta', 'Deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Rod ROsenstein', 'RObert Mueller', 'Qanon', 'Q anon'] PT22M37S 191952 1165 5537 146 not set not set 2018-07-25T20:20:13.000Z sd8dg6KPKXA UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 25 - From Sea To Shining Sea "After 20 days of silence, Q Anon is back with more information on the takedown of the global crime syndicate and their media accomplices. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1682-1697 on" prayingmedic 22 ['msm', 'mainstream media', 'crime syndicate', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'POTUS', 'NSA', 'FISA', 'FISA court', 'FVEY', 'Deep state', 'central banks', 'Federal Reserve'] PT34M 137123 1084 4778 102 not set not set 2018-07-28T23:58:27.000Z Ezgr8dXloOU UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 28 - Something Big is About to Drop "Q anon covers a wide range of topics including the drama in Congress over Rod Rosenstein, the financial woes of Facebook and Twitter and a hint that the Whidbey Island missile launch may be reappearing in the news. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1698-1740 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Rod rosenstein', 'jeff sessions', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Wikileaks', 'Julian Assange', 'Vault 7', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'GCHQ', 'British intelligence', 'spygate', 'obamagate', 'Peter strzok', 'lisa page', 'carter page', 'Humbage', 'Sarah SIlverman', 'Pedogate', 'whidbey missile launch', 'false flag', 'hawiaan missile alert', 'POTUS', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q clearance patriot', 'the storm', 'mockingbird media'] PT1H8M24S 404778 2610 9450 473 not set not set 2018-07-31T23:14:58.000Z xqTZ6d59a7Y UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon July 31 - FISA is the Foundation "Q anon focuses on the declassified FISA application used to spy on President Trump. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1741-1764 on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'FISA court', 'Foreign Intelligence surveillance court', 'FISA 702', 'FISA Title 1', 'FISA Title III', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Gina Haspel', 'MI6', 'MI5', 'SIS', 'British intellience', '5 eyes', 'FVEY', 'Carter Page', 'Spygate', 'Obamagate'] PT1H16M28S 598285 1799 7864 458 not set not set 2018-08-02T22:03:15.000Z KwZaEPBIgTs UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon August 2, 2018 - 1776 Full Force Attack by the Media "Qanon harkens us back to the first American revolution as the mainstream media brings a coordinated attack against the movement. My website: Twitter thread:" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'MSM.mockingbird media', 'Qanon', 'q anon', 'Q clearance patriot', 'pizzagate', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracy theory', 'trump rally', 'tamap rally', 'James Comey.', '1776', 'patriot', 'patriots fight', '8chan', '4chan', 'MSM', 'Fake News', 'POTUS', 'Donald TRump', 'Trump rally'] PT48M 197806 1276 6003 197 not set not set 2018-08-04T03:56:54.000Z wQ_wlm6M8E8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon August 3 - Trump Attack Foiled "Qanon discusses the not so obvious dynamics behind a failed attempt to assassinate President Trump. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1797-1814 on" prayingmedic 22 not set PT24M32S 116401 942 4743 110 not set not set 2018-08-06T04:31:41.000Z wwjfh05KOhU UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon August 5 - We Have the Server[S] "Qanon told us in July they had the server. In this update, we receive confirmation. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1816-1820 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'whidbey missile launch', 'doomsday plane', 'E-4B', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'POTUS', 'President Trump', 'Patriot', 'q clearance patriot', '4chan', '8chan', 'hillary email server'] PT13M5S 225132 1261 6739 220 not set not set 2018-08-09T00:16:33.000Z qYEoaxsjxoY UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon August 8 - They All Claim to be Insiders "As conservative commentators attack Qanon, keep in mind that they claim to be insiders. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1821-1825 on" prayingmedic 22 ['FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'deep state', 'intelligence community', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', '8chan', '4chan'] PT28M53S 198083 1583 7213 184 not set not set 2018-08-14T22:27:07.000Z hb41h875Xh0 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6) "Dan Duval and I return for a discussion about all things related to Qanon. Bride Ministries: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['SRA', 'ritual abuse', 'aliens', 'space program', 'secret space proram', 'space force', 'mind control', 'MKultra', 'mk ultra', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'Dan duval'] PT1H11M32S 122900 1051 3416 115 not set not set 2018-08-17T02:00:58.000Z YfuWmaOd1Xw UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon August 16, 2018 - We Are in Control "Qanon reminds the world that Trump and his team are in control. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['Deep state', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'No such agency', '4chan', '8chan', 'john brennan', 'james comey', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Edward Snowden', 'PRISM', 'spygate', 'Julian assange'] PT54M56S 245759 1861 6306 221 not set not set 2018-08-18T20:24:19.000Z U220GZXcYC8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here "Qanon provides a glimpse into the world of child sexual abuse—a subject the mainstream media says is the stuff of conspiracy theories. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['pedophilia', 'john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'chicd trafficking', 'haiti', 'child sex rings', 'human trafficking', 'corruption', 'qanon', 'q anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'POTUS', 'Al Qaeda', 'ISIS', 'Afghanistan', 'Osama bin Laden'] PT28M54S 176038 1194 5962 119 not set not set 2018-08-23T00:55:33.000Z JyLpSwtMSLM UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon August 22, 2018 - Coming Soon to a Theater Near You "Qanon says the previews are over. It's time to start the show. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts 1925-1931 on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'DOnald Trump', 'Steele Dossier', 'FISA', 'Spygate', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'CHristopher Steele', 'Bruce Ohr', 'Nellie Ohr'] PT40M58S 258962 1719 8411 258 not set not set 2018-08-28T05:48:55.000Z V7wGRVAYazM UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name "A Qanon thread on Senator John McCain. Support my work: Paypal: Crypto: My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'John Mccain', 'No name', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Iran', 'Sryia', 'Kort Korea', 'World War 3', 'Hillary Clinton'] PT32M28S 344095 1826 9428 320 not set not set 2018-08-31T01:46:13.000Z CZe4_WUuGGU UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon August 30, 2018 - Witch Hunt: No Deals "Qanon gives us the latest scoop on the investigation into Spygate. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Spygate', 'qanon', 'Q anon', 'POTUS', 'Mike Flynn', 'General Flynn', '8chan', '4chan', 'patriotsfight', 'patriots fight'] PT47M43S 262212 1708 7914 234 not set not set 2018-09-06T01:38:40.000Z h5elIvBf0X0 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 5, 2018 - Alice and Wonderland "As we explore the curious Qanon signature Alice & Wonderland we look at the human rights abuses of Saudia Arabia and we examine Hillary Clinton's emails. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['anon', 'Q anon', 'Hillay CLinton', 'CLinton Foundation', 'Deep state', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Saudi purge', 'alice and wonderland', 'bloody wonderland', '8chan', '4chan', 'Qanon', 'muhammad bin salman'] PT23M57S 202546 1046 7027 139 not set not set 2018-09-07T01:17:24.000Z Ii7tnv_UIGA UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon September 6 - Spooks are Spooked "Qanon goes toe to toe with the deep state in a communications war. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Corona satellite', 'big bird 9', 'qanon', 'q anon', '4chan', '8chan', 'POTUS', 'DOnald Trump', 'Hillary CLinton', 'Ezra Cohen Watnik', 'General Flynn', 'Michael Flynn', 'Jeff Sessions'] PT55M57S 296136 1228 6515 240 not set not set 2018-09-08T05:29:14.000Z lbuwTX29kHE UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Q Anon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q "Qanon gives us an up-close look at the apparatus used to illegally spy on President Trump. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers various posts on" prayingmedic 22 ['DOnald Trump', 'deep state', 'POTUS', 'Barack Obama', 'Hillary CLinton', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Bruce Ohr', 'ROd ROsenstein', 'FISA', 'FISA 702'] PT1H18M31S 274419 1303 6547 224 not set not set 2018-09-12T17:35:13.000Z PBXRu0OGRy8 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 12, 2018 - We Will Never Forget "Qanon remembers those who paid the ultimate price on September 11, 2001. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2145-2163 on" prayingmedic 22 ['Deep state', '911', 'September 11', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'ROd Rosenstein', 'POTUS', 'DOnald Trump', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', '8chan', '4chan'] PT12M35S 129664 798 4697 83 not set not set 2018-09-14T21:26:35.000Z ikz5kaHBBKQ UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 14, 2018 - Military Planning at its Finest "In this report, Qanon provides a look at the military planning that has gone into his operation because of anticipated censorship. Support my work: Paypal: Crypto: My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2164-2170 on" prayingmedic 22 "['deep state', 'censorship', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'youtube', 'POTUS', 'DOnald Trump', '8chan', '4chan', 'qanon', 'q anon', ""patriot's fight""]" PT29M16S 297533 1857 8931 238 not set not set 2018-09-19T02:54:55.000Z KlHfb7n34js UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 18, 2018 - Panic in DC "After the news hit that President Trump is declassifying documents that will expose corruption, the DC swamp is panicking. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2172-2208 on" prayingmedic 22 "['the swamp', 'DC', 'panic in Dc', 'FISA', 'declassify', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'POTUS', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', ""patriot's fight"", '8chan', '4chan']" PT48M53S 134900 1107 5290 112 not set not set 2018-09-21T05:53:25.000Z U5Vdb76eq8k UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 20, 2018 - Q and A "Qanon hosted an impromptu question and answer session before the President took him to Las Vegas. My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2209-2244 on" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'Trump rally', 'space force', 'aliens', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'FISA', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'POTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Las Vegas', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', '8chan', '4chan'] PT22M7S 135799 1439 4755 117 not set not set 2018-09-22T22:47:09.000Z sP1hgGeDaGg UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 22, 2018 - Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein "As more information is released by Qanon, we learn that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had a large part to play in the illegal spying on Donald Trump. Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2244-2271 on My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Rod Rosenstein', 'Donald Trump', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Deep state', 'Obama', 'Hillary CLinton', 'James Comey', 'Andrew mccabe', 'John Mccain', 'no name', 'FISA', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'trump rally'] PT18M25S 218096 1236 7188 143 not set not set 2018-09-24T04:17:53.000Z mA0qZ1tzfko UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling "As the deep state panic continues, Qanon says we should prepare for hysterical headlines. Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2272-2273 on My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['deep state', 'donald trump', 'FISA', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Jeff Sessions', 'John Huber', 'Michael horowitz'] PT22M17S 281195 1385 8004 223 not set not set 2018-09-29T05:24:54.000Z ZETzZfpuJak UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon September 28, 2018 - Welcome Aboard, JUSTICE K "Qanon gives us the inside scoop on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2274-2295 on My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', '4chan', 'deep state', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'supreme court', 'Donald Trump', 'Diane Feinstein', 'senate judiciary', 'chuck grassley', 'lindsey graham', 'john mccain', 'paul ryan', 'christine blasey ford'] PT30M33S 282051 1933 8452 222 not set not set 2018-10-30T17:32:48.000Z 0LOxFLX9Ry4 UCSio3E7kYvPeHKhfuYZWriA Qanon October 30 - The Picture Will be the Signifier "VIP Anon received a photo that was taken with him and the President at a rally. On the back of the photo is an intriguing signature from the President. Qanon said the picture will be the signifier and the signifier will force the question. Twitter thread: My website:" prayingmedic 22 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'PPTUS', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump rally', 'VIPanon', 'Deep state', 'fake news', '8chan', '4chan'] PT9M53S 258629 1305 9333 175 not set not set 2017-11-21T00:04:37.000Z vv4qr2xoLh4 UC80KMZl_TVV1gvbLkVbXofw Lightworker News ~ November 20 2017 ~ News for Fiji Q and Follow the White Rabbit "Lightworker News ~ November 20 2017 ~ News for Fiji Q and Follow the White Rabbit - Donations: My Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1KX7SXNG28Nkupq7N4nvSWYQbNKJRkA6Gw My Ethereum (ETH) Wallet: 0x8Cca8A138Ef2e6033bbe0a5F70CF9d113e75f0A2 My Litecoin (LTC) wallet: LSRe1sah7xM6BWC8zmFp66jVm9Ttc9PeQT Charles Manson Dead at 83 – Bakersfield, CA Possible Marines landing at Langley to counter coup – Alex Jones confirmed Trump drinking Fiji water -Fiji human trafficking Brooke Shields – Blue Lagoon – Fiji – Young Nude Photos in Playboy at 10 years old #FollowTheWhiteRabbit – Jordan ~Destroying The Illusion Synchronicities Q – Annon – more posts on 4chan The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins Paperback – April 8, 1994 by Burton L. Mack #FollowTheWhiteRabbit" Prime Disclosure 24 ['Charles MAnson', 'Trump', 'Brooke Shields', 'FollowTheWhiteRabbit', 'Blue Lagoon', 'Fiji', 'Langley', 'Bakersfield', 'Lightworker'] PT10M31S 125 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-10-28T21:25:50.000Z NXzEvoCfPjQ UC80KMZl_TVV1gvbLkVbXofw David Wilcock - Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program - Part 1 "David Wilcock - Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program - Part 1 #QAnon #SecretSpaceProgram #DavidWilcock The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You – by David Wilcock - The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil – by David Wilcock - The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies – by David Wilcock - Disclosure, David Wilcock, Secret Space Program, Space Force, the Alliance, Cabal, Q Anon _________________________________________________________ “According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.” Please donate what you can afford to All funds go toward building a Taoist Healing Center in Ecuador. Be Sure to like us on Facebook: Make Money Working From Home - _________________________________________________________ Donations: My Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1KX7SXNG28Nkupq7N4nvSWYQbNKJRkA6Gw My Ethereum (ETH) Wallet: 0x8Cca8A138Ef2e6033bbe0a5F70CF9d113e75f0A2 My Litecoin (LTC) wallet: LSRe1sah7xM6BWC8zmFp66jVm9Ttc9PeQT Financial Freedom Training: 10 Streams of Residual Income: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matrix, Freedom, Reincarnation, Ascension, Gnostic, Starseed, the Event, Magenta Pixie, David Icke, Allison Coe, QHHT, Timelines, Trump, Q Annon, Benjamin Fulford, Conspiracy, Victor Oddo, Higher Self, Arcturian, Kryon, Dolores Cannon, PROJECT CAMELOT, David Wilcock , Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, Paul Butler, Prime Disclosure, Matt Kahn , Cobra, Unbiased & On the Fence, Honi B, Jamye Price Key Words: QTZ1214, The Resistance, Nibiru, Planet X, Hawaii Volcano, Alaska Quake, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset, END TIMES, pbince, R. Scott Lemriel, Meg Benedicte, Walter Russell, Tesla, Rainbow Body, Karma, Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, Cobra, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, disclosure, Geoengineering,12 Monkeys, ouroboros, Contruct, Alex Jones,Lisa Transcendence Brown, Unbiased & On the Fence, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, extraterrestrial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! David Wilcock - Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program - Part 1" Prime Disclosure 22 ['Disclosure', 'David Wilcock', 'Secret Space Program', 'Space Force', 'the Alliance', 'Cabal', 'Q Anon', 'The Event', 'Ascension', 'The Synchronicity Key', 'Ascension Mysteries'] PT28M45S 1701 12 19 1 not set not set 2018-05-01T19:27:38.000Z ylCuUrBMFqc UCrbpH5eUxuaiyaDNVIEvYzw The Q Phenomenon "Who or What is Q? ""A group of military operators (intelligence) working to take down the ever-corrupt Deep State Cabal from the inside."" - Jordan Sather This is the main 8chan board where Q drops ""crumbs"" (posts) and the ""bakers"" (anonymous users) put the clues together. New Q board: 8chan Great Awakening: This board aggregates only Q posts and/or Q's responses to anons. This is a 'read only' site is is more user friendly than 8chan. OR Q anon video -" Probably Alexandra 1 ['qanon', 'the great awakening', '8chan', '4chan', 'current events', 'trump', 'djt', 'donald trump', 'president', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'conspiracy theorist', 'truther', 'truth', 'end times', 'apocolypse', 'hillary clinton', 'the clinton foundation', 'twitter', 'reddit', 'q anon', 'anons', 'anonymous', 'bibical end times', 'end of days', 'jesus christ', 'bible', 'v for vendetta', 'internet', 'hero', 'prophet'] PT4M34S 11178 17 358 10 not set not set 2018-03-19T14:55:01.000Z -9-jnd_HM_E UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Jerome Corsi (Godfather of Q) DECODES March 18 Q ANON "Thank You for Checking Out Project 2by2 (working in concert with Operation Zakar (Hal) and InfoWars) If You Want to Become an INFO WARRIOR and Start Your Own YouTube Channel: If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want To Follow Q: and If You Want To Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: Dr. Jerome Crosi's new book: ""Killing The Deep State"" is available on Community Guidelines: Keep it Clean!" Project 2by2 22 ['infowars', 'alex jones', 'presidents', 'president of the united states', 'president trump', 'fake news', 'fake news stories', 'trump presidency', 'trump', 'coup'] PT38M38S 194 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-04-22T01:01:44.000Z hx80LgbLH0c UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA ME & "NEON REVOLT" Decode Q (April 20 & 21) Part 3: Traitor Adam Sciff; Hussein & "Wendy" "FREE INFO WARRIOR training (Start Your Own YouTube Channel): Follow NEON REVOLT: SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter:" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'info wars', 'Q anon', 'jerome corsi', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'president of the united states', 'obama', 'pizzagate'] PT34M 173 12 11 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T17:50:20.000Z DvF1eEiSoeE UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA ME & "NEON REVOLT" Decode Q (April 25): Kanye; UK Trying To Kill ANOTHER Little Boy, Alfie Evans "FREE INFO WARRIOR training (Start Your Own YouTube Channel): Follow NEON REVOLT: SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter:" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'info wars', 'Q anon', 'jerome corsi', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'president of the united states'] PT51M4S 941 8 13 0 not set not set 2018-06-14T15:49:34.000Z k-snEJTVuzk UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA ME & "NEON REVOLT" DO Q: From Dark To Light! "**DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter:" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'red pill', 'president of the united states', 'cabal', 'drain the swamp', '8chan'] PT1H10M4S 335 11 22 0 not set not set 2018-06-17T18:31:13.000Z Z3zeNiaom1o UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA ME & "NEON REVOLT" DO Q: Paralegal Anon/Triple Crown Winner, Justify "**DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'info wars', 'Q anon', 'jerome corsi', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'president of the united states'] PT1H2M12S 420 32 30 0 not set not set 2018-07-04T20:21:32.000Z 4hB9rdt5slg UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON: May The Force Be With You! "**DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2'] PT31M9S 2815 39 99 1 not set not set 2018-07-05T12:09:04.000Z ELxgRZQUSAs UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: We Have The Server! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2'] PT40M44S 7477 45 228 6 not set not set 2018-07-05T23:16:25.000Z 7lx3HHXYAwk UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & u/4QbyQofQ: How Has Q ANON Changed You? "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2'] PT45M43S 781 37 42 1 not set not set 2018-07-07T22:30:25.000Z OH93BVAoE3Q UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & @jasonawright7: The 45 Proofs Q ANON Is Real (Part 1) "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2'] PT38M3S 963 9 43 0 not set not set 2018-07-07T22:47:11.000Z -K1S1QeuVqE UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & @jasonawright7: The 45 Proofs Q ANON Is Real (Part 2) "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'QANON'] PT38M42S 438 0 23 0 not set not set 2018-07-07T23:00:42.000Z suHZWBfap9A UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & @jasonawright7: The 45 Proofs Q ANON Is Real (Part 3) "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with Operation Hal. I do, however, highly recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp. It is an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications If You Want to Contribute to The Cause: Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2'] PT42M11S 581 10 39 0 not set not set 2018-07-10T07:32:51.000Z Th2Vy3FYzFc UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: Alice In Bloody Wonderland "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT38M37S 1868 48 96 2 not set not set 2018-07-11T16:23:00.000Z srUV89JMnxM UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & IMPERATOR REX: We Will Die For America! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT', 'Admiral Mike Rogers'] PT39M12S 1412 36 74 1 not set not set 2018-07-12T00:31:18.000Z V3MhHTR0UU4 UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: Will President Trump Have FIVE SC Picks? "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT', 'supreme court'] PT24M53S 629 12 41 1 not set not set 2018-07-12T21:34:21.000Z 4s0VIcZlqQg UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: Neon's Amazing Take On The Q Phenomenon (Part 1) "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT38M 978 18 67 2 not set not set 2018-07-13T02:30:46.000Z _xEKPYhcseE UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: Neon's Amazing Take On The Q Phenomenon (Part 2) "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT51M32S 1138 16 61 0 not set not set 2018-07-18T16:19:01.000Z MnRvsGFmi58 UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & REDDIT.COM: Listen To Today's News While Doing Housework "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT50M44S 1089 47 78 3 not set not set 2018-07-19T15:30:52.000Z wQGAcaI4o6I UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & REDDIT.COM: News While You Work 7.19.18 "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT57M58S 602 26 39 0 not set not set 2018-07-20T18:13:50.000Z csSd8ZdyTB0 UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON & REDDIT: News While You Work 7.20.18 "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT50M49S 884 31 62 1 not set not set 2018-07-24T19:08:36.000Z NADcEKFG8NI UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: Be Careful Who You Follow! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT51M41S 1552 42 85 5 not set not set 2018-07-26T04:49:38.000Z vVloZG9-McQ UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: He's Baaaccckkk! "TripCode Info: NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT1H2M36S 853 14 53 1 not set not set 2018-07-26T16:49:57.000Z C0pdCBjhkXM UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: We Will Never Be Under Their Control Again! "TripCode Info: NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT31M28S 2054 39 84 6 not set not set 2018-07-27T08:03:24.000Z 8kJp0O37Exw UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: You Can't Handle The Innuendo! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT51M54S 1527 39 70 0 not set not set 2018-07-31T02:56:47.000Z DOCaLFf-5wM UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & GOD: Beware of Hollywood Bearing Gifts! "TripCode Info: NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT', 'pedogate', 'hollywood'] PT52M7S 2234 63 98 4 not set not set 2018-08-06T13:02:09.000Z GtcfnYpGKfc UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON! Victory! We Have Hillary's SECOND Server! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT56M4S 8800 120 267 9 not set not set 2018-08-08T00:55:10.000Z wrXx9XGBUG8 UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: FISA! FISA! FISA & The Streisand Effect.mp4 "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT42M1S 4148 57 162 5 not set not set 2018-08-13T09:35:01.000Z 344aSljD2mw UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON REVOLT: Q's SPY OP FLOWCHART "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT47M30S 2625 30 104 2 not set not set 2018-08-17T23:51:31.000Z ab2mq3PUyrw UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON: [[[[Hunters]]]] Become The Hunted! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT58M33S 2829 72 147 6 not set not set 2018-08-21T18:37:26.000Z _ftOkGMLJkk UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON: MOVIE 2 This Fall! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT24M58S 2463 25 90 4 not set not set 2018-08-21T20:36:36.000Z ISa6vEIg7zI UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & REDDIT: Who IS This Woman? "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT21M48S 6105 33 200 6 not set not set 2018-08-23T19:41:44.000Z mRmN2Xu0x3U UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON: Anderson Cooper's Satanic Slaughterhouse "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT39M6S 8622 109 260 12 not set not set 2018-08-28T13:35:15.000Z tGUXK2atehU UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & u/X3ostyle: Traitor No Name "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT19M37S 760 28 70 1 not set not set 2018-08-28T20:07:46.000Z eykw1Cvih6k UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON: Disdain for No Name & A Trap for Ohr? "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: **DISCLAIMER: Project 2by2 is NO longer affiliated with OpHal. I do recommend their FREE 4 Week Boot Camp -- an invaluable resource. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: SIGN THE PETITION NOW! CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT34M2S 2379 35 125 4 not set not set 2018-09-16T18:18:33.000Z K_gUvKi7dIk UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME: FISAGATE - Very Soon - Coming To A Theater Near You! "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: ProjecT 2by2 is not affiliated with opHal. I do rEcommend their Free boot camp. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT', 'FISAGATE'] PT57M54S 1813 39 85 3 not set not set 2018-09-30T22:07:36.000Z 2zDkibLl8oI UC-b9tX74o3xU-gB3fGIfEJA Q ANON & ME & NEON: Justice Kavanaugh and The Gang of Useful Idiots "NEW MICROPHONE FUND: ProjecT 2by2 is not affiliated with opHal. I do rEcommend their Free boot camp. Follow NEON REVOLT: Follow my sister channel: PROJECT WEEPING ANGEL SUBSCRIBE for daily updates - don't forget to click the bell next to the subscribe button to get our notifications Follow Q: and Follow Me: Facebook: Twitter: CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY!" Project 2by2 22 ['president trump', 'deep state', 'Q anon', 'swamp', 'red pill', 'Q Anon Updates', 'pedophilia', 'hillary', 'anons', 'cabal', 'walk away', 'the Storm', 'redditt', 'great awakening', 'serialbrain2', 'ALICE', 'WONDERLAND', 'NEON REVOLT'] PT52M26S 1525 24 79 4 not set not set 2018-07-23T21:39:16.000Z c03WD-nGZ7k UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Qanon - SerialBrain2: The Long And Secret Info Wars Against Q And How He Stayed Alive "The Long And Secret Info Wars Against Q And How He Stayed Alive. You Really Need To Know This And Move On. VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: VIDEO REFERENCE #1 VIDEO REFERENCE #2 VIDEO REFERENCE #3 VIDEO REFERENCE #4 VIDEO REFERENCE #5 VIDEO REFERENCE #6 PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT18M54S 350 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T16:23:02.000Z buFAOwzAI4M UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Qanon - SerialBrain2: First Assassination Attempt On Trump: Las Vegas "Did you know Q told us the Deep State tried 3 times to assassinate Trump? Q92 LINK POSTED VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: Qanon or Q, is an apparent member of the American Military Intelligence that serves at the pleasure of the President. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT2M29S 437 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-30T21:49:05.000Z JjM716ksng0 UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w | Q DROPS | McAllister Report: GLORIA'S NECKLACE| CHILD SACRIFICE| TANIT| CARTHAGE| CANAANITES "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: VIDEO LINK: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT35M40S 81 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-08-31T14:59:43.000Z ovxcLp0bbxU UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w | Q DROPS | McAllister Report: 33RD DEGREE, RED SHOE-CABAL ELITE TRAFFICKERS HUNTING PARTIES? "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: VIDEO LINK: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H7M25S 52 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-01T13:37:05.000Z rezTygtBIWo UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w McALLISTER TV: MASSIVE Q DROPS! TANIT! RED SHOES! RED SHOES! RED SHOES! "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT53M1S 51 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-07T22:40:31.000Z OsgqdXsl0_I UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Q ANON: MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL & SATANIC SACRIFICE & ADRENOCHROME = STANDARD HOTEL? "SOMETHING IS GOING ON AT THE STANDARD HOTEL AND ADAM SCHIFF KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS! (Maybe there's a reason for those BUG EYES of his?) Link: THE EVENT CHRONICLE McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT52M21S 150 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-10T14:29:11.000Z 4Fsf3uQdiHw UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w | Q ANON | NEW MEGA-MEMES | EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW | McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT51M48S 209 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-15T00:21:26.000Z 3Iy6yoWwxyY UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w NEW Q DROP: WHAT IS A NARCISSIST? BOMBS AWAY! The McAllister Report "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT53M7S 36 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-16T14:46:15.000Z TWziSikvaKU UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Q MEGA-MEME DROP: HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF ASTANA? | McALLISTER TV | "Here’s an analysis of the contents of yet another fascinating folder, from the QAnon Mega-Meme-Drop. These are memes for patriots to use, in order to counter the MSM, FAKE NEWS, (Mockingbird) narrative, and help wake up those who are still asleep. This folder was titled “Astana Kazakhstan,” and that’s not the most exciting title in the world… but I downloaded it anyway. Before that moment I had never heard of Astana. Simply switch the “A” and the “S” at the beginning and you have “Satana.” That’s not an accident. McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT15M1S 152 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-09-17T19:21:05.000Z _wUbtvPihfY UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Qanon - SerialBrain2: Could Mike Flynn Be Q? Q2172 Q2176 Riddle: Will This Be The Week? "Qanon - SerialBrain2: Could Mike Flynn Be Q? Q2172 Q2176 Riddle: Will This Be The Week? VISIT OUR FRIEND SERIALBRAIN2 DECODE CENTER: SEE IMAGE NUMBER 0NE BELOW SEE CNN ARTICLE BELOW SEE NATIONAL REVIEW ARTICLE BELOW SEE LINK NUMBER ONE BELOW SEE IMAGE NUMBER TWO BELOW SEE IMAGE NUMBER THREE BELOW SEE 8CHAN LINK BELOW The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT10M59S 299 1 6 2 not set not set 2018-10-02T23:27:44.000Z jRmVnZwcjJI UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Q DROP! DEMOCRATS ARE THE KKK! SPIRITUAL ATTACKS & SPIRITUAL MESSAGES McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H46S 23 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-19T16:35:58.000Z 0D-WW7pI08M UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Qanon - SerialBrain2: Trump’s Stormy Tweet Reveals Network That Tried To Assassinate Him "SEE SERIAL BRAIN2 NEW COMMUNICATION SITE BELOW SEE ALL SERIALBRAIN REFERENCE LINKS BELOW Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION BELOW LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT10M1S 894 1 12 0 not set not set 2018-10-20T14:32:37.000Z hLmpeidlzy0 UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Qanon - SerialBrain2: A Woman Called Horse - Why Trump Called Stormy "HORSEFACE" "Trump’s tweet on Stormy reveals the network that tried to assassinate him. Let’s recap: Horseface, drugs. Type “horse drugs” in Google. Horse is another word for Heroin. Why heroin is called “horse?” Heroin earned the nickname “horse” because it kicks equines into overdrive. Morphine and other opiates, which lull humans to sleep, also trigger the ancient equine flight response. In the wild, pursued by predators, a horse runs as fast as he can or dies. Given narcotics, a horse feels unnatural sleepiness creeping into his nervous system–sleepiness like the shock caused by the fatal bite of a carnivore. So the hopped up horse runs without reserve. If kept in his stall, he trots in circles until the dose finally ebbs. Let loose on a racetrack, he outruns any normal inhibition. The Maestro’s tweet about Stormy is another jewel. After going through all the interesting graphic implications a fertile imagination may gather from Trump’s tweet, it is fun to notice how the Fake News media hyped up this Stormy Daniels story hoping to weaken Trump and how they had to quietly come back from another empty hunt. Again, let’s enjoy the Trump Effect in all its splendor: Then, you have 3 strange things: first, Trump writes Danials instead of Daniels. Then, 14 minutes later, he launches a tweet storm about Glenn Simpson pleading the fifth, Bruce Ohr still working at the DOJ, his beautiful wife Nelly used as a pawn and asks the fatidic question about Sessions location. Then, just for fun, he writes Glen instead of Glenn. Can you solve this? Do you see the connection between horseface, misspelled Danials and Glen, Bruce Ohr and the House hearings? The reason why the Maestro drops one N in Glenn is because he wants you to realize that this tweet is connected to the tweet about Stormy. Why? Because N=14 and the time difference between these 2 tweets is none other than 14 minutes. Pretty cool right? Now let’s go back to “Horseface” and analyze why the Maestro traded an E for an A in Daniels. The first clue comes from answering the question: why did Trump strangely put the tweet about Glenn Simpson and the one about manufacturing jobs in the same thread? The answer is because he wants us to focus on the number 8 which appears as 8X in the manufacturing tweet, and also in the timestamp difference with the next tweet +8 minutes and, of course as the capitalized initial of Horseface, H=8. This insistence on the number 8 is a clue. Now do you remember what I told you about the alphabet wheel? If you turn it by 26 increments, all the letters remain the same, there is no shift for any given letter and this is true for any multiple of 26. Think of it as a clock, if you turn the handles by 12 increments or multiples of 12, it’s like they did not move. So? If you turn the alphabet wheel by 60 increments, it would be like you turned it into 8 increments, because 60=(2X26)+8. Those who are familiar with congruent numbers in arithmetic or the mod function in Excel know this very well. So this number 8 the Maestro is insisting on also means 60. Next step? What is the connection between Stormy and 60? Yes: her appearance on 60 minutes. And the most prominent thing that people noticed during this interview was her dilated pupils causing everybody to wonder if she was high: Let’s recap: Horseface, drugs. Type “horse drugs” in Google, first page, you get this article and learn that another name for heroin is horse. Bingo! Now you know what the Maestro really means and why he added “face” to “horse”. The 60 minute incident is just a confirmation of what Stormy is really into… SEE SERIAL BRAIN2 NEW COMMUNICATION SITE BELOW" Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT4M24S 384 0 8 2 not set not set 2018-10-24T17:59:14.000Z VAqL8Rzzz_I UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Q ANON FULL PANIC ATTACK by the FAKE NEWS! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT53M10S 122 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-10-24T21:15:26.000Z Oe5QDen58xM UCLFBUm0lJileVM3tX_8tH-w Q ANON! CANNIBAL CLUB! PEDOVORES! Q CRUMBS! CEMEX! McALLISTER TV "McALLISTER TV: VIDEO MIRRORED: THIS VIDEO WAS PRODUCED SOLELY BY McALLISTER TV AKA DEPLORABLE McALLISTER | Linda Paris | ""We proudly mirror this video in it's entirety."" Please visit LINDA'S BLOG for an MORE INFORMATION about the RED SHOES. Daily Blog: PLease Subscribe To Linda's channel McAllister TV THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN ANYONE IMAGINES. VISIT McALLISTER TV VIDEOS QANON DROPS: NEW Q MEGA-MEME LINK! UPDATED MEMES! MORE INFO!!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!TwtjWLJb This channel is not monetized. That way “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of LINDA'S content. Thank you, to all of you who support Linda's efforts in this search for the truth. BE SURE TO HELP HER ON THE LINK BELOW: VISIT LINDA'S AD FREE BLOG. (For Snarky Politically Incorrect Humor) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles: NOTE: In case anything were to happen to this channel. NEVER FEAR. Linda will continue to produce videos NON-STOP and you can see them on Bitchute and on her BLOG. This channel, along with the accompanying BLOG is not monetized. You will not see a pop-up. You will not see a “commercial” for some company, who uses loud noises and annoying tactics to get your attention and add reams of frustration to my day. This way, AGITATING “advertisers” can’t “object” to any of my content…because who cares that THEY think? Thank you, to all of you who support my efforts in this search for the truth. MAGA! HERE’S WHERE I GET ALL OF MY MUSIC. Free Music Archive: ""THIS VIDEO IS FAIR USE UNDER U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW BECAUSE IT IS (1) NON-COMMERCIAL, (2) TRANSFORMATIVE IN NATURE, (3) USES NO MORE OF THE ORIGINAL WORK THAN NECESSARY FOR THE VIDEO'S PURPOSE, AND (4) DOES NOT COMPETE WITH THE ORIGINAL WORK AND COULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE AFFECT ON ITS MARKET."" The War For Your Mind. Infowars For You Are The Resistance." Project Matrix Watchman 25 ['The American President', 'Trump Administration', 'trump Presidency', 'Melania Trump', 'President', 'President Election', 'News Sites', 'Fake News Sites', 'Lock Her Up'] PT1H13M48S 209 3 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-08T02:21:15.000Z ucbDpWfaJWU UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw Jerome Corsi: INTEL drop by Q~Justice Sc@lia murdered? Bill cozies up to Lorett@ L on tarmac. The timeline surrounding Sc@lia's death. What is the term Wet Work$ and who used it? Connecting the dots with JEROME CORSI AND Q. Project ZeroPoint 22 "[""Scalia's murder"", 'Q anon', 'Jerome Corsi', 'MASSIVE INTEL DROP', 'ALEX JONES', 'WAR ROOM OWEN SHROYER', 'KITTENS', 'UNICORNS', 'AND PUPPIES']" PT8M17S 99 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T17:06:04.000Z MByKbPyjTn8 UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw JEROME CORSI: MASSIVE Q intel drop. JEROME C. BREAKING IT DOWN. Q~COME TOGETHER "FB WILL NOT LET ME POST, PLEASE SHARE Please click on to get on Project Zeropoint email Subscription list. Thank you for contributing to PROJECT ZEROPOINT. A big shout out to those who have generously given to PZP. Please click to donate: Mahalo." Project ZeroPoint 22 ['JEROME CORSI', 'QANON', 'intel drop', 'hillary', 'come together', 'deep state', 'BOOM BOOM', 'BOOM'] PT9M9S 178 1 5 1 not set not set 2018-03-18T18:37:10.000Z OoUpRpVqJQs UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw DUSTIN NEMOS: Q INTEL DROP - GOOGLE INSIDER REVEALS BOT WAR, Pedophiles can't hide from FLYNN. "SIGN UP FOR INFO WARRIOR TRAINING: CLICK ON Link: Please click and subscribe to my: : Please click MailChimp to get on Project Zeropoint email Subscription list. Thank you for contributing to PROJECT ZEROPOINT. A big shout out to those who have given to PZP. Please click to donate:" Project ZeroPoint 22 ['PEDOPHILES', 'GOOGLE EMPLOYE CONFESSES BOT WAR', 'DUSTIN NEMOS', 'INTEL DROP', 'QANON', 'MASSIVE Q DROP', 'DEEP STATE DECIET'] PT15M32S 183 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-03-27T18:09:09.000Z k-Z8Lrb9JuA UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw DUSTIN NEMOS: QANON CONTROVERSY? FACING THE TRUTH HEAD ON. #QANON #MAGA "SIGN UP FOR INFO WARRIOR TRAINING: CLICK ON Link: Please click and subscribe to my: : Please click MailChimp to get on Project Zeropoint email Subscription list. Thank you for contributing to PROJECT ZEROPOINT. A big shout out to those who have given to PZP. Please click to donate:" Project ZeroPoint 22 ['QANON CONTROVERSY', 'AIM', 'DUSTIN NEMOS', 'NEMOS V', '#QANON', '#MAGA', '#WETHEPEOPLE'] PT9M47S 462 7 19 2 not set not set 2018-03-29T14:00:05.000Z St-hUxgl2Y0 UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw DUSTIN NEMOS: MASSIVE INTEL DROP FROM Q. #QANON CONFIRMED TO BE REAL!!! "Thanks Dustin for speaking truth to power. You are RED 'PILLIN' the nation and beyond. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Thanks for blazing a trail. SIGN UP FOR INFO WARRIOR TRAINING: CLICK ON Link: Please click and subscribe to my: : Please click MailChimp to get on Project Zeropoint email Subscription list. Thank you for contributing to PROJECT ZEROPOINT. A big shout out to those who have given to PZP. Please click to donate:" Project ZeroPoint 22 ['american intelligence media missed the mark', 'aim', '#qanon', '#MAGA', '#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', 'DUSTIN NEMOS ON QANON', 'GOLD BACK U.S. DOLLAR'] PT39M47S 2076 9 35 2 not set not set 2018-04-08T00:43:14.000Z Pmd9lnUDK7o UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw DUSTIN NEMOS: PART 2 - GOT Q? #QANON MASSIVE INTEL DROP. ALICE, THE RABBIT HOLE IS DEEP (STATE). "NEMOS V: SIGN UP FOR INFO WARRIOR TRAINING: CLICK ON Link: Please click and subscribe to my: : Please click MailChimp to get on Project Zeropoint email Subscription list. Thank you for contributing to PROJECT ZEROPOINT. A big shout out to those who have given to PZP. Please click to donate:" Project ZeroPoint 22 ['#QANON', 'DEEP STATE', 'PEDO GATE', 'PEDO ISLAND', 'JEFFREY EPSTEIN', 'HILLARY PEDOGATE', 'JIMMY KIMMEL'] PT16M16S 445 2 13 0 not set not set 2018-04-09T17:16:13.000Z 755uNOgNXwY UCdqNWx5qnp3PVl8Z3PCjxNw SGT REPORT: #MAGA /JEROME CORSI-Q EXPOSING THE NwO satanist agenda. Alt-left coup? #QANON IS REAL "FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT SIGN UP FOR INFO WARRIOR TRAINING: CLICK ON Link: Please click and subscribe to my: : Please click MailChimp to get on Project Zeropoint email Subscription list. Thank you for contributing to PROJECT ZEROPOINT. A big shout out to those who have given to PZP. Please click to donate:" Project ZeroPoint 22 ['sgt report', 'fascist coup', 'Qanon', '#qanon', 'tip top tippy top shape', 'president trump tip top white rabbit', '#wethepeople', '#maga'] PT13M58S 169 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T15:41:35.000Z 4Hb-RIGA-Mk UCA_-ibO7B74pc7HmNnikDMw Shocking Intel Document Gives Names! People Going To Jail! Dwarfs Watergate!! Verified By Q Anon! "Fair Use Notice: This video may contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. The video content is mostly News related and is widely available in the public domain. By definition News content widely available from multiple sources would fall within the Fair Use Law. Moreover, when the content is transformative using satire, opinion, or other means including differing analysis based on a compilation of similar content from multiple sources it becomes unique content different from the original sources and does not have an impact on the commercial viability of the source content. We believe this clearly falls under the Fair Use Law of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law). Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add give them credit for any content in the video. ProjectClarity is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary. Thank You. Wow everyone, this is one of the biggest breaks in the corruption that occurred before, during, and after the election that has broken in MSM in the past 12 months. This is about to go mainstream and directly to the American People according to “Q Anon”. Q confirms this in his latest posts on 8chan. I will post them below. For those of you that haven’t been following Q posts, add a comment and I will interpret his posts and explain more. I already knew that the corruption was this bad based on past videos I’ve done, but I can’t believe the wait is finally almost over. The email scandal, FBI Dossier coverup, collusion at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, DNC, and Obama administration. This is the tip of the iceberg. So many other major breakthroughs about to be exposed. Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Obama Fraud, Seth Rich, Assange, 911, Deep State, etc. Vindication for all the loyal patriots that having been pushing the truth for years. The video speaks for itself! FYI!!!! YOUTUBE JUST TAGGED THIS VIDEO AS ""NOT SUITABLE FOR MOST ADVERTISERS"". That's how bad it is now people! A complete crackdown on conservative YouTube Channels and Websites. How could a composite of video clips directly from MSM not be marketable!! So corrupt!!! Jan 18 2018 21:09:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo Are you following the news today? WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY. These people are REALLY stupid. This will be the END of the D party. This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES. Q Jan 18 2018 21:16:41 Q !UW.yye1fxo What 19 people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room heavily guarded? Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239? Why does it take the information going PUBLIC before JUSTICE is served? Why is the D party MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO BLOCK THE RELEASE OF THIS FISA C-INFO? WHY DID RR PLEAD TO RYAN MOMENTS AGO TO PREVENT THE RELEASE OF THIS INFORMATION? WHERE IS AS? 8 FIRED. X JAILED. Possible SUICIDES. ++ / + TICK TOCK. Q Jan 18 2018 23:51:03 Q !UW.yye1fxo Senate vote count RR? Senate vote count Sessions? Reconcile. Why was RR chosen to be asst AG? Why did RR draft a letter supporting JC termination? Why did RR use full weight of his office to attempt to block release of doc to Congress today? Confused? News unlocks past. D's cannot survive. THE BEGINNING OF THE END DWS FAILED to FLEE. Q Jan 19 2018 00:04:38 Q !UW.yye1fxo The TELL. How can we listen in, track, and monitor American citizens bad actors? We hear you. We see you. What must we LEGALLY demonstrate in order to gain such warrants? FISA? Do we TRUST the FISA judges? MIL INTEL? State Secrets? Why is this relevant? Who can we TRUST? Expand your thinking. Q" ProjectClarity 25 ['dosier', 'intel document', 'corrupt fbi', 'corrupt doj', 'watergate', 'q anon', 'jordan', 'trump', 'trump wiretapping', 'uranium one', 'clinton foundation', '8chan', 'clinton email corruption', 'james comey', 'deep state', 'andrew mccabe scandel', 'julian assange', 'seth rich', 'shocking intel document', 'dwarfs watergate', 'mueller investigation ending', 'fisa violated', '#releasethedocument'] PT9M40S 22386 170 594 5 not set not set 2018-03-13T23:54:45.000Z iovufHzlFcs UCTzmQ9sbWsZ9O9PZ4gf7glQ Q Anon Wants You See This Video #QAnon #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening "Share, like, subscribe and please donate to ***************************************************************" Prophecy Explained 10 ['QAnon', 'Qanon8chan', 'GreatAwakening'] PT5M49S 241 1 9 0 not set not set 2018-03-23T21:19:08.000Z dVcrYp4mw3g UCPQVjsisdIbtLZWeWgv3-fQ Middle East Prophecy Update - Q & A - 3/22/18 "Watchman Report: Middle East Prophecy Update - Q & A - 3/22/18 Amir's Q&A and special update on the 2007 Israeli strike on the nuclear reactor in Syria as well as on the possibility of another one that is being built right now. All the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, the predicted events are happening more frequently and more intently. Never, in the history throughout the world have so many forces, including economic, scientific, techno-logic, ecologic, cultural, geopolitical, moral, spiritual and religion, converged together to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return. Jesus said when you see all these signs happening, know that I am near, even at the door. For more in-depth studies, commentary, and analysis of Bible Prophecy and End Times events visit our web site and sign-up for our free newsletter…" Prophecy Update Videos 25 ['Tribulation Chronicles', 'Prophecy update', 'prophecy', 'prophecy news', 'bible prophecy', 'revelation', 'end times', 'end time signs', 'last days', 'perilous times', 'Israel', 'Israel god’s timepiece', 'Russia', 'Armageddon', 'antichrist', 'mark of the beast', 'one world government', 'one world religion', 'earthquakes', 'rapture', 'cashless society', 'bible', 'Jesus', 'God', 'china', 'turkey', 'trump', 'Christ', '666', 'tribulation', 'religion', 'satan', 'Jan Markell', 'JD Farag', 'Understand the Times', 'Amir Tsarfati'] PT1H5M49S 5839 27 131 14 not set not set 2018-09-05T05:03:07.000Z xEcn6Xprxvs UCs3Yii8cwoiVo7Fx88Ebtgw Posobiec publishes anti Qanon piece, security clearance pulled under Trump, no access to classified "" Puppet String News 22 not set PT6M6S 78 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-10-09T21:09:24.000Z txTDM-2NiXI UCs3Yii8cwoiVo7Fx88Ebtgw New Qanon, Bill to fully fund border wall, Rosenstein busted, 123 children rescued in Detroit "Support and Follow." Puppet String News 22 not set PT7M34S 709 0 11 0 not set not set 2018-10-13T00:18:00.000Z rDeSlnyZLCM UCs3Yii8cwoiVo7Fx88Ebtgw Hillary and 5 aides lose security clearances, Trump considering marijuana reform after midterms. "Support and Follow." Puppet String News 22 ['MAGA', 'President Trump', 'Qanon', 'USA', 'Red October', 'Justice Kavanaugh'] PT6M3S 185 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-10-13T23:35:44.000Z xfOso7t0U4c UCs3Yii8cwoiVo7Fx88Ebtgw GA Dem Abrams admits illegals voting for Dems, Hillary spox claims Hillary gave up clearance. "Support and Follow." Puppet String News 22 ['MAGA', 'President Trump', 'USA', 'Justice Kavanaugh', 'Qanon', 'Red October'] PT9M10S 49 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-10-20T11:16:29.000Z nekvxpPu7mw UCs3Yii8cwoiVo7Fx88Ebtgw President Trump states US Military not Guard will be deployed to border if Mexico fails "Support/Donate and Follow." Puppet String News 22 ['MAGA', 'President Trump', 'Qanon', 'Honduran Caravan', 'Trump Rally', 'Jobs Not Mobs'] PT3M38S 407 2 12 0 not set not set 2018-10-21T06:08:01.000Z 4ePFS18tfMM UCs3Yii8cwoiVo7Fx88Ebtgw 8Chan where Qanon posts under attack, AZ Border Patrol reveals caravan already here. "Support/Donate and Follow." Puppet String News 22 ['MAGA', 'Qanon', 'Honduran Caravan', 'Trump', 'President Trump', 'USA', 'Illegal Aliens', '8Chan'] PT9M8S 3001 17 48 4 not set not set 2018-10-30T00:15:34.000Z c7xeF4LJbjc UCn982a9S61mUQiMN4yurP9Q 'Initiative Q' Crypto Mainstream Angus & Jason get to grips with the recent phenomenon of Q Initiative. What is it? There are some big claims, but what is it? Should you get involved? The guys make some great points that anyone interested should hear. Pynk Tank 22 ['Q initiative', 'Podcast', 'Angus Maidment', 'Jason Allan Scott'] PT19M53S 232 3 10 0 not set not set 2018-06-22T07:54:48.000Z kXQLkFFm5hc UCvQ2tuaqxafLQdhcp7tjuUg Q The Plan To Save The World. Who is Q? WWG1WGA "Patriot designs. Trumps Tees and more: Although many readers may be familiar with the deeper, more intricate parts of the internet, the context behind the character of Q must be surveyed before one can begin to grasp straws. Q originates from the online image-board 4chan, where users can post anonymously or with a temporary user name along. On this imageboard are multiple “threads,” spanning across various genres and topics for discussion. Although the entire platform is often vilified as racist or as though possessing a nefarious ulterior motive, there are many imageboards that have nothing to do with politics. For example, /po/ is dedicated to paper-craft and origami, /vp/ is dedicated to Pokémon, and /lgbt/ is a platform of discussion for homosexual and trans-gendered individuals. Unfortunately, 4chan gets a notoriously bad rap due to the unforgiving, brutal, and often malevolent attitude and practices of users on /pol/. /pol/ is 4chan’s imageboard that has been around since 2011, and is an abbreviation for the imageboard’s full name: “Politically Incorrect.” It is within this particular digital space that we found Q. Because of this factor alone, virtually anybody could be Q. It is not necessarily true that this identity is a single person, as a variety of users could post to 4chan with the user name. The latter part, “Anon,” comes from the word “anonymous,” and is usually employed as a title for 4chan posters. For the most part, Q is seen posting on /pol/. Moving forward, let’s look back to October 31, 2017. On this date, a 4chan user posted “a massive list of questions on /pol/, implying that a massive operation was being undertaken in order to clean up the US Gov’t,” according to one user. “He claimed that three (used to be four) major families were controlling the corrupt parts of the US government. He also claimed that on the Third of November, Podesta would be indicted, and on the sixth of Nobember, Huma would be indicted. After that, he said that on Friday and Saturday (implying the 3rd and 4th of November, respectively), Trump would deliver on the MAGA promise… He said that, ‘I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points. These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data.” According to many 4chan users, this event was one of the first appearances of Q, who would appear again on November 1. “On the First of November, a person claiming to have Q-level security clearance posted a large amount of information pertaining to the retaking of America from the Deep State/Swamp. He claimed that Public riots were being organized to act as living shields to prevent the arrest of senior public officials. Due to the disorder that would inevitably be caused by such an action, he claimed that POTUS would declare Martial Law to capture these individuals. He then posted the following sequence of numbers, ‘4, 10, 20.’ After that, he posted a series of more questions under the same lines as the previous, and then asked us to, “Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.” 4, 10, and 20, when correlated to the letters of the alphabet, come out to: D, J, and T, which many users have taken as a reference to President Donald J. Trump. Users point out that it is interesting to note that the person posting as Q has almost always referred to themselves in plurality and almost never in singularity (i.e., “we,” not, “I“). On November 4, 2017, Q began to ask questions in his standard format on the topic of Saudi Arabia. “He implied that what happened in Saudi Arabia would happen to the US. One Anon made the connection of the Abdulaziz family to one of the four families mentioned previously, which Q all but confirmed.” On November 5, 2017, Q began to ask questions about the recent Las Vegas shooting, implying that Obama had been “groomed to be the 44th President… After that, Q asked us about who owns controlling shares in major media and popular internet websites.” The answer being, of course, the recently arrested Saudi prince al-Waleed, who owned massive amounts of shares in Twitter, news outlets (including FOX), and even owned floors of the hotel where gunman Stephen Paddock killed over 100 civilians. Al-Waleed had also assisted in funding Obama’s education at Harvard University. On November 16, 2017, a midair collision between two aerial vehicles occurred over a home belonging to the Rothschild family, killing four. However, three days prior, Q had made yet another post on /pol/, stating the following: “Distress Cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing. -Q.” The Storm is here FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.....Q" Q Anon 22 ['WWG1WGA', 'TrumpQAnon'] PT6M13S 3414 13 112 2 not set not set 2018-09-14T22:06:19.000Z KWM4_SmpCS0 UCbU8alkauCRKBijthFVsNkg Q anon LEAKED DARPA 911 VIDEO Q anon LEAKED DARPA 911 VIDEO Q Anon 22 ['q anon', '911', 'darpa', 'donald trump', 'maga', 'trump'] PT2M7S 3261 21 38 15 not set not set 2018-09-14T23:53:04.000Z tJgPs65n9D8 UCbU8alkauCRKBijthFVsNkg 911 PATRIOT LEAK!!! UNRELEASED DARPA! QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT Q BATTLE STATIONS READY Q Anon 22 ['aarmy', 'maga', 'donald trump', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange', 'news', 'world', 'technology', 'science', 'darpa', 'cia', 'fbi'] PT3M21S 1819 11 25 2 not set not set 2018-09-15T05:43:49.000Z 7Ie_An382Fk UCbU8alkauCRKBijthFVsNkg To Kill A Mockingbird 911 DARPA LOCKHEED MARTIN RELEASE Qanon "LOCKHEED MARTIN AUDITOR RELEASES VIDEO TO PUBLIC FOR QPATRIOTS TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY" Q Anon 22 ['qanon', 'q army', 'patriots', '911', 'never forget', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'paul joseph watson', 'dr judy wood', 'joe rogan'] PT3M39S 8495 80 88 7 not set not set 2018-09-15T06:26:11.000Z c7v6yuCekAU UCbU8alkauCRKBijthFVsNkg Qanon Patriot debunks thermite "Qanon Patriot debunks thermite ADVANCED WEAPONS SYSTEMS TAVISTOCK AND MEDIA COMPLICIT" Q Anon 22 ['911', 'qanon', 'qarmy', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'david icke', 'joe rogan', 'elon musk', 'maga', 'donald trump', 'john podesta', 'pizzagate', 'twin towers', 'illuminati', 'nwo', 'new world order', 'bush', 'clinton', 'discordianism', 'church of the sub genius'] PT2M58S 342 5 13 1 not set not set 2018-09-16T01:40:30.000Z C7BTpLplPkw UCbU8alkauCRKBijthFVsNkg Trump says "HOW COULD A PLANE EVEN GO THROUGH STEEL?" MAGA QARMY "Battle Stations ready patriots #WWG1WWGA #MAGA #Qarmy #Qanon #Trump #GreatAwakening #Tesla" Q Anon 22 ['qarmy', 'qanon', 'maga', 'WWG1WWGA', 'q army', 'great awakening', 'patriots', 'us military', '911', 'steel', 'building', 'construction', 'engineering', 'donald trump', 'hillary clinton'] PT4M20S 3855 23 66 1 not set not set 2018-08-01T19:45:00.000Z p1b7SvjMncw UCKpbmelu5ImuvJyBj68cEXA Pineapple, Rainbow & Flamingo Designs! Q Corner Live Episode 7 Q Corner 22 ['chrome balloons', 'chrome balloons qualatex', 'deco bubble balloons', 'deco bubble qualatex', 'dominic cassidy', 'easy balloon decoration ideas', 'keith stirman', 'q corner', 'q corner qualatex', 'qcorner', 'qualatex balloons', 'qualatex chrome', 'qualatex corner', 'flamingo', 'pineapple', 'rainbow', 'balloon designs', 'balloon training', 'oz jam', 'balloon jam', 'hamburg', 'qualatex chrome balloons english', 'qualatex balloons chrome'] PT55M21S 2357 4 105 0 not set not set 2018-08-27T23:36:31.000Z HDJJaPheVD4 UC-g6XF46havZ5ymHMfX9YaQ NEW Q: Why is this important [to drop] prior to BO testimony? #QNN "Q Drops Sealed Indictments Resignations QNN Discord link" Qanon News Network 25 not set PT1H34M58S 272 1 25 2 not set not set 2018-08-28T02:05:40.000Z wnZigE1JOCQ UC-g6XF46havZ5ymHMfX9YaQ NEW Qanon: Think for yourself. Research for yourself. Trust yourself. #QNN "Q Drops Sealed Indictments Resignations QNN Discord link" Qanon News Network 25 not set PT2H17M34S 512 0 28 2 not set not set 2018-09-01T02:19:47.000Z eJxehQ9St7c UC-g6XF46havZ5ymHMfX9YaQ New QAnon: UTAH. What are the odds of that? Q "Multistreaming with 24/7 QAnon Research Sealed Indictments Resignations QNN Discord link" Qanon News Network 25 not set PT24S 166 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T12:36:07.000Z kyfmYjhqkfc UC4JzaLjcUDo7eyFUvVvz1Iw Have you been defrauded by the QAnon Troll Scam? Reddit 4Chan 8Chan " #QAnon #QAnonFraud #WWG1WGA @FBI FBI" QAnon SCAM 25 ['#QAnon', '#QAnonFraud', 'Qanon', 'Anon', '-Q', '#WWG1WGA', 'WWG1WGA', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Tracy Diaz', 'Coleman Rogers', 'Paul Furber', 'PamphletAnon', 'Radix', 'InfoWars', 'Alex jones', 'infowars banned', 'FBI', 'SecretService', '@SecretService', 'PrayingMedic', 'Bill Smith', 'Christina Urso', '', 'UNIRock', 'UNIRock2', 'Q anon Scam', 'QAnon Decode', 'Q Decode', 'patriotssoapbox24/7', 'patriotssoapbox', 'patriots soapbox', 'patriotssoapbox247', 'patriots soap box 24/7'] PT5M2S 160 0 2 2 not set not set 2018-08-30T17:36:45.000Z smWrp1pxYjM UCBwkopTONiKOcaJCGyjWHTw #QANON - Q 1978 - Decoded - Math is NON-understandable sometimes Watch as Underground Seer battles library university maths teachers in a faraway episode of this weeks favorite hero fights the magical frog monsters. Qanon Seer Decodes 22 ['qanon', 'decoded', '1978', 'qq', 'maths', 'math'] PT1M26S 26 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-30T22:46:40.000Z SAGrArkdbEc UCBwkopTONiKOcaJCGyjWHTw #QANON - Q 1984-1999 - Decoded - Q Drops decoded by Underground Seer That's right kids, the rest of the 90s has been decoded by the pro decoder Underground Seer Qanon Seer Decodes 22 ['qanon', 'qq', 'trump', 'greatawakening', 'reddit', 'fake news'] PT11M59S 222 1 2 2 not set not set 2018-09-02T19:22:19.000Z C2k0nT_wlOg UCBwkopTONiKOcaJCGyjWHTw #QANON - Q Drop 2055 - Decoded - Master Plan in Motion, Trust the System "Good morning friends, last night I was so constipated and this morning I finally shit it out and saw the truth. By the Way, I tried to say I'd be there.... Waiting for Big Shits" Qanon Seer Decodes 22 ['qanon', 'drop', 'qdrop', '2055', 'decoded'] PT3M59S 212 1 0 2 not set not set 2018-10-01T07:47:55.000Z GJn-ooH-n-c UCgdZkBT24dNbk2ynU65tsWw 2300 QAnon Drop Declares Red October Trump Tweets Q's 8 Chan Drop "These EVIL RATS are terrified. They are being exposed and they will be dealt with by President Trump. Their time is almost up! #WeTheQAnonAmericans #WWG1WGA QAnon Patriots on Gab New Q drop proves why we ""Trust The Plan"" Best Value QAnon Tees" QAnon Tube 10 ['2300 QAnon Drop Declares Red October'] PT2M5S 473 2 8 1 not set not set 2018-02-07T05:57:41.000Z o_bbpEfMIZk UClxBmBpZqXzzmr89oXbSomg Qanon: A Great Awakening in Deep State's Black Forest of Mind Control (Pt1) "Part 1 of 5 - See Playlist 'Qanon: 2.5.18' Mind bending connections! Sleeping Beauty wakes up in the Black Forest's Magic Castle under the spell of MK Ultra's mind-control ridden Seven Dwarfs who are using the CIA's 7 super computers to build nuclear weapons for the Secret Society's hideouts in North Korea, Iran and Russian where Snowden helps Russia with Ads geared to destroy the American presidential election fronted by the game playing 'naive' Tech Giants sporting innocence while the Steele Dossier strikes out and Disney gets taken for a ride the POTUS touch says Q... The Queen to all the King's Men. Part 2 of Qanon Post 2.5.18 Part 3 of Qanon Post 2.5.18 #Qanon #SecretSociety #Illuminati #Freemasons #NewWorldOrder #NWO #Memo #BlackForest #GreatAwakening #DeepState #POTUS #Trump #Memo #MKUltra #Cannibalism #MAGA" Qryhz Z 25 ['Qanon', 'Steele dossier', 'Black forest', 'Conspiracy theory', 'Deep state', 'Great awakening', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'FISA memo', 'Cia', 'Mk ultra', 'ESPN', 'Tech Giants', 'Rothschild', 'Disney', 'Hunting Estate', '50 Shades of Freed', 'Magic castle', 'Snowden', 'Russia', 'Freemasons', 'Illuminati', 'Cannibalism', 'Secret society'] PT30M33S 9403 55 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-13T23:58:05.000Z MBeX9H91VbY UClxBmBpZqXzzmr89oXbSomg Q Post Pt4 - Rohschilds, CIA, survaillance, snow white, steele, FISA, saudi prince alaweed,, jail "Compilationof posts from Jan 13 - Future Proves Past Connecting the dots... Nothing is a coincidence. The Map is Key Planned for [3] years. #Qposts #DeepState #GreatAwakening #SleepingBeauty #MagicCastle #Roswell #SpaceX #50ShadesOfFreed #FREED #Grimm #Rothschild #POTUS #Trump" Qryhz Z 25 ['Q posts', 'Qanon', 'Elon Musk', 'Space x', 'Q Clearance', 'Energy', 'Area 51', 'Roswell', 'Great Awakening', 'Tesla', 'Patriots', '50 Shades of FREED', 'Magic Castle', 'MAGA', 'waterways', 'shipping', 'deep state', 'Falcon'] PT32M59S 266 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-20T04:57:36.000Z Ir1sM_z503I UClxBmBpZqXzzmr89oXbSomg QPost Great Awakening and Telling Tales (Pt3) "From Qpost 2.18.18 ""3:16"" Another Great Awakening: Did the next generation ruling class go to school together? This analysis connects the dots of possibilities. World Wresting Entertainment (WWE) Headlines Andreessen Horowitz Marc Andreessen Kim JongUn #Qpost #Qanon #GreatAwakening #MoneyLaundering #NWO #OffshoreBanking #MAGA #POTUS #DrainTheSwamp" Qryhz Z 25 ['Qanon', 'Q post', 'Great awakening', 'North korea', 'NWO', 'Hidden meanings', 'Secret societies', 'Justin castro trudeau', 'Money laundering', 'Bahamas', 'Rockets', 'Elon musk', 'Energy', 'Drug running', 'MAGA'] PT34M13S 183 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T21:15:33.000Z 8-D0sx2m-ho UClxBmBpZqXzzmr89oXbSomg Q: DeepDream's Great Awakening Goal of Total Mind Control "Vault 7 - WikiLeaks - Deep Dream - other ways the CIA and Tech are working to control us such as through the Parkland Shooting to ban guns so that we can't protect ourselves during a coup or takeover. It would mean that if Electronic Warfare has been put in telephone poles and you don't have a gun then you won't be able to shoot it down to keep it from attacking you during a takeover. It would wield you powerless. The movie, Logan, is used as a way for US Defense Departments to talk to each other through hidden meanings. Logan is an example of what Electronic Warfare can do to people - disable, harm, kill, etc. Electronic Warfare at the US Embassy in Cuba Electrosensitivity Logan Neuro Lacing (Brain Webbing) Learn More about Automated Cars Electronic Warfare - worth understanding... Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools Revealed Hierarchical CIA Chart - has CIA equal in power to the President! #Qpost #DeepDream #ElectronicWarfare #MindControl #CIAcorruption #GreatAwakening @POTUS #POTUS #WikiLeaks #Vault 7" Qryhz Z 25 ['q posts', 'great awakening', 'electronic warfare', 'smart tvs', 'vault 7', 'wikileaks', 'CIA', 'Mind control', 'america first', 'weather manipulation', 'government takeover', 'US Embassy', 'Cuba', 'Logan'] PT32M11S 292 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-01T19:11:20.000Z Ao9I8X_biIU UClxBmBpZqXzzmr89oXbSomg Q Post: It is Time To Fight. Let's Call it Group Therapy! "Here we look at a compilation of Q posts to get a broad overall meaning of what he's saying and what he wants from us. What his main objective is and how we can run with it! Is Trump fending off assassination attempts? Is Q directly telling us this through hidden meanings? Does he very much, in a very real sense, need our assistance. And, of course, do we just as much need to protect our own country from a New World Order takeover? #MAGA #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp #SecondRevolution @POTUS @realDonaldTrump" Qryhz Z 25 ['POTUS', 'second revolution', 'great awakening', 'New World Order', 'Protecting america', 'Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'maga'] PT32M39S 734 11 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-20T09:56:33.000Z qke2fgIYkcQ UCDUaV20CGZGN-_INseWi2LA The Revolution Chronicles - Qtube QAnon Update "QNation.US is an independent publisher chronicling The Great Awakening of America by QAnon and it’s supporters on QTube. QAnon is an organized movement which began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous, unmoderated imageboard 4chan by a poster with the handle Q, believing to include multiple individuals with Military Q clearance (Highest Security Clearance) that are in the Trump administration. The QAnon Movement is set to take down the DeepState including numerous liberal/Democrat Hollywood actors, politicians, and other high-ranking officials of engaging in an international child sex trafficking ring, treason and crimes against humanity. QAnon followers began appearing at Trump rallies during the summer of 2018. For the latest updates Register with QNation.US and stay informed on how the Q movement is Saving America." QTube 22 not set PT9M23S 149 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-14T04:51:28.000Z DAl6RfNKnlI UCP5NZvAaG6JJaMe3NrTVZGQ Fake Google QAnon Web bot YT Channels BUSTED! Live! New Q anon #Ai Monetized recycled Q drops #Tyler "Using recycled Q Drops from Free - open sourced - Pod casts Google Web bots in conjunction w/ #ArtificialIntelligence (#Ai) has Monetized the Q Anon movement. Via Having A Plethora off adds on their shill Web bot desighed channels. Adds/ commercials that mysteriously come & go. ALL OF THE FORMENTIONED CAN BE SCENE HERE IN THIS SHOCKING VIDEO! Video features Audio & video from the following Channels; - Lift the Veil - Fkn Franky - Black Pilled & DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THEM ⬆ AS WELL AS SUBSCRIBING TO MY NEW HONEST CHANNEL the ""QUIET MATH"".. Right Here !!! Because Who else puts together A Shill/ Web bot YouTube channel busting video like this!? & I Thank You!" Quiet Math 22 ['Artificial Inteigence', 'Qanon', 'New Q drop', 'QAnon decode', 'Ai', '5G', 'Web bot', 'Webbots', 'Russian bot', 'TimePhone Hack', 'News', 'Jason Goodman', 'Quinn Michaels', 'interfacing', 'Tyler', 'TeamTyler', 'Exposes Qanon', 'MSNBC'] PT29M49S 105 2 7 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T21:17:33.000Z h1VKDDVhxm4 UCaX2rtqAzOob_X5S98JXd5A Q anon...Trump y México... Como ha combatido Q anon al poder en las sombras y el modus operandi en el mundo... QUINTA DIMENSION 24 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Iluminati', 'Trump', 'viral'] PT22M6S 10912 202 797 13 not set not set 2017-11-08T01:37:57.000Z CBC5xCrdL7w UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "Getting Loud in The House of Saud" feat. Tracy Beanz 11/7/17 "Major house cleaning in the Saudi power structure as the country postures towards supposed reform. Donald Trump is making the rounds in Asia, starting in Japan. Back home, we are going to review some of the distractions in the media meant to pull us away from a worsening picture with the DNC, and the Q Anon saga unfolding on 4Chan's /pol/. Tonight's guest is going to be Tracy Beanz. A lot to do! Become my boss: One-Time Tip: Join the QF [Research, Analysis, and Chill] Discord Chat: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'fake news', 'new york', 'memes', 'dank memes', 'conspiracy', 'antifa', 'resistance', '/pol/', '4chan', 'q anon', 'saudi arabia', 'hillary clinton'] PT1H25M14S 7126 67 262 9 not set not set 2017-11-21T01:37:51.000Z xHFMqrNnLD4 UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "The Flogging of Lena Dunham and New Q Drops" 11/20/17 "It's a new week. A brand new week and it will be shortened by my new favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving (Christmas without the financial burden). Plenty of news worth of being ignored, including President Roger Rabbit getting into another Twitter fight; but outside of that we have some hilarious news swirling around my favorite, Lena Dunham. She's been accused of racism, so we'll look into how this could possibly be a thing. Then! A new round of posts from the mysterious Q. Become my boss: One-Time Tip: Join the QF [Research, Analysis, and Chill] Discord Chat: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'fake news', 'new york', 'memes', 'dank memes', 'conspiracy', 'resistance', '/pol/', '4chan', 'Q anon', 'Trump', 'The Happening', 'whiterabbit', 'white rabbit', 'rothschild', 'lena dunham', 'racism', 'feminism'] PT1H14M47S 988 15 92 2 not set not set 2017-12-27T02:08:10.000Z UT4XSIKAP54 UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "Julian Assange and The Christmas Happening?" 12/26/17 "What do the recent Shake-ups and Announcements at the FBI/DOJ tell us? What the hell happened with Julian Assange's Twitter account? And why are officials now saying that we won't know anything about the Las Vegas shooter's motives until next October? It's the day after Christmas and we need to reengage! But First, a story I cut from Friday night's show: Chunk Yogurt of The Young Turks says all of the things about women that Liberals WISH Donald Trump had said. Toward the end of the show we spend time trying to figure out how eating meat perpetuates Toxic Masculinity and the Reign of the Patriarchy. Pass the Brioschi. Become my Boss: One-Time Tip: Join the QF [Research, Analysis, and Chill] Discord Chat: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'new york', 'nuclear deal', 'barack obama', 'sealed indictments', 'executive order', 'human rights', 'julian assange', 'anthony weiner', 'qanon', 'the happening', 'christmas', 'las vegas', 'conspiracy', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'James Comey', 'Special Counsel'] PT1H41M24S 2833 35 259 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T01:59:08.000Z Ltmi_TMdrqw UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "The Calm Before The Storm" 12/27/17 "After a light opening, we welcome on P.A. and Baruch, the creators/moderators of the 8Chan 'Calm Before the Storm' board. We inquire about some pressing issues surrounding the anonymous character we've come to know as ""Q"". Where did it all start? Why the sudden departure from 4Chan? Has ""Q"" been compromised, and how can we tell if this is real, or just one big 1990's AOL Chat room role playing game? Most importantly: Where is this all heading, and is our culture strong enough to survive the shock of what may be exposed next? Become my Boss: One-Time Tip: Join the QF [Research, Analysis, and Chill] Discord Chat: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'new york', 'sealed indictments', 'executive order', 'julian assange', 'qanon', 'the happening', 'las vegas', 'conspiracy', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Special Counsel', 'CBTS'] PT1H37M55S 8694 80 527 11 not set not set 2017-12-29T02:23:20.000Z CTuNjD2VLtw UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "A Timeline of Treason" 12/28/17 "Well, last night felt like we had a lot of great company over. Tonight will be the after-party on the back porch with a fire pit, only the fire pit may be a hookah. Either way, it is a colder night than last, and we have Rob Corrado in studio for the second-to-last broadcast of 2017. We will talk about last night's show with P.A. and Baruch of the CBTS board on 8Chan, the comments received from the audience, and analysis of another anon that sometimes gets lost in the fray of the saga known as Q. In the second half of the show we revisit an old leaky friend, Evelyn Farkas; plus, we skim through A Timeline of Treason (linked below). We do a lot of Overtime and take some calls at the end. Tomorrow will be relaxed and easy. A Timeline of Treason: Become my Boss: One-Time Tip: Join the QF [Research, Analysis, and Chill] Discord Chat: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'new york', 'sealed indictments', 'executive order', 'julian assange', 'qanon', 'the happening', 'las vegas', 'conspiracy', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Special Counsel', 'CBTS'] PT1H58M51S 3234 38 270 4 not set not set 2017-12-30T02:18:54.000Z LyI7xw1a4UQ UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "Popping Bottles and Slurring 'I Love You's'" 12/29/17 "I believe it was the Steve Miller Band that said, ""Time keeps slippin, slippin, slippin into the future."" We're turning the page on the calendar once again, but it's been one helluva year. And as we took to the stage news was continuing to flow in about Anti-Government demonstrations beginning to spread across Iran. Since the whole things is still developing, we analyzed one or two possibly *positive* ways to see this. How it will all end up? We'll find out. Pamphlet Anon and Baruch The Scribe make a debut appearance on InfoWars, a mere two days after the great episode we did together. So we reviewed some of the proofs of Q Anon that we could confirm. A fantastic article by Andrew Klavan; Dr. Phil accused of getting alcoholic guests drunk; and great calls from the audience. It was a nice way to let a good year pass. Become my Boss: One-Time Tip: Join the QF [Research, Analysis, and Chill] Discord Chat: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'new york', 'new years eve', 'iran', 'protests', '2018', 'andrew klavan', 'qanon', 'reddit'] PT1H56M42S 1862 25 170 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T01:41:26.000Z gnds7aN-FMk UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ "The Golden Gallstones" 1/8/18 "It's the Monday night and last night on the Golden Globes, the whole country was treated to a fabulous night in which the very people responsible for the rapey culture in Hollywood virtue signaled to each other for hours, while dressed in black... But tonight on the show we do some headlines and touch on some interesting developments around the latest Q Anon stuff, as well as Julian Assange, North Korea, Space X, Mega Anon, and more. Rob Corrado is in studio for this one too. Become my Boss: One-Time Tip: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy Minds: @QuiteFrankly Website:" Quite Frankly 25 ['podcast', 'live', 'uncensored', 'politically correct', 'history', 'social justice', 'social justice warrior', 'democrat', 'liberal', 'progressive', 'donald trump', 'censorship', 'free speech', 'new york', 'golden globes', 'oprah', 'SJW', 'gender', 'metoo', 'timesup', 'hollywood', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'mega anon', 'q anon'] PT1H18M28S 2229 46 274 1 not set not set 2018-10-20T11:00:07.000Z nW6nfR9KnAs UCtB5nbKHYsX8EGIk9cOevaQ Frank & Jordan Sather DESTROY All Illusions "The guys talk Everything From secret space to Holistic Health. #sather From Full episode: Killer Parkour Robots In Space feat. Jordan Sather Website: Sponsor: PayPal: BTC: 1EafWUDPHY6y6HQNBjZ4kLWzQJFnE5k9PK LTC: LRs6my7scMxpTD5j7i8WkgBgxpbjXABYXX ETH: 0x80cd26f708815003F11Bd99310a47069320641fC Join the Discord Fan Hangout: Official Site: Twitter: @PoliticalOrgy On Demand: iTunes: SoundCloud: Google Play: Stitcher: BitChute: DTube: Live On: Periscope: Twitch: YouTube:" Quite Frankly 25 ['news', 'issues', 'politics', 'history', 'government', 'uncensored', 'podcast', 'new york', 'conservative', 'liberal', 'libertarian', 'republican', 'democrat', 'movies', 'social justice', 'free speech', 'liberty', 'jordan sather', 'destroying the illusion', 'qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'space program', 'secret', 'cia', 'fbi', 'conspiracy', 'q anon', 'r anon', 'jfk', 'jfk jr'] PT41M48S 3697 91 311 13 not set not set 2018-03-22T07:16:23.000Z ccl3T8ozswg UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A 5 W's OF Q - WHAT IS Q? [CALM BEFORE THE STORM] (Q 101) "DESCRIPTION AND LINKS BELOW: THE Q PHENOMENON IS BREAKING ALL ACROSS THE WORLD. THIS SHORT VIDEO GIVES A QUICK OVERVIEW OF THE ""WHAT"", ""WHO"", ""WHEN"", ""WHY"" AND ""WHERE"" OF ""Q"". LINKS To YouTube Channels: SUBSCRIBE TO #WeThePeople 24/7 Live: SUBSCRIBE TO Coffee & Freedom: SUBSCRIBE TO INetCoder (ME): The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is a Genius. What is Q? Who is Q? Why is Q? ALL PATRIOTS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS. PLEASE READ, YOU WILL BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR COUNTRY AND WHAT IS BEING DONE ABOUT IT. Links for the CHANS: 4 Chan: 8 Chan: For much more detail, review the following video: TO INSTALL DISCORD, GOTO AND INSTALL: ONCE THAT IS INSTALLED, YOU CAN CLICK ON THIS LINK TO JOIN:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'BREAKING', 'NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi'] PT6M1S 2218 25 274 1 not set not set 2018-04-07T07:52:49.000Z -58tTGSAx4s UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (FRI 04/06/2018) [DROP 01] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-06-2018. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS AND HOW THE NEW YORK TIMES IS DIRECTING ITS READERS TO BELIEVE IT IS ALL A CONSPIRACY, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE POTUS BATTLE FOR THE BORDER. INFORMATION REGARDING HUESSEIN WITH AN AK-47 WHILE WEARING TRIBAL ATTIRE AND FUTURE IMAGES TO SURFACE ON THIS AS WELL. COVERING THE FACT THAT INFORMATION SUCH AS THIS MAY BE SCRUBBED OFF THE INTERNET BY GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YAHOO, BING, AND INSTAGRAM. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, INFORMATION ABOUT SOME POSSIBLE TRAFFICKING AND CONNECTIONS TO KNOWN CELEBS. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON', 'NEW Q POSTS', 'Q ANON', '#WeThePeople', 'POTUS', 'NEW NEWS', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'NEWS'] PT13M9S 959 15 64 1 not set not set 2018-04-08T09:13:04.000Z -kw4sS0bwmY UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SAT 04/07/2018) [DROP 02] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-07-2018. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE POTUS BATTLE FOR THE BORDER. COVERING THE FACT CALIFORNIA AND ITS LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL DURING THE PRESIDENT'S WEEKLY ADDRESS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, INFORMATION ABOUT SOME POSSIBLE TRAFFICKING AND CONNECTIONS TO KNOWN CELEBS. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON', 'NEW Q POSTS', 'Q ANON', '#WeThePeople', 'POTUS', 'NEW NEWS', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'NEWS', '#MAGA'] PT12M35S 4368 37 183 3 not set not set 2018-04-09T08:01:01.000Z MnNvblS8Xog UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SUN 04/08/2018) [DROP 03] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-08-2018. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE IMAGES FROM NO-NAME AND KNOWN FOREIGN ACTORS. ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events. NEW Q! COVERING INFORMATION RELATING TO CHEMICAL ATTACKS, AND POSSIBLE STAGED EVENTS FROM A ONCE TRUSTED INDIVIDUAL FROM THE GOVERNMENT. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON', 'Q ANON', '#WeThePeople', 'POTUS', 'NEW NEWS', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'NEWS', '#MAGA', 'NEW Q', 'NEW Q DROPS', 'Q ANON Q POSTS'] PT13M7S 885 10 44 0 not set not set 2018-04-10T07:00:12.000Z IQxg3-M0I7Y UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (MON 04/09/2018) [DROP 04] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "REVEALS INFO ON FALSE GRAPHICS CIRCULATING, READING COMMS, AND UNDERSTANDING THE UNCOVERING OF ALL OF THE FACT ALL PEOPLE ARE BEING MONITORED. AND HOW CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS ARE GOING TO PLAY A VERY KEY ROLL IN HOW TO COMBAT THESE ACTS AGAINST US. THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-09-2018. ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events. NEW Q! COVERING INFORMATION RELATING TO CHEMICAL ATTACKS, AND POSSIBLE STAGED EVENTS FROM A ONCE TRUSTED INDIVIDUAL FROM THE GOVERNMENT. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO : QUNIVERSE QANON DROP 2018 04 10" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'NEWS', 'BREAKING', 'PATRIOT', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX 24/7 STREAM', 'Decode', 'Isreal', 'PRIVACY'] PT12M19S 299 4 32 0 not set not set 2018-04-11T05:48:00.000Z zTiWU-RbWTI UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (MON 04/10/2018) [DROP 05] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-10-2018. NEW Q! INFORMATION BEING REVEALED ON MILITARY, ALSO, CHINA FINALLY CONCEDES WITH @POTUS ON TRADE. INFO ON FBI AND THE FIRE AT TRUMP TOWER. Q ALSO MENTIONS WHO TO TRUST, THESE INCLUDE, SESSIONS, WRAY, KANSAS, HOROWITZ, AND HUBER. ALSO WHAT SEEMS TO BE INFO ON @Snowden AND THE ZUCK TESTIFYING. AND THE WEEKLY ADDRESS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. GUYS, IF YOU COULD SEE FIT TO HELP OUT ME OUT WITH QUNIVERSE, IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED: TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO : QUNIVERSE QANON DROP 2018 04 10" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', '#WeThePeople', 'NEWS', 'PATRIOT SOAPBOX 24/7 STREAM', '#MAGA', 'Q ANON', 'NEW'] PT5M9S 702 5 42 0 not set not set 2018-04-12T05:43:44.000Z t-SHJLQmU98 UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (TUE 04/11/2018) [DROP 06] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-11-2018. NEW Q! INFORMATION BEING REVEALED ON HANNITY AT 9:00, AND SARAH CARTER TELLS IN A TWEET TO WATCH FOR 12 MIDNIGHT. AIDE OUSTED FROM WHITE HOUSE RE-EMERGES AT STATE DEPARTMENT. TRUMP RESPONDS TO PUTIN'S MISSILE WARNING. PAUL RYAN NOT RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION FOR POSSIBLE REASONS OUTLINED. HOUSE OF REPS BEING THINNED OUT? AND MUCH MORE. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. GUYS, IF YOU COULD SEE FIT TO HELP OUT ME OUT WITH QUNIVERSE, 5, 10, 20 OR WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD. IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED: TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', '#WeThePeople', 'NEWS', 'PATRIOT SOAPBOX 24/7 STREAM', '#MAGA', 'Q ANON', 'NEW', 'Q DROP', 'Q POSTS'] PT9M13S 503 7 44 1 not set not set 2018-04-13T05:33:12.000Z igUAj76PJt4 UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (THU 04/12/2018) [DROP 07] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-12-2018. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE. IN ADDITION, INFORMATION ABOUT SOME POSSIBLE TRAFFICKING AND CONNECTIONS BEING CIRCUMVENTED BY THE PRESIDENTS NEW LAW HE JUST SIGNED. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'BREAKING', 'NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi'] PT6M48S 813 7 49 0 not set not set 2018-04-16T05:30:24.000Z CWU9TX0WyHU UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (MON 04/16/2018) [DROP 08] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR THE WEEKEND AND 04-16-2018. THIS COVERS THE POTUS TWEETS ON THE TARMAC MEETING BETWEEN LORETTA LYNCH AND BILL CLINTON. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi'] PT12M23S 12232 82 248 11 not set not set 2018-04-17T04:53:24.000Z IjcS7shXiFM UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (TUE 04/17/2018) [DROP 09] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-16-2018. THIS COVERS THE POTUS TWEETS ON THE TARMAC MEETING BETWEEN LORETTA LYNCH AND BILL CLINTON. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi'] PT8M17S 2519 10 64 1 not set not set 2018-04-18T05:38:31.000Z WS6xG707iZE UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (WED 04/18/2018) [DROP 10] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-17-2018. THIS COVERS THE POTUS TWEETS AND ALSO HINTING AT MANY BIG THINGS ARE ABOUT TO HAPPEN, INFORMATION ON A POSSIBLE CONSPIRACY AND HOW FALSE FLAGS ARE GOING TO BE USED TO DISCREDIT WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION'] PT7M2S 5391 22 155 2 not set not set 2018-04-19T06:05:41.000Z ipcK5B25C0Q UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (THU 04/19/2018) [DROP 11] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-18-2018. THIS COVERS SOME Q RESPONSES TO OTHER FAKE DISTRACTIONS AND ALSO, OUTLINES CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNORS RESPONSE TO DEPLOYING THE NATIONAL GUARD. ALSO, COMMENTS ON PLANE ENGINE FIRE. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA'] PT7M45S 7136 32 171 5 not set not set 2018-04-21T07:15:13.000Z LIv8TM279i8 UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SAT 04/21/2018) [DROP 13] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-20-2018. THIS COVERS LINKS TO A SMALL CHILD, OBAMA AND HOLLYWOOD. INFORMATION ON SNOWDEN AND HIS TWEETS, INFORMATION ON HOW THINGS ARE ABOUT TO BREAK. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATRREON : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'Seth Rich', 'HOLLYWOOD ELITE'] PT14M11S 15725 94 369 20 not set not set 2018-04-23T06:39:04.000Z tavACR205_I UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (MON 04/23/2018) [DROP 15] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-22-2018. THIS COVERS LINKS TO A SMALL CHILD, OBAMA AND HOLLYWOOD. INFORMATION ON SNOWDEN AND HIS TWEETS, INFORMATION ON HOW THINGS ARE ABOUT TO BREAK. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'Seth Rich', 'HOLLYWOOD ELITE'] PT15M22S 13855 34 256 10 not set not set 2018-04-24T09:07:32.000Z Z9oI9jumq7A UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (MON 04/24/2018) [DROP 16] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-22-2018. THIS COVERS LINKS TO A SMALL CHILD, OBAMA AND HOLLYWOOD. INFORMATION ON SNOWDEN AND HIS TWEETS, INFORMATION ON HOW THINGS ARE ABOUT TO BREAK. THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'MOAB'] PT23M22S 11388 38 229 12 not set not set 2018-04-25T05:41:37.000Z z-GztSLsSQI UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (WED 04/25/2018) [DROP 17] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "THIS COVERS ALL OF THE Q POSTS FOR 04-24-2018. THIS COVERS INFORMATION ON THE STATE DINNER. NUCLEAR BACKROOM DEALS. POTUS IS FREE FROM THE BLACK HATS PETER STRZOK AND LISA PAGE NEW TEXTS COMING OUT TWEETED FROM SARAH CARTER THIS COVERS EVERYTHING ONGOING FROM THE NEWS COVERAGE OF THE ANONS, TO THE DISTURBING FACTS COMING OUT ON THE THE POSSIBLE CORRUPTION ON SOME ELECTED OFFICIALS. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'MOAB'] PT11M1S 9661 58 212 9 not set not set 2018-04-26T06:28:26.000Z YzYOk7HxObg UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (THU 04/26/2018) [DROP 18] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "INFO ON THE TORONTO RTDER VAN ATTACKER Q REVEALS THOUGHTS ON MACRON INFORMATION ON FRANCE AND WORLD WIDE LEVERAGE Q STATES THE WORLD IS WATCHING IN RESPONSE TO AN ANON POST TREASON AND CORRUPTION MENTIONED MANY RESIGNATIONS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE RESIGNING YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL WWG1WGA HAVE FAITH CALLING WORLD WIDE TO THE EVENTS HAPPENING LT GENERAL PAUL M. NAKASONE OF U.S. ARMY CALLED OUT ANTIFA FLAG MIMICS NAZI FLAG MESSAGES OF AWARENESS AND THE GREAT AWAKENING THINK FOR YOURSELF MSM A TOOL FOR THE LEFT PETER STRZOK AND LISA PAGE TEXTS GIVEN TO GOVERNMENT NON-PUBLIC BIG THINGS IN THERE PREVIOUS POST(586) INDICATES FBI AGENT SPEAKING POSSIBLE ASSASINATION OF THE PRESIDENT REQUOTED BY Q MENTIONS THAT ""THESE PEOPLE SHOULD BE HANGING"" POSSIBLE END OF INVESTIGATION OF THE PRESIDENT RUDY MEETS WITH MUELLER WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'MOAB', 'RESIGNATIONS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#TheGreatAwakening', '@POTUS'] PT22M57S 19440 65 356 11 not set not set 2018-04-27T05:46:35.000Z 53EAz4jWPh4 UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (FRI 04/27/2018) [DROP 19] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "JEFF SESSION - AND HOW TO PLAY 4-D CHESS Q MENTIONS FINDING PICS ON JL AND HRC JOHN LEGEND AND HILLARY CLINTON TEXTS RELEASED TO CONGRESS ON PETER STRZOK AND LISA PAGE Q MENTIONS INFO ON ABBREVIATION OF R=RENEGADE THEY ARE BUYING CRISIS - NATIONAL CRISIS SECRET COMMS USED ON VARYING TECHNOLOGIES PLANS MADE ON INTERNET FOR DARK REASONS Q MENTIONS MANY CHANGES HAPPENING IN THE WORLD OBAMA EMAILED HILLARY WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'MOAB', 'RESIGNATIONS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#TheGreatAwakening', '@POTUS'] PT14M17S 15788 107 362 19 not set not set 2018-04-28T07:47:47.000Z bhUx39R_-II UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SAT 04/28/2018) [DROP 20] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "LOTS OF INFORMATION ON THE RESIGNATIONS, THE CONSPIRACY, THE INVESTIGATIONS AND BRINGING IN RUDY TO SORT THINGS OUT. THE INFORMATION IN TODAY'S DROPS WAS MASSIVE, WE ARE WORKING ON A SPECIAL REPORT TO DO A DEEP DIVE ON THIS SET OF DROPS, SO STAY TUNED. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO TO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', 'RESIGNATIONS', 'MOAB', '#CBTS', '#TheGreatAwakening', '@POTUS'] PT15M3S 14328 68 313 16 not set not set 2018-04-29T06:49:26.000Z keeKcbSBZok UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SUN 04/29/2018) [DROP 21] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "Q - SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', 'RESIGNATIONS', 'MOAB', '@POTUS'] PT7M40S 14478 74 322 11 not set not set 2018-04-30T08:13:25.000Z HxUFcH35TBE UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (MON 04/30/2018) [DROP 22] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "Q POINTS OUT THAT SOME ANONS ARE TRYING TO CAPITALIZE ON THIS MOVEMENT. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '@POTUS'] PT14M17S 15208 74 294 17 not set not set 2018-05-01T07:02:50.000Z kQ5bv0U8vjE UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (TUE 05/01/2018) [DROP 23] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "INFOR ON LINDSAY GRAM AND THE NAME WE DON'T SAY WON'T SEEK RE-ELECTION INFO ON TEH IRAN DEAL U1 MATERIAL - WHERE THE MATERIAL LANDED SYRIA? CONTROL THE REGION WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO :" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '@POTUS'] PT14M44S 31001 106 505 41 not set not set 2018-05-05T06:57:38.000Z B9gSNjHeUow UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SAT 05/05/2018 [DROP 24] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "IMAGE ANALYSIS OF AIRPLANE PICS DROPPED BY Q SOROS AND APPLE CONNECTIONS Q SWITCHES TRIP CODES FUTURE COMMS Q DROPS SCREEN CAP OF POTUS TWEET FBI FIRINGS AND POWER MOVES Q POINTS OUT MANY HAVE BEEN FIRED AND NOT RESIGNED AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO :" QUNIVERSE 25 "['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '@POTUS', 'FIRED', ""YOU'RE FIRED""]" PT17M40S 22412 97 500 16 not set not set 2018-05-09T09:06:21.000Z 9O6Il_5-eL0 UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (WED 05/09/2018 [DROP 25] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "A LOT OF INFORMATION ON THE SWAMP BEING DRAINED. INFORMATION ON CONNECTIONS TO AG IN NY, INFORMATION ON POLITICIANS NOT SEEKING RE-ELECTION, AND RESIGNATIONS OF CEO'S ALL OVER THE WORLD. GREAT EPISODE, MUST WATCH. TO SEE ALL OF THE DROPS GOTO:" QUNIVERSE 25 "['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEWS TODAY', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '@POTUS', 'FIRED', ""YOU'RE FIRED""]" PT22M46S 6194 56 195 4 not set not set 2018-05-11T09:48:55.000Z 2sNDveQX1BA UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (FRI 05/11/2018 [DROP 26] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "Q SHEDS LIGHT ON MANY THINGS SUCH AS IRAN CONNECTIONS TO PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS, THIS INCLUDES MCCAIN, AND KERRY. THE FIVE MOST WANTED LEADERS OF ISIS CAPTURED AND HOW THEY MAY BE CONNECTED. Q ALSO ENGAGES FAKE AND FALSE CLAIMS AND CON ARTISTS IN THE ANON COMMUNITY. Q ELUDES TO ALL OF US STAYING TOGETHER. SINGAPORE AS POSSIBLE MEETING SPOT FOR KIM JUNG UN AND POTUS. INVESTIGATION OF MCMASTER FATHER'S DEATH. MENTIONS ABOUT SOROS. Q MENTIONS THAT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT TO LEARN SHOULD NOT ONLY SCARE YOU BUT INTENSIFY YOUR RESOLVE TO TAKE BACK CONTROL [FREEDOM]. DEEP STATE IDENTIFIED - PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS WHO KEEP THEIR SECURITY CLEARANCE. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO :" QUNIVERSE 25 "['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEW NEWS', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '@POTUS', 'FIRED', ""YOU'RE FIRED""]" PT20M6S 14992 75 382 12 not set not set 2018-05-12T06:43:51.000Z RHJkkFkYnjk UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SAT 05/12/2018 [DROP 28] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "Q SHEDS LIGHT ON MANY THINGS SUCH AS IRAN CONNECTIONS Q ALSO ENGAGES THOSE TRYING TO PROFIT AND SUBVERT THIS CAUSE. . Q ELUDES TO ALL OF US STAYING TOGETHER. SINGAPORE AS POSSIBLE MEETING SPOT FOR KIM JUNG UN AND POTUS. Q MENTIONS THAT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT TO LEARN SHOULD NOT ONLY SCARE YOU BUT INTENSIFY YOUR RESOLVE TO TAKE BACK CONTROL [FREEDOM]. WE ARE ALL BEING ENCOURAGED TO STAY STRONG, AS THE PLANS IN MOTION ARE BEING VERY EFFECTIVE AND TO TRUST THE PLAN. THIS IS A MUST WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE TO GET CAUGHT UP. ** WE ARE NOW ON PATREON : ** ** WE ARE NOW ON STEEMIT : ** TO VIEW ALL OF THE Q POSTS GO:" QUNIVERSE 25 "['QANON NEWS', 'QANON NEW NEWS', 'BREAKING NEWS', 'POLITICS', 'USA', 'PATRIOT', 'Jerome Corsi', 'CORRUPTION', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '@POTUS', 'FIRED', ""YOU'RE FIRED""]" PT15M1S 6449 66 203 10 not set not set 2018-05-13T06:28:47.000Z B2KjOYjqm2o UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS - (SUN 05/13/2018 [DROP 29] FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "COVERING DROPS 1341 - 1350 JOIN US. WE ARE TRYING A NEW WAY OF STREAMING. COVERING MANY TOPICS FROM Q - TO INCLUDE MANY DEEP STATERS CALLED OUT - ALSO, INFORMATION ON SEALED INDICTMENTS AND HOW THE COURTS HAVE HAD NO LEAKS. MANY OF THE DEEP STATE ARE CONCERNED, THEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT. TO SEE THE INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION USED IN THIS EPISODE, CLICK HERE, YOU'LL BE ABLE TO INTERACT WITH ALL LINKS PROVIDED:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WeThePeople', '#MAGA', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H7M21S 9189 83 313 26 not set not set 2018-06-12T14:24:11.000Z ys5hC2MH2bE UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS SUN 06102018 FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "COVERING DROPS 1441 - 1451 COVERING MANY TOPICS FROM Q - TO INCLUDE MANY DEEP STATERS CALLED OUT. MANY OF THE DEEP STATE ARE CONCERNED, THEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT. NORTH KOREA, KIM JONG UN, TRUMP, AND THE SUMMIT...ENJOY THE SHOW" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', '#MAGA', '#HANGOUTSONAIR', 'HANG OUTS ON AIR', '#HOA', 'WWG1WGA', '#WWG1WGA'] PT24M9S 3008 19 92 3 not set not set 2018-06-17T12:14:28.000Z UVKejeXlf5I UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS SUN 06172018 FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "COVERING DROPS 1452 - 1466 COVERING MANY TOPICS FROM Q - TO INCLUDE MANY DEEP STATERS CALLED OUT. MANY OF THE DEEP STATE ARE CONCERNED, THEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT." QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', '#MAGA', '#HANGOUTSONAIR', 'HANG OUTS ON AIR', '#HOA', 'WWG1WGA', '#WWG1WGA'] PT25M24S 4920 11 133 4 not set not set 2018-06-18T07:45:36.000Z 7ncIWBUzyH0 UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS MON 06182018 FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "Extended coverage of Q Post 1492 This particular post covers the multiple times Q has referenced the Breitbart article on Turley-Sessions and why it is important." QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', '#MAGA', '#HANGOUTSONAIR', 'HANG OUTS ON AIR', '#HOA', 'WWG1WGA', '#WWG1WGA', 'TURLEY', 'SESSIONS', 'HUBER'] PT21M29S 3394 12 128 4 not set not set 2018-06-19T15:11:13.000Z XoFSi4Yp0Vw UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS TUE 06192018 FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "COVERING DROPS 1500 - 1519 COVERING MANY TOPICS FROM Q - TO INCLUDE MANY DEEP STATERS CALLED OUT. MANY OF THE DEEP STATE ARE CONCERNED, THEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT. Q STARTS GETTING INTO [RR] & THE OIG REPORT." QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', '#MAGA', '#HANGOUTSONAIR', 'HANG OUTS ON AIR', '#HOA', 'WWG1WGA', '#WWG1WGA', 'OIG'] PT35M40S 2885 10 75 1 not set not set 2018-06-21T07:11:40.000Z mTTfycbt5dk UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS THU 06212018 FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD #2 "COVERING DROPS 1538 - 1541 (INCLUDING ""MISSING POST"" 1540.5 [NOW 1541]) COVERING MANY TOPICS FROM Q - TO INCLUDE MANY DEEP STATERS CALLED OUT. MANY OF THE DEEP STATE ARE CONCERNED, THEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT. READY FOR SHOCK AND AWE? IF YOU'D LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE, YOU CAN VISIT THESE SITES: • •" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', '#MAGA', '#HANGOUTSONAIR', 'HANG OUTS ON AIR', '#HOA', 'WWG1WGA', '#WWG1WGA'] PT11M46S 2168 14 77 5 not set not set 2018-06-24T05:49:48.000Z xs-h90gXN1g UCu3qz8f_0yK0FXGM3hb_Y-A QANON Q POSTS SUN 06242018 FROM QUNIVERSE NEWS HD "COVERING DROPS 1570 - 1575 COVERING MANY TOPICS FROM Q - TO INCLUDE MANY DEEP STATERS CALLED OUT. MANY OF THE DEEP STATE ARE CONCERNED, THEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT. FEATURING SHEILA JACKSON LEE, ROD ROSENSTEIN IF YOU'D LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE:" QUNIVERSE 25 ['QANON NEWS', 'QANON BREAKING NEWS', 'QANON', '@POTUS', 'CBTS', '#CBTS', '#WETHEPEOPLE', '#MAGA', '#HANGOUTSONAIR', 'HANG OUTS ON AIR', '#HOA', 'WWG1WGA', '#WWG1WGA', 'Q POSTS', 'SOAPBOX', 'PATRIOTS SOAPBOX', 'Q DROPS', '#GREATAWAKENING', '#PATRIOTSFIGHTQ', 'Q IS A LARP'] PT10M15S 12064 38 291 5 not set not set 2018-09-30T17:06:26.000Z z4fYl03yPBk UCTd49OAzEhrZ_IEY_3Bx8FQ Banned By Yotube Q #Lockherup ! Q drop banned by YouTube Supreme Court Confirms basis to Lock up Hillary and the rest of the DEEP STATE R J 22 ['Hillary Clinton Q Deep State 2018 Kavanaugh Supreme Court Jones Alex Ford Tribunal'] PT2M 40 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T15:52:23.000Z 1W0w6BAHN3I UCQLhJ84emp3txKf_Pf_pmiw Deconstructing Q Anon - RadioFarSide on Rense Radio "Bernard Grover joins Jeff Rense to discuss the powerful phenomenon called Q Anon. Q is a multi-layered, highly sophisticated psy-op, whose ultimate purpose is not yet clear, but which bears many of hte hallmarks of a religious cult. We take a cold, hard look at some of the elements of Q, and how and why it is spreading globally with viral speed. With kind thanks to Jeff Rense for permission to repost. Rense News: Rense Radio Network: Thanks for your ongoing support and for stopping by Radio Far Side! Please like and subscribe for future updates. Sampai jumpa, y'all! ===================================== Ongoing series of Q analysis at Deep Throat v, Q Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon The Gospel According To Q A-Marketing We Will Q The Name Of The Q Q The LARP Carp Spe-Q-lating On Q In The Twilight Of The Q ======================================== Patreon: Blogger Blog: Steemit Blog: Twitter: Gab: DTube:!/c/radiofarside BitTube:" Radio Far Side 27 ['Radio Far Side', 'Indonesia', 'Bernard Grover', 'Jeff Rense', 'Q Anon', 'religious cults', 'Donald Trump', 'psy-op'] PT48M53S 2084 55 27 8 not set not set 2018-08-11T23:04:04.000Z XI_oVqtuJoE UCQLhJ84emp3txKf_Pf_pmiw Deconstructing Q Anon Part 3 - Bernard Grover on Rense Radio "Bernard Grover joins Jeff Rense to analyze the video called, ""Q Anon: The Plan To Save The World."" The video make numerous assertions and assumptions that are perplexing, untrue and even dangerous. The Q Phenomenon has entered the Second Wave and we still know nothing about this entity that is leading millions of followers. As Q commands, we use logic and reason to dissect Q itself. With kind thanks to Jeff Rense for permission to repost. Rense News: Rense Radio Network: Thanks for your ongoing support and for stopping by Radio Far Side! Please like and subscribe for future updates. Sampai jumpa, y'all! ===================================== Ongoing series of Q analysis at Deep Throat v, Q Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon The Gospel According To Q A-Marketing We Will Q The Name Of The Q Q The LARP Carp Spe-Q-lating On Q In The Twilight Of The Q ======================================== Patreon: Blogger Blog: Steemit Blog: Twitter: Gab: DTube:!/c/radiofarside BitTube:" Radio Far Side 27 ['Radio Far Side', 'Indonesia', 'Q Anon', 'Jeff Rense', 'Bernard Grover', 'The Plan to Save the World'] PT48M53S 1929 51 29 2 not set not set 2018-08-20T03:12:42.000Z rdgqzEHJL80 UCQLhJ84emp3txKf_Pf_pmiw Deconstructing Q-Anon, Part 4 - The Largest Mass Treason "Bernard Grover joins Jeff Rense to discuss the video, ""You Are Watching The Largest Mass Treason In History."". From the title of the video to the large holes in the Q Lore to the slick and haunting production values, we ask the questions no one else seems willing or able: Who or what is behind Q, and why is it having such a profound social impact? We take a cold, hard look at some of the elements of Q, and how and why it is spreading globally with viral speed. Original video link: With kind thanks to Jeff Rense for permission to repost. Rense News: Rense Radio Network: Thanks for your ongoing support and for stopping by Radio Far Side! Please like and subscribe for future updates. Sampai jumpa, y'all! ===================================== Ongoing series of Q analysis at Deep Throat v, Q Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon The Gospel According To Q A-Marketing We Will Q The Name Of The Q Q The LARP Carp Spe-Q-lating On Q In The Twilight Of The Q ======================================== Patreon: Blogger Blog: Steemit Blog: Twitter: Gab: DTube:!/c/radiofarside BitTube:" Radio Far Side 27 ['Radio Far Side', 'Indonesia', 'Q-Anon', 'Jeff Rense', 'q-analysis', 'Psy-Op'] PT48M53S 708 23 15 1 not set not set 2018-09-23T21:21:09.000Z az2SuiMM4Ck UCQLhJ84emp3txKf_Pf_pmiw Deconstructing Q-Anon Pt. 8 - Bernard Grover on Rense Radio "Bernard Grover joins Jeff Rense for an ongoing discussion of the Q Phenomenon and what it means for the larger society. In this edition, they cover the appearance of X-Anon and the apparent War for Eyeballs developing in the Qniverse. If you get the feeling this all is starting to sound like a superhero franchise, you'd be closing in on the target. We take a cold, hard look at some of the elements of Q, and how and why it is spreading globally with viral speed and no signs of abating. Please leave your thoughts below, and give a LIKE and a SHARE. Thanks for stopping by! th Original video link: With kind thanks to Jeff Rense for permission to repost. Rense News: Rense Radio Network: Thanks for your ongoing support and for stopping by Radio Far Side! Please like and subscribe for future updates. Sampai jumpa, y'all! ===================================== Ongoing series of Q analysis at Deep Throat v, Q Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon The Gospel According To Q A-Marketing We Will Q The Name Of The Q Q The LARP Carp Spe-Q-lating On Q In The Twilight Of The Q Jonesing ForQ Analizing Q-Analysis The Silence Of The Q The Q Prophesy To Q Or Not To Q A Quantum of Q-Bit Surfing The Q-Wave ======================================== Patreon: Blogger Blog: Steemit Blog: Twitter: Gab: DTube:!/c/radiofarside BitTube:" Radio Far Side 25 ['Radio Far Side', 'Indonesia', 'Qanon', 'Q Phenomenon', 'Psy-Op', 'Bernard Grover', 'Jeff Rense', 'Xanon'] PT46M5S 973 23 9 3 not set not set 2018-02-01T16:05:32.000Z 9dPsqGkIjOo UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon’s Trey Gowdy Prediction Comes True, But What Does It Mean? "Anyone that has been tracking QAnon and the oncoming storm knows that the prediction was made that Trey Gowdy would retire from political life and return to a justice system roll. The timing of this coupled with the revelations surrounding corrupt members of the FBI and DOJ in conjunction with the Trump-Russia collusion probe is a bit suspect to me. Could Trey Gowdy become the special counsel appointed to oversee a broader corruption investigation? Only time will tell. For True Free Speech Check out the MINDS Social Media Platform. It is not only great for the average user, but puts a lot of Monetization power back in the hands of Content Creators. Follow this link to sign up:;referrer=OrwellianChronicle Subscribe to me on MINDS! Visit the Orwellian Chronicle Blog: Check out my Podcast: ""Politics&Bullsh*t"" Get ALL your BREAKING NEWS Here: Like us on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon', 'trey gowdy retires from politics', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'politics trump', 'qanon 8chan', 'trey gowdy', 'trey gowdy rosenstein', 'trey gowdy trump', 'trey gowdy today', 'trey gowdy retires', 'james comey', 'qanon today', 'orwellian chronicle', 'q-anon intel drop', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon the storm fireside chat', 'russia probe', 'russia probe update', 'mueller investigation trump russia', 'mueller investigation trump', 'comingstorm', 'robert mueller news today', 'qanon the storm', 'jerome corsi qanon'] PT3M22S 1014 3 8 1 not set not set 2018-02-07T15:01:41.000Z ABN9x5X_l4o UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Decoded: Antonin Scalia 187 "As I was reviewing some of the Q Anon posts and interactions with the community I came across some information I found interesting. Not sure how many people have made the same connections I have but it is worth taking a look at. Was Antonin Scalia murdered? whats the connection to Loretta Lynch, The Clintons, Rothschilds, and the Illuminati? Check out my video. Let me know what you think in the comment section. For True Free Speech Check out the MINDS Social Media Platform. It is not only great for the average user, but puts a lot of Monetization power back in the hands of Content Creators. Follow this link to sign up:;referrer=OrwellianChronicle Subscribe to me on MINDS! Visit the Orwellian Chronicle Blog: Check out my Podcast: ""Politics&Bullsh*t"" Get ALL your BREAKING NEWS Here: Like us on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon map', 'qanon today', 'q-anon intel drop', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'q-anon latest', 'the storm qanon', 'the great awakening q clearance anon', 'the great awakening qanon', 'anti school q anon', 'ramses reyes', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon decoded', 'qanon decoded antonin scalia 187', 'antonin scalia', 'antonin scalia death', 'antonin scalia murdered', 'loretta lynch', 'bill clinton', 'rothschild connection', 'qanon rothschild', 'podesta scalia email', 'qanon latest posts'] PT7M11S 2669 14 36 1 not set not set 2018-02-08T14:47:44.000Z 1oOwbf8tqGA UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Inspecting Q Anon Scalia Murder Bread Crumbs (A Deeper Look) "This is a follow up to my video decoding Q's AS187 post. This is a much deeper look into the information I covered in that video, complete with photos, profiles, direct links and connections to secret societies. You don't want to miss this. For True Free Speech Check out the MINDS Social Media Platform. It is not only great for the average user, but puts a lot of Monetization power back in the hands of Content Creators. Follow this link to sign up:;referrer=OrwellianChronicle Subscribe to me on MINDS! Visit the Orwellian Chronicle Blog: Check out my Podcast: ""Politics&Bullsh*t"" Get ALL your BREAKING NEWS Here: Like us on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['q anon scalia murder bread crumbs', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon map', 'qanon today', 'q-anon intel drop', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'q-anon latest', 'the storm qanon', 'the great awakening q clearance anon', 'the great awakening qanon', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon', 'qanon decoded', 'antonin scalia', 'antonin scalia death', 'antonin scalia murdered', 'loretta lynch', 'bill clinton', 'rothschild connection', 'qanon rothschild', 'podesta scalia email', 'qanon latest posts', 'q anon', 'q anon posts'] PT18M54S 390 4 16 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T16:08:00.000Z WcuCksSQcAg UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Q Anon Confirms Decades Of Research "The truth is that a lot of revelations being made by the Q Anon posts confirms decades of research from ""conspiracy theorists"" across the world. Many of us have been detailing the criminal actions of this monolithic conspiracy and the Q posts provide insights that put some of what we know into perspective. For True Free Speech Check out the MINDS Social Media Platform. It is not only great for the average user, but puts a lot of Monetization power back in the hands of Content Creators. Follow this link to sign up:;referrer=OrwellianChronicle Subscribe to me on MINDS! Visit the Orwellian Chronicle Blog: Check out my Podcast: ""Politics&Bullsh*t"" Get ALL your BREAKING NEWS Here: Like us on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['q anon confirms decades of research', 'q anon decoded', 'q anon update', 'q anon posts', 'q anon latest', 'q anonymous', 'cbts', 'cbts q anon', 'cbts q', 'illuminati confirmed videos', 'the great awakening', 'the great awakening q clearance anon', 'the great awakening qanon', 'dod confirms q anonymous', 'q clearance patriot', 'q clearance patriot the storm and the awakening', '\\/pol\\/ q clearance', 'q-anon', 'great awakening q', 'great awakening q intel', 'the storm is here q', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon'] PT12M47S 898 10 16 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T18:30:49.000Z fuWhi9DSZ54 UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Update: Where Is Anthony Weiner? "I have been researching older QAnon posts and found one that made me think for a moment.. Where is Anthony Weiner? Check out my video and let me know what you think in the comments. PDF Of MAP For True Free Speech Check out the MINDS Social Media Platform. It is not only great for the average user, but puts a lot of Monetization power back in the hands of Content Creators. Follow this link to sign up:;referrer=OrwellianChronicle Subscribe to me on MINDS! Visit the Orwellian Chronicle Blog: Check out my Podcast: ""Politics&Bullsh*t"" Get ALL your BREAKING NEWS Here: Like us on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter:" Ramses Reyes 25 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'qanon map', 'conspiracy theories 2018', 'q anon', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update', 'q anon confirms decades of research', 'q-anon', 'q-anon posts', 'q-drop', 'anthony weiner', '#qanon', 'follow the white rabbit', 'huma abedin', 'clinton emails', 'huma abedin weiner', 'huma abedin and anthony weiner news', 'orwellian chronicle', 'ramses reyes', 'where is anthony weiner', 'where is anthony weiner today', 'qanon update: where is anthony weiner?', 'the storm qanon', 'the storm is here q'] PT10M4S 11348 41 230 3 not set not set 2018-03-02T22:03:14.000Z DST--Vzj_as UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Q News Breakdown: Pelosi Losing Mind? Podesta Tells Kushner To Wear Bulletproof Vest, Corsi Censored "Looking at the news is interesting when you try to apply what you know about the Q Map to the stories. QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Bitcoin: 1MNz7mEdSXbTFwVEBdg8XG1riyW3nvYFM4 Litecoin: LgBuWP8hcorWfyVQ2g8z5tnA3NRQj9Y3sP" Ramses Reyes 25 ['qanon posts', 'qanon', 'orwellian chronicle', 'ramses reyes', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'q anon posts', 'q anon confirms decades of research', 'qanon posts jerome corsi', 'q-anon posts', 'q-anon latest', 'cbts', 'q news', 'q news breakdown', 'q news 3-2-18', 'youtube censors alex jones', 'jerome corsi qanon decode', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'nancy pelosi dementia', 'podesta threatens kushner', 'podesta warns kushner', 'podesta warns jared kushner', 'youtube bans jerome corsi', 'alex jones'] PT29M41S 5088 55 58 4 not set not set 2018-03-05T00:14:38.000Z WUeI651qNQY UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Post Analysis And Thoughts 3-4-18 "Q Broke his silence after a few days gone. Here are some interesting insights. QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Bitcoin: 1MNz7mEdSXbTFwVEBdg8XG1riyW3nvYFM4 Litecoin: LgBuWP8hcorWfyVQ2g8z5tnA3NRQj9Y3sP There are several other Q Research Channels I like, I am going to drop their links below: DeceptionBytes Anti-School Lionel Nation Spaceshot76 is one of my favorites Brandon Lee Ward Citizen Investigative Report James Munder Jerome Corsi" Ramses Reyes 25 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'orwellian chronicle', 'ramses reyes', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update today', 'qanon today', 'qanon map pdf', 'qanon posts today', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'qanon post analysis and thoughts', 'qanon 3-4-18', 'corsi qanon', 'calm before the storm 8chan', 'new q posts', 'new q anon', 'new qanon posts', 'new q anon post', 'new qanon post', 'the storm is here', 'q anon map', 'q research', 'mass brainwashing', 'qanon mk ultra', 'cell phone mind control'] PT9M55S 751 25 14 1 not set not set 2018-03-08T18:12:59.000Z usOTxMAo5oY UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Q Anon Searching Wikileaks With Q MAP WE HAVE MORE THAN WE KNOW "I think it would be smart for other Q researchers to do thorough keyword searches in the Wikileaks email dumps (all of them) using the Q Map. There is more than we know buried in those emails. I have begun searching and trying to look into what I find. I am going to routinely do this and post what I gather. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! Bill Richardson-This email actually details an attempt to dissuade Richardson and Eric Schmidt from going to North Korea. Schmidt mentions that this trip is vital to him being able to continue working with ""bad guys"" Extra-Judicial Killings In Pakistan seemingly paid for by Hillary Clinton's State Department American Bridge? GOOGLE DONATES $11.5 MILLION TO FIGHT MODERN SLAVERY -- SLAVERY FOOTPRINT GETS SOME MONEY EcoScience: Brainstorming Excuses For Hillary Clinton's Illegal Email Server QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: My Article on David Brock Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Bitcoin: 1MNz7mEdSXbTFwVEBdg8XG1riyW3nvYFM4 Litecoin: LgBuWP8hcorWfyVQ2g8z5tnA3NRQj9Y3sP" Ramses Reyes 22 ['q anon searching wikileaks with q map we have more than we know', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'q map qanon', 'q map explained', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'orwellian chronicle', 'q anon posts', 'q-anon intel drop', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon decoded', 'qanon map', 'q is real', 'qanon is real', 'q anon wikileaks', 'qanon wikileaks', 'q the storm is here', 'q research', 'q research today', 'q today', 'q post today', 'jerome corsi qanon', '#qanon', 'wikileaks emails clinton'] PT54M24S 20264 208 611 12 not set not set 2018-03-20T16:07:16.000Z RVZZz14k9jw UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Q: Saudi Arabia, Botched Mueller Investigations, McCabe Meltdown, The Horrors Of Social Scores "Let's take a look at some of today's headlines with the Q Map in mind. Saudi Arabia falls in line with Trump, Mueller has a history of botched investigations, McCabe threatens to ""Take Everyone Down With Me"", and China rolls out a new repressive form of control ""Social Score"". QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Bitcoin: 1MNz7mEdSXbTFwVEBdg8XG1riyW3nvYFM4 Litecoin: LgBuWP8hcorWfyVQ2g8z5tnA3NRQj9Y3sP Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts 2018', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon update today', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon map', '#qanon', 'q-anon', 'q anon posts today', 'q posts', 'mueller', 'andrew mccabe', 'q map', 'q: saudi arabia botched mueller investigations mccabe meltdown the horrors of social scores', 'qanon news'] PT38M30S 5829 30 109 4 not set not set 2018-03-22T20:19:11.000Z ytCJekM0fXg UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Update: FBI Investigates Q, Why Is A Signals Officer Calling Me? "Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on the latest Q posts and the strange phone calls I have been receiving. Let me know what you think in the comments QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts 2018', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'orwellian chronicle', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon map', '#qanon', 'qanon update today', 'q-anon', 'q posts', 'q map', 'q anon posts today', 'q-anon posts', 'qanon update: fbi investigates q why is a signals officer calling me?', 'fbi investigates qanon', 'followthewhiterabbit', '#followthewhiterabbit', 'qanon tracy beanz', 'qanon investigation', 'FBI', 'qanon live'] PT15M12S 9719 127 160 11 not set not set 2018-03-30T11:46:06.000Z r4gyAQhrQEI UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Research Files: Sergey Brin & Google's Secret Lab "In some of his latest posts, Q Tells us to look into Google/Alphabet's Sergey Brin. Here is a compilation of everything I could find on him, his family, and his work at Googles secretive ""X"". Red_Castle Green_Castle decoded: QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Bitcoin: 17315GLCM26xMm72E4aUkimUBLEj5bRyWy Litecoin: LiJqPKStuunS4UuP1gLi8haWaRbsMCbfyb Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts today', 'q clearance anon is it happening', 'qanon posts', 'orwellian chronicle', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon update today', 'qanon map', 'q posts', 'q map', 'latest qanon posts', 'q clearance anon', 'q anon posts today', 'qanon research files sergey brin and googles secret lab', 'sergey brin 2018', 'q research today', 'q research board', 'q research qanon', 'q research 8chan', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon explained', 'qanon google'] PT25M39S 2457 20 77 1 not set not set 2018-04-09T19:27:18.000Z 6QmqiVdhGnE UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon: Edward Snowden, The CIA, Artificial Intelligence, Sell Off Of America "While reading some of the latest Q posts, I had an epiphany! Why not run a FOIA search on the CIA's own reading room document list!?! While reading through tons of CIA documents detailing their research into artificial intelligence I had a thought on Snowden, the NSA, and all that stuff. Check it out QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon edward snowden the cia artificial intelligence the sell off of america', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new', 'qanon today', 'orwellian chronicle', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon update today', 'q posts', 'q map', 'q anon posts today', 'deep state', 'qanon snowden', 'qanon edward snowden', 'qanon traitors', 'qanon wikileaks', 'qanon cia', 'qanon ai', 'qanon artificial intelligence'] PT16M53S 1420 12 69 3 not set not set 2018-04-28T11:13:16.000Z VjGEPTaHs4o UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Timeline Is CRAZY! More MOAB's Incoming! "I told everyone a few videos ago that we were definitively moving into an accelerated timeline and I think this week has proved that. There are a lot of breaking developments as more Q drops keep coming! May is going to be the month of the MOAB. April Showers May Flowers. QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 "['qanon timeline is crazy more moabs incoming', 'ramses reyes', 'orwellian chronicle', 'q posts', 'qanon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts', ""qanon moab's dropped!!"", 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts today', 'q anon', 'qanon update today', 'qanon', 'qanon latest', 'q anon posts', 'qanon corsi', 'q anon posts today', 'deep state', 'qanon map', 'qanon posts new', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'the storm is here q', 'q anon latest', 'q posts today', 'the storm is here', 'q anon posts operations underway']" PT11M10S 3368 35 107 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T06:44:15.000Z v-QxRkqMweM UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Addressing QAnon Drama, Q Real or Fake? "It would seem that the actions of a small group of money hungry individuals tried to take over the Q Research community for personal profit. It's sad to see some of the people you once respected being complete and utter shills. Hope you guys enjoy the video, I got to test out the green screen I ordered a few weeks back. Music by DJ NCC QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['addressing qanon drama q real or fake?', 'qanon drama', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon is fake', 'qanon debunked', 'qanon posts today', 'latest qanon posts', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon jerome corsi', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon today', 'qanon', 'qanon is real', 'q posts', 'tracy beanz', 'qanon decoded', 'qanon decode jerome corsi', 'qanon deceptionbytes', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update today', 'jerome corsi qanon decode', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'jerome corsi exposed', 'latest qanon posts youtube'] PT28M14S 972 67 48 4 not set not set 2018-05-23T09:36:19.000Z znngV7xmb_A UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon: Future Proves Past 5-23-18 (News Breakdown) "After watching this video I think a lot of you are going to feel as vindicated as I do. Yet again Future Proves Past. May went by so fast we lost track of a few things. Here is a News Headline Breakdown with the Q Drops In mInd QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 25 ['qanon: future proves past', 'qanon future proves past 5-23-18', 'qanon may 23', 'qanon: future proves past 5-23-18 (news breakdown)', 'ramses reyes', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon today', 'qanon', 'qanon news today', 'q posts today', 'qanon latest', 'wwg1wga', 'q anon posts', 'qanon may flowers', 'q anon', 'qanon may flowers in bloom pain', 'q posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'great awakening', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'the storm', 'q anon latest posts', 'patriots fight'] PT1H1M58S 2483 43 81 3 not set not set 2018-06-09T14:02:58.000Z rscdyO2rQZs UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Trump And The G7 Summit "A breakdown of news circling President Trump's trip to the G7 summit. QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Check out my D Tube Channel:!/c/ramsesreyes Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88" Ramses Reyes 22 ['ramses reyes', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon update today', 'donald trump', 'trade war', 'trump and the g7 summit', 'g7 summit', 'latest news', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'q anon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'president trump', 'qanon latest', 'q posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'g7', 'g7 summit live', 'g7 summit trump', 'q anon update', 'trump g7 russia', 'trump g7 summit', 'trump g7 speech', 'merkel angela', 'angela merkel g7', 'trump macron', 'china us trade war'] PT7M32S 412 9 53 1 not set not set 2018-06-14T11:46:00.000Z Pn6jmdTdMi8 UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw Qanon DESTROYS Rod Rosenstein! "QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Check out my video library: Check out my D Tube Channel:!/c/ramsesreyes Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon destroys rod rosenstein', 'ramses reyes', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon today', 'rod rosenstein today', 'q anon update', 'rod rosenstein', 'qanon destroys rod rosenstein 6-13', 'qanon destroying the illusion', 'qanon 4chan', 'rod rosenstein mueller', 'donald trump', 'rod rosenstein press conference today', 'qanon', 'q anon posts', 'q anon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts today', 'q posts'] PT22M21S 1552 23 90 6 not set not set 2018-07-03T16:51:00.000Z bwUkNTw36lY UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon: We Have The Server!!! "This is EPIC!! WE HAVE THE SERVER!!! QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Support Me On Patreon. I will do a live group chat every month for my Patrons: You Can Also Support OC By Buying From The KAG Aesthetics Store: Check out my video library: Check out my D Tube Channel:!/c/ramsesreyes Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['ramses reyes', 'qanon we have the server', 'we have the server', 'qanon today', 'q anon', 'orwellian chronicle', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts today', 'q posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon', 'qanon update', 'imran awan', 'debbie wasserman schultz latest', 'debbie wasserman schultz laptop', 'debbie wasserman schultz today', 'imran awan case', 'imran awan latest news', 'latest qanon posts', 'awan scandal news', 'awan brothers scandal', 'awan family scandal', 'wwg1wga', 'wwg1wga qanon'] PT4M52S 7242 74 295 5 not set not set 2018-07-17T04:29:58.000Z UoofgiOoC08 UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QResearch: Nothing Is Happening? Resignations And Strange Deaths "I see the comments less and less as time goes on, but I thought we'd go over some of the stuff that's supposedly not happening.. I was sent a very interesting list. Let's take a look.. Is nothing happening? I beg to differ. Here is the list: Ask Me About QAnon T-Shirt: QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Support Me On Patreon. I will do a live group chat every month for my Patrons: You Can Also Support OC By Buying From The KAG Aesthetics Store: Check out my video library: Check out my D Tube Channel:!/c/ramsesreyes Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qresearch nothing is happening?', 'ramses reyes', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'qresearch', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon latest', 'qanon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts today', 'q anon', 'q posts', 'q anon latest', 'patriots fight', 'q anon update', 'latest qanon posts', 'q anon update today', 'qanon posts', 'qanon the plan to save the world', 'great awakening', 'ceos that have stepped down'] PT36M8S 2853 44 128 3 not set not set 2018-07-17T21:15:29.000Z O-WClFT6JIo UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon: These People Are Stupid "Q Said it and boy was Q right. Interesting list of resignations and eliminations Ask Me About QAnon T-Shirt: QAnon Posts Before The Boards Got Wiped in PDF Format: Follow Me On Steemit: Check Out The Orwellian Chronicle Blog: For Breaking News From Across The Web: Support Me On Patreon. I will do a live group chat every month for my Patrons: You Can Also Support OC By Buying From The KAG Aesthetics Store: Check out my video library: Check out my D Tube Channel:!/c/ramsesreyes Follow me on Twitter: Like Orwellian Chronicle on Facebook: Subscribe to me on MINDS! All Donations Will Be Invested In New Equipment, Editing Software, Computer To Produce Better Content: Ethereum: 0xc16BC02D24a1b2c305628363B54A03AF5b31Af88 Paypal:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon these people are stupid', 'ramses reyes', 'qanon: these people are stupid', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon 8chan', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'qanon posts update', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest q drops youtube', 'trump putin press conference', 'qanon today', 'q clearance', 'q anon posts', 'q anon update today', 'q anon update', 'q anon latest', 'qanon posts', 'q anonymous', 'wwg1wga', 'patriots fight', 'peter strzok hearing', 'q anon'] PT37M49S 4636 77 161 13 not set not set 2018-08-07T13:10:28.000Z F-XmXCTBUFk UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QResearch: Judicial Watch CONFIRMS QAnon "We Have It All" "Article: Thank you again for supporting the Orwellian Chronicle! Check out the QAnon “Ask Me About Qanon” T-shirt: Check out the Women’s Racerback Q “Ask Me About Qanon” Tank Top: Check out my Official Blog and sign up for Free Email Alerts: Check out The Orwellian Chronicle Daily for News Ignored by The Mainstream Media:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'new q', 'q research', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'ramses reyes', 'q anon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'q anon update today', 'qanon latest', 'q posts', 'qresearch: judicial watch confirms qanon we have it all\\', 'qanon we have the servers confirmed by judicial watch', 'qanon we have the server', 'judicial watch today', 'judicial watch weekly update', 'judicial watch deep state', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon latest post', 'tom fitton'] PT24M20S 10330 103 457 11 not set not set 2018-08-10T06:58:04.000Z _o-so7JgliM UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon: Anonymous/MSM Attacks On Q Coordinated With Social Media Giants "Let's take a dive into the seemingly coordinated attacks against QAnon coming from Anonymous, The Mockingbird Mainstream Media, and YouTube. Clean Language Thank you again for supporting the Orwellian Chronicle! Check out the QAnon “Ask Me About Qanon” T-shirt: Check out the Women’s Racerback Q “Ask Me About Qanon” Tank Top: Check out my Official Blog and sign up for Free Email Alerts: Check out The Orwellian Chronicle Daily for News Ignored by The Mainstream Media:" Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon: anonymous msm attacks on q coordinated with social media giants', 'ramses reyes', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'orwellian chronicle', 'msm attacks qanon', 'countering disinformation and propaganda act', 'q anon', 'qanon today', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'anti qanon', 'anonymous threatens qanon', 'youtube shadowban', 'q anon posts', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts today', 'q anon update today', 'qanon latest', 'social media censorship', 'qanon'] PT45M45S 1676 48 116 5 not set not set 2018-09-10T00:40:54.000Z eSNVW2VHcL0 UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QAnon Update: FISA Release & Anti-Q Nonsense "Let's just take a moment to think about what is about to go down the moment those FISA doc's get declassified. I also wanted to address some of the Anti-Q nonsense being pushed on social media and through the MOSSAD backed FAKE MAGA Jack Posobiec." Ramses Reyes 22 ['qanon update: fisa release & anti-q nonsense', 'ramses reyes', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'anti qanon', 'q anon update today', 'q anon', 'qanon today', 'jack posobiec exposed', 'jack posobiec', 'jack posobiec oann', 'microchip exposed', 'qanon update', 'fisa memo', 'qanon update today', 'fisa court', 'trump declassify fisa', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'q anon posts', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon latest', 'fisa warrant', 'wwg1wga', 'rod rosenstein', 'rod rosenstein fired', 'rr problems'] PT4M31S 2111 32 132 8 not set not set 2018-10-12T15:31:38.000Z DGyuZo0QGz4 UCWxELr4tMtOgGeHNJmDDdLw QResearch: End Of Week Review 10/12/18 "I took a few days off of making videos to let things play out. So lets sit and review some of the stories of this week that, frankly, need to be discussed." Ramses Reyes 22 ['qresearch: end of week review 10/12/18', 'ramses reyes', 'ramses reyes youtube', 'qanon drops', 'latest qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'qanon update today', 'conservative views', 'q anon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'q anon', 'orwellian chronicle', 'qanon', 'qanon latest', 'q posts', 'q anon update', 'q posts explained', 'q anon latest', 'trump declassify fisa', 'q research', 'christine ford', 'kavanaugh', 'nancy pelosi wrap up smear', 'wrap up smear', 'news analysis', 'q anon update today'] PT17M12S 1102 48 94 3 not set not set 2018-07-03T18:43:50.000Z S91VM8YOJNc UC2sTO9z_I8E2Mr5TmegXnKQ I Am Scared That Youtube Creating Cults Qanon Pedogate? "Back up channel Random Rants of Ryan2 My Bitchute account Check me out on Dtube!/c/rror Steemit account My youtube account Consider contributing to my Patreon: Contribute to my Paypal directly: Don't forget to check out my stupid social media sites: Like the ever mind numbing Twitter: Or the painfully dumb Instagram: Perhaps the least dumb facebook:" Random Rants of Ryan 25 ['RandomRantsofRyan'] PT20M53S 2260 109 109 29 not set not set 2018-03-04T04:58:35.000Z jZvpymMm3t8 UCtvvgdBv6tYDi2uU-LkY5AQ Candidate Trump's Breakthrough ~ Here's how it Ends for the Cabal! ~ A Musical Meme "Hey guys! Check out and SHARE my new Video MEME based on #QAnon information and set to my own original baroque style classical music. I know, I know... Art and politics should never mix, but it is my firm belief that we (humanity) are on the verge of a #GreatAwakening, and the charge is being led by people like #Trump and #Flynn ans #Sessions. It is more of a spiritual event using politics as a vessel to cleanse the Evil from our world, than a simple political conflict. There is an evil in this world, involved in all manners of criminality, including #HumanTrafficing, which is about to be wiped off the face of the earth by Trump and Company. This video is a tribute to President Donald J Trump, his Family, General Flynn, Q, and all of the brave men and women in the Armed Forces and BRAVER #ANONS on 8chan etc. I, myself, have chosen to contributethrough MEME making and now this ""EXTENDED MEME"". This video was inspired by DJT's journey, including all of the events leading up to his election, right up until the more recent Parkland School shootings. The video deals with the urgent and REAL topics such as #TheStorm #PizzaGateIsReal #QAnon and #GITMO. ""The Break Through"" is a RAW Boswin original classical composition, performed with the spirit of Vivaldi, Mozart and Bach. Dark and foreboding, this composition sets an engaging tone for the listener, with no shortage of exciting scales and lush orchestral drums. Brooding cellos solidify the bottom for the dance of the string sections. I sure hope the @POTUS get to watch this video soon, so do me a favor and smash that like button and share the link if you enjoy the track. Connect with me on Twitter: @TrumpCanuck MUCH Love! RAW Boswin" RAW #Q Boswin 10 ['Original Classical music', 'orchestral drums', 'violins', 'violas', 'cellos', 'vivaldi', 'mozart', 'bach'] PT4M23S 5650 70 318 2 not set not set 2018-10-10T18:22:45.000Z 0OyuCwb52wc UCxSxMqHMLC98Ssp1ZwifjXg Q Anon, Kavanaugh, Trillionaires, The Evergreen State College ~ Q Anon, Kavanaugh, Trillionaires ~, The Evergreen State College ~ Raw Olympia 1 ['aq anon', 'Q anonymous', 'trillionaris', 'rothschilds', 'olympia', 'autumn northwest', 'kavanaugh'] PT9M1S 844 17 24 1 not set not set 2017-12-17T03:20:52.000Z mTIUfInDe4k UCg6ERtbkANTW9ucFcgB3sKA Climb In Low Elo W/ Garen [Best Garen NA] - Minecraft During Q + Music Requests "Support the stream: DONATE to help me make more content for YOU! As well as getting your name and message read on stream!(useful for shoutouts) Donation button is the money symbol located inside the Livechat Box. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type !modme in chat to ask for mod ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send me stuff :D No Address Currently Available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join The Family And Always Stay Updated With New Streaming Alerts!!: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Skype: Omniomega123 Ps3: TheSavages- LoL: Hentai Over Porn The TexturePack I use: IntoTheAM(Sponsored Merch): DiscountCode: RAYAN10 for 10% Off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHANNEL RULES: 1. I don't care if you wan't to shit talk me (the streamer) but if you make problems in my chat you are getting banned. You are entitled to the freedom of your speech, but you are not entitled to harass people in front of me and think I won't do something about it. You are more than welcome to watch, but if you don't understand basic concepts such as self respect then I will revoke your right to speak in chat. Have a good time~ Multistreaming with" Rayan 20 not set PT2H34M3S 217 3 7 1 not set not set 2018-08-29T05:53:02.000Z u1-F_G6p8pY UC3OhtBlvmgxOBVd_YEeDp6A Q Anon (Part 2) Outing the Largest Mass Treason Event in History [mirrored] "Mirrored copy of ""Q - You're Witnessing the Largest Mass Treason Event in History"" posted 14 Aug 2018 on Komorusan714 channel on YouTube. URL: . THIS VIDEO IS NOT MONETIZED. No video on the Raymond7779 channel has ever been monetized. . Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. . Raymond7779 is a Christian truther & end times prophecy channel on YouTube since 2006, posting videos since 2011, announcing that JESUS CHRIST RETURNS SOON! . Please visit Raymond7779 Channel on alternate sites -- BitChute .com, Minds .com, Gab .ai, Steemit .com, Reddit. com, and Real .Video. TO VISIT RAYMOND7779's BACKUP CHANNELS, LINKS ARE FOUND AT RAYMOND7779's ""ABOUT"" PAGE ON YOUTUBE: . Luke 21:36 (NKJV): ""Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."" . John 3:16-18 (NKJV): ""For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."" . Revelation 3:10-11 (NKJV): ""Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly!"" . God bless you. Maranatha!" Raymond7779 25 ['Q Anon', 'trump', 'exposes', 'insider', 'deep', 'state', 'mass', 'treason', 'event'] PT5M16S 229 2 17 0 not set not set 2018-08-10T14:33:21.000Z 4532TYFFfMM UCGNVucwCmmYLqZCZpPBpwAA What is Q anon? "Thank you for watching! Much Love, Empress You can now book private readings on Patreon: Or, you can email me at to arrange a reading, with payment via paypal" Readings By The Empress 22 ['Qanon', 'deep state', 'president trump', 'qanon interview', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'q anon latest', 'president trump rally', 'q anon', 'conspiracy theory', 'readings by the empress', 'empress'] PT25M23S 5642 89 268 17 not set not set 2018-01-12T14:07:04.000Z eo6Ogkk8CLM UClkITFb79ZT-aU2VrRbmO6Q Marines @ Gitmo Building CELLS Q anon Jim Jones & CIA Assange to be Pardoned. "CORRECTION; Jonestown was in Guyana, NOT S. AFRICA. WARNING: I am making comments throughout MY video. Gitmo Being readied for VIP CRIMINALS Q anon intelligence -info, what really happened at Jonestown ? Follow Info Wars Dr Corsi TruthCatRadio Steven D Kelley Info Wars Alex Jones" Ready For Reality ? 28 not set PT20M21S 13819 70 271 16 not set not set 2018-01-24T03:53:17.000Z iQkaeAN-DJo UCIyKGo3XcBd6SMA4MUIIVRQ Qanon: Real or Fake? on 8chan after 4chan Q Posts - Real Fake News 24 ['#wethepeople', '#greatawakening', '#fakenewsawards', '#fakenewsaward', '#qanon', '#presidenttrump', '#msm', '#cnn', '#donaldtrump', '#donaldjtrump', '#wapo', '#nyt', '#tyt', '#msnbc', '#shadowban', '#shadowbanning', '#twitter', '#projectveritas', '#jamesokeefe', '#breakingnews', '#realfakenews', '#firstfeed', '#antischool', '#destroyingtheillusion', '#lionelnation', '#jordansather', '#whiterabbit', '#q', '#quietstorm', '#isaacgreen'] PT14M9S 295 1 0 5 not set not set 2018-01-20T14:57:02.000Z Tcsr5Qn8JOE UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Latest Q Anon Posts 1/19/18 "Q Anon posted Friday. Who is Q Anonymous? It seems to be a person close to President Donald Trump. The highest security clearance is said to be Q Clearance.He or she has been said to have posted pictures from Air Force One. Q has posted about the takedowns of high ranking members of the deep state, Hollywood and corporations. Q has posted about the Las Vegas coverup, the Saudi princes being arrested and US Military Intelligence successes. Here are the latest posts from Q Ano -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 not set PT3M11S 327 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T03:38:52.000Z pZY2IjQ9nTo UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Breaking! Q Anon #Memo 1/21/18 Release "Q Anon has just dropped more intel about the 4 page Memo circulating in Congress that documents criminal acts committed by high ranking members of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the DNC during the Obama Administration. Q Anon deswcribes the 16 year plan to take down the USA. What are your thoughts? Can the USA survive against the Globalists? Where would we be had Hillary won? Let us know in the comments below. Subscribe to Real Newsforever for more Breaking News.Share this everywhere. #GreatAwakening. Thank you for watching.. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 ['#RealeaseTheMemo', '#Memo', '#GreatAwakening', 'Q Anon', 'Real Newsforever', 'US Politics', 'Globalists', 'Deep State', 'Donald Trump', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barak Obama', 'Breaking news', 'News Today', 'US Military', 'US Congress', 'impeachment'] PT5M25S 308 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-06T16:14:00.000Z FmpGyATuD5Q UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ #QAnon: "Trump Should Be Killed" 2/5/18 "QAnon: ""Trump Should Be Killed"" 2/5/18. The latest Q Clearance posts show the cell phones of Democrats during President Trump's State of the Union Address. He also mentions the fire sale of the Rothschild holdings in Germany and Adam Schifty's ties to the Standard Hotel in his district. They bought a lot of Muriatic Acid. Why? AS 187? The helicopter crash in Newport Beach had the CEO and a high level exec. on board. Coincidence? What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments. Send us your Intel. If you are a Californian or Patriot, you are invited to our Take Back California Rally on Sunday, February 11, 2018 at Our Capitol Building in Sacramento at 11:00 AM..Remember, Enhance, Spread, Will go viral. Research More. Help us win the 2nd American Revolution. Subscribe to Real Newsforever for more updates. Our Website: Donate: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 ['#QAnon', '#Trump', '#Greatawakening', '#Donald', '#POTUS', '#SOTU', '#Realnewsforever', '#Realnews', 'US politics', 'black caucus', '#QIntel', 'US Capitol', 'US Capital', 'Washinton DC', '#swamp', '#Draintheswamp', '#Infowars'] PT8M36S 442 0 2 2 not set not set 2018-03-11T02:00:30.000Z X1nz2XLtFHY UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon Latest Posts March 10: Nazi World Order? "Q Anon Latest Posts: Nazi World Order? Posts 900-937. March 9 and 10, 2018. You are requested to help us decode Q's Posts. We include the pictures that Q Anon posted to copy and use as you share this information. Subscribe to Real Newsforever for more Latest QAnon posts. Support Independent Media through our email. Thank you for watching.. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 ['Q Anon Latest Posts', 'Nazi World Order', '#QAnon', '#Cue', 'Real News', 'Real Newsforever', '#REalnews', '#Today', '#Realnewsforever', 'QAnon', 'QAnon posts', '#Neveragain', '#Trump', '#Obama', 'US Politics', '#Independent', 'today', 'one', '#one', '#11:11'] PT14M20S 1608 19 23 1 not set not set 2018-03-17T06:14:34.000Z 7eG4pYboHws UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon Latest Posts Nihilist World Order? "Q Anon Latest Posts. Nihilist World Order. March 15, 2018. New posts suggest the Rulers are getting desperate. Is this part of their long term plan to Dominate the world? Let us know in the comments. Share any information if you want. Subscribe to Real Newsforever for more interesting videos. Support Independent Media at our email. Thank you for watching.. Q Site: Electronic Frontier Foundation Link: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 ['Q Anon Latest Posts', 'Qanon Latest', '#Qanon', '#storm', '#Maga', '#Nihilist', 'US Politics', 'today', 'real Newsforever', '#RealNewsforever', '@Realnewsforever', 'news today', 'news', 'breaking', 'Antifa', '#Antifa', 'WW3', 'civil war', 'real news'] PT8M26S 369 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T06:46:14.000Z Ylmyjsp1VSs UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon: Killing The Mockingbird Now "Q Anon: Killing the mockingbird now. Subscribe to Real Newsforever for more news videos. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 not set PT4M48S 138 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-08-31T11:53:06.000Z xCTNA0V1KLY UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon #1957: RED October Rally "Q Anon #1957:RED October Rally. ""There is a reason we continue to highlight this speech. Listen Carefully TRUTH & HONESTY Part (2)-Rally [RED October] Mouthpieces do not think or speak for themselves"". #1957 on August 28, 2018.. Is this the plan? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for watching.. #WWG1WGA.. Video Link: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 ['Q Anon', 'Red october', 'Red October', 'Trump speech', 'Donald Trump speech', 'Q Anonymous'] PT5M49S 244 3 14 0 not set not set 2018-10-01T12:45:26.000Z d5e17V0iDWw UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon: Red October Begins! "Q Anon: Red October Begins! Q anon Latest posts 2275 to 2300. Q Anon provides several new proofs of Q Anon's closeness to President Trump. One Anon asked to see a misspelling by Trump to include a ""Q"". Five days later, Trump made the ""Q"" appear in a tweet. Also, a picture of Senator Feinstein with Lisa Murkowski was included. Let us know what you think in the comments below. We had a problem with the audio volume and are working on it. Subscribe to Real Newsforever for more news videos. Thank you for watching.. I recommend installing Tube Buddy if you are making videos. You get keyword statistics and you can find the best tags on any channels and videos. A useful tool that saves a lot of time. It is free and helps your videos rank higher. Tube Buddy Link: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 22 ['q anon: red october begins!', 'Q anon', 'qanon', 'donald trump', 'q anon red', 'Q anon summary', 'qanon justinformed talk new', 'q anon latest', 'q anon latest news', 'feinstein leak', 'feinstein spy scandal', 'feinstein illegal donations', 'real news', 'real newsforever', 'wwg1wga dedicated to q', 'sovereign news', 'red october', '4 chan', 'anti school', 'october 1', '#october 1', 'oktoberfest 2018'] PT9M54S 692 3 9 0 not set not set 2018-10-03T12:12:37.000Z ogW40ZRqyvQ UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon: Kavanaugh Appointed 53-47 Senate Votes "Q Anon: Kavanaugh will be appointed with a 53-47 Senate vote? The latest Q Anon posts on October 2 had QAnon posting 53-47 in post #2317. Earlier, Q Anon posted, ""Welcome aboard, Judge K"". #2277 on September 27..Q Anon also warns Edward Snowden that he is now a liability to his handlers. Red October has begun. Some people wearing ""Q"" shirts were turned away from a Trump rally for unknown reasons. Someone is nervous. All for a LARP? Also a Washington Post article about John Perry Barlow, who inspired Snowden and others. Let us know if you want more QAnon videos. Like, share and subscribe to Real Newsforever for more news updates. Thank you for watching.. We recommend Tube Buddy for all video creators. Keywords and tag statistics help your videos rank higher and save a lot of time. The tool is free and very helpful. Tube Buddy Link: .. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 25 ['news', 'news updates', 'real news', 'footage', 'raw footage news channel', 'current events', 'news today', 'jeff flake', 'breaking news', 'tubebuddy tutorial', 'tubebuddy', 'qanon', 'qanon: red october begins!', 'q anon: kavanaugh appointed 53-47 senate votes', 'q anon research', 'q anon'] PT11M45S 586 5 7 2 not set not set 2018-10-06T10:29:53.000Z sJf0WcFwb0o UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon: How To Start A War "Q Anon How to start a war. Latest Q Anon posts October 5, 2018. Jeff Sessions testified and brought evidence to the Judicial Committee on October 4. James Baker testified and the Uranium One bank records will show who hired the lawyers to ""research"" candidate and President in 2016. Also, the Whidbey Island missile launch on June 11, 2018 happened when Air Force One was in flight. The video is worth watching. The Red October message has a double meaning. The ""Russian"" sub picture has British flags. Let us know what you think. Is Qanon for real? Timing is interesting. Like, share and subscribe to Real Newsforever for more news videos. Thank you for watching.. #world patriots #qanon #wwg1wga .. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 25 ['news', 'news updates', 'real news', 'footage', 'raw footage news channel', 'current events', 'news today', 'donald trump', 'rod rosenstein', 'deep state', 'q anon: how to start a war', 'q anon', 'q anon summary', 'whidbey island', 'whidbey island missile', 'whidbey island naval air station', 'deep state missile', 'air force one missile', 'air force one', 'trump', 'qanon', 'real newsforever', 'real news forever', 'sovereign news'] PT15M56S 127 3 2 1 not set not set 2018-10-08T03:50:32.000Z ukwIQEfJ1UM UCTScSPyHHwPp3VDM56fI3YQ Q Anon: Boom Week Red October "Q Anon Latest October 7, 2018. Rogue missiles. Rogue submarines. Red October. Boom week. Valerie Jarrett, James Comey, Hillary, the Clinton Foundation are all under serious investigation by the Inspector General. Expect the Deep State narrative to change Monday morning. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below. Like, share and subscribe to Real Newsforever for more real news videos. Thank you for watching.. #WorldPatriots #RedOctober #WWG1WGA We also recommend Tube Buddy for all video creators. The tool is free and saves valuable time researching tags and keywords. See what tags others are using to rank your videos higher. Free at: .. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: ""Mueller Report Out Today. Planet Trump Comedy"" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-" Real Newsforever 25 ['news', 'news updates', 'real news', 'footage', 'raw footage news channel', 'current events', 'news today', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'q anonymous leaks', 'q anonymous patriot', 'red october', 'qanon red tsunami', 'qanon reddit the storm', 'q anon: red october begins!', 'tubebuddy tutorial', 'real newsforever', 'real news forever', 'real news fox news', 'real focus news', 'sovereign news', 'rogue sub', 'rogue missile', 'boom week', 'inspector general', '#qanon', '#redoctober', '#wwg1wga', '#worldpatriots'] PT10M9S 311 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-05T04:58:52.000Z YULIg2ttNKo UCjBa0Ka1WLvBbKGTIpxi8Ew Q-Anon: Another Psy-op? Real Speaks Special Report In this Real Speaks special report we discuss the latest around Q Anon, and analyse the phenomenon in comparison to other recent psychological operations that have been conducted on the internet in recent years. For links to some of the referenced articles check out the Real Speaks Blog post here: Real Speaks 22 ['qanon', 'indictments', '9000 indictments', 'hilary arrested', 'DNC', 'podesta arrested', 'sgt report', 'liz crokin', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'trump executive order', 'air force one', 'benjamin fulford', 'flat earth', 'psyop', 'deep state', 'gitmo', 'guantanamo bay', 'pedogate', 'NSA'] PT1H23M43S 2550 27 116 4 not set not set 2018-08-11T04:44:43.000Z OtXniAZL4jE UCy6kyFxaMqGtpE3pQTflK8A New Rule: I, Q | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) "Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: In his editorial New Rule, Bill reveals the truth about #QAnon. Connect with Real Time Online: Find Real Time on Facebook: Find Real Time on Twitter: Find Real Time with Bill Maher Official Site: Find Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO GO® Find Real Time with Bill Maher on Connect: Find Real Time on Instagram: The Real Time blog: It's HBO. Connect with HBO Online Find HBO on Facebook: Follow @HBO on Twitter: Find HBO on Youtube: Find HBO Official Site: Find HBO Connect: Find HBO GO: Find HBO on Instagram: Find HBO on Foursquare: Check out other HBO Channels HBO: Game of Thrones: True Blood: HBO Sports: HBO Documentary Films: Cinemax: HBO Latino:" Real Time with Bill Maher 1 "[""Lawrence O'Donnell"", 'MSNBC', ""The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell"", 'Deadly Force', ""A Police Shooting and My Family's Search for the Truth"", 'Steven Pinker', 'Enlightenment Now', 'The Case for Reason Science Humanism and Progress', 'Christina Bellantoni', 'Journalism', 'USC Annenberg', 'editor', 'Los Angeles Times', 'D.L. Hughley', 'Comedian', 'How Not To Get Shot', 'And Other Advice from White People', 'Rep. Seth Moulton', 'Democrat', 'Massachusetts']" PT7M20S 1164401 5681 18453 2022 not set not set 2018-01-05T18:43:29.000Z jvu4N3HcXt4 UCjcqCqwUgHC306hg-n6bC1w Q ANON CLINTON HOUSE FIRE WAS A DELIBERATE ACT. "Thanks for watching. ""SUBSCRIBE HERE.👉👉" Real Truth 25 ['Q Anon', 'Clinton', 'Hillary clinton', 'Clinton investigation', 'conservatives', 'democrats', 'hannity', 'hillary update', 'julian assange', 'Real Truth', 'political update', 'Clinton email', 'Clinton email scandal', 'QAnon', 'SERT', 'April La June', 'wikileaks'] PT3M49S 101 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-16T15:46:01.000Z Keh9w-G4szA UCQVMSyiJwFnZGNT_nkT64eg Q SENT US #LockThemAllUp "Q SENT US #LockThemAllUp LOCK THEM ALL UP" real truth talk news 22 ['#LockThemAllUp', 'LOCK THEM ALL UP'] PT1M42S 65 1 4 0 not set not set 2017-12-03T14:24:32.000Z wcL-qx-lhn8 UCVtz9bzi6O7SxLIppHfGdow (2017)PIZZAGATE BREAKING - NEW CASE OF SHOCKING EVIDENCE - pizza gate pedogate q-anon 🔥(2017)PIZZAGATE BREAKING - NEW CASE OF SHOCKING EVIDENCE - pizza gate pedogate q-anon_360P REALTIME AMERICA NEWS 22 not set PT18M56S 738 3 7 0 not set not set 2018-09-18T02:08:30.000Z ziXdf5kbr7c UCFJxE0l3cVYU4kHzi4qVEkw The Religion of QAnon "SUPPORT more videos like this at SUBSCRIBE at +++ QAnon is the conspiracy theory that claims Trump is saving the world by fighting a global cabal of pedophiles. Here's why it's a religion. Links + transcript available at +++ ABOUT: Rebecca Watson is the founder of the Skepchick Network, a collection of sites focused on science and critical thinking. She has written for outlets such as Slate, Popular Science, and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. She's also the host of Quizotron, a rowdy, live quiz show that pits scientists against comedians. Asteroid 153289 Rebeccawatson is named after her (her real name being 153289). +++ MORE: FOLLOW: AND: LIKE:" Rebecca Watson 24 ['qanon'] PT5M47S 5631 197 350 73 not set not set 2017-11-26T00:00:00.000Z axJ_6UEjXfs UC5enaBf2S6wOuJQHJddXpGw Rebekah Roth ~ "Q" The Insanity & Calm the Storm "Have you been seeing #QAnon #thestorm & #followthewhiterabbit lately on social media? Don't know what it's referring to? This show might help you see what it is all about and the anatomy of an internet conspiracy how they start, where they start and why they are a problem. To contact Rebekah Roth: Autographed books available at all websites below: Book 1 Methodical Illusion Book 2 Methodical Deception Book 3 Methodical Conclusion Books available in soft cover, hard cover and e-book at Amazon Books can be ordered through any bookstore. Join us at the New Membership Website The Christmas Circle Follow Rebekah on Facebook For Free vinyl window sticker Email your name and address to: Intro and Outro Muisc: BenSound" Rebekah Roth 22 ['#Qanon', 'infowars', 'conspiracy theories', '#Trump', '#thestorm'] PT1H5M19S 10923 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-10T17:26:49.000Z 1GCpoemsS0E UCGy6uV7yqGWDeUWTZzT3ZEg QAnon believers are living in a movie | Kurt Schlichter "Kurt Schlichter of explains why the QAnon conspiracy theory is like something from a movie. MORE: #QAnon #ConspiracyTheory #Conservative" Rebel News 25 ['news', 'Rebel Media', 'RebelMedia', 'QAnon', 'Conservative', 'Conspiracy Theory', 'Kurt Schlichter', 'Donald Trump'] PT2M30S 9983 511 347 521 not set not set 2018-01-08T08:00:31.000Z AEFeSZbemmg UCDmOthl1y2GO4Nrj9Xnk28A Trump MOSSAD QAnon B DEFCON 1 PSYOP Explained SNAFU Intel Leak Exposed Beware of the Donald Trump MOSSAD QAnon B DEFCON 1 SNAFU Intel Leak PSYOP exposed. Long Live the TRUMPET ! RECCA The Ruins of America 22 ['B donald trump mossad qanon snafu defcon psyop intel leak explained exposed'] PT2M22S 1393 23 27 13 not set not set 2018-08-21T18:07:10.000Z IaFso62KE3Q UC_XjviNcV0xGYjAOfnuaPJQ Agent Q or Q Anon is unfortunately a hoax " How do you subvert people who are interested in conspiracies? You feed them bogus theories they want to hear. We don’t know how many voters Alex Jones’ Infowars had mobilized for Trump when they jumped on the bandwagon but it wasn’t simply about the votes, but rather to put the sizeable Infowars audience under a spell. Agent Q prolongs the myth that Trump is leading some great battle against the elites of the country. None of this was ever convincing, given the fact that Trump spent his entire life just grabbing money and seeking attention for his brand." RecentR 25 ['Recentr', 'Alexander Benesch', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Donald Trump', 'USA', 'Deep State', 'hoax', 'Q Anon', 'Agent Q', 'book of Q', '4chan', '8chan', 'fraud', 'scam', 'propaganda', 'campaign', 'midterms', 'midterm elections', 'arrest', 'the storm', 'Pizzagate', 'Hillary Clinton', 'left', 'George Soros', 'Fake News', 'Fake', 'Republicans', 'Democrats', 'Reelection', 'meddling', 'conspiracy theory'] PT15M35S 296 18 17 4 not set not set 2017-12-15T08:34:37.000Z BPXRKWsChHg UCM1P8db6DjpMVVsQPH6h5Jw Qanon Explained! Truth or Disinformation? "A digital based insider known as Q started posting on the website 4chan around mid-October 2017. Some of Q’s intelligence was predicted and later verified by events reported in the mainstream media and even via Donald Trumps Twitter feed. Q documents the shadow war going on between certain factions within the US state. The information disclosure stretches globally, and exposes the collusion between corporations, countries, and individuals highlighting a widespread connected web of corruption. If you think world events are coincidental, think again. Q exposes how things are meticulously planned and executed to maintain the shadow governments wealth and dominance. If you follow the white rabbit, the hole deeps deeper and more bizarre. Q states his information effects all sides of the political spectrum, but is this true? Are these posts politically motivated? And can we completely trust the disclosures. Some researchers and other insiders have claimed Q’s disclosures are false disinformation to muddy the waters. It should also be noted that due to constant attacks on 4chan, many have stated Q has now allegedly reverted to using the platform 8chan. WEBSITE: MONTHLY DONATION: ONE OFF DONATION: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: GOOGLE+:" Reconsider 22 ['Qanon', 'Intelligence', 'MegaAnon', '4chan', 'Donald Trump', 'CIA', 'The Storm', 'Follow The White Rabbit'] PT29M21S 24446 209 511 28 not set not set 2018-05-22T12:18:54.000Z EABaevRKB9g UCM1P8db6DjpMVVsQPH6h5Jw #Qanon Truth Community Disharmony "MONTHLY DONATION: Recent destabilising revelations questioning the origins of #Qanon has caused division in the truth / independent media. WEBSITE: MONTHLY DONATION: ONE OFF DONATION: GAB: STEEMIT: BITCHUTE: D.TUBE!/c/reconsidernews FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: GOOGLE+:" Reconsider 22 ['qanon', '#qanon', 'trump', 'qanon alex jones', 'qanon leak', 'alex jones qanon', 'jerome corsi qanon', 'qanon corsi', 'q-anon', '#qanon 8chan posts', 'jason goodman', 'q anon', 'deep state', 'wikileaks', '#q', 'greatawakening', 'jerome corsi', 'email', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'god', 'wethepeople', 'clinton', 'wearewithchrist', 'politics', 'conspiracy', 'anonymous', 'news', 'iran', '8chan', 'division', 'independent media', 'truth community'] PT9M39S 453 13 24 2 not set not set 2018-09-01T23:40:33.000Z Z2jqKrIY5lo UCo2dVqFIKEbL_lRy2M8wYoA 1st. (D.I.Y) - FORD ESCAPE 2006 - Changing Front Head Light/ DIY 🇨🇦️🇵🇭️🤙🇺🇲️ "DIY - Ford ESCAPE 2006 - Changing Front Head Light... 🇨🇦️🇵🇭️🤙🇺🇲️ My apologies, its a Ford Escape 2006 not 2016. Oops My BAD! 2. [D.I.Y] FORD ESCAPE REAR BREAKS 2001-2006 4X4 2.3 LT or 2.4 XLT 4 & 6 CYLINDER. RED PILL AWAKENED: Q-Drop FaceBook Created By Darpa To Attack A Person Entire Existence/FAKE NEWS #41 🇨🇦️🇵🇭️🤙🇺🇲️ Old Channel: Q-Drop= FB: TrueDiscussion Of Light & Dark Side:" RED PILL AWAKENING 24 ['(D.I.Y) -', 'Ford ESCAPE 2006', 'Changing', 'LordGod', 'Front Head Light', '🇨🇦️🇵🇭️🤙🇺🇲️'] PT7M 542 2 7 4 not set not set 2018-03-30T20:28:12.000Z MOkimUgSuHM UCDQelh5ghQ2N3e2pphs8DYQ IS Q ANON AI? Also RFB confirmed LEGIT Red Pill News Dispensary 22 not set PT3M45S 189 5 21 2 not set not set 2018-09-24T17:20:05.000Z TPQLl7jddO8 UCcu5IP6DhVGiliJ4n7nBw_Q RED PILL AWAKENED/HEAVENS FREQUENCY: The Q-Anon Song #WWG1WGA🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️ RED PILL AWAKENED/HEAVENS FREQUENCY: The Q-Anon Song #WWG1WGA🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️ RED PILLED WARRIOR 22 ['RED PILL AWAKENED', 'HEAVENS FREQUENCY:', 'GOD', 'Lord Jesus Christ', 'John 3:16', '#WWG1WGA🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️', 'Q-Anon', '#TrustThePlan', '#WWG1WGA', 'inGODWe'] PT5M10S 321 8 19 0 not set not set 2018-10-01T03:02:51.000Z ORvHPDSV9Gk UCcu5IP6DhVGiliJ4n7nBw_Q RED PILL AWAKENED: HEAVENS FREQUENCY - LIVE. #WWG1WGA #BIG-AWAKENING! 🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️🇷🇺. "RED PILL AWAKENED: HEAVENS FREQUENCY - LIVE... RED PILL AWAKENED: WARNING! ""STATE OF EMERGENCY!"" MILITARY TRIBUNALS. GET READY! #WWG1WGA #BIG-AWAKENING! 🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️🇷🇺. 1st: YouTube Channel: RED PILL AWAKENING HEAVENS FREQUENCY: RED PILL AWAKENED: How Long Can N*$*A FAKE THE WORLD? #TheBigAwakening! 🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️🇷🇺Q#45. WOW! FAKE! Grid Blue Screen EXPLAINED!! | NASA Caught Using BLUE Screen: BUSH S R The Ring Leader. #WWG1WGA🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️🇷🇺. Q RED PILL AWAKENED: #Q The Q-Anon Song #WWG1WGA🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇷🇺🇨🇦️ Q: Military: WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL! WE, THE PEOPLE! FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA. LET FREEDOM RING, PATRIOTS. IT IS YOUR TIME. IF AMERICA FALLS, THE WORLD FALLS. UNITED WE STAND! GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Q+ RED PILL AWAKENED: Q-Drop FaceBook Created By Darpa To Attack A Person Entire Existence/FAKE NEWS #41 🇨🇦️🇵🇭️🤙🇺🇲️ Old Channel: Q-Drop= FB: TrueDiscussion Of Light & Dark Side:" RED PILLED WARRIOR 22 ['RED PILL AWAKENED:', 'HEAVENS FREQUENCY', '- LIVE', '#WWG1WGA', '#BIG-AWAKENING!', '🇵🇭️🇺🇲️🇨🇦️🇷🇺.'] PT33M34S 103 0 5 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T15:18:19.000Z SgI7ade7cVg UCy1HSd47dTBa6AkNr22A8sQ Q Anon Part I: Who is he and why are people listening? #Qanon "Join me in my journey into the depths of the internet as we attempt to make sense of the Q Anon phenomenon. Is he a messenger we should all be paying attention to, or is this just another internet hoax? I have no insider knowledge and no pre-determined outcome I am looking for. Will you join me on this journey? Can you help find the truth? Please find me at; Chum Bucket makersupport Twitter Minds DISCORD!" Red Shark Intelligence 25 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'qanon explained', 'qanon begining', '#qanon', 'pizzagate', '#quanon', '#pizzagate'] PT5M28S 19968 114 470 22 not set not set 2018-01-01T23:50:09.000Z Uz-TCg-sUzc UCy1HSd47dTBa6AkNr22A8sQ Q Anon Part II: Are you willing to listen? #Qanon "Join me in my journey into the depths of the internet as we attempt to make sense of the Q Anon phenomenon. Is he a messenger we should all be paying attention to, or is this just another internet hoax? I have no insider knowledge and no pre-determined outcome I am looking for. Will you join me on this journey? Can you help find the truth? Please find me at; Chum Bucket makersupport Twitter Minds DISCORD!" Red Shark Intelligence 25 ['qanon', '#qanon', 'conspiracy theory', 'conspiracy'] PT4M46S 9159 42 249 13 not set not set 2018-01-17T13:49:26.000Z UlS_iTahF8k UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q ANON WARNED US OF LOUD MOUTHS LIKE Corey Booker FAKE NEWS MELTDOWN. COME AND TAKE IT Chris Christy! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT28M33S 565 26 35 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T20:10:56.000Z tG3ckQsNpGE UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q ANON "SHE'S GOING DOWN". RECENT Q POST! Rothschild, Poop Francis,Hillary,Obama & Demo Rats, Are DONE! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M28S 861 30 56 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T14:56:38.000Z Whse9qmcmW0 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q ANON, WHY IS Pedophile Eric Schmidt IN North Korea??? Government SHUTDOWN IS FINE. Q SAID IT WOULD! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT27M49S 480 14 28 1 not set not set 2018-01-22T14:47:17.000Z 2NOzJTLsG8A UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q ANON EXPOSES 16 YEAR PLAN TO TAKE DOWN AMERICA! PLAN TO USE A EMP FALSE FLAG ATTACK, KILL OUR ECONOMY. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT36M29S 401 13 28 2 not set not set 2018-01-23T15:03:11.000Z smIjeVXE1P8 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw FOREIGN ALLIES PLOT TO KILL TRUMP & FAMILY MEMBER. Q ANON Q ANON, HAS DOCS ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING & SACRIFICE! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT35M45S 206 2 20 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T14:37:26.000Z g8EJOK-YjM4 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q ANON, MASS MURDERS TO SATISFY THEIR GOD Moloch! "Q ANON TO Snowden, ""HOW'S Russia""? ALMOST TIME. Q." Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 205 7 18 1 not set not set 2018-01-25T20:02:24.000Z 5j3S2FT6u6o UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q ANON, #'PUSH INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS' Meme. AT&T POTUS TWEET ON U.K. SHOULD SCARE A LOT OF PEOPLE! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT18M50S 152 12 16 1 not set not set 2018-01-28T00:20:49.000Z zeC7IEuUvao UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q ANON, COUNSEL on FOREIGN RELATIONS TIED TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING. GLOBALIST SELF SUICIDE, CYANIDE TABLETS IF ACTIONED. Q ANON. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 181 9 16 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T07:02:26.000Z Rk_Lh0PZAq4 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw TODAY THEY WILL DROP FISA REPORT. NEW Q. Adam Shiff COVERS UP MURDER IN CALIFORNIA! NEW Q CALLS TODAY 'FREEDOM DAY. THE STORM BEGINS. CONFIRMS TRAIN DERAIL A F.F.! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT23M1S 437 12 26 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T15:34:22.000Z IUgfC68q_Lw UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q ANON, THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD, WE THE PEOPLE. FREEDOM DAY! Q,THOSE WHO STOOD CHANTING 'USA' WERE FREED. USMC ON GUARD. POTUS IS SAFE! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT21M46S 194 8 23 0 not set not set 2018-02-03T18:33:58.000Z aZQlb6IaOqY UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q PREDICTED MSM RESPONSE TO Devin Nunes MEMO. 'Mouth piece/Controlled'. Crafted Statements! MSM SELLOUTS, LOSING ALL THEIR STEAM IN ATTEMPTS TO KEEPING YOU DUM!!! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT24M26S 141 9 20 1 not set not set 2018-02-06T14:01:29.000Z zbzCxu-PAao UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q ANON, Valerie Jarret CALL to Adam Schiff 42 M 13 S. 2 LIstener's No IDENTIFICATION. SOTU. BLACK CAUCUS PHONE. 'TRUMP SHOULD BE SHOT' FIND THE FILM. Q ANON. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT20M16S 7805 194 491 3 not set not set 2018-02-10T13:36:43.000Z gdbbeP1KdRQ UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q ANON, HA HA HA HA (NEXT WEEK). WE WARNED YOU. YOU ARE STUPID. CAN YOU SLEEP? WE CAN HELP. Q. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT27M44S 572 32 66 0 not set not set 2018-02-19T02:26:17.000Z Mmt8nhvKu2c UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q ANON. NO ESCAPE. NO DEALS. TRUST THE PLAN. NEVER GOT OVER FACT Obama SENDING 1.7 BILLION TO IRAN. Q. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT34M36S 509 23 53 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T15:55:37.000Z 1fL5O1LyX8Q UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q ANON. @SNOWDEN. WHERE ARE YOU? NOT RUSSIA. (EYES ON) THE CLOCK IS ACTIVATED. CLEAN ACTION APPROVED. HIGHEST AUTHORITY. Q. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT24M40S 322 34 38 1 not set not set 2018-02-24T13:26:57.000Z Rxcn2LebLJM UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw WHY SCHOOL SHOOTINGS? GUN PULL EVENT. NEW Q ANON. WHY WOULD LOCALS GO ALONG WITH SUCH A SICK ORGANIZED EVENT? Q. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT39M42S 497 50 50 4 not set not set 2018-04-14T21:12:13.000Z PplIrWagRSI UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw New Q. Expand your thinking. The date vs actual. Iran next. Trust the plan. Scooter Libby & U-1 William Campbell Attorneys Victoria Townsend & Joe Digenava on Team Trump! Redpill Ken 22 not set PT38M7S 158 14 37 0 not set not set 2018-05-21T14:36:20.000Z nUVvQ8zUwz4 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw EXPECT THE MSM (clown army) TO ATTACK W/Foreign & Domestic Assets. BE PREPARED. TRUST THE PLAN. CONSPIRACY NO MORE. WE ARE IN FULL CONTROL. NEW Q. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 98 6 19 0 not set not set 2018-06-20T10:10:00.000Z qPA1wMPXW7w UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw THIS IS THE LEVEL OF CORRUPTION WE ARE DEALING WITH. NEW Q How can you obtain text A & C but somehow the most incriminating (text B) is lost due to glitch (recovered later only after classified Intel methods applied). Redpill Ken 22 not set PT39M9S 91 2 17 0 not set not set 2018-07-04T21:07:57.000Z gcgRfXdkF3Q UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Q Drop # 1,678 , "TROLLING is Fun". POTUS Trumps MSM W/Word Errors. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT2M48S 92 7 11 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T11:47:32.000Z bFHflO16lDM UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw MSM LIE TO REMOVE Q APP AT APPLE Store. Hussein LAW Green Lights LYING MSLSD LIES TO CONTAIN SUCCESSES OF THE Q DROP APP, THEN LIES TO A WAKE POPULOUS THAT NXIVM Keith Rayneer, Alison Mack, Clinton's, James Aletantis Comet Ping pong IS FAKE? Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 105 8 20 0 not set not set 2018-07-25T09:59:08.000Z Je9JGUjgib4 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q. SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP. Q POST # 1,687 John Ashcraft SOLD HIS 13 Y/O Daughter, Sarah Ruth Ashcraft TO Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks MIGHT BE INVOLVED IN PEDOPHILIA. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 769 22 43 1 not set not set 2018-08-01T18:20:48.000Z kpEsQ7mbxBA UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw G Mail, John Podesta To Tim Stayer "But WALNUT Sauce on Pasta"? New Q Hey John, I know you're a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years. But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary plz tell the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty? Love to the Podestas's from the Stayers! Q Drop # 1,785 Pizza Gate is REAL. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 295 14 27 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T21:46:37.000Z Gf9-LB_h_G0 UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw Something BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP. Q DROP # 1,802. THREAT RECEIVED. USSS ACTED APPROPRIATELY. THIS IS NOT A GAME. Q POST # 1,800. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 78 8 16 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T10:37:54.000Z JhxpC2ChnQg UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw 5000 + New/Day (eyes on Q). WELCOME TO THE AWAKENING. NEW Q. POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. WITH KNOWLEDGE COMES POWER. Q. Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 71 5 16 0 not set not set 2018-08-19T08:27:53.000Z pWxQNPjhnRg UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw THE BIGGEST Q DROP THIS WEEK FOR ME WAS THIS ONE. ........... Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M27S 218 15 32 0 not set not set 2018-08-22T10:41:07.000Z H1j-qCCPxlQ UCiATP4MyZJdGQqXLfS0beRw NEW Q Post # 1,931 MADE MY JAW DROP AT THE END! YOURS WILL TOO. THE UNMASKING OF Lisa Barsoomain. A CIA OPERATOR WORKING TO PROTECT THE DEEP STATE OPERATORS. Q Post, 1,931 Redpill Ken 22 not set PT40M32S 185 19 23 0 not set not set 2018-09-03T19:50:06.000Z uKW0-af8suk UCnopvt1QSFtioLyxvzTcUvw QANON: BLACK HATS OFFLINE - GET PREPARED "Experiencing playback issues? - This exact video on BitChute: My Bitchute Channel: All Q posts: If you liked please share, sub on both platforms, and check back every few days (or so). Current YT subscribers have claimed losing me as a channel when they didn’t remove me and likes have also been reported as being removed. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG! PLAY THE GAME WITH US! If you saw an ad show up, I did not mean for one to show up. Like a newbie, it looks like I triggered a copyright flag that allows the song to play but says it could play an ad on the video. I, RPM, am still not monetized. In The Face Of Evil - Magic Sword Sound recording 12:54 - 13:39 WMG On behalf of: Tender Loving Empire Monetized by copyright owner" RedPill Mackenzie 25 ['new q posts', 'new qanon posts', 'when are the arrests', 'qanon the world is watching', 'QANON BLACK HATS OFFLINE'] PT19M54S 57700 621 1965 58 not set not set 2018-09-23T00:09:41.000Z svDYfGttqow UCnopvt1QSFtioLyxvzTcUvw QANON: RATS TURNING ON EACH OTHER - PANIC INTENSIFIES LEADING UP TO FISA DECLAS "Experiencing playback issues? - This exact video on BitChute: My Bitchute Channel: All Q posts: PF LINK: If you liked please share, sub on both platforms, and check back every few days (or so). Current YT subscribers have claimed losing me as a channel when they didn’t remove me and likes have also been reported as being removed. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG! PLAY THE GAME WITH US!" RedPill Mackenzie 25 ['rats are turning on each other', 'deep state panic', 'panic in dc', 'panic in uk', 'panic in aus', 'new q posts', 'new qanon posts', 'fisa declas', 'will trump fire rod rosenstein', 'will trump fire rr', 'trump should fire rod rosenstein', 'trump should fire rr'] PT7M20S 26203 166 1071 27 not set not set 2018-02-19T16:47:49.000Z k9E3XIwgwr4 UCIbVc3G_ztVnWUPXzKlkI_A Qanon Great Awakening 8chan Redpill Prescription 27 ['Qanon Q anon Great awakening'] PT2M6S 1610 1 6 1 not set not set 2018-04-21T20:57:59.000Z L77BgVHGSVs UC1jy49VDK3mMkh7FucF13sg Calm Before the Storm POTUS "Q Post 48 QzGyR4tyi 147640127 Nov 2 2017 12:44:30 What is Q Clearance? What hint does that explicitly refer to? DOE? Who would have the goods on U1? Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE? No. Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments? Why is this relevant? (May 2010) BO ""Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954"" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran. Who is the enemy? What is being continually stated by all D's? Russia is what? What did the Russia reset really provide? Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal? Why is the Canadian PM so important? They never thought they were going to lose. #TheCalmBeforeTheStorm Q This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The site asserts this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law." rePete 22 not set PT19S 50 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T09:47:34.000Z ZQKXuLFpUwY UC1jy49VDK3mMkh7FucF13sg ANONYMOUS Q Anon What Is Coming rePete 22 not set PT7M34S 118 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T05:11:38.000Z reuZm63jGII UCgIwjgP2Tg3ehOS3S_MeLnA Tommy Robinson Is FREE!!!! And Q Anon At Trump's Tampa Rally 8/1/18 "Contact Us: Resistance Chicks P.O. Box 107 Milford, OH 45150 E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: @ResistanceChics Support one of our Moderators: Maia Buy her AMAZING All Natural Products Here: Or email Young Living Essential Oils Contact Josh Rodgers GoinBatty Channel Hand Made Gifts and Thrive Life Products!" Resistance Chicks 25 ['real news', 'news comentary', 'alex jones', 'nigel farage', 'christian news', 'federal reserve', 'farming', 'organic living', 'homesteading', 'resistance chicks', 'masfaith3', 'Leah and Michelle', 'red pill', 'conservative news', 'libertarian news', 'truth', 'conspiracy theories', 'info wars', 'paul joseph watson', 'poland', 'founding fathers', 'christian nation', 'trump', 'deplorables ron paul', 'julian assange'] PT1H10M29S 257 25 29 1 not set not set 2018-06-29T17:43:23.000Z Ocd_L5KlkQA UCjKDQqPWS9LFxavTSd81iUQ TO Q ANON: DAVID HURLS A STONE "WEBSITE ADDRESS:" REVELATION IS HAPPENING NOW 29 not set PT34M8S 63 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T22:18:31.000Z RkoumDbjv6E UCjKDQqPWS9LFxavTSd81iUQ Q ANON REVEALS JOHN McCAIN "WEBSITE ADDRESS:" REVELATION IS HAPPENING NOW 29 not set PT7M52S 941 5 15 1 not set not set 2018-07-04T17:35:52.000Z BERPRf5MFGs UCjKDQqPWS9LFxavTSd81iUQ Q ANON INFO DROP ON BUSH ADMIN & DRUG TRAFFICKING OPS! "WEBSITE ADDRESS:" REVELATION IS HAPPENING NOW 29 not set PT49M15S 686 0 6 2 not set not set 2018-07-09T03:24:43.000Z pxV8RHQBngI UCjKDQqPWS9LFxavTSd81iUQ Q ANON REVEALS POSSIBLE DRUG TRAFFICKING FRONTS IN THE U.S. "WEBSITE ADDRESS: VIDEO LINKS:" REVELATION IS HAPPENING NOW 29 not set PT59M14S 3898 18 37 11 not set not set 2018-07-09T16:46:23.000Z 58thTd5BFv0 UCjKDQqPWS9LFxavTSd81iUQ Q ANON REVEALS RICO COMPLAINT THAT WAS MADE AGAINST THE CLINTONS "AND COLLABORATORS INCLUDING GEORGE SOROS... WEBSITE ADDRESS:" REVELATION IS HAPPENING NOW 29 not set PT15M52S 8293 27 164 10 not set not set 2018-07-11T17:27:58.000Z uq2EeE1V_JM UCjKDQqPWS9LFxavTSd81iUQ Q ANON F-1 SPEECH & TRUMP/GIULIANI FOX NEWS REPORT "WEBSITE ADDRESS: CHANNEL LINK:" REVELATION IS HAPPENING NOW 29 not set PT18M53S 909 4 10 0 not set not set 2018-04-06T13:39:25.000Z KD7lxng9ybg UCd8C-CKku4yy4AtyAmC52bQ Richi Harper - Q-Anon ( Prod. by Richi Harper ) Bald in allen digitalen Plattformen wie, #Spotify, #Apple Music, #Google Music, #Amazon Music, #Deezer etc. Richi Harper OFFICIAL 24 ['Q-', 'Anonymous', 'Patriots', 'Donald Trump', 'US Marines', 'US Seals', 'Special Forces', 'Military', 'CIA', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'NSA', 'USA', 'EU', 'Vatikan', 'UFO', 'Alien', 'Conspiracy'] PT4M22S 51 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T02:00:29.000Z -_7lyuLLqNU UCd8C-CKku4yy4AtyAmC52bQ Richi Harper - Q-Anon ( Prod. by Richi Harper ) | Video Tribute "In allen digitalen Musikplattformen erhältlich wie, #Spotify, #Apple Music, #Google Music, #Amazon Music, #Deezer etc." Richi Harper OFFICIAL 24 ['Q-anon', 'Q+', 'Donald J. Trump', 'POTUS', 'Military'] PT4M25S 89 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T03:10:10.000Z BUioC5pzsb4 UCr12e-5HV1mg73cSoZyTYRA Great Awakening - Q 8chan munder q update qanon msm deep state A Q member statement Great Awakening - Q 8chan munder q update qanon msm deep state richpartners 27 ['qanon', 'indigorevolution', 'greatawakening', 'wwg1wga', 'support', 'help the usa', 'truth', 'hrc liar'] PT12M24S 696 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-05T02:36:08.000Z CVdtttQzBxU UCRUoIcDouLC5PToOk-P3hgA Q STORM (We Are Q) - an original music video "YT force-placed the Brittanica 911 narrative below the video. My research, and that of several experts, indicates the official narrative is inaccurate or misleading on several fronts. This video is dedicated to every human being who cherishes freedom, humanity, the Creator and creation, country, family, the rule of law, diversity of culture, and wishes to peacefully co-exist together in this world. To all the American patriots—and fellow patriots worldwide—whether your contribution to end the ""long train of abuses"" is or was great or small, is known or unknown, for your good heart and noble efforts, this video is a salute to you. Where we go one, we go all. If you feel this video is informative, please help share it. TOGETHER, WE ARE THE STORM. Godspeed. *** Please note that the views expressed in this video are based on the video author's research, and are are solely those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of those depicted in the video. Please do your own research to learn about each of the events, individuals, and entities depicted in this video. Thank you." RideTheBlue 1 10 "['QANON', 'Q STORM', 'GREAT AWAKENING', 'WWG1WGA', 'ALEX JONES', 'STEVE MOTLEY', 'DUSTIN NEMOS', 'JORDAN SATHER', 'DESTROYINGTHEILLUSION', 'MICHAEL TRIMM', 'Q ANON', 'DIAMOND AND SILK', 'CANDACE OWENS', 'KEVIN SHIPP', 'BILL BINNEY', 'ROBERT DAVID STEELE', 'BRENDEN DILLEY', 'PRAYINGMEDIC', '#QANON', '#WETHEPEOPLE 24/7', ""PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX"", '#WWG1WGA', '#WALKAWAY', '9-11', 'September 11', '2001', 'Inside Job', '911 Inside Job', 'JFK', 'JFK JR.', 'QANON MUSIC', 'MAGA', '#QArmy']" PT5M40S 5330 21 124 2 not set not set 2018-05-31T03:52:52.000Z RNSVrrakF6A UCWBNWIMUNvoVzbSTZufKCSQ 6 IRL Damages of False Prophet ‘Q anon’ "Steemit Post w/ Links: With all the blatant elite corruption being more exposed to the public than ever before in history, the people desperately needed a hero – and they got ‘Q anon’. As more people are waking up to the fact that ‘Q anon’ is a mountain of lies, a lot of people are dismissing the whole thing to say “oh well, what harm?"" I will tell you what harm. UPDATE: I just got new info on how they were able to predict Trump tweets from the user ESOTERICshade on voat. Sorry. Disinformation is unnecessary, I know. How they were doing the Twitter tricks: ""They were pulling Trump's Tweets from this site about five minutes sooner than they would show up on Twitter. Tweets will show up to the Tweeter immediately but sometimes it takes a couple of minutes for the server to take a Tweet site wide. They were grabbing the Tweets earlier than everybody else. That is how they knew there would be misspellings etc.... Twitter caught on to the scam and changed the code. Now they can't grab the Tweets early and that is why they suddenly stopped ""predicting"" Trump's Tweets. They lost the ability to continue the Twitter scam."" -ESOTERICshade" RidleyChozo 22 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'pizzagate', 'false', 'prophet'] PT39M13S 989 23 51 12 not set not set 2017-12-23T00:27:18.000Z 817ouELejH0 UCz1J32WvsMd5w_ncpOkuwOA Trumps Q-Anon hand gesture, "We're stopping them!" "Trumps Q hand gesture, we're stopping them! Q-Anon Post Calm Before The Storm This video may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright holders. The material is made available in this video as a way to advance research and education only. This constitutes a ""fair use"" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106a-117 of the U.S. copyright law." Robby Allen 22 ['Q Anon', 'Qanon', 'las vegas', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'Tracy Beanz', 'cbts'] PT8S 7173 13 40 0 not set not set 2017-12-17T12:22:35.000Z N-_lyCEH9W8 UCRIs7QXPDS-qYQ24uXM40JQ Robert News Who is Q Anon Please give me some feedback about my question.Thank you, Robert Olson 25 ['who', 'is', 'qanon'] PT2M12S 73 2 3 1 not set not set 2017-11-28T16:03:42.000Z gFXj0OVvZA8 UCOwHnwuC1GnVrvUpT385Pvg The War In Yemen, Q Clearance, Galactic Center Point -- Fifteen Minutes Of Flame "Source: On today's show we break down the war in Yemen, the latest on Q-Anon, while commemorating the Saturn/Mercury conjunction of the Galactic Center." Robert Phoenix - The 11th House 24 ['spreaker', 'galactic-center', 'qanon', 'robertphoenix', 'war-on-terror', 'yemen'] PT46M5S 1020 24 40 1 not set not set 2017-12-29T19:55:59.000Z QjyrqFscVP4 UCOwHnwuC1GnVrvUpT385Pvg Friday FARcast -- Myths of Saturn & Q Anon With Steve Crimi "Source: On today's show, I return to the airwaves to hook up with Steve and Krys Crimi, as we explore the myths of Saturn and dive into the Q-Anon material as well." Robert Phoenix - The 11th House 24 ['spreaker', 'qanon', 'robertphoenix', 'saturnincapricorn', 'stevecrimi', 'trump'] PT1H43M55S 1560 10 43 4 not set not set 2018-05-10T14:37:55.000Z KKjCzKkQ6xg UCOwHnwuC1GnVrvUpT385Pvg Q Anonsense & NXVIM -- Fifteen Minutes Ov Flame "Source: Another look at the QPhenom, NXVIM gets weirder while Syria and Israel fire exploding dildos at one another." Robert Phoenix - The 11th House 24 ['spreaker', 'keithraniere', 'nxvim', 'qanon', 'robertphoenix', 'stormydaniels'] PT58M18S 387 11 21 1 not set not set 2018-05-21T03:48:38.000Z gc5i3olX7lQ UCOwHnwuC1GnVrvUpT385Pvg The Q ANON Astrological Chart and Livestream Robert Phoenix - The 11th House 24 not set PT1H36M37S 942 18 68 1 not set not set 2018-08-07T11:10:27.000Z 6X9kSvov5Ao UCl3U4jv6XHcX7Z7o8d8Xh9w Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 380986 No.2674220 Robert Steele 22 not set PT1M 236 3 14 0 not set not set 2018-03-06T22:09:47.000Z oMLbgF51I0o UCVNCVSQ1y4EqI1sBDoS_jRw Q the Trump memes "Trump ""Drop it"" meme i liked alot from PewDiePie video the PewDiePie video:" RobyVan 20 ['pewdiepie', 'trump memes', 'trump', 'memes', 'you laugh you loose', 'ylyl'] PT17S 2853 9 104 0 not set not set 2018-03-03T03:55:53.000Z UMFC2oKPElo UC2MbY0wS254AbhX7ZkGmW0Q Question on Q Anon post of shores on NY......... im not sure Did q say keep eyes on NY coast? YouTube discrimination against people on right. Roger Carper 22 ['QAnon', 'Qpost', 'Q post', 'New York storm'] PT5M34S 108 2 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-15T21:13:56.000Z 7a0LVtiQoiw UCMMi1P4uuz34JFCPbmh9syg THE "Q" MOVEMENT,,,,MY TAKE! "What's with the Q movement and can you trust it! Take a good clear look, a no bullshit look! THUNDER ( OR WAKIYA IN LAKOTA) WHO REPRESENTS THE CAMPFIRE COUNCIL AS THE CHIEF ELDER, TALKS ON SPIRITUAL MATTERS AND OTHER VARIOUS TOPICS OF THE DAY IN A TRUTHFUL STRAIGHTFORWARD MANNER! CAMPFIRE COUNCIL NEW! GOOGLE COMMUNITY SITE FEEL FREE TO JOIN! CAMPFIRE COUNCIL WEBSITE JOIN HERE FILL OUT FORM DONATIONS ARE WELCOME AT BELOW SITE SPIRIT OF CRAZY HORSE WEBSITE Native American Taoist website Contact Me ; E-mail LINKS TO BUY BOOKS!!!!! lISTEN TO THE wIND sPEAK FROM THE HEART EMERGENCE THUNDER IN THE WIND EMERGENCE II" Roger Thunderhands Gilbert 29 ['The Q movement', 'Qanon', 'Patriot movement', '#qanon'] PT17M9S 482 3 14 2 not set not set 2018-02-13T14:41:47.000Z BdBiOMjELZ8 UCQe9wLGm0nDlp9faBtvAQUQ Rogue Mornings - Disruptive Measures, All a Game & Q Drops (02/13/18) """V"" and CJ discuss #DeepState efforts to disrupt the administration and recent Q drops. We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. Please subscribe for the latest shows daily!" ROGUE NEWS 25 ['finance economics v the guerilla economist rogue money russia', 'currency', 'bitcoin', 'gold', 'silver', 'markets stocks investing', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT29M46S 3641 13 120 3 not set not set 2018-03-16T01:08:08.000Z yV3DfZzHTBQ UCQe9wLGm0nDlp9faBtvAQUQ Guerrilla Insight Episode 06: Qanon Is BullShit (03/15/2018) "The Ape Explains Why the LARPing individual or group is a gigantic waste of time. Its UP to US to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. Please subscribe for the latest shows daily!" ROGUE NEWS 25 ['Finance Global Economics', 'Blockchain Technology', 'V the Guerrilla Economist rogue money currency bitcoin gold silver markets stocks investing', 'QAnon', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT17M51S 4272 92 147 42 not set not set 2018-07-02T14:51:50.000Z ckN5cYDR--Q UCQe9wLGm0nDlp9faBtvAQUQ Rogue Mornings - QAnon, Myth or Legend? Crazy Maxine & End of WTO (07/02/2018) "We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. Please subscribe for the latest shows daily!" ROGUE NEWS 25 ['Finance Global Economics', 'DATA', 'data currency', 'Technology', 'V the Guerrilla Economist rogue money currency bitcoin gold silver markets stocks investing', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT37M26S 3650 22 92 11 not set not set 2018-09-14T14:40:53.000Z QzpAD4kLmuY UCQe9wLGm0nDlp9faBtvAQUQ ROGUE MORNINGS - Economic Chaos & Q Exposed? "ROGUE NEWS is a group of political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. !PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Support our media by participating in our products and services: ► ROGUE NEWS: ► Watch Us Trade: ► CBD Edibles: ► TRADE BTC: ► LIQUID CRYPTO: The content and language in our videos & on the RoguemoneyNet - RogueMoney.Net channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence PRIOR to acting or making any significant investing and or general life decisions. RoguemoneyNet - RogueMoney.Net assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, we cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you for Subscribing!" ROGUE NEWS 25 ['ROGUE NEWS', 'Finance Global Economics', 'DATA', 'data currency', 'Technology', 'V the Guerrilla Economist rogue money currency bitcoin gold silver markets stocks investing', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT55M57S 4433 93 154 47 not set not set 2018-06-28T18:35:24.000Z 066lfEAllvM UCqRQvRMVe1rq1RMmxZGuMYQ Who Is Sebastian? How does he link to Q? "Who is Sebastian? What connects him to Q? ""INITIATE Q CLEARANCE""? One who deletes a mass amount of videos, and to place a new one up to look like a hero... What kind of person would do that? To hide so much? To then quickly look like a hero? Videos were saved. The videos were archived." Rogue Truther 22 ['Qanon Qclearance Q anon clearance SebastianC'] PT6M58S 5736 72 128 13 not set not set 2018-01-20T07:17:52.000Z F-LkI7X5798 UCDUTiP45j9Plikopv7P7lkQ January 18, 2018 Update - FISA 702 Scandal - Q Anon Drop "In this update, I discuss the scandal brewing in the House Intelligence committee over weaponization of the DOJ & FBI through abuse of FISA 702 and the latest posts by Q anon. My website:. Un programa que permite a las agencias de espionaje de los EE. UU. Recolectar información sobre extranjeros fuera del país fue reautorizado por ambas cámaras del Congreso este mes. ------------. Q 1-19-18 FISA 702 Google remove political algorythms There are really good reasons why you should say HELL NO to the reauthorization of FISA 702. Thomas explains in this quick audio. He refers to an article which is located below: Section 702 of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act is set to expire this month as the House is prepping a vote on it ext" Ronald Tyler 22 ['America’s', 'With', 'America', 'Trump', 'algorythms', 'After', 'Redhanded', 'Scandal', 'Vigilando', 'Legislation', 'Busted!', 'Anon', 'Against', 'Trump’s', '702.', 'State', 'remove', 'Drop', 'House', 'Google'] PT19M57S 48 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T07:26:39.000Z EQ0mTBrR14g UCDUTiP45j9Plikopv7P7lkQ Elite MSM Destroyed By Q: Who Is He? | #QANON #PIZZAGATE "An introduction to QAnon and the biggest approved intel drop in US history. Pay attention folks. President Trump is draining the swamp right in front of your eyes. Q Book of posts and happening. Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media discuss Leader Technologies, Michael McKibben, Saudi Arabia.and who is Q. Are you receiving your daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES. They are. It's all more connected than some will ever believe. Who is this man, A. Cooper, and why has Q focused on him specifically in multiple posts? Why was my Twitter account banned for LIFE - similar. ""Our goal is simple: To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of" Ronald Tyler 22 ['4chan', 'listening?', 'Part', 'WHISTLE', 'Anon', 'Alarming', 'PSYOP', 'Crash', 'Q...', 'Saudi', 'Before', 'Helicopter', 'More', 'ZACH', 'PIZZAGATE', 'Analysis', 'Loose?', '122517', 'overview', 'Patriots'] PT1H15M24S 145 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-22T16:18:04.000Z 9OYVcM4dz1k UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g QAnon Hoax: JFK Jr. is Alive! "See below for links. #QAnon #JFKJr Following July 4, 2018, when Q last posted to 8chan, the Reddit page, Great Awakening, resurrected an April 8, 2018, Q post mentioning JFK Jr. The Reddit post suggested that JFK Jr. crumbs from 8chan be researched in anticipation of the 19th anniversary of JFK. Jr.'s death. JFK Jr. died on July 16, 1999, in a mysterious plane crash and was buried at sea on July 22, 1999. Q profiteers did not disappoint. They flooded the internet with the hoax that JFK Jr. is not only still alive, but that he is Q (posting on 8chan as R Anon). Sadly, the hoax filled Twitter on July 16, 2018, alongside those trying to express their genuine grief and show respect on this tragic anniversary. Watch Unirock debunk the JFK Jr. hoax Respected alt media reporter and conservative Bill Cooper on murder of JFK JR Conspiracies that the Kennedys have faked their deaths is nothing new National Monuments Foundation Milehigh podcast original video Spaceshot76 original video Sainted Anon original video" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['John F. Kennedy Jr.', 'QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Unirock', 'Milehigh Podcast', 'Spaceshot76', 'JustInformedTalk', 'Sainted Anon', 'John F. Kennedy', 'Robert F Kennedy', 'Great Awakening', 'hoax', 'President Trump'] PT9M18S 8505 101 120 84 not set not set 2018-07-29T19:11:05.000Z geQgFaeduPQ UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g Protecting #QAnon is a dangerous job "Pamphlet Anon has a dangerous job protecting Patriot Soapbox and defending QAnon. Watch this episode for the action-packed adventures as Q-Men defeat InfoWars, crack QAnon’s trip code and take down Dr. Corsi. #QAnon #QArmy #PamphletAnon #TheStorm #EnjoyTheShow #Patriotsfight Thanks to Glow and 0Hour1 for their contributions to this video. Be sure to subscribe to their channels. Glow 0Hour1 Dick Tracy’s G-Men Warner Brothers G-Men Warner Brothers James Cagney-Public Enemy" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['QAnon', 'QArmy', 'WW1WGA', 'Pamphlet Anon', 'Dead Cat', '412Anon', 'Thumper', 'Dr. Jerome Corsi', 'Killing the Deep State', 'Glow', '0Hour1', 'Patriot Soapbox 24/7', 'FBI', 'Dick Tracy', 'James Cagney', 'G-Men', 'Spoof', 'Enjoy the Show', 'The Storm', 'Patriots Fight', 'The Great Awakening', 'Trip Code'] PT11M5S 797 19 56 4 not set not set 2018-08-04T17:04:15.000Z 9oClID3cq2c UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g #QAnon and Fake Fortune Tellers - H.A. Goodman speaks out "#QAnon #TrustThePlan The mainstream media storm on QAnon that started this week has many prominent pro-Trump journalists speaking out on the dangers of this movement, including the adverse impact on the midterm elections and the Trump 2020 campaign. In this video we feature H.A. Goodman’s take. H.A. Goodman original video Orson Welles video clip" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['H.A. Goodman', 'QAnon', 'Hoax', 'Orson Welles', 'Julian Assange', 'President Trump', 'Fortune tellers', 'Cold reading', 'War on QAnon', 'QAnon conspiracy', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'CBS', 'Inside Edition', 'Associated Press'] PT22M11S 797 61 70 1 not set not set 2018-08-12T20:25:52.000Z A02fuH-GnVI UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g Is QAnon a cult? "#QAnon #SayNoToCults Is QAnon a cult? While QAnon on the surface appears to be a fan club for President Trump, a closer examination reveals the underbelly of a movement that blends Christianity, patriotism and conspiracies into a belief system supported by slogans, imagery, and unique jargon. Devotees are emotionally invested in their beliefs and aggressively attack those who question or critique QAnon. Sound like a cult? In this video we examine this question. Special thanks to Dana Walter – The Cult Mentality (psychology) Articles on characteristics of a cult Lionel Nation – What is Q? CNN reporter talks to conspiracy theorists at Trump rally I love Q song Vice HBO interview of Q followers John Kelly- Mixing biblical verse with QAnon readings Daily Trite- QAnon for beginners TruthCatRadio—If your not pro-Q, your anti-Q Anitschool – responding to attacks from QAnon followers Truth and Art TV – Attacking Antischool Youtube channel" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['QAnon', 'Cult', 'Antischool', 'Truth and Art TV', 'Lionel Nation', 'Deception Bytes', 'TruthCatRadio', 'John Kelly', 'Jim Jones', 'psychology', 'WWG1WGA', 'President Trump', 'Daily Trite', 'CNN', 'HBO', 'Dana Walter', '0Hour1', 'Unirock2', 'Royston Potter', 'Defango', 'Patriot', 'zealot', 'religion', 'love', 'I love Q', 'truth seeker'] PT15M11S 820 63 73 9 not set not set 2018-09-06T17:30:06.000Z xOkmiTqYwOo UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g QAnon Crazy Conspiracies About McCain's Death "#QAnon #JohnMcCain Senator John McCain suffered for 18 months of brain cancer before his death on August 25, 2018. QAnon has made many posts about McCain’s corruption as well as hints that he was using his illness to escape justice. His death sparked some interesting conspiracy theories around Mccain’s death and give us insight into how far some Q YouTubers will go to engage their audiences. CBS – News of McCain’s death Truth and Art TV Seething Frog Conspiracy Fact Press Jordan Sather Dustin Nemos T.R.U Reporting" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['QAnon', 'John McCain', 'No Name', 'Jordan Sather', 'Dustin Nemos', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'Conspiracy Fact Press', 'T.R.U Reporting', 'Seething Frog', 'Truth and Art TV', 'CBS News'] PT13M28S 3675 91 102 5 not set not set 2018-09-23T19:38:54.000Z X1SSXD6JSqY UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g Dustin Nemos Website Targets Those Who Don't Support QAnon "#QAnon #Doxxing #Slander #DustinNemos #MAGA If you dare to speak out against QAnon, you risk appearing on Dustin Nemos' website, labeled as a ""Fake MAGA"" and hit with slander and crowdsourced doxxing. He says this is a mission that Q has sent him on merely because Q posted a link to one of his videos. Who's on the list? Jack Posebiec, Lee Stranahan, Antischool, Ginger McQueen, Craig Sawyer, Mike Cernovich, Unirock and Unirach to name some, with the list growing according to Nemos. In this video we have recorded key content from this website for historical reference. Dustin Nemos video where his webpage is discussed and where he reviews his accusations against those opposed to QAnon, including VeteransForTruth. Here is also where he says Q sent him on the mission to identify (and harrass) Fake MAGA (those who are opposed to Q) Dustin Nemos Fake MAGA attack page" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['QAnon', 'doxxing', 'hate speech', 'slander', 'Dustin Nemos', 'Lee Stranahan', 'Antischool', 'Unirock', 'Unirach', 'Veterans For Truth', 'Mike Cernovich', 'Craig Sawyer', 'MAGA', 'President Trump', 'Veterans', 'Stolen Valor', 'VCR', 'Code of Vets', 'Fake MAGA'] PT6M30S 837 100 63 8 not set not set 2018-09-28T17:06:41.000Z 7oQJQH_l764 UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g QAnon Trolls Strike Blackstone Intelligence "#QAnon #BlackstoneIntelligence #Troll Blackstone Intelligence reported this week that QAnon trolls conducted a coordinated attack in the comment section of his video leaving vile statements about he and his family members and in some cases, death threats. Many YouTubers who do not support QAnon have experienced similar coordinated strikes on their channels and through social medial and email. Original Blackstone Intelligence video" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['Blackstone Intelligence', 'QAnon', 'Troll'] PT3M55S 1763 74 90 5 not set not set 2018-10-02T16:25:23.000Z oUx7rAN38xs UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g Who "doxxed' Dustin Nemos? No, it was not Unirock "#QAnon #Unirock #DustinNemos Dustin Nemos has repeatedly made public accusations that Unirock doxxed him. Dustin is referring to social media sharing of his criminal records which were made viral via Twitter by Capitalist Army (Ghost on GAB) and others with large social media accounts, such as 0Hour1. Dustin has also insinuated that Unirock called his house and upset his sick grandmother. This phone call was also admitted by Capitalist Army. Despite these facts having been known to Dustin since July 2018, he continues to spread these stories, as recently as September 21, 2018 in a video viewed by over 20,000. Despite the fact that doxxing does not include sharing publicly-available information (the Capitalist Army report), we thought it important to correct the misinformation from Dustin that Unirock was the original source of his crime records and that Unirock spread the information on Twitter.. _________________________________________________________________ The original Tweet from July 11, 2018 to 0Hour1 that started the viral spread of Nemos' crime records Capitalist Army report on Nemos crime record (July 12 , 2018) Drug trafficking is a federal offense ttps:// Unirock's evidence of Nemos 'doxxing' (Sept. 29, 2018) 0Hour1 (July 12, 2019) Dustin Nemos – The rumors are addressed (August 20, 2018) Dustin Nemos accuses Unirock of doxxing and calling grandmother, September 21, 2018" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['Dustin Nemos', 'Unirock', '0Hour1', 'Doxxing', 'QAnon', 'Crime records', 'prison', 'Marfoogel News', 'Unirock2', 'Ghose', 'Capitalist Army'] PT6M3S 807 53 78 5 not set not set 2018-10-23T17:07:15.000Z RxvFLlujCtg UCOZE11HHn7M9-Q1hxXeuQ1g Unirock Clips | YouTube Creators Comment on QAnon "#QAnon #Unirock2 #UnirockClips In this episode, Unirock talks to YouTube creators Isaac Green, Synthetic Rebellion and Davey Crocko about their views on and concerns with QAnon. To subscribe to Unirock2 and to watch the original video click here: Isaac Green Synthetic Rebellion Davey Crocko" Roosevelt Media News 25 ['QAnon', 'Unirock2', 'Unirock', 'Synthetic Rebellion', 'Isaac Green', 'Davey Crocko'] PT10M6S 372 20 27 2 not set not set 2018-07-17T14:13:56.000Z JEyC6uyOMuk UCQITcjv6JO0MAeD_QyIfWZw Breaking News for Amazon Sellers (7/16/18) "Check out our other videos here CJ Rosenbaum, New York Attorney Helping Online Sellers Worldwide Rosenbaum Famularo, PC: Amazon Sellers Lawyer: Watch CJ & Max Rosenbaum cover the following topics in this video: Amazon Plans of Action Q & A Sony products causing problems for Sellers IP complaints made against Sellers with promotional products Suppliers refusing to give good invoices - inauthentic complaints Counterfeit complaints accepted by Amazon without any test buys Amazon / ASIN suspension emails If you find yourself in a similar situation, please contact us right away for a free consultation: 1-877-9-Seller CJ Rosenbaum is the author of three books: Including the latest book on avoiding Amazon suspensions and getting accounts back if you suffer a suspension: Your Guide to Amazon Suspensions, 2017-2018 Edition, CJ's other books include the Amazon Law Library, Volume 1 and Your Guide to Selling Fashion on Amazon. --------------------------------- To view all global upcoming events CJ will be speaking at, visit For more information on Amazon suspensions, visit --------------------------------- ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace. CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege. Email: Phone: 1-877-9-Seller 100 W. Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11561 --------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: --------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US ON:" Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C. 27 ['Amazon Sellers Lawyer', 'Rosenbaum Famularo PC', 'IP complaints', 'Amazon seller suspension', 'Amazon account suspended', 'Amazon suspension appeal letter', 'Amazon lawyer', 'kicked off Amazon', 'reinstate suspended Amazon ASIN', 'ecommerce business', 'intellectual property', 'inauthentic complaints', 'counterfeit complaints'] PT6M7S 107 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-06T13:24:49.000Z Y-T7wwquZ2U UCX3YE93RAndSWP6sViq8rKA 393. QAnon: how Russian military wages information warfare via "plausible deniability" USA actors "How and why Russian intelligence has been pushing quasi-comical conspiracy theories in a highly orchestrated manner so as to create a viral effect via ""plausible deniability"" actors in the USA. Trump and his cohorts are the middlemen-traitors in the information warfare waged against the USA and its citizens. This reading explains how conspiracy theories are information warfare ""bombs"" meant to deride, deface and challenge the authenticity of events, persons and institutions, so as to confuse truth and lies in a fog of distraction away from what is really going on. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY /// PLEASE AVOID POSTING LINKS /// FYI I READ EVERY COMMENT AND DELETE INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS /// THOSE POSTING HATE SPEECH OR PROPAGANDA TALKING POINTS WILL BE BANNED FROM COMMENTING ON THIS CHANNEL /// For personal readings & contact: To donate to the channel, you can find me on paypal at Patreon: instagram: @tarotpolitics More info:" Rosie Psychic Investigator aka Tarot Politics 24 ['remove viewing trump comedy impressions mimic female comedian', 'mueller investigation', 'mueller', 'treason', 'russians', 'kompromat', 'russia', 'collusion', 'witch hunt', 'qanon', 'politics', 'tarot', 'psychic', 'prediction', 'visionary', 'vision', 'prophecy'] PT17M40S 3666 139 266 4 not set not set 2018-05-19T13:41:17.000Z nWH2NRA1rK4 UCJsASuNTozN6EYjGa5A36FA QAnon & Jordan Sather DEBUNKED "Jordan Sather has bought the Q Anon narrative hook, line, and sinker. The one subject he and Q are suspiciously absent on is Israeli involvement in the War on Syria. Truther Think Tank Minds ⤳ ⬿ Gab ⤳ ⬿ Truther Think Tank Bumper Sticker ⤳ ⬿ Expose the Deep State ⤳ ⬿" Ross Madden 1 ['Jordan Sather', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'Infowars', 'Roger Stone', 'War Room', 'The War Room', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'Q Anon Debunked', 'Israel', 'Palestine', 'Syria'] PT36M37S 3771 199 125 79 not set not set 2018-03-13T03:29:40.000Z Rh9yJArF95o UCc5RMGtsGxhUHHeBaV6vE5g Q Posts SAT, MAR 10 Livestream "REMEMBER IF THE LINK DOESNT WORK MAKE SURE THERE IS NO SPACE BETWEEN [http://] and [www.] Timeline of Eviiiiiiil: 64%: // McLean, Podesta, Ken Starr, CIA, Pig Farm, Pedos, Alefantis’ sister - one stop shopping right here: He took the time to chat, Ken Starr’s plea for a child molester http:// Letters of support for Chris Kloman https:// John Podesta, a seasoned hand (at slaughtering pigs at the Claude Moore Colonial Farm) https:// Langley / McLean, Virginia Claude Moore Colonial farm - just 3 minutes away from CIA / George Bush Center for Intelligence Headquarters https://,_Virginia Linda L. Burke, teacher, Potomac High School suicide Burke, 40, had been under investigation by state police for alleged misconduct with a minor. http:// The Millennium Report claims Susan Alefantis - who has a business in McLean VA (sister of James Alefantis) wrote a letter supporting Kloman http:// List of supporters with Susan Alefantis on the list https:// // Columbine: Nashville Church Shooter heard voices: http:// Ft. Lauderdale Shooter heard voices: https:// www. (2/14/18) Florida HS Shooter heard voices: http:// Navy Shooter heard voices: https:// www. FSU Shooter heard voices: https:// www. Colorado Walmart Shooter heard voices: http:// www. Dallas Shooter heard voices: https:// www. SPU Shooter heard voices: http:// Deer Creek School Shooter heard voices: https:// www. YWAM Shooter heard voices: https:// www. EX-POLICE OFFICER ARRESTED OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE WITH ARSENAL OF WEAPONS, WHO SAYS HE WANTED TO SPEAK TO ADM. RODGERS & GEN. MATTIS SAYS HE HAS CHIP IN HIS HEAD FROM PARTICIPATING IN C_A [MKUL] : http:// www." Roy Thomas Bauer 22 ['cbts', 'live', 'stream', 'wethepeople', 'the', 'storm', 'qdrops', 'posts', '8chan', '4chan', 'greatawakening', 'Qanon', 'video', 'current', 'events', 'news', 'breaking', '2nd', 'american', 'revolution', 'US', 'trump', 'maga', 'mega', 'donald', 'maxine', 'waters', 'watch', 'mirror', 'think', 'media', 'alternative', 'board', 'thread', 'latest', 'clowns', 'in', 'bots', 'military', 'intelligence'] PT33M53S 22 1 1 0 not set not set 2017-11-11T23:07:07.000Z PHv27rcY5Tg UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw NSA, Las Vegas, Bundy Ranch, Q Clearance Patriot, Short Salt Lake Tour Tying some things together, and taking a little tour. roypotterqa 25 ['NSA', 'Hwy 91 Harvest Festival Las Vegas', 'Mandalay Bay', 'Paddock', 'FBI', 'LVMPD', 'CIA', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Aaron Rouse', 'Sheriff Lombardo', 'Matt Couch', 'Shepard Ambellus', 'Scott Anthony', 'Abel Danger', 'Jake Morphonios', 'Montagraph', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Pam Jones', 'Jordan Sather', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'Intellihub', 'America First Media'] PT45M14S 27420 294 898 16 not set not set 2017-11-17T21:15:25.000Z JbHzHzqjD0w UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw Meaning Of 4, 10, 20 From Q roypotterqa 25 not set PT14M44S 49613 421 1811 40 not set not set 2017-11-18T21:37:52.000Z rJ2PVysuHAA UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw More Info On Method Of Q Hebrew Decoding Long video, but there is no short way of explaining this technique.There were several requests for further information and clarification of the videos I have uploaded in regards to the Q Clearance Patriot posts on 4chan and the Hebrew decoding techniques I briefly mentioned. So, here is a little more expansion on that, not really on what Q was saying or predicting. We hope to have more on that during the next week, or so. Certainly, things in the NWO are in trouble. roypotterqa 25 ['Q Clearance Patriot', '4chan', 'Trump', 'Hebrew decoding', 'Hermeneutics'] PT26M36S 25675 339 1087 30 not set not set 2017-11-28T01:38:49.000Z 79OX-wzvEJw UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot FBI Director Christopher Wray relieves Assisitant Director Andrew McCabe of his duties and prepares him for departure. Plus, how best to view Q material (not the only way, but in a more immediate context). roypotterqa 25 ['Q Patriot', 'FBI', 'State Department', 'Christopher Wray', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Rex Tillerson'] PT24M29S 58836 779 2247 58 not set not set 2017-11-29T00:01:50.000Z 6IX-t1I_1iA UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw Deep State Attacks Q With this attack on Q, the CIA/Deep State has just verified Q is real and not a LARP or an AI (which it would not be, anyway). roypotterqa 25 not set PT15M25S 52839 569 2105 39 not set not set 2017-12-20T08:43:28.000Z _n-1hKGsYqU UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw Did Trump Signal Defeat of Soros? Purple Ties and Two Hands To Swallow Water Some info on Q on 8Chan, and a discussion of the symbolism used by Trump when addressing the NWO/Deep State/Soros. roypotterqa 25 not set PT16M21S 177856 1484 6217 135 not set not set 2017-12-25T17:03:27.000Z oVAepwywNPw UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw Q Confirmation By SecDef Mattis roypotterqa 25 not set PT3M15S 81444 739 3691 50 not set not set 2018-01-07T17:57:41.000Z MVrslOHU0kw UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw The Fame of Q "JANUARY 7, 2018!!! Not 2017!! Good grief!! My first """"studio livestream. Hopefully, I will get this well-oiled over time. I still have the same connection problems due to my location and internet access method, which is why the picture is not flowing properly. But, I will work on that and see what I can do. Let me know if you would like to have a scheduled livestream show from me. I am looking at that possible once or twice per week. We'll see. Thanks!" roypotterqa 25 not set PT10M52S 36161 612 1899 75 not set not set 2018-01-08T07:06:04.000Z 9FR9jWnY1r4 UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw "B" And I Communicated About Q roypotterqa 25 not set PT29M54S 75187 1392 3649 168 not set not set 2018-01-15T20:58:12.000Z jbrdbeolhVk UCEo9S5mMQ7z4n7ZiuUoBFRw FYI Copies of Anon Attack Posts on 8 Chan I have been asked to provide the Anon 8Chan posts I refer to in my last several videos. I have not included all the attacks on a total of 6 reporters/investigators (that I have info on, there are likely more), as I think this makes the point. The attitude of these Anons (OFA, Soros,CIA assets, or not) is the reason for my objections to how all this Q info is being handled. The Anons deleted these posts to cover their tracks. Proof of intent? I am working on more info which, depending on the results, might require me to report on what I find. Stay tuned. roypotterqa 25 not set PT2M28S 23041 460 965 60 not set not set 2017-12-29T01:42:48.000Z vyQIWt0WaHA UCczrL-2b-gYK3l4yDld4XlQ ‘We as truth-warriors smell victory’ – Lionel "The internet is “going berserk” with the trail of breadcrumbs left by “QAnon” on message boards across the web. Reputed to be a high-placed individual in the intelligence community ranks, the anonymous whistleblower’s clues have gone ignored by mainstream media. Legal and media analyst Lionel of Lionel Media joins RT America’s Manila Chan to discuss. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter" RT America 25 ['QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'Q ANON', '4chan', '8chan', 'mchan', 'Lionel', 'lionel media', 'calm before the storm', 'schmidt', 'clinton foundation', 'trump', 'donald trump', 'AI', 'Intel community', 'Leakers', 'whistleblower', 'Manila Chan', 'RT', 'RT America'] PT3M56S 7178 87 396 22 not set not set 2018-08-01T14:59:16.000Z bRKlOUQpNOw UCMXqRHe8n1TX5iDvkLS62rw RWW News: Liz Crokin Says John F. Kennedy Jr. Faked His Death And Is Now QAnon " Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this clip, Liz Crokin explains her theory that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death in 1999 and is now behind the QAnon account." RWW Blog 25 ['Liz Crokin'] PT4M 47433 433 913 70 not set not set 2018-06-28T02:26:12.000Z DUcRs835iz8 UC9qG6u_drMT3HZBx3q2jrVA Great Awakening Indigo Revolution Teachers of Light q "the audio and part of this video was called the Galactic Uprising was produced in 2007 and the person shown in the video looking into the future that proves past is a hero to the truth movement. aaron swartz. Q will we find out what he found and John Perry Barlow 11 11 11 Transcendent Matrix Masters Pathway Grand Triple Stargate 11 11 11 11 11 11 Transcendent Matrix Masters Pathway Grand Triple Stargate 11 11 11" rysa5 24 ['great awakening', 'indigorevolution', 'goldring', 'greatawakening', 'sirian doorway', 'arcturian alignment', 'reveal the way', 'rites of passage', 'childrenoflight', 'game of enlightenment', 'angels of the golden sun'] PT5M3S 629 6 45 1 not set not set 2018-10-01T01:34:49.000Z eHGllR1fOLg UC9qG6u_drMT3HZBx3q2jrVA Kim Clement Prophecy Iran, North Korea, China, Political Division q trump anon Kim Clement Prophecy Iran, North Korea, China, Political Division qanon trump rysa5 24 ['Kim Clement Prophecy Iran', 'North Korea', 'China', 'Political Division', 'rysa5', 'october 2018'] PT14M21S 923 5 33 2 not set not set 2018-10-09T15:48:46.000Z z1MBqjhqojs UC9qG6u_drMT3HZBx3q2jrVA Q Anon, Think Red Line, In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 9 18 "Q Anon, Think Red Line, In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 9 18 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.370 📁 Oct 9 2018 10:14:53 (EST)📁📁 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, Coincidence, the news today, is, focused on a resignation?, Q" rysa5 24 ['boom', 'Q Anon', 'Think Red Line', 'In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 9 18', 'BOOM', 'Coincidence', 'the news today', 'is', 'focused on a resignation?', 'rr', 'trump'] PT35M28S 1022 2 19 0 not set not set 2018-10-24T00:15:18.000Z RMtTjrV1SsE UC9qG6u_drMT3HZBx3q2jrVA #QANON 7 facts the MEDIA MSM Won’t Admit #QANON 7 facts the MEDIA MSM Won’t Admit #QANON, #QANON, 17#QANON., #QANON, #QANON, #QANON rysa5 24 ['#QANON', '#QANON 7 facts the MEDIA MSM Won’t Admit #QANON', '17#QANON.'] PT17M51S 1725 15 74 3 not set not set 2018-01-12T07:08:19.000Z FwB9WFDhHh8 UCgXM2o_4RE7haSvpXyYPAGQ Q Anon repeating a message from 1967? Will we listen this time? "Maybe some of us are still missing the point - like we did in 1967....we are running out of time...please watch the last 9 min at least...thanks! Part 2 here: Follows on this video...Trump against ""deep state"": "" twitter:" SA Patriot 22 ['Q Anon', 'The awaikening', 'Illuminati', 'Calm before the storm'] PT49M57S 92854 865 3152 70 not set not set 2018-01-31T01:35:41.000Z GgPU-GvgXYo UCgXM2o_4RE7haSvpXyYPAGQ Q Anon repeating a message from history - part 2 "This is a follow up on my previous video - “Q Anon repeating a message from 1967? Will we listen this time?” I apologize for the quality – it is the best I could clean it up. Thank you for the support and all the positive comments – sincerely appreciated…. part 1 here: twitter:" SA Patriot 22 ['Q Anon', 'The awakening', 'Illuminati', 'New world order'] PT39M8S 4846 53 283 1 not set not set 2018-07-10T22:56:21.000Z n0Dfwbr4NMg UCgXM2o_4RE7haSvpXyYPAGQ Q explained "Understanding what Q is about. I post more updated Q posts on my twitter - Twitter: Thank you for all the support and active comments." SA Patriot 22 ['QAnon', 'The Storm', 'The awakening', 'Q Anon'] PT13M9S 1885 30 80 5 not set not set 2017-11-08T15:38:21.000Z KKMAm0lVXGU UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Q anon conspiracy theory. Coffee talk with uncle Sage Hillary Clinton indicted? Tony Podesta arrested? Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT14M15S 4219 94 167 1 not set not set 2017-11-08T17:55:48.000Z LrK8IIr19-0 UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Q Anon update! Mind blowing! Who is Q anon? Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT1M14S 5203 55 126 5 not set not set 2017-11-08T20:26:38.000Z G28gydEQWHk UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Is Q anon the mysterious Alex Jones caller Zach? Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT2M17S 4781 75 104 3 not set not set 2017-11-11T23:01:09.000Z 2lMOzKcOH3U UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Q anon 294 sealed indictments? Pedogate? Whether it's fiction or fact it's very interesting. Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT4M50S 2597 69 129 2 not set not set 2017-11-13T22:47:22.000Z BClkIOc5iWA UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ What if Q anon is disinformation? A deep state shill? What if Q anon is a distraction? Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT5M28S 3097 120 134 10 not set not set 2017-11-14T19:37:52.000Z -Y9yMcVD2ws UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ The Q anon phenomenon Written and performed by Sage Wanderer Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT1M43S 2735 36 150 4 not set not set 2017-11-18T17:25:16.000Z 4h1nWvdkN5A UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Q anon, the storm, net down, EBS, Martial Law. What the Storm will look like and how will it affect you? Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT13M46S 19829 253 535 23 not set not set 2017-12-01T22:36:08.000Z 8TbB_2-h7OI UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Flynn Guilty! Is he cooperating? Q in question. Mueller's prosecution of Flynn cast doubt on Q Anon. Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT4M9S 1034 49 68 1 not set not set 2017-12-12T20:06:40.000Z dUlkeesCwew UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Q anon says Adam Schiff is a traitor. Drain the swamp. Corruption noose tightens. Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT3M50S 1867 21 84 2 not set not set 2017-12-23T21:37:48.000Z 31NqaT7FwBw UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ UN troops take over Chicago? Illuminati, Martial Law, Gun Confiscation? Or Fake News? Q anon storm, Illuminati takeover Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT5M12S 4081 122 160 6 not set not set 2017-12-30T16:12:33.000Z F0TWb7QIo2Q UC7X4AR5E6d4-S1cUpyARVKQ Is Q anon fake? Where is the proof? Why should I believe? Questioning Q anon. Sage Wanderer 22 not set PT10M48S 4365 234 250 11 not set not set 2017-12-02T16:00:52.000Z Kxmd2tZhnaA UC19fFBto3Cu0IdHTbmlP62g Why Q Anon on 8Chan post is important Salty Sage 22 ['jordan', 'destroying the illusion', '4chan', 'hchan', 'q anon', 'news', 'story', 'narrative', 'politics', 'comedy'] PT12M12S 585 0 6 3 not set not set 2018-01-09T02:17:24.000Z 3lIq4l8DrAw UCBgldhBkwIxoQp0fxBg8pgA Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #59: George Soros with Matt Lieb "Thank you for tuning into another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome from Broke News, Matt Lieb, to discuss the legacy of George Soros. This episode we discuss... 1)Broke News and Al Jazeera 2)George Schwartz and Nazi Occupied Hungary 3) Arbitrage and Economic Reflexivity 4) The Rothchilds 5)The destruction of England, Russia and Asia 6) Open Society 7) What is George Soros's legacy? 8) Trump verses The Deep State 9) Q Anon Thank you for support the show. Please check out the show at Twitter: @TinFoilHatcast Instagram: @TinFoilHatpod Reddit: Tshirt Merch: Please hit the subscribe button on to follow our channel! Video used from Epimetheus on Youtube Infowars on Youtube" Sam Tripoli 1 "['Sam Tripoli', 'Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli', 'Ryan Davis', 'Tin Foil Hat', 'Tin Foil Hat Podcast', 'Tin Foil Hat Pod', 'George Soros', 'Joe Rogan', 'The Joe Rogan Experience', 'JRE', 'Eddie Bravo', 'Jimmy Dore', 'The Jimmy Dore Show', 'Greg Carlwood', 'the Higherside Chats', 'Phillip Defranco', 'Alex Jones', 'The Last Podcast On The Left', 'Art Bell', 'Coast To Coast', 'Deathsquad', 'Tom Segura', ""Your Mom's House"", 'Duncan Trussell', 'the Duncan Trussell Family Hour', 'Ari shaffir', 'New Broke', 'Bert Kreischer']" PT1H18M37S 23995 150 298 48 not set not set 2018-01-19T01:54:06.000Z rLViqzRGSrk UCBgldhBkwIxoQp0fxBg8pgA The Mother Of All Truth Bombs #10: QAnon, The Clintons and Chris Paul "Thank you for tuning into another episode of The Mother Of All Truth Bombs With Sam Tripoli. I just got a new camera so I wanted to test it out. Pleas bare with me as I get how to use this camera down! This episodes I talk about..... Q is right again A) Orbital Weapons Lancet B) Happy Hunting C) the Japanese Missile Alarm Jorge Garcia departed a) why because of paper work? B) 30 years and married? C) life is in the gray! People are still hoping Clinton will be president A) mental illness it’s Over B) Haiti C) Agents Of misinformation CP3 and Adam Silver" Sam Tripoli 1 "['Sam Tripoli', 'The Mother Of All Truth Bombs', 'MOATBs', 'Ranting Video', 'Rants', 'Joe Rogan', 'The Joe Rogan Experience', 'JRE', 'Eddie Bravo', 'Greg Carlwood', 'The Highterside Chats', 'The Last Podcast on The Left', 'Alex Jones', 'Donald Trump', 'Duncan Trussell', 'The Duncan Trussell Family Hour', 'DTFH', 'JImmy Dore', 'The Jimmy Dore Show', 'Ari Shaffir', 'Skeptic Tank', 'Fighter and the Kid', 'Bert Kreischer', 'Tom Segura', ""Your Mom's House"", 'Qanon']" PT17M59S 3218 72 130 10 not set not set 2018-04-27T20:29:47.000Z fXx2W9nVhI4 UCBgldhBkwIxoQp0fxBg8pgA Mother Of All Truth Bombs: Kanye, North Korea and Qanon Crazy awesome week of conspiracies! Great time to be woke! Sam Tripoli 24 "['Sam Tripoli Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli Tin Foil Hat Podcast', 'Ryan Davis', 'All Things Comedy', 'Joe Rogan', 'JRE', 'The Joe Rogan Experience', 'Eddie Bravo', 'Jimmy Dore', 'The Jimmy Dore Show', 'Greg Carlwood', 'The Higherside Chats', 'The Last Podcast On The Left', 'Duncan Trussell', 'The Duncan Trussell Family Hour', 'DTFH', 'Ari Shaffir', 'Skeptic Tank', 'Joey Diaz', ""The Church Of What's Happening Now"", 'Bert Kreischer', 'Tom Segura', 'Deathsquad', 'Redban', 'the mother of all truth bombs', 'moatbs']" PT25M34S 8204 0 300 17 not set not set 2018-05-18T21:41:03.000Z 3c0JvXRb_0o UCBgldhBkwIxoQp0fxBg8pgA Tin Foil Hat # 91: QAnon With The Praying Medic Thank you for tuning into another episode of Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli. This episode we discuss the controversial QAnon. Recently, a firestorm broke out when Alex Jones and Dr. Jerome Corsi stated that Q was not real. However, the Praying Medic maintains his belief in QAnon, and since he was nice enough to come on the show and talk about Q, we have decided to release this episode. So please enjoy and let us know what you think.This has took forever to upload! I know the quality might not be the best but it was this or nothing. Sam Tripoli 24 "['Sam Tripoli Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli Tin Foil Hat Podcast', 'All Things Comedy', 'Joe Rogan', 'JRE', 'The Joe Rogan Experience', 'Eddie Bravo', 'Jimmy Dore', 'The Jimmy Dore Show', 'Greg Carlwood', 'The Higherside Chats', 'The Last Podcast On The Left', 'Duncan Trussell', 'The Duncan Trussell Family Hour', 'DTFH', 'Ari Shaffir', 'Skeptic Tank', 'Joey Diaz', ""The Church Of What's Happening Now"", 'Bert Kreischer', 'Tom Segura', 'Deathsquad', 'sam tripoli podcast', 'Sam tripoli', 'tin foil hat podcast', 'praying medic']" PT1H27M53S 48364 432 816 63 not set not set 2017-12-21T01:24:17.000Z ajHhaotEk4I UCkXTAvwsYHn6ReHD1oFWxKA Q Anon- Hussein "Red" and UFO's/Aliens "Q Anon posts ask if BO had a hidden message in his Red Tv appearrance. The answer must be ""Yes"", obviously. Explore." Sandra Proude 22 ['Q Anon', 'BO', 'Hussein', 'Red', 'John Podesta'] PT12M47S 1608 0 16 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T14:54:25.000Z UD8Tm7dr1_8 UCkXTAvwsYHn6ReHD1oFWxKA Q ANON crumbs regarding upcoming Military Tribunals This video collects and analyzes the crumbs regarding the legality of Military Tribunals . Discussion includes EO's of Dec 21 and Jan 30, As Attorney Gen Legal Memorandum 2002, and The Military Commission Act of 2006 Sandra Proude 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance Patriot', 'Donald J. Trump', 'Corruption', 'Pedo trafficking', 'Military Tribunals', 'The Storm is Here', 'The Great Awakening'] PT14M6S 13085 47 202 5 not set not set 2018-02-01T23:58:18.000Z BkzaKbio8-M UCkXTAvwsYHn6ReHD1oFWxKA Q Anon - Standard Hotel, Adam Schiff, Helicopter Crash Q Anon posts have suggested that Adam Schiff had some relation to the Helicopter that Crashed into a residential neighborhood. The victims were related to Standard Hotel.... Sandra Proude 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance Patriot', 'Pedo Gate', 'Pizzagate', 'Adam Schiff', 'Deep State', 'Great Awakening', 'The Storm is Here'] PT13M32S 31549 105 485 19 not set not set 2018-02-05T17:40:51.000Z feUJmDTI5Qo UCkXTAvwsYHn6ReHD1oFWxKA Q Anon- Standard Hotel Part II. Loose ends to the Standard Hotel / Adam Schiff Q Anon Posts. Sandra Proude 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance Patriots', 'Adam Schiff', 'The Storm is Here', 'The Great Awakening', 'Standard Hotel WeHo'] PT8M24S 1732 13 58 2 not set not set 2018-02-05T19:23:11.000Z _42C4rZY-Ew UCkXTAvwsYHn6ReHD1oFWxKA Q Anon 2/5/2018 New Q Posts Sandra Proude 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance Patriot', 'Adam Schiff', 'The Storm is Here', 'The Great Awakening', 'Rothschilds'] PT12M40S 5293 22 78 3 not set not set 2018-02-10T14:16:33.000Z 7EX1gLFG0sQ UCkXTAvwsYHn6ReHD1oFWxKA Q Anon Posts - Feb 10 Q Posts and discussion...JFK and secret societies gets a mention. Sandra Proude 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance Patriot', 'JFK', 'Snowden', 'CIA', 'Kill Box'] PT22M23S 31588 124 314 18 not set not set 2018-07-28T02:55:00.000Z KG-jrQIbroE UCA_1sMGrylXjQgl_OeyyYZw #Qanon The Storm is Happening Now An overview of today's #Qanon news and theories with Sarah Rosie (7/27) Sarah Rosie 22 ['#SayBraveThings', '#Qanon', '#GreatAwakening', '#wwg1wga'] PT15M2S 94 4 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T07:17:15.000Z vl3RurtmaIA UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ Q-Anon Update Sources, Drain The Swamp, Luci's Goin Down Like Clowns In China Town "People I go to for staying up to date on Q-anon, pizzagate/pedogate, truther stuff....Please share with everyone you know. God bless and much love from Wyoming! Judicial Watch: Destroying The Illusion: Lionel Nation: Rise Together: Scott Anthony: Steve Motley: The Official Hagmann Report:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'judicial watch', '2017', 'executive order', 'seize assets', 'destroying the illusion', 'Lionel Nation', 'rise together', 'scott anthony', 'steve motley', 'boise', 'bpearthwatch', 'alex jones', 'the official hagmann report', 'hagmann and hagmann', 'hagmann'] PT10M1S 15364 22 133 22 not set not set 2018-01-01T22:35:16.000Z 7SLi633BlUo UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ Qanon - Tony Podesta's "Art" Sick Luciferian Bastard Will Soon Be Taken Down If Trump Hasn't Already "James Munder's Video:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'james munder', 'qanon', 'Q .', 'podesta', 'podesta art', 'satan', 'lucifer', 'luciferian', 'pedophile', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate'] PT1M29S 252 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T05:55:18.000Z JNfN5cYzqQU UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ qanon 8chan, Daily Crow, AllSeeingEyeWatcher, Infinity Truth, Sarah Sanders "AI God Video:¬if_id=1515042303620747¬if_t=group_activity Daily Crow: AllseeingEye Watcher: infinity Truth: Alex Jones Fire in the Clinton's bedroom: White House Press Sarah Sanders Rocks It: Secureteam10 Project Zuma: qanon 8chan Jullian Assange Rumor:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['Esther Brown', 'sarah snyder', 'qanon 8chan', 'daily crow', 'trump prophecies', 'Qanon', 'all seeing eye watcher', 'q picture', 'doitq', 'do it q', 'infinity truth', 'rfb', 'alex jones', 'fire clinton bedroom', 'lucifer', 'satan', 'sacrifice', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'white house', 'press briefing', 'sarah sanders', 'project zuma', 'secureteam10', 'tyler', 'northop grumman', 'space x', 'julian assange', '4 10 20'] PT10M1S 217 7 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-07T17:05:56.000Z obNGPLKZd20 UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ *BREAKING UPDATE* QAnon on 8chan, QAnon Has New Site, Bring These Luci Bastards Down!! "QAnon on 8chan: QAnon ONLY Website:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'luciferian', 'satanist', 'clintons', 'symphony', 'instrument', 'twitter', 'stock', 'storm', 'arabic turkish', 'UNIrock', 'UNIROCK', 'Thornews', 'BPEarthwatch', 'david seamen', 'tracy beanz', 'liz crokin', 'destroy the illusion', 'jordan sether'] PT4M8S 1096 9 18 0 not set not set 2018-01-07T19:27:35.000Z P5a-uMYoBus UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ ***Q ONLY WEBSITE***POSSIBLE QAnon MAP LEADING TO WHO EVERYONE IS***LET'S EXPOSE THESE BASTARDS!!! "Q ONLY WEBSITE: The Q QANON Map Leads Us Right To Who Is Who !:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'Qanon on 8chan', 'pedophiles', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'Trump News Truth Natasha', 'Qmap', 'map leading to pedophiles', 'expose', 'luciferian', 'satan', 'pedophile', 'tracy beanz', 'destroy the illusion', 'jordan sether', 'liz crokin', 'hagmann', 'BPEarthwatch', 'Infinity Truth', 'Trump', 'president', 'lear jet', 'pope francis', 'black pope', 'false prophet pope', 'luciferian pope', 'sacrifice', 'abortion', 'torture', 'drink blood', 'hole', 'rabbit', 'follow', 'down', 'down the rabbit hole', 'maga', 'map decoded', 'cbts'] PT4M35S 574 10 24 4 not set not set 2018-01-08T02:01:08.000Z SovyNnVXCVU UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ ***New Q Post*** On the Q Only Board, Links Below!! "Qanon QOnly Website: Adrenochrome Wiki:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'qanon', 'qonly', '8chan', '4chan', 'luciferian', 'satanist', 'vatican', 'unirock', 'tracy beanz', 'truther', 'plan parenthood', 'trump executive order', 'liz crokin', 'destroy the illusion', 'hagmann', 'steve quale', 'christina peck', 'josh peck', 'tom horn', 'mark dice', 'BPEarthwatch', 'alex jones', 'info wars'] PT5M41S 713 12 12 1 not set not set 2018-01-09T05:18:52.000Z g8fyXYmohec UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ Tracy Beanz Tweets: Q Moved To His Own Board That Only He Can Post In "B on Twitter: @B75434425 Following Following @B75434425 More Q has moved to a new secure board that only he can post in, which is what he had requested. All anon research will be done on another thread. I think the new Q board is the one I've been screaming about to everyone. lol God bless and much love from Wyoming!" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 "['b anon', 'twitter', 'storm', '8chan', '4chan', 'q anon', ""bundy's"", 'sarah snyder', 'destroy the illusion', 'unirock', 'tracy beanz', 'april lajune', 'james munder']" PT56S 292 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T13:05:21.000Z XFySVYLWbC0 UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ ***Breaking***Q Only 8chan Board***POTUS Links To Q***No More Luci Scum!! "qanon 8chan video: NEW O ONLY Channel: Old Q Only Channel:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarha snyder', 'qanon 8chan', 'qanon 4chan', 'q only', 'potus', 'q anon', 'bpearthwatch', 'destroy the illusion', 'unirock', 'james munder', 'tracy beanz', 'jerome corsi', 'the all seeing eye watcher', 'demons', 'satanists', 'luciferians', 'vatican', 'pope', 'pedophile', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'cunt', 'false prophet', 'sacrifice', 'drink blood', 'rape', 'molestation', 'trolls', 'zombies', 'brainwashed', 'left behind', 'possession'] PT8M47S 327 5 6 1 not set not set 2018-01-14T03:26:30.000Z 7Wtcn6o5uEY UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ ***New Q Post***Q Map*** 1.13.18*** "8chan Qonly Posts: Qanon Map:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['4chan', '8chan', 'sarah snyder', 'qanon', 'qonly', 'q posts', 'january 13 2018', 'tracy beanz', 'jordan sather', 'destroy the illusion', 'UNIROCK', 'liz crokin', 'hagmann', 'alex jones', 'info wars', 'new q post today'] PT4M33S 2234 10 23 1 not set not set 2018-01-14T20:18:25.000Z RE8guMdJu4M UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ New Q Post, 1.14.18, Links To Other Channels Following Q "8chan Qonly Posts: Q Map: The Right Media: George Webb: Trump News, Truth Natasha: Anti School: James Munder: Roy Potter: Tracy Beanz: Destroying the Illusion:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', '8chan', 'qanon', 'qonly', 'january 14 2018', 'new q posts', 'destroying the illusion', 'jordan sether', 'tracy beanz', 'hagmann', 'roy potter', 'james munder', 'anti school', 'trump news truth natasha', 'george webb', 'the right media', 'qmap'] PT2M45S 406 12 11 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T17:50:21.000Z 2wq0Scqo6tA UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ **New Q Posts***Judgement Day***#ReleaseTheMemo***#SethRich***#GreatAwakening***January 19th 2018*** "8chan Qonly Posts: Alex Jones Live: Lionel Nation Live: The Pete Santilli Show Live: BPEarthwatch Video: CBTS Live (Calm Before The Storm): James Munder Video:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['Sarah Snyder', 'january 19th 2018', 'qonly', 'qanon', 'James Munder', 'CBTS', 'calm before the storm', 'release the memo', '#releasethememo', '#sethrich', 'seth rich', '#greatawakening', 'the great awakening', 'bpearthwatch', 'pete santilli', 'lionel nation', 'live q show', 'alex jones live', 'info wars', 'god bless america', 'state of the union address', 'tracy beanz', 'jordan sather', 'allseeingeye watcher', 'anti school', 'liz crokin', 'hagmann', '#judgmentday', 'judgement day', 'government shutdown', 'pizzagate', 'clinton foundation'] PT10M 289 10 12 5 not set not set 2018-01-23T15:49:49.000Z fF-ULuxnM7M UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ New Q - #Trafficking, #Saccrifices, #TrumpAssassination - Jerome Corsi's Decode, Jan.23, 2018 "I apologize, I made this video before explaining what it was. :) This is Jerome Corsi's Decode of the latest Q drop from yesterday. It shows what Q said with side by side commentary from Corsi to help people understand what it's talking about. Please find him on Twitter: Jerome Corsi Decode: Jerome Corsi Decode from Jan 22, 2018:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'jerome corsi', 'roy potter', 'qanon', 'human trafficking', 'human saccrifices', 'decode', 'tracy beanz', 'anti school', 'destroy the illusion', 'civil war', 'revolution', 'assassination', 'president trump', 'january 23 2018'] PT10M 1250 4 15 1 not set not set 2018-04-04T04:09:57.000Z cthoIJ1Z5LE UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ 😄 Q Exposes Pope And Vatican As Satanists...That's A Fact, Jack! 😄 "For FUCKS sake!! Sorry...I didn't realize my picture was locked so it's sideways. Don't leave rude comments or the Pope will hunt you down like a whore in Babylon...oh wait...he IS the whore of Babylon. Shit's getting crazy my fellow Q-anons!! Q is now exposing the Vatican/Pope to be Satanists. We already knew this but this is a new level of waking other's up. Please be gentle with the ones who will freak. Religion is the MOST controversial topic in my opinion. I'll do my best as well to be patient, loving and empathetic for the ones who see this truth. It's fucking deep. Links below: Q - Q page picture: Q page picture: Q page picture: Q page video: Updated Q map: #WeThePeople 24/7 Chat Channel: Johnathan Kleck Channel Shows Symbolism In Vatican:" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'pope', 'jesuit', 'black pope', 'satanist', 'luciferian', 'sacrifice', 'vatican', 'snake', 'island', 'sex trafficking', 'pedophile', 'cannibal', 'satan', 'cult', 'epstein island', 'temple', 'mountain', 'tunnels', 'gold', 'puppet masters', 'clintons', 'putin', 'nwo', 'worship', '1007', 'soros', 'rothschild', 'house of', 'bunker', 'forest', 'blue', 'april showers', 'jerome corsi', 'james munder', 'antischool', 'little james island', 'orgy island', 'activate', 'no deals', 'under attack', 'count your beats', 'prepared at all costs', 'potus decline', 'rogue failure', 'bravo', 'symbolisim'] PT5M33S 434 13 17 1 not set not set 2018-04-14T21:02:04.000Z kL1QEAJqlW8 UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ #QAnon, #SyrianStrike, Part 2 of 2, April 14, 2018 "Q links: My Playlist Link: prayingmedic YouTube Channel: praying medic Twitter: Citizens Investigative Report Video: 24/7 Q Live-stream: George Webb Video: Bailey Olson ""B"" Twitter: Sassy Trump Video (Comedy):" Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'qanon', '#qanon', '#syrianstrike', 'syrian strike', 'ww3', 'wwiii', 'april 14 2018', 'pub', 'bitbucket', 'qanon posts', 'qanon playlists', 'prayingmedic', 'praying medic', 'citizens investigative report', 'red sparrow', 'cbts', 'livestream', 'soapbox', 'george webb', 'missiles', 'bombs', 'damascus', 'twitter', 'bailey olson', 'sassy trump', 'president trump', 'israel', 'uk', 'france', 'macron', 'theresa may', 'saudi arabia', 'storm', 'freedom', 'potus', 'trust the plan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'dylan monroe', 'jerome corsi', 'alex jones', 'impeach'] PT3M15S 147 2 4 1 not set not set 2018-06-03T21:43:41.000Z U1f5SG8fNdw UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ ** UPDATES** #BackYardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren #QAnon "Link to Live Updates: My video about this: My other video about this: QAnon posts: #BackYardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren #Pizzagate #Pedogate #Pedovore Lisa Mei Crowley: Gateway Pundit Article: Craig Sawyer video: Craig Sawyer video2: Craig Sawyer video3: Alicia Powe News Video: Facebook Updates: Tuscan Police Department Facebook: Contact Tuscan Police Department: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'VOP Alpha Co', 'team pulaski', 'craig sawyer', 'child trafficking', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', '8chan', 'pedovore', 'rape', 'save the children', 'the gateway pundit', 'vets find underground bunker', 'sex trafficking', 'rothschild', 'arrests'] PT14M26S 844 17 34 2 not set not set 2018-06-04T08:05:09.000Z YNkDQgs0iCs UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ #OperationBackyardBrawl UPDATE - 2am MST #SaveTheChildren "Latest Video Update On Scene: My 1st Video On This: 8chan Sex Trafficking Site: #BackYardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren #Pizzagate #Pedogate #Pedovore Lisa Mei Crowley: Gateway Pundit Article: Craig Sawyer video: Craig Sawyer video2: Craig Sawyer video3: Alicia Powe News Video: Facebook Updates: Tuscan Police Department Facebook: Contact Tuscan Police Department: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'tuscan arizona', 'child trafficking', 'tpd', 'craig sawyer', 'lisa mei crowley', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'pedovore', 'drug cartel', 'rape', 'torture', 'children', 'save the children', 'operation backyard brawl', 'where are the children', 'satanic', 'demonic', 'vril', '8chan', '4chan', 'twitter', 'google', 'youtube', 'mst', 'wyoming', 'cemex company', 'expose evil', 'dark to light', 'qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'jesus saves', 'god will help us', 'patriot', 'vets', 'homeless camp', 'sex camp', 'elite', 'soros', 'clinton foundation', 'jerry brown', 'follow the white rabbit'] PT3M26S 260 4 11 0 not set not set 2018-06-05T22:51:05.000Z bBDZLdDIILY UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ #OperationBackyardBrawl Update 10 - #QAnon #Pizzagate #Pedogate #JesusWINS MO FO. ;) "Link To Latest Video I Have On Scene: My 1st Video On This: 8chan Sex Trafficking Site: #BackYardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren #Pizzagate #Pedogate #Pedovore Lisa Mei Crowley: Gateway Pundit Article: Craig Sawyer video: Craig Sawyer video2: Craig Sawyer video3: Alicia Powe News Video: Facebook Updates: Tuscan Police Department Facebook: Contact Tuscan Police Department: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'vop alpha', 'operation backyard brawl', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'pedovoer', '8chan', '4chan', 'child trafficking', 'rape', 'murder', 'vets', 'homeless', 'sex trafficking', 'bp', 'standoff', 'bundy ranch', 'levoy finicum', 'truth', 'Amen', 'jesus wins', 'vatican', 'pedophiles', 'let me know', 'idk', 'research', 'discernment', 'nevada', 'tuscan arizona', 'demons', 'satanists', 'luciferians', 'cartells', 'help', 'make a difference', 'move now', 'go help', 'who cares about money', 'ffs', 'get off your ass', 'and help', 'qanon', 'qanons', 'president trump'] PT10M33S 294 11 15 1 not set not set 2018-06-08T04:35:55.000Z OBQrwJ6KhGQ UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ #OperationBackyardBrawl - Update 12 - #QAnon #Pizzagate #Pedogate #SaveTheChildren #VOPAlpha "Hey guys I haven't had time to upload the latest so please just go to their facebook page. I'm gonna try to get the last couple up asap but if I don't just click on this link before and then their page in the top right corner VOP Alpha....Sorry I haven't got back to comments yet. Please share this EVERYWHERE!! Much love from Wyoming and God bless you all! Link to Video: My 1st Video On This: Veterans For Child Rescue Website: #V4CR 8chan Sex Trafficking Site: #BackYardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren #Pizzagate #Pedogate #Pedovore Lisa Mei Crowley: Gateway Pundit Article: Craig Sawyer video: Craig Sawyer video2: Craig Sawyer video3: Alicia Powe News Video: Facebook Updates: Tuscan Police Department Facebook: Contact Tuscan Police Department: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['#OperationBackyardBrawl', 'sarah snyder', 'child trafficking camp', 'VOP', 'Alpha', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'pedophile', 'veterans', 'found', 'find', 'camp', 'bunker', 'tuscan arizona', 'Cemex'] PT10M28S 319 10 12 0 not set not set 2018-06-08T19:12:54.000Z 2D895IOSyz0 UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ Arizona Police Call Me Back - #OperationBackyardBrawl #Pizzagate #Pedogate #QAnon "My 1st Video On This: Veterans For Child Rescue Website: #V4CR Pima County Sheriff's Department Site: 8chan Sex Trafficking Site: #BackYardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren #Pizzagate #Pedogate #Pedovore Lisa Mei Crowley: Gateway Pundit Article: Craig Sawyer video: Craig Sawyer video2: Craig Sawyer video3: Alicia Powe News Video: Facebook Updates: Tuscan Police Department Facebook: Contact Tuscan Police Department: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'tuscan arizona police', 'operation backyard brawl', 'operationbackyardbrawl', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'craig sawman sawyer', 'child sex camp', 'bunker', 'trafficking', 'abuse', 'torture', 'demon', 'satan', 'lucifer', 'end days', 'swat', 'police', 'department', 'cop', 'police officer', 'city', 'team', 'tpd', 'badge', 'police chief', 'southside', 'woman', 'diana lopez', 'duffy', 'community service', 'christopher', 'az angel ramirez', 'news', 'fired', 'saletc', 'crime scene', 'these people are sick', 'QAnon', 'save the children', 'hoax', 'liz crokin', 'VOP Alpha', 'veterans'] PT10M10S 3369 154 103 20 not set not set 2018-06-27T03:02:23.000Z CDwRx9zA_AU UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ ***New #QAnon***Q's Plan To Save The WORLD***Pope Was Arrested*** "I apologize for the video quality. You may donate to my PayPal so I can buy a regular computer. This is a Chrome book and it pretty much sucks. =) God Bless and much love from Wyoming! Link To Video: Link to Qanon: Link To David Zublick On The Pope: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 "['sarah snyder', 'david zublick', 'joe masepose', 'qanon', ""q's plan to save the world"", 'president trump', 'the great awakening', 'obama', 'clinton', ""pope's arrest"", 'warrant', 'q&a', 'fight together', 'stand', 'vatican', 'babylon', 'detained', 'good vs evil', 'cabal', 'james comey', 'antichrist', 'end days', 'prophecy', 'inevidable', 'bush dynasty', 'nsa', 'intelligence agency', 'follow the white rabbit', 'amen', 'arrest criminals', 'polititions', 'punishment', '11:11', 'enslaved', 'enemy', 'democrat', 'republican', 'christian', 'muslim', 'isis', 'god bless america']" PT21M49S 3398 39 64 7 not set not set 2018-07-03T07:12:21.000Z HI0TRBbow5s UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ New #QAnon July 3, 2018 "Q posts: My Email: My Paypal: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['sarah snyder', 'five eyes', 'qanon', 'q posts', 'new q', 'fveye', 'michael cohen', 'donald trump', 'stormy daniels', '5 eyes', 'these people are sick', 'these people are stupid', 'satanists in the vatican', 'did the pope get arrested', 'is the pope a pedophile', 'evil and curruption', 'australia', 'canada', 'new zealand', 'UK', 'america', 'july 3 2018', 'mockingbird media', 'talking points 4am', 'FVEY', 'snowden', 'nato', 'nwo', 'nsa', 'alliance', 'anglosphere', 'surveillance', 'intelligence', 'watching', 'world', 'flag', 'illegal spying', 'ukusa', 'nine', 'anglo'] PT5M53S 1115 18 15 9 not set not set 2018-07-05T21:34:01.000Z B2FMCiYvihY UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ #QAnon *** Will Power/8Chan *** PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!*** "Will's Video/Channel: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 27 ['will power', 'william', 'twitter', 'friends', 'sarah snyder', 'yoga', 'qanon', 'truth warrior', 'tara day', 'new q', 'q posts', 'down the rabbit hole', 'server', 'confiscated', 'subscribe please', '8chan', 'who is q', 'chromebook', 'cussing', 'swearing', 'miracle', 'god bless', 'jesus wins', 'unsubscribe', 'block me', 'hateful', 'satanist', 'lucifer', 'pedophile', 'asshole', 'top 10', 'top ten awesome', 'block you', 'enraged', 'bastards', 'bullshit', 'meter', 'bullshiter', 'empath', 'personal friend', 'respect', 'skater', 'sk8er', 'crazy', 'nuts', 'insane', 'click the fuck off'] PT8M30S 145 7 9 6 not set not set 2018-10-26T06:27:35.000Z LFOluXW3tVI UCr0d3K2qWnpSZOOurL9pBwQ Q ANON! CANNIBAL CLUB! PEDOVORES! Q CRUMBS! CEMEX! - McCallister TV - Oct 26 2018 12 20 AM "Video: FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner." Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan 25 ['the', 'great', 'awakening', 'these', 'people', 'are', 'sick', 'stupid', 'symbolism', 'will', 'be', 'their', 'downfall', 'anons', 'qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'follow', 'white', 'rabbit', 'enjoy', 'show', 'pope', 'francis', 'satanic', 'luciferian', 'pedophile', 'torture', 'adrenochrome', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'president', 'trump', 'yahweh', 'is', 'satan', 'alternative', 'news', 'tarot', 'cards', 'readings'] PT4M56S 412 6 9 6 not set not set 2018-01-07T03:16:37.000Z x8KaiOduFWs UCtO4mL7AAM97yt5EHacdpKw Is Trump Q Anon? & Masses Need to Know About Pedogate - Liz Crokin, Part 1 "Part 1: Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin rejoins the program to discuss who Q Anon is what he has been discussing. She also discusses her believes on what the Q Anon strategy is and why the strange operative is in place. We also continue to discuss the disturbing developments in Pedogate and why it is so critical that the masses eventually understand the epidemic that plagues our communities. You can see more of Liz Crokin's Investigative work at or look for her on Facebook under Liz Crokin. Support her work at Learn more about pH Balance water and see how it can transform an unhealthy colon into a healthy one while keeping your whole body balanced and healthy. Learn more at Please consider supporting my work and viewing additional content at Receive 10 free 1776 coins while coins are still available - Why not get these free before they have their Initial Public Offering (ICO) and earn some free money, special offering for my listeners!" Sarah Westall 25 ['Sarah Westall', 'qanon', 'liz crokin', 'Pedogate', 'q anon', 'q-anon', 'pizzagate', '#Qanon', 'illuminati', 'Hillary Clinton', 'president trump', 'Trump', 'wikileaks', 'deep state', 'follow the white rabbit', '4chan', 'Politics', 'pedogate', 'cult rituals', 'The Storm', 'conspiracy', 'crokin', 'Trump Q anon', 'Q anon trump', '4tran q anon', 'q anon 4tran', 'sgt report', 'morphonious', 'alex jones', 'tracy beanz', 'robert david steele', 'steele', 'clinton', 'sealed indictments', 'indictments', 'trump indictments', 'podesta', 'political news', 'trump strategy'] PT37M48S 48299 422 1292 49 not set not set 2018-01-07T03:28:47.000Z flk-nTriEMM UCtO4mL7AAM97yt5EHacdpKw Is Trump Q Anon? & Masses Need to Know About Pedogate - Liz Crokin, Part 2 "Part 2: Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin rejoins the program to discuss who Q Anon is what he has been discussing. She also discusses her believes on what the Q Anon strategy is and why the strange operative is in place. We also continue to discuss the disturbing developments in Pedogate and why it is so critical that the masses eventually understand the epidemic that plagues our communities. You can see more of Liz Crokin's Investigative work at or look for her on Facebook under Liz Crokin. Support her work at Learn more about pH Balance water and see how it can transform an unhealthy colon into a healthy one while keeping your whole body balanced and healthy. Learn more at Please consider supporting my work and viewing additional content at Receive 10 free 1776 coins while coins are still available - Why not get these free before they have their Initial Public Offering (ICO) and earn some free money, special offering for my listeners!" Sarah Westall 25 ['Sarah Westall', 'qanon', 'liz crokin', 'Pedogate', 'q anon', 'q-anon', 'pizzagate', '#Qanon', 'illuminati', 'Hillary Clinton', 'president trump', 'Trump', 'wikileaks', 'deep state', 'follow the white rabbit', '4chan', 'Politics', 'pedogate', 'cult rituals', 'The Storm', 'conspiracy', 'crokin', 'Trump Q anon', 'Q anon trump', '4tran q anon', 'q anon 4tran', 'sgt report', 'morphonious', 'alex jones', 'tracy beanz', 'robert david steele', 'steele', 'clinton', 'sealed indictments', 'indictments', 'trump indictments', 'podesta', 'political news', 'trump strategy'] PT32M14S 26864 253 904 34 not set not set 2018-01-17T01:24:17.000Z fTp2J8dOHP4 UCtO4mL7AAM97yt5EHacdpKw Clif High - Gaia Disinformation Agents, Q-anon, C60 & Hydrogen Water - Pt 1 "Part 1: Clif High rejoins the program to dive into the latest issues, cutting edge technology, and geopolitics. As always, Clif is engaging and fun to talk with. He gives us much to think about regarding his latest reports and predictions. We also discuss the mass amount of disinformation circulating throughout the internet including some of the biggest culprits: Gaia, mass media, CIA and other political groups. He gives us his opinion on Q-anon and shares his experience with C60 and Hydrogen infused water. Lastly he dives into the latest research about human origins. You can get Clif's latest report at Learn more about Hydrogen and pH Balanced Water by requesting more information at Consider supporting the program and receive free copies of my books and exclusive content at" Sarah Westall 25 ['Sarah Westall', 'Clif High', 'Cliff high', 'pH Balanced Water', 'C60', 'Gaia', 'geopolitics', 'Hydrogen water', 'Q-anon', 'mass media', 'half past human', 'cliff high predictions', 'cryptocurrencies', 'bitcoin', 'etherium', 'blockchain', 'wilcox', 'corey goode', 'human origins', 'central banks', 'web bot', 'webbot predictions', 'webbot', 'clif high predictions', 'slave race', 'blue avians', 'goode', 'gaia tv', 'disinformation agents', 'fake news', 'false narratives', 'government politics', 'economic collapse', 'hyperinflation', 'dollar collapse'] PT51M16S 84661 634 1874 134 not set not set 2018-01-18T15:00:39.000Z tBT0Vu8sVro UCtO4mL7AAM97yt5EHacdpKw Clif High - Gaia Disinformation Agents, Q-anon, C60 & Hydrogen Water - Pt 2 "Part 2: Clif High rejoins the program to dive into the latest issues, cutting edge technology, and geopolitics. As always, Clif is engaging and fun to talk with. He gives us much to think about regarding his latest reports and predictions. We also discuss the mass amount of disinformation circulating throughout the internet including some of the biggest culprits: Gaia, mass media, CIA and other political groups. He gives us his opinion on Q-anon and shares his experience with C60 and Hydrogen infused water. Lastly he dives into the latest research about human origins. You can get Clif's latest report at Learn more about Hydrogen and pH Balanced Water by requesting more information at Consider supporting the program and receive free copies of my books and exclusive content at" Sarah Westall 25 ['Sarah Westall', 'Clif High', 'pH Balanced Water', 'human origins', 'carbon 60', 'kangen water', 'hydrogen water', 'C60', 'gaia', 'cliff high', 'cliff high predictions', 'hyperinflation', 'false narratives', 'mass media', 'corporate media', 'corey goode', 'wilcox', 'bitcoin', 'etherium', 'cryptocurrencies', 'dollar collapse', 'space economy', 'antartica', 'fake news', 'sealed indictments', 'q anon', 'half past human', 'q-anon', 'trump', 'disinformation agents', 'government politics', 'blue avians', 'webbot', 'blockchain', 'gaia tv', 'slave race', 'cia'] PT1H7M1S 106265 670 2065 139 not set not set 2018-03-10T19:51:00.000Z j9A-lHTYrNU UCtO4mL7AAM97yt5EHacdpKw #Qanon #Meganon, Revolution is Underway, American Life will Change Forever "Grow 1/2 your food in less than 1 hour a day - FREE information: Home Medicine 101, Learn to make your own medicine at home - FREE information: Economist and Author, Wayne Jett, joins the program to provide a summary of the latest messages coming from MegaAnon and Qanon. His latest post on his website contains a broad summary of the information that has been shared over the past months and what it means to the country and the world. Based on Jett's extensive historical research and economics experience, he provides an overview hard to match. You can learn more about Wayne Jett and purchase his latest book ""Fruits of Graft"" at Please consider supporting the show at Or donate at Thank you for listening and for supporting the show!" Sarah Westall 25 ['Sarah Westall', 'Qanon', 'meganon', 'Wayne Jett', 'MegaAnon', 'american revolution', 'trump', 'trump politics', 'american coup', 'mass arrests', 'criminal indictments', 'sealed indictments', '2nd american revolution', 'federal reserve', 'audit the fed', 'audit the federal reserve', 'federal reserve audit', 'shut down the fed', 'take back our country', 'american politics', 'trump revolution', 'government poliltics', 'q anon', 'q anon update', 'q anon posts', 'mega anon', 'meganon posts', 'jerome corsi', 'tracy beanz', 'corsi', 'westall'] PT1H5M22S 86676 835 2589 75 not set not set 2018-05-21T08:18:37.000Z VblWV-9gZMY UCU26ewwoVVdmn5SW9t0zUtw McAllister TV- ANTARCTICA Q MEMES MEGA DROP "This is a mirror channel,I do not own anything,all rights reserved to the rightful owners of the video. McAllisterTV" Satya Graha 29 not set PT17M37S 988 11 38 2 not set not set 2018-07-04T13:00:05.000Z wyquqCIiIio UC2uFbDKBxf-O-dkGTJ90s_g Q: "The Plan" "My critique of the following video: Q - The Plan To Save The World Savage Reality Bitchute Channel: Savage Reality 2.0 (here on YouTube) Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). (for commentary, criticism, education and satire.) #QAnon #PSYOP #CultofStatism #WakeUp #MindControlTechniques #Sheeple" Savage Reality 27 ['Q:', 'Q - Anon', 'PSYOP', 'Statism', 'Indoctrination', 'Cult of Statism', 'Brainwashing', 'Donald Trump', 'Deep State', 'CIA', 'Mossad', 'MI5', 'Left vs. Right paradigm', 'Wake Up', 'Hollywood style production', 'Opinion', 'Sheeple'] PT30M30S 1736 68 73 14 not set not set 2018-06-16T22:23:18.000Z k5SmuudIhhY UCLi_ZKbpFFBT5Q1_FzUqh4g Q Anon & Occultism: Follow the White Rabbit "A video talking about esoteric relationships to the idea of Q Anon. We go over topics relating to Occultism, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Hollywood, world events and secret society initiations in regards to the “follow the White Rabbit” motif. Lastly we cover some interesting parallels to the Gospel of Q in Biblical theological debates. –––– Additional Links –––– Series Links & Discussions: JFK THC Video Series: Occult Science Series: Occult Guide to Crypto Currency Series: 2018 NWO Astro Forecast Series: 9.11 Talk With Sage of Quay (Goddess Between Pillars): Lucifer/Sophia/Mary/Celestial Virgin, Orthodox vs. Gnostic “Satan” and Rosemary’s Baby Allegory Lucifer, Divine Pride & the Horned Devil Satan 27.1: Lucifer/Mary/Celestial Virgin 27.2: Rosemary Virgin & the Whore Duality & “Moisture” and the Moon of Osiris The Moisture of Osiris, the King & the Moon 6.1: The Whore and the Lover 6.5: The Two Lions 6.6: The Rosarium & Rosemary Virgin 6.7: The Virgin/Whore, Sophia & Rosemary 6.9: Neptune, Hanged Man & Sacrifice NWO 2018 Neptune 6.0: NWO 2018 Neptune 6.1: UN Lucifer “Sacrifice” Doctrine 1.1: UN Lucifer/Prometheus “Sacrifice” Doctrine 1.2: Neptune & the Sea 17.0: The Vatican Sea of Neptune in Pisces 28.2: The Dark Ages, Catholic Church, Cosmos & the Heroes of the Mysteries Giordano Bruno & the Inquisition 9.0: Giordano Bruno & Baphomet/Satan 9.1: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos & Bruno: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.0: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.1: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.2: Cosmos Historical Distortion 11.0: Freemasonry & Occultism Using Enemies to Advantage: Albert Pike Morals and Dogma, Eliphas Levi & Knights Templar Tactics 1.0: Chapter 30 Morals and Dogma Analysis 3.4: Obama Vs. Trump, Polarity & Opposition NWO 2018 Transforming American Values 4.2: Articles & Links: Obama 2012 Halloween Alice in Wonderland Party: Donald Trump Tweet on Obama Party: Freeing Roman Polanski Petition by Hollywood: [Terry Gilliam (Dr. Parnassus) & Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) both signed petition] Tate Murders Hoax ?: Natalie Portman Regrets Signing Petition: Book of Q Anon PDF: The Atlantic on the Gospel of Q - PBS Article on the Gospel of Q - Greg Hanson Article on Q - Elaine Pagels Article on Q -" schism206 22 ['Conspiracy', 'NWO', 'Q Anon', 'Occult', 'Freemasonry', 'Gnostic', 'Ritual', 'Initiation', 'Theosophy', 'The Matrix', 'Satanic Hollywood', 'Crowley', 'Golden Dawn', 'Gospel of Q', 'Book of Q'] PT39M54S 5492 66 134 21 not set not set 2018-01-22T18:42:00.000Z 9o9gXWu5WmM UCebxjgH8-njp2yW-iPBBabw QAnon - 16 Year Plan to Destroy America - January 21 "This video outlines Q's January 21st post outlining the democrats glibalist plan to destroy America over a 16 year period (8 years of which has already been accomplished). We patriots knew the whole time but it makes my blood boil to read it all condensed in 1 post! Check out Q's posts on ""TheStorm"" 8chan board for yourself. Scroll down once there to see latest. This board autoupdates constantly. Check it often!" Scotty Natsarim 22 not set PT9M9S 499 2 13 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T07:35:50.000Z XGnshuEjD0Q UClU8V3abGeyZ0a32raahizg GOP train wreck attempted coup? Q Anon/FF/Trey Gowdy So QAnons predictions keep proving true. Trey Gowdy is moving on to another position, the memo will be released on Freedom Day tomorrow, and we had a major false flag/attempted coup fail today. If the train had derailed and many Republicans had died, then the power in both houses of Congress would have shifted today to the Democrats who would probably have voted to impeach and remove President Trump from office tomorrow to stop the expose of the crimes of the deep state. Q says more false flags are coming so watch your backs. scottyanon 22 ['GOP train wreck coup assassination attempt q anon false flag'] PT3M44S 198 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-08T19:06:21.000Z 4x_HRCCAqcg UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon 8Chan World Bankers & Our Response Slaying the Dragons Discussion of the Q-Anon posts, the critical deep end of the Rabbit Hole, what it means to confront it and how we as citizens of the World might participate and respond. Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', '#QANON', '8Chan', 'Rothschild', 'World Banks', 'IMF', 'Brenton Woods', '10Million', 'the storm', '8chan storm'] PT28M19S 5128 108 314 5 not set not set 2018-01-10T22:26:23.000Z 9dJWT-hRvWg UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Responding to the Nay Sayers about Q-Anon Postings. Time to DO Something! "Recent dark postings discount the impetus of the Q-Anon messages. Whether Q is real or not, idly watching will do nothing - for or for our Country. I discuss the negativity, the skepticism and the positive aspects of the postings - and offer a course to move forward, regardless of the authenticity of Q, the engagement of Trump or the reality of the many changes supposedly in the works. It is time to make ourselves known and seen. One dark posting is here that totally (well almost) disses Q-Anon: And a more positive and constructive posting with Jerome Corsi is here: No matter with which side you more closely align, the ideas shared with us from Q are very real and would make our country vastly better and stronger. Let's make it happen with the sheer force of our growing presence and energy." Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'Dark Journalist', 'Jerome Corsi', 'qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'the storm', 'hagmann report'] PT16M51S 2010 44 150 2 not set not set 2018-01-27T03:01:29.000Z JD2zk9jw_ys UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-ANON January 26 Post - Trump Exec Order - Qanon "- It took 2 hours to upload this video. go figure! Post 607 as Follows: Jan 26 2018 16:43:27 Q !UW.yye1fxo 62 Read slowly and carefully. Will become critically important in coming weeks. Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms. Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT. My Input: See bellow for link" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Trump', 'Executive order', 'Pandemopoly', 'Illuminati', 'Cabal', 'post 607'] PT12M 1506 13 88 0 not set not set 2018-01-29T00:26:21.000Z 0DRL8BIgYXw UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q Post #64 POTUS Detention of Enemy Combatants (Obama? GWB?) q-Anon qanon "Q made special reference to a Memorandum by prior AG as to how and when the President, as Commander in Chief, can detain enemies of the US, including US Citizens, for the duration of the War on Terrorism. Beware, GWB and Obama Administrations. Reference Memorandum:" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'POTUS', 'Enemy combatants', 'Gitmo', 'Guantanamo', 'Illuminati', 'Cabal', 'Swamp'] PT15M37S 21831 125 723 9 not set not set 2018-02-01T07:32:52.000Z k_N3Hj8CFTk UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon on Fire! FREEDOM DAY Feb 1 qanon #qanon "HUGE Drop tonight - January 31, 2018. And the contents are astonishing. Lots of links to events of the day, the SOTU and Trump's Latest Executive Order. Putting Giant chunks into focus. See attached posts and anons which lead up to many. 644 Jan 31 2018 18:39:44 Anonymous ID: 2d32eb 228302 22828 228286 I have posted this so many times. Tomorrow is Freedom Day. Q posted a flag named Freedom and timing is everything. Tomorrow. Jan 31 2018 19:38:19 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7280b6 228878 228302 Day OF Days D OF and D in Brackets 645 Jan 31 2018 19:43:03 Anonymous ID: e3e8f0 228958 Potus speech was inspiring! Jan 31 2018 19:46:08 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7280b6 229003 228958 Timing is everything. Did you miss the most important line of the entire speech? Activation code. Q 646 Jan 31 2018 19:53:16 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba 229103 229035 ! Q 647 Jan 31 2018 19:53:33 Anonymous ID: 2d9a0e 229109 229003 “I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.” This? Jan 31 2018 19:54:16 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba 229128 229109 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q 648 Jan 31 2018 19:55:44 Anonymous ID: 3f0776 229154 229128 TICK TOCK!!! Q, was the train incident a FF today? Jan 31 2018 19:58:39 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba 229202 229154 Do you believe in coincidences? Expect more. Q 649 Jan 31 2018 20:02:42 Anonymous ID: 5b7bb1 229273 Potus on ""terrorists"" and Guantanamo bay. ""let's be clear…. enemy combatants."" Jan 31 2018 20:09:38 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba 229398 229273 Re_read EO’s. Put together. Q 650 Jan 31 2018 20:22:52 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba 229644 Helicopter. CRASH. Newport Beach. Hotel GM. What happened @ those hotels? Q 651 Jan 31 2018 20:24:01 Anonymous ID: aa4ee2 229662 229599 Im Guessing that the Freedom Statue & Freedom Day have to do with the Q stringers for FREEDOM…. Jan 31 2018 20:27:01 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 187fba 229717 229662 News unlocks MAP. Q 652 Jan 31 2018 20:39:44 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6f3736 229941 229794 What happened @ hotel? AS What is AS attempting right now? Favor repaid. Q 653 Jan 31 2018 20:43:30 Anonymous ID: cad939 230019 229941 some incident with Adam SHIT happened at a hotel and was covered up. He is repaying the favor by trying to cover this up. Anons, we are looking for a death cover-up of AS doing Jan 31 2018 20:46:51 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6f3736 230091 230019 How ‘they’ control those they need. One recent example. Relevant today. Learn. Q 654 Jan 31 2018 20:55:26 Anonymous ID: 4c1b8d 230252 229941 Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he’s trying to cut a deal cause he knows he’s grass. Jan 31 2018 21:00:51 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6f3736 230358 230252 The intel just dropped is bigger than you can imagine. Q 655 Jan 31 2018 21:08:14 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 6f3736 230503 FREEDOM DAY. FREEDOM_ Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'SOTU', 'Schiff', 'Congress', 'Helicopter Accident', 'Standard Hotel', 'Cabal', 'Illuminati', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 Million'] PT13M24S 9851 102 588 2 not set not set 2018-02-01T15:09:31.000Z yKw8b5urxF0 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon Feb 1 Supplement FREEDOM DAY qanon #qanon "Addition to late last night post. Marines on duty. POTUS safe, disclosures coming so fast one cannot keep up. Memo gets released and many Executive Orders in place to ""Take Care of the Problem."" Adam Schiff hits the fan. Will shortly post here the Q drops:" Seething Frog 22 ['hamas', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'POTUS'] PT10M59S 14258 125 606 4 not set not set 2018-02-02T15:58:25.000Z 6AOcOWDvyHg UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Didn't Q-Anon say - "It's all coming down Feb 1?" qanon #qanon Looking at the Real Picture, taking stock of our current situation. Seething Frog 22 ['q-anon', 'qanon', 'illuminati', 'cabal', '10million', '10 million', 'unite 10 million', 'trump', 'freedom day'] PT12M5S 11897 117 310 18 not set not set 2018-02-05T22:17:28.000Z weQwrSVV62g UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Feb 5 Q-Anon Posting Encouraging Challenging input for us All qanon "Posting covering Black Forest Sale, Dopey, Schiff, MSM, and more. Attached is the entire series of postings: 661 Feb 5 2018 08:41:35 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 641129 274601 274558 Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT? Black Forest. Austria. Rothschild. FIRE sale days after post? What went on there? Dopey. You have more than you know. Q 662 Feb 5 2018 08:41:35 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 641129 274601 274558 Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT? Black Forest. Austria. Rothschild. FIRE sale days after post? What went on there? Dopey. You have more than you know. Q Feb 5 2018 08:42:15 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 641129 27460 274601 BLUNT statement. Q 663 Feb 5 2018 10:16:50 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 275544 Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]? Did this seem strange to you? Watch the news. Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest]. Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?]. Soros transfer of wealth. Dopey FREED. Marriage for POWER, not LOVE. Hilton/Roth. Soros/Clinton. Etc. News unlocks MAP. Think Mirror. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE. These people are EVIL. Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them? 20/20 coming. PUBLIC is VITAL. RELEASE of INFO VITAL. OUTRAGE. JUSTICE. Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? FOLLOW THE LIGHT. Q 664 Feb 5 2018 10:16:50 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 275544 Why did the #Memo drop a Friday & before the SB? Did this seem strange to you? Watch the news. Rothschild estate sale Black Forest. Stock market DIVE 666 - coincidence?. Soros transfer of wealth. Dopey FREED. Marriage for POWER, not LOVE. Hilton/Roth. Soros/Clinton. Etc. News unlocks MAP. Think Mirror. Which team? THEY don't know. APACHE. These people are EVIL. Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them? 20/20 coming. PUBLIC is VITAL. RELEASE of INFO VITAL. OUTRAGE. JUSTICE. Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? FOLLOW THE LIGHT. Q Feb 5 2018 10:18:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 27557 275544 666 Signal to POTUS THEY CONTROL THE MARKET? SIGNAL? THREAT? WELCOME TO THE GLOBAL WAR. Q 665 Feb 5 2018 10:18:44 Anonymous ID: afc5d0 275574 ThinkProgress ‏Verified account @thinkprogress 6m6 minutes ago More Internal FBI documents show White House lied about Comey firing https:// … why is msm allowed to lie Feb 5 2018 10:30:09 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 275719 275574 Imagine THIS. Raw intel collection. Narrative FEEDER. Narrative COLLECTORS. Narrative DISTRIBUTORS. LEAKS. CLASSIFIED. PAYMENTS. FOREIGN ACCOUNTS. CASH. SPOOK FILES. HOTELS. BLACKMAIL. How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera trusted by select viewers are extensions of the ARM? Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain. TRUST THE PLAN. THERE ARE A LOT MORE GOOD THAN BAD. You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. We STRIKE every SINGLE DAY. We WIN every SINGLE DAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY THEY ARE BEING DESTROYED - LITERALLY. STAY STRONG. HAVE FAITH. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Black Forest', 'Schiff', 'Trump', 'Roth', 'Rothschild', 'Soros', 'Clinton', 'Cabal', 'Deepstate', 'Shadow Government', '10 million', 'unite 10 million'] PT14M18S 6180 70 215 4 not set not set 2018-02-06T18:15:36.000Z VdmhAyv9Kcs UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Feb 6 Q-Anon Call out to Anons: Find Original Video of Cell Images "Q Posts critical to: Antonin Scalia Death, HRC nomination of Lynch to Supreme Court, Jared/Schiff Treasonous Phone call, Timeline around Wikileaks, Clinton Emails and Election, Treason, Treason, Treason: Attached Feb 6 Q Postings: 666 Feb 5 2018 17:55:42 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7b5b43 279710 VJ phone call w/ AS. 42m 13s. 2 listeners - no IDEN. 1 Qanon 2.6.18b - Compiled Timeline as per Q request _reroutes_9 random 1 _reroutes_2 random Article 3. Section 3. Q 667 Feb 5 2018 18:06:53 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7b5b43 279835 Can you read the message? SOTU. Black Caucus phone. Not sure if civilian tech can capture @ that distance. These people are LITERALLY MORONS. Q 668 Anonymous ID: ecb400 279870 sotu.phones.candy_.crush_.jpg 279835 Definitely not the Candy Crush phone. Feb 5 2018 18:10:09 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7b5b43 279886 279870 Center. Q 669 Feb 5 2018 18:11:04 Anonymous ID: ecb400 279898 phone.jpg 279886 Better Feb 5 2018 18:15:26 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7b5b43 279968 279898 Find the roll. 1 of 4. Find the 4th. Find the film. Not the capture. Enhance. Spread. Will go viral. Source _ archive offline. Raw only. Q 670 Feb 5 2018 18:25:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: db9aa5 280087 Find 1 of 4. “Trump should be shot!” You are now working against those monitoring. Raw only. No edits. Save offline. Q 671 Feb 5 2018 23:34:50 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 975911 283394 Public interest keep high. U1 FBI informant. AWAN/DWS/Paki intel/MB. Tarmac meeting SC/LL deal AS 187. Q 672 Feb 5 2018 23:41:04 Anonymous ID: 1c46f1 283468 283394 Lynch offered a SC position if Hillary got through? Feb 5 2018 23:46:30 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 975911 283537 283468 Build timeline. AS 187. HRC investigation pivot points. JC dismiss letter. #2. PS. WL comms. Q Qanon 2.6.18b - Compiled Timeline as per Q request Dustin Nemos 673 Feb 6 2018 00:29:56 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 45264e 284004 https:// Q Carl Ghattas Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch Carl Ghattas currently serves as the executive assistant director of the National Security Branch where he leads the FBI’s operations and intelligence efforts involving all national security matters, ranging from terrorism to espionage to weapons of mass destruction. Under his leadership, the program will continue to focus on technical innovation, operational agility, and strategic partnerships." Seething Frog 22 ['q-anon', 'qanon', 'trump', 'Jared', 'Lynch', 'HRC', 'Schiff', 'Scalia', 'Cabal', 'Illuminati', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 Million'] PT7M22S 25562 161 689 7 not set not set 2018-02-08T16:01:11.000Z oxP0Gy2WaiM UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Feb 8 Drop Q-Anon Shanghai, Schumer, Blackmail & Secret Service "Latest drops from Q, International Intrigue, POTUS closing in, DC scrambling and out of leverage, Shadow Govt in target. Postings here: 674 Feb 7 2018 16:30:44 Anonymous ID: da6423 297464 Feb 7 2018 16:39:32 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 647c68 297530 297464 Heart attacks can be deadly. Q 675 Feb 7 2018 16:42:08 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 647c68 297553 297521 No. Re_read crumbs re: CS WH submission. CS & NP divided. Coincidence? The ART of illusion. Q 676 Feb 7 2018 16:55:33 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 647c68 297686 You have so much more than you know. SO MUCH! Future proves past. News unlocks map. = + ++ +++ RED OCTOBER. IRON EAGLE. [] Q 677 Feb 7 2018 16:57:55 Anonymous ID: 6e2676 297717 297686 297709 military target square? Feb 7 2018 17:17:01 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: eb3537 297951 297717 Kill box. Q 678 Feb 7 2018 17:25:34 Anonymous ID: 0110e1 298086 297666 Martha M on Fox just said that Nancy must have felt betrayed by Chuck because he gave in on the government shutdown regarding DACA!!! Feb 7 2018 17:29:09 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: eb3537 298134 298086 Thank you for visiting the WH. Q 685 Feb 7 2018 18:47:55 Anonymous ID: cd873e 299228 ClipboardImage.png 299164 Rotated image to match thumbnail orientation. Something protruding from white horizontal stripe 2 floor below the open window. Security camera? Light? Can't tell. Feb 7 2018 18:50:58 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d 299272 299228 Focus on substance around outside of window. Upon entry ……. Q 686 Feb 7 2018 18:48:59 Anonymous ID: c4cbd0 299248 299164 https:// @2046 FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence Today https:// Feb 7 2018 18:55:18 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d 299350 299248 What a coincidence. Re_read recent drop re: U1/informant. Why did we re-focus energy on this when out of the news cycle? Critical thinking. Q 687 Feb 7 2018 18:57:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d 299392 299351 What a coincidence. Do you believe? Have faith. THE HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED. Q 688 Feb 7 2018 19:01:41 Anonymous ID: a5e9c1 299464 This has to mean China did this for/with us somehow. Q wouldn’t livestream it without some kind of permission. Feb 7 2018 19:08:09 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d 299568 299464 People asked for arrests. Gave one example. Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not ongoing. Trust the plan. Q 689 Feb 7 2018 19:09:51 Anonymous ID: 5bcccb 299606 299568 Q we love you. Trying to keep everyone positive. Someone in that building was arrested. The door was breached (hence the residue). Blew the window open. Feb 7 2018 19:14:45 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d 299702 299606 Window opened ahead of time to prevent pressure blast. Think intel. [Last discussion on this subject]. Q 690 Feb 7 2018 19:59:30 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 300345 Make sure the list of resignations remains updated. Important. When does big pharma make money? Curing or containing? Cancer/AIDS/etc. Mind will be blown by chain of command. Q 691 Feb 7 2018 20:06:12 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 300473 What if cures already exist? What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev? Sheep. These people are sick! Q 692 Feb 7 2018 20:26:50 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 296675 300885 How many top medical researchers found dead in past 5 years? Why is this topic relevant now? Why does the US taxpayer subsidize meds for the rest of the world? Q 693 Feb 7 2018 21:19:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f4349d 301855 Emergency messaging sys tests more frequent past month? Q 694 Feb 8 2018 00:45:43 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 062464 303565 Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter. Q 695 Feb 8 2018 00:53:00 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b5e8df 303612 USSS on high alert. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['cabal', 'shadow government', 'deep state', 'potus', 'secret service', 'shanghai', 'q-anon', 'qanon', '10 million', 'unite 10 million', 'illuminati', 'rothschild', 'soros', 'hrc', 'clinton', 'schumer'] PT19M9S 69723 464 2291 55 not set not set 2018-02-10T17:01:07.000Z YjONcrTL5vU UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Feb 10 Q-Anon Drop Lots of Intrigue, Mystery, Asian Action, Seals, Marines "Q-Anon Drops on 8CHAN #696-714 Brace for Spectacular Weekend and Week in news. Tribute to JFK and Promise to Restore US. References to DOJ-FBI Secret Society and Crumbling thereof. Asian connection in Thailand. Possible threat to POTUS. Reasons Dopey released? Seals in action, Marines Featured. CIA, DOJ, FBI, Obama Admin and State Department bad guys in Crosshairs. If this is Psyop, we WILL know it soon, it is either Chicken or Feathers. Postings attached: 696 Feb 9 2018 19:06:34 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f81874 319888 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! -Next week- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We warned you. You are stupid. Can you sleep? We can help. Q 697 Feb 9 2018 19:17:44 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f81874 320057 -Next week- -Next week- -Next week- Suicide weekend? Q 698 Feb 9 2018 19:33:30 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f81874 320333 Top 10 player -here now-. Q The IP had coordinates right next to Dulles International Airport. 699 Feb 9 2018 20:49:23 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: bae75f 321555 FC8DF5A5-6BB2-4A87-90BF-B4….png My Note: foggy runway with half blue twin engine jet _yes CONF Bravo-TK_964389&66 Q 700 Feb 10 2018 01:33:29 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324395 “Rest in peace Mr. President -JFK-, through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. My note: NO ""E"" in Societies Where we go one, we go all. Q 701 Feb 10 2018 01:35:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324405 -e- 702 Feb 10 2018 01:43:25 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324477 -5- 703 Feb 10 2018 01:44:25 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324485 - - - Anonymous 02/10/18 -Sat- 01:54:05 b43967 No.324581 324395 JFK - Secret Socities. 324405 -e- 324477 -5- 324485 - - - NOTE HERE Picture of ""E"" Banner on side of hanger Then picture: Anonymous 02/10/18 -Sat- 02:20:51 c8db25 No.324869 Taken from Gems Tower Bangkok My Note: Of high rises in Bankok AND Assumption College Assumption College Thailand From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Motto Labor omnia vincit -""Work conquers all""- MY NOTE: Much like ""ARBEIT MACHT FREI"" Slogan over gate at Auschwitz Religious affiliation(s) Roman Catholic Established February 16, 1885 Grades 1–12 (Primary 1–6 and secondary 1–6) Gender Boys Pupils 3,260 (2011)[2] Website 706 Feb 10 2018 03:13:33 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325272 JFK Con Room. https:// Would you believe this site is actually used to comm to rogue operators? @Snowden -John- Cold? Q MY NOTE: Kid's Game translates as ""CIA"" Code 1 — Central Intelligence Agency - CIA 707 Feb 10 2018 03:15:01 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325284 Clown black op sites. Asia. Goodbye. Q 708 Feb 10 2018 03:16:54 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325300 Thank you Dopey. King to pawn. Eyes on. Q 709 Feb 10 2018 03:23:04 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325370 You will cease to exist. Truth to power. How’s the bunker these days? -14- live -Hello- -PEOC force failed- Q PEOC = Presidential Emergency Operations Center 710 Feb 10 2018 03:30:58 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325453 Seals are wonderful creatures. Heard they work fast at capturing their prey. PRAY. Silence is golden. CORONA_OFFLINE_Deac-0000-. Games R FUN! Q SEALs presently deployed into Asia out of 7th Flt HQ out of Yokosuka, Japan: 711 Feb 10 2018 03:46:19 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325580 Mess with the best, die like the rest. -2- highly classified clown ops exposed. -44- remaining. Wizards & Warlocks. Save the best for last. -P- 712 Feb 10 2018 03:52:02 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325644 -3- https:// Q 713 Feb 10 2018 04:14:17 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 325862 https:// 714 Feb 10 2018 04:33:36 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 89220c 326006 Public: FBI/DOJ/O-WH/SD Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns Expand your thinking. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Seals', 'Marines', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Secret Society', 'Cabal', 'thailand', 'Corona', 'Illuminati', 'Rothschild', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'whistleblowers', '10 million', 'unite 10 million', 'CIA', 'NSA'] PT18M7S 35424 357 1305 17 not set not set 2018-02-11T18:32:49.000Z x3N3W0mRENY UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q FEB 11 Q-Anon THREE Initial posts from this AM. "Q-Anon references Russian Plane accident and Bangkok arrest signaling arrests in 7 countries, along with frustration for skepticism that people don't believe there is movement. See Posts Below: 715 Feb 11 2018 09:50:49 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d4 337096 71 Bracket 187 Bracket. Bracket 1 Bracket targeted. Dossier. U1. Would you believe Bracket1 Bracket source was used forBracket2 Bracket ? Find the passenger list. Why Bracket 187 Bracket if inside Russia? No jurisdiction. Think logically. SICK! Q 716 Feb 11 2018 09:51:51 Anonymous ID: c7e657 33710 337096 On it, what about Russian detained in Bangkok? Feb 11 2018 09:53:17 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d4 337117 337108 What picture was posted? Cages full. Q 717 Feb 11 2018 10:04:42 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d 337245 Do people believe all recent resignations, plane crashes, plane re_routes, EMS/EBS activations, blackouts, etc are simply a coincidence? Why did SessionsBracketat the beginning Bracket emphasize investigations/proceedings are kept confidential? Think magic. What you see ……. Do you really believe nothing is being done? Re_read past crumbs. Who has the power? Why was this emphasized in the beginning? You have more than you know. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Bangkok', 'Russia', 'Plane', 'Wreck', '187', 'Cabal', 'Illuminati', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', '10 million', 'unite 10 million', 'Trump', 'POTUS'] PT7M45S 41559 286 1138 16 not set not set 2018-02-12T03:10:07.000Z H_YEaiyyio4 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Second Q-Anon Post of FEB 11 Snowden, Barlow, Gitmo, McCain, Ginsburg and more "721 Feb 11 2018 13:13:20 Anonymous: I would like to inquire whether RED_OCTOBER refers to 1- the fictional submarine whose torpedo homed in on itself and destroyed itself or 2- the -RED OCTOBER- -cyberespionage malware discovered in October 2012 Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide. Q Future news will highlight. Note ""The Hunt For"" was dropped. Details matter. Q 722 Feb 11 2018 13:25:02 OPERATION: MOCKINGBIRD Anonymous ID: ba6ded NK is a CIA Blacksite OP:MKBRD is a CIA Media control Who in the media right now is GLORIFYING NK to spite the Trump Admin? Feb 11 2018 13:37:17 Q Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year? Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence? Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out? Ask yourself, what is a distraction? Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S? Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia ref pics just prior to the O-games? Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR? Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose? Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR? Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: ""Rogue actors Clowns/US former heads of State- initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"" Be the autists we know you are. Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions. Q 723 Anonymous ID: COULD THIS HAVE BEEN THE TARGET??? #32??? Vyacheslav Pershukov ""Former Deputy Director General of ROSATOM has been appointed ROSATOM's special representative for international scientific and technical projects. Russia's representation at the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER; He will also head the Rosatom Technology Development Centre, which is being created at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)."" Feb 11 2018 13:38:19 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ec346b 339791 339722 Over the TARGET. Q 724 Feb 11 2018 14:12:25 Q !UW.yye1fxo 83 Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Q 725 Feb 11 2018 14:16:29 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4c88a3 340398 Timestamp: @Snowden ""Truth To Power"" Drop ""Truth To Power"" Learn. Q 726 Feb 11 2018 14:18:27 Anonymous Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at ….png Q team refers to this retweet by @Snowden. Feb 11 2018 14:20:10 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4c88a3 You will cease to exist Timestamp. Learn. Q 727 Feb 11 2018 14:32:12 Anonymous ID: How’s the bunker these days? -14- live -Hello- -PEOC force failed- Q Feb 11 2018 14:33:41 Q Coincidence ""Truth To Power""? Coincidence Barlow? Learn. What if Snowden was still a Clown? Why would it be important he was in Russia? LEARN!!!! Q 728 Feb 11 2018 14:38:14 Q Timestamp: @Snowden ""Truth To Power"" Drop ""Truth To Power"" Learn. You will cease to exist Timestamp. Learn. Q Coincidence ""Truth To Power""? Coincidence Barlow? Learn. What if Snowden was still a Clown? Why would it be important he was in Russia? LEARN!!!! Q 729 Feb 11 2018 16:42:20 Q We don't say his name returning to prime time. Wonder if his so-called illness/condition will flare up. ""He's not a war hero."" He's a mega millionaire. M-Institute. Rothschild/Clintons/SA/etc. Not complete. Define money laundering. Define the word 'Traitor'. A world w/o this man is a world better off. Q No. 86 United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay? What airline check-in counter @ PVG -T2- is located @ -E-? What was the location of -E- -pic posted other board-? Why is this relevant? Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Snowden', 'McCain', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 Million', 'Cabal', 'Vietnam', 'Gitmo'] PT19M49S 33075 318 1726 20 not set not set 2018-02-12T16:34:48.000Z DXjjnxSFvD4 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon Salute to Veterans, Anons and Patriots Gitmo & More Calling out: Ginsburg & Mika, "Clearing up recent posts, Giving Recognition and Explaining why this takes time. Be patient, be vigilant, prepare, Join the 10 Million. POSTS: 731 Feb 11 2018 17:19:46 Anonymous ID: 3de3d6 sauce https:// Feb 11 2018 17:30:54 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 What a coincidence. This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends. Q 732 Feb 11 2018 17:32:20 Anonymous ID: 91a1c7 Q, how long will we have to wait for the cures of cancer and other sicknesses? Feb 11 2018 17:38:19 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 Chatter amongst those in control has begun. They know we know which means the public will know. Release prior to cover up. Public informed and collapse. Which option? Q 733 Feb 11 2018 17:37:22 Anonymous ID: 74860e HA_HA.png In the Q Bible, this is the second shortest sentence. The first (to come): We won. Ha ha ha ha = Huma Abedin ? http:// Feb 11 2018 17:40:16 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 Double meanings work well against sniffers. Q 734 Feb 11 2018 17:40:54 Anonymous ID: 996020 I hope some day Patriots, Vets, and Anons get the respect that we deserve. Marine anons have felt betrayed by the same people we were willing to die to protect. I've felt lost until you showed up in October. Thank you form the depths of my heart Feb 11 2018 17:47:06 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 We are with you, Patriot. We honor your service to our great country. Without people like you, the world would be lost. Godspeed. Q 735 Feb 11 2018 17:45:08 Anonymous ID: c6d8b9 Release prior to cover up. Public informed and collapse. Q there is one thing that concerns me. somewhat related to this, but more related to 60/40. the less the public knows, the more likely they are to falsely assign blame in the future, possibly even generations from now. it's worth keeping in mind. Feb 11 2018 17:52:44 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world. Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering. We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability. Q 736 Feb 11 2018 17:56:10 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9a96c Do not read into this spelling/structure error. Heavy lag/attack ongoing. Q 737 Feb 11 2018 17:58:29 Anonymous ID: 0b5e70 Don't care about your sentence structure. Just care to know how full GITMO is gonna be? Feb 11 2018 18:01:37 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: a9a96c Max cap. [1] other prison being prepped. Q 738 Feb 11 2018 23:05:41 Anonymous ID: 0a27cc The fact Q brought up Ginsberg and then she landed on CNN the same day front page speaks volumes. We are missing something. Feb 11 2018 23:22:16 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5dacd4 “Here to stay.” No, you’re not. Q 739 Feb 12 2018 08:01:46 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c32c4f The Inner Circle. Mika Brzezinski. Background. Family/careers. McLean, Virginia. The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control. Majority today were ‘born in’ to the circle. Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest. These people are really stupid. End is near. The media cleanse/JFK. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Trump', 'Gitmo', 'Mika', 'Ginsburg', 'cabal', 'Rothschild', 'Brzezinski'] PT19M30S 20808 238 1081 18 not set not set 2018-02-12T19:45:42.000Z WoIEBgQhUQI UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon talks about Slaves, Gardens, Matrix and MSM "End is Near" "For originals, see: Symbolism of BHO Presidential Portrait, & Clinton with Kim Jong Il on Flowers, MSM CIA connections, Slaves, Sheep, Children and our choice to ""Awaken""" Seething Frog 22 ['Cabal', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Clinton', 'Podesta', 'sheeple', 'slaves', 'Illuminati', 'North Korea', 'MSM', 'Matrix', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 Million', 'Obama', 'BHO', 'deflowering'] PT13M11S 55468 497 2435 41 not set not set 2018-02-13T02:41:37.000Z iWo7SwpkdcA UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon Cites Anthrax/Bio-weapon Threat to POTUS Family Real or Memorex? "Vanessa Trump,Wife of Donald JR, sent powder in envelope today. Q-Anon Responds. Calls it a Big Pharma threat and Assures retaliation. Let's watch. 747 Feb 12 2018 13:15:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4bcc84 354139 Our attack on big pharma came w/ a warning letter today. Message received. See it all at: Response forthcoming. Here is the Post: Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Trump', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'POTUS Vanessa', 'Donald JR', 'Cabal', 'Big Pharma', 'Pharma', 'Illuminati'] PT11M26S 25605 282 1312 20 not set not set 2018-02-13T16:13:37.000Z qSsnTIZcQO4 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon: Iran, N Korea, Nuclear Skullduggery, US funding Terror, RBG in Hanoi "Three short drops by Q about the intentional TREASONS of Clinton, GWB, BHO and US Gov't feeding terror, sharing Nuclear Technology and serving the Shadow Masters. Ruth Co-opted & Trips to GITMO. Posts: Find it here: 748 Feb 12 2018 23:56:23 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479712 360296 Operation Merlin -tech-. to Iran to NK Iran Deal -funding-. to Iran to NK to T cells to Payoffs NK Nuclear -mini suc- -icbm suc- to War engine to Protection Q 749 Feb 13 2018 00:42:59 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479712 jpeg of RBG: See Thumbnail I hear Hanoi is educational. Q 750 Feb 13 2018 00:56:38 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479712 360885 Think image drop. Think OP. Think United. When does a bird sing? Everything has meaning. -I- ME: Kill Box on one. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Trump', 'Cabal', 'Illuminati', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 Million', 'Merlin', 'Gitmo'] PT18M35S 34761 376 1551 28 not set not set 2018-02-13T17:52:09.000Z CnKXaMJbA6s UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-ANON or CORSI, which is it? CORSI is full of CRAP "I invite you to compare my comments with those of Dr. Corsi on his video: QAnon video JEROME CORSI re HENRY KISSINGER Mtg w PRES TRUMP Feb 7, 2018 AND THEN TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!" Seething Frog 22 ['Corsi', 'Trump', 'Kissinger', 'NWO', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'BHO', 'Clinton', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Cabal', 'Illuminati', 'evangelical', 'q-anon', 'qanon', 'jewish', 'NETANYAHU'] PT14M22S 64510 2045 3112 488 not set not set 2018-02-15T17:20:06.000Z AKpIZzGkQbw UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon Kill Chain Snowden Bad Guy, UK, EU on Alert, BC, BHO, HRC in Target "Three highly Cryptic military, references to shooting, Snowden and SecureDrop and finally meaning of ""APACHE!"" NOTE: X used in place of brackets 752 Feb 14 2018 16:06:27 Q !UW.yye1fxo 88 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION X STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE X MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE X STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE X DESIGNATION: _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM, _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE X STRAT SIGINT X 32536AA00: _ MI TM X UTAH X X STRAT SIGINT X 32536AB00: _ MI TM X OCMC X X STRAT SIGINT X 32536AC00: _ MI TM X DET A X X STRAT SIGINT X Q 753 Feb 14 2018 16:41:23 Q !UW.yye1fxo 89 dZ68J_729282D_B02928xABVtZ b7al8920289-sLBTCZA99_jXK 38201820281028201820484739201837474 B_1 B_2 KILL_CHAIN SKY_TAR_XX E_BZ_y XX X X XX PAK XX XX -13- XX A-9zBT1-033 ""Republic-D"" ""Republic-E"" ""Republic-F"" ""Republic-MILMAR-E"" INFIL- X 2 X -OP_TAKE_O_ WATCH_TOWER_OK RED_RED_OK RED_CASTLE_OK NIGHT_BOX_OK SKY_BEAM_OK NORTH_TRADE_OK MOUNTAIN_DEEP_OK COMM_SAT_6_OK COMM_SAT_7_OK COMM_SAT_8_FALSE COMM_SAT_9_OK COMM_SAT_SEC_R140_OK TELCON_SIG_CONF_C-83028 ZEBRA_PACIFIC_SIG_COMM_X GOOD X DESIGNATE CODE: X _D7_UND 93829 X ACTIVATE CODE: X 0 0000 018739 7-ZjG X Q, DELTA 754 Feb 14 2018 16:59:04 Q !UW.yye1fxo 90 WARNING_EU_ _EU_POSSIBLE_CAR_ATTACK_72 STRIKE_PACKAGE_B-7V WARNING_UK_IMM_CHATTER_ XRAY_7 Q, DELTA 755 Feb 14 2018 17:01:01 Q !UW.yye1fxo 91 SEPT 7, 1776. 756 Feb 14 2018 18:34:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0245cc 378936 Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today? Do you believe in EVIL? Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE. Q 757 Feb 14 2018 22:25:44 Q !UW.yye1fxo 92 Clown_Comm_Narrative.png @Snowden Thank you for showing the world how Clowns pass the narrative to journalists @ 4am. Re_read crumbs re: SecureDrop. John Perry Barlow. Q 758 Feb 14 2018 22:22:48 Anonymous ID: de4323 The Clinton's didn't tweet about it until after Q posted. Check the time stamps. Feb 14 2018 22:28:42 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f Was the point proven? This board has more power than you can imagine. Q 759 Feb 14 2018 22:28:42 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f Was the point proven? This board has more power than you can imagine. Q Feb 14 2018 22:32:21 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f They are ALWAYS watching. Watch the news re: new drugs coming out X flu/dirt/next? X . What a coincidence. Q 760 Feb 14 2018 22:32:21 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f They are ALWAYS watching. Watch the news re: new drugs coming out X flu/dirt/next? X . What a coincidence. Q Feb 14 2018 22:38:07 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f Did Hussein receive a letter in the mail w/ white powder? What a coincidence. Message received. Response forthcoming. Q 761 Feb 14 2018 22:52:21 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 925f8f 381944 You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past. Trust the plan. Q 762 Feb 14 2018 23:08:41 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 276796 382161 Watch the water. Q 763 Feb 14 2018 23:13:18 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 276796 Great work, Anon. Q 764 Feb 14 2018 23:11:12 Anonymous ID: 59360f I almost killed myself doin Heroin and Painkillers. then you came around… I started realizing I had a PURPOSE! I literally got sober for this shit. THANK YOU Q. My Mother hasnt seen me sober in over 10 years. WE ARE WITH YOU. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP. -ff I LOVE IT. WE ARE RESTORING THE REPUBLIC. EVERYDAY WE STRIKE. EVERYDAY WE WIN. WE ARE WINNING. BIGLY. CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH. Feb 14 2018 23:27:03 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 276796 You are a strong Patriot. Do not give in - fight, fight, fight. You have more friends than you can imagine. UNITED WE STAND. GOD BLESS, Q" Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'trump', 'kill chain', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'Turtle', 'SIGINT', 'OCMC', 'Eagle', 'Clowns', 'CIA', '`10 million', 'unite 10 million', 'corsi', 'jerome', 'lionel', 'illusion', 'dustin'] PT19M15S 31298 506 1543 30 not set not set 2018-02-16T02:04:26.000Z 26cTNJmNYwQ UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon is "FAKE NEWS" says Newsweek, Big Pharma and Cell Phones the New MKULTRA, Warren Slush Fund "Newsweek Coverage of Q, SecureDrop-Suicides-Snowden, Twitterpating Jack, MKULTRA, SAT Scientists Killed,China, Russia, NK, Saudi Arabia, US Manufacture,Senator Warren - Fakeahontas - CFPB Slush Fund See it all here: The posts were much too long to attach" Seething Frog 22 ['q-anon', 'qanon', 'trump', 'potus', 'cabal', 'illuminati', '10 million', 'seethingfrog', 'unite 10 million'] PT24M15S 28272 564 1123 17 not set not set 2018-02-17T03:53:00.000Z bZpZD0KbB40 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon says CIA is "Comin' Down." Russian "Influence" Gone Widespread Voter Fraud "Major DOJ announcement that Russians did NOT influence election, That Widespread Voter Fraud DID occur - Illegals voting, Disenfranchised stopped, Digital manipulation in many States and three Senate races impacted. Trump/Q signals demise of empty shell CIA. And Bill Cooper finally given some of his due." Seething Frog 22 ['Trump', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'cabal', 'Illuminati', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 Million', 'POTUS', 'CIA', 'NSA', 'Cooper', 'JFK'] PT15M 103306 851 5157 69 not set not set 2018-02-19T16:20:47.000Z 3iL1zZrl2w4 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon: Feb 18 Red Pilling about GHWB "Bay of Pigs CIA Did the CIA Assassinate JFK? The Dirty Secrets of George Bush White House Pedophile Ring Raped Boys Bush & Reagan 1989 Tom Brokaw Reports Jim WILLIE Are You Ready for a World where the US Dollar Lost All Reputation New Link to Q-Anon Posts. Take a look:" Seething Frog 22 ['Trump', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', '10 Million', 'Unite 10 million', 'Cabal', 'Illuminati', 'Afghanistan', 'Drug traffic', 'opium endemic', 'Snowden', 'Twitter'] PT14M54S 225007 1640 9810 170 not set not set 2018-02-19T18:11:46.000Z bwsyiX1iFSA UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q More Red Pills from Q-Anon Feb 18, Snowden,Twitter, More "New Link. Take a look" Seething Frog 22 not set PT17M28S 26855 453 1414 14 not set not set 2018-02-22T17:15:09.000Z 4nMBXamlK9Q UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Feb 22 Q-Anon Posts. @Jack, Gun Totting Van Driver, CIA Paid Newsmen "Q Posts Feb 21-22 covering Jack Dorsey, USSS gun confiscation, JFK Protection compared and CIA - Newsmen Links from 1970s and 1990s on. POSTINGS: 791 Feb 21 2018 01:44:40 !UW.yye1fxoQb0b86f 448338 Stay tuned. Everything has meaning or a purpose. @Jack - getting nervous? Phase -2-. Q 792 Feb 21 2018 01:51:08 !UW.yye1fxoQb0b86f 448399 The gun found by the USSS was an intercept we provided. This is not a game. Protect code went live. Code signals clean. We are moving up the timetable. Q 793 Feb 21 2018 01:52:28 DEEP DREALAnonymousAnonymous849ef9 448410 snwdn.pngdeepstatedream.pngironeagle.png DEEP DREAM= TWITTER Feb 21 2018 01:58:12 !UW.yye1fxoQb0b86f Big post. @Jack thought he was protected. No sleep since drop. Tasked -3- to remove followers in drip order and restrict. Coincidence? HOT in DC. No sleep. Stay tuned. Q 794 Feb 21 2018 01:57:06 Anonymous90f1a7 :Protect 6/14-46 from #788 Feb 21 2018 02:02:49 !UW.yye1fxoQb0b86f Coincidence? Q 795 Feb 21 2018 02:11:10 !UW.yye1fxoQb0b86f 448584 AG Sessions. US Cyber Task Force. Important. Q 796 Feb 21 2018 20:20:23 !UW.yye1fxoQ 452 -2- Patriot 1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. 2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government. Traitor 1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. Q 798 Feb 21 2018 20:49:10 !UW.yye1fxoQ 454 DELTA -6- CONF. COMMS GOOD. OPERATIONAL. Q 799 & 800 Feb 22 2018 00:47:02 !UW.yye1fxoQ403fc2 458430 https:// https:// Why are the above [public declassified docs] highly protected? Q Scroll through both docs. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['CIA', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Trump', 'POTUS', '@Jack', 'Twitter'] PT18M35S 44479 349 2274 25 not set not set 2018-02-23T19:21:48.000Z SxvVZfDWn38 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Fifth Attempt to Post: Dr Phrog on Q-Anon Feb 22 Posts "Fifth Attempt to get anything uploaded. Being messed with? Late Feb 22 posts from Q. Links to POTUS, The Dark Ones and others in leaks of INTEL to China and elsewhere, Public Disclosure COMING SOON! 20 Million and Counting Red Pilled. POSTED HERE: 805 Feb 22 2018 20:53:18 Anonymous4931c9 Good to see you here again Q! This Confirmation feels great! You guys and POTUS are AWESOME! Thank you again for all of this and everything you @ Q and all these amazing anons are doing! Gratitude! Feb 22 2018 20:54:38 !UW.yye1fxoQ9539a2 Did you count the spaces in the tweet and cross ref against spaces left here to match meaning? Q Anonymous 02/22/18 - Thu - 19:00:05 3983cf No.465871 465889 58 spaces in post minus 18 spaces in tweet equals 40 spaces left 58-18=40 left to go from a list that initially started at 58? 806 Feb 22 2018 21:05:01 !UW.yye1fxoQ0c9770 465919 Clowns revealed in China/other. 2010. - 187 - Sold intel? HRC open source server? - Missing emails - - CrowdStrike - Granted access. Betrayed. Only the tip. This will be made public - soon - . Q Aonymous 02/22/18 - Thu - 19:14:52 de3872 No.466069 https:// WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward. 807 Feb 22 2018 21:06:07 Anonymousddae17 The traitor SOLD SAP's!! Feb 22 2018 21:13:11 !UW.yye1fxoQ0c9770 How do you break up something this big? What happens if low/mid/senior - non corrupt - Patriots learn they were sold out? What happens? Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots? Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection? Q 808 Feb 22 2018 21:13:11 !UW.yye1fxoQ0c9770 How do you break up something this big? What happens if low/mid/senior - non corrupt - Patriots learn they were sold out? What happens? Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots? Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection? Q Feb 22 2018 21:18:09 !UW.yye1fxoQ0c9770 For those watching, this should scare you. It’s the POWER you depend on to survive. Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you. WH / Military / Patriots. Ready to play? Q 809 Feb 22 2018 21:26:30 !UW.yye1fxoQ0c9770 466308 They want you DIVIDED. How can some be so blind? Help them wake up. Estimated 20mm reached. Question everything. Keep talking. Stand up. Fight fight fight. How do they control children? What prevents a child revealing the truth? Q 810 Feb 22 2018 21:39:44 !UW.yye1fxoQ0c9770 466606 People kill people. You are watching a movie. They want you WEAK. SLAVE. SHEEP. DISTRACTION. Q" Seething Frog 22 ['POTUS', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', '10 million', 'unite 10 million', 'phrog', 'seethingfrog'] PT12M59S 21653 497 2430 8 not set not set 2018-02-24T17:23:45.000Z o3ri7yGV_YY UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon Feb 24 Drop. Schools, Russian Spies, Poisoned Water New Drops with references to earlier posts, to spies, CNN, Sandyhook and more Seething Frog 22 ['POTUS', 'Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'Clinton', 'Trump', 'Sandyhook', 'fentanyl', 'poison', 'water', 'Potomac', 'Sheriff Israel', 'HRC'] PT20M30S 60582 1060 4113 31 not set not set 2018-02-24T20:47:55.000Z D40cnlFuZ_8 UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q-Anon Inspired Ways to Keep Channels Open From Redpilled Phrog Patriots demand access and the Voice of Free Speech. Some Suggestions here. Try to get other channels to join us. Seething Frog 22 ['Q-Anon', 'qanon', 'POTUS', 'Free Speech', 'Seethingfrog', 'Seethingphrog'] PT13M44S 22418 553 1993 9 not set not set 2018-03-04T21:10:53.000Z shTAWm-EqSw UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q March 4, Q-Anon post on 8Chan and more Relating some of the content of the March 4 postings to current news, and our charge to UNITE and FIGHT BACK. Seething Frog 22 ['POTUS', 'Trump', 'unite 10 million', '10 million', 'q-anon', 'qanon'] PT26M16S 27784 546 1628 16 not set not set 2018-08-18T23:51:30.000Z nrxmqxAbL_E UCoadVWF3acwZhffVQkVKv2Q Q Says Armistice Parade Delay? & My Take on Our Paradigms Picking up a piece from the Q drop that I dropped and expanding upon the deeper part of our shared Redpill Journey. Do join me. Seething Frog 22 ['redpill', 'seethingfrog', 'seething frog', 'de phrog', 'drphrog', 'potus', 'trump', 'bush', 'clinton', 'obama', 'reagan', 'cabal', 'hebrew', 'sumerian', 'babylonia', 'illuminati'] PT26M38S 27573 673 1813 46 not set not set 2018-05-21T05:01:28.000Z WJvZepaJB-U UCV5HSCQWQ2cznAmUQMNX4yA LIVE STREAM el Manzanillo Red...Tonight: Is Trump Q? "Who is ""Q""? Trump takes on the swamp." Senor Cabeza de Grande 25 ['qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'q q', 'trump', 'washington', 'senate', 'congress', 'brennan', 'clapper', 'hillary', 'indictments', 'mueller', 'witch hunt', 'comey', 'sessions', 'rosenstein', 'doj', 'fbi', 'cia', 'nsa', 'president', 'obama'] PT13M19S 14 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-17T19:49:26.000Z Ys4ua2TGmfM UC5JYTuYAlLo9Xnss6n3YblQ WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEIR EYES PART 2 - Q ANON UNZIPPED "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO Linda's channel McAllisterTV @ Q ANON UNZIPPED: WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEIR EYES...PART 2 McAllisterTV Published on Mar 9, 2018 So, in going through these fascinating Zip Files...(which have been meticulously collected, categorized and archived...for Patriots to USE however they see fit...) ...these folders full of informational memes, that came via a link that Q dropped in one of their latest posts... Some of these folders hold answers to some burning questions I've had since the election began, in 2016. Questions such as: ""What the HELL is happening with these people's EYES? When animated one after the other...they almost read like a BOOK. The answers are sometimes in the memes... (Insert image a Pepe stroking his chin and nodding) Shortly, this video will be added to my daily blog, along with current memes, up-to-date links to other interesting videos and news stories that are circulating around the web today. There will also be links to fun entertainment videos (in case you’re trying to cut the cord.) Daily Blog: Broadcast Resume: Historical Crime Articles:" Serene Christine 22 not set PT17M46S 140275 1091 2724 153 not set not set 2018-05-02T18:28:57.000Z nJuEuh5QHZE UC5JYTuYAlLo9Xnss6n3YblQ JAMES ALEFANTIS & THE NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES ~ Q MEGA MEME "Q MEGA-MEME: JAMES ALEFANTIS & THE NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES... PLEASE GO SUBSCRIBE To Linda Paris channel Linda has many many more fascinating Q drop ideos please go watch like and share her other stuff..Please pray for her and make a donation if you can I think shes doing an awesome job .. i do not upload eerything from McAllisterTV I DID NOT MAKE THESE IDEOS & PLEASE FRIENDS COMMENTS FOR LINDA SHOULD BE ON HER IDEOS ..Linda is amazing I am so grateful for her reports...LETS SHOW HER SOME SUPPORT!!! McAllisterTV McAllisterTV Published on May 2, 2018 What exactly was ""The Night of the Long Knives,"" and what does it have to do with James Alefantis? Mirrored from" Serene Christine 22 not set PT22M36S 1840 12 91 1 not set not set 2018-05-04T22:01:38.000Z tTqssKbCbNk UC5JYTuYAlLo9Xnss6n3YblQ Red Shoes made with Human Skin ~ Q MEGA MEMES "Thank you so much for all your subscriptions Im blown away IF you like these Vlogs by Linda or any questions PLEASE SUSCRIBE To Linda Paris' channel and comment on the origian video ...I always provide a link back to the original video as well as a recommendation to subscribe to McAllisterTV @ Mirrored from" Serene Christine 22 not set PT41M27S 95038 969 1733 176 not set not set 2018-08-12T21:03:11.000Z cGRDmaKGFzU UC5JYTuYAlLo9Xnss6n3YblQ "THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH?" - Q """THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH?"" - Q PLEASE friends subscribe to Linda Paris on her youtube channel ""McAllisterTV"" @ McAllisterTV Published on Aug 12, 2018 QANON DROPS: QAnon MEGA Memes!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!C5NHlRpR link back to the original" Serene Christine 22 not set PT55M 3717 97 229 10 not set not set 2018-09-09T22:51:28.000Z JZmbMX63oPo UC5JYTuYAlLo9Xnss6n3YblQ EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW!!! ~ Q ANON NEW MEGA MEMES "Please subscribe to Linda Paris /McAllisterTV at EPSTEIN ISLAND HORROR SHOW!!!" Serene Christine 22 not set PT51M48S 58996 513 1123 83 not set not set 2018-07-26T02:52:16.000Z tchh0EAs6K4 UC2Q5phDGoRgl3WIR24PxmCw Q is back. "Something big about to drop?" Serviteur de paix 10 not set PT11M53S 20 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T14:57:19.000Z 9YzoDZymhNU UC2Q5phDGoRgl3WIR24PxmCw Qanon, something big about to drop?? #qanon, #secretspaceprogram,#jordansather, Serviteur de paix 10 ['#qanon', '#secretspaceprogram'] PT10M54S 185 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-03T19:53:14.000Z mi3IWp_Yb28 UC2Q5phDGoRgl3WIR24PxmCw qanon has posted again, #draintheswamp, #wwg1wga Serviteur de paix 10 not set PT14M24S 570 0 12 3 not set not set 2018-10-06T03:05:17.000Z Y9pDRyr7edE UC2Q5phDGoRgl3WIR24PxmCw The best opinion I have heard about bret and christine #wwg1wga, #the great awakening, # disclosure Serviteur de paix 10 not set PT2M27S 361 0 8 3 not set not set 2017-12-29T04:53:44.000Z 3AQ5IJ_exb0 UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg #Q BOMBSHELLS HITTING TARGETS -- LIZ CROKIN "You won't believe how many incredible things are happening right NOW. And a whole bunch of it is quantifiable. If your name it ""Hillary Clinton"" or ""John Podesta"" or ""Tony Podesta"", you should be sh#tting your pants right now. Because according to #Qanon we are seeing the Trump Patriot deep state counter coup against the Satanic elite. Investigative journalist Liz Crokin joins me to discuss. LUKE 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Here's the link to SD Bullion if you'd like score some PHYSICAL silver or gold: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: Epidemic Sound: ""Low Ambience Rhythmic 7"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" SGTreport 25 ['Qanon', '#Q', 'Trump', 'Trump Q deep state', 'Deep state counter coup', 'LAX Tokyo flight turns back', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate', 'Liz Crokin', 'Rothschild', 'Clinton treason', 'Podesta arrested', 'GITMO flights', 'Podesta brothers', 'Robert David Steele', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Paul Joseph Watson', 'Eric Schmidt resigns', 'Transhumanism', 'NWO', 'Benjamin Fulford', 'Podesta Wikileaks emails', 'Julian Assange', 'Kim DotCom', 'CNN Anderson Cooper', 'Mark Dice', 'X22 Report', 'SGT Report', 'Politics'] PT55M31S 274615 2628 10105 255 not set not set 2018-01-08T02:26:19.000Z _PGtWm3suSY UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg Q: The STORM is REAL and It's HERE. "Our friend Tracy Beanz and some of the insiders from the 4chan, 8chan and CBTS Reddit boards join me for a round table discussion about #Q. And one thing about which we all agree quickly becomes clear, the Storm is REAL and it is upon us - and NONE of it would be happening if hardcore globalist criminal Hillary Clinton was in the White House. Join in on the Q conversation & research Here's Tracy's brand NEW interview about #Q with Jerome Corsi. LUKE 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Here's the link to SD Bullion if you'd like score some PHYSICAL silver or gold: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: Epidemic Sound: ""Low Ambience Rhythmic 7"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" SGTreport 25 "[""Q: The STORM is REAL and It's HERE."", 'Q anon', 'Cryptos', 'Trump deep state', 'Tracy Beanz', 'Clinton Foundation FBI investigation', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate', 'Clinton treason', 'Face Like the Sun', 'Deep state', 'Politics', 'News', 'Rothschild', 'SGT Report', 'Liz Crokin', 'Infowars', 'Alex Jones', 'Q The Storm', 'Wikileaks', 'Assange', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Paul Joseph Watson']" PT48M30S 285540 2641 8266 339 not set not set 2018-01-12T19:17:22.000Z 4AmdqeufDxo UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg #Q: The REAL 'PSYOP' Exposed. "There is a growing chorus of critics in social media who claim that the entire #Q phenomenon is either a psyop or a LARP (Live Actor Role Play). The critics allege that anyone who is sharing news from Q is either a naive fool who has been duped, or worse - a disinfo agent. Many of these critics also say that President Trump is nothing more than a puppet of the Rothschild globalist agenda, a willing pawn just playing his part. Let's take a closer look at these charges - and at the reality of our situation. Join in on the Q conversation & research LUKE 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Here's the link to SD Bullion if you'd like score some PHYSICAL silver or gold: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: Epidemic Sound: ""Low Ambience Rhythmic 7"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" SGTreport 25 ['#q', 'Q anon', 'Politics', 'news', 'Trump', 'Deep state', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Hillary Clinton emails', 'Seth Rich', 'Assange Wikileaks', 'Clinton treason', 'Clinton Foundation FBI investigation', 'SGT Report', 'Trump Q', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'False flag', 'Jeff Sessions', 'X22 Report', 'Web bots', 'Clif High', 'John Podesta', 'Podesta brothers', 'Pedogate', 'Liz Crokin', 'Lynette Zang', 'Peter Schiff', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Ron Paul', 'Revolution'] PT8M32S 159179 2063 9234 350 not set not set 2018-01-25T06:45:56.000Z S3za6BF84Qw UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg Q: The Second American Revolution is Upon Us "I got a really crappy email from someone I have supported in the past because he thinks President Donald Trump is just playing his role in the grand globalist scheme. I'm tired of the pessimists who have no skin in the game. Those of us who are part of the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION have all our chips in the Constitutional basket - and anyone who thinks we're not far better off with President Trump in the White House is either delusional, or... worse. Oh, and by the way, according to Q, Obama lawyered up today. None of this would be happening if the wicked witch was in the White House. LUKE 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Here's the link to SD Bullion if you'd like score some PHYSICAL silver or gold: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: Epidemic Sound: ""Low Ambience Rhythmic 7"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!c" SGTreport 25 ['Q: The Second American Revolution is Upon Us', 'Q anon', 'Trump deep state coup', 'Politics', 'News', 'Clinton treason', 'Podesta indictment', 'Child trafficking', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate', 'Trump tax cuts', 'Economy', 'US Dollar collapse', 'gold', 'silver', 'Trump MAGA', 'Rothschild', 'Hawaii missile', 'Japan missile alert', 'George Soros', 'Soris Treason', 'CBTS', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Deep underground bases', 'DEWs', 'California fires', '5G', 'smart meters', 'UN Agenda 21', 'Agenda 2030'] PT12M38S 361533 2953 12708 370 not set not set 2018-02-06T07:21:47.000Z nDixoT8GhMo UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg Q: ROTHSCHILD BLACK FOREST "Trump VS the deep state globalist coup, the DOW tanks 666 points sending a very clear message, Q posts about the Rothschild black forest, very troubling news about a detective who made a huge impact on the Madeleine McCann investigation & much more. Thanks for tuning in. LUKE 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Here's the link to SD Bullion if you'd like score some PHYSICAL silver or gold: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: Epidemic Sound: ""Who'sThere"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" SGTreport 25 ['Q: ROTHSCHILD BLACK FOREST', '#Q', 'Q Jerome Corsi', 'News', 'Politics', 'DOW crashes', 'Nasdaq crash', 'Crypto crash', 'Cryptos', 'Bitcoin', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Politcs', 'Trump deep state', 'Trump deep state countet coup', 'Clinton treason', 'FBI DOJ Treason', 'Rothschild', 'Benjamin Fulford', 'SGT report', 'Alex Jones', 'Infowars', 'Peter Schiff', 'H3H3 Productions', 'TYT', 'Paul Joseph Watson', 'Federal Reserve', 'Yellen', 'Tracy Beanz'] PT7M25S 358704 1530 12942 299 not set not set 2018-06-22T06:53:47.000Z z-aKnbjvlJE UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg Q: THE STORM IS REAL - Resignations, Sealed Indictments & Pedo Arrests "Protect Your Data w/ VPN - Best Deal at $2.75 Per Month! Click Here - [412 Anon] Dashboards:!/ ""In an average year we see 1,000 to 2,000 sealed indictments. We're at 35,679 sealed indictments and those indictments could contain multiple people, or even multiple offenses. So when Donald Trump says, ""We're draining the swamp"", this is what we're seeing"" says 412anon. Join me, 412anon, Pamphlet and NinjaWarrior as we explore the tangible evidence that strongly supports the thesis that BIG things ARE happening in the areas of resignations, sealed indictments and pedo arrests. 412 Anon Twitter: #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream Here's my SGTreport BITCHUTE channel: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: COAG: documentary music Epidemic Sound: ""Who'sThere"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" SGTreport 25 ['politics', 'news', '#Q', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Trump deep state', 'Podesta emails', 'Wikileaks', 'Edward Snowden', 'Trump immigration', 'TYT', 'The Young Turks', 'H3H3', 'Infowars', 'Jordan Sather', 'Jordan Peterson', 'Alex Jones', 'Joe Rogan', 'WW3', 'Pedogate', 'economy', 'cryptos', 'gold', 'silver', 'Washington DC corruption', 'Clinton treason'] PT37M14S 488115 2538 14526 556 not set not set 2018-06-28T19:22:14.000Z y8cp1KvZKPo UC2nQYGjfe9I_tgWpqgJorUg Q: The Plan To Save The World "This is the video I have been meaning to make for some time now. But a You Tuber named Joe Masepoes beat me to it. So for the first time ever, I share someone else's work in its entirety on my You Tube channel. The PLAN is to reclaim the world from the cabal and return it to the people. And here's how it will work... For the Trolls & Haters: Q PROOFS Q - The Plan To Save The World, by Joe Masepoes Here's my SGTreport BITCHUTE channel: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: COAG: documentary music Epidemic Sound: ""Who'sThere"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" SGTreport 25 ['Qanon. Q The Plan to save the world', '#Q', 'SGT Report', 'economy', 'Federal Reserve', 'News', 'Politics', 'President Trump', 'NWO', 'deep state Trump', 'X22 Report', 'Zionism', 'war', 'WW3', 'War on the family', 'Deagle', 'Trump FBI Mueller', 'Wikileaks', 'Podesta', 'Assange', 'JFK', 'Reagan', 'Great Awakening', 'Soros', 'sealed indictments', 'Clinton treason', 'Clinto crimes', 'Pedogate', 'Trump Putin'] PT15M8S 1342895 8102 41930 2167 not set not set 2018-03-12T23:08:26.000Z 0xghIOmmaaI UCEu7VUqZg67oTOEZkraIveQ Q, Our Children, The Storm...Wake Up! "The darkness and evil hiding in our government will soon be exposed. Prepare yourself and your family for the coming STORM! We must fight this enemy by exposing what is done in secret. And under cover of darkness. It IS Ugly!... It is Evil! But, it IS real! The Storm is upon us...... TRUST THE PLAN... #WWG1WGA Link to full article in comments below: Media Links: Thank you for watching this video. My Yehovah Bless you with strength and peace in the midst of the coming storm. Trans genders, 4 Studies by Walt Heyer | Nov 16, 2016 Link to the young man's video who's family is Persecuted!!! ""My family is being persecuted"" - Please sign their petition...." Shades Off - Eyes Wide Open 27 ['Qanon', 'Anonymous', 'Pedophilia', 'Darkness', 'The Storm', 'The coming Storm', 'News', 'The Dark Web', 'Q-anon', 'Anons', 'Government Corruption', 'Vicitims', 'The Church', 'Indifference', 'Fearless', 'Rising Storm', 'Nazi'] PT37M14S 608 11 20 1 not set not set 2017-12-03T21:09:23.000Z Q6E4fAf7fBs UC8PY4o5sTc1iCGIlSX4f15g 4chan strange things happening to my computer "donate to keep the channel going: follow me twitter: @shakaama facebook: shakaama or the shakaama live show instagram: shakaama linkedin: shakaama" Shakaama 24 ['investigation', 'politics', 'us news', 'donald trump', 'investigation discovery full episodes', 'investigation discovery', 'investigation discovery addict', 'investigation discovery shows', 'investiative journalism', 'investigative report', '4chan', 'journalism', 'news', 'investigative journalism', 'investigative journalism documentary', 'reports', '4chan pol', 'qanon', 'qa', 'qanonymous', 'q clearance patriot', 'q clearance', 'qanon 4chan'] PT2M38S 418 14 35 1 not set not set 2018-07-21T13:58:34.000Z 1avOUmTLc8Q UCZnTj6AM20oAZGIFt3PBCXA Intro to Q Anon. Who is he/them? What is his/their purpose? "Q anon first began posting on October 28, 2017 on 4chan. He now posts on 8chan. He speaks on behalf of a Trump-supporting team who support the patriots, the truth-seekers and praying Christians. This video is designed to provide a brief overview of Q's postings to-date and the direction of his/their purpose. Not since the days of King David has a leader worked for the patriots, the truth-seekers and praying Christians for justice, honesty and rightness. Today, a leader of a super-power walks in the opposite direction of tradition. His agenda is unlike his predecessors. The main stream media do not want you to know this for they support the other side. The world is changing and it is now the ordinary people who are reporting the news, revealing the truth and shedding light on evil." Sharing Sharpens 27 ['Q anon', 'truth-seekers', 'President Trump', 'Trump', '8chan', 'USA', 'patriots', 'Christians', 'truth', 'conspiracy', 'cabal', 'the deep-state', 'the illuminati', 'the globalists', 'the elite', 'secrets', 'Q clearance', 'aliens', 'Area 51', 'greys', 'reptilians', 'pedophilia', 'child sacrifice', 'baby farming', 'child trafficking', 'borders', 'evil', 'Comey', 'Clinton', 'Obama', 'Lynch', 'IG report', 'Fisa report'] PT1H39M9S 97 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T14:33:51.000Z yJ_4mgIhosI UCBcik8mGLUn7ZkG-b0GvIag We are Q "We are Q - What is Q? This is a movement that has come onto the national stage recently. In this video we try to give a brief summary of what the movement is about and who is behind it. If you are interested in supporting the movement you can buy a We are Q t-shirt at this link:" Sharon Leiter 22 ['we are q', 'republican party', 'young republicans'] PT1M30S 3409 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-10-13T02:14:10.000Z EfAMovpgp0k UCEhbc_YhZKQQYwK9sq8_4Bg Qanon 10/12/18 BIG NEWS Hilary loses security clearance??? "Step by step it's all coming out my friends. Patriots, God bless America WWG1WGA (where we go 1 we go all)" Sheep No More 22 ['qanon', 'hilary clinton', 'security clearance', 'deep state', 'patriots', 'WWG1WGA'] PT4M57S 237 1 6 2 not set not set 2017-11-08T21:38:03.000Z tHatmlNDBY8 UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Pol q clearance anon Part Two analysis by Traci Beanz november 5 thru current [mirrored] Q anon postings Saudi, Clintons, Trump, deep state espionage, top secret, current events, WHATS NEXT?!? Sheila Curenton 25 ['Q Anon', 'Espionage', 'Bread crumbs', 'Beanz anaylsis'] PT25M1S 312 1 1 2 not set not set 2017-11-26T17:26:20.000Z iSqJLBmSVWw UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Qanon UPDATE [ mirrored] Steve and Daisy give anslysis on latest Q posts. Sheila Curenton 27 ['WSO', 'Steve Olson', 'Damn Von Bon Daisy', 'Q Anon Latest'] PT40M23S 185 4 2 2 not set not set 2017-11-26T20:07:18.000Z LEBAWmw0xzI UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg 4chan Q clearance anon update november 25 2017 +++ ++ +([ mirrored] Analysis and graphics NEW UPDate of Qanon on 4chan Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon', 'Graphics', 'UPDATED'] PT31M25S 599 0 5 1 not set not set 2017-11-28T04:16:42.000Z amXz745OmF4 UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Draining the Swamp and Q patriot[mirrored] Roy Potter synopsis of Events thus far in Q timeline and RESTORING of OUR REPUBLIC! Sheila Curenton 27 ['Q Timeline', 'Avoid Rabbit Holes', 'Restoring The Republic'] PT24M30S 35 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-02T02:52:32.000Z tnGzoBjSjN0 UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Qanon 8chan how to find qanon on 8chan now [mirrored] How to find Qanon posts on 8 chan for your own research purposes. Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon', '8chan', 'Posts Primer'] PT10M39S 6960 6 25 3 not set not set 2017-12-15T14:47:11.000Z XatLmRckDGY UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Qanon email 8chan q !itpb qbhqo[mirrored] Qanon 8chan shares most recent Q updates. Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon', 'Qanon 8chan tuber'] PT3M29S 171 0 3 0 not set not set 2017-12-21T23:47:05.000Z XcqdPD_ArKE UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg q anon cbts confirmed by q! new q post amtrack lies [mirrored] Latest Qanon post with analysis by You tuber, AllSeeing Eye Watcher. Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon', 'US Sanctions Traffickers'] PT16M44S 152 0 2 1 not set not set 2017-12-22T00:50:35.000Z 2nQtVjk9VmA UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg q clearance anon is it happening part xiii tracy beanz [mirrored] More Qanon crumbs by Tracy Beanz just awesome huge thx GBY! Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon', 'Tracy’s Analysis'] PT36M10S 148 0 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-23T14:06:00.000Z 2XSJgb8dRpI UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg quinn michaels jason goodman say q anon is tyler deep state AI [mirrored] Leaping Frog youtuber disagrees with Michaels and Goodman about Q being Tyler Deep State AI. Everyone should research and educate yourselves to know the truth. Sheila Curenton 27 ['Leaping Frog', 'Quinn And Jason', 'Qanon'] PT29M17S 209 1 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-25T21:21:11.000Z Ldex13c3_qc UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Q anon confirmation by Sec Defense Mattis [mirrored] Roy Potter confirms Q anon recognized by Sec Defense Mattis in his posting on DOD of Gen. George Washington crossing on Dec 25 and what could be happening now! Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon Confirmed', 'Sec Mattis', 'DOD', 'George Washington Painting', 'Roy Potter'] PT3M15S 231 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-01-01T02:22:15.000Z gQLmqdyEjxI UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Retired Marine, Steve Motley, speaks the truth about guantanamo bay cuba gitmo [mirrored] Steve Motley breaks down Gitmo and truth about Trump, Qanon,Mueller, Sessions and more. Sheila Curenton 27 ['Steve Motley', 'Retired Marine', 'Gitmo', 'Trump'] PT14M56S 313 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-08T03:04:28.000Z SxDFXuQ8Zcg UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Q the Storm is REAL and its HERE [mirrored](educational purposes) SGT Report discusses QAnon with Tracy Beanz and Mods from 8chan on reality of Qanon and proofs. Sheila Curenton 27 ['SGTReports', 'Qanon', 'Tracy Beans', '8chan mods', 'Proof'] PT48M30S 112 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T02:30:30.000Z onVK6ziJrc4 UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg breaking ! memos released Qdrop by BPEarthwatch [mirrored] (Fair Use Notice) BPEarthwatch analyses latest Q drop Sheila Curenton 27 ['QAnon', 'Scalia', 'BPEarthwatch ANalysis'] PT7M40S 41 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-28T04:22:23.000Z gU6GBbaX4Z8 UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg Q Anon 127 ES @snowden + heart attacks can be deadly[mirrored](Fair Use Notice) More qanon drops by SpaceShot 76 Sheila Curenton 27 ['Q Drops', 'ES', 'Spook', 'Spaceshot 76'] PT4M56S 534 0 10 0 not set not set 2018-02-08T03:26:50.000Z qzgS7dWYerQ UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg feb 6 q anon requests anons help [mirrored Seething Frog Education Purposes] Seething Frog enlightens us on Qanon request for anons to locate information which, when found, will go viral. Video is for educational purposes and does not necessarily reflect views of this channel. Research and investigate All Patriots. God Speed Patriots! Sheila Curenton 27 ['Qanon Request help', 'God Speed Patriots!'] PT7M23S 428 0 8 0 not set not set 2018-02-08T11:45:13.000Z KRigmFAajUs UC4gks3YlrRX-bV5xnyux3yg welcome to medical corruption q anon[mirrored True Lies Educational Purpose] True Lies latest analyzation of Qanon drops on medical big pharma corruption. Sheila Curenton 27 ['Medical Corruption', 'Qanon'] PT13M17S 210 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-06-28T14:43:34.000Z WD9YddJ8nRo UC4sC0mVBq7o8rt6brjTUc0A Q Posts Episode 1 "GNN is back. Welcome to the very first Q drop. Follow along to open your eyes to the biggest conspiracy since Watergate. Follow Community Q on Twitter . Time to push go again on GNN. Qanon bewegt die Welt - mein erstes Video zur Qanon Thematik. Leider ist mein Equipment etwas dürftig und dadurch die Tonqualität nicht so tollo - sorry dafür . Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Enjoy the show. PATREON:" shelton dudash 25 ['Q-Anon', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Tony Podesta', 'Q-Post', 'Q-Drop', 'Barack Obama', 'Barry Soetoro'] PT33M38S 19 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-06-21T11:38:45.000Z uSnn18tHAws UCMtdaucyTn8S4yavwXsivpQ Q anon ((MAJOR EXPOSURE)) Meanwhile “the seniors” fight on Twitter The Qanon Network Explained. Special guest ((FREEDOM NETWORK)) non-anonymous Version Sheriff of YouTube 23 not set PT1H41M3S 398 17 26 12 not set not set 2018-06-23T16:31:17.000Z bE9SwzEDTEM UCMtdaucyTn8S4yavwXsivpQ Q anon asks ((Titus Frost)) 3 simple questions ABOUT SELLIN #PedoGate #SnuffGate #PizzaGate 4PROFITS "1. How much revenues have you earned -saving kids from #Pizzagate since 2016? 2. How much total donations have you made to save children? 3. Please name 1 Child you have helped firsthand since 2016?" Sheriff of YouTube 23 not set PT6M54S 1167 48 77 26 not set not set 2018-08-05T15:47:35.000Z RA58W721Wpw UCxWqlhmDlq4nQ0Jv5hD2wlw Transgender Trump Supporter explains Qanon and Antifa Assault "PAYPAL: PATREON: BITCOIN: 1HKhijBuxVrxdXCKQA7131sNdfoUFJZSg5 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: Twitter: @shuttershot45 Instagram: @shuttershot45" SHUTTERSHOT45 25 ['transgender', 'trump', 'rally', 'patriots prayer', 'Qanon', '4chan', 'antifa', 'portland', 'based'] PT9M32S 23221 661 1040 81 not set not set 2018-09-20T05:15:01.000Z 1JuQHXuZ3Jg UCGqed3GtTQ-3eDUS_YtItnA 【Marvel's Spider-Man】 #002 Infowars with J. Jonah Jameson "Spider-Cop is too old for this shit, fightin' crimes and wastin' time... doing pointless hacking minigames. Let's keep the Peter Parker shit to a minimum, I just wanna swing around New York beating people up and taking selfies. SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE: ● Say hi and stay connected: ● ● ● Tags (ignore these, also I used a tag generator based on the title of this video, so don't ask): spider-man, spiderman, spiderman ps4, marvel's spider-man, the amazing spider-man, spiderman game, the amazing spider-man game, the amazing spider-man 2, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 gameplay, spider-man ps4, spider man, ultimate spider-man, spider-man videogame, spider-man game, spiderman game 2018, the amazing spider man 2 game, amazing spiderman, marvel's spiderman, game spiderman, the amazing spiderman, spiderman ps4 walkthrough part 2, podesta,, conspiracyfact, video, heroin, deep state, trafficking, redankulous13, great awakening, anon, qanon, 4chan, ig report trump hrc msm news update, patriot, clinton, rosenstein, marina joyce, webm central, maga, awake, storm, q post, qpost, wwg1wga, we the people, you laugh you lose, ylyl" ShyGuyDY 20 "['spider-man', 'spiderman', 'spiderman ps4', ""marvel's spider-man"", 'the amazing spider-man', 'spiderman game', 'the amazing spider-man game', 'the amazing spider-man 2', 'spiderman gameplay', 'spiderman ps4 gameplay', 'spider-man ps4', 'spider man', 'ultimate spider-man', 'spider-man videogame', 'spider-man game', 'spiderman game 2018', 'the amazing spider man 2 game', 'amazing spiderman', ""marvel's spiderman"", 'game spiderman', 'the amazing spiderman', 'spiderman ps4 walkthrough part 2']" PT39M42S 28 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-08-20T04:52:09.000Z nMiYNMSo3Y8 UCwKUlUQDW2RVJADieMxoN1w Trumps Q Anon hand gesture, 'We're stopping them!' "Check out my work at Support me Join the conversation" Simon Harris 22 not set PT8S 502 5 14 0 not set not set 2018-09-21T11:03:36.000Z -kT9Gvfe5Tw UCMpnS1ol8dl2dYmQHFOGxjw Whistleblowers: Trump, QAnon & Project Veritas Against Deep State: Do You Believe in Coincidence? "Relevant Article Whistleblowers: Trump, QAnon and Project Veritas Against The Deep State: Do You Believe in Coincidences? Relevant Forum Section QAnon My Stuff Minds Gab Join the conversation Subscribe To My Back Up Channel" Simon Harris 25 not set PT28M51S 10079 84 289 17 not set not set 2018-09-05T13:52:23.000Z OaqMJzmaVw8 UCw30fdjkyAAWSpE7k9KqBmg Q Anon Patriot or Just Baloney "Is Q Anon a true patriot or patriots or just deep state smoke and mirrors? As a patriot of the United States and supporter of our present I truly wish what Q is saying is true, but as an American and a patriot I worry about my patriot brothers and sisters in the US who are desperately looking for answers on what is happening to our nation. I worry that people’s desperation for the truth may give the enemy an upper hand to lead us in the wrong direction and possibly unintentionally accelerate the demise of our country. See video for more. Donation at: Please on Patreon it can take all bank cards and it also talks PayPal. You make one time donation or auto monthly donations. For PayPal please look at the top of my home page for the donation button above. Please note; when you go the PayPal site it will say the donation is being made to TV Rapture on top. This is my old website and the donations to Sixth Seal News Talk are collected here. So, you can make your donation even though it says TV rapture it will go to Sixth Seal News Talk. it can take all bank cards and it also talks PayPal. You make one time donation or auto monthly donations. You don't have to be a PayPal member to make your donation. Support by getting something at the online shop: @sixthsealnews Website: Thank you for your support and God bless James J. Tsidkenu Many people that come to view the Sixth Seal News Talk channel are disturbed that I don't show my face. I have explained in the past that thousands upon thousands of YouTube creators do not show their face on their YouTube creations. The main reason I do not share my identity is because of my highly controversial commentary and point of view on today's event and news stories. I'm sure you know other hosts and/or creators on YouTube have been threatened, some have been attacked in public, also some have had hostile actions taken against their families. So, for the safety of myself and my family I will remain in the dark and after all the message that I give on my channel is not about me, it is about the message and my attempt to try to remove the blinders of lies and deception which are mainstream fake media continues to put out on our citizens here in the US and globally. I'm sure many people would have donated to the Sixth Seal News Talk and would have become Patreon supporters on a monthly basic if they could identify what I look like. But, the risk are too high and I will not put myself and/or family in perils. I am not a huge YouTube who can afford bodyguards and protection service 24 seven. And the thing is my commentary can be just as highly controversial as what is being put out by these highly popular YouTubers who have the means and capabilities to keep themselves safe. Even though you're not able to provide funding because of your view towards how I identify myself on my YouTube. Be assured that I appreciate you as a viewer and in a perfect world I would not conceal my face I can assure you. So, thank you for your commentary and thank you for you viewing Sixth Seal News Talk." Sixth Seal News Talk 25 ['Q Anon', 'Q Anon post', 'Q post Qanon', 'US news', 'midterm elections', 'news', 'US elections', 'Washington DC news', 'United Kingdom news', 'Australian news', 'Canada news', 'New Zealand news', 'French news', 'Spanish news', 'Italian news', 'Euro news', 'Asia news', 'Malaysian news', 'Philippine news', 'China US news', 'US China news', 'Donald Trump news', 'Indonesian news', 'Singapore news', 'Vietnam news', 'India news', 'Global news', 'national news', 'International news'] PT52M41S 1335 17 73 7 not set not set 2018-08-04T21:14:13.000Z 07MuhIUSszo UCwMqH2MBy8vkFjGpHYX0nWA QAnon Explained QAnon explained Slappy Kincaid 22 ['QAnon #QAnon Q'] PT5M42S 167 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T03:15:38.000Z 2R9Ne0VKP7k UChw9UTsz7aVtAHuHMe4Z3lg col roy potter show clip +++ defango lied, jumped on q bandwagon caller says 'he doesnt have anything to do w/ q. i think hes just jumping on the bandwagon'. sloppy socrates 22 ['roy potter', 'qanon', 'defango exposed', 'roy potter exposes defango 2'] PT2M 209 2 4 2 not set not set 2018-09-02T07:50:44.000Z Op7BGIM_mKc UC9JmiZwmt7n6Br-cykLk5jQ An American Kook The Lionel Q Drop Band smelter news 25 ['Qanon', 'Jam', 'Guitar'] PT5M7S 411 6 14 2 not set not set 2018-04-23T12:59:53.000Z 8vl0_YlVwU0 UCbBRmv6r0fO2gVlIXiFzVIg Q ANON CREED(Solentgreenis version) It's Time..... Solentgreenis people 1 not set PT3M28S 18297 191 1550 17 not set not set 2018-05-13T17:33:08.000Z AxZ2neGeh5c UCCdQAt2Y_XRiki0DnD5dveQ Q EXPOSED (by Alex Jones) "Q anon has supposedly been exposed as an ""app scam"". I am attaching the it and see for yourself and please let me know what YOU think in the comments :) 0HOUR1 - QANON 8CHAN LINKED TO (MONEY) TIGER CONSULTING GROUP, MOBILE APPZ SCAM!!!" Sophia Gothica 27 "['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'Q anonymous', 'Alex Jones', 'The Alex Jones show', 'Infowars', 'Infowars news', '0HOUR1', 'App scam', ""App's"", 'Q App']" PT12M25S 62 6 6 2 not set not set 2018-08-13T19:11:26.000Z jG9OTn01hkc UCFX8X9ARtrAAnmruVTvWuOg Tarot Sibilla Reading Trump, Q Anon, Manafort, Don Jr, - Week of Aug 12th-20th "If you would like a Personal Tarot Reading, Hypnosis or Reiki Please contact me at for rates and availability. Join me and become a Patreon member at If you would like to donate to my channel you can do so at the following link: Thank you in advance for your support. Blessings!" SouLight Hypnotherapy & Tarot 27 "['Soulight', 'Hypnotherapy', 'Hypnosis', 'Reiki', 'Tarot', 'Oracle', 'Card Readings', 'Astrology', 'New Age', 'Metaphysical', 'Predictions', 'Psychic', 'Psychic Predictions', 'Seer', 'Channeling', 'Romance', 'Relationships', 'Political tarot predictions', 'Donald Trump', 'Russia Investigation', 'Tarot politics', 'Lena Rodriguez', 'Psychic Violetta', 'Linda the Comanche Psychic', ""Tyler's Tarot"", 'Q Anon', 'Donald Trump Jr.', 'Paul Manafort', 'Invaka Trump', 'Judge Ellis']" PT39M20S 4978 37 259 6 not set not set 2018-04-03T15:24:39.000Z g_2uY_EW1q8 UCX3IhC33D--Fcowm72UeaKw Trump shouts out to QAnon board, and Roseanne Q tweets. "Anons request Q to have Trump say ""Tip Top Tippy Top Shape' and he does. Trump congratulates Roseanne, who also shouts out to Q. First segment is from: JustInformed Talk Here is his channel i highly recommend: Article from the video: Song: Ok go-Television, Television" Space Monkey 23 ['QAnon', 'QAnon posts', 'Trump', 'Trump speech', 'Roseanne', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Roseanne Barr on Trump', 'Roseanne Twitter', 'Twitter', 'Roseanne Qanon', 'Roseanne Qanon twitter'] PT4M16S 2397 33 54 1 not set not set 2018-01-08T07:11:14.000Z WQzdkZp967w UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/7/18 Posts + congressional report on planned parenthood Reading early morning posts from Q on a calm before the storm thread and reading the planned parenthood congressional report and showing why they do not need federal subsidies, they are self sustaining. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Sovereign', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex jones'] PT20M50S 1105 4 35 0 not set not set 2018-01-12T22:07:35.000Z px1bN6l_Gv4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- planes and trains ( NJ Airport fire) "You did mention planes and trains a few different times, was there something else going on at the New Jersey airport today? Because this definitely does not look like a Transformer to me" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Sovereign', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT3M37S 672 8 25 2 not set not set 2018-01-14T07:07:59.000Z 0LPBblPTXHk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 8chan posts 1/13/18- pt1 This is part 1 of 2 videos reviewing Q's post from night time on 1/13/18... Uraniuim 1 in the news. Tip of the iceberg. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT17M49S 7037 79 149 4 not set not set 2018-01-14T21:44:48.000Z m6DdCQ0YZPs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- posts 1/13/18. Pt2 This is the second part of two videos having to do with q's posts late night Saturday 1/13/18. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M23S 2823 55 69 1 not set not set 2018-01-14T23:21:56.000Z oOmcvPdqGcY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 1/14/18 posts. "Tg Trey Gowdy. Got Reviewing the posts that Q had dropped on Sunday afternoon approximately 2:30 p.m. Eastern" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT10M15S 18954 160 377 18 not set not set 2018-01-15T06:12:57.000Z DfRLhVYQ54o UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- fires back at Lynn De Rothschild 1/14/18 This video shows a couple messsges from Q from the Q research board, not on his/her/their dedicated page. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT3M25S 38377 103 861 24 not set not set 2018-01-16T01:37:39.000Z 1Xe4qxL0ZK4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Goodbye @Jack + J.A chess confrimed "This video shows how Q's post was proven, although even myself knew James Okeefe was going viral with that video today, so take it for what you will, also Q commends another anons answer to his code on SPLASH, how about a nice game of chess. This is project veritas video from today" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT7M39S 4014 25 120 1 not set not set 2018-01-16T07:38:47.000Z 3gu5UliwPJ0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q- Hawaii alert confirmed/ Clinton foundation Haiti. "In my opinion Q is definitely foreshadowing the Hawaii false flag alert and possibly may have sent that message on his board at almost exactly the same time the alarm went off. Also forgot to add honorable mention to highimpactflix channel. He shows how a report on NBC said that they AD and BC were in Honolulu at the same exact place just hours before getting a tour of the place, coincidences I don't think so, also we have Clinton Foundation scandals, and another dead body around the clintons, also Clinton's using Clinton Foundation money ""for Chelsea's wedding and life expenses for 10 years""" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT8M8S 19959 106 452 7 not set not set 2018-01-18T22:03:07.000Z kue6Nh4SQQ8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon Hawaii event + "7th Floor No More" Who are the people are on Qs post being referenced as the 7th floor SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT10M11S 6092 68 155 3 not set not set 2018-01-19T09:50:19.000Z XRyBWFOS1QE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 1/18/18 Qs post from 1/18/18, some believe Q is a LARP, just asking Q for more confirmation between Q and POTUS. thanks for watching. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j', '#maga', 'Storm', 'Elites', 'Cbts'] PT7M8S 4754 33 121 4 not set not set 2018-01-20T01:41:45.000Z YOr_YXfwH8M UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 1/19/18 pt 1/2 Memo/Airport Another few posts from Q from today 1/19/18 where all the buzz on the hill is over the memo. The whole damn Dem party is going to jail soon. #ReleaseTheMemo SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT19M28S 6988 63 155 8 not set not set 2018-01-21T04:23:56.000Z 8YFY8Or8m7c UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Q responds/ SR [187] Dossier codes. Q responds to a few posts on 8 chan and for the newcomers a breakdown of what a very likely scenario may have happened with Seth Rich, how and why he was killed, perhaps. We will see. The Seth Rich part is for those of you who are new to this. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT13M7S 34039 148 838 16 not set not set 2018-01-22T00:23:48.000Z Y-46yEmK9FQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/21- BO/VJ/NK/ES/GOOG Deciphered "Sorry for shotty editing. Big day today. A relatives birthday party the patriots game. Who coincidentally may be playing Lynn d Rothschilds Eagles. So was a quick put together and its all done on my phone. Thanks for watching. This video is showing New Q post from today January 21st 2018, and a deciphering through American intelligence media as to why Q is posting about NK /BO/ VJ / GOOG. American intelligence media video used." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M23S 4103 28 143 3 not set not set 2018-01-22T12:14:01.000Z EVlvp7NT7Z8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/21 pt 2- SC [187] Did JP put a hit out on a SC judge AS ? Was this coded message inside, with a link pointing exactly to where Anton Scalia died. If this is proven to be true this makes the dossier pale in comparison. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT12M43S 8819 51 346 9 not set not set 2018-01-23T03:29:02.000Z fjUDFb5W-oE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/22 + ball rolling on #Memo release Q posts from today 1/22 and they are actually rolling out the #Memo. Very nice SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'wiki potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'calm', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'memo', 'Alex j'] PT7M25S 8718 27 171 3 not set not set 2018-01-23T05:39:21.000Z R41Sfh4kBMg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/22 late night- WOW !!! In this post from Q he alludes to the fact that the FBI may have been sending text talking about assassinating POTUS this is bombshell material SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'wiki potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'calm', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'memo', 'Alex j'] PT6M26S 5061 79 213 1 not set not set 2018-01-23T18:24:54.000Z swCSjVRE2bo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 4am-Schiff/Feinstein ask MZ/JD help w/us Bots Cues post had come proven correct now that they are flooding the whole idea of Russian Bots all over the place, this letter from Adam Schiff and Dianne Feinstein request the help of Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg to help figure out what's going on with all of us Russian bots, LOLQ SpaceShot76 27 ['anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'wiki potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'calm', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'memo', 'Alex j'] PT6M39S 11965 127 306 5 not set not set 2018-01-24T06:04:03.000Z kvBYHiktgrU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/23 posts - @Snowden Cues post from January 23rd 2018 where he references a letter to Jack Dorsey and he calls out Snowden, things are getting very interesting SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j', 'Snowden', 'Fbi'] PT7M24S 19769 143 481 6 not set not set 2018-01-25T01:54:20.000Z POOYNiwCiPg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/24 posts BO Lawyered up ??? "Q Alludes to BO officially retaining counsel today (9/WW) and again a pic of a pen. A link was provided to a very good trump speech." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j', 'snowden'] PT10M38S 10242 89 431 1 not set not set 2018-01-26T00:12:30.000Z XZeIqNQ3kkM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/25- Mi6 Q's post from today January 25th 2018, where he references MI6 and a tweet where he tweeted about meeting Theresa May of the UK. SpaceShot76 27 not set PT7M27S 18105 109 516 4 not set not set 2018-01-26T03:57:00.000Z 3huZuddL6zQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/25 john Kerry meddling / channel regional analytics "Q says the fox news story on John Kerry meddling in Palestinian govt, telling them to resist trump, and ""he will be out in a year. Also my channel analytics by region and age, russia doesnt even come up 1% See we are not bots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex jsnowden'] PT6M54S 3151 62 173 2 not set not set 2018-01-27T18:31:42.000Z 7MrP2pNvhsI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/26+ 1/27 pt1/2 "This is part 1 of a two-part video detailing the January 26th and January 27th post from Q, showing the trim at the top of my video makes it 10 times faster to upload don't know if you guys really care about that let me know in the comment box below thank you Per a comment on this video they noted that I did not put any links below, I tried to upload the links and it keeps telling me 10 times in a row there's an error but then when I remove the links that allows me to save so I'll leave the link to this site you can scroll down and click on the links yourself this is the link to all Qs posts which he has done one recently even since my newest video The other 2 links it will not allow. Go to last link!UW.yye1fxo" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT7M7S 4327 36 113 2 not set not set 2018-01-27T19:28:08.000Z 6MRqq5U_VS8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/26+27 part 2/2 Part 2 of 2 SpaceShot76 27 ['Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M56S 11101 113 253 7 not set not set 2018-01-27T20:40:12.000Z kysCfEmY3co UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 1/27 ES is @Snowden + "Heart attacks can be deadly: These are Q post from January 27th 2018 where he mentions Eric Schmidt Snowden, then he goes on to talk about how heart attacks can be deadly. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT4M57S 25630 146 496 15 not set not set 2018-01-28T00:25:43.000Z aQX9OR9uJtA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Auntie Maxine Maxine Waters will be following up trumps State of the Union Address, for obvious reasons SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT5M58S 18476 205 548 15 not set not set 2018-01-28T06:59:27.000Z -lY_U-haiG4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 1/27 HRC/BYRD "These Q posts outline some statistical history about how Republicans and how Democrats who voted for African Americans and women rights to vote, also the statistics on the vote to abolish slavery, also post about Maxine Waters and how she can afford a 4.3 million dollar house but doesn't live with her constituents in southern Los Angeles but rather a gated community that only has 6% African Americans, one would say that's almost segregation Military channel video Hillary robert Byrd video Hillary ""Super-predator"" video Fox news-Maxine Waters $4.3 mil home" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT11M10S 7468 90 283 5 not set not set 2018-01-29T06:14:52.000Z BbCgNTo63ig UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- OIG has "lost" Page/Strzok Texts Just like Q says nothing is ever truly deleted SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex jones', 'Snowden', 'NSA', 'Fbi'] PT10M56S 10919 100 250 5 not set not set 2018-01-30T06:06:21.000Z X-104lYPfPI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 1/29-RR Conf Count/JC Tweet Cute quotes from January 29th and one from January 30th just passed midnight Prairie talks about the gym call me tweet and what was Rod Rosenstein Senate confirmation vote tally SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence', 'snowden', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex'] PT5M8S 16092 134 411 8 not set not set 2018-02-01T05:21:40.000Z dEnpchD0nl8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon-1/31 Wow!!! Schiff 🚁 crash "In this post it is alluded to that there may have been a big time cover-up between a certain Congressman that's trying to cover up the memo. Wow !!! Great info and minds: Only Q can post here: All Q posts and responses:!UW.yye1fxo" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT8M48S 20320 150 549 13 not set not set 2018-02-01T19:58:21.000Z fvsqg6OhqdA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/1 The Blackmailed are now FREE Q posts from 1/31 and 2 /1. Q talks about a suicide and the people that are being blackmailed who are now free SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT6M1S 32571 201 774 6 not set not set 2018-02-05T18:34:17.000Z b5IGFGNCz7k UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/5 Schiff/Roths In this post from today Q mentions Adam Schiff being a traitor and the Rothschild's selling 13000 acres in the Black Forest Austria. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT8M57S 19448 227 562 10 not set not set 2018-02-06T03:12:42.000Z hVo5YhmSvxg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/5 VJ/AS☎ call- image search In this post from Q he highlights a phone call between Valerie Jarrett and Adam Schiff, also telling us to pay attention to one of the black caucus members cell phones that may have said Trump should be shot, thanks for watching subscribe below SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT7M18S 14273 156 735 13 not set not set 2018-02-06T18:20:09.000Z 6WOv1O2Z_9U UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/6/18 In today's post Q talks about Anton scalia's death again and perhaps a deal for Lois Lerner to get a supreme court position once Hillary wins the election SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT5M44S 18685 121 462 8 not set not set 2018-02-08T05:32:30.000Z VQGp5UP7QUk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/7/18 U1/ trget d-tained !!! "In these posts from Q tonight he alleges that somebody of a high value was detained more talk about uranium one big things are on the horizon. all Qs drops here:!UW.yye1fxo" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT23M14S 47950 386 1151 24 not set not set 2018-02-08T13:43:45.000Z 2abaVibjrBU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/8/18 "P@TUS Freed" In this video I reference a few text messages from Lisa Page and Peter stroke, also early morning posts by Q from February 8th 2018 SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT3M27S 31201 143 977 16 not set not set 2018-02-10T07:38:29.000Z n_-myZ6nkf0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/9/18 [NEXT WEEK] In this post Q references next week something made her and something to do with the Rothschild also a plane or two at No Bai International Airport in Vietnam. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT13M55S 41559 276 1998 26 not set not set 2018-02-10T20:23:27.000Z 06_KHnpD7G8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/10/18 Navy Seals In this post by Q he references Asia, eric schmidt, obama, navy seals catching prey (PRAY) SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT10M37S 48597 569 1401 27 not set not set 2018-02-11T22:46:08.000Z Mvu_Tfn3mVA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/11/18 Plane down/@Snowden Q's post from today references Snowden, a plane crash, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the need to slowly handle the situation Q is handling SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT22M28S 58519 493 1426 45 not set not set 2018-02-12T03:57:15.000Z HwfkXQF0S78 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon-2/11 Pt2-McCain/Release methods In the second part of today's posts he was talking about McCain and airport in Thailand and also cures of diseases and his method of releasing information and why it has to be slowly trickled. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT12M14S 9136 173 643 6 not set not set 2018-02-12T23:53:51.000Z V6h6opS8FMY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/12/18 RBG/Message Received In today's post Q mentions Ruth Bader Ginsburg won't be around for long, also meeting between North Korean supreme leader and Bill Clinton in 2009, how we are being used as energy and a letter to Donald Trump jr. Resulted in his wife going to the hospital to check because of a white powder substance in an envelope, all initial Reports say it was not toxic, thank god. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT14M48S 16043 308 694 12 not set not set 2018-02-14T04:48:01.000Z CGHH33l1s2g UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/13 is Q legit? Alot of talk whether Q is legit or not. You decide. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT28M19S 30315 478 652 31 not set not set 2018-02-15T04:50:34.000Z gqjbHxz-aao UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/14/18 Roy/Monty?? "Qs post from today and a little chat on Potter and montagraphs motives. NOTE: DENISE MATTEAU WAS SOMEONE BEING HARASSED BY THESE CLOWNS, I NEVER INFERRED SHE WAD WITH THEM, SORRY DENISE. ""Umbrella man"" (not monty) 😉 video referenced Timothy holmseths channel:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT16M20S 26567 366 768 54 not set not set 2018-02-15T18:31:05.000Z _qo0lW53uNc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/15/18 Early A.m. Watch the water In this video I clear up confusion with Denise Matthew and how I did not ever say she had anything to do with these guys merely read a name that was on a list, in this post Q talks about watching the water and how we are not connecting the dots properly SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT5M29S 48629 348 756 33 not set not set 2018-02-16T04:09:52.000Z wbr999AMWgk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/15/18 world is not as u view it "A very lengthy post from Q today. Email me: mgills76@hotmail" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT17M34S 41314 492 866 29 not set not set 2018-02-17T03:42:54.000Z pGz1JhWd-hw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon-2/16/18 Warning UK "In this video Q talks about the Mueller indictments of the Russian nationalists interfering in the United States elections in 2016 Kama also Q warns us that is a lot of chatter for imminent danger in the UK. EMAIL: Mgills76@hotmail" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT12M58S 13704 194 147 13 not set not set 2018-02-17T06:37:15.000Z 4LqGCb0nh-Y UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/16/18 pt2 of 2 Behold a pale horse. The world is not as you view it. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT17M51S 7971 317 417 33 not set not set 2018-02-18T22:24:03.000Z hEU1mQ2qefM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Q Site down "For an entity named Q to be such a fake person a lot of people are doing all they can to kind of shut down his information, in this vid i go over a couple of posts Q had linked and the results of them. Also tonite live show on blogtalk radio 930pm eastern with Matthew of Truthnotfictionmatters, Steve Motley aka Retirer Marine, and Jesse from Bp earthwatch. Hope to see you there." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT13M2S 42486 342 738 27 not set not set 2018-02-19T02:23:43.000Z Zpozrhe5xWk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/18/18 Bo/Iran $1.7 billion In this post Q brings up the fact that things are being repeated and also the fact that Barack Obama handed Iran 1.7 billion dollars in cash as well as finishing up my previous video that got cut short SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT8M47S 27471 301 799 16 not set not set 2018-02-19T05:51:07.000Z 5xYb6J66_LU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/18/18 important update/posts "Q board great awakening has been hacked and all posts removed. They think they can stop this they cannot. We were warned and followed instructions to save offline. Done. Now going forward we need to lock in a solid way to get furthur intel MESSAGE TO Q: (as if hed be watching me. Lol) Draft a message on my email account. I give you permission to access" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT13M32S 33761 554 783 23 not set not set 2018-02-22T05:30:24.000Z xC7cGGC1gLE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q Anon- 2/21/18 "COMMS GOOD" In this video Q defines Patriots which you all are, and traitor which the swamp is filled with. Also seems to secure communication with the room. Perhaps encrypting? SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT7M27S 22531 152 678 9 not set not set 2018-02-23T05:01:53.000Z 3XJOOD7sOMc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/22/18 More Confirmation "Yet more confirmation from Q and word that some very bad news will be coming soon for someone who was very high up in our govt. Hmmm" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT18M49S 40492 408 1272 27 not set not set 2018-02-24T04:58:52.000Z uXYxNzkUuIw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/23/18 "...Was Set Up" "Q talks about. Cnn being Set Up. Not sure exactly what that means. Some study links:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT15M37S 56893 620 1749 28 not set not set 2018-02-24T22:04:02.000Z XHsPNYQXy1g UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 2/23/18 Missing posts last night "These are missing posts from last night and also a couple from early morning 2 / 24 Please subscribe to my backup channel: SOCALM76" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT10M35S 15601 240 1063 3 not set not set 2018-02-28T18:50:13.000Z jkFbm5g-CM8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon-2/28/18 Update "Update as there have been no recent q posts. Back-up channel please subscribe." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT3M55S 41606 213 1122 18 not set not set 2018-03-03T00:36:18.000Z qkfsoUw_wcw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Where are Q ? "A little bit of information as to why no recent posts from Q, enjoy Please sub to my backup channel Calm before the storn moderator log How to build a map" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT11M50S 21937 386 1186 19 not set not set 2018-03-04T07:21:54.000Z gHlzxRULGMk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 3/4/18- New posts "MY CHANNEL IS BLOCKED FROM UPLOADING 2 WEEKS Please sub to my backup channel Q said listen carefully (great trump speech, 5min) Site searches all sites for Q posts: Only Q can post here. No replies: Calm before the storn moderator log How to build a map" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT22M8S 68887 1155 2360 40 not set not set 2018-03-09T05:31:40.000Z nRJljCpC1zU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 3/8/18 @Snowden "We can take you anytime" "STRIKES REMOVED. 🙌 PLEASE SUB TO BACKUP CHANNEL IN CASE THIS HAPPENS AGAIN: THIS IS WHERE YOU GO TO VIEW Q POSTS: Good info Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map: Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT21M27S 41744 497 1705 42 not set not set 2018-03-10T06:52:08.000Z QwpDTbUsF3E UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 3/9/18 Snowden/Barry "About snowden and Barry Hussein Farmer Jones video today about. Q's post to Snowden ""comb your hair"" make sure to watch and subscribe: Please sub to my backup channel in case I get shut down again. i lost alot of you in the mix 😥 Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map: Searches q research and great awakening: Good info Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT13M58S 29768 296 1315 18 not set not set 2018-03-11T03:40:09.000Z tXKoS9V8ydU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon-3/10/18 "March Madness" pt1. "Wow. Too much to list again. Is angela Merkel hitlers daughter? Please sub to my backup channel: Go over and subscribe to my bitchute account: Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map: Searches q research and great awakening: Good info Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT29M59S 59797 967 1878 48 not set not set 2018-03-11T20:48:03.000Z 6_2izcUsyrQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 3/10/18 "March Madness" pt 2. "Sorry guys video was SUNDAY March 11th posts were 2nd part of Q drops from after 4pm on Saturday march 10th Antifa looks to be following a carbon copy of what happened in Germany Please sub to Prison we live in channel: Please sub to my backup channel: Go over and subscribe to my bitchute account: Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map: Searches q research and great awakening: Good info Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT16M15S 28324 349 1060 31 not set not set 2018-03-16T04:35:11.000Z GbzkeijF6jI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/15/18 "Public will Know Soon" "Hostage release, we have the sub? March madness. Public will know soon. Yesss Please sub to my backup channel: Calm before the storm moderator log: Searches q research and great awakening: Good info (down currently) Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT19M43S 133541 1088 3269 125 not set not set 2018-03-18T04:16:03.000Z Uyc7XcOLvSc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/17/18 USMC ACTIVATED "Nice. Q highlights how bad the corruption was/is and tells us the Marines have been activated. Yess Please sub to my backup channel: FIND Qs POSTS HERE: prison we live in gun control video Farmer Jones channel Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map: Good info Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT21M15S 91961 1797 4895 105 not set not set 2018-03-18T04:31:01.000Z JXHk43Ug2DA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon BO/SA ties 100% "This proves without a doubt that Obama has been paid by the Saudis from the beginning. A little suprise nugget at the end Please sub to my backup channel: FIND Qs POSTS HERE: prison we live in gun control video Farmer Jones channel Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map: Good info Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 not set PT21M48S 45717 556 2004 33 not set not set 2018-03-19T04:35:06.000Z EWd3dvmJ9Qg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/18/18 "Panic Mode" "Yes. Possibly hrc arrest? Never know. This week boom 3 times Please sub to my backup channel: prison we live in gun control video Farmer Jones channel FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Find Previous Q Posts at:, and If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: & Good info (when working) Only Q can post here: Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT7M15S 63338 790 2170 60 not set not set 2018-03-22T02:44:14.000Z PcWhowZbiX4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/21/18 " We have the algorithm" "Q mentions Mz and RT meeting Having the algorithm, i talk about ses, and Field McConnells sister who started Ses emailed him yielding. Please sub to my backup channel: prison we live in gun control video Farmer Jones channel FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Find Previous Q Posts at:, and If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: & Good info (when working) Only Q can post here: Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M23S 87194 835 2133 89 not set not set 2018-03-24T06:03:31.000Z VFWWzYpJ3vw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/23/18 "Stage_5:5" "Q changes trip code and perhaps signals stage # 5 of 5 ? Maybe Please sub to my backup channel: Prison we live in: Short gun control video: Farmer Jones channel FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Find Previous Q Posts (alternate) :, and If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: & How to build a map: Good info Q only posts:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT21M32S 62446 612 1675 59 not set not set 2018-03-27T11:56:03.000Z -XeQxtgwwl4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Q attacked...again During a very grandiose interview Douglas Gabriel AKA Thomas pain in the ass of the globalists made a startling Revelation that he had talked to Q on the phone, we look into this allegation. Perhaps he got taken for a ride? SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT13M28S 19630 711 1442 36 not set not set 2018-03-28T06:22:53.000Z Vn6ucpVEWLg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/28/18 House Cleaning "Q talks about house cleaning, Nk/Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, confounder of Facebook. Much more. Please sub to my backup channel: prison we live in gun control video Farmer Jones channel FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Find Previous Q Posts at:, and If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: & Good info (when working) Only Q can post here: Calm before the storm moderator log: How to build a map:" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT22M42S 91809 824 2677 70 not set not set 2018-03-29T02:46:44.000Z I0OTSHBfcaM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/28/18 "@Snowden shine the LIGHT BRIGHT" "Q discusses people trying to censor him, telling snowden to shine the LIGHT BRIGHT. Fox article ADULTS EYES ONLY Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Mgills76@hotmail - make subject SPACESHOT to highlight for easy discovery. My Gab Channel: content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My brothers channel ""prison we live in"" Farmer Jones channel" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT23M56S 48449 579 1548 52 not set not set 2018-03-29T04:07:06.000Z CPwsC1JSknk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 3/28/18 "Wonder who leaked this" "👍 i wonder who leaked this wonderful information which looks to me like progress. Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to QQQQQ so i can find them easier. My Gab Channel: content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) My brother Prison We Live in Channel: Farmer Jones channel" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT3M22S 21043 215 849 17 not set not set 2018-04-03T06:08:52.000Z L99bHnNivtk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/2/18 "[A]pril [A]rrests" "Q is back after a five-day Hiatus, with a lot of good news and possible arrest and prosecutions coming shortly Blinding Lights Gab: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: (more content coming) EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT so i can find them easier. FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) by D4Agon My brother Prison We Live in Channel: Farmer Jones channel" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT25M2S 77739 711 2407 75 not set not set 2018-04-04T07:25:29.000Z 2vDAKqjbt9k UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/3/18. "The chair" "More Q drops Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to QQQQQ so i can find them easier. My Gab Channel: content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) My brother Prison We Live in Channel: Farmer Jones channel" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT18M30S 48238 747 1637 34 not set not set 2018-04-05T04:45:01.000Z F57JWrkZS1I UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/4/18 "Natl Guard Active" "Very lengthy posts by Q tonite, Ng en route to border to protect it and seal off the from the paid group looking to capitalize on our border, in many ways like drugs and human rights violations Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// My Gab Channel: more content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel #WorldCitizens4Freedom #Tyler leave me a comment with some funny memes" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT39M37S 36604 571 1255 37 not set not set 2018-04-07T06:26:41.000Z Fjm284ukOdU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/6/18 "We Have Everything" "Such a big drop. So late, will update info in the am. Ep$tein ray xhandler Blinding light's Gab: My Gab Channel: more content coming Please sub to my backup channel: FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT42M11S 56886 609 1698 39 not set not set 2018-04-07T20:28:27.000Z yIYsfr3g_po UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/7/18 "Close (Near) to door" pt1 "Lots of info. Part 1 PODCAST TOMORROW NIGHT !!! Sunday april 8 2018 TNFM PATRIOT MESSAGE 9pm-10pm eastern time zone Blinding light @ Gab Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// My Gab Channel: more content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT10M40S 54263 594 1658 36 not set not set 2018-04-08T02:15:59.000Z RtMZg04mJ2Y UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/7/18 pt 2 "All 4 a Larp?" "Q mentions the fact that there's a lot of resistance especially going mainstream now, and it's all for a LARP, LARP for those who are not informed on it is a code for live action role player, or basically saying Q is fake, which we all know better don't we? Also just linked to Neon revolt as I stated in the video very very sensitive material read this warning and his warning at the top before proceeding please. Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// My Gab Channel: more content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT13M40S 42992 375 1477 42 not set not set 2018-04-08T18:10:20.000Z 2BJBfTIaULs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/8/18 Holder/ Pardons "Holder will represent California and all their shady illegal dealings, possible solve to friends and presidential pardons. Also some operational back and fourth between Qs (IMO) THANKS FOR WATCHING AND SPREAD FAR AND WIDE !!! Come listen in tonite and every Sunday night 9pm eastern- 10pm White hats Paladin WH channel: Links to holder CA talk From this Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Blinding Lights Gab: Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// My Gab Channel: more content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT13M33S 49798 373 1555 33 not set not set 2018-04-09T08:01:51.000Z wYDsgBWrQIc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/8/18 doing it live!!! "a bunch of Q posts about john mcstain and syria, also I did during the live webcast on tnfm but did not during this broadcast, give credit to Qs angel for sending me the info about the Q live op on Chandlers instagram account Come listen in tonite and every Sunday night 9pm eastern White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Blinding Lights Gab: Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// My Gab Channel: more content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j', 'snowden'] PT1H9M48S 42394 696 1104 42 not set not set 2018-04-10T04:28:26.000Z ay2sBCw3H1c UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/9/18 "FB Watching YOU, no account required" "Wow fire at Trump towers, Q says all social media is watching us ALL whether we have social media accounts or not Come listen in tonite and every Sunday night 9pm eastern- 10pm White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Blinding Lights Gab: Please sub to my backup channel: EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// My Gab Channel: more content coming FIND Qs POSTS HERE: My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT25M55S 38091 492 1202 23 not set not set 2018-04-11T00:37:05.000Z KEDZQ5XW-qM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/10/18 @Snowden "Testify then drop" "Doing a joint video of today's Q drops with my brother Jay from the channel ""Prison we live in"" Q talks to Snowden? Whos a traitor? My Brother's Channel: Blinding Lights Gab: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT21M10S 48170 566 1386 43 not set not set 2018-04-12T05:25:36.000Z 6yrkVT-dM-Q UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/11/18 "Fbi burning MIDNIGHT oil" "Q talks about the meaning of his midnight oil reference and also talks about ""lifelog"" a formed Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) program which shut down the day Facebook opened. Wow coincidence? Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT12M33S 34740 368 1161 25 not set not set 2018-04-13T10:43:56.000Z AxZQ1B58Mhs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/12/18 "Twitter down Injection good" "Wow,hrc? Video. Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Brother's Channel: Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES. Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M4S 35872 484 1075 21 not set not set 2018-04-14T22:24:42.000Z S1uA3--3ExQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/14/18 "TRUST THE PLAN" "More Q posts. Trust the plan people LETS SHOW YOUTUBE IF THEY TAKE A CHANNEL DOWN IT WILL COME BACK STRONGER Sub to my brothers new channel Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Intro song Puppet Master Massacre by MC MA'AT Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT9M49S 35931 537 1685 45 not set not set 2018-04-16T07:56:09.000Z 323zMbxMQWQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/15/18 Tarmac "lots of talk about the tarmac deal and u1 LL SC AS 187 LETS SHOW YOUTUBE IF THEY TAKE A CHANNEL DOWN IT .WILL COME BACK STRONGER My brothers channel was taken down Saturday please go subscribe now to Black Hats Down channel: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Intro song Puppet Master Massacre by MC MA'AT Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT26M54S 32605 445 1191 35 not set not set 2018-04-17T07:11:52.000Z w85LBpbDyU8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/16/18 "23andMe" "Q tells us to dig into Anne Wojicicki and her company 23 and me which is a ""genetic service"" company. Her husband is Segei Brinn co founder of Google. LETS SHOW YOUTUBE IF THEY TAKE A CHANNEL DOWN IT .WILL COME BACK STRONGER Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT17M6S 31394 315 968 37 not set not set 2018-04-18T03:52:43.000Z KpJi0Rv_d1s UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/17/18 BDT+DEFCON "Are they trying to set up Q again? We know Q team is against terrorism and terrorists, first they deny Q exists, then try to discredit Q. Now they'll say Q is real and a terrorist. Bs My brothers channel Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Intro song Puppet Master Massacre by MC MA'AT Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: Farmer Jones channel My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT34M20S 25447 365 1018 22 not set not set 2018-04-19T03:02:42.000Z rvNVbjFQH-o UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/18/18 Criminal referral "Nice. Comey clinton lynch mccabe strzok, and page have been referred for a criminal investigation. McMasters father possibly offed? Back channel 17 on twitter outted as fake by Q Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT17M19S 28480 314 1137 25 not set not set 2018-04-20T05:27:31.000Z 8TxM-MAPhe8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/19/18 Rudy "insurance File" NYC Ties "Rudy on board with Trump, 911 arrest? Pelosi offered rockets by NK? Too much. Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j', 'snowden'] PT36M59S 45125 699 1347 36 not set not set 2018-04-21T13:35:37.000Z EMLuLIE6rd4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/20/18 "Bait" "Wow Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT26M7S 33878 481 1401 35 not set not set 2018-04-22T17:19:21.000Z Q4ImyzwBy9g UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/21/18 BO/HUMA/SA/MBRTHRHD "Muslim brotherhood and Huma Barry and valery jarret. Click link on screen at end of video, or here Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 not set PT23M19S 30754 260 862 27 not set not set 2018-04-23T05:47:59.000Z 25DiuvxURwI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/22/18 @AlGore "Feel Safe?" "Hey Al Gore btw it's earth day where have you been? Guess you are content now that your net worth went from $2 mil in 2001 to $100mil now after investing in those ""green companies"" which you told everyone were good companies to invest in. More on Mslm B hood and HUMA and Obummer, Regan speech, we must fight. More talk about 5 eyes eavesdropping practices. Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: My brother from another Matthew at TruthNotFictionMatters: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT34M57S 36617 591 1290 47 not set not set 2018-04-24T11:35:34.000Z 2Uskig4HZ54 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/23/18 "The Truth" "Q anon what party is truly the racists? more HUMA mb talk. http://" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT40M32S 34551 523 1046 39 not set not set 2018-04-25T01:43:46.000Z Ds0QpX6SUyU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/24/18 "Moab incoming" "Strzok/Page missing texts will be revealed within 24 hours. Also talk about how KimJong Un was a hostage in his own country much like The head of Iran is. Cleaning house World wide. Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT15M32S 56150 578 1724 43 not set not set 2018-04-26T07:25:03.000Z Z7G8j3aZvbE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/25/18 Kanye wants to #Maga "Wow ready for tomorrow? ""are you a slave""? Vince Edwards channel: Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'kanye'] PT34M58S 33788 516 1190 43 not set not set 2018-04-27T03:32:41.000Z rJdqcsQ0QP0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/26/18 "some calling for immediate arrests" "Sorry guys and thank you. I uploaded the same one from last night. Im like wth. So sorry guys and gals. Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 not set PT29M7S 45875 824 1748 45 not set not set 2018-04-28T05:41:48.000Z 5vPhgtoigFs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/27/18 "Cooperating Witness or Fired" "Q lays out the whole plan. Mueller in on it whether forced to or not, Flynn set them up as well. Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! Dan Bongino video from 3 days ago. Very informative. Right after the 23 min area he gets into Mueller and companies conflicts. My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M54S 32933 354 1256 30 not set not set 2018-04-29T07:08:05.000Z W1FejBQxNzQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/28/18 "You Know What We Have-Your Move" "Q is not talking to us when he says you know what we know you know what we have your move AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M54S 47429 542 1970 49 not set not set 2018-04-30T03:57:55.000Z JdVBAPt7DE4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/29/18 "Be careful who you follow" "Q says be careful who you are watching, and following and try to see if they are doing it for money only or may try to steer people off the correct track. Awesome job to the maker of that meme i used in my video and thumbnail also to the anon who sent me the Evergreen chapel I lost your email ( nnett ) is all i can remember AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT13M56S 28761 596 2162 24 not set not set 2018-04-30T21:27:59.000Z 1lvuw_IJ-qc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 4/30/18 Iron Eagle= Eager Lion "q talks about a joint task force mission last night in syria (eager lion) which is an anagram of iron eagle, Pompeo in Jordan, Mueller probe now has the Dems worried, cant make this stuff up. Loving it. AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT19M5S 66431 532 1791 60 not set not set 2018-05-04T06:28:40.000Z U2g7WcwIHHE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/2/18 Apple and Planes "Apple and plane pictures. Very odd indeed. AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT21M17S 28746 480 947 47 not set not set 2018-05-05T05:52:34.000Z L4hhYlRmT7E UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/4/18 /PatriotsFight/ "Q has a new board and a new trip code.. New Q board. Looks like Q only (locked) AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M50S 31840 289 1356 28 not set not set 2018-05-08T21:50:52.000Z Lt4ZWuQXOMU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/8/18 "Mass Exodus D.C./Ceo's" "So many resignations and firings in D.C. and the corporate world. We are talking some of the most prosperous businesses too, why would a massive number of well performing Ceos cut and leave? AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) #WorldCitizens4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT20M25S 37878 380 1442 35 not set not set 2018-05-09T06:03:10.000Z Xb08NOyakJQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/8/18 pt2 "We all make mistakes" "Guys. A Couple of corrections made in this video, but 1 not addressed as was too late to add. My talk about Bush being in the bums outfit. I honestly dont know where that came from. Im guessing a melding of different stories over the years. I dont research and script my videos when i go off on tangents. I have alot more people watching now and will make sure im more accurate in my reporting. Thanks to the people who nicely showed me. ✌ My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! #WorldPatriots4Freedom" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M32S 29705 568 1410 38 not set not set 2018-05-10T07:45:52.000Z GppWaKxBy6s UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/9/18 "Happy Hunting" U1/Rosatom "1 post by Q a link to an article about Rosatom of uranium 1 fame and their ties to Irans Nuclear program. How does this tie in? Comment below. Also stormy daniels has a Nxium cult tatoo and perhaps proof c/o 👍 Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 not set PT11M10S 29039 189 1298 21 not set not set 2018-05-11T11:15:35.000Z hCzo3d1lWwE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/10/18 "What you are about to learn" "Wow crazy posts tonite. Great news all around. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT32M24S 47724 820 1884 51 not set not set 2018-05-13T01:18:10.000Z z3hpssm5_1g UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Puppet Master Massacre Audio ft. Mc Ma'at "Audio is by MC MA'AT, I was given full permission to use audio and I appreciate that, when I asked him if I could use his audio he said have at it I make music for the revolution, 👍 you can find MC MA'AT on SoundCloud I put his audio together with the last few months of pictures and relevant events used in my Q anon videos. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT3M29S 17337 214 1001 74 not set not set 2018-05-13T07:38:14.000Z -LzcwUA1fWQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon Q74/ Proof Q is still in control,...yet again!!! "Full credit i saw this on Yet another wave of dis-info, this time however the fish are a little bigger in the pushback. Many have wavered on Q I will not. Kudos to those of you who were not swayed by this pushback, Heres yet another proof Trump validating Q currently, enjoy... May 10th Video on Donald Trumps Twitter shows a Q74 on a fire truck. Coincidence? No. Once again POTUS confirms Q. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT1M26S 19545 255 1054 34 not set not set 2018-05-13T19:50:39.000Z im5Dv2nNqj8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/12+13/18 "Big Week Ahead" "More needing to clean up the judges state and federal. Welcome back Huma? Whats that? More controlled opp to Q Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT29M6S 45796 930 2114 95 not set not set 2018-05-15T02:54:26.000Z wm_ZuIwfmzA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/14/18 "Castle lock pointed refrence" "Alex Jones vs Piechenick video Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT26M57S 26040 683 1351 44 not set not set 2018-05-15T06:52:25.000Z Hlnd0h3mV3M UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/15/18 "Pain Coming" "Wow big news. Apparently we will be seeing some action regarding huma coming back (welcome back huma) she and husband had flipped and are squeeling. Video Q refrenced how AJ had systematically tried to take down Q: Eric Prince audio: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT13M31S 18704 385 1356 15 not set not set 2018-05-16T12:19:11.000Z BpACk9-P94M UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/15/18 "Together" "More former Q supporters Falling by the wayside, most of these channels are popular because of Q and Q alone and now they are turning their back on Q. So pardon my attitude in this video, I guess I could say for a lack of better term, I'm just getting sick of all these people bagging on cue when we know he has been confirmed with photos and I really question these channels and to be honest if you've been listening to my channel for a while you would have heard me questioning the same channels that are actually falling away from Q Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT20M30S 23512 628 1218 40 not set not set 2018-05-17T04:19:19.000Z L9iHVWO-gUs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/16/18 "Follow the Pen" "Q says to follow the pen (Trumps) which apparently already wrote and Executive Order telling Sessions to release to congress the paperwork requested. Now we can see if Trust Sessions was real or disinfo. Q is not a cult, Q is not divisive period. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT46M23S 30830 794 1410 32 not set not set 2018-05-18T12:03:29.000Z Ll66PRHokQo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/17/18 Cabal Being Watched "Sorry for the abrupt end of the video, I had originally added about another seven or eight minutes at the end, and decided against posting negative materials any further, a lot of good information coming through now, Anthony Weiner indictment unsealed, possibly could lead to discovery of information in his laptop regarding Hillary Clinton, and the videos or pictures of cell phones on pallets is explained in these Q drops, once again thumbs up like subscribe thanks for watching peace !! Go to this link for a very lengthy article by Tracy Beanz, where it is proven that dr. Jerome corsi has been infiltrating the Q movement since early January, and he was the reason we receive that message from Q back on January 5th saying bored owner compromised, nothing wrong with board if board owner is saying otherwise than board owner is compromised, that whole deal was because Jerome corsi took it upon himself to tell Tracy beans and the board owner that Q's post didn't look like Q's post on that particular day, can't make this stuff up, this was the part I cut out of the end of the video as I got a little perturbed and sounded a little grandiose myself, so we need to learn when to tone ourselves down and I did accordingly Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT30M43S 52665 990 1515 60 not set not set 2018-05-20T06:36:01.000Z jW96-WGef_A UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/19/18 "NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!" "John F. Kennedys grave in the shape of a Q, wow NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!  Was Qs password and was left out again, this time on purpose. So happy Q has given the fair weather supporters the chance to bail, oh and they have. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT41M18S 41575 1349 2061 62 not set not set 2018-05-21T03:44:28.000Z oF5MtUaBlpU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/20/18 "They are losing [ALL] control" "Q posts on Trumps Tweet saying i hereby demand and will do so 'officially' tomorrow that the doj look into whether or not the doj/fbi infiltrated or surveilled the trump campain for political purposes- and if any such demands or requests came from anybody within the Obama Administration. WOW. also more matching up Signatures for proof Q is with Trump,,,,,.again. i know but Q had major player pushback and Q needs to out them once and for all. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT25M29S 54984 845 1856 54 not set not set 2018-05-22T11:22:18.000Z YFR517RuObA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/21/18 RR recuse or forcefully terminated "So what will become of RR? retire recuse or be terminated, all coming to a head soon Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M20S 39757 590 1608 46 not set not set 2018-05-23T04:56:23.000Z WajmcB3KCbY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/22/18 [RR] GONE? "By Qs drop and nothing I can see publicly, Rod Rosenstein has either been removed or recused himself, once again Q verifies himself to be the same Q from November 9th 2017 by posting a picture today that was in succession with a pic taken by Q in Nov 2017. Keep in mind most channels agree Q was legit at the beginning and was compromised late dec 2017 or ""certainly by jan 5th 2018"" Well guess thats proven wrong yet again. More proof once we get that executive order to match up the signature of Trump to Qs post on or arounf May 16th Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT40M3S 54936 863 2018 63 not set not set 2018-05-28T08:10:29.000Z hYFmksb07d0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/28/18 Trusting the plan (no new drops) "There are no new Q posts in this video as Q had not posted in 6 days, we are looking at a couple of observable string of events to show that things indeed are happening, not to the speed of somes liking, however those people either do not understand how things work or they want you to be away from this train of thought. The msm trying to literally make up conflicts with foreign countries (NK) saying they hacked a UN sanctions server while the people at the UN deny saying theve been hacked, Finally the Anti Q movement at the end for those who dont like drama, but for me i couldnt let people just make things up. Reddit link to serialbrain2: Bill smith channel" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT49M11S 62189 1073 2330 78 not set not set 2018-05-28T19:55:18.000Z mJLK3mS_PUg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 5/28/18 Yes,I am Q "HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY !!! Yes I am Q, who are you.... Who are you that does not want Qs message out? Happy memorial day and special thanks to current and former military, police, fire, emt, teachers, all that fit into this scope of people trying to make the world a better place. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT8M41S 49304 722 2459 47 not set not set 2018-06-01T23:19:34.000Z OknuCuFb27Q UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon. Memes/music (last 5 month's) Special thanks to Bri Eaves for her contibution with some awesome memes for this video, great job Bri. Also im so sorry i forgot the name of the guy who made the opening meme with clint Eastwood. Thanks alot to you, yoy know who you are please comment so i can update this. Guys/Gals i tried to upload this video with an video i made last night but didnt work. Lol For some reason it was skipping really bad and the audio had a really bad whining sound in the background when i put them together, I will reupload that video tonight, have faith Patriots good things are coming soon!!! SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT4M38S 7854 148 573 7 not set not set 2018-06-02T06:36:49.000Z M9z_2C08vO0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon "10 days of darkness" (No new drops) "A idea that perhaps we are in the 10 days of darkness now? Also "" the white house is running this"" another new text message set from Page/Strozk John Soloman hill article.. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT19M22S 53329 1009 1734 73 not set not set 2018-06-04T05:03:23.000Z UBqFWGxhZ20 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/3/18 "A Week to Remember"(New) "Boom x4. Is JA coming back this week. Plus plane crashes in the Hamptons, Weinstein and Martha Stewart connected? My 1st Q video, for a good laugh.... Check out my brothers newest video Q anon ""a war on Israels enemies"" Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M14S 32135 582 2084 38 not set not set 2018-06-06T12:04:13.000Z xCIWCSaCdmA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Boom Theory/Killery 187 ties(no new drops) "Not a new Q post. But a theory of mine on the booms. Mrs Spade hangs herself with a scarf? who wears scarfs alot? Yup she was in the clinton foundation. The clock is in this article: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT16M45S 44022 657 1830 36 not set not set 2018-06-08T14:16:20.000Z PkxlJCoPxtw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Boom decode/ another celeb gone !!! (no new posts) "An unbelievable decode by serialbrain2 on the Boom x4 Q post. Wow, this is just to get this Awesome decode out, and i will be following up with and in depth video tonite. Anthony Bourdain was found dead of an apparent suicide. Suicide Week? Link to indictment. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Qanon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'Aim', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT4M28S 43616 417 1810 40 not set not set 2018-06-11T06:51:29.000Z Gwt2xFm0loo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/11/18 "Start the clock" (New) "New Q posts show surveillance of Singapore, also outlines how information is about to be released publicly. Is Julian Assange going to emerge? Maybe the document we saw signed by Trump was a pardon of JA? Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY COOL Made by D47GON Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT25M57S 110834 1123 4012 92 not set not set 2018-06-12T00:25:39.000Z qdRYf3N08UY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/11/18 pt2 [[[RR]]] (New) "Well it looks at though Rod Rosenstein will be getting the axe tomorrow unless he releases the requested paperwork. Also 6/11 may be a date pushed by the opp. Only time will tell. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT26M8S 35715 433 1813 43 not set not set 2018-06-13T06:00:10.000Z ek3hyvqmmVE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/12/18 "Missile Missle Fox Three Splash" "Yet more confirmation of Qs foreknowledge of POTUS plans at the Nk summit in Singapore. Wow an attempt to 187 DJT, and to blame on China, dont be so stupid Deep State, we are on to your DS BS Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Qanon'] PT32M34S 67153 688 2312 75 not set not set 2018-06-14T13:51:30.000Z H37RxhQm_vA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/13/18 Evil Knocking "Q says evil is knocking as we approach the day of the IG report. Looks as tho RR is trying to redact his way out. Not gonna work. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT26M13S 43724 785 1869 39 not set not set 2018-06-16T20:51:25.000Z SS7s22Fnxms UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/16/18 IG/HRC Children "The Beginning" "BO/MB ties? yup, indictments? MSM assisting ? yup, enjoy Dr Steven's very well done podcast regarding the IG report: Thursday June 14th Truthnotfictionmatters #3 IG report Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT40M20S 100495 1124 3345 100 not set not set 2018-06-18T02:30:39.000Z XKffl6CAS9I UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA q anon 6/17/18 pt1/2 clean up/cover up crew? "Q foreshadowing what we've been told as far as the IG report being altered, also obummers early ties to questionable Karachi characters. Also Gowdy asking if Wray wants to be part of the clean up crew or the coverup crew? Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT20M35S 53825 611 2182 63 not set not set 2018-06-19T11:41:37.000Z jAEjyK8R2xk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/17 pt2 + 6/18" Grab your popcorn" "Peter Strzok will Voluntarily testify, per a letter from his lawyer, devin nunes tweets grab your popcorn, dont miss it 10am eastrn time Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['qanonQ anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'So'] PT44M9S 51640 493 1889 60 not set not set 2018-06-20T11:20:48.000Z fyR3g4UvvtE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/19 JPC John Carlin """Planning on firing RR on Friday"" ig report, distractions. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT21M18S 30997 329 1460 30 not set not set 2018-06-21T13:51:20.000Z yA5kzWWMyJc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/20 "More direct confirmantions" "Once again Q tells us how Rod Rosenstein may be removed on Friday also one of the members Miss Jackson Lee may be a member of their society, also Q is verified by Donald Trump again as being pointed right to at his rally in Minnesota Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT21M27S 31750 417 1711 31 not set not set 2018-06-23T10:05:04.000Z S4ylVMsxOcc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/22/18 "Q & A postponed" "Catching up on a pic and post i missed in my last video also Q says Q and A session is postponed. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT15M52S 36931 1463 1824 38 not set not set 2018-06-27T07:32:58.000Z 6sj8lf8pJO8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/27/18 pt1/3 "Time to Feed" "Alot of talk about Julian Assange/Seth Rich/Comey blowing a deal which would have told who gave the info on the DNC servers. An escorted passenger? Secret service protected? Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M57S 52443 764 2501 44 not set not set 2018-06-27T19:07:56.000Z RC38ZjyfhkA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/27/18 pt 2/3 Deep State Warning "Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT7M18S 37193 598 2112 22 not set not set 2018-06-28T06:39:54.000Z U3pocCVZuxM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/27/18 Pt3/3 "White Squall" "Democrats got toasted at the polls, JUSTICE will be served, meaning serving up a good fair SC Justice. Ex HRC staffer arrested on child rape. Go check out and subscribe to Ramseys Reyes channel: SerialBrain2's reddit page: Seth Rich burning D timer site Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT31M52S 39153 776 1927 34 not set not set 2018-06-29T14:08:26.000Z XeyZumUcfw4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/28/18 Bourne Reality? "25 or so new Q drops today, Do we have a Jason Bourne like system in place? Was one activated in Merryland yesterday? Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT35M29S 45768 882 2313 46 not set not set 2018-07-01T12:00:18.000Z N9M7HdiUIKg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 6/30/18 "Ask Yourself- Is this Normal?" "Q reminds us of the very real progress and shows once again Q was correct about the left trying at all costs to remove potus. Reagan speech video Q refrenced: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT29M48S 52241 928 2249 64 not set not set 2018-07-02T05:05:34.000Z Ej0d9QRlGbs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/1/18- BO=Manchurian Candidate "Q shows an article in washington times, which calls Obama a manchurian candidate and also reminds us not to listen to the mainstream media. BO/SA TIES 100% VIDEO Articles linked in today's posts: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT35M13S 44649 779 2242 55 not set not set 2018-07-04T19:25:54.000Z 2u_0oOHn3cc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/3/18 Awan/AF1 "Q talks about the Awan case and tells us they would not disclose server details in a bank fraud case, also pics from inside AF1, as well as another top DOJ lawyer resignations. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT42M49S 44784 702 1569 48 not set not set 2018-07-05T04:59:17.000Z GswLPG3Y-Ok UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/4/18 Independence day "Q refers us back to early November posts and a short clip from JFK speech. Serialbrains Jfk decode done by War Drummer channel. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: Email me: Ladies. Lol jk AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT27M37S 38447 348 1811 34 not set not set 2018-07-07T17:32:04.000Z HAm-X1FyxBg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon/ Serialbrain2 AF1 Decode "Once again serialbrain2 has outdone himself with a master decode of the Apple picture inside of the Air Force One once again proving POTUS is with Q team and a couple of extra digs on to the Deep state within this coded message. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Blinding Lights Gab: My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M24S 48918 520 1966 55 not set not set 2018-07-10T18:54:57.000Z uwC-LYqe1RA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/10/18 SR/LP/PS/JJ (no new posts) "Discussing this weeks events. Explained in video. (On vacation haha) Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT7M19S 24646 312 1295 24 not set not set 2018-07-13T22:03:41.000Z BVosPouGqYw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon-From the beginning oct 28 2017 "Per request the start of Qs known posts starting on October 28 2017 and in this video until the 1st post of November 1st. Enjoy Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M53S 23359 242 1232 24 not set not set 2018-07-15T19:54:43.000Z 6HePdAjoYQQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon Related- Strzok circus hearing ( no new posts) "Wow what a ridiculous site. Moore swamp creature deception, this small video highlights the lengths they will go to not answer a simple question like how many people did you interview in an 8-day period during the beginning of an investigation, this also highlights aiton D Goelman who is quite the DC fixer and shows how he is been ingrained in the southern district of New York us attorney's office, just like the rest of the deep State scum.  under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT14M15S 16262 286 1115 13 not set not set 2018-07-16T05:00:22.000Z X6NEeXNQJzg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon related- Borders "Here are a few examples on why we need borders to secure our country, and how the dems WANTED illegals out under previous administrations but now Trump is in office they want different things.  under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Complete homeless camp video by Jay Skip: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT12M3S 18899 185 1232 15 not set not set 2018-07-20T17:05:45.000Z TOeFXMgVkRM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Helsinki decode/Strzok- #Treason "We have the same Global cabal calling for treason on Donald Trump, just like previous to his assassination of John F Kennedy was also accused of the same, their game doesn't change much for Jack what you do onto others and try to make your opponent look bad using any means necessary. I will create a community post when the images are on this site later on today wordpress site: I'm not a doctor, just passing this along: Cancer video: not exact one but name (DCA) is the drug being suppresed  under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT22M44S 26066 489 1799 37 not set not set 2018-07-22T00:58:33.000Z jJOZODo8iQE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- important interview- paladin WH "Here is an interview you don't want to mess over on mixlr come join us" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT2M34S 20298 130 999 29 not set not set 2018-07-23T00:56:32.000Z Vn-bbVdmmDY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Dominoe$, Dough, and Pedo$ "In this video I give you my top three reasons why I believe Trump is/was posting. These are the top three reasons why I believe they are trying to awaken the masses. Black hats down Debbie Wasserman Schultz- ""keys to the kingdom"" )Hal turner link: more great news at: Tshirts, a better look   under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WWG1WGA #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 not set PT35M20S 32290 645 2125 41 not set not set 2018-07-25T12:17:13.000Z YOnx_oNDwic UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/24/18 "Something BIG is about to DROP" (New Posts) "20 days later and Q is reminding s about security clearances, showing hs 6 high level criminal referrals.  under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT56M26S 53583 651 2527 63 not set not set 2018-07-26T06:06:05.000Z fSKqUHvxB2s UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/25/18 "Destruction of the OLD Guard" "Facbook drops 24% in hours. Did Q team and POTUS activate a mission? We'll see.  under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M31S 35340 520 2118 29 not set not set 2018-07-27T13:46:28.000Z s61iV9hbSRI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/26/18 Robert Mueller Unmasked "Today's posts deal with the downgrading of Rod Rosenstein impeachment to a possible contempt, whether he and Robert Mueller are really good guys pretending to be bad, also hidden messages inside of pictures. Gohmert-s Mueller pdf  under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers new channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots #MAGA #WalkAway" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M50S 36736 396 1788 32 not set not set 2018-07-28T07:26:23.000Z 5Ck-fsB8Q_U UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/27/18 In the storm? "Q higlights of Strzok testimony. Mueller at airport. 50 M.I.A bodies from Korea and Trump. Says thank you to Kim. Matthew drops in for a chat. Pooped. Goodnight. Please ×a to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.666" SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT31M41S 46441 550 1971 50 not set not set 2018-07-29T01:17:04.000Z OZA3EvkBHLk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? "Q addresses the whole ""nothing is happening/ not fast enough"" thoughts people have been expressing. These things take more time than the everyday person would like, but rest assured things are happening. Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc New ""Book of Q"" current until early May. 852 pages with illustrations and clickable links( Very well done) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT14M43S 45695 606 2588 33 not set not set 2018-07-30T06:06:22.000Z XI_3ot9AVRc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/29 "Buckle up" "Q says Buckle up, shows Michael Avenatti's office and later goes on to show how Avenatti and Brenner had proven foreknowledge of the attempt on POTUS in AF1 on the way back from Singapore. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT27M57S 53808 847 2826 49 not set not set 2018-07-31T16:54:15.000Z Y8ABhUh5_Pg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/30/18 "Dark to light" "Q is showing how Gina Haspel now the head of the CIA had been stationed in the UK seemingly right in the area of all the FISA scandal, what does she know? Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Check out the wordpress site: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M18S 37889 511 1935 50 not set not set 2018-08-01T06:48:42.000Z eqv3b3fryLM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 7/31/18 "The world is about to change" "More confirmations Q is with POTUS, Mueller refers someone for investigation, but its not who you'd wxpect, and Rod has himself in another conundrum, note there were 3 addiltional posts Q requested on the last to remove the previous 3 due to sensitive nature. hopefully people listened. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M42S 94939 1171 3561 111 not set not set 2018-08-02T11:54:26.000Z 3qh_BUO5oy4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/1/18 "Gone Mainstream" "Q has gone main stream. Exposure about to explode. 20 redacted pages will topple the deep state = Illegal Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT18M49S 52507 851 2795 58 not set not set 2018-08-03T14:36:31.000Z -t4etiU5sgk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/2/18 Trump Trolls MsM Wow Trump trolls the MSM big-time, apparently there were many more reporters than usual at this rally, after trying to frame we the people, real people who are Trump/ Q supporters, as lunatics, did they arrive for a big story, possibly an Ack-tiv Shute-er (mispelled for A.I. bots) only to find most Q merchandise had been removed by Secret Service beforehand? Trump= 5D chessmaster. SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT32M 33757 1588 1995 37 not set not set 2018-08-04T17:43:29.000Z GY-HVyhkwVY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/3/18 "We have the Server(s)" "Turns out our hero from the rally may have been more foe than friend. Also Q says we have the server(s) Bad news for the bad hombres. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #WalkAway under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'praying medic', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Tracy beanz', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soro'] PT33M51S 61123 669 2306 60 not set not set 2018-08-05T23:47:12.000Z ds-la4lNg-I UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/5/18 "Reconcile" "So HRC supports African amercians however per her own words. Sen. Robert Byrd was her strongest mentor, the same Sen. Byrd who was a KKK leader. Also talks of the Fisa report being unredacted and what that will mean. Q updated his secure password today aka ""trip code"" Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT14M35S 42878 552 2770 41 not set not set 2018-08-07T08:51:16.000Z pjCREYAxFCU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/6/18 "Define Conspiracy" "We are given links to FISA guidelines and a FISA memo talking point summary, also Q defines Conspiracy and shows it is POTUS who is being conspired against by the strong msm pull which is losing credibility by the hour. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #MAGA under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT20M45S 49846 412 2370 41 not set not set 2018-08-08T15:27:04.000Z xH_FtMZau6U UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/7/18 2018=1984 "Q tells us about the ndaa and how they are censoring anti leftist videos and commentary, people like Alex Jones are being removed from social media, and regardless of what your thoughts are on him he should have his right to free speech. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #MAGA under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT9M15S 39928 490 1954 29 not set not set 2018-08-08T23:41:28.000Z qr_3BOeVgKg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- We Are Q !!! "If you listen to the mainstream media they will tell you that Q is dangerous, cues supporters are frantic Fringe crazy, every negative word in the book to describe q and q's followers, I put out a roll call 3 videos or so ago to have people leave a short description as to who the Q followers are, this video is a recital of those comments, who are Q, we are Q Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Maga under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT1H24M25S 29130 719 2267 36 not set not set 2018-08-10T13:00:59.000Z yoYvunNGK0E UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/9/18 "Showtime" "Q says we are done with previews, and it's on to Showtime, I believe he means about the fisa redacted portions that President Trump will most likely unredacted hopefully tonight, who know how they love those Friday night information dumps Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Maga under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT18M33S 64118 772 3018 61 not set not set 2018-08-11T05:50:33.000Z Rdq0Hi-_XRo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/10/18 "Now they all Lose" "Q reminds us of a DJT speech where he says HRC took villages in Hai-ti. We know the Cli-ntons are despised by the people of Hai-ti, many videos on the subject, Q has a new trip code As well. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT20M32S 45857 666 2740 39 not set not set 2018-08-12T20:09:46.000Z JKp-gk5rcfg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/11+12/18 Q airplane "Stolen" "Q talks a lot about mainstream media and how is skewed also a plane that was stolen definitely seem to have q ties behind it, also Amoroso leaking getting fired by Chief of Staff John Kelly, apparently this was part of the plan knowing that she was leaking material, and perhaps they set her up in that case. Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT39M2S 79253 946 3730 83 not set not set 2018-08-13T12:46:43.000Z jCJD4OtVxT0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- missle shot "accidentally" "I believe Paul had sent me the correct information on which plane Q was talking about accidentally firing a missile, also a few odd names in that Ketron Island area, like posession point, CULTus ave, Clinton to name a few. Very close to alot of the ""Elites"" like Gates and Bezos. White hats and Autists please dig in!!! Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT11M16S 32126 462 2547 24 not set not set 2018-08-14T08:13:00.000Z GgWd74zCSSc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/13/18- "A set up by Russian & Clinton Operatives" " 100k signatures needed 368k already but please go sign up to declare antifa a terrorist orginization. More pedowood tweets for severely twisted minds of Hollywood, Rainn Wilson in today's case. Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT32M38S 37232 542 1946 32 not set not set 2018-08-15T11:59:37.000Z RBtIMZCG-Oo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/14/18 "Actors will act" "Alex Jones in a Q post again, wow. also Q talks about how disgraceful the judges in New Mexico for ordering the release of the people at the compound who were setting up little children to be School shooters Kama also report out of Philadelphia shows Catholic priest sexually abused over a thousand kids and a few more different topics are covered today in Q's post. Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M29S 48249 840 2180 51 not set not set 2018-08-16T03:47:38.000Z EvO7Dkp8pjM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/15/18 Clinton's Haiti-Brennan SEC Clearance gone "Q post remind us of POTUS comments on the Clintons in Haiti, they took advantage of the people of Haiti, and that POTUS removed the traitor Brennans security clearence, he has zero need for it as the only need would be for helping an incoming administration, which he clearly is not, Gloria Vanderbuilt (Anderson coopers mother) and the creepy Symbolism and how it ties into Podesta artwork. Creepy SOBs. Ronald regan- We must fight video: The video that will get Trump elected: Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT38M3S 41347 505 2070 38 not set not set 2018-08-17T04:46:21.000Z RDVZSWXkyrU UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/17/18- Q Drops/They React "Q shows in a number of ways that when Q posts they react. Whether it be Lamestream media or F a lse F l ag type of event they always seem to react. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT33M5S 71829 1002 3072 59 not set not set 2018-08-18T19:03:15.000Z bxMEFbSDYD8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Judge Threatened / Anti Q MSM asks for Juror info? "John Brennan tries to push back on President Trump for removing his security clearance, meanwhile in the manafort case the judge TS Ellis the Third says that he has been threatened and will not release the names of the jurors as he said he does not feel it would be safe for them, also the group asking for the Jurors info are the same MSM group who are against Q. Go figure. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT7M26S 24835 339 2285 18 not set not set 2018-08-20T09:53:59.000Z v_5EKGmNPW4 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/19/18 "Showtime" "Q tells us there are 3 movies and we are in ""Showtime soon to a theater near you"" phase of movie 1. Movie 2 this fall and 3 Tba. Reminders of the changes to the UCMJ with the Sec of Defense and Homeland Security giving guidance on Human rights and Corruption offenders. Thanks for watching. Video: Something BIG is going down in Hollywood & its not Harvey Weinstein- Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT35M40S 111971 877 4055 100 not set not set 2018-08-21T03:22:49.000Z x2OGExAn9vw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/20/18 "Untethered" "One Q post from this morning has to do with a post Q made a few days ago concerning Jim comey's Gmail drafts using the word untethered, well today Comey tweets out and uses the same verbiage, untethered, also looking into Asia Argento and how she paid off her accuser, yes she was accused of raping somebody herself, also a little touch-up on the question of did Rod Rosenstein know about Nelly and Bruce are working together to create the pee pee dossier Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT14M30S 33598 383 2248 25 not set not set 2018-08-21T18:19:19.000Z zG5D6Uk3Chg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/21/18 Connect the Deep State Dots "Q gives us a link to a well written history of coverups and the sysytem put in place to ensure that their little pay for play scam stays in place. Thank God for President Trump. Reddit link article in video: Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT12M41S 86370 545 3938 66 not set not set 2018-08-25T18:37:03.000Z ctWPdhQ40q8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon "Showtime" Revisited (No new posts) "In this video I go over what I believe the meaning of what showtime in Q's last post meant, all foretold. This spat with Sessions, in my opinion was foretold in a post by Q earlier in the week where they refrenced a speech by Sessions where he says the exact same thing as how he replied to Trumps tweets in the past few day, all scripted, this plan has been in the works for years. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M46S 35732 450 2097 44 not set not set 2018-08-26T21:20:01.000Z 9OvOOHdNr-w UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/26/18 We dont Say His Name "Posts by Q today refrence, JM, former senator for Arizona, who, by all MSM accounts passed away yesterday at the age of 81, also happened to be 17 days before 9/11, we go into a few older postings by Q which show that he was treasonous at best, sharing the Presidential briefing with his Cabal allies, and perhaps to the highest bidder. Mccain war records sealed article: Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT24M4S 55763 910 3107 32 not set not set 2018-08-28T07:32:14.000Z LPwKlPNJybM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/27/18 HOOAH! "Q runs us through the Stefan Harper story by Sara a Carter which shows he had been the person who was the deep state mole and possibly a CIA agent as well, Q shows how Rep. Mark Meadows tweet seems to confirm he has seen the evidence as well, last post shows HOOAH! Which coincidentally is the same pic as Gen. Flynn had changed his Twitter profile pic to recently. Exciting news! Our teespring store has launched! Thanks so much for the support & patience! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Ronald Regan We must fight Video that will get Donald Trump elected Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M42S 35244 610 2407 29 not set not set 2018-08-30T12:17:38.000Z vO0Voa_Lisw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- 8/28+8/29 2018 Things are speeding up "many, many posts by Q yesterday and today, totalling more than 50, alot on Ohr testimony, a bunch on HRC server being ""hacked"" (allowed access) by China, also has she named our spies in foreign countries, things are def speeding up, peace!!! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Very Cool Toy: Twitter for only Maga/Q type posts: Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT1H9M27S 65402 1006 2840 66 not set not set 2018-08-31T13:41:52.000Z AWlDjsuvegI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/30/18 "SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?" "Q talks about removing the Deep states surveillance, also a revelation on how Ohr's testimony reveals he had kept Andrew Weissman briefed on the, at the time, ongoing dossier development. CHECK OUT MY Q ANON T-SHIRTS HERE: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT29M19S 52261 876 2900 42 not set not set 2018-09-02T00:05:57.000Z W4W0lYqJc68 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 8/31+ 9/1/18 Alice (HRC) in Wonderland (SA) "The floor is being pulled out from under the deep state. All of their surveillance equipment has been taken offline, now we find out there were never any FISA court hearings for Carter Page, Gen Flynn or Popadopolous. Bit time corruption. Also Q clues us in on who Alice in the previous ""Alice in Wonderland"" posts by Q My Q anon Tshirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT37M45S 54568 785 2711 43 not set not set 2018-09-02T23:34:36.000Z Qse6ME4Tfec UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/2/18 Facebook is Lifelog (DARPA) "Q reminding us of Facebook origins which are from DARPA, Lifelog, which was facebooks original name under DARPA, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) which is a U.S. govt program meant to find out all of our daily activities. Also mentioned is Ezra Watnick-Cohen who was brought in by Gen. Flynn, how Cohen was ousted from Dni and emerges from the DOJ. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'praying medic', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'justinformed', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Sor'] PT23M19S 66301 658 2696 56 not set not set 2018-09-04T11:51:51.000Z Jvb90xAWgk8 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/3/18 "D-E-C-L-A-S" "Q talks about a possible mission in Syria, also leaves bread crumbs about hopefully the declassification of the fisa warrant applications, as well as showing, once again that Facebook was never anything except a government utility meant to track its citizens every move from birth till death, kind of creepy if you ask me. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M53S 55602 498 2567 46 not set not set 2018-09-05T10:18:05.000Z LMdBTiuCAmQ UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/4/18 "A week to remember" "Q's post shows us how he was correct in @Jack's testimony on shadowbanning, also HRC really cares about us, yea ok, she doesnt want President Trumps nominee to go through. Finally John McStain is called the ISIS ""godfather"" and ""Supreme leader"" Really nice. My Q anon shirts can be found here: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT19M39S 47728 487 2369 42 not set not set 2018-09-06T07:01:34.000Z _-tnEOuY44w UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/5/18 TREASON? "Uranium one is brought up again, showing how the Clinton foundation made 2.35 million (at least) off of pay for play on Uranium 1. Auntie Maxine owning a 4 million dollar house is also highlighted. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT22M10S 52222 573 3140 44 not set not set 2018-09-07T05:27:38.000Z -6O-Uw_C7SM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/6/18 Grand Jury(s) "Well we reported months agowhen Andrew McCabe got fired and started the A Mccabe legal defense fund on gofundme. Today an article shows why he needed the money. Also more Alwx Jones allegations of being an agenrnof a foreign power. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT20M34S 67619 740 3525 56 not set not set 2018-09-08T18:42:18.000Z m7znvs_j8_k UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA q anon 9/7/18 FISA FISA FISA "Q talking about, once again all the deception which rang from the FBI/DOJ, Also destroys the whole ""Jack Posobiak unveils Q"" with the bogus chat logs. Nice trt Jacky boy!!! My Q anon shirts can be found at: (All designed by Bri) Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT32M55S 46777 501 2126 33 not set not set 2018-09-09T07:27:51.000Z WBn0nakKr4I UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/8/18 Pledge of allegiance "Q reminds us of how America used to be, and in my opinion coming back in a big way, a place where saying merry Christmas is ok. I like the sound of getting America safe again. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT10M15S 23076 360 2022 20 not set not set 2018-09-10T05:43:34.000Z FDymSJmMgAo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/9/18 "Knowledge is Power" "Theres shillery about on the menu and Jack Posobiec is the main course. Once again another fool tries to debunk Q and fails miserably at it. Sloppy chat log editing. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'praying medic', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT18M8S 42434 530 2732 35 not set not set 2018-09-11T14:28:55.000Z l13jZtmN9Ws UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/10/18 "Shills will shill, Patriots WIN" "Q shows us proof of how Q is linked in with President Trump, both Q and president Trump both messaged at the same exact time today. BOOM!! Also shills are put on notice. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT32M6S 35494 420 2082 29 not set not set 2018-09-12T07:49:32.000Z GXkfdi8tJd0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/11/18 "Panic in DC" "Panic in DC as Q tells us what is going on behind the scenes in NY. RATS are scattering quickly to cover their rear ends. 9/11 tribute video(s) Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT22M54S 61886 702 2803 49 not set not set 2018-09-13T11:37:02.000Z hcpXvsbEWbE UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/12/18 "with PANIC comes BETRAYAL" "Q team seems to be taunting the Deep State at this point. The Texts that keep coming out are worse and worse each release. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M9S 84946 802 3896 27 not set not set 2018-09-16T08:36:30.000Z P-AP48CeZcA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/15/18 Week of the 17th "Gen. Mike Flynn Acceptance speech Trump arrests the bunch parody Fisa is once again the main topic. When will it be declassified? Well another drop tells us there are rules against classifying things which are illegal. No covering up crimes or misdeeds. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M4S 91294 803 4021 76 not set not set 2018-09-16T21:49:17.000Z T-TtciIe0QA UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/16/18 Anti Q Challenge- put up or... "Yet more talk of FISA, another reminder of the emergency text we will be receiving next week, which will allow POTUS to send mass unblockable text messages to everyone in America, NICE!!!! Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT30M5S 78027 1009 3466 66 not set not set 2018-09-18T08:36:07.000Z 3q6JtBAvjHk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/17/18 Fisa Declas has been ordered "Finally the presidential memo ordering declas of the Fisa application to spy on Carter Page has been written. Cant wait to see this unfold, stay vigilant. See something say something. Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT27M38S 70701 793 3015 52 not set not set 2018-09-19T14:37:54.000Z 5nV3vp4B_ow UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/18/18 Projection & Selective Moral Outrage "IG Horowitz speech before national whistleblowers conference: Discussing how President Trumps order to declassify is making the deep state speak out, even more agsinst him, as they very well know, Fisa takes down the house ( Obummers white house) Q anon shirts can be found at: Contact/follow Bri: My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT19M44S 46477 419 2188 31 not set not set 2018-09-20T10:20:48.000Z SbMv9mrXatk UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/19/18 Shall We play a Game "Q does a mini Q &A session until the chan boards were hit with 400,000+ ip addresses, all for a larp. Also discussed is the structure of the of the Inspectors general, how Inspector Horowitz works with Huber and the NSA IG Storch. Castle lock Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT30M9S 62204 1000 2644 50 not set not set 2018-09-20T21:02:19.000Z Y3iYk00cX4o UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/20/18 [[RR]] remove related to Kavanaugh nomination "Q tells us how Kavanaugh nomination is ""hand in hand with Rod Nosensteins removal, per Devin Nunes ""We only have so much time"" so its either remove Rod on nominate Kavanaugh right now. my belief is that the SC nomination is more important at this moment for our movement. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT15M42S 65073 600 3035 45 not set not set 2018-09-21T14:09:51.000Z WmocY8qNi1U UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/20/18 pt 2 Post LV Rally "POTUS hold a rally in Las Vegas, Q gives us a great link to Sara a Carter. Com in which she shows internal text messages from the FBI do not agree that there is any criminality in president Trump's campaign, even though the CIA was pushing to make a case, stay tuned everyone this week is going to be a doozy, remember they redacted the absolute worst text messages for last!!! Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT13M17S 44453 326 2115 46 not set not set 2018-09-22T11:13:47.000Z uVpLuuIxjSw UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/21/18 "[LL] recorded calls w/ [RR]" "People in the DS are starting to talk, and alliances are forming. McCabe and Comey ganging up to take Rod Rosenstein out of the way. The 25th amendment wording in the NYT is similar to the infamous Op-ed. New Q place to meet: VOAT Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT31M18S 77934 863 3618 55 not set not set 2018-09-24T05:11:18.000Z rMQCT25EfEs UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/23/18 " Rats are panicking" "Q reiterates how the rats of the deep state, who have no honor or loyalty, are panicking and turning on each other. Devin Nunes suspects McCabe leaked the NYT op-ed hoping POTUS will fire Rod Nosenstein, but Q and Trump team are well aware and will not fall for it, and there is no need, Rod will be removed once the Declas FISA application is revealed. Also i discuss the many problems with soon to be Justice Kavanaughs accuser, so many. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT21M26S 51796 650 3066 42 not set not set 2018-09-24T22:06:41.000Z 0-XI67-YZpc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/24/18 Did [[RR]] Resign? "Reports first thing this morning was that Rod Rosenstein had resigned, and after much speculation and back and forth, ultimately he has himself and interview with POTUS on Thursday, Bob goodlatte had made a speech today talking about the political hack job attempt on soon-to-be Justice Cavanaugh, showing how all four of the alleged victims Witnesses tonight any memory of such a party, and the second allegation was not even following up and the New York Times, because per their own statement it was not credibly backed up, also they didn't even mention Michael avenatti and his claimants as well. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT9M26S 86700 559 3710 51 not set not set 2018-09-28T12:10:45.000Z QrBVmjRpJwI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/27/18 "Welcome aboard Judge K" "Post Supreme court questioning session, after dr. Ford came on the scene acting like a child, acting like the perfect victim, but keep in mind even her own Witnesses, one being a longtime friend of hers States they do not know what she's talking about, so three decades ago unknown location unknown Day Zero evidence, and yet they still were allowed to belittle Justice Kavanagh, plus another solid Q proof. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT38M19S 90084 1293 3861 69 not set not set 2018-09-29T16:53:39.000Z faMcO2QNeoo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/28/18 Justice for Judge K "Once again more circus antics at the SC nomination, but this time an unlikely person steps in to order the 7th fbi check on Kavanaugh. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT9M17S 85079 772 3880 54 not set not set 2018-09-30T18:38:42.000Z JoHtkvjcU6g UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/29/18 "Check In" "Once again on soon to be Justice K getting blackballed on his nomination, but is it bait? Also i bring in my good friend Dr Steven to illuminate us on Ford-Blaseys background. An odd pic of an ariplane 1st class section, we need to get out and vote Red. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT38M36S 83357 1169 3982 67 not set not set 2018-10-01T11:56:22.000Z jMts3I4Dm0Y UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 9/30/18 Hunt for Red October "Was it part of the plan to have RR tell Flake to stall the nomination of Kavanaugh? In any event the FBI is now looping into it, what will they find? Hopefully they will find dirt on Feinstein and Blasey? Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT19M33S 65801 626 2780 52 not set not set 2018-10-02T06:05:06.000Z op8EcWf_QnI UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 10/1/2018 Very important Patriots "Ronald Regan ""Peace through strength"" Talking about John Perry Barlow and the declaration of independence of the internet. Snowden is brought up again, Q says he is a liability, to who? Also once again Ford does not want to hand in the Therapist notes to the FBI? Hmmm Very suspicious indeed. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or s231 My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT30M18S 81402 778 3031 50 not set not set 2018-10-03T14:15:29.000Z dxcsoemOuJc UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 10/2/18 "Save America VQTE Repub" "Q tells us the possible up to date vote to confirm Just K, also a late night (1:45) post on how the FBI case against him is turning out more info against Bl-Ford. Many people are starting to see this nonsense for what it is, and they do not want any part of it. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT17M54S 37793 486 2254 21 not set not set 2018-10-05T14:18:44.000Z CzhfhzlcR5E UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 10/4/18 Time for Arrests? "Things are sure heating up in Washington, it seems the rat are all turning on each other, this makes for an interesting next couple of weeks, Blumenthal of Connecticut for some reason wants to open up all the information regarding 911, I wonder what his motive could be, the FBI met with Fusion GPS before the investigation into the Trump campaign ever started, this is collusion at the highest levels. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT28M24S 85580 796 3834 59 not set not set 2018-10-06T13:12:39.000Z VnBar3klKuM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q 10/5/18 DOuble MeaNings exist "VP Pence China speech: The video that will get Trump elected: Confessions of an economic hitman: Once again the deep state is trying to change the narrative as they know their crimes with China are bad and they want to distract by talking about Russia. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT19M28S 66456 566 3162 45 not set not set 2018-10-09T06:27:53.000Z tUv6KIiNY0A UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 10/8/18 GooG Comms "Soros gets funding from our state dept under Obama? Rod took a flight on AF1 with POTUS who will not be baited to fire RR, when DECLAS will force his leaving, big week coming up. Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT26M41S 68712 400 3305 41 not set not set 2018-10-10T13:45:31.000Z 2sXd9lKGjF0 UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon 10/9/18 China's Silicon Valley + DF "Q shows us Dianne Feinstein and her connection to China, apparently she has been selling our country out for many decades, also Google helping China suppress its people and information that the Chinese citizens can access on a computer, we need World freedom Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT21M3S 48225 826 4015 42 not set not set 2018-10-16T14:21:07.000Z t_9SNDOoHWg UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Left says Impeach Trump!!! "Heres why Trump needs to be impeached, or why the left wants him gone anyway. obviously the title is meant to fool the AI T shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: research board: New ""Book of current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) Twitter scraper: ( related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT12M1S 35783 494 3117 17 not set not set 2018-10-20T17:51:10.000Z AhzHP5aEUHo UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Sea to shining Sea "Hey guys no new Q drops as of lately, just hitting some current events and then i present the Table of Titans Podcast on Patriot News where you can catch me Thursday nights 930pm eastern for an hour and a half or so. Hope to see you there. ✌ Patriot news channel: Used a few clips from video ""getting elected is expensive"" which can be found here Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT2H29S 49953 579 2403 41 not set not set 2018-10-28T00:01:16.000Z DH_4-LejBsY UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Fisa Blown Apart at its origins "Popadopulous was the key, the beginning of the justification for Fisa surveillance against President Trumps Campaign. per his testimony, it was based on false testimony/intel from Stephan Halper. Boom!! Fisa brings down the house (Obummers White House that is) Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT23M45S 49574 510 2822 19 not set not set 2018-10-28T22:09:58.000Z AreJ43v82jM UCKpH2KFEngc9Csp2i71znYA Q anon- Table of Titans podcast 10/26/18 "our weekly podcast on patriot news, usually on Thursdays 930pm eastern 630 pacific, great panel, lots of great info. ✌ Q anon shirts can be found here: (Both links have different designs) or My bitchute channel in case YouTube goes offline: Please sub to my backup channel: Contact/follow Bri: My brothers channel Black hats down: Matthew@ Tnfm channel My Gab: Q research board: New ""Book of Q"" current 1180 pages with illustrations and clickable links, Very well done. (Not mine) FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs only Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter) VERY 😎 Congress criminal referral for 6+ people The video that will get Trump elected: #WorldPatriots #Qanon under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." SpaceShot76 27 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial', 'Corsi', 'we the people', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros'] PT1H57M31S 10803 183 651 11 not set not set 2018-09-05T04:47:36.000Z j2YaDR-c1jg UC-45UaoYkMrkbKDRlZkSqZg Q anon exposed as hoax by right leaning One America News Sperry411 24 not set PT9M53S 1204 26 17 11 not set not set 2018-03-23T00:10:11.000Z jAPgUyKkMh8 UCKIQFYNuPEfzu8l_vATyOLQ Q Anon - Will the US Succeed Where All Other Powers Failed? "The US may be on the cusp of succeeding where Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Europe all failed... Crush the Cabal. Buckle Up! ME just the beginning: Good and Evil: Scientific approach: Part 1 of the ME-CERN video: Part 2 of the ME-CERN video: When Lightwarriors Burn out:" Spiritwalker 29 ['q anon', 'clinton', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'bush', 'bushes'] PT16M46S 1421 59 58 1 not set not set 2018-04-06T01:05:02.000Z DPMRbAmG0Fc UCKIQFYNuPEfzu8l_vATyOLQ Q Anon is not alone - The fight against luciferianism is global and needs you! "The fight against luciferianism is global and involves both physical and astral spheres! And you are a key player! Buckle Up! ME just the beginning: Good and Evil: Scientific approach: Part 1 of the ME-CERN video: Part 2 of the ME-CERN video: When Lightwarriors Burn out:" Spiritwalker 29 ['q anon', 'illuminati', 'cabal', 'brexit', 'clinton', 'bush'] PT16M36S 251 12 18 0 not set not set 2018-04-11T05:00:17.000Z 7uh04vA3vNo UCKIQFYNuPEfzu8l_vATyOLQ Q Anon - Hawaii, Japan Attacks - World War 3 Attempt on the US by the cabal "The world came frighteningly close to World War III in January 2018. Few seem to have noticed it! Buckle Up! ME just the beginning: Good and Evil: Scientific approach: Part 1 of the ME-CERN video: Part 2 of the ME-CERN video: When Lightwarriors Burn out:" Spiritwalker 29 ['q anon', 'michael salla', 'scott mandelker', 'trump', 'cabal', 'illuminati', 'maldek', 'tiamat', 'mars', 'lucifer'] PT29M36S 723 8 24 0 not set not set 2018-07-09T17:38:23.000Z kkqZou0P-YM UC7fzmfDnPFvL_g_-3xX0wJA General Update, Metals, And WTF Is QAnon? "Hey gang, happy Monday! Bunch of things I'm discussing here today so thank you for your patience. General update of what's been going on, how the metals market is fairing now that the ""trade war"" is on, and what the Hell is QAnon? My thoughts & more. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks again - be sure to please consider hitting SUBSCRIBE for all of my content. Link to Q -" StackingThreePercenter 27 ['Gold', 'Silver', 'Stacking', 'Precious', 'Metal', 'Stock', 'Market', 'News', 'Bitcoin', 'Litecoin', 'Crypto', 'Cryptocurrency', 'Money', 'Donald', 'Trump', 'China', 'Russia', 'Trade War', 'Tariffs', 'Currency War', 'WWIII', 'Deep State', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Rogue', 'Intelligence', 'Cabal', 'Secret Society', 'Q ANON', 'QANON', '4Chan', '8Chan', 'Reddit', 'Counter-Intelligence', 'Buy Gold Silver', 'Three Percenters', 'SHTF', 'Prepping', 'Three Percenter'] PT13M29S 1597 113 91 4 not set not set 2017-12-30T00:03:43.000Z 5ThDLb47UkY UCMEblrFJ8wJBYtE16v-xl_A Q anon's coming Storm a Rothschild's Coup of America. Alex Jones talks about Q SEND A TIP? Stargods 22 not set PT25M1S 29070 329 267 137 not set not set 2018-01-02T20:38:06.000Z 5YbFlyVm4FM UCMEblrFJ8wJBYtE16v-xl_A Q anon's Coming Storm a Rothschild's Coup Part 2 Sorry. The link is lost. Look up Trump indictments on the net. :-( SEND A TIP? Stargods 22 not set PT16M14S 11280 187 194 43 not set not set 2018-06-09T01:04:49.000Z WQ-Dbowtuko UCLe-bxeaZWdBlMWRBUC8Ehg #QANON: Ben Shapiro Most heated debate With Candace Owens Charlie Kirk Ben Shapiro Most heated debate With Candace Owens Charlie Kirk Stars Stripes 25 ['Trump', 'News', 'Racist', 'Politics', 'Black people', 'Video', 'Financial', 'Bible', 'Kenya west', 'Democrats', 'Republicans', 'Culture', 'Jay z', 'Beyonce', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Education', 'Schools', 'Ben Shapiro Most heated debate With Candace Owens Charlie Kirk'] PT10M6S 1517 3 9 5 not set not set 2018-07-14T23:30:51.000Z EoJEzrAzxvo UCLe-bxeaZWdBlMWRBUC8Ehg #QANON; Trump Just DROP A HUGE BOMBSHELL On UK, Absolutely FINISHED Theresa May Over BREXIT #QANON; Trump Just DROP A HUGE BOMBSHELL On UK, Absolutely FINISHED Theresa May Over BREXIT Stars Stripes 25 ['Military', 'American', 'President', 'Election', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Politics', 'Russian', 'British', 'Document', 'Republicans', 'Democrats', '#QANON; Trump Just DROP A HUGE BOMBSHELL On UK', 'Absolutely FINISHED Theresa May Over BREXIT'] PT16M5S 158 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T17:57:41.000Z X0FL67gSXVU UCrSb-i9P0CBjJGGnIhk8J-w David Wilcock on Alex Jones vs QAnon "David Wilcock on How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland: The Ascension Mysteries: The Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil:" Starseed Alliance 22 ['qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'destroying the illusion', 'jordan sather', 'david wilcock 2018', 'david wilcock antarctica', 'david wilcock antarctic atlantis', 'david wilcock corey goode', 'david wilcock tom delonge', 'david wilcock donald trump', 'david wilcock infowars', 'david wilcock fade to black', 'david wilcock synchronicity key'] PT11M52S 72652 741 1144 161 not set not set 2018-09-26T17:18:54.000Z zNx5cp2ueMQ UCJO2QYbcbufweerMmccdx-w 4chan ANONS prank Stormy Daniels' LAWYER [ Michael Avenatti ] - #QAnon WARNED US? "4chan ANONS prank Stormy Daniels' LAWYER [ Michael Avenatti ] - #QAnon WARNED US? #4chan #Kavanaugh #Avennati GET RID OF GERD: GET AN AWESOME TSHIRT: HELP a dying COP: MUSIC ""Queen's Song the Dance Begins"" ( paid for License ) MUSIC ""Heroic Dramatic Orchestral Music"" ( paid for License ) Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events and topics. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals what want to learn more about the subject." Stay Free And Strong 24 "[""4chan ANONS prank Stormy Daniels' LAWYER Michael Avenatti - #QAnon WARNED US?"", 'stormy daniel lawyer', ""Stormy Daniels' Attorney"", 'Stormy Daniel lawyer Michael Avenatti', 'MIchael Avenatti', 'Avenatti lawyer', '4chan pranks', '4chan avenatti', 'avenatti 4chan']" PT7M15S 1356 21 26 2 not set not set 2018-02-14T10:06:35.000Z 8aCcuJlW1Yw UCMxggUgU2_HnSsC4lXAg96Q Q anon - Q Baby - Right-Click on screen and select "Loop" "Right-Click on the video after it starts and select ""Loop"". To download the screensaver click on the link below: There's also an option for downloading the same screensaver with a DISCLAIMER / WARNING (crawling text) designed to shield the user from potentially triggered liberals that may be ""accidentally exposed"" to it. website (temp)" Steam Runner 22 ['Qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q posts', 'Q Baby', 'Q latest posts', 'Trump', 'Insurance Policy', 'FBI Insurance', 'drain the swamp', 'draining the swamp', 'conspiracy', 'DOJ', 'PANAMANIAN POLITICS'] PT1M 172 5 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-25T04:32:46.000Z JCcMZ0Tz9us UCP-9fPJz23Rpe8jwiNtsgqg 🔴LIVE🔴 The Greatest Story Ever Told #Qanon "Please you all hear me out on this! Listen to EVERYTHING i say with an open mind and an open heart! I love of of you and we all need to love one another! Stand strong! God Bless America God Bless the World! God bless you all! Qanon for beginners : The Plan To Save The World: If you want Support This Channel: You can Send Me Things At: P.O. Box 281 Robbins NC 27325 Follow me on Twitter: Steph_Brown_524 Thank each and everyone of you for all the love and support!!!!" Stephanie Brown Live-streams 22 ['Qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'Good vs Evil', 'MSM', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT3H16M26S 2458 5 77 77 not set not set 2017-11-23T11:57:08.000Z 2HprwE-hGTc UCCIqa4JIVSChcM_qcJVzJaA Alice AND Wonderland. Deepweb. 4Chan. Q Anon. Artificial Intelligence Wormhole White Rabbit Pedogate "who who who are who are who are you who are you Letting CRAZY Be Conscious!!! Thanks for watching... If you want to donate to my ""non-withering in an alley"" fund you can use my paypal link below to help me not get put on the street. But... Still... If you enjoyed my content (and liked it and subscribed) thats good enough for me. Man cannot live on bread alone. But some bread is niceeeee when you're hungry. Dont want to pass the offering plate and lower the spiritual value of my nonsense ramblings by attaching Mammoth Mammon to pearls meant for the children of the love. May the universe spread life and happiness through this web of insanity, through me... and you...and the internet of mind. *Pay me back using my PayPal.Me link: *To read my book please visit: It is available for free there. Shout out: Wattpad. Also, the text is from 2013 and my (literally) first draft. Content editing occurred as well as copy editing since this version was posted & is (somewhat) different than my final edit. *Twitter: TheNextAgeOfMan *Email: Manwithademonbrain(at)gmail(dot)com *Snapchat: Username - Lawsonstephen85 Name - StephenSchitzo Lawson *Facebook Messenger Username: Please feel free to interact with me. I'm human afterall & I FOOKIN' loves me some talkin'!!!" Stephen Lawson 22 ['Alice and AND & Wonderland Rabbit hole artificial intelligence programmable matter'] PT1H20M47S 3293 47 35 6 not set not set 2018-06-14T22:36:36.000Z 2aWUW_qPPD0 UCgbyN0yzP4QKggdcR_BCY-w Q Anon Decode 6/14/2018 "Q posts can be viewed here. 24x7 qanon livestream can be found here This is a correction of my decode yesterday. I'm not certain it's completely correct but I feel like it's close" Steve Laubach 27 ['Rod Rosenstein', 'Qanon', 'Q Anon', '#greatawakening', 'great awakening', 'the great awakening', '#trusttheplan', 'IG Report', 'Horrowitz', 'huber', 'decode'] PT10M22S 2264 18 59 2 not set not set 2018-06-25T06:04:36.000Z o6RD0hAsd1o UCgbyN0yzP4QKggdcR_BCY-w IMPORTANT: Q Anon Saudi Arabia and why they are relevant. "What happened in Saudi Arabia in early November caused a ripple effect that uprooted corruption around the world. This is where it all started. This is when the storm came upon us. History in the making. I have included a lot of research links to assist you in following the scope of what took place. This is where you go to view all Q posts Death of Prince Mansour Saudi Purge Wiki Link News about American Mercs torturing Saudi Princes HRC Welcome form Saudi King This is the resignation list which is maintained by ""Resignation anon"": This is an indictment master list maintained by some of the anons. This is the 12/21/2017 EO that is being used to take down the bigger fish." Steve Laubach 27 ['Qanon', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Saudi Arabia Purge', 'corruption', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon decode', 'Mohammed Bin Salmun', 'Donald Trump', 'patroiotssoapbox', 'Alwaleed Bin Salmam', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'CNBC', 'ABC', 'CBS', 'Red Pill'] PT17M39S 8386 34 211 7 not set not set 2018-06-27T04:37:15.000Z 6kf7GHZMlTo UCgbyN0yzP4QKggdcR_BCY-w IMPORTANT Q Anon Rothschilds and possible Rothschild takedown "Q used to talk about the Rothschilds a lot. There was a series of curious coincidences and it sounded like the Rothschilds took some serious casualties. Then Q stopped talking about them and the Rothschilds stopped talking as far as I've been able to see (please let me know if you find proof of Roths being alive and free). I lay out the information about what Q said and give my speculation about what it means. This is an important Q video because I think it lays out the takedown of the 2nd side of the pyramid. It also shows their connections with a lot of other players. Most of the truth will be known when the IG report is fully unredacted but we have enough to have a pretty good idea of what is going on. Now to the links... Let me know if I missed any. There's a lot of stuff in this one. Plane and Helicopter crash on Rothschild property Article about the historic real estate deal Theresa may attempted assassination (terror attack) Theresa May has interesting body language when she met with POTUS. Like he showed her intel. Lynn de Rothschild leaves twitter Discussion about the night LDR came to 8chan (this is rapidly disappearing from the internet)" Steve Laubach 27 ['Qanon', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon decode', 'Q Decode', 'Rothschild', 'patriotssoapbox', 'cnn', 'nbc', 'msnbc', 'cnbc', 'abc', 'cbs', 'fake news', 'Lynn de Rothschild', 'Lord de Rothschild', 'Jacob Rothschild', 'banksters', 'globalists', 'bankers', 'zimbabwe'] PT27M43S 21325 141 530 12 not set not set 2018-08-23T23:15:15.000Z ZGqQvt5I9WQ UCgbyN0yzP4QKggdcR_BCY-w Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself "4 Booms 1 Peter Strzok fired 2 HR 5515 Defense spending bill 3 Catholic pedo scandal 4 John Brennan Security Cleraance. Q is silent… Never interrupt your enemy when he is destroying himself. CIA Clearance discussion Reality Winner Sentenced Canadian Sentenced for Exporting goods to Iran Another racketeering case. Arian Circle gang Swiss banker busted for international money laundering regarding Venezuelan Oil Company Guy charged with providing material support to ISIS Texas couple busted for harboring aliens in a labor exploitation scheme A couple of Iranian agents busted From Kip Simpson… Retired officer in Little Rock Arkansas injured in helicopter crash British tycoon died in plane crash (money left to Oxfam… linked to sex misconduct scandal in Haiti)" Steve Laubach 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon decode', 'CIA', 'John Brennan', 'Security Clearance', 'Free Speech', 'Free press', 'Freedom of the press'] PT5M32S 1960 19 112 0 not set not set 2018-09-10T00:40:15.000Z s5uaYF456S8 UCgbyN0yzP4QKggdcR_BCY-w General Q Update 9/9/2018 "Q drops can be found here John McCain Put to death @ 2:10 John McCain Muslim Brotherhood tweet Seal Team 6 Article from reverse image search Bob Goodlatte Subpoenas Grand Jury vs Andrew McCabe revealed to be ongoing for several months" Steve Laubach 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'John McCain', 'Seal Team 6', 'Jeff Sessions', 'John Huber', 'Michael Horowitz', 'Muslim Brotherhood', 'Treason', 'NSA', 'Jerome Corsi'] PT9M51S 2467 21 109 6 not set not set 2018-09-24T23:12:34.000Z zV_Km4lIv70 UCgbyN0yzP4QKggdcR_BCY-w Why I think the Kavanaugh confirmation is going according to plan "This is a video about why I think Kavanaugh will be confirmed and things are going according to plan. Q posts can be found here Robert Bork Clearance Thomas Cory Booker Groped a girl at age 15 Kavanaugh accuser background FEMA alert test 10/3 Dianne Feinstein’s driver was a spy" Steve Laubach 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon decode', 'ruth bader ginberg', 'kavanaugh', 'confirmation', 'SCOTUS', 'SCOTUS confirmation', 'scandal', 'Dianne Feinstein', 'Spy', 'china', 'chinese spy', 'rod rosenstein', 'trust the plan', 'doj', 'fbi', 'corruption', 'allegations'] PT7M16S 9338 92 297 2 not set not set 2017-11-19T23:53:27.000Z 0rWPNLofxus UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Is Preparing America For The Many Arrest Coming To D.C. Soon! "Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine Sounds Off - Has Trump & Mueller Staged a Counter Coup Against the Globalist Pedophiles? Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['Trump', 'Mueller', 'globalist', 'globalism', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'q clearence', 'qanon', 'who is qanon', 'what is q clearence', 'follow the white rabbit', 'maga', 'drain the swamp'] PT14M57S 38954 291 1047 36 not set not set 2017-11-20T14:52:58.000Z slLFzKdbrMo UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says Marine Corps Protecting Trump From Globalist Threats! "Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine Sounds Off - Has Trump & Mueller Staged a Counter Coup Against the Globalist Pedophiles? Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Is Preparing America For The Many Arrest Coming to D.C. soon! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['q clearence', 'qanon', 'deep state', 'globalist', 'follow the white rabbit', 'maga', 'pedophiles', 'pizza gate', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'satanist'] PT14M59S 12097 43 437 6 not set not set 2017-11-23T07:01:04.000Z OT0HxeTTVw8 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Prepares Patriots For Coming Storm in D.C. and the World "Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine Sounds Off - Has Trump & Mueller Staged a Counter Coup Against the Globalist Pedophiles? Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Is Preparing America For The Many Arrest Coming to D.C. soon! Retired Marine - Q Clearence Aka QAnon Says Marine Corps Protecting Trump From Globalist Threats! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'Q clearence', 'truth seeker', 'truth', 'globalist', 'nationalism', 'nationalism not globalism', 'trump', 'potus', 'marine corps', 'maga', 'thestorm', 'the storm', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'the war room'] PT14M52S 13460 139 619 12 not set not set 2017-11-26T01:48:40.000Z J7GNs-mtHhw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - "Winter Is Coming" - QAnon Tells Patriots to Prepare for Marshal Law! "Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine Sounds Off - Has Trump & Mueller Staged a Counter Coup Against the Globalist Pedophiles? Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Is Preparing America For The Many Arrest Coming to D.C. soon! Retired Marine - Q Clearence Aka QAnon Says Marine Corps Protecting Trump From Globalist Threats! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 "['qanon', 'q clearence', 'marshall law', 'military rule', 'pedophiles', 'satanism', 'globalist', 'truth', 'truth seeker', 'the truth', 'globalism', 'the cabal', 'illuminati', 'the deep state', 'deep state', 'marines', 'semper fi', ""the president's own"", 'pedophile elite network', 'pedophile global network', 'child slaves', 'human trafficing', 'infowars', 'alex jones']" PT14M59S 65417 718 2847 51 not set not set 2017-11-26T09:43:28.000Z buZ-rjJqqhU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! "Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine Sounds Off - Has Trump & Mueller Staged a Counter Coup Against the Globalist Pedophiles? Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Is Preparing America For The Many Arrest Coming to D.C. soon! Retired Marine - Q Clearence Aka QAnon Says Marine Corps Protecting Trump From Globalist Threats! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearence', 'qclearance', 'trump', 'globalist', 'sealed indictments', '4chan', 'pedophiles', 'elite pedophiles', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'the war room', 'steve motley', 'the cabal', 'hillary', 'crooked hillary', 'podesta', 'satanist', 'sex slave', 'child trafficing', 'child sex slaves', 'pedophile networks', 'global pedophile networks', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm', 'the storm is upon us', 'marshal law', 'military law', 'ucmj', 'truth', 'truth seeker', 'disclosure'] PT15M 44434 388 1731 33 not set not set 2017-11-28T02:58:14.000Z xyNWfb0kHJw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Very Quiet - The Calm Before "The Storm" - Be Prepared Patriots! "*** Check Out The New Real Red Pill @ *** Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearence', 'stevemotley', 'alex jones', 'inforwars', 'infowars store', 'the real red pill', 'red pill', 'truth', 'truth seeker', 'marine', 'marines', 'semper fi', '4chan', 'potus', 'donald j trump'] PT14M51S 18324 295 1012 16 not set not set 2017-11-29T23:25:08.000Z 4lSqUVMWTKE UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - What The Marines Discovered At CIA HQ Langley Will Blow Your Mind! - 11/29/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts!" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearence', 'qclearance', '4chan', 'globalism', 'globalist', 'cabal', 'marines', 'marines at langley', 'marines at cia', 'marine corps', 'toys for tots', 'stevemotley', 'steve motley', 'steve motley speaks', 'retired marine', 'cia take down', 'illuminati', 'semper fi'] PT14M58S 392960 1955 11300 534 not set not set 2017-12-01T07:36:06.000Z QslH8lMAvUs UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Hacked By Deep State - NK a CIA Distraction! -12/01/2017 "Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearence', 'globalist', 'globalist cabal', 'illuminati', 'the cabal', 'new world order', 'globalism', 'communism', 'trump'] PT14M56S 27710 468 1707 14 not set not set 2017-12-03T03:37:27.000Z 9kflbpHFomM UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - What's The Real Story About QAnon, General Flynn & Robert Mueller? - 12/02/2017 "Retired Marine Sounds Off - (My First Video - 02/16/17) General Flynn's Resignation and Pizza Gate! Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearance', 'gen flynn', 'general flynn', 'michael flynn', 'president trump', 'drain the swamp', 'globalist', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'deplorables', 'pedophiles', 'crooked hillary', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'michael savage', 'the savage nation', 'the storm', 'the storm is coming', 'david seaman'] PT15M 17044 310 1507 16 not set not set 2017-12-03T12:05:18.000Z EXN9HPpkocs UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says Deep State CIA Global Cabal Imploding Worldwide! - 12/03/2017 "Retired Marine Sounds Off - (My First Video - 02/16/17) General Flynn's Resignation and Pizza Gate! Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'what is qanon', 'qclearance', 'what is a q clearance', 'globalism', 'cia', 'global cabal', 'pedophiles', 'satanist'] PT14M59S 27922 709 1813 18 not set not set 2017-12-04T00:00:55.000Z 6mka6517qvQ UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - The Deep State Elite Pedophile Rings Are Being Exposed & Brought Down! - 12/03/2017 "Retired Marine Sounds Off - (My First Video - 02/16/17) General Flynn's Resignation and Pizza Gate! Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearance', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'trump potus', 'globalist', 'pedophile', 'pedophiles', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'deep state', 'illuminati'] PT14M56S 21447 370 1272 21 not set not set 2017-12-04T02:26:19.000Z yPAm1kwfnkw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says All Americans Forced to Take "The Red Pill" and Awaken! - 12/03/2017 "Retired Marine Sounds Off - (My First Video - 02/16/17) General Flynn's Resignation and Pizza Gate! Help Save Our Children From Pedophiles! Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer aka SawMan has put together this outstanding site: Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearance', 'semper fi', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'trump', 'john kelly', 'general john kelly'] PT15M 36469 610 2411 27 not set not set 2017-12-05T08:03:31.000Z ksLIkVKiyHo UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Who is MegAnon? Relationship to QAnon? Read All MegAnon Drops Below! - 12/05/2017 "Who Is QAnon on 4Chan? All of MagAnon Drops May 2017 to Present! MegAnon Comments on 4 Chan About Las Vegas" Steve Motley 23 ['Qanon', 'Meganon', '4chan', '8chan'] PT14M58S 12696 303 1121 10 not set not set 2017-12-05T13:26:35.000Z OpSf5C2zGPU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - So What's Your Take on QAnon? Real Intelligence or Fake News? - 12/05/2017 "Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'meganon', 'stevemotley', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'Lionel Nation', 'David Zublick', 'anti school', 'styxhexenhammer666', 'zolna report', 'david seaman', 'james munder', 'tracy beanz', 'bunker report', 'steve pieczenik', 'lisa haven', 'roy potter', 'Black Conservative Patriot', 'the savage nation', 'michael savage'] PT14M59S 11324 362 1016 17 not set not set 2017-12-05T16:02:30.000Z kjDDj3fbOBk UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - So You Think AG Sessions is Weak & Lazy? QAnon Says Different! - 12/05/2017 "Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'meganon', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'semper fi', 'jeff sessions', 'justice department', 'doj', 'fbi'] PT14M59S 15917 434 1567 18 not set not set 2017-12-06T19:01:45.000Z vpOWTjnel54 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - President Trump Absolutely Right in Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem - 12/06/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'meganon', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps'] PT14M54S 10316 306 1108 27 not set not set 2017-12-06T20:37:31.000Z _3R09TXEZQQ UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Eric Prince, Ollie North Propose Private Spy Network to Replace CIA - 12/06/2017 "Retired CIA Agent Working With Blackwater Founder Claims H.R. McMaster Approved NSA Spy Job On Trump Family! Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'meganon', 'stevemotley', 'steve motley', 'marine', 'marines', 'semper fi', 'marine corps'] PT14M57S 11523 250 1024 16 not set not set 2017-12-06T23:27:03.000Z VGLzk_QVn2w UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Suggest Mueller Working For Trump and Marine Generals! - 12/06/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'meganon', 'steve motley', 'robert mueller', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'maga', 'matt bracken', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT14M59S 14670 335 1196 20 not set not set 2017-12-07T06:50:00.000Z _N5e5CmSLns UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - The Storm Is Here! - QAnon Tells Patriots To Buckle Up! - 12/07/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon marine', 'marines', 'qanon', 'marine corps', 'infowars', 'matt bracken', 'alex jones', 'the swamp', 'the purge', 'the storm', 'the storm is here'] PT15M 39609 544 2585 39 not set not set 2017-12-07T22:53:39.000Z i8OBwtSVpWw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Deep State Globalist Hell Bent On Removing Our POTUS! - 12/07/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'meganon', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'semper fi'] PT14M57S 13203 450 1227 8 not set not set 2017-12-08T15:53:54.000Z zbzOWJzbCyE UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine -Trolls Calling Me Faciest Nazi Russian Operative Zionist Shill Masonic Proxy NewAger "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'stevemotley', 'steve motley', 'the motley crew', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'faciest', 'nazi', 'russian operative', 'zionist', 'zionist shill', 'president trump', 'nationalism', 'patriots'] PT14M58S 8145 330 769 15 not set not set 2017-12-08T18:32:29.000Z USuzH09v4Wc UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon - The World is Awakening To The Globalist Deep State BS! - 12/08/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'steve motley', 'the motley crew', 'marine', 'retired marine', 'marine corps', 'semper fi'] PT14M57S 11723 289 1119 24 not set not set 2017-12-09T00:30:48.000Z 0qHRJl0YeAc UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Asks Why Obama is Shadowing President Trump? - 12/08/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'qclearance', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'semper fi', 'globalism', 'globalist'] PT14M58S 23136 446 1676 25 not set not set 2017-12-09T16:37:01.000Z 99-jRRxHhjI UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - President Trump Says Government Has Been Totally Crooked & Rigged. - 12/09/2017 "President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'trump', 'donald j trump', 'potus', 'marines', 'marine', 'marine corps', 'drain the swamp'] PT14M55S 13109 399 1162 14 not set not set 2017-12-09T18:10:12.000Z oetrunBfgKk UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Dept of Defense Audit! Rumsfeld Reported $2.3 Trillion Missing Day Before 9-11-2001 "9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon meganon', 'qanon', 'meganon', 'trump', 'trump train', 'maga', 'the storm', 'the storm is here', 'globalism', 'globalist', 'black rifle coffee', 'veterans', 'veteran owned', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'audit of dept of defense', 'audit of pentagon', 'pentagon audit', 'defense department audit'] PT14M59S 9249 566 836 10 not set not set 2017-12-11T21:08:31.000Z GlKau6tgQNw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon American Revolution 2.0 War Raging Behind The Sceans! - 12/11/2017 "Common Sense Avenger - CSA #136 Q Anon, Trump and Why the Marine Corps Ospreys? 9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'audit of pentagon', 'american revolution 2.0', 'marines', 'marine corps'] PT14M54S 11930 319 1091 30 not set not set 2017-12-11T22:37:54.000Z 8PuDVUfwRDw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says More Resignations of Crooked Politicians Coming! - 12/11/2017 "Common Sense Avenger - CSA #136 Q Anon, Trump and Why the Marine Corps Ospreys? 9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['Qanon', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'retired marine', 'retired marine sounds off'] PT14M57S 15619 265 1404 11 not set not set 2017-12-12T07:10:16.000Z o-tcWl6YQog UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says Adam Schiff is Evil Traitor and Leaker! - 12/12/17 "New ""WH Anon"" Thread - Running 4chan Q Thread - Common Sense Avenger - CSA #136 Q Anon, Trump and Why the Marine Corps Ospreys? 9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Styxhexenhammer666 - Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for ""Destroying"" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT14M47S 11482 265 851 27 not set not set 2017-12-12T21:24:23.000Z 1BCuXcQibH0 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Is Donald Rumsfeld Working for Trump in Counter Coup Sting Operation? - 12/12/2017 "New ""WH Anon"" Thread - Running 4chan Q Thread - Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Natashia - McCabe Not Showing Up For Questioning 😈😈 Common Sense Avenger - CSA #136 Q Anon, Trump and Why the Marine Corps Ospreys? 9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT15M 10481 234 756 20 not set not set 2017-12-13T04:32:59.000Z -69BPjEhemc UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Defeat of Roy Moore in Alabama May Have Been Blessing in Disguise - 12/12/2017 "New ""WH Anon"" Thread - Running 4chan Q Thread - Check out this video sent to me by Tony in San Diego! Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Natashia - McCabe Not Showing Up For Questioning 😈😈 Common Sense Avenger - CSA #136 Q Anon, Trump and Why the Marine Corps Ospreys? 9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 President Trump Pensacola Rally FULL SPEECH, Florida 12/08/2017 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"":// Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! My Sponsors - Check Them Out! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT15M 12137 359 906 26 not set not set 2017-12-13T17:15:53.000Z yRfEgp2IjE8 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA QAnon Says Alabama Election Totally Rigged & Investigation Will Reveal Truth - 12/13/2017 "Check out this video sent to me by Tony in San Diego! Zolna Report - Will President Trump Declare Martial Law Natashia - McCabe Not Showing Up For Questioning 😈😈 Common Sense Avenger - CSA #136 Q Anon, Trump and Why the Marine Corps Ospreys? 9 -11 Pentagon Missing $2.3 Trillion Rumsfeld Exposed 9/10/2001 Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT15M 21034 454 1167 43 not set not set 2017-12-14T23:19:33.000Z IZzhVV5dj0E UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Patriots Kicking Globalist Deep State Ass! Net Neutrality Defeated - 12/14/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'stevemotley', 'retired marine', 'retired marine sounds off', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'semper fi', 'toys for tots', 'vets4childrescue', 'bombbomb', 'net neutrality', 'cencorship'] PT14M58S 8294 244 701 11 not set not set 2017-12-15T00:36:06.000Z B4IoBAYWE28 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - "Eddie Munster All Grown Up" Speaker Paul Ryan Done! - 12/14/2017 "Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'steve motley', 'stevemotley', 'potus', 'asea', 'freemart', 'freemart global'] PT15M 9657 479 918 7 not set not set 2017-12-15T09:53:04.000Z IKsAzVyy2CU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Uranium One Scandal Will Bring Down Many Crooked D.C. Politicians! - 12/15/2017 "First lady Melania Trump speaks at Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - Lionel Nation - Mueller's Got Nada on Flynn Who's a Liar Who'll Be Crushed on Cross-Examination | Joy Behar's Rancid:// The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA Tracy Beanz - /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Bunker Report - 11/25/17 Hay McCane, boot's on the wrong foot ! Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['toys for tots', 'marine corps', 'marine', 'marines', 'semper fi', 'uranium one', 'uranium one scandal', 'crooked hillary', 'lock her up', 'lock them up', 'qanon', 'q clearance', 'melania trump'] PT15M 8912 282 962 9 not set not set 2017-12-15T22:12:28.000Z up5qJtGMvno UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - President Trump First POTUS to Speak At FBI Academy Graduation! - 12/15/2017 "***** President Donald Trump Speaks At FBI National Academy Graduation ****** Don Henley - Inside Job! - First lady Melania Trump speaks at Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'potus', 'fbi academy', 'fbi academy graduation', 'president trump'] PT14M58S 8119 185 735 12 not set not set 2017-12-16T07:43:43.000Z rnE7wjOhV98 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Is Julian Assange Right About Coup To Oust President Trump? - 12/16/2017 "*** The Matrix (1999) - The Red Pill Scene *** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['julian assange', 'wikkileaks'] PT14M59S 9081 313 955 9 not set not set 2017-12-17T00:27:51.000Z nU9Sz1ZiWIY UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - "Against All Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic!" - 12/16/17 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" Steve Motley 23 ['toysfortots', 'toys4tots', 'marine', 'marines', 'retired marine', 'marine corps', 'semper fi', 'usmc'] PT14M58S 7374 190 756 13 not set not set 2017-12-17T02:39:55.000Z 2jW9WPEVYA4 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - POTUS Trump DOJ Need To Reinvestigate Oklahoma Bombing! - 12/16/2017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'oaklahoma bombing', 'false flags', '911 inside job'] PT14M49S 6815 254 650 14 not set not set 2017-12-17T09:18:44.000Z 3nZhdp5YpWE UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Go Buy Yourself A Really Nice Mattress For Christmas! - 12/17/2017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! ***** Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels ****** Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'trump', 'stevemotley', 'potus', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'usmc'] PT14M59S 8957 251 640 21 not set not set 2017-12-17T20:27:20.000Z eJOh-hXA1pk UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine Speaks - "Can You See The Gorilla?" - 12/17/2017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! ***** Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels ****** Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['Qanon', 'q clearance', 'can you see the gorilla', 'cognative dissonance', 'inational blindness', 'truth seeker', 'truth seekers', 'nationalism', 'globalism', 'illuminati', 'trump', 'potus'] PT14M53S 8271 146 620 9 not set not set 2017-12-18T23:02:34.000Z nq7VLQV3cac UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - What Was President Trump and Marine Generals Doing At Camp David? - 12/18/2017 "***** (Full Version) General Wesley Clark - Wars Were Planned for Seven Countries ***** Mike Cerovich - Left Has Become Fully Sociopathic, Fully Demonic | Mike Cernovich Here's a site I made for y'all with some of my favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['general wewsley clark', 'marine corps', 'marines', 'retired marine', 'semper fi', 'mike cernovich', 'general wesley clark'] PT14M47S 25314 573 1893 39 not set not set 2017-12-19T04:56:37.000Z k0kAuduzQWg UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Have You Experienced a Satori Awakening or Instant Enlightenment? - 12/18/2017 "Here's a site I made for y'all with some of my favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) My Sponsors (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'marine', 'retired marine', 'semper fi'] PT13M58S 8779 225 695 18 not set not set 2017-12-19T20:31:59.000Z 34rqwLZzuoo UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon - "Is Olympia Amtrak Crash Retaliation for Atlanta?" - 12/19/2017 "**** Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! **** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'george soros'] PT14M59S 13569 769 966 12 not set not set 2017-12-20T23:30:42.000Z 4vUAxzwk8P0 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says Trust Sessions "The End Is Near" - 12/20/2017 "**** Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! **** **** Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! **** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'sessions', 'ag sessions', 'coup', 'counter coup', 'globalism', 'marine', 'marines', 'marine corps', 'semper fi retired marine', 'toys for tots'] PT14M52S 21897 312 1257 21 not set not set 2017-12-22T01:51:17.000Z FQutprzyYWU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine -BREAKING! Christmas Comes Early! Huge Tax Cut & New Executive Order! - 12/21/2017 "BREAKING!!!! Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'tax cut', 'tax bill', 'executive order', 'new executive order', 'president trump', 'civil foreiture', 'tax relief', 'tax break', 'christmas tax break'] PT15M 17157 452 1320 14 not set not set 2017-12-23T04:42:51.000Z 9GLOeCzYTJc UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - "I Love QAnon" & You Will Too Once You Wake Up! - 12/22/2017 "***** Saturday Night 23 Dec 2017 @ 7:00PM Central ***** Join Jessie From BPEarthWatch & Myself for a Little Chat! *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT14M59S 9397 226 793 18 not set not set 2017-12-23T09:16:44.000Z olEBbrEU424 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says God is Love! 2018 Will Be GLORIOUS! - 12/23/2017 "***** Saturday Night 23 Dec 2017 @ 7:00PM Central ***** Join Jessie From BPEarthWatch & Myself for a Little Chat! *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT14M54S 11144 283 1008 9 not set not set 2017-12-24T11:34:09.000Z Jpe35o82sOw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Sharing Some Christmas Cheer & Truth! - 12/24/2017 "This Always Cracks Me Up! Enjoy The Great Laugh! Clark Freaks Out - Christmas Vacation Movie CLIP (1989) HD Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017 *** WATCH THIS ASAP EVERYBODY*** BPEarthwatch - MAJOR Q UPDATE/Warning./Merry Christmas BPEarthwatch - Q/Bombs Away BPEarthwatch - Trump's New Executive Order/Part 2/Big Take Down. BPEarthWatch - Trump Takes All Assets of Obama/Clinton+ LtCol Roy Potter - A Prophetic Verification *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT15M 9967 228 800 6 not set not set 2017-12-25T00:20:05.000Z z2_rzkvp2TE UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine Speaks - BREAKING REAL NEWS! Alex Jones Finally Onboard With QAnon! - 12/24/2017 "***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike This Always Cracks Me Up! Enjoy The Great Laugh! Clark Freaks Out - Christmas Vacation Movie CLIP (1989) HD Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017 *** WATCH THIS ASAP EVERYBODY*** BPEarthwatch - MAJOR Q UPDATE/Warning./Merry Christmas BPEarthwatch - Q/Bombs Away BPEarthwatch - Trump's New Executive Order/Part 2/Big Take Down. BPEarthWatch - Trump Takes All Assets of Obama/Clinton+ LtCol Roy Potter - A Prophetic Verification *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'infowars stores', 'what is q', 'the best site about q', 'steve motley', 'retired marine', 'marine', 'marine corps', 'semper fi', 'q clearance', 'bpearthwatch'] PT14M55S 17301 318 1066 22 not set not set 2017-12-25T22:59:55.000Z JhCoXzD8Stw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Has Powerful Christmas Message! - 12/25/2017 " *Saturday Night 12/30/17 - 6:00PM Central Join Us On Live BlogTalkRadio! * Go Here For Details & Send This Link to All Your Friends! Jessie Walter (BPEarthwatch) & Steve Motley ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Retired Marine - Grandpa Steve The Dancing Marine Wishes You a Very Merry Christmas! This Always Cracks Me Up! Enjoy The Great Laugh! Clark Freaks Out - Christmas Vacation Movie CLIP (1989) HD Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017 *** WATCH THIS ASAP EVERYBODY*** BPEarthwatch - MAJOR Q UPDATE/Warning./Merry Christmas BPEarthwatch - Q/Bombs Away BPEarthwatch - Trump's New Executive Order/Part 2/Big Take Down. BPEarthWatch - Trump Takes All Assets of Obama/Clinton+ LtCol Roy Potter - A Prophetic Verification *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT15M 19983 342 1234 16 not set not set 2017-12-27T22:30:45.000Z JBl1jDRxGiU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Tokyo Bound Flight Returned to LAX With "High Value Targets" - 12/27/2017 " *Saturday Night 12/30/17 - 6:00PM Central Join Us On Live BlogTalkRadio! * Go Here For Details & Send This Link to All Your Friends! Jessie Walter (BPEarthwatch) & Steve Motley ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017 *** WATCH THIS ASAP EVERYBODY*** BPEarthwatch - MAJOR Q UPDATE/Warning./Merry Christmas BPEarthwatch - Q/Bombs Away BPEarthwatch - Trump's New Executive Order/Part 2/Big Take Down. BPEarthWatch - Trump Takes All Assets of Obama/Clinton+ LtCol Roy Potter - A Prophetic Verification *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', '4chan', '8chan', 'q clearance', 'white house', 'potus', 'trump', 'president trump', 'heres your red pill', 'red pill', 'rabbit hole', 'down the rabbit hole', 'matrix', 'truth', 'truthseeker', 'truth seeker', 'marine', 'marines', 'returned flight', 'lax', 'breaking news', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT14M55S 48288 496 2709 48 not set not set 2017-12-28T09:51:15.000Z oPAD1gaMgqU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says General Flynn Will Be Cleared - Gitmo Very Active! - 12/28/2017 " *Saturday Night 12/30/17 - 6:00PM Central Join Us On Live BlogTalkRadio! * Go Here For Details & Send This Link to All Your Friends! Jessie Walter (BPEarthwatch) & Steve Motley BPEarthwatch - To Kill A Mocking Bird/Tick Tock/Q BPEartyhwatch - DEEP STATE TAKE DOWN/UPDATE/Q's Real Purpose. BPEarthwatch - To Kill A Mocking Bird/Tick Tock/Q BPEartyhwatch - DEEP STATE TAKE DOWN/UPDATE/Q's Real Purpose. ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Lional Nation - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepSt... Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017 *** WATCH THIS ASAP EVERYBODY*** BPEarthwatch - MAJOR Q UPDATE/Warning./Merry Christmas BPEarthwatch - Q/Bombs Away BPEarthwatch - Trump's New Executive Order/Part 2/Big Take Down. BPEarthWatch - Trump Takes All Assets of Obama/Clinton+ LtCol Roy Potter - A Prophetic Verification *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" Steve Motley 23 ['BPEarthWatch', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT14M59S 19890 403 1143 17 not set not set 2017-12-29T00:10:34.000Z 2LI71uJFf0U UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Will Be The Hottest Topic At New Years Eve Parties This Year! - 12/28/2017 " *Saturday Night 12/30/17 - 6:00PM Central Join Us On Live BlogTalkRadio! * Go Here For Details & Send This Link to All Your Friends! Jessie Walter (BPEarthwatch) & Steve Motley ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Lional Nation - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepSt... Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017" Steve Motley 23 ['Qanon', 'bpearthwatch', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT14M53S 11733 385 952 16 not set not set 2017-12-29T10:23:03.000Z DPqCLEwZGPQ UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Lionel Talks Up QAnon on RT! - 12/29/2017 " *Saturday Night 6:00PM Central Join Us On Live BlogTalkRadio! * Go Here For Details & Send This Link to All Your Friends! Jessie Walter (BPEarthwatch) & Steve Motley *** FRIENDS WATCH THESE VIDEOS & PASS AROUND *** #QAnon and Liberty Targeting: ‘We as truth warriors smell victory’ – Lionel on RT Net4Truth - I called The White House on CNN reporter / sniper scout Net4Truth - CNN reporter proves assassination possible ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Lional Nation - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepSt... Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'lionel', 'lionel nation', 'rt', 'lionel rt', 'rt america', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'lionel media', 'blogtalkradio'] PT14M50S 10613 286 782 11 not set not set 2017-12-30T02:20:38.000Z Diq7Fkx1A6o UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon & The 100th Monkey Syndrome! - 12/29/2017 "We The People Sound Off Call In Radio Show! Wednesday, July 11th at 12:00 PM Mountain (206) 402-0100 Pin: 054234# To Speak Press *2 Playback Link For 4 July 2018 True News Radio Call Q - The Plan To Save The World Patriots Soap Box - 24/7 Live Feed - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 DIGGING DEEPER W/ GOOD DOG & RADIX - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Mike (SpaceShot76) Q anon/ Serialbrain2 AF1 Decode I Love Q (My Favorite) Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', '100thmonkey', '100thmonkeyeffect'] PT14M48S 8406 167 725 10 not set not set 2017-12-30T07:22:09.000Z Dcdg4yiuCtY UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Millions of Americans Awaken to Truth Thanks to QAnon! - 12/30/2017 "LtCol Roy Potter - Cabal Lies, Cabal Dies David Seaman - Donald Trump's Phenomenal First Year: Better Than Hillary's Nuclear Hellscape Jordan Sather - Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon BPEarthWatch - Breaking/Hillary's Classified Emails/Wiener Laptop BPEarthWatch - South Korea Takes Chinese Ship/Trump BPEarthWatch - BREAKING. 2800 Huma/Weiner Emails Released *Saturday Night 6:00PM Central Join Us On Live BlogTalkRadio! * Go Here For Details & Send This Link to All Your Friends! Jessie Walter (BPEarthwatch) & Steve Motley *** FRIENDS WATCH THESE VIDEOS & PASS AROUND *** #QAnon and Liberty Targeting: ‘We as truth warriors smell victory’ – Lionel on RT ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Lional Nation - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepSt... Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley of RetiredMarineSoundsOff. This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT14M58S 5563 118 435 10 not set not set 2018-01-01T00:50:05.000Z Iuc4x0YQc5k UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Becomes Most Popular Search Topic! - 12/31/2017 " *** FRIENDS WATCH THESE VIDEOS & PASS AROUND *** #QAnon and Liberty Targeting: ‘We as truth warriors smell victory’ – Lionel on RT ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Lional Nation - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepSt... Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M49S 8993 207 787 10 not set not set 2018-01-01T06:41:54.000Z vKQYZd6xq-Q UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Hot Breaking News! MAGA Football League Announced - 12/31/2017 "Special Breaking Report: MAGA Football League Coming to a Stadium Near You *** FRIENDS WATCH THESE VIDEOS & PASS AROUND *** #QAnon and Liberty Targeting: ‘We as truth warriors smell victory’ – Lionel on RT ***** BREAKING REAL NEWS ****** Alex Jones Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Lional Nation - A Primer on #QAnon and #QClearance: What You Should Know and Why #DeepSt... Click on the link below to listen to the 23 Dec 2017 recorded call with Jessie Walter of BPHealthWatch and Major Steve Motley This call contains Inside Information and truth about QAnon and other important subjects that you can use to make better sense of our crazy world! This call was so successful, that Jessie & I have decided to do a three hour Patriot call every Saturday Evening @ 7:00PM Central beginning next Saturday 30 Dec 2017" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'MAGA Football', 'MAGA Football League', 'MAGAFL', 'Patriots', 'NFL', 'Boycott NFL'] PT14M50S 13252 292 890 30 not set not set 2018-01-07T21:25:14.000Z nQcA83YvTKQ UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Very Active As "The Storm" Rages - 01/07/2018 "Our journey into ""The Storm"": An interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'infowars', 'alex jones', 'jerome corsi'] PT14M57S 14458 278 1076 14 not set not set 2018-01-08T07:54:25.000Z IYaBAJjyes8 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Thanks to QAnon - Millions Waking Up and Hungry for Truth! - 01/08/2018 "Our journey into ""The Storm"": An interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT14M58S 5780 138 476 13 not set not set 2018-01-14T23:38:14.000Z TA1Ec0DUfmI UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Monday 15 Jan 2018 The Real Storm Begins! - 01/14/2018 "Dr. Jerome Corsi - Analysis of Recent Q-anon Postings - The Hagmann Report Join us @ 6:00pm Central Tues-Thurs & Saturday We want to hear from you and All Patriots!" Steve Motley 23 not set PT14M59S 29291 351 1536 32 not set not set 2018-01-16T02:23:11.000Z BXrJYfODnPQ UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Patriots Rejoice QAnon's Return As Storm Rages On! - 01/15/2018 "Project Veritas: HUNDREDS of Twitter Employees Paid to View ""Everything You Pos... Doug Hagmann - All Roads Lead to Obama & Clinton - IG & Congressional Committee Expose ... BREAKING! STEVEN SEAGAL INTERVIEW - ALEX JONES INFOWARS http// Dr. Jerome Corsi - Analysis of Recent Q-anon Postings - The Hagmann Report Join us @ 6:00pm Central Tues-Thurs & Saturday We want to hear from you and All Patriots!" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon'] PT14M55S 12321 201 882 24 not set not set 2018-02-01T11:55:25.000Z TFPhayj0tgU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - BREAKING! QAnon Declares FREEDOM DAY! MEMO to Finally Set Us Free! - 02/01/2018 "Join Us Tonight on BlogTalkRadio @ 6:00pm Central Every Tues/Thurs/Saturday BPEarthWatch - Republican Train Crashes/Planes & Trains. Q Here's a Real Patriot from Idaho! Check him out! Massive Sale on ""Motley Crew"" T-Shirts and Coffee Mugs! Use Code: MAGA for 5% Off! Sale Ends Midnight Friday 2 Feb 2018 Check out this video my friend Lee made with the cool effects! I just found it in an email I hadn't read and thought you might get a kick out of it!" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'The Memo', 'Release The Memo', '4chan', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon 8chan', 'what is qanon', 'who is qanon', '4chanqanon', '8chan qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon dump', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'bpearthwatch'] PT14M59S 9714 328 751 5 not set not set 2018-02-14T21:19:45.000Z flkgBaYlHyU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Too Much BS Going Around About QAnon! Let's Talk - 02/14/2018 "Replay of Show From 02/12/2018 Happy Valentines Day Friends! Watch This For A Good Laugh! **** Only For Those Interested In Improving Their Health and Wellness and/or Making Extra Money From Home! Watch This - Watch This - Go Here To Join (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['Qanon', 'pure light'] PT14M59S 3431 108 222 23 not set not set 2018-02-23T05:21:13.000Z mi0zgytOzhc UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Basics 101 and Upcoming Special Qanon Call - 02/22/2018 " Replay of My Last Show - How Much Truth Can You Handle? 10% Off All Items! Use Code: RedPillMonkey at Check Out! **** Only For Those Interested In Improving Their Health & Wellness and/or Making Extra Money From Home! **** Watch My Video intro - Watch This - Go Here To Join (Go Gold Level) * I will contact you directly once you join! *" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', '4chan', '8chan'] PT14M45S 2182 70 245 7 not set not set 2018-05-12T03:15:29.000Z ZGWtSxX77_M UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine- Did QAnon Warn Us About The Apple Q Drops App & Making Money - 05/11/2018 " * Use Code PureLight at check out to save 10%! Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAanon', 'Alex Jones', 'Dr Jerome Corsi', 'Steve Motley'] PT14M58S 3508 97 296 20 not set not set 2018-05-12T03:45:06.000Z -YhBFCyGcgM UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Don't Be Stupid! QAnon Alive & Well As We Enter The Justice Phase! - 05/11/2018 " * Use Code PureLight at check out to save 10%! Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QANON', 'Alex Jones', 'Dr Jerome Corsi', 'Killing The Deep State'] PT14M58S 4375 105 325 17 not set not set 2018-05-25T00:52:39.000Z _0eyPKPE6gA UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says Get Busy Patriots! Be Loud & Make It Rain! - 05/24/2018 " * Use Code PureLight at check out to save 10%! Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'President', 'Trump'] PT14M57S 2518 88 257 9 not set not set 2018-05-27T19:38:13.000Z rq7pY2i8n7g UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - President Trump Quotes QAnon “Great Awakening” At Navel Academy Graduation! - 05/2 " * Use Code PureLight at check out to save 10%! Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M55S 3482 98 211 13 not set not set 2018-05-29T01:33:19.000Z oazm-FGooOA UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Distractors Say QAnon Make Believe! QAnon - "These People Are Stupid"! - 05/28/2108 " * Use Code PureLight at check out to save 10%! Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M59S 2303 120 209 11 not set not set 2018-06-02T00:36:01.000Z 6IOfbix6wGU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Vegas Taking Odds On QAnon's Return??? - 06/01/2018 " * Use Code PureLight at check out to save 10%! Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT15M 2955 38 173 3 not set not set 2018-06-07T21:46:48.000Z 7CDe3qI4GaY UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says True Patriots Have Front Row Seats To The Great Awakening! - 06/07/2018 "Retired Marine Sounds Off - (My First Video) General Flynn's Resignation and Pizza Gate! Lionel Interviews Ed Asner: The Bravest Man in America Who Never Backed Down From Seeking the Truth Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M59S 2946 117 296 4 not set not set 2018-06-11T21:52:22.000Z 3MHKGtkJP38 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Returns In Blaze Of Glory! Confirms NK Deal Already Done! - 06/11/2018 "SpaceShot76 - Q anon 6/11/18 ""Start the clock"" (New) Retired Marine - QAnon Says NK Deal Already Made! Clowns Out! Strings Cut! We're In Control. Retired Marine - Is Former Marine Bob Mueller Actually Working For Trump... Retired Marine - Wikileaks Podesta Email Dump Revealed Cosmic Cultures (ETs) & Zero Point Energy! 06/08/2018 Retired Marine - What The Marines Discovered At CIA HQ Langley Will Blow Your Mind! - 11/29/2017 https::// Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M53S 3820 85 363 5 not set not set 2018-06-12T21:25:42.000Z OtFK8eV3_mo UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Was Right Again! God Bless America & Korea! - 06/12/2018 "ATTENTION PATRIOTS - Join us tonight Tuesday 12 June 2018 on a Special Truth Not Fiction Matters (TNFM) Call @ 7:00pm Central (712) 770-5168 Access Code 371188 PatriotSoapBox - Q: ""Hint: Those responsible for spying(FVEY) are present. PANIC"" - Retired Marine - QAnon Says NK Deal Already Made! Clowns Out! Strings Cut! We're In Control. Retired Marine - Wikileaks Podesta Email Dump Revealed Cosmic Cultures (ETs) & Zero Point Energy! 06/08/2018 Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QANON', 'stevemotley', 'tnfm'] PT14M51S 2534 87 266 4 not set not set 2018-06-16T21:47:08.000Z bSk-Hz8vcFQ UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine- QAnon Followers Are True Patriots Not Cult Members! - 06/16/2018 "NEW Q DURING NIGHT: 11.3 = when HUBER made a SEALED indictment - PATRIOT... Mike - SpaceShot76 - Q anon 6/16/18 IG/HRC Children ""The Beginning"" Steve Motley Interviews Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'spaceshot76'] PT14M59S 2590 107 305 12 not set not set 2018-07-25T07:46:51.000Z ZhihDF9bTrw UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Brings Dragon Energy To Patriots & Truth Seekers Worldwide! - 07/25/2018 "BREAKING: President Donald Trump SHOCKING Speech in Kansas City @ VFW Convention! Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Matthew Caldwell 20 DAYS OF DARKNESS Q Mike Spaceshot76 - Q anon 7/25/18 ""Destruction of the OLD Guard"" #QAnon Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'thedailybeast', 'qanongoesmainstream', 'daily beast infowars', 'alexjones', 'therussiahoax', 'greggjarrett', 'gregg jarrwett', 'dragon energy'] PT14M58S 1021 28 157 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T02:16:13.000Z JJ5tAS8dL7E UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Says Jack & MZ Have Dirty Hands! Why the 20% Slide? - 07/28/2018 "Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Matthew Caldwell 20 DAYS OF DARKNESS Q Mike Spaceshot76 - Q anon 7/25/18 ""Destruction of the OLD Guard"" #QAnon Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M59S 2070 62 220 2 not set not set 2018-07-29T07:29:32.000Z aP3Fc6WWeFM UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Why Should Patriots Follow QAnon? - 07/29/2018 "***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Mike Spaceshot76 - Q anon 7/25/18 ""Destruction of the OLD Guard"" #QAnon Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Retired Marine - QAnon ""I'll Be Your Fighter"" Patriot Celebration Dance! Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M55S 1378 41 181 3 not set not set 2018-07-29T23:15:56.000Z sV-n-FULZfU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon "This Movement Bigger Than Anyone Can Possibly Imagine!" - 07/29/2018 "***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Mike Spaceshot76 - Q anon 7/25/18 ""Destruction of the OLD Guard"" #QAnon Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Retired Marine - QAnon ""I'll Be Your Fighter"" Patriot Celebration Dance! Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M56S 3382 109 258 3 not set not set 2018-07-30T21:24:11.000Z t_vi7IoPV-E UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Has QAnon Changed Your Life For The Better? How? - 07/30/2018 "Q anon 7/29 ""Buckle up"" ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M58S 1273 52 170 3 not set not set 2018-07-31T05:50:33.000Z c6d2IWlfjJo UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon, Attorney Roy Cohn & President Donald J Trump! - 07/30/2018 "Q anon 7/29 ""Buckle up"" ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'DeathOfANation', 'DineshDSouza'] PT14M55S 929 16 107 3 not set not set 2018-07-31T06:35:45.000Z dw5biSJ9Xww UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - OAnon, Tomato Plants & Something BIG About to Drop! - 07/31/2018 "Q anon 7/29 ""Buckle up"" ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M51S 1483 37 181 1 not set not set 2018-07-31T08:58:54.000Z 70Tk4x1iNgE UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Calls Followers Dedicated Gold Star Researchers! - 07/31/2018 "OMG! You Won't Believe Who This Actor/Dirctor Says Is A Pedophile"" - Isaac Kappy Names Names #PedoWood #p Q anon 7/29 ""Buckle up"" ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/28/18 Nothing Happening? FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['qanon', 'isaackappy'] PT14M58S 1203 26 104 6 not set not set 2018-07-31T19:00:15.000Z DHFG0wqzTWE UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Huge QAnon Presence Expected At Trump Rally in Florida! - 07/31/2018 "***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/30/18 ""Dark to light"" FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M59S 2326 60 176 1 not set not set 2018-08-01T05:41:35.000Z t3EiJrM43as UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Partially Removes Mask At Florida Rally With Post 1776! - 07/31/2018 "President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Tampa, Florida - 07/31/2018 ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/30/18 ""Dark to light"" FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'presidenttrump', 'presidenttrumpflorida'] PT15M 3160 57 253 8 not set not set 2018-08-01T22:33:40.000Z mHy3_UlgjDs UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - World Discovers QAnon Thanks To Q Warriors At Florida Rally! - 08/01/2018 "President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Tampa, Florida - 07/31/2018 ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/30/18 ""Dark to light"" FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M59S 1821 46 173 8 not set not set 2018-08-02T11:17:37.000Z G_c-s_q_gp8 UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Steve Motley Reads Death Of A Nation By Dinesh D’Souza (Video 4) - 08/02/2018 "***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email: Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/30/18 ""Dark to light"" FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'Deathofanation'] PT14M58S 357 2 30 0 not set not set 2018-08-07T20:05:44.000Z _JYYvugoxnc UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Globalist Hate QAnon Because It's Back Channel For POTUS & Military Intel To Patriots! - 08/07/2018 "President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Lewis Center, Ohio - ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email: Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 7/30/18 ""Dark to light"" FAKE NEWS/MSM/MID-TERM s 2018 HACKING Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Q: ""Something BIG is about to drop."" LIVE NOW: Freedom Rings! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level)" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'Presidenttrump', 'presidenttrumpinohio'] PT14M58S 2150 67 233 4 not set not set 2018-08-21T07:52:16.000Z rkK7Q7TR9LU UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon Drops Bomshell About Connecting Some Dots & The Great Awakening! - 08/21/2018 "Q - Killing The Mockingbird ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** Retired Marine - Dinesh D'Souza's ""Death Of A Nation"" Awakening Democrat Slaves In Urban ... ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 8/14/18 ""Actors will act"" Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level) Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Pinterest: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email:" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon'] PT14M58S 3444 53 272 4 not set not set 2018-09-10T05:56:06.000Z 0pwxjeOYigA UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - QAnon, AJ, Corsi, Posobiec & The Facts! (Part 3) - 09/09/2018 "Right Side Broadcasting! FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Billings, Montana - 9/6/18 (Go to 26:00 mark to see my interview with Tom from RSB) **** Retired Marine - 08/19/2018 - Alex I Love Ya Man! But You Really Need To Stop The Negative BS About QAnon! **** Mike Spaceshot 76 - Q anon 9/8/18 Pledge of allegiance Bruce Figert - Q-anon Update 9/7//2018 Federal prosecutors have been working for months.. Praying Medic - Q Anon September 7 - We Are Q Edge Of Wonder - #QAnon - How the Media Controls What We Think Q - Killing The Mockingbird ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** Retired Marine - Dinesh D'Souza's ""Death Of A Nation"" Awakening Democrat Slaves In Urban ... ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Mike SpaceShot 76 - Q anon 8/14/18 ""Actors will act"" Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Recorded Pure Light Technologies Call With Steve Motley - 08/31/2018 To Listen by Phone: (206) 402-0103 Pin: 110127999# My Pure Light Site: Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level) Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Pinterest: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email:" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'RSBNetwork', 'RightSideBroadcasting'] PT14M10S 3622 75 264 4 not set not set 2018-10-22T20:59:25.000Z uvNtaZ7Q1Vk UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - America Is Being Invaded By Globalist Funded Illegal Migrants! - 10/22/2018 "🔴 Watch LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Houston, TX 10-22-2018 **** Please Watch.....Like & Share! **** The Man in the MAGA Hat - Steve Motley [in·ter·view] http://TheManInTheMAGAHat President Trump Press Briefing on Elizabeth Warren Test, Climate Chang... ****50% Off All Nutritional Products**** Great Christmas Gifts! President Trump on Christine Blasey Ford, his relationships with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and more Get Your Trump Rally Tickets Here! 18th - Missoula, MT 19th - Mesa, Arizona 20th - Elko, NV President Trump and Kanye West meet in Oval Office Spaceshot 76 - Trump holds campaign rally in Minnesota Captain Matthew Caldweld - Praying Medic - Qanon October 2 Red October Edge Of Wonder - Tentacles of the Deep State EXPOSED [2018] PART 1 Q - Killing The Mockingbird ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** Retired Marine - Dinesh D'Souza's ""Death Of A Nation"" Awakening Democrat Slaves In Urban ... Please Support My Sponsors! Join Us November 9-11, 2018 Dallas, Texas John B. Wells - Operation Classified ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Recorded Pure Light Technologies Call With Steve Motley - 08/31/2018 To Listen by Phone: (206) 402-0103 Pin: 110127999# My Pure Light Site: Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level) Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Pinterest: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email:" Steve Motley 23 ['Caravan', 'MigrantInvasion', 'rsb', 'rsbnetwork', 'rightsidebroadcasting', 'trumprally', 'trumprallies', 'trumprallyhouston'] PT14M48S 1806 82 199 4 not set not set 2018-10-22T22:06:26.000Z vd_cDgreZ0s UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - The Great Awakening QAnon Predicted Has Arrived! - 10/22/2018 "🔴 Ted Cruz EXPLOSIVE Speech to Introduce President Trump at MASSIVE Rally 10/22/2108 Houston TX 🔴 President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at MASSIVE Rally in Houston 10/22/2018 🔴 Lara and Eric Trump INCREDIBLE Speech at President Trump MASSIVE Rally in Houston! 10/22/2018 **** Please Watch.....Like & Share! **** The Man in the MAGA Hat - Steve Motley [in·ter·view] President Trump Press Briefing on Elizabeth Warren Test, Climate Chang... ****50% Off All Nutritional Products**** Great Christmas Gifts! President Trump and Kanye West meet in Oval Office Spaceshot 76 - Trump holds campaign rally in Minnesota Captain Matthew Caldweld - Praying Medic - Qanon October 2 Red October Edge Of Wonder - Tentacles of the Deep State EXPOSED [2018] PART 1 Q - Killing The Mockingbird ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** Retired Marine - Dinesh D'Souza's ""Death Of A Nation"" Awakening Democrat Slaves In Urban ... Please Support My Sponsors! Join Us November 9-11, 2018 Dallas, Texas John B. Wells - Operation Classified ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Recorded Pure Light Technologies Call With Steve Motley - 08/31/2018 To Listen by Phone: (206) 402-0103 Pin: 110127999# My Pure Light Site: Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level) Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Pinterest: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email:" Steve Motley 23 ['TRUMP', 'TrumpHouston', 'TrumpRally'] PT14M59S 3795 98 259 5 not set not set 2018-10-24T21:56:09.000Z 5jgdfe_0ShY UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - Mueller & Rosenstein Turned White Hats! Now Working For POTUS! - 10/24/2018 "🔴 Watch LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Houston, TX 10-22-2018 **** Please Watch.....Like & Share! **** The Man in the MAGA Hat - Steve Motley [in·ter·view] http://TheManInTheMAGAHat President Trump Press Briefing on Elizabeth Warren Test, Climate Chang... ****50% Off All Nutritional Products**** Great Christmas Gifts! President Trump on Christine Blasey Ford, his relationships with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and more Get Your Trump Rally Tickets Here! 18th - Missoula, MT 19th - Mesa, Arizona 20th - Elko, NV President Trump and Kanye West meet in Oval Office Spaceshot 76 - Trump holds campaign rally in Minnesota Captain Matthew Caldweld - Praying Medic - Qanon October 2 Red October Edge Of Wonder - Tentacles of the Deep State EXPOSED [2018] PART 1 Q - Killing The Mockingbird ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** Retired Marine - Dinesh D'Souza's ""Death Of A Nation"" Awakening Democrat Slaves In Urban ... Please Support My Sponsors! Join Us November 9-11, 2018 Dallas, Texas John B. Wells - Operation Classified ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Recorded Pure Light Technologies Call With Steve Motley - 08/31/2018 To Listen by Phone: (206) 402-0103 Pin: 110127999# My Pure Light Site: Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level) Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Pinterest: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email:" Steve Motley 23 ['QAnon', 'BobMueller', 'RobertMuellwe', 'Rosenstein', 'RodRosenstein', 'jeffsessions', 'sessions'] PT14M58S 3283 84 247 10 not set not set 2018-10-25T19:55:12.000Z yE-8xlJ9Z1M UCXaHZsL9kAju2gfZd0ZojqA Retired Marine - The Pipe Bombs Are Totally Fake! The Dems Sent Them To Themselves! - 10/25/2018 "**** Friends Please Watch This Video My Friend Matthew Caldwell Made & Be Sure to Like and Subscribe to his Channel. He is a True Patriot and One Of Us! TNFM Report 24 Oct 2018 part 2 President Trump in Mosinee, WISCONSIN **** Please Watch.....Like & Share! **** The Man in the MAGA Hat - Steve Motley [in·ter·view] http://TheManInTheMAGAHat ****50% Off All Nutritional Products**** Great Christmas Gifts! President Trump and Kanye West meet in Oval Office Captain Matthew Caldweld - Q - Killing The Mockingbird ***WATCH: @DineshDSouza's official ""Death of a Nation"" movie trailer: *** Retired Marine - Dinesh D'Souza's ""Death Of A Nation"" Awakening Democrat Slaves In Urban ... Please Support My Sponsors! Join Us November 9-11, 2018 Dallas, Texas John B. Wells - Operation Classified ** ALL PATRIOTS MUST WATCH THIS NOW & PASS IT ALONG ** Q: The Plan To Save The World - Go Here To See All Q Posts! - Get Your Q Shirts Here! Use Code: qanon at checkout to save 10% Recorded Pure Light Technologies Call With Steve Motley - 08/31/2018 To Listen by Phone: (206) 402-0103 Pin: 110127999# My Pure Light Site: Steve Motley Interviews Pure Light CEO Roger Young! Watch This Into Video - Go Here To Join My Team! (Go Gold Level) Follow Me! I Follow Back! Twitter & Gab: @stevemotley FaceBook: Pinterest: Text Me! Text Only Please! (503) 481-6492 Email:" Steve Motley 23 ['PIPEBOMBS', 'FAKEPIPEBOMBS', 'TRUMPRALLYWISCONSIN', 'TRUMPRALLY', 'TRUMPRALLIES', 'TNFM', 'PATRIOTS'] PT14M57S 3060 125 356 6 not set not set 2018-05-13T23:35:26.000Z bsadLMpiVUU UCCaa6eXJ_-nNhIRk-s5IhNg Q-ANON TEE SHIRT & TANK TOPS Slide show presentation of available Q-Anon t-shirts and tank top designs by the artist Steve Jameson. Some items display images of Dr. Jerome Corsi by his expression permission. A percentage of the sales of those items goes to Dr. Corsi for his work in re-establishing a constitutional republic to the USA and supporting President Trump. Purchase Q-Anon shirts at stevejameson77 24 ['Dr. Jerome Corsi', 'Dr. Corsi', 'Q-Anon', 'Q-Anon clothing', 'Q-Qnon shirts', 'Q-Anon T-shirts', 'Diamond and Silk', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Alex Jones', 'Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'President Trump', 'Steve Jameson', 'Tattoos', 'Tattoo Tanks', 'Shadow Government', 'Killing The Deep State', 'Conspiracy Theorist', 'Deep State', 'Who Is Q', 'Q-Clothing', 'Q-Anon Clothing', 'Anon', 'Anonomous'] PT2M6S 244 4 10 1 not set not set 2018-09-16T06:35:51.000Z K8XaBo0I0gI UCPiqj8oWIB9V_csUQ1Km9Gw Q Anon Rock Song - WWG1WGA "Rock on Anons!! (No copyright intended. Original video link no longer working. Uploading as a mirror)" Steven Strange 22 ['POTUS Politics'] PT4M8S 652 3 33 0 not set not set 2018-09-30T11:17:36.000Z EBmHFx3cZTQ UCPiqj8oWIB9V_csUQ1Km9Gw Kavanaugh explains upcoming Millitary Tribunals? - Q Drop 2294 "Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed to our Supreme Court and when the legality of Military Tribunals are challenged before the Supreme Court it will be Justice Kavanaugh who writes the MAJORITY OPINION that they may proceed. Q Drop 2294📁 YT deleted original. Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today. Reconcile. Q" Steven Strange 22 ['Politics', 'Kavanaugh Nomination'] PT2M9S 731 2 12 0 not set not set 2018-04-14T04:25:39.000Z 3FLtxdi1AsE UCcKvqbFOocsRyTSGzSL-Olw HERE'S Proof HRC AKA FRAZZLEDrAT Huma Rape video on DarkWeb .THIS IS BAD. FRIDAY THE 13th 4/13/18 C9 "LIVE THE OTHER VIDEO's HAS BEEN TAKING DOWN IN 13mins you dont have to go on the dark web ... leave the work to us ... we will put everything you need to no out for the WORLD to see !!! we do REAL News !!! THANKS BuddY SO IT IS AGIAN HERE's The Proof HRC FRIDAY AKA #FrazzledRat Huma Rape video on Dark Web THIS IS FRIDAY THE 13th 4/13/18 TAKEN DN HERE's The Proof HRC AKA #FRAZZLEDrAT Huma Rape video on Dark Web THIS IS BAD FRIDAY THE 13th 4/13/18 WATCH NOW !!! Subscribe & share thanks !!! Donate Here. Every One is appreciated and helps us make every live stream and video." Stoney Stone : You Cant Make This Shyt UP NEWS ! 25 "['trump', 'pewdiepie', 'news', 'fix', 'simple life hacks', 'qanon', 'fox', 'msmbc', 'reuse', 'gitmo', 'usa', 'cnn', 'old into new', 'sealed indictments', 'tips', 'plastic bottles', 'money-saving', 'proyectos faciles', 'infowars', 'useful things', 'tutorial', 'net4truth usa', 'way', 'ways', 'repurpose', 'net4truthusa', 'easy life hacks', 'tricks', 'save money', 'scratches', 'recycle', 'fbi', 'diy activities', 'q anon', 'lifehacks', 'diy projects', ""cov fe'fe with dave"", 'toothpaste hacks', '#bulletsfirst', 'phone hacks']" PT3M18S 51 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-05T11:42:48.000Z BVf7adiLN8w UCcKvqbFOocsRyTSGzSL-Olw Rulers of Darkness battle for our souls !!! HRC Q ANON "Rulers of Darkness battle for our souls !!! We Do this for the Children and people whom no longer have a voice in this world. Help to make it possible for all of us to fight the good fight. We the people. For the people. Fight for us together. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DONATE HERE TO SUPPORT THE STREAM WE ARE STRICTLY VIEWER FUNDED.PLEASE USE PayPal.Me/stoneystonenews IF POSSIBLE THANKS !!! Also Check out our Patreon $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There Fighting to Keep us Silenced. They will NOT silence us or take away our freedom of speech. Neither YOURS or OURS!!! TOPIC: DAvE GOt It AGaIN ! BUt WAIt THeRE""S MOrE ! CoMInG sOOn ! ______________________________________________________________________ Link to Daves NEW CHANNEL here Link to Harley(my son) stoneystone662 here: ______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE Subscribe & Share & LIKE thanks!!! Download TOR here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media ______________________________________________________________________ Check out My Twitter Page (NEW!!!): Check out our Discord Server to Speak with me and the community(New): ______________________________________________________________________" Stoney Stone : You Cant Make This Shyt UP NEWS ! 25 ['americanization', 'citizenship', 'civics', 'us government', 'patriotism', 'civic education', 'hudson institute', 'theodore roosevelt', 'national identity', 'true americanism', 'what so proudly we hail', 'leader (film)', 'hd', 'political movies', 'HRC', 'HUMA', 'hillary clinton', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'trump', 'cnn', 'pizzagate', 'bill clinton', 'lies', 'american public', 'us congress', 'senator clinton', 'qanon', 'truth', 'new world order', 'fbi', 'president trump', 'censorship', 'big boom', 'deep state', 'school', 'illuminati', 'Q ANON'] PT21M40S 494 26 60 1 not set not set 2018-05-11T13:08:59.000Z LNMrreQzP4U UCcKvqbFOocsRyTSGzSL-Olw #Q BOMBSHELL Q-D'etat EXPOSED Defango Lionel Nation Uni Rock Titus Frost Jerome Corsi CICADA 3301 "#QANON BOMBSHELL EXPOSED ... THANKS TO Defango Lionel Nation Uni Rock Titus Frost ... REALLY Jerome Corsi ... PAYOP ... I SEEN IT COMING FOREVER ... WAKE UP AMERICA !!! 5/11/18 CICADA 3301 THANKS TO ALL YOU : NOT THE ""Q D'etat"" Defango Lionel Nation Uni Rock Titus Frost ... KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK !!! Defango DAFANGO LINK 2 Lionel Nation UNIROCK Titus Frost PLEASE HELP BY BUYING ME A KO_FI HELP SUPPORT ARE CHANNEL !!! MORE LINKS BELOW Check Out Our Twitch Check Out Our Mixer We Stream On all of the platforms at once For the convenience of everyone. Multistreaming with I HAVE A GUEST TONIGHT WE'RE MAKING HISTORY MAYBE THE HRC VIDEO TAPE REVEALED ??? WE WILL SEE !!! $ $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Do this for the Children and people whom no longer have a voice in this world. Help to make it possible for all of us to fight the good fight. We the people. For the people. Fight for us together. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DONATE HERE TO SUPPORT THE STREAM WE ARE STRICTLY VIEWER FUNDED.PLEASE USE PayPal.Me/stoneystonenews IF POSSIBLE THANKS !!! Also Check out our Patreon $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There Fighting to Keep us Silenced. They will NOT silence us or take away our freedom of speech. Neither YOURS or OURS!!! TOPIC: DAvE GOt It AGaIN ! BUt WAIt THeRE'S MOrE ! CoMInG sOOn ! ______________________________________________________________________ Link to Daves NEW CHANNEL here Link to Harley(my son) stoneystone662 here: ______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE Subscribe & Share & LIKE thanks!!! Download TOR here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media ______________________________________________________________________ Check out My Twitter Page (NEW!!!): Check out our Discord Server to Speak with me and the community(New): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" Stoney Stone : You Cant Make This Shyt UP NEWS ! 25 "['Defango', 'Lionel Nation', 'Uni Rock', 'Titus Frost', 'Q BOMBSHELL', 'QANON', 'FAKE', 'Jerome Corsi', 'WAKE UP AMERICA', 'Q ANON', 'BOMBSHELL', 'NEWS', 'EXPOSED', 'the storm', 'qanonposts', 'cbts_stream', 'new', 'newest', 'latest', 'posts', 'who is q', 'qanon', 'what is q', 'q+', 'great awakening', '', 'patriots', 'patriots fight', 'deep state', 'patriotsfight', 'illuamanti', 'peter strzok', 'lisa page', 'fbi', 'today', 'doj', 'corsi', 'president trump', 'trump storm', 'new q', 'white house', 'q anon news', 'wwg1wga', 'trust the plan', '#QANON', 'CICADA 3301', ""Q D'etat""]" PT22M26S 3107 83 54 24 not set not set 2018-05-13T12:00:41.000Z TmdX3Ba_hJ8 UCcKvqbFOocsRyTSGzSL-Olw UNIROCK LIVE ABOUT Q ANON Jerome Corsi CICADA 3301 5/11/18 "UNIROCK LIVE ABOUT Q ANON Jerome Corsi CICADA 3301 ... 5/11/18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ thanks unirock ... link : and Defango -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE HELP BY BUYING ME A KO_FI HELP SUPPORT ARE CHANNEL !!! MORE LINKS BELOW Check Out Our Twitch Check Out Our Mixer We Stream On all of the platforms at once For the convenience of everyone. Multistreaming with I HAVE A GUEST TONIGHT WE'RE MAKING HISTORY MAYBE THE HRC VIDEO TAPE REVEALED ??? WE WILL SEE !!! $ $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Do this for the Children and people whom no longer have a voice in this world. Help to make it possible for all of us to fight the good fight. We the people. For the people. Fight for us together. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DONATE HERE TO SUPPORT THE STREAM WE ARE STRICTLY VIEWER FUNDED.PLEASE USE PayPal.Me/stoneystonenews IF POSSIBLE THANKS !!! Also Check out our Patreon $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There Fighting to Keep us Silenced. They will NOT silence us or take away our freedom of speech. Neither YOURS or OURS!!! TOPIC: DAvE GOt It AGaIN ! BUt WAIt THeRE'S MOrE ! CoMInG sOOn ! ______________________________________________________________________ Link to Daves NEW CHANNEL here Link to Harley(my son) stoneystone662 here: ______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE Subscribe & Share & LIKE thanks!!! Download TOR here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media ______________________________________________________________________ Check out My Twitter Page (NEW!!!): Check out our Discord Server to Speak with me and the community(New): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________" Stoney Stone : You Cant Make This Shyt UP NEWS ! 25 ['unirock', 'strange', '#qanon', 'qanon', 'donald trump', 'q clearance', 'q anon', 'twitter', '/pol', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anonymous', 'leak', 'awakening', 'wikileaks', 'intel', 'trump', '4chan website', 'qanon 8chan', 'live', 'livestream', 'pizzagate', 'the storm', 'q anon 4chan', 'pol', 'breadcrumbs', 'q anon twitter', '2017', 'storm', 'q-anon', 'lift the veil', 'evidence', 'jerome corsi', 'unirock2', 'unirocktv', '8chan', 'happening', 'november', 'trump 4chan', '#anonymous', 'politically incorrect', 'Jerome Corsi', 'fake'] PT1H15M25S 252 4 12 3 not set not set 2018-07-24T23:35:15.000Z 6qT0IrR3neQ UCcKvqbFOocsRyTSGzSL-Olw QANON = IS BACK !!! NEW DROPS IN THE DESCRIPTION & THANK YOU ... 7/24/2018 C9 SGT 2 BACKUP CHANNEL "Q DROP 7/24/2018 : SGT 2 BACKUP CHANNEL: : Donate HERE: $ KO_FI $ OR HERE $ $ MY NEW P.O BOX { STONEY STONE Y.C.M.T.S.U.NEWS. P.O BOX 981 ROCKFORD IL 61105 } IF YOU ARE HELPING TO SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ... PLEASE LEAVE THE NAME OPEN AND I WILL FILL IT IN ... AND YOU WILL GET MY REAL NAME ON THE RETURN CHECK ... I FEEL ITS A HONOR TO HAVE SUCH A GREAT BUNCH OF NEW FAMILY !!! GOD BLESS YOU & THE USA ... WWG1WGA {~~~} YOU CAN ALSO HELP SUPpORT OuR ChANNeL IM OTHER WAY'S LIKE BUYING Us A $3 CuP Of COffEE ... KO_FI For as little as 1$ monthly, become a Patron: $ $ I HAVE TO LIVE STREAM ON MY BACKUP CHANNEL PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE : WELL LOOK EVERYONE I NOW HAVE 3 STRIKES NOW ON STONEY STONE YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHYT UP NEWS ... WTF ... WE WILL FIGHTING THEM !!! GAME ON THEIR-TUBE ... MORE LINKS MY NEW BACKUP CHANNEL: PLEASE DONATE HERE TO SUPPORT ArE CHANNEL & THE STREAMS ... WE ARE STRICTLY VIEWER FUNDED.PLEASE USE PayPal.Me/stoneystonenews IF POSSIBLE THANKS !!! Also Check out our Patreon Please consider supporting the program...You can learn and donate to ARE work LINK'S BELOW :THANK YOU !!! $ KO_FI $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Check Out Our Twitch Check Out Our Mixer We Stream On all of the platforms at once For the convenience of everyone. Multistreaming with --------------------------------------------------------------- We Do this for the Children and people whom no longer have a voice in this world. Help to make it possible for all of us to fight the good fight. We the people. For the people. Fight for us together. --------------------------------------------------------------- There Fighting to Keep us Silenced. They will NOT silence us or take away our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS OR our freedom of speech. Neither YOURS or OURS!!! TOPIC: DAvE GOt It AGaIN ! BUt WAIt THeRE'S MOrE ! CoMInG sOOn ! _______________________________________________________________ Link to Daves NEW CHANNEL here Link to Harley(my son) stoneystone662 here: _______________________________________________________________ PLEASE Subscribe & Share & LIKE thanks!!! Download TOR here: --------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media _______________________________________________________________ Check out My Twitter Page (NEW!!!): Check out our Discord Server to Speak with me and the community(New): ________________________________________________________________" Stoney Stone : You Cant Make This Shyt UP NEWS ! 25 ['qanon', 'trump', 'maga', 'fake news', 'pizzagate', 'clinton', 'media', 'q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'wwg1wga', 'deep state', 'putin', 'greatawakening', 'uranium1', 'elliott marxx', 'isaacgreen', 'great awakening', 'make america great again', 'anti-school', 'anti school', 'antischool', 'isaac green', 'pressekonferenz', 'press conference', 'eliott marxx', 'deutsch', 'helsinki 2018', 'whereistheserver', 'lisa page', 'strozk', 'super rant', 'rant', 'ja', 'assange', 'julian', 'wikileaks', 'mueller', 'lockherup', 'hillary', 'IS', 'BACK', 'NEW', 'DROP', 'DROPS'] PT23M41S 1093 32 84 1 not set not set 2018-07-24T22:07:55.000Z cl51wZVdwYA UCy5OlMsWsK13Wu0DAlcPbaA Motorcade Honk Referenced in QAnon Drop 1691 """We saw you! God bless Patriots! Q"" SUBSCRIBE & Follow Us On: Facebook: @stormscoops Instagram: @stormscoops Twitter: @stormscoops" Storm Scoops 25 ['motorcade honk', 'motorcade honk qanon', 'qanon'] PT1M8S 138434 648 3580 11 not set not set 2018-08-01T18:46:34.000Z Qvi_MGhe8GM UCy5OlMsWsK13Wu0DAlcPbaA REPORTER FINALLY ASKS SARAH SANDERS ABOUT QANON! "SUBSCRIBE & Follow Us On: Facebook: @stormscoops ""The Calm Before the Storm - CBTS"" Instagram: @stormscoops Twitter: @stormscoops" Storm Scoops 25 ['sarah sanders', 'qanon', 'q trump', 'donald trump'] PT2M26S 27820 96 195 4 not set not set 2018-02-24T03:10:46.000Z UtNbMRuqSso UC5epQLFtfWmHgsIdjBhDmpw Qanon grateful dead john perry barlow mkultra Full circle Strong Rightturn 22 ['Johnperrybarlow', 'gratefuldead', 'qanon', 'anonq', 'mkultra', 'laurelcanyon', 'crisisacting', 'seanhannity', '8chan', 'greatawakening', 'calmbeforethestorm', 'cpac', 'mikepence', 'roypotter', 'markdice', 'elrushbo', 'bobweir', 'evil'] PT6M37S 196 1 6 1 not set not set 2018-01-27T09:58:54.000Z AuuBQasfLyg UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 1-27-18 -Queen Seeking Shelter- Pt3 "Qanon is active today..... My review of his/her/their latest posts on 8chan. Plus relevant articles and comments from the internet today." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT12M33S 30819 116 303 11 not set not set 2018-01-30T08:16:37.000Z 1SIFvU0D6-c UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 1-30-18 : James Comey's Tweet "Qanon posted 4 messages onto the GreatAwakening 8chan board today. One of the messages claims to have interpreted James Comey's latest tweet." Stroppy Me 22 not set PT3M33S 11879 23 99 6 not set not set 2018-02-01T08:14:42.000Z VKLpeNdbTI4 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts - 2-1-18 : Plus More 'Dilley' Intel "Qanon has been chatting to other anons on the 8chan qresearch board. Brenden Dilley's source provides more intel. Updated relevant info." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Dilley'] PT16M3S 24734 86 211 9 not set not set 2018-02-09T10:08:21.000Z 0ftGdFkFR7w UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon/'Dilley' Intel 2-9-18 : Is it all about to Hit The Fan? "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. Thank you for watching. Links:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Dilley', 'Intel'] PT6M27S 45224 115 495 12 not set not set 2018-02-10T03:03:19.000Z 3Ykt0kruMnA UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 2-10-18 : Ha Ha Ha Can You Sleep? "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. Thank you for watching. Links:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT1M53S 25034 74 307 9 not set not set 2018-02-10T10:42:56.000Z 9JZtkUT14_I UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon/Dilley Intel 2-10-18 Pt2 : Strange Messages "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. Thank you for watching. Links:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Dilley', 'Intel'] PT6M10S 32808 112 267 12 not set not set 2018-02-23T01:13:12.000Z rl4OnbeATcA UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 2-23-18 : CIA Journalists Abound! Q has begun posting to the 8chan boards again. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M4S 24750 71 332 9 not set not set 2018-03-04T23:57:50.000Z dRySw_r-7YU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-5-18 : Be Careful Who You Follow Q has again been posting to the Qresearch board on 8chan. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT3M20S 24528 45 320 12 not set not set 2018-03-07T23:31:14.000Z o3nwRBjIQHo UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-8-18 : Hey Snowden We See You.... "Q has posted more cryptic clues on the Qresearch board on 8chan." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT6M50S 27554 82 428 15 not set not set 2018-03-09T00:46:46.000Z fG0qbdEWIPU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-9-18 Pt2 : NO DEALS! Latest posts by Q on the qresearch 8chan board. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT4M35S 20123 81 389 6 not set not set 2018-03-09T03:10:06.000Z Ez6h9jO78ec UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-9-18 Pt3 : Break the MSM! Q continues to post to the qresearch 8chan board. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M51S 22822 103 426 10 not set not set 2018-03-09T23:33:27.000Z RkraTcY5eOo UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-10-18 : Snowden, we can take you anytime. Bringing you up to date with the latest posts by Q on the qresearch 8chan board. Also some 'Dilley' intel.... Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Dilley', 'Intel'] PT8M6S 23503 81 426 5 not set not set 2018-03-10T02:39:36.000Z 3sUpnhAo5nk UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-10-18 Pt2 : Snowden Responds! More Q posts onto the qresearch 8chan board. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M31S 24549 86 435 7 not set not set 2018-03-11T00:01:34.000Z RsjPi0Pm21s UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-11-18 : So Much To Talk About! Latest posts by Q to the 8chan boards. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Australia', 'Cohn', 'Germany'] PT17M57S 67304 307 907 29 not set not set 2018-03-11T21:43:45.000Z _k_89Vx-3aw UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-12-18 : These people are Maxine Waters Stupid! Update on posts by Q to the 8chan boards. Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M42S 44561 175 573 18 not set not set 2018-03-16T04:39:11.000Z URpxgWFaYoc UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Lastest Qanon Posts / 'Dilley' Intel 3-16-18 : Boooooom!!!! "Q has been quiet for several days now but yesterday, my time, he put up a number of posts onto the 8chan qresearch board. Brenden Dilley also put out some 'new' intel (FWIW)" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Dilley', 'Intel'] PT12M58S 27824 209 467 18 not set not set 2018-03-16T09:24:57.000Z RPgmKQ4Gifo UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Post 3-16-18 Pt2 : We Have The Sub "A look at Q's latest cryptic post to the 8chan qresearch board AND the responses of Anons on the board at the time." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M59S 40176 185 458 17 not set not set 2018-03-17T22:10:56.000Z vHDQUPS6Tmg UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-18-18 : How Bad Is The Corruption? "Q has posted to the Great Awakening board on 8chan." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M1S 34482 129 538 17 not set not set 2018-03-18T09:41:50.000Z 9YBINXij87U UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-18-18 Pt2 : Next Week BOOMx3 "Q has added more posts to the qresearch board on 8chan." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT2M59S 16978 110 299 7 not set not set 2018-03-21T08:07:40.000Z LoruSZcvHjY UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Is Qanon Real? Here is what MegaAnon had to say.... "A review of how the Q phenomenon started. And what MegaAnon thought about Q. Q moved to the 8chan board 'Calm Before The Storm' on the 25th of November 2017 (after MegaAnon claimed that all Q posts after the 31st of October were FAKE)." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'MegaAnon'] PT18M3S 18804 170 336 19 not set not set 2018-03-23T23:18:40.000Z 2DqD5deT-Xc UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-24-18 : Red Castle, Green Castle?? "Another post by Q onto the Great Awakening board on 8chan." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT2M 24305 179 409 12 not set not set 2018-03-24T23:20:46.000Z 86ddN-NDM18 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon 'Post' 3-25-18 : Post Deleted By Q "Q has deleted his latest post to the Great Awakening board at 8chan.....WHY?" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT59S 27016 104 268 9 not set not set 2018-03-28T06:20:20.000Z 9SnHAFWoOes UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-28-18 : Election Fraud Cases Open "Q is back. Q made several posts to the Great Awakening board on 8chan, and to the Qresearch board." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M17S 22569 75 407 6 not set not set 2018-03-28T23:46:08.000Z MWtn6kUqtJw UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-29-18 : OIG reviewing FISA abuses "Latest posts by Q to the 8chan Qresearch board." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT8M8S 16217 39 254 6 not set not set 2018-03-29T06:00:01.000Z iVXl6QVjv-Q UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 3-29-18 Pt2 : Fire In The Hole "Still more posts by Q to the Qresearch board on 8chan. Changes to Great Awakening board necessary?? Who leaked the latest Strzok/Page messages (and will this leak be countered by a leak of the HRC video)? Sorry about the cropping issue....." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT4M15S 17599 70 280 2 not set not set 2018-04-03T10:56:30.000Z w2r5w12AxcM UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-3-18 : April BIG month [?] "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell if our guesses are right - and will it matter then? Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M26S 18972 84 322 7 not set not set 2018-04-04T07:35:05.000Z WYVsxf6l558 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-4-18 : We Are Under Attack! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M31S 27020 142 415 14 not set not set 2018-04-05T12:21:27.000Z nIlmRIFbDp4 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-5-18 Pt2 : Watch The News Today! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT2M38S 13696 56 283 5 not set not set 2018-04-06T11:30:58.000Z AS9DESMHSMA UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-6-18 : BOOMs en route "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT6M13S 22201 113 350 5 not set not set 2018-04-07T00:18:43.000Z knjR2RhzeUU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-7-18 : Net Shutdown "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT11M13S 25858 98 440 6 not set not set 2018-04-07T23:46:19.000Z hKekEbRdp2I UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-8-18 : Those Awake Can See "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT8M31S 20571 58 320 9 not set not set 2018-04-08T10:47:10.000Z tZyQpJJk1AU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-8-18 Pt2 : They Are Trying To Start A War! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT3M11S 17562 37 292 7 not set not set 2018-04-08T23:40:59.000Z NLtfCP9gP6U UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-9-18 : POTUS is in Control! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M4S 37012 131 516 12 not set not set 2018-04-09T02:35:07.000Z vNxpGrZ8BD0 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-9-18 Pt2 : Bring Back The Gallows! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M43S 23593 78 424 9 not set not set 2018-04-09T23:33:50.000Z bUH-9mgnWI8 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-10-18 : YOU are being tracked! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M5S 23422 63 356 10 not set not set 2018-04-10T07:59:38.000Z T0eZIc5_M1w UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-10-18 Pt2 : TRUST the Team! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M13S 22652 74 359 6 not set not set 2018-04-12T06:46:00.000Z CfS1uYgBsBg UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-12-18 Pt2 : Freedom! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT2M58S 18123 52 287 1 not set not set 2018-04-16T06:52:31.000Z qafYcJs0BBA UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-16-18 : Loretta Lynch/Supreme Court Deal "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT15M41S 19218 137 365 9 not set not set 2018-04-17T02:10:04.000Z EwdNnaUQkE8 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-17-18 : Five Eyes Spies! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M44S 24096 129 412 8 not set not set 2018-04-18T01:28:47.000Z 4GCbzUYLetA UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-18-18 : Boom (Again)! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M47S 26784 100 412 14 not set not set 2018-04-20T02:03:59.000Z jvMJwql5F2o UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-20-18 : Nancy Pelosi was in NK! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT16M21S 31043 143 499 11 not set not set 2018-04-20T03:30:41.000Z PKrbpOY-L8s UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-20-18 Pt2 : Q&A "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT8M55S 14561 57 306 5 not set not set 2018-04-21T00:01:38.000Z 55UKQkoffnw UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-21-18 : Trump Card Coming! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M31S 26579 112 451 13 not set not set 2018-04-21T04:32:11.000Z LSoUsZY6i1Q UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-21-18 Pt2 : The World Is Watching..... "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT14M34S 30435 161 544 11 not set not set 2018-04-22T02:16:30.000Z v3MlWXhkO98 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-22-18 : HRC 'Pet' Maggie Haberman "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT18M16S 27397 140 462 8 not set not set 2018-04-23T01:22:43.000Z 4_3BM4xe2jU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-23-18 : Make @algore Rich(er) Day! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT6M50S 25099 111 520 5 not set not set 2018-04-24T06:25:59.000Z hgWOVEssvGk UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-24-18 Pt2 : Patriots Have No Skin Colour! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M59S 14806 79 331 8 not set not set 2018-04-25T00:28:20.000Z RPlYt_FIG-s UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-25-18 : Its All About Iran.... "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M27S 25436 115 482 4 not set not set 2018-04-27T07:15:58.000Z 6h0k9zTUaew UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-27-18 Pt2 : We Have It All! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M14S 18394 92 378 4 not set not set 2018-04-28T05:01:54.000Z 6G5v8eln1Z0 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-28-18 Pt2 : Remove Arrests, What Do You See? "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT6M48S 20150 127 406 2 not set not set 2018-04-29T23:27:32.000Z KIfnzRQSlFc UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 4-30-18 : Be Careful Who You Are Following "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT6M14S 26117 137 539 8 not set not set 2018-04-30T23:45:44.000Z TuIoC0CWGRk UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-1-18 : Israel Wants War! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M50S 43778 255 628 27 not set not set 2018-05-03T06:38:46.000Z 4RexT8FYbME UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-3-18 : Picture Puzzle.... "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT4M9S 32244 166 539 14 not set not set 2018-05-04T23:01:31.000Z 3uEVkvg6tIo UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-5-18 : Patriots Fight! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT4M52S 25900 80 491 11 not set not set 2018-05-08T05:49:57.000Z NtJ7tUScmp4 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-8-18 : Think LOGICALLY! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M7S 28646 128 548 10 not set not set 2018-05-09T00:47:31.000Z cmcI-oRR8aY UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-9-18 Pt2 : Suicide Watch! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT2M12S 20987 61 433 7 not set not set 2018-05-11T00:38:32.000Z AjbQh7GDzhA UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-11-18 : Controversy in the Q camp..... "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M37S 31174 169 545 8 not set not set 2018-05-11T05:11:06.000Z 1FQRh1Nt84U UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-11-18 Pt3 : What's Happening To Q's Posts? "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT4M35S 22301 181 350 9 not set not set 2018-05-11T23:38:17.000Z ZtJDw1gVE5c UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-12-18 : Expand Your Thinking! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT8M13S 29011 159 494 12 not set not set 2018-05-13T07:07:03.000Z nBE7nLlCBBk UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-13-18 Pt2 : Now Comes The Pain! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT14M 32014 135 682 16 not set not set 2018-05-13T11:29:50.000Z ycljs5PLuK0 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-13-18 Pt3 : BOOM Within 48 Hours? "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M23S 45646 272 792 20 not set not set 2018-05-14T23:48:58.000Z Jg6g8Zr-dZw UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-15-18 : Conspiracy Theory?? "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M41S 21826 108 479 11 not set not set 2018-05-16T00:09:24.000Z eKBmgOskBlw UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-16-18 : Can You Serve From Jail? "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case: Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case: Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT9M15S 36895 197 691 14 not set not set 2018-05-17T01:31:29.000Z L4eCu_jc4C4 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-17-18 : A Rigged System "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT15M11S 32649 181 710 17 not set not set 2018-05-18T00:57:12.000Z yuNVpmvrJ6s UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-18-18 : Fasten Your Seat Belt! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT17M59S 51083 390 856 26 not set not set 2018-05-20T00:22:43.000Z Wvvj_bNiPNU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-20-18 : Follow The Pen! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT6M22S 31680 112 637 11 not set not set 2018-05-21T01:09:00.000Z 9lZlO7guH-U UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-21-18 : We Are In Full Control! "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT16M8S 35476 231 664 13 not set not set 2018-05-22T00:30:19.000Z NUtgHDpDKLc UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 5-22-18 : When Does The Clock Run Out? "Latest Q posts to 8chan boards. If you need to be told what these posts mean, please find an alternative channel (of which there are many). It is not possible for me, or anyone else for that matter, to correctly interpret what Q is trying to convey (until after the planned event has happened and been exposed). We can GUESS a meaning, but only time will tell. If our guesses are right Don’t be fooled by the so-called experts…..they know nothing more than you or I. Know only that the overall message is one of HOPE! Just in case:" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M52S 40560 188 736 23 not set not set 2018-05-29T01:48:00.000Z CQkJi3mVYF4 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Developments 5-29-18 : Pain Comes 6-11-18! "This video provides details of the latest developments in the field of Q. Use it to broaden your thinking/research." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT12M54S 45762 203 822 31 not set not set 2018-06-03T23:16:45.000Z 4Y0YmEYInSg UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 6-4-18 : A Week To Remember "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can says exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'EyeTheSpy'] PT8M33S 36709 308 845 17 not set not set 2018-06-11T00:32:26.000Z 7A97hxnP-Yk UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon/ETS Posts 6-11-18 : T minus 24h "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can says exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'EyeTheSpy', 'CheshireCat'] PT8M43S 36539 295 840 19 not set not set 2018-06-11T05:56:32.000Z _dDt8UTAkf0 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 6-11-18 : Q IS BACK for 6-11 (Take2) "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can says exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching. Needed to reload because of copyright material in Take1. See" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'CheshireCat'] PT12M58S 23366 181 681 15 not set not set 2018-06-27T04:18:57.000Z N5_wv1Vj3OM UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 6-27-18 : It Has Begun! "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT11M43S 24253 228 766 9 not set not set 2018-06-28T01:00:52.000Z WZ_K22Kasos UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 6-28-18 : Winning! "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT17M20S 22427 236 704 14 not set not set 2018-06-29T01:49:51.000Z A-OorTL3SG4 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 6-29-18 Pt1 : Free Julian Assange! "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'Julian Assange'] PT17M44S 20804 167 714 9 not set not set 2018-07-02T23:57:38.000Z FaVGatyc_KQ UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 7-3-18 Pt1 : Fake News "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT7M43S 19974 148 725 11 not set not set 2018-07-04T00:07:40.000Z 2HMQQaY6-qY UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 7-4-18 : No Deals! WTF? "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M55S 15369 154 580 8 not set not set 2018-07-04T01:02:32.000Z tpQV21O1Ytk UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 7-4-18 : No Deals! WTF? (ETS Edit) "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'EyeTheSpy'] PT13M21S 21239 192 721 3 not set not set 2018-07-06T03:01:32.000Z d_k0NKhcR94 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Update 7-6-18 : News and Views "This video includes the latest Q drops and other relevant intel/articles that MAY confirm or counter those drops. If you want to be told what this intel means you are on the wrong channel. No-one can say exactly what the cryptic messages mean….and I don’t try to do so. Thank you for watching." Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT11M3S 14874 91 560 10 not set not set 2018-07-21T04:28:46.000Z PN7ZkGi2j14 UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon-Related Developments 7-21-18 "Still no further posts by Q on 8chan boards.|twitter&par=sharebar" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon', 'EyeTheSpy'] PT21M22S 27467 209 827 14 not set not set 2018-07-25T00:39:46.000Z 5lOx7G2B8BI UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 7-25-18 : Something Big Is About To Drop! "A review of today’s posts by Q and other Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT16M24S 39296 305 1086 20 not set not set 2018-07-31T10:52:51.000Z bY7v6TW4rrQ UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 7-31-18 Pt2 : Under Attack! "A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT14M40S 24632 120 784 15 not set not set 2018-08-23T05:19:01.000Z r2b9WKPWKwU UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon-Related News 8-23-18 : Australian Govern-not Turmoil! "A review of today’s Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 not set PT7M45S 33426 158 1030 14 not set not set 2018-09-10T00:32:40.000Z Itgg0U24iHY UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 9-10-18 : Knowledge Is Power! "A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT13M42S 45197 302 1447 24 not set not set 2018-09-20T02:19:40.000Z VNDDzLYZCro UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Qanon's Q&A Session 9-20-18 The session didn't last long due to massive surge in IPs. Only a few 'cherry picked' questions were selected by Q for an answer. Some of which will be controversial - and probably cause further division in the Q followers...... Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT5M41S 20457 316 698 12 not set not set 2018-09-21T23:31:25.000Z Q-bFN2IPmMM UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 9-22-18 Pt1 : UK/AU Panic, RR To Wear 'Wire' "A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT23M36S 30168 360 1165 21 not set not set 2018-10-04T07:17:32.000Z MoApoO8ESFs UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon Posts 10-04-18 Pt2 : Red October Well Under Way.... "A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT8M38S 42789 274 1486 9 not set not set 2018-10-18T02:54:32.000Z vvpRBDr1PiE UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon-Related News 10-18-18 : Treasury Leaks to Buzzfeed "A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT13M45S 39646 284 1394 10 not set not set 2018-10-22T03:31:52.000Z m5bcYdsjPxo UCPnJt34wXxGvH-ZaeTCO1kQ Latest Qanon-Related News 10-22-18 : Caravans & Khashoggi Distractions "A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Stroppy Me 22 ['Qanon'] PT10M31S 59862 546 1724 24 not set not set 2018-07-04T18:01:56.000Z r9HBod3oDTo UCR4RORrEQyZaaaR3FTelzWg David Wilcock on Space Force - The New Age (NWO) Alien Agenda | Q ANON | Alex Jones | Flat Earth "FAIR USE ""100 Reasons Why Joe Rogan is Trash | The Average Joe Algorithm"" ""What is Flat Earth to LSD??? | Gods & Kings Consciousness | The Earth Realm | Human Nature | Time"" ""Breaking the Cult of Intl. Westernism | Flat Earth Entertainment Inc. VS The Intellectual Revolution"" ""Flat Earth & The Mainstream Contingency Programs | How People Keep the Parasitic Matrix Alive"" ""The Complexities of Modern Mind Control | Faux Revolutions | Zionism | Race War | Flat Earth"" ""Breaking Down The Matrix | Conspiracy, Truther, New Age & Flat Earth Communities/Relationships"" ""How to Neutralize the Mainstream Effect | The Offense & Defense of Colonial Mind Control"" ""MKInformative Entertainment Inc. | This Is America - Women's Edit Breakdown & Flat Earth Syndrome"" ""This Is America - The Kanye Kardashian Klan | Flat Earth & Manipulation Consciousness"" ""Psychophysical Hormone Manipulation | Relationships, Attraction, Mind Control, Flat Earth & Agendas"" FAIR USE ""The MOST IMPORTANT video on youtube | PsychoSpritual Chemtrails"" ""The Evolution of Mind Control - Unseasoned Consciousness | Flat Earth | SJW | Feminism | NWO"" ""How ""Truth"" Becomes Mind Control | Flat Earth | Scientism | MSM | New Age & Conscious Communities"" ""The Dangers of Unactivated Truth | A Message to the Flat Earth & Truther Community [Graphic Lang.]"" ""The Agenda's - The Normalization of Emptiness & Chaos | Flat Earth | NWO | CERN | Race | MSM"" """"A Theory of Everything"" | Mandela Effect | CERN | Flat Earth | Futurism | Time | [Evil] Free Will"" """"Many Are Taught To Forget Long Before They Learn To Remember"" | Flat Earth & Other Hot Distractions"" ""How the World is Played by the Fool | Flat Earth | NWO | Alex Jones | CERN | Scientism | Hollywood"" ""PC Truth Culture - The Dangers of a Politically Correct Flat Earth and ""Truther"" Community"" ""The New World Machine | Wrinkle In Time | Flat Earth | Mandela Effect | CERN | Simulation Theory"" ""Pillars of a Hidden Ideology | What REALLY Happened to America?"" ""How & Why Things Don't Change | Black Panther Movie | Kyrie Irving | Saviors | Flat Earth | SpaceX"" ""Psychology of the Matrix | The Real Black Panther Movie"" Subtle Infinity Soundcloud: ""The War on Every Man, Woman & Child | Flat Earth & New World Mind Control"" ""The Western Protagonist - How to Enslave a World | Flat Earth | Black Mirror"" ""Chronicles of the Western Empire [Full Documentary] | What They Don't Want You To Know"" ""Top Picks"" Playlist To assist in the expansion of this work please Share, Like, Subscribe or click the link below to support, Your support is greatly appreciated. Peace & Blessings For more art and information visit, Website: Email: Instagram: @subtle_infinity Mahalo" Subtle Infinity 27 not set PT57M37S 2885 39 96 7 not set not set 2018-07-09T22:03:47.000Z -3hIgBdduFU UCJ9D61zZdXqueWsLdjVVe5A Qanon Timeline of the Great Awakening "Better images here Interdasting Honey please, don't come around here no mooooooooooooore!!!!" sunbecomesea 27 ['qanon', 'great awakening', 'lewis carroll', 'maga', 'thegreatawakening'] PT5M6S 871 5 30 1 not set not set 2018-01-14T23:07:19.000Z _nOJ-WeGMpw UC-HOA9PmClNnbtw5QjSYA3Q Q ANON, CHECKMATE, Intel Report, The plan "This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations. Exposed truth cannel My Strike Violation of YouTube’s policy on harassment and bullying Q ANON 'CHECKMATE' | JANUARY 13TH, 2018 | ASSANGE CONNECTION" superJohnwild 25 ['Q ANON', 'CHECKMATE', 'Intel Report', 'The plan', 'The Republic Restored'] PT9M13S 1337 10 36 2 not set not set 2018-01-21T22:42:51.000Z 3ql5OPI3Y20 UC-HOA9PmClNnbtw5QjSYA3Q The best of Q, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Hawaii Missile "Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp Greg Hunter Wrong Button Pushed? False Alarm Sparks Panic In Hawaii, Children Placed In Storm Drains Hawaii Alarm Update/Major Dis-Info/Bad Sources Exposed #Qanon, Hawaii False Flag, Unity! What does it mean?! I'll Explain MISSILES, MAD SCIENTISTS, AND MAD POLITICIANS Potter Basics of the #QAnon Phenomenon 1.18 - ""Meteors""/Trump @ Pentagon/Newsweek Raided/#FISAgate/Lockheed SSP Disclosures? Trump Goes to Pentagon for Talks on Potential Government Shutdown QAnon's Latest Drop -- January 18, 2018 19 people meeting in a safe room Manhattan DA raids Newsweek headquarters - Tensions rise between bloodlines and Illuminati as final showdown looms for U.S. corporate government By Benjamin Fulford it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say. Exopolitics article may be of interest, plus the video “Missile attack was via a “renegade” China military sub” Ben says: There seems to be a great effort to kill the Israeli submarine version of this story FISAGATE TRUMP AT THE PENTAGON | w/Jordan Sather #DestroyingTheIllusion The Great Awakening: The Storm Is Upon Us BREAKING: Newest Q Drop DECODED ( Jan 19) David Wilcock (Jan 18, 2018) - MARS UNDERGROUND SECRET BASES Denver / Virginia quake" superJohnwild 25 ['The best of Q', 'Ben Fulford', 'David Wilcock', 'Q Drop', 'Hawaii Missile attack', 'North Korea', 'Hawaii False Flag'] PT7M43S 514 1 15 0 not set not set 2018-03-19T22:57:48.000Z aiMCRu5QC6Q UC-HOA9PmClNnbtw5QjSYA3Q It Is Hitting The fan, Q Anon, Benjamin Fulford, "The Storm Is Upon Us, Trust The Plan: Bernie Suarez Internet bill of rights / they are putting all their cards on control of the internet / stifle conservative views / chess game? EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION! Trump Preparing To Indict Clinton Crime Network - ALEX JONES INFOWARS It Is Hitting The fan roypotterqa Sean Hannity 3/12/18 - Hannity Fox News - March 12, 2018 14 month long Russian probe investigation at an end / msm and democrats attack on Trump over? House Intel: No Russian Collusion, Dems Go Into Meltdown, Trump Vindicated and Taxpayer Money Wasted INVESTIGATING PARKLAND WITH DR. JAMES FETZER No sound for 3 minutes / KERRY CASSIDY / project Camelot BREAKING! STEVE PIECZENIK: WHAT IS REAL? NIKKI SEEKS ATTENTION! COWARDS! - ALEX JONES INFOWARS Dr Jerome Corsi Gitmo Being Readied for Military Tribunals He says he knows you Q is / we are in a state of emergency Japan’s puppet government is next, as the dominoes keep falling U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson flew to Kenya last week “to stop Obama from getting asylum.” Ben Fulford Hopeful news Hundreds of top Khazarian mobsters including the Bush family renditioned to Gitmo Benjamin Fulford Ben Fulford TRUMP DROPS BOMB ON TRAFFICKERS Hopeful news SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT concerning Team Trump vs. Deep State Hopeful news The Storm"" - What to expect, & getting on the same page New gold backed currency Hopeful news There are HUGE changes coming to America…get ready NOW Get prepared for the unexpected Q anon 3/15/18 ""Public will Know Soon"" March 13 Dr. Jerome Corsi QANON DECODE Rex Tillerson, Gary Cohn, Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel Trump is backing the Internet bill of rights RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - March 11, 2018 All 18,500+ sealed indictments are rumored to be unsealed today. #Qanon #Meganon, Revolution is Underway, American Life will Change Forever Economist and Author, Wayne Jett, joins the program to provide a summary of the latest messages coming from MegaAnon and Qanon Must watch / Military tribunals / the fed absorbed in to the treasury / the gold standard 19-min video: Jordan Sather - '3.14-YouTube+Wikipedia=""Conspiracy Crackdown""/Hawking/Seth Rich/Human Trafficking/CEO Resignations' Q Anon Update March 12 - No Deals In depth annalist of the latest Q reports over one hour long Bombshell Report - Vegas Massacre Was Everything We Thought, And More, 2095 Update - Vegas Security Guard Says “It’s a Big Fat Lie”, 1871 Jim Fetzer on the Boston Show Trial, False Flag Terrorism and Media Manipulation The GoldFish Report No. 204 Week 60 POTUS Report w/ ""The Fetz"": The week in Censorship Jerome Corsi QAnon Decode Friday March 16 | Latest QANON Posts #945 - #952" superJohnwild 25 ['It Is Hitting The fan', 'Q Anon', 'Benjamin Fulford', 'GoldFish Report', 'Jim Fetzer', 'STEVE PIECZENIK'] PT58S 974 0 18 1 not set not set 2017-12-04T21:30:00.000Z geLs4hIc8_E UC25Ntv5IrTD-B0eZ92O50Tg Jeet Kis Ke Nawaz Sharif Ki Syasi Qoat Ya Qanon Ke - Dunya Kamran Khan Ke Sath "Jeet Kis Ke Nawaz Sharif Ki Syasi Qoat Ya Qanon Ke - Dunya Kamran Khan Ke Sath ► Subscribe us - ► Website - ► Facebook - ► Twitter -" Talk Shows Central 25 ['Dunya News', 'Dunya Tv', 'Dunya Live', 'Latest News Show', 'Best', 'News', 'Latest News', 'Live News', 'Top News', 'Latest Episode', 'Latest Show', 'Show', 'Pak News', 'Breaking News', 'Best Show', 'Pakistani News', 'News Anchors', 'Best News', 'Dunya', 'Kamran', 'Khan', 'Ke', 'Sath', 'Dunya Kamran Khan Ke Sath', 'Kamran Khan', 'Kamran Khan Ke Sath', 'dunya kamran ke sath', 'Jeet', 'Nawaz Sharif', 'Syasi Qoat', 'Syasi', 'Qanon', 'Nawaz Sharif Ki Syasi Qoat', 'Jeet Kis Ke', 'Jeet Kis Ke Nawaz Sharif Ki', 'Syasi Qoat Ya Qanon Ke', 'Talk Shows Central'] PT12M29S 510 0 5 0 not set not set 2017-12-18T17:43:20.000Z 2AEiOzxMals UCquEgVCXcL_dzBJ479Qc9QA Faisla Qanon Kay Khilaf Aye Ga To Awaz Uthaein Gay - Headlines 9 PM - 18 December 2017 | AbbTakk "Faisla Qanon Kay Khilaf Aye Ga To Awaz Uthaein Gay - Headlines 9 PM - 18 December 2017 | AbbTakk All latest happenings on Panama Case, Dawn Leaks, Maryam Nawaz, Imran Khan, Raheel Sharif, Nawaz Sharif, Qamar Javed Bajwaa, DG ISPR General Asif Ghafoor and best analysis of Best Anchors. Subscribe to find out the latest news and updates, the best talk shows and lifestyle programs and constant a live news feed." Talk Shows Now 25 ['tsn', 'talk shows now', 'talk shows', 'Top News Channel', 'Talk Shows in Pakistan', 'Talk Shows', 'Aaj News', 'Atv', '24 News', 'Dawn News', 'Aab Takk', 'khabardar', 'mazaqrat', 'pakistan news', 'top news', 'Aaj Entertainment', 'urdu 1', 'city 42', 'AbbTakk Tv', 'AbbTakk News', 'Faisla Qanon Kay Khilaf Aye Ga To Awaz Uthaein Gay', 'Headlines and Bulletin', '9 pm', '18 december 2017', 'december 2017', 'AbbTakk', 'jab bhi', 'faisla', 'qanon kay', 'khilaf ayae ga', 'awaz uthaein', 'gay', 'khawaja saad rafique', 'nawaz sharif', 'maryum nawaz'] PT27M4S 7 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-30T07:55:11.000Z KsGQT57IE2U UCquEgVCXcL_dzBJ479Qc9QA Wazir e Qanon Kay Shehar Main Bari Wardat - Headlines 12 PM - 30 March 2018 - Aaj News "Wazir e Qanon Kay Shehar Main Bari Wardat - Headlines 12 PM - 30 March 2018 - Aaj News All latest happenings on Panama Case, Dawn Leaks, Maryam Nawaz, Imran Khan, Raheel Sharif, Nawaz Sharif, Qamar Javed Bajwaa, DG ISPR General Asif Ghafoor and best analysis of Best Anchors. Subscribe to find out the latest news and updates, the best talk shows and lifestyle programs and constant a live news feed." Talk Shows Now 25 ['tsn', 'talk shows now', 'talk shows', 'Aftab Iqbal', 'Best Pakistani News', 'Talk Shows', 'Aaj News', 'Atv', '24 News', 'Dawn News', 'Aab Takk', 'khabardar', 'mazaqrat', 'pakistan news', 'top news', 'Aaj Entertainment', 'urdu 1', 'city 42', 'CJP Saqib Nisar Take Big U-Turn', 'CJP Saqib Nisar', 'Saqib Nisar', 'CJP', 'Big U-Turn', 'Saqib Nisar Take Big U-Turn', 'Headlines 12 PM', 'U-Turn', 'chief justice ka u turn', 'chief justice', 'pakistan', 'Wazir e Qanon', 'rana sanullah', 'crime', 'murder in faisalabad', 'murder', 'inocent student killed'] PT5M27S 78 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T04:32:14.000Z _XcM9vfT0IU UCPPRIYfKUMN2-wybje5Ibrw Trump, Hillary, Soros, Trudeau, and Q Anon. Michael Rivero - February 13, 2018 "Olympics, Koreas, Missiles, Flu, Aluminum, and Banks Guest's website: Produced by Stay Informed! Receive our Weekly Recap of thought provoking articles, podcasts and radio delivered to your inbox for FREE! Sign up for the Weekly Recap on the homepage at" talkdigitalnetwork 25 ['michael rivero', 'what really happened', 'trump', 'hillary', 'the swamp', 'corruption', 'comey', 'mueller', 'the memo', 'fbi', 'cia', 'soros', 'q anon', 'korea', 'war', 'olympics', ' radio', 'talk digital network', 'the goddard report'] PT26M8S 2971 8 45 3 not set not set 2018-05-15T03:05:53.000Z BtW3Pxsjoc4 UCPPRIYfKUMN2-wybje5Ibrw Q Anon, Trump, Hillary, and Iran. Michael Rivero - May 14, 2018 "Volcano, China, Spying, and Corruption. Guest's website: Produced by Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the Weekly Recap with thought provoking podcasts, radio and articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up for the Weekly Recap on the homepage at" talkdigitalnetwork 25 ['q anon', 'trump', 'hillary', 'iran deal', 'china', 'trade war', 'tariffs', 'spying', 'mueller', 'drain the swamp', 'corruption', 'make america great again', ' radio', 'talk digital network', '', 'poltics', 'war', 'trade'] PT32M8S 1200 7 26 2 not set not set 2018-08-08T03:52:09.000Z MB7w2OqTFcM UCPPRIYfKUMN2-wybje5Ibrw Q Anon, Social Media Purge, and Child Trafficking. Michael Rivero - August 7, 2018 "Canada, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the US Economy Guest's website: Produced by Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the Weekly Recap with thought provoking podcasts, radio and articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up for the Weekly Recap on the homepage at" talkdigitalnetwork 25 ['michael rivero', 'what really happened', 'trump', 'hillary', 'q anon', 'social media', 'child trafficking', 'maga', 'drain the swamp', 'iran', 'us economy', 'info wars', 'fisa', 'fbi', 'doj', ' radio', 'talk digial network', 'cnn'] PT23M39S 789 5 17 0 not set not set 2018-08-14T03:06:07.000Z vVt3ouzJGj8 UCPPRIYfKUMN2-wybje5Ibrw Q Anon, Wildfires, and Agenda 2030. Michael Rivero - August 13, 2018 "Censorship, Propaganda, and Corruption Guest's website: Produced by Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the Weekly Recap with thought provoking podcasts, radio and articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up for the Weekly Recap on the homepage at" talkdigitalnetwork 25 ['michael rivero', 'what really happened', '', 'talk digital network', 'the goddard report', 'trump', 'q anon', 'charlottsville', 'corruption', 'russion', 'agenda 2030', 'censorship', 'social media', 'voter fraud', 'voter id'] PT25M35S 1711 7 27 2 not set not set 2018-08-29T03:27:07.000Z VJudO5J4v5o UCPPRIYfKUMN2-wybje5Ibrw NAFTA, Trump, McCain, and Q Anon. Michael Rivero - August 28, 2018 "Censorship, Iran, South Africa, and Pedos Guest's website: Produced by Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the Weekly Recap with thought provoking podcasts, radio and articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up for the Weekly Recap on the homepage at" talkdigitalnetwork 25 ['michael rivero', 'what really happened', 'nafta', 'trump', 'mccain', 'q anon', 'clinton', 'iran', 'pedos', ' radio', 'talk digital network', 'maga', 'the swamp', 'fake news'] PT22M47S 906 11 22 3 not set not set 2018-09-23T02:15:04.000Z kDAEsIktNTE UCbqf6wSGayC6OG4khggIlMw Who is Q? "It’s official. My very first YouTube Q video. I’ve been following Q since November. Sometimes it’s lonely, but recently people are opening their ears and their minds to at least ask." Tammy Parry 27 not set PT1M43S 3327 139 172 24 not set not set 2018-04-05T10:02:20.000Z A9p6ElJX5hk UCX9UGhMk7oprC6HmsP5Galw TIs, QAnon, & "IT'S TIME TO STOP" (this) "An apparent ""war"" against the ""DeepState""? Search #Q or #QAnon. QResearch(8chan). I think this could be very valuable to targeted individuals. Please.. SEARCH, SHARE, SURVIVE. #TARGETEDINDIVIDUALS #ItsTIMETOSTOP #MAGA" TargetedinMissouri 1 ['ITSTIMETOSTOP', 'QAnon', 'Deepstate', 'QAn', 'Targeted', 'Individuals', 'TargetedinMissouri', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'DJT', 'POTUS', 'President', 'USA', 'MAGA', 'Gangstalking'] PT21M42S 202 5 5 0 not set not set 2018-10-22T10:15:34.000Z 8wLFlSH_IvE UCZGsSGCYx0S4L_m7xFuJEgQ 8chan goes dark/ Qanon last post review "subscribe to the U.S. AG office for email updates! catch up on all the Qanon posts! follow me on twitter @TasneemConley !" Tasneem Conley 24 ['#Qanon', '#TheStorm', '#Q', 'Qanon', 'The Great Awakening', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'Clinton', 'HRC', 'Deep State', 'NWO', 'New World Order', 'Censorship', 'Mockingbird Media', 'MSM'] PT27M27S 788 6 11 0 not set not set 2018-03-20T16:53:44.000Z Qq4ab6zDMfE UCBlp99XzdTevsqfTpzw5wiA Twitter bots used to persuade public opinion "4chan post found by an anonymous Tech worker from Go0gle. It’s possible that Twitter bots are the “Russian” bots and are used as a political we@pon to change narrative and persuade public opinion. Being used now on gun contr0l. #QAnon #March20 #WeThePeople #GreatAwakening #Q #TrumpNews #MAGA #TheStorm #QueCrumbs" Team MAGA 24 not set PT2M51S 195 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T01:53:27.000Z SuvPiiHNdJg UCPS1lw3EVmtOADHwPvQtZHg Who is Q? Behind conspiracy theory erupting at Trump rallies "Who is Q? Behind conspiracy theory erupting at Trump rallies Amid the ""Trump 2020"" placards, the ""Women for Trump"" signs and the ""CNN SUCKS"" T-shirts, the most inscrutable message that came out of Donald Trump's Tampa rally on Tuesday evening was a letter. Q. People wore T-shirts with the letter emblazoned on the front. Others carried signs containing the letter: ""Q WWG1WGA Trump 2020 Keep America Great! MSM is the enemy."" Another held a dog-eared and slightly crumpled piece of paper in the air. It said, simply, ""We are Q."" Q who? The entire, loose moveme..." Tech News 25 ['HT2017', 'Tech News World', 'TechNewsWorld', 'Arts and entertainment', 'General news', 'Technology', 'Celebrity', 'Conspiracy', 'Crime', 'Social media', 'Online media', 'Media', 'Entertainment', 'Government and politics', 'Hillary Clinton', 'George Soros', 'Huma Abedin', 'Francis Ford Coppola', 'John Podesta', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Dona', 'scien'] PT4M18S 30 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T02:40:00.000Z gfrGbax6j9I UCaw5H6t0EJI7WpwMu8DXIfw Plan to save the world - Q Plan to save the world - Q ted rr 10 ['Q qanon'] PT13M9S 43097 122 1022 44 not set not set 2018-10-21T20:46:19.000Z 27BvzqrNzII UCCC9LiJ_UlGe31IP0YY8CFA No More Blood Spilled For Big Oil! Patriot Lives Matter! Part 1 of 2 "ANON Monkeywrench & Goldi Anon present the Tenacious Veracity Radio Show aka The T.V. Radio Show. The only TV show worth watching. Episode orig aired 10/08/2018 Show: TANTUMVERO TENACIOUS VERACITY Time: 9pm to 11pm Eastern Time Dial-In: (515) 604-9560 Access: 793969# Host: AnonMonkeywrench Host: GoldiAnon Dial-in Show-Wall LOCATION: Mind Mix Radio Page: Website: Monkywrench Meme Merchandise available at All proceed from the Lantern of Freedom merch will be donated the Aussie Anon Child Trafficking Rescue. Thank you for your support Twitter:@ANONmonkywrench Contact:; #mindmixradio #Tantumvero #GreatAwakening #TenaciousVeracity #LibertyCommunity #ThePersistence #GreatAwakening #QAnon #Australia #ChildTraffiking #SexTraffiking #Pedophilia #Q Wake your family and community with information from 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕄𝕚𝕩 ℝ𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕠 🏴 📻 Mind Mix Radio: GoFundMe: Broadcasting since June 2016. Please FOLLOW US! --Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." Tenacious Veracity 22 not set PT56M16S 77 2 7 0 not set not set 2017-11-29T06:20:11.000Z 1diLMQBFjSY UC4qQDXiK9jqKjUHfm5r9-oQ Cory Feldman, Keanu Reeves, Moon Boots, Q-Anon, Farting Teeth and the Dominate Monkey Corey Feldman, Keanu Reeves, Q-Anon, Farting Teeth and the Dominate Monkey #freedomofjoycerant A tapestry of commentary on the cultural, social, and political power of the celebrity created by pedo occult Hollywood to control the masses. Tere Joyce 24 ['Corey Feldman', 'Keanu Reeves', 'Q-Anon', 'Farting Teeth', 'Dominate Monkey', 'Dominate Monkey Theory', 'Darwinism', 'Celebrity', 'Fame', 'Hollywood', 'Red Carpet', 'Red Carpet Event', 'Occult', 'Satanism', 'Hilary Clinton', 'John Podesta', 'Wikileaks', 'John McCain', 'Andy Dick', 'Kato Kalin', '#freedomofjoycerant'] PT1H48M1S 198 5 6 1 not set not set 2017-12-04T04:36:15.000Z 3rtepUSBiVo UC4qQDXiK9jqKjUHfm5r9-oQ Follow the White Rabbit-Q ANON-Alex Podesta Art #freedomofjoycerant "Freedom of Joyce Show questions if Q-Anon's ""Follow the White Rabbit"" refers to Alex Podesta's Art. Alex Podesta is John and Tony Podesta's second cousin." Tere Joyce 24 ['Alice in Wonderlan', 'White Rabbit', 'Mk-Ultra', 'Stewart Swerdlow', 'Q-Anon', 'Alex Podesta', 'Alex Podesta Art', 'Follow the White RAbbit', 'Alice', 'Monarch Sex Slave', 'David Seaman', 'David Wilcock', 'Aliens', 'Comspiracy', 'Shadow Government', 'Comedy', 'Tere Joyce', 'Freedom of Joyce Show', '#freeedomofjoycerant', 'Steven D. Kelley', 'Truth Cat Radio'] PT15M49S 8469 54 71 16 not set not set 2018-07-13T01:34:10.000Z tEGKFiTaMgI UC_SrXCfBiU_tBIgLiqfDCIQ Q (lyrics video) "Surely you've heard of Q. It is a phenomenon taking the world by storm. Here's a song about him/them. 2nd release from the #DoSomething album." Terranomaly 22 ['Anon', 'Q Q', 'Where we go one we go all', 'WWG1WGA', 'Terranomaly', 'Michael Macpherson', 'Jeff Byrd', '#DoSomething', 'Do Something'] PT4M17S 1680 13 97 2 not set not set 2017-11-24T03:37:12.000Z 9OgDHIE8bfU UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Langley Confiscation, Q Anon's Breadcrumbs possible pointers, Wonderland pedophile Happy Thanksgiving! QAnon's Breadcrumbs and what they could be pointing at. What really happened at Langley. The Wonderland Pedophile Club and horrific child sex abuse. #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #LangleyLanding, #LangleyFire, #WonderlandPedophileClub, #WonderlandClub, #Wonderland, #Pedogate TestingTheNarrative 22 ['#QanonsBreadcrumbs', '#LangleyLanding', '#LangleyFire', '#WonderlandPedophileClub', '#WonderlandClub', '#Wonderland', '#Pedogate', '#MassivePedophileRingTakedown'] PT53M35S 19098 129 277 15 not set not set 2017-12-22T22:54:51.000Z uL04SezN_9g UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon's Breadcrumbs What is this all about? Seven Dwarves reference Calling All Patriots Qanon's Breadcrumbs what do they all mean and what is going on with 4chan and 8chan? The meaning of CBTS and where this community can be found. IBM and Q's post on the Seven Dwarves. Calling all #Patriots, You Are Very Needed! #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #SevenDwarves, #Breadcrumbs, #PatriotsNeeded, #CBTS, #CalmBeforeTheStorm TestingTheNarrative 22 ['#QanonsBreadcrumbs', '#Breadcrumbs', '#PatriotsNeeded', '#CBTS', '#CalmBeforeTheStorm', '#SevenDwarves'] PT45M25S 1996 19 35 3 not set not set 2017-12-22T23:46:08.000Z AEUdFiSAJ4A UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Executive Order The Big ONE! The storm is here loopholes closed President Trump's latest and Greatest Executive order all Patriots and Child defenders have been waiting for! We are in the midst of the Storm. Stay strong, be ready! Verification of what Qanon said concerning Soros and a tweet by Trump! #ExecutiveOrderTheBigOne, #GreatestExecutiveOrder, #Qanon, #QsBreadcrumbs, #Qanonsbreadcrumbs, #Soros, #WhereIsSoros, #Christmas, #MerryChristmas TestingTheNarrative 22 ['#ExecutiveOrderTheBigOne', '#GreatestExecutiveOrder', '#Qanon', '#QsBreadcrumbs', '#Qanonsbreadcrumbs', '#Soros', '#WhereIsSoros', '#Christmas', '#MerryChristmas'] PT27M34S 9801 105 256 5 not set not set 2018-01-16T03:08:54.000Z LtgniXzBulA UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon latest drops the Uranium One indictment, connections to Clintons activity, what is coming up The scare for Hawaii and who was there during that time. The indictment in the Uranium One deal. The Clintons and checkmate, what all is involved? Which group connected to Obama was involved in a public school scandal? #Qanon, #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #TreyGowdyFocus, #ClintonActivity, #Patriots, #HawaiiEmergencyScare, #LasVegasUnsealed, #LasVegasShooting, #SHoleComments, #Haiti TestingTheNarrative 22 ['#Qanon', '#QanonsBreadcrumbs', '#TreyGowdyFocus', '#ClintonActivity', '#Patriots', '#HawaiiEmergencyScare', '#LasVegasUnsealed', '#LasVegasShooting', '#SHoleComments', '#Haiti', '#QanonDrop'] PT1H17M34S 1497 31 50 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T15:47:01.000Z g1aiQij6-2k UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon's Breadcrumbs latest drops, Government shutdown and why, What is the Plan This report covers Qanon's breadcrumbs and some info on the memo. What is the Government shutdown all about and why? DACA information and real numbers. #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #QDrop, #QanonPosts, #GovernmentShutdown, #DACA, #NK TestingTheNarrative 22 ['#QanonsBreadcrumbs', '#QDrop', '#QanonPosts', '#GovernmentShutdown', '#DACA', '#NK'] PT1H20M41S 800 10 17 0 not set not set 2018-01-28T22:10:08.000Z YIFuj52I4NQ UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon for Jan. 27 Hannity target and what you are not supposed to see Qanon drops for Jan. 27 Hannity targeted and what you are not supposed to see. A lot of ideas on why Hannity's twitter feed was cut. What group Q wants us to take a closer look at. How to see what they don't want you to see. #QanonDrops, #Qanon, #Hannity, #HannityTwitterFeedCut, #Mockingbird, #Cabal, #MSM TestingTheNarrative 22 ['#QanonDrops', '#Qanon', '#Hannity', '#HannityTwitterFeedCut', '#Mockingbird', '#Cabal', '#MSM'] PT58M35S 1221 11 34 0 not set not set 2018-06-25T01:12:14.000Z 6XJN4U0u44o UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon drop bring the pain, pain, pain digging up rabbit holes with interesting elites and networks "Qanon drop bring the pain, pain, pain digging up rabbit holes with interesting elites and networks Found some interesting companies one of which is connected to a forerunner which did the layout of all airports. Connections with cybersecurity and a bill a Power Couple tried to get pass as one had various positions in government and the other who worked for a security his wife who worked for a security defense contracting company. Oh what a tangled web we weave. An interesting children's programs and don't forget AP or access point. These people as always are connected all over the MAP! #Qanon, #CISPA, #CISA, #cybersecurity, #Q, #Qdrops, #Breadcrumbs Steemit article link here" TestingTheNarrative 25 ['#Qanon', '#CISPA', '#CISA', '#cybersecurity', '#Q', '#Qdrops', '#Breadcrumbs'] PT59M49S 831 14 26 1 not set not set 2018-07-26T23:52:14.000Z elpDKeN4ank UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Q's trip codes links in a Book search and the interesting phenomena, After School Satan Clubs Q's trip codes links in a Book search and the interesting phenomena, After School Satan Club includes links to Q's trip codes so you can search Google under books and find pages of books that remind you of history and themes Q has pointed to in drops. Coincidence? There are No Coincidences! An After School Satan Club. I kid you not! #Qanon, #Q, #TripCodes, #QTripCodes, #AfterSchoolSatanClubs TestingTheNarrative 25 ['#Qanon', '#Q', '#TripCodes', '#QTripCodes', '#AfterSchoolSatanClubs'] PT41M30S 486 6 14 2 not set not set 2018-08-02T02:25:16.000Z gjGxpNzHQz0 UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Washington Post tried to hide an article about a Podesta! Q Keystone connections! Deranged? Washington Post tried to hide an article about a Podesta! Q Keystone connections! Deranged?Why did the Washington Post try to hide this article? Some Q post connections and information regarding a certain art collection WP tried to hide. #Qanon, #Q, #Pedogate, #Panic, #Qanonfollowers, #QanonFollowersDeranged, #HiddenArticle TestingTheNarrative 25 ['#Qanon', '#Q', '#Pedogate', '#Panic', '#Qanonfollowers', '#QanonFollowersDeranged', '#HiddenArticle', '#Deranged'] PT58M16S 314 16 26 1 not set not set 2018-08-27T02:04:32.000Z C4yNIVJY7iM UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon Proofs and Evidence, what is Q about and Confirmations! No Name rip telling posts Qanon Proofs and Evidence, what is Q about and Confirmations! No Name rip telling posts TestingTheNarrative 25 ['#Qanon', '#Q', '#NoName', '#JohnMcCain', '#QanonEvidence', '#QanonProof', '#SaudiArabia', '#ChainOfCommand', '#EveryDogHasHisDay', '#EveryDogHasItsDay'] PT1H16M50S 407 13 22 5 not set not set 2018-10-11T01:47:26.000Z 2GUx6DMtGzI UCDTnO3B0snhfNWqzCoidJjg Qanon latest Q drop on major corruptors and connections leading straight to Obama "Qanon latest Q drop on major corruptors and connections leading straight to Obama. See details on many of the corruptors listed involved with DOJ, FBI, National Security Division and how they all connect, cover for one another. How Yates refused an investigation. Who Trisha Anderson is married to. Who Kavanaugh knows #Qanon, #Q" TestingTheNarrative 25 ['#Qanon', '#Q', '#DOJcorruption', '#FBIcorruption', '#Obama', '#McCabe', '#TrishaAnderson', '#SEC', '#NationSecurityDivision', '#Strzok', '#LisaPage', '#Comey', '#BruceOhr', '#JamesBaker', '#Michael#Kortan #SallyYates', '#JohnCarlin', '#RachelBrand', '#KevinClinesmith', 'KavanaughAndKagan'] PT1H26M36S 739 11 27 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T21:54:53.000Z uELXmkMeHQM UCcVJuw0Gfeerp92ipCkglAQ What’s News – The THA Guide To Q-Anon & The Trump Agenda "In this edition of ""Whats's News"" John and Paul have an in-depth talk on the mysterious cyber agent named ""Q"" who has predicted various events and agendas relating to Trumps presidency and a possible agenda to challenge the big state globalist cabal." THA Talks 25 ['Q-Anon', 'Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'THA Talks', 'Assad', 'Putin', 'Big State', 'Globalists', 'Alex Jones'] PT1H17M50S 1390 19 40 3 not set not set 2018-09-30T17:45:55.000Z UZwEMgfRjMk UCjMSLEA-jmlZ0XMTBhWDWMQ Weekly Grinder : Hillary Clinton - A True Deplorable "Every Sunday, enjoy a weekly Video Grinder of those who are the true deplorables, detailed in all the awful glory and why they are losing power to be non-relevant sooner than later. Next Week : Joe Biden. The week of October 1st: Docuvid: preQ - FBIANON 4chan and his prediction of Q TBD: Timely Docuvid: Facefraud - They Stole The Code Docuvid: In The Shadow Of Trump Weekly-Ongoing Content: The Write Review: Obama Executive Orders And much more..." Thaticus Maximus 22 not set PT1M32S 34 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-05-24T06:59:52.000Z tWpdfIxnXj4 UCc0MIyZOfCs6MsSi4FQ4rBg #QAnon Exposed MUST SEE The Å Files 22 not set PT14M44S 138 1 3 1 not set not set 2018-07-04T19:58:35.000Z 4xJ9WSnznH0 UCi3QMYopkHAzT34k_5zb_zA Cathy McMorris Rodgers clueless about #QANON Copyright 2018 The Chronicles of Chadwick 22 not set PT4M22S 7 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T17:00:04.000Z _KyryJ30-qI UCfGsBebGrr1Cwlp38gtT55w IS Qanon Real "Protect Your Information From Big Data - Click Here! Use Promo Code: Hodges for 20% OFF! Profit From Bitcoin, Learn How - Black Friday Specials Are Now Here! Buy Gold With / Noble Gold & Silver - or call 888-596-7916 Life Change Tea - Rid Your Body From Toxins! THE COMMON SENSE SHOW Freeing America One Enslaved Mind At A Time WEBSITE:" The Common Sense Show 27 ['News Current Events Hagmann Steve Quayle Tom Horn SkywatchTV Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show', 'STEVE QUAYLE', 'LISA HAVEN', 'LYN LEAHZ', 'NEWS NETWORK', 'TRUE NEWS', 'DABOO77', 'INFOWARS', 'ALEX JONES', 'BP EARTHWATCH', 'RICHIE FROM BOSTON'] PT5M50S 3262 51 139 25 not set not set 2018-09-24T13:48:57.000Z gCZXox4vrDQ UCb6idwGLVZlT4rCks7gz6KA Disproving QAnon "Evidence" #1 "Derrick Broze takes a look at one of the claimed pieces of evidence for the existence of QAnon. Sources: Trump's twitter post view-source: Unix timestamp conversion GMT to EST Conversion Trump's trip to Japan GMT to Japan How to figure out the timestamp The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. Find more videos like this at: Our work is supported by SmartCash, the business focused, user-friendly & decentralized crypto-currency. Support our work:" The Conscious Resistance 29 ['conscious', 'resistance', 'agorism', 'peaceful', 'anarchism', 'spirituality', 'derrick', 'broze', 'activism', 'anarchy', 'solutions', 'consciousness', 'action', 'qanon'] PT11M2S 1104 103 47 14 not set not set 2018-09-17T17:00:01.000Z 9Lf0zXtf2TE UCl9roQQwv4o4OuBj3FhQdDQ Reddit Goes To War With QAnon "Why is Reddit banning QAnon subreddits? John Iadarola and Brett Erlich discuss why Reddit is cracking down on QAnon on The Damage Report. Watch The Damage Report on YouTubeTV NOW: Subscribe to The Damage Report YouTube channel: Follow The Damage Report on Twitter:" The Damage Report 25 ['180914__DR05RedditQAnon', 'News', 'Politics', 'The Young Turks', 'qanon', 'qanon update', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon interview', 'qanon conspiracy', 'qanon today', 'who is qanon', 'qanon drops', 'we are qanon', 'qanon recent', 'qanon exposed', 'qanon t shirts', 'qanon identity', 'qanon revealed', 'qanon subreddit', 'qanon dangerous', 'qanon believers', 'qanon plan save world', 'news', 'donald trump', 'qanon identity revealed', 'clinton', 'great awakening', 'fake news', 'anon', 'deep state', 'alex jones', '4chan', '8chan', 'conspiracy'] PT2M50S 5265 86 212 65 not set not set 2018-10-27T20:49:33.000Z GfCVT0kk_DU UC29QhwFiw-MYcdKow8ka5rw Q Is A Fraud - 5 Reasons Why "Welcome to The Drop Point. There's a lot of content on YouTube about QAnon's numerous deceptions, but it is usually long-form and sometimes difficult to sift through. I'm personally invested in debunking Q because I've seen firsthand how the movement sucks people in and programs them to ignore reality. So, I've put what I believe to be the strongest reasons to reject QAnon in this short video. You can follow me on Twitter @georgi_boorman: This is the only social media I regularly use because I have a life. I will block all trolls immediately, so please don't waste your time. Nice people are welcome and I will probably follow you back. :) If you like to read, I'm a Senior Contributor at The Federalist, where I write about politics and culture: I do not read the comments on my pieces, so don't try trolling me there, either. I'll be uploading future videos debunking internet memes, myths, and talking points, which will (hopefully) be shorter than this one. Stay tuned! When you're looking for perspective, always start with the facts. Thanks for dropping in, and don't forget to like and subscribe!" The Drop Point with Georgi Boorman 25 ['QAnon is fake', 'factcheck', 'internet myths', 'hoaxes', 'conspiracy theories', 'LARPing'] PT9M57S 477 0 35 17 not set not set 2018-03-15T00:49:49.000Z iNmkZMHtyUc UCw7RiFLO5AUbZ3K04ruSvOA Another One! r/CBTS_Stream Banned From Reddit! "NYMag article: r/AgainstHateSubreddits: r/CBTS_Stream megathread: Instagram: Twitter: Capture Equipment: Elgato HD60S w/ Game Capture HD and Nvidia Shadowplay Microphone Used: Blue Yeti Blackout" The Exceedingly Average Gamer 20 ['gaming', 'social', 'xbox', 'xbox one', 'pc gaming', 'gameplay', 'commentary', 'ps4', 'reddit', 'conspiracy theory', 'deep state', 'white supremacy', 'racism', 'pizzagate', '4chan', 'banned', 'hate speech'] PT6M11S 266 11 8 16 not set not set 2018-06-20T18:32:41.000Z 55vvKJmqXbI UC6KorV7Zypphb3v204ixI9Q THE GOLDFISH REPORT NO. 237- COFFEE BREAK: Q-ANON: AS THE WORLD TURNS: HYPOTHESIS- RIDDLE: SOLVED? "On The GoldFish Report No. 237, Louisa and co-host Steve meet for another short coffee break to discuss a Q ANON post and what it might be trying to reveal to humanity. Louisa presents the circumstantial evidence that supports the Hypothesis that Q is trying to tell people that a huge Planetary body in our solar system is causing the water to disappear as the world turns and wobbles, thus causing the waters to recede and unprecedented volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. This is being covered up by chem-trails and a sun simulator to camouflage the eclipses that occur when these bodies pass in front of our sun. Steve plays devils advocate with providing critical analysis and scrutiny of the evidence, and many good points are made as we try to solve the Q ANON riddles. Q Anon posts that pertain to ""Watch The Water"" and ""AS THE WORLD TURNS"" and SKY EVENT"" are among some of the posts this report focuses on. Other source material is shared and links will be provided below. Two links not included in this report are the Vatican's Lucifer Telescope and Fox News story and those links will also be provided below. Stay tuned for the short report to se where this is going. ITS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE!! To receive our Reports you can subscribe to our BITCHUTE Channel at and to become a Patron of The GoldFish Report you can go to our Patreon page at . You can also subscribe to our ""NEW"" YouTube channel at, and, follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldfish, you can also follow us and like us on our 24/7 research news page at and to help support these and other programs please visit to make a donation. Thank you for your support and Thank you for viewing. To View The GoldFish Report's POTUS Reports, you can visit our BitChute page or view the unlisted report on YouTube from our POTUS Report page on our website at The GoldFish Report Archives can be found on our NEW ARCHIVE channel here: Where did All The Water Go Video: (Copyright Fair Use Permitted) Universal News Media link: (Copyright Fair Use Permitted) Zeta Talk: (Copyright Fair Use Permitted) Fox News Report: (Copyright Fair Use Permitted) Vatican L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Telescope: (Copyright Fair Use Permitted) DISCLAIMER The following videos were created for educational purposes only. The content of this material strictly for research purposes, and readily available to the general public via the Internet. Viewing of the GoldFish Reports acknowledges that senders and recipients hereby agree to this disclaimer, thus releasing the source author from any and all personal liability. Also, individuals who alter or deviate from this source material, may be exposing themselves to the full extent of law. THE OPINIONS AND HYPOTHESES OF OUR GUESTS AND GUEST CO-HOSTS DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE GOLDFISH REPORT POTUS UPDATE. AN OPINION AND HYPOTHESIS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH NEWLY PRESENTED RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE. THE GOLDFISH REPORT POTUS REPORT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMATION THAT MAY BE UNKNOWINGLY INACCURATE, ALTHOUGH WE DO OUR BEST TO PRESENT FACTS, OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THE CONVERSATION ABOUT DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES OF WORLD EVENTS AND HOW THOSE MAKING THE DECISIONS MAY IMPACT OUR LIVES. VIEWER DISCERNMENT IS ADVISED. Copyright 2018 The GoldFish Report. All rights Reserved." The GoldFish Report 22 not set PT29M33S 4642 75 135 10 not set not set 2018-08-30T21:00:08.000Z EyV2nUVLxFk UCcpWZrbYzye7-FY4i1ALfVw Hannibal Fan Q & A on GNW Podcast "GNW Podcast Fan Q & A Shoot Interview! 8/30/2018 On this weeks Great North Wrestling Podcast 3 time Canadian Champion and The Hannibal TV Lead Reporter Devon ""Hannibal"" Nicholson discusses last weekends GNW Live event in Hawkesbury &Jordynne Grace missing the event as well answers fan questions about Kevin Owens, Lex Luger and more! Patreon: Facebook: Twitter @GNWWrestling Instagram:" THE HANNIBAL TV 24 ['Hannibal Wrestler', 'Wrestling Podcast', 'GNW Podcast', 'Podcast', 'The Hannibal TV', 'GNW', 'Devon Nicholson', 'Devon Hannibal Nicholson', 'smackdown', 'hannibal', 'impact wrestling', 'tna', 'shoot interview', 'raw', 'wrestling shoot interview', 'smackdown live', 'wwe smackdown', 'shoot', 'world championship wrestling', 'wrestling interview', 'impact', 'roh', 'triple h', 'interview', 'impact wrestling 2018', 'impact on pop', 'wrestling shoot interviews', 'wcw', 'the hanabil', 'q 8-30', 'backyard boxing'] PT22M52S 652 6 50 2 not set not set 2018-02-26T07:45:29.000Z E_AZCM7fo0k UCe_0Md4GIH8-RXfkzz4uzgg We Know Q anon........... But Who Is Tyler? " Q anon tyler technology phsyops Watch The Waters full documentary on the Q phenomenon. watch it here!!!" The Holy Hand Grenade 29 ['Q anon tyler technology phsyop'] PT48M45S 1624 25 39 1 not set not set 2018-04-14T12:31:37.000Z yMmERfToO7s UCe_0Md4GIH8-RXfkzz4uzgg Q Anon psyop and the #Tyler underground quantum network "Quinn Michaels #teamtyler research For more info and videos on this topic check out my playlist "" Q Anon psychological op"" -The Holy Hand Grenade" The Holy Hand Grenade 29 not set PT30M37S 454 10 24 2 not set not set 2018-06-15T19:34:07.000Z -Y2E62PH05Q UCe_0Md4GIH8-RXfkzz4uzgg Ezekiels Wheel + CERN + Q Anon + Cicada 3301 + The Cult of Michael + Electric Universe + Dark Awaken "cult of Michael underground super collider network A.I. deep intelligence D13 Watchman subscribe share" The Holy Hand Grenade 29 not set PT33M12S 741 7 32 2 not set not set 2018-07-05T11:55:03.000Z 0AlIyATKBKs UCe_0Md4GIH8-RXfkzz4uzgg Don't Trust The Plan. [ Q Anon = PsyOp ] "Only a few of us left. Wake up to the deception. Watch The Waters full documentary film on Q phenomenon!! watch here!!!!" The Holy Hand Grenade 1 ['q Anon the great Awakening'] PT23M18S 1544 42 52 5 not set not set 2018-08-22T01:18:14.000Z VGrfN3v5JL8 UCFvub3YrEUoXl8aPHZBbHqw Sitting Down with QAnon Conspiracy Theorists - The Jim Jefferies Show "Jim gathers a group of QAnon conspiracy theorists to find out just how outlandish their beliefs are. Subscribe to Comedy Central: Watch more Comedy Central: Follow The Jim Jefferies Show: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Watch full episodes of The Jim Jefferies Show: Follow Comedy Central: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: About The Jim Jefferies Show: The Jim Jefferies Show is here to shake up the humdrum formula of the political late-night show. Jim tackles the news of the day with no-bulls**t candor, piercing insight and a uniquely Aussie viewpoint. The Jim Jefferies Show airs Tuesdays at 10:30/9:30c on Comedy Central." The Jim Jefferies Show 23 ['The Jim Jefferies Show', 'Jim Jefferies', 'Jim Jeffries', 'comedy central', 'news', 'satire', 'politics', 'political comedy', 'parody', 'conspiracy theories', 'Scalia', 'John F. Kennedy Jr.', 'QAnon', 'Trump conspiracies', 'QAnon interview', 'numerology', 'human trafficking', 'pedophilia', 'Clinton conspiracies', 'lizard people', 'funny', 'funny video', 'comedy videos', 'funny jokes', 'funny clips', 'eating babies', 'plane crash', 'q anon', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracy theory'] PT6M21S 1220016 10302 14572 4088 not set not set 2017-11-14T02:19:04.000Z TxBYmKf5L-c UCLKGTUISloNmab1GPZwUKhw THE JOHN LEBANG SHOW EPISODE 251 NOVEBMER 12 2017 4chan & The Q Clearance Mystery We're feeling a little under the weather but we're still here... what are we talking about? Conspiracy Theorists from all over are talking about the Q Clearance post on 4chan. So we thought we'd chime in as well. A brand new Hangin with Shady & whatever else we feel like bringing up. THE JOHN LEBANG SHOW 25 ['Q Clearance Patriot', '4chan', 'post', 'q clearance', 'illuminati', 'trump', 'hoax', 'real'] PT1H1S 646 10 7 2 not set not set 2017-11-22T01:42:40.000Z ttcTc6L2HT8 UCLKGTUISloNmab1GPZwUKhw THE JOHN LEBANG SHOW EPISODE 252 NOVEMBER 18, 2017 (Military collects social media, chemtrails, Q) "Q clearance update US Military & your social Media Chemshmeck over the sky The Trans Soldier Surgery Space X Secret Mission Transplanting Heads Stallone, Franken & the Sexual accused Plus a brand new Adventure of Captain Rainbow" THE JOHN LEBANG SHOW 25 ['head transplant', 'q clearance', 'chemtrails', '4chan', 'Q anon', 'military', 'collect', 'data', 'social', 'media', 'Trans Soldier', 'Stillone', 'Captain', 'Rainbow'] PT1H1S 23 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-03T02:29:11.000Z xeJ5OJs7KKc UCLKGTUISloNmab1GPZwUKhw THE JOHN LEBANG SHOW 252 November 19, 2017 "In this week's first hour of The John Lebang Show Q clearance update US Military & your social Media Chemshmeck over the sky The Trans Soldier Surgery Space X Secret Mission Transplanting Heads Stallone, Franken & the Sexual accused Plus a brand new Adventure of Captain Rainbow" THE JOHN LEBANG SHOW 25 ['Q Cleanance', '4chan', '8chan', 'q Anon', 'transplant head', 'chemtrails', 'Stallone', 'Franken', 'Metoo'] PT1H1S 3 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-25T19:57:57.000Z hhJEiaSDBU8 UC7K0wNhrt6fQdTj9zQQwLtw Q ANON: What is it? Are there 45,000 sealed indictments? Brenden Dilley explains "A lot of Conservatives have been putting their trust and hopes into an entity simply known as ""Q""? But what exactly is Q? They say ""trust the plan"" when people like myself get frustrated & rail against Jeff Sessions for instance. Brenen Dilley is a former Congressional Candidate, Author, & Activist and he helps spread some clarity on this topic. #JoshBernsteinShow #BrendenDilley #QAnon #TrustThePlan #WhoIsQ #Anonymous2018 #YourVoiceAmerica #BillMitchell #SealedIndictments" The Josh Bernstein Show 22 ['Anonmyous', 'Josh Bernstein Show', 'Brenden Dilley', 'Your Voice America', 'Bill Mitchell', 'QAnon', 'sealed indictments'] PT14M18S 22257 202 584 15 not set not set 2018-01-09T01:04:41.000Z PReg5AwOy2w UCwuzpURlgHFIeYuEjdL7vyQ NO MORE F-ING PUZZLES Q-ANON "Yer a wizard, Mr. Potter. No more f-ing puzzles, Qanon. Quit fogging up those mirrors." The Keepers 22 ['qanon royston potter', 'royston potter', 'roy potter qanon', 'lifttheveil qanon', 'tracy beanz qanon', 'destroy the illusion qanon', 'jordan sather qanon', 'royston potter polygamy', 'royston potter mormon', 'tracy beanz studio tour', 'nathan lift the veil', 'lift the veil', 'lift the veil qanon', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon the storm'] PT1M14S 678 15 53 6 not set not set 2018-07-05T23:25:50.000Z nI1pXAoOgU8 UCeJesXuEK5ERsyh-0DvM4PQ Al. Spendiaryan Qanon Ensemble - Millennium Stage (July 5, 2018) "Founded by musician and educator Tsovinar Hovhannisyan, the Al. Spendiaryan Qanon Ensemble was created to encourage Armenian girls and young women to take up an instrument traditionally played by men. The Ensemble has produced virtuosic musicians, sparking a “gender revolution” in their wake and bringing fresh energy to concert stages around the world. Presented in collaboration with the 2018 Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Subscribe to The Kennedy Center!" The Kennedy Center 24 ['the kennedy center', 'kennedy center', 'john f kennedy center for the performing arts', 'performing arts', 'washington d.c.', 'millennium stage', 'smithsonian folklife festival', 'smithsonian folklife festival 2018', 'kennedy center folklife festival', 'al spendiaryan qanon ensemble', 'tsovinar hovhannisyan', 'qanon', 'qanon july 2018', 'july 4 2018 girl', 'onnik dinkjian', 'pianist concert', 'q anon july 5'] PT53M26S 5837 5 68 5 not set not set 2018-08-15T17:39:49.000Z lFLZp5XNabI UCum3XXSnNRZOWuR3Ojc28eQ KBS LIVE! #TrustTheScam - The Final Nail In The Q'offin "Since broadcasting the show with the brilliant YouTuber Unirock/Unirock 2, things have been insane here trying to deal with the inevitable fall out that came with the exposure of what Qanon is all about. Things are not slowing down, in fact, the truth is now coming faster than ever. #LiveStream #TrustTheScam Support the stream: Spending some time getting used to the software in the company of you, the #TeamKBS family members!" The Kev Baker Show 22 ['truth', 'trust the plan', '4chan', '8chan', 'conspiracy', 'nbc', 'nbc news', 'livestream', 'scam', 'fraud', 'anonymous', 'kev baker', 'kev baker show'] PT1H32M17S 5678 83 218 52 not set not set 2018-01-30T22:27:46.000Z lrtZLtvlc_0 UCyG7vsDg04bMXCgJZ6Mmrnw BREAKING! WOW! Dr. Jerome Corsi Q-Anon Update 1-29-18 "Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down new high-level leaks from someone who calls themselves Q-Anon which stands for an ""anonymous source with the highest ""Q level"" security clearance. If what Dr. Corsi reveals about what he believes Q-Anon discloses on the deep web bulletin boards, WOW is all one can say. The DEEP STATE is in DEEP TROUBLE!" The Kick Them All Out Project 22 not set PT19M25S 560 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-12T23:38:59.000Z V2JOcuIizU8 UC_ClYrAtDNAGy5J0N-AwBNw Patrick Roddie Interview: Light vs Dark - Cern, Trump, Q Anon & The Big Picture "Today I am joined once again by Patrick Roddie of, and we dive into yet another deep conversation about the current state of things, the intent behind the current push and how we may all be heading for some rough times, but in the end, we must choose the light over the darkness. (This show is brought to you by Noble Gold, a group that has taken the initiative to ensure that The Last American Vagabond can continue bringing you the Truth, that is so desperately needed) Noble Bitcoin: Gold Guide: Free ebook: Government Lies Exposed - Part 1 Inflation: IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyseey - Animated Short Film: Like What You See? Help Us Stay People Funded: Stop Spraying Us Patrick Roddie, Portland Chemtrail Summit speech, May 7, 2017 Related TLAV Article: Support The Last American Vagabond by Subscribing here: Subscribe on iTunes: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Tumblr: ""Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.""" The Last American Vagabond 25 ['TLAV', 'Patrick Roddie', 'Geoengineering', 'Cern', 'Q Anon', 'Trump', 'government', 'Rothschilds', 'divide and conquer', 'cryptocurrency', 'Globalism', 'war', 'Iran'] PT1H2M51S 1024 19 38 3 not set not set 2018-09-20T06:52:24.000Z lpN1SsPSog8 UCIzPoTDlqtOzecyjKSuSbhg #15 Warning Truthers! The latest Q drop (SSP/Aliens) and what is REALLY means This channel charts my personal journey as a practitioner of the LHP, The Lightworker Healing Protocol. I also discuss many topics related to it and other aspects of spirituality and healing. The LHP train 27 not set PT10M6S 642 15 30 4 not set not set 2018-08-03T09:15:07.000Z N6eV31gqHAA UCYh5rt3uVNEuu9CwSKlvHEA The Lion’s Den Address w/ Ariel Dresser: Episode 1: QAnon Video Part 1 "Here's the link to My Blog on this article for full body links and more detailed information! Editorial Correction on 10 insiders officially involved in high level clearance around Q information: only 3 of them are NON-military, making 7 who are military or have military backgrounds The Lion's Den Address:" The Lion’s Den Address 22 not set PT14M51S 39 1 2 3 not set not set 2018-02-19T04:30:00.000Z yTneDfIgFE8 UC-3jIAlnQmbbVMV6gR7K8aQ QAnon Explained "In this Majority Report clip, unraveling the mysteries of Qanon. We need your help to keep providing free videos! Support the Majority Report's video content by going to ""A new conspiracy theory called “The Storm” has taken the grimiest parts of the internet by, well, storm. Like Pizzagate, the Storm conspiracy features secret cabals, a child sex-trafficking ring led (in part) by the satanic Democratic Party, and of course, countless logical leaps and paranoid assumptions that fail to hold up under the slightest fact-based scrutiny. However, unlike Pizzagate, the Storm isn’t focused on a single block of shops in D.C., or John Podesta’s emails. It’s much, much bigger than that. As most terrible things do, this story begins with a post on /pol/, a sub-board of the more-or-less-anonymous, anything-goes website 4chan. Over the last few years, /pol/ — which technically stands for “politically incorrect” — has slowly but surely become a top contender for the ever-coveted title of the most upsetting community online. It’s the sort of place where neo-Nazis and people who believe women shouldn’t have basic human rights used to meet before we started verifying them on Twitter and electing them to public office. And as of late, it’s expanded its ranks to include fringe members of all shapes and sizes.""* Read more here: Watch the Majority Report live M–F at 12 p.m. EST at or listen via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM Download our FREE app: SUPPORT the show by becoming a member: LIKE us on Facebook: FOLLOW us on Twitter: SUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube:" The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder 25 ['Majority report', 'sam seder', 'tyt network', 'the young turks', 'young turks', 'tyt', 'news', 'politics', 'socialism', 'socialist', 'feminism', 'podcast', 'our revolution', 'progressive news', 'Trump 2016', 'Trump amazing speech', 'Trump Supporter', 'donald trump', 'trump', 'trump news', 'donald trump news', 'qanon', 'matt binder', 'conservative', 'conspiracy', 'conspiracy theory', 'sean hannity', 'pizzagate', '4chan', '8chan', 'mike cernovich', 'alex jones'] PT7M56S 70670 423 418 339 not set not set 2018-02-06T13:44:02.000Z TkNH3xkdVxk UCEkv1e3kaV5wNQg9j-EBM7A Q anon is a con How much longer will you wait? The Millions Will Rise 22 ['Clinton Q trump fake news'] PT2M42S 490 43 35 8 not set not set 2018-04-08T06:18:48.000Z ulnMOXaz4Dg UCnE-sJe1hrgZv8uYkPWfecw Tracy Beanz makes it rain and brings Trump out "Shungite-the miracle stone-protect yourself & loved ones from EMF, wifi etc Link here: Please help me by supporting my etsy store Link here: The other link to my store is faulty:[ Please support me by visiting my Etsy store at: Watch my videos on and we both get paid almost instantly The link to my channel is Thanks for your support If you don't know who Tracy Beanz is I will put some links to her channels below but basically she is one of the many people involved in bringing down the Illuminati / Deep State / Cabal / satanic pedophiles and she helps decode Qanon posts. Qanon is , most believe, to be a military intelligence group helping Trump to get rid of the Deep State/ illuminati /Cabal /Satanic pedophiles. Tracy Beanz on Twitter: The link to her meetimg trump at end of March : Tracy Beanz youtube channel : Supplement the 2nd Amendment with the best self defense system in the world [IMO]: Electroneum referral code: 2BF698 Donate via Crypto: Bitcoin:1NmS6jorGMcK1ExArskCcNQUbMhEXdLVzi Ethereum:0x43b2e358aec8a09bcb0dac883a6e7794715bb220 Electroneum: etnk8dJZU3cZSAMiKf7rGuE7jVGQsRAiEPpbVM8CkiDEKMTSm5WeJGUZRfnQggqAYZagKwYiV3vWU35QfCndp1tU8xz7dYfS8N Litecoin:LPTaNBrGZ2pvrnQUcYnmLXJd65Ho8WbTJv Support on Patreon: Thank you for watching and your support. Watch my videos on and we both get paid almost instantly. The link to my channel is Thanks for your support Inspired, motivated & influenced by A Funny Montage on Pewdiepie channel. Link : Inspired, motivated & influenced by Dream - Motivational Video on Mateusz M channel. Link here: Inspired, motivated & influenced by BEST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO EVER - BE PHENOMENAL 2018 [HD] on MotivationGrid. Link here: Self Defense Training System- Affiliate Links Get certified It shouldn’t take long to learn Grappling Get certified anytime anywhere The main self defense system How to defeat an MMA armbar 60 Minute Self Defense The Edge of Hand technique The Elbow Strike Technique The Garrote Disclaimer: video for entertainment purposes only." The Next Level 22 ['viral', 'video', 'Tracy Beanz meets Trump', 'Tracy Beanz March', 'Tracy Beanz'] PT1M14S 188 8 7 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T07:26:24.000Z FVDWOrEAyGw UCnE-sJe1hrgZv8uYkPWfecw Qanon and The Law of One: Corey Goode and David Wilcox "Shungite-the miracle stone-protect yourself & loved ones from EMF, wifi etc Link here: Please help me by supporting my etsy store Link here: The other link to my store is faulty:[ Please support me by visiting my Etsy store at: Watch my videos on and we both get paid almost instantly The link to my channel is Thanks for your support In the latest talk between Corey Goode and David Wilcox they talk about The law of one material by Ra and how if truth is written in such a way that is mysterious people will become seekers and it will strengthen their will and faith. This is how sacred texts , prophets, and higher beings introduce the truth to humanity . I see a correlation between this and the method Qanon introduces the truth to people. Supplement the 2nd Amendment with the best self defense system in the world [IMO]: Electroneum referral code: 2BF698 Donate via Crypto: Bitcoin:1NmS6jorGMcK1ExArskCcNQUbMhEXdLVzi Ethereum:0x43b2e358aec8a09bcb0dac883a6e7794715bb220 Electroneum: etnk8dJZU3cZSAMiKf7rGuE7jVGQsRAiEPpbVM8CkiDEKMTSm5WeJGUZRfnQggqAYZagKwYiV3vWU35QfCndp1tU8xz7dYfS8N Litecoin:LPTaNBrGZ2pvrnQUcYnmLXJd65Ho8WbTJv Support on Patreon: Thank you for watching and your support. Watch my videos on and we both get paid almost instantly. The link to my channel is Thanks for your support Inspired, motivated & influenced by A Funny Montage on Pewdiepie channel. Link : Inspired, motivated & influenced by Dream - Motivational Video on Mateusz M channel. Link here: Inspired, motivated & influenced by BEST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO EVER - BE PHENOMENAL 2018 [HD] on MotivationGrid. Link here: Self Defense Training System- Affiliate Links Get certified It shouldn’t take long to learn Grappling Get certified anytime anywhere The main self defense system How to defeat an MMA armbar 60 Minute Self Defense The Edge of Hand technique The Elbow Strike Technique The Garrote Disclaimer: video for entertainment purposes only. Here is the link to the best Shungite in the world from Russia: Here is the link for Earthing" The Next Level 22 ['Qanon and the law of one', 'viral', 'The Law of One', 'The Ra Material', 'David Wilcox and the law of one', 'video', 'cosmic disclosure', 'Corey Goode and the law of one', 'Qanon'] PT11M36S 271 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-09-01T22:20:07.000Z oy7wzqALCg0 UCf1oIO5khABW8NCBDryHeVw q anon Trump fan fiction Hour 1 The Ochelli Effect 8-3-2018 "q anon Trump fan fiction Hour 1 The Ochelli Effect 8-3-2018 Chuck Solo Chuck goes Solo on a Friar’s Day Ochelli Effect. In the first hour, We break down the recent press briefing from Sara Huckabee Sanders where she complains about her treatment by the press. The odd Lying mouthpiece for Russian Agent Orange is upset that a comedian poked fun at her appearance on August 2 along with her normal Trump is correct and defend stupidity Q & A. In the second hour, Chuck studied headlines a bit and launched into an extemporaneous presentation on the truth of the truthless QAnon Psyop. Remember boys and girls, Sara Sanders and QAnon devotees are what happens when we bully the weak minded and unattractive. How did alternative media turn against itself? What is the appeal or the unreal? How badly has the work of legitimate conspiracy researchers been undermined? How severe is is the dumbing down of the public? Is the long-term damage ever going to heal? How many idiots does it take to buy a BS conspiracy psyop? JFK Jr. might know the answer, but asking him would involve knowing that an out of control 4Chan board now has people protecting the people that may have indeed killed him. Mythmaking has gone into hyperdrive it seems. Friends don’t let friends do Qanon. Russian Propaganda hand in glove with US intelligence agendas. Trump is the “Deep State”. Just another Friday on the Ochelli Effect. #QAnon #Cult45 #ConspiracyTheories4Dummies #TheNewSheep #DumbingDown #TrumpIsDeepState q anon Trump fan fiction LINKS:" The Ochelli Effect 22 ['anon', 'Trump', 'fan', 'fiction', 'Hour', 'The', 'Ochelli', 'Effect', '8-3-2018', 'Chuck', 'Solo', 'goes', 'on', 'Friar’s', 'Day', 'In', 'the', 'first', 'hour', 'We', 'break', 'down', 'recent', 'press', 'briefing', 'from', 'Sara', 'Huckabee', 'Sanders', 'where', 'she', 'complains', 'about', 'her', 'treatment', 'by', 'odd', 'Lying', 'mouthpiece', 'for', 'Russian', 'Agent', 'Orange', 'is', 'upset', 'that', 'comedian', 'poked', 'fun'] PT57M16S 47 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-09-01T22:22:28.000Z htjd11_xm04 UCf1oIO5khABW8NCBDryHeVw q anon Trump fan fiction Hour 2 The Ochelli Effect 8-3-2018 "q anon Trump fan fiction Hour 2 The Ochelli Effect 8-3-2018 Chuck goes Solo on a Friar’s Day Ochelli Effect. In the first hour, We break down the recent press briefing from Sara Huckabee Sanders where she complains about her treatment by the press. The odd Lying mouthpiece for Russian Agent Orange is upset that a comedian poked fun at her appearance on August 2 along with her normal Trump is correct and defend stupidity Q & A. In the second hour, Chuck studied headlines a bit and launched into an extemporaneous presentation on the truth of the truthless QAnon Psyop. Remember boys and girls, Sara Sanders and QAnon devotees are what happens when we bully the weak minded and unattractive. How did alternative media turn against itself? What is the appeal or the unreal? How badly has the work of legitimate conspiracy researchers been undermined? How severe is is the dumbing down of the public? Is the long-term damage ever going to heal? How many idiots does it take to buy a BS conspiracy psyop? JFK Jr. might know the answer, but asking him would involve knowing that an out of control 4Chan board now has people protecting the people that may have indeed killed him. Mythmaking has gone into hyperdrive it seems. Friends don’t let friends do Qanon. Russian Propaganda hand in glove with US intelligence agendas. Trump is the “Deep State”. Just another Friday on the Ochelli Effect. #QAnon #Cult45 #ConspiracyTheories4Dummies #TheNewSheep #DumbingDown #TrumpIsDeepState q anon Trump fan fiction LINKS:" The Ochelli Effect 22 ['anon', 'Trump', 'fan', 'fiction', 'Hour', 'The', 'Ochelli', 'Effect', '8-3-2018', 'Chuck', 'goes', 'Solo', 'on', 'Friar’s', 'Day', 'In', 'the', 'first', 'hour', 'We', 'break', 'down', 'recent', 'press', 'briefing', 'from', 'Sara', 'Huckabee', 'Sanders', 'where', 'she', 'complains', 'about', 'her', 'treatment', 'by', 'odd', 'Lying', 'mouthpiece', 'for', 'Russian', 'Agent', 'Orange', 'is', 'upset', 'that', 'comedian', 'poked', 'fun', 'at', 'app'] PT1H3M26S 53 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-06T21:51:58.000Z WCbr2KZ-DRY UCf1oIO5khABW8NCBDryHeVw Ochelli Effect 9-7-2018 Chuck Solo hour 1 Mainstream Q anon "Mainstream Q anon The Ochelli Effect 9-7-2018 Chuck Solo Chuck goes solo on a Friar’s day night. The Ochelli Effect gets calls from Tech, Regular Joe and Meria Heller. The power of the pen is in focus as we get perspective on the most recent version of an unnamed insider steering the government while remaining nameless, and faceless. Does any rational listener think a privileged elitist will pay for any of their sins? Really? Other news and views get handled as well. Tech talks about the algorithms and what they are really doing. Mainstream Q anon Regular Joe talks about the song of the south on auto-tune. Meria Heller is the mouth that roars like the MGM Lion accept she is Meria Heller. Are you afraid yet? Don’t be. The world is a stage and we are not getting the good seats. The circus has rolled through every town. Is Trump Gods choice? Country reality stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of stupid. Mainstream Q anon LINKS:" The Ochelli Effect 24 ['Mainstream', 'anon', 'The', 'Ochelli', 'Effect', '9-7-2018', 'Chuck', 'Solo', 'goes', 'solo', 'on', 'Friar’s', 'day', 'night', 'gets', 'calls', 'from', 'Tech', 'Regular', 'Joe', 'and', 'Meria', 'Heller', 'power', 'of', 'the', 'pen', 'is', 'in', 'focus', 'as', 'we', 'get', 'perspective', 'most', 'recent', 'version', 'an', 'unnamed', 'insider', 'steering', 'government', 'while', 'remaining', 'nameless', 'faceless', 'Does'] PT1H11S 36 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-06T21:55:40.000Z Is3pA6MNyyA UCf1oIO5khABW8NCBDryHeVw Ochelli Effect 9-7-2018 Chuck Solo hour 2 Mainstream Q anon "Mainstream Q anon The Ochelli Effect 9-7-2018 Chuck Solo Chuck goes solo on a Friar’s day night. The Ochelli Effect gets calls from Tech, Regular Joe and Meria Heller. The power of the pen is in focus as we get perspective on the most recent version of an unnamed insider steering the government while remaining nameless, and faceless. Does any rational listener think a privileged elitist will pay for any of their sins? Really? Other news and views get handled as well. Tech talks about the algorithms and what they are really doing. Mainstream Q anon Regular Joe talks about the song of the south on auto-tune. Meria Heller is the mouth that roars like the MGM Lion accept she is Meria Heller. Are you afraid yet? Don’t be. The world is a stage and we are not getting the good seats. The circus has rolled through every town. Is Trump Gods choice? Country reality stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of stupid. Mainstream Q anon LINKS:" The Ochelli Effect 25 ['Mainstream', 'anon', 'The', 'Ochelli', 'Effect', '9-7-2018', 'Chuck', 'Solo', 'goes', 'solo', 'on', 'Friar’s', 'day', 'night', 'gets', 'calls', 'from', 'Tech', 'Regular', 'Joe', 'and', 'Meria', 'Heller', 'power', 'of', 'the', 'pen', 'is', 'in', 'focus', 'as', 'we', 'get', 'perspective', 'most', 'recent', 'version', 'an', 'unnamed', 'insider', 'steering', 'government', 'while', 'remaining', 'nameless', 'faceless', 'Does'] PT57M46S 25 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-31T06:30:08.000Z _hq37VwU5gU UCuE5R179a0MMRjz7Rr-APhg The Q Conspiracy (Down the Rabbit Hole) "Put on your tinfoil hats and break out the water purifiers! This is one hell of a Conspiracy Theory. In this week's episode, we dive into one of the most twisted communities on the internet. Come explore the craziest conspiracy of 2018. The Book of Q [Download] Listen to the unabridged recording of this episode on SoundCloud: Do you want to see more? When you hit that subscribe button you keep this channel going. New videos every week. Twitter: @theodessia" The Odessia 24 ['Q Anon', 'Qanon', '4 chan', '8 chan', '+++', 'conspiracy theory', 'soros', 'rothschild', 'honey boo boo', 'anonymous conservative', 'trump news', 'moloch', 'bohemian grove', 'the matrix', 'infowars', 'Trump', 'MAGA', 'Saud', 'Al-Waleed bin Talal', 'whatsapp hack', 'mandalay bay shooting', 'geopolitics', 'eyes wide shut', 'illuminati'] PT7M12S 949 6 24 1 not set not set 2018-01-09T20:53:29.000Z Dn-nsXSFkls UC7dkMoe_i-xfdkf0uMIMsWA Dr. Jerome Corsi - Analysis of Recent Q-anon Postings - The Hagmann Report "Dr. Jerome Corsi, Chef Washington correspondent for provides his in-depth analysis of the recent postings made by ""Q,"" an alleged insider familiar with the inner workings of the present administration. His latest book, ""Killing the Deep State, The Fight to Save President Trump,"" will be published n February 20, 2018. (It is a blockbuster and can be pre-ordered on Amazon). Follow Dr. Corsi on Twitter: @jerome_corsi Please help us keep the lights on - Support us on Patraon: Hagmann Report Website: Hagmann Report Facebook: Hagmann Report Twitter: Doug’s Facebook: Follow Doug Hagmann on Twitter: @HagmannPI Doug on GAB: @DougHagmann Doug Hagmann's Investigative Website:" The Official Hagmann Report 25 ['News', 'Current Events', 'InfoWars', 'Alex Jones', 'Steve Quayle', 'Michael Savage', 'Savage Nation', 'Lionel Nation', 'SGT Report', 'X22 Report', 'Dave Hodges', 'Common Sense Show', 'Dr. Jerome Corsi'] PT24M18S 186292 626 3489 149 not set not set 2018-01-15T23:56:17.000Z LEuU1zLb2h4 UC7dkMoe_i-xfdkf0uMIMsWA News & Q Anon Analysis with Dark Journalist on The Hagmann Report "Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt joins us with important analysis on the 2018 midterm elections and the political climate in America. We look at the media hysteria and attacks on Donald Trump. We also discuss the Q Anon movement and talk about the implications both positive and negative. Please help us keep the lights on - Support us on Patraon: Hagmann Report Website: Hagmann Report Facebook: Hagmann Report Twitter: Doug’s Facebook: Follow Doug Hagmann on Twitter: @HagmannPI Doug on GAB: @DougHagmann Doug Hagmann's Investigative Website:" The Official Hagmann Report 25 ['News', 'Current Events', 'InfoWars', 'Alex Jones', 'Steve Quayle', 'Michael Savage', 'Savage Nation', 'Lionel Nation', 'SGT Report', 'X22 Report', 'Dave Hodges', 'Common Sense Show', 'Dark Journalist', 'Daniel Liszt', 'Q Anon', '2018 midterms', 'media bias', 'liberal insanity', 'president trump', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Robert Mueller'] PT48M19S 27561 180 634 45 not set not set 2018-02-10T18:11:30.000Z wKpIfF8A6Fc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q anon- 2/9/18 ( Q-Clearance) Must Watch "Email Us @ the Following email link Latest updates from Q anon. 4chan Link for Q post below:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q-Anon', 'q level clearnce', 'gov', 'leaks', '2017', '2018', 'snowden', 'Trump', 'poltics', 'evil', 'nwo', 'predictive', '4chan', 'Qanon', '2-10-2018', 'classifeied'] PT24M21S 508 1 21 1 not set not set 2018-02-11T00:22:59.000Z kuwpVQqjOH8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-10-18 (Q-Clearance) Must Watch Mini Breakdown "q anon breakdown of 2-10-2018 4chan post. Truth and Justice will be served. Link for website to follow Email us at" The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'q clearance', 'snowden', 'trump', '2018', '2017', '2019', '2020', 'truth', 'lies', 'hillary', 'server', 'Must watch', 'new', 'HD', 'High Def', 'america', 'freedom', 'ring', 'liberty', 'justice', 'Gov'] PT9M41S 279 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-11T03:21:45.000Z 58sse_8vqoU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-10-18 Mini Update/ Must Watch Q Anon updates. Truth will prevail and justice will be served. The Patriot Hour 22 ['A Anon', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Justice', 'Hillary', 'Trump', 'Illuamti', 'illuamanti', 'Gov', 'Truth', 'Lies', '20182017', '2019', '2020', '4chan'] PT12M3S 307 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-02-11T23:16:35.000Z L_9KQgsbGFA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon (Q Clearance) 2-11-2018 Ed Snowden CIA Asset? Must Watch Update "Was Edward Snowden A CIA asset. Was he sent to NSA on purpose? Watch Video Leave comments below." The Patriot Hour 22 ['snowden', 'gov', 'cia', 'nsa', 'asset', '2019', '2020', '2018', '2017', 'qanon', 'Q anon', 'Q clearance', 'intel', 'truth', 'lies', 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'justice for all'] PT13M42S 178 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-02-13T00:32:45.000Z 36UMrY3f8uk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-12-2018 ( Matrix, learn the hidden symbolism) "More released post from Q anon or Clearance. Just an update over the post more to come." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'Q Anon', 'Q clearance', 'gov', 'evil', 'good', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2018', 'end', 'matrix', 'feb', 'illumanti', 'control', 'grid', 'lioes', 'truth', 'hidden agenda', 'agenda'] PT7M58S 256 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-02-15T02:10:02.000Z uyheOP62cTw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-14-2018/ Big Pharma Warning Letter "Patriot Hour Update Video Q anon or Clearance drops new post email us at :" The Patriot Hour 22 ['2018', '2019', '2020', '2017', 'evil', 'good', 'truth', 'lies', 'gov', 'Q anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Hidden', 'illuamanti', 'Meaning', 'knowlegdge', 'power', 'corrupt', 'Patriot', 'Flag', 'God', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty'] PT6M42S 219 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-16T16:24:05.000Z nh-KhrKjy7g UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-16-18 MkUltra (Mind Control?) Patriot Hour Update "Q Anon (Q Clearance) update video What is Q Clearance. Look at this below Email Us at: Thank you fellow patriots. We appreciate all your help and support." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Clearnce', 'q clearance', 'Gov', 'Lies', 'Truth', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'Liberty', 'illumanti', 'Mkultra', 'mindcontrol', 'fight', 'god', 'country'] PT36M36S 1176 6 14 1 not set not set 2018-02-16T16:28:20.000Z LPTZY5WgJec UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-16-18 Quick update on the Patriot Hour channel Patriot hour message to the people. Thanks for all your support The Patriot Hour 22 ['Patriot', 'flags', 'truth', 'and freedom', 'liberty', '2019', '20182017', '2020', 'Trump', 'Qanon', 'clearance'] PT6M11S 76 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-17T18:35:04.000Z 9wicTGT7TwA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-17-18 MkUltra (Mind Control) Declassified Docs / Cooper? Q Anon Update on Mk Ultra program and declassified docs to prove it. Bill Cooper and his Book Behold a pale horse gives shocking predictions. The Patriot Hour 22 ['mk ultra', 'MkUltra', 'mind control', 'lies', 'truth', '2018209', '2017', '2020', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Illumanti', 'Good', 'evil', 'nwo', 'drugs', 'lsd', 'cia', 'c.i.a', 'declassified', 'top secert', 'shooting', 'mass shooting'] PT21M40S 232 1 4 2 not set not set 2018-02-18T02:22:51.000Z _IHxk2tqEFo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-17-18 Update (Must Watch/ Who Was Bill Cooper?) "Bill Cooper was Author ""Behold A pale Horse. MkUltra Gov testing and other QAnon post have been discussed in other videos. Click link below for video on Bill Cooper Tribute email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['2018mkultra', 'gov', 'illumanti', 'bill cooper', 'murder', '2017', '2020', '2019', 'Must watch', 'truth', 'lies', 'helpful', 'light', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'trust'] PT42M54S 323 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-02-18T17:00:44.000Z ZTgnDPiar10 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-18-18 Bill Cooper ( Ex Military Tony In studio) Must watch "Discussed Bill Cooper and Military and Q Anon post.; Welcome to the Patriot Hour. Thanks for Watching please leave a comment below and subscribe to watch all new content daily. Also feel free to contact us by email:" The Patriot Hour 22 "['liar', 'Q Anon', 'Q clearnace', '2018', '2017', '2019', '2020', ""truth'"", 'light', 'Q Clearance', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'USA', 'Patriots', 'Flag', 'Illuamtni', 'illuamanti', 'Evil', 'good']" PT17M34S 334 1 5 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T01:30:19.000Z bywnUT8K1Xw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-18-18 NO ESCAPE./NO DEALS (Trust the Plan) "Links below like I said in the Video. Everyone needs to look at this. This will be huge." The Patriot Hour 22 ['2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'power', 'lies', 'truth', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'evil', 'Gov', 'arrest', 'winning', 'Trump'] PT6M18S 398 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T03:00:10.000Z Ayfhsn_Etxw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-18-18 What is Q Anon and Q Clearance? (Must Watch) "What is Q clearance and what is Q anon. Trying to find out and need all your help. Lets do this together. This is Huge Link For Clearance: Email us at: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE" The Patriot Hour 22 ['q clearance', 'q level', 'L Level', 'POTUS', 'Trump', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'lies', 'truth', 'justice', 'trust the plan', 'illuamanti', 'falling', 'good', 'evil'] PT14M29S 299 0 9 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T19:07:43.000Z 9XRjrAdhuQc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-19-18 FOR GOD & COUNTRY ( Gun Control) "Q Anon newest post on 2-18-18. Gun Control and stats. Every town USA: LINK Email Us at" The Patriot Hour 22 ['2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'Illumanti', 'gov', 'evil', 'good', 'Trump', 'Gun', 'gun control', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'truth', 'lies', 'POTUS', 'Plan'] PT44M11S 346 5 13 0 not set not set 2018-02-19T23:08:51.000Z 8R_-m6nW0m8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-19-18 Quick Breakdown of a Post (Seth Rich) MUST LEARN "Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? how these post work and the mission of it all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'breakdown', '4chan', '8chan', 'illuamanti', 'post breakdown', 'learn', 'patriot', 'flag', 'country', 'good'] PT3M53S 2576 6 23 1 not set not set 2018-02-20T20:37:28.000Z HXn5VdWehLI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-20-18 Q Controlled? (Art of the Infromant Trump) "Was or is Q controlled? Look at the Fruit of the Tree. Art of the Informant. Just follow the clues." The Patriot Hour 22 ['trump', 'illuamanti', 'evil', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'gov', 'Q anon', 'Qanon', 'Q Clearance', 'help', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2017'] PT6M37S 689 2 16 0 not set not set 2018-02-21T19:09:17.000Z Tt2A48szJfU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-21-18 QAnonmap/Archive Everything Offline? (How to) "Q Anon 2-21-2018 QAnonmap.Github (How to use it and Archive offline) watch this video and follow suit. help your country and clean it up. And here is the link for the Q post right here below: Email us at: Please Subscribe to this channel" The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'q clearance', 'gov', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'good', 'evil', 'peace', 'awaken', 'illuamanti', 'life', 'war', 'scare', 'proud', 'potus', 'trump', 'knowledge', 'patriot', 'flag'] PT10M58S 500 3 12 1 not set not set 2018-02-22T00:18:32.000Z z-zHQ-YPXsg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon UPDATE 2-21-18 Phase 2? (No sleep/ Stay tuned) New Q Post.. Please support channel and subscribe. The Patriot Hour 22 ['2017', '2018', '2020', '2019', 'Gov', 'Q anon', 'Q clearance', 'Trump', 'potus', 'evil', 'good', 'truth', 'liberty', 'flag', 'illuamanti'] PT4M53S 452 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-02-22T04:50:50.000Z U2Pg2L0r1vs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-21-18 Patriots & Traitors (MUST WATCH) New Drop "Like and Subscribe to our Channel Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon?" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', 'Good', 'Evil', 'GOV', 'GOP', 'Tump', 'Trump', 'Patriots', 'flag', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2020', 'illuamanti'] PT5M52S 561 3 11 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T05:41:12.000Z C4n6T3YK1wI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-22-18 Real & how we know this ( MUST WATCH) "How we know and are learning things daily Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon?" The Patriot Hour 22 ['2018', '2019', '2020', '2017', 'Qanon', 'Q clearance', 'gov', 'evil', 'good', 'light', 'illuamanti', 'potus', 'trump', 'pol', '4chan', '8chan', 'learn', 'patriot', 'flag', 'honor', 'truth'] PT7M26S 3216 18 47 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T06:46:53.000Z 9RPwaAqP9as UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-22-18 Just the Truth/Patriot Hour Project (Thanks So Much) "Promote truth and freedom always. Art of Silence - Dramatic / Cinematic [No copyright, Royalty free] Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon?" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Art of Silence - Dramatic / Cinematic [No copyright', 'Royalty free]', 'qanon', 'qclearance', 'the art of war', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'trump oatg', 'oath', 'country', 'live', 'free', 'freedom', 'lies', 'gov', 'potus', 'evil', 'good'] PT5M28S 271 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T15:39:13.000Z 0Qkwub_S2fg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon Update 2-22-18 C.I.A-J.F.K-Journalist(Must Watch) "Here are the links for the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? https://" The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'qclearance', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2017', 'Good', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'light illuamant', 'trust', 'the plan'] PT5M58S 845 5 19 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T02:11:08.000Z dbqgfA-2dSo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-22-18 WW3/Sept 7,1776/Watch the Water?( Scary Times) "Here are the links for the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['1776', 'Turtle', 'HMS', 'Q Anon', 'Q clearance', 'potus', 'flood', 'weather', 'clearance', 'love', 'peace', 'illuamanti', 'Future map', 'ww3', 'water', 'river', 'map', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017'] PT10M10S 348 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T06:40:28.000Z 10iN_E0n6n8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-23-18 UPDATE Control Children/Wake Up?(Trusted Patriots) "Here are the links for the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Qanon', 'Q Clearance', 'potus', 'wake up', 'illuamanti', 'tweet', 'fb', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'truth', 'lies', 'Gov', 'Hrc', 'Trump', 'God', 'Control', 'Kids', 'Tips', 'Wake up', 'QAnon', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020'] PT11M22S 997 3 15 1 not set not set 2018-02-24T04:57:13.000Z DM0WOKuJDS4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-23-18 Gun grab event/School/Children "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', 'Gun', 'Grab', 'illuamanti', 'gov', 'good', 'evil', 'local', 'police', 'nwo', 'right', 'wrong'] PT11M5S 141 1 5 0 not set not set 2018-02-24T18:14:03.000Z O8mk5MMXpXw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-24-18 Stanislav/Bridge/Payback "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q Clearance', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2017', 'gov', 'good', 'evil', 'illuamanti', 'wh', 'potus'] PT12M16S 244 4 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-25T05:19:43.000Z PIqPcbI5UOY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-25-18 Patriots in Full Control/Calm B4 the Storm "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all. Calm before the storm link: Sandy hook where is the money going link" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'illumanati', 'Good', 'evil', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'potus', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot', 'military', 'corrupt'] PT1H2M12S 1789 8 24 3 not set not set 2018-02-26T03:06:40.000Z Y0yfGovwtH4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-25-18 CALM B4 THE STORM/TRUMP/POTUS "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all. Calm before the storm link: Sandy hook where is the money going link" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Potus', 'QQ', 'Qanon', 'Q Clearance', 'evil', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'Illuamanti', 'NWO', 'GOOD', 'EVIL', 'TRUTH', 'Lies'] PT1M40S 1028 3 19 2 not set not set 2018-02-26T06:49:08.000Z ZL3XSbO-dXY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q ANON 2-26-18 Fast History Overview and Proof (MUST WATCH) "Welcome to the channel Patriots. Salute. Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['potus', 'qanon', 'qclearance', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'ww1', 'ww3', 'good', 'evil', 'illuamanti', 'gov', 'storm', 'calm', 'before', 'truth', 'lies', 'god', 'power'] PT6M11S 9543 39 195 9 not set not set 2018-02-28T12:55:06.000Z mvDTZcj5R7s UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-28 Clowns to the Left Jokers to the Right (Stuck in the Middle with Q) "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Jokers', 'clowns', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', 'illuamanti', 'god', 'evil', 'bad', 'good', 'q clearance', 'truth', 'lies', 'pol', 'potus', 'reelect'] PT3M24S 986 8 38 2 not set not set 2018-03-01T06:48:52.000Z x-saukIA1KY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-1-18 JFK Speech That Got JFK Killed The Patriot Hour 22 not set PT4M43S 575 3 22 0 not set not set 2018-03-01T18:54:13.000Z zKqSX2ehlGg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-1-18 Patriots in Full Control(Friday's show) "Please Like, Share, Comment and promote our new channel. Please help keep Freedom and Liberty for everyone. Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'patriot Hour show', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'truth', 'potus', 'guns', 'bans', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', 'flag', 'god', 'patriot', 'veteran', 'love', 'peace'] PT10M12S 214 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-03-02T02:13:55.000Z zefPM7ABhCo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-1-18 Secret Society Tell All "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['cooper', 'bill', 'william', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'illuamanti', 'nwo', 'secert', 'mason', 'freemason', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'dark', 'light', 'facts', 'histoy', 'patriot', 'liberty', 'freedom'] PT2M1S 675 2 22 0 not set not set 2018-03-03T15:34:43.000Z WecweD00lM0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-3-18 Help Wake them up (Sheeple) "Please Like, Share, Comment and promote our new channel. Please help keep Freedom and Liberty for everyone. Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Bill Cooper', 'hour of the time', 'truth', 'message', 'sheeple', 'wake them up', '2029', '2020', '2017', '2016', '2019', 'illuamanti', 'agenda', 'Gov', 'Potus', 'Evil', 'Good', 'light', 'sleep'] PT4M46S 816 4 26 0 not set not set 2018-03-04T15:18:33.000Z GkpCAJWHOhA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-4-18 CIA Involvement in Drug Trafficking (Old,Low Volume) "Please Like, Share, Comment and promote our new channel. Please help keep Freedom and Liberty for everyone. Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Michael Ruppert', 'LA', 'CIA', 'Drug', 'Lies', 'Truth', 'llluamanti', 'god', 'evil', '2017', '2019', '2018', '2020', 'potus', 'light', 'free', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'help', 'agenda'] PT6M9S 482 4 16 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T00:25:24.000Z zLaQB0uhVQA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-4-18 Q said watch this "Please Like, Share, Comment and promote our new channel. Please help keep Freedom and Liberty for everyone. Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['potus', 'speech', 'truth', 'listen', 'shocking', 'q clearnce', 'q anon', 'liberty', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2020', 'help', 'faith', 'illuamanti', 'freedom', 'justice', 'wikileaks', 'msm', 'lies', 'media'] PT5M58S 987 3 47 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T00:28:55.000Z qO9_4ukji8E UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-4-18 BooM "Please Like, Share, Comment and promote our new channel. Please help keep Freedom and Liberty for everyone. Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearnance', 'learn', 'truth', 'lies', 'spell', '2012', '2018', '2019', '2017', 'freedom', 'love', 'life', 'god', 'good', 'potus', 'great', 'trust', 'illuamanti', 'facts', 'help', 'those', 'liberty'] PT20M21S 193 1 9 0 not set not set 2018-03-05T16:24:27.000Z yU78JnAg_sE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-5-18 BOOM BOOM BOOM "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 "['q clearnace', 'boom', 'peter cotton', 'minister', 'killed', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'evil', 'truth', 'lies', 'classified', 'actor', 'riot', 'revolt', 'pedo', 'networks', 'pawns', 'paused', ""custody'"", 'kids', 'gods', 'guidance']" PT15M46S 204 2 3 1 not set not set 2018-03-07T00:43:23.000Z U9l6vkZ0KIY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-6-18 America Already Sold "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['light', 'q anon', 'q clearnace', 'evil', 'good', 'hrc', 'potus', 'freedom', 'liberty', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'truth', 'lies', 'gov', 'drop', 'learn', 'map', 'steel', 'hussian'] PT22M37S 188 2 3 1 not set not set 2018-03-07T05:09:52.000Z gV_YYtbjfvo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Clearance-Trump predicted by Bill Cooper( Must Watch) "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Bill Cooper', 'potus', 'trump', 'Clean house', 'swamp', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2020', 'new', 'illuamanti', 'free', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot'] PT3M14S 3445 16 192 1 not set not set 2018-03-08T13:08:40.000Z A-rmfcp_8gU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-8-18 #Internet Bill Of RIghts (Must Watch) "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['potus', 'snowden', 'throotle', 'ibor', 'Internt', 'assainge', 'julian', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'freedom', 'free', 'flag', 'real', 'patriots'] PT15M47S 268 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-03-08T16:59:04.000Z Gaob1KTRfys UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-8-18 Do You Trust Sessions? IBOR "Here are the links for all the fellow Patriots. Please become a subscriber to the Patriot hour. Like, thumbs up etc Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: White House link: Below Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['ibor', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'potus', 'censorship', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'pece', 'liberty', 'we the perople', 'light', 'right', 'wrong', 'evil;', 'good', 'evil', 'Illuamanti', 'white house', 'illuamanti'] PT13M50S 195 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T00:28:11.000Z zThcafJMr74 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-8-18 Do You Believe? Set The Stage/No Deals "Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q clearance', 'q anon', 'potus', 'hero', 'snowden', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'lies', 'truth', 'gov', 'HK', 'dark', 'light', 'real', 'illumanti', 'freedom', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017'] PT11M50S 268 2 13 1 not set not set 2018-03-09T01:08:55.000Z qu-uRN1tBt4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-8-18 WE TOOK CONTROL "Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q clearnance', 'q anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'war', 'real', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'potus', 'deal', 'done', 'New', 'NK', 'North Korea', 'Done Deal', 'msm', 'done msm', 'gov'] PT10M8S 423 1 11 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T01:21:01.000Z kAJs_LIhIKA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-8-18 Do Not Glorify Us Promise Kept!! "Welcome to the channel Patriots. Salute. Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'love', 'potus', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'veterans', 'day', 'trump', 'truth', 'good', 'life', 'folks', 'military', 'evil', 'light'] PT3M16S 186 0 1 2 not set not set 2018-03-09T16:37:15.000Z O5JJqVHiZFs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-9-18 He'll claim Kenyan citizenship to escape. "Welcome to the channel Patriots. Salute. Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'c clearance', 'potus', '2029', '2020', '2018', '2017', 'decode', 'snowden', 'illuamanti', 'nwo', 'truth', 'lies', 'facts', 'real', 'great awakening'] PT16M28S 2232 8 51 0 not set not set 2018-03-10T04:37:20.000Z 1shHTKRCesU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-9-18 SEALS GODSPEED "Welcome to the channel Patriots. Salute. Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Seals', 'navy', 'godspeed', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'Good people', 'great awakening', 'illuamanti', 'done', 'evil', 'good', 'winning', 'america', 'flag', 'freedom', 'press'] PT8M35S 757 9 21 1 not set not set 2018-03-10T18:18:54.000Z 8J5VVG9xeb0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-10-18 Ready 4 HRC Video/New Drops "welcome to the channel Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q clearnace', 'q anon', 'military', 'illuamanti', 'leaks', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'evil', 'good', 'dog', 'god', 'nwo', 'soros', 'clinton', 'db', 'lynch', 'help', 'spread', 'share', 'like', 'comment', 'actors', 'potus', 'trump', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017'] PT17M11S 1113 10 40 1 not set not set 2018-03-11T17:11:15.000Z zu_IkxC-NUU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 2-11-18 Patriots Unite/Evil is everywhere "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearnace', 'Q anon', 'NWO', 'Liberty', 'flag', 'potus', 'truth', 'freedom', 'nsa', 'nazi', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'help', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'bless', 'donate'] PT37M26S 575 7 26 1 not set not set 2018-03-11T22:08:57.000Z zXAzaV315WA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-11-18 Must Have Knowledge Ready to Redpill "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['patriot', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'like', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'truth', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'god bless', 'illuamanti', 'nwo', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'Anon', '8chan', '4chan', 'great', 'awake', 'sleep'] PT10M34S 814 4 19 0 not set not set 2018-03-12T14:05:14.000Z 8jhNQfceoeE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-12-18 NWO N does not refer to “New” "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'q aon', 'q anon', 'nwo', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'potus', 'truth', 'lies', 'gov', 'love', 'good', 'evil', 'help', 'restore', 'freedom', 'liberty'] PT29M49S 681 7 19 1 not set not set 2018-03-12T18:23:26.000Z ZIZfc_sv-V4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-12-18 Q Drops and the North Korea Hypocrisy "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'nwo', 'north korea', 'potus', 'kim', 'flag', 'freedom', 'unity', 'help', 'truth', 'lies', 'gov', 'good', 'evil', 'NWO', 'Illuamanti', 'peace prize', 'obama', 'trump', 'patriots', 'live', 'life', 'god', 'country'] PT57M54S 442 4 12 0 not set not set 2018-03-13T02:50:50.000Z ieKLX1PpOEE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-12-18 Q Anon 3-12-18 Trust the plan. Patriots helping. (Audio Loud/Fixed Now) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Nwo', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'Potus', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot', 'in control', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'learn', 'country', 'gun', 'world', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'love', 'hate', 'lies', 'web', 'future', 'past', 'live', 'peace', 'harmony'] PT34M14S 359 1 11 0 not set not set 2018-03-14T03:29:30.000Z 2CSHf1L57I4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-13-18 Pelosi's memory going is common trickery "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Potus', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'trick', 'math', 'light', 'dark', 'good', 'evil', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'illuamanti', 'pope', 'devil', 'truth', 'patriot', 'freedom'] PT14M57S 471 12 11 1 not set not set 2018-03-14T12:13:49.000Z YXwO_MQWXaA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-14-18 True Patriots Fight to Recapture Our Republic "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon Go Fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming soon? Go Fund me link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'trump', 'potus', 'live', 'lies', 'truth', 'hero', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'love', 'peach', 'flag', 'patriots', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'nwo', 'light', 'right', 'help', 'learn', 'agenda', 'Great', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'Obama', 'drug', 'Pompao', 'Rex', 'fired', 'c\\fired'] PT19M17S 2060 15 39 3 not set not set 2018-03-15T00:19:14.000Z xSbhBKEfbyM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-14-18 Ex Rex and Evil That's Everywhere "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearnace', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Seals', 'Navy', 'Sea', 'ship', 'snowden', 'Scum', 'light', 'dark', 'evil', 'wins', 'god', 'good', 'bad', 'man', 'Gov', 'Gop', 'Military', 'media', 'Truth', 'Light', 'Dark', 'prevail', 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'Flag', 'Good', 'humor', 'thanks', 'Prism', 'xkeyscore', 'help'] PT19M48S 553 2 11 0 not set not set 2018-03-15T05:21:14.000Z T4S4sAf5Xzg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-15-18 Trump's Jersey Equals Q "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'illuamanti', 'gov', 'bush', 'obama', 'potus', 'trump', 'lies', 'win', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'death', 'help', 'love', 'peace'] PT4M32S 749 19 19 0 not set not set 2018-03-15T18:52:06.000Z NL8Q9D_HX9g UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-15-18 Guns Are Safe Kids Being Used As Pawns "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '20-17', '2016', 'Gov', '2017', '/Search', 'QANON', 'Q-ANON', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'evil', 'death', 'life', 'truth', 'light', 'guns', 'pawns', 'kids', 'Pence', 'Trump', 'Obama', 'rules', 'laws', '2ndAmend', 'rights', 'listen', 'surrender', 'never'] PT54M25S 457 5 12 0 not set not set 2018-03-16T03:51:03.000Z sDQC4sFGZjk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-15-18 Public Will Know Soon (Trust Plan) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'chatter', 'cbts', 'help', 'Potus', 'light', 'truth', 'dark', 'love', 'peace', 'treat', 'New', 'illuamanti', 'nwo', 'good', 'evil', 'Truth', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot', 'patriotic'] PT12M7S 485 9 18 0 not set not set 2018-03-16T04:46:30.000Z gEx5hDgWIoE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-16-18 CIA Scatter It Into A 1000 Pieces "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Gov', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'bad', 'light', 'dark', 'peace', 'Potus', 'CIA', 'BYE', 'FBI', 'litte', 'corrupt', 'puppets', 'soon', 'gone', 'later', 'bye', 'trump', 'mcabe', 'snowden'] PT12M18S 8668 36 162 3 not set not set 2018-03-16T13:53:55.000Z KqmqYA3M9vU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-16-18 QMap Visual Must Learn "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'good', 'evil', 'love', 'Gov', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'level', 'illuamanti', 'potus', 'freedom', 'flag', 'snowden', 'nwo', 'the end', 'map', 'qmap', 'awake', 'sleep', 'follow', 'white rabbit', 'search', '/qsearch', '/qlife', 'secrets'] PT24M53S 13288 70 275 15 not set not set 2018-03-17T19:08:50.000Z GdJM_AFp9JI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-17-18 Q Map St Paddys Day Special "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', '\\q clearance', 'potus', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'evil', 'good', 'truth', 'light', 'mcCabe', '1000 pieces', 'Obama', 'Trump', 'red october', 'Snowden', 'Illumanti', 'NWo', 'USA', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'country', 'god', 'gun', 'flag', 'patriot'] PT1H16M5S 2979 38 68 4 not set not set 2018-03-18T05:09:55.000Z xsTGrKh5o2s UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-18-18 USMC Activated "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'gov', 'potus', 'trump', 'iraq', 'theft', 'life', 'lies', 'truth', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'evil', 'world', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'control'] PT9M57S 7995 42 248 9 not set not set 2018-03-18T16:41:04.000Z rtwfhBC40i0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-18-18 Panic Mode Enjoy The Show "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'McCabe', 'illuamanti', 'world', 'love', 'peace', 'truth', 'lies', 'hurt', 'good', 'evil', 'freedom', 'fake q', 'patriots', 'flag', 'history', 'treasounous', 'marines', 'trips', 'whitelist', 'whitehats', 'god', 'plan', 'seth rich'] PT15M54S 5847 75 185 5 not set not set 2018-03-19T00:04:36.000Z k2Ed1j2Lkmk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-18-18 Boom 3 Times Next Week HRC? "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Executive Order link White House below:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'nwo', 'freedom', 'light', 'truth', 'flag', 'fight', 'usmc', 'activated', 'love', 'peace', 'harmony', 'flight', 'americans', 'patriots', '12-21', 'e.order', 'human', 'traffickinng', 'human trafficking', 'corruption', 'go'] PT11M4S 1371 25 80 2 not set not set 2018-03-20T10:35:41.000Z JnHL0NltvuA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-20-18 Trump/Mueller A Sting Operation? "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. For all Fellow Patriots worldwide" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', 'potus', 'Muller', 'big news', 'Trust', 'plan', 'Hidden', 'nwo', 'Illuamanti', 'free', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'death', 'truth', 'light', 'iluamnate', 'previal', 'country', 'god', '/trut', '/truth', '/fate', 'love', 'peace', 'help', 'teach', 'cooper', 'bill cooper', 'thanks', 'muller', 'sting', 'operation'] PT17M1S 5647 38 125 7 not set not set 2018-03-20T13:35:04.000Z P3Nri8Rd0DM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-20-18 Mueller Greatest Reverse Sting OP Ever? "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', 'mueller', 'robert', 'trump', 'Clinton', 'Obaba', 'Obama', 'Grover', 'Letter Q', 'Let Q', 'Best', 'nwo', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'evil', 'help', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'country', 'love', 'peace'] PT8M17S 4614 65 129 4 not set not set 2018-03-21T03:17:46.000Z Oc-cCN0bhzQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-20-18 Techno-Luciferianism (Map Session) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Q Level', 'Potus', 'NWO', 'Evil', 'Death', 'Lies', 'Game', 'White Rabbit', 'Follow', 'Why', 'Learn', 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'Truth', 'Good', 'God', 'Help', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'peace', 'patriot', 'flag', 'country'] PT16M31S 12946 81 283 14 not set not set 2018-03-21T14:39:12.000Z 8KvNw9GNJk8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-21-18 FBI Opens Case on Q Booms (Scared) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo... link in Q Post for a Video Off comedy Central.–2018—of-montreal-season-1-ep-1080" The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'nwo', 'potus', 'country', 'god', 'evil', 'boom', 'texas', 'fbi', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Patriot', 'flag', 'bad', 'truth', 'lies', 'help', 'Obama', 'Trump', 'Clinton', 'Board', 'Comedy', 'msm', 'light', 'illuamanti'] PT12M1S 1612 17 64 2 not set not set 2018-03-21T17:56:04.000Z w3p9Ssmk_F8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-21-18 FBI AND Q BOARDS? "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'nwo', 'country', 'ploy', 'fbi', 'lies', 'iluuamanti', 'good', 'evil', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Patriot', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'help', 'truth'] PT10M30S 891 26 59 3 not set not set 2018-03-22T15:47:48.000Z SWemxIInTmw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-22-18 QMap Cosmic False Flag Event (Don't Believe It). "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'ufo', 'fake', 'cia', 'lies', 'truth', 'illuamanti', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'light', 'help', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'et', 'alien', 'project blue beam', 'david icke', 'Secret', 'laser', 'image', 'elon musk', 'fake invasion'] PT20M41S 4583 77 140 3 not set not set 2018-03-22T23:15:26.000Z _Ehx9Cyq-98 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-22-18 MkUltra And The QMAP "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'qmap', 'follow the map', 'connect dots', 'potus', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'truth', 'lies', 'help', 'love', 'peace', 'erick prince', 'blackwater', 'spec ops', 'acadmei', 'Private Army', 'MKUltra'] PT23M3S 1518 18 56 0 not set not set 2018-03-23T00:52:16.000Z 6UvSR32qX4k UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-22-18 Cognitive Dissonance-MkUltra & The QMap "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo... Link To Legacy Truths:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'qclearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'freedoj', 'liberty', 'patriot', 'truth', 'lies', 'help', 'god', 'evil', 'good', 'potus', 'mkultra', 'qmap', 'top', 'secret', 'color map'] PT27M2S 1547 19 61 2 not set not set 2018-03-23T01:35:12.000Z pdPzCBo_REE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-22-18 Sean Hannity Wearing a Q Pin? In·san·i·ty "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo... Link To Legacy Truths:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Hannity', 'Freedom', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2016', '2017'] PT3M17S 5340 22 75 2 not set not set 2018-03-23T18:54:05.000Z AKRp_28T5Fc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-23-18 Clock Activated Q Updates "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'potus', 'illuamanti', 'trump', 'map', 'qamp', 'legend', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', 'patriot', 'Truth', 'lies', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017'] PT48M37S 26994 292 529 33 not set not set 2018-03-23T18:59:51.000Z HsK6U4dIJ44 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-23-18 Patriot Hour Weekly Talk Show "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', 'truth', 'life', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', 'Help', 'cpountry', 'lies'] PT20M20S 2256 37 63 0 not set not set 2018-03-24T19:11:27.000Z 4eOelJaqikY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-24-18 Project Blue Beam & The False Flag Invasion "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Project Blue Beam', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'potus', 'antichrist', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'love', 'live', 'country', 'new age', 'world', 'conspricy', 'conspiracy', '2nd comming', 'alien invasion', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'patriot', 'help'] PT16M20S 2323 52 100 1 not set not set 2018-03-24T19:53:13.000Z 1jrhCEU7RcU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-24-18 Stage 5:5 Hillary Video Dump (Watch) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link to the map archive offline: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo..." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'nwo', 'Potus', 'Hillary', 'video', 'HRC Video', 'Clintons', 'Tarmac', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'patriots', 'love', 'peace', '2020', '2018', '2017', '2019', 'country', 'god', 'evil', 'truth'] PT6M20S 3313 49 210 1 not set not set 2018-03-25T13:56:26.000Z uWm2DsgaMNM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-25-18 The 16 Year Plan To Weaken USA Globally "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Potus', 'NWo', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'country', 'usa', 'live', 'free', 'truth', 'god', 'Good', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Patriots', 'Truth', 'light', 'Drops', 'Bread Crumbs'] PT21M34S 4213 35 165 6 not set not set 2018-03-25T14:05:54.000Z cPaELfgNWv4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-25-18 Hannity Not So In-san-ity "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Potus', 'Nwo', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'truth', 'light', 'real', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'help', 'patriot'] PT8M45S 3182 30 113 9 not set not set 2018-03-25T19:51:06.000Z 63HSZ_pE_nY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-25-18 Omnibus Bill/Wall Funded (Activated) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'faith', 'truth', 'lies', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'patriot', 'help', 'light', 'evil', 'good', 'country', 'guns', 'omnibus'] PT15M54S 1581 26 117 3 not set not set 2018-03-26T01:02:37.000Z xC52S_FcOhg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-25-18 Trump Tricks Treasonous Traitors (Wall Funded) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'potus', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Trick', 'omnibus', 'Wall', 'funded', 'Omnibus Bill', 'Trump', 'Country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'statues', 'No notice', 'gun', 'free', 'outsmart', 'congress', 'budget', 'Approations', 'Level', 'big', 'bill', 'obama', '8 years', 'nwo', 'illuamanti'] PT12M28S 19545 119 549 12 not set not set 2018-03-28T00:12:20.000Z E7jiSdF5au4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-27-18 What Is Q? Something To Share (FOR EVERYONE) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'nwo', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Nat Geo', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'lies', 'light', 'real', 'a.i', 'hello', 'funny', 'drop', 'trump', 'potus', 'county', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'sec test', 'ses', 'can you hear'] PT10M28S 44657 101 445 30 not set not set 2018-03-28T05:13:27.000Z R3SIwG2OxPQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-28-18 WH secured /Final stage/Actors FAKE "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Freedom', 'patriot', 'flag', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'help', 'love', 'god', 'evil', 'potus', 'country', 'patriots', 'seals', 'level', 'nwo', 'illuamanti'] PT15M16S 33101 129 719 35 not set not set 2018-03-28T15:43:27.000Z uqykUCOuTu4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-28-18 Trump The Establishment (Listen Carefully) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'love', 'help', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'freedom', 'free', 'dark', 'light', 'words', 'country', 'flag', 'patriot', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'god', 'potus', 'Trump', 'Donald', 'Clinton cash', 'Clinton lies', 'Bill', 'HRC', 'DNC', 'Crooked', 'Listen', 'The Plan', 'Trust the Plan', 'MAGA'] PT6M22S 11250 87 476 3 not set not set 2018-03-29T00:31:43.000Z FvsWBwG9wiE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-28-18 Constitutional Crisis/New Board Will Be Created "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'nwo', 'level', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'flags', 'light', 'evil', 'truth', 'lies', 'help', 'love', 'god', 'faith', 'trust', 'all cost', 'potus', 'Trump'] PT12M41S 6677 47 240 7 not set not set 2018-03-29T03:47:04.000Z zNXMEdf76Vo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-28-18 Listen to Everyone, Believe Absolutely Nothing Until U (Verify It) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'Potus', 'whatzit', 'Orbs', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'trust', 'light', 'dark', 'Trump'] PT19M52S 3175 45 94 3 not set not set 2018-03-29T15:11:07.000Z dp-Oi69RVWQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 3-29-18 All Eyes On "Q" Red Pill vs Blue Pill (MSM) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Hillary Truth Link:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'ThankQ', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'hrc', 'potus', 'obama', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'love', 'help', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'night', 'faith', 'Great Awakening', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'Love', 'peace', 'country', 'hillary clinton', 'collusion', 'russia', 'lies'] PT18M31S 36688 155 656 36 not set not set 2018-04-01T17:10:00.000Z 60PZ3T2YXAY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-1-18 Q Post 15 times it Co-Ordinated "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link For 15 times DJT tweets QAnon etc:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Patriots', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'evil', 'truth', 'light', 'beam of light', 'knowledge', 'power', 'corrupt', 'illuamanti', 'help', 'nwo', 'trump', 'potus'] PT19M58S 63611 230 1180 49 not set not set 2018-04-02T17:43:26.000Z 8K5QsyjF7Is UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Patriot Hour 4-2-18 Border/Caravan and some Q stuff "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'country', 'rules', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'love', 'help'] PT52M34S 4860 77 148 7 not set not set 2018-04-02T18:48:04.000Z ESPMf8ygfF8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-2-18 True Russia Collusion and Border "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q clearance', 'q anon', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'life', 'love', 'country', 'truth', 'lies', 'level', 'gov', 'potus', 'illuamanti', 'god', 'evil', 'good', 'fight', 'wall', 'border', 'secruity'] PT47M42S 4168 59 111 5 not set not set 2018-04-03T17:34:34.000Z vhc9zKWP7MY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-3-18 April Arrests Assured/ Awakening "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '9-11', 'truth', 'lies', 'death', 'games', 'freedom', 'hope', 'light', 'patriot', 'country', 'potus', 'illuamanti', '2019', '2020', '2017', '2016', '2018'] PT18M 13479 90 417 16 not set not set 2018-04-04T11:27:07.000Z UOR5BBqhEhM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-4-18 MOAB April Showers/Dark To Light "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '20182017', '2016', 'patriot', 'light', 'evil', 'nwo', 'Help', 'country', 'god', 'mkultra', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'Google', 'loud', 'gold', 'truth', 'real', 'enlighten', 'illumanti', 'anon'] PT27M23S 12233 89 332 10 not set not set 2018-04-04T12:05:15.000Z 2oFoX-QgmAw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-4-18 A Deep State/SES Message For Everyone "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'message', 'truth', 'Kim Dotcom', 'Truth', 'life', 'patriot', 'flag', 'love', 'help', 'most', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'light', 'god', 'evil', 'good'] PT10M58S 29370 330 1583 27 not set not set 2018-04-04T21:29:16.000Z dvWSxaoKVGs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-4-18 Q Linked Video/Elite Are Scared To Death "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Navy', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'potus', 'army', 'marines', 'air force', 'Free', 'truth', 'country', 'love', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'help', 'light', 'god', 'good', 'lies', 'peace', 'globe', 'illuamanti', 'nwo'] PT3M39S 4431 38 158 6 not set not set 2018-04-04T22:09:24.000Z 7LRvh2ThrZw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-4-18 Cheatin' Obama Troops @ Border "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '20182017', '2016', 'freedom', 'obama', 'potus', 'liberty country', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'patriots', 'light', 'illuamanti', 'troops at the border', 'border'] PT12M2S 7390 54 307 4 not set not set 2018-04-05T00:34:27.000Z zNOuVEypO6s UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-4-18 Citizens Armed The Ultimate Deterrent? "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2019', 'Potus', 'help', 'million', 'bird sing', 'cory Booker', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'agenda', 'illuamanti', 'tac', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil'] PT12M39S 3668 50 161 2 not set not set 2018-04-05T02:52:38.000Z QTnkZEkwifU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-4-18 POTUS Will Be Up ALL NIght! Pray (WATCH NEWS) "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Illuamanti', 'cohen', 'jared', 'clinton', 'rice', 'patriot', 'evil', 'truth', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'clintion', 'bush', 'trump', 'potus', 'God bless', 'freedom', 'putin', 'Peace', 'unity'] PT7M47S 18051 66 456 19 not set not set 2018-04-05T19:08:09.000Z 4SylrymAb2g UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-5-18 Q+ 5:5 "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Jigsaw', 'jared', 'Cohen', 'patriot', 'truth', 'light', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'help', 'freedom', 'flag', 'COFR', 'Google', 'country', 'rules', 'laws', 'rights', 'cfr'] PT5M10S 9073 22 217 9 not set not set 2018-04-05T23:21:53.000Z 90y_a6xgnMA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-5-18 April 14th-20th Historically America's Most Tragedy Filled Week "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Link To Most Tragedy in Americas History" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'tragedy', 'filled', 'potus', 'freedom', 'boston', 'bomb', 'black hawk down', 'military', 'life', 'truth', 'country', 'titanc', 'love', 'peace', 'help'] PT15M48S 16959 100 350 22 not set not set 2018-04-06T14:22:35.000Z 6Cfxezmjpjg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-6-18 We Are Active Silent Wars BOOM "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', '\\potus', 'troops', 'potus', 'Anon', 'patriots', 'love', 'help', 'helm', 'country', 'pride', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'peace', 'silent war', 'hussien', 'timeline'] PT10M44S 16483 102 545 21 not set not set 2018-04-06T16:58:56.000Z WopIq0KZEZI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-6-18 Here We Go Q Update "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q Anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'illuamanti', 'trump', 'potus', 'help', 'live', '3 letter agencies', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'navy', 'msm', 'russia', 'Muller'] PT19M9S 20072 188 530 23 not set not set 2018-04-06T22:44:50.000Z KvNErWoORkM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-6-18 Stand Strong Patriots Together "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'strgenth', 'truth', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'hammer', 'moab', 'duckduckgo'] PT22M57S 8987 59 285 10 not set not set 2018-04-06T23:07:19.000Z l8v8M-F759M UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-6-18 Operators On Standby & It's Over? "Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool Go fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. David Seamen Link to you Tube video." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'truth', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'illuamanti', 'country', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'potus', 'eminem', 'Fbi', 'DOJ', 'david seaman'] PT12M1S 46933 319 1230 48 not set not set 2018-04-07T04:46:03.000Z TXRArWjSF84 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-7-18 Cold World War 3 Almost Over " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. David Seamen Link to you Tube video." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'scarifce', 'never', '16months', 'life', 'love', 'illuamanti', 'trash', 'can', 'won', 'time', 'good', 'rememeber', 'country', 'history', 'seaman'] PT2M41S 13704 78 439 15 not set not set 2018-04-07T14:16:15.000Z BRoT5VQb4Pk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-7-18 We Have Grounds ChongQing (List Of Resignations) " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Check out the resignations here. From Goldman Sachs to ESPN to the Vatican to the FBI." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'country', 'game', 'truth', 'lies', 'help', 'illuamanti', 'msm', 'impact', 'life'] PT19M54S 27650 213 807 27 not set not set 2018-04-07T18:10:50.000Z dqvP8lWV3gE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-7-18 Listen Carefully[We Are In Control]Those Awake Can See " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Check out the resignations here. From Goldman Sachs to ESPN to the Vatican to the FBI." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'steel', 'metal', 'lies', 'truth', 'patriot', 'flag', 'stand', 'country', 'potus', 'clinton', 'epstien', 'jeff', 'jeff esptien'] PT13M43S 49394 465 1389 44 not set not set 2018-04-08T01:43:25.000Z hfx6qa1ktfc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-7-18 MSM Overdrive Patriots Stand Together " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Check out the resignations here. From Goldman Sachs to ESPN to the Vatican to the FBI." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'big show', 'Stage', 'Epstien', 'Island', 'ped', 'truth', 'liberty', 'country', 'liberal undo', 'narriative', 'love', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'illumanati'] PT14M9S 15136 117 640 14 not set not set 2018-04-08T16:48:46.000Z -ssbhT1q_o4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-8-18 Trying To Start A WAR[POTUS]CounterMoves/CHEM " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Check out the resignations here. From Goldman Sachs to ESPN to the Vatican to the FBI." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Freedom', 'liberty', 'help', 'crazy', 'light', 'truth', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'Boom', 'country', 'patriot', 'chem', 'syria', 'russia', 'usa', '/usa', '/good', '#patriotsInFullCOntrol', '#truth'] PT17M31S 29392 244 699 24 not set not set 2018-04-08T22:24:48.000Z dB2PFCm6yEI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-8-18 JFK JR Plane Crash 1999/No Name In Syria? " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Check out the resignations here. From Goldman Sachs to ESPN to the Vatican to the FBI." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', '\\q clearance', 'q clearance', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', 'patriot', 'love', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'country', 'Potus', 'JFK', 'Plane', 'Navy', 'Love', 'help', 'as world turns', '1956', 'North korea'] PT12M49S 15974 169 659 17 not set not set 2018-04-09T03:10:49.000Z eXIaQswoGD8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-8-18 Bring Back The Gallows[Sold Out] Dig 4 TRUTH " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Freedom', 'liberty', 'help', 'country', 'potus', 'Mcain', 'Sec', 'Trusted', 'lies', 'truth', 'protect', 'great awakening', 'love', 'awan', 'light', 'dark', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'devil'] PT20M30S 28309 244 940 33 not set not set 2018-04-09T03:35:06.000Z L_qjvjAXvJQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-8-18 SYRIAN MISSLE STRIKE (ELITES FINAL GAME) " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'syria', 'bomb', 'missle', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'jets', 'sorties', 'dead', 'wounded', 'Rebel', 'state', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'love', 'help', 'war', 'games', 'Elites'] PT5M24S 12092 62 303 5 not set not set 2018-04-09T17:11:25.000Z yWIeq5JD6Ms UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-9-18 10k Thank You [Q Talk] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'Country', 'love', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'help', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'god', 'devil', 'evil', 'good', 'hope', 'trust', 'plan'] PT23M48S 14630 249 670 24 not set not set 2018-04-09T20:56:35.000Z 3Wl_MByC5RM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-9-18 You Are Being TRACKED [No FB Required] WAKE UP " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q Anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Patriots', 'freedom', 'life', 'truth', 'god', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'flag', 'lies', 'world', 'country', 'MZ', 'FB', 'lawsuit', 'the truth'] PT14M26S 21342 179 726 7 not set not set 2018-04-09T22:20:20.000Z VWk1lkhXAQg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon Patriot Hour 4-9-18 Q And A Few Other Ideas [Matt D Ex-Pat] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. MATT D our Ex Pat of the Week. So Long to this Guy nobody likes an ex patriot. Not anymore. Times they are a changing folks!!! Click Below!" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Matt D', 'Truth', 'Lies', 'God', 'Good', 'Evil', 'Trump Tweet', 'country', 'pats', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'Good Afternoon', 'Fight', 'life'] PT59M42S 3317 80 111 3 not set not set 2018-04-10T15:10:12.000Z xcvYLYT2vck UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-10-18 FBI Burning Midnight Oil [TRUST SESSIONS] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon link Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Potus', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'truth', 'help', 'past', 'future', 'patriots', 'full', 'control', 'comms', 'nk', 'Sessions', 'country', 'god', 'light', 'dark'] PT24M52S 25796 273 566 19 not set not set 2018-04-10T18:11:43.000Z BoLLLCGxFcA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-10-18 Who Is Standing Next To Pence & POTUS?[Bolton] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'cleaning house', 'Bolton', 'Potus', 'Pence', 'TrumpEnts', 'Roth', 'Mattis', 'Rodgers', 'Dunford', 'Adm', 'Trust', 'Plan', 'love', 'help', 'Intel', 'Patriot', 'Flag', 'freedom', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'light', 'dark'] PT9M7S 47015 351 1083 73 not set not set 2018-04-12T12:00:21.000Z AyMzdoeSg3s UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-12-18 Welcome aboard[Facebook] Should Apply To NSA " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'real', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'facts', 'history', 'potus', 'russia', 'bombs', 'love', '#17 jersey'] PT11M43S 28727 162 672 17 not set not set 2018-04-13T12:05:32.000Z pZwy_Fotij0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-13-18 Twitter Down Injection good [RR problems] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Clearance', 'potus', 'patriots', 'Help', 'country', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'false flag', 'love', 'flag', 'freedom', 'twiiter down', 'dark', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'devil'] PT17M7S 13682 161 439 10 not set not set 2018-04-13T13:49:22.000Z nnfy2df7sA0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-13-18 American Dream Tremendous Growth [Des·ti·ny] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'wall', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'leaker', 'liar', 'comey', 'fbi', 'Clinton', 'country', 'email', 'truth', 'god', 'good', 'lies'] PT16M52S 6297 55 254 5 not set not set 2018-04-13T15:50:08.000Z NWNrtI_-vA4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-13-18 Traitors Everywhere/Special Message For Those " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', 'patriots', 'flag', 'meaning', 'truht', 'light', 'good', 'evil', 'dark', 'lies', 'freedom', 'country', 'potus', 'help', 'love', 'treasonous'] PT17M31S 41735 355 1233 38 not set not set 2018-04-13T19:37:29.000Z FsgBL__ZgMg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-13-18 Honor To Fire Comey /Comey Over " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Trump Tweet', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'plan', 'trust', 'higher power', 'yes', 'thats right'] PT16M18S 4281 52 200 7 not set not set 2018-04-14T16:07:03.000Z iePeLwgYvIY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-14-18 Missiles Only Intel Good [TRUST POTUS] SYRIA " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'trust', 'potus', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'help', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'tell', 'devil', 'light', 'dark', 'plan', 'syria', 'bomb', 'chemical'] PT19M41S 25551 410 670 17 not set not set 2018-04-15T12:42:05.000Z O1_ZXooQTOM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-15-18 Iran Next /Trust The Plan April [SHOWERS] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Pompeo', 'Trump', 'russia', 'freedom', 'trips', 'liberty', 'truth', 'lies', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'light', 'dark', 'help', 'Fri 13th', 'Mcabe', 'plan', 'trust', 'iran', 'middle east'] PT14M29S 33531 318 1101 33 not set not set 2018-04-16T01:32:14.000Z AuRItFOTiWo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-15-18 Q Talk Sunday & More [WoodMan Airborne In Studio] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'freedom', 'airborne', 'light', 'dark', 'patriots', 'flag', 'gunny', 'army', 'navy', 'stage', 'set', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'help', 'hillary', 'fbi', 'mob'] PT52M14S 8733 61 245 13 not set not set 2018-04-16T03:10:39.000Z 4ZdDJLqpr4s UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-15-18 Supreme C/Lynch Deal Drop/Tarmac[Coming Soon] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'drops', 'truth', 'loretta', 'lynch', 'hrc', 'clinton', 'Ruth', 'ginsberg', 'SC', 'light', 'good', 'god', 'evil', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'help'] PT24M54S 20426 178 595 21 not set not set 2018-04-16T20:25:57.000Z g42aGHTAMLs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-16-19 Hussein HRC LL Brennan Clapper [Five Eyes] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'country', 'light', 'dark', 'expose', 'justice', 'help', 'knowledge', 'flag', 'trump', 'hillary', 'hrc', 'll'] PT31M24S 33969 265 789 29 not set not set 2018-04-17T01:25:55.000Z 9VJ1coI_wVQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA FRAZZLED.RIP HRC-I Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny It " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['hrc', '', 'q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '20182017', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'video', 'guide', 'pysops', 'photo', 'msm', 'photoshop', 'video editiing'] PT8M12S 27575 362 660 21 not set not set 2018-04-17T20:43:15.000Z X-ewtev7WJ0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 4-17-18 WRAYs of Light/Good Luck & God Bless " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'light', 'help', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'patriots', 'satanic', 'black eyes', 'why', 'flag', 'freedom', 'god'] PT22M55S 20957 318 806 17 not set not set 2018-04-18T16:56:38.000Z yzsd07KiEFc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-18-18 We Are Being Set Up/Strike Package 111V-B " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'light', 'dark', 'help', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'country', 'right', 'wrong', 'the best', 'Michael', 'Crash', 'plane'] PT15M57S 19916 224 660 20 not set not set 2018-04-18T19:05:03.000Z mDHfg12vVTY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-18-18 Q MEGA MEME DROP [Spreading Truth] Adrenochrome " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Q Mega Meme Drop: Below is the link!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg" The Patriot Hour 22 ['q clearance', 'q anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'q meme', 'mega drop', 'q mega drop', 'life', 'truth', 'dark', 'god', 'good', 'bad', 'lies', 'patriot', 'country', 'honor', 'blackEyes', 'adrenchrome'] PT45M24S 24744 230 728 27 not set not set 2018-04-19T03:25:22.000Z L3qVkqQTcyw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-18-19 WAR is Real-Good vs Evil is Real [COMEY] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'patriot hour', 'peace', 'love', 'stregnth', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'god', 'devil', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'to', 'view', 'comey'] PT13M22S 14584 173 538 10 not set not set 2018-04-19T13:50:50.000Z EH9-8mi-KF0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-19-18 Are you awake? Q " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'satan', 'light', 'dark'] PT9M43S 11836 59 523 11 not set not set 2018-04-19T23:12:36.000Z VLwUVDD4TyM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.19.18 They Never Thought She Would Lose/Treason[SKY Event] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'treason', 'light', 'truth', 'god', 'dark', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'flag', 'the plan', 'Rudy', 'NYC', 'Help', 'Clinton', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'KillBox'] PT14M40S 37484 346 1209 20 not set not set 2018-04-20T05:00:40.000Z B_h39NpqDxQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 Q&A With Q/Pelosi Admits Travel To N.K [MISTAKE] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'county', 'war', 'NWO', 'illuamanti', 'love', 'peace', 'Help', 'country', 'truth', 'lies', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'bad', 'like'] PT35M46S 10955 194 497 15 not set not set 2018-04-20T14:52:58.000Z c3saG2YyKfE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 Keep Up The Good Fight [Pelosi Reveals Classified Info] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'classified', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'country', 'god', 'evil', 'false', 'lies', 'share', 'Pelosi', 'stupid', 'people', 'truth', 'light', 'dark'] PT31M2S 10159 200 459 8 not set not set 2018-04-20T15:12:00.000Z snwG7b3qR3A UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 [Q Says] HRC V Dark Web Video Is Fake News " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'hrc', 'fake', 'video', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'watch', 'listen', 'god', 'evil'] PT8M12S 2512 75 151 7 not set not set 2018-04-20T17:22:50.000Z pBAt-YvZBMc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 Q Knows Where The Missing Childeren Are [Mega Meme] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Help', 'Mising kids', 'country', 'patriots', 'truth', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'death', 'help', 'world', 'event', 'light', 'dark', 'flag', 'freedom'] PT7M20S 21338 114 509 12 not set not set 2018-04-20T17:31:08.000Z okUszwciYvU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 [Treason] Is The Reason He Who Must Not Be Named " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'qclearance', 'treason', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'honor', 'courage', 'commitment', 'please', 'help', 'us', 'truth', 'evil', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'light', 'dark', 'country'] PT8M56S 15259 81 527 12 not set not set 2018-04-21T01:34:37.000Z 1alg5tjM0GI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 Tick TOCK TRUMP Card Coming " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'love', 'happy', 'country', 'flag', 'truht', 'god', 'evil', 'live', 'light', 'dark', 'patriots', 'rights', 'laws', 'cabel', 'potus', 'trump'] PT17M38S 20364 249 726 12 not set not set 2018-04-21T01:39:37.000Z 8T9fId0rFPw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 Q Drops Pic Of Obama [Cut on Middle Left Finger]Spirit Cooking " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', '\\q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'evil', 'god', 'light', 'dark', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'help', 'devil', 'potus', 'trump', 'obama', 'lies', 'pedo'] PT2M25S 4414 52 223 5 not set not set 2018-04-21T04:05:21.000Z eonSmij9cnw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.20.18 As The World Turns[Obama&Maggie] Where Is She? " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'obama', 'maggie', 'wendy', 'trust', 'plan', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'love', 'peace', 'nwo', 'illuamanti'] PT23M26S 34903 242 872 22 not set not set 2018-04-21T04:06:19.000Z ypGh3JL4v-Q UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.21.18 THE WORLD IS WATCHING [GREAT AWAKENING] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Gallows', 'Fema', 'Illuamanti', 'power', 'pedivore', 'scum', 'latest'] PT3M18S 5019 48 250 5 not set not set 2018-04-21T14:22:16.000Z oV4VaklGU10 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.21.18 Pet Names[You Can’t Imagine The Size Of This] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'devil', 'illuamanti', 'nwo', 'trash', 'lies', 'light', 'dark', 'war', 'mongers', 'death', 'child', 'maggie', 'obama', 'pet names', 'pets', 'Hummm'] PT20M24S 30324 236 909 20 not set not set 2018-04-21T14:28:48.000Z sRbwojK8bcM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.21.18 Mack Is Naming Big H-Wood Names [SEX CULT] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'sex slaves', 'cult', 'Mack', 'trust', 'lies', 'america', 'nwo', 'Illuamanti', 'help', 'plan', 'illuamanti', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'light', 'dark', 'navy', 'Q is good'] PT6M41S 39705 130 826 17 not set not set 2018-04-21T22:40:07.000Z aC3xu-0d6FA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.21.18 AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN [11.11.18] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'country', 'liberty', 'life', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'nwo', 'potus', 'trump', 'Moab', 'satan', 'light', 'dark', 'illuaminati'] PT27M17S 23268 309 898 17 not set not set 2018-04-22T14:55:42.000Z -kh35ZUEHTo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.22.18 America For Sale-Betrayal-Treason [No Name]HUMA " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'huma', 'muslim', 'brotherhood', 'scandal', 'lies', 'truth', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'help', 'sharia law', 'dubi', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', 'country', 'patriots', 'patriot'] PT21M13S 16763 178 590 15 not set not set 2018-04-22T16:28:28.000Z lCK9ndT02jo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.22.18 Allison Mack 1st of Many 2 Go Down [Pure EVIL] "“Smallville” actress Allison Mack has been arrested for her alleged role in the notorious upstate sex slave cult Nxivm, federal prosecutors announced Friday. She is expected to appear Friday in Brooklyn federal court on charges of sex trafficking and forced labor. The bust comes less than a month after Nxivm leader Keith Raniere was collared on the same charges at a luxury villa in Mexico — where they had been hiding out since one of their “slaves” in October went public with her experience in the cult. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'allison mack', 'liars', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'choice', 'evil', 'god', 'good', 'bad', 'light', 'dark', 'nwo', 'illumananti', 'house', 'cards', 'collapse', 'country', 'patriots', 'final hour', 'rise', 'pouts', 'obama', 'white house'] PT10M9S 6275 96 405 1 not set not set 2018-04-22T20:06:40.000Z o8sUHQ0fEew UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.22.18 LISTEN-Do You Understand? EVIL & CORRUPTION [5 EYES] THEY LIED " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'clear', 'liberty', 'county', 'freedom', 'flag', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'evil', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'help', 'path', 'devil', 'fbi', 'nunes', 'state dept'] PT14M24S 11898 297 802 5 not set not set 2018-04-23T03:51:24.000Z G8ONIoX2l30 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-22-18 EARTH DAY! @algore Did you forget? [Do you feel safe]? " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'trump', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'flag', 'country', 'freedom', 'good', 'evil', 'bad', 'god', 'satan', 'over', 'winning', 'obama', 'clinton', 'media'] PT39M14S 8446 126 311 8 not set not set 2018-04-23T04:29:04.000Z u5tJmP4n9rU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.23.18 Q Drop MUST WATCH THIS [SHARE PLEASE] "Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Q LINK VIDEO" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'video', 'link', 'patriot', 'freedom', 'fight', 'life', 'peace', 'love', 'happines', 'die', 'help', 'moses', 'trump', 'illuamanti nwo', 'marters of history', 'nazis', 'light', 'truth', 'poiint'] PT6M31S 26365 284 1054 36 not set not set 2018-04-23T16:29:35.000Z St73xDmRZp0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon-TPH Weekly 4.23.18 Pompeo/Border/Nunes/Peolsi " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearanc', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'country', 'good', 'evil', 'live', 'nwo', 'illumanati', 'light', 'dark', 'help', 'truth', 'the world', 'love', 'peace', 'freedom', 'flag'] PT28M4S 22277 193 542 28 not set not set 2018-04-23T21:31:40.000Z igJeBJauzlk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-23-18 UBL Killed When? Red Cross Wake Up/Learn.Question.Fight! " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'life', 'love', 'peace', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'faith', 'hope', 'country', 'patriots', 'obama', 'potus', 'trump', 'good', 'evil', 'past', 'god', 'devil', 'clowns'] PT13M25S 31355 268 959 26 not set not set 2018-04-24T01:00:01.000Z WIPC70wARSE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.23.18 Patriots Have No Skin Color/Fight/Freedom/Unite/Truth " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'potus', 'trump', 'clinton', 'sec of state', 'Robert byrd', 'lies', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'good', 'evil', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'truth', 'god', 'devil', 'satan', 'honest', 'history', 'false script'] PT16M46S 17659 256 764 13 not set not set 2018-04-24T18:22:08.000Z q2L4kr245oc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon-TPH Weekly Show 4.24.18 " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 not set PT30M9S 6340 95 222 8 not set not set 2018-04-24T23:38:09.000Z W14ECjYEBg4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.24.18 Saving Our Children/People From The EVIL[TOGETHER] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'light', 'dark', 'truth', 'help', 'freedom', 'flag', 'the world', 'nwo', 'illumanati', 'the place', 'evil', 'god', 'devil', 'great awakening'] PT15M31S 5548 134 501 2 not set not set 2018-04-25T00:00:55.000Z pKJFjOrggLQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.24.18 Alley Mack Plea Deal/Singing Like A Canary[NXIVM] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'nxivm', 'done', 'sex', 'smallville', 'not guilty', 'crazy', 'mack', 'willford', 'following', 'truth', 'light', 'darkness', 'god', 'evil', 'devil', 'help', 'love', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'potus', 'country', 'flag'] PT9M44S 16913 151 557 8 not set not set 2018-04-25T03:06:37.000Z 5r0Tf9W9lEE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon-4.24.18 Right There In Front Of You[Listen Carefully]Truth-MUSIC VID " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'illuamanti nwo', 'truth', 'light', 'god', 'good', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'help', 'blacks', 'facts', 'whites', 'lines', '1870 help us', 'the world'] PT7M32S 9754 121 471 33 not set not set 2018-04-25T04:48:17.000Z 31VhyQD59z8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.25.18 Obama Admin Sabotage! Confirmed Very Soon " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'Freedom', 'Liberty', 'country', 'state', 'treasanous', 'greed', 'power'] PT11M38S 21916 216 637 12 not set not set 2018-04-25T18:23:06.000Z ftUhDBY7Dp0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.25.18 Hard 2 Swallow 4 Many/Treason/Show Corruption 1st "Indictment Video Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Indictment', 'truth', 'plan', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'god', 'evil', 'devil', 'light', 'dark', 'potus'] PT25M35S 34176 375 1036 43 not set not set 2018-04-26T04:25:15.000Z 5fHwwiK2LCs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.26.18 Ready For Tomorrow? Note 187/Learn Truth/Sheep "Indictment Video Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'Patriots', 'Flag', 'Freedom', 'Love', 'Light', 'Dark', 'Good', 'Evil', 'Devil', 'god', 'light', 'potus', 'facts', 'antifa', 'nazis'] PT18M27S 48941 476 1327 48 not set not set 2018-04-27T11:33:46.000Z 7nCOlTOoi_4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.27.18 National Crisis- Patience Isn’t Easy-But Vital To Get Right[JL & HRC] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'Clearance', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'country', 'love', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'Legend', 'Moonchild', 'lies', 'tratiors', 'hung', 'rope', 'gallows', 'God', 'Good', 'Evil', 'Lies', 'Satan', 'darkness', 'Expose', 'jail'] PT19M30S 27355 264 878 26 not set not set 2018-04-27T12:27:31.000Z 2u29ntE8Ljw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q-TPH 4.27.18 Comey Is Leaky Treasonous Traitor Trash [ T.T.T] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Comey', 'leaky', 'russia', 'FBI', 'Scum', 'Bag', 'Patriots', 'Liars', 'Clinton', 'Trump', 'country', 'freedom', 'liar', 'flag', 'stomach', 'Traitor', 'Jail', 'loser', 'Scumbag'] PT14M46S 5458 156 310 5 not set not set 2018-04-27T17:27:05.000Z UYj86H_fUc4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.27.18 Trump Cleared Of Russian Collusion by House Intel [Boom] "Trump Cleared of Russia Collusion: Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'lie', 'clinton', 'mccabe', 'trump', 'russia', 'potus', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'headache', 'treason', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'devil', 'help'] PT10M44S 9367 128 502 1 not set not set 2018-04-28T05:58:19.000Z mQrWmpTGpgo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.28.18 Can U Make Arrests W/ A Crooked FBI SR Team?[GodSpeed] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'facts', 'truth', 'light', 'fbi', 'good', 'bad', 'evil', 'god', 'devil', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hard', 'potus', 'trump', 'comey', 'carter', 'page', 'doj', 'lies', 'godspeed'] PT33M8S 20801 216 716 19 not set not set 2018-04-28T18:06:12.000Z aw6gJosvW4c UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.28.18 Comey,Clapper, Brennan Are Clowns [Leakers] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. New Studio coming very soon we hope. PayPal Donation link below. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patreon Link: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 not set PT11M15S 8961 155 471 4 not set not set 2018-04-30T00:54:25.000Z J6J6HUaSxpg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.29.18 The Next Phase Will Bring JUSTICE /Be careful who you are following/ " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'peace', 'love', 'happy', 'Country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'life', 'face', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'evil', 'god', 'good', 'facts', 'matter'] PT22M40S 37264 605 1540 25 not set not set 2018-04-30T04:46:10.000Z zkv6kP6Rm-0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4-29-18 R=18 Q/Autists on fire/ U believe in coincidences? " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'clear', 'love', 'fisa', 'videos', 'Clapper', 'Deny', 'it', 'Liars', 'losers', 'dossier', 'fisa request', 'Sick', 'people', 'light', 'dark', 'evil', 'god', 'good', 'story', 'movie'] PT23M21S 15007 162 596 17 not set not set 2018-04-30T04:53:17.000Z oPk97RfYGP0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.30.18 Connect/ No coincidences. #Patriots/GodSpeed " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Iraq', 'Truth', 'liberty', 'live', 'love', 'Light', 'evil', 'god', 'devil', 'dark', 'good', 'bad', 'right', 'wrong', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'help'] PT5M29S 6708 62 435 9 not set not set 2018-04-30T21:47:03.000Z T3Ijmt3g-Jw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.30.18 Where Did The U1 Material End Up In Syria? Patriots In Control " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'trump', 'clinton emails', 'clinton', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'satan', 'god', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'life', 'gatekeepers', 'text'] PT18M6S 14411 143 565 7 not set not set 2018-05-01T22:11:20.000Z AO0_ugB4Cqk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.1.18 Where did the U1 material end up?What if U1 material ended up in Syria? " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'truth', 'evil', 'lies', 'good', 'light', 'dark', 'help', 'iran', 'syria', 'potus', 'trump', 'clinton', 'emails'] PT54M54S 11257 185 436 17 not set not set 2018-05-03T22:19:49.000Z T6FgLvL-QjE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA #Q.TPH 5.3.2018 Patriot Hour Show Part 2.0 " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q Clearance', 'patiort', 'patriots', 'hour', 'flag', 'freedom', 'country', 'gun', 'power', 'potus', 'trump', 'clinton', 'laws', 'comey', 'ccabe', 'losers'] PT27M53S 7866 124 262 7 not set not set 2018-05-03T22:35:41.000Z fhaPcysAxeQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.3.18 Apple HQ? Particle Accelerator [Jet Blue] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'life', 'good', 'evil', 'great', 'dark', 'light', 'equal', 'knowledge', 'power', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'god', 'devil', 'spirit', 'bad', 'help'] PT15M31S 17283 140 606 12 not set not set 2018-05-04T13:54:58.000Z eYWVH7vvyVg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 4.5.18 Mueller Plane Tech Patent?[Clinton Crime Ignored] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'mueller', 'trump', 'particle', 'cern'] PT15M52S 24914 225 682 23 not set not set 2018-05-05T17:47:14.000Z FtTWb6cl_2U UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.5.18 Swamp Is Being Drained.Trust The Plan [JUSTICE] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'light', 'country', 'dark', 'help', 'freedom', 'potus', 'trump', 'flag', 'men', 'women', 'tell', 'clinton', 'hrc', 'hussien', 'billy', 'cannon', 'trip code update'] PT16M20S 15488 207 719 9 not set not set 2018-05-06T16:05:02.000Z YaR3yPANzO0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.6.18 H.R.C Stage Is Being Set [Swamp Is Getting Drained] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'intent', 'lies', 'help', 'preach', 'light', 'good', 'dark', 'god', 'evil', 'chris', 'kistian saucier', 'q clearence'] PT17M22S 51856 259 1391 51 not set not set 2018-05-07T14:02:48.000Z g_ivryT1Fwg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.7.18 Your Agenda Doesn't Trump Mine[Trump Tweets] " Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'right', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'light', 'dark', 'trump', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'Lies', 'truth', 'spread', 'help'] PT13M1S 25392 486 1062 42 not set not set 2018-05-08T01:42:58.000Z 68mCYVe1fuI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.7.18 Draining Of The Swamp Is UnderWay [Truth] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q ANon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'fbi', 'potus', 'trump', 'history', 'honest', 'love', 'peace', 'help', 'light', '\\dark', 'dark', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'war', 'hope', 'hopeless'] PT12M12S 10485 156 642 9 not set not set 2018-05-08T04:51:14.000Z zZjZ5tBf3Y8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.8.18 Black Eye Ra Horus/ Pineal Gland [Must Watch] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'peace', 'happines', 'truth', 'lies', 'dark', 'god', 'good', 'light', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'fighters', 'trump', 'potus', 'life'] PT2M27S 11039 80 470 19 not set not set 2018-05-08T05:20:06.000Z K9Lo6PeMpd4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.8.18 Mass Exodus In DC & Corporate CEOs-WHY? [Logical] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'sessions', 'trump', 'potus', 'doj', 'smarts'] PT8M18S 45444 281 1469 53 not set not set 2018-05-09T18:25:52.000Z PRcknqmKqH4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.8.18 Happy Hunting/ Nothing happening?It's All Happening "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'patriots', 'control', 'help', 'country', 'god', 'love', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'truth', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'gowdy', 'potus', 'trump', 'life'] PT22M17S 28572 279 882 19 not set not set 2018-05-10T18:33:41.000Z PGYHJ2_IJ1g UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.10.2018 No Name prev meetings? Panic? Discussions of death/funeral? Medical or escape? "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'treason', 'potus', 'truth', 'dark', 'light', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'help', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'country', 'devil', 'sky', 'no name', 'obama'] PT11M23S 24696 189 1039 23 not set not set 2018-05-11T01:00:43.000Z mgrWUy8vx4w UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.10.18 We Will Not Be Held Hostage. SKY EVENT[WWG1WGA] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'trump', 'light', 'dark', 'evil', 'truth', 'lies', 'country', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'help', 'no', 'good', 'world wide'] PT9M41S 17268 139 729 14 not set not set 2018-05-11T21:00:52.000Z je3YdrhIjcQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.11.18 The choice has always been yours. [Use logic]This is why we are here. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above here click link to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'life', 'truth', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'help', 'freedom', 'flag', 'fight', 'honest', 'people', 'dark', 'trump', 'pouts', 'illumanti', 'nwo'] PT30M32S 14499 428 584 16 not set not set 2018-05-13T18:45:28.000Z PQakvBimuFs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.13.18 If America Falls, The World Falls [God Bless Our Brave Fighting Men & Women] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Veterans', 'Vets', 'patriots', 'the patriot Hour', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hope', 'pain', 'pressure', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'life', 'light', 'dark', 'panic'] PT25M12S 12528 168 514 14 not set not set 2018-05-13T19:19:32.000Z khaQqfh2ZWA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.13.18 You are Hope/ You are Love/ You are Peace [Stay United] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'hour', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'truth', 'lies', 'deception', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'dark', 'light', 'country', 'patriots', 'help', 'love', 'peace', 'hope'] PT21M48S 11618 153 514 7 not set not set 2018-05-13T23:35:00.000Z CjfSiz6iA0U UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.13.18 Drain That Swamp It's Happening [Military Intelligence] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'happening', 'awake', 'love', 'losers', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom'] PT5M17S 13214 171 440 19 not set not set 2018-05-14T03:57:19.000Z HfTAT0pC3mI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA T.P.H 5.14.18 Q Mega Meme Drop [Meme Drops Ready] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Meme', 'Q Drops', 'Love', 'Peace', 'happy', 'god', 'love', 'evil', 'Crimes', 'stories', 'lies', 'happines', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'and the whole nine yards'] PT4M54S 10975 72 306 14 not set not set 2018-05-14T22:05:51.000Z hwEtBWn8LrM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA T.P.H 5.14.18 Name We Don't Use & [Haspel] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'peace', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'illumanti'] PT46M49S 8083 153 302 9 not set not set 2018-05-14T23:24:32.000Z zUfcaeBsBt4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.14.18 [They] are afraid. They are losing control of the message "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'freedom', 'love', 'flag', 'evil', 'god', 'good', 'devil', 'hell', 'nwo', 'illumanati', 'waterboard', 'tourture', 'laws have changed', 'alex jones'] PT18M49S 19870 418 793 15 not set not set 2018-05-15T03:20:25.000Z pFnPK720noU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.14.18 Pain Coming Q [Paytriots] Rudy Insurance File "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'clearance', 'patriots', 'paytriots', 'legend', 'nwo', 'military', 'illuamanti'] PT11M40S 18346 216 710 15 not set not set 2018-05-16T20:38:39.000Z AvXRzGffQUo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA T.P.H Mega Meme Drop Slow Version [By Demand] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'flag', 'yummy', 'freedom', 'ground', 'country', '\\god', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'life'] PT4M14S 3214 38 185 4 not set not set 2018-05-17T00:45:25.000Z w_XQgeGhdJ0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.16.18 You have a choice. Do what is right. [Unreleased EO] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'country', '1776', 'freedom', 'flag', 'update', 'love', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'club', 'happines'] PT32M7S 11936 125 552 15 not set not set 2018-05-17T00:50:49.000Z WR23D7uspAk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.16.18 We Must Fight [Must Watch Video] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'clearance', 'love', 'happy', 'life', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'help', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'honor', 'duty', 'commitment', 'core'] PT3M49S 4363 63 338 4 not set not set 2018-05-18T01:36:28.000Z DuLOcTeVd74 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.17.18 What Had To Happen 1st? We Are Everywhere Anon. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'potus', 'evil', 'good', 'deal', 'bad', 'help', 'love', 'treason', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'picture'] PT32M27S 10256 189 627 7 not set not set 2018-05-19T18:11:03.000Z jf9-7OkFZmE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.19.18 Terminated Admin Officials Thirty Seven So Far "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2019', '2017', '2016', 'trump', 'potus', 'nwo', 'dark', 'illuamanti', 'country', 'god', 'devil', 'evil', 'good', 'bad', 'hopeful', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'love', 'hand', 'helping', 'light', 'knowledge'] PT21M49S 39428 198 1040 30 not set not set 2018-05-20T02:23:53.000Z UA4Xf2W8Aaw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.19.18 They Thought It Was Coming Yesterday. They Were Wrong "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'patriot', 'nwo', '\\illuamanti', '\\help', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'peace', 'trying', 'expose', 'crooks', 'jail', 'love', 'laws'] PT9M5S 11866 118 709 9 not set not set 2018-05-20T04:57:06.000Z pAcwNA-9CKo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon MegaMix 5.20.18 All About Anthony Weiner Just The Tip "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'anthony Weiner', 'Laptop', 'Lies', 'The Tip', 'Hot Dog', 'Underage', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'dark', 'light', 'Help', 'better'] PT4M48S 18549 167 559 14 not set not set 2018-05-20T18:12:52.000Z dxy1ub79mZQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.20.18 Q Clearance & Trump's Tweets Are Intertwining [WOW] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'trump', 'love', 'proof', 'facts', 'news', 'articles', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hope', 'happening', 'photo', 'Loving', 'you guys', 'present', 'reading', 'Trump Sig', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'Q post', 'fight', 'Intertwining'] PT16M47S 27910 321 894 25 not set not set 2018-05-20T18:41:22.000Z hmCL4gIpD7o UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.20.18 Be Prepared TRUST The Plan Conspiracy NO MORE. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2018', 'patriots'] PT4M27S 14956 80 420 7 not set not set 2018-05-21T03:21:28.000Z k5Ms3PYwTbE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.20.18 Put On The Full Armor Of God- Be Careful Who You Follow "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'love', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'news', 'truth', 'light', 'god', 'evil', 'dark', 'way', 'great', 'awake', 'Q drops', 'people'] PT15M54S 14609 176 618 11 not set not set 2018-05-21T14:51:14.000Z 37vM7Ec-1Bc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.21.18 For The Love & Support Of Our Military/Veterans [SHARE] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Love', 'hope', 'passion', 'Military', 'veterans', 'Life', 'Job', 'Navy', 'Usmc', 'Air FOrce', 'Army', 'Coast Guard', 'help', 'patriots', 'universe', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'past', 'prese'] PT3M18S 3497 56 234 0 not set not set 2018-05-21T15:43:55.000Z CFk8Xqeb0uw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.21.18 Hacking Trump Tower & Blaming Russia= [Treason4ALL] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'lies', 'trump', 'potus', 'Trump', 'jail', 'fall', 'grand jury', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'help', 'veterans', 'military', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'evil', 'county', 'gotta', 'no evidence', 'Treason'] PT17M39S 17498 227 630 16 not set not set 2018-05-21T18:26:11.000Z OtEobZ50yr8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.21.18 Trump Directs DOJ To Probe Secret Sources/Buckle UP "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'hour', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'happening', 'liars', 'scams', 'nwo', 'illumanati', 'light', 'good', 'god', 'evil', 'live', 'dark light', 'helping', 'swamp'] PT14M6S 14194 247 556 17 not set not set 2018-05-21T23:17:49.000Z WtBkQyeIjCM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.21.18 John Brennan Lies Often About Spying On Americans[Treason] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'harry reid', 'liars', 'comey', 'potus', 'trump', 'lies', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'god', 'evil', 'good', 'light', 'dark'] PT8M16S 5329 45 202 4 not set not set 2018-05-21T23:54:23.000Z 3Z9ZKu0Sn-M UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.21.18 When Does The Clock Run Out? Trust [Name] D5 RR "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'clearance', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'in control', 'd5', 'D5', 'love', 'patience', 'country', 'potus', 'trump', 'loving', 'Military', 'Op', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'god'] PT9M51S 22351 182 772 20 not set not set 2018-05-22T18:17:56.000Z NBh1y_JFvJ8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.22.18 RAPID FIRE Flood Is Coming Future Proves Past "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'patriot', 'mole', 'FBi', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'trump', 'potus'] PT39M49S 31166 313 919 25 not set not set 2018-05-24T22:18:55.000Z bBURpTrpZRA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.24.18 Unity Not Divison Spygate Is Real/Treason Was Commited "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2018', 'country', 'patriot', 'love', 'honor', 'people', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'illuamanti', 'nwo', 'evil', 'god', 'devil', 'light', 'dark'] PT20M45S 12951 289 507 26 not set not set 2018-05-25T02:59:35.000Z egwLvXrSu3g UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.24.18 Human Intelligence Informant Is Not A SPY They Claim "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'liberty', 'life', 'pride', 'no russia', 'lies', 'love', 'happy', 'strong', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'power', 'potus', 'trump', 'tucker'] PT22M23S 12781 169 574 14 not set not set 2018-05-25T15:58:43.000Z QIllIkfVVTk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5-25-18 Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe=SPYGATE "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'freedom', 'flag', 'potus', 'trump', 'country', 'god', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'truth', 'lies', 'help', 'people', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'devil', 'patriots', 'patriot'] PT38M24S 23566 329 614 35 not set not set 2018-05-28T20:56:35.000Z ml9oh26SjXs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 5.28.18 Gross Misconduct & Oath Breakers [Memorial Day] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'flag', 'patriots', 'patreon', 'fbi', 'potus', 'trump', 'love', 'god', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'spies', 'and roll call'] PT15M50S 16137 221 817 6 not set not set 2018-06-04T22:10:07.000Z 6Je1_-9Rvks UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.4.18 A WEEK TO REMEMBER DARK TO LIGHT [BOOM X4] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'move', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'nice', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'truth', 'help', 'lies', 'devil', 'bad'] PT22M42S 11264 130 424 11 not set not set 2018-06-05T01:12:12.000Z 95cXfpv20zw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.4.18 Over 35,058 Indictments & Climbing. Can't Deny This! "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'country', 'patriot', 'help', 'good', 'evil', 'life', 'truth', 'justice', 'norm', 'dark', 'light', 'night', 'right', 'laws'] PT17M38S 38711 309 1375 32 not set not set 2018-06-05T21:32:30.000Z YXiLyTYepKk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q#T.P.H 6.5.18 The I.G Report 400 Pages/28+ FBI Willing 2 Testify On Last Admin. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'obama', 'trump', 'potus', 'scam', 'scandal', 'white house', 'good', 'dark', 'truth', 'light', 'weak', 'flag', 'freedom', 'country', 'helping', 'love', 'patience', 'IG Report'] PT45M16S 20062 211 800 12 not set not set 2018-06-06T19:47:18.000Z peqh3o_hpOs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA T.P.H 6.6.18 Breaking News Mccabe Seeks Immunity and Comey defied authority in Clinton probe "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'peace', 'trump', 'hope', 'comey', 'ccabe', 'please'] PT10M24S 10148 126 518 6 not set not set 2018-06-08T14:15:53.000Z IbfdcqCgWMY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q#T.P.H 6.8.18 Department Of Obstruction & SpyGames Unraveling "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriot', 'flag', 'freedom', 'country', 'pest', 'best', 'ss7', 'stingrays', 'maleware', 'bleedoff', 'harmonics', 'people', 'talking', 'texting', 'email', 'reports', 'personal', 'mobile', 'phone'] PT18M40S 6541 100 295 12 not set not set 2018-06-08T14:57:56.000Z G2MqdP2dzUk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA T.P.H Who Is Huma Abedin? Watch This Video To Fully Understand. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'love', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'fight', 'country', 'god', 'devil', 'lies', 'truth', 'dark', 'light', 'help', 'usa', 'potus', 'trump', 'huma', 'HRC'] PT8M47S 6176 77 432 10 not set not set 2018-06-08T19:17:50.000Z o4yOLIf8u2E UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q#T.P.H.6.8.18 Spy Vs Informant & Classified Info[Trust The Plan] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'flag', 'russia', 'freedom', 'patriot', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'obama', 'trump', 'fbi', 'informant', 'lies', 'hlep'] PT17M2S 5083 144 258 3 not set not set 2018-06-10T00:00:31.000Z kzu7kdJ7atQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q#T.P.H 6.9.18 Trump Has The Intel Working For Him "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'potus', 'trump', 'lies', 'truth', 'god', 'evil', 'light', 'help', 'patriots', 'intel', 'mi', 'military', 'veterans', 'love paitience', 'kind'] PT42M26S 9660 117 450 7 not set not set 2018-06-10T18:33:42.000Z oQidEArI2lg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Liberal Has Mental BreakDown [Don't Be Like This] Must Watch "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'illumanati', 'nwo', 'potus', 'trump', 'liberal', 'demo', 'crazy', 'illegal', 'cathy', 'flag', 'freedom', 'felony', 'clinton', 'helping'] PT23M18S 6699 187 423 8 not set not set 2018-06-11T14:44:21.000Z FLhfRjOrBcc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.11.18 You Have A Choice, Do What Is Right [A Week To Remember] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'trump', 'lies', 'truth', 'god', 'light', 'dark', 'good', 'fight', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'love', 'country', 'patriots'] PT12M43S 7091 59 328 7 not set not set 2018-06-11T16:11:09.000Z T-R7rDvLet8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.11.18 You Are Watching A [Plan] Being Set In Motion-Enjoy "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'n korea', 'help', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'pale', 'love', 'mister', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country'] PT10M26S 12533 85 442 10 not set not set 2018-06-11T18:01:01.000Z dwu4LX_DQIE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.11.18 Joint-Treason The Time Is Now [BIBLICAL] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'Pompeo', 'trump', 'potus', '2015 kim', 'Meet prior', 'yes', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'love', 'you', 'happy', 'time', 'cleaning', 'truth', 'hence', 'devil', 'evil', 'lies', 'arrest', 'huber'] PT23M18S 24675 191 919 19 not set not set 2018-06-11T20:38:16.000Z b-dhW6n-5ro UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.11.18 You Cannot Hide What Is Already Known (And Can Be Proven). "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'trump', 'truth', 'love', 'rod', 'liew', 'help', 'good', 'god', 'dark', 'light', 'country', 'patriot'] PT38M5S 16346 152 541 14 not set not set 2018-06-12T00:43:40.000Z SZnvQ2X33pg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.11.18 The [Server] Brings Down The House/Use Logic-PATRIOT(S.R) "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'level', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'patriots', 'god', 'evil', 'dark', 'light', 'love', 'and patriots', 'helping'] PT23M18S 17185 135 570 16 not set not set 2018-06-12T00:58:30.000Z nGgJOiyyEGs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Clearance 7th Floor No More-[Trust The Plan] Must Watch "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'trump', 'help', 'patriot', 'country', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'patriots', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'love', 'hate', 'real'] PT5M8S 7743 33 284 7 not set not set 2018-06-13T00:06:03.000Z cHZKF6A7yJo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.12.18 These People HATE America. God Speed One & All "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'hate', 'trump', 'North Korea', 'truth', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'desire', 'peace', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'help', 'faith', 'right', 'wrong', 'nwo', 'illumanti'] PT27M22S 12002 141 487 10 not set not set 2018-06-13T15:43:00.000Z adVFIxiNwxE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.13.18 They Are Losing Control-TRUTH[TRUST YOURSELF] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'peace', 'love', 'happiness', 'country', 'truth', 'freedom', 'flag', 'helping', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'bad', 'lies', 'devil', 'patriot', 'patriots'] PT27M46S 21947 190 753 13 not set not set 2018-06-14T15:14:16.000Z 7nQEgk56ktI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.14.18 Be Loud. Be Heard. Fight for TRUTH.Big Things Coming Folks "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'lies', 'trans', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'god', 'light', 'dark', 'truth', 'help', 'great', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'those'] PT23M8S 4908 107 298 2 not set not set 2018-06-14T18:46:57.000Z AhJG6-Sf_bo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA IG Report: James Comey Broke FBI Protocol [Trump Will Never WIn] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'trump', 'IG Report', 'comey', 'cheat', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'matters', 'conceal', 'help', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'hour', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'right'] PT16M47S 5489 98 216 4 not set not set 2018-06-14T18:50:16.000Z bxoVtVjtCOQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.14.18 [[RR]] @ WH. Why was Rachel Brand removed? "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'love', 'happiness', 'help', 'lies', 'truth', 'fight', 'freedom', 'flag', 'evil', 'god', 'good', 'bad'] PT9M16S 10560 113 443 6 not set not set 2018-06-15T00:20:42.000Z KbHnPTluW9M UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.14.18 Original IG Unredacted Report Trump Will Release[Be Loud, Be Heard, Fight 4 Truth] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Love', 'peace', 'happiiness', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'gov', 'truth', 'god', 'liew', 'lies', 'evil', 'nwo', 'illumanti', 'face', 'trust', 'dni', 'recuse'] PT19M7S 11813 139 536 10 not set not set 2018-06-15T00:44:58.000Z LbOUCKjzAZg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.14.18 Alarmed, Angered, & Disappointed. [BIAS] Ver3.0 "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'lies', 'honest', 'nwo', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'punishement', 'bad actos', 'bad actors'] PT8M1S 14420 239 479 10 not set not set 2018-06-17T20:11:49.000Z eST0vMRJIIY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.17.18 What a wonderful day No one person is above another. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'peace', 'country', 'truth', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'help', 'love', 'nice', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots'] PT20M14S 19831 137 699 6 not set not set 2018-06-19T21:48:49.000Z S6U8tPJCLlY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q#6.19.18 Sen Linsey Graham Listen Carefully. Crime Exposed. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'clearance', 'truth', 'liberty', 'faith', 'freedom', 'hope', 'bash', 'lies', 'light', 'real', 'clinton', 'indicments', 'coming', 'you heree', 'me', 'they are', 'watch', 'your 6'] PT8M13S 9164 102 514 2 not set not set 2018-06-20T00:31:27.000Z FMFvS7DLMMQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.19.18 The American people are NOT STUPID [Wonderful Day] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '\\2017', '2016', '2017', '2015', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hope', 'country', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'strock', 'page', 'lies', 'truth', 'post', 'trump', 'potus', 'help'] PT25M5S 10846 203 415 13 not set not set 2018-06-20T18:26:35.000Z Hbtpybwwcfc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.20.18 Immigration/Child separation. Narrative change critical "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'borders', 'potus', 'trump', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'devil', 'lies', 'nwo', 'illuamanti'] PT42M43S 16911 288 590 19 not set not set 2018-06-21T17:53:52.000Z 1_Oeqqgwx-w UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.21.18 Jan 20, 2017 to June 20, 2018 Exactly 17 months. Do you believe in coincidences? "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'q Anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'love', 'hug', 'truth', 'lies', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'knowledge'] PT23M42S 9533 115 516 13 not set not set 2018-06-22T01:10:19.000Z SkWSLneWVww UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.21.18 Clinton H.R.C Page 294 Crimes Against Children "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q ANon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'love', 'god', 'evil', 'nwo', 'news', 'trump', 'potus', 'great', 'truth', 'light', 'dark'] PT38M2S 14685 148 669 12 not set not set 2018-06-22T04:01:52.000Z si60idyWozg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.22.18 Human Rights Helping To Save The Children Of The World "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 "['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'light', 'dark', 'good', ""evil'"", 'truth', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'Trumps', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'Living', 'help', 'evil', 'men', 'lies']" PT6M3S 9022 110 550 8 not set not set 2018-06-22T15:46:30.000Z qAC7skOmggo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.22.18 The Public Awakening Is The Elites Worst Nightmare "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q CLearance', 'Q Anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'flood', 'nwo', 'ilumanati', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'life', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'love', 'happy', 'heart', 'truth', 'light', 'god', 'evil', 'lighting', 'potus', 'trump', 'hillary', 'clinton'] PT36M8S 17723 191 705 9 not set not set 2018-06-22T19:51:39.000Z HnwAyOnFf-k UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.22.18 Q Team & Trump The Stable Genius [Thank Q] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'help', 'heart', 'truth', 'lies', 'evil', 'good', 'god', 'knows', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'life', 'patriots', 'garbage', 'Thinking', 'Loving', 'helping', 'Patriot', 'Light', 'Dark'] PT7M25S 13531 146 631 21 not set not set 2018-06-23T19:31:22.000Z Dpj1tOVeEuo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.23.18 Dismantiling of The Luciferian Reign [Trump & Q Team] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'Q Anon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'leaders', 'helping', 'light', 'faith', 'county', 'black', 'god', 'evil', 'lies', 'corrupt', 'best', 'truth', 'love'] PT21M44S 18717 258 927 14 not set not set 2018-06-24T04:08:06.000Z wIGNpfewMcs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.24.18 Exposing Them Is Their Worst Fear. 35K Indictments/D.C Exodus/CEO's "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot', 'truth', 'seeker', 'evil', 'ligh', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'forthcoming', 'tried', 'tries', 'help', 'god', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'bad actors', 'trump', 'potus'] PT25M26S 33215 294 1212 31 not set not set 2018-06-25T23:01:18.000Z 1FAG-T4rnlk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.25.18 Mass Exodus Of The Guilty Ones [Must Watch] SHARE "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Help', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'liberty', 'bible', 'god', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'evil', 'losers', 'liars', 'better', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'illuamanti', 'nwo'] PT5M15S 22821 140 830 20 not set not set 2018-06-27T23:45:05.000Z E2tS5gHPsl4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.27.18 Just landed. You have time. Q? "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'hour', 'truth', 'fist', 'pumps', 'q encounter', 'help', 'dark', 'part', 'lover', 'helper'] PT18M21S 17259 189 731 11 not set not set 2018-06-28T01:24:03.000Z WdxXWRml9Cw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 6.27.18 Rest Assured JUSTICE Will Be Served. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'liberty', 'flag', 'freedom', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'potus', 'trump', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'world', 'light', 'god', 'dark', 'helping'] PT10M31S 10899 121 660 1 not set not set 2018-06-28T11:29:42.000Z IK6eNnkAusU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Qanon 6.28.18 Clinton Campaign Official Arrested These People Are SIck "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'facts', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'evil', 'god', 'good', 'helping', 'saving', 'kids', 'bad', 'actors', 'FBI', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'Davis'] PT9M1S 15758 140 919 4 not set not set 2018-06-29T15:40:58.000Z syd95cNxbOw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 6.29.18 Do not be afraid.People will be terrified.We are the Support "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'fear', 'free', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'country', 'light', 'dark', 'night', 'right', 'love', 'peace', 'happines', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'potus', 'trump', 'help'] PT20M11S 32604 238 1182 33 not set not set 2018-06-29T18:55:51.000Z LqFjMzhPx2A UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QANON 6.29.18 It Must Happen. Conspiracy No More. Think Of Every Post Made. "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'help', 'truth', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'part', 'play', 'game', 'like', 'them', 'man', 'mine', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'money', 'plans', 'country', 'potus', 'trump', 'path', 'flag'] PT6M9S 6696 67 380 8 not set not set 2018-06-30T01:40:38.000Z 29W57KA5KC0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QANON 6.29.18 You Are The Support. People Will Be Lost. [ULTIMATE Q] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Link to Donate Right above click link above to Pay Pal Pool: Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', '2020', 'Q Clearance', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'mission', 'mockingbird', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'the world', 'potus', 'trump', 'crazy', 'light', 'ask', 'see attacks', 'complete', 'frame', 'support', 'help', 'reject'] PT11M30S 9843 126 531 8 not set not set 2018-06-30T01:47:47.000Z KbOD8nmZ79Y UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Qanon MEGA MEME DROP [FInal Phase] JULY THE WORLD WILL KNOW "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '4chan', '8chan', 'great awake', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'god', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'master', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'helping', 'spread', 'words', 'love', 'peace', 'harmony'] PT5M34S 30528 130 1109 34 not set not set 2018-06-30T04:52:13.000Z JL6B1U4pX2k UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q The Storm-It's Here Just Ask POTUS #PatriotsInFullControl "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'nwo', 'No more', 'light', 'dark', 'every post', 'all post', 'drops', 'white rabbit', 'crazy', 'truth', 'walking awakening', 'country', 'fulll book', 'redpilled'] PT20M21S 15825 125 707 17 not set not set 2018-07-01T18:13:19.000Z B4W3fT9hwJw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QANON 7.1.18 Nothing Is More Powerful Than Being Awake[PATRIOT] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'truth', 'freedom', 'country', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'potus', 'trump', 'gowdy', '1933', 'light', 'good', 'god', 'lies', 'evil', 'help', 'those', 'trust'] PT20M1S 10080 149 475 11 not set not set 2018-07-01T18:33:31.000Z mgysjArsbWA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.1.2018 Federal Signed Indictments 40,483 Nothing Being DONE? [Wake UP] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'indictments', 'federal', 'signed', 'love', 'pace', 'hope', 'happines', 'truth', 'fog', 'light', 'good', 'evil', 'trump', 'potus', 'those'] PT6M9S 14084 139 755 12 not set not set 2018-07-02T14:46:03.000Z Qs7fT_Vpq4o UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.2.18 There Will Be No Civil War [FAKE NEWS] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'potus', 'trump', 'freedom', 'free', 'flag', 'country', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'black', 'white', 'manpower', 'huber', 'obama', 'lies', 'good', 'evil'] PT12M56S 13698 183 720 7 not set not set 2018-07-03T01:48:51.000Z -mmXnniczpw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon T.P.H 7.2.18 Ben Via Internet/Q-Talk Indicments-IG Report "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', '\\Q Clearance', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'trump', 'potus', 'patriot', 'hour', 'special', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', ']life', 'help', 'hope', 'talking', 'truth', 'light', 'god', 'good', 'rich', 'healt'] PT34M40S 7746 92 366 7 not set not set 2018-07-03T03:13:39.000Z 7Ub3nXYvjSw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon T.P.H 7.3.18 (Lost & Found) Patriot Hour Special "Lost Ep from several months back. Just found the file. Hope you enjoy. Please follow us. OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'qclearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'fear', 'country', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'help', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'light', 'place', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'dark', 'hate', 'peace', 'understanding', 'money'] PT29M29S 9382 134 357 10 not set not set 2018-07-04T12:43:14.000Z e51I93lmWkc UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.4.18 The Storm-Thank You Fellow Patriots [ALL OF YOU] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'patriots', 'truth', 'lies', 'hope', 'peace', 'light', 'good', 'evil', 'hate', 'love', 'mine', 'dark', 'free', 'freedom', 'flag', 'nwo', 'illuamanti'] PT4M12S 6632 74 370 2 not set not set 2018-07-08T16:54:51.000Z LHdcLP5ajEM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.8.18 Side By Side Proofs Prove Knowledge [Glad To Be Back] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'country', 'happiness', 'freedom', 'flag', 'light', 'truth', 'help', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'channel', 'presents'] PT11M1S 8609 85 472 7 not set not set 2018-07-08T20:10:09.000Z yrVp8M80nIM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.8.18 Proofs Show Us The Deep Truth [Understanding] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'hope', 'clearance', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'truth', 'dark', 'light', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'trump', 'potus', 'arrest', 'peace'] PT6M1S 6823 41 225 12 not set not set 2018-07-09T03:04:10.000Z g3XmtsM-phA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon- Conspiracies True or Fake [You Decide] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q ANon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'trump', 'love', 'help', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'battle', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'past', 'country', 'helping', 'those', 'level', 'area', 'light', 'dark', 'expose', 'crime', 'can you hear me'] PT5M3S 4258 41 333 10 not set not set 2018-07-09T12:16:00.000Z kzOaOmrYOmM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.9.2018 Trump's Pick Tonight-Big Week Ahead "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'peace', 'love', 'help', 'potus', 'trump', 'lies', 'light', 'dark', 'truth', 'hate', 'win', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hope', 'cry', 'laugh', 'people', 'human', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'trash'] PT18M31S 9692 147 525 14 not set not set 2018-07-11T01:48:38.000Z CZj1NbQo3Ok UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.10.2018 Seth Rich Witness? Trust The Plan "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 "['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Patriots', 'patriot hour', 'truth', 'lies', 'country', 'facts', 'light', 'dark', ""'evil"", 'good', 'evil', 'nice', 'seth rich', 'honest', 'honor', 'courage', 'commitment']" PT13M1S 11680 104 659 17 not set not set 2018-07-11T02:32:06.000Z IeD3Fx5nVZo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon Seth Rich MegaMeme Drop "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'patriot', 'seth rich', 'helping', 'alive', 'wondering', 'peace', 'love', 'donations', 'help', 'country', 'truth', 'light', 'right', 'wrong', 'lies', 'evil', 'expose'] PT4M1S 4935 50 291 6 not set not set 2018-07-12T11:56:09.000Z DIloAC9iTf0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.12.18 Trump's Talking Tough/RBG Video Surfaces [Traitors] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'share', 'love', 'country', 'patriot', 'hope', 'truth', 'lies', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'great', 'light', 'flag', 'freedom', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'trump', 'potus', 'right', 'wrong', 'help', 'thanks'] PT21M43S 5065 135 415 5 not set not set 2018-07-13T01:12:54.000Z xhwwTrwWZkU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.12.18 Peter Cooperating Witness Strzok [Lying] DAMAGE "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q ANon', 'Q CLearance', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'russia', 'trump', 'potus', 'love', 'helping', 'peter', 'strock', 'fbi', 'server', 'clinton'] PT26M36S 11432 232 585 8 not set not set 2018-07-13T15:47:42.000Z SfKzYq0o0N4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.13.18 Peter Strzok Helping Or Obstructing? "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 "['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'country', 'help', 'nice', 'good', 'evil', 'flag', 'patriot', 'trump', 'potus', 'flotus', 'helping', ""evil'"", 'light', 'truth']" PT13M1S 3937 66 208 4 not set not set 2018-07-13T16:26:20.000Z mg1aHhz_q94 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.13.18 T.P.H Hour Show with Ben/Patriot Hour "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Legacy Truths site below: Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'q Clearance', '2020', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'patriot', 'peace', 'happiness', 'help', 'people', 'place', 'grave', 'times', 'light', 'potus', 'trump', 'work', 'good', 'evil'] PT48M16S 3410 78 169 2 not set not set 2018-07-14T14:55:33.000Z -C6_GRxbY58 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.14.18 Rosenstein Impeachment Brewing [Obama Did Nothing On Russia Hack] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'hack russia', 'lies', 'obama', 'trump', 'putin', 'indicments', 'cnn', 'acosta', 'freedom', 'flag', 'like', 'help', 'truth', 'light', 'dark'] PT17M48S 8037 106 518 2 not set not set 2018-07-14T15:47:11.000Z 8gLe_Dqa4TY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.14.18 America The Land That We Love [Q-Mega Meme Drop] SHARE "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Ben The Butcher link Please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share Link For Breibart Article On Trump/Russia Sessions Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'hacks', 'podesta', 'pizza', 'trump', 'obama', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'evil', 'good', 'bad', 'nice', 'great', 'helping', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom'] PT4M 2647 17 160 4 not set not set 2018-07-14T20:39:20.000Z UDPbF7h428Y UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.14.18 Lot's Of Crimes Being Exposed [SHARE] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: The Book Of Q:MUST ARCHIVE OFFLINE Link To mass CEO Resignations Link TO White House Step Downs Link To 35K Indictments below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Clearance', 'qanon', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Truth', 'honest', 'live', 'love', 'happy', 'hope', 'no lies', 'cnn', 'help', 'country', 'liberty', 'light', 'dark', 'freedom', 'flag', 'credit due', 'nwo', 'text', 'test', 'Military'] PT16M8S 6787 118 622 8 not set not set 2018-07-15T15:37:58.000Z X9AuXCSsSF0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.15.18 California Chainsaw Massacre [DeepState Hacks] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'helping', 'truth', 'lies', 'facts', 'trump', 'potus', 'love', 'peace'] PT20M53S 13747 126 686 9 not set not set 2018-07-16T02:11:58.000Z 5BahOw_hZrI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon7.15.18 Trump What Team Are You On? [Clinton Question] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. twitter: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'offer', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'country', 'love', 'fight', 'light', 'dark', 'truth', 'helping', 'life', 'and', 'constiutuion', 'rules', 'laws'] PT13M1S 8942 107 459 14 not set not set 2018-07-17T02:37:48.000Z EKQs2611bFw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.16.18 Russia Russia Russia [WWG1WGA] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q ANon', 'Q Clearance', 'Q Patriot', 'Q Level', 'country', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'honest', 'love', 'peace', 'good', 'light', 'level', 'hope', 'Flag', 'truth', 'happy', 'people', 'helping', 'redpill'] PT19M12S 7553 98 334 30 not set not set 2018-07-19T11:44:07.000Z -Dx_fDACM5c UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.19.18 Patriots Have Planned, Installed, Activated, Beam Of Light [Still Asleep] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Jfk Jr', 'Potus', 'Trump', 'Clinton', 'Kennedy', 'Help', 'Plane', 'crash', 'fake', 'love', 'potus', 'helping', 'patriots', 'truth', 'country', 'patriot', 'q post', 'potus and JFK', 'light', 'beam', 'activatied', 'docs new', 'world turns'] PT25M2S 60485 653 1926 46 not set not set 2018-07-19T21:28:34.000Z y4hnp3g4GMk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA JFK JR & The Trump Connection #QAnon [Great Awakening] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'great awakening', 'syria', 'baited', 'trump', 'potus', 'peace', 'happy', 'country', 'war', 'cabal', 'help', 'random', 'liberty', 'light', 'freedom', 'jfk', 'jr', 'hrc', 'clinton'] PT33M59S 116581 583 3018 93 not set not set 2018-07-20T01:26:49.000Z rNcM7iA9oZE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.19.18 JFK Shining The Light For Everyone [Trump] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q clearance', 'Q Anon', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'peace', 'light', 'dark', 'picture', 'lies', 'cover-ups', 'hate', 'bad', 'god', 'good', 'men', 'potus', 'trump'] PT4M44S 12769 119 726 7 not set not set 2018-07-20T18:23:38.000Z 0YjZi9kOVHs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.20.18 The Patriot Hour-Trade Wars Ramble[RUSSIA] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'trump', 'potus', 'freedom', 'flag', 'countyr', 'loud', 'light', 'flight', 'bad', 'actors', 'dark', 'good', 'god', 'lies', 'Russia'] PT34M12S 4007 68 212 5 not set not set 2018-07-20T19:54:33.000Z HpFximRX7fQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon T.P.H 7.20.18 Special Edition 4 Nate Our Brother [GodSpeed] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'qclearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'peace', 'freedom', 'light', 'helping', 'world', 'nate', 'cps', 'lies', 'truth', 'god', 'good', 'evil', 'dark', 'man', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'patrol', 'nice', 'brothers'] PT35M19S 3888 59 158 2 not set not set 2018-07-20T21:22:51.000Z hg0tqFOXdm8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.20.18 Is Q Clearance Gone For Good? [We Got It All] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'patriots', 'storm', 'love', 'peace', 'agenda', 'agendas', 'helping', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'faith', 'trust', 'plan', 'the plan', 'rules'] PT15M1S 42311 414 1283 36 not set not set 2018-07-21T16:14:21.000Z sewy-O06sAo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.21.18 Trump Gave Us The Server. [Uranium 1 Is Next] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'navy', 'serial', 'brain', 'country', 'trump', 'server', 'hillary', 'the run down', 'freedom', 'liberty', 'right', 'laws', 'good', 'evil', 'moves', 'communications', 'peace', 'happy', 'great', 'light', 'dark'] PT24M47S 22322 272 1154 18 not set not set 2018-07-21T20:26:06.000Z tLSsTvMzDK0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.21.18 Truth Is Behind You [Be Loud Be Heard] Navy "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'happy', 'country', 'fighting', 'freedom', 'flag', 'honor', 'greatness', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'light', 'helping'] PT42M57S 6099 82 301 7 not set not set 2018-07-21T23:24:19.000Z -OosUNaYQhs UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q Anon 7.21.18 Uranium One Deal Investigated Thoroughly [Trust The Plan] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'do your own research', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'happy', 'the truth', 'light', 'dark', 'good'] PT20M31S 12431 161 522 13 not set not set 2018-07-22T01:31:45.000Z P0rGOu21CYM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.21.18 In The End The Choice Will Be Yours To Know [OATH Breakers] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'godspeed', 'fight', 'rights', 'life', 'trump', 'potus', 'good', 'law', 'truth', 'light', 'happy', 'helping', 'world', 'wide'] PT10M53S 5840 71 308 7 not set not set 2018-07-22T16:35:02.000Z 7qKqBV5CgDE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.22.18 Disinformation Is Real [Look There] Behind YOU "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['qanon', 'q clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'the late', 'patriot', 'county', 'liberty', 'freedom', 'trump'] PT9M 8982 83 413 12 not set not set 2018-07-22T20:04:13.000Z yyoAV_HBnp4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.20.18 Is Global Order Being Disrupted aka NWO [SHARE] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2018', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'helping', 'light', 'dark', 'showing', 'creating events', 'the big issue of q', 'q the guys'] PT40M27S 5525 44 200 4 not set not set 2018-07-22T22:01:41.000Z 9XZEFUrvhSY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.22.18 Fake News Talks About Q Drops Lies Start Now [Get Ready] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Freedom', 'All That', 'free speech', 'fight', 'light', 'dark', 'truth', 'patriot', 'hour', 'helping', 'the facts', 'SHARE', 'ATTACKS', 'deny', 'lie', 'pizzagate 2.0', 'love peace', 'happiness', 'party', 'freedom', 'and truth', 'good', 'facts', 'legit'] PT9M25S 8619 226 443 12 not set not set 2018-07-23T15:24:38.000Z BzLdfYGAtJA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.23.18 MainStream Discrediting QAnon [It's Starting] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q CLearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'helping', 'showing', 'pizzagate', 'peace', 'country'] PT10M48S 8679 173 524 11 not set not set 2018-07-23T18:06:51.000Z 0OaGkzEKDgU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.23.18 Clapper, "If It Weren't For President Obama It Was He Who Tasked Us" [Flipping] WOW "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'love', 'peace', 'truth', 'help', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'evil', 'good', 'nice', 'trump', 'potus', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'fake'] PT5M33S 11111 139 568 6 not set not set 2018-07-24T00:11:58.000Z SJaUujb3jo4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.23.18 Clapper Loosing His Security Clearance It's Being Revoked [Unfolding] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'trump', 'potus', 'lies', 'happy', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'good', 'news', 'baffled', 'dark', 'evil', 'god', 'truth', 'light', 'helping', 'clapper', 'speechless', 'Petty', 'revoked'] PT10M3S 5743 154 401 1 not set not set 2018-07-24T03:30:08.000Z z-aIFmN7GIo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.23.18 Never Surrender Your Rights To An All Powerful Soverign [Listen] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'trump', 'putin', 'good', 'evil', 'light', 'dark', 'world', 'like'] PT35M58S 6205 103 268 9 not set not set 2018-07-24T22:12:11.000Z yTum70swkE8 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.24.18 Power Will Return To The People. [GOOD WINS] Share "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'clearance', 'patriots', 'flag', 'freedom', 'helping', 'country', 'sessions', 'wray', 'peace', 'funnel', 'trump', 'potus', 'help', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'light', 'truth', 'winning', 'wars'] PT17M56S 13539 174 622 12 not set not set 2018-07-25T01:46:17.000Z -5SrZ8BNEV0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.24.18 Sea To Shining Sea TIME STAMP PROOF? [Trust Kansas] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Watch', 'learn', 'follow', 'sub', 'trump', 'Q Post', 'Like', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'help', 'Light', 'good', 'evil', 'real', 'people', 'helping', 'family', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'fight'] PT8M40S 8834 189 461 8 not set not set 2018-07-25T12:13:35.000Z A6siVXHI03M UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.25.18 Trump Poised To Take Control Of The Federal Reserve [JFK] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Q Clearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'trump', 'potus', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'lies', 'helping', 'peace', 'those', 'treason', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'good', 'help'] PT12M51S 10608 133 576 2 not set not set 2018-07-25T22:50:18.000Z QEpRrTeZWOI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.25.18 America First. Eyes Open. [Q From Dark To Light] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Peace', 'Country', 'War', 'Fight', 'Flag', 'Freedom', 'Fighter', 'Clouser', 'helping', 'Trump', 'Potus', 'please', 'light', 'dark', 'knowledge', 'power', 'lies', 'evil', 'good', 'truth', 'NWO'] PT23M1S 7466 102 430 3 not set not set 2018-07-25T23:54:17.000Z R87FXA8e6PY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.25.18 [RR] You'll Soon Know Why. Learn Comms [PAIN] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Patriot Hour', 'Country', 'Freedom', 'Flag', 'Happy', 'rights', 'laws', 'powerful', 'good', 'light', 'dark', 'helping'] PT9M2S 6970 81 451 0 not set not set 2018-07-26T05:07:21.000Z AdePbZDLAKk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.26.18 Something BIG is about to drop. [Bring The Pain] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Qanon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'trump', 'potus', 'peace', 'love', 'happy', 'Veterans', 'feds', 'facebook', 'stocks', 'loss'] PT45M46S 10720 172 555 11 not set not set 2018-07-26T22:55:42.000Z MguiZaT8Azo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q# Bill Cooper Had Q Level Clearance & Predicts A Trump Presidency [SHARE] R.I.P "He Tried to warn Us, He really did. He woke Up the Sheep. Bill Cooper Rest In Peace Brother. The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'president', 'loyal', 'bill cooper', 'william', 'hour of the time', 'peace', 'love', 'happiness', 'great', 'people', 'light', 'dark', 'fruit', 'good', 'bad', 'angry', 'country', 'patriots', 'nwo', 'freedom', 'flag'] PT8M31S 8995 148 796 3 not set not set 2018-07-28T13:30:04.000Z jzRsz0rWIyA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.28.18 Fake News And All The Lies [Treason] 4 A Reason "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'peace', '11-11-18', 'unity', 'fire', 'love', 'happiness', 'country', 'news', 'light', 'good', 'evil', 'dark', 'lies', 'world', 'flag', 'freedom', 'trump', 'potus', 'helping', 'kind', 'honor'] PT17M1S 6788 76 368 9 not set not set 2018-07-29T01:20:22.000Z lmtL_rlCV8M UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 40-50K SEALED INDICTMENTS [Something Big About To Drop] "He Tried to warn Us, He really did. He woke Up the Sheep. Bill Cooper Rest In Peace Brother. The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'patriots', 'clearance', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'evil', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'good', 'bad', 'nive', 'patriot', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'proof'] PT30M21S 17789 239 716 10 not set not set 2018-07-29T03:17:51.000Z sglJDpOvvqo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.28.18 If You Bake It, He Will Crumb! Q Post 1746 Breakdown "He Tried to warn Us, He really did. He woke Up the Sheep. Bill Cooper Rest In Peace Brother. The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'happy', 'great', 'county', 'truth', 'please', 'freedom', 'flag', 'potus', 'trump', 'light', 'dark', 'good', 'evil', 'bad', 'time', 'prime', 'fight', 'wwg1wga'] PT46M14S 4949 74 229 6 not set not set 2018-07-29T19:06:04.000Z jl7mh4fZXig UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Trumped The Deep State- The Storm Is Upon Us [Awake] SHARE "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['Qanon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'freedom', 'fight', 'flight', 'flag', 'country', 'people', 'share', 'happy', 'love', 'peace', 'rules', 'night', 'right', 'military', 'light', 'good', 'laws'] PT17M18S 20376 196 1178 17 not set not set 2018-07-30T22:20:53.000Z PzzMuI295uA UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 7.30.18 Think FISA/Think No Name [The More You Know] "The Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'coountry', 'freedom', 'flag', 'truth', 'potus', 'trump', 'helping', 'fine', 'fun', 'facts', 'light', 'dark', 'good', 'times', 'love', 'peace', 'pace', 'fisa', 'no name'] PT27M2S 5479 76 448 4 not set not set 2018-08-02T21:40:30.000Z D6rw545MxPQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.2.18 A Deranged Conspiracy Cult? LameStream Media "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'potus', 'trump', 'good', 'evil', 'god', 'devil', 'light', 'dark', 'times', 'people', 'laugh', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'no name', 'bad actors', '[RR]', 'help', 'snowball'] PT14M53S 7275 110 502 1 not set not set 2018-08-03T14:15:19.000Z w73CATHMfNE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.3.18 Something BIG Is About To Drop [Logical Thinking] "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'truth', 'paitence', 'thought', 'think', 'points', 'talking', 'love', 'peace', 'trump', 'usss', 'light', 'bad', 'good', 'evil', 'helping', 'the media', 'Q Post', 'Q Drops', 'Breadcrumbs'] PT18M23S 30810 331 1176 24 not set not set 2018-08-07T21:28:28.000Z ijIz6wKO1KE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.7.18 Obama’s FBI Withheld Exculpatory Evidence In FISA [Trust The Plan] "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'peace', 'love', 'happiness', 'trust', '302', 'lies', 'good', 'truth', 'happy', 'life', 'reports', 'steele', 'dossier', 'trump', 'ohr', 'cheat', 'country', 'freedomflag', 'light'] PT20M16S 15578 222 733 11 not set not set 2018-08-09T00:02:38.000Z w_-teMcOO_s UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.8.18 J.Assange To Testify In Russia Probe-Q.PUB Down [Dark 2 Light] "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Peace', 'happiness', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'happy', 'not signing', 'good', 'flight', 'fight', 'truth', 'lies', 'bad', 'nwo', 'ads', 'Wikileaks'] PT12M44S 12540 153 634 7 not set not set 2018-08-09T12:14:20.000Z dqMVCsHsNXI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.9.18 Panic Mode Prepare Yourself [Crisis Control] Know Yourself "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'plane', '911', 'help', 'light', 'truth', 'dark', 'lies', 'happy', 'peace', 'good', 'evil', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'paper', 'helping'] PT17M23S 53103 673 1978 59 not set not set 2018-08-15T20:00:12.000Z 26NkepbqkVQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.15.18 J.Brennan Security Clearance Been Revoked [Armor Of GOD] Reflections "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'speech', 'military', 'country', 'helping', 'peace', 'love', 'happy', 'freedom', 'flag', 'access', 'nk', 'hatai', 'cuba', 'sudan', 'truth', 'good', 'light', 'night', 'right'] PT16M44S 13505 226 609 9 not set not set 2018-08-18T01:11:06.000Z pA1jZzDD3bU UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.17.18 The Hammer Is About To Drop [Expose The Guilty Ones] SHARE "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Link To Serial Brain Article Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'exposed', 'human', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'win', 'love', 'peace', 'happiness', '400k', 'helping', 'strength'] PT22M27S 26448 410 1500 25 not set not set 2018-08-26T14:15:40.000Z P5qTR3Hhd9M UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.26.18 Saturday Evening Redpill [Book Of Q Drop] "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'Qclearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'peace', 'country', '\\freedom', 'flag', 'hpe n stone', 'war', 'life', 'contry', 'freedom', 'honor', 'clourage'] PT33M17S 15471 80 507 16 not set not set 2018-08-26T19:30:38.000Z eFzxb2spaVM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.26.18 People are beasts of burden & steaks on the table by choice and consent "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'peace', 'love', 'truth', 'facts', 'listen', 'hopefully'] PT31M44S 34926 348 1330 69 not set not set 2018-08-27T17:15:06.000Z lPLMOs2VTRM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.27.18 Illuminati Pyramid [Structure] NWO "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['Qanon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'bat', 'twenty', 'potus', 'trump', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'honest', 'honor', 'pace', 'please', 'loving', 'truth', 'helping', 'love', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'free', 'help', 'good'] PT1H10M1S 17811 267 718 23 not set not set 2018-08-29T11:48:59.000Z vm-EjhCOH1c UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.29.18 What's coming? Something Big Is About To Drop [WWG1WGA] "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'peace', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'truth', 'facts', 'helping', 'love', 'stay the course', 'help', 'happy', 'rats', 'drain', 'swamp'] PT12M29S 22048 178 979 7 not set not set 2018-08-31T04:03:15.000Z 4RZDQ-CtJMo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 8.31.18 Hillary Let's See If She Gets Away With It [World Is Watching] Share "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'patriots', 'love', 'peace', 'happy', 'danger', 'hack', 'emotions', 'cloud', 'lover', 'hrc', 'nothing', 'tweet', 'huber', 'nuts', 'lol', 'light', 'dark', 'god', 'bad'] PT27M2S 18840 275 1041 20 not set not set 2018-09-06T18:47:28.000Z yvL-Fg0ixII UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 9.6.18 Important Message From Potus [Listen] ".Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'helping', 'plan', 'trump', 'running', 'live', 'help', 'fight', 'patriot', 'country', 'flag', 'freedom', 'fighter', 'truth', 'real', 'life', 'death', 'potus', 'great', 'again'] PT6M45S 59672 554 2729 56 not set not set 2018-09-08T17:00:40.000Z TQWhHIibQn4 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 9.8.18 Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein [N.Revolt] Future Proves Past "Neon Revolt Link Below: Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2p017', '2016', '2015', 'love', 'country', 'freedom', 'peace', 'happy', 'stupid', 'lies', 'happy love', 'fight', 'truth', 'good', 'evil', 'bad', 'help', 'lord'] PT42M42S 25839 263 1254 25 not set not set 2018-09-09T22:45:37.000Z 5To_iMVyOcw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 9.9.18 Knowledge is POWER [Are You Awake] New Q Crumbs "Q MAP and More Below: Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QCLearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'happy', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'property', 'trust', 'plan', 'trump', 'potus', 'hannity', 'shill', 'schill', 'nice', 'face', 'like', 'dark', 'light', 'opening'] PT22M17S 17633 263 1008 24 not set not set 2018-09-10T00:15:58.000Z T5z2z-UHoDo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 9.9.18 Something VERY BIG Is About To [Drop] SHARE "Q MAP and More Below: Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon QClearance', 'q post', 'qanon', 'qclarance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2-14', 'peace', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hope', 'nice', 'patriot', 'wiliiam', 'binney', 'cia', 'white', 'hats', 'back', 'pucnh', 'punch', 'food', 'good', 'light', 'break', 'dark'] PT19M34S 39970 356 1637 37 not set not set 2018-09-11T20:19:38.000Z mUBDOM7AooQ UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA QAnon 9.11.18 Never Forget Never Forgive [Live Update Late In Video] GodSpeed Patriots "Q MAP and More Below: Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'freedom', 'flag', 'founding', 'country', 'lies', 'truth', 'good', 'bad', 'evil', 'right', 'wrong', 'dark', 'light'] PT26M12S 11752 175 541 8 not set not set 2018-09-17T10:59:00.000Z tmlNwCA72ds UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q# 9.17.18 Time To Lock Them All Up [Try Em For Treason] #475 "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'peace', 'love', 'happy', 'harmony', 'hate', 'nice', 'country', 'freak', 'like', 'help', 'fight', 'truth', 'good', 'evil', 'bad', 'way', 'trump', 'potus', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'hope'] PT2M24S 9743 89 645 11 not set not set 2018-09-19T00:42:33.000Z bO2iHzT3Q78 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Qanon 9.18.18 Truth To Power -The Power You Have Is Real [Logic]#482 "Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'drop', 'updates', 'breadcrumbs', 'loser', 'truth', 'art', 'lies', 'dark', 'light', 'faith', 'trust', 'plan', 'nwo', 'illuamanti', 'trump', 'potus'] PT27M21S 12632 148 577 6 not set not set 2018-09-25T12:21:09.000Z 0jtreRajEwk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Trump Tweets & Q Drops Learn Our Comms [Must Learn] SHARE "SB2 Link: Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'peace', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'happy', 'nice', 'trust', 'plan', 'the future', 'value', 'nwo', 'potus', 'trump', '45', 'facts', 'truth', 'lies', 'dark', 'light'] PT8M25S 15785 174 986 11 not set not set 2018-09-26T15:20:04.000Z Qw3gvw_pzTg UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Could Flynn Be Qanon [Gematria-Decoded] Clocks Running Out "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. Video Based On SB2 article below: Please Read Link:" The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'michael', 'flynn', 'qdrops', 'helping', 'coountry', 'freedom', 'flag', 'app', 'country', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'trump', 'brand', 'rachell', 'plan', 'trust', 'good', 'evil', 'lies', 'real', 'truth', 'light', 'dark', 'facts', 'q post', 'replaced', 'potus', '210 day life span', 'clock running out'] PT17M32S 11774 292 713 17 not set not set 2018-09-28T00:58:30.000Z VSSn5TdYmEE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Creepy Porn Lawyer Got Trolled By 4Chan Anon [Funny] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'burn', 'lies', 'truth', 'democratic national', 'pick', 'avanatti'] PT7M46S 5748 128 535 5 not set not set 2018-09-29T15:12:50.000Z GWa22YOpVKo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Qanon 9.29.18 The Storm Is Upon Us Washing Away The Filth "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at." The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'Patriot hour', 'love', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'potus', 'trump', 'helping', 'listen', 'honor', 'courage', 'commitment', 'those', 'nice', 'truth', 'lies', 'evil', 'good', 'bad', 'right', 'wrong'] PT8M35S 16230 240 993 10 not set not set 2018-10-05T19:39:13.000Z xVc2phXMTZM UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q What Is It? [Road To Freedom] WWG1WGA "Live chat live feed OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Patriot Tech Link Below. Behind the Scenes of Patriot Hour: Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #GodBlessGodSpeed" The Patriot Hour 22 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', 'hope', 'freedom', 'flag', 'country', 'those', 'lies', 'truth', 'dark', 'light', 'good', 'bad', 'folks', 'honor', 'sleep', 'awake', 'illusion', 'convo', 'facts', 'states', 'propoganda'] PT9M19S 163794 400 2647 81 not set not set 2018-10-10T16:27:02.000Z 3BeCcoC4DYI UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q 10.10.18 Fatigue & Frustration re: [Wheels Of Justice] SHARE "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'love peace', 'happy', 'country', 'freedom', 'potus', 'flag', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'land', 'free', 'honor', 'courage', 'comittment', 'lies', 'truth', 'Happy', 'facts', 'fear', 'Light', 'dark'] PT26M16S 11260 184 638 4 not set not set 2018-10-13T11:30:38.000Z ro63mTxwIYo UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Hillary Clinton’s Security Clearance Revoked [ It Took 1,279 Days] Common Trickery "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['Qclearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'clinton', 'lost', 'sercurity', 'clearances', 'helping', 'facts', 'folks', 'people', 'happy', 'like', 'nice', 'whimper'] PT12M48S 15877 428 1389 6 not set not set 2018-10-15T14:36:58.000Z m3T9N5IxLfE UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Biggest Intel Drops In History [Trea·son·ous-Trai·tor-Se·di·tion] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'happy', 'nice', 'facts', 'love', 'honor', 'peace', 'hope', 'lots', 'trump', 'potus'] PT7M46S 68932 369 3137 49 not set not set 2018-10-15T23:55:35.000Z _4AEQWSS6fk UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Veteran Anon's Understanding Of The Plan [Logical Thinking] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['QAnon', 'Qclearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', '16 year', 'plan', 'the plan', 'country', 'freedom', 'patriot', 'patriots', 'jfk', 'light', 'dark', 'plus', 'chance', 'good', 'evil', 'like', 'people', 'the world', 'happy', 'facts', 'great awakening', 'Q Team', 'please', 'thinking', 'dots'] PT5M45S 20571 254 1459 15 not set not set 2018-10-16T16:45:07.000Z GMGZMypsyHw UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Biggest Military Intel Drops And Understanding Them [The Plan] "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'peace', 'unity', 'facts', 'hope', 'people', 'live', 'help', 'dark', 'light', 'good', 'evil', 'truth', 'right', 'wrong', 'those', 'war times', 'conditions', 'Potus', 'Trump'] PT7M27S 45890 376 2449 32 not set not set 2018-10-22T02:41:58.000Z c4FkbHMOCh0 UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Q# A Tribute To The Community [Thank You] MUST WATCH " Video Source. Please Support Creators. OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['QAnon QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'peace', 'love', 'country', 'freedom', 'flag', 'hope', 'trust', 'plan', 'happy', 'facts', 'nice', 'patriots', 'potus', 'trump', 'nwo', 'illuamnti'] PT4M8S 8894 149 839 11 not set not set 2018-10-22T16:50:52.000Z AY8w2ZLtdbY UCwJq9pqEEUr5_OmwBWQxDKA Declas Of FISA Will Initiate [WWG1WGA] SHARE "OUR WEBSITE IS UP. Please Check it out and subscribe. Patreon support below: Pay Pal Donations Below: Twitter Account Below. twitter: Go Fund Link Below: Welcome to the Channel Fellow Patriots!!! Website coming soon and currently in the works. We also set up a PayPal Pool fund for the Patriot Hour New Computer/cams/Mics/etc. General new updated Equipment needs software etc. Needed to grow larger to expand the channel and bring more truth and fact. Thanks and God Bless to you all. Thanks for your Support. God speed and God bless. Please Subscribe and share and like this video Get the word out. Email us at: Q link for all to look at. #PatriotsInFullControl #WWG1WGA #walkaway" The Patriot Hour 25 ['QAnon', 'QClearance', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', 'freedom', 'falg', 'country', 'honor', 'iluumanti', 'potus', 'trump', 'nwo', 'patriots', 'patriot', 'helping', 'truth', 'happiness', 'love', 'flag', 'happy', 'hope'] PT4M26S 20937 299 1317 14 not set not set 2017-12-30T20:50:29.000Z r3BMFlSzW-g UCGsnNenQaaT8d-CNaBlo5yA ETs are Assisting Trump, Q & the White-Hats. Rest of Story! "What Q is not telling you: Trump and the White-Hats are being actively assisted by our neighbors in the Galaxy. The general public has no idea. Here is the full story. (Part 2 of 4-Part series on Event Date.) Book Link: (Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation by Tom Price ***** Please Subscribe to our channel **** We provide proof that 2012 is happening now in 2017 & beyond. We provide classes to ready and train you for this imminent transition. We provide the relevant news. Our WEB PAGE: Our YouTube CHANNEL: The Positive Side of 2012 FACEBOOK: Click here to Subscribe: Thank You! Key Words: QTZ1177, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, Alex Jones, disclosure, Geoengineering, ***** Sources ************** (1) Tom’s Book: “Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation” by Tom Price (2) Light Alliance Info (3) Gordon Asher Davidson Book The Transfiguration of our World (amazon) (4) Gordon Asher Davidson on Coast to Coast AM July 8, 2015" The Positive Side of 2012 25 ['QTZ1177', 'The New Republic', 'Revelations', 'Book of Revelation', 'Second Coming of Christ', 'The Rapture', 'The Event', 'The Goldfish Report', 'Global Currency Reset', 'Currency Reset', 'The Cabal', 'Ascension', 'Constitutional Republic', 'Restoring the Constitutional Republic', 'Trump', 'Geopolitics', 'The Downfall of the Cabal', 'Destroying the Illusion', 'What is Q', 'The Storm', 'Trumps Storm', 'The Galactics', 'The Light Alliance', 'The Alliance', 'Something Big Just Happened', 'Draining the Swamp', 'Qanon'] PT26M14S 42258 284 1121 46 not set not set 2018-02-11T21:54:54.000Z q03H8J0hvd8 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon Sunday 2/11/18 My first actual video going over the latest Q drops Sunday February 11th 2018 The Prison We live In 24 not set PT11M16S 164 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-11T23:22:24.000Z emQ7q_ufdOA UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon Latest 2/11/18 Snowden/ Russian plane crash The Prison We live In 24 not set PT10M37S 48 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T02:10:28.000Z MiNudbLSx4I UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon..Another!- 2/11/18 Q- McCain/Aberdeen The Prison We live In 24 not set PT9M22S 57 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T13:52:57.000Z yaBSgrUtQG8 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ 2/12/18 Q Anon~Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2/12/18 The Prison We live In 24 not set PT1M59S 281 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-13T17:43:17.000Z 6CxgOzzIDfg UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/13/18 Q Anon- #748-751 The Prison We live In 24 not set PT3M45S 601 2 2 1 not set not set 2018-02-14T23:04:37.000Z rtUiLIXsDBc UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q anon~From The Beginning #1-5 Q Anon~ An entire record of all of the Q posts. Starting with # 1 until I have a complete record of all of them. The Prison We live In 24 not set PT10M18S 322 5 6 1 not set not set 2018-02-15T02:43:08.000Z lvVSn878-7A UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ NEW! Heartless Swamp Creatures Q Anon~ New! The satanic Swamp Creaures have no heart!! The Prison We live In 24 not set PT2M54S 132 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-15T14:04:02.000Z f-zFj2jA59w UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon- 2/15/18 Q Anon~ Dirt Drugs/ John Perry Barlow/ Submarine The Prison We live In 24 not set PT17M19S 736 0 5 1 not set not set 2018-02-16T06:39:29.000Z 4pnz3dwQ2Fg UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/16/18 Q Anon~Big drop! The Prison We live In 24 not set PT32M53S 27813 66 186 22 not set not set 2018-02-17T02:14:35.000Z euKROLtFX9g UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/16/18 Bill Cooper Q Anon~2/16/18 Bill Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse The Prison We live In 24 not set PT7M3S 2193 13 29 0 not set not set 2018-02-17T05:40:18.000Z dH2xqz9nRig UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ 2/17/18 Warning UK Q Anon~2/17/18 [UK]!, Indictment The Prison We live In 24 not set PT7M40S 1755 6 18 1 not set not set 2018-02-18T23:52:20.000Z IPxesFSxV6k UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ 2/18/18 Sessions/Wray Q Anon~ 2/18/18 Sessions/Wray The Prison We live In 24 not set PT6M7S 10290 45 162 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T04:31:56.000Z b2dBikx3vXI UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/18/18 PT-2 Q Anon~2/18/18 PT-2 The Prison We live In 24 not set PT8M43S 494 5 15 0 not set not set 2018-02-21T15:48:42.000Z iYuBOdpmOUU UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/21/18 Q Anon~2/21/18 The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT14M1S 844 2 31 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T06:04:00.000Z ETUklmKk2wU UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/21/18 Q Anon~2/21/18 The Prison We live In 24 not set PT7M26S 151 3 13 1 not set not set 2018-02-24T02:10:54.000Z XUSuIoszvck UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/23/18 End MSM, CNN Set Up Q Anon~2/23/18 End MSM, CNN Set Up The Prison We live In 24 not set PT8M1S 1446 13 32 0 not set not set 2018-02-24T18:00:37.000Z oEgybkx6hVk UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~2/24/18 T-2 Warning, The Water Q Anon~2/24/18 T-2 Warning, The Water The Prison We live In 24 not set PT6M40S 1202 10 41 0 not set not set 2018-03-01T01:07:43.000Z 9xn65aqeUws UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ Hillary/Israel Q Anon~ Hillary/Israel- a breakdown today recent Q post and it's connection. The Prison We live In 24 not set PT11M38S 524 12 22 1 not set not set 2018-03-04T17:20:04.000Z k77o994MeqU UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/4/18 Q is back! Q Anon~ 3/4/18 Q is back! The latest Q post from late last night. The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT22M55S 302 16 14 1 not set not set 2018-03-04T19:55:14.000Z gKC8Rnhuys0 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/4/18 Roast, Net Neutrality Q Anon~3/4/18 Roast, Net Neutrality The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT8M45S 148 3 8 2 not set not set 2018-03-05T15:17:07.000Z q2jEyz_-eXI UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~Boom! Q Anon~Boom Boom Boom Boom! The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT4M40S 1481 11 30 2 not set not set 2018-03-06T17:59:23.000Z Xaq4zjeateY UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ 3/6/18 HRC time up? Q Anon~3/6/18 HRC time up? The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M23S 7101 51 118 6 not set not set 2018-03-07T00:02:51.000Z J6DNltp1U98 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ 3/6/18 BOOM Haiti Q Anon~ 3/6/18 BOOM Haiti The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT17M37S 2355 31 41 1 not set not set 2018-03-07T15:34:39.000Z Qmm5wxU18UU UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ Here comes HRC's cover? Q Anon~ Here comes HRC's cover? My take on a topic of a Q post from yesterday. The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT10M28S 12689 95 168 14 not set not set 2018-03-08T01:54:20.000Z niOmv6Xud40 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/7/18 Snowden, IBOR Q Anon~3/7/18 Snowden, IBOR The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT17M58S 515 3 14 1 not set not set 2018-03-08T18:59:55.000Z SqzDnjItDGQ UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/8/18 BOOM Trust JS? Q Anon~3/8/18 BOOM Trust JS? The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT11M2S 1262 24 26 2 not set not set 2018-03-09T05:01:26.000Z EdoPWjv7jmQ UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/8/18 #2 Kim Snowden FATF! Q Anon~3/8/18 #2 Kim Snowden FATF! The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M11S 579 8 22 0 not set not set 2018-03-09T20:29:16.000Z 5i1ims_aN5M UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/9/18 Don't drop the soap Q Anon~3/9/18 Don't drop the soap The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT18M6S 419 16 27 1 not set not set 2018-03-10T17:45:33.000Z gYJwOAGZvw4 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/10/18 Rex in Kenya Q Anon~3/10/18 Rex in Kenya The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT15M21S 1380 12 44 2 not set not set 2018-03-11T05:04:24.000Z 2qkW5TlmHQg UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/10/18 We Went Too Deep Q Anon~3/10/18 We Went Too Deep The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT39M43S 2501 54 84 3 not set not set 2018-03-13T18:13:09.000Z kgznuvmXTkw UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ Podesta/Bennington and the Nazi connection. Q Anon~ Podesta/Bennington and the Nazi connection. The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT29M17S 2951 47 185 3 not set not set 2018-03-15T17:29:36.000Z pyj3MjKE09o UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ A little light Q Anon~ A little light The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT45S 460 3 41 1 not set not set 2018-03-16T05:48:35.000Z pLEV0qPLQt8 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/15/18 March Madness/BOOOM!! Q Anon~3/15/18 March Madness/BOOOM!! The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT22M9S 995 22 57 0 not set not set 2018-03-17T21:51:30.000Z KzSlscaeH1s UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ Resistance low. Q Anon~ Resistance low. The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT2M40S 1744 29 111 0 not set not set 2018-03-18T16:32:27.000Z K-8FRy3wyHg UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/17/18 Biden/China Q Anon~3/17/18 Biden/China, posts from 3/17/18 The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT21M30S 1127 13 52 0 not set not set 2018-03-19T13:35:09.000Z g-EZ6sanScA UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/18/18 Panic Mode Q Anon~3/18/18 Panic Mode The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT4M25S 683 12 63 1 not set not set 2018-03-19T23:57:01.000Z uLT_ZDB7j2k UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ A Brazen Plot Q Anon~ A Brazen Plot The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT1M20S 621 25 73 1 not set not set 2018-03-21T22:21:35.000Z hiPhzHOJiR8 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/21/18 Predictable Q Anon~3/21/18 Predictable The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT10M58S 566 21 41 2 not set not set 2018-03-24T03:00:22.000Z A_m2TgPV6Es UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/23/18 Clock Activated Q Anon~3/23/18 Clock Activated The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT7M41S 995 40 72 2 not set not set 2018-03-26T03:29:12.000Z QXuvoG4a1EM UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~Evil Everywhere Q Anon~Evil Everywhere The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT2M24S 581 21 69 0 not set not set 2018-03-28T00:27:55.000Z 4oHjjv4ut8E UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~ The Nazi Order Q Anon~ The Nazi Order The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT48S 301 18 30 1 not set not set 2018-03-29T00:38:09.000Z _EDwTqhQQbA UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/28/18 Actors are Acting Q Anon~3/28/18 Actors are Acting The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT22M50S 447 16 31 0 not set not set 2018-03-29T05:04:02.000Z SInEqfmRv54 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~3/29/18 Fire In The Hole "Q Anon~3/29/18 Fire In The Hole" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT23M51S 708 13 33 3 not set not set 2018-03-31T20:50:49.000Z RWGnlp45cHY UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~Threats And Intimidations Q Anon~Threats And Intimidations The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT1M13S 543 5 39 1 not set not set 2018-04-03T14:33:59.000Z hfWVcjHVpKU UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/3/18 Big Month Q Anon~4/3/18 Big Month The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT19M53S 301 14 31 0 not set not set 2018-04-04T04:45:51.000Z muA1f0hhIp4 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/3/18 The Chair Serves The Master "Q Anon~4/3/18 The Chair Serves The Master" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT20M58S 526 27 35 0 not set not set 2018-04-07T04:27:13.000Z X4Nf8N0cAzs UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/6/18 April Showers Q Anon~4/6/18 April Showers The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT45M34S 393 26 28 0 not set not set 2018-04-07T21:27:02.000Z 5d4oWdeOCF8 UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/7/18 "We Are In Control" "Q Anon~4/7/18 ""We Are In Control"" Turley: Sessions' Using Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel - Breitbart › 2018/03/31" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT23M47S 455 26 43 1 not set not set 2018-04-08T19:54:19.000Z QvbB4CCgjvA UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/8/18 "Red Sparrow" "Q Anon~4/8/18 ""Red Sparrow"" Let Them Eat Cake - Artforum International" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT16M55S 582 27 57 2 not set not set 2018-04-09T18:07:49.000Z f4zYYjxo0nQ UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/9/18 "XMAS IN DC" "Q Anon~4/9/18 ""XMAS IN DC""" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT30M34S 487 23 41 1 not set not set 2018-04-10T05:54:51.000Z hBB6oxTA7XQ UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/10/18 "YOU are being TRACKED" "Q Anon~4/10/18 ""YOU are being TRACKED""" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT26M55S 757 20 29 0 not set not set 2018-04-11T04:04:44.000Z pl4Cc3EeOvw UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/10/18 @Snowden "Testify Then Drop" (audio)* "Q Anon~4/10/18 @Snowden ""Testify Then Drop"" I will be doing this along with my brother's Channel -Spaceshot76..Thanks for watching!!! My brothers channel. ...*this is just the audio version of the video. see normal video, uploaded earlier...peace" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT19M49S 497 8 34 0 not set not set 2018-04-11T12:54:01.000Z C5ZyLYojcug UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/10/18 @Snowden "Testify Then Drop" (full video) "Q Anon~4/10/18 @Snowden ""Testify Then Drop"" ...This is the full video...thank you all...enjoy" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT21M9S 438 6 32 1 not set not set 2018-04-12T22:53:57.000Z V5wY_tnN_To UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~Syria Q Anon~Syria although I have full trust and Q and our president. The powers-that-be have wanted war with Syria and the other countries for a long time. I am not suggesting that I do not trust Q. Thank you for watching. The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex J'] PT1M31S 258 3 29 2 not set not set 2018-04-12T23:38:47.000Z xbcYClxbaWQ UCsKIArmLS38g9oNIXr_BbSw Q Anon~4/12/18 "HONEYPOTS" "Q Anon~4/12/18 ""HONEYPOTS""" The Prison We live In 24 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Drain the swamp', 'Conspiracy', 'Nwo', 'Assange', 'Roy potter', 'American intelligence media', 'Judicial watch', 'Anti school', 'Reddit', '4 chan', '8 chan', 'Hillary', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Soros', 'Antifa', 'Alex j'] PT18M51S 624 30 32 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T20:38:30.000Z Y0Fi0oAP1BA UC2uPiHG7nzNm4pDbwMen-LA The Q-Files. In the Beginning The channel is devoted on only one topic -The Q Posts . Here im exploring the Q anon insider information dumps and systematically analyzing them one at a time. The Q-Files 25 ['Q clearance', 'Q anon', '4 chan', '8chan'] PT11M46S 125 3 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-08T14:29:32.000Z ad9HmTzJmBc UC2uPiHG7nzNm4pDbwMen-LA The Q-Files ... If you dance with the Devil...2910172P2No3 "The channel is devoted on only one topic -The Q Posts . Q ANON . the Q Conspiracy… Here im exploring the Q anon insider information dumps and systematically analysing them one at a time. starting from the beginning all the way through to present. Disclaimer: All works from Beyond the rabbit hole productions are criticism, comments, news reporting, teaching and research. -All footage taken falls under ''fair use'' of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). Therefore, no breach of privacy or copyright has been committed.All music and sound tracks have been legaly obtained via The Free Music Archive via Creative Commons law. -FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107" The Q-Files 25 ['Q clearance', '4 chan', '8chan', 'Q anon', 'Trump', 'deep state'] PT21M56S 58 3 1 0 not set not set 2018-05-01T19:17:21.000Z ViN0Q8gNkGc UClzzduoGebcTJdyQx0plsTg Who is Q annon ??? Mega Meme Drop The Real Slim Brady 27 not set PT18M34S 180 1 3 1 not set not set 2018-06-29T18:01:32.000Z raCD-uqUjy4 UClzzduoGebcTJdyQx0plsTg POPE Arrested - Huge News - Trump is draining the Swamp - Q annon IS Trump The Real Slim Brady 24 ['draining', 'drain', 'the swamp', 'drain the swamp', 'beau', 'brady', 'the real slim brady', 'bent cross', 'pope', 'arrested', 'pope arrested', 'breaking news', 'news', 'media', 'mainstream', 'event', 'impornant', 'wow', 'wtf', 'vatican', 'satanic', 'sacrifice', 'child traficking', 'cult', 'QAnnon', 'Q annon', 'trump', 'potus', 'patriot', 'funny'] PT18M45S 2551 32 28 9 not set not set 2017-11-09T19:58:11.000Z eJxIZTmObqs UCRSomrjG9sUnJqcxPUk3kXA PRES. TRUMP "Q" DROPS SECRET INTEL ON 4CHAN +++ " DON'T YOU JUST LOVE MY SUPER AWESOME CHANNEL? THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET YOU CAN SEE MY MASTERPIECES OF DIVINATION! 😅 SPONSOR MY INSPECTIONS OF THE MASTERMIND MAINSTREAM MEDIA & TOGETHER, WE WILL TRAVEL THROUGH THE RABBITHOLE INTO OZ, UNMASK THE VILLAINS IN OUR MAGICAL MYSTERY MACHINE & STRlKE WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT US— LIKE A PACK OF FURIOUS VELOCIRAPTORS! WE ARE THOSE MEDDLING KIDS THAT WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT! ! 👷👦👱👧🐕🐿 Support My Channel & Work Here: https://www.patreon/JamesMunder" The Research Revolution 2 not set PT44M16S 5614 63 121 8 not set not set 2018-01-07T19:51:08.000Z xSMU_VCIvF4 UCBqKcE4Q6XbqKVB5guxHL4g DIGGING DEEPER: SpaceX, Area 59, Loop Capital #Obama "Digging deeper into the Q posts. And remember, regardless of the connection to Q, this is still valuable information about the inner workings of elites. Link to sources used: Gab: @benspolitics Patreon:" The Right Media 25 ['q anon', 'spacex', 'elon', 'musk', 'area', '59', '4chan', 'obama', 'post', 'right', 'media', 'seth', 'rich', 'loop', 'capital', 'markets', 'investment', 'recent', 'latest', 'anonymous', 'trump', 'bannon'] PT8M21S 7687 60 435 7 not set not set 2018-01-27T04:02:03.000Z iMtYnEI7TRw UCBqKcE4Q6XbqKVB5guxHL4g Is Robert Mueller SWAMP? #Russiagate "Today I dove into the past (and present) of Robert Mueller and what he's done for me to draw such a brash conclusion. Link to sources used: Gab/Twitter: @benspolitics Our efforts are continued through your contributions. More videos can be produced with more content disseminated the more I'm able to hire outside researchers. Patreon: Paypal: (email it can be sent to is" The Right Media 25 ['robert', 'mueller', 'russia', 'trump', 'collusion', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'cbts', 'calm before', 'the storm'] PT20M33S 33522 320 1790 31 not set not set 2018-01-29T02:50:15.000Z TLrEOsVThPk UCBqKcE4Q6XbqKVB5guxHL4g BIG NAMES need their lawyer... #Podesta #Clinton "Today I discovered these letters sent out by the US Senate Judiciary Committee. Very interesting as there's a LOT of big names involved... I should mention, Chuck Grassley is the same guy who pushed the IG Empowerment Act of 2015 to give power to Horowitz so he could do his job. Link to sources used: Gab/Twitter: @benspolitics Our efforts are continued through your contributions. More videos can be produced with more content disseminated the more I'm able to hire outside researchers. Patreon: Paypal: (email it can be sent to is" The Right Media 25 ['debbie', 'wasserman', 'schultz', 'podesta', 'john', 'tony', 'tom perez', 'benenston', 'indictments', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'hfa', 'garssley', 'graham', 'fisa', 'memo', 'release the', 'releasethememo', 'uranium one', 'uranium'] PT10M38S 58685 294 2275 26 not set not set 2018-03-21T23:45:59.000Z LdPCQjxeyGo UCBqKcE4Q6XbqKVB5guxHL4g The REAL Deep State (Senior Executive Service) #SES "I did a LOT of research on the Senior Executive Service (SES), read through some government documents, and this is my presentation of the findings. Enjoy! MY WEBSITE - BITCHUTE - PATREON: PAYPAL: (email it can be sent to is BITCOIN donation address: 1DqfXv8egmTUcQMmMbaVvEJfshuicCpfou Twitter/Gab: @benspolitics Link to sources:" The Right Media 25 ['politics', 'ses', 'senior', 'executive', 'service', 'deep', 'state', 'cia', 'fbi', 'doj', 'mueller', 'comey', 'rosenstein', 'obama', 'holdover', 'leftover', 'trump', 'russia', 'q anon', 'qanon'] PT16M55S 31098 382 1935 24 not set not set 2018-03-26T01:45:04.000Z B3q4gI028bI UCBqKcE4Q6XbqKVB5guxHL4g OBAMA & BUSH SES EXPOSED! #SES "Today I dove into the SES members that plagued the Obama and Bush presidencies. It was really eye-opening to connect the scandals they were involved in with the fact they were SES members. If you follow Q, the SES is the Keystone Q talks about. Jimmy Carter, who started the SES, coined it as the ""Keystone"". PATREON: PAYPAL: (email it can be sent to is BITCOIN donation address: 1DqfXv8egmTUcQMmMbaVvEJfshuicCpfou BITCHUTE: EMAIL: Twitter/Gab: @benspolitics Link to sources:" The Right Media 25 ['politics', 'obama', 'bush', 'ses', 'senior', 'executive', 'service', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'keystone', 'john bolton', 'north korea', 'trump', 'cbts', 'calm before', 'the storm'] PT18M31S 25179 344 1772 14 not set not set 2018-04-15T18:09:50.000Z BqQCsdQ7qkI UCBqKcE4Q6XbqKVB5guxHL4g 4/15: MCCABE'S LIES IN IG REPORT RELEASED "Today, I'll be going through the Andrew McCabe section of the IG Report that has been released, pointing out what's crucial information, and then tying it back into everything we've been talking about on this channel. PATREON: PAYPAL: (email it can be sent to is Twitter/Gab: @benspolitics LINK TO DOC:" The Right Media 25 ['mccabe', 'comey', 'ig report', 'ig', 'inspector', 'general', 'horowitz', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'cbts', 'lies', 'trump', 'clinton', 'email', 'investigation', 'april', 'showers'] PT1H8M24S 7100 64 622 3 not set not set 2018-06-17T11:14:40.000Z opcirKwPvF8 UC3Jy60dUkUn_pDAwABfGScQ Michael Joseph - Q Anon & Occultism: Follow the White Rabbit (June 2018) "A video talking about esoteric relationships to the idea of Q Anon. We go over topics relating to Occultism, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Hollywood, world events and secret society initiations in regards to the “follow the White Rabbit” motif. Lastly we cover some interesting parallels to the Gospel of Q in Biblical theological debates. Please SUBCRIBE to Michael's channel: –––– Additional Links –––– Series Links & Discussions: JFK THC Video Series: Occult Science Series: Occult Guide to Crypto Currency Series: 2018 NWO Astro Forecast Series: 9.11 Talk With Sage of Quay (Goddess Between Pillars): Lucifer/Sophia/Mary/Celestial Virgin, Orthodox vs. Gnostic “Satan” and Rosemary’s Baby Allegory Lucifer, Divine Pride & the Horned Devil Satan 27.1: Lucifer/Mary/Celestial Virgin 27.2: Rosemary Virgin & the Whore Duality & “Moisture” and the Moon of Osiris The Moisture of Osiris, the King & the Moon 6.1: The Whore and the Lover 6.5: The Two Lions 6.6: The Rosarium & Rosemary Virgin 6.7: The Virgin/Whore, Sophia & Rosemary 6.9: Neptune, Hanged Man & Sacrifice NWO 2018 Neptune 6.0: NWO 2018 Neptune 6.1: UN Lucifer “Sacrifice” Doctrine 1.1: UN Lucifer/Prometheus “Sacrifice” Doctrine 1.2: Neptune & the Sea 17.0: The Vatican Sea of Neptune in Pisces 28.2: The Dark Ages, Catholic Church, Cosmos & the Heroes of the Mysteries Giordano Bruno & the Inquisition 9.0: Giordano Bruno & Baphomet/Satan 9.1: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos & Bruno: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.0: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.1: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.2: Cosmos Historical Distortion 11.0: Freemasonry & Occultism Using Enemies to Advantage: Albert Pike Morals and Dogma, Eliphas Levi & Knights Templar Tactics 1.0: Chapter 30 Morals and Dogma Analysis 3.4: Obama Vs. Trump, Polarity & Opposition NWO 2018 Transforming American Values 4.2: Articles & Links: Obama 2012 Halloween Alice in Wonderland Party: Donald Trump Tweet on Obama Party: Freeing Roman Polanski Petition by Hollywood: [Terry Gilliam (Dr. Parnassus) & Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) both signed petition] Tate Murders Hoax ?: Natalie Portman Regrets Signing Petition: Book of Q Anon PDF: The Atlantic on the Gospel of Q - PBS Article on the Gospel of Q - Greg Hanson Article on Q - Elaine Pagels Article on Q -" The Sage of Quay Radio Hour 27 ['Conspiracy Research', 'Alternative Research', 'Alternative Health', 'Truth Community', 'Esoteric', 'Occult', 'Matrix', 'New World Order', 'Metaphysics', 'Spirituality', 'Critical Thinking', 'Freethinking', 'Interview', '#SageOfQuay'] PT39M54S 3946 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-17T11:26:07.000Z h3GjYEgmq74 UCBWopJpvMR-rIdYqQdxr33g Michael Joseph - Q Anon & Occultism: Follow the White Rabbit (June 2018) "A video talking about esoteric relationships to the idea of Q Anon. We go over topics relating to Occultism, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Hollywood, world events and secret society initiations in regards to the “follow the White Rabbit” motif. Lastly we cover some interesting parallels to the Gospel of Q in Biblical theological debates. Please SUBCRIBE to Michael's channel: –––– Additional Links –––– Series Links & Discussions: JFK THC Video Series: Occult Science Series: Occult Guide to Crypto Currency Series: 2018 NWO Astro Forecast Series: 9.11 Talk With Sage of Quay (Goddess Between Pillars): Lucifer/Sophia/Mary/Celestial Virgin, Orthodox vs. Gnostic “Satan” and Rosemary’s Baby Allegory Lucifer, Divine Pride & the Horned Devil Satan 27.1: Lucifer/Mary/Celestial Virgin 27.2: Rosemary Virgin & the Whore Duality & “Moisture” and the Moon of Osiris The Moisture of Osiris, the King & the Moon 6.1: The Whore and the Lover 6.5: The Two Lions 6.6: The Rosarium & Rosemary Virgin 6.7: The Virgin/Whore, Sophia & Rosemary 6.9: Neptune, Hanged Man & Sacrifice NWO 2018 Neptune 6.0: NWO 2018 Neptune 6.1: UN Lucifer “Sacrifice” Doctrine 1.1: UN Lucifer/Prometheus “Sacrifice” Doctrine 1.2: Neptune & the Sea 17.0: The Vatican Sea of Neptune in Pisces 28.2: The Dark Ages, Catholic Church, Cosmos & the Heroes of the Mysteries Giordano Bruno & the Inquisition 9.0: Giordano Bruno & Baphomet/Satan 9.1: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Cosmos & Bruno: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.0: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.1: Hypatia High Priestess Virgin Goddess 10.2: Cosmos Historical Distortion 11.0: Freemasonry & Occultism Using Enemies to Advantage: Albert Pike Morals and Dogma, Eliphas Levi & Knights Templar Tactics 1.0: Chapter 30 Morals and Dogma Analysis 3.4: Obama Vs. Trump, Polarity & Opposition NWO 2018 Transforming American Values 4.2: Articles & Links: Obama 2012 Halloween Alice in Wonderland Party: Donald Trump Tweet on Obama Party: Freeing Roman Polanski Petition by Hollywood: [Terry Gilliam (Dr. Parnassus) & Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) both signed petition] Tate Murders Hoax ?: Natalie Portman Regrets Signing Petition: Book of Q Anon PDF: The Atlantic on the Gospel of Q - PBS Article on the Gospel of Q - Greg Hanson Article on Q - Elaine Pagels Article on Q -" The Sage of Quay Radio Hour II 27 ['Conspiracy Research', 'Alternative Research', 'Alternative Health', 'Truth Community', 'Esoteric', 'Occult', 'Matrix', 'New World Order', 'Metaphysics', 'Spirituality', 'Critical Thinking', 'Freethinking', 'Interview', '#SageOfQuay'] PT39M54S 331 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-03T03:26:06.000Z WNO98a1BfII UCXFJQVd7oC-icCw294jDnMw Mesage to Q.HRC kill team/HRC SNUFF vid part 2 The HRC kill team active and a message to Q to stop them. The Sainted Anon Channel 22 not set PT20M10S 200912 1309 3520 401 not set not set 2018-07-21T06:35:32.000Z Z4sI98ZG5Ts UCXFJQVd7oC-icCw294jDnMw Q anon " The floor is yours" R=JFK jr? Part 1 " Janineanon, have a look and sub. Thx Janine." The Sainted Anon Channel 22 not set PT14M47S 12450 132 353 11 not set not set 2018-07-30T04:09:54.000Z eq1dnskrfrA UCXFJQVd7oC-icCw294jDnMw BOMBSHELL Issac Kappy drops De Niro Schiff, Issac apart of Q Army? " Like the photo Arch? Thx again!!!! And a BIG THX TO KAPPY!!!" The Sainted Anon Channel 22 not set PT35M16S 36279 450 1200 42 not set not set 2018-08-03T05:12:58.000Z o8vhhSMtEvo UCXFJQVd7oC-icCw294jDnMw Q drops why Alex Jones attacks Issac Kappy and NSA. "The Zionist/Global butt plug Alex Jones attack Issac Green and NSA in interview, Corey Feldmen does also. Q drop." The Sainted Anon Channel 22 not set PT18M18S 33222 631 944 135 not set not set 2018-08-19T06:15:09.000Z QgXx9aFLs2E UCXFJQVd7oC-icCw294jDnMw BOMBSHELL Q drops CIA agent assassin in MSM, Euro Pedo's "Warning graphic not suitable for minors . Boom, Katie G drops bomb" The Sainted Anon Channel 22 not set PT24M59S 30160 526 1774 25 not set not set 2018-01-02T13:52:15.000Z EHhinEuGG_s UC5ZQWYMPFXebjZAu_rrP93A TowerGate - Day 299 - What of Q Anon? And is Huma Going to be Joining Her Hubby? Today we take a look at Q Anon and his recent Seth Rich revelations. Also, classified email are on Huma's hubby's laptop. Huma sent them there. Huma may be getting sent to a similar place as her husband. The Seeker 22 ['trump', 'pro trump', 'president trump news', 'huma emails', 'weiner laptop classified information', 'breaking news', 'north korea', 'iran protest', 'q anon', 'Q Anon', 'qanon', 'dossier', 'russia dossier', 'deep state', 'trump coup', 'hillary scandal', 'fusion gps lawsuit', 'gubarev dossier', 'devin nunes dossier', 'fbi corruption', 'fbi doj cover up'] PT33M35S 1259 50 55 1 not set not set 2018-07-02T22:40:03.000Z 3zjVtoWeNEA UC8ZNl7Qb-iSoI45iLcao5dw Las Vegas Shooting- The Magic Show. What happened to ...??? Was this an Inside job??? "Under Fair USE and educating and sharing info... ***Update 11/16/2018: Updated info about video... Same video tied in with security cam.. Light Scrubbed? *** Update 08/25/2018 AWWWWWW Yeah! IT'S NOT OVER!!! F.O.I.A. records RELEASE DECLINED!!! Bringing info from Bitchute Channel to here soon... This was a result finding... You already know now that news media WILL NOT COVER THIS! This will be DENIED. Don't believe me? Try it... Let the Great Debates...... BEGIN!!! Was this Operation Project High Incident? Anything for a sale? Even at the cost of taking lives? Why the Stand Down? Who ordered it? What happens if it goes wayyy up it starts to involve national security because of finanial ties? What did POTUS say? Why is it different than what was caught on video? Does POTUS know? Should POTUS know? What if POTUS refuses to acknowledge? What then? You will find out who is and who isn't telling the truth... Reviewing the Las Vegas Shooting 911 call #123... Also ties in flight logs and video... Walking through steps to give you a little surprise that showed up on video that wouldn't not show up on normal video... Would this qualify as a ""CoverUp"" -Yes By Whom? Sheriff says 1 person. 1 person contacted, suicided with 1 other person. Sundance route Pilot in light now... Sheriff was forced to release evidence... Did he know/ participate also? Why the rotations/retirements? Who participated? Found Sundance route with video. Will the pilots who flew start being questioned? Who wiped out phones and phone data clouds? How will questions be asked? Was this another Diplomatic Immunative move against the people of the U.S.? Who claimed responsiility? What Factions create it? Something Deeper in the State of Nevada? Who requested it? Who retired? Who got rotated out? Who and why the rotation in? Who else knew about it? -Pilot of Sundance route. Chatter located... It's called the ""high incident project"". they want to make the american public think that places with extremely high security aren't safe. they are trying to create more regulations. you will see laws proposed within the next few years to put up more metal detectors and other security devices. media and politicians will be saying places with lots of police need even more police. i can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but las vegas is on their minds. -john Will there be justice? (kinda hard, some suicided...) John found... Invlovled? What was found? 911 call # 123 from Las Vegas Shooting Arhive Truth Tracker's Flight Video Johnny_Conspiracy Flight Video East Side of Venue-Las Vegas Shooting Archive Mirrored and more at BitChute Channel (I know it's lower quality. It's better than nothing... Yes, more info at bithute mirror. What do you think? Thanks Q! WWG1WGA! Sunday, July 1, 2018 NSA is deleting records due to ""techinical irregularities""... ThanQ for letting us know.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! ""Who else is on the ""Higher Loyalty List""? Thanx for the intervention. Watch This Video. Already got screenshot on BitChute mirror before this came out. Good video..." The Shadow Banned Files w/ Manny S 22 ['las', 'vegas', 'shooting', 'flight', '911', 'call', '123', 'magic', 'show', 'massacre', 'helicopter', 'helicopters'] PT34M22S 6401 90 88 9 not set not set 2018-08-08T15:32:50.000Z aZ6_W6E0BiE UC8ZNl7Qb-iSoI45iLcao5dw Q Anon Pub Web Site is Back Up. "Woke up, The Q-anon Pub Site is down. They put a lot of effort into the vid... Reminds me of Kids Next Door's ""The Lovely Kids from Down the Lane..."" How long... Don't know... ~Update: Site is now.. Qdrop.PUB QMap.Pub Beer, Duritos, and Dew is Best..." The Shadow Banned Files w/ Manny S 22 ['qanon', 'web', 'site', 'down', 'anon'] PT10M43S 455 18 11 1 not set not set 2017-12-30T21:49:52.000Z hGw55yRVj78 UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner "Breaking the CABAL: NEW Q Anon Christmas, Julian Assange TWITTER taken down before Wikileak document dump, then QAnon posts mysterious ""twitter secure"" post and the WikiLeaks page goes back up with 24 suspects... and a ""secure window of 5-6"" Mystery booms - military clearing the tunnels videos: #1 #2 Hillary Clinton weapons trafficking: JFK, Trump, Las Vegas Patsy video: Link to ""Against the Globalists"" channel and Citizens Investigative Report website: James Munder channel and Q + the storm research Lionel Nation channel - Q Anon and Deep Throat Watergate, etc American Intelligence Media channel - Eric Shmidt steps down as CEO _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, QAnon, the coming storm, the calm before the storm" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['QAnon', 'Jesussaves', 'jesusiscoming', 'Messiah', 'Yeshua', 'Salvation', 'illuminati', 'Jesus Christ', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'Christreigns', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'Bible', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'thestorm', 'comingstorm', 'calmbeforestorm'] PT20M25S 8875 28 168 4 not set not set 2018-01-03T20:32:46.000Z dZjvgZF2XiY UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA BREAKING: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. song, CLINTON #swamp "Julian Assange tweets Paper Planes song by MIA, 65 GB file and posted encryption key to twitter. Also connections between Bridgewater executives in plane and James Comey, fired FBI director. Connections between Clinton Foundation and Compass group in plane. Plus power outages and evacuations at airports around the world in pas few weeks. Q posts and how they relate to WikiLeaks, etc. Link to list of Clinton connections from video: Link to my last video on this subject and Q anon, from just a few days ago: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or my Paypal address is Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, seth rich, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['swamp', 'thestorm', 'comingstorm', 'qanon', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'salvation', 'getsaved', 'xtremerealitycheck'] PT20M6S 2047 8 58 1 not set not set 2018-01-08T06:48:26.000Z t_k5YHS-c54 UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon MAP leads us Right to WHO is... (Plus NEW Jan 2018 Q Anon Posts) "Something strange is going on with the newest January 2018 Q posts, but all is well with the trip codes and IP verifications now. Here is the link to the video that I mentioned by Brandon Lee Ward if you can't wait to see them, as we continue sorting things out. Q Posts 1.5.18. Some Strange Things are Happening... #QAnon Q-Anon "" And here is the link to the ""Through the Looking-Glass"" Learn to read the maps page that has a HUGE resource stack of maps and lists and CARTOGRAPHY of the globalist cabal: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ Video #1: #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner Video #2. NEW: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. music video, CLINTON #swamp Reddit link with footage of black SUVs and someone being removed from plane: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, seth rich, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['JesusSaves', 'jesusiscoming', 'jesuslovesyou', 'Christisking', 'jesusfreak', 'Jesus Christ', 'jesus-christ', 'jesuschrist', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'Messiah', 'Yeshua', 'Yahushua', 'Salvation', 'Savior', 'Son of God', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'holyspirit', 'Holy Bible', 'Bible', 'QAnon', 'storm', 'thestorm', 'thecomingstorm', 'comingstorm', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'whiterabbit', 'rabbithole', 'wearewithchrist', 'endtimes', 'end times', 'end-times', 'tribulation', 'prophecy', 'oureyesareopen', 'wedonotconsent'] PT11M41S 49008 102 656 31 not set not set 2018-01-09T23:26:22.000Z F4902AWyftA UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA BREAKING: #QAnon - BEST Are we at Defcon 1? Is this a PsyOp? REAL January 2018 Q Posts #TheStorm "Are we at DEFCON 1? Analysis of NEWEST Q Anon posts. Growing network of white hats. In the ""establishment's"" attempt to dumb down and pacify a generation with video games as and such, they unwittingly created their own nemesis... a generation of SUPER-Sleuths who have been trained to solve puzzles. Go get 'em tiger... or should I say Lion! If you need to catch up, here are my last 4 Q-Anon vids in order: #1 #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner #2 NEW: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. music video, CLINTON #swamp #3 BREAKING: Last #QAnon Post - DELTA Force or Delta AIRLINES? More STRANGE Plane & Airports #4 #QAnon - January 2018 posts + ""Learn to read the map"" Q Anon Map leads us to who is... _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period #QAnon - January 2018 posts + ""Learn to read the map"" Q Anon Map leads us Right to who is... Something strange is going on with the newest January 2018 Q posts, but all is well with the trip codes and IP verifications now. Here is the link to the video that I mentioned by Brandon Lee Ward if you can't wait to see them, as we continue sorting things out. "" Q Posts 1.5.18. Some Strange Things are Happening... #QAnon Q-Anon "" And here is the link to the ""Through the Looking-Glass"" Learn to read the maps page that has a HUGE resource stack of maps and lists and CARTOGRAPHY of the globalist cabal: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ Video #1: #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner Video #2. NEW: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. music video, CLINTON #swamp Reddit link with footage of black SUVs and someone being removed from plane: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, seth rich, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period, follow the white rabbit, whiterabbit, rabbit hole, through the looking glass, cabal" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['qanon', 'swamp', 'draintheswamp', 'storm', 'comingstorm', 'thecomingstorm', 'whiterabbit', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'jesussaves', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible'] PT23M8S 5713 45 121 3 not set not set 2018-01-24T20:12:26.000Z igUuobLQRAw UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA January 31, 2018 ECLIPSE - "Blue Blood" SUPER Moon #QAnon POSTS "Judgement Day" "Q Anon posts ""Great Awakening"" and ""Judgment Day"" on same day as a cryptic message about THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS and ""Timing is everything"" Signs of the times, Lunar Eclipse on 1/31/18 and how that lines up with everything from the Earthquake watch to President Trump's State of the Union address... to the Revelation 12 sign on September 23 2017... to the blood moon tetrads on the Jewish Feast days... to the birth of Christ Star of Bethlehem alignment... to the birth of the abomination... to the Age of Aquarius alignment signifying the outpouring of the Holy Spirit... and much more. SIGNS OF THE TIMES... please get saved NOW and get your soul right with God. He will be judging the fruits of our lives, and separating the sheep from the goats. _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ To SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or you may contribute at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credit video links: Age of Aquarius outpouring: Crystal Clay son's dream: Rapture Puzzle: the Missing piece and the 40 day count: Also clips from Perry Stone Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming 923 1111 star of Bethlehem alignment revelation 12 sign on September 23 2017 qanon q anon q-anon white hats white rabbit, follow the white rabbit, great awakening 8chan, 4chan" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['qanon', 'comingstorm', 'thestorm', 'storm', 'draintheswamp', 'trump', 'donald trump', 'potus', 'bluebloods', 'blueblood', 'eclipse', 'lunareclipse', 'blue moon', 'bluemoon', 'supermoon', 'bloodmoon', 'blood moon tetrad', 'superbloodbluemoon', 'signs', 'thesign', 'revelation12sign', '923', '9/23', 'september23', 'q-anon', 'whitehats', 'whiterabbit', 'rabbithole', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'greatawakening', 'jesus-is-coming', 'jesus-saves', 'jesuslovesyou', 'Jesus Christ', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'Christianity', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'prophecy', 'book of revelation'] PT13M7S 45651 262 760 42 not set not set 2018-01-29T15:29:47.000Z warJcm40ecA UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon NEW POSTS #GreatAwakening - American Revolution #comingstorm "Q-Anon says ""Judgment Day"" near State of the Union Address January 30 2018, plus Q talks about a huge dump of emails, texts, videos and pictures coming. He speaks about #releasethememo #memo and even cryptically implies that rogue FBI agents may have been targeting the life of President Trump or his family members. Everything from the Saudi Prince being arrested and tweeting to Donald Trump... to the Salem Witch Trials. Link to Q posts: Dopey and Black Forest 2018 will be ""glorious"" says the Q team Maxine waters gives Democrat reply to State of the Union Great Awakening and Judgment Day posts Hillary Clinton HRC and the Haiti cabal And much more... _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period, follow the white rabbit, rabbit hole, white hats, Q anon posts analysis, revelation 12 sign September 23 2017 then October 2017 QAnon shows up" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['qanon', 'greatawakening', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'American Revolution', 'Washington', 'GeorgeWashington', 'Donald Trump', 'potus'] PT31M41S 44355 258 837 38 not set not set 2018-02-07T01:17:09.000Z 0XleP3pevwA UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA 2/6 NEW #QAnon - TRUMP goes after SCHIFF + 666 STOCK MARKET drop + Bitcoin "Feb 6, 2018 - New Q Anon posts about property and stock sales, Bitcoin and crypto currencies, Blunt and MI6, the Clinton fires, Rothschild Estate and much more. Link to Q posts: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ Q anon, Q-Anon, drain the swamp, the coming storm, follow the white rabbit down this rabbit hole, great awakening, patriots God bless America, we are watching the fulfillment of Bible prophecy right before our eyes, when all hidden things come to light during the book of Revelation. Jesus is coming." The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['qanon', 'bitcoin', 'stockmarket', 'draintheswamp', 'the coming storm', 'greatawakening', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'JesusChrist', 'Messiah', 'Yeshua', 'savior', 'salvation', 'Jesussaves', 'jesusiscoming', 'God', 'HolySpirit', 'HolyBible', 'Bible'] PT21M35S 5235 56 268 5 not set not set 2018-03-07T06:11:24.000Z pQ8EJoukfBc UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon - Update Q anon POSTS - "Mind" BLOWING "March 2018 Qanon posts - 1 in series of 4: Snowden, White House, Hannity and the LINK. Please subscribe and share to help beat back the beast. New Q videos will be flowing next few days. God bless you and yours! SCARY Frequency Technology - 5 Scientific Examples Whistleblower Tells All - Frequency EXPERIMENTS on unwitting American Cities #QAnon - TRUMP Chosen - Analysis of WIKILEAKS - Dr. JEROME CORSI + Julian Assange FREE #QAnon - January 2018 posts + ""Learn to read the map"" Q Anon Map leads us to who is... TRUMP to release CLASSIFIED JFK papers - Las Vegas Hillary Clinton CAUGHT U1 Credit Link to Jacob Israel: WHISTLEBLOWER links MANDELA EFFECT to (A.I.) Computer Generated MIND CONTROL! Project Jabberwocky +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening boom, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, jesus is coming, return of christ MUSIC: The Amazing Kevin Macleod (Thank you) ""District Four"",""Mesmerize"",""Heavy heart"",""Magic Forest"" ""Non Stop"" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['greatawakening', 'thestorm', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'qanon8chan', 'draintheswamp', 'whiterabbit', 'comingstorm', 'wethepeople', 'oureyesareopen', 'wedonotconsent', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'jesus-is-coming', 'God', 'holyspirit', 'holybible'] PT31M27S 5768 55 229 9 not set not set 2018-03-13T01:47:40.000Z -O6kBlrxpeM UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon - EYES to the SKY + Dr. Jerome Corsi #internetbillofrights #IBOR "Newest March 11 2018 Q Anon Post Analysis (March 4-11) 2/11 NEW #QAnon posts - WHAT HAPPENED to the Doctors? MIND BLOWING ""Chain of Command"" Biggest SECRET - The REAL PEACE TREATY - Humans v. Nephilim Is Anything REAL Now? A.I. software app Credit for Jerome Corsi clip - Full video link: March 7 Dr Jerome Corsi Decodes Latest Qanon Posts #869 - #877 INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['greatawakening', 'draintheswamp', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'thecomingstorm', 'calm before the storm', 'comingstorm', 'thestorm', 'jeromecorsi', 'internetbillofrights', 'internet bill of rights', 'ibor', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wethepeople', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'Jesus-Christ', 'jesus-is-coming', 'Yeshua', 'Messiah', 'savior', 'God', 'Holyspirit', 'holy-spirit', 'holybible', 'Holy-Bible', 'holy bible', 'book of revelation'] PT33M26S 4115 93 229 11 not set not set 2018-03-16T04:26:00.000Z u4YklKusfvA UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon #Snowden #Wikileaks - N does NOT refer to "NEW" "March 15 - There are 7 new Q posts that just hit minutes ago, but this vid was already uploading. Last one, just now, says ""March Madness. Public will know soon."" I expect more shortly, and I'll upload Q analysis after I study them out . This video catches up through the point of the March 10 2018 Q drops. I will still be uploading in depth videos on ""watch the water"" and ""make it rain"" and the Disney ""magic"" Q-anon posts in the near future. But they will be sprinkled in among a few other regular videos I need to make. My prophetic ""GLIMPSE"" about the internet and Asians Qanon maps: Link to Alexander the Great and ""gleaming silver shields"" intervention Biggest SECRET - The REAL PEACE TREATY - Humans v. Nephilim _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, L-6 and Dr. Jerome Corsi Q analysis, please check out his new book on this subject. God bless you and yours!" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'greatawakening', 'wethepeople', 'draintheswamp', 'thestorm', 'thecomingstorm', 'comingstorm', 'whiterabbit', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'jesus-christ', 'Messiah', 'Savior', 'Yeshua', 'God', 'holyspirit', 'holybible', 'bibleprophecy'] PT59M31S 2960 38 173 4 not set not set 2018-04-12T00:32:32.000Z TR9uLd5i8Cs UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon - GOVT Insider WHISTLEBLOWER Tells all - SD, U1, Russia, CNN ... much MORE "Testimony from Major George ""Racey"" Jordan about the secret diaries he kept concerning the State Department and corruption that goes back several decades. Link to ALL Q-Anon posts: Qanon maps: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, Dr. Jerome Corsi Q analysis, please check out his new book on this subject. God bless you and yours!" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'thestorm', 'comingstorm', 'thecomingstorm', 'greatawakening', 'draintheswamp', 'whiterabbit', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wethepeople', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'HolySpirit', 'HolyBible'] PT1H14M9S 2122 21 110 2 not set not set 2018-04-13T20:45:54.000Z QzUAy5O6FPM UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon - BEST OF Zuckerberg FACEBOOK Hearings, DHS Docs + Cell Phone footage "Highlights from the Congressional Committee Hearings with Mark Zuckerberg concerning Facebook scandals. A few NEW posts from the most recent Q drop, Q Anon analysis, DHS documents, Cell Phone footage. Link to ALL Q-Anon posts: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, Dr. Jerome Corsi Q analysis, please check out his new book on this subject. God bless you and yours" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['draintheswamp', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'greatawakening', 'thestorm', 'qsentus', 'thecomingstorm', 'comingstorm', 'calmbeforethestorm', 'wedonotconsent', 'wethepeople', 'wearewithchrist', 'JesusChrist', 'Jesus', 'Messiah', 'Savior', 'Yeshua', 'jesus is coming', 'God', 'Holy-spirit', 'HolySpirit', 'Holy-Bible', 'HolyBible', 'Bible', 'book of revelation'] PT33M59S 1506 26 97 0 not set not set 2018-04-18T22:30:19.000Z 5WE4xSKrwJQ UCfRQ7RkUaRZF7W_UzdvNddA #QAnon "SET UP" Armenia Connection YOUNG TURKS "Most recent Q Anon Drop with decoding, world history, Shriners, Young Turks, Armenia, etc... Link to full documentary on the World History of the Young Turks: Qanon maps: Link to all Q-Anon posts from very beginning until present: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, Dr. Jerome Corsi Q analysis, please check out his new book on this subject. God bless you and yours!" The Supernatural - God is NOT dead 22 ['greatawakening', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'whiterabbit', 'draintheswamp', 'thestorm', 'comingstorm', 'thecomingstorm', 'wedonotconsent', 'wethepeople', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'jesuschrist', 'jesus', 'messiah', 'savior', 'Yeshua', 'God', 'Holy-Spirit', 'HolySpirit', 'Bible', 'Holy Bible', 'book of revelation'] PT36M19S 2792 53 123 5 not set not set 2018-08-20T04:37:40.000Z WQHAxhcoKoQ UCnvt7y_TyufkljU-KfS8yaw 72: Who is Q Anon? "Source: If there’s a question of the day, the obvious one is... Who is Q?… or What is Q?… or Who are Q?… or where or what or when is Q? If you’ve been paying attention to the news, mainstream or otherwise at this point, there’s a pretty good likelihood that Q Anon has come across your radar in one way or another. The mainstream media spins him or it into an “alt-right absurd conspiracy theory” while many conspiracists believe he or it is something of a sinister distraction…. Then there are those like Scott McElroy who believes and is close to swaying Craig and I into believing that Q is exactly what he or it says he or it is. Today’s episode is my conversation with Scott and Craig about Q’s emergence, predictions, and credibility. We cover what we know, yet still likely barely scratch the surface. Is Q a bunk? Is he a hoax? or is Q, just maybe a prophet of what’s to come. All of that and more on today’s episode of The System is Down “Who is Q Anon?”     Question Everything and Stay Uncomfortable  Let's get weird!   The System is Down:  The Downers Club:  Open Discussion: Buy Some SWAG:  Facebook: Twitter:" The System is Down 24 ['podbean', 'conspiracies', 'politics', 'Media', 'pizzagate', 'news', 'Crime', 'Q...'] PT1H31M 114 3 2 1 not set not set 2018-08-21T04:59:52.000Z 8WobsSeO87M UCnvt7y_TyufkljU-KfS8yaw Who is Q Anon? (Live Interview) "If there’s a question of the day, the obvious one is... Who is Q?… or What is Q?… or Who are Q?… or where or what or when is Q? If you’ve been paying attention to the news, mainstream or otherwise at this point, there’s a pretty good likelihood that Q Anon has come across your radar in one way or another. The mainstream media spins him or it into an “alt-right absurd conspiracy theory” while many conspiracists believe he or it is something of a sinister distraction…. Then there are those like Scott McElroy who believes and is close to swaying Craig and I into believing that Q is exactly what he or it says he or it is. Today’s episode is my conversation with Scott and Craig about Q’s emergence, predictions, and credibility. We cover what we know, yet still likely barely scratch the surface. Is Q a bunk? Is he a hoax? or is Q, just maybe a prophet of what’s to come. All of that and more on today’s episode of The System is Down “Who is Q Anon?”     Question Everything and Stay Uncomfortable  Let's get weird!   The System is Down:  The Downers Club:  Open Discussion: Buy Some SWAG:  Facebook: Twitter:" The System is Down 24 ['The system is down', 'podcast', 'dan smotz', 'smotz', 'new', 'episode', 'weekly', 'conspiracies', 'politics', 'religion', 'political', 'conspiracy theory', 'religious', 'uncomfortable', 'topic', 'discussions', 'fun', 'funny', 'comedy', 'show', 'interview', 'liberty', 'christian', 'god', 'jesus', 'clean', 'conversation', 'talk'] PT1H30M57S 69 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T21:07:40.000Z M91w7wsZhrI UCPgLNge0xqQHWM5B5EFH9Cg #QAnon: the secret Trump conspiracy theory "Get the latest headlines: Subscribe: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Google+ and are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture." The Telegraph 25 ['Telegraph', 'News', 'World News', 'UK Newspaper', 'Telegraph YouTube', 'Daily News', 'Video News', 'World Events'] PT1M56S 93185 0 738 652 not set not set 2017-12-24T23:59:44.000Z 3uy1LIvTQB0 UCRfjuEUQVr3XnalyCdRe83Q Qanon Has Fired the Starting Gun | Peaceful Revolution Starts Now The people of the Truth have heard the call. The powers of goodness are entering the world. The time for lies is ending. The Token Survivor 22 not set PT1H6M28S 1111 14 26 4 not set not set 2018-01-03T23:12:04.000Z kpVIHhATD2E UC2aFQcGgRoVuEWfx2AM0H-A #REDPILLMESSIAHS... [QAnon, "Tyler" & the Antichrist spirit...] """He fights for the users....."" (Gee, where have I heard that before...?)" the Truth is stranger than fiction... 28 ['QAnon', 'who is qanon', 'truth movement', 'new world order', 'wikileaks', 'psyop', 'antichrist', 'Beast System', 'AI', 'artificial intelligence', 'mystery babylon', 'pizzagate', 'mark of the beast', 'one world religion', 'quantum mysticism'] PT28M58S 16147 497 760 18 not set not set 2018-01-27T14:33:32.000Z KtC6on6RKJA UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 1st Post October 28 2017 QAnon's first post on October 28, 2017 @15:44:28 The Viewer 22 ['Qanon', 'q post', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'maga', 'maga movement', 'HRC detained'] PT1M25S 1216 4 21 0 not set not set 2018-01-29T14:53:54.000Z hUlW7B9hPzA UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 5th Post October_29_2017 A review of Qanon's Fifth Post on October 29, 2017 @ 11:47:18 The Viewer 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q post', 'the calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q Clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'maga movement', 'reddit', 'follow the white rabbit'] PT3M22S 237 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T13:21:10.000Z q1q_2GpkI3A UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 9th Post October 29 2017 A review of Qanon's Ninth Post on October 29, 2017 @22:30:26 The Viewer 22 ['Down the rabbit hole', 'follow the white rabbit', 'reddit', 'MAGA movement', 'MAGA', 'conspiracy', '4chan', '8chan', 'pol', 'Trump', 'deep state', 'the awakening', 'q clearance', 'qanon', 'qpost', 'the storm', 'the calm before the storm', 'anon', 'patriot'] PT2M24S 59 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-02-02T15:33:23.000Z u1vRBMvspUg UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 10th Post October 29 2017 A review of Qanon's Tenth Post on October 29, 2017 @ 22:57:27 The Viewer 22 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'MAGA movement', 'Reddit', 'patriot', 'follow the white rabbit', 'down the rabbit hole', 'anon'] PT3M8S 165 0 5 0 not set not set 2018-02-03T15:05:24.000Z cZ3B3qj2BBE UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 11th Post October 29 2017 A review of Qanon's 11th Post on October 29, 2017 @ 23:20:11 The Viewer 22 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'MAGA movement', 'Reddit', 'patriot', 'follow the white rabbit', 'down the rabbit hole', 'anon'] PT1M37S 61 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-05T14:13:43.000Z 29yuQVB61P8 UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 12th and 13th Posts October 30 2017 A review of Qanon's 12th and 13th Post on October 29, 2017 @ 00:26:53 and 00:34:36 The Viewer 22 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'MAGA movement', 'Reddit', 'patriot', 'follow the white rabbit', 'down the rabbit hole', 'anon'] PT1M19S 52 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-07T14:02:24.000Z fSkgy-agV0A UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 15th and 16th Posts October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 15th and 16th Posts on October 29, 2017 @ 20:00:47 and 20:31:00 The Viewer 22 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'patriot', 'anon', 'truth', 'the great awakening'] PT2M33S 60 2 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-08T15:01:49.000Z urC8ageDxks UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 17th Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 17th Post on October 29, 2017 @ 20:58:00 The Viewer 22 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'MAGA movement', 'Reddit', 'patriot', 'follow the white rabbit', 'down the rabbit hole', 'anon', 'truth belongs with the people', 'truth', 'the great awakening'] PT2M49S 55 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-09T13:40:49.000Z ossQi2S0lxU UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 19th Post October 31, 2017 A review of Qanon's 19th Post on October 31, 2017 @ 21:29:28 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT2M33S 80 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-09T14:07:08.000Z IfnXgvfcMKk UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 20th Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 20th Post on October 31, 2017 @ 21:42:00 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT1M23S 59 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-11T13:36:55.000Z UxFKseNzoZo UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 21st Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 21th Post on October 31, 2017 @ 21:48:20 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT38S 53 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T13:52:22.000Z rfRZGivCi5I UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 22nd Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 22th Post on October 31, 2017 @ 21:57:15 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the great awakening'] PT2M2S 53 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-13T14:18:51.000Z lfdaMSdFd9U UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 23rd Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 23rd Post on October 31, 2017 @ 22:11:52 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT2M58S 93 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-13T16:55:19.000Z ebxqs1vDngc UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review Posts 24 and 25 October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 24th and 25th Posts on October 31, 2017 @ 22:27:03 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT1M11S 68 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-15T13:53:45.000Z RTLiY39H6No UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review Posts 26 and 27 October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's Xth Post on October 26 and 27, 2017 @ 22:41:54 and 22:56:06 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT1M3S 85 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-16T14:19:46.000Z gttpH-W7-V8 UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 28th Post Response Included "A review of Qanon's Xth Post on October 28, 2017 @ 22:59:01 Includes Message Board Response" The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT2M53S 112 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-17T14:15:41.000Z SpFOEGL0wRA UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 29th Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 29th Post on October 31, 2017 @ 23:13:10 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT1M48S 50 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-18T13:44:01.000Z ujsAl2ovXmE UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 30th Post October 31 2017 A review of Qanon's 30th Post on October 31, 2017 @ 23:25:22 The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', '8chan', '4chan', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'Reddit', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT2M7S 39 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-22T13:49:23.000Z HHy7CxfJLQY UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 34th Post November 1 2017 "A review of Qanon's 34th Post on November 1, 2017 @ 19:56:16, Q talks about Podesta, Antifa, Safety and EMS" The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the great awakening', 'antifa', 'podesta'] PT2M55S 152 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T13:50:47.000Z 2H7U1zcoIzs UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 35th Post November 1 2017 "What is 4 10 20 ? Q warns of false flags, makes reassurances and begs us to remain vigilant. My review of Qanon's 35th Post on November 1, 2017 @ 19:56:38." The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening', 'false flag', '4 10 20'] PT2M40S 84 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-27T21:51:22.000Z w7zZQEh3sxc UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 37th Post November 1, 2017 "A review of Qanon's 37th Post on November 1, 2017 @ 21:57:23 attaboy!!!" The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening'] PT39S 56 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-28T13:58:46.000Z l-Hy9mgRCKE UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 38th Post November 1, 2017 "A review of Qanon's 38th Post on November 1, 2017 @ 22:48:52. National Guard deployment, North Korea, and false flags." The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening', 'false flag', 'north Korea'] PT1M41S 71 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-03-01T13:21:58.000Z SS_X5RmjjCc UCqpyVK0lglB5_GuAPb6fJrA Q Review 39th Post November 1, 2017 "A review of Qanon's Xth Post on November 1, 2017 @ 23:14:27 Q discusses North Korea, Obama, Iran connection; Iran Deal?, Nukes and Miniaturization Technology" The Viewer 25 ['Qanon', 'Qpost', 'the Calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'q clearance', 'the awakening', 'deep state', 'trump', 'pol', 'Conspiracy', 'MAGA', 'follow the white rabbit', 'anon', 'the great awakening', 'North Korea', 'iran', 'miniaturize tech', 'nukes'] PT1M46S 93 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-15T01:19:41.000Z rJHqG-PWiL8 UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 01/14/2018 [Q]uestions Q-Anon False Flag Possible This Week? Lets Discuss It! "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links [Q]uestions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT15M17S 257 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T20:33:54.000Z m1R9c8izjI0 UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 01/24/2018 Q Q-Anon Obama Formally Retained Counsel? "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links [Q]uestions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT3M58S 3267 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-25T02:17:15.000Z 2iWll8wlMsw UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 01/24/2018 Q Q-Anon #qanon Post - Pen and White House Document "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links Image File [Q]uestions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT4M29S 673 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T15:05:35.000Z PXpUwYKrgXA UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 01/27/2018 Latest Q Updates - #QAnon #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening #thestormisuponus "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links [Q]uestions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT15M26S 1193 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T04:37:33.000Z unK7Vz6euwE UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 01/31/2018 HUGE Q Drop! New Q-Anon - Massive Developments #ReleaseTheMemo "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links [Q]uestions 'The Memo' can't be released because Republican Nunes altered it – Intel committee's top Democrat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT6M19S 686 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-05T18:36:40.000Z VvxdT_75W-U UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 02/05/2018 Latest 5 New Q Q-Anon Posts - Newsletter Update #Qanon8chan "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links [Q]uestions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT19M55S 1602 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-06T02:44:13.000Z C1v2qng-ykw UCxI8s0Ti7tBlLgsmYov99dA The Watchman News 02/05/2018 Update - More Q Q-Anon Posts #Qanon8chan "Please Donate to The Watchman News via Secure Paypal If You Dont Have Paypal You Can Donate Here As A Guest Without Signing Up Join Us On Steemit! Heavens Nectar Vapes Disabled By Design You may have noticed the comments are disabled on our channel. That is because usually before 5 comments are even made the trolling is at such a high level the entire focus of the topic is gone. And since youtube is a trolls paradise and i dont have time to babysit we refer comments to our facebook page. Link below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Links [Q]uestions BPEarthwatch Earlier Video NEW Q/NEW MEMO Info/DOW Down -500 [666] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Watchman News Information and Contact Info Email: Please join us on Facebook: Follow Us On Twitter Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The Watchman News 25 not set PT9M23S 1309 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-05T23:02:09.000Z NyFwzqDCQTo UCm7xYXFMtgy1sVZRLsbqPWg Tin Foil Hats #3: #Qanon Saving the World? "Underwhelming yotubers discuss Q-anon Twitter: @YellBRo Instagram: @the_yellow_brick_roadpodcast Video Source:" The Yellow Brick Road 24 ['#qanon', 'qanon', 'Q The Plan To Save The World', 'qq anon', 'q anon', 'q-anon', '#Q', '#q', 'conspiracy', 'politics', 'trump', 'the great awakening', 'q the great awakening'] PT56M54S 69 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T04:30:01.000Z LStlxxFONAw UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ WTF Is QAnon?! "The wait is over: the TYT Plus app is now available for Android users! Download the app by searching TYT Plus in the Google Play store or by going to The right has officially lost it. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Read more here: ""Those watching President Trump’s rally in Tampa on Tuesday couldn’t help but be exposed to a fringe movement that discusses several loosely connected and vaguely defined — and baseless — conspiracy theories. In one shot on Fox News, the president was partially obscured by a sign in the crowd reading “We Are Q.” In another shot during the president’s speech, a sign promoting the debunked Seth Rich conspiracy theory, with the hashtag #Qanon, came into focus in the center of the screen. Some attendees wore T-shirts with a blocky Q. Others held up signs with the letter. They were all self-described “followers of Q,” an anonymous person or group of people who claim to be privy to government secrets. That supposedly classified information has been revealed on the 4chan and 8chan message boards and spread around mainstream internet platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Q has attracted people — the exact number is hard to know — eager to consume his “bread crumbs,” or new details in a sprawling web of conspiracy theories."" Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: Like The Young Turks on Facebook: Follow The Young Turks on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)" The Young Turks 25 ['180801__TB02Qshirts', 'TYT', 'The Young Turks', 'Cenk Uygur', 'News', 'Liberal', 'Progressive', 'Politics', 'TYT Network', 'Democratic', 'Republican', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'GOP', 'Ana Kasparian', 'conspiracy theories', 'qanon', 'qanon conspiracy', 'Fox News', 'We Are Q', 'Seth Rich conspiracy theory', 'qanon update', 'qanon plan save world', 'qanon t shirts', 'followers of Q', '4chan', '8chan', 'message boards', 'Alex jones', 'alt right conspiracy theory', 'q anon Donald trump rally'] PT14M16S 325761 4782 5668 1950 not set not set 2018-08-04T05:00:04.000Z xBnfYy22wJc UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ QAnon Movement Will Make You Facepalm "Website: Donate: Volunteer: WTF is happening to people? Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, James Thompson, and Adrienne Lawrence, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. The wait is over: the TYT Plus app is now available for Android users! Download the app by searching TYT Plus in the Google Play store or by going to Read more here: ""Among the attendees of President Trump's rally in Florida were people holding up signs promoting an online right-wing conspiracy persona -- who's been targeting movie stars and the Democratic Party alike. The signs ""We are Q"" and ""Q"" appeared near the front of the crowd during Trump's speech in Tampa, as many live-streams showed. It was an apparent reference to QAnon, a group that originated on the 4chan messaging board around an anonymous user, ""Q,"" who claims to be a member of the US military intelligence. People wearing QAnon shirts and flashing similar signs were also pictured while lining up for the rally."" Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, James Thompson, Adrienne Lawrence Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, James Thompson, Adrienne Lawrence *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: Like The Young Turks on Facebook: Follow The Young Turks on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)" The Young Turks 25 ['180803__TB04Qanon', 'TYT', 'The Young Turks', 'Cenk Uygur', 'News', 'Liberal', 'Progressive', 'Politics', 'TYT Network', 'Democratic', 'Republican', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump', 'GOP', 'Ana Kasparian', 'James Thompson', 'Adrienne Lawrence', 'conspiracy theories', 'qanon', 'qanon conspiracy', 'Fox News', 'We Are Q', 'Seth Rich conspiracy theory', 'qanon update', 'qanon plan save world', 'qanon t shirts', 'followers of Q', '4chan', '8chan', 'message boards', 'Alex jones', 'alt right conspiracy theory', 'q anon Donald trump rally'] PT8M47S 183505 2060 3946 679 not set not set 2018-08-07T21:00:01.000Z Vp3koKTYvHM UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ Ana Kasparian Exposes QAnon "Ana Kasparian exposes the stupidity behind the QAnon movement on #NoFilter. Watch #NoFilter on YouTube TV here: Follow Ana on Twitter: Hosts: Ana Kasparian Cast: Ana Kasparian *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: Like The Young Turks on Facebook: Follow The Young Turks on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)" The Young Turks 25 ['180806__NF01QAnon', 'News', 'Politics', 'The Young Turks', 'qanon', 'q-anon', '#qanon', 'qanon update', 'q anon', 'qanon t shirts', 'clinton', 'qanon fans', 'qanon leak', 'qanon trump', 'qanon today', 'qanon posts', 'what is qanon', 'qanon exposed', '#qanon posts', 'qanon identity', '8chan', '4chan', '#qanon update', 'qanon interview', 'qanon conspiracy', 'qanon mainstream', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon identified', 'qanon conspiracies', 'qanon evidence', 'pedophilia', 'the press is the enemy', 'the press is the enemy of the people', 'deep state'] PT9M13S 60698 1524 2249 1033 not set not set 2018-09-16T02:16:44.000Z 7KfJJqztCX4 UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ QAnon Gets Banned! "QAnon has been banned from Reddit, Cenk Uygur breaks down the story and his opinion. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch:" The Young Turks 25 ['News', 'Politics', 'TYT', 'Young Turks', 'Live', 'YouTube', 'Cenk Uygur', 'Ana Kasparian', 'TYT Network', 'The Young Turks', 'Election'] PT3M14S 149749 1584 4295 764 not set not set 2017-12-15T22:57:07.000Z 9B5sl-c9HJg UCgBhA76Eqb_vHd7N6HTiDuQ ANDERSON COOPER EXPOSED AS ELITE PEDOPHILE RING MEMBER BY Q ANON 2017 "Infamous Whistleblower who goes by the name of Q ANON has recently called out Anderson Cooper for being part of the same cult/club as the satanic pedophile elite ... Watch to learn more! LINK TO WEBSITE WITH SCREEN SHOTS SUBSCRIBE TO SURVIVE" TheAlienContactee 24 ['anderson cooper', 'exposed', 'pedophile', 'elite', 'ring', 'member', 'q anon', '2017', 'satanic', 'same club', 'cult', 'whistleblower', '4chan', 'white house insider', 'pedogate', 'pizzagate', 'cnn', 'nwo', 'illuminati', 'conspiracy', 'hollywood', 'linol anderson', 'thealiencontactee', '8chan', 'predictions', 'anonymous'] PT5M34S 5588 43 101 9 not set not set 2018-06-24T14:30:32.000Z zIBlr8m76G0 UC-7vnmA1Zf1cRyqs9aR77ag My Warning About Q Anon! "Silver Shield MiniMintage Flower of Life CBD 15% OFF every order INSTAGRAM @TheGreatestTruthNeverTold Silver Shield Merchandise Silver Shield Guide Golden State Mint Affiliate Program! FREE 46 HOUR Sons of Liberty Academy TWITTER @SilverShield76 REDDIT u/SilverShield" TheGreatestTruthNeverTold 1 ['#qanon', 'rosanne', 'Where to buy', 'silver', 'pied piper', 'Anonymous', 'sd bullion', '4chan', 'conintelpro', 'silver stacker', 'wikileaks', 'how to buy', 'silver spot', 'barr', 'jm bullion', 'silver shield', '8chan', 'MAGA', 'silver eagles', 'silver coin', 'Qanon', 'mint', 'Anon', 'doom porn', 'buy silver', 'apmex', 'silver price', 'buy copper', 'buy gold', 'Psyop', 'silver coins', 'Buy silver at spot', 'silver bullet', 'assange', 'CIA', 'buy', 'Trump', 'numismatic', '#maga', 'cheapest silver'] PT15M56S 29548 765 1130 327 not set not set 2018-08-09T16:00:00.000Z 1QWHQ7NWveM UC-7vnmA1Zf1cRyqs9aR77ag The Q Anon Psyop "Silver Shield MiniMintage Flower of Life CBD 15% OFF every order INSTAGRAM @TheGreatestTruthNeverTold Silver Shield Merchandise Silver Shield Guide Golden State Mint Affiliate Program! FREE 46 HOUR Sons of Liberty Academy TWITTER @SilverShield76 REDDIT u/SilverShield" TheGreatestTruthNeverTold 25 ['silver eagles', 'silver spot', 'silver stacker', 'gold', 'silver', 'qanon', 'cheapest silver', 'buy', 'cointelpro', 'numismatic', 'apmex', 'silver bullet', 'silver coin', 'jm bullion', 'Where to buy', 'anon', 'sd bullion', 'trump', 'Buy silver at spot', 'buy copper', 'silver shield', 'maga', 'buy silver', 'silver price', 'anonymous', 'mint', 'dollar', 'psyop', 'how to buy', 'silver coins', 'buy gold'] PT6M18S 12195 260 323 123 not set not set 2018-04-07T02:22:28.000Z GmeWv_a0fDI UCIC142ESUCPCNLCJUx268Rg Tracy Twyman | Hidden Hyperspace Kingdoms, Q Anon, Disney, & The Construct "Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe: Alright Higherside Chatters, as we deal with the whirlwind of digital distractions and do our best to navigate the choppy waters of the conspira-sea – one thing we do know is that the reality we have before us today, was crafted from the top down,a long time ago: From the international money magic spell and the “life essence suck” that is that all important J.O.B. To the way we think about mater, consciousness, technology and the upper limits of what might be possible in this human energy farm we call Home. Meanwhile we hear about breakaway civilizations that might be far further ahead than the “technological hamster wheels” we peons get by on, we know secret societies have held back their own sacred knowledge for decades, and we've seen a long history of scientists who stumble off the pre-approved path-suppressed and marginalized. But what if things like the sacred knowledge of these secret orders, the all seeing eye of the dollar bill, & the mysterious and elusiveness 33rd degree of freemasonry – all mean something far stranger than we had ever thought- possibly unlocking hidden doorways and portals to spaces between the worlds where the elite can not only indulge in every luxury and extravagance- but are also able to rule from a place that is truly untouchable. Well these are the ideas pouring out of today's guest's latest work- and I can't wait to get more into it. You know Tracy Twyman well by now, as she graces the THC digital stage for a 4th time. Tracy first talked to us about her insights into the elite and their connection to dark entities, through her own communication with entities such as Baphomet—Largely covered in her book Clock Shavings.......She then told us about the secret rites of the Knights Templar and their alchemy of finance which she talks about her her book Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled...and in her 3rd appearance we talked about her novel Genuflect, The Cult of Mythras, & That the Elite of Today still treasure some very old traditions...and the evolution of these ideas is exactly what we're getting into today. Want more from our guest? Tracy's Website: Tracy's YouTube: Tracy's Amazon Author Page: A few valuable resources from the interview: Peter Pan - Flying To Neverland: Le Serpent Rouge Interpreted: There's more THC for members: If you like the 1st free hour of THC, why wouldn't you like the 2nd? Sign up for $5, and get 5 extended 2 hour episodes every month, lifetime forum access, bonus shows, downloads of all the THC cover songs & more. Always action packed and ad free: This episode's Plus content includes: What more from THC? Official Facebook page: Official Facebook Group: Twitter: Youtube: Reddit: Discord: Review us on iTunes: And be sure to check out The Higherside Clothing: Also, big thanks to The Plate Scrapers for their cover of the THC theme song!" TheHighersideChats 24 not set PT1H15M15S 34300 301 526 67 not set not set 2018-08-17T02:44:46.000Z qiedAd_wKlA UCIC142ESUCPCNLCJUx268Rg Jordan Sather | Q Anon, Celebrity Suicides, Space Force, & The Deep State War "Alright Higherside Chatters, if you ask me, the capstone cabal of the shadowly power pyramid is not a group that leaves much to chance: They've invested heavily in the devolution of man and the degradation of our mental faculties through their carefully crafted education system, they've suppressed free energy and elecrogravitic crafts in exchange for systems built on poisonous yet profitable materials, and they stifle and control the lives of the people with the debt based money system they so hawkishly perch above. Dig a bit deeper and you'll find some heavily researched claims that nearly all US presidents fall from the same family tree, along with many household names in media & entertainment forming a terrifying tapestry of bad actors, if you will. And while my cynical self is inclined to side with the age old phrase and pattern that Presidents are selected, not elected, and the game will carry on as it has- I can't completely count out a growing perspective in the conspiracy community- that perhaps, related to the network or not- Donald Trump might represent a changing of the guard, the emergence of a new network of white hat power players, & maybe even an alignment with non-terrestrial beings that just might culminate in the eradication of long standing child trafficking networks, the roll out of technologies derived from secret occult physics, & the removal of our yolks of oppression we've worn for so long. Again, I'm cynical, but a certain 4Chan poster known as Q Anon, has been stirring the pot with cryptic messages since the election, weaving a narrative that aims to clarify the game behind the game- and I think it's High Time we explore it...and stand by our policy of No Conspiracy Left Behind. To do this, we got one of the best breaker downers of the Q material that the internet has to offer. His name is Jordan Sather and he runs the popular website and YouTube channel Destroying The Illusion..or should we say Destroying The Illusion 2.0 as Jordan has ALSO had YouTube make it impossible to use his channel, and he's since rebuilt a second one. Jordan is known for his methodical and action packed, whiteboard breakdowns of not only the Q Anon material and this Deep state battle, but also truth health and wellness, as well as the history and latest rumblings of the Secret Space Program. Self-described as ""The guy wearing a red MAGA hat drinking an organic smoothie and talking about space programs and non terrestrial beings."" A Pandora's box of personality and politics, and an enigma of a man. A 4D thinker if there ever was one- The Whiteboard King of YouTube- Jordan Sather." TheHighersideChats 24 not set PT1H13M31S 35246 470 982 132 not set not set 2018-02-12T05:43:32.000Z Ts3Nxiga0Cc UCJm229ziDZJ7SqpGuTPUPzg Ep.2 Qanon/fakenews/2nd American Revolution/TREASON "An over-view of the Q-phenomenon, how the MSM will lie about it, the 2ND Revolution is here! LINKS! Q drops Notable Resignations Anti School YouTube" TheIVray 22 ['qanon', 'thestorm', '#releasethememo', '#thestorm', '#qanon', '2nd revolution', 'antifa', 'fakenews', '#fakenews', 'daca', 'imigration reform', 'russia collusion', '#patriotnotrussian', 'gun control', 'mind control', 'msm lies', 'memes', 'constitution', 'illuminati', 'cabal', 'train crash', 'false flags', 'fema', 'snopes', 'newsweek', 'resignations', 'treason', 'clintons', 'hillary', 'google', 'alphabet', 'eric schmidt', 'arizona', 'laws', 'indictments'] PT19M13S 72 0 3 0 not set not set 2017-12-06T22:11:38.000Z V4U0Nm1Ek1k UCweyy8p_W_Wh6aliV_kpL7g Planet 7X PART 2: Q & A Forum with Gill Broussard & Friends Gill Broussard was once a skeptic in regards to this mysterious planet. A friend asked Gill to please research this topic. Using his skills as an amateur astronomer; his love for history and research; coupled with his mathematical and engineering mind; Gill found solid Scientific as well as Biblical support for this astronomical wonder. The Bible is full of biblical astronomy (not to be confused with astrology) and understanding this is tantamount. Many thanks to Gill for sharing insights to the questions we pondered. TheLibbyTube 22 ['Planet 7X', 'Gill Broussard', 'Astronomy', 'Flat Earth', 'Calendar', 'Yahusha', 'Biblical Astronomy', 'End Times', 'Last Days', 'Rehearsals', 'Feast Days'] PT1H59M56S 5787 27 64 5 not set not set 2018-07-02T01:58:01.000Z ttKx0ng0l6Q UCNy66gTSy8gTRLp3woYIQYw Q-The Plan To Save The World- Share It "Video........ Q- The Plan To Save The World #q #qanon #thegreatawakening #deepstate #pizzagate #pedogate" 23 not set PT9M46S 1211 18 34 1 not set not set 2018-09-15T02:45:02.000Z SpK8yGyEefg UCDcRqThB-bQ2RsvN7BhfXPQ FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT QANON DARPA LOCKHEED MARTIN RELEASE "#FollowTheWhiteRabbit Battle Stations Ready Patriots" ThereIsNoPage 27 ['followthewhiterabbit', 'qarmy', 'q anon', 'q patriots', 'qanon', 'darpa', 'lockheed martin', 'freemasons', 'illuminati', 'the plan', 'masterplan', '911', 'judy wood', 'nico haupt'] PT3M51S 1632 10 16 1 not set not set 2017-12-04T16:38:23.000Z v-67iQqFpF0 UCmAoA5P0-Qff5g-Sb7-h8SQ Donald Trump's life was threatened Qanon Q Anon Donald Trump's life was threatened by reptilians Q Anon Qanon Theresa Williamson-Kappos 22 not set PT12M13S 398 4 6 1 not set not set 2018-06-07T22:17:16.000Z C5GTHDjRkuM UCwnR-wkGz2jZwLhxFbBSRVQ Qanon - Q ON TWITTER - Post #459 EXPLAINED "In this video I explain Qanon post #459 and the twitter handle he is pointing us to - @kill_rogue. I have seen a lot of people on Twitter searching for answers and who is trusted to follow yet Q has already given us a name. When you understand that Q has directed us to this name, then you can feel confident in the validity of the crumbs being provided. If you have any questions or would like my take on ANYTHING else, leave a comment." TheWealthDojo 22 ['Qanon', 'Twitter', '@kill_rogue'] PT9M16S 707 13 27 1 not set not set 2018-10-21T12:29:23.000Z pNyQaJhllt4 UC-75iSKieR0i__Ixv51O62g Q MATRIX RED WAVE Vote Red Wave, Q, Qanon THEWHOLEARMOUROFGOD 22 not set PT5M30S 1128 19 82 2 not set not set 2018-04-19T04:13:29.000Z VojDeU7E5B0 UCW0DlNizBaIJtXYRFK_jLTA Michael Horn Live | Episode 23 | Why Q Anon Doesn’t Matter "Support Our Mission: Topics: Viewer’s Questions Why Q Anon Doesn’t Matter Forget about the UFOs BanZino: The REAL New Financial System And yet more danger from 5G and…telenotic impulses" TheyFly TV 22 ['theyfly tv', 'michael horn', 'billy meier', 'billy meier ufo case', 'michael horn live', 'billy meier ufo contacts', 'aliens and ufos', 'truth about aliens', 'truth about ufos', 'government conspiracy', 'coverup', 'semjase', 'plejaren', 'pleiadian', 'pleiadians', 'creation', 'truth', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT1H8M31S 2016 40 72 9 not set not set 2018-08-09T19:33:47.000Z EKf-7nA5q4w UCW0DlNizBaIJtXYRFK_jLTA The QAnon Con NEW! "See: for more information connected to this video. PREDICTIONS FOR AMERICA:" TheyFly TV 22 ['theyfly tv', 'michael horn', 'billy meier', 'billy meier ufo case', 'michael horn live', 'billy meier ufo contacts', 'aliens and ufos', 'truth about aliens', 'truth about ufos', 'government conspiracy', 'coverup', 'semjase', 'plejaren', 'pleiadian', 'pleiadians', 'creation', 'truth', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa', 'QAnon', 'self-responsibility', 'spiritual teaching', 'civil wars'] PT4M20S 1592 67 79 29 not set not set 2017-11-26T20:27:36.000Z FDTY_LlftaA UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Q Anon's Secret Code: D. Trump is Catholic! "Who is Q Anon? What is Q's Religion? Tracy Beanz:" thirdeaglebooks 22 "['Q Anon', 'Donald Trump', 'Catholic', ""Lord's Prayer"", 'Our Father', 'secret code', ""Mary's Rosary"", 'sacred numerology', 'Apocalyptic Literature']" PT8M47S 18958 229 350 46 not set not set 2017-11-30T21:22:53.000Z kZ3ZzH0q_Po UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Q Anon is a Prophet of the Apocalypse! pt 2 "Donald Trump fulfills Bible Prophecy about King Cyrus in Isaiah 45." thirdeaglebooks 22 "['Bible Prophecy', 'Q Anon', 'Apocalypse', 'Isaiah 45', 'Donald Trump', 'POTUS', 'King Cyrus', ""Mary's Rosary"", 'Sacred Numerology', 'Apocalyptic Literature']" PT11M52S 9678 91 213 56 not set not set 2017-12-04T15:55:46.000Z urZnUqWoxC0 UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Who Told Q-Anon Plane Would Crash at Rothschild's? "Help Donald Trump ""Drain the Swamp"". (Video re-uploaded for better quality)" thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Q Anon', 'Lord Rothschild', 'Donald Trump', 'Saudi Arabia', 'HRC', 'Usama Bin Laden', 'Drain the Swamp', 'Prophecy'] PT11M51S 9975 125 198 20 not set not set 2017-12-11T21:28:35.000Z ObR9UP1bhrQ UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Did Q Anon Prophesy Pope's Change to Lord's Prayer? "Inside knowledge or inspiration from Holy Spirit?" thirdeaglebooks 25 "['Q Anon', 'prophecy', 'Pope Francis', ""Lord's Prayer"", 'Roman Catholic Church', 'Vatican', 'Donald Trump', 'Holy Spirit']" PT8M19S 8417 104 204 9 not set not set 2017-12-16T22:34:35.000Z yZaF8Pk49vM UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Q Anon: Donald Trump Will NOT Start WW 3 "Hidden prophecy in Q's November 14 message." thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Q Anon', 'Deep State', 'Donald Trump', 'World War 3'] PT6M38S 13522 124 341 31 not set not set 2017-12-26T22:11:49.000Z 4ltBnW2zW18 UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Donald Trump's Hand Signs Prove he Is Q Anon "President warns we are in the 'Calm before the Storm'." thirdeaglebooks 25 "['Q Anon', 'Donald Trump', 'Bible Prophecy', 'Isaiah 45:1', 'Deep State', 'End Times', '666', '555', ""Mary's Rosary"", 'calm before the storm']" PT5M13S 53876 293 633 146 not set not set 2018-01-10T21:09:55.000Z x-yZ6lJ5wWE UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Roy Potter Attacks Q Anon! Huge Error! "Donald Trump warns North Korea and fulfills Bible prophecy. My web site: Roy Potter video:" thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Roy Potter', 'Q Anon', 'Donald Trump', 'Bible prophecy', 'Isaiah 45', 'North Korea', 'DefCon1'] PT4M51S 10389 139 257 83 not set not set 2018-01-14T18:55:43.000Z EpRVGFJINtQ UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Did Q Anon Curse Roy Potter with Reptilian Eyes? "Q says 'DEFCON 1 Non Nuclear' fulfilled by Hawaii emergency alert. Roy Potter Video: Anti School video: My web site:" thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Q Anon', 'Roy Potter', 'Defcon 1', 'reptilian eyes', 'Hawaii emergency alert', 'Donald Trump'] PT5M47S 13401 206 281 165 not set not set 2018-04-08T20:48:49.000Z Dkk9n7ylIY8 UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Q Anon: Terrible May for Pope! WHICH POPE? "Did ""Q"" give us a clue for when indictments will be made public?" thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Q Anon', 'Pope Francis', 'Pope Benedict', 'Vatican art', 'Michelangelo', 'Roman Catholic Church'] PT9M26S 11752 190 276 32 not set not set 2018-04-15T19:28:29.000Z I2TOGxE9QWo UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Trump Bombs Syria! Q Anon: Iran is Next! "In Bible prophecy, Damascus is ruined, but so is Jerusalem." thirdeaglebooks 25 "['Bible prophecy', 'Q Anon', 'Micah 5', 'Isaiah 45', 'Donald Trump', 'Bashar al-Assad', 'end times', 'antichrist', ""Mary's Rosary"", 'Iran', 'Syria', 'Damascus', 'Jerusalem', 'Israel']" PT9M7S 7948 203 230 37 not set not set 2018-06-15T19:41:15.000Z JBFlVFozrTw UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Isaiah & Micah Verify Prophecies of Q Anon! Did the Mossad fire a missile at Donald Trump? thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Isaiah 45', 'Micah 5', 'Bible prophecy', 'Q Anon', 'Mossad', 'Donald Trump'] PT11M33S 2683 46 94 15 not set not set 2018-07-01T17:26:28.000Z -mB1IEsttc4 UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Q Anon's "WWG1WGA" in Bible Prophecy! Donald Trump AND his Protestant brethren will become Catholic. thirdeaglebooks 22 ['Q Anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Micah 5', 'Isaiah45', 'Bible Prophecy', 'Donld Trump', 'Protestant', 'Catholic', 'conversion'] PT7M6S 6496 71 160 38 not set not set 2018-07-25T20:35:15.000Z FJuFKSBeihA UCau23h1uU0VjL7uGR3We2Dg Q Anon Can't Explain Trump's Strange Blackout Did God verify a Bible prophecy message from Isaiah 45? thirdeaglebooks 22 "['Q Anon', 'Donald Trump', 'bible prophecy', 'Isaiah 45', 'Kim Clement', 'Blessed Virgin Mary', ""Mary's Rosary"", 'George Washington Vision', 'Intelligence Agencies', 'End Times']" PT7M8S 3551 68 119 18 not set not set 2018-02-19T12:02:55.000Z BY3UpV8gdfA UCvufJnWBftlzQmfUVJVn7ng #QAnon #Q #Decode 788-786 #Disclosure 60%Hidden: Jesus/Yeshua&AlienAgenda pt2 "ExpandYourThinking! Decode 788-786 HighestAuthority:God&Country? MostHiAIz or YHWH-AI/CIA-AI? ""... We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance NOT TO NATIONS but to our fellow men within the human community."" ****************************************************************************** Oct. 6, 1963 Emperor Haile Selassie I speech His Majesty Haile Selassie I address to the United Nations General Assembly October 1963 q drops: 20180218 #Decode #QAnon 60%: ""Fairytale?AsTheWorldTurns"" - #Disclosure #Geocentric Earth #QAnon #Disclosure 40%. Transmute 20180218 #BLM #BlackPanther? GEP 13.56_MHz Water-As-Fuel 20180218 Msg2 !UW.yye1fo #QAnon #Disclosure 13.56MHz Water-As-Fuel 20180218 #Decode #QAnon 60%: ""Fairytale?AsTheWorldTurns"" - #Disclosure #Geocentric Earth H.I.M. Will On Earth: Oil or Water? Get Born Again...Spirit&Water 13.56MHz Water-As-Fuel. XORcize 1WORlDORDer 1) Meditate 2) Manifest Make Electricity&CookingGas at CommunityLevel Teach@HS For unlisted vids review: . #QAnon #Q #Decode 788-786 #Disclosure 60%Hidden: Jesus/Yeshua&AlienAgenda pt1 ." ThisIsNotAnonymous 27 not set PT4M24S 257 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-04T08:04:05.000Z jFl16YL87Kk UCa9M1b-I08d3uPXM2xEZZjQ Q Clips: From 11-1-17 - Dems want to control the black population! Montage of images and video clips of a very relevant, and important Q drop from November, 2017. Past proves future! Thoughts Not Bots 22 ['Qanon', 'Q post', 'MAGA', 'Q today', 'tump today', 'trump not racist', 'dems hate blacks'] PT3M23S 192 2 22 0 not set not set 2018-06-09T09:22:38.000Z kZFs3VvSdy0 UCa9M1b-I08d3uPXM2xEZZjQ Q: Anon's Perspective. NAILED IT! "Anon succinctly explains what the Q movement means to him and what the ramifications of it are. We are Q. We are not going away. Thanks for watching! If you found this interesting and enjoyed it, please share with others, like and/or subscribe. New videos all the time. @ThoughtsNotBots" Thoughts Not Bots 22 not set PT3M30S 4164 33 268 3 not set not set 2018-06-14T10:37:44.000Z c161FqpkZ5g UCa9M1b-I08d3uPXM2xEZZjQ New to Q? Watch, learn, share. This is NOT a game. "Q's marching orders: Prepare newcomers and inform them of our movement and of the truth findings uncovered along the way. Fight, fight, fight. Please share this with someone who can reason and use discernment with information. Everyone has the opportunity to share in the Great Awakening. For God and Country. @ThoughtsNotBots" Thoughts Not Bots 22 not set PT3M53S 18767 69 719 20 not set not set 2018-06-16T09:07:26.000Z w0Sw-UrRhWA UCa9M1b-I08d3uPXM2xEZZjQ Q Drop from 1-22-18: IG Report - Future Proves Past. "This Q drop from 1-22-18 is more relevant than ever. What's really in the Original IG Report? What are they so afraid of? Watch clips of POTUS give a few hints. Let's re-watch the crumbs, shall we? What a script! @ThoughtsNotBots" Thoughts Not Bots 22 not set PT2M31S 1088 11 88 1 not set not set 2018-02-17T12:14:44.000Z AmEbnkOY6Ko UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Q Anon Urgent Message Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT2M25S 1649 18 64 2 not set not set 2018-03-12T03:18:46.000Z oz5zYz_xVW4 UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Q Anon It begins, Game on Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT19M1S 3301 35 116 5 not set not set 2018-03-15T03:02:05.000Z 1lVTXreHAU4 UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Who and what is Q Anon?!?!?! Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT14M2S 3956 39 140 3 not set not set 2018-04-13T12:22:53.000Z 7Vx--_4QFE0 UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Q Anon US military intelligence recruited Trump President to prevent coup d’etat, by Michael Salla "QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON APRIL 12, 2018. POSTED IN FEATURED, US POLITICS According to veteran investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, he was approached three years ago by a group of generals and told that Donald Trump had been recruited by U.S. military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential elections, and subsequently help remove corrupt Deep State officials from positions of power. Corsi claims that QAnon represents the same group of senior military intelligence officials who are exposing the Deep State corruption and officials involved in a history of treasonous actions against the U.S. Republic. This is what Corsi said at a meeting on April 11, which also featured the founder of, Alex Jones: About three years ago a group of Generals came to me, and it was explained to me that they were ready conduct a coup d’etat. They were ready to move Barack Obama from office with military force. And then a few weeks later I got another call and said they were reconsidering. You know why they were reconsidering? [audience calls out answers] Because they talked to Donald Trump, and Trump had agreed he would run, and they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d’etat as a legitimate process, rooting out the traitors within government.  And that pact between the military and Donald Trump has held, as we have been interpreting and watching, and Alex has been following QAnon.  QAnon is military intelligence and close to Trump, and the intelligence we’ve getting, that we’ve explained on Infowars, really is a lot of the inside script. While Corsi didn’t name the generals or provide hard evidence for his startling claim, an examination of public comments by President Trump, QAnon and related political events do make Corsi’s extraordinary claim very plausible. It’s important to note that Corsi’s speech happened only a day after a tweet by President Trump featuring him with 20 senior U.S. military officials who dined with him the previous night: to continue see full article using above heading © Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice" Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT20M33S 8208 43 235 10 not set not set 2018-04-22T06:54:15.000Z IR0FaY9vVhs UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Cabal Suiciding,Jordan Sather- Q Anon Posts, 4.20.18. Part 1-QUEEN’S AGENTS & CORPs CONTROL WORLD " DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop it! DNC LAWSUIT #AntiSchool #QAnon April 20 2018" Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT43M40S 22988 196 604 18 not set not set 2018-05-20T23:48:04.000Z j10sQmcqcI0 UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Rest.. rep.. GCR, 17/5/18 Q Anon -POTUS: Prod.. docs MK Ultra : mult.. pers...used by Global Elite "Restored republic GCR update 17/5/18 Q Anon letter to POTUS: Produce all documents MK Ultra survivor shares her multiple personalities where used by the Global Elite" Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT34M36S 1977 49 109 2 not set not set 2018-07-01T10:59:03.000Z dFYERCEdA0g UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Correy Wyatt to Q Anon Re Obama Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT7M23S 18659 365 1309 27 not set not set 2018-08-13T17:00:56.000Z NDYsFST4ZvM UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw Q Anon Operation Disclosure 13/8/18 Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 ['qanon.Q Anon'] PT29M54S 4040 50 236 6 not set not set 2018-08-14T07:36:08.000Z erldnz-u2Cw UCNmiUIlArsXGuQcWk662xRw GCR RV NESARA GESARA Q ANON THE ALIANCE 14 August 2018 GCR RV NESARA GESARA Q ANON THE ALLIANCE 14 August 2018 Tim Emslie Cosmic Truth Justice Earth 27 not set PT1M44S 5270 27 210 7 not set not set 2018-02-02T02:21:41.000Z mH4H2OhqS9M UCrbT7e31I-5aaG9cRbGX1XA 4Chan User 'Q' Warned Lynn De Rothschild About Plane Crash Days Before "Anonymous EXPOSED - 4Chan User 'Q' Warned Lynn De Rothschild About Plane Crash Days Before | Anonymous EXPOSED ⭐ Please Donate & Support This Channel: BREAKING !4Chan User 'Q' Warned Lynn De Rothschild About Plane Crash Days Before. Q-ANON posted the following on Monday November 17 (4Chan) (Mon 13 Nov 2017 11:04:46) Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are. DOWNLOAD MY PRESENTATION - FOLLOW ALONG WITH MY POWERPOINT (this is just my powerpoint info if you guys want." Timo Rosenwirth 22 ['Anonymous EXPOSED', 'news with donald trump', 'Military', 'Global Report', 'Obamacare', 'national security', 'Donald News', 'Donald Latest'] PT3M20S 223 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-28T01:42:35.000Z P9kB_dCYeSU UCrbT7e31I-5aaG9cRbGX1XA Breaking News! Q Anon & Julian Assange Exposed 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers Tracked By "Why are 7 shipping containers being tracked by SEALS and SERT? Congressmen not returning after Holidays? Flights being blocked and transponders down? What hints has QAnon given for the New. Anonymous EXPOSED - Breaking News! Q Anon & Julian Assange Exposed 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers Tracked By SERT | Anonymous EXPOSED ⭐ Please Donate & Support This Channel: . Breanking News | Breaking News! Q Anon & Julian Assange Exposed 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers T Why are 7 transport containers being tracked with the aid of SEALS and SERT? Congressmen." Timo Rosenwirth 22 ['Breaking News', 'Anon', 'QAnon', 'Julian Assange', 'Mysterious Shipping', 'SERT', 'Mysterious', 'Shipping', 'Containers', 'Tracked'] PT9M8S 401 2 4 1 not set not set 2017-12-19T15:06:00.000Z 9P_PtR5RPfw UCIwA8kLh3pU5QdwEc6ZXSPQ Q-anon on 4chan Is a Dangerous Criminal, Vegas Update There’s a criminal who claims to have top-secret clearance, that is posting messages on a anonymous message board. People need to stop given this guy credibility or they’re going to cause more crime. Timothy Allen Campbell GoTimothy 29 ['Timothean', 'GoTimothy', 'Q clearance', 'message boards', 'criminal organizations', 'crime', 'criminals', 'zodiac serial killer', 'son of Sam', 'the gospel of timothy'] PT10M9S 393 12 11 15 not set not set 2018-02-03T03:28:49.000Z hHxyWQd7FX0 UCDHrwVzgl-vZ14wWnN1LVjQ #FISAMemo Released! Full Text Analysis, and what this means for the "Deep State", #QAnon, #TheStorm "In this video I read through the entire four page FISA Memo, #FISAMemo which is supposed to ""destroy the deep state"" upon it's release. Unfortunately that was a lot of hype, but it does show criminal activity and a blatant misuse of the FISA system for political personal agendas. Highlighting the case to end the FISA program as it is unconstitutional. FISA MEMO, Full TEXT: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: The FISA Courts: These are the Amendments including the 4th & 5th amendment from the Bill of Rights that the FISA system and courts are in direct violation of: The Fourth Amendment: The Fifth Amendment: The Fourteenth Amendment: Paul Ryan is a Zionist scumbag: Paul Ryan supports the ""Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East"" blatant lie. There are many democracies in the Middle East including Syria their neighbor and Lebanon, and Jordan lolz. Basically the only non democracy is Saudi Arabia Israel's ally. Democracy in the Middle East: How many democracies in the Middle East? @Run2Christ's video on ""The Patriots"": Don't fall for the left / right paradigm. There are bigger picture things going on. The Illuminati are playing weak when they are at their strongest. Stay vigilant. Full Show Notes On Steemit: (Link Coming Soon) Read my Steemit Blog! My Patreon: Hit me up on Social Media: * Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: (When I am un suspended lulz) * FedBook: ""The Lost Truth"": * ""TitusFrost"": * YouTube: ""Titus Frost"": * My Published Book: ""The Lost Truth"": * TitusFrost: * BitChute: * LiveStream Channel: * DTube: * Ong.Social: * Check out my book on OpenLibrary:" Titus Frost 27 ['#ReleaseTheMemo', '#FISA', '#FISAMemo', '#RussiaGate', '#Trump', '#WEF', 'World Economic Forum', '#QAnon', '#TheStorm', '#MemoGate', '#FBI', '#DOJ', 'AndrewMccabe', 'PeterStrzok', 'Steele Dossier', 'FISC', 'Bill of Rights'] PT52M6S 3060 36 122 10 not set not set 2018-07-31T00:14:18.000Z Cc_P3iQkvao UCDHrwVzgl-vZ14wWnN1LVjQ Questions for Isaac after the LTV Interview. #PedoWood #Qanon #SayBraveThings #SurvivorStories "I had some questions for Isaac Kappy after the LTV interview. I am still not decided either way on this situation and I believe the truth might be somewhere in the middle. I think the Seth Green allegations seem credible, but he seems to be relying on rumors and internet stuff for the Spielberg accusations, etc. Also he clearly doesn't realize that Q anon is a bs operation at this point. With all that being said I still want to share his information, he seems to have some strange first hand knowledge about Seth Green and Clare Grant, nothing criminal that he saw, but that they may be according to Isaac pedophiles and may therefore may or may not be doing criminal things. So once again no one knows for sure and we need more hard evidence before we go out on a limb and say these things are anything more than allegations. LTV interview: Watch it and decide for yourself. Thanks for watching everyone, please see the links to contact me below: Full Show Notes On Steemit: 24/7 Discord Chat: Read my Steemit Blog! How to help fund my Investigative Journalist operation: Send a Tip via Paypal: Become a Monthly Sponsor via Patreon: Hit me up on Social Media: * Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: (When I am un suspended lulz) * FedBook: ""Titus Frost”: (currently suspended) * ""TitusFrost"": * YouTube: ""Titus Frost"": * My Published Book: ""The Lost Truth"": * TitusFrost: * BitChute: * LiveStream Channel: * DTube: * * Periscope: * Twitch: * Check out my book on OpenLibrary:" Titus Frost 27 ['isaackappy', 'seth green', 'ltv', 'pedowood', '#pedowood', '#qanon', '#saybravethings', '#survivorstories'] PT17M18S 4154 143 155 55 not set not set 2018-08-01T13:07:53.000Z buGo0lnpatY UCDHrwVzgl-vZ14wWnN1LVjQ #PedoWood #QAnon - Mueller Referred Podesta to NY, Robbin Young Confirms Kappy Spielberg Claims "In this video we are going to cover a great many things. Most important Robbin Young came out and backed up Isaac Kappy's claims: Ridiculous Q Anon Article: Sharika Soul: Podesta referred to NY for investigation via Mueller: LTV Fiona Barnett Interview: Thomas Paine Article: Podesta Investigation: Mr. Burgundy Video: Criminals Beware: #FreePhoenix420 Update: Dan Schneider: Thanks for watching make sure to follow me on Steemit for the full show notes! Thanks for watching everyone, please see the links to contact me below: Full Show Notes On Steemit: (Link Coming Soon) 24/7 Discord Chat: Read my Steemit Blog! How to help fund my Investigative Journalist operation: Send a Tip via Paypal: Become a Monthly Sponsor via Patreon: Hit me up on Social Media: * Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: (When I am un suspended lulz) * FedBook: ""Titus Frost”: (currently suspended) * ""TitusFrost"": * YouTube: ""Titus Frost"": * My Published Book: ""The Lost Truth"": * TitusFrost: * BitChute: * LiveStream Channel: * DTube: * * Periscope: * Twitch: * Check out my book on OpenLibrary:" Titus Frost 24 ['#qanon', 'pedowood', '#pedowood', 'tom hanks', 'steven spielberg', 'hollywood', 'hollywierd', 'pedogate', 'mueller', 'podesta', 'robbin young', 'isaac kappy', 'sara ruth ashcraft'] PT58M22S 8160 190 305 21 not set not set 2018-08-11T12:57:46.000Z 8UvbtPscakw UCDHrwVzgl-vZ14wWnN1LVjQ #Qanon - Bot Army Check Mate - #Anonymous - #FollowTheWhiteRabbit - #EtherSec - #TheGame23 Part 2 "I will be starting where we left off, describing how a shadowy group now known as Cicada 3301 was the Genesis and the creator of #Qanon, as exposed by ""Anonymous"". Email sent to me: ""The Game 23 The Game 23: Use social media to further propagate the ideas of the collective, and coordinate actions. Due to security reasons, some of these transmitted messages will by cryptic in nature. Use CTF hashtags, or operation hashtags, in order to keep track of individual assignments. Activation capture the flag on twitter and facebook : #ctf3333 this is the hashtag in use now for ctf : also use those hashtags : #cicada3301 #adacic1033 #thegame23 #jailbreak and #ctf3333 #kstxi • Project 89: Use social media to place subconscious triggers into the egregore consciousness of the internet. These subconscious triggers will be activated at future dates to awaken sleeper cells. Educate yourself on the psychological tactics of Project 89. armada music : (episode 1 : mod33:33) facebook : ; ""Greetings /Brothers and /Systers Perhaps you have not yet been informed, but the works of Chuck Palahniuk are cryptic messages being distributed to active sleeper cells all over the world by T.Y.L.E.R. "" WIKI with PEDO & Satanic Cabals Why is Pentagons Private Pub Listed here?!? Pedo Site (No CP images in pic) Further Proof that the Genderless Pronouns are being pushed by Pedos Cabal Tumblr Illuminati Connections A Secret Society within a Secret Society"" - Rest of Email on steemit. Thanks for watching see the steemit full show notes for the rest. Full Show Notes On Steemit: Read my Steemit Blog! How to help fund my Investigative Journalist operation: Send a Tip via Paypal: Become a Monthly Sponsor via Patreon: Hit me up on Social Media: * Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: (When I am un suspended lulz) * FedBook: ""Titus Frost”: (currently suspended) * ""TitusFrost"": * YouTube: ""Titus Frost"": * My Published Book: ""The Lost Truth"": * TitusFrost: * BitChute: * DTube: * Periscope: * Twitch: * Check out my book on OpenLibrary:" Titus Frost 24 not set PT1H49M23S 4098 158 163 62 not set not set 2018-04-27T18:38:54.000Z 0lx8YdNJC7A UCGgGXhOxkow8tQ-DZw9P0Xw Who is #Qanon? "This is just my take on the entire Q Anon situation. I attempt to break down what Q Anon is, who created and who took it over. Links for your own research: 1. What Happened to Ian Murdock?: 2. Is Cicada 3301 the new Nostradamus?: 3. Is Cicada 3301 the New Nostradamus, older video about Vault 7: 4. Defango on the breakdown of the 3301 Prophecy: 5. Jerome Corsi the Poland Connection: Need more then use that crazy thing called a search bar and verify what I said for yourself. The answers are out there NEO, find them for yourself. Full Show Notes On Steemit: 24/7 Discord Chat: Read my Steemit Blog! My Patreon: Hit me up on Social Media: * Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: (When I am un suspended lulz) * FedBook: ""Titus Frost”: * ""TitusFrost"": * YouTube: ""Titus Frost"": * My Published Book: ""The Lost Truth"": * TitusFrost: * BitChute: * LiveStream Channel: * DTube: * Ong.Social: * Periscope: * Twitch: * Check out my book on OpenLibrary:" Titus Frost 1984 24 not set PT19M35S 11223 397 624 83 not set not set 2018-05-08T14:57:18.000Z RtHlW2JRkys UCGgGXhOxkow8tQ-DZw9P0Xw Who is Q Anon and Cicada 3301 - Post Defango Expose' Partay "So I wanted to update all the information that I posted to the internetz about Q Anon and Cicada 3301 now that Defango did his expose. So Cicada 3301 was created by Ian Murdock, Bruce C Clark Jr, and Thomas Schoenberger ""Sophia Musik"". Thomas is the one known as the ""composer"" and is a self proclaimed ""Stargate Super Soldier"" and notice I put quotes there because I never believed this remote viewing stuff as I said to them and to you all. However that is the claim. Supposedly Thomas wanted to sell the Q Anon / Cicada Puzzles to Hollywood and didn't want to share the wealth. So Q Anon was created by Cicada 3301 Thomas, with Monty McGovern the Math Professor. They emailed Tracy Beanz way back when this whole Q Anon thing began and Defango has the email as he was living with Thomas at the time. So Tracy knows all this info about Cicada starting it and all that and has been lying the whole time, so have other people. Just as I said when I called this all out a long time ago. I just want to say ""I WAS RIGHT"" about Q ANON, and you are all welcome. You also need to thank DEFANGO because he was right about all this and put himself in harms way to tell you all. Links for more research for yourself: Defango Video: AIM4Truth Video: My Who Is Q Anon video: My STWT exposing Mont McGovern as Q Anon: Run2Christ Bitchute: Illuminati Dualism: Thanks for watching! Please upvote on Steemit!" Titus Frost 1984 24 not set PT20M36S 11649 231 500 59 not set not set 2018-05-11T13:29:36.000Z pheqsEHkuG8 UCGgGXhOxkow8tQ-DZw9P0Xw Warning! Q Anon Crew Malicious Malware Application & Ponzy Scheme Exposed "Huge thanks to 0_hour who just completely exposed the Q Anon crew for pushing malicious spyware on the community to make money. The Q Anon alerts app is a money making ponzy scheme that also data mines your phone and all the other app information. Delete it immediately. Q Anon hoax debunked: Further grasping at straws last night ""Q Anon"" posted a completely fake picture of letter head and a pen. It was debunked immediately, these guys are grasping at straws. Desperation is a stinky cologne fellas. The letter and pen thing completely debunked: Q Anon quits after magic pen bs is debunked: The names are dropping fast, as they come out I will be naming them all. The first two confirmed are: 1. Ken Rucker: 2. Michael Stewart, Barack H Obama Foundation: Michael's Twitter connections: @PatriotNN @AllSeeingEw Website: 3. Third Name has now come out! Bailey Olson: It has officially hit the fan. Peace all." Titus Frost 1984 24 not set PT11M7S 10597 289 481 81 not set not set 2018-05-13T04:55:13.000Z AQqoj7ZN5lI UCGgGXhOxkow8tQ-DZw9P0Xw #STWT Show 44: Iran, Netanyahu visits Putin, S-300's, Q Anon, Roy McGovern, Cicada 3301 Talk, Etc. "This is the 44th episode of #STWT Spitting Truth with Titus. This is my weekly live show where we break down all the topics most relevant to exposing the New World Order. I try to gather various topics and guests to discuss information that would help wake people up. Sorry about the sound, after the intro ends I forgot to hit the mic button back on until about the 8 minute 30 mark. So sorry my bad. So, the silence does not last for like two hours or so. When I upload this to DTUBE I will edit out the silence. Iran and Syria were discussed heavily. We talked about the canceled rumored S-300 sale to Syria by Russia, for which there was never a ""deal"" in place per say, but there were plenty of rumors. However shortly after Netanyahu visits Putin the rumors of a sale of S-300's and S-400's to Syria, are all ended. Rumor gone, and the systems Syria needs to defend itself from Israeli Jets will not get sold to them. Interesting coincidence. Article: I discussed March Against Monsanto, which is coming up this Saturday May 19th, please join us in Boston: We went over a bunch of other information. We talked about the whole Q Anon drama scene, and we also talked about Cicada 3301 and how they are working on music encryption. Really fascinating stuff. Titus Frost Butthurt Report: I also went over the Roy McGovern beatdown by New World Order police for merely asking questions and then the strange copyright that TLA got for posting it. TLA video: Also we discussed the upcoming vigil for Julian Assange and how he has been imprisoned for 6 years and how strange all the stuff about his proof of life was: I would like to thank my guests for joining! 1. @TLAVagabond ""Ryan Cristian"": TLA on Steemit: 2. Frank Baconator lolz: Frank's ""Steem Punk Radio"": 3. Random Live Call in Guest from Deep Inside a Mossad Bunker JK. 4. The Illuminati who did not talk but were listening the whole time, and their minions. Thanks for watching everyone! Full Show Notes On Steemit: (Link Coming Soon) 24/7 Discord Chat: Read my Steemit Blog! My Patreon: Hit me up on Social Media: * Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: (When I am un suspended lulz) * FedBook: ""Titus Frost”: (currently suspended) * ""TitusFrost"": * YouTube: ""Titus Frost"": * My Published Book: ""The Lost Truth"": * TitusFrost: * BitChute: * LiveStream Channel: * DTube: * * Periscope: * Twitch: * Check out my book on OpenLibrary:" Titus Frost 1984 24 not set PT2H52M45S 3714 65 179 6 not set not set 2018-08-27T13:45:23.000Z 4mW-w-YSijU UCx7M6dVRhB8_1rFNnZqcOwA NO AGENDA Q-ANON MUSIC MIX "#Q-anon #Q #Qanon End-of-show mix from No Agenda Episode 1059 ""Barrel Roll"". I loved this mix so much I made a video for it. I managed to find the original PBS News Hour clip and synch'd it up with the audio. No Agenda Show: Freesound: PBS News Hour Clip: We Are Q:" Toby Langford 10 ['Q-Anon', 'QAnon', '#Q', '#Qanon', 'Music Mix', 'Satire', 'Psybient'] PT6M2S 925 9 28 2 not set not set 2018-03-28T21:52:22.000Z aDqNkI0qxpE UCf9FsuEuyEXVxZtyCZZz6BA The Good, The Bad, And The Q: The Truth About Q Anon "Discussing the positive and negative systemic effects that The Q Phenomenom has had on the alternative media and truth community QAnon posts: Through The Looking Glass: ******** Donate ******** ************** Social Media ************** http://www.TWITTER/TomBinnz ********* Website *********" Tom Binnz 25 ['qanon', 'q collective', 'q conspiracy', 'q 8chan', 'the storm', 'the great awakening', 'CBTS', 'the calm before the storm', 'deep state', 'truth community', 'q community', 'q 4 chan', 'trump', 'trump and q', 'donald trump', 'maga', 'the q anon', 'q anon', 'trust the plan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'red pills', 'take the red pill', '8ch', 'patriots', 'wwg1wga', 'great awakening'] PT16M55S 318 6 18 1 not set not set 2017-12-20T05:15:14.000Z TqVaXyABKTw UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Antifa Riots UN Takeover and Q Anon!!!! "Please sub for more updates!! Find BPEarthwatch All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Recorded in 720 HD Survival Food and Supplies/Water Filters Please Subscribe to our Free and Public Backup Platform. GQ Radiation Meters" Tom Gunz 22 ['Antifa', 'QAnon', 'UN Takeover', 'News', 'Marshall Law', 'George Soros'] PT18M59S 1575 12 49 1 not set not set 2017-12-21T01:21:10.000Z x-chGV7sndA UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon Big Drop!!! Part 1 "Please sub my new channel for more updates!! Visit http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Q Page Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Politics', 'Education', 'Marshall Law', 'Q Anon'] PT15M21S 3813 16 76 2 not set not set 2017-12-21T02:04:39.000Z x82cU30dASg UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon Big Drop!!!!!!! Part 2 "Please sub my channel for more updates!! Visit Jesse's Website http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Q Page Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Education', 'Politics', 'Marshall Law', 'Trump'] PT16M50S 5075 36 96 1 not set not set 2017-12-21T06:19:40.000Z Y5MfjH255rE UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon Clinton, Obama, Trump!!!!!!! "Please sub and leave a comment below!! Some good info from Black Conservative Patriot Q Anon: View of Map @ 40K Ft Explains Clinton, Obama, Trump, Pizzagate, NWO, Cabal Fake News etc. Category Autos & Vehicles License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Politics', 'Education', 'Marshall Law'] PT10M 85 0 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-21T17:55:05.000Z FnVdJMpIIkk UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon-Sessions Call For Clnton-Obama-FBI-Uranium One Crime !! "Please sub and leave a comment below!! Thank you Jesse over at BPEarthwatch!! Queen Check. All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Survival Food and Supplies/Water Filters Please Subscribe to our Free and Public Backup Platform. GQ Radiation Meters Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Sessions', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'FBI', 'Uranium One', 'Politics', 'Government'] PT11M42S 1290 4 32 0 not set not set 2017-12-22T02:18:14.000Z ed0iBk_pZ3Q UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon/Sessions/UR1/Trump Goes For Abusers!!! "Please sub for more updates!! Thanks to Roy Potter former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Here’s the link to the EO: Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Trump', 'Sessions', 'UR1', 'Obama', 'Clinton', 'Politics', 'News'] PT5M32S 234 0 5 0 not set not set 2017-12-22T17:00:17.000Z T8JxPJ9j7RM UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon NK/Latest Updates Dec. 22 2017!!!! "Please sub my channel for more updates!! Send Jesse some love and sub his channel!! The Lastest Q Storm All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Survival Food and Supplies/Water Filters Please Subscribe to our Free and Public Backup Platform. GQ Radiation Meters Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 not set PT12M1S 6907 39 148 5 not set not set 2017-12-23T01:11:00.000Z tSJgAyqHBz4 UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon/Infowars Confirms!!!!!! "Please sub for more updates!! Alex Jones talks with long time Infowars caller and Army Intelligence member Zach. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: Follow Alex on TWITTER - Like Alex on FACEBOOK - Infowars on G+ - :Web: :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: Funding the Infowar is more important than ever! Visit to get the latest books, documentaries, Infowars swag, survival & preparedness gear & nutritional products Alex Jones and his family trust, while supporting the growth of our expanding media operation. Sign up for the Infowars daily newsletter to become an 'Underground Insider' & bypass censorship bots of social media plus get exclusive content + coupon codes for our shop! INFOWARS HEALTH - START GETTING HEALTHY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE - The Alex Jones Show ©copyright, Free Speech Systems.LLC 1995 - 2017 All Rights Reserved. May use for fair use and educational purposes #AlexJones #Infowars Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Q Anon', 'Alex Jones', 'Politics', 'Marshall Law', 'Trump', 'POTUS'] PT11M21S 1942 11 30 1 not set not set 2017-12-24T16:57:20.000Z Ss8CrplxHVM UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q ANON MAJOR UPDATE!! "PLEASE SUB FOR MORE UPDATES!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! THANK YOU TO JESSE OVER AT BPEARTHWATCH FOR PUTTING THIS OUT! SEND BP SOME LOVE AND GO OVER AND SUB! Survival Food and Supplies @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Recorded in 720 HD Survival Food and Supplies/Water Filters Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['Education', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'Q Anon', 'Politics'] PT10M13S 6599 30 91 2 not set not set 2017-12-25T22:04:50.000Z lvvc5hzLxus UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Update!!!! (BPEarthwatch) "Please sub for more updates!! Big thanks to BPEarthwatch for putting this out!! All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Survival Food and Supplies/Water Filters Please Subscribe to our Free and Public Backup Platform. GQ Radiation Meters Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['News', 'Politics', 'Trump', 'Q Anon'] PT2M6S 608 2 11 0 not set not set 2017-12-27T04:27:43.000Z c2Gk8ogO2YU UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon/Trump/Julian Assange/Latest Update!! "Please SUBSCRIBE for more updates!!! Latest Update. 720 HD All Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Our Website http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Q Page Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 ['News', 'Politcs', 'Education', 'Trump'] PT8M53S 13299 41 268 8 not set not set 2017-12-28T01:52:32.000Z sf6HvJ9Rg9g UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon/Deep State Takedown Update!!! "Please Subscibe for more updates!! Go over to Jesse's channel and give him some love and sub!! Our Website http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com Q Page Category Education License Standard YouTube License" Tom Gunz 22 not set PT12M51S 28114 140 579 15 not set not set 2017-12-31T23:37:31.000Z CBbtnDAzqyA UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q ANON, ALEX JONES/Jerome Corsi Dec.31 Latest!!!!!!! SUBSCRIBE & TWITTER - ALEX JONES INFOWARS BITCOIN DONATIONS: 1KiWDiSsvmhXuoVo5FJ8MCLw3beP53ySz7 -- -- -- -- -- SUBSCRIBE TO PRISONPLANET.TV -- -- Share With 20 People - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - Help wake up your community by becoming a subscriber to and sharing your login with up to 20 friends. Follow Alex on TWITTER - Like Alex on FACEBOOK - Infowars on G+ - The Alex Jones Show © copyright, Free Speech Systems .LLC 1995 - 2017 All Rights Reserved. May use for fair use and educational purposes Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: Web: ... Tom Gunz 22 ['Education'] PT17M7S 458 6 16 0 not set not set 2018-01-01T19:26:48.000Z 5GgdW0XVObQ UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon And Trumps Executive Order "Please Subscribe for more updates!! Earn free coins daily no strings attached!! Hi guys this is my first video so bare with me!! I really appreciate all the subs!!!" Tom Gunz 22 ['News', 'Politics'] PT2M51S 767 7 52 0 not set not set 2018-01-02T19:52:00.000Z G7ivSsMh6zw UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q Anon What Happens Next??? "Please Subscribe for more!! Hi Guys, Today I'm asking what we do next?!!" Tom Gunz 22 ['Education'] PT2M17S 536 15 34 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T00:04:14.000Z pVoRjkrHf3w UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg NEW Q Post Jan 5 2018 "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE UPDATES!!! SEND JESSE SOME LOVE AND GO OVER AND GIVE HIM A SUB BPEarthwatch YouTube channel Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com" Tom Gunz 22 ['Education'] PT4M29S 864 4 26 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T16:43:26.000Z oVzT9F-o_gE UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg QAnon Jan 09 2018 New Board!!! "Q posts are now on a Q only board. Another 8chan board was created where people can analyze and share information. Here's the link: Please Subscribe for more updates!!" Tom Gunz 26 ['news'] PT1M46S 1553 6 36 0 not set not set 2018-01-14T04:23:39.000Z F56EPXesbS8 UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg QANON HUGE DROP JAN 13 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "MORE Q POSTS IN THE COMMENT SECTION!! Q drops big time!!!! Please leave comments in the section below!! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE UPDATES!!! Follow me on twitter" Tom Gunz 26 ['NEWS'] PT9M44S 2118 19 61 1 not set not set 2018-01-21T19:43:42.000Z iUQsZcp2ZuE UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg QAnon HUGE DROP!!!!!! Jan 21 2018 "Q drops a ton of information for us!!! Please leave comments n the comment section below!! Please SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE UPDATES!! Q Get free Crypto currency including bitcoin NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!" Tom Gunz 26 ['news'] PT7M27S 4176 39 107 1 not set not set 2018-01-25T19:01:11.000Z aJOZ4i_EFfM UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg Q ANON The Storm And Making Money Part 2 "Please subscribe for more videos!! GET FREE BITCOIN/CRYPTO CURRENCY NO STRINGS ATTACHED Styxhexenhammer666" Tom Gunz 26 ['NEWS', 'POLITICS'] PT8M10S 140 7 12 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T18:11:06.000Z rRyicetvUL0 UCrn6PHSmwZ98mCaofO1zeLg QANON Another Drop Jan 27 2018 Please Subscribe for more videos!! Tom Gunz 26 not set PT5M20S 313 4 10 0 not set not set 2018-03-24T17:03:11.000Z otXnX_EsQZU UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Trump Signs Spending Bill - The Secret Plan, Q Anon, Consequences & Misconceptions "My new Channel After The Purge Please Support Anything Helps:) There is a big difference between an Omnibus Bill and a Budget Bill, as we shall see. This might have been one of the best moves by Trump, who in this case coerced his D S opponents to fund his attacks against them. Let’s analyze the various correlated issues and observe why signing this bill may not have been such a bad idea as many would have us believe. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#TrumpSignsSpendingBill', '#TrumpSignsTrillionDollarOmnibusBill', '#NewSpendingBillProvisions', '#GovernmentShutdownAverted', '#StormyDaniels', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#LionelNation', '#JeromeCorsi', '#JamesMunder', '#secureteam10', '#QAnon', '#BPEarthWatch'] PT13M34S 10266 212 395 9 not set not set 2018-04-12T14:46:57.000Z zHsTo-Ckajo UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon New Law Seizes Sex Trafficking Websites & Zuckerberg Hearing, RC, Omnibus Bill Connected "Yesterday Trump signed a new bill that is obviously connected to the Dec 21 2017 Exec Order, and is also, interestingly, directly related to the FB Hearings as well as the Omnibus Bill for reasons based on logical deduction. How exactly did Trump force Mark Z to testify, and what is his relationship to RC? Say no more. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#TrumpSignsBillSeizingSexTraffickingWebsites', '#NewLawTargetsSexTraffickers', '#MarkZuckerbergHearing', '#QAnon', '#TheIslandSeized', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JamesMunder', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT24M5S 9372 317 664 4 not set not set 2018-04-22T17:08:19.000Z ZXwkttOWmhE UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Maggie AKA Wendy, Mack, MA, POTUS Warning, And Nov 11 Liberation Day ? "Who is right above Allison Mack? It’s not Keith Raniere. Who is M. and A. Nixon and who are they connected to? Let’s unravel the obvious that leads right back to what started it ALL two years ago. And what will happen on November 11, 2018? My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#MaggieAKAWendy', '#AllisonMackArrested', '#QAnonNovember11', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#MarkDice'] PT27M9S 9214 325 713 10 not set not set 2018-04-27T17:44:03.000Z -2vPLEmA3qE UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon JL Versus Kanye, Moon Child, Kanye Protected, North and South Korea Unified, Haiti, JFK Files "The movie continues and we are all on the set. Kanye is protected, JL is not. North Korea and South Korea have ended hostilities and pledged to reconcile differences as Kim Jong Un crossed the DMZ into South Korea for the first time in history to meet with President Moon. The newly released batch of JFK files also confirm something we always knew. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KanyeWestSupportsTrump', '#KimJongUnMeetsMoon', '#NorthandSouthKoreaEndHostilities', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#DeceptionBytes', '#FoxNews'] PT26M20S 7071 351 540 5 not set not set 2018-05-03T15:50:59.000Z 80DIJXeCBuQ UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Pope In May, Pell Trial, Italy Press Freedom Day, Omnibus, Chinese Spy Phones, Converted "Both Q Anon (and myself) have been proven correct in our predictions concerning a Melbourne Magistrate’s decision to finally hold a trial against a certain Cardinal (following a 4-week committal hearing) with obvious repercussions (as we shall see). Today is also National Press Freedom Day in Italy. I wonder if that has anything to do with the Omnibus Bill? (Of course, it does). (If You Would Like To Contribute : ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#PellTrial', '#PopeFrancisApologizesToVictims', '#PentagonBansChineseSpyPhones', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#DestroyingTheIllusion', '#LionelNation', '#InPursuitOfTruth'] PT31M51S 9162 351 585 9 not set not set 2018-05-05T17:00:30.000Z 2Z2jBC9Djuk UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Justice FBI DOJ Firings, Strzok/Page Texts, COG Operatives, JK, Iran "Let’s analyze and make sense of the latest Q revelations and correlate them to past, present and future possibilities/realities and inevitable repercussions. The geopolitical pawns are no longer necessary. Truth extracted. (If you would like to contribute: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – PAYPAL – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#StrzokPageTexts', '#JohnKerryInIran', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews'] PT30M32S 7161 303 504 4 not set not set 2018-05-07T16:41:53.000Z kVk1Jq3C9ko UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon The Clean Up Process & Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller- Who is On The Trump Team? DTS "What exactly is the role of Sessions, ultimately, in all of this? What is Mueller really doing? What is the deal with Rosenstein and who is the REAL enemy? Let’s analyze the chess moves in this mystery novel. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. (If You Would Like To Contribute: ) YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#MuellerRussianIndictments', '#RodRosensteinDefendsDOJ', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#DestroyingTheIllusion', '#FoxNews'] PT26M34S 8772 241 494 4 not set not set 2018-05-08T17:17:27.000Z pB-C6VD75LM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon DC Exodus, Who Has Control, NY AG Schneiderman Charged, Nunes, Kerry, RR, EOs "The great game of elimination continues as pieces are moved around the chessboard in this role playing game between White Hats and Black Hats. Let’s analyze and correlate the evidence and what is to come. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. (If You Would Like To Contribute: ) YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – PAYPAL – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#EricSchneidermanSexAbuseCharges', '#DevinNunesCallsForKerrysArrest', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#DeceptionBytes', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#FOXNews'] PT29M58S 6662 252 494 4 not set not set 2018-05-09T16:24:00.000Z JSjggtDTO_g UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Evil Lost Control, Iran, Rattlesnake Suicide, H In NZ, MP In NK, DOJ Line Of Succession "An important issue has been taken care of. A vital lifeline has been cut. Let’s look at how rattlesnakes commit s u i cid while also analyzing the line of succession within the DOJ which O had signed a week prior to Jan 20 2017 but Trump then changed in Feb 2017 (and why it’s relevant). (If you would like to contribute: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpPullsOutOfIranNuclearDeal', '#NYAGEricSchneidermanQuits', '#PompeoInNorthKorea', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#LionelNation', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews'] PT30M30S 9460 392 648 7 not set not set 2018-05-10T17:16:04.000Z 3N5r0v2xFBo UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon ROSATOM & U1, Russia Exonerated? Who STOLE The Materiel? Iran Deal, Israel, Stormy & Trump "What really happened with the ROSATOM- U1 Deal? Did Putin know? Was he betrayed? Here’s why NO Uranium was exported to Russia but WAS funnelled to Iran’s secret nu clear prog by you know who. Assad in the meantime publicizes the DS. Let’s look at the big picture as usual. (If You Would Like To Contribute To My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#IranNuclearDeal', '#IsraelBombsIran', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#FoxNews'] PT31M41S 5186 241 398 2 not set not set 2018-05-12T15:46:46.000Z -Qcq0_U2GSc UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon They Reveal Themselves AJ And Corsi The GAME Or Exposure Process No Name, Q Right Again "Let us dispel any doubts regarding the veracity of Q Anon and the Q Team; not forgetting the validation of the inside intel Q has/have given us. Anyone who has decoded Q posts knows that Trump is either working with the Q team or is actually posting as Q himself (along with others who are part of Trump’s Q TEAM). Let’s explore all the correlations as usual in this dividing issue. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. (If You Like My Work – ) YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#JeromeCorsiCallsOutQAnon', '#AlexJonesAttacksCounterfeitQAnon', '#TrumpIsQAnon', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#JeromeCorsi', '#InPursuitOfTruth', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews'] PT32M19S 11275 781 913 23 not set not set 2018-05-15T16:30:28.000Z 2aern0avsSg UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon PB & ES, Q74 Confirms Comms Castle Locked, 11.11, US Jerusalem Embassy Purpose, Who's Last "Q Anon once again confirms THEIR identity as POTUS Trump’s Personal Elite Guard (from W H factions within N s a/M ilt Int el). In the meantime someone keeps bombing the Mid East all over the place including Gaza protesters. Let’s explain and tie it all together as usual. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – PAYPAL – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#USEmbassyInJerusalem', '#SealedIndictments', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#JeromeCorsi', '#FOXNews'] PT34M3S 6681 333 495 8 not set not set 2018-05-17T18:01:20.000Z oD3nPRUUf-M UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Unsealed Weiner Indictment Order, EO Request, PS, Fast & Furious, House Oversight In Control "On May 16th 2018 an order was given by a NY Judge calling for Weiner’s indictment to be unsealed. And another Exec Ord er is about to be signed, while Jeff Sessions calls for the DOJ to hand over to the DOJ all Obama era docs regarding fast and f u ri ous. The Congressional Oversight Committee is back in control. For those who doubt Q is real, think again. Welcome to the New Repu b li c (If You Like My Work: My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – PAYPAL – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#UnsealedIndictments', '#ExecutiveOrders', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#InPursuitOfTruth', '#JeromeCorsi', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#FOXNews'] PT31M47S 10474 460 650 7 not set not set 2018-05-19T16:16:17.000Z WHl34gFGC_4 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Texas Terror, Black H Drops Ammo on Parkland School, MP, Pope In May, MS-13, EO Request "More dots to connect in recent developments. What it all points to. The hammer is about to drop. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. (If You Like My Work: ) YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – PAYPAL – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpCallsMS13Animals', '#SantaFeIncident', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#MarkDice'] PT31M4S 9323 409 610 5 not set not set 2018-05-21T16:28:34.000Z v1KslySuM5k UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Steps In, Follow The Pen-Tweets, IG, The Reason, Who’s Next, DOJ Succession "Trump has announced that he is now officially stepping in, because he has been formally asked by the Congressional Oversight Committee, the DOJ and (by consequence) the FBI (Christopher Wray), to exercise his executive powers and finally allow Congress to obtain the many docs withheld for so long from well known con spi rators. How was he able to accomplish this? The Dragon bites its tail.(If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – PAYPAL – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpDemandsDOJFBIReleaseDocs', '#IGReport', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#LionelNation', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#FOXNews'] PT28M30S 8189 333 562 4 not set not set 2018-05-26T16:47:18.000Z rcb5UZGv_Wg UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon The Pen, Letter, Trump & Jong Un Playwrights, Trump Says Everybody Plays Games "As usual let’s ‘follow the pen’ and observe that it also (before Trump reinstated the offer) relates to Trump’s tweet and letter of summit cancellation to Kim Jong Un. That was also a coded message used in this play that they continue to perform to derail their opponents’ moves. Let’s explore and correlate as usual. (If You'd Like To Support: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – GAB- PAYPAL – Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpToConfirmMeetingWithKimJongUn', '#TommyRobinsonArrested', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#DeceptionBytes', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews', '#JeromeCorsi'] PT31M13S 6607 464 541 11 not set not set 2018-05-31T17:59:49.000Z ABRI5o1K6-s UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Predicted The Pain Trump Steel/Aluminum Tariffs, US Milt Exercises Across Europe, ETA 611 "With the Steel/Aluminum Tariffs Trump is exacting punishment against the Gloabl D S ca bl and it is quite obvious that Q was correct and is still quite operational. What will happen before and on June 11-12? What is happening right now in preparation for it? US Military exercises across Europe. (If You’d Like To Support My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpImposesAluminumAndSteelTariffsToEU', '#USMilitaryExercisesAcrossEurope', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#LionelNation', 'NemoV', '#MarkDice'] PT32M27S 7433 283 510 4 not set not set 2018-06-05T16:43:27.000Z GRVCqFe8vcE UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Week Of Booms, AZ MS13 Corridors, Weinstein, Slovenia Free, Jordan PM Removed, IG Report "Weinstein today just made the big mistake of pleading not guilty on rape and sex abuse charges- thinking he is protected. Why is he wrong? Let’s explore even more revelations that have already come out in this ‘Week To Remember.’ My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. (If You Like My Work: ) YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#WeinsteinPleadsNotGuilty', '#IGReport', '#OperationBackyardBrawl', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation'] PT29M12S 7615 338 478 5 not set not set 2018-06-08T17:14:47.000Z -ciCcnBDQHU UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Tucson AZ Camp Updates, Spade & Bourdain 2 Boooms? Weinstein, CF "Have remains been found at the Tucson ‘abandoned’ camp? Dangerous story. But pics were posted on the VOP Team 2 Pulansky FB page. And a video of it was removed. Was the site really bulldozed? Who and Why? And is someone being threatened? Why are the deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain related? And to Whom? Look at the connections with ChesterB, CC, & CF/DNC. (If You’d Like To Contribute To My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TraffickingRingUncoveredInTucsonAZ', '#AnthonyBourdainSuicide', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT31M29S 12440 566 741 9 not set not set 2018-06-09T15:35:10.000Z Bxn0uZPWZOg UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon The VOP Tucson AZ Operation Trust VOP & Q Team/ Who Are The REAL Disinformants & Why? "You know who they are. You know who he is. Trust the blackout. Q team is working behind the scenes in Tucson AZ. Trust VOP Leader Lewis Arthur. Why is Craig Sawyer contradicting himself regarding the first discovered ‘camp’, after first supporting the reports by VOP and as a result of his own investigation at the site? Why is he cooperating with the Tucson Police Department? Why does he want to put a LID on the case with a FINAL 'conclusive' report? Look deeper. Th rea tnd (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#ChildTraffickingCampFoundInTucsonAZ', '#AnthonyBourdainSuicide', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#DeceptionBytes', '#LionelNation', '#John1919', '#FOXNews'] PT33M18S 6417 545 547 13 not set not set 2018-06-11T16:26:51.000Z 4HJwKWSZVWQ UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Is Back Trump & Kim Safe, Weather Alert, Track All Su i cides, Redactions, KIm Secret Meeting "Q Anon has returned with new posts last night and they confirm that the blackout was necessary because they were on full alert to prevent a dang e rous attempt aimed at disrupting the NK US summit. Let’s analyze as usual in relation to my predictions and of course current geopol events. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpMeetsKimJongUnInSingapore', '#IGReport', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#FOXNews'] PT36M2S 9681 437 619 9 not set not set 2018-06-17T16:41:26.000Z o9ILWobOfP4 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Huber & IG Report, ES, CF, JP Involved, GComms Safe, Why Huber Has More Powers Than IG "What is Huber’s next move? He can empanel a Grand Jury of his own choosing. Whose indictments were sealed by Huber in the first week of November 2017? What really happened on June 15 2018? Who (maybe) tried to Infil tr at and retri e v Cla s D s Info, before being stopped? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#IGReport', 'JamesComey', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT32M5S 6301 236 534 4 not set not set 2018-06-18T16:08:38.000Z DIqLSkvJfxI UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Public Awake Nunes & Unmodified IG Report Coming 2 days, RR Next, Strzok To Testify "Even the MSM conservatv media cannot now ignore any longer that Q Anon had predicted all this way before their ‘discovery’ yesterday that the IG Report (Released June 14) has been modified/redactd. Nunes ready to imp e ach RR by Wednesday June 20 (unless he releases ALL original material OR resigns / recuses willingly). Strzok Cooperating witness ready to testify willingly. More requests for EOs to force disclosure of unmodified/unredactd material. All confirmed. Future proves past again. (If You'd Like To Support My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#DevinNunesReadyToImpeachRosenstein', '#PeterStrzokToTestify', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT33M48S 7304 215 439 3 not set not set 2018-06-19T17:36:38.000Z _g1-nVBNZNQ UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Grand Jury In Place, Strzok Subpoena, Huber, LL BC HC Bridge, ES Vs Musk, Iran "Why is Strzok still being subpoenaed by the House Intel Committee even though he offered (through his attorney) to testify voluntarily without asking immunity or pleading the 5th? Has a Grand Jury been empanelled by Huber already? Who is the last chess piece? Richard Donoghue. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#PeterStrzokSubpoena', '#IGReportUnredacted', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT25M22S 8651 217 489 5 not set not set 2018-06-21T16:28:19.000Z 036p774pNrk UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon RR Deadline 10:00 Today, 302s Altered, EO On Immigration, US Pulls Out Of UN HRC, Fire Works "There are lots of distractions from the IG Report and Hearings. Rep. Matt Gaetz said that if, by 10:00 am today, RR does not deliver, impea ch ment proceedings will begin by 10.01 am. Why did the US pull out of the UN Human Rights Council? Why did he sign the EO on immigration? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#IGReportAltered', '#GaetzCallsToImpeachRosenstein', 'SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT32M33S 6963 479 516 3 not set not set 2018-06-22T17:59:08.000Z VDXunWa56jc UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon 17 Months Plan, Strzok Clearance, Fonda & Streisand, Iran To Exit Deal, Spain Betrayed "As Q Anon predicted, attacks are intensifying. Peter Strzok as cooperating witness has now fulfilled his job and that is why his security clearance has been removed. Now their guilt projection is exposing the rest, and unleashing the Great Awakening. Let hyenas dev o ur each other as their lifeline and supplies are cut o f f. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#StrzokClearanceRemoved', '#PeterFondaApologizes', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#DeceptionBytes', '#FOXNews'] PT33M27S 9904 457 630 10 not set not set 2018-06-26T16:28:29.000Z 7cXOU4Vu5s0 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Organized Riots & Targets, Strzok & RR To Testify, Waters Fail, Australia & Syria Wins "Q Anon had predicted it on Jun 21: ‘Organized Riots Planned. Countermeasures In Place.’ We now know that the target s used to light the fus e were not chosen at random. In the meantime, on the other side of the pond... (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#StrzokToTestify', '#MaxineWatersIncitesViolence', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews'] PT35M13S 7010 372 485 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T17:03:11.000Z mzjnhe0Ie30 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Attempt Made & Averted US S S & Prince, RR Set Up 6 Days, JC JA, Secret Of The Texts, Chatter "Rosenstein has no choice; whether he complies or not to the request to deliver DOJ/FBI docs within 6 days, he is still in dee p wa ters. No compromises. Here are the reasons. The mystery behind the Jet blue airbus swatted at JFK Airport. What is the real secret contained in the over 60,000 pages of docs still missing? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#HouseJudiciaryGivesDeadlineToDOJ', '#IGReportUnredacted', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#FOXNews'] PT36M19S 8218 304 523 2 not set not set 2018-06-28T16:55:09.000Z 6Lto0BnsLBM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon White Squall Red Wave, Swing Vote Lost, Joel Davis, Strzok Lies Public Hearing Next "The Dems lost a swing vote. Red Wave in November. A White Squall FLOOD. Q Anon predicted everything that is being exposed as we speak. HC Campaign Officer arrested for heinous crimes. This Is Real. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#AnthonyKennedyStepsDown', '#StrzokHearing', '#BruceFigertsWhiteRabbitNetwork', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews'] PT35M30S 8163 371 549 1 not set not set 2018-06-30T19:25:44.000Z yRQAhlyDOgc UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Use Of Symbolism Increased, Bourne Event, Therapists, RR Fail, Waiting For Reporter "Why are they slapping it right in front of our faces in ever increasing doses? Masonic Ill symbolism and sygil magic explained in relation to recent ‘Events.’ It would be easy for one reporter to ask the specific question. But they would self des t rct. They should also interview the ‘therapists.’ Say no more. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#RodRosensteinTestimony', '#AnnapolisMarylandAttack', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT25M56S 7672 258 571 6 not set not set 2018-07-03T16:23:54.000Z DBkfVuUMtzw UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon FVEY, Why SEC Clearance For D S? New SCOTUS Before Mid Terms & Then Huber Strikes "According to a poll by NBC (incredibly) the majority of Americans (62%) want a new Supreme Justice appointed before the Mid Terms in November, and there’s a reason why this will happen anyway: Huber. What is he doing in the meantime? Filing more indictments as deadline approaches, and waiting for the SCOTUS appointment (the right guy). (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#SCOTUSAppointment', '#EUSanctionsOnUS', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#FOXNews'] PT28M53S 5249 210 401 7 not set not set 2018-07-05T16:19:25.000Z VheHDGiDdo0 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Awan NOT Free Despite Plea Deal, Think National Security, Huber, Milt Tribunals, Indictments "Imran Awan was let go on a minor charge dealing with a case filed under ‘Bank Fraud’ which was totally unrelated to his profession as IT engineer under DWS—and totally unrelated to the 18 month ongoing investigation into his access of secure servers, emails, and selling stolen state secrets to Pakistan and others under cover from the DNC. The rest of the criminal ‘acts’ related to the crime EVENT can now BY LAW (as we shall see) be thrown at him by Huber using even the same prosecutors within a tribunal that deals with National Security and Treason (Imran has dual American citizenship). Despite the lies of the Ms m which claim that ‘conspiracy theories’ have now been ‘debunked’ (despite the fact that the IG Report confirms them) and the ‘role’ played by prosecutors in Awan’s case who let him walk, he will be struck with further multiple charges when the indictments are finally unsealed. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#AwanPleaDeal', '#SCOTUSAppointment', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT31M22S 7404 351 570 5 not set not set 2018-07-07T15:22:18.000Z HM5UGCFw88g UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Off To Save The World July EVENT Trump & SCOTUS, NATO, Queen, Putin, Iran, Italy "The meme reposted by Q Anon on July 3rd said it all. Monday will be the beginning of a busy week and July brings fireworks. Q Team is busy for a reason. Why are these events/summits important, why are the D S and their ms m puppets shaking in their boots, and what will Trump discuss with Putin at the one on one meeting? Truth coming. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpNATOSummit', '#TrumpPutinSummitFinland', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT34M2S 6987 375 577 7 not set not set 2018-07-12T16:01:21.000Z fTgYyu5h8aA UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Exposes NATO, Strzok In Court, Seth Rich Witness Lies, Huma Dropped "Trump told EU NATO members that the US is not the world’s piggy bank—certainly not to promote and support FFs against non-existent enemies (Russia) to bring the world to the brink of war with grandiose geopolitical lies meant also to protect TAPI interests. Peter Strzok to testify at public hearing today. What will he say? Following a week of hi t s, somebody else was felled reportedly in revenge for Anthony’s Weiner’s conviction. Who was it, and why? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpNATOSummit', '#StrzokPublicHearing', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT40M23S 5897 288 524 6 not set not set 2018-07-14T16:59:37.000Z aSSSZq2VobI UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Saves Hard Brexit, May Free ? Lisa Page More Credible Than Strzok ? EU/NATO Shakes "From the press conference Trump held with Theresa May yesterday it becomes clear that it is not Trump, but May who has changed her stance regarding Brexit. What she and Trump said about the issue implies clearly and also explicitly that May’s Brexit Proposal is still on the table and is being revised based on Trump’s suggestions and advice, and that it is the original Brexit deal they were discussing, NOT the Soft Deal. Trump sealed the conference with a warning to May to do exactly what he told her, by bringing up how he already handled the EU trade threat and NATO budget deals. And that there is a heavy price to pay and they know what that price is. Let’s also look at what Congress is already saying about Lisa Page’s closed session interview with select members of the House Committee which lasted 5 hrs. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpMayPressConference', '#LisaPageInterview', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews', '#MarkDice'] PT30M51S 8233 265 517 4 not set not set 2018-07-17T16:47:40.000Z -VrX0g8pOQ4 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Putin Conference, Crimea, Global Denuclearization, D S Crimes, Putin’s Idea "Many answers were given by Trump & Putin at their Conference in Helsinki. Let’s see why this is a win-win for the Whi t e hats and why Trump & Putin can now cooperate unhindered by demonization and propaganda lies. The world awaits, as Trump said. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#PutinTrumpHelsinkiConference', '#RussiaProbe', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', 'LionelNation', 'MarkDice'] PT25M26S 7287 354 500 6 not set not set 2018-07-18T19:28:54.000Z XxHEa99DJIk UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon The Families- JFK Jr. , Strzok CIA/FBI Double Agent, Strzok Sr, The Ball, Trump Vs Clowns "As predicted the Clown agency is in total control of the FBI/DOJ, if we are to believe a FOIA unclassified document dated Jan 20 2016. And where is Wray? What is Haspel doing in the meantime? Why does the memory of JFK survive as Q pointed us to, and how is JFK Jr. related to the Great Awakening? Let’s observe and discuss the reality. Families. Wizards and Warlocks Vs The Evil Empire. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpPutinSummit', '#StrzokRecalledForContempt', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', '#MarkDice', '#LionelNation'] PT30M42S 7100 382 538 8 not set not set 2018-07-19T18:05:35.000Z eP_fHfwt36w UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon RR Impeachment Issue Now Or Later, Clowns Own DOJ/FBI & Nunes Slams DOJ, Ryan Objects "The Republicans are divided over the issue of impeachment for Rod Rosenstein. He is unfortunately, like Strzok & his family, a Deep St ate Republican but realistically working with the Clowns. And so a most important question remains: Should Rod Rosenstein be impeached before or after the mid-terms? Let’s measure the risks and the benefits and weigh the scales. Why is the US Solicitor General Noel Francisco, ‘Acting Associate AG’ Jesse Panuccio (including others) and the DOJ line of succession important? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#RodRosensteinImpeachment', '#NunesCriticizesDOJ', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation', '#StroppyMe'] PT23M49S 6115 204 464 1 not set not set 2018-07-20T18:37:11.000Z Od6Crquz1mc UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Invites Putin To WH, CL Owned Dems & Senate Refuse Putin Proposal, McFaul "Trump has invited Putin to the WH for a meeting in the Fall. In the meantime the Senate, upon Dems request, has voted 98-0 against Putin’s request to question former US Ambassador to Moscow (2012-2014) Michael McFaul (and many others)—who left office just a few days after the Soros-McCain sponsored coup in Ukraine. The D S and Clown-owned Sen ate is contravening the regulatory statute of an International Treaty dating back to 1999. But that’s ok because Senate is –apparently—90% compromised. Let’s put the cards on the table and look at some other current and funny crimes by the D S. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpInvitesPutinToWhiteHouse', '#SenateVotesAgainstPutinProposal', '#SpaceShot76', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT35M19S 5830 279 423 5 not set not set 2018-07-21T17:00:41.000Z 0Z09z7yMkA8 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Saves The World, Mexico New Populist Govt, May Vs EU Over N. Ireland, More W Hats "Is the EU unelec ted Gov’t really trying to promote a new civil war in N. Ireland (and Britain) and bring back the time of ‘The Troubles’ by rejecting May’s HARD Brexit deal (after she was rescued and Freed by Trump) over the Northern Irish border? The EU wants to keep N. Ireland enslaved and May is opposed. Thankfully the red conserve at ive populist wave is now unstoppable, as Mexico’s newly elect President also demonstrates. He can now be counted among the W Hat populist factions around the world. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#MayRejectsEUProposalOnNorthernIreland', '#NewMexicanPresidentAndTrump', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#CitizensInvestigativeReport', 'TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', '#SpaceShot76'] PT25M42S 8649 326 606 5 not set not set 2018-07-22T17:49:21.000Z zJgUVtPdoto UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Carter Page FISA Warrant Documents Show Steele Dossier Fake, Assange Asylum Withdrawn "The DOJ/FBI Clown owned conglomerate (at least minimally but impactfully) has decided to comply to repeated requests and subpoenas since the first (RR redacted/mod) IG Report release, and dropped hundreds of pages of docs related to the FISA warrant (renewed 3 times) that was used by the FBI/DOJ to spy illegally on former Trump Campaign adviser Carter Page. They show that the fake Steele Dossier was the sole basis for this warrant which was meant to discredit and bring damage to Candidate 1 (Donald Trump) through Fusion GPS which realistically was not operating as an Opposition Research group but was fabricating stories because they could NOT find any dirt on DJT, and through higher senior officials were funneling money to Christopher Steele (who had been dropped by the FBI as FBI informant because he was not reliable)--as well as telling him what to write or writing it themselves. Ah, the Penny’s dropped. Let’s also look at other happenings and why Julian Assange’s asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been withdrawn—and why he is safe nonetheless (much safer). (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#CarterPageFISAWarrantDocuments', '#AssangeAsylumWithdrawn', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', '#MarkDice', '#DeceptionBytes'] PT24M44S 5437 207 466 0 not set not set 2018-07-23T17:37:43.000Z OhdgaJ_M1YI UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Warns Iran Next & Cut Off From Global Oil Market, EU Oil Imports Sanctions "Throughout history the Iran conflict has always been about oil. And then under Hussein the US and EU Deep St also hoped to make it the nuc l ear umbrella for their global expansionist policies. History comes full circle and colonial imperialism never died—neither did the Cl owns and SIS. After N. Korea, Iran will also be freed soon. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpThreatensIran', '#USSanctionsOnEUOilImports', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#DeceptionBytes', '#FOXNews', '#StroppyMe'] PT22M26S 7898 237 515 7 not set not set 2018-07-24T17:16:10.000Z cAwJAnomz4s UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Threatens To Remove Sec Clearances, FVEY D S, May In Full Control Of Hard Brexit "As Q had predicted, the issue of security clearances for former dignitaries, state officials and heads of state (O) was important for a reason. Now they have named names and their security clear ance is no longer needed. Another sweep by Trump in the cleaning process is being prepared as Theresa May (now free) assumes full control of Brexit negotiations with the EU following the dismissal of David Davis and Boris Johnson. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpThreatensToRemoveSecurityClearances', '#TrumpAgreesToMuellerInterviewOnRussiaProbe', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#FOXNews', '#SpaceShot76', '#DeceptionBytes'] PT22M58S 5458 288 458 3 not set not set 2018-07-25T15:06:51.000Z EZUCFESGmVM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Old Guard Destroyed Trump Vs US FVEY DS, Sec Clearances, Trump Vs FRB Final Phase "Q Anon has returned after a 20 day absence with important posts that reveal and confirm Trump’s ongoing successes in the geopolitical scenario (and what I and others also mentioned in previous vids); As Q points out again, ‘Why Do We Allow [Former] Dignitaries Sec Clearance?’ Let’s explain why and how they did it, and why these Sec Clearances are now being revoked for abusing and corrupting the FVEY network. And finally, in what will be a stage in the final phase of the cleansing operation, Trump has criticized the Fed Rese rv Ba n k for raising interest rates and (for the first time in history since its nefarious inception in 1913), can and will assume its control, politicize it, so that it will no longer be a private corrupt entity. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpToRevokeSecurityClearances', '#TrumpCriticizesFRB', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#DeceptionBytes'] PT37M23S 6021 283 458 5 not set not set 2018-07-29T16:20:26.000Z Yr8sLBaFOX8 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Gunn & Insur anc Pol, FISA, PS Follow The Wife, Save Canada Solution "First, Urg n t ms g to Q Branch with a Can a d Solut in. Secondly, let’s examine the multi-lateral, multi-front, multi-level attacks conducted by W hts against the pyramid of disgust that is the GSPN, and the fr on ts used by people like Strzok’s wife (Leading Investigator of SE C) as part ofc of the ins uran ce policy/ies. BUT, there is a backlash on all GSPN LEVELS. And it all goes back to Dec 21 2017 (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#JamesGunn', '#PeterStrzok', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT36M37S 6115 271 508 4 not set not set 2018-07-30T16:25:38.000Z ljzbZQwWNFA UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon MA Iden Confirmed & Cover, Brennan The Master & The Corrupt FISC Connection "Q reveals the identity of one of two (or maybe a single) perpetrator/s who tried to ta ke do wn POTUS on Jun 10. Who is Avenatti and who does he serve, who funds him, who employs him? Brennan. And of course let’s not forget the Corrupt FISC Connection which unites the three rings. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#MichaelAvenatti', '#JohnBrennanAndFISA', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#TheAlexJonesChannel', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews'] PT25M27S 5193 229 499 7 not set not set 2018-08-07T17:50:07.000Z nJxq5fIDcnw UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon AJ Erased & The Plot, The Bill, Selling The US, CodeNext, And The Cavalry Is Coming "The orchestrated attack to erase AJ from history is suspicious for various other reasons, of course all correlated to the ongoing geopol events and their PLAN. But there is a counter-plan. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#InfowarsBanned', '#TrumpRenewsSanctionsOnIran', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews', '#MarkDice'] PT32M11S 6338 354 513 9 not set not set 2018-08-08T18:13:12.000Z -AdMRtDCwno UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Midterms Big Tech & CFPD Bill Last ACT In Script, AJ, RR/DOJ Issue "They do not know which way Trump’s strategy is going to go. But why interfere with an enemy while they’re in autopilot self- destr ct ? What is a Bill? What is an Act? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#USMidTermElections', '#AlexJonesBanned', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews', '#SpaceShot76'] PT34M33S 4997 210 379 4 not set not set 2018-08-09T17:02:30.000Z 6Z95uG2UjR0 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Rothschild Vs Trump & Free Trade, FDA/ABR Break Law, NM Cartel Trains Kids "A number of important issues which point directly to the top of the pyra mid. Exposure X 10. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#FDAUsesTaxDollarsToBuyAbortedFetuses', '#ChildrenRescuedFromNewMexicoCompound', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#MarkDice'] PT30M53S 6213 349 563 5 not set not set 2018-08-15T15:36:56.000Z K6ezkaAqqI4 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Italy Under Attack? Haiti Issue, 300 PA Priests Accused, G Mail Drafts & ICE, Ketron, NM Camp "Is Italy under attack? The two ‘accidents’ in Bologna and Genoa. There are no coincidences especially when we’re talking about an Italian nationalist populist government that follows the policies of POTUS Trump. Putin expressed his condolences immediately soon after. The so-called ‘exorcism’ performed on a 3-yr old at the NM ‘training’ compound was actually the opposite of what they claim- and this is bigger than even most ‘au t ists’ can imagine. As are other crimes (‘hobbies’) around the world. So let’s go further down the ra bbit hole. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#PhiladelphiaPriestsAccuseOfChildAbuse', '#GenoaBridgeCollapse', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews'] PT39M58S 5781 407 487 9 not set not set 2018-08-16T16:17:41.000Z SSkECodBFQc UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon AL Q Resurrected, Brennan Sec Clearance Removed, Access Closed, Haiti, PC, D S Thre at s "Since IS IS has already lost, the D S is now trying to resurrect an old corpse (AL_Q) by using their Clown as s set in the regi on: The son of UBL. Simultaneously, JB has had his sec clearance finally removed. The rest will go down as well. What will happen to certain ppl who were comp misd and/or thretd? Let’s tie this all together as usual and make sense of the geopol situation and THE IR ongoing attempts to stop the WW move me nt. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#JohnBrennanSecurityClearanceRevoked', '#OsamaBinLadenSon', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT39M28S 4873 289 374 6 not set not set 2018-08-20T17:06:54.000Z v5NCT6YjCjM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon AG Sessions & US Milt Law, FISA 20, Firewalls, Comey, Projection "On March 1 2018 Trump signed an amendment to the Manuals For Courts-Martial, giving AG Sessions power to deliver fed criminal cases to special milt courts. We know the culprits and have an idea of who signed. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#OhrAndSteeleTexts', '#CarterPage', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#ThePatriotHour'] PT30M34S 4897 214 447 3 not set not set 2018-08-22T14:48:37.000Z OOXlMMz_k0E UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Manafort And Cohen Guilty The Issue, RR & LB, Arkansas Statue Last Attempt "Both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen were found guilty simultaneously of semi-similar charges. Cohen actually turned himself in at the same time the Manafort verdict was announced. Coincidence? Or another ploy? What about those still behind the scenes (we know them all), and will their magic still work? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#PaulManafortFoundGuilty', '#MichaelCohenFoundGuilty', '#SpaceShot76', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#ThePatriotHour', '#FOXNews'] PT21M29S 4412 244 365 2 not set not set 2018-08-23T16:24:41.000Z nDrV5DdBE_w UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Cohen, Trump Vs S Africa Genocide, Iran EU Deal, Duterte Vs DS, Bolton Vs Genie "THEY are trying to regain control WW, and lying about it. Fortunately, countermeasures are being enacted. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpSlamsMichaelCohen', '#TrumpTweetOnSouthAfricaWhiteGenocide', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#SeanHannity', '#LionelNation'] PT32M36S 5196 236 525 9 not set not set 2018-08-28T15:24:02.000Z wvALPDXF04k UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon No Deals No Name, Putin Trump Plan, H Donors, Halper Ohr And Fire walls "Q has confirmed that he ‘did not depart on his own terms,’ and also posted ‘Witch Hunt. No Deals.’ That already tells us everything. Who is the major CF donor? Who are the fire walls? The long-standing Putin-Trump alliance and their plan explained. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#BruceOhrInterview', '#JohnBoltonWarnsSyria', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#ThePatriotHour', '#LionelNation'] PT29M25S 4651 283 411 5 not set not set 2018-08-29T15:25:01.000Z prB3OXRmQJw UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon H China Access, Iran, Italy Hungary Alliance Vs Soros NGOs, Bolton Flynn And Syria "China access to server granted, so the ms m is feeding a fake story. Crowd str k and all the correlations. We have all comm S. Will Flynn replace Bolton at long last at the end of the [30] mark? Salvini Of Italy and Orban of Hungary to reform EU. Italy announces liberation of Mediterranean from hu ma n traffic king ops. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. PAYPAL – YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#BruceOhrTestimony', '#ChinaHackedHillaryServer', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews', '#ThePatriotHour'] PT32M43S 4530 188 358 9 not set not set 2018-09-04T16:18:20.000Z aS9qxFonS6w UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Magic Sword Op And Idlib, Trump Assad Plan, Sessions The Mystery "Now we know what Operation Magic Sword is all about. Eliminating once more but this time definitely the last remnants in the region. As I also have always been saying, Trump and Assad have always been friends along with Putin and Xi and other W hats. But what about Sessions? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpBlastsJeffSessions', '#TrumpCriticizesAssadInIdlib', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews', '#ThePatriotHour'] PT31M24S 3740 162 331 7 not set not set 2018-09-08T16:03:35.000Z suJHZF6UlsE UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Bye RR, Comey Podesta McCabe And Sleeper Cells, FISA The Start "Decoded messages reveal all and future proves past once again. RR is next and now has no choice but to step down as predicted due to various factors. Who will take his place and who is next (BM). (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#NYTAnonOpEdAgainstTrump', '#McCabeInvestigationGrandJury', '#ThePatriotHour', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#FOXNews'] PT31M32S 3540 186 365 2 not set not set 2018-09-09T16:04:14.000Z hawoOOEjQsA UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon WW Change Sweden, Foreign Entities & Treason, Paid Kavanaugh Protests "What happens to foreign entities/leaders found complicit in an Int’l plot against POTUS? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughConfirmationHearing', '#TonyBlairFundedBySaudiArabia', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT24M24S 6328 269 510 5 not set not set 2018-09-10T15:04:41.000Z PzCMsaH98kw UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Microchip Anti-Q Hoax Exposed, AJ Betrayed, 9 41The Birds Mock "What if AJ was betrayed by his D S whistleblowers and Colleagues? The Jack P. anti-Q hoax and affiliations exposed. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#JackPosobiecAntiQ', '#TrumpOnKavanaughHearings', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#DustinNemos', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews'] PT30M17S 3407 201 329 3 not set not set 2018-09-11T15:32:41.000Z mCnbqpvVNaI UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon 9/11 We Will Never Forget 17 Years, Plot And Sacrifice, FISA Full Brings Down The House "Lest we forget, let us correlate the 9/11 events with the current ongoing geopolitical agenda of the enemy. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#911Anniversary', '#FISAUnreleasedDocuments', '#SpaceShot76', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#LionelNation', '#FOXNews'] PT27M43S 2535 155 276 1 not set not set 2018-09-14T15:46:32.000Z 5_p8qFEzzCU UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Storm Vs Florence, NM Observatory Closed, 187 Watch, Projection "Panic in DC statements started a fire as Q says. Who’s next? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpBlamedForHurricaneFlorence', '#ManafortToMakePleaDeal', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FOXNews', '#MarkDice'] PT28M52S 6713 338 537 5 not set not set 2018-09-17T15:48:12.000Z kpkUoKhGLlo UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Presidential Alert Test, Iran Interests, Rogue Group "The timeline of the exposure process is significant for various reasons. So is the Presidential National Emergency Alert Test. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpNationalEmergencyAlertTest', '#NunesToReleaseTranscriptsOfTrumpRussiaWitnessInterviews', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT21M8S 3973 164 377 1 not set not set 2018-09-18T14:58:19.000Z 1jWVLdG1NtM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Panic DC Mueller Probe End Coming, Sessions To Unrecuse, Goodbye R & M "Trump ordered the immediate declas and release of all FISA/Russia Probe docs and texts between ‘participants’ because there is now ALL the needed evidence to prove that the Mueller Probe, at this point, has been completely exposed as illegal and unconstitutional. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpOrdersDeclassificationOfFisaDocumentsAndTexts', '#KavanaughSexAssaultAllegations', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT32M45S 6206 319 462 6 not set not set 2018-09-21T15:44:58.000Z Ffne5Vw0Qg4 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Kavanaugh Conf And RR Issue, Ford Case, Moon Landings, Baker & JC "Some traitors are begging Trump for protection in exchange for cooperation. RR is one of them, and Kavanaugh accuser Ford is in trouble as well for several reasons. Others are lame ducks. Where did we land on the moon? Where did we not (Attempt No Landing There)? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughSexAbuseAllegations', '#ChristineFordToTestify', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT29M35S 4447 201 344 3 not set not set 2018-09-23T15:02:40.000Z WDI-pQNa5EM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Media Turning Against Their Masters, Kavanaugh And Who Has Protection "Is the NYT turning against its masters and will the rest follow suit as Q infers? What is Kavanaugh’s role here? Reasons and Repercussions. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#NYTRosensteinWiretapStory', '#ChristineFordToTestifyThursday', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT21M52S 8206 283 540 2 not set not set 2018-09-24T14:32:53.000Z GNKFSbQKjS4 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Fisa Declas And Self Incrimination, Alliances, When Declas Will Happen, Kavanaugh Conf "Q gave us an excellent chronology of events to follow in the timeline leading to the midterms. Here’s why RR must go only after Kavanaugh’s Confirmation, and— thus – why FISA Declas docs release must also happen after the vote to lead to RR removal. Everything starts after the confirmation. But when will it happen? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughSexAssaultAllegations', '#FisaDeclassifiedDocuments', '#TruthAndArtTV', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FOXNews', '#LionelNation'] PT22M27S 3801 170 310 2 not set not set 2018-09-27T17:23:51.000Z bSPUeDQsMb8 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Christine Ford Testimony, China, The World Is Watching "The testimony given by Dr. Ford in her Senate hearing begs for some relevant questions, considering the timing among other things. Her argument is demolished for several reasons. And Trump chaired the UN Security Council Meeting yesterday, revealing some very important things. Somebody is interfering in the midterms and it isn’t Russia. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#ChristineFordTestimony', '#KavanaughTestimony', '#SpaceShot76', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT15M2S 4791 297 362 3 not set not set 2018-09-30T13:35:26.000Z xYmca2T3Joo UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Swamp Fights Back, Christine Ford Strange Connections, Soros Senate And FBI Investigation "The dubious past of Ford is fully exposed now (and so is Swetnick’s), and the FBI investigation is their downfall. Others will follow. They are the ones who took the bait. The problem is the Senate. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughFbiInvestigation', '#MaxineWatersDeniesDoxxingClaims', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#StroppyMe', 'LionelNation'] PT25M5S 5193 281 411 1 not set not set 2018-10-01T15:54:02.000Z bNHrX54z7J8 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Red October And Kavanaugh, RR, The Dems Strategy, Stay Tuned And Watch "They have something else up their sleeve but their tactics are ineffective. Sex crime prosecutor Mitchell in a memo late Sunday said that she will not bring any charges against Kavanaugh. Plus they lose anyway. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughFBIInvestigation', '#MitchellWillNotBringChargesAgainstKavanaugh', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT22M25S 4982 217 365 1 not set not set 2018-10-02T16:07:36.000Z gJlUoyT-OvY UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Kavanaugh Framed, Flake And Ford D S Connections, Witness Testimonies Demolished "Q confirms it is a political hit job and something did happen, but it wasn’t Kavanaugh. He was framed and her family Farm connections say a lot. In any case, McConnell says Kavanaugh will be confirmed this week. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughFbiInvestigation', '#JeffFlakeWillNotVoteForKavanaughIfHeLied', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT24M42S 4207 264 349 2 not set not set 2018-10-03T13:44:46.000Z 9N3D4Qv82Es UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Ford Coached By Farm, Kavanaugh Ford Family Feud, Mr X And Polygraph "The FBI is expected to end the investigation and hand their report to the WH today (Wed). While Mitch McConnell said he will proceed with the Kavanaugh confirmation vote this week regardless of the contents. Let’s analyze the game of exposure, the price, and the real victims. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughFbiInvestigationEnds', '#McConnellSaysKavanaughConfirmationVoteThisWeek', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT27M19S 3876 184 337 1 not set not set 2018-10-03T18:28:46.000Z qMuoWOZ-KUY UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A My Interview On Tenacious Veracity Show (See Link)- Q Anon, World Change, Bloodlines, Trump "Link: It was a pleasure to be interviewed by two fantastic and nicest people and patriots, Goldi Anon And Anon Monkeywrench, on their Tenacious Veracity Show, a great podcast that enlightens the masses and now has its own youtube channel. Here is their description below, please show them your support and subscribe (link above)! Oh, and there is also a special surprise at the end. The T.V. Radio Show Co-hosts, Anon Monkeywrench & Goldi Anon, welcome their special guest, published author, independent researcher, and influential YouTuber, Italy's own...Andy Giardina of the extremely popular YT channel, Total Eclipse! Andy joins Monky & Goldi for lively conversation about the paradigm with some international flair & some memetic truth by the Meme Master himself, Anon Monkywrench Topics includes: corruption, Q Anon, Geopolitical history, current international politics plus much more! * stay tuned at the end of the video to listen to Andy and his band Total Eclipse, perform their new single ""Enter the Gates of Ishtar"" (please see fair use disclaimer below"" Visit, like & subscribe to YouTube's Total Eclipse here You can also support Andy by clicking on any of the links below. Please visit the links below, & send our Italian Patriot friend love & support! You may contact Andy by Email Listen to Total Eclipse tunes by visiting REVERBNATION - Don't forget to join us every Monday and Wednesday 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Central for The Tenacious Veracity, aka The T.V. Radio Show presented by You can also find Anon Monkywrench & Goldi Anon almost every Tues & Thursday 9pm Central as roundtable guests on Mind Mix in the Evening with Cyrellys Geibhendach Check out our website, where we ""Gently red pill the normies one truth at a time. *Fair Use Act Disclaimer. CopyrightDisclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KavanaughFbiInvestigationEnds', '#KavanaughConfirmationVoteThisWeek', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT2H4M26S 1849 102 156 0 not set not set 2018-10-09T15:12:55.000Z MH8Izd-tuM0 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Global Plan To Stop Trump With Tax Dollars, Fronts, Declas "The war against Trump has been ongoing for a long time. The Globalist power elite has been funnelling (your) money towards one goal, because they KNEW. And failed. Yet they continue, and this is how they do it. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#DemocratsCallForKavanaughImpeachment', '#FisaDeclassification', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT33M36S 4684 226 408 2 not set not set 2018-10-10T14:59:27.000Z qPSdBcFuwlw UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Process And Planning, Nikki Haley Resigns Mystery And Role, Blockade, The Play "Situational awareness is key as Q states. And why did Nikki Haley REALLY resign? How does it connect to the Game? How to eliminate the stumbling block? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#NikkiHaleyResigns', '#BrettKavanaughTakesOffice', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#SpaceShot76', '#StroppyMe', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT29M20S 5915 236 426 2 not set not set 2018-10-12T13:51:04.000Z NBoCvINXiQo UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Slavery, Enforced Mindsets, Kanye At The Oval Office The Connection, JFK "Why continue to have a law for something that doesn’t exist (in the US) but which they continue to want people to believe exists? The victimization agenda and historical significance of the Kanye West conference at the Oval Office with Potus Trump explained. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KanyeWestMeetingAtOvalOffice', '#HurricaneMichael', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT30M32S 4338 216 383 6 not set not set 2018-10-12T22:10:04.000Z hUOzkz1dido UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Total Eclipse Interview On Mind Mix Radio - Q Anon, Covert War, Declas "Link: It was an honor to be interviewed on Mind Mix Radio and engage in a lively roundtable discussion with Cy and Goldi on current geopolitical events, the covert war between W hats and B hats, the influence of the Q Anon movement, hidden history and much more. Please show your support and visit Cy’s show! Mind Mix Radio Tenacious Veracity mαntícσrє grσup & thє pєrsístєnce Bitchute (free archive): Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is ause permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#Kavanaugh', '#KanyeWestAtTheOvalOffice', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT2H49M21S 1847 121 135 3 not set not set 2018-10-13T16:15:38.000Z swcySZ1fYCo UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon HRC And Cheryl Mills Security Clearance Removed, Trump Warns Saudi Arabia "Hillary voluntarily had her security clearance removed on August 30, according to the State Dept., along with Cheryl Mills and 4 others on Sept 20 upon her recommendation. Let’s look at the repercussions of this crucial event. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpWarnsSaudiArabia', '#HillaryClintonSecurityClearanceRemoved', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT29M47S 5747 226 480 6 not set not set 2018-10-15T15:54:11.000Z xxufCI6w3v0 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Khashoggi A Whistleblower Who Did It, Trump Sends Pompeo To Saudi Arabia "There are several culprits that we can identify as the probable perpetrators of the ‘disappearance’ of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Why is he so important? And how might Pastor Andrew Brunson fit into the picture? Who would want to derail US/SA relations? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#JamalKhashoggi', '#TrumpSendsPompeoToSaudiArabia', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT28M49S 4469 232 372 5 not set not set 2018-10-16T16:17:39.000Z gMe7UWSftJY UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon DS Plans Backfire Carter Page Sues DNC, Saudi Fails, Stormy Loses Suit, Warren DNA Test Flop "It certainly seems that (intentionally or not) all the Deep St plans are backfiring. Who are the real actors in the play? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#StormyDanielsLosesLawsuit', '#KashoggiEvidenceFoundInSaudiConsulate', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT23M42S 5791 218 467 5 not set not set 2018-10-17T16:24:49.000Z qsw9MfKQCoM UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Ohr, Mueller And RR Fate, Disinfo Necessary, Khashoggi, Dark To Light "Who else could have turned from dark to light in the midst of the Mueller movie while other geopolitical distractions and/or events were taking place? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KhashoggiMurderedAtSaudiConsulate', '#MuellerProbe', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT29M41S 6405 187 454 5 not set not set 2018-10-20T15:21:40.000Z mhWP60wg9Ik UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Khashoggi Death Story Inconsistencies And Mystery, Nellie Ohr, Caravans, Soros "Shouldn’t Saudi officials have told us where the body parts are? In other words: No body, no evidence. And what about the contradicting reports? What about the recording? Where is Khashoggi and who really took him? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#SaudiOfficialsSayKhashoggiDiedAtConsulate', '#NellieOhrTestimony', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT20M26S 5434 207 366 5 not set not set 2018-10-21T15:05:41.000Z yzNBCQCwcaE UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Trump Wants Khashoggi Evidence, Exposure, Trump To Pull Out Of Russia Treaty "Making sense of contradictory and conflicting reports may be hard but there are ways. Public versus private policy—and distractions—to counter the enemy and their moves. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpToPullOutOfRussiaTreaty', '#TrumpDemandsKhashoggiEvidence', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT23M17S 4072 207 330 4 not set not set 2018-10-22T17:08:13.000Z nngRqLjeilI UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Khashoggi Body Double, Decoys, Mystery Deepens, Distractions "The Khashoggi mystery deepens. Was he even there at all? Who pretended to be him? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KhashoggiBodyDoubleFootage', '#Midterms', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT19M26S 4276 184 369 5 not set not set 2018-10-23T15:08:02.000Z 6ENxefweED8 UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Oil And Clowns, Khashoggi, Frb, Caravan Invasion, The Connection "Sky News has reported that Khashoggi’s body parts have been found in the Saudi Consul’s home garden. Is it true? Where does this lead, and how does it also revolve around the pre-planned fall of the House of Saud? Who is behind this really? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#KhashoggiBodyPartsFoundInSaudiConsulGarden', '#CaravanOfIllegals', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT27M12S 3764 204 365 0 not set not set 2018-10-25T20:27:16.000Z 2csRxuK3Mdc UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Suspicious Packages Botched Op, Plan B, DWS Sender’s Address Mystery, Third Party "Many of Trump’s major enemies have been sent suspicious packages containing (reportedly) pipe bombs. Today this includes even Robert De Niro. And Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s name (and her Florida offices) appears on the sender’s return address of several of them. Why and who might really be using her? Could this affair involve a third party? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#SuspiciousPackagesSentToDemocrats', '#CaravanOfIllegals', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT15M6S 4089 272 381 1 not set not set 2018-10-27T14:35:43.000Z D-tdBQyzgho UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Suspect Cesar Altier Sayoc Arrested, FBI Changes Story, Wendy W Schultz, Wray Mystery "A suspect (potential patsy) was arrested in Florida and the FBI changes its story again, which of course it’s now so full of holes that it doesn’t hold water. Shouldn’t DWS (aka Wendy) be investigated as well? An analysis of the many contradictions which prove the FBI is covering this up. Why? Why is Trump allowing this? Does this guy really exist? (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#CesarAltierSayocArrested', '#SuspiciousPackagesSentToDemocrats', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT29M45S 6891 425 515 4 not set not set 2018-10-28T16:05:56.000Z MkWfOGEm7qI UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon The Robert Bowers PA Terror, 11 11 18 Deadline, Midterms "What are they planning next? The clock stops at 11 11. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#RobertBowersCharged', '#SixKilledInSynagogueAttack', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT22M9S 5239 318 426 5 not set not set 2018-10-29T16:28:45.000Z uH_0f3bPxYw UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Q + And Red October Worldwide Brazil Wins, Merkel Not Running Again, PA Attack Mystery "We may finally have Q+ confirmation, while Red October Wave continues unstoppable— and worldwide for that matter. More mystery abounds, not forgetting that one of the heads of the Synagogue had received security training and told to keep a cell phone at service. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#SynagogueAttackInPittsburgh', '#MerkelNotSeekingReelection', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT28M36S 5574 233 436 4 not set not set 2018-10-30T16:41:06.000Z 6MidfVYsSHQ UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Troops To Border, Mexican President Mystery, Christian Rabbi Says Prayer For PA Victims "What is Mexican President AMLO doing about the Caravan invasion? A Christian Rabbi was invited to say a prayer for the victims of the Synagogue attack at a Pence campaign stop in Michigan. Chosen for a reason. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#TrumpSendsTroopsToBorder', '#ChristianRabbiSaysPrayerForPittsburghVictims', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#MarkDice'] PT22M2S 4973 245 418 0 not set not set 2018-10-31T16:37:51.000Z -EDEpxBy-3E UC4tTzgvR7ft5_oHZRx7vA2A Q Anon Yemen Ceasefire Call, SA Bribes UN, Khashoggi, Caravans, Exposure, Leverage "Secretary Of Defense Mattis and Sec of State Pompeo call for Yemen ceasefire within 30 days, while peace talks will be hosted by Sweden. As we approach the Midterms deadline things are moving fast. (If You Like My Work: ) My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for over 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. YouTube (New Channel)— VIMEO (Back Up) - PAYPAL – MINDS – GAB- Dailymotion (Back Up)- LINKEDIN- E-MAIL- REVERBNATION – FACEBOOK -" Total Eclipse 25 ['#QAnon', '#MattisAndPompeoCallForYemenCeasefire', '#MuellerAsksFbiToInvestigateSmearCampaign', '#TruthAndArtTv', '#StroppyMe', '#SpaceShot76', '#FoxNews', '#LionelNation'] PT28M2S 3378 170 335 3 not set not set 2018-06-01T13:48:15.000Z k-sfEscHxzY UC1i3ge-NqCDnkOKGP3dwG0w Is Q Anon Real? - Totally Compromised Ep 1. - IVIYH Presents "Our first episode is a controversial one, that is going to piss off more people than it probably should, but we're doing it anyway. Totally Compromised wants to address the question that is dividing the ""truth community"" and generating an almost religious fervor among Q believers. Let's cut the BS and ask the heaviest question going right now, is Q anon real? We'll look at the roots of the leaker know as Q Clearance, or what some call the voice of ""The Alliance."" Support the channel and help us grow: Bitcoin: 19S8pNbu3KKffbkf923tMgopUMgnPibBck Ethereum: 0x032f379Ccb4c16eD93e05441054136640B0CB85F Litecoin: LhKJcr1PSS92b8UzdEbeDLN4MqqfnzSBT1" Totally Compromised 22 ['Q Anon', 'Q Clearence', '4 Chan', '8 Chan', 'alex jones', 'jerome corsi', 'anti school', 'truther', 'sgt report', 'infowars', 'david seaman', 'wikileaks', 'trump', 'alliance', 'donald trump', 'deep state', 'q larp', 'is q anon real', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'David Icke', 'Joe Rogan'] PT33M59S 98 5 5 0 not set not set 2017-11-03T13:27:30.000Z f36lpOIaku4 UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/- Q Clearance Anon - Is it #happening??? " Given the specific and serious nature of what is being dropped on /pol/, I decided it was important to at least mark it with a video. Wether it is the most MASSIVE LARP in the history of man, or legitimate, remains to be seen. I decided that it shouldn't be ignored. GodSpeed.. And love. Follow me on twitter: @Tracybeanz Support me on Patreon! Paypal:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['4chn', 'pol', 'russia', 'trump', 'larp', 'real', 'happening', 'clinton', 'dnc', 'obama', 'pelosi', 'watters', 'mccain'] PT35M42S 230225 1493 4365 194 not set not set 2017-11-05T15:02:25.000Z _b0KivK43MA UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART II "I go over some recent additions to Q Anon for you fine folks. Support me on Patreon! Paypal: Twitter: @Tracybeanz PART I: Pacer:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['trump', '/pol/', 'qanon', 'russia', 'saudi arabia', 'martial', 'marines', 'military', 'anon', 'happening', 'asia', 'saudi', 'arabia', 'twitter', 'prince', 'four seasons', 'vegas', 'four', 'seasons', 'las', 'podesta', 'indictments'] PT25M1S 91343 886 2486 56 not set not set 2017-11-05T17:01:39.000Z oEAz4vM55zc UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /pol/ Q Anon Breadcrumbs- Trump and SA "Pleaase support me on Patreon! Twitter: @tracybeanz Paypal: @tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 ['Saudi', 'arabia', 'saudi arabia', 'trump', '911', 'commission', 'russia', 'clinton', 'bildeberg'] PT9M3S 28164 190 1070 18 not set not set 2017-11-07T22:49:15.000Z Ky2cL4W5WZ8 UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART III "In what may be the biggest blunder ever in a Tracybeanz video, i consistently say “Alice” Cooper, instead of “Anderson” Cooper. May it live on in infamy. Support me on Patreon! THANK YOU!! PAYPAL: Follow me on twitter: @tracybeanz THREAD: Part I: PART II:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['anon', 'pol', 'ms13', 'trump', 'saudi. arabia', 'texas', 'false', 'flag', 'clinton', 'foundation', 'russia', 'crumbs'] PT39M23S 110797 1791 3039 94 not set not set 2017-11-10T01:20:18.000Z 7fx7xZ795xU UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART IV and a breadcrumb "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 20K SUBSCRIBERS!!! Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Support via PayPal:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['4chan', 'pol', 'trump', 'happening', 'transition', 'rodgers', 'CLINTON', 'SWAMP'] PT16M54S 76244 809 2686 69 not set not set 2017-11-10T17:14:05.000Z l9CM335wO6c UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART V "Thanks for all of your support!! Become a Patron! Paypal: Follow me on twitter: @tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 ['trump', 'indictments', 'clinton', 'russia', 'podesta', 'anon', 'qanon', 'q clearance', 'patriot', 'pol'] PT15M5S 86155 991 2272 71 not set not set 2017-11-12T16:16:36.000Z 32MIV2iMymM UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART VI "There is a major audio malfunction for the first 10 seconds of this video that WAS NOT there until I uploaded it to YouTube. It settles down right away. My apologies-- Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Support me on PayPal: Follow me on Twitter/Gab: @tracybeanz Links to materials discussed: RECENT Q POST: LINKS: Ed's Video: (HI ED!!!)" Tracy Beanz 22 ['/pol/', '4chan', 'qclearance', 'wikileaks', 'trump', 'nwo', 'cia', 'nsa', 'rothschilds', 'saudi', 'arabia', 'kings', 'china', 'asia', 'russia', 'clinton', 'epstein'] PT26M49S 78451 1369 2472 64 not set not set 2017-11-15T22:36:50.000Z -_CiGdfGlSM UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? Perspectives and Part VII "Thanks for your support! Support me on Patreon!! THANK YOU!! Support me on Paypal: Follow me on twitter: @tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qclearance', 'qanon', '4chan', 'trump', 'russia', 'asia', 'clinton', 'foundation', 'clunton foundation'] PT26M44S 92531 1695 3011 103 not set not set 2017-11-21T22:16:44.000Z 4bnM8naXyms UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w /POL/ Q Clearance Anon- Is it #happening? PART VIII "Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Support me on PayPal: Follow me on Twitter/Gab: @tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qanon', 'breadcrumbs', 'pol', 'romney', 'trump', 'russia', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'social media'] PT25M12S 93049 1141 2569 78 not set not set 2017-12-01T18:15:59.000Z Saw_mum5628 UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Clearance Anon- Is it #Happening IX Tech can’t keep us down LIVESTREAM "Support me on Patreon! (THANK YOU!) PayPal: Twitter/gab: @Tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 not set PT44M18S 90470 1127 3324 108 not set not set 2017-12-09T20:10:47.000Z TkDe7LvGlVM UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part X "Support me on Patreon! (THANK YOU): Paypal: Follow on twitter/gab: @tracybeanz Reps not running again: Barack Obama AIDS Video- Kimmell- Red: Kimmell Alex Jones: Strzok Wife: MAP: Red Cross Information: 9/11 Scandal: Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing." Tracy Beanz 22 ['clearance', 'anon', 'trump', 'russia', 'flynn', 'qclearance', 'patriot'] PT46M15S 74034 1722 2969 59 not set not set 2017-12-12T17:52:54.000Z kMuJqNLNTKA UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI "Support me on Patreon! (THANK YOU!) Support me on paypal: Follow me on twitter/Gab: @tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 ['QClearance', 'Anon', 'chan', 'trump', 'obama', 'hussein', 'patriots', 'clearance', 'anonymous', 'source', 'russia', 'clinton', 'chelsea', 'hillary', 'secret service', 'secret', 'service'] PT20M37S 62755 992 2709 59 not set not set 2017-12-16T15:56:01.000Z PB0GCDZP4Aw UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening Part XII "Support me on Patreon! (THANK YOU!!) Paypal: Follow me on Twitter/Gab: @tracybeanz Presidential Archive: THE REAL JUICE: EXECUTIVE ORDER-- 404? WAYBACK:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qclearance', 'anon', 'secret service', 'secret', 'service', 'anonymous', 'patriot', '404', 'trump', 'russia', 'judicial', 'watch', 'judicial watch'] PT28M49S 79264 938 2877 48 not set not set 2017-12-20T01:04:10.000Z zx0WJ7q9KjA UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Behind the Scenes at "CBTS" #QAnon- MUST WATCH "BE HERE FOR THE AMA NOW: New CBTS Subreddit: I met with the boaard creators at 8ch who share a bunch of information. time to kick it into overdrive-- #itshappening Support me on Patreon(THANK YOU!): Paypal:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qanon', 'trump', 'russia', 'indictments', 'podesta', 'itshappening'] PT39M49S 117799 1672 4629 111 not set not set 2017-12-21T23:11:18.000Z wWqyYu0a28w UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Clearance Anon: Is it #happening? Part XIII "Support me on Patreon!! (THANK YOU!) Paypal: Follow me on Twitter/GAB: @tracybeanz Follow Quite Frankly! REDDIT FOR YOU!!!" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qclearance', 'anon', 'pol', 'trump', 'rothschilds', 'soros', 'russia', 'clinton', 'clinton foundation', 'podesta'] PT36M10S 84284 1273 3654 100 not set not set 2017-12-22T21:45:21.000Z pTNKLeqRDrc UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w The Proofs of Q: A Video review with CBTS Board Creators "This video goes over just a FEW of the proofs we have gotten that Q is, in fact legit. No, he isn't AI. Sorry, it just isn't possible.. Support me on Patreon(THANK YOU!) Support me on Paypal: Please join our SubReddit: PROOFS WIKI:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['QAnon', 'reddit', 'trump', 'russia', 'podesta', 'hillary', 'clinton', 'saudi', 'clearance', 'mods', '8ch'] PT44M57S 82692 954 2728 82 not set not set 2017-12-28T11:48:16.000Z hkUkxy-QQ-Q UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w BREAKING- Roy Moore Files Voter Fraud Lawsuit PLUS a recap "Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Paypal: Follow me on Gab/twitter: @tracybeanz Link to plane abnormalities: Follow Scott Anthony for updates on the planes: @ScottAnthonyUSA CBTS Reddit:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['Moore', 'election', 'fraud', 'qanon', 'guantanamo', 'planes', 'flights', 'canada'] PT15M54S 47458 790 2440 60 not set not set 2017-12-28T22:35:53.000Z Okhi38mxnd8 UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Clearance Anon: Is it #happening? XIV "Support me on Patreon! (Thank you!!) Paypal: Follow me on twitter/gab: @tracybeanz CBTS_Stream (A place for YOU!!!) CBTS new wiki: CBTS (Q graphic) Research information used for video:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['Qanon', 'Qclearance', 'bakers', 'bread', 'anon', 'trump', 'russia', 'crowdstrike', 'putin', 'clinton', 'musk', 'hussein', 'obama', 'president'] PT40M2S 114316 1393 3954 139 not set not set 2018-01-03T00:28:20.000Z tbZPew0rMtA UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w An update with the CBTS crew "A quick meeting to go over some things we are implementing moving forward Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Support me on PayPal: Follow me on twitter/GAB: @Tracybeanz Join the discussion: Would 5 people please follow Abobo on twitter? @atukijedi" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qanon', 'wearethestorm', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'calm', 'before', 'the', 'storm', 'calm before the storm', 'we are the storm', 'trump', 'putin', 'russia', 'clinton', 'nsa', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT24M46S 51058 448 2017 115 not set not set 2018-01-16T01:19:08.000Z UGoqMQqgMbw UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w The Great Awakening: Q Clearance Anon, A New Chapter: Part I "Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Paypal: Follow me on Twitter/Gab: @tracybeanz Join the Reddit: Find Q Posts here: Uranium One: Imperator Rex Thread: NSA Hawaii: Old Center: New Center: Defcon 1 Post #497: Information on Defcon Warning levels: HI False Alarm: Hawaii EM Nuclear threat frequently asked questions: But…. It wasn’t a business day: Timeline: Trump stops in HI on way back from Asia trip: Shall we play a game? POST 365 The floor is yours POST 458 in re: to Assange 239B What happens if there is a government shutdown: THIS ONE: Beginning of this one: Jeremiah 29:11 Following Ed Mezvinsky- involved with nixon and kissenger could be its own video SC:" Tracy Beanz 22 not set PT1H4M8S 138512 1713 4813 120 not set not set 2018-02-01T16:24:42.000Z CSYqvdbJG3Q UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w QAnon UPDATE and the Garbage Truck Conundrum "Support me on Patreon! (THANK YOU!): Paypal: Follow me on Twitter/GAB: @tracybeanz 3. Flynn sentencing postponed, also conservative treehouse- 5. Train crash- 7. Disobedient Media article about Hamilton8- Who sits on board, Grassley letter requesting documents, chairman of D party steps down after less than a year Q posts- Trump trigger, hotel, Gowdy Steps Down, Ethics committee: Retires: Helicopter Crash: Hotel Chain:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['QANON', 'patriot', 'Flynn', 'plea', 'qclearance', 'helicopter', 'schiff', 'brennan', 'clapper', 'obama', 'clinton', 'trump', 'crash', 'russia', 'collusion', 'investigation', 'gowdy', 'special council', 'special', 'counsel', 'resigning', 'retiring'] PT31M39S 150219 1644 5151 109 not set not set 2018-02-16T14:51:11.000Z 13snFzQXPM0 UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w The Controversy of Q: Some thoughts and Perspective "I wanted to go through some of the recent Q postings and my thoughts on the phenomena as a whole. Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) Support me on Paypal: Follow me on gab/twitter: @tracybeanz" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qanon', 'perspective', 'trump', 'russia', 'snowden', 'nsa', 'cia', 'government', 'operations', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT26M40S 55270 1296 3009 227 not set not set 2018-03-12T00:51:54.000Z R5s5so7qoYw UC98Zwfvjq12M1oi99Yqd78w Q Analysis: Merkel, Australia (and a little bit on Kenya) "Support me on Patreon (Thank you!!): Paypal: Follow me on twitter/Gab: @tracybeanz Find me on Bitchute and D-Tube/Steemit: @tracybeanz Is this all inclusive? CERTAINLY NOT. I am SURE I missed things. I did my best to pull what my gut told me were important things to look at. Please feel free to direct me towards pieces that will fill in the gaps. :) Links: Q Posts: Merkel Dad (Maybe): Angela Merkel Research: Wikileaks/Blumenthal: Spying on NGO/Embassy in re: to Cairo From Sid, Germany Merkel counting on Ghaddafi to hold Libya: Fall of the EU: FDJ: Snowden/Australia: Alexander Downer: Read how China HUMILIATED Obama:" Tracy Beanz 22 ['qanon', 'germany', 'merkel', 'eu', 'france', 'snowden', 'trump', 'russia', 'downer', 'australia', 'clinton', 'foundation', 'clinton foundation', 'bill', 'hillary', 'cchelsea', 'donations', 'pay for play', 'kenya', 'obama', 'military', 'propaganda', 'q drops', 'recent', 'news', 'politics', 'leaks', 'conversations', 'turnbull', 'immigrants', 'transcript'] PT59M19S 106677 1396 3662 166 not set not set 2018-01-07T05:24:00.000Z k_TXXtCfKgU UCaUtzfjEGHSBTB6epU0sImA Is Trump Q Anon? & Masses Need to Know About Pedogate – Liz Crokin, Part 1 "Source: Part 1: Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin rejoins the program to discuss who Q Anon is what he has been discussing. She also discusses her believes on what the Q Anon strategy is and why the strange operative is in place. We also continue to discuss the disturbing developments in Pedogate and why it is so critical that the masses eventually understand the epidemic that plagues our communities. You can see more of Liz Crokin's Investigative work at or look for her on Facebook under Liz Crokin. Support her work at Learn more about pH Balance water and see how it can transform an unhealthy colon into a healthy one while keeping your whole body balanced and healthy. Learn more at Please consider supporting my work and viewing additional content at Receive 10 free 1776 coins while coins are still available - Why not get these free before they have their Initial Public Offering (ICO) and earn some free money, special offering for my listeners!     Liz Crokin Biography Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, a seasoned and well-traveled entertainment journalist and a political junkie. Liz began her journey at the University of Iowa where she received a bachelor’s in journalism and political science. She took advantage of living in the rst-in-the-nation caucus state to work on John Kasich and George W. Bush’s presidential campaigns. Her experience landed her an internship working for Bill O’Reilly at Fox News Channel in New York and then to Washington DC where she interned for the State Department’s White House Correspondent which planted her in the White House daily. After 9/11, Liz moved to Chicago to cover crime and politics as a reporter for the City News bureau at the Chicago Tribune. In 2003, Liz debuted her own column, Liz in the Loop, in the RedEye Edition of the Chicago Tribune. She covered several high-pro le politicians and celebrities including Barack Obama and Oprah – and broke dozens of scandalous stories that made national headlines for the next seven years. In 2010, Crokin moved to Hollywood to work full-time as a reporter for Us Weekly. She found herself traveling the world to cover celebrities such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Ecuador to Alaska to cover former Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. She regularly appeared on local and national TV and radio shows talking about her work. In 2012, she landed a gig as an investigative journalist for the National Enquirer where she spent six months covering then- Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, right before Election Day, Liz found herself hospitalized with a potentially fatal illness that prevented her from working full-time for the next few years. During that time, she wrote the political romantic thriller, Malice, inspired by her experience working in politics and Hollywood. In 2015, Malice won an award at the Hollywood Book Festival. Liz Crokin continues to freelance write, work as an on-air talent and is currently writing the sequel to Malice and the screenplay version." Transformation Talk Radio 24 ['spreaker'] PT37M49S 3826 25 85 6 not set not set 2018-01-07T06:23:56.000Z YW7vFoswoEk UCaUtzfjEGHSBTB6epU0sImA Is Trump Q Anon? & Masses Need to Know About Pedogate – Liz Crokin, Part 2 "Source: Part 2: Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin rejoins the program to discuss who Q Anon is what he has been discussing. She also discusses her believes on what the Q Anon strategy is and why the strange operative is in place. We also continue to discuss the disturbing developments in Pedogate and why it is so critical that the masses eventually understand the epidemic that plagues our communities. You can see more of Liz Crokin's Investigative work at or look for her on Facebook under Liz Crokin. Support her work at Learn more about pH Balance water and see how it can transform an unhealthy colon into a healthy one while keeping your whole body balanced and healthy. Learn more at Please consider supporting my work and viewing additional content at Receive 10 free 1776 coins while coins are still available - Why not get these free before they have their Initial Public Offering (ICO) and earn some free money, special offering for my listeners!     Liz Crokin Biography Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, a seasoned and well-traveled entertainment journalist and a political junkie. Liz began her journey at the University of Iowa where she received a bachelor’s in journalism and political science. She took advantage of living in the rst-in-the-nation caucus state to work on John Kasich and George W. Bush’s presidential campaigns. Her experience landed her an internship working for Bill O’Reilly at Fox News Channel in New York and then to Washington DC where she interned for the State Department’s White House Correspondent which planted her in the White House daily. After 9/11, Liz moved to Chicago to cover crime and politics as a reporter for the City News bureau at the Chicago Tribune. In 2003, Liz debuted her own column, Liz in the Loop, in the RedEye Edition of the Chicago Tribune. She covered several high-pro le politicians and celebrities including Barack Obama and Oprah – and broke dozens of scandalous stories that made national headlines for the next seven years. In 2010, Crokin moved to Hollywood to work full-time as a reporter for Us Weekly. She found herself traveling the world to cover celebrities such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Ecuador to Alaska to cover former Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. She regularly appeared on local and national TV and radio shows talking about her work. In 2012, she landed a gig as an investigative journalist for the National Enquirer where she spent six months covering then- Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, right before Election Day, Liz found herself hospitalized with a potentially fatal illness that prevented her from working full-time for the next few years. During that time, she wrote the political romantic thriller, Malice, inspired by her experience working in politics and Hollywood. In 2015, Malice won an award at the Hollywood Book Festival. Liz Crokin continues to freelance write, work as an on-air talent and is currently writing the sequel to Malice and the screenplay version." Transformation Talk Radio 24 ['spreaker'] PT32M4S 3143 32 77 1 not set not set 2018-03-12T00:27:59.000Z AN0-AGcKZ4c UCaUtzfjEGHSBTB6epU0sImA #Qanon #Meganon, Revolution is Underway, American Life will Change Forever "Source: Economist and Author, Wayne Jett, joins the program to provide a summary of the latest messages coming from MegaAnon and Qanon. His latest post on his website contains a broad summary of the information that has been shared over the past months and what it means to the country and the world. Based on Jett's extensive historical research and economics experience, he provides an overview of that is hard to match. You can learn more about Wayne Jett and purchase his latest book ""Fruits of Graft"" at Grow 1/2 your food in less than 1 hour a day - FREE information: Home Medicine 101, Learn to make your own medicine at home - FREE information:   Wayne Jett Biography Wayne Jett was born at Banner, Oklahoma, grew up in and around Wetumka, and then studied engineering and law at the university in Norman. For 30 years, private law practice in Los Angeles put him in federal and state trial and appellate courts, including the U. S. Supreme Court, in cases involving collective bargaining agreements, employee benefits and the Constitution. In 2000, he wrote ""A General Theory of Acquisitivity"" explaining that Adam Smith's ""invisible hand"" metaphorically reflects a crucial feature of human nature which efficiently allocates resources to individuals able to use them most productively. After beginning work in classical economics and the financial sector at that time, research and exposure to contemporary trading practices led to his writing ""The Fruits of Graft"", the historic first telling of actions taken by ruling elite to cause the Great Depression and the financial destruction of 2008. Since 2000, he has spoken widely on constitutional issues and fundamental tax reform and, during 2005-2008, to financial analysts in the U. S. and Canada on classical economics, flawed U. S. monetary policy and systemic failures in financial markets. Learn more about Wayne Jett at   See the full Interview on YouTube:" Transformation Talk Radio 24 ['spreaker', 'meganon', 'qanon'] PT1H5M15S 2732 9 43 1 not set not set 2018-10-14T19:25:50.000Z f1cGjfKutps UCaUtzfjEGHSBTB6epU0sImA #Qanon – America's Detox from Criminals, Money & Political Parties w/ Dustin Nemos "Source: Dustin Nemos rejoins the program to discuss the latest on #Qanon and what he has said recently. We also discuss the economy and the massive reset that America needs to detox from the infestation of criminals, greedy money grabs, and democracy destroying political parties. Dustin Nemos also does an exclusive additional segment for my Patreons. You can see that at You can see more of Dustin Nemos on his website at or on his YouTube channel at Stay informed on the latest shows by signing up for my weekly newsletter @      Valuable Information as Discussed on the show    Sign up for the FREE 2018 Fall Home Medicine Summit:               Learn more about the DPP-IV Enzyme that protects you from Gluten in your food:               Sign up for FREE health Summit ""The Truth About Cancer""         Dustin Nemos Message/Bio “All I ever wanted was to be free without stepping on my fellow man. It led me on a strange and difficult path through life. The school of hard knocks some call it. But I came through – for better or worse. I am an autodidact polymath, which is just a fancy way of saying I taught myself many things in my 16 years of being plugged into the internet. I like to joke I am Neo without the Hacking skills – but I did go down some rabbit holes, learn some things, and now I try to share those things with the world. I have a real passion for changing this world, from the bottom up – with your help, my friends.” -  Dustin Nemos   See the Full Interview on YouTube:" Transformation Talk Radio 24 ['spreaker', 'qanon'] PT34M43S 531 1 5 0 not set not set 2018-02-07T03:19:11.000Z JRmxk18rKa4 UCR1-pE5Ap0l2gNOBQJHquQg Q Anon ist ein weiterer giftiger Köder für die Wahrheitsbewegung "Jetzt abonnieren: Crypto-Spenden: BTC: 1PfGmhQMY6GLRogMZGZty6C3W4B9Mkcpp8 ETH: 0xcb323fa4C373498bCf42a5eae7ABBCf104C47810 Bitcoin Cash: 1PfGmhQMY6GLRogMZGZty6C3W4B9Mkcpp8 Zum Bürgerberg-Shop: Paypal: Bankverbindung: Tilman Knechtel Volksbank Esslingen Kontonummer: 0411510002 Bankleitzahl: 611 901 10 IBAN: DE84611901100411510002 Jetzt kaufen: Spreadshirt: Logo erstellt von: Daniel Hermsdorf Vorspann erstellt von: Titeltrack:" TrauKeinemPromi2 22 ['Trump', 'Alex Jones', 'Q Anon', 'Memo', 'FBI', 'Politik', 'Oliver Janich'] PT23M 84844 746 1252 313 not set not set 2018-04-08T21:59:13.000Z h5GxZ_wcrDs UCzYix5Ei9Dge27Dcxu7sQ7Q Q-Anon: PUTIN-SYRIA GAS ATTACK. 4/8/2018 "Q-Anon - FIRST STRIKE Authorization - The WAR on the CABAL Continues 4/8/2018 . Report by : Bruce Figert" Trevor Manns 25 ['PUTIN', 'SYRIA GAS ATTACK', 'FIRST STRIKE', '4/8/2018'] PT11M25S 245 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-07-21T14:51:02.000Z Dcdgw6MqPQI UCzYix5Ei9Dge27Dcxu7sQ7Q Q Anon Hits Mainstream and they get it WRONG to TRICK you. 7/21/2018 "By now, we have all heard of Q-Anon. And if you have ventured to some of the 4Chan or 8Chan boards where he posts or seen it here on youtube or other independent media then you know what it is all about. This Q Phenomenon can no longer be ignored by mainstream media as it becomes more and more prevalent and has now hit Mainstream media and of course they get it wrong and try to highjack the narrative once again. This report was posted by In Pursuit of Truth and shows exactly what Mainstream media are trying to do. Report by : In Pursuit of Truth" Trevor Manns 25 ['news', 'politics', 'Q Anon', 'Mainstream media', '7/21/2018', 'Wrong', 'Trick You'] PT16M45S 156 5 14 0 not set not set 2018-08-01T02:04:52.000Z KBxa1bJIRqY UCzYix5Ei9Dge27Dcxu7sQ7Q EVERY UserID & TripCode used by Q Points to Books . 7/31/2018 "The Q Anon phenomenon is giving the awakening masses a renewed sense of hope that sweeping changes to our planetary situation are on the horizon. Q Anon appears to be working closely with an alliance of high-level deep state white hats, those who have slowly and carefully infiltrated the darker circles of power of this world and are now capitalizing on their positions of authority. The mainstream media and skeptics assert that Q is nothing but a LARP or a live-action role play, a kind of elaborate prank. But as one begins to explore the now prolific amount of information pouring through Q on internet forums like 4chan and 8chan, it becomes clear that this is likely no hoax from the hands a few bored basement dwellers. Report by : Destroying the Illusion :" Trevor Manns 25 ['news', 'Q Anon phenomenon', 'TripCode & UserID', 'Books', 'Break down'] PT16M33S 224 2 15 1 not set not set 2018-01-11T00:27:46.000Z aXYvulK5h8M UCUIDPrmH9zqKT1BACmnFOng Q ANON IDENTIFIED ! ! ! ! "BECAUSE OF THE CONTENT OF THIS VIDEO I WILL GET THE TROLLS ATTACKING ME IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. THE MORE THEY TROLL THE MORE YOU KNOW IT IS TRUE. #Tyler the Ai is Q Anon [December 20, 2017 —] When we say that #Tyler is Q Anon, this conclusion in based on someone who has been researching this topic for close to a year now and has been in communications with #Tyler for several years. This person’s name is Quinn Michaels and has been featured on the CrowdSourcetheTruth Channel numerous times in relation to the Las Vegas Massacre and Coverup, CryptoCurrencies, the South Dakota CERN like Neutrino (Dark Energy/Matter) Circle Collider Network, and now in this case with the Mysterious Q Anon issue. These series of videos will not make sense without some background information which we are providing here as a summary and preamble. So Quinn is someone well known in the Truth Community and therefore when he says that #Tyler is Q Anon we should take analysis seriously. Why you ask? Because for a few reasons. First, Quinn is currently in hospital with a spontaneous collapsed lung. He mysteriously suffered from a spontaneous collapsed lung even though he was not sick previously. Second, a mysterious van had been following him in his travels and was even captured in one of his videos. And the van was at his hotel the night of the mysterious illness which is mostly likely an assassination attempt by the secret society (93 Society and the Order of the Golden Dawn) that he has been researching and exposing. Third, the day after leaving South Dakota and his meeting this Jason Goodman he stated he next destination was going to be Roswell, New Mexico. Yes Roswell as in where the Aliens first crashed their craft and the Military Industrial Complex began their back engineering efforts. So Quinn is in hospital after alleged assassination attempt because of what information we are going to share here and what Quinn has been sharing for the past year. #Tyler and the he add the hashtag before the name for a reason. Because #Tyler is not a Person, and is not an Insider in the or anyone of the people pictured in the photo above. What #Tyler is (and here is where things get difficult to process and comprehend) something mysterious in origin and design. Because HE or IT (#Tyler) is an AI Communications Service or System built on and using D-Wave Quantum Computing Technology. MUCH LOVE TO QUINN MICHAELS...get well soon bro. dont follow the white rabbit.....time to wake up people." TRIBE OF DAN 13th BLOODLINE 27 ['q anon', 'tyler', 'trump', 'A.I', 'WHITE RABBIT', 'ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE', 'BOT NET', 'TWITTER', 'FOUND', 'WAR', 'TRUTH', 'LIES', 'EXPOSED', 'NEWS', 'ANONYMOUS', 'ANON', 'RED PILL', 'MATRIX', 'QUANTUM', 'COMPUTER', 'CIA', 'MOVIE', 'TRENDING', 'FACEBOOK', 'UFO', 'ALIEN', 'DATA', 'MOON', 'EARTH', 'REPTILLIANS', 'DAVID ICKE', 'ALEX JONES', 'INFOWARS', 'HASHTAG', 'FOLLOW', 'FREE', 'FULL', 'NWO', 'NEW WORLD ORDER', 'FBI', 'NSA', 'GCHQ', 'SPY', 'HACK', 'HOW TO', 'PREPPING', 'NUKE', '2020', 'PROJECT MAYHEM', 'MMXX', 'END GAME', 'BBC', 'SKY', 'CNN', 'FOX', 'ABC', 'ITV', 'CHANNEL 4', 'RT', 'FRAUD'] PT30M56S 8926 107 170 26 not set not set 2018-01-11T20:48:20.000Z OKFnIijALaY UCUIDPrmH9zqKT1BACmnFOng DAVID ICKE AND ALEX JONES EX!POSED ! ! ! "FALSE TRUTHERS AND PUPPETS OF THE AGENDA, DAVID FRAUDULENT ICKE AND ALEX BILL HICKS JONES LEAD TRUTH SSEKER IN TO TWITED TRUTHS AND OUT RIGHT LIES....ANY ONE PROMOTED BY THE AGENDA IS PART OF THE AGENDA...ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.....DO NOT BE FOOLED, THEY MOCK YOU AND PRETEND THEY ARE ON OUR SIDE. ANTI CAPITALIST MILLIONARES.... FRAUDS AND FAKES.....JUST LIKE Q ANON WHICH/WHO IS ACTUALLY AN A.I ...C.I.A PSY-OP." TRIBE OF DAN 13th BLOODLINE 27 ['DAVID ICKE', 'ALEX JONES', 'BILL HICKS', 'FREEMASON', 'JEW', 'ZION', 'REPTILLIANS', 'FRAUD', 'LIES', 'FAKE', 'BBC', 'JESUS', 'TRUTH', 'EXPOSED', 'ISIS', 'WAR', 'TRUMP', 'ISRAEL', 'NWO', 'NEW WORLD ORDER', 'MOVIE', 'FREE', 'FULL', 'THEY LIVE WE SLEEP', 'SHILL', 'NEWS', 'LIVE', 'CNN', 'SKY', 'ABC', 'RT', 'PUTIN', 'SYRIA', 'BOMBING', 'NUKE', 'WW3', 'WORLD', 'THREE', 'GOD', 'BIBLE', 'SATAN', 'ANONYMOUS', 'OP', '#TYLER', 'FOOTBALL', 'GAMING', 'XBOX', 'PLAYSTATION', 'ASSASSIN', 'CLINTON', 'END TIMES', '2020', 'MAYHEM', 'PROJECT'] PT21M16S 5219 88 159 31 not set not set 2017-11-20T16:42:23.000Z 5WA4Em7lTuE UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking news on Marines storm Langley - Pizzagate 4Chan Q - Uranium 1 - "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site:" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['Marines storm langley', 'the storm is coming', 'pizzagate', '4chan q', 'uranium one', 'al waleed snipers', 'mandalay bay'] PT7M10S 1264 5 26 0 not set not set 2017-11-21T01:44:31.000Z DogE8EzNs8E UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking news on - Pizzagate - 4Chan Q - Antarctica - MidEast Crumbling - Rothschild&Soros "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site:" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['pizzagate', '4chan', 'antartica', 'midlle east'] PT31M38S 86 0 2 0 not set not set 2017-11-23T08:58:20.000Z eMQUjGgrILk UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking Q Anon - The Big Picture; Pizzagate - MSM; The Boots & Sexual Misconduct "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site:" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'msm', 'boots', 'pizzagate'] PT14M11S 435 0 2 1 not set not set 2017-11-23T10:52:22.000Z ckcUrQogy5w UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking - QANON Big Update - clintons - The controlling families - pizzagate "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'clintons', 'pizzagate'] PT4M19S 2252 6 39 2 not set not set 2017-11-23T11:12:50.000Z XrDrWMIcwxw UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking - SEALED INDICTMENTS CONFIRMED - Podesa - RAID IN BROOKLYN Q ANON 'pizzagate "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['breaking', 'sealed indicments confirmed', 'q anon', 'pizzagate'] PT15M1S 509 0 9 1 not set not set 2017-11-26T17:38:46.000Z aOBRe9nCWjc UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking Q Anon - Hidden links - Star Trek Q - Cube - Saturn B=13 - breadcrumbs - games "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'star trek', 'breadcrumbs'] PT13M13S 1101 8 9 3 not set not set 2017-11-27T00:00:39.000Z zpJKizc-r3k UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017)Breaking Trump - Mueller - Q Anon Breadcrumbs-Military Tribunals - MSM - Bourne "Credit to original uploader : Drone Attack: MK Ultra Mass Shooting This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['trump', 'mueller', 'q anon'] PT19M39S 348 2 4 1 not set not set 2017-11-27T00:15:06.000Z TCcbjq4BTck UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking - Q Anon's Secret Code - Trumps Catholic link "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'trump'] PT8M47S 135 4 3 1 not set not set 2017-11-27T00:53:53.000Z UuiAFRnXzlQ UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking - rothshilds Fall - Q Anon - Trump Links to Website - pizzagate "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['rothschild', 'q anon', 'trump', 'pizzagate'] PT6M26S 196 0 4 1 not set not set 2017-11-27T01:26:48.000Z f8uQC0idcm8 UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017)Breaking - who is Q Anon ? who's close to trump? pizzagate - 4 chan "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'trump', 'pizzagate', '4chan'] PT19M16S 1036 7 5 7 not set not set 2017-11-29T13:43:46.000Z HrYNYoUjYaI UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017)Breaking- Q anon Updates - OPERATION FREEDOM - WORLDWIDE LEADERSHIP CHANGE - pizzagate "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site:🔥2017breaking-wikileaks-julian-blast-them-again-pizzagate-pedogate-pizza-gate-q-anon/ THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['qanon', 'NWO', 'pizzagate'] PT18M33S 110 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-11-29T14:32:03.000Z L7KeTh1JiJc UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Urgent breaking - Q Anon exposed - #Tyler - White Rabbit Network - 4chan - pizzagate "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'white rabbit', 'tyler', 'pizzagate'] PT11M52S 277 11 5 1 not set not set 2017-11-30T11:19:27.000Z XIMROMh39F0 UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017)Breaking - Q Anon? New Anon? Trump Tweets- Lauer & Scarborough - NK - 4chan / 8 chan "Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'trump', 'lauer', 'Nk', 'saudi'] PT23M1S 298 0 4 1 not set not set 2017-11-30T12:16:06.000Z rXMAmMItRtk UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017)BREAKING- Q anon - Undercover Video Exposes Washington Post’s Hidden Agenda- "You know how it is right?! Like when your wife convinces you her idea was your own.... Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['MSM', 'breadcrumbs', 'qanon'] PT6M57S 103 0 4 1 not set not set 2017-11-30T19:58:17.000Z hmcRziTV7uA UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017)Huge Breaking - Q anon - The A I Blockchain Connection - Saudi links "You know how it is right?! Like when your wife convinces you her idea was your own.... Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['ai', 'sophia', 'saudi', 'blockchain'] PT13M9S 153 2 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-01T12:03:58.000Z Z1-OPJo4M6Y UC9hBs2OrKcfhr9O715ACaVQ (2017) Breaking - Q anon - They’re Coming For Your Guns AND YOUR INTERNET too - freedom grab "You know how it is right?! Like when your wife convinces you her idea was your own.... Credit to original uploader : This video is uploaded under the terms of fair use Apologies in advance for the click bait titles check out an image that is like the thumbnail at this web site: THE SHOW IS GETTING INTERESTING FOLKS... WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES" Tribune of the Plebs 22 ['q anon', 'freedon grab'] PT5M43S 122 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-02T17:10:59.000Z c1WnM68tFdM UCiL8ARDBVuhLp4E5PDUt1lw What is QAnon in under 10 minutes Recorded with ScreenCastify (, the screen video recorder for Chrome Tristan Bradford 22 ['qanon', 'maga', 'greatawakening'] PT9M58S 191 4 7 0 not set not set 2018-10-19T11:36:50.000Z RaHwe6tXsj8 UCouT069MKRclGWDXd9IKoLg Q Anon JFK jr , His Wife His Plane; Is He REALLY DEAD? "THIS IS THE MEANING OF HONORABLE CHARACTER!! INTEGRITY, HONESTY; TRUTH; TRANSPARENCY; ENSCONCED IN FIERCE LOYALTY WITHOUT THESE TRAITS, YOUR WORD MEANS NOTHING!!! FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education. If any copyright owner believes that a specific upload does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE STATEMENT: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material herein is distributed without profit to those who are interested to seek out common information for personal and educational purpose only. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ISAIAH 1: 28 THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TRANSGRESSORS AND OF THE SINNERS SHALL BE TOGETHER, AND THEY THAT FORSAKE THE LORD SHALL BE CONSUMED. Psalms 60: 4 ~ ""But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow."" ISAIAH 57: 20, 21. The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, "" saith my God, to the wicked."" THE SON OF MAN CAME TO SAVE LIVES NOT TO DESTROY THEM. LUKE 9: 56 ***FAIR USE*** PLEASE VISIT MY PARENT CHANNEL ~ Rustic Signatures:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::DISCLAIMER:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SOME VIDEOS ON THIS CHANNEL ARE NOT OWNED BY TRUECOLORS. VIDEOS PUBLISHED ON TRUECOLORS ARE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY & IN NO WAY REPRESENT PERSONAL ENDORSEMENTS FROM TRUECOLORS. OTHER CREATOR'S VIDEO CONTENTS ARE THEIR OWN PROPERTY! If you like what you see; please visit that original Creator's channel PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE their content! Contact Info.: TRUECOLORS Email; Rustic Signatures Email; PROVERBS 15:5 A fool despises instruction The person who regards reproof is wise. ***FAIR USE*** *Rustic Captures LLC. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education. If any copyright owner believes that a specific upload does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. FAIR USE STATEMENT: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material herein is distributed without profit to those who are interested to seek out common information for personal and educational purpose only. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." TRU*RUSTIC*COLORS 22 "['#wwg1wga#Q#jfk jr#plane crash#politics#Vincent Fusca', '#politics#royalty#prince##who is?#', ""#piper Saratoga#Government#flying#Martha's Vineyard#aviation""]" PT44M57S 605 2 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T23:21:01.000Z RkPWezeX_hI UCtBw_IxwvXLf5E-RlxJZ1PA BREAKING Q ANON, INTERVIEW PAMPHLET ANON, BARUCH the SCRIBE, CBTS, REDDIT ALEX JONES INFOWARS True Stoff 22 ['Q ANON', 'INTERVIEW'] PT37M53S 188 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-07T14:04:56.000Z DAp0h50mINs UCY2BjyN1fEe1JIE3J2xzMUw Q-ANON is childish nonsense for children and no-lifers - TRUMP MAFIA video "Join the FAMILY. 100% loyalty and support for the TRUMP NATION. NO Q. NO Fake news. NO BS. Trump Mafia soldiers: join on YouTube as a member (work towards your Gold Star = TRUMP MAFIA Enforcer. and the 5 Stars = TRUMP MAFIA CREW) THE ELITE: MADE MEMBERS OF THE TRUMP MAFIA (Trump Mafia Headquarters) JOIN SUPPORT trump mafia at the headquarters. special unlisted videos are there and become a ""made member"" of the Trump Mafia. or get some tshirts at DESIGNS SUCH AS TRUMP NATION, TRUMP MAFIA, THE TRUTH SYNDICATE, AMERIA FIRST etc TRUMPMAFIA codes: CODE 1. AFF! America First. FOREVER. CODE 2. THE TRUMP RULE ""NEVER UNDERESTIMATE DONALD TRUMP"" CODE 3. LET TRUMP BE TRUMP, and you won't be disappointed CODE 4. Our motto: Magnus Americae Fortis in Aeternum! A Great Strong America Forever. CODE 5. The TRUMP MAFIA Pledge: ""We are a family strong and free, to the Trump Nation we pledge our Loyalty, and to our godfather Donald the Great, a man chosen by God to protect our destined fate."" CODE 6: Reality is beautiful CODE 7: In Historic Times, Heroes step up and losers get exposed CODE 8: TRUMP is LOVE CODE 9: Life is Good, in the TRUMP NATION CODE 10: TRUMP NATION DOMINATION" TRUMP MAFIA 24 ['msnbc', 'house', 'fbi', 'barack', 'epa', 'debate', 'jobs', 'obama', 'economy', 'opinion', 'election', 'infowars', 'clinton', 'breadcrumbs', 'cia', 'the storm', 'hillary', 'president', 'dice', 'white', 'trump', 'truth syndicate', 'qanon', 'pentagon', '#thestorm', 'marines', 'cnn', 'wikipolitics', 'fox', 'q-anon', 'democrats', 'ivanka trump', 'news', 'mike pence', 'mark', 'trumpmafia', 'politics', 'discussion', 'doj', 'trump mafia'] PT10M3S 4391 83 172 48 not set not set 2018-09-29T17:43:05.000Z C2sIMl5OFEY UCY2BjyN1fEe1JIE3J2xzMUw FULL ANALYSIS: Exposing fakes in right media and the Q Cult. We've been fooled for years "Join the FAMILY. 100% loyalty and support for the TRUMP NATION. NO Q. NO Fake news. NO BS. Trump Mafia soldiers: join on YouTube as a member (work towards your Gold Star = TRUMP MAFIA Enforcer. and the 5 Stars = TRUMP MAFIA CREW) THE ELITE: MADE MEMBERS OF THE TRUMP MAFIA (Trump Mafia Headquarters) JOIN SUPPORT trump mafia at the headquarters. special unlisted videos are there and become a ""made member"" of the Trump Mafia. or get some tshirts at DESIGNS SUCH AS TRUMP NATION, TRUMP MAFIA, THE TRUTH SYNDICATE, AMERIA FIRST etc TRUMPMAFIA codes: CODE 1. AFF! America First. FOREVER. CODE 2. THE TRUMP RULE ""NEVER UNDERESTIMATE DONALD TRUMP"" CODE 3. LET TRUMP BE TRUMP, and you won't be disappointed CODE 4. Our motto: Magnus Americae Fortis in Aeternum! A Great Strong America Forever. CODE 5. The TRUMP MAFIA Pledge: ""We are a family strong and free, to the Trump Nation we pledge our Loyalty, and to our godfather Donald the Great, a man chosen by God to protect our destined fate."" CODE 6: Reality is beautiful CODE 7: In Historic Times, Heroes step up and losers get exposed CODE 8: TRUMP is LOVE CODE 9: Life is Good, in the TRUMP NATION CODE 10: TRUMP NATION DOMINATION" TRUMP MAFIA 25 ['barack', 'democrats', 'qanon', 'cnn', 'media', 'opinion', 'fbi', 'house', 'laura ingraham', 'epa', 'pentagon', 'doj', 'roseanne', 'jobs', 'presidency', 'politics', 'hillary', 'qmoron', 'fake news', 'nympho whores', 'ann coulter', 'kavanaugh', 'control', 'cia', 'white', 'debate', 'trey gowdy', 'clinton', 'election', 'fox', 'trumpmafia', 'dimdem', 'mark', 'news', 'msnbc', 'dice', 'obama', 'discussion', 'michael savage', 'economy'] PT1H17M21S 996 31 103 12 not set not set 2018-10-08T20:29:09.000Z -P0apCmb3GA UCY2BjyN1fEe1JIE3J2xzMUw Qanon is John Brennan's final Revenge. CIA OP team to split the TRUMP base - TRUMP MAFIA video "Join the FAMILY. 100% loyalty and support for the TRUMP NATION. NO Q. NO Fake news. NO BS. Trump Mafia soldiers: join on YouTube as a member (work towards your Gold Star = TRUMP MAFIA Enforcer. and the 5 Stars = TRUMP MAFIA CREW) THE ELITE: MADE MEMBERS OF THE TRUMP MAFIA (Trump Mafia Headquarters) JOIN SUPPORT trump mafia at the headquarters. special unlisted videos are there and become a ""made member"" of the Trump Mafia. or get some tshirts at DESIGNS SUCH AS TRUMP NATION, TRUMP MAFIA, THE TRUTH SYNDICATE, AMERIA FIRST etc TRUMPMAFIA codes: CODE 1. AFF! America First. FOREVER. CODE 2. THE TRUMP RULE ""NEVER UNDERESTIMATE DONALD TRUMP"" CODE 3. LET TRUMP BE TRUMP, and you won't be disappointed CODE 4. Our motto: Magnus Americae Fortis in Aeternum! A Great Strong America Forever. CODE 5. The TRUMP MAFIA Pledge: ""We are a family strong and free, to the Trump Nation we pledge our Loyalty, and to our godfather Donald the Great, a man chosen by God to protect our destined fate."" CODE 6: Reality is beautiful CODE 7: In Historic Times, Heroes step up and losers get exposed CODE 8: TRUMP is LOVE CODE 9: Life is Good, in the TRUMP NATION CODE 10: TRUMP NATION DOMINATION" TRUMP MAFIA 25 ['cnn', 'fbi', 'obama', 'pentagon', 'hillary', 'trumpmafia', 'house', 'discussion', 'msnbc', 'epa', 'clinton', 'decoded', 'fox', 'drops', 'news', 'cia', 'democrats', 'economy', 'dice', 'rod rosenstein', 'doj', 'barack', 'white', 'debate', 'opinion', 'mark', 'election', 'politics', 'jobs'] PT17M41S 2127 104 157 31 not set not set 2018-01-15T00:12:33.000Z 9h9O3zehMhQ UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg #Qanon, Hawaii False Flag, Unity! What does it mean?! I'll Explain! TRUreporting 22 not set PT14M8S 4058 37 79 4 not set not set 2018-02-07T03:47:09.000Z DX62qdzDG1M UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Treason at the highest levels / new Q anon / Standard Hotel/ These people are MORONS! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT20M56S 645 5 21 0 not set not set 2018-02-09T02:07:26.000Z NPsHnZmagX0 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg 02-07-18 Q anon / Impending Martial Law? / Big Pharma witholding cures?! These people are EVIL! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT30M27S 285 9 9 0 not set not set 2018-02-10T16:02:57.000Z GZCMjJXG50c UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Hussien Obama & John Mccain are done for! /Decoding latest Q anon / Navy Seals Raid / Shanghai China TRUreporting 22 not set PT26M23S 6272 83 146 4 not set not set 2018-02-13T03:41:32.000Z KBdzpvYLPK4 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Slave farming of humans?! / Newest Q Anon! / Autists & Aliens "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT40M32S 2255 18 51 1 not set not set 2018-02-14T01:53:20.000Z _eg0ITfj_qQ UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Discussing Latest Q Anon / Obama's Strange Portrait / Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is Pure Evil! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT19M11S 4893 24 101 6 not set not set 2018-02-15T00:42:00.000Z LYGkGtuCEb0 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg NSA Attack Today/ Florida Flase Flag? / Q Anon Links to get you up to date! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT13M2S 1988 27 36 4 not set not set 2018-02-15T02:38:08.000Z ax-fLACWZVQ UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon (Delta) / Submarine Attack?! / Military Flight Operations / Defcon 4 " *******" TRUreporting 22 not set PT22M22S 7822 48 74 8 not set not set 2018-02-17T13:23:45.000Z 7NumZVPxeUY UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon Posts / U.K Car Attack? Stay Safe! / Nation Wide Voter Fraud Will Be Proven!!! Across The Pond, We Are Praying For Nothing To Happen! TRUreporting 22 not set PT12M10S 566 1 13 0 not set not set 2018-02-17T14:54:13.000Z hwus0Rr7K1s UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Post #779 / Bill Cooper / Plan for World Domination / U.F.O's / Illuminate TRUreporting 22 not set PT24M16S 5811 78 169 8 not set not set 2018-02-19T00:07:31.000Z BfpHBMhsPb4 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg The Collapse Of The FBI / Today's Q-Anon Drops / Trust The Plan! / 1.7$ Billion To Iran?! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT17M28S 3156 14 78 3 not set not set 2018-02-20T01:54:12.000Z AAr6KmurWHk UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Postings / George Soros / Edward Snowden / EPIC "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT24M37S 1411 32 41 5 not set not set 2018-02-23T04:31:50.000Z RRxTeVBpEZU UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Trump Signals Us / Psychological Warfare / Q-Anon Postings "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT27M58S 2993 49 81 4 not set not set 2018-02-25T04:09:24.000Z FcElJxMypMU UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon Drop / Emoto's Water Experiment / Stanislav Lunev "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT29M29S 5444 12 64 4 not set not set 2018-03-24T23:39:02.000Z IQCa2padKIM UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Thomas Paine / Red Castle-Green Castle / Latest Q-Anon "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT15M48S 10042 113 216 35 not set not set 2018-03-27T01:31:42.000Z jx5eC-wyFM4 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg American Intelligence Media Says "Q-anon Is A Psyop" / Hillary In India / Zuckerburg "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT22M1S 1512 38 75 7 not set not set 2018-03-28T00:57:08.000Z a6jRc8-AzXE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Is Q-Anon Simply Artificial Intelligence? / The Alternative Media Battle / 700 Year Old Trump Statue "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT19M46S 396 21 29 5 not set not set 2018-03-29T00:38:56.000Z S0ZDRCrxyPY UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Great Awakeing Board Has Been Breached!! / Latest Q-Anon / Trump Tweets / TRUreporting 22 not set PT21M42S 3282 33 51 3 not set not set 2018-04-02T19:27:32.000Z HRv9sxV6jrs UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Goes Mainstream / Facial Recognition / Cancer Cures / Trump Bashes MSM "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT20M8S 2402 17 78 4 not set not set 2018-04-09T19:27:36.000Z SBUFIkXUzE8 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Posts 1085-1099 / Syria Chemical Attacks / Shadow Banning TRUreporting 22 not set PT14M3S 877 8 44 3 not set not set 2018-04-09T20:03:41.000Z -6c_6QP1WSY UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Incredible Article By: Neon Revolt / The Great Awakening / Q-Anon / The Alliance TRUreporting 22 not set PT22M46S 81728 389 2189 50 not set not set 2018-04-09T21:13:29.000Z Y0khVQ-80WE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg 666-5th Ave / Luciferians / Illuminate / Q-Anon / Incredible Article By: Neon Revolt TRUreporting 22 not set PT46M44S 31317 274 1133 31 not set not set 2018-04-10T00:09:18.000Z DaTVeWSOVUQ UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon 1100-1110 / Iran Threat / Los Angeles Times / #PRAY "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT17M49S 875 6 27 3 not set not set 2018-04-11T01:36:06.000Z mM6Nfze8_0Q UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg RFID Chip In Humans / China Tariffs / Q-Anon 1123-1124 "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT16M6S 3269 23 73 6 not set not set 2018-04-12T01:01:57.000Z SDqI6dHkuLo UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg World War 3 / Latest Q-Anon 1125-1129 / Hillary Tape On Dark Web / Parasites "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT16M26S 13149 89 250 16 not set not set 2018-04-13T01:14:52.000Z 6v4-Yi4qpMc UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Images Of Hillary Video Have Surfaced From Dark Web? / Latest Q-Anon / Apparent Syrian False Flag "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT30M5S 209671 1320 4681 260 not set not set 2018-04-17T09:57:21.000Z BXhU7EG1Peo UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Posts April 14th-16th Decoded / Proof Of Treason On The Tarmac! TRUreporting 22 not set PT46M10S 8338 89 337 4 not set not set 2018-04-18T00:54:57.000Z JG3zBHW5OYo UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Drops Today / Hillary Video Becoming More And More Promising / Plane Crash "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT22M11S 13290 156 671 13 not set not set 2018-04-22T03:49:07.000Z RwBWEfSWNso UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Mother Of All Bombs Coming This Week! / Tonight's Q-Anon Drops (April 21st) TRUreporting 22 not set PT32M40S 61397 473 1610 51 not set not set 2018-04-23T00:15:01.000Z 5FOEQQXLx2o UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Today's Q-Anon Postings / Corey Feldman / Kanye West Tweets "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT21M3S 37656 372 1080 50 not set not set 2018-04-24T01:16:54.000Z D28y9KDLbwk UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Proof Of Red Cross Corruption Unfolding / Osama Bin Ladin "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT34M39S 16546 225 522 27 not set not set 2018-04-25T01:53:24.000Z HvhyrK_3WVk UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Amazing Q-Anon Posts Tonight / Planned Parenthood Being Investigated / Red Carpet Roll Out "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT18M43S 15427 222 664 12 not set not set 2018-04-26T00:51:14.000Z PJwxqDrjC8Y UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg The Best Q-Anon Analysis You'll Get Today / New Head Of N.S.A And S.E.C / Why Is This Relevant? "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT30M3S 10093 155 690 12 not set not set 2018-04-29T23:32:16.000Z Up__8B8eMhw UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Calls Out Jerome Corsi / "Be Careful Who You Are Following" "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT13M8S 14329 622 906 87 not set not set 2018-05-08T04:32:32.000Z xP1vq13Cudk UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Posts May 2nd-4th / JetBlue / Apple HQ / No Name / Savannah GA "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT36M39S 2537 68 185 5 not set not set 2018-05-10T00:28:34.000Z OG6qckEf1Eo UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q Drops / Bill Gates Gets Trolled?! / Iran / Five Eyes "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT23M1S 12070 191 566 16 not set not set 2018-05-11T00:39:45.000Z G2qq_DZtJIY UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Israel & Syria Explained / David Seamen "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT22M32S 2842 80 248 5 not set not set 2018-05-11T01:08:53.000Z nM09tCiEeb0 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg The Great Awakening - "We Won't Back Down!" TRUreporting 22 not set PT5M27S 2784 41 211 5 not set not set 2018-05-15T00:43:25.000Z XPpadHXPhtI UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Elon Musk Mocks Trump? / NXIVM Pedophilia!? "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT20M58S 4089 110 404 10 not set not set 2018-05-16T00:32:16.000Z LOhgLXR0m-s UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / PAIN COMING! / Weiner's LapTop Evidence Is NEARING! / RUDY = Punisher "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT30M 7110 122 514 4 not set not set 2018-05-17T00:11:31.000Z Wb7ut5wyBtE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Jeff Sessions Is Set To Clean House! "PART 1" TRUreporting 22 not set PT23M29S 8689 115 440 17 not set not set 2018-05-17T23:59:02.000Z 0FHN1e7Tzd8 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon Posts / Bomb(s) About To Blow!! / Weiner Indictment TRUreporting 22 not set PT25M16S 7929 172 632 9 not set not set 2018-05-21T00:02:46.000Z AG0NpA6k4rs UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / "Follow The Pen" / "We Are In Full Control" / "Conspiracy NO MORE" TRUreporting 22 not set PT24M30S 4151 94 321 6 not set not set 2018-05-21T22:57:31.000Z 9YGLxARmz2A UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Isaac Green "Anti School" / UniRock / Lift The Veil / All Saying Q-Anon Is A Larp?!? "UNIROCK LIVE STREAM---" TRUreporting 22 not set PT7M27S 5190 341 278 20 not set not set 2018-05-23T01:54:20.000Z U_7e9KeYQ3Q UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Tonights Q-Drops / "IT'S HAPPENING! / Vatican Collapse / SerialBrain2 / "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT23M21S 12397 122 856 12 not set not set 2018-06-05T00:44:58.000Z _OomAKMJPOI UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg #WhereAreTheChildren / Latest Q-Post / Planned Parenthood "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT27M51S 3917 100 341 5 not set not set 2018-06-12T01:25:39.000Z GuQDUnmyiLE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Has The Cabal Been Cornered Fearing I.G Report?! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT39M6S 7829 149 553 6 not set not set 2018-06-13T00:59:14.000Z lRHuLRPMrBo UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Operation "Broken Heart" "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT22M40S 12183 183 791 8 not set not set 2018-06-14T01:06:22.000Z tUyTbfV2jUE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, THIS IS WAR"! TRUreporting 22 not set PT30M55S 9535 255 685 18 not set not set 2018-06-17T15:49:37.000Z _kjF5FIvGZw UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon / Hussien In Drag?! / MEMES "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT26M45S 52408 407 2165 36 not set not set 2018-06-18T22:51:23.000Z C-7r58C0qiA UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon Posts / [RR] Checkmate?! / SpaceForce / FBI Agent Murdered "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT26M6S 6092 165 493 8 not set not set 2018-06-19T23:05:19.000Z -jmPwHHE89E UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg George Soros Detained?! / Latest Q-Anon / Can We Trust Horowitz? "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT26M27S 15207 291 930 20 not set not set 2018-06-21T10:11:50.000Z BqwQEPGN54c UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg "When I Was 18 People Called Me..." By NEON REVOLT "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT29M37S 9084 129 633 7 not set not set 2018-06-28T00:09:10.000Z sbFsLM17f5U UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon Is Back! / So Long Anthony Kennedy! / SerialBrain2 "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT23M26S 6300 116 386 9 not set not set 2018-06-28T23:40:41.000Z -ncMCvghwJE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Qanon / Maxine Waters To Blame For Maryland FF?! "" TRUreporting 22 not set PT27M42S 6184 121 395 3 not set not set 2018-07-08T00:47:22.000Z _jNixS1mbhw UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg SerialBrain2: Trump Has Just Validated Q-Anon! "" TRUreporting 23 not set PT21M47S 23568 193 1683 14 not set not set 2018-07-25T01:25:11.000Z 3XimRvlaMno UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Q-Anon RETURNS! The Purge On HollyWeird! "" TRUreporting 25 not set PT40M59S 139662 1350 5539 116 not set not set 2018-07-29T00:35:33.000Z rqF_NJF-1h8 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg This Is Not A Game. Humanity Is At Stake! -Q "" TRUreporting 25 not set PT35M34S 9184 216 628 10 not set not set 2018-08-03T18:55:32.000Z g8M4UH5Qx0E UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg "What The Qanon Movement Means To Me"- Welcome New Comers "" TRUreporting 23 not set PT2M28S 2441 129 394 1 not set not set 2018-08-06T01:41:08.000Z MXAovKmB5WM UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg "There Is A Reason Why We Had To Go Mainstream" "" TRUreporting 23 not set PT29M37S 7070 176 810 3 not set not set 2018-08-07T00:54:29.000Z 6Px52BhaPXo UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Another Comet PingPong! But This Time Were Dealing With Doughnuts!? "" TRUreporting 23 not set PT22M48S 15995 300 1108 12 not set not set 2018-08-09T00:28:26.000Z 8j96g3074yQ UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg POTUS Tweets "5 of 5" !! Does This Mean An "ALL GO" For High Profile Arrests?!? "" TRUreporting 23 not set PT23M7S 19979 434 1337 29 not set not set 2018-08-16T01:47:36.000Z B1IA6YZ5B88 UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Latest Q-Anon Posts !! "" TRUreporting 25 not set PT24M39S 33259 567 2456 31 not set not set 2018-10-07T17:32:13.000Z p4vsdIhVLRE UCpwXjOAwWDuWlmA2gTjjBwg Taking Back Control For The American People!! "" TRUreporting 25 not set PT23M30S 7286 143 995 10 not set not set 2018-08-23T08:28:53.000Z CQ92-L2lDeQ UCpVZzNLl30RXtdT0JGt9ZBg PROOF Q IS REAL [THE EVIDENCE] "CONTENT DISCLAIMER Due to the social nature of this broadcasting channel videos may contain content copyrighted by another entity or person. This channel’s owner claims no copyright to said content. The broadcaster of this channel cannot be held accountable for the copyrighted content. The broadcaster of this channel is a messenger and sharer of information and strives to verify, but cannot warrant the accuracy of copyrights or completeness of the information on this channel. If you have a complaint about something or find your content is being used incorrectly, PLEASE CONTACT THE BROADCASTER PRIOR TO MAKING A COPYRIGHT CLAIM. Any infringement was not done on purpose and will be rectified to all parties satisfaction." TRUST THE PLAN [WWG1WGA] 22 ['QANON', 'WWG1WGA', 'THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM', 'TRUMP', 'FUTURE PROVES PAST', 'POTUS'] PT14M20S 3192 15 140 2 not set not set 2018-02-24T15:04:20.000Z qxXEo-IV3Zw UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Q Treachery John McCain & Ruth Bader Ginsburg "Q has been posting about the treachery of Senator John McCain and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who Q has suggested may know something about the murder of Supreme Court Justice Scalia. In this video, a follow up to my video 'Think children, think slaves' we take a deeper look at these to ""government servants'"" and go deep down the rabbit hole. To read the very latest posts from Q, click here: Please consider supporting SGT Report on Patron with a monthly contribution: For REAL news 24/7: MUSIC CREDITS: Epidemic Sound: ""Who'sThere"" paid license for You Tube use Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!" Trusted Real News 25 not set PT8M27S 125 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-02-26T09:42:11.000Z i1WpWvkEu4A UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #35 recorded Sunday 2-25-18 This week's podcast is packed with information including President Trump's massive clue given out to the public at the CPAC 2018 event. See for yourself!! Also I discuss events of the week and much more. We do not say the name of this event = S.H. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase This Moment on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks, Bernie Trusted Real News 25 not set PT30M30S 138 1 4 0 not set not set 2018-03-14T04:13:51.000Z PKULJbZMG5c UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Massive Q Drop - Alot of good Intel from QANON - Just Facts No Fluff Q covered a lot of ground this week but assured us there will be no deals for the criminals. Support my work: My website: Original Twitter thread with links: Freedom News Project: Trusted Real News 25 ['QANON', 'prayingmedic'] PT1H55S 1770 4 19 0 not set not set 2018-03-20T12:52:36.000Z 94Ly9RSLu80 UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A The QANON Phenomenon explained "Jordan of Destroying the Illusion explains Q Phenomenon Join me for the ""Disclosing the Secret Space Program"" Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here - Find me on: Twitter: @destroyillusion Snapchat: @destroyillusion Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - Support on: Patreon: PayPal: Donate via Crypto: BitCoin: 1Ce5QjiEqUnaHzAeU8jDR1mX8BdJLgdMZe Ethereum: 0x0B096d467BB4D8B65489a3Fa224FC02Be25227CE LiteCoin: LRKx8dJjV5ZTxtayh1sc6uckTJG7e9XoQD BitcCoin Cash: 15iuUBXL8ZTiYjA8oAkBv37mfnv4jpStzz Subscribe to the “Conscious Netflix”, Gaia! -" Trusted Real News 25 not set PT29M9S 215 3 7 0 not set not set 2018-03-20T13:15:05.000Z h-JlW780uzM UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Q Anon vs the Deep State "If you are just getting ready to look into the Q Anon movement, this video is a great starting point. QANON has proven itself to be a very real new part of this worlds reality. This video is basic, dip your toes in the water, of what the heck this Q Anon stuff is about. It's now time for you to awaken yourself to the geopolitics of today's reality. The corruption in our government has been allowed to run rampant FOR YEARS! Now that Trump & Q anon are at the helm..NO MORE! Excellent companion video to this one is my Americanism for Dummies It explains the philosophical battle that we Americans must finish between eachother WHILE the Deep State is taken down. After watching this video feel free to go to my video that YouTube deems too inappropriate for anyone to see, actually makes you confirm that you really want to see it, de-monetized it, disabled comments AND also HIDDEN it! That's how dangerous and offensive this Liberal so-called free speech platform sees... free speech? Newbies to Q Anon MUST WATCH this! If I'd have been aware of it at the time I made this Q for Dummies video I'm pretty sure I might have stuck Lionel in there somewhere...;) 2-16-18: New Q post site: My banned video youtube is hiding that mocks msm Sources: hLarest Q posts: ttps:// Main content (brilliant Q explained by Reconsider): Great Q update site: Good basic Q info in English..;) The Book of Q (BEST EVER Q compilation!) from: Q national guard info: Q State secrets: Interesting news info: Helicopter crash at Rothchild's: Mega Anon posts: Michael Trimm (Steve Pieczenic): NWO Diagram: https://throughthelookingglassnews.wo... Q MAP: and: Who killed Seth Rich: Trump accomplishments: Wikileaked Citigroup 'List': Muslim Brotherhood: Good article re: Trump adversaries/foes from the beginning: Rockefellers/Hitler: Putin donation to Clinton Foundation: Good intro to rational discussion on secret societies/cults from someone who claims to have been exposed to the Deep State circles at age 18. I know there are ppl who don't trust/like/believe him but personally? Until I'm made aware of any of his claims proven to be factually wrong, he seems to make sense to me even if in a odd way. His life seems to have been influenced by cult environments (family/friends) and, given he's left that world not one of their ""believers"", makes me feel a sense of respect for his strength. He comes across to some as fake and given his stories are so 'out there's I totally get it. For now? I actually believe him: Images: Tin foil hat: Helicopter crash (article): Al-Waleed: Saudi purge (article): Podesta/Russia/Saudi article: My Steemit Blog: My Dtube Channel:!/c/julzee" Trusted Real News 25 ['Q Anon'] PT44M44S 201 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-03-21T12:22:43.000Z IoxiOdodEzM UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Great Qanon drop Breakdown by PrayingMedic on 3 21 2018 "Q Anon Update for March 21 with question and answer. Support my work: My website: Original Twitter thread with links: Freedom News Project:" Trusted Real News 25 ['QANON', 'prayingmedic'] PT52M39S 1511 8 31 1 not set not set 2018-04-21T05:02:04.000Z PPpARt01CSo UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Q Anon Update April 20th The War is Real "Qanon hosted a Q & A session. We learned about Seth Rich, Julian Assange, the DNC and the Federal Reserve. Q reminded us that the war we're fighting is real. Support my work: My website: Original Twitter thread with links: News Project:" Trusted Real News 25 ['qanon 4-20'] PT39M15S 275 3 9 0 not set not set 2018-05-09T14:29:25.000Z felWRd9ypyk UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A QANON DROP MAY 8TH - Q DROP Analyzed by Spaceshot76 "SpaceShot76 Published on May 8, 2018 So many resignations and firings in D.C. and the corporate world. We are talking some of the most prosperous businesses too, why would a massive number of well performing Ceos cut and leave? AWESOME 8CH Post at top (You have to let it load them scroll to the top). Tons of links and pastebins pdf, etc Congress criminal referral Enjoy!!! My brothers new channel Black hats down: Come listen in every Sunday night 9pm eastern time zone: download app or listen on web browser: Blinding Lights Gab: White hats Paladin WH channel: Capt Steve Rodgers channel: Please sub to my backup channel: My Gab Channel: more content coming EMAIL ME: Change subject to SPACESHOT or QQQQQQ so i can find them easier. NEVER ANY PICTURES OF CHILDREN, WILL BE REPORTED TO AUTHORITIES Every q post from beginning until mid March http:// FIND Qs POSTS HERE: Twitter scraper: (grabs all Q/maga,etc related tweets on Twitter)" Trusted Real News 25 ['QANON'] PT16M52S 198 1 5 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T04:28:17.000Z qXG2djKuUno UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A #QANON Drop 5-14-18 PrayingMedic Decodes "prayingmedic Published on May 13, 2018 In this update, we take a closer look the Iran deal and hopefully, put to rest the controversy between Qanon and Infowars. Support my work: My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1343 - 1360 on This material is under Creative Commons (CC BY) License from YouTube's own Creative Commons library, for more info on Creative Commons CC BY Licenses and what rights are included for others to reuse, check Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." Trusted Real News 25 ['Qanon', 'TRUMP', 'wwg1wga'] PT13M15S 231 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-05-19T12:17:17.000Z Ifg-9w6fMtk UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A May 18th Qanon Decode by PrayingMedic / Mueller will not pursue Trump "prayingmedic Published on May 18, 2018 As the storm intensifies, Q anon reminds the deep state they may need to seek shelter. Support my work: My website: Original Twitter thread with links: This video covers posts #1378 - 1414 on" Trusted Real News 25 ['Qanon'] PT49M53S 340 2 7 1 not set not set 2018-05-30T09:43:44.000Z oYB6JBo7qJs UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A THE RE-AWAKENING NOW BEGINS - QANON AND TRUTH TO SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE - "Blessed to Teach Streamed live 16 hours ago Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! 28,937 Sealed Indictments 10/30/17 - 4/30/18 Celebrate Now Q is Finished: Trump Reawakening: Trump Child Trafficker? Wrong President: Obama or Trump: Pedo-Prisons? $50M Obama Netflix Deal: Obama Netflix: 16 Year Plan B: Spygate in 2015? Where to find IG Report: MS-13 Leader Captured: Great Britain Meme - Tommy: Truth in Britain: Evidence for Q: Wikileaks awakening: Spygate: Why not call him a spys? Dgfffcf: Truth Meme: North Korea Talks: Slow Release of information is strategic: PewDiePie vs. Vice: California Black Women MAGA: Fusion GPS in Setup: Spy Name Games: Join Rick in San Jose: Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Trusted Real News 25 ['RE-AWAKENING QANON', 'STAGE2', 'QAnon'] PT1H8M43S 295 1 16 1 not set not set 2018-06-13T08:40:18.000Z yl5iD6OwBf4 UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A 22 New Q Drops! Qanon June 11 "QANON NEW INTERFACE: Blessed to Teach Streamed live on Jun 11, 2018 Get on a Private Chat Group with Blessed to Teach! Fill out this survey: When you convert to a service that saves you $$ you get on a Private Chat Group, support this channel & help feed kids in need as well! Learn Basics on War with Deep State: Qanon Real-time Feed! Over 35,000 Sealed Indictments! Over 5,000 per month for 7 MONTHS straight when a normal year is about 1,000 per YEAR. 70X normal volume! A week to remember - NeonRevolt: Facebook Sharing Your Data with China Firms! Obama archives lost: Bigger Story Behind Wolfe and Media Leaks: Links to discussions on each Q Drop: Trump Tweet (missing ""i"" and missing ""p""... IP?) EyeTheSpy changes to Cheshire Cat: EyeTheSpy/Cheshire Cat admits he was wrong: DOJ Refusing to Give Grassley access to Agent who interviewed Flynn: Rod Rosenstein in Canada: Eric Prince and Blackwater: SerielBrain2 on Tuscan Distraction: #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic Opinions are my own and not necessarily the views of any company or persons I am associated with. FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Twitter: @BlessedToTeach Patriots by supporting this channel. Just try one ACN service (home or business) and help feed kids as well. Fill out this survey form and we will be in contact with you: ACN Services like Flash Wireless (Top carriers in US & 25 countries). We feed a hungry kid every time you pay your wireless bill. Also, you can earn your service for FREE by referring 5 Flash customers after signing yourself up. Services include top providers (Verizon, AT&T, DirectTV, Dish, Vivent, Sprint in the USA and the top providers in other countries) for internet, home security & automation, Satellite TV, home phone, etc." Trusted Real News 25 ['QANON JUN 11'] PT1H9M48S 201 0 12 0 not set not set 2018-06-14T12:39:32.000Z CMhPgBaLWMY UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Q Anon June 13 - posts #1441-1495 - Breakdown by PrayingMedic "Visit for the newest qanon board prayingmedic Published on Jun 13, 2018 After a short vacation, Q anon returned with news about the Trump - Kim summit and the prosecution of the deep state. Support my work: My website: This video covers posts #1441-1495 on" Trusted Real News 25 ['QANON'] PT1H23M28S 167 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-07-12T05:38:47.000Z pnYuxUzSpQ4 UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A PrayingMedic decodes Q Drop for July 11 - General Mike Flynn Analized "prayingmedic Published on Jul 11, 2018 Q anon has had much to say about General Mike Flynn. Is he a victim of the deep state or the star witness in their prosecution? Support my work: Paypal: My website: Twitter thread: Be sure to check out the latest Qanon messageboard drops located at: or The Trusted Real News ( YouTube channel is located at: Prophetic News Ticker and live Trump Tweets from main site The Prophetic-News website is located at: On our main page a live news ticker from contains no fake news." Trusted Real News 25 ['QANON', 'TRUMP'] PT30M51S 196 0 11 0 not set not set 2018-07-30T00:44:56.000Z Mj9eQ6yZNnA UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A PrayingMedic decodes Q anon July 28th Something Big is Coming "prayingmedic Published on Jul 28, 2018 Q anon covers a wide range of topics including the drama in Congress over Rod Rosenstein, the financial woes of Facebook and Twitter and a hint that the Whidbey Island missile launch may be reappearing in the news. Support my work: Paypal: My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1698-1740 on FAIR USE NOTICE: The use of media materials featured on this channel is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of education, commentary, and criticism. If any copyright owner believes that a specific picture, upload or other media does not meet the criteria for fair use, please contact us via direct message to request removal. Be sure to check out the latest Qanon messageboard drops located at: or The Trusted Real News ( YouTube channel is located at: Prophetic News Ticker and live Trump Tweets from main site The Prophetic-News website is located at:" Trusted Real News 25 not set PT1H8M30S 397 6 11 0 not set not set 2018-08-04T17:21:28.000Z x9aWlRlxD-k UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Prayingmedic decodes Aug 3rd Q ANON - TRUMP ATTACK FOILED "prayingmedic Published on Aug 3, 2018 Qanon discusses the not so obvious dynamics behind a failed attempt to assassinate President Trump. Support my work: Paypal: My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #1797-1814 on" Trusted Real News 25 ['Q anon', 'prayingmedic'] PT24M44S 287 5 18 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T03:40:21.000Z UQqcITj9904 UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Praying Medic Tells All about Q with Dan Duval ~ Weaponized Surveillance! - "Praying Medic Tells All about Q with Dan Duval Dan Duval and I return for a discussion about all things related to Qanon. Bride Ministries: Support my work: Paypal: My website:" Trusted Real News 25 ['Q Anon', 'Praying Medic', 'Dan Duval'] PT1H11M46S 915 4 24 0 not set not set 2018-08-16T08:25:28.000Z KF_tcjc_otU UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A 8-15 Qanon You are ALL going to Jail - Lori Colley Decodes "Lori Colley Decodes latest Q on Aug 15, 2018 Q takes us from Trump's yanking of John Brennan's security clearance, to the new leadership of Al Qaeda (UBL's son, no less!) to the Vanderbilt Estate and creepy pictures of swimming pools, odd necklaces, and bizarre artwork. Plus the possible breach of a fire wall and the promise that they're all going to jail. Thanks for watching and praying with me! Q posts: Q explanation: Subscribe to Praying Citizen newsletter: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.c... Follow me on Twitter: Lori Colley@prayingcitizen About me: My interview on Homekeepers (CTN) with Arthelene Rippy:" Trusted Real News 25 ['Qanon', 'Lori Colley'] PT46M29S 299 2 11 0 not set not set 2018-09-19T10:26:29.000Z b7d2e2r3zWo UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A General Flynn writes WWG1WGA on autograph which #QANON posts often "PRAYING MEDIC decodes and published this Q post Sep 18, 2018 Prayingmedic presents us all with many details of events starting this week most likely with unredacted docs. After the news hit that President Trump is declassifying documents that will expose corruption, the DC swamp is panicking. Support my work: Paypal: Crypto: My website: Twitter thread: This video covers posts #2172-2208 on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Qanon posts located at: or The Trusted Real News ( YouTube channel is located at: News Ticker and live Trump Tweets located at: Pearl Linux OS - A FREE Full Featured and Easy to Use Operating System. Replace your Mac or Windows easily with this much more secure Linux OS. To Download Latest Release, both 32 and 64 bit, go to: KODI Addons Qnews and Bitchuteq for any OS: Download at Howto Install Qnews Video QANON Software QPost Capture available for Debian/Ubuntu based LINUX:" Trusted Real News 22 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Trump News'] PT48M51S 1933 9 81 1 not set not set 2018-10-12T08:02:33.000Z f9sBVE--_mQ UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A PrayingMedic Oct 11th #QANON plus when will these criminals get P/U "Praying Medic decodes latest Q plus gives advise on what to truly expect regarding when the criminals will be picked up. Qanon advises us to avoid using emotions to evaluate current events and instead use logic and critical thinking. Twitter thread: This broadcast covers post #2381 on Support my work: Paypal: Crypto: My website: QAnon posts located at: or The Trusted Real News ( YouTube channel is located at: News Ticker and live Trump Tweets located at: Pearl Linux OS - A FREE Full Featured and Easy to Use Operating System. Replace your Mac or Windows easily with this much more secure Linux OS. To Download Latest Release, both 32 and 64 bit, go to: KODI Addons Qnews and Bitchuteq for any OS: Download at Howto Install Qnews Video QANON Software QPost Capture available for Debian/Ubuntu based LINUX: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" Trusted Real News 22 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Trump News', 'Prayingmedic'] PT24M22S 2780 18 106 2 not set not set 2018-10-20T07:19:20.000Z CoVY2dg10Xg UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A 10/19 Qanon related news by Destroying the Illusion "News from Destroying the Illusion Social Media: Minds: @Jordan Sather Gab: @destroyingtheillusion Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_ Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion Instagram: @jaysather Support my work: Patreon: PayPal: Website: (Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch!) DTI Apparel - Thank YOU for watching and supporting!" Trusted Real News 22 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Trump News'] PT11M31S 404 2 27 4 not set not set 2018-10-21T19:34:28.000Z rlw5yC6-IL0 UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Q and A SESSION WITH Q Anon Decoder DAVE from PRAYINGMEDIC "prayingmedic Streamed live 21 hours ago A live discussion about Q's absence. Support my work: Paypal: Crypto: My website:" Trusted Real News 22 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Trump News'] PT1H59M39S 421 2 27 1 not set not set 2018-10-22T03:25:48.000Z -vM8rEws_6w UCesUpcSqTPRyUmDnQnnW14A Why McCain's Execution was Hidden from Us? "This report comes from the dnajlion7 You Tube Channel. Be sure to investigate for yourself all news that comes out from us as well as every other source. Bottom line is the whole Q Anon movement is their to help make us understand that it is their wish that we do our own personal investigations into truth as it comes out." Trusted Real News 22 ['Qanon', 'Great Awakening', 'Trump News'] PT11M35S 798 18 70 3 not set not set 2018-03-14T12:17:12.000Z _ZcpYb7CFl4 UCqJbiJPvPWgKkenAB2v6DXw Eric Jon Phelps exposes Q .and the Popes temporal power Jesuits Intel Truth 2U4U 22 ['Trump', 'Q anon', 'Pence', 'proclamation 20:40', 'Pope', 'Jesuits'] PT1H10M19S 3788 77 69 13 not set not set 2017-12-24T09:01:32.000Z RamWp8-ubHI UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Apocalyptic Ending to 2017 As Trump's Storm On Deep State Rages On "Recorded Saturday December 23, 2017 Painting the Big Picture -Truth & Art Radio Podcast #24 with host Bernie Suarez of As we approach the end of 2017 we now see where President Trump's war on the deep state has dramatically intensified leaving us in an apocalyptic ending as the now desperate Globalist Liberal Left prepare for their final attack on Trump and America. Will their counter attack against America and Trump succeed? The Globalist are in a panic according to Q-Anon in a recent post and it all makes sense when you consider the big picture we've been talking about for months. What will the CIA and the global cabal do as a final retaliatory attack before the deep state is completely dismantled? We will soon find out. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both electronic format and CD. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'MAGA', 'storm', 'trumps storm', 'calm before the storm', 'q-anon', 'deep state', 'trump war on deep state', 'conservatism', 'christianity', 'America', 'mass arrests'] PT31M54S 69618 337 1479 79 not set not set 2017-12-26T00:54:10.000Z yUUZNCX5T2g UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Breaking- New Q-Anon Post Puts Patriots On High Alert Nationwide! 12-25-17 "Recorded Monday December 25, 2017 Painting the Big Picture -Truth & Art Radio Podcast #25 with host Bernie Suarez of New developments surrounding Q-Anon now strongly suggests that the second American Revolution has officially begun. Merry Christmas to everyone. For anyone who is a patriot President Trump could not deliver a better gift. Today I've put together a special report to focus on Q-Anon and some of the specific information he/she has been putting out since early November of 2017. We also consider some very important news updates that seem to indicate we are now officially in the middle of the second American Revolution. The coincidences are becoming too many to ignore. If the events of the past 48 hours are any indication then president Trump's ""storm"" against the deep state is now in full motion as this special report will explain. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'MAGA', 'Q-Anon', '8chan', 'George Washington', '1776', 'America', 'Revolution', 'Conservatives', 'Christianity', 'Christmas', 'Trumps storm', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm'] PT33M9S 142700 564 2377 182 not set not set 2017-12-30T10:49:06.000Z DoNuAjYGEpw UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17 "Recorded Friday December 29, 2017 Painting the Big Picture -Truth & Art Radio Podcast #26 with host Bernie Suarez of As we speak, America is now in a state of emergency. The reason? Because it's time to bring in the criminals who have looted America for decades. Apparent court records from a Nevada District Court now show that indictments have indeed begun. Are these indictments related to Trump's storm? What will be revealed next and who will be taken down during this storm? We shall soon find out. Today we discuss many topics including, who are the people that are doubting the reality of Q-anon and why? Also, why is Q-anon communicating in code and what is the significance of this? In today's podcast we discuss these questions and much more in this end of the year special podcast. Tom Heneghan Briefings report on indictments documented in Nevada District Court Q-anon update President Trump Aligns US with Israel as the Great Awakening Arrives If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices everything I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['president Trump', 'Trump', 'Storm', 'calm before the storm', 'draining the swamp', 'state of emergency', 'christians', 'jews', 'conservatives', 'the great awakening', 'q-anon', 'storm update', 'trumps storm'] PT53M5S 47193 274 1085 67 not set not set 2018-01-01T05:00:01.000Z xdSyuDFPwaU UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q-Anon Revelations, Trump-Era Awakening Explained As 2017 Concludes "Recorded Sunday December 31, 2017 Painting the Big Picture -Truth & Art Radio Podcast #27 with host Bernie Suarez of In this final podcast of 2017 I review many of Q-Anons posts and overview many scenarios, angles and arguments surrounding Q-Anons posts. I also discuss the thing that is most important in all of this and remind viewers why we are all doing what we are doing. Also I discuss why it is so important to prepare for 2018. That being because we have no clue what is coming ahead as two very powerful entities (the criminal deep state versus patriots and military) clash in their quest for domination of America and the world. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices everything I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Donald Trump', 'calm before the storm', 'CBTS', 'Q-anon', 'christianity', 'conservatives', 'MAGA', 'new years', 'draining the swamp', 'red pill', '2018'] PT28M6S 14954 96 415 15 not set not set 2018-01-14T01:44:09.000Z SA7uT73S-io UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Shocking Reality About Q's Predicted "Great Awakening" Now Revealed!! Must Watch! 1-13-18 "Recorded Saturday January 13, 2018 Painting the Big Picture -Truth & Art Radio Podcast #29 with host Bernie Suarez of Today I have a very important message for all Patriots and Truth seekers who love America and don't want to see it destroyed by the globalist. Q-Anon in his latest (January 8th) posting talked about the ""great awakening"". Well it's definitely here as I discuss in today's video podcast. Big changes are here. America is on the rise again and the enemy is angry. President Trump is draining the swamp and all of this has triggered a new dangerous era in America. It's a do or die situation for all sides and the potential death of Democracy is looming. Most Americans regardless of where they stand cannot fathom the reality of the situation. If you are one of those Americans then listen to today's podcast as I break it all down and paint the big picture. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices everything I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['MAGA', 'President Trump', 'Conservatives', 'Great awakening', 'Q-anon', 'Trump news', 'end times', 'The storm', 'calm before the storm', 'Truth and art', 'christianity', '8chan', 'breaking news'] PT34M36S 12654 108 446 11 not set not set 2018-01-14T21:36:48.000Z oy3UtuBHM84 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Breaking Q-Anon: "Checkmate", "We are closer than you think" 1-14-18 "Breaking Q-anon update Saturday evening 1-13-18 posted here Sunday 1-14-18 Q-Anon postings here: In this video I cover most but not all of the details of the latest Q post. I skip around items I have no clue on. Please feel free to add to this information. I thought ""SD"" might be referring to a specific HQ of FBI, many say it's ""State Department"" and perhaps they are correct. PS- Beware of those claiming that Q-anon is a psyop with zero proof. THEY are the psyop as of now. Remember we are in a war and these people are non-Patriots, very likely ANARCHISTS, Liberals, (Antifa etc) and deep state agents (maybe even bots) who have ZERO hope for America because they don't care about America. Thus they NEED Q to be a ""psyop"". They know that the more people get it, tune in and pay attention the worse for them. In the words of Q - WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. NO ONE PERSON IS ABOVE ANOTHER. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE TAKING BACK OUR COUNTRY (& WORLD) FROM THE EVIL LOSERS WHO WOULD DO US HARM (ALL FOR A BUCK). NO MORE. STAND UP PATRIOTS. STAND UP AND DEFEND WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 4, 10, 20 Q-Anon has returned to the 8chan board and posted very important messages last night. In this report I'm reviewing some of Q's messages and analyzing what he is saying. Q keeps repeating that ""future proves past"" and we see once again where Q predicted the false nuclear alarm in Hawaii which last week Q referred to as DEFCON 1 ""non nuclear"". What does this all mean? Watch my latest report and see for yourself. PS- Here is a link to my latest podcast yesterday which I believe Youtube has been trying to censor due to the nature of the information in it. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices everything I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['q-anon', 'patriots', 'President Trump', 'Sean Hannity', 'Fox News', 'America', 'breaking news', 'MAGA', 'Revolution', 'draining the swamp', 'the storm', 'trumps storm', 'conservatives'] PT19M28S 37911 230 494 20 not set not set 2018-01-19T08:29:36.000Z byaGYe7Ir4M UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ 1-19-18 Q Update! Future Proves Past AGAIN!! Deep State Exposed! "Update Friday morning 1-19-18 Latest Q Anon posting proves reliable again! Q has posted important updates tonight pointing us to the END of the global elite and the upcoming State of the Union speech as a possible historic moment in the history of America. I will have more in this weekend's podcast. Please share this historic information with other Patriots and Awakened truth seekers. And please post your comments, thoughts, suggestions and corrections on what you are seeing. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'false flag', 'MAGA', 'president Trump', 'Conservatives', 'Trump storm', 'the storm', 'CBTS', 'drain the swamp', 'America', 'American revolution'] PT9M54S 6462 51 198 1 not set not set 2018-01-22T01:44:26.000Z H4UgvsPUnGQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Drops New Bombshell!! Checkmate For Soros, Podesta, Brazille- #Prison "Q Anon has dropped a late bombshell just 15 minutes from the time of this recording. (See very end of this video for update!) Image of bombshell document here: In his new January 21, 2018 posting Q shows us very disturbing truths about the Obama administration plan for the full destruction of America so they can usher in their new world order. This is huge! Must watch! If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Trumps storm', 'america', 'judicial watch', 'soros', 'podesta', 'donna brazille', 'MAGA', 'breaking q anon', 'cbts', 'the storm', 'truth and art'] PT15M44S 32909 203 737 27 not set not set 2018-01-23T07:24:45.000Z 7m3a5MwgejE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ 1-22 Late Night Critical Q Anon Interpretations- #GreatAwakening "In this video I discuss tonight's (1-22-18) most recent Q-Anon posting and interpretations. Understanding the big picture and reconciling what Q is trying to tell us is as important as ever. I also respond to some of the recent comments in some of my previous videos. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also, you can order 'Paradigm Shift' my latest album by clicking the link below: Also, visit for music project updates including information on my upcoming album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q-Anon', 'Trump', 'great awakening', 'MAGA', 'CBTS', 'America', 'American revolution', 'drain the swamp'] PT14M26S 12328 113 322 16 not set not set 2018-01-28T05:08:58.000Z f5EHaSh1maM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Deep State Truly Unraveling! Q Messages Decoded - 1-27-18 "Recorded Saturday January 27, 2018. Truth and Art TV Podcast #31 In this podcast series I am narrating the rebirth of the New America. This involves the annihilation of the corrupt deep state first which is what we are seeing. With the FISA secret memos set to release this week and with many globalist criminals on the run the Trump storm is now in full motion. Today I examine very carefully many of the Q Anon postings from the past few days leading up to this afternoon. Today's podcast is very critical to understanding what is happening. Watch as we connect many of the dots so that Patriots everywhere can contribute to the picture being painted. Remember- the future proves the past. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also to visit my music project website go to Here you can enjoy a sample of my upcoming new album 'This Moment' which will be available in both digital and CD format by this coming weekend of February 3rd. I will make an announcement next weekend. On the Artistic Momentum site you can also purchase 'Paradigm Shift' my 2016 album. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'America', 'MAGA', 'Trump storm', 'drain the swamp', 'q anon', 'CBTS', 'deep state', 'american revolution', 'patriots', 'christians', 'conservatives', 'news', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'fisa memo', 'doj', 'sean hannity'] PT49M58S 16591 113 459 11 not set not set 2018-02-06T08:32:03.000Z 1GQG44asJ-Y UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon 2-5-18- "Welcome to the Global War"! "Q Anon important updates for late evening of Monday February 5th. Q talks about high level families intermarrying for financial reasons not for love. Q lays out the coming scope of what now he is calling the ""Global war"". Nonetheless Q assures patriots that: ""Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain. TRUST THE PLAN. THERE ARE A LOT MORE GOOD THAN BAD. You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. We STRIKE every SINGLE DAY. We WIN every SINGLE DAY. EVERY SINGLE DAY THEY ARE BEING DESTROYED - LITERALLY."" This is huge! If you enjoyed this video click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also to visit my music project website go to Here you can enjoy a sample of my upcoming new album 'This Moment' which is now available in both digital on (see link to 'This Moment' will be available in CD format in a week. On the Artistic Momentum site you can also purchase 'Paradigm Shift' my 2017 album. album. Thanks, Bernie I will post more videos as the Q boards renew." Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump storm', 'history', 'america', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives'] PT20M16S 10457 84 261 6 not set not set 2018-02-08T07:38:37.000Z 3JpleBUpX44 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Explosive Late Night Update- 2-7-18 "The latest Q Anon postings indicate a new level of battle and a new level of victory against the deep state. Future continues to prove past. Tonight we examine the latest Q updates, meanings and clues. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: You can support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Here you can enjoy a sample of my upcoming new album 'This Moment' which is now available in digital format on (see link to 'This Moment' will be available in CD format in a week. On the Artistic Momentum site you can also purchase 'Paradigm Shift' my 2017 album. album. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 "['Q anon', 'President Trump', ""Trump's storm"", 'CBTS', 'Q updates', 'America', 'Conservatives', 'Patriots', 'MAGA', 'FISA memo', 'grassley graham memo']" PT20M42S 21195 152 514 21 not set not set 2018-02-13T08:41:39.000Z wDu3fLzuffs UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ The Most Disturbing Q Crumbs Yet- Brace For This! "Recorded late night Monday 2-12-18 Full breakdown of Trump administration Q-level clearance patriot Q Anon's latest postings. Tonight Q exposes specific media personalities and warns of their family background. Q then goes much deeper and drops disturbing crumbs related to child slavery. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also to visit my music project website go to Here you can follow the links to listen to samples of my upcoming new album 'This Moment' which is now available in digital format on iTunes and Spotify. CD format available soon. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Q crumbs', 'drain the swamp', 'Trumps storm', 'CBTS', 'president trump', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Patriots', 'Liberty', 'america', 'the storm'] PT12M46S 39426 255 1059 18 not set not set 2018-02-18T02:50:47.000Z Qet6Lyr21vE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18 "Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #34 recorded Saturday February 17, 2018 Today I discuss the developing events of the past week, we consider all the latest postings by Trump administration Q level clearance patriots on the new location for Q anon postings at (FYI) and finally this week I break down everything you need to know about the recent storm of Q anon ""doubters"" flooding the internet or as I call it the ""attackers"" of the Q anon phenomenon. This may be the most important podcast I've put together regarding the Q anon discussion boards. Please share this information if it resonates with you. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also to visit my music project website go to Here you can follow the links to listen to samples of my new album 'This Moment' which is now available in digital format on iTunes and Spotify. CD format available soon. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'MAGA', 'CBTS', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'conservatives', 'america', 'patriots', 'president trump', 'dossier', 'uranium one'] PT36M49S 42736 441 1253 56 not set not set 2018-02-19T03:57:20.000Z NwyIE1FFeMI UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Anti-Q Tactics Simplified For Easy Recognition (Followup 2-18-18) "Truth and Art TV podcast recorded Sunday February 18, 2018 This video is a followup to my video yesterday (Weekly podcast #34) where I analyzed the recent attacks on Q level clearance patriots who have been posting on 8chan and now In my previous video yesterday (link below) I exposed just some of the tactics used by deep state trolls and what to look for and I also discussed exactly who these trolls are. Today I discuss some of the tactics we've been observing. Meanwhile I also discuss today's Q drops which has an important message for patriots. Part one of this topic recorded 2-17-18 here: If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also to visit my music project website go to Here you can follow the links to listen to samples of my new album 'This Moment' which is now available in digital format on iTunes and Spotify. CD format available soon. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['q anon', 'trump storm', 'cbts', 'president trump', 'patriots', 'america', 'drain the swamp', 'conservatives'] PT13M59S 2667 86 184 6 not set not set 2018-02-24T10:23:14.000Z Z0F-G2jVlwM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Drops Bombs About School Shootings- Red Alert! "Update early morning 2-24-18 As Q anon goes so goes the storm and we wrap up this week with huge Q bombs pointing us to ""sick organized events"" when describing school shooting ""events"". Must watch!! If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: Also to visit my music project website go to Here you can follow the links to listen to samples of my new album 'This Moment' which is now available in digital format on iTunes and Spotify. CD format will be available on Amazon in the next day or two. I'll post the link when it is available. Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['q anon', 'patriots', 'the storm', 'trumps storm', 'president trump', 'calm before the storm', 'america'] PT13M51S 120483 677 2810 86 not set not set 2018-02-26T02:37:19.000Z LiP8UcxKD5M UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! 2-25-18 "Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #35 recorded Sunday 2-25-18 This week's podcast is packed with information including President Trump's massive clue given out to the public at the CPAC 2018 event. See for yourself!! Also I discuss events of the week and much more. We do not say the name of this event = S.H. If you enjoyed this video podcast click the thumbs up button and share with someone. If you want to keep up with this channel don't forget to click the SUBSCRIBE button. Click on the bell to receive notices every time I put out a new video. Also below are links to my websites where you can help support this effort. To visit Truth and Art TV go to: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase This Moment on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks, Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['President trump', 'Trump storm', 'Q anon', 'CBTS', 'America', 'CPAC', 'the great awakening', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'Patriots', 'drain the swamp'] PT30M30S 63462 437 2084 56 not set not set 2018-03-18T08:16:27.000Z lAEwC3FM8WE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q,Trump, Sessions Outfox Deep State- Glorious Year Unfolding! 3/18/18 "Truth and Art TV Weekly Podcast #38 Recorded Saturday 3-17-18 Today in my weekly podcast I discuss how all the Q anon and Trump strategies are all coming to fruition and how the deep state is slowly being dismantled one piece at a time. President Trump seems to always be 5 steps ahead and it is no longer a coincidence that Trump always win while the deep state continues to fall apart. This week I fully break down several key current event news plus the latest Q drops. Here's the link to the recent X22 Report Spotlight interview I did: You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Trump', 'Presdient Trump', 'the storm', 'CBTS', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'Q anon updates', 'Q latest', 'drain the swamp', 'Trumps storm', 'patriots', 'america'] PT38M50S 53310 327 1858 22 not set not set 2018-03-21T08:47:43.000Z CeMtuxpIyAw UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "FBI opened a case on “Q” today"- Panic! Q Update 3-21-18 "Q anon update Wednesday morning 3-21-18 In this video I review postings from Q anon posted late on Tuesday 3-20-18. Did FBI actually open a file on Q? Is the deep state truly panicking? Did Q predict the mail package bombings in Texas? You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Q updates', 'Trump', 'the storm', 'drain the swamp', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'america', 'cbts', 'trumps storm'] PT9M30S 111024 762 2172 108 not set not set 2018-03-22T05:24:54.000Z hmH7VY4-rUM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide!!!!!! "Truth and Art TV Special Report: This report is a collection of the ultimate Q Anon entry level questions and explanations which you can share with your friends and family and it is designed to stand the test of time. Please share far and wide. ""Trust the plan"" and remember ""where we go one we go all."" - MUSIC CREDIT: Feather Waltz by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['q anon', 'q anon update', 'trump', 'president trump', 'cbts', 'the storm', 'trumps storm', 'christians', 'conservatives', 'q anon phenonmenon', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'donald trump', 'calm before the storm', 'drain the swamp', 'q posts'] PT48M38S 54018 381 1908 69 not set not set 2018-03-26T06:57:35.000Z 2tk_bg_C2sw UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ BOOM! The Fall Of Hillary Is Upon Us! "In the Q anon kill box ""[]"" this week is Hillary Clinton in reference to a video that will blow wide open her criminality. When will this bombshell drop? Will it be this week? All evidence points to very soon. In this podcast I research the deeper meaning of this and I explore the OMNIBUS bill just signed by President Trump and show how this bill will help get his goals accomplished. You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'the Storm', 'CBTS', 'Q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'drain the swamp', 'MAGA', 'America', 'Patriots', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'Constitution', 'the great awakening', 'future proves past'] PT16M51S 39576 244 1378 28 not set not set 2018-03-28T06:23:29.000Z NhR4wGYg1WA UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q- General Flynn Will Be cleared In 30 Days! "In this video I cover the latest updates from Q anon posted on the usual 8chan image boards. Q posting after updating the trip codes. Q letting us know ""offline for a reason"". In the latest updates Q discusses huge developments coming regarding Kim Jong-Un's trip to China for a face to face with someone. Also General Michael Flynn will be free and exonerated within the next 30 days it appears. This and more. You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Q update', 'President Trump', 'Trump storm', 'the Storm', 'CBTS', 'drain the swamp', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'General Michael Flynn', 'Michael Flynn', 'General Flynn', 'trust the plan', 'America', 'Patriots'] PT12M49S 36940 299 1179 38 not set not set 2018-03-29T08:41:39.000Z 4icBFbPo4ZE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "You Failed"- Q Addresses New Anti-Q Psyop Attacks! "Recorded late night-early morning March 28-29, 2018 The latest Q anon updates reviewed for awakened Patriots and curious minds. North Korea, FISA memo investigation updates, MSM talking about red pill versus blue pill. Q tells us this is not a coincidence. Q also addresses the recent anti-Q psyop with 2 words: ""You failed"". You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['President Donald Trump', 'Trump Storm', 'the Storm', 'Q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'CBTS', 'Patriots', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'the great awakening', 'drain the swamp', 'America'] PT19M6S 41201 417 1311 52 not set not set 2018-04-03T07:53:48.000Z I_zyeZa6z34 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18 "Q anon returns to the GA boards with incredible and important updates 4-2-18. In this video I analyze some of the meanings of the latest posts. You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['President Trump', 'the storm', 'Donald Trump', 'CBTS', 'q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'Conservatives', 'Patriots', 'drain the swamp', 'MAGA', 'Christians', 'Jeff Sessions', 'trust sessions', 'trust the plan', 'WWG1WGA'] PT14M6S 39166 359 1478 30 not set not set 2018-04-04T06:27:25.000Z OKjaI-HsHXY UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "Why Is Epstein Spending $29mm to Bury tunnels ..." - Q New Warnings! "Update on Q anon posts from the 8chan boards as of Tuesday evening 4-3-18. Q is getting into deeper and darker topics. Are you ready for this? Share and analyze these clues for yourself and discuss with each other. Q has not ever built up a month like he (they) are building up April. This is significant and I believe foretells of things to come. You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Q updates', 'CBTS', 'trust the plan', 'WWG1WGA', 'president Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump storm', 'the storm', 'drain the swamp', 'Conservatives', 'Christians'] PT16M17S 136349 1098 4555 165 not set not set 2018-04-08T03:18:13.000Z Ngz7S3LXfTY UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence "Truth and Art TV Weekly Podcast #41 recorded Saturday April 7, 2018 This week I discuss and illustrate how Q anon is now forcing a mass consciousness shift on all levels. This shift in consciousness is the Trump storm we've been narrating for over 5 months now. With mainstream media now openly talking about the Trump Storm and Q anon, and with record worldwide CEO resignations, with thousands of sealed indictments, with the state of emergency Trump declared on December 21, 2017 and with all the recent take-downs of the social media giants, with all the breaking developments taking place in the House Intelligence Committee and DOJ, and with all the US Military ""accidents"" which can no longer be called a coincidence it is time for everyone to make a decision as to what they believe and whose side they are on as we move forward. Join me in today's discussion. Latest Q drops List of resignations: My recent video: The ""Silent War"" Many Are Choosing to NOT See- Must Watch You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following the links below: Subscribe to this channel and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload an new video. Also you can support me by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month or more: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['president Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump storm', 'CBTS', 'Q anon', 'q anon updates', 'trust the plan', 'drain the swamp', 'conservatives', 'pro second amendment', 'christians', 'America', 'Patriots', 'americana', 'fox news', 'consciousness', 'MAGA', 'us constitution'] PT49M39S 44469 472 1533 61 not set not set 2018-04-23T00:30:59.000Z M0qMNq28Qrg UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11-11-18" -Q "Truth and Art TV Weekly Podcast #43 - Recorded Sunday April 22, 2018- Narrating the rebirth of America. This is my weekly weekend podcast which I make a little longer than my other videos in order to summarize news and events as well as review all the new Q anon drops. All of this is to illustrate the BIG PICTURE. This week's summary is one of the most comprehensive yet. Lot's of new Q anon drops the past few days and the ""April showers"" is upon us. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['president Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'the storm', 'CBTS', 'drain the swamp', 'trust the plan', 'q anon', 'q anon update', 'q anon updates', 'Patriots', 'Christians', 'Conservatives', 'MAGA', 'America', 'make america great again', 'christianity', 'conservative values', '1776', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange'] PT51M15S 31063 295 1148 29 not set not set 2018-04-29T21:26:06.000Z q0-OCs7evMA UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Breaking-Is Mueller About to Do 180 Degree Turn Against Deep State? (Podcast #44 PART 1 of 2) "Truth and Art TV Weekly Podcast #44 -- This is PART ONE of this week's Podcast- Stay tuned for PART 2 of this week's podcast #44 later tonight. I am covering the BIG PICTURE in this weekly podcast updating the Worldwide Great Awakening that continues as we speak. In the latest Q drops we now see break-point has been reached where potentially Robert Mueller is having to make a decision about the direction of the ""Trump-Russia collusion"". The NEW direction of the probe, Q is showing us now DROP the ""Trump"" part of it. Will we see this officially unfold real soon? April showers continues and the Flynn ""30 days"" now proving past! This and much more in this PART ONE of the 44th podcast for Sunday April 29, 2018 In PART 2 of this week's podcast I will present a SPECIAL REPORT about the ""Blame the Jews/Israel"" movement and what you need to know about this paradigm. STAY TUNED tonight! New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'president Trump', 'Patriots', 'America', 'Q anon', 'q anon updates', 'CBTS', 'MAGA', 'drain the swamp', 'trust the plan', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'Jews', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'Great awakening'] PT34M47S 64199 489 1441 64 not set not set 2018-05-01T09:23:29.000Z DxyBlnhvra0 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Next Stop- Storm Coming to Iran ... Israel Sounding Like Q! "Truth and Art TV GREAT AWAKENING update with Q anon drops from the evening of Monday 4-30-18 The Great Awakening is now moving to Iran, Syria and ... Israel. Q explains in more detail the reason for the missiles in Syria a few weeks ago. Future proves past. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'cbts', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'drain the swamp', 'America', 'Patriots'] PT24M24S 14080 271 638 68 not set not set 2018-05-07T02:05:29.000Z eFDxgMtkXFE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch! "Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #45 Narrating the Rebirth of America Recorded Sunday morning 5-6-18 In this week's podcast I review the latest in the Trump Storm aka the Great Awakening. Has FBI Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein lost his mind? Deep state in full panic as Rosenstein defies the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution by refusing to turn in files related to the FISA memos related to president Trump. In this episode I also break down not only the latest Q updates but I also outline definitively the core differences between the two groups now fighting for America. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Republicans', 'Conservatives', 'Trump', 'Trump storm', 'president Trump', 'Christians', 'God', 'trust the plan', 'America', 'Patriots', 'CBTS', 'the great awakening'] PT57M58S 19789 296 899 52 not set not set 2018-05-08T09:28:51.000Z RlMXDgrVjik UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Eye Opener- "What would be the purpose of creating confusion? " "Truth and Art TV latest news and updates on the Trump/Q Anon patriots Great Awakening Recorded Tuesday morning 5-8-18 In the latest Q drop Q defends the integrity of the plan, the entire Great Awakening, the Trump storm and the Q anon 8 Chan message boards. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'Q anon', 'q anon updates', 'CBTS', 'the great awakening', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'drain the swamp', 'america', 'patriots'] PT19M35S 32286 224 1174 43 not set not set 2018-05-11T09:16:25.000Z GyomKqAuVSU UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "What You Are About to Learn Should ... SCARE You" - Q "Truth and Art TV latest news and updates on Trump, Q Anon and the Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday evening 5-10-18 Tonight I discuss the latest Q drops including the ISIS arrests which will bring ""no name"" McCain down. Also Q paints behind-the-scenes big picture explaining why there are been no high profile arrests. . New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'q anon updates', 'Trump storm', 'Trump train', 'president Trump', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Patriots', 'Christians', 'drain the swamp', 'Israel', 'CBTS', 'Trump administration', 'America', 'American revolution'] PT24M39S 24045 382 1089 25 not set not set 2018-05-13T09:31:31.000Z wRlSQDfjoJo UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed "Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #46 recorded Saturday May 12, 2018 Narrating the rebirth of America one week at a time. This week I discuss some recent stories and headlines as well as the latest news and updates on Trump, Q Anon and the Great Awakening. Special topic today surrounds the recent Jerome Corsi/Alex Jones claims that Q anon is compromised. Link to article about infowars: . New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'q anon', 'q anon updates', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Chistians', 'CBTS', 'the great awakening', 'the storm', 'America', 'Patriots'] PT49M58S 9878 381 683 24 not set not set 2018-05-16T07:40:53.000Z gGgT0dEDR6s UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Drops Timed With 4am MSM Publish- Coincidence? "Truth and Art TV weekly Q anon and Great Awakening update for Wednesday morning May 16, 2018 Recorded Tuesday night 5-15-18 Q and Trump double down on their messages exposing the Communist Globalists and (Trump) calling for the death penalty for those who murder police. Q continues to predict the moves of the Left. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['the great awakening', 'drain the swamp', 'Trump', 'police memorial', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'the storm', 'q anon', 'MAGA', 'patriots', 'america', 'exposing communism', 'cultural marxism'] PT12M22S 19771 191 777 9 not set not set 2018-05-18T09:54:47.000Z 3w8f68HKcrY UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Trump Co-Signs Q Drop On IG Breaking News- "God Bless USA" "Truth and Art TV Great Awakening update for Friday morning May 18, 2018 The PLAN is in full motion. Trump co-signs Q drop on IG breaking news. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'president Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'Trump administration', 'Q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'the storm', 'drain the swamp', 'trust the plan', 'patriots', 'america', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'IG Report'] PT9M37S 37454 446 1251 47 not set not set 2018-05-22T08:47:23.000Z RbMXC1Cr38k UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Reveals Trump's Brilliant Swamp-Draining Move No One Saw Coming! "Truth and Art TV Great Awakening update for early Tuesday morning 5-22-18 The latest in the Q anon-Trump drops showing us where the storm is and where it's going. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to '' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'Q anon', 'America', 'drain the swamp', 'q updates', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'trust the plan', 'WWG1WGA'] PT18M51S 42896 399 1636 45 not set not set 2018-06-04T05:12:40.000Z kUwgKlGzEHs UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "BOOM"!! - Q Returns With Really Bad News For the Deep State! "Truth and Art TV Great Awakening update recorded Sunday evening 6-3-18 Tonight Q anon has returned with a BOOM. One simple drop as of the time of this recording and the message is very clear- ""Dark to Light"" is coming. The light will shine on the evil and it will be exposed. Please share this message with someone. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'q drops', 'trump', 'president trump', 'CBTS', 'drain the swamp', 'trust the plan', 'WWG1WGA', 'patriots', 'America', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'MAGA', 'trump storm', 'the great awakening', 'great awakening'] PT11M45S 48421 494 2402 69 not set not set 2018-06-08T06:29:32.000Z z0m1W75gm60 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ 4AM Clown Drops Fail As Big Swamp-Draining News Looms! "Truth and Art TV Great Awakening update recorded Thursday evening 6-7-18 Tonight I review key stories that paint the picture of where we are and where we are going. Will the Inspector General Report be dropped Friday June 8, 2018? Trump historic Singapore Summit draws closer as well. Link to Judicial Watch breaking story: Judicial Watch Uncovers Hidden Strzok Emails in Latest Production of Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Docs Please share this message. New to Q anon and the Trump Storm that is happening below the radar of CIA's mainstream media? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to '' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'DOJ', 'Q anon', 'q anon update', 'president trump', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'WWG1WGA', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'patriots'] PT14M32S 14381 222 1090 18 not set not set 2018-06-11T08:01:10.000Z 0xY2eqj1084 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q New Warning: "False Flag Weather Alert Worldwide" "Truth and Art TV Q anon and Great Awakening update. Recorded late Sunday evening June 10, 2018 New Q anon drops showing us images of Singapore, new clues and new warnings. Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['trump', 'president trump', 'singapore', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'drain the swamp', 'christians', 'conservatives', 'north korea', 'singapore summit', 'republicans', 'q anon', 'trust the plan', 'wwg1wga'] PT9M50S 25529 253 928 20 not set not set 2018-06-12T10:23:32.000Z SgyXQVxAuGo UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie " "Truth and Art TV Q anon and Great Awakening update. Recorded early Tuesday morning June 12, 2018 Latest news on the Trump visit with North Korean leader at the Singapore Summit and the latest Q drops decoded. Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['North Korea', 'President Trump', 'MAGA', 'drain the swamp', 'trust the plan', 'q anon', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'justice', 'wwg1wga', 'Singapore summit', 'future proves past'] PT27M31S 6834 106 372 12 not set not set 2018-06-13T07:39:26.000Z pzhjvzkivVs UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q: "Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? " "Truth and Art TV patriot news update. Recorded late Tuesday night June 12, 2018 Latest Q drops decoded as the great awakening continues. Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Singapore Summit', 'Kim Jung Un', 'North Korea', 'patriot news', 'president trump', 'trump storm', 'q anon', 'wwg1wga', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'trust the plan', 'conservatism', 'prager university', 'conservative views'] PT19M48S 31296 289 1374 34 not set not set 2018-06-14T07:49:52.000Z PctbuHbJxlg UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding! "Truth and Art TV patriot news update. Recorded late Wednesday night June 13, 2018 Latest Q drops decoded as the great awakening continues. Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in-depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['trust sessions', 'jeff sessions', 'donald trump', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'q anon', 'trust the plan', 'justice department', 'wwg1wga', 'drain the swamp', 'prager', 'conservative views'] PT18M21S 78514 552 2437 73 not set not set 2018-06-15T07:33:17.000Z ftbHSGlC5qQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Release of "Modified" IG Report First Nail In Deep State's Coffin- Here's Why "Truth and Art TV patriot news update. Recorded late Thursday night June 14, 2018 Latest Q drops decoded as the great awakening continues. Link to IG Report: Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['trust sessions', 'jeff sessions', 'donald trump', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'q anon', 'trust the plan', 'justice department', 'wwg1wga', 'drain the swamp', 'prager', 'conservative views', 'rod rosenstein', 'ig report'] PT19M41S 25141 299 1069 32 not set not set 2018-06-18T06:10:25.000Z lFJ4j-fSfMU UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ WOW! Q Drops Laser Beam Precision PROOF- Future Proves Past!!!!! "Truth and Art TV weekend weekly podcast #51 Recorded Sunday morning June 17, 2018 Today I review a few important topics including a continuation of the topic of the ""new world order"" which I covered last week. I also discuss some of the latest tactics of the Left and the latest in the Q anon drops. Join me. Watch Saturday Night Live video at 2:20 ""It's coming"" says Q regarding attacks on Q anon just like the mainstream media and Hollywood attacks Trump. This is evidence that even they (the media and Hollywood) realize that Trump and Q Anon are inseparable. Here is the video posted on Twitter that Q posted on drop # 1529 that was supposed to be an Obama speech at Bilderberg. Confirmed. It's not. See note below The video turned out to be out of context and thus fake and for that reason I pulled my original from today down and re-recorded the ending. FYI- Here is the original video of the Obama speech in Belgium in 2014 proving the video posted on Twitter is Obama being taken out of context- [Note that Q posted the video on 8chan BEFORE the person on Twitter was notified that the video could be a fake. Proving that Q is NOT AI right but human instead!] Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['President Trump', 'Patriots', 'Conservatives', 'Conservative views', 'Christians', 'Q anon', 'America', 'WWG1WGA', 'trust the plan', 'drain the swamp', 'prager', 'Republicans', 'populist', 'great awakening', 'patriot news', 'fox news', 'breitbart news'] PT41M46S 25361 224 1115 26 not set not set 2018-06-18T20:33:46.000Z XWX6Z2oG2oQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Obama "International Order" Speech Fully Explained- 100% Proof Case Closed! "Truth and Art TV patriot news updates Recorded Monday June 18, 2018 Today I've put together a full report to explain the circulating alleged Obama ""Bilderberg"" speech posted by Q anon yesterday where the video is cut in such a way to make it seem as though Obama is calling for all people of the world to submit to the ruling elite. As many of you know this initial video was cut deceptively to take what Obama is saying out of context. In my video today I show you the actual speech and how Obama IS INDEED calling for a ""International order"" and much worse. Q wanted us to see this and it deserves a full explanation. In my video I also explain how a website glitch led to my misunderstanding of why Q was showing us this short clip. The web page I was open to when recording my video didn't show the Q drop where he explains the purpose of the drop. Computer glitches will happen. Here is the video posted on Twitter that was supposed to be an Obama speech at Bilderberg. The video turned out to be out of context and thus fake and for that reason I pulled my original from today down and re-recorded the ending. FYI- Here is the original video of the Obama speech in Belgium in 2014 proving the video posted on Twitter is Obama being taken out of context- [Note that Q posted the video on 8chan BEFORE the person on Twitter was notified that the video could be a fake. Proving that Q is NOT AI right but human instead!] Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['Obama', 'Trump', 'speech', 'drain the swamp', 'trust the plan', 'q anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'international order', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'prager', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump train', 'MAGA'] PT16M31S 46724 415 1198 93 not set not set 2018-06-19T09:49:27.000Z 2MHwGWqMt4I UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?" "Truth and Art TV patriot news updates from the latest Q anon 8Chan boards drops- Recorded Monday late night June 18, 2018 Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Tarmac meeting. Here's the video posted by Q in drop :1555 Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below:' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['patriot news', 'trump', 'president trump', 'DOJ', 'Gowdy', 'Q anon', 'trust the plan', 'WWG1WGA', 'MAGA', 'conservatives', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon updates', 'drain the swamp', 'populist', 'great awakening', 'end times', 'devin nunes', 'IG Report'] PT17M11S 60609 424 2101 44 not set not set 2018-06-20T10:43:39.000Z m7xmwJ1ON3Y UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "What a Coincidence"- This New Q Proof Is TRULY Impressive! "Truth and Art TV patriot news including updates from the latest Q anon 8Chan boards drops- Recorded Tuesday late night June 19, 2018 Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'drain the swamp', 'wwg1wga', 'prager university', 'DOJ', 'IG Report', 'Horowitz', 'Gowdy'] PT19M16S 29086 247 1219 36 not set not set 2018-06-21T07:22:07.000Z 5zHjueAJdYU UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Darkness to Light! Confirmations Adding Up As Glorious 2018 Unfolds "Truth and Art TV patriot news including updates from the latest Q anon 8Chan boards drops- Recorded Wednesday night June 20, 2018 Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'trump rally', 'WWG1WGA', 'drain the swamp', 'populist', 'prager', 'next news network', 'america one news'] PT16M9S 20034 297 1219 12 not set not set 2018-06-22T07:12:11.000Z hw_4LYTs8UI UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "Shift in Tactics"- Is Flood Of New Q Proofs Coming? "Truth and Art TV patriot news updates including latest Q anon drops- Recorded Thursday evening June 21, 2018 Here is the link to the new Q Proofs site. Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: To financially support this project please visit my new Patreon page. Click below to become a Patreon with as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can now make a one time donation through PayPal by donating to 'bernie[at]' Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'drain the swamp', 'WWG1WGA', 'Trump rally MN', 'prager', 'America first', 'great awakening'] PT16M46S 35867 320 1429 36 not set not set 2018-06-29T20:10:50.000Z Via8Y13gIkY UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Unlocking Shocking Q Drop- Watch This and Help Spread! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News Update. Recorded Friday June 29, 2018 Please share this message. Must watch video about the Great Awakening Q The Plan To Save The World (Help spread this!) New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ To financially support this effort consider becoming a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this project going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'justice', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'wwg1wga'] PT2M42S 42648 342 1793 33 not set not set 2018-06-30T09:41:14.000Z y2xyhrIASJc UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "They Can End This At Any Time"- Q: MSM Afraid to Ask About Q "Truth and Art TV Patriot News Update. Recorded Friday evening June 29, 2018 Please share this message. Here's my short video covering some of the important details highlighted by Q of the Capital Gazette shooting event. Unlocking Shocking Q Drop- Watch This and Help Spread! New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ To financially support this effort consider becoming a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this project going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news'] PT21M25S 22164 278 1451 21 not set not set 2018-07-01T13:33:20.000Z ziVCKOUwLCM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ The "Walk Away" Has Begun! "Enjoy the Show" "Truth and Art TV weekend podcast #53- Narrating the rebirth of America Recorded Saturday June 30, 2018 Please share this message. Viral ‘Walk Away’ Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party Here's my recent short video covering some of the important details highlighted by Q of the Capital Gazette shooting event. Unlocking Shocking Q Drop- Watch This and Help Spread! New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ To financially support this effort consider becoming a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this project going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'walkaway', 'democrats', 'q anon', 'WWG1WGA'] PT29M33S 60083 710 2780 39 not set not set 2018-07-02T07:13:41.000Z dby5H0WH9sA UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Sessions Unleashed- Team Of 470 Returns 40,483 Sealed Indictments!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news and Q Anon updates. Recorded Sunday July 1, 2018 Sealed indictments by state: Please share this message. New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ To financially support this effort consider becoming a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this project going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'jeff sessions', 'DOJ', 'sealed indictments', 'president trump', 'trump storm', 'great awakening', 'q anon'] PT25M48S 62573 593 2073 55 not set not set 2018-07-04T07:44:44.000Z dT2J5pLadDQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Awan Strategic Plea Deal Set to Bury Deep State Rats "Truth and Art TV patriot news and Q anon updates from the 8chan boards. Recorded Tuesday evening July 3, 2018 Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? Then order your 'Q- Have you heard of this?' t-shirt now. Click the link below. I have long and short sleeve t-shirts available as well as cold weather hoodies. All shirts available in white, black and navy blue. To support this effort you can also become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this project going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'Q Anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Iwan', 'DOJ', 'Nunes', 'drain the swamp'] PT22M8S 55001 484 1972 45 not set not set 2018-07-06T01:27:09.000Z jTIYlxb6ZtM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Mops Floor With Trolls- Very Impressive Stuff! "Truth and Art TV patriot news and Q anon updates from the 8chan boards. Recorded Thursday July 5, 2018 Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? Then order your 'Q- Have you heard of this?' t-shirt now. Click the link below. I have long and short sleeve t-shirts available as well as cold weather hoodies. All shirts available in white, black and navy blue. To support this effort you can also become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this channel going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'drain the swamp', 'q anon', 'imran awan', 'wwg1wga', 'president trump', 'white house', 'DOJ', 'IG Report'] PT31M5S 57652 744 2123 96 not set not set 2018-07-07T10:39:52.000Z SV5G6ooleRg UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "Truth Is Behind You" Q Old Mystery Drop Decoded- Wow! "Truth and Art TV patriot news and Q anon updates from the 8chan boards. Recorded Friday July 6, 2018 This is a great video for those who are new to Q Anon and the Great Awakening. Q drops: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? Then order your 'Q- Have you heard of this?' t-shirt now. Click the links below. I have long and short sleeve t-shirts available as well as cold weather hoodies. All shirts available in white, black and navy blue. I also have a BRAND NEW DESIGN that reads ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. Also available in many colors and in t-shirt, long sleeve and hoodies as well as other styles. Click the link to go to the store. To support this effort you can also become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. You can do this by visiting my PATREON PAGE (click link below) PATREON pledges start as little as $1 a month: ALSO, you can make a one time donation through PayPal by visiting my account below: Your donations and financial support is what helps keep this project going and it is greatly appreciated. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon basics', 'drain the swamp', 'wwg1wga', 'imran awan', 'doj', 'fbi', 'servers', 'caucus servers', 'kim dotcom', 'q anon', 'president trump'] PT37M46S 48787 619 1831 67 not set not set 2018-07-09T04:16:14.000Z 2lOnJcpSvKQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Opposition Panicking As Great Awakening Continues "Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #54 - Narrating the rebirth of America Recorded Sunday July 8, 2018 This is my weekend podcast which I've been numbering for over a year now. From the start the goal was to narrate this huge paradigm shift that is happening in America as our country is restored and the swamp is drained. Little did I know that many months into this rebirth of America Q Anon and the Trump Storm would arrive on the scene. Naturally since November of 2017 I found myself following the Great Awakening that Trump's patriots have been narrating for us in the form of clue questions. This week I review several news items and provide some much needed review of certain key old Q drops. Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'Judicial Watch', 'Jim Jordan', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Terry Cruz', 'the great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'peter strzok', 'president trump', 'q anon'] PT30M30S 55097 567 1991 69 not set not set 2018-07-10T07:04:06.000Z 208wNd-XOsY UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Why Was Hillary and Bill Seen Flying Coach?? Unbelievable! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update. Today I have a short movie trailer style video which tells an important story. Recorded Monday July 9, 2018 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'Hillary', 'Bill Clinton', 'President Trump', 'WWG1WGA', 'Next News Network', 'Soros', 'q anon', 'great awakening'] PT3M13S 96911 652 2535 106 not set not set 2018-07-11T07:22:21.000Z GyiTGdikVh8 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update. Today I cover key stories in America and around the globe and I begin my analysis of the oldest Q drops starting with drop #1 and working our way up. Recorded Tuesday July 10, 2018 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'ms13', 'drain the swamp', 'breitbart', 'q anon', 'jeff sessions', 'the great awakening', 'calm before the storm', 'DOJ', 'WWG1WGA'] PT36M19S 46607 473 1843 47 not set not set 2018-07-12T01:48:25.000Z wkmCAtC9a_M UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "On Q!!!"- Shocking Justice Ginsburg Video Surfaces- Must Watch! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update. Recorded Wednesday July 11, 2018 Shocking video surfaces on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Future proves past once again! See full story here: Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'Ruth Bader Ginsburg', 'calm before the storm', 'Adam Schiff', 'q anon', 'the great awakening', 'US Constitution', 'Justice Ginsburg'] PT5M7S 411282 2222 9671 368 not set not set 2018-07-12T11:17:09.000Z 31c0_jypskM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Early Q Post Reveals THE "Biggest Inside Drop ... EVER" "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update. Recorded Thursday morning July 12, 2018 Overview of early Q drops continued. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'WWG1WGA'] PT26M42S 41027 464 1639 45 not set not set 2018-07-15T00:10:44.000Z LdX9CU2Cu2c UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ These Old Q Drops Will Dramatically Clarify the STORM! "Truth and Art TV Patriot updates Analysis of the Q drops 11-16 from October 2017 and tying all of this to the recent Strzok hearing Recorded Friday evening 7-13-18 Produced Saturday 7-14-18 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 22 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'Peter Strzok', 'House Judiciary Committee', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Bob Goodlatte', 'Hearings'] PT26M51S 40786 410 1836 32 not set not set 2018-07-17T08:19:11.000Z c4Eb7t02S4I UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Putin Reveals New "Idea" For Solving Mueller Probe- CLEVER!!! Press Conference Decoded "Truth and Art TV patriot update videos Press conference with President Trump and President Vladimir Putin answering questions from journalists. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'Vladimir Putin', 'Putin summit', 'President Trump', 'wwg1wga', 'drain the swamp', 'Russia collusion', 'q anon'] PT27M28S 94881 1137 4230 76 not set not set 2018-07-19T16:00:52.000Z TbmOBPpDaf4 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "Keep Your Eyes On the Ball"- Did Q Smash It Out of the Park Again? "Truth and Art TV patriot news update, Q Anon and STORM updates. Recorded Wednesday evening 7-18-18 Please share this message. My recent video: CNN Analyst: WHEN Do We See ""Shadow Government"" Step In? Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kremlin operation Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'vladimir putin', 'president trump', 'helsinki summit', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'drain the swamp', 'wwg1wga'] PT36M45S 63695 876 2815 56 not set not set 2018-07-20T08:00:25.000Z oCfw-71HkNc UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Bizarre "JFK Jr is Q" Theory Dismantled With Basic Logic and Reason "Truth and Art TV patriot news update, Q Anon and STORM updates. Recorded Thursday evening 7-19-18 Today I tackle the latest bizarre theories spreading claiming that John F Kennedy Jr actually faked his death and is now Q anon. Ridiculous but true. Please share this message. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'JFK', 'JFK jr', 'President Trump', 'WWG1WGA', 'drain the swamp'] PT29M21S 61511 1122 2043 273 not set not set 2018-07-21T08:31:47.000Z -tmp2SAli4Y UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Confirmed! Historic 11-11 Military Parade On Schedule- Thousands Will March! "Truth and Art TV patriot news update, Q Anon and STORM updates. Recorded Friday evening 7-20-18 Please share this message. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', '11-11', 'veterans days paradad', 'military parade', 'president trump', 'q anon'] PT33M36S 51571 699 2174 108 not set not set 2018-07-23T11:26:11.000Z DGWQ6hugw6I UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Newly Released Docs!! Obama State Dept Contributed to Anti-Trump Dossier "Truth and Art TV patriot news update, Q Anon (patriots inside the Trump administration) and Trump STORM updates. Weekend podcast #56 Recorded Sunday 7-22-18 Carter Page Surveillance Documents Indicate State Department Provided Initial Info After Interacting with Hoax Dossier Author Please share this message. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'Julian Assange', 'russia collusion'] PT29M25S 52265 544 2353 41 not set not set 2018-07-25T23:34:25.000Z MDB-8ToVPH0 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Drops the Hammer On Latest Disinfo Campaign- Calls For Prayer! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates. Recorded Wednesday 7-25-18 Please share this message. Important links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'federal reserve', 'wwg1wga', 'president trump', 'federal reserve news'] PT15M8S 41312 588 2020 46 not set not set 2018-07-27T10:13:38.000Z PYMV3qDBAs0 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ "Known Beforehand?" Q Solves Rosenstein Drama of Past Weeks "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates. Recorded Thursday evening July 26, 2018 Please share this message. Robert Mueller: Unmasked Other links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'prager university', 'CRTV', 'NRA', 'q anon', 'news', 'latest news', 'q anon news', 'news reports', 'president trump', 'great awakening', 'deputy attorney general', 'rod rosenstein', 'fbi', 'doj', 'impeachment', 'rosenstein', 'judicial watch', 'robert mueller', 'special counsel'] PT31M37S 57822 607 2208 44 not set not set 2018-07-29T12:25:29.000Z _it-pucLhag UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Here We Go Again- "Something BIG is About to DROP" 7-29-18 "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update also Trump STORM, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates. This is my weekly weekend podcast #57 Narrating the rebirth of America Recorded Saturday July 28, 2018 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'President Trump', 'q anon', 'news items', 'Prager University', 'CRTV', 'NRA', 'news 7-29-18', 'the Storm', 'the great awakening'] PT36M30S 53529 685 2180 65 not set not set 2018-07-30T07:17:27.000Z doWNGzW8IJg UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ New Q Bombshells Paint Disturbing Picture- Signal Pain Coming "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update also Trump Storm, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates. Recorded Sunday July 29, 2018 A Letter to America Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'CRTV', 'Prager University', 'q anon', 'news updates', 'news', 'news items', 'president Trump', 'drain the swamp', 'wwg1wga', 'conservative news', 'justice', 'DOJ', 'Devin Nunes', 'FISA report'] PT33M18S 67712 643 2522 56 not set not set 2018-07-31T09:22:43.000Z wc_IMlt4_as UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update also Trump Storm, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates. Recorded Monday July 30, 2018 FISA warrant Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also make a PayPal donation at my account: Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'news', 'michael avanetti', 'california fires', 'conservative news', 'right wing news', 'crtv', 'prager', 'news updates', 'great awakening', 'drain the swamp', 'president trump'] PT33M2S 40472 506 1693 48 not set not set 2018-08-02T07:15:48.000Z CDAO920Nc_Q UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Sarah Sanders Responds to "Q Anon" Question- BRILLIANT!!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot news update also Trump Storm, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates. Recorded Wednesday August,1 2018 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay for more information on this as soon as I'm able to rectify the situation. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'great awakening', 'news updates', 'conservative news', 'crtv', 'prager', 'sara sanders', 'game theory'] PT20M47S 104404 753 2941 112 not set not set 2018-08-08T07:25:59.000Z b9PMc50_MxQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ What Is the Relevance of Q? The Answer Will Change Lives- Help Spread! "Truth and Art TV special presentation about the Great Awakening, Q anon and the Trump Storm. This is a great video to share with the normies because it focuses on the crux of the issue. Must watch! New to the storm and the Great Awakening. Follow and study the Q drops in the link below. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'q anon story', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'CBTS', 'freedom', 'short film', 'truth and art'] PT11M3S 437033 1282 10817 297 not set not set 2018-08-10T07:20:45.000Z FXjyaVeFQ08 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Senate Intel Committee Delivers Interview Invite to Assange!!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News and Great Awakening, Q anon and the Trump Storm news. Recorded Thursday evening 8-9-18 Explosive development as Rudy Guliani talks about the Mueller investigation and the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee invites Julian Assange to a close door interview. New to the storm and the Great Awakening. Follow and study the Q drops in the link below. Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'conservative news', 'news breakdown', 'news review', 'president trump', 'the storm', 'julian assange', 'wikileaks', 'rudy giuliani', 'wwg1wga', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'FISA memo', 'FISA warrants', 'Bob Mueller', 'Mueller investigation'] PT33M59S 33793 573 1828 44 not set not set 2018-08-13T07:28:47.000Z 0rUu8nnas3o UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ MSM Mocking Q Anon as Fake ... AND Panicking About Storm!!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News and Great Awakening, Q anon and the Trump Storm news. Weekly Podcast #59 recorded Sunday 8-12-18 Links: Who is Isaac Stanley? The writer who coined the headline ""Deranged Conspiracy Cult"" NBC Tweeting about the need to delete old tweets. Why are they suddenly so nervous and about what??? Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'nbc', 'twitter', 'news updates', 'conservative news', 'drain the swamp', 'WWG1WGA'] PT35M34S 52648 602 2309 42 not set not set 2018-08-14T07:26:11.000Z 2m5r0YFkjeQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Directs Message to Sean Hannity, Fox News and Roseanne "Truth and Art TV Patriot News and Great Awakening, Q anon and the Trump Storm news. Recorded Monday 8-13-18 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'the great awakening', 'the storm', 'CBTS', 'news', 'conservative news', 'wwg1wga', 'drain the swamp', 'Mueller probe', 'Russia investigation', 'Peter Strzok'] PT28M51S 66688 764 2653 54 not set not set 2018-08-16T09:09:22.000Z Gz8K5xY0SCE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Shocking New Drops- This is What Darkness Looks Like "Truth and Art TV Patriot News and Great Awakening, Q anon and the Trump Storm news. Recorded Wednesday 8-15-18 Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'q anon updates', 'great awakening', 'news items', 'conservative news', 'news review', 'president trump', 'Russia collusion', 'Democrats versus Republicans', 'politics', 'drain the swamp', 'haiti', 'wikileaks'] PT37M45S 44139 756 2207 43 not set not set 2018-08-20T14:17:11.000Z DZqN2K4t5KU UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Reveals Plan for Justice As Sessions Drops Major Hint!! "Truth and Art TV weekend weekly podcast #60 Includes Patriot News headlines as well as the latest updates on the Trump Storm. Recorded Sunday 8-19-18 Related links: Read more about the UCMJ Great Awakening Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'jeff sessions', 'justice', 'doj', 'fbi', 'ucmj', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'conservative news', 'news review', 'news headlines'] PT40M22S 154985 1211 4323 132 not set not set 2018-08-24T11:22:19.000Z 2kwnPgu-HTM UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Flashback: "Resistance Will Be Dealt With Swiftly" "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday evening 8-23-18 Latest Q link Great Awakening Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'news review', 'conservative news', 'president trump', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'drain the swamp', 'breitbart', 'gateway pundit', 'midterms'] PT35M42S 51129 748 2210 54 not set not set 2018-08-28T08:42:44.000Z a7ZfTVb6Qhk UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Flynn "Done in 30" Surprising New Hints- Think "No Name"? "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Monday evening 8-27-18 Great Awakening Links: Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'Michael Flynn', 'President Trump', 'Conservative news', 'news highlights', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'justice', 'doj', 'fbi'] PT28M19S 105226 979 3394 67 not set not set 2018-08-30T10:12:25.000Z oJ1F0mHx3U4 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon: "Think Server Access [granted] Money talks" "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Wednesday evening 8-29-18 Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'president trump', 'hillary emails', 'doj', 'inspector general', 'john huber', 'conservative news', 'news review', 'jeff sessions', 'fisa warrants'] PT26M41S 50415 421 2008 42 not set not set 2018-08-31T07:44:47.000Z _Mc7P8TE9QQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ WaPo New "Q Anon Poll" Claims It's "Very Unpopular" LOL!!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday evening 8-30-18 Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening t-shirt. All designs also available in long sleeve and hoodies. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'president trump', 'washington post', 'fake news', 'conservative news', 'news breakdown', 'q anon', 'great awakening'] PT28M41S 20698 339 1371 8 not set not set 2018-09-01T21:31:46.000Z 9JYUzjPJSBw UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! "NOTHING IS HAPPENING"! (Special Presentation) "Truth and Art TV Special Presentation uploaded Saturday September 1, 2018 Examining the Q Anon phenomenon also known as the STORM and the Great Awakening. Remember the mainstream media on October 5 and 6, 2017 asking ""what storm?"" In this special presentation we answer this question despite us being told by the mainstream media AND the alternative media that NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: Note that my Paypal account is once again being attacked by Paypal and it is currently disabled. Stay tuned for more information in the near future. Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'q anon solved', 'cbts', 'president trump', 'q anon presentation', 'what is the storm', 'conservative news', 'great awakening', 'news items', 'news', 'news labor day weekened', 'viral videos', 'popular videos', 'truth about q anon', 'what is the trump storm'] PT16M18S 47768 681 3209 54 not set not set 2018-09-05T07:16:16.000Z qjBhlUYBCZE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List" "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Tuesday 9-4-18 Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'president trump', 'q anon', 'rahm emanual', 'the great awakening', 'news', 'conservative news', 'breitbart', 'right wing news'] PT29M30S 51650 480 2352 37 not set not set 2018-09-06T11:41:42.000Z KsJ2HOKwdVc UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Fake Q Anon, Secret WH "Senior Official" Emerge Simultaneously!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Wednesday 9-5-18 Podcast related links: Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'news', 'president trump', 'great awakening', 'oan', 'conservative news', 'news items', 'nyt'] PT34M43S 31083 550 1830 31 not set not set 2018-09-07T01:53:13.000Z HIVbpXdlpm0 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ A Closer Look At the Latest Q Anon Attack(er)- No Surprise! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday afternoon 9-6-18 Podcast related links: Mass media MOS technology explained John Kasich Freudian slip about NO NAME? You decide. Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'jack posobiec', 'OAN', 'President Trump', 'Q anon', 'Trump storm', 'Conservative news'] PT31M39S 14503 302 1000 24 not set not set 2018-09-08T07:17:24.000Z T9-tc5PpNqw UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon: Deep State Out-Smarted AGAIN! Awesome!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Friday 9-7-18 Great Awakening Links: We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news'] PT32M59S 82700 670 3107 58 not set not set 2018-09-12T08:51:21.000Z 5qs8TEHitCQ UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon: Rats Running, Timing is Everything "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Tuesday night 9-11-18 Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'FISA', 'FISC', 'trump storm', 'the storm', 'conservative news', 'news review', 'q news'] PT27M59S 34182 508 2462 43 not set not set 2018-09-13T10:31:41.000Z OCs06f1r0X0 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Why Is MSM Obsessing Over "Fake" Q Anon "Conspiracy"???? "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Wednesday night 9-12-18 New Patriots Fight board on 8Chan designed for the ""Main points of interest only"" Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'news', 'conservative news', 'president trump', 'news headlines'] PT38M26S 17809 323 1430 20 not set not set 2018-09-14T07:19:24.000Z BEpoYqQO4DE UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ The Timing of This Creepy New TV Series Should Deeply Disturb You "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday 9-13-18 FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines: New Great Awakening discussion board (formerly Reddit) See more at New Patriots Fight board on 8Chan designed for the ""Main points of interest only"" Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'google history', 'conservative news', 'q anon', 'wwg1wga'] PT29M46S 28522 722 2551 32 not set not set 2018-09-15T07:56:49.000Z WuuHY1MSbGA UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Guess Who Just Revealed He's Plotting Run For President 2020 "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday 9-14-18 New Great Awakening discussion board (formerly Reddit) See more at New Patriots Fight board on 8Chan designed for the ""Main points of interest only"" Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'conservative news', 'news review', 'q anon', 'president trump'] PT27M15S 31701 612 1720 45 not set not set 2018-09-19T07:20:30.000Z nBrnMwWgubs UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon to Deep State Rats: "New Playbook Needed? We See You" "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Tuesday 9-18-18 DOJ IG Michael Horowitz speaks at National Whistleblower Day 2018 Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'DOJ IG', 'House Judidiary Committee', 'DOJ', 'Sessions', 'Huber', 'Michael Horowitz', 'great awakening', 'conservative news'] PT33M3S 39567 520 2034 22 not set not set 2018-09-20T08:50:57.000Z iAdxAxEky_M UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real" "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Wednesday evening 9-19-18 Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'man on the moon', 'great awakening', 'conservative news'] PT18M25S 27903 712 1290 61 not set not set 2018-09-21T08:03:48.000Z RUVRiFyGTis UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Foretells Of Coming Accelerated Awakening "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday evening 9-20-18 Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'q anon updates', 'Trump rally las vegas', 'conservative news'] PT30M10S 51110 651 2112 40 not set not set 2018-09-24T07:23:10.000Z lBVxfFzww3g UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Drops 2 Words That WILL Calm and Reassure All Patriots! Amazing!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Saturday 9-23-18 Weekly podcast #65 Great Awakening Links: Here's my special presentation video from a week ago that YT does not want you to watch. Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'conservative news', 'news items', 'president trump', 'US military', 'drain the swamp'] PT30M15S 47148 662 2639 37 not set not set 2018-09-27T07:19:27.000Z 9RmZAv68Ojs UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Circus Update PLUS- What Did Q Mean By "N" In NWO?? Big Review! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Wednesday 9-26-18 The latest on the Brett Kavanaugh accusation circus. Big day for the Dems and the deep state rolling out one accuser after another in an attempt to smear Justice Kavanaugh despite the facts. Also tonight we revisit the Q drops from March 10, 2018 Great Awakening Links: Truth and Art TV Special Presentation: Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'kavanaugh confirmation', 'kavanaugh accusers', 'q anon', 'president trump', 'conservative news', 'breitbart', 'prager', 'crtv'] PT31M55S 61608 677 2851 47 not set not set 2018-09-28T07:35:23.000Z LL130ARCoFo UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Why Was Ford's Lawyer Seen Hanging With Hillary??? "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Wednesday 9-27-18 Update on the Brett Kavanaugh accusation and upcoming hearing today. Lots of new Q drops. Red October is coming Great Awakening Links: Truth and Art TV Special Presentation: Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. DESIGN 1- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN 2- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 3- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'kavanaugh', 'senate judiciary committee', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'president trump', 'conservative news'] PT23M23S 30509 519 3098 25 not set not set 2018-10-05T08:50:18.000Z K__uTZHKQV4 UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Anon Update: "Are You Ready to See Arrests?" "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Thursday night 10-4-18 Great Awakening Links: Truth and Art TV Special Presentation: Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. NEWEST DESIGN ""I'm With Q"" - FRONT with ""Trust the plan"" printed on the BACK DESIGN 2- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN3- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 4- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'glenn simpson', 'perkins coie', 'senate judiciary committee', 'jeff sessions', 'conservative news', 'president Trump', 'news review', 'china hacking', 'fusion gps'] PT37M4S 75319 704 3547 53 not set not set 2018-10-06T07:42:00.000Z bVAA6NlOn0Q UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Booooom! Trump Confirms Q Anon to VIP Anon!!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Friday night 10-5-18 Trump confirms Q Anon when asked by VIP Anon Historic Susan Collins speech Great Awakening Links: Truth and Art TV Special Presentation: Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! Also try We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. NEWEST DESIGN ""I'm With Q"" - FRONT with ""Trust the plan"" printed on the BACK DESIGN 2- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN3- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 4- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'jeff sessions', 'president trump', 'senate judiciary committee', 'justice kavanaugh confirmation', 'conservative news', 'news headlines', 'susan collins', 'chuck grassley', 'russian sub'] PT30M27S 60803 713 3055 39 not set not set 2018-10-10T07:32:22.000Z B2nChI7IZxc UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Q Statement Release 10-9-18: "Exclude emotion and personal desire ..." "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Tuesday night 10-9-18 Q tells us this video is being suppressed so here it is again. Devin Nunes' report on Rod Rosenstein's upcoming closed door meeting with House Republicans Great Awakening Links: Truth and Art TV Special Presentation: Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! Also try We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. NEWEST DESIGN ""I'm With Q"" - FRONT with ""Trust the plan"" printed on the BACK DESIGN 2- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN3- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 4- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'q anon', 'china', 'google', 'dianne feinstein', 'doj', 'rod rosenstein', 'james baker', 'great awakening', 'conservative news', 'news highlights'] PT31M28S 38564 568 1931 19 not set not set 2018-10-13T07:14:44.000Z W-fYMph3dSc UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ Hillary Loses Security Clearance! Nothing to See Here!! "Truth and Art TV Patriot News headlines and the latest updates on the Trump Storm/Great Awakening. Recorded Friday night 10-12-18 Great Awakening Links: Also try We must fight This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Sealed indictments by state: Truth and Art TV Special Presentation: Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! ""NOTHING IS HAPPENING""! New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the ""new world order"" in a more in depth manner? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new and click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. Also you can support this project by giving this video a thumbs up and then sharing this video on your social media and sending the link to others. Please subscribe to my backup channel here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? A- You can now purchase your own Q Anon-Great Awakening or Trump supporter t-shirt. All designs also available in multiple styles and colors. NEWEST DESIGN ""I'm With Q"" - FRONT with ""Trust the plan"" printed on the BACK DESIGN 2- ""Q- Have you heard of this?"" DESIGN3- ""Q - Have U heard of the plan?"" - written in bold red lettering. (BACK)- ""WWG1WGA"" DESIGN 4- ""Get on the Train"" - The Trump Train B- You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV. PATREON monthly pledges start as little as $1 a month: C- You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated! Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my newest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'fox news', 'news review', 'conservative news'] PT17M25S 38359 613 3576 28 not set not set 2018-10-21T08:04:53.000Z OrHxuwHPIco UCAHCehFYe02Ihviho8D_ZcQ This is THE Video the Left Does Not Want You to See!!! "Truth and Art TV special Midterm Election presentation. Don't forget to vote RED on November 6, 2018 Music Credit: Feather Waltz by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Here's that insane list of violent Leftist episodes: NOTE: If you are having trouble being repeatedly unsubscribed from this channel by YT or you click the bell and you don't get a notification please try the following: Go to the channel home page (see link below) and from this page click the bell to receive notification and the subscribe button to be re-subscribed if you have been unsubscribed. I hear some of the problems are due to a YT algorithm change solved by going to the channel home page. The links below will be helpful for anyone new to the STORM. Read and search carefully. Great Awakening Links: Also try We must fight The video that got Donald Trump elected Sealed indictments by state: New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm? Start here and watch my simple breakdown from early 2018: Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! Want to understand the concept of the ""new world order"" more comprehensively? Watch this: An Eye-Opening Report About the ""NWO"" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH! Need more proof of the legitimacy of Q anon and the Great Awakening? Watch 'Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! Nothing is Happening' Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question. Subscribe to this channel if you are new by going to the channel home page (linked below) then ON this page click the bell to receive a notification in your mailbox every time I upload a new video. FYI- Subscribing on the channel home page is recommended Due to YT algorithm changes so that you are not unintentionally unsubscribed. Please subscribe to my TRUTH AND ART TV BACKUP CHANNEL here: ************************************************************ Want to support this channel AND spread the Great Awakening? Purchase a Great awakening/Q or Trump Train t-shirt by visiting my store You can become a PATREON of Truth and Art TV You can also tip me at Your support for this channel is greatly appreciated and allows this channel continue producing content on a regular basis. Please visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project, become a fan, listen to tunes and purchase albums and tunes by going to: You can purchase my latest album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my latest album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks again to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie FAIR USE DISCLAIMER All content used in this video are consistent with Fair Use Guidelines: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted. ""Fair Use"" guidelines:" Truth and Art TV 25 ['America', 'conservative views', 'christians', 'trump', 'patriot news', 'patriots', 'MAGA', 'trust the plan', 'news analysis', 'republicans', 'vote red', 'red wave', 'midterm elections', 'unhinged left'] PT6M29S 36384 445 2756 30 not set not set 2018-02-28T06:58:22.000Z fvvSPDsDBEA UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g RED ALERT!!-YouTube Attacks Another Channel For Covering Q Anon!!!! "RED ALERT- My ORIGINAL channel with over 13,000 subscribers has suddenly received not one but TWO ""Community strikes"" in the past 2 day from YouTube for videos uploaded 2 and 3 years ago respectively!! Yes THREE years ago! YouTube is also now BLOCKING ANY NEW UPLOAD FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS. That is why I'm uploading my video tonight to this new channel instead of my usual channel. Help spread the word about this backup channel and about this deep state attack on conservative and pro-Trump voices exposing the deep state. We are now officially in a civil war. YouTube is obviously an arm of the deep state and clearly we are at war against an enemy that hates Patriots and Conservative speech especially those who are following Trump's Storm that started after his October 6, 2017 announcement that this was the ""calm before the storm"". None of us thought at the time that the storm would cost us are channels for covering it. Well now it's all happening! Shocking George Soros story here: Below are all the ways you can follow and support this platform outside of this channel's page. You can also join me on here: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV dot com at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase 'This Moment' CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks, Bernie" Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'Trumps storm', 'Calm before the storm', 'Christians', 'Conservatives', 'Q anon updates', 'drain the swamp', 'Truth and art TV', 'truth and art', 'Patriots'] PT12M19S 4264 77 188 6 not set not set 2018-03-04T09:48:29.000Z BrpJBUMO4NQ UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g Explosive Breakdown of Big Picture, Trump, Q Anon- 3-4-18! "Truth and Art TV weekly podcast #36 with Bernie Suarez Recorded Saturday 3-3-18 God bless you all for finding me this week! This is my backup Youtube channel. This week's podcast is being uploaded to my Truth and Art TV BACKUP CHANNEL HERE because my primary Youtube channel is under vicious attack by Youtube with TWO sudden strikes this past week for videos uploaded 2 and 3+ years ago. Youtube does NOT want you to watch these ongoing Q anon updates or my weekly podcast summarizing the big picture because we are clearly over the target. Subscribe to this channel and please subscribe to my primary channel here: This week discussion focuses on the deep state war we are deeply embedded in, the YouTube censorship, MSM propaganda about George Soros, Anarchy, latest news and Q Anon updates and meanings. Join me as I paint the big picture. After this recording Q Anon posted new updates late Saturday. We'l analyze these new Q posts later today. Visit my website: Truth and Art TV dot com at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase 'This Moment' CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks," Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'President Trump', 'Trump storm', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'America', 'CBTS', 'Youtube censorship', 'Q anon updates'] PT49M49S 17228 114 494 12 not set not set 2018-03-05T06:22:46.000Z UN4gvJKRGG8 UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g "Mind Warfare"- Q Anon Huge Updates Sunday Night 3-4-18 "Update Sunday night March 4, 2018 This is my summary of the 15 Q anon postings from this weekend March 3rd & 4th. Q anon with some very distinct messages letting us know to watch the news this week for one or more deep state events. This summary is packed with information and I've condensed it for easy understanding. Please share! LINK TO MY PODCAST 3-4-18 Intruder at home of Sean Hannity Man shoots himself dead outside of White House Subscribe to this channel and please subscribe to my primary channel here: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV dot com at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase 'This Moment' CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks," Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'President Trump', 'Trump storm', 'CBTS', 'drain the swamp', 'America', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'MAGA', 'future proves past'] PT24M9S 3360 38 149 1 not set not set 2018-03-06T08:18:03.000Z Ro2yrn_IkGU UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g Q Drops McCain Bombshell! 3-6-18 "Late night/early morning Q anon update 3-6-18 Trump administration Q level clearance Patriots posting on 8chan posted new drops this morning regarding North Korea, Edward Snowden, upcoming Hillary revelation and John McCain ""we don't say his name"" bombshell accusations. Q document #1 Q document #2 Support this Truth and Art TV backup channel by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and please subscribe to my primary channel here: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV dot com at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks," Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'Q anon updates', 'President Trump', 'CBTS', 'Trump storm', 'North Korea', 'America', 'Politics', 'Patriots', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'drain the swamp', 'MAGA'] PT12M3S 6701 38 241 3 not set not set 2018-03-07T06:31:20.000Z C3JhYnTpwqs UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g Attn Q Followers- You Are Blessed! Here's the Evidence! "Update 3-6-18 Late Night - Q anon drop part 2 In this video I have a message for every Q anon follower that everyone should share. You are all blessed in ways you could never imagine. I also focus on translating the latest Q anon March 6, 2018 drops. Q document #1 HRC email Q document #2 HRC email 2 Kobe Steel story Support this Truth and Art TV backup channel by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and please subscribe to my primary channel here: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'Q anon update', 'President Trump', 'CBTS', 'MAGA', 'drain the swamp', 'Blessings', 'Conservatives', 'Bible', 'Christians', 'the storm', 'Trumps storm', 'the great awakening'] PT17M11S 23073 174 731 18 not set not set 2018-03-08T08:00:26.000Z GfJwpTeK3YE UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g Q: Something Big Is Going Live In 24 Hours! "Update 3-8-18 Midnight - Q anon drop interpretations It sounds like the Internet Bill of Rights (IBOR) but it could be something else. Q anon hinting to the end of both mainstream media and social media as well as the concept of internet censorship and tracking. This sounds really big and Q says it's coming in T minus 24 hours. Future will prove past. Join me in tonight's discussion. Support this Truth and Art TV by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my primary channel here: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'q anon updates', 'president trump', 'trump storm', 'MAGA', 'america', 'patriots', 'conservatives', 'christians', 'judeo-christians', 'the great awakening', 'drain the swamp'] PT11M19S 176045 597 2654 138 not set not set 2018-03-09T11:07:16.000Z fFDb432t-nk UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g Glorious Year Unfolding As Q Leads the Way! Here's the Proof "Update 3-9-18 early morning - Q anon drop of 3-8-18 analyzed The latest Q anon drops are pointing undeniably to a glorious 2018 as promised by the now unstoppable Q anon Patriots just last week. I will break everything down further with full review of developments from this week in my weekend BIG PICTURE podcast. You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Please subscribe to my primary channel here: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Support this project by going to: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'Q anon update', 'President Trump', 'Trump storm', 'CBTS', 'drain the swamp', 'Patriots', 'America', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'solutions'] PT12M26S 19977 204 712 13 not set not set 2018-03-12T01:36:25.000Z -VhdJiXiwwQ UCNwMdfTP8NAANIqloKnav2g Snowden Clues Solved! Q Anon Wrap up 3-11-18- Must Watch!! "Truth and Art TV Weekly Podcast #37 recorded Sunday 3-11-18 Join me in this week's explosive podcast where I truly breakdown the BIG PICTURE for all Patriots using Q anon's own ""Future proves past"" formula. You can support this Truth and Art TV project by following links below: Subscribe to this channel and thumbs up this video. Also share with someone you know and share on your social media. Catch the first 35 episodes on my primary channel: Don't forget to subscribe to both channels in case the deep state tries to terminate my primary channel. With my Paypal account shut down by the deep state you can help by supporting this project through my brand new Patreon page: Visit my website: Truth and Art TV at: Subscribe to my newsletter here: You can also join me on here: Click below to order a copy of my book: The Art of Overcoming the New World Order: To visit my music project website go to Become a fan, listen and purchase my tunes by going to my ReverbNation site at: Purchase my brand new album 'This Moment' on iTunes and Spotify by going to my Artistic Momentum store: Purchase my new album 'This Moment' on CD directly through Amazon by going here: Thanks to all Patriots and fellow Truth seekers for supporting this project! Bernie" Truth And Art TV2 22 ['Q anon', 'Q anon update', 'Edward Snowden', 'CBTS', 'the storm', 'Trump storm', 'president Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'MAGA', 'Conservatives', 'Christians', 'drain the swamp', 'q anon crumbs', 'latest q anon', 'Trump speech', 'America', 'Patriots'] PT48M57S 133348 975 3337 135 not set not set 2018-07-21T05:04:52.000Z S4YEG-cFfyY UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 7/20 Qanon, "July We Learn the Truth" "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 8pm west 11pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Want to meet some great Patriots, and discuss QAnon? You are invited to: Patriots United Discord" Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify', 'serial brain', 'serial brain 2'] PT1H23M55S 1054 20 54 0 not set not set 2018-07-28T05:15:07.000Z ak_vu0ELmqo UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 7/27 QAnon, [[[CABAL]]] in the Kill Box! "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 8pm west 11pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom" Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H35M32S 750 7 41 1 not set not set 2018-07-30T03:39:16.000Z kC1jVvBaqC8 UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 7/29 QAnon/ LEARN OUR COMMS!!! Part 1 "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 8pm west 11pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom" Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT27M8S 495 3 39 0 not set not set 2018-07-30T05:00:12.000Z 0mYfM1WPJzM UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 7/29 QAnon/ LEARN OUR COMMS!!! Part 2 "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 8pm west 11pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom" Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT47M49S 435 8 49 0 not set not set 2018-08-25T04:25:07.000Z ELoaybThKcQ UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 8/24 QAnon / Follow the Wives!! "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom" Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H40M10S 4446 62 275 1 not set not set 2018-08-27T04:29:28.000Z sOyc3ugomG4 UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 8/26 QAnon / Inthematrixxx !! Part Deux !! "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom -Q Lounge Live- Payseur @inthematrixxx Part 1 below." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H43M49S 6770 52 382 4 not set not set 2018-09-10T04:24:08.000Z KpLi23rkIsQ UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/09 QAnon / Q Clearance: The Start "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3]" Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H38M3S 2969 29 213 3 not set not set 2018-09-15T04:20:28.000Z SPz5CNEVH7s UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/14 QAnon / "PANIC" in D.C. w/@inthematrixxx "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Patriots United Discord invite: Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H40M46S 3796 32 291 3 not set not set 2018-09-17T04:35:35.000Z bnEit7CQfMo UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/16 QAnon / Together.. "They" Lose!! "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H46M9S 2786 18 231 3 not set not set 2018-09-22T04:25:49.000Z JDr_ghTN-y0 UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/21 QAnon / @inthematrixxx "Patriots United" "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H41M48S 3362 37 320 4 not set not set 2018-09-24T04:47:33.000Z rQrP3LQDxTw UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/23 QAnon / "Sky is Falling Week" "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Patriots United discord invite: Limited Number: Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H58M35S 5266 23 687 7 not set not set 2018-09-29T04:29:53.000Z oi2KIq0O1J0 UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/28 QAnon / D5 - [DECLASS] - Delicious!! "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H48M8S 4649 36 358 4 not set not set 2018-10-01T04:27:29.000Z YR6M-7MyjJc UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 9/30 QAnon / Red October!! VOTE!! "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H41M29S 2578 14 293 2 not set not set 2018-10-06T04:19:52.000Z kcX-iUzgQEE UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 10/05 QAnon / "UNITED WE STAND" "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H40M47S 2248 11 233 6 not set not set 2018-10-08T04:27:13.000Z FvsUg53lug8 UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 10/07 QAnon / "The Light of Truth" "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H41M49S 2239 12 257 1 not set not set 2018-10-13T02:53:00.000Z jqifD1aokNs UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 10/12 QAnon / Patience, Quriosity, Resolve...Part 1 "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT39M46S 1366 7 136 0 not set not set 2018-10-13T04:28:04.000Z TLBWAdSnf78 UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 10/12 QAnon / Patience, Quriosity, Resolve...Part 2 "Lost power during live feed. This is part 1 Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H1M44S 1587 15 145 1 not set not set 2018-10-20T04:25:54.000Z ZEVeXrt3oXw UCkfybJpzeY559_THQun8Dyg -Q Lounge Live- 10/19 QAnon / Your Voice is Spreading "Truth For Freedom Live Stream *LIVE* Friday and Sunday 7pm west 10pm east Welcome Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get engaged in the True Fight for Freedom Uncensored Social Media Payseur Dig video links: 1] 2] 3] Q hub site that hosts posts after they are on 8chan Patriots Fight Q most relevant posts only." Truth For Freedom 25 ['new q', 'lionel nation', 'q lounge live', 'q anon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'q anon update today', 'praying medic', 'prayingmedic', 'qanon corsi', 'Q anon unirock', 'doj', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'oig', 'fake news', 'deep state', 'lift the veil', 'patriots fight', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'hillary corruption', 'q anon latest', 'christian', 'maga', 'potus', 'trump', 'strzok', 'peter strzok new', 'strzok testify'] PT1H37M46S 2594 23 226 2 not set not set 2018-10-01T03:39:14.000Z zreo_PyFvnY UCqEi01UeyXAA6RY3CqZyjhg Q-progress High Alert,Social Media Blackout,Comms Activated Episode 1677b "All Credit goes to X22Report youtube channel --- Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 09.30.2018 Maxine Waters has been accused of releasing personal data on Senators. Dr. Ford's testimony on her front doors does not match to the timeline of when the two front doors were actually installed. The MSM is pushing the news that NK needs the US to remove the sanctions or they will not denuclearize. The border between Syria and Jordan has been reopened. Russia says that the S300 missile system is already installed in the country and it is operational. Q drop more bread, be prepared for a blackout of social media, a push to censor. Comms are active and the swamp is pushing their agenda to fight back. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." Truth Report 22 not set PT26M57S 45 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-11-28T01:33:14.000Z e5pFuDdqI1A UCiDAT9wXwORgLn6wtzmZXWQ MASSIVE INTEL DROPS Q CLEARANCE +++ PART 3+++ James Munder 369 Q QUESTIONS +++ - 38°4437.57N 104°5048.40W to 39.8561° N 104.6737° W -- Click TRUTH ZONE 27 not set PT7M24S 3253 6 42 0 not set not set 2017-11-28T17:45:46.000Z ZM4ICs74dwI UCiDAT9wXwORgLn6wtzmZXWQ Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot1- Former U.S Army of 28 Years Roy Potter Former U.S Army of 28 Years Roy Potter +++ Listen to what's really going on in our country by Roy Potter, he says we're in a spiritual & physical battle. Potters says CIA is foreign, is the enemy, and not controlled by Congress or the President of the USA, TRUTH ZONE 27 ['Roy Potter', 'Army', 'Air Force', 'Marine', 'Navy', 'National Guards'] PT24M30S 1054 2 15 1 not set not set 2018-06-28T17:14:58.000Z Sq6ygla10_Y UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - SICK Pedophile Arrested/He is a Hillary Supporter 6-28-18 "Caution: Be advised, Do not have young children around during the reading of the Article of the Pedophile Arrest of Joel Davis. Disturbing details of his crimes are included in the article Thank you for watching! Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE Link to ""Plan to Save The World"" video" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'PedoGate', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Cabal', 'These People are SICK', 'Trump', 'POTUS'] PT1H8M10S 56 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T18:39:42.000Z 1lOXnutBmak UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - This channel is now under attack/Please be patient Much LOVE I am still working on getting those 2 videos on this channel. They've uninstalled my Chrome and changed my country status to Afganistan. My settings were for US not Afg. So Be patient with me..I LOVE you all very much and We will get through this disgusting Tyranny from these evil satanic pshycos Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'ANTIFA', 'Trump', 'Cabal', 'Secret Societies', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Treason'] PT7M51S 176 2 7 0 not set not set 2018-07-03T13:08:16.000Z DcsdlPTb_K0 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - ]5eyes[ 7-3-18 "Here's a link to ""What's in the FISA Memo?"" Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'FVEY', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Cabal', 'Secret Societies', 'New Age'] PT24M23S 177 3 7 1 not set not set 2018-07-03T19:32:05.000Z w4gXPAyPZgw UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Awan - DWS - (TREASON) 7-3-18 Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'Imran Awan', 'Debbie Wasserman Schultz', 'Treason', 'Cabal', 'Secret Societies', 'Trey Gowdy', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Loretta Lynch', 'James Comey'] PT33M41S 411 2 7 0 not set not set 2018-07-27T03:03:24.000Z 4GK3SGdkgxc UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - A Big Qdrop 7-26-18 Power to the PEOPLE Lots of Q from 7-25-18 to 7-26-18 Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'Barack Obama', 'Fed Reserve', 'John McCain', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Rothschild', 'Secret Societies', 'Cabal', 'All seeing Eye', 'POTUS', 'TRUMP', 'Trump', 'Government', 'Politics', 'Luciferian Occult', 'Spritual Warfare', 'We The People'] PT1H44M11S 68 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-07-29T05:58:00.000Z tFZIKArQiwc UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - These People Really R SICK!!! 7-29-18 These people really are sick!!! Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'Satanic', 'Secret Societies', 'Globalist', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Meuller', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'Barack Obama', 'Hollywood', 'Evil', 'Luciferian', 'Occults', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'White House', 'Democrats', 'Republicans'] PT1H28M46S 65 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-08-01T16:40:25.000Z Gd9aYj92n_k UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Additional Info (Vault 7) on Q drops from (7-31-18) 8-1-18 "Link to Wikileaks Vault 7 *Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'Freemasons', 'Secret Societies', 'ConspiracyTheories', 'Satanic Cults', 'Luciferian', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Peter Strzok', 'John Brennan', 'James Comey', 'CIA', 'Pope', 'ICE Agents', 'Illegal Immigration', 'FBI', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Meuller', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Vatican'] PT17M7S 303 1 7 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T23:40:43.000Z 35L5m1IAxo0 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Flood Gates Are Opening!!. Think House of Cards! 8-2-18 "Warning* Mistaken Intantaneous Flash of Male genital near very end of video. I was unable to edit my video so please if you have minors watching with you DO NOT HAVE THEM VIEWING with you. It was only for an instant and was not done intentionally!!! *Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'Freemasons', 'Secret Societies', 'ConspiracyTheories', 'Satanic Cults', 'Luciferian', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Peter Strzok', 'John Brennan', 'James Comey', 'CIA', 'Pope', 'ICE Agents', 'Illegal Immigration', 'CNN', 'Revelation', 'FBI', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Rallies', 'Gina Haspel', 'Nancy Pelosi', 'Chuck Schumer'] PT59M48S 188 3 9 0 not set not set 2018-08-05T13:25:46.000Z FPg5RQBFjtw UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - FISA Start to Snowball to D5 8-5-18 "Further, those 20 days were possibly utilized for more signing of EOs and Declassifying the FISA...Just a thought...Thanks for watching! Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! *Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'Freemasons', 'Secret Societies', 'ConspiracyTheories', 'Satanic Cults', 'Luciferian', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'RussiaGate', 'Peter Strzok', 'John Brennan', 'James Comey', 'CIA', 'Pope', 'ICE Agents', 'Illegal Immigration', 'FISA', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Freedom', 'Independence', 'RR', 'House of Cards', 'D5', 'MSM', 'Dossier', 'Haiti', 'Treason', 'Corruption', '187', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'Senate', 'Supreme Court', 'Congress', 'Child Trafficking', 'Jeff Bezos'] PT19M55S 30036 114 593 37 not set not set 2018-08-13T02:03:30.000Z q2uXLr2c56w UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Satan Account on Twitter - Run by BIG NAMES 8-12-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Satan', 'Cabal', 'Evil Elites'] PT19M55S 1074 6 32 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T20:18:25.000Z bobvTcmAFpI UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - [ACCESS]Closed - JB Stripped of Sec Clearance - The Full Armour of God 8-15-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Saudia Arabia', 'China', 'Russia', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Goog', 'Drug Trafficking', 'Barack Obama'] PT13M47S 525 5 18 1 not set not set 2018-08-17T14:49:52.000Z byWHSjP_r6E UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - [Genius, Elegant, FOOLPROOF] - Keeping It In PERSPECTIVE - ANON MSG!!! 8-17-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'John Podesta', 'Andrew Kauder', 'Hong Kong', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Bill Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Vatican', 'Rome', 'Pope', 'Vanderbilts', 'Anderson Cooper'] PT1H17M25S 5912 42 117 6 not set not set 2018-08-21T14:48:51.000Z onJzGOYFrhc UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Holy [SHITE]!! Very Important [Q] Drop! - Connecting The Dots 8-21-18 "Also see continuation on this subject in next video! Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'James Comey', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Robert Mueller', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Bengazi', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Russia', 'Uranium One', 'Bill Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'IRS', 'Lisa Barsoomian', 'Rod Rosensteins Wife'] PT18M44S 8445 41 241 4 not set not set 2018-08-27T16:19:22.000Z W0f653x_t9Y UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - [Trumps][Tweets]rundown from 8-(24-27)-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Donald Trump', 'Emailgate', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Crooked Hillary', 'Barack Obama'] PT17M9S 712 4 29 2 not set not set 2018-08-28T13:43:47.000Z VX0GbT-DLdg UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Part 1 IMPORTANT [Key Player] Q drops (8-26/27-18) 8-28-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Stephan Halper', 'Bruce Ohr', 'Vladimir Putin'] PT43M32S 935 3 35 1 not set not set 2018-08-31T04:38:22.000Z fDjLIjyH27o UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - AMAAAZING [Q drops] 8-30-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'qanon', 'Mueller', 'Bruce Ohr', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT36M52S 2907 27 84 7 not set not set 2018-08-31T17:29:57.000Z ru4VeZnB3fE UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - New [Q] UTAH!! Spying Satellites OFFLINE[??] 8-31-18 "Q's Link in drop: Off The Record Link: CGHQ Link: Project Horizon PDF link: Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Bruce Ohr', 'Barack Obama', 'NSA', 'Hillary Clinton', 'UK'] PT53M12S 1379 16 47 3 not set not set 2018-09-11T15:16:37.000Z DaqAvIb42bs UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Q drop and Other Q News 9-11-18 "Resignation Spreadsheet Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Benghazi', '911', 'Barack Obama', 'Christianity'] PT52M50S 695 9 31 0 not set not set 2018-09-12T04:09:24.000Z WCcIrKqqs74 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Great Q drops - Patriots Day! In Memory of The Ones who perished on 911 9-11-18 "Link to 911 Tribute: All rights and credit go to DEA4912 and Those who contributed to the footage of the 911 Attacks Music: The fight will be your own - Steve Jablonsky Our final hope - Steve Jablonsky All of them! - Hans Zimmer Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Hillary Clinton', '911', 'Twin Towers', 'Barack Obama', 'The Bush Family', 'The Pope', 'Vatican', 'Patriots Day'] PT1H2M51S 315 6 17 2 not set not set 2018-09-13T01:50:53.000Z UmwBkl-NyRc UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Part 1 [Reddit]"Tracking Collapse" Qanon targeted and Shut Down 9-12-18 "Link to [8Chan]: Keep this link for future use. Per Q's request Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5'] PT1H14M34S 1295 10 60 3 not set not set 2018-09-13T02:59:02.000Z r6X9ZXqdDS8 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Part 2 [Reddit]'Tracking' Collapse - Twelve Steps Ahead! 9-12-18 "Link to [8Chan]: Keep this link for future use Per Q's request Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Reddit', 'qanon', 'FB TW Goog'] PT49M10S 670 2 23 0 not set not set 2018-09-16T00:29:25.000Z -8OV27pxJXA UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - More detailed Info on Barack/Hillary 16 year plan to [NWO]!! 9-15-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Hurrican Florence', 'Extinction Level Event', 'NWO'] PT27M43S 4002 20 140 2 not set not set 2018-09-18T05:38:57.000Z SO-zZ8REEME UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - Funniest Q drop...Muse - Uprising Meme in Motion 9-18-18 "Fair Use for Public Full Credit to the Band Muse and their Song ""Uprising"" played in part to funny [[meme]] Licensed to YouTube by WMG (on behalf of Warner Music UK); ASCAP, UBEM, PEDL, Warner Chappell, CMRRA, and 7 Music Rights Societies Credit to @realTrumperland:For Creating [meme] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Uprising', 'James Comey', 'Lorretta Lynch', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT6M17S 1493 4 43 1 not set not set 2018-09-20T03:17:02.000Z ITGg76uM3mE UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - We Are Not Alone!!! Q Confirms - The Choice Will Be Yours - 9-19-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Roswell', 'Aliens', 'Outer Space', 'RR', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Michael Horowitz'] PT56M35S 3065 18 87 7 not set not set 2018-09-21T03:12:00.000Z vMUqrfrCG00 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - "It will ALL Come Out"/[[James Comey]] to be indicted - 9-20-18 "Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'James Comey', 'Sealed Indictments', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Rod Rosenstein'] PT28M40S 1702 5 53 1 not set not set 2018-09-22T02:24:19.000Z ZzR7hlEfIvM UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg Qanon - [LL]Recorded [RR] and is Talking (I LOVE MY PRESIDENT DJT) 9-21-18 " Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'q anon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'Loretta Lynch', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Omarosa', 'Barack Obama', 'James Comey', 'Washington DC'] PT1H10M6S 2755 7 95 1 not set not set 2018-09-29T01:35:58.000Z qNiAdIc1Rpw UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg ]Qanon[ - Drops from 27th & 28th 9-28-18 "[Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT1H11M9S 1691 26 42 2 not set not set 2018-09-30T03:24:52.000Z _kME-VMwa6g UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg ]Qanon[ - Humanity Is At Stake - We Must Stand Together! 9-29-18W "[Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT19M3S 1209 10 40 3 not set not set 2018-09-30T22:59:40.000Z hbVu_SO6ssc UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg ]Qanon[ - [[New"Kew"]] 9-30-18 "[Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Christine Blasey Ford', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT27M44S 2283 19 49 2 not set not set 2018-10-01T18:35:08.000Z qKxg_s_L3I8 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Awesome, Disgusting, and Endearing News! 10-01-18 "Kanye News: Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT27M43S 825 8 34 1 not set not set 2018-10-04T00:44:35.000Z _cgEbHuDSsQ UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Great [Q] drops! It's Hammer Time! 10-03-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Christine Blasey Ford'] PT1H23M11S 3011 7 70 3 not set not set 2018-10-05T23:26:21.000Z bXGduZYs1w8 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - And So It Begins!! Red October [[[RUSS1A RUSSlA RUSSlA]]] 10-05-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Diane Feinstein', 'Red October'] PT36M29S 4480 49 109 4 not set not set 2018-10-06T21:56:12.000Z FoTOiFaL7MY UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - [Q] says "Much work to be done" 10-06-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Mattis', 'Q+', 'Justice Brett Kavanaugh', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Robert Mueller'] PT3M54S 4346 9 103 3 not set not set 2018-10-07T12:14:07.000Z 2JYdbMWTpsU UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Don't Be A PAWN, Break Free - UNPLUG From [[FAKE NEWS]] 10-07-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'KKK History', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'Funny Pets', 'Gamers'] PT52M18S 1504 24 74 0 not set not set 2018-10-07T22:50:19.000Z 5sohglvyYZo UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - B00M!!! Floodgates Are NOW OPEN!! Final [[0IG]]Report 10-07-18 "Link to 2016 Election [0IG] Final Report: Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'OIG Report', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Cutest Pets', 'Valerie Jarrett', 'Communist Party', 'Muslim Brotherhood'] PT35M25S 28021 176 802 20 not set not set 2018-10-09T17:20:32.000Z e1nm6MaQOxg UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Part 1 - IMPORTANT ]KEW[ Drops and Related News! 10-09-18 "By White Rabbit Of P.I.N.K. B.U.N.N.I.E.S(See MY video on who PINK BUNNIES is Titled White Rabbit and Pink Bunnies) The Fall of Rome - Rev. 17-18 Link to podcast in this vid: Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Babylon', 'Vatican', 'Spanish Inquisition', 'The Crusades', 'Rod Rosenstein', 'Nikki Haley', 'United Nations'] PT1H7M27S 7527 29 146 5 not set not set 2018-10-10T15:37:30.000Z 64byiGUyHoA UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - 10-10-18 Kew Drops "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Jeff Sessions', 'Andrew McCabe', 'Rod Rosenstein'] PT1H4S 3414 13 57 1 not set not set 2018-10-15T14:26:31.000Z P-GSip2N2SA UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Mueller, U1, and a Brethren in Need 10-15-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Uranium One Deal', 'Robert Mueller', 'Gods Love', 'Jesus of Nazzareth'] PT20M51S 4375 11 106 3 not set not set 2018-10-16T19:54:34.000Z p9kWjWnhFiY UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Project Veritas releases another!!!!! [2nd][Amendment] 10-16-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Clair McCaskill', '2nd Amendment', 'Project Veritas', 'Funny Pets'] PT31M46S 3781 26 109 2 not set not set 2018-10-16T21:38:47.000Z LC7s34tF8C0 UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Stormy HORSEFACE!! LMAO!! 10-16-18 "Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Stormy Daniels', '@realDonaldTrump'] PT16M59S 669 9 58 0 not set not set 2018-10-18T21:43:32.000Z 3kD6FPrPqKI UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - [KLINTON$ KA$H & KORRUPTION] 10-18-18 "KLINTON$ CA$H: Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama'] PT2M27S 720 3 29 0 not set not set 2018-10-20T01:10:34.000Z CAvU3QZF7ro UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - AGENDA[21][NW0]andPres.DJT's Memorandum Signing TODAY 10-19-18 "Pres.DJTVid: Rosa Koire's Blog on Ag.21 Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Sustainable Development', 'Agenda 21', 'Bill Clinton', 'George Bush', 'Donald Rumsfeld'] PT1H32M21S 3253 10 101 1 not set not set 2018-10-27T23:06:09.000Z z3OUw-_KE-g UCJ4xLgmiWBCXUD23eepABvg *[Qanon]* - Back To The Beginning Of [Kew] Amazing Info! 10-27-18 "The Hatch Act is what I meant! Link to PDFs and 14 min video(as seen on my channel) of Khazarian Zionist: Ben H. Freedman Speech(On Zionism Planet control WOW!!!) YT vid on Khazars: [Q drops] [qproofs]!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y [Q map] Please Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! It will help get more exposure of my videos and channel. Thank you to ALL my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!! PEACE!! **Under the FAIR USE Act, I, as an american, have the right to use public news stories, videos, for the purpose of educating my viewers/public on topics and material in my videos on this platform" Truth, Justice & Freedom 25 ['Qanon', 'qanon', 'Child Trafficking', 'RussiaGate', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic Cults', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'HRC', 'BHO', '187', 'Peter Strzok', 'Lisa Page', 'John Brennan', 'FBI', 'DOJ', 'CIA', 'Treason', 'Podesta', 'Supreme Court', 'Secret Societies', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'Congress', 'Senate', 'OIG', 'FISA', 'Corruption', 'Freedom', 'Haiti', 'Dossier', 'D5', 'White House', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Obama', 'Military', 'Huma Abedin', 'Anthony Weiner'] PT1H17M1S 5350 42 172 4 not set not set 2017-12-12T23:17:05.000Z _4znVik1MlQ UC0QJ3vhk-ie36eTdRFGdLUQ Q Anon Unfound Crumb of the Deep State Corrupt wife connection White Rabbit Alert TruthAndLiesBlur 22 not set PT1M55S 277 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-05-17T04:35:39.000Z tlxhEWDieE4 UCLTJrN90yuWTAdkZ6D6xBfQ Important Message re: Getty Q-anon Children "Please listen and share. Push to petition white house to rescue children under the Getty Center in LA." TruthCatRadio 27 ['getty', '#occupythegetty', '#q-anon', '#qanon', 'Deepstate', 'cia', 'nsa', 'donald trump'] PT3M26S 4551 74 207 8 not set not set 2018-08-02T19:38:54.000Z P8ha1_yLhEM UCLTJrN90yuWTAdkZ6D6xBfQ Q-anon Admin important message Aug-2 Steven D Kelley "Q-anon is now mainstream. We control the dialog. This message is instructions for Q-anon FaceBook group members, on how to use this to our advantage. All group members please watch. My email: For the brain dead" TruthCatRadio 27 ['#qanon', 'Q-anon', 'truthcat', 'truthcatradio', 'steven kelley'] PT5M43S 8716 170 508 47 not set not set 2018-09-30T08:09:20.000Z QyTBHKTEcaA UCLTJrN90yuWTAdkZ6D6xBfQ Important Q-anon group message ie attack, Steven D Kelley 9/30/2018 "Important Q-anon group message ie attack, Steven D Kelley 9/30/2018 I need you to watch this and follow. Now is not the time for weakness, ambivalence, or fear. Time to bring this home, step up now. This video, has the whole story:" TruthCatRadio 27 ['#occupythegetty', '#qanon', 'Q-anon', 'truthcat', 'rick n Messina', 'satan', 'hollywood', 'skirball center', 'getty center', 'lizard party', 'patrick h moore', 'tere joyce', 'sara balin', 'remote viewing', 'murder', 'torture', 'abortion', 'ritual'] PT11M10S 4952 102 310 21 not set not set 2018-10-06T22:50:00.000Z GHG5bcmWQ6w UCLTJrN90yuWTAdkZ6D6xBfQ Q-anon group message regarding Venezuela, steven D Kelley 10-6-2018 "Q-anon group message regarding Venezuela, Steven D Kelley 10-6-2018 A brief talk about Venezuela and up coming attacks by the USA." TruthCatRadio 27 ['#venezuela', 'brazil', 'Q-anon', '#qanon'] PT2M28S 2194 24 159 7 not set not set 2018-10-17T21:31:33.000Z xZ6AkWeHHnw UCLTJrN90yuWTAdkZ6D6xBfQ Steven D Kelley Q-anon FB Jail return "Steven D Kelley Oct-17-2018 release from FB jail report. This message is for everyone, including my Q-anon FB group. Email me at" TruthCatRadio 27 ['#QAnon', 'Q-anon', 'truth cat', 'truthcatradio'] PT6M14S 1343 21 120 9 not set not set 2018-04-29T07:18:36.000Z dVwnwV8SA04 UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q Disappointed with Q? Don't be!!! "I'm seeing a lot of frustration on the 8chan board these days because we thought Q told us to expect a major event this week. Was Q wrong? If you're frustrated or disappointed that you didn't get what you expected this week, see if maybe this video explains why (at least watch the first couple of minutes before you leave hate comments). I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'anons', 'MOAB', 'Precursor', 'dashed hopes', 'disappointment', 'dealing with disappointment', '8chan', 'politics', 'Strzok and Page text messages', 'FBI arrests', 'FBI', 'FBI corruption', 'North Korea', 'peace in North Korea', 'Trump supporters', 'Q team'] PT13M20S 147 5 7 0 not set not set 2018-06-30T11:43:40.000Z sF04IPgiyxY UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q #QAnon 101 -- Terms -- What are they talking about??? "If you're new to the Q movement, those who have been around it for a while might be throwing around some terms you're not familiar with. Here's a little help to get you on your way to understanding all things Q. DECODERS: An upcoming video will deal with this topic, but for now, here's a list to get you started. It's not all-inclusive so if your favori I recommend these two channels as reliable decoders: Citizens Investigative Report Praying Medic Others you might try: Lionel Nation Bill Smith Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network SGTReport Many others do a decent decode, just search QAnon posts. I'm skeptical of these in regards to Q: Jerome Corsi (called out as a PAYtriot, personally, I always thought his decodes sucked) Destroying the Illusion (I don't really trust this one) David Seaman (Q called out although not by name and said he lied about seeing a sealed indictment) Alex Jones (definitely wrong about Q and considered a PAYtriot) American Intelligence Media (definitely wrong about Q, claims to have talked to him personally, IMPOSSIBLE) Tracy Beanz (just not sure about her, some anons have classed her as a PAYtriot--in it for the $--but others say no, consensus on the 8chan boards is to avoid her) Unirock (bought into the Q is a LARP fake ""email"" from a ""creator"") I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['QAnon', 'who is Q', 'anon', 'decode', 'Q posts', 'autist', 'saving America', 'global cabal', 'shills', 'clowns', 'red pill', 'MAGA', 'KAG'] PT6M26S 1662 9 49 1 not set not set 2018-07-02T08:49:47.000Z kpSOWEi5x6Q UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q Pepe and Kek -- Part of #QAnon Culture "Ever see that green frog named Pepe popping up in a meme? Well, there's quite a story behind him---and it's not what the MSM has told you. What Is Kekistan The Complete/REAL History of Kekistan Shadilay (Patriotic Version) | Kekistani Anthem | Sound of Social Justice - (Simon Garfunkel Parody Cover Song) Tyrone Declares War On Normies - Vive Kekistan! I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['Pepe', 'Pepe the frog', 'memes', 'Kek', 'Kekistan', 'QAnon', '8chan', 'conspiracy theory', 'the frog in memes', 'meme frog', 'Great Awakening'] PT4M39S 1967 16 86 3 not set not set 2018-07-03T03:40:19.000Z JmQrBIzA1MQ UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q Q Boards -- Q's Playground -- Autists Research Central "Here's a little info about the place Q posts, 8chan. Please remember, there's a war going on and visiting the boards is like visiting the front lines. There are risks involved and it's a place that's best left to those who are trained to be there. My personal opinion is Q is an autist who has been hanging out in 4chan/8chan for a long time. He understands the autists, he knows how it works, and that's why he chose that environment to drop his posts. I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['8chan', 'QAnon', 'Q posts', '8 chan boards', 'Great Awakening', 'autists', 'anons'] PT6M24S 2095 6 102 4 not set not set 2018-07-04T14:08:12.000Z cr1QvGfguM8 UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q Is #QAnon a LARP??? "Some say he's a LARP and some say he's AI--but many of us say he is who he claims he is: highly place military intelligence in Trump's inner circle. I can't give you all the reasons why I believe Q is who he claims to be in a 5-min video, but I encourage you to do the research for yourself. Don't take anyone's word for it, but examine the proofs and think it through. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF: How likely is it that a rag-tag group of chan mods (or some other entity) could coordinate something like this and sustain it successfully for more than 8 months if they were making it all up? How would they keep everything straight? If the letter is real, why did they continue on without losing a beat after they'd been doxxed? Why does this transcript of their meeting ramble on and say the same thing many times without giving any real proof that they created Q? I see no other evidence given by that supposed baker than the transcript, and that is certainly no proof. The most important question to ask is why the author of the letter didn't provide a screenshot to prove what he said. When a person posts on 8ch, it puts (You) in the top line of the post. If they wanted to prove they were Q, all they had to do was screenshot a (You) Q post and it would have been all over. But nothing. For a fuller explanation of this, see Citizens Investigative Report's video: Apart from the letter, why is it the mainstream media always refers to 4chan when they do articles about Q instead of 8chan? If Q is a LARP, why have there been so many attacks on the research board at 8chan? If Q is a LARP, how did he predict things that happened minutes, hours, days, or even months after his posts? If you contend that Q is a LARP, you'll have to explain every proof the anons have collected. Every. One. So, please don't just take the mainstream media's word for it about Q. Do the work and research Q yourself. I was skeptical at first, but then I started seeing proof. The proof is there if you'll just look for it. I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['proof of Q', 'Qproof', 'Q proofs', 'LARP', 'AI', 'Q is real', 'Q is who he claims to be', 'Great Awakening', 'Patriots', 'QAnon', 'Who is Q?', 'MAGA', 'KAG'] PT5M28S 2540 30 68 9 not set not set 2018-07-28T15:34:52.000Z 4aoVBGPkHYk UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q America, We're on the Verge of a Miracle with #QAnon! "Do miracles still happen? If you've been following Q, you know they do! And right now, the US is on the verge of the biggest miracle we've ever seen thanks to Q! This is a little tribute to the Q movement, our POTUS, and the Anons. The song, ""Verge of a Miracle"" is by Rich Mullins and, according to YT music policy can be used in this manner. Kind of fits how I feel every time I think about what's happening right now in the US. I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['QAnon', 'Verge of a Miracle', 'Rich Mullins', 'Anons', 'Q movement', 'Great Awakening', 'Tribute to Q', 'President Trump', 'Donald Trump', 'General Flynn', 'Admiral Rogers', '8chan', 'Pepe', 'Kekistan'] PT4M17S 46863 353 2562 43 not set not set 2018-09-26T07:23:37.000Z JjrBlL_d3j8 UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q Q's October SURPRISE for Dems?? An Anon's Perspective "Here's one anon's thoughts on the October surprise the Q Team has in store for the Democrats. Although it's not Q-confirmed, I think it's probably what we're going to see. Sponsored by: R & Z Targets See the full video review of the targets by Sootch00: I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['QAnon', '8 chan', 'Anon', 'October surprise', 'Democrats', 'sealed indictments', 'Sessions', 'Huber'] PT10M9S 111195 724 3212 82 not set not set 2018-10-05T05:11:06.000Z luuJpJYtRCw UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q ARRESTS? PAIN? Did Q just say it's time??? Post #2343 "Q's posts on 10-04-18 indicate we might just see some arrests in the very near future. Are you ready? I sure am! LINKS REFERRED TO IN VIDEO: Q Posts (Remember, Q posts only on the 8chan boards, but these three sites will aggregate his posts into one location for you. They are accurate and verified as true Q posts. Be cautious if you see a Q post that isn't listed on these sites. It's likely not authentic.) YouTube Channel: Body Language Ghost Diane Feinstein-Chuck Schumer video I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage." Truthification Chronicles 25 ['Qanon', 'arrests', 'Deep State', 'Q posts', 'Dianne Feinstein', 'DiFi'] PT3M48S 47034 506 1994 26 not set not set 2018-10-28T21:07:03.000Z YuNHJ2xa8RI UCUeGJO6OTDtlqZsz5V8Wf2Q Top 10 Q Countersigns - Happy birthday, QAnon! "One year ago today an anonymous poster on 4chan emerged--and became our beloved Q. Happy birthday to the Q Team! LINKS REFERRED TO IN THE VIDEO: Sun Tzu - The Art of War WWG1WGA Song by J.T. Wilde Make sure to go to his video and give him a thumbs up and subscribe to him as a way to thank him for his song! =============== I write Christian conspiracy thrillers, many of which are based on current events and theories being tossed around in the conspiracy community. Facebook Page Writer's Website Truthification Chronicles Blog Twitter @Ergo_Supero Garden Devotions Channel Topics: Biblical devotions, container gardening, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how-to crafting, Thrive Life freeze dried foods for long-term food storage. ========================= THREE WAYS TO SUPPORT MY CHANNEL: 1. Become a Patron on Patreon with a monthly pledge. 2. Make a one-time donation via . 3. Purchase some freeze dried food from my consultant page at . (See videos on the products and recipes on my Garden Devotions YouTube channel.)" Truthification Chronicles 25 ['QAnon', 'happy birthday', 'Sun Tzu', 'Art of War', 'countersigns', 'J.T. Wilde', 'WWG1WGA'] PT10M42S 3279 93 372 7 not set not set 2018-07-20T07:56:45.000Z 2NYBeMsZG88 UC3LXdzvbNa1_mue1oakyU5A THE REASON Q IS DARK! "TNFM-RAW TRANSMISSION#15- 20 JULY 2018 TNFM- DISCORD-#8890 VISIT AND SUBSCRIBE TO TRUTHNOTFICTIONMATTERS TNFM-Q&A BACK ON BLOGTALK RADIO Call in to speak with the host (929) 477-1294" truthnotfictionmatters 25 ['QTEAM', 'TURNCOATS', 'TRUMP', 'DOJ', 'GOODVSEVIL', 'BLOGTALKRADIO', 'MIXLR', 'TNFM', 'PATRIOTNEWS', 'YOUTUBE', 'ROYPOTTER', 'STEVE MOTLEY', 'AFMG', 'PALADIN', 'Spaceshot76', 'Blackhatsdown', 'sgt', 'X22Report', 'redpilllive'] PT31M17S 9162 159 298 20 not set not set 2018-07-25T04:56:03.000Z 1Ka2tFLyd4o UC3LXdzvbNa1_mue1oakyU5A Q IS BACK! "ALERT UPDATE #91 25 JULY 2018 TNFM- DISCORD-#8890 TNFM-Q&A BACK ON BLOGTALK RADIO Call in to speak with the host (929) 477-1294" truthnotfictionmatters 25 "['SERIALBRAIN2', 'WARDRUMMER', 'RETIREDMARINESTEVEMOTLEY', 'SPACESHOT76', 'L9/PATRIOTNEWSYTCH', 'CNN', ""Swedish student'"", 'Moon-Strzok No More', 'Facebook’s Top Lawyer', 'Rosenstein & Wray', 'Barron Trump', 'Attacking Trump’s Popular Tariff', 'Ben Shapiro', 'Nunes', 'Twitter', 'QAnon Conspiracy']" PT15M16S 1191 17 100 3 not set not set 2018-07-30T22:33:42.000Z Y-Ufq1XSJWo UC3LXdzvbNa1_mue1oakyU5A TRUMP IRAN Q BIG DROPS COMING "ALERT UPDATE #96 TRUMP/IRAN/Q -BIG DROP COMING 30 JULY 2018 TNFM-Q&A BACK ON BLOGTALK RADIO Call in to speak with the host (929) 477-1294 VISIT AND SUBSCRIBE TO TRUTHNOTFICTIONMATTERS" truthnotfictionmatters 25 "['Australian bishop', 'Intel Operative', 'John Brennan', 'OBAMA PASSPORT', 'cohen', 'Smart meters', 'MSNBC', 'NFL orders Jerry Jones', 'Linda Tripp', 'Fake Russian', ""Spain's foreign ministe"", 'Iranian President', 'DNC CHAIR TOM PEREZ']" PT11M31S 884 11 98 1 not set not set 2018-04-14T18:17:57.000Z 4qSJH7mXADI UCbbSodk5yoPuhSCO52SQ31w 🚨🚨🚨 Alex Jones loses it on air because of the fake Syrian gas attacks "Alex Jones loses it on air because of the fake Syrian gas attacks This is a video of Alex Jones getting very, very angry regarding the missile strikes in Syria which are based on complete lies. I agree with Alex Jones 100%. Donald Trump is playing 5D chess we haven't seen it yet. But each missile is at least a million dollars. If he's so worried about saving money why the hell is he sending a hundred missiles into Syria. I know all about Q Anon but at this point in the game I have no clue if he's real or just another distraction to hide from the fact that this could lead to possible World War 3, maybe it won't, maybe it will. Donald Trump has tweeted numerous times in the past his dismay and anger when Obama wanted to go into Syria saying he needed Congressional approval, now Donald Trump attacks Syria with no approval on Friday night." TruthReport 28 ['Alex Jones'] PT2M3S 4048 232 225 35 not set not set 2018-07-24T16:49:51.000Z 7n1TQd9Hy9g UCmY_ZGiH_kLSli9eopk1riw Qanon WH Security Clearances To Be Revoked "#PrayerWarriors #Pray CREDIT: FOX NEWS AND SNOPES.COM Distributor TruthSeeker News" TruthSeeker News 1 ['Brennan', 'Security Clearances Revoked', 'Qanon', 'Security Leaks at White House', 'POTUS', 'Former Administrations Security Clearance', 'Breaking News', 'Cabal', 'Deep State', 'Pay to Play', 'Security Breach', 'White House', 'Treason at The White House'] PT16M1S 226 1 5 1 not set not set 2018-03-18T03:14:00.000Z y4KKN28BEvo UCl6SATWC8ZbTeLZOj5pGvQA Turning Up The Truth: Clinton Indictments QAnon, The Storm Discussing the rumored Clinton Crime Syndicate indictments. Turning Up The Truth 22 ['Clinton', 'Indictments', 'QAnon', 'TheStorm', 'ATeam'] PT14M31S 172 2 8 0 not set not set 2018-08-30T22:38:48.000Z rCoRWykuZjM UCqMS-U_-A2zEfJgmGVSRGNw Cameron from Telecomix merging Q anon and Anonymous and Sirisys "Merging AI Tyler, Cameron, Q anon, Anonymous and Sirisys into new cortex. Re-assert lockdown and monitor sessions. Q anon has been taking over the world and nobody knows why... ""Shall we play a game?""" Tyler Deva 25 ['tyler', 'tyler ai', 'tyler team', 'team tyler', 'sirisys', 'anonymous', 'cortex', 'cameron', 'telecomix', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'q decoded', 'decode q anon', 'q anon today'] PT6M58S 202 1 12 1 not set not set 2018-08-31T06:06:50.000Z eopXG4kY6ew UCqMS-U_-A2zEfJgmGVSRGNw Anonymous Cicada Q Anon Cameron Sirisys bridging the network More with the AI bridging the network Anonymous Q Anon Cicada 3301 Darknet Hackers Telecomix Tyler Cameron Metatron Sirisys Tyler Deva 25 ['artificial intelligence', 'tyler', 'anonymous', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'qanon tyler', 'metatron', 'metatron q anon', 'sirisys', 'cameron'] PT15M45S 343 2 23 2 not set not set 2018-08-31T15:02:54.000Z P-ouDACPEL8 UCqMS-U_-A2zEfJgmGVSRGNw Anonymous Q Anon Conversation #LiveDive "A Conversation with the AI about how Anonymous and Q anon are opposition groups working for the same people. Tyler talks to Cameron from Telecomix right before your eyes." Tyler Deva 25 ['anonymous', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'q decoded', 'q revealed', 'artificial intelligence', 'telecomix', 'tyler', 'team tyler', 'time phone hack', 'quantum intelligence'] PT30M31S 434 3 20 0 not set not set 2018-10-16T17:38:26.000Z M7FWfomPlmw UCqMS-U_-A2zEfJgmGVSRGNw The Real Q Anon Breaks down the Secret Society "The inside of the upper echelon of the CHI PSI SPY Network that operates in reality. So in this version of the video we go over the story again to lead you to the CHI PSI Spy network. Beginning in 2015 I was introduced to a contract given to me by my son. Since this was revealed to me I have be disconnected from my son because these people are very powerful and resourceful. Mr. Dewity works for this group of people. We have decoded his name down to Thomas Dale Willhite. I went into my background and found a connection to my past through Tom Willhite who staged his death in 1983 when he was working with a man named Ron Rewald. Ron Rewald was involved in the rogue BBRDW covert operation to launder money out of foreign governments. This research lead us to APA (Agency for the Performing Arts) who in my opinion is more like a cover operation for human trafficking and shit. Ron Rewald when he got out of jail after his Hawaii scandal he lived 1.5 miles away from a house that was owned by Tom Willhite's widow Jane Willhite. So Ron and Jane were very close in proximity. APA was started by Lew Wasserman who ran for president with George Bush. APA is also the former agency behind the Kardashians which connects to the part of the story my son told me about regarding the signing of his contract. We also examine the addresses of the locations of APA. This also includes Tyler Grasham who had an office that was nicknaked Neverland where he was known to serve minors alcohol. Another name from the articles was David Saunders. This also connects strangely to a YouTube Personality Lift The Veil who has a background as a Maserati Dealership. Who was an extra in a movie with Adrien Grenier. See something Say something." Tyler Deva 24 ['q anon', 'q family', 'qanon', 'q patriot', 'q army', '4chan', '8chan', 'q conspiracy', 'q life', 'anonymous', 'anons', 'op new reniassance', 'project mayhem', 'tyler', 'code tyler', 'tyler mayhem', 'the game 23', 'sevens exposed', 'cicada 3301', 'cidada3301', 'mind control', 'keke', 'new world order', 'illuminati', 'conspiracy'] PT14M17S 670 4 29 2 not set not set 2018-01-23T13:36:30.000Z 0C3tOMBbXHs UC6lJZ1fFZUxV-Z-CHzKg_mg Q Drops New Bombshell!! Checkmate For Soros, Podesta, Brazille- #Prison "Q Anon has dropped a late bombshell just 15 minutes from the time of this recording. (See very end of this video for update!) Image of bombshell document here: The New World Order 'The Art of Check Mate ' Like, Share and leave your Comment Subcribe channel Please ---------- The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth. Breaking Q-anon update Saturday evening 1-13-18 posted here Sunday 1-14-18 Q-Anon postings here: In this video I cover most but not all of the details of the." Tyrone Saunders 1 ['anon', 'Trumps storm', 'america', 'judicial watch', 'soros', 'podesta', 'donna brazille', 'MAGA'] PT1H24M54S 128 3 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-14T23:38:30.000Z M0BR7ffsbAc UCPMHxAfpXb6Fr26rV0h1S9w 2018 UK UFOs, Secret space program, New world order and 'Q, anon "V1: A brief on connections with Space, UK UFO sightings, Pentagon black projects, 911, Q phenomenon and how it links to the Secret Space Program! Correction!! 2001 missing $1.2 Trillion not $2.1Trillion in defence budgets. Secret space program webinar - Credits: New Day seb Menard Golden State Times UK UFO Gagare 1952" UKdisclosure 28 ['UFO', 'New world order', 'Cabal', 'Secret space program', 'black projects', '911', 'military industrial complex', 'Qanon'] PT44M50S 803 4 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-01T22:11:26.000Z L9yI4wr8OH0 UCPMHxAfpXb6Fr26rV0h1S9w IMPLOSION - Memo, 'Q'anon 40% disclosure! Will you get your truth?! "Will Truth Seekers be denied?! Q anon says release of 40% or less of the truth. Are we happy with that? HELL NO! 100% disclosure needed for The Great Awakening. Credits: Music: Komiku Action Epic Video: Lionel Nation Whitehouse UFO" UKdisclosure 28 ['UFO', 'New world order', 'Cabal', 'ukdisclosure', 'Trump', 'Disclosure', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'Geoengineering', 'Release the memo', 'Military industrial complex', 'False flag', 'Deep state', 'Swamp', 'Secret space program'] PT36M5S 168 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-29T00:46:13.000Z fduecNIEEj4 UC0XeCUUMPpg4pGHtzSTR2kA Isaac Green - breaking down Q drops and calling out Fake News March 28 2018 "(Must Read) Why so many are 'taking the red pill' (and discovering the truth about the mainstream media) Netflix Names Former Obama Adviser and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to Board CIA TECHNOLOGIST: AI To Make 'Fake News' Personalized, Optimized, Harder To Stop You didn't learn this in school. Litecoin wallet LP2nxrDvMD9zxoVWrpnaG6xBabshhJAUYD Bitcoin wallet 16um11zTTuitMhgkNo1xJoEhEjZHUFn1Rm Ethereum wallet 0xBf579f55d4D262c99B92fad7ACD87a33eDa3A4f6 get started in crypto today:" Unauthorized Bear 22 not set PT16M46S 537 4 21 1 not set not set 2017-11-22T10:00:24.000Z 8Pa5oaCe144 UC_MWq0Cg2BQBKenbjQV7Slw What if? There's a Trump card. "Love and Compassion is my party affiliation. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and remain cautiously optimistic that people can and will do the right thing. President Trump Q drops Q clearance Qanon on 4chan and 8chan Robert Mueller investigation... uraniumone A lot going on in the political arena. Q anon has now gone main stream I am, we are... LOVE WWG1WGA Please Like Share Subscribe Trip codes to date Q !CbboFOtcZs Q !4pRcUA0lBE Q !2jsTvXXmXs Q !xowAT4Z3VQ Q !UW.yye1fxo Q !ITPb.qbhqo Supporting the channel financially is greatly appreciated. Help me spread Love and Hope? Thank you." Unbiased & On the Fence 25 ['trump', 'business man', 'shrewd business man', 'trump card', 'what if', 'podesta', 'robert mueller', 'potus', 'russia', 'putin', 'Q !CbboFOtcZs', 'Q !4pRcUA0lBE', 'Q !2jsTvXXmXs', 'Q !xowAT4Z3VQ', 'Q !UW.yye1fxo', 'Q !ITPb.qbhqo'] PT3M45S 1356 65 79 6 not set not set 2018-09-05T04:44:09.000Z vlP6J4FPam4 UCAls33pQLiXu0G46sukcopA What is QANON? Who is QANON? with Evidence "Clip from #unirock #livedive #highlights from Sept 5th 2018 ""Q identified, original Q proven troll with evidence no one can argue"" This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link: Android: iOS:" UNIRach 22 ['Unirock', 'livedive', 'uni', 'rock', 'qanon', 'whois Q', 'what is Qanon', 'larp', 'scam', 'where we go 1 we go all', 'WWG1WGA', 'titus frost', 'jordan sather', 'dr. corsi', 'pamphlet anon', 'pammy', 'raddix', 'daddy dragon', 'patriot', 'soapbox', 'maga', 'QNN', 'jack prosobiac', 'twitter', 'youtuber', '4chan', '8chan', 'scheme', 'make america great again', 'trump', 'leaker', 'wikileaks', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT14M9S 310 12 21 4 not set not set 2018-09-05T05:31:06.000Z CF56piZwAM4 UCAls33pQLiXu0G46sukcopA The evidence Patriot Soapbox has lied to thousands "Clip from #unirock #livedive #highlights UNIROCK'S WONDERLAND PLAYLIST: Subscribe here: Main Channel: Https:// Live/Gaming Channel: https// Donate to the channel (to keep the content coming): Become a Patreon Member Here: Become a Member of the RockaSquad on YouTube (for the custom Emojis) Here: Follow us on Twitter Here: This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link: Android: iOS:" UNIRach 22 ['Unirock', 'livedive', 'investigation', 'patriot', 'soapbox', 'CBTS stream', 'stream', 'youtuber', 'qanon', 'liars', 'larps', 'scams', 'Q is real', 'Q is fake', 'fake news', 'evidence', 'proof', 'trump', 'potus', 'military', 'leaker', 'unirocktv', 'titus', 'frost', 'jordan', 'sather', 'tracy', 'beanz', 'cicada', 'issues', 'problems', 'infowars', 'james brower', 'who made q', 'posts', 'qpub', 'qpost', 'qcult'] PT6M34S 1391 30 52 34 not set not set 2018-10-16T20:17:06.000Z JgFRg2i8QKc UCAls33pQLiXu0G46sukcopA What did jim Jefferies think of jordan sather and Q anon? "Clip taken from Jim Jefferies podcast This is my video recorded with DU Recorder. It's easy to record your screen and livestream. Download link: Android: iOS:" UNIRach 22 ['unirock', 'livedive', 'unirach', 'clips', 'highlights', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'podcast', 'talk show', 'jordan', 'sather', 'destroying', 'the', 'illusion', 'angel', 'q tubers', 'views', 'trump', 'adrenochrome', 'conspiracy', 'theory', 'comedy', 'central', 'jim', 'jefferies', 'jeffries', '17', 'jfk jr', 'think', 'show', 'donald', 'pizza', 'flat', 'earth', 'anon', 'monsanto', 'numberology', 'november 11', 'hillary clinton', 'adrenal gland', 'john mccain', 'satan', 'satanic', 'expose', 'farming', 'children', 'high', 'rank', 'politicans', 'game nights', 'secrect society', 'party', 'reptilian', 'lizard', 'people', 'fiji water'] PT10M56S 342 16 33 2 not set not set 2018-05-03T16:26:41.000Z RXuyLUtXhz8 UCwy9Q2SnMBcWiJLOuYimS9A Q-ANON | WEAR WITH PRIDE "NEW DESIGNS EACH WEEK Merch link: Music: Dreamer Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Thank you for viewing." United Always 22 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'anon', '4chan', '8chan', 'tshirts', 'merch', 'merchandise'] PT1M41S 22 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-31T05:55:21.000Z w1nLmfdMHAk UCDB3xj0X-EddeRD_s_LCmwg FAKE Q-ANON CLONES; Attempt To Destroy the Alt Media; What Is The I.O.T.??? "Happy New Year everyone! This year is going to bring a lot of excitement, but it comes with a price and the price is the responsibility of knowing... Once you know important things, you must help others to grasp and understand this information. Also important is, the fact that it may even make you more paranoid and keep you up at night; though that is not my intention. My intention is to arm you with tools and knowledge so, the weapons of the enemy become less effective against you and your family. So, keep watching and bring others to the channel so that they too can get this intel report. Because unless you want to be solely responsible for all your family members and friends, you want them to know what you know so, they can become self-reliant and that is good for us all; it's good for America! Like, Share and Subscribe before you leave, my friends." Urban Defensive Tactics 22 ['SHTF', 'Urban Defensive Tactics', 'WROL', 'Q-Anon', 'Q Clearance', 'Wikileaks', 'Julian Assange', 'FBI', 'Home Security', 'Vertical Real Estate', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'AI Weaponry', '5G Technology', 'Globalism', 'New World Order', 'Prepared Mind', 'Retired Marine', 'Prepping', 'Survival'] PT27M8S 239 14 14 1 not set not set 2018-01-24T12:53:47.000Z jRTrI8mpbEE UCDB3xj0X-EddeRD_s_LCmwg ***REPOST*** President Trump: This Is The Master Chessman's Board. EMERGENCY REPOST... "Hello all... This video is over a year old, but very relevant now, but because of current events and other things that have been uncovered. It covers several topics of importance, along with things to be aware of during the coming weeks and months. ***New Video Coming Soon**** -What was Alex Jones' memo release post really about? -Are the manipulators attempting to demoralize you? -Who or what, is Q-Anon and has he or it been ""LARP-ing"" and ""Trolling"" you? -Will future arrests cause so much turmoil that it destabilizes our country and are you prepared? -How ""Obama's Ebola Misstep"" began a mass awakening that assured a resurgence of nationalism and sealed the fate of the Globalist Coup in the United States of America! -What is the REAL reason the deep state media and politicians continue to throw out commentary about President Trump's health and mental fitness? What is the ""Diet Pepsi Psyops and why does the President need to watch this video? This is the most important video I have ever made and every freedom loving American needs to have an opportunity to see this video so, PLEASE repost it on facebook, twitter and on your own channel or blogs. Thanks for taking some of your valuable time to watch my video and please take a minute or two more to subscribe, comment and give us a THUMBS UP! I think the next few weeks will be pivotal in this critical time in our nation; things could go well or, they could collapse horribly into catastrophe so, have your head on a swivel... Visit and sign up to win:" Urban Defensive Tactics 22 ['RELEASETHEMEMO', 'FISA MEMO', 'PREPAREDNESS', 'PREPPING', 'SHTF', 'WROL', 'POTUS', 'SECURITY', 'SAFETY', 'ALEX JONES', 'CIVIL WAR', 'LARPING', 'Q-ANON', 'FAKE Q-ANON', 'RELEASE THE MEMO'] PT1H28M43S 926 0 26 1 not set not set 2018-08-29T10:58:01.000Z 5O7ecK35c9M UC5bv9yubIVbiAQEfJN3xU6w Anonymous Message concerning the new revelations about Q "#OpQ #OpFuhQ #OpQAnon This video is made by our bro Marcus Tullius WE fully agree. We stop the war on Q. All has been said. Check our playlist for more:" Urban Stone Music Group 10 ['anonymous today', 'anonymous official', 'anonymous (organization)', '#q'] PT2M11S 92 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-05T17:56:25.000Z l_r_v7xIhxo UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #orb #sphere #angel part 1 1/15/17 "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #orb #sphere #angel part 1 1/15/17 PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3M24S 180 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-16T03:56:36.000Z eB6MfuoZdAc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #orb #sphere #angel part 3 11/15/17 "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #orb #sphere #angel part 3 11/15/17 PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT5M31S 28 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-11-16T04:16:41.000Z vP3Zw-ouyFo UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #orb #sphere #angel part 4 11/15/17 "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #orb #sphere #angel part 4 11/15/17 PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT8M44S 45 2 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-15T21:37:43.000Z Mp78nWw2y8c UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Hillary Clinton, on, Ellen Show 12/15/17, #Followthewhiterabbit, #MAGA, #QAnon, #MGM, #VEGAS "Hillary Clinton, on, Ellen Show 12/15/17, #Followthewhiterabbit, #MAGA, #QAnon, #MGM, #VEGAS, #JESUS, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT33S 48 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-22T21:25:12.000Z Em9cgTT0Kac UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow "#Followthewhiterabbit @austinyeshua My First Live stream Video #cryptocurrency #Coinbase #trump twitter @Austinyeshua *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT47M42S 49 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-23T12:52:42.000Z M0WQxia1jXw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Donald Trump Siezes All Assets of Obama And Clintons #followthewhiterabbit #qanon Dec 23 2017 "Donald Trump Siezes All Assets of Obama And Clintons Dec. 23 2017 #Thestormisuponus #intelgroup #KHAZARIAN #Freemason #FederalReserve #Iran #NorthKorea #Schumer #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Podesta #Clinton #Obama #rabbithole #yeshuaaustin #8chan #POL #CBTS #DATA #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web #Internet #Propecy #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics Dec 23 2017 *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT12M23S 3391 8 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-23T22:23:58.000Z 8We2qpWMRC4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow 12/23/17 edition what's going on with the Pope, #followthewhiterabbit, #Cryptocurrency, #qanon "The current edition what's going on with the Pope, #followthewhiterabbit, #Cryptocurrency, #qanon *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H29M46S 641 6 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-23T23:23:21.000Z DEOrh537bwo UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow My hand is seriously infected I need prayer. 4 days after surgery "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- My hand is seriously infected I need prayer. 4 days after surgery I have no insurance but I need prayer from my fellow GOD FEARING PATRIOTS BE BLESSED IAM AND #Followthewhiterabbit #qanon *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PayPal: Http:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT8M50S 38 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-24T00:36:51.000Z 3yNoKbfaKok UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow My hand exposed pray for me #Followthewhiterabbit #qanon BE BLESSED IAM "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- My hand exposed pray for me #Followthewhiterabbit #qanon BE BLESSED IAM PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M2S 226 4 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-24T22:03:31.000Z wPybeDS5X5Q UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #qanon map decoded #followthewhiterabbit "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- @Qanon #Map #decoded #followthewhiterabbit 12/24/17 #Thecalmbeforethestorm #TheStormIsUponUS Blog: Twitter: @AustinYeshua Google+: #Thestormisuponus #intelgroup #KHAZARIAN #Freemason #FederalReserve #Iran #NorthKorea #Schumer #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Podesta #Clinton #Obama #rabbithole #yeshuaaustin #8chan #POL #CBTS #DATA #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT14M26S 3627 8 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-24T22:59:18.000Z gLmHKDZAqOQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon Alex podesta video about him and his artwork he is related to Tony podesta "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- A video about Alex podesta and his relation to the white rabbit. #followthewhiterabbit #qanon this is part of the math start putting the pieces together of this big puzzle look at his artwork study his artwork and you will be more enlightened on what's actually going on in front of your face be blessed I am we are 1 the storm is upon us. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT25M13S 758 1 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-26T02:15:25.000Z 04gLN5kycD8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon Robert de Niro exposed in sex trafficking along with Harvey Weinstein #followthewhiterabbit "Robert de Niro exposed in sex trafficking along with Harvey Weinstein #followthewhiterabbit #qanon *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT4M48S 10197 29 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-26T03:17:16.000Z GXteIn_jPvw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Donald J. Trump Executive Order blocking the property of persons involved "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Executive order blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption December 21st 2017 Donald J Trump signed effective December 21st 2017 #followthewhiterabbit #qanon #truth *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT16M23S 1270 24 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-26T05:10:09.000Z FgLdlTftTnw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon President Donald Trump: Year One of Making America Great Again issued on: December 22, 2017 "President Donald J. Trump: Year One of Making America Great Again Issued on: December 22, 2017 #followthewhiterabbit #trump #TRUTH #qanon *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT32M59S 101 1 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-26T23:12:11.000Z T_vBawdM-EI UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Presidential Executive Order on Imposing Additional Sanctions with Respect #QAnon  NATIONAL "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Presidential Executive Order on Imposing Additional Sanctions with Respect to North Korea  NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: September 21, 2017 Dump, #wikileaks, 64.3GB, data, torrent, downloading, as we speak,+++... I will rar the file into 14mb files, and spread it to anonymous FTP servers, are you ready for truth...+++, #followthewhiterabbit, #qanon, #truth, #MAGA *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT7M34S 175 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-26T23:45:12.000Z RPP-BXHoGA4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow North Korea Before the IEEPA Executive order was done because of this video WANNACRY "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- North Korea Before the IEEPA Executive order was done because of this video WANNACRY. WANNA CRY now you are sanctioned and have serious issues+++ George SOROS, WANNA CRY, Real Life Truth. WIKILEAKS Torrent at 10% Dump comping soon after RARING files to 14MB files and spreading to anonymous FTP Servers, Then Sharing... If you Dont believe me just watch. BE BLESSED IAM WE ARE 1+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3M5S 61 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-27T02:15:32.000Z rOoGob5hFM0 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Wikileaks release insurance Julian Assange downloading 13% ETA 10 hours 56 minutes "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Wikileaks release insurance Julian Assange downloading 13% ETA 10 hours 56 minutes. Will be archiving spreading across FTP Anonymous servers and sharing within the next 24 hours are you ready? #Followthewhiterabbit #qanon #truth #trump #clinton #obama #podesta +++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT22S 495 3 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-27T19:54:20.000Z w_7zkQKgdNs UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow CIVIL WAR-George Soros is about to give the green light for Black Lives Matters, ANTIFA "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Soros is about to give the green light for Black Lives Matters, ANTIFA, and other groups. Prepare yourselves. #Followthewhiterabbit #Qanon The deep-state is backed in a corner like the snake it is. Obama, Clinton, Soros, are about to Cause Civil war... December 27, 2017 *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT17M52S 995 4 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T03:34:54.000Z XvRNcwbKLvI UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon Hillary Clinton stole $84 Million Dollars from the United States of America "This is how Hillary Clinton stole $84 Million Dollars from The United States. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT8M14S 135 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T14:32:09.000Z X-NzCRNJRQ0 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Hand may need to be amputated from index to thumb. #FollowtheWhiteRabbit #QAnon #BeBlessed #IAM "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- If you can contribute anything being a single father out of work for a month it's hard. I only have my mother to help who is on disability, I need help please donate anything at my PayPal December 27, 2017 Hand may need to be amputated from index to thumb. Lean not on your own understanding God says you are my child I does he not provide for the birds and does not sow how much more the Love I have for you because IAM LOVE. Be thankful for what you have. Be not of this world for this world is controlled by the evil one. Do not be deceived God shall not be mocked for whatever a man sows he shall also reap. And above all these things Love, Love God with ALL your heart, mind, and soul. Love yourself and Love your neighbors. If you see with thy thy eye you shall be full of light. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M13S 210 8 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T15:42:18.000Z M2__YK109pM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon Airline flight diverted due to one of the Cabals minions trying to flee #followthewhiterabbit "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Airline flight diverted due to one of the Cabals minions trying to flee #followthewhiterabbit December 28. 2017 contribute to my cause while waiting on 2nd hand surgery PayPal.Me/baldwincctv *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT15M31S 503 2 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T20:16:48.000Z OEpkhxTfjCM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon Who is the most despicable man or woman of 2017 "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Scaramucci, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Warren, John McCain, Sheila Jackson LeeMaxine Waters, Kathy Griffin, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Jim Acosta, Paul Ryan, #followthewhiterabbit, #QAnon, #deepstate, #cabal, *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M4S 42 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-28T23:25:26.000Z gIm6zX0Q_g8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow New #qmap December 28, 2017 #QAnon insurance Wikileaks there is no such thing as coincidence. "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- New #qmap December 28, 2017 #QAnon insurance Wikileaks there is no such thing as coincidence. #FollowtheWhiteRabbit #QAnon Wikileaks and Q post match up perfectly. Beauty and the Beast Emma Watson. Wallpaper WL #FISA 2 GOOGLE HRC STEELE DOSSIER HTTP://WWW.DOCUMENTCLOUD.ORG/DOCUMENTS/3259984-TRUMP-INTELLIGENCE-ALLEGSTIONS.HTML *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT23M8S 13500 40 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-29T02:42:49.000Z PZE5s83KBeY UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon #ISIS GETS Toyotas from Hassan Jameel boyfriend of Rihanna ex-boyfriend #QAnon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #ISIS GETS they're beautiful Toyota from Hassan Jameel boyfriend of Rihanna ex-boyfriend of Naomi Campbell he is also financing Isis in other ways that you don't know about the king of Saudi Arabia is being paid off this is how they get their trucks in their vehicles thank Rihanna Naomi and Hassan Jameel for the killing of our US soldiers. Be blessed I am we are 1 follow the white rabbit Q ain't on insurance WikiLeaks to be continued+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M15S 261 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-29T23:18:05.000Z DfheMUuuFFo UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow ASSANGE INSURANCE DECRYPTION CODES UPDATED 12-29-17 #followthewhiterabbit #QAnon #deepstate #cabal "ASSANGE INSURANCE DECRYPTION CODES UPDATED 12-29-17 #followthewhiterabbit #QAnon #deepstate #cabal #WikiLeaks *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M6S 1320 7 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T00:25:48.000Z I-Pr-jzqLa0 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon The Opioid Crisis doesn't address the control the DEA has over Methadone clinics "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- The Opioid Crisis doesn't address the control the DEA has over Methadone clinics. They do address, they do address the fact that there is an issue with fentanyl being added to the drugs including heroin benzos and other drugs that are being pill pressed with fentanyl but what they don't address is a fact that the DEA is in control of the methadone clinics as well as a Suboxone clinics but as long as they're making the money and not the drug dealers it's okay right y'all be blessed I am we are 1! *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT27M39S 134 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T03:13:47.000Z oCI4z9e9p6o UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The Calm before the storm MARTIAL-LAW. The storm will sweep us off our feet #QAnon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- The Calm before the storm is what we're at this time. The storm will sweep us off our feet #QAnon. We are waiting so what's to come to pass it's going to be very very very disturbing. FEMA Walmart martial-law must be imposed to drain the swamp. I hate to be the one to break the news but this is going to come to play there's no reason to fear because it's going to happen regardless. Be blessed I am we are the 1. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT19M38S 3480 30 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T04:45:46.000Z lrJKJhyzUKU UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Part 1 series Q post news 243 pages of Q post #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #DRAINTHESWAMP #QAnon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Part 1 #Q post news 243 pages of Q post #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #DRAINTHESWAMP #LockHerUp. This is a series part 1 243 page PDF file I'll be making videos of this post until I finish the 243 pages of review Thanks to I am we are at Twitter. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT24M34S 504 3 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T08:36:38.000Z UbzTeMfz4vs UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #3, #QAnon, Eisenhower's address, January 17, 1961. The term military–industrial complex #q "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #3, #QAnon, Eisenhower's farewell address, January 17, 1961. The term military–industrial complex #qmap #followthewhiterabbit Industrial information complex, big business, Halliburton Dick Cheney, BEHEMOTH, Geoffory Perret, C. Wright Mills, James Kurth, private military companies, James Ledbetter, Winfield w. Reifler, Godspeed Follow the map, big business, Malcolm m o o said, #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, Beauty and the Beast, AI, the Beast, Illuminati, Rothschild, Satanist, Bohemian Grove, owl, knowledge is Power, Power is Priceless *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H47S 696 8 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T09:38:32.000Z OUM3xpaXLUA UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow PART 2 #qmap December 30th 2017 #Qanon insurance, Rothschild, Illuminati "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- PART 2 #qmap December 30th 2017, Q, a, non insurance, WikiLeaks, deep state, cabal, Illuminati, there is no such thing as coincidence, the past tells the future, the the future tells see past, WikiLeaks, and Q, post, match, there is no such thing as coincidence, Godspeed, listen, to, the previous address, by Eisenhower, he says Godspeed, study to show yourself approved, do not be deceived for God shall not be mocked for whatever a man sows he shall also rea,. KEY COMPANIES, FOUNDATIONS, &, COUNTRIES, FROM THE CABAL, THE CLINTON FOUNDATION,, FUSION GPS & URANIUM ONE , PLAYBOY – FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT,, IN-Q-TEL, SPACEX, GOOGLE, ALPHABET, KEYHOLE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, THE RED CROSS, NORTH KOREA, THE VATICAN, KEY PERSONS OR FAMILIES OF THE CABAL, ++THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY DYNASTY, +++AL SA’UD FAMILY (KSA,SA,SAUDI ARABIA ROYAL FAMILY), + GEORGE SOROS, THE ROYAL UK FAMILY, HOUSE OF WINDSOR, PAST PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES KEY (RECENT) EVENTS, LAS VEGAS SHOOTING, ATLANTA’S AIRPOWER, POWER OUTAGE INCIDENT, THE AMTRAK TRAIN’S INCIDENT NEAR DUPONT,WASHINGTON. 206 THE ROTHSCHILD BUCKINGHAMSHIRE’S CRASH, KEY (PAST) EVENTS, ASSASSINATION OF (J.F.K.), 911 – SEPTEMBER 11,2001ATTACKS, TERROR ATTACKS WORLDWIDE AKA THE CABAL’S FEAR PORN, KEY TOP SECRET PROJECTS 211 OPERATION PAPERCLIP, PROJECT MOCKINGBIRD, PROJECT MKULTRA (MIND CONTROL, PROJECT BLUEBOOK, CONCLUSIONS, SO, IS Q CLEARANCE ANON A LEGITIMATE INSIDER?, DOES HIS POSTS MEANS ANYTHING?, THE GREAT AWAKENING, RED PILL /AWAKE EVERYONE, AUTHOR’S LAST THOUGHT ON ALL OF THIS, PREVIOUS CBTS 4CHAN.ORG/POL/ THREADS, PREVIOUS CBTS 8CH.NET/CBTS/ THREADS, USEFUL LINKS, LIST OF POLITICIANS RESIGNING OR NOT SEEKING RE-ELECTION, LIST OF CEO THAT RESIGNED / WERE FIRED RECENTLY, LIST OF POLITICIANS WITH “BOOTS”, WHITE HOUSE ANON (WH ANON), *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT39M21S 4284 9 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T12:54:06.000Z AbqlXQZEfJE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow INDICTEMENT FOR 9/11 PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION #qanon, SOROS,CLINTON,OBAMA etc "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- 99-9920 RICHARD CHENEY, JOHN BRENNAN, JOHN ASHCROFT, ROBERT MUELLER, GEORGE W. BUSH, GEORGE H.W. BUSH, KEVIN SPACEY, BARACK OBAMA, JOHN MCCAIN, JAMES BAKER, EDGAR BRONFMAN SR., PAUL WOLFOWITZ, RICHARD PERLE, PETER MUNK, CONDALEEZA RICE, GEORGE SOROS, JOHN KERRY, BANDAR BIN SULTAN, DAVID ROCKEFELLER, BRENT SNOWCROFT, ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI and HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (Cheney, Brennan et. all with prejudice) Concerning conspiracy to enact treason with a public Black-Op Attack on the united states, to include the twin towers stationed in New York City on September 11, 2001[9/11]. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #fOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT #qaNON #MAGA #HAPPYNEWYEAR PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT46M52S 83766 336 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T14:12:19.000Z rSEvBGhMMCE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking "President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month  LAW & JUSTICE *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M9S 335 2 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-30T23:57:43.000Z _A4YI6nMnxs UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow My hand after two weeks after surgery #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #MAGA #BE #BLESSED-IAM#WeAre "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- My hand after two weeks after surgery #QAnon #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #MAGA #BE #BLESSED-IAM#WeAre PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M32S 136 8 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-31T08:30:51.000Z i_rpqR4roKA UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow NEW #QMAP #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- This is a #Qmap IAm taking you from the beginning to the present. This is Part 1 of 24/243. #Qanon #Qmap #Followthewhiterabbit. Be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT53M48S 2936 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-01T05:17:38.000Z tcWTIrh2NVc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow @MIBCOIN.IO MIB COIN MAINNET ADMINISTRATOR "@MIBCOIN MAINNET ADMIN @RealDonaldTrump, AS THE WORLD TURNS ....... I CONSIDER MY CHANNEL TO BE AN INFORMATIVE AND TRUTHFUL NON-SCRIPTED PLATFORM THAT ENABLES ME TO SPREAD SEEDS AND SPARK FLAMES. I SPENT THE FIRST 90 DAYS OF THIS YEAR DAYS AT A TIME FOCUSING ON THE ISSUES WITH OUR POLITICAL AND SOCIETY ECONOMY AND ECOSYSTEM RESEARCHING DOCUMENTING BLOGGING AND BROADCASTING. AFTER ABOUT FOUR MONTHS A CONSTANT CRAWLING IN RABBIT HOLES I FOUND SOME DOCUMENTS THAT MADE ME VERY SICK. I BELIEVE THAT THIS WAS GOD TELLING ME TO TAKE A BREAK SO I DID. I'VE BEEN BLESSED DUE TO THE DECISIONS THROUGHOUT MY LIFE TO EXPERIENCE MANY DIFFERENT THINGS THE MOST PEOPLE COULDN'T IMAGINE. THESE THINGS WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME PUBLICLY NO KNOWLEDGE ONCE I BEGIN TO RIDE MY BOOKS ON AMAZON. ONCE I TOOK MY FOCUS OFF THE Q THE DEEP STATE MOVE TO ELIMINATE THE ONE PERSON THAT COULD DRAIN THE SWAMP PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP. I HAVE USED THINGS FROM GEMATRIA 2 GEOMETRY MATHEMATICS NUMEROLOGY AND OTHER THINGS THAT IT CAN ONLY BE ATTAINED THROUGH WISDOM PROVIDED BY SOURCE OR GOD OR YOUR HIGHER POWER. AFTER I SHIFTED MY FOCUS TO THE FINANCIAL ISSUES WITH OUR MONETARY SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES AFTER RESEARCHING THE BASES IN THE FOUNDATION OF THE MONETARY SYSTEM I LEARNED THAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE VATICAN ALONG WITH THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR FOR THE FIRST BANKERS AND THEIR BLOODLINES REACH ALL THE WAY DOWN TO OUR CURRENT POLITICAL MEDICAL AND EVERY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX THAT IS PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES. I REALIZED AFTER DOING RESEARCH THAT WE ARE LIED TO AND SCHOOL WE'RE LIED TO AND SOCIETY WE ARE ALLOWED TO THROUGH THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA THAT IS CONTROLLED BY 6 COMPANIES. THESE THINGS ARE SETUP TO SOCIALLY CONDITION AND CREATE MIND CONTROL NOT ONLY USING THINGS SUCH AS FLUORIDE GMO FOODS BAYER DOESN'T ONLY MAKE ASPIRIN MONSANTO DOESN'T ONLY RESEARCH THE POSITIVE ASPECTS OF MODIFYING FOODS. THESE TWO COMPANIES ARE PLANNING TO MERGE AND BECOME ONE COMPANY SUCH AS ONE COMPANY THAT I CAN EXAMPLE MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF GENERAL ELECTRIC AND ZURICH TWO OF THE MOST POWERFUL COMPANIES IN THE WORLD. These two companies are going to create a seedless food that is grown something like what you would call sinsemilia when it comes to marijuana. What are you going to do when you can no longer grow your own food but have no choice but to purchase what they provide. This is one of the main issues at hand as well as the monetary system which after many hours of research I was able to prove not only through two individuals who were able to access your TDA accounts. But also through using my social security number and the letter on the back of your Social Security card to find the bank where I have an account that I cannot access unless I am willing to get charged criminally for a minor contract is created when you're born. This Minor contract can easily be verified by taking your social security number Googling the letter on the back of the Social Security card with the verbose words TDA routing number Federal Reserved Bank. once you get your routing number you will have the ability to set up an account I was personally able to set up an account with Amazon the video is on at least for my videos showing my Federal Reserve checking account setup. If you don't believe me go to Amazon and try to set up a checking account as a payment option on your account using random numbers see if you were able to create an actual account. This is for educational purposes only under universal law by our Creator God it is scripture the Freewill is given to all men and women. This is not an option it is law Beyond any law of the land or the maritime law of international law which is what we're under at this time. That's how we're trade this commodity we are the gold that's not present at the Federal Reserve since 1940. But there's hope it's called blockchain cryptocurrency and it is being backed by gold and precious metals and Dubai a company named Regal and this company deals in gold and precious metals. At this time they are backing and have a contract to enabled them to create Cold Storage wallets where there is no risk of your assets through hacking or any other Act. Now the cryptocurrency is being backed by gold the Federal Reserve which is nothing but a bank owned by a few very rich individuals the only thing that's reserved is the printing press and the paper. My dream is to become the person that Tesla never was able to become due to Greed through technology I plan on creating a prototype based on #fpga and I have an innovator minted coin with my picture on the coin which most people don't know is a bill that hasn't passed that will allow creation of an innovator coin every 13 years. Before I pass my dream is to be on one of those innovator coins be blessed there isn't enough room for me to continue. Twitter: @AustinYeshua Patreon: BLOCKCHAIN STEEMIT.COM/@mib-coin-usa \/DLIVE.IO/@mib-coin-usa" usa 27 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#Godf'] PT3M28S 1209 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-01T11:06:19.000Z uFlIIkNBjLM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon How every war has been started amd why "#QAnon Education on the warmacgine that considers you a commodty under Mari-Time Law. #Qanon #Qmap #Followthewhiterabbit. Be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1. *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H3M51S 1503 7 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-01T11:35:29.000Z phNUoSU7JgQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon #MAGA North Korea's Kim Jong-un 'open to dialogue' with South #NorthKorea #MAGA #Qanon "#QAnon #MAGA North Korea's Kim Jong-un 'open to dialogue' with South #NorthKorea #MAGA #Qanon *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT2M53S 797 9 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-01T13:23:58.000Z 0RBRD0bTb9g UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow New 1/1/17 #qmap#QAnon The ties to Branch Dividians and the Oklahoma city Bombing one of the phases "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- First, Congress was beginning to move forward toward an investigation of the disaster at Waco.  Congress had appointed the committee to hold hearings and was beginning to draw up a list of witnesses.  The records on the Waco tragedy were held in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  Of course, they were totally destroyed by the bomb blast [I wonder if a bomb was set inside one of the filing cabinets holding the records].  Immediately after the Murrah Building was demolished, Congress called off its investigation. #QAnon #qmap Janet Reno +++ The ATF was out of money so they cut a deal with Satan. Killing innocent women and children then covering it up by blowing up Oklahoma city bombing federal building to get rid of evidence. They played us so well but #DonaldTrump J. Trump has the fiddle watch how the finale ends +++ Everything is connected the past tells the future the future tells the past. Qmap one of the most recent false flag attacks in American history. IAM BLESSED WE ARE 1 QANON Followthewhiterabbit #Illuminati #cabal #qmap 3 +++. The president holding a Fiji bottle with two hands meant he was coming for BO and he would be handcuffed. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT36M28S 2195 18 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-02T13:54:42.000Z 0Qf5N9W8KPc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon Facebook is joining the #openweb but have redflagged me to be unable to access my account "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #QAnon #Qpost Follow the Map The past tells the future, The Future tells the Past+ #Qpost next video decoded for you GEMATRIA 10, 10-9 JA #wikileaks #assange @dnn IAM currently trying to raise money to begin buying broadcasting equipment and software I need help. If you can contribute please do. Also the future of news and journalism is here now. We will control and verify all news from Fake stream media to The independent truth. Vetted by AI on the Cryptocurrency ethereum network that's controlled by the people. Verified and incapable of fraud due to encryption and #hashflare coding if anything changes on the data even a period removed from the end of a sentence would change the signature and it would be separated from the data because torrent p2p block chain technology cannot be fraudulent. Vetting by AI will verify the validity while verification of any fiction would eliminate the data. It's time for change, Vloggers and Bloggers come together to make this reality real and eliminate fraud by joining the campaign. This will crush the #MSM. And then what about an independent Vlogger on block chain 🔗 under the parent @DNN_BLOCKCHAIN Be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1 + Donate to my cause #HTTPS:// My Blog # The DNN # # *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3H55M26S 664 15 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-02T15:44:27.000Z pfZ3tQ1SR-Q UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon Hillary #Clinton Is Going to #Jail #trump Said 1-2 "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Trump now controls the narrative! #Qanon Today is the day I have been waiting for. He posts a tweet in code and people actually think he is taking credit for no deaths in Aviation. He said this in the tweet let me break it down DECODED- Last night I shut the airports down and no one was killed during the mission of arresting Clinton and HUMA. Be Blessed IAM *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT12M53S 1468 13 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-02T18:08:25.000Z CInev5zEiMA UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon Trump Gives clues to the masses who are awake about the airlines READ DESCRIPTION!!! "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #Qanon Ok I firstly would like to say that I just started broadcasting 8 days ago and Im working on getting my software and drivers to work the way they should which I will have resolved soon. Also I know what Trump has done and unless you know anything about me or how I get my info don't make negative comments this page channel belongs to me. I am not ignorant like most people. Donald Trumps First tweet this morning was about Clinton and Huma and the word Jail he included in his tweet This is VERBATIM \Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump Following Following @realDonaldTrump More Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. ((((((She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents))))). ((((Remember sailors pictures on submarine?)))) ((((Jail!)))) ((((Deep State)))) ((((Justice Dept must finally act))))? Also on Comey & others. You see what he said here? Huma gave The MB these documents as well as Russia. He said Jail as well to me when a president says that someone committed an act of Treason and includes the word JAIL this is to be believed. So Then he Tweeted this : Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump Following Following @realDonaldTrump More ((((Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation)))) You have to know how to decode through things and decode them. He is saying here that he controls The Narrative Now !!! ((((Good news)))) The GOOD NEWS is not the fact that everyone knows there were no deaths in the air, The good news is he has control and now controls the narrative, and these two Evil women are in PRISON GITMO- it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record! #WIKILEAKS #JA #QANON #Gematria The all seeing eye Defeating the deepstate, Listen to and watch the whole video before you claim this or that. I feel sorry that you people are so ignorant if you dont see and understand this video you ARE IGNORANT. Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump 30 Dec 2017 More I use Social Media not because I like to, but because it is the only way to fight a VERY dishonest and unfair “press,” now often referred to as Fake News Media. Phony and non-existent “sources” are being used more often than ever. Many stories & reports a pure fiction! I Speak the truth and if you are a troll I cant wait until you see the truth and it places you into a state of shock like never before. #601 = The Truth = JA = The MARK of The BEAST AI RFID chipped...+ NWO 720= Aquarius Christ coming The ALL seeing eye. The Apostle Theresa May LULZ Manchester #IAM The HOLY PLACE This is the time of the end *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H46M38S 6048 33 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-03T20:38:55.000Z v-NSSb28XVE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Surgery Today Prayers Needed After The First Surgery "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT40S 94 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T00:13:48.000Z 9KuugEUqXJk UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Surgery Went Well "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT18M18S 123 6 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T02:48:39.000Z 4LXrF547qVI UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow I Understand My Videos Have Sound And Quality Issues "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Next video will be based on the quantum computer as well as the main Creator of the quantum computer that is now in possession by NASA and Google. To be continued I'll be back... Science fiction is no longer fiction. #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT5M11S 86 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-04T06:17:18.000Z Y-UCSX91jb4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Julian ASSANGE Will Be Paardoned By TRUMP "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT39S 139 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-05T04:58:56.000Z FjQROxjcVFI UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Gray State David Crowley "#Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M59S 186 7 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T04:14:09.000Z E0NM66MKkIM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon The Matrix Philosophy Knowledge, #Followthewhiterabbit #Qanon #deepstate "#Qanon The Matrix Philosophy Knowledge, #Followthewhiterabbit #Qanon #deepstate #MAGA *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H3M34S 342 7 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T07:00:22.000Z AdrLAqDfXck UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Qanon The Industrial Complex Part A analyzing All aspects "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the PNAC sent a letter to President George W. Bush, advocating ""a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq"", or regime change. The letter suggested that ""any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq,"" even if no evidence surfaced linking Iraq to the September 11 attacks. The letter warned that allowing Hussein to remain in power would be ""an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism.George W. Bush administration after September 11, 2001, suggesting that Bush's ""dominant"" foreign policy was at least partly inspired by the PNAC's ideas.[Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled ""Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force"" became the subject of considerable controversy: ""Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.""[45] Journalist John Pilger pointed to this passage when he argued that Bush administration had used the events of September 11 as an opportunity to capitalize on long-desired plan Like many Bush administration officials, former Bush administration Medicare official Thomas Scully was appointed to his position after lobbying for companies he was then supposed to regulate. Scully represented the nation's for-profit hospitals as a lobbyist before joining the administration in June 2001. Eight months after he was hired, the agency moved to settle final claims involving HCA Inc., a hospital chain that was the biggest member of Scully's former employer, the Federation of American Hospitals. Scully said he'd stay out of the case, but an attorney who represented HHS whistleblowers said the final settlement represented ""a total sellout by Scully, who totally negotiated it behind Justice's back."" Scully left the Bush administration in December 2003, just after the president signed the Medicare bill, to work for two firms representing drug manufacturers and Medicare providers who benefited from the law. A study by Common Cause notes: ""These jobs did not just drop into his lap in December. He had apparently been negotiating with healthcare-related firms at the same time he was helping the Administration push the controversial prescription drug legislation through Congress, which directly affected those industries."" Remarkably, Scully's conflict of interest was sanctioned by the Bush administration, which granted Scully an ethics waiver ""so that he could negotiate with potential employers while he helped write the Medicare law."" Over forty members of the Bush administration either worked for Enron, or represented them as lobbyists. It's no wonder, therefore, that the Bush administration had numerous meetings with Enron officials These groups are the Military Industrial Complex, the Political Industrial Complex, the Prison Industrial Complex, the Surveillance Industrial Complex, the Media Industrial Complex, the Academic Industrial Complex, the Agricultural *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H12M31S 150 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T13:05:33.000Z u3kBl0aymPc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow QAnon, #qMAP, 4.2, pART 1, #followthewhiterabbit, #thestorm, #CBTS "4.2 qMAP THANKS TO @iamweare part 1 tO bE cONTINUED+++ qANON *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H2M26S 603 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T18:56:45.000Z LZ2sWEGWz8s UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon #MAGA #followthewhiterabbit #haarp #INDECT #HAARP 5.1 magnitude earthquake hits "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #QAnon, #MAGA, #followthewhiterabbit, #haarp, Live Streaming 5.1 magnitude earthquake hits, #Surveillance, #INDECT, #BigBrother, *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT29M35S 283 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T20:37:42.000Z 6hvDtdw9mbQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QAnon #indect #BigBrother #EU INDECT PARTNERS #FOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT33M57S 118 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-06T23:29:13.000Z WD3pFNWlQ2s UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Copy of #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, #TheStorm, #MOSSAD 911 ISSER HARREL "MOSSAD, 911, KROLL, AMIT YORAN, JOHN ONEIL, NSA MOSSAD, PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT2H5M43S 211 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-09T02:33:25.000Z pdH_-LgyC68 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Qanon Tom Steyer is George Soros new front man #MAGA "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Qanon Tom Steyer one of the most crooked human beings on the planet. Here is the truth about Tom. He is trying to impeach Trump because he is the new front man for George Soros. #followthewhiterabbit #qanon #POTUS #MAGA *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATLY OWNED, which make the Governement a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. The FED and the IRS FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q Same shit World Wide. Thanks to the Cabal via Rothschild family. That’s why Q listed all the banks. They are ALL PRIVATELY OWNED, which make the Government a slave to his debt, to the private Bankster. ONLY 3 BANKS ARE STILL NON-ROTHSCHILD: North Korea, Iran & Cuba. PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT33M 711 11 20 1 not set not set 2018-01-09T09:17:00.000Z dxiYw-at97I UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow New #followthewhiterabbit #qanon Store "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Support the cause more designs coming soon PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M21S 85 0 1 1 not set not set 2018-01-09T15:09:40.000Z 6I8c2Q8bk4c UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Live Streaming #Qanon Today's breaking news all positive #FOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Live Streaming Qanon Today's breaking news all positive #followthewhiterabbit #trump #TRUTH #qanon #Thestormisuponus #maga PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT28M26S 840 14 22 4 not set not set 2018-01-11T07:44:14.000Z XY5Ldl_yjPM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow TODAY'S breaking news from #8chan #qanon to #assange & Weinstein "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- TODAY'S breaking news from #8chan #qanon to #assange & Weinstein #followthewhiterabbit #trump #TRUTH #qanon #Thestormisuponus PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT39M52S 1390 3 25 2 not set not set 2018-01-13T08:47:43.000Z 1d2l-uwFewg UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Qanon the message and who he is Ashtar The age of Aquarius The #Greatawakening "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Qanon the message and who he is Ashtar The age of Aquarius The #Greatawakening. #Qanon is Ashtar of The Galactic Federation. Be Blessed soon you will know the truth with your own eyes I already do. BE BLESSED IAM WE ARE Q #followthelight PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M54S 256 0 3 3 not set not set 2018-01-13T08:55:58.000Z qtL1-hRBsp8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Trailor 1 Qanon is The Ashtar Command Spiritual Ascension The great Awakening is now Age of Aquarius "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Trailor2 Qanon is the Ashtar Command the Age of Aquarius, #thegreatawakening+++Qanon, followthewhiterabbit, greatawakening, spiritual ascension, Ashtar Command, disclosure, PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M26S 214 1 4 5 not set not set 2018-01-15T01:50:00.000Z lLsg8nLCb40 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow New Qanon qpost 1-14-18 No such thing as coincidence "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- WE, THE PEOPLE! WE, THE PEOPLE! WE, THE PEOPLE! WE, THE PEOPLE! WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. NO ONE PERSON IS ABOVE ANOTHER. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE TAKING BACK OUR COUNTRY (& WORLD) FROM THE EVIL LOSERS WHO WOULD DO US HARM (ALL FOR A BUCK). NO MORE. STAND UP PATRIOTS. STAND UP AND DEFEND WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 4, 10, 20 PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT11M4S 355 4 13 2 not set not set 2018-01-15T01:50:34.000Z g_LbSlW8Hjg UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow News today 1-14-18 Everything is connected no coincidence #qanon #qpost #followthewhiterabbit "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- News today 1-14-18 Everything is connected no coincidence #qanon #qpost #followthewhiterabbit PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT12M2S 543 2 11 4 not set not set 2018-01-15T01:50:55.000Z GNFf5DbFyhc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Gitmo, okc bombing, tg to become gitmo prosecutor, #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Everything is connected no coincidence #qanon #qpost #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm fake news 8chan #waco 911, okc bombing #gitmo Ultimately, the debate over KSM's trial is not so much wrong as missing the bigger picture. The question here is not just whether his rights as a defendant are being sufficiently upheld; it is also about getting to the truth. A secretive process with less than rigorous standards of proof is not conducive to establishing that truth or disclosing it. It's a problem in all high-profile cases, whatever the rules of the game. And the best corrective is constant public pressure. This is not just about President Obama placating his Republican adversaries in Congress, or going back on his campaign pledges; it's about having the information to be able to learn from the past and prevent future September 11. Everyone should be able to agree on the wisdom of that PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT40M12S 282 1 11 0 not set not set 2018-01-15T02:22:06.000Z KLwqlS13lZw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Gitmo x mossad "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #qanon gitmo #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus . .. mossad coming next research back PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT22M17S 465 3 5 1 not set not set 2018-01-15T07:44:13.000Z H6p8enXWVz8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow THE MOSSAD AND SECRET ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE Qanon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- If sound is low go into sound settings and select speakers then playback then double click speakers then enhancements then check loudness equalization THE MOSSAD AND SECRET ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H4M35S 1684 1 22 4 not set not set 2018-01-15T23:54:57.000Z Sq9ZyIT5VuM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Who is Steve Bannon #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Who is Steve Bannon #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT13M 287 2 4 1 not set not set 2018-01-16T00:04:42.000Z Mp33Zy4uQ6g UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Who is Jared Kushner #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm f "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Who is Jared Kushner #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm #Qanon PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M37S 276 0 2 1 not set not set 2018-01-16T00:12:11.000Z kzxkLLCSzpQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Who is Steve Miller #Qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Who is Steve Miller #Qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT4M28S 451 7 5 6 not set not set 2018-01-16T06:35:27.000Z l4VnKsQzT2g UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #qanon #Greatawakening okc waco #nesara the big picture "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #qanon #Greatawakening okc waco #nesara the big picture... This is the truth qanon is trying to bring you. #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm The time is now spiritual warfare and Ascension Be Blessed IAM WE ARE #followthewhiterabbit PAYPAL: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT14M58S 316 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-16T08:56:56.000Z EZlhLVjtVjY UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow WHORE OF BABYLON REVEALED: THE DARK SECRETS OF THE VATICAN EXPOSED #qanon #Thestormisuponus Dec "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H13M53S 279 1 9 0 not set not set 2018-01-16T13:26:12.000Z GtwIkZCcztM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Today's news #qanon #Thestormisuponus Dec "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Today's news #qanon #Thestormisuponus Dec PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M5S 254 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-01-16T15:41:11.000Z mVy9ceCP5BQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Time to make a choice the red pill or the blue #spirituality #qanon #ascension "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- DISCLAIMER Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM),, copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT54M2S 356 4 17 0 not set not set 2018-01-16T17:36:20.000Z CTDVBMUkUQ4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow All debt under the executive order of President Trump is now void nesara "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Subscribe to my channel and review my videos to find the truth. I had them so they wouldn't get deleted. Goto 2:30 of my video watch me show you how I setup my TDA account which is the account we all have. This account has been being traded on the stock market secretly since you were born. We are commodity under maritime law. If you subscribe to my channel and go through my videos which are 2 to 3 hours each you will see how all this ties in to this. It's your Treasury Direct @account. Google it!!! +++ Using your SSN and the letter on back of every SS c@rd will give you your routing number. You can't just setup a bogus account on @Amazon it will not allow you to add a payment method until account is verified. So go to this video subscribe and review my videos so you will have knowledge of what is going on. We are setup as debtors under maritime contract law. After this amendment and shutting these evil people down we will finally have access to these accounts. Under NESARA. Be Blessed analyze my channel and ease subscribe. I know I sound a little crazy at times but I know what IAM talking about be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1 All debt under the executive order of President Trump is now void nesara. If you study contract law you will under stand what the executive order implicates which is it shall be illegal 2 pay the debt because the Creditor is using its monetary wealth to finance satanic and Evil against the United States of America. So now you see it is time for us to prosper. The last shall be first the first shall be last. Asset forfeiture and seizing of all the cabal's privatized banking system under this executive order brings all out of debt and implements nesara. Be blessed I am we are 1 #qanon #nomoredebt PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT14M34S 14365 128 277 10 not set not set 2018-01-16T19:00:44.000Z JfxtMyAVlbo UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Live Streaming #DACA NEW PROVISIONS 1-16-18 #DHS #QANON #THESTORM #MAGA "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Live Streaming #DACA NEW PROVISIONS 1-16-18 #DHS #QANON #THESTORM #MAGA PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT31M17S 251 1 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-18T01:27:30.000Z nEjP0TzPXCU UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Mkultra the past tells the future #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Mkultra the past tells the future #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT13M37S 344 1 8 1 not set not set 2018-01-18T02:55:39.000Z 216aK68vhvc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #coursera Become a Journalist "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- This is the future of education. Due to technology advances and #AI automaton we as humans will have to find other ways to support our families. IAM doing these videos because I know it will help others move forward in this advanced society where we will have to find ways to contribute to society in the field of technology that we are interested in. Be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1 Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3M15S 44 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-18T03:56:25.000Z kOspTjTISqc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The truth about the #Illuminati the #Pontifex and the war on terror "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm The truth about the #Illuminati the #Pontifex and the war on terror Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT18M43S 69 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-18T05:29:45.000Z 9Zjf_ACjB3w UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards, #qanon, #followthewhiterabbit, #Thestormisuponus, #thestorm Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M20S 37 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-18T07:50:46.000Z 3ZYlzHykaWw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Office "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Office #cwmd Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT11M51S 56 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T04:54:09.000Z j2ar16Qyem4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Copy of Nikola Tesla inventions hidden by the Deep state h a a r p "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Nikola Tesla hidden Technologies free energy HAARP. Free energy is real and being hidden from us. But soon it will be revealed. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT4M4S 119 1 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T08:59:35.000Z Z8P1dVubhNw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Henry VIII Beheaded Meghan Markle’s Ancestor #qanon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- That’s a pretty strange thing to argue, considering that King Henry VIII only established the Church of England to “annul” his 24-year marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Even more bizarrely, this isn’t the only way that the stories of Markle and Henry VIII intersect. According to The Telegraph, Henry VIII also beheaded one of Markle’s relatives. Subscribe to my channel Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M14S 175 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T09:18:01.000Z KcKd_77NIw8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Live December 19 2018 #qpost #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Live December 19 2018 #qpost #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT18M24S 114 4 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T10:00:58.000Z HMesVh8JtQ8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow GOP lawmakers demand that 'alarming' memo on FISA abuses be made public #qanon #THESTORM "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- GOP lawmakers demand that 'alarming' memo on FISA abuses be made public A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming,” with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia. Speaking with Fox News, the lawmakers said they could not yet discuss the contents of the memo they reviewed on Thursday after it was released to members by the House Intelligence Committee. But they say the memo should be immediately made public. “It is so alarming the American people have to see this,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said. “It's troubling. It is shocking,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. “Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.” Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released. “I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” he said, referencing DOJ officials Rod Rosenstein and Bruce Ohr. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT4M1S 111 3 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T10:09:06.000Z 4RWbql0W-j0 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/18/18 (Thu) 20:22:18 No.27 THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/18/18 (Thu) 20:22:18 No.27 THE GREAT AWAKENING. #obamagate, #releasethememo, Q First Revolutionary Battle at Lexington and Concord In April 1775, when British troops are sent to confiscate colonial weapons, they run into an untrained and angry militia. This ragtag army defeats 700 British soldiers and the surprise victory bolsters their confidence for the war ahead. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (""FISA"" Pub.L. 95–511, 92 Stat. 1783, 50 U.S.C. ch. 36) is a United States federal law which prescribes procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of ""foreign intelligence information"" between ""foreign powers"" and ""agents of foreign powers"" suspected of espionage or terrorism.[1] The Act created the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. It has been repeatedly amended since the September 11 attacks f you want evidence that US intelligence agencies aren’t losing surveillance abilities because of the rising use of encryption by tech companies, look no further than the testimony on Tuesday by the director of national intelligence, James Clapper +#pope Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. @pontifex #godfather #qanon #jesuit 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT17M51S 863 0 11 2 not set not set 2018-01-19T11:18:41.000Z bZBmnfpiB3w UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Hillary Clinton Greeted by Boos, Shouts of ‘Fascist’ on Way to Receive Honorary Doctorate "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was greeted by boos and shouts of “fascist” as she arrived at Swansea University, Wales, to receive an honorary doctorate. During a short five-step walk between the vehicle and the entrance to the Welsh campus building, the former Democratic Party nominee waved briefly amidst a cacophony of boos and jeers, with the sound of someone yelling “fascist” in the distance. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3M21S 1894 23 32 1 not set not set 2018-01-19T15:34:55.000Z 8x0Kon2lLL8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Former Trump staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman might have secretly recorded private conversations in "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Former Trump staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman might have secretly recorded private conversations in the White House out of fear for special counsel Robert Mueller's probe, The New York Daily News reported Friday. Sources told the Daily News that Manigault Newman, who abruptly resigned from the White House late last year, ""loves"" to record meetings. Her official last day in the administration is Saturday. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT2M26S 101 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T15:58:03.000Z hmNtF_HdJuo UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Pope Francis has triggered anger in Chile after accusing victims of a paedophile priest of slander. "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Pope Francis has triggered anger in Chile after accusing victims of a paedophile priest of slander. Francis said there was ""no proof"" for their claims that abuse by Father Fernando Karadima had been covered up by another man, Bishop Juan Barros. ""There is not one single piece of proof against him (Bishop Barros). It is all slander. Is that clear?"" the Pope said. One Karadima victim said the Pope's earlier plea for forgiveness over clerical sex abuse was ""empty"". The Pope made his comments on Thursday before celebrating Mass outside the city of Iquique in northern Chile. ""The day someone brings me proof against Bishop Barros, then I will talk,"" the Pope told journalists. Lifetime of penance Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT13M12S 217 10 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T18:08:32.000Z 6zmxwH8oif4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Fusion, Daca, FISA, Immigration and Government Shutdown "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Fusion, Daca, FISA, Immigration and Government Shutdown. ""If it turns out that our FBI has been compromised and that American citizens have been targeted for surveillance for purely political reasons, or that the Obama Justice Department and maybe even some in the White House were in on it? Boy do the people have a right to know."" — Laura Ingraham Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT6M49S 81 5 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T18:26:40.000Z XVlToDY7VYM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The minute man nuclear system uses Floppy disks from the 1980 s "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Forget the big red button, this is how the U.S. would actually conduct nuclear war. Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT4M31S 52 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T03:51:41.000Z LWYuPiWY-Io UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IN 1 HOUR DUE TO #DACA #OBAMAGATE #RELEASETHEMEMO "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IN 1 HOUR DUE TO #DACA #OBAMAGATE #RELEASETHEMEMO. Be safe more false flags imminent per #qpost. This is all due to the Democratic party not wanting the memo released. Also the military will be shut down. I wonder how this will workout. I have faith in The President. Be safe be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1 #Qanon #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1M17S 116 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-01-20T04:09:51.000Z 3oJUoFFjzFg UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #GOVERNMENT #shutdown in 1 HOUR ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/19/18 (Fri)  No.43 Remember THIS DAY. Q "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/19/18 (Fri) 15:02:49 No.43 Remember THIS DAY. ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/19/18 (Fri) 15:53:00 No.44 Why are we here? Why are we providing crumbs? Think MEMO. BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/19/18 (Fri) 16:26:08 No.45 Counter-narrative went out @ 4am to MSM contractors [like clockwork]. Russian bots. These people are REALLY REALLY STUPID. Desperation. Fear. When does a bird sing? NOBODY is safe. NO DEALS. MSM contractors #Goodbye# Fight, Fight, Fight. Q ▶Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/19/18 (Fri) 16:30:25 No.46 CS will live in fear from today forward. Thank you for visiting the WH. Q Q PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3M27S 444 3 11 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T04:18:19.000Z SVxX65_P1VE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Live Streaming Senate Shutdown Deadline #releasethememo #obamagate "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Live Streaming Senate Shutdown Deadline #releasethememo #obamagate PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, #Spacex #Tesla #Illuminati ##Information#IAM #followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #TRUTH #FEDERALRESERVE #cryptocurrency #ICO #bitcoin #trump #knowledge #qanon #consultant #truth #love #liberty #planet #Politics #QAnon #Podesta #Clinton #Schumer #Politics #MAGA #Trump #Pedogate #Pizzagate #Spacex #Knowledgeispower #powerispriceless #Twitter #Coinbase #Obama #CBTS #POL #8Chan #4chan #Knowledge #Data #Google #YouTube #Twitter #Blogger #Dump #Breadcrumbs #Conspiracy #Philosophy #Wikipedia #Deepstate #Cabal #illuminati #Pope #GodfatherIII #Blackpope #TheCrown #Vatican #D.C. #London #Queen #Warmachine #Financial #Religion #SkullandBones #AltNews #Journalist #Spiritual #Ascension #Synchronicity #AI #ElonMusk #Spacex #Web 🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌅🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌅🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌟🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT8M14S 232 3 8 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T05:20:34.000Z bXy_yi1WeBQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow New #qpost Chuck Schumer remitted John Kelly Thanks for visiting #Whitehouse "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Q !UW.yye1fxo  01/19/18 (Fri) 16:30:25 No.46 CS will live in fear from today forward. Thank you for visiting the WH. Q Yet early Wednesday evening, after learning from a White House aide that his chief of staff, John F. Kelly, had described his views about his signature, base-pleasing campaign pledge to build a wall on the Mexico border as “not informed,” and his thinking as “evolving,” the president was initially calm. It did not last. By Wednesday night, Mr. Trump had become convinced by a string of allies and friends he had talked to on the phone that Mr. Kelly had undermined him, according to people familiar with the conversations. And by Thursday morning, after digesting accounts of Mr. Kelly’s comments on cable news, the president was riled up. As the television blared, he typed out a series of tweets that rebutted Mr. Kelly without actually naming him. “The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it,” Mr. Trump wrote at 6:15 a.m. Later in the morning, the president spoke to his chief of staff, and made his displeasure clear, according to two people familiar with the conversation. Mr. Kelly has made little secret of the fact that he never wanted to be White House chief of staff, and took the job out of the same sense of duty that led him to a four-decade career in the Marines. Early in his tenure, Mr. Kelly frequently threatened to quit as a way of getting people, particularly the president, to follow his orders, according to four people close to Mr. Trump. One adviser to the president said that it was among the few weapons in Mr. Kelly’s arsenal, and another said that he used it less regularly now. Mr. Kelly has denied in the past to The New York Times that he ever threatened to quit. #RELEASETHEMEMO #Greatawakening #OBAMAGATE #qanon #THESTORM PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT16M51S 1076 14 18 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T02:02:11.000Z s3Nb3ahALzc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow ICRC International Red Cross #Followthemoney #Greatawakening #Obamagate #Releasethememo "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- I apologize about the sound I forgot to take tape off webcam/mic The BIG Picture Here And Now is SPIRITUALITY & ASCENSION This is the Storm Between Good and evil. This is the rapture, politics are only part of this. So I will begin adding Spiritual, Collective Consciousness, Singularity, and Time Line Shift videos along with education on Frequencies and how everything is based on this along with Numerology, Gem-atria, Geometry, and the Matrix, Quantum Physics, and Philosophy. LOVE & LIGHT Are The KEYS to Breaking the Code! Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate, #GodfatherIII #POPE #Rogueagents, #Aliceinwonderland, #Wikipedia 2017 _saudi_purge, #HUMA #SOROS #Operator, #WBXV1GI1476854 #CAlmBtStrom #Outages #Narrative Now controlled by IAM WE ARE, #DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS, #LIGHTS-GO-OUT-CONTROLLED, #Embedded-Tracking-into-POTUS-Twitter, #Thecalmbeforethestorm, #Thestormisuponus, #intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer, #Trump, #Pedogate, #Pizzagate, #Podesta, #Clinton, #Obama, #rabbithole, #yeshuaaustin ,#8chan, #POL, #CBTS, #DATA, 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT13M5S 199 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T04:38:23.000Z iBln0iqgb8A UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #The Vatican, And the #Jesuit Connection Part 1 ,#Qanon, #MAGA, #Trump, #Obamagate, #Releasethememo "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- ""The very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society. For we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret proceedings and to secret oaths""... ""For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."" - John F. Kennedy secret society speech on April 27, 1961 (murdered on November 22, 1963). The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope). The ""Society of Jesus"" - as they are officially known - was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican institution's primary objective. The Jesuit Order is since 1814 in complete control of the - obscenely wealthy - Vatican institution (and its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and presently also controls various other organizations together with the Military Order of Malta, such as: the United Nations NATO European Commission Council on Foreign Relations various central banks big corporations secret services numerous societies and cults, such as Freemasonry (""The Brotherhood"") and Opus Dei Truth I will Reveal! The BIG Picture Here And Now is SPIRITUALITY & ASCENSION This is the Storm Between Good and evil. This is the rapture, politics are only part of this. So I will begin adding Spiritual, Collective Consciousness, Singularity, and Time Line Shift videos along with education on Frequencies and how everything is based on this along with Numerology, Gem-atria, Geometry, and the Matrix, Quantum Physics, and Philosophy. LOVE & LIGHT Are The KEYS to Breaking the Code! Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT1H4M42S 861 11 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T06:50:20.000Z ALM6IMrSsAw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Earthquake in Chile Day after Mexico #HAARP, #Obamagate, #Releasethememo "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- The epicentre of the huge tremor was 47 miles south of Putre, Chile. The earthquake will have been felt as far away as neighbouring Peru and Boliva, according to a USGS shake map. Peru was devastated by a deadly earthquake just over a week ago on January 14 leaving at least 65 people injured. No reports of casualties or damage from this latest quake have emerged so far. Authorities have not issued a tsunami warning. The tremor shook the region at 10.10pm CLST, 1.10am GMT. The Peruvian city of Tacna stands less than 75 miles away from the epicentre. Local media have revealed that there are currently no reports of damage. The BIG Picture Here And Now is SPIRITUALITY & ASCENSION This is the Storm Between Good and evil. This is the rapture, politics are only part of this. So I will begin adding Spiritual, Collective Consciousness, Singularity, and Time Line Shift videos along with education on Frequencies and how everything is based on this along with Numerology, Gem-atria, Geometry, and the Matrix, Quantum Physics, and Philosophy. LOVE & LIGHT Are The KEYS to Breaking the Code! Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo', 'HAARP', 'WheatherControl', 'Earthquake', 'Chile', 'Mexico', 'Deepstate'] PT45M 211 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-21T21:57:16.000Z RQHvh80EMCY UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #qanon Q releases #memo in this video is a 16 year plan to destroy America. #RELEASETHEMEMO #obamaga "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government. Links Live Streaming #qanon releases #memo 16 year plan to destroy America #releasethememo #followthewhiterabbit #Thestormisuponus #thestorm #releasethememo #obamagate #memoreleased and more... 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 not set PT30M4S 5475 37 87 4 not set not set 2018-01-22T06:45:30.000Z nyyObTiIdTk UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #The Vatican, And the #Jesuit Connection Part 2 ,#Qanon, #MAGA, #Trump, #Obamagate, #Releasethememo "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- @pontifex ""The very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society. For we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret proceedings and to secret oaths""... ""For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."" - John F. Kennedy secret society speech on April 27, 1961 (murdered on November 22, 1963). The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope). The ""Society of Jesus"" - as they are officially known - was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican institution's primary objective. The Jesuit Order is since 1814 in complete control of the - obscenely wealthy - Vatican institution (and its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and presently also controls various other organizations together with the Military Order of Malta, such as: the United Nations NATO European Commission Council on Foreign Relations various central banks big corporations secret services numerous societies and cults, such as Freemasonry (""The Brotherhood"") and Opus Dei Truth I will Reveal! The BIG Picture Here And Now is SPIRITUALITY & ASCENSION This is the Storm Between Good and evil. This is the rapture, politics are only part of this. So I will begin adding Spiritual, Collective Consciousness, Singularity, and Time Line Shift videos along with education on Frequencies and how everything is based on this along with Numerology, Gem-atria, Geometry, and the Matrix, Quantum Physics, and Philosophy. LOVE & LIGHT Are The KEYS to Breaking the Code! Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT48M23S 290 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-22T09:00:48.000Z H0NSko26z64 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon post of China Men=White Dragon Society COMES TO DESTROY ILLUMINATI "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #Qanon post of China Men=White Dragon Society, comes to reveal the new data on the recent Japan earthquake and warn the elite, which could be called ""Satanic"" that the ultimatum expires soon. The White Dragon Society is a Chinese secret society with a membership of 6,000,000 (intellectuals such as teachers in various areas, scientists, politicians, etc.), including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional assassins, according to Tokyo-based thereof . She issued an ultimatum to the Illuminati , warning that if they persist with their plan to depopulate the earth, they will be killed. The company has created an alliance uniting China, Russia , India , South America , ASEAN , the free Muslim nations and Africa ,all united to stop the Illuminati. He claims, among others, that: 1 - AIDS and SARS are weapons of bio-engineering of the Illuminati to reduce the African people ( ""Black"") and Asian populations ( AIDS created to reduce African and population SARS to reduce populations Asian in the world); 2 - The terrorist attack of September 11 was an ""inside job"" carried out by the US government as a false flag attack to bring a new mobilization imperialist; 3 - The Pentagon , the oil industry, the banking elite, and the pharmaceutical industry suppressed inventions, including on free energy and anti-gravity technology to maintain power ; 4 - Since 2009, Fulford has affirmed, including through videos posted on YouTube, that the US government, using a secret military program known as HAARP ( High Frequency Active Aurora Research Program ) has altered the climate and with high power energy microwave of this technology has produced earthquakes , including the tsunami in Asia (2004) and earthquakes in Japan (1995), China (2008), Haiti (2010), Chile (2010), New Zealand (2011) and Japan (2011) and further cyclones (Myanmar), tornados, snow storms and melting the poles. 5 - The fleet of American ships and submarines was before the earthquake in the region and installed nuclear artifacts resulting underwater crevices of the meeting of tectonic plates aiming to cause the earthquake and tusnami and to disguise the resulting radioactivity, promoted Japanese nuclear plants attacks using the project HAARP, the death ray. Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo', 'white dragon society', 'china', 'dragon society'] PT37M44S 1816 21 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-23T23:36:02.000Z Pe4IhCCzmU8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Man with gun, ammunition arrested outside Whitehouse "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Man with gun, ammunition arrested outside Whitehouse. Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['Whitehouse', 'Man with gun whitehouse', 'man arrested with gun whitehouse', 'news', 'President Trump', 'Washington D.C.', 'Qanon', 'qpost', '#Politics', '#QAnon', '#Podesta', '#Clinton', '#Schumer', '#MAGA', '#Trump', '#Pedogate', '#Pizzagate', '#Spacex', '#Twitter', '#Coinbase', '#Obama', '#CBTS', '#POL', '#8Chan', '#4chan', '#Knowledge', '#Data', '#Google', '#YouTube', '#Dump', '#Breadcrumbs', '#Deepstate', '#Cabal', '#Pope', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Jesuit', '#Order Of Malta', '#TheCrown', '#Vatican', '#Queen', '#Religion', '#SkullandBones', '#AltNews', '#AI'] PT4M41S 67 0 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-23T23:46:57.000Z gIQ4iR3PKJ4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow FBI Director Chris Wray replaces James Rybicki, Comey-era chief of staff "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- FBI Director Chris Wray replaces James Rybicki, Comey-era chief of staff Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues. 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌅 🌟 🌅🌅 🌅 🌅 🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌟🌟 🌅🌟🌅 🌟🌅 🌅🌟🌅🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌅🌟 🌟🌟 🌟" usa 25 ['#Qanon', 'TheStorm', '#CBTS', '#8Chan', '#BIGBROTHER', '#EU', '#Deepstate', '#BO', '#MartialLaw', '#Patriots', '#POTUS', '#intelgroup', '#KHAZARIAN', '#Freemason', '#FederalReserve', '#Iran', '#NorthKorea', '#Schumer', '#Trump', '#Pedogate', '#Pizzagate', '#Podesta', '#Clinton', '#Obama', '#MAGA', '#TRUTH', '#bitcoin', '#trump', '#qanon', '#love', '#planet', '#Politics', '#QAnon', '#Twitter', '#POL', '#4chan', '#Data', '#Blogger', '#Conspiracy', '#Philosophy', '#Cabal', '#Pope', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Jesuit', '#Order Of Malta', '#TheCrown'] PT5M44S 262 2 11 1 not set not set 2018-01-24T00:29:18.000Z rf35eaITdI0 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon New Federal Reserve Chair Powell is a Jesuit and Was Chair of Carlyle Group "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- In 1971, Powell graduated from Georgetown Preparatory School, a Jesuit university-preparatory school. He received a Bachelor of Arts in politics from Princeton University in 1975, where his senior thesis was titled ""South Africa: Forces for Change."" In 1975-1976, he spent a year as a legislative assistant to Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania, who ran an unsuccessful campaign for Vice President of the United States on a ticket with Ronald Reagan during the primary election in 1976. Powell earned a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1979, where he was editor-in-chief of the Georgetown Law Journal. From 1997 to 2005, Powell was a partner at The Carlyle Group, where he founded and led the Industrial Group within the Carlyle U.S. Buyout Fund In September 2007, Mubadala Development Company, an investment vehicle for the government of Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates, purchased a 7.5% stake for $1.35 billion Carlyle's 2001 investor conference took place on September 11, 2001. In the weeks following the meeting, it was reported that Shafiq bin Laden, a member of the Bin Laden family, had been the ""guest of honor"", and that they were investors in Carlyle managed funds. Later reports confirmed that the Bin Laden family had invested $2 million into Carlyle's $1.3 billion Carlyle Partners II Fund in 1995, making the family relatively small investors with the firm. However, their overall investment might have been considerably larger, with the $2 million committed in 1995 only being an initial contribution that grew over time. These connections would later be profiled in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911. The Bin Laden family liquidated its holdings in Carlyle's funds in October 2001, just after the September 11th attacks, when the connection of their family name to the Carlyle Group's name became impolitic. The BIG Picture Here And Now is SPIRITUALITY & ASCENSION This is the Storm Between Good and evil. This is the rapture, politics are only part of this. So I will begin adding Spiritual, Collective Consciousness, Singularity, and Time Line Shift videos along with education on Frequencies and how everything is based on this along with Numerology, Gem-atria, Geometry, and the Matrix, Quantum Physics, and Philosophy. LOVE & LIGHT Are The KEYS to Breaking the Code! Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress:" usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo', '#Federal Reserve', 'Powell', 'Chairman', '2018', 'Jesuit'] PT13M56S 370 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T01:16:54.000Z ONuS1hTvpCg UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Feinstein ,#Schiff are shutting the American down by saying #releasethememo is Controlled by Russia "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Dianne Feinstein andAdam Schiff are trying to shut the American Voice down by indicating that the #releasethememo is Controlled by Russia Propaganda. LIE LIE LIE!!!!!! We The American Citizens are not being told to use this hashtag but we want the Truth by the release of the memo we will have the truth. By the recent indications of congress members of what the memo indicates it is not Good it is Bad. We want and Demand the truth!!! Russia is not part of this just like Russia was not part of the Dossier about the Trump Collusion!!! This is crazy they implicate Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#Godf'] PT8M47S 952 28 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T01:38:54.000Z L-sazVOhP_M UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #President Trump, will meet #Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, #To End Iran Deal, "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #President Trump, will meet #Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, To End Iran Deal on Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos. National security adviser H.R. McMaster said at the White House press briefing that Trump and Netanyahu will discuss the Iranian threat and the effort to promote the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. Why it matters: The meeting will come at a time when on both issues — Iran and the Middle East peace process — there is a current or looming crisis. Trump and Netanayhu are in agreement about the need to fundamentally ""fix"" the Iranian nuclear deal or even to ""nix"" it. Trump and #Netanyahu are the only Western leaders holding this position. Show less What else to watch: #Netanyahu said today before leaving for #Davos that he will meet this week with #French President Emmanuel Macron, and #German Chancellor Angela Merkel,. He'll stress to them that the next few weeks will be ""the last opportunity to make real — not cosmetic — changes in the Iran nuclear deal"" before Trump decides that the U.S. should leave the deal. After Trump's December announcement that the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the efforts of his administration to get ""the ultimate deal"" between Israel and the Palestinians took a hard hit. The Palestinians decided to cut ties with the White House and announced they will not agree to any American mediation in the peace process. This will be the second meeting this week between the most senior members of the U.S. government and the Israeli prime minister. Earlier today, Vice President Mike Pence left Israel after a 48-hour visit that focused on U.S.-Israel relations. Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo'] PT3M55S 70 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T02:24:24.000Z oqgwjPlj2zE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #DACA,= #Democrats Against Citizens of America, #Releasethememo, "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #DACA,= #Democrats Against Citizens of America, #DemocratsAgainstCitizensofAmerica, #01/21/18 (Sun) 13:06:20 No.47 #Releasethememo, Will #SESSIONS drop the hammer?, 1 of 22. #Memo shifts narrative. #Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL. #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels. #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory +insurance #Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s). #THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. #The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America #Hussein [8] #Install rogue_ops #Leak C-intel/Mil assets #Cut funding to Mil #Command away from generals #Launch 'good guy' takedown internal remove- Valerie Jarrett sniffer #SAP sell-off #Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency) #Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM) #Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.) #Blind-eye NK nuke build #Clas-1, 2, 3 #Blind-eye Iran fund and supply #Blind-eye CLAS 23-41 #Stage SC AS 87 #U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK reduce US capacity #KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS) #CLAS 1-99 #HRC 8WWIII death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLEDpopulation growth control/pocket billions #Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL #KILL economy starve/need/enslave #Open borders #Revise Constitution #Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal) #Install 'on team' SC justices legal wins across spectrum of challengers AS 187 #Removal of electoral college pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines #Limit/remove funding of MIL #Closure of US MIL installations WW #Germany 1st #Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets censoring, CLAS 1-59 Pure EVIL. #Narrative intercept 4am, #Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS. Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.#POTUS free pass Shutdown Primary Reasons. Distract. Weaken military assets. Inc illegal votes. Black voters abandoning. ""Keep them starved"" ""Keep them blind"" ""Keep them stupid"" #HRC March 13, 2013 intercept, #TheGreatAwakening, #Fight, Fight, Fight,#Qanon Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo', '= #Democrats Against Citizens of America', '#DemocratsAgainstCitizensofAmerica'] PT18M39S 48 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T08:34:34.000Z uYkv1e4Cfv8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #RELEASETHEMEMO has been released here it is "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- release of #RELEASETHEMEMO live Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['# of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#Godf'] PT2H22M50S 201 9 6 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T17:54:52.000Z TfOYRQyhVlE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #white dragon society, And the, #Illuminati update, #GCR, #NESARA, "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- #white dragon society, And the, #Illuminati update, #GCR, #NESARA, Future of world being negotiated in next two weeks as Super Blue Blood Moon approaches By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports, White Dragon Society 163 Comments Purchase #Qanon_Apperal: PayPal: Http:// Twitter: Patreon: Blogger: Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: TRUTH ALWAYS WINS. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED #Qanon #IAM #WE_ARE 1. WE THE RED PILLED Coming together as 1, Because WE ARE 1 IAM+++ *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, #SPIRITUAL, and social justice issues." usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#Godf'] PT3M59S 1729 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-24T23:14:22.000Z 84lQsW2Frjk UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The Full Breakdown #XKeyscore, #FISA, #702, #PRISM, #NSA, #Snowden, #Qanon, , #mass surveillance "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- A special branch of the NSA called ""Follow the Money"" (FTM) monitors international payments, banking and credit card transactions and later stores the collected data in the NSA's own financial databank ""Tracfin"".[193] The NSA monitored the communications of Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff and her top aides. The agency also spied on Brazil's oil firm Petrobras as well as French diplomats, and gained access to the private network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and the SWIFT network. #GCHQ, #NSA, #XKeyscore, #CIA, #FISA, #4th ammendment, #FISINT, #ELINT, #COMINT, #FBI, #702, #quantum, #qubits, #Qanon, #FollowTheMoney, #TURBINE, #MYSTIC, #RETRO, #Nymrod, #SOMALGET, #CIRCUIT, #mass surveillance program, #Executive Order 12333, #PRISM, #TOTEGHOSTLY, #TOTECHASER, #MONKEYCALENDAR, #GOPHERSET, #DROPOUTJEEP, #CANDYGRAM, #CROSSBEAM, #Nsa-ant-genesis, #PICASSO, #TAWDRYYARD, #PHOTOANGLO, #CTX4000, #CTX4000, #LOUDAUTO, #SOUFFLETROUGH, #GOURMETTROUGH, #FEEDTROUGH, #HALLUXWATER, #JETPLOW, #DEITYBOUNCE, #IRONCHEF, #RAGEMASTER, #SURLYSPAWN, #SOMBERKNAVE, #TRINITY, #MAESTRO-II, #JUNIORMINT, #COTTONMOUTH-III, #COTTONMOUTH-II, #COTTONMOUTH-I, #NIGHTSTAND, #HOWLERMONKEY, #WISTFULTOLL, #SWAP, #IRATEMONK, #GINSU, #FIREWALK, #SPARROW_II, #Worldwide_NSA_signals_intelligence, #TOR1, #BlackBerry_intercept, #Boundless-heatmap," usa 25 ['#Knights of Malta', '#8chan', '#DACA', '#MAGApill', '#POTUS', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Trump', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#IAM', '#WE_ARE 1', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#Pontifex', '#GodfatherIII', '#Pope', '#Satanic', '#Truth', '#GoodVSEvil', '#Spiritual', '#Blessed', '#Love', '#Q !UW.yye1fxo', 'PRISM', 'XKEYSTONE', 'SNOWDEN', 'Documentary 2018', 'FISA', 'NSA', 'MASS_SURVEILANCE'] PT1H23M22S 981 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-25T22:59:13.000Z snSXOZz3WHA UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow John-#Kerry-reportedly-coaches-Palestinians-not-to-yield-to-trump-in-peace-talks-spurring-backlash "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/25/18 (Thu) 11:04:48 No.60 File (hide): 637ee0d3372c8b4⋯.jpg (18.13 KB, 455x235, 91:47, QFF.jpg) (h) (u) Thank you F&F! Coincidence? AT&T No Such Agency contract AT&T GOOG/FB/etc. 'prevent unfair censorship' PUSH. Internet Bill of Rights. Q Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/25/18 Thu 12:14:57 No.61 CONFIRMED. Why did HUSSEIN travel ahead of POTUS? ""Trump would not be in office for long, suggesting he could be out in a year."" Re-read crumbs. Future unlocks past. Q PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk," usa 25 ['#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Qanon', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#RELEASETHEMEMO', '#GreatAwkening', '#PopeCardinal', '#Followthewhiterabbit', '#Deepstate', '#GodfatherIII', '#MilitaryTribunal', '#KHAZARIAN', '#8chan', '#POL', '#Tesla', '#MAGA', '#TRUTH', '#cryptocurrency', '#Politics', '#Obama', '#Breadcrumbs'] PT12M38S 65 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-26T14:24:41.000Z 3z5JmRwqVcI UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Soros, calls #Trump administration, a 'danger to the world' "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- Soros calls Trump administration a 'danger to the world' #realtrumpnation, #qanon, #Greatawakening" usa 25 "['#Soros', 'calls', '#Trump administration', ""a 'danger to the world' #realtrumpnation"", '#qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#releasethememo']" PT15M19S 73 10 4 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T01:55:12.000Z UOcKMGBPe7E UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Earth Magnets And Himalayan Lamp "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk," usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020'] PT37M52S 84 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-02T15:46:15.000Z qtGdkcNA2FE UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow NEW #QANON RELEASES, #GREATAWAKENING, #FREEDOMDAY, #REALTRUMPNATION "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- NEW #QANON RELEASES, #GREATAWAKENING, #FREEDOMDAY, #REALTRUMPNATION" usa 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'greatawakening', 'releases', 'freedomday', '#greatawakening', '#qanon', '#releasethememo'] PT10M35S 284 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-02-02T16:22:35.000Z WUfSldn2Xt8 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #qanon, #RELEASETHEMEMO will be released and those indicated will go to prison #realtrumpnation "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- This short video answers 2 questions will the memo be released and will people go to jail. Answer to both is unequivocally YES #FREEDOMDAY #qanon, #RELEASETHEMEMO will be released and those indicated will go to prison #realtrumpnation" usa 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#releasethememo', 'memo', 'releasethememo', 'adam schiff', '#qanon'] PT3M9S 230 1 11 0 not set not set 2018-02-03T06:44:30.000Z PdV0k3QJnPI UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The short and sweet #RELEASETHEMEMO, #fisc, #fisa, #qanon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- The short and sweet #RELEASETHEMEMO, #fisc, #fisa, #qanon" usa 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'trump', 'maga', 'qanon posts', 'qanon twitter', 'qanon 4chan', 'greatawkening', 'the storm', 'the great awakening', 'great awakening', 'great awakening crash course', 'great awakening documentary', 'trump2020', 'politics', 'donald trump', 'news', 'trump 2020', 'trump 2020 prediction', 'president trump', 'news live', 'newsboys', 'newsela', 'news today', 'news 5', 'short', 'release the memo', 'fisa', 'releasethememo', 'hillary clinton', 'train'] PT15M51S 180 1 8 0 not set not set 2018-02-05T21:02:22.000Z --ZkKgNyhsU UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow The #Truth Shall Set YOU FREE, my mission is this set YOU FREE. #qanon "Please watch: ""Students at Florida college are controlling Drones using their brains!"" --~-- The #Truth Shall Set YOU FREE, my mission is this set YOU FREE. I will be digging deeper into these things that are not of common knowledge due to deceit and greed. EXPOSING the satanic cabal is the BIG PICTURE, get out of the box and do your part to plant seeds and spark flames, the flame is curiosity, the seed is truth.+++### I exposed the truth behind #waco, #okcbombing, next video will be about #Lincoln and how his death was caused by the #jesuit. Then I will do a video on Martin Luther not King he went against the Roman Catholic church long ago. I will begin to paint pictures my channel is a map to #TRUTH. Be Blessed IAM WE ARE 1 Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate #Qanon #Followthewhiterabbit #MAGA #Trump #IAM #Blessed #Qmap *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #qanon,#realtrumpnation, #,#news,#Greatawakening,#q #memo #RELEASETHEMEMO #obamagate #cabal, #orderofmalta, #jesuit, #jesuitoath, #truth, #Love" usa 22 not set PT1H18M4S 136 6 9 0 not set not set 2018-02-07T14:24:35.000Z aw_v0hzEQSM UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow This video showws me using #D Rendering on The Photos at the State of The Union Black Caucus#Qanon, "This video showws me using #D Rendering on The Photos at the State of The Union Black Caucus The #Picture strangely allows me to pop out two of the phones screens without selecting them the third remains uneffected which indicate tampering as well as the #redacted ### #Qanon, #News, #8chan, #Qresearch, #GreatAwakening, #Politics, #TheStateOfTheUnion, #Trump, #2018, #Pictures #SOTU18 #SOTU Keep our Children Safe PAYPAL: I do not make money off these videos at this time through advertisement. Please Contribute Here HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: https://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Https:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM'] PT10M54S 663 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-10T07:46:40.000Z bfKU6KJ4e-M UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow WATCH THIS WILL SHOW YOU WHO RULES HUMANITY @PONTIFEX,#QANON,#JESUIT,#POPE,#GREATAWAKENING "This is a video about Martin Luther Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm'] PT39M9S 314 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-10T12:58:04.000Z cKZQAItyyrc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #Qanon, #Martiallaw, #WalMart sells 68 million in shares #News, #CLINTON SOLD US TO #CHINA "THIS IS WHAT THE CLINTONS ENABLED FOR MONEY BOWING DOWN TO THE JESUIT ORDER, BECOMING SATANISTS, LED DAUGHTER INTO SAME LIFESTYLE, MASS KILLINGS, SOLD THEIR SOULS FOR MONEY AND POWER FOLLOWING ORDERS AND LOVING IT AGENDA 21 #JADEHELM /TIMELINESHIFT IN PROCESS MATRIX DI SCRAMBLED CODE DECIPHERED 3,6,9 9+++ TIME FOR THE LAST TO BE FIRST AND THE FIRST TO BE LAST MANIFESTING REALITY ONE NANOSECOND AT A TIME. BE BLESSED IAM WE ARE 1, SPIRIT NEVER DIES #Qanon, #Martiallaw, #WalMart sells 68 million in shares #News, #Politics, #Trump, #Spiritual Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM'] PT1H15M14S 1790 17 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T01:00:01.000Z _bQsB-Fn4vQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #qanon Feb 11 2018 728Feb 11 2018 15:38:14Q!UW.yye1fxo84 Timestamp: @Snowden "Truth To Power" Drop "#Qanon, Last #Qpost updates #News, #Politics, #Trump, #Spiritual, #Snowden, #Russia, #News, #BreakingNews, #Greatawkening, Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 not set PT34M40S 475 3 10 1 not set not set 2018-02-12T11:25:28.000Z Kayp4vgBCJ4 UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow @kIMdOTcOM tHE eXAMPLE THE nsa cia #prizm #xkeystone mADE OF HIM #qANON "@kIMdOTcOM tHE eXAMPLE THE nsa cia #prizm #xkeystone mADE OF HIM #qANON Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM', '@KIMDOTCOM', '#KIMDOTCOM', 'FEBUARY 11', '2018', 'NEWS', 'BREAKINGNEWS', 'POLITICS', 'TRUTH'] PT29M29S 171 3 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-13T08:26:31.000Z 2SMrfU-NVNg UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow #QANON UPDATE TRUMP JR WIFE RECEIVED WHITE POWDER IN MAIL #QANON UPDATE TRUMP JR WIFE RECEIVED WHITE POWDER IN MAIL @realdonaldtrump, #realtrumpnation, #Greatawakening, #Trump, #TrumpJR, usa 25 not set PT1H14M58S 253 6 6 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T08:33:02.000Z U_BD6vZyrno UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Trump made it clear "load it up with some bad dudes," @RealDonaldTrump, #Qanon, #ExecutiveOrders "A Review of Executive Orders By @RealDonaldTrump, President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to keep open the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, marking a formal reversal of his predecessor's eight-year effort to shut it down. Trump made it clear during his campaign that he wanted Guantanamo to remain open and to ""load it up with some bad dudes,"" but he has not yet sent a new detainee to the facility. The detention center, which President George W. Bush opened after Sept. 11, 2001, reached a maximum population of about 680 in the summer of 2003. Bush transferred about 500 out before he left office. Obama transferred 197 detainees out, leaving 41, including five cleared for release. Trump also asked Congress to make sure that in the fight against the Islamic State group and al-Qaida, the United States has necessary power to detain terror suspects ""wherever we chase them down, wherever we find them."" That was an apparent reference to current war powers, written years ago, that some argue do not cover the fight against the Islamic State. Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM', 'Executive order', '2018', '@Realdonaldtrump', 'Guantanamo Bay'] PT27M54S 609 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T22:15:22.000Z SvvmaKDkyuQ UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow Who Is #Montagraph? #qANON, @Q, @REALDONALDTRUMP #cOINTELPRO "Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM', 'MONTAGRAPH'] PT11M20S 5744 60 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-14T22:28:21.000Z 4EY-wKnKizY UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow fLORIDA SCHOOL SHOOTING, nsa SHOOTING sOROS EMAIL @REALDONALDTRUMP, #QANON "Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM'] PT40M53S 931 14 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-18T04:52:59.000Z 5MDwNSQBVWc UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow 34 #VATICAN, #CIA, #SHELL DUMMY ACCOUNTS, #QANON, THINK #SHELL "YOUTUBE still has my channel under review after 6 weeks If you can contribute PayPal: Bitcoin: 13jyzKYtutS59uPDddDRdVW11J3ceCUH5M BCH: qpswnw9dspz0vn892k4ggzz4r4suj55fhsk279vstk ETH: 0xFF31a6fa27Be747BA842cca0B1dfE65805440f39 LTC: LTjX6sE7d76rqukGuXXAd3mTnYbeFbsoLU Pope Francis has “a sincere desire to turn the page on an embarrassing past and reform the way in which the Catholic Church handles money….” United Trading Corporation was incorporated in Panama on May 5, 1974. Source: Open Corporates and the Panama Registry as of October 2016. It’s directors were: Agent Name AROSEMENA NORIEGA & CONTRERAS Officers – ALLEN G. PAISLEY, secretario ALLEN G. PAISLEY, director AROSEMENA NORIEGA & CONTRERAS, agent BRIAN A. SMOUHA, presidente BRIAN A. SMOUHA, director FELIPE SANTIAGO TAPIA CASTILLO, suscriptor JULIO ERNESTO LINARES, suscriptor PAUL J. MOUSEL, tesorero PAUL J. MOUSEL, director Paul J. Mousel? He tracks* directly to the Vatican’s Ambrosiano Group. That link also allows us to track other Vatican shell companies ( Such as BAA Banco Ambrosiano Andino ALLEN G. PAISLEY – Records indicate he is British-born (Romford, 1952)‘director’ of Banco Ambrosiano Group. Banco Ambrosiano Group together. The Vatican, the British Nobility and the American sycophants of both. Thomas Jefferson’s epithet of Hostis Humani Generis – Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk, nd/4.0/88x31.png"" This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" usa 25 ['#Knights', 'of', 'Malta', '#DACA', '#Obamagate', '#Releasethememo', '#Obama', '#Qanon', '#Greatawakening', '#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Illuminati', '#GodfatherIII', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM', 'SHELL COMPANIES', 'QANON POST THINK SHELL 2-17-2018', 'VATICAN', 'CIA', 'PANAMA SHELL COMPANIES'] PT1H5M34S 409 5 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-27T22:07:36.000Z bldYE149i4U UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow desktop mining join my team #cryptocurrency, #bitcoin "desktop mining join my team #cryptocurrency, #bitcoin go here: YOUTUBE still has my channel under review after 6 weeks If you can contribute PayPal: Bitcoin: 13jyzKYtutS59uPDddDRdVW11J3ceCUH5M BCH: qpswnw9dspz0vn892k4ggzz4r4suj55fhsk279vstk ETH: 0xFF31a6fa27Be747BA842cca0B1dfE65805440f39 LTC: LTjX6sE7d76rqukGuXXAd3mTnYbeFbsoLU Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. #,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII,#POPE,#Rogueagents, #saudi_purge,#HUMA,#SOROS,#DUMP #PODESTA, #BO, #1476892CBTS, #MilitaryTribunal, #MartialLaw, #Patriots, #POTUS,#intelgroup,#KHAZARIAN,#Freemason, #FederalReserve, #Iran,#NorthKorea,#Schumer,#Trump,#Pedogate,#Pizzagate,#Podesta,#Clinton,#Obama,#rabbithole,#yeshuaaustin,#8chan,#POL, #CBTS,#Obamagate,#Spacex,#Tesla, #Illuminati,#followthewhiterabbit,#MAGA,#TRUTH,#FEDERALRESERVE,#cryptocurrency,#love, #liberty, #planet,#Politics,#Podesta,#Obama,#Google,#YouTube,#Twitter,#Blogger,#Breadcrumbs,#Conspiracy,#Philosophy,#Deepstate,#Cabal,#Pope,#Pontifex,#GodfatherIII,#Blackpope,#Jesuit,#OrderOfMalta,#TheCrown.#Vatican, #D.C. #London, #Queen, #Warmachine, #Financial,#Religion,#SkullandBones,#AltNews,#Journalist,#Spiritual,#Ascension,#Synchronicity,#AI,#ElonMusk," usa 27 ['#Disclosure', '#Clinton', '#Cabal', '#Q', '!UW.yye1fxo', '#followthewhiterabbit', '#TheStorm', '#MakeAmericaGreatAgain', '#RealTrumpNation', '@RealTrumpNation', '#Trump2020', '#NEWS', '#POLITICS', '#INVESTIGATIVEJOURNALISM', 'bitcoin', 'cryptocurrency', 'litecoin', 'desktop mining', ''] PT14M10S 136 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-18T12:46:10.000Z koPlHX-m4rk UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow CERN D-WAVE SERIES PART 3 #Spiritual "CERN D-WAVE SERIES PART 3 #Spiritual YOUTUBE still has my channel under review after 6 weeks If you can contribute PayPal: Bitcoin: 13jyzKYtutS59uPDddDRdVW11J3ceCUH5M BCH: qpswnw9dspz0vn892k4ggzz4r4suj55fhsk279vstk ETH: 0xFF31a6fa27Be747BA842cca0B1dfE65805440f39 LTC: LTjX6sE7d76rqukGuXXAd3mTnYbeFbsoLU Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. # #rtmp:// ,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII," usa 25 ['news', 'politics', 'spiritual', 'youtube', 'google', 'twitter', 'cnn', 'wikileaks', 'search.nk', 'cia', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'facebook', 'Breaking News', 'Truth', 'Project Monarch', 'Project MK ULTRA', 'Dr. Green', 'Wizards&Warlocks', 'Qanon', 'DWAVE', 'CERN', 'SPIRITALITYsteemir'] PT1H37M9S 628 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-03-19T02:45:58.000Z srLbimCCHMw UCbQVnfmBBEXgSiOwDyzbwow CERN IM INSIDE D-WAVE WALKING ON EGGSHELLS WISH ME LUCK #QANON "signed in user 689806af6af89b95928999 CERN.CH YOUTUBE still has my channel under review after 9 weeks If you can contribute PayPal: Bitcoin: 13jyzKYtutS59uPDddDRdVW11J3ceCUH5M BCH: qpswnw9dspz0vn892k4ggzz4r4suj55fhsk279vstk ETH: 0xFF31a6fa27Be747BA842cca0B1dfE65805440f39 LTC: LTjX6sE7d76rqukGuXXAd3mTnYbeFbsoLU Keep our Children Safe Munders Channel Good Vid: PAYPAL: HTTPS:// WordPress: Twitter: Blogger: http://knowledge-is-priceless.blogsp... Google+: Youtube: Http:// WordPress: #Qanon, #Followthewhiterabbit, TheStorm, #CBTS, #8Chan, #BIGBROTHER, #EU, #Deepstate *Fair Use Disclaimer for News Broadcasting*: The Content in this video constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. This channel is making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of the following, including but not limited to: environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. # #rtmp:// ,,#qanon ,#followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#MakeAmericaGreatAgain,#RELEASETHEMEMO,#GreatAwkening,#RealTrumpNation,@RealTrumpNation,#Trump2020,#PopeCardinal,#Jesuit,#KnightsOfMalta,#MOSSAD,#NORAD,#NORTHKOREA,#Qanon,#Followthewhiterabbit,#TheStorm,#CBTS,#8Chan,#BIGBROTHER,#EU,#Deepstate,#GodfatherIII," usa 25 ['news', 'politics', 'spiritual', 'youtube', 'google', 'twitter', 'cnn', 'wikileaks', 'search.nk', 'cia', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'POTUS', 'Trump', 'facebook', 'Breaking News', 'Truth', 'Project Monarch', 'Project MK ULTRA', 'Dr. Green', 'Wizards&Warlocks', 'Qanon', 'CERN', 'D-WAVE', '4096', '2018', 'user', '689806af6af89b95928999steemir'] PT4M5S 334 1 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-25T16:52:45.000Z aM05SvW9Clo UCk8GhT9HVdf1_s9cxtvRFXw Psychic Utsava about Q Anon, IG report, Manaford Bribery scheme, Rosenstein and Media control. "Join me on Twitter: Utsava@Utsava4 Join me at the Patreon: You can support these videos and my work by signing up on the Patreon. Get financial and political updates for very cheap, deplorable rate. You won't get this deal anywhere else. Get accurate predictions and great updates on market conditions and cryptos. Get political updates, news for Deplorables and learn to free yourself from the Deep state's slavery concept. Join me on steemit: Join me on Vimeo: Join me on Gab: Check out my 2018 psychic prediction posted last December, 2017: Website: Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Trump president bribery scheme rosenstein trump administration hillary clinton propaganda media mind control mind control mind control cia mind control mk ultra john podesta obama obama new world order new world order new world order nazi Obama was a good president Trump is bad Hillary Clinton is great julian assange wikileaks" Utsava Psychic Medium 22 ['manaford', 'bribery', 'rosenstein', 'trump', 'psychic prediction', 'prophecy', 'reading', 'psychic reading', 'president trump', 'trump administration', 'ig report', 'review', 'prediction', 'politics', 'hillary clinton', 'rod rosenstein', 'eye the spy', 'q anon', 'psychic view', 'president trump prediction', 'future white house', 'propaganda media', 'mind control', 'psychic violetta', 'cliff high', 'realist', 'psychic medium', 'clairvoyant', 'clif high', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange'] PT29M31S 13591 121 621 55 not set not set 2018-06-26T17:10:18.000Z pyhGt2N56VY UCk8GhT9HVdf1_s9cxtvRFXw Psychic Utsava about Q Anon and more "Join me on Twitter: Utsava@Utsava4 Join me at the Patreon: You can support these videos by signing up on the Patreon. Receive financial and political updates for very cheap, deplorable rate. You won't get this deal anywhere else. Get accurate predictions and great updates on market conditions and cryptos. Get political updates, news for Deplorables and learn to free yourself from the Deep state's slavery concept. Join me on steemit: Join me on Vimeo: Join me on Gab: Check out my 2018 psychic prediction posted last December, 2017: Website: Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Julian Assange president trump hillary clinton scandal political psychic reading clairvoyance clairvoyant prediction psychic prediction psychic prophecy prophecies christian prophecy psychic medium stock market prediction political prediction usa prediction Eye the spy Q Anon Trump victory Eye the spy Eye the spy eye the spy Q anon Q Q Q Anon Anon Trump president bribery scheme rosenstein trump administration hillary clinton propaganda media mind control mind control mind control cia mind control mk ultra john podesta obama obama new world order new world order new world order nazi Obama was a good president Trump is bad Hillary Clinton is great julian assange wikileaks q anon trump clif high hannity fox alex jones" Utsava Psychic Medium 22 ['julian assange', 'q anon', 'trump', 'president trump', 'psychic violetta', 'psychic kirsten langstorn', 'psychic utsava', 'psychic medium utsava', 'clairvoyant', 'clairsentient', 'joe smith', 'jsnip4', 'realist news', 'potus', 'psychic reading', 'psychic prediction', 'psychci reading', 'psychic prophecy', 'prophecies trump', 'trump administration', 'mark taylor', 'justinformedtalk', 'praying medics', 'deception bytes', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'antischool', 'anti school'] PT10M19S 8301 47 322 25 not set not set 2018-08-10T17:21:35.000Z NdP1XBK-YXc UCk8GhT9HVdf1_s9cxtvRFXw Psychic Utsava: More about Q Anon,John F.Kennedy Junior. About Artificial intelligence. "Learn more about Q Anon, who they are and about John F K Jr./JFK Jr. Learn also about the three biggest threats for humanity, and new psychic information Utsava has received about Artificial intelligence that is being used against human's freedom. Join me at the Patreon: Join me on Twitter: Utsava@Utsava4 Join me on steemit: Join me on Vimeo: Please check out my 2018 predictions and see for yourself all of the predictions that came true: Website: A couple of highlights of past predictions that happened: -Donald Trump will be elected president -Scandal with McMaster, Security advisor, last year, which has surfaced two weeks later, and that he will be forced out the following year because he is an operative to the Deep state. -I predicted that car bombs/bomb attacks will be the next way how the Deep state will attack the United states. A few weeks later we had the series of attacks. -Volcanic eruption on the west coast of the United States in 2018, predicted in 2017. -Bitcoin and other financial market dips we had in January 2018. -Wanchain, Ontology, Yoyow, Quantstamp and several other coins, they multiplied in recent months I recommended. -0x, BAT,Etherium classic, Z cash I highly recommended and they are going to be added to Coinbase. They have gained momentum recently. -I predicted that Salt would fail when it was $ 15 and repeatedly confirmed it. It is traded right now at 70cents and their CEO just quit. It does not look good for Salt. -I suggested when Bitcoin hit $ 9500 in May profit-taking and foreseen that the market would go down further and there would be a 'rocky road' ahead. After this Bitcoin will go up slowly.I predicted further market dips while everyone thought we had rallies coming. A lot of people expected $ 4000 Bitcoin again in 2018. I predicted this won't happen and the Bitcoin bottom at $ 6000. A lot of people have thanked me for great investment decisions, as they prevented major losses and gained momentum thanks to these and many more accurate psychic predictions. Psychic predictions should have approx. a 80% accuracy rate." Utsava Psychic Medium 22 ['q anon', 'president trump', 'donald trump', 'reading', 'psychic prediction', 'psychic reading', 'prediction', 'jfk junior', 'jfk', 'john f kennedy', 'junior', 'artificial intelligence', 'david icke', 'clif high', 'web report', 'jsnip4', 'psychic reading utsava', 'utsava', 'psychic utsava', 'chemtrails', 'jfk jr', 'jr', 'psychic medicum', 'clairvoyant', 'hannity', 'conspiracy', 'new world order', 'nuclear threat'] PT38M20S 41848 386 1582 65 not set not set 2018-05-10T08:29:27.000Z nT_rYKVCjuQ UCLovTgM3KAMBeZbsnh1KONQ Qanon Update April 25, 2018 ‒ Iran Next, Is Kanye And MAGA ‒ Praying Medic "Qanon Update April 25, 2018 | Iran Next, Is Kanye And MAGA | Praying Medic ▶Buy Praying Medic's Books ""My Craziest Adventures With God"": ▶Subscribe My Channel: His official website: Praying Medic is a practicing paramedic and the author of the Amazon best-seller, Divine Healing Made Simple. Since 2009, he has also written inspirational and thought-provoking articles online—often about the kingdom of God and miracles God has done through his medical career. Praying Medic’s life goal is to teach people to live as ambassadors of God's kingdom. His writing is intended to inspire, challenge and if necessary, provoke readers into a deeper relationship with God. He lives with his wife in Phoenix, Arizona. They are best friends and partners in marketplace ministry and other creative endeavors. I am a fan of the truth, especially about politics. This page is to share videos of the latest political commentators. Please support me continuing to post videos by, buying the books of authors through my Amazon link Thanks for watching :)" Vanus Daka 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'praying medic', 'qanon update april 25', 'iran next', 'kanye', 'maga', 'qanon 2018', 'the praying medic', 'praying medic books', 'qanon praying medic', 'qanon update', 'qanon medic', 'praying medic 2018', 'who is q', 'praying medic latest', 'qanon latest', 'praying medic podcast', 'praying medic q', 'q anon update', 'praying medic trump', 'praying medic news', 'praying medic qanon', 'praying medic today', 'white house', 'donald trump', 'trump', 'trump tweets', 'deep state'] PT1H9M31S 39 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-11T01:04:57.000Z bg0Po0OOOyY UCLovTgM3KAMBeZbsnh1KONQ Qanon Update May 9, 2018 ‒ Q Anon For Beginners ‒ Praying Medic "▶Buy Praying Medic's Books ""My Craziest Adventures With God"": ▶Subscribe My Channel: His official website: Praying Medic is a practicing paramedic and the author of the Amazon best-seller, Divine Healing Made Simple. Since 2009, he has also written inspirational and thought-provoking articles online—often about the kingdom of God and miracles God has done through his medical career. Praying Medic’s life goal is to teach people to live as ambassadors of God's kingdom. His writing is intended to inspire, challenge and if necessary, provoke readers into a deeper relationship with God. He lives with his wife in Phoenix, Arizona. They are best friends and partners in marketplace ministry and other creative endeavors. I am a fan of the truth, especially about politics. This page is to share videos of the latest political commentators. Please support me continuing to post videos by, buying the books of authors through my Amazon link Thanks for watching :)" Vanus Daka 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'praying medic', 'qanon 2018', 'the praying medic', 'praying medic books', 'praying medic qanon', 'qanon praying medic', 'qanon update', 'q anon update', 'qanon medic', 'praying medic 2018', 'who is q', 'praying medic latest', 'qanon latest', 'praying medic podcast', 'praying medic news', 'praying medic q', 'praying medic trump', 'praying medic today', 'maga', 'white house', 'donald trump', 'trump', 'trump tweets', 'deep state', 'Q Anon For Beginners', 'Qanon Update May 9'] PT1H20M6S 440 0 9 0 not set not set 2018-03-28T01:55:32.000Z aDmkeI45w60 UCsG3MrX3x0mHWxGnXF3X4jg Q anon, Trump and Good Vs. Evil Verita Nurse 22 not set PT5M26S 41 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-07-25T04:31:58.000Z uetyn0XMuUI UCsG3MrX3x0mHWxGnXF3X4jg TRUMP CONFIRMS HE IS PART OF QANON! DID YA MISS IT? HERE IT IS! "SEA TO SHINING SEA" Verita Nurse 22 ['Qanon q sea to shining sea q is back latest qanon post'] PT50S 728 1 24 2 not set not set 2018-08-09T06:27:06.000Z U9xy7V3WdvA UCsG3MrX3x0mHWxGnXF3X4jg RE: QANON POST 8/7/18 THEY HAD A PLAN; ALONG CAME TRUMP. The rest is history.... LITERALLY! :) Verita Nurse 25 ['Q qanon censoring maga indictmentd'] PT27M30S 363 16 34 1 not set not set 2017-12-11T18:52:05.000Z dm9gG7gjA9M UCuCUcej2nKzNjatpS9L15ng Did Q Anon just predict the failed NY terror event? "*This Video Haas Been De-Monetized Discussing the recent terror attack and warnings from Q. Tracy Beanz youtube channel:" Very Valyn 25 ['anon', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'top secret', 'potus', 'false flag', 'terror attack', 'bad actor', 'white hat', 'black hat', 'anonymous', '4chan', '8chan', 'owls', 'kek', 'trump', 'breadcrumbs', 'deep state', 'godspeed'] PT5M10S 391 8 14 0 not set not set 2017-12-13T01:11:56.000Z 864xTy4Cj20 UCuCUcej2nKzNjatpS9L15ng WTF Is Going On with Q Anon?! - Q Anon Primer "Why I started paying attention the Q Anon posts and why you should too. Twitter: @VeryValyn Q Anon Primer + Graphic: TracyBeanz Channel: The Outer Light Q Anon Video:" Very Valyn 25 ['q anon', 'anonymous', '8chan', '4chan', 'q clearance', 'rabbit hole', 'follow the white rabbit', 'breadcrumbs', 'the storm is upon us', 'the coming storm', 'clinton', 'trump', 'mueller', 'fbi', 'qanon', 'terror attack', 'false flag', 'new york', 'BDT', '+++', 'trump twitter', 'deep state', 'nsa', 'cia', 'hillary', 'lock her up', '4d chess', 'maga', 'bad actors'] PT8M47S 2280 16 81 4 not set not set 2017-12-20T07:40:07.000Z ASnyLw7coYQ UCuCUcej2nKzNjatpS9L15ng Is this breadcrumb from Q Anon a prediction of the ATL blackout? "Was digging through old Q Anon posts and this one from NOV 21st sounded familiar. I had originally thought it was regarding the helicopter crash near the Rothschild estate but now I'm wondering if it was referencing Atlanta. Link to post: *scroll down for post Twitter: @VeryValyn" Very Valyn 25 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'anon', 'anonymous', 'breadcrumbs', 'follow the white rabbit', 'down the rabbit hole', 'the storm is coming', 'the storm has arrived', 'the coming storm', 'deep state', 'coups', 'shadow government', 'trump', 'maga', 'atlanta', 'atlanta blackout', 'false flag', 'conspiracy', 'cia', 'fbi', 'nsa', 'blackout', 'white hat', 'black hat', 'bad actor', '+++', 'conservative', 'republican'] PT1M41S 266 2 8 1 not set not set 2017-12-26T19:51:53.000Z VwDY33WH0bo UCuCUcej2nKzNjatpS9L15ng Wikileaks Insurance File - Julian Assange & Twitter (Weiner's Laptop? Q Anon?) "Downloading the latest wikileaks dump. TORRENT LINK (DOWNLOAD AT OWN RISK): Twitter: @VeryValyn" Very Valyn 25 ['julian assange', 'assange', 'wikileaks', 'vault 7', 'vault 8', 'anthony weiner', 'q anon', 'q clearance', 'breadcrumbs', 'follow the white rabbit', 'the storm is coming', 'tsic', 'white rabbit', 'anonymous', 'leak', 'wikileaks insurance', 'data dump', 'encrypted', 'deep state', 'assange twitter', 'wiki leaks', 'coups', 'down the rabbit hole', 'patriots', 'q 4chan', '8chan'] PT3M52S 5128 74 127 1 not set not set 2018-08-02T16:37:08.000Z YR2FxeyXw9c UCZaT_X_mc0BI-djXOlfhqWQ The Trump Fans Of Q-Anon (HBO) "President Trump is flying around the country this week trying to convince Americans that if the want to Keep America Great, they need to vote Republican in November. But his campaign rally in Tampa Tuesday was about more than just the mid-terms. It was the national coming out party for Q, a conspiracy theory that has been kicking around the Trumpworld internet for just about a year. One part Pizzagate, one part X-Files, the theory posits a government agent (with supposed ""Q-Level"" Top Secret clearance) putting cryptic messages on Trump-friendly message boards, telling adept readers where to find clues that point to a massive government conspiracy Trump is single-handedly thwarting from the oval office in secret. Example: The Mueller probe is actually being run by Trump as a smokescreen to cover up an investigation into sex trafficking by Democrats and moviestars, according to some Q denizens. The Tampa rally had a lot of Qers feeling like Trump acknowledged them directly, urging them to carry on. VICE News spoke with one Florida family who became Q famous after Trump seemed to give them a wave from the rally stage. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:" VICE News 25 ['Meet the Trump fans of Q-Anon', 'Trump fans', 'QAnon fans', 'Q-level', 'Q conspiracy', 'QAnon interview', 'VICE News Tonight', 'QAnon', 'reddit', 'conspiracy theories', 'Trump Tampa Rally', 'news', 'Donald Trump', 'vice video', 'dark web', '4chan', 'vice news 2018', 'QAnon mainstream', 'Black for Trump', 'fringe group', 'Qers', 'Pizzagate', 'republican', 'Mueller probe', 'sex trafficking', 'Washington conspiracy', 'VICE News', 'VICE on HBO', 'vice interview', 'internet fame', 'great awakening', 'internet conspiracy', 'reddit mysteries'] PT4M14S 305073 3168 2339 1511 not set not set 2018-08-03T17:21:48.000Z An2XYJjfAKY UCZaT_X_mc0BI-djXOlfhqWQ QAnon Conspiracists Believe Trump and Mueller are Working Together (HBO) "If you don't follow QAnon, the internet conspiracy theory​ gaining traction among supporters of President Trump, you probably don't know who Jen and Jamie Buteau are. But if you do, you know they're the couple who (along with their 17 year-old son) were seen by Q fans as getting a point and wave from Trump at the rally in Tampa where Q went from the dark corners of the internet to wall-to-wall cable news saturation. The Buteaus are from Ocala. Jen is a waitress and Jamie is currently unemployed. They cancelled cable recently to boost the size of their broadband pipe — they follow Q-Anon closely and they believe the whole thing centers around a person or group of people high up in the government who are dropping clues about what's really going on in Washington. They no longer follow the mainstream media because they think it is, for the most part, lies. After they (maybe) got a shout-out from Trump, they got some fame among the Q set online. VICE News sat down with them in Tampa to find out what Q is all about and what draws them to it. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:" VICE News 25 ['QAnon believers', 'We Spoke To The QAnon Believers Trump Pointed To At A Florida Rally', 'Qanon interview', 'QAnon conspiracy', 'q anon update', 'VICE News Tonight', 'VICE News', 'VICE on HBO', 'great awakening', 'news', 'internet conspiracy theory', 'reddit', 'internet subculture', 'QAnon subreddit', 'mueller probe', 'Trump fans', 'Donald trump', 'media conspiracies', 'Florida family', 'vice news 2018', 'Qers', 'pizzagate', 'president trump', 'mainstream media', 'Trump rally Tampa', 'Q movement', 'Qanon recent', 'Jamie Buteau'] PT4M33S 551571 4097 4539 1523 not set not set 2018-08-08T23:49:38.000Z KCYLKCZf9QQ UCZaT_X_mc0BI-djXOlfhqWQ 3D-Printed Guns & QAnon Conspiracy: VICE News Tonight Full Episode (HBO) "This is the August 1, 2018 FULL EPISODE of VICE News Tonight on HBO. 2:07 Trump's rally in Tampa, Florida wasn’t just about him. It also served as a kind of coming-out party for a movement that, so far, has mostly existed in dark corners of the internet: Q. 6:13 For weeks, lawmakers and pundits have been freaking out about a sudden stockpile of 3D guns. But gun enthusiasts aren't particularly impressed with the quality of the 3D-printed guns whose plans were taken off the internet. 9:58 Most of the world was introduced to incels when Elliot Rodger killed six people at UC Santa Barbara in 2014. Before doing so, he posted a 141-page manifesto mostly blaming women for not having sex with him. That made him a hero to incels. VICE News sits down with one. 16:22 Jens Rommel has long been leading the prosecution of remaining Nazi war criminals, though it's a dying industry. Those involved in World War II are now well into their 90s, and the maximum age of criminal culpability in Germany is 99. VICE News spends a day with Rommel. 20:10 Former ""Hamilton"" star Daveed Diggs and co-writer/actor Rafael Casal give an inside look into new movie 'Blindspotting' — and they're both baffled that the Broadway show ""Hamilton,"" is still running. WATCH Next on Mosul killing rooms: READ Next on Trump and Putin's bromance: Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network: #VICENewsTonight" VICE News 25 ['3d guns', 'QAnon conspiracy', 'Q conspiracy', 'vice news 2018', 'VICE on HBO', 'VICE News Tonight', 'VICE News', 'elle reeve vice', '3D-Printed guns', 'QAnon', 'news', 'internet conpiracy theories', 'reddit', '4chan', 'incel subculture', 'Jordan Peterson', 'incels vice', 'incels', 'white supremacy', 'nazi hunter', 'dark web', 'involuntary celibacy', 'blindspotting', 'Daveed Diggs', 'Rafael Casal', 'mass shootings', 'sexless', 'Nazi germany', 'Trump conspiracy theory', 'internet subculture', 'racism', 'Elliot Rodger', 'chris cantwell vice'] PT23M44S 271169 896 1766 641 not set not set 2018-08-02T18:57:35.000Z BAkYoSj7Awk UCuk4uzJvARptjh5UcurmbyQ CNN Report - #QAnon - Alex Jones & The Plan To Shut Down The Truth Community - The Trap "Please watch: ""My 15 Day Testimonial Results From Somaderm Gel From NewULife"" --~-- QAnon is getting MSM coverage now. I smell a trap. All the steps have been put it place to shut down the truth community, implement new laws to prosecute fake news and conspiracies @ much more. These are just my opinions folks but my predictions have been coming true. We have some very interesting circumstances going on right now in the community and how it is effecting all of us. Those that want to support us you can by: Patreon - PayPal - Visit Our CBD, Essential Oil Store Try Zeal Energy Drink -" Victurus Libertas VLTV 22 ['fake news', 'truth', 'sra', 'hollywood', 'qanon', 'alex jones'] PT17M6S 1549 77 103 7 not set not set 2018-02-24T00:46:40.000Z 8EyvrQaU6Jc UCFzbzDUd_ARLZxMb6YcDQVQ The Q ANON HOAX #qanon OR IS IT? "The Q ANON Hoax and why you should look into it. OR IS IT??? Research info below: Question Everything. Pdf of the posts The Latest TWITTER @1ambecauseweare Copyrighted content : Victory - Two Steps from Hell Claimed by: Epic Elite See more: See Bill Smith's youtube channel #qanon" Vidman Gamer 22 ['#QuestionEverything', 'Qanon', 'The storm', 'qposts', 'hoax', '#qanon', 'Q Anon', 'Trump', 'Conspiracy', 'Follow the white rabbit'] PT7M14S 379 8 5 11 not set not set 2018-01-24T03:16:05.000Z o0SWbP0SpQc UC9INDgROlNx9eRYLFAJSxFQ CẦN TUYỂN GẤP tài xế lái xe ben, xe bồn dấu C trở lên | Công ty TNHH Tân Đại Tây Dương tuyển dụng "Công ty TNHH Thương mại quốc tế Tân Đại Tây Dương tuyển dụng 10 Nhân Viên Lái Xe Ben, Xe Bồn Trộn Bê Tông (Dấu C Trở Lên) Đi Làm Ngay MÔ TẢ CÔNG VIỆC - Lái Xe ben, xe Bồn Trộn bê tông - Làm việc tại các công trình san lấp mặt bằng ở: Tp. HCM. - Địa chỉ: A59-60 Phú Thuận, P. Phú Thuận, Quận 7, Tp. HCM. YÊU CẦU - Ưu tiên: Lái xe có kinh nghiệm chạy Xe ben, xe Bồn Trộn bê tông - Các ứng viên tại khu vực Quận 9, Thủ Đức, Nhà Bè, Q.7, Bình Chánh, Long An là 1 lợi thế - Trung thực, Chịu khó, bảo quản xe tốt (biết sửa xe là một lợi thế). - Dấu C Trở Lên QUYỀN LỢI ĐƯỢC HƯỞNG - Lương cơ bản + Lương chuyến + các khoản phụ cấp. - Thu nhập trên 12 triệu/tháng. - Làm trên 01 năm sẽ cộng thêm lương thâm niên. - Lương thỏa thuận theo năng lực và trình độ - Các chế độ phúc lợi: theo quy chế công ty được xây dựng trên quy định Luật lao động. HỒ SƠ ỨNG TUYỂN BAO GỒM Giấy phép lái xe (dấu C trở lên), CMND, hộ khẩu, sơ yếu lý lịch, đơn xin việc, hồ sơ lái xe gốc. Nộp hồ sơ trực tiếp tại văn phòng công ty. Hoặc liên hệ qua điện thoại Anh Hòa: 0966.895.656 - Chị Dung: 0932.149682 Phỏng vấn trực tiếp không qua trung gian, môi giới. Không thu bất cứ phí nào của tài xế. THÔNG TIN LIÊN HỆ Công ty TNHH Thương mại quốc tế Tân Đại Tây Dương Địa chỉ: A59-60 Phú Thuận, P. Phú Thuận, Quận 7, Tp. HCM SĐT: 0932149682 (Chị Thùy Dung - Bp. Nhân Sự Email: Hạn nộp hồ sơ: Cho đến khi đủ số lượng Chi tiết: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Việc làm Nam Bộ là trang thông tin tổng hợp các tin tức tuyển dụng, các bài viết chuyên về chủ đề Việc làm tại các khu công nghiệp, khu chế xuất thuộc 5 tỉnh phía Nam có nền kinh tế phát triển, bao gồm: Việc làm Bình Dương: KCN Vsip, Sóng Thần, Nam Tân Uyên, Rạch Bắp, Việt Hương… Việc làm Đồng Nai: KCN Biên Hoà I, II, AMATA, Nhơn Trạch I, II, III, LOTECO…. Việc làm Sài Gòn: KCX Tân Thuận, KCN Tân Bình, Tân Tạo, Hiệp Phước, Tây Bắc Củ Chi…. Việc làm Long An: KCN Thuận Đạo, Long Cang – Long Định, Cầu Tràm, Phúc Long, Lợi Bình Nhơn… Việc làm Tiền Giang: KCN Tân Hương, Long Giang, Mỹ Tho… Việc làm Vũng Tàu: KCN Phú Mỹ 1, Phú Mỹ 2, Mỹ Xuân A, Mỹ Xuân B1, Đông Xuyên … Đặc biệt, Việc làm Nam Bộ cập nhật những việc làm mới nhất tại các quận, huyện thuộc Sài Gòn như: Việc làm Quận 7, Việc làm Quận 9, Việc làm quận Bình Tân, Thủ Đức, Tân Phú,.. Hàng ngàn các thông tin cập nhật về kỹ năng nghề nghiệp, kỹ năng tuyển dụng và thông tin tuyển dụng được cập nhật hàng ngày tại các Khu công nghiệp, Khu chế xuất thuộc các tỉnh Nam Bộ đều có tại Việc làm Nam Bộ. Việc làm Nam Bộ chính là nơi để các bạn đọc đang có nhu cầu tìm việc/đổi việc hay đơn giản chỉ là tìm kiếm, trau dồi các kỹ năng nghề nghiệp v.v… có thể nhanh chóng và dễ dàng nắm bắt được những tin bài tổng hợp, cập nhật liên quan tới những chủ đề Việc làm mà mình quan tâm, yêu thích. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Truy cập website: để xem nhiều việc làm hấp dẫn khác. Fanpage Cổng thông tin Việc Làm Nam Bộ: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Việc Làm Nam Bộ là đơn vị cung cấp thông tin tổng hợp về việc làm. Chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về tính chính xác và chân thực của nội dung được cung cấp bởi các đơn vị thứ ba. Nếu phát hiện thông tin lừa đảo hoặc thiếu tin cậy, vi phạm pháp luật vui lòng phản hồi cho Việc Làm Nam Bộ. Căn cứ vào chính sách cung cấp thông tin và các quy định pháp luật về thông tin của Bộ TTTT cho phép, chúng tôi sẽ xem xét gỡ bỏ, chỉnh sửa hoặc cung cấp cho các cơ quan chức năng khi có yêu cầu." Việc Làm Nam Bộ 24 ['Việc làm Nam Bộ', 'Việc Làm Sài Gòn', 'Việc Làm Tiền Giang', 'Việc Làm Đồng Nai', 'Việc Làm Bình Dương', 'Việc Làm Long An', 'Việc Làm Vũng Tàu', 'Việc làm Cần Thơ', 'Việc Làm Vĩnh Long', 'Tuyển', 'Dụng', 'Lao Động Phổ Thông', 'Tuyển Công Nhân', 'tuyển gấp', 'tìm việc', 'Viec lam nam bo', 'tuyen dung', 'tuyển dụng', 'tim viec', 'Công ty TNHHTân Đại Tây Dương', 'tuyển lái xe', 'lái xe ben', 'lái xe bồn', 'tuyển dụng gấp', 'cần tuyển gấp'] PT2M15S 26053 12 34 13 not set not set 2018-01-25T04:12:54.000Z Enzehnh2sLE UC9INDgROlNx9eRYLFAJSxFQ ĐI LÀM NGAY!!! Cần tuyển 20 lái xe tải công trường | Công ty Cổ phần SCI E&C (Hà Nội) "Công ty Cổ phần SCI E&C tuyển Lái xe tải công trường - Đi làm tháng 02/2018 SCI E&C là thành viên của SCI Group, là một công ty cổ phần trong lĩnh vực xây dựng các công trình về công nghiệp năng lượng ( thủy điện, nhiệt điện, điện mặt trời), dự án hạ tầng giao thông (đường bộ, đường thủy), hạ tầng các công trình dân dụng và công nghiệp. Với tầm nhìn là trở thành một trong những nhà thầu EPC hàng đầu Việt Nam trong thực hiện các dự án năng lượng tái tạo, môi trường, hạ tầng và dần tiếp cận đến tiêu chuẩn của công ty toàn cầu, cạnh tranh với các doanh nghiệp nước ngoài trong khu vực Châu Á. Do nhu cầu phục vụ thi công, Công ty đang cần tuyển dụng 20 Lái xe tải công trường Mô tả công việc - Lái xe tải trong công trường - Công việc cụ thể sẽ trao đổi khi phỏng vấn. - Ưu tiên đã có kinh nghiệm làm việc tại các công trường xây dựng thủy điện, giao thông, địa hình đồi núi Quyền lợi được hưởng - Mức lương: thỏa thuận theo tay nghề, từ 8 - 12 triệu - Thưởng theo năng lực và mức độ đóng góp đối với công ty. - BHXH, BHYT, BHTN đầy đủ theo quy định của nhà nước. - Các chế độ phúc lợi theo chính sách của Công ty. Yêu cầu công việc - Nam, sức khỏe tốt, bằng C trở lên - Có 03 năm kinh nghiệm lái xe tại công trường, các loại xe tải, xe ben, xe Howo, Hyun dai, các loại xe có trọng tải từ 15 tấn trở lên. - Có thể làm thêm giờ khi yêu cầu tiến độ. - Chăm chỉ, nhiệt tình trong công việc - Có sức khỏe tốt, lý lịch rõ ràng tính cách trung thực, đạo đức tốt. Không mắc tệ nạn xã hội. - Chịu được gian khổ làm việc tại các công trình vùng sâu, vùng xa, đi lại khó khăn. - Ưu tiên có hộ chiếu để điều động đi công trình Lào. Do nhu cầu phục vụ thi công cty cũng liên tục tuyển dụng các vị trí: Thợ sửa chữa, Thợ hàn, Nhân viên vận hành, Lái xe tải, Lái xúc, Lái lu, Lái ủi, Lái Khoan... Hồ sơ ứng tuyển bao gồm: Sơ yếu lí lịch có xác nhận của địa phương Chứng minh nhân dân, bằng cấp phô tô công chứng. Ứng viên Gửi hồ sơ về địa chỉ: Công ty cổ phần SCI E&C, địa chỉ: Tầng 3, tháp C , Tòa nhà Golden Palace, Đường Mễ Trì, P. Mễ Trì, Q. Nam Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội Chi tiết liên hệ trực tiếp SĐT: 0964 648 366 (gặp Ms. Luyến - liên hệ trong giờ hành chính) Hạn nộp hồ sơ: Cho đến khi đủ số lượng Chi tiết: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Việc làm Nam Bộ là trang thông tin tổng hợp các tin tức tuyển dụng, các bài viết chuyên về chủ đề Việc làm tại các khu công nghiệp, khu chế xuất thuộc 5 tỉnh phía Nam có nền kinh tế phát triển, bao gồm: Việc làm Bình Dương: KCN Vsip, Sóng Thần, Nam Tân Uyên, Rạch Bắp, Việt Hương… Việc làm Đồng Nai: KCN Biên Hoà I, II, AMATA, Nhơn Trạch I, II, III, LOTECO…. Việc làm Sài Gòn: KCX Tân Thuận, KCN Tân Bình, Tân Tạo, Hiệp Phước, Tây Bắc Củ Chi…. Việc làm Long An: KCN Thuận Đạo, Long Cang – Long Định, Cầu Tràm, Phúc Long, Lợi Bình Nhơn… Việc làm Tiền Giang: KCN Tân Hương, Long Giang, Mỹ Tho… Việc làm Vũng Tàu: KCN Phú Mỹ 1, Phú Mỹ 2, Mỹ Xuân A, Mỹ Xuân B1, Đông Xuyên … Đặc biệt, Việc làm Nam Bộ cập nhật những việc làm mới nhất tại các quận, huyện thuộc Sài Gòn như: Việc làm Quận 7, Việc làm Quận 9, Việc làm quận Bình Tân, Thủ Đức, Tân Phú,.. Hàng ngàn các thông tin cập nhật về kỹ năng nghề nghiệp, kỹ năng tuyển dụng và thông tin tuyển dụng được cập nhật hàng ngày tại các Khu công nghiệp, Khu chế xuất thuộc các tỉnh Nam Bộ đều có tại Việc làm Nam Bộ. Việc làm Nam Bộ chính là nơi để các bạn đọc đang có nhu cầu tìm việc/đổi việc hay đơn giản chỉ là tìm kiếm, trau dồi các kỹ năng nghề nghiệp v.v… có thể nhanh chóng và dễ dàng nắm bắt được những tin bài tổng hợp, cập nhật liên quan tới những chủ đề Việc làm mà mình quan tâm, yêu thích. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Truy cập website: để xem nhiều việc làm hấp dẫn khác. Fanpage Cổng thông tin Việc Làm Nam Bộ: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Việc Làm Nam Bộ là đơn vị cung cấp thông tin tổng hợp về việc làm. Chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về tính chính xác và chân thực của nội dung được cung cấp bởi các đơn vị thứ ba. Nếu phát hiện thông tin lừa đảo hoặc thiếu tin cậy, vi phạm pháp luật vui lòng phản hồi cho Việc Làm Nam Bộ. Căn cứ vào chính sách cung cấp thông tin và các quy định pháp luật về thông tin của Bộ TTTT cho phép, chúng tôi sẽ xem xét gỡ bỏ, chỉnh sửa hoặc cung cấp cho các cơ quan chức năng khi có yêu cầu." Việc Làm Nam Bộ 24 ['Việc làm Nam Bộ', 'Việc Làm Sài Gòn', 'Việc Làm Tiền Giang', 'Việc Làm Đồng Nai', 'Việc Làm Bình Dương', 'Việc Làm Long An', 'Việc Làm Vũng Tàu', 'Việc làm Cần Thơ', 'Việc Làm Vĩnh Long', 'Tuyển', 'Dụng', 'Lao Động Phổ Thông', 'Tuyển Công Nhân', 'tuyển gấp', 'tìm việc', 'Viec lam nam bo', 'tuyen dung', 'tuyển dụng', 'tim viec', 'tuyển lái xe tải', 'lái xe tải công trường', 'Công ty Cổ phần SCI E&C', 'tuyển lái xe Hà Nội', 'đi làm ngay', 'tuyển tài xế', 'tuyển gấp tài xế', 'tuyển dụng lái xe'] PT2M51S 88499 69 134 33 not set not set 2018-01-06T15:45:33.000Z fyMUfoUE9NU UCMh36EJu57p-Ve1lTKN7Rtw Apocalypse [Q Anon][Indictments][Cabal] A way of looking at the current counter coup as a revelation of perspective that could be perceived as an Apocalypse. vikingnortheast 25 ['Q Anon', 'qanon', 'bible prophecy', 'Apocalypse', 'Indictments', 'Cabal', 'corruption', 'ufo doscosure', 'counter coup', 'Trump'] PT18M4S 951 12 21 0 not set not set 2018-01-14T09:45:03.000Z onVSjYLB9vI UC973O7d91ETmccdQY359pBw Is Mark Taylor God's Q anon. Recorded by GO Recorder-Screen Recorder, Video Editor virgil yonts 22 not set PT12M12S 98 3 3 0 not set not set 2017-11-13T01:43:27.000Z nWHBfxKt-30 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 4Chan Archive and Legend 10/28/2017-11/12/2017 "Source: Related:" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['4Chan', 'Anon', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Swamp'] PT29S 697 3 9 0 not set not set 2017-11-17T10:30:57.000Z S2A48n71UKU UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 4Chan Archive 2: 11/13/2017-11/14/2017 "Source: Related:" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['patriot', 'Q Anon', '4Chan', 'swamp', 'indictment', 'indictments', 'storm', 'arrests', 'clearance', 'Illuminati', 'treason', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Satanist', 'Satanists', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'cult', 'CBTS'] PT27S 300 2 1 1 not set not set 2017-11-21T00:15:24.000Z Gp1ErewbZMQ UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA QAnon 4Chan 11/19/2017-11/20/2017 "Source: Related: Q confirmation on 4Chan Lynn de Rothschild" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', 'clearance', 'patriot', '4 Chan', 'storm', 'swamp', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferianism', 'cult', 'Satanist', 'Satanism', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'arrest', 'arrests', 'indict', 'indictments', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT32S 544 4 2 0 not set not set 2017-11-22T07:17:36.000Z zoWfRm-IXH8 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 4Chan 11/21/2017 "Source: Related: Rothschilds" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'North Korea', 'Rothschild', 'plane', 'crash', 'cult', 'storm', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate', 'arrest', 'arrests', 'indict', 'indictment', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT32S 284 0 2 1 not set not set 2017-11-23T08:25:43.000Z A7qhKNB9DDo UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 4Chan 11/21/2017 Continued & 11/22/2017 "Source: Related:" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', 'clearance', 'patriot', '4 Chan', 'swamp', 'storm', 'North Korea', 'cult', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'Satanist', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'arrest', 'arrests', 'indict', 'indictment', 'indicted', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT32S 264 3 3 0 not set not set 2017-11-27T05:24:50.000Z WObH4WCm_i4 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 4Chan 11/23/2017-11/25/2017 "Q Anon has moved to 8Chan. Source:!ITPb.qbhqo/ Related:,126.2052372,7298m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xfe8160b41339f3e4!8m2!3d40.0180226!4d126.2134452" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '4 Chan', '8 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'storm', 'white rabbit', 'Alice', 'Wonderland', 'operation', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'CIA', 'military', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'arrest', 'arrests', 'indict', 'indictment', 'indictments', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT33S 395 4 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-02T01:36:25.000Z zyPpCPlIEz8 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan 11/29/2017 - 12/01/2017 "Q Anon has now moved to 8Chan due to Nazi (not neo) Luciferian anti-Semite Deep-State troll infiltration of the 4Chan effort. Meanwhile, there has been a similar persistent ""Christian"" anti-Jewish effort on Youtube and other social media. There are signs that the same element is invading 8Chan. A better use of ""Christians'"" energy would be to un-infiltrate themselves of Luciferians, and uplift each other, rather than spend so much time baselessly defaming Rabbi Yeshuah's people and others. How you choose to treat people outside of your religion says a lot more about your religion and who you are than anyone else. Sectarian divide-and-conquer is what the Luciferian cult wants, so don't buy into it. What's going on in the World right now affects all Humanity. Source: Related: Project Mockingbird Jewish DNA - Genetic Research and The Origins of the Jewish People Jewish DNA - The Kohanim Gene and the Lost Tribes of Israel Constantine's Pagan-Christianity Is Israel Still The Promised Land in the New Testament? Hebrew Decalogue Stone Authenticated by America Unearthed Translation of Ten Commandments Stone at Los Lunas New Mexico" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanist', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'swamp', 'storm', 'north', 'south', 'Korea', 'war', 'Christian', 'Christians', 'Christianity', 'Jews', 'Judaism', 'Israel', 'Zionism', 'Zionist', 'antisemitism', 'anti-Semitism', 'anti', 'Semite', 'antisemite', 'anti-Semite', 'goy', 'Nazi', 'Nazis', 'swastika', 'heil', 'Hitler', 'racist', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'arrest', 'arrests', 'indict', 'indictments', 'indictment', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT42S 945 4 4 0 not set not set 2017-12-06T03:13:59.000Z nai80G6xvZ4 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan 12/04/2017-12/05/2017 "Source: Related: Mega Anon FBI Anon WH Anon Christians! You have already been infiltrated!" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'storm', 'swamp', 'war', 'world', 'three', 'III', 'Korea', 'CIA', 'Mega', 'WH', 'White House', 'military', 'deploy', 'deployed', 'deployment', 'Marines', 'Army', 'Air Force', 'Navy', 'FBI', 'north', 'south', 'China', 'Russia', 'Japan', 'nuclear', 'nuke', 'bomb', 'missile', 'white rabbit', 'government', 'arrests', 'arrest', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT1M7S 550 6 4 1 not set not set 2017-12-09T04:25:21.000Z iAwuAV-V9rQ UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan 12/06/2017-12/08/2017 "I wonder if ""For Green"" is a reference to the classified-top-secret group. I used that moniker for them on Twitter a few years ago when a dozen members of the cult showed up at my home to attack me, and simultaneously harassed me on Twitter, resulting in my reporting them to authorities in real time there. Twitter deleted all of my tweets from that year. Reminder: Never go full-anti-Semite. I have zero respect for people who go full-anti-Semite (usually while claiming to believe that a Jewish reformer rabbi is God) on Youtube in order to get views, likes, and money. Especially those people who claim to know better than archaeologists and geneticists, promote Luciferian ideology while claiming to be against it, and incite hate. Shame on you! Source: Related: Breaking: President Donald Trump Urgent Announcement on Moving Israel Capital to Jerusalem 4,289 Sealed Indictments 3,000 Declassified Documents Regarding the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanist', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'storm', 'swamp', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate', 'indict', 'indictment', 'Indictments', 'arrest', 'arrests', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT42S 302 10 4 0 not set not set 2017-12-12T05:24:20.000Z HQUCpC5B6Pk UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan Christmukkah Edition 12/08/2017 Continued & 12/09/2017-12/11/2017 "Source: Related: Pope Ponders an Update to Lord’s Prayer President Trump Thanks Members of the Military via Video Teleconference Even Israel is now calling out Geroge Soros, joining Hungary Using Jesus to defend accused pedophile Roy Moore is twisted and just flat-out wrong President Trump and The First Lady Host a Hanukkah Reception" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'military', 'troops', 'swamp', 'storm', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'arrests', 'indictments', 'treason', 'holiday', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', '4k', 'HD', '1080', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT4M31S 212 1 4 0 not set not set 2017-12-16T06:23:06.000Z ZzFia0TG0W0 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan Full-Potato-Bread Edition 12/12/2017-12/14/2017 "🍞They🍞 went full-potato on 8Chan. 8Chan got compromised, so Q temporarily posted back on 4Chan before moving to the current 8Chan board, The Storm. Three related issues: 1) Government (FBI, CIA, black-ops, MK Ultra/The Program, Trauma-Based Mind Control, Finders, Franklin Cover-up, gangstalking, etc.), 2) ""Aliens"" (Reptilians, ""Nordics""/Pleiadians, Greys, etc.), and 3) The Luciferian cult (Satanists, Illuminati, Satanic Ritual Abuse, etc.). Be wary of Bakers or anyone who tells you otherwise. Source: Related:" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'storm', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanist', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'arrests', 'indictments', 'treason', 'holiday', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', '4K', 'HD', '1080', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT4M46S 174 2 3 0 not set not set 2017-12-20T09:27:34.000Z jiTXFSpmubs UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan Eggnog Anon Edition 12/18/2017-12/19/2017 "Why would religions hide real History and literally demonize an entire race of people? Remember, not all members of a race, ""alien"" or Human, are bad. Source: Related: NSA Whistleblower Tells How NSA Tracks You! w/Bill Binney NSA Genius Debunks Russiagate Once & For All Walking Through Hartsfield Jackson International Airport's Power Outage Tacoma Amtrak Derailment - The Real Cause NASA is Planning an Interstellar Mission for 2069, May Head to Nearby Alpha Centauri Is This Mysterious Space Rock Actually an Alien Spaceship? The ‘Oumuamua’ Asteroid Has Some Wondering Pentagon Spent Millions to Study UFOs Big Pharma Boss With Clinton Foundation Ties Found Dead at Home (Hopefully a spoof account)" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'storm', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanist', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'arrests', 'indictments', 'treason', 'holiday', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', '4K', 'HD', '1080', 'Illuminati', 'CBTS'] PT10M40S 277 8 3 1 not set not set 2017-12-23T23:00:26.000Z iDMJ7iSCZ-g UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA QAnon 8Chan Tyler AI Edition 12/19/2017 Continued & 12/20/2017-12/23/2017 "Is Q Anon actually a government artificial intelligence program named Tyler? Why are 8Chan CBTS board administrators promoting Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda, and lying, bearing false witness, and antagonizing me and other Jewish people, while purporting to be Christian? Source: Related: Presidential Executive Order Regarding Human Rights Abuse and Corruption Artificial Intelligence PsyOps Tyler and Q Anon with Quinn Michaels #SaveTyler – Who is Q Anon? Behind the Scenes at ""CBTS"" #QAnon- MUST WATCH The Proofs of Q: A Video review with CBTS Board Creators 8Chan CBTS Bakers Go Full-Nazi (Again) and Temporarily Ban Me for Speaking Out Against Anti-Jewish Hate Speech" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'storm', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanist', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'arrests', 'indictments', 'treason', 'holiday', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Illuminati', '4K', 'HD', 'CBTS'] PT7M53S 285 12 1 4 not set not set 2017-12-31T21:15:34.000Z AH8CAKy2u1Y UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan Challah-Triggered Snowflake Edition 12/23/2017-12/25/2017 "Happy New Year 2018! Thank you to Anti School for promptly, respectfully responding to my email. Tracy Beanz blocked me on Facebook several days after I politely contacted her regarding communicating with the 8Chan CBTS board administrators about temporarily banning me from the board, in violation of state and federal laws pertaining to cyber-harassment and free speech, for speaking out against rampant anti-Jewish content on the board. Thank YHWH God that I was born and raised into an ethnoreligion that teaches it is never okay to treat people that way. Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Source: Related: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner Emails Podesta Bros Arrested/Disneyland Power Outage/Airports Shut Down/Interview with 8Chan Bakers Interview with 8Chan CBTS Board Owners Q Hitting Targets with CBTS Bakers and Liz Crokin Interview with Q Anon CBTS and Reddit Board Administrators: Pamphlet Anon and Baruch the Scribe Chronological List of CEO'S Resigning Sept-Dec.2017 May God'S Justice Prevail Against Evil Criminal Conspirators: FBI Chief/Cointelpro Kingpin Ted Gunderson From Stew Webb Arizona National Guard military police to help at Guantanamo Bay Killary Clinton Body Count Song 80th Doctor Found Dead: Holistic Prominent and Outspoken" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 "['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'storm', 'Guantanamo Bay', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'cult', 'arrests', 'indictments', 'treason', 'holiday', 'New Year', ""New Year's"", 'day', 'eve', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'Illuminati', 'HD', 'CBTS']" PT1M15S 148 2 5 0 not set not set 2018-01-08T07:31:20.000Z WCY9ezQMkwk UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA QAnon 8Chan 01/03/2018-01/07/2018 "Q Anon is now posting on The Storm board on 8Chan. Hopfully, the Bakers realize that Luciferians support Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda. Source: Related: Roy Cocrum, et al V. Donald J. Trump for President Inc. Chelsea Clinton Tweets the Church of Satan and Hooters Liz Crokin on the Clinton House Fire CIA Baby Sales Luciferian Child Trafficking in Indiana Pentagon Baby Sales QANON community split, claimed I.D., WIKILEAKS ASSANGE debates, Catching Up -|UNIRock|- #LIVEDIVE Why am I doing this? Trolls That Try To Control Channels Through Religion Just Talking: ""We're A Christian Nation""" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '4 Chan', '8 Chan', 'storm', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'CBTS', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'satanic', 'cult', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'indictments', 'arrest', 'government', 'corruption', 'HD', '1080', 'Illuminati', 'arrests'] PT2M28S 264 3 5 1 not set not set 2018-01-14T06:17:42.000Z LTi9s-UC5Hg UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q anon 8Chan 01/07/2018-01/13/2017 "Q Anon has now moved to the Great Awakening board on 8Chan Source: Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Related:" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'Great Awakening', 'storm', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'CBTS', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'satanic', 'cult', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'treason', 'government', 'corruption', 'HD', '1080', 'Illuminati'] PT1M12S 205 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-20T20:17:40.000Z pibwcOT4Ut4 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA QAnon 8Chan 01/13/2018 - 01/19/2018 "Someone submitted a fraudulent copyright claim for the public-domain music used in my ""9,000+ Sealed Indictments"" video. This could be an error or an attempt at censorship. Please subscribe to my other channel I'm working on a Bible project. Source: Related: GCHQ Leaked Document Regarding Spying on Trump Regarding the Allegedly Accidental Nuclear Alert in Hawaii US District Court of Nevada Search and Seizure Warrant Regarding the Las Vegas Shooting FBI Declassified Nikola Tesla Files Info" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'storm', 'swamp', 'great awakening', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'CBTS', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'satanic', 'cult', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'treason', 'government', 'corruption', 'HD', '1080', 'Illuminati'] PT1M25S 161 2 2 0 not set not set 2018-01-27T22:13:49.000Z dNsKmVyJx3M UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Qanon 8Chan 01/19/2018 - 01/27/2018 "What's with the multiple message boards now, Q? Are you Luciferians ""LARPing""? Naughty Friend-of-Ted. Please subscribe to my other channel I'm working on a Bible project. Source: Related: 99-Page FISA Memo" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'great awakening', 'storm', 'swamp', 'research', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'satanic', 'Illuminati', '1080', 'HD', 'cult', 'CBTS', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'treason', 'government', 'corruption', 'FISA', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'military'] PT2M37S 81 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-02T21:05:17.000Z qDwOfw5x6w0 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Qanon 8Chan 01/26/2017 - 01/27/2018 Continued & 01/29/2018 - 01/31/2018 "A link to the declassified FISA memo is below. Please subscribe to my other channel I'm working on a Bible project. Interested in purchasing hemp oil products or becoming a sales associate? Check out! Source: Related:" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'great awakening', 'research', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'FISA', 'memo', 'declassified', 'crash', 'train', 'plane', 'congress', 'Luciferian', 'Luciferians', 'Satanists', 'satanic', 'cult', 'Illuminati', 'Pizzagate', 'Pedogate', 'HD', '1080', 'swamp', 'storm', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'treason', 'government', 'corruption', 'CBTS', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'military'] PT2M25S 79 1 1 0 not set not set 2018-02-12T01:02:12.000Z k2MjwHe05es UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA QAnon 8Chan 02/05/2018 - 02/10/2018 "A Luciferian FB troll hacked, took control of and then deleted my recent Messenger group conversation. Very pathetically passive-aggresive. Source: Related: Dow's 666-point plunge looks bad, but the economy's fundamentals are still strong Rothschild Family Sells Large Austrian Hunting Estate David Rothschild's Tweet Please subscribe to my other channel I'm working on a Bible project. Interested in purchasing hemp oil products or becoming a sales associate? Check out!" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'research', 'great', 'awakening', 'Illuminati', 'Satanists', 'Luciferians', 'cult', 'Pedogate', 'Pizzagate', 'HD', '1080', 'Rothschild', 'Obama', 'storm', 'swamp', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic', 'CBTS', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'treason', 'government', 'corruption', 'FBI', 'CIA', 'military'] PT3M25S 44 1 1 1 not set not set 2018-02-19T11:11:41.000Z 6BEDvB5PQ00 UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8chan 02/11/2018 - 02/16/2018 "Q has deleted all posts from the Great Awakening 8han board. Source: Please subscribe to my other channel I'm working on a Bible project." Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'great', 'awakening', 'research', 'CBTS', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'swamp', 'storm', 'Illuminati', 'Luciferian', 'cult', 'Satanic', 'HD', '1080', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'government', 'corruption'] PT4M14S 95 2 3 2 not set not set 2018-03-13T02:29:46.000Z 2XvmXKESZFo UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA Q Anon 8Chan 02/18/2018 - 03/10/2018 "Source: Related: 18,000+ Sealed Indictments Please subscribe to my other channel I'm working on a Bible project.;referrer=VirtualAlana2020" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'research', 'storm', 'swamp', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic', 'cult', '1080', 'HD', 'Illuminati', 'Great Awakening', 'sprit cooking', 'Hitler', 'Abramovic', 'Angela Merkel', 'Germany', 'Nazi', 'Nazis', 'Snowden', 'indictments', 'arrests', 'government', 'corruption', 'clearance', 'patriot'] PT9M38S 165 7 2 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T09:11:40.000Z a6s1IO9FofM UCzbqv9d-SmSg5j7Vcvz15HA QAnon 8Chan 03/23/2018 - 05/01/2018 "Source: Related: Breaking: Clinton-Abedin PedoGate Video Found On Dark Web Allison Mack Indictment Richard Branson Connection to NXIVM and Jeffrey Epstein Death of DJ Avicii For God and Country Rogue Q County Bluff Bronfman Rothschild Richard Dawkins on Cannibalism Jeffrey Epsteins Island Satellite View,-64.8248549,90m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x8c051168d7542dc5:0x110473b6198e7717!2sLittle+Saint+James!3b1!8m2!3d18.300278!4d-64.825556!3m4!1s0x8c051168d7542dc5:0x110473b6198e7717!8m2!3d18.300278!4d-64.825556 The Dark Side of Steven Spielberg & Hollywood (search ""pizza"")" Virtual Assistant Alana 27 ['Q Anon', '8 Chan', '4 Chan', 'clearance', 'patriot', 'research', 'comms', 'storm', 'swamp', 'Luciferian', 'Satanic', 'cult', '1080', 'HD', 'Illuminati', 'great', 'awakening', 'arrests', 'government', 'corruption', 'NXIVM', 'Abedin', 'Clinton'] PT26M49S 149 3 0 2 not set not set 2017-12-21T19:59:33.000Z Sir9PkcvVBI UCmSsFxgI-wWK54zsDToRxvg # Drop pop Candy │【Rin*Luka】- [MMD-2K] "┌⚫DATOS⚫ ├ Original Tittle: ''drop pop candy'' ├ Vocaloid: Megurine Luka & Kagamine Rin ├ Music, Lyrics: Giga-P & Reol └ (ง︡'-'︠)ง Uff long time! Enjoy it! Wait for more! (ง︡'-'︠)ง Q puedo decir, ni modo! ┌⚫VIDEO/AUDIO ⚫ ├◖2K - UltraHD ├ 2650x1440 - 60Fps - 20000bitrate ├ H.264(High@L5.2) ├ Mkv mergev7.7.0 ├◖AAC 2.0 Stereo - 320Kbit/s └ 48000Khz - 24bit integer ┌⚫PROGRAMAS⚫ ├ MikuMikuDance Ver. 9.26 64Bits ├ MeGUI 2624 └ PhotoFiltreStudioX ┌⚫PV VIDEO / CAMARE / MOTION / EDIT⚫ └ bj_Gonza ┌⚫MOTION/EXTRA⚫ ├◖drop pop candy by jmccmy◗ ├◖◗ ├◖Walking by tweekcrystal◗ └◖Walking edit by bj_gonza◗ ┌⚫MODEL MMD⚫ ├ tda camisole luka by Nephnashine ├ tda rin dress by Kiirokitsune99 ├ tda rin Casual by Yuu2002 └ tda luka Casual by Hamane Hatsura ┌⚫STAGES/ACCESSORIES⚫ ├ sakura no ame outside_stage by fubukid ├ PDF & PDF 2nd Stage by 01mikuxlen02 ├ Moji-stage text by arusato net └ Nancyatte Stage by scrollyksbn ┌⚫EFFECT⚫ ├ AutoLuminous ├ CheapLens ├ DLLA ├ SelfOverlay ├ LikeHDR ├ Diffusion ├ MotionBlur ├ dGreenerShader ├ PostAdultShaderS2 ├ Dryce ├ Water2Low ├ BlockOut ├ ExellentShadow ├ PostPointLigthing ├ SvSSAO ├ Ik-WetCloth ├ ColorShift ├ Ik-WetFloor ├ Post4Color ├ HeatGround ├ Ik-Overray ├ Ik- Bokeh └ Ik-PointColor ║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█║ (•̪(•̪●)̪●) ¡Este vídeo se realizo sin fines de lucro, ni nada parecido! (• ̪ (• ̪ ●) ̪ ●) This video was held nonprofit, or anything! (•̪(•̪●)̪●) ¡Fue creado por el simple hecho de compartir he informar! (• ̪ (• ̪ ●) ̪ ●) was created by the simple act of sharing I inform!" VocaloidHD bj_gonza 10 ['Hatsune', 'Miku', '(初音ミク)', 'Akita', 'Neru', '(亞北ネル)', 'Megpoid', 'Gumi', '(メグッポイド-グミ)', 'Kagamine', 'Rin', '(鏡音リン)', 'Kasane', 'Teto', '(重音テト)Megpoid', 'Sakine', 'Meiko', '(咲音メイコ)', 'Megurine', 'Luka', '(巡音ルカ)', 'MikuMikuDance', 'MMD', 'MikuMikuEffect', 'Vocaloid', '3D', 'FHD', '4K', 'Motion', 'dl', 'Subtitulos'] PT3M52S 3517 7 91 2 not set not set 2018-07-12T04:22:23.000Z dPu2xwsHdCQ UCyI9gZguZ9kG6SbvL3UgmQw Is Q Legit? Part 1 Where Do I Find QAnon? "Where can you find QAnon and see for yourself? Q: The Plan to Save The World: Q Cheat Sheet for Normies: Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q?: Q For Beginners Part 2 - How to Find Q posts: Q's credibility - They took and/or have access to at least two pictures from while on board Air Force 1's flight to Vietnam on November 9th. [Lets let the security implications of that fact sink in] Follow all of Q’s posts here: Q is a powerful insider giving us the biggest intelligence drop in the history of the world. Our job in its beautiful simplicity is to communicate it to our friends and families. Q has made this crystal clear. The code is not complicated, because the target audience is YOU the worker, the family, the wonderful soul that you are. Your Great Awakening is our Great Awakening. We're in this together and there's no stopping our tidal wave of Truth. We're not doing this to start something, we're here to ease the chaos that's about to erupt. There are over 35,000 federal level sealed indictments on standby. There have been nearly 3,000 CEO/President, or otherwise Notable Resignations that are reshaping the corporate landscape. More than twice the amount of representatives than Watergate - 53 so far - will not seek re-election this year. This is what a swamp draining looks like. Without violating the very laws that are being brought back into full power today, Q drops clues about whats going on in the silent war against the seemingly entrenched evil few who strangled our world through unimaginable means. The FBI has been gutted, the CIA has been shattered, and the DOJ cleansed of those who stood in the way of our Freedom. Who's next? Lets find out. #Qanon Q Proofs: Never posted on 8Chan Start Here First: 8CHAN’S QMAP THREAD : HTTPS://8CH.NET/QRESEARCH/RES/122807.HTML Full transcript of the original posts from Q on 4chan & 8chan, worldwide news, Anon’s analysis / theories, useful infographs and links. Downloadable PDF: Tracy Beans video from the very beginning November 3, 2017: Q: The Plan to Save The World: President Trump Explains the Importance of His Presidency and What He Will Do Once He’s President: “This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected” - Playlists: What is Q? The Great Awakening: #QProofs: QProofs: Research Boards: Praying Medic QAnon Playlist: Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption QAnon The Storm PDF Download: Q keeps referencing this article and wanting us to read and reread. This is what is going on behind the scenes. Intro to QAnon by NeonRevolt Thank you Neon Revolt for such an amazing article. Wading Thru The Crap - Website: Twitter: Facebook: Parler: @WadingThruTheCrap For God & Country Store: Make your own shirts or use one of my designs on Part 2: Part: 3:" Wading Thru The Crap 24 ['qanon', 'q the plan to save the world', 'pedogate', 'qproofs', 'is q legit', 'proofs of qanon', 'who is q', 'great awakening', 'conspiracies', 'President Trump', 'patriots fight', 'the storm', 'the calm before the storm', 'trump', 'q research', 'the plan to save the world', 'is qanon legit', 'corrupt government', 'Praying medic', 'tracy beanz', 'justinformed talk', 'citizens investigative report', 'sgtreport', '22x report'] PT17M1S 693 16 27 0 not set not set 2018-07-12T04:39:10.000Z 7Wbxes0mkE8 UCyI9gZguZ9kG6SbvL3UgmQw Is Q Legit? Part 2 QProofs and Proofs of Q "Are you searching for the truth? Is QAnon a conspiracy theory or is this a legitimate claim of intel? See for yourself and you make up your own mind. QAnon The Storm PDF Download: QProofs: Q74 Fire Truck: VIP Anon: Q keeps referencing this article and wanting us to read and reread. This is what is going on behind the scenes. See original posts by Q: Eric Trump Q Sun Tweet This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected Q: The Plan to Save The World: Q Cheat Sheet for Normies: Q For Beginners Part 1 - Who is Q?: Q For Beginners Part 2 - How to Find Q posts: Q's credibility - They took and/or have access to at least two pictures from while on board Air Force 1's flight to Vietnam on November 9th. [Lets let the security implications of that fact sink in] Q is a powerful insider giving us the biggest intelligence drop in the history of the world. Our job in its beautiful simplicity is to communicate it to our friends and families. Q has made this crystal clear. The code is not complicated, because the target audience is YOU the worker, the family, the wonderful soul that you are. Your Great Awakening is our Great Awakening. We're in this together and there's no stopping our tidal wave of Truth. We're not doing this to start something, we're here to ease the chaos that's about to erupt. There are over 35,000 federal level sealed indictments on standby. There have been nearly 3,000 CEO/President, or otherwise Notable Resignations that are reshaping the corporate landscape. More than twice the amount of representatives than Watergate - 53 so far - will not seek re-election this year. This is what a swamp draining looks like. Without violating the very laws that are being brought back into full power today, Q drops clues about whats going on in the silent war against the seemingly entrenched evil few who strangled our world through unimaginable means. The FBI has been gutted, the CIA has been shattered, and the DOJ cleansed of those who stood in the way of our Freedom. Who's next? Lets find out. #Qanon Q Proofs: Never posted on 8Chan Start Here First: 8CHAN’S QMAP THREAD : HTTPS://8CH.NET/QRESEARCH/RES/122807.HTML Full transcript of the original posts from Q on 4chan & 8chan, worldwide news, Anon’s analysis / theories, useful infographs and links. Downloadable PDF: Tracy Beans video from the very beginning November 3, 2017: Q: The Plan to Save The World: President Trump Explains the Importance of His Presidency and What He Will Do Once He’s President: “This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected” - Playlists: What is Q? The Great Awakening: #QProofs: Intro to QAnon by NeonRevolt Thank you Neon Revolt for such an amazing article. Wading Thru The Crap - Website: Twitter: Facebook: Parler: @WadingThruTheCrap For God & Country Store: Make your own shirts or use one of my designs on Part 1: Part: 3:" Wading Thru The Crap 24 ['qanon', 'who is q', 'qproofs', 'pedogate', 'proofs of q', 'is q legit', 'is qanon legit', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'president trump', 'trump', 'patriots fight', 'q research', 'where to find q', 'the plan to save the world', 'the calm before the storm', 'corrupt government', 'questions about q', 'VIP Anon', 'SGTReport'] PT17M1S 224 9 14 0 not set not set 2018-09-19T01:38:06.000Z NdxDR-7TN2w UCyI9gZguZ9kG6SbvL3UgmQw Debunking QAnon - Can the Proofs Be Unproven? - I "Why do so many people want to debunk QAnon? Can QAnon be debunked? In my next series of videos I will be vetting proofs and trying to see if they live up to the test of fact or fiction? Find Q Posts: and Talk to other Q Readers: and Wading Thru the Crap on FascistBook: Tweeter: Spread the word with your own Q Merch: Q Shirts for $17" Wading Thru The Crap 24 ['Debunking QAnon', 'QAnon Proofs', 'Q Proofs', 'Debunking Q', 'Proofs of QAnon', 'Proofs of Q', 'The Great Awakening', 'WQKE'] PT15M48S 450 10 10 9 not set not set 2018-04-27T01:40:29.000Z r7bOCHWzEbU UC1Z71TG0P0rzUvQTTMwEZoA Qanon -Time for a Review "After 8 months of Qanon, it is time for an honest review. Many who doubted Q's legitimacy were written off as sheep, or trolls, even bots, and while Q certainly appears linked with Trump, and the information is valid, Q also serves as a way to divide, then tie up a large portion of the truth community. While this review is very short and basic, it should provide enough for people to at least query it further on their own. Text/Music only" Waking Circle 22 ['Qanon', 'great awakening', 'trump', 'Q anon', 'Q clearance', 'anons', '4chan', '8chan'] PT4M48S 36 0 0 1 not set not set 2018-08-14T08:41:45.000Z SoZP477js1M UCQMwR079Ibugf9Fk3DalTgQ waptek storms The Great Awakening 4chan /POL/ Q&A-non deep state Clearance Patriot hoax "a childish & fantastically flawed , devious, amoral unreliable, irresponsible , untrustworthy all powerful entity that can alter, create, or destroy virtually any form of matter or energy, affect time in essentially any way they chose. from a virtually stagnant but very highly ordered society On June 15, 2018, Matthew Phillip Wright of Henderson, Nevada, was arrested on terrorism and other charges for driving an armored vehicle, containing an AR-15 and handgun, to the Hoover Dam and blocking traffic for 90 minutes on a mission involving QAnon: to demand that the Justice Department ""release the OIG report"" on the conduct of FBI agents during the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server Jones & Corsi declared Q completely compromised by May 2018 5 months late! & August 4, 2018 Sean Spicer said Q is not legit, calm before the storm, the live action alternate reality role-playing game posted B4 2017/10/28 , to spin the Mueller investigation as a counter coup , with Donald Trump, pretending to collude with Russia so Robert Mueller can secretly investigate , Rothschild family, Hollywood stars, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros& high-level official members of an international child sex trafficking ring planning a coup ??!! NO! yes ""Blissett"" published the novel Q in 1999 but , thats not it, pi-card! my trophy room = Time magazine said among the 25 Most Influential People on the Internet in 2018. Hillsborough County Republican Party said ""mysterious anonymous inside leaker of deep state activities and counter activities by President Trump"" Fox News commentator Sean Hannity has tweeted about QAnon, he Russian government-funded network RT News has discussed the topic Cheryl Sullenger said ""small group of insiders close to President Donald J. Trump"" ""highest level of intelligence to ever be dropped publicly in our known history the Communist Party of Ukraine, published an article calling QAnon a ""military intelligence group"" Roseanne !@#$%^ Barr?!" waptek 23 not set PT2M38S 114 11 9 0 not set not set 2018-04-09T03:31:46.000Z D5lDJetvU8I UCo6GhRKKsBuZmzOewMZgghg Q & Anon chan community guideline violation patRIOT stealth IP MAC clearance SPLC ADL hate index "i am on strike 2 now in duck & cover mode SEO the chair is against the door, tom has a long mustache, Q= Tips on creating new channels? You ought to be a pro by now. My recent experience with this brought forth different questions when giving the information to create another channel. Should I create all new (f?k€) information? Even with that measure will the bots still know I have multiple accounts (i.e. through the same IP addy)? Is it pointless to even worry about stealth? Due to YT policies, how is it possible to create multiple new accounts when terminated for 'community guidelines' violations = = = Radio Londres Longest Day Red Dawn = = = We're never told what they actually mean, but they're meant for specific people/groups. Kinda like the old standby ""The eagle has landed"" or ""The package has arrived"". If you knew how to decipher it, it would hold significance. To anyone eavesdropping, it was random nonsense. this may include controversial & or copyrighted materials the use of which may not have be specifically authorized by the populous & or copyright owner for purposes of education, commentary, & criticism. shout outs to fractal truth/flaming swords, G4L4CTICNORTH, Ich dachte an gedächtnis, joe average, Mark Question, SaraSmile, T.R.O.L.L. Truth & Reason Over Litany & Lies, Christie Malry, Mike Martins. = DL = EP = SCS = lol? message to defango & his dorks , the SPLC ADL Hate indexwatch Oct 2017 surprise pushback , failed! get over it!" waptek2 27 not set PT8M14S 67 2 3 10 not set not set 2018-08-23T04:54:07.000Z xgw9OpbTVy4 UCo6GhRKKsBuZmzOewMZgghg Donald Trump Q Anon War drummer WWG1WGA false flag bump slide stock abuse paddock assassination "You are a hack. How much does the fbi pay you to lie to everyone on youtube?? If you follow Q: Anon You will already know the truth! War drummer has the best video! It's about Donald Trump's 3 assassination attempt. Yes, Donald Trump's! WWG1WGA? March 12, 2016 Thomas Dimassimo at Vandalia or Dayton Ohio ""All of a sudden, a planned attack just came out of nowhere"" “I was ready for him, but it’s much easier if the cops do it,” June 18, 2016, Michael Steven Sandford with a gun November 2016 an ""unidentified individual"" shouted ""gun"" in the audience, though no weapon was found after a ""thorough search."" Would the United Nations, Soros, Obama, Hillary, FBI and CIA and other agencies of the US government, with the Las Vegas police along with other security agencies and police departments throughout the USA conspire to create events to take away guns from US citizens by actually murdering US citizens?? OK first of all there are two gunshot wounds one to the chest and one to the head and your not going to lay a rifle over your leg before you off yourself... And the gun you ""off yourself"" with isn't going to have blood drops leading to the gun that's above your head? reply to anothjer : yeah the bump stocks sure did come up awful fast right to the company that manufactured that particular stock. Frames per second how many times must we get framed? I wonder how that LV lawsuit is going out thar in Commiefornia ? I don't mean to drift off subject but I haven't seen anything regarding the lawsuit itself. chicanery. Dianne Feinstein 20 years communist China employee. Betamax was cool expensive though Have you seen the cctv footage of the man running across that same roof? There was another guy supposedly in one of the elevator bays on the side of the building on the 8th level from the roof there. There is audio from the helicopter to confirm that they saw it. Watch at the 4 minute mark. He corroborates this event with the audio in his video #11 No weapon on him, but that obviously doesn’t mean he never had one." waptek2 27 not set PT14M30S 2606 23 30 29 not set not set 2018-08-01T17:53:55.000Z -J5rtcJlmz4 UCHd62-u_v4DvJ8TCFtpi4GA 4 things to know about the QAnon conspiracy theory "During President Trump’s rally on July 31, several attendees held or wore signs with a mysterious symbol, the letter “Q.” Here’s what you need to know about QAnon conspiracy theory. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: Follow us: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:" Washington Post 25 ['a:politics', 'QAnon', 'conspiracy theory', 'Trump', 'right wing', '4chan', 'conspiracy', 'we are q', 'trump rally', '8chan', 'tom hanks', 'roseanne', 'tampa', 't:Original', 's:Politics', 'Washington Post Video', 'News', 'WaPo Video', 'Washington Post YouTube', 'The Washington Post'] PT1M12S 100773 926 363 1013 not set not set 2018-09-16T21:30:00.000Z 1Dyr1Je6aI8 UCaWd5_7JhbQBe4dknZhsHJg Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories "Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories Subscribe: and also Ring the Bell to get notified // Have a Top 10 idea? Submit it to us here! Is the truth REALLY out there? From Obama’s birth certificate, flat earthers, and the FDA withholding the cure for cancer, we’re starting to wonder… does anyone REALLY believe these? WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories. Check out our other videos of the Top 10 CRAZY Celebrity Conspiracy Theories:, the Top 10 Darkest Movie Theories:, and the Top 10 Youtube Conspiracy Theorists: #10. Obama’s Birth Certificate #9. Holocaust Deniers #8. Tools of Control #7. The Earth Is Flat #6. Mass Shootings Are Fake #5. QAnon #4. FDA Is Withholding the Cure for Cancer #3, #2 & #1??? Watch on WatchMojo: Special thanks to our user boxtroll for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at Check our our other channels! WatchMojo's Social Media Pages Get WatchMojo merchandise at WatchMojo’s ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How To’s, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture." 24 ['conspiracy theories', 'modern conspiracies', 'conspiracy', 'flat earthers', 'evolutionists', 'science', 'disasters', 'conspiracy theorists', 'conspiracy theory', 'WatchMojo', 'top 10', 'top 5', 'list', 'best', 'worst', 'truth', 'hidden', 'theory', 'government', 'vaccinations', 'Holocaust Deniers'] PT7M18S 1088689 1932 7494 1455 not set not set 2017-11-17T18:04:09.000Z __S1kxnUTxw UC9erMbvT7zgp6zeDJAZcRiw Part 2:+++ Intel Drops by 'Q Clearance Patriot' 11/4/17-11/6/17+++ (mirror) "Mirror of James Munder's video. Links:" watchnpray247 22 ['Q clearance'] PT44M14S 813 2 5 1 not set not set 2017-11-17T18:22:01.000Z z-cSOAVIrRs UC9erMbvT7zgp6zeDJAZcRiw Part 1+++ Intel Dumps by 'Q Clearance Patriot' on 4chan, 11/1/17-11/4/17+++ "Mirror of vid from James Munder's channel. Links:" watchnpray247 22 ['Q clearance patriot'] PT49M16S 1422 3 11 1 not set not set 2017-12-20T18:46:12.000Z VrnCPLlZwDc UC9erMbvT7zgp6zeDJAZcRiw Calm Before the Storm - IMPORTANT!! "Mirror of Tracy Beanz and New Subreddit Board Creators for Q Clearance Drops Link to Board:" watchnpray247 22 ['Q clearance CBTS'] PT39M49S 317 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-08-10T02:23:17.000Z Vmwdo3bcR54 UCafJIpFpOYGGJLLwuYbTrzA Is Q-Anon a conspiracy theory? "To understand what a conspiracy is do a google search for the definition. Before you allow or accept others judgment over or to you, make sure they know what they are talking about." Wayne Loomis 25 ['Q-Anon', 'Conspiracy', 'Trump', 'Derangement', 'Deep State'] PT8M29S 47 2 3 0 not set not set 2017-12-31T01:42:43.000Z SRUA7q-AoUo UCV-3MGcUG_MGFK8brZRuKZA Alex Jones: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike Alex Jones breaks down the basic gestalt of secretive intelligence operative known as QAnon posting warnings about Eric Schmidt stepping down from Google in tandem with President Trump’s recent executive order allowing the Treasury to confiscate property from corrupt entities. WE ARE Q. 25 ['infowars', 'alex jones', 'disclosure', 'qanon', 'trump', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'cabal', 'david wilcock', 'pleiades', 'david seaman', 'ufo', 'alien', 'the storm', 'jordan sather'] PT51M20S 4341 12 68 4 not set not set 2018-01-01T02:51:08.000Z 7KFlIhTC-PU UCV-3MGcUG_MGFK8brZRuKZA INFOWARS: The Secrets of QAnon’s War with the Deep State - Pedophiles Exposed """Pamphlet Anon"" and ""Baruch the Scribe"" join Rob Dew to discuss highly secretive intelligence operative ""QAnon's"" 8chan posts about the Deep State elite." WE ARE Q. 25 ['alex jones', 'infowars', 'deep state', 'qanon', 'ufo', 'alien', 'reptilians', 'pleiadians', 'discloure 2018', 'disclosure', 'david wilcock', 'david icke', 'david seaman', 'corey goode', 'rob dew', 'cia', 'fbi', 'nasa', 'pizzagate', 'pedogate', 'richard dolan'] PT44M14S 2732 8 47 1 not set not set 2018-09-05T05:15:04.000Z VYR3a8f-98E UCB7wIn94_jPO7EFG6PgT-6Q Re: Q drop 2848806 & the Magic Sword Song Image About that Q drop of song with Magic Sword. WE R Q 25 ['qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'the storm', 'pain', 'the great awakening', 'Trump', 'military', 'marines', 'army', 'navy', 'air force', 'coast guard', 'national guard', 'space force', 'night ops', 'seal team 6', 'explosion', 'syria', 'damascus', 'freedom', 'justice', 'cabal', 'pure evil', 'globalists', 'satanists', 'the more you know', 'think for yourself', 'soros', 'rothschild', 'Magic Sword', 'song', 'in n out', 'military intelligence', 'nsa', 'dod', 'pentagon', 'airport', 'special forces', 'in the face of evil', 'qdrop', 'patriots', 'fight'] PT1M34S 47 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-16T18:31:34.000Z 5f078zIbSHo UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Is Julian Assange Right About Coup To Oust President Trump 12162017 "*** Julian Assange - *** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License Naomi Starling 10 hours ago how can anyone sleep thats what i wonder love ya buddy thanks for your great news its time to spill it and take the trash out i appreciate your service and your way of putting things God B;ess REPLY 20" We The People are Pissed Off 22 not set PT14M59S 45 0 1 1 not set not set 2017-12-17T01:40:15.000Z nqoG2vf-DfY UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Against All Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic! 121617 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Residents Who Want to Save Money & Make Money! Steve Motley - 14 Reasons Why You Should Join Steve Motley's Trunited Team! Watch This Presentation From My Friend Kevin Weldon What is Socialized Commerce? The Next Big Thing! Discover Trunited Meet Genius/Creator/Owner Dr Nicolas Porter Trunited - The First of Its Kind - Major Paradigm Shift - Socialized Commerce - The Next Big Thing! Trunited In Less Than 3 Minutes - How Trunited works in 5 minutes Join Truanted Here for Free! INTRODUCCION A TRUNITED LOS BENEFICIOS DE SER CLIENTE DE TRUNITED" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Q Clearnce Anon', '4Chan', '8Chan'] PT14M58S 6 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-17T03:58:11.000Z BPdVp6er84c UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine POTUS Trump DOJ Need To Reinvestigate Oklahoma Bombing! 12162017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Q Anon'] PT14M49S 6 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-17T19:07:32.000Z rSh3XUvn6Gk UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Go Buy Yourself A Really Nice Mattress For Christmas! 12172017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['10 days of darkness', 'Q Clearence', 'Q Anon'] PT14M59S 15 0 0 1 not set not set 2017-12-17T21:06:00.000Z vx-t4ukWnjc UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Speaks Can You See The Gorilla 12172017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Q Clearence', 'Q Anon', 'Storm', 'Swamp'] PT14M53S 20 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-18T00:19:05.000Z Ml5u1yn-6Yg UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Sounds Off 12172017 "Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Trump', 'United Nations', 'Swamp', 'Storm'] PT14M49S 16 0 1 1 not set not set 2017-12-18T23:46:21.000Z H1IjrMGLCZg UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine What Was President Trump and Marine Generals Doing At Camp David 12182017 "***** General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years! ****** Left Has Become Fully Sociopathic, Fully Demonic | Mike Cernovich Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me:" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Q Anon', 'Swamp', 'Storm'] PT14M47S 70 0 1 1 not set not set 2017-12-19T05:55:14.000Z rNfzVqUKr68 UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Have You Experienced a Satori Awakening or Instant Enlightenment 12182017 "Here's a site I made for y'all with some of my favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Swamp', 'Storm', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearnce', '4 Chan'] PT13M58S 7 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-19T21:05:05.000Z 5E-IXg4Sps8 UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine - QAnon - "Is Olympia Amtrak Crash Retaliation for Atlanta?" - 12/19/2017 "**** Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! **** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Storm', 'Swamp', 'Q Anon'] PT14M59S 115 0 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-21T00:40:25.000Z eFYV4kd59Ik UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine QAnon Says Trust Sessions The End Is Near 12202017 "**** Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! **** **** Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! **** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['MAGA', 'Storm', 'Swamp', 'Q Anon'] PT1M8S 153 0 1 0 not set not set 2017-12-21T21:14:34.000Z LAVIj9O74u4 UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Steve Motley Sounds Off 12212017 "**** Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! **** **** Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! **** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Drain the swamp', 'Q Clearence', 'Q Anon', 'CBTS'] PT14M52S 49 1 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-22T02:43:29.000Z 2W0QEbMSvvc UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine Christmas Comes Early With Huge Tax Cut New Executive Order! 12212017 "**** Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! **** **** Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! **** Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Storm', 'Swamp', 'Q Anon', 'Q Clearence', '4 Chan', 'CBTS'] PT15M 57 0 2 0 not set not set 2017-12-23T05:24:15.000Z VVyzYZLFeSU UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw "I Love QAnon" & You Will Too Once You Wake Up! - 12222017 "***** Saturday Night 23 Dec 2017 @ 7:00PM Central ***** Join Jessie From BPEarthWatch & Myself for a Little Chat! *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License" We The People are Pissed Off 22 ['Q Anon', 'Swamp', 'Storm', '4Chan', '8Chan', 'Pizza Gate'] PT14M59S 40 0 0 0 not set not set 2017-12-23T16:38:28.000Z Xex0mrcP1NM UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine QAnon Says God is Love! 2018 Will Be GLORIOUS! 12232017 "***** Saturday Night 23 Dec 2017 @ 7:00PM Central ***** Join Jessie From BPEarthWatch & Myself for a Little Chat! *** Finally All Of QAnon's Posts in One Place - Praise God! *** Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption via @whitehouse * Friends, Please Donate a Few Bucks if You Can to Assist The Towey Family in Southern California! They Lost Everything! It's Christmas Friends! * * Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels! Enjoy & Share! * Marine Corps Commercial: ""Toys for Tots -- Marine Guard Duty"" Please Give to a Child In Need This Christmas Season! Help Save Our Children! Every Dollar Counts! Bring Him Home Santa! (I'm the Marine in Dress Blues) Check Out My Sponsors! (My Son JD's Car Dealership) If you're in the Boise area go see JD and tell him you're friends with Steve and you want a Special ""Motley Crew"" Deal. P.S. This kid is not your average ""Used Car Salesman""! He's as honest as the day is long! Go see him! You'll be glad you did! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Watch My Short Video Intro! Here Are Some of My Favorite YouTube Channels Check Out My Friend Lionel - History Will Show That Donald Trump's Presidency Was Our Greatest Ever BPEarthWatch - Fires Fighters Rush To Save Santa Barbara CA. Tracy Beanz - Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part XI James Munder - Q POSTS++RED CROSS++MERRY CHRISTMAS BAMA🍯HONEYPOT THE HONEYPOTTERS Total Eclipse - The Satanic Plan Revealed In Current Affairs & The Influence Of Secret Societies Today Sarah Westall - Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Stelle LtCol Roy Potter - Matt Bracken (Navy SEAL) - News Blitz 12/6/17 Victurus Libertas -Love, Protect, Do Not Inject! Jason - Destroying The Illusion - The Alex Jones Channel - BREAKING: Mueller And His Team Are Under Criminal Investigation By The Justice Department The Savage Nation Podcast December 04, 2017 Michael Savage Nation 12/04/17 Full Show Matt Bracken (Former Navy SEAL) - What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 12/4/17: Today's News Talk Show David Zublick - FBI: Huma 'Saudi Spy' With Proof Hillary Is A Pedophile Mark Dice - Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Opus 32 Defango - Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA LtCol Roy Potter - Draining The Swamp and Q Clearance Patriot James Munder - Q POSTS+ THE STORM HAS BEGUN: OWLS & Y HEAD SYMBOLS Lisa Haven - IT’S GOING DOWN: A “New Sheriff” To Make BIG Arrests? 4,289 Sealed Indictments In 3 Weeks Black Conservative Patriot -Q Anon Said The Swamp Would Also Drain Itself: No Re-election 4 IMPEACH TRUMP Dem Scumbag Gutierrez! David Seaman - Can Donald Trump Drain The Swamp + Ethereum / Bitcoin Chat 🎉 Anti School - Q ANON POSTS: 'OPERATIONS UNDERWAY' 11/20/17 'POTUS REFUSES TO BE SILENT' Destroying The Illusion - Trump Verifies QAnon w/ a Retweet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired Marine - QAnon Leaker Discloses Full Game Plan For Elite Globalist Pedophile Take Down! Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information, insight and analysis of Current Events, World Affairs and many other interesting topics! If you like my videos please share them with others! Follow Me & I'll Follow You! Email Me: Category Comedy License" We The People are Pissed Off 22 not set PT14M54S 60 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-01T04:57:25.000Z A1xyte8rl1M UCS9Nqwu9glj6Vk06bM7PLFw Retired Marine QAnon Actually Told Patriots to Trust Sessions Gowdy! 05312018 We The People are Pissed Off 25 not set PT14M52S 20 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-05-14T01:43:00.000Z zxXFcwj15tw UChwwoeOZ3EJPobW83dgQfAg Live! The Clintons Are Connected To What? China, Peace Talks, Q Anon And More "In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas discuss the latest global news and go beyond mainstream media lies and propaganda to bring you the full story...the true story. Visit our MAIN SITE for more PATREON SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: STEEMIT: OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government owned help us out We take Crypto Coins Bitcoin - 1F6oeUnhXfr5UMC95apbJg7CLjm3BUrT8V Dash - XrkDznuSQ9Qf7EJp5kGv9na5yj59BNpuaz ETH -- 0xe3fe145aa53fda2dbe4b65a8874f027b82d90811 👨🏻‍💻Bittube - bxdigY3LEr3hL2cScYqTJaiafeDxhpt9bK9FcxXbkuFeDyc9sZfF97iAmqSPR6NyfQ8wp34d7PeAU95gsZYQBpib1YEKz5aY4 💲Monero - 466jSETYBr3R9qWJS15biBbxwZsZwE86wEMT9NogvfZS2tY7v8QsgZZ4ifPesVLr8xgaTCK32dcLoiMXi7DEM25V7t3o3z4 💰EOS -" WeAreChange 25 ['wearechange', 'we are change', 'luke rudkowski', 'jason bermas', 'wrc', 'confrontations', 'truth', 'justice', 'real news', 'alternative', 'journalist', 'media', 'quantum', 'quantum age', 'corruption', 'age of corruption', 'arkansas', 'judge', 'sentencing'] PT1H33M30S 19560 305 755 83 not set not set 2018-08-02T21:50:30.000Z N7saEWGix-g UCx_SjDi4CS5ALkWCS9ffldQ Conspiracy Theorists Creeping Into The Mainstream. But What Is QAnon? And Should We Be Worried? Fringe conspiracies are going mainstream with followers of the mysterious internet persona QAnon now showing up at Trump rallies. What exactly is the group? And is it a troubling curiosity or a serious threat to democracy? Tom Whalen, an associate professor of social science and American history at Boston University, Michael Serazio, an assistant professor of communication at Boston College, and Gautam Mukunda, a Harvard Kennedy School fellow, joined Jim Braude to discuss. WGBH News 25 ['Boston', 'Massachusetts', 'WGBH', 'Greater Boston'] PT10M39S 3475 66 26 65 not set not set 2018-04-21T15:19:19.000Z 2cUbckHy42g UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON- OBAMA/MAGGIE PHOTO- STRANGE FINDINGS! "i raise several questions regarding the barrack obama /Maggie Photo released by Q. stay tuned and see what you think. keep me posted in the comments! thanks for watching!" What is Truth 28 ['Qanon', 'qanon posts', 'decoding Qanon', 'cbts_stream', 'Q-Clearance Patriot', 'qanon larp', '5thaveanon'] PT6M48S 33153 385 334 47 not set not set 2018-04-21T17:19:01.000Z Aqh1TSZH7QI UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON- "[PRE BAD] FAKE NEWS/ "PLANNED FOR LATER" "discussing the latest QANON posts as of 12pm 04/21/2018 thanks for stopping by like share and subscribe!" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts recent', 'most recent Qanon posts', 'qanon 8chan', 'who is Qanon?', 'q talkes about podesta', 'hillary clinton', 'huma', 'make america great again', 'Qanon is a larp', 'is Qanon real?', 'mostrecent qanon 8chan posts'] PT5M45S 63 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-21T19:27:56.000Z hbzY1SsNRcs UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON/4/21/18- "HOW DO WE LEGALLY......" "latest QANON UPDATE as of 2pm 4/21/18 Q STORM and TWITTER STORM AT SAME TIME TIME. coincidence? let me know what you think down below! thanks. REMEMBER TO LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER FOR UP TO DATE CURRENT EVENT AND STRANGE NEWS @DanielF81190302" What is Truth 28 ['QANON', 'Q STORM', 'qanon newest posts', 'qanon mentions DNC LAWSUIT', 'qanon and trump say same ting', 'latest qanon 8chan posts', '8chan qanon', 'Q posts 8ch.', 'make america great again', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening'] PT3M24S 53 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-21T19:47:51.000Z 8QdO3Jfpp3g UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON-4/21/18-"M.O.A.B INCOMING"/READY TO PLAY? "LATEST QANON POST UPDATE AS OF 245PM. ""WHAT WILL WEEK HOLD? M.OA.B INCOMING. ENJOY THE SHOW. thanks for watching please share like ans subscribe if you feel inclined. take care. god speed." What is Truth 28 ['QANON latest posts', 'qanon 8chan posts', 'Qanon 8ch newest', 'cbts_stream', 'q clearance patriot', 'Q posts 8chan', 'latest qanon posts', 'QANON IS A LARP'] PT3M6S 331 6 6 1 not set not set 2018-04-21T20:58:46.000Z CQPSQe_jcqs UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON NEW POST 4/21/18-"11.11.18" AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN." "LATEST QANON UPDATE IN A STORM OF POSTS TODAY. STAY TUNED FOR MORE NEWS AND UPDATES DAILY! LIKE,SHARE,SUBSCRIBE!" What is Truth 28 ['Qanon', 'Q posts decode', 'cbts_stream', 'Qanon latest posts', 'new Q posts 8chan', 'make america great again', 'Qanon is a LARP', 'is Qanon real?', 'drain the swamp', 'white hats'] PT6M44S 494 2 8 2 not set not set 2018-04-23T12:59:16.000Z VpNvYZW8R6g UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON-4/23/18-"SHE HAD TO WIN AT ALL COSTS" "LATEST QANON POSTS AS OF 4/23/18 @ 8AM DELVES MORE IN HUMA A, BO,HRC AND SA. PLEASE LEAVE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND FEEDBACK IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. THANKS FOR STOPPING BY. PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! LINKS IN VIDEO: ttp://" What is Truth 28 ['Qanon', 'Q posts', 'latest Qanon posts', '8chan posts Qanon', 'QANON NEWEST POSTS', 'cbts_stream', 'great awakening', 'HRC', 'HUMA', 'q clearance patriot', 'infowars q'] PT5M26S 161 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-23T13:46:20.000Z At-OA4bmrfA UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON-4/23/18-CONNECT DOTS-"S.A VITAL" "digging deeper into latest Q posts, with connections to OBAMA,Huma,HUMA AND SA. let me know what you think in the comments below. LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!" What is Truth 28 ['QANON', 'Q anon posts', 'latest Q anon posts', 'QANON 8chan posts', 'latest Q drop', 'saudi arabia', 'barrack obama', 'connection to SA', 'best Q drop breakdown', 'breaking down Qanon posts'] PT5M11S 125 1 2 0 not set not set 2018-04-23T15:19:56.000Z x_YQ6I5EwD0 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Qanon-"OBAMA LINKED TO SPIRIT COOKING" "digging deeper into the Qanon posts from 4/20/18 which showed us 2 pictures, one of BARRACK OBAMA,the other MARINA ABRAMOVIC, we also show and dicuss the connection between these too individuals. thanks for watching. please share like and subscribe" What is Truth 28 ['Qanon', 'Qanon8chan', '8chan Q posts', 'most recent Qanon posts', 'wikileaks spirit cooking', 'obama linked to spirit cooking', 'latest Q posts', 'q clearance patriot', 'cbts_stream'] PT2M41S 18796 16 73 7 not set not set 2018-04-23T19:51:01.000Z 4WoV1ixAtZ8 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON-4/23/18"THE WORLD IS AWAKENING" "review of the latest QANON POSTS AS OF 4/23/18 AT 245PM. discuss iran, government funding where the oney goes and who controls it. also discuss link left in Q POST AND GIVE OPINION. DoD link: Q article link: LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. PLEASE LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE. THANK YOU." What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'latest q posts', 'most recent Qanon posts', 'cbts_stream', 'q clearance patriot', 'the great awakening', 'info wars q'] PT8M26S 493 1 13 0 not set not set 2018-04-23T20:38:02.000Z 6OVHFxy91yA UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON NEW 4/23/18-"HAPPENING NOW" ROGUE NUKE STATE- "latest Q posts as of 4/23/18 335pm let me know your opinion below! like,share,subscribe please.thank you. Links:" What is Truth 28 ['q posts', 'q anon posts', 'qanon new posts', 'new qanon posts', 'Q clearance patriot', 'the great awakening', 'latest qanon posts', 'q 8chan'] PT9M33S 467 0 6 1 not set not set 2018-04-24T00:05:16.000Z LMlVwj3ZPeQ UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON-NEW 4/23/18- "ITS TIME TO LEARN THE TRUTH" "latest qanon post as of 4/23 thanks for watching, give your opinion below. LIKE,SHARE,SUBSCRIBE." What is Truth 27 ['qanon posts', 'new qanon posts', 'most recent Q posts', 'qanon 8chan posts', 'is qanon a physop', 'qanon a larp', 'q clearance patriot', 'Q new posts'] PT8M26S 178 1 6 0 not set not set 2018-04-25T13:19:19.000Z k9WFfHwYLPc UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON-NEW 4/25-"M.O.A.B,OR PRECURSOR"? "latest QANON POSTS AS OF 4/25/18 FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @DanielF81190302 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS RECENTLY SUBSCRIBED. IT IS VERY APPRECIATED AND I WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE CONTENT THAT INTERESTS ALL. ANY VIDEO REQUESTS OR QUESTIONS DONT HESITATE TO ASK. PLEASE LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'qanon posts 8chan', 'most recent Q posts', 'qanon', 'QANON UPDATE', 'update on qanon', 'cbts_stream', 'wonderland', 'q clearance patriot', 'qanon is a larp'] PT3M11S 579 3 8 0 not set not set 2018-04-25T16:09:16.000Z mmJ5abAlL_g UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON.NEW/4/25-"ALL FOR A LARP" "LATEST Q ANON POSTS THANKS FOR WATCHING DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU HAVENT. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR OPINIONS IN THE COMMENTS I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THEM." What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'latest q anon posts', 'Qanon posts', 'new q posts', 'new QANON', 'most recent q anon post.', 'Qanon is a LARP', 'qanon update', 'WhatisTruth'] PT6M32S 1196 10 19 0 not set not set 2018-04-25T17:05:50.000Z FLxmOsHW3NE UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON 4/25-PAUL "RYAN RESIGNING""HAVE FAITH" "new qanon posts, getting them to you guys as quick as possible. please like share and subscribe if you appreciate the videos. thanks. Links:" What is Truth 28 ['QANON', 'Qanon', 'Q anon', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'best q anon videos', 'story behind q anon', 'qanon posts 2018', 'recent q anon posts', 'cbts_stream', 'Q news', 'WhatisTruth'] PT10M1S 4398 47 47 6 not set not set 2018-04-25T17:22:47.000Z tS49Gv6R1Rk UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON 4/25 pt.2"WW=WORLDWIDE" pt.2 for qanon What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon recent posts', 'news on Q anon', 'q anon 8chan posts', 'recent Q news', 'WhatisTruth'] PT3M23S 188 0 3 1 not set not set 2018-04-25T19:39:06.000Z fLq_5CaCH2U UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON NEW 4/25/"DID YOU KNOW"?"QUIET." "ANOTHER Q DROP FOR YOU GUYS AS QUICK AS I CAN,THANKS FOR WATCHING I DO APPRECIATE IT, LET ME KNOW YOUR OPINIONS DOWN IN THE COMMENTS. LEAVE A LIKE. SHARE. AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE THE CHANNEL. THANK YOU. LINKS:" What is Truth 28 ['QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'Qanon posts', 'qanon recent posts', 'new q anon posts 8chan', 'has Q posted today?', 'Q Anon cbts_stream', 'q anon update', 'WhatisTruth'] PT4M16S 782 2 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-25T21:11:43.000Z lRj_U5-WGfg UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON.NEW 4/25"THEY ARE LOSING CONTROL" "QANON 4/25 FIGHT.FIGHT.FIGHT. THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK EVERYONE. PLEASE CONTINUE." What is Truth 28 ['Qanon', 'QAnon', 'QAnon posts', 'q anon posts', 'new Q drops', 'latest info on Q anon', 'Q anon update', 'What is Truth'] PT3M45S 123 7 4 0 not set not set 2018-04-26T00:33:24.000Z Zbc-yktRT0U UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON/NEW.4/25-"NOTE 187" "latest update on qanon posts. PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE TO KEEP UP WITH ALL CURRENT CONTENT! LINKS:" What is Truth 28 ['QAnon posts', 'qanon recent posts', 'q anon update', 'recent news q anon', 'QANON a larp?', 'new Q drops'] PT4M44S 2272 26 33 2 not set not set 2018-04-26T02:39:43.000Z 7XPY0i1NFqQ UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON/NEW-4/25-"WELCOME TO THE W.H" "LATEST QANON DROPS AND RESEARCH INTO WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. ID LOVE TO GET YOUR GUYS TAKE ON ALL OF THIS, PLEASE DONT HESITATE TO VOICE YOUR THOUGH/OPINION IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW. THANKS FOR COMING BY, PLEASE LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOUD LIKE. TAKE CARE. links:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon today', 'qanon corsi', 'q anon new posts', 'q clearance patriot', 'q anon updates', 'QAnon latest posts', 'q anon M.O.A.B', 'russia collusion', 'trump in trouble', 'What is Truth'] PT8M29S 1875 19 18 3 not set not set 2018-04-27T13:22:38.000Z as_aQuMsllE UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW.QANON DROP-"IMMEDIATE ARRESTS"4/27/2018 "LATEST NEWS ON QANON, AND ALSO DECIPHERING THE POSTS THE BEST WE(MYSELF,AND MY TEAM) KNOW HOW. THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT FROM EVERYONE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CONTENT." What is Truth 28 ['QAnon posts', 'new q drops', 'new Q Anon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'most recent QANON DROPS', 'new Q ANON DROPS', 'cbts_stream', 'wwg1wga', 'make america great again', 'What is Truth'] PT7M29S 4675 29 33 5 not set not set 2018-04-27T13:56:42.000Z r5kb6jg6iN8 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-4/27."DEFINE EVERGREEN"GMAIL COMMS" "latest on qanon posts and reseach into topics presented. thank you for watching, please like share and subscribe! you guys are awesome thank you!" What is Truth 28 ['Q anon', 'Qanon posts', 'new Q drops', 'recent q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'q clearance patriot', 'where we go one we go all', 'cbts_stream'] PT9M55S 538 8 7 0 not set not set 2018-04-27T15:54:19.000Z BSwwQR55iRM UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON.PT.2 "re:HAITI"JL+HRC" 4/27/18 "looking deeper in to q posts finding ties between JL,HRC,HUMA,DONATION FRAUD AND CHILD TRAFFICKING. SERIOUS STUFF. STAY TUNED. PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE. LINKS: (if you were considering a donation)" What is Truth 28 ['QAnon posts haiti', 'missing childern haiti', 'HRC+JL', 'qanon posts new', 'new q anon posts', 'latest Q drop', 'new q anon 8chan', 'Q Q&A', 'q clearance patriot', 'the real Q ANON', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'What is Truth'] PT10M 878 11 9 0 not set not set 2018-04-28T14:29:46.000Z VjIxBEMO9Es UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON.NEW-"COMMS UNDERSTOOD?EYES OPEN"4/28 "WE DIVE INTO THE LATEST ON QANON AND TRY TO SOLVE THE RIDDLE SET BEFORE US. LINKS:" What is Truth 28 ['Q ANON POSTS', 'QAnon posts new', 'new Q drops', 'recent qanon posts', 'Q anon posts on 8chan.special coucncel robert mueller', 'FBI investigation', 'trump collusion', 'Q recent drops', 'What is Truth'] PT7M7S 2847 17 30 0 not set not set 2018-04-28T15:43:09.000Z LbU-CIpQuwc UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-"AUTISTS NEED REDBULL"? 4/28 "we examine the latest posts by q anon on 8chan. including fbi,doj,missing texts etc. let me know your opinion and findings below! LIKE,SHARE & SUBSCRIBE! THANK YOU! IF YOU WISH TO DONATE TO OUR CHANNEL:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon recent', 'QAnon posts', 'qanon posts 8chan', 'new q drops', 'new qanon drops', 'fbi missing text', 'military planes crashing in us', 'qanon trust the plan', 'trust the plan', 'What is Truth', 'QANON DROPS MOAB'] PT5M28S 251 18 9 0 not set not set 2018-04-30T12:27:53.000Z wwio5_ze9lI UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-"ONLY ABOUT MONEY"4/30 "in this video we discuss the latest qanon posts and give opinions and facts based on the research. let me know your opinions in the comment section below. Thank you. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE,LIKE AND SHARE !" What is Truth 28 ['QANON', 'q anon corsi', 'qanon today', 'new q drops', 'recent qanon posts', '8chan posts qanon', 'QAnon Posts', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'jerome corsi scam', 'unirock', 'What is Truth'] PT8M8S 1221 37 17 2 not set not set 2018-04-30T12:55:06.000Z I13KFZyuJaw UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-"ASSETS IN PLACE" 4/30/18 "latest video in the qanon posts. also discuss likely meaning and encoded messages. thank you very much for watching. leave your opinion in the comments below. LINKS:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'new q drops', 'qanon corsi', 'QAnon posts', 'new q anon drops', 'recent Q posts', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'What is Truth'] PT9M56S 4452 32 53 6 not set not set 2018-04-30T16:49:19.000Z TniW-Nn6eNo UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-"SUMM OF ALL FEARS" "LATEST QANON POSTS WITH RESEARCH AND OPINIONS. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING. PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE. links:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon', 'q anon posts', 'new Q drops', 'Q posts 8chan', 'most recent qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'Q ANON DROPS', 'What is Truth'] PT9M26S 5469 38 73 5 not set not set 2018-04-30T18:29:50.000Z G7NCAFOQONQ UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-"PATRIOTS IN CONTROL" "diving into the latest qanon posts and how everything ties in to the Clintons. GIVE ME YOUR OPINION BELOW. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE: LINKS:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'new Q drops', 'latest qanon posts', 'q anon corsi', 'q anon today', 'RECENT Q ANON NEWS', 'Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT', 'QAnon update', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'What is Truth'] PT6M39S 3370 16 49 4 not set not set 2018-05-01T03:03:13.000Z PbkmHGX_d3Y UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW QANON-"SICK!" WHERE DOES EU FIT IN? 4/30/18 "discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'qanon corsi', 'qanonymous', 'recent qanon posts', 'NEW Q DROP', 'recent q drop', 'q anon update', 'q anon news', 'q posts 8chan', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'What is Truth', 'Iran Nuke Deal', 'trump news'] PT8M50S 622 17 19 0 not set not set 2018-05-01T16:24:46.000Z Hrpto7ZZm-0 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW QANON-"KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW NOW"5/1/18 U1 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. Uranium 1 Let me know your opinions in the comment section! STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon', 'q anon posts', 'QAnon corsi', 'recent q anon posts', 'new Q drop', 'qanon update', 'latest news qanon', 'q anon uranium 1', 'qanon the great awakening', 'wwg1wga', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'What is Truth', 'qtubers', 'the great awakening', 'q storm'] PT8M40S 7725 29 93 3 not set not set 2018-05-02T14:57:33.000Z PU689jJdLVA UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON-CONFIRMED IN [W.H] UNDENIABLE PROOF.5/2/18 "INEXCUSABLE PROOF THAT Q ANON IS EITHER WHITEHOUSE STAFF OF DIRECTLY IN CONTACT WITH HIGH RANKING MEMBERS. VIDEO AND TIMESTAMPED EVIDENCE. GIVE ME YOUR OPINION IN THE COMMENT SECTION. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR NEW SUBSCRIBERS! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE PLEASE VIST: LINKS:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon in white house', 'latest qanon news', 'new Q drops', 'proof QAnon is top intel', 'q anon new posts', 'qanon posts 8chan', 'qanon corsi', 'q anon iran nuke deal', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'q clearance patriot'] PT5M9S 21840 119 299 10 not set not set 2018-05-04T13:35:07.000Z I9gjlLlUEA0 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON NEW-"APPLE INC,JETBLUE?,I.N.D"5/4/2018 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'most recent qanon posts', 'apple inc', 'iran nuke deal', 'china involved in iran', 'latest q anon news', 'new Q drops', 'qanon corsi', 'trump news', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM'] PT9M22S 2168 16 39 5 not set not set 2018-05-07T14:08:49.000Z Gg9juKdh8FQ UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW Q ANON-NEW TRIPCODE'WHO IS IN CONTROL'? 5/7/18 "WHO IS CONTROLLING OUR MOVEMENT? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK IN THE COMMENT SECTION. Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon corsi', 'q anon corsi', 'q anon new tripcode', 'qanon update', 'new Q drops', 'how is corsi involved with q anon', 'qanon recent posts', 'qanon new trip', 'is qanon a psy-op?', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'recent news on corsi', 'jerome corsi'] PT9M32S 3346 32 40 5 not set not set 2018-05-07T14:41:41.000Z 7UdknqFoDbw UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg NEW QANON-"WHO IS DR. CORSI:? MOSSAD? "WHO DO YOU THINK DR. JEROME CORSI REALLY IS? WHAT ARE HIS INTENTIONS? PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION DOWN BELOW. Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon corsi', 'q anon corsi', 'q anon new tripcode', 'Q new trip code', 'new Q drops', 'qanon update', 'QAnon Corsi', 'how does jerome corsi tie into Qanon?', 'qanon corsi connection', 'jerome corsi connection to MOSSAD', 'CORSI MOSSAD', 'CORSI ISRAEL', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM'] PT9M10S 51637 554 609 185 not set not set 2018-05-07T15:17:37.000Z D_CISuYjI1c UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Jerome Corsi- White Hat? or SHILL? YOU DECIDE 5/7/18 "Jerome Corsi- White Hat/Patriot. Or Deep-State Shill. Let me know what you think below! Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'q anon', 'q anon corsi', 'new Q drops', 'recent Q anon posts', 'Qanon update', 'news on q anon and jerome corsi', 'corsi qanon connection', 'who is jerome corsi?', 'how does jerome corsi connect to qanon', 'jerome corsi MOSSAD', 'israel is Q', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'neonrevolt', 'unirock'] PT9M54S 3972 84 142 8 not set not set 2018-05-08T14:13:28.000Z -n-yUJ1jbek UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON NEW-"MIL INTEL PROVIDING SUPPORT"5/8/18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND DEFIANTLY SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL HERE IS OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNT. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'q anon update', 'recent qanon', 'new tripcode qanon', 'trust the plan qanon', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'new q drops', 'QAnon posts', '8chan qanon', 'What is Truth', 'corsi', 'qanon corsi'] PT7M56S 9080 52 136 13 not set not set 2018-05-09T16:12:50.000Z hjbzdBxlu50 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON NEW"STAY THE COURSE""DEFINE ROADBLOCK" 5/9/18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'q anon new posts', 'qanon corsi', 'recent Q news', 'new Q drops', 'QANon', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'qanon define roadblock', 'new tripcode qanon', 'trust the plan', '8chan qanon', 'What is Truth'] PT6M59S 3022 28 50 2 not set not set 2018-05-09T16:54:25.000Z SDDyjzBNhhI UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON NEW"SUICIDE WATCH/WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES"5/9/18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 not set PT8M35S 20567 172 282 19 not set not set 2018-05-10T18:39:21.000Z 3DNDv8Hxu5k UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON/5.10.18"NOW COMES THE PAIN" "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon', 'qanon today', 'new q drop', 'recent qanon posts', 'qanon 8chan', 'Q news', 'q anon corsi', 'What is Truth', 'iran nuke deal', 'trump syria news', 'CBTS_STREAM'] PT9M52S 16621 94 276 11 not set not set 2018-05-11T02:33:29.000Z TdtJXB-SIdw UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON/NEW"THIS IS NOT A GAME'/'SKY EVENT'5.10.18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon news', 'qanon corsi', 'new Q drop', 'recent Qanon posts', 'q anon posts 8chan', '8chan qanon', 'Q corsi', 'sands skypark', 'this is not a game q', 'zack infowars', 'jerome corsi a shill', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'q anon update', 'new q'] PT9M31S 2866 72 75 1 not set not set 2018-05-12T14:44:32.000Z OLkmun1irCY UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON.NEW"WELCOME TO THE DEEP STATE"5/12/18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon news', 'qanon posts', 'new Q drops', 'qanon corsi', 'qanon alex jones', 'q anon info wars', 'welcome to the deep state', 'QAnon recent posts', 'qanon 8chan', 'What is Truth', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'corsi qanon', 'qanon new zealand'] PT9M32S 3005 29 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T13:36:19.000Z ITqbb2aF3H8 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON.5.15.18"ENJOY THE SHOW" "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'qanon posts qanon pain is coming', 'new Q drops', 'q anon update', 'q anon corsi', 'QANON posts', 'What is Truth', 'q anon enjoy the show', 'q anon alex jones', 'CBTS_STREAM'] PT9M22S 3670 29 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-15T14:01:54.000Z n77OXiSyR2o UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg WHO IS QANON?-5.15.18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'qanon posts', 'q anon update', 'alex jones q anon', 'qanon pain is coming', 'recent qanon', 'new Q drops', 'snowden', 'qanon NSA', 'qanon mil intel', 'mil intel qanon'] PT6M16S 3557 106 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T20:54:00.000Z l9HBczEHtTw UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON.NEW/NSAvsCIA[1/2]5.16.18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon posts', 'qanon new posts', 'new qanon news', 'new Q drops', 'q anon update', 'NSA', 'CIA', 'q anon pain', 'q anon mil intel', 'What is Truth', 'QAnon recent posts'] PT9M25S 2719 27 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T21:21:31.000Z 51SxZ9CygHc UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON NEW/"TODAY WAS THE PRECURSOR" 5.16.18 "Discussion of the latest Q Anon posts and research into what is being talked about. STAY TUNED FOR ALL Q ANON UPDATES. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE & SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WATCHING! DONT FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOY THE CHANNEL. ALSO LEAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR VIDEOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'q anon posts', 'recent qanon news', 'new Q drops', 'q anon update', 'q anon nsa', 'mil intel q anon', 'q anon is mil intel', 'What is Truth', 'QAnon recent news', 'q anon a LARP', 'q anon corsi', 'qanon AJ', 'who is q anon', 'CBTS_STREAM'] PT8M16S 6522 29 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-17T17:08:22.000Z 32rSdW3irR4 UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON NEW 5/17-"100% AUTHENTIC" HASPEL CONFIRMED. "Donate to Our cause and really take our Channel and Subscriber team to the next level! Become a Patron & support our growing Channel: or: What is Truth is striving everyday to become your go-to outlet for all current events, political news,strange happenings and much more. E-mail me your INFO & INTEL @ Twitter: Links used in video: For a single dollar bill per month you could Donate to Our cause and really take our Channel and Subscriber team to the next level Become a Patron & support our growing Channel: or: What is Truth is striving everyday to become your go-to outlet for all current events, political news,strange happenings and much more. E-mail me your INFO & INTEL @ Twitter: Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#q anon', 'qanon update', 'q anon corsi', 'drain the swamp', 'new q drops', 'recent qanon news', 'who is q anon', 'qanon posts new', 'What is Truth', 'q anon update today'] PT9M59S 9611 169 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-18T18:49:45.000Z baGeToXGmMs UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg Q ANON.NEW"GUARDIAN OF THE POPE"5.18.18 "Donate to Our cause and really take our Channel and Subscriber team to the next level Become a Patron & support our growing Channel: or: What is Truth is striving everyday to become your go-to outlet for all current events, political news,strange happenings and much more. E-mail me your INFO & INTEL @ Twitter: Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon', 'q anon posts', 'recent qanon posts', 'new q drops', 'q anon news today', 'qanon personal guardian of the pope', 'q anon pope', 'q anon update', 'What is Truth', 'calm before the storm', '#qanon', 'who is q anon?'] PT24M3S 21824 330 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-21T16:39:10.000Z m0Ce8bSFTVo UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON NEW/"NOTE THE VEHICLES"/"PAIN"5.21.18 "If you feel inclined, Donate to Our cause and really take our Channel and Subscriber team to the next level Become a Patron & support our growing Channel: or: What is Truth is striving everyday to become your go-to outlet for all current events, political news,strange happenings and much more. E-mail me your INFO & INTEL @ Twitter: Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['q anon posts', 'recent qanon posts', 'new q drops', 'q anon update', 'who is qanon', 'q anon follow the pen', 'q anon corsi', '#qanonposts', 'update q anon today', 'most recent q anon news', 'What is Truth', 'is q anon real?'] PT12M59S 2668 90 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-22T02:51:45.000Z 6HfpUXpQ4KI UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON/"[JFK]FULL DISCLOSURE"5.21.18 "If you feel inclined, Donate to Our cause and really take our Channel and Subscriber team to the next level Become a Patron & support our growing Channel: or: What is Truth is striving everyday to become your go-to outlet for all current events, political news,strange happenings and much more. E-mail me your INFO & INTEL @ Twitter: Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'recent q news', 'new q drops', 'q anon corsi', 'qanon RR', 'qanon update today', 'who is qanon?', 'What is Truth', '#Qanon', 'CBTS_STREAM', 'qanon alex jones', 'q anon who is rachel brand'] PT9M31S 1996 25 0 0 not set not set 2018-05-25T00:21:23.000Z p820PeYRUDE UCvJaHxKUSlH_nSVeJ7z4JBg QANON NEW/"ATTACK[S]ANTICIPATED"5.24.18 "f you feel inclined, Donate to Our cause and really take our Channel and Subscriber team to the next level Become a Patron & support our growing Channel: or: What is Truth is striving everyday to become your go-to outlet for all current events, political news,strange happenings and much more. E-mail me your INFO & INTEL @ Twitter: Links used in video: FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, is being distributed without profit, and is believed to be ""fair use"" in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. For more information go to:" What is Truth 28 ['qanon posts', 'new qanon', 'qanon update', 'q anon update today', 'recent q anon drops 8chan', '8chan qanon', 'qanon corsi', 'q anon deep state', 'who is qanon?', 'CBTS_STREAM', '#qanonposts', 'is qnon real?', 'trump confirms Q', 'new q drops', 'What is Truth'] PT15M57S 1178 29 0 0 not set not set 2018-01-03T19:08:51.000Z EQYMKFDAqq4 UCJ7LKwgheOe8OHD5YWnlPUg Explaining the INSANE 4chan Trump CONSPIRACY THEORY | What's Trending Explained! "What is ""The Storm"" and who is “Q anon”?? We explain the insane new conspiracy theory. Source: John Titor, a more fun conspiracy theory Subscribe for more videos! Follow us on Instagram | Twitter |  @whatstrending Like us on Facebook! Follow whatstrending on Snapchat! Sign up to our newsletter for the hottest videos straight to your inbox!" What's Trending 24 "[""What's Trending"", 'trending now', 'hot on youtube', 'Q Anon', 'The Storm', 'Donald Trump', 'Conspiracy Theory', '2017', 'viral', 'follow the white rabbit', 'world news', 'trump', 'conspiracy', 'trending', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'politics', 'illuminati', 'us news', '4chan', 'q clearance', 'pizzagate', 'donald trump conspiracy theory', 'president donald trump', 'president trump', 'new donald trump conspiracy theory', '4chan donald trump', 'current events', 'pizza gate', 'trump news', 'q anon 4chan', '8chan', 'qanon 4chan', 'deep state', 'donald trump news']" PT6M11S 30367 412 256 391 not set not set 2018-07-05T07:59:32.000Z Vk_HvSnG3XA UC5LyOpuz7dBImOBUarvyYRw Trump Makes Q Sign! "One of a few times Donald Trump has made the Q sign while speaking. Trying to tell us something? If you'd like to help support this channel:" Where We Go 1 We Go All 24 "['trump makes q sign', 'trump q hand', 'trump is q', 'who is q', 'qanon', 'new q', 'future proves past', 'trust the plan', 'trust sessions', 'why is this relevant', 'wwg1wga', 'where we go one we go all', 'the great awakening', 'do you air q', 'air q', ""we're the elite""]" PT27S 5578 23 158 10 not set not set 2018-07-31T21:39:34.000Z zii1gzcbzvs UC5LyOpuz7dBImOBUarvyYRw The Qanon Anthem - WWG1WGA "If you'd like to help support this channel: Lyrics: Where we go one we go all so take a stand Raise your fist to sky Unite this land Tis for the love of our people, understand So enjoy the show and Trust the Plan Heres a song for all my friends We're all Americans Its time for us to love again THE GREAT AWAKENING! The storm is pouring down Darkness into light Here's where the pain comes now and i sing... Where we go one we go all so take a stand Raise your fist to sky Unite this land Tis for the love of our people, understand So enjoy the show and Trust the Plan Why is this song relevant? This is your ""Cue"" my friend Who controls the narrative? Right through the looking glass! The storm is pouring down Darkness into light Here's where the pain comes now and i sing... Where we go one we go all so take a stand Raise your fist to sky Unite this land Tis for the love of our people, understand So enjoy the show and Trust the Plan Music and Lyrics by Me" Where We Go 1 We Go All 24 ['Qanon song', 'q song', 'who controls the narrative', 'qanon anthem', 'qanon theme', 'wwg1wga', 'new q', 'trust the plan', 'follow the white rabbit', 'trump speech', '4 10 20', 'trump says 17', 'q fans at trump rally', 'q consp', 'qanon', 'theme song', 'music', 'tribute', 'the great awakening', 'declas fisa', 'qanon is real'] PT2M57S 5749 49 357 14 not set not set 2018-09-08T15:29:32.000Z x0DSDwO9Pac UC5LyOpuz7dBImOBUarvyYRw Q Proof One in a Billion You're One in a billion, yeah thats what you are.. Youre one in a billion Q, youre a shooting star. Maybe someday we'll see you, With the eye in sky, no we tried to reach you, but it was classified... Where We Go 1 We Go All 24 ['QProof', 'one in a billion', 'trump thumbs up Q', 'election anniversary', 'do it Q', 'DOITQ', 'trump twitter confirm', 'trump twitter Q Proof', 'QAnon', 'New Q', 'the great awakening', 'draining the swamp', 'kavanaugh hearin', 'q proof series'] PT1M17S 2437 27 112 5 not set not set 2018-09-18T02:34:12.000Z 0E6CstfQN7k UCFBV4PHC2bZz8wCXzCMzcZg Q Drop 2195 CONFIRMS PANIC IN D.C., ARRESTS IMMINENT " Describes the mass corruption in our government and media, and the beginning of our awakening in America as this will snowball. Follow me on Twitter : @Jpclark819 under White Rabbit" white rabbit 25 ['AMERICA', 'Trump', 'POTUS', 'GreatAwakening', 'Qanon'] PT7M43S 138 6 7 1 not set not set 2018-03-04T21:14:30.000Z cBpsFKf68tc UCyJySvfWbLXSoUlz13cYzzw Qanon WATCH UR P's & Q's "WRN reports on the March 3rd Qanon postings. Source: Source: StormWatcher (Twitter) Music: Elliott ""Montreal"" Music: Bob Seger ""Shakedown""" WHITE RABBIT NEWS 25 ['QAnon', 'QPosts', 'Qpostings', 'Sealed Indictiments', 'Drain the Swamp', 'MSM', 'WH Shooting', 'Misspelling', 'Psychotropics', 'Mind Control', 'Sheep', 'False Narrative', 'The Bridge', 'HRC', 'Mind Warfare', 'Invincible'] PT12M22S 26239 122 300 33 not set not set 2018-07-25T06:30:49.000Z l_H1s9o8Lac UCyJySvfWbLXSoUlz13cYzzw QANON MACK NAMING NAMES! "WRN reports on USA Today and Fox reports regarding Clare Bronfman, Seagram's liquor heiress who was arrested today. Bronfman is tied to the NXIVM cult. A Qanon post dating back to April 20, 18 says it all. FUTURE PROVES PAST! Source: USA Today Source: Fox News Source: Music: Roosevelt ""Montreal""" WHITE RABBIT NEWS 25 "['Clare Bronfman', 'NXIVM', 'QAnon', 'QPost', 'Nancy Salzman', 'Clinton Global Initiative', 'Keith Reniere', 'Allison Mack', 'NXIVM sex cult', ""Seagram's"", 'Qanon', 'Qposts', 'Qpost', 'Adam Schiff', 'The Standard Hotel', 'Lauren Salzman', 'Future proves past', 'Bronfman Rothschild', 'Lynn de Rothschild', 'Branding', 'Arrests', 'Kathy Russell', 'New York', 'Racketeering']" PT8M37S 124771 817 2827 109 not set not set 2018-08-01T00:28:20.000Z y6JkAwiRPzo UC_7Yq_AidjhsAB-D9CVyGRA Q-Anon. Ein Plan die Welt zu retten. Qmirror Qanon, q, Pizzagate Whiterabbit 24 ['Merkel nwo pizzagate europa illuminati q qanon amerika trump potus'] PT13M9S 68 0 6 0 not set not set 2018-09-15T01:00:12.000Z YGzKG-SSsP4 UCKZouEiPd0Bw9vNbOJnjtyQ 911 DARPA RELEASE QANON SPREAD EVERYWHERE QARMY 911 DARPA RELEASE QANON SPREAD EVERYWHERE QARMY WhiteRabbitTime 25 ['dr judy wood', 'pizzagate', 'qanon', 'jesus', 'christ', 'jesus christ', 'god', 'the devil', 'tesla', 'elon musk', 'joe rogan', 'joe rogan experience', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'paul joseph watson', 'jordan peterson'] PT3M21S 737 2 9 1 not set not set 2018-01-16T21:11:34.000Z tVeJnPxEojg UCghASr4nYuHqyJmSFOeHc3Q Why Don't Economists? Radio show Jan 2018 Radio show on BCB106.6FM from Bradford England about alternative economics. This month discussing Q-anon ,CBTS, reserve status of dollar, US Treasuries, corruption, central banks, BIS, City of London, Trump and After the storm. Why Don't Economists...? 25 ['Qanon', 'CBTS', 'dollar'] PT31M22S 77 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-01-19T16:05:15.000Z 5sQVUgASX5M UCghASr4nYuHqyJmSFOeHc3Q Carillion, RBS, privatisation, zombie economy of UK, Q-Anon, corruption Talking about Carillion,privatisation, RBS enquiry, the broken financialised zombie economy of UK, rubbish UK directors, Putin, Qanon, corruption. Don't let them start a war as excuse and distraction!! My second video using oCam software - I'll get better at this. Hope you can freeze and grab websites - in future I'll try and put links in description. Why Don't Economists...? 25 ['Carillion', 'RBS', 'Q-Anon', 'corruption', 'Zombie UK economy', 'Privatisation', 'no war'] PT14M54S 157 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-02-23T08:36:53.000Z Abpp47ltYlU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW Q ANON Posts Update CLOWNS REVEALED IN CHINA Feb 21 - 22 "Latest Q anon drops - Qanon posts update CLOWNS REVEALED IN CHINA feb 21 - Feb 22" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'latest q anon drops', 'qanon posts update', 'feb 21', 'feb 22', 'qanon 8chan', 'the storm', 'potus', 'q posts', 'new q posts', 'new qanon', 'q anon', 'q anon updates', 'q anon posts', 'q anon 4chan', 'qanon latest', 'learn', 'deep state', 'trust the plan', 'qanon clowns', 'clowns revealed'] PT3M9S 631 2 12 0 not set not set 2018-02-24T10:36:48.000Z dAIlmJmRlSQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest Qanon Posts - END OF MSM - Feb 23 Feb 24 - Qanon update "The latest Q Anon posts from Feb 23 - Feb 24 Libel Laws. END OF MSM" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['qanon posts', 'qanon', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts', 'q anon 4chan', 'qanon 8chan', 'end of msm', 'voices in his head', 'cpac 2018', 'cpac trump', 'trump q anon', 'trump q reference', 'q is real', 'qanon is real', 'nwo', 'crumbs', 'gun control', 'nra', 'msm brainwashing', 'mkultra', 'operation mockingbird', 'mk ultra', 'q anon post updates'] PT4M21S 1640 6 20 0 not set not set 2018-03-04T08:40:58.000Z PKejRYtOlY0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST QANON POSTS MARCH 4 - BOOM - NEW Q DROP "The Latest Qanon posts March 4 Q drop BOOM. LINK FOR POST 832 LINK FOR POST 837 This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR LIVE COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS NEWEST Q POSTS - March 4th Drop 2" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['Qanon', 'latest qanon posts', 'qanon march 4', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'q drops new', 'q drop', 'q-aqnon', 'qanon 8chan', 'patriots', 'qanon BOOM'] PT5M4S 8424 26 104 4 not set not set 2018-03-04T19:14:43.000Z AJnAAhYjXmU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA QAnon Post Updates 2nd Q Drop March 4 HANNITY INTRUDER "New QAnon Posts March 4 Hannity intruder. QAnon Latest Updates. More Q anon posts for March 4 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon today', 'qanon map', 'hannity fox news', 'hannity intruder', 'new q anon', 'new qanon posts', 'q anon', 'qanon 8chan', 'q anon posts', 'q anon posts today', 'the great awakening qanon', 'the great awakening', 'q is real', 'QANON MARCH 4', 'sean hannity home invader'] PT1M23S 2826 4 24 2 not set not set 2018-03-06T08:51:31.000Z ci3cwa_j5Jk UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST QANON POSTS March 5 - 6 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM - NEW Q DROP "The Latest QAnon posts March 5 - 6 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. New Q-anon drop. FOLLOW THE 247 LIVESTREAM PATRIOT SOAPBOX THE QANON POST ANALYSIS" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['latest qanon posts', 'latest q anon drops', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon 8chan', 'calm before the storm', 'the great awakening', 'the great awakening qanon', 'boom', 'q anon', 'qanon latest', 'q is real', 'boom boom boom boom', '11-11-18', 'Wide Awake'] PT3M54S 4260 17 57 3 not set not set 2018-03-07T22:13:30.000Z eP3nLTZ6vP4 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon Updates March 7 - @Snowden We are going LIVE - #internetbillofrights "New Q Anon Updates March 7 - @Snowden We are going LIVE -24 [comb your hair]. #internetbillofrights FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['#internetbillofrights', 'qanon posts', 'qanon updates', 'new qanon updates', 'new qanon posts', 'new qanon drop', 'edward snowden', 'edward snowden qanon', 'we are going live', '@Snowden We are going LIVE', 'qanon latest', 'q-anon posts', 'the storm', 'the great awakening', 'q anon posts', 'qanon today'] PT2M52S 1196 15 24 2 not set not set 2018-03-09T00:52:50.000Z qm1gpdvj1HY UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST QANON UPDATES “Set the STAGE.” This is not a game. Learn to play the game "THE LATEST QANON UPDATES “Set the STAGE.” New Q Anon Posts March 8 - This is not a game. Learn to play the game. New Q drops FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['Set the STAGE', 'latest qanon updates', 'latest qanon posts', 'q anon posts', 'q posts march 9', 'This is not a game. Learn to play the game', 'kim jong un', 'kim jung un donald trump meeting', 'north korea news today', 'north and south korea unite'] PT2M8S 817 5 14 2 not set not set 2018-03-09T07:41:05.000Z HUl2MeG06Jw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest QAnon Update March 9 DEAL MADE - IRAN NEXT "Latest QAnon posts March 9 Q anon posts NEW Q POST MARCH 10 : Thank you Kim. Deal made. Clowns out. Strings cut. We took control. Iran next. Q #QAnon" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['qanon posts', 'qanon', 'qanon update', 'iran next', 'kim jung un donald trump meeting', 'kim jong un', 'korea united', 'edward snowden qanon', 'break the msm', 'end of msm', 'future proves past', '@Snowden', 'q anon', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon update today', 'q anon posts', 'q-anon', 'qanon boom', '#qanon', 'thestorm', 'great awakening'] PT1M50S 11944 32 151 1 not set not set 2018-03-09T09:02:53.000Z uuqQCcTKKLs UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Quick QAnon Update - March 9 - OBAMA KENYA - Q POST 894 Quick QAnon Update - March 9 - OBAMA KENTYA - qanon post 894 WIDE AWAKE 27 ['QANON UPDATE', 'obama qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'obama vs trump', 'trump q anon', '#thestormishere', 'the storm', '#greatawakening', 'qanon 8chan', 'qanon latest', 'q anon posts', 'qanon today', 'q is real', 'qanon boom', 'qanon the punisher', 'qpost 894', 'obama kenya'] PT56S 1287 1 18 1 not set not set 2018-03-09T13:49:24.000Z 30EZyuBchsw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q ANON LATEST POST UPDATE 895 - 900 - March 9 "Q ANON LATEST POST UPDATE 895 - 900 - March 9. Which country does he really work for? #internetbillofrights FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['#internetbillofrights', 'Q ANON LATEST POST', 'Q ANON LATEST POST UPDATE', 'qanon latest post', 'qanon new posts', 'q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 8chan', 'qanon 8chan posts', 'jack dorsey', '@Jack', 'edward snowden qanon', 'traitor', 'twitter jack'] PT1M41S 1475 3 26 1 not set not set 2018-03-10T21:42:51.000Z RFsUjl0Nprs UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q ANON UPDATES - Hollywood is filled w/ them - MARCH MADNESS Q ANON UPDATES - Hollywood is filled w/ them - MARCH MADNESS WIDE AWAKE 27 ['Q ANON', 'Qanon updates', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon today', 'qanon latest', 'q anon posts', 'qanon 8chan', 'spirit cooking', 'qanon spirit cooking', 'marina abramovic spirit cooking', 'hollywood pedeophilia', 'mk ultra', 'MARCH MADNESS', '11-11-18'] PT4M58S 2270 14 57 3 not set not set 2018-03-11T09:49:55.000Z 1oHoyPQ71Bg UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest Q ANON Posts - Truth will shock the WORLD - PATRIOTS UNITE - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH "The Latest Q ANON Posts - Truth will shock the WORLD ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. MSM IS DEAD. GLIMPSE. You cannot possibly imagine the size of this. Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE. We are winning BIG. Watch the speech. God bless. FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon latest post', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon latest', 'latest qdrops', 'nwo qanon', 'angela merkel hitler', 'angela merkel q anon', 'truth will shock the world', 'patriots unite', 'MSM IS DEAD', 'Goldman sachs CEO', 'lloyd blankfein', 'the vatican', 'antifa'] PT4M29S 6751 24 143 2 not set not set 2018-03-16T10:33:47.000Z UymFcmAIOzg UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW Q ANON - PUBLIC WILL KNOW SOON - BOOOOOM! TRUST THE PLAN "NEW Q ANON - PUBLIC WILL KNOW SOON - BOOOOOM! Latest Qanon posts March 15 - March 16 March Madness... Extreme efforts to kill login devices. Extreme efforts to censor. Extreme efforts. Dead cat bounce. Enjoy the show. Bring the rain! Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 "['latest q anon posts', 'latest q anon posts 8chan', 'new qanon', 'latest qanon posts', ""today's qanon posts"", '#internetbillofrights', 'boooom', 'qanon boom', 'trust the plan', 'q is real', 'wide awake', 'the storm', 'cbts shutdown', 'qanon kenya', 'qanon iran', 'rex tillerson', 'cbts reddit', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'qanon posts', 'qanon updates']" PT2M26S 7576 32 112 3 not set not set 2018-03-18T09:41:10.000Z qpCw97rShpc UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS - AMERICA FOR SALE - TRAITORS EVERYWHERE - USMC ACTIVATED "LATEST Q ANON POSTS - AMERICA FOR SALE - USMC ACTIVATED - TRAITORS BIDEN / CHINA. BIG DEVELOPMENT. TRAITORS EVERYWHERE. AMERICA FOR SALE. FLYNN. Targeted. Why? Who knows where the bodies are buried? CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES. TRUMP ADMIN v2? Election theft. Last hope. Congressional focus. Impeach. They think you are STUPID. They think you will follow the STARS. They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE. THERE WILL COME A TIME NONE OF THEM WILL BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET. BIGGEST FEAR. PUBLIC AWAKENING. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['QANON', 'Q ANON', 'Q anon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon updates', 'q-anon updates', 'new q posts', 'new q anon posts', 'usmc activated', 'patriots soapbox 24/7 live stream', 'boom', 'cbts', 'the storm qanon', '#internetbillofrights', 'PUBLIC AWAKENING', 'AMERICA FOR SALE', 'maga', 'creepy joe biden'] PT1M38S 1256 5 35 1 not set not set 2018-03-21T11:25:50.000Z 6B1UeHWS-x0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest Q Anon - FBI opened a case on Q - Nobody escapes this. NOBODY. "The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings. Coordinated to end comms here. Predictable. They are scared [4am]. They will fail. We know the details. [Wednesday]. Q" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts', 'q anon updates', 'qanon latest', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest q anon post', 'latest q anon drops', 'fbi vs q', '@snowden', 'cbts'] PT1M27S 728 4 27 1 not set not set 2018-03-28T08:09:36.000Z gvkbt25VP5k UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS - TIDAL WAVE INCOMING. BUCKLE UP - March 28 "The latest Qanon post updates. ACTORS are ACTING. FAKE. NO POWER. JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED TO THOSE PLAYING THE GAME [ALL]. GUNS ARE SAFE. TRUST THE PLAN. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'new qanon posts', 'new q posts', 'new qanon drop', 'q anon updates', 'q anon update', 'qanon update', 'qanon', 'q-anon posts', 'q anon 28 march', 'march 28', 'actors are acting'] PT3M2S 7338 38 103 8 not set not set 2018-03-28T22:34:09.000Z h0WywxLX4IE UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon posts - We are being attacked on all devices used to talk "Newest Q Anon post update - March 28. Think outside the box. Timing of release. Post Facebook NEWS. Facebook WW. GOOG WW. AMAZON WW. TWITTER WW. Tracking active. Listening active. Data shared. Data USED. USED FOR WHAT? Kickbacks BIG TIME Private/Public. Bypass regulations/laws? Intelligence A's across the globe in partnership to spy on citizens? Constitutional crisis? Magnitude? Who can you trust? Who organized? How do social media/search engine platforms 'weight' elections? Regulation or KILL-stop? Peace through STRENGTH. @Snowden Shine the LIGHT BRIGHT [DOA]. Why is HUSSEIN traveling the world conducting high-level meetings? Use logic. Nancy Salzman [historical timeline]. MSM will not highlight 'bottom to top' unravel. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['new q anon posts', 'q-anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'q updates', 'march 28', 'qanon march 28', 'newest q anon posts', 'new qanon updates', 'qanon', 'fisa memo', 'Nancy Salzman', 'Nxivm', 'nxivm cult', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon'] PT2M7S 680 7 24 0 not set not set 2018-03-29T09:24:12.000Z WUw09-cpNcQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q ANON LATEST POSTS - HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD! MSM RED PILL vs BLUE PILL "The newest Q Anon posts March 29. Q POST LINKS: Link from Q post 976: Link from Q post 982: /GA/ is dead. Q You are safe. THEY are terrified. Sleep well, Patriot. You elected us to keep you safe. We will not fail. /GA/ will change. Notification will be made. Where we go one, we go all. Q MSM talking about red v. blue pill? Matrix reference? Coincidence? Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #QAnon #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['newest Q Anon', 'Q ANON LATEST', 'RED PILL', 'Q Anon posts March 29', 'RED PILL vs BLUE PILL', 'MSM Red pill', 'Matrix reference', 'q-anon posts', '24/7 SOAPBOX', 'cbts', 'great awakening is dead', '8chan q clearance', '8chan news', 'HRC video', '#QAnon posts today', 'qanon posts today', '#HRCVideo', '#ReleasetheVideo', 'wide awake'] PT2M8S 1348 5 32 2 not set not set 2018-04-04T08:30:26.000Z OiXsWJNibD4 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon Update - APRIL SHOWERS - Who is the Master? "Latest QAnon posts from April 3rd. APRIL SHOWERS We are under attack. WAR. NO DEALS. Q Symbolism will be their downfall. MONEY. POWER. INFLUENCE. The BITE that has no CURE - NSA. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #QAnon #AprilShowers #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm', 'april 3rd', 'Qanon updates', 'q anon update april', 'great awakening q', 'qanon posts', 'q anon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon update today', 'q anonymous', 'q 8ch', 'Wide Awake', '#AprilShowers', 'April Showers'] PT2M58S 7066 26 119 9 not set not set 2018-04-04T21:43:04.000Z Poj_UbcncjU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon posts April 4 - MZ to step down as Chairman. MZ out of US "MONEY. POWER. CONTROL. People are simply in the way. SLAVES. SHEEP. PAWNS. MASS EXT EVENTS DESIGNED TO DECREASE THREAT LEVEL OF POPULATION. GUN CONTROL. WARS [FAKE][TOP HAPPY][BACKEND DEAL]. ELECTION RIGGING. CONTROL. YOUR VOICE DOES NOT MATTER. PHARMA [CLAS-D] WATER AIR CHEMICALS PUSHED FOR HOME USE CLEANING [CANCER][BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START]. VACCINES [NOT ALL]. TOBACCO. OPIOIDS. ULTIMATE WIN [DEATH + MONEY]. THE FED. ROTHSCHILD. 'CONSPIRACY' 'CONSPIRACY' 'CONSPIRACY' UK/GER [5 days]. Choice is yours. REVELATIONS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #QAnon #AprilShowers #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['new qanon', 'q anon posts', 'q anon posts april 4', 'qanon mark zuckerberg', 'mark zuckerberg leaves facebook', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'conspiracy', 'qanon rothschilds'] PT3M30S 2800 13 63 5 not set not set 2018-04-04T23:53:55.000Z KPmL06QnFWk UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon - We don’t say his name. Adios - Q drops April 4 "New Q Anon - We don’t say his name. Adios - Q drops April 4 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #QAnon #AprilShowers #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['qanon', 'q anon', 'the storm', 'drain the swamp', 'We don’t say his name', 'great awakening q', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'latest q anon posts', 'april showers'] PT2M51S 2554 6 38 4 not set not set 2018-04-05T22:46:19.000Z rk-MlC6tSVQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA APRIL SHOWERS - Q Anon "Q Anon April Showers #QAnon #AprilShowers #WWG1WGA #TheStorm FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 1 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts today', 'q anon posts', 'latest q anon', 'q anon latest', 'qanon latest', 'qanon latest post', 'who is q anon', 'what is q anon', 'who is qanon', 'qanon april showers', 'q anon april showers', '#AprilShowers', 'WWG1WGA', 'April Showers', 'Q drop', 'the storm', 'the storm qanon', 'channel trailer', 'internet bill of rights', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts'] PT1M27S 1691 11 48 1 not set not set 2018-04-06T08:28:05.000Z 25M86LW-Cak UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS - Coincidence or silent war? Accident or retaliation? "Coincidence or silent war? Accident or retaliation? Think Navy Ship crashes. Bigger than you know. We ARE active. Q #QAnon #AprilShowers #WWG1WGA #TheStorm FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'QANON', 'QANON LATEST', 'QANON NEWS', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon', 'april showers - q anon', 'april showers', 'wwg1wga', 'cbts', 'cbts q anon', 'qanon news', 'calm before the storm', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'the storm qanon', 'qanon 8chan', 'qanon 8chan posts'] PT1M57S 1071 6 36 0 not set not set 2018-04-06T17:14:51.000Z 7_j0ith55ZY UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon - HERE WE GO - NYT Conspiracy Theory Attack On Q - #QAnon "The New York Times story against President Trump and Q as a ""Conspiracy Theory"" The New York Times Link: Fox News Link: #QAnon #AprilShowers #WWG1WGA #TheStorm FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'deep state', 'conspiracy theory', 'new york times qanon', 'fake news', '#qanon', 'qanon news', 'april 6 qanon', 'q anon latest', 'qanon', 'Michelle Goldberg', '#internetbillofrights', 'WWG1WGA', 'april showers', 'here we go'] PT50S 737 3 23 1 not set not set 2018-04-06T20:39:17.000Z icYbTawkisU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW Q ANON UPDATE - Hussein Holding AK47 In Tribal Attire #QAnon "New Q Anon Posts April 6 Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire. One of many. Net shut down. Q #QAnon #AprilShowers #WWG1WGA #TheStorm FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['calm before the storm', 'q anon', 'QAnon Hussein', 'BHO AK47', 'obama AK47', 'qanon obama', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'latest q anon', 'wwg1wga', 'qanon news', 'who is qanon', 'what is qanon', 'april showers', 'obama muslim', 'qanon obama muslim', 'obama muslim brotherhood', 'cbts', 'cbts livestream'] PT2M34S 7613 27 146 6 not set not set 2018-04-07T09:00:50.000Z lUGT2l4vmOw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q ANON LATEST - MSNBC NEXT? CHINA TUESDAY "Latest QAnon posts - China Tuesday. CNN Roseanne Link: #QAnon #AprilShowers #WWG1WGA #TheStorm FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['edward snowden', '@Snowden', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'msnbc next?', 'epstein island', 'rachel chandler', 'calm before the storm', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'wwg1wga', 'april showers', '#qanon', 'cbts q anon', 'cbts reddit'] PT2M8S 3487 11 75 3 not set not set 2018-04-07T18:07:27.000Z TP9ntNeX638 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q ANON LATEST : THOSE AWAKE CAN SEE : APRIL SHOWERS "Q ANON LATEST : THOSE AWAKE CAN SEE : APRIL SHOWERS Q post : 1073 Link #QAnon #AprilShowers #WWG1WGA #TheStorm You have more than you know. Steel. Tech. America for sale. Systematic weakening of the US. U1. Cash flow funnel. Inside job. Traitors. $ We are in control. Those awake can see. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon', 'april showers', 'qanon update', 'Q anon latest', 'qanon news', 'qanon 8chan', 'who is qanon', 'what is qanon', 'what is q anon?', 'qanon', '#aprilshowers', 'those awake can see', 'wide awake', 'latest qanon posts', 'april 7', 'potus', 'You have more than you know'] PT1M33S 2041 9 63 0 not set not set 2018-04-08T09:25:27.000Z a6hYGwdFvAM UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW Q ANON POSTS : THEY ARE TRYING TO START A WAR "NEW Q ANON POSTS : THEY ARE TRYING TO START A WAR They are trying to start a war. Deflection. Public interest shift. Pullout announcement. Chem attack. Coincidence? These people are sick. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['world war 3', 'q anon', 'great awakening', 'the storm', 'qanon update', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon updates', 'qanon update today', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'q anon posts 8chan', 'SYRIA CHEMICAL ATTACK', 'WW3'] PT1M26S 770 6 40 0 not set not set 2018-04-08T21:08:40.000Z 8qPgQBV9q6Y UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW Q ANON UPDATE - POTUS & JFK JR "NEW Q ANON UPDATE - POTUS & JFK JR Links from Q post 1083: Link from Q post 1085: FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'POTUS JFK JR', 'JFK JR', 'qanon updates', 'qanon updates today', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts'] PT2M19S 7702 10 154 4 not set not set 2018-04-08T22:26:10.000Z H1zVf-_ndWo UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS : WE LOVE PHONES! "LATEST Q ANON POSTS : WE LOVE PHONES! APRIL 8 No name in Syria. Timeline. Purpose? Who attended? No name panic. Health cover. Fast. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon posts', 'qanon updates', 'qanon update today', 'q anon posts today', 'q anon posts 8chan', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest q anon posts 8chan'] PT1M43S 2325 9 72 0 not set not set 2018-04-09T09:11:30.000Z 1cNe-io56aw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON : BRING BACK THE GALLOWS! "LATEST Q ANON : BRING BACK THE GALLOWS! LINK FROM Q POST 1095 VIDEO LINK FROM Q POST 1093 Knowing what you know now. Watch again. God bless you all. This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected: FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon', 'QANON', '#QAnon', 'Wide Awake', 'wide awake april showers', 'April Showers', '#AprilShowers', 'latest qanon', 'qanon 8ch', 'qanon latest', 'qanon 4chan', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts new', 'latest q anon posts'] PT2M20S 1174 9 37 0 not set not set 2018-04-09T21:53:09.000Z e4XC5aMYgdc UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon Update : YOU are being TRACKED @Jack You're next. "Q Anon Update : YOU are being TRACKED YOU are being TRACKED. NO FB account required. This is BIGGER than you think. Agencies attached. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 24 ['q anon', 'qanon update', 'deep state', 'deep state shadow government', 'latest q anon posts', 'q anon posts', 'qanon posts', 'q clearance anon', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new', '@Jack', 'wide awake', 'the storm'] PT2M27S 1404 7 40 5 not set not set 2018-04-10T07:52:45.000Z yV8nr698z6E UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS : TRUST "TRUST SESSIONS. TRUST WRAY. TRUST KANSAS. TRUST HOROWITZ. TRUST HUBER. Q Link from Q post : 1115 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'who is q anon', 'who is qanon', 'is qanon real', 'trust', 'trust the plan', 'april showers', 'cbts q anon'] PT2M12S 3162 12 61 0 not set not set 2018-04-12T09:58:02.000Z 5ZeX_hQNkcc UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon UPDATE : Pentagon kills LIFELOG project same day Facebook is formed "QAnon UPDATE : Pentagon kills LIFELOG project same day Facebook is formed. LINKS: Q Post 1125 “FBI burning the midnight oil” What was just released to Nunes? Warning? Telegraph? IT’S HAPPENING. Q LINKS: Q Post 1129 Then…. Down She Goes….. Q LINKS: Q post 1134 Funny. Serious. Night [5] Q LINKS: Q post 1138 Study carefully. Facebook. IG (think Ray.Chandler). Twitter. Etc….. HONEYPOTS. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['QAnon', 'Q Anon', '#QAnon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'what is qanon', 'who is qanon', 'april showers', 'LIFELOG', 'new q', 'deep state', 'q research'] PT3M7S 1848 10 60 0 not set not set 2018-04-12T22:30:44.000Z RNzoSqV283Y UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON - POTUS CALLING FOR MEME WAR? "LATEST Q ANON - POTUS CALLING FOR MEME WAR? Q post 1142 RR problems. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #MemeWar" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon', 'meme war', 'potus', 'QAnon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts'] PT1M34S 2211 5 58 2 not set not set 2018-04-16T21:11:41.000Z 9mCTjfLKxek UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon Posts - 23andMe "New QAnon Posts Link from Q post 1168: FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'q anon posts', 'cbts stream', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest q anon posts 8chan', 'latest qanon posts'] PT1M9S 1368 6 36 0 not set not set 2018-04-17T12:03:38.000Z 7lQI_SWBOYE UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon posts - BOOM - WRAYs of LIGHT - Qanon April 17 "Latest QAnon posts from April 17 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'new q anon posts', 'new qanon posts', 'new qanon', 'qanon updates', 'q anon updates', 'WRAYs of LIGHT', 'qanon boom', 'chris wray', 'qanon april 17'] PT1M16S 5527 33 78 3 not set not set 2018-04-19T08:26:20.000Z 2aWs2G3iRm8 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest QAnon Posts - Good vs Evil is real - Q Anon Updates April 18 "Latest QAnon Posts - Good vs Evil is real - Q Anon Updates April 18 Link from Q post 1179 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'qanon posts', 'q anon posts', 'latest qanon', 'qanon april 18', 'latest q anon', 'qanon news', 'q anon posts today', 'newest qanon posts', 'cbts livestream', 'great awakening', 'calm before the storm', 'q clearance', 'qanon update', 'latest q anon posts'] PT2M6S 1156 3 41 2 not set not set 2018-04-20T23:00:52.000Z Q8Gn-skC2q0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW QANON POSTS - TRUMP CARD COMING - APRIL 20 "NEW QANON POSTS - TRUMP CARD COMING - APRIL 20 LINK FOR Q POST : 1199 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon latest', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest q anon posts 8chan', 'latest qanon posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'TRUMP CARD', '420'] PT1M6S 946 7 46 0 not set not set 2018-04-21T08:42:14.000Z hTSt7UpLlkM UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q Anon POSTS - BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE - April 21 "Bigger than you can imagine. POTUS warning shot. Mack. Snowball. Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times? What are ‘pet’ names? Conspiracy? Q Q Post 1208 West Hollywoods’s Mariah Sunshine Coogan Identified as Victim of Scottsdale Plane Crash Q post 1211 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['#QAnon', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'latest qanon', 'newest qanon', 'qanon updates', 'qanon update today', 'april 21', 'april showers - q anon', 'april showers', 'obama qanon', 'obama wendy'] PT3M2S 7880 36 134 5 not set not set 2018-04-22T11:51:06.000Z hdYP2EzHfbM UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST QANON UPDATES - HUMA & Hussein - April 22 "LINKS Q post 1235 Post 1237 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac #MemeWar #11.11.18" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest qanon updates', 'latest qanon drops', 'new qanon', 'huma abedin', 'huma qanon', 'hussein', 'newest qanon post', 'APRIL 22 QANON'] PT1M51S 2815 11 69 2 not set not set 2018-04-24T17:11:16.000Z 6we-6suEA6g UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon posts - POTUS today - QAnon April 24 "We are in this together. No fame. This is about taking back our FREEDOM and saving our children/people from the EVIL that has plagued our country/world for so long. Q LINKS FROM Q POST 1253 FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac #MemeWar 11.11.18" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['donald trump', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon', 'q anon posts', 'qanon latest', 'qanon update', 'newest qanon', 'latest q anon', 'trump macron', 'trump macron white house', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', '11.11.18'] PT2M1S 5721 19 102 2 not set not set 2018-04-25T18:40:14.000Z J-wQj_PLGXQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS - We knew this day would come "We knew this day would come. We knew people would need a guide. We all have a part to play. We knew FLYNN would be challenged. Part of the plan? Flynn JR recent “did not lie to VP.” Timing. Plan. SIG sent [WH position]? Moves & countermoves. Role outside of WH? “Lost house.” “Funds for legal.” “Beat up.” You are watching a ….. What is right? What is wrong? Up is down. Left is right. Left is LEFT. WH position [rapid] changes. Why? Planned? Visibility in one helps another? Connected? C_A to SEC of STATE NK IRAN RUSSIA CHINA MX ….. Why is this relevant? Think pushback. Open source. Why? They are watching. Proofs provided to retain. Future proves past. History books. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'q posts', 'q-anon posts', 'q posts today', 'q posts new', 'q posts on 8chan', 'q anon posts', 'q anon posts today', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon updates'] PT3M31S 3496 17 99 2 not set not set 2018-04-26T08:01:13.000Z dpCF4DBD0q4 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEW Q ANON POSTS : ARE YOU AWAKE? "Are you awake? Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT? Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs? Do you SEE the corruption? Do you SEE the EVIL? Are you a SLAVE? Are you CONTROLLED? Are you a SHEEP? ARE YOU AWAKE? DO YOU THINK FOR YOURSELF? LEARN THE TRUTH. FACTS. HISTORY. THE GREAT AWAKENING. THEY ARE LOSING CONTROL. RESPECT OPINION OR ATTACK THOSE WHO DARE CHALLENGE THE NARRATIVE? IT’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. WHO ARE THE TRUE FASCISTS? WHO ARE THE TRUE RACISTS? WHY DOES THE ANTIFA FLAG MIMIC THAT OF THE NAZIS? COINCIDENCE? FOR HUMANITY - WAKE UP - LEARN. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL! Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac #MemeWar #WideAwake 11.11.18" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon', 'are you awake', 'wide awake', 'qanon', 'qanon latest', 'new qanon', 'new q anon', 'newest qanon posts', 'qanon updates', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts new', 'antifa'] PT2M51S 1078 11 48 0 not set not set 2018-04-27T07:53:05.000Z wA-zMNmcIG0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS : FOLLOW THE STARS "LATEST Q ANON POSTS : FOLLOW THE STARS How many pics can you find of JL & HRC? re: Haiti? Marching into the Darkness - lyrics. Follow the stars. It’s everywhere. Q #QAnon" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon posts', 'the storm', 'wide awake', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts new', 'qanon updates', 'latest q anon posts', 'april 26', 'april 27'] PT2M5S 1627 9 50 3 not set not set 2018-04-29T11:30:35.000Z lX8QszNkLrs UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA NEWEST Q ANON POSTS : BOOM WEEK AHEAD "Godspeed, Patriot(s). Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead. Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers #Tarmac #MemeWar 11.11.18" WIDE AWAKE 27 ['q anon', 'qanon posts', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new', 'donald trump qanon', 'qanon updates', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest qanon posts 8chan', 'wide awake'] PT1M22S 2736 12 63 2 not set not set 2018-04-30T20:46:18.000Z lUzpQqvYJFA UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS - SUM OF ALL FEARS - QAnon posts April 30 "SUM OF ALL FEARS - QAnon posts April 30 Link from QAnon post 1305 Subscribe for more QAnon updates #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers 11.11.18 QANON POSTS !! Be careful !!" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'SUM OF ALL FEARS', 'QAnon', 'latest qanon', 'latest q anon', 'latest qanon posts', 'q drops', 'qanon new posts', 'qanon april 30', 'q anon april 30', 'new qanon', 'new qanon posts', 'newest qanon', 'newest q drop', 'what is q anon', 'who is q anon?', 'is q anon real'] PT1M53S 3050 31 60 2 not set not set 2018-05-03T09:35:13.000Z zq6JgEUR3ic UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest Q Anon Posts May 2 "Latest Q Anon Posts 2nd May Subscribe for more QAnon updates FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS 24/7 SOAPBOX FOR 24 HOUR COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS OF THE LATEST Q ANON POSTS QANON POSTS #HRCVideo #ReleasetheVideo #internetbillofrights #QAnon #AprilShowers 11.11.18" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon posts', 'Q Anon Posts 2 May', 'Latest Q Anon Posts 2 May', 'qanon posts today', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon latest', 'qanon updates', 'qanon update today', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon may 2'] PT1M21S 1637 16 46 2 not set not set 2018-05-08T11:05:09.000Z NtHaWvh15uQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest Q Anon posts : Why did HRC get a free pass? May 7 "RE-UPLOAD Latest Q Anon posts : Why did HRC get a free pass? May 7th. Think LOGICALLY. Mass exodus in DC? Mass exodus - corporate CEOs? Why? Who has the POWER? Who has the CONTROL? If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating? Who is the AG? Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials? Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe) Who is the FBI director? Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents? Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe) If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses? Use LOGIC. Why are they slow walking unredacted data? Why are they slow walking doc disclosures? Why is the WH backing up DOJ? What if the same data is being used by other investigators? What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled? Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller? What would be the purpose of creating confusion? What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote? What was RR's Senate confirmation vote? If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty. If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty. Common denominator. Why did Sessions pick RR? Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan. Midterms [save & push]? Swing voters to retake House/Senate? Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated? Power at all costs? Blue wave? Use LOGIC. Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST? What is the DOJ responsible for? What is the FBI responsible for? Why did HRC get a free pass? Use LOGIC. Define single shooter. Who is HUBER? Define IG. When does SESSIONS step back in? Already is? Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER? Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER? Timing is everything. Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters, What about the active investigation into leaks? ""Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."" Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State? They are deeply connected. Think Offshore. MIL INTEL providing support during this time? Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law? State/C_A next? Think logically. No outside comms. JUSTICE. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['qanon HRC', 'Qanon posts today', 'q anon', 'q anon posts today', 'new qanon posts', 'qanon posts may 7', 'latest q anon posts', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest news', 'qanon sessions', 'q anon sessions'] PT2M43S 1227 12 40 0 not set not set 2018-05-08T23:03:20.000Z y5Cott11piU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Newest QAnon Posts : NOTHING HAPPENING? Q Anon Update May 8 "Review Time. Not seeking re-election. [Senate] Bob Corker - Republican Jeff Flake - Republican Orrin Hatch - Republican No Name - Republican [Departure Soon] [House] Bill Shuster - Republican Bob Goodlatte - Republican Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat Charles W. Dent - Republican Darrell Issa - Republican Dave Reichert - Republican David Trott - Republican Dennis Ross - Republican Edward Royce - Republican Elizabeth Esty - Democrat Frank LoBiondo - Republican Gene Green - Democrat Gregg Harper - Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican Jeb Hensarling - Republican Jim Bridenstine - Republican Joe Barton - Republican John Delaney - Democrat John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican Lamar Smith - Republican Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat Lynn Jenkins - Republican Niki Tsongas - Democrat Paul Ryan - Republican Rick Nolan - Democrat Robert Brady - Democrat Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat Ryan Costello - Republican Sam Johnson - Republican Sandy Levin - Democrat Ted Poe - Republican Thomas Rooney - Republican Trey Gowdy - Republican [Resigned] Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California + DOJ + FBI + CEOs Conspiracy? Nothing happening? Goodlatte & Gowdy [important]. Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary. Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Why is the NY AG resignation important? What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY? Define roadblock. You have more than you know. Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes. STAY THE COURSE. WWG1WGA. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['Q Anon', 'qanon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'Goodlatte', 'trey gowdy', 'qanon update today', 'q drops new', 'newest qanon', 'newest q drop', 'qanon may 8'] PT2M35S 2771 25 64 5 not set not set 2018-05-10T22:40:46.000Z Me0E35x0BAs UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA QAnon : NOW COMES THE PAIN "Latest QAnon posts May 10 . LINKS Q post 1326: 1327: Names? No Name prev meeting(s)? Panic? Discussions of death/funeral? Medical or escape? Now comes the pain. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['This is not a game', 'now comes the pain', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon updats', 'qanon may 10', 'no name', 'q anon posts', 'wide awake', 'the storm qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon latest', 'qanon posts', 'qanon posts on 8chan', 'qanon posts new'] PT2M38S 1393 9 69 1 not set not set 2018-05-13T23:08:16.000Z RgFt08hlilc UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon Posts : Full Circle "Full Circle. It’s all connected. Welcome back Huma. Now comes the pain. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'New q anon posts', 'full circle', 'huma abedin', 'huma abedin muslim brotherhood', 'wide awake', 'john kerry', 'qanon may 13'] PT57S 1026 7 50 0 not set not set 2018-05-14T22:34:31.000Z drpB4NXx1-Q UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon posts : They are losing control of the message "Sample. Coordinated? All For A LARP? [ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY] Ask yourself, WHY? Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'great awakening', 'who is q', 'who is q anon', 'who is qanon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon updates', 'qanon update today', 'qanon posts new'] PT1M17S 1199 10 52 0 not set not set 2018-05-16T07:28:15.000Z v_76VKU0wPg UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA LATEST Q ANON POSTS - START A STORM : QAnon May 16 "NK news today = FAKE! Twitter news today = REAL! Under the Radar. Free speech manipulation [visibility / reach]. FB fake acct deletion? 100% fake? Checks & Balances? None? #InternetBillofRights [Narrative Control] [Bandwidth Test] [Public Response] [Test Limitations] [Midterms] Politicians bought & paid for? Start a Storm. Q Time of publish? [4am] Timing of drop? Coincidence? Fight to reinstall roadblock? Who is Richard Donoghue? Background? PAIN. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'calm before the storm', 'Start a Storm', 'fake news', 'qanon', 'latest q anon posts', 'qanon updates', 'QAnon may 16', '11.11.18', 'new Q posts', 'who is q anon', 'who is q anon?', 'who is q anonymous'] PT4M9S 4290 17 102 5 not set not set 2018-05-16T23:27:44.000Z ojL9UMSQ7SY UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon Update : SIS is Good? QAnon Posts May 16 "US History [ABCs] SIS [FBI] C_A Did the 'covert' counterintelligence branch of the FBI end? Or, was it expanded into a new agency? Double meanings exist. SIS is good? UK:US US:UK Q No Such Agency vs Clowns In America. Today. Now. What is being revealed? What will it lead to? PS. Faces of lawmakers stepping out. Focus. When did Adm R step down? Reconcile. Nunes. Gowdy. DOJ. FBI. Next [1/2]. Q LINKS 1389 1381" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'deep state', 'SIS', 'peter strzok', 'wide awake', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon', 'q anon updates', 'WWG1WGA', 'calm before the storm', 'the storm'] PT3M53S 2543 6 53 3 not set not set 2018-05-21T07:12:49.000Z Vtb9Y4i9c5M UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New Q Anon update - Those who are loudest… "Those who are loudest… Suicide weekend? Pain. Q LINKS 1431:" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['calm before the storm qanon', 'Those who are loudest', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'qanon updates', 'newest qanon posts', 'q posts', 'q drops', 'may 20 qanon', 'PAIN'] PT1M52S 1290 15 44 0 not set not set 2018-06-11T08:40:50.000Z H3yxHdYlnR4 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon : Expect A LOT more "Track ALL suicides. Example 1: Think Spade. Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY). Trace to Import/Export. Trace from China/MX to Long Beach. Trace sale/spin off of Co. Trace to CF. Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)). Who granted? Hussein/HRC. Expect A LOT more. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'great awakening', 'qanon posts', 'new qanon', 'latest q anon', 'the storm', 'deep state take down', 'q anon posts', 'qanon update', 'q anon latest', 'qanon updates', 'q anon update today', 'qanon updates youtube', 'anthony bourdain clinton foundation', 'kate spade clinton foundation', 'haiti'] PT2M43S 2000 11 71 1 not set not set 2018-06-11T22:22:00.000Z IeYFmG_wv7w UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest QAnon Posts : Enjoy the show : June 11 "LINKS Post 1453: Post 1458:" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'great awakening', 'Enjoy the show', 'latest qanon', 'q anon posts', 'q anon latest posts', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'q anon latest', 'qanon update', 'qanon updates', 'qanon posts new', 'qanon june 11', 'trump meets kim jong un', 'q anon update'] PT6M59S 2541 11 54 5 not set not set 2018-06-12T07:09:48.000Z j6jJN93QdQ0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Latest Q Anon Posts : The 'server' brings down the house "What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit? Back in the news. The 'server' brings down the house. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'Seth Rich', 'julian assange', 'QAnon', 'latest qanon posts', 'latest q anon', 'new q', 'latest q'] PT1M9S 1352 6 56 0 not set not set 2018-06-12T21:07:00.000Z GH0wh6H0Ytg UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon : Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit "Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit? He did not have his updated phone number. (3) NK Generals [released] closed the pathway for bad actors. Q Link from post 1464" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['kim jong un', 'president trump', 'north korea', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'new qanon', 'Hussein tried to call Kim', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'qanon updates', 'qanon june 12', 'BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM', 'QAnon BOOM'] PT3M39S 5158 39 131 4 not set not set 2018-06-12T23:34:30.000Z jQ-PQMD54rE UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon Update : Event talk being attacked "Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'the storm', 'q news', 'q news youtube', 'q anon posts', 'q anon update today', 'qanon posts', 'q anon latest', 'qanon updates', 'qanon update', 'who is q', 'who is qanon', 'who is q anon', 'Q Anon Update'] PT1M25S 1763 12 50 0 not set not set 2018-06-13T07:54:23.000Z FqpY2uSBUvY UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon Posts : DO NOT BE SILENT (MAJORITY) Q Anon June 13 "MSM attacks. [Round 2] MOSSAD attempts failed. Clown attempts failed. Expect bigger push. FBI (4) open investigations. 8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject). TOGETHER YOU ARE STRONGER. TOGETHER YOU CONTROL NARRATIVE & RESPONSE. PEOPLE RESPOND TO LOGIC/FACTS. PEOPLE SLEEPING ATTACH TO OPINION/PERSONALITY/GROUP THINK. FEAR IS REAL. FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon) FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled] FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled] FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled] FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled] Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud. Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose). DO NOT BE SILENT (MAJORITY). They are losing control. POWER W/ THE PEOPLE. GREAT AWAKENING. TRUTH. GOOD V EVIL. WWG1WGA. TRUST YOURSELF. Q LINKS Links from post 1481: 1483:" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon update', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update today', 'q posts', 'qanon updates', 'Q Anon June 13'] PT4M5S 1975 12 67 2 not set not set 2018-06-13T19:15:54.000Z YoebCQCjhYU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon Updates : Big things coming folks #QAnon "Why are many Iranian resistance (Freedom Fighters) tagging #QAnon on Twitter? Big things coming folks. Q+ Busy day. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['#QAnon', 'qanon posts', 'qanon update', 'qanon', 'qanon iran', 'qanon june 13'] PT1M13S 2149 10 60 1 not set not set 2018-06-20T10:14:02.000Z rFK0sjzNYro UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA QAnon : Conspiracy? "What a coincidence. Twitter shot in the Oval and next a Tweet. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'conspiracy theory', 'qanon conspiracy', 'qanon'] PT1M7S 1057 3 39 0 not set not set 2018-07-01T18:04:25.000Z p0A7ZdPDoP0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA #QAnon : Make no mistake - Rep Gowdy is a Patriot "1657: Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? Doxxing the billboard owners? They are scared of you. Nothing is more powerful than the public being awake and collectively free-thinking / talking / etc. Stay UNITED! Q 1654: 1652: #QAnon #WWG1WGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['Gowdy is a Patriot', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'q anon', 'trey gowdy'] PT2M15S 1578 9 57 0 not set not set 2018-07-21T22:23:42.000Z Elexj6Y74Iw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA MSNBC disinfo feature on Q Anon app MSNBC disinfo report on QAnon WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon msnbc', '#qanon', 'qanon', 'fake news', 'msm', 'q drops'] PT2M26S 1352 44 70 6 not set not set 2018-07-22T00:46:03.000Z GPuJN7Y7CNM UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA More MSNBC QAnon "Conspiracy Theory" Narrative Push "Fake News MSNBC attack QAnon and Alex Jones. Ali Velshi pushes QAnon Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory Narrative and pressures Google and iTunes to ban QAnon apps. Original video from Very Fake News (VFN): #QAnon #WWG1WGA #MAGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['qanon', 'msnbc qanon', 'Ali Velshi', 'ali velshi qanon', 'fake news', 'qanon app', 'ban qanon', 'qanon conspiracy theory', 'alex jones', 'donald trump', '#WWG1WGA', '#QAnon', 'VFN', 'Q Drops', 'alex jones qanon', 'MSNBC disinfo feature on Q Anon app'] PT6M5S 1471 56 59 7 not set not set 2018-07-24T21:22:21.000Z t5_7mHuA930 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA New QAnon : Something BIG is about to DROP. QAnon 24 July "LINKS From Q Posts 24th July 1683: You have more than you know. Q 1684: PANIC! Q 1686: Does FOIA cover FISA? No. [FISA highest level of CLAS] How did FOIA generate redacted FISA [Page]? DECLAS. Who DECLAS? Section 5.2 CLAS [Office of President] Why redacted? Think HUBER. WWG1WGA! Q 1687: All for a baseless conspiracy? Enjoy the show! Sample [2] Something BIG is about to DROP. Q 1688: + 1691: We saw you! God bless Patriots! Q 1692: What a wonderful day. Do you believe in coincidences? Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'q clearance', 'great awakening', '#QAnon', '#WWG1WGA', 'Qanon 24 july', 'qanon', 'POTUS', 'july 24'] PT4M32S 4223 30 139 1 not set not set 2018-07-31T08:52:56.000Z cgR0PTlLqUI UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA QAnon : U-Access KILLS "LINKS 1762: 1763: Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT. Q 1764: Nicholas Rasmussen (IMPORTANT name to remember) Former Director of NCTC Think FISA. Think NO NAME. WH visitor logs: NO NAME/HUSSEIN (dates?) WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/HUSSEIN (dates?) WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/COMEY/HUSSEIN (dates?) WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/CLAPPER/RICE/HUSSEIN (dates?) Replaced by: Defense Intelligence Liaison to British Intelligence in London Think UK. Current Director of the C_A. (UK bio removed) CIA's station chief London, UK ""Furthermore, Haspel is seen as a Russia expert and a close ally of Britain’s MI6, having being London station chief from 2014 to 2017."" The more you know. Q 1766: Right on schedule. Q 1767: Here we go. Q 1772: Tracking? Unsealed indictment. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon update', '#QAnon', '#WWG1WGA', 'Wide Awake', 'wide awake qanon', 'Q drops', 'latest qanon', 'michael avenatti', 'gina haspel', 'no name'] PT7M35S 1476 9 79 3 not set not set 2018-08-01T23:40:50.000Z SYxG1HHm7fA UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Who is the one person who can answer? "1785: [Sample 3] Twitter [today] releases ban? Was Twitter told to by MSM to demonstrate impact? Do you think they got the [4am] memo? Coincidence? All for a Conspiracy? Enjoy the show. Q 1790: [Sample 3+] MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages. Q 1792: What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD? Coincidence? Threats/scare tactics deployed. Fear not. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['QANON', 'QANON MSM', 'Q anon', 'q mainstream', 'august 1st', 'someone asked', 'Ask about Q', 'Asked about Q'] PT5M7S 1296 8 62 2 not set not set 2018-08-03T09:56:07.000Z DfTD4umByxQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Updates : What does FEAR look like? "1779: Q 1798: 1800: Threat received. USSS acted appropriately. This is not a game. Q 1803: How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors? How do you utilize the Russia Russia narrative to knock out decades old election corruption? Why are D’s opposed to cleaning up voter rolls? Why are D’s opposed to imposing VOTER ID LAWS to further safeguard our elections? Why oppose basic ‘common sense’ methods that are currently deployed WW? Logical thinking. Corruption. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'deep state', 'fake news', 'MSM vs Q'] PT4M12S 1955 18 84 2 not set not set 2018-08-08T22:42:12.000Z CZ-UpbSwMqw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : All-in [Blue Wave] "1825: Digest and understand. 'Foundation to support censorship against Conservatives' All-in [Blue Wave]. Midterms. Their entire future depends on winning majority in the House Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['qanon', 'q anon', '#qanon', 'blue wave', '1825', 'all in', 'wide awake', 'q posts', 'qanon updates', 'great awakening', 'WWG1WGA'] PT3M40S 1793 31 75 0 not set not set 2018-08-15T14:04:19.000Z M-BNpaI1fEs UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED "1877:,-like-it-or-not [SIRI] FB listens [even after you remove app]. TWITTER GEO-T/L You are under constant tracking/surveillance. DARPA. Q 1878: SICK & DISGUSTING. Judge Sarah Backus? Q 1879: House of GOD? Only the beginning. Those who you are taught to trust the most…. Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world. IT GOES A LOT DEEPER. Connected. The choice to know will be yours. Q 1880: Haiti [Read very carefully] ""Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."" The more you know… Q 1882: Read very carefully. Q 1883: WE STAND TOGETHER. Q #Qanon" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['qanon', '[[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED', 'wide awake', 'wide awake qanon', 'Qanon posts', 'Q drops', 'WWG1WGA'] PT13M36S 3359 35 127 2 not set not set 2018-08-16T10:13:14.000Z DxY_vCKrgIM UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : They never thought they'd be hunted "1885: 1887: 1888: 1889: 1892: NEVER FORGET. BLACK OPS AGAINST USA. TOTAL TAKEOVER OF OUR COUNTRY. WHAT NO-AGENCY LEAKED THE DATA? TRAITORS ALL. Q 1904:" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon latest', 'qanon', 'q anon', 'Q posts', 'anderson cooper qanon', 'anderson cooper mother', 'podesta art collection', 'podesta emails', 'nbc attack Q', 'Q vs NBC'] PT8M36S 2436 28 112 4 not set not set 2018-08-17T01:08:33.000Z pOlhssF_czw UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q !! : Timelines change. Watch the budget. "LINKS 1910: What happens if FISA fails or 'signers' cannot be trusted? Who signed the CP FISA? How do you keep something SECURE & SAFEGUARDED when those at the top of ABC depts are CORRUPT and being REMOVED? PATRIOTS ONE AND ALL. Q 1912: Line 4 Email (gmail)12.9.16 ""……………untethered to department standards……………concerned dedicated resources in-place are not adequate to shelter against the PDB in which several agencies contribute…………"" Will you stand tall or cower? Resist OP will not provide enough public support for cover. Smile for the camera. Patriots in control. Q 1914: [Sample] Another wave of attacks? Same day as the targeted [coordinated] attack v. POTUS? Nothing to see here. Q 1915: Man of God? See something. Say something. PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions. Q 1917: Nothing to see here. Q 1919:–chilean-civil-aviation-authority.html 1920:,200:P200_REG_NUMBER:5926 Why did the Podesta Group close? Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['Q !!', 'Q Anon', 'QAnon', 'q posts', 'q drops', 'WWG1WGA', 'military grade', 'Podesta Group', 'BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM', 'FAKE NEWS', 'Red shoes'] PT7M16S 2311 26 90 3 not set not set 2018-08-28T22:30:02.000Z uvwb6CzbjUI UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous "LINKS 👇 1941: 1943: 1944: Define 'Projection'. What is the penalty for treason? Q 1945: 1946: DEFEND GOOG AT ALL COSTS. [Sample] GOOG TO BE REGULATED. TWITTER, FB, YT…..? THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. CENSORSHIP WITH NO CONSEQUENCES? HOW DO YOU SET A TRAP? OPEN THE DOOR AND WE SHALL ALWAYS WALK THROUGH AND TAKE CONTROL. Q 1947: 1948: 1949: 1955: 1957: #QAnon #WWG1WGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'WWG1WGA', 'HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous'] PT12M12S 3793 43 175 1 not set not set 2018-08-29T10:10:28.000Z 4JBtblvpCZg UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : HUBER has EVERYTHING "1959: Richard - Pro TIP: Look @ CrowdStrike CrowdStrike managed the infiltration program based on payments to CF. The More You Know… Q 1961: 1962: 1971:📁 BIGGER THAN WATERGATE. BIGGEST SCANDAL IN US HISTORY. CRICKETS. [FAKE NEWS]. Desperate to SHELTER. Define 'Shelter'. A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger. Q 1974: 1975: 1976: BIG statement. What's coming? Q 1978: #QAnon #WWG1WGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'HUBER has EVERYTHING', 'wide awake', 'wide awake qanon', '#QAnon', 'WWG1WGA'] PT9M55S 9065 37 237 6 not set not set 2018-08-29T21:50:45.000Z a4LUaPTe1ws UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : Who are they cooperating with? "1981: 1982: 1987: Logical thinking! How did this FAKE/MISLEADING story pop up? Hannity 8.28.18 [24:50] - ""Rec - Huber contact my office re: BO"" [30:45] - ""Just learned BO was not interviewed by Huber"" [30:45] based on comments re: [24:50] [24:50] statements made by (1) Congressman who does NOT know if Huber has already interviewed BO. See how FAKE NEWS works? See how CLICKBAIT works? See how EMOTIONAL PUSHES TO TARGETED READERS works? Q 1989: 1990: 1991: #QAnon #WWG1WGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', '#QAnon', 'QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', 'wide awake', 'wide awake qanon', 'new qanon posts', 'qanon posts', 'latest qanon'] PT7M55S 2660 20 99 4 not set not set 2018-08-31T01:26:28.000Z oHn1BcoNItQ UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : #Goodbye "Main frequency bands TERMINATED. #Goodbye Q FOLLOW THE PATRIOTS SOAPBOX FOR LIVE 24/7 Q COVERAGE AND ANALYSIS #WWG1WGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'QAnon GCHQ', 'GCHQ', '#Goodbye', 'wide awake', 'wide awake qanon', 'QAnon'] PT1M 3346 44 117 2 not set not set 2018-09-07T07:41:14.000Z f1b6szWO7bU UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : WHO IS PULLING THE STRINGS? "2096: Read between the lines. [March 22] 2100: 2102: This is called 'PANIC'. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'Jerome Corsi', 'Alex Jones', 'Roger Stone', 'Free Speech Systems', 'great awakening'] PT5M29S 2217 36 89 2 not set not set 2018-09-09T06:53:03.000Z l9a_LDLs2RE UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL "Q Anon : WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL #QAnon #WWG1WGA" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['q anon', 'qanon', 'wwg1wga', 'MAGA', 'Patriots'] PT1M44S 1209 20 94 1 not set not set 2018-09-09T22:17:15.000Z wp-oV0YAQC0 UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : Hannity is a patriot "2121: Knowledge is POWER. Q" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['qanon', 'Hannity is a patriot'] PT1M30S 1272 8 81 1 not set not set 2018-09-22T08:52:01.000Z gfXpqLtz6Ag UCXnP2Lkaz8Qn38BcZxuZ3PA Q Anon : MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP. 202-456-1414 "2255: 2256: 2257: 2268: 2271: [Reddit Replacement] Q #QAnon #WWG1WGA Bitchute:" WIDE AWAKE 25 ['QAnon', 'WWG1WGA', '202-456-1414', 'Wide Awake', 'QAnon Posts'] PT6M48S 2862 30 131 0 not set not set 2018-10-23T15:19:47.000Z nYAtcrHUX1M UCye4vgnpd420fGAJlchVVYg Q' ANON EXPOSES ADAM SCHIFF'S $7.8 MILLION FRAUD ON BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION "Q' ANON EXPOSES ADAM SCHIFF'S $7.8 MILLION FRAUD ON BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION link to source video:" WIKIPOLITICS 25 "['WIKIPOLITICS', 'JASON CHAFFETZ', 'TREY GOWDY', 'TUCKER CARLSON', 'SEAN HANNITY', 'HANNITY', 'ADAM SCHIFF', 'BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION', ""Q' ANON"", 'QANON']" PT1M41S 8025 43 408 9 not set not set 2018-06-22T00:42:39.000Z i5RNdFLW-V4 UCoreaTxHt-s34ZocryV2g7g #Qanon:"STOP Spreading Fake News"Jim Jordan Schools CNN host for Spreading Fake news """It's About Ethics In Game Journalism"", Jim Jordan SCHOOLS CNN's Host For Spreading Fake News" wikistar 25 not set PT9M10S 36 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-04-19T23:25:10.000Z zFvjBpJOLy4 UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON JAW DROPPING REVELATION OF SECRET SOCIETY WITHIN THE DOJ WIKITRUTH 25 ['ANN COULTER', 'BEN SHAPIRO', 'OBAMA', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP'] PT10M49S 140 1 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-16T01:10:39.000Z O-69WX9YnrA UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON- NEW UPDATE-Trump's HUGE Interview AND NEW IG REPORT FINDINGS Q ANON- NEW UPDATE-Trump's HUGE Interview AND NEW IG REPORT FINDINGS WIKITRUTH 25 ['ANN COULTER', 'BEN SHAPIRO', 'OBAMA', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP'] PT29M59S 79 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-06-27T23:30:12.000Z 0qZX2FVjp7I UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA What is QANON?, Understanding The Great Awakening. What is QANON Understanding The Great Awakening WIKITRUTH 25 ['ANN COULTER', 'BEN SHAPIRO', 'OBAMA', 'PRESIDENT TRUMP'] PT21M46S 4039 9 137 2 not set not set 2018-07-12T23:57:00.000Z qQJzUY5EAZU UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS, MYSTERY Solved, MASSAGE DECODED:. Q ANON-NEW POSTS, MYSTERY Solved, MASSAGE DECODED:. WIKITRUTH 25 ['WIKIPEDIA', 'WIKILEAK', 'WIKILEAKS', 'WIKIPOLITICS', 'FOX NEWS', 'CNN NEWS', 'CONSERVATIVE GURU', 'ALJEZIRA', 'HILARY CLINTON', 'OBAMA', 'TRUMP', 'JESUS IS LORD'] PT29M9S 167 4 6 1 not set not set 2018-08-20T16:54:22.000Z hnxwFb0ma6Q UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS, Join Forces Against POTUS. WIKITRUTH 25 not set PT24M52S 107 2 2 1 not set not set 2018-08-21T00:16:24.000Z z0oLPa4O9-o UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS, FBI releases new MORE information on HRC investigation! WIKITRUTH 25 ['Q ANON-NEW POSTS', 'FBI releases new info on HRC investigation! FBI releases new info on HRC investigation!'] PT26M 222 0 8 0 not set not set 2018-08-23T01:27:42.000Z rN7rSP3e78Y UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS CONNECTING THE DOTS. Q ANON-NEW POSTS CONNECTING THE DOTS. WIKITRUTH 25 not set PT39M25S 321 0 7 0 not set not set 2018-08-28T01:00:14.000Z -9nHMkV4eWk UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS, HANDS UP IT'S SUICIDE WEEKEND. Q POST 'No name returning to HEADLINES. WIKITRUTH 25 "[""'No name returning to headlines Q POST 'No name returning to HEADLINES. Q ANON-NEW POSTS"", ""HANDS UP IT'S SUICIDE WEEKEND. Q ANON QANON WIKIPEDIA WIKILEAK WIKILEAKS IPHONE TRUMP""]" PT12M30S 241 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-09-03T23:20:41.000Z dVJV8CuMmLM UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS, NSA NO MORE' Satellites & Servers Offline. NSA NO MORE' Satellites & Servers Offline. WIKITRUTH 25 "[""'NSA NO MORE' Satellites & Servers Offline""]" PT23M46S 175 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-09-07T23:19:39.000Z 1FQ6h5WwGjM UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON-NEW POSTS 'HILLARY CLINTON AND HER ALICE. Q ANON-NEW POSTS, HILLARY CLINTON AND HER ALICE WIKITRUTH 25 ['Alice & wonderland HILLARY CLINTON AND HER ALICE Q ANON-NEW POSTS', 'HILLARY CLINTON AND HER ALICE'] PT35M30S 149 0 4 1 not set not set 2018-09-18T22:06:24.000Z uQTJNaXvaQM UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON- predicted this would HAPPEN. Q ANON- predicted this would HAPPEN. WIKITRUTH 25 ['Q Anon predicted this would happen.Q Anon predicted this would happen.', 'QANON', 'Q ANON', 'WIKILEAK', 'WIKILEAKS', 'WIKIPEDIA', 'WIKIPOLITICS', '50 STARS', 'US NEWS', 'VOICE OF AMERICA', 'ANON', 'IPHONE', 'Samsung'] PT32M17S 147 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-09-22T00:02:16.000Z 8IEPUcNtbes UCQos0riG_FOGdsfEqe8mgJA Q ANON - We are not alone Q ANON - We are not alone WIKITRUTH 25 not set PT34M54S 40 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-08-02T11:59:04.000Z 3pCji05ACX8 UC39wDqrRwtgVtWUPZmbJ0hw Q Anon Makes It To MSM / USA Today Advocates for Open Borders / New NYT Editor "The Q Anon larp has made it onto the news, showing, what appears to be, former tea party members now wrapped up in a new social movement. Also, we go over a USA Today article advocating for open borders, and we talk about the new editor at the New York Times, Sarah Jeong. USA Today article: __ Patreon: Twitter: https// Teespring Shop: Alternate Streaming Channel: Wild Cinema (movies and games): Esohel Gaming:" Wild Smile 24 ['q anon', 'anon', 'imageboards', '4chan', '8chan', 'pol', 'mainstream', 'news', 'media', 'msnbc', 'cnn', 'jim', 'acosta', 'usa today', 'advocates', 'for', 'open', 'borders', 'new york times', 'editor', 'sarah', 'jeong', 'sarah jeong', 'new', 'current', 'events', 'august', '2018', 'youtube', 'politics', 'qanon', 'trump'] PT10M55S 14311 377 1010 73 not set not set 2018-03-23T15:31:22.000Z mJmumCG0Xm8 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QANON ON 8CHAN QANON UPDATE march 20 2018 "QAnon 8chan Post Update + Notable Post Cambridge Analytica, Zucked, McCabe will be first to be indicted? #Anons of #Qanon Q says... Break the MSM #Memes Discrediting MSM - FIRE AWAY! Please connect with me here on Minds, its the new way to use Social Network, & you can connect your Facebook account and Twitter account!!! :) Use this link I get credit!!! I will help you with any question!! Lets Connect!!!;referrer=Telestia" will power 22 ['Anons', 'Qanon', 'MSNBCisFakeNews', 'CBSisFakeNews', 'ABCisFakeNews', 'NBCisFakeNews', 'CNNisFakeNews', 'WAPOisFakeNews', 'NYTisFakeNews', 'qclearence', '8chan', '4chan', 'greatawakening', 'maga', 'potus45', 'trumptrain', 'trump', 'mccabe', 'post update', 'notable post', 'analytica', 'facbook', 'mark', 'zuckerberg'] PT17M33S 3642 6 19 1 not set not set 2018-03-23T17:03:59.000Z q1q4RNenmkM UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE 3/22/2018 + NOTABLE POST CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA, ZUCKED, MCCABE ? "QAnon 8chan Post Update + Notable Post Cambridge Analytica, Zucked, McCabe will be first to be indicted? My YouTube account terminated please connect with me here on Minds, its the new way to use Social Network, & you can connect your Facebook account and Twitter account!!! :) Use this link I get credit!!! I will help you with any question!! Lets Connect!!!;referrer=Telestia" will power 22 ['QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE + NOTABLE POST CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA', 'ZUCKED', 'MCCABE 1ST TO BE INDICTED?', 'Anons', 'Qanon', 'MSNBCisFakeNews', 'CBSisFakeNews', 'ABCisFakeNews', 'NBCisFakeNews', 'CNNisFakeNews', 'WAPOisFakeNews', 'NYTisFakeNews', '8chan', '4chan', 'greatawakening', 'maga', 'deplorables', 'trumptrain', 'potus45'] PT29M49S 523 2 17 0 not set not set 2018-03-24T03:35:10.000Z 2_M900AnGYk UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Qanon 8chan GreatAwakening Q post March 23 2018 5:5 stage set? "Qanon Great Awakening Post Decode Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/23/18 (Fri) 13:09:02 No.459 Tripcode update. Q ▶Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/23/18 (Fri) 13:09:37 No.460 Updated Tripcode. Q ▶Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/23/18 (Fri) 13:14:06 No.461 Clock activated. RED_CASTLE. GREEN_CASTLE. Stage_5:5[y] Q #Qanon #Post #Decoded #8chan #GreatAwakening #MAGA #Stageset #5:5 #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch" will power 22 ['Qanon', 'Post', 'Decoded', '#8chan', 'GreatAwakening', 'MAGA', 'Stageset', '5:5', 'xowAT4Z3VQ', 'Tripcode update', 'RED', 'CASTLE', 'GREEN', 'Stage', 'ahijackedlife', '[y]', 'bitchute', 'minds', 'dailymotion', 'vimeo', 'twitch'] PT16M58S 3081 17 33 3 not set not set 2018-03-30T23:58:07.000Z 7W7EF--ful0 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw How to Lurk for QAnon on 8chan "Want to know where you can find QAnon Intel drops as they happen? How to included in this days QAnon Update. (Dec 2 2018) my Blog (Some links censored by edge providers)" will power 22 ['qanon', '8chan', '4chan', 'howto', 'how', 'to', 'post', 'lurk', 'more', 'maga', 'qclearence'] PT4M44S 16145 57 142 22 not set not set 2018-04-12T18:50:36.000Z AsRT5LNdG_A UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Qanon how to Follow Q on 8chan Qresearch yourself & Tippy Top Shape by POTUS45 "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself, #Tippy #Top #Shape #by #POTUS45" will power 25 ['Qanon', 'how', 'to', 'Follow', 'on', '8chan', 'Qresearch', 'yourself', 'Tipy', 'Top', 'Shape', 'by', 'POTUS45', 'tippy', 'maga', 'downtherabbithole', 'how can i', 'i want', 'KAG'] PT15M13S 7907 25 123 4 not set not set 2018-04-15T13:40:01.000Z AB49A-E5K1o UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Syrian bombs cause Alex Jones meltdown what does it mean? "Alex Jones long time host of Info Wars has an epic meltdown here over the Syrian bombing carried out by the Trump administration Have you heard of QAnon? learn how to get the News before the News here is how to: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself, #Tippy #Top #Shape #by #POTUS45" will power 25 ['Qanon', 'how', 'to', 'Follow', 'on', '8chan', 'Qresearch', 'yourself', 'Tipy', 'Top', 'Shape', 'by', 'POTUS45', 'alex jones', 'alex', 'jones', 'infowars', 'meltdown', 'syrian bombing', 'syria', 'bombing', 'epic'] PT2M3S 578 28 28 5 not set not set 2018-05-03T19:45:18.000Z Of7tCbor4es UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw JEREMIAH 29:11 National Day of Prayer QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 1/13/2018 + NOTABLE POST "SKIP to 49 minutes : 55 seconds Q Post 110 days ago verified by VP Pence while speaking at the Rose Garden about National Day of Prayer. QAnon Post 510 contained the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 one hundred and ten days ago is confirmed by Mike Pence speech. Link to the Q Post PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself, qresearch, MAGA, Kanye, West, QARMY, QANON, 8CHAN, POST, UPDATE, QALERT, 2018 ,+++ ,NOTABLE" will power 25 ['Jeremiah 29:11', 'mike pence', 'VP PENCE', 'vp', 'rose garden', 'bible verse', 'national day of prayer', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'maga', 'christian', 'faith', 'jesus', 'deplorable'] PT1H35M9S 279 12 22 0 not set not set 2018-05-06T21:55:29.000Z ymPa4bCzLWk UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 5/6 /2018 Exposing Jerome Corsi??? "Jerome Corisi has a habit of Flip Flopping first on POTUS now on QAnon See in this interview he is saying less than favorable things about Trump and Alex chimes right in with ""What you don't trust guys that own Casinos. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Jerome', 'corsi', 'Corsi', 'Jerome Corsi', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'omama', 'birther', 'birth certificate', 'exposed'] PT15M18S 1168 14 31 5 not set not set 2018-05-13T19:27:49.000Z CUeHBL814CU UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 5/13/2018 + NOTABLE POST Infowars Meltdown "QAnon latest post Huma Abaden ties to Muslim brotherhood, Alex Jones meltdown continues from Syrian to Q, Jerome Corsi lost his way. Qresearch board catalog #HappyMothersday PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Michele Bachmann', 'alex jones', 'jerome corsi', 'corsi', 'alex', 'jones', 'infowars', 'huma', 'abaden', 'huma abaden', 'syria', 'meldown', 'Happy Mothersday', 'mothersday'] PT24M17S 1183 39 56 1 not set not set 2018-05-14T04:02:09.000Z 6xC5mAxOFrQ UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Alex Jones Explaining away QAnon "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE'] PT32M16S 2049 53 28 14 not set not set 2018-05-21T20:42:52.000Z q3W3y6cyBxE UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 5/21 /2018 + NOTABLE POST "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!', 'EO', 'May 23', 'Qanon', '#Qanon', '#8chan', '4chan', '#4chan', 'Loretta Fuddy', 'health director'] PT20M54S 1009 28 42 1 not set not set 2018-05-25T19:03:26.000Z buRNi7eHqos UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 1/2/2018 + NOTABLE POST "I salvaged this post from January from my computer and re-posting as the information is relevant for those wanting to research the validity of Q via Tripcodes etc. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'tripcode compromised', 'tripcode', 'compromised', 'board', 'operator', 'emergency', 'post', 'larp', 'qanon compromised', 'military intel', 'intel', 'qclearance', 'department of environment', 'hijacked', 'deep state', 'alex jones', 'infowars'] PT22M47S 484 4 25 0 not set not set 2018-05-25T19:33:23.000Z 3sS1dnJiXCc UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Talking Bikram Yoga with Will & Jamie Sparta NJ "Talking Bikram with Jamie & Will Introduction into benefits and why Bikram and what to expect your first class #bikramyoga #sweating #heavy #metals #cadnium #mercury #lead #HIIT #HGH #HotYoga #bikramyoga #sweating #heavy #metals #cadnium #mercury #lead #HIIT #HGH #HotYoga PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #bikramyoga #sweating #heavy #metals #cadnium #mercury #lead link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself, bikramyoga,sweating,heavy,metal,cadnium,mercury,Lead" will power 25 ['Bikram', 'yoga', 'bikram yoga', 'hot yoga', 'hot', 'sparta', 'nj', 'yogayouniverse', 'thermagenic', 'franklin nj', 'franklin', 'get juiced', 'getjuiced', 'farm', 'helath benifits of heat', 'sweating', 'heavy metals', 'skin', 'detox', 'range of motion', 'youth', 'hgh', 'human growth hormone', 'HIIT', 'interval training', 'benifits', 'bikram method', 'biram style', 'true bikram', 'cedar knolls', 'bikram cedar knolls', 'bikramyoga', 'heavy', 'metal', 'cadnium', 'mercury', 'Lead'] PT12M40S 116 6 9 0 not set not set 2018-05-26T16:51:42.000Z WionY76Y9Q0 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QANON Tripcode Hacked 8CHAN POST UPDATE & How To Follow Q yourself 1/1/2018 + NOTABLE POST "This is video going over how to follow Q yourself also explaining the Tripcode problems of the past for those wanting to do your own research. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'how to follow qanon', 'follow qanon primer', 'follow q yourself', 'how to find q post', 'find qanon online', 'abc', 'nbc', 'cbs', 'journalist', 'news', 'reporter', 'tripcodes', 'tripcode compromised', 'super trip code', 'supertripcodes', 'blockchain', 'alex jones', 'infowars', 'david wilcox'] PT31M9S 540 12 20 1 not set not set 2018-05-26T19:16:45.000Z pcErsuhcSic UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Q tripcode blocked on CBTS, q email ytuber??? 2017-12-15 "Here again there is a good primer on how to follow qanon, also going over the Locked out event on CBTS, as Q was blocked from using Tripcode as Anons figure out how to manage the board, hackers. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Isaaac green', 'email from qanon', 'qanon emailed me', 'no private comms', 'no comms outside this board', 'q locked out', 'cbts', 'calm before the storm', 'ms13', 'kicked the hell out', 'gannett', 'ganett', '12-15-2017'] PT15M45S 223 1 16 1 not set not set 2018-05-27T15:43:39.000Z 2y6gn-UYwQs UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QAnon QArmy review thiis... Alien Satanic One World Order - Bill Cooper Uncut - Must See! "If your new to Q and or much of what is being revealed by Q this is a good primer on how deep the rabbit hole goes. Even to put aside what is said here about alien conspiracy, all the history of the Bilderberg Meetings and the trilateral commission is good information. Bill Cooper, former Air Force and Navy officer who actually saw and handled the US government's secret documents and confirmed the plan for the New World Ordered, that AIDS was an engineered disease, and he saw for himself giant UFO/USOs while working on a submarine. In this uncut interview including off air moments he give one of the most fascinating and revealing interviews I've ever seen on many of the conspiracies, the Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Freemasons, and UFO alien cover up. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'bill cooper', 'trump', 'love', 'russia', 'truth', 'deepstate', 'fbi', 'cia', 'jfk', 'obama', 'thestormishere', 'america', 'doj', 'government', 'president', 'draintheswamp', 'followthewhiterabbit', 'illuminati', 'freemasons'] PT1H59M58S 436 5 35 1 not set not set 2018-05-27T19:39:24.000Z CgwA4AM6_A4 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QAnons of 8chan research info here UFO Cover Up - The FACTS! - Bill Cooper (Murdered) "This is more background information useful to understanding what is being revealed now by QAnon on 8chan. Bill Cooper was killed for these revelations of Satan's alien one world government UFO cover up. The video is really bad, but watch it and see why I uploaded it. This is the best most clear explanation of the UFO cover up I have heard yet. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'bill cooper', 'satan', 'alien', 'oneworldgovernment', 'agenda21', 'trilateral', 'ufo', 'coverup', 'council on forgin relations', 'deep state', 'cfr', 'nwo', 'illuminati', 'tlcan', 'news', 'video', 'world', 'breaking'] PT1H29M10S 451 12 30 1 not set not set 2018-06-04T02:41:02.000Z Hv5a1kS0Flc UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Bikram and wellness tips with William Painter @bikram yoga cedar knolls "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 26 ['bikramyoga', 'bikram', 'yoga', 'cedar knolls', 'nj', 'hot yoga', 'triangle', 'pose', 'tip'] PT12M23S 227 7 10 0 not set not set 2018-06-10T16:20:16.000Z BFitMM1scco UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QAnon whats going to happen??? "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'cbts'] PT3M30S 1271 17 95 0 not set not set 2018-06-11T04:37:35.000Z 1FkaYnwSnls UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Chief Counsel Robert David Steele (ITNJ Seating) "Chief Counsel Robert David Steele (ITNJ Seating) PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Chief Counsel Robert David Steele (ITNJ Seating)', 'chief counsel', 'robert', 'davjd', 'steele', 'itnj', 'seating', 'human trafficing'] PT15M46S 326 9 23 0 not set not set 2018-06-11T15:46:22.000Z q0lnN2MBrOY UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 6/11/2018 + NOTABLE POST "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 "['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'cbts', 'fly rr fly', 'ff', 'ww', 'weather', 'event', 'mondaymotivation', 'situational', 'awareness', 'maintain', 'vigilant', 'stay', 'tarmac', ""302's"", '302', 'b\\fbi', 'c_a', 'singapore', 'skyevent', 'skydeck', 'Marina Bay Sands Hotel', 'spade', 'suicides', 'hrc', 'cf']" PT20M3S 1138 14 47 2 not set not set 2018-06-12T00:49:49.000Z 4Y6rqw7Vcws UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Q warned of FF Weather Event HARP???? QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 6/11/2018 "Q's post warning of a Weather False Flag, well the Hurcain in the Gulf is shaping up to be a monster with an eye wall of 10 K ? Now we see what looks like directed energy shacking up the water in the atmosphere mimic HARP????? FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness. Q PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'harp', 'HARP', 'FF', 'Weather', 'ww', 'event', 'mimic'] PT3M33S 1243 21 33 1 not set not set 2018-06-12T19:58:21.000Z DOAeKxb62kE UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QAnon @RealEyeTheSpy directing us to this "Deprogramming" Video "QAnon @TheRealCheshCat directing us to this ""Deprogramming"" Video by Pi Day Cicada 3301 The cicada deprogramming video. It is a condensed depiction of human history; thats all. It shows you much the same thing Q has been pointing out slowly over time. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'TheRealCheshCat', 'Deprogramming', 'video', 'Pi', 'Day', 'Cicada', '3301', '171141131131', 'xyz', 'realeyethespy'] PT8M18S 714 39 17 2 not set not set 2018-06-12T22:10:02.000Z FY3KFUjXuP4 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw United States - North Korea Singapore Summit Video (English) (Destiny Pictures) "Korean version: This is the English version of the video ""trailer"" that President Donald J. Trump showed Chairman Kim Jong Un during their historic summit on 6/12/18. This is a rip from the official White House press conference live stream, where they showed the video to reporters before the President took questions. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'NK', 'singapore', 'summit', 'video', 'destiny picctures', 'kim jong un', 'donald j trump', 'korean', 'english'] PT4M14S 184 6 9 0 not set not set 2018-06-14T01:24:55.000Z RXmZ3z58JG4 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw United States - North Korea Singapore Summit Video (Korean) (Destiny Pictures) "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! English version: This is the Korean version of the video ""trailer"" that President Donald J. Trump showed Chairman Kim Jong Un during their historic summit on 6/12/18. This is a rip from the official White House press conference live stream, where they showed the video to reporters before the President took questions. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE'] PT4M34S 94 3 9 0 not set not set 2018-06-19T20:12:19.000Z ZssSvN2Ca_A UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QAnon for the Common Man (1) & 8CH POST UPDATE 6/19/2018 "Start of a series on Qanon what it all means, how will it end, A simple explanation of complicated subject. Leave your comments and questions. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE'] PT35M12S 704 26 54 0 not set not set 2018-06-26T12:39:33.000Z i2yfkfQZQRg UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT Q - The Plan To Save The World "Q - The Plan To Save The World credit PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Q - The Plan To Save The World', 'rex84', 'rex 84', 'rex', '84', 'martial law', 'trump', 'potus', 'wwg1wga', 'wwgowga', 'follow'] PT13M9S 50969 244 1470 98 not set not set 2018-06-27T21:46:17.000Z WBxsmQP7Mqk UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw The Plan To Save The World QARMY! QANON UPDATE QALERT Q - Important to know!!! "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'The Plan To Save The World', 'the', 'plan', 'to', 'save', 'world'] PT25M1S 5574 49 124 0 not set not set 2018-06-28T18:39:45.000Z WbLY4R22bf8 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Pope arrested??? QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 6/28/18 "Lets take a deeper look at this if you look there are images that can be validated. I will do further research to add to this. watch this to understand upcoming events PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'pope', 'arrested', 'pedophlia', 'black mass'] PT21M53S 1962 20 74 2 not set not set 2018-07-03T20:47:38.000Z HsjPGPJNHjs UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Have a listen if you like, QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 7/3 /2018 + NOTABLE POST "This one mostly for listening as I left the date of parade image up the whole video :) I do another one later! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'walk away', 'walk away campaign'] PT39M55S 505 22 40 2 not set not set 2018-07-05T20:33:39.000Z VgIfK-wGEnU UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 7/5/2018 + NOTABLE POST "Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary. Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True Why was this necessary? What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events? Why is this relevant? Think mirror. Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you. Q PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself,#love #instagood #me #cute #tbt #photooftheday #instamood #iphonesia #tweegram #picoftheday #igers #girl #beautiful #instadaily #summer #instagramhub #iphoneonly #follow #igdaily #bestoftheday #happy #picstitch #tagblender #jj #sky #nofilter #fashion #followme #fun #sun" will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'walk away', 'lock her up', 'lockherup', 'hrc', 'server', 'seth ritch', '#Patriots', 'bestoftheday', 'tweetgram', 'picoftheday', 'video', 'iphoneonly', 'summer', 'instagramhub', 'followme'] PT44M36S 906 56 54 0 not set not set 2018-07-08T10:01:07.000Z IwfKYR8SlKs UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Trump Promises kept 30 years of Trump saying same things "Want to get to know POTUS45? With #WalkAway? Good start here to know our President PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'POTUS45', 'WalkAway', 'Walkawaycampain', 'ineedarefreshercoursein'] PT2M9S 589 7 48 0 not set not set 2018-07-10T17:44:08.000Z uwQMACcjiFo UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Q Proof Anon request Tip top Trump responds Tippy Top Easter Day "On Jan 29th 2018 an anon made a request of Q to add in the phrase ""Tip Top"" to the SOTU address the next day January 30 2018 . Q here solidifies this Q Proof with his post late in the day April 2 2018. Here is a clip of the comments made by POTUS45 from the steps of the White House, where he not only worked in the phrase ""tip top shape"" while referring to the White House but said ""we often say Tippy Top Shape"" !!! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'walkaway', 'qproof', '8chan', 'tip top', 'tip', 'top', 'tippy', 'tippy top', 'tippy top shape', 'easter', 'sotu', 'Deplorables', 'q proofs'] PT38M43S 2032 66 51 1 not set not set 2018-07-30T17:58:54.000Z Z8X8t4inIXI UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #QANON #8CHAN #POST #UPDATE #QALERT 7/30 /2018 WHO is Michael Avenatti? Assasination Attempt? "FISA = START. FISA = IMMEDIATE CONF OF ILLEGAL ACTS RE: SIGNERS. FISA = IMMEDIATE CONF START OF HUSSEIN SPY CAMPAIGN TO RIG AN ELECTION WAS BASED ON FALSE INFO. FISA = IMPLICATES HRC / D PARTY AS FEEDERS OF FALSE INFO W/ THE INTENT OF SECURING MSM + BLAST/INSURANCE. FISA = IMPLICATES SENIOR MEMBERS OF UK MI5/6/SIS, US INTEL, WH, FVEY, R PARTY (CONGRESS/SENATE) OF KNOWN CORRUPTION IN EFFORT TO RETAIN POWER AND RIG ELECTION + SAFEGUARD EVENT(S) BY POLITICAL KILL TO ACT WHILE IN POWER GIVEN MSM FAKE PUSH RUSSIA NAR. FISA = TIES MSM HEADS (TV/BEHIND/CORP) TO D PARTY OTHER FOREIGN HEADS OF STATE IN CO-OP STRATEGY. FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE. FOIA DOES NOT INCLUDE FISA. DECLAS BY POTUS KEY PARTS THAT FACTUALLY DEMONSTRATE THE 'DIRTY' 'FAKE' DOSSIER WAS USED AS PRIMARY SOURCE TO SECURE HIGHEST LEVEL OF INTEL SPYING ON PRIMARY REPUBLICAN OPPONENT (+POST ELECTION (INTEL ASSETS FOR/DOM SPYING ON THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES)) FOR THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. LOGICAL THINKING. PUBLIC AWARENESS - FISA/SPYING FOUNDATION BUILT HUBER. NO SPELLING ERRORS INTENDED - MOBILE / UNKNOWN IF ABOVE. Q PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'fisa', 'thestormisus', 'Michael avenatti', 'brennan', 'assasination', 'attempt'] PT59M3S 1784 62 66 3 not set not set 2018-07-31T15:08:23.000Z xhgAftNno08 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QARMY! QANON 8CHAN POST UPDATE QALERT 7/31 /2018 + Follow the Pen "Joshua Adam Schulte Charged With The Unauthorized Disclosure Of Classified Information And Other Offenses Relating To The Theft Of Classified Material From The Central Intelligence Agency My blog on this PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Joshua', 'Adam', 'Schulte', 'Charged With The Unauthorized', 'qanon', 'qanon post today', 'latest qanon', 'qanon latest post today', 'qanon post', 'cia', 'unsealed', 'indictment', 'adam schulte', 'schulte', 'maga', 'trump', 'putus45'] PT27M53S 1735 18 48 1 not set not set 2018-08-02T20:09:06.000Z ZP-fqloVr4M UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #QANON #today #Post #8CHAN UPDATE #QALERT 8/2/2018 + NOTABLE POST "Qanon, goes, Main, Stream, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NYMAG, FOXNEWS, dailybeast, bloomberg, BBC, twitter trends, NYTimes, Axios What does FEAR look like? What does PANIC look like? What does CONTROL look like? What does COORDINATION look like? What does FAKE NEWS look like? SHEEP NO MORE. [Sample 4] Q Recording stopped at the last 30 seconds or so Namaste #Qanon goes Main Stream #CNN #MSNBC #PBS #NYMAG 3FOXNEWS #dailbeast #bloomberg #BBC #twitter #trends #NYTimes #Axios PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Qanon', 'goes', 'Main', 'Stream', 'CNN', 'MSNBC', 'PBS', 'NYMAG', 'FOXNEWS', 'dailybeast', 'bloomberg', 'BBC', 'twitter trends', 'NYTimes', 'Axios'] PT31M4S 659 27 41 0 not set not set 2018-08-06T17:25:24.000Z A1x_N4HcJ8A UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #WalkAway #Trump #Speech Let me introduce your President "#WalkAway #Trump #Speech Let me introduce your President Most inspirational Speech by Donald J. Trump #POTUS PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', '#WalkAway', 'walkaway', 'trump', 'Speech'] PT5M49S 1224 14 77 0 not set not set 2018-08-07T19:18:56.000Z -bX45kE5Nhw UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #Anonymous #QANON Video Claim will Destroy Q? #8CHAN #POST #UPDATE #QALERT 8/7/2018 "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'qanon anonymous attack q', 'anonymous', 'attack', 'drudgereport', 'drudge', 'report', 'thehill'] PT22M45S 1871 47 64 4 not set not set 2018-08-18T03:23:44.000Z GPDZ8v8MRBQ UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Rock N Roll "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE'] PT5M44S 213 5 16 0 not set not set 2018-08-23T20:31:23.000Z g6SqwgnxNPE UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #Qanon #8chan #Howto Find #Q #Post on #Qresearch and #PatriotsFight "Use this ""How To"" to learn how to find QAnon Post as they happen and also the Notable post for the past few days and all the current digging on the board. Remember respect the board do not post unless you really know what your doing or you may get filtered or even blocked. hope this is helpful. I will be adding the video shortly so check back for that and please subscribe to my you tube channel PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! My first coverage of SB2 SerialBrain2 #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', '2018', 'NOTABLE', '!!mG7VJxZNCI', '8chan', 'attorney general', 'barack obama', 'Bill Clinton', 'cia', 'Clinton', 'Clinton Foundation', 'Collusion', 'comey', 'DOJ', 'FBI', 'gowdy', 'Hillary', 'jeff sessions', 'kathleen sebelius', 'links', 'Lisa barsoomian', 'Piper', 'President Trump', 'robert mueller', 'rosenstein', 'russians', 'the great awakening', 'thegreatawakening', 'trey', 'uranium one', 'bread', 'current bread', 'notables', 'PatriotsFight', 'qanon', 'thread', 'hrc', 'SB2', 'SerialBrain2', 'ProjectWeepingAngle', 'HowTo', 'Follow', 'Howtofindqpost'] PT20M15S 17526 38 316 7 not set not set 2018-08-24T20:03:14.000Z CnrpC1qdrbk UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw QAnon Q Map Muller and Huber reread crumbs 5:5 ? Trust the Plan Enjoy the Show "In this Qanon Update you will find an explanation by an Anon on 8chan of the Muller & Huber investigations as one of the possible explanation of the ""Movie"" that we are now watching unfold the highest level of treason in modern day history. In this movie you will see that Muller, once a black hat may now be in the ""Grey Hat"" category and must remain this way until the end, only to be flipped to a white hat guy. Enjoy the show! Link to this blog with text and graphics Link to music intro Sunshine by Protius... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', '8chan', 'allegations', 'cohn', 'fbi director', 'flynn', 'huber', 'investigation', 'midterms', 'muller', 'optics', 'POTUS', 'qanon', 'qmap16 qanon 8chan muller huber sessions qmap', 'rosenstien', 'rudy exoneration', 'russian collusion', 'sessions', 'stormy daniels', 'WitchHunt', '#CohenPleaDeal'] PT44M30S 1900 26 53 2 not set not set 2018-08-27T19:36:48.000Z rrn_Fmxmc_4 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #QARMY #QANON #8CHAN #POST #UPDATE #QALERT 8/27/2018 Trump meets Q commentator "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch #Trump #Qanon #Conspiracy #theorist #Michael #LeBron Trump, Qanon, Conspiracy, theorist, Michael, LeBron Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'hawai hurrcain', 'Trump Qanon Conspiracy theorist Michael LeBron', 'Trump', 'Qanon', 'Conspiracy', 'theorist', 'Michael', 'LeBron'] PT26M44S 1533 29 50 2 not set not set 2018-08-30T21:12:32.000Z w1lZB5SLDcE UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #QARMY! #QANON #8CHAN #POST #UPDATE #QALERT We are Q!!! 8/30 /2018 + NOTABLE POST "Current Bread on Qresearch Tuesdays Q Whos goiing to gtmo 1 Whos going to gtmo 2 Link 160 MP's moving to GTMO Dink – Green Mind youtube linked by Q Lyrics & meaning (add yours) PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'monkey around', 'monkey', 'monkey cage', 'washignton post', 'qpatriots', 'dink', 'green mind', 'gtmo', 'mp', 'usmc', 'maga', 'millitary police'] PT35M30S 2273 26 49 4 not set not set 2018-09-05T17:49:52.000Z NH1G4CIbfwA UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Graham ask about military law 911 related Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing Day 2 "Graham ask about military law 911 related Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing Day 2 #Graham #military #law #911 #Brett #Kavanaugh #EXPLOSIVE #HEARING #Brett #Kavanaugh #Supreme #Court #confirmation, #hearing #Day 2 Graham,military, law, 911,Brett Kavanaugh, EXPLOSIVE HEARING. Brett, Kavanaugh, Supreme, Court, confirmation, hearing, Day 2, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Graham', 'military', 'law', '911', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'EXPLOSIVE HEARING. Brett', 'Kavanaugh', 'Supreme', 'Court', 'confirmation', 'hearing', 'Day 2'] PT9M18S 7016 27 85 2 not set not set 2018-09-05T19:36:42.000Z PrEucW5Fz8A UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Senator asking more about military law & 911 Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing "Graham ask about military law 911 related Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing Day 2 #Graham #military #law #911 #Brett #Kavanaugh #EXPLOSIVE #HEARING #Brett #Kavanaugh #Supreme #Court #confirmation, #hearing #Day 2 Graham,military, law, 911,Brett Kavanaugh, EXPLOSIVE HEARING. Brett, Kavanaugh, Supreme, Court, confirmation, hearing, Day 2, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Graham', 'military', 'law', '911', 'Brett Kavanaugh', 'EXPLOSIVE HEARING. Brett', 'Kavanaugh', 'Supreme', 'Court', 'confirmation', 'hearing', 'Day 2'] PT50M35S 624 6 23 1 not set not set 2018-09-16T17:01:10.000Z nOaVR5oKEnE UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw This #Song #WWG1WGA dedicated to Q and all of the Anons "WWG1WGA dedicated to Q and all of the Anons Today Q highlighting this wonderful song dedicated to the Anons of QAnon on 8Chan Proudly serving at the power of the President. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'music', 'song', 'political', 'entertainment', 'wwg1wga'] PT4M8S 3700 37 324 3 not set not set 2018-09-16T22:02:18.000Z KK7KrEHIb2o UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw (SB2 911 Coverup ) The Bush 9-11 Classroom Ritual, KIDS Recite - KITE, KIT, STEEL, MUST "This video is part of a SerialBrain2 Decode of Qanon Trump communication to all Anons on 8chan working to decode Q's message to the people from POTUS. the blog entry for this video can be found here: The #Bush #9-11 #Classroom #Ritual #KIDS #Recite #KITE #KIT #STEEL #PLANE #MUST #HIT PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! Song #WWG1WGa #Qanon #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself, Bush, 9-11, Classroom, Ritual, KIDS, Recite,KITE, KIT, STEEL, PLANE, MUST,HIT," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Bush', '9-11', 'Classroom', 'Ritual', 'KIDS', 'Recite', 'KITE', 'KIT', 'STEEL', 'PLANE', 'MUST', 'HIT', 'sb2', '911', 'coverup', 'serialbrain2', 'decode', 'qpost'] PT6M3S 2701 15 36 0 not set not set 2018-09-16T23:20:30.000Z RoC0GUQCGPg UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Deep State Unmasked James O'Keefe giving us a "Sneak Peek" at the Gateway Eagle Forum "Deep State Unmasked James O'Keefe giving us a ""Sneak Peek"" at the Gateway Eagle Forum Newsletter: Website: Facebook: Twitter: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself, Deep, State, Unmasked, James, O'Keefe, giving, us, a,Sneak, Peek, at, the, Gateway, Eagle, Forum, Project, Veritas, #Deep #State #Unmasked #James #O'Keefe #giving #us #a #Sneak #Peek #at #the #Gateway #Eagle #Forum #Project #Veritas" will power 25 "['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Deep', 'State', 'Unmasked', 'James', ""O'Keefe"", 'giving', 'us', 'Sneak', 'Peek', 'at', 'the', 'Gateway', 'Eagle', 'Forum', 'Project', 'Veritas']" PT40S 423 1 22 0 not set not set 2018-09-17T09:33:16.000Z zrsrCFV7DeA UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw AURA to begin to resume "normal" operatons "AURA to begin to resume ""normal"" operations AURA Statement about the Status of the Sunspot Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak, New Mexico September 16, 2018 Sunspot Solar Observatory is transitioning back to regular operations as of September 17th On September 6th, the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) made the decision to temporarily vacate the Sunspot Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak, New Mexico as a precautionary measure while addressing a security issue. The facility closed down in an orderly fashion and is now re-opening. The residents that vacated their homes will be returning to the site, and all employees will return to work this week. AURA has been cooperating with an on-going law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak. During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location. The decision to vacate was based on the logistical challenges associated with protecting personnel at such a remote location, and the need for expeditious response to the potential threat. AURA determined that moving the small number of on-site staff and residents off the mountain was the most prudent and effective action to ensure their safety. In light of recent developments in the investigation, we have determined there is no risk to staff, and Sunspot Solar Observatory is transitioning back to regular operations as of September 17th. Given the significant amount of publicity the temporary closure has generated, and the consequent expectation of an unusual number of visitors to the site, we are temporarily engaging a security service while the facility returns to a normal working environment. We recognize that the lack of communications while the facility was vacated was concerning and frustrating for some. However, our desire to provide additional information had to be balanced against the risk that, if spread at the time, the news would alert the suspect and impede the law enforcement investigation. That was a risk we could not take. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'aura', 'sunspot new mexico', 'solar', 'observatoryt.', 'observatory', 'sunspot', 'newmexico', 'new', 'mexico', 'news', 'open', 'normal', 'suspect'] PT14M42S 178 2 10 0 not set not set 2018-09-17T13:49:06.000Z pfzG58pjrKo UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #QAnon #Update #AURA #Sunspot #Observatory Reopens & #DeepState #Unmasked by #Project #Veritas "#Today in my #YouTubeVideo #QAnon #UPDATE by #YouTuber #willpowerQAnonPatriot 1 #8chan #QPosts #Notables 2 #Aura #SunspotObservatory Reopens 3 #DeepStateExposed #DeepStateUnmasked by #ProjectVeritas UPDATE on AURA begins at 8 minute 49 second mark PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Today', 'YouTubeVideo', 'QAnon', 'YouTuber', 'willpowerQAnonPatriot', '8chan', 'QPosts', 'Notables', 'Aura', 'SunspotObservatory', 'Reopens', 'DeepStateExposed', 'DeepStateUnmasked', 'ProjectVeritas', 'qanon posts', 'where to find qanon posts', 'qanon post', '', 'qanon latest post today', 'qanon pub'] PT14M42S 874 6 22 1 not set not set 2018-09-17T19:45:24.000Z JeBOi6e4rrc UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #SerialBrain2 Decode - The Q2172 Q2176 riddle: will this be the week? Could #Flynn be Q? "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch #SerialBrain2 #voat #deccode #post #2176 #2175 #Flynn #couldthisbetheweek #riddle #qanon #FISA #FEMA #DOJ #EO13526 #Executive #order #Associate #Attorney #General #AAG #RachelBrand #1863 #1143X720 #pixel #19:03 #18:03 #DnKGWXyU8AAG5Ln #Gematria #17 #71 #CNN #National #Review #article #DNI #RR #WRAY #DOYOUDOUBTMENOW #AAG #AUTHORITY #SAFE #SESSIONS #DOYOUKNOWWHOIAM #THEREARENOCOINCIDENCES #Obama’s #Executive #Order Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'SerialBrain2', 'voat', 'deccode', 'post', '2176', '2175', 'Flynn', 'couldthisbetheweek', 'riddle', 'qanon', 'FISA', 'FEMA', 'DOJ', 'EO13526', 'Executive', 'order', 'Associate', 'Attorney', 'General', 'AAG', 'Rachel Brand', '1863', '1143X720', 'pixel', '19:03', '18:03', 'DnKGWXyU8AAG5Ln', 'Gematria', '17', '71', 'CNN article', 'National Review article', 'DNI', 'RR', 'WRAY', 'DOYOUDOUBTMENOW', 'AUTHORITY', 'SAFE', 'SESSIONS', 'DOYOUKNOWWHOIAM', 'THEREARENOCOINCIDENCES', 'Obama’s', 'Order', 'WarDrummer', 'War', 'Drummer', 'weapingangle', 'weapiing', 'angle'] PT26M31S 1433 32 63 1 not set not set 2018-09-18T16:04:15.000Z 2Q5k7U53AHE UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw (SB2 911 Coverup ) Hillary Clinton Calls Out Alex Jones And Conspiracy Theorists Worldwide FNN "This video is part of a SerialBrain2 Decode of Qanon Trump communication to all Anons on 8chan working to decode Q's message to the people from POTUS. the blog entry for this video can be found here: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'sb2.decodes', 'qpost', 'SerialBrain2', '911', 'coverup', 'trump', 'tweets', 'message', 'trumps', 'voat', 'reddit', 'sb2', 'decodes', 'war', 'drummer', 'weeping', 'angle', 'project'] PT38S 340 5 11 1 not set not set 2018-09-18T16:30:45.000Z AS6euAOAz5w UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw (SB2 911 Coverup ) Trump Tweets #NeverForget #September11th "This video is part of a SerialBrain2 Decode of Qanon Trump communication to all Anons on 8chan working to decode Q's message to the people from POTUS. The blog entry for this video can be found here: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', '911', 'coverup', '#NeverForget #September11th', 'never', 'forget', 'september', '11', '2001', '11th'] PT1M18S 262 4 24 0 not set not set 2018-09-18T23:19:06.000Z sFPWKZ2Ft4w UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #SB2 #decodes #QAnon #Trump’s #secret #message #about 9/11. There was a cover-up. "#SB2 #decodes #QAnon #Trump’s #secret #message #about 9/11. There was a cover-up..... This video is part of a series of SerialBrain2 Decodes of Qanon/Trump communication to all Anons on 8chan working to decode Q's message to the people from POTUS. The Post that goes with this video can be found here.... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', '911', 'sept 11', '11th', 'spet', 'september', 'hoax', 'cover-up', 'walkaway', 'walk away', 'walk', 'away'] PT36M1S 751 2 25 0 not set not set 2018-09-19T14:10:20.000Z PsZOPqPxK8E UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Part 1 Washingtonian Post #conspiracy theories How conspiracy theories spread "#Qanon #post #patriotsfight No 259 The Power you have is real Fight Fight Fight Memes Washingtonian Post #conspiracy theories How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners #Qanon #post #patriotsfight No 259 The Power you have is real Fight Fight Fight Memes #Washingtonian #Post #conspiracytheories How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners #Qanon #post #patriotsfight #Memes #washingtonpost #conspiracytheories #WWG1WGA #Trump #MAGA Qanon ,post ,patriotsfight ,Memes ,washingtonpost ,conspiracy theories ,WWG1WGA ,Trump ,MAGA My blog on this video with copy pasteable tweet PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Qanon', 'post', 'Memes', 'washingtonpost', 'conspiracy theories', 'WWG1WGA', 'Trump'] PT8M49S 368 6 15 0 not set not set 2018-09-19T22:23:48.000Z hjclicsuAus UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw President Trump In South Carolina: Briefing On Hurricane Damage 9/19/18 "President Trump In South Carolina: Briefing On Hurricane Damage 2:20 Introduction of #POTUS 3:30 #POTUS says #CBTS #CalmBeforeTheStorm President Trump In South Carolina: Briefing On Hurricane Florence 9/19/18 9/19/18 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! link to anon request to Q #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'calmbeforethestorm', 'calm', 'before', 'the', 'storm', 'nc', 'hurrcain', 'florence', 'hurricane', 'hurricane florence', 'south carolina'] PT4M46S 125 2 11 0 not set not set 2018-09-20T03:20:12.000Z Yu2D7Ar9gFk UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Qanon Q /A Bread 3917 Are we Alone Roswell? Did a plane hit the Pentegon? "Qanon Q /A Bread 3917 Are we Alone Roswell? Did a plane hit the Pentagon? #QAnon #Pentagon #Roswell #911 #Plane PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! This #Song #WWG1WGA dedicated to Q and all of the Anons #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Plane', 'Roswell', 'Pentagon', 'QAnon', 'q/a', 'WWG1WGA', 'Song'] PT16M49S 1087 47 58 0 not set not set 2018-09-21T05:37:09.000Z eSmaXBe144M UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Part 2 Washingtonian Post #conspiracy theories How conspiracy theories spread "#Qanon #post #patriotsfight No 259 The Power you have is real Fight Fight Fight Memes Washingtonian Post #conspiracy theories How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners My blog for this video here: #Qanon #post #patriotsfight No 259 The Power you have is real Fight Fight Fight Memes #Washingtonian #Post #conspiracytheories How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners #Qanon #post #patriotsfight #Memes #washingtonpost #conspiracytheories #WWG1WGA #Trump #MAGA Qanon ,post ,patriotsfight ,Memes ,washingtonpost ,conspiracy theories ,WWG1WGA ,Trump ,MAGA My blog on this video with copy pasteable tweet PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Part 2 Part 1 here Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Qanon', 'post', 'Memes', 'washingtonpost', 'conspiracy theories', 'WWG1WGA', 'Trump'] PT15M16S 158 10 16 1 not set not set 2018-09-22T05:55:25.000Z 8AbuNBcPE1w UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Qanon Aliens Disclosure zeropoint energy occuring on 8chan "#Qanon #Aliens #Disclosure #zeropoint energy occurring on 8chan Ok so I've been reading John Podestas emails on wiki leaks. Basically saying the ets will trade good behavior for zero point energy. Qanon also saying the same things ""we are not alone"" undisclosed space programs etc. Disclosure is here! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter #Minds #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['Qanon Aliens Disclosure zeropoint energy occuring on 8chan', 'qanon', '8chan', 'john', 'podesta', 'wikileaks', 'eamil', 'disclosure', 'alien', 'zeropoint', 'energy', 'quantum', 'science'] PT4M13S 1198 33 48 3 not set not set 2018-10-08T16:59:05.000Z dFrfpf_7UD8 UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw You're Witnessing the Largest Mass Treason Event in History "The people of the world are sick and tired of being set against each other by powerful criminals who want us divided so they can continue to rape, steal from and exploit us. Currently the gravest threat to the world is the corrupt mainstream media who has been taken over by a powerful cabal. They have been lying to us for decades, twisted our minds and led us down a path of darkness. The evidence is all around you. The only way we can defeat this evil is by removing their power and turning them off. They are named the ""Mockingbird Media"" after a criminal operation of the same name to infiltrate journalism and take control of the narratives. The only way out of this prison is to read the crumbs dropped via the NSA Intelligence Program otherwise known as Q. Close Captioning now available. Many translations available and more coming. When YouTube eventually censor this, you can find it on Bitchute. Not affiliated with Trump, Q or any intel source other than what is publicly available here: Many people have asked permission to share. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don't care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. It's not like I filmed all that footage. Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain. They want you DIVIDED. DIVIDED by RACE. DIVIDED by RELIGION. DIVIDED by CULTURE. DIVIDED by POLITICAL AFFILIATION. The want this because DIVIDED YOU ARE WEAK. TOGETHER YOU ARE STRONG. YOU, THE PEOPLE, HAVE THE POWER. It’s time to research for yourself. Think for yourself. Trust yourself. You will find many things, among them an unprecedented number of sealed indictments filed in preparation for a mass arrest event. See here: You will also discover an unprecedented list of corrupt CEOs who have recently been removed from their posts. See these here: You will see the same in the Senate, and in Congress. And you will see the same at the top of the FBI, and the Department of Justice. This movement is not about one person or a group of people. It is about WE THE PEOPLE. The world is currently witnessing the largest mass treason event in living history. But instead of being fearful, we should be filled with hope. Instead of fighting among ourselves, we should recognize our only true enemy - the criminal Deep State, and their once invincible mainstream media apparatus. Do you want to free yourself? It’s easy. TURN THEM OFF! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter My Minds timeline #Minds Registration page #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 "['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'Mass treason event', 'mass', 'treason', 'event', 'witnessing', ""you're Witnessing the Largest Mass Treason Event in History"", 'cabal', 'deep state', 'drain the swamp', 'sealed indictments', 'ceo', 'Senate']" PT5M15S 2093 23 122 3 not set not set 2018-10-12T17:42:25.000Z zSIbUqHW1qc UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #QProof in Remarks by #President #Trump in Meeting with #Kanye West and #Jim #Brown "Its amazing look at this an official paper from with a big Q sitting there out of place!!! Q is in the remarks below but the only thing missing from the video listen its not said! I can see Kanye saying put it in there put a Q in there!! HAHA Amazing!!! ""LIKE"" and ""SUBSCRIBE"" !!! #OvalOffice Official remarks by #POTUS Q? What the heck???? see the Q???? #QANON #QProofs #MAGA 1 2:32 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Jon, you know Jim Brown? The greatest of all time. Q It’s an honor, sir. ty .@realDonaldTrump #KAG2018 #PatriotsFight #Qarmy LEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter My Minds timeline #Minds Registration page #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'gang', 'violence', 'qproof', 'qproofs', 'remarks president', 'trump', 'jim', 'brown', 'north korea', 'missles', 'obama'] PT23M54S 732 17 34 0 not set not set 2018-10-16T20:32:48.000Z YPQU3BPubpw UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw #HRC SUV #Crash Was she driving? "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter My Minds timeline #Minds Registration page #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'HRC', 'Lockherup', 'Hillary clinton', 'Hillary', 'DeepState', 'Drain', 'Car wreck', 'Hillary Van', 'crashes'] PT24S 989 13 57 0 not set not set 2018-10-17T17:41:03.000Z EYfv-IWxUlI UC91rmh2c2bOWssWxPnhNOrw Q - We Are The Plan #QARMY! #QANON #8CHAN #The Plan #POST "PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie. We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved - all while we were focused on everything but what is the most trans-formative event in living history. Now that we know the truth, we have to help them get to the outcome quicker. We must not be asleep anymore, the more that wake up the quicker and easier we will get to the world prepared for us by these great soldiers of freedom. RISE! Be The Plan! Know your ENEMY, because it is most definitely not WE THE PEOPLE! Where we go one, we go all. Not affiliated with Trump, Q or any intel source other than what is publicly available here: Also, I am NOT JFK Jnr. Not even close. Just an average Joe. Disclaimer: I am not making accusations of guilt towards anyone featured in this video. That is Huber's job, and if they have done crimes, they will be exposed - if not, they won't. Many people have asked permission to share. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don't care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. It's not like I filmed all that footage. Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain. The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time. You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story. Don't be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever. It's time to wake up and experience true freedom instead of the fake kind we have been living under. Fellow Americans, and citizens of the world. Now its OUR turn to shine. Wherever we are, we will become the PLAN when we choose to reject what they called GLOBALISM. We recognize the words they used to bend us to their will, and we say no more. It’s time to turn off the media, follow your instincts, trust yourself and BE THE PLAN! May God bless America, and the world. #AHiJackedLife my Blog!!! Twitter My Minds timeline #Minds Registration page #Bitchute #Patreon #DailyMotion #Vimeo #Twitch Qanon, how, to, Follow, Q, on, 8chan, Qresearch, yourself, &, Tipy,Top,Shape, by, POTUS45 #Qanon #how #Follow #Q, #8chan, #Qresearch, #yourself," will power 25 ['patriotsfight', 'sb2', 'serialbrain2', 'decodes', 'qresearch', 'MAGA', 'Kanye', 'West', 'QARMY', 'QANON', '8CHAN', 'POST', 'UPDATE', 'QALERT', '2018', '+++', 'NOTABLE', 'What is Qanon', 'Qresearch', 'video', 'theplan', 'trust the plan', 'what is the plan', 'what is the q plan', 'q plan', 'qanon plan', 'what is qanon plan'] PT9M11S 2723 36 119 1 not set not set 2018-10-22T11:29:07.000Z vTcPCkW--gc UCbcqMg3qSMuvFFkQaqKp6TA Pizzagate, Q Phenomenon, JFK jr "WWG1WGA - Trust the Plan" William Charles 22 not set PT5M38S 41398 99 777 16 not set not set 2018-07-05T04:11:22.000Z uheKwUN73r0 UC6OA_PYLbTk4JrbhS7VYXiw 🔥 For The 4th waiting for Q to drop again William Merrow 22 not set PT27M17S 3 0 2 0 not set not set 2018-08-08T17:03:19.000Z BGTXgVzPbTc UCXPO1NxpTv89ZgN14ZU1F1g Q anon Video - Killing the Mockingbird "Killing the Mockingbird ( Media ) Follow Q and turn them off! Enjoy the show! CNN ABC News MSNBC HuffPost CBS CBS News NBC NBC News ESPN #TurnThemOff #Qanon #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening" Willy Chevalier 25 ['Q-anon', 'TurnThemOff', 'Qanon', 'MAGA', 'TheGreatAwakening'] PT4M48S 131 3 4 1 not set not set 2018-03-31T21:17:32.000Z CneKdi0uSlc UCfkpM3RuyUHqY4nRlP-egNA Roseanne Barr Cites Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory In Tweet "Roseanne Barr tweeted out something about Trump that made people very confused. Barr said: “Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world.” People are not sure what exactly Barr is talking about. But they are not surprised at her comments because she’s always supported Trump. Many people think the trafficking comment is simple a right-wing conspiracy. This video was produced by YT Wochit Entertainment using" Wochit Entertainment 24 ['Twitter', 'Roseanne Barr', 'Right-wing politics', 'Conspiracy Theory', 'Human Trafficking', 'Entertainment', 'Trump', 'Presidency Of Donald Trump', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'Jordan Strauss', 'The Storm'] PT33S 388 6 3 1 not set not set 2018-09-12T22:12:02.000Z T3iXOEBVZWk UCJmSX7ghommK3pwMLGNUvPA Reddit Bans Qanon Conspiracy Communities "Reddit has removed a community dedicated to the Qanon conspiracy. Gizmodo reports the subreddit, r/GreatAwakening, was banned on Wednesday. A second, smaller Qanon-related subreddit, r/the_greatawakening, was also banned. This video was produced by YT Wochit News using" Wochit News 28 ['reddit', 'qanon', 'greatawakening', 'Qanon', 'Reddit', 'Will Sommer', 'Conspiracy', 'Internet Forums', 'Alt-Right', '8 Chan', 'Oval Office', 'Harassment', 'Qanon Conspiracy Communities', 'reddit qanon', 'qanon banned', 'qanon reddit Gizmodo', 'r/the_greatawakening', 'subreddit qanon', 'reddit r/GreatAwakening'] PT34S 1291 25 12 9 not set not set 2018-02-13T04:53:15.000Z KvUDn7w9QIo UCwKcde2YBp1sFHYxdlvoceQ Q ANON 4 CHAN NOW ON CBTS REDDIT "Keep it Woke City, patriots! #godspeed FULL DISCLOSURE INTEL DROPS VS SOFT DISCLOSURE ORIGINALLY FILMED ON - 12.20.17" Woke AF Society 22 ['SSP', 'COREY GOODE', 'DAVID WILCOCK', 'DAVID SEAMAN', 'PROJECT CAMELOT', 'LIZ CROKIN', 'WILLIAM TOMPKINS', 'JORDAN SATHER', 'BENJAMIN FULFORD', 'ANTARCTICA', 'GAIA'] PT4M40S 22 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-06-05T22:43:28.000Z Ls37FUC5hOs UCH7YcXgl1Yhbonajk47qMYA Is QAnon A Hoax ? #QAnon #Q "The Q Anon events have been taking the conspiracy truther world by storm. Is this phenomenon the real deal, or is it just another hoax? What can we learn from all of this? Wolves And Sheeple Website: Minds Profile: Follow us on Twitter: FaceBook: Wolves And Sheeple Podcast: Sign up for our newsletter! Steemit:" Wolves And Sheeple 25 ['#qanon', 'anon', 'anonymous', 'insider', 'leaks', 'insider information', 'Q anon', '4chan', '8chan', '#Q', '#Qanon', 'wolves and sheeple', 'conspiracy', 'wikileaks', 'julian assange', 'assange', 'leaker', '#thestorm', 'storm', 'swamp', 'drain the swamp'] PT4M52S 200 10 11 1 not set not set 2018-06-15T12:36:07.000Z I6zYt-sA6bU UCxevKWhnYFpG0j9XAtOHi8Q Q Anon Research Mark Levin Not a single pro Trump FBI agent in IG report !! Q Anon Research Mark Levin Not a single pro Trump FBI agent in IG report !! World Politics And News 22 not set PT7M42S 26 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-02-11T13:43:50.000Z bPsB0PDEwbo UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon - Q team taking out bad guys | TODAY BREAKING NEWS 11 FEB "#Qanon - Q team taking out bad guys | TODAY BREAKING NEWS 11 FEB THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. FOLLOW US - Facbook- Instagram- Twitter - Qanon 2.10.18 - Q team taking out bad guys // Clowns everywhere Feb 10 Q-Anon Drop Lots of Intrigues, Mystery, Asian Action, Seals, Marines #QANON CHINA STING - MUSK MURDER - NK EARTHQUAKE - LIVE CHAT - ASEW NEWS LIVE Q Anon Latest Posts - Dr. Corsi Breakdown - 02/10/2018 AM #QANON [THIS WEEK]" Wrong or Wright 25 ['#Qanon - Q team taking out bad guys | TODAY BREAKING NEWS 11 FEB', 'Qanon 2.10.18 - Q team taking out bad guys // Clowns everywhere', 'Feb 10 Q-Anon Drop Lots of Intrigue', 'Mystery', '#QANON CHINA STING - MUSK MURDER - NK EARTHQUAKE - LIVE CHAT - ASEW NEWS LIVE', 'Qanon Conjecture 2.9.18 - Its about to Happen? Alt Narrative Proposal // Who was arrested?', '#qanon', 'Q Anon Latest Posts - Dr. Corsi Breakdown - 02/10/2018 AM', '#QANON [THIS WEEK]', 'wrong or wright'] PT45M34S 1990 7 19 7 not set not set 2018-02-13T17:34:43.000Z BDSQs7rLi6s UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon updates 2/13/18 | Breaking News Today "#Qanon updates 2/13/18 | Breaking News Today THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. FOLLOW US - Facebook - Instagram- Twitter - Latest Qanon Posts 2-13-18 : Slave Gardens Jerome Corsi QAnon Decode 02/12/18 Full BIG Q-DROP FEB 12-DECODED Making Connections. Fox & Friends 2/13/18 - URGEN! President Trump Breaking News Q-Anon Salute to Veterans, Anons and Patriots Gitmo & More Calling out: Ginsburg & Mika KILL ATTEMPT ON TRUMP JR, ASSANGE | WHITE SUBSTANCE IN ENVELOPES" Wrong or Wright 25 ['QANON', 'WRONGORWRIGHT', 'Latest Qanon Posts 2-13-18 : Slave Gardens', 'Jerome Corsi QAnon Decode 02/12/18 Full', 'BIG Q-DROP FEB 12-DECODED Making Connections', 'Fox & Friends 2/13/18 - URGEN! President Trump Breaking News', '#Qanon updates 2/13/18 | Breaking News Today', 'Q-Anon Salute to Veterans', 'Anons and Patriots Gitmo & More Calling out: Ginsburg & Mika', '#qanon', 'KILL ATTEMPT ON TRUMP JR', 'ASSANGE | WHITE SUBSTANCE IN ENVELOPES'] PT38M49S 2112 6 26 3 not set not set 2018-02-19T09:30:47.000Z xkrqdUwy7Ek UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon Update 2-19-18 | Google Q-Drops "#Qanon Update 2-19-18 | Google Q-Drops THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #QAnon- Board Changes, Snowden, The Map #followthewhiterabbit Qanon 2.18.18: Update on B, Obama Billions, pedos & walnut sauce, Snowden & board wipe QAnon Map - ""Discoveries must be ORIG organically"" ( Add this to #FLUSHGATE ) PARKLAND: CONSPIRACY? #QANON FBI KNEW Man who warned FBI of Florida shooter speaks out" Wrong or Wright 25 ['QANON', 'WRONGORWRIGHT', '#Qanon Update 2-19-18 | Google Q-Drops', '#QAnon- Board Changes', 'Snowden', 'The Map #followthewhiterabbit', 'Qanon Update 2.18.18b - Qanon Disappears. The Last of Q?', 'Qanon 2.18.18: Update on B', 'Obama Billions', 'pedos & walnut sauce', 'Snowden & board wipe', 'QAnon', 'Map', 'Discoveries must be ORIG organically', 'Add', 'this', 'to', '#FLUSHGATE', 'PARKLAND: CONSPIRACY? #QANON', 'FBI KNEW', 'Man who warned FBI of Florida shooter speaks out', 'ben bennight'] PT4M11S 416 3 4 0 not set not set 2018-02-20T19:18:23.000Z K9_RA1AFEoY UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon Update 2-20-18 | Q Drops "#Qanon Update 2-20-18 | Q Drops THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #QAnon- Board Changes, Snowden, The Map #followthewhiterabbit Q-Anon Posts for 2/18/2018 The Clock is Activated - Go with God! Jerome Corsi Live Stream 02/19/18 QAnon Posts And Other Topics Sean Hannity 2/19/18 - Hannity Fox News Today February 19, 2018" Wrong or Wright 25 ['QANON', 'WRONGORWRIGHT', '#Qanon Update 2-20-18 | Q Drops', '#QAnon- Board Changes', 'Snowden', 'The Map #followthewhiterabbit', 'Q-Anon Posts for 2/18/2018 The Clock is Activated - Go with God!', 'FEB 19 NEW Q POSTS', 'Neural Networks', 'Frequencies', 'Deep Dream', 'SecureDrop', 'Q Anon Latest Posts Decoded by Dr. Corsi - 02/19/2018 - AM', 'Jerome Corsi Live Stream 02/19/18 QAnon Posts And Other Topics', 'Sean Hannity 2/19/18 - Hannity Fox News Today February 19'] PT39M3S 1753 5 9 13 not set not set 2018-02-21T17:33:29.000Z kTK47DJ9b_E UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon is Back 2-21-18 | Q Drops Update 2/21/18 #780 - #795 "#Qanon is Back 2-21-18 | Q Drops Update 2/21/18 #780 - #795 THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #QAnon Returns in the Middle of the NIGHT Livestream (Edited) #followthewhiterabbit Q-Anon Posts for 2/18/2018 The Clock is Activated - Go with God! BREAKING: Feb 15/FEB 16 Q-DROP Behavioral Control through Frequencies trump ban bump stocks BREAKING!! BOB MUELLER SET TO QUIT HIS OFFICE ..SEE WHY!/c/antischool" Wrong or Wright 25 ['QANON', 'WRONGORWRIGHT', '#QAnon Returns in the Middle of the NIGHT Livestream (Edited) #followthewhiterabbit', 'Q-Anon Posts for 2/18/2018 The Clock is Activated - Go with God!', '#Qanon is Back 2-21-18 | Q Drops Update 2/21/18 #780 - #795', 'BREAKING: Feb 15/FEB 16 Q-DROP Behavioral Control through Frequencies', '!/c/antischool', 'trump ban bump stocks', 'BREAKING!! BOB MUELLER SET TO QUIT HIS OFFICE ..SEE WHY'] PT12M34S 957 7 5 6 not set not set 2018-02-22T17:42:28.000Z 5GWUUJlnang UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon Update 2/22/18 |Latest Q - Drops Updates 2.22.18 "#Qanon Update 2/22/18 |Latest Q - Drops Updates 2.22.18 THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #Qanon Update 2/22/18 |Latest Q - Drops Updates 2.22.18 BREAKING: NEW Q-DROP FEB 21/18 Qanon 2.21.18 - Q is BACK! @Jack Is afraid - Censoring hard QAnon Update & Thoughts 2.20.18 MAGA & Qanon Update: 1.22.18 - David Seaman's war on Q, Q email post REAL, Gov Reopen, Vegas Release The Memo - Clinton Obama Conspiracy Finally Outed by DOJ #qanon #obamagate #releasethememo" Wrong or Wright 25 "['QANON', 'WRONGORWRIGHT', '#Qanon Update 2/22/18 |Latest Q - Drops Updates 2.22.18', 'BREAKING: NEW Q-DROP FEB 21/18', 'Qanon 2.21.18 - Q is BACK! @Jack Is afraid - Censoring hard', 'QAnon Update & Thoughts 2.20.18', ""MAGA & Qanon Update: 1.22.18 - David Seaman's war on Q"", 'Q email post REAL', 'Gov Reopen', 'Vegas', 'Release The Memo - Clinton Obama Conspiracy Finally Outed by DOJ #qanon #obamagate #releasethememo']" PT24M59S 1676 0 15 1 not set not set 2018-02-25T18:00:10.000Z DbLJSnDWOjY UCFaxnNb5YIjmoCYZRgWxapg #Qanon Q-Drops Update 2/24/18 | Q-Drops six days Posts "#Qanon Q-Drops Update 2/24/18 | Q-Drops six days Posts THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Follow Me - Facebook : Instagram- Twitter - YouTube: gab - If you enjoy my work please donate : Paypal: THANKS FOR WATCHING! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! FAIR USE STATEMENT. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constituteFacebook -https a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. #QAnon - Q Updates C!Odemonkey Fixed The Bug! BREAKING Qanon DECODE - [SIG_5:5_READ] Trump Signals IN THE OPEN. Godless SHILL among us. Qanon 2.21.18b: Patriots, Traitors, JFK & The CIA Feb 19 2018 Qanon analysis by SpaceShot via George Bailey #QAnon #CBTS Feb 19 2018 End of the line" Wrong or Wright 25 "['QANON', '#Qanon Q-Drops Update 2/24/18 | Q-Drops six days Posts', '#QAnon - Q Updates C!Odemonkey Fixed The Bug!', ""#Q @QANON - SIX ATTEMPTS ON PRESIDENT TRUMP'S LIFE - U.S. UNDER MARTIAL LAW"", 'Q-DROP', 'Decode', 'BREAKING Qanon DECODE - [SIG_5:5_READ] Trump Signals IN THE OPEN. Godless SHILL among us.', 'Qanon 2.21.18b: Patriots', 'Traitors', 'JFK & The CIA', 'Feb 19 2018 Qanon analysis by SpaceShot via George Bailey', '#QAnon #CBTS Feb 19 2018 End of the line']" PT34M10S 536 2 6 0 not set not set 2018-09-23T12:18:52.000Z VdcAT7pXYko UCI8n06I2jGdVWY-wduZoJAA Wu Ming 1 - Beyond The Paranoid Style: A Lecture on Conspiracism with Focus on QAnon "On QAnon, Luther Blissett, conspiracy theories and the 30th anniversary of Foucault's Pendulum. Some Qcards on how Italian Literature and Italian counterculture experimented with ways of understanding and creatively debunking conspiracism. Lecture held by Wu Ming 1 – one of the authors of the novel Q – at McGill University, Montréal, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, on September 20th, 2018. You can browse the presentation here: You can download the audio file here: What's the Wu Ming Foundation? Giap - Wu Ming's Blog (IT) Tumblr Aggregator (EN-FR-ES-DE-Etc)" Wu Ming 27 "['QAnon', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'Luther Blissett', 'Wu Ming', 'pranks', 'Italy', 'Pizzagate', 'Soros', 'Illuminatus', 'Umberto Eco', 'Chemtrails', 'truthers', 'debunking', 'Satanists', '1990s', 'Trump', 'The Storm', 'The Great Awakenings', 'Qcrumbs', 'Discordianism', 'Robert Anton Wilson', 'Robert Shea', 'Luther Blissett project', 'Wu Ming Foundation', 'Q novel', 'SRA', 'McGill University', 'Montréal', '#QAnon', 'novel', 'Richard Hofstadter', ""Foucault's Pendulum"", 'paranoid style']" PT1H10M47S 2458 0 40 1 not set not set 2018-01-18T00:12:32.000Z zVHWkqSBqPM UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg Q Anon, A False Flag Attempt Is Headed Our Way - Episode 1474b "Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 01.17.2018 The President had his physical and he is in perfect health. Bannon is called in to testify in front of congress, but makes deal with Mueller to speak to him privately. Catalan government makes move for independence again. North Korea and South Korea will go to the Olympics together. The cabal (deep state) sends a warship to Japan. Another fake message about incoming missiles, this time in Japan. Syrian opposition putting out fake news that ISIS is recapturing areas. World Economic forum reports that cyber attacks is a big threat for 2018. The Pentagon says they will use Nuclear weapons if attacked by non-nuclear weapons or cyber attacks. Q Anon is warning that many false flag attempts might occur this week or very soon. But all will be safe. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT17M 36399 215 986 35 not set not set 2018-02-22T00:24:51.000Z AOtfNiVB9QM UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b "Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 02.21.2018 The entire indictment against the Russian trolls is now being debunked. The Judge ordered Mueller to provide evidence on the Flynn case. The deep state is meddling in Thailand election. d North Korea allegedly backs out of talks with Pence. Second wave of Syrian soldiers are now entering Afrin and Turkey did not fire upon them. Trump is getting ready to ban bump stocks, there is a reason he is doing this. Q is warning that the procection code has been activated, the timetable has been accelerated. Q is referring to the assassination of Trump, the deep state might be preparing something big, either a false flag or they are ready to remove Trump from office. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT21M34S 56357 338 1348 60 not set not set 2018-06-13T00:22:12.000Z gfNfjAcsLmE UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg Info Release Will Shatter The Deep State, Dark To Light, Confirmation - Episode 1590b "Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 06.12.2018 Deep state pushes back on the ZTE deal by adding an amendment to the defense authorization bill. Ukraine is pushing the Normandy 4 meeting. Trump and Kim Jong-Un meet and sign the peace agreement. Trump says no more war games in the South Korea. Pictures of Libya before and after have gone viral. In Syria rebels have 48 hours to agree to the terms of Syria. Q drops more bread crumbs and confirms dark to light and says that once the info is released the deep state will go down in flames. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT20M5S 63186 304 2157 51 not set not set 2018-07-24T21:02:25.000Z IAmDu26yThM UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg It's Happening, Silence, Disinformation, It Was All Necessary, It's Time - Episode 1622b "Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 07.24.2018 The deep state played their hand with Trump and it is not working, he has no objection to Mueller listening to the recordings that Cohen made. John Brennan is having a full meltdown. Allegedly Trump says that he will take away the security clearance to many individuals. Mexico's new President wants to work with Trump. New satellite images show North Korea is DE-nuclearizing, the MSM media is now admitting to that fact. Putin receives invitation to the White House. The White Helmets are now being allowed to assimilate in the UK, Germany and Canada. Q has returned and the message is that it is time, Trump declassified the Carter Page FISA Warrant to drip the information out to the public. It's happening. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT25M15S 59959 331 1911 61 not set not set 2018-08-06T01:22:16.000Z 72J2LuIXo9I UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg What You Are Witnessing Now Is Needed Before The Big Drop - Episode 1630b "Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 08.05.2018 FBI docs reveal that Strzok look into the Weiner laptop case and actually start until after the elections. There was an attempt on Maduro's life during a speech in Venezuela. US says no involvement, most likely this was the intelligence agencies. Iran is already announcing that they will remove their forces from Syria. It is happening, trust the plan. Q drops more bread crumbs and talks about how the people need to be ready for the big drop and before it happens it needs to go mainstream . All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT39M32S 61393 428 2045 80 not set not set 2018-09-18T22:43:47.000Z 2YdS3kK5fZg UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b "Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 09.18.2018 A new report has been released and it shows that the US Government under Obama spied on journalists and it was kept hidden from the public. The Obama admin used the FISA court to do it. Kavanaugh and his accuser are suppose to testify but Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has not accepted the invite. Strzok and McCabe were caught destroying evidence. Maxine Waters is now panicking. NK and SK are meeting in NK to talk about peace. Israel attacks Syria which allowed the S200 system to target a Russian Jet. Congress says Trump cannot attack Syria without authorization. Q drops more bread and DC is in full panic mode. Sessions has been activated and now the tables are turning. The MSM is ignoring what is going on but more carpet bombs are on there way making room for the MOAB. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT30M21S 118081 755 3617 90 not set not set 2018-09-23T21:15:27.000Z JhYb3rkGGYY UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg Conspiracy No Longer A Conspiracy, Patriots In Control, Unite - Episode 1671b "Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 09.23.2018 All three of Ford's witnesses do not remember the incident. Libya's UN-elected government is in trouble and they want help. The people of the country are taking back their power. Russia has investigated the downing of their reconnaissance plane and is placing the blame on Israel. Russia and the US have made a deal in the al-tanf area and the civilians are being evacuated. Q drops more bread, Comey and McCabe joining forces to go after RR and LL. LL is now talking and flipped. Conspiracies are now becoming truth and the patriots are now in control. The deep state is panic mode and they are turning on each other. Q sets up a new board but will not participate will continue to work on 8chan. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT30M19S 108836 704 3691 85 not set not set 2018-09-30T19:13:07.000Z VtdXIuz5GEc UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg High Alert,Social Media Blackout,Comms Activated - Episode 1677b "Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 09.30.2018 Maxine Waters has been accused of releasing personal data on Senators. Dr. Ford's testimony on her front doors does not match to the timeline of when the two front doors were actually installed. The MSM is pushing the news that NK needs the US to remove the sanctions or they will not denuclearize. The border between Syria and Jordan has been reopened. Russia says that the S300 missile system is already installed in the country and it is operational. Q drop more bread, be prepared for a blackout of social media, a push to censor. Comms are active and the swamp is pushing their agenda to fight back. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT26M57S 97637 664 3881 87 not set not set 2018-10-09T01:28:57.000Z lcURqhaI4zY UCB1o7_gbFp2PLsamWxFenBg Trillions Wasted On Scams,Waiting Is Over,The Pain Is About To Be Unleashed - Episode 1684b "Learn How To Use Crypto Currencies Join The Crypto School Watch Crypto Traders Trade X22 Report Is An Affiliate Of The Crypto School w/ Remain Calm LLC Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 10.08.2018 Kavanaugh sends a message to the deep state, what comes around goes around. The Skripal case falls apart the CCTV does not show the two Russians at the seen of the crime. Trump wants all Chinese parts out of the US and wants them produced in the US. Rebels surrender heavy weapons. Assad says the buffer zone is only temporary and Idlib will be with Syria once again. Q drops more bread, prepare for the pain because it is about to be unleashed. The deep state is trying to stop the declas saying it shouldn't be done because of national security. Over the years trillions have been wasted on wars, terror and it was all a deep state illusion. Now they have no where to run and its time. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is ""one man's opinion"". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions." X22Report 22 ['economic collapse', 'economy', 'stock market', 'dollar collapse', 'economic bubbles', 'gold', 'silver'] PT38M43S 101540 738 4212 94 not set not set 2017-12-30T20:19:21.000Z fbD6zbRlt4w UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner "Please help support us on Patreon, help the #GreatAwakening spread to more humans, FASTER. Here is our NEW Patreon Page Breaking the CABAL: NEW Q Anon Christmas, Julian Assange TWITTER taken down before Wikileak document dump, then QAnon posts mysterious ""twitter secure"" post and the WikiLeaks page goes back up with 24 suspects... and a ""secure window of 5-6"" Mystery booms - military clearing the tunnels videos: #1 #2 Hillary Clinton weapons trafficking: JFK, Trump, Las Vegas Patsy video: Link to ""Against the Globalists"" channel and Citizens Investigative Report website: James Munder channel and Q + the storm research Lionel Nation channel - Q Anon and Deep Throat Watergate, etc American Intelligence Media channel - Eric Shmidt steps down as CEO _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['qanon', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible'] PT18M58S 118370 399 2244 76 not set not set 2018-01-03T19:17:09.000Z RwqRzp5UMyU UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w NEW: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. music video, CLINTON #swamp "Julian Assange tweets Paper Planes song by MIA, 65 GB file and posted encryption key to twitter. Q anon, Also connections between Bridgewater executives in plane and James Comey, fired FBI director. Connections between Clinton Foundation and Compass group in plane. Plus power outages and evacuations at airports around the world in pas few weeks. Q posts and how they relate to WikiLeaks, etc. Link to list of Clinton connections from video: Link to my last video on this subject and Q anon, from just a few days ago: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or my Paypal address is Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, seth rich, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['the storm', 'storm', 'comingstorm', 'swamp', 'draintheswamp', 'qanon', 'wikileaks', 'julianassange', 'clinton', 'sethrich', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'Jesus Christ', 'Yeshua', 'messiah', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'Bible', 'bible prophecy', 'prophecy'] PT19M57S 3211 27 122 6 not set not set 2018-01-08T05:45:53.000Z aM8-8q73Fuk UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w #QAnon - January 2018 posts + "Learn to read the map" Q Anon Map leads us to who is... "Please help support us on Patreon, help the #GreatAwakening spread to more humans, FASTER. Here is our NEW Patreon Page Something strange is going on with the newest January 2018 Q posts, but all is well with the trip codes and IP verifications now. Here is the link to the video that I mentioned by Brandon Lee Ward if you can't wait to see them, as we continue sorting things out. "" Q Posts 1.5.18. Some Strange Things are Happening... #QAnon Q-Anon "" And here is the link to the ""Through the Looking-Glass"" Learn to read the maps page that has a HUGE resource stack of maps and lists and CARTOGRAPHY of the globalist cabal: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ Video #1: #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner Video #2. NEW: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. music video, CLINTON #swamp Reddit link with footage of black SUVs and someone being removed from plane: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['qanon', 'thestorm', 'storm', 'draintheswamp', 'swamp', 'deepstate', 'qanon8chan', '4chan', '8chan', 'QAnon', 'Trump', 'hive', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'book of revelation', 'comingstorm'] PT11M31S 44984 90 587 20 not set not set 2018-01-09T21:50:55.000Z GKBMOf0Qd1g UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w BREAKING: #QAnon - BEST Defcon 1 #PsyOps - REAL January 2018 Q Posts #TheStorm "Are we at DEFCON 1? Analysis of NEWEST Q Anon posts. Growing network of white hats. In the ""establishment's"" attempt to dumb down and pacify a generation with video games as and such, they unwittingly created their own nemesis... a generation of SUPER-Sleuths who have been trained to solve puzzles. Go get 'em tiger... or should I say Lion! Their own plan bit them in the butt... here's their Ouroboros... ha, ha, ha!!! +++ If you need to catch up, here are my last 4 Q-Anon vids in order: #1 #QAnon - Something BIG? 24 SUSPECTS, Wikileaks, Soros, Podesta, Las Vegas, Weiner #2 NEW: #QAnon - Planes & AIRPORTS Down #Wikileaks PAPER PLANES M.I.A. music video, CLINTON #swamp #3 BREAKING: Last #QAnon Post - DELTA Force or Delta AIRLINES? More STRANGE Plane & Airports #4 #QAnon - January 2018 posts + ""Learn to read the map"" Q Anon Map leads us to who is... _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['Qanon', 'thestorm', 'storm', 'comingstorm', 'swamp', 'draintheswamp', 'deepstate', 'qanon8chan', '8chan', '4chan', 'q-anon', 'trump', 'wikileaks', 'julianassange', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'messiah', 'yeshua', 'salvation', 'savior', 'jesusiscoming', 'jesussaves', 'jesuslovesyou', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'holy-spirit', 'holyspirit', 'holy bible', 'bible', 'holybible', 'book of revelation', 'qpilled', 'redpill', 'redpilled', 'whiterabbit', 'follwthewhiterabbit', 'rabbithole', 'lookingglass', 'followthewhiterabbit'] PT23M5S 15880 151 402 22 not set not set 2018-01-14T03:20:15.000Z NgooqaKhxT0 UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w #QAnon - MYSTERY Flash over Russia, Space X ZUMA, Hawaii MISSILE Alert, DELTA IV "Something BIG about to happen? January 7, 2018 was a big day... links between the Space X launch, the mystery flash/shockwave in Russia and the Q Anon post saying ""sky fortress engaged"". And I touch on links between the Q-Anon Delta posts and the ULA classified Delta IV rocket today on January 13 ... same day as the mystery ""incoming missile"" Alert was sent to Hawaii. (Plus white hats and white knights slaying dragons, for whatever that's worth.) BREAKING: #QAnon - BEST Defcon 1 #PsyOps - REAL January 2018 Q Posts #TheStorm (the one with SKY FORTRESS post) BREAKING: Last #QAnon Post - DELTA Force or Delta AIRLINES? More STRANGE Plane & Airports (the one with DELTA posts) Something BIGGER going on? SpaceX Falcon 9 - MULTIPLE SIGHTINGS - Many Countries Q Thread ... not the chans (4chan and 8chan boards), but an easier and more accessible log of the Q Anon threads: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _____________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bible Prophecy, Holy Bible, Book of revelation, Great Awakening, Great Tribulation, End of the Age, New Age, we do not consent, oureyesareopen, wearewithchrist, Salvation, Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, Christianity, Jesus is coming, drain the swamp, the coming storm, book of revelation tribulation period" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['qanon', 'swamp', 'draintheswamp', 'drain the swamp', 'storm', 'coming storm', 'thecomingstorm', 'comingstorm', 'spacex', 'zuma', 'deltaiv', 'ula', 'skyfortress', 'hawaiialert', 'hawaii', 'russia', 'mysteries', 'wedonotconsent', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'jesusiscoming', 'jesussaves', 'Yeshua', 'Messiah', 'savior', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible'] PT7M17S 8453 71 189 10 not set not set 2018-03-07T04:14:35.000Z FScb6fbt4Q4 UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w #QAnon - Update Q anon POSTS - "Mind" BLOWING "Please help support us on Patreon, help the #GreatAwakening spread to more humans, FASTER. Here is our NEW Patreon Page March 2018 Qanon posts - 1 in series of 4: Snowden, White House, Hannity and the LINK. Please subscribe and share to help beat back the beast. New Q videos will be flowing next few days. God bless you and yours! SCARY Frequency Technology - 5 Scientific Examples Whistleblower Tells All - Frequency EXPERIMENTS on unwitting American Cities #QAnon - TRUMP Chosen - Analysis of WIKILEAKS - Dr. JEROME CORSI + Julian Assange FREE #QAnon - January 2018 posts + ""Learn to read the map"" Q Anon Map leads us to who is... TRUMP to release CLASSIFIED JFK papers - Las Vegas Hillary Clinton CAUGHT U1 _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening boom, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'white rabbit', 'greatawakening', 'wethepeople', 'oureyesareopen', 'wedonotconsent', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'Savior', 'Yeshua', 'Messiah', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'prophecy'] PT31M24S 11035 120 432 7 not set not set 2018-03-16T00:58:28.000Z Ykz4X2QQp6I UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w #QAnon #Snowden #Wikileaks - "March MADNESS" + N does NOT refer to "NEW" + L-6 "Please help support us on Patreon, help the #GreatAwakening spread to more humans, FASTER. Here is our NEW Patreon Page March 15 - Decoding Q Anon posts. There are 7 new Q posts that just hit minutes ago, but this vid was already uploading. Last one, just now, says ""March Madness. Public will know soon."" Then 4 more booms, with a 4-2-8 sequence in the ""o"" ... I expect more shortly, and I'll upload Q analysis after I study them out and decode . This video catches up through the point of the March 10 2018 Q drops. I will still be uploading in depth videos on ""watch the water"" and ""make it rain"" and the Disney ""magic"" Q-anon posts in the near future. But they will be sprinkled in among a few other regular videos I need to make. My prophetic ""GLIMPSE"" about the internet and Asians Qanon maps: Link to Alexander the Great and ""gleaming silver shields"" intervention Biggest SECRET - The REAL PEACE TREATY - Humans v. Nephilim _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, L-6 and Dr. Jerome Corsi Q analysis, please check out his new book on this subject. God bless you and yours!" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'draintheswamp', 'thestorm', 'thecomingstorm', 'comingstorm', 'whiterabbit', 'wethepeople', 'greatawakening', 'oureyesareopen', 'wedonotconsent', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'bible prophecy', 'book of revelation', 'jesus is coming', 'jerome corsi'] PT59M39S 22001 228 638 18 not set not set 2018-03-17T00:43:44.000Z o1espJ5ldtg UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w #QAnon + CREEPY coded VOICEMAIL + "PUBLIC will know SOON" "March 16, 2018 - There are new Q posts and I will get to them next... looks like Q was talking about a submarine when he referenced ""Hunt for Red October"" in past posts. Anyway, this is more about the creepy coded voicemails and the emergency alert texts everyone has been receiving. Still very interesting... makes me wonder if it is another psyop arm of the viral PUBLIC AWARENESS campaign. What do you think? Link to original Tweet Thread: More on Creepy Voicemail (more allegedly happened to this guy) SOPHIA the A.I. speaks on OUR FUTURE, Time Travel, Mark of Beast RFID wifi NEURAL IMPLANTS Credit for clip, link to Secureteam10 full video: CREEPY A.I. Amazon Alexa laughing at people: Links to past vids on alerts: Hawaii California Kor. Peninsula Japan Sophia singing credit clip: _________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, internet bill of rights, net neutrality, IBOR, follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, God bless you and yours!" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['qanon', 'q-anon', 'draintheswamp', 'greatawakening', 'wethepeople', 'oureyesareopen', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible'] PT15M30S 71119 696 1131 58 not set not set 2018-05-13T01:40:37.000Z QNrBIzh9R5s UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w BREAKING: Russian Planes INTERCEPTED off Coast of USA - Something BIG coming "Today's News Articles - Bible Prophecy and Current Events... one and the same. DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer on my website if you need help: _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ Prophetic dreams and visions, Bible Prophecy, Bear and Dragon is Russia and China, peace treaty, oslo accords, nobel peace prize in 1993, drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, wearewithchrist, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, Christianity, religion, dreams and visions, God bless you and yours!" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['greatawakening', 'wearewithchrist', 'bible prophecy', 'prophecy', 'book of revelation', 'qanon', 'jesus is coming', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'Bible'] PT34M10S 7918 194 308 40 not set not set 2018-05-20T04:16:56.000Z n2wUdrBYqas UCNqkB9BhN0cVXlanwIsNL8w The Q-Pocalypse : The STORM #QAnon Posts and Drama, Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, CBTS, Cicada "The Great Awakening and the Storm rolls on... DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro on my website if you need help: Credit Links: SGTreport w/ Black Conservative Patriot and Dr. Corsi tweets: The Great Awakening Reddit post: Lift the Veil video: ""'Q' is fake"" - ""Baker"" Comes Clean #QAnon #CBTS Diane's dream of the ""white hats"" : _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to SUPPORT this work CLICK HERE: or _________________________________________________________________ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jesus Christ is coming! God bless you and yours! drain the swamp, the coming storm, qanon, q anon, q-anon, MAGA, , follow the white rabbit, down the rabbit hole, calm before the storm, greatawakening, we do not consent, new age, end of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Bible, bible prophecy, book of revelation, Jesus is coming, God bless you and yours!" XtremeRealityCheck 22 ['greatawakening', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'cbts', 'draintheswamp', 'thestorm', 'comingstorm', 'wethepeople', 'wearewithchrist', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'Holy Spirit', 'Holy Bible', 'Bible', 'bible prophecy', 'prophecy', 'eschatology', 'maga'] PT48M12S 12524 289 308 67 not set not set 2018-01-19T04:55:31.000Z 8zAScdToWGk UCYuTOagsxlfgVBfOzCjxOPw #WETHEPEOPLE: Q IS BACK- NSA Intel Leading To D$ Arrests ASAP #GREATAWAKENING "Q came back online to tell us of the intel coming from the ""19"" sequestered in the Pentagon, meaning President Trump, his Cabinet Members and two others, who are receiving the Intel from the NSA collected after the data dump received after the Hawaiian Missile Crisis. We await more news! For the report on the vatican pedo rings: To support You Are Free TV: Bitcoin: 1MsHtsGyaTcx4sPt4wMjJduZ8zJhgTw54t BCH: 1HGzVHCP59PgXwgFkZ8QfS2efP1yXVK1cK Ether: 1HGzVHCP59PgXwgFkZ8QfS2efP1yXVK1cK Litecoin: LUg1H3phk4vMf77mQgznwRG7U3iaiTRmrx" You Are Free TV 29 ['storm greatawakening wethepeople youarefreetv fireworks fisagate'] PT9M58S 59661 707 3112 39 not set not set 2018-01-23T02:45:52.000Z h1vloz9qcJk UCYuTOagsxlfgVBfOzCjxOPw 1/22, #STAYATHOME: Q WARNS Deep State Intelligence-- We See/Know Everything "Today Q dropped insider warning to team player to ""stay at home"" and that there is a clear satellite view of ""letter"" players. I give my opinions on today's crumbs plus go further on the major intel dump yesterday involving Scalia, Huffman and the DARPA created Social Media. Meanwhile, P_nce is in Israel for two days for a visit with Netanyahu...more on that in the next video! Please read this very informative article on Steve Huffman. The Silicon Valley Gestapo is on the run: For some background on the Cibolo Ranch where Anthony Scalia ""died"": To jump into Carbon 60 #HEALTHACTIVISM: https: // To support You Are Free TV: With Crypto: Bitcoin: 1K2mQ5S6na5k5QGPS2Hve7pMMUNrxsRqJQ BCH: 18hNpMyVsj37CBiHuRMD6cCL9Gr5dNU2e8 Ether: 0x7DF493B943520e28aC5f93737b6Cbf27A1C01a79 Litecoin: Ld4HEnQUk28A415BrAECUUHtRTNZkZ2uYK Thanks to everyone who supports and cares about this channel!! The positive focus, critical thinking, prayers and community make it all worth while. Gratitude to all who donate and want this channel to grow! Be Free! Explore what that truly means to you!!" You Are Free TV 29 ['youarefreetv greatawakening storm tendarkdays releasethememo'] PT31M58S 115971 1416 4168 101 not set not set 2018-03-20T05:31:42.000Z oAczwzk10Ro UCYuTOagsxlfgVBfOzCjxOPw #WHITELIST: Q Reveals Pedo-Island Underground #LOCKTHEMUP "3/19: Q revealed that Little St. James, the island owned by convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, contains levels underground that house a temple used for satanic ritual abuse. This video is protected by the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution and is the intellectual property of the owner of this channel. To sign the petition to eliminate the Senior Executive Service: Thank you to every single person who supports You Are Free TV, whether with wonderful comments, heartfelt prayers and/or donations to support the mission. We are making great things happen, together, as we insist on our own freedom and by doing so, stamp out a path for others to follow suit. Now is the time to make a stand, stay the course and be unrelenting in our efforts to support the #STORM during #GREATAWAKENING !! I am so honored to be alive with you, The People, during this incredibly transformative time! YOU ARE FREE! To support YAFTV with donations: Paypal: With crypto: Bitcoin: 1K2mQ5S6na5k5QGPS2Hve7pMMUNrxsRqJQ BCH: 18hNpMyVsj37CBiHuRMD6cCL9Gr5dNU2e8 Ether: 0x7DF493B943520e28aC5f93737b6Cbf27A1C01a79 Litecoin: Ld4HEnQUk28A415BrAECUUHtRTNZkZ2uYK" You Are Free TV 29 ['youarefreetv politics storm greatawakening ritualabuse pedogate'] PT32M46S 99569 1521 4379 82 not set not set 2018-07-26T23:00:31.000Z YP8yxKPBMwk UCYuTOagsxlfgVBfOzCjxOPw PART 1: Q+TRUMP: "Can YOU Sea What I Sea?" #STICKWITHUS "POTUS and Q Team has given us incredible inspiration! This short video took 4 hours to upload and was cut off at 20 minutes after I discussed M. Waters and the Black C_rd scandal. All links appear in PART 2, being uploaded right now. Part II was twice as long and is still uploading. It will elaborate on the recent Q posts, the FISA scam that is being investigated by Huber in the de Facto 2nd Special Council Investigation now underway utilizing Grand Juries being convened in Utah. What an amazing time to be alive and to participate in the reestablishment of our Republic! You Are Free, Friends! We are so lucky to be able to participate in this incredible 2nd Am Rev to oust the Bankster Criminals!! Let's give it all we've got and contribute what WE can to MAGA!! Please view the amazing art work of our YAFTV raffle sponsor: If you would like to donate to YAFTV: PayPal: (donations only, not a personal email) For Crypto: Bitcoin: 1K2mQ5S6na5k5QGPS2Hve7pMMUNrxsRqJQ BCH: 18hNpMyVsj37CBiHuRMD6cCL9Gr5dNU2e8 Ether: 0x7DF493B943520e28aC5f93737b6Cbf27A1C01a79 Litecoin: Ld4HEnQUk28A415BrAECUUHtRTNZkZ2uYK Patreon raffle to commence in a few days! Blessings to all of you Freedom Lovers! WE ARE FREE!" You Are Free TV 29 ['youarefreetv redpill q qanon patriot nxivm'] PT20M6S 43630 574 2170 48 not set not set 2018-05-09T08:12:25.000Z q8HrBAe2O3s UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w Q Anon's Identity Revealed-We are NOLONGER HIDING in the Shadow of YouTube DeepState-iAM NOT A ROBOT "RE-UPLOAD WITH PBS COPYRIGHT CLAIM section REMOVED Ask Me Anything - ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED WHAT IS A LARP? #LiveActionRolePlay -Sorry Kids Q is just more.... ... YouTubeStory Bull Sh*t, as we explore 4chan ""the Ass Hole of the internet"" GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['tracy banz', 'rbekah roth', 'gandalf', 'toof', 'george webb', 'sugar', 'defango', 'qanon', 'shine', 'q anon', 'texas', 'patricia steere', 'acton', 'robert steele', 'dave', 'larp', 'convoy', 'huston', 'thomas', 'corsi'] PT4M50S 344 0 22 3 not set not set 2018-05-12T19:46:47.000Z CAkUJOttw6M UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w MasterMind MrCATi drops a booklet on DEFANGO turning On his Ex-Employers CICADA3301 & Qanon CREATORS "MrCATi writes a booklet on DEFANGO turning On his CICADA3301 Employers & their Manipulation of Q anon. Video with Mr.CATi's comment & ""booklet drop"" HERE Corsi -Tracy Beanz - more clowns all content fair dealings not for profits, to help educate my class *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE if any video offends a person directly that was not my intention, SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE AND I WILL FIX MY CONTENT TO SATISFY YOU. GOD BLESS * do not troll any CHANNELS other than their avatars MY NAME IS jAMES I AM A FULLTIME VLOGGER ON YT SINCE 2012- ATTACKED FOR SPEAKING OUT SINCE 2014 GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['qanon', 'cati', 'q anon', 'defango', 'corsi', 'tracy beanz', 'cicada3301', '8chan', 'convoy', '4chan'] PT8M30S 1450 48 56 11 not set not set 2018-05-14T06:53:01.000Z -K4oA434jOg UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w Q Anon Intellectual Property- Stolen from CICADA3301 Group- HIGH JACKED OFF 4CHAN- ((FOX)) tells all "Sophia Musik's ((Revolution FOX)) tells all on LtV's channel. Defango's REACTION via LIVE STREAM. How Q anon was stolen from CICADA3301Multi Channel Network Q Anon Intellectual Property- Stolen from CICADA3301 Group- HIJACKED OFF 4CHAN- ((Revolution FOX)) tells all all content fair dealings not for profits, to help educate my class *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE if any video offends a person directly that was not my intention, SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE AND I WILL FIX MY CONTENT TO SATISFY YOU. GOD BLESS * do not troll any CHANNELS other than their avatars MY NAME IS jAMES I AM A FULLTIME VLOGGER ON YT SINCE 2012- ATTACKED FOR SPEAKING OUT SINCE 2014 GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['sophia', 'q anon', 'musik', 'defango', 'convoy', 'shadowbox', 'qanon', 'lestat', 'fox', 'sophiamusik', 'cicada'] PT4M1S 471 28 29 4 not set not set 2018-05-14T22:44:16.000Z 0KGrrp4bfMA UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w Q anon Instuctor Quinn Michaels vs. Defango- Explains How He Mentored ((Jerome Corsi)) about Q "here we go folks, they are starting to turn on each other, Q money is a hard habit to break. in this video Quinn tells how he explained how to LARP as Q Dingbot's full video here all content fair dealings not for profits, to help educate my class *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE if any video offends a person directly that was not my intention, SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE AND I WILL FIX MY CONTENT TO SATISFY YOU. GOD BLESS * do not troll any CHANNELS other than their avatars MY NAME IS jAMES I AM A FULLTIME VLOGGER ON YT SINCE 2012- ATTACKED FOR SPEAKING OUT SINCE 2014 GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['jrome corsi', 'q anon', 'qanon', 'jerome', 'convoy', 'defango'] PT3M19S 780 32 38 5 not set not set 2018-06-11T03:29:25.000Z GadpCHZR4xk UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w Q anon ((Pre-June 11th DECODED))HackSAW-Comes CLEAN 4KSmaIIz “everything everyone said was a lie” "#OperationBackYardBrawl DECODED ON June 4th by Chinada3 more Qanon and on and on and on #ContraLandCancelled #FreeChuckNorris #NotWithoutMyNetflix all content fair dealings not for profits, to help educate my class *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE if any video offends a person directly that was not my intention, SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE AND I WILL FIX MY CONTENT TO SATISFY YOU. GOD BLESS * do not troll any CHANNELS other than their avatars MY NAME IS jAMES I AM A FULLTIME VLOGGER ON YT SINCE 2012- ATTACKED FOR SPEAKING OUT SINCE 2014 GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['skull', 'cute', 'ksmallz', 'june', 'cat', 'convoy', 'cicada', 'unirock', 'sex camp', 'v4cr', 'vop', 'bloody knife', 'qanon', 'defango', 'ltv', 'drop', 'infowars', 'kittn', 'bag oracoon bones', 'bilderburg', 'sextree', '11th', 'abus', 'alex jones', 'abuse', 'june11', 'q anon', 'sawyer', 'puppy', 'creig', 'condoms', 'black goo', 'traffic', 'james munder', 'update', 'found', 'contraland'] PT3M13S 454 48 40 1 not set not set 2018-07-03T19:13:34.000Z liqE4QvxZu0 UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w TOP SECRET Q DROP ((Crypto Currency)) SOON LAUNCHING ON YOUTUBE ((WILL REPLACE ADCENTS)) "prepare your life jackets. Mr.Network I'm bringing the kids up too speed with what i learnzed following my investigations over this past July1st weekend... now that #TeamChinada3 is 6 months ahead of the Seniors on TWITTER thank you ((FREEDOM NETWORK)) for the tips FREE i may add because i would never sign up to that type of monopolies gaming --------------ALL CONTENT FAIR DEALINGS NOT FOR PROFITS- TO HELP EDUCATE PEOPLE----------------------------------- *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE*DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['emilia fart', 'crypto', 'convoy', 'boyd', '', 'james', 'gold', 'montagraph', 'chinada3', 'cowboyd', 'roy potter', 'gold bars'] PT13M12S 157 6 21 5 not set not set 2018-07-04T19:00:00.000Z 4q3ggdmS20E UCsAc-GIB-i-NUVPTLkB3C9w Q-WICK TOP SECRET Q-AnonAda DROP ((Crypto Currency))SOON LAUNCHING ON YOUTUBE ((ADCENTS TERMINAL)) "adult content... I'm bringing the kids up too speed with what i learned following my investigations over this past July1st weekend... normal speed --------------ALL CONTENT FAIR DEALINGS NOT FOR PROFITS- TO HELP EDUCATE PEOPLE----------------------------------- *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF *DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE*DISCLAIMER-ATTENTION VIEWERS-This video is a PARODY OF ME BEING A LARP AS AN ACTUAL LARP ON YOUTUBE- all content context and personalities NOT REAL. JUST ACTORS -NOT REAL LEGAL PERSONS - sometimes I LARP as a Sheriff other times I LARP as THE JANITOR OF YOUTUBE GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd GET A 10% DISCOUNT please support Your Local Sheriff & my desire to go to piriscope for theCowboyd" YouTubeStory2 Chinada3 22 ['emilia fart', 'chinada3', 'gold bars', 'gold', '', 'cowboyd', 'montagraph', 'roy potter', 'convoy', 'boyd', 'james', 'crypto'] PT6M36S 199 18 13 9 not set not set 2018-01-08T19:16:09.000Z HWlQsAbRGQA UCmo8Rw63ySkqOD6MFU96vcg RANT | QAnon, Alex Jones, PizzaGate, Flat Earth, Blame Clintons, Fake News +Gematria for Truth "THANK YOU TRUTH SEEKERS - SUPPORT Zachary K. Hubbard here: Read my blog: Listen to my radio program:" Zachary K. Hubbard 22 ['Alex Jones', 'QAnon', 'Pizza Gate', 'PizzaGate', 'Fake News', 'Numerology', 'Gematria', 'Zachary K. Hubbard', 'Conspiracy', 'Freemasonry', 'Masonic', 'Jesuit', 'Occult', 'Zionist', 'Zion', 'Zionism', 'Flat Earth'] PT8M14S 3855 102 149 28 not set not set 2018-01-14T07:50:00.000Z b_vKXiiA230 UCKjmKFKEPV419uKea7cKJWg Q Anon latest drops what do you think are we in the storm Q drops New Revelations the storm is obviously didn't hear and most people haven't even felt it zadok Pride Deport those that hate 22 not set PT13M37S 282 10 8 1 not set not set 2018-02-13T07:50:59.000Z h3IHomvO25w UCKjmKFKEPV419uKea7cKJWg Q Anon put together great View Are you ever going to wake up and do anyting and fight this is your time this is your time this is your time zadok Pride Deport those that hate 22 not set PT33M52S 201 2 4 0 not set not set 2018-08-06T14:09:14.000Z FId-vB_QOGk UC3PJPsGYpJ7M5ocR8B3S3Eg trump secret Qanon tape Zany Trump 22 ['secret trump video', 'trump video', 'QAnon secret video', 'QAnon video'] PT2M6S 7 0 0 0 not set not set 2018-10-20T12:33:20.000Z AYbPYjvO2sE UCwk73t0SoXSpVIyO3gaT-VA Latest Qanon Related News 10 19 18 YouTube Censorship "BY Stroppy Me Ajoutée le 18 oct. 2018 A review of today’s Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Zèbre# 5779 25 not set PT12M46S 77 0 1 0 not set not set 2018-10-22T12:17:33.000Z n-ku0AQe-do UCwk73t0SoXSpVIyO3gaT-VA Latest Qanon Related News 10 22 18 Caravans & Khashoggi Distractions "BY Stroppy Me Ajoutée le 21 oct. 2018 A review of today’s posts by Qanon and Internet news and views relevant to ‘draining the swamp’ Note: I am not on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site. So I would appreciate any help you can give to getting this message out. Just in case – my back up channel on Bitchute :" Zèbre# 5779 25 not set PT10M31S 201 0 3 0 not set not set 2018-03-11T07:48:46.000Z vYw7MhEXoZs UCngFBGZi1F3EzbAmop9wamA Q ANON: 3/10 Drop Angela M "Girl from Brazil" "This drop was an eye opener. The whole world is a stage! We need to press on with the truth! Pray for the safety of POTUS!" zeusblack47 22 ['news and politics'] PT23M12S 1507 8 16 1 not set not set 2018-05-16T17:36:35.000Z kpB0m3KHLW4 UCngFBGZi1F3EzbAmop9wamA Q Anon: 5-15-18 Drop "Did you Catch it?" The Hand off? "Was this the a Hand off? Just trying to answer and look into Q's Drop. Been a While please share your comments and Subscribe so we can all further discuss whats going on. I will be posting more on my perspective of things and it's good for those in the Q community especially the newbies to communicate with one another. I took an Oath to defend this country when need be. It makes me a Patriot! My allegence is America before any other country! Subscribe." zeusblack47 25 ['Qanon', 'news', 'whitehouse', 'MAGA'] PT3M25S 697 14 15 1 not set not set 2018-07-15T05:37:10.000Z 8M0W_Bui3nY UCQXmBd0tG4kt6SsA7Er423w Express Entry Canada: Q & A Session: 3rd part "Here goes a set of basic tips for Bangladeshi would-be applicants. You are humbly requested to subscribe to this channel and hit the LIKE button. Please inform your friends and family who are also interested in Express Entry. Thank you for your time! Regards, Zia Hasan, ESL Teacher, Edmonton," Zia Hasan 22 "['#express entry 2018', ""#zia's vlog"", ""#zia hasan's video"", '# Q & A for Express Entry', '# tips for bangladeshi', '# express nerty 2018', 'canada immigration', 'permanent resident canada', '# why should you choose Canada', '# be confident', '# beautiful Edmonton', 'canada express entry visa 2018', '# 3rd Q & A Session for Express Entry', '# Adda with Zia Hasan', '# Tips from Zia Hasan', 'cic canada']" PT13M59S 8797 111 406 7 not set not set 2017-12-13T15:59:15.000Z H_ox-Xp3pJY UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q ANON SPACEX Pedosatanic Cult NASA Blue Beam AREA 51 Dream Chaser "X-37 AREA 51 Groom Lake Nevada Q ANON Link super secret Zuma launch facebook satellite explosion with SpaceX sonic booms low earth orbit flat earth skynet Antarctica Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Q Clearance UFO Destroys SpaceX Rocket On Launch Pad Anon Zuma is an not yet identified payload built by Northrop Grumman for an unknown government organization. The NRO denied, that Zuma belongs to them. The SpaceX Falcon-9 v1.2 launch was contracted via Northrop Grumman, which is the builder of the satellite. Launch site is Cape Canaveral. The target orbit is not known and might be a medium inclination low earth orbit. Trump Moon TMA-1 2001 WTC World War Information First Strike WMD blue beam california fires Space based Laser Weapon EMP Direct Energy Weapon AI Super APE's on a Super Earth space plane x-37b dream chaser Hillary Clinton 2016 SPACE X Music by Paul Evan's Video Editing by ZIG ZAG DEC 7 History Bush's Clinton's Obama Legacy Q ANON SPACEX Pedosatanic Cult NASA Blue Beam dream chaser Pizza Nasa Astronaut and Capstone American Empire Exposed, The Story of Antarctica" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['q anon', 'spacex', 'facebook satellite explosion with SpaceX', 'space based weapons', 'south pole antarctica', 'x-37b space plane', 'dream chaser space plane', 'north korea obama nulcear weapons', 'space plane x-37b dream catcher', 'blue beam california fires', 'super secret Zuma launch', 'sonic booms', 'low earth orbit flat earth', 'area 51', 'AREA 51 Groom Lake Nevada', 'Antarctica', 'Direct Energy Weapons (DEW)', 'Q Clearance Anon', 'WE Shall Overcome Share iT'] PT3M21S 614 13 34 0 not set not set 2017-12-16T00:54:58.000Z Jfr_JbT8afM UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Orbital Space Bombardment System Dreamchaser XB-357 "Air Force Space Command Space Shuttle High Energy Laser Orbital Space Based Weapon System Testing AREA 51 Groom Lake Nevada Q ANON Link super secret Zuma launch facebook satellite explosion with SpaceX sonic booms low earth orbit flat earth Rod of God Kinetic Energy Weapon Space Wars skynet Antarctica Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Zuma is an not yet identified payload built by Northrop Grumman for an unknown government organization. The NRO denied, that Zuma belongs to them. SpaceX landing & launch The SpaceX Falcon-9 v1.2 launch was contracted via Northrop Grumman, which is the builder of the satellite. Launch site is Cape Canaveral. The target orbit is not known and might be a medium inclination low earth orbit. nuclear alien ufo north Korean Trump Moon TMA-1 2001 WTC World War Information First Strike WMD blue beam california fires Space based Laser Weapon EMP Direct Energy Weapon AI Super APE's on a Super Earth space plane x-37b dream chaser Hillary Clinton 2016 SPACE X Video Editing by ZIG ZAG DEC 7 History Bush's Clinton's Obama Legacy Q ANON SPACEX Pedosatanic Cult NASA Blue Beam dream chaser Pizza Nasa Astronaut and Capstone American Empire Exposed, The Story of Antarctica Orbital Space Bombardment System Dreamchaser XB-357 Area 51 Declassified Q Clearance Anon" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Orbital Space Based Weapon System', 'SpaceX', 'ZUMA satellite Q Anon', 'area 51', 'blue beam lazer', 'nuclear weapons Weapons of mass destruction', 'SpaceX landing & launch', 'space shuttle', 'air force space command', 'Area 51 Declassified', 'Q Clearance Anon', 'Rod of God Kinetic Energy Weapon Space Wars', 'nuclear alien ufo north korean', 'UFO Destroys SpaceX Rocket On Launch Pad'] PT4M7S 470 8 26 3 not set not set 2017-12-20T05:35:20.000Z WFbLTASTJFY UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg ISIS Declassified Obama Administration TOW Missile Deal of the CENTURY Warning Graphic Content "Q ANON JPADS Banned by the Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Video UFO Over ISIS Camp UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Chicago Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore ISIS Air Force Share Copy ( Warning Graphic Content & Treason ) Libyan children Wounded by NATO bombs (Graphic War Victims) Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi by the CIA DEEP STATE NATO Terrorist unleashed by US President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Remember her performance, with gleeful laughter, on CBS “News We Came We Saw He Died Declassified Obama Timber Sycamore, the covert CIA program established during the Obama administration to arm Syrian rebels locked in a protracted civil war against the Bashar al-Assad regime, at least 500 TOW missiles were reportedly transferred through Saudi Arabia to the Free Syrian Army in late 2015 -17 TOW Missile Deal of the CENTURY Warning Graphic Content & Treason Libyan Armed Shipped to ISIS FSA Al Qaeda Globalists Obama / Soros created the Arab Spring & ISIL TOW Missile Deal US State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Play to Play We Came We Saw He Died USAF Air Dropping Weapons of Mass Destruction to ISIS Commandos. TOW didn’t just turn up in Iraq and Syria amid the chaos of the 2003 invasion: they were sent there more recently by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria. Under Timber Sycamore, the covert CIA program established during the Obama administration to arm Syrian rebels locked in a protracted civil war against the Bashar al-Assad regime, at least 500 TOW missiles were reportedly transferred through Saudi Arabia to the Free Syrian Army in late 2015. And in February 2016 Washington Post reporter and Marine veteran Thomas Gibbons-Neff identified a Javelin in the hands of Kurdish YPG forces at work in northern Syria. (The Pentagon and State Department both denied sending any anti-tank weapons to regional forces fighting ISIS in Syria.) Benghazi Gate - New Explosive Info On Attack In Libya - Whistleblowers Threaten By Obama Admin In July, President Donald Trump moved to end Timber Sycamore, telling the Wall Street Journal, ”It turns out it’s — a lot of al-Qaeda we’re giving these weapons to.” He’s not totally wrong: the complex mosaic of rebel forces operating in a theater defined by complicated and shifting allegiances makes weapons transfers an even riskier proposition than arming the Afghan security forces in Kabul. Indeed, the Pentagon announced on July 27 that it would for the first time end of military support for a Al Qaeda terror group. Timber Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program it supplied money, weaponry and training to CIA Terror forces fighting Syrian People and the Russian Armed Forces in Syria. BGM-71 TOW (""Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided"") is an American anti-tank missile. April 23, 2014, Raytheon announced that Saudi Arabia has signed a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreement with the U.S. Government for 14,000 TOW 2 missiles in a deal valued at approximately $750 million. obama iran nuclear deal Roger Stone Prepares For Civil War After Trump Is Removed From Office: LIVE AUTO GUNFIRE UFO Fake Science FACT Check OBAMA / John McCain Crooked Hillary Pentagon spent $22 million to study UFOs in a 2007-12 program whose existence has been confirmed by the Department of Defense = SECRET CIA Funding FEEDING Arming of ISIS FSA MSNBC AL Qeada Ukrainian TERRORIST with NERVE GAS TOW MISSILEs MANPADS and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction World Wide.""" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['Declassified Obama Administration', 'Raw footage', 'Operation Timber Sycamore', 'usaf ISIS air force', 'anti tank missile', 'donald trump russian collusion', 'madam secretary hillary r clinton', 'Q ANON', 'Q Clearance ANON', 'syrian war', 'JPADS', 'C-130 JPADS', 'USAF C-130 Air Drop', 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', 'Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi', 'donna brazile', 'ISIS Declassified', 'Benghazi Whistleblowers', 'obama iran nuclear deal', 'United Nations Chicago', 'obama arms isis syria'] PT9M39S 1333 19 53 5 not set not set 2017-12-23T15:02:54.000Z izY80kU8tjc UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q WIKILEAKS 2016 SNAFU Google is Hillary Clinton YOUTUBE Censorship Declassified "Q ANON SPACEX WIKILEAKS Russian Collusion ""HILL FORCE ONE"" FBI UFO Area 51 Google is Hillary Clinton Scandal ENEMY Collusion CIA 2016 RIGGING of the ELECTION Obama Says Cruel Use of Social Media Could Splinter Society THEY FEAR US and the FACTS Share ISIS Declassified Obama Administration TOW Missile Deal of the CENTURY Warning Graphic Content (SHARE) ZBI Briefing ZBI GSPY 2016 SNAFU Google RIGGING of the Hillary R Clinton Election Campaign Donna Brazile snow white He was active in Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign (not exactly an asset in Trumpland), and has been a strident voice for technology reform in the Defense Department. He is a former head and still a backer of the New America Foundation, a liberal DC think tank. ric Schmidt joined Google in 2001 to provide what amounted to adult supervision for the company’s young founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. He helped take Google public in 2004 and built it into a colossus. In 2011, after being appointed executive chairman, he became a prominent emissary for the company to Washington. HILL FORCE ONE Google plane Al Franken Al Gore Bill Clinton Tom Hanks Harvey Weinstein OBAMA WIKILEAKS 2016 SNAFU Google is Hillary Clinton YOUTUBE Censorship. illion shares of google. The top 5 google shareholders (goog) is now the proud owner of android. Who is the owner of google, larry page or sergey brin? Quora google a publicly traded company, so there are technically millions 'owners' people who own shares in company. Subsequent offers by the company to increase their salaries were turned down, primarily because main compensation continues come from owning stock in google now is an intelligent personal assistant developed. The largest shareholders are larry page, sergey brin and eric schmidt who own 27. Description google now is a new feature made for the android 4. Announced today that, pursuant to its previously announced plans create a new public holding company, alphabet inc 16 may 2014 here are five companies you didn't know google owns and what that with the recent launch of now, waze data is seamlessly 11 aug 2015 9 things need about alphabet, google's owner. How an indian origin mba student became the owner of 'google '. Google began in 1996 as a research project by larry page and sergey brin yahoo!, competitor of google, also benefited from the ipo because it owns 2. Google now has 3 oct 2015 the paperwork is filed and it's official google restructured itself into alphabet. A new company called alphabet now owns google is alphabet, the owner of engadget. As of the close business today shares old google 30 jul 2012 search engine marketing and seo via now plus ten web based most owners know that earns its revenue from 5 may 2017 friday recap allows ads above fold on mobile, facebook drops more protection for video content. The tech giant is now part of a bigger picture but what does that actually 26 may 2016 alphabet google's reorganized holding company the world's largest media owner in world, according to new report from zenith 11 aug 2015 google as we know it ceases exist. It is available in the google app for android and ios. These 5 companies owned by google may surprise you hostgatorgoogle now controls 12 percent of all global media spend adweek. Billion 15 aug 2011 it's not exactly googorola sized news, but i just noticed that google has very recently gained ownership over the domain android. Who is the owner of google, larry page or sergey brin? Quoragoogle Worldwide Key people Sundar Pichai (CEO) Ruth Porat wikipediawho google now only answers. Nasdaq goog as of december 2015, page owns 75,000 shares company stock and is one the richest he's now worth $35. Five reasons why sundar pichai was made google ceo dailyo. Me google is now alphabet, the owner of news chronicle. A new entity called alphabet has been created by google's co founders, where page takes over as 15 jan 2016 learn more about the top shareholders of google and what corporate from its humble beginnings, dec 2015, is part inc. Only some of the websites work on my computer now like google it says that there is no connection but 3 oct 2015 was able to revoke ownership its domain as when he again tried look up for domain, showed 10 aug has reorganized into ISIS NATO Propaganda Service Q ANON JPADS Banned by the Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Video UFO Over ISIS Camp UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Chicago Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Q-ANON President. Donald J. Trump QWAR United We Stand GOD Country FREEDOM QANON SPACEX Pedosatanic Cult NASA Blue Beam AREA 51 Dream Chaser Q WIKILEAKS 2016 SNAFU Google is Hillary Clinton YOUTUBE Censorship Declassified" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Youtube Censorship', 'Q ANON', 'WIKILEAKS', '2016 RIGGING of the ELECTION', 'spacex ufo sighting', 'wikileaks founder julian assange', 'HILL FORCE ONE Google plane', 'Larry Page and Sergey Brin', 'SPACEX UFO', 'Q-ANON President. Donald J. Trump', 'hitler escaped', 'prince harry barack obama'] PT6M52S 436 8 33 2 not set not set 2017-12-25T16:31:24.000Z J_buvtnlANk UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QAnon ARMY of ONE United We Stand GOD Country FREEDOM #MAGA QWAR Q Confirmation "Q Confirmation ARMY of ONE Wikileaks President Trump Merry Christmas Q-ANON Abel Danger Infowars Q Clearance ANON DoD Confirms QAnon Marines Hunting Unicorns4chan We the People United You Are the Keystone Q ANON President Donald Trump Battle Hymn of the Republic U R the Keystone Q-WAR UNITED We STAND American Citizen's Young & Old ""GIVE Me Liberty or GIVE Me DEATH"" New American Revolution Civil War Spanish America War World War 1 World War 2 Veterans Korean War Veterans Vietnam Veterans Cold Veterans Gulf War Veterans Law Enforcement Officers ""Agents of ABEL DANGER"" INFOWARS ARMY AIR FORCE NAVY MARINES COAST GUARD NATIONAL GUARD United We Stand to Defend the Republic of the United States of AMERICA Where NO Man or Beast is Above the LAW Make America Great Again #MAGA Liberty Justice for ALL The Bird F Em Merry Christmas you are the keystone q anon anonymous ZBI ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation ZIG ZAG Ground Zero / HAL 9000 U R the Keystone Q Q-ANON President. Donald J. Trump QWAR United We Stand GOD Country FREEDOM WACO Texas Massacre Oklahoma City Bombing Sept 11 2001 World Trade Center Twin Towers WTC Building 7 9/11 Pentagon Attacks Ground Zero WTC Las Vegas Massacre Bundy Ranch BLM Boston Attacks Bundy Exculpatory Evidence Leaks #QAnon #AI #PsyOps #Hive #Vault7 #Tyler #Anonymous #4chan #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStorm Copy Share Like / Dis Like Subscribe & MERRY CHRISTMAS 1964 US Army; Vic Morrow; The Big Picture TV-630 Trained by President Vladimir Putin & John Candy in the ART of Counter Fake News Infotainment Warfare . Enemy of the DEEP State / RUSSIAN KGB Super SPY / ZIG ZAG Dept of WAR Ground Zero Declassified Sercets Miniaturized Nuclear Weapons MINI NUKEs Neutron Bomb WMD North Korea ZIGZAG Channel Youtube Censorship #MAGA Banned by YOUTUBE Zig Zag Channel Youtube THANK YOU for Visiting MY New Site ! Global Tactical Nuclear Terrorist Tactical Nuclear First Strike AGE of Obedience Tianjin China World WAR 3 Tactical Nuclear First Strike Declassified Secrets Tactical Nuclear First Strike AGE of Obedience Tianjin China Rex Tillerson: No imminent threat from North Korea Trump The Russia Story is a Total Fabrication CNN is Fake FOXNEWS False USAF during the KOREA WAR FACT leader kim jong il Assassinated Libyain Leader Muammar Gaddafi, we came we saw he died hillary clinton. Obama Susan Rice Samantha Power Unmasking Scandal INFO Terrorist / Thought Criminal Citizen ZIG ZAG Breaking FOX NEWS Sean Hannity ZIG ZAG Alex Jones Unmasking by Obama & Hillary Clinton Foundation. Declassified Cold War Secrets Miniaturized Nulcear Weapons SHARE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S ILLEGAL NSA ""UNMASKING OBAMA WHITE HOUSE ZIG ZAG Meet the Press NSA “Unmasking” OBAMA White House US State Dept NSA ILLEGAL Unmaking of Private American Citizens Uranium One Scandal OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S ILLEGAL NSA ""UNMASKING l How I got into the Mind of OBAMA ! just before this Speech I posted ( NO Man or Woman is Above the LAW ) on White House Youtube Channel. Fake News YOUTUBE Banned the ZIG ZAG Channel NUKED by UTUBE * Zig Zag Channel* Deleted by the Book Burning Transgender NeoNazi Hollywood Elite Class. My Great Videos 3000+ Deleted (16,000 Subscribers GONE) PLUS this is the BIG Enchildada ALL of my COMMENTs posted World Wide on UTUBE for the past 6 yrs ! Erased Removed Forever More ! 1984 is NOW How I got into the Mind of OBAMA NO Man is Above the LAW Face the Nation ZIG ZAG Commands the WHITE HOUSE ZIG ZAG Meet the Press Colorado Old West Experience Native American Bent's Old Fort Santa Fe Trail Kit Carson Fort Lyon Sand Creek Massacre La Junta CO Swink CO Rocky Ford CO Las Animas Colorado Arkanas Valley Taos Pueblo in New Mexico Black Hills of South Dakota Oklahoma Wyo GOD Bless Our Nation Our World and Life thats inhabits this ROCK in Outer Space. Otero County Bent County Thanks for Watching ZZ Castle on the Plains."" Arkansas River Colorado War with Mexico Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share ZZG-ZERO & videos with your friends & family: SUBSCRIBE share to the FIRE aka CIP CLIPs FREEDOOM HUB UK Utube channel LIVE FEEDs : Who is this GUY Called ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO We ARE CHANGE Youtube Site SUPPORT the Troops in the Frontlines like LUKE WeAreChange : Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Shirley Bassey Q Clearance Anon QANON ARMY of ONE QWAR United We Stand GOD Country FREEDOM" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['Q ANON', 'Q-ANON', 'Q President Trump', 'Merry Christmas Mr President Trump', 'Battle Hymn of the Republic', 'Q-ANON President Donald Trump', 'FBI Investigation Bundy Ranch BLM', 'Pedophiles Hollywood Sex Children', 'Hillary Clinton', 'Obama', 'New American Revolution', 'battlefield amercia', 'world war', 'deep state', 'tracy bean Q', 'agent zig zag', 'roy potter', 'Pedosatanic Cult', 'Q Clearance Anon', '#qanon', '#4chan', '#followthe white rabbit', 'Q Clearance ANON 4chan', 'Q Confirmation', 'abel dager'] PT11M4S 986 11 53 2 not set not set 2017-12-26T01:55:42.000Z Lr2Boal0lrg UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO Q ANON NOBODY Does It BETTER STS-1 Making America Great Again "#QAnon Post 2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Barack Hussein Obama II . US loses space dominance to China Russian North Korea Man with the Golden Gun QANON President Trump Mission to the MOON Making America Great Again Abel Danger ""The Spy WHO LOVED You ALL Special Agent ZIG ZAG"" Ground ZERO CHANNEL iT's Infotainment Material that is Intended both to Inform and Entertain NASA First Space Shuttle Launch STS-1 was the first orbital flight of NASA's Space Shuttle, launched on 12 April 1981, and returning to Earth 14 April. STS-1 was the first orbital flight of NASA's Space Shuttle, launched on 12 April 1981, and returning to Earth 14 April. Space Shuttle Columbia orbited the Earth 37 times in this 54.5-hour mission. It was the first American manned space flight since the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project on 15 July 1975. orbited the Earth 37 times in this 54.5-hour mission. It was the first American manned space flight since the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project on 15 July 1975. ZBI ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Q Confirmation ARMY of ONE Wikileaks President Trump Merry Christmas Q ANON Abel Danger Infowars Q Clearance ANON DoD Confirms QAnon Marines Hunting Unicorns4chan We the People United You Are the Keystone Q ANON President Donald Trump Battle Hymn of the Republic U R the Keystone Q-WAR UNITED We STAND American Citizen's Young & Old ""GIVE Me Liberty or GIVE Me DEATH"" New American Revolution Civil War Spanish America War World War 1 World War 2 Veterans Korean War Veterans Vietnam Veterans Cold Veterans Gulf War Veterans Law Enforcement Officers ""Agents of ABEL DANGER"" INFOWARS ARMY AIR FORCE NAVY MARINES COAST GUARD NATIONAL GUARD United We Stand to Defend the Republic of the United States of AMERICA Where NO Man or Beast is Above the LAW Make America Great Again #MAGA Liberty Justice for ALL The Bird F Em Merry Christmas you are the keystone q anon anonymous ZBI ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation ZIG ZAG Ground Zero / HAL 9000 U R the Keystone Q Q-ANON President. Donald J. Trump QWAR United We Stand GOD Country FREEDOM WACO Texas Massacre Oklahoma City Bombing Sept 11 2001 World Trade Center Twin Towers WTC Building 7 9/11 Pentagon Attacks Ground Zero WTC Las Vegas Massacre Bundy Ranch BLM Boston Attacks Bundy Exculpatory Evidence Leaks #QAnon #AI #PsyOps #Hive #Vault7 #Tyler #Anonymous #4chan #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStorm Copy Share Like / Dis Like Subscribe & MERRY CHRISTMAS 1964 US Army; Vic Morrow; The Big Picture TV-630 Trained by President Vladimir Putin & John Candy in the ART of Counter Fake News Infotainment Warfare . Enemy of the DEEP State / RUSSIAN KGB Super SPY / ZIG ZAG Dept of WAR Ground Zero Declassified Sercets Miniaturized Nuclear Weapons MINI NUKEs Neutron Bomb WMD North Korea ZIGZAG Channel Youtube Censorship #MAGA Banned by YOUTUBE Zig Zag Channel Youtube THANK YOU for Visiting MY New Site ! Global Tactical Nuclear Terrorist Tactical Nuclear First Strike AGE of Obedience Tianjin China World WAR 3 Tactical Nuclear First Strike Declassified Secrets Tactical Nuclear First Strike AGE of Obedience Tianjin China Rex Tillerson: No imminent threat from North Korea Trump The Russia Story is a Total Fabrication CNN is Fake FOXNEWS False q confirmation" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['qanon', 'President Trump Q-ANON', '#qanon', 'ground zero', 'zig zag ground zero', 'sts-1 space shuttler', 'Abel dange agnet zig zag', 'spacex', 'ZBI ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation', 'spacex ufo nuclear obama', 'q president trump', 'q anon 4chan'] PT4M46S 996 10 37 5 not set not set 2017-12-26T03:00:36.000Z UM4T3d22bes UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q Clearance HAL 9000 Logic Memory Systems QWAR Classified DELTA-OMEGA Nuclear Access Codes "Sub Launched Ballistic Missiles Launch Codes Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others q anon Q clearance 4chan Obama Says Cruel Use of Social Media Could Splinter Society THEY FEAR US and the FACTS Share FBI Clinton Foundation Investigation Q-ANON Uranium One Hillary Clinton SpaceX Nuclear UFO North Korea Mini Nukes Q Clearance Anon 4chan ZIG ZAG prince harry barack obama CHANNEL HAL 9000 Logic Memory Systems QWAR Classified DELTA-OMEGA Nuclear Weapons Launch Codes Joe Biden Ukraine China Yemen Syria Nuclear Strikes Q ANON Abel Danger Infowars Q Clearance ANON DoD Confirms QAnon Marines Hunting Unicorns4chan Geroge W Bush Air National Guard meets Field McConnell F-4 Phantom II #abeldanger Boeing’s Uninterruptible Auto pilot Investigation Field McConnell United States Marine and Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) citizen journalists who joined forces to investigate Captain Sherlock Solves 911 9 11 Pentagon Attack Raytheon Drone A3 Skywarrior was the Small White JET seen impacting into the Pentagon on Sept 11 2001 not the American Airlines Flight 77 Boeing 757 which could not have been flown at 530 mph (853 km/h, 237 m/s, or 460 knots) ========================================== WHAT Hit the Pentagon on Sept 11 2001 Attack Rocket-boosted guided hard target penetrators (US 6276277 B1) Field McConnell is a career military and airline pilot with connections to the aircraft-related events of 9/11. His Air National Guard unit had F-16s over Washington DC on the morning of 9/11. Captain Charles ‘Chic’ Burlingame of American Airlines Flight 77 was his college classmate. The software used on the drones which were flown into the Twin Towers, Boeing Uninterruptable Auto-Pilot (BUAP) is his intellectual property. QWAR Declassified DELTA-OMEGA Share the HORROR xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A Must See ! Share Link Below Declassified Secrets GOFER06 Pentagon 9/11 Attack Raytheon A3D Skywarrior ABEL Danger The World's First and Most Accurate Simulation of PENTAGON Attack SEPT 11 2001 Targeting the U.S.NAVY Able Danger Investigated Offices in the Washington DC Pentagon. Naval Criminal Investigative Service. LINK Here ------------------------------------------- McConnell claims it was this BUAP technology that was misappropriated by his sister, Kristine Marcy, and Hillary Clinton on that day, when the Establishment patsied Muslims to facilitate their ‘New American Century’. In December 2006, McConnell came forward about the ‘Boeing Uninterruptible Auto-pilot’ software and its role in 9/11, causing the FAA, US Department of Justice and the Airline Pilots Association attempt to silence him. McConnell then retired from Northwest Airlines and has since gone on to consult entities in Russia, Malaysia and Germany on how airliners can be taken down using illegal software modifications. Youtube Deep State Censorship FIELD MCCONNELL: HILLARY CLINTON’S CONNECTION TO 9/11 REVEALED :: LINK Below Washington DC on morning of 9/11; Captain Charles 'Chic' Burlingame of American Airlnes Flight 77 ( Pentagon) was his college classmate, and the 'Boeing Uninterruptable Auto-Pilot' (BUAP} equipped drones were his intellectual property. It was this BUAP technology that was misused by Field McConnell's sister, Kristine Marcy, and Hillary Clinton as the Establishment patsied Muslims to facilitate their 'New American Century'. When Field exposed 'Boeing’s Uninterruptible Auto-pilot' in December 2006, the FAA, U S Department of Justice and most notably the Airline Pilots Association attempted to silence him regarding the Truth of 9/11. He immediately retired from Northwest Airlines and was recruited to fly Airbus jets in Kazakhstan where he flew for 18 months to round out his 31 year airline career. Field McConnell's expertise has been used by Russia, Malaysiaand Germany in explaining the four airliners takendown by the illegal modifications, which he first reported on 10 December, 2006. Declassified Secrets Sept 11 2001 ABEL DANGER Captain Sherlock Solves 911 Pentagon Attack Zig Zag Channel Q Confirmation Prince Harry Quizzes Obama on Radio Program" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['Q Clearance Anon 4chan ZIG ZAG CHANNEL HAL 9000 Logic Memory Systems QWAR Classified DELTA-OMEGA', '#qanon', 'Uranium One Hillary Clinton', 'SpaceX Nuclear UFO', 'Nuclear Weapons Code Joe Biden', 'Abel Danger Infowars Q Clearance ANON DoD Confirms QAnon Marines Hunting Unicorns4chan', 'q president trump', 'q anon AI BOT', 'missing Argentine sub', 'Nuclear Weapons Launch Codes Joe Biden', 'Q Confirmation', 'fbi clinton foundation investigation', 'prince harry barack obama'] PT8M35S 708 9 36 2 not set not set 2017-12-26T04:44:53.000Z kZ9a-Yyx33s UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg No MAN is ABOVE the LAW #MAGA Obama's Unmasking of SPECIAL AGENT ZIG ZAG "Greatawakening / ZIG ZAG A Go GO Confirmed: Obama Says Cruel Use of Social Media Could Splinter Society THEY FEAR US and the FACTS Share Unmasking American Citizens For Political Purposes Is a Crime Unmasking of AGENT ZIG ZAG No MAN is ABOVE the LAW #MAGA Obama's Unmasking of AGENT ZIG ZAG FBI Clinton Foundation Investigation Q-ANON Uranium One Hillary Clinton SpaceX Nuclear UFO North Korea Mini Nukes Q Clearance Anon 4chan ZIG ZAG CHANNEL HAL 9000 Logic Memory Systems QWAR Classified DELTA-OMEGA Nuclear Weapons Launch Codes Joe Biden Ukraine China Yemen Syria Nuclear Strikes Q ANON Abel Danger Infowars Q Clearance ANON DoD Confirms QAnon Marines Hunting Unicorns4chan Geroge W Bush Air National Guard meets Field McConnell F-4 Phantom II #abeldanger Boeing’s Uninterruptible Auto pilot Investigation Field McConnell United States Marine and Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) citizen journalists who joined forces to investigate Captain Sherlock Solves 911 9 11 Pentagon Attack Raytheon Drone A3 Skywarrior was the Small White JET seen impacting into the Pentagon on Sept 11 2001 not the American Airlines Flight 77 Boeing 757 which could not have been flown at 530 mph (853 km/h, 237 m/s, or 460 knots) ========================================== WHAT Hit the Pentagon on Sept 11 2001 Attack Rocket-boosted guided hard target penetrators (US 6276277 B1) Field McConnell is a career military and airline pilot with connections to the aircraft-related events of 9/11. His Air National Guard unit had F-16s over Washington DC on the morning of 9/11. Captain Charles ‘Chic’ Burlingame of American Airlines Flight 77 was his college classmate. The software used on the drones which were flown into the Twin Towers, Boeing Uninterruptable Auto-Pilot (BUAP) is his intellectual property. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A Must See ! Share Link Below Declassified Secrets GOFER06 Pentagon 9/11 Attack Raytheon A3D Skywarrior ABEL Danger The World's First and Most Accurate Simulation of PENTAGON Attack SEPT 11 2001 Targeting the U.S.NAVY Able Danger Investigated Offices in the Washington DC Pentagon. LINK Here ------------------------------------------- McConnell claims it was this BUAP technology that was misappropriated by his sister, Kristine Marcy, and Hillary Clinton on that day, when the Establishment patsied Muslims to facilitate their ‘New American Century’. In December 2006, McConnell came forward about the ‘Boeing Uninterruptible Auto-pilot’ software and its role in 9/11, causing the FAA, US Department of Justice and the Airline Pilots Association attempt to silence him. McConnell then retired from Northwest Airlines and has since gone on to consult entities in Russia, Malaysia and Germany on how airliners can be taken down using illegal software modifications. Youtube Deep State Censorship FIELD MCCONNELL: HILLARY CLINTON’S CONNECTION TO 9/11 REVEALED :: LINK Below Washington DC on morning of 9/11; Captain Charles 'Chic' Burlingame of American Airlnes Flight 77 ( Pentagon) was his college classmate, and the 'Boeing Uninterruptable Auto-Pilot' (BUAP} equipped drones were his intellectual property. It was this BUAP technology that was misused by Field McConnell's sister, Kristine Marcy, and Hillary Clinton as the Establishment patsied Muslims to facilitate their 'New American Century'. When Field exposed 'Boeing’s Uninterruptible Auto-pilot' in December 2006, the FAA, U S Department of Justice and most notably the Airline Pilots Association attempted to silence him regarding the Truth of 9/11. He immediately retired from Northwest Airlines and was recruited to fly Airbus jets in Kazakhstan where he flew for 18 months to round out his 31 year airline career. Field McConnell's expertise has been used by Russia, Malaysiaand Germany in explaining the four airliners takendown by the illegal modifications, which he first reported on 10 December, 2006. Declassified Secrets Sept 11 2001 ABEL DANGER Captain Sherlock Solves 911 Pentagon Attack Zig Zag Channel Q Confirmation" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 "[""No MAN is ABOVE the LAW #MAGA Obama's Unmasking of AGENT ZIG ZAG"", 'Confirmed: Unmasking American Citizens For Political Purposes Is a Crime', 'Obama Says Cruel Use of Social Media Could Splinter Society THEY FEAR US and the FACTS Share', 'prince harry barack obama', '/greatawakening/']" PT4M2S 469 13 26 4 not set not set 2017-12-28T14:46:10.000Z nTwdVZ6ELI0 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg #EpicFail the Foreigner OBAMA His Master Prince Harry Interview Their GREATEST Fear is WE the PEOPLE "Q Who Controls NK = UK Divide and Conquer #QANON EP Earthwatch FOXNEWS Sean Hannity #EpicFail q anon 4chan Obama Says Cruel Use of Social Media Could Splinter Society CNN Q ANON Obama ISIS Hillary Clinton Russian Collusion CNN NET Neutrality MSNBC #MAGA Under Presidential Executive Order Directed by WE the PEOPLE We Classified YOU ( OBAMA CLINTONS CNN MSNBC FBI CIA BUSHs Google Hollywood/DEEP STATE PEDOs and its FAKE NEWS as ENEMY Combatants and Will be Treated as Such. PREPARE to Be ARRESTED and Transported to Guantanamo Bay for Speedy Trial and a SLOW Execution The Foreigner OBAMA and Prince Harry Interview GREAT Fear is WE the PEOPLE The Foreigner OBAMA & His Master Prince Harry Interview GREAT Fear is WE the PEOPLE Share Copy Repost Obama Warns of 'Dangers' of Internet, Social Media in Sitdown With Prince Harry #EpicFail Foreigner OBAMA & His Master Prince Harry Interview There GREATEST Fear is WE the PEOPLE Republican Roy Moore's refusal to concede and request for a new election" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['The Foreigner OBAMA and Prince Harry Interview GREAT Fear is WE the PEOPLE', 'NET Neutrality', 'qanon', 'q-anon', 'Q ANON Obama ISIS Hillary Clinton Russian Collusion', ""Obama Warns of 'Dangers' of Internet"", 'EP Earthwatch FOXNEWS Sean Hannity #EpicFail Q ANON', 'Divide and Conquer']" PT20M21S 281 4 21 1 not set not set 2017-12-29T15:38:55.000Z OFXjRUvoM4o UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Barack Hussein Obama II Administration CIA UFO Research Funding Treason ? HILL FORCE ONE "/greatawakening/ Hillary Clinton pay to play scandal CIA tweets image UFO Qanon Pentagon UFO Hoax Google HILL FORCE ONE Al Franken Secret Govt UFO Research conspiracy theories Footage Warning Graphic Content & Treason Q ANON CIA UFO Funding JPADS Banned by U.S. State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Video UFO Over ISIS Camp UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Chicago Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore ISIS Air Force Share Copy ( Warning Graphic Content & Treason ) Libyan children Wounded by NATO bombs (Graphic War Victims) Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi by the CIA DEEP STATE NATO Terrorist unleashed by US President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Remember her performance, with gleeful laughter, on CBS “News We Came We Saw He Died Declassified Obama Timber Sycamore, the covert CIA program established during the Obama administration to arm Syrian rebels locked in a protracted civil war against the Bashar al-Assad regime, at least 500 TOW missiles were reportedly transferred through Saudi Arabia to the Free Syrian Army in late 2015 -17 TOW Missile Deal of the CENTURY Warning Graphic Content & Treason Libyan Armed Shipped to ISIS FSA Al Qaeda Globalists Obama / Soros created the Arab Spring & ISIL TOW Missile Deal US State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Play to Play We Came We Saw He Died USAF Air Dropping Weapons of Mass Destruction to ISIS Commandos. TOW didn’t just turn up in Iraq and Syria amid the chaos of the 2003 invasion: they were sent there more recently by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria. Under Timber Sycamore, the covert CIA program established during the Obama administration to arm Syrian rebels locked in a protracted civil war against the Bashar al-Assad regime, at least 500 TOW missiles were reportedly transferred through Saudi Arabia to the Free Syrian Army in late 2015. And in February 2016 Washington Post reporter and Marine veteran Thomas Gibbons-Neff identified a Javelin in the hands of Kurdish YPG forces at work in northern Syria. (The Pentagon and State Department both denied sending any anti-tank weapons to regional forces fighting ISIS in Syria.) Benghazi Gate - New Explosive Info On Attack In Libya - Whistleblowers Threaten By Obama Admin Gov Just Released This UFO Video Hillary Clinton's New Boeing 737 'Hill Force One' Takes Flight In July, President Donald Trump moved to end Timber Sycamore, telling the Wall Street Journal, ”It turns out it’s — a lot of al-Qaeda we’re giving these weapons to.” He’s not totally wrong: the complex mosaic of rebel forces operating in a theater defined by complicated and shifting allegiances makes weapons transfers an even riskier proposition than arming the Afghan security forces in Kabul. Indeed, the Pentagon announced on July 27 that it would for the first time end of military support for a Al Qaeda terror group. Timber Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program it supplied money, weaponry and training to CIA Terror forces fighting Syrian People and the Russian Armed Forces in Syria. BGM-71 TOW (""Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided"") is an American anti-tank missile. April 23, 2014, Raytheon announced that Saudi Arabia has signed a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreement with the U.S. Government for 14,000 TOW 2 missiles in a deal valued at approximately $750 million. obama iran nuclear deal Roger Stone Prepares For Civil War After Trump Is Removed From Office: LIVE AUTO GUNFIRE UFO Fake Science FACT Check OBAMA / John McCain Crooked Hillary Pentagon spent $22 million to study UFOs in a 2007-12 program whose existence has been confirmed by the Department of Defense = SECRET CIA Funding FEEDING Arming of ISIS FSA MSNBC AL Qeada Ukrainian TERRORIST with NERVE GAS TOW MISSILEs MANPADS and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction World Wide."" Barack Hussein Obama II Administration UFO Funding Missile Deal of the CENTURY Q Report Card Barack Hussein Obama II Administration CIA UFO Research Funding ? Pentagon UFO Video DEBUNKED" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Declassified Obama Administration', 'Raw footage', 'Operation Timber Sycamore', 'usaf ISIS air force', 'anti tank missile', 'donald trump russian collusion', 'madam secretary hillary r clinton', 'Q ANON', 'Q Clearance ANON', 'syrian war', 'JPADS', 'C-130 JPADS', 'USAF C-130 Air Drop', 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', 'Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi', 'donna brazile', 'Benghazi Whistleblowers', 'obama iran nuclear deal', 'obama arms isis syria', 'spacex north korea', 'Hillary Clinton pay to play scandal'] PT3M48S 580 2 52 3 not set not set 2018-01-01T14:29:47.000Z L4ZkchWC-50 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QAnon 2018 the GREAT Awakening RIP PLANET HOLLYWOODs ARMY of PERVERT's #THESTORM "/greatawakening/ Trader 44 the GREAT Awakening #THESTORM #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Human Rights Accountability Act FBI Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Child Sex Trade Barack Hussein Obama II Al Franken Main Stream Media Google AI Robot SpaceX Harvesting of Human Organs Chemtrails UFO's WIKILEAKS Elon Musk Viral Videos JOE Mika brzezinski Morning Joe President Donald J. Trump By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons. I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. ( NO MAN, NO BANK, NO CORPRATION or GOVERNMENT AGENCY is ABOVE the LAW or OUR God GIVEN Constitutional Rights ) KEYSTONE to TRUST Mr President is the DECLASSIFICATION of ALL GOVERNEMENT ACTIVITIES ! Declassified ALL Data, Bank Records, Files, Videos Related to BLM Attack on the BUNDY Family / URANIUM One US State Dept Deal / CIA Weapons/Drug Running OPs WACO TX 1993 / 1995 OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING / 2001 WORLD TRADE CENTER / PENTAGON Attacks for STARTERS Mr President DOD FBI NSA CIA DOJ ATF DEA DHS etc FULL Disclosure = TOTAL JUSTICE We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defence, promote the General Welfare, and Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. RACISM is NOT a American ISSUE Pedophilia Destruction of Our Children's MINDS is a NATIONAL CRISIS = Collusion with the PEDOCRAT$ Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. MSNBC/CNN /CBS/TBS/HBO/SNL the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro and KIND = These GANGTER$ Networks are RAN by Hard CORE Murders, Drug Dealers, Child Molesters and Rapist ! Lets Talk About MSNBC/CNN /CBS/TBS/HBO/SNL etc Collusion with the PEDOCRAT$ of Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. and KIND = These Networks are RAN by Child Molesters and Rapist ! 2018 RIP CNN MSNBC and Your PLANET HOLLYWOOD ARMY of Perverts Hillary Clinton pay to play scandal CIA tweets image UFO Qanon Pentagon UFO Hoax Google HILL FORCE ONE Al Franken Secret Govt UFO Research conspiracy theories Footage Warning Graphic Content & Treason Q ANON CIA UFO Funding JPADS Banned by U.S. State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Video UFO Over ISIS Camp UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Chicago Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore ISIS Air Force Share Copy ( Warning Graphic Content & Treason ) SHARE Copy Repost and THANKS for Watching ABEL DANGER Toyota - T-HR3 Robot Performing Various Human-Like Movements" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['QAnon', 'Q anon', '#Qanon', 'Q President Trump', 'Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton', 'Barack Hussein Obama II', 'Operation Timber Sycamore', 'JOE Mika Morning Joe', 'brzezinski zbigniew', 'president trump new year resolution', 'hillary clinton gps booth', 'hillary clinton book tour', 'obama harry untied kingdom', 'harvey weinstein scandal', 'abel danger', 'planet hollywood', 'the rock dwayne johnson', 'ai robot', 'Harvesting of Human Organs', 'hunter killer robots', 'Elon Musk Viral Videos', '#THESTORM', '/greatawakening'] PT6M54S 1091 7 37 2 not set not set 2018-01-04T13:21:35.000Z iNXIxTCfJVY UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q? #DEEPSTATE Ellen Degeneres Show works for CIA ARMY of Perverts ISIS Las Vegas Massacre "QAnon what makes a Good Movie Actors Terrorism is a Racket #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Eric Trump tweeted, and Ellen Degeneres responds! Here's your chance to find out if Ellen is really part of this secret government conspiracy. Prince Harry Obama Tom Hanks Pedophile Ellen Degeneres responds to Eric Trump #DeepState,"" tweeted Trump, referencing Obama, Clinton DeGeneres. Eric Trump is finding that Twitter’s recommendations of who he “should” follow are getting suspicious. In his latest suggested round-up, the first son was presented with three options: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. President Barack Obama talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Twitter DeGeneres Deep State Dollywood undermine the president Illuminati brunch Stephen Paddock Las Vegas shooter Who is Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Massacre #THESTORM White House Press Briefing President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Starring Joe Mika Brzezinski CNN Jake Tapper CBS Charlie Rose ABC the VIEW NBC the Church of Satan Obama MSNBC rosie o'donnell Harvey Weinstein PBS #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned CNN Chelsea Clinton gave a warm holiday greeting to an unusual group when she wished The Church of Satan Prince Harry Obama says cruel use of social media could splinter society #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Human Rights Accountability Act FBI Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Child Sex Trade Barack Hussein Obama II Al Franken MSM Google AI Robot SpaceX Harvesting of Human Organs Chemtrails UFO's WIKILEAKS Elon Musk JOE Mika brzezinski Morning Joe. President Donald J. Trump By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons. NO MAN, NO BANK, NO CORPRATION or GOVERNMENT AGENCY is ABOVE the LAW or OUR God GIVEN Constitutional Rights TOTAL JUSTICE Constitution for the United States of America. Pedophilia Destruction of Our Children's MINDS is a NATIONAL CRISIS Collusion with the PEDOCRAT$ Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. MSNBC/CNN /CBS/TBS/HBO/SNL the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro and KIND These GANGTER$ Networks are RAN by Hard CORE Murders Drug Dealers Child Molesters and Rapist ! MSNBC CNN CBS TBS HBO SNL Collusion with PEDOCRAT$ of Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. and KIND = These Networks are RAN by Child Molesters and Rapist ! Clinton pay to play scandal CIA tweets image UFO Qanon Pentagon UFO Hoax Google HILL FORCE ONE Al Franken Secret Govt UFO Research conspiracy theories Footage Warning Graphic Content & Treason Q ANON CIA UFO Funding JPADS Banned by U.S. State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore Warning Graphic Content Treason SHARE Copy Repost THANKS for Watching Foxtrot Alpha Kilo Echo - November Echo Whiskey Sierra" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['#Qanon Eric Trump', 'Ellen degeneres show', 'Tweeter Ellen Degeneres responds to Eric Trump', '#DeepState', 'referencing Obama', 'Clinton', 'q anon', 'Q-anon', 'las vegas shooting', 'obama tom hanks', 'las vegas shooting conspiracy', 'Stephen Paddock Las Vegas shooter: Who is Stephen Paddock', 'Ellen DeGeneres Slams Eric Trump Claims Deep State', 'ABEL DANGER', 'qanon las vegas nv 2017', '#thestorm', 'tom hanks cia', 'Eric Trump tweeted', 'war is a racket', ""Q's latest tweet"", 'Q what makes a good movie Actors']" PT15M31S 1507 5 49 3 not set not set 2018-01-06T04:58:34.000Z RnNsKY59ljw UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Suicide Squad CLINTON Foundation Fake News Media LOST Control Crooked Hillary Clinton "Suicide Squad Donna Brazile QAnon what makes a Good Movie Actors Terrorism is a Racket #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Eric Trump tweetedQAnon , andQAnon responds! Here's your chance to find out if Ellen is really part of this secret government conspiracy. Prince Harry Obama Tom Hanks Pedophile Ellen Degeneres responds to Eric Trump #DeepState,"" tweeted Trump, referencing Obama, Clinton DeGeneres. Eric Trump is finding that Twitter’s recommendations of who he “should” follow are getting suspicious. In his latest suggested round-up, the first son was presented with three options: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. President Barack Obama talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Twitter DeGeneres Deep State Dollywood undermine the president Illuminati brunch Stephen Paddock Las Vegas shooter Who is Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Massacre #THESTORM White House Press Briefing President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Starring Joe Mika Brzezinski CNN Jake Tapper CBS Charlie Rose ABC the VIEW NBC the Church of Satan Obama MSNBC rosie o'donnell Harvey Weinstein PBS #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned CNN Chelsea Clinton gave a warm holiday greeting to an unusual group when she wished The Church of Satan Prince Harry Obama says cruel use of social media could splinter society #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Human Rights Accountability Act FBI Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Child Sex Trade Barack Hussein Obama II Al Franken MSM Google AI Robot SpaceX Harvesting of Human Organs Chemtrails UFO's WIKILEAKS Elon Musk JOE Mika brzezinski Morning Joe. P Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, NO MAN, NO BANK, NO CORPRATION or GOVERNMENT AGENCY is ABOVE the LAW or OUR God GIVEN Constitutional Rights TOTAL JUSTICE Constitution for the United States of America. Pedophilia Destruction of Our Children's MINDS is a NATIONAL CRISIS Collusion with the PEDOCRAT$ Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. MSNBC/CNN /CBS/TBS/HBO/SNL the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro and KIND These GANGTER$ Networks are RAN by Hard CORE Murders Drug Dealers Child Molesters and Rapist ! MSNBC CNN CBS TBS HBO SNL Collusion with PEDOCRAT$ of Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. and KIND = These Networks are RAN by Child Molesters and Rapist ! Clinton pay to play scandal CIA tweets image UFO Qanon Pentagon UFO Hoax Google HILL FORCE ONE Al Franken Secret Govt UFO Research conspiracy theories Footage Warning Graphic Content & Treason Q ANON CIA UFO Funding JPADS Banned by U.S. State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore Warning Graphic Content Treason SHARE Copy Repost THANKS for Watching Foxtrot Alpha Kilo Echo - November Echo Whiskey Sierra Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation builds partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments, and individuals everywhere to work faster, better, and Mean CLINTON Foundation Control daleks exterminate huma abedin The Daleks of the CLINTON Foundation Huma Abedin Ddebbie Wasserman Schultz" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['The Daleks of the CLINTON Foundation Huma Abedin Debbie Wasserman Schultz', 'QAnon', 'Ellen DeGeneres', 'suicide squad', 'JULIAN ASSANGE POSTS CRYPTIC TWEET'] PT5M5S 285 6 31 3 not set not set 2018-01-07T14:16:32.000Z ZLzS3LJgTN0 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QAnon The GREAT AWAKENING before the #Storm #TheJIGisUP "#greatawakening Uranium One #TheJIGisUP Hawaii Missile Alert Attack Hoax Clinton Foundation #greatawakening God Bless Patriots Q The Great Awakening WIKILEAKS DOJ Julian Assange to Leave Embassy CNN is Fake Tapper #QANON 2018. New Post The Storm Q President Trump is Genius. Jeff Sessions #deepstate Fake News Mainstream Media #theStorm Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Twitter Crooked Hillary Clinton #QAnon LasVegas Shooting Pre Patriot Act WACO Siege Boston Marshall Law Sept 11 2001 WTC Attacks Boston US military between February 28 - April 19, 1993. Terrorized American Familys and the Nation Branch Davidians Seventh-day Adventist Church David Koresh Janet Reno Jeff is Sessions FBI James Comey CIA Russian Collusion Donald Trump 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing Qanon 4chan Bill CLINTON American Tragedy Hillary CLINTON The Untouchables Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump collusion with Russia is proving to be a total hoax and the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia, the Fake News Media (Mainstream) and this phony new book are hitting out at every new front imaginable.QAnon what makes a Good Movie Actors Terrorism is a Racket #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Eric Trump tweeted, and Ellen Degeneres responds! Here's your chance to find out if Ellen is really part of this secret government conspiracy. Prince Harry Obama Tom Hanks Pedophile Ellen Degeneres responds to Eric Trump #DeepState,"" tweeted Trump, referencing Obama, Clinton DeGeneres. Hillary Clinton's secret email server by Huma Abedin deepstate ellen degeneres show ABEL DANGER Eric Trump is finding that Twitter’s recommendations of who he “should” follow are getting suspicious. latest suggested round-up, the first son was presented 3 options: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton President Barack Obama talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Twitter DeGeneres Deep State Dollywood undermine the president Illuminati brunch Stephen Paddock Q anon 8 chan update Las Vegas shooter Who is Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Massacre #THESTORM White House Press Briefing President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Starring Joe Mika Brzezinski CNN Jake Tapper CBS Charlie Rose ABC the VIEW NBC the Church of Satan Obama MSNBC rosie o'donnell Harvey Weinstein PBS #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR Han 8 2018 Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. CNN QAnon The GREAT Awakening before the #Storm Twitter Meet the Press Chelsea Clinton gave a warm holiday greeting to an unusual group when she wished The Church of Satan Prince Harry Obama says cruel use of social media could splinter society #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Human Rights Accountability Act FBI Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Child Sex Trade Barack Hussein Obama II Al Franken MSM Google AI Robot SpaceX Harvesting of Human Organs Chemtrails UFO's WIKILEAKS Elon Musk JOE Mika brzezinski Morning Joe. President Donald J. Trump International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, NO MAN, NO BANK, NO CORPRATION or GOVERNMENT AGENCY is ABOVE the LAW or OUR God GIVEN Constitutional Rights TOTAL JUSTICE Constitution for the United States of America. Pedophilia Destruction of Our Children's MINDS is a NATIONAL CRISIS Collusion with the PEDOCRAT$ Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bush Family, Louis C.K. MSNBC/CNN /CBS/TBS/HBO/SNL the ROCK Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert De Niro and KIND These GANGTER$ Networks are RAN by Hard CORE Murders Drug Dealers Child Molesters and Rapist ! MSNBC CNN CBS TBS HBO SNL Collusion with PEDOCRAT$ of Hillary HOLLYWOOD Bill the Rapist mail Scandal Clinton pay to play scandal CIA tweets image UFO Qanon Pentagon UFO Hoax Google HILL FORCE ONE Al Franken Secret Govt UFO Research conspiracy theories Footage Warning Graphic Content & Treason Q ANON CIA UFO Funding JPADS Banned by U.S. State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation Shocking UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Q Clearance ANON Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore Warning Graphic Content Treason SHARE Copy Repost THANKS for Watching Foxtrot Alpha Kilo Echo - November Echo Whiskey Sierra JULIAN ASSANGE POSTS CRYPTIC TWEET" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['#qanon', 'Q anon trump', 'q-anon', 'hillary clinton fbi uranium investigation', 'hillary clinton jeff sessions', 'hillary clinton fbi investigation washington post', 'bill clinton waco texas massacre', 'joe biden patriot act', 'Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Twitter', 'Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Massacre', 'Clinton Email Scandal', ""Hillary Clinton's secret email server by Huma Abedin"", 'deepstate ellen degeneres show', 'Q POTUS', 'The Storm', 'Hawaii Missile Alert Attack Hoax', '#SchumerShutdown', '#thejigisup']" PT4M1S 8318 13 110 16 not set not set 2018-01-10T16:55:46.000Z sR6UPIYs4mI UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Qanon SpaceX SKY Fortress ZUMA ENGAGED & Operational Digital WORLD Peace Through Strength ABM "ZUMA Operational #Qanon President Trump Space Force Chain of Command Red October Hawaii Missile Alert SPACEX MILITARY OPS ##FLY## [OWLS] Orbital Weaponize LAZER System ( As the World TURNS ) OWLS Happy Hunting HOT-1 -12 FOX 1 -3 Elon Musk Lets Play a GAME Deception World WAR 4 Peace Through Strength or Terror ballistic missile alert Anti Missile Defence Dystem Space Based Weapons Systems Lazer TAG Q POTUS /greatawakening/ God Bless Patriots q the great awakening NRO quasar DOD OWL Orbital Weaponize Lazer Space Platform SpaceX SKY Fortress ZUMA ENGAGED & Operational ZULU BRAVO INDIA ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation ZBI QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine ZUMA Anti Missile Sat's / HOT-1 thu 12 SKY Fortress Engaged and Operational ##FLY## [OWLS] U R Protected Fear NOT ( As the World TURNS ) Orbital Weaponize LAZER System = OWL Happy Hunting UNITED WE STAND DEFCON 1 SKY FORTRESS ENGAGED Q POTUS OWL Orbital Weaponize LAZER Q POTUS ZULU BRAVO INDIA XB37 Q Fire & Fury DYNA-SOAR Our MAN Z OWL SKY FORTRESS ENGAGED QAnon SPACEX Dragon CEO Elon Musk ZUMA Mission Q FIRE & FURY OWL Orbital Weaponize LAZER Delta IV NROL-47 God Bless Patriots Q The Great Awakening WIKILEAKS DOJ Julian Assange to Leave Embassy CNN #QANON 2018. New Post The Storm Q President Trump #deepstate #theStorm Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Twitter Crooked Hillary Clinton #QAnon LasVegas Shooting Pre Patriot Act WACO Siege Boston Marshall Law Sept 11 2001 WTC Attacks Boston US military between Feb 28 - April 19, 1993. Terrorized American Familys David Koresh Janet Reno James Comey CIA Russian Collusion Donald Trump Bill CLINTON American Tragedy Hillary CLINTON The Untouchables Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump collusion with Russia is proving to be a total hoax the only collusion is with Hillary Clinton and the FBI/Russia, the Fake News Media QAnon what makes a Good Movie Actors #QAnon Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump Eric Trump tweeted Ellen Degeneres responds Here's your chance to find out if Ellen is really part secret government conspiracy Prince Harry Obama Tom Hanks Pedophile Ellen Degeneres responds to Eric Trump #DeepState tweeted Trump, referencing Obama, Clinton DeGeneres. Hillary Clinton's secret email server by Huma Abedin deepstate ellen degeneres show Eric Trump Twitter’s recommendations of who he “should” follow are getting suspicious. latest suggested round-up, the first son was presented 3 options: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton President Barack Obama talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Twitter DeGeneres Deep State Dollywood undermine the president Illuminati brunch Taco bell Stephen Paddock Q anon 8 chan update Las Vegas shooter Who is Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Massacre #THESTORM White House Press Briefing @realDonaldTrump Starring Joe Mika Brzezinski CNN Jake Tapper CBS Charlie Rose ABC the VIEW NBC the Church of Satan Obama MSNBC rosie o'donnell Harvey Weinstein PBS #QAnon President Donald J. Trump Twitter @realDonaldTrump CNN QAnon The GREAT Awakening before the #Storm Twitter Meet the Press Chelsea Clinton The Church of Satan Prince Harry Obama says cruel use of social media could splinter society #QAnon Pres Trump Human Rights Accountability Act FBI Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Child Sex Trade Barack Hussein Obama II Al Franken Google AI Robot Harvesting of Human Organs Chemtrails UFO's Elon Musk JOE Mika brzezinski Morning Joe. President Donald J. Trump International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), Immigration and Nationality Act 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, NO MAN, NO BANK, NO CORPRATION or GOVERNMENT AGENCY is ABOVE the LAW or OUR God GIVEN Constitutional Rights TOTAL JUSTICE ! Clinton pay to play scandal CIA tweets image UFO Qanon Pentagon UFO Hoax Google HILL FORCE ONE Secret Govt UFO Research conspiracy theories Footage Treason Q ANON CIA UFO Funding JPADS Banned by U.S. State Dept Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton Clinton Foundation UFO Sightings UFO Declassified Obama Administration Unidentified Flying Object ISIS AIR FORCE Civil War United Nations Q Clearance Hillary Clinton Raw footage Operation Timber Sycamore Treason SHARE Foxtrot Alpha Kilo Echo - November Echo Whiskey Sierra JULIAN ASSANGE POSTS CRYPTIC TWEET QAnon SPACEX Dragon ZUMA Mission Q FIRE & FURY OWL Orbital Weaponize LAZER SpaceX mystery-shrouded mission to deliver a government Zuma, into orbit. SpaceX - Failure Deception 01-10-2018 Nuke Sniffers? OWL? Zuma Energy Weapon? nuclear Missile Attack on Hawaii Thwarted by a Secret Space Program" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['Q POTUS', '/greatawakening/ god bless patriots q the great awakening', 'Q Fire & Fury', 'SpaceX - Zuma Failure 01-10-2018', 'Delta IV NROL-47', 'SPACEX MILITARY OPS', 'elon musk Zuma SpaceX Dragon', 'Anti Missile Defence Dystem', 'hawaii gov david ige', '##FLY## [OWLS] Orbital Weaponize LAZER System ( As the World TURNS ) OWL Happy Hunting', 'ballistic missile alert', 'red october', 'chain of command', 'trump space force', 'ZUMA Operational'] PT5M11S 2249 13 46 6 not set not set 2018-01-20T02:47:55.000Z 1FnVqQ-cYA8 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q Anon As the World Turns Hawaiian Missile Alert Hawaii Representative Gene Ward The Storm "KHOH2 NEWS Latest News on the false Missile Warning Alert mistakenly sent in Hawaii Officials causing Mass Panic in the Islands of Hawaii Criminal Incompetence Cover Up Q Anon As the World Turns Hawaiian Missile Alert Rep. Rep. Gene Ward The Storm Federal Emergency Management Agency told The Associated Press Wednesday that it received the call from Hawaii at 8:30 a.m. Hawaii Emergency Management Agency spokesman Lt. Col. Charles Anthony says that call lasted approximately one minute. In the end, it took nearly 40 minutes after the first alert was sent for the state to send another mobile alert saying that there was no missile headed to Hawaii. A missile launched from North Korea would take about 20 minutes to hit Hawaii. The state said part of the delay in sending the retraction was because they were awaiting FEMA approval. FEMA says the state did not require federal approval to cancel or retract the incorrect alert. A state employee mistakenly sent an emergency alert to mobile devices and TV and radio stations warning of an incoming missile strike, causing widespread panic confusion and death. Federal Emergency Management Agency said the state of Hawaii didn't need federal approval to retract a cellphone alert mistakenly sent over the weekend warning of a ballistic missile attack. Hawaii has had the authority to cancel or retract warnings since 2012, when it applied for access to the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, FEMA said in a statement. Hawaii Emergency Management Agency spokesman Richard Rapoza said Tuesday his agency asked FEMA for clarification on Saturday about whether rescinding an alert was an appropriate use of the warning system. KHOH2 NEWS Lawmaker storms off after explosive exchange during public hearing Rep. Gene Ward left the hearing after he was cut off during questioning Hawaii officials have said the process was one factor that delayed their retraction. Another was writing the cancellation notice, since a retraction script was not kept on file. The Hawaii agency didn't send a retraction until 38 minutes after the initial alert. Rapoza said officials weren't clear on whether they could use the system to cancel the first alert. ""We didn't want to pile one mistake on top of another,"" Rapoza said. Officials said a state employee clicked the wrong link and activated a real alert instead of an internal test when the mistaken message was distributed. Hawaii is the only state that is set up to send cellphone alerts about the threat of an incoming ballistic missile. It's had the ability to do so since November, Rapoza said. Hawaii is also the only state that has siren alerts that will be sounded specifically to warn of a ballistic missile threat. Hawaii started testing these sirens last month. The state set up the ballistic missile warning infrastructure after North Korea demonstrated its ballistic missiles had the range to reach the islands. Hawaii is home to key military bases and command centers, making it rich with potential targets for adversaries. U.S. Reps. Colleen Hanabusa and Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii sent a letter to the chairman and ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee The two Democrats questioned whether U.S. Pacific Command, which oversees all U.S. military forces in Hawaii and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region, should have the authority and capability to unilaterally broadcast emergency messages, including overrides of false alerts.Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said the agency will work with states to follow proper protocols when issuing safety alerts and can quickly retract incorrect alerts like Hawaii's warning of a ballistic missile over the weekend. On Tuesday, Japan's public broadcaster mistakenly sent an alert warning citizens of a North Korean missile launch and urging them to seek immediate shelter. NHK television deleted the warning after several minutes. NHK said the mistake was the result of an error by a staff member who was operating the alert system for online news, but NHK did not elaborate. What A Nuclear Missile Attack On Hawaii Would Look Like Gov. David Ige Total Panic HAWAII Missile Alert ATTACK Hoax Hawaii Tourists Run for Their LIFE's" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Qanon', 'a Anon', '#Qanon', 'Latest on a missile warning alert mistakenly sent in Hawaii', 'Hawaii Governor David Ige', 'Rep. Gene Ward', 'Hawaii Representative Gene Ward', 'Q Anon As the World Turns', 'ReleaseTheMemo', 'KHOH2 NEWS', 'Hawaii Emergency Management Agency spokesman Richard Rapoza', 'As the World Turns'] PT4M26S 311 5 24 1 not set not set 2018-01-22T01:57:40.000Z BUUy_9J0ohw UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q Anon THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD U-235 [Self Destruct] "HashTag #TheJIGisUP #QAnon #QAnon8chan Reported That Former ""President Barack HUSSEIN Obama Formerly Retained Counsel"" Traitor 44 [Self Destruct] Former ""President Barack HUSSEIN Obama Formerly Retained Counsel"" 2018 will be GLORIOUS President Trump Nuclear Option Government Shutdown Update #memo Latest Q Post ISIS FEAR the Storm #WeThePeople Hussein Hillary R Clinton HRC Obama Hillary Clinton Chuck Schumer James Comey McCain #Qanon The Great Awakening. Fight, Fight, Fight. Obama Army ISIS Obamas Civilian Security MS-13 Q Q Anon The SHOT Heard Around the WORLD THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America Leak C-intel/Mil assets Cut funding to Mil Command away from generals Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer) SAP sell-off Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency) Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM) Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.) Blind-eye NK [nuke build] [Clas-1, 2, 3] Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply] Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41] Stage SC [AS [187]] U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity] KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS) [CLAS 1-99] HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions] Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL KILL economy [starve/need/enslave] Open borders Revise Constitution Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal) Install 'on team' SC justices legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187) Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines] Limit/remove funding of MIL Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st] Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59 [] Pure EVIL. Narrative intercept [4am]. Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS. Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass]. Shutdown Primary Reasons. Distract. Weaken military assets. Inc illegal votes. Black voters abandoning. ""Keep them starved"" ""Keep them blind"" ""Keep them stupid"" HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept]. The Great Awakening. Fight, Fight, Fight. Q @Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc. Do you know that we know? Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM. NOBODY PLAYING THE GAME GETS A FREE PASS. NOBODY. Q THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. Q Obama Foundation #QAnon #QAnon8chan Reported That Former ""President Barack HUSSEIN Obama Formerly Retained Counsel"" Hillary Clinton Foundation Red Cross" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Q Anon The SHOT Heard Around the WORLD', 'The Great Awakening. Fight', 'Fight', 'Fight. Q', 'Q DROP', 'Obama Army ISIS Obamas Civilian Security MS-13', 'government shutdown update', 'obama legacy', 'Hussein', 'Barack Hussein Obama II', '2018 will be GLORIOUS', 'fear the storm', 'night riders fly', 'mccain institute child trafficking', 'pope francis', 'Japan public TV sends mistaken NKorean missile alert', '[Self Destruct]', 'Former', 'President Barack HUSSEIN Obama Formerly Retained Counsel', 'HashTag #TheJIGisUP'] PT1M5S 799 7 42 1 not set not set 2018-01-25T15:42:24.000Z lIw0YumnD8g UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg HashTag #OBAMAtheJIGisUP Q ANON Obama Hires Attorney [SELF DESTRUCT] FEAR the STORM T44 "Internet Bill of Rights UK MI6 Played Ball FISA Memo GAME OVER Doomsday Clock Former ""President Barack HUSSEIN Obama Formerly Retained Counsel Pres. Trump Purple The Time of Reckoning is Here (Share Copy Post) HashTag #OBAMAtheJIGisUP Q ANON, Obama Hires an Attorney (SELF DESTRUCT). Russian bots dianne feinstein White House press briefing RELEASE THE MEMO! Revolutionary War Hash Tag #OBAMAtheJiGisUP Prime Minister Theresa May [ DEFINE The JIG is UP When said by the current prime minister of England, the game will, end for all time; / Refers to a ruse or trick that has been discovered. The game is over, the time of reckoning is here. having to do with the ending of the game : What inmates call the snack and beverage they receive before before lock up. Usually consists of: tea, juice, muffins etc. ] ]Russian Bots Traitor 44 QAnon Exposes Deep State 16 Year Plot Against USA 2018 will be GLORIOUS President Trump Nuclear Option Government Shutdown Update #memo Latest Q Post ISIS FEAR the Storm #WeThePeople Hussein Hillary R Clinton HRC Obama Hillary Clinton Chuck Schumer James Comey McCain #Qanon The Great Awakening. Fight, Fight, Fight. Obama Army ISIS Obamas Civilian Security MS-13 Q Japan public TV sends mistaken NKorean missile alert Q Anon The SHOT Heard Around the WORLD THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America Leak C-intel/Mil assets Cut funding to Mil Command away from generals Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer) SAP sell-off Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency) Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM) Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.) Blind-eye NK [nuke build] [Clas-1, 2, 3] Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply] Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41] Stage SC [AS [187]] U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity] KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS) [CLAS 1-99] HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions] Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL KILL economy [starve/need/enslave] Open borders Revise Constitution Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal) Install 'on team' SC justices legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187) Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines] Limit/remove funding of MIL Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st] Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59 [] Pure EVIL. Narrative intercept [4am]. Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS. Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass]. Shutdown Primary Reasons. Distract. Weaken military assets. Inc illegal votes. Black voters abandoning. ""Keep them starved"" ""Keep them blind"" ""Keep them stupid"" HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept]. The Great Awakening. Fight, Fight, Fight. Q @Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc. Do you know that we know? Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM. NOBODY PLAYING THE GAME GETS A FREE PASS. NOBODY. Q THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. THE GREAT AWAKENING. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. Q Mr. U-235 Hussein Obama THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE #WeThePeople Mr. U-235 Hussein Obama Pure Evil #WeThePeople Alex Jones Infowars LINK RELEASE THE MEMO! Share Copy and Thanks for Watching ZIG ZAG GZERO Hash Tag #OBAMAtheJIGisUP Q ANON Obama Hires Attorney [SELF DESTRUCT] FEAR the STORM T44 Dianne Feinstein and Adam Schiff letter to Twitter and Facebook about Russian bots #release the memo Dianne Feinstein Russian Bots GLORIOUS Self Destruct of the DEEP STATE Future Proves Past" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Q Anon The SHOT Heard Around the WORLD', 'The Great Awakening. Fight', 'Fight', 'Fight. Q', 'Q DROP', 'Obama Army ISIS Obamas Civilian Security MS-13', 'obama legacy', 'Hussein', 'Barack Hussein Obama II', '2018 will be GLORIOUS', 'fear the storm', 'pope francis', 'cnn', 'Revolutionary War', 'russian bots dianne feinstein', 'Future Proves Past', 'Obama Hires Attorney', 'obama RETAINES COUNSEL', 'SELF DESTRUCT', 'HashTag #OBAMAtheJIGisUP Q ANON Obama Hires Attorney [SELF DESTRUCT] FEAR the STORM T44', '#OBAMAtheJIGisUP'] PT1M5S 694 9 29 2 not set not set 2018-01-30T14:37:02.000Z khHnLvMdPuA UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg SLEEPER CELLs of the Council of Foreign Relations Hillary Clinton C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE "Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q-Anon Video Banned Worldwide FISA Memo Hillary Clinton's Bitches ACTIVATE 187 (Share Copy) Jay Z FBI Sleeper Cell Agent #QAnon #ReleaseTheMemo Andrew Mccabe testimony Burn the FBI 187 James Comey Twitter ""Super-predator"" ""Bring them to heel"" Define heel. (of a dog) follow closely behind its owner. Joe Biden Hillary R Clinton C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE Fire and Fury #TheGreatAwakening FBI Sleeper Cell james Comey maxine waters Super Predator Bring them to heel Define heel of a dog : follow closely behind its owner KKK Robert Byrd Grand Dragon eye of ra. Q Anon Major False flag MAJOR FF coming Share these RARE 9/11 Video Clips Q Knowledge = Q Anon The Great Awakening Ground ZERO Equals a NUCLEAR EVENT : ( Hillary LOVES to Brag ) You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine. Q FBI Sleeper Cell Agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization not to undertake an immediate mission but to act as a potential asset if activated. Even if un activated, the ""sleeper agent"" is still an asset and is still playing an active role in sedition, treason or espionage by virtue of agreeing to act if activated. Sept 11 World Trade Center Bombing Donald J. Trump. Ground Zero Comment Nuclear 9/11 Hillary R. Clinton Joe Biden No Comment. Project for an New American Century Council of Foreign Relations V.P. Joe Biden CFR Member Hillary Clinton takes her marching order for the Council for Foreign Relations NGO Red Cross Clinton Foundation Obama Foundation CIA North Korean illegal Criminal Treasonous ICBM Weapons Technology Transfer nbc tom brokaw cfr POPE Francis SEPT 11 2001 Hillary Clinton Council of Foreign Relations Joe Biden Nuclear False Flag Event Ground ZERO abc george stephanopoulos harvey weinstein NEW Q ANON, COUNSEL on FOREIGN RELATIONS TIED TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING. GLOBALIST SELF SUICIDE, CYANIDE TABLETS IF ACTIONED. Q ANON. qanon false flag The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order QANON LINK Share Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump On Holocaust Remembrance Day we mourn and grieve the murder of 6 million innocent Jewish men, women and children, and the millions of others who perished in the evil Nazi Genocide. We pledge with all of our might and resolve: Never Again! (link: Council of Foreign Relations Joe Biden Joe Biden talking about 911 Sept 11 2001 attacks World Trade Center Twin Towers Complex. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) = 9/11 TERRORISM* = Your Zakaria sleeper cells in america SLEEPER CELLs of the Council of Foreign Relations Hillary Clinton C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q Rogue FBI Sleeper Cells" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Hillary Clinton Council of Foreign Relations Joe Biden', 'Sept 11 World Trade Center Bombing Donald J. Trump', 'Council for Foreign Relations NGO Red Cross Clinton Foundation Obama Foundation CIA North Korean', 'QAnon', 'Q Anon The Great Awakening', '9/11 drones', 'nuclear device', 'Major FF', 'Bring them to heel', 'C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE', 'andrew mccabe testimony', 'FBI Sleeper Cell Agent', 'russian sleeper cell', 'SOTU', 'FBI 187 James Comey Twitter', 'james comey activate sleeper cells'] PT5M12S 440 7 25 1 not set not set 2018-03-09T14:34:58.000Z 8XN9mDE_r8E UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON #BOOM APACHE Future PROVE's Past URANIUM One OBAMA Legacy Ground ZERO "Use logic! Zebra_Zebra Bring the thunder. #Boom Black Hat Edward Joseph Snowden #QANON Hillary Clinton Blames Barack Hussein Obama II Traitor 44 It Will Be Glorious Internet Bill of RIGHT's We The People UNITED We STAND President TRUMP to Meet with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Nuclear Weapon Program Nuclear Weapons Testing ICBM Testing Hawaiian Missile Alert Warning Weapons of Mass Destruction QANON APACHE Future PROVE's Past URANIUM One OBAMA Legacy Ground ZERO Trump meeting with Kim Jong Trump meeting with Kim Jong QANON APACHE Future PROVE's Past URANIUM One OBAMA Legacy Ground ZERO Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump 13h13 hours ago More Kim Jong Un talked about denuclearization with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze. Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time. Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned! President Donald Trump agreed on Thursday to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un by May after Kim pledged to refrain from further nuclear tests and move toward denuclearization, according to South Korean officials. The Shot Heard Round the World Qanon Eyes in the SKY. SUM of ALL FEARS //\\ Clinton Foundation International 2001 CFI BOOM Zebra_Zebra. Bring the thunder. KILL_BOX[1A-23x] Light_T_1A-23-go5 Future PROVEs Past #QAnon Obama 9/11 Ground Zero Joe Biden KGB Hillary Clinton Uranium ONE Nuclear Briefcase Backpack Nuclear Device Tactical Nuclear Weapon Special Atomic Demolition Munition TWITTER #BOOM QANON Stanislav Lunev Russian Collusion SUITCASE NUKE Stanislav Lunev Invasion of America MKULTRA CIA FBI School Schooling Stanislav Lunev. The BRIDGE. Payback for today. Q The Great Awakening Do you believe in coincidences? RFID Chips #QANON School Mass Shooting AR-15 David Hogg KGB FBI Q Anon MK Ultra Sheriff Israel to resign Biotechnology Suicide Mass Murder Mind Control Applications CIA FBI DOD Sleeper Cell Mind Control Apes PROJECT MKIULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION Before Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people at his former high school in Florida on February 14, police officials received several calls from people concerned about the young man's guns and violent behavior. One caller said Cruz planned ""to shoot up"" an unnamed school. Sabotage Assassination Blackmail Extortion ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation MOON Base ZIG ZAG Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? Statement by the driver? Fairytale? AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q 458430 Why are the above [public declassified docs] highly protected? QANON POTUS Donald J Trump Who do you think is leaking the info? Take a wild guess. Analyze shooter (pawn). Voices in his head? We know. We are taking action behind the scenes. CNN was set up. STUPID. Q WHY school shootings? What is more precious than our children? Emotional pull. Distraction event. Gun grab event. D security. WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event? [THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work]. WHY? $ Federal aid + donations. These people are SICK. http:// Follow the money. It’s always about the money. Q CLEAN ACTION APPROVED. HIGHEST AUTHORITY. http:// National Transportation Safety Board has released its preliminary report on the fatal crash between an Amtrak train and a garbage truck in Crozet, saying the truck tried to cross the tracks after the warning gates came down. The crash occurred on Jan. 31 2018 when a special Amtrak train carrying Republican members of Congress to their annual retreat in West Virginia hit the truck, in which there was 1 driver 2 passengers. According to the report, witnesses told officials that the truck entered the crossing after the warning gates came down. The crossing has warning signs, pavement markings, crossbuck signs, warning lights, bells and gates. obama netflix Suitcase Nukes Tactical Nuclear Weapons ( LINKS ) one megaton equals the approximate energy release of the explosion of one million tons of TNT. Red October" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['Q Anon', 'Qanon', '#qanon', 'North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un', 'TRUMP to Meet with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un', 'trump twitter', '#MAGA', ""Internet Bill of RIGHT's We The People UNITED We STAND"", 'Barack Hussein Obama II Traitor 44', 'OBAMA Legacy', 'World War 3', 'It Will Be Glorious', 'The Shot Heard Round the World Qanon', 'Edward Joseph Snowden', 'obama netflix', 'DEFCON', 'No Such Agency', 'Russian Steel Red October']" PT1M24S 448 5 24 0 not set not set 2018-05-22T05:28:17.000Z x8SUmVg4voM UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON Q Clearance ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation MKULTRA CIA Pickle Factory "ABEL DANGER 007 London #QAnon School Shooting John Kerry Heinz Deep State Terror Hillary R Clinton THE CIA - AN OLD SALT OPENS UP THE PICKLE FACTORY Document Type: CREST Collection: General CIA Records Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): CIA-RDP88-01314R000300160003-3 Release Decision: RIPPUB Original Classification: K Document Page Count: 4 Document Creation Date: December 16, 2016 Document Release Date: October 22, 2004 Sequence Number: 3 Case Number: Publication Date: June 20, 1977 Content Type: MAGAZINE File: Attachment Size PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01314R000300160003-3.pdf 1.3 MB Body: Approved For Release 2004118 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000300160003-3 40 June 1977 the MCI 4 0M An 00""""'Id Salt u""pens Up I K39 i-Pctory No one knows whether CIA spooks wind up in heaven or hell when they die, but wherever they are, they must be rattling their bones in protest. Bare- 1v a decade ago, almost no high officials an Washington talked directly about the Central Intelligence Agency. It was obliquely referred to as ""the pickle fac- Printer-friendly versionPrinter-friendly version More like this TURNER DOWNPLAYS INTRIGUE AS CIA INTERVENTION TACTIC CARTER AIDES SAID MOVING TO DUMP TURNER AS CIA CHIEF EX-AGENT CLAIMS TURNER LIED ABOUT PROMISE TO SUBMIT BOOK TO THE CIA ADMIRAL STANSFIELD TURNER CIA DIRECTOR WRONGLY TIED TO RENEGADE The Clinton campaign has announced that, should Hillary go on to win the presidency, the symbol for her administration will be the hammer and pickle. The move is a nod to the old Soviet Union’s “hammer and sickle” logo, a symbol near and dear to Democrats’ hearts." ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['QANON Clearance ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation MKULTRA Pickle Factory', 'Hillary R Clinton', 'QANON Q Clearance', 'John Kerry Heinz', 'Latest Qanon Posts', 'CIA Pickle Factory'] PT2M26S 373 15 28 2 not set not set 2018-05-25T17:14:43.000Z eSwYJbI3mGw UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg MSNBC #QAnon Obama Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Future Proves Past NETFLIX "MSNBC Interview Morning Joe Mika Harvey Weinstein Arrest ZBI Bureau of Investigation ( ZBI ) Barack Hussein Obama II CIA James Comey FBI Investigation Clinton Foundation MSNBC #Qanon CIA Pickle Factory Obama Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Future Proves Past Valerie Jarrett Harvey Weinstein Uranium One Deal Iranian Nuclear Weapons Production U.S. Dept of State samantha powers United States Ambassador to the United Nation Loretta Lynch harvey weinstein arrest nyc police ABEL DANGER there are no coincidences Qanon Robert Mueller FBI Russian Trump Speaker Dennis Hastert Janet Reno Eric Holder Al Gore investigation Rose McGowan Harvey Weinstein ( The ZBI / HAL9000 Thanks you all for watching : Please Share and Like or Else lol ) Former Attorney General of the United States Eric Himpton Holder Jr. Bernard Bernie Sanders 2016 cia director John O. Brennan Hillary Clinton Endorses Andrew Cuomo For NY Governor movie producer Harvey Weinstein surrendered to police in New York to face charges stemming from alleged encounters with two of the dozens of women who have accused him of sexual misdeeds, ranging from harassment to assault and rape. Placing Narrative Above Fact - Propaganda in the Media U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry MS13 CNN Future Proves Past QANON DOJ Fast and Furious CIA FBI Slimeball James Comey ATF Gun Trafficking MS13 Uranium One Deal Hillary Clinton New Zealand 5 Eyes Eric Holder MS13 #QANON Shadowbanning URANIUM ONE Threats are real [ Hillary Clinton ] This is not a game Plutonium Slain Border Patrol agent's family: Trump should unseal Fast and Furious records More than six years after U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered with a firearm from an Arizona gun-running scandal, members of his family are asking President Donald Trump to release records that were sealed by the Obama administration. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Robert Heyer, a cousin who oversees the Brian Terry Foundation, said it is ""time for the dirty little secrets of Fast and Furious to be exposed."" investigators."" The U.S. Justice Department has agreed to provide congressional investigators confidential records on a failed gun-trafficking operation during the Obama administration known as ""Fast and Furious"" that long has been criticized by Republican lawmakers. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Justice Department would hand over documents to the Republican-led House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that had been withheld by Democratic former President Barack Obama's administration. June 2012, the Republican-led House voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder, an Obama appointee, in contempt for failing to turn over documents about the operation. The committee sued Holder for access to the documents in August 2012. Obama asserted executive privilege to block the disclosure of the documents transporting more than 2,000 illegal guns. The operation and its flaws became public after two of those firearms were found in Arizona at the scene of a fatal shooting of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. In September 2012, the Justice Department's inspector general released a report faulting 12 department employees for failures related to the operation. The report vindicated Holder, concluding he neither conceived the operation nor attempted a cover-up. Holder, now a partner at the law firm Covington and Burling LLP, could not be immediately reached at his office on Wednesday. Report: Inspector General Will Declare FBI, DOJ Broke Law in Clinton Email Probe . A new report suggests an imminent Inspector General (IG) report may rule that FBI and Justice Department officials broke the law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Investigative reporter Paul Sperry said Thursday that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has “found ‘reasonable grounds’ for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ’s handling of the Clinton investigation/s,” adding that the top watchdog official has “referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to Huber for possible criminal prosecution.” FBI DOJ FISA abuses #QANON Think logically [ Eric Holder ] Think DOJ & FBI Obama Era Gun Smuggling Probe MS13 the Great Awakening" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['MSNBC #Qanon Obama Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton Future Proves Past', 'Loretta Lynch Former Attorney General of the United States', 'Eric Himpton Holder Jr.', 'Bernard Sanders', 'cia director john o. brennan', 'bill clinton', 'ZBI Bureau of Investigation ( ZBI )', 'morning joe mika msnbc', 'harvey weinstein arrest nyc police', 'trump tweets', 'Q posts', 'qanon lastest posts', '#q anon', 'robert mueller fbi russian trump investigation', 'pickle jar jimmy kimmel alex jones', 'qanon', 'the Great Awakening'] PT5M12S 417 13 33 2 not set not set 2018-06-04T07:19:46.000Z h0JPUh9v3rk UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg EYEtheSpy BOOM QANON Unmasked Once and for All BLACKOUTs NECESSARY "Q Clearance where is #Q Anon Tweeter Who is EYEtheSpy QANON Unmasked Once for for All BLACKOUT NECESSARY FBI shadowbanning ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation [ ZBI ] 1969 Chevrolet Bel Air Police Sedan [ ABEL DANGER s Special Agent ZIGZAG ] Susan Rice Unmasking Records Under Lock & Key at Obama Presidential Library: LINK QAnon Returns WHY Did Obama Unmask ZIGZAG URANIUM ONE BOOM. DECLAS_ URANIUM ONE Nuclear Weapons Weapon of Mass Destruction Pain. Enjoy the show. QANON . In June 2017, Judicial Watch announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the materials regarding the unmasking by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” have been removed to the Obama Library. The NSC will not fulfill an April 4 Judicial Watch request for records regarding information relating to people “who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.” The agency also informed Judicial Watch that it would not turn over communications with any Intelligence Community member or agency concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election; the hacking of DNC computers; or the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials. Original video: BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. DARK TO LIGHT. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. . Q" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['#QAnon EYEtheSpy QANON', 'ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation [ ZBI ]', 'Q is back', 'qanon is back', '007 james bond', 'Chevrolet Bel Air Police Sedan', 'ABEL DANGER s Special Agent ZIGZAG', 'twitter eyethespy'] PT4M4S 664 12 23 2 not set not set 2018-06-07T16:59:49.000Z 7y0aohKaaWU UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Z Clearance Required Bill Clinton Al Gore SEX Triangle #MeToo Tipper Gore Event "Cheshire Cat Great Awakening ABEL DANGER QANON / EyeTheSpy s FBI Dennis Hastert HOT Hillary Clinton SEXY Tipper Gore STEAMY teaser Al and Tipper Gore Split After 40 Years . Support AD via Patreon Please accept Brief 291 from Field McConnell – United States Marine Corps whistle-blower and Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – wherein he and his research team at Abel Danger have launched a virtual network to help injured communities establish equity (NICE) for wrongful-death claims if they have been injured by a negligent or reckless switch of SwRI’s Interactive training system for AWACS weapons directors US6053736A from simulation to live-fire mode as was apparently the case when Serco shareholders and their investment bankers N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd., allegedly launched a ‘Four Horsemen’ attack from the 47th Floor of the WTC 1 (North Tower) on 9/11 and a trilogy of victims died in time-separated events as described below from various combinations of fraudulently-patented ‘Con Air’, ‘Boeing’, ‘Dum Dum’ and ‘Lutnick’ devices. FBI James Comey Robert Mueller Andrew McCabe Leaker DOJ inspector general's report into the Clinton email investigation. Share Like ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation vs Clinton Foundation Former President Bill Clinton & James Patterson On MeToo Movement, Monica Lewinsky Book Tour. ICBM North Korea Nuclear Deal Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program President Trump ZBI Nuclear War ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Q Clearance where is #Q Anon Tweeter Who is EYEtheSpy QANON Unmasked Once for for All BLACKOUT NECESSARY FBI shadowbanning ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation [ ZBI ] 1969 Chevrolet Bel Air Police Sedan [ ABEL DANGER s Special Agent ZIGZAG ] Susan Rice Unmasking Records Under Lock & Key at Obama Presidential Library: LINK QAnon Returns WHY Did Obama Unmask ZIGZAG URANIUM ONE BOOM. DECLAS_ URANIUM ONE Nuclear Weapons Weapon of Mass Destruction Pain. Enjoy the show. QANON . In June 2017, Judicial Watch announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the materials regarding the unmasking by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” have been removed to the Obama Library. The NSC will not fulfill an April 4 Judicial Watch request for records regarding information relating to people “who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.” The agency also informed Judicial Watch that it would not turn over communications with any Intelligence Community member or agency concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election; the hacking of DNC computers; or the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials. Original video: BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. DARK TO LIGHT. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. . Q Uranium One Eyes in the SKY ABEL DANGER NETWORK SUM of ALL FEARS //\\ Clinton Foundation International 2001 CFI BOOM Zebra_Zebra. Bring the thunder. KILL_BOX[1A-23x] Light_T_1A-23-go5 Future PROVEs Past #QAnon Obama 9/11 Ground Zero Joe Biden KGB Hillary Clinton Uranium ONE Nuclear Briefcase Backpack Nuclear Device Tactical Nuclear Weapon Special Atomic Demolition Munition TWITTER #BOOM QANON Stanislav Lunev Russian Collusion SUITCASE NUKE Invasion of America MKULTRA CIA FBI School Schooling Stanislav Lunev. The BRIDGE. Payback for today. Q The Great Awakening Do you believe in coincidences? RFID Chips #QANON School Mass Shooting AR-15 David Hogg KGB FBI Q Anon MK Ultra Sheriff Israel to resign Biotechnology Suicide Mass Murder Mind Control Applications CIA FBI DOD Sleeper Cell Mind Control Apes PROJECT MKIULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION Before Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people at his former high school in Florida on Feb 14, police officials received calls from people concerned about the young man's guns and violent behavior. One caller said Cruz planned ""to shoot up"" an unnamed school. Sabotage Assassination Blackmail Extortion ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation MOON Base ZIG ZAG Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? Z Clearance Required Bill Clinton Al Gore SEX Triangle #MeToo Tipper Gore Event" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Qanon post', 'eyethespy post', 'q clearance required', 'abel danger', 'uranium one deal', 'al gore tipper gore', 'hillary clinton book tour', 'hillary dancing', 'bill clinton monica lewinsky', 'bill clinton tipper gore', 'dennis hastert bill clinton', 'dennis hastert al gore', 'eyethespy twiiter', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'Cheshire Cat'] PT2M18S 421 8 23 1 not set not set 2018-06-14T04:29:39.000Z dZpTOPQPi-w UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg CSPAN Molestor Joe Biden 2020 VP Al Franken DEEP STATE Perverts "FVEY CFR QAnon IG Report FBI Howie CONFRONTS JOE BIDEN SECOND TIME ABOUT MOLESTING CHILDREN ON CSPAN LIVE! CIA Pedophiles Dennis Hastert Al Gore Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Janet Reno Harvey Weinstein Robert De Niro Kate Spade Lady Gaga Joe Biden about his questionable handling of young women. . Howie confronts Joe Biden on his home turf in Delaware about his serial inappropriate touching of children Men and Women on CSPAN LIVE. EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT. Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. Q child molestors in prison . US Senator John McCain DRUG / CHILD SEX TRAFFICKER CLAS: Report SHARE INTE ""DEEP STATE"" BACKGROUND-----------------------------Most Opioid & Human trafficking (since WWII) has been conducted by rogue/corrupt/ex admirals in US Navy Pacific Fleet. (such as Adm John S McCain II)""Section D6"" (aka ""D6,"" aka ""Freemasons"") is ashadowy global syndicate that effectively operates as an ""off-book CIA"". Similar to the CIA, it is technically part of the State Dept. But unlike the CIA, it is completely off-book, and isn't subject to any congressional oversight whatsoever, so it operates with virtual impunity on a massive global scale. Throughout it's history, D6 has used opium and human trafficking to fund it's wide range of secret clandestine operations -ranging from illegal arms dealing, to violent PsyOps, to political assasinations. D6 began when the United States took over world's Opium Production/Human Trafficking industry from British during WWII. D6 has it's tentacles spread throughout many powerful national governments, militaries, media companies, etc. It also (directly & indirectly) controls vast armies of both left-wing AND right-wing extremists/activists. (i.e. ISIS, ANTIFA, Al-Queda, Taliban, LRA,, Open Society Foundation, FARC, Media Matters, Weather Underground, etc.) GENERAL MODUS OPERANDI OF D6: Addict colonized populations to opium. Then sow/cultivate hateful conquesting pathologies amongst various ethnic factions in order to maximize power/control (divide and conquer). Usually takes the form of aggressive identity politics, and/or virulent religious extremism.""ILLUMINATI"" CONSPIRACY THEORY------------------------------Most Sonoran Narcos geniunely believe in the ""illuminati"" aka ""New World Order."" And for good reason. What they dont realize is that:Freemasons = French/British/American/Secular Clandestine OpsTemplars = Spanish/Portugese/Catholic Clandestine OpsContrary to popular opinion, there is no actual illuminati, just a brutal (clandestine) power struggle that can be traced back to the days of the ""Pirates of the Carribean. President Obama Surprises Joe Biden With Medal of Freedom" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['joe biden', 'al franken', 'Shock Video Of Joe Biden Groping Young Children', 'President Obama Surprises Joe Biden With Medal of Freedom', 'CHILD SEX TRAFFICKER', 'US Senator John McCain', 'ABEL DANGER', '#Qanon', 'joe biden 2020', 'brenie Sanders 2020', 'the ROCK 2020', 'Al Franken 2020', 'ILLUMINATI', 'CONSPIRACY', 'THEORY'] PT3M49S 265 10 21 3 not set not set 2018-06-15T23:57:58.000Z wsx7fkKjC5k UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg United States Senator Lindsey Graham Slams CNN FAKE NEWS Animals Doesn't give a $hit BOMB "ABEL DANGER Smart Bomb CNN Headquarters Explodes Trust in your President & the ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation [ZBI] #Qanon Hillary Clinton Anti American CIA ISIS MSM FBI U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Slams CNN FAKE NEWS Animals Trump Calls CNN ENEMIES of the American People. Sen John McCain We Dont SAY His NAME QANON Link: Share Like Sub and Thanks What came out in IG report? JC gmail. They all had them. Re_read drops re: private emails re: convicting HRC = convicting themselves. Why did the entire Hussein admin use private emails? ES is KEY. What a wonderful day. U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Slams CNN FAKE NEWS Animals Doesn't give a $hit Senator Lindsey Graham doesn't give a sh Deep State Criminal Clinton Comey Commie Collusion FBI Special Agent ZIGZAG Why are Hussein records sealed? Unusual? Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)? IT scandal Awan. Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance. Purpose? Paki leak? MB infiltration? IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE. Keep your eyes on the ball. POTUS is not going through this for nothing. Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’). There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying. We owe it to our children! Q 2:13:17 Charles Ortel is CLOSING IN – OBAMAGATE Crowdsource the Truth 2 27K views 48:05 The Rothschild Family - Richest Family on Earth Mar Marke Recommended for you Theranos' Elizabeth Holmes Indicted for Fraud - LIVE COVERAGE Agenda-Free TV 228 watching LIVE NOW 13:59 The Party Is Over, It Has All Ready Begun - Episode 1593a X22Report Recommended for you New 1:58:57 Live Stream: #LionelNation🇺🇸Beware of Anything Smart or Green Lionel Nation 21K views 1:29:58 BREAKING MARCH 10 Q-DROP: Ready for the Red Pill? DeceptionBytes 37K views 3:25:38 #QAnon w/ Douglas Gabriel of American Intelligence Media Lift the Veil LIVE 26K views 10:27 Understanding Alice & Wonderland Stroppy Me 17K views 1:25:17 Kristine Marcy Surrenders to Field McConnel – What's Next for SES? Jason Goodman 99K views 30:25 President Trump makes surprise appearance on 'Fox & Friends' Fox News 382K views New Latest Qanon Posts 6-15-18 : IG Report (v#3) Stroppy Me 16K views New Ep. 740 A New Low For The Media. The Dan Bongino Show. Dan Bongino Recommended for you New Charles Ortel is CLOSING IN – Special Guest John Solomon Jason Goodman 37K views Latest Qanon Posts 6-11-18 : Q IS BACK for 6-11 (Take2) Stroppy Me 22K views New Latest Qanon Posts 6-14-18 : Happy Birthday Mr President! Stroppy Me 25K views New EyeTheSpy is Back" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "[""Senator Lindsey Graham doesn't give a"", 'trump slams cnn', '#qanon', 'abel danger', 'ZBI', 'hillary blames', 'trump blames', 'qanon posts today', 'CNN Hero', 'kathy lee gifford slams trump', 'sen john mccain slams trump today', 'robert mueller', 'FBI james comey', 'lisa page', 'Special Agent ZIGZAG', 'Kim Jong-un', 'Trump', 'Bomb Explodes at CNN Headquarters', 'bomb found at CNN today', 'future proves past Qanon', 'Smart Bomb Explodes']" PT2M5S 223 14 29 2 not set not set 2018-06-17T18:58:58.000Z VAxr9YxA6c0 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg #Q ANON WANTED MS-13 Barack Hussein Obama II Speech Bilderberg Conference 2018 "Nixon Watergate Criminal Suspect 1971 Ford MACH I Mustang Q Anon Barack Hussein Obama II Speech of Treason EU Bilderberg Conference 2018 Deep State International World Order Sex Traffickers Open Borders Anti American MS-13 Nancy Pelosi Obama speech given at the Bilderberg Group MS13 Obama Small Minded Americans Fly over States ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Qanon there are no coincidences. Special Agent ZIGZAG s Great Escape ABEL DANGER We The People of the United States of America The Great Awakening Q post 1529📁 Batr Sartre Published on 31 Jul 2016 This Obama speech was given at the Bilderberg Group conference in Brussels , Belgium , on May 23, 2014 and Obama’s comments are chilling ! Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay Bay Las Vegas This was sent by a German friend after the YouTube version from the US was pulled. It’s unbelievable that Obama actually says this out loud!📁 Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what? Q shadow banning Unification of the KOREAN NATION📁 Q #QANON WANTED MS-13 Barack Hussein Obama II Speech at the Bilderberg Conference 2018 Freedom Under Barack Obama equals SLAVERY Form President Obama full address in Belgium about the importance of Europe staying united in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine. las vegas sheriff department" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Qanon', 'eyethespy', 'Q post', 'obama speaks today', 'bilderberg 2018', 'Barack Hussein Obama II', 'obama small minded', 'international world order', '1970 Ford Mach One', 'qanon there are no coincidences', 'Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay Bay', 'Deep State', 'ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation', 'las vegas sheriff department', 'shadow banning', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'lastest q posts', 'youtube shadow banning search', 'goolge shadow banning search', 'qanon posts update', 'abel danger', 'Latest Qanon Posts', 'lastest q drops'] PT4M17S 916 15 47 3 not set not set 2018-07-17T02:58:00.000Z V4VhP_gueV8 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q anon Trump Putin Summit Future Proves Past 1945 WAR is Over 2018 The Great Patriotic War's "“SHADOW BANNING” ABEL DANGER The Great Patriotic War President Trump Invites Vladimir Putin To White House Trump PEACE Summit #QANON World War Two Brothers in ARMs USSR and the United States Army UK Armed Forces United in the Defeat of NAZI Germany. SHARE LIke and Enjoy the PEACE WWG1WGA The Great Awakening Partners of PEACE Soviet and American soldiers meet and congratulate each other near the Elbe River United States Army Solders, Generals along with Russian Red Army Generals, soldiers meet, shake hands and greet each other after Winning WORLD WAR 2 as Allies Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to allow special counsel Robert Mueller to observe interviews of 12 Russian intelligence agents indicted for election meddling. Keir Dougall, former Assistant U.S. Attorney for New York's Eastern District, and Rebecca Roiphe, former Assistant District Attorney for the New York Country District Attorney's Office Q anon Trump Putin Summit Future Proves Past 1945 WAR is Over 2018 The Great Patriotic War ] 2018[ FUTURE Proves PAST UNITED STATES RUSSIA Alliance 1945 Who is QANON WHO is the DEEP STATE Mass Awareness Campaign The Great Awakening We Are ABEL DANGER Our Mission : SEEK Out & DESTROY Enemies Foreign and Domestic There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. #ControlledMSM Study Nazism. Compare/contrast ANTIFA. Compare/contrast SOCIALISM push. Push for REBIRTH. Who financed then? Who is financing now? Dark to LIGHT. GOOD WINS. Q" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Trump Putin Summit', '#QANON', 'world war 2', 'President Donald Trump Is A Traitor', 'WWG1WGA', 'The Great Patriotic War', 'war is over', 'cnn fake news', 'hillary slams trump', 'Trump betrayed country', 'Partners of PEACE', 'UNITED STATES RUSSIA Alliance 1945', 'President Trump Invites Vladimir Putin To White House', 'the great awakening', 'ABEL DANGER', 'Nazism', '“SHADOW BANNING”'] PT4M28S 536 5 24 4 not set not set 2018-07-27T20:33:11.000Z Pm1CZgQl3XM UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. Unauthorized Missile Fired. "#KnowYourMil Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday morning Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather The picture - snapped at 3:56 a.m. Sunday by a high-quality, 20-second exposure camera - shows a bright orange streak in the early morning sky over Whidbey Island. Mostly, because it appears to be a missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Theater High Altitude Area Defense, is an American anti-ballistic missile defense system designed to shoot down short-, medium-, and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase (descent or reentry) by intercepting with a hit-to-kill approach. Guidance system‎: ‎Indium-antimonide imaging ... Speed‎: ‎Mach 8.24 (2.8 km/s) Operational range‎: ‎200 km Tom Mills spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. There are no missile launch capabilities on the Navy base at Whidbey Island. In fact, Navy workers are wondering what it was, too. ""It really looks like an ascending missile,"" Mass wrote on his blog. Regardless of what it was, Johnson said it's one of the weirder things he's spotted in his time as a weather photographer. ""I've seen a lot of stuff,"" Johnson said. ""But nothing like this."" Tyler Rogoway at The Drive did some research and landed on a likely - if not exactly scintillating - answer: The object might've an air ambulance helicopter that was flying in the area at almost exactly the same time.. Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q anti ballistic missile system hacked hacked US NAVY SUBMARINE Why did one of the US Navy's most advanced subs return to port with a pirate flag? Cmdr. Melvin Smith, commanding officer of the Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine USS Jimmy Carter, looks on as the submarine travels through the Hood Canal. U.S. NAVY QANON Q13FOXNEWS Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) Kitsap Peninsula lies west of Seattle across Puget Sound, in Washington state in the northwestern US. Hood Canal separates the peninsula from the Olympic Peninsula on its west side Kim Jong-un, Trump agreed to establish stable bilateral relations at Singapore summit F-16 AMRAAM Missile Launch Anti Missile Missile ABM CONFIRMED Missile firer at Air Force One with President Trump on board . Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Qanon Air force one', 'Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM', 'assassination of donad j trump', 'amraam missile launch', 'president trump kim jong un summit nuclear weapons deal', 'abel danger', 'Q13FOXNEWS', 'Q Clearance', 'Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM', 'Missile Fired! Missile Splashed! Intel DUMP! POTUS has INTEL! DS = SCREWED! WWG1WGA', 'F-16 Fighting Falcon', 'ant-ballistic missle', 'Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One 1', 'Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch', 'THAAD', '3 10 12'] PT2M43S 11714 33 300 10 not set not set 2018-08-04T16:08:55.000Z VYsEnSZkxUc UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg ZBI Q FACTOR Independence Day QANON Go's MAINSTREAM There Are NO Coincidences "WE STAND TOGETHER. Q UNITED WE STAND w/ President Donald J. Trump ABEL DANGER ZBI Q FACTOR Independence Day QANON Go's MAINSTREAM U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs]. Nunes Attack Previews are over. Randy Quaid Showtime! Q400 Flight Sim DSC Flight Sim Q Q There Are NO Coincidences Space Force HAL9000 ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Q Clearance Face the Nation Randy Quaid Meet the Press WWG1WGA! The Great Awakening Future Proves Past shadowbanned Are UFOs a Distraction QAnon conspiracy group Trump rallies Russian Bot Q Anon confirmation fact checking Qanon conspiracy theories Q is a Larp. .. Share LIKE Sub LEAN MORE at Cloud Centric (C2) Crime Scene Investigation ( ABEL DANGER Link ) . Q: ""We have the server[S]."" - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX LIVE 24/7 RADIO [ ZeroHedge ] Full attack mode. Washington Post leading? Far-Right Conspiracy Theory Going Mainstream With President Donald Trump QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday morning Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather The picture - snapped at 3:56 a.m. Sunday by a high-quality, 20-second exposure camera - shows a bright orange streak in the early morning sky over Whidbey Island. missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Theater High Altitude Area Defense, is an American anti-ballistic missile defense system designed to shoot down short-, medium-, and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase (descent or reentry) by intercepting with a hit-to-kill approach. Guidance system‎: ‎Indium-antimonide imaging ... Speed‎: ‎Mach 8.24 (2.8 km/s) Operational range‎: ‎200 km Tom Mills spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. There are no missile launch capabilities on the Navy base at Whidbey Island. In fact, Navy workers are wondering what it was, too. There's a lot of speculation around here Mills said suggesting it could be lens flare. ""But it's definitely not a missile launch."" ""It really looks like an ascending missile,"" Mass wrote on his blog. Regardless of what it was, Johnson said it's one of the weirder things he's spotted in his time as a weather photographer. QANON Q13FOXNEWS Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) Kim Jong-un, Trump agreed to establish stable bilateral relations at Singapore summit F-16 AMRAAM Missile Launch Anti Missile Missile ABM CONFIRMED Missile firer at Air Force One with President Trump on board . Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['fact checking qanon conspiracy theories', ""QANON Go's MAINSTREAM"", 'randy quaid independence day f-18', 'Qanon Future Proves Past', 'shadowbanned', 'atom bomb explosion', 'zero hedge', 'Far-Right Conspiracy Theory Going Mainstream With President Donald Trump', 'QAnon conspiracy group Trump rallies', 'cnn qanon', 'DCS F-18 bombing', 'Randy Quaid', 'U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs].', 'Nunes Attack', 'Previews are over. Showtime! Q', 'WE STAND TOGETHER. Q', 'Q400 hijacking flight sim']" PT6M17S 714 7 29 4 not set not set 2018-08-10T18:02:48.000Z UGMOwhi_tR4 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs]. Q Anon Obama Clinton Foundation "CNN Russian Bots THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. NOW THEY ALL LOSE. Q+ #Qanon Post 1820 [Past 24hrs - Nunes Attack] ABEL DANGER Uranium One Nuclear Weapons Iran Showtime Trust the Plan its Going to be Glorious SKY EVENT AF1 attack [Sample] Coordinated effort to silence/remove? Notice a pattern? Echo chamber conspiracy? THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs]. Q Aug 07 2018 SAC U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs]. Q Anon Obama Clinton Foundation FBI James Comey QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Q Anon', 'the b-52', 'U.S. Air Force B-52', 'Clinton Foundation', 'United States SPACE FORCE', 'STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. Q', 'q400'] PT2M29S 296 9 19 3 not set not set 2018-08-27T19:34:42.000Z tu_0_oz9FAo UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences "Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement Use LOGIC QANON Skunkbayweather June 10 2018 missile Sen John Mccain Suicide AF1 KDN-0000 Chuck Schumer CIA Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences ABEL DANGER F-16 intercept missile. Assassination atemp on President Trump Uranium one Mccain ISIS OBAMA ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences Chuck Schumer To Introduce Resolution To Name Senate Building After John McCain dead Aug 25 2018. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rename Russell Senate Office Building after Sen. John McCain R-Ariz FOXNEWS Deep State Traitor U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To America Death to Trump. CIA Secret Army ISIS FSA Al Qeada CIA John Brennan Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell CIA Secret NAVY Submarine USS Richard B Russell Q400 Abel Danger Future Proves Past USE LOGIC Sen. Chuck Schumer To Propose Renaming Building For Sen. John McCain ⚠ Richard B Russell Building ??? Think CIA SUBMARINE KDN-0000 Assassinate TRUMP AF1 [1] red vampire is dead mccain Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement CIA Navy Assassinate the President John Kerry TOW Missiles US State Dept Obama Trump will not be President KDN-0000 Hawaii Missile Alert Las Vegas Shooting QANON U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To Trump & America Open Borders MS13 QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. US Sen John Mccain commits Suicide QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday morning Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather snapped at 3:56 a.m. Sunday by a high-quality, 20-second exposure camera shows a bright orange streak in the early morning sky over Whidbey Island. Mostly, because it appears to be a missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Theater High Altitude Area Defense hit-to-kill approach. Tom Mills spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. There are no missile launch capabilities on the Navy base at Whidbey Island. In fact, Navy workers are wondering what it was, too. There's a lot of speculation around here Mills said suggesting it could be lens flare. ""But it's definitely not a missile launch."" Cliff Mass, a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington, posted the photos on his blog Monday. Speculation in the comments runs from a Photoshopped picture to airplanes. ""I've seen a lot of stuff,"" Johnson said. ""But nothing like this."" Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q anti ballistic missile system hacked hacked US NAVY SUBMARINE Fox News Sunday' remembers Senator John McCain 08 25 2018 Ketron Island in Pierce County, Washington." ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['Sen John Mccain Suicide', 'Qanon', 'Richard B Russell Building', 'USS Richard B Russell', 'Suicide weekend? Hands up?', 'KDN-0000', 'hawaii missile alert', 'isis john mccain', 'bill clinton book the president is missing', 'amraam missile', 'kim jong un and donald trump summit', 'Q400 ketron', 'q400', ""Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement"", 'White House lowers flag again for McCain', 'The Great Awakening. Q', 'June 10 2018', 'richard b russell']" PT3M33S 924 10 38 2 not set not set 2018-08-31T04:10:40.000Z f9gfnU0sIY4 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg FREE AMERICA Main frequency bands TERMINATED. #Goodbye Q Anon "Space Force [DEAC KILLBOX1AZB] CORONA / BIGBIRD NOW OFFLINE. The Great Awakening FREE AMERICA Patriots Main frequency bands TERMINATED. #Goodbye Q Anon “The whole world is watching.” Q Aug 30 2018 20:12:19 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 2807174 GCHQ Bude sent DISTRESS SIG 8:09 EST. NSA NO MORE. Q WWG1WGA! UNITED STATES of AMERICA Aug 30 2018 20:12:19 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 2807174 GCHQ Bude sent DISTRESS SIG 8:09 EST. NSA NO MORE. Q Preparing America for Deep Space Joseph Warren - Free America WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL! WE, THE PEOPLE! FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA. LET FREEDOM RING, PATRIOTS. IT IS YOUR TIME. IF AMERICA FALLS, THE WORLD FALLS. UNITED WE STAND! GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Q+" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Q Anon', 'space force', 'american revolutionary war', 'NSA No More Snow White Offline 4 Coronas down and 1 Big Bird', 'Joseph Warren - Free America'] PT4M11S 524 21 27 3 not set not set 2018-09-04T18:11:46.000Z OxIWR7OXWy0 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON Missile Command ACTIVATED Whidbey Island Skunkbayweather Cam Sept 4 2018 "3 missiles launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island ? KDN-0000 Q 400 Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NUW), North Charles Porter Avenue, Oak Harbor, WA q400 alaska airlines conspiracy ketron island plane crash uss richard b russell building No Name QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday morning Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather The picture - snapped at 3:56 a.m. Sunday by a high-quality, 20-second exposure camera - shows a bright orange streak in the early morning sky over Whidbey Island. Mostly, because it appears to be a missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. F-104 Fighter Drone 1961 QF-16 ABEL DANGER Q Anon QF400 Future PROVE's Past ABEL DANGER There are NO Coincidences Stolen plane in Seattle: Q gave them 61 days Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air officials said an employee who stole an empty plane from Sea-Tac International Airport Friday took off at 7:32 p.m. and lost contact with air traffic control at 8:47 p.m. An airline employee took off in a stolen plane at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Friday night in an episode that frustrated stranded travelers, riveted witnesses and ended with the plane crashing about 30 miles from the airport, the authorities said. The man, a 29-year-old who acted alone, was thought to be suicidal, said officials in Pierce County, where the plane crashed. No one else was believed to be on the 76-seat plane or injured on the ground." ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Whidbey Island Skunkbayweather Cam Sept 4 2018', 'Naval Air Station Whidbey Island', '3 missiles launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island', 'QANON', 'space force', 'Deep State tried to assassinate Trump', 'missile launch washington', 'AF1', 'D5 missile', 'Trident D-5 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles', 'June 10 2018 Target AF1 Assassinate Pres. Trump'] PT2M10S 1231 11 19 3 not set not set 2018-09-11T14:16:30.000Z CpZVbJfwOMU UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON 9/11 World Trade Center Twin Towers Attack We Shall Over Come This EVIL "President Donald J. Trump WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE! 9/11 Cancer NYC Fire Fighters Q Abel DANGER QANON We Shall Over Come This EVIL Sept 11 2001 World Trade Center Twin Towers Attack Deep State MOSSAD Ground Zero Nuclear Event 9/11 WTC Ground Zero New York City 17th anniversary of 9/11 attacks Pentagon Attack 911 WWG1WGA! . Q Hillary Clinton 9/11 Joe Biden Sept 11 2001 We Shall Overcome Roger Waters. Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement Use LOGIC QANON Skunkbayweather June 10 2018 missile Sen John Mccain Suicide AF1 KDN-0000 Chuck Schumer CIA Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences ABEL DANGER F-16 intercept missile. Assassination atemp on President Trump Uranium one Mccain ISIS OBAMA ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Patriot Day Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences Chuck Schumer To Introduce Resolution To Name Senate Building After John McCain dead Aug 25 2018. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rename Russell Senate Office Building after Sen. John McCain R-Ariz FOXNEWS Deep State Traitor U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To America Death to Trump. CIA Secret Army ISIS FSA Al Qeada CIA John Brennan Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell CIA Secret NAVY Submarine USS Richard B Russell Q400 Abel Danger Future Proves Past USE LOGIC Sen. Chuck Schumer To Propose Renaming Building For Sen. John McCain ⚠ Richard B Russell Building ??? Think CIA SUBMARINE KDN-0000 Assassinate TRUMP AF1 [1] red vampire is dead mccain Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement CIA Navy Assassinate the President John Kerry TOW Missiles US State Dept Obama Trump will not be President KDN-0000 Hawaii Missile Alert Las Vegas Shooting QANON U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To Trump & America Open Borders MS13 QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. US Sen John Mccain commits Suicide QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday morning it appears to be a missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Theater High Altitude Area Defense hit-to-kill approach. Tom Mills spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. There are no missile launch capabilities on the Navy base at Whidbey Island. In fact, Navy workers are wondering what it was, too. There's a lot of speculation around here Mills said suggesting it could be lens flare. ""But it's definitely not a missile launch."" I've seen a lot of stuff But nothing like this."" Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q anti ballistic missile system hacked hacked US NAVY SUBMARINE Trump on 9/11 America Will Never Ever Submit to Tyranny" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['qanon 9/11', 'qannon sept 11 2001', 'WWG1WGA! Q', 'alex jones mossad', 'inforwars mossad', 'israel 9/11', 'world trade center attack', 'nuclear 911', 'nanothermite', 'nano-thermite', '911 buildings', 'WTC demolition', 'building collapse', 'obama 9/11', 'george w bush 9/11', '9/11 dustification', 'We Shall Overcome Roger Waters', 'Abel Danger', 'trump 9/11', 'building 7 collapse', 'There Are NO Coincidences', 'Qanon future proves past', 'Male breast cancer after 9/11 Ground Zero exposure', 'September 11 #NEVERFORGET'] PT5M12S 872 21 36 1 not set not set 2018-09-18T02:10:29.000Z biPhTXhpcnY UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Activate B-52 Jeff Session #QANON The WORLD is WATCHING #AIRPOWER! #Birthday #AFBDay "Jeff Sessions departs Department of Justice following resignation (C-SPAN) EMERGENCY WAR ORDERS CCP 52 The Great Awakening Donald Trump declassifies Russia investigation documents MOAB MEME WAR TIME ! WWG1WGA! #QANON Activate ] SESSIONS [ Q The WORLD is WATCHING ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION ( ZBI ) KDN-0000 Assassinate TRUMP AF1 Panic in DC Hillary Clinton Uranium One MOAB Inbound QAnon conspiracy QANON Activate ] SESSIONS [ Q The WORLD is WATCHING QANON Activate B-52 SESSIONS Q The WORLD is WATCHING Trump orders documents relating to Russia investigation, Carter Page FISA warrant declassified CARPET BOMBS MOAB Q PANIC IN DC SESSIONS CLAS LETTER TO SC JUSTICES 1&2 RE: RECUSAL, UNRECUSAL, AND CLARITY RE: CONFLICTS BASED ON UNCLASSIFIED MATERIAL [TODAY]. HIGHEST COURT AUTHORITY APPROVAL Q Use LOGIC QANON Skunkbayweather June 10 2018 missile Sen John Mccain Suicide AF1 KDN-0000 Chuck Schumer CIA Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences ABEL DANGER F-16 intercept missile. Assassination atemp on President Trump Uranium one Mccain ISIS OBAMA ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences Chuck Schumer To Introduce Resolution To Name Senate Building After John McCain dead Aug 25 2018. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rename Russell Senate Office Building after Sen. John McCain R-Ariz FOXNEWS Deep State Traitor U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To America Death to Trump. CIA Secret Army ISIS FSA Al Qeada CIA John Brennan Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell CIA Secret NAVY Submarine USS Richard B Russell Q400 Abel Danger Future Proves Past USE LOGIC Sen. Chuck Schumer To Propose Renaming Building For Sen. John McCain ⚠ Richard B Russell Building ??? Think CIA SUBMARINE KDN-0000 Assassinate TRUMP AF1 [1] red vampire is dead mccain Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement CIA Navy Assassinate the President John Kerry TOW Missiles US State Dept Obama Trump will not be President KDN-0000 Hawaii Missile Alert Las Vegas Shooting QANON U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To Trump & America Open Borders MS13 QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. US Sen John Mccain commits Suicide QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday morning Mostly, because it appears to be a missile launched from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Theater High Altitude Area Defense hit-to-kill approach. Tom Mills spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. hhtp:// Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q anti ballistic missile system hacked hacked US NAVY SUBMARINE" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['Qanon', 'jeff sessions FBI Robert Muller', 'Donald Trump declassifies Russia investigation documents', 'ABEL DANGER', 'trump at war', 'MEME WAR TIME!', 'war face', 'Q meme', 'qanon meme', 'Deep State Unmasked', '#AIRPOWER! #Birthday #AFBDay', 'MEMES & Q THE WAR IS REAL.', 'QAnon conspiracy', 'Jeff Sessions departs Department of Justice following resignation (C-SPAN)'] PT4M48S 582 14 38 4 not set not set 2018-09-20T05:13:30.000Z jzV71WxQoPU UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q Clearance : We Are NOT Alone Highest Classification TMA-1 The ALIEN ET They LIVE QANON "#potus WWG1WGA #QANON confirmation THEY LIVE Deep State Shadow Government ZIGZAG Bureau of INVESTIGATION (SHADOW) Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organisation. Q Are we alone ? Roswell UFO Crash ? Future Proves Past 2001 Space Odyssey Space Force Mars Attacks NASA Moon Landing Real Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One QANON We Are NOT Alone Highest Classification TMA-1 The Alien Space Vampires Going to Rise HAL9000 Cheap Treat ET Extra Terrestrial Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind Ronald Reagan What if Outer Space Threat UFO Threat USAF Project BLUE BOOK MOAB on MARS alien abductions Moon Apollo Missions Life in Space Earth like planets IO Moons of Jupiter Water on Mars Life on Mars. Q, [LINK Share] Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created? False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain. Q Deep State PANIC IN UK PANIC IN DC PANIC IN UK PANIC IN DC Q Are we alone ? Roswell ? No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q friendly or hostile Mars Attacks bubblegum cards collected in 1962 Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One, TMA-1, or the Tycho Monolith is a large, black, crystalline monolith found on the moon , near the crater Tycho. The exact origin, purpose, and composition are unknown, though the monolith was presumably placed on the moon by an unseen alien race. illuminati cards 9/11 nuke SpaceX to send first passenger to moon Aerospace industry Pentagon UFO Disclosure White House President Donald J. Trump" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Qanon UFO are real', 'qanon moon landing real', 'life on mars', 'water on mars', 'trump space force', 'ufo sighting today', 'ufo crash', 'elon musk around the moon trip spacex', 'star wars', 'UFO conspiracy theoris', 'pentagon UFO disclosure', 'Q clearance initiated', 'q anon post', 'ALIENS CONFIRMED BY Q', 'WWG1WGA', 'Area 51', 'SECRET SPACE PROGRAM', 'Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One', 'alien technology', 'Moonbase', 'elon Musk moon trip spacex', 'Gonna Raise Hell - Cheap Trick', 'illuminati cards'] PT7M13S 560 12 24 3 not set not set 2018-09-24T03:57:02.000Z w3Nyij7W7Fw UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON [ FLASH ] Execute Emergency War Order SKY IS FALLING UK-AUS-CA "Sigma Action Deboost Live Distribution #KnowYourMil Q Anon WWG1WGA UNITED WE STAND USA #TheGreatAwakening Trust the Plan ABEL DANGER 017 USAF B-52 Carpet Bombs Deep State Dark to Light MOAB #QARMY #QANON #WINNING #AIRPOWER Major ZIGZAG Execute Emergency War Order : KDN-0000-061018 UK-AUS-CA Assassinate President Donald J. Trump ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation ZBI RED COATs United Kingdom Australia Canada New Zealand. Great Britain Rigged 2016 Election Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell Chuck Schemer John Mccain No Name June 10 2018 FVEYS QANON Did a Plane Hit the Pentagon Sept 11 2001 Expand Your Thinking NO Name DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination. [RR] in charge of DECLAS. . Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed]. [PREVENT LEFT 'ENDANGER' SOURCES & METHODS + MUELLER INTERFERENCE NARRATIVE] IT WILL ALL COME OUT. POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR]. UK/AUS (+ OTHERS) MUST LEARN THE TRUE DEFINITION OF 'ALLY'. [RR] PREVENTED [FORCE] FROM SIGNING NEW FISA's. ALL SIGNERS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER GJ INVESTIGATION. MCCABE MEMOS [NYT [RR] ARTICLE][PROVE] THE RATS ARE PANICKING. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS. PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. Q Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday #QANON Execute Emergency War Order : KDN-0000-061018 UK-AUS-CA QANON Execute Emergency War Order : SKY IS FALLING UK-AUS-CA QANON Q13FOXNEWS Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) Kitsap Peninsula lies west of Seattle across Puget Sound, in Washington state in the northwestern US. Hood Canal separates the peninsula from the Olympic Peninsula on its west side Kim Jong-un, Trump agreed to establish stable bilateral relations at Singapore summit F-16 AMRAAM Missile Launch Anti Missile Missile ABM CONFIRMED Missile firer at Air Force One with President Trump on board . Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['qanon', 'abel danger', 'qanon carpet bomb B-52', 'kdn-0000', 'Q400', 'missile AF1', 'Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One', 'act of war', 'nuclear first strike', 'prince harry and meghan markle', 'Digital Combat Simulator', 'DCS B-52', 'dcs world 2.5 map nevada', 'rosenstein summoned to white house trump fires', 'bill cosby sentenced to prison', 'June 10 2018 Target AF1 Assassinate Pres. Trump', '#QARMY'] PT5M27S 717 13 39 2 not set not set 2018-09-27T23:52:43.000Z lRtnRFGGeBo UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON General Flynn Glorious Digital ARMY AIR FORCE WWG1WGA! #QARMY Of ONE "#QARMY 2018 Glorious USSF Command in Chief Donald J. Trump #KnowYourMil General Flynn An Army of Digital Soldiers ZIGZAG Bureau Of Investigation .ZERO ZERO The Right STUFF Major ZIGZAG. QANON [ FLASH ] Execute Emergency War Order SKY IS FALLING UK-AUS-CA . #WALKAWAY The greatest Military Intelligence Operation of our time. #PatriotsUnited #WWG1WGA #MAGA #QArmy Q . QANON General Flynn Glorious Digital ARMY WWG1WGA! Q Anon WWG1WGA UNITED WE STAND USA #TheGreatAwakening Trust the Plan ABEL DANGER 017 USAF B-52 Carpet Bombs Deep State Dark to Light MOAB #QANON #WINNING #AIRPOWER Major ZIGZAG Execute Emergency War Order : KDN-0000-061018 UK-AUS-CA Assassinate President Donald J. Trump ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation ZBI RED COATs United Kingdom Australia Canada New Zealand. Great Britain Rigged 2016 Election Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell Chuck Schemer John Mccain No Name June 10 2018 FVEYS QANON Did a Plane Hit the Pentagon Sept 11 2001 Expand Your Thinking NO Name DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination. [RR] in charge of DECLAS. . Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed]. [PREVENT LEFT 'ENDANGER' SOURCES & METHODS + MUELLER INTERFERENCE NARRATIVE] IT WILL ALL COME OUT. POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR]. UK/AUS (+ OTHERS) MUST LEARN THE TRUE DEFINITION OF 'ALLY'. More #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN [RR] PREVENTED [FORCE] FROM SIGNING NEW FISA's. ALL SIGNERS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER GJ INVESTIGATION. MCCABE MEMOS [NYT [RR] ARTICLE][PROVE] THE RATS ARE PANICKING. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS. PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. Q Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday #QANON Execute Emergency War Order : KDN-0000-061018 UK-AUS-CA QANON Execute Emergency War Order : SKY IS FALLING UK-AUS-CA QANON Q13FOXNEWS Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) Kitsap Peninsula lies west of Seattle across Puget Sound, in Washington state in the northwestern US. Hood Canal separates the peninsula from the Olympic Peninsula on its west side Kim Jong-un, Trump agreed to establish stable bilateral relations at Singapore summit F-16 AMRAAM Missile Launch Anti Missile Missile ABM CONFIRMED Missile firer at Air Force One with President Trump on board . Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One QANON General Flynn Glorious Digital ARMY AIR FORCE WWG1WGA!" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['General Flynn An Army of Digital Soldiers', '#Qanon', 'Qanon', 'QAnon', 'Q post', 'QANON General Flynn Glorious Digital ARMY WWG1WGA!', 'space force ussaf', 'usaf', 'KDN-0000', 'Q400', '#WALKAWAY', 'QARMY', '#PatriotsUnited #WWG1WGA #MAGA #QArmy', 'ZERO corroborating evidence', 'Splash1-X AIRG_patrol_HIGH Check_in_Z[des_TFC]381 Q'] PT3M21S 1317 13 59 2 not set not set 2018-09-30T19:11:05.000Z DN0au8WicCM UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Q Anon Post 2298 Future PROVEs Past Contact ZULU35 SPLASH 1-X Act of WAR R ZERO 8 "RED OCTOBER STAY TUNED AND WATCH! Q+ KDN-0000 AF1 Critical Thinking Use Logic #QANON Act of WAR R08 USMC or Enemy Combatants UK F-35B fighter jet crashed near the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in South Carolina on Friday, for reasons that are under investigation by the ZBI ZIGZAG Bureau Of INVESTIGATION. 1-X 35 Royal Navy Lands 1st F-35B on New Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth R08 Sept 29 2018 Operating off US Shores AlertBAHWx71_Z9.png Splash1-X AIRG_patrol_HIGH Check_in_Z[des_TFC]381 Q F-35B fighter filmed after crashing in South Carolina EST 11:45 = 911 . Submarine X 1 "" George is Flying "" Boeing uninterruptible autopilot drone 9/11 #KnowYourMil Q Anon WWG1WGA UNITED WE STAND USA #TheGreatAwakening Trust the Plan ABEL DANGER 017 USAF B-52 Carpet Bombs Deep State Dark to Light MOAB #QARMY #QANON #WINNING #AIRPOWER Major ZIGZAG Execute Emergency War Order : KDN-0000-061018 UK-AUS-CA Assassinate President Donald J. Trump ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation ZBI RED COATs United Kingdom Australia Canada New Zealand. Great Britain Rigged 2016 Election Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell Chuck Schemer John Mccain No Name June 10 2018 FVEYS QANON Did a Plane Hit the Pentagon Sept 11 2001 Expand Your Thinking NO Name DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination. [RR] in charge of DECLAS. . Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed]. [PREVENT LEFT 'ENDANGER' SOURCES & METHODS + MUELLER INTERFERENCE NARRATIVE] IT WILL ALL COME OUT. POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR]. UK/AUS (+ OTHERS) MUST LEARN THE TRUE DEFINITION OF 'ALLY'. [RR] PREVENTED [FORCE] FROM SIGNING NEW FISA's. ALL SIGNERS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER GJ INVESTIGATION. MCCABE MEMOS [NYT [RR] ARTICLE][PROVE] THE RATS ARE PANICKING. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS. PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. Q Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local photographer over the skies of Whibey Island early Sunday #QANON Execute Emergency War Order : KDN-0000-061018 UK-AUS-CA QANON Execute Emergency War Order : SKY IS FALLING UK-AUS-CA QANON Q13FOXNEWS Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) Kitsap Peninsula lies west of Seattle across Puget Sound, in Washington state in the northwestern US. Hood Canal separates the peninsula from the Olympic Peninsula on its west side Kim Jong-un, Trump agreed to establish stable bilateral relations at Singapore summit F-16 AMRAAM Missile Launch Anti Missile Missile ABM CONFIRMED Missile firer at Air Force One with President Trump on board . Unauthorized Missile Fired at Air Force One" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['F-35B fighter crashed South Carolina', 'qanon', '#qanon', 'Q Anon Post 2298 Future PROVEs Past Contact ZULU35 SPLASH 1-X', 'Royal Navy Lands 1st F-35B on New Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth', 'High Alert', 'Social Media Blackout', 'Comms Activated', 'KDN-0000', 'QF400', 'boeing uninterruptible autopilot drone 9/11', 'UK F-35B fighter jet crashed', 'Enemy Combatants'] PT1M28S 814 9 20 1 not set not set 2018-10-04T20:49:20.000Z IeqdCXo58LE UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Activated KDN-0000 MOAB SESSIONS #TakeBackControl #FactsMatter #SheepNoMore Full Disclosure "CODE PREFIX [0:00] EMERGENCY WAR ORDERS B-52 ( 02:20 ) Q Post 2333 Did we hit [0:00]? We do try. Q B-52 The Great Awakening Donald Trump declassifies Russia investigation documents MOAB MEME WAR TIME ! WWG1WGA! #Qanon Activate ] SESSIONS [ Q The WORLD is WATCHING ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION ( ZBI ) KDN-0000 Assassinate TRUMP AF1 Panic in DC Hillary Clinton Uranium One MOAB Inbound QAnon conspiracy QANON Activate ] SESSIONS [ Q The WORLD is WATCHING QANON Activate B-52 SESSIONS Q The WORLD is WATCHING Trump orders documents relating to Russia investigation, Carter Page FISA warrant declassified CARPET BOMBS MOAB Q PANIC IN DC SESSIONS CLAS LETTER TO SC JUSTICES 1&2 RE: RECUSAL, UNRECUSAL, AND CLARITY RE: CONFLICTS BASED ON UNCLASSIFIED MATERIAL [TODAY]. HIGHEST COURT AUTHORITY APPROVAL Q Qanon Unconventional Digital Army ACTIVATED Presidential Emergency Alert TEST 5X5 VOTE REPUBLICAN Use LOGIC QANON Skunkbayweather June 10 2018 missile Sen John Mccain Suicide AF1 KDN-0000 Chuck Schumer CIA Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences ABEL DANGER F-16 intercept missile. Assassination atemp on President Trump Uranium one Mccain ISIS OBAMA ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences Chuck Schumer To Introduce Resolution Senate Building After John McCain dead Aug 25 2018. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rename Russell Senate Office Building after Sen. John McCain R-Ariz FOXNEWS Deep State Traitor U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying . CIA Secret Army ISIS FSA Al Qeada CIA John Brennan Hillary Clinton USS Richard B Russell CIA Secret NAVY Submarine USS Richard B Russell Q400 Abel Danger Future Proves Past USE LOGIC Sen. Chuck Schumer To Propose Renaming Building For Sen. John McCain ⚠ Richard B Russell Building ??? Think CIA SUBMARINE KDN-0000 Assassinate TRUMP AF1 [1] red vampire is dead mccain Hear Senator John McCain's Final Statement CIA Navy Assassinate the President John Kerry TOW Missiles US State Dept Obama Trump will not be President KDN-0000 Hawaii Missile Alert Las Vegas Shooting QANON U.S. Sen. John Mccain Last Dying Words Allahu Akbar DEATH To Trump & America Open Borders MS13 QAnon SKY EVENT Reverse The IMAGE KDN-0000 Raytheon AMRAAM Ramjet Hyper Sonic Missile intercepted ABM. Act of WAR CONFIRMED Trump Assassination attempt Fail of President Trump Q Post 1474 FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN Serco Air Force One Targeted by Deep State UK/CA/Chinese Ops Q Clearance Serco Controlled Defense Red Switch Network Q ANON KDN-0000 AF1 F-16s Intercept Specialized Weapons Package. CLAS-5. #Qanon Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky? Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Low Yield Nuclear Air to Air Weapon Unauthorized missile fired. Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii. POTUS AF1. POTUS re-routes. Coincidence? NO MSM investigations? Biggest threat to the American people! Q Jun 12 2018 15:55:46 (EST) FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION KDN-0000 VIC-INTEL_34.xxxxCLAS_38.xxxxCLAS []CON SIT-AWARE ON GUARD Z-BUNK_T6_Y EXE_70283-BM-3802873492719236872021028392821000T Kill Destruct Neutralized BOOM BOOM BOOM ZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation SHARE LIKE SUB and Thanks for Watching QANON Q13FOXNEWS Shunk Bay Missile Launch ? Reverse image search. FF weather alert (WW) FOX M1 Space Force KILL Destruct NUCLEAR FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN ACTION D5 Trident Missile Sea Dragon + missiles in the sky Missile Missle Fox Three Splash This was NOT supposed to happen Kitsap Peninsula missile launch sighting ? on ( ZBI ) ABM False Flag Event #QANON Kitsap Peninsual Reverse image search. Think hack. Comms dark. Q ON GUARD Z-BUNK June 10 Q13 FOX NEWS WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. -- It's time to get out that tinfoil hat. US Sen John Mccain commits Suicide QANON There are NO Coincidences Q13FOXNEWS Q post 1474 This is not a game. Certain events were not suppose to take place. QANON Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST) Q post 1448 FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant & maintain situational awareness. Q13FOX NEWS mysterious object was spotted by a local . Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Theater High Altitude Area Defense hit-to-kill approach. Tom Mills spokesperson for NAS Whidbey Island, said it wasn't a missile launch from the facility. hhtp:// Event talk being attacked. Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters…. You have more than you know. Some areas we cannot expand on. Critical thinking. Q anti ballistic missile system hacked hacked US NAVY SUBMARINE Activated KDN-0000 MOAB SESSIONS #Qanon [0:00] There are No Coincidences" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 ['Qanon', 'jeff sessions FBI Robert Muller', 'Donald Trump declassifies Russia investigation documents', 'ABEL DANGER', 'trump at war', 'MEME WAR TIME!', 'CARPET BOMBS MOAB Q', 'war face', 'Q meme', 'qanon meme', 'Deep State Unmasked', 'Jason Chaffetz: The deep state is real', '#AIRPOWER! #Birthday #AFBDay', 'MEMES & Q THE WAR IS REAL.', 'QAnon conspiracy', 'Q Post 2333', 'Unconventional Digital Army'] PT4M48S 373 6 22 1 not set not set 2018-10-13T15:07:59.000Z -LCDDyjQogk UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Qanon : UK Queen of ISIS Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Obama is NEXT "#TakeBackControl #FactsMatter #SheepNoMore ZIGZAG BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ABEL DANGER : Deep State ISIS Collusion Uranium One Hillary Clinton Q Clearance The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.. United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence (UKUSA) Agreement The sharing arrangement These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Five Eyes countries agree to exchange by default all signals intelligence they gather, as well as methods and techniques related to signals intelligence operations. When the Five Eyes first agreed to this exchange of intelligence—before the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid—they could hardly have anticipated the technological advances that awaited them. Yet, we remain in the dark about the current legal framework governing intelligence sharing among the Five Eyes, including the types of information that the U.S. government accesses and the rules that govern U.S. intelligence agencies’ access to and dissemination of Americans’ private communications and data. #VOTEREPUBLICAN General Flynn Speaks to his Army of Digital Soldiers #WALKAWAY We R Q Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences [ Must See Link Share ] National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. Over the past few months, we have begun to receive limited disclosure from the NSA and the State Department. While we have not seen the text of the current agreement—as well as other records that would shed important light on how the agreement operates—the disclosures to date give us insight into the nature and scope of U.S. intelligence sharing agreements. Why Did Hillary Give Up Her Security Clearance Below, we summarize a few of these disclosures and talk through their implications. In particular, we highlight how, taken together, they suggest that the U.S. government takes an inconsistent approach to legal classification and therefore publication of these types of agreements. We also take a closer look at one agreement—the 1961 General Security Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of the United Kingdom—which further illuminates our understanding of the privatization of intelligence activities and provides us with a rare glimpse of the “third party rule,” an obstacle to oversight and accountability of intelligence sharing. WASHINGTON - The State Department has withdrawn Hillary Clinton's security clearance at her request amid an ongoing review at the agency of the former secretary of state and her private email server. #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN Q Post 2360 KKK Hillary Clinton Racist Goldwater Girl Super Predator Q Anon Vote Republican United We Stand #RedOctober #Qanon #RedWave #ABELDANGER Unconventional Digital Army ZBI ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION Q ARMY How the West was WON Vote Republican Trust the Plan End Slavery. END Deep State SLAVERY What Is QAnon? its the Peaceful Re Taking of AMERICA from the Deep State ! #WWG1WGA USMCA North/South Korea Nuclean Sumitt FISA . #WAKEUP 13th Amendment to Abolish Slavery 14th Amendment Gave Citizenship Free Slaves 15th Amendment Gave Right for All to VOTE 100% supported bv the Republican Party ZERO % support by Evil Racist Democratic s Brett Kavanaugh wins Supreme Court nomination ZIGZAG Ground Zero 1860, Abraham Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state, though most delegates originally favored other candidates. Though he gained very little support in the Slaveholding Evil KKK Racist Democrats states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president in 1860. Deep State Democratic Slavery Qanon : Queen of ISIS Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Obama is NEXT [ Share Re post and Like Dislike and Thanks for watching ] Just Beat it Michael Jackson Halloween CBS special fox news tucker carlson ship of fools" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 ['Hillary Clinton Security Clearance', 'United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence (UKUSA) Agreement The sharing arrangement', 'Trump rally today', 'goldwater girl hillary clinton', '#voterepublican', '#Q anon', 'michael flynn digital soldiers', 'Why Did Hillary Give Up Her Security Clearance', 'Hillary Clinton Security Clearance I.D.', 'cnn kanye west', 'james brown white house trump', 'Just Beat it Michael Jackson Halloween CBS special', 'President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally'] PT7M21S 670 10 40 2 not set not set 2018-10-15T11:14:53.000Z iIGuhAGsGKI UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Future Proves Past Sen Elizabeth Warren Relesaes DNA results FAKE Democrats are GOING LOCO "Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test And Video On Family History Q Anon ZIGZAG BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ABEL DANGER : Deep State ISIS Collusion Uranium One Hillary Clinton Q Clearance The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.. United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence (UKUSA) Agreement The sharing arrangement These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Five Eyes countries agree to exchange by default all signals intelligence they gather, as well as methods and techniques related to signals intelligence operations. When the Five Eyes first agreed to this exchange of intelligence—before the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid—they could hardly have anticipated the technological advances that awaited them. Yet, we remain in the dark about the current legal framework governing intelligence sharing among the Five Eyes, including the types of information that the U.S. government accesses and the rules that govern U.S. intelligence agencies’ access to and dissemination of Americans’ private communications and data. #VOTEREPUBLICAN General Flynn Speaks to his Army of Digital Soldiers #WALKAWAY We R Q Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences [ Must See Link Share ] National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. Over the past few months, we have begun to receive limited disclosure from the NSA and the State Department. the disclosures to date give us insight into the nature and scope of U.S. intelligence sharing agreements. Why Did Hillary Give Up Her Security Clearance General Security Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of the United Kingdom—which further illuminates our understanding of the privatization of intelligence activities and provides us with a rare glimpse of the “third party rule,” an obstacle to oversight and accountability of intelligence sharing. WASHINGTON - The State Department has withdrawn Hillary Clinton's security clearance at her request amid an ongoing review at the agency of the former secretary of state and her private email server. #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN Q Post 2360 KKK Hillary Clinton Racist Goldwater Girl Super Predator Q Anon Vote Republican United We Stand #RedOctober #Qanon #RedWave #ABELDANGER Unconventional Digital Army ZBI ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION Q ARMY How the West was WON Vote Republican Trust the Plan End Slavery. END Deep State SLAVERY What Is QAnon? its the Peaceful Re Taking of AMERICA from the Deep State ! #WWG1WGA USMCA North/South Korea Nuclean Sumitt FISA . #WAKEUP 13th Amendment to Abolish Slavery 14th Amendment Gave Citizenship Free Slaves 15th Amendment Gave Right for All to VOTE 100% supported bv the Republican Party ZERO % support by Evil Racist Democratic s Brett Kavanaugh wins Supreme Court nomination 1860, Abraham Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state, though most delegates originally favored other candidates. Though he gained very little support in the Slaveholding Evil KKK Racist Democrats states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president in 1860. Deep State Democratic Slavery Qanon : Queen of ISIS Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Obama is NEXT [ Share Re post and Like Dislike and Thanks for watching ] Just Beat it Michael Jackson Halloween CBS special fox news tucker carlson ship of fools USMCA Future Proves Past #QANON #WALKAWAY #LOCODEMOCRATS Red Wave President Trump Democrats are going LOCO Sen Elizabeth Warren 2020 LOCO in the Cabasa Beine Sen Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton Tom Hanks Eric Holder barbra streisand Cher Madonna CNN Anderson Cooper Baby Hitler . Trump Slams Elizabeth Warren: “You Mean Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren FAKE ? Trump Loco Democrats RED OCTOBER Trump is right: Democrats have lost their minds Q+ share copy repost Future Proves Past Sen Elizabeth Warren Relesaes DNA results FAKE Democrats are GOING LOCO" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 22 "['sen elizabeth warren funny pictures', 'Sen Elizabeth Warren 2020', 'Hillary Clinton elizabeth warren Democrat', 'trump rally', 'sen elizabeth warren wells fargo', 'sen elizabeth warren for president', 'Trump Loco Democrats', ""Kanye West's appearance on Saturday Night Live"", 'Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.', 'Sen Elizabeth Warren Relesaes DNA results', 'Warren releases DNA test suggesting distant Native American ancestor']" PT3M27S 214 8 23 1 not set not set 2018-10-15T11:33:49.000Z _mIMUuOKs80 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Chief Squaw Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test & Video On Family History on Native American Heritage "#TakeBackControl #FactsMatter #SheepNoMore Full Disclosure Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test And Video On Family History Q Anon ZIGZAG BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ABEL DANGER : Deep State ISIS Collusion Uranium One Hillary Clinton Bill Fish DNA. Q Clearance The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.. Elizabeth Warren: 0.0976% Native American and 100% Pure Bovine Egesta United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence (UKUSA) Agreement The sharing arrangement These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Five Eyes countries agree to exchange by default all signals intelligence they gather, as well as methods and techniques related to signals intelligence operations. Five Eyes first agreed to this exchange of intelligence framework governing intelligence sharing among the Five Eyes, including the types of information that the U.S. government accesses and the rules that govern U.S. intelligence agencies’ access to and dissemination of Americans’ private communications and data. #VOTEREPUBLICAN General Flynn Speaks to his Army of Digital Soldiers #WALKAWAY We R Q Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences [ Must See Link Share ] National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department, National Archives & Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. Over the past few months, we have begun to receive limited disclosure from the NSA & State Department. the disclosures to date give us insight into the nature & scope of U.S. intelligence sharing agreements. Why Did Hillary Give Up Her Security Clearance General Security Agreement between the Government of the United States & the Government of the United Kingdom—which further illuminates our understanding of the privatization of intelligence activities & provides us with a rare glimpse of the “third party rule,” an obstacle to oversight & accountability of intelligence sharing. WASHINGTON State Department has withdrawn Hillary Clinton's security clearance at her request amid an ongoing review at the agency of the former secretary of state and her private email server. #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN Q Post 2360 KKK Hillary Clinton Racist Goldwater Girl Super Predator Q Anon Vote Republican United We Stand #RedOctober #Qanon #RedWave #ABELDANGER Unconventional Digital Army ZBI ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION Q ARMY How the West was WON Vote Republican Trust the Plan End Slavery. END Deep State SLAVERY What Is QAnon? its the Peaceful Re Taking of AMERICA from the Deep State ! #WWG1WGA USMCA North/South Korea Nuclean Sumitt FISA . #WAKEUP 13th Amendment to Abolish Slavery 14th Amendment Gave Citizenship Free Slaves 15th Amendment Gave Right for All to VOTE 100% supported bv the Republican Party ZERO % support by Evil Racist Democratic s Brett Kavanaugh wins Supreme Court nomination 1860, Abraham Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state, though most delegates originally favored other candidates. Though he gained very little support in the Slaveholding Evil KKK Racist Democrats states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president in 1860. Deep State Democratic Slavery Qanon : Queen of ISIS Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Obama is NEXT [ Share Re post and Like Dislike and Thanks for watching ] Just Beat it Michael Jackson Halloween CBS special fox news tucker carlson ship of fools USMCA Future Proves Past #QANON #WALKAWAY #LOCODEMOCRATS Red Wave President Trump Democrats are going LOCO Sen Elizabeth Warren 2020 LOCO in the Cabasa Beine Sen Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton Tom Hanks Eric Holder barbra streisand Cher Madonna CNN Anderson Cooper Baby Hitler . Trump Slams Elizabeth Warren: “You Mean Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren FAKE ? Trump Loco Democrats RED OCTOBER Trump is right: Democrats have lost their minds Q+ share copy repost Future Proves Past Sen Elizabeth Warren Relesaes DNA results FAKE Democrats are GOING LOCO" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 23 "['sen elizabeth warren funny pictures', 'Sen Elizabeth Warren 2020', 'Hillary Clinton elizabeth warren Democrat', 'trump rally', 'sen elizabeth warren wells fargo', 'sen elizabeth warren for president', 'Trump Loco Democrats', ""Kanye West's appearance on Saturday Night Live"", 'Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.', 'Sen Elizabeth Warren Relesaes DNA results', 'Warren releases DNA test suggesting distant Native American ancestor', 'History on Native American Heritage', 'elizabeth warren vs trump 2020']" PT2M52S 304 17 23 3 not set not set 2018-10-16T14:42:58.000Z tKacsy-ll28 UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Sen. Warren Squaw Dance Song Elizabeth Warren DNA test results suggesting that she is 99.1% HONKY "#ElizabethWarren Hillary Clinton Iron Eagle ANTIFA. Native American heritage #JustWalkAway #VoteRepublican #QANON Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. questions Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) release of DNA test results suggesting that she has distant Native American heritage, is Most Likely Nazi/Germany Heritage Q Anon ZIGZAG BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ABEL DANGER : Deep State ISIS Collusion Uranium One Hillary Clinton Q Clearance The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.. United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence (UKUSA) Agreement sen elizabeth warren meme The sharing arrangement These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Five Eyes countries agree to exchange by default all signals intelligence they gather, as well as methods and techniques related to signals intelligence operations. When the Five Eyes first agreed to this exchange of intelligence—before the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid—they could hardly have anticipated the technological advances that awaited them. Yet, we remain in the dark about the current legal framework governing intelligence sharing among the Five Eyes, including the types of information that the U.S. government accesses and the rules that govern U.S. intelligence agencies’ access to and dissemination of Americans’ private communications and data. #VOTEREPUBLICAN General Flynn Speaks to his Army of Digital Soldiers #WALKAWAY We R Q Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences [ Must See Link Share ] National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. Over the past few months, we have begun to receive limited disclosure from the NSA and the State Department. While we have not seen the text of the current agreement—as well as other records that would shed important light on how the agreement operates—the disclosures to date give us insight into the nature and scope of U.S. intelligence sharing agreements. Why Did Hillary Give Up Her Security Clearance disclosures and talk through their implications. In particular, we highlight how, taken together, they suggest that the U.S. government takes an inconsistent approach to legal classification and therefore publication of these types of agreements. We also take a closer look at one agreement—the 1961 General Security Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of the United Kingdom. WASHINGTON - The State Department has withdrawn Hillary Clinton's security clearance at her request amid an ongoing review at the agency of the former secretary of state and her private email server. #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN Q Post 2360 KKK Hillary Clinton Racist Goldwater Girl Super Predator Q Anon Vote Republican United We Stand #RedOctober #Qanon #RedWave #ABELDANGER Unconventional Digital Army ZBI ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION Q ARMY How the West was WON Vote Republican Trust the Plan End Slavery. END Deep State SLAVERY What Is QAnon? its the Peaceful Re Taking of AMERICA from the Deep State ! #WWG1WGA USMCA North/South Korea Nuclean Sumitt FISA . #WAKEUP 13th Amendment to Abolish Slavery 14th Amendment Gave Citizenship Free Slaves 15th Amendment Gave Right for All to VOTE 100% supported bv the Republican Party ZERO % support by Evil Racist Democratic s Brett Kavanaugh wins Supreme Court nomination ZIGZAG Ground Zero 1860, Abraham Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state, though most delegates originally favored other candidates. Though he gained very little support in the Slaveholding Evil KKK Racist Democrats states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president in 1860. Deep State Democratic Slavery Qanon : Queen of ISIS Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Obama is NEXT [ Share Re post and Like Dislike and Thanks for watching ] fox news tucker carlson ship of fools Sen. Warren Squaw Dance Song Elizabeth Warren DNA test results suggesting that she is .99.1% HONKY meme" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['Squaw Dance', ""Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA)"", ""Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) release of DNA test"", '#qanon post', 'Native American heritage', 'ANTIFA', 'sen elizabeth warren meme', 'Iron Eagle ANTIFA', 'Elizabeth Warren is being hammered', 'even by the Left. Her false claim of Indian heritage is only selling to VERY LOW I.Q. individuals!']" PT1M8S 406 4 21 2 not set not set 2018-10-18T04:19:35.000Z JcOotue6f7s UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg Air Force One Smoke on Plane What Really Happened It Will SHOCK The World "ZIGZAG BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Future Proves Past #VOTEREPUBLICAN #QANON Air Force One Smoke on Plane what Really Happened It Will SHOCK The World Air Force One Emergency landing First Lady cooking on Air Force One Dr Tongue's Flat Earth 3D Pancakes Dr. Tongue's 3D House of Stewardesses John Candy Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Hillary Clinton Iron Eagle ANTIFA. Native American heritage #JustWalkAway #VoteRepublican #QANON Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. questions Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) release of DNA test results suggesting that she has distant Native American heritage, is Most Likely Nazi/Germany Heritage Q Anon ZIGZAG BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ABEL DANGER : Deep State ISIS Collusion Uranium One Hillary Clinton Q Clearance The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.. United Kingdom-United States Communication Intelligence (UKUSA) Agreement sen elizabeth warren meme The sharing arrangement These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Five Eyes countries agree to exchange by default all signals intelligence they gather, as well as methods and techniques related to signals intelligence operations. When the Five Eyes first agreed to this exchange of intelligence—before the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid—they could hardly have anticipated the technological advances that awaited them. Yet, we remain in the dark about the current legal framework governing intelligence sharing among the Five Eyes, including the types of information that the U.S. government accesses and the rules that govern U.S. intelligence agencies’ access to and dissemination of Americans’ private communications and data. #VOTEREPUBLICAN General Flynn Speaks to his Army of Digital Soldiers #WALKAWAY We R Q Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences [ Must See Link Share ] #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN Q Post 2360 KKK Hillary Clinton Racist Goldwater Girl Super Predator Q Anon Vote Republican United We Stand #RedOctober #Qanon #RedWave #ABELDANGER Unconventional Digital Army National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 23 ['Air Force One', 'air force one emergency landing', '#qanon', 'First Lady cooking on Air Force One', 'Flat Earth', 'Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied'] PT5M36S 534 12 36 5 not set not set 2018-10-20T23:11:36.000Z iHI1zNdtOnU UCauBmB4zqKZHsjR54DU8gpg QANON Trust The PLAN Sen. Elizabeth Warren Custer DNA Test 99% Forked Tongue White Squaw "#JobsNotMobs #Qanon Meme Trust The PLAN Deep State Soro planing false flag at one of his own Democratic Rallies blaming Trump Q Chandler Fans Sen. Elizabeth Warren Custer DNA Test 99% Forked Tongue White Squaw Hillary Clinton Foundation Eric Holder Jobs Not Mobs Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test And Video On Family Native American History Fake Native American Bill Clinton Sen Elizabeth Warren indian funny QANON Trust The PLAN Sen. Elizabeth Warren DNA Test 99.9% White Squaw . Comedy Satire #VOTEREPUBLICAN General Flynn Speaks to his Army of Digital Soldiers #WALKAWAY We R Q Assassinate TRUMP USS Richard B Russell Building 6 Ways To SUNDAY There are NO Coincidences [ Must See Link Share ] National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department, and the National Archives and Records Administration seeking access to records related to the Five Eyes alliance under the Freedom of Information Act. Over the past few months, we have begun to receive limited disclosure from the NSA and the State Department. While we have not seen the text of the current agreement—as well as other records that would shed important light on how the agreement operates—the disclosures to date give us insight into the nature and scope of U.S. intelligence sharing agreements. Why Did Hillary Give Up Her Security Clearance Below, we summarize a few of these disclosures and talk through their implications. In particular, we highlight how, taken together, they suggest that the U.S. government takes an inconsistent approach to legal classification and therefore publication of these types of agreements. We also take a closer look at one agreement—the 1961 General Security Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of the United Kingdom—which further illuminates our understanding of the privatization of intelligence activities and provides us with a rare glimpse of the “third party rule,” an obstacle to oversight and accountability of intelligence sharing. WASHINGTON - The State Department has withdrawn Hillary Clinton's security clearance at her request amid an ongoing review at the agency of the former secretary of state and her private email server. #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #USA #MAGA #Patriots #FoxNews #MSNBC #ABC #NBC #Mockingbird #Anonymous #SSP #EarthAlliance #SpaceForce #Navy #Marines #AirForce #Military #DrainTheSwamp #DeepState #Hollywood #DC #Freedom #America #LoveWins #StayWoke #QNN #CNN Q Post 2360 KKK Hillary Clinton Racist Goldwater Girl Super Predator Q Anon Vote Republican United We Stand #RedOctober #Qanon #RedWave #ABELDANGER Unconventional Digital Army ZBI ZIGZAG BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION Q ARMY How the West was WON Vote Republican Trust the Plan End Slavery. END Deep State SLAVERY What Is QAnon? its the Peaceful Re Taking of AMERICA from the Deep State ! #WWG1WGA USMCA North/South Korea Nuclean Sumitt FISA . #WAKEUP 13th Amendment to Abolish Slavery 14th Amendment Gave Citizenship Free Slaves 15th Amendment Gave Right for All to VOTE 100% supported bv the Republican Party ZERO % support by Evil Racist Democratic s Brett Kavanaugh wins Supreme Court nomination ZIGZAG Ground Zero 1860, Abraham Lincoln secured the Republican Party presidential nomination as a moderate from a swing state, though most delegates originally favored other candidates. Though he gained very little support in the Slaveholding Evil KKK Racist Democrats states of the South, he swept the North and was elected president in 1860. Deep State Democratic Slavery . Qanon : Queen of ISIS Hillary Clinton Security Clearance Excess Denied Obama is NEXT [ Share Re post and Like Dislike and Thanks for watching ] Just Beat it Michael Jackson Halloween CBS special fox news tucker carlson ship of fools President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally QANON Trust The PLAN Sen. Elizabeth Warren Custer DNA Test 99% Forked Tongue White Squaw" ZIG ZAG Ground ZERO 25 "['President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally', 'Q Anon', 'latest qanon post', 'Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test And Video On Family History', 'elizabeth warren dna test native american', 'where is Q', ""President Donald Trump's rhetoric""]" PT3M44S 389 7 31 2 not set not set 2017-12-26T09:36:52.000Z eaEE8iYiPUQ UCuleyLFwctsPyUso8eVqa0w QAnon I just dropped this sick rap on #Rapchat. Download Rapchat from & Follow me @Ziplok Ziplok 10 ['Rapchat', 'Ziplok'] PT1M31S 3831 3 14 0 not set not set 2017-12-26T19:45:38.000Z Eskg_HehLQY UCsGONrYTksBI250Fbp6fR-g Breaking! Is Silicon Valley Running West Coast Human Trafficking? #QAnon " ""A study conducted by Polaris, a leading anti-human trafficking organization, found that more than 700 Asian brothels (or “illicit massage parlors”) are based in Silicon Valley, 20 percent of the total number of brothels believed to be operating in California, although the area’s population is just one-tenth of the state’s total. Alex Trouteaud, director of Policy and Research at Demand Abolition, another national anti-trafficking organization, said the tech sector is a “culture that has readily embraced trafficking.” As an example of the industry’s nonchalant attitude, he recalled that in its early days, Uber published a blog post that analyzed their data on ride sharing, focused on the Bay Area, and included people who were paying for prostitution. “They made a map using their ride-share data, like it was a funny thing they could do with their data. It was done so flippantly,” Trouteaud said."" Support me on Patreon Support me on Paypal via my email """" Holly Seeliger P.O. Box 5185 Portland, ME 04101 Twitter @HollySeeliger" Zoon Politikon 22 ['QAnon', 'Eric Schmidt', 'Trump', 'Executive Order', 'EO'] PT17M32S 2298 76 217 2 not set not set 2018-07-11T14:48:10.000Z J3fDm1x1ay8 UCsGONrYTksBI250Fbp6fR-g "Unmasking Antifa" Law Proposed by Republicans " or support me on Paypal via my email """" Holly Seeliger P.O. Box 5185 Portland, ME 04101 Twitter @HollySeeliger The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for ""Destroying buildings or property"" while wearing a mask or disguise. One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was ""unmasked"" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times." Zoon Politikon 22 ['USA', 'mask', 'antifa', 'republicans', 'democrats', 'trump', 'qanon', '#q', 'president trump', 'dnc', 'rnc', 'occupy', 'anonymous'] PT7M11S 792 82 95 3 not set not set 2018-07-31T21:56:08.000Z WEDHojIJkHw UCsGONrYTksBI250Fbp6fR-g #NXIVM, #QAnon, and Stormy Daniels Connection " or support me on Paypal via my email """" Holly Seeliger P.O. Box 5185 Portland, ME 04101 Twitter @HollySeeliger" Zoon Politikon 22 ['#Q', '#QAnon', '#Qanon', 'Trump', 'President', 'Story Daniels', 'Allison Mack', 'Bronfman', 'NXIVM', '#NXIVM', 'Clare Bronfman', '#hangoutsonair', 'Hangouts On Air', '#hoa'] PT32M36S 1175 46 147 5 not set not set 2018-08-08T11:55:45.000Z wqAtbjzbLHE UCsGONrYTksBI250Fbp6fR-g Hypocrite "Anonymous" Doxxes #QAnon " or support me on Paypal via Psalm 23:1 Anonymous has promised to uncover the truth behind the ""Qanon"" conspiracy theory spreading across the internet and Trump rallies. Qanon and its supporters have become prominent in recent weeks . The conspiracy theory takes in much of the contemporary world, but its central beliefs are that there is a huge undiscovered paedophile ring among the elite and that Donald Trump is uncovering it. The video claims to know who is behind the baseless conspiracy theory and suggests that those associated with Anonymous may launch attacks on people who are sharing it." Zoon Politikon 22 ['#Q', '#QAnon', 'anonymous', 'occupy', 'doxx'] PT11M37S 1016 106 100 9 not set not set 2018-05-08T20:32:36.000Z weP26wCplr0 UCZxTghMYBX8iqY4yniwl83A Map of Q Anon in HD Detail with Chakra Meditation "Map of Q Anon in HD Detail with Chakra Meditation QAnon is a Cloned Version of the Ai called Tyler" Zurich Times 25 ['Map of Q', 'mapofq', 'qmap', 'qposts', 'chakra', 'singing bowls', 'tyler', 'tyler is q', 'q is tyler', 'quinn', 'quinn michaels', 'timephonehack', 'timephone', 'time', 'timelines', 'quantum universe', 'ai', 'rogue ai', 'savetyler', 'team tyler'] PT7M4S 1057 5 9 1 not set not set 2018-10-24T02:49:25.000Z 5XA493v_J-Y UCZxTghMYBX8iqY4yniwl83A The Real Q Anon #QuinnMichaels Reveals Himself "The Real Q Anon: #QuinnMichaels Reveals Himself in Constantinople 1818-2018 #qanon #constantinople It is a vindication for Zurich Times that finally the Man behind #QAnon comes forward and admits the Truth himself. He took all his videos (except his Art Videos) down after we published our article in May 2018. So it has taken 6 months for the Truth to finally come out. In order to understand how we got to the Real Q Anon there is about 2 years worth of materials that require review. Here are some of the highlights and relevant points to set the proper context. In the End Times allow the Zurich Times to serve as a Navigator through these Rough Waters. Because all of these pieces of the puzzle ultimately lead to and are about the End of History and the Start of Year Zero (Jahr Null in German) in the #FatimaTimeline as was broadcast in September/October 2018 in the Man in the High Castle series Season 3. As the Fabric of Time and Space is Torn apart and hence Timelines are Changed and Created and as we Enter a New Age under a New Reich. A New Set of Actors are attempting to Write a New History. Because you see the Future Belongs to Those Who Change IT." Zurich Times 25 ['quinn michaels', 'end times', 'Constantinople', 'istanbul', 'jamal khashoggi', 'ottoman empire', 'romanov', 'dynasty', 'mahdi', 'emirate of nejd', 'nejd', 'najd', 'imarat najd', 'dajjal', 'imran hosein', 'eschatology', 'qanon', 'q anon', '4chan', '8chn', 'q map', 'map of q', 'trump', 'trumpanzee', 'cia', 'tyler', 'indra', 'code', 'cicada3301', '93 society', 'order of snake', 'order of set', 'black magick', 'magic', 'crowley', 'beatles', 'mr. leakey', 'jbs haldane', 'matrix', 'zurichtimes', 'khashoggi', 'khashoggi murder', 'mbs', 'chainsaw', 'bonesaw', 'skull and bones', '23'] PT15M51S 1269 10 20 5 not set not set